1997-04-15 CC Packet City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 15, 1997 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting April 15, 1997 1. Agenda Item No. 4. Reports. The Financial Report, normally submitted separately with the 2nd meeting agenda packet, is included as part of the Mid Year Review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath at ext. 716. Also, the Public Works Capital Improvement Projects Update is included in the Mid Year Review packet. 2. Agenda Item No. 5A, Authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the purchase of Lots 11. 12. 13. and 14. Block 18. West Beach Addition. We discussed this item with City Council last meeting in Executive Session. As we mentioned, these lots (including the small house, water well, and septic tank) belong to an elderly woman named Mrs. Gardner, who has agreed to accept $20,000 for all of the property. We have received an appraisal on the property which indicates that its value is $20,000. You directed me to proceed with the contract, if we received the appropriate appraisal, so that we could acquire the property as soon as possible due to the owner's health. I have executed the agreement on the purchase of these lots, which are located in Phase I of the park development plan, as we have previously discussed. This item has been placed on your agenda for the "audit trail" because the purchase of this property at this price varies from "typical" case in West Beach. FYI, attached you will find an up-to-date copy of a map of the West Beach property. We Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest L April 11, 1997 Page 2 are tracking lot purchases on the GIS so we are able to see on a moment's notice what action has been taken on individual lots. 3. Agenda Item No. 5B. Resolution 97-24. Authorizing the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation of an easement on the Rucker. Hayes and Prade properties. These easements are necessary for the installation of the 20" water main along F.M. 1709. We have been working with these three property owners for some time, attempting to acquire the easements via negotiation. We have been unable to reach an agreement with these three, although seven other property owners have willingly conveyed easements to us. There is still a possibility that we may be able to reach an agreement with the Rucker's, but we are nowhere near an agreement with the other two. We must move forward with the installation of this water line as soon as possible to ensure adequate pressure and flow in (ire this area of the city. Staff recommends your authorization of these condemnations. 4. Agenda Item No. 5C. Award of Bid for Contract Mowing. You will recall that the Council approved approximately $75,000 in the FY 1996-97 budget to contract for mowing services for parks and city facilities, and rights-of-way. Staff bid this project out and received bids last week. The memo and attachments from Kim Lenoir illustrate the results of the bid process. Staff recommends awarding the park/city facilities bid to Ground Masters, Inc. and the rights-of-way mowing to Landscaping Today. Please contact Kim Lenoir or Ron Harper if you have any questions about this item. 5. Agenda Item No. 7A. Ordinance No. 674. 2nd reading. canceling the May 3. 1997 General Election. There have been no changes to the ordinance since first reading. 6. Agenda Item No. 7B. 2nd Reading. Ordinance No. 480-233. ZA 97-002. Rezoning and Site Plan of Carroll I.S.D. No. 2 Addition. The plan submitted for your review includes all requirements in the City Council motion to approve (7-0) with the exception of any note regarding limitations on the use of the football field lighting and a note regarding Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 3 preservation of trees. There are no unresolved issues remaining on the plan review. Feel free to contact Greg Last or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 7. Agenda Item No. 7C. ZA 97-032. Site Plan for Tetco Convenience Store. The Planning and Zoning Commission denied approval of this Site Plan (5-1) with the main concern of the Commission seeming to be traffic at this location. The dissenting vote was given by Chairman Wright who felt that the applicant and the Commission should further consider the issues. Note that the denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission will not require a super majority vote by the City Council to approve the site plan because there is no zoning or regulation change attached to this request. The original applicant, TETCO, has withdrawn from this request and the property owner, Southridge Center L.P., has stepped in as the applicant. A letter from the consultant regarding the change is included in the packet. The proposed driveways on this site do not meet the spacing requirements of the Driveway Ordinance No. 634. However, there are no comments with regard to driveway spacing due to the City Attorney's opinion that the platted access easements have vested the property from these requirements. There are no unresolved issues remaining on the Plan Review. There are, however, several unresolved issues regarding this item which we will need to discuss with you in Executive Session. This item may be the one which will get us in the courthouse, but I believe it is one we should take to the limit. Feel free to contact me, Greg Last or Dennis Killough regarding this item. C 8. Agenda Item No. 8A. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-231. ZA 97-005. Rezoning and Site Plan for a Professional Office Building. 1302 W. Southlake Blvd. There are a variety Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 4 of issues related to this request. The surrounding opposition is greater than the 20% threshold so a super majority vote will be required for approval by Council. The applicant has endeavored to meet the requirements of the corridor overlay zone but finds it necessary to request the variances as noted in the Site Plan Review Summary. The Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend approval 4-3 (Edmondson, Creighton & Potter opposed) with the dissenting Commissioners being concerned about the noncompliance with the Land Use Plan and the lack of early attempts by the applicant to meet with the surrounding property owners. The City Council approved tabling of this item at the 3/18/97 meeting to allow the applicant and the homeowner's time to work out their differences. L The mediation was held Wednesday, April 9, 1997, at the Community Center. Participants included Bill Kemp, representing the SouthRidge Lakes Homeowners Association, Richard Ponder and most of the homeowners within 200' of the proposed development, and representatives of the developer. Andy Wambsganss and Annette Skupin served as co-mediators. Given the time constraints and the need to balance dates and times with a relatively large number of people, not all of the surrounding property owners were able to attend. From conversations that I have had with the mediators and some of the participants, the indications are that the issue was not resolved, however, I do believe there has perhaps been some movement on the part of both parties (developer and surrounding property owners). Nevertheless, no new plans have been received since the 3/18/97 City Council meeting. I am not sure at this time what direction the applicant will take, but I believe the same proposal will be presented. Feel free to contact me, Greg Last, or Dennis Killough regarding this item. C 9. Agenda Item No. 8B. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-220. ZA 96-130. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Timarron Commercial. Tract 1. There have been no changes to the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Li Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 5 packet information since the last joint work session on March 31, 1997; however, staff has prepared a review letter based on that submittal. It appeared from the work session that the main concerns for this tract were the issue of the "fifth and sixth stories by S.U.P. only" and the boundary of Tract 1A uses with respect to the proposed Kirkwood extension. Feel free to contact Greg Last or Karen Gandy regarding this item. 10. Agenda item No. 8C. 1st Reading Ordinance No. 480-234. ZA 97-025. Rezoning of approximately 0.773 acres (a portion of tract 3 and Common Green 36. Timarron Addition). This is a request to rezone the southwest portion of the Rucker property (Zoned "AG") and a .019 acres. Common Green in Timarron Addition Brenwyck Ph. 2 (Zoned "R.P.U.D.") to "SF30" in order for Michael and Carole Rucker to construct a home. The purpose for inclusion of the Timarron property is to gain street frontage for the proposed home site. The Zoning Administrator waived the Concept Plan requirement for this request due to only one lot being proposed. The Planning and Zoning Commission had no issues concerning this request and recommended approval (6-0). Feel free to contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this request. 11. Agenda Item No. 8D. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-235. ZA 97-033. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Church of Christ. There has been a considerable amount of discussion regarding this site during approval of the previous requests. One of the critical aspects has been the drainage impacts that would be created by the church expansion. City Engineer Ron Harper has worked closely with the applicants over the past several months and is comfortable that they have adequately addressed the drainage impacts, and in some situations may actually improve the drainage impacts that already exist. The purpose for this request is to rezone and incorporate the Al Peters' lot (Lot 2 Brock Addition) into the Church site and to change one of the proposed structure from a one story to a two story structure. The church intends to use the existing house on the Peters' lot for a counseling center and classroom. Also noted on the plan is temporary use of some of the existing structures on the site for classrooms and offices. The Planning and Zoning Commission Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 6 recommended approval 6-0 with the modifications as noted in the Staff Report. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough or Ron Harper regarding this request. 12. Agenda Item No. 8E. Ordinance No. 675. 1st reading. granting consent to the assignment and transfer of cable television system and franchise from Harron Cablevision to Marcus Cable. As noted in the memo from Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager, this ordinance will transfer the existing cable franchise from Harron Cablevision to Marcus Cable with the purchase of Harron's Texas operations by Marcus. Marcus already serves the western portion of Southlake and has a franchise agreement with the City. The attorneys have reviewed the ordinance, but there are still some questions as to what L the transfer does to the original franchise agreement with Cablevision Management (thence Harron) or with the franchise agreement with Marcus. If we are unable to answer these questions prior to Tuesday night, or if we find that there are other items we need to incorporate, we can do this between first and second reading. Tom Soulsby, Marcus Cable District Manager, will be available at Tuesday's meeting should you have any questions of him. If you have any questions of staff, please feel free to call Kevin Hugman. 13. Agenda Item No. 8F. Ordinance No. 665-A. 1st reading. amending Ordinance No. 665. amending FY 96-97 Annual Budget. Mid-year Review. This item is brought forward as we have previously discussed. Included with your Council packet is the mid-year review packet. This packet includes executive summaries from each department, summarizing their major accomplishments this fiscal year, and the significant issues and challenges facing each department. ki...- We have also included a number of "text only" items. These items will not be discussed unless you have questions about a particular one. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council cw, Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 7 The independent audit was prepared by the outside auditors and has been included in your Mid Year packet. The auditor will be at the Council meeting to present the report and answer any questions you might have. In the meantime, please call Lou Ann Heath if you have any questions prior to the meeting. 14. Agenda Item No. 10A. Contract for Residential and Commercial Refuse Collection and Recyclable Materials Collection. Your packet contains a redline/strikeout version of the proposed new contract as well as a clean copy for reading ease. The memo from Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, discusses the major changes to the contract. Specific questions regarding these changes should be directed to Shana. Note that the proposed contract is still under review by the City Attorney, so a few changes may be presented (Paimp, Tuesday. As note in your copy of the contract, indemnification language will be forthcoming. We have discussed this item at length with the City Council committee that agreed to help us renegotiate the contract -- David Harris, Scott Martin, and Pamela Muller. They are also able to answer any questions you may have. Given the involvement of these Council members, you may wish to move this item to the Consent Agenda following discussion in work session. 15. Agenda Item No. IOB. Consider Request by Village Center. Phases I and II. to amend Site Plan for the western two driveways onto E. Southlake Blvd.: to authorize an additional sign and grant two variances to the Sian Ordinance 506-A: and to approve additional landscaping along S.H. 114. This item reflects the work of our staff and Don Silverman to resolve issues of driveways for this project, related signage, and landscaping behind Kroger. The driveway recommendations before you attempt to improve the safety of drivers on F.M. 1709 by restricting access to the driveway across from Westwood Drive (right in/right out), and improving access to the driveway located across from Miron Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council (11., Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 8 Drive. The signage variances requested emanate from the need to direct traffic to the appropriate drives, and to improve the aesthetics of the signage for this project by adding "ornamentation." Please let Bob Whitehead or Greg Last know if you have any questions on this item. 16. Agenda Item No. 10C. Priorities of ordinance workgroups. This item is on the agenda in order to get Council direction on moving forward with City Council initiated rezoning of certain tracts. Councilmembers Muller and Fawks are working with staff on this specific task, and we are bringing forward this item at this time on their suggestion. 17. Agenda Item No. 11A. Creation of TIF district. Our financial advisor with 1st thir Southwest, Jim Sabonis, will make a presentation with me concerning the proposed TIF district as we have discussed previously. Note the district boundary map attached hereto. Sabonis will have specific dollar amounts to use as possible scenarios for funding the public improvements in the TIF. I have had several meetings with Sabonis and Lou Ann, Brian Stebbins, and Steve Yetts concerning the boundaries and potential public improvements. Following the meeting Tuesday night we will begin preparations necessary to set up the TIF district. It would be my intention to bring this item back to City Council for action at the next Council meeting if we arrive at a consensus on the direction to be taken concerning the boundary and the public improvements. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 18. Race Weekend Report. Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety, prepared a report on the activities of race weekend, which is attached to this memo. The report is very thorough, with a daily account of our response to public safety issues. Please take a moment to review this report. Not only will you find it interesting, I think you will be pleased with the performance of D.P.S. and other staff members during the weekend. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest Lei April 11, 1997 Page 9 19. Bob Jones Park Development Progress Report. The staff development team continues to work toward rapid development of Phase I of this project. The staff team, Ronnie Kendall (representing SPDC and Park Board) and Mickey O'Brien, Vice-President of the Soccer Association, recently interviewed the consultants who will be working on the project. The group discussed the philosophical approach to development of the buildings, the fields, and the landscaping for Phase I to ensure that the overall park is developed in a manner which reflects the "rustic" nature of the area. The consulting contract will go to SPDC on April 21. 20. Potential August Election. As we have discussed, we will be bringing a Crime Control and Prevention District plan and budget to you for review soon. Our goal is to move forward with the election in August if possible. We would also recommend that you L include potential charter revisions on the ballot. It is our intention to present proposed revisions to you in the near future for your consideration. 21. Sign Variance for Harold Knight. This request was received too late to be included on the agenda, but it will be on you next agenda, so we wanted to make you aware of it in order to give you additional time to think about it. Essentially, Mr. Knight has a sign for Ebby Halliday on his property on S.H. 114 which does not conform to our current sign ordinance. In order to relocate this sign due to the improvements to the highway, Mr. Knight would have to receive a variance so he could relocate the existing non conforming sign. The attached memos from Bob Whitehead and Chuck Bloomberg describe the details related to Mr. Knight's request. Given that TxDOT has agreed to purchase the sign, it seems to me to be logical to expect the new sign to conform to our ordinances. 22. Telesupport Submittal. Telesupport's site plan request was scheduled to be on this P&Z meeting but they have been unable to finalize the revisions needed to their plan. They are requesting to be tabled until the P&Z meeting on 5/08/97. Feel free to contact Greg Last if you have any questions. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest April 11, 1997 Page 10 23. Ordinance No. 480-Y. Personal Care Facilities (assisted living facilities). Note that the Commission is continuing their discussions on this subject and is working diligently to create regulations which encourage a quality, "home-like" lifestyle for the residents while being sensitive to any surrounding residential neighborhoods. At this time, their thought is that these facilities should remain in non-residential zoning districts by specific use permit (SUP). Currently, they are looking for the appropriate balance of the number of dwelling units per acre (density) with the percentage of required open space per total lot area. The Commission has requested that staff provide some graphics that will show various densities and percentages of open space. I have directed staff to ask Cheatham and Associates to provide the requested visuals based on the Commission's request. Feel free to contact Karen Gandy regarding information on the status of this ordinance. 24. Open Meetings Requirements. In your last packet, we included some information regarding potential legislation related to open meetings and noted that there has been some controversy regarding "closed" meetings conducted by the Parkland Hospital Board of Directors. The proposed legislation is intended to prevent staff briefings of the City Council unless such meetings are open to the public. We have been posting notice of the Monday lunch briefings with City Council because of the heightened awareness of and attention to the Open Meetings Act by the media. Because of the possibility that more than three of you might want to attend these briefings, and due to some interpretations that any gathering of Councilmembers (i.e., as few as two) to discuss potential policy issues should be held in public, we canceled last Monday's lunch briefmg because we forgot to post notice of the meeting. You know how cautious ► I am regarding open meetings issues and the desire to protect you as well as our staff from I , any hint of impropriety. (Some of you may recall recently when one of the newspaper Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest litipi April 11, 1997 Page 11 reporters sat in on one of the lunch briefings. The reporter had been asking about our lunch meetings and I assured her that we were posting the meetings as required. She probably came unannounced just to test us.) Recall that I had Kim Bush send each of you an alpha page letting you know that I would be available to visit with you if you had any questions that you needed to address with me. Since we received no phone calls, I assumed that everything was copesetic. Apparently several of you were looking forward to the briefing. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. 25. Public Works Award. The Public Works department was recently awarded a certificate from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) for outstanding performance in a public drinking water system. The certificate was awarded for not having any violations related to coliform in the public water system in the last five years. TNRCC has recently begun this recognition and only looked at the past five years. Although we purchase treated water from the City of Fort Worth, we are also required to test our water system at various sites throughout the City. 26. Budget Calendar. Lou Ann Heath has prepared a draft timeline for the preparation and approval of the FY97-98 budget. Please review the draft attached hereto for dates and how they fit with your personal calendars, and let Lou Ann or I know if there are any particular difficulties you might have with the dates. Specifically note the tentative dates for the retreat in June. It would be most helpful to staff if we could proceed with these target dates, but we recognize your time constraints. 27. New Community Services Coordinator. We welcome Shelli Siemer to Southlake as iiire new Community Services Coordinator. Shelli is filling the position vacated by Coy Gray in January. The position was transferred from Parks and Recreation Department to the new Community Services Division. Shelli will work with the Senior Advisory Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council P Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest filbe April 11, 1997 Page 12 Commission, the Southlake Youth Action Commission, and the volunteer program, among other duties. She has undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Communications Studies, a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Kansas, and has worked for the City of Irving and a consulting firm. We are pleased to have her on board.\ 28. Note the attached letter from the Texas Commission on Human Rights formally notifying the city that Marylyn Miles has withdrawn her housing discrimination complaint. I p i City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 10, 1997 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Race Weekend Report The Traffic Management System implemented Thursday, April 3, 1997 through Sunday, April 6, 1997 was executed with both control and an emphasis on efficiency. We approached the Plan in two areas, one being that upon its implementation,we were looking for opportunities to scale the work force,while still maintaining the original objectives. The second area was to monitor the Plan for its integral working relationship with major emergency and disaster plans that are currently being drafted. We must be mindful that,because of the rain and having to shuttle the fans with the use of buses, etc., we have still not seen a true traffic pattern on a major event. However, what we did observe may allow us to substantially modify the Plan for economy and effectiveness. There will be a critique on Friday,April 11, 1997 and we will analyze the information gathered at that time and formulate an amended Plan. I will submit a report on that amended Plan in time to deal with the scheduled June race track events. Listed below are Police points of interest during the four day period and attached is a running synopsis of the event as kept by Incident Command. Thursday. April 3. 1997 The day began with mostly normal heavy morning traffic. Several calls were received from the public stating that today was the fastest they had ever arrived at their work destinations. F.M. 1709 operations primarily served to provide a deterrent to early morning rowdy school traffic. Operations on F.M. 1709 were canceled at 1007 hours. One vendor was contacted on S.H. 114 and turned over to Code Enforcement. Operations on S.H. 114 were canceled for morning operations at 1025 hours. Thursday served the purpose of a dress rehearsal day, allowing us to fine tune assignments, locate a signal box which malfunctioned, and repair two radios which failed in service. • The rain which threatened all day Thursday began pouring down on Friday. Friday. April 4. 1997 Based on the previous day's traffic count,we determined that no extra personnel would be necessary for Friday activities, other than to provide staffing for normal calls for service. We met with race track officials and members of the Race Track Planning Committee late Friday afternoon to determine an alternate parking plan, since it was apparent that only limited parking would be available at the track. It was determined that S.H. 114 would not be contra flowed from a Race Weekend Report April 10, 1997 : Page 2 yt Roanoke to the track and that parking at several off site locations would be needed. Throughout the night, race track officials made calls to round up busses from DART, Ft. Worth ISD and Hemphill Transportation (a total of 250 busses). Additionally, arrangements were made to park vehicles at Solana, Will Rogers complex, S.H. 170, and TCJC NW. Approximately 300 cars were parked at Solana both days. Parking on S.H. 170 altered the normal picture of what we might expect to see regarding a S.H. 114 backup because the flow into and out of S.H. 170 will be much smoother than the track disgorging 60,000 cars at once onto I35 and S.H.114. Saturday. April 5. 1997 Traffic began building slowly, much as predicted. There was a lot of confusion among motorists because of the last minute change in parking arrangements. One ticket scalper was out early and left before Code Enforcement could arrive. We realigned one sector to monitor S.H. 114 and Kirkwood for traffic flow. By 0930 hours I35 was in gridlock. At 1000 hours there were still 1000 parking places remaining at Solana. S i At 1030 hours the race track parking was full and cars were diverted to Alliance Airport and S.H. 170. At 1120 hours all of F.M. 1709 operations were cleared to go to lunch. At 1145 hours traffic was light throughout the city and all remaining units were cleared to go to lunch. Coi On Saturday afternoon, Officers and other members returned to their assigned posts at 1600 hours. Traffic approached the normal week day flow and began picking up around 1730 hours. F.M. 1709 personnel were dismissed at 1841 hours and S.H. 114 operations personnel were dismissed at 1935 hours. Sunday. April 4, 1997 This was the day that had been planned for almost a year prior. At 0600 traffic quickly began to build on S.H. 114 and by 0700 hours began backing up quickly through Southlake. By 0730 traffic was backed up to the S.H 26 cutoff near S.H. 114. We were able to determine that there were problems diverting traffic from S.H. 114 to S.H. 170 and worked with Trophy Club to rectify the problem. By 0745 traffic remained heavy but resumed flow. At 0830 traffic was backed up to the 3100 block of E. S.H. 114 and traffic on F.M. 1709 was extremely light. By 0845 the backup dropped to Highland and moved about 2-3 mph. By 0930 the traffic backup was down to east of Kirkwood and moving about 5mph. By 1030 only 150 parking spaces remained at Solana and the personnel on F.M. 1709 were dismissed. Solana closed their parking at 1100 hours. About this time traffic had subsided from the Southlake area and the remainder of personnel were dismissed for lunch. The afternoon operations resumed at 1700 hours. Several issues slowed traffic from leaving the track, including accidents or medical emergencies at S.H. 114 and I35, S.H. 114 W at F.M. 156 and F.M. 156 at F.M. 407, effectively isolating the track around 1800 hours. By 1825 hours traffic at S.H. 170/ S.H. 114 was light but steady. Traffic began peaking again as the track began to empty with some speed at about 1940 hours, at which time the track was about one-half empty. Race Weekend Report April 10, 1997 Page 3 By 2015 hours there was no traffic at the west city limits and we began to dismiss operations personnel, completing all extra activities by 2030 hours. Summary- Police Services During the four days there were a total of 19 arrests on S.H. 114 and F.M.1709 and 158 total citations written. The bicycle unit(see Fire summary below)was used on both Saturday and Sunday making six arrests at one time on Sunday for public intoxication. They also responded to several calls for service, at times beating emergency apparatus to the scene. The motorcycle units proved to be invaluable during this adventure, due to both their ability to respond quickly to calls for service and their ability to scout out and report problems and traffic flow. Fire Services Below are calls responded to by Fire Services during the four day period. We utilized two crews, Bicycle Patrols, and EMS on these calls. Type of Call Received Number - 911 hang ups 4 - Home Electrical Fire 1 - Controlled Burn ' 1 - Medical Emergencies 6 - Bomb Scare 1 - Fire Alarms 2 - Hazardous Conditions 2 - Propane Grill Fire 1 - MVA's 3 - Smoke Investigation 1 - Structure Fire (Major) 1 - Vehicle Fire 1 Total Calls for Service 24 • The Bicycle Patrol answered two fire calls and 7 police calls for service as follows: \ - Injured person on Brumlow. - Smoke investigation on Lakewood. - Suspicious person with one arrest. - Traffic stop,warning issued. - Possible DWI assist, six arrests made. Backup on arrest and seizure. Possible theft of service, contact made and ID made. { Race Weekend Report April 10, 1997 Page 4 } - Several fire lane violations, made contact and removed blockage. - One traffic stop, citation issued. During three days of the race event,the Bicycle Patrol team covered 219 miles. Since the rain forced the cancellation of City Park activities and events, the Bicycle Patrol concentrated on business and parking areas,making as many,public contacts as possible. While on patrol, the public responded very favorably to the bicycles and Officers themselves, making positive comments as to their presence. Summary-Fire Services During the four day race weekend,Fire Services continued to offer emergency services at the same level as usual. Extra personnel allowed response times and calls to be answered on a timely basis. Secondary crews answered three calls with the backup medic and five calls with the backup engine. All personnel were used as designed in the Race Track Plan with very few conflicts. If there are any comments or questions,please feel free to call. (001 BC/bls attachment • 1 , i West Addition Last Revision - 4/11/97 S17 8 9 10 I Ilan ti ,0 21 22 23 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 = - 52 1 GOOSE CK DR ■r�. its NMI MIN 1 1 1 2 51 _ 3 2 1 2 19 20 2 1 3 50 3 1111 EMI Mr E 3 18 AWE. 3 4 49 a \fi .. 'lall 40 lEr,ry :4O 17 diQ . 4 5 48 5 6 5 4 i®116, RM. llllllla�.. i11 5 ffi E&✓m -,4 5 47 8 II 46 7 llllllE® IIM IlllllllM llll� rd 67 14 I.J.M . d 45 8 ' 1 �� vRii, LL 8 13 lllll� LJ..� 8 a 5 9 44 9 �w ® '� 9 12 �I® 0 9 24 5) 43 01 �j, ril -1 ` 0_ 1� d 2517 42 r It' �. \ © 18 .i 11 zz.. 12 441 p2,...,,� 72 % 12 21 '3 a j0 4 IY 0 MI Cj�N ®� 13 20 14 39 14 39 l 1 s gal R __ 5 38 D 5 IIIIIIIII 14 18 l5 18 16 37 CC 16 OM1_. MM..W..Rwvf. lAM® 17 d 17 36 >4 17 �pI ii®�I •1I 95 J 18 35 g, 2 �>I . it am= 20 19 34 9 34 A lin Q ©. Eill 1J 20 33 20 33 WI® 20 ERE a 21 32 21 32 ® I® 30 Legend g22 31 22 31 fill Ms . 23 30 2S 30 �. l3�0� 28 .. 24 29 24 29 1 ®EMI NM© _�'1- 25 28 25 28 ir ®® di�� City Owned Properties 26 27 - 26 27 ,1®1 'fC 2 Em 7 6 9 10 Ibit gide!�11 27 28 Appraisal in Progress II N Delinquent Taxes 7 j 4 _ _ 9 Ml 16 18 19 20 21 22 '4 29 0 31 32 BASS DRIVE - Under Contract 1 !13 5954 4 5 7 - 9 10 .� YC 146 16 18 1943 20 21 -. 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 Recent Purchases 58 - 56 55 � TROUT .. Under Condemnation RAP 1IJiHIii i Private Owned Properties 1111111111: it;414Percent of Aquired Land DRUM . -*-- * Based on Total Acreage 1 Illk '• EI 74.1% El 06% 20 11111 Milk �. . 7.8% El 17.9% CRAPPIE TRAIL !11A9flUIlI-- Ej 2.1% Denton County 1 i iiiiiiiiiir-P Tarrant County Ma NM NCI Q.MEI;Pr' _.Z 00gp5 Scale = 1":400 City of Southlake Public Works Department City of out ae Tax Increment Financing ,,,, : g EAST DOVE ST 1 a fir Alk N �� PNI"LJYV J EAST HIGHLAND`LLJ .J I W_\ 7-.. it Is Ei No Scale i --: : 1 --' . ' EAST SaT 1LAXE 0.•V o'''''.' /<IY/ {�f Q 1 1,,,a,,,\ I ,... 1 1 >._ I m, Eik.- ca TIENTAL BLw _=_Igor.= `thl k' Public Works - GIS City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 9, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Information Only-Proposed Request for Sign Ordinance Variance for Harold Knight, Parkway Office Center, 190 W. Northwest Parkway(S.H. 114) Background Mr. Knight's sign variance request was received in Public Works after the deadline to be considered on the Regular City Council Meeting Agenda for April 15, 1997. The variance application is attached. Mr. Knight is requesting to relocate their existing non-conforming sign from the S.H. 114 ROW to a point on his property which will be outside the highway ROW. The requested location will be within the requirements for sign location set forth in Sign Ordinance No. 605-A. It should be noted that their existing sign does not meet our current ordinance requirements. (See summary provided in the application.) After talking with a representative with the Texas Department of Transportation, they informed me that Mr. Knight has been offered as part of the ROW taking, $16,000 for the sign. If he accepts this current offer or any settlement which includes payment for the sign; and/or because the office center will be a viable economic unit after the highway taking and any sign constructed will be visible from S.H. 114; therefore, I think it would be appropriate to require Mr. Knight to construct a new sign in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. The sign permit file and the city secretary can find no references to additional limits on the existing sign. The existing sign has had two changes. On September 5, 1989, the panel changed from Southlake Realty to Ebby Halliday and on March 30, 1992, the directory panel was added. BW/ls Attachments: Memorandum from Plans Examiner Chuck Bloomberg Sign Variance Application Sign Exhibits I:WP.FILES'SIGN VARIANCES PARKWAY.WPD City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 8, 1997 TO: Bob Whitehead, P. E., Director of Public Works FROM: Charles Bloomberg, C. B. O., Plans Examiner (15 SUBJECT: Sign Variance Appeal at Parkway Office Center, 190 W. State Highway 114 Mr. Harold Knight of Hale Inc. has applied for a variance to allow relocation of the existing Ebby Halliday sign in front of their business at the above address. The relocation is necessitated because the State has purchased the land for highway improvements. The permit file has a permit in 1989 to change the copy on the top panel form Southlake Realty to Ebby Halliday. Another permit was issued in 1992 to add the Directory sign panel near the bottom of the sign. The requested location would meet the requires setback for a freestanding sign, however , the sign exceeds the allowable height, area, and contains a readerboard sign. In his application Mr. Knight refers to the aderboard sign as a" Marque Sign". Mr. Knight has requested this item be on the soonest agenda available because the state has requested he remove the sign ASAP. attachments: sign variance application sign drawings • site plan ''424%.?.;•:117.',7- .N.T.:4.•:•1' •..."•• 11.19$1A.3inis-r•1-: ...:...-..•,.!..T.*,,o41:1.,..i.,:re. • ..• - .•.,,,r,..I.z.v:ftiF•r.4.;:i;i:-39;IpliglatiTr! ..::::St;'SN'zzt,"',' '-'-''''''?Ii,.....- - .- • .• ."... .,-:., .'41)):::4,1! ••:' ,. • .1 W:'•'. 4.1 ,1;1• •;111. ,. •, • •`., ....'I . ••..•1'"-- ' ' - ... .. - ' ''••JINN •":.•-1%; 11.,• 4111 L., . . . .. : _ .., r • 1.', ':'•.: • 4 • 4, : .: • .1,• • • . - •.- •t . . • , • . . 1: - • .. - • , 4 • , • , ••• ' / .. • . •- . gykill-b.-•.- • . ..., • i REALToRs .. . .• . ... : Or ' u •- . . — . 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J .,/ o .D • � • w �-s Z7 JNI . • • �(10, ..1 • 1. rrt• . • N•I`\ • .. 'off W ._..-_-•:,-:; s S i/�'`.Le', L f - • - �;— — — — -- — • — -- -- —••// *2,.- fv^i•a=li-=•.;� .711•—cJL 7 ---�=-- d•I �'%• f/` 'is •�/ .L� .r —11 • • ;,.„_,.7F 7/ �/ (77ry',.- .. . • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE February 6, 1995 SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION APPLICANT ()FINER fif different) NAME: HALE INC. • ADDRESS: 190 W. Northwest Pkwy Ste E Southlake, TX 76092 PHONE: 817 481-4585. FAX: 817 488-2359 The following information pertains to the location fir which th _ Var'ance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: HALE INC. • PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 190 W. Northwest Pkwy Ste E, Southlake, TX LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 3 flock 1 Subdivision PARKWAY OFFICE- CENTER ADDITION I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 506 as summarized below. I further understand that it is necessary to have a representative at the City Council meeting who is authorized to discuss this request,. address any unresolved issu s, and a prove changes, if any. .Applicant's Signature: C2444 `. / /L (et Date: s-q[ City Use only: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the sign variance application and the appliction fee in the amount of $ on this the day of , 199 . Signed: Title: The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 506 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. X Completed sign variance request application. X _ Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance (see attached.) X Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking & approaches and adjoining street R.O.W. X Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs, the elevations shall show the building, the sign for which the variance is requested, and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the si n ord. ce. O � L Nip 2 5 1997 MAR 2 5 1997 E:c1'1. . Demonstration L lease demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the req uested sign variance: 1 . That a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. Literal enforcement of the ordina*ice 506A sign regulations will create unnecessary hardship and practical difficulty for HALE INC. , owner, and the PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER Tenants because the sign must be moved due to the widening of Hwy 114 and the existing sign does not meet the new requirements of Ordinance 506A. See exhibit "A" for details of the existing sign. The upper sign and the marquet sign are leased to a real estate firm occupying suites A & B through September of 2002. The directory sign letters have been installed and paid for by the tenants that occupy the remaining five suites. From the paragraph 2.0 that follows the requirements of Ordinance 506A regarding how the sign area is calculated and the permitted sign area results in a comparison of a calculated 186 sq. ft. for the existing free standing sign versus a permitted area of 96 sq. ft. re- sulting in a variance of +90 sq. ft. The height variation is 2.0 ft. The existing sign support structure matches the building trim and is (NW not of brick construction as required. HALE INC. understands that the monument sign is considered to be separate from the free standing sign. The monument sign is in conformance with the height and material requirements. The sign is in variance by +5 feet with respect to width and + 20 sq. ft. with respect to area per side. See paragraph 2.0 for a summary of the requested variances. Major changes in the free standing sign and the monument sign configuration would be required to bring them into conformance with the current ordinance. This signage located along Highway 114 was a primary selling point for the leasing of the office suites and any change in sign configuration will subject the lease provisions to re- negotiation or perhaps even cancellation. Therefore, an unnecessary hardship has been placed upon HALE INC. and the PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER tenants by the widening of Highway 114, the revisions to the sign ordinance and the requirement to re-locate the sign. The entire elimi- nation of permitted marquet signs from ordinance 506A is of particular concern. The free standing sign and the monument sign were in conform- ance prior to the 1995 sign ordinance changes. 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed. The situation causing the problem has developed as a result of the Texas Department of Transportation taking of Right of Way land for High- way 114 improvement. Our company, HALE INC. has settled with the TDOT for the taking of the land. HALE INC. has agreed, as part of the settle- ment, to move the free standing and monument signs presently located in the new Right of Way. The practical difficulty in the movement of the sign to a new location is the changes that have been made to the Sign Ordinance 506A in the 1995 revision affecting allowable sign height, area, how area is calculated and the elimination of marquet signs from the ordinance. The subject sign was approved by the City of Southlake in 1985 as -a free standing, lighted, 72 sq. ft. per side sign, 22 feet high with a lighted 48 sq. ft. per side marquet sign located on the same support structure. Wrapped around this support structure at ground level is a 48 sq. ft. monument sign. In 1994 a 30 sq. ft. per side lighted directory sign was approved by the City of Southlake for addition to the sign support structure. Exhibit 'A' shows the present configuration of the sign. Ordinance No. 506A, released in March of 1995, has caused the following variances between the ordinance and the existing sign. See chart on the next page. (we HALE INC. hereby requests approval of these variances. C Variances Between The Existing Sign (re And Ordinance 506A Requirements Allowable • Per Actual For Ordinance °Free Standing Sign Existing Sign 506A Variance Height 22 Ft. 20 Ft. +2 Ft. Area Per Side Business Sign 72 Sq. Ft. Marquet Sign 48 Sq. Ft. Directory Sign 30 Sq. Ft. Total Actual Area 150 Sq. Ft. Total Area Calculated 186 Sq. Ft. 96 Sq. Ft. +90 Sq. Ft. Per Ord. 506A (Includes open spaces between signs) Support Structure Same As Same As (hwe Material Building Trim Building Brick Material ooMonument Sign Height 4 Ft. 4 Ft. OK Width 15 Ft. 10 Ft. +5 Ft. Area Per Side 60 Sq. Ft. 40 Sq. Ft. +20 Sq. Ft. Material Same As No OK Building Brick Requirement 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use (Iiire' and permitted development of adjacent properties. The variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and development of adjacent properties because the relocated sign will be set back 15 feet from Highway 114 Right of Way as required by Ordinance 506A. The sign will be located approximately 140 feet from west property line and approx. 85 feet from the east property line. See Exhibits 'B' and 'C' . 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. The existing sign met all the requirements of the sign ordinance prior to the release of Ordinance 506A in 1995. The sign is attractive, kept in good repair, the pole covering matches the trim of the office buildings and the monument sign brick matches the brick of the office buildings. The variance to permit the movement of this sign approximately 95 feet to the new location is in harmony and meets the intent of the current sign ordinance. ii: .. iZ. Z' - S •i s. ; $;,s. ;si , iii: ~ 4 ..Iii µ IV: 7 . :.itt ti,:.”!Iti iii -tp 33 fsf* iii CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Co, . . 667 N. Carroll Avenue iii Southlake,Texas 76092 ,# 3^ 2 5- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Date (817) 481-5581 a/.e (11C REG-RECEIPT:81-91548 C:83-25-1997 CASHIER ID:C 81:55 pm A:83-25-1997 Sp Name ------ ,/ Li 4188 PERMITS-SIGN S188.88 y `� SIGN VARIENCE REQUEST/CK82282 I - S / //. ,� �f TOTAL DUE $188. �o !� l"' (// RECEIVED FROM: HALE INC CHECK $188.88 pp TOTAL TENDERED $188.88 /00 CHANGE DUE $8.88 Amount Department By 6---17) .>. CD Receipt U Remittance • . .,.., is itti PIrl z<t c r.0,8!.;, ' k;. r . to r 0 1.A* z t2 ts3N, ,:x • • C 4 F.. � p C R U w s r N,_ _I APR 71997 j 1 L s..:— :.,} OFFICE 7 CITY MANAG t R TEXAS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Curtis Hawk, City Manager Cith of Southlake 1725 Southlake Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Miles vs City of Southlake TCHR#2970037-HU HUD#06-97-0273-8 Dear Mr. Hawk: In accordance with the Complainant's request we are terminating our investigation of the 1610 housing discrimination complaint filed Marilym Miles on November 10, 1997. Please contact Alice Wilson Mac Kenna at (512) 437-3450 extension 3125 if you need further information. Sincerely, WAAan 77/ AA (94) -3/-9 William M. Hale 03 Executive Director Date I lbw P. O. BOX 13493 -AUSTIN, TX 78711 -(512) 437-3450 JIM [- ON O' }, Q O0 N in N>, a \ L 2 da Qa w w O a U - C4 A �+ c o § Q ° N U E U h 0�4 C 7 Q' q U rA JN N y E E � u c > co ~ c Q0 z c6 4 15 co 0 `' , w COG 0 LI a. �, Z ea 8 ._ o. i a E- z < a. �., ygo E . U � a. � c. � � 08 � vc.•EaE as aE . c.� , � BH0 Ss83oa. o age $ $ U � x 8 3 4 N d 2 o .5 A E- U N E. cn - a0 -° �8aQ a0U A E ° dv EW8 g °" � a$ 8 co y N 3 0 as .o - n 0.4 04 O �+0 'y�, ; d 'n E o o U �' N o cc y o O� 4 A - x E •E �.o N •CAUn; oA N Qa� = � � � � dacA0 °. � o Qa NU oU c '� a $ � � c `-4 00Hg .-'i � 3g 3 goo 0 r o t'' O vi o a •0 ...c..1.4 ms , w 00 x < t Q 2 .5 Eo 1: p z'" b a. ..,4 N ? 0 o A y w4 N y , M 0. •) n U � qU0. a ®tAQc+ w a0, r P,A -ci 1_44 z 2 Q � ip �a w 04o � a N Q '? - w Ea. Eco ° Q ka c � U E .0 0rn ° a 04 040 sO aso U " � > E Mc8 mazgu. 0 0. a; ,o o N ei o N dcl) N N E ¢ Q Qa c,2 . , co x (1) ,) L >4 da m %. N-, . o C. c g 0o0C co w lzua Q ; oU ad 1.aQ d a 0 *AI - 'cityman ers report _ april 11 1997 Bob Jones Park City Council Agenda Development April 15, 1997 A, Progress Report The following items will be addressed at the regular Dutniat City Council meeting on April 15, 1997: -_--- The staff development team continues to work toward rapid Consent Agenda: development of Phase I of this 1) Authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the purchase of Lots 11, project. The staff team and 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, West Beach Addition. Ronnie Kendall (representing 2) Res. No. 97-24, Authorize the City Attorney to proceed with SPDC and Park Board) condemnation of an easement on Rucker,,Hayes, and Prade property. recently interviewed the 3) Award of Bid for Contract Mowing. consultants who will be Regular Agenda:,second readings. public hearings and related items: working on the project. The 1) Ord. No. 674, canceling the May 3, 1997 General Election and declaring group discussed the each unopposed candidate elected to office and providing an effective date. philosophical approach to 2) Ord. No. 480-233, Rezoning and Site,Plan for Carroll ISD (#10)_. development of the buildings, 3) ZA 97-032, Site Plan for Tetco Convenience Store located at the 4E the fields, and the landscaping corner of the intersection of N. Peytonville Ave and 1709. (#13) c Phase I to ensure that the erall park is developed in a Ordinances. First Readings. and Related Items: manner which reflects the 1) Ord. No. 480-231, Rezoning and Site Plan for a Professional Office "rustic" nature of the area. Building located at 1302 West. 1709. (#13) The consulting contract will go 2) Ord. No. 480-220, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Timarron to SPDC on April 21. Commercial Tract. #1 (#2) 3) Ord. No. 480-234,Rezoning for Timarron Addition, Brenwyck, phase 2, at the east end of the Durham Court cul-de-sac. (#9) 4) Ord. No. 480-235, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Church of Brumlow Crossing Christ (#15) Closed 5) Ord. No. 675, Granting consent to the assignment and transfer of cable television and franchise from Harron Cabelvision to Marcus Cable. Due to the Tarantula Train 6) Ord. No. 665-A, Amending Ord. No. 665, amending FY 96-97 Annual Budget. Mid Year Review. schedule, the Railroad crossing at Brumlow will be closed from Other Items for consideration: • 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on 1) Contract for Residential and Commercial Refuse Collection and April 17. Recyclable Materials Collection. 2) Consider request by Village Center Phases I and II, to amend the Site Water Tank Progress Plan for the western two driveways onto 1709; to authorize an additional sign and grant two variances to the Sign Ordinance No. 506-A; and to approve additional landscaping along SH 114. e steel columns and arches 3) Any action necessary to establish priorities of ordinance workgroups. now being placed on the Other Items for discussion: ground'water storage tank. 1) Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Development Activity Meeting Schedule Planning & Zoning 4/17/97 Parks and April 14, 1997 Recreation 97-013 Zoning/Site Plan, Antioch. Park Board Update Church (#12) Youth Park Board '97-019 Zoning/Concept Plan, 6:30 p.m. Council Chamber Harrell Place (#16) • Baseball and Softball spring 97-020 Preliminary Plat, Harrell April 15, 1997 Place (#16) season opens this weekend with City Council 96-159 Zoning, Stonecrest record breaking numbers. 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber Baseball has 972 participants and Business Park (#7) softball has 468. 97-028 Zoning, Crooked Lane April 16. 1997 (#7) Youth Action Commission The Summer events brochure 97-029 Zoning/Concept Plan, 7:00 p.m. White Chapel Rm. Stonecrest Business Park (#7) will be mailed this month. 97-030 Preliminary Plat, April 17, 1997 Stonecrest Business Park (#7) �A composting class is Planning& Zoning 96-162 Concept Plan, Telesupport 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, scheduled for April 29, 7:00 p.m• East Campus, (#8) at Durham School. 97-017 Zoning, 1966 E. Dove �Teddi R. Zonker has been (#� ��� hired as Administrative Secretary, 97-021 Zoning/Concept Plan, gS�N 8Timber Lakes Estates (#14) O '% and Steve Moore has been 97-023 Site Plan, promoted to Recreation SPIN #6 MEETING Chevron/Village Center (#4) C) May 1, 1997 Specialist. 97-024 Specific Use Plan, 7:00 p.m. White Chapel Rm. Chevron (Beer Sales ) (#4) The Texas Forest Service has 97-034 Zoning, Seaborn City Manager Curtis E. Hawk provided a grant for a tree Property, 320 W. Highland (#11) demonstration project. Plans and Director of Public Works 97-035 Zoning, Miron Addition Bob Whitehead will address the include the planting of 60 trees (#8) timetable for sewer improvements along Kimball Road between SH 97-036 Concept Plan, Miron along with code enforcement and 114 and 1709. Addition (#8) other neighborhood issues. 97-037 Plat Revision, Miron Addition (#8) "Celebration Southlake" Consider: Subdivision Ordinance Thanks a bunch to the Southlake Fair&Kite Festival Revisions (Park Dedication& Progress and Jeff Saturday, May 3, 1997 Misc.) . -;;, �- Dunklin for NOON - 7:00 p.m. ??,,I; '�, beginning a weekly Bicentennial Park � :. ,:, , '1 SPIN column The MEMO ,- _ Southlake Progress Put this date on your calendar and From: Water Utilities �,=-4 goes into every plan to attend! Something for To: Residents east of White home in Southlake. everyone; arts and crafts; food Chapel This is a great channel for and beverages; activities for Watch your City Manager's communicating our meetings and children; clowns and magicians Report for information about an 4110 SPIN news. Thanks Jeff. kite festival; club/organization upcoming change in the billing booths, and live entertainment. cycle. MEWS CUPPING Source: 5- e i'>'-I Date: !VA Moving THE METROPORT 114 Partnership, the group of local busi- ness and government leaders that put together a successful lobby- ing effort last year to gain funding for expansion of Texas 114, is on the road again. It's a good thing to see. During the past few months, some members of the group have had serious differences of opinion about the partnership's future. Some wanted to turn the push for highway improvements over to an Irving-based coalition. Others wanted the Texas 114 Partner- ship to hire its own staff and form its own group to track the sta- tus of highway funding and improvements. And some wanted to keep the partnership going without change. Some of the group's leaders say it is wrong to refer to these dis- cussions as bickering. Better to look at it as honest and open debate, they say. Nevertheless, the "no-change"advocates won out, and the partnership is united again. "It's time to start working on projects again and not worrying about what mechanism we'll use to make it happen,"Grapevine City Manager Trent Petty told the group last week. Members 1 unanimously approved Petty's proposal to keep the same organiza- tional structure the partnership has had for the past year: The partnership will spend$24,000 to hire consultants who - will monitor the highway funding process in Austin, making sure the group's priority projects stay on track. We're happy to see the Metroport 114 Partnership moving for- ward again. The group has accomplished much for North Texas by working together. NEWS CLIPPLNG Source: Ne w s 4 -r l m e.s 22 Date: 0/8 SPIN meetings—where g ere to look for information News and Times Southlake Home Page. It has been determined that bulk Meetings_phone line mailings to the neighborhoods are Dedicated phone lines for City not the most efficient means of meetings are being set up. This communicating meetings. Bulk number will be published as soon mail has not always reached its as possible. destination, and there has been an Readerboard sign average response of 3 percent to When City meetings are held at the mailings, which will become Bicentennial Park, they can be increasingly expensive and time posted. consuming as the city grows. C Myers Report Look for information about The City Manager's Report is SPIN meetings (and other City available at: meetings)in the following places: • City Hall at the Water Utilities "Southlake in Review" counter and outside the Council A monthly edition with a regu- Chamber lar SPIN column will be sent to ev- •Administration Building ery home in Southlake. • • Parks Department Cablevision • Homeowners Associations by Channel 25 will have a listing request. of all City meetings. Your mailbox Web site Watch for Postal Patron mail- April 1 will launch the City of ings/handout flyers. NEWS CLIPPLYG Source: /V e W s I I m Cs I _ 1 Date: 3 Z City, school s voting plans are finalized by Jan Pettigrew Wilde A total of five candidates filed for elections in Southlake—two for city positions and three for places on the school board. Rick Stacy is seeking re-election to his current position of mayor, while incumbent Wayne Moffat is running again for Place 2 on the City Council.Neither one faces an opponent. Under a 1995 state law, candi- dates in elections where all office- seekers are unopposed through regular candidate registration and (see "Election,"page 2) Election Robert Glover, the Place 5 in- cumbent, will seek re-election to from page 1 his position. • write-in status can be declared as Since there is opposition in at winners by the governing body in least one spot for the school board charge of the election. vote, an election will be held. Voters, then, will not go to the Early voting will begin April 14. polls on May 3 for city govern- For more information on the ment positions. The Southlake school board election, call Joyce City Council would be the govern- Rodgers in the CISD business of- ing body in the case of Moffat and fice at 329-0619. Stacy. For more information on the For the election of trustees for municipal election, call city sec- the Carroll Independent School retary Sandy LeGrand at 481- District, David T. Yelton and 5581, Ext. 704. Deborah Baynard are running for The election information is cur- Place 4. rent as of press time. i i • 0o Ghd "° � w o �"� r.cr - c � O a. n :awn w ° "7a ' o -tii , ', ... ; ° 6 ^ d Z . () a c. a. a. c, y o cn - o - `< ^ M .aro '. co = a • caa n c o ow p- ' ►] 000wo • " ac p N. pome ,.n eD c ° y8 ° ° a as te ? c c nw o 0., A) N O �^ Cv . o. co•tcw o �• �'i, g 5. a.aq. i' a w O N• w w o 'O. co w cn CA ►+ N v, a'a °' `o -co so 0 is- n c, o o w CD 54 . O 7 o o s'0 » o T 0 �o 0 0 0 .,, o CDD aB ^, o o m - ao a w C -o - 0 0. in MI p • am n = a. v^, O CD ^ O O o+ • ° -to , �. 