2000-03-21 CC Packet City of Southlake, Texas a MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 1. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held March 7, 2000. If you have any changes to the minutes, please discuss these at the work session or notify. Sandy LeGrand prior to the meeting. She will bring the amended minutes to the meeting for your consideration. 2. Agenda Item No. 5B. Resolution No. 00-31, Amending the Personnel Policies Handbook to include a uniform/dress code/grooming policy. This policy incorporates a number of related issues into one policy including uniform, dress code, and grooming guidelines. This policy will provide employees with guidelines to be applied consistently across the organization related to appropriate appearance, uniform and grooming. This policy defines and determines standards for both uniformed and non-uniformed employees. It also identifies which employees are required to wear uniforms, .as well as requirements for maintaining uniforms in a clean, neat appearance. There also is a designation of business dress and casual dress for non-uniformed employees, with examples of appropriate attire. Defining casual dress in the policy will allow employees to dress in a neat and professional appearance that is considered less formal than the standard business dress. Please review the policy and contact Human Resources Director Lauren Safranek if, you have any questions. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 2 of 21 3. Agenda Item No. 5C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for the reconstruction of North Kimball Avenue, from SH 114 to Highland Avenue. The interlocal agreement between the City and Tarrant County is necessary to establish guidelines and responsibilities between the two organizations with regard to the reconstruction of North Kimball from SH 114 to Highland. The project is currently being designed, and Tarrant County plans to begin the reconstruction in May. Summarizing the interlocal agreement, the City will be responsible for paying the engineering and material costs. Furthermore, the City will provide traffic control and the water required to reconstruct the roadway. Tarrant County will provide the equipment and labor necessary to reconstruct the roadway. The City's portion of this project will be funded by the CIP budget. The estimated material and testing cost is $125,000. Staff recommends Council authorize the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for the reconstruction of North Kimball from SH 114 to Highland Avenue. Please call Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe if you have any questions. 4. Agenda Item No. 5D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with Carroll Independent School District for park playground and other recreational facilities. This interlocal agreement is a revision to the current agreement in place between the City and Carroll Independent School District (CISD). It governs, in general terms, the relationship between the City and CISD in scheduling, maintenance, etc. related to usage of all joint-use facilities. The packet item cover memo describes the changes that were made to the agreement. It has been reviewed . by the Joint Utilization Committee and recommended to be approved by the City Council and CISD School Board of Trustees. JUC considered the agreement at its March 9, 2000, meeting. If you have any questions regarding this item, you,may call councilmembers Gary Fawks or Patsy DuPre, or Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polasek. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 3 of 21 5. Agenda Item No. 5E. Ordinance No. 480-333, 1" Reading ZA 00-008, Rezoning, approximately 5.03 acres, 2750 Florence Road, AG to SF-1A. No concept plan is required to be processed with this request. This single lot "plat showing" has been submitted to the City staff for approval in association with this zoning change request. There appear to be no issues related to this request. A change to "RE" Residential Estate was not requested because the tract does not meet the minimum 300' width required (the tract is approximately 156' wide), and after dedication of right-of-way along Florence Road the lot would be less than the required five-acre minimum. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) on March 9, 2000. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 1 ` 6. Agenda Item No. 5F. Ordinance No. 480-334, 1" Reading, ZA 00-011, Rezoning, approximately 5.358 acres, west side of Shady Oaks Drive, AG to RE. No concept plan is required to be processed with this request. A.single lot "plat showing" has been submitted to the City staff for approval in association with this zoning change request. There appear to be no issues related to this request. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) on March 9, 2000. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 7. Agenda Item No. 5G. Ordinance No. 775, 1" Reading, Abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of South Kimball Avenue right-of-way at the intersection of Crooked Lane. The design of South Kimball from Crooked Lane to the Heritage Business Park is underway. The right-of-way for this portion of South Kimball was dedicated by plat several years ago. During the design, it was discovered that the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 4 of 21 right-of-way for South Kimball, south of the Crooked Lane intersection, did not align with the existing right-of-way of South Kimball north of the Crooked Lane intersection. The property owner south of Crooked Lane has recently dedicated the additional required right-of-way to align the intersection. In doing so, there will be a portion of right-of-way that will not be required and therefore can be abandoned and quitclaimed to the property owner in return for the additional right-of-way dedicated. Staff recommends Council abandon and quitclaim a portion of the South Kimball Avenue right-of-way at the intersection of Crooked Lane. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) at its March 9, 2000 meeting. If you have any questions, please call Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe. 8. Agenda Item No. 5H. Ordinance No. 480-332, 1" Reading, ZA 99-139, Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square. The applicant has requested this item be tabled until April 4, 2000. 9. Agenda Item No. 7A. ZA 99-143, Site Plan for IHOP Restaurant. The property is located on the northwest corner of SH 114 and Industrial Boulevard. This site plan proposes a restaurant with approximately 5,000 square feet of floor area on a 1.666- acre lot. The applicant is requesting the following variances: a variance to the "pitched roof" requirement for buildings under 6,000 square feet; relocation of an internal 5 foot-wide bufferyard that is adjacent to a common access driveway; and a variance for the driveway stacking depth off of SH 114 frontage road. The original plan proposed a stucco type building fmish. The Commission preferred a brick exterior that would be more compatible with the Kirby's Steak House restaurant to the north. The applicant submitted a partial elevation plan at the March 9, 2000, Commission meeting showing a brick exterior and agreed to Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 5 of 21 change its proposal. A new elevation plan has been included in your packet reflecting these changes along with a color rendering. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated January 28, 2000, with the following amendments: • waiving Item#1 allowing the parapet type construction as shown; • waiving Item #2 (required 5' bufferyard adjacent to the property line along rear of the lot); • waiving Item#3 (minimum 100' driveway throat depths); • adding Item #4 (requiring a common access easement to be dedicated along the northwest driveway that would provide access back to the platted easement on the southwest portion of the property, and also a stub into the lot to the northwest); • and making the colored rendering submitted this evening part of the submittal. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 10.Agenda Item No. 7B. ZA 99-116, Site Plan for Shady Oaks Centre. This plan proposes two one-story buildings (Bldg. A 11,800 square feet and Bldg. B 7,380 square feet) on approximately 2.995 acres of land. The zoning change request for Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page6of21 "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited "0-1" office uses was approved on this property by the City Council on February 4, 1997. Copies of the approved Zoning Regulations, Concept Plan and City Council minutes are included in your packet. The primary issues raised during the Commission's hearing of this item were the required wall along the south and west property lines, and site lighting. Adjacent residents were 'not pleased with the type of wall initially proposed (a pre-cast masonry wall, later proposal was a "one brick thick" wall with bricks supported by a beam and columns). They also were concerned about the operating times and height of the lights. It appears that the changes proposed by the applicant during the March 9 Commission meeting have addressed these concerns and are reflected in the motion of the Commission. The applicant and residents are in agreement with the conditions. Another issue is driveway access on the site. This plan proposes relocation of an existing off-site driveway on the east of this site to the traffic light at the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard and Shady Oaks Drive. This relocation is in compliance with the motion made for approval by the City Council for the zoning and concept plan for this site. The driveway proposed for relocation is located on the office site of Dr. Tim Huckabee. A letter from Dr. Huckabee opposing closure of this driveway is included in your packet, which states that Dr. Huckabee is not opposed to his driveway being changed to a limited access "right-in/right-out" driveway. It should be noted that a deceleration lane proposed by the Traffic Management Bond Program at the intersection of Lake Crest will conflict with the existing Huckabee driveway. The following is a chronology of the driveway situation: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 7 of 21 • On October 5, 1995, the City Council approved the site plan for the Huckabee Office Complex allowing a variance to the 500' spacing required from Lake Crest Drive with a condition that the proposed driveway be moved to the west property line of the site with a Common Access Easement to serve the adjacent west property (now Shady Oaks Centre). This resulted in the driveway being approximately 223' west of Lake Crest Drive. ' • At the time of the Huckabee site plan approval, there were no plans for development of the adjacent properties north or west of the site and no plans for a traffic light at Shady Oaks Drive. • During the City Council's hearing of the Shady Oaks Centre Concept Plan, there was discussion among the City Council of a signal light at the Shady Oaks intersection. On February 4, 1997, the City Council approved a change of zoning and a concept plan for Shady Oaks Centre with the condition that , "the applicant, upon signalization of the Shady Oaks intersection, eliminate their existing drive, provide a cross-access easement to the adjacent property to the east and align a new driveway with the signalization of the intersection to the north." • The traffic light at this intersection was sent out for bids in February 1998, construction began.in February 1999. The light was put into service in July 1999, and was accepted by the City Council in August 1999. The City Staff will need direction from the City Council with regard to any changes to be made on the Huckabee driveway including the timing of these changes, who is Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page8of21 responsible for the changes, and who will pay for the changes. The council may ' wish to discuss these issues with the city attorney during executive session. On February 17, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (3-2) to table to March 9, 2000, asking that the neighborhood and the applicant come back in,total agreement primarily with regard to the proposed perimeter wall and site lighting. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated February 11, 2000; and subject to the following: • The fence is going to be a single-brick 8'-tall pre-cast concrete cap on both the top of the wall and the pilasters; with the pilasters being 24" X 24" square, 20' on center, continuous concrete footing under the fence with piers under the pilasters and piers at mid-beam under the wall; general brick, Camelot-colored with the face side of the brick toward the homeowners; • The light poles will drop in height from 20' to 12'; lights will drop from 250-watt to 150-watt; all of the lights will be on timers to go off at 9:00 p.m. with the exception of the security lighting that will be on from dusk to dawn and will consist of two lights that will be located as shown on the plans: on the front center of Building B facing east and on the front center of Building A facing north; • The fence will be maintained in perpetuity by the developer; 1 ; Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 9 of 21 • The fence disposition agreements shall be completed within 15 days of groundbreaking; • Requiring a five workday notice prior to the physical construction or removal of the fence; • Requiring all landscaping to be put in at the same time, and i • With respect to Lake Crest on the east side of the property, requiring an 8' shadowbox fence with metal posts supporting it. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 11.Agenda Item No. 7C. ZA 00-015, Revised Site Plan for Lot 3, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition. This property is located on the north side of Gateway Drive, currently under construction. The purpose of this plan is to review building elevations for "Space 1" noted on the site plan and review the relocation of a driveway. The approved site plan did not address building elevations for the proposed restaurant site in "Space 1" and also showed a driveway intersecting the north side of Gateway Drive in the mid-point of the street curve on the western part of the site. This driveway is proposed to be relocated between "Space 8" and Lot 5, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition(Office Complex owned by Dr. Tate). The Tate property has an approved site plan (included in your packet) that has an approved driveway approximately 90 feet east of the new drive location. The applicant proposes giving Dr. Tate access through its driveway to his parking area as shown on the Revised Gateway Plaza Site Plan. The applicant has executed an Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 10of21 access and parking agreement with Dr. Tate that will allow Dr. Tate access through the proposed new driveway into his site. There also:is language in the agreement that Dr. Tate agrees to give up his rights to construct his far western driveway, which is in conflict with the new Gateway Plaza Driveway. The City staff has required a written agreement from Dr. Tate to the City along with an amended Site Plan for his property, which will eliminate the previously approved Tate driveway. The applicant is in the process of acquiring this letter from Dr. Tate. If the letter is not available to place in your packets, staff hopes to forward it to you a the meeting. Staff believes that the new location of the Gateway Plaza driveway will provide safer traffic movements, as long as the conflict with the Tate driveway is eliminated. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 3, 2000, waiving Item #3.e (150' minimum throat depth for Drive C6) and directing the applicant to see if articulation on the proposed building could be complied,with prior to City Council's hearing. I Staff re-evaluated the elevation plan following the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing and found that the plan is in compliance with articulation requirements. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 12.Agenda Item No. 8A. Ordinance No. 480-335, 1S` Reading, ZA 99-099, Rezoning and Concept Plan, Lot 1R2, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition,northwest corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. The purpose of this request is to combine abandoned right-of-way of Old North Carroll and an Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 11 of 21 out parcel lot of the Southlake Town Square property located on the west side of the realigned North Carroll Avenue right-of-way, and to revise the previously approved concept plan. The current zoning on the property is "S-P-2" Generalized Site.Plan District with "0-1" Office District uses (Lot 1R2 W.W. Hall Addition); and NRPUD with "C-3" Commercial District Uses (Lot 1, Block 9 Southlake Town Square). The requested zoning is "S-P-2" with "0-1" uses to match the approved zoning of the original Crestwood Office developments zoning. This request is associated with a land swap between Greenway Investments; and Cooper and Stebbins. Greenway Investments owns the property of the requested Preliminary Plat for Greenway-Carroll Addition, Item 8C, ZA99-101. The: two parties have agreed to swap Lot 1, Block 9 and the abandoned Carroll right-of,way for the proposed Lot 2 Greenway-Carroll Addition. The previously approved concept plan was approved with a one story 9,800-square foot office building. This plan proposes two alternatives: Plan "A" proposes a 10,400 square-foot office building and a 4,400-square-foot bank with four "drive- thru" banking lanes. Plan "B" proposes two office buildings, one being 8700- square-feet and the other 9,000-square-feet. Both plans show extension of the existing Carroll Avenue driveway "A" to the new North Carroll Avenue,, and propose an additional right-in/right-out driveway "B" accessing Southlake Boulevard approximately 291' from the intersection of Carroll Avenue. The applicant is requesting a variance to the required 500' spacing from the intersection of Carroll Avenue for the proposed driveway "B," stating that it is needed to improve traffic flow on the site due to having only one full access driveway. The driveway "A" accessing Carroll Ave. is limited to right-in/right-out movements due to the median on Carroll Avenue. A variance to the required 5' Type 'A' bufferyard along the west lot line also is requested. Parking and a drive lane were 1 i Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 12 of 21 approved in this location on the original concept plan and are being proposed in the same location by this plan. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (3-2) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, with amendments as described in the packet memo. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 13.Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 99-100, Plat Revision for proposed Lot 1R2-1, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition. This is the Plat Revision associated with agenda Item 8A. The purpose of this plat is to combine the abandoned right-of-way of Carroll Avenue and the adjacent out parcel lot of Southlake Town Square located on the west side of the re-aligned North Carroll Avenue. There are no significant issues related to the plat. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (4-0-1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000,. and requiring the dedication of right-of-way along FM 1709 for a deceleration lane in an area that is wide enough to provide for a deceleration lane once the shoulder is gone. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 14.Agenda Item No. 8C. ZA 99-101, Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Greenway- Carroll Addition, approximately 10.559 acres, southeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and SH 114. The purpose of this request is to prepare a plat for conveyance of land. The shown Lot 2 of this plat is proposed to be conveyed to Cooper and Stebbins in exchange for the abandoned North Carroll Avenue right-of-way and Lot 1, Block 9 Southlake Town Square. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 13 of 21 Another part of this proposal is the dedication of right-of-way for extension of State Street to SH 114. This would provide another means.of access, other than Carroll Avenue, from the Town Square development to the eastbound SH 114 ramp. The property is currently zoned "C-3." There are no plans for development of these lots at this time. There are no significant issues related to this plat. However, you may note a comment in the Staff Review regarding prohibition of dead-end streets. The adjoining property (Southlake Town Square) already has an approved Preliminary Plat. A Revised Preliminary Plat showing extension of State Street to this location or dedication of a cul-de-sac is needed to prevent a "dead-end" street situation. Town Square has indicated to staff its desire to revise the plat to make; this connection. If a street connection to the south is not made, there is no need for this street. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, allowing'Item #1 (utility easement) as proposed and subject to staffs recommendation. This amendment was to allow flexibility in placement of required perimeter easements in order to avoid heavily treed areas. Contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough regarding this item. 15.Agenda Item No. 9A. Resolution No. 00-32, Authorizing the purchase of rights-of- way needed for implementation of the Traffic Management Bond program. The purpose of this resolution is to simplify the process of acquiring needed rights-of- Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 14 of 21 way for the traffic management bond program in order to expedite the construction projects. As design and plan preparations are completed on the different intersection improvements and bike and hike trails, the necessary right-of-way to be acquired is determined by HNTB Corporation (professional service provider approved by!City Council on September 7, 1999). HNTB then will determine the fair market value of the properties by establishing value ranges based on comparable sales. It is then HNTB's responsibility to pursue acquisition of the rights-of-way from the property owners. Our current purchasing policy requires the City Council to act on each purchase contract that exceeds $15,000. Most often a minimum of two Council meetings are required to facilitate a purchase: the first is used to determine Council's direction on an offer, the second to provide Council with the negotiated contract and to secure approval in open session. 1 This arrangement will expedite the completion of the project by allowing me to; sign the purchase documents. Accountability for this responsibility will be achieved by: • the requirement for Council approval prior to any purchase price above the value range established for the property using comparable sales; • the limitation that no funds be expended in excess of the total amount allocated for land acquisition in the TMB program; and Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 15 of 21 • the requirement that monthly reports be provided to Council regarding expenditure of funds for TMB land acquisition. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about this item. If you have no issues, this item would be a good candidate for the consent agenda. 16.Agenda Item No. 9B. Resolution No. 00-24, Opposing The Private Property Rights Implementation Act, urging the Texas delegation of the U.S. Senate to vote against the bill. About two weeks ago, Public Information Officer James Kunke came across a reprint of an editorial (that had appeared in the Detroit Free Press) in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The editorial (included in your packet) alerted us to the harmful provisions of this bill, and we passed along the information to our attorneys and Lewis McLain, who then distributed it to a network of cities. Basically, this is a "takings" bill that would be extremely harmful to cities such as Southlake that make strong efforts to manage growth. This legislation would drastically affect local planning efforts, since takings could bypass state courts and local zoning boards and proceed directly to federal court. News articles included in your packet describe the bill in detail. We received information on Wednesday, March 15, that the House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on the matter the following day. As such, the attached letter was prepared and sent to Representatives Dick Armey and Joe Barton. Ideally, we would have had the Council act on a resolution, but time did not permit. I felt comfortable sending the letter, given this bill's egregious assault on local land use authority. We have learned today that the bill passed in the U.S. House late yesterda y y evening (with all Tarrant County members voting in favor); Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 16 of 21 therefore, we have prepared this resolution to send to the Texas delegation of the U.S. Senate and the office of the President of the United States, who already has threatened to veto the bill. If you have any questions on this item, please contact me or Shana Yelverton. 17.Agenda Item No. 10A. Authorizing the Mayor to grant a twenty-foot parking easement on City property to EPIPD - Crossroads Square, L.P. (Tom Thumb) and Agenda Item No. 10B. Authorizing the Mayor to grant a parking easement on city property, and to enter into a "no-build" easement agreement with EPIPD - Crossroads Square L.P. (Tom Thumb). Staff has reviewed the transcripts of the City Council meeting when this development was approved, and the other documentation of this zoning case, however, we have been unable to discuss the specifics of the case with the developer. Consequently, staff requests these items be tabled to allow us to resolve the issues. Please contact Kevin Hugman or Karen Gandy with questions on this item. 18.Agenda Item No. 10C. Approval of Change Order No. 2 with Jackson Construction, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer and roadway improvements along Love Henry Court. Council awarded this project on January 18, 2000. Construction began on the sewer on February 21, 2000. The sanitary sewer will be built along Love Henry Court as part of this project. Consequently, the sanitary sewer will terminate at the intersection of Love Henry Court and Shady Oaks Drive. The sewer was designed so that an extension of this sewer line could be built in the future to serve the properties along Shady Oaks. As stated in the memo by Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe, the property owner at 583 Shady Oaks requested that the sewer extension along Shady Oaks be constructed as part of the Love Henry project. Apparently this property owner has severe septic problems Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 17 of 21 and would rather connect to the sewer than replace the septic system CUT l ntly serving the property. This sewer extension would serve five properties in all. Staff recommends extending the sewer an additional 300 feet past the property at, 583 Shady Oaks to serve all properties in the area. The amount of Change Order No. 2 is $39,393.25. Should Council approve this change order, the project cost will exceed the budgeted amount by $42,474.25. The extension of the sewer line along Shady Oaks is not currently in the five-year CIP budget. The $42,474.25 would i have to be funded by using the remaining funds from previously constructed projects that were below budget. Staff is seeking direction from Council on this matter. The alternatives are to approve the Change Order No. 2 as recommended by staff for $42,474.25, approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of$26,064.75 in order to serve just 583 Shady Oaks (along with two other properties), or postpone the extension of the sewer along Shady Oaks until it is added to a future CIP schedule. Please call Shawn Poe if you have any questions. 19.Agenda Item No. 10D. Approval of Change Order No. 2 with North Texas Contracting, Inc. for the water, paving and drainage improvements to serve the Sutton Place Addition, CDBG. Construction of water, drainage and paving improvements have been ongoing in the Sutton Addition. During the construcition, several issues came up that required field changes. Change Order No. 11 was approved by all parties in August 1999, and reduced the contract amount by $7,238. Change Order No. 2 is composed primarily of issues that occurred during construction of the drainage and water improvements, and will cost $17,777. ! The I. memo by Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe includes a summary that explains and justifies each field change for Change Order No. 1 & 2. Staff seeks Council , approval of Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $17,777, and also requests that the Council authorize staff to spend an additional $5,000 for any other justifiable unforeseen conflict with the remaining portion of construction. The $5,000 will not Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 18 of 21 be considered as part of Change Order No. 2 because it may limit any future negotiations with the contractor due to unforeseen conflicts. Staff will be prepared to explain in detail all changes that are included under this item once any changes are constructed. The project is anticipated to be complete in April. Following approval of Change Order No. 2 along with the $5,000 for additional unforeseen conflicts, the project cost will exceed the budgeted amount by $41,865.30. The cost overrun will be funded by using existing funds from projects constructed under budget. Please call Shawn Poe if you have any questions regarding this item. 20.Agenda Item No. 10E. Consider modifying the allocation ratios of the City set forth by the Public Utility Commission (PUC). On December 7, 1999, the Council approved Resolution No. 99-81, authorizing the acceptance and filing of the base amount of revenues from the City's telecommunications providers and'allocation of the base amount with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. On March 13, staff received notice from the P.U.C. of the base amount for access line fees reported to the P.U.C. and the rates for access lines within the City. The proposed P.U.C. access line rate would be a decrease for residential customers and an increase for business customers. The City may change the allocation ratios set forth by the P.U.C., but it must do so before April 1, 2000. This item has been placed on the agenda so you can act if you so desire. If you have any questions related to this item please contact Sharen Elam. 21.Agenda Item No. 11A. Process for making appointments to boards and commissions. This item was 'placed on the City Council agenda at the request of Councilmember Patsy DuPre. When discussed during the City Council meeting held on October 19, 1999, no decision was made regarding the method that Council would like to use in making appointments to the boards and commissions. Several possible options for council to consider include: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 19 of 21 • recruitment reception, • Council Interviews (as were done in past years), • Councilmembers contact the applicants on an individual basis, • Applicants instructed to contact the Councilmembers themselves, • Or, Councilmembers review the applications and make selections based on the applicants' stated qualifications and experience. The City Secretary's Office will advertise for openings on the boards , and commissions during the month of April, with appointments to be made during the Council meeting following the May 6 General Election. It would be most helpful if the applicants could be informed at the time they apply of the process that will be used in making the appointments. If you have questions, please contact Sandy LeGrand. Other Items of Interest 22.Update on Trophy Club Issue. See attached memo for Economic Development Director Greg Last on a variety of economic development issues: 1) Kirkwood road closure issues, 2) updated project profiles, and 3) economic advertisement examples. 23.Planning Director Search. Shana Yelverton and I conducted telephone interviews with seven candidates for the Planning Director position prior to my leaving for Florida. You may recall that we received more than 30 applications, and the recruiter narrowed the list to 15 viable candidates. We were very pleased with the quality of the candidates, but have narrowed the list to three finalists. Shelli Siemer has assisted us with reference checks. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 I Page 20 of 21 i I We have interviews scheduled with the finalists beginning Friday, March 24. The finalists include Bruce Payne, Planning Director with the City of Jacksonville, North Carolina; Kelly Templin, Director of Planning with the City of Auburn, Alabama; and internal candidate Karen Gandy. We intend to have this process complete, barring any unforeseen issues, by the end of March. Copies of the finalists' resumes have been enclosed.FYI. i 24. Circus at Bicentennial Park. A reminder that the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce will host the Kelly Miller Brothers Circus on Friday, March 24. Performances will be at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The public is also invited to come and watch the tent raising beginning at 8:00 a.m. 25.Also attached to my memo: • Southlake Volunteer Program Report for February • Thank you notes and commendations • AMS • Calendar I I i Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, City Manager, ext. 701 Elam, Sharen, Finance Director, ext. 716 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Honorable Mayor and.Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest City Council Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 21 of 21 Harper, Ron, Public Works Director, ext. 779 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Jackson, Malcolm, Administrative Operations Coordinator, ext. 726 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Martinson, Lynn, Assistant Finance Director, ext. 833 Polasek, Steve, Deputy Director Community Services, ext. 772 Queen, Courtney, Community Services Coordinator, ext. 827 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Siemer, Shelli, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 806 Thomas, Charlie, City Engineer, ext. 814 Wilson, Garland, Director of Public Safety, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 City of Southlake, Texas Ill . MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Greg Last,Director of Economic Development Stefanie Wagoner,Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: Miscellaneous Economic Development Issues • Kirkwood Blvd. Roadway Issues • Updated and New Project Profiles • Economic Development Advertising Kirkwood Closure Issues Attached you will find the following information for your reference: 1. Joint News Release: Attached is a copy of a joint news release that was issued Friday the 17th. 2. Draft TxDOT Submitttal: Attached is a copy of the„latest draft of our intended TxDOT submittal. We hope to be finalizing this information in the next week or so. 0 3. ROW Abandonment Processing: Attached is a memo discussing the intended dates for processing the required ordinances to abandon the ROW. } 4. Trophy Club Access Request: Attached is a copy of a memo from Billy previously sent to Council,along with two exhibits just recently received from Trophy Club. They are proposing or requesting that Southlake allow them to connect a roadway at the far north end of T.W. King to allow their residents access via T.W. King/Bob Jones Road/White Chapel to S.H. 114. Per previous conversations,we have represented to Trophy Club that Southlake was not in favor of such a connection. Project Profiles The Department of Economic Development has recently completed updates to the Sabre Corporate Campus and Gateway Plaza Project Profiles. These are attached to this memo for your information. New profiles have been completed for Crossroads Square and Lowe's Home Improvement. The Town Square profile is currently being updated, with Gateway Plaza Phase 2, The Village At Timarron, Georgetown Park, and Village Center in the draft phases. These project profiles have proven to serve as excellent informational sources for not only the development community,but for Southlake residents as well. Our latest updates have incorporated a "Quick-Glance Summary" outlining acreage, zoning, overall square footage, and financial information. We have also added a locator map to each profile. • City of Southiake, Texas /411 Advertising Examples The Department has recently produced advertising for the Dallas Business Journal, The Business Press and Site Selection magazine. Both the Dallas Business Journal and Site Selection ads were geared toward the nomination of the Sabre relocation in each publications'top deals of 1999 listings. The Business.Press ad will run in the Spring Alliance Magazine,which focuses on developments in the Alliance corridor. All three ads are enclosed for your reference. Enc: Joint News Release Draft TxDOT Submittal ROW Abandonment Process timing Trophy Club Road request to T.W. King Sabre Corporate Campus Project Profile Gateway Plaza Project Profile Crossroads Square Project Profile Lowe's Home Improvement Project Profile b, • • Joint News Release For immediate release: 3/17/00 3:46 PM DRAFT ONLY From: City of Southlake Town of Trophy Club Topic: Abandonment of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. There have been several ongoing meetings between representatives of the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club, Sabre Inc., and Maguire Partners to work together toward an alternate means of access upon the right-of-way (ROW) abandonment and physical closure of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. The abandonment of these roadways by the City of Southlake will occur in two phases as previously discussed. First will be the approval of two ordinances abandoning the,rights- of-way, and second will be the physical closure of the roadways to public traffic. The ROW abandonment ordinances will appear before the Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, March 23. This will not lie a public hearing. The Southlake City Council will consider the reading of the ordinance.on Tuesday, April 4, with second reading and public hearing on Tuesday, April 18. At this time it is anticipated that the ordinances will provide for abandonment and physical closure of the roadways on or about December 1, 2001, approximately five months later than previously discussed. "It is still our intent to follow through with the abandonment of these roadways per our original agreements with Sabre," said Southlake Mayor Rick Stacy. "We have spent a. great deal of time and effort.working with our surrounding neighbors to help find a way to maintain adequate access for all parties." The group plans to continue working together to prepare a presentation and engineering - analysis for submittal to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in the coming weeks. We are aware of TxDOT's policies and concerns regarding some options and we are working hard to make sure their concerns are taken into account. Complete information on alternatives and recommendations will be made available to all interested parties upon completion. Contacts for each entity are as follows: Southlake 4110 Greg Last, Director of Economic Development, PH: (817) 481-5581, ext. 750 7 James Kunio, Public Information Officer, PH: (817)481-5581, ext. 819 • Trophy Club Donna Welsh, Town Manager,PH: (817)430-1911 Sabre Inc. Theda Whitehead, Dir. of Corp. Media Relations, PH: (817) 967-1859 Maguire Partners Richard Kuhlman,Vice President,PH: (817) 430-0303 • If City of Southiake = fr — • Transmittal/Fax Sheet 667 N. Carroll Avenue • uthl Southiake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 481-5581(extensions below) Fax: (817)251-9051 E-Mail: econdev@asouthlake.tx.us Date: 3/17/00 3:02 PM Total Number of Pages Including this cover sheet: 3+1, PLEASE DELIVER ASAP -Thanks. To: Donna Welsh, Trophy Club City Manager Via Fax: 491-9312 To: Dean Sanderson, Kay Alig, Sabre Via Fax: 967-4914 To: Rod Zielke,Brockett, Davis;Drake, Inc. Via Fax: (214) 824-2586 To: Richard Kuhlman, Maguire Partners Via Fax: 430-8750 To: Wayne Olson, D'Ann Drennan,Donna Fielding Via Fax: 332-4740 Copy: , Billy Campbell, SL City Manager Via Fax: 329-1747 ' Copy: Charlie Thomas, SL Director of Engineering Via Fax: 488-6796 Copy: James Kunke, SL Public Information Officer s'; Via Fax: 329-1747 Copy: Steve Simmons &Mark Schluter, TxDOT via separate cover S TOPIC: Joint News Release-Re: Abandonment of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. in Southlake Sender: Greg Last,Director of Econ. Development, ext. 750 glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Clean copy to be forwarded by mail? No , Attached is the final news release for your reference. Feel free to call should you have any questions. GL Enc. S . City of Southlake �Ir ' lbTransmittal/Fax Sheet 667 N. Carroll Avenue • U I I • Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 481-5581(extensions below) Fax: (817) 251-9051 E-Mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us Date: 3/17/00 3:09 PM Total Number of Pages Including this cover sheet: 3 PLEASE DELIVER ASAP-Thanks. To: Steve Simmons, TxDOT Via Fax: (817)370-6787 Copy: Mark Schluter, TxDOT Via Fax: (817) 237-1068 TOPIC: Joint News Release-Re: Abandonment of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. in Southlake „ , Sender: Greg Last, Director of Econ. Development, ext. 750 glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Clean copy to be forwarded by mail? No Dear Steve and Mark, As you already know, there are several of us trying to work'.tvgether to evaluate alternatives related to the closure of portions of the above mentioned roads in Southlake related to the Sabre.Corporate Campus location. We are in the process of performing engineering studies and analyses on these • options with hopes of discussing our findings with you in the coming weeks. We wanted to make sure you were in the loop as it relates to our ongoing progress, and particularly the joint news release,which is attached for your reference. The City of Southlake will have a ROW abandonment ordinance on an upcoming agenda as discussed in the release,with physical closure not coming until late in 2001. We will be sending out the attached release this afternoon so that the media will hopefully understand the difference between ROW abandonment and physical closure of the road. It is likely that you will be contacted again regarding this issue. It is our hope that you would point out to them that you have not yet received our information and would reserve comment until you have had an opportunity to review the submittal. We are aware of TxDOT policies and have no desire to undermine the merits of these policies. We would like however, the opportunity to present our findings and answer any questions that you might have. , We greatly appreciate your time and attention in this matter, and hope that we can work collectively towards a solution satisfactory to all parties in the near future. Feel free to call should you have any questions. • GL • Enc. Joint News Release from Southlake and Trophy Club • Submittal To Texas Department of Transportation From City of Southlake Town of Trophy Club Sabre Inc. Maguire Partners S.H. 114,_at Kirkwood Interchange Two-way Frontage Road Recommendation March 17; 20001e,' Bye' c„ . eR 1 , ' Dove Rd. otili2114:1:.7.1 Highland St. ' N Wimagmow FM 7709 \ r .groppivimplopor 13 TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page 1 of 7 i ... i .. III •DRAFT DATE: 3/16/00 1:22 PM Mr. Steve Simmons District Engineer Texas Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 6868 Fort Worth, Tx 76115-0868 Re: S.H. 114 at Kirkwood Blvd. & T.W.King: TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROAD Southlake/Trophy Club/ Sabre/MaguirePartners , Dear Mr. Simmons: As you are aware, we, have been working for several months to evaluate alternative means of access near the S.H. 114 and Kirkwood interchange necessitated by the closure of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. in Southlake. .,We regret that:,some TxDOT staff members were brought into these negotiations prematurely by members of the media, but hope that you will find our submittal provides considerable new information and technical engineering analysis for your evaluation. The.Sabre World Headquarters Campus consolidatiomproject brings approximately, $540 million in capital investment with an overall impact of approximately $14 billion to our . • region and the State of Texas. We sincerely hope that you will give our submittal a dedicated review and it is our belief that you will find this location has many unique characteristics allowing departure from your standing policy discouraging two-way frontage roads, while still maintaining the integrity of the policy. We appreciate your time and attention and stand ready to answer any questions that might arise. . Sincerely, I City of Southlake Town of Trophy Club Rick Stacy,Mayor Marshall Engelbeck, Mayor Sabre Maguire Partners Bill Hannigan, CEO - Tom Allen,Partner . Resolutions� of SUppOrt III RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE SABRE WORLD HEADQUARTERS CAMPUS AS A SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE NORTH TEXAS REGION; RECOGNIZING SITE SPECIFIC CRITERIA CREATING UNIQUE TRANSPORTATION NEEDS; RECOGNIZING COMMUNITY SUPPORT; AND REQUESTING THE , TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVAL OF A ' TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROAD FOR A SMALL SEGMENT OF ROADWAY ALONG STATE HIGHWAY 114. ' WHEREAS, the State of Texas, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, the Metroport Cities Partnership and the City of Southlake were successful in attracting and retaining the consolidation of the Sabre World Headquarters Campus in the City of Southlake along'S.H. 114; and, WHEREAS, the Sabre Headquarters Campus will require a capital investment of more -than $540 million during the next 10 years and will include over two million square feet of corporate office construction on 156 acres; and, I, WHEREAS, the economic impact of the Sabre Campus to north Texas through the year S2009 is estimated at $14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and;operating functions; and, WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation maintains a valid policy limiting the number and addition of two-way frontage roads throughout the state, but as policy rather than • law, allows for the rational evaluation of various aspects of unique situations; and, WHEREAS, an evaluation of technical aspects. of a two-way frontage_ road has been completed and the following items represent unique site-specific aspects of the traffic movements warranting departure from said policy: , • The overall length of the two-way segment is very short, approximately 650 feet • Overall speeds along this segment should be very slow due to the limited length of the - _ segment • There are no intersecting driveways on this segment of frontage road • Traffic patterns are peak-hour related rather than high at all hours • The installation of a traffic signal at the intersection would add greatly to the safety of the intersection of Kirkwood and S.H. 114 • Conflict points throughout the intersection are very few and can be mitigated with appropriate engineering devises (e.g. signs, striping,pavement arrows,traffic islands) • There is no frontage road intended along S.H. 114 east of Kirkwood, eliminating a one- - westbound expectation for frontage road travelers Sway • Joint desire between the City of Southlake,.Town of Trophy Club; Maguire Partners and Sabre to eliminate the "Texas Turnaround" at the intersection in favor of the two-way frontage road; and, , . . • .. WHEREAS, several alternatives have been evaluated and the two-way frontage road is the most environmentally friendly and lessens the environmental impact of more circuitous traffic movements for all adjacent parties; and, WHEREAS, the proposed two-way frontage road alternative would be short term in • nature, pending improvements to Trophy Wood Drive and a west-bound turnaround at the Precinct Line interchange; and, WHEREAS, emergency access and evacuation planning is enhanced when utilizing the two-way frontage road alternative; and, WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation considers the economic benefit and the service to the public when evaluating decisions that impact public roadway facilities; and WHEREAS, engineering studies have been completed evaluating all aspects required of a two-way frontage road-and further find that this solution can be implemented for safe and efficient movement of public transportation. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:l'., • Section 1. The City / Town of requests that the Texas Department of Transportation find that the unique aspects of this particular location and the many mitigating circumstances warrant departure from its usual policy limiting two-way frontage roads;'and, Section 2. ' The City / Town of requests that the Texas Department of Transportation approve of a two-way frontage road along a small segment of S.H. 114 allowing the continued development of appropriate engineering plans. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF __ , 2000. , TEXAS ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney N:\Econdev\Prospects\Sabre\two-way-frontage\resolutions\Txdot-res-04.doc Draft 4:3/16/00 1:38 PM Engineering Report g g � And c� Recommendation E* 110 Texas Department of Transportation • Submittal and Engineering Report S.H. 114 Two-Way Frontage Road Recommendation INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW Sabre Campus Project Overview: The Sabre World Headquarters Campus is to be located at the southeast corner of the intersection of S.H. 114 and Kirkwood Blvd in Southlake, Texas. The consolidation and expansion of Sabre's World Headquarters Campus' will require a capital investment of more than $540 million during the next 10 years, which will include approximately $410 million for construction of buildings and $130 million in high-tech communications and other equipment. The economic impact of this project to north Texas through the year 2009 is estimated at$14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and operating functions. The campus project is programmed for more than two (2) million square feet of office buildings on approximately 156 acres of land. (See Appendix'C' for complete Sabre Project Profile) Kirkwood Blvd. /T.W.King Privatization: A closed secure campus was a fundamental criterion • during Sabre's site evaluation phase and was a key factor in selecting Southlake. Their vision is for a college campus environment with open walkways and lots of pedestrian traffic between buildings. A closed secure campus provides safety and protection for their employees and addresses security issues related to their proprietary technology and information. This need for a secure campus necessitated the privatization of portions of Kirkwood Blvd. north of S.H. 114 as well as a portion of new T.W. King road. A Road Closures qe: . 1y' -/ •'�-'':i '" nay. dam _n' J^ .. -. �ritft � � y �� f .-' J'• l"�� - - - . . ..:��,,..: , A \\\\\>:" ,z` ' ' • . TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page 2 of 7 • EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS Sabre Confirmation of Necessity: Although Sabre and the City of Southlake were aware from the start the significance of the issue of closing portions of Kirkwood and T.W. King, additional effort was spent by Sabre in evaluating the absolute importance of closing these streets. Alternative security programs were evaluated as well as inter-office / inter-building pedestrian activities to confirm the importance of the closed campus setting. Additional efforts still found that the closure of these two roads was critical to the secure campus environment. Options Analysis: A thorough review of all available physical options was looked at to include both short term and long term solutions. Attached as Appendix 'A' is a summary of the various options that were reviewed noting positive and negative aspects of each alternative. Desired Alternative: After evaluating all' options in detail, the alternative solution desired by impacted parties is the temporary transformation of a short segment of S.H. 114 frontage road to a two-way section. TxDOT POLICY ON TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROADS • Recognition of TxDOT Policy: It is recognized that TxDOT has a valid policy discouraging two- way frontage roads. It is not our desire to change the policy. We recognize that the policy is valid and applicable in the vast majority of cases. We also understand the difference between policy and law and the fact that a policy allows for a rational evaluation of issues specific to a location in order to measure the.applicability of the,policy. It is with this understanding that we would like to encourage TxDOT to thoroughly evaluate the unique aspects of this request because it is our belief that many mitigating factors in this request enhance the acceptability.of a two-way frontage road as a traffic management solution. Mitigating Circumstances to This Particular Location: This particular location has several unique aspects that are different from a normal situation where two-way frontage roads might be requested. Following is a summary of these mitigating circumstances: • The overall length of the two-way segment is very short, approximately 650 feet • Overall speeds along this segment should be very slow due to the limited length of the segment • There are no intersecting driveways on this segment of frontage road • Traffic patterns are peak-hour related rather than high at all hours • The installation of a traffic signal at the intersection would add greatly to the safety of the IIIintersection of Kirkwood and S.H. 114 TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page 3 of 7 • • Conflict points throughout the intersection are very few and can be mitigated with appropriate engineering expertise (e.g. signs, striping,pavement arrows, etc.) • There is no frontage road intended along S.H. 114 east of Kirkwood, eliminating a one-way expectation for frontage road travelers • Joint desire between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Maguire Partners to postpone construction of the "Texas Turnaround" at the intersection in favor of the two-way frontage road It is our collective belief that this location and these circumstances are dramatically different than a normal scenario prohibiting a two-way frontage road. It is our desire that the TxDOT staff review this alternative closely while considering the unique aspects of the situation. It is our hope and belief that upon a thorough review of these aspects, a favorable conclusion can be drawn allowing the two-way frontage road in these circumstances while still maint ii ing the integrity of a valid policy discouraging two-way frontage roads: ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations'are made to provide for the safe and efficient accommodation of traffic from the Town of Trophy Club and City of Southiake that approach S.H. 114 along T.W. • King, and have a desire to go east. • Provide for a two-way frontage road between T. W. King and Kirkwood Boulevard. • The two-way frontage road will be a temporary condition until such time as the Precinct • Line Road structure is built and put into service, along with u-turns at Kirkwood and at Precinct Line Road. All involved parties are very much in support of the accelerated construction of the Precinct Line interchange. • The westbound on ramp serving the Kirkwood interchange will be closed during the period that the two-way frontage road is in place. • Traffic control devices, signage, and pavement markings will be included as recommended in the Traffic Impact Analysis. The above recommendations are based upon the results of the Traffic Impact Analysis, which is discussed below. TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page;4 of 7 • TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Introduction The expansion plans for the Sabre Group Campus call for the closure of Kirkwood Boulevard to the public, which would cut off freeway access to residents of the eastern edge of the Town of Trophy Club and the northwest portion of the.City .of Southlake. Therefore, it has been proposed to transform a section of the westbound frontage road of SH 114 (between Kirkwood Boulevard and T.W. King Road) to allow residents to access the interchange of SH 114 and Kirkwood. This configuration is proposed to temporarily until such time as an additional freeway access point at Precinct Line Road would be constructed. Traffic Volumes and Traffic Control The interchange of SH 114 and Kirkwood is currently under all-way stop control and traffic volumes are more heavily oriented towards the development on the south side of SH 114,the opposite side from the Sabre Campus. By 2001, it is estimated that a new interchange will be in place at SH 114 and Dove Road and that the traffic through the Kirkwood interchange will be reduced. At the same time,Phase II of the campus expansion will be in place by 2001 and increase traffic to and from the north. However,Phase IV ofthe campus expansion will be in place by 2005, which further.increases the traffic volumes through the interchange. The traffic projections for 2001 and 2005 were redistributed to place all T.W. King traffic onto the _ • frontage road, west of the interchange. It is estimated that in the year 2005, 208 vehicles will turn left onto the two-way frontage road during the AM peak hour, and 140 vehicles will do so during the PM peak hour. • A CORSIM analysis was made of the proposed two-way frontage road near the Sabre Group Campus in. Southlake, Texas. The CORSIM traffic simulation program was used to.determine if this configuration will operate satisfactorily under future traffic volumes, and what traffic control measures, or roadway modifications may be required to do so. The summary of the results of that analysis is shown below. Following the results/recommendations, Exhibits 'A' and `B' are provided to assist in understanding the findings and recommendations. Exhibit 'A' reflects the existing conditions. Exhibit `B' reflects the proposed conditions. Results Several iterations of the CORSIM models were simulated in order to optimize the operation of the two-way frontage road. The results from these analyses reveal that the two-way frontage road configuration will operate at acceptable levels of service under the following conditions: 1. The lane configuration on the two-way frontage road should have two westbound lanes and one eastbound lane. 0 , , TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page.S of 7 . I • \\N„................ _ STOP SIGN \ -......... , - T.W. KING \ ` STOP SIGN . \H— I • 1 0 aOING s I STOP SIGN/ )1 , ' \\ \1 F \\ • \ - • • P. A. i f li i 1 I I I • . j ? MAR 17nap " t GRAPHIC SCALE i 40 o m w m I ....*"...7 :tee • (�Jg ud is not TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PROJECT o JT Permit s�, TB9—QQta ® � MAR 2000 EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET GJT 'NO. REVISION BY DATE a4EGKED J T.W. KING V /7, / ll/ • \ \\\ 1 10NE WAY^ \\\ DOUBLE YELLOW R \ \ ,,,, 1` T.W. KING /00 \, , DL , 77. , ,,, ..,,,,,„ , i \ \\ i . \\ \\ \ . ,, , ' '' 11 LEFT LANE 1 , MUST 0 • TURN LEFT I 10# I LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT I 1 I i I 1 i I �A4`` ..,____... ....... R OD MAR 17 2000 of NLY A ,..„...,..,. ..„.„ �- .a o77........... eo so '' 17, ..: 7 • BASE PG t PLAN 410 cur ind la not TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TMr PROJECT DESIGNED permit OBIT.B. SHEET BRIM DRAWN MAR 2000 PROPOSED CO DITIONS GJT NO. REVISION BY DATE alEm T.W. KING • 2. The eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road should be restricted to right turns only. This reduces the conflict of the two-way frontage road at the interchange by improving safety and traffic signal efficiency. Specifically, providing right turns only allows the.green phase on this approach to occur during an existing phase of the TTI- phasing (the northbound protected left phase). . 1 3. The signalization of the Kirkwood Boulevard intersections with the frontage roads should be included at the time the two-way frontage road is put in place. 4. The CORSIM simulations show that there is sufficient storage space to 'accommodate the addition of the right turn movement vehicles to the queuing of vehicles in the interior of the interchange. 5. The westbound approach has three lanes. The two northerly lanes line up with the two departure lanes on the west side of the intersection, and the southernmost lane is offset to the west. This southernmost lane currently serves as a left only lane. The recommendation is to convert the middle lane, which lines up with the proposed eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road, to a left turn only. This will result in two left turn only lanes and one westbound through lane on the westbound departure. The one through lane lines up with the westbound departure lane on the west side of the intersection. I 6. The CORSIM analyses show that a stop sign at the intersection of T.W. King;and the two- way• frontage road will operate at acceptable levels through the year 2001. Beyond the year 2001, the intersection will need to be signalized in order to function at acceptable levels. Therefore, signalization for this intersection will be put in place by the end of 2001. This temporary signal operation will be coordinated with the Kirkwood signal operation. 7. Pavement markings and signage will be included (see Exhibit `B') which provide for the safe and efficient operation of the two-way frontage road and the Kirkwood intersections. 8. Signage will be provided for the eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road to inform the driving public that the two-way frontage road will be temporary. The life of the two-way frontage road will end when the Precinct Line Road structure and the u-turns are provided at Kirkwood and Precinct Line Road. The detailed Traffic Impact Analysis is included as Appendix'B'. CONCLUSION The Sabre World Headquarters Campus is a significant economic benefit to the cities of Southlake, Trophy Club, and all surrounding Metroport Cities as well as the DFW Metroplex and the State of • Texas.. The national trend for corporate locations is to consolidate locations into secure'campuses to stimulate interaction and camaraderie among-their employees. As well, the need to maintain a secure environment for customer clients and corporate executives cannot be overstated. • TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report. DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM. Page 6 of 7 • • The critical nature of the secure campus concept necessitates the privatization of portions of T.W. King and Kirkwood Blvd. Several alternatives providing full access for all parties have been reviewed for both positive and negative aspects. The desired alternative is to change a small segment of S.H. 114 frontage road from one-way to two-way, thereby serving the public and accommodating Sabre, a significant economic generator for the State of Texas. This recommendation is not consistent with a valid TxDOT policy discouraging two-way frontage roads. However, there are several mitigating circumstances with this unique location that make this alternative safe and acceptable as well as being the most environmentally sensitive. The entities involved sincerely request the approval of this alternative by the staff'of the Texas Department of Transportation. CONTACTS Feel free to contact any of the following should any questions arise. Name Organization/Title. Phone E-mail Rick Stacy" City of Southlake (817) 481r.1564 None Mayor ® Billy Campbell City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext.702 Bcampbell@cityofsouthlake.com City Manager Greg Last City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext.750 Glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Director of Econ.Dev. Charlie Thomas City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext. 819 cthomas@cityofsouthlake.com Director of Engineering Marshall Engelbeck Town of Trophy Club (817)430-0981 Rmengel@flash.net Mayor Donna Welsh Town of Trophy Club (817)233-2264 Dwelsh@trophyclub.org City Manager Gary Teague Teague Nall&Perkins (817)336-5773 Gteague@tnp-online.com TC Municipal Eng.Consultant Dean Sanderson Sabre (817)963-1118 Dean.sanderson@'sabre.com VP of Real Estate and Fac.Op. Theda Whitehead Sabre (817)967-1859 Theda.whitehead@sabre.com Dir.Corp.Media Relat. Richard Kuhlman Maguire Partners (817)430-0303 Richard.kuhlman@maguirepartners.com APPENDICES 1 A. Options Analysis B. Traffic Impact Analysis . C. Sabre Corporate Campus-Project Profile • TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#5: 3/17/00 1:25 PM Page 7 of 7 Appendix 'A' .