2021-06-10 ZBA MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING: June 10, 2021 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Regular Session -City Council Chambers Members Present: Board members: Chair Jeff Medici, Vice Chair David Treichler, Trey Verbick- Place 2, Briton Wells- Alternate 1 and Alex Sexton Alternate 4. Members Absent: Board members: Michael Quinones- Place 1, Heather King- Place 4, Robert Kemins- Alternate 2 and Clinton Snead- Alternate 3. Staff Present: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director of Planning & Development Services, Richard Schell, Principal Planner, Katie Blizzard, Board Secretary. REGULAR SESSION: Aaenda Item No. 1 Call to Order: Chairman Medici called the Regular Session to order at 6:32 P.M. Aaenda Item No. 2 Executive Session: No executive session was held Aaenda Item No. 3 Approval of the Minutes: Chairman Medici opened the discussion of the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on May 27, 2021 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on May 27, 2021. Motion: Verbick Second: Sexton Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Verbick, Wells and Sexton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Aaenda Item No. 4 - Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Principal Planner, announced that City Council is scheduled to make appointments on June 15, 2021 for the three board members whose terms expire, Michael Quinones- Place 1, Trey Verbick- Place 2 and Chair Jeff Medici. Planner Schell then announced that it was Board Secretary Katie Blizzard's last meeting since she'll be moving out of state and he thanked her for her service. Planner Schell also announced that there were no submittals for the June 24, 2021 ZBA meeting. Agenda Item No. 5 — Consider: ZBA21-0015, Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, as amended, Section 44.12(6) for a reduction in the required setback from property lines for a residential accessory structure on property described as Lot 6, Block 3, Emerald Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located 2404 Taylor St., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "SFAA" Single Family Residential District. The applicant has requested to table this item to the August 26, 2021 Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2021 Page 1 of 4 meeting. A motion was made to accept the applicant's request to table case ZBA21-0015 to the August 26, 2021 meeting. Motion: Wells Second: Treichler Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Verbick, Wells and Sexton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Approved to table to August 26, 2021 Agenda Item No. 6 — Consider: ZBA21-0018, Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 11.5.c requiring a side yard of not less than 20' on property described as Lot 5, Block 1, Randol Mill Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 1788 Kingswood Dr., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF -IA" Single Family Residential District. Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. The applicant, Clark Hodges, is requesting approval of a Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 11.5.c requiring a side yard of not less than 20' to allow a new home to be built on the property with 15' side yard setbacks as shown on the plot plan. Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. Clark and Kristina Hodges, 6812 Wild Ridge Ct., Piano, TX, the applicants and owners, once sworn in, presented testimony, and answered questions from the board. Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of the request. Michael Foster, 1786 Kingswood Dr., Southlake, TX, once sworn in, spoke as undecided to the request. Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to the request. Robert Hames, 1787 Kingswood Dr., Southlake, TX, once sworn in, spoke in opposition to the request. Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative for a brief rebuttal. Clark and Kristina Hodges, the applicants and owners, presented a brief rebuttal in response to the undecided and opposed testimonies. Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for discussion from the Board Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Chairman Medici reopened the public hearing to call upon an additional resident who wished to speak. Gary Harriger, 1789 Kingswood Dr., Southlake, TX, once sworn in, voiced his concerns about the drainage on Kingswood Dr. Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and re -opened the item for discussion from the Board. Chairman Medici made a recommendation that a portion of the administrative comments at the August 12, 2021 meeting be an update to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as to the status of the request to Public Works to review the drainage situation. A motion was made to approve case ZBA21-0018 with the stipulation that there is no increase in the impervious coverage in the 15' side yard setback. Motion: Sexton Second: Wells Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Verbick, Wells and Sexton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Approved Anenda Item No. 7 — Consider: ZBA21-0020, Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 11.5.c requiring a side yard of not less than 20' on property described as Lot 5, Block 1, Randol Mill Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 1788 Kingswood Dr., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: 'SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. The applicant, Mike Bussmann, is requesting approval of a Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, as amended, Section 44.12(6) for a reduction in the required setback from property lines for a residential accessory structure to allow an approximately 13'6" tall basketball goal to be located approximately 2'8" from the rear property line and a 10' tall x 33' long netting structure to be located approximately 18" from the rear property line and 12" from the side property line. Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.2.a requires that accessory structures located in the rear yard that are greater than 8' in height be located no closer than 10' to a property line. The structures were installed without approval of a building permit and then were found to be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 34.2.a. Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. Mike and Cheryl Bussmann, 2109 Miracle Pointe Dr., Southlake, TX, the applicants and owners, once sworn in, presented testimony, and answered questions from the board. Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of the request. Chris Walker, 1420 Porto Bello Ct., Arlington, TX, the sport court contractor, once sworn in, spoke in support of the request. Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to the request. Glenn Holland, 2804 Brookshire Dr., Southlake, TX, once sworn in, spoke in opposition to the request. Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative for a brief rebuttal. Mike and Cheryl Bussmann, the applicants and owners, presented a brief rebuttal. Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for discussion from the Board. A motion was made to approve case ZBA21-0020 approving the 10' netting located perpendicular to the rear property line and 33' from the corner for the entire depth of the setback and not approving the encroachment of the basketball goal into the 10' setback. Motion: Treichler Second: Wells Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Verbick, Wells and Sexton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Approved 8. Meeting Adjournment: Chairman Jeff Medici adjourned the meeting at 9:32 P.M. 'A:record'ng of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Secretary's Office. M ici, Chairman AT/TEST: Richard Schell, Principal Planner Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2021 Page 4 of 4