5. o n y p' fD p' o a �' Cs ^� m t/� co •.. O. y Sao ^ cam', /0 _ .< v' 0 0' C O C ° C ,.. o a' cD "' 0 o =- •-• co ot. e`', n a ., o o w -� ", ., • co " O. ua o 0 a o a., c; c, -.. 0 o tn w w cD �_ y op ° ° o a CD o 1 =' n n ct. ▪ C Oo . wO ° O ciD 0 Ow a � -,G. ►i C C o pa wo eDx C '. . w C ti' yC! o' no cn . . 11 CI'ya. ti 0 n O Cnit y = c0D aa)i• o .w,C o l; C>t� -- w - 0- ro o O 0- - , o = ' v, w 0 a. y `, o a `� m' O a. w o o CD r. C w CD c, 0 o. cD cD zCD a iD w o w C ° o ? m w a cA o 0 0 5 a. E o o co c m '5• °o c0 �, e a o a VV ° o� ° y c o om! > ' ° ° ' fD °= o CM w �' c 7d °° ° =a , w C• o CD a p 0 • .e OM p' k C. c�D O co) `< ,n, O ,w. G C) O y • Q. -• 'y. -• ~' ti v, y - - ..�,.�y . C p t' 0 ° o c • a 0 so o613 ° �: ° w �' a 10 CI n '. CD I , CD 0. - , , G.aro 7) O - 3 'i O N cD 0 R r. 'O :D. .., O = y •JUl .o .v 'n...• °'ao o o a ° ' o O �. v, w O co o ( , \ C e 0 o •a o �' o f -- ,,a `y Vlu CO Cr ° -+, C3.`< o• CD C y w a. cD � °. 0 O a. w w 0 ar y o n -,• p o., 0. o' CA *CI N • a n o- ° c • ON 3 " an ° o' 0 a: < ° o' •'a 0o OMNI OK) ao CC• w 00 0. 0 n C 0 Ct-t Cr O .� p. =- A- 5- o A: a '. a. u, ,..„ u, o w ti �' lli• O 0 0 0 0 0 ° o' CD n• N o R C O• a, 0, • =OcofyD � `. C CJ V, A O , y o D i n , n. V, CD w II 1 Zoning around the site. The preliminary plat design for from page 1 the addition, which was also ap- in Southlake was designated as proved at the meeting, includes a' reserved but the city ended up hav- football field lined with mounted', ing to buy it back. 80-foot high light fixtures next toll The disputed land was eventu- residential property.The use of the l ally taken off the plat and labeled field and the cut-off time of the; as reserved use, not dedicated lights were other areas of concernf right-of-way. expressed by residents. "If at some point in time every- "The lights are elevated and one agrees that the traffic needs to might be obtrusive,but a minimal be addressed, the land is there, it amount of games and a reasonable! is available and they can put a road shut-off time of the lights could in," said a representative of compensate,"Schroetke said. Cheatham and Associates. As of Monday, March 24, the If a road does need to be built in application had been re-filed with! the future, both city and school the city by Cheatham and Associ- district officials agreed that a chain ates and is expected to appear on link fence should be installed to the April 1 City Council agenda. accommodate pedestrian traffic A (-) e- .... ... .... z , ... r s,111. • r.s.,_ 1:- ' ::: ' t'• 4.- = • E--, . • ' ') . Cr L ... . !. 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A, = . — — u, u' ...„-.,.- , ,..< ...,:: CD t es ,..t ,.., •-•• .t t - •.,.;‘,.., - ' • )tb ,.‘''' '''.,, , '-'• '.- , : 2 ii:' j ,%,,,A .,k, '.,,. .. ,...-., , , ,,.,. - 6 .1/4-, ' -.*!::: --,...--'.,°,,,t, '1/4' -—-- ......- -,,, vv. I , .1 lit __ — , ,, , " 1 (-1' ,..,- -0 ---,..ip.. , ,.., --. o ilk rek- , , , . < .... - 'i` -• ,_... __ . '-,,,V*4 ,„. 0" -1, #3" c/ °r44 , , ‘ 4 ,''' :14;•,4-i M:7,:al, ' N. e co- : el_ at 13 _ < - -.. - ,t .. „ .i. Ci e :-. ci 8 , t: p,•- , -..:L -.. _ .. ,„,..„--. . .° . N 7 1 .) 13_ c. . < 64 `'. 1 Q. , ,• . .,, „,„ 4,..,''goi 13 ..-%i,=,- ,i,•,,, , 1 it il, c i ... ,.., .- '') ) a ___.--- ated in 1994. • Volunteer "The historical society is my from page 1 baby now," said Payne of her fa- "You can't take a Texan out of vorite volunteer work. Texas,I learned that,"Payne said. Last August,she revived the in- "But I like it here, except for the active organization that she, Jan heat—and it seems to get hotter Sanders and former Mayor Gary and hotter here every year." Fickes had begun. While living in New York, "When we first started the his- Payne worked as a registered torical society,there wasn't much ,I nurse.But after the move to Texas, interest in it,so it lay inactive for she wanted to go back to school a a while,"said Payne."People think second time. there isn't much history in South- "I wanted to fill the void of my lake,but there is." children growing up and leaving," Since its revival,the historical said Payne,the mother of two. society has held monthly meetings Early in life, Payne developed that often feature exciting guest an interest in genealogy. Because speakers. of her father's large family, she Payne has also been involved in jokingly says that she is related to the recent activities of the South- half of northern New York. lake Seniors Organization. Last While tracing her family tree, week,following the March 16 se- Payne realized that an education nior advisory commission recep- history might be helpful, so she Lion, the city approved the funds decided to pursue a bachelor's de- necessary to repair the unoccupied, gree in history at Texas Woman's Eubank House for a senior center. University in Denton. "We don't have a lot of organi- After 15 years,a long list of vol- zation right now,but we had a full unteer hours and numerous elec- house at the reception and we're tives in photography,Payne gradu- excited,"Payne said. NEWS CLIPPING Source: {�-}���( y� Date: ( Gi Chamber graduates Leadership Southlake class of '97 . . ,�.Levant. a RS `. �� ' "c .. � S dam' ao� • • t � M -44 11411 r'1114. They include (left to right): Front Reynolds, Martin Schwartzstein, The Southlake Chamber row: Martha K. Greenberg, Dr. and Brad Tribble. Graduates not of Commerce held their monthly Ron Groves, D.D.S., Sheri Hight pictured are: Elida M. Bonet, Rex luncheon on monday, March 17, Ducan, Clarke Erskine, Leslie "Chip" Gee, Don Perfect, and 1997 featuring the leadership Klepper, Joey Milner, Tracy Randy White. We would like to Southlake Advocacy Project Southers, Delores Webster, Al congratulate each participant and presentations and graduation. Suarez,and James L. Swason. Back recognize them for their efforts on Congratulations to the 1996-97 row: Brad Cavnar, Andrew Ingram, two outstanding advocacy project Leadership Southlake graduates. Randall McCauley, Linda presentations. NEWS CLIPPING Source: sokltif r^df A0 0,y) Date: Oa City Council, P&Z to hold seco nd workshop on Timarron development Progress Report to get back into its core like to restudy with staff and business of oil for some time, clean up the rezoning portion of On Monday, March and get out of real estate, said our request,"said Mr. Yetts. 31st the City Council will hold Mr. Yetts. "Westerra is on its "We want to be fair a second workshop with the way up and Mobil was on its about this, but we don't want to Planning and Zoning way out, this deal has added mislead the developer," said Commission to discuss. the new life to Timarron," he Mayor Stacy. rezoning request on 531 acres added. When the rezoning north of Hwy 114 owned by At an earlier workshop requests come before the Timarron Development. The the Council and the P&Z began Council for action they will meeting will be held in Council the arduous task of bringing the come one at a time. Many times chambers at City Hall at 7:00 Council up to date on the while the application was before PM. The meeting is open to the detailed recommendation for the P&Z citizens interested in public but it is not a public approval passed by the P&Z. one tract had to sit through hearing. Each item in the commission's hours of deliberations on one or Timarron was sold by motion was discussed for more of the other tracts until the 1 Mobil Land Corporation late clarification. one they wanted to address last year to Westbrook "We (the City Council) came up. Holdings, Inc., a 2 billion dollar have to know exactly what the "It would be better for in assets real estate holding P&Z ruled on because the the citizens," said council- company. It was incorporated development is so big and member Pam Muller, "then they into Westerra Management the complex,"said Mayor Stacy. don't have to sit and wait on a real estate development and ' As the group went tract that may or may not come management division of the through the motion, dis- up, like in the past." parent company. According to crepancies arose as to the "Due to the complexity Steve Yetts of Westerra the interpretation and intent of and sheer size of the whole Timarron deal was for $324 some of the rulings made by the thing it will take council some j million. "Westbrook paid top P&Z. Clearing them up now time to get through this entire dollar for Timarron, it was not a should help expedite matters process," said City Manager fire sale,"he said. when the Council hears the Curtis Hawk. Mobil had been looking request officially. "We would NEWS CLIPPING r Source: So(-flake, ^� Date: C) Elgin accepts top community development post in Hot Springs Tom Elgin, senior Development Department. Mr. director. comprehensive planner for the Elgin has been involved in a Mr. Elgin's new duties City of Southlake, has accepted a diversity of projects ranging from for Hot Springs will include the position as director of planning updates of the Comprehensive administration of comprehensive and community development for land use plan, the master planning, zoning, platting, the City of Hot Springs, Thoroughfare plan, impact fees building inspections and code Arkansas. Mr. Elgin has been for water, sanitary sewer and enforcement. "The City of Southlake since 1991, having streets, as well as evaluation of Southlake will miss Mr. Elgin's worked his way up through multiple development related professional contributions while positions as planning intern, applications. "Tom has been a the City of Hot Springs is planner I, and progressing to very valuable contributor to the fortunate to receive Tom's planner II, supervising the planning efforts of the City for professional planning guidance Comprehensive planning ' the past five years," said Greg for the years to come," said Mr. Division of the Community Last, community development Last. NEWS CLIPPING Source: AS()(t (6Vj, 130110(2i n I Date: - • v)Stacy and Moffat are unopposed, city election tlon to be canceled Progress Report election will be canceled. At Mayor Rick Stacy and meeting the their April council will hear Councilmember Place 2 Wayne the first reading of an ordinance Moffat are unopposed in their to that will officially cancel the bids to seek re-election in May. election, according to City The filing date of April 19th Secretary Sandy LeGrand, who came and went with no other is responsible for preparing candidates filing papers official ballots. indicating their intention to run. School Board elections Both Stacy and Moffat will still be held as scheduled are serving their first terms in on May 3rd. their respective positions Board member Robert though Mayor Stacy has Glover is running for re- previously served on the city election unopposed, while two council. hopefuls, Debbie Baynard and Because there is no David Yelton, will seek to fill • opposition to the incumbents the seat of board member John and there are no propositions to Rollins who is not seeking be decided the May 3rd city another term. HEWS CLIPPLYG r -- Source: D Q I Ins M ovn i n q -e, w s I Date: 3 — Z9 Southlake to commit staff to tree r 'p otection., Landscaping, park professionals to be hired By Joy Dickinson entire process all the way Scary Writer of The Dallas Morning News through, from when the develop•. SOUTHLAKE — For many cit- er submits plans to following up ies, a boom in development cre- and making sure the shrubs or ales at least one unintended vic- trees are still alive a year later.-'•; tim: the area's natural beauty, as We think this will be much trees and fields are sacrificed for more efficient,having one person office fibuildings and who's familiar with everything parking lots. from start to finish." But Southlake officials say they're unwilling to make that Initially, the city planned to trade-off and are determined to hire just one person with duties preserve the city's natural assets that included both landscape ad- at the same time they encourage ministratign and urban-forestry growth. With that goal, the city management. However, Ms. McA., plans to add landscape and park- dams Lenoir said the two disci,- planning professionals to the plines are so distinct,no one whd Parks and Recreation Department could do both has applied. staff as soon as possible. The landscape administrator "Preservation is a very high will review concept,site and land- priority for the council and the scape plans for developments and staff,"said Kim McAdams Lenoir, conduct inspections.during ;and parks director."We've had people after building. The job descrip- doing parts of these jobs all along, tion also calls for tree-preserva • - but never someone to follow the Please see SOUTHLAKE Page 6N. • 6 N Eh,Ralla%IIlaming}t IO Saturday, March 29, 1997 i ,, i , �%. �sx 3 ..� a 3� w t y 3. Y `.qr+ 'a F we i . The Dallas Morning Neva:John F.Rhoda Southlake officials cite the Georgetown developer preserving trees and other Park office complex as an example of a natural elements when building. Southlake to hire 2 to protect nature. Continued from Page 1N. The ordinance was adopted in tion to move a driveway that tion duties, although that task 1993. would have sacrificed four old may fall to the parks-planning Many developers already are post oaks. person, depending on the qualifi- trying to preserve trees and other Mr. Myers applauded the city cations of those hired. The land- natural elements when they for hiring landscape and tree pro- ;, scape administration job pays build, Mr. Last said. As an exam- fessionals. $30,132 annually. ple,he cited the new Georgetown "It'd really help us, to have The parks planning and con- Park office development, at 2425 someone who can advise our con struction superintendent will Southlake Blvd.,next to a heavily struction people on how to save manage the planning, design and wooded area. those trees," he said. The oaks construction of parks and related Richard Myers, president of "are so sensitive,you can't get too facilities.The job pays$42,749 an- Realty Capital Corp. in Southlake, near their root systems or they'll nually. which developed Georgetown die.It'd be great to have someone Park, said preserving nature on site to help explain all that." Applications will be accepted makes good economic sense. Portions of northeast Tarrant for both jobs until they are filled, "The trees add a great deal of County — including Southlake, Ms. McAdams Lenoir said. value to a project. People office Grapevine and Eu- In addition to addingnew staff p � parts of Hurst,out here in part for the environ- less and•Bedford— are included members, the city is considering ment, for the natural feel and at- in the East Cross Timbers soil re- updating its tree preservation or- mosphere. ... If we can move a gion of Texas, which harbors dinance, said Greg Last, director building or a parking lot a few thousands of native post oak and of community development. feet and it'll save some trees, blackjack oak trees. "The council has directed us to we're going to do that whenever Most of the trees are 40 to 70 wait until the landscape person is we can,"he said. years old, according to Larry fi hired.That'll be one of their first At Georgetown Park, the com- Schaapveld, a regional urban for- jobs, to look into that," he said. pany changed plans midconstruc- ester for the Texas Forest Service. 4 NEWS CLIPPING Source: Pi(A Date: g(9-1 ItIodi. SPIN 1SPI�R News Tom Ward has been selected by SPIN and appointed by the City Council to serve as SPIN Neighborhood Re- presentative for Neighborhood #6,through 1998. Kevin Hugman and Chuck Ewings are constructing the final sites on the City of Southlake Home Page. On Tuesday.April I,there will be a Ribbon Cutting and presentation at City Council.of the City Home Page/Web Site and the address will be published when it becomes available. The City manager's Report will also be accessible through the Web Site. A video of the Traffic Plan presentation is now available for checkout from Tracy Southers, Public Information Officer. It has been determined that bulk mailings to the neighborhoods are not the most efficient means of communicating meetings. Please look for information about SPIN in the following places: Southlake In Review Southlake Progress Cable Channel 25 Web Site(address to be published later) Phone Line(a dedicated phone line for City meetings is being installed the number will be published soon) Readerboard Sign(at Bicentennial Park) City Manager's Report(can be picked up at city offices) NEWS CLIPPING .\ Source: )01/1:1(1)4,e,V ffOCIVIScDate: ‘3/A ...., 1 . Carroll Elementary "Career Day" ::: 5 -277 fig II ,,,..7-‘4. , - -lir -T i07, !l.....IB n. j ; ; !tail!■ i kit' 1 . �. t'.�.�11 f_" F �� ti %,yam 4464-44, ,D Superintendent, Dr. Ted Gillum, visits with a group of Southlake DPS Public Safety Officer, Jeff Vogel, explains the dergarten children at the"Career Day"celebration. operation of a fire truck to an excited class of first graders. � A � Progress Report gill z On Friday. March '_1st. Carroll Elementary School held its first"Career ,`t -»°„ Day."Eighty-sevenprofessionals took time �� out of their day to come to the • school and discuss and/or demonstrate what their jobs were and how they r. x "'' operated. From airline pilots to veterinarians, from the engineer of the ,,, f 4` I v 4'1A Tarantula Train to a former Dallas Cowboy,the children were exposed to a "�` f 1, wide variety of career options. Assistant principal Andra Barton set up the ., " j �' event and was very pleased at the turn out of people willingto share their ,, r time and talents with the students. "We have some eighty-seven l� professionals here today and not all of them are parents."said Mrs.Barton. �( # - She \vent on to explain that the career professionals come and go all through the day so the offering changes constantly. "The students rotate �' ' ` 1 through the school from room to room all through the day." said Mrs. li y , ,,„ Barton. "they have about twenty minutes with each career person. it's an 4 ,,� pa *, +„ all day affair." This was the school's first such activity and plans for another next year are not yet finalized. "let us get through this one first," .roup of first grade students listen intently as Southlake DPS said Mrs. Barton. 'orcvcle patrolman,Alton %%ells.discusses his equipment. rroposed 7-8-9 school on N. White Chapel y meets with opposition Progress Report be needed for football, soccer and track perhaps 20 to 30 times The new school the per year. Carroll Independent School He went on to say that District proposes to build on N. they had explored all the White Chapel Rd. has hit a options for moving traffic snag. Adjacent and nearby internally between the two homeowners and the P&Z campuses and after extensive commission all feel the uses on study decided that if a road had the site are too intense for the to be built to move cars from size of the property and will one school to the other it had to create safety and noise be on the north edge of the site. problems. Commissioner Dona The school, located Schroetke said she did not see directly east and adjacent to the the necessity of a road there at Durham school campus. will be all. Fellow commissioner Debra 0 built and"loaned"out as a 7-8- Edmondson concurred saying 9 grade facility before being the two schools needed to be A converted to a 9-10 grade separated not connected. school. It will be a three story Commissioner Ann building with a football field. Creighton said. "I see the baseball field, softball field, commission's concerns about tennis courts and a practice safety, but I have reservations field. At the city's request the about forcing parents to go architects designed a road along down to Shady Oaks and 1709 the north property line to with a shopping center going in connect the new school grounds and no traffic light there.'.'City-. with Durham Elementary- Manager Curtis Hawk said that Intermediate School to the west. there is traffic light slated for This is the second time that corner but that it would Crt the school site has come before probably not be installed before the Planning and Zoning the school opens in the fall of Commission, the first time it 1998. was tabled after the The P&Z's recom- commissioners aired their mendation to the City Council concerns about the intense uses. included the removal of the 1 "This looks sub- road connecting the two stantially like what we saw last campuses and designating that ••••••;—, time," said commissioner Jim land as bufferyard, removing Murphy."what we asked them the lights from the football field ;; to go back and take a long hard and tennis courts, providing a A look at." solid fence along the north and Dr. Ted Gillum, south property lines and superintendent of the CISD, capping the building at a was on hand to explain the maximum height of three school district's stance on the stories. The request passed on a school and the intended uses. vote of 5-2 and will go to the "We understand the concerns of City Council at its April 1st the people,but we're growing at meeting. 600 students per year, and as a Ms. Schroetke added school district we feel we need that the citizens concerned this school and we feel we need about this matter needed to these amenities to it,"he said. follow it through the City "We can live without Council process, "they can lights on the tennis courts,but I change everything,"she said. believe we need the lights on Ms. Edmondson added, the football field to serve the "I encourage you all to attend number of teams that will play the CISD meeting on March there and to meet the needs of 31st at the Administration the children,I assure you it will Building on N.Carroll,they are never be a high school also an elected body with more stadium," he added. He than significant input on this estimated that the lights would project." D Z ............. C f VI N z ^� • i o s 3 `D < p s° c INC o m� i .� F = m CD ' co 0.N C Co 3. 5.i;., CIA -a enat < I { c aa=o o N oo �� j m � « u ..R C.)ry N ?3= d F < s 0 c co •< 5'a CA 3 D� -0 T^ o s= �c= ^ O aa = w+ .< c •d .=n S� o3 � o dam ? N „ lJ �n R• 23.33w = �; mod ,a 3.n.3 y `o = S N x = kt C • ry ° �•ry o T= n.�d3 (�/'�'� _ . °< r/'n �' ° ^ `° =5 "' ,v3 �c C . o a V1 I • 33 NSm = <, . , fD .2 C o O " E�x R.-i T7 U . rt d 7 S G .. = O =•O•C o: so' 7=4- -1 LH y m r^o d O d ° m S = O k< 1 c --x`< aS 3 w y n en o 1 > o o= p 7O3 = f9 C o rro ,< 7,0o O In 0, N y S= 0. 5. .; ^.,s £ = PoN ; n' 0 5•< Cn'od� Nd� £.doc- _ _CP C 7 R' 1 d O d _�00 n A (=p O' y-a N N 7 = m a o c.ay., — C ?0 3• H , .mCI £ ° y ?w T d= x ao Ao.f9SHo y = N ao w "9 i3Ooo ° o � � o .� ^ � DN, X '•d 3 S•s'ag e s E'ago 7 �' n a. u S_ O '.-j = O �2,0 '• A ;jam G.y _ _ O+ S i9 O Oag ' d cr yr , x el rt/ N _ \1 ir • n rt u ..., c S d 2 p m p '' N1 O < Cf ry -n , v N x = d A �` x 0 `'V < CoG ' N _ C5'c I. . C H , ^a o Mom+ imil • am K O ° = �y . -•a .,nacoos 7C F yK Ra0 "'.a k<F O M� •y N .. . 11, • • c., " 5.5.0 2 ^ d►.d m ? ham+ = a.7'•3 p 0O =o• re x ae w g o S- n m`e a °< O £ V 1 c < N O ao d a c `< "')y C n F N i R N +-, N+ 0f d^ N Ct. 3 nv v m N y _ 5• o < o S n ,A,3 n O. mo o'er• ' z O C . N.n ui R 3. 3 CA NEWS CLIPPING r Source: ���.,/ Date: Southlake council approves plans for school site SOIJ"I•HLAKE — Despite op- handful of residents attended last position from some residents, the night's meeting. Some residents ABOUT City Council last night gave a pre- said the school is needed,and oth- Northeast liminary nod for plans for a school ers said it would hurt their quality northwest of Chapel Downs Drive of life. Tarrant and White Chapel Boulevard. "I believe the school hoard has The council voted unanimously made a real poor choice in the pur- ers association recently submitted a to approve zoning changes and site chase of this 50 acres." said Nina letter with 62 signatures to the city, plans for the school that will house Dunn,a 24-year resident."It means and another letter with 34 signa- grades seven through nine in a traffic,noise,light pollution,loss of tures was submitted by"concerned mostly residential area east of rural environment. It's a beautiful residents." Many were upset about Durham Elementary School. A wooded tract,and I feel like it has plans for a lighted football field final vote is expected in two weeks. much better potential use." that would not he under city con- School district officials and a The Oak Hill Estates homeown- trot. -- "They [the school district] have the power and the ability to pur- chase property and determine[how it is used], totally oblivious to our land-use plan," said Mayor Rick Stacy,who said that he did not like the site."Somehow as a community and a school community, we have to work together." A $44 million bond package ap- proved in September will pay for the school,property for four other school sites,technological improve- ments throughout the district,high school expansion and other, projects. Also last night,the council: • Approved an ordinance can- celing the May 3 election.No con- tenders stepped forward to chal • - lenge Stacy or Councilman Wayne Moffat in their bids for re- election,enabling the city to can- cel the election. The city likely will have an election in August to • vote on a crime control and pre- vention district to collect money for a new police station. City Manager Curtis Hawk said. • Extended a moratorium on assisted-living centers. The coun- cil first approved a temporary moratorium on the facilities in December.saying the city needed •time to determine the property- zoning category for the centers. • Adopted a$6.17 million bud- get for the Southlake Parks De- velopment Corp.,which is autho- rized to issue bonds for park projects, including Bob Jones Park, after receiving approval from the City Council. -LESLIE HOEHOLT ° � gN 3 =.oOno 0 3 O ';'• n 3 ^ ~ N N = N l J S" d x n n O O w m ,1.C W O CD yr^ = o 03 = n = H{ O ^ n 3 = n S N n H r ' r '! Go /� o•GSA -.� , n d F .cw�- n w � Cn n N O V N N n/ S G 1 1 n C1 a3 A. ,� 31-• 3.r m =an c .n=. °x--' n ^ I F; rr ON Hn OO yS.... � - 0 4 b p'Ooo =m n cp n n 3 ^ 1 • Ir E n n n c •O O� •nCli 0 S m � c. N pp•< CD 71 S > _ _•O -Oi G C m 7 0 n S S f 3 c <wn c:N o n = n n n" S G - ^= F sn c c o CD •, o o E '•c O E, , Gsn = ?n:3 f° H < n E SSio ^ - r, R v E,' G.00 G. 'r - = L� z -, = G O G m F.y•< �� n G. O'_ = r f n S c, o = ?3 ? .- n :r� o3 , r *-< < _ s Pcn _S le - -s.^ n n ao F c m w c eD o- C c 7 n n va 3 n n 3 - = oil �� = w 3�3nn ^ F > o ro n =^ = 3N � 'r .7 ,"'. , n c n C tt .. S u 7 x• G w f n r�.so n .�^ L ?E . ^ % 3 o G .� .;.r-> _ a 4:r " n , 3? -S c ' c n s 'C % a- a• n cm n c ,n,. O. • o " r, cG < Soo ' -• F3. a '� n F O n n ?UG n S n FT 3 _ O•n < 7 = o �•n n 1CA. . - c '� •_a ^.7 CD O . =., . G.. ^ C9 3 n Cc n c " d.. n o S c, c L ,n000 - < o7 aN2Xc- o: 3 o =•ad . _ S-H. n G.c� i 9_. 'il ao l Y c - y N aR • �, s?n c o E. F T n F• n g'_ ^ n n S - D 3cr ccooC 3 < fDocx G. O' _ -x 0o N (�w (n C S n n - > >' yC.t = � nOmcod3O a (D d x'r,• -0 3 ? lV EiA ? o" oo O n f ao o d a�' F 0 on = o O, 8. 6"rt -n U a m T 3 3 > F SN -wn c CD c S-n =1-•,n •c co n o.3'c cn n a s c n'c a n.°r - )"111/11 • = -F n o io w S o L 0 0 G S O 7 14`) 0 0 a s? F S� CD, c��� a = O 3.d -8._3g c c' &hi-4H . n E C ;n'ti m O-3 m•< n Wi Cl.S`•. s= 3 'Virn/1�n -• 3'O'O 0 S �1 c d a , d rro Oo C "1 O -.0 c, ? r ? � CD ? 3•G. CDG�o MCIa m -c A, n c = -n m io n -,1?F R -=o- d.a'c d n 3 c < o ,D vrs .ten c .. -- Go y< c 2 G f - n n on, c - S' _ - n d F c o-T 4 O C n =''^ O N _ _ n n 3 Fs, n "up',,- 2-q2 ,..H7 G.y • G . = x n c' G d •S-'NLI Sa W - Sn•3 N n E c n 7, 0 n.� _ an 3 c d I - o:'c F • `< n o mo n y LS CD 0 L. G.-. n O. S%''' d n n I cn n 'q 02, Oo O = = W C =' .,, y 'C n F = =d - -3 a'c o..c3e:�'•`__"�_a a _•°'•e _ HEWS CLIPPING � 1 Source: (A (� re) ( IWV V Date: Li- i _ , . , I . • , te-- •- ,• .4 . , .„.„,.... , r0 .. _ , . , - ...,,,,,,r., -11 I :..4' .1' -': ou1ilake businessman _ , Wall , --irip., convicted of assaulting wife -.., _ , ' BY SUSAN GILL VARDON mansion June 3 after a heated- t Star-Telegram Staff Writer FORT WORTH — A Tarrant brgument about cookware and two fount bread knives. y, y jury yesterday rejected Judge Brent Carr sentenced - 3 , $outhlake businessman Gary Wall to one year of probation and rail's claims of self-defense and ordered him to serve 80 hours of und h m guilty of misdemeanor community service and to :1 _'- t assault against his estranged wife, enrollit g in an anger-control class. �� �` 4 i . It took the panel of three men Wall, 55, an unsuccessful can- _` _ 'and three women one hour and 45 didate for the Texas Legislature , Minutes to decide that Wall had last year, had no visible reaction assaulted his wife, Gene-Marie to the verdict. He declined to perduti-Wall, in their Southlake Gary Wall:Sentenced to probation (More on WALL on Page 8) and 80 hours of community service g 0 O. :3 col.CD CD e ^, � .- ^ �i a' -m. n a n , m•e 7 'a ct o oq 3 • n O d c c 5' " c. -- 0- x•.m paT e m Oo 7 N= = a H e, N'-, p -, e • N n •5 = n E coc o w3 " m O r.- $ H n a 0 o H K _ N► Oa•-,fl. o� . T =c 3 „ co �. -, S,O .•ne —7 ,CO m n S '^ = 3 n n a 0 0 a re7 $ o -. 5OciE-n Oc n =*7 a n ^ ,G n . n o c c a 0. g c°O• n cnnr, � COnnort > 3= S• n ' E co_•,,, nm�3nam m � = a m•O : .n n 1 _ n m = a G m m O' O yO- n n c S co 0.S O _ re n n S.- i °i = _ C C S m� < o m e"3 O ESH'T3 s e . ^.m -n G- < , E n H ^ E =N d p= <0.3 •m =• r OSn \• n 0 y 0,n•O Q go a n d .y S 3 n 70••e • c p m a= m fp 5. —m n E o e`e G.m S n _a rye ry`, r,.., 2=•S 3 E n.v m 7 '^ d -, a O m c .T`< H a o c.7o 9 w 7 rni' +'c,4,,,,.. 0 _c 3 a" 0 :1 E S n nQO ,�-.c ^ .e -,corn o e- c co GO.-, re Fo" = n a T'•'O n e 0 n n m PI 2 2. 4. n .7 1 7 ti �n Qo n y S.7.,3 a n .C. • -4'3wa y co cl d•n, o p' ry S 8 m E E co to � n .<= a ► m n ..b c =S n O .n , Fr g -m,-0 S r n N m E H 3 - a... °: . H n O n 0 n m H n o n oLI = oo m n •, ^? Tco -' m • y g T c _ A E C•i O n =••e n�0 • `000 0 C n =•r n -, 0 n m C=4.vm, O < O,. 7 = m 7 a< O n n o O of -Nni y '''^.. d�.0 Q m n m• 3 CO d S n c c A. 0,-. • cry .N n —30; = m.< m CO n -. A m 2. an 3 Eton f9 c v' o a c' O N _ m .= H .S m H O 0;2 m' = °i o 3 n m w7 E F,,•�ci m^0° m ..z 5 • = 3 O 3 c H o n <.� a "S o - a p — •p 7m ° c• m � n $ Hn g.- 0n. c. a ' do R• " 7 ' � d -' H "gn - - e -• ••:<:.A —,FO�•D b c ,, -'v = =�c _. ma.. amo R � n c.fca ja ,< - -- 7• -T._ 7 `t i CD 7--"- J� m e n NEWS CLIPPING What is Keep Southlake S' Date: Beautiful? Progress Report AA SOfit Keep Southlake (v ",�L Beautiful is a 501(cx3) community organization. Its purpose is charitable and educational and its goal is to �� educate the citizenry of Southlake in ways of preserving our environment and improving our community's appearance. It was formed in 1992 .{'`` as a result of the Environmental eaut i •v Task Force that was born in 1990. In 1993 it became a Keep Trash bags will Texas Beautiful "Proud be available at the city hall Community" and in 1994 annex(1725 E.Southlake Blvd.) received certification as a Keep until Friday afternoon,April 11, America Beautiful affiliate. and at Bicentennial Park at 8:30 KSB has achieved a.m. on the 12th. Shortly after many accomplishments in its the specially marked bags are young,growing stages. filled and left on the side of the road, they will be collected by Quarterly "Trash-Off' the city public work crews. For April12 more information, contact Tom p Sanderlin at 488-4965. • KEEP SOUTHLAKE BEAUTIFUL announced its Membership Drive second quarterly "Trash-Off' for 1997.It will be from 9 am to Keep Southlake • noon Saturday, April 12. Beautiful is currently Volunteers, in conjuction with conducting their membership the city,will pick up litter from drive. Dues are $10 for thre streets in an effort to"Keep individuals and $20 for Southlake Beautiful". families. The dues are used to Some local "Adopt-a- address litter and beautification Street" groups already involved issues. The election process for include homeowners new board members is associations,businesses, scouts, scheduled to begin in May. If schools, clubs, churches, and you are interested in a individuals. These volunteers, membership or a board position, totaling around 150, have please contact Keep Southlake picked up over thirty miles of Beautiful President, Lisa streets and over 500 bags of Stokdyk at 421-0414. trash. Show your Southlake Other Exciting news pride and become a volunteer. for KSB is that the new The following streets have not Assistant to the City Manager, been completely adopted: Darcy Imm has a background in WEST CONTINENTAL public administration and a ^' VD, NORTH WHITE degree in environmental CHAPEL, SHADY OAKS RD, engineering. She will work half RANDOL MILL AVE, time for the City Manager and BRUMLOW RD, T.W. KING half time for Community RD, BOB JONES RD, UNION Services in supporting Keep CHURCH RD, KIMBALL Southlake Beautiful and dealing AVE. with environmental issues. I y n 43 .id sd �� an lid Np > S= o� DnaFnn 3 7 � < n1 t o'1' ✓r s c 3 7 C ct H .0 ,,^ nro— - p ° x oN m a < • ^s< « me `° =•w =•j ee <•',,� °° ,,„ n NO ° Q- .on m^ ro 3.� ; Q TJ 74'o r" 7.•'n n PV7 'A W`< A3 El r2z_ 3 (q9.�= rtnA w � ti rro w N ° 4 a O 3 "+ ° _5.< ? 3 w � 5-2 a-..- g i o Ao ,.,3 ^_- n rn o .�,w = 0 n = p.° <v I co n cr) E a -• A c °' ^ ' -13o = n ° � > > 2 7 A ►D=3t y" o c ° CP c..n . 'L n. = n' 3 O n ^ nA-in. a n cv . o", 0u o ? n a r7 am o . . =12 c,' m o' ^ c i3c� + a3 r' - ' moo �nn o C0 m Pal ' 72 5 n 223SPI r ' ' o o < � O Z `rT A ro 2," crta .o f° • O j° ri P.0 n ry 7 <o eD a. F. n v n g c 5 so ~ r I = n nT Cn S -. o4 7 l V i ON ADI Fan ° ^ o ww � Oa' o g o 3 no.° as 3. ----r �I 1 1 3 , = 026 ^o : w w o' 3a3 .n.cF'� 3. o a°o '-,-- °a 2'='o <rp j H1' es- SI rro o 9.O o T� mo d: ° w a„� n� o � � n 'o _= • _ 2 ep 0 i _ w N ` ' n 2 r?3 n , a•S1 'Z 2:,.°: n w - n. 3 n `° E .'^. n . ^ as 00 3 0.n w =.o T • N .^. o on.,< _.= z n' n ^ H O 1 J j rt w.e o.v ;n ° A.e 3 2 0,d N s s s 3 v o o > > n�,•f_� fD y `, c^� r7� raw I '-o'fi'^. q r .< W v 'a 01 5 N n 1.n c ° 2 0 0'.< ° '� •1 O R �.mi�i� Fy ? o < n n G7 0 o w s ° 3 e a° o o c s•° >y C Q' __ V ? E o n " A^ °o-° o n =.E n w n 'a= °o0 o v c.2 n a.-°o ICI r] A „O,, Oi H " s_v ^ 2 O��_ aN � ? c^ or 3 yo.� ?•�3 3 ^ o el) Cr' S 0 ..(n� ` A v ^ ° w n'^ O w U •'." 3.,; ,,.; w '" _y L_: ^a n 3• -i w =.N< ^o w z S n e w w , E M et A O C a11; 1 '. n un+ 3 ° n n n w'n of n v^nr w n s'o w A �� A 4 C =' j o n h o n w o r a•<w a o - o. a o q w ^ E o '� . { cr 1 s t A T s s,c E n 3 2 o o, E = w 2 g...N ,-. °o E v v n A eD y M. I. fD Ell n 3 .J n c n°° ,m ^n a,.r .^rr^ ^ N. o n ° _`o• o 0 O f" F �'A `rs ^aR n o ^ ° _ o n^ d o n n .y.. O 'fS C O c. � n .? G ^t o yry �•3 n 3rH'c'�� .5'G h ''�r: ^ a A .► O A O E '4 N n ° n o ^ . m n N n n< g- o a'�:.4 ,1_ cr @ O D� ^'� ,. ?r,, _ P.-.o c o 3 w n o .. S rro o < a s-'^ eD ' E �.'A,w n a c ^ P'w`N.n�. a ° n c R y w '^ �' - -.., O A to �� n .Z n w m3 ^ m v `< ? vas< ' `°' - Ei .ot® 0_ ^ p "" C A 1�—1,!I n ^ ai `6 rt!'1 y n c o^ ° o E O v n o ^�< =° a c 3 0 2 O�.' W "7 CD 112 im Z I I (T1 '.7 .w n '�`'Z -6 c m 9: n a m z° g 3 0 -^. g 3.g N w N t S Q' $ ^o w N •< =a N a'v -- N w o.3 3 n o t d -c O ,� O 1 3 o g g g< 2" 0 2 w is 5 3'n 00 ei c 6 .4 F E. QLi a w o n o ^ „3 n ^ 2.a,n°° ^ a s�< ^°° ^ E. A D) Q At fD .I; ^• .� CD r► A I o140 o CA cm.: ¢ m 3 ,fib; .0 iv ... ° a' et, ^ s „ 1 J o c H S 63 DD• A r•J to H .`' S O tD a CA ro et, g. \\k. ' - • X _. Z iiii 0.- - a c+ .. ... ._, ... ,iinr,) ,.. 0 '''' CD AD 0 Cv73 tg tailio.„1 i ti c CT � '• y � � � = � �5, 29 � .ro -� , o r7 '? AD 7 .n. w e) N �.. O cn o O „'h ' -1 iL° o � gc/oLA n cfD ° m " .CDY• � 3 _Q 0. . 1 d � ,-. p � oID 9� '+ cD �Cr aacD 4 � ram• • o o � oo p� `< '" � c, Cl. N �1 o ., a W f D o /t 4-', o �1 Aro fD .D co a O ° a rcD c Sri !�. `r1 u' ?» 0. � •-t dew `V n i •�' � a � n y o+ '»o � a0 ° acD � N Z cD 7s O 0 AD o ro �,y 5, 0 3 _.n = ■■ y I Cam' •~tizi ow �' CDr � o `rci CD Sa• o a � o � o o c� 4cD � o- a r. � o "' oOQ, � o � cD �"' � " .. O �t o O O O w ~ (D 5 E. = r1 :; a a. CD I CD 1 w CD E. yyc. a .. Cc' ,0 . co O Pc O cn O 0 0..c O (D v H E. m a E .o cD y cn fD lD a d. H .Jp sco.. co 0 o CA v .1 a- so a' co Z : < n `-I CD tCD V c' 0 iEw roUo C. �� ice•+ 0; ao 'o g ado 5' "- D ; a r,• -9 y O a CD % -, m 2 `C r n. P. .a G n' '""� CD y S n r: G O ? lD ?1 , v g , cro -I -+ a C. F " c- - m 2 y = ° m y G ? ny7C ...cac0. o 2 °oy 9G yaGysG < yz9arDco < G` g• " 7 m so . a-y � a °, c O d. CD 07O . co CD ^2, n „� CD -e 2) Cl" VD `6' cn a. a. ~ rJ a C y C C\ lD c.. ? coL. c- `C c0 coo G 0 < Qo 7- O rFDc„ G w a G O. $v * C p > c c:<<o Caya • aa a. -" lD7R o O c .s w S ' c.- c-., Tw ocD + 77, = ra 'c. oO7 0 u a a 'c ,-1 — -trw a < c- 2 c ,G Oo �' C p yn• ryCD N C = -Iry -s co co a cn c Do a c 0 a ^a y co.-co x• O = O • Ab 2 — 2. a :70cD cp � oopOcpco '.< cD H N ti O a.oa : c o c '' ?' ', C w P r P.—• c' pc- c- o -+ co co = coco p —. cD Y p m c - � 4. c 2. Pr g a am CC m r o --o < m coas - - m 3 4 < mac °- o: , . r, ,� ao C a _ S =;n a co << Pr. 5 'C 0 0 cn p m p co so a (D c 21) o . o S 2 f D O !I sorl° a. . — = < a• s c'� ti . .. = '< 0 o.CM i , NEWS CLIPPING -- Source: 51 V C t &r Y-U f Date: 3-3 � I Southlake to consider new school By LESLIE HUEHOLT Star-Telegram Staff Writer SOUTHLAKE—The City Council is set to give preliminary approval tomorrow to plans for a new school that some residents say is needed,but others say will cause too much traffic and noise. The school, which is not named,would house grades seven through nine in a mostly residen- tial area east of Durham Elemen- t tary School and north of Chapel Downs Drive.Some homeowners said the school would reduce their quality of life and increase traffic on White Chapel Boule- vard. "We urge the commission and the City Council to make deci- sions as if their property was next to this request," Audrey and Daniel Hodan stated in a letter to the city. The Oak Hill Estates home- owners association, which includes the Hodans,submitted a letter with 62 signatures to the city.Another letter with 34 signa- tures was submitted by "con- cerned residents."The letters express concern that the school will infringe on residents'privacy and the rural atmosphere of the community. Other homeowners said the • school is needed. Resident Carol Parsons sup- ports the proposed school because • the land has been purchased and because Carroll's seventh- and eighth-graders are running out of room at school,she said. "It's hard to come by that much land in Southlake now," Parsons said."The school is ready to go,and it's vital that we t have a schobl at that site. • • The school would be-one of \/ C)1 . several new and planned schools in the-"kb1211-1:000:thidbrit Car-' roll school district. Last year, the district opened its second intermediate school for grades four and five at Durham Elementary/Intermediate School (More on SOUTHLAKE on Page 5) Southlake sites, technological improvements, high school expansion and other projects. ' From Page 1 Also tomorrow,the council plans to pass a resolution extending a complex at 801 Shady Oaks Drive. moratorium on assisted-care facili- During the 1995-96 school year,the ties for seniors. district opened the elementary The council first approved a tem- wing of the facility. ora moratorium on the facilities A fourth elementary, Robert n December, saying that the city Rockenbaugh Elementary School needed time to figure out the prop- on Farm Road 1709 near White er zoning category for the centers. Chapel Boulevard, is set to enroll At least two developers have ap students in August. Rockenbaugh proached the city about building is named after a 21-year Carroll assisted-living centers in Southlake. trustee and longtime board presi- They have faced strong opposition dent who served in the 1970s. from residents who are concerned The Planning and Zoning Com- about traffic, property values and mission on March 20 approved zon- ing changes on 50 acres for the lat- development. est;proposed middle school with re- The Planning and Zoning Com strictions that the school have no mission unanimously voted to re- lighted tennis courts or football ject a site plan for the latest pro- posed center. The school would house grades six through eight, but school of- -ficials also plan to build a ninth- grade center on the land by 2000. • - A $44 million bond package ap- proved in September will pay for the school,property for four school NEWS CLIPP G Elections 4. Source: Star a Yy 4-/I may be Date: canceled BY LESLIE HUEHOLT Star-Telegram Staff Writer With nobody stepping forth tO challenge council incumbents in thg Haslet, Keller and Southlake elec- tions, the cities plan to cancel their elections. Southlake and Keller city coun- cils,both of which meet tonight,are scheduled to vote on whether to void the May 3 election. Haslet is scheduled to do the same April 14. The move was legalized by a change in the Texas Election Code two years ago.Each city is expected to save thousands of dollars. Southlake will save$6,000-$8,000 in salaries for early voting clerks, newspaper advertisements, ballois and supplies,said Aloha Payne,the city's election judge.The city's larg- er neighbor, Keller, will likely save more,Payne said. In Haslet, Mayor I.J. "Blackie" Frazier and Councilman Bob Brown are seeking re-election to third consecutive terms. Haslet Zoning Commissioner Gary Rob- inson will take over Betty Knox's Place 4 seat.Knox is not seeking re- election. In Keller, Mayor Ron Lee, Councilman Ken Hill, Councilman • Doyle Landers and Municipal Judge Matthew King are up for re- election. In Southlake, Mayor Rick Stacy and Councilman Wayne Moffat are seeking re-election. Both are serv- ing one-year unexpired terms and— said they are looking forward to at least one more year in office. "I'm really happy that I didn't draw an opponent," Moffat said. "Rather than a personal victory, I think it's more of a show of support for the leadership of Mayor Stacy and the entire council to work to- gether as a team." NEWS CLIPPING Source: jr `e VOI Date: L-4 Change in SOME constantly reaffirmed laws of nature: Day follows night, flowers bloom in spring, and change brings opposition in Southlake. The last of these we can expect to see in action again today as homeowners urge the Southlake City Council to reconsider zoning for a new school planned in their neighborhood east of Durham Elementary. The neighbors say the new school would infringe on their privacy and the rural atmosphere of the community. Sensitive as Southlake leaders must constantly show them- selves to be to the concerns of city residents on development issues, we think this is a situation where neighbors should be required to come up with reasons much better than "not in my back yard" to stop this long-planned school. Southlake's 5,000-student Carroll school district is bursting at the seams and must build several new schools to keep up with the city's growth. Last year, voters approved a $44 million bond pack- age to build a school adjacent to the Durham site, as well as buy property for four other schools and meet other growth needs. The school district already has a hard time finding property that it can afford to buy in mostly affluent Southlake. Giving up this site, which the district already owns, would greatly compli- cate that picture. Zoning for the school has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, including restrictions to prevent lighted ten- nis courts or football fields. Residents near the planned school site are entitled to present their arguments as planned at tonight's City Council meeting. The council should listen carefully. But the arguments will have to be very powerful to stop school plans at this point. HEWS CLIPPING Source: �� Q Date: j Conduct Unbecoming � IT WAS a classic high school prank:cheerleader bottoms and Faseball player backsides in a great moon-off. Those silly kids. Oh, if only it all could have remained in the realm of funny, crazy teen-age pranks. But it has not, and Southlake's Carroll school board—and maybe even a court—will have to decide what to do about the cheerleaders and ballplayers involved. The Carroll High School students flashed their behinds at each �--other as they returned from a game in Garland. Two varsity cheer- leaders and four baseball players were suspended from classes for three days and punished in other ways. For the baseball players, the discipline ended there. But the -cheerleaders are elected by the student body and had signed a contract pledging not to commit serious disciplinary offenses, including "unladylike" behavior. They were kicked off the squad. ,That's a double standard, and it sends this incident from silly to -serious real fast. One ousted cheerleader's dad complained to the '4'ch6ol board this week and vowed to fight in court to make sure 14 daughter is treated no more harshly than the baseball players. cheerleaders were required to sign a contract governing their behavior. The athletes were not. That's wrong. sr`i All kids participating in extracurricular activities represent 'their school and should be held to the same standards. Perhaps, in the future, all should be required to sign the same contract. the meantime and in this case, all should be considered to hake committed themselves to the same standard, contract or not, /and all apparently violated it in the same way. Differing standards of discipline cannot be justified. y aoy = << n .-3c c a cnn 5. 0. s � Q 7 , -0 •OD 7 ns � CD ^ O D a) cDn Q CD .,a . f Cc 0Q c c a 7 y '" oao m - = 10 :' CI: c y ' ' . , o .. n . n O' ^ C: 0 a 7• o c n: n Q yy c -, -, o - sc OO n s ! WU ?; v n • y Oi CA = . c Zy imi cA n y p 3 _, �,' a CD — CD w C — O • i •<• o c c O !■* Q O CD y =J .' w y y+ n .ci,, 7 n G. 2 CA r o �- � m •G• n CI. -I sb ; r 0 c n CA y y IVO O =. Doa CC n▪ O O MiAiik c . a s `'o n 3 °-' ao cC =. • v• = oy -tocn c "5'? yn. K Id r rn c. . n 7c = s`"' y CD CD s y M. -", y . . O - y 7 Cn G. n ', 27 's O Q CD C y a �: -, n O 0 _. ..,-0 s ,,... ✓, -+ -7 0. C 3. y a = y -z -' 0 -• - ? c. n - --1i � • O 0 san - n c Q 3 ..: �- ..... n o. n s`e. a o y n y y ea- CA = O s0 CD = c0 •.< 7•..0 n m y aOr� w o y �' __.• aCC TAD a o b ° s = n ? csD CI, c....0 y o y O n T = o y•-5 S s 0 -�9 a, CSD 5 < G. C. F. ^ O C" o• c °— O O. C 3•r 0-� a --c.. m C.. r ^ o 0 O Oro'a. 0 7 y y y 7r C <. v, o ; - <' y --i' 0< Clo * -ICA ? C CnnQo , n r n o ^ O Sc•D a' y C 51-_, c 3' cD • csD G @ 3 - o - `ro o. rlo 7c 0 c a y y O G. O 0 s r d F E n ^ 0 J s=_ -1 (�D B pOq 0 ▪ -, a cDCA ° ° °4 C "cD 7r CD 7f soc co a� K Id 11. ...\:,ki. PiLi I -n -, cr v' CD v? s ^' `, CD tt n c .Z ^ z- �O y , 01' CD n 0•a< —- y „ • "c. y C n y C 0 ^ CD �' < Qp CD n-. Q O. 0. CD '.1 7- S 411410, Q CCD 0 co 7 00 0 ,c "� O a F O . s`� Q O• y C = 1I5I cD(70 CD • CD s Co ss• a CySo n y 7- 7- CD Q0 .< c ^ -; '-' " 0_ ". '�i `- c- ofD = sP iJd FJI yto y 1 c o ▪ G� _• ^ -1 CD n o. cD a • o S LL n -� n �' O C O _Q _ O .-J .y CD 0 CD y 0 0 --t• C n v co y O y CD C • .+ ^ n S lD -f CD a c _ CA C O m_ vim, C. a-! f�'/, y O O ,< Gt 0 ', `C• 5 3• x CO • O CD a 3 ....c (,,= "' A 3 -+ N CA C0 G.'O o0 a s s CU y v, y -, ? V 5 o `D oo o. , � �. -. " 5' c 3, pc. c. , -, o°o cn ¢• o o w °c ,...In n. ,..� o -' --0 -c ac- -• c o- n sao — y s .. FD• =. -9 o v m' o n s ., 03 ° < n . accD0o , --•vnoa. CND -, -, y .- n ,< o = o " `° 4 c , IDD ,< O a n _ 0 n ° CD 0 Do n p7 ' _ y c c -v - 'c 3. O .'4 CM CI' = '7 ?^ �. m O n c 7- c n d -- C '•` A' Ft. N C0D \\ G C G ai n � � o. p G m Oho tD n co O t_,...4 y b p ? ti, O „^, co ? ro vim^, 0 = ra Q• c y 'i ,p ^ T _ CI 3 y ^n c �, cD y a n s a- CD o • = � c n a3 =� S • n. . °=ao 3 ^ °= ° a 0 3 9 S O y y Cn9 •. = z- - CnD n S S CD O- O O O P c d yCil CD -, `< ' CD CD CD , CD CD `< =,' :n .+, a, ..., .-. 7 cn , • HEWS CLIPPLYG Source_ )0)4 � -5 �"" me S Date: �- _3 7 _o� • This organization g n is the talk of all in town by Ryan S. Otto Nervous sighs were expressed as Monday mornings can be stress- Toastmasters' members began ful. reading the day's duties. But al- 1 By breakfast sometimes, the though The Book of Lists reports "things to do"list is already haifa that the fear of public speaking page long,with leftover tasks from outranks the fear of death almost last week making it even longer. two to one, the atmosphere was :And although only two days have comfortable and relaxed. 'passed, the mind and the body "Even though it's early, it's have often already forgotten the worth coming," said Flaherty af- weekday routine. ter serving as"toastmaster"of the But for some South lake resi- most recent meeting. dents who don't mind adding one "We don't usually nm meetings more item to the Monday morn- this way,"said Toastmasters presi- ing list, the weekly Toastmasters dent Mike Berry of the unusual Club meeting is a positive way to "grab bag"agenda. "Typically,the begin the workweek. responsibilities for each meeting "I've learned a lot since I be- are given in advance so everyone Came a member of Toastmasters," has a chance to prepare. It's not said Laura Flaherty,who works as always impromptu speaking." a pharmaceutical sales representa- The South lake Toastmasters' tive. hour-long meeting features three The Toastmasters' pre-April speakers, a table talk, a general Fool's day meeting was just a bit evaluation and a brief awards pre- • different,as 16 Southlake residents sentation. sat quietly in the Bicentennial Park Normally, the speakers, who Community Center and waited choose from a variety of topics,are while the gathering's special notified at least a week in advance "grab-bag" agenda was handed of the upcoming responsibility. out. (see "Group, page 3) Ove-r '�• J J r L _ , ''J .� , .J O• '!, ._. :J 'l. 11 U 5 ,. J 7 — r .J.. C c; y O 00 _ J i _ _ f p _ - _ O O ° C3 U _ y J c� u U ' r " "J ? - - 1 p A o _,, ca W G . � '. O J fV � — L «f Q O L 'l. :J _ '.� ,'.IJ ^ .. _ 'J L. f -' V > .ca.. St, ,>:,, Lam. .--. J J ! .O O ° J , _ .. R, 1 J J 'O '- O a.+ L �r .7 > i.3 4 tom z s.: >O y R cC ^k °t{py *- t'"•w- r .� ,^,^ U U �, .,k +r,'"r,,,, , CO _{ zF. .1 z,.:°Mr',�''°6 C C ;� tJ O p L o m ¢ ^o is I O U uCD >; a) L C.) a L co a. d i - y 'O L1 n •-•O a> n v . .�a.)-a U 'am, E E � a° g'r _ C9 o E ti > i,, O OU L F' cs > C.)C ! ' t-'3 o r J M .2 •_ Vs - - 7'G i 1'i' :'>::� _ p- > c� c U •• -Q_ J v o J r r p J OC UO U U - ,_ -V v�• U J z > s : — U � CG.> ' o >- , 4EWS CLIPPING Source: 1\1 w6 I Date: 3 l ouncil accepts plans for a new CISD campus Ryan S. Otto previously zoned as AG, or agri- CISD. "We're behind a little right section of the property,Gillum to! Southlake City Council ap- cultural district. now,so we'd like to move forward the City Council during Tuesda ed the re-zoning request for At the applicant's request, the as fast as possible." night's meeting. Carroll Independent School land was re-zoned as NR-PUD,or A school of this type takes about "The seventh-graders will hay rict's second addition during nonresidential planned unit devel- a year to construct,Gillum said in four football teams and both th ►eeting Tuesday. opment. a phone interview.The school dis- eighth and ninth grades will hav le land, located on the west : Along with the re-zoning re- trict expects the building to be two teams,"Gillum said. of North White Chapel Bou- quest,the CISD also received ap- ready for the 1998-99 school year. When considering the amount o rd approximately 200 feet proval for the site plan and prelimi- Attended by seventh-, eighth- home and away football games h of the intersection of Chapel nary plat plan for that land. and ninth-graders,the new school five or six soccer games and th, ins Drive and North White "We're not sure when they'll will have a football field with an possibility of one track event dur pel Boulevard, covers ap- start turning soil," said Ted eight-lane track around it and seat- ing a single school year, Gillun :imately 50.632 acres and was Gillum, superintendent of the ing for 600 on the northwestern • (see "Council,"page 2 nti..4.. ..,, A,,,,,,,CAnmste. Council which the City Council and school board operated. from page 1 Harris and Taylor agreed and said there would be 20 to 30 explained to the council that if the school-related events which would CISD felt that a portion of the de- require the use of the field lights. velopment was necessary to oper- Residents along the northern ate the school, the school district portion of the CISD property were had the legal right to do so. particularly concerned about the In order to reduce the football lighting of the football field. field's lighting effect on neighbor- Thirty-six notices were sent to ing residents, the CISD agreed to residents within 200 feet of the move the field 100 feet to the development.Nine responses from south. those opposed to the project were In addition,a 90-foot buffer was received by the city staff. established along the northern Lighting pollution, an increase property line to move parking in traffic, and the loss of privacy spaces further south and away and property value were a few con- from residential areas.The school cerns of North White Chapel Bou- district also agreed to turn off the levard resident Nina Dunn. parking lot lights closest to the "There is not enough land for a residents at night,while only leav- middle school or high school," ing only the building and its im- Dunn said in a letter received by mediate surroundings lit. the city. Tile southern property line is to At the request of the Planning be fenced as agreed upon by the and Zoning Commission to mini- school district and neighboring mize the school's impact on the residents. neighborhood,the CISD removed In previous reviews of the site, the lights from the tennis court ar- the Planning and Zoning Commis- eas.'And although the commission sion had expressed concern about recommended that the football the terminology used when dis- field lights be removed as well,the cussing the land intended to be an school district was not eager to extension of Ascot Drive. comply. Council and school district rep- "We feel that in order to operate resentatives agreed that the land this school,with our program, we would be listed as a dedicated need the lights on the football right-of-way for future develop- field,"Gillum told the City Coun- ment. cil. "If in the future a road needs to Councilman David Harris ques be put there, it can be, Gillum tioned city attorney E.Allen Tay- said."But we don't expect it to be for during Tuesday night's meet- anytime soon." ing about the legal environment in NEWS CLIPPDIG Source: N c — Date: Substance abuse council Speedway organizin in Southiake traffic plan gvideo available News and Times All CISD students and South- News and Times , The Southlake/Carroll Indepen- lake residents are encouraged to A video of the Traffic Plan dent School District Council on attend the informational meeting presentation is now available Alcohol and Drug Abuse will hold to become more aware of and learn for checkout from Tracy its first meeting April 8 from 7 to how to prevent alcohol and drug Southers, Public Information 9 p.m. in the student activity cen- abuse. Officer.The video is approxi- ter at Carroll High School. mately 50 minutes in length. HEWS CLIPPLYG Source: L1 � ♦ AI I Date: I 1 Public Works Update •Beginning Monday,April 7,work will begin on the railroad cross- ing on Brumlow. The road will remain open during construction of the concrete crossing. • Work continues north of Bob Jones Road on the White Chapel 12-inch water line. •The Dove Road paving project will go out for bid in the next two to four weeks. •Sewer projects for Diamond Estates,Mission Hills and Huntwide will also go out for bid in the next two to four weeks. NEWS CLIPPING Source: JGI I LGIS /U j• keiWs - Date: [� `� ■ '.'SOUTHLARE - The City eduticil voted Tuesday to cancel' c :its May 3 general election bee cause all candidates are unop- . -posed: Council member Wayne c."Moffatt and Mayor Rick Stacy face, no challengers. The filing "�d�,adline for the council race was ,.,31ax'cli 19. NEWS CUPPING Source: Ql, 16 3 /�/� l�1' n 1 rl G /v QW 4J Date: 4- ■ new Webosite� went on lineeth s week. The site includes information on staff and elected officials; meet- ing agendas, calendars and min- utes; and information on public safety. The site also provides links to related Internet pages such as those maintained by the Southlake Chamber of Com- merce, the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the Carroll school district. South- lake's Web address is http://www.ci.southlake.tx.y. 164, SPIN =� bcpA SPIN News NEWS CLIPPLNG Sour' Alcohol and Drug Abuse $O%ikIciLtP/(.5S r Date: Informational Meeting - to be held on April 8 at the Carroll High School auditorium at 7:00 PM. SPIN Neighborhood # 7 - will meet in the City Council's chambers in City Hall on April 11 at 7:00 PM. Discussions will cover current zoning requests in the area, discuss how the speedway traffic effected the neighborhood, or any other topic involving the city. SPIN Rep. is Darrell Faglie, call 481-5581 ext. 887. SPIN Neighborhood #14 - will have a neighborhood council meeting on April 14 at 7:00 PM in the Old Union Room. Conversant Phone System - As part of the city's continuing effort to find efficient methods of communicating upcoming meetings, it is installing a conversant phone system. The system is presently being programmed and should be up and running by mid-April. With this system you will be able to call the number and get an up to date list of all meetings going on in the city. Brumlow crossing repairs - the railroad crossing at - Brumlow and Hwy. 26 will receive some badly needed repairs beginning on April 7. The crossing will remain open during the project, but expect even longer delays than usual, the job is only supposed to last 2 to 4 days. NEWS CLIPPLNG Source: 1-( r' C Date: I � Preparations underway for "Celebration Southlake" on May 3rd Progress Report arts and crafts booths/exhibits, food and beverages, and for the The City will be hosting children there will be a giant "Celebration Southlake, " a maze, bounce house, clowns, community fair and kite festival magicians and more. And the in honor of the city's 40th city is offering local clubs and birthday. It will be held on May organizations the opportunity to 3rd from 12:00 noon until 7:00 set up games booths for fund- PM at Bicentennial Park. raising purposes. Sponsorships The party will offer are available to local businesses something for the entire family. and the city is expecting Festivities will include the kite between 3000 and 5000 people festival, local entertainment, to attend. • NEWS CL1PPLNG Source: `�c YW Date: Council to begin deliberations on Timarron commercial coal development Progress Report understand and agree on the "I agree," added P&Z's recommendation. commissioner Debra The City Council and Southlake City Edmondson, "we were trying to the Planning and Zoning Manager, Curtis Hawk said, steer them in a certain Commission (P&Z) held their "The reason for these meetings direction." final work session on the has been to clarify some of the comissioners Westerra Timarron items P&Z put in their were all'ineagreement that with development on Monday, recommendation prior to the so many variables involved March 31st in council Council's deliberations." The limiting the amount of chambers. Council is making every effort commercial retail acreage The 531 acres in three to avoid spending a lot of time allowed was the only way they non-contiguous tracts has been rehashing things that the could effectively control the in the rezoning process since commission has already spent look of the 114 corridor. September of last year. To say months talking about, he added. "This is the best we the least it has raised more One of the major could come up with given what public concern than any other concerns of the P&Z through we had to work with," said development to date, if for no the whole proceeding has been commissioner Jim Murphy. other reason than its shear size. to preserve the visual integrity Mayor Rick Stacy was As in the previous work along the Hwy. 114 corridor. not completely sold on the retail session the Council was trying Their way of doing that was to acreage limitation concept. to get a handle on the complex limit the acreage available for "This may not be advantageous recommendation passed by the commercial retail uses. "We for the city," he said, "retail is P&Z. Clarification on points need to plan what we want for where we get our sales tax like usage limitations, building our city along this corridor," revenues." setbacks, bufferyards, building said commissioner Dona Mayor Stacy asked the heights, access to residential Schroetke, "I don't want to give developers if they would be streets and landscape area were them (Timarron) carte blanche interested in breaking down the discussed by the two groups. to line pad sites up and down three tracts into smaller ones Timarron officials were also 114. I'm most concerned about involved so that both sides fully the look of the corridor." see"Council" page 6 cl ego v CD co et. N 3o.o c n ,1 ag• A o �• 5 rD co cp go v o eD -i o cr °' g =a: r4 o O • n w c y CD CD • B CD 4 c9 G. m CD d0 To : i y a• 3 s o 3 p. °° 1 C — ma y O 7 y S P• -, yam 3 << — o0 ccoo co c cD o y v- o• o � fD 8 O CD " 5f i FPel S 5 S c°o S = t CD •<< coo -a I) y CD < CD < �a .c o cD 'a c) - Li, • 0 NI O (AC c Z CM O. = o o o o cD -al 3 S 7 0- CD dQ CD CDD .