• M Options AnalystsddeA • • APPENDIX A OPTIONS ANALYSIS The following three pages are a summary of options available to accommodate road access to Trophy Club as well as portions of Southlake. This includes a matrix of positive and negative aspects for each alternative and an exhibit (aerial map) that graphically depicts the locations of these alternatives. A" brief description of these options follows. OPTION 1: (Road Closures w/ no additional improvements) This option is shown just as a factual summary of the conditions that would exist upon the closure of portions of Kirkwood and T.W. King. It highlights which portions of roadway would be closed to through traffic, points out the - accommodations for emergency vehicle access, and notes that "Old T.W. King" southbound would still have unrestricted access to SH 114 for westbound movements but would not have access via the frontage road eastbound to Kirkwood. } OPTION 2: (Two-Way Frontage Road) This option would change approximately 650 feet of one-way westbound frontage road to a two-way segment. It lists many positives to this option and notes that this option would likely provide a quicker more direct access for residents of Trophy Club to access SH 114. Both Southlake and Sabre as noted in agreements of May 4,.1999 identified this option early as a potential solution. �. PTION 3: (Extend Trophy Wood Drive) This option provides for the best access and enhanced ommercial viability for Trophy Club of all the alternatives. Trophy Club has long intended for Trophy Wood to connect to the north frontage road of SH 114, this being their third point of access for the city. This option recognizes that desire and further recommends that they pursue a grade-separated crossing of SH 114 (probably below the main lanes) that would allow•Trophy Club free unrestricted access to SH 114 in all directions. OPTION 4: (New Road Parallel to Frontage Road through Sabre Project) This option proposes a new road north of and parallel to the north frontage road of SH 114. This option has more negative aspects than positive aspects and would,likely create unsafe traffic movements for all involved. Following 3 Pages: Matrix of Various Options and graphic depiction of these options. ' !, • . Kirkwood Blvd/T.W. King Closure- Options Analysis 3/17/00 3:49 PM Ref Option Comments 1 Existing Conditions Summary(with road closures) Positive: a) Kirkwood Blvd north of SH 114 would be closed to public traffic • Allows secure campus for Sabre World Headquarters Campus b) T.W.King north from Kirkwood to old T.W.King would be closed to public Negative: traffic. • Does not allow south-bound T.W.King traffic access to Kirkwood interchange to c) Satisfactory accommodations would be made along both Kirkwood and T.W. go east-bound on SH 114 King to allow for all emergency vehicle access through the Sabre property. d) Old T.W.King would remain open to allow unrestricted access to north T.W. King from SH 114. T.W.King southbound would still have unrestricted access to SH 114 for westbound movements but would not have access via the frontage road eastbound to Kirkwood. 2 Two-Way Frontage Road Positive: a) Change approximately 650'feet of the north frontage road from one-way to • Allows south-bound T.W.King traffic access to Kirkwood interchange to go two-way to allow east-bound access to the Kirkwood interchange. east-bound on SH 114 • Only one driveway intersects this segment and it is a infrequently used service drive. -- • It is a very short segment,approximately 600'(need to confirm length) • No drive lane reconstruction cost,3 lanes currently exist • Will actually be quicker access for Trophy Club people than the current configuration. • Will eliminate re-routed east-bound traffic thru Trophy Club • >Minimal disruption to existing site and building • Potential intersection signalization likely would aid in traffic management Negative: • TxDOT policies do not encourage two-way frontage roads. • Would require some modification of the Kirkwood interchange.(e.g.striping, signage,etc.) r • Proximity of on-ramp to old T.W.King.Location of on-ramp may move west in new improvements(need to confirm) • Proposed changes to intersection include"Texas Turnaround".The two-way access is more important than the turnaround in the short term. 3 Extend Trophy Wood Drive Positive: a) Extend Trophy Wood Drive south to intersect with SH 114 frontage road._ • Allows best direct access for Trophy Club residents to SH 114 both east and west b) -Provide for grade-separated crossing of SH 114 to south frontage road. bound. Shorter than current configuration. • Allows for best access to TC commercial property,creates corner location. Negative: . • Cost is likely high. • • 4 New Road Parallel to Frontage Road through Sabre Property Positive: a) Develop a new road parallel to the north frontage road of SH 114 which • Would allow access to Kirkwood Blvd.interchange for east-bound traffic. would connect old T.W.King to Kirkwood Blvd. Negative: • Creates unsafe traffic flow at Kirkwood Blvd with multiple direction movements. • Could not signalize intersection effectively. • Creates conflicts at two intersections(Kirkwood and old T.W.King) ' I , tt'A. 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Y " "y 2 • r ill ;Jer HL9 • Appendix 'B ' Traffic Impact Analysis A S • I _ Appendix 'Cr campus Sabre Corporate Protect proPle • — 0 SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS PROJECT PROFILE MARCH 15, 2000 mi um __,AA : _ ,.. , , ,,,.,,,,. ., ,, . ....A. , . , ., . 1 .,, 41 •. ou h k _ —a•GIII7 11.1�alms iL'3•:nW Iwo a-4:1'IFij Iww nm.i •'n.l Ills L. Iu Il m rT ...Tip r.�1 1 -_ 1 inem esiel a ammo S a wl�lsla} .,a BIM�ls e!L4 e19IMMINI III wle w MIN Mgr. _ w■w1041 A 91 M1911aiw no, Iw w'w wM. w 1491 e"5,"-t44.- a--' 44.. .ta •- SIlvAI.11m PC a elel�i11lsl rol'ror'rsp.. m...1 Tr'•a. ?yam, r: ' - - -•.•::• w,Ilw1ll �Rleirl!!IS�lSI R[',v�.�t� •x re' rs'I ..1 - ..� �T gui9��I�., i(�1 tcy 1_7. 1- , i rl 4'v pl !I Ii, t i 4402 rr 1 fi� •YJ4-Z7 i ..d� „.. tom• •m„ g rry ca T, t GIa�S y, .,�.ar: _ 1 QUICK-GLANCE SUMMARY: • 175 total acres: 156 acres to be added to the • Zoning: "NR PUD" Non-Residential Planned. existing 21-acre 375,057 s.f. development Unit Development District with • 2,011,000 s.f new construction to be phased "0-2" Office District and other related uses over 8 years • Phase I: 460,000 s.£, scheduled for • $540 million capital investment completion in the latter half of 2001 • $14 billion impact on the regional economy SABRE OVERVIEW: Sabre Inc. (NYSE: TSG) is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industrie§,with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. The 1999 revenues were $2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. ON earnings excluding special'items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. The company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide and more than 6,000 employees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. , � Existing Building Purchase 1 0ec,% r Ar• 4 i i ji' /' " .1 T ,, } :,.• i r - ,d �'1g.-wl k� I I_ „1Ik l'.;;;14.7, r '2,n 1 r ' I ,, L Il_,r1 1/.fir �}/v Js1''•.C�J _ i y<�4.'N 1 �I- • y44,T .,fi'N ril �,, .v _ IB1.�i �i19i qr., \ '• -- 4: !ii `,p.;;?;�r ;4 'i; --+ .qt- . fl11" 'fi �i I.1'�� 1' !'rn`Y\�:- ` �d� \• J"•`lit , , I ` ,'F iii,7,-.p ti ' (. l i• .�I o I `•i\`� ••. • t. • - '- �- :1 .\- •:'• ` 1 ties i; �y r i:'c'• � yl'f.>., Interior Streetscajr' ,,/r I `. � (r '' I; >,,fir d �: , !VV..,.... cp. 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North `,:= I°` . :' Y` »•tY^wl.'.'9ks`rrert�v"w:i:.Ta;•.,'•v>iL:•.ram .....an:r+',•.n�+�,e•ITA1i••.rw Hr.-eM-u.�.�.:y.,Y•..nY:ntAT'Y•.-+ ta... I SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE . - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 1 OF 3 i ..., • LOCATION: The Sabre project is located c ,e . on approximately 175 acres developed by y eR% Maguire Partners as part of the Solana /Tv. ! mixed use development.- The property is located at the southeast corner. of the liti • ! intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood Boulevard, southeast • •of the I ,At existing Sabre building on Kirkwood Blvd. . The development will be bounded by SH illik Dove Rd. 114 on the southwest and White Chapel on N the northeast. 1 sy . `4 Highland St. CONCEPT: The Sabre Corporate Campus M 1 j will consist of ten (10) connected low-rise it,. campus style office buildings g wrapped - i. around the natural terrain afforded by the; nt„ag site. It is anticipated that each building will' all ; Ilir not exceed five (5) stories in height. While there will be some surface parking, the majority of employee parking will be 26 accommodated in five (5) structured. I•t e parking buildings.. Using the benefits of the . . • existing trees and open areas,'Sabre plans to provide amenities such as jogging trails, ball fields and landscaped campus green spaces. Sabre's goal is to achieve "green building" certification status. This means that the;construction and operation of the campus will incorporate energy efficiency, water conservation, site preservation and other environmental guidelines endorsed by the US.Green Building Council,using the LEED rating system(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). , A significant component of the headquarters concept is the establishment of a secure site, which necessitates the privatization of the existing Kirkwood. Blvd. to the southeast of ;the SH 114 interchange, which will extend to provide internal service to the site. In addition, the portion of North T.W. King northeast of the existing Sabre building will become private. The old T.W. King Road will be reestablished west of this building. • . • ZONING: The property is "NR-PUD" Unit Non-Residential Planned p Development District zoned with "0-2," Office District uses and certain other permitted and accessory uses which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures; heliport/stop and verti-port/stop;hotel,restaurant,retail and office uses. 1 i _ ilk. , _, • , SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 2 OF 3 P • PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction will.occur in phases over an eight (8) year period. Current projections show the eventual size of the Sabre Campus will encompass over 2,000,000-square feet ' by late 2008, accommodating 10,000 employees. Phase I: On January 18, 2000, Sabre received approval from the Southlake City Council for its Development Plan and Phase One Site Plan. Construction on, the first phase began,immediately thereafter and is'scheduled for completion in the latter half of 2001. The first phase consists of two office buildings totaling 460,000 square feet and with a capacity of 2,000 employees,plus a parking structure with approximately 1,800 parking spaces. i FINANCIAL ISSUES: The entire project will require a capital investment by Sabre of more than $540 million over the next 10 years, which will include approximately $410 million, for the construction of the buildings and $130 million in high-tech communications and other equipment. The economic impact of this project through the year 2009 is estimated at $14 billion,,driven by all areas of purchasing; employment and operating functions. , On May 4, 1999, City Council approved a 10-year 90% abatement of the real and personal property taxes (City and County only) for each year of the multi-year construction program. !The Council also approved a Chapter 380 economic development agreement, which provides for the collection of sales tax generated by the construction materials for each phase of the project. The agreement provides that the City will refund one-half of 1% of tIxe sales tax received (i.e. 0.5%) for the construction material purchases. This will not affect the 0.5% for parks (SPDC) or the 0.5% for the IIIcrime control district which will be received in full. This refund will be facilitated by having Sabre require all contractors to pay sales tax for construction materials at the job site. Sabre will be , responsible for accounting and reporting of the sales tax to claim the refund. Over the 20-year period (1999-2019) it is estimated that the Sabre project would be assessed $34,043,846 for real and personal property taxes(land, building, equipment). With the abatement package Sabre will save approximately$20,796,681 in taxes with the City collecting the remaining $13,247,165. In addition, for the same 20-year period, $2,078,721 is estimated for city sales tax general fund revenue and $1,560,611 sales tax revenue going to. both the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) and the Crime Control District. Upon exhaustion .of all abatements and full build-out of the campus, the Sabre project is estimated to generate approximately$2,267,484 in taxes annually for the City of Southlake. CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Sabre project. t> City of Southlake ' t> Sabre Inc. Greg Last Dean Sanderson Director of Economic Development VP,Real Estate and Facility Operations (817)481-5581, ext..750 (817) 963-1118 • ! Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us l E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us Theda Page Whitehead Director of Corporate Media Relations ilo Maguire Partners (817) 967-1859 Tom Allen,Partner (817)430-0303 SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 3 OF 3 r City of SouthlakeIN Transmittal/Fax Sheet 667 N. Carroll Avenue Duthlo k Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 481-5581(extensions below) Fax: (817) 251-9051 _ E-Mail:econdev@,cLsouthlake tx.us Date: 3/7/00 4:20 PM Total Number of Pages Including this cover sheet: 1 PLEASE DELIVER ASAP -Thanks. 'To: Donna Welsh, Trophy Club City Manager Via Fax: 491-9312 To: Dean Sanderson, Sabre Via Fax: 967-4914 To: Richard Kuhlman,Maguire Partners Via Fax:430-8750 To: Wayne Olson,D'Ann Drennan, Donna Fielding Via Fax: 332-4740 To: Lance Vanzant, Hayes, Coffey&Berry,P.C. Via Fax: 940-565-0359 To: Larry Flynn, Flynn& Campbell Via Fax: 481-5464 To: Charles Salazar, Law Offices of Eddie Vassallo, P.C. Via.Fax: 214-559-7209 Copy: Billy Campbell, SL City Manager t. Via Fax: 329-1747 Copy: Sandra LeGrand, SL City Secretary Via Fax: 329-1747 Copy: Charlie Thomas, SL Director of Engineering Via Fax: 488-6796 Copy: James,Kunke, SL Public Information Officer Via Fax: 329-1747 TOPIC: Schedule for ROW Abandonment Ordinances Sender: Greg Last, Director of Econ. Development, ext. 750 glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Clean copy to be forwarded by mail? No _ Following is our anticipated schedule for processing the ROW abandonment ordinances vacating portions of Kirkwood Blvd. and T.W.King Road. If this should change for any reason we will make you aware of the changes. Date Item March 7, 2000 City Council, executive session only March 23, 2000 Planning and Zoning Commission, consideration of ordinances April 4,2000 City Council,First reading of ordinances April 18, 2000 City Council, Second reading of ordinances Feel free to call should you have any questions. GL Enc. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM February 10, 2000 , TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Meeting with Trophy Club Concerning Road Closure Issue Recall that I mentioned in the CM Notes last week that I would get back with you concerning the meeting with Trophy Club on Friday, February 4. In attendance at this meeting representing the City of Southlake„were Greg Last, 'Charlie Thomas; and myself. Also in attendance at the meeting were Trophy Club Mayor Englebeck and Mayor Pro Tem Benjamin Brewster, Town Manager Donna Welsh, and several of their consultants, along with Dean Sanderson with Sabre. Mayor Pro Tem Brewster facilitated the meeting with the general purpose of discussion being on alternatives to their road issues, and showing their new community'.`levelopment and city expansion plans. Attached is a handout of their map and development plans. They had a larger map exhibit thatishowed a northern road that would loop to the north end of T.W. King (in our city limits) and head westerly into the Marshall Creek area and ultimately come out onto SH 114 presumably at the new bypass. There were several more interior roads that would connect to that loop road. One of Trophy Club's alternatives was to have a road that entered T.W. King at a northerly-point thus diverting the traffic from the current temporary connection-to-this -new northerly point. They discussed that they could provide some resources to help rebuild that section of T.W. King. I suggested that if they were going to come to Council with this alternative, it would be a good idea to bring resources to the table. My thoughts to Trophy Club would be that even if Council were to considered this alternative, it would be my recommendation that Trophy Club would pay for the ultimate road in its entirety since none of these roads are a part of our CIP (nor do they need to be at the current or near future traffic load especially since it would be serving mostly Trophy Club traffic). I explained that if an agreement for a frontage road could not be reached with TxDOT and Sabre on a southern route, then Trophy Club would be diverting their traffic from T.W. King to Bob Jones to White Chapel, which according to them would be approximately 5,000 cars per day. . er..vd S - II-0-0 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Trophy Club Road Issue Update • February 10, 2000 Page 2 In their development plans, it shows a considerable increase in residential housing at the northern area of their community, which would indicate that those cars wouldl also use the T.W. King route. Another alternative was for Sabre to construct a road on their property meandering around their facility and waterscape. Dean stated that he would look at this alternative, but could not comment at this time since he had not had a chance to study this option. I stated that the City Council probably would support Sabre on whatever they wanted to do on Sabre's property. We again emphasized the need to approach TxDOT ;in a unified presentation on the two-way frontage road or any other alternatives, that included TxDOT. Greg Last also provided them with several road alternatives' that would enhance their community development efforts. We will continue to work with Trophy Club towards some type of resolution, but 'I am concerned that the initial master planning of Trophy Club was to provide a unique predominately residential atmosphere with an ,eye towards security thus the limited entrance concept This design may not serve them as well today as it did in its original ii• inception.. But, should we place the burden on our taxpayers to solve their road issues? While on this subject, Sabre has informed us that they plan to proceed with an ordinance to,abandon the road at the first meeting in March. However, they still do not intend to actually close the road any earlier than originally anticipated. They are wanting to get the paper work complete. If they bring this ordinance forward, we:need to have them go on record that they will not close this road before their previously stated closing date. Another subject that was discussed was the possibility of a joint use water tower at our -- T.W. King site. -My comment to them was that this Council has always looked for:.joint use opportunities, and that we would not overlook any opportunity in those areas that would be of a benefit to both cities. i6 ---- .- _ , BC S t SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS 41 _a_ _ 1=1 PROJECT PROFILE MARCH 15, 2000 •i. . >t�., - , -'�i�;: - >u.`.;a�'.<;•:..�_e;, �% six. .f' auth[ak ,a _ ma 'i= n 'lamf"`,xru'Y ... sw's,r �•— Jim',•, m mm�ucr I—az.00" 'p mleBIE (®(m VII MI m ir+m A:�lej "o cii i,._ - e(e(m(xa(m pppvm m m, -a�' m a(er,efA riie.„e,A eta e f A AVA A A P 1 r , m e(e eiA RS A R T'l v..,rL - ,.- ®iafaietm a[ ata'®{e eae nlnsn,r. ,e, �> i c+ el •-.t.._.Y� ' 3: � z . • :s.'k;® .'4.g rrgi grata°°fig ^r r fe4j;l�l� °— Y• — '' 1F�r u fi it • .,x..' .__, -, `4 ri•.•-fii. atJ ... 1 t.fia..`.:7 r �"l.: a`.JL. . _. QUICK—GLANCE SUMMARY: • 175 total acres: 156 acres to be added to the • Zoning: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned existing 21-acre 375,057 s.f. development Unit Development District with • 2,011,000 s.f new construction to be phased "0-2" Office District and other related uses over 8 years • Phase I: 460,000 s.f., scheduled for • $540 million capital investment completion in the latter half of 2001 • $14 billion impact on the regional economy SABRE OVERVIEW: Sabre Inc. (NYSE: TSG) is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. The 1999 revenues were $2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings excluding special items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. The • company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide and more than 6,000 employees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. '): ` Existing Building Purchase '.r �t -,! a%�.' i:, r: //rram - , ':�•;% ,'C�\/ _ �:'=-�• -- __ �. ;l �� Y ',3 t T7 � l� J. 61 1.T r \\- _ _ :•� '{`--• t ; r .S'=: s�ti _Y f t Yy' s• '"�'�t.A4 I I 1 Yt� ./ -/•' ..�,� ,..� 4 --'-'•� •'6:' — �� ;:ice , ,4 it 91 1 , — .: t iigiMtr ...: ". /1 11 `3 ,�i (��A (� Y/ 4 �M1�1' 1 ,S G%w •\ '' _ il�.t 4 r.; — '�� ,./•1•'I '+." 44= 'fir: ""`` r- ,,.ri_. d -., i : :s :ti�.'..,!., ,• -4. II ,, 2i t ' il,t'`�r r-- 1, . t; �, k� r-x z'a � InteriorStreetscape-' " ' `<" \ . JIQ : - L' nl may J ;✓ ,fr {r�,,�'� .rw' .�Ah; '_t?�i;.:' , ,;. \A, !! 1 t • �,Yff /.f /G �r-'lam i•Ify,.1 r �,�' ri1'- } .:\U'-'. :•t -.�!,Y �.,` '1,0. ,, .t,. .,-. -,( . j(f� y i �' _.,r_ i f't`� r i ti'�s..�f t w 2 !' ,:i,. - �' ,•F i '4, r. _ =,• t d J #. {r ,„ �ri :z,,. aunoJr :moo/__ `rr':�. 4:`{ram?'s r, 4. '` t. �: R r L�S1aon �rl A ^i. R 4 i�tF� �', \t z i r ':1rt'• e •zr,' q�iia io'r. F iM,.: ' � \ •\ ..�a ',1, - �,s_,_ "1"�" ;n " .__ ,,rY46�.,. art•,.it e'„ .., :5-,--. �.;n:,'. • f ) North <..•▪ _. • r ems_ • , . 1,, ,, ,.\\-......., -t?.= - _-.. f \k.� d! i s •r:.' ,v SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 1 OF 3 i ,/ LOCATION: The Sabre project is located. o��e on approximately 175 acres developed by ^�-�_y°eR�e • Maguire Partners as part of the Solana � mixed use development. The property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood Boulevard, southeast of the ' existing Sabre building on Kirkwood Blvd. 1 The development.will be bounded by SH Mk Dove Rd. 114 on the southwest and White chapel on N the northeast. -`�4 Highland St. CONCEPT: The Sabre Corporate. Campus o , a will consist of ten (10) connected low-rise ' iiii if lihmillt.,7 campus style office buildings wrapped `° 1 around the natural terrain afforded by the, Fm„09 site. It is anticipated that each building will ' not exceed five (5) stories in height. While _ . 'Fr , there will be some surface parking, the majority of employee parking will be ��e accommodated in five (5) structured I,. 5 parking buildings. Using the benefits of the , Sexisting trees and open areas, Sabre plans to provide amenities such as jogging trails, ball fields and landscaped campus green spaces. Sabre's goal is to achieve "green building" certification status. This means that the construction, and operation of' the campus will incorporate energy efficiency, water conservation, site preservation and other environmental guidelines endorsed by the US Green Building Council, using the LEED rating system(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). A significant componentof the headquarters concept is the establishment of a secure site, which necessitates the privatization of the existing Kirkwood Blvd. to the southeast of the SH 114 interchange, which will extend to provide internal service to the site. In addition, the portionof North T.W. King northeast of the existing Sabre building will become private. The old T.W. King Road will be reestablished west of this building. , ZONING: The property is zoned "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "0-2," Office District uses-and certain other permitted and accessory uses which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures; heliport/stop and verti-port/stop; hotel,restaurant,retail and office uses. 1 ill, . SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - , PAGE 2 OF 3 1 • k 7 PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction will occur in phases over an eight (8) year period. Current • projections show the eventual size of the Sabre Campus will encompass over 2,000,00'0 square feet by late 2008, accommodating 10,000 employees. - Phase I: On January 18, 2000, Sabre received approval from the Southlake City Council for its Development Plan and Phase One Site Plan. Construction on the first phase began immediately thereafter and is scheduled for completion in the latter half of 2001. The first phase consists of two office buildings totaling 460,000 square feet and with a capacity of 2,000 employees,plus a parking structure with approximately 1,800 parking spaces. FINANCIAL ISSUES: The entire project will require a capital investment by Sabre of more than $540 million over the next 10 years, which will include approximately $410..million for the construction of the buildings and $130 million in high-tech communications and other equipment. • The economic impact of this project through the year 2009.is estimated at $14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and operating functions. , 1 On May 4, 1999, City Council approved a 10-year 90% abatement of the real and personal property taxes (City and County only) for each year of the multi-year construction program. iThe Council also approved a Chapter 380 economic development agreement, which provides for the collection of sales tax generated by the construction materials for each phase of the project. The agreement provides that the City will refund one-half of 1% of tie sales tax received (i.e. 0.5%) for the construction material purchases. This will not affect the 0:5% for parks (SPDC) or the 0.5% for the crime control district which will be received in full. This refund will be facilitated by having Sabre • require all contractors to pay sales tax for construction materials at the job site. Sabre will be responsible for accounting and reporting of the sales tax to claim the refund. Over the 20-year period (1999-2019) it is estimated that the Sabre project would be assessed $34,043,846 for real and personal property taxes (land, building, equipment). With the abatement package Sabre will save approximately $20,796,681 in taxes with the City collecting the remaining $13,247,165. In addition, for the same 20-year period, $2,078,721 is estimated for city sales tax general fund revenue and $1,560,611. sales tax revenue going to both the Southlake Park •- -Development Corporation.- (SPDC) and the Crime Control District. Upon exhaustion .of._all _ abatements and full build-out of the campus, the Sabre project is estimated ' to generate approximately$2,267,484 in taxes annually for the City of Southlake. ' I CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Sabre project. . r City of Southlake r> Sabre Inc. ' Greg Last Dean Sanderson ' Director of Economic Development VP,Real Estate and Facility Operations (817)481-5581, ext. 750 (817) 963-1118 Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us . Theda Page Whitehead Director of Corporate Media Relations Maguire Partners (817) 967-1859 Tom Allen,Partner . (817)430-0303• , - , ' SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 3 OF 3 • GATEWAY PLAZA 0 ,, •-- , _ PROJECT PROFILE March 15, 2000 .r -. -� �._ ;�:C,'�`��-"���i%'%sr:;�`,"_;•:;���3:�i ei'rty f frr n f.'�..:f,P �,,. • , , ' ter,.»1;;.-. r < i .:. - ,r, i:. ,, r �'J l r f r f '� ..,`•:•.-_ �y�yrn/ • x • ���� 111111+"'�\ ,b'�. art e•``i- •�u r` �� 1?" ! 1 �aS.;.4. dA� �.� 4, 1 7 Q sry-tF` ,yt :.e.,l'. b r a , f --r�-� ,,�,��,, '-, :f eagribnt D ,. �r 7 :3�h1 t• I is r�,tb Ndy F Lx r, i',.s„. QUICK-GLANCE SUMMARY: • 38 acres • Grand Opening - June 2000 • Zoning: "SP-2" Generalized Site Plan District • 357,000 + s.f. retail&restaurant uses, with limited "C-3" General Commercial District with two pad sites for future uses development CONCEPT: Gateway Plaza is a comprehensively planned development incorporating approximately twelve buildings within the central development (over 321,000 square feet), seven pad sites (over 36,000 square feet), and two lots (Lot 4 and Lot 5) for future development. q:9+ 0 1 9 =lir e' x a3 r ' p Q � -s *ora• ' tat'Hi ,,,,. Si;?T:u_ = tFuL i.42!..t: Ir ! roQ'`,.9 e Ads. nta9 Oaci ct , ►-_—=• - .t, .... - Northwest Highway Extension . rTo• f 7}„E �rai-Tr �,., �;...J �mez.- 3-3 4 .{S '41 - r 00 it $4qLj i�•4 r�mo� iii{ �'�t` i :x ,a ii 'u I Mj it.it #� sqy, ' irrevw r=i:1_�Ic p , k i]- P.i '8'_J _ — L. _'.:__•..—. i:�i] i7�.99Z" 46y J 18ro;;::. I37•U'3 B ;1` 'r'`i•,Y.. • hlt.�y- ,� p m, \l 0.. Ail lafl ��I1 � 1 'IIe- .<) -�-� .' Y( & {�Z��C� � r�j s's'�'� "?+�,: �,R�k'.Ze Il ,Ulflp� If�i�.. `:L1 r f �1 �.� �j .l�yZ t aws, �sn' tt: of-'tm ar u'Fr ,:,um aJ; e aa�y 0 { i' :.li�fl: I'''ii_'..P' _ "`bci.J.__.244 4. '�Q,O` `K • _..Y�` 4 1.11 per'ci\ ,., .� PALL T_; . H Oa • .5 :9 .. •+...I ®•`.y= ,Q •., 1{, !- 0'. Ufa„ -71 _i� fir-:i c9' - .y, I` } G, Q7 +U off;,j,.;-IS, . at_ _u.::.- C.ilgeij '� M 17091 _ s rmaa.�... _-- ` ke glvd,l� ___ S1TF, PLAN — s gouth a ..,..0., . b,t of— . 1 — 0 „. . , --- i, I sL LOCATION: The Gateway Plaza project is located on � � • approximately 38 acres at the northwest corner of the �' �,. intersection of State Highway 114 and East Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). The project will have access to A' ., Northwest Highway with the completion of a bridge and ti highway extension planned by Texas Department of 1 A Transportation, construction scheduled tobe in in ilk Dave Rd. 1 N p � beginJanuary 2000. 114 I-0gNe M SL ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with1 limited "C-3" General Commercial District uses =111311111 ; excluding the following uses: conventional golf courses, `�'. including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but IItii,_. excluding outdoor miniature golf courses; lodges, • on men a :v.: sororities and/or fraternities; care homes; mortuaries, Fr funeral homes and undertakers; plumbing and heating I 5 appliances, repair and installation services...; business - ' colleges or private schools for vocational training of office related careers, such as stenographers, executive secretaries, etc.; frozen food lockers for individual or family use, not including the processing of food except cutting or wrapping; radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios; and requiring that Building 13 be contained in its own lot and to allow single story 0-1 (Office district) uses only or a sit-down restaurant with table service within the.same pavement envelope. 0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: -The zoning and concept plan were approved on October 6, 1998. -The site plan was approved on February 2, 1999. - Construction began in the first quarter of 1999 with the opening scheduled for June 1, 2000. FINANCIAL ISSUES: The Gateway Plaza project is estimated to have a construction value of $30,000,000 for the main complex and $5,000,000 for all pad sites at the time of completion of the development. TENANTS: (Confirmed as of March.1, 2000) • Aaron's Arts &Frames .♦ Krause's Furniture • Bakers Bros. Deli • Leather Direct • Bank of America • Mattress Firm • Calico Corners - • Michaels • . Carpet Mills America • Office Max • Center Cleaners • Old Navy • Chipotles Restaurants • Pizza King • Churchill's Fireside &Patio • Rack Room Shoes • Cool Cuts • Red,Hot&Blue S . Dress Barn ♦ ' T.J. Max • Fitness Headquarters • Thomasville Galleries - • Home Theater Store - • Ulta III • Kohl's GATEWAY PLAZA - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 2 OF 3 ft I 1 • DEVELOPER: Lincoln Property Company was formed in 1965 as a development company, for the purpose of building and operating high quality residential communities. . In the early 1970's, Lincoln began to expand its product mix to include the full spectrum of commercial I properties -- suburban low rise and urban high-rise offices; industrial facilities; neighborhood shopping and specialty retail centers; major mixed-use developments with hotels; .and build-to-suit properties. Lincoln developments have been widely recognized as landmarks in their communities for their . ' design, quality, and superior locations. By the end of the 1980's, these projects valued in excess of $12 billion. The successful completion of these diverse, nation-wide development projects required that Lincoln also develop the capabilities, systems, and organization to manage one of the largest portfolios in the country.. . Lincoln began to gain national recognition for effective management of our own commercial real estate properties and was asked to provide real estate services for other investors and owners around the country. As the 1980's ended, Lincoln responded to the fundamental restructuring of the real estate industry by placing even greater emphasis on our service capabilities, systems development, and overall ability to serve our growing list of clients. s . i • Today, Lincoln Property Company is one of the largest, most respected diversified-real estate services firms in the United States, employing over 4,000 people. Lincoln has established a presence in over 100.markets in 19 states and manages over 120 million square feet of commercial property nationwide, valued at over$6.4 billion. I+. (Source: http://www.lincolnproperty.com/eastern/index.html)' SCONTACTS: The following contacts are familiar with the Gateway Plaza project: > City of Southlake . ' Economic Development Department, (817) 481-5581 j Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 _ Stefanie E. Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 . Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us - r Lincoln Property Company Robert Dozier, Senior Vice President Lincoln Plaza • 500 N. Akard, Suite 3300 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 740-3300 I 0, GATEWAY PLAZA - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 3 OF 3 p CROSSROADS SQUARE 0 •.i. PROJECT PROFILE MARCH 15, 2000 ------I_ 1l—.—:1 .-^ -k .t v. - - '';i-. -_ - - I�= ®iiN�. a Pq 519p "1, ' QUICK GLANCE SUMMARY: • 7.7 acres • 78,000 s.f. retail and office uses • Zoning: "SP-2" Generalized Site Plan District with • Grand Opening - July 2000 limited "C-3" General Commercial District uses CONCEPT: Crossroads Square is a comprehensively revised developmentilY incorporating retail and office uses, with @".`_m'7. Crossroads Sq are�i�flan T� °� approximately 15,000 square feet of lease ' 'r" `; i ':` 'W„ y 4-. -,4`, T01 �4,1 ycafG WA`tt r���Jc`�}+�� �d y]inirl��.�, )al }. �4 t5��` "- -, � spaces and a 63,959 square foot Tom Thumb G }y Fr'' �_ "' '` 1Fa1 1,Qf`iPi'�'o '.v� � 4 n�f�4�}�i. i.,k -t'� i!t d. anchor for a total of over 78,000 square feet. j m' P T y 3." w ' "' of 'p 1� ' � r* , Fort n � m yJ� > ' The original development incorporated 'y< '' "x'• ��`0w. & t1 I-i(...ar.4:¢'o-. a� ra.� p `4' t r ¢ w. , .";:,sip t• {Ed :' approximately 68,876 square feet. ®, 11 f ,�, ' ". , � �,1, �k B ' r • ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan z} 14-.04 ¢ ttt District with limited "C-3" General ` ' ,- Ao — ,..,... .., �"`t. ,r �` I Commercial District, excluding the following - 5} "�' "t t F ,' -A. frozen food lockers ® .l uses: for individual or i r '' ���" ' ��-�1,« °m� r 4�;��;�; ;�'" ; „z ����'m� familyuse, not mcludin the processing of 1, ry ,•� �' 40�, ' `-"" '` ,rs` ` hlbn'�. .?i�;`�' � L'' is ' -�'J%.� except cutting - '`.s',ass,.. F r, ;,, K,:r, -r food uttin or wrapping• movie '� ''r ,-�: F;�:��..i•.,, >(° k�";4;�;'�v,- "�:r:,<_'=�,,-::�.- theaters; alleys; conventional golf _` _ '�� „ .,ro::. `� f... bowfin ;�(� ,Ar.����s; ' �_� , �F..�r.+��;,,�yT",� :;;�.,s�,•.�.i..< ? �. g Y '41 ,,,,,..,1--,:,-,.., . ,::,1:7,.,- ©T,.p. .,. Yam:11V y courses, includin ',„ `-s .t 3.-•: „ -A ..- ';; g outdoor driving ranges ,,.„._ 5� :':._ . �, F,. °..j.,,,,.,,•� : .. . e accessorythereto, but ' ` ``;�. , ,� �T .. k* �zW. excludin outdoor Ol 'K' ' i--. :a °`„�`• .%;s' .--- ; .,`j ; ,�a,4:; g i�r ; a • r miniature ":�" `` 'golf courses; lodges, sororities .�� . ` _:�x•�.' �''�_^ ��E�, .fi �n ,�r�_ ;.� '�' t; :: ,fraternities• medical care f _Y:.-. : '. : 4:, "' z_�� .�.` N.P.d/or ,• a:;��. ��n_.. ���.�: :�t:�:���x�;r;k��'�`�4s=r �:a acilities to -} �, _ '.,w �#._. �•>•.�{- t�,:,:� .. �:�,- :,_ include nursing and care homes, hospitals with 1 1,,; _,: (<ii, F,'C�-` 1-- '',,▪ `, .I .; their related facilities and supportive ' 4 ve retail and ,p ,': : ,e,,,>�;. ,; t,;i�^��,,.14 ,,:. F•:wog4;, personal service uses operated by - - ,. <�vY ,,% t",�" 9� x e t •*� ,; _- or under the -�`� .,,,hC .,n.�,`�"z r t�{ �`�� ''= Yi y'i U•Il .l .S" .,,r��`..• �?y1.J�,^t =4�. h�\,� II control of the hospital primarily Pk.Zji ._ _" .''' . t"• �t,._ n r: , 1 for the a �t,.,r k, 1 4,T w• } , i , convenience of patients, staff and visitors; �W Ati .��� , �� xf `�., � � ., � �� ,� .,5� f �n� , t, ®7js*'ter#3sfac -r�2+��▪ K'�rt�'2�}``� !� mortuaries, funeral homes and T i • ,� ..., �. - f i undertakers; <<.,f.cam r ,-, , I.F,''£ _.9K•_.,',14 _-__-_-_.7:,tr_ -- g (indoor only); ;r<": .:.,- 4 t, skatin rinks, ice and roller (ind Y); and ., ` ;,,,r : ''--,y- F; I,0A`.ii ' �:.L,:;..:1,▪_:-, : _. -`_ i E;h r<� 1 F�s r —: -, -; 1..„--1-.-1 taverns, clubs, and other comparable --,'., :` a}; Fad ` • establishmentsx y :� 'r :i? k ,w.r. .�..�,s'".. } which the on-premisesy�.: -,...,:-1,-.:��r:4 _ :.� g,r�:�.:�7_...__... under ,_y . '-. r W''= °-�= - =r-x'�-;# a . : 's.µ:me -:fit t 091 consumption of alcoholic beverages is `_`�-"_ -_ ���.south '="'````` • permitted subject to issuance of a special use permit. CROSSROADS SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 1 OF 2 C. LOCATION: The Crossroads Square project is located on • 4,4e' , approximately 7.7 acres at the northwest corner of the p A intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and North White Chapel Boulevard. A` Dove Rd. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction began in the third quarter of 1999, with the Grand Opening scheduled for July ib, 23, 2000. ; FINANCIAL ISSUES: The Crossroads Square project is d �� estimated to have a construction value of$2.2 million. �t TENANTS (confirmed as of March 2000): VIIMINVIN • Back to Basic Health Sho e • Mail Co Plus OMripPPY . • Brown& Ceron,DDS • Pizza Hut • Diamonds by Hanna • Subway • Duncan's Dry Cleaners &Laundry • Tom Thumb • Eclipse Salon CONTACTS: The following contacts are familiar with the, Crossroads Square project: S i. City of Southlake • Economic Development Department, (817) 481-5581 Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 Stefanie E. Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us . r> North American Property Co. Chuck Keller 14990 Landmark Dallas,Tx. 75240 (972) 866-9555 Leasing Agent contact info: Krista Barrier, North American Property Co. 14990 Landmark Dallas, Tx. 75240 (972) 866-9555 • CROSSROADS SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 2 OF 2 -' LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT ml PROJECT PROFILE MARCH 15, 2000 0, 1____-=--_-.4 1 . outhlak- �0' 6� of I�!! jI_JflhIIflI;I ■ l .ru iaai E ihm :imi.lie_niimii ift_ CONCEPT: A 135,000 square foot home improvement o, `,,R� warehouse with a 20,000 square foot garden center. Lowe's Southlake location is estimated to employ 150—200 people. LOCATION: Approximately 17.5 acres located on the east side of Kimball Avenue between State Highway 114 and E. A Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). , N sy� `l9 HigAlald st. ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District. 0 _ RI. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction began February 7, matirdiLsp. 2000,with an estimated grand opening in November 2000. 1, APIPPRINIFOOVIIIIr • FINANCIAL ISSUES: The project has an estimated s construction value of 4.5 million dollars.. COMPANY PROFILE: Lowe's is one of America's largest retailers with 536 stores in 37 states with annual sales in excess of$13 billion. Lowe's employs more than 70,000 people and in 1998 was listed in FORTUNE magazine as one of the "100 Best Companies to Work for in America." Lowe's ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Program), one of the first of its kind, has been recognized by Congress and is one of the largest ESOPs in the nation; employees own nearly 12% of Lowe's stock valued at more than$1 billion. Lowe's takes an active part in the communities it serves through programs like Lowe's Charitable and Education Foundation and Lowe's Home Safety Council. (Source: www.lowes.com) CONTACTS: The following contacts familiar with the Lowe's Home Improvement project: City of Southlake > Lowe's Home Centers,Inc. Economic Development Department (336) 658-4000 (817)481-5581 Robin Nickles Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 P.O. Box 1111 Stefanie E. Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 N. Wilkesboro,NC 28656 • Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us Website: www.lowes.com E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us • LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGEI1 OF 1 OTHE BUSINESS PRESS 0 SITE SELECTION • . ALLIANCE SPRING MAGAZINE TOP 10 DEALS OF 1999 MARCH 24,2000 MAY 2000 • rjTON ! 4(IV 9 f 1, � / / �ke I Embrace he Vision! 1L , 317 \ ? .._., Embrace The Vision! 1 Iti jI .,, ; Y s r' � cz , p1�es �PI'SI t,. } r Ir �:1 L.Ne n°"` T• `.a � �s � it ` `'F���3.`,� S` �r �~1 �"'� { '- °Ssr'�S .z�' _ ... +� I'll I D I@ L..17. � lip; /C� amharmf��l��11 i4 ) E 'u I I C d11F.� ..� (`.}-/a ''' ' =' ^'c�Ti ,kr�'r'"�Likt .'�L�s`> �i,-�-'• LermmLe RifiF 6 `' Y 4 I "fir'�` 4..� Lt .r' ��,,,�sf� .Atir :... t C� D iII f�A sYt o o D 11 r.—�'1 j� lY*'sy'�'• .-�' l'` `)y�'11,`,��'-�� fQ• i-L .Na'� �J�,'7 5E {14, w c r f-S". �t` CPRROLLTON1 .yam}K .'"��W�:O � 4I�'t> (}'�IC"�rf'I�,�' ��'� ��4' 1 111111 1 Y �:t �}.J �I����.JI F'.'�l 6.© > r1xFlfxl.*:Lt:.j .I.rim '�".Y.�.:A-i•...:'TyY/S,neY L st�G�'c?C;t- Am nxca SOUII 4411111 1 .0 1 tiY - �Ta� 1 DEMON 1 xm.a. RNil% 1 il� 10 IP AIRPORT t *111011% / ''' DALLASlo, • N'°��,,.. •• it 111 .• A .,,. FORT WORTH INkii ArARLaOTOx �, , C.IIPOLLTON iiiii '1:--1 c, dr, ,.. ..0 ti. 'it3•+L"+.,... __ev.:, _q.' [._,-;--,K: _ __ _,-I ®:.1 11® 1 DEW ppppy�xx 1((kk��� ®,A A��l��•e[3�{�9ii F3Q� L... ' AIRr- ��u ua � fRu*�4' �.+�y'1 '•1 J�? v! Z ry al l e it wY�y xL a' r i TLis"�rv�a� �' r ,, wiNO DALLAS 4 `� �,— �ID)�•I R al 1i;1�I T`I I-�;L7 al:u f .:1,,k'�I E:... .•a+li �` o 7. FORT WORTH �_. ,:I1 d1 t3i 6 •- hall ;, ..e..._ �'- .macron 6. 11: 111 --viadiv e ,:irts A. Sabre World Headquarters Economic Development Department —�� `� ♦ Corporate Sites Available Phone: (817)481-5581 Ext. 776 Sabre World Headquarters Economic Development Department ♦ Excellent School Districts Website:www.ci.southlake.tx.us ♦ Corporate Sites Available Phone: (817)481-5581 Ext.776 ♦ SH 114 Expansion Underway E-Mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us Excellent School Districts Website:www.ci.southlake.tx.us 40.SH 114 Expansion Underway E-Mail:econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us DALLAS BUSINESS JOURNAL BEST DEALS 1999 FEBRUARY 25,2000 S S �.q..�4y{t 9 yi ,l.,h �? t*:.' '''', t 'F2• !` ! _,,,. [ft :lam't. :' !,r !/`-� - .. 4; , ;z;c""l `• ;z,_,;;_E br,-,a-he�,Uisic�n'•,•.. :. 1.1.�_, ice_ I. tw.4'/,,. ,,Ylµi - ,'.$}1 rt.. ply!, A1P _:jt • I ;yt C `} t rr� k -11 ~0 2. pl.M• � •! r1 'S 11 f' 1-1�L L i I�gk ,:il. •rvr . "^fie 4\{ ;�.. 41ec}a# «'t ,y .1r ?- w 1 ! h x+, a`'' +..y�-',4g` 5 S` y �ytr{� ry, Jrr i� I r ttf •, i i n `i ^ r c -,rw o t a , Tr tti�, �r{S �' Si Z ,ram €,v Acir ;. ,rrasw,a 4� a n �'th a s p: 4r�+Y4gA.4 �# YY us °' ?' rn;• 1.,-* °i.,r`C• x •- 'k d y rongra ldtibns v, nbre,0.11 21:0%`a'atigrs, :.% 01 Y} ' e', ) I . €L'F S,Ok4l ll•+ . iA.0 lSt '#j-°'rlt� �I. . i;:-°. �t.onlbeovi.,a 43esitotals o,f a199 f,in lssty f� �+c1;y. 4y1 t,A k: of is �1£4 t • r.?' y y i3.'1 y. ,v- DENTOri7 LAKE / •• LE�MI6VILLE PLANO -.. t i I.i Le;;Irly1CLE *'\----""".....' :C° S aY1 V. •••aaui BBp _ r`• , ..„„id®IL CARROLLTON illiP iliiii411111410, gliiii1161 Alliance Airport t5 id liatif2l ..144„. oti AIRPORT „a OP' !evillORIT.P4H _ �ADALLAS 'I wVINOFORT — ik l� Economic Development Department 111\121t44 i4 Phone: (817) 481-5581 Ext. 776 outhlak- E-Mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us `°°°"Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us • Sabre World Headquarters • S.H. 114 Expansion Underway • Strategic Corporate Sites • Excellent School Districts Available • High Disposable Income Submittal To Texas Department of Transportation From City of Southlake Town of Trophy Club Sabre, Inc. Maguire Partners t S.H. 114 at Kirkwood Interchange - Two-way Frontage Road Recommendation March 16;2000r•,, II p0046.1 i-ri Dove Rd A , st N Sy771 0 a 71..11,, limyquiw,,,, ,,,,,. .,..,. . „ : ,. ...itimira.,..„ 0 TxDOT Submittal do Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:40.AM Page 1 of 7 DRAFT DATE:3/15/0 01:54 PM Mr. Steve Simmons District Engineer Texas Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 6868 Fort Worth,Tx 76115-0868 Re: S.H. 114 at Kirkwood Blvd. &T.W.King: TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROAD Southlake/Trophy Club/Sabre/MaguirePartners Dear Mr. Simmons: As you are aware, we have been working for several months to evaluate alternative means of access near the S.H. 114 and Kirkwood interchange necessitated by the closure of portions of T.W. King Road and Kirkwood Blvd. in Southlake:.We regret that TxDOT was brought into these negotiations prematurely by members of the media and hope that you will find our submittal provides considerable new information for your evaluation. The Sabre World Headquarters Campus consolidation project brings approximately $540 million in capital investment with an overall impact yf approximately $14 billion to our region and the State of Texas. We sincerely hope that you will give our submittal a dedicated review and it is our belief that you will find this location has many unique characteristics allowing departure from your standing policy discouraging two-way frontage roads,while still maintaining the integrity of the policy. We appreciate your time and attention and stand ready to answer any questions that might arise. Sincerely, • City of Southlake Town of Trophy Club Rick Stacy,Mayor Marshall Engelbeck,Mayor Sabre Maguire Partners Bill Hannigan, CEO Tom Allen,Partner 0. a ..oddns Jo stioprn RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE SABRE WORLD HEADQUARTERS CAMPUS AS A SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE NORTH TEXAS REGION; RECOGNIZING SITE SPECIFIC CRITERIA CREATING UNIQUE TRANSPORTATION NEEDS; RECOGNIZING COMMUNITY SUPPORT; AND REQUESTING THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVAL OF A TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROAD FOR A SMALL SEGMENT OF ROADWAY ALONG STATE HIGHWAY 114. WHEREAS, the State of Texas, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, the Metroport Cities Partnership and the City of Southlake were successful in attracting and retaining the consolidation of the Sabre World Headquarters Campus in the City of Southlake along S.H. 114; and, • WHEREAS, the Sabre Headquarters Campus will require a capital investment of more than $540 million during the next 10 years and will include over two million square feet of corporate office construction on 156 acres; and, WHEREAS, the economic impact of the Sabre Campus to north Texas through the year 2009 is estimated at $14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and operating functions; and, • WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation maintains a valid policy limiting the number and addition of two-way frontage roads throughout the state,but as policy rather than law, allows for the rational evaluation of various aspects of unique situations; and, WHEREAS, an evaluation of technical aspects of a two-way frontage road has been completed and the following items represent unique site-specific aspects of the traffic movements warranting departure from said policy: • The overall length of the two-way segment is very short, approximately 650 feet • Overall speeds along this segment should be very slow due to the limited length of the segment • There are no intersecting driveways on this segment of frontage road • Traffic patterns are peak-hour related rather than high at all hours • The installation of a traffic signal at the intersection would add greatly to the safety of the intersection of Kirkwood and S.H. 114 • Conflict points throughout the intersection are very few and can be mitigated with appropriate engineering devises(e.g. signs, striping,pavement arrows,traffic islands) • There is no frontage road intended along S.H. 114 east of Kirkwood, eliminating a one- way westbound expectation for frontage road travelers • Joint desire between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club, Town of Westlake, Maguire Partners and Sabre to eliminate the "Texas Turnaround" at the intersection in favor of the two-way frontage road; and, • WHEREAS, several alternatives have been evaluated and the two-way frontage road is the most environmentally friendly and lessens the environmental impact of more circuitous traffic movements for all adjacent parties;and, WHEREAS, the proposed two-way frontage road alternative would be short term in nature, pending improvements to Trophy Wood Drive and a west-bound turnaround at the Precinct Line interchange; and, WHEREAS, emergency access and evacuation planning is enhanced when utilizing the two-way frontage road alternative; and, WHEREAS,the Texas Department of Transportation considers the economic benefit and the service to the public when evaluating decisions that impact public roadway facilities; and WHEREAS, the communities surrounding and impacted by the potential change of this frontage road to two-way are in support of this change; and, WHEREAS, engineering studies have been completed evaluating all aspects required of a two-way frontage road and further find that this. solution can be implemented for safe and efficient movement of public transportation. • NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Section 1. The City / Town of requests that the Texas Department of Transportation find that the unique aspects of this particular location and the many mitigating circumstances warrant departure from its usual policy limiting two-way frontage roads; and, Section 2. The City / Town of requests that the Texas Department of Transportation approve of a two-way frontage road along a small segment of S.H. 114 allowing the continued development of appropriate engineering plans. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,TEXAS ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney N:\Econdev\Prospects\Sabre\two-way-frontage\resolutions\Txdot-res-03.doc Draft 3:3/2/00 5:12 PM Engineering Report And N Recommendation E* Texas Department of Transportation Submittal and Engineering Report S.H. 114 Two-Way Frontage Road Recommendation INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW Sabre Campus Project Overview: The Sabre World Headquarters Campus is to be located at the southeast corner of the intersection of S.H. 114 and Kirkwood Blvd in Southlake, Texas. The consolidation and expansion of Sabre's World Headquarters Campus will require a capital investment of more than $540 million during the next 10 years, which will include approximately $410 million for construction of buildings and $130 million in high-tech communications and other equipment. The economic impact of this project to north Texas through the year 2009 is estimated at$14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and operating functions. The campus project is programmed for more than two (2)million square feet of office buildings on approximately 156 acres of land. (See Appendix'C'for complete Sabre Project Profile) , r. Kirkwood Blvd. / T.W. King Privatization: A closed secture campus was a fundamental criterion during Sabre's site evaluation phase and was a key factor in selecting Southlake. Their vision is for a college campus environment with open walkways and lots of pedestrian traffic between buildings. A closed secure campus provides safety and protection for their employees and addresses security issues related to their proprietary technology and information. This need for a secure campus necessitated the privatization of portions of Kirkwood Blvd. north of S.H. 114 as well as a portion of new T.W.King road. " ue-::d am` Road Closures- I I i. _ 71 ,.ti W� {.:`J� 1'� f J I' • ..::\ Lam, ,..,t11:„ -..,;*.., liviesiil . .,‘.-.'f7.,c.-,.,..-.!;k : x1 A �4 t �i.. • Iasi -�1...4 x ' •. 1 -.-1. iy, 1 1 ,rN'tyy 4 -y , ,fit•', w_ -' "ti`` `,11,) rµ,'.rr}: ` ...,.,. .., .. t.i.. 'r\ '' '. ; TxDOT Submittal do Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:08 AM Page 2 of 7 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS Sabre Confirmation of Necessity: Although Sabre and the City of Southlake were aware from the start the significance of the issue of closing portions of Kirkwood and T.W. King, additional effort was spent by Sabre in evaluating the absolute importance of closing these streets. Alternative security programs were evaluated as well as inter-office / inter-building pedestrian activities to confirm the importance of the closed campus setting. Additional efforts still found that the closure of these two roads was critical to the campus environment. Options Analysis: A thorough review of all available physical options was looked at by all parties involved. This included both short term and long term solutions. Attached as Appendix 'A' is a summary of the various options that were reviewed noting positive.and negative aspects of each alternative. Desired Alternative: After evaluating all options in detail, the alternative solution desired by impacted parties is the transformation of a short segment of S.H. 114 frontage road to a two-way section. TxDOT POLICY ON TWO-WAY FRONTAGE ROADS Recognition of TxDOT Policy: It is recognized by all interested parties that TxDOT has a valid policy discouraging two-way frontage roads. It is not our desire to change the policy. We recognize that the policy is valid and applicable in the vast majority of cases. We also understand the difference between policy and law and the fact that a policy allows for a rational evaluation of issues specific to a location in order to measure the applicability of the policy. It is with this understanding that we would like to encourage TxDOT to thoroughly evaluate the unique aspects of this request because it is our belief that many'mitigating factors in this request enhance the acceptability of a two-way frontage road as a traffic management solution. Mitigating Circumstances to This Particular Location: This particular location has several unique aspects that are different from a normal situation where two-way frontage roads might be requested. Following is a summary of these mitigating circumstances: • The overall length of the two-way segment is very short,approximately 650 feet • Overall speeds along this segment should be very slow due to the limited length of the segment • There are no intersecting driveways on this segment of frontage road • Traffic patters are peak-hour related rather than high at all hours • The installation of a traffic signal at the intersection could add greatly to the safety of the intersection of Kirkwood and S.H. 114 TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:08 AM Page 3 of 7 • Conflict points throughout the intersection are very few and can be mitigated with appropriate engineering expertise(e.g. signs, striping,pavement arrows, etc.) • There is no frontage road intended along S.H. 114 east of Kirkwood, eliminating a one-way expectation for frontage road travelers • Joint desire between the City of Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Maguire Partners to eliminate the"Texas Turnaround"at the intersection in favor of the two-way frontage road It is our collective belief that this location and these circumstances are dramatically different than a normal scenario prohibiting a two-way frontage road...It is our desire that the TxDOT staff review this alternative closely while considering the unique aspects of the situation. It is our hope and belief that upon a thorough review of these aspects, a favorable conclusion can be drawn allowing the two-way frontage road in these circumstances while still maintaining the integrity of a valid policy discouraging two-way frontage roads. ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are made to provide for the safe and efficient accommodation of traffic from the Town of Trophy Club and City of Soutjilake that approach S.H. 114 along T.W. King, and have a desire to go east. • Provide for a two-way frontage road between T. W.King and Kirkwood Boulevard. • The two-way frontage road will be a temporary condition until such time as the Precinct Line Road structure is built and put into service, along with u-turns at Kirkwood and at Precinct Line Road. • The westbound on ramp serving the Kirkwood interchange will be closed during the period that the two-way frontage road is in place. • Traffic control devices, signage, and pavement markings will be included as recommended in the Traffic Impact Analysis. The above recommendations are based upon the results of the Traffic Impact Analysis, which is discussed below. • TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:06 AM Page 4 of 7 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Introduction The expansion plans for the Sabre Group Campus call for the closure of Kirkwood Boulevard to the public, which would cut off freeway access to residents of the eastern edge of the Town of Trophy Club and the northwest portion of the City of Southlake. Therefore, it has been proposed to transform a section of the westbound frontage road of SH 114 (between Kirkwood Boulevard and T.W. King Road) to allow residents to access the interchange of SH 114 and Kirkwood. This configuration is proposed to temporarily be in place from 2001 to 2005,when an additional freeway access point at Precinct Line Road should be constructed. Traffic Volumes and Traffic Control The interchange of SH 114 and Kirkwood is currently under all-way-stop control and traffic volumes are more heavily oriented towards the development on the south side of SH 114,the opposite side from the Sabre Campus. By 2001,it is estimated that a new interchange will be in place at SH 114 and Dove Road and that the traffic through the Kirkwood interchange will be reduced. At the same time,Phase II of the campus expansion will be in place by 2001 and increase traffic to and from the north. However,Phase IV of the campus expansion will be in place by 2005, which further increases the traffic volumes through the interchange. The traffic projections for 2001 and 2005 were redistributed to place all T.W.King traffic onto the frontage road, west of the interchange. It is estimated that in the year 2005, 208 vehicles will turn left onto the two-way frontage road during the AM peak hour, and 140 vehicles will do so during the PM peak hour. A CORSIM analysis was made of the proposed two-way frontage road near the Sabre Group Campus in Southlake, Texas. The CORSIM traffic simulation program was used to determine if this configuration will operate satisfactorily under future traffic volumes, and what traffic control measures, or roadway modifications may be required to do so. The summary of the results of that analysis is shown below. Following the results/recommendations, Exhibits 'A' and 'B' are provided to assist in understanding the findings. and recommendations. Exhibit 'A' reflects the existing conditions. Exhibit 'B' reflects the proposed conditions. Results Several iterations of the CORSIM models were simulated in order to optimize the operation of the two-way frontage road. The results from these analyses reveal that the two-way frontage road configuration will operate at acceptable levels of service under the following conditions: 1. The lane configuration on the two-way frontage road should have two westbound lanes and one eastbound lane. TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:08 AM Page 5 of 7 2. The eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road should be restricted to right turns only. This reduces the conflict of the two-way frontage road at the interchange by improving safety and traffic signal efficiency. Specifically, providing right turns only allows the green phase on this approach to occur during an existing phase of the TTI- phasing (the northbound protected left phase). 3. The signalization of the Kirkwood Boulevard intersections with the frontage roads should be included at the time the two-way frontage road is put in place. 4. The CORSIM simulations show that there is sufficient storage space to accommodate the addition of the right turn movement vehicles to the queuing of vehicles in the interior of the interchange. • 5. The westbound approach has three lanes. The two northerly lanes line up with the two departure lanes on the west side of the intersection, and the southernmost lane is offset to the west. This southernmost lane currently serves as a left only lane: The recommendation is to convert the middle lane, which lines up with the proposed eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road, to a left turn only. This will result in two left turn only lanes and one westbound through lane on the westbound departure. The one through lane lines up with the westbound departure lane on the west side of the intersection. . 6. The CORSIM analyses show that a stop sign at the intersection of T.W. King and the two- way frontage road will operate at acceptable levels through the year 2001. Beyond the year 2001, the intersection will need to be signalized in order to function at acceptable levels. Therefore, signalization for this intersection will be put in place by the end of 2001. This temporary signal operation will be coordinated with the Kirkwood signal operation. 7. Pavement markings and signage will be included (see Exhibit `B') which provide for the safe and efficient operation of the two-way frontage road and the Kirkwood intersections. 8. Signage will be provided for the eastbound lane of the two-way frontage road to inform the driving public that the two-way frontage road will be temporary. The life of the two-way frontage road will end when the Precinct Line Road structure and the u-turns are provided at Kirkwood and Precinct Line Road. The detailed Traffic Impact Analysis is included as Appendix'B'. CONCLUSION The Sabre World Headquarters Campus is a significant economic benefit to the cities of Southlake, Trophy Club, Westlake and all surrounding Metroport Cities as well as the DFW Metroplex and the State of Texas. The national trend for corporate locations is to consolidate locations into secure campuses to stimulate interaction and camaraderie among their employees. As well, the need to maintain a secure environment for customer clients and corporate executives cannot be understated. TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:08 AM Page 6 of 7 The critical nature of the secure campus concept necessitates the privatization of portions of T.W. King and Kirkwood Blvd. Several alternatives providing full access for all parties have been reviewed for both positive and negative aspects. The desired alternative is to change a small segment of S.H. 114 frontage road from one-way to two-way, thereby serving the public and accommodating Sabre, a significant economic generator for the State of Texas. This recommendation is contrary to a valid TxDOT policy discouraging two-way frontage roads. However, there are several mitigating circumstances with this unique location that make this alternative safe and acceptable. . The entities involved sincerely request the approval of this alternative by the staff of the Texas Department of Transportation. • CONTACTS Feel free to contact any of the following should any questions arise. Name Organization/Title Phone E-mail Rick Stacy City of Southlake (817)48114564 None Mayor Billy Campbell City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext.702 Bcampbell@cityofsouthlake.com City Manager Greg Last City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext.750 Glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Director of Econ.Dev. Charlie Thomas City of Southlake (817)481-5581,ext.819 cthomas@cityofsouthlake.com Director of Engineering Marshall Engelbeck Town of Trophy Club (817)430-0981 Rmengel®flash.net Mayor Donna Welsh Town of Trophy Club (817)233-2264 Dwelsh@trophyclub.org City Manager Gary Teague Teague Nall&Perkins (817)336-5773 Gteague@tnp-online.com TC Municipal Eng.Consultant Scott Bradley Town of Westlake (972)764-4766 townhall@westlake-tx.org Mayor Trent Petty Town of Westlake (817)430-0941 tpetty@westlake-tx.org City Manager Dean Sanderson Sabre (817)963-1118 Dean.sanderson@sabre.com VP of Real Estate and Fac.Op. Theda Whitehead Sabre (817)967-1859 Theda.whitehead@sabre.com Dir.Corp.Media Relat Richard Kuhlman Maguire Partners (817)430-0303 Richard.kuhlman@maguirepartners.com APPENDICES A. Options Analysis dated B. Traffic Impact Analysis dated prepared by C. Sabre Corporate Campus-Project Profile TxDOT Submittal&Engineering Report DRAFT#4: 03/16/00 11:08 AM Page 7 of 7 Appendix 'A ' Options Analysis • r V APPENDIX A OPTIONS ANALYSIS The following three pages are a summary of options available to accommodate road access to Trophy Club as well as portions of Southlake. This includes a matrix of positive and negative aspects for each alternative and an exhibit (aerial map) that graphically depicts the locations of these alternatives. A brief description of these options follows. OPTION 1: (Road Closures w/ no additional improvements) This option is shown just as a factual summary of the conditions that would exist upon the closure of portions of Kirkwood and T.W. King. It highlights which portions of roadway would be closed to through traffic, points out the accommodations for emergency vehicle access,and notes that"Old T.W. King" southbound would still have unrestricted access to SH 114 for westbound movements but would not have access via the frontage road eastbound to Kirkwood. OPTION 2: (Two-Way Frontage Road) This option would change approximately 650 feet of one-way westbound frontage road to a two-way segment It lists many positives to this option and notes that this option would likely provide a quicker more direct access for residents of Trophy Club to access SH 114. Both Southlake and Sabre as noted in agreements of May 4, 1999 identified this option early. as a potential solution. t OPTION 3: (Extend Trophy Wood Drive) This option provides for the best access and enhanced commercial viability for Trophy Club of all the alternatives. Trophy Club has long intended for Trophy Wood to connect to the north frontage road of SH 114,this being their third point of access for the city. This option recognizes that desire and further recommends that they pursue a grade-separated crossing of SH 114 (probably below the main lanes) that would allow Trophy Club free unrestricted access to SH 114 in all directions. OPTION 4: (New Road Parallel to Frontage Road through Sabre Project) This option proposes a new road north of and parallel to the north frontage road of SH 114. This option has more negative aspects than positive aspects and would likely create unsafe traffic movements for all involved. Following 3 Pages:Matrix of Various Options and graphic depiction of these options. Kirkwood Blvd/T.W.King Closure-Options Analysis 2/24/00 3:52 PM Ref Option Comments 1 Existing Conditions Summary(with road closures) Positive: a) Kirkwood Blvd north of SH 114 would be closed to public traffic • Allows secure campus for Sabre World Headquarters Campus b) T.W.King north from Kirkwood to old T.W.King would be closed to public Negative: traffic. • Does not allow south-bound T.W.King traffic access to Kirkwood interchange to c) Satisfactory accommodations would be made along both Kirkwood and T.W. go east-bound on SH 114 King to allow for all emergency vehicle access through the Sabre property. d) Old T.W.King would remain open to allow unrestricted access to north T.W. King from SH 114. T.W.King southbound would still have unrestricted access to SH 114 for westbound movements but would not have access via the frontage road eastbound to Kirkwood. 