< 'L7 CO ? H 0- {i N G CD A� G. CD O :: .-i ug CI C - H H y O �. Q1 Q. O r '3 Cr eD .1) CD O C < 0 O .�. dQ ._. v� O i - m •L3 ge H y rn o O Q O a, pptt O. n. 3 n c Nt. ". '< Z O.6 "' > > ° O a. a cm o. H: @ H o '' 0 o O cD es 0 ili! tiiF!! • i- ILi 11.11. � 'I Cl. 9 ; so co _ � ccO O ri k< do c 0 H 0 ccp e) A eD = eD C dQ o c g y o- a • o . CD o O 8 0 g CDtoo O ? SdQ eb A7 .Q dQ rn �. lD ia n ". S � cnS. Dano ?. ° •< D * $ O y " b c `0 o " Cr CD aC X S '•r z N A y � o N• _-' .-. o 2 t C ..s O CD �• LA • < p. CD 7 eSD = O, ._-, dQ ai CO' S dQ = CD i NEWS CLIPPING Source: 3'1 u `W7 L luk Prz i SS Date: I ` City adopts is park names Progress Report and sent to City Council for final approval. The City of Southlake At their. March 18th Parks and Recreation Board meeting the Council accepted conducted a "Name the and approved the choices made Neighborhood parks" publicity by the Youth Board. campaign during the months of January and February. The Park Lonesome Dove Park - for the Board then asked the Youth park located in the Lonesome, Park Board to review the Dove subdivision. suggestions and make a Koalaty Park - for the park recommendation for selection. next to Carroll Elementary, On Monday, March 10 the School. Youth board made their Noble Oaks Park-for the park recommendation to the Park donated by the Versailles Board which it in turn approved developers. City of Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING FROM STAFF: MONDAY. APRIL 14, 1997 LOCATION: Administrative Offices 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas TIME: 11:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. AGENDA Discussion: Development Issues. Certificate I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, and Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, April 11, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.(or /list/A. flf= Sandra L. LeGrandv I City Secretary g� If you plan to attend this public briefing and4 ' disability that requiems special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581 extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. C City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 11, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Resolution No. 97-24, Authorizing the City Attorney to Proceed with Condemnation of 0.067 Acre Tract of Land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and Being a Portion of a Tract of Land Conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, Inc., 0.149 Acre Tract of Land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and Being a Portion of a Tract of Land Conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, Inc., 0.074 Acre Tract of Land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 89 and Being a Portion of a Tract of Land Conveyed to Billy W. Hayek0.202 Are Tract of Land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899and Being a Portion of a Tract of Land Conveyed to Anita Prade,to Acquire the Property for a Permanent 20 ft. Utility Easement,on the South Side of E. Southlake Blvd.,West of Carroll Ave. Background The attached resolution will authorize the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation action in regards to obtaining a 20-foot permanent utility easement across three properties on E. Southlake Blvd.,east of Carroll Ave. Southlake's right-of-way agent has been working with the three property owners and based upon his understanding that the easements were forthcoming,staff recommended and City Council awarded a bid for the construction of the 20-inch water line for which the easement was being obtained. The necessary easements have been acquired from the seven other property owners impacted by the project. Comments The three properties are being appraised and based upon the appraisal,a final offer letter will be sent. Seven days from the mailing of the "final offer" letter, the city attorneys will proceed to file the condemnation lawsuit for the purpose of acquiring the 20-foot permanent utility easements. Staff recommends that City Council approve Resolution No. 97-24, authorizing the city attorney to proceed with condemnation of 0.067 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, Inc., 0.149 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, Inc., 0.074 acre tract of land in the Obediah W.Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Billy W. Hayes, 0.202 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being (11110/ 58-1 CURTIS E.HAWK 20'PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT APRIL 11, 1997 PAGE 2 a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Anita Prade, to acquire the property for a permanent 20 ft. utility easement, on the south side of E. Southlake Blvd., west of Carroll Ave. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for April 15, 1997, for City Council's review and consideration. B W/ls Attachments: Resolution 97-24 Exhibits A and B M:\WP_PILES\RES\97 O24 MEM (NW cow 53 2 RESOLUTION NO.97-24 thowl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING A CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS FOUR PARCELS OF LAND,ON E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD.,WEST OF CARROLL AVE. FOR USE BY THE CITY OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES PERMITTED BY LAW. Whereas, the City of Southlake is in the process of constructing a twenty(20) inch water transmission main which will serve existing and future developments in the city; and Whereas, in order to complete construction of the project, it is necessary for the city to acquire easement from property owner; and Whereas,the city council has determined that certain tracts of land would be in the public interest to acquire for the future permanent utility easement or, in the alternative, for utilization for other public purposes; and Whereas, the city and the owner of said property have been unable to reach an agreement on the acquisition of this property; and Whereas,the city council now deems it necessary to authorize the city attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings in order to acquire the necessary easement. • NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The city attorney is hereby authorized to bring a condemnation lawsuit for the purpose of acquiring a permanent easement across the following parcels of land and being more particularly described as exhibits "A"and exhibits"B": 58-3 A. Being a 0.067 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, Inc. by deed in Volume 12069,Page 1671 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas(D.R.T.C.T.) B. Being a 0.149 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership,Inc. by deed in Volume 12069, Page 1675 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas(D.R.T.C.T.) C. Being a 0.074 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Billy W.Hayes,by deed in Volume 6551,Page 938 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) D. Being a 0.202 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Anita Prade,by deed in Volume 2835, Page 358 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) SECTION 2 The city council finds that such acquisition in this condemnation action is necessary in order to serve the public health, safety and welfare. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15TH DAY OF APRIL 1997. Mayor Attest: City Secretary MAW r-FILES\RESV N36Y65 C 58-4 rn 0) b I C a 8 0 I La ao e 0 N I u a S. o I , 0 J. I Z oo ci I 3 f.) o U w = I 8 CI to m �3♦ __ 1 fi O I mac i I N N O I 0) 9a N CO m 0 M N w n N N I < i5gac�wi 66 Q pp I I � 51. YNpNpZMcoL0H Z 81I < mWL°"' ki W I °o w VI o O. o �' " o 0 � W I J •*OW ~ Q a u m (*.Auk y - oa CO rn,, creE". � + Y o y E , Ia awo �, I = Cr) e % o 5 > F- � wv,. a` c o 0 W w g.10> W"t. Z cr, e �on m o r o l co i 'A3 "�o cn }a<,o,o v . " E F -{PAN a:peJ co —wog v� < a�7� oerx i< .c c « o IZ'i 01 `e w <Y.i SI m o 0 0a. CA I Jo li b 6aNX^co N ` a o o� r < o 0 3 0 + y„ �' K coN� =L. y u >,t N Z u o �icl r w oImoo: E4 N JOo T N} „ c en = gip CL I I c o m a E «v `o . I z E N 0 0 •N h o I rn w o t E . o F^ c U o i 4Nphc ro Zo'N U c .� a • `o c 5 71 • p1`< R. ,« 's .. C1 U�p W ` U u ai 8 N N� =N Q q W + U W1fVCY <I U> M. wI 1( +PS.. <f•• + of 1� M Witt N an CC u/•.4 J 0•Q V I r`.. w Q4:? o •1 dS•• Sr' ‘, rn w• N n 5B-5 (re EXHIBIT'B' 20'PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.067 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899, City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership,Inc. by deed in Volume 12069,Page 1671 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas, (D.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the-northwest corner of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract, said point being in the South right-of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709;said point also being the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Bear Creek Communities,Inc.by deed in Volume 9827, Page 917 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas, (D.R.T.C.T.); THENCE N 89° 18'28"E,along the north line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 147.43 feet to a point for a corner in the South right-of- way line of State Highway F.M. 1709,said point being the northeast corner of said Rucker tract; THENCE S 03°02'40"W, along the east line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 20.04 feet to a point for a corner in the east line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract; THENCE S 89° 18'28"W, for a distance of 146.17 feet to a point for a corner in the west line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract; THENCE N 00°33'30"W,along the west line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing within these metes and bounds 0.067 acres or 2,936 square feet of land more or less. F:1 WORDILEGALS%432-L 19o.DOC 5B-6 al II H_______. 8 gi ii i I t .., la Iog d AI I I 1 co gm$ 1 o � �� I I ( W�w Pg6 81 mqb I k §w80 so I I H Igo 1 r� g I t- }-. I 1 8 wI 24200* C 74 u po I y E4 U 119 .-J o a wgb IV Lit, i Q o 2 ii il it w tl 1 I t. Ii R wig sis p 0.4. c4 N 4e7 Dili k ,� c< w w .• E4 tql ;: N«o E oyo 'apo \\Ic °$ o II M E • tL � • Z O J k° � �r Px W C tl a c' a y b� ° 1 Z po Y Q cc JjJJ•w. •W' pYam\ a •IOTA — (O(N 4 5 A H p ) 41- m� kot r \\•=Q• - 0, N n 513-7 • EXHIBIT'B' 20'PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.149 acre tract of land in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899, City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, by deed in Volume 11069,Page 1675 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas,(D.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract, said point being in the South rigfit-of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709; THENCE N 89° 18'28"E,along the north line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 324.10 feet to a point for a corner in the South right-of- way line of State Highway F.M. 1709,said point being the northeast corner of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract and the northwest corner of a tract of land convey the the toed The Southiake Partnership,by deed in Volume 7750,Page 1690 Records of Tarrant County Texas, (D.R.T.C.T.); THENCE S 01°44' 17"E,along the east line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 20.00 feet to a point for a corner in the east line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract; THENCE S 89° 18'28"W, for a distance of 324.98 feet to a point for a corner in the west line of said Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract; THENCE N 00°47'06"E,along the west line of said.Rucker Family LTD Partnership tract for a distance of 20.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing within these metes and bounds 0.149 acres or 6,491 square feet of land more or less. F:\W ORD1LEOA1432-L192.DOC Lie 58-8 CI) I I op Npo I } 8 EEO o _ I $-. $ .,Wta r > CA R I " age n v o u ~ �Jy� t y n lobs o U $ I wit 4. CI i mpo i Selo g , 01 MC b 0 m003 i 1_ "' N n Q I -< w IR a� W Im 0. II 4 - 0 �+ \I 1 y p a 0 El J o a **OW or y O. i•-: t .rams, c „ E 0 ti I �' $ 1 �� z '' jco I p a` °v W $ t�p I on p W(�a �<{ v u° '- CO N i W n !AO 0 F >pf� ! Y a '1 I o �n �a ^�� CO40 Cif 0,.. a C T _ 6 gas15a �, I fil r 15* pro 65 m ' . o C� Qy / 1 rp,0 = av >,L N ce aI 5 14.1 < >, m a 1 0 �„ � 4. v13 —_I i ci 43 o E F. o pa. 3 -aen ci am ' n I o ° a " o I ycS - E ov o c .r. ` ? Z (o O C q 3 p O 09 1 W O w I CO00C 0° Frn cLi "a a` r'a 1 y �aWi J000c v I 3rz< O O N v a. al $ g yyU��2O - `2a. V N „ + U Wsc O PI WaV , Rcc I I K L., , t I LJW▪ N0 �W':7 y.\, /r`,• r oa?.,. x 1s• 03•••W' 0 SB-9 N n Cie EXHIBIT'B' 20'PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.074 acre tract of land in the Obediah W.Knight Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas and being a portion tract of land conveyed t Survey,Abstract No. too�Bil y W Hayes, by deed in Volume 6551,Page 938 of the Deed Records of Tarrant (D.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: County Texas, BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Hayes tract, said point being right- of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709, saidtthe South of land conveyed to Rucker Family LTD Partnership, also Inc.being deeded Volumenortheast corner , a tract Page 1671 of the Deed Records of Tarrant � in 12069, County Texas, (D.R.T.C.T.); THENCE N 89° 18'28"E,along the north line of said Hayes tract for a distance of 160.84 feet to a point for a corner in the South right-of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709,said point being the northeast corner of said Rucker tract; THENCE S 00°47'06"W,along the east line of said Hayes tract for a distance of 20.01 feet to a point for a corner in the east line of said Hayes tract; THENCE S 89° 18'28"W, for a distance of 161.63 feet to a point for a corner in the west line of said Hayes tract; THENCE N 03°02'40" E,along the west line of said Hayes tract for a distance of 20.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing within these metes and bounds 0.074 acres or 3,225 square feet of land more or less. FAWORD1LEOALS1432.L191.DOC C 5B-10 • • I • ( Ei1 2 I I 8 r, o (1Ikre I w e �1 O env ��oa a v� .. 10 i I 3 P e � z� 4 1 glg h Iy A I U - --.GiQ3♦ !__ 1 '! 2 Ji pii3 _ � � p . Q. 0 w I p A�'$ N80ONi 1...N c`o w O EON EO �O�in h Q o a ti Edp y. y W���' t oc °�E g .�s I a� n k' ID g �CIsioI. F ,in Ed alit .1 < tIm N es :21 CS CVS Ep >.5 N I fi 11j j tin i 1 8 1 0 o co h L' H �E I 1• ca. • It � w 1 Y eQ g ti; 0 Q sty I ,.. ¢US ( 4.I� _ CO 017 cja ' `' I p \o (Ai- v N pa OCp r`.6. Ow pV;. I 5B-11 n 4- EXHIBIT'B' (mo? 20'PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.202 acre tract of land in the Obediah W.Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899, City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Anita Prade,by deed in Volume 2835,Page 358 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County Texas, (D.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Prade tract,said point being in the South right- of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709 and also being the northeast corner of a tract and being in a curve to the right having a radius of 11,394.16 feet,a central angle of 00°53'51",a chord bearing of S 89°32'22"E and a chord distance of 178.48 feet; THENCE Southeasterly along said curve being the north line of said Prade tract for a curve distance of 178.48 feet to a point for a corner,said point also being in the south right-of-way line of State Highway F.M. 1709; THENCE S 89°05'27"E,along the north line of said Prade tract for a distance of 261.55 feet to a point for a corner,said point also being in the south right-of- way line of State Highway F.M. 1709 and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue; THENCE S 00°26'43"E,along the east line of said Prade tract and the west right-of- way line of Carroll Avenue for a distance of 20.01 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89°05'27"W,for a distance of 261.94 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N 89°32'22"W, for a distance of 178.01 feet to a point for a corner, said point being in the west line of the Prade tract; THENCE N 00°39'33"W,along the west line of said Prade tract for a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing within these metes and bounds 0.202 acres or 8,800 square feet of land more or less. FAWORMEGA 432daor.DOC L 58-12 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Award Contract Mowing Bid As you know,during the FY 1996-97 budget process we added a line item for contract mowing of city parks, city facilities, rights-of-ways, medians, and state highway rights-of-ways of FM 1709 and Highway 114. The budget is $72,400. Twenty-five bid proposals were distributed. Eight bidders submitted bids, attached is a tabulation of the bids. The mowing contracts are set-up to be paid monthly as the designated sites are mowed. Each site is quoted separately per mowing. If it is too wet to mow or too dry to have anything to mow, then the contractor will not mow and will not be paid. Some sites are mowed twice a week, some weekly and some bi-weekly. The right-a-way mowing of FM 1709 and Highway 114 is scheduled monthly but will not be done the two months that the state highway department mows, so we can continue to take advantage of the state mowing contract. Attached is the bid sheet which outlines the projected mowings needed for each site specified. The Park staff recommend Grounds Masters,Inc.,who was the low bid for parks,medians and city facilities mowing. Their references checked out positively. The cost per mowing all the sites specified is $1,331. The total cost for FY 1996-97 is projected not to exceed $36,473. The Street staff recommend Landscaping Today, who was the low bid for rights-of-way mowing. Their references checked out positively. The cost per mowing of all sites specified is $3,510. The total cost for FY 1996-97 is projected not to exceed $35,640. The total bid award for FY 1996-97 will not exceed $72,113 which is within our budget. Please put an item on the April 15, City Council agenda for City Council to award the contract mowing bid. If you have any questions please call me at 481-5581 extension 757. KML crir 5C - \ • U— 0 0 0 < 0 0 0 ., w w N Z coi m 0 u 0. n n o ei, v ri ttS � N w co NI w m 3 0 0 0� g 0 0 0 F w w Z e o 0 o CNI Iliw COw w IA N Q• C Q N O O 0 -si O 0 J ~ N O NI Oot N 1.6 V N f� at e1 Ot Z e N fV N n W N H N N H N ✓ a a o o a o 0 0 O Z Z N Z m 0 LL N H N N tV O I to } -U� < < 0 0 < o 0 0 ~ 3 E z Z o to Z o 0 0 o m n m o U r,= 1.141 H w w " to- to = aoo < < 0 0 0 < o 0 0 0 0 0 Y: Z Z o z o n o O N N N .A N N LL O e Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 z N co co co N 0 o N 0 2 m 0 0 0 0 O or O E o 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 >. o CO w w to w N N N N Q 1.4. 0 0 o of OP CO O . E o 0 o O O ci P 0) 0 Z e to Q N N v1 N O cocoananIA (00N m 0 01 O O O� m 0 0 f11 m fo OI 1A O! OI N N N V t0 N, fh thi N ?i t7 N NI N HI H, N, N l • i C Z E of of 0 0� of o 0 0 Q e N. ei:, N vl o, o 0 0 ! I �Q ' O' O', O 0',• OI ol o'. Oi J E o 0 0 of o of o; of y t0 O! N O O''. CI N' Ni t0 e) N N1 vI of <I eV.- r INHi N N: VIHi N'I U I Q Et en <Z o 0 o I o 0 0'1 0 mZ O O O I N O N O Z - — - 4- N co N N ^ N O N co co N N U cL N NN o I O OO OO O OO OO O m WtriOO N O O N O O O N O 17. O LL w Hi N 'N HINNiHI 1 I CO < E 0 .i 0 oI o' o o' o W O.e. co Ni 0 O GI O N aI m too m tcooI rn O H w Ni w w co w NI Z i I N O O Q � en O Y 7 C I 1 e D O oC N m2a. I. QQ a ou , cec e -6 a CO = n Z l a ac �c o a, la c 31 J a Z Y y t 411110... aVcO ,ti vo H ccl nJ $' o el e YI m a a — o c a 1 rO a o bc V. m 0 m iI De c1 UI n enJ EI cBB02i co c : l I �I I j o — u c 0- Q o 2. s 2 o�, pi Z ? 1i W co Ji Y n u O' cc CI EI GI J'', C `w! — N e! �1 co /0 A co 01 ^O E c� o c r. N' m'. e, c'1 _ E E E E E E E EI E E E j 1 f! ( :: ..I 0, UI F-; K' 0, se _ • Request For Bid City of Southlake,Texas Grounds Maintenance Contract Based on Seven (7) Day Cycles/Twenty-nine(29) Weekly Mowing Cycles Total Price Price per Per Item Parks/Facility Location Acreage Mowing Facility OPTION A, ITEMS 1-9: 1 Bicentennial Park 400 N. White Chapel 30.0 x 58 2 Koalaty Park 1725 W. Continental Road 5.69 x 29 3 Noble Oaks Park 900 S. Carroll Road 5.0 x 29 4 City Hall 667 N. Carroll Ave. 1.0 x 29 5 Median on Kimball Road between 1709 and 114 1.0 x 29 6 Trail Connection 1432 Dartmouth .0944 x 29 7 Equestrian Trail 1601 Shady Oaks Drive .2328 x 16 8 Equestrian Trail 880 Harbor Court .1212 x 16 9 Bob Jones Park 3901 N. White Chapel Blvd. 30.0 x 16 OPTION B, ITEM 10: 10 City ROW See Exhibit A 36.0 x 29 OPTION C, ITEMS 11 & 12: 11 Highway 114 Wall Street to Kirkwood 62.0 x 5 12 Highway 1709 Wall Street to Pearson 19.0 x 5 TOTAL BID 11 �C-3 --NI„Ail-k- . . x\p‘ii cn U) -J O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O N a0 M v O O O oO Cp 00 00 v' v a0 O v O v CO v O O O O O M w N N .- x- O N O v N c7 ch ,- M O w- r- to O v 0 0 O N M N c'7 cM } 0 J Q w F- w Q J_ X 0 ce o_ Q w Cl) a) - � a) o >o lbor Z 73 L Co Ca 0 >, - • = cn = J D 0ONV .n a) >, a) >' L 0 — C o �OD az � c - v D DiDcalo E � � � A � � ai a) oo � - � O 0c a)a z o o o E rn w CO co o o o 0 °° a) > -o >, > m m a) a) o � � To o ou) o c •c0 cT° L o a) •- = 00 000 U 0) aa)) a) aa)) ac) ,- uj o — o o C _J o w 0 0 (Z) 0 (-)0 0 > o c'u o 0 a) _c .c E .c .c >. o ho a o -) . cn > �v og oc CO a.) ° o ° ° > o' 0 0 ° .- U cUU rn .> EYn- Ya o o ` oU aso ° � aYo >, Zw ZoY _ _ I w Q z I- w > > m m a) ° a) L cD co w a) a) a) m C a _ c U C C C (D J a) 2 — N °o C Y 2 0 L 3 _o .n o > �' - >, c ate) cr O C o - o o cc z J O a) U m m o cc)0 E C . C o > ` c .n U a) co O, Q) _C 8) 0 Y 0 - .� (lire` mD cD cD t o O C 13 w � mm0UV000ti ='-) YJ _iwda ctiicncncnI- DZcn City of Southlake,Texas MEMOR &NDUM April 11, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 674, an Ordinance cancelling the May 3, 1997 General Election. • Ordinance No. 674, 2nd reading, will enable the City Council to cancel the May 3, 1997 General Election and declaring each unopposed candidate elected to office. A requirement of Sections 2.051-.054 of the Election Code is that the ordinance be posted at the election day voting location in both English and Spanish. I have attached a copy of the ordinance as it will be posted on election day. After election day (May 3, 1997), Council will issue certificates of election to the unopposed candidates, and they are sworn in to office in the same manner provided for a candidate elected at an election. A statement of elected officer will be filed with the Statutory Documents Division of the Secretary of State before the new officer can be sworn in. If yqu have questions, please let me know. /61/f/1// /sl L (rnie ORDINANCE NO. 674 AN ORDINANCE CANCELLING THE MAY 3, 1997 GENERAL ELECTION AND DECLARING EACH UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE ELECTED TO OFFICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with law a general election has been ordered for May 3, 1997 for the purpose of electing council members to serve on the city council in the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, no proposition is to appear on the ballot in that election; and WHEREAS, the city secretary has certified in writing that each candidate on the cie ballot is unopposed for election to office; and WHEREAS, the filing deadlines for placement on the ballot and declaration of write- in candidacy have passed; and WHEREAS, in these circumstances Subchapter C of Chapter 2 of the Election Code authorizes a governing body to declare each unopposed candidate elected to office and cancel the election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The following candidates, who are unopposed in the May 3, 1997 general election, f:\files\slake\ordinance\cancel.ele(03-24-97) • Coe are hereby declared elected to office, and shall be issued a certificate of election: Mayor: Rick Stacy Place 2: Wayne Moffat SECTION 2. The city secretary is directed to post a copy of this ordinance at each designated polling place on May 3, 1997. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. C Cf: files slake ordinance cancel.ele(03-24-97) 2 (Nre PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199_. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney f: files slake ordinance Vancelele(03-24-97) 3 qa. Cityof Southlake .� • Administrative Offices �uthla � ------ Office of the City Secretary Mayor: Rick Stacy Mayor Pro Tern: N.Ralph Evans Deputy Mayor ProTem: CERTIFICATION ?amelaA.Muller OF Co'ncilmembers: 'Nane Moffat CITY SECRETARY David A.Harris Gary Fawks Scott F.Martin I, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary for the City of Southlake, Texas, and the City Manager: authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared for the May 3, 1997 Curtis E.Hawk General Election, do hereby certify that the following candidates are unopposed for Assistant City Manager: election to the Office of Mayor and Councilmember Place 2 in the May 3, 1997 Shana K.Yelverton • General Election, that no write-in candidates have filed to be placed on the list of city rretary: write-in candidates, and that no proposition appears on the ballot: Sa ..eGrand MAYOR: RICK STACY COUNCILMEMBER PLACE 2: WAYNE MOFFAT O• 01NLAlKF'4i4 /ail/Aka/ A, • 0. Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake tie Date: March 20, 1997 L 1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 488-6796 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' • (iire ORDENANZA NO. 674 UNA ORDENANZA PARA CANCELAR LA ELECCION GENERAL DEL DIA 3RO DE MAYO Y PARA DECLARAR COMO YA ELEGIDO AL OFICIO DE REFERENCIA CADA CANDIDATO NO OPUESTO EN SU CANDIDATURA Y PARA ESTABLECER UNA FECHA DE ENTRADA EN VIGOR. POR CUANTO, la Ciudad de Southlake, Texas, es un municipio de gobernacion autonoma, funcionando bajo su Carta Municipal, adoptada esta por los votantes siguiendo el Articulo XI, Seccion 5 de la Constitucion de Texas y el Capitulo 9 del Codigo para Gobernacion Local; y POR CUANTO, de acuerdo con la ley, ha sido ordenada una eleccion general para el dia 3ro de mayo de 1997 cuyo proposito seria el de elegir a concejales a servir en el Ayuntamiento Municipal de la Ciudad de Southlake, y POR CUANTO no hay proposicion(es) a imprimirse en la balota para aquella eleccion; y POR CUANTO ha dado fe la Secretaria Municipal de forma escrita de que cada candidato nombrado en la balota queda sin oposicion en su candidatura para eleccion as oficio que anhela ejecer, y POR CUANTO ya paso la fecha final del plazo para inscribir nombres en la balota y tambien para delaraciones de candidatura por inscipcion especial ("write-in"), y POR CUANTO autoriza en estas circunstancias el Sub-capitulo C del Capitulo 2 del Codigo de Elecciones que un cuerpo gobernador declare a cada candidato sin oponente como ya elegido al oficio de referencia y que cancele la eleccion, • AHORA, PUES, SEA ORDENADO POR EL AYUNTAMIENTO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, QUE: SECCION I. Los siguientes candidatos sin oponentes en la eleccion general a celebrarse en el dia 3 de mayo de 1997 han sido por la presente declarados como y a elegidos a servir en los oficios para los cuales se anunciaron respectivamente, a saber: Alcalde Mayor Rick Stacy Sitio 2 Wayne Moffat SECCION 2. La Secretaria Municipal tendra el deber [y la autorizacion] de fijar una copia de esta orde nanza en cada sido designado para votacion en el dia 3ro de mayo de 1997. SECCION 3. Esta ordenanza entrara en pleno vigor y vigencia a partir y despues, de su aprobacion, y asi sea ordenado [y decretado]. ACEPTADO Y APROBADO EN SU LECTURA INICIAL ESTE DIA DE DE 1997. Alcalde Mayor Doy Fe: Secretaria Municipal 7a -? ACEPTADO Y APROBADO EN SU LECTURA SUBSECUENTE ESTE DIA DE DE 1997. Alcalde Mayor Doy Fe: Secretaria Municipal APROBADO EN CUANTO A SU FORMA Y LEGALIDAD: Abogado Municipal LA CIUDAD DE SOUTHLAKE OFICINAS ADMINISTRATIVAS OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL. CERTIFICACION C." de la SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL Yo, Sandra L. LeGrand, Secretaria Municipal de la Ciudad de Southlake, Texas, y las persona con autorizacion de preparar las balota oficial para la Eleccion General, doy fe por la presente que los siguientes candidatos han quedado sin oposicion a su eleccion a los Oficios respectivos de Alcalde Mayor y de Concejal del Sitio 2 en la Eleccion General del dia 3ro de mayo de 1997, que tampoco se han archivado como candidatos de inscripcion especial ("write-in") personas algunas, y que no se nota proposicion alguna en la balota: ALCALDE MAYOR: RICK STACY CONCEJAL SITIO 2 WAYNE MOFFAT Sandra L. LeGrand Secretaria Municipal Ciudad de Southlake Fecha: Dia 20 de marzo de 1997 D:\W P-FILES\CITYSEC\TRANSLAT\ORD674 C 7et- 1 • City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-002 PROJECT: Second Reading/Ordinance No.480-233 Rezoning and Site Plan/Carroll I.S.D.No.2 7-8-9 Grade Secondary School STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Site Plan of approximately 50.632 acres situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and being Tract 10. LOCATION: On the west side of North White Chapel Boulevard and approximately 200' north of the intersection of Chapel Downs Drive and North White Chapel Boulevard OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Cheatham& Associates CURRENT ZONING: "AG"Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential(may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) NO.NOTICES SENT: Thirty-six(36) RESPONSES: Nine(9)responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Kenneth Burke, 125 W. Chapel Downs Drive, Southlake, opposed. "The decision that you are about to make will negatively impact the value, safety, and quality of life for the property that I own on the corner of the Oak Hill Estates subdivision." See attached letter. • Jill and Robert O'Neal, 101 Ascot, Southlake, undecided. "We request that the following changes be made: 1) no lighting of athletic facilities and that there use be restricted to school use only(No joint use!)2)add sidewalks along White Chapel and through the Durham with crosswalks across White Chapel. 3)No road(or driveway)connecting Shady Oaks and White Chapel on school property. The city, not the school district, should be built necessary roads. Highland should be improved by the city." • Stephen Zerebe, 101 E. Chapel Downs, Southlake, in favor. ". . . concerned about traffic on Whites Chapel and a paved sidewalk on Whites Chapel from 1709 to Highland." • Margaret Kothmann, 923 Dove Creek Trl., Southlake, undecided. City of Southlake,Texas "Traffic,noise/too much,lack of trees-Not looking like a commercial area. I really do not want a 5 lane freeway behind our house!" • Bert Yetman, 459 W. Highland, Southlake, opposed. "Noise levels - Diminished property values, lights at night-Distribution of trees." • James Evers, 102 Belmont Pl., Southlake, opposed. "Our house backs up to White Chapel. There already significant traffic on White Chapel. Few cars adhere to the 40 mph speed limit. Recent appraisal (1/97) reflected a devaluation of$10,000-$15,000 from 8/95 appraisal due in part to proposed development." • Daniel and Audrey Hodan, 205 West Chapel Downs Drive, Southlake, opposed. "We urge the Commission and the City of Southlake council to make decisions as if their property was next to this request." See attached letter. • Glennis Davidson, 479 W. Highland St., Southlake,opposed. "Stadium lights -noise -traffic - litter- loss of trees - environmental loss - loss of rural atmosphere and privacy, and property value." • Nina Louise Dunn, 950 N. White Chapel Blvd., Southlake, opposed. "Loss of privacy, property value, country environment, nature, trees, animal habitat, more noise, traffic, light pollution, litter, not enough land for middle school or high school, no mention of practice field in school land." One(1)response was received outside the 200' notification area: • *Nora Coon, 240 Green Oaks Lane, Southlake. Letter states concerns with location,lot size,building height request,traffic,and lighting. See attached letter. *NOTE: This response was received prior to submittal.of zoning and site plan request. A letter with sixty-two(62)signatures stating "concerns," was submitted by Oak Hill Homeowners Association. Two (2) residents are within the 200' notification area. Sixty(60)residents are outside the 200' notification area. Letter states: "We feel that the decisions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission will directly affect the future property values of our neighborhood as well as our quality of life." See attached letter and list of resident signatures with additional comments. A letter with thirty-four (34) signatures was received from "Concerned Residents, City of Southlake, TX"stating concerns and issues regarding: proposed road from North White Chapel Boulevard to Ascot Drive and lighting of athletic fields. Four(4)residents are within the 200' notification area. Thirty (30) residents are outside the 200' notification area. See attached letter. A letter was received signed "Concerned Property Owners" stating that they would like to exclude stadiums,tennis courts, and practice fields because of stadium lights,traffic noise, litter,environmental loss, loss of property value, and loss of privacy. See attached letter. • City of South lake,Texas P&Z ACTION: February 6, 1997;Approved(7-0)at the applicant's request to table until the February 20, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. February 20, 1997; Approved (7-0) to close the public hearing and to table until the March 20, 1997 Planning& Zoning Commission meeting. March 20, 1997;Approved(5-2) subject to Plan Review No. 3 dated March 14, 1997 amended as follows: 1) Amend item#4 to provide a 6' masonry or wood fence along the north and south property lines to fill in gaps unless a waiver in writing is received from the adjacent owner; 2) Proposed building to be limited to a maximum of 3 stories; 3) No lights on tennis courts or football field; 4) Provide a 4'to 5' chain link fence along the west property line; 5) Delete the internal right-of-way dedication with the exception of the right-of-way dedication along N. White Chapel Blvd; 6) Add 6' wide sidewalks on the interior driveway loop at the applicants request; 7) Add preservation of trees shown on the plan received by the City on 2/12/97 and save trees in the area currently shown as right-of-way west of the 4 way intersection with no improvements in this area; 8) Move sidewalks out of right-of-way of N. White Chapel Blvd. COTJNCIL ACTION: April 1, 1997;Approved(7-0) subject to Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated March 27, 1997 and subject to the site plan presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission dated March 12, 1997, and amended as follows: 1) requiring the R.O.W.dedication for the road along the north side of the property and attaching this exhibit as Exhibit No. 1; 2) No lights on tennis courts and limiting the use of the lighting on the football field to 20 to 30 nights per year; Subject to the following P&Z recommendations: 3) Amend item#3 to provide a 6'masonry or wood fence along the north and south property lines to fill in gaps unless a waiver in writing is received from the adjacent owner; 4) Proposed building to be limited to a maximum of 3 stories; 5) Provide a 4' to 5' chain link fence along the west property line; 6) Add 6' wide sidewalks on the interior driveway loop at the applicants request; 7) Add preservation of trees shown on the plan received by the City on 2/12/97; 8) Move sidewalks out of right-of-way of N. White Chapel Blvd. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed deviation from the "CS" zoning district regulations for this P.U.D. appear to be building height,requesting a maximum of 3 stories(CS- 2 V2 stories max.) and a maximum height of 65' (CS- 35' max.). The applicant has met all items in Plan Review No. 1 dated January 31, 1997, Plan Review No. 2 dated February 14, 1997,Plan Review No. 3 dated March City of Southlake,Texas 14, 1997 and Plan Review No. 4 dated March 27, 1997 with the exception of those items in the attached Plan Review No. 5 dated April 11, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-002ZS.WPD � t, 1'tl OO-1 a To: Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Southlake I (1.1 From: Kenneth J. Burke 125 W. Chapel Downs Drive Southlake,TX 79062 Date: February 17, 1997 I am writing this letter to address additional concerns that I, the owner of the anchor property of Oak Hill Estates, have regarding the planned development of the property located on the west side of North Whites Chapel Blvd. The decision that you are about to make will negatively impact the value, safety,and quality of life for the property that I own on the corner of the Oak Hill Estates subdivision. Regarding the value of the homes at Oak Hill Estates; When I first purchased my property, I carefully checked the zoning of the property behind me to ensure that it would not be made into property that would degrade the value of my home. I checked with the city,talked to existing homeowners,and consulted with my Realtor to understand the possibility of this property being sold and if sold,steps that I could take to ensure that unfavorable businesses were not constructed. I was first told the property had been owned by the same family for 40 years and the likelihood that it would be sold was small. I also found out, by checking with the City of Southlake, that the property was currently zoned agricultural and not business,so it would take a direct zoning request to change it -a change that the residents would probably not want or approve. I felt re-assured that the risk was minimal that I would be moving into the middle of a parking lot or a mall. After all, I was moving into a small town far away from the city,and moving onto a small side street that was as yet, undeveloped-so I bought my house,moved in,and even (poi improved the property by building a pool. Then the school board announced that"we-the-people"having already approved money for them to spend as they want,would use the political loophole that allows them to build schools on property zoned agricultural,to create a three-story monolith for about 1000 people,with full parking facilities right in my backyard. I was angry,appalled,and even now feel cheated. I am no longer as proud to be living in Southlake as I was when I bought my home. I believe that the School board is acting irresponsibly in building a school of undecided size, grade level, and of undisclosed future use. I believe that they are acting irresponsibly in building a middle-school now and proposing to build another one in a few years, while possibly making this school a 9th and 10th grade school in the future- when they could build a new 9th and 10th grade school instead. I believe that they are acting irresponsibly in building a school of any size in the middle of Southlake,on a small undeveloped area, rather than on the fringes of our community. If it were built on the fringes it would aid in the intelligence and conscientiousness of thoughtful environmental planning. This would undoubtedly make a wiser, healthier Southlake community. I therefore urge you as a zoning committee to require that the school board disclose their full intent for the use of this property for now and for the future. I urge you to consider the factors that would make this an unsuitable site for use as middle school now and especially as a high school in the future and deny the school the right to build on this property. I urge you to change future zoning laws so that potential schools can only be built on property already zoned commercial, rather than agricultural or residential. cow, REC'D F E B 2 01997 For it is only in doing these things that people can be assured that Southlake is really (111ow what they expected it to be and what they want it to be. Considering safety, I am concerned that the increased traffic will pose a personal danger to my family. During the year that we have lived here, I have witnessed three accidents within a quarter-mile of my house-one strong enough to destroy twenty feet of brick wall. The second, right outside my home, was caused by too much traffic while a driver tried to turn into Oak Hill Estates and a third was a sports car that lost control after braking for a pet. This school will certainly increase the traffic by our house on the east and on the south side, increase the danger of cars suddenly slowing down or speeding up as they enter and leave a school zone,and potentially introduce young, inexperienced drivers into the area if this becomes a 9th and 10th grade facility. Will it have to be my wall that gets destroyed, perhaps while my kids are playing on the other side of it, before the City of Southlake acts responsibly to ensure the safety of the people who live here? I urge you to not approve building a school of this size on this undeveloped area but rather request that the school move facilities of this size onto areas that have been (or could be)developed to support this traffic responsibly. Lastly,my quality of life will be degraded substantially by the building of this new property. Traffic noise levels will become intolerable as my property is ringed on three sides by cars, busses, delivery vans,and foot traffic. Braking and acceleration noises will increase, busses will be honking their horns, 9th and 10"'grade kids will be squealing their tires,-the noise pollution -all within fifteen feet of my bedroom window- will become unbearable. My privacy will be invaded by kids climbing on my fence as they walk home from school. An existing pond less than 200 feet away from my back property (ire line on the proposed school property will become a gathering place where kids will play. The privacy that I,my wife,my daughter,and my two boys have enjoyed will be gone invaded by the noise and presence of kids gawking from the fence,walking by our property or playing nearby. These factors have already decreased the value of my property as the anchor house of Oak Hill Estates and one of the houses most affected by this new property. If the school boards'request is granted, it will make this part of Southlake an unacceptable place to live for me and my family. I urge the city to act responsibly in denying the request to build this new school on the proposed property. I urge the Planning and Zoning Commission to examine whether these zoning plans discriminate against the residents of Oak Hill Estates by creating a residential island surrounded by the City of Southlake's public properties. If you, however, decide to approve the schools'request, I absolutely insist that you take every step possible to ensure the safety of my family due to the increased traffic. If you decide to approve the schools'request, I insist that I be compensated for the decrease in value of my property, and for the decreased quality of life that I will have to endure to support progress in Southlake. I plan to have an independent appraisal of the property based on comparables from properties undergoing similar development and will forward the results to you and to the school board under separate cover. I ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission carefully consider these issues. aRerilly, L., . Kenneth J. urke Strr", 61/ G I &-"&`a `d os Z0 t 7-0 a Z- • O s LI '1;" P61 DOG 1 zS U� l t-7-11/4e Tt Al__ e &d9 ??4-3 lkc.,_a 1 T 7 5 �a2& cr /tic:XT .-T l 5 = z ��l f ac iC2 cir-, r.'c-57` 000 Pen63(c t ---176.n = /3yr` 0-1 cry (2c- F2ccTf0,y ?32o'6:72-1-7 Li k/c,; �t-f-rs /2e 9 oESTF10 20 iiAti 1r6a Gt/Ov ?c ,A4 17- �- 2— ea? Li KC 1. cc r etc- -_ _-. - t �1. 5 �(42 c Al "gyp ,? -cr5 c 0c r 4-e _ / a �-1 Aks- l s i3'l-u PL i9-,,�i.Jr,J cr /w0 20,tt r tG- n r w o2 ST lei,L D. t W 7'oE5 Y#-f T /•(M6 .r- alit-m r G /1-)L10 7- -' /n,l G '� /ec� P R . �o c:2-t-, t s h.0 o tAV b Pe?,/ ✓3 4 Ta 4 _. 7.2• -. . 2�6 e/V[ orek1_ t wcT-40 f175 --V7i 7T _(/(C ,i* ) t L / T- Art -r fty too-- `'_ G lT-o �tJ - £ue- ?- C4$J `�a e s op oyez ive., 09-7277-7 c4/74.74/“-,--- lq X7e SSc sac R 030 P641,1 ,eH _ 165,100 1 l yO Jrr-r�-1 c— v K C L 4'/G F- 7176:--`“/t Pao -r" to 4 e T 1 '7"f/-1 s Re_9-v r T�.. lei,oezerl/+1'L e u t/Z re.0 An r ��/ La L� t- /g Co Fc 5 L (-47 130—&7101 044 r- --al o k r d h c L s o dt _ Tb✓l- b V (.Q- P2( L Tyr Li ec my y "Fes a'T f-fi G r{ t.s ! C i 46- Alm /tor f4 4- Zo At / J l S iac , 1 >_ 1•1,0T 11" u(-0 laic, ter/ icc.= /-cam e -75 /3 �ouc �c- �7�2 O 4 l�T r3 z � �g2r $uG# sf�i/EClr L TfE � vP �,kkes r- /Zr=i06717- lv<�W y � Pry r�. 04 V-0 0 4-4 02e7 C 1-1-0 ft-r4 LEA tti c /(7 tztu auditst a. wiud)vid .1 • 0 :v 2 0 t906 (hwe • City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Road .w;-= OFfEC SECRETARY Y Southlake, Texas 76092 November 15, 1996 Dear Planning and Zoning members; Please find attached, the letter I have sent to Mike Murphy, CISD. These are resident responses and concerns about the construction of the new Middle/High school to be located on White Chapel. Many of the concerns are also directed to the City. Please consider these concerns in future meetings involving the construction of the new school. Sincerely, - jr0Ajj Nora Coon Spin #10 neighborhood volunteer 240 Green Oaks Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 (iire • • • REC'p NOV 211996 1113- g kw Mr. Mike Murphy, CISD 1201 N. Carroll Southlake, TX 76092 RE: NEW MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL RESIDENT RESPONSES November 15, 1996 Dear Mr. Murphy; I work as a SPIN #10 volunteer for Oak Hill. I recently sent out a notice identifying some key points discussed at our last SPIN 10 meeting on October 30, 1996. Per SPIN guidelines, I wanted to convey the concerns of the residents that have contacted me regarding the notice. I received approximately 15-20 phone calls and spoke to over 75 residents in Oak Hill, Mission Hills, and Chapel Downs. Out of over 75 residents only 5 knew that the school was to eventually be a High School. Many were shocked and upset that they were not informed. The responses were negative to this location as a site for a High School. All were supportive of the school being a middle school. All were understanding and supportive of the pressing need for new schools. . This is a list of concerns and responses I have received. I have broken them down into three major categories. HIGH SCHOOL kw1. Is this really the best location for a second High School? Are we just using available land? 2. Are we cramming too large a facility in too small an acreage or limiting the facility to fit the acreage? Carroll High has limited facilities and is on approximately the same acreage. Yet the initial planning for the new school is for as many or more students than that are at CHS. Are we going to have another school completely full upon completion and no room for expansion? 3. Why are we left with little time to respond with concerns? Can we not meet to view more formalized plans? Does CISD not have to go through the same procedures before building a new school? Why were we not told outright that this was to be a High School? NOTE: Many residents stated that they did not attend the meeting because they thought a middle school was being built but, would have attended had they known a high school facility was planned. 4. Is three stories legal and in harmony with current Southlake building standards? Do we want to set a precedence for three story buildings to be built among our residences? Will it pass Planning and Zoning? 5. Why can't more acreage in a better location be purchased? 6. Can we consider a Drivers Education facility? Currently, 300+ Carroll students per year seek Drivers Education at other cities paying $180 - $300 each. Would it not be beneficial to keep these funds within our city? . (1,10e7. Can we consider other sports like racquetball/handball, swimming/diving pools, and possibly weight training? 8_ Are we planning Joint Use Facilitation? • Can we not focus on more equality in sports/recreation facilities? Racquetball, L9. swimming diving, and weight training would benefit girls s. Could they not be built for near the cost of a football stadium?s Would well athis synot alleviate noise and light pollution issues? 10. Will there be a walk/bike trail to accommodate pedestrian traffic to Durham? Will it be away from the parking lots? 11. Can land be purchaaed connecting the property to Highland Road to give an alternative exit/entrance? What are the safety issues around having exit/entrances on only one road? Have environmental -impact studies been done? 12. What effort is -being made to save the trees and beautiful topography of this sight? Are buffer zones being considered for adjacent residences? 13. How will the school affect property values? Note: Several responses were that a well designed school could have a very positive affect on property values and are attractive to the community. 14. Do we really want to fashion our schools after Piano Schools? Has a study been done from the residents point of view concerning Plano schools having split campuses? How will splitting the High School affect students? Will younger students be denied access to upper level courses because of split campuses? TRAFFIC (1061.1 Currently, CHS experiences over 1/2 mile of traffic backup every weekday morning FM 1709. CHB has exit/entrance on more than one road. The same backup Chapel in its current state will block access for OAK HILL, MISSION HILLS, ndWhite aan CHAPEL DOWNS. Are construction timeliness being coordinated in conjunction with city timeliness for road construction for both White Chapel and Highland? 2. Both-Middle school and High school students are inclined to pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian traffic on White Chapel is highly dangerous with no sidewalks and limited crosswalks. Highland Road also has no sidewalks to support pedestrian traffic. There are no alternative routes out of surrounding neighborhoods. Does this put the City of Southlake/CISD at risk for lawsuits? 3. During rush hour traffic there is usually a 1/2 mile backup at the light on FM 1709 and White Chapel. This will increase with a new school. It often takes as many as three lights to reach the intersection currently. 4. Traffic cutting through surrounding neighborhoods to get to the new school. 1 5. In case of traffic accident or fire/emergency there are no alternative ways to get to the new school. During a major backup the entrance could be completely blocked. Has the city officials been informed of potential traffic/safety issues? 6. A large number of Durham buses currently use Highland road which is not adequate for two lane traffic. Many cars end up in the dirt (will cause Highland road to receive a substantial increases in sing a the�amount wofcbusl 11.0,ffic. This is both dangerous to the students and may place CISD/Southlake in a ition for lawsuits should a bus to bus/car accident occur. Are we prepared to take that risk? 7 4 • 7. Has CISD been working with the city to get dates and funds for White Chapel Highland construction? and STADIUM/FOOTBALL FACILITY 1. Light and Noise Pollution to surrounding residents. 