2 Two-Way Frontage Road Positive: a) Change approximately 650'feet of the north frontage road from one-way to • Allows south-bound T.W.King traffic access to Kirkwood interchange to go two-way to allow east-bound access to the Kirkwood interchange. east-bound on SH 114 • Only one driveway intersects this segment and it is a infrequently used service drive. -- • It is a very short segment,approximately 600'(need to confirm length) • No drive lane reconstruction cost,3 lanes currently exist • Will actually be quicker access for Trophy Club people than the current configuration. • Will eliminate re-routed east-bound traffic thru Trophy Club • '-Minimal disruption to existing site and building • Potential intersection signalization likely would aid in traffic management Negative: • TxDOT policies do riot encourage two-way frontage roads. • Would require some modification of the Kirkwood interchange.(e.g.striping, signage,etc.) y' • Proximity of on-ramp to old T.W.King.Location of on-ramp may move west in new improvements(need to confirm) • Proposed changes to intersection include"Texas Turnaround".The two-way access is more important to TC than the turnaround. 3 Extend Trophy Wood Drive Positive: a) Extend Trophy Wood Drive south to intersect with SH 114 frontage road. • Allows best direct access for Trophy Club residents to SH 114 both east and west b) Provide for grade-separated crossing of SH 114 to south frontage road. bound. Shorter than current configuration. • Allows for best access to TC commercial property,creates corner location. Negative: • Cost is likely high. • • 4 New Road Parallel to Frontage Road through Sabre Property Positive: a) Develop a new road parallel to the north frontage road of SH 114 which • Would allow access to Kirkwood Blvd.interchange for east-bound traffic. would connect old T.W.King to Kirkwood Blvd. Negative: • Creates unsafe traffic flow at Kirkwood Blvd with multiple direction movements. • Could not signalize intersection effectively. • Creates conflicts at two intersections(Kirkwood and old T.W.King) • f _ t {. i; }.' t \' ,•i` .yid •••�.- �t :7 .,. -*MI Fr 113 ",:•tgrl•'*" t•U•v, "•v..µi'F 4 bp. y,W ," .rc•^t k ♦ :VI II '.� " `t _ ..'w,_1� y_: r \'� u,. ,,j ',0�.fYia r ,>•1 -1 1't {' h4 ,f.'- 5 �'a, 4V ?�f.k• : ' "ti"14, ^', : b,✓�oP '1)'. r..' 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" r .•{' ''• t[' •-'r tin ,� _ '+r+ `• • i', J t", •a_ �, DUtl IIQ r Appendix 'B ' Traffic Impact Analysis Appendix 'C' Sabre Corporate Campus Project Profile tn ..._ SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS r _. PROJECT PROFILE MARCH 15, 2000 - - � :. , Wr , • • uthialc- ::_ - .... .+II MI �I HUM WW1.Tilt qq »,um +—+ I'.., 1 1 III !9R 7.1 •lll : I Iwl IR I I�Ij• iIe4l�w1�F1�k 1 I- - ...... 3.1 f _ is ,;IlTwemetiaee lnnm 'e1 ,rr fl � ,s �• 1 A ~• ` -'I s 'T-I • r+ R . • '�ii!'+ a S' 'r � P,Irll"fi L ,1 ,_ yr ` y, , l - ,..♦ - - . ., s ..: V - . .... ..__,` . -; Gr 'M :Ak•' CiY QUICK-GLANCE SUMMARY: • 175 total acres: 156 acres to be added to the • 2,011,000 s.f new construction to be phased existing 21-acre 375,057 s.f. development over 8 years • Zoning: "NR PUD" Non-Residential • $540 million capital investment Planned Unit Development District with— • Phase I. 460,000 s.f., scheduled for "0-2" Office,District and other related uses..• completion in Third Quarter 2001- • $14 billion impact on the regional economy SABRE OVERVIEW: Sabre Inc. (NYSE: TSG) is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. The 1999 revenues were $2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings excluding special items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. The company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide and more than 6,000. employees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. ¢ "., , Existing Building Purchase '1 4. 1 �'i .. '.+.i 1 r 12 ,+1) I 1 j it - I I i %I ✓�� .E �'�'c �ylC� ram+ � L� I. /i .�� ri S(r�{�r �:'. aa� .,1: +� ��_. �' fy%� r .. } �i r��, �1fl 0 YGr,S,e ►y� r '�•`qy�., µ .t�.` �!i fl rrf !!" •:7- ',` �� I'rI,rl I, ' ,3:n, t'0 111 I ��fl�' T.,b f+rf/ i :',�'� .42 E ?ry 1f"( '`p..'-;,=' t IISC�k:1' IMi�'4; 11rt. ,,.,I Y 1jrJ� ' ▪ �^;�:•,- l+`. ,. • V �r h { } [itlll • ( S tom �� .�r,Illf Pry{ °..y F' o-.ti, 'r' . 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Rl North �,,, r ', , ,I SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 1 OF 3 LOCATION: The Sabre project is located on approximately 175 acres developed by Maguire Partners as part of the Solana mixed use development. The property is located at the southeast corner of the ip 'Nbitg- intersection of State Highway 114 and .� Kirkwood Boulevard, southeast of the 1 existing Sabre building on Kirkwood Blvd. I The development will be bounded by SH I Dove Rd. L\ . 114 on the southwest and White Chapel on , N the northeast. sh, `74 Highland SL I .114 CONCEPT: The Sabre Corporate Campus I will consist of ten (10) connected low-rise i Mit campus style office buildings wrapped 8 around the natural terrain afforded by the, iiimitimilorsite. It is anticipated that each building will not exceed five (5) stories in height. While there will be some surface parking, the ' majority of employee parking will be ir accommodated in five' (5) . structured 5� parking buildings. Using the benefits of the existing trees and open areas, Sabre plans to provide amenities such as jogging trails, ball fields and landscaped campus green spaces. Sabre's goal is to achieve "green building" certification status. This means that the construction • and operation of the campus will incorporate energy efficiency, water conservation, site preservation and other environmental guidelines endorsed by the US Green Building Council, using the LEED rating system(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). A significant component of the headquarters concept is the establishment of a secure site, which necessitates the privatization of the existing Kirkwood Blvd. to the southeast of the SH 114 interchange, which will extend to provide internal service to the site. In addition, the portion of North T.W. King northeast of the existing Sabre building will become private. The old T.W. King Road will be reestablished west of this building. ZONING: The property is zoned "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "0-2," Office District uses and certain other permitted and accessory uses which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures;heliport/stop and verti-port/stop; hotel,restaurant,retail and office uses. • SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 2 OF 3 e . PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction will occur in phases over an eight (8) year period. Current projections show the eventual size of the Sabre Campus will encompass over 2,000,000 square feet by late 2008, accommodating 10,000 employees. - Phase I: On January 18, 2000, Sabre received approval from the Southlake City Council for its Development Plan and Phase One Site Plan. Construction on the first phase began immediately thereafter and is scheduled for completion in the latter half of 2001. The first phase consists of two office buildings totaling 460,000 square feet and with a capacity of 2,000 employees,plus a parking structure with approximately 1,800 parking spaces. FINANCIAL ISSUES: The entire project will require a capital investment by Sabre of more than $540 million over the next 10 years, which will include approximately $410 million for the construction of the buildings and $130 million in high-tech communications and other equipment. The economic impact of this project through the year 2009 is estimated at$14 billion, driven by all areas of purchasing, employment and operating functions. On May 4, 1999, City Council approved a 10-year 90% abatement of the real and personal property taxes (City and County only) for each year of the multi year construction program. The Council also approved a Chapter 380 economic development agreement, which provides for the collection of sales tax generated by the construction materials for each phase of the project. The agreement provides that the City will refund one-half of 1% of tip sales tax received (i.e. 0.5%) for the construction material purchases. This will not affect the 0.5% for parks (SPDC) or the 0.5% for the crime control district which will be received in full. This refund will be facilitated by having Sabre require all contractors to pay sales tax for construction materials at the job site. Sabre will be responsible for accounting and reporting of the sales tax to claim the refund. Over the 20-year period (1999-2019) it is estimated that the Sabre project would be assessed $34,043,846 for real and personal property taxes (land, building, equipment). With the abatement package Sabre will save approximately $20,796,681 in taxes with the City collecting the remaining $13,247,165. In addition, for the same 20-year period, $2,078,721 is estimated for city sales tax . general fund revenue and $1,560,611 sales tax revenue going to both the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) and the Crime Control District. Upon exhaustion of all abatements and full build-out of the campus, the Sabre project is estimated to generate approximately$2,267,484 in taxes annually for the City of Southlake. CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Sabre project. D City of Southlake t> Sabre Inc. Greg Last Dean Sanderson Director of Economic Development VP,Real Estate and Facility Operations (817)481-5581, ext. 750 (817) 963-1118 Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us Thdda Page Whitehead Director of Corporate Media Relations D Maguire Partners (817) 967-1859 Tom Allen,Partner (817)430-0303 SABRE CORPORATE CAMPUS - PROJECT PROFILE - MARCH 15,2000 - PAGE 3 OF 3 MEMORANDUM March 10, 2000 - TO: City Manager, Assistant City Manager and Department Directors FROM: Nona Whitehead, Volunteer Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Southlake Volunteer Program (SVP) Report - February 2000 Department/Division Number of`:`:: Hours : Estimated :::YTD Volunteers Savi ngs* Savings** City. Manager's Office 1 10 $95.00 $180.50 City Secretary's Office Community Services 2 24 $228.00 $342.00 Economic Development 2 19.25 $182.87 $273.12 Finance Fire Human Resources 1 9.5 $90.25 $194.75 Library Planning 1 9 $85.50 $185.25 Police/Community Service $152.00 Public Works Senior Activity Center 11 119.5 $1,135.25 $2,111.38 Teen Court $33.25 Totals 18. - 191.25 $18168.7 - $3472.25' • Estimates of savings are based on a combination of Professional ($15), Support staff($9.50) and Youth ($5.35 minimum wage) as reported by each department. _, ** Year to date savings are based on a calendar year, January 1 - December 31 C:\Nona\Other\Vol-Misc\SVP Director's Memo AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE-Draft Date: 3/17/00 2:13 PM Council Meeting—April 4, 2000 Council Meeting—April 18, 2000 Reports/Forum: Reports/Forum: Consent: Consent: Minutes Award of bid for the reconstruction of Harrell Dr.from 1. Minutes . Johnson to Jordan-SP 2. Approval of Financial Advisory Agreement with First southwest Company-SE 3. Award of bid_for water improvements to serve the Woodland Heights,Napa Valley Estates,and Cambridge Estates subdivisions -SP 4. NETCRWS Agreement-RH 5. Award of bid for ROW mowing services-KH 6. Condemnation resolution for park property-KH 7. Authorize the Mayor to dedicate a 10'utility easement along the north property line of the Dove water tower site-SP 8. Approval of a lease agr w/Millennium at the Dove elevated storage tank site-SP 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 1. Ord.i/775,Quitclaim Deed for portion of S.Kimball ROW @ 1. ZA 99-139,RZ/SP 114 Kimball Sq. the intersection of Crooked Lane-SP 2. Ord.No.774,Amendment to Trail System Master Plan-CC/KH 2. ZA 99-099,RZ/CP,Town Square,Greenway 3. Ord.No.776,Abandonment&quitclaim of a portion of Kirkwood 3. ZA 00-008,RZ,Florence Rd.,AG to SF-lA 4. Ord.No.777,Abandonment&quitclaim of a portion of T.W.King 4. ZA 00-011,RZ,Shady Oaks,AG to RE 5. ZA 99-138,RZ,L.Johnson,T.W.King Rd(tabled 3/7) 6. **ZA 00-004,SP,Isis Papyrus **Pending P&Z Action 7. **ZA 00-010,SUP,Rainbow Plant Sales 8. **ZA 00-030,RevSP,L-1,B-10,Town Square 1st Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: ' **ZA 99-112,PP Easter Plaza 1. TXU Electric tariff changes(possible ord)-SKY Ord.No.776,Abandonment&quitclaim of a portion of Kirkwood 3. Ord.No.777,Abandonment&quitclaim of a portion of T.W. ' King 4. ZA 99-139,RZ/SP 114 Kimball Square 5. Ord.No.774,Amendment to Trail System Master Plan- CC/KH. **Pending P&Z Action Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: - Consider: 1. Auth Mayor to enter into a Scope of Sery agr w/CARS-KH 2. Process for making appointment to boards/commissions-SLG 3. Req.for a variance to Sign Ord.No.704-A for the Roomstore Furniture, 1600 E.Southlake Blvd.-CB/MJ 4. Amended developer agreement w/Tom Thumb for reciprocal parking-KH Discuss: Discuss: 1. **Amendment to Master Thoroughfare Plan-CC 1. Ord.N ,Noise Ordinance-MI 2. Parks Service Center-KH Executive Session: Executive Session: MMMS 00 0404.dce AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE- Draft Date: 3/17/00 2:13 PM City Council Meeting—May 2, 2000 City Council Meeting—May 16, 2000 V orum: Forum: neat: Consent: 111, Minutes - 1. Minutes 2. Auth Mayor to execute letter authorizing TxDOT to change speed limits in construction zone on SH 114-SP 3. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Fina(S-7)-SP 4. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Explorer(S-7)- SP - 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 1. TXU Elec.Tariff Changes-SKY 1. Ord.# ,Noise Ordinance-MJ **Pending P&Z action st Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: Ord.#_,Noise Ordinance-MJ .1. **ZA 99-125,RZ/RevSP,Tri-Dal **Pending P&Z action Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: Consider: Discuss: Discussion: Executive Session: , III MAAMS 00.04-04.doc AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE-Draft Date: 3/17/00 2:13 PM Future City Council Meeting Fr, Forum: • Consent: 1. Fort Worth Water Contract-RH 2. Award of bid for installation of ballfreld lighting for fields 4,5,and 10 at Bicentennial Park 3. Award bid on handrails Town Hall-RH 4. Library facility interior paint and carpet-KH 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: • 1st Reading&Related Items: 1. Ord.#760,ROW Use Management Ordinance-RH/SKY 2. Ord. ,Amendments to Sub Ord No.483,-Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements-CC Resolutions: 1. Res.99-16,relating to limiting#of zoning applications-from 3/23 CC mtg Consider: 1. Sidewalk/Trail Implementation Plan 2. Prof Services Agreement-Michael Drive(PW-5/4/99) 3. Trinity Waste Rate Increase-VB 4. Interlocal Agreement with Grapevine re:North Kimball-RH 5. Variance request-lighting at Bicentennial fields 4,5, 10 6. Bob Jones Park conceptual layout-KH Discuss: 1. Land Conservatory District . 2. Utility Policies&Standards Ordinance 3. Street Standard Ordinance 4. 5/16/2000.-Ord.759,False alarm Ordinance-GW/DuPre 5. Ord.# ,Sign Ordinance-MJ 6. Ord.762,Adoption of Uniform Fire Code-RB 7. Ord.770,High Grass/Weeds-MJ 8. Ord.771,Nuisance Ordinance-MJ 9. Ord._,Abatement of Hazardous Buildings-MJ Executive Session: . � I M:AMS 00A1-04.doe • s ,- - March 2000 e'•. - ' _ ," y:AprU,2000;' Itla r�r�' 20 9 . _ ` ro - 5 6=a °� ,8 9 `30.1T�'.'`° "ia. 2'::3'•,4. 5' 6. 7 8 ' s - -#�'' =12;F`13; 14';�15 -16 12".'18:-; -'10', 11' 12 '13- '14;•35 1t' 16 19 . 20''21' 22 23' 4"2 25' 16 d 16 19' 20' 21<"' 3. 7 22 1 °17 6. 8- 3 °31 �24'- 2 23 5 6:Mar 7 a ch• ,2 1ap3o ; :Monday,March,20: : Thursday;'March 23 9:30am Water Conservation Management Team Meeting(Council Chambers) 6:30pm P&Z Meeting(City Hall) 7:00pm SPIN 15 Vacancy Meeting(Senior Activity Center) - Tuesday;March 21 - � . .. Friday, arch 24 7:00pm City Council Meeting(City Hall) 8:00am Big Top-Tent Raising 4:30pm Big Top Circus(Bicentennial Park) 7:30pm Big Top Circus(2nd performance) .: _ -.. . __-..... , .. . :;::. Wednesda ,.March 22".:c= .: . Saturda 'March 25 Last Day for Filing Application for Place on the Ballot for General Election 4:00pm Town Square Anniversary Celebration(Town Square) 6:30pm Library Board(City Hall) 6:30pm Town Hall Finishes Committee Meeting(Tarrant County Sub-Courthouse-Hurst) 7:00pm KSB (Community Center) n -'- z ',Sunday, Meetings Events 1 3/17/00 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Lauren Safranek, Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-31, Amending the personnel policies handbook to include a Uniform/Dress Code/Grooming policy. Action Requested: Consideration of Resolution No. 00-31, approving the amended personnel policies handbook to include a uniform/dress code/grooming policy. Background Tnformation: This policy incorporates a number of related issues into one policy including uniform, dress code, and grooming guidelines. The uniform, dress code, and grooming policy has been developed after identifying the need to adopt a consistent policy for the City of Southlake organization. The policy will provide employees with guidelines to be applied consistently across the organization related to appropriate appearance, uniform and grooming. This policy defines and determines standards for • both uniformed and non-uniformed employees. It also identifies which employees are required to wear uniforms,as well as requirements for maintaining the uniform in a clean, neat appearance. The policy includes a definition of business dress for non-uniformed employees to maintain a professional, business-like and clean appearance. It also defines casual dress, which allows non-uniformed employees to dress in a neat and professional appearance that is considered less formal than the standard business dress. Other aspects of the policy includes wearing clothing with city logo outside of work, and turning in uniforms or city logoed shirts upon terminating employment from the City of Southlake. Financial Considerations: Adopting a uniform, dress code, and grooming policy does not have financial implications. The City of Southlake has a number of employees who are required (prior to implementation of a formal policy) to wear uniforms and each department budgets appropriate funds for those uniformed employees. - Citizen Input/: Not Applicable 5B-1 1 Billy Campbell March 17, 2000 Page Two r Board Review: This policy was developed with input from a number of employees including a review with the department directors. Legal Review: The attorneys have reviewed the policy and addressed any legal issues pertaining to implementing a formal uniform, dress code, and grooming policy. Alternatives: The alternatives are to not adopt a policy, or to adopt three individual policies. i Supporting Documents: A copy of the Uniform/Dress Code/Grooming policy. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends placing this item on the March 218t, 'City Council meeting agenda. 5B-2 RESOLUTION NO. 00-31 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK TO . INCLUDE A UNIFORM/DRESS CODE/GROOMING POLICY. WHEREAS, City of Southlake (the "City") does not currently have a City policy addressing uniforms, dress code, and grooming; and WHEREAS, the City desires to maintain a professional appearance of all employees including uniformed employees and non-uniformed employees; and WHEREAS, a policy is needed to identify which positions are considered uniformed and which positions are non-uniformed; and WHEREAS, changing trends often make it necessary to provide guidelines for acceptable dress for non-uniform employees and appropriate grooming; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, THAT: Section 1: The City revise its employee handbook to include a uniform/dress code/grooming policy. Section 2: This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 2000. Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary 5B-3 City of Southlake Personnel Policies Section: Rules and Regulations Topic: Uniform/Dress Code/ Grooming Effective Date: Approved By: Revision Date: 1.0 Purpose The City of Southlake desires to project a positive and professional image of employees representing the City. Employees are expected to dress in a conservative, professional manner that is appropriate to their position and to observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene. Presenting a professional image creates a favorable impression for the City, promotes confidence in the services the City provides, promotes respect among co- workers, and encourages higher working standards. This policy provides guidelines for appropriate appearance, uniform, and grooming. 2.0 Application This policy applies to all employees (regular and temporary) and volunteers at all times. Due to many types of jobs within the City, several different dress standards are necessary. An employee who is in doubt as to which dress standard applies, should contact his or her supervisor. Department of Public Safety employees shall comply with the requirements of the Public Safety Department as issued in the DPS General Orders Manual. In instances where this policy conflicts with the DPS General Orders, the more restrictive policy will apply. 3.0 Business Dress Policy 3.1 Standard Dress for Non-Uniformed Office Employees Each employee should maintain a professional, business-like and clean appearance to symbolize the employee's professional standing and public recognition of the position that the individual represents. An employee shall wear standard dress when: a. the employee's duties involve constant contact with the public where standard dress is appropriate or desired; 5B-4 Dress/Uniform/Grooming Policy Page S b. representing the City during formal presentations, attending community meetings; c. or when representing the City in appointments outside the city offices; or at professional association meetings. 3.1.1 Males—Examples of appropriate standard dress for males include business suits, dress slacks with appropriate shirt (long or short sleeve with collar) and dress-type footwear worn with socks. Neckties may be required in positions where extensive public contact takes place. Sport coats and suit coats are optional, but are recommended for a professional appearance when attending meetings outside of City offices. Examples of inappropriate standard dress for males includes tee-shirts, sleeveless shirts,jeans (any color or type), sweatsuits, sandals, and canvas or athletic-type shoes. 3.1.2 Females—Examples of appropriate standard dress for females include business suits, dresses, skirts, or dress slacks with appropriate blouse, sweater, or jacket with dress-type footwear and socks or hose. Examples of inappropriate dress for females include tee-shirts, tank tops, sundresses, shorts,jeans (any color or type), sweatsuits, leggings, sandals, canvas or athletic-type footwear. 3.1.3 An employee shall refrain from wearing apparel that is low-cut, back-less, tank top style, excessively tight, or excessively short. 3.2 Exceptions to Standard Dress Policy The above-stated provisions apply in normal work situations; however, there may ° be instances where exceptions may be made, such as special work assignments or inclement weather. In times of extreme snow or ice, when a specific short term situation dictates or when medical conditions exist, a Department Director may authorize exceptions to this policy. 4.0 Casual Dress Policy Casual attire allows the employee to dress in a neat and professional appearance but is considered less formal than the standard dress. Each Department Director shall determine whether non-uniformed department employees may dress with more casual attire on a day- 5B-5 Dress/Uniform/Grooming Policy Page 6 to day basis and require that standard dress be worn on specific days, depending on the circumstances. 4.1 Office Employees (Non-uniformed) 4.1.1 Males—Examples of appropriate dress for casual attire include dress or khaki pants. Shirts may include long sleeves with banded collars, short sleeve sport shirts, golf shirts, and denim shirts and vest. Shirts must have sleeves and be tucked in at all times. Appropriate (enclosed)footwear shall be worn with socks. Ties are not required. Examples of inappropriate dress for casual attire include tee shirts, sleeveless shirts, flannel shirts,jeans(any color or type), shorts, sweatsuits, sandals, and canvas or athletic-type shoes. 4.1.2 Females—Examples of appropriate dress for casual attire include dress or khaki pants, skirts, and dresses. Shirts may include long sleeve blouses, sleeveless blouses with jacket or sweater, short sleeve sport shirts, turtlenecks, golf shirts and denim shirts. Appropriate footwear shall be worn with socks. Examples of inappropriate dress for casual attire include tee shirts, tank tops, flannel shirts, strapless tops, halter tops, sleeveless blouse without jacket or sweater, sleeveless dresses, shorts,jeans (any color or type), sweatsuits, barefoot sandals, and canvas or athletic-type footwear. 4.2 Department Shirts A Department Director may provide each employee with one or two shirt(s)with a city logo available at no charge. This casual shirt may be either an oxford and/or a golf shirt to wear as part of the accepted casual attire. The employee must pay for any additional shirts furnished the employee. Additional shirts purchased by the employee must be approved shirts by the Department Director. 5.0 Uniformed Employees 5.1 Determination of Uniformed Employees Each Department Director, subject to approval by the City Manager, shall determine the uniform requirements for each position. Each Department Director shall maintain a descriptive list of the acceptable uniform attire and components for each position consistent with these guidelines. The City will provide uniform attire to the employees required to wear uniforms. The field employees of the following Departments shall wear uniforms on a daily basis: 5B-6 Dress/Uniform/Grooming Policy Page 7 - Public Safety including police and fire employees, building inspectors and code enforcement officers - Public Works including streets and drainage, water maintenance, and construction inspection employees - Community Services including parks maintenance and recreation employees 5.2 Uniform Appearance Requirements 5.2.1 Appearance. An employee shall wear uniform shirts which shall be kept buttoned and tucked in when possible at all times. Long pants (uniform trousers, if issued,)will be worn at all times. Some recreation staff are authorized to wear uniform shorts. Pants, uniform trousers, and shorts must be free of rips, holes, or tears. Each Department Director will determine what type of shoes the departmental employees shall wear based on the safety needs of the job. 5.2.2 Maintenance. An employee shall maintain each piece of the uniform in a clean and neat appearance, insofar as is practical. The City recognizes that some positions require tasks in which the uniform becomes soiled. However, each employee should strive to maintain a positive and professional image. Upon completion of a task that generates excessively soiled clothing, and when practical to do so, an employee should change into appropriate clean attire. An employee shall repair any piece of the uniform or daily apparel that is damaged or in a state of disrepair immediately, or if beyond repair, replaced immediately. Each employee shall replace attire that is worn, faded, stained, or is otherwise unfit for service. 5.3 Supervisor Responsibility Supervisors should periodically review employees' attire to ensure that they meet the required standards and to detect and correct deficiencies. Each supervisor is responsible for insuring that employees under his or her supervision maintain a neat, professional appearance in accordance with this policy. Each supervisor is authorized to order a component or piece of equipment or attire to be repaired or replaced due to damage or excessive wear or incompatibility with the professional standards of the City. 5.4 Attire as an Identifier The selected attire is an identifier of an individual's association and position within the organization. As such, it serves as a symbol of professionalism, authority, and 5B-7 Dress/Uniform/Grooming Policy Page 8 respect. An employee shall wear only authorized attire and equipment as a part of the daily wear. Whenever reasonable and practical to do so, an employee should wear some type of engraving or name tag that identifies the person by name as an employee of the City of Southlake. Uniformed employees shall refrain from the wearing of any buttons, badges, medals, or similar symbols, which are not authorized by written directive of the Department Director or higher authority. 6.0 Grooming Each employee shall maintain personal hygiene, grooming and general appearance standard that is neat, clean, professional, reflective of the City's philosophy on pride and professionalism, and is commensurate with accepted general business practices. Such grooming standards prohibit exotic, ostentatious, gaudy or other similarly unprofessional appearances. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to spiked hair, mohawks, ear-plates, visible body piercing (except for earrings), visible tattoos, unkempt or unclean hair, a lack of personal'hygiene, or scraggly facial hair. An employee may have facial hair unless it is determined to create a safety hazard due to the employee's job duties. Facial hair shall be kept clean and neatly trimmed. 7.0 Accessories Each employee shall wear attire that is void of logos(other than the City logo or small manufacturing logo/names); sayings, signs, or symbols; extreme or outrageous color schemes; or other accessories, accouterments or designs deemed by the supervisor or higher authority to be inappropriate or objectionable. Except for the exposed front of T- shirts worn with an open collar, an employee shall wear undergarments and insulated clothing in such a manner so as to be concealed by outer clothing. 8.0 Wearing of Clothing with City Logo Outside of Work 8.2 An employee shall refrain from wearing any portion of the employee's uniform attire or attire which displays the City's logo, that readily identifies the employee as a member of the City, except when on duty or representing the City, or in route to or from such duty. An employee shall refrain from wearing any attire while off-duty that identifies the person as a member of the City while engaging in conduct or activity that by virtue of the association discredits the City or places either the employee or the City in disrepute or discredit. 8.3 An exception to this provision is that an employee may wear informal apparel such as a t-shirt or ball cap, which displays the City logos while off-duty and not otherwise in violation of City or Departmental policy. 5B-8 Dress/Uniform/Grooming Policy Page 9 9.0 Return of Clothing Upon Termination 9.1 An employee shall return all City owned apparel upon termination from the City, except that the Department Director may authorize the person to retain selected items that have been worn, not contain any City identifiers, and are determined to have no value to the City. 9.2 An employee who has purchased Department shirts shall submit such shirts to the City upon termination. 5B-9 :rt City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM • March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for the reconstruction of North Kimball Avenue from Highland Street to State Highway 114 Action Requested: Staff requests Council approve an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for the reconstruction of N. Kimball Ave. from Highland St. to State Highway 114. Background Information: Tarrant County has committed to reconstruct N. Kimball Ave. from Highland St. to SH 114 (see attached project map). The City has committed to pay for the engineering, testing, and material costs for the reconstruction of N. Kimball Ave. Furthermore, the City will provide traffic control during the project. The attached interlocal agreement outlines these agreements between the City and Tarrant County. The engineering and design for the reconstruction of N. Kimball Ave. is underway and should be complete by April 2000. Tarrant County has scheduled this project to begin in May 2000 with an estimated completion date of August 2000. The project scope will include constructing a two-lane, 22' wide roadway. Additionally, the radii will be increased at the intersection of Highland to provide for improved turning movements. Originally, it was considered in the scope to construct an additional turn lane for southbound traffic on N. Kimball at the intersection of SH 114. However, after recent discussions with TxDOT, staff feels this widening of N. Kimball at the intersection will not behoove the City as much as once thought. TxDOT plans to begin the reconstruction of the portion of SH 114 that includes the Kimball intersection on March 15, 2000. During the construction of SH 114, TxDOT plans to reduce traffic to two lanes (one lane for each direction) on N. Kimball. Furthermore, included in this TxDOT project is reconstructing N. Kimball to provide five lanes of traffic north of SH 114. The five lanes will extend a distance of 200' north of SH 114 before transitioning back to two lanes. Therefore, the limits of construction by Tarrant County will end 200' north of SH 114. 5C-1 City of Southlake, Texas Financial Considerations: The City is paying for the engineering and design of N. Kimball from the remaining funds in the 1992 Street Bond Program. The construction materials and testing costs will have to be funded from the CIP budget. The estimated cost for the materials and testing is $125,000. City personnel from the Street Department will be used to provide traffic control during the reconstruction of N. Kimball. Since Tarrant County is providing the labor to reconstruct N. Kimball, the City is saving an estimated 50-70% in construction costs. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not applicable. Legal Review: Not applicable. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Project Map Interlocal Agreement Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for the reconstruction of N. Kimball Ave. from Highland St. to State Highway 114. Please place this item on the March 21, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for approval. SEP/sep 5C-2 N . KimbaU Ave . RecOfltrttofl II 111111101 ■ ;.rYLN '` ulml- �‘\' ' rid' • 310W1 .... 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Maw �d wr; Q millita ` 11 milliREEN1 lIkw 1.00, WO PRIONIMI owmillim; lwalIMINI .leff ,..o.s:,, 0 ler ,, ,..,10.,..assis R P . umd � 11111Mvissi- a mom )„ . _� No IIIINI Scale Arm 11111 dill.00111 NORTHWEST PKWY EAS k \ ,--P "MR 5C-3 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT CONTRACT This Agreement made and entered into this the day of , 2000, by and between the County of Tarrant, acting herein by and through its governing body the Commissioners Court, hereinafter referred to as TARRANT COUNTY, and the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE acting herein by and through its governing body,hereinafter referred to as THE CITY,both of Tarrant County, State of Texas, witnesseth: WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under the authority granted by and pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, the party or parties paying for the performance of governmental functions "or services shall make payments therefore from current revenues available to the paying party; and, WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the two parties find that the project or undertaking is necessary for the benefit of the public and that each party has the legal authority to build or maintain the project or to provide such service, and the construction and improvement thereof is in the common interest of both parties hereto; and that the division of costs provided for constitutes adequate consideration to each party; set project being more particularly described as: 5C-4 • Reconstruction of N. Kimball from SH 114 to Highland for a distance of approximately 4,000 linear feet. Whereas, the parties hereto, in order to facilitate the financing and construction of the needed facility, and in order to share the costs of having said work to be done have agreed to share in the financing of said construction as hereinafter stated in detail. The CITY hereby agrees that the CITY will pay for any engineering on this project, and that the COUNTY will not be responsible for any payment for such services. The CITY must notify the COUNTY within thirty days of completion of this project of any complaint the CITY has with the project. For and in consideration of the mutual undertaking hereinafter set forth and for adequate consideration given,the parties agree as follows: 1. TARRANT COUNTY agrees to provide the following work: reconstruction of North Kimball from SH 114 to Highland, for a distance of approximately 4,000 linear feet. Reconstruction will include 6" base stabilization, application of 4" of type B binder and application of 2" of Type D HMAC surface. 2. THE CITY agrees to pay for the cost of the materials for the construction and for the soil testing. 3. TARRANT COUNTY agrees to provide the labor and equipment necessary to accomplish the construction. 4. The CITY agrees it will be responsible for traffic control on this project. This responsibility includes all signage, barricades and flagmen necessary to control traffic in and around the construction site. 5. The CITY agrees to supply the water necessary for the construction work. 5C-5 4v By entering into this Agreement the parties do not create any obligations express or implied other than those set forth herein and this Contract shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. The parties to this Agreement do not intend by this Agreement that any specific third party may obtain a right by virtue of the execution or performance of this Agreement. CITY agrees that the COUNTY is relying on the CITY for notice of when to proceed with this project, but this Agreement does not require the County to do this project with any particular time frame. This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon happening of any of the following events: 1. The completion of the improvement provided for herein or; 2. At the end of one (1) year from date herein, unless renewed by both parties in writing. CITY: Authorized City Official ATTEST: CITY 5C-6 TARRANT COUNTY: TOM VANDERGRIFF, County Judge ATTEST: COUNTY B. GLEN WHITLEY County Commissioner Precinct Three *APPROVAL AS TO FORM: District Attorney's Office *By law,the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal documents on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorneys. 5C-7 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 10, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (ext. 772) SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Carroll Independent School District for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities Action Requested: Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Carroll Independent School District for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities. Background Information: The Interlocal agreement for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities is a tool to guide the implementation of Joint Use Facilities between the City of Southlake and the Carroll Independent School District. Section VIII of the agreement specifies a periodic review to revise and/or update the agreement. The proposed,revisions to the Interlocal agreement include the following items: ■ Changes in the annual scheduling periods for Joint Use facilities. • Establishing a process to address shared maintenance (both minor and major maintenance items). • Clarifying the user responsibilities of each party, including the establishment of an event report form (Exhibit C). • Providing an updated listing of Joint Use facilities and detailed site plans of each. • Specifying a time period for review and revision of the agreement and exhibits. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: - This item was discussed by the Joint Utilization Committee meeting at their November 11, 1999 meeting. At this time City and Carroll I.S.D. staff committed to revise the agreement as discussed by the Committee and bring forth a proposal for the Committee to review. The Joint Utilization Committee reviewed and unanimously approved the Interlocal Agreement (5-0) at their January 27, 2000 meeting. Billy Campbell, City Manager ,March 10, 2000 Wage 2 The Agreement was also reviewed by members of the Parks and Recreation Board as part of a joint meeting with the Joint Utilization Committee on March 9, 2000. Legal Review: The City Attorney reviewed the Agreement in May of 1998 and the body of the proposed Agreement remains relatively unchanged. Additional exhibits and 'minor revisions have been made in an attempt. to better clarify the document and improve the cooperative effort between the City and CISD. The City Attorney has reviewed the revised Agreement. Alternatives: Input towards the proposed Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following: • Copy of the proposed Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities, including exhibits. • Copy of: the draft redline/strikethrough version of the Interlocal _. Agreement for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities, excluding exhibits. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the March 21, 2000 City Council agenda for approval authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Carroll Independent School District for Park, Playground, and Other Recreational Facilities. • INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PARK, PLAYGROUND AND OTHER RECREATION FACILITIES STATE OF TEXAS - § COUNTY OF TARRANT § This Agreement is made by and between the City of Southlake, a home rule municipality, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Mayor, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the Carroll Independent School District, a special purpose unit of government organized and acting under the laws of the State of Texas, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as the "District." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the District presently maintains and operates several school campuses, athletic facilities, and playgrounds- in the City and plans for more school sites, athletic facilities, and playgrounds in the City in the future; and WHEREAS, the City presently maintains and operates several parks, athletic facilities, and playgrounds and plans for more parks, athletic facilities, and playgrounds in the future; and 1L, WHEREAS, both the City and the District have determined the need for providing certain recreational facilities for schools, as well as for the general public; and WHEREAS, both the City and the District have recognized that the joint use of school recreational facilities and City recreational facilities can benefit both entities, recognizing that school properties and facilities are intended primarily for school purposes and that the educational needs of children are the highest priority; and WHEREAS, the District, through its Board of Trustees, desires to continue to cooperate with the City, through its City Council, in the joint construction, funding, operation, maintenance and/or use of certain recreational joint-use facilities for the enjoyment and benefit of all citizens. NOW,THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual premises herein contained,the mutual benefits flowing to both the City and the District and other good and valuable consideration recited herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City and the District do hereby contract, covenant, warrant and agree as follows: M:\contracts\JUClnterlocal1999.doc January 24,2000 1 s r I. SCHEDULING (A) The District Superintendent or his or her designee and the City Manager or his or her designee shall be responsible for implementing and administering the scheduling policies of this Agreement. (B)The City shall be entitled to use the District recreational properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "District Property"). The District shall be entitled to use the City recreational properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "City Property"). Exhibit "A" shall be reviewed and updated annually, and approved by the District Superintendent and the City Manager. (C) The City shall be entitled to priority use of the District Property upon approval by the District of a schedule of City activities and programs. A schedule of City activities and programs utilizing District Property shall be submitted three times per year in accordance with the following schedule: Summer(June- August): submit by January 31; approved by Feb. 15 Winter(September—December) submit by April 30; approved by May 15 Spring (January-May) submit by September 30; approved by October 15 The District shall approve the schedule as submitted, or with any modifications deemed necessary by the District. The City may use the District Property for its authorized activities and programs; and if available, for activities and programs not on the approved schedule. (D) The District shall be entitled to priority use of the City Property upon approval by the 'City of a schedule of District activities and programs. A schedule of District activities and programs utilizing City Property shall be submitted three times per year in accordance with the following schedule: Summer(June - August): submit by January 31; approved by Feb. 15 Winter(September—December) submit by April 30; approved by May 15 Spring(January-May) submit by September 30; approved by October 15 The City shall approve the schedule as submitted, or with any modifications deemed necessary by the , City. The District may use the City Property for its authorized activities and programs, and if available, for activities and programs not on the approved schedule. II. SCHEDULE CHANGES The District Superintendent and his or her designee and the City Manager and his or her designee are authorized to make changes to the approved schedule of activities as they may agree upon throughout the term of this Agreement. M:\contracts\JUClnterloca11999.doe January 24,2000 III. PUBLIC RESERVATIONS • Reservations of the joint-use facilities may be made by the general public on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the prior scheduling by the District and City. All reservations for joint-use facilities as outlined in Exhibit "A" will be coordinated through the owner of the facility, be it the District or City. IV. MINOR MAINTENANCE Generally, the District shall be responsible for maintaining the District Property; and the City shall be responsible for maintaining the City Property. Maintenance will include, but is not limited to,janitorial services; utilities; minor (less than $5,000) maintenance, repair, or replacement; and general upkeep and grounds care. The user of the facility shall have the option to perform the minor repairs under their applicable procedure, and shall notify the owner of any repair work performed. Minor maintenance (under $5,000) of joint-use facilities should be performed using the applicable work order procedure of the City or District. General oversight of maintenance costs of such joint-use facilities will be the responsibility of a Joint-Use Management Committee consisting of the City Manager and/or his designee, and the District Superintendent and/or his designee meeting on a quarterly basis. Specific minor maintenance costs for which cost-sharing will be addressed by the committee are listed in an exhibit attached hereto. For planning purposes, a Summer schedule for maintenance items will be submitted by the District to the City no later than December 31st of each year. V. MAJOR MAINTENANCE Major maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvements of joint-use facilities, which cost over $5,000 per occurrence, and only if approved by the District and the City, will be the joint responsibility of the District and the City. If either party declines, then the other party has the right to perform the maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvement, and assume the full financial responsibility thereof. The District and City budgeting process should allocate for major planned maintenance needs. General oversight of maintenance costs of such joint-use facilities will be the responsibility of a Joint- Use Management Committee consisting of the City Manager and/or his designee, and the District Superintendent and/or his designee meeting on.a quarterly basis. Specific major maintenance costs for which cost-sharing will be addressed by the committee are listed in an exhibit attached hereto. VI. USER RESPONSIBILITIES The user of a joint-use facility shall furnish and supply all materials and supplies necessary for carrying out its program and shall be subject to the reasonable rules and regulations set by the respective governing body, or other designated entity, of the City and/or District. At the completion of each use, the party responsible for supervision of an activity at a joint-use facility is responsible for performing minor janitorial, grounds-keeping, and security duties as specified in an exhibit attached hereto. M:\contracts\JUCInterlocal l999.doc January 24,2000 3 • VII. INDEMNIFICATION With respect to the District Property, the City does hereby agree, insofar as permitted by law, to hold harmless the District from any claims, damages, injuries, lawsuits, or causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the District Property for a City activity during the time the City is conducting the activity on the District Property. With respect to the City Property, the District does hereby agree, insofar as permitted by law, to hold harmless the City from any claims, damages, injuries, lawsuits, or causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the City Property for a District activity during the time the District is conducting the activity on the City Property. Each liability insurance policy carried by the District and by the City, shall name the other party as an additional insured with respect to joint use facilities, to the extent as permitted by law. VB1. TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twenty(20)years beginning from the date of execution of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be automatically extended for additional five (5)year periods, unless terminated in writing by either party at least sixty(60) days prior to the end of the original term or any extension thereof. If either party wishes to discontinue this agreement at any time other than that specified in the previous paragraph, written notice with reason to terminate, must be given at least six (6) months prior to termination. If the term of any addenda attached hereto remains in full force and effect past the termination date of this agreement, then this agreement shall also remain in-full force and effect until expiration or termination of the addenda. This Agreement and exhibits shall be reviewed by both parties on an as needed basis. IX. ENCUMBRANCES Neither party to this Agreement shall, without first obtaining written consent of the other party, assign, pledge, or in any way encumber this Agreement, in whole or in part, or sublet the District Property or City Property or any part thereof. X. CLAIMS Nothing in this Agreement shall change or affect the duties, responsibilities, liabilities or immunities provided to the parties under the Texas Tort Claims Act, Sections 101.001 et seq., of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. XI. ADDENDA The parties agree to continue to search for new areas of cooperation and to that end shall meet together regularly, along with interested community groups and appropriate City and District administrative officials. The parties may enter into separate "joint utilization agreements" for the M:\contractsUUCInterloca1I999.doc January 24,2000 4 50'6 construction of joint-use facilities where such activities are deemed to be in the best interests of the parties. Each joint utilization agreement shall set forth the specific terms and conditions under which such activities are to be conducted. Separate "joint utilization agreements" for operation, maintenance, and/or use of joint-use facilities may be entered into as addenda to this agreement, when such,activities are deemed to be in the interests of the parties. These addenda shall identify exceptions or additional requirements to this agreement as may be deemed necessary and proper. XII. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS This Agreement contains all of the agreements made by and between the parties hereto regarding the use of District Property and City Property and no additional agreements or understandings shall be applicable to the use of District Property or City Property unless first agreed to, in writing, by the parties. XIII. VENUE This Agreement and all of its terms and provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. In the event that a lawsuit is filed by either party arising out of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, venue for the lawsuit shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. XIV. AUTHORIZATION .The undersigned officers of the parties are the properly authorized officials and have the -'necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties. Each party hereto certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or orders extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. • M:\contracts\JUCJnterlocal1999.doc January 24,2000 5 • Executed this day of , 2000 in Tarrant County, Texas. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary . • CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT By: President, Board of Trustees . 'ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Trustees M:\contracts\JUCInterloca11999.doc January 24,2000 - 6 S Exhibit A - Joint Use Facilities DISTRICT PROPERTY Carroll Elementary Location 1 Backstop practice area I South of Building 2 Soccer practice fields (south of building) South of Building Open Field South of practice field Gym Outside Basketball Courts Durham Elementary/Intermediate V Location Gym Office/Storage Gym/Recreation Center Exercise Room Cafetorium 1 Soccer Game Field North of Building 2 Soccer practice fields East of Building 2 Backstop practice areas East of Building Outside Basketball Court South &North End Johnson Elementary Location Backstop practice areas• East-behind playground 2 Soccer practice fields (east of building) East-behind playground Gym Open Area North of Building Rockenbaugh Elementary Location 2 Soccer practice fields East of Building 2 Backstop practice areas East of Building Gym V Carroll.Intermediate Location • In-line hockey facility 1V Football field Gym V Practice ball field(lighted) West of football field Carroll Middle School Location Gym1 Gym 2 Activity Room Gym Office/Storage 2 practice fields South & West of Dragon Stadium 2 football fields South& West of Dragon Stadium M:\contracts\JUClnterlocal1999.doc January 24,2000 7 • Exhibit A (Continued) - Joint Use Facilities CITY PROPERTY Bicentennial Park Community Center The Lodge 7 Ballfields (lighted)F#1 for High School Girls Softball 2 concession stands 2 public tennis courts Tennis Center(13 tennis courts) 3 outdoor basketball courts Adventure Alley playground Pavilions In-line hockey facility(lighted) 2 backstop practice areas Open field(near 1709 entrance) Koalaty Park(Adjacent to Carroll Elementary) 4 Backstops Lonesome Dove Park(Near Carroll Middle School) Pavilion Playground Open field Bob Jones Park 13 soccer fields 6 practice soccer goals Open field(adjacent to practice goals) St. Martins in the Field 2 practice soccer fields • M:\contractsUUClnterlocall999.doc January 24,2000 +580140 Exhibit B —Annual Maintenance Cost-Sharing • Minor (Under$5,000) • Preparation of gym floors and re-application of gym floor finishes, twice yearly Carpet cleaning Repainting • _ Repairing or replacing damaged backboards, goals, and other shared sports equipment • Soil additions for joint-use fields • Seeding and other turf improvements necessary for all-season use • • Other minor damage to property or equipment directly caused by a joint-use activity • Minor improvements to property or equipment, in an existing joint-use facility, which benefits both the District and the City Major(Over$5,000) • Resurfacing and restriping gym floors • Carpet replacement • Irrigation installations and maintenance • Outdoor lighting installations and maintenance • Other major damage to property or equipment directly caused by a joint-use activity • Major improvements to property or equipment, in an existing joint-use facility, which benefit both the District and the City M:lcontracts\JUClnterlocall999.doc January 24,2000 . 9 5DIJ Exhibit C—Event Supervisor's Facility Duties The supervisor of a joint-use event is required to complete an Event Report Form, which includes a checklist of tasks to be completed immediately following each joint-use event. The Event Report Form is to"be left with the facility owner in a designated location following each joint-use event. The checklist of tasks should consist of the following details. Janitorial • Sweep floors and mop-up spills • Check entire area, including restrooms,for litter • Flush all toilets and urinals, and make sure each one shuts off • Check all lavatories and water faucets to make sure water is shut off • Empty all trash into dumpsters • Turn off lights, if there are no other events scheduled immediately • Report any damages of faulty equipment on the Event Report Form Grounds-keeping •. Pick up all litter • Empty all trash into dumpsters Security • • Check all perimeter doors, and secure them • Report any unsecured areas or damaged locks to the facility owner or designee Some maintenance items must be addressed immediately in order to safeguard against flooding, fire, safety, or security incidents. Report such items to the facility owner or designee immediately. Emergency phone numbers are to be provided by the City and the District for each event supervisor. M:lcontracts\JUClnterlocal1999.doc January 24,2000 10 Exhibit C—Event Supervisor's Facility Duties Event Report Form Event Supervisors must complete.all tasks listed below. When completed, return this form to the designated location for this facility. CHECKLIST Sweep floors and mop-up spills. Check entire area, including restrooms, for litter. Discard all liter into proper containers. Check all perimeter doors and gates and secure them properly. Flush all toilets and urinals, and make that each of them shuts off. Check all lavatories and water faucets to make sure that water is shut off. Empty all trash into dumpsters. Turn off lights (if your group is the last one using the facility). REPORT { •Please list any damage to the facility or equipment: Please list any other needs pertinent to the maintenance of this facility: Lost and Found Items/Other: Name of Event Supervisor's Signature Date M:\contracts\JUClnterloca11999.doc January 24, 2000 11 5DUI./3 „. '-'•."-•.--,'"• ."..;,..;.T,4,,,..,••;:1,•-,..:•,..,.;,......- ''''..-'-'' ''',.'".'-':•••>2-,.';'-'•:•1;••' .... — ''-'-:::-:-.1 ...:',:,•!::.,..';.,"A.;:::f.;:'-'''':-..•:::.;.:. -2'.. .±. • ..:,.. ....,•--w....,,-...;:•..'..',:':' ,!...::". 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Two (2) football . fields Dragon Stadium . • • Carroll Middle School • Carroll Middle School Ju,,,„f.shPoi.shp p Private isja Community Open Space Neighborhood DUt h la "r MX.$Future Purchases CISD Joint Use Property CISD Property OM Undeveloped CISD Property � , Keller ISD Joint Use Property I 1 r-:-1 Keller ISD Property -US Corps of Engineers Grapevine Reservoir NI, i- \ 5 111 Parcels.shp S No Scale City of Southlake Ca-ro,InaidcleSchool Geographic Information Systems Exhibit Six: Two (2)'Public Area • • Com i Center bicentennial Park ' Tennis .•Courts .. �..rr:�,..<.L.w:.i.a:a. .. —.e...., vu.w ax.. ..an.•'1.. .:-A. .. ..:.�� .. • Four (4) lighted'game fiefs :• Ti. oncessii•on Stand;. ;.. : ,-1]•..:•,,,....•.-,:,•,..:=,,.•.-,......-,.':-:..'...-,.:.f.--,.,.:-.'--.-:-..,,;'--.-..'.:--,..:''--..--•...:,';,,..•..•.•...,•.:.'-:--.•,-.....•,:•,-•,',..."...":.;-•:!.--„:-:-....•---;.-::,•-:•-:,..:i,••7-:...:.,-.?-;..:-.:-,-:...:•:•...-.!,..,,.•::-..:::...-.:..••':,i::.•.',,:.:.••'•.:...,.".,'-,'...'!,:•;--:.'•'..••.,'.•:,'..:,,.-.,'...,.:.-...•.',;:;-„,'l...}-:..'...i.•,•......:.,•••',;F.'.•.••.::.:.'..,,:.c!i!.'....*!'.,..„'..:iL..•...'..;.,•..'..:H:;".,i....).•1:.:.::'.4',...::.:). kited •. ;. :.: . . - .:: . : :: :....:... :;:: :.. ::�.. ::::.. ::- > ��;:Three.; 3 �lg T.„....',.!,-:...-...:..•,.:'-•!-,,•..„....; :•:;:: .' Pavilion and •Concession Stand Adventure Alle Pavilions Playground : ..:.: ee (3) ur>i!t!ghte Thr d' w 2 baeksto n1e; ields practfce:areas:-•', _ �tirteen f 13)•lighted Open Spc - :Tennis;,courts :`‘, :. --., practice:area One (1) lighted• In e Future Pavilion Hockey`Rink. Three.(3) unlighted basketball courts - • .:.... . ... k • _______,. Bicentennial park Juf.shp +� Private j I Community k:;-1 Open Space # Neighborhood(J` I' ; ,'I Future Purchases CISD Joint Use Property I I CISD Property ic,;;�Undeveloped CISD Property N Kellar ISD Joint Use Propert Keller ISD Property ��j EN Corps of Engineers `.- -� 5°T)forlm Grapevine Reservoir " Parcels.shp S amity of Southlake Blcennniai Park No Scale Geographic Information Systems I r Exhibit Seven: Lonesome Dove Park p �v,:w:v;-.+a_:.:�w:.•`isa>a,-cay.✓�.Y.s.:cx;l;.r�Y.i,.•i1a::.��,x au•.:•���.a.aa: :: ;. -. ; � :Pavilion w.. _.. .. e • ace n P P :. Lonesome:Dove Park ............. 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E spe-.21 3�Grapevine Reservoir Parcels.shp 1 S No Scale City of South SobJones Park Geographic Information Systems f1 1 .... .,.2,.:„.,,-....; .,. -- •.•:-:-..•••:,::..•":-,-, ,.:-.:•.-',...•.:.•.".."..'F.--...-:',.•••::-.;:;:',..,...,... i ,.....::::_..._,,,,,,,-.. ..:'7„"•;:•;.:•••:,,,:::: :::;;'.,•,.,1.'...--::::.....--..-,:,-...•?:,:•-,::-..:,.-:.:-:-....,•...-•,:„.',..,::-.,:•:•.:• ....'-'.:;,....:...2-......:-.,,.•::::--.:•`::.',..•:, '.:' -.'. ..'..:..:.;;;(:,•:::...f•-......: _,,.....:.::,-.3.,..,:.:::::;.:',••*.)::::::.'-,':...•:- .••:i.--•-ri:':.':•.*:'':::;i:.-.;;; ?.......••,,,,.....1‘,....T.•:::::-:•. •-•••':.•;:'... ...'..:-...„-':.::;',•:::::'..-.'::....'••:,,:-...::'::::-:-.••::.,......J..'•:::::.i .'::• :.•:....:'...:,.';.:•: .1•;-.'.::,-.•'''..;•:,:.•':;.::.-. • ,, .......,::::,,,,,-::::::':,:.:Ii'.-.,..;;.•-:::.'.••:.'''S.•-.•,,-.:;:ii.1,...i,....:•1::,::::•••..:•:::',•::..;"..-;:.--...:":::,::'....:-!...-1.:..'...'..,:••••••::,•':,..::::.Y.:::..,21:•:,•:-...'..:-..',...:-..•'-:::.:::.,,-,..,...:::-.i;,..::::.:•;:::::;:::':.;;::•:'',.....;:::•.::::::::...:'::,:L''.'-'-:,.•-'' .'..:•:1-J,''......5'...'... ..•••;;.:':::-..'s. • • -- ''..•-".'-‘:•••'''.•:,_•:::....:••••...--:,-;::-::'•.:-.'.'•-•-'::.''•-•'-•*:.;/•;:::::::';'•.:-.:';'•:•..:::'".;i:.'-.'.`•::,'.•::'•:•::::'..'... ....•'..;:. : -.''--.';'‘..•:',•...-:.•-.-.''...•:•'.:;•:::1,•':::'fY;:... .•..':::...::. .....:.1‘..,',•:•:_('-:.;.:.:..•••:::1:,:::?...•••,-„ ',:.•-,•,-,.•2•••-•:.•..:,:_Y'...:.:...,i.:,-::,•:.`--••••••`;';,-;•;•.:;;•":,..''...."---: f.-1.-:-.:'-..---•.----:::';'-:::.:•.,••••'-'-:.; ?:--"-,..',:.---;:-.----;-;',-•::,:•;•-•;::'''',...•:,..:-.,,,;',-....'•::::-...''.....-.1...f.,;-.,::•:,:;',.--...'2,.'..'.,.::'........-::::::.:-.-.....,,:,...,.:.,..r ..'ii.-:::::..,;-,•.;;...•••;, .'...:'..-:•:,::,.::',--'..•.--:,..:.-"';':;.'-•-':'•.•:'....•i; ::::.1'r-',..::.:,',C.--•'---'..•'•-•. -;•-,'.'.2.•-;.?':•-•.S.:s'''''"'`.::.'-'.:1•':::':;;-..-....-...",..;,.::=.:',.':;•;c,..:,',:•••;., --,-..'";•:.:;:•....,...-.:;•;.:-... . ...,...:-‘..:;),..,,,,,,:,:,:::,...-...,...:;:;::,'..,:',.:'. :•••3-.:',';'..:',..'.... ..•;:.r.',...;:-.7:,..:..T.'-:,--l',1:•-,:...::::"...:;-...:::::-:.,.',:-...,...-.,,.:':'.,-..-.'.:-::,'.:,'.!',..-!:::-.i.;,,.'=.',.,:.:'.1...j.,,c....,z,•i.,....,..--,.r.,...-,,,;:,....,....-:--.:-:'......',...„,:-..:,-:-..- -.;.--,,i-.7j.,::-.... y,.., ..-...;-;......:::...;---,.. -.....:-..:::::.,-;.-:. 1 :•••:.;,..:-:',':''.. .. .'•••::?...ii::;•:!-:,•:'''',:':';',..1...':.:;:.-'yl:1-..:-.'•'.1.1'.',•''.::•'...f.':••.'...:•;'',:.•,':.•:•:.....f'....,:',....:%.:-::::„•:-'-•:'-'::::::',.:.•'1,:',.',.'.:',''.2.•'...:•-•;:i.':;-:-',-.•;.•:.:.-...::•:-if.'.‘-..:.•.: :'•;•-"":: :: :'.'-'......'::'.-,'..,:-•,,-.-:::-'.-:'.,3-..-.`:::::','......;•;:.:::':. ..-:.".•-•.::::.1•.::.`,..:-.':.;.;.•:."•:;•-•:::".:..''...•:.,:ic.:;::—:.•-....,•.•*:...,::`..:..:::... 1 :.::::::,,,,-,2:::::.,..:,:.-,:::..:...',,... ..•:.:::...:::::'.:;-:;...':-...1..::.....:: ::',...,:::::•:::.::•:;:,;...:.:l.....c.:,::.:•-:',::::::::::::::::::,:3'i.. ;.:-..';',...:::.',..';..„•-•;,'.....;..,••::::::::.::-•:i:,:;-,.-.:..:-::::::-.::..,',.:,-,1":„.::: :::::-.•:fr..;.-;-:::::::.:-:::.?.-'-::::•::1•2!'•:::::'::•::.,:..:•:-•••••.''',:;1:-C`-.':''..••:.:'.•: ::., ;:'.;::".;•:; ::••-.'',..::,:;-;.:-':•:.: ..-..:::-.;:.1'.::•::•'-''..::-•'::: I ,-.......:E•.::::... 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N 5 ,‘„2,12 , 1 • E City of South lake w•:--;,-, t',, Geographic Information • s St.hlactins in-the-Flelds No Scale I INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PARK, PLAYGROUND AND OTHER RECREATION FACILITIES STATE OF TEXAS • 0 COUNTY OF TARRANT 0 This Agreement is made by and between the City of Southlake, a home rule municipality, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Mayor, hereinafter referred-to as the "City," and the Carroll Independent School District, a special purpose unit of government organized and acting under the laws of the State of Texas, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as the "District." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the District presently maintains and operates several school campuses, athletic facilities, and playgrounds in the City and plans for more school sites, athletic facilities, and playgrounds in the City in the future; and WHEREAS, the City presently maintains and operates several parks, athletic facilities, and playgrounds and plans for more parks, athletic facilities, and playgrounds in the future; and WHEREAS, both the City and the District have determined the need for providing certain recreational facilities for schools, as well as for the general public; and WHEREAS, both the City and the District have recognized that the joint use of school recreational facilities and City recreational facilities can benefit both entities, recognizing that school properties and facilities are intended primarily for school purposes and that the educational needs of children are the highest priority; and WHEREAS, the District, through its Board of Trustees, desires to continue to cooperate with the City, through its City Council, in the joint construction, funding, operation, maintenance and/or use of certain recreational joint-use facilities for the enjoyment and benefit of all citizens. NOW,THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual premises herein contained, the mutual benefits flowing to both the City and the District and other good and valuable consideration recited herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City and the District do hereby contract, covenant, warrant and agree as follows: M:\contractslJUCInterlocal1999-doc January 24,2000 SD -23 I I. SCHEDULING (A) The District Superintendent or his or her designee and the City Manager or his or her designee shall be responsible for implementing and administering the scheduling policies of this Agreement. (B) The City shall be entitled to use the District recreational properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "District Property"). The District shall be entitled to use the City recreational properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "City Property"). Exhibit "A" shall be reviewed and updated annually, and approved by the District Superintendent and the City Manager. (C) The City shall be entitled to priority use of the District Property upon approval by the District of a schedule of City activities and programs. A schedule of City activities and programs utilizing District Property shall be submitted three times per year in accordance with the following schedule: Summer (June-- August): submit by January 31; approved by Feb. 15 Winter(September—Janua-ry December) submit by June-3-0 April 30; approved by July 4-5-May 15 Spring (February January--,May) submit by October3-1 September 30; approved by November 1 S October 15 The District shall approve the schedule as submitted, or with any modifications deemed necessary by the District. The City may use the District Property for its authorized activities and programs; and if available, for activities and programs not on the approved schedule. (D) The District shall be entitled to,priority use of the City Property upon approval by the City of a schedule of District activities and programs. A schedule of District activities and programs utilizing City Property shall be submitted three times per year in accordance with the following schedule: Summer(June-- August): submit by January 31; approved by Feb. 15 Winter(September—January December) submit by June-30 April 30; approved by July 4-5-May 15 Spring (February January--May) submit by October -September 30; approved by November '5 October 15 The City shall approve the schedule as submitted, or with any modifications deemed necessary by the City. The District may use the City Property for its authorized activities and programs, and if available, for activities and programs not on the approved schedule. II. SCHEDULE CHANGES M:lcontractsUUClnterloca11999.doc January 24,2000 2 5D ' q . The District Superintendent and his or her designee and the City Manager and his or her designee are authorized to make changes to the approved schedule of activities as they may agree upon throughout the term of this Agreement. III. PUBLIC RESERVATIONS Reservations of the joint-use facilities may be made by the general public on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the prior scheduling by the District and City. All reservations for joint-use facilities as outlined in Exhibit "A" will be coordinated through the owner of the facility, be it the District or City. IV. MINOR MAINTENANCE Generally, the District shall be responsible for maintaining the District Property; and the City shall be responsible for maintaining the City Property. Maintenance will include, but is not limited to,janitorial services; utilities;minor (less than $5,000) maintenance, repair, or replacement; and general upkeep and grounds care. The user of the facility shall have the option to perform the minor repairs under their applicable procedure, and shall notify the owner of any repair work performed. Minor maintenance (under $5,000) of joint-use facilities should be performed using the applicable work order procedure of the City or District. General oversight of maintenance costs of such joint-use facilities will be the responsibility of a Joint-Use Management Committee consisting of the City Manager and/or his designee, and the District Superintendent and/or his designee meeting en a quarterly basis. Specific minor maintenance costs for which cost-sharing will be addressed by the committee are listed in an exhibit attached hereto. For planning purposes, a Summer schedule for maintenance items will be submitted by the District to the City no later than December 31'r of each year. V. MAJOR MAINTENANCE Major maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvements of joint-use facilities, which cost over $5,000 per occurrence, and only if approved by the District and the City, will be the joint responsibility of the District and the City. If either party declines,then the other party has the right to perform the maintenance, repair, replacement, or improvement, and assume the:full financial responsibility thereof. The District and City budgeting process should allocate for major planned maintenance needs. General oversight of maintenance costs of such joint-use facilities will be the responsibility of a Joint-Use Management Committee consisting of the City Manager and/or his designee, and the District Superintendent and/or his designee meeting on a quarterly basis. Specific major maintenance costs for which cost-sharing will be addressed by the committee are listed in an exhibit attached hereto. - VI. USER RESPONSIBILITIES ' M:lcontractsUUClnterlocal1999.doc January 24.2000 The user of a joint-use facility shall famish and supply all materials and supplies necessary for carrying out its program and shall be subject to the reasonable rules and regulations set by the respective governing body, or other designated entity, of the City and/or District. At the completion of each use, the party responsible for supervision of an activity at a joint-use faciliry is responsible for performing minor janitorial, grounds-keeping, and security duties as specified in an exhibit attached hereto. ) . VII. INDEMNIFICATION With respect to the District Property, the City does hereby agree, insofar as permitted by law, to hold harmless the District from any claims, damages, injuries, lawsuits, or causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the District Property for a City activity during the time the City is conducting the activity on the District Property. With respect to the City Property, the District does hereby agree,insofar as permitted by law, to hold harmless the City from any claims, damages, injuries, lawsuits, or causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the City Property for a District activity during the time the District is conducting the activity on the City Property. Each liability insurance policy carried by the District and by the City, shall name the other party as an additional insured with respect to joint use facilities, to the extent as permitted by law. VHI. TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twenty(20)years beginning from the date :of execution of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be automatically extended for additional five (5)year periods, unless terminated in writing by either party at least sixty(60)days prior to the end of the original term or any extension thereof. If either party wishes to discontinue this agreement at any time other than that specified in the previous paragraph, written notice with reason to terminate, must be given at least six (6) months prior to termination. If the term of any addenda attached hereto remains in full force and effect past the termination date of this agreement, then this agreement shall also remain in full force and effect until expiration or termination of the addenda. This Agreement and exhibits shall be reviewed by both parties on an as needed basis. IX. ENCUMBRANCES Neither party to this Agreement shall, without first obtaining written consent of the other party, assign, pledge, or in any way encumber this Agreement, in whole or in part, or sublet the District Property or City Property or any part thereof. X. CLAIMS Nothing in this Agreement shall change or affect the duties, responsibilities, liabilities or M:Icontracts1JUCIntzriocal1999.doc January 24,2000 4 5.0..24 immunities provided to the parties under the Texas Tort Claims Act, Sections 101.001 et seq., of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. XI. ADDENDA . The parties agree to continue to search for new areas of cooperation and to that end shall meet together regularly, along with interested community groups and appropriate City and District administrative officials. The parties may enter into separate "joint utilization agreements" for the construction and of joint-use facilities where such activities are deemed to be in the best interests of the parties. Each joint utilization agreement shall set forth the specific terms and conditions under which such activities are to be conducted. Separate "joint utilization agreements" for operation, maintenance, and/or use of joint-use facilities may be entered into as addenda to this agreement, when such activities are deemed to be in the interests of the parties. These addenda shall identify exceptions or additional requirements to this agreement as may be deemed necessary and proper. - XII. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS This Agreement contains all of the agreements made by and between the parties hereto regarding the use of District Property and City Property and no additional agreements or understandings shall be applicable to the use of District Property or City Property unless first agreed to, in writing, by the parties. XIII. VENUE This Agreement and all of its terms and provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. In the event that a lawsuit is filed by either party arising out of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, venue for the lawsuit shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. XIV. AUTHORIZATION The undersigned officers of the parties are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties. Each party hereto certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or orders extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. M:kontractsUUClnterloca11999.doc January 24,2000 5 5D7 Executed this day of , 2000 in Tarrant County, Texas. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT By: President, Board of Trustees ;,. ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Trustees M:\contractsUUClnterlocal1999.doc January 24,2000 6 . p..7a City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-008 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-333 /First Reading/ Rezoning-Tract 3D,J. J.Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521 STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Interim Planning Director, 481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 3D situated in the J. J. Freshour Survey,Abstract No. 521, and being approximately 5.03 acres. PURPOSE: Zoning approval required prior to development. LOCATION: 2750 Florence Road being on the south side of Florence Road approximately 360' east of Brewer Road. OWNER/APPLICANT: Sreekumaran K. Nair CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and 100-Year Flood Plain NO. NOTICES SENT: Nineteen(19) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: March 9,2000; Approved(6-0). STAFF COMMENTS: Please note that a change of zoning to the "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District does not require a Concept Plan Review by Staff. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-008Z.doc 5E-l thlake,Texas City of Sou Tract Map zih°o4)°s iiiikitif/C 3 o> : llowislim.„„,- - 4 'CZ:c , . FLORENCE . 0 jams lilt ti, la e Sli 1.Sig.l'IC"..N 7:-,,,,,-;. rogigius lir ,, . a ' Ili of.fir4\--4.7,c's1:- ITIOUI:' itilral", reticefi'"7 7.17:1q1474\. . *mg ' gird sow' ilifit •‘. ib...)% -- • 2 _ 1III ?\ ::\1gill I 11!I \(P..' --- • inis ,- I '.-- --,-;-,:._A _,_ -- — 0 <:,, ...,,, "'‘,K,,, .--'' .-- :, . % ---_—:_._:— , 0011101 — T.. _ \ /,',i \.\ s›— k 0 • ate _ ___.:::,::;_i -----\-1\- V. . ..,- ,,,, — --,••••• r-�-�_ 2000 Feet 2000 N \kA, 4.----- E, W 'I \ s ' City of Southlake, Texas Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-008 FLORENCE 9 O 1 fn 2 lib myji 7 G; . 3 11 * 12 ' __ L9I JF L:1 _ 4 8.- 13 FN.-N.' �HISIUM 20 i'1817.lei'14. C -. 41 '0 9- • ME ', II C MINIM _ truzi o 0-1NSON , MMMI EM ---C 1 1 ).--‘ .--1. i _ I I I I \, r7--- Property Owners Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. T. Ketchem 1. "SF-1B" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 1.599 acres 2. B. Bland 2. "SF-1B" 2. Medium Density Residential2. 1.000 acres 3. B. Bland 3. "SF-1B" 3. Medium Density Residentia13. 1.386 acres 4. City of Southlake 4. "CS" 4. Public/Semi-Public 4. 5.000 acres 5. J.Harrington 5. "AG" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 5.000 acres 6. O. Sconyers 6. "AG" 6. Low Density Residential 6. 1.000 acres 7. Newcastle Properties LLC 7. "AG" 7. Low Density Residential 7. 1.82 acres 8. A. Wells 8. "AG" 8. Low Density Residential 8. 1.72 acres 9. K. Thorne 9. "AG" 9. Low Density Residential 9. 0.42 acres 10. T. Casillas 10. "AG" 10.Low Density Residential 10. 1.39 acres 11. Wells Construction Co.Inc 11. "AG" 11.Low Density Residential 11. 0.66 acres 12. H.Logan 12. "AG" 12.Low Density Residential 12. 0.50 acres 13.D. Kelly 13. "AG" 13.Low Density Residential 13. 1.00 acres 14.Fred Joyce-Mary Myers 14. "SF-20A" 14.Medium Density Residential 14. 0.686 acres Ent. Inc. , 15.R.Duke 15. "SF-20A" 15. Medium Density Residential 15. 0.468 acres 16.K. Burghart 16. "SF-20A" 16.Medium Density Residential 16. 0.703 acres 17. W. Roepka 17. "SF-20A" 17.Medium Density Residential 17. 0.485 acres 18.D. Brown 18. "SF-20A" 18.Medium Density Residential 18. 0.459 acres ' 19. G. Clark 19. "SF-20A" 19.Medium Density Residential 19. 0.459 acres `-. =' 20. C. Owens 20. "SF-20A" 20. Medium Density Residential 20. 0.628 acres \\SLKSV4001\Local\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-008Z.doc bg.'3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480433 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 3D SITUATED IN THE J'Jc:FRESHOUR SURVEYS ABSTRACT`NO:".521,AND.BEING A ,PROXIMATELY:,5:03 P A.CRo, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM"AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTIOCT TO "SF4A":SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIALDISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential,and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 1 5E-4 WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as ``AG'?`Agricuitu Eal District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following,factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages;noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT1WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 2 5E-5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes,that the public demands them,that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 3 5E.19 amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Tract 3D,situated-in°the J.;J-.:,Freshour_Survey,,'Abstract No 521,�and,be ng 'approximately;5 03 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from"AG"Agriciilltural District to "8F=:1'47,:,Sing1e-Famikly,`Residential.U'strict. SECTION 2. . That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 4 5E-1 among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 5 5G,-- Q violations and all pending litigation, both civil,and criminal, whether pending in court or not,under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 6 E*C PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of ,2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 7 5t-10 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING A 5.03 ACRE TRACT IN THE J. J. FRESHOUR SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 521, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 10 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO HARVEY FORNHOF, AND WIFE, KATHY FORNHF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 8196, PAGE 1692, OF THE DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY. METES AND BOUNDS AS, FOLLOWS: BEGINNING:AT'A FOUND 1/2 INCH STEEL ROD IN THE NORTH LINE OF SAID J. J. FRESHOUR SURVEY AND-IN THE CENTER OF FLORENCE ROAD, AND IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A 1.0 ACRE TRACT AS DEEDED TO OPAL V. CONYERS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 12069, PAGE 1309, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; THEN S0113'45"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID 1.0 ACRE TRACT, 1391.21 FEET TO, A FOUND PIPE IN THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OF RIDGEWOOD II; THEN S8910'1'2"W ALONG THE NORTH 'UNE'OF SAID LOT 10, 159.35 FEET TO A FOUND 60D NAIL IN THE NORTH UNE OF LOT 9, IN SAID BLOCK 2; THEN N00'20'21"W LEAVING SAID NORTH UNE, 1393.50 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2 INCH STEEL ROD IN THE CENTER OF SAID FLORENCE ROAD;. THEN N90'00'00"E ALONG SAID CENTER UNE. 159.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING 5.03 ACRES OR 219225 SQUARE FEET OF LAND. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-333.DOC Page 8 '-- . City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17,2000 CASE NO: ZA 00-011 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-334 /First Reading/ Rezoning-Tract 2B,T. M.Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy,Interim Planning Director, 481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Tract 2B, situated in the T. M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, and being approximately 5.358 acres. PURPOSE: Zoning approval required prior to development. LOCATION: On the west side of Shady Oaks Drive approximately 360' south of Ravenaux Drive. • OWNERS/APPLICANTS: Kenneth and Lorrie Hill CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "RE" Residential Estate District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Seventeen(17) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: March 9, 2000; Approved(6-0). STAFF COMMENTS: Please note that a change of zoning to the "RE" Residential Estate District does not require a Concept Plan Review by Staff. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-011Z.doc 5V-1 SOLI"' -TOO aet,itaP 0•104 _ • , DS ' 1 _ to a 0, i \, egi0 .; _ •• • - , ‘r _ 7Wliii11111‘ - ,,,/ % • OA -A-.' .?.22 1010 •,„ \, .11 foit, ts 4:1 --‘---. „astir _it- '<'''-- :\ • . r. -__4.411111 101tina,s4. ,-,,,,-'' v,,,, at:---- i ,11-11)Avi relit* la_ / for\ , ,,,_.__ . _ 0 . . _ ot :01,,,wi. 100 a 0 . --44.111-010 41e....0,Ay ._...., ..:,__. .. . ...i. ..,_ , , ,--0, . .-...t' ef5I -__,,,--,4-H:c. ,.--.,,,,) ,...r , .. , . ., 0 •, .=' -"\-I---\._., , -.1.1 -k...1_L./..7-c,....N -c._ clv.kkol ii .; t - o ft %nil,: - • :.- )--00r* -\ . _3--\-\-1,. • i _ . . 4006 loowook...,,„,claw" ___ _ s _k 1 v. - 0 16'10" \ .'--:::. C> '‘i 10_, i1.011111 --,', .9,, t ../_C---- C.--aiA, - ___ _-_. ..,• so -z-• -- '' '. \ '''' 0101\ ' \I ‘ /'-c. 6 4 - - % II*iir._ 7-- . .--' i -11. 1 ti .--/ :- '-': • '1',gi. „..:-.)-i:. \''' V \\ IX'•'' ';':"N.- ~ -tom -l.1' I / \\ _.„, ii.,,-,,,...\-;,\/ _too --- ;° py A3asit. .1%.' -.,1-----1\j14,.:3\rt.. ,., 0, 1, I. - ‘±).Cli ',4().< " -------- - 1 ( i1 Feet P-\\F''I.. ...' ' \V - glai - \ . 41..'-' V-4 51 r 0 Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-011 1 IMIIIIIIIIIIr , ),. Anil ,----7)\\ •-.._ mr, 1----/\N--\ 413 PIPMEN1111 larig irdi I air Ilto. VJUHk1i .,■ • .tire I III 18 1 i ; ,4 _ 17 2 3. 4 1 ili he Vigil 7 I 11114 15 8 ,•,. L�Øi1413 11.,l12.B. ` HL P MD -f-- , .__ I - i 1 1 1 I I Property Owners Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. D. Deck 1. "SF-1A" 1. Low Density Residential 1. 2.49 acres 2. P. Salinas 2. "AG" 2. Low Density Residential 2. 0.95 acres 3. A. Sanchez 3. "AG" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 0.50 acres 4. P. Salinas 4. "AG" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 0.93 acres 5. J. Phillips 5. "SF-1A" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 1.00 acres 6. D. Ahlers 6. "SF-1A" 6. Low Density Residential 6. 2.27 acres 7. B. Passmore 7. "SF-1A" 7. Low Density Residential 7. 4.70 acres 8. M. Stevens 8. "SF-IA" 8. Low Density Residential 8. 5.04 acres 9. S. Richardson 9. "SF-1A" 9. Low Density Residential 9. 5.09 acres 10. C. Willingham 10. "AG" 10. Low Density Residential 10. 1.67 acres 11. G. Stewart 11. "AG" 11. Low Density Residential 11. 0.79 acres 12. E. Shuping 12. "AG" 12. Low Density Residential 12. 1.30 acres 13. L. Dixon 13. "AG" 13. Low Density Residential 13. 1.00 acres 14. L. Dixon 14. "R-PUD" 14. Low Density Residential 14. 0.74 acres 15. W. Margozewitz 15. "R-PUD" 15. Low Density Residential 15. 1.00 acres 16. M. Hanan 16. "R-PUD" 16. Low Density Residential 16. 1.00 acres 17. J. Milner 17. "R-PUD" 17. Low Density Residential 17. 1.15 acres 18. E. Jacobson 18. "R-PUD" 18. Low Density Residential 18. 1.00 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-011Z.doc 51'3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 48O 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS ACT,2B;.SITUATED IN THE `HOOD.;;SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO:;706;,AN])BEING APPROXIMATELY S:358 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM"AG" AGRICULTURAL :DISTRICT TO "RE"- SINGLE':FAMILY RESIDENTIAL :ESTATE ;DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT1WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page 1 5 I WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG"Agricultural District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages;noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page 2 5 .5 • WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes,that the public demands them,that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire,panic,and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page 3 5F-to • amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Tract 2B ntheH AbsractN706;,'and b eirig . , and .more full .. approximately.S;:35$acres, fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from"AG"Agriculturai District to "RE'':�S.ingle Faicnily Residential=Estate_^District. SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety,morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page4 5f -7 among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page 5 5P-8 violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not,under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for'a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of ,2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY p N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING1480-334.DOC Page 6 5F-9 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of ,2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-334.DOC Page 7 5F-10 EXHIBIT "A" G U W n;t"5 C:r;K'1'l r'1 C:A'1'r. STATE OF TEXAS ff COUNTY OF TARRANTQ THAT WHEREAS, KENNETH WAYNE HILL AND LORRIE ELAINE HILL, are the owner' s of a tract in the Thomas M. Hood Survey Abstract No. 706 situated in the City of Southiake, Tarrant County , Texas , as described in a deed recorded in Volume 13081 , Page 409 , Deed Records , Tarrant County, Texas ; and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows ; BEGINNING at a 1/2" capped iron found at the Northeast corner of of Lot 34 , Block 3 , Coventry Manor , Phase II, an addition to the City of Southiake , Tarrant County, Texas as shown on a plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3320, Plat Records , Tarrant County , Texas , said point being the Northwest corner of the herin described tract; THENCE S. 890-26 ' -38" E. 667 .01 feet along the south line of a tract described in a deed of record in Volume 5169, Page 553 , Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas ,to a 1/2" iron found„_in the west line of Shady Oaks Drive for the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; 110 THENCE S. 0°-45 ' -54" W. 350. 53 feet along the west line of Shady Oaks Drive..V. to a 1/2" iron found in same for the Southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N. 890-25 ' -36"W. 666 . 71 feet along the north line of a tract described in a deed recorded in Volume 11036 , Page 2312, to a 1/2" iron found in the east line of Lot 6 , Block 3, of Coventry Manor, Phase II , above referenced ; THENCE N. 10-07 ' -16" E. 218 . 70 feet along the east line of Block 3 , to a 1/2" iron found in same; THENCE ' N. 0°-02 ' -41 " E. 131 . 64 feet continuing along the east line of said Block 3 , to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5 . 358 1-/- acres . 110 N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480.334.D0C Page 8 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 775, 1st Reading, Abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of South Kimball Avenue right-of-way at the intersection of Crooked Lane Action Requested: Staff requests Council to approve Ordinance No. 775, 18r Reading, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion: of South Kimball Avenue right-of-way at the intersection of Crooked Lane. Background • Information: The construction plans for S. Kimball from Crooked Lane to the Heritage Business Park are being developed. The right-of-way for this section of S. Kimball was dedicated by plat in 1974. Following the survey for the design of S. Kimball, it was discovered that the portion of right-of-way for S. Kimball on the south side of Crooked Lane was offset and not aligned with the existing right-of-way of S. Kimball north of,Crooked Lane. Therefore, additional right-of-way for S. Kimball was required on the south side of Crooked Ln. to align the roadway at the intersection. • The property owner (Mr. James Lunsford) on either side of the existing S. Kimball right-of-way south of Crooked Ln. has dedicated the required right-of-way to align the roadway. Exhibit 1 shows the amount dedicated by the property owner. Since the roadway has been shifted to the east, south of Crooked Ln., there is a portion of the right-of-way that was dedicated by the original plat that is no longer needed. Exhibit 2 shows the amount of right-of-way not required to construct S. Kimball south of Crooked Ln. This portion can be abandoned and quitclaimed to the property owner in consideration for the additional right-of-way he dedicated to align the intersection. The two, platted tracts on either side of the Kimball right-of-way affected by the proposed abandonment and additional right-of-way dedication will have to submit a plat revision to the City prior to development. Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: . None. 5G-1 . City of Southlake, Texas Legal Review: The City attorneys reviewed Ordinance No. 775. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Ordinance No. 775 Quitclaim Deed Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve Ordinance No. 775, 1st Reading, which is for the abandonment and quitclaim of a portion of South Kimball Avenue right-of-way at the intersection of Crooked Lane. Please place this item on the March 21, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for approval. 1 \(71,%_P)Z-- SEP/sep l . I 5G-2 I I . ,I • • • • • • j PROPERTY DESCRIBED I • 4•7 I • 1 I . ; AREA = 2.190 sq. ft. ! • 4 i • I I 0.050 acres •j j i ! utR • j. jv'1.TIA.RE �•�I �. RE fig'D. R.O•W. I 7 Recta. 1 ..Ey i ;, I • I S0i 098 i I I• MA4 NO• I i •..• SURgEY I G•wTRp ' i i . .•% • E pN 52 • I I pg5 i i .�' !I . i • FREtMNO' I 1. •�•' • ' H T '• Ik3. :11 45 _ _ . i J0 ABS 1 N8258.15' j L.'•''• •• ,.''�. • �• ` _ _ _ _.._..J.._ •—•• poory - .-ciiNT .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._-• N86.45'00"E POB •. • CROOKED LANE __�.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..--•-•-- 0 IN 29.23' k W . I fRF 586 45'00'"IV 342.25 .o, �-�I s�1 c , -. : to • j '-� L =216 IPS - ST {mow/ L:.._.._.._.-_.._.._-_.._.._.._.._..— W R =10834500 �. . • g • • I y j ! CD =N8.08 51 W t `siq El • TRACT 1B i j LC =215.71 -.-`• 45.21ft 5UI CARROLL .INDEPENDENT ► '' • 00w �`' 22�04ft ONpI'p.� 01 SCHOOL DISTRICT ! N• Mi 510N I 72 61ft B. MR ACT N ! VOL. 13014. P.540 • _.._.._.._.._.._.._T� GREg0• Ct 5 GE A5 •40'12"E C• g5T i SV tRf'96. Pp ) ''145.21ft p . VOL• 388-'t•C.T. j .‘E 01' Td. tP.' .1TlpphL I bs,I IP I an __r. yea°,sTrae* a+1N I$URVEY R'S CERTIFICATION p�DtcATE A i IIMMI!!!iMMEMMOMII T,11= ««.....«......•« I.Eddie L Cheatham of CHEATHAM MID ASSOCIATES.a Registered Professional• EDDIES L.CHEATHAM Land Surveyor of the State of Texas,do hereby declare that the calculations. Note:ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH . (IN FEET ) • 2346 . graphic yrophk depiction and legal desaipttons of this survey were properly prepared LINE OF THE GREEN MEADOW SUBDIVISION 1 inch - 100 ft. oeEsoo�O� under maLnolsupervislon from on actual survey mode on the ground. VOL.388-96,P.45 ID.R.T.C.T.! CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIAT ES \Z Z`1-4�► ,cot E.LAMM BLVD SURE 200 MILL N-roN.TEXAS 7eon Registered Prof sdonal Land•Surveyor No.2346 • tern 54e-0e11e wtro alm2es-esse I ' • I PROPERTY DESCRIBED I IW • i j t • . :Z I j 1 I AREA = 1 ,968 sq. ft. j I Z j j j . 1 0.045 acres i j 4 SURy E' I j Q l SAL R0• I I �: RA I 41 1 • f ARst Ct j .'. AN.552g j 'i . g l ! :1' -•�• .'... . E M O I �, •I I % •'• •.. ilij J H�BAtRAC • N i• I Nc jj A =988°36'53" i i ... .- . • • . O A S I j • j • R = 23 78ft j �i ,.'• iii • • 1 T =27.65ft r•• 1 • • CD =N37.24'42"E I I �••�-• ,• ! .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..—..—..11 1 LC =36.05ft ._.. j•-_..—•• ••�. L:_... —.._.._.._. Py 'MONUMENT k CROOKED LANE ••• p®® s®g_�s•oo�M 25e„ssr.-o .._.._.._.._.__.__.._.__.._.._.. �, !7 .-.—..—..—..—..—..—..—.._..—..—..—.;1 1 sn" IPSL/500°15'00"IN EAppN I - - - W A =10.12107" L j } 75.GRE,ROj c1 ppGts 45j • ! T =91116.00ft � 50®TRg 96• t.1CD 99.62f'41"W 'r' �p4. 38 R.T'C. TRACT 1BNIi LC =198.45ft j j t IP' j CARROLL INDEPENDENT j • jj �—L =150.56ft 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT j j A =1°56'37' j II 1 R = 4438 00ft j Ey VOL. 130141 P.540 _.._.._.._.._.._.._rd T =75 29ft j VRV j. I CD =SO°43'19"E • 0 SUN. 3 j LC =150.55ft 1•IA . • j j Op0 0 g OF M ACT .cp� �sTER.F ! II :se IPS C••p�StR ; o ao eoo mo os 1- * SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION Iti x^•��..••..p I.Eddie L.Cheatham of CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES,a Registered Professional EDDIE L.CIiEATHAM ' Land Surveyor of the State of Texas.do hereby declare that the calculations. Note:ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH (W I FEET ) = 4 2346 ,., graphic depiction and legal descriptions of this survey were properly prepared LINE OF THE GREEN MEADOW SUBDIVISION (4I,oirtssoo dot under my personalsupervision from on actualsurvey made on the ground. VOL.388-96,P.45 (D.R.T.C.T.) 1 inch - 100 ft. suav ,/ CHEF wu AND ASSOCIATES0 k. _ `•ems. M SJIGTON.MIAS Mon Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.2346 (ern 545-009e Moto asn)aes-esss ORDINANCE NO. 775 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A RIGHT OF WAY FOR SOUTH KIMBALL AVENUE IN A PORTION OF TRACT 1 OF THE GREEN MEADOW SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTY IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSHIP INTEREST AND CONTROL OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution,and Chapter 9 of the.Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, a right of way has been previously dedicated to the City of Southlake by the owner of Tract 1 of the Green Meadow Subdivision to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that the right-of-way located in the portion of Tract 1 of the Green Meadow Subdivision is not being used by, nor 'useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment; WHEREAS, in order to, remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said right-of-way, the City desires to execute a quitclaim deed releasing all title, ownership and control in said right-of-way to the owner of the abutting property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 5G-5 1 SECTION 1. The right-of-way in the portion of Tract 1 of the Green Meadow Subdivision to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, more specifically shown in Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. It constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. Accordingly, the above described right-of- way is hereby vacated and abandoned as public property and shall revert in fee simple to the owner of Tract 1 of the Green Meadow Subdivision. SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute a quitclaim deed releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of the right-of-way, on behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION 3. A copy of said quitclaim deed shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. V SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the city council that the phrases, clauses; sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, 5G-6 such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 5. -This Ordinance shall be in full force.and effect from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. • PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney 5G-7 . ' 1 ' X,H I B,IT "A" • ' PROPERTY DESCRIBED I I := AREA = 1 .968 sq. ft. I .I 2 ! I j - 0.045 acres N SARI O9B j j EY I. J G$STRpCT I I . •• • �: A I AN S5Z9 I I co I I I /. '..'. R .r $ I N RAET O• I ''" :i L =40.92ft j !./• �*. A C I i< I' A =98'36'53" i •�.. JOHA$S1 1 I . I 1 T =27365ftt i �• . •':�. A\ , . 1 i ' j ; CD =N37.24'42"E I .-- LC �•-�"' :�- Cr ._.._.._.._..-.•-..—.._..ls _36.05ft_.._.._I POC'r''. C ..�..—. ..—..—. L-•—• - COIyD*MONUMENT LANE ---•---- OD I CROOKED ... jw ase.rs' -------------- gyp' IRF Se6��5 00 -,_-.—...0 i" ._.._.._.._..�.._.._.._..—.._..�-\ 5,® IPs =dj,,..." --S.1:707:15'00"W E AOgN L`.-.-_: _.._.._ _.:_::_:._.._ _.._.._.. j % L =198•71ft 1, 5.16' M i0 R =11116.00ft ` I �'l 01190 1 tRA 96' 1, G1 A5I t- T =99.62ft �;, age .C, j CD =N6.47'41"W • • ff1 vol.. F-•T TRACT 1 B LC =198.45ft 11 1 gyp' 1 CARROLL INDEPENDENT it L =150.56ft, I SCHOOL DISTRICT _,•_•,_„_•,_-•_- _ II I' R =14438.00ft i VOL. 13014, P.540 [ � T =75.29ft j U 'VE1 j j ' CD =S0°43'19"E 0 5i045 • OF T I I LC =150.55ft �GOC1AO• ��.lo�srERe e j I I :5'e IPS C•iStRp ! �Al' e ao 1o0 ieo y IF * N . SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION 61114!!!!1111111111111 `t . _ .«•«.««•••«.«• • I.Eddie L.Cheatham of CHEATHAM Al'ID ASSOCIATES.a Registered Professional —15 E„ ATHAM Land Surveyor of the State of Texas.do hereby declare that the calculations. Note:ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH t IN FEET ) :;_�•, 1 2346 ., graphic depiction and legal descriptions of this survey were properly prepared LINE OF THE GREEN MEADOW SUBDIVISION _ � 1 inch - 100 ft. ,PEas%ot'O� under my personalsupervision from an actualsurrvey made on the ground. VOL.388-96.P.45 (D.R.T.C.T.) ti, suR� •I CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES - AA p t # E•LAMAR BLVD SUITE zoo Registered ProfessionalLond Surveyor No.2346 tem boa Metro elm2�ee30 Exhibit'IV Being a 0.045 acre tract of land in the C.B.McDonald Survey,Abstract No. 1013,City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of Green Meadow Subdivision,Tract 1,as recorded in Volume 388-96,Page 45(P.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a concrete monument found,said point being the northeast corner of said Green Meadow Subdivision,Tract 1. THENCE S 86°45'00"W,for a distance of 258.15 feet to a Y2"iron pin found for a corner, said point being the northwest property corner of said Tract 1 and in the south right-of-way line of Crooked Lane,said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; • THENCE S 00° 15'00"W,for a distance of 75:16 feet to a point,said point being the beginning of a curve to.the left,having a radius of 4,438.00 feet and a chord bearing of S 0°43' 19".E; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 150.56 feet to a 5/8"iron pin set for a corner,said point being the beginning of a curve to the left,having a radius of 1;116.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 06°47'41"W; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 198.71 feet to a 5/8"iron pin set for a corner,said point also being the beginning of a curve to the right,having a radius of 23.78 feet and a chord bearing of N 37°24'42"E; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 40.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 0.045 acres of land,more or less. G100I-230\230•LGL 11.DOC January 13,2000 . • 5G-9 V QUITCLAIM DEED STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the City Council of the City of Southlake, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, after careful study and consideration, has determined that the right of way of a portion of South Kimball Avenue, located in a portion of Tract 1 of the Green Meadow Subdivision, located in the City of Southlake, hereinafter more specifically shown on Exhibit "A" and described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. For and in consideration of the above findings and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Southlake ("Grantor") does hereby bargain, sell, release, vacate, abandon and forever quitclaim unto James F. Lunsford, Trustee ("Grantee"), any and all of their heirs, legal representatives or assigns, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the right of way described on Exhibit "A" in proportion to their abutting ownership. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the above described right of way unto the said Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor nor its heirs, legal representatives or assigns shall have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid right of way, premises or appurtenances or any part thereof. EXECUTED this day of , 2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Mayor 5G-10 EXHIBIT "A" , i ! i PROPERTY DESCRIBED ;� I .I. - ; AREA = 1 ,968 sq. ft. I ! Z : j ' I 0.045 acres i ' RNI j j • N SO 09 - ' I Q µp: NO' I I ). 1 l i � G�VI••RACI I j •,.•" I ORVE1 1 Q ABS l • . •'•• I F RE'f NO' I ,'' L =40.92ft „ i �. •' JOHp65TR�C 1 Y ! R _=923378ft j �i•i • 1 ` Il• CD =N37524'42"E I • '• - 1!\ ..-..l.t • 1 LC =36.05ft .._..� - —• •— P L:a�.. •—• CDy UMENT � ••_•• CROOKED LANE ___ t_� IRF 586_t5'OOjM25B.f5..11. ,---- ••_.._.._.._.._..__._.._.._.._.. i •r.— — •- _.._....,�\•i a S00'15'00"W rat .._.._.._.._.._.._ ._.._.._.._.._.. .. 6� IPS ;�� �` N L..._ L =198.71ft 75.16' ►� 51O 0 =10.12'07" I I • aEENIV?f 1 GE 45i i I R = 1116.00ft q,F. G5L) f 96' pA ) T =99.62ft 388- ,C•T' • . CD =N6.47'41"W 11 v01.• tp.R•T TRACT 18 LC =198.45ft .. CARROLL INDEPENDENT .11 �L =150.56ft I • SCHOOL DISTRICT i „ II I• R =14438300ft 1 VOL. 13014, P.540 T =75.29ft i ORE i i CD =SO°43'19"E 0 51013 OF i i j LC =,150.55-B. µDOT p10. - �'���sTe�T4b I I1. :54" IPS C• keStft 0 00 goo mo g * `e 7� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION .••.•••••«••«•••••• I.Eddie L.Cheatham of CHEATHAM NI) ASSOCIATES.a Registered Professional EDDlE L.CHEATHAId Land Surveyor of the State of Texas.do hereby declare that the calculations, Note:ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH (N FEET ) . 2346 ie graphic depiction and legal descriptions of this survey were properly prepared LINE OF THE GREEN MEADOW SUBDIVISION 1 inch - 100 ft. _' (' ae s�:0�dt- under mymy�personal supervision from an actual survey mode on the ground. VOL.388-96,P.45 (D.R.T.C.T.) 4-, suite ZrIJ��.._ OCR.:...•..• -fig.- O t� CHEATHAM AND lee, BLLVD ASSOCIATES 000 7 Na.nGTON..TEXAS 7ean Registered Profeselond Land Surveyor No.2346 C817)548-0698 Mtn) (817)265-8838 Exhibit'B' • Being a 0.045 acre tract of land in the C.B.McDonald Survey,Abstract No. 1013,City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,and being a portion of Green Meadow Subdivision,Tract 1,as recorded in Volume 388-96,Page 45(P.R.T.C.T.)and being more particularly described as follows: - COMMENCING at a concrete monument found,said point being the northeast corner of said Green Meadow Subdivision,Tract 1. THENCE S 86°45'00"W,for a distance of 258.15 feet to a'/2"iron pin found for a corner, said point being the northwest property corner of said Tract 1 and in the south right-of-way line of Crooked Lane,said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00° 15'00"W,for a distance of 75.16 feet to a point,said point being the beginning of a curve to the left,having a radius of 4,438.00 feet and a chord bearing of S 0°43' 19"E; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 150.56 feet to a 5/8"iron pin set for • a corner,said point being the beginning of a curve to the left,having a radius of 1,116.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 06°47'41"W; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 198.71 feet to a 5/8"iron pin set for a corner,said point also being the beginning of a curve to the right,having a radius of 23.78 feet and a chord bearing of N 37°24'42"E; THENCE continuing along said curve,for a distance of 40.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 0.045 acres of land,more or less. G:\001.2301230-LGL1 I.DOC January 13,2000 5G-12 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-139 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-332/First Reading/Rezoning and Site Plan - 114 Kimball Square STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Interim PlanningDirector, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 Attached is a letter from the applicant requesting to table this item to the April 4,2000, City Council Meeting. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-1139ZSP.tbl.doctbl.doc 5H-I I'IHK.1'.CYJYJ4� 11 bbh I'I UH11 I1H 11L KtHL I T btKVlLL I iV.tilb t .1 ®l Nd��®® LSG — :Qcsa<.A C.-,Wvacia march 15, ZQOQ Mr, Denrie 1Z411,-. gh Vie fax #8 7/488 937�1 b-. rZ� fax vu.t/1•+uu-JJeV sen10r plan Ar City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd, • Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: EA 99-139 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. • Southlake, Texas Dear Mr. Kiilougti: 1 request City of Southlake's consideration of the referenced site plan and rezoning be tabled-until April 4, 2000. I am planning to deliver engineering drawings and other information on or before Ml ilday, March 27, 2000. Than% you for your cooperation in this matter. el Stin_cares2</ �—, ..' A. - 7 / ''/',/// /:--�- // An /o '//,OA 4TA `ir. -MA se- DVM/dg / r • REC'D MAR 15 2000 P.O.Box 12248 Leasing Texas 75225 Ninn n 000 ,rni. COMMERCIAL/INVE5T.MENT RROPNI,TTF5 21.4/363.8504 5J-2 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-143 PROJECT: Site Plan—IHOP Restaurant STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan for IHOP Restaurant, on property legally described as Lot 6R, Block A, Southlake Bank Place, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4546 & 4547, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 1.666 acres. PURPOSE: Site plan required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the northwest corner of State Highway 114 and Industrial Boulevard. OWNER: IHOP 1419, Inc. APPLICANT: Monsanto &Associates CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Two (2) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: February 3, 2000; Approved (6-0) to table to the March 9, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting (Public Hearing was closed). March 9,2000;Approved(7-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated January 28, 2000, waiving Item#1 allowing the parapet type construction as shown;#2 (5' bufferyard adjacent to the property line along rear of the lot);#3 (minimum 100' driveway throat depths); adding Item#4 (requiring a common access easement to be dedicated along the northwest driveway that would provide access back to the platted easement on the southwest portion of the property and also a stub into the lot to the northwest); and making the colored rendering submitted this evening part of the submittal. City of Southlake, Texas STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 17,2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-143SP.doc 1A-2. City of Southlake,Texas Tract Map 7i0-143 L G . --li - 1 Ni---T - _ \ .. .--c_1—_, ---_ ,,.., \_.. . -,,,,......: ., ..\. \,.i...,___v_\—, „.„..) ks: . . ___ :::-,70 __ ,, - \-,--,5, 1 106, SIP : \110: , , o \Ilak j-)111011r ----_ -- . � ■ Y Z 33 --if" ,.,- /\ :, _ 0 c__, ----] _ .... 7--k e K9F Aft: 200o feet 0 200 \isi -"'", ''\ \....k.(.1.--- E City of Southlake, Texas Surrounding Property Owners ZA99-143 0 41,„ <71,-/ EC' I 1110 — n Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation 1. Osiris Properties,Inc. 1. "C-3" 1. Retail Commercial 2. Gateway Properties,Inc. 2. "C-3" 2. Retail Commercial 3. Gateway Properties,Inc. 3. "C-3" 3. Retail Commercial N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99143.doc �AJ TEL NO. Jan 06 ,40 16 :0,6 P .01 Tomden Engineering Marcia 3,2000 Ms. Lisa Sudbury City of Southlake 1721 L. Southlake Blvd..Ste 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 RR: iHOP(oi SH 114& industrial RJvd Driveway variance.Request • Dear Ms Sudbury • As a result of stalls comment to provide a l0i)•iixat driveway stacking depth and the P K. /.'. concern over Out variance request, we have reviewed our site layout in hope of meeting this requirement. However, due to the triangular shape of this iuoperty, any increase in siaeking depth along S)1 114 reduces our buildable area too severely. We therefore again request that the Planning and Zoning Commission eonsidei our variance request and offer the following ileitis in support: 1) the si:ieking depth would unduly testi ic:t the ability to develop this lot due In its iritmgular shape as tiniest above; • 2) the IHOP drivevvay cOnneet ion'1ta'S}1 1) 1 it"downstream" of the east- hound SII 114 entrance ramp and therefore would not attract sit;niJieaut traffic from oilier parts or the ctevoli►pmeut: 3) the Bank. Kirby's and JHOP.uhen considered as one development does.not exceed the 50-1txtl • . Stacking requircintutt:Whereas,the addition of Lot JO does(see attached table). • 4) 11101r does not have the capacity to add driveways. whereas Lot It) dons (up to four drives to frank Street (0..100'spacing); • . 5) neither the batik or Kirby's was required to meet increased slacking requirements. City start'is correct in viewing IHOP as pail of the total development which must consider all lots that arc or will - •be connected,by driveways. This includes taus National Bank. Kirby's. 1HO14, l.ot ttt and Lot 7/8. However. iuilikc most.retail Ixutsrs;;this development ox.•not under•,a single ownership or.development pl:au ,J'lntrefore. each ._ lot muci.tu:.(xuasidered inchvicltially.•in mis'atnh1% t(rstow Mc el!SiOiucn:arid con trihaitc to tau_over:all ii:slftc flier ui .. .::.1l,c'cCrt(ra:•ll�t)J'.-in pariirt(Jar:iliac tu.tltC si c:Shape•;.uiid 1c616u0.0fit+kvt ca1111(4'iuett ak alas aiacktiij cicfrilt tat .add drivew*ays tas•rt mennc of ineetinr;ihc:rcquinutiau>,'of the driveway Killee. • :. We believe':dial..tile',fac ts••presculcd.aixwc:support,our..request.for:this. :and respectfully.rc(lucst staff's ilt..tltis.rnallvr Pleasecan.nic,with any-questicaiis, • . Sincerely, Tonidei �a laatt ilea; • Thomas N. Jones,P.P.,/ ' RECD MAR 0 3 2000 attachtatnnts �aoa. ( aF3 } :cr, Me:,-tailed°.Motac.tlito • Mr:Randy iJayden • • 9?..02 Markvitae • Dallas,Texas 75743 • (cr2)234-6294 Fax(977)734-8549 1A-5 TEL NO . Jan 06 ,40 16 :07 P .02 //f 1 200' TX NAT'L BANK 43 SPACES 111W4\ y LOT AR 1R ilk , KIRBY'S 100 SPACES • 11 FUTURE • i , LOT 7 & 8 82 SPACES I IL- , W \ ork 'IN ,:-4 ., \\N. OP iY i LU7 lU ; 5 mop :SPACES IZ I 4.892 :,ACRS : . j ___, i t N. 1 % 4 INDUS1 IAL BLS -- \ (--- PROPOSED OFFICE 141 SPACES ea•Of 2' of 3 �,Y DRIVEWAY IHOP 'i c 7DLN ENGi 1L'.riii7TAC is.� i Henn Lti " �ti t, PLAN SOU7HLAKE MAN%V!!I! pats,., ,rnr... MO 19Als0,ttAfga{nCO$"' (t,l:;i i:$3•C?&a TEL NO . Jan 06,40 16 :08 P .03 ' SITE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Lot Development Driveway Data Required Stacking TX National Bank 43 Spaces 2.5' 2 Drives 22 Cars/Drive Bank / Kirby's 43 Spaces 50' 4 Spaces 36 Spaces Bank / Kirby's / IHOP 198 Spaces 50' 5 Spaces 39 Spaces Bank / Kirby's../ IHOP / Lot 10 339 Spaces 75' 7. Spaces 48 Spaces • . Paa)e 30(3 MI 600,0a aK LJ.S ',a- lanD `HOP - J 4�14.9i.1 J 1 '��tlL..�IYYJC+Grlfl�lAX Lc ,¢ DRIVEWAY ^(� /� oIr.C(Atriotd ir• IA Y ABLE y�/Q�,I i 2 0L3 1 !•"(?s^MAAfS'19L1t 174f l Iv; 7FXA5 I9:41 fill+•ar rapakewPr (0 11:'.1.1-6294 .� o 10 Jan 04 80 16: 24 Hugo Monsanto 972-923-1815 p.2 monsanto & associates architecture• planning • interiors•construction management January 16, 2000 Ms. Lisa Sudbury City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. , Ste 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: IHOP @ SH 114 & Industrial Blvd Variance Request Dear Ms Sudbury We request your consideration of a Variance regarding the following matters concerning the proposed IHOP site at SH 114 and Industrial Blvd. : 1) It is not possible to have a rear (west) bufferyard on the subject property due to the presence of an existing 26' wide concrete drive (common access easement) which was constructed over the property line. We propose to provide the required bufferyard along the east edge of this existing drive offering 116 liner feet of bufferyard in lieu of the 85 feet normally required along the property line. 2) Staff has requested a minimum 100' driveway throat depth for stacking. This is eased on future development of the surrounding properties requiring 200 parking spaces served by five driveways. This sites access to SH 114 is "downstream" of the eastbound entrance ramp therefore there will be little incentive for adjacent development traffic to use the IHOP drive access. This site has only 55 spaces total using two driveways which puts it at the low end of the 50' stacking requirement. 3) Sloped roof is required for building smaller than 6, 000 S.F. Due to the number of roof mounted mechanical equipment units used for the operation of the restaurant and to the fact that we want to hide this units from the public view, we request a variance to install a flat roof and parapets all around the building. We will provide a sloped, metal standing seam roof over the tower. Your consid ration to this request would be appreciated. i c rely, WACTLC Hu o- Monsanto, Architect RECD JAN 3 1 2000 1302 Hwy 77 North, Suite 203•Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Phone(972)938-7003 Fax (972)923-1815 Jar 04 80 10: 04 Hugo Monsanto 972-923-1815 p.2 MOP RESTAURANT/SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS PROJECT DESCRIPTION IHOP 1418, Inc_ is proposing to build and operate an International House of Pancake Restaurant at 3317 E HWY 114 in-the City of Svuthlake. This is a nationwide,well- known restaurant chain that has proved to serve high quality meals with a friendly service in a family atmosphere. The proposed building is 4,999 square feet and has a seating capacity of 164 people. It is wood frame construction,finished on the outside with insulated-plaster. A 35'tower,with a metal standing seam roof; is used to identify the restaurant entrance. The roof is relatively fiat (1/4"/F with a 4' to 5' parapet wall all Oro nd that bides from public view the large number of mechanical equipment required for the operation of the restaurant. The access-to the roof is through an interior ladder located in the storage area of the restaurant. Parking and access to the building will be provided for the physically disabled complying with ADA. The interior of the building is finished with tile floors, wallpaper, wood wainscots and a suspended -ceiling system in the dining area. The kitchen and storage areas are-finished with quarry tile floor, reinforced fiberglass panels on the walls and plastic faced tile on a suspended ceiling system. The restrooms are designed accessible to the disabled and are finished with tile floor and walls. The bathroom ceiling is painted gypsum board. The restaurant operates 24 hours a day serving breakfast,lunch and-dinner menus through out the day. MOP will employ between 12 to 15 local people. The average yearly sales of an IHOP Restaurant is$2,000,000. RFC'D JAN 2 8 2000 • [7:a.";i3,'e..T.'":."!:i;•;'7,7';',7i,..:Jr.')-.,''.',',T..',7,..Y...;',.•',,i,s:',•,•]•;'-.•.=',.'••„-,-•-::-.,.. r--.•-•-:•.: •-. „. . - - ---•• ,-.--•:,--„,:•-i..••1.,,,-P'..,--•- - 'i.,:".::-:1'.i-,„- i'.....:,,,•J•••:•.'.!•-•:::.. •'••;•.',....•-"):• ••::::.:-.'•::•••'..--. ••••.- --::•:-. :•:.-: • . „ •._ , 1•:,...•-;;;,;:,;.,..:,,.!•,,,,• ... . .. ., „..,.„. .. , .._ , .,.. .... .• . . , c••:)•••',.,: .':::-.. '' '-'i'.•'; r-,:-.-•;:„:',.'•'..-:--„:".....'-...'..-.•:••:,---,.'-•," . -••• : -_- - ' . 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City of Southlake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 99-143 Review No: Four Date of Review: 3/17/00 Project Name: Site Plan -IHOP Restaurant, Lot 6R, Block A, Southlake Bank Place APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: IHOP 1419, Inc. Monsanto & Associates 933 N. Central Expressway 1302 N Hwy 77, Suite 203 Plano, TX 75075 Waxahacie, TX 75165 Phone: (512) 750-2969 Phone: (972) 938-7003 Fax: Attn R. Hayden Fax: (972) 923-1815 Attn: H. Monsanto CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/16/2000 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 862. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No. 1 Residential Adjacency N None Building Articulation Y Complies Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comment No.2 Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y See Comments No. 3 Lighting Y Complies 1. Buildings under 6,000 s.f. require a pitched roof. This plan proposes a flat roof with parapets to hide mechanical equipment. (Variance Requested) (P&Z, 3/9/00:Allow parapet as shown on exhibit presented at the P&Z meeting on March 9.) 2. Show the 5' —type A bufferyard adjacent to the property line along the rear of the lot (west property line). The applicant proposes relocating the bufferyard to the east side of the common access easement which is currently centered over the property line. (Variance Requested) (P&Z, 3/9/00 Allow bufferyard to be relocated as shown on the plan.) 3. Provide a minimum 100' driveway throat depths for stacking. This evaluation is based on an estimated total number of parking spaces for the surrounding properties (200+) and total number of driveways (5). (Variance Requested) (P&Z 3/9/00:Allow driveway stacking depths as shown.) 1 City of Southlake, Texas 4. Provide a common access easement along the northwest drive to the rear of the lot and crossing over into the lot to the north,where the drive connection is proposed. A cross access easement should be filed by separate instrument, prior to construction. Contact staff for additional information. (Added by staff at P&Z) 5. The following changes are needed regarding the elevations: a. Provide elevation plans with dimensions showing wall lengths and dimensions of horizontal and vertical articulation. This plan does not show horizontal dimensions. No elevation was provided for the left elevation. The rear elevation is not visible from S.H. 114. It appears this plan is in compliance with articulation. b. Provide elevation plans showing the type of exterior construction material. Masonry construction meeting the requirements of Ordinance 557 and Ordinance 480, Section 43.9.c.l.a is required on proposed buildings. The applicant presented a colored rendering indicating the building would be all brick. No labeling is provided on these plans. P&Z Action, March 9, 2000:Approve (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated January 28, 2000, • adding Item #4 (requiring a common access easement be dedicated along the northwest driveway that would provide access back to the platted easement on the southwest portion of the property and also a stub into the lot to the northwest); and • making the colored rendering submitted this evening part of the submittal; and • as noted above. * Sidewalks are not required along the front of the property. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan.A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards meeting the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No.479. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan,and building plans,must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s)on the west must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off-site pavement and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Hugo Monsanto,Monsanto&Associates VIA FAX: ABOVE Randy Hayden, IHOP 1419,Inc. VIA MAIL: ABOVE N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\99\99143SP3a.doc 2 111"1Z City of Southlake, Texas Case No. 99-143 Review No. One Dated: 1 —06 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: IHOP Restaurant (Site Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 12 - 27 - 99 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: Please correct the required interior landscape area to reflect 50% of the building square footage as required by the Landscape Ordinance 544-A. (4,999) (50%) =2,500 sq. ft. rounded * Planting Requirements: The following plants shall be required, at a minimum, within the required interior landscape areas at the ratio indicated. Required Canopy Trees @ 1/500 sq. ft. = 5 Required Understory Trees @ 1/250 sq. ft. = 10 Required Shrubs @ 1/40 sq. ft. = 63 Required Ground Color area @ 15% = 375 sq. ft. Required Seasonal Color @ 2% = 50 sq. ft. * Please change the bufferyard locations in the Bufferyard Summary Chart to reflect North, South, East and West locations. This reduces confusion of required placement of plant material in relation to the building. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. None of the existing trees on the lot are protected. BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1R-13 \ \ E 'Al E.RSm1. Q PROPOSED USE EESTAMRNR SITE DATA \ }}"--))AA��AA <{• EDSnNO 20.0 C-3 AREA CF WEN SPACE 3a7xa SO.R. U.0 USE DE9MATION: WO PETAL COINEAPAL PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE NSa T.` I -_{ 13.01I a NET ACREAGE: ..E6 SCL F(J].503 Sa R.) RECANTED LOAD SPA¢5 D (,,./ \ F \ �� TER ENT MIA: !51.54 R. AMNOED lD.la1G SPACES D \ / RfY cT\T1 �J. (EOF W 0 W/ONO/9TE WNEPATA'. 59a I' /// LAN-m n AREA OF.RASP E AREA 11.fES Sa R. f / //��`-.'l 1)B•24'E \ EH AREA 6 LANDSCAPE N1EA AS a: 75a . f'//'/"�.' 31.59' 0. \ \ OUTSIDE STORAGE AS A PERCENTAGE: / ��/�/ S`P MAD.UU 901N10 HEIGHT: OE(1)STORY-]0 FEET �, ♦A�/ .y., \\ 3� PAR°.REWIRED '6. /� /r ",-/ / ''m \ 4"9, \ \ f1:3 Set -1a+SEATS PROVIDED) 55 5,ES `' '„•::•'X/,' \ V . PARAWO fiNVIOEx 3 52 PARRA. SPACES pp / \ p REDUCED: 9NRDNC: CREDIT sa R.•50a LOT),DAMN A . /// "\ ` /// i1I � ` twax01. I. Alm A Oa TREPT 25®5a R. /// .. •. /• • r ;3 ii PRONGED: 7.T12s sa FT' t°7.//'/ j/ �� .13. / .-';:`/��% \ wr°:`ro.\ \��-=19 dORRYAfmS LANDSCAPE PROMISED 1�951 SD.R. ST/ /,/ '•1R��, :: ���' S .J- ]5-TYPE-1 AT NTT 1.FRPIT SCE /� ♦� 1Y TYPE'A• T LOT 7 d ///"' %/ yi,j i..` A ' 10 lEPE'A'AT SEAR yAL / / j// \ y LP f S ERE'A' T REAR YAim(IDi 10) //' / (/ / /y1/p" TOTAL 1AMOSCAPC NSA(.TEOGa(NN7[ATAMEI 32.T.Sa FE '/' e /:j \\ , .."~.-• / // `�'(" A11p.1ECi: TOTAL LANDSCAPE NRFw AS i 6 ENTIRE SITE: .5a f r \ / //(� .,, t..mom .;`._*..-,--'_ V,/1/ Lm•T)01 ILAP MiR.MEI mxsT.Nc EI s AILY 2: i1/ // O // �+ r.'.�/f I. j b(4.,Alt. ,n STOUT,FED 2003 Elm:J1LY 2000 ;:� I,l n A' \ /// /"/ .is O��set 4 V/ / o��. 1` W /. ^ R-2T99.10' 1.1 • ,9 / ",Al: / IHOP •�'''dI //,g/ / 293.20• O • .9 j/' L' e / a.'..*' 4999 S.F. .L.,, , •'"\. O /i e \ .� '/' / 3 % LOT 6R. BLOCK A \ a � // / •! Ve 1.666 ACRES ^� i't-- /R/, 7,,,,,,..., `X d p I A ti� (72 585 SOFT-) / ' YY 1 �. O j\ �_ ZONED C-3 �....... 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A.art Mr.D M..Ilnm1� a..L.MC N.RaeCABINET A,SHOE 4546,10/5/98 SITE PLAN i ia,R•Na ealNY sau 1..LY.1N an mvm GR1Tnu,mt....1.3 W. m _ .. `(T».oa W. room ..11•110 Pmt.....v071111.701 WaT 91NL.Ta Wq .e r C..IDL...1..3.171•....1 A.1PL A. TGMIADEN ENGPIEEFIBG I 9 Ef xa: 9 t"•'A.a:.1P`m.Ao.''..mv cr..N..17..a x aura.. 9a,,,, 'tW PULAS IF.L'.AS maa 1.666 ACRES ' 3 A. CI...1.... (5 u. 1 .0i 0.hrt. .799442.IFAl 0170 A.'aS. m 4* ELu:e0:t Am I•el CASE NO. 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In rear cn __Zen/ - -- • a- _.G_- —i=rJ� ---• N=a a +_ 'i'', mnYae'w \—f19.90' yT,'u-cr+ArEwrA: ,9.9 avle-n '\-m.G.,G• lucre' -1/ ,x g...1 = ^�•`�:� -' )\\J j r: , e I ; r+ �\ « / 1 i «a+f I, tl,r' sr+ \ r-- \ a n I-a r �,f} '`1 N fl i,` \ v.wE.[ /i' a }I :i: _ • 4. k — "' .a + - `, ( J 'i" ., ` INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD I I I II a a•� a/ fiCill NI «�I Va �. aa.a ---1---- .. r fl OM.RA \ %Err ORL . 