2. Does CISD have the legal right to place a stadium on this property? Did the last bond election specifically list a stadium type facility? 3. Is it necessary? Won't non-lighted practice fields be adequate? Especially since there are discussions for a "DRAGON STADIUM" at a different location. 4. Could we not build a sports facility that would service both males and females equally instead of another football stadium? 5. Stadium location is extremely important on how it will affect property values of surrounding residents. Note: Some residents find happy, cheering sounds non- objectionable especially in support of our students: These are the many concerns/reponses that I have received as a SPIN volunteer. I would appreciate if you could address these concerns in future meetings concerning the construction/design of the new school. incerely, Wder ' 6s\ Nora on, Spin 240 Green Oaks Tang Southlake, Tx 76092 CC: RICK STACY, Mayor CISD Board Members Dick Welke, President Homeowners Association OAK HILL Al Morin, SPIN #10 Representative City Council members Planning and Zoning Board L Ti--0o 3 2. tAk Oak Hill Estates t_ Homeowners Association To: Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Southlake, TX pp���+ From: Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association ` EC 9 9997 Re: Proposed school located north of Oak Hill Estates Reference No. ZA 97-003 Date: January 30, 1997 This letter is to inform you of the concerns and issues that we, the undersigned members of the Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association, have regarding the planned development of the property located on the west side of North White Chapel Blvd. and approximately 200 ft. north of the intersection of Chapel Downs Drive and North White Chapel Blvd. We feel that the decisions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission will directly affect the future property values of our neighborhood as well as our quality of life. Le7ur Homeowners Association request consideration:of these issues: 1. Create public sidewalks on North White Chapel Blvd. between E. Southlake Blvd. (FM1709) and Highland Dr. We believe that many students will prefer to walk from the adjacent neighborhoods to the proposed school. Without proper sidewalks, the students will endanger themselves and motorists by walking on the road or through the ditches. In addition, we feel that crosswalks should be designated at primary crossing points. 2. Do not allow lighting of the athletic facilities. This is necessary to avoid disturbing nearby homeowners. In addition, we would insist that use of the athletic facilities be restricted to school activities only and not available for public use. 3. Noise abatement. We request that a permanent wall (brick or concrete construction) be built in place of the proposed wood fence on the south boundary of the proposed school. 4. We have concerns regarding the proposed 3-story facility. Without a three dimensional model we are unable to have an adequate visualization of the construction. In lieu of a model, we request a "line of sight" diagram. We would also like to see existing topography used allowing one story of the structure to be built underground. 5. We need assurance of proper drainage at the site. L • i i Letter to Planning&Zoning Commission Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association t 6.LProvide a primary traffic flow diagram. We are concerned that a"back up" of traffic behind 4 turning school buses and school-related traffic could block the entrance of Oak Hill Estates and prevent homeowners from getting to work. . 7. We insist that a road between North White Chapel Blvd. and Shady Oaks not be constructed on school property to connect the new school with Durham Elementary. We ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider these issues and requests. Respectfully, • Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association Homeowner Address 1. FO ; 695 (>7.K 44,L f';`(X' ,jp G 44)44'" J 2. C1 A/, *-lial__ Q6,00 j 14 J( !- it , S uHL.4. fM 4e : A441i ea Facif;Tich -to Ix. available. fir seko__ u� ac.4isl fie,-t4o Liitt t 1, 5 `! a:ko C ‘(. LJd\C )-1 1 Cl/• Wit^+Wc(C. (at. i .10l -iftY 2 S616Q-00 eQiCa. Lij Oriltit CAC yc;1/4. 700 Oc k 11;111 - iSOA.laite_TA . 71,4,:infe" ."7- I.-4 1 . VA)-7.-:''' '''' -'-'7 • tf 3 Ael;✓4.:es 9. �� Goo �a- (Reza_ oQ.e d .1 strut•eF_ 10. A $ t 0 Ors 4ti/lir' .. �S O t i//� P. 11. g�"6 Qz-t /u;f f f triA)17t 1& Pc 12. 6 10/4 io C0.1 N ILL. -b2. '5104,1G14-e 133,...4711, ce 14. ( 1frAA/.0 _, 1,9`f J 60(K i-R ( 5 L 15. 2 ('- Il( 1( . /) 16. Q Al/ar--9,--eq I-64 eak�r42,Dil. SL TV 7fo O`l/L 17. ‘ .tt//Air 4773,4.7.4i 6-- 0 cwt. 70,14.6 0_2)A s-1, -T-x 76 0?z, 02/02/97 Page 2 of 5 15- 13 A W. ' Letter to Planning&Zoning Commission Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association 6. Provide a primary traffic flow diagram. We are concerned that a"back up"of traffic behind turning school buses and school-related traffic could block the entrance of Oak Hill Estates and (re prevent homeowners from getting to work. 7. We insist that a road between North White Chapel Blvd. and Shady Oaks not be constructed on school property to connect the new school with Durham Elementary. We ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider these issues and requests. Respectfully, Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association Homeowner Address 1. ‘1\,..c.". ‘ k---- air%) 2. ('i-di-� . `--t D rD-t� id-foo. . b Gt-�< i d irt2� 3. �-u,n .. oQ.�.m� .,,,-� ((9c� Cu m O c,-1�.� Lc,Y—� 4. k (40°6,, &Ili-0 , P,A0o,y, auks iA&. 5ca-lka,kk.A 5. ;Ad j O (r-e-(2),--O s S1-' ,1 (04 7 Le 6. 0 . / 14.,,A - 4 1. 7. / AO (r4,.— • SA 4.4 • 'a, ( Ss , -?0 41(bit.t . f)C4 tit,-- 1:ruitOQ 9. 44% 10. C ,uo 4 di, • -, 1 Grebn OccE5,1,A, -cruk-tr\kci-- a i . , /e4 42ax_ air e it _Iii, 4.1.:i ,- , /ilk" . iiii 41 '' 0...... , ..._ _AL_ , 12. (it ' ,.. g5 4 ), efiriciea S,.ttlipl-fhl) -4cwhiriL. 13-1/ 1 /I // 1 , 2-h) 67'--<-. :eSp>i,e10 --Ct _--_: 16 6). .Se‘ 62-idAAZG/C,_ N g. . if 17. l'Z 1 __ 1 /). _ �d � ihre 02/02/97 Page 2 of 5 jrir • Letter to Planning&Zoning Commission Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association Homeowner Address 20. Alt, Cited 46.S ;Ll'- r 21. (� �i�,S 111 lR S LLik Zkg — 1W/ 23)0,C>YLkl It 11 24- 147 7/ ,4S/4-yil( ) G jeo fir'• oEee 25. — 645 3,Ci!1 e,D6-i" - SOc 1 4c c 26. 6 ig fizi.ot.4,42 ),oidea- 27. : /�+ 4 c rr 28. /16- �./ 1��% J4A 9:Yb , J .q)A41,,,c,p../4.e J'')0 • $ s CiS irk- \Ao_r 51--- 3a 5 `-u- c ct / ., + cw,a_ \ • n N(A\ c�- 32Sp_ �) � c�,0 33. t�iJ�ti�„� c. . �..i�.�1' c41-1 \\n � v . r 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. L 02/02/97 Page 3 of 5 76 I5 IT ' Letter to Planning&Zoning Commission Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association 6. Provide a primary traffic flow diagram. We are concerned that a'back up"of traffic behind Lturning school buses and school-related traffic could block the entrance of Oak Hill Estates and prevent homeowners from getting to work. 7. We insist that a road between North White Chapel Blvd. and Shady Oaks not be constructed on school property to connect the new school with Durham Elementary. We ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider these issues and requests. Respectfully, Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association Homeowner Address 1 Ag1141,491 441-0'V 6- il,e-1.,-47A-C liee-d. I 3. -47--n,L A -LUIL 'tti 1,0 s -i ;-i6'1nt Nu 4. `S',i 7.% -1 ou , st-tlt 34 0 i'tut Us .ttiii, ' 1 5. �P a- D.0 1 S6 v Tr to 11r-c,\ 1 , Le2sk- 941-i .-11-tieloct_ 1g)-Lt , 7.(.:�.�- � ►.r1/ t,�� ...7—�'.5" .«fie—a-c� ..�� 8. 4.4- ai" nnld--40 _6,,Qfi lizahz4ak.kaii . 9.- , _, le-7,.. -,ff � —. 6 v Y J,..,,.0 )t-.— ta.,6-0-e_ Ji_ . nfitki � /�L� 11. ,�l.l d,:.&, lrc 70, ,5 Q i/_'ril, E /4-N 12. S C z '( / G,,) n ` ) 13. `-��'� -�P (( .i �` 14. 15. % , _C�/�,: , ` ,f t(5J L 'i (?Ji1•i ,,_,q" ;/,i(/j/� \' - .----' .c> 7 e/� ji ' 16. ", L 02/02/97 Page 2 of 5 1 ' Letter to Planning&Zoning Commission Oak Hill Estates Homeowners Association ( Home. r Address Be 1 ate.4) (081.S (0404. A cc_ Srk..44-(c414-t- 1 . " • (.995--0•511t4A:CC--• -3rx..>AU.A.Jek 19( 20. Ale-cf /21. • /'� 22. <57rC 7 -g 23. Oiy,d9-04 &, 62,A,c/wl 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. L30. 31. • 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 02/02/97 Page 3 of 5 Md. AcivrteiJ Pv. 169' [2olti7 3L Lie To: Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Southlake, Tx 30 O(A-1- From: Concerned Residents, City of Southlake, Tx Re: Proposed 7 - 8 - 9 - school on White Chapel Date: February 14, 1997 This letter is to inform you of the concerns and issues that we, the undersigned residents of the City of Southlake, have regarding the planned development of the property located on the west side of North White Chapel Blvd. and approxi- mately 200 ft. north of the intersection of Chapel Downs Drive and North White Chapel Blvd. We feel that the decisions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission will directly affect the future property values of our neighborhood, our quality of life, and the safety of our children. We request consideration of the following issues: (1.,, 1. A road from North White Chapel Blvd. at Ascot Drive through school property to Shady Oaks should not be constructed. This would create a extremely dangerous situation at both Durham and within the Chapel Downs Subdivision. Traffic cutting through the subdivision to reach Highland would be hazardous to all our children as they are walking to and from the proposed school and within the neighborhood at other hours of the day. In addition, when the school becomes a 9th and 10th grade, teenage drivers cutting through our neighborhood would even further endanger our safety. Traffic needs to be directed to the planned thorough fares of our city, such as Highland, not to neighborhood streets. No new thoroughfares should be created when existing streets are available and already in the plans. 2. Lighting of the athletic facilities must be limited to school activities only and not available for public use. In addition, significant attention must be paid to assure that the lighting will be focused on the fields and courts in order to minimize the disruption of nearby homeowners. L REC'D F E B 2 0 1997 We ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider these issues and requests: (.., Respectfully, - lig-, 773 2 0 1997 Concerned Residents of the City of Southlake Homeowner Address .... I, 1. A e:-.1-etf _a-c.....,' ..-. ..‘".-----.4;---e- Ze.s7-, U 2` t 1., 1 ,ly k-4_- _ iiibal,d--, i 0 i_ a ' AL . a...'....__._. ..rc.....--; /01 6- 4 /0 67 4c4_I Dali/zo /0.3-/05e-or bRaE. • di A-.- ce,--fr--- . .0.—..,..?71-->f 7 //,3 ice . .),-.. 8. . v 4 . .... .v ,, ..-•2', /0 045.66 9. k 0 'V- A-seo-r—--.124 Ve_ 10. -, vn, dk..& /03 6110651 C.t?nfAI 1(1 11. 40 A. .5';* s' '''f)7.(:5,6k.41.} pi /1•5(.45rfr 1,01. 12. t,.,,,,,:.i, • ,; ....r ...„.L......./4esT,, ,e4rit azi re_ 13. - ,;7.-;,*1 if:*, `Orff*- :'-,X447'/'-'74-Y7,...1's:".4.s-i•i>%'4U-.A k..; ,e, (tile 14. 4A:f • A As-CT" ‘t,efive OP 15. li'. 92--21‘11)-7 /0 i °WAX OtL ) IP 16. n.e3/ / C it__ 4-71C7 21" 17. cpc" . : AC1.,,C of //6 ar-esRt-0 • 1 ;.---X\PQ ctj \ )k-0a,s ie ajlej a- tI N 6 19a4 / 71 I . 20. /008 21' „ 64 0 22. 0 1 (0 5 p_,LkiL._ 23. -Aoro ,..._ 1 1 03 . teuiz.0 24. • 6, 5 50c-f il U;e(1)TR - 25. `--5- /Lazy/L(2.'1.a St 9 26. 'SILL ar-,A Lj— A4A- • ___„.- c.._2 : ,:lee,:i,,,- 28. , ____ 3„,/ -,el .z ->, ,'.7 . -!..- , ' -' • ,./ /-, , 2 el 5 .-Ic ,7- ez. eitc A /075 a)d /(J(1-340/ kr) 30. 1 ItijL -)13, , .)- \ 6,4,,__L , ( 3 i , loVvcr 7V6t L 5if 5 / tvtce C(ic- 24-11 -riyofZ 6:1r, 3 v---(.- , We ask that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider these issues and requests: Respectfully, Concerned Residents of the City of Southlake Homeowner Address —r- 34. vgatAA C.1 `,73,74 J21..Q--'v ( E. e boe,ots 35. y. Al...,:, w® .:..4 ,!r_e °p.; ,,.w, 4 :..io, . e/44, e/ .4is. . V.5 te6.94.-Lv. 1 n 3 .,. 3 ' ' "" `^4.' ` _ a4......1�caU.t .._L v-�-c r. I n 9 zoaue-_Qft�e �-- _ 41 ..._ 42.�'j lma _f7 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. REC'DFEB 201997 hM� i; .. f • _a! -o..` •Yf� `rYtrc j • Z � Qr sL .J r # (. = k �. ''- . '. ' .. \t'N .. ..___, ...,--._.• ,-...,..5,--4,:-.........?-:-......-..,„...4...,_,...7.--.t" ' -...-•C .•'-''-r '''''':::' . ..' ........,. . ir - , -<,d ! r•••,..4. 'F''..'5'. " e ). ry' CIW - K � . :: .... „ . vs .} �. g , ',' t { .,V) L. 7,, .. w b .> • aW 7 • .r1 LL LJJ Y' a 4 r a` I ?aa...4), ..t . Q r� r i ,� .. r LLI :� ... w�4 fir: —Jm LL ' ` .. __. Ia..• • 0 , tw f �-as ayf • •'.� •-F Ir"SY O_ •A ) .SY z ." xK ;gTT )1%1 Jr 3.S3iIHM. _ ,� ` . - -';14,....•-:r ....,--.,. .. . . - -..-. ,-„,_: _ . „ ,./•_,/,,-. .: .. .- Ir,'.7.,\-777i...-- ',:•ik", •.:-:--t.i.i -.1.! ' , ----c s1. '',"1,..::•-'-! -. .-.. ',.7e1,.•;),:x;;,-;',, '-. .-..,-:...,.."-7J-'';--.':-.7,-V.H1--11.fr.-r-,1,,,,,,-1_ ,-,... . -, , i...4! .. ;.i.,:. vl ..., ..... . a . „. .A..,, .„..,,,.,.... .,......:...., ... . . , .„.1 . .. L.,,,, r:N.....::.,.._ :..‘:- ''...,-;,....::•,.:-....•.,:i . , • ,i• • • 74--Ir-- ^.r y .: 'y °R `ry},. � I "^ , -�1' jam' 'Q,i` .14� . T 4442 ~Ile _ • • jam__ rj �.` s;.:w I. °� _ III •\.. �`• ) -i i •_III t .''s _ t • a: • I '1 k�1 I ..,!1T.`1—=i.��i l__ ta-,_.-s. U' •I •'--rrems.: Q � r - •• i 112 I� : '. `F�.�__, ',ivI ` ,: .- ---. ., r i ,t ,, •.�...�y • • r 3 I lI t Ft l 1 i J'\ I 1 �_, ( �I I •�- ._- I 1 - A �Ph... i. `{l E.JIP�`pi ll�1l _ ,'n-'M fil l• 1� - O •• �' �. . W 11{ — /.:.in, W313 Ytl V N0I IQ -i=i I - °_.% Get `1 ,t- q `> PIfATI U- . • a '1 ' x! _4 teT ,, F r2. ,Ti • ,Ital..i•f n1 ' 1 R InR Fk • • Zen r •z.'S)Id0 AOVHS _ r . r... ck a/.-0/R7 To Whom it may concern, We the property owners directly adjoining the proposed middle school site and neighborhoods directly affected are requesting the plans (copy attached) be modified to exclude stadium, tennis courts and practice fields for the following reasons: 1. Stadium lights 2. Traffic, noise, litter 3. Additional tree and environmental loss 4. Loss of property value 5. Loss of privacy A stadium has no place in a residential area, nor does a three story classroom facility which will in all probability become a 5A high school within two years, hence the elaborate sports amenities. Our bond issue was for (1164.01 education. We propose instead to utilize the sports fields at Bi-Centennial Park (which just cost the taxpayers to up-grade) by way of an 1/8 mile off road jogging trail. Construct a stadium on vacant land there, which is level and not requiring the terracing and tree removal in present plans. The lights, traffic and noise would be consolidated in one area having no impact on Highway 1709, as compared to the impact on proposed residential site. Let's save some of our precious, rapidity disappearing trees, tranquil rural atmosphere, as well as tax dollars. Who needs a "Mustang Stadium" in our back yards. The zoning meeting is scheduled for February 20th at 7:00 P.M., City Hall. Please come and voice your opinions and views. Concerned Property Owners (kiwi RED B ' FEB 1 -�� / \ Mr s` k . ,.,. .4kze. rt, t t ' :-. c A Ise.. 1 go t.-. $. is,6""g ,i [4 A.. .4P 1! Aso 4 ris AO /Mil A i‘ 43 IL g. ,13 ,...... 0. t. lk (...e A . t1j6Ifi C412; ("? oilb .., ‘O oso, tii. rCks,3 2 0 199 7 i '1 13— -' r /'1"� I y� Y. V4 Yvm•Y I d1 AC SOT6EY A-02 � IA1 Stale' A-Ma IA I• 1 n • ^�'x (� 40.0 Ac I 2A2A ti bal k 35 k _tie •gill°' . ASSAM 2AJ I' �� 4 /• : ® JAI c-^1? c RUM�p,K �� .,a z it Pill L ;_lucim H. CHIVLR3 i G s4RIEY A- o Th 2H 1 ! : '*}r T: 6Ct �S ill •ice; IB ZED --'1' i i 'ffiNt ) leg y -3 „..,r- I ' 2E, 28 1 i ►I i ; ' i 11 30 , jj4) 41071q, ~]B 381 X eJ -,ter •i 30 x 2a ' ,mil I GO o,�Th'vest 3.15 At s97 k ` ►'i N Ayr 2C1 _SURNL� ----` v' �I+ 1 6° • [yy 4c2A zA i ! ��.�( ' i 2s+a Ac J beg , BO �, 80 ,. �' 8C IBae3CI PAL/'- >F,e a Jcu 6 L S'T 5k 1 - L4 Je iL i • MIRKY A- •. .EST STREET i - 'sr 401 5.53 he ;� 8A 8411 8A16 8 BABA, ail BB4 . , ,82 — i* ,^� 1- A[I1111112/1 11C 11E I i I marl 882A 3 2 1 S k GC r i an Al 8AI5 nso 'T— 1 IIC2 I1F 98 ,� 1*� A 'fisakilm, i I V 1- i ! 110 N:I 9• ,I ri?...,1.,.0 p r� I HALL '�1pN Di 3 .0 9 1 I ice..` .'rikr A-se2 A�� _ �k �� A :.J i i �o, ' ram►/ • -L •: �, -_ - _ , •i T j i i , i i i I f i 1 I i Dui•, 1. ��! pi I ij • N i r „ ! '�! if S li rI♦ i i ; irailainr V '#` i �_ Jrf.I:�:iaT:i7.i7::1 ■" • mi: M'NM �', l • I I i i 1 . .I -• i i! r ! 3AI i I i •i i �` i i i i i i ��• 30 JA,A SAL III i i , : i i i i • e ii i \ 1... " i i I i i L i ` P -: k pp pp �i r i l j t i i l i i i i i i` f ' !-- Ab" Pam` i I ! ' ! i i 1 i i i i i i i j 3J1A JH i ( i , , , i ! �� fi 3818 /ice 18 �� 1 i i i i i i `'•r }tIC .• r`~ _==T� 381 . 1 Ni:T'__. 4- i i i f.-- - 25 k -t i--y li T i a•u:.�ua.av�.w • ��•11 Go 1 f/ ate: APP1• I I _ • 1 ... � 14 yrlK •v��m ' it % ' i ' -- • WEST -W11.UKE Blw Mai ~- JC X , n7 i _:__ �Ya.!—• i _ X1 . : — -- -- -- �- -- -1 . T.i�'74 •-I.•C l•1'..-4YKa a•e -- --�- ? ;2F 2A, p •i • •i �\ TRACT MAP luta IA 1 "113 Ac 4.57 Ac vi '.' .-;7L. .• },.T- _ l 5— I : - 2_ 1 t . 4 A1c 2A1 •D _+_� - • \ , ... , .• _ r, N W-it4Z4N ' . s- ,-) — c., ,_.,c, ,__..... . , . Iii 0 ...N... ' nl tn'tOD a ra ?• i ei i ii A )4 CT GI ^ o 1 '^n O N `�7 .N p� w w p h O > i - i .a u u m a a a ea a. �o ^ i i �' + U a u o \ .w w .7... ^ o el e`er' S s Fa CNC lt IrT___________4.—4 --— .4....3, .4 4.4 / \ ^J I,.1 _____- ! . ah i ocv 1 1 J. 2~ cc le. Cl CV p H /w' ..• • C A • r-- I. W 3 c.0 1il i cs0 cc 7 C'w/ Oca Cr 0 0 c crA7. . ...•s 114 Z N 1 S a o . W CIr . — V Z • M Q Q I to N pi 010) Lo c0 t ' vzsi H Cod d . VI 63 • . . • % cx '"4"' re .... 0 ik 7. Le. t.11 I ' 1 qv .- - a. t. IFoc. d ® p?>o \3 3aY „- oc oy I e� a g' g =tea�,` . • ADJACENT LAND OWNERS AND ZONING FOR ZA97-002 Le 20-Jan-97 Owner Name ,Zoning 01 RAMSEY, J. AG 02 DAVIDSON, G. AG 03 YETMAN, B. SF-1A 04 CAMPBELL, J. AG 05 PATTY, B. AG 06 DUNN, N. AG 07 KOTHMANN, S. SF-20A 08 CHAPEL D. SF-20A 09 PICKERT, W. SF-20A 10 O'NEAL, R. SF-20A 11 COLE, T. SF-20A 12 HUTSON, W. SF-20A 13 BROWN-PACE VENTURE SF-20A 14 W1NDMULLER, D. SF-20A 15 MAY,W. SF-20A (iiime 16 EVERS, J. SF-20A 17 EGEL, R. SF-20A 18 LEDBETTER, B. SF-20A 19 LIMKE, S. SF-20A 20 ZERBE, S. SF-20A 21 HEMING, J. SF-20A 22 BURKE, K. SF-20A 23 EARLES, H. SF-20A 24 BOWEN, J. SF-20A 25 THIEME, G. SF-20A 26 HODAN, D. SF-20A 27 LINK, A. SF-20A 28 OTTERSEN, H. SF-20A 29 GLOVER, R. SF-20A 30 SHORE, S. SF-20A 31 CANGELOSI, F. SF-20A 32 HOWLE, J. SF-20A Le33 SANDLIN, M. . AG 34 CARROLL ISD CS 35 MYERS, J. SF-1A • City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY ase No.:ZA 97-002 Review No:Five Date of Review: 4/11/97 Project Name: Site Plan for P.U.D.Zoning-Carroll I.S.D.Secondary School,approximately 50.632 acres situated in the.Thomas M.Hood Survey.Abstract No.706 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Carroll I.S.D. Cheatham&Associates 1201 N. Carroll Avenue 1601 E.Lamar Blvd.. Suite 200 Southlake.Texas 76092 Arlington.Texas 76011 Phone:(817)481-5775 Phone:(817) 548-0696 Fax:(817) Attn: Ted Gillum Fax:(817) 265-8532 Attn: Brian Tucker CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 4/07/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT 81 481-5581 EXT.7:7. xy:y s:'aC't>,�i ..ar,; n} `2`c?y' ..,. ;:n:; i}" .:.+y,,,t''a" '•^c - ' .;'>'.•?,:. �.r � ., � " �..::.,>x{,.,C. ., . •.v., ;, <•,�' xr'».� Y,f' •fix r.n �>5_,,���:.�`•:x• ?....: r ...v.:...�..s`�,+;la:.c:.ytii.;r,>?:.: :.,.�S„` t.: : ; ,,, «.': r ',<?cyZs,'. f:";ty?•, : s+h:s.z^.;fi.� .,.;�;;,.;5,f>.�,i 1. Delete"outside"from the storage building referenced in the Site Data Summary. 2. Ordinance 480, Section 39 requires an 8' screening device(solid fence or dense plant material)for non-residential uses adjacent to residential properties. Please note that Section 39.4.c indicates that this is not mandatory for public schools except where parking,playgrounds or other intensive use areas are considered to be adjacent to the residential properties. (P&Z recommendations 3/20/97 and City Council Action 4/01/97:Amend to provide a 6'mammy or wood fence along the north and south property lines to fill in gaps unless a waiver in writing is received from the adjacent owner) * Additional P&Z recommendations 3/20/97: • Proposed building to be limited to a maximum of 3 stories; • No lights on tennis courts or football field; • Provide.a 4'to 5'chain link fence along the west property line; • Delete the internal right-of-way dedication with the exception of the right-of-way dedication along N. White Chapel Blvd. • Add 6'wide sidewalks on the interior driveway loop at the applicants request. • Add preservation of trees shown on the plan received by the City on 2/12/97 and save trees in the area currently shown as right-of -way west of the 4 way intersection with no improvements in this area. • Move sidewalks out of right-of-way of N. White Chapel Blvd. * Additional City Council Actions 4/01/97: • Requiring the R.O.W. dedication for the road along the north side of the property and attaching this exhibit as Exhibit No. 1; • No lights on tennis courts and limiting the use of the lighting on football field to 20 to 30 nights per year; • Subject to the following P&Z recommendations: • Proposed building to be limited to a maximum of 3 stories; • City of Southlake,Texas • Provide a 4'to 5'chain link fence along the west property line; • Add 6'wide sidewalks on the interior driveway loop at the applicants request; • Add preservation of trees shown on the plan received by the City on 2/12/97; • Move sidewalks out of right-of-way of N.White Chapel Blvd. * This review is based on the development regulations for the "CS" zoning district. The proposed deviation from the "CS" zoning district regulations for this P.U.D. appears to be building height, requesting a maximum of 3 stories (CS-2 '/2 stories max.)and a maximum height of 65' (CS-35' max.). * Any agreements for infrastructure improvements should include the off site recommendations of the Traffic Impact Analysis and review. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Final Plat must be • processed and filed in the County Plat Records,a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee; Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. Denotes Informational Comment cc: Carroll Independent School District Cheatham and Associates L:\WP-F1LES\REV\971970025P5.WPD r(g-a8 A. _ _____mo. I. INW .WI. Mgt Illlwao,..r 118'®A011/7 3I11 '"' 8 cow V....rOl lip w'..MOW vr1 lr pwvrr ral r>t.�. r1.-.I.LIy 1Y sue-r1.nf1 IIw•IM.Iy :Intle.Obi=r.w WN01 31N1i11108 �"' minim nrrnc •nr tie r.n i mg 4.rang r..r r.s... 100NDS AalON0036 30:VkmD 64L ..... ..an .rrrY-.IrA.11•-amNn £V MIAMI i swam SVX311IV11U10/_ AV 11COMJ N r8t .tSaLnJOSSV lmLV3H3 AYrNI1fIlYYi •3'Si„MEND --- _ ,„. OM.. .. (..., , 11:Irl!! ,-;rr -' :r",, 't: , - -t .. [ t ! 1�II1 17=---- ---=,ifi'.:E 5!''‘'i i 1 1 4 Him il w: i ,...,.....,, ,.. .....•,.....„..1.m , ...,....: ,....„...,....... iff -61 1 IN ,; , w i �_ 1[ ////. I1 II L::::::Nuilii:: r : . 1 ,. , J1 7 `\'` �' ire [ ... 1.I` g f :- I � � heir.:all/�... 11 l ill C �3G ,E ='-0� ����` ,. ice'y I '"11iiiqj1 % I! 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III ■ = I A • ill 441 ,Pli Orr1 0 r +kYiI w ,r lit r' I Ii 41r i V d yy7 I wif®3, (SI (hire CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-233 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY 50.632 ACRES SITUATED IN THE THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 706,AND BEING TRACT 10, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "NR-PUD" NON-RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WITH "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT USES, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS (kw' ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings,other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person ce or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD Pagel 11 3 ^ 2 ' • changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the iktor facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites;safety from fire hazards and damages;noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those (hie who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic,and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population,and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation,water, sewerage, schools;parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD Page 2 1 13, 3 (Ihri Being a 50.632 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey,Abstract No. 706,and being Tract 10,and more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural District to "NR- PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with"CS" Community Service District uses,as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". The use of the above property shall further be subject to the conditions, restrictions and limitations set forth in the Development Standards contained in Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified,and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to co, lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. Thpy have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates,disobeys,omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD Page 3 1 ' (tie, and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. L MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: L. CITY SECRETARY L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD Page 4 F-(y2 -- 3 4 a EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C L L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD Page 5 g 5 • EXHIBIT"A" (61,1 • • BEGINNING AT A 1/2" FOUND IRON ROD AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CARROLL ISO NO. 1 ADDITION, RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2555, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE N 00°01'12" E, WITH THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CARROLL ISO NO. 1 ADDITION, A DISTANCE 1327.98 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD; THENCE S 89°52'35" E, GENERALLY ALONG AN OLD BARB WIRE FENCE, PASSING A 2 1/2" OUTSIDE DIAMETER PIPE AT 1646.99, FEET IN ALL 1650.00 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD FOR A CORNER, SAID POINT BEING IN WHITE CHAPEL BLVD AND BEING IN THE CALLED EAST LINE OF THE T. HOOD SURVEY; THENCE S 00°01'24" W, WITH THE CALLED EAST LINE OF THE T. HOOD SURVEY AND WHITE CHAPEL BLVD, A DISTANCE OF 1340.98 FEET TO A SET PK NAIL FOR A CORNER; THENCE N 89°36'57" W, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCK 1, OAK HILLS ESTATES, PASSING 1/2" IRON RODS AT 16.94 FEET AND 32.28 FEET, IN ALL 1339.07 FEET TO A 1/2" FOUND IRON ROD FOR AN ANGLE POINT AT THE COMMON CORNER OF OAK HILLS ESTATES, AND LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SANDLIN ESTATES;CTH CE N 88°36'10" W, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SANDLIN ESTATES, A DISTANCE OF 310.97 F 'O THE'POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 50.632 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. r (161.° L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD 1 Page 6 ri O 3 62 4. ..N RUB �n a p=,, EXumrr"WI '"w ,., MKhe NOMmiled UM a s-+NUN)YK sw•ws allu NM-Mlu� '0A••.2""b ou 81—--03011111.0•0011 ..• �"�"!!p$ .•.,0 INK war,Unarm rm .a Yuen%es awn*a NY! .aNi ro Ni r'mum me100HDS AINCIN003S 3OVI,lfl 6-9-L mona asanK-ai3ANi•-11111101111111 w WIN II1$I as. BOOK-LVfOI'3fIYr1U!!OB-3AV 11@RN/J T!IOU a.r.. >-1 SaLVIOOSSV V NV}!JX'II3 AMVNI •$1$10E O'SM 110HHv0 --M „ M.. . I *M.�1' L , if 1 t�ill � 11 ! j 1 tis!l l i i ! W � I 1I11I II:I !! 1F!r!!!lPl EE E 1 r:,. :�� r it P= Yt:• �i I e Vf , IIIIIIIII03�,11. I c1 .•iliIhrv.ti:l. 11 i �I di�,,61 1 11' 1 :::„.1 IE 10 itI'i11111111111113.! ,!::! ,,t.,1111. SEE II ,E �d. I. BidE _ .� Ja ir! II ul 1 6 Y t� 1 a : �i'''d- ' I �ii .IP..it IA Pi U PI 0 r iiiiiiiii, 6 E 1 k }1 � i,� ! 1- I l o RlIiIitiI 1l1 Y� IllIlIll" IIIIII l � 1IHI ( 1 .. sec Mr.Ale. l.uN301S3a AASN30 Nnro3N•:En.l '^"^-•'- k N011.10.SNM00 l3.100 k ti t�• E t f•e 1-• 4 IJ—�"' R Y r.L, R `;I 0 I� ,� ^� " • -: 1 >�- . t . i 12 +`1I • I^� i II Al l l.I •'•M•''I''";to%MA 1 iciU Mnlm3 .nun.0 �L 3A1 a+w3. 11'N _ . 14';;;A: I I 1 I, 1 1 9 R• 'j\ f0'OKl -IN.AI A .l$1 .01 1\�1 1 J i I 1 Cr, II . �xil y. i/ \` i K- . .I fffJJJ,,, Ilk E • 14 �� . ... \\\\\\��N',_ tom\\�� ���1 ``r 13 I I [` • I =I I _'`le;-_ . �:.. , :�` • I \C 1 7 - I 1Y . 4' ,---1-- :',- -- , '• ••,. .) N_ - \-..\ ...• ------2-, P.,* ' III • 4 :,_, .....,.., --If , , ,.. , , AOL:::;:. - - 1 .: 03 1., * __ 1 1 a a it= la \=:* r E 1 - . : ... _.m- - giE 1 If. . l �f ! �1 e� W 11 L 4, ...1._ ,_ - _ 4 1 i I ' 'Ali g " •g EI ill„Vdil ik! 11�1 I._ ..•:.1 t: `� .. E 1Y r },' _ IF1 I 1= c k' y i_ EiI �I 1p i E• = 5�•1 s ‘1 If \1 1 liar aimI - g IA. 17 �p o�- I a ....waQ E Y [ Ci hIal- y ;��� ~����\-�� ������_ ICI -1 ua7 tiTb W . g -k �1.14 o. Es a, 1 =31111 I z 3 II I O d 0 11'i x �I 1 11 ^ 1 '' S 1 2 r"Itli \ I F C I \t 3 1. sillIII . - , 1 : - Io w i r h E� I ��;`tiao_ 1 ___I ' f/c . t. i "e R T• 1:: tl 'i I I 1;. . . . z g Y • ___ I I: I 3 _ Y 11 E sn- u to .00 N k I':L'i2 .r an I . � 'YSR-e.n-r_-e.r--__�`7111 M�IIW _.-. __----_----__ ---_ ..��I r �! " -i_ liE KKII - 1-.0•.uq';gig'...�n... �Si 413,10I NI" lol. • x�.t� �i:� i i V I •k i "I SSW as> v l3Nwa S 77t,J`�K_,I"y ¢ 7 11001.1101 . ... . I 11; '--..,,,wrz LJ \ Nd11001l'>N'0'S'I 1n0E1M01 \ ` :�.. fit.';�J!' r r • 1 JJ O u A . f 0 rey- NIIN3O53a A15N30 nn103N '0'n'l 0 © ! oh¢ P. vi g. E a.!L • QA gr.V1llNl.4.L / � u- da -.Ri .,. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-233.PUD = _-= Page 7 ___ N' •._; • r1g.: 3ry City of Southlake,Texas • STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA97-032 PROJECT: Site Plan -Gas Station/Convenience Store STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator, 481-5581,ext. 743 Dennis Killough,Planner I,481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan of Gas Station/Convenience Store on property described as Lot 6, Block 6, Southridge Lakes, Phase C-1, and being approximately 0.918 acres situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522. LOCATION: Northeast corner of the intersection of North Peytonville Avenue and West Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). OWNER: Southridge Center, L.P. APPLICANT: Southridge Center, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use(may include office buildings,hotels,and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Retail Commercial (same as in CS, 0-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, and B-1 districts) NO.NOTICES SENT: Six(6) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: April 3, 1997; Denied(5-1). STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated March 28, 1997,with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Site Plan Review Summary No. 2,dated April 11, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-032SP.WPD I R. , Jchitect • Planer • Interior Designer (kw 530 9EPFORD RD. SUITE 216 •HEDFORD,TEXAS 76022 • (. 17)2&2-3606,FAX 252.3603 April 9, 1997 Dennis Killough City of Southlake 667 Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Case No. ZA97-032 Southridge Lakes Phase C-1, Lot 6, Block 6 Dear Dennis, Enclosed are seventeen (17) full size and (1 ) 11"x17" reduction of the site plan for the above referenced case. These have been revised in accordance with the March 28, 1997 Site Plan Review Summary comments. These revised plans are being submitted by Southridge Center L.P., the owner of the property. All correspondence, notification and agenda items should be sent to the undersigned and to Southridge Center L.P. at the address shown (hre on the site plan application and the revised site plan. I discussed comments 9 and 10 with Garland Wilson, the .new Fire Marshall. What we show with regard to these is based on discussions with his predecessor. We discussed why these are shown as originally submitted and he indicated that I should resubmit as originally shown and he will review them during building permit review. He will determine at time if additional firelanes and hydrants are required. Please notify the owner and me concerning the scheduling of this case before the Southlake City Council. If you have any questions about the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, R. Victor Blood, Jr. Architect — Planner Enclosure cc: Mr. Jerry Donahue Barry R. Knight, Esq. (hoe RECD APR 1 0 1997 • z,-, ..:,. r• M,r�dK�l r , ;;, R, ,:;..;• ,e:7ry r t ,4.! .: : . -:rtl�I��YpyN{wm'�I_t{': SLATER & .ASSOCIATES, eagineering survegiag L February 05, 1997 Dennis Killough, Planner City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Tetco Convenience Store Highway 1709 and Peytonville Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis Requirements Dear Mr. Killough; After review of the City of Southlake's development requirements and the site plan for the proposed Tetco Convenience Store, I find that the site does not generate sufficient traffic to fulfill Southlake's requirements for a Traffic Impact Analysis. ce According to the Institute of Transportation .Engineers Trip Generation Characteristics, the average peak hour traffic trip generated by each pump at a service station is six vehicles per hour. The :proposed site will have a maximum of six pumps serving two vehicles each for a peak hour traffic generation of 72 vehicles per hour. The convenience store ( open only 15 to 16 hours per day) will generate 322.6 vehicles per day. Assuming that ten per cent of these occur during the same peak hour that the gas pumps generate, then the 2400 square foot convenience store will generate (32.26 X 2.4) 77 vehicles per hour. The traffic generated by the two site characteristics is somewhat redundant. That is, it is extremely conservative to assume that the 72 vph and 77 vph are independent and cumulative. Many of the convenience store users will use the stop to fuel their vehicles and many of the fuel pump users will use the stop to make their convenience store purchases. P.O.BOX 16593 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76162 (or, BUS: (817) 923-6102 FAX: (817) 923-6104 CIVIL*MUNICIPAL*SURVEY*AIRPORTS*HYDRAULICS*HIGHWAYS*TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC*WATER*WASTEWATER* CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT&OBSERVATION LtrSlke.wps 1 215197 le-- 3 . :d:r . — • ! ._,.... ...,.... � i,: �.::.,... .. .. W #Ip4s,p,;btfr 1 19it1iiWxil1+t�:aa.0 h� itiiry:..: r SLATER & ASSOCIATES ! ems. s*, surveying kilre It would be unrealistic to assume that the car wash generates traffic independent of the above two conditions during the same peak hour. I believe that the car wash usage will be almost completely included among the fuel pump and convenience store generation. Thus;:' Service Station Traffic Generation 72 vehicles per hour Convenience Store Traffic Generation 77 vehicles per hour Total Traffic Generation 149 vehicles per hour Two drive approaches provided = 75 vehicles per hour per drive The fuel pumps and convenience store together total 75 vehicles per hour per drive. The City's policy requires a Traffic Impact Analysis when a drive approach generates 100 or more vehicles per hour. Based upon this criteria, I believe that a Traffic Impact Analysis is not required. Please let me know as soon as possible if you do not agree with this conclusion so that we can proceed accordingly. (ire Sincerely; Y ITER&ASSOCIATES, E TER, P.E., R. .L.S. P.O.BOX 16593 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76162 BUS: (817) 923-6102 FAX: (817) 923-6104 CIVIL*MUNICIPAL*SURVEY*AIRPORTS*HYDRAULICS*HIGHWAYS*'TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC*WATER*WASTEWATER* CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT&OBSERVATION LtrSlke.wps 2 2/5/97 1 >o . , .� i`' i � � 1 i i i i I _ ' I :eisf 1 IE ljj ''�..._ eC 1 . ' i 1 i q AP i !: 1 \ Ji"" ,,,,pL/`G'1K" I_f0N I • . i i L�`- 7 cs Apt'( + (libre II;. 2A1 (. iA 1A2 1 i , , --TT 1 1 cii \ 1 _— (�((�� y� i i Y .` i i . \ L! i i . I 1 1 1 i i i�1!1 1 i i i - 1-._. 9 _--t•-.-. i . Y. 1 1 i i 1 _. • i i i i i i L:i i i i ; i i L._._ i --.� % % i ' ik ,1111�.,4 0l! (-.'-._ 6A1 i ` 1 L= - _��'�% j /%' i , \ ^ : 11C2 1182A 11C2 1AIA1 1 1_ - --'1 -t , ! A i 1 1 'i 1 I 1 ! r [7 1 IAIA _- 1:--r i ynr�� ruttlir 2eTa ® I _ 1'�„.;.� Aps ®i1®iNil 1 IAIA IAIA IAIA IAIA 1A1 _ 1 . 1 '1 M i \ 686 28 2C 2D 2E -'- ..1i� • -` 2BID --._f--1.1_• , , i 0+ / i ' 1AIA2F -- . .!'J �� �'iI ;/L•--rA-T-' - i • { r I 1A1A3 1• -+_-I.Y - -. - 2C1CI :QLER aO 1 ._4 -• + ' , i �•-Z•;•�^' ,• ``s! ■ -1--Av1._. ,•i�S.A1 FAEOf G ^.,....�� : :- 9 IA 9 Nil-- -, R .), ('5 if E ` I 4T1i:T i ♦ -, .. 1 1 . i .c'_ r1'•a 1 T__ 8 2 3 �® �1 `•1 sutler A-519 IB -;1'c•`• �• %} �..- -•l 71' ` i • 3` '~- a,. .. is --r' i • •• -4 •i i %`c' i i i i i i_i 1A ` m%` : X ; 1 �� `• 1! "Ii -1., �a i i 1 % i i i 'r. tE •` ' , `� i t—tr.` Y i 1?`1. '�- �. ?. / 9C1 ist �1f i i i 1 i i 1 �•. . i141 - 1 P" �:ncirAts 1 1 i 60 Ac i i t:.yl�� ., ti. 1 N! i i i Mil I03 ID .,i,� - I _t-• 11 1 1 1 i i -.V., • ., C"-2� �ti.' ' 1 rilahl - 8A28 ��I. 6 . w. - ---r_ _j :ia.i A i r -. r. "ii li i i i 1 1 , ' ,. `•Ih:i►�K ..,�.aar .1.I; "'. �rl \ 1• qn \ I�•.f .!- J.IIAI 31 76 Ac 2 i 1 jj.,� II - )C i r� 4�-. -T`` `' \ ,� • 1 G" 'j Y�t ._ (W-. _ . _ ;—i •r i �c ; x `y i anc —, - •r�• icy .� a _ -r - j ! • I. 964 A, �C _i- 1 �`: _. _ • Y ! ■ i• i i j 1 r illi iv 1 •_ _ , �. I IB Ac 35 Ac f ' - ^.. - i _ , HEST Four -i '• i i 1 1 -- - TI41\i— 11, ---•-1 1 I i . . •:T.. I in ..„.. i i I I i I I I ..1 \ I j..t. . tfai __.__�,--��-- .� pi`E , �i�® �0� to IA1�- -jai•• •'•• ' ~ .1 :a IAIA JCI �'� �' . M T-- 3C2 RR N --- ''r ' - _ \'- t1 4C 1(itL`�P 2 20 Ac G - -ti�•.. ;. x ,0 2'..1.=: G'� cr- '---- 1 i �� 2AJ 7A2 ,�A RT1 1 5(NG bN ` •0 ?x-etisrP ;c1,` {YY. r .;ma , =� 2E m l�' -- App�V • �:iri - ` Cam` _1.J Ac .• JA ; :.i� 1. 17 • ; %`: MI _\ to NI, A_ .' G�..D. PADS 1 �' { ` F,+• - Mom. Av• STA UEY A_1255 !`.. i '. ^ .19R' ; • • Ii.. ai2F1 ---'C�,Y n 3211 .ml j �. Z. gas • • >`'.k �—f- 1111111 - ✓ 'y 9 2A1 6 Ac t `•, • ice." ill • •I r-, 'Kpl.- = 2A 2A6 I` 15 JC - '4� .tea V 1 A. 6 Ac 36 IT• T t F' 1 s. .1 •- .* 1-1—7 r,.., ID 1 \ 213 1 ms' 5 Ac TRACT MAP gin;-+: • i i tAT C_,!_ i, i i i • , • 1 • . 1 �/►I' wl I IC'� .:, i I- 1 1 i '\ t" A i 1_ 2 - J_ ' - - _r•-• •-i-I _.r•T•t ..`.-. •�..-... 'I I �.____ ® uzfi K = A. Millinillal 18; 1J 1 I SLR A-I502 •'. . . f-'w L._.., � i I i .` ` /.. 1 II • tl .� , 19 O o0 2A2 8 ,n:n:cunn ! " _.r• 'r' � 1 4' ' - % ''• �� 444 15 " I t� t+ to 14 s x 31 la s 49 50 21,_ c 20 a et 13 •N 1 .. rt� 6 I t RION , „wt D 1 30 CT „ r 3 " ,„ • 1 3= I 28 27 = 26 125 R 24 z 23 29 O� 1 as us ut u• 1W L•i . 22 20 I rn • — PUD NO. 4 1 . . • LAKE c 154 I rillIft1PG 22 j x . 5 0 13 6 g V ,H a w 1M $ 23 CENTENNIAL HOMES , C3 ft TR iC x i e t , i 5.165 C x 24 i R M.NATAWALLA 9551 C 4 ,a 1 ut 1 25 t( ) "' pr.9 8 782 O • Alum "te+ 13 my -t — _ cr N.SPACE ( FRED JOYCE-MAR(MEYERS INC. 4 39551 5 R TR 10 •« - - _- ' DCE LADS _„ 5.165 STATE OF TEXAS T•Iv`• 17( ___4411, / \ TR jig 3E • I TR 3G .915 0 1 tat• 1 s L.CONNER 1 I SP-1 w • Nt !0 i CARROLL ISD 1 TR 3C >a I ' 1.31 AC . 1 TR 3C1 1 >: .69 AC s I ISO 271 1 il TR 3C2 2 I 1.0 AC I • 420 IG0 � = TR1.03A ADJACENT OWNERS I0N R pLL DIT .2. AND ZONING LAD •)0 . L I AKARD SPIN#13 JIM GOGGIN / 1 1 , TRACT 2 3� n(1-5 ' 4 57 RO.j A 1111 III i i -- mi- � jiff �, C ... , ". h. , -:T:mil 1 f pp liPif,- SI p- Pi; - _ t Jill 4 :11 ! iIib II is 11111 It'll 4 f n . l lii I pia xl� t �� ill ��r �, '�El 11111 . i. ; 04./ him ��w i ��I Ala �i R1i �iY liEl k 4 _ 0 i (ip-. �i � . ; g � Ill, lfff �� , I ! I 438 ?if. 1 y�r.• 1 . ca- { u•riai�7. W ' f z: ! ! .� 1 e l r . !i1i 1 I `� 1 ; . • —$ •f S�! a t ' ilE #� @ ' ;aijs 1 .l l a • • AF Nt � 0 . t a � S. i it li i it . 1T1:7. t 22 .I I o L City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.:Z A.97-032 Review No:Two, Date of Review: 4/11(97 Project Name:Si*Plan-Gas Station/Convenience Store.Lot 6,Block 6.Southridge Lakes_Phase C-1, being.90 acres.A.A.Freeman Survey.Abstract No.525 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Southridge Center LP )Hannon Engineering 3838 Oak Lawn Ave. Ste. 1500 1245 Southridge Court. Suite 204 Pallas.Texas 75219-4516 Hurst.Texas 76053 Phone: (214) 522-6400 Phone: (817)268-6600 Fax: (214) 522-6103 Fax: (817)282-8186 • CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 4/10/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING`STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT 817 481-5581,EXT.787. 1. . Correct the required landscape area to reflect.50%of the floor area of the store and car wash(1732 s.£). Correct the required and provided accent trees to 6,shrubs to 29 and ground cover to reflect 10%of the required area(173 s.f.). 2. Show the location of any proposed hydrants. Fire hydrants must be provided in accordance with City.Fire Department and Public Works requirements 3. Provide fire lanes as required by the City Fire Department. 4. Provide the geometry for the right-in/right-out driveway according to the attached exhibit (Appendix 5.of the Driveway Ordinance No. 634). * Elevations provided appear to meet the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements of Ord. 480, Section 43.9.c.l.c. on all facades. * The applicant should be aware that all mechanical units and satellite dishes must be fully screened of view from adjacent R.O.W.'s and residential properties. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit,a fully corrected site plan,landscape plan, irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee,Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. c-4 City of Southlake,Texas * A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s)on the north and east must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off site pavement and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Appendix 5 of the Driveway Ordinance No.634. cc: Hannon Engineering,Via Fax: (817)282-8186,Victor Blood,Via Fax: (817)282-3603 Tetco,Via Fax:(210)826-3003, Southridge Center LP,Via Fax:(214) 522-6103 L:\WP-F1LESCREv\97\97032SP2.WPD ."' • I • These appendkes are not considered a part of this ordinanee and may be Y revised or updated isi necessary by the Director. (it, APPEN DIX 5 Right-in/Right-out Driveway Design(Limited Access) 11 I I II . . 1, 11' . 1 50'R MIN: , 50 R MIN. a Li , 1 y18� I CURB ) • 40- 18 MIN. SOLID WHITE LINE I Li 1 June 20, 1995 A - /�5 i I= , I i 0 i Jtd1 a 6 1J'1111 1 '!!!!!!!e r rrrr1ri jila t):. $ 1,1paloolui , ' ill I I i I A I 1 V i lg. II 04 .1 141::::::: 9.11 1 *k. i 114 fib ! II ill) i— !MM. ,' 1.-.I1 is • 1 11iNii " b 1 I i Bill ' 0 2 t 3 S 13 ii po It dii i h iiii 1 ..._... , 1 , : Nov . II li , 1 in t On / 41 I ' 1 r„,i,____,,t,„_.,„ . 41 1 / it/ ii / / 7 kir I 4 i / // . li / .7 ihrtl- ___- -L 1 , 4. v / / , - , _ 11 . 1 /,. / 7 / // / / , I lk li . 4,, ,r,,,,,, , , ric:TA4t1 1 I s - --flai - . :.- dekkil LI ft t f wriiiii — 0011111111111" ,.,§,„ "ill l. �I ,j ti k C t. a :gio a , . . 1yix ���..� I , 1 �yl Q iiiiii i ..� 7 1 \• o"o4 �i,;� I ¢ 1 ' 1 li ' -1 � �� a14-.--- - ;-- i 1: ili..m-• pro N�` i ...ems i ligli 3)___ .N•xati k 1 t -2AV 211111NO1Jlnd 1411iON MIWOaCIOM , dam mr.r.w.raas II? , , r I : I i g ' ' it 1 1 v i I 1 le j i -- id .4 - . :?-4 1- Li 11 !4s I Fat 1 . ihii: k il- 1; lb 0 1 i k 1 i1iuuIIttiM - HI ill.---,..-1 1 Iiii i4 , 1 I il ;ill iJ hilliiit 1\i' II it lillitl b . . ii lift-fl i ii. ___,.. __ , I ii d hi 1 1 4p h 1: 1 t=1 .. _. :.I _,Idill — 1 iii , g IMP "'Li h I k 1 _ , g J I i hri 1.31F1 , , bi-411 1 a I li fr i 1 ND -- di . i ' ( m i 1 il . RI 1 C4-1, -"I kri: ' rir .... ------ ' .r , g 6g i l - g 3 s bIII I t —di i 1 i 1 r I 1 ri III , I ` a i _ il Hi4 j ofI `1C-19- ,, City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA97-005 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance No. 480-231 Rezoning and Site Plan/Professional Office Building STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan of Tract 1A in the A. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, and being approximately 1.344 acres. LOCATION: 1302 West Southlake Boulevard and approximately 390' east of the intersection of Southridge Lakes Parkway and West Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). OWNER: Jerry Black APPLICANT: Medical Air Services Association CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Site Plan District limited to "0-1" Office District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential (any Single Family District) NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: Eight(8) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • William D. Maxwell, 1304 Normandy Drive, Southlake,opposed. "I strongly oppose the development of this property as indicated, this is a residential area and should not be developed as commercial." • Kenneth and Sharon MacMorran, 1202 Sabine Court, Southlake, opposed. "An office building surrounded by residential property is inappropriate." Resident Kenneth MacMorran has also submitted letter. See attached letter. • Frank Esposito, 1300 Normandy Drive, Southlake,opposed. "My home overlooks this area. I purchased because of the zoning and (be the view. Granting a variance violates the trust of a new home buyer. I intend to vigorously defend my position to keep the integrity of my community." • Southridge Lakes HOA, William Kemp, 4835 LBJ Freeway, Ste., 600 LB, Dallas, TX 75244, opposed. "Contrary to Land Use Plan and corridor ordinances." • William Leary, 1204 Sabine Ct., Southlake, opposed. "Proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the corridor overlay land use recommendations and the Master Plan." • Kenji Mizuno, 1212 Normandy Drive, Southlake, opposed. "I want to keep the site residential." • Gary G. Buckmaster, 712 Stratford Drive, Southlake, opposed. • Gloria and Brian Anding, 1210 Normandy Dr., Southlake, opposed. See attached petition. Two (2)responses were received outside the 200'notification area: • Richard Ponder, 1200 Sabine Court, Southlake, opposed. "Currently shown as medium density residential under master land use plan and corridor overlay land use. All property around site is residential in use. A 10,000 sq. ft. 2 story bldg in residential is totally unacceptable." • Laila Zarroua, 1308 Normandy Drive, Southlake, opposed. Lime "Please keep residential area residential area." • Tom Chapman, 402 Valverde Court, Southlake, opposed. Resident states concerns with the development along major corridors. See attached letter. A letter stating opposition has been received with twenty-four (65) signatures. Seven(8)residents are within the 200'notification area. Seventeen(57)residents are outside the 200'notification area. Letter states, ". . . we do not believe that the requested rezoning of this property is in the best long term interest of the city or its residents . . ." See attached letter with signatures. P&Z ACTION: February 20, 1997; Public Hearing continued to March 6, 1997 due to Resolution 95-24. March 6, 1997; Motion to deny failed (3-4). Approved (4-3) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, allowing variances as proposed on Item #la (4' Stone Post/Steel Fence in lieu of "F1" fence with 8' screening), Item #1b (40' building setback along east and 25' building setback along west in lieu of 4:1 slope), Item #lc (27 parking spaces instead of required 42 parking spaces), Item#ld (no loading space instead of the required one loading space), and Item#le (driveway being 108' g fL from existing off-site residential driveway to the east instead of required 500'); applicant to work with adjacent home owners to the north on fence gap; provide 3' berm and evergreen plantings along the north; eliminate, frost, or raise windows of the second floor on the north side of the building so that a 6' person cannot see out; lower building height by 3'; screen view from the north side of balcony. COUNCIL ACTION: March 18, 1997; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the April 15, 1997 City Council meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated February 14, 1997 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated February 28, 1997, with the exception of those items in the attached Site Plan Review No. 3 dated March 14, 1997. L L 6a' 3 G DWIN MARSHALL CIVIL ENGINEERS s•PLANNERS SURVEYORS January 27, 1997 To: City of Southlake Community Development Department From: Goodwin& Marshall RE: A Professional Office Building on a 1.334 acre tract Attached is a list of intended uses for which Medical Air Services plans to utilize for the above referenced site. (me REM JAN 2 7 1997 8A-4 6001 BRIDGE STREET. SUITE 100/ FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76112 / 817-429-4373 (METRO) - • SECTION 18 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT 18.1r • RPOSE AND IIVTFN'r-This district is a commercial category designed and intended for the exclusive use of office and office related activities. It is established for and will be allocated to those districts capable of supporting commercial activity of an office character. 1. It is envisioned as possessing a lower overall intensity of use and development when compared to other commercial categories. It is particularly well-suited for environmentally sensitive areas and those sites in which natural limitations make full area utilization infeasible. It has been established to encourage and permit general professional and business offices of high site quality and appearance, in attractive landscaped surroundings with the types of uses, and design exterior appearance so controlled as to be generally compatible with existing and future adjacent and surrounding residential development. This district should generally be located in areas abutting arterial and/or collector streets which are, because of location and development trends,suitable for the establishment of office uses that are compatible with residential uses thereby main existing and developing neighborhoods. This district is also ide the ally ocated idn integritytr itional areas between commercial and residential development which is adaptable to occupancy by certain office uses. The ultimare development within this zoning category must provide a low intensity of land usage and site coverage to enable the site to retain its park-like image. PERMITTED USES a. Office Uses 1. Accounting and tax preparation; 2. Adjustment and collection services; • 3. AdveFtising agencies; 4. Architecture; 5. Banking; 6. Billpaying acrviccs; 7. Business corporate headquarters (when used for office purposes only); �.8. Business holding and investment services; 9. Chamber of Commerce; RECDJAN 271997 8A-5 • 10. Chiroprastecs; .11. Computer sorvicc3; 12 Consumer and mercantile credit reporiing— • e€1); (provideddisplay . Dentists; 15. Duplication and mailing 3crviccs; j 16. Employment services; 17. Engineering; 18. Financc; 151. Interior design; 20. Land surveying; • (Ihrir 21. Law; 22----Management-eensultallts 23. Optometrists; providing21. Other offices of a business and/or professional nature including the retail sale, . . on,manufacture or production of goods or -merGhandise,--- 25. Physicians; 26. Pvdiat.ists, 1.111 28. Psychologists; 29. Radio recording and television broadcasting offices end PO studios; •30. Rcal estate and insurance; L PI 8A-6 and-Lm -e�sas--- e--- •3 5. Travel-bureaus-er services; 36. UtiIity offices; b. Cornmunity Facili Uses 1. Public,semi public-and private parks; • ar nature and chara.tcr. 18.3 ACCESSORY USES -In addition to those accessory uses specifically authorized in Section 34 of this ordinance,any use may be established as an accessory use to a permitted use when it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. 18:4 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS - Specific use following a recommendation from the Planningpermits may be approved by the City Council authorized in Section 45 of this ordinance, subject to full an and d pleteComm�compliance specificallycsion as an and all conditions required in Section 45, together with any other conditions as the City Council may impose. Any use accessory to an approved permitted withoutspecific specific use permit shall be approval if it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C.) 18.5 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS-In this district,the following development regulations shall be applicable: L 8A-7 . • 1.4.,---- i .11-‘. . ad'' NOP., - .frrder,•••...1..Z. ..• ' .-• -4"..s., ,. q-••••,,, • ..•- •-•-., 4- 4,1., ' - ,.t; iel&.:.,, .-•',, .4*,'-1'..,• ,...;c•‘-'?r: , .--r•L;;',:r .4 • - A •.1' i -7c,•42 • .1,•• .-,40,. 41. 3... lir:.r.z.;.•:.:•'-glot.l.„,-: '" •04.'" ."',1'` -",:, ,•'•' 14c,. L'• .•. r •" 1 ....1:7 .••-. ‘, ;, 1:••• -- - ....e,...,. ...e•Kta‘:•0!I " * '' • T rr ' *41,•Nlire. if %... .1.,••,. ...• ••. . 7,,„q, r V.,......•- ,. ... 1 .s. ft ,-1 c...:,.... "" ' .i.t., .,-:. * .41. „.....!;4.1,-=„t sa••• .,.., •.r, ....1 .L.,,ir;_:", -4- ':'.44.1:1., •• . .11'.°•"' 4"'. ' PF r--1:•'. z-v.'''7,;41..11;' *.• 4_,-. ••••*. •TA'.1 .:• ' 1;tr, ' •...414..nfr.L.4;tilr.S.,..1.4:67.,• :',... !.2... . ..1,„4 c.,.... :.„ ere. 1.1., • ._ ..,.....,.. .4 , , ••• • •••• -A..,• -4 VT:3-e1..P..-t'-i, ,.." : 4ili' e''',.. 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'-'•;.',.; r'7':!':•4• ,.:: •••"NZO.I..i. .4 • -.1- •-• . :., -••• -. -:',.-,•-._•:_ v.... ,--;-.-,_:e,-••• --'21-;•-;--,.g:0...... ;.-4.?..,;,4,;64;q4,-0,,, ‘.._,.- _....----,... 1,4147.6M.A5nrer.!eofi; ...-!..a • _ MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION dp/\As-lheinii. PROPOSED EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS L RECD J A N 2 7 1 9 9 7 6) Fernandez Architects 8A-8 1017 BLUE LAKE DRIVE • FORT WORTH , TEXAS 76103 • ( 8 1 7 ) 4 2 6 0 3 0 7 MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION PROPOSED EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING VARIENCES REQUESTED: 1. SECTION 43.11 non-residential building required setbacks based on 4:1 slope and 40 'building setback from property lines pertaining to the proposed developement's west and east property lines only. This prohibits all but the smallest of single story structures, much smaller than the surrounding residential structures. 2. SECTION 39.4 Non-residential use 8'-0" high required screening requirement as it pertains to the west property line and a portion from the southeast corner of the proposed iihre developement. This requirement creats a very harsh barrier to the west adjacent to the recreational area (pond and tennis courts) . To the southeast corner a common access easement will be required to serve any future developement, this is also where a drainage creek is located, plus we are proposing to provide a vehicular traffic gate in this area to' prevent unwanted after hour passge to the rear parking area, in response to comments from the residents in the area. 3. SECTION 35.6.B Required parking based on building floor area criteria rather than actual staffing requirements of the proposed development. Maximum staff requirements for parking spaces are 27. L s D f a-L1IDTDIa HDd = _ D o 1.! 0 e o 0 OS ar5 au En „t... (---. 88 og h " ° 0 f a. _ 0 !7\3-74:ki r- r— 0 0 mho �� oo� L a 4D ° ° 46. clip Q ILI cr�� -ram �' �� � • — D O a Nt ii.4.e , u lic . L2E, 3 q g - W 2 n k000d J U U U o n ... .. ....., „, 1„ eA 11=E9 E9 0 i '!!L I 1 ii Hun 1 1 'iljl J__, 8 ,I' � , n . I i r0 1-,, n I0 ii 1 Niit El El cy o 0 0 ,r� g 0 1 t, 1 0 d 1 Ddli od 1 0 0 ll nin I i ri 8A-10 • Ir. • �. . -:..j.i - it r 4 7 E, L• �y '• f y L . •-••"" i , .. -; 7rl lri i.fit.•�" - -?•� -•�► . :. „ `'he4 1 ''• .. .. ' (7 .--....— , , • , . . „,,. 1,, ii.'wit• . ....;.. . • A it 2,21 .4 ) it .0..,_',r Lo i'.0*''..-,t . ?). ••1:"• •;;--'," . 't,`.,.. 1 '' 1C 1 0.. vtitteic �w •n i sr YY a ` �r .1 fir y r h1 -i- . ', ,,....,"......y,........,%:.—: Novit,rice • . 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'., 7 , •0141.$111:17.!1‘4,. 'i":.rao's,r1",!,;(1!4,'",,.'',,:),„: ,,.i 114 ., t' .1.- ..,.: .' .-.. I , n' • '';'7 1 i v7;) - • • 4 ., . . %• ,_ . • 4.:, 12 • -• t''s` * fil • 41'. ''''' I 4. . ' 10_,,/,,i• ;.,r r Y 1 � il'j,•"A -.Y . -i 1 ,/ ay, . . A ,• II .1.Yr�:i�• 1=,1� • 404 J• . te• • _ t:V.i -.. R • .� • ., • Y � • , * } •• C • ,' �� ; 'X.i • T' ' i ,41da .-.*. •r' ,-t . • f •' . . 6•mf(•'*bra ry . t\ L I .4 r' d r t ; . . . ./.., `�`- , • 1 I. ,, ' • - 8A-11 Lie rd, 111 11111rlllfll 1111111111 .