9UllUTY PUN 24 GRADING ANO 1,1 \\ 7 :liiiiiiigli I `.aaat W 70A®EN ENG 1EER1NG SITE GRADING 9En ra E -- ——————————— -- m 49.E1eauus TEXAS 7370 AND City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-116 PROJECT: Site Plan—Shady Oaks Centre STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan for Shady Oaks Centre, on property legally described as Tract 2C situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and being approximately 2.955 acres. PURPOSE: Site Plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. LOCATION: On the south side of West Southlake Boulevard (F. M. 1709) at the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). OWNER: Paragon-Eagle APPLICANT: r CMPA, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with certain "0-1" Office District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Seventeen(17) RESPONSES: Four(4)notices were received from within the 200' notification area: • Charles D. and Cindy J. Yandell, 204 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake, TX opposed. See attached letter.(Received February 11, 2000.) • Brenda Sweeney, 100 Clear Lake Court., Southlake, TX in favor, "Still concerned about lighting & drainage issues. Prefer one curb cut at light. Also concerned about continuity with fence on Lake Court property and new proposed buildings." (Received February 14, 2000.) • Glenn E. Mock 101 Springbrook Court, Southlake, TX opposed, "I am strongly opposed to the type of fence which the developer/ property owner plans to construct ajoining my property, `letter attached."' See attached letter. (Received February 15, 2000.) City of Southlake, Texas • Timothy Huckabee, DDS, 505 West Southlake, Boulevard, _ Southlake, TX opposed. See attached letter. (Received February 17, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: February 17, 2000;'Approved (3-2) to table to the March 9, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and asking that the neighborhood and the applicant come back in total agreement. March 9,2000;Approved(6-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated February 11, 2000, and subject to the following: • The fence is going to be a single, brick 8' tall pre-cast concrete cap on both the top of the wall and the pilasters;with the pilasters being 24" X 24" square, 20" on center, continuous concrete footing under the fence with piers under the pilasters and piers at mid-beam under the wall; General brick, Camelot colored with the face side of the brick towards the homeowners; • The light poles will drop in height from 20' to 12'; lights will drop from 250-watt to 150-watt; all of the lights will be on timers to go off at 9:00 p.m. with the exception of the security lighting that will be on from dusk to dawn and will consist of two lights that will be located as shown on the plans: on the front center of Building B facing east and on the front center of Building A facing north; • The fence will be maintained in perpetuity by the developer; • The fence disposition agreements shall be completed within 15 days of groundbreaking; • Requiring a five workday notice prior to the physical construction or removal of the fence; • Requiring all landscaping to be put in at the same time, and • With respect to Lakecrest on the east side of the property, requiring an 8' shadowbox fence with metal posts supporting it. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 4,dated March 17,2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-116SP.doc , 1.01 /1 "toi-coo I •• . - , :-., •• .4.......mar :i,-.1; * ‘;';:„` *' • 2000 Neighborhood Meeting '-- 44- sp' , : !!...r„ : ,:' 4 I Report, Form '':,,.1'ir;t'' ' 4'' '•E'i ::"`: . ' , , ,4 •,' , • • .•v• • , •• : SPIN Neighborhood # 14 -: Meeting Date 03/02/00 Meeting .Topic :ands:: Description: Shady Oaks Center SP2 Zoning - Approximately .1050 L. F. of masonry screening fence differences. Detention aiea. w/18'.'. RCP, Dropped light from 20' to 12" pole - 250 w lights to 150'w lights. Lights on timers to go off at 9:00 p.m. except for security lighting.: Footing under fence 6" wide, cap on pilasters and fence,. niatciliiiig • hi appearance to the Timber Lake Fence, : , , • •:: ': • Featured Speiikeirs: Bill Walker, CMPA ,. ,..-, ' ( ) . . Number of neighbors attending: . , . . . ., • , Location of ineetingt, Senior Center ..,', Notification Process: (le:flyer mailed, hand delivered, calls, city Publications, etc.) . . ., Telephone and e-mall , Follow-Up Information: No resolution - neighbors would like a' fence that is almost identical to the Timber. Lake fence. They would not require a cap and oily minor articulation. They plan to go to the P & Z meeting_ on 03-09-00. , - Signature ... .., ...... . , —- r I _ ) ) , - ) ,,-• lith 'es's' • SIGN-IN SHEET L 44F.....SPIN Wil . Topic: Shady Oaks Center SPIN 14 Meeting March 2,2000 'isil‘;-..4.:-.1.-1:i'lpl.F.,-1:;-,::ri-14; . ..,7-Fiii,s;--c-,1-;5,,'-..z.---.i.t-ir,454•• ','.,L 5:41-7,fx 4-,...f.TrIt',.;•':'•4.i rfritEV.irVt' 'a::.:-.'.catlitit;i'',-,2•F:,:fot.---,Ii-it4t':-4ri...,1-..,.-11-147:k-,:i.,,,,,-,-.,- -4-4 1-,,,,,,t,. --,..:,,,?;c.-.,_ ,„,.7 - .kt,,,,,,I,...-w;,,,:-...t..!i,.v.:...v,:t...1-,itir.21,..,-44, 7.,-1 ia.z-, ,,,,i .frxs...:. 16.:-;44,0,,,, ,,t.-•,-1,,>.:IN,;::,.,44-5...Avg--,,..;,. *,,e...:4::4,,,,,-/ :,-,44 •?;:,-T.T.: <5 -1.-:-j<IT. ----verf 2"-- ..-7:22: t.<--a'11:-Pv.f.:.•:- IC.P.:,3. 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' '., . - . 16 ' s. _______.-, • --- 17 , • . _____. i - 18 -c . - /-----"7 19 . , i ____ — 21 i . ; i22 23 , 02/11/,00 FRI 12:16 FAX 817 978 7201 GSA OIG ( l001 Charles D. and Cindy J. Yandell 204 Canyon Lake Drive Southlake,TX 76092-7300 817/251-2184 February 11,2000 City of Southlake Planning Dept. 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 100 Souinlake,TX 76092 Subject: Proposed Shady Oaks Centre Reference No.ZA99-116 Dear Sir: We own a residence that directly abuts the proposed Shady Oaks Centre. Our property is Lot 19, Lake Crest Addition. We varuld a� k q '� ��eye ;�a di a royal of the proposed fence around the perimeter of the mulct. The proposed fence is a pre-fabricated masonry fence that is made to look like a brick masonry fence. This is completely nnacceptabiel Fences of these types are used by builders strictly as a cost-saving measure to have a fence that looks like brick. Fences of this type are typically poor in quality,aesthetically very cheap in appearance,and do not last nearly as long as brick fences. e strongly believe t mediately and significantly devalue Qur nro - We moved to Southlake for several reasons,one of which was the strong P&Z commission. We ask that the members of the P&Z commission consider the economic impact we would incur if you allow a builder to erect a fence of this nature. If you have any questions,you can reach us during the day at the telephone numbers shown below. Sincerely, Charles D.Yandell Cindy I. andell 817/97S-4600 817/978-7459 RECD FEB 112000 913- c A Glenn E. Mock 101 Springbrook Ct. Southlake, TX 76092 817-329 - 1929 City of Southlake Planning and Zoning 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 100 Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Planning and Zoning Commission Members: This letter is in reference to the upcoming Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 17, 2000 concerning the construction of the Professional Office Complex, Shady Oaks Centre. I own and reside at 101 Springbrook Ct. which is lot 20 in the Timber Lake Addition. I am greatly concerned about the type of fence which the Developer/ Property owner of the,Shady Oaks Centre plans to construct along the property and the adverse affect it will likely have on the value. appearance, and resale of my property. It is my understanding that the Developer/ Property owner of the Shady oaks Centre plans to construct a Prefabricated / Precast fence very similar to the fence • located around the north, east, and west sides of the Southlake Water Reservoir located at the N.E. corner of Hwy. 1709 and Pearson. This Prefabricated / Precast fence is not to be confused with the fence which runs parallel with (facing) Hwy. 1709, as that portion of the fence is constructed of Block and Brick rather than the Prefabricated / Precast material. While I feel a Prefabricated / Precast fence is appropriate for this type of facility, I do not want this type of fence in my back yard within as little as 25 foot of my home and 10 foot of my swimming pool. I made what I consider to be a sizeable investment when I purchased this home just over three years ago. I increased this investment substantially within the past year with the construction of a swimming pool on the property. I,strongly oppose this Prefabricated I Precast type of fence for the following reasons. I am very concerned about the long term durability of a Prefabricated / Precast fence. While a brick fence is practically maintenance free, I fear the Prefabricated / Precast fence panels would become loose, discolored, and broken over a period of time. In reviewing the landscape plans for the Shady Oaks Centre, the view of the fence from the Shady Oaks Centre side will somewhat be screened by the trees, etc„ as they begin to mature. This being a office complex I also expect minimal time will be spent outside by the property owner/tenants where they would be viewing the fence. This will not be the case from my side of the fence. The fence line from my property side of the fence has minimal to no shrubs and trees to screen the fence from view. During the summer months my family and I spend approximately 40% of our,awaking hours at home outside in our back yard in the general area where the fence is located. In addition to my concerns relating to the durability of a Prefabricated / Precast fence, I am also concerned with the appearance of the fence in general. The brick fences I have viewed which are adjoining residential property are constructed with what I refer to as larger brick posts. The fence on the Shady Oaks Centre plan I reviewed appeared to have the small posts, again very similar to the fence at the water reservoir. Pace ( G `� - OD FEB 15 Z000 I I understand I have the option of leaving my existing wood fence up however this is a great concern to me as well. Should my existing fence remain, I assume that the two fences would be approximately one to two feet apart. This could be a safety concern should a child or anyone else for that matter manage to climb one fence or the other and fall between the two fences. The area between the two fences would also be very difficult to maintain and most likely would not be maintained. I do not want this area to become a nesting area for rodents to live and multiply. I also have an appearance concern if the two fences were side by side. The main floor in my home sits approximately three feet higher than the ground level at the base of the fence. Most likely the top of the other fence would be visible from inside my home. Maintenance on my existing wood fence would also be a concern being the slats were installed from the outside, this leaving only the distance between the two fences to repair loose boards, etc,,,. Based on my comments above, it would be a questionable decision on my part to leave my existing fence in place, however I also do not want to be in a position where I am forced to accept and live with a Prefabricated / Precast fence which is visually unappealing and will likely deteriorate in the not so distance future. I chose to relocate my family to Southlake just over three years ago due in part to the high standards and restrictions demanded by the City of Southlake and the community in general. I am asking for your utmost consideration to force the Developer/ Property Owner of the Shady Oaks Centre to construct a fence which will maintain the standards of quality and appearance expected in Southlake rather than a fence which will be visually unappealing and likely devalue my property. Again, your utmost consideration on this matter is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Glenn E. Mock W I 02/1512000 17:34 8174,883611 DR:TIM:HUCKABEE PAGE 02 • FAMILY&COSMETIC • • • • D ENTISTR OF NOATl1TEXAS TIMOTHY M.HUCKABEE,D.DS. February 17,2000 r City of Southlake Southlake City Council Planning and Zoning Committee Dear Members: I was advised this afternoon at 3:02 PM that the Southiake Planning and Zoning Committee was holding a hearing to discuss the possibility of closing the driveway of my property located as 505 West Southlake Boulevard. This is the first communication from the city that I have had regarding this issue. The certified letter from the city notifying me of the new construction planned next to my office•did not include closure of my driveway. Unfortunately,due to prior commitments,I will be unable to attend the meeting this evening. Let me state for the record that I am adamantly opposed to the removal or relocation of this driveway. Please note that 3 1/a years ago,when my building was constructed, I made several design and site modifications at great personal expense to accommodate the wishes of the city. The value of my property and the convenience for my patients will be • harmed dramatically if this driveway is moved and/or closed. I realize that traffic congestion and public safety are priorities with the city and staff. 1 am willing the have my driveway converted to a right-in/right-out only access if that would be helpful for the city's planning. I have always felt that I have had a good relationship with the City of Southlake. I hope we can solve this dilemma in a mutually agreeable fashion. If not,I am fully willing and able to present my views in a legal forum. Sine ly, ptgjt. .. Timothy Huckabee,DDS • 'D F E B 17 2000 505 West Southlake Boulevard, Southlake,TX 76992 (817)329-4746 • rib` . City of Southlake, Texas Tract Map --- ZA99-116 Ulm IMI I I ' i \ -- (-(.7,AT • .--ri )- 7-r—\—'- IOVE HFNY mi E Im am ix _-_- --12;-.<• \Ili_ M ._ - -_-7,610/: 1. //) • 1. ,/,.1/...1._A- •,I_L'-'44TX-)::';/.---/Nf 17-\ -1..-4. 7 -------(1) _::',11* Ai,_S In ._--\- \\y ,./..:..-..--1-: rj I j r,-,/,-1/4/7/.--:,:;',3.:•iti-I.-T., __, __I • 1: /:17/ 11- -1- 7.\ -.... 1 I''' _p-- — E,/\.k.IAidND_ / ...,, •,_.. ..••,. )\- ,•:,,_•, . _••./ . _. 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Medium Density Residential 4. 0.242 acres 5. Lake Crest Homeowners Assoc. 5. "SF-20A" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 0.491 acres 6. K. Sweeney 6. "SF-20A" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 0.498 acres 7. C.Bowles 7. "SF-20A" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.668 acres 8. L.Cheung 8. "SF-20A" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.532 acres 9. C.Yandell 9. "SF-20A" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.814 acres 10.J.Jenkins 10."SF-20A" 10.Medium Density Residential 10. 0.601 acres 11.T.Hasker 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11. 0.345 acres 12.D.Checkley 12."R-PUD" 12.Medium Density Residential 12. 0.345 acres 13.R.Kuebel 13."R-PUD" 13.Medium Density Residential 13.0.426 acres 14.T.Jacobowski 14."R-PUD" 14.Medium Density Residential 14. 0.351 acres 15.T.Parker 15."R-PUD" 15.Medium Density Residential 15. 0.306 acres 16.R.Hobday 16."R-PUD" 16.Medium Density Residential 16. 0.309 acres 17.G.Mock 17."R-PUD" 17.Medium Density Residential 17. 0.406 acres 18.J.Callahan 18."R-PUD" 18.Medium Density Residential 18. 0.495 acres \\SLKSV4001\Local\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99116SP.doc I',-- 10 0....0...., - BLOCK 1 TNABENLAKE"SECTIOH I. • _ DEVELOPED m LOT 24''->'-f LOT 23 ' LOT 22 • LOT'21 , + LOT 20 I -- TEXAS u+e.rr a..b.,^f. I A� .CBS d :..a,.rat rr..•0nrrm tom.-rat rr... `� .,y nrvt nw.ro Tr.O�y rYryROW• I eatrr.'M'A:ISIJ..w1 _ COMPANY BUILDING rN n.04 Fy 0 y,r,n ,..,ypylr/ ,PNGN .r O* . �.• �,.,,. am642-B57e '� -- IENCE ' . NOO'O5'3C"W-4Y94 ° `~ r•.irb Ir0► n uwrLL m,T.F ....• Ib. {siI lArl b1A,•• ......... BZrr'/i� O9.PE•.o Y50RQ.1I..1 .w. 0,1,5 IF}A4 <O FI.BLLOG gI erQ - ... . LOT 19 I . . .- ' —'— -, _.- _. Location Map 0 • • •/15.1 ... .. '... �. '' Yr. RYA�: V • W�`• I a..rosrMltrAlal I' Ill r0.�r:�. 1000406.610.- 'rvr..rri. 1 I �� '' •. 7.390 S.F. '.�� o, IT 1-`y.Trr • • I • 1�. _ •.�• 1 .. Sflady Oak C'•.�.:rtn3.Yr• I / 4 . , • • ., ...... . _ , .:.: MD Le. It. . 1 . - � 11n . I_ _..... ._ ,• CE ;t I J BO229w— z ases �' e:x r:ti LL • • t� so............................ rr�.r r...rr•u-.. 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SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS .rM�o-o++r'{A•+��r.�,r \ TrH..d Y alw er odr T41 ;IV yi':��r '; Gi it' fJli 110 T...'e6Arr..rP•D. laR:tOl NlRlfi01 {Y1Nr M.Y^F ea ri wlrlr:Ib Wall .."•• 44. iY� I• ..re°"' leke Crest. Drlve •-• , • fmt Nl.;: ;o,R~,-..,a .,, .sauna-.sa . R.-/A-R90D A Gu M.. +.r . -. �� — drtl Z AO . r M.vlu-0 bro1O,•�ML�r 6.�0 . ad*Va.T.et.o.Y.e -'- .. = �t'tril�sd• FM.yr1 d.:p 1704 te.0.Tyr.F-2 MN yrd amp FM l/130 Yr Type 'r_ r:t�ra�r-w gw�i=....N�i. C o n c e p t Plan "\• lLM..y.N A.,9 0-1 r..,I.alb as Tyr.A - r. 24 ;"j�.r��'�-r a%w ,_1H1 ea SCALE; I .]D'-0-� a..rfr In.Tr b w .1... t.b la •• ••••• •r ••• - • . ._..�.,w r yy:.o..IMO I]0 r y-m r. ''.1.W.4ra1F10 Jr A N.r-_Mpb ua ,..6,O W,d n..n r� .- FL t/00 4.114 .11t-./-.]p01 It.'Wrs.r.uv DATE 0/V9b - .la b rll.yrY.7-ST.000. It../-N.2X ' rrWrra 1 eY HOZ — 111.b 0.I.rlr.q.A , tST-1 r.r:rr.y , • G Mr Weal r•r�r...w. -w r{:+r...srlff Ilr C.a.rn•. .Oli. _ . ./450.0001 WW1..al PM Ir00(WW2 �•�'•`r^'• tit.A. 3r�_ • ...0b , - - F ... an 041 sawing Y a Is AI 1A al Po Nan •• • raernaaAlrtO M C.N.ow.,tun 11.WM. { �'p NOV 13 1996 NN9=a009 SGLEr.2O'-0" CASE NO. Z A 96-90 al • • PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN I ` I i L l t ' ' •_r CMPA, Inc. March 8,2000 Michael C.Conrads SPIN Representative Timber Lake Additon Southlake,Texas Re: Shady Oaks Centre Office Complex Dear Mike: As regarding our phone conversation of the morning, I am sending you drawings of the Screening Fence/Wall that we will be proposing to the Planning and Zoning Commission this week. I think, and hope,that this new design will be acceptable to the homeowners. It addresses most, if not all, of their concerns. The wall will be similar in appearance and structure to the wall at the Stone Lake Addition just west of the Timber Lake Addition. I would hope that you and the homeowner could look at that wall prior to the city meeting.The difference in our proposed wall and the one at Stone Lake would be the color of brick as well as the addition of a "soldier course" at the top of the wall under the cast stone cap. That soldier course would add some of the articulation that was desired by the homeowners. I have been in contact, this date, with the brick company that originally sold the brick for the Timber Lake wall.The brick company tells me that the brick used on that wall is no longer in production and has been replaced with another brick which will not match.At this point we have two choices,we can fmd a brick similar but not exact,or we can use a completely different brick. We will be glad to work with the homeowners on this issue, we do not have a preference as long as we stay in the same price range brick as that used on the existing wall. For consideration though, a missed match could look worse than a completely different brick that looks like you did not match purposely. I have measured the center lines of the pilasters at Timber Lake and found them to be approximately 20'. The pilasters at the Stone Lake wall is approximately 22'. We are proposing to match the 20' dimension. As you will note on my drawings,we will be placing the wall on a continuous concrete footing with piers at the pilasters as well as at the midpoint of the wall, this midpoint pier is for the support of the footing to reduce the span of the footing/beam to 10'. Since the wall is not spanning from pilaster to pilaster but resting on the continuous footing the distance between the pilasters is not as much a structural issue. I would like to add that these drawings and the foundation design are contingent upon the review and seal of a structural engineer, for our protection as well as your homeowners. The engineer will take into consideration the particular soils at this site as well as weight,spans,and wind loads. You may also note that this proposal includes that the pilasters will be 24" square, or two and one half bricks in both directions. This means that the pilaster will project from the wall about 1 foot on each side, which was one of the concerns of the homeowners. CT MAR 0 9 2000 115-i2 CMPA, Inc. 1450 HUGHES ROAD, SUITE 100 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 817-329-6600 FAX 817-481-5734 a You will also note that the wall is capped with a wide cap, as is the wall at Stone Lake, this gives the appearance of a much wider wall from a top view. Also please note that the profile of the cap we are proposing is similar to the Stone Lake wall and is simplified from that of the Timber Lake wall. I have included in the drawings I am sending,a"proposal" for the treatment of the wood fence at the Lake Crest property. I think that this solution would be acceptable to the city requirements and also would be a more pleasing design for the fence, especially if the homeowners in Lake Crest would like to carry out the same design on the remainder of the fence at Dr. Huckabee property and on the existing fence across the entrance way to the addition. This would be less costly than replacing the fence with an 8' high fence and also would look better(in my opinion ). It does not matter that much to us, since we have a limited amount of fence to address. We will be originating a letter/form for the homeowner's signature with regards to the coordination of the removal of their existing fence and the tie in of the side fences with the new wall . The contractor on the project will meet with the homeowners after the award of a building permit and 30 days prior to beginning work on the wall for coordination and signature. I do hope that this proposal is satisfactory and I look forward to your and the homeowner's response. Sincerely, Billy Will ms '� —_ "1%- 13 City of Southlake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-116 Review No: Four Date of Review: 3/17/00 Project Name: Site Plan - Shady Oaks Center, being 2.95 Acres out of the H. Granberry Survey No. 581 Addn. APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Paragon-Eagle CMPA, Inc. 1450 Hughes Rd. 1450 Hughes Rd. Grapevine, TX 76051 Grapevine, TX 76051 Phone: (817) 329-6600 Phone: (817) 410-5163 Fax: (817) 410-5164 Attn: Thomas Siggia Fax: (817) 410-5164 Attn: Billy Williams CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 3/13/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y Complies Residential Adjacency Y Complies Building Articulation Y Complies Masonry Standards Y Complies. Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y Complies Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y See comment lb and informational comment 1. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: a. Show a minimum 10' U.E. extending to the fire hydrant. b. Show and label a common access easement extending through the drive aligned with Shady to the connection with the driveway on the adjacent east lot. * With the approval of the Zoning and Concept Plan for this site,the City Council directed that the applicant, upon signalization of the Shady Oaks intersection, eliminate their existing drive, provide a cross-access easement to the adjacent property to the east and align the new driveway with the signalization of the intersection to the north. This plan reflects those conditions of approval. However, cooperation of the property owner to the east or action by the City is required to close the existing driveway to the east. 1 a City of Southlake, Texas On March 9, 2000 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated February 11, 2000, and subject to the following: • The fence is going to be a single, brick 8' tall pre-cast concrete cap on both the top of the wall and the pilasters; with the pilasters being 24"X 24"square,20"on center, continuous concrete footing under the fence with piers under the pilasters and piers at mid-beam under the wall; General brick, Camelot colored with the face side of the brick towards the homeowners; • The light poles will drop in height from 20' to 12'; lights will drop from 250-watt to 150-watt; all of the lights will be on timers to go off at 9:00 p.m. with the exception of the security lighting that will be on from dusk to dawn and will consist of two lights that will be located as shown on the plans: on the front center of Building B facing east and on the front center of Building A facing north; • The fence will be maintained in perpetuity by the developer; • The fence disposition agreements shall be completed within 15 days of groundbreaking; • Requiring a five workday notice prior to the physical construction or removal of the fence; • Requiring all landscaping to be put in at the same time, and • With respect to Lakecrest on the east side of the property, requiring an 8' shadowbox fence with metal posts supporting it. Other than general wall design,the plan Received March 13, 2000 does not reflect or note the above conditions. * All required easements must be shown and dedicated on the associated plat for this site. x The proposed site complies with the impervious coverage area indicated on the approved concept plan for this site. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Closing of the existing driveway to the east, unless otherwise approved, must be resolved prior to issuance of a building permit and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. • Please be aware that any change of tenant/owners with a request for a new C.O. will require a reevaluation of required parking on the site. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Paragon-Eagle VIA FAX: ABOVE CMPA, Inc VIA FAX: ABOVE \\SLKSV4001\LOCAL\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN \WP-FILES\REV\99\99116SP3SHADY OAKS CENTER.DOC IA-- PS— . City of Southlake, Texas TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) Case: 99-116 Date of Review: 1 —06 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Shady Oaks Center(Site Plan)Resubmittal OWNER: PREPARED BY: CMPA, Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineering, Inc. 1450 Hughs Road 726 Commerce St., Suite 104 Grapevine, TX 76051 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 329-6600 Phone: (817) 488-3313 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. There are only two (2)protected Eastern Red Cedar trees on the site. The other trees on the site are not protected species. One of the Eastern Red Cedars is within the floor pad area of the southern most building. The other is behind the building in a landscape area. There should be no complications to preserve it. • Grade Changes: No grade changes shall be allowed within the limits of the critical root zone of any protected tree unless adequate construction methods are approved by the Landscape Administrator or if grading is as directed by the City's Drainage Inspector. • Preserved Tree: A protected tree shall be considered to be preserved only if a minimum of 75% of the critical root zone is maintained at undisturbed natural grade and no more than 25% of the canopy is removed due to building encroachment. • All area within the public R.O.W., public utility or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat and the fire lanes, required parking areas and area within six feet (6') of the building foundation as shown on an approved Site Plan shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements specified in the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A, apply to the entirety of this lot. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A. BUILDING INSPECTIONS • • _. 11 • REVISIONS DATE I — I I I I g I .... id - : I 7.-... -=--.stairm=1.7- I --atar::,:=•-• —zara=---- I -=47---,-1,--"-- I -:--="r.. .'''---J.-k-- II ; . k----_, , _ _ • , c: =r-....•=:....2.—.. ' / I .-- I '-4 - '' Z I 4 : r . ... k, I c-''' •- t-A.),L.?, --.i-,241,-.'i-i •'i,'g- ,:.,•• L---- - , , ..14, .767;;?{;..!' ' :',,.-"-;-77:4.',-,--t -e.:'P,4:*''''' 'A.'• Ii ' ....4....•11.11V • a :''....... g i :-;.-. 1.y•---7::- - -:.,••••1:,),-•,=-, •:,,,,-:',..,,, i • li • 1 NI • 01,.MOT.V •••=.....,:=,.. ' Al ..... I 14d :4 g 1 CL El' ,...............• _ 4._ - - i.,.,:i7.7-,..,...-.- c=.....t/A,• 1 i' I I la fa! 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Oran bi R.n n.-.an.wunusnv.."=.e..now n.sm .gb...I51 Shoot• 1 OI E• EtIEET9 PFCD MAR 13 2000 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 _I CASE NO: ZA 00-015 PROJECT: Revised Site Plan -Lot 3,Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Site Plan for Lot 3, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition, on property legally described as Lot 3, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 5365 & 5366, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 32.0 acres. PURPOSE: Process elevations for Space 1, the building in the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, and review a relocation of a driveway between Space 8 and Lot 5, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition. LOCATION: On the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) between Crooked Lane and Bank Street. OWNER: Lincoln Property Company. APPLICANT: O'Brien & Associates CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited "C-3" General Commercial District uses excluding the following uses: 22.2 (7) Conventional golf courses, including outdoor driving ranges accessory thereto, but excluding outdoor miniature golf courses; 22.2 (16) Lodges, sororities and/or fraternities; 22.2 (17) Deleting the words "and care" but allowing "medical care facilities to include nursing and care homes, hospitals with their related facilities and supportive retail and personal service uses operated by or under the control of the hospital primarily for the convenience of patients, staff and visitors; 22.2 (18) Mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers; 22.2 (23) Plumbing and heating appliances, repair and installation services...; 21.2 (8) Business colleges or private schools for vocational training of office related careers, such as stenographers, executive secretaries, etc.; 21.2 (24) Frozen food lockers for individual or family use, not including the processing of food except cutting or wrapping; 18.2.A (29) Radio recording and television broadcasting offices and studios. LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use -F NO. NOTICES SENT: Seventeen (17) RESPONSES: None Ic-I City of Southlake, Texas P&Z ACTION: March 9, 2000; Approved (6-0) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 3, 2000, waiving Item#3.e (150' minimum throat depth for Drive C6). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Revised Review Summary No. 2,dated March 17,2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-015SP.doc i '� ri . . S '1°0i _ .•('-5J- ........ , ,, .. --sl-ia---\_- -\- 01- ,, ,..... ., \ ----;:tri 0 - -- -0---T-1.1X--?-C , -----------\--- -------.. ---(-c. ,N.4 ---- --A --4 ' 1 II 11111110k - --A 011 i''%\ :ISO° \ - .4 ' ' \ ______.,...._ • 41111114 \- 1 \ ,.. . .. --- V14----'---- 1 \\-' -...7-\--)' ' S . II°------7 602T----f --. II - ..„ _ . 1111k . '"--\23__-__------J-.7.,\V-7.-.\------\---------_F- -------- - -- : -- - 9 -- - --CA --- -75_,..1 IA— _ _ . . SVT°C11(11 delasPill. a)textAP°S sexel. va to.0 -.."----------------"Ilk-} PP7City of Southlake, Texas C Surrounding Property Owners ZA00-015 1 (AI NIIIII. 11-11immemiliiiim t26 i [:=ZI: =C 24 .,9.riti /ill _ N-7111111 liell .:111dok IP egiumnp . 19 b 13 18 16 12 11 17 .a 14..S,C.4 Property Owners Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. N.Graham 1. "AG" 1. Office Commercial 1. 6.408 acres 2. Austin Oaks Homeowners Assoc 2. "C-1" 2. Office Commercial 2. 0.200 acres 3. 168 Venture No. 111 3. "C-1" 3. Office Commercial 3. 0.451 acres 4. 168 Venture No. 111 4. "C-3" 4. Office Commercial 4. 0.459 acres 5. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 5. "S-P-2" 5. Mixed Use 5. 1.524 acres 6. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 6. "S-P-2" 6. Mixed Use 6. 1.018 acres 7. J.Tate 7. "0-1" 7. Mixed Use 7. 1.355 acres 8. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 8. "S-P-2" 8. Mixed Use 8. 1.090 acres 9. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 9. "S-P-2" 9. Mixed Use 9. 3.451 acres 10. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 10."S-P-2" 10.Mixed Use 10. 1.010 acres 11. S.Anderson 11."I-1" 11.Retail Commercial 11. 0.718 acres 12.J. Stacy 12."I-1" 12.Retail Commercial 12. 1.558 acres 13. State of Texas 13."I-1" 13.Retail Commercial 13.0.598 acres 14. Wyndham Properties Ltd. 14."S-P-2" 14.Mixed Use 14.0.303 acres 15. State of Texas 15."S-P-2" 15.Retail Commercial 15.0.766 acres 16. Caddy Property Mgmt LLC 16."S-P-2" 16.Retail Commercial 16.2.670 acres 17. Shurgard Texas Liniited Prtn 17."S-P-2" 17.Industrial/Retail Commercial 17.4.566 acres 18. Southlake Cornerstone Bs Pk 18."AG" 18.Retail Commercial 18.0.840 acres 19. J.Demlow 19."AG" 19.Retail Commercial 19.2.493 acres 20. State of Texas 20."AG" 20.Retail Commercial 20. 1.237 acres 21. G. Woodside 21."AG" 21.Mixed Use 21. 1.611 acres 22.D.Perry 22."AG" , 22.Mixed Use 22.2.620 acres 23.M.Leighton 23."AG" 23.Mixed Use 23.0.455 acres 24.Mobility Systems Inc. 24."AG" 24.Mixed Use 24.6.230 acres 25.Mobility Systems Inc. 25."AG" 25.Mixed Use 25.2.040 acres 26. C.Lam 26."AG" 26.Mixed Use 26. 1.644 acres `7 C--1 SITE PLAN REVIEW RESPONSE Case#ZA00-015 Review No. 1 Date of Review:3/2/2000 Name: Site Plan for Gateway,Lot 3,Block 1 DEVELOPER COMMENTS 3.e. We are proposing to access Dr.Tate's rear parking from our site,rather than Gateway Drive. If there is no drive to the rear of Dr.Tate's parking,then the distance to his next driveway is 250'. f. We request a variance to allow the reduced stacking(which is consistent with the approved stacking for the original C6 drive location). 5. We request a variance to allow the elevations as shown. • • REC�MAR 0 3 2000 7c- s • • r_ •- LIMO �,_ _ �•+r ' � ,-! : i ® iiC>f ma on _ � �5s`wtr. �� °: , I:, L.....I� ��=e=.. . . ..m-j _._ o_m . w • \_ I I I 1 I _ !7 -' ... ▪. I yy :, ,,. riaiglikURIE t!s4. - . �!A � �= � I▪ : I or * Iam .4' : i 1 1%-:-irl .o�C..vr , ' /..•I Igor a a �\ =11: J. \' =•---'------ ▪ i t ,Ir!%..... r r ;. / •,'i 'F`, = tl .—..: .r.•-. B=0—0M \dam.,I I . 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(�►'� ❑ SHEET NO. ❑ _ SITE PLAN `"° =— — ``' \ RCS - L .-- '— L._ , — �` c1I -`' 1 J4N 2 519 � . . PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN . LEGEND: ONNER: h� oMur.a' .al ,..l..a.'�a✓r,L..nw rr APPLICANT: ,.o..r a sr lr ........ r—--I \ I SITE DATA SUMMARY: \ Y, a/� 9 aWq / arose.a r.rr :.Syi: 7337IIA3®(�1U2. AC,,ar.3. . \ \ . '/, ���1,11M*v<ii• /�y)�'I \'. ' Nr¢.nsamlr Ma.. .rr 9UI18 400 \'• ,VN`' ' 'I •."•• a�3 \�' 4.1rar uuo mart rtrr DALLAS.78XA/73231 f . • 1i, • 1.. . ► — ....A..rol:asroaar O` rm.u�.730.oan ^'. '.0 i:� N.v.•u¢r armr snn.ar l Yt.314.710.3731 . '•. rr d ma. Vaal rarslncro. ro at aaw.rl • tft. • a.j �*►`A cr• `:; .•�^ I-- avn.mvnwrtnw m as craws 11C111O1 Ili__.� t W i \ •r' .., •. °•` 1f S..4.1 • -r ! Na.rro..Nat 1.� 1, I' 1/ \ \ \ ;:4 ''t �` I,:'•I" cty l Y.[.3 II I /1t{ i w+, r w rp d {, ' lli4 . J-• AMMO mums AMOR s.snaY 1 1 i ,tlf lt.. --— . l'tr aa`.''� 1 '4jry,�• •> lmla.a.a.m S.M. a Sr II ,. IrIryI� /a V A �.."' \1��' I',, BU/LD/NC DATA 1I1, .NPo• .�--; 4 �- ,` \•\ N \I I'•�I\► rtPa SamYYm. l.fr/{NS Starr ��Gafu I , tl 11 N 411 .`� l \ • Q y ' °N:C , `' Mal ..m Y am ill q ' • a. �; ` +a m Y. ''' /• III Ii1 ; ♦ �: III"k,r. PARK/NC TABULAT/ON. • �� ��- ` \�, 'l 111.1 \ I. ,..r l...,• .T._ -j.• se.. G -1 ' Y � p uI rmmw aaa.m m..rc rmnld for.. Val v aou r,r,. +•.:'t r /-`,rrr Rk *Ili l4•l� 1� 'wani�K aam Y-m Y.3m Y/YS N YAWS Y 111(1*. i. I _0.ia) 4- 4' 1. I \', ^�/�'U'� III' OOclueS all rp L.a v-sso Sr.Lots Yana Is WAYS Sa � aa� ' /\ s+ 1 . 'I ii .1 i tLic il _ a Q ,' III I,•j II`�7 w \ /p�.\ .\. I" *r��r��°'. `' ,i i I jl��.. .f• .•\ � ,a► �Y °. r ' I�',h'�J�. \ m.a SLOT Naao .1Y..a wl"( .,:-. .„-,i.•'...".•.1,1-.' it,. itil ...o.rr�:'F ` " "• • \��+ '� /�..►pp \w ' I III '',� 13 a • • 4.. 1'i / . ..' iiii_ .-:`,—'r" •`` 1. s.,',aFC�.„�-vr ..r_ma.. '• `` t2 ....... .%r,+`.aleL..� r `__ZG+T� ^.\\ \ I\l�Il:i��' ,i�' 2 • ., lyek 11 �� Allll h. 11 �1 s 0J a*tbL' r N 1 2 71`i k DRIVEWAY PROPOSED .H*,N�gj: :vim'►�: 7: ,... /7 W ••,8 /Y .�.. y-- - M)0.101 1 � /FOR REMOVAL A �'m • • / \\ f'• . �f f f r• '• 1.4:or KM[!I[Sl.MK-- . ra.I>uSara,WeOr Fcr3... .. , . .,999iii. _--a.r...m..o.e...c.m KV..u.r.n n..a..o E.n, d 1 Ia an SITE PLAN I ......... CASE NO.: ZA99-018 0 I'ia.."gammC78,oc, e4.11 -- - - ...- • • • APPROVED SITE PLAN . LOT 5, BLOCK 1 , GATEWAY PLAZA • DR. TATE'S OFFICE SITE City of Southlake, Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA00-015 Revised Review No: Two Date of Review: 03/17/00 Project Name: Revised Site Plan - Gateway Plaza, Lot 3, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Lincoln Property Co. 0' Brien&Associates 500 Akard Street Suite 3300 5310 Harvest Hill Road Suite 13 Dallas, Texas 75287 Dallas, Texas 75230 Phone: (214) 740-3343 Phone : (972) 788-1010 Fax : Attn: Terry Wilkinson Fax : 972) 788-4828 Attn: Lisa Leslie CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 03/03/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 862. The purpose of this revised site plan is to process elevations for Space 1, the building in the southwest corner of Lot 3,Block 1 and review a relocation of a driveway between Space 8 and Lot 5, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition. 1. This review is isolated to the two areas shown and labeled "Area of Site Plan Revision". All previously approved conditions shall apply to the site plan, unless otherwise approved by City Council. 2. Change the title to include the following: "Revised Site Plan for Lot 3, Block 1". 3. The following changes are needed,regarding proposed Driveway C6, according to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634: a. The applicant is proposing a driveway connection into Lot 5, Block 1, (Dr. Tate's property). b. Dimension the width of Drive C6. c. Correctly show the proposed driveway location and layout of Dr. Tate's property, including the parking lot and trees as noted on the approved plan and with the new driveway connection. This plan shows the new parking layout for Tate and the proposed driveway shifted further north than what we believe is actually being constructed. d. Additionally, this plan shows a note stating Dr. Tate's Driveway will to be removed from the approved location. As previously requested, provide an affidavit from Dr. Tate indicating his agreement with the relocation along with an amended site plan. If this new Gateway drive is approved, staff wants to insure these points: • Tate's currently approved driveway is going to be eliminated, and • Tate can not construct another driveway without processing a revised site plan. 1C -8 City of Southlake, Texas e. Provide the minimum 150' driveway throat depth for stacking on Drive C6. This plan shows approximately 82', a deficiency of 68'. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action 3/9/00: Allow stacking depth as shown.) 4. All new lighting proposed on the building and not previously approved for the site, shall comply with the new lighting ordinance. P&ZAction, March 9, 2000:Approved(6-0), subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 3, 2000, and as noted above. NOTE: Staff deleted comments regarding articulation after further evaluation. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing the City case number"ZA 00- 015" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears that this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. • The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * A letter of permission from the adjacent property owner(s) on the west must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off-site pavement and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. • Denotes Informational Comment cc: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-015SP2R.DOC �re- � Case No. 00-015 Review No. One Dated: 03 —30 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Revised Site Plan For Gateway Plaza(Driveway Relocation) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 02 - 09 - 00 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. * No comments. BUILDING INSPECTIONS 7c-10 • • f./• ..,‘ : ' 1•:•2•--\t•wv-''.-rcii'e o,".-a.•:2 r--••,P-'„•,'i , .-...-. \.. _, ::::._.-.,:. r;_:_ff.:k-fr7.,,,,,•/4/,/L::/a.. r•-'4 aw.,43,, I -,-•.ii '-------, t:''''',:'/ : ' 'Vs. 1 , I.,16 101., .. ,;4 f-j.:'.;,-:1-8:, r, ;1,07, --_,„ •. _. 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L:1 Se i=g?.13' it,'IL,E5g :"' :1-2Eig tql! 12 z•:=•-.Pp, t.1,-P I gE E .,31 6''Eel'a &4a I i . ,., 4 -a, 41'1 0 0 0 0 g 0 CI El CI CI CI, 1. i 1 R 0 Pt DI _lc .IQ a • 0 REviSED SUL PLAN ruli LOT 1 Se 2, BLOCK 1, GATEWAY PLAZA ADDITION SOLITHLAKE, TEXAS CASE NO: ZA A DEVELOPMENT OF: LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY •1 -0 liE li i ' .:-.. i 5, 3 Z :- l' ' ill 5 0 0 0 CI 0 CI 0 00000co RECD MAR 0 a 2000 IN ■ ■ ■ ■INNINIMMUMr ° O'BRIEN ° ❑ &ASSOCIATES ❑ ❑ ❑ . ❑ Sea HABANTEr.an ❑ Ma wim 13 erilan.°°>n 13 U >. CI 0 c =moo ° W F - sr.� 1 0 T N w I ! j > � _ II � oa° ^ ® rn"a o > o 11 .3 _ - ._._. --- — ,.k �e - f.7_� _.-m..° '`� '�.'�.1 :...:., t.7`t017 1 H„:f 1 Ti _ Ev a F O a ❑ _ • FITN EIS AVAL I I RAKER i ._�` _ +'*.''^+. 9. r k.. ; 0,- . .a ;: r..� ❑ te • l HEADQUAI TERI I,IUD S.F. BROTHERS d '>= G _ 1 I i�i allit __`I l_ 2,500 S.`}p. DELI r_K�1 • - _ 1 � . R�g.�-�l x ■ ■ e 1.1 - ---f Ion.P. --—- .dui, 1 `'�-11 -ila i NU A,ii ISSUE WG 4-- --I I 1 ram+ ' No. DESCRIPTION Dnie ,.,. A U'' I 44 OUTH ELEVATION -Y OM CON " `"= ' o _ O "' - Rio-, � r,�.� ©ri; RR NV Ce Rd RIR.P.AtirrA/II ��- Y 1-::'.-IS . OWNER J.I ---0Q 11.,,iwid II _ r OWN... nN oWc1 PROPERTIES Na0.PLRBY BUANSDN 0 unE r,0 sWNU�,i8Y65 78992 ii,�® 11ANNG!1�'�EI neni.�a- - -— ❑YEL Ie/r R9-159e 0 ■ 1 } � 03 EAST ELEVATION let.R5 T.SUITS C'o 05 FLOOR PLAN w.....a OUILDINDI - S0a tiM0 ST. 5506 `. j ea BUILDING ❑ TEL n'7329'!0 0 CD tv EAV:(2141 577-0090 {+�I u ..c • Sl Chu s �' O r ° OBNECARkRlt Ass�iFS ° TT (7}()g I �S, ,to.a--_� 1�,� 1, t: aIl� i 1 91.11i1' `rni £ I I I/ "' � `` I VbT NIIJ, 0 SUiYB 1] " �f��l pN,.1.5 TI[i52�0 �.<.a=: ' I /��'> ' .''''''e.oa 2� 14111 IIEr1UI Il iiitf i'Fi i 1 l A1 D . :_ .., _- 2�. ,.•.-- 0 au.In ly2o 1 sD ea 0 Cr a � t•IM' yt,A 7 .h..r t --AIM t- y'�i�d•' � n.n. SIGNED 4 ","'Y r-a"lr`..,y. .• ''- ,- II 1 � % .,.' .�' � �7 . JOB I. 25028 0 I 0 wre: /91/ou C.., S _ h �1; �+=c., . -- >z IM��� 1Men��#7.mmimme. (w ,i '- scus: or,re. L-=.L 1 L a {�I����e����� ��99w I till111-IliL iiiU n u - - 0 SHEET NO. ° —- . �.. -=- SP2 a 0) WE T ELEVATIO_ 0 0 02 NORTH ELEVATION __...,a.... WILDiNGI _ BUILDING1 — CASE NO: ZADD-DBS 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1. City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-099 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-335/First Reading/Rezoning and Concept Plan-Lot 1R2-1,W.W.Hall No. 695 Addition (Crestwood Office) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Interim Planning Director, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning on property legally described as Lot 1R2, W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4545, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Lot 1, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 &4893,Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and a portion of the abandoned North Carroll Avenue right-of-way; and being approximately 1.982 acres. r PURPOSE: To change zoning of the adjacent property to the east being added to the site. Concept Plan approval is required with a change to the requested zoning district. LOCATION: On the northwest corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard(F. M. 1709). OWNERS: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. and Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. APPLICANT: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "S-P-2"Generalized Site Plan District with"0-1" Office District uses and "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with"0-1" Office District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: Ten(10) 3R- I City of Southlake, Texas RESPONSES: One(1)response was received from within the 200' notification area: • Juergen Strunck P.O. Box 92685, Southlake, TX in favor, "The zoning requested will bring Crestwood Office Park Phase II into the same zoning as Phase I. My wife and I accepted this zoning when first approached about the development of the property to the south of ours." See attached letter. (Received March 3, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: March 9, 2000; Approved (3-2) subject to Revised Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, approving Alternate B; waiving Items#1 (500' driveway spacing on Carroll Avenue) and #2 (bufferyard along the common property line); excluding banks with drive-through lanes and drive-through ATMs; stating that a portion of the tract has "S-P-2" zoning and they are adding a tract with "NR-PUD" zoning to it and went with an "S-P-2" zoning in order to match the districts; stating that they want an "S-P-2" type of zoning in order to exclude drive-through banks and allow a right- in/right-out driveway; and adding the condition of a deceleration lane and putting the money in escrow. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-099ZC.doc JUERGEN STRUNCK P.O.BOX 92685 SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 February 29,2000 The Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake 1721 E.Southlake,Suite 100 Southlake,TX 76092 Dear Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, It is with regret that I will not be able to attend the Public Hearing on March 9 for the discussion of ZA99- 099.My attached-signed note indicates that I have no objections to the proposed zoning change. I understand and accept the need of Greenway-Southlake Office Partners,L. P.to have access to Carroll Avenue. In conversation with Mr.Pigg and Kirk I have indicated that my wife and I would not object to the proposed location of the driveway to Carroll Avenue. t, s I do however, have concerns about alternate A of the concept plan.To my view the close proximity of the proposed Carroll Avenue access driveway to the intersection of Carroll and Southlake Blvd.makes a drive-thru-bank and its to be anticipated active traffic problematic. I know from my own experience of entering Carroll Avenue from my driveway that this corner is danger- ous and it should not get more so with the type of traffic a drive-thru-bank would create. I also feel that such a bank comes as close to resembling a retail space in terms of who will use its facility as one can imagine.An office park with offices like those of Phase I are certainly more desirable to us who live across the fence from them. Tim Kirk and his company have been helpful to us in solving the trash and lightening problems of the Phase I Office Park.I assume the Greenway-Southlake Office Partners will continue this consultation/ cooperation with Phase II of their development. Thank you for your attention to my stated concerns and for any help you can give us to make living in Southlake as desirable as it has been in the past. Please feel free to contact me at(817)481-3681 if I can be of any assistance. I will return from a work- shop in Georgia by March 12. Sincerely, El ' _ )1 litep- 4,` �rY'1:'l44'Iii�-- uergerundk REED MAR o auuU gA3 City of Southlake, Texas Tract Map ZA99-099 Li—ZAV-81jg:r:a---7-1-1 N'''ll..:'' . II I.:7-----74L--- -V — VIII - __ ..A>-, 7- '-— __ : la ...1\p"\_\_ ,.-i,".:19,,51//../1./_•...1__,Ir____r__,_=__.:\ -z--\-- .i. vryFTTTillr ,_.1 7 1 f;,kmaL -. -,_ m Juriz-. 1, A ,,--. ,ci: .-- '—.E-1 /i - • .-, . . ____._, -,-...... ..--T.,...,....... _ --_6 ...A. -• 1 1 1 \ / -- // l LLCl kV -1I__i --i\ ,k_ . [ T— \ 1\_„,,,_--' i_1 _-‘,1.1-- V4 5-1it. 4-..-.l T"(I,'T,r /_1G-/77:-"-0R-,-.71.#..,4_4. A671.\ m ‘9! [ate 1. - ,, EyMOp o:-, \ IT' :_ 'T_ LLLS) -_ : m -F_-___. \\ ' • IIII•I EPTErill:k2/-1-) f4 '( , - o 7� r �-1-- ---LS \ - ��r,Lily ri r� ESTM l/ ��i�m .. � TT �+ �i /T 7 d��.1-3 I 1�f sf ZI 11 - - >�I- -r T , 00 --I -- {At-k-�_(r 6NTAIINE 2000 0 2000 'Feet N W E S 10!1 ____ City of Southlake, Texas Surrounding Property Owners = ZA99-099 ilmiiiik N, 111111 _ . su.., IMEIM. _omik Timb OP li ,f2. - ,li11,1111Madi� PROSPE Ilan T Li iikaLL ,1 7 ,, , piAltil9fill. 1 I_ 3 " .. ,o, III i 5 4 IMP 1111111111111 Property Owners Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. J. Strunck 1. "AG" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 3.000 acres 2. Southlake Venture West 2. "NR-PUD"2. Mixed Use 2. 5.601 acres 3. Southlake Venture West 3. "NR-PUD" 3. Mixed Use 3. 5.461 acres 4. South Carroll/1709 Ltd. 4. "S-P-2" 4. Office Commercial 4. 29.516 acres 5. A. Prade 5. "AG" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 18.059 acres 6. Westerra Southlake LP 6. "AG" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 14.081 acres 7. Greenway Rowlett 66 LP 7. "AG" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 2.290 acres ( \\SLKSV4001\Local\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99099PR.doc U-5 's, 111 ,.. . . a MAT.. i ,,, ,...421rstss PANS woo...,0s0 11 . 01110 Ih. § LOCATION NAP g 4 s.;,32.P.2073' AC O 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOU-AC DEW.IIESCENIIAL ,--i..g:1' rv.'aps's*U.TsZttss.7'6::;.11 s...irar..V.VI.S.r:4?,r......, - ± W..==,,,,V1r,1 r.7,,,,:.°V..V,Jr,°=°A.,:!°,°4: 4:t.LA.•`!10441-` l;' "g.rM' i 11`e . 205 of Dm Deed flacords A Tarr.County.r44911.a.mid parcel Mang more part.r.rly Artscria.as fo.o. SF-IA A sr.ess-C F. DESPOONG al a men..M.lor cm.al.pros.ralumecton IND.IrEll MISTY FESOENTIAL It0 I.. .451. r • Vit:7107"fulfr 9"017.°::,','8=4=4,r7.7:7 62-:'IV, ,..,- 1 .• . .....), J Qf ..,01 T ! •: • • li -!:-; ; • I ; !...t...... . . .-:. ,, 11.1.X.ON 2r w..31.115.a.6 1.no.Me of Soulloolte 11.524.11O ,_,mum • - t I ' . ., %. i a cr.....of 222091 to a Inman.Nand lat C01040 . I'-'0 01 i1111111p ....,...'...,.',„.14.-1 '•-•1 I ii:I• I i ,Z, . . 1 0; : ; _ •j• ',-LI f I( ,, .." 1- •: I ns.sss s es us sr w.Isl.ss ow.,the.rth.of Sout.. .....to a 5..am rod.1 m 1.oodtrammoN mums.comer --- .-...- - I., IIIII , fl 1 ..-."' at Mal mune 0.1 of lond demolbed in deod le DJ A LA 54... . ...• ' ..II3IIIIII l • - !_ . ,0.I,t. P Z . focar.4 in Rau.6014 Poga 10.of Ma Ned fl•coret of torrent Caun4.T.. ''' : .• CI' "'''.,... 1.04091G UK ---- =fol.;I50n2Irenatc7 lI0IIII ra44.4"'""""'"I .. . „.,... . ..„.. 0 k . 1 10..1 . r: •,.... :•.„s.- ___ 11 t4 ".4,' : 1.1 OrS10.10.mod lo JP.A GR.51...recorded.Volur.6365. C4 0....• ... t F. I - - • Page 20d of ma Mad Pecor.of Torrent Counry.fax. trazflu lo a V ir rod feu..coma m ant Me of N.Corn. 6- I .1. .9 Twsscs s W W.351 w.pt.:ents.....n.,.....1,s,of 0.08012 '....7. NE DAINI.GROW 1.5 P 1.1 '.-0 •. :. V.9311. ' .' • " 'ttr.: .2 ,•--- ).-._ 0 .--- 1 1. . .: : I es A ' • -4 LOU- 10 MED IOU_ t. i . ..t - .,.,45110, .1000.__...S.. ,.-.9,,,,‘440..9.2;•-•'9'• -• ..4. -.! - 031, • • V. _10119. ' B,1„:.., - 5.T._1=-1..._-__............ _.?„.,-".... • i a a 0116335". '1 i P.0.1,,,,,k. ,f .• -. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. (F.M. 1709) -- ,..k- -s-, L...,:1-'"le,,Ir" ,„..s....., = __.„ _ = _,-,-sum,2-n:= .... .. -- , _ ....sa...Fsf . •.• • .• CONCEPT PLAN --A- r _ _ _ _ ___ ---1. . n -- - CRESTWOOD I 1 ..1' I OFFICE PARK Mmer/Mmelopert 1,.4-I- 15.4 AZIRGDUP. INC. IluARRON LAND CORP. I .-. Prk.. I g I AN ADDITION TO ..t. ,...,3. GO.. I AG LLD-I=wen FESDEIGIAL LLD-WED.COE.Tf EMSCOMAL I '1 I THE'I CI OF SOUTHLAKE I ,A TARRANTTY CY OUNT , TEXAS W.R. HALL SURVEY Erammars/P4maerat I IEINIEIHNIF-ERS.INIC.. - ABSTRACT NO. 695 • ENGINEERS - PLUMIERS PRESENT ZONING-AC ,-../tiL• • LUD-MED.DENSITY EXISTING USE-VACANT PROPOSED ZONING-S-P-2 WITH 01 USES TM CCSTKET SUM 104 REC'D NOV 1 1 1996 0 500114049.MSS 09099 (017)499-3313 3.508 ACRES ..,..",, GENERAL NOTES .. 9 I ‘-d-4 AL-AN WAR?SURVEYING CO. . 1.M.OLDG.AJILA.20.522 5f. Po oca arm. 2.KORA.PARA.-.A.. 29 OCTOBER 1996 A.PROPOSED PAD.n 120 5P0.45 IS.•17-901-0940 4.01 ODIMMIS. NW -GAS-101:2266-123- . PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN Graham, Associates, Inc. • _ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS February 23,2000 Mr.Dennis Killough Senior Planner City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd.,Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Re: Case 99-099,Revised Concept Plan Case 99-100,Plat Revision Lot 1R2R W.W.Hall No. 695 Addition Dear Mr.Killough: On behalf of Greenway-Southlake Office Partners L.P.,we are providing with this letter 27 full-size copies and 1-11x17" copy each of the revised Concept Plan and Plat Revision for the referenced location. This submittal is intended to address the City's conunents dated February 14, 2000. Please review the attached at your earliest convenience and let us know if you need additional information prior to the March 9 Planning and Zoning meeting. The applicant requests a variance on the required 500' distance from N. Carroll Avenue to proposed access drive("B") shown on the Revised Concept Plan. This drive is proposed as a right in/right out only. With the construction of North Carroll and the associated median, there would be only one full access drive at this location. Consequently, the proposed right in/right out drive on FM 1709 would be needed to alleviate congestion at the full access drive on FM 1709. This congestion reduction should be attractive from a public safety standpoint. The applicant also requests a variance on the 5' buffer yard requirement along the west lot line of Lot 1R2R. This variance is requested due to common parking that is planned for the site, which will have two lots,but have the look of a single property. The absence of the 5' buffer yard at this location is consistent with the previously approved site plan/concept plan for Lots 1R1 and 1R2. With regard to your comment concerning additional fire lane requirements,the requirement for additional fire lanes has not been identified at this time and will be addressed during development of the site plan for this location. Regarding your comments on the Plat Revision, we have addressed your comments and offer the following stipulations: 1. The "land swap" associated with Lot 1 Block 9 will need to take place after the revised plat for Phase 1R— Southlake Town Square is processed. As you know, this has been submitted to the City for review. Consequently,the recording information for the corrected Lot lines for Lots 1 & 2 of Southlake Town Square Block 9 is not available and will be added after the plat revision for Phase 1R-Southlake Town Square is recorded. 2. Easements to be abandoned within Lot 1R2R have been indicated with shading on the Plat Revision. Utility companies have been listed for signatures per your comments for their approval of the proposed abandonment. D:\GREEN WAY\SOUTHL KEUdllough7.doc li Summit Office Park Centerpoint Two NationsBank 1300 Summit Ave.,Suite 419 616 Six Flags Drive,Suite 400 705 W.Ave. B,Suite 201 Ft.Worth,Texas 76102 Arlington,Texas 76011 Garland,Texas 75040 (817)332-5756 (817)649-8530 • Metro(817)640-8535 (972)272-4655 FAX(817)336-6909 FAX(817)633-5240 FAX(972)272-4655 J' g ft-7 1[CV F Eb 2 Zbou sy 3. Regarding your continent on split zoning,the applicant has submitted a zoning change application, which would eliminate any split zoning at this location. It is our understanding that the zoning application depends on approval of the plat revision. 4. We will obtain the"Certificate of Taxes Paid"and provide it as required prior to filing of the plat. If you need any additional information or would like to meet to discuss these documents, please give us a call. Sincerely, Graham Associates,Inc. /<C. --4/7 David M. Smith P.E. Project Engineer . Attachments Cc: Jeff Williams Tommy Pigg Gary Martin { D:\GREEN WAY\SOUTHLKE1ld11ough7.doc 1 011-3 iG, 4 City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-099 Review No: Four Date of Review: 3/3/00 Project Name: Revised Concept Plan - Lot 1R2-1,W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition (Crestwood Office) APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. Graham Associates 23001 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201 Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: (214) 880-9009 Phone: (817) 640-8535 Fax: (214) 880-0188 Attn: Tommy Pigg Fax: (817) 633-5240 Attn: David Smith CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 2/23/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y Complies Residential Adjacency Y Not Evaluated. Building Articulation Y Not Evaluated Masonry Standards Y Not Evaluated Impervious Coverage Y Not Evaluated Bufferyards Y See Comment No 4 Interior Landscape Y Not Evaluated Driveways Y See Comments la& lb * This plan proposes two development options,an Alternate A and an Alternate B shown on the attached Concept plan. The applicant is requesting approval of both options to allow flexibility in placement of a user. 1. Drive `B' must be a minimum of 500' from the intersection of Carroll Ave. The applicant proposes a right-in/right-out approximately 291' from the new intersection. (Variance Requested) (P&ZAction 3/9/00 Allow driveway spacing on Carroll Avenue as shown.) * All required easements must be dedicated,by the associated replat. Final design of the shown right-in/right-out control device must be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 1 BA-q City of Southlake, Texas 2. Label all required bufferyards as to type and width. A 5' —Type A, bufferyard is required along the common property line. No bufferyard is shown. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action 3/9/00: Waive bufferyard along the common property line.) 3. It appears that additional fire lanes may be required along the west side of the proposed buildings. Contact the Fire Marshall for additional information in this regard. All fire lanes are subject to City Fire Marshal approval. P&Z Action, March 9, 2000:Approved(3—2)subject to Revised Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, • approving Alternate B; and • excluding banks with drive-through lanes and drive-through ATMs; and • stating that a portion of the tract has "S-P-2"zoning and they are adding a tract with "NR-PUD"zoning to it and went with an "S-P-2"zoning in order to match the districts; and stating that they want the "S-P- 2" type of zoning in order to exclude drive-through banks and allow a right-in/right-out driveway; and • and adding the condition of a deceleration lane and putting the money in escrow • as noted above. • Although it is not typically evaluated at this time, the applicant is advised to consider the 4:1 slope setback requirement for nonresidential buildings from the north property boundary. The buildable area on this site may be afftected by this requirement Encroachment above this slope line from the adjacent residential property to the north appears possible in both proposed options. Such an * A letter of permission and/or common access easement must be obtained from the adjacent property owner(s)prior to issuance of a building permit for any construction of off-site pavement. • A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along State Highways or Farm to Market Roads. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat Revision must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and a fully corrected site plan submitted to the Building Department along with landscape plan,irrigation plan, building plans, and all required fees. Required fees may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee,Impact Fees,Tap Fees and related Permit Fees. • This review is based on the "0-1" Zoning District Regulations. • Although review of the following issues is generally not provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following city ordinances prior to submittal of a site plan for this property. A Site Plan must be submitted and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council prior to issuance of a building permit. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. 2 SA-ID City of Southlake, Texas • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on the north, east, south, and west building facades)per §43.9C1e, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9C 1 a, Ordinance 480,as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Residential adjacency,standards per §43.11 and Exhibit 43-E on Page 43-15, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Spill-over lighting and noise per §43.12, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • Roof design standards per § 43.13b, Ordinance 480, as amended • Mechanical Equipment Screening per § 43.13c, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Impervious coverage limitations per § 18.5I, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Building setback standards as per § 43.13h and as shown in exhibit 43-E, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Deceleration lanes as per § 5.4a as per Ordinance 634. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Tommy Pigg, Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. VIA FAX: ABOVE Jeff Williams, Graham Associates VIA FAX: ABOVE Frank Bliss, Cooper& Stebbins VIA FAX: 817-251-8717 N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\REV\99\99099CP4.DOC 3 g11-ll City of Southlake, Texas TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) Case: 99-099 Date of Review: 2 -10 - 00 Number of Pages: 2 Project Name: Lot 1R2-1,W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition; Crestwood Office Park(Rezoning/Concept Plan) Review#3-Resubtnittal OWNER: PREPARED BY: Greenway—Crestwood Park Partners L. P. Graham Associates, Inc. 2301 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201 Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: (214) 880-9009 Phone: (817) 640-8535 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT(817)481-5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The applicant did not submit a Tree Survey meeting the requirements of Schedule B of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. The Concept Plan does show the location of existing trees but not the ones within the area of the proposed building. This is acceptable because the Bois D' Arc along Carroll Avenue are in a single mass and would be extremely difficult to survey and then separately identify. 2. The existing Eastern Red Cedars and Post Oaks on the site are protected but the Bois D' Arc along N. Carroll Dr. are not protected. The only consideration for the Bois D' Arc trees to be considered protected is the function of their purpose as an effective screen. As the Concept Plan shows a portion of the trees would be removed for the construction of the proposed buildings in the east portion of the property for the construction of the buildings and access drives. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of this lot. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. BUILDING INSPECTIONS gR-!2 J.P. a G.H. STRUNCK x0 ,. - j R3U aD gg y sr VOL. 6365 PG. 206 a ';,• C i //X c ME➢EZ, LTD. D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 12051, PG. 465 A-695 TR. 3Dl PAS` '{{ D.R.T.C.T. V.V.HALL SURVEY ' ', i A-695 TRACT 3D3 200 N. CARROLL AVE. o LUD-MED. ➢ENSI TY RESIDENTIAL ^Y , { VW HALL SURVEY ZONING -AG 1 - t %0_ a 1050 E.SOUTHLAKE BLVD. LUD-MED. DENSITY t '`'- d P 0 ,111 u CRESTWOOD ZONING- SF-1 _ ZONED, AG - nW ' It h CA { OFFICE PARK OW 34'S.' E Iv rRPn,n us"A>r` LUD-MEDIUM DENS STY RESIDENTIAL cnnrAR•Tv:r.,e+ PM.YaT svramc yy y_ SOUTHLAKE TOWNSQUARE S --•, 3 fl PHASE SITE SOUTHLAKE BLVD. N• - S 09'42'41' E YxL 555.73' 'YNL F F _ ♦,,,r, Az y'I CAD. A,H SLIDE 4892 Ora rsos �I '}_______-__.___. __�'_A4 3',- ,_-"-T _4 1 ( P.R.T.C.T. !,\I ,,... U I I I I I I I I I I "%- v A ..g� .► 6- EI/I '219''' .r;RSI? vs \ i1 COOPER 6 STEBBINIT L.P. cemM,r I y 1 �I y,,,r^�e'",W 1256 MAIN ST, SUITE 240 - R r' VF r'+.�5..,- q 'c✓54�"..-. _�..,.:3. v w ",'� :03.3a'2]' LUD- MIXED USE N _- ((_/ �,3 IG;W,3 : %..': 2'`�3 ? '.%,: -,,,--,;�,y♦alenrc _-\ k=95o.Gu' ZONEDr NR-PU➢R2 �V;, w l ( �g .Ws) 07." l( ' L=so, VICINITY MAP r:;P..ea,;1Y+r a,, I ;K i4 Cn=s oH•26',r E 1v m*Fn.m. m_ xEL" )- 'K� ,- iY ; 1 Lf.=5,.2i' 1y, LOT IRFY- LOi 2 •mSL1,.[AScvAv, >�'i �.:..:;e.:•. .."":u.r•' iiYlli T7/�"' - 1 T )r. '?�k7 I G6.3111:F L BLOC 9(+ L. I.982 AC. -01".A,11 Tb' •�° PROPOS II-_ --. P,ROP4:EtI �\/ a 25 50 100 zoo vEer !? j�//j�j �u, OFFICES ..'i-, OFFIC�+ SCALE:I-=50' ME➢EZ, LTD. ,f, :," '�' _a ,(1) J VOL. 12051, PG, 465 1 -s j i/i/1�i/// � j/ 1. p1 Y ➢ I000 I ➢,R.T,C,T. i ^k,4. •I■ '////. PPARKING Q' A-695 TRACT 303 et, j //�' + i/� _N„?r- PARKING as'r=a2 i - IN HALL SURVEY �•'y.` ' //r PARKING SN -37 - ' ALTERNATE H I050 E.SOUTHLAKE BLVD. " !II jjj'Mr -- / . _--_ --- iPUI�NG ri _ LUD-MED. ➢ENSITY -y�1,;1 �'.+ �1c� I. iJ ZONING SF-1 'C.1 :K4... _ ._ - __ __- -.,t.«�'.N b _ I..m, Y 'R�'6 : r -„Rc I C?f e ' - n e\ Ls_,...1t. ... Pea — g — — - I /.L�\ / 2".4./8' I IN d\ 07 il'1 ,r. , •:09.30'31.1.1/ aOr• m.I fM oa.�-_. _-�__ __ _ IY 121.SI' --U I'.Tb'VS' B N - - 1;- ------ OH` 9_3'24'.Y/-- iin•54'1 6' u =11521.IE 4.,u----------EAST-SOUTHLAKE-BOULEVARD---L-3r z-o-,--- - du•5;:it• - _.-- ------EAST-SOUFHLAKE-BOULEVARD-- ------ (F.M. 1709) CD-11 89.Al'27• Y --3.nl• - O.R.O.V./ LC=122.Off I1 Ar•46':4• IF./t (F.M. 1709) ------"'-- --— 'V.6.4-3 n30'R.S IL, —.— — ,r vm,A.o_TwE nS 5Y _ ��) °•or SOUTH CARROLL/1709 LTD. .__, _ :: u+..._ a`._ ..T D.Rr.c.T. OWNER: WESTERA SOUTHLAKE, L.P. ANITA PRADE `A,i " = hi,. 1_i-lib .n X, 1_- .CAT'....' A-529 TR. 7A 6REONLY-6C2)V®PARK PMTNI VOL. 12615, PG. 339 VOL, 12615, Pa 339 ..�� L~ ��" 6� - ip ; �� ,{(A• 1i� -. x>' J. FREEMAN SURVEY GREENVAY-SOUTHLAKE OFFICE PAR' D.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. � _• le i ."'c..:S - FX,,,,'6'tiir`lScAr.::"ti,_:':;:..�,"1;�•l.:".,,,'-,, I NORTH CARROLL AVE. cdracn Tawlr PI66 A-899 TR. 4G A-899 TR. 4D2 € uxA,t[r Atr4lwrR TT•-.# iii' - 301 S,TEXAS SPRINGS SUITE 4m ,�'?,,.,,,..._:_k gyp,,,,. I > I LUD-OFFICE COMMERCIAL DALLAS,TEXAS 752111 L —._-. 7HNING-SE-2-- OFFICE. Iz14)DaD-91109 O. KNIGHT SURVEY O, KNIGHT SURVEY -1 IT V; -i. - ( d� - -----•----- -` Tnxr S2SSTT SIRR 400 S. CARROLL AVE, 400 S. CARROLL AVE. � /)''.k- _ 32• .1 r'�1 I- MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LUD-MED. DENSITY RESIOEFr IAL In I i I f1 ../'.• _ PROPO`I_I.__ 1 L,r. .LOI 2 1 ^SITE DATA CHART `COWERt`FRANK NS.35 P [INTACZONING- AG ZONING-AG sr m1AR - OFFICE' 4c`P�L,ULnCK r h';IL''''''''''''" g�AV �^ EXISTING ZONING SP-2 FIN o-I USES 1256 MAIN sT, SUITE 240 jO4w' ' nRvE aL.,IlF.R9 I PROPOSED ZONING SP-2 FOR 0-1 USES I I 0T-/`C 10,500 Sr -__ .ZUUIID,AC IT All CLI IEP. WC USE DCSIdgtIW MEOIW DENSITY REV I MIXED USE SWTM.AXE.TEXAS)f092 e ,rK nL.SIS.>I PAR[INC RE'r- -7 11p • WOSs ACREAGE 4 267 ACRES OFFICE, 017.329.04m � LL' q FAX. 017.251.0717 t 31 'O:C. PARKING SHr -37 j NU ARIEALE ].%2 ACRES TEE OF R.0 V.nL01 CATIOI . . N - I'_ u NAIDER K PROPOSED LOTS 1'ROPO 4 ED PROPOSED BUILDING AREA ALTEraA7E X.17,700 SF ENGINEERS EXISTING OFFICES 6_ ALIE12VATC A.14,700 SF WWYO ASSOCIATES. INC W V -^ A--$ rt_ — it �•NK 1 ,_ 5019ER OF STORIES 1 DAVID SMITH �- 4-00 SF 1 MAXIMUM BUILDING KIWI 35• 616 SIX FLAGS DRIVE.SUITE 4rXl „ ,` - ,IP 4 C 'Q' �20 ARLICE,d, TEXAS,76011 by i%{ �;9y-� - - `�$• - T- P KING'•0 =20 FLOOR AREA BY USE ALTERNATE I-17,7W Sr OFFICEALTERN OFFICE. L0171640-OSJS 4a eLL"i, - -" '- __ �_.�. -_.._ _ 1_. i .i7 I ro-4u1r[v, o ,Art[ ALTERNATE A-10.000 SF OFFICE L 4,400 SF BANK Gk. C0172633-5240 �a n deb L. _ .Ac 14, :fir__. y , _ µ.Mr 1 I vMKiw REWIRED ALTERATE II.64 SPACES-ALTERNATE A A 54 SPACES Q' ,E I, VNtiTY If .___._.. ��_�. _ ..__�'�S•'•---j- v ..h_._1_Id _ I PARXiw PROVIDED ALTERNATE II.66 SPACES-ALTEMAIE A=ST SPACES LOT III L LOT 1R211 -------------- ,a,,,, - .2 uitL)i. _( i IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE RAM.f65Y.) ALTERNATEIIL A.55.970 SF V.V. NALL NO. 695 ADDITIW Y/\0 ICRVTOUS COVERAGE WORN ALTERNATE =TE 54.WO SP 463. ' 1-�__._- W ALTER=ATE A.55.700 Sr 164XI 4.267 ACRES AI.0M(M Os. Y91 !__ �I W - _ CITY OF SO TEXAS I TARRANT COUNTITY,TD. TEXAS B ALTERNATE A CITY CASE NO: ZA 00-000 "'VIZAH" -ae^�", ^r".�,.,t...4. saw..,',''' MI=F:E>=F,..sao-a .ZZZYX.. ".ZZO ZTIFIE '�65- '06 "^". Ykw�uo" o ^CG8 REVISED CONCEPT PLAN GOOD FULTON & FARRELL ARCHITECTS EAST SOUTHLAKE BLVD. Pr.,11.N 60117 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REED FEB 2 3 2000 .5 ;,a1= 1.c]', N DP_1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-335 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED;'THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT.,1R2,:.:,W. W: -HALL NO. 69.5 ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO:THE .CITTY`:OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANrCOUNTY, ,:TEXAS .ACCORDING;:TO. THE'PLAT RECORDED IN CABINET;A, SLIDE.4545:,`PLAT:.RE'CORDS TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS;,:LOT 1:,BLOCK`9 SOUTHLAKE TOWN, .,SQUARE;° AN ADDITION - 1TO;: THE` .`CITY ;OF SOUTHLAKE',,TARRANT`COUNTY, TEXAS;:ACCORDING:.TO THE PLAT'RECORDED,IN::CABINET"A,:SLIDES 4892 &'4893;E PLAT' RECORDS, ;TARRANTi COUNTY,; TEXAS, "AND: °A PORTION OF THE ABANDONED NORTH`CARROLL AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY; AND ,...BEING •APPROXIMATELY _1,982 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "S-P-2"^GENERALIZED',SITE;.PLAN DISTRICT WITH "O-1'.' OFFICE DISTRICT:USES .AND; '!NR= PUD"'NON-RESIDENTIAL::PLANNED UNIT;DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WITH ".C-3" GENERAL'.C:OMMERCIAL_-DISTRICT USES;.TO;-''S-P-2" GENERALIZED:SITE.PLAN DISTRICT WITH " 1 0 " OFFICE::DISTRI.CT.:,;USES AS DEPICTED ON THE .APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-F1LES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 1 plipplor" 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as ;"S4'-27:Generalized Site Plan-District with° :0-1� `Office,,District.us'es and.,",NR-PUD" Non-Residential.Planned Vnit • Development,`° District',`with C-3 . ` General ;Commercial.;District :.uses under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, N:ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBAIPENDING1480-335.DOC Page 2 PPP • and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 3 therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. 'That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being Lot`1R2,.W..`W..:.Hall No: 695;Addition, an addition to the City,.:of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A,. Slide'4545,-Plat=Records,.,Tar'.rant_County, Texas;-Lot 1-;;.Block 9,,Southlake Town Square,an addition.-to;the City Of.`Soutllake Tarrant County, Texas ;according';to the plat recorded`ui,CaliinetA;.Slides4892_&:4893 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and a portion of the.abandoned?North-Carroll;Avenue right-of-way; and being :approximately.,1.982.,acres, and more fully_ and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "S_P 2:" Generalized'.Site',Plan District with, "A0=1" Office District uses:and "NR-PUD";Non-Residential Planned;Unit Development District with -"C-3"'General Commercial District.uses to "SP-2" Generalized.Site Plan District_with "0-1:".Office.:District uses as depicted on the approved Concept„ _ _ Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN71WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 4 II PPP. be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 5 IPPF SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect.the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 6 any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTIWP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 7 �R�zD Pl"" APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: • • N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILESIZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 8 • • • EXHIBIT "A" Lot 1R2;`'W. VV.:Hall,No . 695,.Additiori, an addition to the City:of Southlake Tarrant County,; Texas, according to-the plat,recorded• ,in Cabinet.A;;Slide-4545,.Plat,Records:`.Tarrant County, •Texas, Lot.,I,'•Block .9;:,Southlake•Town Square, an addition to-the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,-Texas, according to;the plat recorded in-CabinetA., Slides 4892'& 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County rTexas;;and•a`portion of:the-abandoned North,Carr,oll Avenue right of• 'way; `arid being approximately r:982, acres`: • BEGINNING at a'/z inch iron rod set for corner at the intersection of the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue(a 100 foot R.O.W.,a 115 foot at this point)and the north right-of-way line of East Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709)(a 130 foot R.O.W.),said point being the southeast corner of said Greenway tract; THENCE North 88°54'16"West,along said north right-of-way line,a distance of 74.70 feet to a PK nail found for corner; THENCE North 88°48'31" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 42.63 feet to a TxDOT brass cap found for corner; THENCE South 88°36'02"West,continuing along said north right-of-way line,a distance of 3.74 feet to a'/z inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner; THENCE North 88°53'24" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 97.48 feet to a %z inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner, said point being the point of curvature of a curve to the left,having a delta of 00°26'03",a radius of 11,524.16 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 89°06'25"West,87.31 feet; ' THENCE northwesterly,continuing along said north right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve to the left,a distance of 87.31 feet to a''/z inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner; THENCE North 00°17'22"East, leaving said north right-of-way line and along the west line of said Greenway tract and the easterly line of Lot 1R1,of the said W.W.Hall No.695 Addition,a distance of 278.64 feet to a'/z inch iron rod set for corner,said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 1R1; • • THENCE South 89°42'41"East,along the north line of said W.W. Hall addition and the south line of a tract of land conveyed by deed to J.P.&G.H.Strunk,as recorded in Volume 6365,Page 206,Deed Records,Tarrant County,Texas,a distance of 304.28 feet to a'/z inch iron rod set for corner, said point being in the west right-of-way line of said North Carroll Avenue, said point also being the point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the right,having a delta of 03°34'27", a radius of 950.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 08°26'57"East,59.25 feet; THENCE southeasterly,along said west right-of-way line and along the arc of said non-tangent curve to the right,a distance of 59.26 feet to a'/ inch iron rod set for corner; • THENCE South 04°27'23'West, continuing along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 110.53 feet to a%z inch iron rod set for corner; . THENCE South, continuing along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 113.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 86,318 square feet or 1.982 acres of land,more or less. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTMP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING\480-335.DOC Page 9 SA-ZZ °ti Z w . E0 00 0X 3 c Z -4 Cv tn 1111 xj7-r-a,'�4s 4°GR7 1 P. 1 G.H. STRUNCK O ' [+ VOL. 6365. PG 206 •AT. a `..�, 9 :1y, O MEDEZ, LTD. B 5R.T.. 3 rb VOL. 12051. PG. 465 Y. V MA TR.SURVEY TS' V.v HALL SURVETCI D.R.7.C,T. 200 N. NSITY R AVE.I ` -Y y co A-695 TRACT"D] LUD-MEO DENSITY RESIDENTIAL b VV HALL SURVEY - 1 j �Stl 1 10 LUD-M�pi DENSITY VD ZONING-AG e ,r6 O 11 a CRESTWOOD ZONING-SF-I r....L.rwA_��• ZONED: AG - t y 9A OFFICE PARK .d ,_i g,• ....... � ' LUD-MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 9 n 11,•iMO 'S! —fiIDl.e`r_ . -5 a B :y i: SOUTHLAPNASEKE VN SQUARE SpUtNUXE BLVD. F.. } 1 �• S B9.12'11' E PAL SDS_7]• % % % w<i •� CAB A. SLIDE 4892 SITE m COOPER I.STEBBINS, L.P. n1 - ;__)I 1 I I I I '7%CC'.3 �yy' �: .Ay I I .I , .1 �1(.t5:3 i' • 5 • `4 S I 1256 MAIN ST, SUITE 240 co _ 2 P,�,P,'1''2 -oz.:« a�vc!-.." `�M�.$:-.;,''&.: ' }DI.:.r n• LUD-MIMED USE Y - __ -�yy,,'�r69 M3`��.!'`°'n5ta'!".r' _'.,.•a' 1 f' .'Y'L' I �\ P.55D.VG ZONED: NR-PUDY2 Z w V I l/ 'x- a II I( ` �r:Y:_ '$r: _-4 vsa,zc' VICINITY MAP d r writ ,,:: `yk�. I .'�.° LO,1:K __ i ILi�Snry<:2ti•'i]'E nr trek.,•no. ,7..�• ' :t• ;c eTr•LrtA..!"� I - �- 1�ezxrt. -` :R r'D:,roe-.-R .. v jj �rw-•� ■��ir PROPO I'_.. rt !PROP I,ED a as 6o WO 200 FEET p MEOE2, LTD 3'jr 1 � "-•':f ;f` OFFICES - - P �� ':¢ 1 I SCALE:I..OW VOL. 12051, PG. 465 '' �� %,r/. . � q. 5~ 4Too.f i I 63 D.R.T.C.T. ;,,�: <+ ■ lP'{ ,, PARSING AE ,_02 E■ 64 A-695 TRACT 3113 •K; ?I. W VD HALL SURVEY '. 49 %///r L%H///// §':r PLxtlNC 5D 5p �:OhL,S aD 0 1050 E.SOUTHLAKE BLVD. - i;,. I! � /; = i j ALTERNATE B o //// " LUD-MEGA DENSITY i, ••" 9"'' - ,,,, -- - I. N n ZONING-SF-1 > � d t lac .�P ,.P - i i r9. _ c • -,!-`, a_ ,; .l ' we a,E.s' - - ,,,.. HTN --'-"'-- —EAST-SOUTHLAKE--BOULEVARD ._., _,,,.__.___._ ^•,.^ ' ��..I ,.,/.� .. ___.._..... - e s:1'7,011.ir........ ... 1, 1 ..,.._..-__ • _.._-EAST-SOLLT-HLAKE--BOULEVARD.-_._._______.- (F,M. 1709) ED-N 99•A 1•v v -------.J 11.ROY, L ...., •yEilE (F.My. 1709) F"3 . u p __.___._. _ __—_____._._.._-- f-- �3tl _a,j --z.W. SOUTH CARROLL/1709 LTD 't 1A�'ESA __--_ __-'cc -.,II a;t. -+_° 1„ .,n D.R.T.C.T. OWNER: vESTERA SOUTHLAKE. L.P. ANITA PRADE 1+. - (+•"('S r„ta 6)1 ,t.. • _ Ab Pre - �„ Y_ - i A.�• A-529 T0.. 7A OREEM:A aaT.® VOA. 12615, PG. 339 VOL. 12615. PG 339 ..y 'f' '1 1 IJ:i d 1 FREEMAN SURVEYCON c¢va. -ven:nu[ r,cc Mil D.R.T.C T 0 R.T.C.T. Ck.". ♦, 'i^' DWIACE R SPRINGS. P. T-' �w. yK`CiAYYw"gt.t"•'•+4'' Yj NORTH CARROLL AVER P�ppM A-B99 iR. IG A-899 TR. 402 tae;9 4'+i" ',•tee .•�`. 'E �YL�. } LUD-OFFICE COMMERCIAL a.TEXAS O. KNIGHT SURVEY O. KNIGHT SURVEY Vi 1 t^ItyY, "" •a It, 'a{),� ;41, -__ ., 400 S. CARROLL AVE. 400 S. CARROLL AVE. \ IIF— ---'1 ""'°'- 1 r,v.<e,neo�avixe • I-BED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LUD-fff➢ DENSITY RESIRMIR'.i I I I I i ,6 _ PROPO __ :t ' T i ' SITE DATA CHART •i IS..L.• ZONING-AG ZONING-AG an _ ILIIt 2 i : y xTrxE NX KISS OFFICE 'R uLa:• PROPOSED iM AO sP-P FOR 0.1 USES SUITE za wn DR vE1C1 Ilu' I v"�Oa PROPOSED �°iia PP-z FOR p-1 USES ruv'�,nrrw �p•Dt-I- 1a•90a 51 _:Teel,t it v LEfi TER TTEN lur ISMS IY PS.•IMF MIOTTI Furt:lw{Pt[uixtso92 f _ 1 `;:fr"ire L MPLWc RI' "II i�I iR' w ,,, Of wows[ LOTSw AAMES NET v env.¢P:u,lw row o:7.z31 VI) ^_ � PAR1wip 4Y e R q ROPO iEDM.S.SUMO.12T0 EwA,P I•0.700 s ENGINEER, m EXISTING OFFICES q °. _ 1_ NK iiiEwurz A•uooe s CRAW.xASSOCIATES.INC .L -I._ TN _ A0o v ' ANRrr4w 0 w rcrNrr •M. QM y J. 'PARSING L _ _ 76011 33,240 1�Y,' 1. :i : .-__ 'PPRONC olJl eaa ripe AREA Ir us[ ,.LNerwro A-III 7o0 sT Orr la•r.WoY SANS FW..11117,640-0,73 nfw�•KRAL "-_ '-- _y: ,..w I. :I .r .PARS <.s E,r A�11:1'4 Z. -- '� e` t ; PA..PROvIao ALTERNATE.TE• I.:P64 K« SP SPACES LOT 1A1.LOT RZA f � — -�T"'!x-' �P PTAT:.E - --" a Ammo:•t... _ _ IwePIOug emmn¢.NN 1em ALTERNATE 0•SOW Sr,xs7 I v lulALTl sys _...—. n w,l m w.. n.- .-_..�1 -wa+lo,E eamvu vaw _---Eo ALTERNATE A�.7eo s Is—.--. TARP.'CO.,0E0Ae B ALTERNATE A CITY CASE NO: IA vY-060 ...lee, az..na, c��aa:shs'.,x,<e.eLn'+:P,+ma..�,�•-^Lt eeee=.e,,, xs�aa - .. - s'.2aG,e'.et• - s+xn 'e 1. asu.9c ^.0 • REVISED CONCEPT PLAN GOOD FULTON & FARRELL ARCHITECTS EAST SOUTIILAKE BLVD. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS RECp FEB 2 3 2000 ,u -..r G rw. N. .._, EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. • N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\ZBA\PENDING1480-335.DOC Page 11 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF . REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-100 PROJECT: Plat Revision - Lot 1R2-1,W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision for proposed Lot 1R2-1, W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition on property legally described as Lot 1R2, W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4545, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Lot 1, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892&4893,Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; and a portion of the abandoned North Carroll Avenue right-of-way; and being approximately 1.982 acres. PURPOSE: Combine abandoned right-of-way and adjacent property to the existing lot to create a more buildable area. LOCATION: On the northwest corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard(F. M. 1709). OWNERS: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. and Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. APPLICANT: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: . "S-P-2"Generalized Site Plan District with"0-1"Office District uses and "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: One (1) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: March 9, 2000; Approved (4-0-1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, and requiring the dedication of right-of- way along F. M. 1709 for a deceleration lane in an area that is wide City of Southlake, Texas enough to provide for a deceleration lane once the shoulder is gone. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-100PR.doc 61 City of Southlake, Texas Tract Map ZA99-100 .,- t-TrY \f.\%.•.,-.:,.\‘.6_r_\.\/>L9-_/1-,-/--/L-\:1-,0-.--F/_7-1.-,/-J 1- _--._-------'------':-/6F0-_--2-- - - L[A1_(1 " L 1J-- . ,. .., --- L. Ii , / 7 _\. ri 1-; ///_M '', / • ,i----- - ___--,_ _ 4-7 ai,i -I/ i __ -6 --- -------- -- - -A --- \\ \ ) \.-\ — — • „---- -„ A ---) AR iii\-/- -L--•:;:rn-. - - - ..: .,.., \ 7 i -i"'.114-Q—Csfi--- .'<,,''.,',.\. - --_ _::: — - —\(071 6db_, L1L-A-vrtr-D , \\::-.,.\EI II I ITI _ __or - ri---- . -..\''',-1'-'\'''-`•' k;._-7N1001iiPtoliR ) - -- Erilrd-cpi\ - _ii=o1, - . ii-n,), j4H' 41i77--qC- - ILA - ' :-:-- -4tiej:Li±i 7-FtrEPTO-N --t,- ,1 1, =r I II I -- 2000 0 2000 Feet N \1/4 ‘........: . W -7 E S 9E3 City of Southlake, Texas 1 'Surrounding Property Owners ZA99-100 1 am& iiiiiir 11111 ,im ..., Eirakil . Rs 0 I dip le ,r` 1 lala IIUIi P R O S P E iiir Milli L Allinlilim \ n ot allikell II 1 I fl[ITHI KF r 1\ \ 1 N I \ I \ -4 _ Property Owners Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. Greenway Rowlett 66 LP 1 "AG" 1. Medium Density Residential 1 2.290 acres \\SLKSV4001\Local\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99100PR.doc • C • . OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT&DEDICATION gsTATe env TeKA9 tT DE TARRANT 1 .< • CNE•5.CAE51w000 PARK JOINT VENTURE.a I .1 venture.wtn 1 by end Mr..t e uMasoneo.its duly conceited agent.n e saeM owner o ern I tat 1•Is.n an Na.695 Addition as Moen a not s i /'• net A 56de SSe1.Plot=10:.Twat GeatN re::: (ce erg lade record fen the tuts of.76.Pa Twat Counts,ord. wdnq la < recorded in valume 12B,6,Pape 06.Owed Records. CR3STWOOD A Tarrant Corn...Tans(DI Co...).and WHEREAS TAM..WARM.R- • PEKE PART OFFICE PARTNERS.LP.,o Tens Lena.Partnership.acing by ad through r the dersOn...te O.au...of eaid NW Nat No. 93 m0 m the sole owner el accord o aee .a n Volume a rem .1.-so.00 am ( -W of Lot 112681.Pule 660.D R.,I.Co AIL.ad.19 more portm.0 Os... by metes and bounds os BECOMING al 0 1/2 inch1mo'rm capped and rm..aW set F the n f-A best fen ot Cond worse on the e rp,l-al-ecp We al 54.Bolo.(F.8 North 13WL sod so,rod bog the.utMost awn of W 1 LOCATION NAP • of said WW.Hall No 695 Add. THENCE Nvlh 09 degrees 05 minutes 29 seconds West 97..0 leer along Ne nv t-l'e:17.I Sou0la1.0p9..ud la a I/2 nth eon sad canped e,d l01 :os 36m gren 36 wa w..N 06.ml wag l amtrd one (AN �'U� alm d.gr...realm do xmrxlw m.[mde meamm.alnsais inl a°i • TTI•r madwd T'amNe ::,rp�_m-eaFalstu,wa..BoufrodJP.cl6 H.STRUxC1fIu° 0]2209 In1 la a1/]nU ro sad tped ad awsed'AW s4 . !.P 306 L THENCE Sou.09 a.yse 16 moo..se.wows Wen•Inn fee - • v D P,T.eO,iA Di ll n mot-of-..,of Swshlme Bwde wd to a IA nN Yo rm WPM v.W °0� arYN�AW`en V en corner al Not trod el lad . III dew n tafYNetltY..re..N V IMI.Page 463,.......1. YENDEZ.LT, Iti ; 1..GE North m degrees 10 mnuln 06 awods East 253 I6 lest along v 2051.P 65 the east l.ne of sold Mendez tract to 0 1/2 inch uo rod capped O R..T.CO.iA. (BASE BEARW G PER RECORDED DEED) ; and ma..•W wet far canes: • _ 5 esw•55'E 5 81.41'C ,�aa 1 0u s I OgnanSeale� I•.50' ✓t•t•r 320•' otpetvf r '.Nv( IH[xtE South BB dgwa W mnuwv 53 snoods Eosl IW a5 leer alaq rW s u. 'A I®Te 1 •er Um Ywdl tlprwerly line to a 1/2 n.ban rod found al the saN.est bapNc]tour F Mr • L•' corner 0 that tract of lad deswmed in deed to JP.le ON.5lruncY r9' 8 nH recorded In Volume 6365.Pose ROO.DR.1Co.,TK: CCCCC- C . TNENCE South 59 de 54 nowles as seconds Cost 4330e Iw r'.«'__„•v_.I °I ' m 1 •al sad,,t n,'pnP..`ro a 1/ ch o sad cwp02 along .e'Asr ut ter noun.n u pit-Or-.our a1 NaN Corm Aw: • / -"t -E• ° J. THOICE South CO degrees 45 m.o.53.cods East 28099 Wet dog •!am•yy< y/'� ' .vv er•. I- I �j the west rpd-oh..el North Carroll Avenue to N•PONT BF BEOINNt.. • fir. •.. --- I ° V • and colanmq some 1..615 square Net 0r 3.46 owes al Iod gPaOe V4®�tl THEREFORE.NN0W All Y.BY THESE PRESENTS THAT.CRESTWOm pO0pgp0o® u ..// �_� =: =A-' vua °. Z• NIR.nte1 by one Woe.ws Con.Par..,Rwlnt 65.k 0 2LgO0mm�-S.0.tessenaes 5611 L �I THE'moo v GROUP old PartnerAYSOITKIXE 66,CE PARTNERS. ART ERS.oP.con.by d through ! 199T ort000so o:ry �jl 1 N. n I gnaten Ansup 7 .11on •• // -_-- ♦- o LOT •g� i .M 1 V 9011, gel In.no.oaeow ee.crbed red le 1.17 a'ols IRI ad R3.W N.Had / 1s. O.R.,i m.Tr. NO.695AADDI^ON.wt.. e a Sou..Tenant Canty. //J� (�,�//s/Pp/µ �^' '� • •,8 . Aeaa-11P Acres y °�, Twos. dednete to Ne pi..use the r,ghts-el-was end t 1 • T ' LOT fit ty �) 55 _�.. ..Mrclrcn.w aa.w � / • ' Area.2.29 Acres I 9- , ° q/ ' _ ° novo my AO IN. day _teexatth amt. n.,wNq•loew sOWT•w 1 / R n••- tu ant..deny.a tOs property A-- a. I 1 x we A al C3%. , Ii;n4. 1_ j as...�..... I b -➢ CPESIW�PIFN J-O1T 0ENTURE _I 0• I-- __ ll � f xRjJ�i\�• d r.i:rb'.r.... '__-_.---.w,.z-'"-"___-___'__-^J-_____ q W U • G1f`eawwN 1 eie W s -_ Hw ,Eet :� J...n.l In J ^13 s iI} LOT RR2e Green.,fi5eF lo"Office Penton.L.P. 610 anA®V0OD 01tl I/T lea-"mod ft -' 5.411 _, I BR Deraal K 51eo1.Pnsidenl I PaMer 4gO�l Cg4tl OP ®g0400100io< - _Two uL nr,mlr �R 0 - PARTNERS.LP. 19/91 / l BAEEA'Ir5 Gus C CC PAP .I✓r fq/�yL . Gerald JS .ve .- !!, d.01'36'OS' U 8y.Roo.66..9 as General Partner r.+ .�•� �• c---.SOUTHLAKE'BLVD. (F.M. 1709k, R=liiiny• --a, a'.2.Won' , ' ..1 o sa nET A-!n Fly:Gerald H.5.1.President e,g J Lc-max.29'W a� OW.KA[MT SAUEY A-599 • 1 _ 0 FOATD oTE AR a i<� lSG Dutm r TARRANT $0�• BEFORE YE. Nolan POKc.a nallang appearedGeald 1 , :',2 .to Neenl�nOwn tnrumen that M e r l _ar u1MNna same)fwg ntPurpom d wn.derw.aa semen me don • 5b PLAT REVISION bES1ER•50 ALANE L P. I •NR•5 MD[ ' . 12614 15,P.339 V.12615.P.339 • DR.T<D.,A. I DR_.T m..TK. I < ���:AR:w��} . LOTS 1 R 1 Sc 1R2 • f©7 -::o�".' I N 0, W.W. HALL • NO. 695 ADDITION Being a revision of Lot I,N.H.HALL No.695 Addition . CURVE DATA as shown on plat of record in CURVE NO- DELTA R01.15 TAN..LENGTH Cabinet A,Slide 3581 3••ss•ion'0704 a I6 a6' • • ' 2 e3.16'ae-Y9 m' 7024•i1a eT AN ADDITION TO u rµ. �ow rave i�a. 3 2r ze'e8-130 m' 33.73' 6516' OWDar/Oaveloper. NY�a, .Me,e�ol yaws • 76.13'33-a2 m' ]2 95' 55 e0• THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OREENWAY-9OUTHIJiKE °'N'°"ew,.......r.a... :' `°*.' r 5 Is 13•33-42 m• 32.95' 5555• TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS OFFICE PARTNERS, L.P. ^-.---.,--,-w.,-- MILTER abut,iipu NOTES IN THE 2301 LS'SF 3t1 E OWWERS.2 ALL VOT LOTS7SH4L wJNTYN SIGHT coon MR. m 9- 41110 Po�:� - m aEs .<coRwxcE wRH INE mmsnx ogrnrYNCE W.W. HALL SURVEY 2,.-000-sw. {1.!Z..1(. °.I�4i,, ABSTRACT NO. 695 Su1ve36re: :PA X.eIM w oYm Y NnaSte, m aNd w Wa TWO LOTS ALAN WARD SURVEYING CO, 3.46 ACRES Mel 1.0111.4.rte.7002 27 AUGUST 1998 rsr e17-el.a9.e Tits PLAT FILED CABINET_R__.SLIDE 4f9S :Og LS9e!MAc 199E CIO-araLaw. u5E x0 P96 PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAT Graham Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS February 23,2000 Mr.Dennis Killough Senior Planner City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd.,Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Re: Case 99-099,Revised Concept Plan Case 99-100,Plat Revision Lot 1R2R W.W.Hall No. 695 Addition Dear Mr.Killough: On behalf of Greenway-Southlake Office Partners L.P.,we are providing with this letter 27 full-size copies and 1-11x17" copy each of the revised Concept Plan and Plat Revision for the referenced location. This submittal is intended to address the City's comments dated February 14, 2000. Please review the attached at your earliest convenience and let us know if you need additional information prior to the March 9 Planning and Zoning meeting. The applicant requests a variance on the required 500'distance from N. Carroll'Avenue to proposed access drive("B") shown on the Revised Concept Plan. This drive is proposed as a right in/right out only. With the construction of North Carroll and the associated median, there would be only one full access drive at this location. Consequently, the proposed right in/right out drive on FM 1709 would be needed to alleviate congestion at the full access drive on FM 1709. This congestion reduction should be attractive from a public safety standpoint. The applicant also requests a variance on the 5' buffer yard requirement along the west lot line of Lot 1R2R. This variance is requested due to common parking that is planned for the site,which will have two lots,but have the look of a single property. The absence of the 5' buffer yard at this location is consistent with the previously approved site plan/concept plan for Lots 1R1 and 1R2. With regard to your comment concerning additional fire lane requirements, the requirement for additional fire lanes has not been identified at this time and will be addressed during development of the site plan for this location. Regarding your comments on the Plat Revision, we have addressed your comments and offer the following stipulations: . 1. The "land swap" associated with Lot 1 Block 9 will need to take place after the revised plat for Phase IR— Southlake Town Square is processed. As you know, this has been submitted to the City for review. Consequently, the recording information for the corrected Lot lines for Lots 1 & 2 of Southlake Town Square Block 9 is not available and will be added after the plat revision for Phase 1R-Southlake Town Square is recorded. 2. Easements to be abandoned within Lot 1R2R have been indicated with shading on the Plat Revision. Utility companies have been listed for signatures per your comments for their approval of the proposed abandonment. D:GREEN WAY\SOUThLKEUdllough7.doc Summit Office Park Centerpoint Two NationsBank 1300 Summit Ave., Suite 419 616 Six Flags Drive,Suite 400 705 W.Ave. B, Suite 201 Ft.Worth,Texas 76102 Arlington,Texas 76011 Garland,Texas 75040 (817)332-5756 (817)649-8530 • Metro(817)640-8535 (972)272-4655 FAX(817)336-6909 FAX(817)633-5240 FAX(972)272-4655 � J �b.19 v- L t 2 mu PIPII . . 3. Regarding your continent on split zoning,the applicant has submitted a zoning change application, which would eliminate any split zoning at this location. It is our understanding that the zoning application depends on approval of the plat revision. 4. We will obtain the"Certificate of Taxes Paid"and provide it as required prior to filing of the plat. If you need any additional information or would like to meet to discuss these documents,please give us a call. Sincerely, Graham Associates,Inc. ...;.,.//,' _ . ‘,.2k:Z(' e.7,%-/".. 7 5::"." . . David M. Smith P.E. • Project Engineer • Attachments • Cc: Jeff Williams Tommy Pigg Gary Martin . D:\GREEN WA Y\SOUTh L K EUdl lough7.doc Pril ------- City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-100 Review No: Four Date of Review: 3/03/00 Project Name: Plat Revision-Lot 1R2R, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition, being a revision of Lot(s) 1R1 & 1R2, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition, and Lot 1, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, Phase One in all being 1.982 acres out of the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695 and the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No 421 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P.. Graham Associates 2301 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201 Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: (214) 880-9009 Phone: (817) 640-8535 Fax: (214) 880-0188 Attn: Tommy Pigg Fax: (817 633-5240 Attn: David Smith CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 2/23/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT EDWARD MCROY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. 1. In the preamble and on the graphic, provide the filing information for the abandonment of the N. Carroll Ave. R.O.W. (quit claim deed) and referenced plat recording prior to filing of this plat. 2. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: a. Provide a dimensional tie for the municipal and franchise utility easement from the southeast lot corner along F.M. 1709. There is no dimension for the length(north/south) of the 25' wide portion. b. If the driveway intersecting F.M. 1709 at the southwest corner of the site is approved, extend the easement to the north line of F.M. 1709. 3. Split lot zoning is not permitted. Appropriate zoning on entire boundary of the lot must be approved prior to filing of this plat. An application for zoning change has been submitted concurrently with this request. 4. An original "Certificate of Taxes Paid" from each taxing authority indicating that there are no delinquent taxes owed on the subject property must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. This document may be obtained from the Tarrant Count Assessor/Collector's Office located at 100 E. Weatherford St. in downtown Ft. Worth(Across from the old red courthouse). A service fee of$10 will be charged per account by the Assessor/Collector's Office. You may contact them at (817) 884- 1103 for more information. P&Z Action, March 9, 2000:Approved(4-0-1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000 and requiring the dedication of right-of-way along F.M. 1709 for a deceleration lane in an area that is wide enough to provide for a deceleration lane once the shoulder is gone. 1 City of Southlake, Texas * All franchise utility companies must concur with proposed abandonment and sign the statement on the face of the plat prior to plat filing. * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. • Original signatures and seals will be required three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. * A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions, off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. The applicant is encouraged to contact the Public Works Department, The Building Inspections Department and the Community Services Department (Parks) for additional guidance. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Tommy Pigg, Greenway-Southlake Office Partners, L.P. VIA FAX: ABOVE Jeff Williams, Graham Associates VIA FAX: ABOVE Frank Bliss, Cooper& Stebbins VIA FAX: 817-251-8717 N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\99\99-100PR4 Lot 1R2-1 W hall No 695 Addn.doc 2 City of Southlake, Texas Case No. 99-100 Review No. Three Resubmittal Dated: 2— 10 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Lot 1R2-1, W. W. Hall No. 695 Addition(Plat Revision) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 1 - 31 -00. Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. * No comments. BUILDING INSPECTIONS C3b1O PROJECT THIS a to*mu mail.Ch..F.S...6ag:amd Pm4vianal lad Sareyao(Ne Sam of t'LOCATION o- �'z• :•Ie �1l.wl@,• ' �zi�u;ao EC-3 O Teaae,harme planed the atom mansion from an mat army mth �,v4 ."grtr� p a yrep..Na mar rode by me a..my•mar.m °01°d'ww.l Ox pW Vi • •�RcIAAIilY.,' 49 \\ Qy4 S .. .. .. Y_Gg ;4 •�11! • CT `\ • I Car.P.salt e�.11 �r :�.I11 .niy `\ I ArL9.NnJOH �liic:n� A \ w UBt•S - _ O J 1 i sd.„•portion oe any let Anhui N. i LTD. I J.P. 6 G.H. STRUNCK :�$ 1 \\ SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE .�aa�m "�hw•�ml boals mn ad:o.na• n. PG.465 VOL.6365 PG.206 la T7 r c.T. D.R T.C.T. :III \ ' PHASE I ad aavgm to fen and..m., BLOCK 1 arwatm.waWa.e puma. II __ CAB.A. SLIDE 4092 [. .S 1/z'1 R s _ _ ' r a5 \t P R.T.C.T. APPROVED OTTER PLANNING AND WHINO CONNRION ET vz•,a S 89.42'4f' E J 1 ---304.28' �03.34'27' IApmmvEO SITE platy Nu 30 DOp R a c 4mrs45.5 �� q�950.00• sw,xL.x[,oNn SWAMI mv+AMES,urn m/�- ,HERE59. ]:.tea-" CB-S ae•2fi'57 E TEE samaT DRAINAGE 4545 �aua%�o • -� LC-59.25' _ Areeovro RV nll:tltr COUNCIL e.R 1 T. /y \ , /�---- I- ;; N. Dom. AOANDOKO EMS( r� I w. // � ` _ x s.mn amr bra ir EA V0.Hlxoatx I Im n I . S 04'27'23" W I Cm... / LOT the `-�- EaSEaE.,,A l.,%4DSOr TNI9,„ ' 4e 110.53' // 'Al PI Alt Rik If/1 :(NI aesm4c,Na ass /// 6LT Gi. r� a I THIS PGTHER°CARINST SEIDL_�DATL� / I I 1 SEt» / // W.W. HALL ea w .e Oa. <s 04T I{. sy Im xNCI ,c n - a/RNlg We,th umwaipry u dull mNmead reprumaxa af0e rupeniwut2iry mmpwa w ur [, awn 9Y ss s e ma 41°E aiisz beaky apemen oblectoa bah shadow.m.Dfthe memm Quid mthikpl•s sal N0. 695 ADDITION I LOT 1R2R IrEl a. 5B I ia HIM Aesy I esa.sa eineaer:mdyranddtaVolume P,g._of lm I I I I CAB. A. SLIDE 4545 co*.IT ,cENEs. a 86,318 S.F. Ir sI a I'-J ICI car ssaMla I;• Reaad.ar • Cdumy,Tam P.R.T.C.T. :suoE wa o 1.992 AC. a le. ^ I I m DRAINAGE Nwmmu DIMITY 45ENEN1 14 w 4a.uNE P.R.r car. m Ha ,IIII I..:B r utOE.a9z P.a.T..r. 2 sT1 T. !OEntear a I FA a PEDESTRIAN AuiSSCEA5EnN1 TKU EleelridGaa TriCe.alyElea&Cwpenln4la[- r -9•]S.Sa• m anon"Sown, m unu*r eaNENr Ia d1. x tt]p:e lst ev A.SLIDE w9z aN l [u A.SLIDE cow r a i C SLICE xsw I, .'I ;, Ip, _ j C z]a»as use �_ I jo•a,C T T Signed Suva. - i • /(POINT OF -_R L- - Pnad Nam Rudd Nam: v/ uz•LA a/1• 30 BEGINNING rn4: . Title ax can x0.•n Hu WV X/Av DE Ax Ti O01 a / 1° No 4D1 °Na ' NN`96 43 a• °, 71r...;«„, EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD Date ate. - N 6Ba53'24' H - �n:e-.uiN, a00'26'03'-- I 97.48' (F,M, 1709) a w star]rover osr - R=11524.Sfi' { - 1 NPBB•54'rIA W .a a .9sS BB'36'02' W I 1130•R.0 X 1 F xaa T•43.66' L 74.70• --�aL Arm GTE Ceoan4lea. SavlYweslm UeO Te]epYaee �J f 3.74' N .Nan SERVE,.esr.NO.sza - 7.43.66' la'MIL tTr EAUNfxr -A� CB-N B9'O6'25' W N BB•4B'31' M br 1 Is WA1t Stgrd. Signed. V:'' LC067.31' 42.63' Prized Name Prided Near. -' 'Ga. J .. .. Date Date. J O WESTE VOLAOUTH LAKE, L.P. ANITA PRAOE • ¢ W ClusterL�.at e...eaW.I:ea VfA _.12615. PG.339 V0..12615, PG.339 = D.R T.C.T. IZ NOTE: Signed ALL EASEMENTS ON SUBJECT PROPERTY. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE = Q H.W. HALL NO. 695 ADDITION. RECORDED • Print edNam. iANT9 THENCE South II RA41'Lu.•Imh moll along lao of am W.W.fell Bata ad lh lath 1-- BY PLAT IN CAB. A. SLIDE 4545. P.11.T.C.T, Ttle Ire ofa traof ad emurd by dmlb LP.&GIL Savvy as recordd"u Volm 6165,P UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ay-Saga.OR Pane,LP..en.um en•trees of land,AO.u 306.Dead Rao.,Tames Cuuay.Teaaca damn.al MR to fat to a Kmch um rod.l for Dale Su.,Abstract No.695,Tun.Caury,Tau...mg o tie deed cam.ad mat temp en the.31 riWof a'•y Ism of am North Carroll Made,.m pow cn NOTES: _ Pap13166.P 511.Dad Ra.A.Tana Gamy.Tear,and air.knot.u aaa acme pan of emrd=d•um-as..are to the nubs •anal 05•112r' SHADED AREAS SHOWN DENOTE EASEMENTS ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. II No.695 Addoxn,as Faced.a Gamed A,Slme 4545•Rat SEED..ads a a 11d.of 95,W fa..hard beam,A dolma.of Salts0115Es7-257.Paw,5915 fees TATG OF TE(AS us and Caper ed Sub.,L.P.m am e the . of a act or land, COUNTY OF DALLAS ad Ead•Sorer.ICI AMA Maul LR C,NIoA,Tarrant Canty.Teus Deod Rams•, THE ACCORDANCEOWNERS OF ALL CORNER LOTS SHALL MAINTAIN SIGHT TRIANGLES as Ind trm,aeon as Lut R,Block 9,Sousa.Town Sun.Mu.Le• THENCE sco acualy•w:g um west righ.f•ay anca 1.8 du zee of udenntbeca IN RICH THE CITY SUBDIVISION Of10INANACE. Side •Plat Records,Tana Coma,Tea and bung all of 0.105 .urre ea the nabs a Omura of 59]6Pus o•V•alarm red actfw comer. OCFOIIEML.x udaa..d•uoonty..as day manfully•ppevd, Wee THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE • Nan.Cam°Ans.,•a?ERAad m ge Vaal a Oed Rua.. Posma of the General Faros at Grem•ny-°envoi Off.Pak Pupas LP..end MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS ON ANY LOT CONTAINED THENCE O.W'IP1]•Wev,co.amm,alma sad Acw C S'0T'ay sou,a diwame of Gnxrny-Scu.:.S.OR Puvr•,LP,annul parNadtpa kmwb m to be the perms WITHIN THIS ADDITION. THE MINIMUM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE 110 sl Ted b•Yr.1,.at rod.1 for cams whew name 1•sambaed t0 tl..te.cad taegom,mamma..1 ae10(501 db me tat . rock ram and a for cam•10e meat.of the wen ngNaf-rat Itm • ...al th•m(a Wu Pao.al m.mmtim upread'm O.capacity Ihacu at. EASED ON THE NOSY CURRENT sae(a R.O,SV..x 115 foot at as as pomi)a the mnhnd:tof-.•y THENCE Sout.ememum[•Img vd.sat ntpuof.ney br••daunt"of l ITT fen m Ore W as ut a.had afuid panm5/O. INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE PLAT IS FILED AND e DaulcroaoId(F(F.14.17091015O foot R O.W),and pone bung de muthvw • Mai BEGINNING and CONTAINTNG 96J1¢puare f t or 1.911 acres crud,more or MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.ADDITIONAL LOTS. OTHER THAN THOSE InntztnnnT Block 9,Somh4ae Town&Aare.Pas li AN, LIVE UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on as the dayd SHOWN. MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR CRITERI4. SCALE:1'-50' 999. Nat•Weal Gang atl math.]that-.ay line,a diwuua of 74]0 Dula• 0.9m: nut NOW.THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: THAT.Granny Mena, O,A ton mT]I•Wcq corneas,along ad oalh ngMsf+,Y One,•dumrce of r-5_... Omar Amen.LP-N C.a1.a•m1 Saba,LP,b1 W Gra•w•T-Sa•w.00ae Panvr.LP. END R I I' IT bra cm land 4e arta 0ea145 De.dmuglAd,a all LN.mcd•lama de Hnby dap:Nm plat dv:2vmg NC 2300 CM T,.sy 1.LS timer•bare desc of UAN TITl waxily u La MAR,W.W.HMI No.695 o,Il.6 ,m dd:l:oo le the Noary Praha 1501 Cedar I T500I saes 100 OT SR9R worWma.anuuy slang um 0mhn,Nc(way ltno.•d:amate dfl.74 Gryo0o.Hae,Mina Calmly.Ica.uml(Ae)do hae6y N,.Cl,eode Wbbci uw LLM Cammtn:m vplrea lIlT Iua•1.00 ad cost.Aw op final w coma; n ntwr y.Wow paw).d e..mem.luau d.rme.Ton pa des,m era..de Oma.I1I{),aLLtaap W.W. HALL NO. 695 ADDITION ,,,ipw d loco m alter re rm.ve ammg dad macaw a mamma•Uany,Me m the Fat GIG 110411111 BEING A REVISION OF LOT nor{'we.Ao:mwmg am zed nab ngNd-ray mw.•d..ae IT Ha ns,. 71014.EME es dawgned•nm:t,an as day eau.,appeared, V. WW.HALL NO.695 ADDITION AS RECORDED n red wall ea Aw cap Toad(a cam.Gal pool being we Pam of CountTea. Md.dofCuopaadSeab,A LP.,brad.pnesentopamwe ben us be Jar permma Al Co,6 Staab..LP. IN CABINET A. SLIDE 4545, P,R.T.C.T. n pea MIL havmgadelm of00.16'01',ard,u of 11,31{16 Gar vtlarMd - WTTNESS.1.)lz.fal at...4.Tatra.County.Tea.lam the_Joyof aaubxTMd to.save and(mans waammL ad. W knowl.al to me d be Cam:Freak BR. OTNanh I9'06.15-West•17.51 fen. 1999. aut.J thv vm fa ahc puroo.A W COnwdv up:um med us Nor c.c.therm weed, IUf M•la Siren,S,ua 1W AND LOT I R. BLOCK 9 B °°'1'a.•tmd'Mad of sold wamwn. Semal.lte.T•.0 Tan SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE. PHASE IR AS Ay,co.ommg along vd trued righlof-Aey linear Wong them of 6. y' Greer.ay-SouN4Se Office rumen.LP. Omc•:111t)lSiNW RECORDED IN CAB. . SLIDE P,R.T,C.T. a®ofgTal fat ro•'A i.bumrd an.ea AW up fund fa corgi R.I.-66,Ira,L General Puma LIVE UNDCRMYf1AND IWOSP If.OF OfflCEgtau de_ day of Eu:lel]/15e-eNT �1999. miEENMAY ROMLETT-66. L.P. 1 In?Lan.Lear.,ad oath.gaofway pea and Mons deast e bee of 8y Ceel..err palS TE•A91xEs7.00;wO ZWe inaanraoatl,lose ef for ollh.tl tam.. Hall non.Adorns• Tommy RlL V.Preatrnt Grabs.w.wc4u+.Im PE r: Graham ASSOpates.k'tGI.�`aaa mr4WiorA umrdtifa eam,utl pool being J:e:mivMrary a( r ram. a nWmta City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT March 17, 2000 CASE NO: ZA 99-101 PROJECT: Preliminary Plat- Lots 1 & 2, Greenway- Carroll Addition STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Greenway-Carroll Addition on property legally described as Tract lA situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, and being approximately 10.559 acres. • PURPOSE: Subdivide the property for dedication of proposed street right-of-way and for conveyance of property. A preliminary plat is required in order to final plat. LOCATION: On the southeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and State Highway 114. OWNER/APPLICANT: Greenway-Carroll Road Partners, L.P. ( CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Eight(8) RESPONSES: One (1)response was received from within the 200' notification area: • John L. Cole, 5001 Spring Valley Rd#1100-W, Dallas, TX, "No longer own this property." (Received February 29, 2000.) P&Z ACTION: March 9,2000;Approved(5-0) subject to Plat Review.Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000, allowing Item #1 (utility easement) as proposed and subject to staffs recommendation. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-101PP.doc ��0 thlate'TeXas Ci ty of Sou MaP Trams 9 ZA°� -10i ' 11F'---\-\--ti-mt\ aWirm- ' WM iirs\ sa. 0 ass \\ : ____ 1, / ;IJ�QG_.\. , 100 `"� r�� C oi \--' -.1_-_-__T\ . „.-- ,--- . ....-.., G .,....0 _____ - ,-,.., ,„„ ___ , _ .. __, . , \ jflU1 SW :., ,.... ,.. ,...„, _ .....,s.„7...., n ..... ,. -a/ cicc„-7A___:.___, 1 -.--, / - 0,a--_-_-.or :o ,II: i\ez-bi.1- \----;-:-- ,-411.,.- - t :, titT I ------,:..:: -.,, , 111 ____ - -- r'.15; -- _-_-.7-4 .00111111atiltiosTi, 0 ftt-t- Tm /1------\-\., (:,,Q.:/ii, „it_ _ _ ,z--. .jon 70 ^`T ...--\_____, ,z,.._ .. ' -\._ -4.1- 1 :;i1\---/ ' / . ,.- - ., .--T)-\ f_'-'S‘1' /-p4 iiri 1 a- -lc,---- :J.. \___* \ , 1yliT-'4 0 , ii.„ _ J 1 �7- 'r }err 2000 Feet 20ei W --", ' '\ s''`)••k_ eisw--- -E, City of Southlake, Texas Surrounding Property Owners ZA99-101 um E Imo in 4 ii; r tal{F tnr it, 8 .. ti� II 1110111AP. 5, 1 .11 01 .411111S, v i T., A n •r- a. 111111 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. State of Texas 1. "C-3" 1. Retail Commercial 1. 0.309 acres 2. State of Texas 2. "C-3" 2. Retail Commercial 2. 0.18 acres 3. C. Peterka 3. "NR-PUD" 3. Mixed Use 3. 1.307 acres 4. The Fechtel Group 4. "NR-PUD" 4. Mixed Use 4.. 39.919 acres 5. City of Southlake 5. "CS" 5. Mixed Use 5. 2.68 acres 6. J. Cole 6. "0-1" 6. Office Commercial 6. 2.892 acres 7. D. Vincent 7. "0-1" 7. Office Commercial 7. 1.219 acres 8. E. Morris 8. "0-1" 8. Office Commercial 8. 1.030 acres 9. Roadway Properties Inc. 9. "C-2" 9. Retail Commercial 9. 1.850 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99101 PP.doc SC-3 idGraham Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS February 23,2000 Mr.Dennis Killough Senior Planner City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Re: Case 99-101,Preliminary Plat Lots 1&2 Greenway Carroll Addition Dear Mr.Killough: On behalf of Greenway-Carroll Road Partners L.P.,we are providing with this letter 27 full size copies and 1-1 1x17" copy each of the Preliminary Plat and Tree Survey for the referenced location This submittal is . . . intended to address the City's comments dated February 14, 2000 and reflect the direction agreed to at our meeting of February 16,2000. As we discussed previously, the applicant requests a waiver of the preliminary water/sewer/drainage plans at this time. No immediate plans for development have been undertaken. This property is being platted in order that an exchange of land with Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. may be made. The owner will undertake preparation of preliminary plans once the preliminary plat has been approved and/or property exchange has taken place. II Per your comments and our discussion at the February 16, 2000 meeting, we have shown a proposed dedication for a 60' Right-of-Way for State Street, which will eventually connect south to State Street within the Southlake Town Square development. As you know, the applicant plans to transfer Lot 2 to Cooper& Stebbins for Southlake Town Square. A 5' Utility easement along the south property line would restrict the potential use for Lot 2 by Cooper& Stebbins when it is combined with adjacent land within the Town Square development. We are therefore requesting a waiver of the requirement for the 5' Utility Easement on the south property line. To compensate for this, we have shown proposed 10' utility easements on both sides of the State Street Right-of-Way dedication in lieu of the referenced 5' Utility Easement. These easements, along with the 60' State Street Right-of-Way and easements shown along SH114,will provide adequate room for any utilities necessary to serve these lots. The amount of information shown on the Preliminary Plat makes it difficult to indicate the limits of a temporary easement for the Cul-de-sac turnaround mentioned in the City's comments. Plans will be made to provide such a turnaround in the case that State Street south of the property line has not been constructed when Lots 1 &2 are developed. A note regarding the Cul-de-sac has been placed on the Preliminary Plat to address this issue. If necessary, the easement for the temporary turnaround could be shown on the final plat or be created by separate instrument. With regard to easements and Rights of Way,there are no known easements on.the property and, other than those indicated, no additional easements required by the City. On North Carroll Avenue, the preliminary plat shows dedication for future North Carroll of between 52' and 64 feet from the center of North Carroll Avenue, terminating at the point of intersection with the most recent TXDOT Right-of-Way dedication at the intersection of North Carroll and State Highway 114. We believe this dedication is more than 50'from D:\GREEN WAY\SOITI HLKE\killough8.doc Summit Office Park Centerpoint Two NationsBank 1300 Summit Ave.,Suite 419 616 Six Flags Drive,Suite 400 705 W.Ave. B,Suite 201 Ft.Worth,Texas 76102 Arlington, Texas 76011 Garland,Texas 75040 (817)332-5756 (817)649-8530 • Metro(817)640-8535 (972)272-4655 FAX(817)336-6909 FAX(817)633-5240 FAX(972)272-4655 Ptilli the "established" centerline of North Carroll. However, we will confirm this and make any adjustments necessary prior to preparing the final plat. Regarding the extension of State Street from the south, the City made the requirement clear to Cooper& Stebbins and Greenway Investments at our February 16 meeting that a future extension of State Street will be made. The location of the future culvert which TXDOT is currently designing has been shown. We are coordinating with TXDOT regarding these future drainage strucuture's location and potential use. If you have any questions or need any additional information,please give us a call. Sincerely, Graham Associates,Inc. ----. , .,,,j-,,,y)Y ;7‘;-'----7 \ avid M. Smith,P.E. Project Engineer Attachments Cc: Jeff Williams-GAI Tommy Pigg—Greenway Investments Gary Martin—Good Fulton&Farrell Frank Bliss—Cooper&Stebbins j 1 D:\GREEN WAY\SOUTHLKE\killough8.doc P!'-- City of Southlake, Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-101 Review No: Four Date of Review: 3/03/00 Project Name: Preliminary Plat - Lots 1 & 2, Greenway— Carroll Addition, being 9.585 acres out of the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Greenway-Carroll Road Partners, L.P. Graham Associates 2301 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 400 Dallas,TX 75201 Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: (214) 880-9009 Ext. 3 Phone: (817) 640-8535 Fax: (214) 880-0188 Attn: Tommy Pigg Fax: (817) 633-5240 Attn: David Smith CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 2/23/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT EDWARD MCROY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. 1. The Subdivision Ordinance requires that a 5' U.E. be provided along the south line of the shown Lots 1 and 2. To minimize the disturbance of existing trees, staff has recommended that 10' U.E.'s be provided along each side of the proposed State Street and SH 114.Insure that adequate easements are provided for franchise Utilities. The plan reflects this recommendation. (Request to allow as proposed) (P&Z Action 3/9/00: Allow utility easements as proposed and subject to staff's recommendation.) 2. Dead End Streets are not permitted. A future connection to the south must be made. Please note that a revised Preliminary Plat for the future connection on the property to the south must be approved. The current approved Preliminary Plat for Southlake Town Square does not show a street to this location. P&Z Action, March 9,2000:Approved(5-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 4, dated March 3, 2000 and as noted above. * The requirement for preliminary drainage plans has been waived on this preliminary plat. Drainage plans will be required with any final plat application for incorporating property contained within this site. * It appears a portion of this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards in compliance with the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Additionally,the Avigation Easement and Release shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 should be executed on subsequent plats to be filed in the County Plat Records. .k A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication 1 gC is City of Southlake, Texas requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions, off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: David Smith VIA FAX: ABOVE Greenway-Carroll Road Partners, L.P VIA FAX: ABOVE N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\99\99101PP4.Lots 1&2 Greenway Carroll Addn.doc 2 2C1 P!° ----------- City of Southlake, Texas TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) Case: 99- 101 Date of Review: 2— 10 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Lots 1 & 2, Greenway—Carroll Addition (Plat Showing)Review#3 OWNER: PREPARED BY: Greenway—Carrol Road Partners, L.P. Graham Associates, Inc 2301 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 Consulting Engineers Dallas, Tx 75201 Phone: (214) 880-0188 Phone: Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: * Please place all proposed improvements and locate all drainage and utility easements on the submitted Tree Survey. This includes the proposed Building Lines, Utility and Drainage Easements, Future Drive Connections and lot dimensions. * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of this lot. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. BUILDING INSPECTIONS • \`LOT 1. BLOCK I \ STATE DF TEXAS CARROLL LOT SUMMARY 0AK5 ADDITION ZONED: AG LOT 1 360377 SF 8.285 AC 41115 SF 0.944 AC SEVEN-ELEVEN STORES s \L COMMERCIAL LOT 2 v i-131 Po.or °R*p* R.O.W. DEDICATION a STATE STREET 16867 SF 0.387 AC ZOnEO: C-2 Au 'm•e POINT OF \ R.O.W. DEDICATION LEGAL DESCRlPTPCN L U.O. RETAIL COMMERCIALTOM BEGINNING acre CARROLL AVENUE 41377 SF 0.943 AC Being w 10569 ae tract of lad snots]in tadnd R>a Ea.Sauey.Abrtract No.481.Tarrant Canty,Teo .ae oa ry.by 6x0 to CNcennyT ll Roza TOTAL 459936 SF 10.559 AC PatmS LP-a Texas]lolls]ort nTria recur..in Yob.H.S.Page 1627.RN Rectres.Torrent Carty.Texas.Sat[10559 ea.tract mug we par.cularly des7•Ue[by retes ant Goan as Mlles¢ .• , . .. • 's UTILITY8EGB41BG at a pet at ow Ivtneastrly ere of a cur.clip...so Pe LA%EN000 ACRES ^A �j1`` ASFiTIr \ yid.RAJ. 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Y V as mgrawOG 459936 awn feat r 10.gs.aa of LIP Abe r ice. 11. 0.943 AC vOL. A1445. PG. 1627 • / 0)P.T.C.r. \`�a`> • \... 1 w nel1O /'¢T D ry Pi 3608771SF Z Ill `. 8.285 AC :.nb°Jio \\\ P \t/,.ZONED. O-1 ot_ u�°y�!49.• ICE COMMERCIAL J¢ • \ • \/tI WI1I{1' R.O.M.OEOICATION :p�', `` m,¢aI,,vaJ.`` 11 STATE STREETW' li 16.867 S.F/0.387 AC ,1 y,IIIf,, 1115 SF N22Z28N LZA gmxa'N/�$ Ir< �.ID 9F AC Y 51.64' L Ca_]d In fioa 45 '\ t.M r iaa�'�� N W 4 ..'urnlTrX``` D L.COLE _> ssa 98 r mI._, „GGG tZ9T Atrur \1` 1 to l m. FUTURE MEAN I. CONCRETE 6'OwEL RIIG r uwmtraS v``\,\�`1�,�\`` .o.a.—v Cil CONCRETE TRAIL ' i '' Z nrn.e a11. of V RICHAIO EAOS NO.481 '44 100.00. ADDITION FUTURE PHASE LOT 1 'Q SOUTHLANE TO.SQUAR • E n...sots...5 / y / COOPER MG STEBBINS. L.P. RS ..T.C.i. ,/ a I CITY OF SOUTTLAKE r 4 ZONED: tBRU0e2 ,`\ ' ZONED: L5 LUO '/j / MI%EO USE 21 MIXED USE I I • e' . I L. 1 ii ,_,.,........... L c 3 1i`;�I y-�„r '2 Wnp 1.1 J411 a►ri SCALE: 111.�..11\000' -- TJE,CT aaaillAiryE[Ala LAW MM. •E V FEB �.n��l•— 3 20C�� 1`PROJECT LOCAT ION L Ruse t%[ail2 LAm ....-rm 1a°Ib 1u-°0gi1n0 airia o Ip6Iry-a 9ACE ./i T�*gY11rr! ' Mo. agss Ave :P6t Ig i •,I • 'i'',' t ... pc 0 . N/A , TO 299 M/A Cfr� ip,1liil N/A r��. PRELIMINARY PLAT �11 NIP NOT, CANER TOTS 1az may.f._,.. [i�ArAYGlOowJ.lanrAlllI LP. GREENWAYCARROILAMMON SCATf1.MAP I ALLOWING STRUCIUBWLLE MAMMA 'ffi CONTACT:MN/NNW CEDA MINN R011O.01JtTEa00 AN ADORION TOTE ctlV OFSOUI}LMID HE L A WAND r(HYWTY MT FOR SJINJJE Wl1AS.TEXAS 75Z01 ARDPEN EA SSURVEY,ABST.569 ACRES TAC OF TN TOYM®OIAE MUST�APPROVED MUCH OFR2E Rill NOTION R1CFiARD F/108 SURVEY.AB5rW10ENO.f81 MOWS THE CONTNUATION1 8TATEHRnT FAX:Ri9N001! TASEANTCOIINIV.1IX 2 BIOF®s GREENWAYCA 011 ROAD PARTNERI LP. a ATBPOIWIYOILOEdf1C1EI$T BERTOVCtM CA AHAN ASSOCIATES.NC. 7301 CEDAR SPRINGS ROAD.SLATE A03 UN LNE CONI111NTION OF RATE GREETIS CONTACT:OAVD U.SIM PE. DALLAS.TDCA4767O1 ®.TN BECONSTRIMT 1BAPOf RVFA8 DINE.CIS MXRAOS D aunt am 11AE0®E canna FOR MARINY OF ORgtr91RBR M A3i l.TE013 Toil TNPOFNATTON ONTNET OOCUENT. OFFICE p171 NONNI �ettl951 M.100 m -- - L-4=---K.• 571•7-—et'21": 2,1..: --- -..ZY- ,""-.; 7 sO'L.0 gp rD .r.) EV 50 1E4 E0e) 41 ,T,: i0 E'T•' 5q).,Gr? S.ZD 5,..T.. ''TJ. 'CY., 0'V ZO ' z ,, rcs 3.8 i'D0 51' vft, vtly cb :(1.;- -.,..-4') z(F.;. lifi,' '''' '''' F12 r.". ES al:11,r4 E, _007 q.') a: a,. 5.".1, ' Ea, •-• , r,13)fir., '1-4 Er '4,V .. ,.., ., 5A(,•5 EiTy, - -in rep. vcb? %4,, t6: . ' ,71 .R.A4.. `:.., VI,:q.. 77._ ,y_, ,,r?) 0 f if_F— ''''vrp :JOE El?T.4 rEl.g4 f; : •I• 6Q) 7-r• '.•,'. tqt 3,0 0 .),- 1' .., io ,,, d.):; :9 1..;! E.titp l, fli ZI.: .`• ,iffr';'-' f'tv. ',a --P. le ,.. .1%•, 4 'in :.:(9 act ,,,,, a ;(ft. ,a(r. a • ao / 7 . 4.: . • 6. 1,1 ir.. s ff ""=tif• ' 20"'"'7.:",,,7, f. ,..-z, .,•'-'T.. •-•ts -50 7 '•-:: /33 :-..T; / fq) fQ; ' l'. , • 1 / / i SJ' / ;FL" ci fI Erl' st.t) - (7, 7 •17- s cts...) /411.',' 51' fili,l; 50 r0 r t,L.r.0.7. 50 F L(F. Auyys-,0'.1 'i,Y. "I'd -ed 'vr, a,v;,,a ev1,, 0,-,4,,,,; (2 ,e,(Fs. 50--v‘‘' / f('.", alr ' = Err, .R,Et, ,I, ,...tr, / c, sOFT.•-i•*: E ' • te' vv. '%7 " S•C` ' ..Zi . •''.', :-.0 V:P3 ..--. - •-a) Er."1 • a..... a,,.; ; / / / roiz 5,4• 'raCz:;.. v,v1 0 ,D , . N - / \ . ,' . • STATE STREET \ / / / • / / i / . 1;.•.' g i i 8. . .— . m ••EP..,.... f1E5 P // ifireeirierletietmilli reilieitifirei.tfririefereriereifiiiiiveriterteteteiry - I! I t'ttEttttatti, et t r tt?metro i f s / :CM =77.4,:ft-t7.11,77-72,154a7,57.4=a Ettfffiffif=zf.=f4,i2tfer.72t7 Mi=k,i,,,Ak‘i.rAfA.1..-... rmitlivitilill,mitiliimill!?"T'WPW"'!"iifililitintlwittlIlltrl I..' . I / inn ttt Ittt t 19 I it! tle rtkli Eli tt tut r e ete fff2 t If r et r I e PlItt n ,„ . / / m fli e F 5 __.------ ___,____ II / ..,..44virgvnvmszavvzvtaiRavvievr., Ettuffeesisa:;44:,,...,f..... -•r.,.1,s. / / fffig: . EiRif .. Sf.t,,,,A.F..:k2=-=14,?fAs.f.f,ARkkR.Si...i2,1. Ak..SSik..ff ireetrtitertertrietitirveriteltfierrviilereettreuteritreet tr terlieriiretiertg PE i •i V PI P I li--- /2 't''''.=='9213,t2ftflifillinfff2222ffE7,fi,„„,,,,,...7taym,..77,,,, / ,•"' " s,tiltaAtzs..f4.1.i,Its-.7.. .-...fE.IftEcf..11Efff, fff'.E,,,,,fREffififfEf1iEfifkfirtEif tfriftfirtfffiliiiiiiiiirilfilantiliffillittUffitiffittiffIfinflif0fiffiftf 1 / It't ' 0't tIllifttr!!!i' r F 1 ee e F F r 1leettell v . t I e , umvmvstmtvtet,.,.....—sttumunevtatmgavy.F...,yratt5rEttnmMvv • ,-/ f9Pi EffEifiiiEfiREWIE5Eic E' ififEffEkfikER n iEfEr,';W7.E5cERP5Rfff5fEffEf4iEfftnEfffEkk reirweetretrettelrettrieeettrreeetutleeteverlm ! trilegireerretteriirrcettrt/tre I E I I F! II ! 9 t t t e IF PT P 1 t C. > -I xi __, 11 20 20 rrl 277,-.1o7,,7=filt2,22E,2227777.7777722iffE ....2.-.7177s=f•...f---'- fit121222 r 0 RI co .,,,Atl ‘ . — r- rifterimarfilimpriviefiroriorminrefummileturffetifirerm %.9 • vi ttitillrla 1 1 111 it,r !III Fitt ›.__ ,3 . . 1 Miff iff M Se 1 1 114 e f< -5 TN., i f f ?if r • ,.. ' m .', cp MriCiMmrMME114...1...=;tsoltistm4 1111111 — rt f f? tt it if F F If f if EP , p F — City of Southlake, Texas prr MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Traffic Management Bond Program, Resolution No. 00-32, authorizing the purchase of certain right of way Action Requested: Approve Resolution No. 00-32, authorizing the purchase of certain right of way for the Traffic Management Bond Program. Background Information: The citizens of Southlake approved the Traffic Management Bond Program on May 1, 1999. On September 7, 1999 the City Council approved a professional services agreement with HNTB Corporation for the program management of the bond program. Part of the program management is the acquisition of the necessary right of way. As design and plan preparations are completed on the different intersection improvements and bike and hike trails, the necessary right of way to be acquired is determined by HNTB. HNTB then will determine the fair market value of the properties by establishing value ranges based on comparable sales. It is, then, HNTB's responsibility to pursue the acquisition of this right of way from the property owners. The estimated cost of the bond program prepared by the City staff includes funds for right of way acquisition. The City's current purchase policy requires the City Council to act upon each purchase contract that exceeds $15,000. The approval of this resolution will expedite the acquisition of right of way. Financial Considerations: The total cost of the acquisition of right of way for the Traffic Management Bond Program is estimated to be $3,950,000. 9A-1 Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: The City Attorney prepared the resolution. Alternatives: Bring almost all of the right of way purchases to the City Council individually. Supporting Documents: Resolution Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Please place on City Council Agenda for March 21, 2000 for Council consideration and approval. Charlie J. Thomas City Engineer S . . . 9A-2 RESOLUTION NO. 00-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR THE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT BOND PROGRAM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, established the Traffic Management Bond Program that includes intersection improvements to reduce traffic congestion and inconveniences to the motoring public; and, WHEREAS, the Traffic Management Bond ("TMB") program also includes funding for off-road hike and bike trails; and WHEREAS, Southlake voters approved propositions supporting these initiatives in an election held on May 1, 1999 by substantial margins; and WHEREAS, the City Council has engaged the services of a professional consultant to manage the project to ensure timely completion of the projects and is committed to completing the improvements as quickly as possible; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY • OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: • Section 1. The City Manager or his designee shall be authorized to coordinate with the consultant to manage acquisition of certain rights-of-way. Such authorization shall include identification of needed parcels or portions of parcels in conformance with Exhibit A, negotiations with property owners, coordination with the title company to ensure steps are taken to acquire the property free of any encumbrances, and execution of appropriate documents to purchase needed properties at fair market value. Section 2. The City Manager and/or his designee shall be authorized to determine fair market value of the subject properties by establishing value ranges based on comparable sales. In no case shall the City Manager authorize the purchase of any property .that exceeds the value range established for the subject property without prior City Council approval. In no case shall funds be expended in excess of the total amount allocated in the Traffic Management Bond program for acquisition of rights-of-way. Section 3. The City Manager shall provide monthly reports to the City Council regarding the expenditure of funds for TMB land acquisition, providing a detailed accounting of property acquired, value ranges established, and purchase price. • 9A-3 rSection 4. This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the City Council. EXECUTED this day of , 2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary O • 9A-4 . . . . • - .• • • . .• • . . .. .-- EXHIBIT A . • • . . . if- • • • li - , H . I r .. . 1 --z--- - . . .-- 111 II 1 1 -.., ,..,.. . 1 I • I. I __________________ - - —-- -- --- I — -- , 1 _ . . . 1 -- . ,r. i.,1..•--;-"" / 1 • ...___ .. .__ ....,_...,_ -11.------------- _____------1------1 ,. • ----------- 1 1 (Fm- 70 i 01; i ; . IP: arg ,I I. ' . .,I r SOUTHLAKE BLVD. LEGEND I I .PROPOSED R.O.W. ...... • PARCEL •3 ' '• 1 0 . I _____ ___i • i EXISTING R.O.W. 'i'il I ki, . 1(., 'PROPOSEDTINROW. :inninniiimmg . Vit I PROPOSED TEMPORARY 4 ' '1 ;CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 7. I . ., omwsust= KTMEMNO,M1.2? • .. l 0 I 4 II "27/1 M.'a 1 1 1 PARCEL *2 'R. . 1 Ir "/y i• ,\z, 1 i•%, .4/ • , L (-) --' 4Y fty <t• I i f / N -Pi ,,PARCEL 04 1 NI • ' PARCEL *1 / —.,,,,..,,,icci,:,,,,.."" A , • , I .„.. -4. ..,p •16 \ . , . , ••ei°4 \ 1 / / ( \ \ . . • \ , 1 1 ' 1 . \ . . • 1 • , • \ • . • . ).- ( ) .. --- -- EXHIBIT A r .....i .� SO UT LAKE BLVD. (F,M 11709) • :34; o:o; M "FAKE BLVD• (F I OUT I' r • 1 PARCEL •1 . n, V.e. c. a r= c.cw.c: .ag woniw I 1 r i WWI LW,.. JJ H PARCEL •6 i - f • I I nwuo C.DAVIS1 SWISS • I w • oaAm D.DAVIS y • • PARCEL •2 vau:u.0 uii^u—� , i I o.n.i.c.i. LIP r, . I , I +1 PARCEL •3 ,N‘ I ' C • L w I PARCEL "4 M 0., I 1 1 1 PARCEL "5 "°" , I e. i • Ir i • LEGEND PROPOSED R.O.W. ...... .. . I EXISTING R.O.W. --- . I PROPOSED R.O.W. ACQUISITION >...............................>.xonn ........... LAND- SCAPE EASEMENT inToTATONTOToTafti — • City of Southlake, Texas Mpr----------- EMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-24, Opposing the Private Property Rights Implementation Act, urging the Texas delegation of the U.S. Senate to vote against the bill. Action Requested: Consideration of Resolution No. 00-24, Opposing the Private Property Rights Implementation Act, urging the Texas delegation of the U.S. Senate to vote against the bill. Background Information: On Thursday, March 9, the, House Judiciary Committee approved. H.R. 2372, the Private Property Rights Implementation Act. The bill went to the full House for approval, where a floor vote occurred on Thursday, March 16, 2000. The bill was approved 226-182. The bill must now go to the Senate, although it's not yet scheduled, and President Clinton.has threatened to veto it. The attached articles describe the provisions of the bill in detail. Basically, • this legislation would allow takings claims to by-pass state courts and local zoning boards and proceed directly to federal court. Concerns about this bill generally center around the loss of local control regarding land use and zoning. Since House action on this bill occurred after last Council meeting, but before the March 21' meeting, there was not time to bring a resolution to Council before the floor vote. As such, a letter was sent from our office to Representatives Armey and Barton expressing our concern. Both representatives subsequently voted for the bill. This resolution has been prepared to send to the Texas delegation of the U.S. Senate, as well as the President. Financial ' Considerations: N/A Citizen Input/ Board Review: None Legal Review: The city attorneys have reviewed the resolution. Alternatives: Council could choose to take no action on the resolution. 96-I piCampbell, City Manager ch 17, 2000 age2 Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 00-24 Various articles Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00-24. S 9B-a Nation's Cities Weekly • Ma 5 00 11 y • • Congress Assails Local Land Use Authority in Takings Bill; Ill Municipal Officials Must Speak Up, Act Quickly - by Susan At Pumas • This bill not only ram• "' h . ' ,z rg-.r az--,.}c nw a ., -, r"z%ja tO " threatens local zoning powers, 3 "��=-� her ^�-�3 ,s ±w-I-Id ri iti',,-s ;; There were'several key • Cities are facing the Ices of but also other local police pow t amendments to the bill offered • local control over zoning and era that serve as safeguards for - ACTION CALL 'i in the mark-up of ER.2372,all land use issues with. the pas- public health, safety ani:wel- r, of which were defeated. Rep. fare case°have been C,r ... Sheila Jackson-Lee(D-Tex) a Rage of thp;Private Property •- i s' ' 2 former Vies Chair of NLC's Rights Implementation Act of ._brbaght against cities for trying .r.u r r z t ,� .r° 1 a . 1999(H.R.2372)in the House. nil -��f+jj {`�� � i o x;�d�� -ry fi'ti v � , x .'ta::egulate proetrtahon,illegal � � �����' �'[y,,��, ,r,�� `{ '!��fil��� Hainan Development Commit- Judiciary Committee On Thurs g trafficking, topless done , l l. cz �` l.r i '�-s! -,l 1 '4 �-: tee.raised the point that the bill and liquor licensing. hs- ---y� ?. 3 `> E-,,�,� ?` is nnconatitntional as drafted day,March 9 2000. o g This "_ 6;4.:a.� e ,x r' � ,7 The Committee voted in bill seeks to radu�lly alter the rx' g ,' 51•,e TI.L +. ;t trT 1,i,'�t_, " and offered an amendment that • favor of this legislation 14-7. by which these,and 9 � a'71 xas a` �e�rI--�'' +'t C "� :S �r , �., a;�• , ,�� ,�,,�,,'r)f� sought to permit a property This bill will be voted on by the other takingsclaims,are heard. S�? "1 e� 7 n' '4 3� is t " 7-* r-1 Itil per right to go into federal full House of Representatives This legislation siould tom. �J 4,,E ,,t.',�,4 - , -- fir• court only after established ` ` a f�` 4 t , "` state and local procedures had as early as Wednesday,March overturn existing law which ki , 1�,a at . • ii = k*-s, 1 P ' F a that state courts F -a_ z Y' two �' `-.,s, yi xa .v5 sr -' ' been exhausted. 16,2f100• Now is the time to let requires �+ }� t �f 33 "� .,Y* h,7w.1- s ,i.(. ,er,� : a s xA7„r {'� D 0----, ti ,rr�"•J your Hones delegation know review local land use decisions �# r 3z s ;z, e�,,. ,,4,-,1, , "X" .,, This amendment is a reitaa- , that this bill undercuts the before a case can be brought in, L'.t .+ ' {;'i-}, .110- Ri '`.1'e=;� ' ' : ,7'x - ,1 boll of emzent law as determined ' • purpose- of federalism and or is.wipe fey federal court- {._]—r v ,, +6, —X 31.ii: ,5, � n , i!Ian, , , by the U.S.Supreme Caul in the The Supreme Court 7,,2�,. a �,4-. -a `"'..,* -.,,• s , 2:-. , 'P r states rights and cripples a � �"�s .Y;1�,a1 � «s :,l �- rT;,�r�`: "1= .�<�,�-'.= i}-,•1 WrlfiameaaCantyarse. local government's ability.to that in order to present a ripe f =`= Ill t.-;-I tr �K' ,�"• ' r f;xr,s '- u -. "fix sy Rep.Watt also offered a key Bye tysF ' make zoning and land use deci- taking claim in federal reart,a .`. ....?�..... .fix?� t q E:.x....