--- *3_ `�= " 42" STONE POSTS/STEEL FENCE 42" STONE WALL -IN* lee, MI ! iier-i O.. -,-1---ica, t* 11 1E 1111 11111111111111101111111.16271 • L '- " 8'-0" STONE 8 O STONE WALL POSTS/STEEL FENCE 8' 0" STONE POSTS/WOOD FENCE 6 'G`' T. C 8A-12 February 10, 1997 (kw Mr.Joe Wright Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr.Wright, In the summer of 1990, my wife, Sharon, and I moved from Dallas to 1202 Sabine Court in Southridge Lakes. What initially attracted us to Southlake was the quality and style of living offered by both the community and the Arvida development. Before purchasing our home, we carefully checked the surrounding property to ensure it was zoned residential, which it was. Soon afterwards,the City of Southlake completed a land use plan which further restricted and guaranteed the land adjacent to our property for residential use. Recently,the P&Z was notified of a proposed zoning change to a portion of the land from AG to 0-1 (ZA96-158). The proposed plan for the property was presented by the developer and his client, Medical Air Services Association, at the P&Z meeting on January 9,1997. Almost sixty residents from three different developments (Ginger Court, Stone Lakes, and Southridge Lakes) submitted a signed petition to the P&Z voicing opposition to the change from AG/Residential to 0-1. After lengthy discussion, the Board requested that the developer meet with the residents and help address their concerns and re-submit under an SP-1 zoning change. The developer has yet to contact me or conduct a meeting with the homeowners most affected by this change. (we During a Southlake City Council meeting when Gary Fickes was mayor,the Council affirmed that strip zoning of F.M.1709 would not be tolerated. Consequently, the land use plan was created to designate locations appropriate for commercial development. Please remember that several houses have been built along West Southlake Blvd. (F.M 1709),in Stone Lakes, Myers Meadow, and Timber Lake since 1990. My request is simple-follow the Plan,and reject indiscriminate strip zoning. Doing so will result in.a community we can all be very proud to call home. Should you have questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your sincere interest and concern. Respectfully, Ken MacMorran lZ.vt- 5(�8trif �. L REC'D FEg 181997 8A-13 3Jtti1991214U tem i(2d3 (Pe Tom Chapman 402 Valverde Court Southlake, Tx 76092 (817)488-3476 March 18, 1997 City Council City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Tx 76092 Re: Zoning Case ZA 97-005 Dear City Council Members: I have been told, when SouthRidge Lakes Estates was developed, it was to serve as a model for other residential communities to be developed along Southlake Blvd(State FM- 1709). SouthRidge Lakes has expansive green scape and seasonal flowers at it's southern entrance. Lakes on each side of the southern entrance greet homeowners as they arrive (we from a long day of work or a day of errands. Again, SouthRidge Lakes is beingas to serve as allow g model. the SouthRidge Lakes neighborhood is being asked to allow multiple story commercial developments to be built next to it. Developments that maybe architectural pleasing for commercial development, but detract from the look and feel of the SouthRidge Lakes neighborhood. A group of SouthRidge Lakes homeowners meet with Mr. Green of Medical Air Associates and his'architect on Sunday, March 16, 1997 at our club house. We meet for over an hour with them. They explained their plans and answered our questions. I believe that Mr. Green and his architect are sincere in their plans to build a quality commercial development. I have nothing personal against Mr. Green. But, I am opposed to the development. I realize the Corridor Study and the Corridor Overlay Zone are guidelines for commercial development along FM1709, Highway 114, and FM1938 in Southlake. However, it has been my understanding that the intent of the Corridor Study and the Corridor Overlay Zone was to control commercial development along these corridors so that a balance of residential and community developments would be obtained. I strongly believe this balance will be upset if multiple story commercial developments are built in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. L REC'D MAR 181997 C,W 01S171161 n.Clap= PYOo on (re I do not want Southlake to become another Plano, Addison, Irving, Arlington, or even Grapevine. I like the rural atmosphere, the residential character, and the high quality of education my children receive in Southlake. In conclusion, I urge the Mayor, the City Council, and the Planning and Zoning Commission to reject this development and to request Medical Air Associates to seek a more suitable site in Southlake. Also, I am requesting the Corridor Study, the Corridor Overlay Zone, and the Land Use Plan be reviewed as it pertains to commercial development juxtapose to residential neighborhoods. I believe assumptions were made in the original study that anticipated high intensity commercial developments would "not...be placed contiguous to or in direct proximity to residential zoning districts". It can be seen with the Aguirre, Inc. and Integrated Health Systems Assisted Living Facility Request and now the Medical Air Associates request that commercial developers will build high intensity commercial developments near residential neighborhoods if the current zoning is not amended to prevent these developments. L L ga-l5 97o05 16 February, 1997 (lor City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Attn: Planning and Zoning Commission Mr. Chairman and Commissioners: We are writing to you concerning the requested zoning change of 1.344 acres at 1302 West Southlake Boulevard from "AG" to "SP-1" with "0-1 uses", Reference No. ZA 97-005. We commend the Planning and Zoning Commission's desire to pursue a compromise on this issue that will satisfy all parties. However, we do not believe that the requested rezoning of this property is in the best long term interest of the city or its residents for the following reasons: 1. Both the Master Land Use Plan and the Corridor Overlay Land Use Recommendations specify that this property will be zoned medium density residential. While it is currently zoned "AG", its current use is residential which is consistent with the Master Plan and (410., Recommendations. Allowing an office to be constructed on this property is clearly inconsistent with the Master Plan and Recommendations and provides a foothold for commercial development in this area. The adjacent 3.5 acre parcel east of the subject property will likely be the next to request rezoning to allow commercial development. It will be very difficult to prevent the commercial development of the adjacent 3.5 acre parcel after an office is constructed on the subject property. 2. The proposed rezoning is clearly inconsistent with the surrounding land use. All adjacent properties are residential, both in zoning and use. 3. Residents in the surrounding community are overwhelmingly opposed to the construction of an office building on this property. A petition opposing the previous rezoning request(ZA 96-158)contained the signatures of 58 residents of the surrounding community. This petition was provided to the Commission during the January 9, 1997 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Please note that the petition opposes the construction of an office on the subject property and remains valid even though the Applicant has changed his requested zoning from "O-1" to "SP-1". Additional copies.of this petition will be provided at your request. L REC'D F E B 1 81997 'a7 Lue 4. Traffic congestion is already a problem on the section of Southlake Blvd. fronting this property due to the traffic light at Southridge Lakes Parkway. During rush hour traffic, cars back up to the subject property making access to and egress from the property difficult. An increase in the number of vehicles accessing the property that will result from its use as an office will create additional traffic congestion and a potentially dangerous situation that could result in accidents in the future. In addition, the driveway does not comply with Driveway Ordinance No. 634 because it is only 108 feet from the driveway on the ajacent property to the east. Ordinance 634 requires 500 feet minimum spacing between full access driveways intersecting Southlake Blvd. It is not clear how the Applicant plans to address this issue. 5. Placing an office in the middle of a residential neighborhood creates a host of potential problems including uncontrolled use of the subject property access to the adjacent residential properties at all hours, compromised privacy of the surroundin residential properties,and noise pollution. We should not be misled into believing that these g problems will be prevented using controls such as an electric gate to control vehicle access. The owner will have no motivation to keep a vehicle gate operational that he installed solely to satisfy the concerns of the surrounding residents during the rezoning hearing. 6. This property is clearly unsuited for the proposed use. A two story structure is necessary to (1100, meet the developer's building space requirements due to the property's size and shape. A two story structure creates numerous significant problems. The developer will not be able to meet slope setback requirements for both the east and west property lines with a two story structure and has requested a variance. Setback requirements are necessary to ensure that the appropriate building density and ambiance is maintained in our community. Setback requirements also help preserve the privacy of the surrounding properties. We are opposed to the granting of this variance. In addition, multi-story commercial buildings are not appropriate adjacent to residential properties for reasons of appearance and privacy. It will be an invasion of our privacy to have the building's occupants looking into our back yards from their second floor picture windows. If allowed, this will be the first multi-story commercial structure fronting residential property along Southlake Blvd. L 84 r7 Finally, if the rezoning request is approved, the current owner will sell the property, collect his money, and leave the community. The residents of this community will have to live with the impacts of the zoning change forever. While the Commission's compassion toward this land owner is understandable, we do not believe that a decision that benefits only this owner to the long-term detriment of the rest of the community makes sense. Accordingly, we urge you to deny the requested zoning change when it comes before the Comnission on 20 February. Thank you for your support. Adjacent Residents (see attached signatures) (sr 8ct-/8 Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Sou _thlake Blvd. from AG to SP 1 erence No. ZA 97-005) signature signature name ice ,w /f�- `� ?�� name +�N k/TZP14-it!( /L address /26'0 7Hz#,<.4- address j 20 S/}V�)(14.- C. / � C signature l signature yVZ � � aLdai.Ae name :?,9,�e- / '/✓/ & name (? 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Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature signature 54d name )(NI[-C +t hat"" name -?/ Lw , address 'oa kl e bevy Gt. address Poi /1'/e! signature signature f/ j)..C3/N—op name 1_0 itrelpq name K 6. r &f D 13-L,4.p address % V y /9rt i`�`v 61, address t(or r i;-S/ D/v Cr- signaturei�f �, signature _ �,(� name rl'Zt tAWL to. t6ZA .L. name 6/monde Airy 1/ /loci address 'zt h2c—s ro en address `7te27 f res I. /o . signature signatu name . name Ci address J(0P }Beeps, address 15 O S CO kX t(- e01- signature signatur name 1•61S0 name c , (J�, .Gyl I address 120G 270v11e.CoW address ) Zo S i- C)143/E or biq .23 (le Residents Opposed to the Rezoning of 1302 West Southlake Blvd. from AG to SP-1 (Reference No. ZA 97-005) signature �� ��.) signature name Donn& J ro(.a,n name Amy Lakih address um C cj&W- a address 'DO Pon Icy CA signature `/�) signature ,)( c7Z7 _ l / l d name /-e�J e li ii ('91. name a 4-e - 'e S. 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Macmorran J 143 Ita xi, Aaca 1 1» � Southridge Lakes 3 Homeowners Assoc. AG I , 5 J. Alexander I 2 1 1 1 ) — - - --IVfd • 3.5 :1C State of Texas SO1THLAKEfLVD- - - - - - -r--- - - — �- TR '28 1>a _a � R 1 B _ . 18 0 .773 0 R 1A2 1» ,1 1°{ . �, Ia O 1 O .7 » ISt )88 0 TR 1A1A t X C C 1 .074 0 1 _ Y N $ 17 E 16 - = m , N N _ Q 10 9 8 ,, W m 1 n • (d, •! NORMANDY DR � �2 TR 1A 111 co `r 412 .O 1426A0 .a0 .,1 re '� 1 7 3 ? .. A 27 ? 28 29 PU D 1.,,, . • 1 0/ 1°I g 32 = 33 A 35 6 111 . 1~ 1. W 00 20 103 4 26 13 Rr 12 „, 2 ,osip • la 14 .1 A 5 ;� 25 a p 11 = 4 .,, I. .., - `n' - 2 sr - Its 1°S E 6 11° \ 1t1 ., ,,, SPIN REPRESENTATIVE#13 ',,a.41 JIM GOGGIN 4 2 5 10 '9 ' ADJACENT OWNERS 6 s 4.1%17 !_ '� MAYFAIR PL ` �� AND ZONING , t F a 11s 15 O 2 R ,Q/� 7 11 s . i 14 °o / va-.31 �a `/` 4' 1`� 2 City of Southlake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Lase No:ZA 97-005 Review No:Three Date of Review:3/14/97 s Project Name: Site Plan for S-P-1 Zoning-Professional Office Building being 1.344 acres situated in the A.A.Freeman Survey,Abstract No.522 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Jerry R. and Karen Marie Black / Goodwin&Marshall,Inc. 1302 W. Southlake Blvd. 6001 Bridge Street, Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Ft. Worth,Texas 76112 Phone: Phone:(817)429-4373 Fax: Fax: (817)446-3116 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/10/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817) 481-5581, EXT.787. 1. The applicant has requested variances to the following requirements: a. An F 1 fence with 8'screening is required along the west property line. The applicant proposes a 42" Stone Post/Steel Fence. (P& Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) * Please note that there is an existing 6' stockade fence, offset 5' north,into the lots of Southridge Lakes and north of the north property line of this site. The construction of the 8' stone post wood fence for this site will result in a"vacant"5' strip of land.(P&ZRecommendation 3/6/97:Applicant to work with adjacent home owners to resolve gap) • • b. A 4:1 slope line building setback is required from the east and west property lines. The applicant proposes a 40' building setback line along the east and a 25' building setback line along the west. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) c. 42 parking spaces are.required.The applicant proposes 27 parking spaces. (P&Z. Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) d. 1 loading space is required. This should be shown in the Site Data Summary on the plan. The applicant proposes none. (P&Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) e. According to the Driveway Ordinance No.634,the minimum spacing required between full access driveway centerlines intersecting F.M. 1709(Southlake Boulevard) is 500'.The (...." proposed driveway is approximately 108'from an existing off-site residential driveway to the east. (P& Z Recommendation 3/6/97:Allow as proposed) 8Q 302 • City of Southlake,Texas 2. Correct the percentage of site coverage in the Site Data Summary to reflect percentage of lot area (../ covered by the building footprint. 3. Delete "Development Regulations"chart from the plan. 4. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation of building facades according to the requirements of Ord. 480, Sect. 43.9.c.1c. Compliance with the requirements are as shown in the attached articulation evaluation chart. Additional P&Z Recommendations 3/6/97: 1. Provide a 3'berm with evergreen plantings along the north property line. 2. Eliminate,frost, or raise windows of the second floor on the north side of the building so that a 6'person cannot see out. 3. Lower building height by 3'. 4. Enclose the north side of the balcony. * The applicant should be aware that revised submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 3/24/97. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11" x 17" revised reduction must be provided. • * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. . C Please be aware that all mech anical units must be screened of view from residential property and F.M. 1709. Also;please note that the 8' screening shown for the dumpster must be constructed of a masonry material similar to the building and the dumpster must be gated. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and. . filed in the County Plat Records, and a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Jerry R.and Karen Marie Black Goodwin&Marshall,Inc. Medical Air Services,Nine Village Circle, Suite 540,Roanoke,Tx. 76262,Ph. (817)430-4655 L:\WP-FILES\REV\97\97005SP t.DOC („„,,,, 8a.'33) • Articulation Evaluation Not Case No.ZA 97-005 Date of Evaluation: 3/14/97 C;levations for Medical Air Services Building ived 3/10/97 Front-facing: South Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 29 60% Yes 72 29 60% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 10 150% Yes 4 8 100% Yes Min.artic. length 7 19 171% Yes 7 19 171% Yes L.Side-facing West Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 38 47% Yes Min.artic. offset 4 15 275% Yes 4 7 75% Yes Min.artic. length 10 32 220% Yes . Right-facing: East Wall ht.= 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation R uired Provided Delta Oka ? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72. 38 47% Yes Min.artic: offset 4 8 100% Yes 4 7 75% Yes Min.artic. length 10 32 220% Yes (.ár-facing: North Wall ht. = 24 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max.wall length 72 29 60% Yes 72 37 49% Yes Min.artic.offset 4 6 50% Yes 4 6 50% Yes Min.artic. length 4 8 100% Yes 9 15 67% Yes (....i Sam _ rwa,rawawa 0 L6610 I aW1 O ` IP 11f1 '� —jog-46 0: ' o _iiii ,,„ (../ . #312 1 .,is elf _th , 0 711:18 11 ,11 *ni •l; :C '131::::::: I ., s i#isggs €l al- '1-'1 Ill bild viatj d 1 ill • ElOgioccl! i 4" i Ilk iI z .11 dilin i :fit ns �A n h. 'gill n; Mg imam! ii s: ! go bIL*_re! •1,,,0 it °ailPint 41111 sr' s tt • ;-sf I IF _ _!Mal Wit. �' bin!J,,: ':•;?pi�12�111 i •••:- I ) , I I .§ i 1 , III •e�ri kpit I i 1 s .s II 1 lig w g , st. mai! I W ' - - ______ r, , Lei .1\*:- ' m. si u . 4 1 i , - R k - i 014Y.IF10Y1.Nr1Ml.P . • '�f , iii. ;,, t:if,r2 • it 14.1 */gl 1 -tr IIII . iW �� i 3 11 s V I , r------ 0f Ili IF 51 gittoNN .1 1,4:4t, 14* :ig 4,44„.> I I I i i__________ zip. I lit: : t t 141 l % R g7 a . i a a p s 5 ..... Ct^` i 2 Z : : a_- —z-- p, r q i- pyp. r ,a ill Z w .i. h nO Illet0 b :. !gill:lip;; liu) g e 3 1 " i 8 dit-wil;i id .2/ Br 1..it; ..4E sa•i-V i Cei . bk.. 11 la-lid I . ":balli1/4 R ! !q � '.I 8 1 8Q351 .a-ww.rr. w OW MY/ CV sloap4.4 yoiv zapueuia� .°..ream ..=wsaw f . ` .-, I Y I Mott oaas. a+ n,r Q 11 col <,,,,i, i1 i ti a) . r— I a , ..., , , !S it HH '4. ,„ . i 1 'f % ! ¢ ' 1 . .� , ; , , • In I i r_____, (211: 1 ii , . r-ii i 1 1 4 -1 fui. P II L, mom®; i .• ; g Ell i ; j,1 a ; 3a ; ; 11 - a„1,,, , i ....6.„..„==1 ail ' ! 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CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN gg THE sCITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING rs p i zm:ia«'.C` �' a •�.� .- AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM � " „;!:it a �: � TO SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING .A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR . PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND • PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business,industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as D I under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and LWHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Pagel CX�[Q„ • facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood;location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, Cie WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City • of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a I` r,®4, tract of land situated in theme c L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP1 Page 2 liet-39 Ua. JI • Cie ? � and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto an incorp orated orated herein,fro to • { : as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable Ce consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 3 Qa^1/D until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: (be CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP1 81!41 Page 4 a__ 0 ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP 1 Page 5 46 �G.� EXHIBIT "A" L BEGINNING at a 3/4" bolt found in the north line of F.M. No. 1709(Southlake Boulevard -called 130'RO.W.)at the corner common to the southwest f Black tract and the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block I'of Southridge Lakes Ph s said e I, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas as recorded in Cabinet Slide 468 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 00°01'68" E(Reference bearing-Per Plat recorded in Cab. A, Slide PRTCT), departing the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, along the east line of sai 468, 1, Block 1 of Southridge Lakes-Phase I, a distance of 416.49 feet f Lot (Deed 416.45 feet, Plat 416.32 feet) to a 5/8" iron rod with a plastic cap found at the corner common the northwest corner of said Black tract and the southwest corner of Lot 9 of sai to Block 1 of Southridge Lakes-Phase I; d THENCE N 89°55'06" E, departing the east line of said Lot 1, Lakes-Phase I, along the south line of said Lot 9 and Lot 10 of said Block 1 of age LSouthridge Lakes-Phase I, a distance of 140.75 feet with a plastic cap found at the corner commone (Deed 140.7')to a 5/8" iron rod Blac tract and the northwest corner of a tract of land described in deed to northeast corner of W k Alexander and wife, Iva S. Alexander, recorded in Volume 2537, Page 188 DRT CT; THENCE S 00°01'08" W, departing the south line of said Southridge Lakes along the line common to the east line of said Black tract and the west line of saidI, Alexander tract, a distance of 415.54 feet (Deed 416.45 feet) to a 5/8" iron rod with a plastic cap found in the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, at the corner common to tsoutheast corner of said Black tract and the southwest corner of said Alexander tract e from which a 1/2" iron rod found bears S 24°12'15" E, 1.07 feet; THENCE S 89°32'00" W, along the north line of said F.M. No. 1709, a distance 140.75 feet(Deed 140.7' feet) to the POINT of BEG of square feet or 1.344 atres of land. INNING and containing 58,553 ti L L:ICTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-23 LSP l Page 6 .1 Al• r .. +.}iti / . \— • EXHIBIT "B" O L6610 t avv Q33a` , • • I ; 1 g EjilliEll k. WI (Nroe ,: li 3j ; S#Fz jil▪t▪ � . �C^:G^:C331�iFr o. co 8gq!I !J: $ i ..1 a_..' �{ 411 �O�iY:l�i:�� { 1 2 •i 6 O p R 1 b _ ia E E- I= lief.� gg ate . , '' i ili III _ aa �gg FFee ,_ii" y i -I r'f'2 I� z{ g-. „ i ®�ti9����G.'�p� ieE I _= I o f =4 { €o=:°e hi 141):1 %, ta. ,[7tit1H ,1`i . 9 g # a' g pia "S 'll 1 �B= s:i J ®®l©l• ii)i 3= :" .' 1 • .! e i gliaiii' "i t� �2i I:i`? 2• y�•���2i .[.fiif g• =ij I I I I ;Ib a. 0 'i! i if N II 4\4* I '4%k:i.e.-v.* 4, s,„ 1 rf 1.11N C.J"E t $ > gti i $:!" W (lie i kl z e I � E 1441k Si PI ' 5 m aavao a. mm. .rs'SI. -- , ru •p,*�► mow a..nu.'.u.1v.._' Io P p. 1 : ! . icil ---:--—--I.- g , ,_, pi„,, J� g a o.�- • ;try- ■ r 1 �I= I yyk. I^ {•+1 gi i SUI Ef. aa➢� .a.]Ni.a { J.C Iglle > J 1 1 ..\(<1)4\N �1 ,mat 1 a�3- ik* 'P� by M[Q um y -J o I I P 1 K hP !I t. F. �.i AMR bt3 ih iuii EI —z _, nn' LIJ 144 �=: cas!: i Z Y o .� q dre b %*eta YY Pi Pg:,� to 60 Ir.tEb=e @ 6a �' 7�" g-V/;';W' (01 . ' 3 i Is „�n1N1°1 R ` 5 `A laa. Ix II�by O1111 hiVir °C1M V I�i_= L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-231.SP1I Qn-1/fl Page 7 Vi( — • ...4r_lt, so r fi, - ! i : .„.,..„.....,,„=„,,. ..,.......z.41 ....._.,.r., cs4 ailt2.09.0 CRY INIM:IMMO...4 3.0 PM PM PO ., ),•••ii •...11111•111•PrillIM3...............1•rd , sioaptr-Jiv zapu2uiaj : t - d'O. rt. lit ,II, I A 1 , I •-•,..: ;.•.7, r. .-., • .1 • 1 , MIMI MITNIP• Miel IMO 11=11,3=Mr 3.,••••.:.: • SCIDZIGGSV COWS WV 1,30:13K - —•! < V . I 1 •4 (me (6 r-... 0 .E‘ i < cr) cr) 0 v, u ‘ cc 1 c, cx 0-- ta' E=1 C-, :1 ' 'I • CC I.- 11.rto,::.StiiitroArre,,7...., ...., t,...?...,..t...,',...4tc.4.,r7„..;,...; ,. : ;.1*.:.r.•-..,... '1 _ I 17-5.2.f...,..st• ........;:te,... 1 • KM*4 1 I I..'nar • ', • , I . 1 • i . • X( • l•1 jgg• ••::L.1 ' 1 : 1 . :!1;•;? t 1111 ..,,,, I 1 ! • ' 1 1 : l' ifiEMAII I I—:' ;' .: 1 i r•r4 11,!! i : i ;; . 1. Illi . 1 . ,.., ; . ;I i 1-=',„ 11 : 4r• 11 !id •- Elli, ,...... ., . _ >. l'. ' ! • air 1 i . .I , ' 1 I 1 , • ::= 1 1E2 I , : , P. 1,..—If.i. t I i; :::::. • :7;•::: --- 1 - — , , ,. '..--• 1 1 V. 1 • M. i • 4§I i I ,•• ' i i it . ,— . ( ii j 1 C) . - I ill • .. I • 1 , I 1 il ii it • li o r-• i „Jnas I. .1 1 I 1;42,;:•' ,,:1 ill '.. _1 :1 ! I i —' oil , I I ' J 1....1---IFI ;,...... i.... -- "5 .. , MOM I •• I , • ; 1 . Z: sic 1,i Ti, . i !I lik r lir ..1'2I 2i.1 —,r7j• ill' 041 1,__IIIiiit I 1 la ''.:H1 tiIi II 1 :Li I ' • I 1 .... frI L . ._, ... L:kerYDOCS\ORD\CASES1480-231.SP1 . Page 8 Sct5-- ..: .. • if._... - - r 1��byyy1! .wa+wia wa�.n.tiwa.Ape Nap awn s+w w ,,, `! I § I i I I ! . .. Ant-aA W° .Am woes . i A.,1,219, CV s�aai!4a�d Z pueu1a_i i ft 1 1 i 1 IOW.AIL nm� aueaemM.ZOOM A.- C n 1 < 1 I I \� � � I HI-1 I gi I I 1_ Z,.. ¢ . iiII u is iki,..-.-L .I 1 „ F ll Ey 1 1 i� E1., - . y �. - E1 i` I 1 2 :1 3 ` 1, 7• i v: TIIT C, • t, 4GCj: I a / l i '-'1\ .1 I I 3! 1 •�_ 33 —1 ; !• '( f I WI.:r. / I'r'� ' 'Zig; ` I 1 it \ :I ;,. Mg! 1111 t. 7. • N . 1=ee1I NU z I ; 1 I F_o 1 Q \ Hn1 I N } wO(hile - . L:ICTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-23LSPI ,`. Page 9 Q GHQ— /9 G OODWlN`ARSHALL CIVIL ENGINEERS-PLANNERS SURVEYORS January 27, 1997 To: City of Southlake Community Development Department From: Goodwin& Marshall RE: A Professional Office Building on a 1.334 acre tract Attached is a list of intended uses for which Medical Air Services plans to utilize for the above referenced site. L RECD JAN 2 7 1997 6% Cie 47 6001 BRIDGE STREET, SUITE 100/ FOR1 yvORTH, TEXAS 761 1 2 / 817-429-4373 (METRO) /1. * fhamol SECTION 18 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT 18.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT-This district is a commercial category designed and intended for the exclusive use of office and office related activities. It is established allocated to those districtscapable of lashed for and will be supporting commercial activity of an office character. It is envisioned as possessing, a lower overall intensity of use and development when compared to other commercial categories. It is particularly well-suited for environmentally sensitive areas and those sites in which natural limitations make full area utilization infeasible. It has been established to encourage and permit general professional and business offices of high site quality and appearance, in attractive landscaped surroundings with the types of uses, and design exterior appearance so controlled as to be generally compatible with existing and future adjacent and surrounding residential development. This district should generally be located in areas abutting arterial and/or collector streets which are, because of location and development trends,suitable for the establishment of office uses that are compatible with residential uses thereby maintaining the character and integrity of existing and developing neighborhoods. This district is also ideally located in transitional 1 areas between commercial and residential development which is adaptable to occupancy by certain office uses. The ultimate development within this zoning category must provide a low intensity of land usage and site coverage to enable the site to retain its park-like image. (80,2 PERMITTED USES a. Office Uses 1. Accounting and tax preparation; • 2. Adjustment and collection services; • 3. Advertising agencies; 4. Architecture; 5. Bunking; - 6. Billpaying acrviccs; 7. Business corporate headquarters (when used for office purposes only); ..8. Business holding and inve-tnent services; 9. Chamber of Commerce; (se OECD JAN 2 7 1997 8a.`ya) rn 10. Chirp ratters• PI P •11. Computer services; 111! Consumer and mercantile credit repor• • ); t14. Dentists; 15. Duplication and mailing services; 16. Employment zervices; 17. Engineering; 18. Finance; 19. Interior design; 20. Land surveying; Cie 21. Law; V iiJ wYiiiW, 23. Optometrists; t -merchandise.— 25. Physicians; 26. Podiatrists-,--- 28. Psychologists; 11111 - , 30. Real estate and insurance, PI (pi • 33. Stenographic-ervices; 34. Title companies; •35. Travel bureaus-or services; -36. Utility offices; b. Community Facility Uses 1. Public, semi public and private-parks; ! (re ar nature,and character. • 18.3 ACCESSORY USES-In addition to those accessoryuses specifically authorized in Sec a permitted use when 34 of this ordinance,any use may be established as a accessoryuse it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. 1824 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS - Specific use permits may be approved by the City Council following a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission as specifically authorized in Section 45 of this ordinance, subject to full and complete compliance with any and all conditions required in Section 45, together with any other conditions as the City Council may impose. Any use accessory to an approved specific use permit shall be permitted without specific approval if it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C.) 18.5 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS-In this district,the following development regulations shall be applicable: City of South lake,Texas STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 96-130 PROJECT: First Reading/ Ordinance No. 480-220 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Timarron Commercial, Tract I STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for approximately 58.202 acres situated in the James J. West Survey,Abstract No. 1620,Tract 1, as recorded in Volume 9827, Page 974, D.R.T.C.T. LOCATION: Southeast corner of the intersection of Dove Road and State Highway No. 114 OWNER AND APPLICANT: Timarron Land Corporation CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING (ORIGINAL REQUEST): "SP-2"Generalized Site Plan District with Mixed Uses,to include the following uses: "CS" Community Service District, "0-1" Office District, "0-2" Office District, "C-l" Neighborhood Commercial District, "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District, "C-3" General Commercial District, "C-4"Arterial Mall Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District, and "HC" Hotel District AMENDED REQUEST: Same as above, but deleting "C-4" Arterial Mall Commercial District from list of proposed zoning categories (see attached letter). LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use (may include residential, office buildings, hotels, and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Office Commercial (Same as in CS, 0-1, 0-2, B-1, HC, MF-1, and MF-2 districts) Retail Commercial (Same as in CS, 0-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, and B-1 districts) NO. NOTICES SENT: Twelve (12) RESPONSES: Three (3) written response was received from within the 200' notification area: • Douglas P. Nitsch, 2135 N. White Chapel, Southlake, TX 76092, in favor. • Claude Shivers, 5808 Dana Dr., Fort Worth, IX, undecided. • Robert Rawls, 165 E. Dove, Southlake, opposed. "Cause too much traffic (we're at our limit now) - Too much noise -There will be no country settings left in our town and that's the whole reason for moving here!" One (1) response was received outside the 200' notification: • B. Dennis King, 205 Manor Place, Southlake, opposed. Resident states that, ". . . PUD's were never intended to be a substitute for good land use planning." Resident also states that ". . . Westwood should speak specifically to its plans for the property . . ." See attached letter. RESPONSES: (AMENDED REQUEST) Two (2) identical responses were received. Letter states concerns with quality of life, location, image, flood control, drainage, police and fire protection. See attached letter. • Gary S. Krall. No address given. • Paul Hendricks. No address given. & Z ACTION: October 17, 1996; Approved (5-0)applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning&Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7, 1996; Approved(5-0)applicant's request to table until the January 9, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. January 9, 1997; Approved (5-0-1) to continue public hearing until the January 16, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. January 16, 1997; Approved (5-0-1) to table until the January 23, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and to continue public hearing. January 23, 1997; Approved (5-0-1) to continue public hearing until the January 30, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. January 30, 1997; Approved (5-0-1) to table until the February 6, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. February 6, 1997; Approved (6-0-1)to continue public hearing until the February 13, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. February 13, 1997; Approved (5-0-1) subject to Concept Plan (16., Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11, 1996, with the following amendments: • Specific Use Permits will be required for fifth (5th) and sixth (6th) floors on buildings; • relocate the eastern boundary of Tract IA back to proposed Kirkwood extension; • any "HC" Hotel use will be allowed by S.U.P. only; • 100' building setback is required on White Chapel Boulevard and adjacent to the "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development on Dove Road; • 4:1 slope from Timarron's property line adjacent to residential property; berms will be three feet (3') to eight feet (8') with an average height of five feet (5') within any 50' bufferyard; • the following uses in "B-1" Business Service Park will be allowed by S.U.P. only - lithograph, engraving, printing and publishing; • in "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial, gasoline filling stations will be allowed by S.U.P. only; • in "C-2" Local Retail Commercial, filling stations or service stations will be allowed by S.U.P. only; • the applicant will comply with the Landscape Ordinance, and for every story from two (2) to four(4), they will add 1% of the lot area to the required landscaped area, and for every story from five(5) to six(6), they will add 2% of the lot area to the required landscaped area. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11, 1996, with the exception of those items in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated April 11, 1997. LAW P-FILES\MEMO\96CASEM96-130ZC.WPD L YJ OCT-11-9G 11 .40 FROM. IO= PAGE 2 (....., dY October 11, 1996 '1, 1 Mr. Greg Last Community Development Director City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 RE: Zoning Applications Timarron Commercial Tracts 1, 2, & 3 Dear Mr. Last Timarron Land Corporation respectfully requests amendments to the above-referenced zoning applications as follows: Tract No. I (Proposed zoning-SP-2 Generalized Site Plan Development) • Remove C-4-Arterial Mall Commercial District(Sec. 23) from the list of proposed zoning categories Tract Nos. 2&3 (Proposed zoning-Non Residential P.U.D.) • Remove the following from the proposed zoning categories: • C-4-Arterial Mall Commercial District(Sec.23) • 1-1 -Light Industrial District(Sec. 26) • I-2 -Heavy Industrial District(Sec. 27) • Amend the residential zoning category to exclude MF-2 and, if possible, add zoning classification SF-20 Additionally, we have enclosed a letter from Carter &Burgess, Inc. regarding the Traffic Impact Analysis requirements. If there is any additional information required, please call. Since yours, i' Iv, seem _ I, , S v Yetts, .E. Development Director Enclosure SEY/kd Lastltr REC'D OCT 11 1996 i24ia7 i0:u4 Uci4oi .uvdv B. Dennis King 205 Manor Place Southlake,Texas 76092 Home-817/424-3094 Work-817/871-8605 TO: Members of The Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake(Fax 817/488-9370) FROM: 1 Dennis King DATE: . January 23, 1997 RE: Timarron Rezoning AZ96 130. 131, 132 Please be advised that I am opposed to the rezoning Timarron is requesting for the referenced tracts. I attended the first meeting the Timarron representatives held with various SPIN groups and was unimpressed with the presentation. It became obvious very early in the meeting that Timarron had not performed any land planning but simply wanted a zoning designation which would permit the greatest flexibility for them. I believe it would be grievously unfair for the City of Southlake and its residents to approve the zoning requests in their present condition. Please remember,PUD's were never intended to be a substitute for good land use planning. i It should also be pointed out that Mobil Oil is no longer the owner of Timarron. The new owner is(low Westwood, which is a real estate company comprised mainly of executives formerly with Morgan I Stanley, a Wall Street investment banker. The new owner,Westwood, should speak specifically to its plans for the property-not what it thinks or hopes will happen in the future. It is my understanding that Westwood is a "horizontal" developer and not a "vertical" developer. Accordingly, in all likelihood, Westwood will develop the infrastructure(streets and utilities)and then sell off the tracts as users come along. Each sale,if good planning does not happen now,could be a setback for Southlake's commitment to quality development and good commercial neighbors. With each sale by Westwood the residents of Southlake could very easily find their quality of life moving further along a downward spiral until that quality of life is only a distant memory. Thank you for your attention to this matter. i : i ii �gg7 G:RPC1l.EGAL�WORDIHDK�9500‘BDK9597DOC �� 3 AN 2 C January 29, 1997 TO: City of Southiake Planning &Zoning RE: Cases #ZA 96-130 #ZA 96-131 #ZA96-132 Greetings: My name is Gary S. Krall and I am a resident of Southlake, TX residing at 204 Sheffield Ct. The above referenced cases submitted for rezoning by Timarron Land Development are of great concern to me and my family. There are a great many issues that need to be addressed and looked at very closely before any further development is allowed along Highway 114. The first concern is a quality of life issue. My family moved to Southlake because it offers peaceful surroundings, a low crime rate, an excellent school system, larger lots than normally offered .in other communities, a nice lake access and less congested big cities nearby. traffic than in the Southlake did not have the drawbacks of many of the other suburban areas we looked at and ii appeared to be planning for the future in a way that would protect this quality of life. The Timarron development as proposed would, in my opinion, detract severely from everything Southlake has to offer. A concentrated commerciaVindustrial park with everything from: 1. retail to manufacturing, 2. office buildings and hotels up to six stories in height, and 3. no definite buffers between commercial uses and homes or schools. All these things strike me as making all the same mistakes towns like Irving, Arlington, Grand Prairie and Garland, etc. have made in the past. This can only work to lower the property values of our homes, add to the crime rate, create environmental problems and increase traffic problems to an unbearable.level. Much of the proposed development will put commercial/industrial businesses right next to schools and increase the traffic on Carroll Avenue which would be a dangerous situation for the three schools along Carroll Avenue. Although I live South of 114, I see 114 as the "Gateway" to Southlake. Any undesirable development will bring down everyone, not just those North of 114 or nearest to C REC'D J AN 3 0 1997 the development. The image for the entire area will be set by what is seen along 114. Congested, overbuilt areas will turn people away and ruin what Southlake has to offer. Issues such as flood control, proper drainage, police and fire prcxection, etc. must be addressed before the City o; Southlake can give approval in any way to the Timarron proposal. The developer must be forced to delineate specific plans for each and eve tract; otherwise Timarron will have Carte Blanche to do whatever they wish. ry ' Many of those involved have said that letting development happen will lower homeowners taxes. Frankly, I moved here knowing the tax structure and I am willing to pay my fair share for a high quality of life and excellent schools. I am not in favor of this of development just to supposedly lower my taxes. type • I realize the land along Highway 114 will eventually be developed. I am not against • low density, environmentally clean and safe businesses. But, Southlake must not let their golden opportunity for proper development be swept away in a flur ry rry of ill-conceived Thank you very much for taking all of the above into consideration before making an decisions on this rezoning issue. ., Y • • January 29, 1997 TO: City of Southlake Planning &Zoning RE: Cases #ZA 96-130 #ZA 96-131 #ZA96-132 Greetings: My name is Paul Hendrickson and I am a resident of Southlake, TX residing at 200 Sheffield Court. The above referenced cases submitted for rezoning by Timarron Land Development are of great concern to me and my family. There are a great many issues that need to be addressed and looked at very closely before any further development is allowed along Highway 114. The first concern is a quality of life issue. My family moved to Southlake because it offers peaceful surroundings, a low crime rate, an excellent school system, larger lots than normally offered in other communities, a nice lake access and less traffic than in the congested big cities nearby. Southlake did not have the drawbacks of many of the other suburban areas we looked at and it appeared to be planning for the future in a way that would protect this quality of life. The Timarron development as proposed would, in my opinion, detract severely from everything Southlake has to offer. A concentrated commercial/industrial park with everything from: 1. retail to manufacturing, 2. office buildings and hotels up to six stories in height, and 3. no definite buffers between commercial uses and homes or schools. All these things strike me as making all the same mistakes towns like Irving, Arlington, Grand Prairie and Garland, etc. have made in the past. This can only work to lower the property values of our homes, add to the crime rate, create environmental problems and increase traffic problems to an unbearable level. Much of the proposed development will put commercial/industrial businesses right next to schools and increase the traffic on Carroll Avenue which would be a dangerous situation for the three schools along Carroll Avenue. Although I live South of 114, I see 114 as the "Gateway" to Southlake. Any undesirable development will bring down everyone, not just those North of 114 or nearest to L REC'Q J AN 3 0 1997 ( ,. , c the development. The image for the entire area will be set by what is seen along 114. Congested, overbuilt areas will turn people away and ruin what Southlake has to offer. Issues such as flood control, proper drainage, police and five protection, etc. must be addressed before the City of Southlake can give approval in any way to the Timarron proposal. The developer must be forced to delineate specific plans for each and every tract; otherwise Timarron will have Carte Blanche to do whatever they wish. Many of those involved have said that letting development happen will lower homeowners taxes. Frankly, I moved here knowing the tax structure and I am willing to pay my fair share for a high quality of life and excellent schools. I am not in favor of this type of development just to supposedly lower my taxes. I realize the land along Highway 114 will eventually be developed. I am not against low density, environmentally clean and safe businesses. But, Southlake must not let their golden opportunity for proper development be swept away in a flurry of ill-conceived development. Thank you very much for taking all of the above into consideration before making any decisions on this rezoning issue. (iiie. , • L y gg ■ a - . L. . - - . \ / gg z * ,...„::: • t • ,,i.tP•i•, ... 1 i g-x!,,..„ ..,,, .. 1.1Fpl Z'';';‘,IP'4.4-7: 111:":;-; 4.' . ...MS I, . . 4C / s % i 1 _ - ad t �r �t. .• fie;art .s,.' �4iivli r,. zht#►, lut '4,�� • F: �. � .-fir,. _ / "'� �`��. ,r1-- a ram `V�� 0 -i - _- ..). :.. ...:,,...,,,„ .... ,;: : vu • sx_ „ , `� J % �.a,I+`.' Win! 3 � .� r�rru�� - ---- .„..-.-,::i, '-', ---- ,.-g:i AIL s#6.s• -Lig 14/ li : if�' r'ilra yo. " / t • ~,',,Lc2 I v � , , _ . __ _ _,__:_ c . i at -' ! . .--- . ,---- 1 ,A13. .,ir . 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' x = s L_ U A A ....1 [- gt --. N M h ..O t` a0 N f+l R h .O n co City of Southlake,Texas • CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY ase No:ZA 96-130 Review No:Two Date of Review: 4/11/97 Project Name: Concept Plan"S-P-2"Zoning-Tract I Timarron Commercial.58.202 acres situated in the James J. West Survey.Abstract No. 1620. APPLICANT: PLANNER/ENGINEER: Timarron Land Corporation Carter& Burgess. Inc. 300 E. Carpenter Freeway. Suite 1425 7950 Elmbrook Drive.Suite 250 Irving. Texas 75062 Dallas. Texas 775247 Phone: (214) 791-3333 Phone: (214)638-0145 Fax: (214) 541-0800 Fax: (214)638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/26/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DtNNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. * The applicant appears to have met all requirements of previous reviews. * The applicant should be aware that an additional 4'•of right-of-way,minimum,(based on the minimum R.O.W. width required to accommodate the street cross section)must be provide for the City Trail System along the proposed internal collector. * A revised concept plan or site plan specifying the intended use for each proposed-lot must be submitted prior to or concurrently with the preliminary plat for this site. Subsequent revised concept plans and/or site plans will be reviewed based on the appropriate zoning district'regulations as determined by the proposed use.A traffic impact analysis will be required with the submittal of a site plan and may be required with the submittal of any revised concept plan depending on the nature of the plan. The TIA must encompass the entire tract and not just the portion for which the revised concept plan or site plan is being submitted. * Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of a site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of the plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation of proposed buildings per§43.9C 1 e, Ordinance 480, as amended in areas subject to the Corridor Overlay Zone. • Masonry requirements per §43.9C 1 a, Ordinance 480,as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and.Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in§43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14, Ordinance 480,as amended. • Bufferyards according to Ordinance 480, §42 and §43 • Screening according to Ordinance 480, §39. 8 tz • City of Southlake,Texas • • Residential adjacency standards per§43.11 and Exhibit 43-E on Page 43-15,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Spill-over lighting and noise per§43.12,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No.480, as amended. • Driveway spacings and design criteria per the Driveway Ordinance No. 634. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. * It appears that a portion of this property lies within the 65'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a final plat must be submitted for approval and filed in the County Plat Records,a site plan,landscape plan,and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees,and related Permit Fees. * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 4t21/97. If not received by that time,no review will be prepared until the following9" .. •submittal schedule. All 17.revised submittals must be folded 6 x and an 11 x 17" revised reduction must be provided. * Denotes Informational Comment • - cc: Timarron Land Corporation CXer&Burgess,Inc. LAWP-FILE WEV\96\96-130CP.2 • 85 '- tom • H / 1 0- C°1 ! t / I i 1 Illif Ip P 4 aim i 11. 4 4 4 , j t d I z gl ,..., E., 4 i 1 ! ! ! litim 1 pi I a1 L) <A I I I I I I I I I I I � 1.1. 1 1 UI1E1IiiiReli l o„ v: Of o g$ �T1 `� c o 0x p �C� p I W . •• *. !Ili CN1 Ili 0 sc.-4.: °I. . t., I a g 1 11 , . , . ••I . : lia li. • rtil 1 1. gig ,! 1 . .. 01.,• 1 I lq a t• =g • , ii 1 • -ti 1y O W g1101 i . Os. •• .- 1pt °PI - 7 -I'A• Q. 1 , ' aP Ca I . lib g! 1 i ''• I (11110.1 . 1 ' or •g; 0 1 • % / .• ir.zr 1► ► s ! C a o a ." boo op • .� _______II ---- OK/V ------ 1 gi< - lill I' ,� • , !i!! 1!üi1 . io`< �:i- !) tom. •���'•"��� .- �� . 1, '...4:00- Olio ...-- ....-..... .0.1 -II' ...--"" _......--,..‹.--...--- - jo:„...„---49--ie , ,---,-------i . ,_ ......... ____- ,...,1,115,-* 4 ...-- 11! ��ram' L1 . ;aVHS ------ al` ...001P•mirmpow. , Ni ------ , k..1"` IONsiod1-0—",, o O o lj li • od °0 s Apr o < i- ii in 1I, • • at — Egi aol H (we CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS tl.1' •f.°Jd.i �T" �P�:�.4».�N,L,s¢ter'.�„+„£.. L°'°. ...-j` AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING •:Je.�` ��.�4dT i ',� 3�t'` t�:}�, ,C,,®G` "1 :i; ni J y- [ ^ N' � : AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM 'k,• n r E t TO r i : 1 ,! • [,L '°Aii `ri,:t a i.f {� `—��.f�.A r t � • ce' jP` e.:�S...i,l. �., <•"I a-f€,a to '} ; .; P.t� . i.,'..i, >.`.i;f• _ �..".`,. \ ,A\j eY ... . ,i k� E•� E _ e.�ld �� . SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE;DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN.EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety,morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 1 Ch 6 1 (re WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and • WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites;safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood;location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout (iiiw this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic,and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community.. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 2 i - (Be Section 1. That Ordinance No.480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered,changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 3 ;1242.,,, : tract of land situated in the e' :hai.: : ' j.4, " ' 6' ., ' `.t t..0j.11'sat, 1f' 04 Lraligi L and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, fro «:. .0. ., = :.! [ L'tE F to ugs ="o,- -P- ®f `_r t iiiIC,1'ia'Itl€ aA wt it e t .,-. to 6.(,-`6 I t. v %E>IC €r,I, ' .F ®i.,,afiti1 w" a tee= .0 Y'1. ,,;tc, f;z. i �€ C , �,r,, s \t€I t : , 't r€ N.'` 9ot 90i1P c.. C„elie i. 5t ei tiO or.ty:J., �. ... E,e;e..tl , ,.1 f tag 1.01, ;, [l iL 'w'1: "-le 4 .0 d •10.: r kcr ocq? 11 -i.t�� t lcQ:[ A' z:;' 4;) ,, t ,10, as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"B". Section.2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake,Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. • Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, cisubsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the'streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other"commercial needs and development of the community. They have.been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 3 0 a Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the • proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. cy PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. (lbw MAYOR L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 4 ,O 1 - le (Pe ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 — (q Page 5 • EXHIBIT"A" EGINNING AT A POINT FOR THE INT'ERSECIION OF THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO.3080 (ROANOKE-DOVE ROAD)AND THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO.114,SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACI; THENCE S 89^2T03" E,ALONG T E NORTH LINE OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACT AND SAID APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE,A DISTANCE OF 2154.01''J I' TO A POINT FOR THE INTERSECTION OF SAID APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE AND THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO.3016 (PLEASANT RUN-WHITE CHAPEL ROAD),SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACT; THENCE S 00^20'14" W,ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 58202.ACRE TRACT AND THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO.301.6,A DISTANCE OF 128L60 FEET TO A POINT FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACT; THENCE N 89^S6'40" W,ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 58202 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 1789.42 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID STATE HIGHWAY NO.114,FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 58202 ACRE TRACT; THENCE N 19"23'50" W,ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT AND SAID EAST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE,A. DISTANCE OF 308.20 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE;ALONG ME. WEST LINE OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACT,THE FOLLOWING FOUR CALLS: N 12^38'S4" W,A DISTANCE OF 470.62 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; N 70^38'25" E,A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; (1..„ N 191'23'50" W,A DISTANCE OF 539.72 TO A POINT FOR CORNER; N 89^23'16" W,A DISTANCE OF 36.94 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER IN SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE N 35^2T57" E,ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID 58.202 ACRE TRACT AND SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,A DISTANCE OF 30.12 FEET TO THE POINT OF. BEGINNING,AND CONTAINING 58.202 ACRES OF LAND,MORE OR LESS. • • L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CAS ES\480-220.S P2 Page 6 (3 zo • EXHIBIT"B" O 1 / a g11 414° Cse 1 c.........,:,.. . m 45 it, Pll 1 s... i% V U P,� 1R3 1 11 iiii l' "- pi c) 1 1 1 1 1.6 0 1 1 1 1111:Ni : :I\ E g n 0 . 9 k ! illilli 11 il 8 1 1.•••4 1111111il - i . ; ; ; I ] ii. 02 RRs , El g I ON—0 ii qillqi IV Ril < r.:4 ! z • ., , ,,,,,,eic: . oHo ict; a. a. e4, ,�• 4 g a3 1g 4O 4 I 1 . g' ..a.re vm0a0xa) — aip , .,, .Ili • brtif ti li • ......t." 4. .. , 14.1.04' , , • i 11/1 • (� I ;i rf a r Q o • . ;BLS. :Zzi O i g .I ¢ O •••' 0 °al i,vo 0 0 °5!i 0 111 IllIti. tY% c. .**. 8 I IC (...., , . to o 'oo '� O o*, e ' t Niiiii.! II .• - o / zo • IJ 3 C■ 'µ�1: o :� m i iz,• , �, ° o . E_, • X_ di a ali;1Ill'a °< o i tl 44Ss . . a, t- 1. . °P a Ii 9si ;• t#o-t ."i _ 0 i iice- t,. ,..µ..23:' 7 h�'1 / . ,_ b J • It • - -as- 1, jf(n�({ wirmiriit c?of 40014 _ii ,.. i . <r4 (... \' , ,t, , ,.@li: . 1.., .,2 ,1 . 0, .. „ �. • c tl e &- 1 : Fa )) n /-- iL " L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 s? 60 L .14 -' Page 7 -3 — �-t 1 • •1 f. The following requirements and prohibitions are applicable to the use of the property: PROPOSED LAND USE CATEGORIES Timarron Land Corporation is requesting a SP-2 Generalized Site Plan District zoning category for Tract I in its entirety. It is envisioned to be a"Mixed Use"development allowing a variety of land uses that will respond to the current and future market demands and ensure compatibility of land uses through creative planning. The SP-2 Generalized Site Plan District zoning request will divide Tract I into two (2) separate parcels and will allow the following land use categories for each: PARCEL A • CS - Community Service District(Sec. 8) • 01 - Office District (Sec. 18) • 02 - Office District(Sec. 19) • CI -Neighborhood Commercial District(Sec. 20) • C2 - Local Retail Commercial District(Sec. 21) • C3 - General Commercial District(Sec. 22) • HC - Hotel District(Sec. 28) PARCEL B C . • CS - Community Service District(Sec. 8) • 01 - Office District(Sec. 18) • B 1 - Business Service Park District(Sec. 24) Refer to the Concept Plan Exhibit for general location of each parcel and special restrictions. • March 25, 1997 96204401.R01 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 8 • PERMITTED USES It is intended that the SP-2 Generalized Zoning District shall permit those uses defined under the land use categories identified in this document(as established in the.City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480)and shall specifically include those uses described as: • "Permitted Uses" • "Accessory Uses" • "Specific Use Permits" • "Special Exception Uses" • Uses not listed under Zoning Ordinance No. 480 that are similar in nature and/or have not been defined by current technology. LAND USES There are exceptions to the permitted uses. The uses"lined-out"on the following pages shall be , cconsidered undesirable for this property and, therefore, prohibited. Those uses identified with a double asterisk(**) shall require a Special Use Permit(SUP). Sexually oriented businesses will not be permitted on Tract I. CS- COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT I. Permitted Uses BY SUP ONLY ** 1. Public, semi-public and parochial/private kindergartens, elementary and • secondary schools ** 2. Higher education institutions ** 3. Museums, libraries, fine arts centers, and similar cultural facilities ** 4. Golf courses, parks, playgrounds, community centers and country clubs (No commercially operated miniature golf courses or driving ranges) 5. Institutions, rcl bilitati ** 6. Public safety facilities ** 7. Religious institutions ** 8. City hall or other municipal office uses (excluding wastewater treatment facilities, landfills, and transfer stations) • .. C March 25. 1997 — Use Deleted from Zoning Request 96204401.Roi F25--,z ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 9 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT I. Permitted Uses A. Office Uses 1. Accounting and tax preparation 2. Adjustment and collection services 3. Advertising agencies 4. Architecture 5. Banking 6. Bill paying services 7. Business corporate headquarters (when used for office purposes only) 8. Business holding and investment services 9. Chamber of Commerce 10. Chiropractors 11. Computer services 12. Consumer and mercantile credit reporting 13. Contractors offices(provided no outside storage or display permitted) 14. Dentists 15. Duplication and mailing services 16. Employment services 17. Engineering 18. Finance 19. Interior design 20. Land surveying 21. Law 22. Management consultants 23. Optometrists 24. Other offices of a business and/or professional nature 25. Physicians 26. Podiatrists 27. Psychiatrists 28. Psychologists 29. Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios 30. Real estate and insurance 31. Savings and Loan • 32. Securities and commodities brokers, dealers, underwriters and exchange offices 33. Stenographic services 34. Title companies 35. Travel bureaus or services 36. Utility offices C March 25, 1997 -Use Deleted from Zoning Request • 9620.140 1.R0 1 �'Z ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 10 • C B. Community Facility Uses ** I. Public. semi-public and private parks ** 2. Recreation and open space ** 3. Libraries ** 4. City halls. fire and police stations,and other municipal uses (excluding wastewater treatment facilities, landfills and transfer stations) ** 5. Other uses of a similar nature and character C (kr' March 25. 1997 —Use Deleted from Zoning Request 96204401.R01 �� 2�jl ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 11 0-2 OFFICE DISTRICT 1. Permitted Uses A. Any use permitted in the 0-1 Office District B. Day nurseries or equivalent child care facilities c C March 25, 1997 — Cse Deleted from Zoning Request • 96204401.R01 40F ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\O RD\CAS ES\4g0-220.S P2 Page 12 (_. C-I.NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT' I. Permitted Uses A. Commercial Uses 1. Offices of a business and/or professional nature 2. Bakeries 3. Barber and beauty shops 4. Cleaners, laundries and/or Laundromats ** 5. Gasoline filling stations that operate in conjunction with small convenience stores 6. Grocery stores and/or meat markets 7. Newsstands and/or bookstores 8. Restaurants, tea rooms and/or"take-out" food establishments 9. Tailor, clothing or wearing apparel repair shops B. Community Facility Uses ** 1. City hall, fire and police stations and other municipal uses (excluding wastewater treatment facilities, landfills and transfer stations). March 25. 1997 — Use Deleted from Zoning Request • 96204.10 1.R0 1 gj�i—z7 ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 13 C-2 LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (. (we [. Permitted Uses 1. Any use permitted in the 0-1 Office District 2. Any use permitted in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District ** 3. Cleaning. dying and pressing works; laundries and washaterias 4. Antique shops 5. Retail sail bakeries 6. Bicycle sales and bicycle repair shops 7. Blueprinting or photostating 8. Book or stationery stores 9. Business colleges or private schools for vocational training of office related careers 10. Christmas tree sales 11. Cigar or tobacco stores ** 12. Cleaning, dying and pressing works; laundry and Laundromats 13. Confectionery stores 14. Custom dress making or millinery shops 15. Dancing schools 16. Day nurseries 17. Delicatessen shops without size limitations 18. Dog and cat hospitals(excluding large animal clinics) 19. Drug stores 20. Dry goods and notion stores provided that the floor area of such facility not exceed eight thousand(8,000)square feet ** 21.Duplicating service,printing, lithographing, mimeographing, multi-graphing and offset printing ** 22. Filling stations or service stations, operating with/without a convenience store 23. Financial institutions 24. Florist or gift shops ** 25. Frozen food lockers 26. Grocery stores and meat markets 27. Health service facilities 28. Jewelry stores 29. Leather and leather good shops 30. Optical goods 31. Photographs, portrait or camera shop and photo finishing 32. Radio and television sales and servicing 33. Restaurants, tea rooms. cafeterias, fast food and "take-out" food restaurants 34. Shop repair services 35. Sporting goods, including gun sales and repair 36. Tailor ** 37. Tires, batteries and automobile accessory sales 38. Variety stores . C March 25. 1997 - Use Deleted from Zoning Request 96204401.1 0I g,6-25 ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 14 C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (' 1. Permitted Uses 1. Any use permitted in the C-2 Local Retail Commercial District ** 2. Auditoriums, theaters and cinemas 3. Coin and stamp shops ** 4. Commercial amusement centers and bowling alleys 5. Commercial art galleries ** 6. Conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but excluding outdoor miniature golf courses 7. Department stores 8. Dry goods and notion stores 9. Electrical and gas appliances and supply sales, electrical and gas repair and installation services(excluding propane tank sales) 10. Hardware, paint, and wallpaper stores 11. Hat shops 12. Health and physical fitness centers and gymnasiums 13. Hobby shops 14. Household and office furniture, furnishings and appliances 15. Lodges, sororities and/or fraternities ** 16. Medical care facilities to include nursing and care homes, and hospitals 17. Mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers (excluding cemeteries, crematories (r and mausoleums) 18. Music or record shops 19. Nursery buildings 20. Pet shops 21. Piano stores, musical instruments and supplies 22. Plumbing and heating appliances, repair and installation services (excluding propane tank sales) 23. Printing, lithographing or duplicating jobs 24. Retail stores, business or shops for custom work 25. Skating rinks, ice and roller ** 26. Taverns, clubs and other comparable establishments which the on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted subject to issuance of special use permit(sexually oriented businesses are prohibited) 27. Toy stores ** 28. Upholstery shops - furniture 29. Variety stores March 25. t997 - Use Deleted from Zoning Request 9620440I.R01 8, ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 15 B-1 BUSINESS SERVICE PARK DISTRICT* 1. Permitted Uses A. Office and Commercial Uses 1. Any use permitted in 0-1 District 2. Administrative,executive or editorial offices for industrial organizations ** 3. Apparel and millinery manufacturing and assembly 4. Banks 5. Barber and beauty shops 6. Book and stationery stores ** 7. Computer manufacture and research 7a. Day nurseries or equivalent child care facilities operated principally for the benefit and service of employees working within the office building or consolidated office complex ** 9. Electronic manufacture 10. Funeral homes(excluding cemeteries,crematories,and mausoleums) ** 11. Lithograph,engraving, printing and publishing ** 12. Manufacture of medical and dental equipment ** 13. Manufacture of musical instruments 14. Medical clinics ** 15. Nursery yards or buildings for retail sales and landscaping companies ** 16. Optical instrument and lenses manufacturing 17. Private/public schools 18. Professional/business schools 19. Retail activity of a service nature designed to provide direct service support to the businesses and employees who occupy the remainder of the office complex 20. Retail uses which are reasonably related to the principal uses within the structure ** 21. Scientific and professional instrument manufacturing 22. Security guard quarters (excluding living quarters) ** 23. Small parts manufacturing and assembly 24. Studios for training in fine arts B. Community Facility Uses ** 1. City Hall, policy and fire stations and other municipal uses (excluding wastewater treatment facilities, landfills and transfer stations) * Any manufacturing use within the B 1 zoning district shall require a SUP. C March 25. 1997 —Use Deleted from Zoning Request 96204401.201 $134b ** Use Permitted by SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.S P2 Page 16 "NC" HOTEL DISTRICT C. (,, I. Permitted Uses ** I. Hotels and motels ** 2. Parks and playgrounds which are publicly owned ** 3. Golf courses which are privately owned ** 4. City hall, police and fire stations and other municipal uses (excluding \vastewater treatment facilities, landfills, and transfer stations) C March 25. 1997 Use Deleted from Zoning Request 9620440I.R01 $13, ,} ** Use Permitted b\ SUP Only L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 17 • DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • C It is intended that the SP-2 Generalized Site Plan.Development shall adhere to the development standards established in Zoning Ordinance No. 480 as amended for each land use category with the following exceptions: BUILDING SETBACKS Setbacks for Tract I land uses shall be maintained in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the corridor overlay standards. When located adjacent to or across the street from residentially zoned property or property with a low or medium density residential land use in the comprehensive plan, the setbacks shall be the greater of the 4:1 slope or the minimum setbacks shown in the following table. Setbacks shall be measured from the Timarron property line where it is adjacent to residential areas. Setbacks Adjacent to Residential CS 100' Min. 01 100' Min. 02 100' Min . Cl 100' Min. • C2 100' Min. C3 100' Min. B 1 100' Min. HC 100' Min. (11W March 25. 1997 96204401.RO, gg-3z L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 Page 18 /.. BUILDING HEIGHTS ( Maximum buildingheights g s for Tract I land uses shall be in accordance with the following table: Maximum Building Height CS 35' 2.5 Stories 01 45' 2.5 Stories 02 90' 6 Stories * CI 45' 2.5 Stories C2 45' 2.5 Stories C3 45' 3 Stories („se B 1 45' 2.5 Stories HC 90' 6 Stories * * HC and 02 uses shall be restricted to a maximum four(4) stories. The fifth and sixth story shall be permitted by SUP only. C March 25. 1997 96204401.R01 7 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\4g0-220.SP2 (s Page 19 BUFFER YARDS CPerimeter buffer yards for Tract I shall comply with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and shall have minimum widths in accordance with the following table: Adjacent to Whites Adjacent to Chapel Blvd. Residential* Other CS 50' 35' 25' 01 50' 35' 25' 02 N/A 35' 25' Cl N/A 35' 25' C2 N/A 35' 25' C3 N/A 35' 25' B 1 50' 35' 25' HC N/A 35' 25' *Residential adjacency shall be defined as residentially zoned property or property with a low or l\ medium density residential land use in the comprehensive plan adjacent to or across the street CF., from Tract I. Refer to the Buffer Yard and Open Space Plan exhibit for the general location of each;buffer yard type. March 25. 1997 9620440I.R01 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-220.SP2 B Page 20 ♦ City of Southiake,Texas STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-025 PROJECT: First Reading/Ordinance No. 480-234 Rezoning/Rucker property STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator,481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning of approximately 0.773 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899 and being a portion of Tract 3 and all of Common Green 36,Timarron Addition, Brenwyck,Phase 2 LOCATION: East of the Timarron Addition,Brenwyck, Phase 2, and at the east end of the Durham Court cul-de-sac OWNERS: Rucker Family Trust- William and Zena Rucker(Tract 3, Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899) and Westerra Timarron, L.P. (Common Green 36,Timarron Addition, Brenwyck,Phase 2) caw APPLICANTS: Mike and Carol Rucker CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-30" Single Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORIES: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) NO. NOTICES SENT: Thirteen(13) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received within the 200' notification area: • William and Zena Rucker, 650 S. Carroll, Southiake, Texas, in favor. P&Z ACTION: April 3, 1997; Approved(6-0). STAFF COMMENTS: Please note that the Zoning Administrator has waived the requirement of a Concept Plan for this single lot residential proposal. L:\W P-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-025Z.WPD • ., .1, • • .' --i- --, r;..., e , IA 6' -., .„...............- ,.. j . ...• ,)_ !,•-• I _ -7-7-1-1 ...,_.:1,..1 z , i -.: ! i li .. • , . .„, ii - --,.-. r•-!"'-•-j"7"-- 4/ .. .. ! ......- :1 ! i i i ! !. • ! . . .., q .,..-• ,.. ...., • Oi 1 i i ! . ... . , ....,..,••• ! • i ,•• ..• ___ -1--- Ell. i . i i —1 r---1- ! i • ..._._ ,.._._ • i i • i ' 1 . . , r i I . ! 28 24 I ii ..- -0---- :• _..... - I, - • - • i i •_,. . ,-L=, ),- t..1 c\----- -a, -- --- •-•!-•+-!-- '''- 1 E.1 3 _.,111_________I ; i i 1 I t 1 i --1 • ! 0 ,N 'TY . . . . ., i 1 • ill a...;-. i i • . , , 5 - -------A"6 .--0-.7 vrs---1--- -- -- ±,:.1 ..• 0 i ---< ,... , 1--- - i i 1 • / s .'4 , ,• i % F• • • - ---/-4-4^-•!--7- A' -, . . . . . .1 y ,,„ , i ! , f , „..Z.., ! ! :-.S.. i -1-'` ... e I I )% SI I e I -f i • I i 1 -I I •' *-1-1•71"-jr:11' 1 ' • 2A I 1 i i i I ._.', I i 1 1 .r.-.........---.... • • A i '. ! ! ! 1 1 ! ! ! ! i •-i- 6 • • • • •:- ---1-4-4••.</ i se,• -I i ewe --• i 4---. 1 ..' 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'Y • .....7•'•.. ,• 1 I 1 I TTT tjjj - • •7! • j • iiiiiiiii I t•-„. • • ! ! /1 ! • • ' V-"'-ale if es 2 iii e i -QA3 - .4. i \ • -' ...-• j•. . • , i i i. • ,,,,,c i . ! ''Ng°."!--4--- - i -1'4- -.2A2 1 1 ID IP ' - • ,' • .."\T* Irk N..o At! %ie., . e _ . '_I '- At...,• '-'lf , . I...., Is. ..,;Ar-.--#••-j I i 1 , TRACT MAP g 2E1 732 '--. ...• e. j j -•.: 4•f•- .7 1 ..• ,'•• 44.66 Ac • 23.3 Ac 32..&3 Ac ''. .... -7- .._ - -1. • kJ., . -t^ -'' • W TH \ 1 - 0 ‘e "-. •-•1 .il ! i i ; .4 \- •- _e_., i : .- I e . . • . - m e 6-9-- z--- Go-:?1,•.... . , , .... •., HALL MEDLIN . ,F1LI1T 5s> at, \ NI 24N 20 SEIMEY A-I037 I ,,,Ontrr„.-11'... •,. urz5 ,„,V 2A1 _-/ 1Er\ .47"•<•' . ' '...., s .. -. Z--. 64 63 62 61' 60 59 / • ni .W.. -I '242. / ADJACENT OWNERS i , ASHLEIGH LN AND ZONING iu. i� ;'�' - *ALL ZONING IS PUD-1 - 51 s s 54 355 R 56 " R 57 SPIN#9 LAURA MIKLOSKO 5 1. The Drees Home - 2. Timarron Land Corporation • • .•. 3. Timarron Land Corporation 50 49 4. Timarron Land Corporation ----D-1- 71-21TIPL-- L 48 T..Zif 5. Timarron Land Corporation I1g I / 6. Timarron Land Corporation • - • • OAKCREST CT • 7• Timarron Land Corporation 't' r+ ....--7- 8• Weekley Homes Inc. , l� �~ 9. G.Tribble 14 13 10. R.Agin 1 2 " l 11. M.Womble •: 12�i -\ 12. D. Koeninger �15 to ` \ 13. K.Thomason _ - 14. D.Allison �� ~ 15. J. Culling 140 ig �16 le 11 4 \.. L 16. C. Eastman 1a 01\1 17. W. Hyland " �too 2 10 Y ''' DURHAM CT �� vii A2 61 9 Ms i R 161 G 18 8 / 1+0 �2 A rip 19 �'° L•\WP-FILESWIEMOWIISCVA97-025.WP0 reA60019—; . ' .4.31" 6 10 11 12' 13 14 s o Ac 4• R 5 � , NETTLETON DR r j - wg n 16 1 x 2 • a c al % • , w sr" 7 6,4 x 9 M ► T - '�T' r� U \ 6 �1, t�12 ��to • 20 I. E N 'u „� n �3— •Q .. A • 191J� 18 17 R 16 15 14 12 y " to - q A :A MIDLAND CREEK DR . 13 a X a 204 • 8• 5,9�,' 17 : �O� 2 6 7 ;. 10 »» 11 . COMMON =') 1 �' ,G GREEN 1 . ". ... pcf • 411111A‘illi 16 16 3 �, O'15 , • 1.880 IC) 1 1 . 2 a 706 443 ''�: . \• \ Corfim13 Green \• >C1111.'? ✓o _� 74 J;Z ,c' \ ba-1�j1�' . .r 5.142 O .w 714 n `» 11 Doo I =I Toy er • ♦ »t7 ,t 10 24 a >S00 '~ \ `n I r 4 R 5 711 I �% n2 y3 it ;1 D 6 oGFpRD TR 683 r r _7u , 1, n3 �17 .04 AC ^' TQ AP19 Adjacent Land Owners and Zoning* ZA97-025 *ALL ZONING IS PUD-1 • 1. The Drees Home 2. Timarron Land Corporation 3. Timarron Land Corporation 4. Timarron Land Corporation 5. Timarron Land Corporation 6. Timarron Land Corporation 7. Timarron Land Corporation 8. Weekley Homes Inc. 9. G. Tribble 10. R. Agin 11. M. Womble 12. D. Koeninger 13. K. Thomason 14. D. Allison 15. J. Culling Le 16. C. Eastman 17. W. Hyland L:\W P-F I L E S WI E M O WI I S C\A97-02 5.W P D L • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY ea Et` SITUATED IN THE t E1 , ; a t > ::°:o;9,BEING ' ,;,(:;) €, AND (,u3hA¢t; ,,) . • ee.. '.E a�' a i iw� C '< ? ,v. �� �' AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM �s^ n�,s.�`%4.,,�,� F u -, ,a •E.G9 ir . 'fA. `'-k.,1 44a �" � is r � ,a fir t l #F, € 3 �a etP , TO < • • t SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE;DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. REQUESTED ZONING: WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the • authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings,other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as CI '• under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 1 • WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly (tier requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: (se Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 2 $ C • and amended as shown and described below: Being a rf, , tract of land situated in the g€ - • �� � ��ie i f Yc and .@ [ & B e€ tE and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from t 0 4 r,4zi ®`u $rt•= p `Y $ "°F:iroac i a# ei t ts14 �� eay j 1 t , to „ ty ° r € t rt'oz Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both (6.0, present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 3 Q ri and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances,same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 4 E- g ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 5 8 C - q • (re EXHIBIT W' FOR A TRACT IN THE 0. W. KNIGHT SURVEY ABS. NO. 899 , SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SOUTH•LAKE , TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS , AND BEING A . PORTION OF THE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO RUCKER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RECORDED IN VOLUME 10432 , PAGE 1170. DEED RECORDS , ..TARRANT COUNTY , TEXAS , AND THE TRACT DESIGNATED AS . COMMON GREEN NO 36 , ON A PLAT 0•F TIMARRON ADDITION , BRENWYCK PHASE 2 , OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2152 , PLAT RECORDS , TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS , SAID TRACT AND PORTION BEING CONTIGUOUS ARE CONSIDERED FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN AS ONE TRACT AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Rucker -tract , same being the Southeast corner of Lot 34 , Block 12 of said Timarron Addition , Brenwyck , Phase 2 , THENCE N. 00-32 ' -07"W. 157 .03 feet along the West line of said Rucker tract to the Southeast corner of Common Green No . 36 above referenced; THENCE N. 650-00 ' -41 "W. 21 ,01 feet along the Southerly — line of said• Common Green No .- 36 to the Northwest (me corner of same in the Easterly line of a cul -de- sac at the East end of Durham Court ; THENCE Northerly.•with the .perimeter of said cul -de-sa,c. . being a curve to the left having a radius of 50 .00 feet , and whose long chord ' bears N : 00-05 ' -45" W. 42 . 39 feet , a distance of 42 .40 feet to a point in same for the Northwest corner of said Common Green No . 36 ; • THENCE N . 640-49 ' -08" E . at 20 . 51 -feet passing the Northeast corner of said Common Green No . 36 and continuing in all 85 . 51 feet to a point for corner; , .,THENCE S . 370-18 ' -26"E . 185. 20 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE S . 00-32 ' -07'.' E . 100 .00 feet to a point in the North line of ,Block 12 , of Timarron Addition , Brenwyck , Phase I , as shown on a plat of record in cabinet A , Slide 1585 , Plat Records , Tarrant County , Texas ; THENCE N . 890-06 ' -43" W. along said North line 170 .00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , and ,containin_ g 33651 square • feet= 0 . 773 acres . • C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-234.30 Page 6 i City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT April 11, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-033 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance No. 480-235 Rezoning and Revised Concept Plan Southlake Church of Christ STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property being described as Lot 2, Brock Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County, Texas,according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-44,Page 40, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Also part of this consideration is a Revised Concept Plan on property being described as Lot 3R, J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2174, Plat Records, Tarrant County,Texas,and Lots 1 and 2,Brock Addition,an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-44, Page 40,Plat Records, Tarrant County,Texas, save and except the portion awarded to the State of Texas by Agreed Judgement entered in Cause No. 153- 127796-90, a certified copy of which is recorded in Volume 11284, Page 1121, Deed Records,Tarrant County, Texas. LOCATION: Zoning request: 200 Brock Drive, on the west side of Brock Drive, approximately 275' south of the intersection of Brock Drive and West Southlake Blvd(F.M. 1709) Revised Concept Plan: Southwest corner of Brock Drive and West Southlake Blvd (F.M. 1709) OWNERS: Southlake Church of Christ (Lot 3R, J. G. Allen No. 18 • Addition), and (Lot 1, Brock Addition) and Al Peters (Lot 2, Brock Addition). APPLICANT: FDS International. CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District (Lot 2, Brock Addition) and "CS" Community Service District(Lot 3R, J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition, and Lot 1, Brock Addition). REQUESTED ZONING: "CS" Community Service District(Lot 2, Brock Addition). Sib -I City of Southlake,Texas LAND USE CATEGORIES: Public/Semi-Public (may include government offices and facilities, public and private schools, churches and related facilities,private golf courses and country clubs, and cemeteries, and Public Parks/Open Space uses in conjunction with these developments) Low Density Residential(limited low intensity office and/or retail uses may be permitted) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential (any Single Family district) NO. NOTICES SENT: Ten (10) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received within the 200' notification area: • E. Wiesman, 2607 W. Southlake Blvd., Southlake, in favor. P&Z ACTION: April 3, 1997; Approved (6-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated March 27, 1997, amended as follows: 1) Forgiving Item#6 (non-residential access to Brock Drive is not allowed) but limit the use of the drive for the building on Lot 2 only; 2) Limiting the use of existing structures on Lot 3R J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition and Lot lA Brock Addition labeled "to be removed" to five (5) years. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated March 27, 1997, with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated April 11, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-033ZC.WPD '�' ,I11 .\�4 I 1 ! 14 ! igt, ft ILJII i H ( ' Sin' 981 i i i i --,.. . ,Ti L' tE 60 A 4 11 go • in- HV1vf I I . i `' e-� ! i i 1 D3 D 1,.' ,3at , II : : : III < 11'f.13 1 A, I x1 Li -- 9.64 Ac ,A3ft.."yi _ - ,1 t -t--- 17AT 4 , - ' DER / 66, , , ��: -. �.` - -�, TI I. •se _ -x-1L� 1 33 s 18IA 1. 5A2 I .-.' _ TIL--------1 1 1 1.I `4. 1 3 tild un II i- - L- .'...__.4__ - g5 ' 1AIA 13n d f1M81t115'd __ p,,,, 2D A< 3C2A __ „ ._►- 2A3 2A2 III 11 ZONING REQUEST ONLY ' � RV i'(I In - IA �c�r `1_ m ------ 1 1 - -- A< I ,OW.F; CAA V ES �'-•-- 20 Ac 2 2A5 '. TK --i.,, --- --. ._- 2D1 " oa1 `� ! 1 _ ~ i• lia ��� 2A1R Y 9 2A1 3AI 1 I 2C27 2CA6 ! - ►-- ��% 1 M 4 4A1M NEST 1A1-�;MO ._.-T�� ' ' 2A1 ,1(5R,- • j ?A 2A6 �/X -- F7 v.�.�� 4AIA 4E01 IN I'1 ,ti f-' G. A-LIE �� I C7 ID ffi�- 1 4112 I A-)I 411 2 m A Mt 418 I • _ � - 5 Ac 11-1 C 12.2 Ac 14.5 AC AIR 3 .. .I m 2 M12 I-- 4E +K1 4l1 _ I 58 __•. .i I I 4 62 1 10 A< 41 3 k 8.4A, . M 4K 4. �4 ZONING AND CONCEPT PLAN REQUEST -rA0 5 5t• x LE�f� 1124 4 I I I 1 . 5 Ac 2 6 � — c IM6*1 88 682 6 �t 1 1 I] fTbo11 : 7 1 1 i t i i 1 ! HI 1 sut►tr A-1502 6 4A16 '8 4C 6 Ac 2 Ac 5 Ac 7 Ac ! 1 1 ! dIf liiw„-cc,•' ••• 2A2 `f' 6e M16A _ ; ; 682.) 4A18 L 6C4 ( 6C2 J6C11 S 9.65 Ac t,0 9 _ 9.85 Ac 9.85 Ac 19.7 Ac 6A1A F •a •�' BIB • MI 36.17 Ac 4A9 II Ac 1 _ 6C , :ate• u_ 9 ---3 Ac 16C3 � • i• i 2A3 �'2*9 _ E ' 6A2 :o < ?;� 6E1 .•-'6F1-6F1A __I 6F2 181 J 1818 61 191A 181A 7.86 Ac -.,u 13 Ac is EE W, 4A8 3.6 Ac 6.1 Ac , 2 Ac P. a „ M p 3T 3 KELLER CITY LIMIT 2 �" ,\ ; i ❑ 48 ` 38 - 1A E5 ArH '1 1127 Ac I -�1 PO EUNENTnRr 4C 3C 3A gY P1I51 T 5 513 f�.rc ! , `j . SCHOOL L.A. CLAY SAIRGH ! _ yi�A, - A< 3E1 STAPFr A�T46 CH �3 `•581A -- �7` i _ 44 Ac 80 AC `I „E5TA1ei--- . SAMUg,._A H. TH(PN1.;,3O ....1 affi6K0 • I TRACT MAP 2 r J. HIIb�1- �- - - suvltr A-610 f D—3 'i I,, 1—f95 SUBDIVISIONS. R.O.W. ADJUSTMENTS ^^ ' ' �95 SUBDIVISIONS, R.O.W. ADJUSTMENTS, ADDED ROADS \: ^_:i%' " ___ 1 95 SUBD7VT.C117w.c w n r. A rl rrrvrao,rr•c- .-,...•., ..... ADJACENT` OWNERS f AND ZONING _____46.„ i SPIN REPRESENTATIVE#15 \ v WAYNE&JUNE HANEY AG H. Forester n AG W SF-1 A R. Miller TR 201 3 H. White N. Miller TR.2C15 0 1.78 Ac 155 2 36 2F TR 2F1A ZR , ..74( 1 /� �eof`CeXas / sta E 1A U A AG co TR 5A L .94AC x ET--- -- 1:31 4 AI w _c_x____% 3 B W DD. z TR. ' A w 5A3 Y .80 E. Wiesman SF-1 A . W Ac 68 TR.5A2 " t„ AG J. Horton 13.482 Ac 6A TR.5C 1" 9.56 Ac N. /L I58 �O p- ig3l + ammo, wpml►Mw I MEM!! ' "� R t t L - .. # r iih g � 1!!g� �� � hp� l Ilk � 6 {^ � lit t R i R t � h y ♦ !E g Q *I Iei, ,i I JtiI 11 iI ! tltRI ' I61 la I t .111k /IV OA liml 4 XPAMOOM . 1 _I 1 t _ OR b Ntipeit �R44*, 4T. a a �. $ lid \ I iI 1 ‘W\ •0 1 I I 1401 IIII !Pik lit /%4 \ x .IF1 J +Qf t 9 ! r gal :vf t R �19 NCI: i Z tvii\ _ . awr'1.'" il I‘ 1,,,,e'.:. 11 s\‘‘‘ \;:\*,,‘ .)\\ki\l; - 0 1- 1011\ I, L-4- 14111 44naftiN, ' ':'‘ ;'\ re L 11:1 Hu , tt v Ill ., 1 . ,. ti c. 7. 11 1 , , SI, \ aff[1] ' hi 04.:N \ bflfl\ t1 ; ii�� a i fl9 V a1 ligl el '____\ , T4 .12a1i Q SA t i f1 lr lir 11/A-At 1 ‘.4r. b 0 . - ,, _. _ ____ _ 1 � _ • `�!„�'' CO cc 0 °No . *SS ___ ''''.41‘;..f,::1 Ii 3u- . S t!. IKIiOY W 1111 \ i I ' o WI w la 1 \ l PreviouslyApprovedei CC (...• Concept Plan R IR9 fD- 5 L661 10:6E:91 12 LPP urn PAlI:1\A1I +Oa" ",r",m"r"'-. , City of Southlake,Texas 1 CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:Zit 97-033 Review No: Two Date of Review: 4/11/97 Project Name:Revised Concept Plan for Southlake Church of Christ. 9.04 acres. Lot 3R. J.G.Allen No. 18 Addition and Lots 1 &2.Brock Addition,situated in the J. G.Allen Survey.Abstract No. 18 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Southlake Church of Christ FDS International. Inc. 2501 W Southlake Blvd. 320 Decker Drive. Suite 200 Southlake.Texas 76092 Irving.Texas 75062 PHONE: (817)379-5298 PHONE: (972) 915-3000 FAX: (817)379-9249 FAX: (972)915-3035 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 4/07/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. • 1. Correctly label perimeter boundary bearings and distances. 2. •Correct the proposed zoning label to"CS"for Lot 2,Brock Addition. . Label the small existing structure located near the west line of Lot 1 A and note whether"to remain" or "to be removed." It should also be indicated on the plan if the structure is to be temporarily/permanently utilized and what use it will serve. 4. According to Driveway Ordinance No.634,non-residential access to Brock Drive is not allowed. The plan shows an existing driveway to be utilized as a service drive accessing the existing structure on Lot 2,Brock Addition only. (P&Z Recommendation 4/3/97: Forgive, but limit the use of the drive for the building on Lot 2 only) * No comments have been made regarding driveways intersecting F.M. 1709. The driveway spacings and stacking depths conform to the previous Concept Plan approved by City Council Feb. 18, 1997. The City Council also waived the TIA requirement with the approval of the previous Concept Plan. 5. Label the type,height and location of all screening devices.An.8'screening device is required adjacent to all residential properties. City of Southiake,Texas * The following requirements were deleted or amended by the City Council with the approval of the previous concept plan(ZA96-152): Deleted items: 1. Minimum spacing between R.O.W.intersection and driveway centerlines 2. Minimum spacing between driveway centerlines 3� Minimum driveway throat depths 4. Require a Traffic Impact Analysis 5. Parking encroaching into the North bufferyard Amended item: 1. Minimum 8'screening device required along all property lines adjacent to residential property, applicant to provide a plant screen with evergreen mix Additional amendments: 1. Provide 45' building line on east 2. Provide 20' bufferyard on the south of Lot 1 3. Landscaping on Lot.1 to be provided at time of possession 4. Address lighting issues at Site Plan stage 5. Close the driveway onto Brock Drive when the Church acquires Lot 1,Brock Addition * Additional P& Z Recommendation April 3, 1997 • Limiting the use of existing structures on Lot 3R J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition and Lot lA Brock Addition labeled "to be removed" to five (5) years. * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received tt the City by 5:00 PM on 4/21/97.If not received by that time,no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11"x 17" revised reduction must be provided. * The applicant should be aware that a 4:1 slope building setback from any property line of properties zoned single family residential or which have a residential land use designation is required for all two story structures or one story structures having a UBC height greater than 20'. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. City of Southlake,Texas * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building g permit,a plat revision incorporating the remainder of Lot 1 and Lot 2 Brock Addition and reflecting the correction in the southern boundary of Lot 3R J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition must be processed through the City and filed in the County plat Records, a site plan, landscape plan, and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Road, Water and Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation(required on the north,east, south,and west building facades)per§43.9C1e,Ordinance 480,as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43:9C 1 a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in§43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14, Ordinance 480,as amended. • Residential adjacency standards per§43.11 and Exhibit 43-E on Page 43-15, Ordinance 480,as amended. • Spill-over lighting and noise per§43.12,Ordinance 480, as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No.480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. * The applicant should be aware.that if a day care is to be operated on the site an S.U.P. application must be approved by the City Council. * Denotes Informational Comment cc Southlake Church of Christ ServiceMaster,FDS International L:\W P-FILEs\REV\97\97033CP2.WPD oW0 I, a�o H4tnoea e .1 1 . ii ig il 1 1 k" [i ,„hao 1 1 Fr.!!e 1' i% I'II i 1 iii I 1 lip I . .. \ JJ'L ' j[1LI � a fiats • .11 11 t ily 114a SIPIIONNI i N NI 1 cr 1 \ I I, =‘,..- . A,kg 11, X tini re ijqc . 644113 -:! : 4 iiii ,.., b#,„. ,. i T1 i liii \ .•,* . g rr.. wv��,, - ,.;j 11 l(ihro" 1�t� t r °o°o s a�.,���V��. �'l • Z 1 " itgitt-C 411. itill°1"1114" C1.. It; , it: , \. 11 044 0 • b 0 ell V I I Ilfi i ,„ lip\ 0 \ W° l' Ill : l'i' '11 :rti ; " I --di 1, Ma ' f h lr Ce•-- INE lil �i . r : 1 ,' it 401 �ail 'A 0 r - ► �$ a 1'� �+� -1-1-1-1\ ---- ----4.=:" \Ada ,\ \ -,,,,,,,,,, LU r ° , 0 ail ,,,. T § �€ - -� 1 °ia a /Ii . ell lid I Ills 0D-1It • (we CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 0)l'AU SC: x ,s .' d :.' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING ; , BEING APPROXIMATELY 3 SITUATED IN THE AJ� • ;. AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT"A" FROM '�` 4`k3 �:-,g �� • t gg 7 TO ,� • f :r SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE;DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; 'PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety,morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS,the hereinafter described property is currently zoned ash , under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 1 producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood;location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City ofSouthlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic,and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population,and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements;and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being being approximately i!,,,',A,t4,7:s,v'Qi situated m the ;1 and more fully and completely described in L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 2 fb • (re. Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from E ' ' '0 s�_; E;' rk-,P .B f t, = , to .`.,tnav,a . g� a.. , as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been •made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable (mie consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of:the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 3 gjD _ I2. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR A I hST: (kr, CI'TY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the_ day of. , 1997. MAYOR C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 4 t O— 13 A I hST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY C C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 5 (11. EXHIBIT"A" Property being described as Lot 2,Brock Addition,being approximately 1.160 acres situated in the Jesse G.Allen Survey,Abstract No. 18,an Addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-44, Page 40,Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. C C L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-235.CS Page 6 CO 1M I i EXHIBIT"B" ate. . E Hill hifl 111 1911:11-10 dO HOdf1HO gin 1 1 L ki I 3�7{t11pg lea i 1 1 AY ilb " q ' 1 ' Itg i I 1 I dbq icil hi 1 \\..._ - 1:1 .�....o.. III:\ Ili/ fill Ij 1 I 11 Rh ilk I a i s 11 / Ak 11\ f=z41.TIMPL. , 7.N....111.111r27=1=20/1% 'd '1114V• ; .%.\... 1 itti A11h—'1h\1V I Ir\h iI ix-I,1"- Ali _ Aid ,tor -, 'o'I:. x 1,4 --w C 1 , 1441 L'dØJ' ..IDS' �\��.\��` �.C .� I 1:1: III t ,la LL iliti it 1 an 1 % i 0_40 j_x_,______ yer if) ° ,' • Nis if , i jz kiii 6 Orr tz; o , ,, , iiir r1 W le -,..: 1 i____\ 11 ,„ ; to, difittlo v Alk v 148 i c i MIA -- -- h co ---;-: \ I l illI Walgretiii'�u _ 5, s.....r.r� W 1 nil 1i h o I, 9i q U 12 C _ _ ____-- . ------ I Er ' t • lici \ es cc it L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480.235.CS �� Page 7 fib- t City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM April 11, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 675, Granting consent to the assignment and transfer of cable television system and franchise from Harron Cablevision to Marcus Cable On March 4, 1997, Harron Cablevision, a Pennsylvania based company, entered into an agreement to sell its Texas systems to Marcus Cable. Harron serves the major portion of Southlake, having acquired the original cable franchisee, Cablevision Management, Inc., in 1990. Marcus Cable, the nation's ninth largest cable system, and headquartered in Dallas, operates the Fort Worth and Denton cable systems, as well as many other smaller systems around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and the Texas Panhandle. Marcus Cable also serves Keller and the western portion of Southlake. Marcus Cable's presence in the DFW Metroplex, and its status as one of the largest cable operators in the United States, can indicate a very positive future for cable service to the citizens of Southlake. I have met with Tom Soulsby, Marcus Cable Fort Worth regional manager, and LDon Pascarella, Harron general manager, to discuss among other things, the transfer of franchise and Marcus Cable's future plans regarding Southlake. Marcus Cable recently announced a three year, $180 million capital improvement plan to upgrade their system to fiber optic. Mr. Soulsby said that he believes the systems to be acquired from Harron will also be included in this plan at some future date. Ordinance No. 675 authorizes the transfer of the cable television system and franchise from Harron Cablevision to Marcus Cable upon closing of the transactions agreed upon by those companies. The City Attorney has reviewed the ordinance. We are still looking at how the current franchise agreement with Marcus Cable will affect this transfer, if at all. Please place Ordinance No. 675 on the agenda for consideration by the City Council at the April 15, 1997 regular meeting. I will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. KH R , (kr' ORDINANCE NO. b z AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM AND FRANCHISE FROM HARRON CABLEVISION OF TEXAS,INC. TO MARCUS CABLE ASSOCIATES, L.P.; AND APPROVING AN ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the cable television franchise in the City of Southlake (the Franchise) is currently owned and operated by Harron Cablevision of Texas, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as Harron Cablevision); and WHEREAS, On March 4, 1997 Harron Cablevision and Marcus Cable Associates, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, (hereinafter referred to as Marcus Cable) entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement pursuant to which Harron Cablevision agreed to assign and transfer the Franchise and its cable television system in the City of Southlake, Texas to Marcus Cable; WHEREAS, Harron Cablevision and Marcus Cable submitted an Application for Franchise Authority Consent on FCC form 394 providing certain information with respect to the parties and the proposed transfer; and C f:\files\slake\ordinance\cable.fran Page - 1 �� a • WHEREAS, Marcus Cable from and after the date of the closing of the transactions described in the Asset Purchase Agreement, assumed and agreed to perform each and every obligation of the Franchise. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That the sale, transfer and assignment of the rights, responsibilities and benefits of the Franchise from Harron Cablevision to Marcus Cable is hereby permitted and approved. SECTION 2 That the Franchise is in full force and effect without default thereunder by Harron Cablevision to the date hereof in accordance with its terms and conditions as set forth therein and that no breach has occurred or is continuing under the Franchise. SECTION 3 The Cit y of Southlake, Texas waives any rights of first refusal that it may have to assume the Franchise upon any transfer contemplated hereunder. SECTION 4 Marcus Cable may, at any time and from time to time, assign or grant or otherwise convey one or more liens or security interests in its assets, including its rights, obligations and benefits in and to the cable television system and the Franchise, to any lender providing financing to Marcus Cable. Any assignment or transfer by a lender or as a result of foreclosure will require the City's consent as provided in the Franchise and the city charter. SECTION 5 • The consent to transfer herein provided shall be effective upon and only effective concurrent with the closing of the transactions described in the Asset Purchase Agreement and the subsequent transfer of the assets related to the Franchise to Marcus Cable, and Marcus Cable shall notify the City of Southlake, Texas promptly upon the closing of such transactions. C f:\files\slake\ordinance\cable.fran Page - 2 ge— s SECTION 6 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 7 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction,such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 8 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 9 • This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199_. • MAYOR ATTEST: (we CITY SECRETARY f:\files\slake\ordinance\cable.fran Page - 3 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199_. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney f:\files\slake\ordinance\cable.fran Page - 4 • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM April 11, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 665-A, 1st Reading, Amending the FY1996-97 Budget Ordinance No. 665-A is presented to the Council to reflect changes to the Adopted FY1996-97 Budget. These items have been discussed with the Council at previous meetings, and most address personnel issues to meet service demands. Exhibit "A" is an attachment to the ordinance, and includes a summary of the expenditure changes titled "Mid Year Budget Adjustments FY1996-97", plus an "All Funds Summary" which reflects the changes by Fund. Fund integrity is maintained, as the adjustments reflect the fund balance at 18%, within the adopted Fund Balance Policy which states a minimum of 15%, optimum of 25%. There is one adjustment to revenues. In the General Fund, Franchise Fees have been increased to reflect the GTE lawsuit settlement. For the year, $76,000 was budgeted for GTE. The City received $202,919, therefore the Franchise Fees budget is increased $127,000. Listed below is a summary of the Mid Year Budget Expenditure Adjustments for all Funds, and the allocation by Fund: New Personnel and related equipment $264,481 FY1995-96 Approved items to be reappropriated $178,437 Professional Services $33.700 Total Expenditure Adjustments $476,618 General Fund $410,173 Utility Fund $66.445 Total Expenditure Adjustments $476,618 New Personnel previously approved by City Council: ► Human Resources Assistant Code Enforcement Officer-Zoning ► Community Services Manager Park Planning Construction Manager ► Court Administrator Public Works Project Manager ► Two Motorcycle Police Officers Assistant to Public Works Director F- ` Curtis E. Hawk Ordinance 665-A, 1st Reading April 11, 1997 page 2 In FY1995-96, the City Council approved several items that, because of various reasons, were not purchased during the year. Many of the purchases were initiated by placing an order, but could not be concluded prior to September 1996. These include the second ambulance for the Fire Services Division, conversion of field operations vehicles to alternative fuels, computer and radio equipment, and professional services relating to City entryway landscape design and Community Development software development. These items are presented for reappropriation by the Council, since the City Charter states that appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year. An additional item included for consideration is $20,700 in supplemental funding to develop the Drainage Master Plan, initially approved in the FY1996-97 budget for $100,000. The proposal received to develop the Plan was $120,700. A compensation study is proposed, which will be necessary in order to update the City's pay and classification plan in FY1997-98. Please place Ordinance 665-A on the April 15, 1997 Council agenda for first reading. LAH • �F-a • ORDINANCE NO. 665-A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, REVISING THE BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1996, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1997, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 1996-97 budget which was approved by City Council with Ordinance No. 665 on September 3, 1996, and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, a copy of said amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget Amendment and has determined that the Budget Amendment attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 1996-97 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget Amendment attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1996, and ending September 30, 1997; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager has determined that there are revenues available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 1996-97 approved budget. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Ordinance No. 665-A page 2 (iv Section 6, If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this day of 1997. Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this day of 1997. Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Ordinance No. 665-A page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Date: Adopted: Effective: L.`FINANCE.MIDYEAR`.ORD-66.5A.WPD,Iah EXHIBIT "A" page 1 2 0I ca V N & EH EA CO 69 00 co O C7 Oj p e- (11W +-" `- M N N Ea EA EA. EA Ea 0 mr i • ' l iiil r 1 i O ! O lo! N. CC aa) a co• Ea Ni- I i ; I a)l cry 10 0O' o! r ! ,o! c, in 0, IInI ;000' 0 �Ico ice' I O a) cal to 1 Ili Z 0+ a ! i I ' j , NI i i ,= c ;� aj, I O 0 Oi I ,,1 , ,N E Z I 7 49 iY (I) "0 a - a) r 1 p- ti o 6Q � O -n I I j (64 .o.. a, °- a a . 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ALL FUNDS SUMMARY ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1996-97 i Adopted ' $Increase/ 1996-97 1 1992-93 ', 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ i REVENUES Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revised Adopted -Decrease I Ad Valorem Taxes $2,981,048 53,253,743 53,841,660 54,678,411 $5,606,556 55,606,556 $0 0.0%) Sales Tax 636,737, 1,050,731 1,550,251 2,215,064 2,769,000 2,769,000 0 0.0%1 Franchise Fees 305,909 400,0361 481,616 509,630. 636,397! 763,397 127,000 20.0%1 Fines 182,271 238,030, 274,154, 435,537, 353,6001 353,600 0 0.0% Charges for Services 59,087 53,786, 109,093, 222,052. 279.850! 279,850 0 0.0%' Permits/Fees 1,398,832 1,879,961' 2,060,824, 2,765,297! 2,349,310, 2,349,310 0, 0.0%i Miscellaneous 121,434 148,9081 389,608, 444,1631 191,079- 191,079 0 0.0% WaterSaies-residential 2,294,377 2,608,3341 3,051,223 4,379,575 4,250,000 4,250,0001 0 0.0%' Water Sales-commercial 438,097, 468,664 511,344 576,5191 475,000i 475,000 0 0.0%1 Wastewater Sales 237,213 371,706 511,901 680,936 590,000 590,000 0 0.0% Sanitation Sales j 296,252 344,140 396,761 448,336 508,000 508,000 0 0.0% Other Utility Charges 297,390! 373,733 310,156 439,275 359,000 359,000 0 0.0% Interest Income 101.779 215.662 228.811 223.508 297 000 297.000 Q 0.0%1 Total Revenues $9.350.42Ci! 511.407.434 ;13.717.402 ;18.018.303 $18.664.792 118.791.792 $127.000 0.7% EXPENDITURES 1 j City Secretary $143,0261 5212,832 $197,7271 5255,9581 $263,253] 5263,253! $0 0.0% City Manager 152.073 200,295; 348,306 432,524; 446,302, 480,565! 34,263 7.7% Human Resources 0, 0I 01 01 96,010! 128,505, 32,495 33.8%i Economic Development 0 01 98,694; 110,511! 114,882', 114,882 0 0.0%' Support Services 502.644; 615.5111 706 488 981 311 1 1.045.160 1.045.160 Q 0.0% General Gov Total $797.743] $1.028.638 $1.351.215 S1.780.304 $1.965.607 $2.032.365 566.758 3.4%1 (01, Finance 205,844! 263,764 258,981 390,664 381,591 381,591 0 0.0%1 Municipal Court 144.786! 158.793 201.965 244.814 272.026 301.720 29.694 10.9%1 Finance Total 6350.630 j S422.557 $460,946 163 4Z$ S653.617 5683.311 $29.694 4.5% Fire 566,832! 728.480, 783,873 901,925 1,342,264 1,452,264 110,000 8.2% Police 895,343 1,055,2341 1,304,845 1,389,060 2,147,850' 2,188,966 41,116 1.9%1 Public Safety Support 357 268', 434.7791 608.880 835.717 935.952 935.952 Q 0.0%i Public Safety Total $1.819.443' $2.218.493 62.697.598 53.126.702 54.426.066' $4.577.182 5151.116 3.4% Building Inspections 154,0051 261,663 329,647 351,228 453,604 511,928 58,324 12.9%I Streets/Drainage 857,494! 1,225,2411 1,058,438 871,038 896,918 896,918 0 0.0%1 Public Works Admin 102,0641 137,192 359,623 360,338 723,488 754,678 31,190 4.3%) Water 1,879,712, 2,268,794 2,737,799 3,539,021 3,856,197 3,922,642 66,445 1.7%1 Wastewater 428,5821 700,168 365,552 533,178 744,873 744,873 0 0.0% Sanitation 263.050 304.485 350.283 393.855 483.000 483.000 Q 0.0% Public Works Total S3.684.907 S4.897,543 $5.201.342 S6.048.658 S7.158.080 57.314.039 $155.959 2.2% Parks and Recreation 154.220 834.875 625.811 885.560 1.129.799 1,172.890 43.091 3.8% Community Dev.Total . $234.170 S281.202 5393.321 $417.495 $507.157 $537.457 630.000 5.9%. Other 24,072 19,713 0 0 0 01 0 0.0% Debt Service 734 702;' 1.130 635 2.696 734 3.704.036 3 477.764, 3.477.7641 Q 0.0% Total Expenditures 57.799.887] 510.833.656 $13.426.967 $16.598.232 519.318.09Q1 S19.794.7081 $476.61$ 2.5%, Net Revenues 5.1.550.5391 $573.778 $290.435 $1.420.070 (51.002.9161 (S349.618i Proceeds from C.O.Sale 50 $1,293,741 $0 $88,107 $920,000 $920,0001 $0' Transfers In $267,295 5424,613, 51,613,234 $1,393,205 51,732,8151 $1,732,815; $0 Transfers Out ($499.1561 (5643.292i 1 67 979 46 1 6 43 (51.562.543i $4 ' Total Other Sources(Uses) f$231 8611 51 075 062 i j4fi1 745 (Si 107 934 51 090 277. $1.090 277 i $Q Beginning Fund Balance 52,276,127 i 53,215,164 $4,637,152 $5,358,163 $5,666,810 i $5,666,8101 Reserved Fund Balance ($379,641) (5226,852 5493,321 (53,489� $01 $0; Ending Fund Balance 5,1715 164 54 637 1521 55 358 163, 55 666 810! 56 103 7841 $fi 754 166! ' C qR..-\-C) EXHIBIT "A" page 6 ( .- GENERAL FUND ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1996-97 ' I Adopted 1 $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 ' 1994-95 1 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVENUES l Actual Actual Actual 1 Actual Budget 1 Revised Adopted -Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes I $2,144,651 $2.189,927 $2,375,3421 $2,939,869,I $3,357,212 $3,357,212 $0 0.0% Sales Tax 636,737 877,6151 1,033,5011 1,476,709! 1,846,000! 1,846,000 0 0.0% Franchise Fees 305,909: 400,036, 481,616 509,630, 636,397, 763,397 127,0001 20.0% Fines 182,271! 238,0301 274.154 i' 435,537. 353,600• 353,600 01 0.0% Charges for Services 59,087. 53,786' 109,093 222,052 279,850 279,850 0 0.0% Permits/Fees 1,251,288 1,680,91E 1.901,245, 2,642,353, 2.249.310 2,249,310 0 0.0%' Miscellaneous 44,8471 40,350 200,7301 275,710 105,179 105,179 0 0.0%1 Interest Income 54.194 106 660 Q I Q 143 0001143 000 Q 0.0°/. Total Revenues $4,678,984, $5,587,323 56,375,681 i $8,501,860 $8,970,548 i $9,097,548 $127,000 1.4% EXPENDITURES i City Secretary I $143,026 S212,832 $197,7271 $255,958I S263,253 $263,253 $0 0.0% Human Resources sOI SO $01 SO $96,010 128,505 32,495 33.8% City Manager 152,073 200,295 348,3061 432,524 446,302!, 480,565 34,263 7.7% Economic Development 01 0 98,694! 110,5111 114,882 114,882 0 0.0°/. Support Services 502.6441 615.511 706.488 981,311 1045.1601 1.045.160 Q 0.0% General Gov Total $797.743 i $1.028.638 51.351.215 $1,780.304: $1.965.607! $2.032.365 566.758 3.4% Finance 205,8441 263,764, 258,981 390,664' 381,591; 381.591 0 0.0% Municipal Court 144,78611 158 793: 201.965 244.814 272 0261 301.720 29.694 10.9% Finance Total $350.6301 $422.5571 $460.946 $635.4781 5653.617'I $683,311 S29.694 4.5°/. Fire 566,8321 728,480 783,8731 901,9251 1,342,2641 1,452,264 110,000 8.2% Police 895,343 1,055,234 1,304,845! 1,389,0601 2,147,8501 2,188,966 41,116 1.9% Lif Public Safety Support 357.268 434.779 608.8801 835.7171 935.952 935.952 Q 0.0% Public Safety Total 51.819.443 52.218.493 52.697.5981 53.126.7021 54.426.066 54.577.182 5151416 3.4% Building Inspections 154,005 261,663 329,647 351,2281 453,604] 511,928 58,324 12.9% Streets/Drainage 857,494 1,225,241 1,058,438'; 871,03811 896,9181 896,918 0 0.0% Public Works Admin 102.0641 137.192 359.6231 360.338! 723.4881 754.678 31.190 4.3% Public Works Total 51.113.563 $1.624,096 51,747.708• 51,582.604! $2.074,010 i $2.163.524 $89.514 4.3% 1 Parks and Recreation 138.224 199.681 389,8611 623.9741 952.7701 995.861 43.091 4.5°/. Community Dev.Total ; 5234.1701 $281,202 S393.321 $417.4951 5507.1571 5537.157 530.000 5.9% 1 Total Expenditures $4,453,7731 $5,774,667 $7,040,649; $8,166,557; $10,579,227 $10,989,400 $410,173 3.9% Net Revenues $225.211 1E187.344' $335.30: (St608.679' (S1.891.$�] (5283.1731 Proceeds from debt $0 $720,826 $0 $88,107 $920,000, $920,000 Transfers In 159,446 159,446 941,860 594,607 633,000 633,000. Transfers Out ;Q ($155.000] ($623.000 (5377.287 $Q ;Q Total Other (Uses) $159.44@ 5725 272 $318 86Q1 S305 4271 $1 553 000 51 553 000 Beginning Fund Balance $1,125,7081 $1,405,310 $1,542,0811 S1,689,294, $2,326,535,1 $2,326,535 Changes in Res.Fund Balance I ($105,055i ($401,1571 $493,321 1 ($3,4891 $0''! $0 Ending Fund Balance $1 405 3101 $1 542 081 $1 689 2941 $2 326 535, '52 270 856! $1 987 681 Fund balance percentageCiV 31.55%1 26.70%, 23.99%] 28.49%. 21.47%! 18.09% • EXHIBIT "A" page 7 ,,, UTILITY FUND ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1996-97 i 1 Adopted $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVENUES Actual i Actual Actual Actual 1 Bud•et Revised Ado•ted -Decrease Miscellaneous $75,380 $108,558 $188,878 $168,453 $85,900 $85,900 $0 0.0% Interest Income 30,118 74,859 142,490 102,729i 68,750 68,750 0 0.0% Water Sales-residential 2,294,377, 2.608,334 3,051,2231 4,379,575i 4,250,000 4,250,000 0 0.0% Water Sales-commerual 438,097 468,664 511,344 576,5191 475,0001 475,000 0 0.0% Sewer Sales 237,213 371,706 511,901 680,936i 590,0001 1 590,000 0 0.0% Sanitation Sales 296,252 344,140 396,761 448,3361 508,0001 508,000 0 0.014 Other utility charges 297 390 373.733 310.156 439.275, 359.000 359.000 Q 0.0% Total Revenues $3,668,827 $4,349,994 $5,112,753 $6,795,823 $6,336,650 $6,336,650 $0 0.0% EXPENSES Other $24,072 $19,713 S0 $0 $0 $0 S0 0.0% NIX Sarvic►RavenwBonds 79,719 81,900 1,208,633 1,835,341 1,448,048 1,448,048 0 0.0% Water 1,879,712 2,268,794 2,737,799 3,539,021 3,856,197 3,922,642 66,445 1.7% Sewer 428,582 700,168 365,552 533,1781 744,873 744,873 0 0.0% Sanitation 263.050 304.485 350.283 393.855 483.000 483.000 Q 0.0% Total Expenses $2.675.134 $3.375.06Q $4.662.267 $6.301.395i $6.532.1141 $6.598.561 $66,445 1.0% Net Revenues $993.692 $974.934 ;450.486 $494.42$I' (S195.468( (S261.9131 (S66-445j � I TransfersIn SO' $0 $366,339! $367,879 $698,170, $698,170 Transfers Out 1 05 .2k (1.555.5561 (633.000' Total Saurus(Uses) (267,295 (269,613 (183,7451 (1,187,677� 65,170 65,170 • I I Net change in*le components (�j ;174.304 52 1Iii' la Beginning fund balance $905,214i $1,357,025 $2,236,651 i $2,503,392! $1,810,143 $1,810,143 Ending fund balance $1 357 025 2 236 651 $2 503 392 i $ ,S1 810.143, a51 679 845 ,$1 613 40Q i No.of days working capital 185, 2421 196, 105 i 94 89 i EXHIBIT "A" page 8 DEBT SERVICE FUND ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS i 1996-97 Adopted $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVENUES Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revised Adopted -Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $836,397 $1,063,816 $1.466,318 $1,738,542, $2,249,3441 $2,249,344 $0 0.0% Interest Income 12.040 21.9631 34 721 47.898 i 35.750 35.750 Q 0.0% Total Revenues $848,437i 51,085,779I $1,501,039: $1,786,4401 $2,285,0941 52,285,094 $0 0.0%, EXPENDITURES 1 Principal $240,000 $470,000 $665,0001 $908.600; $947,350:. $947,350 $0 0.0%' Interest 413,292 575,737 563,385 581,4941 734,0961 734,096 0 0.0%1 Admin.Expenses 1.691 2.998 Q Q 2,500 Z.500 Q 0.0% Total Expenditures 5654,983 51,048,735 51,228,385 $1,490,094 $1,683,946 $1,683,946 $0 0.0% Net Revenues 1121.454 117..044 1272.654 $29.6.348 $601.148 160.1.148 $0 Transfers In 107,849 265,167 53,725 67,5191 56,875 56,875 mange,out ! (231,861 (218,679: (251,585 (251,203 (584,773i (584,773] j ! Beginning Fund Balance - $140,1251 $209,567: $293,099' $367,893' $480,555 $480,5551 1 Ending Fund Balance 3209 5671 R993 0991 $367 8931 5480 5,55. 5553 8n51 5553 805 cbF-\'b EXHIBIT "A" page 9 C. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1 ' I 1 1996-97 Adopted $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVENUES Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revised Adopted -Decrease Permits/Fees S147,544 $199,042 $159,5791 $122,944 sioo,000l $100,000 S0 0.0%i Miscellaneous 1,207 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0.0%l Interest 5.427 7.761 17 854 31.185 5.500' 5.500 Q 0.0%I Total Revenues $154,178 $206,803 6177,433. $154,1291 6105,500 6105,5001 $0 0.0%. EXPENDITURES I Professional Services SO $98,515 SO $0 S0, S01 SO 0.0%' Parks and Recreation 0 0 181.179 209.859 01 0 0 0.0% Park Improvements 15,996 65,218 0 0 0 t 0 0 0.0% Land Q 462 615 Q Q 122.000 122.000 Q 0.0% Total Expenditures 515,996 $626,348 $181,179 5209,859 6122,000 $122,000 SO 0.0% i Nee Revenues $138,182 (6419,5451 ($3,7461 ($55,7301 (516,5001 ($16,5001 $0 Proceeds from C.O.Sale SO, $320,000 $0 i SO 30' ce $0 • Beginning Fund Balance $105,080; $243,262I $143,717, $139,971 $84,241� $84,241 Ending Fund Balance 4 76 ,1 5143 717; 5139 971 384 241 367 741 $67 741; 1 EXHIBIT "A" page 10 (0, SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1996-97 Adopted $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVENUES I Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revised Adopted -Decrease Sales Tax $0 $173,116 $516,750 $738,355 $923,000 $923,000 $0 0.0% Interest • 4 1.1811 17.7261 25.271 22.0001 22,000 4 0.0% Total Revenues $0 $174,297j 5534,4761 5763,626, 5945,000i $945,000 $0 0.0%1 EXPENDITURES I Personnel $0 $7,971 $49,971' $46,927 $50,229! $50,229 $0 0.0% Operations 0 875 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 0 0.0% Capital Q 4 4 Q Q 4 Q 0.0% Total Expenditures $0 $8,846 $54,771 $51,727 555,029 $55,029 50 0.0% Net Revenues $0 $165,451 $479,705 $711,899 $889,971 5889,971 $0 Transfen Out 0 0 (251,310, (aos,zoo) (344,770) (344,770) Proceeds from C.O.Sale Q 2 4 4 4 4 Total Other Sources(Uses) 0 0 (251,310) (405,200) (344,7701 (344,770) I � Beginning Fund Balance SO $0 $165,4511 $393,846• $700,545! $700,545 Ending Fund Balance $4 $165 451 $393 846 $700 545 $1 245 746 $1 245 ZIA i EXHIBIT "A" page 11 Cr SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation ADOPTED 1996-97 BUDGET AND PROPOSED REVISIONS 1996-97 Adopted $Increase/ 1996-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) %Increase/ REVE(4UE$ Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revised Adopted -Decrease Interest Income $Q $3.238 $16,020 $16.4251 $22.000 $22.000 IQ 0.0% Total Revenues SO $3,238 S16,020 S16,425 $22,000 S22,000 $0 0.0% EXPENDITURES Principal $0 $0 550,000 S95,000 S110.0001 $110.000 SO 0.0% Interest 0 0 209,716 283,601 234,7701 234,770 0 0.0% Admin.Expenses Q Q Q Q 1144 1.QQQ Q 0.0% Total Expenditures $0 S0 S259,716 $378,601 $345,770 $345,770 S0 0.0% Net Revenues $0 $3,238 ($243,696' ($362,1761 (S323,7701 ($323,7701 S0 Proceeds from bond sale $0 $252,915 SO S0 $0 $0 Transfers In $Q SQ 5251.310 $363.200 $344.770 $344 770 Tom Other Sources(Uses) $0 $252,915 $251,310 $363,200 $344,770 5344,770 Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0 $256,153 $263,767' $256,153 $256,153 Ending Fund Balance ;69, $256.153 c2R'i 767 $264 791. $277 153 $277 153, I City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM April 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Contract for Residential and Commercial Refuse Collection and Recyclable Materials Collection The city's contract with Laidlaw Waste System, Inc. for residential and commercial refuse collection and recyclable materials collection will terminate on April 30, 1997. Following the December 3, 1996 staff presentation to Council, Council directed staff to renegotiate a favorable contract with Laidlaw, reserving the right to bid the contract should the city and Laidlaw reach an impasse. A Council committee, comprised of David Harris, Scott Martin, and Pamela Muller was formed to assist staff with the renegotiation process. The committee met three times to discuss the issues, with two of these meetings including Doug Rivers, Director of Municipal Marketing with Laidlaw. These meetings provided opportunities to discuss rates, services, and other important contract provisions. The attached redline/strikeout version of the contract reflects the changes which have been mutually agreed upon by the committee and Laidlaw. A clean copy of the proposed contract is also attached for reading ease. Major changes are highlighted below: Additional Services: This contract includes the additional following services, provided at no extra charge, which were not included in the previous contract: ✓"Take All" Service - This addition to the contract will allow residential customers to place any item on the curb for pick up, including remodeling materials, fencing materials, bulky waste, and brush. This does NOT include contractor-generated waste. The contract includes provisions for acceptability of these items, including requirements for containers or tying or bundling. ✓Expanded Recycling - More materials may now be recycled by Southlake customers. Most notably, junk mail, cardboard and mixed household paper is now acceptable. VSpecial Services - Often referred to as "Back Door" service, this is a service targeted to elderly and disabled customers who have difficulty moving garbage to the curb. This !oA-t F Curtis E. Hawk Cor April 10, 1997 Contract for Refuse Collection and Recyclables Materials Collection service will ensure that the Contractor will pick up garbage at a specified location closer to the home, provided the city certifies the customer as eligible for this service. 6/Disaster Assistance - This provisions simply provides that Laidlaw will be a partner with the city in addressing disaster clean up. During disasters of magnitude, Laidlaw has agreed to provide clean-up assistance for the cost of time and materials. Rate Modifications: The most important point related to rates is that no residential rate increase will be proposed for the first eighteen months of the contract. This will mean that Southlake residents continue to pay the rates which have been in effect since 1992 through October 1998. This contract includes language which specifies how base rate modifications will be considered by Council. Note that the base rate refers only to solid waste collection and does not include recycling. Specifically, 70% of requested rate increases will be tied to operations (as measured by CPI-DFW, not to exceed 4%), and 30% will be related to disposal costs (as measured by an average of gate fees for six landfills -- three public, three private). The following example 411, shows the impact of this provision through the term of the contract, projecting rates based on an average gate fee change of 6% and the 1996 CPI-DFW of 2.7%. This is only an example of how rates may change, given what we know now about the CPI and disposal costs and should not be construed as definitive base rate changes. Contract Year Base Rate Recycling Total Rate 1997 $6.45 $2.00 $8.45 1998 $6.45 $2.00 $8.45 1999 $6.67 $2.00 $8.67 2000 $6.90 $2.00 $8.90 2001 $7.14 $2.00 $9.14 2002 $7.38 $2.00 $9.38 The contract provides that the city may opt for full cost accounting to determine the appropriateness of rate increases as an alternative, recognizing that there would be a cost incurred by the city for the auditing that would be required. The contract also provides for commercial rate increases and an increase in the franchise fee charged by the city from 2% to 10%. You will recall that the franchise fee is the administrative fee charged by the city to offset costs we incur related to this service. IoA-2- Curtis E. Hawk April 10, 1997 Contract for Refuse Collection and Recyclables Materials Collection Exploring Other Issues: Minimum insurance coverage to be carried by Laidlaw has been increased and the indemnification clause strengthened. During the course of the committee's work, other issues were discussed which may be addressed outside this contract. For example, we may have found a viable alternative to Fort Worth's program for household hazardous waste collection, eliminating the concerns about liability, and we discussed options for "green waste" which may prove viable for addressing a long-term goal of diverting this waste from the landfills. In short, the committee did an excellent job of renegotiating this contract. I would recommend that we continue this committee to work with staff on forthcoming environmental projects, such as the ordinance requiring appropriate containers for commercial entities, etc. Each member of the group brings a unique perspective to the table, providing for comprehensive discussion and review of the issues. I0A-3 CONTRACT FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE COLLECTION AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS COLLECTION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County and Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Curtis Hawk (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized market general manager, Joseph Noorlag (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). WHEREAS, City and Contractor have heretofore entered into a Franchise and Agreement whereby Contractor agreed to provide residential and commercial garbage and trash services to the City and its inhabitants for a five (5) year period beginning May 1, 1997 and ending April 30, 2002; and WHEREAS, City and Contractor now desire to renew said contract by giving Contractor a non-exclusive license to use the public streets, easements, and thoroughfares within the limits of the City for the purpose of collection and disposal of residential and commercial garbage and trash, including solid waste recycling, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 1 l0A-Zq That City and Contractor do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS Wherever used herein, the hereinafter listed terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 Base Rate. The total approved solid waste collection and disposal rates for residential and commercial/industrial front load customers, excluding sales taxes, franchise fees and recycling fees. 1.2 Brush (Special). Tree and shrub trimmings and limbs, etc., in bulk which exceed four (4) feet in length and cannot be loaded readily into regular refuse compaction equipment. 1.3 Bulky Waste. Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture, and other waste materials other than Construction Debris, Hazardous Waste or Stable Matter. 1.4 Bundle or Boxed Bundle. Tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspapers and magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding four (4) feet in length or fifty (50) pounds in weight. 1.5 City. City of Southlake. 1.6 Commercial Unit. Any commercial or industrial enterprises operating within the corporate limits of the City, including any residential dwellings occupied by persons or group of persons comprising more than four families. 1.7 Commodity. Material than can be sold in a spot or future market for processing and use or reuse. Each commodity shall retain its own identity and be kept separate. 1.8 Commodity Buyer. A buyer or processor, selected by Contractor pursuant to the Contract Documents, of recyclable materials delivered by Contractor. 1.9 Consumer Price Index (CPI-DFW). The revised Consumer Price Index for the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area (CPI-DFW), 12 month average for all items as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Region 6. In-the event the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics ceases to publish the CPI, the parties hereto agree to substitute another equally authoritative measure of change in the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar as may then be available so as to carry out the intent of this provision. 1.10 Contract Documents. This Contract and the most current Request for Proposals, Instructions to Bidders, and Contractor's Proposal, plus any addenda or changes to the foregoing documents agreed to by the City and the Contractor. 2 l0A-30 1.11 Contractor. The person, or partnership performing refuse and recyclable materials collection under this contract. 1.12 Construction Debris. Waste building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations. 1.13 Disaster. A sudden and grave occurrence causing destruction or damage to property for which a state of emergency is declared by the City under its Emergency Management Plan. Disaster shall include both natural and manmade disasters, including but not limited to, windstorms, lightning strikes, tornados, hurricanes, flooding, hail, earthquakes, fires, plane crashes, riots and explosions. 1.14 Disposal Site. A refuse depository, physically located in the City or in close proximity thereto, including but not limited to the Landfill and other sanitary landfills, transfer stations, incinerators, and waste processing/separation centers licensed, permitted or approved to receive for processing or final disposal of refuse by all governmental bodies and agencies having jurisdiction and requiring such licenses, permits or approvals. 1.15 Garbage Containers. Portable cans or similar containers constructed of galvanized iron, tin or other substantial material, or plastic bags or cardboard boxes, designed to store refuse with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. The maximum capacity of a garbage container shall not exceed thirty-three (33) gallons and the total weight of a garbage container and its contents shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. 1.16 Hazardous Waste. Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State of Texas to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal or State Law. 1.17 Household Hazardous Waste. Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State of Texas to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal or State Law, which is generated by households and similar generators. Types of household hazardous waste include household cleaning products, automotive products, paints and solvents, pesticides and other products such as pool chemicals, ammunition, dry cell and disc batteries, etc. 1.18 Landfill. The real property site for disposal as described in paragraph 1.11 above. 1.19 Producer. An occupant of a residential or commercial unit who generates refuse. 1.20 Rate Modification Date. The existing Base Rate will upon a timely request of the Contractor, be reviewed and if appropriate, revised effective upon a date defined as the Rate 3 1DA-31 Modification Date. The Rate Modification Date is established as October 1, 1998 and each `�— October 1 thereafter for the contract period. In order for the City to consider a modification, the Contractor shall request a review of the current Base Rate by July 1 preceding the Rate Modification Date. 1.21 Recyclable Materials. Those commodities which are collected by Contractor pursuant to this contract. 1.22 Refuse. Every accumulation of waste (vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the preparation, processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains, or other animal or vegetable matter including, but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and other food containers; and all easily decomposable animal waste or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents; and all rubbish and waste material generated at a residential, commercial, industrial, institutional location, or construction site which must be disposed of to prevent the attraction of flies, rodents, scavengers, unnecessary odor or to prohibit unsightly accumulation of refuse or fire hazards. Refuse shall not include any waste materials included in the definition of hazardous waste. 1.23 Residential Unit. A dwelling within the corporate limits of the City occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four (4) families. A residential unit shall be defined when either water or domestic light and power services are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of a single or multi level construction, consisting of four (4) or less continuous or separate single-family dwelling units, shall be treated as a residential unit, except that each single-family dwelling within any such residential unit shall be counted separately as a residential unit. 1.24 Rubbish. All waste wood, wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches, thereof, chips, shavings, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, pulp and other products such as are used for packing or wrapping, crockery, glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, mineral or metallic substances, and any and all other waste materials not included in the definition of Bulky Waste, Construction Debris, Hazardous Waste, or Household Hazardous Waste. 1.25 Special Service. Garbage and trash for elderly and disabled residential customer certified by the city will be picked up at or behind the building line as opposed to being picked up at the curbside. Pick up location will be agreed to by customer and Contractor. 1.2 Take All Service. Provides for the collection of all items placed on the curb as long as the items are containerized in a can, in a bag, or in a box. Construction materials from repairs and remodeling along with brush and limbs must be containerized or tied in bundles not to exceed fifty (50) lbs. in weight or 4 ft. in length. Bulky items including stoves, furniture, 4 IDA-32-, water heaters, dishwashers, etc., when placed on the curb will be picked up on normal `r-- collection days. Stockade type fence panels must be cut into 4x6 sections or smaller and loose pickets or slats must be tied and bundled. SECTION 2 SCOPE OF REFUSE COLLECTION WORK 2.1 Disposal of Refuse. The Contractor agrees to dispose of, outside the corporate limits of the City, all brush, bulky waste, and other refuse collected. The Contractor agrees to provide "Take All" Service, providing for collection of all items placed on the curb as long as properly containerized. Note that bulky waste may be placed curbside as part of this service, and does not need to be containerized. All vehicles used by the Contractor for the collection and transportation of such brush, bulky waste, and other refuse shall be protected at all times while in transit to prevent leakage or the blowing or scattering of same onto the public streets of City or property adjacent thereto. 2.2 Frequency of Residential Collection. The Contractor shall collect all residential refuse in bundles, boxed bundles or garbage containers not less that two (2) times per week, with collections at least three (3) days apart. No collections shall be made on Sunday. Any missed pick-ups will be picked up by the Contractor on the same day if they are called in before 2:00 p.m. All refuse shall be placed at curbside for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the designated collection day. Curbside refers to that portion of right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled City roadways. Containers shall be placed as close to the roadway as practicable without interfering with or endangering the movement of vehicles or pedestrian, unless the residential customer has been certified by the City for special service. Garbage and trash for residential special service customers shall be picked up at or behind the building line in a location agreed upon by customer and Contractor as opposed to being picked up at the curbside for the regular monthly fee. When construction work is being performed in the right-of-way, Containers shall be placed as practicable to an access point for the collection vehicle. Contractor may decline to collect any Container not so placed. 2.3 Quantity. The Contractor shall be required to pick up all refuse and bulky wastes generated from a residential unit, provided that same is properly prepared, bagged, and stored for collection. Rubbish or bulky wastes not containerized (which can be lifted and loaded by two (2) employees in no more than five minutes), and large items such as furniture, hot water heaters, refrigerators and other appliances, shall be collected by the Contractor within forty- eight (48) hours of receipt of a call from a residence. 2.4 Residential Refuse - Where. Collections of refuse shall be made from the curb provided the containers are freely accessible, with the bottom at ground level or on a platform not more than three (3) feet above ground. Containers stored below ground surface will not be 5 IDA-33 picked up. Special service shall be provided to elderly and disabled customers who have been certified by the City. Garbage and trash for residential customers certified for special service will be picked up at or behind the building line as opposed to being picked up at the curbside for the regular monthly fee. 2.5 Residential Refuse - How. The Contractor shall make collections with a minimum of noise and disturbance to the householder. This work shall be done in a sanitary manner. Any refuse or trash spilled by the Contractor shall be picked up immediately by the Contractor's employees. 2.6 Commercial Refuse. Every owner, agent, employee, or person otherwise in charge of any commercial, institutional, or industrial premises within the City (commercial customer) shall have a commercial container or containers of a size and frequency to insure the premises against flies, rodents, scavengers, unnecessary odor and to prohibit unsightly accumulation of refuse or fire hazards. Contractor agrees to make commercial containers of adequate size available upon request of any commercial premises within the corporate limits of City. The commercial containers provided by Contractor shall be equipped with suitable operable covers to prevent blowing or scattering of refuse, shall be maintained in good order, appearance, and in sanitary condition, shall be of a uniform color scheme, and shall be clearly marked with the Contractor's name and telephone number. 2.7 Dead Animals. The City shall be responsible for the removal of all dead animals in the City. 2.8 Special Brush Collection. Special brush collection will be provided curbside, provided that these materials are containerized properly or tied in bundles. These items will not be collected if they exceed 4 ft. in length or fifty (50) lbs. in weight. 2.9 Household Hazardous Waste. The Contractor shall not provide for collection of household hazardous waste, but shall work with the City to identify suitable recycling sites for such materials and to provide for publicity of such sites to residential customers. The City shall evaluate options for collection and disposal of household hazardous waste, and may provide for this service under separate instrument. 2.10 Christmas Trees. During the Christmas season each year, the City shall provide a specific site within the City for the deposit of Christmas trees by residential customers. The Contractor shall provide a chipper at such location at no cost for the purpose of chipping the Christmas trees. The Contractor shall be allowed one week to chip the trees. The chip shall be left on the site if so desired by the City. 6 loA- 34- SECTION 3 �►- SCOPE OF RECYCLING WORK 3.1 Residential Recycling. The Contractor agrees to furnish all personnel, labor, equipment, trucks, containers, and all other items necessary to provide recyclable materials collection and delivery services for all residences and public schools in the City as provided herein. These services shall be provided at least once per week. 3.2 Collection Equipment. The Contractor shall provide an adequate number of specially designed vehicles for recycling collection services. All vehicles and other equipment shall be kept in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary condition at all times. After notice from the City, the Contractor shall have thirty (30) days to correct any deficiencies in its collection vehicles. Each vehicle shall have clearly visible on each side the identity and telephone number of the Contractor and a slogan depicting the recycling theme. 3.3 Recycling Containers. Contractor shall provide at its sole expense one (1) recycling container for each residential unit within the City. The recycling container shall remain the property of the Contractor for a period of five (5) years from the initiation of the recycling service. At the end of the five (5) year period, the recycling containers will become the property of the residents. If Contractor's services in the recycling program are discontinued prior to five (5) years from the initiation of the recycling service, the recycling containers shall be returned to the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for the collection of these bins and identifying which homes do not return recycling bins upon request. For recycling containers which are not returned to the Contractor, a charge per bin will be calculated on a depreciated book value basis. The book value for each unreturned container shall be calculated by utilizing a $6.00 initial cost value and the straight line depreciation method over a sixty (60) month life with a twenty-five percent (25%) remaining salvage value. During the initial term of this contract , if a recycling container in lost, stolen or destroyed, residents may purchase additional replacement containers from the Contractor for six dollars ($6.00) per container. However, there will be no charge for replacement of containers due to normal wear and tear. Recycling containers will be constructed, at least in part, of recycled plastic and will be sixteen (16) to twenty (20) gallons in volume. Containers shall clearly state the name of the Contractor and a slogan depicting the recycling theme. 3.4 Recyclable Commodities. The Contractor shall collect and recycle the following commidities: 1. Newspapers. Dry newspaper, magazines and catalogs, along with slick and glossy inserts found in the newspaper. 2. Glass bottles, jars and containers. No mirrors, windows, or ceramics will be collected. Ioa-3S 3. Cans for food, beverages, soft drinks, beer, etc. No scrap metal will be collected. 4. All plastic bottles with recycling symbols of#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #7 can be recycled. 5. Junk mail, cardboard and mixed household paper. This includes junk mail, envelopes, cereal boxes, cardboard, chipboard and any other household paper products. 6. Telephone books will be collected annually during redistribution period. These items may be placed in recycle bins curbside or deposited in special collection bins in the city during the specified redistribution period. In the event that the market prices for any one or all of the above commodities drops to the point that such materials can no longer be sold or processed, the City and the Contractor may agree to remove that commodity from the list of items to be recycled and the Contractor will notify residents of same. The City reserves the right to include additional materials, as such markets become available. 3.5 Location of Containers for Collection. Each container shall be placed at curbside for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the designated collection day, with the exception of those containers used by special service customers. 3.6 Separated Commodities. It is the intent under this Contract for the Contractor to collect certain source separated commodities to be recycled by a sub-contractor who has experience in the business of processing and sale of commodities. The Contractor will not be required to collect commodities which are mixed with garbage, trash and refuse normally collected by sanitation crews. The Contractor may notify the City of any such addresses where the residents are so commingling commodities and will notify the individual costumer that such commodities are unacceptable for collection. 3.7 Hauling. All commodities hauled by the Contractor shall be so contained, tied or enclosed that leaking, spilling or blowing is prevented. 3.8 Delivery. All commodities collected for delivery and sale by the Contractor shall be delivered to a commodity buyer selected from time to time at the sole discretion of the Contractor. The charge for delivery to the commodity buyer shall be included in the rate for each residential unit serviced by the Contractor. 3.9 Notification. The Contractor shall notify all new residences about complaint procedures, sorting, preparing for collection, regulations, and day(s) for scheduled recyclable materials collection. The Contractor shall also inform the public of any condition and form `r... 8 10-A-310 required of materials to be collected. The Contractor shall provide information for inclusion in the City's newsletter, cable programming, homepage, etc. as requested by the City. 3.10 Recycling Proceeds . No later than the twenty-fifth (25th) of each month, the Contractor shall pay to the City $500.00 for use in the promotion and education of recycling in the City as determined by the City Council. Such payment shall be accompanied by a detailed statement indicating the weights of recycled materials collected in the city. 3.11 _Reports. In addition to the monthly reports required above, the Contractor shall be required to file quarterly and annual reports with the City. Monthly and quarterly reports shall include the following information: - Tonnage marketed, by materials - Participation rates by neighborhood - Discussion of problems and successful experiences in program operations Annual reports shall include the following information: - Summary of participation rates and recovered material amounts. - Summary of public awareness activities and their impact on participation and recovered tons - Summary of successes and problems and measures taken to resolve problems SECTION 4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 4.1 Nonexclusive Rights. The Contractor shall be free to engage in work as a private scavenger or hauler and to charge the public for services other than as provided in this contract. Such scavenging or hauling by individuals on a non fee basis shall be permitted. 4.2 Spillage. The Contractor shall not be responsible for scattered refuse unless the same has been caused by his acts or those of any of its employees, in which case all scattered refuse shall be picked up immediately by the Contractor. A fork, push broom, and a scoop type shovel shall be maintained on each truck for clean up activity. Contractor will not be required to clean up or collect loose refuse or spillage not caused by the acts of its employees, but may report the location of such conditions to the City Manager so that proper notice can be given to the customer at the premises to properly contain such refuse. Commercial refuse spillage or excess refuse shall be picked up by Contractor after the costumer reloads the containers. In the case of commercial customers, Contractor shall then be entitled to an extra collection charge for each reloading of a commercial container requiring an extra collection. Should such commercial spillage continue to occur, City shall require the commercial customer and Contractor to increase the frequency of collection of the commercial customer's refuse or 9 0A-31 require the customer to utilize a commercial container with a larger capacity, and Contractor shall be compensated for such additional services. 4.3 Vicious Animals. Employees of the Contractor shall not be required to expose themselves to the dangers of vicious animals in order to accomplish refuse or recyclable materials collection in any case where the owner or tenants have animals at large, but the Contractor shall immediately notify the City, in writing, of such condition and of his inability to make collection. 4.4 City Facilities. The Contractor shall make no extra charge for collection and disposal of waste at city owned, operated or other city designated sites, including city parks, so long as the same can be collected on a regular collection route of the Contractor. 4.5 Hazardous Waste/Household Hazardous Waste. It is specifically understood and agreed that the collection and disposal of hazardous waste/household hazardous waste by the Contractor is not authorized or governed by this contract and that the disposal of hazardous waste/household hazardous waste by the Contractor shall be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. 4.6 Disaster Assistance. In the event that a disaster occurs within the city limits, Contractor agrees to assist the City, other governmental entities, and other disaster relief organizations in the clean up of damaged or destroyed property. Contractor will provide equipment, personnel, and disposal at cost (time and materials) during normal operating hours to assist in clean up operations, to the extent such equipment and personnel are available. Contractor further agrees to make its equipment available for hire to persons or companies needing disaster clean up assistance, to the extent that doing so would not unreasonably interfere with Contractor's normal business operations. Additionally, Contractor agreed to provide equipment, personnel, and disposal at cost (time and materials) to assist the City or other governmental entities in the removal of damaged or destroyed property which is causing an eminent threat of personal injury or property damage. SECTION 5 CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS 5.1 Hours of Operation. Collection of residential refuse or recyclable materials shall start before 7:00 a.m. or continue after 6:00 p.m. on the same day. Exceptions to collection hours shall be effected only with the approval, in writing, of the City Manager. 5.2 Routes of Collection. Residential collection routes shall be established according to current City Routes. The Contractor shall submit a map designating the collection routes and proposed days of collection to the City for its approval. Contractor shall submit any changes in the residential routes to the City Manager for approval. The Contractor may propose to the City Manager changes in routes or days of collection. Upon the City Manager's approval of 10 IDA- 3% the proposed changes, the Contractor shall promptly give written or published notice to the °�— affected residential units. 5.3 Holidays. The following shall be holidays for purposes of this contract: Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Day Labor Day New Years Day Independence Day Contractor may decide to observe any or all of the above mentioned holidays by suspension of collection services for the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves the Contractor of its obligation to provide refuse and recyclable materials collection service at residential units at least once per week. 5.4 Complaints and Non-Performance. Service complaints shall be handled in the following order: 5.4.1 Service Complaints - Contractor. All service complaints shall initially be directed to the Contractor and shall be resolved by the end of the next business day. The Contractor shall supply copies of all complaints on a form approved by the City indicating the disposition of each complaint. The form shall indicate the day and hour on which the complaint was received `�.., and resolved. 5.4.2 Service Complaints - City. The City shall notify the Contractor of each complaint reported to the City. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to take whatever steps necessary to remedy the cause of the complaint and notify the City of its disposition by the end of the next business day. The City shall provide a list of complaints to the Contractor by phone not later than 4:30 p.m. each day. 5.4.3. Damage - Private Property. The Contractor shall provide the City with a full explanation of the disposition of any complaint involving a customer's claim of damage to private property resulting from action of Contractor's employees, agents, or sub-contractors. 5.4.4 Complaint Procedures . The Contractor shall provide the City with information regarding complaint procedures, rules and regulations, and day(s) of collection, etc. • Information is to be in the form of printed material distributed by the Contractor. 5.5 Equipment. The Contractor shall provide equipment which meets or exceeds the following: 5.5.1 Type. The Contractor shall use only vehicles with bodies which are water tight to a depth of not less than eighteen (18) inches, with solid sides, using pneumatic tires. All 11 IDA- 3' equipment utilized by the Contractor shall be kept in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary ``— condition at all times. 5.5.2 Amount. The Contractor shall provide sufficient equipment in a proper operating condition so regular schedules and routes of collection can be maintained. 5.5.3 Condition. Equipment is to be maintained in a clean and safe working condition and shall be painted uniformly. No advertising shall be permitted on vehicles. Vehicles must have contractors name in letters and numbers legible from 150 feet. The City shall have the right to inspect all equipment and may require the Contractor not to use a piece of equipment for good and reasonable cause. 5.5.4 Protection from Scattering. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a cover, which may be net with mesh not greater than one and one-half(1 ' ) inches, or tarpaulin, or fully enclosed metal top to prevent leakage, blowing or scattering of refuse onto public or private property. Such cover shall be kept in good order and used to cover the load going to and from the landfill, and during loading operations or when parked if contents are likely to be scattered. Vehicles shall not be overloaded so as to scatter refuse; however, if refuse is scattered from Contractor's vehicle for any reason, it shall be picked up immediately. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a fork, broom and shovel for this purpose. 5.5.5 Miscellaneous. Vehicles are to be washed on the inside and sanitized with a suitable disinfectant and deodorant once a month. Also, they should be washed and painted or repainted as often as necessary to keep them in a neat and sanitary condition. The Contractor's vehicles are not to interfere unduly with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and vehicles are not to be left standing on streets unattended except as made necessary by loading operations. 5.6 Office. Contractor agrees, at its own expense, to keep an office open in the mid-cities area and provide a telephone answering service from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, for the purpose of handling complaints and other calls regarding refuse collection service. The Contractor shall keep competent personnel in the office during the time the office is required to be open to the public and the office personnel shall have the authority to represent the Contractor in its relations with the City and the public. The Contractor shall also provide the City a telephone number by which the Contractor can be contacted for after hours emergencies. The Contractor shall keep and maintain in the office a daily log of all the service calls which shall show the nature of the call, complaint or communication. The City shall have the right to inspect the daily log at any reasonable time. Throughout the term of this contract, Contractor shall establish and maintain an authorized Managing Agent and shall designate in writing to the City Manager the name, telephone number, and address of such agent to whom all notices may be served by the City or complaints received from citizens of the City. Service upon the Contractor's agent shall always constitute service upon the Contractor. Contractor agrees to secure an annual listing in 12 10A-` 0 the Fort Worth telephone directory under the name by which it conducts business in the community. 5.7 Disposal of Refuse. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to dispose of the refuse he collects according to City, County, State, and Federal regulation at his own expense. 5.8 Hazardous Weather. The City may cancel a portion of or all of a scheduled service day due to hazardous weather condition. 5.9 Records. The City shall have the right to review the books and records kept incident to the operation of Contractor's business within the City. All information so obtained shall be confidential and shall not be released by the City unless expressly authorized in writing by the Contractor. SECTION 6 CONTRACTOR'S RELATION TO CITY 6.1 Contractor as Independent Contractor. It is expressly agreed and understood that the Contractor is in all respects an independent Contractor as to the work, licenses, or privileges granted herein, notwithstanding the Contractor is bound to follow the direction of City officials, and that the Contractor is in no respect an officer, agent, servant, or employee of the City. This contract specifies the work to be done by the Contractor, but method to be done by the Contractor, but the method to be employed to accomplish this work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, unless otherwise provided in this contract. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the City has no control over or right to control the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste by the Contractor or where or how such solid waste is disposed of. It is further understood and agreed that Contractor shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and invitees; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the City and Contractor; and that nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Contractor. 6.2 Subletting Contract. This contract, or any portion thereof, shall not be sublet or assigned except with the prior written consent of the City Council, which consent will not unreasonably withheld. No such consent will be construed as making the City a party of or to such subcontract , or subjecting the City to liability of any kind to any subcontractor.• No subletting or assignment shall, under any circumstances, relieve the Contractor of his liability and obligation under this contract, and despite any such subletting, the City shall deal through the Contractor. Subcontractors will be dealt with as workers and representatives of the Contractor, and as such shall be subject to the same requirements as to character and competence as are other employees of the Contractor. 6.3 City Manager to be Referee. To prevent misunderstanding and litigation, the City 13 IDA- 41 Manager shall decide any and all questions which may arise concerning the quality and `�.., acceptability of the work and services performed, the sufficiency of performance, the interpretation of the contract provisions, and the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the Contractor; and the City Manager will determine whether or not the amount, quantity, character and quality of the work performed is satisfactory. The City Manager shall make such explanation as may be necessary to complete, explain, or make definite the provisions of this contract, and the findings and conclusions shall be final and binding on both parties. If at any time during the life of this contract, performance of the Contractor does not meet the standards of the Contract, the Contractor, upon notification by the City, shall increase the forces, tools, or equipment as needed to properly perform the Contract. The failure of the City to give such notification shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to perform the work at the time and in the manner specified by this Contract. Contractor and City agree that the City Manager will be the final authority for the approval of charges for any service not contemplated by this Contract and for the disposition of any dispute regarding performance between the City, Contractor, and any customer. 6.4 Inspection of Work. The Contractor shall furnish the City Manager or his authorized representative with every reasonable opportunity for ascertaining whether or not the work as performed is in accordance with the requirements of this contract. The City Manager may appoint qualified persons to inspect the Contractor's operation and equipment at any reasonable time, and the Contractor shall allow authorized representative of the City to make such inspections. 6.5 Liaison. The Contractor shall designate, in writing, the person to serve as agent and liaison between his organization and the City. 6.6 Taxes. The Contractor shall pay all Federal, State and local taxes including sales tax, social security, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, andvalorem, and other required taxes which may be chargeable against labor, material, equipment, real estate, and other items necessary to and in performance of this contract. 6.7 City not Liable for Delays. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event shall the City be liable or responsible to the Contractor or to any other person for any stoppage or delay in the work herein provided for, by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings brought against the Contractor, or from or on account of any delay from any cause over which the City has no control. 6.8 licenses, Permits, and Fees. Contractor agrees to obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, certificates, inspections, and other fees required by law or otherwise necessary to perform the services prescribed hereunder. Contractor shall also pay, at his own expense, all disposal fees associated with the collection, removal, and disposal of refuse. 6.9 Term of Contract. The term of this contract shall be for a period of five (5) years 14 ioA-42, beginning May 1, 1997 and ending April 30, 2002. 6.10 Renewal. This contract may be renewed under the same terms and conditions for an additional five (5) year period as provided herein. No later than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the termination date, Contractor shall notify City of its election to terminate this Agreement or conversely, its election to renew this Agreement for another five (5) year period. Should Contractor elect to terminate, then this Agreement shall terminate and end on the termination date. In the event that Contractor fails to provide the City with any notice of renewal or termination no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the end of the term, then in such instance, such failure of notice shall be construed and understood as an election by the Contractor to renew the contract for an additional five (5) year period. Should the Contractor either elect or be deemed to have elected to renew this contract, the City shall then notify the Contractor no less than ninety (90) days from the end of the contract term of the City's election to terminate this contract. Should the City elect to terminate, then this contract shall terminate and end on the termination date. Should the City elect to renew the contract, then this contract shall be renewed for a period of five (5) years beginning on 2002. Should the City fail to notify Contractor of its intentions no less than said ninety (90) days from the end of the contract term, then this contract shall continue on a month to month basis under the same terms and conditions until renewed or terminated by formal action of the Council. All notices shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at the addresses provided in Section 11.6 hereof. 6.11 Breach of Contract. It shall be the duty of the City manager and any officials of the City which he may designate to observe closely the refuse collection, disposal, recycling and salvage operations and if, in the opinion of the City Manager there has been a breach of contract, the City shall notify the Contractor, in writing, specifying the manner in which there has been a breach of contract. If within a period of seven (7) days, the Contractor has not eliminated the conditions considered to be a breach of contract, the City Manager shall notify the City Council and a hearing shall be set for a date within twenty (20) days of such notice. At that time, the City Council shall hear the Contractor and the city representatives and make a determination as to whether or not the city representatives and make a determination as to whether or not there has been a breach of contract, and direct what further action shall be taken by the City, or the Contractor, as hereinafter provided. 6.12 Cancellation_orAnnulment of Contract. If the Contractor fails to begin work at the time specified, or fails to perform the work with sufficient number of workers and sufficient and adequate equipment to insure the proper and substantial performance of said refuse and recyclable materials collection work, or performs unsuitable work, or discontinues the prosecution of the work or any portion thereof, or for any other cause whatsoever, excepting only Acts of God, does not carry on the work as aforesaid or otherwise defaults under any other terms, conditions or obligations of this contract, or if the Contractor becomes insolvent or declares bankruptcy or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or allows any final judgement for the payment of money to stand against him unsatisfied, and if the City through 15 IoA-43 its City Manager gives notice of such default, and the Contractor fails to rectify such default within seven (7) days after the giving of such notice by the City, then the City may thereupon by action of the City Council declare the contract canceled. Such cancellation of the contract shall not relieve the Contractor of liability for failure to faithfully perform this contract, and in case the expense incurred by services provided for in said contract shall exceed the sum which would have been payable under the contract, then Contractor shall be liable to the City in the amount of any such expense in excess of the per unit contract price. If the City should cancel or annul this contract under the foregoing provisions, then the City may, at its option, purchase all trucks, machinery, equipment, and tools used regularly by the Contractor in the performance of this contract and shall pay the Contractor the appraised value thereof as of the time of such revocation and cancellation. Such appraised value shall be determined by a board of three (3) appraisers as follows: one appraiser shall be named by the Contractor, one appraiser shall be named by the City, and the two appraisers so named together shall name a disinterested person as the third appraiser. Such Board of Appraisers shall within thirty (30) days after their appointment, appraise such property and make a sworn statement showing their findings as to its value, furnishing a copy of such statement to the City and another copy to the Contractor. 6.13 Nondiscrimination Clause. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any person because of race, sex; age, creed, color, religion or national origin. SECTION 7 QUALITY OF SERVICE 7.1 Character of Workers and Equipment. The direction and supervision of refuse collection and disposal, recyclable materials collection and disposal and salvage operations shall be by competent, qualified and sober personnel, and the Contractor shall devote sufficient personnel, time and attention to the direction of the operation to assure performance satisfactory to the City. All subcontractors, superintendents, foreman and workers employed by the Contractor shall be careful and competent. Any employee of the Contractor who misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duty, or is disorderly, dishonest, drunk or grossly discourteous, shall be scheduled for a joint hearing upon receipt by the Contractor of a written request from the City Manager. The City shall specify reasons for the request. If warranted by the City Manager, such employee shall not be assigned by the Contractor to the City. 7.2 Cooperation of Contractor Required. The Contractor shall cooperate with authorized personnel and representatives of the City in every reasonable way in order to facilitate the progress of the work contemplated under this contract. Contractor shall have at all times a competent and reliable representative available authorized to receive orders and act on behalf of Contractor. 16 IDA-44- 7.2.1 Contractor's Employees. The Contractor shall assure that Contractor's employees serve the public in a courteous, helpful and impartial manner. 7.2.2 Handling of Private Propert_Contractor's Employees. Contractor's employees collecting refuse or recyclable materials will be required to follow the regular walk for pedestrians while on private property. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to property including shrubs, flowers, and other plants. SECTION 8 WORKING CONDITIONS 8.1 Employee Protection. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable State and Federal laws relating to wages, hours, and all other applicable laws relating to the employment or protection of employees, or hereafter in effect. 8.2 Employees Salary - Contractor. The Contractor is required and hereby agrees by acceptance of this contract to pay all employees not less than Federal minimum wage and to and to abide by other requirements as established by the Fair Labor Standards Act, if applicable. 8.3 Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Contractor hereby agrees to abide with all applicable Federal, State, County and City laws regulations applicable to the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste or the operations of Contractor under this contract. Any operations or activities of Contractor which are not in strict compliance with EPA guidelines are outside the terms of this contract and shall be considered to be a breach of this contract. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City, all of its officers, representative, agents and employees against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such laws, regulations, ordinances, orders or decrees, whether by Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees, licensees, invitees, or subcontractors. SECTION 9 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 Minimum Insurance Coverage. The Contractor at its own expense shall purchase, maintain and keep in force insurance as will protect him from claims, whether these claims arise as a result of the operations of Contractor, any subcontractor or by anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. Minimum coverage shall be established as of commencement date for this contract in 17 IDA-4S the following amounts: Coverages I.imits of Liability Worker's Compensation Statutory Employer's Liability $ 300,000 Bodily Injury Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $2,000,000 aggregate Automobile Bodily Injury $1,000,000 each person Liability Automobile Property Damage $1,000,000 each occurrence Liability Property Damage Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $2,000,000 aggregate Excess Liability Coverage $2,000,000 aggregate Further, any insurance coverages which are required by statute which are not expressly stated herein shall be maintained in accordance with statutory requirements. 9.2 Certificate of Insurance. Before commencing any of the work under this contract, Contractor shall file with the City valid Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the City. Such certificates shall contain a provision that states coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the City. The Contractor shall also file with the City valid Certificates of Insurance covering all subcontractors. In the event the Contractor is self-insured under the Texas Worker's Compensations Act, the Contractor shall file with the City a valid Certificate of Authority to Self insure issued by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission and proof of compliance with all security requirements provided by the Act. The failure by Contractor to keep in full force and effect any insurance required by this contract shall be deemed a breach of this contract. Insurance coverage specified herein constitutes the minimum requirements and said requirements shall in no way lessen or limit the liability of Contractor under the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, any additional kinds and amounts of insurance that in its own judgement may be necessary for proper 18 1DA - protection in the prosecution of its work. 9.3 Indemnification. <ATTORNEYS ARE WORKING TO UPDATE THIS SECTION -- WORDING WILL BE PROVIDED AT COUNCIL MEETING> > SECTION 10 FEES 10.1 Charges. All residential and commercial rates shall be established annually and included in the City's Schedule of Fees. 10.2 Percentage Fee. City shall retain ten percent ( 10%) of the gross billings from all residential refuse and recycling collection and Contractor shall pay to City ten percent ( 10%) of the grosss billings from all commercial refuse collection performed within the City, including regular collections and collections from extra hauls. 10.3 Billing & Collections. The City will serve as billing and collection agent for residential billings. Commercial billings will be done by the contractor. 10.4 Payment to the City . The Contractor will pay the commercial percentage fee to the city on or about the 15th of each month. 10.5 Payment to the Contractor. The City will pay the Contractor his portion of the monies billed for residential collection, less the retainage on or about the 15th of each month. 10.6 Reports of Operations. The City shall submit to the Contractor a written report showing the number of complaints received during the preceding calendar month, a list of parties billed for collection, and the amounts billed by the 15th of each month. 10.7 Modification of Rates. Contractor shall maintain such residential and commercial rates (Base Rates) as shown in Exhibit A until October 1, 1998. On each anniversary date (Rate Modification Date) thereafter, base rates shall be modified by a combination of the percentage increase in operating costs for the most recent twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the Rate Modification Date, and increases in disposal costs. Contractor shall submit to City in writing its proposed adjustment to the Base Rate and supporting data for same on or before July 1 of each year, beginning on July 1, 1998. The base rate shall be divided into operations and disposal. Operations equal 70% of the base rate. Disposal equals 30% of the base rate. Operations will be adjusted by the CPI for the most recent 12 month period, or 4%, whichever is less. Disposal will be adjusted by the average increase in disposal cost as represented in Exhibit B. �'" 19 10.8 Alternative Base Rate Modification. City may, at its discretion and upon recommendation by the City Manager, implement full cost accounting for the annual establishment of solid wast rate. Contractor agrees to provide all necessary information to prepare such reports, however, City shall give the Contractor at least 90 days to complete such research. Any other cost increases including state, federal, and local fees, taxes or other additional disposal regulatory charges imposed on disposal since the last rate modification, and any expenditures required of Contractor solely because of federal, state or local law, rule regulation, ordinance order, permit or permit condition becoming effective since the last rate modification may be considered by the City on a case-by-case basis. If Contractor makes a request for increases above the amount calculated above. Contractor must provide sufficient data, including, but not limited to, audited financial statements. The City Council shall be the final authority in grant any and all rate increases. At no time will rate increase requests be deemed automatic. SECTION 11 WORKING POLICIES 11.1 Commencement of Work. The Contractor must commence operations on the date and year agreed by the City. 11.2 Assignment of Contract and Disposal of Property. The Contractor shall not assign this contract without the consent of the City, nor dispose of equipment used in the refuse and recycling collection and disposal operations without immediately substituting additional property. 11.3 Operations During ispu . In the event the City Council shall find that the Contractor has failed, or is failing to perform obligations under this contract, it shall be the duty of the City Council to enter into a formal finding of that fact upon the minutes and send a certified copy of such fording by registered or certified mail to the Contractor, or have the same delivered to the Contractor personally. In such event, the Contractor agrees that the City shall thereupon be entitled to take over all operations under this contract, and the Contractor shall cooperate to the extent necessary to enable the City to do so. The Contractor expressly recognizes the paramount right and duty of the City to provide adequate refuse and trash collections as necessary governmental functions, and further agrees, in consideration for the execution of this contract, that in the event the City shall invoke the provisions of the section the contractor will not seek injunctive relief in any court but will either negotiate with the City for an adjustment on the matters in dispute, or present the matter to a court of competent jurisdiction in an appropriate suit therefore instituted by the Contractor or by the City. 20 'DA- $4-M 11.4 City Ordinances. Nothing contained in any ordinance of the City now in effect or �-- hereafter adopted pertaining to the collection of refuse may in any way be construed to affect, change, modify, or otherwise alter the duties, responsibilities, and operation of the Contractor in the performance of the terms of this contract. It is the intention hereof that the Contractor be required to perform strictly the terms of this contract regardless of the effect or interpretation of any municipal ordinances which in any way relate to refuse. 11.5 Amendments. Amendments which are consistent with the purposes of this contract may be made with the mutual consent of the parties and in accordance with the City Charter and other applicable laws and ordinances. 11.6 Notices. All notices required to be sent pursuant to this contract shall be by U. S. Mail, Certified Return Receipt Requested, to the following individuals at the address noted: If to City: City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Attention: City Manager If to Contractor: Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc. 6100 Elliott Reeder Road Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Attention: Doug Rivers 11.7 Venue. Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms and conditions of this contract, venue for said action shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. 11.8 Governmental Powers. It is understood and agreed that by execution of this contract, City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers. �`` 21 • EXECUTED this day of , 19 , in Tarrant County, ... Texas. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Curtis Hawk, City Manager ATTEST: City Secretary LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS INC. By: Joseph Noorlag, Market General Manager ATTEST: Corporate Secretary 22 IOA-SD Exhibit A LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS FRANCHISED CITY RATES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COMMERCIAL FRONT-LOAD RATES PICKUPS PER WEEK 63.33 86.66 110.00 132.21 155.55 20.00 83.33 117.77 I51.11 =Ma 218.89 24.44 - .:i 61.11 101.11 142.72 182.23 223.34 �,>;.'I•w;��:s::::...,:•:-: 263.34 28.89 A•� ;..:;: 93.33 135.55 188.86 243.33 297.78 351.11 33.33 173.33 241.11 307.78 375.55 Mal38.89 COMMERCIAL ROLLOFF RATES r, ,wy .wt :.sue fi''",.T1 ..a. f ...w .4';T £:�Yt ': s f^! ...e..I.w_.:.....tLa;;;:.. :$''"„ii, ., • s�,, ..�..t _7 _ _ TJr�'.fir i .+ 't 20 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 102.20 220.71 200.00 25 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 127.75 246.26 30 YD 200.00 OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 153 30 271.81 200.00 35 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 178.85 297.36 200.00r 40 YD OPEN 70•00 • 3.00 118.51 204.40 322.91 , 200.00, 28 YD _ COMP1VEGO NEGO 118.51 164.92 283.43r NEGO 30 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 176.70 295.21 NEGO 35 YD COMP NEGO NEB 118.51 _ 206.I5 324.66 NEGO YD COMh NEG.() NEGO 118.51 235.60 354.11 NEGO 42 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.5I 247.38 365.89 NEGO FRANCHISE FEE PERCENTAGE 10.00%0 10.00% QMP DISPOSAL RATE PER YARD LOOSE $5.30 FRANCHISE FEE MARKUP S4'� 55.30 TOTAL COST PER YARD 50.51112. 2 55.11 $5.89 COMMERCIAL HANDLOAD 2 TTM$S PER WEEK @ 516.22 PLR MONTH - CASTERS $10.1/41 /MONTH LOCKS S1. /PER LIFT RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/O RECYCLING ail /MONTH RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/RECYCLING 53.45 /MONTH RESIDENTIAL BACK DOOR SERVICE /MONTH • EFFECTIVE DATE ZO CITY HALL PHONE# 817/48Ln5581 IoA-S( Exhibit B Selected Landfill List City of Southlake Contract 1-May-97 Landfills Compacted Rate Waste Management DFW $6.65 Sanifill Crow Landfill $4.85 Waste Management Westside $6.45 City of Farmers Branch $5.02 Laidlaw Turkey Creek $5.00 Average $5.59 L southlake.xls/appendixB/4/10/97 IDA-�2- City of Southlake,Texas MEMORAND 1M C April 11, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Consider Request by Village Center,Phases I and II,to Amend Site Plan for the Western Two Driveways onto E. Southlake Blvd.; to Authorize an Additional Sign and Grant Two Variances to the Sign Ordinance 506-A; and to Approve Additional Landscaping along S.H. 114 Background Village Center was platted and developed in two phases. Phase I is generally referred to as the Kroger site and Phase II as the Home Depot site. City Council did approve as part of the site plan, the locations of the proposed driveways, street (Village Center Drive) and common access way. Also,the developer prepared, at staff's request, a comprehensive plan for signage. The signage plan with requested variances was approved. As with any large development as the project evolves, improvements/changes may be requested. The following requests for revisions by Don Silverman and Rolland Uphoff with the Midland Development Group have been reviewed by staff. Some of the revisions have resulted because of a request by the City to limit access to the driveway across from Westwood Drive. Specifically, the following items need to be considered by City Council: • Driveways The original site plan included a full access driveway across from Westwood Drive and a service drive that consisted of two lanes across from Miron Drive on the west side of the project. At the City's request,because of safety concerns for traffic egressing and ingressing from Westwood Drive, the developer has agreed to the following: 1. west drive>revising a two lane service drive to a three lane full access drive, and 2. Home Depot/PetsMart drive > revising a three lane full access drive to a two lane control access drive with restricted right-in and right-out only. The reason for the driveway revision was to eliminate the left turn movements at the Home Depot/PetsMart drive and there by eliminating potential conflicts with vehicles entering and exiting Westwood Drive. However,because of the expected large left turn traffic flow from E. Southlake Blvd., a full access driveway in addition to the Village Center drive is needed. 10B-1 i # • CURTIS E. HAWK VILLAGE CENTER,PHASE I VARIANCE REQUESTS APRIL 11, 1997 PAGE 2 Therefore, the west service drive was expanded to three lanes to accommodate vehicles egressing and ingressing Home Depot/PetsMart. A left turn bay will be striped to provide stacking capacity for expected left turn traffic flow on E. Southlake Blvd. (See striping plan for details.) To encourage vehicles to turn on the west drive, signage is necessary. Two of the following signage changes(numbers 1 and 2 below) are due to the driveway reconfiguration. • Signage The signage request is threefold: 1. New Sign> locating it at E. Southlake Blvd. and the west drive (Sign Exhibit Site No. 5). The sign requested is a monument sign for Home Depot and PetsMart(Sign Exhibit Sign Type G). From the Village Center Site Sign Information Table(table exhibit), Site No. 5 will be a monument sign that will be 8 ft. x 12 ft. with 72 s.f. of signage. This was previously approved at Village Center Dr. and E. Southlake Blvd. The requested sign meets all of the Sign Ordinance requirements. 2. Increased Signage>increasing the signs at Village Center Drive(Sign Exhibit Site No. 8). The previously approved sign was an 8 ft. x 12 ft. (72 s.f.)monument sign. The new request is for a shopping center free standing sign that will be 20 ft. 11 in. by 11 ft. 6 in. (See table for details and page 10B-20 for a rendering of the proposed sign.) This sign will need a variance because under our present Sign Ordinance, the method of measurement includes any architectural treatment along the sides and top of the actual "sign". The attached Sign Ordinance's Appendix A, Methods of Area Measurement: Exhibit A-4 shows the example for the sign under consideration. Therefore,the proposed free standing sign is out of compliance as it is 11 inches to tall, because of the 2 ft. 2 in. "cap" and at 195.5 ft. (11.5 ft. x 17 ft.) in area. It is almost double the allowable square footage of 100 s.f. However,if the architectural treatment along the sides and the cap were removed,the actual sign's total area is 116 s.f. (8 ft. x 14.5 ft.). Council has approved at Site No. 10, the free standing sign to have up to 128 s.f of signage. t, 1 OB-2 CURTIS E.HAWK VILLAGE CENTER,PHASE I VARIANCE REQUESTS APRIL 11, 1997 PAGE 3 Site No. 8 Ordinance Requirement Proposed Variance height 20 ft. 20 ft. 11 in. 11 in. area of sign 100 ft. 116 s.f. (signs) 16 s.f. 78.5 s.f. (structure) 78.5 s.f. Total 195.5 s.f. 95.5 s.f. 1 3. Revised Signage> limiting the access drive at Kroger on E. Southlake Blvd. (Sign Exhibit Site No. 10). There is an existing free standing sign at Site No. 10. It has 106.4 s.f.of signage with Council approval for 128 s.f. (See Sign Exhibit Sign No. F). The developers have requested that an architectural treatment be allowed to be added to the sign by placing columns along the sides and a"cap"on top. See page 10B-21 kor for rendering of the proposed sign. This architectural treatment will be Sign Ordinance, Appendix A, Methods of Area Measurement, which will increase the measured area of the sign from 106.4 s.f. to 221 s.f. The developer is requesting the following for this sign: Site No. 8 Ordinance Requirement Proposed Variance height 20 ft. 20 ft. (sign) 2 ft. 2 in. (cap) 2 ft. 2 in. area 100 s.f. 128 s.f. approved 136 s.f. (sign) 8 s.f. 84.8 s.f. (structure) 84.8 s.f. Total 220.8 s.f. 92.8 s.f. ,+ 10B-3 CURTIS E.HAWK (IW VILLAGE CENTER,PHASE I VARIANCE REQUESTS APRIL 11, 1997 PAGE 4 In summary,a new monument sign at Site No. 5 (the west drive and E. Southlake Blvd.)and the free standing sign which replaces a monument sign at Site No.8 (Village Center Drive and E. Southlake Blvd.) are an attempt to draw traffic to these points of entry into the Home Depot/PetsMart area; thereby, limiting exposure to the limited access driveway across from Westwood Drive. The requested variance at Site No. 10 is to build a sign with architectural treatment to coordinate a"look" in the entire Village Center development. • Changes in Anchor Tenant Building East of Kroger 1) Floor area has been reduced from a one tenant 32,000 s.f. building to a two tenant 21,000 s.f. building. 2) The proposed building elevations submitted appear to be more articulated than the previously approved elevation plans. • Changes in Landscaping 1) 5 gallon 3'tall(at planting)Nelly Stephens Hollies planted on 4'center are proposed along the entire length of the 4'berm located along the north bufferyard adjacent to future widened ROW for the SH 114 expansion. Staff Comments The Community Development and Public Works staff members have met numerous times with Mr. Silverman and Mr. Uphoff, the developers, to find a solution to the anticipated traffic problem created by a full access driveway across from Westwood Drive. The other issues of landscaping, changes in building size and signage were also discussed. Directors Last and Whitehead will be present at the City Council Meeting to answer questions on this fairly complex proposal. However, staff does recommend that City Council consider the changes in driveways and signage as a package as they are related to traffic issues. Therefore, staff recommends that Council consider the approval of: • Amending the site plan for Village Center, Phase II, to show revisions for the west drive at E. Southlake Blvd. to a three lane full access driveway from a two lane service drive; and changing the Home Depot/PetsMart driveway which is located across E. Southlake Blvd. from Westwood Drive to a two lane right-in and right-out limited access drive from a three lane full service driveway; and as shown on the Sign Exhibit, Village Center, Phases I and II, prepared by Winkelmann and Associates, Inc. dated 04-07-97; 10B-4 CURTIS E. HAWK VILLAGE CENTER,PHASE I VARIANCE REQUESTS APRIL 11, 1997 PAGE 5 • Approving 8 ft. by 12 ft. monument sign to be located at the west drive and E. Southlake Blvd.; • Approving the a variance to the Sign Ordinance to change the approved monument sign at Village Center Drive and E. Southlake Blvd. to an 11 ft. 6 in. by 20 ft. 11 in. free standing sign by approving an 11 in. addition in height and 95.5 s.f in area; • Approving a variance to the Sign Ordinance to change the previously approved free standing sign at Kroger drive and E. Southlake Blvd.by approving a 2 ft. 2 in. addition in height from 20 ft. to 22 ft. 2 in. and an additional 92.8 s.f. of area; • Approving the addition of five(5) gallon Nelly-Stephens Hollies planted at 4 foot centers to the four(4)foot berm along the north bufferyard adjacent to future widened ROW for the SH 114 expansion in Village Center, Phase I; and • Approving the new layout for the building east of Kroger from one building at east of Kroger from one building at 30,940 s.f. to two buildings of 13,048 s.f. and 7,640 s.f. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for April 15, 1997, for City Council's review and consideration. 'r?/ BW/ls Attachments: Letter from Midland Development Group, Donald Silverman E. Southlake Blvd. Striping Plan Site Sign Information Table Sign Ordinance No. 506-A, Appendix"A", Methods of Area Measurement Drawing- Kroger Berm Previously approved Site Plan Previously approved Building Elevations Drawing- Site No. 8, Sign B Drawing - Site No. 10, Sign A Sign Exhibit Village Center, Phases I and II (reduction) Sign Exhibit Village Center, Phases I and II (plan size) Proposed Building Elevations M:\W P.FILES\COMMERCI\V-CTRI\V ARIANCE.W PD (lbr 10B-5 U4/Ua/01 14.40 CAA VILUOUaroa DIIULANU PALLAS 10 U2 SAINT LOUIS THE MIDLAND GROUP CINCINNATI MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT GROUP,INC. MILWAUKEE MIDLAND ACQUISITIONS,INC. RALEI6N April 9, 1997 Mr. Greg Last Planning Director City of Soudllake City Ball Southlakc, Texas 76099 RE: VILLAGE CENTER Dear Greg: This is a follow up to our conversations relating to certain plan ningldevelopmenticennstrwhon items which are still need to be resolved with your office, and the City Council rem the Village Center retail development_ Below listed, !have provided a list of these items and the action or resolution which we would propose to address these i stems: (1) Berm at the back of the Kroger Store As we have indicated, the berm at the back of the Kroger was built at a height of four fleet from the driveway, with the required number of trees and bushes, and per the plans. In our opinion, to increase the height would not solve the perceived problem, and likely would be removed by TxDOT in conjunction with the taking of the 114 right-of-way. We would be willing to provide additional screening landscaping which would, over time, provide an attractive live screening of the back of the store. (2) Approval of tube revised'Building B" configuration Our recollection of the approval for the Kroger "sub-anchor" was that the Council approved theiet=nstruction of the building so long as at the rime we had a tenant(s), the building was no larger that 32,105 square feet. We would like confirmation that the plans as provided to you may be approved by Staff rather than process the building again through P 1ta and Council. We intend to meet all the ordinance requirements. Further, in support of this request, we have provided a comparison of the approved and proposed elevations and site plans. No variance is required, and the building fully meets the articulation guidelines. We would waive the previously approved variance of the east wall. Total proposed square footage is less than twenty two thousand (22,W0) square feet. (3) Revised Driveways We have had extensive discussions with the Staff regarding the driveways to Southlake Boulevard in Phase two concerning traffic and safety. We are prepared, in conjunction with some proposed signage modifications intended to further safely direct traffic, to modify the driveways as follows: "PctsMart Drive"- modify from three lanes to two lanes. right-in, right-out only. "West Drive"-modify from two to three lanes, full access. We would also request that the City use its best efforts with the State Highway Department to signalize this intersection at such time as warranted. WEST PARK I 12855 OLIVE BOULEE*RO.SUITE 200 SAINT LOUIS,MISSOURI 63141 TELEPHONE 314.576.1900 FACSIMILE 314.576.7005 (� (] VOICE MAIL:314.576.1996 REC'D APR Q 9 19 9 7 ,08-6 u4iu11i0i 14:4o rAA arcaouotoa MLULAINV LALLAS 4JU3 THE MIDLAND GROUP Mr. Greg Last MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT GROUP,INC. April 9, 1997 MIDLAND ACQUISITIONS,INC. Page 2 (4) Signage We have provided to you a site plan of the existing permitted and approved sign locations for Village Center, with the attached Lxhibit information indicating approved and proposed signage. In conjtmction with the revisions to the driveways in Phase 2, we would like to redirect traffic to the west driveway and Village Center Drive. IIence, the proposed sign changes. Further, in the interest of providing signage of the same quality as the Shopping Center, we have attached color elevations of proposed shopping center signs, which need a variance for total square footage (mostly for the architectural elements) from council. With regard to this information, if there is anything else you need, please contact me. We look forward to resolving these issues with the City Council Sincerely, T do M SOUTHLAKE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BY: MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. BY: SOUTHLAKE EQUITIES, General Partner (iv Donald L. Silverman Vice President L, REC'D APR 0 9 1997 1OB-7 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM January 17, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Pavement Markings on F.M. 1709 at Westwood Dr. Background We have had discussions with the Texas Department of Transportation(TxDot)relative to providing pavement markings on F.M. 1709 at Westwood Dr. in order to alleviate turning conflicts. TxDot has proposed new lane markings,center turn restrictions and signage that should ease the problems that have plagued westbound traffic turning onto Westwood Dr. A copy of the proposal developed by TxDot is attached for City Council review and comments. TxDot has stated that they do not have the funds to perform this work. We estimate, that the cost of removing existing markings, painting to the new layout, adding reflectorized "buttons", and (• installing traffic signs will be less than$5,000. If City Council agrees to this proposal, Staff will send an official request to TxDot for permission • to perform the work. Comments We request that this item be placed on the City Council Regular Agenda for January 21, 1997, for discussion RH/ls attachment: TxDot Proposal D:\W P-FILESISTSEETSITXDOTLLINE-M\ITO.-W ES 11A-1 108-8 J • . ( LA J Q n U H xI ID I- I- 0 -L I Z I 831N33 39011I1\ 11-77.71 lb I I w z II) W W Q J In tor I- I I 3 I- -1 7 ti W 3 GIN 0 N. 1 11 X I 0)I 1 L11 _ _____‘______," I \I -,5;=;===---- i, I — 000A1S3P'1 1 F (1.- Im o ) Ti ihw . ^I _ 1 x t. II 11A-2 1013-9 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE °e S�r I Yl cr �1 G Y) Public Works Department SHEET NO. J t �r OF //' 667 North Carroll Avenue 77 CALCULATED BY -fir 1 DATE `111197 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 481-5581 Ext. (1 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE / 'l — /O D Norre Vilest give '! AA ron 17r\ ve -'may IImam. -'a.kW&v\ Do Flower +c ' .. -gay I ((20 Co rs) F-7 c c 955 I�c� -1-c. Co m m u-n ca ci- m s To- toe I #Jn �rria� Ci 'n tC Drw ' I I ¢yl0t- t _ � I - - Dr51l� —Fronsi1 vvi ( C Ftn nog r 1\1�1-a: III NEEJCT 204-1 IS.ngie Sheets)205-1(Padded)Prii /A too.Groton.Mass.01471 To Order PHONE TOLL FREE i aoo n5-MO 108-10 I J 3 @ m _ g ( . . co - r — I . § I J r 7 ; _ % @ c & # 7 ■ ( � \ K . ( k k� t .0 _ t J «Er & ; < <cr Jr ( - aa ( I- k § § k i _ ■ § $ O. Ai 0 . u.O. - ' Iƒ c = >® ,e - ® ° 0. « - E 8E /� k$ < c 8 & & 35 a8 & c _ § a2c §] k2 §I k § . � § § C2 $ e k$ U 22 = 2 & 2 T. 2 z= . � 2 . Ii � @ Ef . 2 • _ 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o§ 0 .2® 0 o 0 2 '2 - ' ' § @ « _ _ & . s s & COa C Cam X . « . la " - - re Z2 � o Id cc c © o _ o o & o o o o co, LL • w 0 o ® ci o o R 0 R q 6 co 0 � 0 w CO 4 0 k 7 N- R N N- R - OA - CD g:t CO< . -- > O _c Ill I'm (0 - , ® - § 0 / . \ 2 - k - § C . M k BO 4 . 5 i0 k BO " a) k CV c © (0 25 I- u o a . § o § o o_ q /< U.1 �� ll� k0 k■ g£ 2 ° I E� 2 TI� 0 10EL e00. e6 #2 --£ #2 a2 I2 'I ' v2 (& <� .kit k 7 ID 7 \ C4 « _ N S L _ . � _ 1QB-„ -cl Bemzee# NNV 1 NIM wo»u wdzR:E L661-0I-7 APPENDIX 'A' METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT 12 I I EXHIBIT A-], SIGN ao SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding •HEIGHT: 20' t: , la AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (8' x 12' ) iII i INN N RI INN 1MU■ RII NOTES: Supporting structure must I. be constructed or covered with the same Y' MI masonry material as the principal building on the site or stone or brick. �iii i� I 8 I r-- ---I EXHIBIT A-2 I I I SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding • ;, ; 5 IG N HEIGHT: 20' Mk AS ..ia • \. AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (12" x 8' ) "111�• b •Ia®i.t N NOTES: Supporting structure must be ■I IN constructed or covered with the same MN masonry material as the principal I� NI zo building on the site or stone or brick. RI IN UM OH AN 110 w■ A 8' EXHIBIT A-3 i 6 11. SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding '• s 111 PI S HEIGHT: 20' (at centerline) I I MI al AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (12' x 8' ) a• G N . al NOTES: Supporting structure must be b mMI N constructed or covered with the same `" i • masonry material as the principal N Tll ,■ • building on the site or stone or brick. � i� i 46, II O G:\ORD\SIGNS\F07_3-21.NP0 19 10B-12 APPENDIX 'A' METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT 9' 1'I 1•I 5• I i• I 1• EXHIBIT A-4 11•11111•11111111111111•11111111 SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding IIE_MMII_11111111I iv mg=meminsm■mon�— HEIGHT: 20' MI MI I" 51GN AREA OF SIGN: 99 s.f. (11' x 9' ) r fit_ NOTES: Supporting structure must be Int i-fs' la; constructed or covered with the same IM SIGN j masonry material as the principal building on the site or stone or brick. St 6N 1.11 �I �- 1. ME ems emit 1, EXHIBIT A-S SIGN STRUCTURE: Ground 3 HEIGHT: 4' I AREA OF SIGN: 6 s.f. SIGN N C G:\ORO\SIGNS\F07 3-21.1,1P0 2 0 • 10B-13 APPENDIX 'A' ( METHODS OF AREA.MEASUREMENT limor EXHIBIT A-6 SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument HEIGHT: 4' AREA OF SIGN: 40 s.f. (4' x 10') 5 G N j.NOTES: No lighting sources may be visible. EXHIBIT A-7 16' SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument 2' 12' 2 HEIGHT: 6' f 1 AREA OF SIGN: 63 s.f. (5' 3" x 12' ) 1' SIGN to C dr. NOTES: The base of the sign must be constructed or covered with the same ghw masonry material as the principal building or stone or brick. Maximum height of the base shall be 24" . . EXHIBIT A-8 tr 2' SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument HEIGHT: 6' 1 10 AREA OF SIGN: 45 s.f. (4'6" x 10') NOTES: The base of the sign must be constructed or covered with the same i •�-', ;c s�`r.am rearm masonry material as the principal I•r•���o� i building or stone or brick. Maximum height of the base shall be 24" . l G:\ORD\SIGNS\F07 3-21.WP0 21 108-14 INSTALL 5 gal. NELLY— STEPHENS HOLLY 0 4' O.C. 2' i F • Al K S :H EX. BERM VARIES 1 KROGER BERM 108-15 • ` " !. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN • J r i o b VIZ LP` 1 I I31 z r ( I . • /....... : R ; � I NTH&PHASE 2 OCKLOPuar •. • tLII 47 • / r2 i; v Ag ,:ar. :G YI[1AMI�CLNN RR DRM y �� NIFp'vj. ' § el it l:. ,• :�_ - •1s4 *-"-...�� cII gr4a 1! i r3 111 ir ` � � �� 1T t., i •v. =:lip i I :mill( i i.i ci , c f I", Nk\\\'`v/k f .-.,,i,„ 5 i i ,: :,- • 7... .-, , \ I u e-7.. ,c.tom�..,�,,, �} \ ��:, / fAlf r `i\ tit- :!ri . �� f; •• f r �` 1 s \ /. i .N 1. f A$. y I 4I/ r • .•;r I l 4t E i 1 `�.. • , I / t ) i i; , Fli i //- r.---„: / s1 on - � '! (W i f I S-. I TT !' i 1 ( ,i ,; I ,osa •• i j :' I / — • \; i:: ;j i! 1...: I J Q1 !•i' 1 •Yi' ;I I Is \\ I i I i I !D 1 IJ ' irtfill 1gi 1 fli •jS •i5 IIrI ' !I i qq1 � .I 1' I flI ili ���1Ii'iii1;1'i 1I 11IA i' 1 till I Ili r 111 if I!{g 1..•. 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Ji i.1, . 1 J - it .„1 �Ii uL I� __inn,nt4uinim�rr; w-yT^r!c� II r 4 �1 F CD f ;4110111111111111111111 II. j , r Ii' i fI I I(ow ii.101 II �. 1 bill' 0 CC GihEII I �.�!,; II ) Ut 74iLial Z i 1 1 p UJ CC Ill i I • r ;,1 liii I kS � I . ..1 ii. I o ' ; gli El 0 1OB-19 8'-0"(Irr A -- ( i N N i ■ .s.., ,s,, , , . . 116 ..„.,. ,._ iiiPAzi F tiiiirniiii ` t = 9 Sop 444 r- r ( o N C., ri---. --. o PrIrsigt r____/ 1 1 GROOMING VETSMART _, •• VILLAGE ■ _ eeftleele 4 i 1 i 11'6„ SCALE: 3/8' =11-0" (....: c� , ' .1 3/31 /97 SITE NO.8 10B-20 8'-0 ()J i ! 1 i ! 111 111 __. :............. ; Food & Pharmacy ,• i . , i I I ,... ....„.... 1 9 NJ ( CROWN-aUBOOKS -: ___ _ __ ___Nr__ 1 1 3" I . 1 9 ii® RadioShack _• . , ,_ 1 I ILLAG cv . • a eetterer? c? i i 1 k . , , 11 SCALE: 3/8° =1J-0" 1-6" 1 4IW 0 1\..J 0 3/31 /97 SITE NO.10 10B-21 az—aot Jo t �x2lawo �sxvmwa�M u/Ur mra lam' Z 'Y l 3SVHd F?aeyg b31N33 3JVIIIA '3a 1191HX3 N0IS ama_ I I' ➢I83i�8�Jd8A � I I n m 1 rm , II "' D 1 '� ,L I Z.Z �ro ATp, SbWlli , J v -xn3w va s TMisia � � I rm ! �I N a a ;I o i r a > r" O HOlS u�a Ac �a N dVri 1.11NIOA 311S IMM, i NOIg��^ MIS NOW 1 O NOIS -� rol�a ,y„••on.N...,�.•>o�a�swwmuow .. A.� 3 NUI 7 I o11do 0 IMMMMM ma XJroL AS � `,,Iue)n"'e sa%j�� u MJNS JIUNIINS '.:1'. 'j ' •• 1�, .: R rn �Iroluwas—�_ �• _. _ O NOIS soy r jY�� Qn7a �xr�xsnos 9 NOIS b NOIS Ldl4C I�ewA LOAM ob h I Z N3019 ' l lol b � I I ICI I I I I I i I I I 1 � I I i P OV0913•t I 1 L 1 ' I 1 1 I 1 I I I '18 OOS'ZOI — - I t i 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I ( I 83IN30 N308VO I L.U.D. = MED. DEN51TY RESIDENTIAL I BLOCK 1, LOT 11 105 KILLDEER GT. CENTENNIAL HOME5, ING. 5-75'7 ALPHA RD. 5UITE 100 PALLA5, TX 75240-466q L.U.D. = MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BLOCK 1, LOT 12 MYER5 MEADOW ADDN. M.A. NATALV4ALLA ETUX OLENDA 105 KILLDEER COURT 5OUTHLAKE, TX -760C12-5802 MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE OPEN 5PAGE #2 COMMON AREA MYER5 MEADOW ADDITION 4.6164 ACRES FRED JOYGE-MARY MYER5 ENT. ING. 1011 N.D.TATE AVE. &RAPEVINE, TX 16051 P§W-,H MARK RAILROAD SPIKE IN POWER POLE LOCATED AT THE NORTHVE5T CORNER OF PEYTONVILI E AVENUE AND k4E5T 5OUTHLAKE BOULEVARD. ELEVATION = blq-53' L.U.D. = MIXED U5E UNDEVELOPED N.R. EAVE5 5WVEY A 500, TRACT 3 1-101 kq. 5OUTHLAKE BLVD. LAM. CONNER P.O. BOX 488, C-7RAPEVINE, TX -7&Oqc1-04&6 --EX15TIN6 FIRE HYDRANT F.H 41. 1 1 1 11 &UTILITY E-SMT. 25'-011 H 'I PAVING WIDTH 24'PLATTED ACCESS ESMT. z ASPHALT, NO GUR55 JOINT AGOE65 BY AePREEMENT WITH PROPERTY OP%INER OA5 COMPANY I.D. 51ON AND GOLOR5 LOT 4, BLOCK 6, SOUTHRIDOE LAKES PH. G-I BASE TO MATCH X F GAB. A, 5LIDE 21qq, P.R.T.G.T. BUILDIN6 FINISH---> CV 24'P41DE FIRELANE 4) L-,U,.D. = MIXED USE X C3-ZQNIN6 - UNDEVELOPE1,P 5OUTHR406E LAKES 5U5DI\45I0N twIONL)M4EN7 siC-7N 5OUTHRir5e7-E­.-E R LIMITED'PARTNER5HIP TWO TURTLE CREEK-VILLA&E t 1/4 11 i-011 O DALLM),, TX. -7521q-45Ib'-,, W3&-,OAK LAM A\/�,.,,SUITE 1500 0 251R, go -Ito EXIST. &",k4ATER MAIN 1'1"� 1 15, UTILITY EASEMENT _*V N, MH WATER ME'tER5— N 1" 200.00 7 AREA 4. 40ANXE�4N& LINE4 LI(9HT 4 *__1 + A_ I + r=NTRAZ T 6AA - -,6RE_A AREA fi Of L*HT I STORY 4T L164 + t, 4 - 4 4 ji(PP EX15TIN6 TREE TO REMAIN 3-71-011 PAVING P410TH ASPHALT W CONCRETE CAJR55 HAY 107 0 cl R.O.A. = 150' C332 TALL z ATEF AfR4t� _VAC.a,-o + f f _4 -H- (N 1 0 11 0 i SS * * I FUEM I SLOPE TANKSP 0 11 0 00 0 0 CONCRETE o 0 PAVIN6, DUMPS EW_ LO%XM &T4LLM TO HATCH tee� FINISH 10 �. + CONCRETE PAVINC7 i \ OPT01" 2,4% S.F. I STORY SITZ L16HTIND 21' 211 39l-.60 WMR CANOPY LIGHTS SLIWAC41 PKXKTEP W z "0 W. METAL HALIDEHALIDELAMLAMPS + + OiC. RE + + 251R 14 + + + AREA LI644T5 - 20'TALL POLE (TYPICAL) I BOX TYPE 001^N LI&4T FIXTURE 1000 H. METAL HALIDE LAMP 400 H. METAL HALIDE LAMP (ALTERNATE) L CANOPY HARAMPNDICS APPED - 6 - - - - - N. HALL 50'5011-01146 LINE cj $LOPE _SLOPE 16'x 60'JOINT ACCESS E5MT. ql AGREEMENT LETTER \Z '13 A 4-�— N 'x&O' PLATTED SPACES AREA JOINT ACCESS ESMT. LIr5HT I-,- PAINTED STRIPES OR X 4 TRAFFIC BUTTONS < X Z V, -j- 15'UTILITY EASEMENT ? ! j�l�i 2CU, `T' Q"tf /�; - - k`' 50R z rw 0 SITE FLAN SCALE: 1 20' i I 0 10 20 40 W-K-744 wror 5 TAN&ENT G 30'R 2R 2 P, 200'TO R.O.W. LINE 301 :t 245':t TO NEAREST DRIVEWAY SITE DATA: APPLICANT AND 5OUTHRIVeE CENTER L.P. PROPERTY OWNER, TWO TURTLE CREEK VILLAGE 3635 OAK LAM AVE, SUITE 1500 DALLAS, TEXAS -521,91-45W (214) 542-265q PROPOSED USE: C.ONVENIENC4! STORE WITH GASOLINE SALES AND DRIVE-THRU CAR WASH EXISTIN& ZONING = r, 3 L.U.P. = MIXED USE 67RO55 4 NET ACERA5E = O.qIb ACRES PERCENTAGE OF BUILVIN6/51TE COV1E1I;_1A(9E = 5.1 % AREA OF OPEN SPACE (LANDSCAPED AREA) = 11,285 S.F. AREA OF OPEN SPACE (LANDSCAPED AREA) AS Si5 25.2% OUTSIDE 5TORAGE AS A PERCENTACW = WA MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: ONE (1) STORY CONVENIENCE STORE 151-6" ONE (1) STORY CAR HA5H 131-CIO CANOPY HE16HT 201-211 BUILDIN& AREA CONVEWENCESTORE 2,4qb S.F. CAR HA5H q&'7 S.F. TOTAL FLOOR AREA 3,463 S.F. PARKIN6 REQUIRED (1-200-CONVENIENCE STORE) 13 5PACE5 PARKIN& PROVIDED = I HANIPICAPPW SPACE 12 PARKINS SPADES TOTAL PROVIDED 15 SPACES REQUIRED BUILVIN66: 3,642 S.F. 0 50% = 1,7MI S.F. 13 PARKING SPACES 0 25 S.F. = 2cIq S.F. TOTAL REQUIRED = 20,70 S.F. TOTAL PROVIDED = 4351 S.F. ANTICIPATED GON15TRUCTION SCHEDULE START 5/1/c" END b/l/cm 4 BUFFER YARDS, LANDSCAPE PROVIDED = 1,041 S.F. 20'TYPE "0" AT HWY. 1-7001 10' TYPE "E" AT N. PEYTONVILLE AVE. 5'TYPE "A" AT 51VE YARDS CIOART - ourfTRYARPS 8UFMtYMW GANO112'r ACGLW SHRM 1'9WE / 6000"NO LOGATION LON&I'm POOTH - TYPE I TREES WERPHT 4 MATMALS NORTH 200' 5-A 2 4 16 NOW I PROVIDED2001 V-A 2 4 16 NOW EAST R1300114W 200' 5*-A 2 4 16 NOW Pfe )1I 2001 1 NONE 5'-A 2 4 16 SOUTH FQIQXRW 200' 20*-0 & 6 26 NONE FROVOW 2001 201-0 a 6 26 NOW PlEST REMARK) 200' 101-0 2 4 16 1 Now *1 P0006iV �2Oa ia-e 24 NOW NOTE ANY CAMATS, US IN roA4ZJJLAT10N9t 0. b. OTHEW C424MOM I. WN" pa" 10 pr"Oed bob4dw the build"q "*back Ww and pAft FLO.K OrLbs abU*W4 a ma hoqt of ft'" toot (W) or greater mot be pkried at;=$" of " ws" (506) on center c4x*mmow lm" all paved odgpe of" per" or 2. Pkwt maorkile not meat the Corridor Ov" Zom *,m�tfards of Ord. 460, Soo_ 450c3 3. 4. OJWAJW C+4Af%'r - INIIWIOR LANCOCAM FROOW AREA (90. PTJ FRONT OR SIDE TRMS Twells OR95000tw MI S.F. "ms 6 NOW FRO"DW 4,296 S.F. 9 6 NOW Nam ANY CREDITS USED IN CAj.CA&AT10W a. OTHER 601-s I. Pkft matorlels must meet the Corridor Overlay Zane iltaidwdoil of Ord. 460, Sec. 48.d" SYI*l L LEA F.7 771.7 LANDSCAPE BUFFER -1-AR-0 INTERIOR LANDSCAPE 5ANTARY 5Ek4ER Lk4VVR64ZOUNV WATER LINE L.U.D. = PU5LIC/SEMI-PUBLIG ..� _ _ - - - - It. VICTOR 5L.000, JR. & CARROLL HHIG5GHOOL CARROLL 1.5.D. LHOCATION ��tF AIRCH11WT PLANNER 5LK. 1, LOT 1 1300 N. CARROLL AVE. 530 Be&ord Rd., Sulte 216 CARROLL H.5. AC>VN. SOUTHLAKE, TX 160(12 MAPS60 PAGE 25-F Bedford, Texas 1604 1501 W. 5OUTHLAKE 5L\vV. (611) 2b2-360b, Fax 262-MO5 Texas Registration No. O-;Mb NV! STORE CONVENIM fl,W. 1*70" 4 N. MYTOW"X AVE. SOUrrLAKE, TEXAS 13LOCK 6, LOT 6, 5OUTHR05E LAKE5 PHASE C-I AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF 5OUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TIEXA5 L---------- INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 6A5 COMPANY I.D. 516N VERTICAL ARTICULATION BUILDIN6 PARAPET --� (ARTICULATION BASE POINT) CEMENT STUCCO (WHITE) m SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = I'-O" 42" METAL CANOPY FASCIA (W41 TE) F.F. =0' r_ __--_� ram•---� I I r 2'-20 IiRTK.ULATION PROFILE LINE OF BUILDING PLAN RAMP, "64 ° INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED STORE I.D. 6RAPHIG CEMENT STUCCO (LT. GREY) AflOVE FASCIA BAND 56" METAL FASCIA BAND (WHITE H/ RED STRIPE) GLAZING IN BLACK STOREFRONT i; CEMENT STUCCO (WHITE) BELOH FASCIA BAND 2'-2' ARTIC4L.ATION CONCRETE SIDEWALK ARTICUL/i 47" NFTAI r ANrADY I *,'MMU A I I., I I I, ILI NATED MP 6A5 COMPANY I.D. 516N r� t ISLANDS INOFORE6ROUNLUMN5 ANDD DELETED FOR CLARITY SST ELEVATION,- 4 (WEST ELEVATION TYPICAL OF EAST ELEVATION) - PROFILE LINE OF Ll BUILDING PLAN CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1 3' 2'-2" ARTICULATION PROFILE LINE OF BUILDING PLAN r CONCRETE 51DEHALK 12'-0' ARTICULATION 34'-0m CAR AASH SOUTH ELEVATION va" " (SOUTH ELEVATION TYPICAL OF NOR ELEVATION) LEV"ATION) 47" NIFTAI e .AkVVDY iv t= PROFILE LINE OF iv [ BUILDING PLAN 21'-10' ARTICULATION W-2' NORTH ELEVATION v611=11_O" ). 516N :EMENT STUCCO (LT. GRAY) ABOVE FA5(' IA BAND 151-61- - VERTICAL ARTICULATION Y iv 36" METAL FASCIA BAND BUILDING PARAPET WHITE W/ RED 5TRIPE) (ARTICULATION BASE POINT) 9LAZIN6 IN BLACK iOREFRONT ZMF- IT S'TUGC,O f'1^IFNTEj 3ELOH FASCIA BAND %EMENT STUCCO (LT. GREY) a0VE FA561 A BAND W METAL FASCIA BAND WHITE W/ RED STRIPE) 3LAZ I N6 IN BLACK iOREFRONT (BEYOND) d :EMENT STUCCO (WHITE) 3ELOH FA5C I A BAND F.F. =0' ,& " PIPF Rnt I ARM CONCRETE SIDEWALK VERTICAL ARTICULATION MMLDING PARAPET (ARTICULATION BASE POINT) R. vIGTOR 5LOOtD, JR. ARCHITECT • PLANNER 530 EWFORD RD., SUITE 216 EeDFORD, TEXAS 16022 017) 282-3606, FAX On) 282-3603 Texas R*"tratfon No. 0"1646 BUILVINS MATMIALS: THE EXTERIOR MATERIAL TO BE GONSTRtJGTED ON THESE BUILDfNE35 ANp ALSO ON THE DUMPSTER SCREEN AND MONUMENT 519N 13Age 15 A THRM (3) PART MASONRY 5TUCC0 A5 REGiUIREp TO CONFORM TO THE CORRIDOR OVERLAY REWIREMENT5. 5U I LD I NO FACAC L ARTICULATION: THE BUILDIN5 SIDE ELEVATION 15 THE ONLY SIDE LONSER THAN THREE TIMES ITS HE16HT. THIS 15 THE ONLY SIDE RE04UIRI146 ARTICULATION BY THE OVERLAY ORDINANCE. IN KEEPING WITH THE INTENT Olt THE ORDINANCE THE BUILDING FRONT AND REAR ARE AL50 ARTICULATED IN ACGORDAW-.Lr WITH THE OVERLAY DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS. THE GARWASH ELEVATIONS ARE NOT REWIRED TO DE ARTICULATED, HOWEVER, THESE HAVE BEEN ARTICULATED HORIZONTALLY TO A LESSER EXTENT THAN THE OVERLAY DISTRICT REGUI lTS. CONVENIENCE STORE I-IkW. I'iOdI t N. FT'eTONVILLr A\M. SOUTHL.AKE, TCXAS NO° I WIN OE111iCwmm _ 0 4/q/CM DRG COMMENTS STORE GC*t'r/!# hem fITQ1� MLEVATIONS ZAdM -V 2 a i I I I i i I i 1 i i i I I i PROPERTY OWNER• HERBERT k 1 1 1 PROPERTY OWNER. HERBERT WHITE LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING- AG,- AGRICULTURAL TR2C 15 cT LUD: LOW DENSITY RESIDENT/AL E 60' 71' PROPERTY OWNER- HERBERT WHITE 1 ZONING. AG; AGRICULTURAL _ TEMPORARILY FOR CLASSROOM N b 7EXISTING HOUSE USED 39� � � � 6 THEN REMOVED LUD. LOW DENSITY RE WITHIN TR2C 14 SPACE, • WITHIN FIVE YEARS 31 39 ZONING: SF1A ' 36 A� oU�EVA000 LOT # 36, JELLICO ESTATES EXISTING TEMPORARY N �5 5� • • npE '0 /E Q �+ CLASSROOM BUILDING BUFFERYApD—�.. -�� ' # PROPERTY OWNER- CLARA HALLMARK goLOL• TO BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY S�ApE T ��j' 20, LAND LUD. LOW DENSITY RES/DENT/AL 17 + I 1 PROPERTY OWNER: H. C. FORESTER / 1 L UO.- MIXED USE ZONING: AG; AGRICUL AURAL 1 PROPERTY OWNER- RHETA MILLER TRW, J. G ALLEN ADDITION . LUD.• LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING: AG; AGRICUL AURAL PROPERTY OWNER: NELSON MILLER TRF, J.G. ALLEN ADDITION LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENT/AL ZONING.• AG,- AGRICULTURAL TR2F1, J.G ALLEN ADDITION Ogg F.M. \ TT ZONING: 5F1A ' + :V I LOTIOA, BROCK ADDITION EX/STING DRIVEWAY 79.22' 56 4 UFTERYARD E110 EXIT ONL Y LANDSCAPE B Zp' + NEW ONE WAY DRIVEWAY � .- '!' --� `" � ' - — ' _"' "'•` ` �.L! + + ENTRANCE ONL Y PROp R + = o METERED RELEASE STORMWATER DISCHARGE G SEjDAOK UNE_ — ' -� -- - ---- — -- --- --- --- --- -- P/PE ---- I J _J 1 I + I I + + + + + + o I I TO ----- + r L — — — — _ i -- - -- _ ------ — J / EXISTING CLASSROOM BUILDING TO BE REMOVED WITHIN FIVE YEARS ' + +' 1 I PROPERTY OWNER: JOHN PARRY _- Exi TANG SSROOM Ui[ /NG + + + L OD: LOW DENSITY RES/DENTIAL TO BE CONVERTED TO OFFICE + _ I - CURRENT PROPERTY LINE } &SE AT PHASE l CONSTRUCTION THEN REMOVED WITHIN , { -- - F/i/£ YEARS ZONING: SF1A C �7� C �/ S 89 56 46H W 189. 51 ' I i L OT ,'9, BROCK ADDITION + + i -- 1 I - J + STOMVATEi9 9N m I EXISTING HOUSE TO BE USED + PERMENANTL Y FOR CLASSROOM B9WK ADDflXW i SPACE AND COUNCILINC OFFICE SAACTMARr TWO SToRr ,� J PROPERTY OWNER- JACK W/ESMAN _- - _ - j I 1OQD/1A.I &ALDAG (� �_ LOT 2 I +I z LUD: LOW DENSITY RES/DENTAL I + f- o ADD/MN o h o PROPERTY OWNER.- AL PETERS O I ZONING- AG; AGRICULTURAL {- � � � I LUD.• LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TR 5A&5A3, J. G. ALLEN ADDITION `t Q t o EXIST/NG ZONING• SF1A i�' ` J o W I Q DRIVE TO SERV � LOT #2, BROCK ADDITION I HOUSE S RUCT RE ONLY PROPOSED ZONING.- SF1A a + c ac ti L� 1 W BUILDING TO BE REMOVED i BIJ�DI/IK' + y, PROPERTY OWNER. JOHN PARRY I W/THIN FIVE YEARS � ( A� + I ' I LUD. LOW DENSITY RES/DENTIAL 1 i + + + + + + I I+ ' ZONING- SF1A 1 I I LOT 0, BROCA- ADDITION C4:I EX /NG STORAGE + + I + + + + BLD TO REMAIN + l + + o v + I + + * TERED RELEASE -----� f+ S ORMWATER DISCHARGE �I I + 4 I PE W 190.93' PROPERTY LINE I + , 1 sueIII PRCL ECT DA TA: 1. PROJECT L OCATION.- SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ! TARRANT COUNTY 1 2. OWNER.- SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHR15T 2507 WEST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD i SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 h i i .3. ZONING CLASSIFICATION - CS, COMMUNITY SERVICE 1 4. LUD: PUBLIC/ SEM/-PUBLIC 5. EXISTING LAND USE - CHURCH 6. GROSS ACREAGE.• 9.04 ACRES i 7. NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED.• I 397 8. BUILDING COVERAGE.• 759 I 9. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE.- 627. 01 ' ---__...__-- --p o B SCREAN/NG LEC4L DE�iCR�?�'Tii'J�IV/B�CKADDI%TO/1� LOT2- 1-------------------- I " � � D£V/CE { — — _ _ _ _ _ 40/ BUILDIIjVG �ET-BACK L/NE LOT 3R, J.G ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE C/TY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO " I + + + W THE PLAT RECORDED /N CABINET A, SLIDE 2174, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND LOTS 1A & 2, BROCK I I j PROPERTY OWNER- JACK W/ESMAN ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED /N ; � LUD.- LOW DENS/TY RES/DENTIAL VOLUME 388-44, PAGE 40, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE PORT/ON AWARDED TO THE — -- �. +—— — — — — — — — — — -- — #— --- — + , STATE Of TEXAS BY AGREED JUDGEMENT ENTERED /N CASE NO. 153-127796-90, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH /S RECORDED --'�- " r 10'— D E BUFFERYARD C " ZONING SF1A IN VOLUME 11284, PAGE 1121, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS _ PROPERTY LINE S 00.75' 29" W 534.40 LOT P,, BROCK ADDITION 0' 20, 40' - -- - 80 NORM SCALE: I' = 40' REVISED CONC STOr9itilf A 7El9 DEMAIIII PCW AV. 1 PROPERTY OWNER: JACK W/ESMAN LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING• AG; AGRICULTURAL TRSC 1, J.G. ALLEN ADDITION sraMwa17FRaOEMv POW AV. 2 EPT PLAN FOR SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST ZA97 033 4.2, FPS 8615 FREEPORT PARKWA) SUITE 100 IRVING, TEXAS 75083 972-916-3000 FAX 972-915-3030 I I � 02 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: I/b•=I'-o' Q H K . , tL -r co Cl1 c� dq U� W 0 uo Cz CO m v A � -..� Cel tO CO C\I- m U m CQ Cz r� v project no. 97037 drawn check by OOC Sm T•• �mn.•'�1 r r nvwu• v wMv.• r q .�, pv-. .w �r�o.• r rs nro r .�.. w �•cw - �vrA ..Uv. V.��•�.� h•n . � • �.wacw n �w •�r4 NFw �� V • ..��r. y •.r.o -Yti w u..svu.• �. r � o.d WTI sheet_ e--._ .z n -:. . � , I . - �. I.,. .. .. .. . , "i . .. ,I A, " I t , �-.. r - '.. I . . , I I . . , . ., I , - �. I �'.. . I . 4 - I , I. . I It . . , " I � *.- � .j - I`4; .. - I. . - --)%, - I I . I , , - I . I" 7: 4, .z., -, T,v% ,')'; .,W.,. - 'r " - .f I " . I . . I. . I I II ('.0,4�1 , . *.I(, , 'I ". -p'i4,I In .6% ;.. 0_1 I., .. 41-�:�..-;i.,, ,:-ii "i".'. 0.IN - . ..�. i .. : .., , v. ,. , , I " � 1'. 4 - 4­ 'i I , - I 11 1. � . . .. 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SIGN G r —dmft� — --� L _ y ', 30,940 T ML .Ic fI� • • IJ 1 F� • PREVIOUSLY APPROVED i LAYOUT 1 I 1 i I i .J i a SIGN EXHIBIT }` 1� 11 PHASE 1 & 2 DATE: 4/7/97 VILLAGE CENT DEVELOPERS: OWNER: THE MWLNW Or orum on" MOUE DO W. U.S.A.. NC. AMAR. ET. At» wm1m w b II= 2w FACES wal C/0 i W SAL ElrATE 126W OLME OOULEVAIID 2727 FACES FERRY OW ObO MIEST �MK R01M '—w — — — -- — — _�_ — �• — — — — — — — — — — — — _ _ _ _ _ ST- LOUTS UISSOURI $3141 ATLANTA. OiOR01A 3033e MLJNOTOM. TEXAS 7e020 ram— ��� (314)576-19W (404k31_2m (O17)2717•- 1 t O vs � o 0 w d Z } � Q: Zt,J j1M UYx cn m �z NO D a� > U O NC Z f•- < WNW I Z Uh- ta! a Q !<! 0 a rm 0 o 0 W N No 3 3 :i No T�a.�A{ saw of 9 U xw 2U z =w Li- r U w e 0 0 V d o V'> 2 10> b� 1° c o v c c r a V/ N r r "0" " £O 02Ni0 Nam, C� coal OiN Np N* N O�ON 0� 0 CC gC I N . 950N.w-fC 14 SOU THLAKE, Tx 76092 (u pA\ V. 7347 P. 572 C ZONED AG y �F i p6 P no Y N TR 8 A 15 A 8 A 11 YETMAN, BERT M. £TUX HELGA 8, t1N� 19 1 1 & g w\O DAvaDSON, GLEANS ! I P.o. Box 1116 O1�'_ty a a� pO \�O� S��de Z z GRAPEVINE, TX 76099-n16 kS • 479 W. H1G, TX ST. 1 ego ry Y \Ap �� P' ' r- m ' TR 86 6 0 SOUTHLAK£. TX 76092-9354 V. 6780, P. 517 1 8� h 1 � r Sf 1P V. 9261, P. 1888 ZONED SF IA q LO% �,, ,� g\N p DUANV, NWA LOU1S£ ZONED AG ( I E v I P ZONE ' N nt u+ I 950 N. WHITE CHAPEL BLVD. U 1 10' UTILITY E E ME N T N CAB. A, SL .2555 V. 7347, P. 75 76092 - V. 7347, P. 575 S 8 9 5 2 �S 5 E =16 5 0.0 0' 5' UTIL_ESMT. - -i - ZONED AG iN�Erf- -- -� 6A6t8 - .-*ME TREES-------:W%---- ----'FREES - ----- ----- -- - - --- - - - - - -TAEEC----- - - -- .- - TREES R.O.W. DEDICATION= N `� �20' BUFFER AZ TYPE '7TREES 1 2.169 AC. OR 94.490 S.F. o TREES o V+ z V+ ` ` \� 10' UTILITY EASEMENT r--- TrTrim E----- --------- TRES TREES sa` I 124 FUTURE SPACES �+ CONCRETE ♦ \� ' 30BLDG. LINE W 20'I2 BUFFERYARD TYPE ' C` ( I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-� I I I I I 1 1 1 ♦ \ I- x 1 10' UTILITY EASEMENT �, I n44-•�-� 44-1� 4- I.{ ��I.��.I I UIIIIIIItJ IIIUillll{{I A \\♦ `\� oa•5 TREES 3m i °' k PARKING \ ` BLOCK 2 ' W ( •i 30' BUILDING SETBACK l 218 SPACES \ LOT t . BLO N N I' ............I..........n.. ..... �, 3.113 AC. �1 a uJ1u1i UJJ1L1li I uli U1J T ES i ` 135.606 S0. FT. z I TREES r--- 1, 1 I` p- o { COIN ETE CONCRETE '^ 9 I % 1 I O SU's'4 11 m ,,Q I I GRASS i .a A A v, A �� / 1 �5 � �t NO � I I I I V) eta � ( TREES o 10' UTILITY I I PRACTICE FOOTBALL FIELD s0- TREES / EASEMENT I wN TENNIS COURTS TREES , - - �\�Q TREES 1- 1 I a Z I PHA I ( - p+ ID I w ' ' FINE CENTERES ~' 10' UTILITY ASEEMMENT w i z PROPOSED 5' HIGH I � CASs Fo TBALL IELD CHAIN LINK FENCE 1--- B I I g & 8 LANE TRACK .g 0' BLDG. LINE 1 ? �- 30. TREES Lj TREES -al B B ��o:o TREES J .g e 150' z m LOT 1. BLOCK 1 PARENTS -OFF - J Q N GRASS A/S A , 44.264 AC. VISITOR S F PARKING M Q1.928.128�QSO.FT. / . g 30' DO D D 37 ACES TREES Z W I'- z Ld 0 to N I I p z `n B D / V) Q 4) Q z B_ s �� B B w (r) r N DUMPSTER w Y Q v _ m Lai" R g LOCATION B z OJ J d cN- w a A B TREES W v+ f' o N 2 • Q LOADING DOCKS p 0 LAJ° _ w II W O coP5o .-► , B 8'-8" HIGH TR 10 B- - 348 � o J Q W SCREEINING 0 J V S PHASE 11 PHASE II 7 FENCE CARROLL 1.5.0. 3 _J '__�Z�. S ORAGE 1201 N. CATX AVENUE CLASSROOMS o O 0 I ° T28. BUt LD I NG SOUTHV 2395, P. 108 092-9004 - -J t u, I T ET ��j A / PHASE I GR 50 632 Roc 0t JAI'OOL LIJ (1 1 `�� R.O.W. DEDS 5-3 255 ACRES B B 9�iS TREES LJv I NET ACERAGE AFTER R.O. E0. - 47.377 AC S IASS A `✓J PHASE IIe i s `� B B B TREES w = W I FIELD HOUSE I U U w I TREES J = z I { 22 SPACES i TREES/CRASS C . L� I + O LLI TREES / I { . I II o Z I A Q¢-____-J g B a V) A rill II G`t I PHASE 11 9, r O z I S IB B LASSR 3`S' w I I aLl- p Q 1 L. I I TREES LL 1 I aU I Q A • C �yO• f"1 ADA SPACES TREES 01 N IN N c as CL y ^ SCALE 1" 100' 0 0 N N M N N.0 1-3, >°.g 0 50 100 200 C Cy ? mN BENCHMARK: N N_ a ~fig R.R. SPIKE IN POWER POLE AT a"°'Q �<$ NORTHEAST CORNER OF WEST a50 HIGHLAND DRIVE AND SHADY OAKS DRIVE ELEV. = 654.78 L U D m LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TR 861 DUNN, N1'NA LOUSE T HAPEL BL VD I S TREES ,..,.,.,..r,..,T r I I I I i I I I{ I I{ I I I U IIIIIIII { I I I I I I I I { TBEES I Q P�E I ! >I ILK I �R I I 26 FUTURE SPACS20' CONCRETE 40 SPACES A,?PHASE I I PARK ING 80 FUTURE SPACES I illlllllilil�uumunu I i i i i t i �I rIIIIIIIIiIIiIIII� � �II�I��I�I�JI"I�� TREES 1339 L.F. OF EXISTING I I NING TREES 6' HIGH WOOD FENCE I ' FENCE (310 L.F.) N 89' 36' 57' W 1339.07' v III ®I�in.x � �20 BUFFERY-ARD- TYPE ' B'��-_�- 25' BUILDING SETBA 10' UTILITY EAS - ---------- - __--- - ---- _ __-- I 1 ------��� 36r'I - (--- -- ---- (--- --- ---� I - 10'UTIL ESMT .-._.-. I; e- � 'w ///�/ J��/ //(�j I /--�--� AB. A. SL . 683 310.9 7 ' / / ^m/ t 1I STOC� '^�\` N�1 l }� 00 I i 20` SEWER ESMT I °0I I 6 I `O 5 3 2 1; CAB.A SL.1888 10 9 �°) I $ ��„ I I W v, 4 W� I I Weil SANDLIN ESTATES cor �, acocK �I I lob I I jmll) I I I OAK HILLS ESTATES ��II�� o�l� BL K I I oQ REC. IN CAB. A, SL 1888 Q ZONED AG a REC. IN CAB. A, SL 683 I , I W. CHAPEL DOWNS DRIVE ZONED SF 2oA - L.U.D.- MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL c/c o PHASE 1 SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE REOUIRED OR LANDSCAPE AREA X OF AREA IN CANOPY ACCENT SHRUBS GROUND COVER (SO. FT.) PROVIDED (SO. FT.) FRONT OR SIDE TREES TREES REQUIRED 41,000 75Z 62 124 683 4,100 PROVIDED 37,000A 75Z 62 B 124 B 683 3.700 NOTE ANY CREDITS USED IN CALCULATIONS A. 30Z OF THE LARGEST FLOOR AREA OF EACH BUILDING MINUS 1OX FOR R.O.W. LANDSCAPING B. REFLECTS EXISTING TREE CREDITS. EXISTING TREE CREDITS SHALL COMPLY WITH ORD, 544, SECT. 4.3. PHASE II SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE REQUIRED OR LANDSCAPE AREA 7 OF AREA IN CANOPY ACCENT SHRUBS GROUND COVER PROVIDED (SO. FT.) FRONT OR SIDE TREES TREES (SO. FT.) REQUIRED 22,950 75Z 34 68 382 2.295 PROVIDED 20,655 A 75Z 34 B 68 B 382 2,066 NOTE ANY CREDITS USED IN CALCULATIONS: A. 30X OF THE LARGEST FLOOR AREA OF EACH BUILDING MINUS 1O% FOR R.O.W. LANDSCAPING B. REFLECTS EXISTING TREE CREDITS. EXISTING TREE CREDITS SHALL COMPLY WITH ORD. 544, SECT. 4.3. SOUTHLAKE ASSEMBLY It OF GOD LOT 1, BLOCK 1 IN VOLUME 388-197 PAGE 39 -t8/AL��SAR� - ? r CAS. A SL.366 NI ZONED CS i II W I I ��• �, 7 I • I 0ti0C i e "19s K I 'I 'A , .. I �o II�� 8 W v, d ZONED SF 20A • i1 2 I 21 I ZONED SF 20A I , �4Ei B�OCk NO01A.'0 ' a I rS�ta�` ASCO T DR. V 1 � cc z 124E z *� 0 CO TO rn o z �� co g1 cc m �o C%l m CIS z� z..a� X �wmco O m CS C4 +. co NCB V C co � 7 � Rn z O 0• 0= O 3 Z r Q U >- CD 0 D >- EL i v N LL:) Q z N w ~ a O Li w Cr U u) N O 0 Q" Z :3: Ld w 00cr �w w a- w v a w a- 0 o LLI a w 1- 7) CA ozcro a 1 c z �w = LWI0 �?CLLL m Q 0 0 O w U o CAR CAR CAR VAN VAN 0�} Z <1 J G 5' TYP.' 8' TYP.' a a m a t� ��i1 1 O •� TYPICAL HANDICAPPED PARKING STRIPING DETAIL w I� I ZONED SF 20A N.T.S. .� � � ! VICINiT Y MAP SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS (LOT 1, BLOCK 1 AND LOT 1, BLOCK 2) BUFFERYARD CANOPY ACCENT FENCE / SCREENING LOCATION LENGTH WIDTH - TYPE TREES TREES SHRUBS HEIGHT & MATERIAL NORTH - REQUIRED 1650' 101-'C' 400 530 1580 NONE PROVIDED 1650' 20'-'C' 400 53ob 1580 &SCREENING DEVICE EAST - REQUIRED 1341' 10'-'E' 110 21 8810 NONE PROVIDED 1341' 20'-'E' 11°b 21 ° 860 NONE SOUTH- REQUIRED 1609' 10'-'B' ° 26 ° 39 ° 129 B' SCREENING DEVICE PROVIDED 1609' 20'-'B' 26°b 390b 129° 6' SCREENRiG DEVICE -9 WEST - REOUIRED 1328' NONE 1 0 0 0 5' CHAIN LINK FENCE PROVIDED 1328' NONE 1 0 0 0 1 V CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTE ANY CREDITS USED IN CALCULATIONS a. A NUMBER SHOWN AS "REQUIRED" REFLECTS 20X REDUCTION TAKEN DUE TO DOUBLING WIDTH OF BUFFERYARD. REF. ORD. NO. 480. SECT. 42.4-1 b. REFLECTS EXISTING TREE CREDITS. EXISTING TREE CREDITS SHALL COMPLY WITH ORD. 544. SECT. 4.3 OTHER COMMENTS: 1. WHERE PARKING IS PROVIDED BETWEEN THE BUILDING SETBACK LINE AND PUBLIC R.O.W., MINIMUM 2' SHRUBS OBTAINING A MATURE HEIGHT OF THREE FEET (3') OR GREATER MUST BE PLANTED AT A MINIMUM SPACING OF THIRTY INCHES (30")ON CENTER CONTINUOUS ALONG ALL PAVED EDGES OF THE PARKING OR DRIVE AREAS. --NOTE: SCREENING DEVICE ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE WILL BE 6' SCREENING DEVICE AT THE OPTION OF THE ADJACENT OWNER. (WRITTEN WAIVER REQUIRED) PUD DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 8 REGULATIONS FOR CS -COMMUNITY SERVICE PER COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AS AMMENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION - HEIGHT OF BUIDING NOT TO EXCEED THREE THREE STORIES NOR 65 FEET 9' 8' 9' T 18 1 4" SOLID WHITE 2 2' STRIPE (TYP.) 18' 2 2' TYPICAL PARKING STRIPING DETAIL TYPICAL PARALLEL PARKING DETAIL N.T.S. N.T.S. a CONCRETE PARKING STOP (TYP.) 9' TYP.' 4" SOLID WHITE -.( STRIPE (TYP.) -15'-UTil&--ESAIIT AFL . 386 I 12 Q � M Q Q I I OIL It Z 3QU) 0� III111►►►►►► (o F' 13 O QI.-w w z 0 �N Jv • ll WN W �� �, loG I _ i� 2' r J F- f -- • 1 • I 14 z 2 I LLJ �' 0 L- 45LUX& ESMT w w N J O 0 Q� Ld_ U cf) U) LIJ LLJ (n (n = Q LLI z O LLI Z a- O O CT ( LLJ L1J W V 1 Y CL L LU U) '`- Q Q U� w = W 0� I,j�� O•w:3� � � o Q o Igo j M I er+ W I N I I1 23 � .N Q Q V U � Z MM( T W T' N 'Wit L' 386 N. SITE DATA SUMMARY o ~ I LOT 1. BLOCK 2 TOTAL a, o �, • I J o m w 24 Ir .Q sZ. 386 EXISTING ON AG PROPOSED ZONING PUD LAND USE DESIGNATION MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY GROSS ACREAGE 50.632 AC. PROPERTY NET ACREAGE 47.311 AC. LOT ACREAGE 3,113 AC. AREA OF OPEN SPACE 3.113 AC. PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE 100% NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 (14 O 0 W z W 3 F` to Q W o v o 0 (� ►�� IZONED SF 20A tui w Q I (j 32 2 SITE DATA SUMMARY G� LOT I. BLOCK 1 PHASE I PHASE II TOTAL gip 10' UTIL ESMT - --CAB. A, SL . 386 14,1 ;EXIST. 6" S.S. ., 0- ZONED SF 30 t\ I I'01- EXISTING ZONING AG E PUD LAND USE DESIGNATION MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY GROSS ACREAGE 50.652 AC. PROPERTY NET ACREAGE 47.377 AC. LOT ACREAGE C. 264 A R.O.W. DEDICATFN 3.255 AC. AREA OF OPEN SPACE 37.04 AC. (ULTIMATE) PERCENTAGE OF WEN SPACE T8.4% IULTIMATE) STADIUM SEA7 CAPACITY 600 0 600 SOUARE FOOTAGE OF 5W TEALL FIELD 46.118 S0. FT. 0 46.118 SOFT. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BASEBALL FIELD 120. 11 SO.FT. 0 120.5ll SOFT. SOFT. OF FOOTIALL PRACTICEFIELD 59.200 SOFT. a 59.200 SO.FT. NU&BER OF TENNIS COURTS 4 2 6 REOUI RED PAAlt ING 1. 600 SEATSt. FOOTBALL STADIUM- 1. 1000 SEATS 0 GYMNASIUM- 200 REQUIRED SPACES 250 REOUIRED SPACES 2. 600 SEATS 0 CAFETERIA- 2. 30 CLASSROOMS- 150 REOUIRED SPACES 30 REOUIRED SPACES 3. 70 CLASSROOMS - TO REOUIRED SPACES TOTAL REOUIRED SPACES- 420 TOTAL REQUIRED SPACES- 280 TOTAL REOUIRED- TOO PROVIDED PARKING TANDA D- 384 S AND D- 2 0 PARALLEL- 72 PARALLEL- 0 HANDICAPPED- 18 HANDICAPPED- 0 TOTAL PROVIDED SPACES- 4T4 TOTAL PROVIDED SPACES- 226 TOTAL PROVIDEO- 700 REOUIRED LOADING SPACES 2 0 2 PROVIDED LOADING SPACES CONSTRUCTION START/FINISN 2 APRIL 1997/AUGUST 1998 0 AU / 2 APRIL 1997/MARCH 1999 BUILDING FOOTPRINT/ 136.950 SO.FT./ 6.35% 76.500 SO.FT./3.54% 213.450 SO.FT./9.89% PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERED THREE STORY BUILDING MAX HEIGHT 56'-0' FLOORSPACE BREAKDOWN: FIRST FLOOR 136.950 SO.FT. 60.500 SOFT. (CLASSROOMS) 213.450 SOFT. 1 ,000 SOFT. (FIELD HOUSE) SECOND FLOOR 37.250 SOFT. 16.000 SOFT. 53.250 SOFT. THIRD FLOOR 26.100 SO.FT. 16.000 SO.FT. 42.lD0 SOFT. CLASSROOMS ANDION TEACHING STALLS 70 30 1100 SEATING CAPACITY OF CAFETERIA 600 0 600 AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE BUILDING 0 900 SOFT. 900 SOFT. N L 1 CASE No. ZA 97-002 z 0 N w o: lw-- SHEET