� .. c.. ' ... amendment to strike a provi- sions that befit the immmurn( taking claimant must: (i)pre sion of the bill which says a ty as a whole „.-. sent• a`final decision regarding Supreme Court ripeness test Miicb.) •opened the debate by property owner may go directly • . Take the following message the application of the regale- (Williamson CountyPess 'ng declaring- that `thin }fit into federal omit if she deter- ( 1 - , to your delegation. .. ; •...- timme to the property at issue" Commission v.Hamilton Bank assumes the federal courts mines.that..t would be futile to VA) ILR,. 2372 is bad for cities from`the governmental entity of Johnson City). know issues of land nee better avail herself of local proareses. because: charged with implementing the a The Fifth Amendment than state and local govern- Watt argued that this prvvi- • It constitutes a man- regulations"; and (2) demon- to the U.S. Constitution deli- menta"Rep.Mel Watt CD-N C.) lien would permit a property Rive preemption of local govern- strata that the claimant cately balances the needs of 'echoed Conyers and stated that owner to make the subjective. kg authority. It would permit requested `compensation landowners and developers H.R. 2372 "Is a tremendous determination that it would be . • ' landowners end developers to through the procedures the with the needs of the common- usurpation of local Fracedurea liar,"to go through the load bypass elate courts and local State has provided for doing so. ty as a whole. If H.R. 2372 and attempt by the federal gov- P ses without•even trying planning commissions and city In other words,a property own- Passes.it will force local Rom- ernment to-mieomanage local to do so. councils and take their land use er must first make every effort munitiea la permit uses of prop- governments." Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) grievances directly into federal to resolve land use diepatee arty that will harm others. Rep. Charles Canady (R- offered the game amendment court. This bill federalizes land through the lnr•l public hear- The mark-up of H.R. 2372 Fla.),the billb chief co-sponsor that he did in the subcommit- use laws. • It dramatically ins;review and appeals Process was rife with controversy as the however, simply would not be tee,namely that there should increases the role of the federal before going into federal court br1Fe opponents spoke passion- swayed by the arguments pre- be an exemption hum the bibs courts in the supervising dad- The proposed legislation would ately in favor of the rights of seated in support of load provisions where the public suers traditionally left to state essentially eliminate both local governments. Ranking authority and stated"why this' health, safety, or welfare is and local governments.' prongs of this established Member John Conim hcated.• Conyers (D- bill is controversial is a mystery P Yelverton m: Greg Last ent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 6:04 PM > ..,'): Lewis McLain; Shana Yelverton; Karen Gandy 1'' 'abject: FW: ALERT- House to Vote on Takings Bill , . _ ._ ________ This notice came from the TxAPA executive director, FYI. GL Original Message From: Mike McAnelly JSMTP:mikemc(a�wilbursmith.coml <mailto:fSMTP:mikemcawilbursmith.coml> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 11:49 AM To: BoardNet(a.TexasAPA.orq; CPATNet(a.TexasAPA.orq: TransNet(a TexasAPA.or : UrbanDesignNetaa.TexasAPA.orq EnvironmentNetaTexasAPA.orq Subject: FW: ALERT- House to Vote on Takings Bill Original Message I From: Jason Jordan jmailto:ijordanaplanninq.orgl <mailto:fmailto:ilordan a(�planninq.orgl> Sent: Monday,March 13,2000 9:25 AM To: iiordan;7tiplannine.org; Subject: ALERT-House to Vote on Takings Bill APA Legislative Alert HOUSE TO VOTE ON TAKINGS BILL H.R. 2372 APPROVED BY JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, FLOOR VOTE SCHEDULED CONTACT YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TODAY. ASK YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TO VOTE AGAINST H.R. 2372 On Thursday, March 9, the House Judiciary Committee approved H.R. 2372, the Private Property Rights Implementation Act. The bill now goes to the full House for approval, where a floor vote has been scheduled for Thursday, March 16, 2000. This legislation would dramatically undermine the local planning process and efforts by states and communities to implement smart growth strategies. Under H.R. 2372, takings claims could by-pass state courts and local zoning boards and proceed directly to federal court. The bill would create a substantial financial burden for local governments and allow developers to use the threat of costly litigation to hijack local the land use and zoning process. Further, H.R. 2372 unnecessarily increases the role of politically unaccountable federal courts in local decisions. Cases could go to federal court . even without a final decision by local zoning officials. This bill is not about protecting private property rights, as its supporters claim. In fact, the bill makes it more difficult for local governments to protect citizens against unwanted land uses, such as adult entertainment facilities, liquor stores, hog farms, inappropriate development and environmental threats. You can look up your U.S. Representative and send him/her an email directly from the House of Representatives website at <http://www.house.gov/writerep/> . Your voice makes a difference. After hearing from constituents and examining this legislation more closely, two congressmen who previously voted for the bill withdrew their support. Rep. James larcia (D-MI) went to the House floor and removed his name as a sponsor. 1 1c. ia111.1.V111 I YY 110.L 7JU 1 vu ♦r wu LS-J 1u1V YY: 1 46%. 1 v1 J y fi _ ` „ n,, , TSci ( IBE ,tiHELP -r� * I I �� 1 IC FEEDBAC SEARCH Updated:Thursday,Mar.16,2000 at 23:02 CST House approves land use bill GO • By Maria Recio and Mitch Mitchell BACK METROPLEX NEWS: Star-Telegram Washington bureau •FORT WORTH •ARLINGTON •NETARRANT WASHINGTON -- The House approved a bill yesterday that would •HOMETOWN STAR TEXAS NEWS allow private property owners in land use disputes with a AP NATIONAL NEWS government to circumvent state courts and take their grievances AP WORLD NEWS GOVERNMENT NEWS directly to federal court. •ELECTION 2000 •RESOURCES • BUSINESS NEWS Proponents said that the bill, a roved 226-182, would shore up •STOCKS •TECH NEWS private property rights. The bill must go to the Senate,. and NEWS AUDIO WEATHER President Clinton has threatened to veto it. ROAD WARRIOR LA ESTRELLA "The real problem is the abuse of the court system in preventing SPORTS landowners at the local level from having access to the federal FAN CENTRAL courts," said Rep. Charles Canady, R-Fla., the bill's sponsor. •COWBOYS Rep. Martin Frost, D-Dallas, co-sponsored the bill. •MAVERICKS •BRAHMAS •STARS But opponents, including Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R- N.Y., •RANGERS •COLLEGES argued that the bill would allow federal courts to become LOCAL GOLF involved prematurely in settling local land use disputes. THE SPORTS ZONE RECREATIONAL RODEO THE LINE "It is the most egregious attack on local zoning prerogatives in the history of the republic," Boehlert said. "That is not an LIFE &ARTS overstatement." WEDDINGS TRAVEL Local governments, led by the National League of Cities, FAMILY DAY PUZZLES&GAMES objected to the bill, calling it "a massive pre-emption of local FOOD HOME&GARDEN government authority." JUST GO&STARTIME •ENTERTAINMENT All lawmakers representing Tarrant Count voted for the bill: •TV LISTINGS P 9 Y •BOOKS House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Irving, and Reps. Joe •COMICS •DINING Barton, R-Ennis, Kay Granger, R-Fort Worth, and Frost. •HOROSCOPES •SOAP OPERA NEWS •PERSONALS Under the legislation, property owners could sue after appealing LOTTERY a zoningdecision and applying for a waiver with local TODAY IN HISTORY RELIGION authorities. O1•ll9Ii1S Local government officials said they consider any move to EDITORIALS change the law to be an attack on local control. c ENDORSEMENTS LCHEERSETTER BJEERS Keller City Manager Lyle Dresher said decisions in these cases CYBER-COLUMNISTS should be made at the lowest level possible. "Taking it away from the state jurisdictions is taking it away CLUBS&ORGS from a court that might have a better understanding of the VIRTUAL TEXAN issues involved," Dresher said. USER'S GUIDE • http://www.star-telegram.com/news/doc/1047/1:POLITICS52/1:POLITICS520316100.html` 3/17/00 L11 a111.1.V111 I vv llal LJV 1 VU vt Gill. Lk) 1111VW: CatiG UL 7 • SPELLING BEE BIRTHS The bill's supporters said the legal "tests" for owners to WEDDINGS OBITUARIES challenge a government "taking" -- in which owners are deprived of economic use of their land -- are often stiff and cumbersome, $PRCBS ��U and that the legislation is intended to streamline and clarify the ONLINE STAFF judicial process. ADVERTISING CONSUMER RESOURCE The "tests" for federal action are that property owners must E•CARDS EVENTS show that the "government entity has reached a final decision JOBS HOMEPAGES regarding the application of the regulations to the property at MAPS/DIRECTIONS issue" and that the owners sought compensation through state NAEKETPLACE procedures. NEW HOME NETWORK NEWSLETTER - • PHOTOSALES "The application of these requirements by the lower federal PRESS PASS courts has wreaked havoc upon property owners, whose takings START WITH USI p P p yg SYSTEM STATUS claims are systematically prevented from being heard on the DFW.0 WHITEPAM ES merits in federal court," Canady said. • • 10DLBOx•';z.. ; "Under these requirements, many property owners are forced to NTERNET EXPLORER endure years of lengthy, expensive and unnecessarily duplicative REALPLAYER G2 litigation in state and federal court in order to vindicate their VIEWING TIPS constitutional rights," he said. During debate yesterday, Boehlert offered an amendment that � would have eliminated the bill's provision allowing landowners to a�w , appeal local land use decisions in federal court. The amendment was defeated after Canady declared it an attempt to gut the bill. x �J This report includes material from The Washington Post. A%OLUIEL`( r`. WHAT DO YOU WANTTD SAY? SEND US YOUR THOUGHTS.) I�.1ceEDSBLE • KID DAY;' • Qc31111 F!F WEDDINGS • Please type �•�•�'�- �-'= •.-'• YP your e.mail address here i ' • ENGAGEMENTS ( SEND ) INCLUDE YOUR LNA!L ADDRESS II YOU WOULD LIKE A REPLY. • Mit meget ne • t�offe put some �COHTENTS MSUBSCRIBE RBELP MIFEEDBACK Send this page to a friend Type your address her Type recipient addresP4giRttifilFrom: .. _ _.:To. • • http:/Iw vw.star-telegram.com/news/doc/1047/1:POLITICS52/1:POLITICS520316100.htm1 3/1 /00 9/3—& d:_C, IsirtA l. l Ws`. ,421 1 • OMR $TY,L'EisTA+ xASP'ORTS ?tr;CLASS.IFIE.DSte ;iiAAKE:TPI:At 4 PRINT EDITION TOP NEWS WORLD NATION POLITICS METRO ROSIHESS&TECH HEALTH OPINION , WEATHER p,,-tlner Sites' House Votes To Speed Zoning Lawsuits • Ncwswcx.k.rorn U.S. Courts to Hear Expedited Disputes 11iitannica Internet Gulde By Juliet Eilperin tilLf* .` Washington Post Staff Writer Print Edition Friday, March 17,2000; Page Al2 To_days National Articles Inside"A' Section The House adopted legislation yesterday that would dramatically Front Page Articles overhaul state and local zoning decisions by giving developers the ability to appeal rulings more quickly in federal court. On Our Site Top News/Breaking News Under current law, private property owners must take their claims to P P y Politics Section state court first and undergo a lengthy negotiation with local National Section authorities if they believe they have been deprived economic use of their land. The bill, which passed the House by a 226 to 182 vote, would dramatically expedite this process, allowing property owners to sue in federal court after they had appealed a zoning decision and applied for a waiver with local authorities. "Those citizens who have had their constitutional rights violated have a right to their day in court," said Rep. Charles T. Canady (R-Fla.), who wrote the bill. While the measure has received significant support from the National Association of Home Builders, a broad coalition including state and local governments, environmentalists, church groups and unions has fought against it. Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert (R-N.Y.), who led the fight against the bill, said it would usurp the power of state and local authorities by allowing wealthy developers to'shift zoning fights to federal court. "It is the most egregious attack on local zoning prerogatives in the history of the republic," Boehlert said. "That is not an overstatement." The bill is not likely to make it into law: A similar measure passed in October 1997 and stalled in the Senate. Clinton administration officials have already recommended the president veto the bill because it "would improperly and seriously interfere with needed property rights protections at all levels of government, especially local protections for neighborhoods and communities." But House leaders said the measure would highlight a philosophical difference between the two parties, noting that if Texas Gov. George W. Bush (R) became president, measures like these would stand a stronger chance of becoming law. btu). Nvww.washingtonpost.comhwp-srv/WPlate/2000-03/1'710881-031700-idx.html 37'no V 0..3 1 V JIJGI.LL L•L/11111 YJ Lu...,i uaw ♦ y�, vi "It is a defining issue between Republicans and Democrats, especially with this president," said House Majority Whip Torn DeLay (R-Tex.). "We're trying to make that point." Lawmakers spent all day debating the measure--pausing at noon to take a two-hour break to attend an early St. Patrick's Day lunch--with the bill's backers arguing that private property owners were having to spend years appealing decisions on the state level. The Supreme Court has ruled that private property owners who have been denied all economically beneficial uses of their land must first seek compensation in state court before filing a federal suit. "Justice delayed is justice denied," declared Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D- Md.). He voted for the bill along with Maryland Republicans Roscoe G. Bartlett and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.; Virginia Republicans Herbert H. Bateman, Thomas J. Bliley Jr., Thomas M. Davis III and Robert W. Goodlatte; Virginia Democrats Owen B. Pickett, Robert C. "Bobby" Scott and Norman Sisisky; and Virginia independent Virgil H. Goode Jr. But opponents of the measure said interest groups had exaggerated the number of cases that get bogged down in court, because many land disputes are settled in the course of the local zoning process. These lawmakers said the bill would disproportionately benefit rich developers who could intimidate state and local authorities by threatening to sue in federal court. "This bill should be called the Fast Track for Developers Act," said Rep. Tom Allen (D-Maine.). The legislation strongly resembles a "concept paper" funded by the home builders' association, which was prepared by a local firm in 1997. The group's top lobbyist, Jerry Howard, said Canady's measure would force local authorities to expedite their zoning procedures. "Property owners are like Regis Philbin: We just want a final answer," Howard said, adding that while his group was lobbying hard for the measure, "I think we're stopping short of hiring a skywriter." The bill's opponents did gain some political ground since 1997, however, because the bill received 26 fewer votes than last time. John Echeverria, who directs the Environmental Policy Project at Georgetown University Law Center, said support for private property rights measures had been dropping steadily since congressional Republicans won the majority in 1994. © Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company miffs irmacu ,....;STY LE,,,s.;uSPORTS , tir:4+CLASSIEtEOS- ,.,.11ARKEYPLA'C£'4 PRINT EDITION TOP HEWS WORLD NATION POLITICS METRO EUSINESS&TECH HEALTH OPINION Y/EITHER l!elIOv►f Pages http://www.washingtonpost.con/wp-srv/WPlate/2000-03/1.7/0ga-881-031700-idx.html 3/17%00 �. X r City of Southlake, Texas Ir-- RESOLUTION NO. 00-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, OPPOSING H.R. 2372, THE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS IMPLEMENTATION ACT; URGING THE TEXAS DELEGATION OF THE U.S. SENATE TO VOTE AGAINST THE BILL; ENCOURAGING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO VETO THE BILL IF APPROVED BY THE U.S. SENATE. WHEREAS, the City.Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, believes the enactment of HR 2372 would significantly reduce local control of land use issues that are of paramount importance to our citizens and voters; and WHEREAS, this bill would allow a property owner or developer to bypass the provisions for local oversight and control over land use decisions; and WHEREAS, throughout this country, local governments have been delegated the responsibility for regulating land use and development within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, land use decisions are the most significant decisions made in our community and more citizens and neighborhood associations appear for zoning hearings than any other matter that comes before our City Council; and WHEREAS, land use decisions affect property values, control the possibility of locating incompatible uses next to a home, may alter neighborhood character and may affect the ability of a city to provide utility or roadway services by overloading densities or directing growth into areas where the community does not have adequate infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the existing system of judicial review of land use decisions is and has been wholly adequate to protect the rights of all involved individuals; and WHEREAS, moving disputes concerning these matters far away from the development site serves to remove the public from the debate and preclude them from participating in the process; and WHEREAS, HR 2372 will encourage litigation in the federal court system over land use decisions that could otherwise be averted through the local review and approval process, thereby removing traditional local control over these decisions and causing or contributing to backlog in the federal court system; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Resolution No. 00-24 Page 2 Section 1. The Texas Delegation of the U.S. Senate is hereby urged to vote against the Private Property Rights Implementation Act, recognizing the authority of local governments for local zoning and land use decisions. Section 2. A copy of this resolution be transmitted to the office of the President of the United States, encouraging veto of this bill should it be approved by the U.S. Senate. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ON THIS THE 21'DAY OF MARCH, 2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer • SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 2 with Jackson Construction, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer and roadway improvements along Love Henry Court Action Requested: Staff seeks . Council to approve Change Order No. 2 with Jackson Construction, . Inc. for the reconstruction of Love 'Henry Ct. and construction of a sanitary sewer line to serve the residents along Love Henry Ct. in the amount of 39,393.25. Background Information; The construction of the sanitary sewer for this project began on February 21, 2000. This project includes constructing the sanitary sewer along Love Henry Ct. to Shady Oaks. Eventually in the future, the City or a developer could extend the sewer along Shady Oaks north of Love Henry Ct., which would serve some of the properties along Shady Oaks. On March 8, 2000, Mrs. Bruton called the City to request that the sanitary sewer be extended from the intersection of Love Henry and Shady Oaks to her residence at 583 Shady Oaks as part of this contract (see attached project map). The distance from Love Henry Ct. to the Bruton's property is approximately 450 feet. Mrs. Bruton explained'that the current septic system that; serves her property is not functioning properly and will have to be replaced in the near future. The ridgeline that divides the north drainage basin and the south drainage basin is approximately 300 feet from the Bruton property (as shown on project map). The sewer from the properties north of the ridge line will flow to the north. The sewer from the properties south of the ridge line will flow to the sewer along Love Henry Ct. Should Council choose to extend the sanitary sewer from Love Henry Ct., staff recommends extending the sewer to the ridge line. The extension of the sewer to the ridge line will serve 3 additional properties for a total of 5 properties. Change Order No. 2 is for the extension of the sanitary sewer along Shady Oaks from Love Henry Ct. to the ridge line, which is a distance of approximately 750 feet. 10C-1 City of Southlake, Texas Financial Considerations: The original contract for the paving and sanitary sewer improvements was $365,253.00. This included construction of a sidewalk along Love Henry Ct. The City Council directed staff to eliminate the sidewalk from the contract. This was accomplished,by Change Order.No. 1 and reduced the contract by $27,192. The costs associated with this project, including Change Order No. 1 and Change Order No. 2, are tabulated below: • The original contract amount was $365,253 • The engineering, surveying, and testing cost was $24,020. • . Change Order No. 1 was ($27,192) • Change Order No. 2 is $39,393.25 Therefore, the cost for the project totals $401,474.25, which is $42,474.25 over the budgeted amount ($359,000). The cost overrun will have to be funded using available funds that exist from projects that were below budget. The cost for this project has been included in the attached CIP Project Cost Ledger. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Bretons are the only residents that have inquired to the City about extending the sanitary sewer along Shady Oaks. Legal Review: None. ' Alternatives: The Council may choose to extend the sewer to the Bruton's property only. ' This will reduce the amount of Change Order No. 2 to $26,064.75 and the sewer extension will only serve 2 properties. The Council may also choose to wait and extend the sewer along Shady Oaks in the future. This extension has not been budgeted in the 5-year CIP budget. The Bruton would then have to replace their septic system for the time being. Supporting Documents: Project map Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2 . . CIP Project Costs ledger Staff Recommendation: Staff seeks direction from.Council on this issue. The alternatives have been identified and staff is requesting a directive. Should the Council choose to extend the sanitary sewer along Shady Oaks, staff recommends 10C-2 ' City of Southlake, Texas Council approve Change Order No. 2 with Jackson Construction, Inc. to construct sanitary sewer and paving improvements to Love Henry Ct. in the amount of$39,393.25. Please place this item on the March 21, 2000 City Council Agenda for review and consideration. Sf?`°2' SP/sep 10C-3 - - -- - - - - • - - . • .. . - • . . .. _ ..ts • e - - Sewer. . T ...m - ovem n pr = _ - . ...... ..._ . . • . 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CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS PROJECT: Love Henry Court DATE OF ISSUANCE: February 3,2000 • . (From Shady Oaks to Cul-De-Sac) OWNER: City of Southlake ENGINEER: Dunaway Associates,Inc. 1950 E.Continental 1501 Merrimac Circle,Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Fort Worth,Texas 76107 CONTRACT: Pavement Rehabilitation and Sanitary Sewer Construction CONTRACTOR: Jackson Construction,Inc. 5112 Sun Valley Dr. Fort Worth,Texas 76119 - YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Remove Item Nos. 23 and 24 from Base Bid: 23. 8,310 SF Standard reinforced concrete sidewalk 24. 2 EA Reinforced concrete handicap accessible ramps CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE • CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME $ 365,253.00 Original Contract Price 150 Calendar Days Original Contract Time $ 0.00 Previous Change Order Nos. 0 Calendar Days Net Change from Previous Change Orders $ 0.00 Field Change Order(No - Number) $ 365,253.00 Contract Price Prior to this 150 Calendar Days Contract Time Prior to this Change Order Change Order $ (27,192) Net Increase (Decrease)of this 0 Calendar Days Net Increase(Decrease)of this Change Order Change Order. $ 338,061.00 Contract Price with All 150 Calendar Days Contract Time with All Approved Approved Change Orders Change Orders a. RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: Dunaway Associates, Inc. City of South Jackson C nstruction,Inc. LAA__ nAi.m .. � ...0mm By: By: Daniel Ochinciuc P.E . Shawn Poe, P.E. Larry H.J kson Project Manager Senior Civil Engineer President 1 OC-5 9800990 CO1 W.02293_00.doc CHANGE ORDER No. 2 Dated: March 21, 2000 Project Sanitary Sewer&Paving Improvements to serve Love Henry Court OWNER City of Southiake Contract For Sanitary Sewer&Paving Improvements Contract Date February 21, 2000 To: Jackson Construction, Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: City of Southiake Owner By Dated , 2000 Nature of Changes: Pay Quantity Unit Description Price per Unit Total Item 1 750 LF 8" SDR-35 PVC sewer pipe $ 21.00 $15,750.00 2 750 LF TV inspection of sewer pipe $ 1.00 $ 750.00 3 750 LF Trench Safety $ 1.00 $ 750.00 4 2 EA Standard 4' S.S. Manhole $1,800.00 $ 3,600.00 5 10 VF 4' diameter extra depth for MH $ 150.00 $ 1,500.00 6 2 EA Watertight manhole insert $ 50.00 $ 100.00 7 2 EA Concrete collar for MH $ 290.00 $ 580.00 8 2 EA Vacuum test MH $ 100.00 $ 200.00 9 5 EA 4-inch sanitary sewer connection $ 225.00 $ 1,125.00 10 100 LF 4-inch sanitary sewer service line $ 29.00 $ 2,900.00 11 50 LF 8" sanitary sewer by bore $ 140.00 $ 7,000.00 Total= $34,255.00 15% contingency= $5,138.25 Total amount of CO = $39,393.25 These Changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order $ 338,061 10C - 6 Net Increase Resulting from This Change Order $ 39,393.25 Current Contract Price Including This Change Order $ 377,454.25 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B(1978 Edition) - Contract Time Prior to This Change 150 calendar days Net Resulting from This Change Order 0 Current Contract Time Including This Change Order 150 calendar days' The Above Changes Are Approved: Ronald J. Harper, P.E. Director of Public Works By Date , 2000 The Above Changes Are Accepted: Jackson Construction, Inc. Contractor I By Date , 2000 10C - 7 CIP PROJECT COSTS Pr q B C D 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID/FINAL COST DIFFERENCE 2 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER* $1,860,000 $1,832,000 $28,000 3 20"WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 $641,000 $638,408 $2,592 4 24"WATER LINE ALONG N.WHITE CHAPEL $850,000 $826,455 $23,545 5 BRUMLOW $112,700 $111,000 $1,700 6 BURNEY LN.-REHAB CUL-DE-SAC $57,000 $64,523 ($7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT $40,000 $65,000 ($25,000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING $65,000 $65,637 ($637) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $48,405 $51,595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS&SEWER $1,286,000 $990,161 $295,839 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER* $405,000 $205,474 $199,526 12 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION* $300,000 $167,473 $132,527 13 DOVE FORCE MAIN* $1,747,500 $2,113,218 ($365,718) 14 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING* $611,480 $778,533 ($167,053) 15 DOVE/SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION $339,200 $280,424 $58,776 16 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING $105,000 $152,200 ($47,200) 17 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING* $120,000 $42,000 $78,000 18 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS* $200,000 $123,399 $76,601 19 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 $12,586 20 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER $200,000 $276,123 ($76,123) 21 JELLICO SEWER* $500,000 $419,723 $80,277 22 KIRKWOOD WATER LINE $326,000 $266,159 $59,841 23 LAKE DRIVE WATER,SEWER,PAVING* $364,500 $376,991 ($12,491) 24 LILAC LN.WATER,SEWER,STREET* $234,600 $286,782 ($52,182) 25 LOVE HENRY COURT SEWER&STREET* $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) 26 MISSION HILL SEWER $430,000 $489,099 ($59,099) 27 N.WHITE CHAPEL-COUNTY LINE TO LAKE* $340,000 $470,970 ($130,970) 28 N.WHITE CHAPEL-DOVE TO COUNTY LINE* $181,850 $177,010 $4,840 29 N-3&N-4 LIFT STATIONS* $1,000,000 $1,009,500 ($9,500) 30 N-5 SEWER&KIMBALL/SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS* $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 31 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO.2* $1,687,400 $1,545,247 $142,153 32 PINE SEWER* $200,000 $183,368 $16,632 33 PLANTATION SEWER , $110,400 $84,676 $25,724 34 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 ($66,980) 35 PUMP STATION NO.2* $3,110,000 $3,176,800 ($66,800) 36 RAINTREE/SHADY LN WATER,SEWER,PAVING $1,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 37 RIDGECREST* $355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 38 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION-SOLANA $25,000 $21,700 $3,300 39 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $91,000 $9,000_ 40 SOUTHLAKE/KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. $300,000 $116,281 $183,720 41 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE&PAVING IMPROVEMENTS* $270,000 $311,865 ($41,865) 42 TIMARRON-BENT CREEK REPAIR* $726,986 $699,315 ' $27,671 43 TROPHY CLUB 24"WATER LINE* $1,511,000 $1,440,693 $70,307 44 W.CONTINENTAL RECON.-PHASE 1* $640,424 $731,161 ($90,737) 45 W.DOVE RECON.-PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 ($38,717) 46 W.JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS* $1,000,000 $930,522 $69,478 47 WATER&SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 ($65,754) 48 TOTAL $26,458,172 $25,885,483 49 TOTAL(OVER)/UNDER BUDGET $572,689 50 51 *Project not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price&engineering,surveying costs 52 53 54 10C-8 3/15/00 City of Southlake, Texas � f MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Approval of.Change Order No. 2 with North Texas Contracting, Inc for the Water, Paving, and Drainage Improvements to Serve the Sutton Place Addition, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProjectiNos. B97- UC-48-0001-60-20 & B98-UC-48-0001-60-05 Action Requested: Staff seeks Council approval of Change Order No. 2 with North Texas Contracting, Inc for the paving and drainage improvements to serve the . Sutton Place Addition. Background Information: The City is participating with Tarrant County to install a storm drainage system, install an 8-inch water line, and reconstruct Sutton Place as part _ of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. As construction has proceeded, several issues have arisen ;that have necessitated field changes. Some of these changes have resulted in a decrease-in the project contract price, while others have resulted in an increase in contract price. In August 1999, Change Order 1, in the amount of ($7,328.00) was issued and executed by all parties. Change Order No. 1 was approved by the Director of Public Works since it was a decrease to the original contract amount: This change included several items dealing with the drainage portion of the improvements to the Sutton Place subdivision. These items are explained in the attached summary. Change Order No. 2 is comprised primarily of issues that occurred during the construction of the drainage improvements and during the installation of the new 8-inch waterline. The amount of Change Order No. 2 is $17,777. These items are also-individually explained in the attached summary. Staff is requesting that Council authorize Staff to spend $5,000 for additional unforeseen changes that may occur between now and the end of the project. Obviously, Staff will be prepared to explain in detail all changes that are included under this item once the changes are constructed. - � 1OD- 1 City of Southlake, Texas Previously, the City Council approved $22,427 for the lowering of the gas services that serve the residents along Sutton Place. Berkey's Plumbing, retained by the City did the lowering of the gas services. These improvements were constructed separate from the contract with North Texas Contracting, Inc. The costs associated with! lowering, repairing and relocating the gas services, though necessary to complete the project, were much higher than anticipated. The total cost for lowering, repairing, and relocating the gas services was $44;698. The attached summary explains the reasons for this cost increase. Financial Considerations: The costs for this project are tabulated below: Original Contract Amount $ 429,465.30 Change Order No. 1 (decrease) ( 7,328.00) Change Order No. 2 (increase) 17,777.00 Additional Unforeseen Changes 5,000.00 Revised Contract Amount $444,914.30 Gas Service Relocations $ 44,698 - Engineering, Surveying Cost $ 26,253 The total cost of the project is anticipated to cost $515,865.30. ;The City's CIP budget and CDBG funds provide funding for this project. The combined funding sources total $474,000. Existing funds from projects constructed under budget will be utilized for the $41,865.30 cost overrun (see attached CIP project cost ledger). Citizen Input/ Board Review: The residents of Sutton Place have had numerous complaints, regarding the construction of the sewer improvements for Sutton Place; As you are aware, the Public Works Department has contacted each resident and asked for. a listing of all the problems that have been experienced during this project. The complete list has been turned over to the licensed plumber who initially performed the plumbing work in 1998. This work is taking place now and should be completed by April. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: In order to proceed with the completion of this project as soon as possible, these changes are required. 1OD-2 City of Southlake, Texas Supporting Documents: Change Order 1 & 2 Cost Summary Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2 CIP Project Cost Ledger Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve Change Order #2 to the contract with North Texas Contracting, Inc.; in the amount of $17,777 and authorize staff to spend $5,000 for additional unforeseen changes. Please place this item on the March 21, 2000 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. 10D-3 j - Sutton Paving,Drainage, and Water Improvements Change Order 1 & 2 Cost;Summary Sheet Change Order No. 1 Change to HDPE Piping After bidding and awarding the project, the contractor, North Texas Contracting, Inc., approached the City with the option of utilizing "Surelok" High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) storm drainage pipe in lieu of the specified Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP). Since it is standard policy for the City to allow the use of HDPE drainage pipe in areas other ;than in the City's right-of-way or under roadways, Staff opted to accept the contractor's proposal for these areas resulting in a decrease in contract price of($9,443.00). Box Culvert Change During the construction and installation of the box culverts that drain storm water from Sutton Place to the east, a conflict with existing utilities was discovered that would not allow installation of the 8-foot by 4-foot box culvert. In order to alleviate the conflict, it was determined that an 8-foot by 3-foot culvert could be installed without compromising the drainage design of the project. The contractor proposed, and Staff accepted, using the 8-foot by 3-foot culverts in lieu of the 8-foot by 4-foot culverts resulting in a decrease in contract price of($256.00). Deletion of Gabion Baskets, Addition of Sod and Tree Removal In order to route storm water collected from Sutton Place to a natural drainage way, a drainage channel, approximately 250-feet long, was constructed across the properties to the east of the subdivision. A 50-foot wide drainage and utility easement existed on property to the east and was utilized for the purpose of constructing the channel, which was constructed per plan. There were eight trees on the property that conflicted with the proposed drainage channel and these trees were not shown to be removed in the contract. Staff received a proposal from the contractor to remove these trees for an increase in contract price of $4,000.00. Staff believes that this proposal was reasonable and approved this change for an increase in contract price of$4,000.00. The design of the channel included gabion baskets for erosion control. However, since this channel is routed through a residential neighborhood and is relatively straight, Staff determined that gabion baskets were not necessary and sod would be more appealing. Staff requested that the contractor submit a proposal for deletion of the gabion baskets and the addition of sod. The contractor submitted a proposal of ($2,916.00) for deletion of the gabion baskets and $1,287.00 for the addition of the sod. Staff believes this proposal was acceptable and approved this change. 10D-4 In summary, the net result of Change Order No. 1 is'as follows: I I Change to HDPE Piping ($ 9,443.00) Box Culvert Change ($ 256.00) Delete Gabion Baskets ($ 2,916.00) Additional Sod $ 1,287.00 Clear 8 Trees $ 4,000.00 Total Change Order No. 1 (Decrease) Change Order No. 2 Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Conflict During the installation of the 42-inch RCP storm drain collector that runs underneath Sutton Place, in one area the 42-inch line was found to be in conflict with the 8-inch sanitary sewer line installed in 1998. Though this conflict was relatively small (three to four inches) both of the lines are gravity lines and grade is very important. Therefore, rather than attempt to adjust the grade of either line, Staff requested a proposal to notch the concrete storm drain to accommodate the alignment and elevation of the sanitary sewer line. The `contractor proposed to do the work for an increase in the contract price of $1,325.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of$1,325.00. Deletion of Bores During the design phase of the 8-inch waterline, bores were included in the contract where there were questions as to whether the line could be installed without damaging trees, shrubs and other vegetation and property. During construction of the line, it was determined that the bores were not necessary to protect these items. The bores were, thus deleted from the contract for a decrease in contract amount of ($8,083.00). However, before it could be determined that the bores were not necessary, the boring contractor had mobilized to the site. North Texas Contracting, Inc. was charged a mobilization fee by the boring contractor and, thus requested that they be reimbursed for the fee of$700.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for a decrease in contract amount of ($7,383.00). Drainage Ditch Side Slopes Modifications i When construction of the drainage channel to the east of Sutton Place was nearing completion, the property owner voiced concerns about the steepness of the side-slopes of the channel from a maintenance standpoint. Staff received a proposal from the contractor to flatten the side-slopes of the channel for an increase in contract price of $10,080.00. Staff believes that this proposal is acceptable and recommends approval of this change for an, increase in contract amount of$10,080.00. . 10D-5 Service Connection Transfer The residents that live on Sutton Drive receive their water from the City ofi Keller via an existing 3-inch City of Keller water line located under Sutton Place that is connected to Keller's 6-inch main that runs parallel to Florence. The intent of this project was to install the new 8-inch City of Southlake water line under Sutton Place with services connected to new meter boxes located behind the new curb and gutter. In the future, the new Southlake line, served from the 12-inch Southlake line running parallel to Florence, would be put into service, meters installed and the residents would receive their water from the City of Southlake. During construction, it was discovered that the existing City of Keller meter boxes were in conflict with the new curb and gutter and the existing 3-inch Keller water line was in bad condition and was being exposed during construction of the subgrade for the new road. In order to keep the project progressing, with the City of Keller City Manager's approval, Staff requested a proposal from North Texas Contacting, Inc. to temporarily connect the new 8-inch Southlake waterline running up Sutton Place'to the existing 6-inch Keller waterline running along Florence. In addition, North Texas was asked to relocate Keller's meters to the new meter boxes behind the proposed curb and gutter and connect the new services from the new 8- inch waterline to Keller's meters. The existing 3-inch line would then be abandoned. With these changes, Keller agreed to take over the operation and maintenance of the new 8-inch line until which time Southlake begins providing water the Sutton Place. Since Keller has, historically, had many problems with the old 3-inch line, they were willing to make these changes and pay a portion of the cost of the changes to be able to abandon the old 3-inch line. North Texas provided a proposal in'the amount of $13,060.00 to perform this work. Of this amount, the City of Keller committed to paying $7,390.00. The City of Southlake's portion was then $5,670.00. Staff believes this cost is reasonable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of$5,670.00. Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation ! Two sanitary sewer services were found to be in conflict with the installation of the new curb and gutter toward the low-point of Sutton Place. Staff requested, and the contractor submitted a proposal to lower these services for an increase in contract price of$900.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and requests authorization of this item for an increase in contract price of$900.00 Installation and Removal of Base Material During preparation of the subgrade for Sutton Place, six gas services to individual homes were found to be in conflict with preparation of the subgrade. When this situation was discovered, the contractor could not proceed with stabilization of the subgrade for approximately two weeks until the lines were lowered. With the sandy,soils in.the area, the road became very soft, very quickly without some form of stabilization. 1OD-6 On Thursday, January 26, 2000, rain, sleet and snow were predicted for the area. Staff was certain that if rock or some other base material was not applied to the surface of Sutton Place, the road would become impassible with a minimal amount of moisture. At that time, with the rain starting to fall, the contractor was directed to place material on the road to keep it passable. North Texas Contracting, Inc. and their paving subcontractor Sutton Asphalt, Inc., contend that if they had been able to pursue the work as planned, and had not been delayed as a result of the gas services, the subgrade would have been stabilized before January 26th. Therefore, placing, and thus removing the material again when work was resumed, in the contractor's opinion, was extra work. North Texas Contracting, Inc. requests reimbursement in the amount of$4,400.00 for placement and subsequent removal of the base material. Staff agrees that the conflicting gas services delayed the preparation of the subgrade and.that the application of the rock and base material was necessary to keep the road passable and that the contractor should be compensated for this work. Staff recommends approval of,this change for an increase in contract amount of$4,400.00. Contractor Remobilization While the existing gas services were being relocated, the paving contractor was unable to work. As a result, he moved his labor and equipment off-site. When the utility relocations were complete, the paving contractor remobilized to the site.. North Texas has asked for reimbursement of the remobilization charge made by the paving contractor in the jamount of $1,725.00. Staff believes this proposal is acceptable and recommends approval of this change for an increase in contract amount of$1,725.00. Fencing Modifications The plans for this project indicated that 97 feet_of 6-foot wooden fence would need to be replaced in one of the resident's back yard as a result of the construction of the drainage improvements. After construction began, it was discovered that the 6-foot fence was actually eight feet tall. Also, during negotiations for the drainage easement, Staff committed to adding an additional 31 feet of fencing in order to fence the entire back yard. Staff received a proposal from North Texas to install an 8-foot fence instead of a 6-foot fence and add the additional 31 feet of 8-foot fencing for an increase in contract price of $1,060.00. Staff believes that this proposal is reasonable and recommends that this change be approved for an increase in contract price of$1,060.00. . 1 Miscellaneous Additional Items . As you are aware, this has been a very sensitive project since the onset of the project in 1998. The residents on Sutton Place have complained numerous times about numerous items and in an effort to maintain good relations, Staff is making every reasonable effort to appease all of the residents on Sutton Place. Several residents have asked to have their driveways 10D-7 1 1 I 1 1 i widened slightly or realigned slightly, which will in some cases increase the '.amount of _ materials required. In one particular instance, the project plans show one dive to the residence where, in fact, the resident had created a circular drive in their front yard. This resident has requested that the City maintain this circular drive in lieu of the 12-foot!wide drive shown on the plans. For these reasons, Staff is asking Council to approve an 'l Additional Unforeseen Changes" item in the not-to-exceed amount of$5,000.00. Obviously, Staff will be _ prepared to explain in detail all changes that are included under this item once the changes are constructed. In summary, the net result of Change Order No. 2 is as follows: Storm and Sanitary Sewer Conflict $ 1,325.00 Delete Bores/Bore Contractor Mobilization ($ 7,838.00) Revise Channel Slopes $ 10,080.00 Transfer Services $ 5,670.00 Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation $ , 900.00 Installation of Base Material ' $ 4,400.00 Paving Contractor Remobilization $ 1,725.00 Fence Modifications $ 1,060.00 Total Change Order No. 2 (increase) V $ 17,777.00 Additional Unforeseen Changes $ 5,000.00 Relocation of Gas Services The existing Sutton Place road had to be lowered, somewhat, in order to achieve positive drainage of the area. In order to be able to lower the entire street, a gas-main had to be lowered also. As preparation of the subgrade for the new pavement began, it was discovered that the gas main had been placed deep enough to clear subgrade preparation. However, some of the individual gas services to each of the residences were in conflict with the preparation of the subgrade and had to be lowered also. In an attempt to keep the project progressing as quickly as possible, Berkey's Plumbing was retained to lower these services. In the process of performing this work, several unexpected problems were encountered. During testing and inspection of the services, two services were found to be leaking outside of the limits of Berkey's work. In light of the cold weather at the time and the sensitivity of the project, rather than inform the resident that they were responsible for repairing their service ' line, Staff directed Berkey's to replace the entire line. In one-instance, in the area of the cul- de-sac at the southern end of Sutton Place, two services had to be relocated around the cul-de sac because of the location of the gas meters. The total cost to lower the gas services was $44,698. 1 I 1 1 1OD-8 r CHANGE ORDER• j No. 1 Dated: August 10, 1999 B97-UC-48-0001-60-20 OWNER'S Project No. B98-UC-48-0001-60-05 ENGINEER's Project No. 001-437 Project 23,d Year CDBG Unit I-Drainaee Facilities to Serve Sutton Place. 24t'Year CDBG Unit H-Paving of Sutton Lane Roadway includinf Construction of Water System Facilities • OWNER Tarrant County Contract for $429.465.30 Contract Date: May 25. 1999 To: North Texas Contracting.Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: . Tarrant County Owner By: 1 / County Judge or Presiding. ice Date: 9/7 , 1999 Nature of the changes: The following revisions to the above reference project are requested to be made by the Contractor. 1. Use HDPE"Surelok"drainage pipe in lieu of concrete pipe when not located within a paved street. These locations are as follows: Line"A": Sta.2+00 to Sta.2+94.08 back Sta.3+27.51 forward to Sta.4+94.5 Sta.5+95.05 to Sta.7+76.61 Line"B: Sta.0+40.02 to Sta 3+06.34 The Cost Breakdown is as follows: 60"Piping 261 L.F. $216.00 $200.00 $16.00 $4,176.00 48"Piping 182 L.F. $155.00 $142.00 $13.00 $2,366.00 36"Piping 169 L.F. $130.00 $118.00 $12.00 $2,028.00 30"Piping 97 L.F. $115.00 $106.00 $9.00 $873.00 Reduce Contract: ($9,443.00) Page 1 of 3 1OD-9 2. Revise channel on Sheets No 4 and 5 as per Sheets No.4R and 5R. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price Revise Box from 8'x 4'to 8'x 3' 32 L.F. ($8.00) ($256.00) Delete Gabions(Contract Item) 324 S.F. ($9.00) ($2,916.00) Added Sodd to Channel Bottom(Add'1) 429 S.Y. $3.00 $1,287.00 Channel Bottom(Approx.8 Ea.) 8 EA. $500.00 $4,000.00 Addition to Contract: $2,115.00 Change Order No. 1 will Reduce Contract: ($7,328.00) These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ 429.465.30 Net(Incrca3c)(Decrease)Resulting from this Change Order $ 7328:00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ 422.173.30 • Contract Time Prior to this Change 180 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Net(Increase)(Dcercesc)Resulting from this Change Order 20 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 200 Calendar Days (Days or Date) Page 2 of 3 10D-10 The above changes are recommended: •Cheatham and Associates Engineer By: 7€_4 '16/ "12c Date: v— ld — , 1999 The above changes are accepted: North Texas Contracting. Inc. Contractor ez_./.. By: ;I'? Date:. 7- f( - , 19991 The above changes are approved: ' ;f:o;Jilake. P blic Works Department B, Ile I Date: , 1999 The above changes are approved: Tarrant County Community Development Divison Contractor • By: Date: eel / , 1999! F:\WORD\FORMS\Change Ord.wpd ' I • . I • i 1 Page 3 of 3 10D-11 SOUTHWEST PLANNING AND DESIGN; 817 285 8532; MAR•14-00 10:53AM; PAGE 2/3 • CHANGE ORDER No! 2 Dated:March 14, 2000 OWNER'S Project No. 1397-UC 0001-60-21A B98-1C-48-0001- S ENGINEER's Project No. 001-455 Project 2 i'i Year C'DBG Unit 1-Dr inasre Facilities to Serve Sutton Place 24*Year CDBQ Unit U•Pavan• ,'talon Larne Roadwiry Including Cunstructinn of Water Sy.�t_e Facilities OWNER Tarrant County { Contract for $429.465_30 Contract Date: May 25 1999 To: North 7wxas Cuntracttnglnc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: arr Couniy Ownor . By: • Date: Nature of the changes: Unit 1- The following revislons to the above reference project arc requested to be made by the Contractor. 1) Modify sewer to accommodate conflict with storm drain pipe $ 1,325.001 2) Delete bores on water line (8,083.00) a. Mobilization cost for bore crew . 700.00 3) Revise channel slope west of Brewer Lane&re-stabilize channel slopes 10,080.00 * 4) Transfer service connections to remain to be served by Keller 5,670.00 5) Relocate sewer service Ueda 6) Fence Modifications .� Total Amount of Unit 1 $ 11,652.00 'Keller to pay$7,390.00 directly to contractor as their portion of the cost.for this item. Unit II- This change order is written to compensate the contractor for delays due to conflicts with gas service lines which were up in the subgrade of the street. The costs are as follows: 1) Re-mobilization $ 1,725.0D . 2 Install/remove base material to provide access to property owners during delay MAN Subtotal $6,125.00 Total Amount(AUTO 11 $6,125.00 Total Amount of Change Order No.2 $ 17,777,00 _.-- -..-- _..._ — - . NSPE-A,SG01910.8-B(19711 Pditioa) t Page I or 2 10D-12 VS0UTHWST PLANNING AND DESIGN; 817 285 8532; MAR-14-00 10:53AM,; i PAGE 3/3 These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order i 422.137,30 Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order i 17,777.00 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order / 439,914.20 1 _ Contract Time Prior to this Change 200 C' rq s►ular Days (Days of Date) Nat(increase)(Decrease)Resulting from this Change Order ! 30 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 230 Calendar Days (Days ur Date) The above changes are recommended: C,'he�atha»t and.fssocias Engineer By: 74.. /wgi e 0/e,s,,, ------- • Date: .3 — /V— O Q . - The above changes are accepted: North Texas Contracting,inc. Contractor By:�,- Date: The above changes are approved: City ofSouthlake. Public Works Department City By: . Dale: The above changes are approved: Tarrant County Community Devclament Division � ' Contactor By:By: _ Date: F:\WORt3l$uuthl.k64351C:6enge Order 2.wpd Page 2 of 2 10D-13 1 CIP PROJECT COSTS A B C D 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT BID/FINAL COST j DIFFERENCE 2 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER* $1,860,000 $1,832,000 $28,000 3 20"WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 $641,000 $638,408 $2,592 4 24"WATER LINE ALONG N.WHITE CHAPEL $850,000 $826,455 $23,545 5 BRUMLOW $112,700 $111,000 $1,700 6 BURNEY LN.-REHAB CUL-DE-SAC $57,000 $64,523 ($7,523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT $40,000 $65,006 ($25,000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING $65,000 $65,637 ($637) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $48,405 $51,595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS&SEWER $1,286,000 $990,161 $295,839 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER* $405,000 $205,474 $199,526 12 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION* $300,000 $167,473 $132,527 13 DOVE FORCE MAIN* $1,747,500 $2,113,218 ($365,718) 14 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING* $611,480 $778,533 ($167,053) 15 DOVE/SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION $339,200 $280,424 $58,776 16 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING $105,000 $152,209 ($47,200) 17 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING* $120,000 $42,000 $78,000 18 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSIONS* $200,000 $123,399 $76,601 19 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415 $12,586 20 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER $200,000 $276,123 ($76,123) 21 JELLICO SEWER* $500,000 $419,723 $80,277_ , 22 KIRKWOOD WATER LINE $326,000 $266,159 $59,841 23 LAKE DRIVE WATER,SEWER,PAVING* $364,500 $376,991 ($12,491) 24 LILAC LN.WATER,SEWER,STREET* $234,600 $286,782 ($52,182) 25 LOVE HENRY COURT SEWER&STREET* $359,000 $401,474 ($42,474) 26 MISSION HILL SEWER $430,000 $489,099 ($59,099) 27 N.WHITE CHAPEL-COUNTY LINE TO LAKE* $340,000 $470,976 ($130,970) 28 N.WHITE CHAPEL-DOVE TO COUNTY LINE* $181,850 $177,010 $4,840 29 N-3&N-4 LIFT STATIONS* - $1,000,000 $1,009,500 ($9,500) 30 N-5 SEWER&KIMBALL/SH 114 WATER/SEWER RELOCATIONS* $762,500 $743,255 $19,245 31 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO.2* $1,687,400 $1,545,247 $142,153 32 PINE SEWER* $200,000 $183,368 $16,632 33 PLANTATION SEWER $110,400 $84,675 $25,724 34 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 ($66,980) 35 PUMP STATION NO.2* $3,110,000 $3,176,806 ($66,800) 36 RAINTREE/SHADY LN WATER,SEWER,PAVING $1,925,995 $1,615,029 $310,966 37 RIDGECREST* $355,576 $400,504 ($44,928) 38 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION-SOLANA $25,000 $21,700 $3,300 39 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT* $100,000 $91,000 $9,000 40 SOUTHLAKE/KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. $300,000 $116,281 $183,720 41 SUTTON PLACE DRAINGE&PAVING IMPROVEMENTS* $270,000 $311,865 ($41,865) 42 TIIVIARRON-BENT CREEK REPAIR* $726,986 $699,315 $27,671 43 TROPHY CLUB 24"WATER LINE* - $1,511,000 $1,440,693 $70,307 44 W.CONTINENTAL RECON.-PHASE 1* $640,424 $731,161 ($90,737) 45 W.DOVE RECON.-PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 $298,397 ($38,717) 46 W.JONES BRANCH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS* $1,000,000 $930,522 $69,478 47 WATER&SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 ($65,754) 48 TOTAL $26,458,172 $25,885,483 49 TOTAL(OVER)/UNDER BUDGET $572,689 50 51 *Project not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price&engineering,surveying costs 52 53 54 10D-14 3/15/00 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance Ext 716 SUBJECT: Consider modifying the allocation ratios of the City set forth by the Public Utility Commission (P.U.C.) _ I Action Requested: Accept the P.U.C.'s allocation ratio of the City's base amount. Background Information: On December 7, 1999, the Council approved Resolution No. 99-81, authorizing the acceptance and filing of the base amount of revenues from the City's telecommunications providers and allocation of the base amount with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. On March 13, City, staff received notice from the P.U.C. of the Base Amount for access line f es reported to the P.U.C. and the rates for access lines within the City. The City may change the Base Amount or the allocation ratios set forth in the P.U.C. Form, but it must do so before April 1, 2000. Currently the access line fees for residential and business is $1.42 and $2.00,respectively, per month for each access line. The proposed P.U.C. established maximum fee per access line rates for residential, non-residential and point-to-point (private lines) is $1.17, $2.70 and $4.11, respectively. If council chooses to accept the P.U.C.'s allocation, council can!change it once every 24 months by notifying the P.U.C. no later than September 1 each year. Financial Considerations: None required Citizen Input/ Board Review: None required Legal Review: Letter attached from attorneys Alternatives: Accept or modify P.U.C.'s allocation ratios illy Campbell, City Manager March 17, 2000 Page 2 Supporting Documents: P.U.C. update form Letter from attorneys Staff's memorandum from December 7 Council meeting Resolution No. 99-81 Staff Recommendation: Accept the P.U.C.'s allocation ratio of the City's base amount. ,xY' t, To: Garnet Elkins Update Form r ,? ;, - - Public Utility Commission of Texas P.O. Box 13326 7 Please return this formjAS SOON AS e -.• Austin, Texas 78711-3326 ' POSSIBLE and NO LATER THAN �,r',r tq2 APRIL 1,2000. You can update the following:(a)Base amount, (b) Allocation(if you performed your own allocation), or(c)Your! rates,if you , • prefer lower than the PUC Sharon Elam j ; Established Maximum Rates. Director of Finance City of Southlake Updating(a)or(b)will result in 1725 E.Southlake Blvd. i revised PUC rates. The PUC will use Southlake the updated figures to establish TX 76092 updated maximum rates no later than April 15,2000. Your rates were calculated using these figures FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE BLANKS BELOW 1.Base Amount reported to the PUC. $230,902.00 1 If the P.U.C.used an incorrect base amount or if you 2.Adjustments made by the PUC to the reported an incorrect base amount,state your new base amount here. Base Amount due to escalation adjustments or to remove ineligible . You must attach appropriate supporting fees. The PUC used 14 months of $0.00 I documentation and calculations to change your base escalation to set rates(1/99-2/00). amount. 3. Final base amount used to establish rates $230,902.00. The new base amount is: 4.Did your municipality request the Yes If you performed your own allocation, but are not PUC to determine the allocation for satisfied with the rates,you can change your Jr municipality allocation.All allocations must be given as a ratio.If youlchose the P.U.C.'s allocation,you can change it 5.The allocations used to establish rates were once every 24 months by notifying the P.U.C.no later than Sept.1 each year. Ratiol lI Catl% 0 j ' Update Ratiol for Category 1 Ratio2 2.31 Cat2% 0 , Update Ratio2 for Category 2 Ratio3 j 3.51 Cat3% 0 Update Ratio 3 for Category 6.PUC Established Maximum Fee Per Access Line Rates Choosing lower than PUC Established Maximum Rates You can choose a lower rate than the PUC established maximum rates. You can increase your rates once a year for the next calendar year up to Category 1 Rate(Residential) $1.17 the maximum rate by notifying the P.U.0 no later than Sept.1 of each year of increase. Category 2 Rate(non-Residential) $2.70 Lower Rate for Category 1: Lower Rate for Category 2: Category 3 Rate(point-to-point) $4.11 Lower Rate for Category 3: 7.I authorize the reduction of my base amount by the amount of Lifeline Customer Compensation. YES __ _ _ (This authorization will exempt Lifeline customers from access line fees and will reduce your franchise compensation) [Form must be signed and returned by April 1,to be considered valid. Mail form back to the PUC to the attention of _ -irnet Elkins at the above address.] This form is attested by an officer or authorized representative of ttie municipality der whose direction the report is prepared or other official in responsible charge. Signature/Name: / Date: Ph# Page 397 1bE3 1 TAYLOR, OLSON, ADI INS, SRALLA& ELAM,L.L.P. Fr ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' — TEtxvN�(a17?332.zsao 500 T ROCKMORTON STREET fAX(817)332 2580 3400 BANK ONE TOWER �+ FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102.3821 DEBRA A.DRAVOViTCH March 16, 2000 - i (Via Facsimile&Regular Mail] Billy Campbell City Manager City of Southlake 1725 Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092. Re: Telecommunications Access Line Fees Dear Billy: i • Earlier this week you should have received a form from Ms. G. Elkins of the Texas Public Utility Commission(the"PUC''). This form lists the Base Amount for access line fees reported to the PUC and the rates for access lines within the City. This information is very important as it determines the amount and distribution of revenue the City will receive from telecommunications providers who have access lines in the City. This amount is currently paid to the City as a franchise fee. 1 The City may change the Base Amount or the allocation ratios set forth in the PUC Form, but it must do so before April 1, 2000. Therefore. the City should: 1. verify that the base amount is correct. This amount should be approximately the same as the base amount the City submitted to the PUC last December. It is based upon telephone franchise fees the City received during 1998. It should be slightly higher than the 1998 amount due to escalation; and 2. verify whether the City is satisfied with the access line rates enumerated in Box No. 6 of the Form. For example, if the City intended to impose an access line rate for non-residential phone users substantially higher than the access line rate for residential phone customers within the City,you should verify that the rates reflect this distribution. The City may also intend that the access line fees change as little as possible from the franchise fees the City's residential and non-residential customers currently pay. If this is the case,you should obtain a copy of a telephone bill for a residential customer within the city and one fora non-residential customer,and note the franchise amount billed on each statement. If the maximum access line fees in Block W:ISouCNekelt.Et7ERs1Campbei.D02.wpd tOE- c' r ., March 16, 2000 Page 2 — No.6 of the Form are different than the franchise fees reflected on the phone bills, you may want to revise them. Block No.7 of the Form allows the City to exempt Lifeline customers from the payment of the access-line-fees:-If you want to do this in Southlake;check the box marked YES on Block No. 7 of the form. Then, the City's base amount will be decreased by an amount equal to the number of Lifeline customers multiplied by the category 1 rate. The PUC Form describes several other problems you may find with the rates and possible solutions. I realize this is a complicated matter,but the PUC has established strict time deadlines. The city must notify the PUC by April 1«to change the Base Amount or the access line rations. You may want to schedule this item for consideration on the agenda for the next city council meeting. If you do not wish to adjust the Base Amount,the access line formula allocation,or to exempt Lifeline users form payment of the line fee,you need not take action. Should you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, 6tbta. AayovLi-tAD Debra Drayovitch DAD:tc WASautfVokeILETTERSICanvbell.DO2.wPd cc: -Shaven Elam City of Southlake 1725 E. 1709 Southlake, Texas 76092 RTTPRAteNimnheitt l02wOd TOTAL. P.O3 ID ES City of Southlake; Texas • MEMORANDUM TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance Ext. 716 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 99-81, Authorizing the acceptance and filing of the base amount of revenues from the City's telecommunications providers and allocation of the base amount with the Public Utility.Commission,of Texas. Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution. Background Information: In the past, fees paid to municipalities for the use of public right-of-way by telecommunications providers were determined by several methods such as: percentage of gross revenues; fee-per-foot; flat-fee; fee-per-line; etc. The 76th Texas legislature changed this approach by passing HB 1777, also known as Chapter 283 of the Local Government Code. HB 1777 established a uniform method for calculating telecommunications franchise compensation paid to municipalities. Pursuant to HB 1777, all telecommunications franchise between a certified telecommunications provider (CTP) and a municipality will be based on a fee-per-access line method. Regardless of the existing method in current franchise agreements, the fee-per-access line method guarantees a municipality its 1998 franchise compensation from all CTP's within the municipality. Beginning March 1, 2000 all telecommunication franchises in Texas will be based on 'a fee-per-access line method. HB1777 require the PUC to establish not more than three types of lines, also known a categories of access lines. At present, the PUC has proposed three categories of access lines. Each category (or type) of line will have a rate. This rate will be unique to each municipality. The rate for each category, multiplied by the total number of lines in that category in that municipality, will be equal to the municipality's Base Amount. The allocation formula is crucial to the determination of rates or fee-per- access line in our municipality. The PUC has proposed alternative allocation methods. 1.) The municipality will provide the ratios of the final rates they desire between the categories of access lines 2.) The municipality will provide the percent of dollars; to be allocated to each category. 3.) Use the PUC state average allocation per access line. • illy Campbell, City Manager December 3, 1999 • Page 2 Financial Considerations: None required Citizen Input/ Board Review: None required Legal Review: The city attorney's office has reviewed this resolution. Alternatives: Modification of resolution or disapproval. Supporting Documents: Attached resolution No. 99-81 and letter submitted to PUC Staff Recommendation: Approval of the attached resolution. Approved for Submittal to City Council: it y anager's Office IO6 'l • RESOLUTION NO.99-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE AND FILING OF THE BASE AMOUNT OF REVENUES FROM THE CITY'S TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROVIDERS AND ALLOCATION OF THE BASE AMOUNT WITH THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS;PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Section 1. Findings and Purpose. A. HB 1777, 76th Legislature, codified as Chapter 283 of the Texas Local Government Code, took effect on September 1, 1999. That statute governs the relationship between municipalities and certificated telecommunications providers. B. Chapter 283 establishes the method to calculate the municipal fee"base amount" of compensation to be paid to municipalities by certificated telecommunication providers. C. In determining a compensation level for the use of the public rights of way by certificated telecommunication providers that is fair and equitable,the Council has considered: (1) the historic level of compensation received; (2) the actual and projected percentage of growth in revenue from the compensation model in the existing telecommunication ordinance;and, (3) annual growth in number of lines. D. The Council finds that the base amount level established in Section 2 of this Resolution fairly compensates the City by certificated telecommunication providers for their use of the public rights-of-way, and will be applied in a competitively neutral and non-discriminatory manner. Section 2. Base Amount. In accordance with Chapter 283 of the Local Government Code, the City Council has calculated$230,902 as the base amount of compensation for certificated telecommunication providers' use of the public rights of way,which amount shall be filed with the Public Utility Commission("PUC"). Section 3. Allocation of Base Amount. Use the Public Utility Commission state average allocation per access line. Section 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE .DAY OF ,1999. Rick Stacy,Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L.LeGrand,City Secretary Doaunmt 0:870155 locos • Cityof ; Southlake uQ Administrative Offices November 24, 1999 Mr. Elango Rajagopal Mayor: Project No. 20935 Rick Stacy Office of Regulatory Affairs • Public Utility Commission of Texas Mayor Pro Tern: P. O. Box 13326 • Gary Fawks Austin, Texas-78711-3326 Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: Ronnie Kendall RE: Submission of the Base Amount for the City of Southlake, Texas and Councilmembers: Allocation of Base Amount for the City of Southlake, Texas Wayne Moffat Rex Potter Dear Mr. Rajagopal: Debra Edmondson Patsy DuPre Enclosed please find the Submission of the City of Southlake, Texas Base'Amount City Manager: Form and the Form for Allocation of Base Amount. The Southlake Cityj Council will Billy Campbell not meet until December 7, 1999. When the City Council conducted its November Assistant city Manager: meeting on November 2, 1999, this was before the latest round of PUC and TML Shana K.Yelverton sponsored workshops on H.B.. 1777 implementation, and the City was not yet apprised of all information,necessary-to make an informed decision with respect to amity Secretary: allocation. Sandra L.LeGrand The enclosed Form for Allocation of Base Amount' contains the allocation recommended by City staff. Please recognize that the City may amend its submission if the City Council does not adopt the staffs recommendation at the December meeting. If this occurs, we will submit an amended submission. Should you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at (817) 481-5581 Ext. 716. ,Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this regard. • • Sincerely, • • / yy Sharen Elam Director of Finance • Enclosures • 64-q 1725 Ea t Southlake Blvd.• Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 329-1747 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" , .Vl___ _____ CY :fS:uthIakeTe:s __ _- - �-_-- r . _ . .. . MEMORANDUM March 17, 2000 TO: City Manager Billy Campbell FROM: City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand SUBJECT: Process for making appointments to Boards and Commissions Action Requested: A discussion by the City Council regarding the process desired for making appointments to Boards and Commissions. Background Information: This item was placed on the City Council meeting agenda at the request of Councilmember Patsy DuPre. In September 1999, Councilmember DuPre asked the City Secretary's Office to conduct a survey to determine the procedures used by area cities in making appointments to their boards, commissions and committees. An eleven-question survey was sent to the following fifteen cities: Allen, Bedford, Blue Mound, Colleyville, Euless, Fairview, Flower Mound, Grapevine, Hurst, Keller, Lewisville, McKinney, Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club. In discussing the results of the survey at the October"19, 1999 City Council meeting, Council suggested several changes they would like to see to the application used by the City of Southlake. At that time the City Secretary reviewed the policy that had been used by the City of Southlake regarding advertising, Council interviews, notification of applicants appointed or not appointed and j other items listed in the survey. It was noted that the City of Southlake currently exceeds the other cities with this process. However, a decision was never made as to the process that Council would like the City of Southlake to follow in making their appointments. Listed are several possible options for Council to consider: > _Recruitment Reception, > Council Interviews {as were done in the-past years}, ➢ Councilmembers contact the applicants.on an individual basis, : > Applicants could be instructed to contact_the Councilmembers themselves,. . _ ➢ Or, Councilmembers just review the applications and ;make selections from the applications using the applicant's qualifications and experience for their basis in making the appointments. I I - � { City of Southiake, Texas =.__:_.. pir Billy Campbell, City Manager March 17, 2000 Page two The Office of the City Secretary will be advertising for openings to the boards and commissions during the month. of April,1 with appointments to be made during the Council meeting following the May 6 General Election. It would be most helpful if the applicants could be informed of the process that will be used in making the appointments at the time they apply. Financial Consideration: n/a Citizen Input/ Board Review: n/a Legal Review: n/a Supporting Documents: Revised application to be given to new applicants. Minutes from the City Council meeting of October 19, 1999. Staff Recommendation: Decision is the choice of the City Councilmembers. , 11A a =o Soutll ake - -= - APPLICA-TI. -- - -- - ON=F0 - - - EN - - R INTIVI� :T APPLICATION FORAPPOINTMENT-TO: _: (name of board, commission or-conimittee) Building Board of Appeals Parks&Recreation Board Southlake Parks_Development Corporation Crime Control Prevention District Planning&Zoning Commission Tax Increment-Reinvestment Z one No.One Joint Drug&Alcohol Awareness Committee SPIN Standing Committee Teen Court Advisory:Board . Joint Utilization Committee Southlake Youth Action Corn• Traffic Management Bond Steering Com. Library Board Yotith Park&'Recreation Board Zoning Boardof'Adjustnient *Use a separate:application for each appointment desired' Name: Voter Registration No. Address: : Home Phone: _. .. Years in City: : Employer: = Work Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: • Have you previously applied to a board, committee, or commission?If yes,which ones and when? Reasons for desiring to serve on-this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: • Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Number of previous meetings attended of the board for which you are makingapp. lication? - - ;. ..: Additional information Or comments: _ . Please return this completed form to:the City p ty Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard,-fax to(817) 329-5810, or email to slegrand@cityofsouthlake.com. Each application will be kept on-file for one(1)year. er that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information herein if you wish t o contmue'to be considered for appointment. Si a gn tore: ADate: M:\WP-FILES\CITYSECIFORINS\APOINTMN•FRM•doc`=<v ' Fry next year. Then you have this letter to hang in front of you saying, look, you told us in writing last year that you would not be back. It is not binding, but it is useful." - i Councilmember Rex Potter suggested that staff pull the minutes of the last meeting where this issue was discussed and show them to Wal-Mart in an effort to remind them that Council has talked about this before. Potter stated, "We know they bring in a lot of taxes and we need to be forgiving, but how long do we go on being forgiving?" Mayor Stacy stated he feels we need to be forgiving. at least six weeks out of the year. Agenda Item #11-B, Discussion: Real Estate Acquisition Policy Director of Public Works Ron Harper stated the City has never had a written real estate acquisition policy covering the procedures and policies to be followed by staff in obtaining easements, rights-of-way, fee simple property and other real property. Council and staff have always preferred a non-confrontational attitude by seeking to negotiate until the properties or easements could be obtained. While this is still the preferred alternative, it can be time consuming from a staff or agent basis and can cause delays in project completion. He presented a draft of a real estate acquisition policy prepared by a staff member with information taken from many local and distant communities. He asked the City Council to review the information and make suggestions to staff of items they wish to see incorporated into a policy for Southlake. Mr. Harper asked the Council to bring their comments to him in the next week or so land they will incorporate those comments into the policy prior to approval of the policy by the next City Council meeting. Agenda Item #11-C, Discussion: Process for Making Appointments to Boards and Commissions. City Secretary Sandra LeGrand stated this item is on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Patsy DuPre who asked that the City Secretary's Office conduct a survey of area cities' procedures for making appointments to their boards, committees j and commissions. An eleven-question survey was sent to the following fifteen cities: Allen, Bedford, Blue Mound, Colleyville, Euless, Fairview, Flower Mound, Grapevine, Hurst, Keller, Lewisville, McKinney, Roanoke and Trophy Club. Ten of the cities responded to the survey and the results along with any sample applications and/or letters the cities submitted with the survey were included in the Council packets. Comments from Councilmembers indicate they would like to see changes toj the application that is used by Southlake to include: voter registration number, list all boards and commissions on the application and have the application include how many meetings the applicant has attended to the board they wish to serve on, and include if the applicant has applied to boards and commissions in previous years. Regular City Council Meeting of October 19, 1999 Page 16 of 17 ( 11-14 { The City Secretary stated as far as advertising, Council interviews, notification of applicants appointed or not appointed, and other items listed in the survey, the City of Southlake currently exceeds the other cities with this process. It was suggested by Councilmember Patsy DuPre that she would like to see Southlake conduct a Recruitment Reception as a couple of other cities have done. DuPre suggested the letters written to the applicants informing them of the results of the appointments be signed by the Mayor as well as the City Secretary. The direction given to the City Secretary is that the application be modified to include the items listed above: The City is attempting to have all the boards and commission appointments be made at the same time of year. Mayor Stacy stated he feels it would be best if the time of year does not fall at election time. Agenda Item #12, Adjournment. The regular City Council meeting was adjourned by Mayor Rick Stacy at 9:50 p.m. • iV r. 'ck Stacy o� — ATTEST. 14r,'11 I l 1 ``\ Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City S.2cret2r. \11Nt TES'cc-min-f0-19-99.doc Regular City Council Meeting of October 19, 1999 Page 17 of 17 TEL.T WALL DtjD* M N -: w -W OS FLOOR PLAN •W -W 2' A.1 A T.OP.-W-3' I - , , T.OP.-W-3 3/4• IF t,ELEV - W-0' If, 04 OUTH ELEVATION SC-" _: ire . i.e BUILDING SAA�!/ ^ ioFA!• AAA rrA /�A AAiwf A NA�►f��. !A! , ° ARP A* �i*�A/���rI�A%ri ArPAIN iA A �'ri A4A/Ni� {i1AAARR�R• /NA/r.�Ali A�/tArrPwAPsNINi�IA1%��w�Piiip /�11 AAAr!/MAIM�tAA A �I}11 /Y A �.;sii�iiiwr .��r/'�N'�iiA'�iA' i�!AiitAr���%�RARAi •/trrARAIAAlAxI+R �.r'AA �N A rr /� Ali ARA/!l�A110fig, A AAA�A �c�1 Mep� %sir /NA.S i�ia�r+s AAAAAiAA/Atw/r!A A/+fAA1wY�rPA�eA A f�I�I�AIr:A��P/A►fA�%AAe7���rANi� A AARAAARAAAfiy�Aw i�i�»AAi.-;il ARRAAiw A+e�I�Ail � r�RArlAp; AAARs.Rr�f��NRAi 0 AAri�►�PAArt e�iAAAAlAA/AAAAIA _iA1Mt .Rw-1sr1/liw /� /A RSA MAi` i; AAARi� /�MAA00 ►A�/��f.!Ar.. AAA is r� ono = a cs � �-�c ac arx: �� Laic raAAArAAA_ _� • t- c�c ac � cat ac mAmw °".ni6l���� Nrlifa. `„ +ra�ros. 1w 9r�: S M Cat �� Wig'`- MEDEZ, LTD, VOL. 12051, PG. 465 D. R. T. C. T, A-695 TRACT 3D3 WW HALL SURVEY 1050 E,SOUTHLAKE BLVD, LUD—MED, DENSITY Z❑NING — SF-1 S 88° 34' 52" E 104. 45' r EXISTING 8' SCREENING WALL ' II I M 00 I � I I I 10' BUFFER YARD W MEDEZ, LTD, VOL, 12051, PG, 465 0 D, R. T, C. T. A-695 TRACT 3D3 ('U WW HALL SURVEY o 1050 E,SOUTHLAKE BLVD, LUD—MED, DENSITY z ZONING — SF-1 J. P. & G. H, STRUNCK VOL, 6365, PG. 206 D, R. T. C, T, A-695 TR, 3D1 W. W, HALL SURVEY 200 N, CARROLL AVE, LUD—MED, DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING — AG AG z RESIDENTIALLUD — MEDIUM DENSITY PROPOSED5' UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING 8' SCREENING r WALL WALL\ ! — — _ I� ,1 A W z 0 A z Q pq Q W P:i 0 N� W W v W W r Z r W --��=L— �-�o l 0 I o F -- S►,y-' INN �►' I11 n. 1!4 :. 10 /own�9 OWN I 11 gop 8,700 Af PARKING REI weyl�«. �Al - S 8 9° 3 0' 31 " 1 i 334' 1 121, 51' =01 ° 36' 05" ............... A_T- 0L R-11524 16' BOULEVARD - -EVA��-----L = 3 -2-2. 0 9'---------- (F.M. 1 "709) CB=N 89° 41' 27" W (130' R, 0. W.) LC=322, 08' WESTERA SOUTHLAKE, L, P, VOL, 12615, PG, 339 D. R. T, C. T. A-899 TR, 4115 ❑, KNIGHT SURVEY 400 S, CARROLL AVE, — MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Z❑NING — AG ANITA PRADE VOL. 12615, PG, 339 D R. T, C, T, „ O t , 0 , 3 O 0 1 SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE t PHASE I 11qzI�s CAB, A, SLIDE 4892 P. R. T. C. T. EXIT E'& It COOPER & STEBB I NS, L. P, ' EXISTI�G TR ZONE I o I I� I I I I 1 LOT 2 I I I J ! I BLOCK 9 I P° I IUd MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE j S❑UTHLA TiO N C R TROPO I E p � IOFFIC ; Ln N 9 000 SF I PARKING EQ' 2 1 PARKING O c;7- 33 I I I I 1 10' BUFFER Y IREIES I MEX�ISTING -�- L_� 10' UTILITY kSMT RT. IN/R . OUT ONLY 291' B N 88° 53' 24" W 97, 48' 3, 74' o N 88° 48' 1" : W 42, 63E W ¢ W v, � W � Q Q� Q EXISTING 8' SCREENING 10' BUFFER YARD - TYPE F1 W W ROPOS WALL „ A J W J - - - - - - - - - --- --- - 3 C(T- - ui - 0 0l I o 1 to I N 88° 54' 16" W 74, 70' ED 8' SCREENING It, 41101, - - RT. IN/RT. �"<A ONLY 1256 MAIN ST, SUITE 240 -03° 34 27 `— 3 LUD — MIXED USE R=950, 00' ZONED: NR—PUD#2 L=59, 26' CB=S 08° 26' 57" E LC=59, 25' TILITY EMENT ' W M - i '^ 0 O OVA - TYPE E .. � •' •?�?r,:y? 'f.+i `� \� A-899 TR, 4D2 ,:' }�{4'}., .}':r�r}}��.vv'.' F? +i ii+ .Yn.v xv:;dvlif.{4:•s.+kf.: f•• 4}: :: .•h %.:v::v:-Cr .: + F-1 �l.' � �V ❑. KNIGHT SURVEY 4 <;; LOADING ZONE I 9 i �QI MPST11i:R 400 S, CARROLL AVE, LUD — MED. DENSITY RES I D I A 1 I 8 PROPO El I LOT 2 1 1 ZONING — AG PROJECT EXISTING % OFFICE I I B L❑ C K I I MUNI IPAL & UTILITY TRASH/DUMPSTER 24 FIRE LANE `D R 1 DRIVE TI 0 RS i i J I FRAN HISE ASEMENT 1 1 1 ,L ❑ T 10, 300 SF 1I L f� T W CENTER 86, 3 SE PARKING RE 'D - 37 1 r� o 1, 9 8 C, PARKING SH - 37 i LO N W W 9 I I ROPO ED EXISTING OFFICES �' NK W z >- L I I 1 149 00 SF I I I _ o I �` i P RKING Q' 20 U j 4 i I P KING 0 = 20 -- M — — — — — SO' BLDG. LINE ---- �- — I I I I 40 BLDG. LIN - I I I 10' BU 117— FER Y RD - TYPE E ¢ Z ------------------------- �-�— �— --- �J--- -- — -- — — -J—---I--' 20' BUFFER YARD - TYPE M ------------- —p,9 _ _ P9 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I 10' UTILITY EASEMENT RT. IN/RJ OUT ONLY 291' ALTERNATE B CRESTWOOD rY aD o woo Sy F,S`j, z U m Sw fQ J Of a' CRESTWOOD OFFICE PARK SITESOUTHLAKE BLVD. GREENWAY e 0 W 3 VICINITY MAP ao a D 0 25 50 100 200 FEET SCALE: 1" = 50' --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------� ------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------ --]E-A-Sy- ,S-O'-UT-HLA-ICE-- —]B-0-SLRVkRD-------------------- (F.M. 1709) (130' R,0,W•) SOUTH CARROLL/1709 LTD, D. R, T. C. T, A-529 TR, 7A J. FREEMAN SURVEY NORTH CARROLL AVE, LUD — ❑FFICE COMMERCIAL SITE DATA CHART EXISTING ZONING SP-2 FOR 0-1 USES PROPOSED ZONING SP-2 FOR 0-1 USES LAND USE DESIGNATION MEDIUM DENSITY RES. & MIXED USE GROSS ACREAGE 4.267 ACRES NET ACREAGE 3. 962 ACRES NET OF R. 0. W. DEDICATION NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 PROPOSED BUILDING AREA ALTERNATE B = 17,700 SF ALTERNATE A = 14,700 SF NUMBER OF ST❑RIES 1 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35' FLOOR AREA BY USE ALTERNATE B - 17,700 SF ❑FFICE ALTERNATE A - 10,300 SF OFFICE & 4,400 SF BANK PARKING REQUIRED ALTERNATE B = 64 SPACES- ALTERNATE A = 54 SPACES PARKING PR❑VIDED ALTERNATE B = 66 SPACES- ALTERNATE A = 57 SPACES IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE MAXIMUM (65%) ALTERNATE B & A = 55,970 SF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE SHOWN ALTERNATE B = 54,080 SF (63%) ALTERNATE A = 55, 780 SF ( 64%) F116, 0 0 01 � a ❑WNER GREENWAY - CRESTWO❑D PARK PARTNE GREENWAY - SOUTHLAKE OFFICE PAR - CONTACT: T❑MMY PIGG 2301 CEDAR SPRINGS, SUITE 400 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 OFFICE: (214) 880-9009 FAX: (214) 880-0188 COOPER & STEBB I NS, L. P. C❑NTACT: FRANK BLISS 1256 MAIN ST, SUITE 240 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 ❑FFICE= 817, 329, 8400 FAX: 817. 251, 8717 ENGINEER; GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID SMITH 616 SIX FLAGS DRIVE, SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS, 76011 ❑FFICE: (817) 640-8535 FAX: (817) 633-5240 LOT 1R1 & LOT 1R2R W. W. HALLNO. 695 ADDITION 4.267 ACRES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS CITY CASE NO: ZA 99-099 ....... ........ ...... .............. .. x ........................... ... .. .n...... : n.. .n.x ...v ..:. .. ........ ....:.....v.. n.......... r; .Fi}f.... . vXi•. .... .0 .. x:... n ]. /. .. rY. .. .............n.. rw.\..vn .. .. x ........ :...... n.... .. n....... r ... n v:.. v. { v$:��.. . v .. \. :....r ........ ... ...........v:.nv: .. Fi. xr. :. m. v�fn. ... .. {•. ... v. .r. v.:^�.n..v...... Q .. ......... .tir .}+F{v.v... n....... ff .::. n :. ? .. i i. .. .... .... ..:. f.. fr. ...{•:... xn.....Y•....v.. x ....:v..... .. .. ......v........ N' {{..,, .. 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SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 3102 Oak Lawn Avenue Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75219 214 / 528-5599 FAX 214 / 521-8672 Project No: 95117 Drawn By: . GSM Issue Date: 02.22.2000 Revision Dates/By: REED FEB 2 3 2000 File Name: Sp-1 LOCATION MAP MENDEZ, LTD. VOL. 12051, PG. 465 D.R.T.C.T. FND. 1/2" I.R. 5' UTILITY EASEMENT CAB, A, SLIDE 4545 P.R.T.C.T. 30' COMMON ACCESS, UTILITY 6 DRAINAGE EASEMENT CAB. A, SLIDE 4545 P.R.T.C.T. PROP. COMMON ACCESS, UTILITY 6 DRAINAGE EASEMENT CURVE DATA EC-1 0 01.49'12" R=950.00' T=15.09' L=30.18' EC-2 A=14.18'20" R=216.38' T=27.15' L=54.03' J.P. S G.H. STRUNCK VOL. 6365, PG. 206 D.R.T.C.T. SET 1/2" I.R. EC-3 A 14.17'04" R=186.38' T=23.35' L=46.47' S 89°42'41" E 304.28' — N 00'33'50" W 30.00' LO M ABANDONED EXIST. NORTH CARROLL AVENUE 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 'I / I (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) LOT 9 RI VOL. 9����, �� ��9 10' UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. A, SLIDE 4545 0.5' 1D. [R. 7. C. l?. P.R.T.C.T. —+► W.W. HALL NO. 695 ADDITION CAB. A. SLIDE 4545 25' COMMON ACCESS P.R.T.C.T. S UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. A, SLIDE 4545 P.R.T.C.T. 4 BLDG.LINE 10' UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. A, SLIDE 4545 -P.R.T.C.T. FND. 1/2" I.R. W/ AW CAP NO. 418 0 00°26'03" WM . W. HALL SURVEY, ABST. NO. 695 — R=11524 . 16 ' O.W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABST. NO. 899 T=43.66' L=87.31' CB=N 89006'25" W LC=87.31' FND. 1/2" I.R. W/ AW CAP NO. 41B N 68053'24" W EASEMENT ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT WM. W. HALL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 695 LV 10' UTILITY EASEMENT CU (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) N LOT IR2R 66, 318 S.F. 0 1.982 AC. z 150' BLDG.LINE 10' UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. A, SLIDE 4545 P.R.T.C.T. FND. 1/2" JFND. I.R. W/ AW TX DOT CAP NO. 418 BRASS CAP POP 00 rn to Z Z �O mQ Z 7 � a •o G LLJ >°' En _J =ia or SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE 3 I = b L6 31U a PHASE I BLOCK 1 10' UTILITY N 7028439.407 CAB. A, SLIDE 4892 rEASEMENT E 2387701 .849 P . R . T . C . T . —j SET'1/2"-I- o 748' � 03 ° 34 27 (APPROVED SITE PLAN 5 ' " SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE) m �; R=950.Ulu L=59.26 ' COMMON _ EC pAOp oul I\ -I MENS N C B= S 0 8. 2 6' 5 7" E ACC�S pGE EASE o 50 LC=59.25' pPA1� w o 0 SET 1/2" I.R. I 0 00 0 in o Q m r- Z ) S 04027' 23" W ,� ru �' 110.53 _ r Iw Q I U') SET 1/2" ` o o I.R. DRAINAGE EASEMENT S 88036'02" WI. 3.74' N 88°48'31" W 42.63' a Z 65 10' MUNICIPAL 6 CC a m FRANCHISE UTILITY EASEMENT t3 i CAB. A. SLIDE 4892 U (n CAB. A, SLIDE 4892 P.R.T.C.T. s I-+ m 0 r- P.R.T.C.T. co N 30' DRAINAGE MUNICIPAL UTILITY EASEMENT �,. 25', o co CAB. A, SLIDE 4892, P.R.T.C.T. 10'X 10' R.O.W.' n'0 DEDICATION 8' PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT S 45.32'52" o CAB. A, SLIDE 4892 2 N 7028156.831 P.R.T.C.T. { 14.01' o E 2367701.967 — �I^ 10 0 '" --— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---- POINT OF a � N 64,70' 65' BEGINNING a SET 1/2" I.R. I '' o H 10' MUNICIPAL GEAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD U- Z FRANCHISE UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. A. SLIDE 4892 (F. M . 1 7 0 9 ) P.R.T.C.T. N 88054' 16" W (130' R.O.W.) �— 74.70' 1 RICHARD EADS SURVEY, ABST. NO. 481 I J.A. FREEMAN SURVEY, ABST. NO. 529 10-UTILITY EASEMENT (DED. BY THIS PLAT) 0 rr WESTERA SOUTHLAKE, L.P. ANITA PRADE rr W VOL.12615, PG.339 VOL.12615, PG.339 Q z D.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. U w OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OFTEXAS§ TIIENCE South 89142'41" East, along the north line of said W.W. Hall addition and the south COUNTY OF TARRANT§ line of a tract of land conveyed by deed to J.P. & G.H. Strunk, as recorded in Volume 6365, Page 0 WHEREAS Greenway — Southlake Office Partners, L.P. are owners of a tract of land, situated in 206, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, a distance of 304.28 feet to a % inch iron rod set for the Wm. W. Hall Survey, corner, said point being in the west right-of-way line of said North Carroll Avenue, said point Abstract No. G95 Tarrant County, 'texas according to the deed p g g y recorded in Volume 13766, Page 321, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and also known as also being the point of curvature of a non -tangent curve to the right, having a delta of 03134'27", STATE OF TEXAS Lot 1R2, W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition, as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4545, Plat Records, a radius of 950.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 08126'57" East, 59.25 feet; COUNTY OF DALLAS Tarrant County, Texas and Cooper and Stebbins, L.P. are the the owners of a tract of land, situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, Tarrant County, Texas Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being known as Lot IR, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, Phase I, as recorded in Cabinet , Slide , Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being all of 0.305 acres of abandoned North Carroll Avenue, as recorded in Volume Page Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. BEGINNING at a % inch iron rod set for corner at the intersection of the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue (a 100 foot R.O.W., a 115 foot at this point) and the north right-of-way line of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) (a 130 foot R.O.W.), said point being the southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block 9, Southlake Town Square, Phase I; THENCE North 88°54' 16" West, along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 74.70 feet to a PK nail found for corner; TIIENCE North 88°48'31" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 42.63 feet to a TxDOT brass cap found for corner; TIIENCE South 88136'02" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 3.74 feet to a % inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner; TIIENCE North 88153'24" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 97.48 feet to a %z inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner, said point being the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a delta of 00126'03", a radius of 11,524.16 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 89106'25" West, 87.31 feet; THENCE northwesterly, continuing along said north right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve to the left, a distance of 87.31 feet to a % inch iron rod with an AW cap found for corner; TIIENCE North 00117'22" East, leaving said north right-of-way line and along the west line of said Greenway tract and the easterly line of Lot 1R1, of the said W.W. Hall No.695 Addition, a distance of 278.64 feet to a % inch iron rod set for corner, said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 1R1; • THENCE southeasterly, along said west right-of-way line and along the are of said non -tangent curve to the right, a distance of 59.26 feet to a %s inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 04*27123" West, continuing along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 110.53 feet to a '/z inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South, continuing along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 113.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 86,318 square feet or 1.982 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Greenway — Southlake Office Partners, L.P., and Cooper and Stebbins, L.P. by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agents, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as Lot 1R2R, W.W. Hall No, 695 Addition, an addition to the. City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and I (we) do hereby dedicate to the public's use the rights -of -way, (alleys, parks) and easements shown thereon. This plat does not increase the number of lots or alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any, are on the property. WITNESS my (our) hand(s) at Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, this the day of , 1999. By: Greenway — Southlake office Partners, L.P. Rowlett — 66, Inc., Its General Partner By: Tommy Pigg, Vice President Cooper and Stebbins, L.P. By: Frank Bliss NOTE: ALL EASEMENTS ON SUBJECT PROPERTY, W.W. HALL NO. 695 ADDITION,- RECORDED BY PLAT IN CAB. A, SLIDE 4545, P.R.T.C.T. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, , Vice President of the General Partner of Greenway — Crestwood Office Park Partners L.P., and Greenway — Southlake Office Partners, L.P., limited partnerships known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed in the capacity therein stated, and as act and deed of said partnership. GIVE UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of 1999. Notary Public Commission expires BEFOP.13 ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, , Vice Presid,:ut of Cooper and Stebbins, L.P., a limited partnership known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed in the capacity therein stated, and as ::ct and deed of said partnership. GIVE UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the day of , 1999. Notary Public Commission expires STATE OF •rEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT 'I'IIIS is to certify that I, Charles F. Stark, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, having platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground, and that the plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my supervision. Charles F. Stark R.P.L.S. No: 5084 Date: Note: Selling a portion of any lot within this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of state law and city ordinance and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. APPROVED BY TI-IE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISION Date: Chairman: P&/_ Secretary: APP120VED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL Date: Mayor: City Secretary: THIS PLAT FILED CABINET_, SLIDE , DATE We, the undersigned, as duly authorized representatives of the respective utility companies, hereby express no objection to the abandonment of the easement so noted on this -plat, said easement being previously recorded in Volume , Page of the Records of County, Texas. TXU Electric/Gas Signed: Printed Name: Title: Date: GTE Central, Inc. Signed: Printed Name: Title: Date: Charter Communications Signed: Printed Name: Title: Date: NOTES: SHADED AREAS SHOWN DENOTE EASEMENTS ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. THE OWNERS OF ALL CORNER LOTS SHALL MAINTAIN SIGHT TRIANGLES IW ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY SUBDIVISION ORDINANACE. THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RESERVES THE RIGHT. TO REQUIRE MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS ON ANY LOT CONTAINED WITHIN THIS ADDITION. THE MINIMUM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE PLAT IS FILED AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ADDITIONAL LOTS, OTHER THAN THOSE. SHOWN, MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR CRITERI�;. Owners: Greenway — Crestwood Park Partners L.P. Greenway — Southlake Office Partners, L.P. Contact: Tommy Pigg 2301 Cedar Springs, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75201 Office: (214) 880-9009 Tax: (214) 880-0188 Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. Contact: Frank Bliss 1256 Main Street, Suite 240 Soutllake, Texas 76092 Office: (817) 329-8400 Fax: (817) 251-8717 Engineer Graham Associates, Inc. Contact: Jeff Williams, Y.E. 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, Texas 76UI I Office: (817) 640-8535 CITY CASE NO . ZA99-100 Fax (817) 633-5240 Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Signed: Printed Name: Title: Date: Southwestern Bell Telephone Signed: Printed Name: Title: Date: III— n 11 0 25 50 100 ■111 " `, SCALE: 1 "=50 ' RVER.RIALTO.PLAT. LOT 1, BLOCK 1 CARROLL OAKS ADDITION SEVEN -ELEVEN STORES VOL. 388-199, PG. 97 P.R. T.C.T. ZONED: C-2 L.U.D. RETAIL COMMERCIAL LAKEWOOD ACRES PHASE ONE VOL. 388-137. PG. 33 P.R.T.C.T. ZONED: 0-1 L. U. S. OFFICE COMMERCIAL N63 ' 11 ' 48 "E- 28.52' E. RAY MORRIS VOL 11262 PG 1560 O.R.T.C.T. N66 '05' 03"E 92.06' TXDOT R.O.W. .71 STATE OF TF""" ZONED: L.U.I RETAIL CON POINT OF \ BEGINNING \ \ w \ CCU � \\ 10' UTILITY Cn w \ EASEMENT oN �0 \\ ` cn 1 ` z 30 \ LAKEWOOD DRIVE 50' R.O:W. 3 � o tU LOT 1 " m Iz� ROW DEDICATION NORTH CARROLL AVENUE 41077 SF 0.943 AC ZONED: 0-1 L.U.D. OFFICE COMMERCIAL JOHN L. COLE VOL.12023, PG.1326 D.R.T.C.T. 100.00' LOCATION MAP LU z LLJ > Q 3 O J J= 0 0 3 a_j U M H Q _ ¢ Q 0 z rn (0 0 z m a w U)rr�^ J J Q 2 3 3 0 z U) m a i w D. D H 0= w v 0 inCU 7 °i rn m U3 S\ t \ 1 1 i I \ I 4 I \\ s9, LOT SUMMARY LOT 1 360877 SF 8.285 AC LOT 2 41115 SF 0.944 AC R.O.W. DEDICATION STATE STREET 16867 SF 0.387 AC R.O.W. DEDICATION NORTH CARROLL AVENUE 41077 SF 0.943 AC TOTAL 459936 SF 10.559 AC \ I lL GREENWAY—CA( ROLL ROAD PARTNERS 1\ L P WESTERRA, SOUTHLAKE L.P. VOL.12615, PG. 339 P.R.T.C.T. , VOL. t1445, PG. 1627 DP. T. C. T. 9` ``, \� 30?851, i0"W �>'0O LOT 1 1 °o. 360877 SF U 0 8.285 AC R=80.00' t� n 1100 `\ T=30 .64.42" � 1 60 00' ' �\ '40 C► S21 *03' 49"W ROW `\ cFSO'yl Lc=57.22' 10.00 1— 50.0 \ v� `s 90 \ A=58.52 ' �� I W \ \ �O 0 99i4<<FO R.O.W. DEDICATION �, I , `�' cc, I i \F--- STATE STREET o l' (n LOT216,867 S.F/0.387 AC I 41115 1W 0.944 \� \ So •06'28-W I 1, 191.75' f z I 11— I m ;° 35' UTILITY \ re \� 608.45' 1 } o I �� I o-j EASEMENT `\ S89.53'32'E , cn 60.00m '257.41' \ 996.96' 1 I ZONED: NR-PUD 5 L.U.D. MIXED USE N22 •22 ' 25 " W 51.64' FND. 5/8- ` 1 I.R. l \` FND. 5/8' FUTURE 6 ' MEANDERING I I \ I.R. CONCRETE TRAIL APPROXIMATE C.L. RICHARD EADS N0. 481 FUTURE SH114 BOX CULVERT —�.I J� � �1 ADDITION / J FUTURE PHASE LOT 1 J /,' J/ SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE CAB. A. SLIDE 585 JJ � J COOPER AND STEBBINS, L.P. P.R. T.C.T. J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE iJ ,�� J ZONED: NRPUD#2 / JJ L. U. D. ZONED: CS MIXED USE L.U.D. MIXED USE I : I l I I ----_—.-----i L--------------- � 1 - .- - - - - .- - .- - - - - - ..- ..... - •-` l i I i I i i QUANTITATIVE LAND USE SCHEDULE FND. 5/8" I.R. S.H. ii4 R.O.W. PHASE EXISTING LAND USE PROPOSED LAND USE EXISTING PROPOSED NO. OF GROSS DENSITY - DU OPEN SPACE ZONING ZONING UNITS ACREAGE /GROSS ACRE AREA (X) 1 NONE RC C3 C3 N/A 10.559 N/A N/A NOTES: 2. A REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE MUST BE APPROVED WHICH SHOWS THE CONTINUATION OF STATE STREET TO THE SOUTH. S. A TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC MUST BE PROVIDED UNTIL THE CONTINUATION OF STATE STREET IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. THIS TEMPORARY EASEMENT HAS BEEN OMITTED FOR CLARITY OF OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION ON THIS DOCUMENT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being a 10.559 acre tract of land situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, Tarrant County, Texas, as conveyed by deed to Greenway-Carroll Road Partners, L.P., a Texas limited partnership, recorded in Volume 11445, Page 1627, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Said 10.559 acres tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the northeasterly end of a corner clip forming the intersection of the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue (a variable width R.O.W.) and the southwesterly right-of-way line of State Highway 114 (a variable width R.O.W.); THENCE South 47'58'50" East, along the southwest right-of-way line of said State Highway 114, a distance of 1,117.89 feet to a point; THENCE South 22 '22'25" East„ a distance of 51.64 feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said Greenway Tract; THENCE North 89'53'32" West, leaving said southwest right-of-way line and along the south line of said Greenway tract, a distance of 996.96 feet to a point for corner, said point being the southwest corner of said Greenway tract; THENCE North 00 011'06" West, along the west line of said Greenway tract, a distance of 818.20 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 63'11'48" East, a distance of 28.52 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 003 '22 " East, a distance of 215.59 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89'49'48" East, a distance of 39.20 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00 *10'12" East, a distance of 141.50 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 66 '05'03" East, a distance of 92.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 459,936 square feet or 10.559 acres of land, more or less. OWNER: OREENWAY-CAARO ROAD PARTNERS, L.P. CONTACT: TOMMY PIGG 2301 CEDAR SPRWQS ROAD, SUITE 400 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 OFFICE: (214) 880"800A FAX: (214) 880.0188 ENGINEER: GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, INC. CONTACT: DAVID M. SMITH, P.E. 616 SIX FLAGS DRIVE, SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 OFFICE: (817) 64DON FAX' (817) 633.5240 RECD F E B 2 3 Z 0 50 100 200 SCALE:1"=100' MN114 CASE NO.: ZA W101 n:\u;�eenway\SUutHLAKE\PRELI14PLAT2-17-00pro.pro Uti TOOT ROW PARCEL 1 7 21 'i'7 v 2 24 8 49 4C L 2 v ' 48 �4 7 4 t� 7- 135 50 4 3 42 54 36 57 39 56 40 ta do IL 2 70 68 69 EG 74 75 a5, 82 Lj_j I 79 80 8, 99 Vj 7 78 as 77 76 94 91 03 IQ4 117 123 120 106 114 124 125 141 7 110 131 139 133 137 140 135 t', 138 14C !36141 M 146 15 2 10 4 -.a 10 175 !__1 176 177 157 Q. y ' �­.y 1&8 7 164 1;4 160 1&3 tz:l IC5 173 170 171 C3 172 201 L 31 532 198(n, .02 20 tz C i6c; 189 203 195 �.r 18C 187 1,2 204 194 193 2 0C 3b 237 3C �j 255 1 257 C 210 214 633 2 2cri 1 212 k�' IC2,�� , 0 232 '7 20 270 Q eb 217 '171 221 2 2C9 _y Q) 552 5 r..f524 522 515 '14 513 Sod 501 494 453 T? �_4 \49b V4 41 i-Ab 497 ,4C9 CC .00 492 49C 489 iLb C 44 4 b5 484 - 4 478 3 442 40 0. 454 444 01 441 440 447 433 a 449 39 4 420( 416 432 4',0 4 3 5 417 3 4 - 29 436 17 4'21 416 413 4 �6 427 x 4 414 (D 2 411 412 425 424 422 426 410 1 79 39 1 407 406 3) 2 N^i 398 35Q397 _r-A) 3' 93 402 4 396 404 '-\387 368 3a& 401 Z�5 1�� . -11, " I 3C4 394 ) 3:11 385 364 3 i4 N'-7 2 9 327 361 357 tzl �J 34C 357 ."^ ).18 341 t 333 3i9 1W 314 332 7 32 U 315 3 1,P1�_) " 311 W 3."�,\ 326 3 7 C W cc 324 322 321 320 307 W 05QO Gr#onvifi# Avent4o Cron'za-Jez &,Scljneeberg� suits 685, Dallas, Texec 76206 en g1neers surveyors (214) '891-1,480. Fa.x...(214) 891-1437 SCALE DATE', PROD. NO.. ;DWO.' NO. NO. DATE-1- REVISION 40 OCTODER, 1996 4011-98 -10,-06 S4019.0wo . , . I 40 0 40 80 Scole in Feet y WILD WOOO 'ST SOUTHU, CqT Frtvic SIT E ovn so 1 0 v L OASJS Q1. 016NOY VICINITY MAP NIS 1. 2 W 0,;A .9). 12' al"'k JJJk OJA 62. W &jci jjc;. CW Jet. . 08 po,%V) I62. OC OvY 241 1�' Cw ---- 321. Ob* Ck,A 401. 10' Oak 4,61. 18' T- i) Ovk 1 24' Oak 8.1 IQ* 01"'A A01A Oak163, 14' OVA- 24? 12' O,:k 24J. X ' OcA 322. 06' Ogj, J23. 10' Oak 40Z OG: Ovk402. 12' To 4 Ook 4. 10' Oct 5. J6' OQA 84. 10' &gcA .42cA Ck.?A 66. lu, OUA 1174. 00' OoA 244, 10' CA6A 324. Od' 810cA •)OcA OoA 40J. pa 404, 08, OaA 48A 12. Ook ia.- 5, Twin oQk 6. 24' Ook 56. W &QcA AjCA O')A 165. to* Ovk245 166. 10' 6VOCA .1Q0, 067A W O%ik 246. W NA 326. 10' OQA J26, JO' ", 4195. 10' 486.' 10' Ovk . 7. Id, OVA 20' 00A &Z Od' &Wk Jgcj, OvA 66. 10' BJJCA jock OQA lez to* Oak24Z 06' OvA J2z Od, OW407. 406. Od' 00A 12* Bloc* tack OJA 466 10' Ook* 07: 13' reja WA 4. W OoA 89. 12* BIQ C A .10CA LAJA Ica. W OVA 169. os, rwit, ojA 24S. 06* Oak 249 12' " 32a )0' Unknown fro,# 404 20' forki UnAnobn Tfor 4a 12* Ook to. WOvk 11. 24' O,)A 90. 10' &00A jo:k OvA 110. 06, O0A 250. 08' To, ki Ciak J29 10" Ovk JJO. 08' WA, 409. 15' 810CA jock CW 410. 12' Twin 0,* 489. 08" 04A 490. Od* Ook 12. ld' 004 91 W Ovk 92. 10' " 171. /0- 0'a 112, W O%A 251. 06' Ovk 25: 10' Oak lill 10' 06U 411. 08, Oa*491. 12' ff(ple Oat 1 .1. 24' C12A 9J. 12' OW 17J. 12* OVA 25J. 06' Clik JJZ W ClA- JJJ. 12* Ovk 412. Od' Taro Wock k vA Ouk 492. IV Toh) C1vA 14, 30' OJA 15. 21' Ovk .94, 12' J,7ck CI,jk 174. 14* 0.4 254 CC Qvk JJ4. 12* 0(.* 41J. Od, rain bloc* JQCA 00A 414. 12" brio 81M Ovk 4 Pi. 13' OQA 494. 15' 0a 15. 18, cw 95. 12' Ook 916. 1." 1& ki Ool( 175. 12' Oai. 176. 12' 0,A 255. OC OQA 256. 16' Oak JJS. .94 [win Ovk ,Jock 415. 14, TINin " 495. 14' Ovk 17. 21' 04- 97. 06' C%.k 17Z 14, " 252. 12' O�Qk 3m. 08 Oa JJ Z W Ovk 416, 08' 81ocA JgCA Wk 426. 12' Block .4M Ovk 18. 12' " 19 15* NA, 96. 10' 00A 178. 06' 06k 256 W Oak jid. 06, OoA 417, 10' Oak 418. 10' Ovk 497. 12Tek) bViclk WcA Do* i Pd. 12* Ook 20. 24' QlA 99. 10' 01JA 100 W OVA 09. 24' Oak 160. jo, ck;A 239, 10* Uanl.n froo 260. Od' 06JA JJ9. W 01;1A 419. 15* Unknown Tjoj .99. 12* OoA 21. 24* CvM 101. W 0JA 181, Id, Ook 26). jd* Ouk J40. JO' 06.)k J41. 12' NA 42a to, rok, ooA -,0, 10' W- CA JOCA 0* 22. .14' OVA 10.2. 12' r..i LW 162. to* "1 262. 10, Oak 30. 06' Oak 421. 10' Unknown TrO4 .jl. W Block �W* OVA 23, 16, 0.11A 24. 20' 0.1A I OJ. 15' Wk.1 104. 16' Q,;A di. W O-A NJ. Od, OJA J4J. vd, OIA 422. Od' Blo6,A Jock 0"- 42.1 Ij, rah Roc* JWi 0... 15' OVA ,W. '12' Oat 25. 16' 1. N) O.; 105. 15' Unkn,.n Trvv 164- Iy* 06hk 165. 10' 01JA 264. 10' Oak 265. JO' OVA J4 4. 10' C1A. 424. 10' " 304, 10, " 26, W Ck.A 1 C16- lb, 01;A I W. 12' Cck J45. 06, 010ck Jack Ovk 12' Ook 4.15. Od' Ook 426. OV OQk 505. to'. fin) zz 15' CkJA 23. 21' a-, 107. 12' Qjk 108 )0* 01 Id7, 06;A 267 ;0, OQ� J4712 Ofi, 42.7. 10* OQA- 5a, L4. Oak, 50% Od, Oak 29, 20, O.-'A 109 1.5 " jj,k 0.4, 1d8. Oa, cl-Ak 169. "* OJA 26d 10, CkA. 269 J48 10' a/aCA JQCk OoA 428. 08' O%A- 5016. Od, 00* 10. 27, 011dA Id, Ovk W. 06, OQ;� 270. 13' C) J50. 12" 0" 429. 08* Ook _1109. 12' Oak it. 27' OVA 16, O�;A 19). Od' CAVI, M. 10' 0QA )51. 12' 001 4 ". 06' Ook 431. 12' OjA 510. 12' §11. 15' O0k 26' 0" 10. 10, Irl"'jo CLA 197. 12' C6.,,4 19J. Od' ()w ? ?.1 W C"*A W, 061� 4 J�� CIO' 01* 5) 2. 1 5' 01.41, 20' OJA 114 Id' L7N.-i Ji,,,k 0.;A 194. W, CkA 27J. 16, Oak ?14, W, NA J53, 15* &gck Ao,-k OJA 43J. Is" Black .)c CA QcA Sjj. 10' 00k JC. IQ' U1,k".)-) ff'r 115 W 1..'r) 67(JCA 193. Od' 1.kl Na 275. W, N4 J54. 21' pecon 335. 10' 610C-A -AXA 00k 4J4. 1?' WWI A;lC'A 0.,k 05, 00* Bicc,* UCA 514. IQ* rain C17,k 515. 1p, HI,X* OCA J 17. J0 ' L),WA lie. W "A Ill. 16' C1_A 196. cv, I.;/, a 194 N;' O'kk 216. W OuA 271. 12* J516. 10' Ovk 436. CW OVA Va_A $16. W, 01i, M. 12' WAI'C'.11 [(do /0 12' ojo,k Jock C�.;. 19a. N; CAJI, L).;A 27d W QQA J57. 12' WA 158. 4J7. Od" Olzi 517. 10' Ulock 4):A OQA 39. 20' OJA W. 12' Cl_.k 199. W " 279. 10* 1.ri L).,A 15' fitil 359. J0, Elm 433. W, O%A 4)9. 00' OIA 'Fid, 14, 40. 24' 1. 41 20- 0�; 720. 1?' I..' i Lkv.-i, )d.-A VL.� M. .1w. W, 0�.A ?do. I (), JV 0. '10' &Uck �J�k O6,.A 440. 06, C". 519, 14, 04. �20. 14* Ock 42. 1 d, I.;f, 0� 12' kj,-,k CvA )22, IY' 0Jk IV 1. C+d' 01�4� 01A� 'lot. 10' 0.1A 116.11, 14' 441. 12' VIwA A6�ci, (I -.A .5.) 1. 14' O%A1 4J. to* 1,,�l Ovi 11j. 06' 011k 201 16, CL.IdA L�A )dJ Qd O'll, J62. IQ* 36J. to, 061k 442. 12' Drn 52Z 12' 01A 44. 21' C%;k 45. 27* 0" 124. W Dlo.,A .ink W CkA 2d4 1.1 Llt4n;,. J64. 12" Ck?A 44J. 12' OQA 444. CV* &ock Jack 52J. I." NA 504. 12' O,,2A 46. W " k 125. 1:" 0_A ).>U. t 2, N.k TOE. 10, 0 JA 2OC. 10' Q;A 265. 24' 0slp-Orcn.Q4 'q. 0,9: 365. vd* 014 366. 445• Jo- c%lk 525. 16' T.;fi WA 47. 24' OvA 44f. W 0,;A .1QZ 10' 1.1,47 CIA .92' Muck JC z Od" OVA 446. 1." Ovk 447. 10' Ovk to^ T11/7 CNIA 6;7. NA 49. 20' O�;A 09. 12' ffj�Vc 0.). 24$d- I.` clji]Q 2d9. C, CW ry JCd. 12' OoA J69. 449. JO' 81coA Aj CA 0.,4 57e, Iv- Kj, 50. 15, OVA 210. 10* Ain 211, 06" 111;P10 eq;;..A /_nA 0JA Od, 01;;% J 70. 10' COA 449. 10' Elm . I 450. W Tah Oik K1. ID- Oak 52. W Kno )2' 06A 4waj 1 21Z 12' OVA L7,1Clk A)CA OJk 29Z W 37). cv, 011k 4�1. 10' OoA 5JI. Od' To In QQA. 6J. 24' OJA M. 10' 01A 213. OVA Vjgoi jj�.A 0%A 372. Od' OQk, 452. 12' Tmb Oak cle 01A 54. Z4' Oul, 134. )01 0.lk .114. [fro 29J. I olq(-A )VcA 0,;A 294. W block l"A 0" J73. )0' 06* J24. 10' CI%A- 4 5J. 10' OVA 5jj• N " CS. A 6S. 15' Unkno.n Ir,o 56. 15' OdocA 4,cA "-A IJ5, W 01jok I id. 16.- 215. 10' OvIk 6, 295. 1.,' 5.,jc*A Jj;j 06.A J73 Od, Oak 454. 04' Tff;1 09A 455, Id, 00CA JQ CA Oak 5J i. C)o 16, &,ni Ja.k OJA IJ7. W 12' (NvA 217. 10' 0114k Ue. J5, cuacA Q�* " 291- Re. 16* 0" 456. 06' 0" 16' &,ICA Ji :Jk 0vA Im. W, ,Ajck AA 21 a. Od' 01;44 12- r1ill 0-1JU.7A O,+A 298 W &Qck 064k J77. 18- O,u, J 76. W To ClA 45Z 12' 0A 59, 08' & 9 :A )WCA O1.A 60. 09, W BIQA JJck Clk 21.9. .10' HQ,:AtArfy .4jc* ?99. 15* QQA ,i J79. 12, OVA 456. 15' b(IgcA 0J4- 459. 10' Wk 10' fROCA /,JCA O,.-d Block AWCA OjA 140. 14* Dlg;,k kKA OvA 141. ou, Ook .120. to* OCIA Z111. 10' 3U0. 12' aucA Jvc4 Ct.;A W. W "-41. 460. 12' Ulm: -A jccA 01,;A 62. 15' 81 o cA JWk ow- 142. 10' Olk C1A, 2.?2. 10' fain 0124 W "14 X2. 10* [ail 364 O'Avc jai. W Ovk J62, 12' Ovk 461. 10* Ook '. 6J. 12* Bock Apck O� 64. 10' rain C><ak I ii. Od' " 114. Od, CLA 2.11 to* 7a in O%7A 30J. 10' Ho,;ADvry. jai. 10' OJA 462 12* &uck ,kick Oak 46J. 10' Black jocA 0", 65, - 12' Block JQCA OJA 10. 06' OoA 224. 12* OaA 2. ". 10, OJA 304. to: J`ixAtovry 384. 12' Block IocA 464, -06- Block aA 66, 10' &QCA JOCA 0,;X 146. 16' Black JvcA (,.,A to' oak 306. 5 OUA J06. W 09A 386. 121 O.A Me, 08, Oak 465. 12* Ckn 6z 10' To;, " 60- 12' 810CA 4a' 04A 147. 16' Block klcA 0,ok I id. W &OCA A.)CA Ovk 03' "A 10, " )0Z W C1QA Jd 7. 10' 0%-A- 466. 12' Qo* 4467. 10' Oklk 69. W OVA 149. 10' Black k;;A 044 Od' Oulk Jv a. 12' OCA Jog. 06* CIQA j6d. Od, Jag. 12' OL17k 7a 12' " 71. 16' VIOCA j'j;'A Ock 150. Od, OVA 151. W &oci JJck 0,;A ).,- OA, 2Jl. 15, 01A JjO. 13' f.4) Clpk J90. 10' OVA. 469. 12' ro,]rj Elm 4.7a oa, wk 72, 12* fltn 71 12' OaA W. 14' OJA 15J. 12- " 2.32, 12' Q.;lA JII. 16* OJA J 12. W 0" J91.. 12' OuA 392. IJ* O�.A_ 4.71. 12, Ook 472. 06' Ook 74. 1?' C6.hk 154. 1,?* 0 2JJ1 W a;JAI 2J4. IV Q%A it J. 15, OJk .114, 06, QgA; J.9j. 12, J94. 10' OjA 4 7J. 08' OQA, 75, I." fail 0/6CA �dcA 0" 76. 12' U00. Jack 0.;k 155. 10' O%Dlk I fle, Is, 00k 235. 08, 001, j 16. 13' alu�'A ��k cl.�A J95. W CIA 474, 12' OvA 475. 12' 04)k 74 12' Ovk 157. Ojk 236. 10* " 2.17. W " JIC. 10* too Ovk Jlz 0.5, &QCAI JNIA OQA i9e. 18* 00k J9Z 06 1 Oak. 426. 12' CaA 2d. 15' 79. 12' O,,dj 1 5d. OJA 159. 14' 23d. 14' OcA I JIB. W Black Lolnk 0Qk J98. 22' Ock 4 7;1. 12, Ovk 478. 10' rm;n Un4nown &44 50 2' Ovk 160. 10' 0;hk 2J9. Oc OVA 240. 10' 0.4�. J19. 08* OJA J. 10' 014, J99. 14' 0,A, 400. to* 00A. 429. 12' 04A T 490. 15* Ook FUTURE 60 STATE 1ZT0C'V'r' 0 A �72 115 �0 220 I kk-:9 : 2.1 G 2 a I U) l000 ?23 t� I . 2U 267 225 273 TO277 OT OT 279 302 R 0 W � 262 284 PARCEL 2 275 163 '�, 29) JJJ 2 2 269 299 300 ------------ TREE SURVEY CARR OLL.,.,.'AAVENUE AT REM FEB. e � coo STATE HIGHWAY 114 IN THE CITY OF SOLITHLAK El . TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS u f f v 0 0 0 0 tU 0 rn w 0 Ile a cu C7 i v tU Cu i N u 0 L a s: d J u EXISTING ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION: GROSS & NET ACREAGE: BUILDING AREA: PERCENTAGE OF BUILDING/SITE COVERAGE: AREA OF INTERIOR LANDSCAPE: AREA OF LANDSCAPE AREA AS X: OUTSIDE STORAGE AS A PERCENTAGE: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: PARKING REQUIRED (1:3 SEATS — 164 SEATS PROVIDED) PARKING PROVIDED: INTERIOR LANDSCAPE: REQUIRED: BUILDING: 4,999 SO. FT. O 5OX AND A 1OX CREDIT PROVIDED: BUFFERYARDS, LANDSCAPE PROVIDED 25' TYPE "J" AT HWY 114 FRONT SIDE 12' TYPE "A" AT LOT 7 10 TYPE "A" AT INDUSTRIAL 5' TYPE "A" AT REAR YARD (LOT 10) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA (INTERIOR/BUFFERYARDS) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA AS X OF ENTIRE SITE: ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: START: FEB 2000 END: JULY 2000 X CUT Ni \CON(•RETE LOT 10. BLOCK A `Jt� 4.11192 ACRES \ ZONED C-3 U1D-RETAIL COMMERCIAL GRAPEVINE LOT 8. BLOCK 1 GRAPEVINE IND. PARK VOL 388-111, PG 2 PRTCT / p" 12" IRON ROD SET I RESTAURANT C-3 LUD RETAIL COMMERCIAL 1.666 ACRES (72.585 SQ. FT.) 4,999 SQ. FT. 6.89X 17.825 SQ. FT. 25X X ONE (1) STORY — 30' FEET 55 SPACES 3 HANDICAP SPACES 52 PARKING SPACES SPACES55 AL 2.500 SO. FT. 17.825 SQ. FT. 14.961 SQ. FT. 32.786 SO. FT. 45X SITE DATA AREA OF OPEN SPACE PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE REQUIRED LOADING SPACES PROPDDED LOADING SPACES LOT 7. BLOCK A 1.100 ACRES ZONED C-3 UII-RETAL COMMERCIAL • 4-- O 32.786 SO. FT. ` , /z' IRON 45X ROD SET 0 0 R3O' S33 '24"E 31.59' THD MONUMENT FOUND / 'Ile or 7 / :.•ti / / 1000". ♦ 5 •' S 40 �+ 34.63' i) / NOTES: 1. DUMPSTER SHALL HAVE 10' MASONRY SCREEN ON 4 SIDES TO MATCH BUILDING FIISH. 2. BUILDING AND PARKING LAYOUT IS P LAR TO LOT 7 PROPERTY LIE. 3. PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING • 36% OF PARKING BETWEEN R.O.W. AND FRONT BUILDING FACADE • 20 SQUARE FOOT LANDSCAPING PER PARKING SPACE REQUIRED PER ROW OF PARKING. • REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. 4, THIS SITE PLAN IS INTENDED TO SERVE AS THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN. ALL SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORDINANCE NO. 683 a MARK CITY OF SOUIHLAKE GEODETIC MONUMENT #39 NW CORNER SH 114 A FM 1709. ELEVATION 666.20 6. TREE SURVEY NOT REQUIRED PER KEJTH MARTIN 12/'17/99. 7. LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY ORDINANCES. S89'29108"W 119.90' R, Fa,"tONND CITY OF GRAP1 END EX CONC. PVMT ..•��. ,/`�:> �' titer • ALL PARKING,, -`0 00 'i s x 16' ,1 ALL P NG dk 9J 0. - s� IHOP a •'. 4999 S.F. 9 • ~ ''' LOT 6R, BLOCK A 1.666 ACRES ' (729585 SQ.FT.) ZONED C-3 • ROOF W 8W.DWG. SE784Ci41JNfi �° :`;' `:i.i•. ,':: ;:_, it CONCRETE DRIVE 1 E S89'40136"W TY LUT LINE 322.68' SUMMARY CHART — INTERIOR LANDSCAPE READ. OR LANDSCAPE X OF AREA IN CANOPY ACCENT GROUND SEASONAL PROVIDED AREA SQ. FT. FRONT OR SIDE TREES TREES SHRUBS COVER SQ. FT. COLOR REQUIRED 2500 75X 5 10 63 375 50 PROVIDED 22,249 100X 5 10 63 375 50 NOTE ANY CREDITS USED IN CALCULATIONS: OTHER COMMENTS: 1. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE CORRIDOR OVERLAY ZONE STANDARDS OF ORD. 48M Z A MINIMUM OF SOX OF ALL CANOPY TREES PLANTED ON THE SITE SHALL BE r N CALIPER AND 50% SH N BE r CALKER. THIS SHALL INCLUDE BUFFERYAROS AS VOL AS INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREAS. 3. BUFFERYARDS AND INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL COMPLY WITH 1W WIMANCE MATH REGARDS TO NUMBER. TYPE. AND SIZE OF REQLIRED PLANT MATERIAL N INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD (60' PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WA`) SUMMARY CHART —. BUFFERYARDS BUFFER YARD CANOPY ACCENT FENCE SCREENING LOCATION GTH WIDTH —TYPE TREES TREES SHRUBS HEIGHT do MATERIAL NORTH SIDE QUIR 1319 a 5 —A 3 6 26 OVIDED 319 12 —A b 3 5 20 SOUTH SIDE QUIRED 408 a 5 —A 4 8 33 OVIDED 406 10 —A b 3 7 26 EAST SIDE QUIRED 300 a 25 —J 12 9 42 SEE NOTE 111 2 OVIDED 300 25 —J 12 9 42 SEE NOTE 1 2 WEST SIDE QUIRED 85 5 —A 1 2 7 OVIDED 1161 5 —A 12 7 NOTE ANY CREWS USED IN CALCULATIONS: a. WIDTH PF DRIVEWAY US DEDUCTED FROM THE TOTAL LENGTH OF THE KWFE,RYARD. b. WIDTH OF BUFFERYARD DOUBLED; PLAN7ING REDUCED BY 21Z OTHER COMMENTS: 1. PLANT MEV11r SHALL MEET IM CORRIDOR OVEIfR{.AY ZONE STANDARDS OF ORD. 48M 2. WHERESP� KIMN THE BLNLDIIG 9E19ACK LINE AD PLNURawC Rw&MBSAIRING A MAIRRE IE101T OF THREE (3) FEET OR GREATER SHALL BE PLANTED AT A MliOUM SPACING OF IMW (30) INCHES ON CENTER ODNTMNXIUS ALONG ALL PAVED FEES OF THE PAR OM OR DRIVE AREA. 3. A MINI LS OF 50% OF ALL CANOPY TREES PLANTED ON THE SITE SHALL BE r IN CALIPER AND 5011 SHALL BE 4" N CALIPER• THNS SHALL NCUUDE SUFFERYARDS AS WELL AS NTERIOR> LANDSCAPE AREAS 4. BNJFFERYMOS AND NNTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREAS !!HULL COMPLY MA11H THE ORDINANCE 1117H REGARDI TO NUMBER; M, AND 'SIZE OF REQtMED PLANT MATERIAL L ACCENT TREES SHALL BE A RI' MIN& M H 90ff RATHER THAN THE 4' MMNMUM HEIGHT AS REQUIRE! BY ORDINANCIL (D l w n p 1 inah 20 ltL NTS 0 = 06000'16" R = 2799.10' L = 293.34' LC = S 36'09'49'E 293.20' 1/r IRON ROD SET r t• .rta..ri ...> � Ott. APPLICANT: RANDY HAYDEN 933 N. Central Exprwy Plano, Texas 75075 OWNER: IHOP 1419. Inc. DBA international House of Pancakes 933 N. Central Exprwy Plano, Texas 75075 T OMETV ElVGlfVEERl1VC 92Q2 AI/ARKVLLEIDALL44 TEXAS 73243 W2) 234-6204 FAX 1972J 234 950 EAAAL: lam dupWordArmt SITE PLAN BLOCK A. LOT 6R SOUTHLAKE BANK PLACE ADDITION CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS CABINET A, SLIDE 4546, 10/5/98 1.666 ACRES CASE NO. ZA98-143 CONSULTANT—. ARCHITECT: V' Z V. < .— N W T W {.ir. W 3: w Q =MOW) CAI DATE: 01 /17/00 11: 07 SCALE: 1"-20' DRAWN: RA 224-02/0WG/01 PAV.o1wq SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN 'f SHEET NO.: RE R 15 ZQoa`' OF p 67 Q, i� \� --_--_ 6�0 870.23 LEGEND\ 1G EXISTING PROPOSED \ \ f o `\t t` - - PROPERTY LINE '- 6� N41 1 Ex 6• SS - SANITARY SEWER •�- 4"MM � ' REMOVE DL / \ \ 689+85 ROOD - 4 o 10 a 40 12' w WATER SERVICE 1 i/2` W CONNSS ECT TO it \\ 0669� 689+51 670 +� Ex a SS , <• \ / 1 man - Bo rL SERVICE - - FL ee3.5ot / \ ♦ _ 3 8'24"E s s's �a a4 Cr� ' � POWER POLE i \ ♦ ;668 ` • FIRE HYDRANT `31. 9 FFLL 6- 06 -T( WATER VALVE T T 70.33 / ! \\ \ �' °ENT 6` t 864 NOTES: WATER METER G 69.83 // \ FOU ------_.66w_ 670 +47 \ --- - ! 1. Handicap parking spaces not to exceed 2.0X slope in any ; % ,� � � -66 ELEC. PANEL ® T 70.48 / direction. \ EX. T 69.04f 3e 2. All handicap 69. / O EX. G 69.54 spaces will comply with A.D.A. Stondards. GAS METER ® COTTONWOOD i i' eee+74 `_ 3. Cross stapes on ail sidewalks not to exceed 2.0X O STORM MANHOLE 12-2 i' \\ ; 10 `� 4. Topography by Brittain & Crawford. dated September 9. 1999. 0.2 / 10' added to all elevations to match City benchmark per Jack SAN.SEW. MANHOLE I 670 % \°� INSTALL 2` DOMESTIC SERVICE - .� ,>"� T 69.54 Crawford 12/8/99. 66 `� , G 69.04 , AND Z` IRRfGAT10N SERVICE 5. BENCHMARK O SAN.SEW. CLEANOUT r , LOT 7. BLOCK AV`,,�69.53 �\ City of Southiake Geodetic Monument 39NW comer SH 114 & MEP GREASE TRAP `0 of 1.100 ACRES 670+94 ' / j.��\EX. T 68.26tFM 1709. ZONED C-3 10 / `� _ ---- ` Elevation 666.28 MEP CLEANOUT C: WD-RETAIL COMMERCIAL , / ��., : ' TP 69.68 TP 69.28 she+94 %'♦ �•,` ,' I DOM. p 10Q LF�. -----------706------------- CONTOURS �07_� •y/ --- \ 470. - 35 x�cp,0 SPOT ELEVATIONS T 7.3 0�� ? / j T 6 .98 � (T-TOP OF CURB) G 07.38 669�32 �i ti ! i 1 (G-GUTTER) / ! T 70.3� T' 69.43 �' /% \ ♦ ?/ �� * 69.30 1 T 70.28 \ \ (TP=TOP OF P VM T) ``t /,, T /,C G 69. \ ♦ "� s6 \�► .� 669 +50 DRAINAGE DIVIDE T 7 86 \ } 69.5 G 7 6 j INSTALL 160 L.F. / T \ - ------- DRAINAGE AREA 1 �� / d` SS ON 1>r 9. 4'' T 70.43 69.75 \ ACRES �� / ' ��70+31 j j G 69.93 ,� G 69.25 \ lass o 8�� < / t; G 69.43 ��/ \ ♦ �"+ ,. A fi_ 872+92 +871.15 i ± 0� / / 70.43 668+37 ffJ , \ ``� �e�•-�8�''--- 40 rf, slkw �1- 4 �� 00 FL GO. d85.80 11 6 70.60 \2/ T 70.43 fix; \ 1`' ti; \ I •� / i ` �� T 70.47 / 70.80 //(? / 69.02 % T 71. G 67.97 \ ,°F //' 68.52 \ •+ `� c 70.6 7100 672 +41 \ • fit t 0 /T 71. 7 9i �P \ 52 + e w 71.25 ` - - ! 669 +9 ° r'� j ff,✓� ��'g, \ ; /� ; '\ = 06*001E± t / TP 70.43 �� 70.80 ! 70.87 I ,y TP 68.68 t 6 +BO �? • 72 `� f ,�' R 2799.10 �►670+ Y%' i ' \ ♦ ! �G L = 293 34' ♦3 e, / \, . f BL.DG. SERVICE 671.10 /^� 1 TP 69.18 r % LC S 36'09'49"E \ , 671 +1 I FF 671 1V ; /! r/ 668+41 - ------ - • ELECTRIC% TP 70.18 GREASE TRAP - r f l ' �- '� / \ 293 20 rytik TRANSFORMER / 1 G g1.47 �' / ;! BY PUMBER _-- 1 66 sB '�� c�y'� / '/ T 68 \ 70.60 00 MESOuITE T 70.60 f' i , T T 70.fr j` Gb �� X - .1 / ,f _- 6ss G .54 4Q 672.29 + T 72.8 1` / r; i ------ '' J` �' - % %' \ \ ` ! ` / r �^ 72.33 % T 66.97 A I N 72.70 :' T 71.55 T 70.38 % % �i - ---- ss / �`/ .1 ' T 67.87 �1 G 6.47p d � 664. 2.2 , w G 1.05 G 69.86 ! ,,- `°� G 67.37 ,� 00 _ - 7 T 6 .13 T 68.37 j ss3+74 `y /' ,� 8.23 67.87 T 67.33 \ - a, 0�, MESQUITE 2a2o �1� 7 % 1 i6p� �' 2 ITE 5 T 70.86 $' 4-� /' Gam' 6.$ �� ✓ i \ n ` 66 35 t '►�! G 72.02 �''' T 72.40 T 71.7 i T 70.30 70.60 t� (1. :sss�6t 2� = /� 672.2 G 61ti G 71.40 71. ��. t G 70.36 j 69. 0 +52 `� �_, seg + \ -- b Ir CUT ¢ { + 0.24 % 70.48 s G t 71.00- ���----- '"� ' = , �....,.�. ---------- - - T 72. 70.32 '�_, - +85 \ % �♦ +671A7 , as7o. G 72. ' T 71.0 p �, 2�° t //� T 66.00 \ ' ♦ ------- ��iTE ----- G 5. ! \ ♦ ` i 1 ` -� LOT 10 BLOCK A �1t J MESCM , TP 69. d 71.00 i` TP 66.90 ; . I--- TP 71.57 Of 2x8- �� p T 69.09 B+� %T 6 .22 _ t T 66.00 s6z. 4.a92 ACRES 1� MEsa�TE t I G 68.59 ;' G 6 ,.72 i ; ss4�5s ;' G 5.50 _�------ vAwiAiLT�s ZONED C-3 672.0\��' -- e7 , 2x1 - w66 1 �! 9L t I \ N % Z� ! 71.00 T 68.37 ' 1 7.50 ; U1D-RETAIL COMMERCIAL �' ' 45r %I -- 1% 669w1s T 70 , T 70.30 G 67.87 '�� G 7. k 000"\ Bs2+n �� ♦ ----- , 669033 .98 t �' t °R' 0 ; , 10°x 11�' \ � t �'`G 69.80 T 69.80 �' { � ' ��` T 66.15 GRA 8ED % �, _eM.,Q2+ +689. M10-20 t G 69.30 ' /' G 6. i s 2 R \ Ff°1 / - - \ t -----f �� % - / ' k 71.74 �i'q��,\��!689 i69 ��- s7o 2z -- , J 660492 ---- DI�SIPATOR e� T 69.50 �� �' _ WV i \ q / ! ! G 69.00 ,tJ T 666 +84 + 6 1 , - 79 -- t � , 66.50 _ �yu \, l�t j - �3 6sa+30 ------------ - '------------ G 66.00 \h' -- -�1 ---- - - --------------------- T---- G 68.00 ------------ --- -ej �u ErRr�Ot- _-,�� 1 j 2.22% ------ %y _ = d----` E ,,�_�__ i o ,E ,_,_ � -MARKEB�. '�----i-- ---- -71ACK /RRT---------------?- - � % - - "�--+---------�----y=---------- �`,�REE�" PP ; g7 uTiU1'Y- --N ----- "RKER'l t GUY 1/2• _ TREELINE CITY i - - -- t s6s+s<' % - 662 29 - r' 661 + 6� ROD NE / ---- b .... �f- --- -�..�.` ..�- �..�. o �� 9"1 '08"ri/ 9.90' Roo FOUND CITY OF GRAPEVINE I 9.4p'36"ry �TY LIMIT LINE ; 322.6 `- - -�-�- - - --� - TFLEPMONE i IF30N r 0,95 860+46 ` ` Tt7 EPHONE - 1 v o v t % -�------'--�0- SET 2_ J RISER \` 1 ; . TELEPON£ , 66 1 E1 66a 'ODD t --x T, 871 +17 I' qG I �V j ` �4kL i �G ; �V �G tC, `� eel +7 ; o' ' t 2 ' +°>, CITY OF GRAPEVINE ��y �`~p° N `� 59 +72 `- r� LOT 8. BLOCK 1 �, _ 663 • s, { say t6_ + �_- 659 +32 659 +61 t ! !CENTERLINE t�tAPE1ANE qrD. PARK �>' ;' : ' 1 t i ;' -� -66e +z7- _ ►- VOL 388-111. PG 2 t 1 674(s1 j t i i 1 t 1 I f v� PRTCT - ( f +s7o. n INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD t ' U 1 t (60' PU180C RIGHT-OF-WAY) t \ -1- ' - ---- Y 659.34 CU 6�OGRE MTV! I .�658 +92 (U C3 o �� ' mow- • � o +� (U 657 +94 0000< < lop Oloo CIA rn ` A t C-0.70 1 At 2) o C-0.3S A) ' 1 ♦ C-10 MIN. IT-L5 { • 2 tUCU i Qloo 4.1 cfb TOM EN E� SITE GRADIN o G i O_ asa2 7X4%5 7MM43 AND C1 FAX 61�/Ai.: MU MAE��� UTILITY. PLAN REVISIONS: i CONSULTANT: THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY � THOMAS P. JONES. P.E. SM7, ON 12/23/99 I' OF TtR7Y1 P. S i DATE: 01 /14/00 11: 26 SCALE: 1 "=20' DRAM: RA 224-02/DWG/01 GRAD. SHEET TITLE: SITE GRADING AND UTILITY PUN 'WdhAR 15 2000 C2 \ \ \ \ SOUTHLAKE GRAPEVINE u a u') ch Cu r., O� O% m Cu Cu .-a 0) 3 Li H H 0 / rn 3 / tU 0 I (u (U Ile Ln u n, 0 L a c d J V ')' CUT IN CONCR SET \ \ I _ — 1/2- IRON ROD SET m yASONRY WALLTUCCO FINISH CITY OF SOMMAKE — — S89'29'08"W 119.90, „W/r, CITY OF GRAPEVINE Z Zo ROD SET / 33 08'24"E \ 31.59' / /\ ,►+D MOFOU ANT SIGN MOUN ;E OF BUILDIN S89'40'36"W INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD (to' PiIOtJC I�CMT-�-�Nl� <y F 3v �-5 �, \L \ \ Ilk 2 \ 9, A \ G 4 \ \ t^7 \ _ 30' BULDING SET SAM LSE \ ` UY u71un EASEMENT — — 322.68' — — — — — — —-----�— — — 0 (o 0 10 20 +o 1 inch = 20 ft NTS / Z� = 06'00'16" R = 2799.10' L = 293- 34' CHORD = S 36'09'49"E 293.20' - stROD SET REVISIONS: CONSULTANT: ARCHITECT: Loto on Cq V" � 4) O O X t c - o� 8 x V/ 3 o /w� o N M :t 00 (N Cg 0 Z ►A n M v, o ,10 0 r 0 �n i a, E 0� �v Z � N >-- p (n Y J of W CL ~ Q OM0 W — M V) II --- DATE: 12/23/99 11: 23 SCALE: 1 "= 20' DRAWN: HM SHEET TITLE: SITE PL 0>M4�?000 sm— SHEET NO.: C4 o. BRIITAIN & CRAWFORD LAND SURVEYING & TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING (F!7) M-TRO (817) 42'4-5112 FAY Nc (81/) 92C--93'4/ 1 L • 'UJTH �RLEWA 5, FCJP_l AOPIH. TFXA5 761 Ill 3L7 00 .00 S33008 000, opw)/fl\ 31.59* NiJfti) Vol, 9M*74 _p 1�74 00 cl OWN 00� ffn #02 i"566 <1 gn+21 Ibv r d"# A = 06000,16" "000, \ p swig R = 2799. 10' L 293.34" fW74 CHORD = S 36*09'49"E t� r� Ti­ L0 6R9 BLO A -7 293.20 op"a <11 4 is. E c C, A., 1 66 A ES (729585 SQ The 171C11% - 0, Av -j MGM WIN 971 +971.25 30BLALIDIN,; SET AC:k I -IN, C". rABINE f A , Sl_lDF 4546. F.R.T.(' moo moo M.-I u r - +rlt 4---4- A pq �.c I F IA3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Nr — — — — — — — — -- -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 77 o� IPF', I?) s 1. 'ICAE�INET A, 546, F'.R+'T. E C.T, GUY OF _- r t r>c;vlll31 �UT.a nat* '%7 119.90' '7�9 C-ITY OF GRAPLVI J_ ­w - SOV29 8"W moo= WI: f 71 rn J,r F CENNISM 9?4.41 IDA ww T-OF 6 WWA N a _4s W-P 1. 20 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE FEET 4 WATER' VA'All, W, GRADEViNF T a #W74 14 ♦M*72 4 9V TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYMAP go' OF Z LOT 6R, BLOCK A Art^ T Tmvv Ulu v MAKE IB A NK x"LA J. A.FZILL N ZL a... SOUTHIAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 REVISED: SEPTEMKR 29. 1999 TO SHOW TREES lw At 'A TREE SURVEY PLAN NOT QUIRED AS PER CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Vl. I A CA D 4 7W-td' - _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T - _ - - _ - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - _ - - - - _ - _ - _ _ - - _ - - - _ - - - - � MHFL-25X OF V-11 3 4' MHFL— 2. OF W-11 3/4" MHFL-2'-60< 3'-3 3%4MHFL—i-8-< 3'-3 3/4" 4 3 Z FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4' - 1'—O' swm 1 (T (D PLAN MAGNETIC NORTH NORTH B LEGEND I H = BUILDING HEIGHT MHFL = MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL FACADE LENGHT MVFL = MAXIMUM VERTICAL FACADE LENGTH MHOL = MINIMUM HORIZONTAL OFFSET LENGTH MVOL = MINIMUM VERTICAL OFFSET LENGTH WE C C i CONSULTANT: ARCHITECT: -{ 0 � o� LW, T Q 04 x C-. N r Ol v O VLVLVY a v r� x x ((] 3 o M 0 N C 0 O O N _i 'a Z f�f� Yl o r r� c 8 C ; rr to co N Q M z� Z) >-- p LLJ J L,J 2 CL t\ F-- Q O i M O �Li DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: %*MT TIRE. FLOOR PLAN 8 2000 SHEET NO.: A-1 dWn MAR 15 2000 REVISIONS: Q BACK LIGHTED CANVAS AWNING, COLOR: P-6. METAL ROOF " ROOF, COLOR: P-6. - - - -�-- - - - - - - 12 ! ~16 � i F 11 t 1 1 tlj r4 ai ft 1 mil! � 1ii.I.:i ,f .1 _1 3 , -_ - - - - =--- = METAL COPING .i. f 1; t1;i" '+ !'i I i ,{' ,+'Il' 1 ' 111, ill i i i. 4,-i. .1 i .!t• ,i { il,�4f;lj li i'f� I�+JI�� —__— T_...._. jl t j +i;+ ��Il,i i 1 { { 1 I i�1 ! 1 { ; i ! 1 i I t 1 i .' 1 I { ii : r ' I 1 t i •ul t lid l.i uiiii_lill�' i I.lu '1.��1_:. 1.11� 1...�.J.�L.ill•111_a.l�!.1 L'.- �al..a11.i1 ,11�_l.._1 i , _,1�1 ��L�i• --`------ .—_ ' LI' 1:.i1_l�J_L.�..�.L 1 I 11 {-1� ! -�, t 1. -1.1' 1 II' ------- --------- ! +� 1 1 1 I'{ 11r 41 wHIIl • } l 1 . 1 I I , � : ' i ! . , ' � 7 I . i � � i ' 1 i , ' ; , . i � � t i i r ' r 1 • { ' + I 1 1 � ---� _ BACK LIGHTED CANVAS BACK LIGHTED CANVAS _: .___ . -- -- - -- ---- ---- ----- -1- - T.O. PEEK T.O. PLATE Y SIGN OWN I i i = aIIN�NlaN�imom _ N1� I�HlNI�aa1NN1111NNNItN � NNNIIMMIUMMNN full i , i II I I wiiri i `r2 qqW//////IHM/Nt////////////H iHdMH/------ N/////////------IHi//!i//EHi/f/ti/Ht//di//H!H//f//i//HH///1/i/NHf/HN!/NiH//{ii/H/dtfifi•/1dM/iM/Ni/////!1/d/H✓•!////• l i/Hti/////i/II/Y//NtiiHi/1t1H//tiN//----!d//t/!f-"am MOMN N=NlydM= n NtORM �'INila tNliNigaNlaNNNalN INaa L— �ili,NNNifU iaflttlt11it11iad11b1gINllltaaNitNlUalaltltftNltli 1u1111�g1� j E ; C i METAL ROOF —� ROOF.; COLOR: P-6. 1 _ 12 16 OFRONT ELEVATION i i . I 1 LOCAiM OF "INTERNAIKOW HOUSE CO' PANCAMV SIGN TO BE COORDINATED is WM SICM CONTRACTOR SEE 11 /A7---�K I N/1CK LIGHTED CANVASIS AMMIG. COLOR: P-6. .' =Saw R a tit Uli 111111411 MINIMUM • /•.,r�../r -� 7.' 711•11is/•1///dM/H////dN//!/////s/ioff"vgo .•, t, ,nnlgoalspossd//■ss•sss•1 T.O. PLATE T.Q PUTE 1' (TRUSS BEAFUNG) 8.0. TRUSS - B.O. I�JIDER �' = = Iloilo aM NttlnilNNliNlallaatlaifliNa1a11�i11Nt11lINtt{IlNttfliiltti11it111atNNNiIN�iN�i1111Ni�ifill{�l�l�lttllt��l}I,I�� _ IN[Itf! li��fitit; �nlalNiiail#tialNiNN�Nli�liiilNliltNltNNttININUNtN1NNt�#IlilnlllttNlllNllitNlh N� , VICE • CONSULTANT: ARCHITECT: /H �M N `v x cp •r—' ~ N V 0 0) tx o x 3 o o N 0 N 00 � T i (of Z f- til C IV) o 8 CF n r 0 =rn N n M O+ r v � Z Q .-- N >- O IQ-• io V? ficC\ Q � W J Q- ~ Q OMw O _ tM to I-- REC'D MAR 16 2000 DATE: SCALE: DRANK: SHEET TITLE: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NO.: A -- 9 OF: