1995-06-20 CC Packet City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting, June 20, 1995 1. Agenda Item No. 4B. City Manager's Report. The Departmental Reports and Administrative Calendars are in your packet. Please feel free to contact the directors or me if you have any questions. 2. Agenda Item No. 7A. 2nd Reading. Ordinance No. 634. Driveway Ordinance. Tom Elgin, Planner, has made the modifications as recommended by City Council at the last meeting. He also met with Councilmember Richarme and added his suggestions concerning the throat length and internal storage (section 5.2-d). The comparison matrix is attached to Tom's memo and the previously forwarded research will be available as overheads at the meeting should you wish to further discuss those items. 3. Agenda Item No. 7B. 2nd Reading. Ordinance No. 480-171. (ZA 95-41). Rezoning from AG to C-3. General Commercial District. There have been no changes on this item since City Council approval of the first reading (7-0). Notice that the next item (7C) is the Specific Use Permit for the full service car wash. 4. Agenda Item No. 7C. Resolution No. 95-20. (ZA 95-54). Specific Use Permit for the operation of a full service car wash. There are no significant issues with this request. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 6-0 with the modifications Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 (by Page 2 shown in the memo from Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy. Although the corridor regulations are not approved, I feel we should point out that the items below do not appear to meet the criteria as recommended by P/Z. • The facade is a "dry-vit" type stucco wall system which does not meet the masonry requirement for stucco application as recommended in the ordinance. • Mechanical equipment screening: The site plan and/or elevations do not address this issue, however a modification of the parapet wall at the perimeter could be able to conceal the HVAC equipment. • Exposed Columns: The exposed columns are clad in the same "dry-vit" type stucco rather than brick or stone. • Trash Receptacles: It meets the 8' height requirement but standard block construction is not allowed, it must be a masonry similar to the facade. 5. Agenda Item No. 7D. 2nd Reading. Ordinance No. 480-172. (ZA 95-42). Rezoning and Concept Plan for Park Place Estates. There have been no changes on this item since City Council approval of the first reading (7-0). 6. Agenda Item No. 7E. 2nd Reading. Ordinance No. 480-173. (ZA 95-47). Rezoning from AG to SF-1A, There have been no changes on this item since City Council approval of the first reading (7-0). Note there is still greater than 20% opposition due to the adjacent land owner. This requires a supermajority vote by City Council. 7. Agenda Item No. 8A. ZA 95-30. Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition. Village "H". There are no significant issues with this request. Staff recommended that the street connection to Continental be aligned with "old" Carroll Ave to simplify the traffic Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 Page 3 movements in this area. Steve Yetts presented several valid reasons for their request to leave the alignments as shown. P/Z agreed with his reasoning and recommended approval 5-0, deleting the item requiring the alignment with "old" Carroll Ave. 8. Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 95-31. Plat Showing of Lots 1 & 2. Hall Medlin No. 1038 Addition. Timarron Land Corporation. There are no significant issues regarding this application. It was previously approved, but the developer failed to submit the mylars and file the plat prior to expiration. They are now following through and trying to get the plat approved so they can file it in the County Plat Records. There was considerable citizen interest in this application at the P/Z meeting due to their discovery that this property is currently zoned for commercial uses. The differences (,. between plat approval and zoning were presented to the audience and it was stated that the zoning existed and that the platting of this property had no relationship to the existing zoning and could not be changed with the action on the plat. The developer has had homeowner meetings to discuss this issue and at this time we do not know whether or not there will be interested parties here to discuss the zoning. Keep in mind the various legal considerations before entering into a discussion of the existing zoning or future rezonings as a part of the plat approvals. P/Z recommended approval 5-0-1. 9. Agenda Item No. 8C. ZA 95-33, Preliminary Plat. Huse Homeplace. The applicant has revised the plat since it was tabled at the last City Council meeting. Tom Mathews has not formally requested any different street construction within the 50' ROW at this point; we are proceeding with the understanding that he intends to construct the normal concrete L, curb and gutter street section. The developers have provided the private equestrian easement along their east property line with intention to allow the residents of Harbor Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 Page 4 Oaks access to the Corps of Engineers property. P/Z recommended approval of the plat 7-0. NOTE: Tom Mathews had a meeting on 6/14/95 with the homeowners in the area which resulted in a reduction of the number of lots from 12 lots (in your packet) to 11 lots as shown on the reduced sketch attached to this memo. This sketch came in too late to be reviewed by staff or incorporated into the plat review packet. It is our understanding that Tom will be requesting approval of the revised preliminary plat at your meeting. This type of approval should not be a problem from a technical compliance standpoint if that is the desire of City Council. 10. Agenda Item No. 8D. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-170. (ZA 95-37). Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stonebury. There are two issues with this submittal. One is the street stub to the west, the other is the width of the ROW at Peytonville. The street stub to the west would provide a northerly exit for the future residential developments in the vicinity of the existing Goode Airport. Staff is also recommending that the ROW for the entry be reduced from 160' to 80'; this has been adequate on other developments. Applicants are proposing the abnormal width in order to protect trees near the entry. Staff is concerned that the distance between the two drives might create a hazardous intersection due to people trying to enter in an exit drive or vice versa. P/Z recommended approval 4-2 deleting the street stub and the 80' ROW requirement. The two dissenting votes preferred to require the street stub to the west. 11. Agenda Item No. 8E. ZA 95-38, Preliminary Plat of Stonebury. Basically there are the same issues as the previous item. There are no other significant technical issues on this plat submittal. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 (riv Page 5 12. Agenda Item No. 8F. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-174. (ZA 95-49). Rezoning and Concept Plan for Ridgewood II.. from AG to SF-20A. There are no significant issues with this request. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 13. Agenda Item No. 8G. ZA 95-50. Preliminary Plat for Ridgewood I & II. There are no significant issues with this request. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 14. Agenda Item No. 8H. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-175. (ZA 95-51). Rezoning and Concept Plan for Canterbury Parc (formerly advertised as Huntington Estates). from AG to SF-20A. This development was originally submitted as Huntington Estates but the name was changed to eliminate confusion with existing street names. This development proposes private streets. Two issues are minor but should be noted. One, lot lines on ,F the lots at the end of the cul-de-sac are not entirely radial. They dog leg so that the lot lines are in the center of the lake. This seems appropriate and would appear to meet the intent of the radial lot line requirement. Second is the fact that they are showing setbacks greater than that required by the zoning ordinance on the lots across the pond. This is not a big issue but staff will make sure on the final plat that a note is placed on the plat stating that only the setback per the zoning ordinance will be enforced. The developer is aware that he will have to include such a restriction in deed restrictions for the lot. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 15. Agenda Item No. 8I. ZA 95-52, Preliminary Plat for Canterbury Parc (formerly Huntington Estates). There are no significant issues with this request. The issues are the same as noted on the concept plan. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 16. Agenda Item No. 8J. Resolution No. 95-19. (ZA 95-53). Specific Use Permit for the sale of packaged beer for off-premises consumption. Southlake Food Mart. Several years ago there were some construction details to resolve related to this site and the construction of FM 1709, mainly the concrete lined channel adjacent to Randol Mill. Mr. Aghili fulfilled Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 Page 6 his obligations and has otherwise satisfied the requirements in place at that time. As noted in the memo from Karen Gandy, the Department of Public Safety has no record of any violations related to the sale of beer on these premises. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. There was limited discussion related to a time limit on the permit. It is not necessary that a time limit be a part of the approval; it is more normal that it does not include a time limit. If City Council wishes to consider a time limit, possibly a time longer than the original permit of two years would be more appropriate. FYI, a copy of the initial SUP (Res. No. 91-42) is attached hereto. 17. Agenda Item No. 8K. ZA 95-55. Revised Concept Plan for Countryside Bible Church. There are no significant issues with this request, but the issue of construction of Ravenaux (6,,, Drive may deserve consideration again at this time. They are intending no continued construction of the road at this time. You may recall that a requirement of the last approval of the Christian Men's Network south of Ravenaux Drive was to continue the road to their northwest property corner. At some point, City Council needs determine if the road is going to go through. If so, when and who should build it; if not, when to put the issue to rest so the residents on Ravenaux Drive will know what to expect. The original plat stills includes the dedication of ROW for the road. The church is apparently going to continue to expand with no intentions of constructing the road. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 18. Agenda Item No. 8L. ZA 95-56. Preliminary Plat for Versailles. This plat shows some minor deviations from the development plan approved by City Council, as noted in the memo from Karen Gandy. However, it appears to substantially conform to the development plan. The only significant issue is the location of the park and middle school sites along Continental. During initial discussions, the applicants proposed that the park would be on the eastern portion of the site and the school on the western portion. The plan before you has them switched. Staff has met with CISD staff, and we are Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 Page 7 working out the best locations for both types of facilities. The Park Board on 6/12/95 recommended that the park site be located on the east end of the property rather than the west in order to take advantage of several existing large oak trees. P/Z recommended approval 5-0-1. 19. Agenda Item No. 8M. ZA 95-57. Plat Revision for Lots 1R and 3R. Block D. Lakewood Ridge Addition. There are no issues involved in this submittal. The applicant proposes combining three lots into two lots in order to build a home on the northern lot. P/Z recommended approval 6-0. 20. Agenda Item No. 8N. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 641. Repealing Ordinance No. 418. Flood Hazard Prevention. As pointed out in the memo from Ron Harper, City Engineer, this ordinance is necessary in order to allow Southlake residents to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. 21. Agenda Item No. 80. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 639. an ordinance regulating Public Access on Private Property. At the last City Council meeting, this item was tabled to June 20. The only changes that have been made since it was discussed with City Council on May 16 are those suggested by City Council. 22. Agenda Items No. 9A. 9B. 9C. and 9D. are appointments to SPIN Standing Committee (Resolution No. 95-13). Park and Recreation Board (Resolution No. 95-21). Planning and Zoning_Commission (Resolution N . 95-22Z, and Board of Adjustments (Resolution No. 95-23). 23. Agenda Item No. 10A. Developer Agreement for Regal Oaks Addition. As pointed out in the memo from Bob Whitehead, the agreement has the standard provisions. The few changes have been highlighted. Note the Developer agrees to pay the new perimeter street fee (in this case $25,490). Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest June 16, 1995 Page 8 OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 25. Trophy Club Road Connection. We are still working out the details on the agreement. It should be ready by the July 18 meeting. (If it is ready by the special meeting July 11, we could include the agreement on the agenda.) 26. Carter Blood Center will be conducting a blood drive for employees at City Hall on June 27 from 2:00 - 6:00. If you are interested in signing up. please call Kim Bush at ext 702. 27. See the SPIN "cm report" for other items of interest attached hereto (green page). ty 2re ' City of Southlake,Texas ++ RESOLUTION NO. 91-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF BEER FOR OFF-PREMISES CONSUMPTION FOR THE LOCATION DESCRIBED AS A 1 . 1160 TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE W.R. EAVES SURVEY, BEING THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF TRACT 2C OF THE PROPOSED BLOCK 1, LOT 1, CORNER ADDITION; ; AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, A Specific Use Permit for the Sale of Packaged Beer for off-premises consumption has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45 of the City' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1 That a Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for the Sale of Packaged Beer for off-premises consumption, on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. Subject to the summary review letter dated September 13, 1991, releasing the applicant of the requirement of the 8' fence on the east property line at this time, reserving the right to call for that should it be necessary in the future. 2 . The Specific Use Permit be valid for two years, from CSeptember, 1991 to September 1993 . City of Southlake,Texas Resolution NO. 91-42 Specific Use Permit for Sale of Packaged Beer page two 3 . With the issue to be resolvedjprior to the extension of the permit, the finalization of the drainage channel on Randol Mill Road. 4 . Subject to the box culvert having been installed on F.M. 1709 . 5 . The contract should be made apart of this Specific Use Permit, giving the City rights of enforcement. SECTION II That this resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. 4101 PASSED AND APPROVED this the /7 day of .(�__ _///V tots ,,,, tt�' U j N ,� ��. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS P By. �• '`"= Gary ck /' TIC it'• t``�� albt///64%) andra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas 1,1 ,-.:':-----.----?1;/:7;,'";!.1'k k.„"-.- \ \ . .• ram.. 11I, /..p • ..s , "-7� pyr sw: , • ,,,......\ w• •r \ .. \ g • • r''' 1.4tk. 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II Iklk \ ', \ emu. �111111 l\C_, -\\\\ \\ \ \ \'\\\ ICT p7 ILA \;\.�\\ '<\ \ ,`, \`\\ ' \\ v'. :L• 1• 6:RAY' pg5TRN1YS,1 Xl`a '' fs___ gal a Vertu.r. 1�` rs L. CM spill Wi, city manager ' s report #11114 ligr June 16 , 1995 SPIN Budget work continues... Neighborhood Staff is putting the g Standing Committee finishing touches on budget MEETING sub =f, - e -_ ;,,,•'i.ger SEWER will iew the dget DUNE 29, 1995 sub ons- - subrfl his PROGRAM budg-t t r . s., e . no 7:00 P.M. later than M!..h . .,B dget , , . IM ��,,,kh The City Council discussed the . ,�-.,.g.fl , . options for developing a reception at 6:30 p.m. C',= , - for f t•- -- -�--- — and neighborhood sewer program at i !iI its retreat, held on June 15 & CITY HALL Aug ..» _...,..—=..•.— ore information about the budget 16. The City Council discussed - - process, call Finance Director options for getting sewers into Lou Ann Heath at 481-5581 the neighborhoods, specifically •" Trails Plan Update x716. considering how residents will E� � - P participate in the cost. The M- approach to paying for sewer Meeting with SPIN could be: neighborhoods will continue 114 IMPACT • an assessment program, throughout June. The next two FEE • an impact fee, (2) meetings are scheduled for STUDY • paying for the sewer June 21, 7:00 p.m. at the using tax receipts with Community Center and June 27, Determining the appropriate no assessment to 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Help us property owner except spread the word! Anyone, amount to charge for water, cost of line to house. re ardless of residence, is wastewater, and roadway impact g fees is a complicated task, The City Council will further welcome to attend any meeting. discuss the issue at the July 18 Keepin mind that these requiring the completion of Council meeting. Call Director meetings are simply a way to extensive study and analysis. A committee called the Capital of Public Works Bob Whitehead communicate details of the plan at 481-5581 x 741 for more as it currently exists--public Improvements Advisory hearings at Park Board and Committee is guiding this information Planning & Zoning Commission process. The committee will next meet on June 22, 7:00 p.m. — .... �� will be held in July. Call Kim ■ e, to discuss Capital Improvement MU is 010 �+481-5581x757 with questions. t Arn / Plans (CIP). Questions Num. regarding the study should be directed to Shana at 481-5581 x705. UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS EVENTS =� or June 19, 6:00 p.m. City Hall, C O N STR U CTI O N Southlake Development Corporation (SPDC) meeting. U P DATE or June 20, City Council, 7:00 p.m. * KIMBALL EXTENSION-COMPLETED. * DOVE ROAD-PLANS ARE BEING or 21, West Beach Tour, 6:00 - FINALIZED; EXPECT TO GO OUT FOR BID EARLY JULY. 8:00 p.m. * WHITE CHAPEL-PHASE I (F.M. 1709 TO S.H. I I4) WORK HAS BEGUN; or June 21, SPIN Trail Meeting, PHASE II (FROM BIG BEAR CREEK) IS HAVING MATERIALS DELIVERED AND WILL Community Center, 7:00 p.m. BE STAGED WITH PHASE I. * KIMBALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS-WORK IS o' June 22, West Beach Tour, 6:00 - COMPLETE. 8:00p.m. * KIMBALL WATER LINE-- PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HAS or June 22, Capital Improvement BEEN HELD. WORK IS SCHEDULED TO' BEGIN BY END OF JUNE. Advisory Committee, 7:00 p.m. * WATER LINE ON SHADY OAKS TO City Hall-Council Chamber SCHOOL SITE-COMPLETE. * June 27, SPIN Trail Meeting, City Hall-Council Chamber 0; PARK CONSTRUCTION o' July 11, Special City Council UPDATE... meeting to discuss the Corridor Study items. (P&Z recommended Bicentennial Park, Phase I. The contractor approval of the Corridor Study and is proceeding at the accelerated project Zoning Ordinance amendment 480- schedule. Sidewalks between fields are S at their last meeting.) poured. Work on the small parking lot is completed. Work on the large parking lot is one-third completed. Block walls near *DON'T FORGET SPIN Standing completion on the maintenance building. The Committee representative's goals and wooden fence on the north end of the site and the field wire fence on the west side of th objectives are due! Get your input to park are under construction. Monday SP Shana as soon as possible. will consider turf grass options for the balifields. ADMINIST CALENDAR CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC .TY SECRETARY'S OFFICE MONT :May. 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST START % 1. 2. 3. Newsletter June 95 90% 4. Citizen Survey Oct 94/ Mar 95 95% Formal presentation to CC on May 2. Final draft available next week 5. Records Retention Schedules June/Oct 95 Preparing schedules for all departments. F. 6. ADA Regulations Ongoing Determine if Transition Plan is in compliance. 7. City Services Brochure (single source) Dec 94/ Jan 95 100% Distributed to SPIN Neighborhoods 8. Schedule of Ordinances and other projects. Feb 95/ June 95 20% Show target dates for submission of new ordinances/ revisions to Council. 9. Umbrella Agreement- Joint Utilization Nov 94/ Feb 95 90% JUC approved. To CISD May 22; To CC Projects 6/6 10. Mulching Program/ Brush Collection Jan 95/ Feb 95 50% Researching possibility of developing a Research program for the City. 11. Pamphlet of Board and Administrations Mar 95/ Jun 95 50% Putting pertinent information in easy access format. Listing of members. 12. Job Descriptions Jan 95/ March 95 95% Final draft being prepared. 13. SYAC-Coordination Ongoing Getting programs off ground. Presented Jr. Park Board proposal to Park Board June 12. Beach Fest- June 24. c:Iivpfrleslcalendarlpw12.092 Page 1 ADMINIST E CALENDAR CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC :TY SECRETARY'S OFFICE MONT :ivlay. 1995 14. Codification of Ordinances March 95/ March 96 10% Contract signed, preparing information to send to Municipal Code. 15. Development of on-line information Jan 95/June 95 10% Researching possibility of joint City/CISD services electronic bulletin board 16. Public Access Channel Jan 95/ 10% Exploring possibility of using community access channel to get information to citizens. 17. West Beach Lot Acquisition Fall 94/ Summer 98 70% Continuing pursuit of lots for park use. 18. Develop Employee Attitude Survey Jan 95/ March 95 5% Researching-have examples from other cities. . - 19. Development of Employee Performance April 95/Oct 95 10% Researching appropriate format for COS; Appraisal System. have had prelim. discussions w/Directors 20. Develop staff training plan April 95/Oct 95 5% Discussed w/Directors. Preparing staff survey for topic prioritization. 21. City Council Retreat May 95/June 95 100% 22. Personnel Rules and Regulations Revision 60% City Manager reviewing 25. Impact Fees Study April 95/ September 95 15% Capital Improvement Advisory Committee tentatively approved growth rate, land use assumption report. 26. SPIN Standing Committee Retreat May 95/June 95 5% Tentative plans made-scheduled for Saturday, July 15 c:twpfrlesicalendarlpw12.A92 Page 2 ADMINISTRA CALENDAR CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC Y SECRETARY'S OFFICE MONT :Niay. 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST START % Community Involvement END COMPLETE REMARKS 1. Adventure Alley-Coordination of Public Sept 94/April 95 Ongoing Construction Week September 19-24, 1995 Relations 2. Sister Cities-September trip to Japan March 95/ Sept 95 40% Interested parties signing up. 3. Dispute Resolution Center Nov 94/Ongoing Volunteer mediators have been trained. 25% Moving forward with program development. 4. KSB Governor's Cup Award application 100% Mailed 5/11/95- waiting for feedback. 37 V c:twpfileslcalendartpw12.092 Page 3 C r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MAY 31,1995 PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR MAY 1995 NO.OF PERMITS ISSUED THIS MONTH ' LAST MONTH SAME MO.LAST 1995 YR TO DATE 1994 YR TO DATE 94-95 FISCAL 93-94 FISCAL MAY.95 APR.95 YR. MAY.94 JAN MAY 1995 JAN-MAY 1994 OCT, 1994-MAY OCT,1993-MAY BUILDING - 1995 1994 SINGLE FAMILY NEW 46 48 70 231 i 258 322 401 SF ALTERATION 7 6 7 24 25 37 39 SF ACCESSORY BLDG 6 4 1 19 13 29 25 COMMERCIAL NEW 0 3 0 9 3 11 6 COMMERCIAL ALT/ADN 1 0 0 4 6 10 12 SWIMMING POOL 37 28 29 114 134 159 178 MOBIL HOMES 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ELECTRICAL 90 80 129 386 525 606 787 PLUMBING 67 56 101 298 413 434 625 HEAT AND AIR - 53 52 75 261 279 375 435 CULVERT 3 4 1 17 11 23 14 .. DEMOLITION 3 1 0 9 1 11 3 W CERTIF.OF OCCUPANCY: RESIDENTIAL 41 50 45 229 308 378---r 464 COMMERCIAL 1 1 4 5 33 27 39 OTHER: MISC.BUILDING: 46 40 33 191 173 328 280 SIGNS 15 7 6 38 16 55 23 SCHOOLS 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 TENNIS COURTS 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 `FENCE 3 2 2 7 4 9 9 CHURCH 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 SATELLITE DISH/ANTENNA 0 0 2 1 4 2 4 CITY BUILDING 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 DRAINAGE 48 48 0 243 0 328 0 TOTALS 467 430 1 503 2092 2208 3156 3347 C C e CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MAY 31,1995 PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR MAY 1995 BUILDING VALUATION FOR THIS MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO. 1995 YR TO DATE 1994 YR TO DATE 94-95 FISCAL 93-94 FISCAL PERMITS ISSUED MAY 1995 APR. 1995 LAST YR. JAN-MAY 1995 JAN-MAY 1994 OCT, 1994 THRU OCT, 1993 THRU BUILDING: MAY.1994 MAY 1995 MAY 1994 - SINGLE FAMILY NEW 10,906,700 $10,672,390 $15,447,700 $52,833,597 $56,626,600 $ 73,440,223 $87,648,100 SF ALTERATION 323,296 119,200 60,500 778,576 351,600 1,030,505 705,000 SF ACCESSORY BLDG 32,050 29,000 1,800 141,950 117,000 269,850 247,850 COMMERCIAL NEW 0 199,000 0 1,915,000 3,775,300 2,885,700 4,489,800 COMMERCIAL ALT/ADN 54,400 0 0 246,600 40,900 388,400 1,565,500 SWIMMING POOL 661,500 505,100 461,220 2,025,300 2,207,205 2,838,935 2,710,435 Cis MOBIL HOMES 0 0 0 48,000 0 48,000 0 • (v OTHER: SCHOOLS 0 0 0 1,700,000 0 15,131,600 301,000 TENNIS COURTS 0 0 0 39,600 0 45,600 8,500. FENCE 37,200 22,000 0 85,200 104,000 93,200 140,500 CHURCH 0 0 0 336,300 140,600 336,300 140,600 SATELLITE DISH/ANTENNA 0 0 3,300 1,000 6,300 1,900 6,300 CITY BUILDING 0 0 0 221,400 39,700 221,400 39,700 _ TOTALS $12,015,146 $11,546,690 $15,974,520 $60,372,523 $63,409,205 $96,731,613 $98,003,285 C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE APRIL 30, 1995 PERMIT MONTHLY REPORT REPORT FOR APRIL 1995 BUILDING INSPECTIONS THIS MONTH LAST MONTH SAME MO. 1995 YR TO 1994 YR TO 94-95 FISCAL 93-94 FISCAL APR 1995 MAR. 1995 LAST YR. DATE JAN - DATE JAN - OCT, 1994 TO OCT., 1993 TO APR 1994 APR 1995 APR , 1995 APR. 1995 APR. 1994 TOTAL INSPECTIONS: 1864 1900 1460 9331 7849 15,148 12,689 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1819 1857 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION ' 10 /92 - 9/93 10/93 -9/94 10/94 - 12/94 `t.. CODE ENFORCEMENT OCTOBER 156 11,700. 101 7,575. 45 $ 3,375. INVESTIGATIONS 45 43 NOVEMBER 59 4,425. 62 4,650. 58 4,350. LETTERS DECEMBER 60 4,500. 47 3,525. 47 3,525. JANUARY 39 2,925. 51 3,825. 65 4,875. FEBRUARY 20 1,500. 29 2,175. 34 2,550. MARCH 32 2,400. 61 4,575. 56 4,200. APRIL 32 2,400. 38 2,850. 28 2,100. MAY 36 2,700. 29 2,175. 44 3,300 JUNE 37 2,775. 39 2,925. JULY 36 2,700. 51 3,825. AUGUST 30 2,250. 54 4,050. SEPTEMBER 22 1,650. 90 6,750. TOTAL 559 $41,925. 652 48,900. 377 $28,275. City of Southlake,Texas COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 MAY 1995 ZONING $ 1,390.00 NO. OF CASES (4) PLATTING 9,030.00 NO. OF CASES (8) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 430.00 NO. OF CASES (2) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 400.00 NO. OF CASES (2) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 359.90 NO. OF CASES (46) TOTAL REVENUE $ 11,609.90 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (62) (8/1 C:\W P F\REPORTS\RE V N U-95.05 ADMINISTRA19N,CALENDAR COMMUNITY DEVEL TENT DEPARTMENT MONTH: JUNE 1995 Form Date: June 15, 1995 PRIO*SI' . 0 '0 04 .V! ty tigtiki h F, rg �^ � % _ a,` ',''' RE .=as , x 3 F .r t. ! �1 1 c f z r�E r 'x, t.: ..s,; kz:Y i �g va:xsd`� w :«..r.,.'lx.-` b �.a,�^,��., ..;,.u-�. � a,.•. ,..z.�,.� .. x� ..$ a>...r.. ;.s.�st k&�, n s xsdA' ,:,,„,4;,;;;., a4�'�. r. ..:. 4. Revisions to Zoning Ordinance 480-S - April/July 90 Draft No. 6 to C.C. on 7/11/95 Corridor Overlay Districts 5. Driveway Ordinance Aug/June 98 Draft No. 7 to be reviewed by C.C. on 6/20/95 7. Revision to Zoning Ord-Neighborhood March/Aug. 10 Draft No. 4 to be reviewed by P/Z on 7/6/95 Preservation c 8. Staff Recommended Revisions to Zoning 1995 5 Staff has identified 149 areas that should be revised Ordinance (149) Total Revisions ' 9. Staff recommended revisions to Subdivision 1995 5 Staff has identified 23 areas that should be revised Ordinance (23) total revisions 18. Park dedication changes (Subdivision Ord) 1995 5 C.D. Intern reviewing 19. Revise ZBA Ordinance 1995 5 „, 1] x F '3c.`4'� '�%;.e. a �1, &, s^' `;,�,, ,qr • �p�'y '^w c' �i 6�.'3 \ W r' Fx kr„' A. f y, r k.,. ,yy�, t; r$,:^�,� • `�.�.2R7`L U" .:�aE _,...„` I��E.n».u. '"i%t��i� `m�k,'.^,'r5-t�I/y�++e .. :w3` ',;,��cvu+,. .'.�•,.�./s-y ID'.$��n.. ..✓ . .S9y%` 4e..�i���$�/,�"iJ•��x ..,..,�e, "'v�,�.fw d"mn{..�'•F'?;��.'2ly�l� '�''S%^6y,�. ,y3.��� �>:. 1. Development cases (17) at Council June 100 2. Development cases (8) at P/Z June 100 3. 1709/114/1938 Corridor Study March/July 90 Draft No. 3 to be reviewed at C.C. on 7/11/95 6. Water/Sewer/Street Impact Fee Study April/Oct 20 10. Amortization of nonconforming uses per 1995 10 Negotiating critical issues Land Use Plan 11. Proactive rezoning in conformance with 1995 60 Cases No. 4 and No. 5 ready for light submittal Land Use Plan 12. Master Thoroughfare Plan update 1995 0 Last update 1991 Page 1 r ADMINISTRA CALENDAR COMMUNITY DEVEL JIENT DEPARTMENT MONTH: JUNE 1995 Form Date: June 15, 1995 13. Prepare orientation packet for new P/Z 1995 10 Requested by P/Z member members 14. Prepare S.O.P. on illegal land subdivision 1995 0 To address illegal subdivision of land 15. Create database for case/plat records 1995 5 Establishing data fields for entry 16. Prepare staff performance reviews 1995 5 17. Commercial Development Guide 1995 90 Revisions being made 20. Development Guide for Citizens/Developers 1995 5 Includes flow charts and procedures for Zoning, platting, construction plans, etc. I 21. Prepare S.O.P.-Condemnations 1995 75 22. ROW Dedication Policy 1995 0 Emphasize accurate dedications. 23. Annual Summaries 1995 0 Changes in Demographics & other data 24. Prepare S.O.P. on split-lot platting and 1995 0 zoning 25. Prepare S.O.P. on Plat Vacation 1995 10 Take to CC only Add "reason" to application Requires no Advertising 26. Tree Preservation Detail Sheet 1995 0 As required by Tree Ordinance 27. Prepare S.O.P.-ZBA septic request 1995 0 For lots less than one acre Page 2 MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT APRIL/MAY 1995 COMPARISON (be APRIL MAY 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 772 1070 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 224 288 C. Cases Dismissed 105 174 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 8 6 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 2 2 B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 1 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 92 128 cy B. After Deferred Adjudication 152 73 C. After Proof of Insurance 61 85 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 296 352 TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $26,820.50 $27,540.00 STATE 17,267.00 17,255.00 TOTAL 44,087.50 44,795.00 (we ( - E- I MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1995 (10. TRAFFIC NON TRAFFIC Non State City Parking Parking Law Ordinance Total 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 905 9 147 9 1070 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 0 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 239 8 38 3 288 C. Cases Dismissed 158 1 9 6 174 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 6 0 0 0 6 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 2 0 0 0 2 B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 0 0 0 (2. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 128 0 0 0 128 B. After Deferred Adjudication 69 0 2 2 73 C. After Proof of Insurance 85 0 0 0 85 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 176 0 176 0 352 TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $27,540.00 STATE 17,255.00 TOTAL 44,795.00 rb.‘ MONTHLY REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION JUNE 1995 WO1X ACCOMPLISHED 11ilS PAST MONTH keittdrrtiiiVititi5fttaIR.VDEYEtORKErlURSOSICOmmi!:STIOTIVVON 1. Joint-Use Policy 8/94-5/95 100% 4% Approved by CISD and CC 2. Safety Manual&Procedures 11/15-6/15 75% 0% Developed safety manual; Under staff review 3. Ordinance#515 1/6-3/15 75% 25% City attorney has reviewed. Holding to see what Park Board wants to do with a Junior Park Board. Then CC will consider. .........,....... . " "' " "" " "•"'" """'-"' mottsigi ......................................................................................... . . 1. Continuing monthly programs ongoing Karate continues with 45 participants ages 4-45; "Mom's Day Out" program has eight regularly attending participants; Gentle Exercise has 8 regularly attending participants. "Mom's Day Out" will not be held during the summer and the instructor Brenda Ryan will nnot return in the fall since she is moving out of the area. 2. Fall Brochure 5/95-8/95 5% 5% New programs are being considered along with recruiting new instructors. 3. Spring/Summer Recreational Programs 11/15-8/15 The In-line Hockey League ended with a round-robin tournament for each division and was a lot of fun for all the particpants and coaches and T-shirts were awarded to the winner of each division. We have received several calls from people wanting to be a part of the Summer League. We are currently looking into changing the age divisions,rules and opening the league to individual registration. The horseback riding finished the session with a trail ride and each particpant enjoyed the lessons and learned a lot. We opened an additional horseback riding session to begin in early June and that session is half full. The Tea for Two was cancelled due to no response. Since the Art Camp was so popular, we opened 10 additional spots and they were filled immediately. We are fill for all for seesions of Adventure Camp, we opend 2 additional weeks in July and those are about 15% full. Theater Art Camp is 60% full. 3. Tarprograms for Seniors 1/1-6/15 85% 5% The May luncheon was a lot of fun with the R senior's `` coming back since they had such a great time saw a lot of new faces from Southlake. There was a total of 12 Souhhlake senior's who attended the luncheon with 7 of them new to the luncheon. Due to vacations we will probably be seeing new faces all summer. The senior luncheon was advertised on the water bills for the month of June and a flyer is being planned for the city newsletter that goes out in July. 4. Targeting programs for teens July 94/Aug 95 50% 30% Friday Nite Live was held on May 27 and we had 204 participants and the event was a good time for all who attended. There were several parents who came in and observed the festivities and they were extremely pleased with all the different activities offered and that the functioned was well supervised. We have scheduled a Beachfest for June 24 and it will run all day with different activities for ages 12-17 with a BBQ and live band in the early evening. i ::<'+,::i$$:}:i"F.{{{:i;?i$i$;:i$;:}:•:•:•:•is�;i::$$ii:�:<:}:;;'ri$$$$$:�:•{'`:$$'::i$ii$:v}i$::%;:•;;::$:•:$$:{:?i:?i:}}:•:{:;Y:i:•;};:}:{4::4;'{>.::•ii::v}}:•:•?{{•}}}•:::.}{::•::^::.::?^::{.•}:v:{^}$:i}}}}:�:::4}}}:4;•$}:•i;{•}:•}r:i$:}::•:;•:•'i:::i>,:::i:•i;:;.:s:$;:$ • .ri::•F:?:.'+•}}'.}••:?;•}•:::.�::::.}}:::.i}'{::i'?•ii::iY:i::iiyiiii:ti�.::i$Y:::Isis:$::ii$$$`•i:i::4$iijiii:::ii$: .......::.::�:::.....:.:::::.::::::...:...::.:.}::,{•i:•}}::i$:}}:.}::•:}}}}}}'{:•}}}}:{{•}}:4y}}}}:•:r:v.}::;u4::•:4};•:•}:•::}:4:v;i... .. .... i...;...::'fvS:rf.,}w::::::::.}::::}:•:}}}::•}:;::i:}:::{'t$i:•;%ri'iiv:::$if: .:�$;:$;$i:•$$$$$$:? :::�::$::i$::$::i::::ii:.}i i:ti4}}:•i:{{n:4yi}i}}:{4;}:•:%{•}}:n:{{np;n}:p}:•i:{•}}}:•i:{?{O}}:.;:}:•}}$:•$i;}4::$::$:•::}$::}$:::•i}:{4:¢:5;:•i}}:.}:.�::r::::.�::::::•.:.:::::::::::::. ,��ya'■u�..� 1y�;i. `i,1,; ay1�� ::•}}:.:;.}}}}} ..............................:...................:...n..:.........,...................,............. ........................ .. ............. �:{ri:}}:$;i:i:{}:Yi{:i::F::: ii:}::}::$:::i}•'.ti>. .:::::::$:•:?:::,}::::}i:}::,>.{}:T.T.•.1:.[ �.1:: i:#. .JJ :::: ?. :S: }::. ::::i'.:::i::i::i::::: :?>::$::.}:�.I' ...:::i slei}}i::.::::::y::::::•:••::{: '. .l:.}F:: }}:vi}}}i}..:•Y}}$}}}.6}i:..........}l....... i{:$::::i�•::�':$�:�{}::i:f:::v }:$$$$$:::isi;{{:$$$$i$$$$$$$$i'i$$$$?$$:::C:i'.:ii$isi:;:$$};:i;:;:y;{:i;{:ii$:Lti:ii}}:•}:•iii:^:•:{4:?•Y•:}:L4:•i:^:vi;.}}}:•i}:•}:^}}yyy,{y;};y;•:•}i}i'.}}}:::i::.?n;.}:4::?.}}}•.}}}}}}};^}}:??.}}}}}}}};.}}: '.:{'.": .::':: '. ..fir. .. �: :.}:^i:•i:;.<;Y.:L:$::$::iiij:{:$::$::$::$::$:::vi$j::$i$$$i$i::' } y/!(�� .....:........ ..... `.�T��R Ti!R:............�............... �� ... ........... : ...... 4:•'/ri::'i$:•:•:•::;:::$$iiii$i::$$;:$$i;::i$$:•$$$$$$$$$$$:i i$}:^:':.ii••••:•:::iiii:{i$$$$$F$$'i$$$:::•$$:•i$$$$$$'i:i�$i:•$$ii$$$$::$i i'}:;{:�:;:ji:$$::":ti}}}}:$}........ .rr:...r;r,.rr:•. .•. .;.rr:•:•::.}.:.•.vi::��....:�::iiii^ii;:$i:{::••ti:i:$:::•;:$$$$$$$$$ii};::ti}:$ ............................ ...F........ .n..........n.....r.:.::..�:.�.�n............:,r,.vrr vrr::v::::::::.:�:: .. ................... ................ .....r.............................•n....... .......................r...frr n.f....r.:........rx.x......n...fn...........:.r.......... .r.r.r....r. ............n........................... x...rr.............................. ....... .:...:::•n..............,v:•:::::::::::::::::::.�.•.•f.:w:::x:::;:.�::::::x:w;::;::;.•:::::v.frw:::4::::w:.w:::v;•:•fiFi :.......:r..:•:::n.;.................. ............. ........:.:�:::.:n......... .r..::,r,•r:.�n::::::::::.:v: ........................ ...... ......................-...................... .. .......................:...........n r.r..... ...r........r... ..F.;},...:.........:.:................r .rf....... • n...r:... ............r.:.•...:.............................r.......:rr.r..r....:...........:....J.9}n..r.......r:. ..........r....:..... ..:r:..x:.. 1. Kite Festival-May 6th December/May 100% Around 300 people attended the Kite Festival even though there was adverse weather conditions. Some vendors and entertainers did not show due to the weather conditions. Many city employees volunteered there time and their enthusiam was felt throughout the event. The people who attended the Kite Festival expressed the interest in more family oriented activities and enyoed the event. 2. Beachfest ,\ June 24 Currently booking band for the early evening, already have the opening band scheduled. Food supplies have been donated and we are currently seeking prizes to do give aways. 3. Picnic in the Park July 2 Lake Cities Band is scheduled to perform and we are looking into doing some children activiites. 4. Northeast Family Fourth July 4 Plans are progressing well for the event. HEB is talldng about joining us next year. This should grow into a great NE Tarrant County Event. 5. Sand Volleyball Tourney July 21-23 Teams have already called showing interest in the tournament. We will be constructing 2 additional courts. .....::.::.v:::::.v:::w;::••rr:::•w:::::v::..:,.v.v.. ....:•r:::r v. ::::::.... ,v••:rr}'• :::r}:.:{v}•{4};:w•+.}:{:.r}}x.{•}x++w{'4}v;{.}:•'rrrxr.}F./:.v. ...4..:{r.,r ,;:r r. :i}%f::.;:... .r V.•:•:.•:•r ..... .. r .F f4'.} ...... 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Assist. attended North Texas Recreation Assoc. meeting on Special Events 2. Reports Monthly Weekly staff report and monthly Division report • 3. Staffing 5/95 100% 100% Hired Dennis Sowell, Park Maintenance Worker. Hired Shelly Lamers, Recreation Supervisor, begins June 19. Hired Colby Springer, summer intern. :::::::.::::.::�::::::}}}:4}:4}:.}%FFF::>:{.>:{•r>:.•:.:t:?•:•.............rr.:F:e;>:;:F}F^>.%F•�:::::>:<:>:<:::F:::;%F>'%:i<;FF•:FFr:<}%F:z;;;?#%:::i:::::::t'Fr::• ..............:...:.:.................. ...................................r.... .. • �r#��.r�.r.r.`.:....r... .. ..r......:.r r.................. ....... ....:. •.ra'. ...:.::::::::.v::::::::.�:::::::.�:::::::::::;:. y.}'::w::::::::::::.}F':..w:•F i �/�4�Y����ivi,{.v-,•{} :..I:�:.., ........ ................. ... ;;FF ......... .r...............x.:t..:..r..:...x.. { F}•::::: ::•:v:v:.Jr:?4::?ti4}}:: .'F: .:r:• }; .} :}; : ........:....nr, r;fir..f.......'r.. {�.f.....Ff...:...... ...........f4:..... .. .. .: ... . :..r ... ,u,.r:.:.. rF..fir:r.:...........::. ......r .:.. .���...,.....�.,�. I.... #rJF•��.... ..............�:���.���• ff r......../..:. ................n..;•::v;••::::::::.•:::::v;•i:}^'•l.T.::::::::::::?•:rr�%•...•,�.T.�':::::4}:{4}}i}:•:4:4Y4:4:•: .r........r:......:...:.:r..........:::::.:r........... .:.. ..............r.......r..r..::.....r:..r:....r.. .: ........::.�::.:.::::::..:::.�::::::..:Fr.:�:. :::.:..........::::::::::::::fc::::s:::::::::xp,J.+��4`:::,.F •:;;v::G:..•.•,�]•.vr..::::.v.v::�:::...:-�.•..r ..::::.... ./.... ..........L.u..:..1:....,:.w..r. ........r/....ff...............................................r...r..fi...............f.......................................... 1. General Maintenance ongoing Collected trash; mowing, weeding, edging; raked playground; 2. Baseball/Softball May 100% 100% Reworked irrigation lines distroyed due to new construction Maintained 7 fields daily. 3. Administrative ongoing Completed work orders and daily log; attended weekly staff meetings; obtained bids for equipment 4. The Lodge Building Dec/April 95% 5% Need to build landing on south entrance. Installed handicap ramp handrails in front of building 1. General Maintenance ongoing Collected trash and changed bags, mowed, weeded .................................:..:.....:.:. ?#.:::::::::;:;:; ;.;.f;.;::::5�;4:;:S;::::::::::::::: ::::::s::r:::: ::>::::s:::: :2isiss:ti::::::•.'•s: :.:r::>::::::i::::s:::::::::::::::::::5:;:ti?::::::::'::::s::::::::::::::r'::::S::>:: k::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::�:�:::::::::::._ .............................. .. .. .,..................:...... 3 .............�•i.........................Y+P.. r.. .r:r:... ,„,,,„;....r...........:. ..��:�Ar•1'i. ,4K;i�'�#��::�t�:%��T7:k-`:: ?�ii� ::<{::::%t%� ..................................?f..r.'•4 r.•. : ... . :. .. : .. ................ ....: .......:t4;{.}}}:•;}:F::•}:..}:tin}::•:'•:x.:.,:.•;...••}..:...}.:..r.{r•;..{....:.....{•...:......... :.:. :. .................... .... .. ::::{.}.}:.}.}}};•,v,{.}:::;.}: ...: '. r:n•:::.:v:::?.�.::::::w::: .. ........ ..........::::F::::F::::F::ii::::::::ii::i::::::::i::: • /,.... . .. ., :::r.:::.:t•:::nv tiii::: : ::x•y:•};.}}}} } {{}•:4}:: ..: •.w.w.v.:v;,{.:}::::::::::.v::. v r' }. �`y�'y,��y{��'.]�y' yFy�,:::::.::::: .. �:•.+.}}:.}: �X?i: :�''n'.}}::n}}}}}}:4}}}:}:.}}}}}:}::�}:�:•:K(�.��:�F'.�,.,�.y«�;�'i'��({(y{�} }.:}y.�!:ii::i::}::::i::F:::i:i::i::i::i v::::: �ya �`y ■.1,i�.ct,4.'W■.- MJia'rFTA�:/5;.,.�,r.iK•:::::.�:��'. .........:......:.:...............:..............:.........•..:,.R 4FY,,,....:.�;ERR;�..,.�,.,.,.1.I.:::.v::.v::::.:v:::.::::::. :{:::isi:::'r::i::Fi::{::i::: ,.:.�'•,,,��\., W .::n�� .�.,.:. �%l.�K+1:f'A.F::'??::•}}:}}}x:ti::ik•.�:}}}:S.:. 1. Improvements 11/21-3/15 95% 5% Crew replaced Basketball goals, Need to add dirt to athletic field in June ongoing Collected trash,mowed, weeded, clean restrooms, prepare 2. General maintenance fields for softball .... . . . ....................... • 1 II 1. Laipilling Spring 100% 100% Replaced bedding plants, pruned and repairedon 2. GGe Maintenance ongoing 1 weeding; mowing, pruning 1.General Maintenance/Improvements Ongoing Maintained fields for game play. Will work with CISD to improve the ballfield for next season. • • r .:.::.:....... :. . z' »II:if: ..,.�; .::?...... �, '`>..............:............:....:.::.::.::f a x . E...:: .. w ►' :..:� ' ` .:.:.....::... ••`G:•.:: f •rk>:tS:>::5;;.•: ; ;%:;.•;%{ ir::f;" >i;;::;:i5r;:.•i:;•y,•"3:::iSS:?': .::::::::::.:':.::.::::::.:::.:.;•::::::tines•: :::::.??•:::::.?•::.::':.::::::: Agratiwi :: . : •:L'ii. ::::Rt;::;:':::•l.:iii{.i:iSSr,'r,•: x/.±v /{•:. iiF:::::' iv{i ir,:f::::is:'r'ii,'iillii:i:'i'r:ii? ..i...... Yf>•i ............:f:4:4:;......::n:.v;.'y??�.....^::v:•.•.•::::•:n::::::i::•i:;•.:v..:::.•.•::::::w::.:.... r r r 1. Bicentennial Park Options for grass will be looked at in more detail with SPDC in June. Expansion-Phase I Work on the maintenance building is moving along, structural steel framing A. Design Phase March/Sept.94 100% is up and walls go up next week. Roadway construction is complete as are B. Bidding Phase Sept./Oct. 100% the two separate parking lots, islands in the massive parking lot, and wide C. Construction Phase Oct./Sept.95 45% 9% sidewalks (service drives). Work on the ballfields is progressing with the 1. Excavation Oct -Feb 100% accelerated schedule. Work will begin in the plaza area in June. Only 7 2. Utilities Dec- Feb 100% 0% rain days for May. The contractor has been having a continuous vandalism 3. Irrigation Mar- Oct 30% 10% problem, every night the construction fences between the ballfields and the 4.Roadway Mar-May 100% 5% site are torn down, cleats and small shoe prints mark up the freshly poured 5. Parking Lots Mar- Jul 35% 25% concrete, beer bottles are thrown on site, and trespassers of all ages is a mot) 6. Maint. Bldg Mar-Jun 40% 20% continuous problem. Citizens are to be reminded that this is a construction ' 7. Ballfields Apr- Aug 60% 40% site and against OSHA regulations to be on the site, the liability to the U1D. Substantial completion contractor and city are great. Please help us keep people out of the area. is scheduled for 10/8/95. Substantial completion date is October 8, 1995. E. Adventure Alley construction week 9/19- 24/95. '• 2. CMS Gym/Rec Center The gym is weathered-in. Progress continues at a steady pace. A change A. Design Phase Feb./Aug. 100% order was approved by CISD for extending the substantial completion date B. Bidding Phase Sept./Oct. 100% to September 6. C. Construction Phase Oct/Aug 95 30% 10% 1. Fill Site Dec -Feb 100% 0% 2. Foundation Mar-Apr 100% 0% 3. Walls May-June 90% 90% D. Substantial completion will be mid-August. SPECIAL „ .MONTU ,,,.,,,.,„„„,„„„„„„„„„,„„::.,,,,.;.,„„,..„:,„.„,„,„„„„„„,,:::,,.,,„„„„„„, MO Acquire Future Park Site next City Manager's Office is handling additional Land Acquisitions and has to Lake Grapevine Aug.94- 1996 50% closed on a couple more lots. Public Works is filling the land for the A. West Beach purchased temporary soccer fields. Surveyors are looking at options for improving 432 lots out of 617 11/23/95 100% the drainage on the north section of the site. total lots -80 acres B. $1 million Grant application w/TPWD Jan- Jun 60% 0% C. Add'l Land Acquisition Jan- Jun D. COE Lease Mar-Mar'96 10% 0% -e; Bicentennial Park-Phase II Negotiations have ceased for additional land acquisition for phase II until Land Acquisition Aug.94- 1995 20% a commercial buyer is found for the front section of the tracts on FM 1709. Trail Master Plan 11/94 - 9/95 80% 0% The Joint P&Z and P&R Trails Committee has been working to address the A. Consultant Selection Aug/Oct 100% concerns heard from the public of the trail system master plan. Four B. Plan Goals 11/14/94 100% meetings are scheduled in June to visit the SPIN neighborhoods with the C. Initial View ofkoutes 12/13/94 100% revised maps of routes. D. PUBLIC HEARING 2/13/95 100% E. Public hearing w/PB &PZ 4/95 100% F. Consider PB &PZ 7/95 F. Final Presentation to CC 8/95 Parks and( Mon Division Fee R ae Report For the month ending May 31,1995 Oct, NU& Dec. Jan. Feb, March April May , awn July Aug. Sept *Year t o Ade Reservations for Community Center 31 34 22 46 63 54 48 54 352 Total Number of Users 1460 471 680 970 1160 1324 1220 1377 8662 Reservations for The Lodge 43 45 27 51 52 49 49 51 367 Total Number of Users 805 700 500 1,010 920 982 1197 1087 7283 Total Rental Fees Collected $75 155 85 230 165 25 70 515 $1320 Fees collected for Recreation Programs $188 194 176 2,480 593 6086 3697 4171 $17,585 Total Number of Users 448 452 216 364 168 316 768 789 3421 Fees collected for Special Events 1,035 0 377 0 0 $1,412 _Total Number of Users 1,200 0 448 0 0 1,64$ �` Collections from Park Development Fees 61,500 0 0 0 528 $62,028 I *Collections from 112 cent sales tax 44,975 25,789 33,622 48,103 $152,489 *Year-to-date begins with fiscal year October 1 , *Sales tax collections logged one month behind SOUTHLAKE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1995 POLICE SERVICES Citations Issued 1072 Residential Burglaries 0 Arrests 48 Business Burglaries 6 Traffic Accidents 34 Vehicle Burglaries 0 Alarm Calls 195 Assaults 4 Animal Calls 91 New CID Cases Assigned 42 Thefts Under$1500 7 CID Investigations Cleared 35 Thefts $1500 and Up_ Active CID Investigations 39 FIRE SERVICES Residential Fires 3 Ambulance Calls: Commercial Fires 1 Vehicle Accidents 13 Other Building Fires 2 Non-Accident EMS 29 (tip, Vehicle Fires 1 Total Patients Transported 26 Grass Fires 2 Grass/Weed Complaints 12 Fire Alarms-False 23 Burn Permits Issued 2 Fuel Spills/Leak 6 Pre-Fire Inspections 26 Other Haz-Mat Calls 0 Building Plans Reviewed 33 Bomb Threats 0 Other Fire Calls 17 SUPPORT SERVICES Total Police Service Calls 992 Total Training Hours: Total Fire Service Calls 55 Police 80 Crime Prevention Surveys� Fire_ Total DARE Classes Taught 44 Communications 40 Warrants Received 76 Volunteers_0 Warrants Cleared 24 Total Personnel Trained 19 Total Warrant Collections $ 3924 9-1-1 Hang-up Investigations 14 a ADMINISTR CALENDAR PUBLI AFETY ("1" MONTH: JUNE 1995 PROJECT TESCRXPTION . EST PHASE START/END COMPLETED. REMARKS 1 . Vehicle Outfitting Oct94/Mar95 Complete 100% Dep. Dir. Gregg handling - Last vehicle has been equipped 2 . Purchase 5 hand-held Oct94/Mar95 90% Dep. Dir. Gregg handling - radios & 1 MDT unit Hand-helds in use, MDT on order. 3 . Bicycle Program Apr95/Aug95 Begin 30% Dep. Dir. Gregg handling - Rough policies going to Coord. Jackson 4 . 800 MHz System Mar95/ 95% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - _ Application sent to APCO 5 . T.C.S.O. Criminal Justice Mar95/ 50% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - _ Network System Request sent to T.C.S.O. 6 . Public Works Radio Apr95/ 40% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - Licensing Revising licenses & contracts 7 . Reports & Records System Jan95/ 98% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - Awaiting policy 8 . Installation of second Jan95/ Complete 100% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - 450 Repeater Up and running 9 . Records Retention Apr95/ 90% Dep. Dir. Knight handling - Schedule Final draft phase 10 . Emergency Management May92/Dec94 90% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- David Windrow updating plan. Working on annexes with Dir. Williams 11 . Emergency Plan for City Oct93/Jan95 Sent to CM 90% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- Hall Waiting on approval from City Manager ADMINISTR CALENDAR PUBLI ,FETY (*N. MONTH: JUNE 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST PHASE $ REMARKS START/END COMPLETED 12 . Purchase new ambulance Oct93/May95 Delivery 95% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- Date Completed at factory. Delivery anticipated by 6/20/95 13 . Establish Commercial Oct95/Jan95 25% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- Inspection Program Plan to start in 1995 14 . Re-chassis two Booster Nov94/Dec 94 Specs 50% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- Trucks Ordered from Ford 15 . Opticom Traffic Controls Oct94/May95 90% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- - Waiting on TexDOT to accept ,,,.pp light on Kimball & 1709 ! ' 16 . Fire Prevention/Crime Oct93/ 10% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- Prevention/911 Trailer Met w/Chamber Bd. & Lions Lr Club 17 . Emergency Plan; Tornado Nov94/May95 50% Dep. Dir. Williams handling- etc . Mtg. of Committee/April 18 . Budgetary footprint for Jan95 Complete 100% To be presented at Retreat 2nd station, less personnel, in next 3 years 19 . TCLEOSE Required Jun95/Nov95 30% Coord. Bedrich handling - Training Training is being scheduled currently 20 . Leather Order Mar 95/Jun95 35% Coord. Bedrich handling - Stopped process per Director Gregg 21 . EMD Training Jun95/Jul95 50% Coord. Bedrich handling - Training to be scheduled with R.Black as Instructor r ADMINISTR CALENDAR PUBLI 4FETY (1.1" MONTH: JUNE 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST PHASE $ REMARKS START/END COMPLETED 22 . New DARE Officer May95/Aug95 0% Coord. Bedrich handling - 23 . Hiring & Promotion Apr95/Jun95 95% Coord. Bedrich handling - Training Awaiting Attorney Review 24 . Revise & Update FTO Jun95/ 95% Coord. Bedrich handling - Program 25 . Reviewing training & Sept94/Dec95 40% Coord. Bedrich handling - records format Received complete training records from TCLEOSE 26 . HIV & Pathogen Training May95/Jun95 95% Coord. Bedrich handling - Training to be scheduled with B.Finn as Instructor 27. DEA License Jun95/ 95% Coord. Bedrich handling - �' Awaiting Chief Campbell' s approval 28 . Job Descriptions Nov94/Jun95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Submitted to Kathleen on 6/13/95 29 . Fire Command Policy Jun95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Final pre-distribution draft sent to Admin 6/13/95 30 . Fire SCBA Policy Jun95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Final draft submitted to Admin 6/13/95 31 . Evidence Spec . Ord. Feb95/Jun95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Final draft submitted to Admin 6/13/95 32 . Radio Call Number Feb95/Jul95 50% Coord. Jackson handling - Completing initial draft . Obtaining input from fire & police ADmiNisTRApPN CALENDAR (rm44' PUBLI ,FETY ("N MONTH: JUNE 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION `. EST PHASE STAR /E COMPLETED REMARKS 33 . Hiring & Promotion Spec. Aug95/Jun95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Ord. Final draft sent to attorney 6/9/95 for review 34 . Video Camera Policy May95/Jun95 5% Coord. Jackson handling - Discussed in 5/9/95 staff meeting - in development 35 . Ozone Policy Apr95/Jun95 90% Coord. Jackson handling - Draft presented to Admin • 6/13/95 36 . DEA Drugs Policy for K9 May95/Jul95 5% Coord. Jackson handling - Request initiated - in development 37 . Civil Case Testify May95/Jul95 5% Coord. Jackson handling - r;' Policy Request initiated - in development 38 . Off-duty Payroll Plan Jan95/Jul95 10% Coord. Jackson handling - Request initiated - in development 39 . Electronic Data Ord. Jan95/Jul95 10% Coord. Jackson handling - State Library information forwarded to J. Knight - need discussion 40 . Safety/Post-Acc Drug Jan95/Jul95 60% Coord. Jackson handling - Test SO Have draft policy to revise format and present 41. Brady Handgun Revised SO Dec94/Jul95 95% Coord. Jackson handling - Original draft approved, one correction needed with a resubmit to Admin staff ADMINISTRAI CALENDAR PUBLI ,FETY MONTH: JUNE 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST PEASE $ REMARKS START/END COMPLETED 42 . Interlocal Agreement Jan95/Jul95 75% Coord. Jackson handling - Study Received some copies from GG, City Sec. - waiting copies from fire and conducting additional research 43 . Wrecker Tow Ord. Jan95/Jul95 60% Coord. Jackson handling - Validation Received response from attorney and redrafting ord. 44 . Employee Evaluation Jan94/Jul95 40% Coord. Jackson handling - Program Talked with Shana at BC request . CM wants to do • city wide, and then hiring it done by outside agency 45 . General Order Manual Jan94/Jun95 50% Coord. Jackson handling - Core of draft manual core completed - awaiting review by Chief Campbell 46 . Flags half-mast policy Jan95/Aug95 1% Coord. Jackson handling - Request initiated - in development 47. Warrants Policy Apr95/Ju195 5% Coord. Jackson handling - Request initiated - in development 48 . PSO DPS Program Guide Jan95/Jan96 5% Coord. Jackson handling - Collected data and basic info - preparing draft for Chief Campbell ADMINISTR CALENDAR PUBLI ,FETY MONTH: JUKE 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION EST. PHASE $s REMARKS START/END COMPLETED 49 . Alarm Ordinance Jan94/Jan96 5% Coord. Jackson handling - Some data & examples collected. New state legislation planned. Need additional agency statistics 50 . Solicitor Ordinance Jan94/Jan96 5% Coord. Jackson handling - In development for presentation to Chief Campbell 1 PUBLIC WOrtS PROJECTS � xfi�1 s , xte r ✓" .�...,.. � �.. €-€ s, as im,., ` .<, a• .3+a`," ;w;• ,.3.3••; h. r.x •x*s, ar`.. " � c, �` � c a� rE 4"�°�� �i '�_?" <'" 4. _:�.. j.� n:. j1 •�. • b :x, 's �.r .x 5f 2 3', °k r -°` Q ;: � 0 el ;. S• '`**• k''^ . '� �� •;r rt 6 1th! '*J 11. Marshall Creek Pipeline TRA design 2 . Kimball Traffic Signals 09/06/94 10/04/94 11/94 5/95 100% Barton Traffic Aschmon Signals 3 . Continental Park Drainage 4 . Water System Improvements Cheatham 4/18/95 Fox -c:' (Kimball and Shady Ln Vicinity) Associates Contractor Ph 1 11/92 5. Water System Improvemements Cheatham (Shady Ln vicinity) Ph 2 Associates 6 . S-2, Section 2 Sewer Line Cheatham Associates 7. S-2 Sewer Line Cheatham 07/20/93 07/26/93 9/94 100% Associates Aledo 8 . Street Bond, Phase II 08/17/93 06-16-94 1/95 100% Carroll Ave. (SH 114 to Dove Ck) Cheatham Sunmount Associates 9 . Summerplace Ln. Reconstruction 93/94 budget 08/16/94 100% Cheatham J.L. Associates Bertram 10 . Summerplace Ln. Drainage 01/15/94 In-House 1 tIt'i . Fv. ...v,. ....,..< ,.. l` : 4S . � F u , Phi1IA a . ,-^ ... D= ''� 4 w 1 Y . �" k�.W.� . ��',. :Z _ � 3 : :::, 11 . N-4 Sewer (Wal-Mart) 08/04/94 9/20/94 10/26/94 5-95 100% Cheatham H&W Utility Associates 12 . Water Improvements, Ph. II (High 10/01/93 01/18/94 02/01/94 07/30/94 100% Pressure Plane) Cheatham H & W Associates Utility 13 . South Peytonville 08/17/93 07/19/94 08/01/94 11/15/94 100% Cheatham (County Agree) Associates 14 . S. Kimball Road Improvements 11/16/93 03/01/94 04/20/94 12/94 100% Sunmount -C2:- 15. Shady Oaks Water Line (CISD) 09/06/94 Wright 5/95 95% 2 Cheatham Contruction 1 Associates `16 . N. Kimball Ext. (FM 1709-SH114) 06/15/94 09/06/94 10/17/94 01/15/95 100% Cheatham JL Bertram Associates 17. Booster Pump Station and Ground Cheatham Storage Tank Associates 18 . Sanitary Lift Station & Force Cheatham Main (SH 114 and FM 1709 and Associates Wall St . vicinity) N-5 19 . White Chapel Ph I FM 1709 to SH 04/05/94 3/95 5/15/95 10/95 114 Dunaway Sunmount 2 raft' r PUBLIC WOS PROJECTS wa�� �` ti om: s �. , „�.,• .,��� ,�, nr .x-a� ,. .y• �; .�, `,• F � � � r "�" s yg :Q 1 7.� T N. =COMPLETED �. yy o'€ f � 1-' S . � 2' ° :t:::f c'-, n Aa .7 . '*:. '. V �r te s?r .eM � "` �8 .'� ,sue +- q� �P�1kFi �C' 1zI. 94�`7 G"� t #w;; , .. •,,� ,:. aM 'y. .. •'';"'� '�+, �;���:�...��� .�:�... ..,.. ,t_._...., N.....,�.........._..,.�,..� '.�.,, ...,,,.,�..u..,,_;�.+..�.,. ur _,�...:.�':.�...,.".'�.,._�,.,.,a.���� �# �zivr.w sx ,_..-.ss.,� ,.v.�.t.:.�'r �„� ��: s.`�.. ;5 .... , .. 20. White Chapel PH II Bear Creek Dunnaway 4/95 6/1/95 11/95 to FM 1709 Associates Sunmount 21.Dove Rd from White Chapel to Rady Kimball Associates Cheatham 22 . Neighborhood sewers Year 1 Vista Trails, Cimarron Acres, Associates Emerald Estates, Whispering Deel Estates, Highland Estates. _( ..., DZ * Percentages based upon payment estimates(less retainage) . t CY WPFILES\PROJECfS.1 3 r3DIVISION AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS r e SUBDIVISION; LOCATION NO.OF NO.:OF`: DEVELOPER). P&Z SIGNED DEV. PERCENT DATE IiA .. LOTS ACRES. ENGINEER: ACTION AGREEMENT COh4PLETED ACCEPTED Adams Add. E.Continental&S.White Chapel 7 8.73 Warren Hagen Consultants Approved 1-3-94 100% Commerce Business Park MarketLoop 13 6.5 Approved Country Walk Add. W.Continental 61 43.2 Continental Jnt Venture Approved 2-1-95 45% Coventry N.Peytonville 50 David McMahan Approved Approved Dominion Add. E.Continental 55 39 JMB Development Approved 11-29-93 100% 10-15-94 Lake Crest Add. W.Southlake Blvd. 51 33 G Development Approved 7-26-93 100% Lonesome Dove N.Carroll At Burney 150 82.4 Tom Matthews Approved 9-14-94 99% Monticello Estates E of Peytonville 72 71.77 Nelson Approved 1-10-95 95% Monticello III W.Southlake Blvd 27 39 Hills of Monticelld Approved 2-10-94 99% Myers Meadows II W.Southlake Blvd. 85 42.52 Joyce/Myers Approved 1-25-95 45% Napa Valley S.Carroll 34 20.053 Allegheny Land Co. Approved 5-24-95 Oak Tree S.Carroll 123 75.8 Papagolos Dev. Approved 10-18-94 100% 3-24-95 Oakwood Ph II Eon Bob Jones Rd. 15 20.21 Tim Fleet Approved 10-6-93 100% 11-1-94 Pheasant Lakes Addn. Randol Mill 9 17.64 Warren Hagen Approved Pending, 0% Pheasant Ridge Add. N.Peytonville 9 9.688 Joan Crowe Approved 2-24-95 90% Princeton Park S.White Chapel 73 45 Sunnybrook Fauns Approved 12-13-93 99% Southlake Hills East N.of W.Continental 18 11.455 Conn-Anderson Approved 6-21-94 99% Southlake Mk Pl.Albertson W.Southlake Blvd @ Davis 5 10.6 Southlake Jnt.Venture Approved 3-2-94 100% 11-94 t Southridge Lakes VII N.Peytonville 30 20.41 Arvida Approved 3-17-94 95% 1 Southridge Lks Commercial FM 1709®N.Peytonville 1_ 0.782 Graham Associates Approved 5-15-95 Stanhope Add E.I-Lghland 14 15 David Hardy Approve 2-3-94 99% Stone Lakes III W.Southlake Blvd. 80 37.09 Phil Jobe Approved 2-8-94 99% Timarron Brenwyck II E.Continental 121 44.78 Mobil Land Dev. Approved 9-26-94 100% Timarron Club House _E.Continental 1 12.61 Mobil Land Dev. Approved N/A 100% Timarron III E.Continental 290 303 Mobil Land Day. Approved 5-16-94 99% Timarron Strathmore Continental 109 61.5 Mobile Appivvcd 4-18-95 10% Timber Lake III-IV W.Southlake Blvd. 72 34.8 Continental JV Approved 4-45-94 PhIII 10094 8-23-94 Wakefield N.Peytomille 9 6.94 Joan Crowe Approved 3-24-95_ 80% Wal-Mart Kimball Ave. 1 31.06 Adams Engr. Approved fees paid 100% White Chapel Place White Chapel 6 13.7 Steve Bearer Approved 9/20/94 99% Total 1,394 1,010.24 123\Subdiv.wk2 May 1995 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM JUNE 8, 1995 TO: Robert Whitehead, Director of Public Works FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department May, 1995. Description Apr May 1 . Tons of asphalt used a. Hot Mix Asphalt 91 42 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 25 150 d. Base Material 200 300 2 . Lane Miles of Road Repaired 100 100 3 . Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 27 24 4 . Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 2,000 2,000 5 . Number of Vehicles Repaired 0 0 6 . Row mowed in miles of streets 75 150 BP/cbk GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended May 31, 1995 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended May31, 1994 Percent Actual Percent 1994-95 Month Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 5/31/95 9/30/95 Expended 5/31/94 9/30/94 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,325,950 $4,120 $2,222,305 95.5% $2,020,277 $2,189,927 92.3% Sales Tax 1,233,000 88,212 517,805 42.0% 531,382 877,615 60.5% Franchise Fees 418,040 13,110 393,664 94.2% 387,110 400,037 96.8% Fines 242,400 29,529 165,236 68.2% 152,782 235,591 64.9% Charges for Services 80,000 11,483 63,355 79.2% 28,787 56,225 51.2% Permits/Fees 1,941,350 170,705 1,237,186 63.7% 1,074,233 1,680,918 63.9% Miscellaneous 41,750 3,073 28,348 67.9% 19,672 40,351 48.8% Transfer In-Other Funds 496,360 0 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Interest Income 90,000 4 649 69,257 77.0% 66.839 106,660 62.7% Total Revenues $6,868,850 $324,881 $4,697,156 68.4% $4,281,082 $5,746,770 74.5% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $194,598 $16,247 $119,075 61.2% $121,781 $212,832 57.2% City Manager 314,533 30,664 235,765 75.0% 127,698 200,295 63.8% Economic Development 117,245 5,031 52,264 44.6% 0 0 0.0% Support Services 642,785 56,199 472,213 73.5% 415,987 615,511 67.6% Finance 265,640 14,973 171,569 64.6% 171,768 263,764 65.1% Municipal Court 203,990 15,944 123,787 60.7% 98,448 158,793 62.0% Fire 784,663 100,761 483,108 61.6% 431,242 728,480 59.2% Police 1,249,070 103,950 854,499 68.4% 690,109 1,055,234 65.4% Public Safety Support 690,080 38,074 387,168 56.1% 262,292 434,779 60.3% Building 375,155 24,567 207,003 55.2% 153,657 261,663 58.7% Streets/Drainage 997,072 75,813 649,656 65.2% 700,375 1,225,241 57.2% Parks 264,160 35,163 210,234 79.6% 148,610 199,681 74.4% Public Works Administration 360,495 25,017 180,005 49.9% 89,667 137,192 65.4% Community Development 371.712 37 226 230,239 61.9% 175.772 281,202 62.5% Total Expenditures $6,831,198 $579,629 $4,376,585 64.1% $3,587,406 $5,774,667 62.1% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures $37,652 ($254,748) $320,571 $693,676 ($27,897) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale(net) $414,180 $445,500 $445,500 $565,827 $565,826 Transfer to Infrastructure ($820.026) $Q ($478,349) $0 $0 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures L$368194) $287.722 $1.259.503 $537.929 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $2,059,030 $2,059,030 $1,521,101 $1,521,101 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1.690.836 $2.346.752 $2.780.604 $2.059.030 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 1 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT ******YEAR-TO-DATE****** ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 000 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 TAXES 110.00 AD VALORE14/CURRENT 10,578.52- 2,087,564.00 98 2,140,950 53,386.00 111.00 AD VALOREM/DELINQUENT 9,176.56 92,988.12 72 130,000 37,011.88 112.00 PENALTY & INTEREST 5,522.42 41,752.41 76 55,000 13,247.59 115.00 SALES TAX 88,211.81 517,804.90 42 1,233,000 715,195.10 116.00 MIXED BEVERAGE TAX 925.75 925.75- 121.00 FRANCHISE-GAS 70,350 70,350.00 122.00 FRANCHISE-TELEPHONE 13,109.93 37,482.21 83 45,090 7,607.79 123.00 FRANCHISE-ELECTRIC 335,538.46 117 286,750 48,788.46- 124.00 FRANCHISE-BANK 125.00 FRANCHISE-CABLE 20,643.51 130 15,850 4,793.51- 100 TAXES 105,442.20 3,134,699.36 79 3,976,990 842,290.64 200 FINES 210.00 FINES & FORFEITURES 29,239.29 162,970.02 68 240,000 77,029.98 215.00 TEEN COURT REVENUES 290.00 2,266.05 94 2,400 133.95 200 FINES 29,529.29 165,236.07 68 242,400 77,163.93 300 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 301.00 AMBULANCE 918.00 9,040.08 60 15,000 5,959.92 302.00 DISPATCHING 303.00 MUTUAL AID 305.00 SPECIAL SERVICES PROGRAM 6,000.00 35,350.68 72 49,000 13,649.32 320.00 PARK/RECREATION FEES 1,292.95 1,292.95- 321.00 BUILDING RENTAL FEES 515.00 848.85 848.85- 350.00 FIRE DEPT INCOME 5,000 5,000.00 370.00 RECREATION CLASS FEES 4,049.60 16,821.98 153 11,000 5,821.98- 300 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 11,482.60 63,354.54 79 80,000 16,645.46 400 PERMITS & FEES 410.00 PERMITS-RES NEW SINGLE FAM 69,023.37 591,239.90 48 1,230,000 638,760.10 410.01 PERMITS-BLDG RES-ALT/ADDN 2,704.00 12,995.70 12,995.70- 410.02 PERMITS-BLDG RES-ACS BLDGS 706.00 5,384.00 5,384.00- 410.03 PERMITS-BLDG COMMRCL NEW 21,719.63 33,355.63 33,355.63- 410.04 PERMITS-BLDG COMMERCIAL 1,588.00- 5,082.00 5,082.00- 411.00 PERMITS-PLUMBING 10,926.20 78,564.44 62 126,000 47,435.56 412.00 PERMITS-ELECTRICAL 10,114.65 77,684.81 55 140,000 62,315.19 413.00 PERMITS-HEAT & AIR 6,423.17 46,564.82 70 66,500 19,935.18 414.00 PERMITS-SPRINKLER 1,520.00 10,865.40 91 11,900 1,034.60 414.01 PERMITS-WATER WELL 84.00 492.00 492.00- 415.00 PERMITS-SITE PLAN 1,000 1,000.00 416.00 PERMITS-CULVERT 700 700.00 416.01 PERMITS-APPROACH 114.00 114.00- 417.00 PERMITS-POOL 10,100.00 42,425.00 64 66,500 24,075.00 418.00 PERMITS-SIGN 500.00 3,436.00 98 3,500 64.00 419.00 PERMITS-HOUSE MOVING 10.00 10.00- 419.01 PERMITS-DEMOLITION 420.00 PERMITS-SOLICITORS 245.00 245 100 145.00- 421.00 PERMITS-ALCOHOLIC USE 30.00 90.00 60 150 60.00 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 2 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT ******YEAR-TO-DATE****** ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 422.00 PERMITS & FEES-MISC. 2,432.48 16,708.83 111 15,000 1,708.83- 423.00 FEES-ZONING 2,220.00 13,590.78 39 35,000 21,409.22 424.00 FEES-PLATTING 9,030.00 54,547.89 73 75,000 20,452.11 425.00 FEES-BOARD OF ADJ 426.00 FEES-ZONING SPECIAL EXCEPT 427.00 FEES-STREET LIGHTS 18,599.76 372 5,000 13,599.76- 429.00 FEES-INSPECTION 12,853.23 102,455.55 137 75,000 27,455.55- 429.50 FEES-ENGINEERING PLAN REV 6,617.88 65,964.25 132 50,000 15,964.25- 429.60 FEES-DRAINAGE INSPECTION 3,800.00 29,020.00 29,020.00- 430.00 FEES-SPECIAL USE ZONING 285.00- 431.00 FEES-BUILDING 440.00 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 1,773.00 27,750.00 69 40,000 12,250.00 400 PERMITS & FEES 170,704.61 1,237,185.76 64 1,941,350 704,164.24 500 MISCELLANEOUS 502.00 PERIMETER RD FEE 510.00 MIS-INCOME 379.30 12,107.53 62 19,600 7,492.47 511.00 MIS-VITAL STATISTICS 113.00 427.00 171 250 177.00- 512.00 MIS-INSPECTION FEES 513.00 MIS-RETURNED CHECK CHG 40.00 135.00 34 400 265.00 515.00 MIS-FEMA FUNDS 516.00 MIS-STREET LIGHTS 517.00 MIS-ZONING 518.00 MIS-BUILDING 519.00 MIS-POLICE DEPARTMENT 141.00 1,813.00 101 1,800 13.00- 520.00 MIS-SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 530.00 MIS-TOWER LEASE 2,400.00 12,800.00 67 19,200 6,400.00 531.00 MISC-PUBLICATIONS 40.00 8 500 460.00 500 MISCELLANEOUS 3,073.30 27,322.53 65 41,750 14,427.47 700 OTHER REVENUES 713.00 OPERATING TRANSFER IN 496,360 496,360.00 714.00 DONATIONS 100.00 100.00- 725.00 BOND PROCEEDS 445,500.00 108 414,180 31,320.00- 726.00 LOAN PROCEEDS 760.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 700 OTHER REVENUES 445,600.00 49 910,540 464,940.00 900 INTEREST 910.00 INTEREST EARNED 4,648.50 69,256.88 77 90,000 20,743.12 900 INTEREST 4,648.50 69,256.88 77 90,000 20,743.12 000 * NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 324,880.50 5,142,655.14 71 7,283,030 2,140,374.86 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 324,880.50 5,142,655.14 71 7,283,030 2,140,374.86 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 1 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 478,348.50 .00 58 820,026 341,677.50 DEPT 000 TOTAL ******** .00 478,348.50 .00 58 820,026 341,677.50 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 6,921.88 44,375.92 .00 64 69,150 24,774.08 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 459.77 17,939.75 10,445.37 36 50,123 21,737.88 400 SUPPLIES 5,918.87 20,242.06 1,222.89 96 21,000 464.95- 500 OTHER EXPENSES 5,562.39- 2,556.49 100.84 32 8,000 5,342.67 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 1,021.45 10,614.94 525.00 74 14,300 3,160.06 700 MAINTENANCE .00 480.00 .00 100 480 .00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 226.54 10,288.39 .00 49 21,157 10,868.61 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,260.99 12,577.24 .00 121 10,388 2,189.24- DEPT 100 TOTAL ******** 16,247.11 119,074.79 12,294.10 61 194,598 63,229.11 CITY SEC/MAYOR/COUNCIL 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 22,523.75 173,175.98 .00 66 261,522 88,346.02 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37.45 5,162.45 .00 89 5,800 637.55 400 SUPPLIES 372.33 2,475.96 13.50 71 3,500 1,010.54 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 2,550.24 15,796.59 .00 184 8,600 7,196.59- 700 MAINTENANCE 50.21 370.73 .00 53 700 329.27 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,342.03 11,913.71 224.15 49 24,506 12,368.14 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,787.53 26,869.92 .00 271 9,905 16,964.92- DEPT 103 TOTAL ******** 30,663.54 235,765.34 237.65 75 314,533 78,530.01 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,405.18 27,177.62 .00 47 57,626 30,448.38 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,613.07 19,106.90 .00 41 46,675 27,568.10 400 SUPPLIES 29.15 718.25 .00 73 990 271.75 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 0 100 100.00 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 43.30 603.98 .00 25 2,450 1,846.02 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 939.97 4,269.31 .00 45 9,404 5,134.69 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 387.70 .00 0 0 387.70- DEPT 104 TOTAL ******** 5,030.67 52,263.76 .00 45 117,245 64,981.24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,105.64 15,293.99 .00 62 24,755 9,461.01 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,141.50 145,843.10 11,078.36 60 244,965 88,043.54 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 3,760.99 29,150.74 1,098.10 74 39,340 9,091.16 400 SUPPLIES 808.29 3,947.26 516.41 61 6,500 2,036.33 500 OTHER EXPENSES 16,644.35 84,493.96 4,317.95 71 119,700 30,888.09 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 7,962.50 106,762.53 4,770.00 90 118,800 7,267.47 700 MAINTENANCE 4,875.48 46,192.78 2,506.91 97 47,500 1,199.69- 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 116.09 384.06 .00 256 150 234.06- 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,784.50 40,145.00 15.00 98 41,075 915.00 DEPT 105 TOTAL ******** 56,199.34 472,213.42 24,302.73 73 642,785 146,268.85 SUPPORT SERVICES FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 2 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 13,320.19 110,979.00 .00 62 178,135 67,156.00 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 96.00 47,848.88 .00 71 67,775 19,926.12 400 SUPPLIES 814.45 4,092.60 668.55 49 8,300 3,538.85 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 171.72 2,068.63 .00 68 3,045 976.37 700 MAINTENANCE 164.00- 557.50 .00 186 300 257.50- 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 735.07 4,738.83 249.00 65 7,250 2,262.17 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 1,283.98 .00 154 835 448.98- DEPT 106 TOTAL 14,973.43 171,569.42 917.55 65 265,640 93,153.03 FINANCE 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 7,478.43 64,571.18 .00 57 113,060 48,488.82 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,734.41 47,606.81 870.83 70 68,175 19,697.36 400 SUPPLIES 419.12 1,285.85 .00 32 4,000 2,714.15 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 71.22 2,672.20 .00 45 6,000 3,327.80 700 MAINTENANCE .00 .00 .00 0 500 500.00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 180.73 6,020.96 .00 58 10,355 4,334.04 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 59.99 1,629.70 .00 86 1,900 270.30 DEPT 107 TOTAL 15,943.90 123,786.70 870.83 61 203,990 79,332.47 COURT • 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 49,432.02 382,472.12 .00 64 595,873 213,400.88 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .00 1,000.00 628.93 61 1,629 .07 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 22.50 239.70 .00 34 700 460.30 400 SUPPLIES 465.79 7,247.61 482.51 51 14,200 6,469.88 500 OTHER EXPENSES 62.81 481.97 .00 32 1,500 1,018.03 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 517.90 .00 65 800 282.10 700 MAINTENANCE 1,656.76 16,867.37 978.01 57 29,850 12,004.62 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 545.73 20,647.20 810.18 72 28,515 7,057.62 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,575.10 53,634.24 .00 48 111,725 58,090.76 DEPT 131 TOTAL ******** 100,760.71 483,108.11 2,899.63 62 784,792 298,784.26 FIRE SERVICES 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 87,701.66 603,324.17 .00 61 990,903 387,578.83 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 420.25 3,440.97 82.50 86 4,000 476.53 400 SUPPLIES 2,911.70 11,166.65 830.51 73 15,375 3,377.84 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 435.48 178.93 58 750 135.59 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 1,130.45 33.00 60 1,871 707.55 700 MAINTENANCE 2,231.16 47,253.79 1,187.43 63 75,200 26,758.78 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,728.27 25,410.84 3,809.64 63 40,067 10,846.52 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,956.58 162,336.58 985.86 134 120,775 42,547.44- DEPT 132 TOTAL ******** 103,949.62 854,498.93 7,107.87 68 1,248,941 387,334.20 POLICE SERVICES 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 38,007.99 314,463.92 .00 57 556,360 241,896.08 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 150.00 1,600.00 150.00 38 4,200 2,450.00 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 3 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 400 SUPPLIES 812.52 6,017.51 248.86 65 9,300 3,033.63 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 20.74 .00 8 275 254.26 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 134.99 743.66 .00 32 2,300 1,556.34 700 MAINTENANCE 6,078.81- 8,952.19 4,800.00 20 45,145 31,392.81 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 695.73 6,735.74 432.21 45 14,840 7,672.05 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,351.25 48,633.95 .00 84 57,660 9,026.05 DEPT 133 TOTAL 38,073.67 387,167.71 5,631.07 56 690,080 297,281.22 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPORT 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 19,566.66 156,851.60 .00 60 263,313 106,461.40 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 33 3,000 2,000.00 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 .00 .00 0 800 800.00 400 SUPPLIES 913.66 3,391.59 .00 45 7,600 4,208.41 500 OTHER EXPENSES 2,015.01 12,443.59 .00 29 43,490 31,046.41 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 106.85 1,855.18 .00 19 9,600 7,744.82 700 MAINTENANCE 514.54 3,030.02 .00 51 6,000 2,969.98 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 210.00 6,234.55 20.00 35 17,952 11,697.45 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 239.98 22,196.38 .00 95 23,400 1,203.62 DEPT 142 TOTAL ******** 24,566.70 207,002.91 20.00 55 375,155 168,132.09 BUILDING 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 42,092.13 267,022.54 .00 60 446,022 178,999.46 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,380.00 51,096.48 444.85 72 71,300 19,758.67 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS 20.74 340.48 155.20 5 7,500 7,004.32 400 SUPPLIES .00 71.67 .00 29 250 178.33 500 OTHER EXPENSES 4,212.33 28,789.78 3,594.50 63 45,500 13,115.72 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 700 MAINTENANCE 12,404.76 109,083.25 10,809.88 57 191,000 71,106.87 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 366.97 6,886.00 .00 88 7,800 914.00 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 336.32 186,365.83 18,079.00 82 227,700 23,255.17 DEPT 144 TOTAL ******** 75,813.25 649,656.03 33,083.43 65 997,072 314,332.54 STREETS 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 8,390.92 69,564.25 .00 58 120,705 51,140.75 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,192.66 12,484.88 5,009.37 39 32,225 14,730.75 400 SUPPLIES 2,131.81 10,102.07 840.74 83 12,240 1,297.19 500 OTHER EXPENSES 1,452.40 10,594.24 1,289.45 40 26,600 14,716.31 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 261.80 7,160.20 93.00 99 7,200 53.20- 700 MAINTENANCE 2,604.91 31,553.54 1,146.65 76 41,700 8,999.81 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 653.92 6,469.32 76.59 85 7,595 1,049.09 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,474.13 62,305.10 .00 392 15,895 46,410.10- DEPT 145 TOTAL ******** 35,162.55 210,233.60 8,455.80 80 264,160 45,470.60 PARKS AND RECREATION 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 16,438.96 128,601.63 .00 67 190,845 62,243.37 FUND 100 GENERAL FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 4 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,462.50 30,067.91 14,160.00 24 126,175 81,947.09 400 SUPPLIES 49.24 1,384.35 .00 69 2,000 615.65 500 OTHER EXPENSES 697.60 1,613.96 362.98 108 1,500 476.94- 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 134.55 458.22 .00 115 400 58.22- 700 MAINTENANCE .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 1,159.30 10,538.20 992.70 51 20,475 8,944.10 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 75.00 7,340.72 .00 38 19,100 11,759.28 DEPT 146 TOTAL ******** 25,017.15 180,004.99 15,515.68 50 360,495 164,974.33 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 17,615.92 146,894.34 .00 62 237,362 90,467.66 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,749.05 52,747.95 8,020.46 63 84,130 23,361.59 400 SUPPLIES 132.76 2,203.55 17.99 71 3,100 878.46 500 OTHER EXPENSES 28.95 3,368.21 74.00 75 4,500 1,057.79 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 2,009.99 7,780.63 .00 56 13,900 6,119.37 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 689.60 5,829.48 393.50 58 9,980 3,757.02 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 11,414.66 487.94 61 18,740 6,837.40 DEPT 150 TOTAL ******** 37,226.27 230,238.82 8,993.89 62 371,712 132,479.29 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 100 TOTAL ******** 579,627.91 4,854,933.03 120,330.23 63 7,651,224 2,675,960.74 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended May 31, 1995 and May 31, 1994 Percent Actual Percent 1994-95 Month Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 5/31/95 9/30/95 Expended 5/31/94 9/30/94 Expended Water Sales-residential $2,970,000 $168,393 $1,413,490 47.6% $1,259,817 $2,608,334 48.3% Water Sales-commercial 612,000 28,760 300,696 49.1% 250,324 468,664 53.4% Sewer Sales 432,000 44,573 304,449 70.5% 219,303 371,706 59.0% Sanitation Sales 432,000 33,895 258,432 59.8% 223,525 344,140 65.0% Other utility charges 391,000 25,848 198,985 50.9% 231,127 373,733 61.8% Miscellaneous 51,600 12,196 81,360 157.7% 53,779 108,558 49.5% Interest Income 75 000 5.057 62.523 83.4% 43 224 74.859 57.7% Total Revenues $4,963,600 $318,722 $2,619,935 52.8% $2,281,099 $4,349,994 52.4% EXPENSES Water $2,748,041 $154,535 $1,065,435 38.8% $968,186 $2,268,508 42.7% Sewer 901,797 74,415 605,333 67.1% 401,434 700,171 57.3% Sanitation 388,800 29,421 198,463 51.0% 174,404 304,485 57.3% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 78,525 0 45,807 58.3% 81,901 81,900 100.0% Other-Line Oversizing 0 0 0 0.0% 19,713 19,713 100.0% Transfers-other funds 1,300.084 0 31 339 2.4% 110.167 272.388 40.4% Total Expenses $5,417,247 $258,371 $1,946,377 35.9% $1,755,805 $3,647,165 48.1% Net Income/(Loss) f$453.647) $60.351 $673.558 $525.294 $702.829 FUND 200 WATER FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 REVENUE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 3 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.67% OBJECT ACCOUNT CURRENT ******YEAR-TO-DATE****** ESTIMATED UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL %BUD REVENUE BALANCE 000 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 400 PERMITS & FEES 429.00 FEES-INSPECTION 7,271.10 44,321.55 44,321.55- 429.50 FEES-ENGINEERING PLAN REV 4,847.40 29,547.70 29,547.70- 400 PERMITS & FEES 12,118.50 73,869.25 73,869.25- 500 MISCELLANEOUS 510.00 MIS-INCOME 57.00 7,210.47 721 1,000 6,210.47- 512.00 MIS-INSPECTION FEES 50,000 50,000.00 513.00 MIS-RETURNED CHECK CHG 20.00 280.00 47 600 320.00 500 MISCELLANEOUS 77.00 7,490.47 15 51,600 44,109.53 600 UTILITY CHARGES 611.00 WATER SALES-RESIDENTIAL 168,393.39 1,413,490.49 48 2,970,000 1,556,509.51 612.00 WATER SALES-COMMERICAL 28,760.48 300,696.02 49 612,000 311,303.98 613.00 WATER TAP 15,480.00 124,045.00 49 252,000 127,955.00 614.00 BULK WATER 3,780.99 23,599.92 59 40,000 16,400.08 651.00 SEWER SALES 44,572.79 304,448.94 70 432,000 127,551.06 652.00 SEWER TAP 2,850.00 22,650.00 43 52,500 29,850.00 670.00 GARBAGE SALES 33,895.48 258,432.34 60 432,000 173,567.66 670.50 RECYCLING RECOVERY 682.00 METER BOX 691.00 METER TEST 692.00 UNAPPLIED CASH 693.00 SERVICE CHARGE 1,800.00 12,790.00 57 22,500 9,710.00 694.00 LATE CHARGES 1,857.50 15,099.63 69 22,000 6,900.37 695.00 DELINQENT ACCT COLLECTIONS 696.00 RECONNECT FEE 80.00 800.00 40 2,000 1,200.00 600 UTILITY CHARGES 301,470.63 2,476,052.34 51 4,837,000 2,360,947.66 800 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 807.00 TRANSFER IN-WW/IMPROVE 800 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 900 INTEREST 910.00 INTEREST EARNED 5,056.98 62,522.63 83 75,000 12,477.37 900 INTEREST 5,056.98 62,522.63 83 75,000 12,477.37 000 * NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 318,723.11 2,619,934.69 53 4,963,600 2,343,665.31 TOTAL WATER FUND 318,723.11 2,619,934.69 53 4,963,600 2,343,665.31 FUND 200 WATER FUND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REPORT PRINT DATE- 6/12/95 DEPT/CATEGORY EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 5/31/95 PAGE 5 FISCAL MONTH 08 66.674 ACCOUNT MTD *********** YEAR-TO-DATE *********** ANNUAL CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ENCUMBERED %BUD APPROPRIATION BALANCE 500 OTHER EXPENSES .00 77,145.81 .00 6 1,378,610 1,301,464.19 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 DEPT 000 TOTAL ******** .00 77,145.81 .00 6 1,378,610 1,301,464.19 NON DEPARTMENTALIZED 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 32,212.05 216,432.52 .00 62 347,018 130,585.48 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 710.00 14,147.50 2,000.00 64 22,025 5,877.50 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 1,204.19 .00 30 4,000 2,795.81 400 SUPPLIES 175.94 2,912.69 .00 83 3,500 587.31 500 OTHER EXPENSES 84,105.90 561,131.33 10,110.20 31 1,806,643 1,235,401.47 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 6,134.34 16,210.49 254.13 79 20,500 4,035.38 700 MAINTENANCE 6,781.55 89,642.56 1,406.92 89 101,200 10,150.52 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 366.88 8,203.76 124.38 99 8,280 48.14- 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,047.90 155,550.00 7,803.50 36 434,875 271,521.50 DEPT 147 TOTAL ******** 154,534.56 1,065,435.04 21,699.13 39 2,748,041 1,660,906.83 WATER 100 PERSONNEL SERVICES 9,414.12 58,710.00 .00 56 104,387 45,677.00 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,100.00 14,502.10 .00 94 15,350 847.90 300 LEASE OBLIGATIONS .00 .00 .00 0 1,000 1,000.00 400 SUPPLIES 48.00 325.97 .00 13 2,600 2,274.03 500 OTHER EXPENSES 2,929.12 17,171.78 2,729.34 63 27,300 7,398.88 600 ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 0 0 .00 700 MAINTENANCE 24,220.85 453,327.51 1,094.64 68 664,460 210,037.85 800 PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION 90.00 505.28 .00 23 2,200 1,694.72 900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 33,613.00 60,790.78 .00 72 84,500 23,709.22 DEPT 148 TOTAL 74,415.09 605,333.42 3,823.98 67 901,797 292,639.60 SEWER 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29,420.87 198,463.38 29,570.72 51 388,800 160,765.90 DEPT 149 TOTAL ******** 29,420.87 198,463.38 29,570.72 51 388,800 160,765.90 SANITATION FUND 200 TOTAL 258,370.52 1,946,377.65 55,093.83 36 5,417,248 3,415,776.52 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE UTILITY BILLING MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1995 THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST MONTH LAST YEAR 5/31/95 4/30/95 5/31/94 ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $227,770.41 $249,834.07 $214,544.66 SEWER 44,103.55 40,789.95 32,446.24 GARBAGE 32,739.85 32,509.08 29,433.42 SALES TAX 2,522.50 2,508.51 2,261.64 OTHER 1,686.23 1,741.13 1,240.51 TOTAL $308,822.54 $327,382.74 $279,926.47 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 4,182 4,099 3,558 SEWER 1,875 1,840 1,339 GARBAGE 3,923 3,887 3,527 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED: 4,454 4,373 3,793 NEW CUSTOMERS: (increases for the month) WATER 83 36 42 SEWER 35 60 36 GARBAGE 36 62 43 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 81 36 42 CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 35,990 47,825 36,778 SEWER 27,425 21,111 17,617 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison 1994-95 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent ,Si 2-33 000 $598.915 $634.085 51.43% FISCAL: FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEZ R' YEAR %Inc :::;YEAR`>' %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc TEAR %Inc MONTH :89/90 'WW1 (Dec) 911192. :.: (Dec) 92/93. (Dec) 93%94.> (Dec) 94/95 (Dec) October $37776`..$44.081,: 16.7% .$46,731:: 6.0% $50,956 9.0% $99,498:: 95.1% $89,951: -9.5% November 24 573. 37,117 51.0% 27;929 -24.8% 42;126 50.8% ::50,623: 20.2% 52,099 2.9% December 21. 52::'>,28464 35.2% ::: ::33 273 16.9% :.. 33 850: 1.7% :.. 70155. 107.3% 67 243 -4.2% 0 0 0 0 0 January :::<34463;;;::>?47 1 36.7/o-.':':..;�0{112 -15.1/o : . 6'T'�1'�. 69 2 1 06;�41. ° ..:::�${�,;77 0 0 o ° o 17.6/o February ;.. ; ' . ,,... . z5,S94 2'1,48.. 12. o .. ..._.40,IQfi 39,��I 5783;.; $> 5; March <'3t651 ;':r295. 7.5% ..::::;::37488,: 13.8% 1, 44;176 17.8% 59378 34.4% ..5000- -4.7% ° 8 °/ _4< 19.3% 7 43: 27.3% :;>:$ 2I2' 0.9% April _'3?y�(�1:: :«+41,44a: 11.4/o-: :>,;5�;543: 3 .8 0 6$;66. $.:,�3�. $, May 3150:1: .:36,t527 16.3%- :: :41020 12.0% 54,623 33.2% :58;291': 6.7% 8I;109 39.1% June 37::447:: 3T894. 1.2% >?':43;105:. 13.8% ..52;027 20.7% 59.577. 14.5% U: July 51,374 ':47;4.17 -8.5% S'1 3:57 9.2% .'80;567 56.9% ':94:157. 16.9% . 0 August 31i96`9 .:''35;95;X: 12.5% :48731 35.5% :4$,290-. -0.9% :58980 22.1% 0. September 32499 :: 7t304< 13.9% :42;741 15.5% . 54.3.95 27.3% 75228: 38.3% 0 TOTAL $396;106 $448.;148 13.1% : $51036 13.8% •.$636,738 24.8% $877;615: 37.8% $598,915 1.6% SLSTAX95.WK4 REPORT DATE 06/15/95 • First month of 1/2 cent additional sales tax. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES 1993-94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $616.500 $299.457 $317.043 51.43°/Q FISCAL FISCAL YEAR YEAR %Inc MONTH 93/94 94/95 ) October $0 $44,975 n/a November 0 26,049 n/a December 0 33,622 n/a January 0 47,843 n/a February 0 34,007 n/a March 0 28,300 n/a April 0 44,106 n/a May 29,145 40,5541 39.1% June 29,788 0 July 47,079 0 August 29,490 0 September 37,614 0 TOTAL $173,116 $299,457 SLSTAX95.WK4 06/15/95 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Tom Elgin, Planner SUBJECT: SECOND READING -Driveway Ordinance,Draft No. 7 dated 6/16/95 At the June 6 meeting, the City Council considered the second reading of the proposed Driveway Ordinance#634 and, after discussion,tabled it to the June 20 meeting. Attached is draft#7 of the proposed Driveway Ordinance with revisions requested by City Council from their June 6 meeting. Changes are indicated in redline and strikeout format. Also attached is a driveway comparison chart of driveway standards from other cities. We will have overheads available at the meeting for discussion of the driveway centerline spacing analysis along William D. Tate Boulevard between SH 114 and Ball Street and at the Glade Road and Colleyville Boulevard intersection. Please place this item on the next City Council agenda for their consideration and second reading. TE att: Driveway/Access Control Ordinance Comparison Driveway Ordinance, Draft 7 cc: Wayne Olson, City Attorney Rod Kelly Dennis Wilson G:IORDIDRIVEWAYIDFT7 MEM.WPD 7A- 1 Driveway/Access Contr ")rdinance Comparisonr . RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS June 2, 1995 Criteria Street Proposed Addison Arlington Hurst Carrollton Coppell Plano Grapevine Classification Southlake Regulations Driveway Arterial 12-20' 12-15' 12-20' 12-25' 12-24' 12-24' 12-24' 12-25' Throat Width - Collector 12-20' 12-15' 12-20' 12-25' 12-24' 12-24' 12-24' 12-25' Local 12-20' 12-15' 10-28' 12-25' 12-24' 12-24' 12-24' 12-25' Driveway Curb Arterial 20-25' 10-15' 15' 15' 5-15' 5-15' 5' 5-10' Radius Collector 15-20' 10-15' 15' 10' 5-15' 5-15' 5' 5-10' Local 5-10' 10-15' 15' 5-10' 5-15' 5-15' 5' 5-10' Minimum Arterial 150' 210'• 100' 100' 150't 80'$ 1304 40'$ Distance to ,J Intersection Collector 50' 60'• 50' 50' 1001 80'$ 60'♦ 25'$ ,!%, Local 30' 60'0 30' 30' 30't 60'$ 60'♦ 25'$ N Minimum Arterial 80' 215'4. 100' 100' 80'* 185'* 170'* 20'+ Centerline Spacing Collector 40' 165'O 100' 80' 80'* 1551* 140'* 201. Local 20' 35'+ 15' 22' 80'* 135'* 120'* 20'O Note: For purposes of comparison,the values in the above chart indicated by symbols were converted to the method of measurement used in Southlake's ordinance. t Carrollton's ordinance measures spacing from edge of R.O.W.to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. $ Coppell's and Grapevine's ordinance measure spacing from edge of pavement(back of curb)to driveway throat. * Carrollton's ordinance determines spacing from the greater of either 50'between the adjacent driveway throats or 25'between the tangency points of the driveway curb radius.However,only 1 driveway per 200'is allowed per property. ,, * Cbppell's and Plano's ordinances determine spacing as a function of street design speed. ♦ Plano's ordinance measures spacing from an intersection from point of tangency of the street curb radius to the driveway throat. + Grapevine's and Addison's ordinances measure spacing distance between driveway throats. • Addison's ordinance measures distance to intersection from edge of pavement(back of curb)to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. P G:IORDIDRIVEWAY1ORD COMP.WPD (114's Driveway/Access ContrIrdinance Comparisonr . COMMERCIAL & MULTI-FAMILY DRIVEWAYS . June 2, 1995 Criteria Street Proposed Addison Arlington Hurst Carrollton Coppell Plano Grapevine Classification Southlake Regulations Driveway Arterial 24-40' 15-26' 24-36' 24-35' 25-40' 20-30' 24-30' 20-45' Throat Width Collector 24-40' 15-26' 24-36' 24-35' 25-40' 20-30' 24-30' 20-45' Local 24-40' 15-26' 24-36' 24-35' 25-40' 20-30' 24-30' 20-45' Driveway Curb Arterial 20-30' 15-35' 20-30' 20-30' 15-30' 10-20' 20' 20' Radius Collector 20-30' 15-35' 15-20' 15-20' 15-30' 10-20' 20' 20' Local 20-30' 15-35' 10-20' 10-20' 15-30' 10-20' 20' 20' Minimum Arterial 200' 225'• 180' 180' 150'f 75'$ 140'♦ 220'$ Distance to Intersection Collector 150' 75'• 150' 150' 100'f 75'$ 70'♦ 220'1 Local 100' 75'0 75' 75' 30'f 45'1 70'• 120'$ V4 Minimum Arterial 250' 2201+ 250' 250' 80'* 200'* 180'* 330'+ Centerline Spacing Collector 150' 170'O 150' 150' 80'* 170'* 150'* 3301+ Local 100' 40'4. 100' 100' 80'* 150'* 130'* 80'. Note: For purposes of comparison,the values in the above chart indicated by symbols were converted to the method of measurement used in Southlake's ordinance. t Carrollton's ordinance measures spacing from edge of R.O.W.to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. I Coppell's and Grapevine's ordinance measure spacing from edge of pavement(back of curb)to driveway throat. * Carrollton's ordinance determines spacing from the greater of either 50'between the adjacent driveway throats or 25'between the tangency points of the driveway curb radius.However,only 1 driveway per 200'is allowed per property. * Coppell's and Plano's ordinances determine spacing as a function of street design speed. ♦ Plano's ordinance measures spacing from an intersection from point of tangency of the street curb radius to the driveway throat. + Grapevine's and Addison's ordinances measure spacing distance between driveway throats. • Addison's ordinance measures distance to intersection from edge of pavement(back of curb)to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. r G:IORDIDRIVEWAYIORD COMP.WPD Driveway/Access ContOrdinance Comparison r _ SERVICE DRIVEWAYS (INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS) June 2, 1995 Criteria Street . Proposed Addison Arlington Hurst Carrollton Coppell Plano Grapevine Classification Southlake Regulations Driveway Arterial 30-48' 20-42' 24-45' 25-35' 30-50' 20-40' 30-40' 20-45' Throat Width — Collector 30-48' 20-42' 24-45' 25-35' 30-50' 20-40' 30-40' 20-45' Local 24-36' 20-42' 24-45' 25-35' 30-50' 20-40' 30-40' 20-45' Driveway Curb Arterial 25-30' 15-45' 20-30' 20-30' 25-50' 15-25' 25' 20' Radius Collector 10-20' 15-45' 20-25' 15-20' 25-50' 15-25' 25' 20' Local 10-20' 15-45' 10-20' 15-20' 25-50' 15-25' 25' 20' Minimum Arterial 200' 235'0 180' 180' 150'f 150'$ 1454 220'$ Distance to Intersection Collector 150' 85'• 150' 150' 100'f 100'$ 75'♦ 220'$ Local • 100' 85'0 75' 75' 30't 30'$ '75'♦ 120'$ .G Minimum Arterial 250' 230'+ 250' 250' 80'* 210'* 185'* 330'+. Centerline ` Spacing Collector 150' 180'. _ 150' 150' 80'* 180'* '155'* 330'+ Local 100' 50"+ 100' 100' 80'* 160'* 135'* 80'+. Note: For purposes of comparison,the values in the above chart indicated by symbols were converted to the method of measurement used in Southlake's ordinance. t Carrollton's ordinance measures spacing from edge of R.O.W.to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. $ Coppell's and Grapevine's ordinance measure spacing from edge of pavement(back of curb)to driveway throat. * Carrollton's ordinance determines spacing from the greater of either 50'between the adjacent driveway throats or 25'between the tangency points of the driveway curb radius.However,only 1 driveway per 200'is allowed per property. * Coppell's and Plano's ordinances determine spacing as a function of street design speed. • Plano's ordinance measures spacing from an intersection from point of tangency of the street curb radius to the driveway throat. + Grapevine's and Addison's ordinances measure spacing distance between driveway throats. • Addison's ordinance measures distance to intersection from edge of pavement(back of curb)to point of tangency of the driveway curb radius. G:IORDIDRIVEWAYIORD COMP.WPD L. DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 DRIVEWAY ORDINANCE NO. 634 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ESTABLISHING CRITERIA AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, LOCATION,SPACING,RELOCATION AND REMOVAL r,F DRIVEWAYS; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A REVIEW PR O ESS; PROVIDING ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES; PROVIDING T ' T THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDIN CES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING F P ' A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SA I S CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NE PAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, driveway access and design regulation can reduce the number of vehicular accidents by reducing the number of conflicting turning movements; and WHEREAS, driveway access and design regulation can reduce congestion and increase roadway capacity by reducing the number of driveways and approaches; and WHEREAS, driveway access and design regulation can make roadways safer by locating driveways outside of the hazardous areas of intersections; WHEREAS, driveway access and design regulation can increase tax revenues by improving the image of the City of Southlake and attracting new business, industry, and residents, and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake has determined that driveway access and design regulation is necessary to adequately protect the public health, safety, and welfare. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: L - 1 - 7A- S DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 1_0 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this ordinance is to ensure that property shall be provided safe & efficient vehicular access to or from the public street system, to protect the capacity for handling peak traffic volumes of public streets,to maintain smooth traffic flow, and to maintain street and right-of-way drainage. It is the intent of this ordinance to achieve the following: A. Prohibit the indiscriminate location and spacing of driveways while maintaining reasonable vehicular access to and from the public street system. B. Reduce conflicting turning movements and congestion thereby reducing vehicular accidents. C. Maintain and enhance a positive image for the attraction of new, high quality, residential and nonresidential development in the City. 2_0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 GENERAL RULES: For the purpose of this ordinance, the following rules shall be applied in constructing, interpreting or otherwise defining the terms and provisions hereof: a. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number and words used in the plural shall include the singular. b. The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. 2.2 DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words or terms applicable hereto are defined as hereinafter provided. Words and terms used in this ordinance, but not defined in this ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Thoroughfare Plan, Landscape Ordinance or other ordinances of the City. Words and terms defined in two ordinances shall be read in harmony unless there exists an irreconcilable conflict in which case the definition contained in this ordinance shall control. This ordinance contains definitions that differ from prior ordinances. L. - 2 - LDRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 ACCELERATION LANE: An auxiliary lane beyond a driveway or public or private street that allows vehicles time to accelerate after turning right to merge onto a major street facility or collector or local street. APPLICANT: Any owner, authorized agent, lessee, contractor or developer who desires to construct, reconstruct, relocate or in any way alter the design or operation of one (1) or more driveways. ARTERIAL: Any existing or future roadway classified as an arterial in the Thoroughfare Plan. AUXILIARY LANE: A separate lane, including transition areas, in addition to the general travel lanes intended to maintain the free flow of traffic. Examples include free right turn lane, free left turn lane, deceleration lane or acceleration lane. CITY ENGINEER: The City Engineer or that person's designee. COLLECTOR: Any existing or future roadway classified as a collector in the Thoroughfare Plan. CONTINUOUS DECELERATION LANE: A deceleration lane that serves two (2) or more driveways,public streets or combination thereof. DECELERATION LANE: An auxiliary lane in advance of a driveway or public or private street that allows vehicles time to slow before turning right from a major street facility or collector or local street. DESIGN HOUR: The one(1)hour period of a typical week with the highest volume of traffic on the roadway. DIRECTOR: The Director of Public Works or that person's designee. DRIVEWAY: Any approach or access that connects real property to a public or private street. The driveway is primarily located within public right-of-way but may be considered to extend onto private property when necessary to ensure safe operation of the driveway/street intersection. DRIVEWAY, CIRCULAR: A residential driveway that has two connections to a public or private street. - - 3 - 7A-7 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 DRIVEWAY. COMMERCIAL: A driveway providing access to commercial property or providing access to administrative or employee parking lots on industrial property. The principle use of commercial driveways will be automobile traffic with incidental use by truck traffic. DRIVEWAY. COMMON: A driveway constructed to provide access for two (2) or more properties. DRIVEWAY. DIVIDED: A driveway having separate ingress and egress drives divided by-a raised median. DRIVEWAY.MULTI-FAMILY: A driveway which provides access to multi-family property. DRIVEWAY. RESIDENTIAL: A driveway which provides access to a single-family residence,to a duplex or to a multi-family building containing three or fewer dwelling units. DRIVEWAY, SERVICE: A driveway whose principle use is to provide ingress and egress for truck movements to and from loading docks of a commercial or industrial property. For the purposes of this ordinance, a truck is any vehicle or combination of vehicles (e.g. tractor-trailer) with a gross vehicle weight of 26,001 pounds or greater. DRIVEWAY THROAT WIDTH: The shortest distance between the parallel edges of a driveway measured edge of pavement to edge of pavement for driveways without curbs and measured face of curb to face of curb for driveways with curbs. FREE RIGHT TURN LANE: An auxiliary lane that provides stacking for and allows right turns from a street onto an intersecting street. FREE LEFT TURN LANE: A auxiliary lane that provides stacking for and allows left turns from a street onto an intersecting street. FREEWAY FRONTAGE ROAD: Driving lanes within State of Texas R.O.W. that parallel the principle freeway driving lanes and provide access to property adjacent to R.O.W. INTERNAL DRIVE: A private road or access way on private property that connects buildings or abutting ground to a driveway. - 4 - 7A-8 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 INTERNAL STORAGE: The full-width extension of the driveway throat for ingress and egress from the property/R.O.W. line internal to the property which does not contain parking nor permits vehicular cross movement to adjacent parking. LOCAL STREET: Any future or existing roadway designed to provide direct access to residences and provide internal traffic circulation within neighborhoods. MAJOR STREET FACILITY: Any of the following: (1) S.H. 114 and corresponding freeway frontage roads, (2) F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938, or(3) arterial streets. PARKWAY: The area of the R.O.W. between edge of pavement and the corresponding R.O.W. line. PROPERTY. COMMERCIAL: Property, regardless of zoning district,which is used wholly or partially for offices,the wholesale or retail sale of goods and services or for community services such as parks, schools, places of worship and governmental facilities. PROPERTY. INDUSTRIAL: Property, regardless of zoning district, other than commercial property, multi-family property or residential property as defined in this ordinance. PROPERTY. MULTI-FAMILY: Property, regardless of zoning district, that contains four(4) or more attached dwelling units. PROPERTY, RESIDENTIAL: Property, regardless of zoning district,that contains three (3) or fewer dwelling units. STREET CLASSIFICATION: The functional classification of a street as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan or as defined by the Director for those streets not shown in the Thoroughfare Plan. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (TIA): A study prepared and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas that certifies the existing traffic conditions and determines the projected traffic to be generated by a proposed development. L - 5 - 7A-9 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 3_0 PERMIT REQUIRED 3.1 GENERAL: No person shall construct,reconstruct, relocate or in any way alter the design or operation of any driveway without a building or approach permit issued by the Chief Building Official.No work shall be undertaken on a driveway until the executed permit has been received by the applicant. In no event shall a driveway be allowed or permitted if it is determined by the Director to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 3.2 APPLICABILITY: Driveway permits shall be issued only in compliance with this ordinance and may include terms and conditions authorized by the ordinance. 3.3 STREET RECONSTRUCTION: Where in the course of public street reconstruction by the City, County or State of Texas it becomes necessary to revise an existing driveway to protect public health, safety and welfare, the property owner shall be notified in writing of the required changes. Said changes shall be implemented at the cost of the appropriate public agency, and will not result in denial of reasonable access from the property to the general street system. 3.4 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REQUIRED: For commercial, service or multi-family driveways on a major street facility or collector or local street, the Applicant shall submit a Traffic Impact Analysis as part of the permit application and review process if the number of parking spaces serviced by the driveway exceeds 100 spaces per driveway or if the driveway is projected to serve 1000 or more vehicles per day or 100 ingress vehicles in the design hour. 3.5 COMMON ACCESS: A common access easement may be required between adjacent lots " fronting on a major street facility or collector or local street in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots. Lots with sufficient frontage to safely meet the design requirements of Section 5.0 may be permitted their own driveways. The owner or developer of property required to use common driveways shall be responsible for obtaining easements on adjacent property as necessary. The City may,but shall not be required to, assist in the acquisition of off-site easements if the owner is unable to acquire them. With a request for assistance,the owner shall provide the City with documentation of his efforts, including evidence of a reasonable offer made to the adjacent property owner. Upon such a written request for assistance,the City may attempt to acquire these easements through negotiations. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, the request may be submitted to Council for consideration of acquisition through condemnation. In either case, the total cost of the acquisition and the cost of the easements shall be paid by the owner(developer). In the event the City - 6 - 7A-IQ DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 elects not to acquire the property through condemnation, alternate driveway locations and designs in conformance with this ordinance shall be required. 4.0 REVISION OF EXISTING DRIVEWAYS FOR CONFORMANCE Upon application for building permit or certificate of occupancy, existing driveways that are not in conformance with this ordinance shall be brought into compliance at the expense of the Applicant as a condition of the building permit or certificate of occupancy if one of the following conditions exists: a. The existing use of the driveway is projected to increase in actual or proposed daily design hour volume by twenty(20)percent or more. b. The change in•the use of the property or modifications to the property restricts the flow of vehicles entering or exiting the property in a manner which is anticipated to disrupt normal traffic flow in the public street,thereby creating a hazard. Change in property use may include but is not necessarily limited to change in type of business, expansion in an (11.." existing business, change in zoning, and subdivision which creates new parcels. It does not include modifications in advertising, landscaping, remodeling, general maintenance, or aesthetics that do not affect internal or external traffic flow or safety. 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA The following standards shall be followed in the design and construction of driveways within the City of Southlake. 5.1 DESIGN STANDARDS: The values in Table One represent minimum and/or maximum standards to be applied in designing and locating driveways on City streets. L - 7 - 7A- tl (.. DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 TABLE ONE ,p.4 (including notes on the following page) V" Criteria Street Residential Commercial& Service Driveway Classification Driveway Multi-Family Driveway Driveway Throat S.H. 114&frontage roads 12-20 ft. 24-40 ft. 30-48 ft. Width* F.M. 1938,F.M. 1709, S.H.26 12-20 ft. 24-40 ft. 30-48 ft. ' Arterial 12-20 ft. 24-40 ft. 30-48 ft. Collector 12-20 ft. 24-40 ft.• 30-48 ft.• Local Street 12-20 ft. 24-40 ft.• 24-36 ft.• Driveway Curb S.H. 114&frontage roads 20-25 ft. 20-30 ft. 25-40 ft. Radius* F.M. 1938,F.M. 1709,S.H.26 20-25 ft. 20-30 ft. 25-40 ft. (Iir Arterial 20-25 ft. 20-30 ft. 25-30 ft. Collector 15-20 ft. 10-20 ft.• 10-20 ft.• Local Street 5-10 ft. 10-20 ft.• 10-20 ft.• Minimum Distance to S.H. 114&frontage roads 150 ft. 200 ft. 200 ft. Intersection Along Roadways F.M. 1938,F.M. 1709,S.H.26 150 ft. 200 ft. 200 ft. Arterial 150 ft. 200 ft. 200 ft. Collector 50 ft. 150 ft.• 150 ft.• ,. Local Street 30 ft. 100 ft.• 100 ft.• Minimum Centerline S.H. 114&frontage roads 80 ft. 500 ft.+ 500 ft.♦ Driveway Spacing Along Roadwayt F.M. 1938,F.M. 1709, S.H.26 80 ft. MVP 250 ft.* Arterial 80 ft. til250 ft. 250 ft.* Collector 40 ft. 150 ft.• 150 ft.• Local Street 20 ft. 100 ft.• 100 ft.• (..., . _ - 8 - 7A-t2 lIRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 TABLE ONE NOTES: * The requirements for Driveway Throat Width and Driveway Curb Radius are for standard undivided two-way operation and may be varied by the Director if traffic volumes,truck usage,common driveways,and other factors warrant such. t The minimum centerline spacing does not implicitly determine the number of driveways allowed.Driveways served by deceleration lanes may be spaced at closer intervals if approved by the Director. See Section 5.2(b) for additional restrictions on driveway locations along S.H. 114 frontage roads. $ Distance measured from the intersecting R.O.W. line to the centerline of the driveway. See Section 5.2(b)for additional restrictions on driveway locations along S.H. 114 frontage roads. * Service driveway centerline spacing may be reduced to 150'if the ingress/egress volume is less than 50 vehicles per day and if the service driveway is a secondary driveway ancillary to a commercial driveway within the same development. ♦ The minimum centerline spacing may be reduced to 250'provided that the driveway is connecting directly to a frontage road and provided that it meets the criteria in Section 5.2(b). • Refer to Section 5.2(c).Commercial,multi-family and service driveways may not be permitted on collector or local streets. 5.2 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA a. DRIVEWAYS ON F.M. 1709, F.M. 1938 & INTERSECTING ARTERIALS: Driveways on F.M. 1709, F.M. 1938 and intersecting arterials within 1000' of F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938 shall be designed in accordance with Appendix 1. As per Appendix 1, any driveway constructed within 250 feet of an intersection of F:M. 1709 or F.M. 1938 and an arterial shall be right-in/right-out only and shall have signs placed at the Applicants expense indicating right turn in only facing the street and right turn out only facing the property. b. DRIVEWAYS ON S.H. 114: Driveways along S.H. 114 (and its future frontage roads) shall be designed in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) access control guidelines as applicable to the conceptual design and alignments of the proposed reconstruction of S.H. 114. Driveways will be not be allowed within areas indicated as "access denied" as per Appendices 2 & 3. c. DRIVEWAYS PROHIBITED: Commercial, multi-family and service driveways shall not be permitted on collector or local streets unless the tract or lot has no other public access. In the event there is no other public access, commercial, - 9 - 7A- t3 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 multi-family and service driveways shall be permitted on collector or local streets provided that they meet the design standards in Section 5.1. d. REQUIRED A - Sf=OR .GE(STACKING/MINIMUM THROAT LENGTH): The driveway for any multi-family, commercial or industrial property that connects to a major street facility or collector or local street shall extend onto private property a minimum distance of 10 feet;ilitit#44.60*thtliSlitc ,u Y;'iif£eif1rd from the right-of-way line before intersecting any internal driveway. Internal storage (stacking) shall be provided on multi-family, commercial or industrial properties for corresponding driveways in accordance with Table Twoas€oll r .. ' a�s-:•i r�daveway • �� Mtn � ess . TABLE TWO L, 170,:aM‘ Drip' '+1,�yi' -V-.,9 20 49 w hBVer.'is` re r • 50-199 50' 200+ 75' 50 4,6;199 50-199 75' 200+ 100' 200+ 200+ `Ply avp age zip Iraqi pax spaces pec drivewa ` c 114 3b- =ddi " fatal aii err H aid. 1, � ��berac���t��,. .. . . ,„01 . . . tx1 1! c the suin cif alls a i . a* `ci 14114 waY ,' tixf9. ,.. , Ot 'te . , t'f �'IYl: 1�1].' 6 f'Oliflit01Ck.4if( T4i�hYii * i, *if**ai;diA rib 5'or_3-ifeet .wh the ier ei td : P1antmg- requiremerils for thesis'land-ofinedian=shalltbe tracabidarire withiSedibiis 314, - 10 - 7Q- 14 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 OP pro a it 'r i•?; �j vel ove men %• 4114014 ofi t ieq• "lilh Atr .. e. COMMON ACCESS EASEMENTS: The use of common driveways shall require the dedication of a joint-use private access easement on each affected property. Said dedication shall be provided on the final plat of the subject properties, or be filed by separate instrument with Tarrant County with a copy forwarded to the City. The common access easement shall encompass the entire width of the planned driveway plus an additional width of one foot(1') on both sides of the drive. At a minimum,the size of the access easement must be twelve (12') feet wide and fifteen(15') feet deep for residential driveways or twenty-six(26') feet wide and • forty-two (42') feet deep for commercial and service driveways. When the center of the easement is offset from the common lot line,the easement must extend past Cie the lot line a minimum distance of one(1) foot. f. RADIUS RETURN LIMIT: For any driveway,the point of radius return tangency with the street curb shall not extend beyond the property line(projected perpendicular to the street centerline) except as provided in common driveway agreements and as approved by the Director. g. CURB LEAVE-OUTS: If a street curb is to be left out for later installation of a driveway,the driveway shall be poured within six (6) months of the issuance of the permit, or the curb shall be replaced. h. UTILITY OFFSET MINIMUM: No portion of any driveway shall be located within four(4') feet of any fire hydrant, electrical pole, or any other surface public utility. The Applicant, at his expense, may have the surface utility moved, if the public utility agency determines that the move will not detrimentally affect the service. i. CURB INLET DRAINAGE OFFSET: The driveway curb return at the point of tangency with the street curb shall not be located within(a) five (5') feet of the downstream edge or ten(10') feet of the upstream edge of a straight curb inlet or inlet extension or(b)within ten(10') feet of a recessed inlet. j. OFF-STREET MANEUVERING: All vehicle maneuvering on multi-family, commercial, and industrial properties into a parking space or up to a loading dock - 11 - 7A-l5 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 or into any other area shall be accomplished by off-street maneuvering areas and internal driveways. No back-in or back-out vehicle maneuvering from a driveway shall be allowed to occur on any public street or right-of-way with the exception of residential drives on local streets. k. ADEQUATE SIGHT DISTANCE: Driveways shall be prohibited where adequate sight distance is not available for the established speed limit Sight distances shall be calculated in accordance with the latest edition of the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets." If a field inspection indicates that driveway sight distance may be insufficient,the Applicant will be required to submit vertical and horizontal information prepared by a registered Professional Engineer to the City Engineer that verifies adequate sight distance is available for the proposed driveway location. 1. SITE PLAN REQUIRED: A site plan showing all existing right-of-way, easements, curbs, storm drain inlets, flumes, underground and overhead utilities, trees and sidewalks shall be required for each non-residential driveway permit application. The proposed driveway grades shall also be shown for a minimum distance of fifteen(15') feet past the right-of-way line. All driveways and median openings within 150 feet of the subject property on both sides of each abutting street shall be shown on the site plan. If an adjacent street contains a raised median, showing driveway(s) on the opposite side of the street shall not be required unless a median opening is present or proposed. 5.3 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS a. CIRCULAR DRIVES: Circular drives are allowed on residential lots not fronting on arterial or collector thoroughfares. There shall be 25' minimum distance between the two interior portions of the drives at the R.O.W. line. The minimum lot frontage required to construct a circular drive is 70 feet. b. COMMON DRIVE WIDTH: A residential driveway shared by two or more properties shall have a minimum throat width of twelve (12') feet. A common access easement shall also be required as described in Section 3.5. Shared residential driveways may be required for adjoining residential lots on major street facilities to reduce the number of access points on those roadways. c. ACCESS TO MAJOR STREET FACILITY: Driveway access to a residential lot L from any major street facility shall not be permitted unless that lot has no other public access. If such a driveway is approved on a major street facility, an off- street maneuvering area approved by the Director shall be provided to ensure that - 12 - 7A-l49 DRAT #7 June 16, 1995 vehicles will not back into the public street. Driveway access to a residential lot from a collector street may be denied if either(a) the lot has access to a local street or(b)the proposed access would create a traffic flow or safety problem unless there is no other access. 5.4 AUXILIARY LANES a. WHEN REQUIRED: As a condition of a Driveway Permit, the Applicant shall provide a deceleration lane for any driveway located on an arterial street if the right turn ingress volume exceeds 50 vehicles in the design hour(150 vehicles if the design hour occurs on a Sunday). If the existing or future speed limit on the street facility exceeds 40 MPH, a deceleration lane may be required if 40 right turn ingress vehicles occur in the design hour(100 vehicles if the design hour occurs on a Sunday). b. DRIVEWAYS PROHIBITED: No driveway shall be permitted within the transition area of any separate right turn or deceleration lane. c. EXTENSION OF RIGHT TURN LANE: When a driveway is approved within the separate right turn lane of a public street intersection, the lane shall be extended a minimum of fifty(50') feet in advance of the driveway. • d. CONTINUOUS DECELERATION LANE: A continuous deceleration lane may be required as a condition of a driveway permit when two or more deceleration lanes are planned and their proximity necessitates that they be combined for proper traffic flow and safety. The transition taper for a continuous deceleration lane shall not extend into or beyond a public street intersection. e. LEFT TURN LANES ON UNDIVIDED ROADS: On undivided arterial roadways, a left turn lane and taper may be required as a condition of the driveway permit when the product of the projected left turn ingress volume(50 minimum) and the opposing volume per lane exceeds 25,000 in any design hour. In such cases, a Traffic Impact Analysis shall be provided by the Applicant to analyze the present and future traffic volumes to verify that the left turn lane is necessary to maintain minimum levels of traffic flow and safety. f. LEFT TURN LANES ON DIVIDED ROADS: On divided arterial roadways,the Applicant shall, as a condition of the permit, construct a left turn lane at an existing public street median opening when the proposed driveway will be served L. by such median opening and no left turn lane exists in the median. _ - 13 - 7A-17 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 g. TEMPORARY AUXILIARY LANE: The Director may require a temporary auxiliary lane to be constructed on existing arterial roadways that are planned for future improvement. h. DECELERATION LANE EXTENSION: In the event the Applicant is allowed to locate a driveway connecting to a deceleration lane within one hundred(100') feet of an arterial intersection,the Applicant shall be required to extend the deceleration lane to such intersection. The one hundred(100') feet shall be measured from the nearest edge of the driveway throat to the nearest R.O.W. line of the intersecting arterial. i. CONSTRUCTION COSTS: The Applicant shall be responsible for the design, right-of-way adjustment of utilities, and construction costs of any auxiliary lane and street widening required as a condition of the driveway permit. If for any reason an auxiliary lane required under this Ordinance cannot be constructed in conjunction with the driveway by the Applicant,the Applicant may be required to place all necessary funds in escrow with the City. 5.5 SIGNALIZED DRIVEWAYS a. DRIVEWAY INTERSECTION SIGNAL ANALYSIS: As a condition of a driveway permit on a major street facility,the Applicant shall submit driveway volume and capacity information when signalization is requested at the driveway intersection. Signals shall not be installed unless one or more signal warrants are met as per the most recent edition of the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and unless the study indicates the installation of a traffic signal will improve the overall safety and/or operation of the driveway intersection. If a signalized driveway is constructed on F.M. 1709, F.M. 1938, or on the S.H. 114 or the frontage roads of S.H. 114, it shall be no less than 1000 feet from any adjacent signalized driveway or signalized public street intersection. b. SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION: If the driveway analysis indicates a signal is required and an overall public benefit is shown,the Director may require as a condition of the permit that the Applicant pay for the traffic signal installation costs necessary to serve the subject driveway. c. SIGNAL RECONFIGURATION COSTS: If a driveway is permitted and installed at an existing signalized intersection, the Applicant shall pay any costs necessary to modify the existing signal to accommodate the new driveway. L - 14 - 7A- 18 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 5.6 SPECIAL DRIVEWAY DESIGNS a. HIGH VOLUME DRIVES: The Director shall require the Applicant to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis for any driveway on a major street facility or collector or local street projected to serve 1,000 or more vehicles per day, or 100 ingress vehicles in the design hour. Based on the need created by such driveway, the Director may require internal driveway improvements,turning movement prohibitions, auxiliary lanes, and traffic control devices to address safety and/or capacity problems with the property which may have a detrimental effect on the adjacent public street system. b. LEFT TURN EGRESS CONTROL MEDIAN: All driveways on undivided arterial roadways having a projected exiting left turn volume that will operate at a level-of-service "E" or worse as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan may be required to be constructed with a left turn egress control median. Likewise, any driveway having a projected ingress left turn volume that will have a level-of-service "E" or worse as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan may be required to have a left turn ingress control median. If the level of service for both left turn ingress and left turn egress are projected to be at a level-of-service "E" or worse as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan, a right in/right out driveway design shall be required. 5.7 DRAINAGE DESIGN: In the vicinity of existing or future drainage structures, no driveway shall be permitted which may impair the effectiveness of the existing drainage facilities. Drainage in side ditches shall not be significantly altered or impeded by any driveway. 6_0 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 6.1 DRAINAGE: a. ESTATE SECTIONS (streets without curb and gutter): When drainage structures are required,the dimensions of the culvert or opening and other design features, such as slope, capacity of structure, drainage computations and amount of flow, necessary grading upstream and downstream information, and section treatment and similar information on any upstream and downstream structures shall be shown on a site plan and accepted by the City Engineer. A minimum(smooth flow)pipe size of an eighteen inch(18") diameter shall be required. The restricted areas (defined in Section 7.1) adjacent to the driveways may be filled in or graded, provided they are in compliance with the requirements herein. - 15 - 7A- 19 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 1. CULVERT DESIGN: The drainage structure shall have a minimum capacity of a five (5) year frequency event (and preferably a 25 year or 100 year), unless an analysis is submitted by the applicant that demonstrates the bar ditch capacity on both sides of the proposed installation is less. The City Engineer may, based on the results of this analysis, allow a culvert with less capacity. In addition, grading of the upstream and/or downstream side ditches may be required to allow the proposed drainage system to function as designed. Proper provisions shall be made for surface drainage, so that all surface water on any filled area shall be carried over the drive and drainage structure by means of a swale (minimum eighteen inches (18") unless otherwise approved) and in accordance with the natural drainage patterns. 2. REQUIRED HEADWALL: The drainage system underneath the filled area shall have sloped end sections six feet(6')horizontal to one foot(1') vertical with necessary concrete rip-rap or TxDOT standard Type "A" or "B" headwalls. This provision shall apply unless an alternate is requested in writing and approved by the City Engineer. b. CURB AND GUTTER STREETS: The surface of the driveway at the throat (tangent point of the driveway radius to the edge of the driveway) shall be six(6") inches or greater above the pavement at the outer line. Driveways shall not be constructed at such locations or in such manner that water is diverted from the street onto private property. 6.2. TEMPORARY DRIVEWAYS: Temporary driveways are any driveways intended for short term usage, such as during construction, as an alternate construction route or any other interim use. Temporary driveways will be of a sufficient standard for the intended purpose,but in no case will the standards be less than the following: 1. Ditch flows will not be impeded, 2. The entrance will allow access by emergency vehicles during all weather conditions, 3. The entrance will not create adverse impacts on existing roadways, 4. The entrance shall be maintained during the life of the temporary facility. In no cases will the use of a temporary driveway be permitted for a period longer than L. 120 days. In the event that an entrance is anticipated to be used for a longer period of time specific permission will need to be obtained from the Director of Public Works. - 16 - 7A-24D DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 6.3 PERMANENT DRIVEWAYS: Permanent driveways are any driveway intended for long term usage. All construction shall conform with the City of Southlake Construction Standards. In no case shall the thickness of the driveway approach be less than the thickness of the parking lot or adjacent ultimate roadway section, whichever is greatest. 7.0 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS: 7.1 PARKWAY USE LIMITATIONS: All parts of the street right-of-way between the street curb or shoulder pavement and the parallel property line along the Applicant's property frontage, except the areas contained in driveways, shall be defined as restricted areas. Curbs shall be installed by the Applicant as may be deemed necessary to the Director or the City Engineer to prohibit vehicle parking and access in the restricted areas. Internal curbs shall be concrete, asphalt, or masonry barrier type curbs, six (6") inches in height and shall be painted to prevent traffic hazards 7.2 ADJACENT PARKING AREAS:Where a parking area is located adjacent to parking within public R.O.W. such as "head-in" or "curbside" parking, a concrete curb shall be constructed to separate the parking area from the right-of-way. The curb shall be set back from the property line so that no part of a vehicle that is parked on the parking lot shall extend over adjacent property or over public property,right-of-way, street, or sidewalks. Any such curb or block shall be a minimum of six (6") inches wide, six(6") inches high, and shall be permanently and securely anchored. The property owner shall replace any damaged or missing curbs or vehicle blocks as necessary, or as required by the Director. 7.3 VEHICLE SERVICE FEATURES: The minimum distance from the right-of-way line to the edge of service pumps, vendor stands, tanks, water hydrants, or any other vehicle service equipment shall be fourteen(14') feet. To permit free movement of large vehicles, and in certain instances to insure that said vehicles will be parked entirely off the street right-of-way while being serviced, a greater distance may be required by the Director. 7.4 MAINTENANCE AND RESERVATIONS: Maintenance of all driveways, islands, and other driveway appurtenances within public right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the Applicant prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy after which the maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The City reserves the right to inspect these installations at the time of construction and at all times thereafter. The City may require changes, maintenance, or repairs as may at any time be considered necessary to provide for protection of life and property on or adjacent to the public street. The cost of changes, maintenances, and repairs shall be borne by the property owner. _ - 17 - 7A-21 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 8_0 MODIFICATIONS, VARIANCES AND APPEALS 8.1 MODIFICATIONS: Modifications may be granted by the Director for the particular area of responsibility controlled by such official under unique circumstances whenever needed to recognize extenuating circumstances or preserve the health, safety and welfare of the public, and provided the modifications provide the same degree of protection, and provided that the modifications are in conformity with the intent and purpose of this ordinance. The Director may defer any request by an applicant to the City Council for final determination. 8.2 VARIANCES AND APPEALS: Any applicant who desires a variance or elimination of the requirements herein, or who desires to appeal a decision of the Director regarding modifications to this ordinance shall file a written appeal to the Director who shall place the request on the agenda for consideration by the City Council. The City Council shall have the authority to grant a variance to this ordinance. In granting any variance,the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the regulations herein will create an (re unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant,that the situation causing unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this ordinance. The decision of the City Council shall be final. a0 ENFORCEMENT 9.1 BUILDING PERMIT:No permits for building construction or site work, including grading and paving, shall be issued for multi-family, commercial or service driveways until a site plan meeting the requirements of this ordinance has been approved by the Chief Building Official. No permits for residential construction shall be issued for residential driveways until a plot plan meeting the requirements of this ordinance has been approved by the Chief Building Official or his designee. 9.2 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: All driveways, parking, auxiliary lanes, drainage work or other requirements of this ordinance shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 10.0 VIOLATIONS Any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee thereof who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined - 18 - 7A-ZZ !I RAFT #7 June 16, 1995 not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($500.00) for each incident. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate incident 11.0 SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. 12.0 CONFLICTING ORDINANCES This ordinance shall be and is hereby declared to be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City, and this ordinance shall not operate to repeal or affect any of such other ordinances except insofar as the provisions thereof might be inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, in which event such conflicting provisions, if any, in such other ordinance or ordinances are hereby repealed. 13.0 SAVINGS CLAUSE All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any ordinances affecting the regulations for driveway access and design which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal,whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. 14.0 PUBLICATIONS CLAUSE The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. - 19 - 7A-Z3 DRAFT #7 June 16, 1995 15.0 EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. 16.0 APPENDICES It is anticipated that the following appendices will be changed periodically by the Director in response to changes in the administration of this ordinance. G:\ORD\DRIVEWAY\DRAFT 7.WPD L L - 20 - 7A-Z4 j7 ? f' 'e 11 � lx s c- u ea./ S1ogGr<r L,M. 1?o`t + let 58 , IA-kc Wttb 5 leis IN Proper-h„ /R,au1, I-Lie 1 P. Fro p -r/z+ ' f; 4 *N z `` .*.Nk .--- le.: N I 1 Z I I 4tAr 1 J .... JA .......1) N. `. o � MIN tOO 1 MIDI 20n1 Mru' ��r M1� I - - 1111111 r 'Yir--14 - -.\ N .1 1 \61 I i , 3 i J 1 I _ 41 \ - w N 3. TheiS7r , LfMarr—c> 6.5 - 1 - - _ _ gt6fT i - in1 / 12,&HT 04r) 1 ` — "1 1 (. T- IN/ 1c r our) K 1.. _ St•-ce-s- iz> Aree,..At-g. 4 1 \.... , --) 7A-Z� i r r r PREFERRED ACCESS CONTROL AT ENTRANCE RAMP r JUNCTION WITH FRONTAGE ROAD c lj SCALE: 1 E200'"'0' H H 1 INTERSECTION OP ROADWAY SURFACING 1�4 . .. . . .. . l ..-. ..kOS INTErRSECTION OF TRAVELWAYS • ..�.''� � t✓��4 N .. X d Z N W FRONTAGE ROAD /y r O. Q N. 0. 2_ too' VAR. n US. MEN. 01 AggegiipENIE17,a ACCESS DENIED WHERE PRACTICAL_ r, r•. NOTE;1T MAY BE DESIRABLE TO PLACE JIGGLE BARS . IN CROSS-HATCHED AREA TO DISCOURAGE CROSSING. PREFERRED ACCESS CONTEIOL AT EXIT RAMP JUNCTION WITS{FRONTAGE'ROAD, SCALE f'M200' 0" i r INTERSECTION OF ROADWAY SURFACING 414490 ti. INTERSECTION OF T13AVELWAYS FRONTAGE ROAD N o Z IL 0. VAR. . r� 1� aoo'41} + . • US MIN'ACCESS DENIED } ACCESS DENIED WHEFIE_PRACTICAL + Longer distance,desirable particulariy'.for high volume exit ramp and/or frontage road. • NOTE:IT MAY EIE DESIRABLE TO PLACE JIGGLE BARS IN CROSS-HATCHED AREA TO'DISCOURAGE CROSSING~ A PPE ' ( t • Y r e=1"t i1 LL gtgt,+,•ih t9kt - opt , Left - i•^ I Le-L4 - o4,+ L p[ L. t d t I = e Lim 1'MD L 7A-Z8 • RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT • ... • ACCESS DESIGN .;:;........,,:•. 'il' . , � 50�R MtN._ 50RMIN. firwr ,�: y9. 18 � R�`' f CURB �... -�` T . . .4________1.\ 184 40� MIN. .. 4'- SOLID WHITE LINE 7A-Z9 A From PLY, GI .. g # RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT, LEFT-OUT ' f• ACCESS DESIGN 4 50' R MIN. 20 R MIN. CURB ‘_ :':: =!i, 20 f MtN. SOLID WHITE LINE • • 7q_3o r_________------ AfrEN DtX -I r RIGHT—IN, RIGHT—OUT, LEFT—IN Ce ACCESS DESIGN il' Li 50' R MIN . , ,fi( 20' R MIN. 18 : ,, 18I. � CURB 1 , .. —U 1 20' ,MINi., SOLID WHITE LINE • F yli (6., 7A-3I ASVIAY, a L 3 y fi' i‘ \ c ` 3 o � ` az. i Z \ i: 461 I A (ilisie A 0. .-- ---\ 11175112° tO \Nk. /4 ‘ g> 1. -z... \ : lei -.. \ 0 -o .), A� L A - 7 1A'32 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-171, Second Reading ZA 95-41 Rezoning Request REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning for 2.0 acres situated in the T.J. Thompson Survey,Abstract No. 1502, Tract 1B2 LOCATION: East side of F.M. 1938 (Davis Blvd.), approximately 425'North of W. Continental Blvd. OWNER: Dr. Gene White APPLICANT: Brad White CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO.NOTICES SENT: Fourteen(14) RESPONSES: Two written responses received from within the 200' notification area: • Edward W. Hughes, Jr., 2113 Greenbriar, in favor; "Open more commercial space to increase more business attraction to the area." • Clarence Hill, 2110 Greenbriar, in favor, "We are in need of services Dr. White intends to provide." P &Z ACTION: May 18, 1995; Approved(7-0) ZA95-41 Rezoning Request. COUNCIL ACTION: June 6, 1995; Approved(7-0)First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-171 STAFF COMMENTS: As you recall,this applicant petitioned the City to add a "full service car wash" use to the zoning ordinance. The Council approved the second reading of this ordinance change on May 4, 1995. This date was after the 4/24/95 deadline for this submittal. Mr. White submitted his Specific Use Permit("SUP")application and the required site plan on 5/15/95. The SUP request appeared on the Commission's June 8, 1995 agenda and was recommended for approval (6-0). G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-41Z.WPD 75- 1 _ -_r____________3 2A1 - - - .`-�, 5 2A 2A6 5AA4 C - / , 6 C • 5A1A SA 5 2 � _ - K�� 3 — - - - - 2A4 \--\--- 10 5C1 ;; �5 lc M 12.2 Ac in 1 I 'r 5 Ac 58 -, - _ - '1 \ 5A2 i - - -� 1A1 + 1A4 Act 15.4 Ac I A -.___ 141A 1 1 1 1A3 1A I 1 ' 2A2 tA2B 5 . _ 1 ' -AA3A -a-Nov/AA! a Ti 6A1 6B 6B2 6 6E I i i 1 1B3 ' I I SUR Y A—1; 011IjI Ac 5 Ac 7 Ac i I I I v•ltiilwt.e.14 ••• I 1 1 ► i i 1 1 1 i : 1849 , _ - — •A1A 6C4 I 6C2 '7'1A i cal 9.65 a 11 Ac 6C - 21BkT 6C3 i I a L ____. 1 1 .___ 6E1 (� t _ 6F1A 6F2 1B1 161E 1B1 1B1A 7.86 m co 3.6 Ac 6.1 Ac 6F 2 Ac °D 581 CITY LIMIT 2 - 2A 5A 4A v A li 0 � 11.27 Ac 3A BY iS1 ' ' s© � - --- p1 }4 3,A,,„ 5B1A 19 Ac Ac 80 Ac 1'.a.Ql1\'/llV E_ L E. I'llC 1 ,`---�-`. SURVEY A -1504 / 1B2 a i>\ R 4 C d lA • s --_- - --- - TRACT MAP _ 2c1 . 4 + _ ' � j�Lj. 2 1A23 A2. N " lin 0 WA ° ,5 1A2A - _ i I I I ;1 B 3 - SU Spin # 15 Representatives ) I1 I Wayne & June Haneyr..) r, d\\ 'I l I 1B3 R N OC Price Hill � N r • i 1 ' 1 B 4 Investments , L . — D. Lincoln �'I-1"-ji — - — • Davis Industrial 6C1A "I-1" 1 1 „I-1" 76 6 C � ..I-1..,_\ 1 E. Flanders I 21 E. Hughes's f "I-1"! • "I-I" oK B R AF 71 H. White! \Y2>lr \ a f 'co �° 1 (ilve "AG"! --) i. Z Li:/ I 1 I 1 i--\\ . a j o, // 1 I Northeast 16 F 2 I 1 B 1 A 1 Baptist Church I "AG"! 131 1 B 1 B 161 ` K. Harlan ti 1 L. Kane 6 F R. Woodsi 0 , 1 "SP1" R. Woods "AG" "AG" 0 480-37 , • "AG"\ "SF-30"• 1 I I \ t Q 5A i \ 1 -= 2A Q i---. . _ . \--_r_:____-_,-_. 1 \ Q' 1 L ----4 ---------_,:___ 1 1 ./ ., ,. 1 1 . ADJACENT OWNERS I = AND ZONING --(3-k J 1 I I ‘ 7 ;-3 E I i t al O f ?1n n•?t� [ r I (115h1¼1 � 1 8 d 6 ". . J U�U U 1� v.I' •M' , -•r I I I I a rrr., Ll.,JJ 6C fit,l.•.n: 1.1a '7.• NRM'I'II Il1VIS BUSINESS PARK 1 ^�:�•:s^r[`I M ,�\� 14 d it IM..Irbl/r.rU».M1 d S 1 G f2 TflAI35O A LUI1. �$p11F 350 IS • AIM•, IBI 1B1B �i I cl,.Mp, , ,..r . 6F •1 Rd.r, kp... 1I v. FII.IIY, ! I ' ,-r 11,:•51r01499 k � •Min •M• , s I RYh C I�! .M 11 RI.A C Iw! Id mil I.s 141 \ ADJACENT OWNERS I u,_i I I� t •» T.•+i+wrl - \ r I\ - 0as•A4'D.'■ .. 4 a4 tw) `D7D.41' • ` AND ZONING -- - - - lir . (1 2 v I -,. _ •cR, `'� •� bin!- . ^: • ® --REQUIRED IIUFFERYARDS �4 Y .... R• I' ... ' \ ..".4 � 'Imbed Nodded Tr,. Tn. ♦4 = jv • • '� i. 'IYfY I1WdrYh I�. ;� ' -- •�. \� .RNA-R!_ N� rfr• �,4. ' _ N A f ( RYhC L.II I— +ei \ e..•=A.Mini win■ ° "� ° 1.- •tI'• i%` GI •/[. �. /: ��,\( _Was-Of w•K\ w-K 1 ,! 1 IIA.1",� I Sf r '20'MMHG`na.rrT o I �1.• a�".• .• ��• Nn �'� \ f.� ,M I •` `T'a ,I,,. •N.II ��I I t11/I >° \ II T .1� 1L • J = ' I ,,F ` • ..�� •/ I ` �I, . ,rid. I I W i Y + . a, - /wQ 4P , / , t-1%w+LE F=`-- al..i.•'7 � C III » `� ii7`,. ♦ \ IN1EItKM WIDSCAnNC• I I(F 11ed.4'�!�.'R 12e...'... `;. T' r^° / J c� �f���t0 / /!1 I»� n.°a . I 1 I (/) - I .1 Ie4 .w I:, - ��' t' t •�/ I I R 3 SS J»4. W Q, Y I4• eA' , t ti.• ,a Al \. I.M.we AI.. .LON d KM d Y-1• I I I I 1 t'IV' . i ' j �. K� /,t•♦ I� �I A.s u i 'arn m ,F I i ,t I'y ar I V �, . sue;_' a o� J �iC�. 1 Cum L.\.R x 5 -�I I 4 I _.If�,t aeR } f ��+� � � © � �7� . I ter..,\Aned „ �e �, ■ \ N win. $ii_Y IR.RRRIlIw 3 I r' `�.`®#`; \.'•=v ,O , TH 5. i '� • i _ �/ ' s 1 r• r ^! IMt»IeR Wbser►IN4s�,\betst / j••= +•t / ARIn.4.rtn.n.wknM• 1CMn1 h 1111 ��` - I + \� OLo. ' •AG" t��,/— F3^_r! RI :� ;�; •.aia:,r�� • �!,,;•� ..•.,—i.••-7�'7� .�.'�.ai,-, • ,`,.._ -.1,_ —— \ wised on YI �4A I r- m77--- -'a:+-�_;v,��__�_�_•.;:'' —Ni u:, t; LUA n• 4. t / . Srj i A•'44'Ile..w 1-44NTR•14 \ IN IRIR bL•I p,r.R rMo'i 'I�•Ie.21 \ I A...Iw41M4.D wow, RSKM. K.N.A.I feRtniMMIGG•MTr PIM11�'IA I p., RI I; -° I rl.w.•,N olrvs.l.•.a.. .G. .�. wail 6•.e au e • p .. Na.G Acce•I+ND • 411.w•t...,...T WILL N►.° 6e1kW I•MRIL1 IAI/.I•N Mid.11TIoRAr1T eN RM•R4•o I .o•etr7wl 41.1Lj 1I .,i II yp1 UTILITY 6tt°►1MNf�Uorr.e•a) 24,02.1.tons J•o 7NM• .Inds d..d s MUD sl,1C1411j PION. 44o•'1n ,r NORTH DJANN 1 •�•'{•W+M. w".• rl.a'.M 1•uN � Iltl'sD'• • Il.c.u.pA•T I H..M *I•cT•N••41•�. - LIM I.U.D. O SITE PLAN' !�1\\ .1....((��.1.Iy .+, Ur.A.•••••r A.......,.. .�I I.wr. TALE r.M-I \I0, }ley .•..• Nam. '. ._. r.��,,••• p .., ew q•Mlal .•... I......••., TeoPN•F D.OwrU! ' 1611 rttTo�re.Tum•C•.•.wr MAN II ��� iw Ali 'I'M 0 LII.TJ.flown SrTE Tow.r lr lb.OM h.I •..p. IJ•w ,•,.. WM AMMb PLAN ' ..w..• pun" u.... rf.•.e ,,..I 1Me.r up• Jr. •SF30' r.r1. INN, 'M.eWOW A....• Mm. .». _ 5C .Inds tn. 40 . ...• 11.•Me C•. LIAI a• LI7.lL Al C. 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(re CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-171 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING .1 ACRES SITUATED IN THE T. J. THOMPSON SUR Y, ABSTRACT NO. 1502, TRACT 1B2, AND MORE FULL AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FR9 "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "C-3" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQ REMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CO CTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVIN ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANC , DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MO AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONIN CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PR IDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CU LATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A S VERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY F R VIOLATIONS HEREOF; ,, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CI1AUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE)ATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety,morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest\in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by (tie the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\CASES\480-17 IX.W PD Page 1 7V7-6 (iiia., changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those ce who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, L G:\ORD\CASES\480-171X.WPD Page 2 71 —7 is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the T. J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502, Tract 1B2, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural to "C-3" General Commercial District. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen L congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. L G:\ORD\CASES\480-171 X.W PD Page 3 7131— Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY G:\ORD\CASES\480-171X.WPD Page 4 7f3-9 L APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L C G:\ORD\CASES\480-171X.WPD Page S 7F- ID EXHIBIT "A" The following,described.tract'or parcel of land 'situated iii• the T.44,..Thoatpaoti Survey, ,A-a502,• Warrant County; Tezal and •being * port05/1 Or it23.wcre tract •esr• cci yeyed•to :14.11,•.i(hi.te&. et ux by deed' ireoorded• on•Page 390'of:Volume 2075 in',the Tarrant County Deed'Recdtde and being aors'.particulprly described as follows: •EmartuitirG ittt•an iron'rod at'.the'•lfiorthwest corner of a 5.05 acre tract .and being 'about-"East- a distance of'60 feet'and North • a .diat+U ce Of'•405.0 feet from the Southeast cornet of the. J'0ase'AUl.en•'SU rv+ey. and also being in the East'line of P.M. Highway No. '1F38; • THFIICE N 0° 03' 30" W along the East line of said F.M.' Highway No. 1936 and along a fence a distance of. 100.0 feet; THENCE N 88° 44' 30" E a distance of 125.0 feet; THENCE N 0° 03' 30" W a distance of 100.0 feet; • THENCE 0,1 88° 44' 30" E a distance of 373.21* feet; • THENCE S 0°.03' 30" E a distance of 200.0 feet; THENCE 8 88° 44' 30" W along. the North line of said 5.05 acre tract and along a fence a distance of 498.21 feet to place of beginning, containing 2.0 acres of land more or lesa. C G:\ORD\CASES\480-171 X.WPD Page 6 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-54 Specific Use Permit for a Full Service Car Wash Resolution 95-20 REQUESTED ACTION: Specific Use Permit for Mirage Car Wash, being approximately 2.0 acres situated in the T. J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502, Tract 1B2 LOCATION: East side of Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938), south of the entrance to North Davis Business Park and approximately 400' north of the intersection of West Continental Blvd. with Davis Blvd. OWNER: Dr. Gene E. White APPLICANT: Brad White CURRENT ZONING: "AG" REQUESTED ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District--pending approval by the City Council (First Reading on Council's 6/6/95 agenda, Second Reading on the 6/20/95 agenda) LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifteen(15) RESPONSES: Three(3)written responses received within the 200' notification area: • Kathy Harlan, 2300 W. Continental Blvd, undecided, questioned whether there would be walls around the site and lights that would shine on her property to the South. • E. W. Hughes, Jr., 2113 Greenbriar Drive, in favor of the plan. • Clarence D. Hill, Price-Hill Investments, 2110 Greenbriar Dr.,is in favor of the plan and commented it was an excellent choice of businesles for this area. (letter received 06-02-95) P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved(6-0)ZA 95-54, Specific Use Permit/ Resolution 95-20 subject to the Site Plan Review Summary#1 dated June 2, 1995; changing items: #10, to the reflect that the use of an outdoor speaker system or amplification sound will not be used; #18, change the configuration of the fire lane to reflect that it will 7C_- 1 City of Southlake,Texas be placed around the future detail shop; add item#19, that the hours (61., of operation will be limited to 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. throughout the calendar year. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated June 16,1995. As you recall, Ordinance No. 480-R provided certain conditions for approval of a full-service car wash: • A Site Plan must be submitted with the application. • Sanitary sewer service must be available to the site. • The site must be located on a major arterial shown on the Master Thoroughfare Plan in order to ensure proper traffic circulation. • A minimum of one parking space must be provided for each two hundred(200) square feet of total floor area of all buildings with two-thirds (2/3) of the minimum spaces being tandem spaces for (ip„ cars awaiting washing or vacuuming. • The wash bay and vacuum/gasoline pump areas must be forty-five (45) degrees off parallel to the adjoining thoroughfare. KPG/ls G:\WPFNMEMO\CASES95\95-54SUP.WPD L ZG-Z 5 1, • :11„.:..„,„.. _ ,...-! i L--T:::T__:::___.------------T5 ---- 2A1 ..s___., \ 5A2A 5^4 C — . 1 G ,f � . 5A'A SA 5 2 _ � p Jti (J (� C PA 2A4 tr .L�L� \' 3 — i ~`"_ — — - — — — t Cl to W r � 5C1 ��R 1c \'''' - - is. I .- 12.2 Ac . � � S Ac 58 — Ii 5A2 1 ` - - _ _ _ 1A1' -4 1A4 Ac`1 15.4 Ac I Ap 1/1A =.- I I I 1A3 1A I I , I 2A2 1A2B 5 A I i T I I A T ©41I 2 �o ig- 6Ai 66 682 6 6E I I I I 163 ` 1 I SURV r A—t5t I I I Os v� I I I I l 1 1A/1�rir.;1 ••0 Ac 5 Ac 7 Ac I I I I I I 164 I- I T — — At A 6C4 6C2Fr 1 A i �� — ^ 9.65 Ac • 14 • a-48• • 11 Ac 6C I 1 I 6C3 I 1 I Ac I —1 6E1 �: _ �tA 6F2 181 iBi6 1B1A 40(low8 N Z.- ` 1 m 7.86 E 3.6 Ac .1 Ac 6 2 Ac m 6 .6 1 - - — --- 11? a 5A 4A CITY LIMIT 2A < `' AIA 11.27 Ac . 3A BY 51 1 ' S 58 ' .� �j s ' it '� 581A 19 Ac �/O fit� 4 Ac 80 Ac '1' .a.NMEL Gto 1-10 / t •\ . SURVEY A—1504 \ 1B2 --.1.'''''-' .1�- .\ 1 -- -- — —_ • '� -_ h R - ' 1A L . _ - - - - - TRACT MAP _ 2C1 - /AZ 1A23 N • Q 0RN A -FL ,S 1A2A -- H 1 13 3 ' - I 1 su Spin # 15 Representatives > n I I I Wayne & June Haney 1..mm.momi... ........ r ]\\ 1B C R N1 ►JO( 1 B 4 5: I Price Hill I N 1 Ii Investments _ _ . — D. Lincoln ��1_1�� i 6C1A Davis Industrial • L6C T E. Flanders I cl E. Hughes; f "1-1"I . "1-1'" 01- h.h. \1 B R I AF cn' c� •� I H. White! \ o / c ' of \\1\"AG"! U ( I ACli l a`) o � Z I I Northeast 16 F2 1 B 1 Al Baptist Church "AG" 131 1 B1 3 1 B1 / ; K. Harlan L. Kane 6 F R. Woods 0 "SP1" i R. Woods I "AG" "AG" 0 480-37- • "AG"\ "SF-30" — — — — — — I t o5..( I — I \ t 5A i pA 2A Q - i----. • _ EL. C",(kr I . Z.:'..... I 1 ADJACENT OWNERS /r\ _.:T__ AND ZONING City of Southiake,Texas SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-54 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Site Plan-Mirage Car Wash. 2 Acres,T.J. Thompson Survey Abst.#1502 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Brad White John W. Sholeen-Architect 1369 Knox Road 4514 Travis Suite 350 Roanoke,Texas 76262 Dallas. Texas 75205 Phone: (817) 430-1691 Phone: (214) 520-7499 Fax: (817) 491-4861 Fax: (214) 520-7496 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Specify by label the firelanes to be added and deleted with Phase II . 2. This site requires 15 parking spaces and 14 tandem parking spaces. It appears that only 12 of the overall 15 parking spaces required for both phases have been provided. C * Although not required by ordinance,staff would appreciate placing"Case No.ZA 95-54" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Brad White John W. Sholeen-Architect G:\WPF\REV\95\95-054SP.WPD 7c-5 ..... 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" ...i4,.— . . . — 1r .10.. ...\ ', 4 •,v.A1:10.9,-..,--•....,-"- '7---7-i'A• i i 4 . ,,,,ii,,,;•••••••,-;.„,,,.. -------• , 4 i --•:i."..',.' , ..:• ,. ..,..W...,-.„. e-- ..,,t4,„ ,, .1. it•C' (... ..,, ,.., " fn1 `•40,.., 7 • ' -- '111"-- -- t_4114,‘,4„-- , ------.1,- -• i•..r .,L' • • Irrit:r. --=..... . ,._ . , , . •• l'• X • • dr; 71V •i• ' k -'... .1. t . .0 lill • . 7G -8 RESOLUTION NO. 95-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A id �, R „r t ri� F tr " � 3 i K S Fr b �fi e �y.„ • 1? a �6�r �lcR €, ;` 'e `„ �' � £ � \ ON '. ..a} .�•.. � ,uu.,,�. ;w�t'.r syaaf .aa�. ., PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS Wz' ky I, 4V1,• 0: :0 . 1 ; AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A," AND AS DEPICTED IN THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, ;:.11"*) . fa has been requested byaperson or corporation havinga proprietary interest in the property zoned as w` q rP P P �'Y � P P rtY .�.:-. 1 a` ; and, WHEREAS, in . ,r .,� �� it #. '0#14f 1 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby fmd and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby ranted for � 'r £ '�� c, ? on the P� Yg property legally described as � � r _ u� ► i r ,; � .�. ; as depicted on the approved t �._ attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"A," subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G:\W PF\RES-ORD\95-20S UP.RES 7C-`3 • Resolution No. 95-20 Page 2 SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas L G:\WPF\RES-ORD\95-20SUP.RES 7C-1O Resolution No. 95-20 Page 3 (61., EXHIBIT "A" TRACT OF LAND IN THE T. J.THOMPSON SURVEY,A-1502 TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS The following described tract or parcel of land situated in the T. J. Thompson Survey, A-1502, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of a 23 acre tract as conveyed to L. B. White,et ux by deed recorded on Page 390 of Volume 2075 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod at the Northwest corner of a 5.05 acre tract and being about East a distance of 60 feet and North a distance of 405.0 feet from the Southeast corner of the Jesse Allen Survey and also being in the East line of F. M. Highway No. 1938; THENCE N 0° 03' 30" W along the East line of said F. M. Highway No. 1938 and along a fence a distance of 100.0 feet; THENCE N 88° 44' 30" E a distance of 125.0 feet; THENCE N 0° 03' 30" W a distance of 100.0 feet; THENCE N 88° 44' 30" E a distance of 373.21 feet; THENCE S 0° 03' 30" E a distance of 200.0 feet; THENCE S 88° 44' 30" W along the North line of said 5.05 acre tract and along a fence a distance of 498.21 feet to place of beginning, containing 2.0 acres of land more or less. L G:\W PF\RES-ORD\95-20SUP.RES 7C- 11 Resolution No. 95-20 Page 4 EXHIBIT "B" I ' _ _ -rq� »n nwrtruunoorxtno.eWw-Thal SUM Hillin:J.:.' lgi I Q V:- 3vottlAt .. _ _ _ tz—i, 1 ,......c,/,'------- ——"i- ir;i4•*"e'lL's 4(22) g - re-FHit-1 .M, +n..l+s'ha,. ,a a C: =1 1 i \ . is/ 41; 1. • , ‘ 1 / 11 ., t:si, 2 y / C oa • i 1l a el! A -`t i y a a r Z 9 u = '. Ili a 11 rib. ' �, , y R l C] y t / y 4 i Ilil E � /x Y L it t , ii„, ,i L,iiiiii._ ': ,5 r;11i1 .KJ* ,, — LI el F / I7r ) l ' S - ' t 1 , T , I iiii h- • M. `` i ' - 1s G y i ? ac_ ! fl ja . . ` ��. D° 1 ii\ 41. ' '+'1) . N. lk> .,-0 i' t:m I .! -0-?,6,N,-4,1,.. -- iks,t:.N,:f.!i),,,1 . i.d 1:4111, 4 .1 1 _ 11 ll a 1 . l j .Y �, 7 I, to d11d1j ,I j ...w•. ivre,a .ter' ' !�4 - . 1 Q !! ! ;! i L____________,. i d., i: 131 I n i I Fit " . l ., 1 , R I i .. . y. •K>rxaM +y 'y'D - h7� �- ir ': l ywr/1im1lG t JrH+dAy now..seir�N vu ywy.rw•o-u r'M. � f:.. � P ' ~ G d(( ii1 Pill' 1tile ' 774' ,<• !• 4 P!./ m t a E :fill r / /. 71 tI t I r a v.-fry ontnazU ery"L jl 3 2 ! ! a a 1111 �, -r 1 ,K{I+N A�MN'JIN 1R� t{( 11 i 1 ''OA7f SU.0 r t L _ , 1 fLs.'5) .FT-4 -. -...,'.. . y • I t G:\WPF\RES-ORD\95-20SUP.RES 7G_12 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-172, Second Reading ZA 95-42 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Park Place Estates (advertised as The Highlands Addition) REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Park Place Estates (advertised as The Highlands Addition), being 23.321 acres of land situated in the R.J. Paden Survey,Abstract No. 1255, Tracts 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D. This development proposes forty(40) single-family residential lots. LOCATION: East side of S. Peytonville,adjacent to Carroll High School and Stone Lakes Addition OWNER: Stephen W. Smith APPLICANT: Terra Land Development Company CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Ten(10) RESPONSES: Three written responses received: • Naomi Morrison Johnson, 701 S. Peytonville Avenue,opposed to the first submittal (The Highlands Addition layout); in favor of the amended submittal(Park Place Estates)with a permanent 6'wooden fence on metal posts being constructed and maintained on the entire south line of the property. (See attached letter and lotting exhibit.) • Joseph Fitzpatrick, 1405 Richmond Ct., opposed; "With Stone Lakes Phase IV to be developed, the Smith property is the only remaining open space in that area. If converted from Agricultural to Single-Family use,the contiguous housing will be extremely dense with no open space among the developments." • Brandon and Kay Baker, 620 S. Peytonville Avenue, opposed; In the attached memorandum,they offered concern about the transition between the large acreage lots in Airpark Estates and the subject - proposal, the downstream drainage, and the loss of trees due to the 7T7- City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CURTIS E. HAWK, CITY MANAGER ORDINANCE NO. 480-172, ZA 95-42 PAGE 2 development. They would like assurances of a minimum home size being deed restricted comparable to the neighboring properties, of lotting not less than 20,000 s.f. and if the rezoning is approved, of a"high quality type of perimeter fences(being)installed, in addition to landscaping as a buffer." P &Z ACTION: May 18, 1995;Approved(5-2), ZA95-42 Rezoning and Concept Plan for Park Place Estates,subject to the Plan Review Summary Two dated May 12, 1995 deleting item#4C (the requirement for 30,000 s.f. lots on Lots 3, 11-14,Block 2 and minimum 125'rear lot width on Lots 12 & 13, Block 2 along the south property line.) COUNCIL ACTION: June 6, 1995; Approved (7-0) First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-172 subject to the Staff Review Letter dated June 2, 1995. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the third Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached fourth Plan Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-42ZCP.WPD (We �T-2 MAY.11 '95 3:53PM P.3 CITY OF SOUJTHLAKE (kr NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 95-42 Dear Property Owner: An application for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map has been filed with the City Planning and Zoning Commission. The application is for the property described as 23,321 acrctof landsituate i r m T A )3,5C and..31). The property is located on the Enst side of S. Aevtopv�lle, acpacent to Call High Sehnol and ,tone Lances Mditioa. The Owner of the property is at en W.Smitli and the request is being submitted by the Applicant, Terra'And Developm t C.ompan . The current zoning is "AG"-Agrie l u�ai; the requested zoning is '' -ZOA" -Family R,esidgltial District, A Concept Plan for The highlands Addition will be reviewed with this Rezoning Request. A public hearing will be held by the City Planning and Zoning Commission on Mai 8, 199 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. At this ti.wc,you may submit your views on the matter in person,by writing,or by representative. Yon are encouraged to follow the requested Cie action through Ibtal approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who for any reason has not received a copy of this letter,it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake . .- ._ , - - - The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlakc Planning and Zoning Commission,667 North Careoll Avenue, Smatdnke,Tex 76492_ .• •• ' R FEREI CE ZA , • • I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the r quest for the following reasons: SIGNATURE: (Please Print Name) MO R R I SON, NAOMI n ADDRESS: TOT S PEYTONVILLE AVE SUUTHLAKE Tx 76092 MAY.11 '95 3:53PM P.4 May 11, 1995 Mr. Greg Last City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. South) ke,TX 76092 SUBJECT: Reference No.ZA 95-42 Reference No.ZA 95-43 Dear Mr.bast, I have no objections to change in zoning from"AG"Agricultural to"SF-20A"Single-Family Residential District pcx Reference No.ZA-95-42, In regard to Reference No.ZA 95-43,here are my comments: • I ani opposed to plat as submitted because of 20,000 sq.ft.lots adjoining my pro y. • • I am in favor of approval of a new plat dated May 1995,Case No. 95-42, containing 40 lots and farther modification of Lots 1,2,3 and 11 dated 5/10/95 attached hereto;and further that a permanent 6'wooden fence on metal posts will be constructed and maintained along the entire south line of the property, (Lots 1, 2,3, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15). If you have further questions,I may be reached at 2I4-334-523 1. Very truly yours, Naomi Morrison Johnson 701 S.Peytunville Ave Southiake,TX 76092 cc: Bobby Harrell 701 S.Pcytonnif a Ave.,Sauthlab-, TX 76092 1 27 144 ' 1 t8' I 11lf , 35 Bidg. Ltd:";s:7--1Fi * . r-- 35 'AI R, a • ....1 . . m 2 i�' +* 3 �- i 1 • 20 w 21 +� 1 f Ili► D TF4 . c J F+ M 121 •X1• yfi' 120 ' - F 127 ter..-.-..- 6I ..A. , 176 Z 174 f �'" 8 ao w .r _._ - "_ s- i I w. • oi " 4:: ' • M ` Z. • . 35 L ) I I ' d , 1 126' ' T 6 1 i6 • N.` 156' ' �_..-5:..f .._ —k< 116 • 116 ,.J 1..* r •„- 10A '• 4 • 15' b 15t} �•-_ _.. . ..__ _.. .__ @ 177' d55i' . 4 Ii �� 54 1QO ' 1 114 \rii4. 1 ? 35 81d !.A ri a Mi $ . S • fdg a oa t ' -^ -----t,71'' •-•---- -• - -•�7- - ,-._._.... 15 LtE..__ 224• _ �D' -----... 2:1�710-4:Ur . . ..._ .- J 17 . -- -- - ► 0 __.. -. . 4o- 46 `1;"'_ ... .w. ... .. . . _ •...._.._ - NOTE: L. -, ' ' zor PE,R*A NEN T 6 ' 'OOGEi FENCE ALONG . +t sOuIH PROPERTY L ME 6 ZONED SP- to :'_' APPROVE-0 FINAL PLAT 3 IL "`�'-_..,.._..._,....- .�. _ . _.,.�.�.J STONE LAKE S G iaa FHA 5E FOUR g .1%1 loNELi 51: • F.4 VI VI ItC\:." . I 6 .` �',. If 5/)8! PfZ ,. g5 (ii.„ REF NO. : ZA "PARK PLACE" ON S. PEYTONVILLE WE ARE OPPOSED TO THE REQUEST TO REZONING FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : 1 This single family development of houses on 1/2 acre lots effect the "country atmosphere" that many of us moved here for. A survey of homeowners on South Peytonville will show homes with acreage except for Chimney Hill at the very end of the road. Airport Estates is apparently platted for only 3 . 5 acre lots . Re- zoning down to 20, 000 sq. ft . lots is Not a ' smooth transition' ! 2 We would also like to see some minimum size (square foot) restrictions on these houses that complement the neighborhood, not devalue future property values. 3 Drainage (water runoff) down stream is one of our greatest concerns . How can this be properly handled to eliminate any more erosion/flooding? We (and the city) had tens of thousands of dollars worth of excavating done last year to control drainage. We know first hand the tremendous amount of water that flows west and south through our property! What will 50% more runoff (calculated amount from roofs, driveways, and streets) mean down ce stream? 4 How manytrees will be lost due to this development? p 6 The copy of the proposed plat shows lots that do not appear to even be 20, 000 sq. ft . I would like the dimensions verified. 5 Would the environment and our community be better served with a less dense development of larger lot sizes, such as 3 .5 acre lots like the "Airport Estates"? This would maintain a rural atmosphere, reduce water runoff, and offer greater potential for appreciation of property values. [If some form of re-zoning does pass, we would like to see the city ask for guarantees of a high quality type of perimeter fences installed, in addition to landscaping as a buffer. ] Sincerely, Brandon & Kay Baker 620 S. Peytonville // KA 7TV-1 .i , ....±±2...- 1 `K� ` \ `} S Gi 8 88 r 1 -` -1 f - g r _ 1D G 7= la I _ © J_ - fQ 1 _ Z rs- ✓✓1 '" 1B Ac 3.5A - f.nr. noe 1 I I 30 Iiill 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I IA1A 17.5 A •' ''1 - a ��� P Al _ L i1 1 1 51 1,----r----r tfJ� - � 1 L� T .1r� 1AIA in CARROLL — ' - o �o 20 Ac �'� 'l4 © ►, 2A3 3C2A HIGH SCHOOL 1 Y � _2A2 R D ED '� a �,c\ 40 ` kr. .:IJ y � 15 A � �._ ,i,. P _i- - 0 � 1'4G IR T'OAS ,> 2A5 l ' ,�:. / r Y. ' • Q' 2At ;- _ co f J-- ' s 4 ."4, ' \,e-' �'♦', - --- `._i 1/`•�� 16.-.... 4 ' '2A 2A6 rij�KY�s C� b.,Dr' rK5R2A4 l� -i , ' 1'' , ,- -- - 1 C) to 28VII 2 f� 2A IC RI,,, 12.2 Ac 14.5 Ac - -AIR -- - 10 Ac 30 Ac 5Ac ` „ Thiltr;MHILL SURVEY A-1505 l _ Al 4 1A4 1G t 1 I I I .. py ; _= km 5Ac fID41ti1 QARK - - -- — to 2 f jl + .� -4- L _ ( , 1 \'r T 2A2 1A2B 5Ac - GOG 1_ _ 1 _ _ - - 1 1 TW01l\'/llQ J. T L I v /' f!3 - t[N L I _ . Ja,,, i:riN I I I 1 I I 1B SR Y A-152 • I I I - N1N1 I ` w 9O 2A2 I rnval:raur ' lE IE11 lilwrer.i ... / = - „wi :2144 .A- v. !- 1 _ a 9.65 Ac 'I - L i 6C rre likiN111111.LA,a :- 1- e . Ala L. r , . lei _ - _ z Li 0 1B18 1B1A - _ lAS7.86Ac --1 13Ac aarit• IJ 1 D 1 ter,.2 Ac 1 �H DIli-_� ) ) 3 I . 181 1A21A3 1M 2 Ill 5A 4A 3 r� '•-1 3A I to I .: ` i ., ... F,,, - N 11 27 Ac CARROLL 4 ` 0.1 — t — - _ _ _7— — FA,�t I ELEMENTARY _ ' , .r'•/,. -y` — _ -{ - 's, �51 1 . Z 5 5B ' . - SCHOOL — ! 1 , , , '�.,.`�: fi TR �„ I Gi i 1 = - - LI1'1ry Al" SB,A _ — 4 TRACT MAP - 1N� TA1 111 , o �0N1Ks IPA . ,7 SURV9 r A} l�04 I I I ( �� 1 I I � �182 1 Jr -� C • C27 jc...ut .: Representative v n#� otter ► ��. 4v* sp` x P ri v a fl G.Steeptoo1. 5 5 �`. • cUR %. ••�k •�' • , __,.. .,.._ ) A J FltrPatrI /ve^�gppat .x..... • ./ . C.Obv \ „or ... • ... , ,,,..., AIAN %,pG" i Ai. ,..„ .. as .....4' 7C4/ ./ /. ,, •� T 6. . ,11,0„ / ..7. m..,.... ,, ) /, "pt.41 A ,---, -..)\.. •esker 1 � &, J ZOP „SF. ir „ N Mprnson � � / . > " . • — ' 2 .,sF•1A Fpstet '�SF• '� ACEN V it „SF.1 P' _ . — P►Q� Np ?CAN — _ „r . -- • Besse .1 A„ M City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-42 Review No: Four Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Concept Plan- Park Place Estates (formerly submitted as The Highlands Addition), 23.321 Acres,R.J.Paden Survey Abst.#1255 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Terra • Goodwin&Marshall.Inc. 920 S. Peytonville Avenue 6001 Bridge Street. Suite 100 Southlake. Texas 76092 Fort Worth.TX 76112 Phone: (817) 620-5373 Phone: (817)429-4373 Fax: (817) 329-6920Fax: (817)446-311 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to lot configurations: - 111\ \\ A. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot width of 100'. For lots fronting a curve,the required width is measured at the front building setback line. Lot 10,Block 2 does not appear to meet the minimum required lot width. N��" B. The lots adjacent to the north line of Lots 1 and 2,Block 9,Approved Final Plat Stone Lakes Phase Four, require a minimum lot area of 30,000 square feet. Based on scaled dimensions, a few lots appear to be slightly under 30,000 square feet. Lot dimensions must be adjusted to obtain exactly 30,000 square or greater. * A 35' building setback line is required on both street frontages for a corner lot. The applicant has requested a reduction to the standard side yard requirement of 15' (15' B.L.)for Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lots 6,7, 18, and 19,Block 2, all of which are "Back to Back Lots" . * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Terra Goodwin&Marshall, Inc. Stephen W. Smith, 601 South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092 :\WPF\REV\95\95-042CP.WPD 717-9 rr . . .. , ........, „. 1i .,ee s: St-i ^ -"� # .11.0. • tWtrG/aEX/••141FG # .�...,.. "'f, kl:Fi'" I --- -'''''' \ e p, ' taro , cot u _ .• ,. . _ ___1 I ' .V •W, 1 w 20 1I1' 25 24 r E 33 32 '1 • 30 ) 29 js. 28 27 2 •. 2 4�, 23 11 -- .� I—„y f`^. 1 _ _ e r, ;tom:kecs 0;' � , 8 l slur 1 ; '.I. � � ur S R R O 'sae r{i 1 • . 111461114!' q sat»I , R ' ilfs• : d b -. , •--- 20 2f r 22 11441 -- zotic ; 1I S k k, , . 1 for sa hA ;fJ ttsir ' sir itot { tar ra ,\"."✓ 5„ ;, is .` / t vet t AO 10 \ •�TX (‹ a ,'�, � � ll� /' .t . I tarar i� 1 b I .POINT F -, 2 3 2 �� '✓� fl ? CI 13ij i •BOI I .O tar ill);: $ +'.,, grt. '8#* . . '� ilt t IA Ii�,t n ._._74E4 ! fii _„,__.._:.... 4W SUES 77 1 ,,� 1747WANENTSEE INS A` / \ 'i..r` ; ut F t E$raLIA s�avc� I. (ii p sow;PROPERTY LINE" col If } - s61." /" ! $rot+ TOMEO.F-rA Y , PP�ruvk4 f1NAt / PHA, S MC O PHASE'FOUR 4"; *,,'�� _ ��• Ev, r1 U.I I 00 II00 � .44IIIII`, CONCEPT PLAN FOR SF-20A ZONING REQUEST 1111 P0: III PARK PLACE 211.0 23 . 321 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH R41 . PADEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No . I233 4 ; i r -...\ I M• 1� ! Illlllv....glllllll ) L.:.'.-.L.,.. v.t...,Avfili 1 � � I f NORTH -j------ st t . .. ., ..''' . ' *--.2... ---�----- °tT�', �l j +y ftitRaµN a aaioa 1 _ �_� SCALE: 1' . 100' `V.lpl M1`� T°yk` o w.r. .�C�iMO {f1iL �, `�-_�,,,,12 4 6 __� I u o .r va lliurl.n aw ; • IFaL Offt�►1Fn • °� °SSA°v"�Ih•` 'I \•,,- WNW••Or....SOW.r•worm�.r r rw...WAS tar VIA R --1 1.1 er .. _ . -E. . �tl. , -'---- _ 1•\, '�/• + rL'."u'L^"".rrw"`....•:•�ra..r.`aaem. +w .. 2: 0.11 11L 7i' 22 ip M .. 2a 27 26 24 t, •rvi`n. i•�..r�'' .'•�w�.n n FAY'.°+awi.n�.w'.° an f• \.\ : .- 3=----A_l�.--• ixer * ----- 4 L ,• I!I,,,,,,AIfE) .WWI.SW WI••�YyrflU rAd NWII �•��Iy, —~� f0 f wr M r N O r/4!E II/AFF. 'MWOW rv:IWe'•«..pr..I lwgv l•.'•'i+•°r•'wh ryi'Ii.wM.tY..14'� 1 ' Ilk _ 'o- ; I.I�w- D rrrs.',rrf ro. U . ..i..,•v`""1a•7..:'vr.,:37r'.t.:w b.:.•-0,t,tri �I///,1�(✓,/' j ¢ •. 22 l , —` � •p.l�Cry...I�,y,,yyr�'I...•..':.ia.:�yw.1 '.'..rr.�.'T.3".@I� —1_ --•' 1 cie . 21 1 I' 4Mi�jw Git.t.... Y OM•.4 rr tlT I b M 4.i/T•... lizaiiiiis IG NM ( ��+C f..I.T.� -.. ! - - - / Il ak.}`'�n aWITWL r4.....` I.Ye''.,:•n..%Wss*Ads.• Sr..TMM M w.MSS GB A. SLIDE 1575 I.R. .C.T•,• t ,_ 2 — —^Y a Y. - n,tl41t A.t..E•II4 L r eon,r {' sa as ;r I !'!�� ilLibm . IIIee If 1 C OS-- . ..r..u—--!- ill 2 4 ar tl'at aw. ,\ f'�,,,y` Di n �, .�� O tr 4. ..�1 � ; ^ ( 2 �? ! a >: • o� b r Rom ••G a \• I NNIO COWS* 'A ' • Ir D� fLIC v rr g� a �—LIL �'1 — OW. 1 --— k, ....12 4L ' N OHO'/a' 72y1.Q3' as w aa5 �""'` SorWry rrr r IOW.CIr•••r..A,6r? r. A• YOUMANS CITY Cara jL� N sautr~cur IWOSEEI / STONE LAMS �.� L 'C MD t -u- 1 i Q�/ , PHASE AQUA Owe hp•'•. -- .P'PROVED AID • . ,., a1M ••°A POSE AON1 ♦�- •aW.WOW ar,pfrt.•a QI , O. 'IC IW O Y•II 'N M f Y.O.•ASV.Moon A[I14rt1..a I II01X 1 �� ., _ 0. r MOLT', i oko or••• �• V —iiI 1 CONCEPT PLAN FOR SP-20A ZONING REQUEST C u, City of rot rn PARK PLACE _.= WET-A' 11aIAa9 ID aa.rw te$ _ _ ^ . gale' OWNER / DEVELOPER: GOOD11IN1 23.321 ACRES or LAND LOCATED 1N TIE l _MARSHALL" _ R.I. PADEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 12SS TERRA Ova CMCO DI.RAMIS.alalaa110aa II mAnM u • S ' 'i a20 S.PEYTONVLLE AVENUE f01lT1IJACE TEXl1t :aa CITY m aooa>aIXAS ..w.atl.a..ow owl atlw.T..r.. *AaaAwT eooanr, raaAa i ana0.1370 """""'"' II Lora ! ' -- - WY Ina 4 1 Co.No. is-.: • J 1 7 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-172 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING 23.321 ACRES SITUATED IN THE R.J.PADEN SURVEY,ABS FRACT NO. 1255, TRACT 3A, 3B, 3C, AND 3D, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT"A"FROM"AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "SF-20A" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; (or PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City hasthe authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes,and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by L the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\CASES\480-172X.W PD Page 1 712-12 C., changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those (6.., who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is .. a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, C.- — G:\O12D\CASES\480.172X.W PD Page 2 L is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 23.321 acre tract of land situated in the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255, Tract 3A, 3B, 3C, AND 3D, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural to "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District, as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B." Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present (ittivi conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of ., Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a Lviolation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. G:\ORD\CASES\480-172X.W PD Page 3 7n-t' L. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. (lbw MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY w PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY — G:\ORD\CASES\480-I72X.W PD Page 4 7T1-15 • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: C C G:\ORD\CASES\480.172X.W PD Page 5 717-1/6 • L, EXHIBIT "A" BENG a tract of kind situated in the R J. Poden Survey. Abstract No. 1255. City of Southlake. Tarrant County. Texas and being a portion of those some two tracts of land as descrbed n deed to Stephen W. Smith. recorded 'n Volume 7432. Page 2286 and Volume 7432. Page 2324 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas and being more particularly described as folows: BEGNNNG at a 5/8" iron rod found in the east ine of Peytonvile Avenue (Variable width RA.W.) at the northwest corner of a tract of the approved find plot of Stone Lakes. Phase Four. iane being the existing northwest corner of a tract of land as described in deed to Naomi R. Morrison recorded in Volunro 5822. Page 328 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas, said point fying in the toe corm& to the south he of said R. J. Paden Survey. Abstract No. 1255 and the north fine of Rie James Thornhill Survey. • Abstroct No. 1505. THENCE in a northerly drection along the east tine of said Peytonvie Avenue the fotowing N 00417.00" W 'Reference bearing). 39420 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found: N 031f1T E. 313.77 feet to a 5/8- iron rod found: N 0017'00" W. 80.79 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found in the south line of the Card 1figh School Addition. an add<tion to the City of Southldce. Tarrant County. Texas as recorded in Cab«met A. Slide 1460 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County. Texas: THENCE S 89°40'32" E. departing the east line of said Peytonvie Avenue.'clang the south he of said Carroll ligh School Addition. 127518 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found at the iFcost corner of said Addition. sane beingihe northeast corner of the aforementioned Smith tract (Vol 7432. Pg. 2324. DRTCT). said point ' in the west tine of Stone Lakes Phase Three. and addition to the City of Southlake. Tarrant ty. Texas os recorded in Cabinet A. Side 1679 of the Plat Records of Torrent County. Texas: THENCE S 00°18'49- E don9 the west he of sad Stone Lakes Phase Three. 788.30 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found at the southwest corner of said Addition. sane being the southeast corner of the aforementioned Smith tract (Vol. 7432. Pg. 2286. DRTCT), said point lying in the line common to the aforementioned Abstracts No. 1255 and No. 1505 and the notrh fine of he aforementioned approved Ind plot of Stone Lakes Phase Four. THENCE N 87'40 46" W. along the common hie to said Abstracts No. 1255 and No. 1505 and the north tine of said Stone Lakes Phase Four. 1294.60 feet (Plat 1294.99 feet) to the PONT of BEGN IIVG and " cortanirg 1015.853 spore feet or 23.321 acres of land. L G:\ORD\CASES\480-172X.W PD Page 6 7T?- l7 (1111:24h '...\ lIVE 00 I , b" ' p" 1j o c) .l t.0 town °'w t r aei'ir d' , (..1114ks i o i III 111 y l NORTH N r 't .7... _i________( . , g� X —1- -44`,p. t3'p. for Km r —d't yr •,• 2 I I. Hrar p.m. i \ SCALE: 1• . 100' y�t�.M1���y rtt .o w.I.�r � �-- ,.q,� ,, t ----j j i.. .r„rr,�;.�r.. rr _ ,Eq..oE,�.,� ♦a gi0oti�q,,'C f I , .r a ••«r`,..,r•...............a,u n�*�.•.�.wr mcN e4'gt ,.F'9 ; r� r«« •\•h �.�.,.r�.ice... ,. ......'�_,,.,Nr n u•w Y yr r t...r,..a.Iy� J . � \'i P -- - • Ir- • r -- _ • /! .Ir•,T M•,.MI.�'.:.,,Wi.''r Y.n �1.�10�~ �. •w, • \ .1 - - F ;� Y i- tiu.,.'.'rt�".r. .rir..�.,rrw,rr�...er7►'.rrrti°'i ,, •• I 77 C 7t J0 , .« ; • .v x4.7 in y.+ Trar%...7 .r.�i• wi:•• • AM r. _ 11001101,M•.� W }I �• ^ Y' \)` t...}ttu.r.w..yr.w...rr j, A .—. 1RRS DA- ; Staid; :I/STOW-44 I.GTne t MN Iwo b.yr w.••11�• r�.�1.. �•- '�.� :• �� -1-�--- ' «» w SE rm•Er:. n..:ZioZta rr�r�. !~Irryr:f,::,,M wri•I •v , 1 ,U Qa r . 22ia= .«h;r. .*. :t,o. W7 i is r na3t r _______::......„"..‹: ;I . _ ¢ - --': " 't «oT/ nen t net r b I we...LA..nw.A..rtl%,w••POW I ril IARER VTR. ! CAI A. Srra'r375 I.R. .C.T. fB� r w L r , r.r.r•,r» Iw 6 j e� `E 'S I 1 15 --.—. --.—.-'r eij O.Roar r < �'� ga..r E• 1 71- 1 r-y Tar.et r ,. . 0 ,P . lito'IF , .... /\ ^r-'"%,_ p3 -3, ,ff , . rue 2bTa't—• .- \ 1,oti 1 ,, r. 4. w e g j .I,,ty 2 -� wit >t II ��y 01 QINT •Q`• •N.\ 1 om Pool* 1 etA».0 NO m.omwu • . ____80( - —elf t1E �iJL�A or sr[ .i n.,r, \ .emua an o.ua Co w «, r ra,,.,a,•Tema POW OW ««• I f r sear tR»rI1rI UK aw« % VW\ CARES tl3 POMP. .u I I: i , 'mg rase I"•hrw+ . { r..S'E•, .\ / CO�.rl» WO . pq��n�i[rn. !`O Mom. !Ar`\/ •rE1.Atgr,r Arl,oMi,4 0,1...7 'y$ �: ' tMh 1 OMR I CV,.•AO.mom S(Sow:ft 1 �• ' ® ILK"I .«» r r yr •—•yl i CONCEPT PLAN POR SP-20A ZONING REQUEST An C rn City of C rn PARK PLACE r MET'A- Frew ill m Il INS ` 1 "' 4 TUI OWNER / DEVELOPER: GOODIIINI 23.721 ACRES OP LAND LOCATED IN THE `_ MARSHALLI R.J. PADEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1255 TERRA Evan.Mew.arnl7aol n Scone u B20 R PEYTONVEJLE AVENUE r.. CITY or .00rnaAil, Al SI I 1 Bovrl+tiAKE TEXAS ON Mt ARM ,..... TARRANT COMM --.-- ---- a LOTS 95,12 4I WT .tt. P 'I City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-173, Second Reading ZA 95-47 Rezoning Request REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning for 3.44 acres situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18,being a portion of Tract 2C31 and the entire Tract 2C32 LOCATION: South side of Johnson Road, adjacent to Jellico Estates and Timberline Estates OWNER/APPLICANT: Viran Nana CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential/100-Year Flood Plain NO.NOTICES SENT: Fourteen(14) RESPONSES: One written response received from within the 200' notification area: • Olan E. Willoughby, 2655 Johnson Rd., opposed; " I like what little bit of country we have left,just like it is." • Thomas E. Dean, Jr, 5809 Quails Path St., Colleyville, (owner of Lot 8 (2.236 acres), Timberline Estates), opposed, "purchased large lot expecting country atmosphere . . . not small lot city setting." One written response received from outside the 200' notification area: • Marshall Milton, 2530 Johnson Rd, undecided; He questioned how this will affect the neighborhood,property values, &taxes. P &Z ACTION: May 18, 1995;Approved(7-0) ZA 95-47 Rezoning Request 7E- 1 City of Southlake,Texas COUNCIL ACTION: June 6, 1995; Approved(7-0) First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-173 STAFF COMMENTS: A one-lot plat showing has been submitted for Staff approval on this property. One single-family residence is proposed. Due to Mr. Willoughby's opposition, the land area in protest exceeds 20% and will require a super-majority vote of the Council to approve this request. KPG/ls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-47Z.WPD L 7n 7n 31113 1, 1 -- 20 E'ED OW- 3H 'eve OH 90 - ::y:�.,:,. • Q�'EMI 6302 RE 981 - 2 i Et 311E - 3G,N ' , f Y J.II , N - -r - 3111 3J1 3E1 5 '• 9C1 _ 4 la - 4 ® © _ •1 . 2c •N ► _t _ 3110 311E tit , + - + - -3111 311N 3C 8A2 i IL 1 3 • 1 4A 4H 4G1 - 4-- + 7C 7 78 7A 6A 6D 8A28 Al9�R 4 ■:1...,•.+:� 2 - JOONrJ[►`J� J. FRESHOO JG� 7.8Ac /� • 4A1 �, 2.9 1 S(/RVEY A-521 Ac - J V - ' © .,� 19 Ac 3.3 6Ac 9.5 Ac ' jjAc �1 4 n 6 6 ;8A28':A r p� 2 utr7lf A ri - 1 - : C ... 9-(1 V ® + j'' BA3 tA7:'t 1,5 it '5 4G. i _ , _ up 88 i, 1 G ® 4, d NSON A ROAD iIil', 1B 18 i , , ICI1C 1 1E 2C5 2C7 2C172C13 2C2 3 2C9 C,0 , , i , I , P I- 6 2 2 - 181AFLORENCE 6 a . ELEM. 181 . 6.3 Ac 12.8 Ac �. , , - *�, .*►V --T-- . 5 r 1G 7 181: SCHOOL 1 , -S�1"• -t E i i E jx ... G -T - -�1 a I I I C. s -�_ i - _ - 9.3 Ac jai. �• - - `�- - - `-) Afl I 1K = 4y.., . _ _ , - _TIj:' _> ..0 m 111 1. 2C27 2C26 - - - - --s -4 1 WEST 1At ICr7rCV - ' T ' 55AA 5A2A D• S f� ,40, A14A 4 ` ' inll 1 f 4E01 ■iu�Cv I - ' _ + 3 ', � � �s �' ' G�i. AI_lt N -_ - - - 4A1A wR Y A-18 ;V-- •.,•r- n 44 sc,GO • �aNR A f� 4H1• ' Del . 4A I A10� 4E 4Kt I 4U ` • , - 58 ► - - 10 Ac 414 4G 41 5A1 5A2 , 1- - _- _ . ~_ 6C2 • 8.6 Ac 8.4 Ac 15.21 AC) 15.4 Ac + Apv; 1l 4K 4E + + 0114 i !� ,'�, 4 1 2A2 0 6A 6A1 68 682 6 6E I I _____ - - t�:.air,: - 4U 6 4 6 -------- 48 l� 4C 6Ac Ac 5 Ac 7 • I + — , i i 16C4 6C2 •C1 ..-- 9-85 Ac TRACT MAP 6C 4A 4A9 4A151 42.99 Ac — I 6C3 1-',. I----13 A,I - - 6E1 �tFI - 611A 612 78-3 (N -z W 4-•• I 3.6 Ac 6.1 Ac `6E 1 d & 0 0 ik OKLV Ut-1LL �� 1 !..„ C 1 1 r . "AG" �- Spin #47 Representative 8 A C9 VI Dick Johnston „AG„ = o c J. Warner H.M. Johnson 2 o 0 \I ROAD Ci d 2 "SF-1 A" C18 2C2 2C3 2C9 2C10 ' ‘ 2 S. BonsteII 1 i 1 "AG" "AG" >'' '" "SF-1 A" j m m o L. Berry ..,� . _._.. . _._ . —I. N "g ' \ , ,___ • .....- • — • ----- • — • VA.\ I Ce Q "SF-1 A" 0 . ...._ . _... . _. t -- " _ ir T. Dean ____\\ . .....— • 10 -Cs " R. Johnston ( ..�'I JBedgood ( ) T 1 1 "SF-1A ..- ' \ N\ f.--) . .,'' ) ii-: a ii 1 I _ • 1 ----- . ,.._... �-' 1' 1 . t .-- " -1- "SF-1A" . -- . . ; ADJACENT OWNERS 2D 7 . '- .--- -- . -- AND ZONING.1 ,) . ,. . -----i 2--- _ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-173 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING 3.44 ACRES SITUATED IN THE J.G.ALLEN SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 18, BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 2C31 AND THE ENTIRE TRACT 2C32,AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "SF-1A" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\CASES\480-173.WPD Page 1 7E-5 changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No.\480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, Cie G:\ORD\CASES\480-173.WPD Page 2 is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 3.44 acre tract of land situated in the J. G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, being a portion of Tract 2C31 and the entire Tract 2C32, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural to "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enfrcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dallars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. L G:\ORD\CAS ES\480-173.W P D Page 3 7E-7 Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not,under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: (Ihre CITY SECRETARY G:\ORD\CASES\480-173.W PD Page 4 Li APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L L G:\ORD\CASES\480-173.WPD Page 5 7G-/ • EXHIBIT "A" C BEING 3.44 acres of land out of the J. G. ALLEN SURVEY Abstract #\ 16 Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at an iron pin in the centerline of County Road 490%(Johnson Road) , said point being 3405.0 feet East of the northwest corner of said J. G. ALLEN SURVEY: THENCE East along the centerline of said road, 227. 3 feet to iron pin for corner; THENCE South 6 degrees-07 minutes East, 5e3 .6 feet to iron pin 'for corner THENCE West 289.4 feet to iron pin for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees-15 minutes vest, 560.0 feet to the point of beg- inning and containing 3.44 acres of land of which 0. 13 acres lies with- in the County Road. This is to certify that we marked the coroners as shown above from a survey made on the ground. An iron pin was placed at each property cor- ner and there are no encroachments or protrusions except as shown. • C G:\ORD\CASES\480-173.W PD Page 6 75-10 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: frA,MTIPreliminary Plat/Timarron Addition,Village "H" REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition,Village"H",being 91.17 acres situated in the Hollingsworth&Barnett Survey,Abstract No. 797, the M.W. Davenport Survey, Abstract No. 432, and the John N. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591 Village "H" proposes 225 residential lots with 5 common greens and has a residential density of 2.47 du/acre. There are two product types in Village "H." Product Type "A" will follow the development regulations approved with Glendover- Phase 3 and Product Type "C" will follow the development regulations approved with Brenwyck - Phase 3. LOCATION: Southwest corner of E. Continental Blvd. and Brumlow Ave. OWNER: Timarron Land Corporation APPLICANT: Carter& Burgess,Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential • NO.NOTICES SENT: Twenty-one(21) RESPONSES: Two written responses received from within the 200'notification area: * James Stahala,P.O. Box 700876 San Antonio, Texas; This is good for Southlake; it will create a bigger tax base which will relieve current property owners in Southlake;he also asks when is S.H. 114 going to develop? * Bill Kochweop for Kercho Kochweop Partnership/Marvin Kercho, 3825 L*e Austin Blvd.,#504,Austin; in favor. P &Z ACTION: April 6, 1995; Approved(5-0-1)Applicant's request to table ZA 95-30 Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition, Village "H" to the April 20, 1995 Planning and Zoning Meeting. City of Southlake,Texas April 20, 1995; Approved (5-0) ZA 95-30 Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition, Village "H", subject to the first Plat Review Summary dated March 31, 1995, deleting item#3.H. requiring Street D be aligned with S. Carroll Ave.; deleting item #3.I. regarding the curvilinear street design requirement;and clarifying item#12 changing Product Type'B' to Product Type'C'. COUNCIL ACTION: May 2, 1995; Approved (5-1) Applicant's request to table ZA 95-30 Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition, Village "H" to the May 16, 1995 City Council Meeting. May 16, 1995; Approved(6-0)Applicant's request to table ZA 95-30 Preliminary Plat for Timarron Addition, Village "H" to the June 20, 1995 City Council Meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: • Applicant has met all the review comments of the revised second Plat Review Summary dated May 12, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls • G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-30PP.WPD 8 A-2 , { ,, Li ' ...._ . (111.1 •:, 'I I AI (1 I it 1 II II ,, f r / ..-- IN:: . • I Y �MEAoio���o0��"6run: o o�otietoa t:IidE m 0 0 o:Lo v,`�p ©o�qo; pip ' 430W:6\V4 GQ�.41 1-Si tirkevA 9: `- ©Ikki Q • �o Proposed Naa-a.ON o �Ooz� • 4e''-••• I �0 . �,. o 11 s,..ee•�Q,C►� . CCpp:Q r! av;o ' Village H dze©e t'!d ' 06arwde o QIIAA.041 0T ;a g 1-grin ' s Ora o dC ?pA!;; E=` marILIx mrAicilD o©:4A v I ai_��p firkii' -' ...- ,v0R!O�OoOpJ `ewCOop�R�+4Onli i 'ir • / ._. .., Iii,f -: '' 1*., "• 11* PAIRI;I:Pries.La II= b.. 114 NI ,ii_i• _. NX :-� op4. g .v$40146Relnr*. OQ 1P-Vie akaIri • . nnlit a;eels O m O• • ra • �!! `� oemm,ou e e el pde p- • h'a'se oe. 40 v04vOdC i�. ����. 'n a©�© gees 041"I 1209R r.. Oj • / It 1),,, 4r , - .,‘N* -I • ;N\ . . .. - ( `..'" ----: -,3:-. ''' ---.--.' -- ‘14Z11 ISI . "ON i 611111‘‘jeY44t*ii444 .\\:. '. . ' ,-. ' _____.,m, topial*-46710-.. :.- - - ,-- _ . . s,.__ _. ._ , ,, , ,, . ..rY ' Nippy. s' , . . , .;::-:::..,,,, ••••.8 I,. A , \ 4 i . .. M 4 9 OVERVIEW OF TIMARRON DEVELOPMENT L SA-.3 1, 1 • (� IA3 20 Ac 4C I SIJRYE° A-803 ' 6A1 _ 1. - RAINBOW ST. T 1 - N 1 SAl ,`-� IA2A 2A 28 2C1 / 1 i BAAIA lA2B 1 — a — --- aA2 _ --Y ' BA 1A2C 6. 3 IAc ' 1 -C I r 1 11 1 6A 1A2 683 hilP I I- .. -I 1- - 6A1 IA - 2C � 6 r 6611 t T "1` ` ` } _ 6f I t6C < 10 Ac 10 13.4 Ac I r—r 7 / -1 j L s.-' 4'I 43.01 AC�� 6Ea I < U I lAl 1 2A2 111111111111' _ EAS1 CONTINENTAL BLVLI4J I. - ._, TY ,T T .T-T -'- T -r - N 4 5,11 )A IA VI F(j'f y 2F1i 11 _ ' . , — i ; . .4 0 —,-- El i ; 2A3 I ; 1 —� — VO 1 1 1 J HIT R11• a, • �� , 1 2E12E2, _ a .. �Gil ‘ _ (Mlle \ 2E4 31.61 Ac HOLLONG5 \%1J�©I TIN 1 2E6 1E 0 1r.114M[ U U I. 2HI 2H` 2G 2E7 W 4 SURv1 Y i7 1S7 2E \• 7K • , '-- N 0Oo5® N • SU'VEY A-591 1 ID 18 3 11` 1716 Ac OPy<<� 28.88 Ac - 0 14 1 • \, 1 W.H. uGaJVC�(r`:1POO �T I ,,:,moo. SA1 IA2 IA2A SURVEY A-432 I `�4 ill Cie 28 . J� 58 g TRACT MAP aP ► g- GRA 1 (II"*' 2N2 N•Brown � � 2F 1 ', K le.) c. etcho r b3-ilk CON0 SF*Ps\ EpS1 - e� , 2 ,\ fi°' 0 ` 3.Lod G4)/P•\ VesVe° V aleP \ 1'�R's °- ` 18 ' Nlel.s-Tex c.S\ 2 ti 3 ) %-- - \ R•NI)` "t� PC a �-� a.Nab -- St f 5 1":„....„2.- i5 j4 t AG` S �1. OH R ss- \ 3 0 .t3 `� m\ 1..... SP7i\e" Z:; � �` -J �,C,. 412q1311\ 4 . 1,1\ 101- o N.ones l '', v. 2E1 11 4 GoR ., A co H•Thommson 2E4 1 ^°�'�nd 1• 4 \ 6 P pG\ PC 2 J•Wn9ht ZD� 1 AG ~► 4..10 PC 2E6 1 , a co-j - Ili�. 3.500 AG 2 .1P 4.4:417 / 11lSlirj1101 '�4 Wri9ht. 2E 111 G a\Rwd ` pG\ `and Gocv 2 T 3 2G . • r \ `/ kali', G` 'Rmarton ��' SAC0 �� A hP1.0 23)01 % . )o'\t %SO \ ,, 4,0i004. 4 .41 . •t3 C P M2. � /140„„„.. A . bob----... liiik , D % Y .7 R anon land Gosm�` ,� , , RVE Tim J2 0c U 4 enttive 3 `� , A U•VEY A�59 tRACt 5A °0. ePtes S Smin*90-Sataist : - - = A \ G.N1,�tohel\ OF GOt_Le. ►1ll S ____----------- -,--.7i,:;,__---ri: _:, ,___„_-_:.-, % ,-„-----: --_,--, ._,,,- - _:,- Gcr OWNER 18 pcoo 07 Pk Np yON 10 UA ip1 :1 :/ ! !!1• i!: ll4iiii / !!J iii i +;i� iv(� ' g$$B, ~op i1 4:a� 151 { 15-12 ilhi 4i' i i 14111413313111ii13i R ili ill 1 we y z "" i j 10 , 1 .. i i 14 11 . 111 i 1 1 1 ,„ s�i a i . g i g.sk $d.a its�� �� f iiilllllilfifl ei€ .42 -e- 4e i / r I a I iiiiiiiiiiiiii -f- ill .� C.', r He►I ! 1 1 1 i p l•v k + r, fr y II! lssslslsaiilii ilIetiIEi9 �d `� 34■ 4A • _ i ! are F fFI�Y * 1 Ito f ►�, ii" Willi; iPiIT -11 „ 41,:l ,trida.., . , t iv ( . t.i4 _ill* wlat. 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Or ji.-*435\:- '.. * 410 4 TIMARRON DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ,� VILLAGE "H" S, �`�� �,� T PRODUCT " " � , TYPE A , ' • �jc,- ITEM: DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: Height: Thirty-five feet (35') maximum No building or structure shall exceed two and one-hall (21 ) stories. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five feet (25') minimum - no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than thirty- five feet (35'). Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20') feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five feet (5') minimum on no more than 25% of lots and ten feet (10') minimum on remaining 75% of lots. No house may be closer than twenty feet (20') to adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Twenty (20') feet minimum Lot Width: Eighty-five (85') foot minimum lot width on 90% of the lots; 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from fifty feet (50') to eighty-five • feet (85'). Lot Depth: One hundred fifty (150') feet minimum Lot Size: Fifteen thousand (15,000) S.F. minimum Fifteen thousand, five hundred (15,500) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 30% Minimum Floor Area: 2,600 S.F. 95210701.M01 84-7 � TIMARRON • DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS r! ,, ' A N N /. VILLAGE H ;,., PRODUCT TYPE "C" erg `) `,9,5, V ITEM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Height: Thirty five (35') feet maximum No building or structure shall exceed two and one-half (21) stories. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty feet (20') minimum = no more than 50% of the lots will have front yards less than twenty-• - five feet (25'). Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20') feet minimum Width of Side Yard: Five (5') feet minimum on no more than 25% of lots and seven and one-half feet (71/2') minimum on remaining 75% of lots. No house may be closer than fifteen feet (15') to the adjacent house. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Ten (10') feet minimum Lot Width: Seventy-five (75') foot minimum lot width on 90% of the lots; 10% of the lots may have lot widths at the front setback line that vary from fifty feet (50') to seventy-five feet (75'). Lot Depth: One hundred twenty (120') feet minimum Lot Size: Ten thousand five hundred (10,500) S.F. minimum Eleven thousand (11,000) S.F. average Maximum Lot Coverage: 45% (50% of the lots); 35% (50% of the lots) Minimum Floor Area: 2,200 S.F. 95210701.M01 w1•es City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-30 Revised Review No: Three Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Timarron Addition.Village"H",91.17 Ac..Hollingsworth&Barnett Survey Abst.#797,M.W.Davenport Survey Abst.#432.&John N.Gibson Survey Abst. #591 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Timarron Land Corporation Carter & Burgess. Inc. 300 E. Carpenter Freeway. Suite 1425 7950 Elmbrook Drive. Suite 250 Irving. Texas 75062 Dallas. Texas 775247 Phone: (214) 791-3333 Phone: (214) 638-0145 Fax: (214) 541-0800 Fax: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/14/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. The northwest portion of the project tract appears to contain Lots 2&3 of Plum Creek Manor. Show the lot lines, lot numbers, easements, and county record volume and page on the graphic (in light lines ). Provide the lot numbers, subdivision name, and county record volume and page in the preamble of the metes and bounds description and in the title block. The title block should make the following reference: " ... and being a revision of Lots 2 & 3,Plum Creek Manor, ...". 2. The metes and bounds description should include the survey names and abstract numbers for all surveys that the project tract is located within.Please verify that the project tract is located within the M.W. Davenport Survey Abstract No. 432. It appears that the south line of the project tract adjoins the north line of this survey but may not lie within it. 3. The metes and bounds description should match the bearings and distances labeled on the graphic. Please correct the discrepancies. 4. The proposed realignment of Brumlow Avenue does not appear to meet the minimum 600'centerline radius requirement. 5. The following changes are needed with regard to adjacent properties: A. Show all adjacent unplatted properties,with owner's name and corresponding deed volume and page within 200' B. Show all adjacent platted properties with subdivision name, lot lines, lot and block number, right of ways,easements, street names,and corresponding plat recording information within 200'. C. Label the existing zoning of all properties within 200' of the project tract. $�•9 • City of Southlake,Texas 6. Change the following portion of"Note#5": "....All lots contained within Block 2,and Blocks 43 through 51 of this plat are subject to the Timarron Village'H' Development Regulations for Product Type'C' ." 7. Lots 4, 5, and 34, Block 1 do not appear to meet the minimum lot square footage requirement of 15,000 sf for the Product Type 'A' Regulations, and Lots 27 and 28, Block 44, and Lots 24 and 25, Block 48 do not appear to meet the minimum lot square footage requirement of 10,500 sf for the Product Type'C' Regulations. 8. Change the side yard building setback lines on Lots 30 and 38, Block 1, adjacent to Byron Nelson Parkway, from 10'to 20', as per the Development Regulations for Product Type'A'. 9. Delete the proposed water and sewer the Preliminary Plat. Water, sewer, and drainage plans should be submitted on a separate drawing drawings. 10. Staff recommends that the applicant dedicate the small triangular piece of land located southeast of the new Brumlow and old Brumlow connection as right of way. 11. Add local streets to the vicinity map. * Staff questions the likelihood of the future extension of street "M". Staff feels that Street "L" is would be more suitable for future extension. * The approved preliminary plat of the golf course expired on 7/21/94. * A completely corrected preliminary water, sewer and drainage plan is required with the submittal of a final plat. • * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Timarron Land Corporation C' Carter&Burgess,Inc. G:\WPF\REV\95\95-03OPP.WPD 84- 10 N $ a f niiinninid001011. . I: Ili " y i v v _ =i g 5 = 8 i E 1111111111111111111111121111111. °E� 8 r,Ee s i<Y 9•i i 1 : A At i i��t i 1101001111090[1o01Oti800 I Q i 4 � a � NllllIIII Ed I III 1. ' s5' a a !gl I lis 9 § ; ! ith. Oil i ° f A89BB89Afl8E18891111 ' ' ' ili o000111011 88881111 a sa Ili :Ilk, „ il ........,._;_ „,. liii .: -- : ao. _ter--�'a �° . _ A_�n -- r8 IY 'rc-__ -. , a:�:------ - M Ili i; iit454 " isi.. 1 W liNNINNIIIIMP . I ii! ,:i :!,,sis,,,,iii ,. I, A, in mg INgiutenandammiteps.,,T4 'f,,,N i____ ' - 0. i • \4 'VAL 1 1 in : i ... 4110011 NSW si . ANION - s4., *FAL , .-7;:' ..,,:, , - ,,, ,41117- RINK 21.,111; 211 - (*.ssimmx=•••• • . _., , , ,N), ,, 441p„-uog-ei ask. : ow liN 41. Mil ' --- --'-'— .1 h 4/4114'i 4 , ,, 1\..,..1 • \, .„-- ,./MO ii ,11 cif I Nat - fr., ..* '. ‘. "gisimillex' Milli i .„ ...: i , , . it, i .% . 2 i :‘„„:' , ' 4t all! k I Mins ; 1 NE i 1---____ ;;;,6,, 1 + s ,.. .1" b..,tv u1141111/ Fix , t,\ ,,,,,,, „Out:.UZI , I Re 1 1 6 ,-.• . 1 , ' _.„ i--- -g6 •( ', . . q jj Is: x 1 Ell !qe 47 - 111111t [ E [[ [si. • ri[[ iil�iiiiii ieii,p : )\ if; , ' t liii1illllliliil NEMt� 66i9iiii$i8ii6iii E;EE EEEE= E � € i I. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii: iyti. ni o ; , liiiiitliiiiililiiiiiiltn -s , tor ,.. ,s, i z r _ 1 1 CIA iiitiis�S�I • i rr 1 i88 j a _4,ifkialiNK t .,v,s ,��.� 0 4``ii - l'lllilllllli l ei_ i i llr i ` ^~ INK _ Nliillt_A t ��d�i'sllEa�seaa9a���� ,_, , �_ � - �-� � „urn... .,N � � '�E�IEEtEEEEIEEEr►,E 84-I I kial nwiiiimimmi 1► City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM (40.' June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-31 Plat Showing REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Showing of Lots 1 & 2, Hall Medlin No. 1038 Addition, being 6.039 acres situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, Tracts 2D1, 2D2, 2D3,2D3A, 2D4, 2D5, and 2D6 LOCATION: Southeast corner of E. Continental Blvd. and S. White Chapel Blvd. OWNER: Timarron Land Corporation APPLICANT: Carter&Burgess, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development (Site was designated for"C-2" uses on April 16, 1991.) LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: Twenty (20) RESPONSES: Five written responses received from within the 200' notification area: * Dana K. Trenor, 120 Bent Trail, opposed;this will negatively effect their property value and she does not want commercial prope behind o e. * W.B. Strange, Counsel to E-Systems Inc. Pool Trust, in favor; this appears to be an appropriate development of the land. * Richard J. Bradshaw, 130 Bent Trail Dr., opposed; changing to another zoning will change the atmosphere and value of surrounding property. * Joseph McClure, 1495 Bent Trail Cir., opposed;there is no reason given for the change in zoning to justify approval of the request. * Michael and Lorne Heath, 150 Bent Trai r.,opposed;they do not want this property to be commercial. Three written responses received from outside the 200' notification area: * Natalie Robage, 1075 Highland Oaks, in favor. * Susan M. Vales, 220 Bent Creek Ct., opposed; she does not want commercial property at this location and would like for it to stay residential. qR -1 City of Southlake,Texas * Dee and Elaine Perkins, 1350 Bent Creek Dr.,opposed; they do not want spot zoning or commercial development, this will devalue adjacent homes, and they were unaware that this property could be rezoned at the time they moved here. P&Z ACTION: April 6, 1995;Approved(5-0-1)ZA 95-31 Plat Showing subject to the first Plat Review Summary dated March 31, 1995. COUNCIL ACTION: April 18, 1995;Approved(6-0)to table ZA 95-31 Plat Showing to the May 16, 1995 City Council Meeting. May 16, 1995;Approved(6-1)to table ZA 95-31 Plat Showing to the June 20, 1995 City Council Meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of previous Plat Review Summaries with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary dated May 12, 1995. A plat showing for this corner was previously approved by Council on October 1, 1991;however, it was never filed of record. The approved plat has since expired and a new plat showing must be approved. As you will note,this submittal is essentially the same as the previously approved plat. KPG/bls G:\W PF\MEMO\CASES95\95-31 PS.W PD C FSPJ-� 2P2 2/6 _2P12P1020 -, VAC 2P18 H-) I 415 Nc• WNW% ee41101 4. ... - -, - � 0i • IAA Ott 10. �� OVII ► ' ,fir _ - ; - -c . % `C�v ) k - i of Q of -„--- _t_z % 14,01/44k: _ , , 0 4 Nc ,, -7- ,t-, (.7 116' :".. 11-47\2_21 ',1:. , 0 -4._ _4 r) 011101111‘;a‘"- It Tip Y ".s81 ` + ' r� ", Alb— : • it Ara-- VillgSIPP 58 .* M' - 4- 4 I # 7 VOL . cs) -,,,,,,a t % I ... 1 r /4 AA".*PP- ( Ilk ...1 6 Kc A 5c , A._.,,,,.,:l -../-* A,,,,i - ,t) .. 4 Nc. 1 % Vag IP x : 1000001111." , .013 - 7-4 . „'AK 0,-;iii,•oi.iiewl% , i-_____,, , ‘1.‘-*•%'°' ;-0, (101 _ _ A.c-,‘ - 0.... t... --_::14cEl o . ....,- •,/,. z , ' n04- ' ; - 1 • If IP.% -T- - r •.- t • 11•110. TAN.S.,ok ip) _ 1..0 - gaillin , M , t ,yr r ' t t,,1 __- _ ,„1,4•071 ' ' -,_., ,,_ __,- .....___--- 1 I'- , t �P ‘Ille �� ` \ `,` ` 10 M iii 1. ..021111 % , . erill -4 t,‘. i, i ....)...,... -jr ;lit -,i... if , 4'''. ' ‘., - t 4 - , . .\ ,....-..., I - - , _., \ -4.4 .....t.gartlis , k • .` t t r 1 - - V , ` h I $ )„ , 04 - ii. ... - •-7:.--. ../-, • __.__....___.• ♦ / 2 �' ' 1 �L ! f r / 1j) I " v , ...I- 4-:7-i :1'111411,11114‹ ° I .:*':.‘, ?� T ♦ '! 1P2 1C. r' AP / �',;10 r. o�5 l'Rp�CT 1V \ 1 Le, -r ,?;.-3 f'. ' IoPA 1 i / 111 ,1-., , L_ v it , \ 0 J 1 1 F .. 9TNI-IR ILH-------1_____Th I _, _I _ / (---11 , I I I I / 5R2 I I 1 — Spin #9 Representative 1 A LE C T Bill Salazar 4� -�/ \ r,../\ ( 1 7 I I 1 x rY 1 3 0 "1,9 44 — — — / r n - _ o /. 0 TR E-Systems Inc. Pool '' '/� U P v , AG R. Williams /AG SF-1A t -itaw- ! \ 1 \ 5 I ' Hills of Monticello 41t:1661 - R. PUD 6 � C-1 1 , Timarron Owner Assn. 1 cSAY ' \ \\1 , d . D. Bolton R. PUD R. Campbell i Qa. ' B Hills of Monticello D 3 •.... c as R. PUD 11 C rn� 1 Li 1 2 I n -; . , R. Wittiams o 13- -� • � � °° TRAIL � ' 12 / 13 as J. Cabrera r- --ICY D. Campanella • o G. Okamoto J. McClure ie 4 . , . — . _J — 2 -41 E I: . ' P 14 J R. PUD Q I --it. Y 118 15 ADJACENT OWNERS I . _ _ib ---- ---i AND ZONING — --a • /t-i'-----7--z--T1 - fH I„ 1 r •r4'1nL-� tn to P~° : 5314 • rest•0 &..oem - • N . go.�" ..r'P' go?, t� 0:61101.....10.11 v....a*"'''''' • �a • t 4.1 (`c 1 . :1 .,i• -t;;s1; . l't \SIIII4 ` t il t ... 5• S /�. t :/ i#t I. t� 11 :� .111�at r : t i . �:1•• £ a+ �; •' 2ti i i i� R 11 # __ akill EltZt# S1 y .}}1 RR1� tlt�y • , •t yt = i i -,_� a= Lit `-= 1 iltS s i :1.- �4t. .'- s e t s �t t # t • . i ; g =Frig 'I tyly { a i� � T ;WA •E i t R :s a 'C.. t tit ta} • !�` ' t `1 t, :•a t . 1r •` 1 =. `i .I' 1 t; t i`-tIn ;11{‘i i1 iti1k yt=tt1It I %a li .tf• •i {•t nil 6 • •• t � t t� ; • SZ` cat i j s',i_it 1 s :! • 11 I Wet; • •t ` lyi �t *k .111 It s t '#I f .. f• •�'t � S14• \( `t j t:t;t •1 ar r k r� %I it ; t . * I• ligi = II A :,a ... { a . It ►yet ita i t ' ztt.t t u+ttt i'''[[[1{ le. ti i lit,t . 1=.‘-i,:11 II[[[ tI# It'll rt it �t Yti . • It Ca y z t�:iSt* et ++", `�1 v rO� m i 1,,i;. o xe(L {�. � �ttko p�Jt 'aS<. f, red' 2. 1`1ti;tI aj O Jam• ' x f a . iO �ieu.. ^„ c. a• ; t1 l' t3.;� i PA t ' ..Ae t lilt.I t t ..t. liY0 szl . . \ _...N. - T.L1 tit •' ` ` � o ` • i !1 t ,apt .i tOA p j� f i ttGG K•. • �. • •t8#t says ■t • ' : tot: ` o r . . . S Y tt ! \.______ t 4 .U''' ''4: ''A'°' ' i e ‘ Pt" .,,� +,y, yQ� va • !' �' g. / 1 14 ,a- 1 --,,,,*„„.„...._-;--, ---;:.-- V -—7-..— . ii4)::.. CZ4i;\ ' 4 . - 1/114kH.:1 i 1 l' tiliiii tit �� Z ' i 0®®ta �; s le City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-31 Review No: Three Date of Review:5/12/95 Project Name:Plat Showing-Lot 1 &2.Hall Medlin No. 1038 Addition.6.039 Ac.,Hall Medlin Survey Abst.#1038 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Timarron Land Corporation Carter & Burgess. Inc. . 300 E. Carpenter Freeway. Suite 1425 7950 Elmbrook Drive. Suite 250 Irving. Texas 75062 Dallas. Texas 775247 Phone: (214) 791-3333 Phone: (214) 638-0145 Fax: (214) 541-0800 Fax: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 5/09/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Label the bearing in the last call of the metes and bounds description on the graphic. 2. Staff recommends that the applicant provide a 20' Public Access Easement on the west and north boundary line of the project tract, along the South White Chapel Boulevard and East Continental Boulevard, for the City Hike&Bike Trail System. Verify the location of any existing signs which might conflict with the location of this easement. * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. * The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider perimeter street and drainage, park dedication requirements, off-site sewer extensions,and off-site grade-to-drain permission. * All taxes due must be paid prior to filing this plat in the County records. * Original signatures and seals will be required on each blackline mylar prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Timarron Land Corporation I Carter&Burgess, Inc. (ifei G:\WPF\REV\95\95-031 PS.WPD 38- 1p -~ CURVE DATA AREA CURVE NO. DELTA *A0115 LENGTH CHORD'WOK CHORD OISTANCE TRACT s0UARE FEET ACRES 1 05'47'35' 9W6.00' 99.59' N%'KYTE MPS' LOT I 7.543 0.IT3 (..„ 2 24'32'06' 186.00' @3.OW' N L'3T'05'E SUS' LOT 2 21LNt 4.655 LOA 3 OA'WS OJ 774 50 N2F S WT'00•OS'E 6L20 RA W.OE. 44.046 4 1V310' 774.50' 611.42' S WW'46'00'E ELH' TOTAL 263.073 6.039 I S 09'92'0/' 625.50' 09.79' S 71V579'E 09.62' r S.T32 ACRE TRACT / / TRUSTEES.E-S75TEN5.WIC. F POOL TRUST F VOLIAE 11205.PACE 2WI I ADA1lS ADDITION .reCAW.A.SLOE MO -: 0.LTLT. ,t .g LOT 7 LOT I m BLK I . BLK I - a OJI.T.C.T. ya- i --�<' is -- -- I i��---- ... .. ... "' • I - S 89'2156'E-3393.11r 'N _ EAST CONTMENTAL BOULEVARD N 34•4423'E -83.98' o Dor.TNa o▪ POINT OF BEGINNING N 32'371M'E 1,0T I �--';� �� Wow 99.9r 4� no SF $t __ '�_--- 1* ISM 6 * — N 25'26'52'E 53 TOIARRON A II. I ,��• ``,'�`\ PHASE ONE SECTION TWO 99.76 / +Ai, / fo �% DENT CREEK�� CARNET A.SLDE O6 YOIACEI.LO AMMON 7 I -. j= cAWWEi�sSEuDE KZ N 19•17'55•- LOT 2 i/ n MIR IF BLOCK 2 719 iiii IH 4 .c. co.GREDN 3• N 19'SP4P E `` WOOLF NOITif-OF omulloW I 123.06' 9 8 • t �/ S x•WSr a l I N82'28'OT W • I k I x. �,a.r J i/ 314T' �_.. I# J LA'S' R81C t rf --- - �--N89I'4q'48'W —410.60� ,;IIiK �� r I/y .v . 21 r'e`S' _500.38 S88.23'28'V 11 N 00'20'24'E 43.80' f: 111 f 11 SAO' 65.09' I 1 I K7 Yn rem 6 II S q 3 2 �j �. 1 `I BLOCK 6 I I LrL, 1 sr•1-tile, I BENT TR e W. 5 1 7 _�--- - I} t i .. t2 a i1 i i i 1 1 1 jr_'� t U C Iu 1 I 1 is //„...-j, tel W ( TYAIWiON t PHASE OE SECTION TWO MIT CREEX`� I4 = CASIET A.SLOE 1015 / f I 1 I y 1 f4- E IX .IA CORK CAPPED RON ROD FOUND PLAT SHOWING IRK ROW R00 FO110 i, OF CRS CAPPED RON ROD SET g LOT 1 & LOT 2 U.E. Uru7Y EASE►IENT D&U.E. DRAINAGE AND UTLUTY EASEMENT IR HALL MEDUN NO.1038 ADDI77ON BL. BULONG LIE 192 OUT OF TIE411g1 il HALL YEDLN SURYEY.ABSTRACT NO.038 NOTES, THE CITY OF SOUTILAKE.TARRANT COUNTY.TEXAS L Eheato..rwre � o lots shall d"Mont ' W'NOOOravN ( i %Tr y OWNER/DEVELOPERS TWARRON LAND CORPORATION L III'eats. otruet.roo atasbe removed. 300 E CARPENTER FREEWAY.SUITE N25 7 MI6 pat does eat attar or remove•"Mt11q Bead restrictions Sr solo RVNG.TEXAS 75062 of tills V' I2141 791-3333 (7(�Q ,�/�1 6, p largo la tM Nat Wna of TIm ron Mass Oro Section Two Ma g£• V B— 1 I�SIO. 106.PR.T.C. City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-33 Preliminary Plat/Huse Homeplace REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace,being 16.63 acres situated in the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, Tract 2C LOCATION: Adjacent and North of Quail Creek Estates Addition and adjacent and West of Harbor Oaks Addition OWNER: Peggy Denton APPLICANT: H. Creek Development CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Fifteen(15) RESPONSES: Four written responses received from within the 200'notification area: • John and Linda Stewart, 2920 Burney Lane, opposed; They are opposed to the type of septic system proposed and the size of the lots not being reflective of Harbor Oaks lots,and there is a question of the proposed roads meeting City standards. • Ray Chancellor, 890 Harbor Ct., undecided; concerned about the possibility that changing the grading will flood their land and ruin their out-buildings and landscaping. • William Bacus, 902 Quail Creek Court, opposed; concerned about inconsistent lot sizes with existing properties,Harbor Oaks residents being allowed access to public land and Quail Creek residents being cut off, and the large houses requiring large septic fields which would require cutting large numbers of trees and the effect on the erosion problems. He suggested that lots be no smaller than the adjoining home sites with a maximum of 2 acres and "the addition of an equestrian easement along the entire south boundary and continuing along the east side of lot#1 to Harbor Court." • Bruce Knutzen, 2910 Burney Ln., opposed, He suggested lot sizes more compatible with adjoining lots in Harbor Oaks. • Ken and Gloria Land, 2900 Burney Ln.,opposed," 1)50'road width insufficient for safety vehicles to pass in ditch area if road obstructed 2)need resolution for location of equestrian trail vs. requested parks 8G-1 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CURTIS E. HAWK, CITY MANAGER ZA 95-33 PAGE 2 plan, 3) overall drainage issue, and 4) unsure of reliability of proposed water& septic system." P &Z ACTION: April 6, 1995; Approved (6-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 95-33 Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace to the May 4, 1995 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. May 4, 1995; Approved (7-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 95-33 Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace to the May 18, 1995 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. May 18, 1995; Approved (7-0) ZA95-33 Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace, subject to the first Plat Review Summary dated March 31,1995, modifying item #10 to allow a private equestrian easement (for the benefit of this subdivision and the Harbor Oaks residents) which will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. COUNCIL ACTION: June 6, 1995; Approved (7-0) to table Preliminary Plat for Huse Homeplace to the June 20, 1995 City Council Meeting STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the second Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. Also attached you will find some reference material on septic treatment systems submitted by Kosse Maykus in response to requests from some Councilmembers. KPG/ls L oc-Z 1 ::i:i;i5:::..i''.'•'•-'..E-E::Ei L x_ti- - _- - J.D. JONES i - � � _ ` IRIS . tP�IC[E "" ' ", ii ' "_:-:i I.p i':,':: ,-,: _'F _ �' I I • i I 1 _ 1' J iI J. �R9171W ELL (i;:i ...___,r‘„,,,„ -- l• 51:;1-. : .•"• *I M. , DENTON I • " :� • - - -- -„--ram ,�1 � ,••, • r n-©©U��Y�`' '' ,r ' mac' 1':. ■ TARRANT M rT J — \ — — '• �, 1 ai ar as XI n at i'u ' ! :' .: ,. •• 1� i 'r„ Fl y . 2- i.'It?,),L.j • ..f I. 1 Ilk • , ' ' .: i ..-- 1.0. .7 xa i, • . r . } - 50 r © , ' p 1Y .0 .- U 0 J.J.Jrrya s WELL a _, Ill , - aw REIS D.: ,Rife'lg_ ---- MK I kiti._...ct •i.. MA u XX KnO 1oNE ,_. �R 1 ---- 1• • 5 MANOIE I • • LUAt f 4 m m, arK ■ 5a�/ '� ` ':.. .0 :i ' '' Al K Ski • s IX o 0 ,Efi1�1E5!_1..1 s la 10 K[, • ''S• -' --- I Ia1■K ,a " Ill 'K _. • i rK SPRI i - lK xd a lK i Yl 3 : tA1000 _ 00 1� 1R. °P • V_. JA'. : ;�4. �091b�Cd� �J— r,, I,5 G£ K Hit_ 1a• i ' >ON12 1" .Cl K .�E I I 74 a1,K 1 7A A�p� 1 1a.K I -��.. = M.K '•---',,,��" E`�i/`T --- OW 4 b r' al K s A 5 I_EMEttr-� _ na,K an r al K :1 f/ an il -ti5.- 1 olRaou. -- _ LaK I ! t ,„•44., SCHOOL . . �7. , Yl,ri y,,� rx la jj 1". ` UNrNC --- __ A AYd Adp5l uK 9" — — ! ra Y . la a* I(p♦.■,,,, I lal• a: Y Y.11 O g g a{, fN . Y I t iMI I� 41 � 91� .. 1 1` ,N fK 11aK .n4 , atlK f ' , Y M1Y 1P� �'D 11.i l K =1•10 K ar K ,ai , t•% if i . 11-U K LI..,_ i6i K f.'dK r a g��v+ YA r• rx QIAGE I a,I i• p x,Y Lw rj'ajll �Q • aw/• Si K M IX K K1 VI -' x ,• •E•� 5 J. WEST I' K I I I L. a,lK K ER n •S,• _D _- r "•..[1' -1•» a NLR . x.1 U KHut,....... 3 _ '- il,.' I. tlK 1M K t,,,, 17 K ; ; 1,,,,,,,,,,I o ,. s.3. i E • rK 8 A�sALorwa H. C191bEHS I `l' _ '�, L ,M rl0 K „M fv_ 1Y -Ft hip- Jr 0 LAIRKIGI�I H. CHIVEIRS ,.w� aK � 1A1E5 i a"K I :•• luKr f1n K I {'PER. -- ail r� 1.1711 yr �7 tt7 II© , I 7 ,� xK Y..a OOIr • <r '�n u p.17.1.. su v -'r '.�i�•� Ii K• v>...a ._. or:I_ 1 � ,yam Q • : •_ _ •�7d 1," WO 5�� E--- IfSf K P ox ryo 0o I v e p ,.K, Y RA I7� ERS "I*) ry ai ,l ,n I ■>.K DELI' _ ACRES f i IGP 0N. Try an K 00 Y . 1 . Mg/ 4,..,. -1� vial" I I AD •ST lel K ��/ ,�-- l"` JACK D li•� 111 K Il n.w K Alp, Sr •' f K a.K l0 4 .K HERS l CIEYCNTARY Hp, w ,NpF n la ■a, K L,1 na 1K _n11",i'1'BII. ...N l 1 I F�' _...if. '"' R°p. 1�.1E? ,.1a wa ,..r-i.0 ARr al ----1Iw$IS N�Nj611 ••t _ . ii N TRACT MAPN 1 WY , rl OIL A�'71 f C . r ���''— = .YIY1• ,� I DAgEM n-1 SCHOL r� k I I �rK Qr J^'d M4 I wGal.la - , ., a'ro . ala }J— j8�_? .� ' c u I I .I . ... I QAS t9F,i r. / ' ram . AG AG I \ i D.VaV -X--- ughn H f J.D.Jones aughn 2B 2B1 6 c J.Wilson — 1:1—C--)7 I 5 6 J.Stewart — — U.S.Army Corps of Engineers SF-1A 5 03 AG, 4 G / B.Knutzen Cn 3 r K.Land r SF-1A ii. i. ... LAc 9.8Ac I ` 2 1 R.Chancellor` G`( A• Spin Representative Joseph Mast \ B.Cook I 4 , 3 \ 21? A.Byrd C.Packard 1 \ \ ' r l --} I 1 D.Alexander l 1 13 I SF-1A 1 I \ W. Bacus 2 13 i \ 18 I ----- IR_scott I m I 1 1 \ I 17 I 15 I/ �� f 1C , 19 \ 16 . S — GL J i I \ M_Snow F 1A ( 1� 1C1 1 I I i I / I 1 �' I' ,,is L \ , , , I . , i _ —V 1 1 ADJACENT OWNERS \ J- 1 I AND ZONING N BC-4 ' / • n r n A / „ ,,I. "\'. i NN\: t L • ': g g '"C off' vo 4 ,,,1 Ar ,, I ei)`.uli.,„ t. n'e)SAVICA-r"7c,0017.1” t? t --\\ %. 126%.,431.ti\,d13.1tA . ""'"e_...1' .0.-r. vkoss —,6%...rtop. _ . 4),A)4 *, so-mg -7 0 . , \ A , . • A i Ge" .Li \ . •Y% N bp liCil t.)\' \ • . id):04.4 . \ %\\ .\Z • ;A '*- . 4. AA. • r . .ti f VA.0 Cie. \ Ti A _----) .. 4 * - .+ <sr 441.* • • .. / 24cf �:9. 11 . 8C.-5 City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY ase No: ZA 95-33 Review No: Three Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Huse Homeplace, 16.63 Ac.,R.D. Price Survey Abst. #1207 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: H. Creek Development Co. J.E. Levitt Engineers. Inc. P.O. Box 92988 726 Commerce Street. Suite 104 Southlake. Texas 76092 Southlake.Texas 76092 Phone: (214) 987-3223 Phone: (817)488-3313 Fax: (214) 904-9930 Fax: (817) 329-0407 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/05/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Show the tract lines and label the owner's name, the corresponding deed volume and page, and the • existing zoning for the tract of land located north of the project tract, west of Harbor Oaks, and east of the U.S.A. tract. 2. Correct the density calculation. Density is calculated by dividing the number of proposed lots by the gross acreage of the project tract. It appears the density for this development is 0.72 DU/AC. . 3 Label the building setback lines at all break points and cul-de-sacs. 4. Offset the drainage and utility easement located between Lots 4, 5, 6, & 7 Block 1 and Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, into one lot. Staff recommends that the drainage and utility easement located between Lots 4, 5, 6& 7 be offset into Lot 4. 5. It appears that the north boundary line of Quail Creek Estates and the south boundary line of Huse Homeplace overlap.This problem must be resolved prior to Final Plat approval to insure that the lots along the south contain the net acreage shown. 6. Provide a legal description of the land(metes&bounds as shown on the previous submittals)which includes current owners deed reference, name of survey, abstract, county, state, POB tied to survey corner, previously filed subdivision corner or USGS monument, and the total acreage. City of Southlake,Texas -- * The Trail System Master Plan,currently under discussion with the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Park Board, does not include a public trail connection from Harbor Court to the Corp land (U.S.A.tract to the west). The developer does propose a"private equestrian easement" for use by this development and Harbor Oaks residents. * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial to the rights of way, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * Although not required by ordinance,staff would appreciate placing"Case No.ZA 95-33" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: H. Creek Development Co. J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. Peggy Denton, 10264 Cody, Overland Park, Kansas 66214 — G:\WPFIREV\95\95-033PP.W PD 8C-�l C • . it I I N 003V/I'W I3I.7I /II j t2e' — 320' 4/ 21I' j 7' 2u' RI y� RI � 1,-.__ i/� Ili 1 / I L 4 R 6. I — ? . X " ./ ,. N ,•it, ••• V• ; ;I 0 S fr . 'AP Z5. i ti) 'Oa C„y I i t • > 6„ 4 : `I ' t� ► II 3.so 00. O�-.+ I. \ 1 t r rth d ' \1 /i-- -�/ 'I Fa+ a r l / / LJ ' ' i•PS / s hA § CI 1 ,/ 1 ,rf// // o tl / /.... . - -r-_ _ A_ccu_L ULL91T ___, / __ ...... _'n _ .— . — ril : , -1/4.7..... \ s wars\,57.:4-0,- ti \..... 1 / ‘ \ M _ —_— �`l l I vxixttl 1 1 f 1 i 1 l I \I 1 1 rxTo. \ 1 1 I 1 • r I 11 litipfA 1/-1). 1 1 i l I hiBLOCK 2 III . • 5 i % )1 g 1, I A. 18 11 06/15/95 ' 15:16 V214 904 9930 Emerson Partners iUN- 1 5-t�5 l iGi i 9:G r? r_M ra 002• 014 r, 11 (..... °e h' Fort Worth Tarrant County :; '� "`Hry- �� _ Publrc Health Departments .b`t. -j r fr It 4 �t,r , «; ® t......" I800 University Dt 9c.Fort Worth.Teas 76107 ' ��0 ! June 15, 1995 (• MTt_tnrin��' Mr. Tom Mathews F. 4347 Wost.Northwest Hwy. . . .. `lam'5 Suite 1095 ` ' ; �_ ; I Dallas, Texas 75220 LI't. .� ." L ' Dear Mr. Matthews: I am faxing the Texas Department of Health policy,statement for surface application of treated wastewater. This policy was adopted in November, 1990 and has yet to be amended. . Cturently.in Tarrant County we have in excess of 150 aerobic units that utilize L. surface application. We have found these systems to be excellent alternative systems for areas having either impermeable clays, perched groundwater or shallow bedrock. The units are all tested by the National Sanitation Foundation and must produce an effluent of superior quality. The chlorine residual is only one PPM, and therefore has not been found to harm vegetation, We feel these type systems offer much better protection to the groundwater that is seasonally perched throughout Tarrant County. If I can be of any further service, please contact me at 817-871-7518, Sincerely. • • P. kirk Fuggtia. IS, . Registered Sanitarian I • ht}minbttatlem e714237,Fax r WWI,Animal control e-1.7290,EpwemlolwY rt Communicoono Mucus 071-:.1 9. 17t«ca a comma t-1•'•292,Consume.HnUh(Fnrt worth)aTt 7246.Consumer Realm And urvimnmenal Quotter Cs I nt Cuumv;n.l•TSto. Punnt:Health Laboratorlca Q'1.7241.Ptrrortal Health Sercleet VI,lM,lh,olic Health FtettwCOn aTl•T)•ft)• t,ralth Yollstk�S information SW'Mims tl7i l00.'tic Pmfrom(Port w..1. )e?1..:19.CiDrnnt County.)87 1.7771 U0 15%9.5 15:17 .JiA-15-95 TEO 9: 46 AM $214 904 9930 Emerson Partners • + l @003/014 (mo: 1 • ' NOVE?BSER 20, 1990 nri• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF NSALTH POLICY STATEMENT , �� J pN-SITE St3RrACE APPLICATION OF TREATED WASTEWATER • • This policy is the Departmental response to Section 301.14(a) in the • "Construction Standarda for On-site Sewerage Facilities" relating to the on-site surface application of effluent. The application rate for these systems will be i:tinited' to 5,000 gallons per ay for each project or installation. Systems having a greater application rate will be regulated by the Texas Water Commission. The effective date for this policy is noted above. I. Surface ' Application Methods - These methods include, but are not limited to, spray irrigation, drip irrigation, landscape irrigation or any other method of applying treated effluent onto the surface of the ground. II. Purpose of Policy - The purpose of this policy is to provide an alternate method of on-elite disposal of treated effluent in many areas of Texas where soils are extremely unsuited for subsurface effluent disposal. Subsurface disposal, alternatives often are cogtly and ineffective resulting In the inadvertent discharge of partially' treated wastewater. A. properly designed and operated . surface application system will greatly reduce this type of discharge and • ; resulting public health threats. Surface application systems may also be used for water conservation in areas of the State with dry climatic conditions or any location where the reuse of effluent would have beneficial results. • III. Types Of Wastewater Treatment A. Standard Treatment Systems - A standard treatment system shall consist of a septic tank, upflow rock filter and intermittent sand filter arranged in series. The Department's On-site •Xastewater Branch will furnish specific design criteria for this system at a later date. 00 15.•95 15:18 '8`214 904 9930 li41-i 5-?5 THU 9: 47 AM Emerson Partners tJ004:014 (olle • B. Proprietary Aerobic Treatment Systems - All approved proprietary syete a -will be identified in a published kiat, of Approved eteme. Only treatment systems which have been tested by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), meat . Class I effluent quality ,as described 4n the NSF Standard 40 Testing Procedures and are currently iiited by NSF will be included in this List. C. Non-Standard Treatment Systems - Non-standard systems include, but are not limited to, all treatment processes, both aerobic and anaerobic, used in conventional wastewater plants for the treatment of domestic sewage but not doecribed in. the -Construction Standards for On-site Sewerage Facilities'. These systet9 are considered to be one of a kited, site specific CP' inetellationa. $ffluent quality must meet or exoeed Texas Water Commission Secondary Standards. (Effluent Limitations Chapter 309.1(b) ]. Secondary standards are: HOD & TSS: day average 20 mg/1 7 day average 30 mg/1 daily maximum 45 mg/1 single grab 65 mg/1 PH 6.0 - 9.0 /v. Submittal Requirements A. Technical Report Each permit application shall be accompanied by an engineering report outlining the design of the wastewater treatment and disposal system. A basis of design, construction Co+ drawings, calculations and system flow diagram shall be included in this report. Proprietary aerobic systems may reference their approved ligt number instead of furnishing construction drawings for the unit. All other information except construction drawings will be required for proprietary submittals. `(+1G 15,•A5 15:18 214 Af kP �` 14 9930 Emerson Partners f0005;011 (re ' B. Site Drawing - A scale drawing and legal description of all land wh,tch -.is to be a part of the disposal operation will be included in the submittal. The drawing Will show the locatiom of all existing and proposed buildings, wastewater .disposal area, buffer zones, and water wells. All buildings and water wells within 150 feet of the irrigated area on adjacent property must also be included in the site 'drawing. G. soil Evaluation - Sail evaluation testa shall be performed on the irrigation site to determine the suitability of the soil to grow flora and provide a barrier to direct infiltration of the effluent. These tests should be conducted to a depth of at least three feet and located in the area to be irrigated. The test results must show that the surface soils are not suitable for the subsurface disposal of effluent. D. water Wells - All water wells, both public and private, located on-site or within:15O feet of the irrigated area must be located and described. The description shall include depth of well, depth of pressure cementing, wellhead protection and other pertinent data relating to the protection of the groundwater from' surface contamination. Public water wells have a . 150 foot sanitary control easement which prohibits the construction of any - On-site wastewater system within the easement. E. Landscape Plan - The area irrigated by the surface application of effluent must be described with the type of vegetation noted on the plan. Residential yards must have vegetative cover in place prior to system startup. Commercial installations may irrigate existing vegetation provided all areas of bare ground are covered (fte with vegetation or seeded prior to system startup- ?. Qualifications of Applicant -• Standard treatment systems and proprietary aerobic treatment systems shall be designed and submitted for approval by a qualified registered engineer or 06/15:A5 15:1A $214 904 9970 J UN-!j-95 THU 9: 48 AM Emerson Partners R1 006;U14 registered. sanitarian. Non-standard treatment system' shall be designed and submitted for approval by a qualified registered engineer. v. Review and Permitting A. Review Authority - Deeigne for standard treatment systems and proprietary aerobic treatment eyetvme ehall be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the permitting authority. If ,requested, Texas Department of Health personnel will assist in this review process. Non-standard treatment system designs will 'be reviewed and approved or disapproved by ,the Texas Department of Health. • (ler B. Permitting Authority - All permits will be granted by the appropriate (designated) regulatory agency (county, city, river authority, regional office of the Texas Department of Health or other) . A copy of all permits issued by the regulatory agency shall be Bent to the Texas Department of Health for record. VI. Maintenance Requirements - A permit will be issued after design' ' approval provided the applicant furnishes an acceptable maintenance contract with a valid maintenance company. The maintenance company will verify that the eyatem is operating property and will provide ongoing maintenance of the installation. The initial maintenance contract must be valid for a minimum of two years. A. An acceptable maintenance Contract is a contract between t system owner and an individual or company in which the company agrees to provide periodic inspections for system compliance with Of effluent standards. This contract will also authorize the . `-) maintenance company to operate, maintain and repair the system as needed and the coats of this service will be paid by the system's owner. w3 '15/95 15:19 1 -i r,-95 THU y:4: AM V214 904 9930 Emerson PAI'tIlk'I'S Cre. • R. A' .,valid maintenance company is a company pr Individual in the business of maintaining an-site sewerage systems. At least one employee of the company shall hold a certified wastewater operator's license .as issued by the Texas Hater Commission or be certified ae competent to operate and maintain small wastewater treatment systems by the Texas Department of Health through its on-uite sewage disposal installer registration program. C. On-going maintenance shall be provided by valid maintenance companies. The owner of each surface application system shall continuously maintain a written contract with a valid maintenance company and shall submit a copy of the contract to the permitting (1111we authority at least 30 days prior to expiration of the previous contract. D. Vpon issuance of a permit, the permitting authority shall. submit = an affidavit to the county clerk's office to be added to the real property deed on which the surface application system is installed. This affidavit shall state that the property shall not be transferred to a new owner without: 1. The new owner advised that the property contains a surface application system for wastewater disposal. 2. The permit issued to the previous owner of the property transferred to the new owner. 3. The new owner submitting a valid maintenance contract to the permitting authority. (10., A sample affidavit is shown in Figure 4 of this policy. VII . Testing and Reporting - The maintenance company shall inspect each permitted system as directed by a testing and reporting schedule which L.^ = -.,••,iQri cm the permit. The testing and reporting schedule 06/15/95 15:20 tr214 904 9930 x l 9S Tt(J �. 9 Am Emerson Partners _ ' • 4t008;014 C shall contain the frequency of site visits, type of tests to conduct during ''the -.visits, minimum acceptable teat results and required reporting to the permitting authority. A typical testing and reporting schedule is shown as Figure 3 of this document. A schedule of required testa and frequency of site visits is shown in Figure 2. VIII.Effluent Disinfection - Treated-effluent must be dieinfected prior to surface application. Approved disinfection methods shall include but not be limited to chlorination, °zonation or ultraviolet radiation. The efficiency of the disinfection procedure will be established by monitoring the fecal coliform count or chlorine residual from effluent grab samples as directed in the testing and reporting schedule. The frequency of testing and type of tests required are shown in Figure 2_ (IireAcceptable APplication Surfaces - Acceptable land for surface application will include generally flat terrain covered with grasses, evergreen shrubs, bushes, trees or landscaped beds containing mixed flora. sloped land miy be acceptable if properly landscaped and terraced to minimize runoff. All irrigated eurfacee shall be covered with approved vegetation and landscaped prior to system startup. • X. Unacceptable Application Surfaces - Land uses for growing edible food, gardens, orchards or crops which may be used for human consumption can " ` not be used for the surface application of treated wastewater. Effluent shall not be applied to bars ground under any circumstaneee. XI. suffer Zones -. All treatment units and land surfaces used for the application of treated wastewater shall be isolated in accordance with the following table: C 00 15.95 15: 20 3'214 904 9930 )Ul -15-95 THU 9: 49 AM Emerson Partners g!009;014 L BUFFER REQUIREMZNT FOR TREA'.L'XENT 5YSTEXS I1301ALAI item: Protactiva Diaxance.. ... All potable water wells 150 feet from application area and 50 feet from treatment System. Variances will be considered for private water wells only. • All water courses and open 10100 feet for application bodies of water area including ponds and lakes and 50 feet for treatment system. Foundations and structures As required for construction clearances_ Flower beds adjacent to ntructures may be irrigated. (he., . Property lines 10 feat for non-aerosol producing application area. 'Five feet for . treatment system. 5o feet for aerosol producing application area- Swimming pools 50 feet for aerosol producing application area. 25 feet for non-aerosol prodvcirrg application area- 10 feet for treatment system. *Distances are nominal to mean pool elevation or normal flow elevation. Buffer requirements may be increased or decreased depending upon water quality of water course. L 08/15.95 15:20 JUN-J 5-'95 THfl 9: 5 AN e214 904 9930 Emerson Partners Q 010/014 (wir XII. Minimum Required -Application Area - The minimum surface application area required shall be determined by dividing the daily wastewater flow ley. the allowable surface . irrigation application rate (see figure 1) . surface area. required (sq. ft. ) _ .lv Waete- r 'low (Gal/pax) Allowable Application Rate (oa►1/Sq. Ft./Day) The daily wastewater flow is specified in Table III of the "Construction Standards for On-Site Sewerage Facilities- for businesses and institutions. For single family dwellings, use 75 gel./person per day. The number of persons will depend on the size of the dwelling and number of bedrooms. Assume three persons for a two bedroom dwelling and one additional person psr additional bedroom. XIII.Uniform Application 'o£ Effluent - Regardless of the method used for the surface application of effluent, the. main consideration for acceptability will be the uniform distribution of .the water over the land surface. Distribution pipes, ssprinklere, flow channels and other application devices must be designed to provide this uniform distribution of treated effluent. A. Sprinkler Design When sprinklers are used as the application method they shall be limited to impact or gear driven rotary design with a maximum inlet pressure of 40 psi. Low angle nozzles (13 degrees or less in trajectory) shall be used in the sprinklers to keep the spray stream height low and reduce aerosols. B. Sprinkler Head Requirements - Circular spray patterns may overlap to cover all irrigated area including rectangular shapes. For large systems, multiple sprinkler heads are preferred to single gun delivery eyStsms. 06.15/95 15:21 22214 904 9030 JUM-15-95 THU 9: 50 AM Emerson Partners 0 011.014 L c. 5pr..fk.lo Heads on Sloping Terrain - When sprinkler heads are placed on sloping terrain the upper heads shall be provided with Check valves to prevent return siphonagc into the pump tank. Xiv, Effluent Storage Requirements - Storage requirements and pump tank design shall. be in aecOrdarice with the "Construction Standards for on-- site Sewerage Facilities- Section 3Oi_12(a) (4) (F) and (b) (S) . Additional storage volume may be required for eystoms over 1,500 gpd capacity. • • 06.15/95 15:21 $214 904 9930 Emerson Partners 1�012i014 JUN-15-95 THU 9: 51 AMA ., . n L Figure 1 Maximum Application Rates For Land Disposal of Treated Effluent in Texas (Gal.M(q. Ft./Day) . 0.O8.f al la n4"' Wan • sissira - "` Ct C. 4 . 0.045 • 0.041 1 akr(Sibr � fir► ilai "111601SWEIFILIagel • jail 0 035 0.115 0.1°9 iiii ali11114 WW S qv- • - iiialii011001441POSAPW* 0.3 4;141141Maillaffeatilde la " limagrawistw4tirrior 035 0.109 ?�''`► :041 0.045 pike) \43o.064 0.086 'r: • LCl Ln • FIGURE 2 «, Required Testing and Reporting Type and Size Minimum Acceptable of Treatment Unit Frequency of Site Visits Required Tests Test Results Standard Treatment 3 Per Year Chlorine Residual 1 mg/1 Residual Proprietary Treatment or Fecal Coliform In Pump Tank or 500 GPD or Less And All at Each Visit FecalColiform S1ntle Family Dwellings Not to Exceed 200 NPN/1000 ml Standard Treatment 4 Per Year Same As Above Same As Above Proprietary Treatment Plus One BOD5 Grab BOD5 Grab 500 GPD to 150() GPD Sample Per Year Sample Not To • Exceed 65 mg11 A11 t4on Standard Systems 1 One Each Month Same As Above Same As Above Standard Treatment Over 1500 GPO 90D5 Grab Sample TSS Grab Sample Mot Proprietary Treatment Over 1500 CPD Taken at Each Visit To Exceed 65 mg/l TSS Grab Sample Taken Every Six Months t Fy 00/15/95 15:27 $211 Ail AP3�1 , Thi! �;S^ Emerson Partners GtA3/ .s mkNkE : e 014.01 radii 11.re4A1 (14fPA/41 r i = AbbP..MS • Testing and Reporting Record ;; (Sample) This testing and reporting record shall be completed and signed and dated after each inspection. One copy shall be retained by the maintenance company. for reviev...by the.permitting authority. The other copy shall be sent to the system owner along 'with an invoice far services by the maintenance company. 1. Required frequency of visits (daily, veekly, monthly, quarterly). Actual date of visit 2. System inspection • Inspected Item Operational Inoperative Aerators (WY Filters Irrigation Pumps Recirculation Pumps Disinfection Device Chlorine Supply Electrical Circuits Distribution System Other as Noted 3. Repairs to system (list all components replaced) 4. Tests required and results Test Required Results Yes No mg/1 or mpn/100 ml SOD (Grab) TSS (Grab) Cl, Fecal Coliform 5, General comments ox recommendations 1. rnr n_ 1Pnt1 fife • •., ., . ..... ,.. .. • . L NSF r J U N 1 4 1995 NSF International L. luf • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY �L'``` �� The Nayadic,Inc.Model M-6A was tested under the provisions of ANSI/NSF Standard 40 for Individual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants (1990),which was developed by the NSF Joint Canmittee on Wastewater Technology:The performance evaluation was conducted at the NSF Wastewater Technology Test Fealty in Chelsea,Michigan,using wastewater diverted from the Chelsea mumddpal wastewater collection system. The evaluation consisted of six months of testing,during which a seven week stress test was conducted. The evaluation consisted of three weeks of dosing without sampling to allow for plant start-up,sateen weeks of dosing at design flow,seven weeks of stress test and fire weeks of dosing at design flow. Sampling started in the fall and continued through the winter and into spring,covering a full range of operating temperatures. Section H.(3),in Appendix A of Standard 40,provides for exclusion of up to ten percent of effluent sample days,not to exceed one during stress testing,In completing the pass/fail determination. Other than samples collected for kifomaton only,no sample days were excluded in the pass/fail determination for this evaluation. The average effluent BODE was 6 mgJL-during the evaluation,ranging between<5 and 14 mg/L,and the average effluent suspended solids was 7 mg/I.,ranging between<5 and 22 mg/L. The Model M-6A produced an effluent that successfully met the perfamnance.requirements established by NSF Standard 40 for Class effluent: The maximum arithmetic mean of seven consecutive sample days was 9 mg/L for BODs and 12 mg/L for suspended solids,both . well below the allowed maximum of 45 mg/L The maximum arithmetic mean of 30 consecutive sample days was 8 mg/L for BODs and 8 mg/L L for suspended solids,both well below the allowed maximum of:30 mg/L,Removel rates ranged from 95 to 97 percent ' for BOOS and 96 to.98 percent fat'suspended solids,consistently above the requkement of:85 percent.;The effluent pH during the entire evaluation ranged between 7.3 and 7.9,within the required range of.6.0Ito 9.0.'The plant also met the requirements L for noise levels(less than 60 dbA at.a distance of 20 feet)and color,threshold odor,oily film and foam. SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Interquartile ..Average, Std.Dev. Minimum , ` Maximum . Medan Range .. BODs(mg/L) Influent 150 30 66 220 150 130-170 Effluent 6 2 <5 14 6 5-7 Suspended Solids(maJL-) . Influent 194 66 52 480 180 150-220 Aeration Chamber • 7,900 Z040 260 11,000 8,200 6,500-9,400 Effluent 7 3 <5 22 6 5-8 Volatile Suspended Solids(mg/L) Influent 160 46 58 390 150 130-180 Aeration Chamber 5,800 1,560 200 9,500 6,100 4,600-9,400 Effluent 6 2 <5 18 5 5-6 pH Influent - • 7.0 7.8 7.4 7.5-7.6 Aeration Chamber - - 7.0 8.0 . 7.4 7.4-7.5 Effluent - - 7.3 7.9 7.6 7.5-7.6 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/I) Aeration Chamber 1.3 1.8 0.1 7.6 0.4 0.1-1.5 L., Effluent 3.9 12 0.8 6.3 42 3.5-4.7 1/94 3475 Plymouth Road. PO Box 130140. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48113-0110 USA '''--' --L.. . 1.5-co-nntn RAY. 1t't-tut nonio -r..t.... 7*ti19IS\Kr 1 Tr . ". rrimiii . r N A Y A D I V LaA....._. W A S T E W A T E R TREATMENT SYSTEMS AERATION EFFLUENT AIR SUPPLY LINE ACCES LID CHAMBER WEIR INFLUENT J/ �, -\._ . \ :‘,...,,,„.• i • • •: EFFLUENT DRAFT • IrI TUBE • L , (1 .� ,, �-•••/• I�. � SCUM or • ` ' BAFFLE • DIFFUSER CLARIFIER THE PROCESS The NAYADIC system consists of two treatment chambers in Gravity causes the aerated solids to settle back to the bottom of a single tank. The center aeration chamber is a circular tank the tank where they are again drawn back up through the draft with a sloped,open bottom which empties into the bottom of tube. As raw sewage enters the aeration chamber,it displaces the outer clarifier chamber. Located in the center of the biological solids from the aeration compartment to the clarifier. aeration chamber is an eight inch diameter draft tube which Quiescent conditions in the clarifier allow the digested solids extends to four inches from the bottom of the clarifier. Air is to settle to the bottom of the clarifier where they are returned released at the bottom of the draft tube through a disc plate back to the aeration compartment. The clarified(treated) diffuser. As the diffused air rises in the draft tube,it causes an effluent flows slowly up through the clarifier and over a weir upward flow of process fluid. This draws the settled solids which extends around the periphery of the tank. The effluent from the bottom of the clarifier up through the draft tube where collects in an outer trough where it discharges through a four they are discharged at the surface of the aeration chamber. The inch pipe. A scum baffle located inside the overflow weir design of the draft tube insures continuous and complete prevents floating solids from passing over the weir. mixing of oxygen with the sewage. This allows for the growth of various aerobic organisms that biologically degrade the wastewater contaminants. � N A Y A C D W A S T E VV A T E R TREATMENT SYSTEMS 11S7 ► RESIDENTIAL ,,... , & COMMERCIAL �, i: SEWAGE �%�"''� - TREATMENT `! ,r. SYSTEM • •! Why Are Residential and . Commercial Consumers Buying Nayadic Wastewater Treatment Systems? IT ' S SIMPLE '' `ir. 'i..,, ' •`, •' • No Internal Moving Parts to Maintain or Replace • Durable,Lightweight Fiberglass Construction Yr(fpre',r/E, 7r1 r'1'.• I T S. . E .A .S Y. • Minimal Space Requirements for Installation ;,,,,j,••.; .., „ hf„,. • Several Plant sizes Available: 500, 600, 800, 1500 gpd :ii '•.7'is-. `'ai1V'(r'tir ?.; IT WORKS • Quiet, Odorfree Operation ,,,,-, fi" ' , ,/,/,} • Better than 95% Removal of Sewage contaminants uli ,;+. -. ',rift t>, • Discharges Clear, Odorless Effluent 1 • Tested and Certified under ANSI/NSF Standard 40 71� r� 'I,,,. rri ,, as a Class I System ;1,,,,, ,1//1;,,,;;ie NAYADIC is an efficient Wastewater Treatment Plant that has served the needs of residential and commercial customers all around the world. Specifically iit; ..1'J,31, engineered to provide the highest degree of treatment with only minimum maintenance requirements, NAYADIC is your first choice to handle your waste- .>r 4(T`r q4J) water treatment needs. `'' r pi7 r With over 30 years experience, NAYADIC is one of the oldest names in the wastewater industry. As such, NAYADIC continues to provide our customers f- ncy ut 7 with quality products backed by quality people. - roi , ''''''''s,,r,..,,,C. . .. N ,.„, ik „,. .. :., , : . 'II' A . ,:.. VJ A S T E VJ A T E R TREATMENT SYSTEMS IT ' S SIMPLE The unique design of the NAYADIC system enables it to provide an exceptionally high degree of ,. treatment with only minimal maintenance requirements. The single tank concept requires no internal moving parts. The compressor,which supplies air to the plant,can be located either inside an adjacent building(i.e.basement,garage,etc.)or provided with a protective housing if it :. is to be installed outside. ' ° IT ' S EASY 3'' The NAYADIC Wastewater Treatment System utilizes a design that is engineered to greatly exceed most nationally accepted standards. For example,the clarifier design provides more than 25 times the minimum surface settling area as required by the Great Lakes/Upper Mississippi - River Board of State Sanitary Engineers: Recommended Standards for Sewage Works(10 States Standards). _ The NAYADIC system also incorporates a circular,perimeter clarifier that provides not only a ' .- . `s,, ' large surface settling area,but also a 360 degree effluent weir. This critical aspect of the E rN...„..„ ', NAYADIC system further enhances the settling capabilities of the plant by reducing the hydraulic ,_ t velocity through the clarifier,thereby dampening the effects of hydraulic surges. This feature \\. l ., which is unique to the NAYADIC system,helps insure continuous high performance with only "" minimal,easy to perform maintenance requirements. ITWORKS x Because of its highly efficient design,the NAYADIC system is capable of producing a high i quality effluent without the need of additional filtration equipment. The NAYADIC has been tested and certified under ANSI/NSF Standard 40 as a Class I System demonstrating a treatment efficiency of more than 95%removal of sewage contaminants. THE • PROCESS The NAYADIC system consists of two treatment chambers in a single tank. The center aeration chamber is a circular tank with a sloped,open bottom which empties into the bottom of the outer ii clarifier chamber. Located in the center of the aeration chamber is an eight inch diameter drafttl EFFLUENT tube which extends to four inches from the bottom of the clarifier. Air is released at the bottom of ACCESS LID WEIR AERATION the draft tube through a disc plate diffuser. As the diffused air rises in the draft tube,it causes an V AIR \ CHAMBER SUPPLY upward flow of process fluid. This draws the settled solids from the bottom of the clarifier up t le w LINE w through the draft tube where they are discharged at the surface of the aeration chamber. The LL I - 1 LL design of the draft tube insures continuous and complete mixing of oxygen with the sewage. F. z t W This allows for the growth of various aerobic organisms that biologically degrade the wastewater ti DRAFT') / TUBE\ } contaminants. i' SCUM �`i I / Gravity causes the aerated solids to settle back to the bottom of the tank where they are again BAFFLE r drawn back up through the draft tube. As raw sewage enters the aeration chamber,it displaces `} CLARIFIER biological solids from the aeration compartment to the clarifier. Quiescent conditions in the clarifier allow the digested solids to settle to the bottom of the clarifier where they are returned p (1111 DIFFUSER back to the aeration compartment. The clarified(treated)effluent flows slowly up through the iF clarifier and over a weir which extends around the periphery of the tank. The effluent collects in 0an outer trough where it discharges through a four inch pipe. A scum baffle located inside the it overflow weir prevents floating solids from passing over the weir. i., :.,. , . lc, N .. it .., ,r Y. A , it. j'J1 WASTEWATER .. TREATMENT SYSTEMS FEATURES (TSS). Throughout the entire testing period(no results NSF Tested and Certified Class I System discarded), the mean effluent BOD was 6 mg/1,and the Tested by NSF under the mean effluent TSS was 7 mg/1. 4 -- standard 40 protocol, Minimal Space Requirements - - NAYADIC has been certified The NAYADIC can be installed in a very small area ' ' as a Class I aerobic system. (approx. 7'diameter). In addition,the sloped, "hopper- • t' This is the highest perfor- bottom"design of the outer basin requires an even mance standard established by smaller area at the ' NSF. \ bottom of the exca- Four(4) Plant Sizes -- vadon. This is Available - especially advanta- To insure proper sizing of - —-=- z geous when digging eachplant,NAYADIC --_ O • €`"-,';:':_ in rocky soils or in areas with a high provides four individual treatment plant capacities: 500,600,800, 1500 gpd water table. (gallons per day). Two (2) Year Warranty NAYADIC,Inc. warrants each treatment plant to be free of defects in workmanship for a period of two years E _ from the date of installation. i - • _, -, .. Quiet, Odorfree Operation • • The NAYADIC utilizes a totally "aerobic"process which eliminates the offensive "rotten egg"odors frequently observed with septic tanks. Low Installation Cost Easy Access for Service The lightweight,fiberglass construction eliminates the All necessary inspections and maintenance can be need for expensive equipment to transport and install the NAYADIC. Also,the single-tank design eliminates the performed by simply removing the access cover of the 4NAYADIC plant. The NAYADIC does not have any need for pre- moving parts or electrical components located within the treatment • tanks or tank. The compressor is located externally to allow for pi% , secondary L, quick and easy access. e. Low Maintenance Cost filter tanks. `- , Other than routine inspection and periodic pumping of excess solids,the NAYADIC requires very little mainte- •• Highly - -: - nance. In many instances,repair of the compressor can Treated be performed in the field,by an authorized NAYADIC Effluent service representative. Based upon the ANSI/NSF Standard 40 test results achieved in 1991,the NAYADIC demonstrated a treatment efficiency of 96%removal of Biochemical ce Oxygen Demand(BOD) and Total Suspended Solids t ',',..d...1 • • 's .•.‘"',v,1; • ••i11.1.. , .... 0 't.A•4-, •' •1 ''•'. k‘..: ...••: *' ••• ':.','•;..., ismio ED .:,•; i , .. • ' . . _ .. • .5., • ,,, . •.., .. ..1..., ; , , . tti', '1••,s' , , • 41;iii?. ..,..,, ' 4•/;-•,• ,•,,..•'4 ..4,., „ ..., . .11 ,..,.- , •: .. i!-;:-J•is, :,;V•I: '''ei!A•17."•'?'•.*::-/-:•441'ittut'*'''".. Y•' •i: . • r . :',.....,:, -.':":• :•/ ,;0:;'t,. „ eiti,;it, .„ fr.‘0.11. ,:-;:;,Y . ''' . . , .: .. .,.;;I:....'•'.. . ., . i,;(ii;44..,.. ..!';'.•Y••••... •,,, ..„,.‘li • t,e1 . R•t.fi..?,.,?, ' .•.•.:. ,, titio.,,w,,:.„..,,,,.,,,: . , ... '',..:.i,:.:' . .. 4141,',..,;,•:1( • . . . E C H N 0 L • ... G",,,,,v, ,.... 1„ ..: .. ..„. ,..• ;:,„..,,...,..;:.:,1::.:!,;,.4i4 ,:. „1:i. , :. .•, ,,,..,... !.„ ..•....,....,hi.... ,..,.,.. .4. ,..i.o.t4i0;,: f•:•'..••4iyn A • 1 ••14::'.16:10):11 It;1 l'r-11C0,t Report on Evaluation of under thelprovisionsofi:i, ' '. • •,::-..q...,,,:.!-:,;:..,.,;:. . _ . NSF Standard..40::'.;:,-,t! •-. Nayadie;,:166.,;.:•., -. • t 4:0:'44.••••1,p4iff :i/vi.t. ..;:••4...• : '.4,-,•,,AA.04iii MOdelIMI6A0Vv - , on Individual-.Aerobkor • ,...,.., 4,1,1,4,,, .. .fl,;••1;-.1... • (tii-,.v.,.#43k,;,,roaty.,,-,..,. .. I,„. .., ..,:. -•:?,,1•1:',.• 90/060/700;2472-447 - I * ' ' •' .• WastewaterTreatmentPlants1:,' •-•:1.,,y,,,: . : ....::- .., .,;,,;,,-,,.:..,,,,,.. ,,,: • t-\ c..? 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Itepoft on the Performance Evaluation of the Nayadie,.Itic, • Model M'6A y r,l.kx.,..iT"1. •'rf.•[ •,!..,':iA-r.;` i'_- ',ye, tinder the provisions of NSF Standard 40, :.. i''.r '' Relating to Individual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants '•• P. .::ti 4:,*;.:,k1.-,_•.y.+• r , .,'... (This report supersedes Wastewater.Technology.Report ... ,.(Au:::ini .a;. •,-;:... .. . .. Number S4O-1341,Dated.I)ecember.•1983).. .. ' • a'F..•: V C1'' V.:(. ..!.' •{.;!•. - ♦ .. . . . - .1 i. i.. Yi • • Julie 1992 (Reprinted Mdrth 1995) N .4, LW. . 90/060/7002472.447-1 •This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part . Page 1 of 42 Reprinted 3N5 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 • (Ihre EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Testing of the Nayadic,Inc.Model M-6A was conducted under the provisions of ANSI/NSF Standard 40 for Individual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants (July 1990 revision). ANSI/NSF Standard 40 was developed by the NSF Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology. The performance evaluation was conducted at the NSF Wastewater Technology Test Facility in Chelsea,Michigan,using wastewater diverted from the Chelsea municipal wastewater collection system. The evaluation consisted of six months of testing,during which a seven week stress test was conducted. The evaluation consisted of three weeks of dosing without sampling to allow for plant start-up,sixteen weeks of dosing at design flow,seven weeks of stress test and five weeks of dosing at design flow. Sampling started in the-fall and continued through the winter and into spring,covering a full range of operating temperatures. • • Standard 40,in Section H.(3)of Appendix A,provides for exclusion of up to ten percent of the effluent sample days,not to exceed one during stress testing,in completing the pass/fail determination. Other than samples collected for information only,no sample days were excluded in the pass/fail determination for this evaluation. The average effluent BODS was 6 mg/L during the evaluation,ranging between<5 and 14 mg/L, and the average'effluent suspended solids was 7 mg/L, ranging between<5 and 22 mg/L. The pH ranged from 7.3 to 7.9. The Model M-6A produced an effluent that successfully met the performance requirements established by NSF Standard 40 for Class I effluent: (1111110e The maximum arithmetic mean of seven consecutive sample days was 9 mg/L for B ODS and 12 mg/L for suspended solids, both well below the allowed maximum of 45 mg/L. The maximum arithmetic mean of 30 consecutive sample days was 8 mg/L for BODS and 8 mg/L for suspended solids,both well below the allowed maximum of 30 mg/L. Removal rates ranged from 95 to 97 percent for BODS and 96 to 98 percentfor suspended solids,consistently above the requirement of 85 percent. The effluent pH during the entire evaluation ranged between 7.3 and 7.9 within the required range of 6.0.to 9.0: .The plant also met the requirements for noise levels(less than 60 dba at a distance of 20 feet)and color,threshold odor;oily film and 4 foam. . . i • • 1 L I 90/060/700/2472-447-1 - -This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 2 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. 'June 1992 LPREFACE ;. -. ••.:: " Performance evaluation of individual aerobic wastewater treatment plants is achieved within the provisions of NSF Standard 40: Individual Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plants (revised July.1990), prepared.by the NSF Joint'Committeeion Wastewater Technology and adopted by the NSF Board of Trustees. Conformance with the standard is recognized by issuance of the NSF Mark:,This is not to.be construed asan approval of the equipment but rather a certification of the data provided by the test and an indication of compliancelwitkthe requirements expressed in the standard.. . ' , . : : i ;':,.34:i.::',. 7ii--::, 1:) :Ji I •. Plants conforming to Standard 40 are classified as Class I or class_ll plants.according to tliqu4ity cf,qqueut:procluFed - by the plant during their performance evaluation..Class!plants.anupt-also.demonstrate performance copsistent wiglitAe effluent color,odor;oily film and.foam requirements oflhelstandarclidCks.s,I.:plAntsrinn4 satisfy oraymsieo§,s,f meeting EPA Secondary Treatment Guidelines2 forfive day biochemical oxygen demand,su.spencled,s940.a4pjl Permission to use the NSF Mark is granted only after the equipment has been tested and found to perform satisfactorily, and all other requirements of the standard have been satisfied.Continued use of the Mark is dependent upon evidence of compliance with the standard as determined by periodic reinspection of the equipment at the factory,distributorships and reports from the field. •NSF Standard 40 requires the testing laboratory to provide the manufacinrer of an individual aerobic wastewater treatment plant a report including significant data and appropriate.eouullguaryirelAtive to the performance evaluation of the plant. NSF policy specifies provision of performance evaluation reports to appropriate state regulatory agencies at publication.Le Subsequent direct distribution of the report by NSF is made only at the specific request of or by permission of the manufacturer. The following report contains results of the entire testing program,a description of the plant,its operation and key process control equipment, and a narrative summary of the test program, including test location, procedures and significant occurrences. The plant represented herein reflects the equipment authorized to bear the NSF Mark. .4 L 90/060/700/2472-447-1 This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 3 of 42 -, Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 I i CERTIFICATION L, NSF International has determined by performance evaluation under the provisions of NSF Standard 40 (revised July 1990)that the Model M-6A manufactured by Nayadic, Inc:, has fulfilled the requirements of Standard 40. The Model M-6A has therefore been authorized to bear the NSF Mark so long as Nayadic, Inc. continues to meet 1 the requirements of Standard 40. . . 1 General performance evaluation and stress tests were performed at the Wastewater Technology Site of NSF Internatibnal-located.in Chelsea,Michigan. The raw waste utilized in the test was comminuted municipal waste. The,characteristIcs-uf the waste are included in the tabulated data of this report. The.observatipns and.analyses included in this report are certified:to be--correct and true copies of the.data secured during:tl#`elpiRifoiinance tests conducted by NSF on the wastewater.?treatment plants described herein.. The $ manufacture has agreed to present the data in this certification,in its;entirety whenever it is used in advertising, prospebti es;Ni ids.:br similar uses. 1 - 0:'y V • .; - .. - •,-...1". is .. _ • . , .. . . Thomas Stevens Manager • :i. ' Wastewater Certification; • . (toe . -. - (6.- 90/060/700/2472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 4 of 42 -- Reprinted 3195 without the expressed written consent of NSF;International. June 1992 (hiow TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Executive Summary 2 Preface .3 Certification 4 Table of Contents 5 1.0 Process Description 7 2.0 Performance Evaluation 7 • 2.1 Description of Unit Evaluated • 2.2 Test Protocol 8 2.3 Test Chronology :` `' 9 . 3.0 Analytical Results 9 3.1 Summary •9 3.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 9 • 3.3 Suspended Solids 12 3.4 pH �::, .... 12 3.5 Temperature 12 3.6 Dissolved oxygen 14 3.7 Color, threshold odor, oily film, foam 14 3.8 Noise • 14 • 4.0 References 14 Appendices Appendix A - Plant Specifications Appendix B - Standard 40 Performance Evaluation Protocol and'Requirements Appendix C - Analytical Results • 90p60/700R472-447-I This report:may not be reproduced in:whole or in part_ Page 5 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 • without the expressed written consent of-NSFlnternational. June 1992 1.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION The Nayadic Model M-6A wastewater treatment plant utilizes an extended aeration activated sludge process to achieve treatment. In the activated sludge process,microorganisms remove.soluble contaminants from the wastewater,utilizing them as a source of energy for growth and production of new microorganisms. The organisms tend to be'flocculent and form clumps,or floc, that physically entrap particulate organic matter. The organic matter is attacked by extracellular enzymes that solubilize the solids to make them available to the microorganisms as a food source. The conversion of the organic matter from soluble to biological solids allows:for iremoyal of the organic matter by settling of the solids in the treatment process.' Extended aeration is a modification of the activated sludge process in wiI dI the microorganisms are allowed to remain in the treatment process for long periods,of time. The largeinventory of biological-solids in the process.provides a buffer for shock loading of organic matter. The long aeration period allows for the organisms in the system to consume itself,reducing the total amount of solids produced by the treatment process. This does note however,eliminate the need for removal of solids from the system. Removal of solids is necessary to keep from ex'ceediiig the capacity of the solids separation'piocess utilized before discharge of the treated wastewat•er from• the process The organisms primarily responsible for the degradation of the,organicmatter are aerobic bacteria. As such,the transfer of oxygen into the wastewater by an aeration system is.a critical component of the treatment process. The aeration system also provides for the mixing of the wastewater and organisms to provide:contact between the organic contaminants in the wastewater and the organisms that provide for removal of the contaminants. For this reason,an activated sludge process is referred to as a suspended growth system..Interruption of the aeration system for a long period of time can have a serious impact on the process. 2.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION • 2.1 Description of Plant Evaluated . . • The Nayadic Model M-6A plant tested in this evaluation has a rated capacity of 500 gallons per day (gpd). Plant specifications and drawings are included in Appendix A. The plant achieves treatment by a flow through process,with aeration provided by a diffused air system and settling accomplished in a clarifier that surrounds the aeration compartment. The plant is constructed of fiberglass,with a total liquid capacity of approximately 600 gallons. The plant has no primary settling chamber,the wastewater enters the plant directly in the aeration compartment through a four inch pipe. The compartment is formed by a fiberglass inner tank that provides an aeration time of approximately 81/2 hours at design flow. Aeration and mixing in the compartment is provided by a disc plate diffuser located at the bottom of an eight inch diameter draft tube. The tube extends from mid-depth in the aeration compartment to four inches from the bottom of the plant,which is also the bottom of the clarifier compartment. Diffused air released at the bottom of the tube draws solids settled in the clarifier up the tube,discharging into the aeration compartment. The diffused air provides oxygen for the aerobic bacteria,mixing within the aeration compartment and return of settled solids from the clarifier to the aeration compartment. The incoming wastewater displaces biological solids in the aeration compartment to the clarifier compartment. Quiescent conditions in the clarifier compartment allow the biological solids to separate by gravity to the bottom of the cone shaped clarifier. The solids are returned to the aeration compartment as described. A weir and overflow trough is located at the surface of the clarifier,extending around the periphery of the tank. The trough is sloped to provide for discharge from the plant through a four inch pipe. A scum baffle is located inside the overflow weir to prevent floating solids from passing over the weir. • 90/060/7002472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 7 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 - 22 Test Protocol '• The NSF Standard 40 Performance Evaluation method and requirements are included in Appendix B. Start up of the plant is accomplished by filling one-third of the volume with raw wastewater and the remainder of the volume with fresh water. The plant is then dosed at the design loading rate(500 gpd)three weeks. Doses were made during three dosing periods: ' 6 a.m.to 9 a.m. - 35 percent of daily rated capacity 11 a.m. to 2 p.m: - 25 percent of daily rated capacity 5 p.m.to 8 p.m. - 40 percent of daily rated capacity After a three week start up period,the plant is subjected to the following loading sequence: Design loading - 16 weeks • Stress loading - 7 weeks Design loading - 3 weeks During the design loading periods,24-hour composite samples are collected of the influent and effluent five times per week. The samples are analyzed for BODs,suspended solids and volatile suspended solids. On-site determinations of the effluent temperature,pH and dissolved oxygen are also made five times per week In plant Measurements of aeration chamber temperature,pH,•dissolved oxygen and aeration chamber suspended solids were also made during the evaluation. Stress testing is;designed to evaluate how the plant performs under non-ideal conditions,including high and low hydraulic loadings and electrical or system failure. The test sequence includes(1)Wash Day stress;(2)Working Parent stress,(3) Power Failure stress;and(4)Vacation stress. Detailed descriptions of the stress sequences are shown in Appendix B. During the stress test sequence,24 hour composite samples are collected before and for seven days after each stress dosing pattern. The analyses and on-site.determinations completed on the samples are the same as described for the design load testing. Additional samples are collected during the Wash Day and Working Parent stresses for infornfational purposes only and are not included in the pass/fail calculations. These samples include two samples collected during the Wash Day. ' stress,.two during the Working Parent stress, one sample collected immediately after the power is renewed to the plant during the Power Failure stress and one collected with the start of dosing in the Vacation stress: - In order for the plant to achieve Class I effluent,it is required to produce an effluent which meets the EPA guidelines for secondary effluent discharge2: .. BODE and Suspended Solids: (a)the arithmetic mean of all effluent samples collected in a period Of 30 consecutive sample days must be s 30 mg/L, with z 85 percent removal; and(b) the arithmetic mean of all effluent samples collected in a 7 consecutive sample day period must be s 45 mg/L. • pH: Effluent values remain between 6.0 and 9.0. Requirements are also specified for effluent color,odor,oily film and foam,as well as maximum noise levels-allowed from the plant. In determining if the plant meets the effluent requirements;ten percent of the samples during the testing;not to exceed one sample during stress testing,maybe excluded from the pass/fail determination. A minimum of 118 sample days, i . 23 during the stress test sequence,must be collected and analyzed for the test to be valid. L 90/060/7002472-447-1 This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part- ---, ----- - Page 8 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSFtnfernational. : June 1992 23 Test Chronology The plant was installed under the direction of the manufacturer on June 11, 1990 and dosing,at the rate of 500 gpd,was snood onSeptember 19, 1990. After three weeks of start-up, sampling was started on October 15, 1990. The stress test was started on February 4, 1991 and ended on March 27, 1991. The evaluation was completed on April 24, 1991,, although sampling continued through May 1, 1991. • 3.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - , 3.1 Summary Chemical analysis of samples collected during the evaluation were completed using the procedures in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater',or U.S.Environmental Protection Agency procedures`. Copies of the data generated during the evaluation are included in Appendix C. The results of the chemical analyses and on-site observations and measurements made during the evaluation are summarized in Table I. Guidelines for evaluating the analytical results from the testing are described in Section 5.1 and Section H of Appendix A in NSF Standard 40.In completing the pass/fail determination on the data generated from the testing,tenperrent.(a total of twelve)of the samples collected during testing(not to exceed one sample during stress testing)can be excluded f om the pass/fail calculations. During testing of the Nayadic Model M-6A, no sample days were excluded from the.pass/fail determinations. Samples collected for.informational purposes during the stress test sequence are not•-included,.in,the pass/fail determinations. Section 2.9 and Section E of Appendix A of the Standard define influent wastewater characteristics as it applies;to testing under the Standard. Typical domestic wastewater is defined as having a BOD5 concentration between 100 and 300 mg/L and a suspended solids concentration between 100 and 350 mg/L. By the Program Specific Policies for Wastewater Treatment Devices and Related Products and Components(dated January 1, 1991): • When the influent Biochemical Oxygen Demand and/or Suspended.Solids fall outside the ranges specified in Section 2.9 of Standard 40, the effluent samples for the two calendar days-immediately following the occurrence may be excluded in the 7 and 30 sample averages. The Policy does not require exclusion of data following a day with influent concentrations outside the defined ranges,but allows for discard should the influent strength have an apparent impact on plant performance. There were:twelve sample days when the influent strength fell outside the specified range, but none were determined to have an impact on plant performance. . . - - ,. 3.2 Biochemical oxygen demand • . The carbonaceous five day biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5)analyses were-completed using the EPA Method 405.1. The results of the analyses completed on the samples collected during the testing;except those collected for informational purposes,are shown in Figure 1. Influent GODS: • The influent BOD5 ranged from 66 to 220 mg/Lduringthe mg/L. evaluation,with an average and median concentration of 150 90/06oflo0R472 44?-I This report may not be reproduced,in whole in part._ __. `,Page 9 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSFlnternational. • June 1992 ! i • (up? TABLE I. SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS , • Interquartile . :, Average Std.Dev, Minimum Maximum Median Range f BOD5(mg/L) . . ..: .: Influent 150 30 66 220 150 130-170 Effluent 6 2 <5 14 6 5-7 Suspended Solids(mg/L) Influent 194 66 52 480 180 , 150220,i, ..,--- sp.:, 1 Aeration Chamber 7,900 2,040 260 11,000 8,200 6,500-9,400 Effluent 7 3 <5 22 6 5-8 ' - Volatile Suspended Solids(mg/L) Influent 160.. '46 • • 58 390 150 130,180%. : ... .. .-. Aeration Chamber 5,800 1;560 • 200; : 9;700 6,100 4,600-9;400 . -",.. \:.,•• ,.Effluent ' 6 2 i<5-'' -•!' ' 18 5 <5-6. .. , pH Influent - - 7.0 • 7.8- 7.4 7.5-7 6 , . • Aeriition Chamber - - ' lig: 8.0 7.4 ., 7.4-7.5, Effluent - - 7.3i;:: - -7.9- 7.6 7.576 •-.''. i • ',•si . . •:- . :!, • .., .-..,. Temperatini ec) .,.. Influent 13 2 9 19 12 11-14 ' k:.'• , AeratiOn Chamber 11 2 8 17 11 9•-13 Effluent 10 3 . ,5-; 17 10 •, 8-11 . . '•:-,,*7 ''. , Dissolved Oxygen(mg(L) • • . . . - .. Aeration Chamber 1.3 1:8 0.1 7.6 0.4 0.1-1.5 . Effluent 3.9 1.2 0.8 . 6.3 4.2 3.5-4.7 . . Notes i' The Median is the point where half of the values are greater and half are less. The interquartile range is the range of.values " about the median between the upper and lower 25 percent of all values. Effluent 130.25:: ,., . The effluent BOD5 concentrations ranged from less than 5 to 14 mg/L over the course of the evaluation,with:an average concentration of 6 nag/L. The median effluent BOD5 concentration was 6 nig/L. Standard 40 requires that over the course of the evaluation,the effluent BOD5 not exceed 45 mg/L on. 7-day average and 30 mg/L on a 30-day average,and represent a reduction of not less than 85 percent of the 30-day average influent. The averages refer to seven and thirty,consecutive sample averagea,;and,pot consecutive days. A plot of the 7 and 30-day .. • , average concentrations and 30-day average percent removals,is shown in Figure 2. . . . _ . . . . . The 7-day average for effluent BOD5 ranged from 5 to 9 mg/L, the 30-day averages ranged from 6 to 8 mg/L arid the percent removal ranged from 95 to 97 percent. As shown in Figure 2,the Nayadic Model M-6A plant met the requirements of Standard 40 for effluent BOD5. - . - • ,...• ''t•. • :..,.- .-. ...(...'.,,f. : ' l',..• *:. '',7:19?-0i/i0k6ii0ii7edW/147 24474 This report Masiye et be itiredteed In whole or in part . ' Page 10 of42 3/95 Vithobt thee dViiteit tohiehtafNSFbitenehonal. - :Jurie-I992 ..--- Figure 1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand i� t3 BOD Ong/14 �t -u-Influent BOD •3-Effluent BOD TY,t_ ulna #L.!f'• 250 r i.,.. ss,A, ,---,,ifaT,-0 0) ; ,, i-....- - . . i . •! • ! r 'J-.... .ry4,• I , . . lik.. . . - . • '.'" ''' ' .:,,Mli,. i2;j, . z... .-i ' , • -..,,: . , • ,•4:',; '; • .1::.'".:.% ..I. r.. ,.. 50 `-- 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 . .;24.. 26 .28 .., weeks Figure 2. Effluent BOD Averages and • Percent BOD Removal 100 • . Percent removal min. 80 . 60 •+Peiceni BOD Removal -S-7 Day Avg.( ) 7 Day avg.max --a-30 Day Avg.(mg/L) 40 30 Day avg.max ;. 20 • f 0 1 0 i ' ( 1 1 1 1 , i 1 ( i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 .`. . .., weeks • OO/2472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 110142 ._.wTCI'rntsrnntinttal- June 1992 •- - 3.3 Suspended solids • Suspended solids and volatile suspended solids analyses were completed using Methods 209C and 209D of Standard Methods. The results of the suspended solids analyses over the entire evil-nation are shown in Figure 3. The data from both analyses are summarized in Table L- • Influent suspended solids: The influent.Suspended solids ranged from 52 to 480 mg/L during the evaltation,with an average concentration of 194 • 'mg/L.-The median influent suspended solids concentration during the pyikatiost was 180 mg/L. The influent volatile suspended scths ranged from 58 to 390 mg/L during the evaluation,,.witli*mierage concentration of 160 mg/L and a median concentration of 150 mg/L. • ;•:•••“•-::•f' tti .• - . Aeration chamber suspended solids: tx, :• i; • . . • , . The)4eratibni,chamber'iuspendedgsolids ranged from 260 to 11,000 mg/L during the evaluation, with an average • concentiatioriOf 7,900 Mg/L. The aeration chamber volatile suspended solids ranged from 200 to 9,700 mg/L,with an average concentration of5,800 mg/L. The median values for the aeration chamber were 8,200 mg/L suspended solids and • volatile suspended solids. laW,44.1.464;:.:•:4- • • Effluentwusnended :F i ..c jdal solids concentrations ranged•from 45`-'115 22-34/L during the evaluation,.•-•with an average - • - • ;;.•_, concentration:of 7 nigIL. .•! •• . • • • Over the course of the evaluation,NSF Standard 40 requires that the effluent suspended solids not exceed 45 mg/L on a 7-day.average,30 mg/L on a q0-day average and that the plant achieve not less than 85 percent reduction of the 30-day • average ihfltientsuspended solids concentration. A plot of the 7-'and 30-day averages,as well as the percent removal,is shown in Figure 4. • - . 2 : The 7-day average suspended solids ranged from 5 to 12 mg/L,the 30-day averages ranged from 5 to 8 mg/L and the percent.,04uctiou,r4nged from 96.to 98 percent, ,As•shown in Figure 4, the Nayadic Model M-6A lant met the requirements of NSF Standard 40 for effluent suspended solids. • . 3.4 pH .„ Over the entire evaluation period,the influent pH ranged from 7.0 to 7.8(median of 7.5),while the aeration chamber pH • ranged fit-it:n7.0 to 8.9.(median,o1 7.4). The effluent pH ranged from 7.3 to 7.9 during the evaluation(median of 7.6), within the 6 to 9 ranerequired.by NSF Standard 40. The pH data for the evaluation are shown in Appendix C. 3.5 Temperature • • • - Influent temperatures over the evaluation period ranged from 9 to 19°C(median of 12°C),while the aeration chamber temperature ranged between 8 to 17°C(median of 11°C). Effluent temperatures ranged between 5 and 17°C(median of 10°C). The temperature data are shown in Appendix C. • • • , • 90/060/700/2472-447-1 This report may not be reproduced in whole or.in part Page 12 of 42 rs: :106 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of 21WIntiiiiiilicirtal. June 1992 _ . " - • ••••-.it •'' ,• , . . . .,.. - --- Figure 3. Suspended Solids 0 .• ,,,-.;,.600 ....t-,,. -a-Influent SS 9-Effluent SS . .. , . %. , •4.'4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . * ....... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - -- - - ,„. , -. ;•._:- Kba: • . _ "'• -'..-,', '-.•*AA" *3 --- ---------.. ......: ..... .... . .... .. .•...ihiliii. . ..-....__ .:11/1.. . .. . . ...... .. . - :• -. 4 li, ...an'nf ''''%. - . . • , - i• .: -', , ,, . -'-- - . '''X- ' ' 200 ., T • , ; :' f-. .„..._ __ tr.r. -• : ! ..., ,,... . . _ . v...•'''' &' 100 -'''' . ,- . . •''' • - .--,.., ..., ,• • .. P....! .; 0 le. !;;:c.:;17..;:r....!1:::',:tr.rt.7.71:v.:::: :::::::::::-::.,-;:::.t1-:: :::: :::—:: !:—: —::. ...m.:::.;:: Z;:. ;;,, 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24• •-26;:.-- 28:: . . ..`....c:::1- . Greeks -,- -.0 Figure 4. Effluent Suspended Solids ' .....„....: , Averages ancl Percent SSitenioval:•i.. - ,.... . • ...- • :- too imkis*44.41.41iii-asHaHaiimi *--40-4NNI,a,mistHik • • Yeromircmovatmin. .• • . . • • . SO . . . _ . 60 -•-Percent SS Removal 43-7 Day Avg.(mg/L) 7 Day avg.max_ -11-30 Day Avg.(ing/L) 40 30 Day avg.'s= . 20 7 !: 3; 117.:z- .- -;, ; , . •-• . _...........- '''':11"17,1i Si::-:.. - ,..' —',., „—..... 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 weeks •:;*,S90601700/2472-447-I ...,•;:i•- This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part - :. • ' • Paie!3042 '... RePtittied 3/95 .,... without the expressed written consent of NSF International. Jun. - .. • e 1992 . . , . ,,__. 1,,,I 1 ' ..... _,.. . ,..%.,,, • :,...-1 . •4,4-.,‘,,,....t. .. . ,..,...ii , . 3.6 Dissolved oxygen ,......., trorj -,-.,,,---&-• d Dissolve oxygen(DO)was measured in the'aeration chamber and effluent during the evaluation. 1 i • .,. , 1 I DO ranged between 0.1 and 7.6 mg/L(median of 0.4 mg/L), while the effluent DO ranged betwet% TT;1 .,..,,,,,,..... Q.! .), 1 (median of 4.2 mg/L). All dissolved oxygen data are shown in Appendix C. i'.•.-q•-' • 1 . 3.7 Color,threshold odor,oily film,foam ;...,.-i-',-' e . . „ •.! .,-.4-.I Three samples of the effluent were analyzed for color,odor,oily film and foam as prescribed in NSF kiai 1 il fil 1 effluent was acceptable according to the requirements in NSF Standard 40;with color less than 15 nib i . ,II , threshold odor,no visible evidenceOf oily film and no foam. : , d 1 . .. .... 51 , . , , ,. ';': , •tj,'-',1,' - 1 3.8 Noise --.:-. ,,, •-..,.., . -41 ....-', • ' .-- •,ut :-- • .1-11-- ---,,,. ,-'.».--,..044,,-;',..",li..,,-,:t .':-:. Ac., .1.t -._..., A leading of the Wise level at a distance of 20 feetftom the plant was taken while ihe.plafit*as iiio,. - 1 Os 'likii.1,..,-, ... . , !! held decibertneter. The reading was below the 60 dbA required under NSF Standard 40.a ,.. . • 1 • ,: .. - : .'-;; .-: :-:‘,,,,ki-:,'• _. 7' . - .; 1 ... ....-.-,--';'- , ..41: :;.!.:-f. t:3.". - : ..- ' -;;.-rt-111 i'- .. . . 4.0 REFERENCES: .:. *. :. • . ' •7.-.:' :• -.3.., -v . ... ,o, '-: .-:',i,I.'A • •1. c:_. 1. Grady, Jr., C.P., and H.C. Lim, Biological Wastewater Titatinent: Theory and-Applications, ••-ki„al if::y• Publishers,New York, 1980. . .. .-.• . . . . . . . . , .... . . „ .. _ ... • - --- •-•-;!;,-*,-' ' . ii • 2. "Environmental Protection Agency Guideliiiee for..Seconc!ary!Treatpent";•rideral Register,Volume 281:. o..-:1-. .-9, P.• .•A'''V"- ''i 1 I •r' . • ' ' - 3. APHA,AVWfve:WPCF,...Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,17th Edi s.,,n_-..i. ii::,;•,,r! , . Public Health ksiOciatioii,Wishinglon,D.C.. -', •.,-:::. '-•‘-',.k::,..1. . . . 4. U.S.EPA;Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,U.S.Environniental Ptotection, , ••4'.43-,c!t, • Washington,D.C.. c.-ti--4-:4::...,,,... . 1 ,. _ .._ .. . . I -.T.. - -. . i i ..,..T.,,,, , t , - i . ,,•:74,.,. r.:..1 1: • , ..4,. •-'r',/, -. _ . .. . . . , L •Izt' ,,. ';',„'•••••L- -...:. ,•- , . " ., . .... , . . . . :- 90/060/700/2472-447-I "'This report may not be reproduced in Whole or in part Page1I0!',:4') iiiiitied 3/9.5 •:without the expr&sect written consent of International. ...,1 471 4 :::, ' ,. • • ' - ' c ..., . a ,;:,' . • • ','.: .• ,..f., . ..., ..3 .. _. - • _ .. . .. 1 . , .' . . ‘: • ' • ...- • '." 0' . ' •i• • 0 • . '•,''•4;:‘ : • , .• • Z . e• ... •-*•..... ••••• • • • • %•4 ..,' •1.• : I • ''.4r . * •.... .. .1,..,. Ng, " ••••• •• * 1 •••• ••• • .1 '••5•i;:..• ••• •'• ,.... : ;.•,'',1'4", ••4 : 'ft.,. " *. % ''; • ,•4* -•'1Z7Z A . .. • .• ••.• *, :•1*.' •.'s• j i . '•'• '-'• ' tit:, S . ....4,* •• ... _ • _ .. . • • • . , . ._, . 3 • -..: _ ,:• , .. __ . '..4,.'• .x.3 •ik-i ' . • ...-- - .... . ,.. . ,_,,,....,..: . ,.,,. , ,. , APPENDDC A • - 0 •••:,•••:*40••••-• * 4 ••• . : t ;t• '•:.••A • • • ' '-1. * e :ISA . PLANT SPECIFICATIONS . . • .., -- ,.. •,;;;,t„. ..-.t... - • . . .-...- iciti.,-••'. .- • •-''.,• 4 . •:*.'',A, Tr - • • -,it: •=1, . --'• , . , ,,„..,,A.:-,,,, ••, " ••• . . . •...„01.,.-4-4 - . ; . , - , - . . • .,-.4 , ; . ,,,,,rs..•-1.4--_,---) , ••-•...- j .• .. . ' "-t:5: . , . .. -- . • ..•, . ...„ , . - •.. .. . , ........ . ; . . • •4: •tc.I - • . •••• k - ' • _ .. .., -,..;- .,:o, • —o• , „,%.... '4". $....4...• • , , . ..... -. . . 90/060/700/2472-447-1 . .. . . . _ 'Ibis import not be reproduced in whole or in p4rt,. , .Page 15 of 42 i","•' -".'--..=1" Reprinted.3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 3 . filliil . ••••=momm.milfillilliMIN7RIMNIMMOIMINIMW � i per'`' fI M • 1 ly.l I,. i•A F 3 0 it I.D: N , r il p rio*ii,,. ,,,,, ., ,. 4VD Eql I . ) '8.- . lip1 __].....„ ,c) 0 ,,,, z„,„. , ...:r .._........... 1 __..... itli .. . . . ..,..,. ...4. , U await-644 1r!iuJ 1 / _LI) 7 IL \\1114,;101:11r - Tr ! 10 t } gf R :1 t ,i,,o.%t ::,,... , . . . PAR NO.T (ASCRIPTION map MATERIAL PNROT (ASCRIPTION . MATERIAL I OUTER TANK 1 FIBERGLASS 8A OVERFLOW WEIR I FIBERGLASS --a. INDICATE FLOW PATTERN 2 INNER TANK 1 n 9 RECIRCULATION PIPE I PVC'SDR 41 R'Oa —, .7 3 COVER i _ 'l 10 RECIRCULATION PIPE SUPPORT 3 STAINLESS STEEL 4 LID 1 n I I COMPRESSOR 1 ALUMINUM ALLOY „. _. AEROBIC TREATMENT UNIT Q' S INNER TANK SURPORT 3 a 12 ALARM—PRESSURE GAUGE 1 STEEL 23/214DIAL • � tz�7, MODEL M-qa NI N 6 AIR LINE 1 SCN 40 PVC .°DIA. 13 EXTENSION (OPTIONAL) 1 FIBERGLASS �N11j • 7 DIFFUSER 1 PLASTIC—RUBBER rloonrcwa11C7> A'PROVED-NSF SEAL NO 8063 _ - WATER POLLUTIONCONTNR D'' B OM'SCABBY O.w0. ~ 13 SCUM BAff1E, 1 FIBERGLASS 4-6-76 NONE E A B NU 6-046 -----77 .: • - ,.•,. NAYADIC, INC. MODEL M-6A COMPONENT PARTS LIST • .,•,•,-;.,•,;,,:. •,,,,, ‘ ' . . 1:1-7• Number Description Number Material Required - •1 Outer tank 1 Fiberglass _ 2 Inner tank 1 Fiberglass _ .3 Cover 1 Fiberglass _ -1 4 Lid 1 Fiberglass kft,, 5 Inner tank supports 4 Fiberglass - , 4,-. 6 Air line 1 1/2 inch Sch. 40 PVC - . 7 Diffuser 1 Plastic . . ' .-,• dr't; 8 Scum baffle 1 Fiberglass '•-,' ' -: 8A Overflow weir 1 Fiberglass --„' i-= 9 Recirculation pipe 1 SDR - 41 PVC ,. 111".„---;r4-, -, . . 10 Recirculation pipe supports 3 Stainless steel ., 'I 11 Compressor , \1 : Cast iron aluminum • - -.....-4- alloy 12 • Alarm I Plastic , . . 13 _ Extension - optional 1 Fiberglass . t. t 14 Pressure switch - optional 1 Plastic (elec. hook up) Compressor: Gast Model 323 .; ; -•.. . , 1/4 1-1P, 1725 rpm motor . , 44... , 1 •.- 60 cycle, 115V 4,'•,,--r- f,-.-!-.1- • -, ,-- ' • I, , -- , .:- .!.... ,. • r. _ . 1.,:,, -• . ,::..•...i..v.,.. 4,-,-,---._ ..,_. • .,..,..,,,?_:- 4f.'• 9431060I700/2472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole Or in part Page 17 of 42 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 -,•;.•'''..4:,•••:;.• . • ::••-.. .Se•••:- • -,-,,,1:1k•f,:i l. 11'.'.;::.;'.'..!•• • •-;:i. I: t i--.fi ,' -'• : •-•'...7. . •. ;`,1„I. • ••:';‘ • ' .. 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'-':..1.:.' : .;• APPENDIX It . . - • -: .: :ri i..: ',, -to - '•--- NSF STANDARD 40 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION . . :.,...4,,: -• ,:..!;.f•.`.': METHOD AND REQUIREMENTS 11''-' '.i::.:-.:3•7.--- -:•i',...%3:ilY.-ili'illt .•`.1 ., ji ,;.:•-,,, - . • ,,.- . . i'il..z . 1::: — ..• •,,r*I :- .:: .11 .-- -i- •"4.: ....I. . , - ., ,,_ . -, • : - , „ _-,,' :.'':,::'': :---<:;-!1. 4%-•!., -.,:c.f.: . . - , - , -. .,.„.-.-:,-" :.,,-: -..,-.:.,. • ;z-•,,,, .. ...;.!1. ; • . . ..,,,..-: - • _. . . r. ..-. ...„ ..•-.. t; /if.'.-":1• • . :•-•• -..;.0< < .,.... .... . .,•?': E.$1.,.. .;..-...':i.;i:-1101,i t:41r 4 .. :. :, ':,‘V...1•tf.4..-...*:;:•.- : - '''.."•-..;i:q:',- .....: : ...",-_.:.-.-.;:i.i.M441:414364..SIVAtt...4.g) . •;---..; . ,.: . ..,*,. . .•'-‘'.i.- !'.:: - •,'.3. • .. .,... .._ • .::•,y,, •-,- . . • - - • --..--rs--;.:,_,---1 ,.,i-:''' t'..:-..T,c_ • :. .,-,. • . - • . ' •••, -7, ii oc, Y..: .... „.- :,:,::::':,- • . , .,:_,, '...'.T'. '---....,---- ._ _ _..... ...- —......_....-....----.- .,... . . , . .. : ..•!f . : , ' / • . . -.. .. ..-._... -..._ 90/060/700/2472-447-1 This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part • Page 19 042 1444,,:i; •,,f,,.'• Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 • I , • TEST METHOD (ow, • A. PURPOSE The purpose of this test method is to verify that a plant complies with the applicable class effluent requirements during a six-month period. • Performance evaluation of the plant shall be independent of design and construction. However,structural weaknesses or defects and failures of process support equipment,shall be reported in the test results. B. PREQUALIFICATIONS 1. APPLICATION: The application for performance evaluation of aparticular model or model series shall include a basic description,desi data,drawins,and parts and materials pecifications for the plant and all equipment and appurtenances. A complete installation,operation,and maintenance manual,including a thorough discussion of process fundamentals,shall accompany the application. 2. .-MODEL SERIES: For a series of plants of the same model,varying in rated treatment capacities between 1514 and 5678 L(400 and 1500 gallons)per day,results achieved by the smallest plant in the series shall be indicative 1 of the capabilities of all other plants in the series. The design and configurations of larger.capacity plants shall 4 is • be proportionally identical to the plant tested.' C. TESTING SEASON The test can be carried out at any time of the year. If the test is conducted during cold weather, the plant and equipment shall be protected from freezing. If the test.is conducted during warm weather,the temperature of the • aeration compartment contents shall not exceed 30°C(86°F). D. ANALYTICAL METHODS - . ,. • All sample collection and analytical methods shall be those in the seventeenth edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,published by the American Public Health Association',except as otherwise specified. E. INFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS The influent wastewater characteristics shall be equivalent to wastewater generated from a normal household complying with the following typical domestic wastewater parameters: • BODS 100-300 mg/L SS 100-350 mg/L tWhen defming"proportionally identical," some of the parameters that should be considered are - hydraulics,dimensions,mixing,and filtration. (re 'American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth St.,N.W.,Washington,DC 20005. 90/060100/2472-447-I - This Icyui t may not be reproduced in whole or in part. .. . . _ ... _Page.20,of.42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed'writtenconsent cif NSF International. •' June I'992 F. LOADING REQUIREMENTS •• • 1. DESIGN LOADING: The plant shall be hydraulically loaded at its rated daily capacity' according to the following pattern of flow: 6 a.m.-9 a.m. 35%of total daily flow 11 a.m. -2 p.m. 25%of total daily flow • 5 p.m. -8 p.m. 40%of total daily flow 2. STRESS TESTING`: The plant shall be hydraulically loaded as-indicated•in the applicable-figure in the following sequence: '• Wash Day(Figure Al), • Working Parents(Figure A2), • Equipment or Power Failure(electrical equipment off)(Fig ire-A3),:-;, _.... • One week vacation followed by shock loading. Typical of a family's return from vacation(Figure A4). G. TEST METHOD -_,..: 1. GENERAL: a. Should mechanical malfunctions at the test facility occur during testing(dosing interruption,communitor failure, sampler malfunction,etc.)the testing.agencyashiall dctennine:the,potential'adverse affect on the performance of the system and determine whatAnaW seal values:stiall be includeddn'the thirty-and seven- ; sample averages. : ':;.: � .�:5�: dc;M s:: '�, �;;`x; _.` • - • b. The plantshall be installed,operated;and maintaine&ccbrding:to'.the maaufacturefs•instructions during the test period. If these instructions conflict with provisions in this Appendix, the provisions in this Appendix shall be used. -• - 3Rated daily capacity is the designed treatment of the plant. Note the example below: Effect of Testing at Design Loading Assume average family=5 persons and average water use=189 L/person/day(50 gals/person/day);then daily household waste =946 Lpd(250 gpd). Therefore,-testing at rated daily capacity provides greater loading to plant,thaw average family might be expected to contribute. If minimum plant size=1892 Lpd(500 gpd),then design loading simulates: Use by 10 persons • • @ 189 L/person/day(50 gals/person/day);or use by persons 4•378-LIperson/day(100 gals/person/day),or equal. 4Basis for 60%loading used to simulate working parents,equipment/power failure,and return from vacation: . Assume 5-person occupance and 1892 Lpd(500 gpd)-desigri capacity for aerobic system;Then 2 flushes/person @ 95 L/flush(25 gals)= 189 L(50 gals) 1 shower/person @ 76 L/shower(20 gals)=379 L(100 gals) 3 loads washing @132 L/load(35 gals)=379 L(105 gals) food preparation and dishes(est.)= 114 L(30 gals) 1079 L(285 gals)' - =60%Design Flow(approximately) • 90/060/700/2472.447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or:in pact Page 21 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 • { c. If the plant under test is installed at a higher grade than a typical field installation,the manufacturer may insulate the plant if normal treatment temperatures could be affected. 2. START-UP PROCEDURES: a. The plant shall be assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions. Equipment shall be checked by the manufacturer to determine that it is structurally sound. All defects shall be reported. If no defects are detected,that fact shall be indicated by the testing agency. • b. If no defects are detected and the plant is judged to be structurally sound,it shall be filled to capacity with one-third wastewater and two-thirds waters. c. The wastewater loading pattern provided in Section F.1(normal loading)shall begin. Sampling and testing shall begin within three weeks after the plant is filled and placed into operation, and continue without interruption until the end of,the•test;:with.,the-:following:exception: . The testing agency shall make repairs for unexpected mechanical malfunctions that are explained in the manufacturer's operation manual. Routine service and maintenance of the plant will not be.allowed during the test period. - d LOADING SEQUENCE: The plant-shall be subjected to the following loading sequence: r . ... .. :Design ioading.(Section F..1)..=:16 weeks.3 - .. . - � Stress sequence(Section F.2):k:7 weeks 7 . .. • Design loading(Section F.1)-3 weeks 11nc-tt:<<:>; The plant shallbe returned to design-loading•for:seven days between each stressing sequence. 3. SAMPLING: a. GENERAL: - The daily composite sample shall consist of-flow-proportional samples collected at least once per hour • during periods of influent flow. . b. .DESIGN LOADING: - The evaluation analyses as specified in Appendix A,Table 1 shall be followed. All samples Shall be collected and analyzed•on a five-days-per-week basis:. c. STRESS TESTING: - Samples collected immediately following each stressing shall include 24-hour composites of influent 1! and effluent and analyzed in accordance with Appendix A,-Table 1. - Samples shall be collected immediately before the beginning of each sequence and each 24 hours for 7 days following each stress sequence. • • NOTE: Two samples shall be collected during the working parent and wash day stresses and'analyzed for • BOD5,SS,•arid pH. The data shall not be used in determining acceptance. • If 5Start-up Start-up of plant with two-thirds water and One-third wastewater is not intended to dictate actual field start-up procedures. • { 901060/700/2472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 22of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 • TABLE 1 GENERAL TEST SAMPLING Suspended Volatile Sample -Sample Test DO BOD5 Solids(SS), Suspended Solids Settleable Solids Location . - .Type.-_... Frequency mg/L mg/L mg/L (VSS),Percent in mL/L 45 min. Temp.°C pH I (Raw' 24 hr. Monday !Influent Composite* thru Friday X X X • X' X' • Final 24 hr. Monday Effluent Composite* thru Friday X' X X X X' • X' Aeration Grab Monday • Chamber _ thru Friday X' X X. X X' - X' • *See Item 3.a. 'In situ measurement. • • • H. ACCEPTANCE . • • 1. The plant shall meet the applicable performance requirements of Section 5 of this standard. 2. To evaluate the pass/fail criteria set forth in'Section 5 of this Standard a minimum of:1.18 sample days(23 during stressing)shall be collected and analyzed. 3. Due to the biological process,it is understood that aerobic systems may have days of upset. Therefore,for both • Class I and Class II plants, 10%of the samples during testing(not to exceed one during stress testing)will not be included in the pass/fail determination. I. REPORTS • • The testing agency shall provide a report to the manufacturer that includes significant data showing test results for die plant tested in accordance with this standard. Appropriate comments shall be provided. All data shall be included in the report,along with rationale for exclusion of any data due to adverse conditions during testing. • • 90/060,700/2472-447-I This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part Page 23 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 11.i, . ! ii ill • (6., Figure A.1 . . . Wash Day Loading .•I Added to plants 3 times in one 5-day week with one 24-hour period between each loading • 60 percent design flow )11.-• • , -41E—40 percent --)N-. • i - • 1 _. .. i . . .. . . . I . , • .. , • 1:;,•„:.. . •••1-, . •_ •'is.': ;.,• - • , . • . ... .,, , ,-. , - • • .;=• .'• . '.. _••• ' -,-; ,• : •- . A . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 . . 3 4 5 6 0 7'3 Was*Loads(3 Wash and 0 ling;Pries) , ._. ... • , :. I Wash cycle contains low sndsing commercially.available household dFtecgsFt t, *.• * andliousehold Weil&at manes:Mimes recciniiiiendedlisilevel- :'• ;11 fit :..-i • --:'. r.•;•, '-':. :' • • "!-- .r.‘- ,.•:!.1: '.t.,.:•! • .; Le • ..i • • -^ . .• . • Figure K2 ' • • : -.4, ...: ..• !..: • r•-• .,:.• •• ,.!•,i...,; ... , ., • . Working Parents • :! No loading 9 am to 5 pm for 5 consecutive days , . - • .-4(-- 60 percent..-:*--31- • ., ... i .41E_ 40.percatt. ._....). • . . , - -. • — . design flow ' 4 i . I • 1 ...:) • . ,... , ' . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • -1 • 2' " 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 am n pm . , M =1 Load Washing l ' L :,.. .. • 1 . . 90/060/700/2472-447-1 This report may not be reproduced in.whole or in part • • • -•:--- Page 24 of 42 '7Reprinted1/95 -• - - - withoutth?,ftssie41,?,,416t.#1:31•44§1*Iviiiiii.a:::t,,. end.-------- ---.7.: :-• -•,-- June 1992. • . , , (.... .. . Figure A.3 ' • Equipment or Power Failure All power to plant off for 48 hours, 1 time only -4 60 percent design flow • _ • ,.., .. .. . .. . ...-. ....L-•�;:,"j . ,. ',: ,...' . .51 5 6 7 84 48hrs Pm � 9m: 10, 11 lm2 ® =1 Load Washing, . .(..... • , z.:.,•. ,. . Figure A.4 One Week Vacation { No loading over 9-day period but all power on :sudden shock when family returns home • . . 3 4: . II_ a 0 ni 1 1VD 0 EL 1 01 I I . I I I . ' I• .I I I - I °`V > Fri Sat •. . .Sun. Mon'.-•- T ues Wed Thws:• •:: Fri- Sat Sun Mon a a o‘ N oe =3 Loads Washing ,r, . L . ....._._ .. . _ . ... . . . ._. ... . . .. . . 90I060/700/2472.447-I This report may'not tie reproduced in whole or.in'part Page 25 of 42 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of N .F.Interirafional. June 1992 ,1 : , , : I • (be PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT' 5.0 EFFLUENT QUALITY: Plants shall be classified according to the effluent quality results obtained under the loading I , and operating conditions in Appendix A. . 5.1 CLASS I EFLUENT: Plants providing a Class I effluent shall be shown to meet.EPA Secondary Treatment Guidelines' for BOD5,SS,and pH. Thes are as follows: {' ' .5.1.1 BOD5 and SS f. , • Aritlunetic mean of all effluent samples collected in a period of 30 consecutive'days shall be s 30 mg/L anc ' z 85 percent removal. • Arithmetic mean of all effluent samples collected in a period of 7 consecutive days shall be s 45 mg/L. ' i • Individual.effluent samples shall not exceed a BOD5 of 60 mg/L and SS of 100 mg/L. j ; ; 5.1.2 pH-Effluentvalues shall remain between 6.0 and 9.0. . •i • • 5.1.3 Effluent chail be tested three times during the six-month evaluation period for color,odor,oily film,and foam •1 ` ; The effluent shall be diluted 1:1000 with distilled water. -Plants tested for Class'1 effluent characteristics sha . not exceed: ! I • Color- 15_:units; - .. , . . ' • Threshold Odor-nonoffensive;• "-1 • -• Oily Film-nonvisible evidence other than air bubbles; i • Foam-none. • (pe 5.2 CLASS II EFFLUENT: Plants providing a Class II effluent shall be shown to meet an effluent quality level for BO - of 60 mg/:and for SS of 100 mg/L. These maximum values shall not be exceeded more than 10 percent of the tin ' 1 5.3 STRESS REQUIREMENTS: Measured values for BOOS and SS of effluent composite samples collected beginni 1 24 hours after completion of each stressing condition(48 hours after the power outage stress),as described in Appen, • A,shall not exceed the applicable class effluent requirements in Item 5.1 and 5.2. '• 5.4 NOISE: Mechanical component parts shall be installed or proteted so the noise produced does not-exceed 60 dbA wl measured 6.0 m(20 feet)from the plant or appurtenances. 1 5.5 MODIFICATION OF TEST METHODS: The manufacturer shall follow the procedures in Appendix C to reque modifrcation:gf.a specific test method. A request for a modification of a test method may be needed due to following: . s `_ . • . The design of the plant precludes efective testing in accordance with the Standard. • • : The manufacturer submits a design change to a previously tested plant that may not require full perform; !3testing. • i 1 : I! • "The performance limits set forth in section 5 take into account limitations of the respective - --. : I ; analytical techniques relative to precision andaccuracy. 'The limits shall be rigidly applied in the evaluation { of test data in lieu of statistical interpretation. 1 6Federal Register,Vol 49,September 20, 1987,Title 40 Protection of Environment,Chapter 1 - jEPA,Subchapter D-Water Programs,Part 133 Secondary Treatment Information,•Item 133.102 Secondary g, ' ,,, Treatment. 'i . 7For Standard 40 applications,consecutive days shall be interpreted as consecutive sampling days. i • , I 1 90/060/700/2472-447-I • This report may not Ueteproduced in whole or in part .Page 26 of 42 " -Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 • • . . • APPENDIX C ANALYTICAL RESULTS • • • , 90/060/7002472447-1 'This ieport may not be rePtriducedin whok or in part ,Z.;•Page 27 042 Reprinted 3/95 without the expressed written consent of NSF International. June 1992 -• r _. • • .• . .4: ,. 'ti NSF International NSF International g Standard 40-individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants a. a Week Beginning: _ April 21, 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 Week Beginning: Apn7 28, 199f Plant Code: 4/88 cn ti Weeks Into Test: 28 Weeks Into Test: 29 Weekend Dosing: Sunday- 500 gallons Saturday• 512 gallons• Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday- , 0 gallons it Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 494 506 475(1) 375(1) Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 500 0 Dissolved aeration 3.4 0.1 1.8 0.1 0.1 Dissolved aeration 0.1 0.1 0.1 Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber. c ( ) effluent 4.5 4.3 4.5 1.2 2.4 - •( effluent 1.4 3.4 3.2 y influent 12 12 12 12 12 Influent 12 13 13 Temperature aera -tion 11 11 f2 12 12 aeration _ `-.__ _ _ )°e a CC) chamber Temperature chamber 13 13 14 CC) effluent 9 10 10 .12 11 effluent 13 12 13 to .9.. influent 7.4 7.5 7.5 _ 7.5 •.7.4 influent 7.5 7,5 74 3•,Fraeration pH chamber 7,4 7.4 7.3 7.3 73 aeration ' pf1 7.4 7.3 7.4 Chamber , 1 effluent 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.5 effluent 7.7 .7.6 7.5 .S2. Biochemical influent 66 120 130 100 110 _ ' Biochemical Influent 110 " 130 120 C i5 Oxygen Demand - • - Oxygen Demand ' .., S' (mA) effluent <5 5 5, 5 t.<5 • (per,) effluent 6 5 1 6 • rn� g influent 52 120 160 170 "`;':,110110 influent 150 210 170 • ".,"co Suspended .: - Suspended Solids aeration 9.000 8,900 9,200 8,900 Solids aeration9.200 9.400 9.300 »' • chamber 9,100 chamber ' effluent 7 7 8 9 • .7 effluent 9 8 18 g.! influent •40 100 120 140 • 92 . influent 130 f70 140. Volatile ' Volatile -, Suspended aeration 6.400 6,400 6.500 6,500 6,300 Suspended aeration 6,500 6,600 6,600 • Solids chamber Solids chamber ( -) • effluent 6 <5 6 6 5 ( ) effluent . 8 7 13 45 Minute 45 Minute Settleable aeration 890 900 900 890 900 .Settleable aeration 900 900 900 • • Solids chamber Solids chamber (mIlL) _ • (mt/L) • (I)Site problem Notes: Low doses on 4/25 and 4/26 caused by installation of (1)She problem Notes: Sampling ended Wednesday,5/1. ;'11 (2)Malfunction of system under test comminunor at site. (2)Malfunction of system under test ,n (3)Weather problem , (3)Weather problem .4 (4)Other (4)Other 3,It-)O ' 'fGS/3.92 • TGS/3-92 /, .. . N ti 0 NSF International NSF International • IStandard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants c., 3.,Week Beginning: October 7, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 , Week Beginning: October 14, f990 Plant Code: 4/88 H ? Weeks Into Test: 1 • Weeks into.Test: 1 lJ k Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday- 500 gallons Weekend-06sing: Sunday• 500 gellohf" . •"• Saturday 500 gallons 14 r.+ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday t Monday• Tuesday' Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 •500 325(1) 506• 500 Dosed Volume(gallons)- • •500 •. '500 •494 500 500 Dissolved aeration • 5.5 •51 blssoNed aeration 7.5 • 3.1 2.9 5.9 4.0 Oxygen chamber Oxygen. chamber (m9/L)g. effluent 4.0 4.0 ( ) . ., effluent • 3.7 . 5.4 4.0 5.0 4.5 o ginfluent 18 . 19 Influent 17 17 17• 17 t Y gy aeration ` aeration a Temperature 15 15 Temperature 15 • 15 • 16 15 16 eV ' ('Cl chamber _ (.c) chamber effluent 15 14 effluent 14 14 15 13 14 Influent 7•5 7.6 influent7.4' 7.5 7,5 (1) 7.6 0 • aeration •aeratkxl P• pH chamber 8.0 7.8 PH . chamber 7.4 79 8.0 (1) 7.4 §* .4,• effluent 7.8 7• .6 effluent, • (1) •7.8 78 (I) •7.5 a Biochemical influent (1) 110 Biochemical• influent - . 100 140 '150 140 140 g 8. n Oxygen Demand Oxyge Demand ' 1mg/L1 effluent (1) 7 •TAWe871ient.." ,11) . ' 8 8 8 . 8 0 influent (1) 140 •r ' lnfluenl'-: • • 140 • r 170 ..150 110 • 260 rn g Suspended • Suspended aetition•; • 1 aeration � � Solids chamber (11 6.870 Solids - �.500 "'f 1,Oi00� •3,800. 260 6.000 o tm(lrll (tom ehamer' , o effluent (1) 9 .! e841.eri 1) •• ; 9 - • • 6 ' 10 • 6 p l Influent (I) 120 ,"" �"• influent • . :120••• • 150 •• • 130 100 • . • ' 210 g. Volatile ,VOiefge ' Suspended aeration (1) 5,150 'Suspended aeratkln 2,700 9,700 3.000 200 4.700 Solids chamber Solids, • chamber ('r>St/L) effluent (1) 6 ,(l!sg/L) ell/pent (1) 8 , 6 , 8 • 6 45 Minute 45 Minute .. Settleable aeration 180 180 'Settleable aeration • 90 - 130 180 180 200 Solids chamber Solids chamber (mi./0 _ fml�L) ;I)Site problem Notes: Mechanical problems resulted in low doses On Wednesday. (I)Ski problem. -• Notes: No pre-filter effluent sample on Monday. „el(21 Malfunction of system under test No samples collected on Thursday due to low • (2)Msl6inedan of system under test m (3)Weather problem Wednesday doses. (3)Weedier problem 4-4 CQOs (41 Other • (4)Other o�.D. o' TGS•3.92 MS/3.92 . t0 A , N N • - • -- ...... .. - .. . . ...._. . ___._ . . - - • • - - -- •- .-- - -- - • --- - - _...... . ... _... _ r •. • ._ .__ _. (plittit.,-. ... .. .. . •joppi64,* t . 'I $ • NSF International -NSF International z. Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment-Plants Standard 40-IndividualWastewater Treatment-Plants 4 ce Ia., Week Beginning: October 21, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 .•WeekBeginning: _October 28, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 Weeks Into Test: 2 . • . •• . ..••.:rep,,,...; •• . • . .. .. .. .•. ' ..',,Weeksdnto Test: 3 Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons • Saturday•• 500 Cations Wrieirind Dosing: Sunday• 449fadalions , Saturday• .500 gallons '74 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday :Friday , . :Monday Tuesday :Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 •500 5000 -500 :. ' Dosed Volume(gallons) ' : 7506 =500 -500 500 500 Dissolved aeration 1.9 .1.5 "1.3 .1.5 • 4.5 ,aeralion - 0.3 .0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 Oxygen chamber •. , •9*Ven .Chamber . . 01150-1 • '.'., 4019/1-1 effluent . 4.6 •4.3 .4.3 4.8 ... 4.4• 'effluent • .3.2 3.7 1.5 4.2 3.5 5 '0 g a v; influent 17 . 17 • 17 • • .16 • - • 16 . • • - . . linfkrent •16 • .17 , 16 16 16 aeration aeration g• a Temperature15 15 14 14 15 Temperature 17 15' 15 16 16. g 1 ro chamber , (C) chamber effluent 15 14 14 12' 11 . • •effluent 13 ' _13 15 14 14 . - . influent 7.6 (1) (1) 11) • 7.4 ' influent 7.4 • .7.5 7.8 7.5 7.6 1490 • E pH m. g aeration chamber 7.7 NJ (1) 7.6 7.4 , 'pH „aeration chamber 7.5 7.7 7.8 7.7 7.5 1 a effluent 7.6 (1) (r) 7.7 7.5 ',effluent .7.3 7.8 7.6 7.8 7.4 . 8 i = Biochemical influent • 130 150 180 160 170 :Biochemical Influent • 160 180 ' 180 140 tee . § 1Oxygen Demand ' .. Oxygen Demand - - (1179/1-) effluent 6 7 7 .. : 09/1-1 •7 - 6 ,effluent 6 . 7 6 6 8 0 s•- ' • ; E influent 150 140 .240 180 • 160 •-. .190 220 200 180 250 . .4 Is* Suspended • :Suspended . Solids aeration 3,500 4,800 6,400 5.000 :5.900 . .:Solids Aeration 4,100 5.100 5,800 5.500 5.900 a 0 (mg/L) chamber • Iln9,9 chamber •(1 'n - . effluent 6 , <5 5 5 .:. . ' effluent- •7 10 .5 7 5 • -,Ii."4 • Influent ' 130 120 200 • 160 ,• 130 . influent 160 180 170 150 250 Volatile . Volatile . 'Suspended aeration Z600 .3,600 • 4.800 3.800 ' " 4.600 7 ; • .'SusPanded aeration .3.000 3.800 4,200 4,000 4.200 1.,,.•• Solids chamber • „Solids .chamber (7''''' (m01/1•) (at)effluent 5 6 <5 5 5 effluent • <5 6 5 5 5 . - - i '... .., •45 Minute , 45 Minute • t . , Settleable aeration 230 250 300 375 . 450 SeNleable aeration 700 700 700 700 700 Solids chamber Solids Chamber (miii.) 0 (fliiik) ' • I)Site problem Notes: No pH readings due to mall'Uncdoning pH meter. .(I)Site problem Notes: Low flow on tons from diny float in dosing tank. '.• '2)Malfunction of system under test (2)Malftinction of system under test 1 1'3)Weather problem • . (3),Weather problem ..-1 as 4)Other (4)Other . 'I •.,_,.c, TG5/3•92 ' TOS/3-92 • . .41 . 1 NSF International NSF International . Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants n w $ Week Beginning: November 4, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 Week Beginning: November 11, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 aWeeks Into Test: 4 Weeks Into Test:. 5 N kWeekend Dosing: Sunday• 456(1)gallons Saturday• 500 gallons Weekend Dosing: Sunday- 500 gallons Saturday- 500 gallons v Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 494 500 500 Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 494 500 500 Dissolved aeration 3.6 3.0 2.5 1.5 • 0.4 Dissolved aeration Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber 3.6 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 g. ( ) effluent 4.6 5.0 5.0 4.6 4.8 ( ) effluent 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.6 c .. influent 14 15 16 16 16 - Influent 15 f5 15 15 16 5 2 aeration aerariorl - o 12- Temperature _chamber 15 14 14 13 14 Temperature aeAmon 13 13 13 t4 14 Ga �`CI --- - ('C) - -• - - -- _, li - i effluent 14 12 12 II It effluent 10 9 10 12 • 12 influent 7.6 7.5 7.5 75 7.5 influent 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.5 7.6 0_ O. F' off aeration 7.5 7.7 7.4 7.3 7.0 pH aeration 7.3 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.2 chamber . chamber 8 effluent 7.7 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.7 effluent 7.6 7.5 7.3 7.6 7.5 n g' 'Biochemical influent 160 93 120 130 150 Biochemical influent 150 160 170 150 t60 g'a Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand o , (m9/L) effluent 1 f 7 7 5 !8 ( ) effluent 7 7 6 6 7 5 Z F influent 190 92 140 130 140 influent 150 140 150 160 160 •sI Suspended Suspended - -- Solids, aeration aeratitxl 0 chamber 5.600 6.000 6.200 6,000 6.000 Sbads chamber 6,100 6,700 • 6,800 7,200 7.000 4. - (mg/L) - (mQrL) • effluent 12 5 7 6 8 effluent 10 10 <5 8 <5 influent 160 58 130 100 120 - . . Influent 120 120 130 140 130 g. Volatile Volatile Suspended aeration 4,000 4,200 4,400 4,300 4,200 Suspended aeration 4,300 ' 4,800 4,800 5.100 5,000 Solids chamber Solids chamber (mg/L) effluent 6 5 6 6 5 (mg4-) effluent 8 9 <5 8 <5 45"Minute 45 Minute Settleable aeration 850 900 900 900 900 Settleable • aeration 900 900 900 950 900 Solids chamber Solids- . chamber • (mt/L) (mt/L) (I)Site problem Notes: Low doses on I I/4 caused by plugged influent line. (I)Site problem Notes: w (2)Malfunction of system under test (2)Malfunction of system under test ,..Co (3)Weather problem • (3)Weather problem g to (4)other (4)other . • .. co .' • A i'(lS/3.91 TGS/3.92 • t.> IJ - _ - .._ _ . . ..___ _ ______ . _ _ . .. r . . .. .. 1 NSF International NSF International , Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants . Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Week Beginning: November 18. 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 Week Beginning: November 25. 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 VI Weeks Into Test: 6 Weeks Into Test: 7 N kWeekend Dosing: Sunday- 506 gallons Saturday- 500 gallons Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday- 500 gallons -a :. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 494 506 500 500 469(1) Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 500 500 Dissolved aeration 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Dissolved aeration 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber .1 ( ) effluent • 2.8 3.1 4.5 3.3 3.5 - (�) effluent 4.9 2.3 4.5 4.3 4.0 e N influent 14 15 15 14 14 influent 14 15 14 14 14 .g Temperature aerationm 13 13 13 13 13 Temperature - ' aeration lerramo 13 74 14 13 13 ('C) (C)' peffluent 12 13 12 13 12 •- _ . effluent 11. 17_ 12. 11 10 = Influent 7.4 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.5 influent 7.5 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.7 0 i aeration aeration •pH chamber 7.3 7.7 7.2 7.2 7.2 pH Chamber. 7.5 7.6 7.4 7.5 7.5 effluent 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.4 7.3 effluent 7.3 7.3 7.7 7.4 7.8 m Biochemical influent 170 180 140 140 130 Biochemical influent 200 -180 170 180 180 o Oxygen Demand - Oxygen Demand o it, , (mg/L) effluent 8 8 12 (4) 8 (rr19/L) effluent - 9 8 8 6 8 E Influent 170 180 180 180 190 lnfluertf 230 220 200 160 200 • .71 B. Suspended - Suspended ' .A,aeration • aeration •o Solids chamber 7.500 6,500 • 8,000 8,200 � 7,800 'Solids. chamber 8,900 2,000 8.800 10,200 11,000 Fs R (mg/L) _ h1�L) E. effluent 7 <5 9 10 8 effluent 8 II, ' 6 5 10 I. influent 140 150 160 150 160 'InfkMnt 200 180 170 150. 170 Volatile - ,. .Volatile • • Suspended aeration 5,400 4.600 5,700 5,900 5,600 .Suspended aeration 6,500 840 6.400 7.800 8,600 Solids chamber . Solids , chamber effluent 7 <5 9 7 6 O effluent 7 11 6 5 7 45 Minute 45 Minute . . . ..- . ' ..,... .- _ Settleable aeration 950 950 • 950 980 1000 Settleable aeration 900 900 8P0 9Q0 950 ''I •. Solids chamber Solids chamber • (mt/L) (mUL) • - (I)Site problem Notes: No final effluent on 11/19 due to sampler problem. (I)Site problem Notes: (2).Malfunetion'of system under test Low doses on 11/23 due to plugged influent Une. 1(2pMilfl(n"coon of'iystemrtinder tesiy'- -• +`Y• (3)Weather problem (3)WEitliei problem `. (41 Other .. (4)Other ,a:;••' r,1 - to • -• .u,1'•rr,., - OM TOS/3-92 TGS/3.92 N N . . .. _ . . , 4 i - NSF International "' ' NSF International ' u' Standard 40•Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants ""••' Standard 40•Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants a Week Beginning: December 2. 1990 Plant Code: 4/8$ Week Beginning: December 9, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 to A , • • c t.) weeks Into'Test: 8 ' :,Weeks Into Test: 9 -" 14 Weekend Dosing: Sunday- 500 gallons Saturday- 500 gallons Weekend Dosing: Sunday- 500 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons • Monday . Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ' • • '.Monday Tuesday' Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500. 500 500 500 • 500 Dosed Volume(gallons) • • • 500 - . 500 500 506 500 _ Dissolved aeration 0.3 0.4 0.6 2.4 • 0.5 Dissolved aeration ' Oxygen chamber Oxygen' chamber 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.f 0.1 ' ( L-) -effluent 4• .0 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.0 o ( ) effluent 4.8 • 5.0 3.9 4.5 • 1.2 a, influent . 13 13 15 14 14 influent 13 • 13 14 14 14 ation • Temperature aer Or 12 I f 11 11 I 1 Temperature aeration 12 12 12 12 I I ' (C) CC) chamber effluent 10 8 9 9 9 effluent 10 10 10 10 11 O° , . influent 7.5 7.6 7.5 7.5 .7.4 influent 7.6 7.6 Z5 7.5 7.5 • H aeration 7.3 7.1 7.0 7.6 7.5aeration ff S P chamber pH 7.6 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.3 chamber _ 1. effluent 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.7 eftkrent • 7.9 7.4 7.6 7.5 7.3 § •Biocnemical influent 170 150 220 170 210 Bklchemkal hfkrent • 170 160 190 180 180 5" 5• Oxygen Demand effluent 7 7 6 5 ••cChown Demand effluent. 5 B• 6 6 6 y influent 170 200 240 150 45o Influent 360 240 220 180 220 'r1 g t-:PV, •. W ,Suspended SvaperSded•., . >• o Solids aeration 7.400 7,000 6,800 5,700 7,600 SOIIds'' • aeration • 7,500 7,200 6.500 6,600 7,400 (mg/LI chamber - - ( () chamber 5 effluent 11 <5 7 16 8 ' effluent. 5 <5 8 5 <5 g. influent 150 160 200 130 280 ' elevens : 240 200 • 190 140 200 Volatile Volatile - - - Suspended aeration 5,300 4,900 4,900 4,100 5,400 Suspended aeration 5,400 5.200 4,600 4,800 5,400 Solids chamber Solids chamber ( LI effluent 11 <5 7 12 8 ( ) . effluent 5 <5 6 • 5 e5 45 Minute 45 Minute Settleable aeration 900 900 850 850 850 Settleable aeration Solids chamber Solids chamber 850 850 850 850 900 (mt/C) (m14) -(11 Site problem Notes: • (I)Site problem . Notes: (to (21 Malfunction of system under test (2)Milfanetion of system under test O (31 Weather problem (3)Weather problem coW (J.Other (41 Other ��pp ',J'GS•3.92 TGS/3-92 N N fillk - - -..- (1111°44' ....- ..._ ,a NSF International NSF International . . Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants • Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants 0.3�:8 Week Beginning: December 16. 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 Week'Beginning: December 23, 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 •to Weeks Into Test: 10 Weeks Into Test: 11 • - N ', Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons .Weekend Dosing: Sunday. 500 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons 74 Monday i Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 500 500 Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 519 500 500 Dissolved aeration 0.3 0.1 0.f 0.1 0.1 Dissolved aeration 76 6.0 3.1 4.5 1.2 Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber g, ( ) effluent 5.0 3.8 4.1 4.3 4.4 ( U effluent 1.6 0.8 2.6 3.6 2..4 influent 13 13 13 13 13 influent 13 12 12 12 12 at Temperature aeration 11 11 11 11 11 Temperature a won 11 10 10 10 10 (c) chamber effluent 10 10 10 10 10 effluent 10 9 7 8 5 influent 7.6 7.4 7.5 7.57.5 Mlkront 7.5 • 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.5 2 881efigR chamber aeration ' • pH chamber 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 PH chamber 7.4 7.3 7.4 7.3 7.4 effluent 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.6 _effluent 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.7 7.6 ` Biochemical influent 180 180 150 170 170 Biochemical Influent 170 120 170 170 140 Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand c ( ) effluent 6 6 5 5 6 (mg/f:) effluent <5 16 <5 <5 <5 Z. influent 190 180 160 220 .170 •Influent 230 160 170 160 190 Ws' Suspended Suspended . aeration▪ W Solids chamber 7.900 8.300 8,000 8.500 ' 8.700 I aerationcm 8,800 9,500 8.100 8.300 8.200 effluent 6 <5 <5 <5 <5 effluent <5 18 <5 <5 <5 o�,y . ' influent 160 150 130 160 ' 230 ktfluent 190 140 150 140 160 Volatile Volatile • 1 'Suspended aeration 5.700 6.300 6,000 6,200 6.400 Suspended aeration 6,400 7.000 5.900 6.100 6.000 i} • -Solids chamber Solids chamber ' 1. ...(mL). effluent 6 <5 <5 <5 <5 O ' effluent <5 15 <5 <5 <5 1,..: 'f'45Minute 45 Minute .-^-i i Settleable aeration 900 900 900 900 900 Settleable aeration 900 (3) 900 900 900 a.iii,t?Sol(ds,.ry chamber Solids chamber . (mUt) (mf/L) i'r�i` pro. (1)Site problem Notes: i' � i(p Site bkm Notes: '" •''" '!t2('Malfunct`on of system'under teit '(2)Malfunction of system under test (3)Weather problem (3)Weather problem '' `"jam, (1)Other (4)Other ' ,o f5S/3.92 TGS/3.92 S'4a N N . • ' . . . . • . . .. . . r n . . NSF International NSF International 'd. Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants n• Week Beginning: December 30. 1990 Plant Code: 4/88 , Week Beginning: January 6„1991 Plant Code: 4/88 Weeks Into Test:. 12 • Weeks'Into Test: 13 , ti Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 oallons Saturday• 500 gallons • Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 506 aatlpns Saturday• 500 Cations 14 ." Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 12(1) 131(1) '500 Dosed Volume(gallons) • 488 500 500 500 506 Dissolved aeration 29 6.2 4.6 6.6 (1)1) Dissolved aeration Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamberm02/1 0.5 1.7 i.5 2.3 2.5 effluent 6.1 6.3 6.2 (1) (t) ( effluent 3.3 4.7 4.1 4.7 4.8 S. influent II 10 12 12 (I) 'Influent 10 • 11 11 _ 11 11 ^`" aeration Temperature 9 9 9 9 (1) Temperature aeration mber 9 9 9 9 S. 8 co chamber CC) 9 5i.3 effluent 8 7 7 (1) (1) effluent a 8 8 7 8 influent 7.5, 7.5 7.5 7.6 (1) - - Influent 7.6 7.5 7.5 _ 7.5 7.5 pH aeration chamber 7.5 7.4 7.67.4 (1) pH chamor 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.6 S,{ effluent 7.9 7.8 7.8 (1) (1) effluent 7.8 7.6 7.5 7.6 7.6 gBiochemical influent 100 100 120 (1) (1) Biochemical influent 140 140 150 160 140 Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand ' �' ( ) effluent • <5 <5 <5 (1) (1) • ( ) effluent <5 5 <5 <5 5 M E. influent • 150 160 150 (1) (1) klfhient 160 150 190 200 • 170 Zy it .Suspended • Suspended g Solids aeration 9.400 9.200 8,600 1aeration .k, C ( ) chamber () (i) 'Solids 8.000 6,000 5,400 5.400 5,400 chamber, � �(ri1yU. , ei o'. effluent <5 <5 5 (1) (f) effluent 6, <S 6 6 5 ' t Influent 100 130 130 (1) (1) ,• r-"': (nflt ent' •. .140 130 160 170 140 Volatile - .-: Suspended aeration t. S s pen Solids chamber 6.900 6,700 6,400 (I) (1) 1.• •So 8• • chaBtbn 7,200 4,400 4,000 4,100 3.900 (m9/Ll i -Solidsa. • chamber effluent <5 <5 5 (1) (I) � ) effluent 6 <5 6 6 45 Minute 48 Minute ' . •• Settleable aeration 900 950 950 1,000 (1) Settleable aeration 950 900 900 900 900 Solids chamber Solids chamber (mill) .(mUL) • (I)She problem Notes: Low doses on 1/2 and 1/3 caused by problems with (0'Site'problem Notes: (2)Malfunction of system under test influent pump. (3)Weather problem ( Wa di etion of system under test o (4)3 Other (3)'.Othether problem . (4)Other.. o tut TGS/3.92 TOS/3.92 . N N _ . . .____. ..... . . r ..._ ____ ._____. _. . -- ii,-, r . , NSF International NSF International .4, Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants a J • w 8 Week Beginning: January 13. 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 Week Beginning: January 20, 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 a 'Weeks Into Test: 14 Weeks Into Test: 15 1,4 k 'Weekend Dosing: Sunday• sea gallons Saturday• 500 nations Weekend Dosing: Sunday- 50 aeon's Saturday• 500 gallons v • Monday _ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ,,,,' Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 500 . 500 Dosed•Volume(gallons) 48f 500 506 475(1) 500 a Dissolved aeration Dissolved aeration. Oxygen chamber 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.f 5.8 ?.8 3.3 0.3 0.4 f.0 Oxygen chamber (mg/i) effluent 3.9 3.8 3.6 4.2 4.5 •( ) effluent 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.3 O g influent 12 11 11 ' ' • 11 ••• ' 11 ' - influent •- 10• ' 10 10 11 10 E' aeration aeration C temperature chamber 9 9 9 9 9 f perature chamber• 9 8 8 8 B effluent 8 8 8 8 7 effluent 7 6 6 7 6 a influent 7.5 7.4 (1) 7.8 7.5 _ ;:»„,"' influent '.7.5 • 7,6 • ' 7.5 7.5 7.4 • 0 aerationemotion'. HR pH Chamber 7.6 7.4 7,4 7.5 7.5 pH 7.4 7.5 7.5' 7.5 7.4 t� effluent 7.7 7.7 7.7 (f) •7,6 effluent '7.7 7.8 7.8 7.6 7.8 g g:: Biochemical influent 160 150 (t) 140 100 .BbWlenli*al influent , 95 120 150 120 110 •^ & Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand ' o• ( ) effluent 5 • <5 5 • (1) 5 : ( /q epluent • <5 <5 , <5 <5 <5 „•q•t3 . y:4' " Influent 230 • 140 (1) • 220 f60 "Y. ;:_ knikimnt 160 150 160 200 190 ►tt; Suspended , .Suspended . - '••+;0; • Solids aaeration rmbnr 7000 6,100 6,300 8.800 , 7.500 . :Sags. 7,600 8,800 8,600 8,400 10,000 m•••o, ''( •/) _ram.- n.-+3 1 <5- <5 <5 <5 6 p effluent• 8 7 .7 •(1) • 5 ! effluent ' Influent 190 120 (1) 180 140 I ;`" :`.:' klAhktint 140" 130 • 140 MO 160 f?, . Volatile VOlaMe• ' Suspended aeration 5P00 4,400 4,700 5,100 5,600 • ' 'Suspended aeration r 5,600 - 6,500 6,300' 6,300 7,600 Solids chamber _ • 'SoHds.e. chamber" • ' - I ) - effluent • 7 <5 5 (1) 5. `( . ", .eflfuertt : <5" -"<5. • <5 <5 • - 5 45 Minute 45 Minute . •Settleable aeration ; t,..••. . 900 920 • 900 920 .- -.900 Settleable aeration' _.920 950 900 950 • 950 Solids chamber Solids chamber (mL/L) - . ( ., ... ;, • • - •, (I)Site problem Notes: - ())Site'problem Notes: Low doses on 1/24 caused by plugged influent line. ►e (2)Malfunction of system under test (2)Malfunction of system under lest (3)Weather problem "(3)•Westher problem • e i6�+ 1r.� (4)Other (4)Other v,• h 1GS/3.g2 TOS13-92 i'.,._ . ., ,O A N 1.4 . . . ___ . • . r r . • • . . NSF International NSF International :' Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants t, Stress Test Evaluation w8 Week Beginning: January 27, 1991 Plant Code: _ 4/8� ` Week Beginning: February 3. 1991 Plant Code: _ 4/86 to Weeks Into Test: 16 .r• • Weeks Into Test: 17 - • • • Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 506 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons ' Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 _ 500 500 500 :,Dosed Volume(gallons) 450 •450 450 450 456 450 500 ' . Dissolved aeration 0.3 0.3 0.3 Q4 1.0 'DISSOlved • aeration 5:2 • • Oxygen chamber Oxygen , 'chamber • g. (m44.1 effluent 4.5 4.7 3.6 1.3 4.1 ( ) affluent . 2.5 influent 11 11 11 10 •- -10 Influent 10 11 10 11 11 Ar aeration aeration tP 1 Temperanat• • 8 8 9 8 8 Temperature 9 p m. (Ci chamber . rc) chamber • effluent 6 6 7 0 5 effluent • 8 ' _influent 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 •• . in� fltent 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.5 0 F aeration pH aeration �' PH chamber 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.4 g" R •Chamber effluent 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.6 eflkrent. 7.6 n g Biochemical influent 110 140 140 100 96 Biochemical influent 170 150 160 ait Oxygen Demand <5 <5 8 6 Oxygen Demand o ( L) effluent 5 01124.) • effluent 6 12 6 z▪ .% influent 140 160 200 190 • 120 influent 220 200 170col• :o Suspended .Suspended -aeration aeration Solids 9,200 9,200 9,000 8,500 7,500 SOflds 7,700 ts.-R, (mg/1-1 •chamber ( 1 chamber aeffluent <5 . _ <5 7 _ <5 5 effluent <5. 10 <5 o' Influent 120 140 170 160 100 • influent 200 160 140 Volatilespe � • d-ytt' P nd& 'aeration 5,600 Suspended aeration 8,800 6,600 8,400 •ti 5,600 . Solids chamber 6.900 " G<lds • ‘Chamber • ( ) effluent <5 4 • 5 <5 • : <5 , ,,I,. <5 9 <5 . 45 Minuta 45 Minute •• Settleable aeration 950 950 950 950' 900 • Settleable aeration • 0- 900 Solids chamber :Solids chamber • (mt/U . - �m04 .. (1)Site problem Notes: (1)Slte•problem Notes: (2)Malfunction of system under test ' (2)Malfunction of system under test �.00 (3)Weather problem (3)Weather problem w (4)Other (4)Other ' ►Op1'a, TGS'3•Q2. •• TOS/3.92 N•it • ...,. ....i . .„... ,.,..•„.,,;:.....,:.::.. ..e,„ rs' . . . r s •. „ ..... NSF International NSF International Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Stress Test Evaluation Stress Test Evaluation a •Week Beginning: February 10, 1990 Plant Code: _ 4180 Week Beginning:, February '17 1991 Plant Code: 4188 _ `.n 1 Weeks Into Test: 18 -• Weeks Into Test: • 19 • • •• • • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dosed Volume(gallons) 369(1) 494 .506 500 500 525 462 Dosed Volume(gallons) 491 462 462 437 506 500 500 - Dissolved aeration <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5. Dissolved aeration • <0.5 <0.5 Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber ( L) effluent 1.0 2.7 g. 3.6 4.1 3.8 4.1 3.7.. ( U effluent 4.2 4.5 c g influent • 10 10 10 10 10 10 9. influent 10 10 10 10 10 9 R rn aeration aeration 9 8 a Temperature 9 9 8 9 9 ' 8 8 Temperature '8 (C1 chamber (C) chamber , Q effluent 9 8 6 7 • 5 5 5 effluent 8 6 influent 7.2 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.4 7.5 influent• 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 o aeration • aeration £ pH 7.i 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 pH' 7.5 7.6 =, g chamber _ . chamber effluent 8.3 7.6 _ . 7.5. 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.6 effluent . 7.4 7.6 7.4 7.7 Biochemical influent 140 150 110 100 100 90 150 • Biochemical influent 120 90 89 150 7 2 Oxygen Demand effluent 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 5. Oxygen Demand ` f5. ( 1 • _ ( effluent 12 5 <5 <5 '"' ° Influent 150 170 240 320 180 260 250 Influent 160 170 100 250 vxi R. •Suspended • Suspended 'r1 Solids aeration 5,600 11.000 9,400 9,600 9,500 9,400 8,900 Solids. . aeration 11,000 10.000 O lmg/L) chamber ._ - O chamber, w effluent 7 <5 5 <5 <5 6 <5 effluent , 69 <5 <5 <5 Q• ?o influent 130 150 210 290 160 230 210 • Influent 140 140 88 2/0 ',t1101atile Volatile _. �' Suspended aeration 4,200 8,500 7,000 7,100 7,000 7,100 6,600 Suspended aeration 7,900 7,700 ',Solids chamber _ Solids chamber 16,1794) effluent 5 <5 <5 <5 . . <5 <5 <5 (m4•) effluent 53 <5 <5 <5 145 Minute • 45 Minute • SSettlleable aeration . • Settleable aeration • !Solids chamber Solids chamber i(mEA) t _ . _ (mill) • t.i! (1)Site problem Notes: Low doses on 2/10 caused by plugged Influent line. (I)Site problem Notes: .(21.Malfunction.ot system under test . (2)Malfunction of system under test '-nr 3(3);Weather problem '' (3)Weather problem ...•ay' '.t4)Other (4)Outer ' to .. O0 :T ' GS/3.92 TGS/3.92 F,•' NN '• • r . . . r .._ vNSF International NSF International i •• Standard 40-individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-individual Wastewater Treatment Plants z. ' , • Stress Test Evaluation Stress Test Evaluation a • Week Beginning: Feburary 24. 1991 Plant Code: 4/8$ Week Beginning: March 3, 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 , teWeeks Into Test: 20 Weeks Into Test: 21 . . M Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday" Fdday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday _ Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 481 325 0 444 Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 500 494 481(1) 500 Dissolved aeration <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 • Dissolved aeration Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber 01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 (1�L1 • effluent 4.1 4.4 4.8 3.5 4.8 (1719/1-1 _effluent 1.4 1.2 4.8 0.8 5.2 4.4 influent 10 11 11 10 10 Influent • 10 10 10 10 10 10 . .. ur • aeration aeration § • `Temperature 8 9 9 8 9 Temperature 9 9 9 9 9 9 ' �C) chamber ('C) chamber _ • effluent 7 6 6 7 7 effluent 8 8 8 9 7 8 influent 7.0 7.5 7.4 7.6 7.5 influent 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Eg . H, aeration 7.3 7.5 7.4 7.6 7.4 aeration II. P chamber PH chamber 7.3 7,4 7.5 7.3 7.4 7.4 ' ff effluent 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.7 effluent 7.6 7.7 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 § ' :Biochemical influent 150 110 140 110 100 Biochemical influent . 110 130 150 110 100 150 • § 8 Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand YL on ) effluent <5 (I) <5 <5 cS 61,92) effluent <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Z'.1 , ; influent 230 170 310 280 270 klfluent• -140 200 400 220 190 260 y If 'suspended 'Suspended '•rl t- Solids'. aeration 9,400 10.000 11,000 11,000 10.000 `Solids, aeration " 10.000 11.000 10.000 11,000 11,000 10,000 R (mg/L) chamber `(rn . . chamber' ' , 3 5' effluent <6 (1) <5 <8 <5 effluent • <5 6 <5 <5 6 <5 j Influent 190 140 .190 180 190 ` -. Irilluenf • 120 160 300 170 150 190 Volatile . 1 _ (VVolatile,, Suspended aeration 7,000 7,600 8,000 7,800 7,500 ` ' ?Su?pbrided aenffbn • 7,300 7,700 7,400 8,000 8,100 7,500 Solids chamber • _ •"Solids,,,, chalmber' ' (rt1S/L) effluent <5 (I) <5• <5 <5 •a- t.: effluent <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 45 Minute 4514k ute .' . .. • • Settleable aeration 990 930 900 900 ...Settleable aeration 950 • 950 900 . 980 • 950 910 Solids chamber S06da Chamber (mt,L) (rtmLjU . (I)Site problem Notes: Power outage stress test on 2/28 and 3/1. (I)Site problem Notes: Power failure stress recovery. (2)Malfunction of system under test No prefilter sample on 2/25 due to sampler maltimcdon. (2).MVMnetion•of system under test Low doses on 3/8 caused by plugged influent pump. ,? (3)Weather problem (3)'Whet problem 1-+io. (4)Other • (4)Oilier• CO0 TGS/3.9: TOS/3.92 _ . ......._ . . rt, _ _ _ • . . ... • r . • n: NSF International NSF International a,; Standard 40•Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40•individual Wastewater Treatment Plants a Stress Test Evaluation re'J .. Stress Test Evaluation a. Week Beginning: March 10. 1991 _ Plant Code: 4/08 .Week:Beginning: • March 17. 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 to N .. • :'fir:•'Weeks Into Test: , 22 Weeks Into Test: 2� Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday _ Monday _ Tuesday •Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dosed Volume(gallons) 125.• Dosed Volume(gallons) • 0' • • •0' • 381' . 506 506 500 500 Dissolved aeration 5.4 Dissolved aeration 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 men • chamber oxygen chamber 5. ( L) effluent 5.2 • • ( ^) ►� effluent 2.7 2.3 2.5 2,6 y influent _ 10 influent •, , • 11 1 i . t 1 TO S'3 aeration .L"-' • co .12 Temperature chamber 8 aeration . w,A rc) Tartfperature `chamber • _ .. 9 10 II 10 _ _ rcj - effluent 7 effluent 9 9 10 10 g.�e o " influent 7.4 • V • • - influent . • .. . -_ 7.6 7.6 7.5 . 7.6 aeration g o. gr pH chamber T 4 pH• chamber; aeration 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 effluent • 7.6 effluent 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.6 Biochemical Influent 180 Biochemical Influent 150 150 210 180 m B. Oxygen Demand 1 Oxygen Demand - • O s. (myt,) • effluent 5 O effluent 25 7 5 9 y. Influent 200 influent _...._....,._ 290 230 360 240 'VI', Suspended 1 • Suspended - . ' a c Solids chaeamber ation 9.200 Solids aeration . .--_ Fe M (�L) (ii)g4) chamber • (4) 10.000 9.900 9,800 ..4.1 5 effluent 7 _ _ effluent • " • 81 17. 8 7 O influent 170 7 influent 220_ 180 230 200 g Volatile - Volatile'Suspended aeration 6,600 • Suspended aeration Solids chamber Solids chamber (4) 7 f00 6,700' 6,900 •(m0/L) effluent 6 r .. PA) - • effluent 59 12 8 . <5 45 Minute • • . • - 45 Minute • . . r • Settleable aeration 880 . . . . .. . Settleable aeration • 950 900 900 930 Solids chamber Solids chamber (mUL) - - - (NA) - t 111 Site problem Notes: *Vacation stress sequence started Sunday.3/10. II)She problem Notes: •Vacation stress sequence ended Tuesday.3/19. •(2)Malfunction of system under test: (2)Malfunction of system under test (4)No A.C.sample required Wednesday.3/20/91. t•og 00 (3)Weather problem (3)Weather problem (4)Other (4)Other g • r+'0 TGS•3.92 TGS/3.92 • • • tp M , '1L.•tl�..'..-•.L......�.. ...Y.- .. • • bNSF International NSF International 1. 1 . Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Stress Test Evaluation to. 8 Week Beginning: March 3f; 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 Week Beginning: March 24, 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 to Weeks Into Test: 25 Weeks Into Test: 24 . ... - • Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday• 494 gallons Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday' Thursday Friday Saturday • Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500 500 394(1) 375(1) 500 500 .:Dosed Volume(gallons) 506 500 500 506 500 Dissolved aeration 0:2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 . 0.3 Dissolved aeration 0.1 0.1 • 0.2 0.1 0.1 Oxygen chamber Oxygen chamber f t) effluent 2.5 3.1 4.0 3.6 4.2 1.5 (n ) effluent 1.8 4.2 3.4 4.5 2.3 0 g Influent• 10 11 11 11 11 11 _ Influent 11 11 11 11 11 • N 9 $ aeration aeration g f�,gx rntura ^chamber IO f0 f t 1 f 1 t f0 • Temperature chamber. 10 10 10 10 1 t effluent 10 9 10 10 9 10 _ effluent 10 8 8 9 10 11 „influent 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7,4 effluent 7.5 7.6 • 7.5 7.5 7.5 • a. Fr pH aeration 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.3 , pH aeration 7.4 7.5 - 7.5 7.4 7.4 chamber clamber effluent 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.7 effluent 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.6 Biochemical Influent 160 150 170 190 210 170 Biochemical effluent 120 150 130 150 160 Oxygen Demand ' <5 <5 5 5 8 Oxygen Demand c (mg/U effluent 6 ( ) effluent 5 7 6 7 6, , ,,, 5 - - x influent 150' 120 220 260 280 180 influent t40 110 •- 110 140 140 to Suspended Suspended - - ' aerationaenition � to Solids 9.400 10,000 9.700 6,700 11,000 9,700 Sti6ds f0,000 9.600 t0,00o 9.400 9,600 a o chamber Irov,-..•w. chamber ' n •+ (mg/L) ( W+✓ o effluent 9 5 • 7 6 10 8 effluent 6 6 7 8 12 influent 120 100 170 • 190 ' 200 140 flu nt 120 95 89 110 120 Volatile •Volatile 'Suspended aeration 6.600 7,200 6.900 ' 4,600 7,900 7,000+ • iSuspended 'ate .. 7,100 6.800 7,700 6,800 6,900 Solids chamber _ Solids ,. !chamber (r �) effluent 6 5 7 6 6 5 • i(':944,. • • < •Vat 5 5 7 7 10 45 Minute . 45 Minute Settleable aeration 870 900 900 900 900 900 . Settleable aeration Solids chamber Solids chamber 900 900 900 900 900 (mtA) (ma)' - (1)She problem Notes: (Il She problem Notes: 121 Malfunction of system under test (2)Malfunction of system under test (3)Weather problem (3)Weather problem ' ' it , t 4 t Other (4)Other o ; - • tip ,.„t 1'GGS 1.9: TGSi3.92 Z.N r e • r , . .2. 1 NSF International NSF International Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants Standard 40-Individual Wastewater Treatment Plants w 14-co 8 Week•Beginning: April 7, 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 . Week Beginning: April 14. 1991 Plant Code: 4/88 tes .4 Weeks Into Test: 26 Weeks Into Test: 27 Weekend Dosing: Sunday_ 494 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons Weekend Dosing: Sunday• 500 gallons Saturday• 500 gallons Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I,Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 500' 500 ' • • 450 ado ' Dosed Volume(gallons) 500 175(1) 500 500 500 Dissolved aeration • Dissolved aeration 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 4.9 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.1 Oxygen chamber . •. •Oxygen•' chamber g. m L ( �') effluent 1.2 1.8 3.9 4.1 4.6 6n51.44 effluent 1.2 4.2 3.2 1.9 4.0 cinfluent' • '12 - ' 12 12 12" 12 ' .. • influent 12 12 12 12 12 N P . Temperature aeration 13 /3 12 12 11 . _Temperature aeration 12 12 12 12 12 0 $ (C) chamber CC). • chamber lieffluent 13 13 11 10 " 9 effluent . 11 10 10 11 12 influent 7.4 7.5' 7.5 •7.4' ' 7.5 influent 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 a F, PH aeration 73 ' 7.3 . 7.4 7.3 7.4 pH aeration" ,7.3 7.3 7.4 7.3 7.4 • chamber chamber 8 'd ' effluent 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.6 effluent 7.6 (1) 7.5 7.6 7.5 o ' a Biochemical influent 140 170 180 150 170 Biochemcal influent 130 110 220 160 170 F2 Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand . (mg/L) effluent 6 7 . 6 14 7 (A) 'effluent 8 (1) 7 10 7 z E Influent 160 " 170 • 200 150 150 Influent 110 150 480 210 170 �'p • Suspended ' Suspended aeration aeration o Solids 9,500 9,300 8,600 8,200 6,300 Solids 8,500 8.800 11.000 5,900 8.800 n ,. (mg/L) chamber ( ) chamber 1 o • effluent '8 7 • 8 <5 6 effluent 22 (1) 14 17 9 C3' influent 140 ' 140 170 120 130 influent 92 120 390 160 140 Volatile Volatile Suspended aeration 6900 6,800 6,200 5.900 4,500 'Suspended aeration Solids; chamber Solids chamber 6,200 6.400 7,600 4.300 6.300 ( L) • • . .effluent 7 5 • . 5 <5 • . 5 ( U , effluent l8 (1) i 11 - 16 9 •45 Minute . ,. • , 45 Minute Settleable aeration Settleable aeration ' • Solids chamber900 850 900 850 800 Solids chamber 810 890 900 900 985 (mL/L) - (mUI) (1)Site problem Notes: Low doses on 4/I1 caused by plugged influent line. (I)Site problem Notes: Low doses on 4/16 caused by plugged comminutor. • vr .(2).Malfunction of system under test (2)Malfunction of system under test No pre-filter sample on 4/16 due to sampler malfunction. t (3)Weather problem (3)Weather problem ' p (4)Other o N • (4)Other .�.p.. o TCS:3.92 TCS/3.92 t) .3 tv .. _s.,..42.:a . City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-170,First Reading ZA 95-37 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Stonebury(formerly Stonewood) REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stonebury,being 23.1642 acres of land situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey,Abstract No. 500,Tract 3A and the northern portion of Tract 3A1 The development proposes 33 residential lots with a density of 1.425/Acre LOCATION: Approximately 1200' South of W. Southlake Blvd. on the West side of S. Peytonville Ave. at 340 S. Peytonville Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Chateau Development Corp. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Nine(9) RESPONSES: One written response received within the 200'notification area: • Brandon and Kay Baker, 620 S. Peytonville Ave., opposed, They offered concern about the transition between the large acreage lots in Airpark Estates and the subject proposal, the downstream drainage and the need for a larger culvert to handle the increased runoff,and the unavailability of sanitary sewer to the development. They were concerned that the proposed homes would be on the "lower end" of the price scale available in Southlake. They also questioned the type of perimeter fences proposed as well as the landscaping. (See attached letter.) P &Z ACTION: April 20, 1995;Approved(5-0)Applicant's request to table ZA 95-37 Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stonewood to the June 8, 1995 (\we Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. June 8, 1995; Approved(4-2) ZA 95-37 Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stonebury subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary dated City of Southlake,Texas June 2, 1995: deleting items#6a and#6b; keeping item#7; changing specifications that require the common areas, 1 and 3,to be included in the lots as drainage and utility easements; and noting as of the Applicant's submission wishes to add to the Concept Plan provide a 6ft. stockade fence with masonry columns at certain intervals to be part of the Concept Plan before the plan goes to City Council STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments in the second Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those addressed in the attached third Plan Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls G:\W PFIMEMO\CASES95\95-37ZC.WPD • 8T7-2 REF NO. : ZA 95-37 (1111r, WE ARE OPPOSED TO THE REQUEST TO REZONING FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1 This single family development of houses on 1/2 acre lots effect the "country atmosphere" that many of us moved here for. A survey of homeowners on South Peytonvlle will show homes with acerage except for Chimney Hill at the very end of the road. Airport Estates is apparently platted for only 3 . 5 acres. Re- zoning down to 20, 000 sq. ft . lots is not a ' smooth transition' ! 2 The developer plans houses at "the lower end" of the price scale available in Southlake. How will this effect YOUR future property values? 3 There is NO sewer available at the site. How will this issue be handled, will it have to be pumped UP HILL, who pays, and how will this affect OUR pocket book down the road? 4 Drainage (water runoff) down stream is one of our greatest concerns . How can this be properly handled to eliminate any more erosion/flooding? We (and the city) had tens of thousands of dollars worth of excavating done last year to control drainage. We know first hand the tremendous amount of water that flows south through our property! What will 50o more runoff (calculated amount from roofs, driveways, and streets) mean down stream? 5 Would the environment and our community be better served with a less dense development of larger lot sizes, such as 3 .5 acre lots like the adjoining "Airport Estates"? This would eliminate the need for sewer, maintain a rural atmosphere, reduce water runoff, and offer greater potential for appreciation of property values. [If some form of re-zoning does pass, we would like to see the city ask for guarantees of the quality and type of perimeter fences installed, in addition to landscaping. The builder seems to be amenable on these points . ] gr4mreivi-7 94A gel, A t ✓' /�u�,�� //c- A `� /r/9 ser— i, prici nrpro . li 60- A ev- , 5 ( A 1tar2Jlc\71e -s i 1 U4M)Ri81925 1" `•�'1L;1 U U 810-3 - _ 0' fie; I �iM'r�a,r ,3pfL, t t n'".i�.! .4 J •, R. N �fi,5�1• o td"u.lt 1n d"o�UH"Jklt1 'E l' 0 w r i®® € t�,'�tilR'MtnFHtii�rl 9, .:.I : �� II'a niIl�N1 Jr I. ,.Ic , AA. E � " ICIIMJ'' Mil -LO . ... 1.. ' t IA -_ LEY — (11111.1' • w£SRAKE CiY LIMIT � ©� v'51Ai'I ._ ------ - w I `h --t-.I --- L O i � I 5n _ KELLER CITY LIMB lg.. 1 ©I® 1 x ®HW 6HId®RESS I llEgglil ANES Y, r s - IIm,. G p WA a u7 .�--. .4L , - ,f-----,--;..'-'--1-.--__ �._.1 k• v. OPL .., �NL c.. �ji Ix J. W14411.KER _: A15 . i O SAM, •_,:a ;EST • 1 _ -- I _:` " , • -- I NI A,AI :__ , ---/- 1 „FT] BRAT"' , --1 ; YI= 1• Gp_5=: r ''v ,fi.GIs' `\' _T, I .-I,-�,-,4- �H��i 1 '�r5 -�` �'�i d..�.. ;, 1�I�p: - Ili= -- ipl '1 ,9 'A a ,- � t i a r KELLER Or �/ _ � r -,`>'-� ©©..„Ir ©,,,, ©®: a 13 SAW. A_:n If '-. r -f- ` 1 + _ �►.� -- Eik nei ili I - �© © =Mil ©' for ,IX a' .1", ^ `q ) ra"i ri r: ^ E� •''' .1 ' - (- - l - 2 't t f _ SOWS .-sr. Mili :I!:TI1I_ lic/7,/ \ '' �• ' ry 'm. } -\. K' ' 0 ; -- ilia -__ G1 P�1 1 • I'= .6n ,.•,I as ,x Xs xi cirSW Xi Xe xi. Pr, , _____I -- -- �Jr t -, E5•� �� N , { l,'-i x iOP ' ! r ur -- - 1:, - -- 5 , a n \' t ' c'1.7 _" ' 035 -a tF! I �. :o ,I GO -1 5 may.- ''- ;‘, ti AO , : _ x EL l , ' • X o , `, \. -- E . - _ f:r ALA DI'.iC -.. ;�`` .JV "^ , l'...- Viii*Wr 2A1A . 9.1 I: * i'2A: K:1 ,AI -. WA ys GK ,02' 0:11" v s "-• 1: ' '; ;9 r ' ` �) -' ---- , a 0 to x NER w i::r r { s r W11,- y p.- G I f r Ai. TH®IRIMH_14 A r K AI SAI W ----- I 1M I 16 , 1 , \\\ .], "�UA. f1r I}r1 I,.r AO' I,A ,r - • 1 © l 1ul IA PARK S `"r \ r �1 r :A: I As }r ' GIIyGERL \ (,,i , -1 TH0^1A3 , r- ,"IP ®BSI NO <' NI M VI f - x ..��y-.J,��— LU [�[�\\��yy , , al' pq IP• S • r S r 1 'TT'�- T 1 . I 16 ,,"� 3•- ._,W I .,�. I _ K1A -- .J. H U DE• n.. K�I air•.' ,'ill ffsK Y51A 'I - :'1 E,I ; .. I, /4r fAr 1}I rt-1 NIA —� W, '., • . - • - WI-VIA W "� _ Mt 'f TRACT MAP — IA m am , : .�.�--- % } N KOICR orr lax; =:_ _; y p S l „ OP k F:L...... RY I p,;l A11E 1� E- - -- - -. 0Y col ZiE SCHOOL9 . ' tll '!JN 1 \_. _ It _7 L.A. CALLA t1 GNP,aGN h "� .. I P�N�51A(t� Mp r. '. L1 a,.k. .MA '�t .I^ l 1A t,�A : «k SO4 I `.r,01. wwuIin u. Fa 817-� •' cr} `PAK� f51. k/. - T -�!1 _ice "-' 1.- I �-- .�' -'+_-_A' • 3C2 Spin #14 Representative Karen Cienki 3C2A L 2A2 C. Akard 3 ) 0 1 \ /.\ F\- • "AG" 1\ .r W. & B. Kidd Family Ltd. ' 2 "AG" L. Akard R. Goode C. Lamar I 1 "AG" Carroll I.S.D. "S-P-1 3A h A Y Pr tr. I 4 V Y A - 510 "AG" A. S. Smith Z "AG" I R "RE" 1 Z 2 B. Baker J �-) / C C. Baker ' "AG" "SF-1A 0 -/\ C(1 L ,i, -c r - , 1 _ _ . _ ADJACENT OWNERS • _ _ _ _ AND ZONING 8v ., - City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-37 Review No: Three Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name:Concept Plan-Stonebury(formerly submitted as Stonewood).23.1642 Acres,W.R.Eaves Survey Abst.#500 OWNER/APPLICANT: Chateau Development Corp.500 Grapevine Hwy.. Suite 350 Hurst.Texas 76054 Teague Nall and Perkins. Inc. 220 W. Irving Boulevard. Suite 2 Irving. Texas 75060 Phone: (817)428-1900 Phone: (214) 254-1765 Fax: (817)428-2085 Fax: (817) 259-2621 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to rights of way: A. Developer proposes a 160'R.O.W. at the subdivision entrance. Staff recommends a maximum of an 80' R.O.W. ,with maximum 10' median,two 24' drive lanes, and two 11'parkways. B. Ordinance requires a street stub on property lines greater than 1000',which would require a street stub into the west line of the project tract,preferably from Leslie Drive in the vicinity of Lot 13, Block 2. This would provide a northern access to-the area of the Goode tract designated as Medium Density Residential on the proposed Land Use Plan.However,this area is currently zoned "C-3" and the existing Land Use is an air field . * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent Of this requirement. * The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to City Council must be received at the City by 7/10/95. All revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and include an 11"x 17"revised reduction. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Chateau Development Corp. C Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. G:\WPF\REV\95\95-037CP.WPD QUANTITATIVE LAND USE; P.'-'•'! 1 NO. DWELLING GROSS RES. NO. COMM A '� GROSS LAND USE ZONING UNITS DENSITY AREAS ACREAGE (.., , SINGLE FAMILY SF-20A 1 33 1.425/AC 3 1.002 AC 231642 AC I DOSING ZONING - 'AG" I W.B. KIDO FAMILY LID. PTNRSNP. •PROP. LU.D. - MEDIUM DENS. RESOD. VOLUME 11587, PAGE 692 I LoT 2 I D.R.T.C.T. __ - - I 1 EXISTING ZONING - 'C2- I i I PROP. LU.D. - MIXED USE I I HAT 1 n --isles ii , u/E 13T.ia8 ,d u/E—ate, flow BLOC 2 I 11 , I 7 6 -1 = 0 7-. ';• 4 r g ::: �1tl S M ,• >w u 3�dI 8 K s/L o as's/L,� — o0`4o • 1kIII 122.e5• 173. _ _ •"•' hood" ` 1�, PROPOSED AI M '°i1*,• /�p� N R : WOO oc. 'IVE �° � 1 ODEDDITION ego II t 0 �� •1 r�" PROPOSED V MASONRY i t 9 I to �'WA-b ss•° el O 2 H Ev I i t WROUGHT IRON rDICE 11 '6 13 a 3 n )t5o.ee.?I N Li.' 1� II 1413 t' '� ,d u a w b 1 1 I D ' ,: L, 1 -b l l o I la it c te4 oe' 164 1ee.71' 173.00• -1 5 •K 3,.• v I z 9 11g 10 g 5 12 4 1 ii a o,ego4'�JI:� j j I �b140-8( III ts4.oe �` w O~/�4S�0tt � Y m 11 a '1 -t STONEBURY CT o 'f',o•, ° I L11 00 „ ' '•,�, o o %5�b DRIVE PI o --I � � 1 I V s 1• IQ I o 1so.27' Ipok I ,e4oe' BLOCK 1 0� 6 fil aQ b ''-1 I h 1 Z • g g to b I ....Cm!! o I- 4 3 /L1 iRow 81' I Osrit) 12 100 ,d U� 20 ' _, -r zt lea 3Y ss,d 1 F ts7.7e' 0 3 013 7 W 14HLT3' R mil 13 ,_� a go 3,.. < 172.11' • 77r ••0d 4t e2' 9 \ m d 16 PROP.1i �-~ �/ oe'b k mom FENCE I .� • LESL.IE- DRI s�� 'a I -- - \ 170 W 1 C® 1 1u4Y 4' �Iii r 1 , -- �— b3S s/T , r i eP• * 18 IL VOUI14 4rIt ,•i 15 $ 16 sd 17 1 �,_ \ - BLOCK 2225 e6''� �--- ,s' - Ell 1MM U -'tSglr.- PROP. !i "1 to U S 89 9.40'I W io u/ ' {£' I to'we 1001.12 11 w+ I LOT 2 1� 1 e$ 1 LOT 1 I �ZQP I OISTWO 201l1G- SF-1A ' It. F10r1IN' G ZONING C RE RO"M I p 1 I I- BAKER ESTATES e'sloGu° FORGE I PRO 1 e'STOCKADE'Dim CABINET A SLIDE 1575 w/MASONRY couAiNs w/MASONIRY cousin P.R.T.C.T. 1 P�GE I PROP. LU.D. - MEDIUM DENS. RESOD. j< I O p,RK CONCEPT PLAN OR 3 TONEIBUR Y SF-20A ZONING REQUEST SEING A 23.1842 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ..(D W.R. EAVES SURVEY, A 2STRACT HUMMER BOO. CITY OF SOUTHLA1 E, TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS 8-G,_1 PRIMO SCALE METES APq BOUNDS DESCRIPTION b 1 I NyEIl110N 01 A TRACT Or LIAR N M IM.OM �*intact MM*0.t.R.pry w tAM/MT 11101. tOM•.MO•d0 INAT 7 W w LAND BOOM 1*M M•2.A NOWAY 0(UtplplT 00M.4111M N1 M 101Y1[1f000• 1'.100• - ri �IoST.As MONO N M 0®1001100.TAUNT 001NT7.+CW M ION Ofs01�•T n[t@ w0 ONION r 1 O[•1M0 AT A PX.NAA M•0011!l 71111.12 MOM 1'OS M NORTHEAST OOSNN w OAO 1MC0•I*0 PONT ION T M 001fM'•2N.M PUT NO M OOL'iY 0 NT.10/0[T NO M NOCN'1 sue Rf 1110Y M n011MAtI 001Y101 0I LOCATION IE{ �L$I I.07 I.OA0o1 OppTAIp Al a001*0m N wow A..M ON w M MT 1EOOR0•w iM01ANi DONITY,louR ! Q A 1Z NM.I11LOGI�21 IOU=3T 0D0401 Coro mom w mom PUT NANO Mill PLttOMW[AN 10 ACKMD ADDITION .3 • ,HONE 000IM 0 DO RTRI t•~CV 40=ORM TON 3lM NOT PORNO A IK OW M N111 OP MAIM. I VOLUME 300-tl,PAGE/OOr 'MA NNl2ow INSS N M NOT UNE OP•0111M PTflO N=AVC N SO A TOTAL OTANI w ION.IN PUT 10 A 1/C PALT.C.T. MO POI MIN N M ROT UL w OAN 11A0D I E10s1N0 zoom-'AO' I10111 00 0(OOOI lT 1E10/1O O t[0014t CUT A NOM.a C11101.03 MT.*0alULY MOO A I*0IR to 1UL KIDD FAMILY LTD./7NR11P. .PROP.LU.D.-MEDSAI DENS.REs7D. A'• •Iw PN/NAG 1'011 M 110S111OR1I COI.DI w!AO 1MC1 EIII. VOLUME 11340,PACE 502 I LOT 3 ED om1�s p 1MNtp �pqp EATT M1Q OP Cry OE�T p 71�Py{ D.R.T.C.T. 1 I I IRIS,ATOW 111 S AOIO it IAIOAOR'l SOI•MA,'IAA SZA I ITa RNE.14 I VICINITY MAP I DOMINO ZONING-•Kx' ----- I , I PROP.LU-0.-NISEa USE I LOT 1 J I r�A,3�.0••••���� >z SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION n I/I •----.-. •14.0TT 0 WC IE7]If i yry- L A SN..•NOON Eyw.w►nw.r.d Lod Moor.Ir5Or«Ally r M Igoe 1MI :t.r••::'.f t l �r,- 1 I .-10-...A•sway d w NO.M Mt M ono Pwwwr tlr.O M.w•Igo M'�'wr'wM.M N , ..'•'• ,T,. 11 It BLOC 2 7 e -.1 a it 4 III MN O.PrWM rJr M,..MYr+M 0r My N OwNrr.T . ' 11 f ] I - X • S/L Il oC'� Iwi 1 L - !�...�_- 3 ..,_ //I 1 110.0• •- I a ►.1..A S.OIr1..•h,lA.•,.d 1.N r•..r../3177 7• 4,77 #I it J f ��� PROPOSED .` 3 �.. MIIt ''t•, /Ci N.. •• : ••ME-VE :' .r Raw. , C ••" H /// I taw. ON I�' ••, !� ^T•: 2 W. 01oLN a0R SR $;:-•: © I ' 9 1 iN _3� . , ¢91 i 1 meow r MONO 1MO UKMil 4, D01nrIRE k:•7r',JL•-'-■ tLS. 1 1 III 1 J i 3 •2 / I W^ LOT 1 KOOK 1 NMI FIlLT A t AM/AC 3 1.00E All I I. 141 7f (1_,. t'RA0' `L + u, . 1ki, I 6 I= CAMIET~� 1M00 SITE NOTES T.� SCHOOL ADDITION INLT' 1 k>r I ^ Z P.ILT.C.T.10 {:112 « 1y 1.E1G211 O ZONING.•A?AO1Wl00AtAL 4E70S121G ZONING-'SM,DD-3,• 2.00015*PROMO 201110.•F-20E SONE FAMLY teCtM11T 0.ooaoe ,a I 8 - I • PROP.LU.D.-PUNIC/3011-P000C 3.OES1M0 LAND USE.VACANT RESIDENTIAL VOLUME 02, PAGE 1310 1 r + 1 i •J ` 1',r 'q7C 5.• 3: • W I Q 4.PROPO LANO SED A DA USE !MEDIUM DENIM SD MEDIUM TMOI FARM. I. <I I '•4•••' �FRCLUA MiPESO1T STDf'IEBUtaRY CT ?.•7w'.�i, n 1 W DI p I I• 11 '� • fir''1 1' J REQUIRED BUFFERYARDS /� •1 -I - i .. (`' 3f..tA DRIVE I '""I REWIRED FRONDED TREES NODE flOEs sNUDs I Ky��1 1 E BLOCK 1 e 1 '1 1 'n 1 Z COSTNOO - V 11at N-S 0 D • 12 I 3 I 1001 k E 's u = P" I pri~'� MST NV ,NNM NOM ONE NOW 017 os o so 20 1 ` 1tW. - -1--� /y. \ ` 'O.'R - r I TRACT 3C IVv I' ' "T' 7 W I2TVAN W.s•lli CONCEPT PLAN • 13 I E G '1 ' 19 VOUI4E C,JC3T2.0.L PACE 2324 ' FOR I �` x=� 1 c \ «.• 7 N �L°u°�"a°- -DETAI RESID �TOAIE�JRY I �� • LESLIE- ORI j y`r. k i___-__J i SF-20A ZONING REQUEST SA f- oaao tOa10M w - �- a- 1 -� ;to. 1e 1 Jr21[V41i TRACT 1MEDI BEING A 23.1442 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE 01SOi NAI<OW10[ VOLI.E 7432,PAGE 2324 ... 15 S II • ET 17 1 ortT.C.T. W.R. EAVES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 400, . _ --., EIKKTINO ZONING-TRY :,3.e U 1' - yam BLOCK 2 to PIMP.LU.D.-MEDIUM DEAL REs1D. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ._ u 1m 3 w -S 69 '10'W 1PT4i-- 1 w we 1001.1Y 1 * y I ' 1.'-1 I i 1 "TOT` r AS DESCRIBED IN VOL 9102, PAGE 96. VOL 8759, PAGE 2398, AND VOL 11206, P)1GE 1425 I CONN MOO CIA I IV BAKER ESTATES 1 �'•"SONO-RE I -'2O' , DEED RECORDS. TARRANT COUNTY.,TEXAS ••As011NIE Iola OP 6 r POMADEwiMA+•Mlr m i1s CARNET A RUDE 1e74 •0rA••1•+T OWNS g I PR P 3 CE Egj A,; 13 PREPARED MAY.1995 PROP.LU.D.-MEDIUM DDR.READ. t PP,S1L V` 3 st ; RINSED.R1NE.,9fls Nett: I 1 1 L 1 .I 10'PURE LANDSCAPE EA.7DlEN7S AND PAL OWNER/DEVELOPER ENGINEER/PLANNER N01E COWEON AREAS AIE 10•IE WARMED w r Y 'T . NO PRIVATE ptllEwAr IODISE 10 L P[Y1011NLE 1111 S101EDURY 1101ROIITERS ASSDOA1011, 3 r 00 00.451 TEAU �,ITj'wf SUITE CORP.40 �GUE R G eLw POEM NC. AVENUE 111 SE PERMITTED. �I J N ,• 30 a G0 428- 70D04 ZK{ '7 TEXAS 81-,7ES 73WC NRION0S ON LOT 1.LOT 2D.KOOK 2 1l1 1I f„ f2„%�„ 3 SE REQUIRED 10 FRONT ON TAM,MIL 00 SW 110. M-A SUMMED: 1illig DATE TEAG UE NALL AND PERKINS x CI1Y OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS :,a esu NmMl.,•Nam - N/A AUN["OS n• CONSULTING S N C I N 12 X R s STONEBURY TEE: 11EC014ENOE01 S1S FI Str••t 220 w.. I t I.r1nI IrI. .NsPROJECTNO. Fart W•r1A. T.N.. 7.102 Ir.lnP, T•3.• 75010 O. ItEM9ON tw ,ew DATE a NAIL A PROMOa eAk' (•+7) 3 2.-d 7 7 3 (2 1, 2 e.-17G3 e/Aa/,s 7lf.v >�- CONCEPT PLAN 4 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-170 ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING \``i; CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING .. (cr • A�J t e+ �q9 A r,' it s 3 V` `6'ffi (� [}�' � [r��.�#�'2 �L*9 9 �A!`f 4� e T 'r AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY • DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "SP SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, !� SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS; ity of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 1 S17-9 changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those (haie who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No.480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, G:\ORD\ZONING\480.I70 Page 2 8)-10 is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: '.' 1 . Being a 23 �;64�acre tract of land situated in the NY,,,,err �"i�stizy� 500 . th Norte ,rttc , and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from 1 i,M ' ' E rstw: a 0 a‘ fit Yai. i Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake,Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 3 812—I1 thipe Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. (lbw MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY G:\O RD\ZONING\480.170 Page 4 517-1 L APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L (NW' G:\ORD1ZONING\480.170 Page 5 ST2- 13 EXHIBIT "A" (1160, DESCRIPTION FOR A TRACT OF LAND IN THE W.R. EAVES SURVEY. ABSTRACT NUMBER 500, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO CHATEAU DEVELOPMENT CORP.. RECORDED IN VOLUME 11806. PAGE 1987, AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A P.K. NAIL IN SOUTH PEYTONVILLE AVENUE FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT; SAID POINT BONG N 0018'49' W 365.85 FEET AND N 00'28'32' W 647.15 FEET AND N 89'04'05' E 33.92 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BAKER ESTATES AS RECORDED IN CABINET A, SIDE 1575 OF NE PLAT RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 1013.25 FEET ALONG SOUTH PEYTONVILLE AVE TO A 400 NAIL FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 34.95 FEET PASSING A 1/2' IRON PIN WITH CAP MARKED. 'AREA SURVEYING' FOUND IN THE WEST UNE OF SOUTH PEYTONVILLE AVE, IN ALL A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1001.12 FEET TO A 1/2' IRON PIN FOUND IN THE WEST UNE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1005.83 FEET GENERALLY ALONG A FENCE TO A 1/2' IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 997.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 23.1642 ACRES OF LAND OR APPROXIMATELY 1,009,133 SQUARE FEET. (We' L G:\ORD\ZONING'480.I70 Page 6 8l7-tt. re„, Cr • •v n A' o R 0 °ROM OGLE ON METES AN0 SOUNDS DESCRIPTION �N1R, •WNNf, TOCuM,NUM z OOUINAN ICU f 0 Sat, O AO>Y.TAaatMO NINON O VM MONO }[•t 1 ID WLII i.c OW.�NMO N MAC INN, 1'-10? ■ PMt INT,AO 1[NINO N M•M MONOL TAR•MT NUM 1DGL M•ON/OOrO NV Mt0 M MOO. 5-1 / N 1014D•. r.l•.e AT A IX SAIL N e l I[T7011111[AMOK PM M 11N•WI WO N W 1RAO11 W lit AM al SO rF N N10N•.NM•// M M•0'>'1Y•NT.1/NET M M•••11•?[1i•1 POT IR/Y M MMT1AtT NMOt N LDCAl10N [ UT A.4WD IMMO AlN IMMO M WI[T A YR WM N M MAT Its/O TAMIMT COMM MUM G IL0 9a 100114 0•ORM N YMl1p>NNMN tat A IMWQ N out MR NsA MU NSINWL AN ID AOIMD ADOVION 3.I A IOD IVL 'is"'x/-41,PAGE 100,,1I yy COCO NUM N•OR=r MARO M MOM NOT AN PUT PA••N•A VC wl.1M ION OW•M®. P.LT.C.T. N.I AM'A N•IN1M••owe N M Ott wog or N1111.P[TI011M12 AK M ALL A 10 r 01115NO2 Or M0.11 PM.A I/Y NN PM MOO M M OUT IRN•T W DUCA I E>SnNO IMMO-•AD' /i"MlleM• .14.16 MNI�1N I Y9I T A Wpm; m s cog.PUT UMW,NOS A 119•X TO Sglirk NM CL NOO FAMILY LTD.room,.VOU Mar.LUDO-WORN DENS.PESO. AM1 MNTM O•�[N�•�NA�1p O/MMp�OAR NO y NT� q1� ` MDIAT.C.T.PACE••I I LOT 1 1 1 WO OOONO 1MCT OMTA•M•LIIMt ADO.1 A IAWAOJMOMONTO.T•' i]i A IQis N>••K VICINITY MAP I E105DN0 zo1Np-•a' f----—-- i I MOP.LAD.-MOLD UIE I 10T I I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION .7.7!,.P+ +r'+A•11 - 'W r• 1 a Ps..R.P.O.•P.M.�w•L.T..1.I..MO,w,•M1 I,S I ww N Ow.St Plw tin w..•,• . T}`.• w�,,.,,.,,.-, I �A ofro•r .Iwo. M M w.promo*M•,..w awe .iA.M.M,AN••...We ' ♦� x BLOC 2 - I I I w M r1.1M,•rM.r.•PA.•.+r M My M•../ArA T+ II t ) s '1. r ♦ III /11 Y •t 111 ` . ��_ :ter, I;I R. .'. . II •r :)r 1, 'NO ; t' g, ri Maros[D a 11w•.L•w..1 n.1..r.r L Mw,..I> , /7.,. II "4 N..• . I.M-VE .. •'r C 117 ' oLF0.niunoN iviimpRmiim 1 "••r / a_ai y pq H I /�• Ism 2 1 ITSMO01dM II■ a I/ ( '� Y• �—x i �-1 1 w I I PROMO r MAfdwr WO IIM I>IO �� i+ I I ( 13 / a •2 ( 1 I , W LOT 1 OIIIDt 1 >MN PSO.? > �MI 1U•1 AI I 1M./. A t s - I •.1 1 -CMRSL NQI BOOM ADp11011 10 I LASS? ilk -- -'. • 1 l I S I CARNET A IIAE 1400 ATE NOTES INI COT 'TILL 11.,, I Z PALC.T. 1.OOO1No za«11-'AC AONnL11IRAl 12 ;/. 4 t y DOOM ZONMO-'?t 100••x' L PROPOSED ZONING.Y-20A'MCI Poor ►1�.�.IQ[ AAA ^ MOP.LU.D.-PIRIUC/AM-MNIIC a.OOSIMO LAND WO.VACANT lal ROOOIT N GOODE i I p I I • •:S �. •� - A' 4.LAID US PLAN D010IIAIION.WNW DOODY PE 001SAL I. ml ME 1121i TAME 1310 I y NL I , 1 1KN, I / /Rot LA a I a S PROPO=LNO A!-BOOM DENIM Re>OM& pp��Np!imago);•�7' I j • '✓ �TONEBU 01-1 RY CT \z:'likir - ',«. I W PROP.LAD.-MEDIUM DENS.REM. ; 11 NI I• 11 __ • L I-J REQUIRED eUFFERYARDS w Cp �; I AA s I iC Eti D pl CA/Jeer ACCOO R VUM PROYDOI OEM 1 Iri°M• W 1 1 t` BLOCK 1 ° 1 9 j T . I I 1 Z Rom-Nr a-• 1I-11MC • • > r �"� I a I k ` • ifEA O TOIL-••r NON ma • • 12 10• { Wu 20y -1--r- VCR war Wm 1.N • • •.. 27 \ 1 �1K1P 1R.1R' 1 v l I l ) xax4 CONCEPT PLAN TRACT 3c - I ' 1 I FOR J D.RT.C.T. T y O/'P�, . . / ' I 10 7-1 N_-—_DOOM OW*1'AO'� /�IC VR! _y\ ♦ M•i' //`[` „Pit?._. - JYEDIU1�DdS.IIE7D. hy. LESLIE ��v��T 1 SF-20A ZONING REQUEST NM10__ a -"� •7C �•,'—� M to •? r 1. IA t TRACTW. BEIN4 A 2$.1S4! ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE t 5190E 74a2 PAGE 2R4 RRD[r RrN•1N1t 14 L 1s ! 1e '� .. 17x Y, r E �I,�o,T W.R. EAVES SURVEY. ABSTRACT NUMBER SOO, - - BLOCK 2 `` comp ARANO-'AD' 141•f M _ - - La Nor.LAD.-MEDIUM BOO.ROO. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS ,,i w s!9 Y'10'Wa 1 1 .M 1001.12' I I Gi 4 I•T a 1 1ll1 ,A,,I * +/TAN 1 r AS DESCRIBED IN VOL 9102, PAGE 96, VOL 8759, PAGE 2398, AND VOL 11206, PAGE 1425 b rI• nine■R.S ur,A IO BAKER ESTATES 1 moo Mee IN 1 'ISF�7•D^ 1 DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY..TEXAS I .V 115 Nr 0011""' I I CARNET A RUDE 1/7/ /OASISmow?MM II PRE ' CE E.S r"CF.� ,i PREPARED MAY.111/5 MOP.LUD.-WOW DENS ROO. 119 L PA1yK P� 1 1 L REAM DUNE.LOOS I?.P1*1C 1NIDICAP[EAI010R1 NM ALL OWNER/DEVELOPER ENQNEOE/PLANNER I NOTE: 031111011 AREAS ARE TO OE MANTAN=Or a r V -t -I- _ Tll[/1010 11011E0T•NIO ASIOOATI01l 3 4 CHATEAU0111V 0[VQOr11MT COW. 220 8.NALL AND P00W1?. INC. AWRKA1.1L010SC 01541RD. 1° ►EYOIIIRl1E N is > > (DOO NUM.N/E NNE. AR[370 230 N. TEXAS MOO ILO.WE 2 //��J ■ ( 7)4MB-2NS fM>4 j 2I;-1/J„44 T ( �/ naaL MALMO IN LOT 1•LOT 24 NOCK 2 1LL OE MOORED TO Mart al TAM TRAIL u •A>:Rn r-R --�- 0JN5T,ED: 1reff DATE TEAG UE NALL AND PERKINS gY4 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS }Im•,Ki• _ T01 D1w.m1 fir — JUNE 1006 .L I P. 4 1 K / I K 1 1 1 / /'/2 STO N E B U R'Y—EirVoft '� • RECA•IDOEA NiA OA ••11.,fl ••• S•T..1 :20 K••1 E..ERO .EF.. ��'s{/�(� CONCEPT PLAN 1 Ds PRaECT Na F•• 1.rIA, i.i•• 7•l Ot ,. T.A.. IOOD �I'° N N0. REMIION OY DATE 114.4 NNA•1O.01L1.0 -R� (1 I 7) a71-d77a (2I1) fd4-171d • / t,.;t'`''^ City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-38 Preliminary Plat/Stonebury(formerly Stonewood) REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Stonebury,being 23.1642 acres of land situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500, Tract 3A and the Northern portion of Tract 3A-1 The development proposes 33 residential lots with a density of 1.425/Acre LOCATION: Approximately 1200' South of W. Southlake Blvd. on the West side of S. Peytonville Ave. at 340 S. Peytonville Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Chateau Development Corp. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Nine(9) RESPONSES: One written response received within the 200' notification area: • Brandon and Kay Baker, 620 S. Peytonville Ave., They offered concern about the transition between the large acreage lots in Airpark Estates and the subject proposal,the downstream drainage and the need for a larger culvert to handle the increased runoff,and the unavailability of sanitary sewer to the development. They were concerned that the proposed homes would be on the "lower end" of the price scale available in Southlake. They also questioned the type of perimeter fences proposed as well as the landscaping. (See attached letter.) P &Z ACTION: April 20, 1p95;Approved(5-0)Applicant's request to table ZA 95-38 Preliminar Plat for Stonewood to the June 8, 1995 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. June 8, 1995;Approved(6-0)ZA 95-38 Preliminary Plat for Stonebury subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary#2 dated June 02, 1995; noting the Applicant agrees with item #2b adding to the plat a 10 ft. public landscape easement maintained by the homeowner's association; 8E- 1 City of Southlake,Texas deleting item#3a and#3b; adding to the median area within the entry area to be designated as a common area maintained by the homeowner's association. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the second Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls G:\W PF\MEMO\CASES95\95-3 8PP.W PD (IOW 8E-Z (iire REF NO. : ZA 95-38 ' STONEBURY' 2nd filing/MAY 31, 1995 NOTE: OUR ORIGINAL OPPOSITION LETTER WAS NOT NOTED BY THE P & Z COMMISSION The following is our response to the rezoning of the tract next to our 10 acres (Baker Estates) WE ARE OPPOSED TO THE REQUEST TO REZONING FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : 1 This single family development of houses on 1/2 acre lots effect the "country atmosphere" that many of us moved here for. A survey of homeowners on South Peytonville will show homes with acreage except for Chimney Hill at the very end of the road. Airport Estates is apparently platted for only 3 . 5 acres . Re- zoning down to 20, 000 sq. ft . lots is not a ' smooth transition' from acreage ! 2 The developer plans houses at "the lower end" of the price scale available in Southlake. How will this effect YOUR future property values? (tor 3 There is NO SEWER available at the site. How will this issue be handled, will it have to be pumped UP HILL, who pays, and how will this affect OUR pocket book down the road? (Also, we are concern about how the poor drainage on this tract will effect the sewer system) 4 Drainage (water runoff) down stream is one of our Greatest Concerns. How can this be properly handled to eliminate any more erosion/flooding? We (and the city) had tens of thousands of dollars worth of excavating done last year to control drainage on our property. We know first hand the tremendous amount of water that flows south through our property! The developer' s engineer has stated that 50% more runoff (calculated amount from roofs, driveways, and streets) will be flowing south across our land. The city approved our drainage work and culverts before we took occupancy. We complied with the drainage requirements, and feel that any additional water across our land will cause more erosion and possible flooding. To prevent this, we suggest : 1 Some form of a masonry ditch, from their south boundary to our south boundary, along with a larger culvert for increased capacity under our driveway. 11 work to be at developers cost, since the additional volume of water is being generated by the development . (In addition to greater volume, there will be an (ilire increase in velocity as this drainage is "channeled" through the development) . _ I uILIiDTL SE-3 L page 2 2 Written guaranties that if a "washout" or flooding does occur on our property (especially to the driveway) , that the developer pay for damages and correct the drainage so that it does not reoccur. We would like this guarantee to stipulate a BOND to be put aside for this purpose, before any work is started. 5 If the city continues to rezone and eliminate "open areas" such as this tract, we would like to see a greater degree of "Buffering" for the transition from larger acreage to 20, 000 sq. ft . developments . Therefore, we would like to see the city ask for guarantees of the quality and type of perimeter fences installed, in addition to greater Landscaping between the development and other tracts . (The builder seems to be amenable on these points. ] A row of trees to screen backyards and fences at a minimum! 5 Finally, would the environment and our community be better served with a less dense development of larger lot sizes, such as 3 .5 acre lots like the adjoining "Airport Estates"? This would eliminate the need for sewer, maintain a rural atmosphere, reduce Cow' water runoff, and offer greater potential for appreciation of property values. [A developer is here for the short term. The citizens of Southlake will be here long after the developers collect their profits and leave . Ten to twenty years from now, will you be able to drive by this development (and others) and say "I did all I could to preserve the natural beauty" ???] Thank you for the opportunity to express our concerns . Sincerely, Brandon & Kay Baker 620 S. Peytoville L 8e-L ' / ri'51i.i4 1 4 ,AI"' I 1 I :y. • _1 V 10 4 � dar,a� ?i i ':' ''•c PR' pal 'lila5 :� t „ Ill�tgr�i�l tir1 1kirusgar 'Jr,4ii 6F''f�',1 c' -rt,:i ,,t1 I 1 el °K p :t ',•-1 , INN (_ ; R ' if 1.c I .1 °11e. -•-: RApA1c55,TAt£ •I.I FIM h. £ ''1.1 .t r K .CVIStP y • 11 Ip�£Y • •h IC bp --- --- S r - •• �_ L $CSTLAKE pry LIMN <I Ip1 w • r Vf- -�'�_- - --- �.5 I.� r� K£LLER on, LIMIT Ot _ ICI1a f NO l _.1. . a. j 1l,ryry�1 R a - 1 c �y5 JA -ate' IpN I l�/1 L I n m>. r GRP Ay R al L. ) • �. 4 ..� y(). '•Eg * / I Ia , �4TI9OMa w. I u iq -t-r-,-r -`1 'L•- - ,A -_-�_ *,_i _ 1 sv.I �ipP �111 Ix J. WALKER I ' ' ''E�' y , ' wr O I 1.W IL/ r � ,wale,- �' I•"--, r-I-1,-4-• OM:or*m 1 WY rT55 •�, ® �© 0�.,... I! •'� 4-1r _1-- _t+1 -14'_. Of 1 s t' B I• . 's 4- �. �p. '. A .::_:,4...T, . iliWiZI ''t -i- KELL£R CITY'LIMIT 1 _ __•L •....,�•'./• �'' •Ap 1_ . ISSOI t 177`71♦ 1a a L 1 I xM D y • , J• • W W0 1MnA .-AI a�• •,`)�.! rI ,`!` • ./ `\•�: 1 _ _ • _, i 1 tN .. t ( • .. y : f , ,R�} _ • Y xxlN0•r, pj U ` ' ! 1rt, � � i H S •' } 6 '°.. 1 _ y ' %{L --Jr4 inA IiJ IA: '�L • I= � " x- r ?+ I iy� �� C" lc d J. F9EJC®LR nk y , .� - _ • o �'6£ �� �,' Pli —. ` 1I«. ..M, k ._.PE_ k : O r ( Do 'V.I.' . r — . .usiw v • - S --- i 1 Wl0 7C7 K1PSCM la >n.Lx ; ; ' .� . --J , . , w„ fir-- • t •. J��.1(K •j; ..4% , 1.I.L_ Tyr,{t•`'14 � 'E f.„ E5• � • LIMB 161 �� fo.. NICN ,L -•,�-. "I.��' i; xf �'. rail. IFI } �GU , Egtl1 751 I 1 �, In ► n.r.- v,: .s 1 /. f -- • la i , - EA .. j % ;lc.1 fi-r -1 - O Al jpf, � J. ' t' ii t ,,T L: _ �I f • 1 • P -' is _x [ , .: >, F{-- o 1C21 tl. � I ��� I w ~ 9 ; � • .�� "' G Bt _ ,, 42` .+A, \: c1 Yl w _R1Z, ER ?A � ' - Co. d.LE' 1 o re l.> f 4,1 ,n pRNER I x u.t r r AIR r s k « _ p• G 1 S 4 . THORPINIO4 «I 41 y SVrKI -1... ' c w -I " 1 1w K j 1 1 II IY l{.[ ../t N.ICi21 1!I 01 1) .1m'� I a' a A WI 1. PARK "` 5 u--�_ £ j .t� IA I _. SU I l.s s r L -- . G1NG£RL I ,-i - - .. _-- - - ., .. w ...a I. x THORIAS -,•^.'I�DON KNp !- _ - •r tl .r.•r sr r.. ' � ' 1 p tN; •1..1. .-.w / .-_ � , 7 _ E ' r'1L1. .J. HYDE CIA /) ES �`_ ,1441 4 1•I Y 41. lg. I« e IA 1 it N ■ 1.1. II r ID J -_ --- -- TRACT MAP _-• L ' i_ __�._-z_�vEZ:�• " 1 0° KC!LER CIIr IIMII —'1 --� -- - I 1 -- £54. t 1111 Y - Y I .o��}}, sl BY t15t _ Ia. SCf100L 1 • 1 4.0.k..--, > o—_ L.A. CLI AY BAPGN Lt-7 „. N1Al td� J,:,.sa c,1 «. .,« 041 aF2 � . . i ort{1NE sil' A r I. \p} k '1• G+.IA�rRUI IL ii. 1141014 llp C��' 8e-�j '.GPAK� f --3-- :: —7 • — . ��C2�� J "AG" L. Ackard j W. Kidd — . --r . — . — . — . "AG" C. Lamar L „S_p CarrollIi A 7 , 4 SD1 " 3 ` 1 r ' 0 _ Y A - 590 I "C3" i R. Goode J ///3A "AG"` S. Smith I L „ „ AG * I cT.) 1 7 "AG" AS I ','AG" - � � �� M,i.—r . GaooJ 1 rc„.,, , 1 2 — — — -- SPIN REPRESENTATIVE#14 CAROLYN HOBBS 23 I ADJACENT OWNERS L AND ZONING 14. 5 Ac f City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-38 Review No: Three Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Stonebury(formerly submitted as Stonewood).23.1642 Acres, W.R. Eaves Survey Abst. #500 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Chateau Development Corp. Teague Nall and Perkins. Inc. 500 Grapevine Hwy.. Suite 350 220 W. Irving Boulevard. Suite 2 Hurst. Texas 76054 Irving. Texas 75060 Phone: (817)428-1900 Phone: (214) 254-1765 Fax: (817)428-2085 Fax: (817) 259-2621 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 787. 1. Delete the bufferyard label from the preliminary plat 2. The following changes are needed with regard to rights of way: A. Developer proposes a 160'R.O.W.at the subdivision entrance. Staff recommends a maximum of an 80' R.O.W. , with maximum 10'median,two 24' drive lanes,and two 11'parkways. B. Ordinance requires a street stub on property lines greater than 1000',which would require a street stub into the west line of the project tract,preferably from Leslie Drive in the vicinity of Lot 13, Block 2. This would provide a northern access to the area of the Goode tract designated as Medium Density Residential on the proposed Land Use Plan.However,this area is currently zoned "C-3" and the existing Land Use is an air field . * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Chateau Development Corp. Teague Nall and Perkins,Inc. G:\WPF\REV\95\95-038PP.WPD 8E-7 9 a 00280 SCALE .a,111Ali 1 1 (1111111114k 1••taw • r L MCA I. V0U &10A I METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 'Pij I OMiN10 20NP10-•AQ• N 0001P110M FOR A 1MACf OI LAM II M•A TAM AM Ap111ACT Illlll�q NCI OT!R WMAIr.TNMMR ONMT. S.a.IODD FAMILY LID.►INR9NP. FOLLOMI PROP.LUA.-LIED DENS.RES. PAGE 1147 �00 Gm N1M DEM M TAMMIT GOMM.REAL TO L0/01�01T SY MVO NO VMU N n.W VOLUME 11517,PACE SS2 LOT 2 Al 1'� D.RL6T• I I WRY[ DATA MMMw A7 A►A MAI N MGM PEY11101.E AIR P21 M Ig11p0ADT Opl105 O SAM MACE GO PONT EOM ,M'�`, EIOSTINO 20NN0-•C2• ------ I I M Goitre•M6.05 MET MID M 00003r•M7.111 FEET MO M MwY 2 3SM MEET MMOM M MORMAR COMER OF T O YO MOP.LU.O.-INKED USE I LOT 1 I m LOT 1,GMm1 OEMS Al a00M0 N ARMLET A SAE 1Q1 OF 1K PLAT MOMS OF TUMULT COMET.WA; rairatiML. P.0.0. A.14107W A•',row AXIOM. MUM M DNMm a~Et 35 2EC01os LAST A ORTAIM2 OF IN3.1 raj Maw MUM FEY101IL1lI AVE 10 I }• .,. .„ M.EW.00 M.10M0r A 4M REAL ra1Aa VICINITY MAP t t - ,,,t, • 97 Y maw-- u,E- L.� L.1MEWW ]Mort SOON M COMM a YENS r MOM Mart 3431 MEET MEMO A li MOM PM;w1 UP Y04211. 1 rl Y WA MEOW MOO N M MOT UM O 70UN Prfl01A112 AV[N ALL A TOTE.ORME/OF IM1.12 PIO 10 A Mir • I BL"CK 2 • IIII MNM PM faMO M M 11sr 1ME a SO MIAM I 11 T 4 MOMM M-- ,,,,,,,tr.,.M 11E0101 IT A WMM=w UMW FEET 1OMWAT Maw A POUR 70 I 9 3 j7 M,j4I I l A 1 i Na PN rWw MwTMGm MMYu a 2Ao w1Aen I Y ` n �•` - rj MOPosED E'G ltlfgrT°toLI 'M 1521°�MAor Ttilool t1 oormPG M x'a 1"1". IA tip 1'Ptrr. - .r ) ROA/.. II y ' �t1. 11W a �y 1 M, 2 I DEDICATION II . 9 Ii 39 �l e2 fiL� II II 1 ( 13 ) 11 S{ L11 TAT t 1tl.00K 1 11 '1S I h • n I CMI10LL MOH SCHOOL ADDITION 1 9 I � tp.71' 177.W -�. 1 i CANINET A SLIDE 1100 2J 70 7Y y 4 w mark k j "{ I LIJ COSTING 2GNN0-•SP1 400-34• ZONING NOTE IIONGT O.aoox I 1 1 I o •.- �'� ` ?"�a- s ] MOP.Lu.D.-Pllsuc/sEw-►ueu0 MO0�N0oPoxD2Oi•N°9 -saY• E�.- �. VOLUMEST2A1L►AOE 1310 T. To •.l I p It 14�[ tam' ' Id Q paslNq Mai •� • • _ a:► S� .c• 1 ' I LU MOP.L2-raiDENS.Roo. 1 1 xl) . 11 it - , TrP, {n I11� - N k • y Jr,,�1 DRIVE IPA auANnTA280 LAND USE V� 1 I I S S I v1 Z I. oat 2aMw 110.um MINTY 1 A M MEMO WYMw AS NOVAIL 1P�,.S, I b EE 614~ r ,�A, i . 12 MI l 70S F tr Y M�� i 1 1 K !qt INGO SF-7M 22 I.W/AC 3 1.OS2 AC 211*42 AC 1n.1 I I _ J !: 1 T0.3 a9d W.SINN ( ) =,ayN1 REED. PRELIMINARY PLAT Yr A n '~" � N/�ia�- I —--—--— I OF 33 RESIDENTIAL LOTS GawlEE LOcATNM a '.'E �— _ ,�_ Y��1 T r T 1RACT 3A i At q 2M1EET MAIc auF1a 14 ... 15 9 ae 18 1_•� Ma 7T Y`BLIS 2 E Ya11uE p44322.PAGETSlEVEN W.�2324 FOR EASING MONO-•A: STONEIUQ�>I/ :wt�e ut r 0� F - �- _ - `' PROP.LUA.-MEDIUM DENS.REM. MOT 2 *°x's eo 9'�0'w P -_if 1 taw.72r+1+E I I '•LEr1tLO1 r----- BEING A 23.1642 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE TAT PICAS moo °-`-IA .I! BAKER ESTATES I aMt1l1 3N;11-Mc 1 ' ASF�20A; . ' W.R. EAVES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER SOOT G•a 1 MACE 2 CASKET A tD75 PRE : cs. E51 PO' 13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS P.LLOT 3 .IMMO s W lat 1.0T i .3I2N;a li PROP.LULL-MEDIUM 0Mit REID.T. 1 I P pRK P� j AS DESCRIBED IN VOL. 11806, PAGE 1987, IUGT 1 �M M 11 . i I L 1 1 ff3E.IM40.077 £S44 i ; DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Dori -1KMI37: IWM: .M,LOW NOTE r LOT 1 .27,3M,M w LOT O .21M44: ALL E)OSiNO STRUCTURES(3) T T LRt• .37Aw.M>. LOT► .111.NIM w TO RE REMOVED. PREPARED MAY, 90 5 LOT w."VIA?f MOT w.M.MS.M LOT n.2a13147 r LOT n.M M7 E W s 0 r M 31 REVISED,11,4E.1995 ITT a.20.131M W LOT 12.2S.2NA1 TP OYMER/DEVELOPER ENGINEER/PUWNER Loin.tl.NAN OF LOTH.21MSIA f IOF 14.30.112311 0 NOTE 01A1EA11 OMs.PNENT CORP. 1EAOUE NALL AND MOM.NM¢ LOT 1S 31. ELO W NO PRIVATE DRIVEWAY ACCESS SOD CRARME NWT. ROTE 350 220 VL MEMO O R OLEO.SU 2 LUOT 1f•3MIn1 7M W 10 9 PEYIONVIIL AVENUE SULDN08 ON LOT 1 A MAT 20.DKOCK 2 M . - 1-10 7/064 RMN4 7-170 75080 O LOT/S.$N7.41 IF MIL SE/CLOUTED. R REQUIRED 70 FRONT ON TMA'MAIL 017)428-085 214 264-1343 LOT w.22,751.71 s (11 42O-2oe6 �2ts3 sst-4J41 . LOT M.2107.32 W _ _ _ CAM MI M-31 ma "" r mTOO' DATE TEA G UE MALL AND PERKINS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS USWEET Mater POEM 5400 N— O"1C1f6 ,w CONSULTING EV 61 x s r s a ____ STONEBURY . aa— MO.ECFNO. F.91 Fl••W•rtA ••••StFis1202 2202 W••1Too..g75000 "`+��� a a INVASION w PATE iwEMMLAPpA1S1l0 -r - • (117 33•-s773 (214) 264-1712 4/E147S s`, •+:,' PRELIMINARY PLAT 4 • QUANTITATIVE LAND USE NO. DMFLLING GROSS RES. NO.COMMON ACREAGE CROSS LAND USE t0NING MIS DENSITY AREAS OOIMCN AREAS ACREAGE (11.0e . SINGLE FANCY SF-20A 33 1.425/AC 3 1.092 AC 231642 AC I LOT 2 I. I I I I DGSIINC ZONING - "Cr II PROP. LU.D. - MIXED USE I •LOT t IP.O.B. i --ia,—.e3 "-� rw�^ u/E tasafs-,-o• UN- .a�. n a I 14BL0CK 2 —1i--if I g V 7 r 6 I..D a . ; 4 .e 1{In111 II I I 1 8 k _T �'- 35 BA -• 3so'D/t 3 01 ii N 122.er 173.46' _ ° 11aod 46 \ PROPOSED p ° '�(,)t �v rIo DEDICATION H \/'ass ' i36 e1• —��$ / '¢ 2 m I 1 y6 �� I I 9 I , r ^/ 35 e/L. 35 9'N ,s� \ q l to �I II % 1 13 3 n 02 ) • r roo.srei ' CI L1J IIII ut.34 : p: tG ULE -- ' 1 1, D W wG _1I $ $ le4 oe• • 16e.71' 173.99•y, 35 B n I II 6 10 n t n $ —/--+ jj n LLJ I 5 I 120 4 �� .9� - 44a—�J•l 0 > Enke0 •' •14 e °Ji1 t .e4 i �,i tl ( 1e4 m $ " STANEBHR'f$ ` a I W I �3 I m 3 �- orb 1" _..I 1 v'F tt - Y�44 • I aD 11.1At -4 �. .i � 153.-75 I $ \'•Cur ° �,e�-1 $ Jc DRIVE pi o 5 1 sr I � :' te4.06' ° 5 � °��' 6 � 160. I Z �i y q I $ j b . BLOC I _ 11 Le $ ij ° m 50• 2 9e4' Q 2 j g 12 g 10 0 ^ 0 10•DLE Row 20 I RorNF-1- 1 - E 16e.35 65.14Cis p157.141' 1 Ite7.76•I '' ,4e.23• o P 8 7 I BI dI 9 'fj 0 S O m I ta' )113 q�( o� peB 19 saa 1t '4t•__ 3 �/1-� `�oe.bb I r %R r s` o Leo 1s•'j ,6.,, I --- ` 17a9e' te5.6 y 193•53. sfr Oit.' _t r- r 14 a. b 35 BA K yr a 18 . f.% 15 is , _ s �. 17 `BLOCK 2 1 : 1 I ik wt._ 243.94• 5' U/E 22s as.--in _ ,--- y9'15_U L--- • 1' J w LOT 2 WIFE;89 9 40' W 'i° °K--1 II 1001.121-tr BA IjfT I I rI. I LOT 1 +- I I I DOS1MC ZONING-SF-IA ' lb L 1 EOST NG Z01911G-RE I I 015 I I' CABINETRA ESTATES SLI E 1575 p�1oP P.R.T.C.T. PROP. L.U.D. - MEDIUM DENS. RESID. < PRELIMINARY PLAT O"`z1;ESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR (p_f STONEQ UR 1Y BEING A 23.1642 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE W.R. EAVES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 500, 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS o .-. o City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-174,First Reading ZA 95-49 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Ridgewood II REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Ridgewood II, being 19.0 acres situated in the J. J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, Tract 7 The development proposes 31 residential lots with a density of 1.63 du/ac. LOCATION: North side of Johnson Road, east of Ridgewood I, approximately 2200 feet east of Pearson Lane OWNER: Daphine W. Johnson APPLICANT: PIMA Properties, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Thirty (30) • RESPONSES: Four(4)written responses within the 200' notification area: • Glen Etuz Lynn Burda, d/b/a GRB Construction, 2795 Johnson Rd., is in favor of the plan;however,he asked for a relocation of the exit for Ridgewood II which is directly across from his residence and driveway. (letter received 06-06-95) • Daphine W. Johnson, 2840 Johnson Road, commented on the "sewer system and improved road." • Jack L.II Johnson, 2710 Johnson Road, has concerns about surface water d}ainage damaging his property. • John F. Mc Carthy, 700 Overland Trail, is in favor of the plan. (letter received 06-02-95) P & Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved (6-0) ZA 95-49 Rezoning and Concept Plan S F- City of Southlake,Texas for Ridgewood II subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary #1 dated June 2, 1995. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Summary dated June 16, 1995. L • GAWPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-49ZC.W PD &F-Z ac . (,0'0 , W r----,1 Ic. fA7P 29 6071. :I Mali. •.*II 2.1 2A LIP, 6A2A it l 6A2 •+; ' t,Ili-� , 6A .I . . ppL 1Y' , 10, . III J. WALKER STA. s �- SUR,Cr A-1601 1 E I ' -- 1 • I , 1 1 6..1 ((�� I 1A1A1 :.ram,.�.c: `0 A M(e'U8A'v' -'' ' 6e12 6e "-i ,I '�I ' ' ,1 IAfA f- ___ k--- -ZSUp "i-set ` • �' --- I 1-T-I-r-'�' -- C _�— (� 6137A e 1' s �•,ram'•• J I5",R "'�' -•1 1 ---L.}11 4_,_/1- 7 ,•AIA 1AIA 1AIA11AIA5AIA 1AIA2A -- 3A , 11- , r l' -` ' 1 ___, • , , . , 686 IM P 2E -I'. . .• .• ` • _ S I -_.r4-F 1-I--I-- I 1A1A3 --, 6 6111 ..1. - ;-VI �J'� -" ' --J . I 1 . i.- .U! ' ., pg ',- i r. A -- - I ' _-J i —— • I _., , . . . ' 684 forum t1srY __(r ter' r I , , , ,- .I E- 11 - -A-- 7. l 1 r- 6011 QI Ri© -:-JIf , .E,- -, - Si r- KELLER CIT LIMIT 'lc,�p �j, Ma I 33 xic]1107 301 30 3A 3 X XI 3e 3'1 11A2 IAIA �-1 rI © j ; 2 7 J p D Q sfARKr A-srr LI �1 P / 1 1 �,®,Fin EiVii NI 7 ERT0 '° I - - ; o _ E ® 0 E fPN7 le,I', 0 10 Ili �J�` C` x7 �J ic 1 ® . -1± .iiijm l g '' 0 102 60AcC`' Nl 1v '\�- ,!t� (. . . ^.1sor rc,', :Ds. I I6 1-1 il 6A w1 ACI _ -.- - ! x IA 1 •' !`0*2B 430 3C SA Il I 6 .� 2 '� ill ..i Rya 1- OE °29 �- �'� ;� - --_ - - , ) 2 , - A 1.66/Sly - 11 ;5 _ .�� V1' . • ��iNJY Irl {.— [-_ , �1 I I e e x _II R • JA_ I ®J iiii. , � '� 17) ,�. . fWRENCE __-: RA 1 .: ', 70 _ ;�- ,k eLeu. , - --- -w , NE 8,�A1E5.; ; 1AI. 1e11s1 SCHOOL LIMB Pi/ S 1II ç ;' l*2 i 2A2 -0 - '� ���Li _- ' ,� 20 I A r P-> -- f J S 1 — -- E - ._ ; --- GLEN'• , — • ri 1 C_ J Apo- -"t ,AK47.F, EA\, e • AAS -+- ' GI� 4. 1.Mp,I�GsEg•: P Ac .. " _.. - -- - , P1 1 , '" P�r . 2AS -- ,K '-- 1 -` n 3 ,/ q ?AI IMP X26 • r _ . 1N.% j -.) -_.-- ' lA 7A6 1- I •... IAI 2 A.. -• -'- �. �- 6 t E -- ----- — _.�iV sA SA7A 1 i R - EK - I1i .•, r:-rL r 1 C. A LE 3 - — -- s 6A 6A1 ', 'Al ' 6A1A «�-'- '- --- - 1.7 10 7Y ( 1 w1+ r A-u - " r1 6A 661 r� - UFIN 117 A< 145 k _(11111 121 61. :A1: TRACT MAP '�. i1 2I IM .i . , IAT 117 u . Id -' It -t It ,.I Al I I ..76 )Aa Its I I /11j11 F_3 IASI p G�'ciU�nIG°�i�s J. U 6�K�b24 •e I 1 '* l K I W 6 e,• 7 A. Autilhll Li, •b��.�()�(1`_� :..�(r..r^.., ,"' I 2 3F1G o "AG" "AG" "AG" 1 "Cs" cp F 10 3 F 1 F c, J z "AG" W CITY OF SOUTHLAKE _ LO > W 3FC.i ' 3F1 \ , ± a - M. SCHRADER 7 ' 7 73 7A R. SMITH "SF2OA" 0 1 [ H 1 ;), --,,, 1 1-1: 0 UEY A 21 Nl Spin Representative #16 I. z 0 Dick Johnston U z I O L . "AG" ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING iii H \ F f/ 7 1 1E 2C5N zN } 2C7 2C17 2C18 2C2 2C3 2C9 2( W D _ a W J 2 I 2 ? „AG', m a I m U`( C -i N v (3 N L. "AG" "AG" "AG" = T Li_ Q i II 1 i cn I ' City of Southtake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-49 Review No:Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Concept Plan-Ridgewood II, 19.0 Acres.J.J. Freshour Survey.Abst. #521 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: PIMA Properties. Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineers. Inc. 5215 North O'Connor. Suite 200 726 Commerce Street Suite 104 Irving,Texas 75035 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone: (214) 868-9168 Phone: (817)488-3313 Fax: Fax: (817)488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Lots adjoining the north line of the project tract must be a minimum of 125' in width along the rear lot lines. 2. Provide the required 35'building setback line along all street frontages and side streets. 3. The following changes are needed with regard to rights of way: A. Warrington Lane should be aligned with Johnson Road so as not to conflict with an existing home which fronts on the south line of Johnson Road. B. Johnson Road requires a right of way dedication of 35' from the apparent existing centerline. C. Provide a street stub into the east boundary line. 4. Show the location, height and type of any proposed screening devices. 5. The bearing and distance of the second call and the distances of the third and fourth calls of the metes and bounds description do not match the graphic labels. Correct the discrepancies. * The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to City Council must be received at the City by 7/10/95. All revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and include an 11"x 17" revised reduction. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: PIMA Properties, Inc. I J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. (110r Daphine W. Johnson, 2840 Johnson Road, Southlake,Texas 76092 G:\WPF\REV\95\95-049CP.WPD 6 F 5 oa:::0 \ -IA R,ID A*--- 0000.ee.."---111"111.00: Is'd'u Taro wr y. we . room°„o►'so'f r(iir; 'i "- et uo et%a I.° A serw.ttMIllp am.... -- i 1 . " '1 °' itte I j il I I I 1 po1111pill sotj 1 r r i 1 t vow al kike 4 )t le . , 1 M► . 1 i 1 1 i �„r• M itII is. t I 1 " ,iirufv. : ....... ...C4 OA 1 \ le Pa 1Sa ;I \ 1 WI 11111111111.1.411111y It Ille,4, o o a Ike ..., v: 111 lit 1 1 rrs �° tl Ar44 1 Lrili • r o• t 1 I or• t a • t a \I % X i CD A............. bat ,o,ieto ....:„.......A 4. '.. .".N...71111.01111 ‘ a 1 \T 7 VP iiia° 6 ' . \lit '..'''*". .41 lirel." i. . I. ll il I.I1.1 ageire.I.A !Lel° i I ., A i ______I•• a----II .....1„i \ Wir.:6.6 \ i 1010.14 X Oa, 4.4 1 k I tor \ I., HN t 1 t , s ro 43:my-- It 1 �',r0N� ►n,nu, •�. I 0 t (b., 1J 5'40 (Br CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-174 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO,. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORI INANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANT G A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR ' • TS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY+, OF SOUTHLAKE,y TE. ^• S BEING s ° .y. a.FB" t LR ry Lp t �t Fri gflsj€. t,'Vf `��t W, � f1 ,ta t 4La �( �-6 yd; E� ;, ' w AND ORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHI: T "A" i ',` (A r.' -. f 7 '' ' k C ;`��`a "j's•�` #n,' �?��16 Q sT �r,r;3Y �,sz ..'r.-f ��.'.,,. -4;„1-r:rt, SUBJEC ' TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED 0 THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZO G MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF T ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBL INTEREST,MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND . I ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN • E; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; (kra, PROVIDING FOR A PENAL 'Y FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE •FFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIViE DATE. WH AS, the City of Southlak.e, Texas is a home rule City acti .. a er its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuan a •1 ' = ., - - an o I e exas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as �� . under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest\in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 1 8F-7 cre changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those (16.' who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land,avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No.480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, (111,1 G:\ORD\ZONING\480.I70 Page 2 • 8F—S (Iire is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 194,0 acre tract of land situated in the J:J:°Fr'eshour Sw v `" `bS`1r I�io42,,1 bed ` act, , and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein,from' _ gOt rc ' )V ; * ,f i 8 K,fri Kr c V Kv►x eE t "i� of r F Je a i���° e e �� ���➢ '� � `eY�. to ll�a Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or orporation who violates, disobeys,omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enfdrcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a Lviolation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 3 SF -9 Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Sout hake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fme or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. (hp, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY • PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: (kiari CITY SECRETARY G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 4 8F-la L APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L Lie G:\ORD\ZONING\480.I70 Page 5 8F- 11 EXHIBIT "A" Lie DESCRIPTION FOR A 19.0 AC. TRACT A tract in the J.J. Freshour Survey. Abstract No. 521, located in Tarrant County. described in the deed to William W. Johnson!in Vol. 1519, Pg. 269 of the Tarrant County Deed Records and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the north right—of—way line of Johnson Rood. said point being 2512.5 feet West of and 15 feet North of the Southeast Corner of the said Freshour Survey; THENCE West along the north right—of—way line of Johnson road, 655 feet to a point; THENCE N 00' 00' Off W leaving said north right--of—way. 12134 feet to a point; THENCE S 89' 58' 08" E — 655 feet to a point; THENCE S 00' 00' 56' W — 1264 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 19.0 acres of land. (re kW' G AOR D\ZO N I N G1480.170 Page 6 8F-k2 r-N r e . bn go. 'o i t�T i�.r 'a . • , - " • • . • O M . 6 111 .....zi e i I ....-- .. \ u 1 --, P = Approved Concept Plan -- 1 _-_.- for ------ __� M_ p Ridgewood I ' t 2 ; k c:4P--4 ›: tV rri 111 ;II 1 i 0 C to gig --2 ) ! - 1 dangly I I i R -) 40°'' ! ; : *.t 'ditipik P; I 1 1 ti i 1 I ' ! - .4,04 fin4 3 ' . , I II e !I I 1 V 16114 4 I 1 i -2---° 1 ; L. ! ... 41166,4F :III 1 t 9i II i s t w p •1 _ �4ww - . Pri • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-50 Preliminary Plat/Ridgewood I & II REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Ridgewood I & II, being 36.78 acres situated in the J. J. Freshour Survey,Abstract No. 521, Tract 7 and 7C. LOCATION: North side of Johnson Road,adjacent and east of Vista Trails Addition, approximately 1500 feet east of Pearson Lane. OWNER: Daphine W. Johnson APPLICANTS: PIMA Properties CURRENT ZONING: Ridgewood I, "SF-20A" Single Family Residential. Ridgewood II, "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: Ridgewood II, "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Thirty(30) RESPONSES: Two (2)written responses within the 200' notification area: • Glen Etux Lynn Burda, d/b/a GRB Construction, 2796 Johnson Rd,is in favor of the plan; however,he asked for a relocation of the exit for Ridgewood II which is directly across from his residence and driveway. Mr. Burda also noted that Johnson Road must be improved. (letter received 06-06-95) • John F. Mc Carthy, 700 Overland Trail,is in favor of the plan. (letter received 06-02-95) P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved (6-0) ZA 95-50, Preliminary Plat for Ridgewood I&II subject to staff review letter#1 dated June 2, 1995. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments from the first Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items (1.19. addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls 8U- 1 G:\W PP\MCMO\CASES95\95-5OPP.WPD • 51A� Y• P 4. s. !A lAM XS -it x x I# e Y r r " 'tr,1•i•n;�nGO �''�II f MI 78rA, ' :" INN r---' 11 if. p --,.;TGt, p„' GED DAEy�A1E A, , 7, IAI y,r IAA 71 I -1 p • 7 1+I1.1 11r ,l 1( - .gyp_ - " •F v-I. I 5"de w ie � ---- '- - TRA e• KfSRAKf CITY LIMIT r, XI w5_ I r r;. -__ --- ---t� KELLER CITY LIMIT WI r7. �_ i �A 8�.8e //'� �'^Ir - 'I.�Qp -- will r7 w7 ;IG) ®17Ya1 l`Y HI1S�RL4 YW - w7o �a w I :[ c' — " - O�'';. , .JANdREE - IpN- 1 r{ 1081 a. 7A (;-qgY7. . Y '- _'1- #.. - 1 I. IA7 -t T L MILS �•, koLiy,"�,,+ 'GR. J. WALKER E5 r" p.44(1, .-110 ;E ,/ ' , �� 4. :V'�WUOIfr A-! -- ,'�7{1� Ielt Y . - �, \ `w� .-L-4 1 A}_ -sA.leq_'47' r ' T,-I-r,--�- N7Aj''elm , I.,l. Ctj .. MI C ! : �\ . ' -eDSQR _.�_ ( --�i>'a-i.ti' li I ulAuuuuuulAulA1.7. R� ,' 7sr I. P`IS` WI I81 a x 7 " x --'I 1 g I -,,, a 7-' 7e.7 1 YI ' IaA y' '- _ Zr5i I::_ '� au I IAIAx I ]ll via F � � ' AI .>:,•.»o., 4 r' o I\ I ec ' 'an�- 1A1A1 '4 .1D Y ' ' 'A 5 -Esr' ' • .- KELLER CIT 'UMIi I - 1-4iDDN_ y.:•v':ii —__ ••.•••,—. - - - 1 7! Tr ,I D' Y ! III } a a !1 1 Y7 YIA 10l J.,Ir l�J�7��V� + �- • .l_• ' ,� 1a Je r e p e D /I 4M,T. -!Ir 1e /x x fL1111115116.x rY 1 11) `"' W RE ER1D I. I• 0 LI = F •�0 I '' y. n pN rl a. I . T z �p °" I r r r' 'j%r { rN � • � ar ; PEAR 0 T7 :c I 9 r _ _ I _ .-_ „ • ; , a •r It -- sro;If. H. I r! ,o r¢ -�_ 'a k'-1 i- A,- 7• 7A p we NER - -'7. / ®JIB re A. .)pE k 7 t (S j._ ` ? _1 giffi ,, ! 1.:A A. 13 A I I \._a. 7 ;. .^ _ ` DR`����1— 1le MAD € 1 7 �r��1 Ij DWAD I J( �A iYtiYeF— r7ry1}C✓rj0 Ip 7 7 ! u e w. �'" I- � E 1 e� �� -- - ' - pRA�ESI A irf a J' ply,11, I p u- I f r rl !A. u1 K --- �y NE_ ,g?A1- #' r, • CARROIL -- �. - K• la---- ,rL i ' .1 /03'151 II 7 ,4''A 7., 7.7 ro4 p HIGH SCHOOL 14 i i , . kiii/.=MMI - ER J a I O I �o�N51NG s.1.l7 , • GRES, - n 4 ��781 - I N P►� ---7A! 1. E, G1�Mp , - '/." 7AIA 7al .\ !Ai '• !. 7 .-. 7Ai :A 7.a K I wt• '•'t_ - 1 y / } gR GK_�KER" E5Tpt 1 r ' ` --- ' `Cad A LE' ; PA L I _ 1M. , -- — — ! Y YI • 1 _•• MI. re' stw , ,8 " , 7 fl L ' A.'...... � w J W 11^ _. "' r� °Rt' R 'IT T—--K ,774 \�.Y.. AIR I " t ll �Iu8I II��.�B{�1^10,1. 'M Il Y17 r - »I MI \, y P. E ,y �Il®Y9 Wf114. e� I W 12_.I - e1 23. ISI,1i) ,!. AbD I I. Ai 5( IM I ro- I-J (�+ �y 1 �� PIA/6 At IA PPRK R'S- �r, 1 FIEL° c: " 7A7 l,„ ,4 I G1NQotA B ; Al---a- Y �_ N°0ION L - 1fL`i®NN,11A 'Y I SON : _t<N ' -'_: T as �.° Y YI M W { Q , r ,-+ __ 1._-an• • •7a7 ! L I ry 1 ._1� " K " •. r !. r I, -4 L1.1 . _ I ."�1IIVP j Fry' woo 7.7 jp1Es ! (4''' ` r' '� �u K' l - N7 I li'/�;1' ' 9t>» S Y' 1' 1�1•GI) •._ _ 1�.1. nu ` IC A. AM ,Irr' 1I, otA ':; .].. .I 1011.j. �l i - i1 tf., ..,. ...,1: :„,,, - ;IliI LI - f TRACT MAP 'I 4 r: ( -,\ 1 rrt}i,( hlllfM ; [ ly: l t., ;11.11 I �.,. I:I}:YF:NIANY I , N 7 1✓�� C'>L'Yl ldl 1 I IN rl .../.. . ........ . R.Jordan . i. S.Shelley 3 FJ. Martin "AG" • r II "M N "MH" c C D.Settles City of Southiake " " m y _ ._._� G. Hopper 1 l 3,R. Pierce c^•� I.L.° 3 M.Scrader 'i 2 4 w N.Thieleman /: _ < 7C 7[ 7J�1-1z J. McCarthy ►4 I: - . _ 0 \\,..:*..../„, y - - iJ 0 J W. Edwards A. . ...._ . - i !-�© VE Y A ._ Spin Representative #16 Dick Johnston W. Moore , r -r- „SF-20B" _;,---- . ---- . ..._, 04 z J.Jarvies W a I L i M.Summey 0 J__ . _ . >n..__ . _ . _ //////:// r 0 0 R. Aldinger „A�„ /1/ C.Wilson I ADJACENT OWNERS I R.Smith AND ZONING R. Edmondson v r / I / .fl — \ S SF-1 A" R.Smith 2C I t 1 . A�" LvAG 2 1 1 1 ) 2C3 2C9 2 AG J 3 a NJ .--^-.` > P.1 n. t 1 N 6 6 ac N • City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-50 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Ridgewood I & II,37.0 Acres.J.J. Freshour Survey,Abst. #521 APPLICANT:PIMA Properties. Inc. 5215 North O'Connor. Suite 200 ENGINEER: J.E. Levitt Engineers. Inc. 726 Commerce Street. Suite 104 Irving, Texas 75035 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone: (214) 868-9168 Phone: (817)488-3313 Fax: Fax: (817)488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Correct the discrepancies between the bearings, distances and acreage shown in the metes and bounds description and those labeled on the graphic. 2. Show the existing structures and utilities and note whether they are to remain or not. 3. The following changes are needed with regard to rights of way: A. Warrington Lane should be aligned with Johnson Road so as not to conflict with an existing home which fronts on the south line of Johnson Road. B. Johnson Road requires a right of way dedication of 35' from the apparent existing centerline. C. Label the cul-de-sac radius of Watts Court. D. Most cul-de-sac radii are 50'. The east "eye brow" of Carrick Court has a 50.19' radius. E. Provide a street stub into the east boundary line. F. Show centerline, and apparent existing right of way of Johnson Road. 4. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: A. A minimum 10'U.E. is required for electric service. B. A minimum 15'U.E. is required for water, sewer or drainage improvements, and should be offset into one lot. C. Change the label "10'Access Easement" to "20' Public Access Easement" and dimension the (17 distance of the offset into Lots 26 and 27, Block 2. • City of Southlake,Texas D. Provide a 20' utility easement within the 20' Public Access Easement for water and sewer extensions. E. Provide owner's name and corresponding deed volume and page for the ingress/egress easement located in lot 23, Block 1. If this is a proposed ingress/egress easement staff recommends that it be labeled as a"Common Access Easement" and extended into the cul-de- sac of Bristol Glen. F. Show and label the existing easements along the east line of Vista Trails Addition,adjacent to this property . G. Show the existing R.O.W. easement for Sutton Lane located to the north of the project site. 5. Label the building setback lines at all break points and cul-de-sacs. 6. Provide the required 35' building setback line along all street frontages and side streets. With the exception of corner lots adjoining Johnson Road,City Council in the past has allowed a reduction to the standard side yard requirement of a 15' building line along the side streets of"back to back" corner lots and has allowed a 5' reduction to a 30' building line along the side street of"reverse frontage" corner lots. The applicant has shown a 20' building line along the side street of the following"back to back" corner lots: Lots 9 and 10, Block 1,Lots 17, 18, 33, 34, 40,and 41,Block 2.The applicant has shown a 25'building line along the side street of the following "reverse frontage" corner lots: Lot 5,Block 1, and Lot 22,Block 2. 7. Lots 10-13,Block 2,adjoining the north line of the project tract,are adjacent to tracts with a proposed L.U.D. of Low Density Residential and require a minimum rear lot width of 125' . 8. Corrected preliminary water, sewer, and drainage plans, which include both Phase I and II,must be submitted. No water and sewer plans were received, and the drainage plan appears to show the proposed drainage improvements for Phase II only. 9. Reconfigure lots to obtain the required minimum 100'lot width measured at the front building setback line. 10. Reconfigure lots to obtain the required minimum 20,000 square foot lot area. * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: PIMA Properties,Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. (1°'' Daphine W. Johnson, 2840 Johnson Road, Southlake,Texas 76092 Royal E. Smith, 300 Timber Trails, Southlake,Texas 76092 G:\WPFIR EV\95\95-050PP.WPD P10aJJ@URT PLAT Tor RIDGEWOOD I & II IN cfAN ADDITION TOTEC C17'Tal - SO rARR.ar COUNTY. r>m►e / In the J.J. TIMIZMOUR !URVZT. A-6E1 57 ACRES 60 core 15 1L&T 1996 • s — _ �` _ I �r'AMOS� T_ I .ramp I$" �. I 'kremlin {} �raa • � as •��ia� �=raa ve, �_. t ! L t ( I ...tM _ _ ,„.YJC .. ..tit u�, r r �� - 14 tol i. LOf_9 *ea WC y , I • --« " WI II f Ial a7 I I 1 for to tar n 1 /-� _ I. .o trs vu.._, /1'd t I t �►+• veal.——/ �► I • us - - i I . -aa — ` fors 1. CT. 4 ) v r s 11 I ./-i. 1 rr:— I I. , r l 04,11511 fors 1 I fora. I Ulf IS forr7 1 I WI ( Itar a LOT IX es I v n t rya et 1 i ��= ,._Ai, ./ )141 1 I I. fa r • Br-ho.as E---T—S----__ - i tonal hm!* t1r, L Ial tara. : r' s I !R>f ( ( I It tarts ' 4j9 _j _ • ' • I Lr._4 . mew I • n----«— for . somttea nc 1 tom®t ' I i • • Ip 16 " l� — - tar 401 ■ L ■arH I 1 I/ la[i ■R i i = tar 7 1Cr. I I t.r• f • • ---I� tor• • �� --{---- i • I. •UlfM brN ( I • lie t . �� I • • ter a I I for a lap v I I `,..sy..—J r , ' O a 4r ..,.fur.—J UR It "� I .fp aWtnoL s3sr 1 g.--d-- ' I. �a I I I — t s WWII--,1�- I tar n -v - \ I y..s! w uwt-"—.,..•, _ t • /—• r —1 t I I • ' for13 I . -- tve IPA ftm« Uf� ■I �' It �>< �t1 Mg UN NUM I I a ea • • _ • ...1 tr10. I — 'r-1 ter}1- _ _�-�s _ — __ ---1 _—� ---_--F _-�__ I I I I I I I I • o...: ROYP.L H. BM1TH p/sPHINQ W.-JOHNSON ���•� 7011a1aa TM__ PIMA PROPERT■B6. IN fatl■.—.lava wan Q(..' �v■.Mi 7M.. WU WWII db0■XO.WI WO�J IMO,lama 7.110 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-175,First Reading ZA 95-51 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Canterbury Parc,formerly Huntington Estates REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Canterbury Parc,formerly Huntington Estates, 10.0236 acres situated in the O. W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tracts 4A,4B, and 4C The development proposes seventeen (17) residential lots with a density of 1.76 du/ac. LOCATION: 620 South Carroll Avenue on the west side of South Carroll Avenue, approximately 1700 feet north of East Continental Blvd. OWNER: Paul L. Schell APPLICANT: Blackard Industries, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential • NO.NOTICES SENT: Four(4) RESPONSES: One(1)written response within 200' notification area: • William and Zena Rucker, d/b/a Rucker Family LTD Partnership, 650 S. Carroll Ave., is in favor of the plan,however, Mr. and Mrs. Rucker commented that they would like the plan to specify: trees fifteen(15)feet in from fence;one(1)house per corner fronting the Wester property line; correct water problem; and a closed storm sewer s stem. (letter received 06-05-95) cm, P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved ZA 95-51, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Huntington Estates subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary#1 dated June 2, 1995; deleting items (#5b and #7b) and noting on the record that developer, on his own submission, has provided a 70 feet SH- 1 City of Southlake,Texas R.O.W. at the entrance. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all of the review comments of the first Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls (re G:\W PF\MEMO\CASES95\95-51 ZC.W PD L 8 N -Z w0 id.,1a a '. �IZ[r J ER RR�1-. CAF ROIL II 1 [1 • w r K ,• u x 1 g0 S,EM d GE I b CCNOOL o ��� P l I — 3-___ I_.T- D M N 4 I .�. I 7R / 107 n ql. to 1f ;`.I �a 7Af W it r U Nfl k }/�{ �,l�y,�f�•� - J. / TO I for k • */ -1 • -- t) Lie - _ HAI�d ILNER W.W. HALF PpD;-- .1f I ;..•;�f•f:� L RICH I> D EAD3 S..K, •_wr O 4• a I / Yhl S I r I° n I YP1i®^1A3 dt9A ' PY�l r °I. ..I..+ I H*. i • / : j - - ! pi CITY f'1 _ I, I s l -- �u ES�fA•• s-•'._ _ -. eIcENrtytrt�l K 1 • 1. S' f r I -j r �a -/--'' n �V� • ALL ��,- -• . - '� skX li a NO. N .0 . •..,•7 ..�, I ADDRID Y' ;.... -- E51A _ s k� POP leas x •As - ' nl9�g R D -- - - :r..i -- Tt n, n»>ex 11 s�•. rnq t.t D Vun awwwc aw. 1III—_i 1��'I!-• ::. .��.. ram _ -- ---_-_--_--_- —__ -- 7 X X - Y I ; :: %x L11 X 3• K Ok/ 1ak fk DIG ',.." Fqk IN GD lY''��I; 58 P "0 Y „ _. +GNRGH _ nn k i° - I Ili yy Qx0I ®iii 214 2Al A lu t l! ', 101 A OK X 51pTEg PItJE vff�` 5 ' rya k\ „ C sill .� >a 1 �. ". >.><; 1\ ff JOH(r� A. IFRr I: �n 1„ E 0�31BI:H �7. r;(t�J 'Y 10lK, . 1 - + `90 r .k e•1'` f Tom••[. ._ lO k ''•a -_.T^�i-- --- lOn k j1 '•3 RRtl�k N)'�L r iff A ----, --'.r----t.1 - • V /,X { .. - �:, l su.a _.°:..ro.sr I Ml I U IS- _ —f 'P ,A Yl OA 1. ID m 1 ! NE t•i • fLl 1 wo, a 4 I ..l ` k I NI • {f, :ft& 1 - ' I' j • • • • •r,+N.. 1�. �y . ' '�1 1 l, iii 1 • " M MI---- I ,<- .Ay,„A Y T'; ,A w MAl p ^1-4. 1 \`\ 1 ' Al M�'N 1 U NQ_ �_a r___\1�- ' ( ! I -WALL dYd1 Dl�I ? I «f.k �xR'1) j ' _ ,fo-.1 l w .. �r .0 ... •I 1 0 K A-roll \) ][.• lr fl k _ - _ :- - w tl1 .A. 1 A E ` ''t - ( , ffx k HOILLINGSWORTH 1; -. l3A�II�tEYY - ---1-1r1- x, M;- - - X - 71 HARRISON DECKER A Yi< . r I `�' frlrf rryI 'r_� - -1_ -_ -- �1 xwMr AAJI / • to, r� - 1, ( I , I I 1 x x 441, ,V} • Z. TRACTIA "AO ee C. a , MAP �L ... _ >.r INDI/5: 1 i i w� I x s •1� LRr'L Illl" I QR1/p11 'N -. ,\, \, fwl ,< a(oil- i : IyEAPNtn`l9 I,r Dlil r tin luN I �'( Dnlf, /1r I I In'' ' < f nut 11 W/.1/.1. k1 1SAI ,1 1, n ,il \ 9 / j '' ``,1II \.„` Epp 1 I \\, '.A, NE \\, �' �( I Ucial ` a KN' • E. Smith "SF-20B" C. Prade "AG" Spin Representative #8 Pafty Minder Rucker Family / eb M. Kercho Rucker Family "AG" 8A1 "SF-20B" "AG" 8A Rucker Family 8A2 8A i I 1 6A ADJACENT OWNERS rr _0 \iG7yRDI CI AND ZONING City of Southlake,Texas CONOEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95 51 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Concept Plan -Canterbury Parc(formerly submitted as Huntington Estates). 10.0236 Acres. O.W. Knight Survey Abst.#899 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Dlackard Industries. Inc. Warren E. Hagen 4444 West Grove. Suite 200 500 Grapevine Hwy.. Suite 472 Dallas. Texas 75248 Hurst. Texas 76054 Phone: (214) 380-4805 Phone: (817) 577-1952 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to the proposed street : A. Change the name "Canterbury Court" to a name which is not similar to any existing streets within Southlake. This street name already exists. B. Show the east boundary line of Lot 18 (the private access, public utility and drainage easement). 2. Staff recommends that the name of the development be changed so as not to be confused with a similar existing street name which is located within a different development. 3. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot width of 100'. For lots fronting a curve,the required width is measured at the front building setback line. Change the lot configuration or. increase the building setback line(in 5'increments)for Lot 8,Block 1 in order to meet the minimum required lot width. 4. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: A. Place the utility easement located in lots 7 and 8 into one lot. B. If possible,place all of the 15'drainage and utility easement located in Lots 10 and 11,Block 1, into Lot 11. C. Change the 10' drainage and utility easements located along the north and south lines of the project tract to a 15' drainage and utility easement. C BN -5 City of Southlake,Texas 101, Sight triangles at the southeast corner of Lot 17 and the northeast corner of Lot 1 are � incorrectly shown. Please note that the walls shown encroach the sight triangles and must be g relocated. (See enclosed sight triangle exhibit) 5. Provide dimensions between angle points, points of intersection and to the front common property corner, for the front building setback lines on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1. * The applicant should confer with the City Engineer and Fire Marshall in regard to the subdivision entrance design and gate location to insure adequate traffic stacking and turn around space. * The front building setback lines for Lots 9 and 10,Block 1 are in excess of the required setback,and are unusually configured. * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to City Council must be received at the City by July 10. 1995. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and include an 11"x 17" revised reduction. • * Denotes Informational Comment enc: Sight triangle exhibit cc: Blackard Industries,Inc. Warren E. Hagen David C. Moak Surveyors,Inc., P.O. Box 1034, Hurst,Texas 76053, (817)268-2211 G:\WPF\REV\95\95-051 CP.W PD 8kk-40 I I . All lots within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City 'I (...„ shall have a minimum 40' building setback line from all streets adjacent to the lot. J. All lots within the City Limits shall meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance of the City. Section 8 .02 Sight Triangle: I A. Definition: A sight triangle shall be the triangle created by I connecting a point which is 10 feet along the R.O.W. at the intersection and a point extending away from the intersection a distance of • 40 feet (see Figure 8-1) . This line shall I extend by projection to the back of curb on improved streets or the edge of pavement on unimproved streets along both streets impacted. The sight triangle herein referenced shall include all area between the above defined line and the street pavement. (Amended Ord. No. 483-A) B. Restriction: There shall be no tree, shrub, plant, sign, I soil, fence, retainer wall or other view obstruction having a height greater than two (2) feet within the sight triangle as defined above. This height shall be measured above a line drawn between the top of curb or edge of pavement of both I streets at the point where the referenced line intersects the top of curb or edge of pavement. Cl. This restriction shall not apply to trees within the I triangle having a diameter of less than twelve (12) inches when such trees are trimmed at all times so that no branch or growth is less than seven (7) feet above the above referenced measurement line. - C. Plat Requirement: All final plats which are subject to the I regulation of this ordinance and have intersections of public R.O.W. shown on the plat shall have the following statement on the face of the plat prior to filing in the County Plat I Records. "The owners of all corner lots shall maintain sight triangles I in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. " Section 8.03 Monuments and Markers: A. Permanent Survey Reference Monuments: Concrete monuments, i eight • (8) inches in diameter and twelve (12) inches long, shall be placed on all boundary corners which are along existing dedicated R.O.W. at the perimeter of the subdivision. A 5/8" diameter iron rod having a minimum length of 18" shall be placed flush with the top and at the center of the concrete monument. The monuments shall be set at such an elevation that they will not be disturbed during construction Li 8H'7 ., I '''' ,.........) ,............... I 111 STREET 11 40' , 10' I 't 1 (........"11 : 1 --PROPERTY/R.O.W.LINE _ N..... o C t t • BUILDING LINE \ t I 1 i t I - I BACK OF CURB :} 1 11 i I SIGHT TRIANGLE 1 I • Jr A -.•—— \ sir - "1=Tiur .r ...r. IIRMIIM` {b-ViTh Alfinli1.1;/• 0' I Ifillik .. r rile: _ .e u 2 a r � I I I I I I SCUM*1wi l , I I i1 I '0 /' i11 I I 1 BLOCK t i 1 I I 1 is y 11 I r. zz 1 • I 14 IS IS 1 * .,. (_ •1 iI FF. I. II , I \ .4 ! 1 00Ani. A Z.fJ I !1 1 ,1:.I.Ii. Lii- i 1l• I, ,, , , ..r ---ice 1 "I u --;'''' . .2r_w___—• 4 ailliii ll- _ • Mg:., /e/, llir,i 7X1 r, 1i11. 1 _ _c.:-..*,,.,,_44--. I: / , '� CANTERBURY COURT .b"' —k• ,,.e......., - 1 P\ A.\\t\ , / .rlr..sar t „ , , 0„,Ts-- _4:.:".• 710101111111___ _\ 71gdllliIll__.zz:_::_L: 11M11MMIIWPIM Var 11.11011W - — ..-r.— 1, 1 i:. s,, is.............1.....i ,......6_,"...... I, lk t I / I` 0 / • 44/ P C / /�, ... i: 1 i !I i i t I' 1 / / rrA 1, 7 SCHEC101412 WALL I I -.�1 II o r . " J c'" l — — ' .0-—.� — J,✓tLIDR- - .ti I .... I AAR i ilk \IDr s::s z z:s: I Sin DATA { r..t i 1 T .440 1 I.AREA IN ADDITION 10.024 ACRES R �� I _ .I• . I r� ' '� _. 2.RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 0O0 ACRES _ _� � I S S.NLT AREA IN ADDITION S.ttO ACRE! - ti =.� r.TOTAL LOTS- RESIDENTIAL 17 {__.__._ _____ ' � - -D.YINLOTSI2f l0.000 t.1. • 't. DENITY-LOTS PER ACRE 1.701- e .. C 0. EXISTING"CURRENT VSE 1 S.F.ROIDENCE .•I�. 7.PROPOSED ZONING-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDIAL S.F.20A v P ' '--.. -MiE= 0rK -'s- I O NTII - z:: 0.LU.D:tINCLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MED.ovum Y. : EN - z sL3- I Il—g- i.`---JIS--1 ,zs-E S 1 1 CANTERBURY PARE ENTRANCE DETAIL I a I THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS _- CONCEPT PLAN FOR SF-20A ZONING REQUEST (0119? ./— ON, OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 4811-175 1\ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS ', \', AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND j WITHIN THE CITY(' OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING�,ao 'o '``' ', fc. irm % �'�. �� 1� ;7, �� �\i `@' ypp P 6�y/�/f q ,%• E 4§`", • 6 .�9. kf , ��I , C 6 f , ! L F •� ' , �It . , ...., MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" 00::,, ,,,f1. Y ;l ,t 4 7; t NR�' ,. ,! ,a'[$ "�Y. „S y• • ,Ly„e„._..so 61J ,� PPS i £ ;7 1 7• ` " 77 7 r SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST,MORALS AND / GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; (lipe PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial,residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as �,, :,,„ ;a t, x : ', under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest\in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by (kr the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\ZONI NG\480.170 Page 1 SN-1D changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those thriir who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 180,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, (me G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 2 8K- 11 is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 1.0.0446,acre tract of land situated in the Q ttl $:99; g '„ fi &,s.s C, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from p p � I y R .."w� dA ify;1€,• 1 *"`,7. c.�C � 4'� i # If' fit, �w� � �Y�vy E@ 171:4 x_. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas,to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed,with respect to both (ilime present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or Forporation who violates, disobeys,omits,neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enfdreement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. G:\O RD\ZON I NG\480.170 Page 3 u tj Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance,and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance,as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. Lre MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: Lie CITY SECRETARY G:\ORD\ZON I NG\480.I70 Page 4 81A- 13 L APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: (be G:\ORD\ZONI NG\480.I70 Page 5 81-1-1`� EXHIBIT "A" ALL of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the 0. W. KNIGHT SURVEY, Abstract No. 899, Tarrant County, Texas and embracing the tract described in the deed to Paul L. Schell and wife, Mary Schell recorded in Volume 2851, Page 198 of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Schell tract, being by deed call 1307 varas South of the Northeast corner of said Knight survey, and being in South Carroll Road (County Road No. 3021 ) ; THENCE South 00 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds West with the Easterly boundary line of said Schell tract and the Easterly boundary line of said Knight survey (as cited in said deed) 457 . 63 feet to the Southeast corner of said Schell tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West with the Southerly boundary line of said Schell tract and passing at 16 . 76 feet a 5/8 inch steel rod found, in all 952. 78 feet to (re a 5/8 inch capped steel rod stamped "SMLS" found for the Southwest corner of same; THENCE North 00 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East with the Westerly boundary line of said Schell tract 458. 92 feet to a 3/4 inch steel rod found for the Northwest corner of same; THENCE EAST with the Northerly boundary line of said Schell tract and passing at 936 .16 feet a 5/8 inch steel rod found, in all 952. 78 feet to the place of beginning and containing 10. 0236 Acres of land, more or less. i (kw G:\ORD\ZONING\480.170 Page 6 8H -(5 r , .. .. SI, -1 ,� i1 ` Il I Ir tVl J L•19 n I i I I tl • I 3 e KOCK 1 , 0 I \ I ,i 14 qm I i ..•a • I (! f�� EO t ~- II LI 1 II 1 " 12I 1 IfS IT — — — I "4'1, 00•••••4 C o I: T , •.AirAllr I ram. .. - -- - --- -J j 1I O ' t. , . I}i �' / _ _ _ D 1 V ' i � • CANTERBURY COURT - - iR -�! I c:-. rAL. 1, ,i,,I ..... /10,,XN. / 4. \ I ) k l,_:11 I r / -—1"^—1 i a •ri I 1 r.7.7, "7",.'iTt • (" "' : ' '' S $ AiIS111' I ,. 1111 I STAtLT i - ;1 !ill . Ill :ill I-1- I a / / / / sa wa "i+u 1.1� J /- ..c' ' 1 _ I 1 + C9 I ' a I ��-' I �' .� .•• J I I — —, —x 1-3 ,....N Q _}L d f 11 1 II ` h. I °f j 1 i_ - .- SITE DATA • w I 0 I.AREA IN ADDITION 10.024 ACRES --•T� 1.../iWJ._LL. 1 • AREA •, '/ f E.RICNT Of WAY DEDICATION CUE ALOES DI 1 CJ I -__ 1 NET ASG IN ADDITION RASA ACRES ---- 1 ,I- -✓ • j� '• A.TOTAL LOTS-RESIDENTIAL IT I F --- '''-I---- - - 0.DIN.LOT NINE 20,000 1r. 4 IL' • 0.DENSITY-LOTS FOR ACRE LTo • - . - I,Qg R.17I3111IC•CORRENT UST 1 S.I.STRIDENCE __ .. . J- v `•• T.PROPOSED LONINC-SINGLE rADILY RESIDENTIAL S.I.20a -\q.N O$__ 'd S.LU.0.-SINCLE PANTY RLSNOfl EN 1AL NED.DO I P F s.s4,., L.. L PIDS+ 11 1 ' _ AY• , I CANTERBUR�PARC ENTRANCE DETAIL 1 I I THE CITY OF SOUTBLAKE. TEXAS .,..,,••Ar @ CONCEPT PLAN FOR SF-20A ZONING REQUEST . • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 z TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-52 Preliminary Plat/Canterbury Parc, formerly Huntington Estates REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Canterbury Parc, formerly Huntington Estates, being 10.0236 acres situated in the O. W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tracts 4A,4B, and 4C The development proposes seventeen(17)residential lots with a density of 1.76 du/ac. LOCATION: 620 South Carroll Avenue on the west side of South Carroll Avenue, approximately 1700 feet North of East Continental Blvd. OWNER: Paul L. Schell APPLICANT: Blackard Industries, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Four(4) RESPONSES: One(1)written response within 200' notification area: • William and Zena Rucker, d/b/a Rucker Family LTD Partnership, 650 S. Carroll Ave., is in favor of the plan, however, Mr. and Mrs. Rucker commented that they would like the plan to specify: trees fifteen(15)feet in from fence; one(1)house per corner fronting the Western property line; correct water problem; and a closed storm sewer system. (letter received 06-05-95) P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved(6-0)ZA 95-52, Preliminary Plat for Huntington Estates subject to the Preliminary Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995; deleting items,#8b and#10b. 53Z- City of Southlake,Texas STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated June 16, 1995. KPG/ls • (IIIIP' G:\WPFIMEMO\CASES95\95-52PP.WPD 81 - z -13 i ,2 032 Li�EJ_ M .- H 4 g" RRpLL K CA,a7u.. .�.{I-,c] - if n i-x a to _ �. wr ]! ■ {...I N� 1 s 4 IL GA 1 f ' D .'I f ( q — M ! �� n- :, , 5s,QY'CA' p GEC 04 ln,L ®~q 1 0,A a V' �I 102 :® ,c 2A -2 i-r I I 2131 4 INN \ J- u q, �l zw/ I':`E,i 4' Il7AVer A-..2LL MIL:NER W.W. LL_A A L. . . . i‘r, � . L pA �l —TIiS 9 r� RICWk,R.D_.mE Q®S , J_ y 34 Gf L Ng11T4A 4 ; ' ...,1_.. . , '�Y 1 _y p I Y S do „,,j j 1 .' THO AS QHaN j pAK: + I --Ii00,- - - { i\ CITY brig" 0 111, + i r E HALL§ <4 - .11 - __ ' OIL t'-I: -0 _ AGIS-If - II, g ` 9 4' PIT .I • 5 E �11 € 1 1 7 s ,- v :RN ,1 BICEN .IAt N 7 1 ), , 5 , , , , , a ..', u -- PAR 0.1... -- • r - —i 1T NOR iHWE51 L 0'G' 6 P� N.f 1 1 r 68 _ E' ` m x Np. N ,' ]4 2A Or) .., 2a, .111 Ap Y' Es-i ]4 R ii© ,ar _rm.. ..= tam__ _.---_ - Ei' D' x n._..tr. ,mp 2A2 1111 WO .9 LAS1 swna.0 ww. x7 / x �E xi Y Y SD 'LI SOI 1 __=4.Y ]A, Y:----�-- p- --------- II 'B f—,- '--_ _x � 213 MtA— NV 111 N PE t G A, ax At GpR Sp / Y ,� N�OIC' 104 f4 �.✓]4 ..374 pl GE 24]4 ]Of4 ( IR OI --- IS4 BJ O • tit RGH P s :2 AP' 2 --- -- n1 MI$ ES Ixx.. 56 O x' m P� - ) 0 x', a 2AK 2A,•Aq I 2f2 2AS ', 2A1I , 2 ~ ' O , 2 q, — x 1p-fE5 pItIE a r - 5 A • l „bIN° 4P RFS x— 2 2,4 �2�{I lr n FIN I���I'-± d,M . .�(E I la �N,) a a]A tax Y1- ®�f5®I OC/� t�W ,.,4 /{' �r.ba� Q. Ir Rle _t'AYCI - -- - , Illl 1 At ✓-LJA 0 i -r--- t � (` �I s N15 .3 4 X ][ ]C2A }RA - �. C. , x, 301,4 51JAl I ./ , ', - r I A G 2 `o' C,/ / all 20 4 (� MI I U {4 U ` , ' :' •_• I • _ T � J.�. HQLI) MI q4 -�1'1 1 _ _- • b 1. ,g�• ] r ,` ( I , r I pl{ MI I I AN 2A a AflO.s,xI i 4. .4 �.,.If 1' `s rl N 1NE Yn ,s-1 q Ili-4 � � • f,I "' { l4 {u ■ {a GR ��l } i; p,.'.. l ,, IA X ..♦ , , " •.. s -` 2 '; "all 1 i x w a B LNI . in '1.` 7 (; 0' `' IN i .T • ";• t�."`' ",Gil\K ____ ALI 1 q4 q6d. u.4 I PAf 7 , , K ( PP' 4 .- ��,- . , ]I I 1 1., l .2 I 1 2'r 'A .AS, .O. .W l - L !tA , x id,, ][2'rA ------------- I ', 1 ', 7 i_. , q - --A---. Y J :1 'A."' .161..0 ▪ 1 1 .1... ••...."4.,f4P' 1 I oilto 111 1 • 1���▪ {{{""���777 ,- I �, ! • V ' 1��I�t1 CIS__].. lq4 1 • Sf ___ —_ , -I▪.� .. 16 If _c A 2eI S A ...aR 's 62r ea 1 • I2]]4 uu4 -f7QL L WUf�®ISIW � �,,:, ' \ I ..q4 -_ Ali NU -111161 se mon I YYY... ]IA.K. A-„]. • 1M1...r. A1 -' ) ,]M4 2[., ],f,4 - M-i_ J.ofr--• AAJ]�� pp pp ����IIII//��@@������pppppp,,,,,,���{{{ S�II� _ ▪ (nor.+*S.t�-•i .o I r11 I �n a]{4 ^U L LIaCGSVIV RTH , ----31,4 -1-Tic.:"C\' y.,, ..7......."1,H," `--,,,,3 EARITIT J—xx x, A, tt - 1'1 HARRISON DEC KER JO At �•' ac 'r TRACT MAP R�L i/,t�tt r�� ) 11 IN p i I 1 '14 : Su • I /. Rf QRo >r y tL 1 rA, OLL ; yfisP1A`I- I tr:NItnI04 ; - A lPN I �j /]" PLAN 5 I � G lc II E `, I 5I/ L n \ � I/ 1 �T_3 \ ' ,n l it il I . rA4'1I1tJl\I wI. Q IIµ,II r r _ .,___,1 i C- - - - a f E. Smith "SF-20B" C. Prade "AG" 4 Spin Representative #8 i Patty Minder Rucker Family /07/Z I „AG„ CA H 4 / •. M. Kercho Rucker Family "AG" 8A1 ++SF-20B++ "AG" 8A ", i , Rucker Family i 8A2 BA I I 1 I / 6A \7' -'- F R 1 ADJACENT OWNERS —J -� AND ZONING City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-52 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name:Preliminary Plat-Canterbury Parc(formerly submitted as Huntington Estates).10.0236 Acres, O.W. Knight Survey Abst.#899 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Blackard Industries, Inc. Warren E. Hagen 4444 West Grove. Suite 200 500 Grapevine Hwy.. Suite 472 Dallas. Texas 75248 Hurst.Texas 76054 Phone: (214) 380-4805 Phone: (817) 577-1952 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Provide the correct owner's deed volume and page for the Kercho/Kochweop tract (Proposed Versailles). Volume 388-154, Page 91 is incorrect. 2. POB must be tied to survey corner,previously filed subdivision corner or USGS monument. 3. The following changes are needed with regard to the proposed street : A. Change the name "Canterbury Court" to a name which is not similar to any existing streets within Southlake. This street name already exists. B. Show the east boundary line of Lot 18 (the private access, public utility and drainage easement). 4. Staff recommends that the name of the development be changed so as not to be confused with a similar existing street name which is located within a different development. 5. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot width of 100'. For lots fronting a curve,the required width is measured at the front building setback line. Change the lot configuration or increase the building setback line(in 5'increments)for Lot 8,Block 1 in order to meet the minimum required lot width. (11 8Z-S % City of Southlake,Texas 6. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: A. Place the utility easement located in lots 7 and 8 into one lot. B. If possible,place all of the 15'drainage and utility easement located in Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, into Lot 11. C. Change the 10' drainage and utility easements located along the north and south lines of the project tract to a 15'drainage and utility easement. D. Delete the sight triangles shown on lots 1 and 17.The following note should be placed on the Final Plat when it is submitted: "The owners of all corner lots shall maintain sight triangles in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance." 7. Provide dimensions between angle points, points of intersection and to the front common property corner, for the front building setback lines on Lots 9 and 10,Block 1. * The applicant should confer with the City Engineer and Fire Marshall in regard to the subdivision entrance design and gate location to insure adequate traffic stacking and turn around space. * The front building setback lines for Lots 9 and 10,Block 1 are in excess of the required setback,and are unusually configured. * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Blackard Industries,Inc. I Warren E. Hagen David C. Moak Surveyors,Inc.,P.O. Box 1034, Hurst, Texas 76053, (817)268-2211 (1111"' G:\WPF1REV\95\95-052PP.WPD I I I , oft. (r ,, rr.taeea I idir POINT`OP I UCINNINC \ a. 11. ..., _ -r'� —r— i r�. ...� I — I A : II !', I to Ia !s I ' I I i aloe 1 I I ♦ I • I j tt f it I — M� _ ( 12 ♦♦{ i I a 1• { N ' f 1 1. FIB f I �� ,.,. 0 :-.. Niii 1 '--- ... ,..--.0 I. . - 1 -.e. Sr• .C.D—• 1 NI t•Orr I Si,\ii rdi' 1.11 e ..... . ro,i, il. ...... MOM wow. Mar I. 1 ' usrwAMC NIRP MO _ - •ge j» 4 / ...___. ea»e,.•.E... I' fel), CANTERBURY COURT ��� I :MY T•.E•.'E. iet., \ .. 4......:st AnT"-).:. %. f...a SW A••\ • ; L- ..--...........- 2' _ _— 4 .n .... itP: ' I 1 , ,, .„ , -_________i_ _,,s---___ .....7-:-.. - , . tl i / --------------_-_-.... ..—.--_______ __--- ___._ __, 1 : • /�...f-_ / Ia f11 3 4 J , I t e • I k fTRl�T 4-� _�. '� 11/: ,Fi 7 J a • , �' a I // r.a_ L""s III 1 �I 3 ' / / / / I / B sii ''X I _�O . tXOTWC ONE STORY HOUSE i I I- AAO'RAMC SHED 10 OE b RLN014D i OW SM..wiuur.u. f II I II QUANTITATIVE LAND USE SCNfOUCE I I I I —. IAI45I4C wOU$C J 4 a%O 1o,°F9 urn ACR'Se ouu JCR E I AC NM OEN. AC SF 20-A 18 17 10.02.14 1.7 9454 ' ' ANTICf•ATED CONPLI770N AOC: strT. 1995 A PRELIMINARY PLAT • OFL.. CANTERBURY PARC . 10.0236 ACRE TRACT M LOTS OW Of rwf I►�\` 0. IF KN/CHT SURVEY. ABST. NO. 899 IN TWIT - CITY OF SOUTNLIKE TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS 50 25 0 50 100 • - _• _ 1 SCALE FEET City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-53 Specific Use Permit for Packaged Beer Resolution 95-19 REQUESTED ACTION: Specific Use Permit for the sale of packaged beer for off-premise consumption at Southlake Food Mart, being legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Corner Addition and being 1.019 acres situated in the W. R. Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 500 LOCATION: 2210 West Southlake Blvd. at the northeast corner of West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709)and Randol Mill Avenue OWNER/APPLICANT: Hady Aghili d/b/a/ Southlake Food Mart CURRENT ZONING: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO.NOTICES SENT: Eight(8) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved (6-0) ZA95-53, Specific Use Permit/ Resolution 95-19. • STAFF COMMENTS: Note that Staff waived the submittal of a concept plan with this application because the site had an approved site plan on file and the applicant proposes no changes to the site or to the occupancy as a result of this request. An 11" x 17" reduction is attached instead of the full- size blueline and no review comments are attached. (We apologize for the poor quality of this exhibit; however,the original was of a similar quality.) On September 17, 1991, the City Council approved a Specific Use Permit (" UP") for the sale of packaged beer for off-premise consumption for Southlake Food Mart. (Resolution No. 91-42) This permit was valid for a period of two (2) years and required that the applicant complete a drainage channel on Randol Mill Avenue subject to the box culvert having been installed on F.M. 1709. Mr. Aghili and 83-- 1 City of South lake,Texas the City entered into a construction agreement addressing the timing and conditions of the required drainage improvements. It was essential that these improvements be coordinated with the F.M. 1709 construction project. When Mr. Aghili realized that this could not be accomplished within the two-year time period, he requested an extension of his construction agreement with the City. On September 7, 1993, the Council granted the extension until September 10, 1994 and further approved a waiver of the installation of the required eight- foot(8')screening fence adjacent to the residential property on the East at the request of the single-family owner. However, the agreement provided that the screening device should be installed before any renewal or extension of the SUP for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Mr.Aghili was under the impression that this one-year extension to the construction agreement also extended his SUP for the sale of packaged beer until September 10, 1994. However, staff can find no evidence that this is the case. A check of Public Safety records indicated no alcohol-related violations or complaints have occurred at this location. Furthermore, Mr.Aghili has met all prior contractual agreements with the City and — seeks to continue the sale of packaged beer for off-premise consumption at this location. KPG/ls • (IT G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-53SUP.WPD 83-�^ -2 % - 54 . 15Ktfi P q v ON 2A5lehie h,1�rhl. � , k; A�i,ig"rout N'ditin dTGLIHAJI�I1 p R ON WK wt 41 a, IM INN : I .K t: _ o0 KS'AI.' >9,1 C A 11 _; -- vAEsr - )A 1 I D LEr <Y' vt51A74 - - 1 L Ic y r f _ -(-1'; L x£SRAKE CITY LIMl1 „I x -I-- -4_,,I "�IS[' y __ - I_ KELLER CITY LIMIT ■.� s , C __ — ®®1® L ®H� C�HI�Df���� YI x ®® � . ..,. 1-,'q ca 1� -- NE•5 Q r '" ■® 5; .JA-_ REE lot•- --Y-I ,A ,,...'.., LI U 1.� j x 4Tb®WYRS- w ' ' MtL1- ' ';..:J '' Ly ^• 'GR - I r t 153 K a �Dp 1 t:. .h I x J. WALKERS i v..' _ l,� ` -. >�1 -- 0 rr����ppe Jr , '� IIICTAI IKTn 318 k,'" I--'fl , , N12 N' ( rA:A' t-_ - _- • r aLa.�'� \ f 1 ,•, I _ .�1 JJJ 11' MIA{ Nr,w i G 5- `- �A®11i� C 4, �`['`g11'p, --�- . I _-Z; ,J_F,,. 9 IAIA MA AM Al*Al IA1A1A , • rgL) N{ ...2120X2 m x 11 9 o.-I • _� '4-',-•� • I . ssK ,_/Z -•KELLER CIT LIMIT -I}. •A'....., •' _ - -A-<_ `. , F F g_F'M ��� ,..�• [. • 'i_'ram 'T' - �-,,r--f', Y. i1c ' u 1 , 3 iiii RD C S,..t. _m. ,B = © 1 = - •►,,- ;: Br"--T.' T ,PEER • ©I - o �; . o ' . ;I'{ ,Y',,. IF_u Sc� s' ==.,A1:=Mi' .0 NK ? A 'iC� j ' __MI y5 y -_ .. ..�_ ^ �' I 5 { .. . .wl '{ Al ileg ii,,....„ 7 70 7A IA '000 Ma J. FREIN•JR ) T{ Y - ,t- ,,,\ - f.;:ii 42' yo355, ,,.• • . -Y- I -it ,' �- , 1{4 1i15[{K f5K 1 -,� •'r ` „ --`-T C ' -- pii N7 c .1111)" wpm, i- '14,091'‘ - i' " ' ' -0 7;1-- ill la '''' I _____ 41/00 _____t 1- - ' : "Milria71 1 r xi x)m>at5{xt xi m xK xi �1.,. r `, 1 >o z - -- - '. , 1 1 ,C 115 \A' .‘..i.A ;. u{K 1E52' -5 I Tr. n4 ® HIGH SCHOOL , ' :� it 1• xf ,,,..4- , , , A m 2.5 r Q.........: 1 ` L •N E. I ,,-t- S- c ✓, i -'i... - poo „l, �K4�b.1' �5'.E pi. Ii:' . •�:::,...I 1 , , ,,, _ , =1'=r 1 - - i _ : - - C I ,�oi . 1NG 1,,, .- .. 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I /II (? ! 11.1ky A r Ail° 1 ill.YFHTANY 1 / I t),) �`� L 'I`I(;l >A EL 1 51y � 1 (f.l. -tit ✓I ' LE..&.; Crl<.�+V E;A �1 ii yA W—.3 I �I ' I 1111`1 It 1^v i�E 1' Pi1S* .„r. ., a . . A• t'r OA .P s . \ , 1 1 ( _ CL- I 1 I 1- � T. ,. . - / Spin Representative#13 - P114 - -' Rex Potter --- - DP S4 _ . S I. •t • 23 "S F-1 A" I / „AG„ �(D) O. Collins / A. Brown "C-2" \'\ Q "C-2„ B. Erickson J. Sutton D "SF-1 A" Aik ki... D. Brown Aillik 4 � 4 - ..C_3.. Southlake J.V.> 2. \- \z< J. Martin i • Albertson's, Inc. \ HL. PI \-< _ _ N Southlake J.V. r ) < Si N -\- - 3 "C-3" J•C)s I <6\.' - _._i \2A4A St \ 1 � ?).+ . , ADJACENT OWNERS —' o AND ZONING 1 ,1 A m I 13 I I 8 S 1+ • Y . / i a. ! Y Drainage Computations ` �, +� 'e0 _ i ''1 i i i _ Aug. W. r.. 1t. -0. SA-. .La. 311 LW a,w • I' ' r� 1' ,n .t 1 r.w -�\ Isla,. ,600 r ,O Q• •f •f !r, .I 241 • µ�.r• , y yl� /'/j 1�.��' ' S@Chop A'-A" Sec ti on "R"-"R' • \----' "I ' P 4,-/ / \ Pfdposed ., v ,,, 12 )..-ic e •„, -...4., \ \ . _..... . % ` 1 • •e.1. r oo „ •* '� / • • 44 ::, k noge'.wAreo Mop $ \i•iti .. \ �/''� \\ ., \ . seaman A• q i:a \ .y • ��� sa a\ ; \\ It 0 .• Corner Addition \ tea•.... Block Lot 1 \ \"••' z. h •4„ r \ • • } "'::r..:`ii:.;o Block 'A", Lot 2 "•¢ 1st. site flea For svrr.f. &atopI \ .+N,"..e!i '���� ./1 •,j3,• •\ A r -! Oil, \\\ .. trwN «see ta Via..:.,a'.v.-el ,... r.a,,,•,.r a...,.., -; -- "i \\ '----/L-' -------- ------- -I _L 1--- ......._____ _______..c...„_„_-__- ,...... *10,71/Wili„ ,.• i , . illinidrAniaigkar ‘;,,' , II 1 / 7 ' J 1 / Ir..ir•Mrr.,f..rY 11.11• f Ro do( Mill •od \\\\ 0•e 0,I-SWIM,n:'•in IGG f,11.i/zt, •�< 2L8 J.Culvert Cosign Nit—...�- ''? i:S Iwo.'12� - 1.—car-- ^e A. .9. _pi. :a. Cm.,sue .LIL, ter•rfe. T "" 1 O4 . !1n.., /•r a 4•1 0 ate a• (.I 2- .! .f.• 4.4. •.1..a 1 4!/, - f r t-•'.4' e a ,flo•f• e•r• ••0 •r0 ,• (AI ,-fa'.!' r.a MOTE: 4 a (•r,•.I. I II f-a'•t' r/ ,•I YIII. II.. f•. [Ills,. MU Ma) -1� c. 1••p I•»,llet{••NOlwltalMO MOO 011gn.snO.w.... 1 Ofla,l.e.Y ♦.1f f I,••Q♦ ,, 4.1..Or..•Q•IM fr. '` Soot:Oaks Food Mort -A �., ''.1 3ournl•ka, Texas�_ '"'“ Drainoge Alan _Iswr-cq. `} ..�_._..._ _ _ ,.• . , se \ \ ''./ •• `.,0. , .. .. . . .. . ..,2, . I -e' \ . \\„(0.\ \ :\ ._ '04- \\V 1.., ----- . C I u A. • •�4 UTiL,EtH`f11P \ \ �' WL• 'v sP 11%1. \ f�NR�L MILL. RC% Ep 6 E1aa -y_ '�PWPLG" �' \ ON VGGtTf Cs TREES w b1�v Q TR6SS TBE . REMAIN, PpG.,O~ *EO US aulw•to icw,1,,. s,.• sR T �, EXI5Tih1G L.AIJDSGpi-c RETAWAGE / 20' /rT. .,,,at �(uf-. of 16 46°7\/-�._ .--4^tiF€an -_/ i l�� 1,.>c�-ie R��r�t'4�\\?r A•' !e AS .i'� �' ' _ `AP> 'SDI Pw•S� J �`" r°e''.4r of + e` i , _/• 1 1 N kKf1REVN L y. i 114/two \ „„n.e�1 B y<. _-- / "JW" ' \1N =��/ J N. 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J._�.+ ��, - • G.,7;74� •` _. �_- \ ,� -��V LRr:i�cl..f. r,R nk ...mow ► �.(ICD4t,RN14(y _.._^.�.»,W. LCV.A..n J'(4r , t91� ' \• \ �•3 L4WEr�_ 41 - Q NfOFMIT E444.10 — — illtztA. i •ia41> ----emu«w�;. —� raw,o E ,t -_ w ' e ��.� ._ 24•'+.14 Woo'o 4'01: \ F:.e -�-`— _ ,t 47S i DN ,ra__.� Lob I�-_ "il'I� 1I _L./e41.e: ies1.1 \ (('' _�. • , ASA/ T TR.«SITaN Gw�''i _ B.N r,eCi Z*. ,1 .1p S.,. IR., 1. - '---' - - -'--_- ex, 20 E.X14.S c N 1) s-1.'16b' 'G r 4 4:eK.. PoolOt e>aas �� E �, •X Q',I (L.0,1.J• + \ 40 •4 Ref fAC 10 GIW,f,«,g yf40Y CDUJMEN'f sw G 4E.4iU aGrtavwo oFrr «i.c>P cwcE 109.382" Fyn — ANDOL 1 arwuRrTo /P65wNopp,oxcuWQRP3 6E11GNMARK+dM•seD.cul w� L ��' ••-� Tort tAKEsG 44,c� o. EJ..6V.6,41.ob �1 VO — 2 S RESOLUTION NO. 95-19 (Pe RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A IcIWERERW FOR THE SA Er F.PkONTAR F I E CONSUMPTION ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS,BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS IT ;�'+'�:,, "�: x �...�� a.. rv,,.�nx.. Sri; tt r AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "A" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIV DATE. WHEREAS,a:Specific sePertnit ci e = ; = �Sr "° r e. snsiu 0. . has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as " a1 E .. :min&i aHM&ict; and, WHEREAS,a Wtccor*cecwith the -•" " '' - ° n 3.. qd of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for A� ' , ?�; 3r .; .,r' on the property legally described as ` n t t YY y£ 'iksf t ' i ' '„ Yu ice t � � , ' 1 'ec aas ' 3�aCa FEaR`o-?; as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"A",subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. L AT-7 Resolution No. 95-19 Page 2 (ipe 4. 5. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: L, Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas C G:\W PF\RES-ORD\95-19SUP.RES Er-8 r..\ r r i,csoluti No. 95-19 • on Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" , yt,t�t �L S� • •-r 1f -4'i • . a't. ...ava AaA.t aawar trn.W-ewm Mt.AT•te ,x; M •e mow.c .Y.O•M•�-••--�.. t {/ Im W.O.R1f.•a[•I.Imo WOK 1 m1f10.. r•.♦•' 0?• :WT... M[f f•'•.•SO t•a MM.DMA..I. Y '' \ dry `O .00..04.0.1................0.00..7....11 OP ue... eCO MOOR/T• .O ,.. `v /'/ J • i WTY1 OO+mO[O[I[t11i•oC R60 0.•R. Hf.i / 4 Ya ./��'\• - • Yl WV[t OUP AT tO[•Tb mama Or MS - r - ♦k.�\\\ �♦r •4"? /�9' a.Wt•LL OM..[R 000__ IMPACT DOTTO ........1.0.00 [•+• I•+» ,�./ \ ` \ •• \\a of S+Iue' M I[O a Sn.50 OP OTC 1 I.pia IS \ i \ tRT•TO.. Or •OO @O•t Pab AS.t TIQ[ t MO \Y • \ .• •• Ui•L •S WAT Ant.. IOiw[ Au. MAIM> VIC1N1(Y MAP = Min w[a0wnawdt�•a•1••uIMAMSAMY .�•• CI UT.AM N1•Yr. .... 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W .. � . •._ i1. .-_ i mares=•WIa1w vs[•.C•1t..• t- _ - __.•I:. -•:sts.1 �-��► ,� a.•T r.OM6.I.Mora .*.- • a -•• 11 _•_Ir )'r j �T--l_�J '-.� _ . .1��.,,... r .Mvmm..T .� `..4.sw./, De `: a.. i ..wu.M mrneclvM.owr[. L .n A0 w.naa� I. _.� . .a AG..1.• . . __ _ 'h' "��.. e.roAl• corm,. r 11:� • 11•i+t♦n1.+ he-+ 1 cL•F--- ti'41•+t �- a ,P.,1 \ ut..wae[waort•••ru.tTO1°it. 40.100 •. gg .YIRO.M A.Ot..[M•Oar.•w:Mwt`T w»C ++SLL•',l.t••yt • �' SI - �2._\ ':4:._/• __. :.•:_ -+.VO - OAT .1 1tt1 r..01. .00.... .s.•RT. '� 1-r-- -- ♦.... •-. - •'+- . .rry '✓ - II.OMI tAM.•OYtKYC.f.rwn lll4.Lt�Aao. sj 1 A[• r- �♦a•l w sr T•1.� i �•.'a'I • ' u .•e.• A•I ♦ tr�1.to'.! ew.T •.I .I.ao.e•r[w•raTuo,w a1a[.u[nw .: 1 4[Tn••wa.eAr[•r savor AM wr ra.re.rr y i : te.•_tr � !•_.1."_.. ue_12 �•t.i`Y•µ:.+....v..a♦ •� ��. - uo. • , L i . •1.11.! Ay wAA a w M.• w...•. i.•.fii- �• __ Y •Os[4TA4•IAMPAre AT awns•.e 4aT naPrt L 1. .• W.i0/s..•.t•.. aI Lti--) 1.f.s4 wARREt o'-..w.rf J yj '"_�•.k�.G..4 j� 1.1L•1_ 'As 1.w,.vi4r+.Ira•..•,./C1. b+rMJ.a . •`MI.YOMr..r tsu • .AI•Jn0'_ K1 I L l_ P.-�.•�.D •'•'•6 t.. 1.Ouow 1 Ev.ersD,IC-141. 9 , •i • c.o.s.,-AOo.T1RM f,M.Nt.,'Vs.1R/9*4.) e+ - •• . • qee r.aunn itzo.[u•r•.••a.w.+..scut[. =. PIZ�nrm-��"�' 1� o�P�E^T/51TE PLAN _2 G:\WPFIRES-ORD\95-19SUP.RES / {/f� �, s••�- JJ7777.•- .• •»••• G.++.AA.,r••• • ,dI f.M•I 1}<•WDK ri.L,S M•<E TixA3 ' 60•leltk4rTF PI A.1 I . . City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-55 Revised Concept Plan/Countryside Bible Church REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Concept Plan for Countryside Bible Church being Lot 2, Block A, Ravenaux Village and being 8.924 acres situated in the Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706 The church plans to construct a two-story, multi-purpose building, approximately 10,450 s.f. in size, West of their existing facility. LOCATION: 250 Ravenaux Drive, being approximately 600' west of North White Chapel Blvd. OWNER/APPLICANT: Countryside Bible Church CURRENT ZONING: "CS" Community Service District LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-public NO.NOTICES SENT: Eleven(11) RESPONSES: One(1) written responses within the 200' notification area: • Charles M. and Mary Le Keen, 2116 Sagebrush Trail, Grapevine, Texas 76051,is opposed to the plan due to the fact that with the additional expansion there will be additional roads built. Thus, it will be bring more traffic to the area. P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved (6-0) ZA 95-55 Revised Concept for Countryside Bible Church subject to staff review letter dated June 2, 1995. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plan Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of items addressed in the attached second review summary dated June 16, 1995. Also attached are copies of the Final Plat of Ravenaux Village (16.- showing the intended extension of Ravenaux—Drive from the temporary turnaround to Ravenaux Place Addition to the West and the recently approved concept plan for the Christian Men's Network site to - the South. 8K- t City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM ZA 95-55 PAGE 2 Staff required the processing of a revised concept plan prior to submittal of a building permit site plan because Section 8.6 in the zoning ordinance ("Community Service District, Concept Plan") states: "All properties zoned at the effective date of this ordinance which do not have an approved Concept Plan on file with the City shall submit a Concept Plan meeting the requirements of Section 41 of this ordinance prior to submittal of the site plan." This property was zoned from "SF-1" to "CS" on November 3, 1987 with the approval of Ordinance No. 334-23. No concept plan was required with the rezoning request in 1987. KPG/ls G:\WPFIMEMO\CASES95\95-55RCP.W PD L 8K-2 / I .« �Ip v l f I f W{' J • • ,,,, .: 1 TJ IS.1 'lu,�---- - y.- 63fE� ----- p --- - - -���- ne4 eeK i 7� f i - wM ) .Kr . 170, �p,tE 1 �c�+t. e R yuAcE Glj i� 1 2O� Im - UM „II k cl0 Nf,OR , , , -- - -- --a---- ; { / �- — a �IR lT-le 1 ------- ' ---- --�•-'--- ------ ,j enK K Itx 'O j 0°.1\IIv I I — - --- O ,A1 1, '!.//. ES 1 a rAi _ e , {.� ; .eK 5„K • xn A, XII 1 -- ;EIy l('t , ',\/AlA1 ,A,A /A IA/ // I�){, IF- -- IW SPRINGI ' . � i 4. r x LI�"—rn ••_igl 3 Imo. MARTIN fORO °° L xi me I e K a,K9, -i--- , . � 1 . RNl r "i& SNAKY ._II,. /\\ 1�`11' I e ° NN_ C K„� T.9A,.,M _ C. (�C91bE1f13 i I , Iq 102 eA.IKr A-110) Ie1C ) ' I r ._ye ,,�,,,0• / f.+Hr •J.e x i„K e eA ,k I. f 1!' )el IN Wl.i I01 I 1,,• �7 ICt x IX 17.K A"1e111711 1 NnK IK )nK Q •I G F1 N —• J - 100 KG : • E91E5 I ln4 e ' enK b 63K11 171Is T ` 5 I --t iAI k .,_i6M.1�meN-� -1,0010 I e • aje ESYA - , --- A �" pCIRROIL T.. i s'w _ 1 I 115 K1 R,01 r 1 pl..' .3 ( 1 .+, ALE I NM4 Of e I ..' SCHOOL et . 7U b1U iK 1 - [AR DO,[e--_- -'—._T --� ---_'—_--- ....L.... _o_ 1 i sore, 'D0 Pr 17 w ex et qV�I A� �� — — - — .pYd ��p li K e 4e l „, \ P • \\\ • R� � gK,K- nK y R�{p-R(�1y( tpTES J1� it Qo �Aov�11 idK w <`um yy.,:K o Glt,4.,11/4 nIK 7 _-I NLp p• �oUtor f -� /"I l/ 1 G I 5„K 1� WI 11� '--_' • )/` , IAi I,33K 1.INKS , AA., e0K 11e . ,_ • .I e.N)K r— i" enK Cl IA7 M4.....72,xonrrell Y ti ple K�NI •..52ED� IY. WEeiTIc 1 iI ]04i,i e)fKxZ`•sw a -n su c. - m u € e I EM01'� R'15N(R 1 r� 4 ifs K — RC° 0 MO/0 I a31 lx.l X7 e" wA GF, . i I x K i .��>i) Lw eK i C� 11 .1 , . . I — —ak o — — I— e�eSAL®G� H. GblbttG�S 1 w0 tam1 11 K ' _ IA3' I �D sAwKr .->n ' I IA _ G1 EY AG_ ! A if33K ` \ Ere L. Y to �.,iik r e^�� 1S V x u T4it a w�.„A!„ i WA 'Yip). O� I U u "4"'i 1,,,° I "I �'a I .� .. © J + , m x s Rp 14 l .-5. J*� h� 5e XI 365.3k DELL i COl 7E'1 xi lC R vIL p ' sr p _ eI K ; `r`� ,K JACK D i•Apr x, _91)_ _ I nwfK /rylr .o. .a -.ut, 4 rl, JOHNSON 7" --Tj ,en a C e0 m3 ICAIII ILA Tile BILL -2' )K f K 143 K , 1vER5 9 ELEMENTAL Rs = M Ac ,K p� . DW�Ht 01fj014 1 v' BU51�-E5 K. 6 , rd • I >a a THOG A3-A 1. HO P.'1 e -.aim p 0 PpR N°. pR �: M, Q -eie .cl 1An[r -,p 4cs,..c,. s1Aee, ".'IT 3)3K N4 f R 1 N 4,1 IAA AMA NIiA? I_ UMW e - 11 , R� -- ,.oa •s) -------OL4.—__ E R 31A " . w—Ni.=' . e:. 0pHMC8 LY�lGsK GI MILT4 K GAR w sex p55E f "' ;p IA 1 1 11 ___ 41) N 1 r 1NK . Walla IICi 1 IKiA 11K7 >A 10 •-'••, ,4 1 3A•1�7 '11.� 4 Ir ♦ 1,• w, 11 Q I _ li' . - 044' `- 1 , nine APtiIALL 1411ER W.W. bdl1.L1. •rrl' BE I t M WRY, ._eel 4 Y , ,,\ �" , T, 1 1 1�.3 4) 1 1 ' O t4�- I V iN-�IY- I i ,1 ,Es ray:•I`r ..�f� ;....� .:.1•�;' IIAN IA I ) 1 •' . ...f or•- ' 'Y $E. .....j1 ,• f_7--,,_ .,�., . . .� �K� ojAK H11� - a' �qe p _ i\ ctT x r� {1 + + iI i_ __:.__ ___i 5 c Hi .I-- u. rr1 . _ ✓h°"»y,. E�-1 +g 1lo1 , _0 , Y'1� 5 E5 --pre E If r H 1 € �u er. Y`n I`rl,�+ �'jL y ^ 3AI - ' 1 ,x • �i . . , 1 1 ,` T S % /_ Y'f FR �. AMA TRACT MAP , K • )nc d e i i — of x t L I 00 - I In I 5 I plt E' 1 s E .— yi x o .� A0 -r i--.Estp_ - ' o 1 AcK 35 K _ __ " r r ,R _ 1 tt 107. $ 1 __ _� I )"`Taste -_ ©�. _'--s__ - ' F---_1' "' ��tuv.i 11 1w-- �', 1 , • t x1 / X, '1,ctC'i yr 2 1 207 x-1.-L.i__--%_NJ- \ �'--/'���� __ __--__--%-. I / l ./ it IOK 6K G311K .57. PI 1�'�,.. bM n. 1'A 11 11n (kr Spin Representatives #11 \ - - - - - Gary Fawks, Robin Jones _ R \ . p ti 6 6F1 B 6F i c "AG„ 2 6 W. Crumbaker "AG" Pargas of Grapevine Ind• . , 7 \ V. Tucker / G. Tillery V v .. ,. \ / _ "AG" AG x . >. 4/ (60,‹ S. Johnston 6 G 1 W G. Fawks 6J D/FW-White Chapel Rd. Ltd. "SF-1 A" ; i-\ v , A U x „AG„ 1 Mallory-Pace JV , I C. Keen I /� , L. Wayne „C_1 „ 8J P "S-P-2" (i) IVEZ _ N1%........4 Edwin Cole Ministries "0-1 " _ (a., — — — _ „S_P_i " \ 1 \. \ rj- \ . 63 ADJACENT OWNERS _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ AND ZONING 8K,41. 1 • WPMOP1MMA r t tt - 6.9. r://ey o �:q i&moo nesPM weftARRANM.LO$II'.,O• r+•/J01/P I :, PNRG.r3 as .i A4 r rrRrtiMrwrNrer 9 'h ■eOeYrrrrrNl.rrr A.W •A GRAPY/NC rrre..wwrr..PArrrr JINTY ►t:N L k r -—See•21.4e•E 482.37 •& r./s/es pco/ 1 JAN 1 ill A7ANNE Hp. ISDRANAGE&UTILITY ESNiT ETAIN i e toftrI�LJ 0 Q • L 579.38'15'E �! ANENT AMA „ • 231.62 • 0...° 0KAMewl.w6 yw,.s,T e I —— __� 31 .�wr R * I • I PRONS10NS cONTA1NED IN NIT DOCUMENT VINO RESIM t F I _ _ - I _ - NE SALE.wrtAL.06 USE Of INC REAL n 01060 DOWSED :. • I ,I•;.: • /„ TIMM DEIAIISE Of RACE OILCAN ARE INVALID UNDO o F v I FEDF�IN.LAW AND ME UNENEDRCEADLD .-o m b e• ONAN rN EpO V gM aDE DCKDNREN WN NI DEA LN ESIRICIS mET I NERp ps RGqL y - --- . ON RACE ID EVA MID UNIFODFE MEN _I � I IN Q o f� LOT 2 I o--I ` ; ot 6924 AC(NET) - ` 2 1 R•25L87 L•217.41 e i b .C.•N 64.13 14V 21072 o OardC h'. dy,Tr = �(— p La,y A 49•2 2e a PO Oos /cool O • e/AT. /N• 1 A F Jon n/onio,Tv. ml GROUP L•/' 7/41 IGO �I I r./Tess . 6 2 F O f Q - I V See•29 37•E 617.87 'A�y a • IS DRAINAGE&UTILITY ETA T --- ♦ • 4\ ; rs[sssl - i BLOCK A_ W I p,s�/ 0 a 7.5D.811E. I . LOT / �i I c. Ir/ 4\ q I ✓y a.li.r.fw+e e... I TEMPORARY y` 7C0'12dW2OAS b el eTURNAROUND a LL'S T L•20•I'. V09.4E osW 293.44 «Ye/sris / u4r •i A62A e 9 I; \ EASEMENT- \ jR•f2 ,.r r<+ RAVENAU�X DRIVE e •I R•23233 L•322.63 �/� �� 1►4 y �� . 1-I-7'<I- fwT.-33s'.3— Tom,/ IW LC•N76.3747 W 301.12/ yS js N.N e I I�•73�3 9.511.E r� i1• ....met. N89.4609 W 293.4/ W3 CH/✓C.4J-O: I� r A240ez wvi (Kt"! e ro.3aa,.ir 30.8 L. /... Id /�\�,41• Imo„I /t/JII-SI/rj I. • 1.86• �� \\..{ salt A M1A0 /N I Ii / \W 10T-1 .� � I — L I I` MIN n 64aoe �' 2.30 Ac� j ;h �o k+ _ hl S I PCC.r 1P./. e ... LOT 2 8 ��i r r. I3 1 iv, res-u O M N 12.626 AC.INET) _IT0.6e O OQ I /+ +� a \ I,�U11AlNA3G7s ic�Tr ESLtT �i 14 %'Q Q I BLOB K B yf`�4• Ne9.42.OS•W 420.46 If J Zoe 1,0 K/sII/N.ylro; I {,! o I + / o Mi G ✓Ory+n/ a I J'`/b n Ye/un <r J. C. 1. —_—- 1 ebb• rb ►� I yo cr .E,/./e r s l n API.-..4 I I / / • / IS OR IMAGE_&UTILITY ESNIT' _— -i 331 I--— Ne9.42 36•W 917.53 I.yf,../✓Ir.y I —..— - Robe, e See/r R ./.i .N.r. ../O.Ie.yb..n Nrr w <}..y y../ I d</r ae...b<•r I N./s.<111sv I rN GT/7 I.).ids ✓ot cra7s ze- /./lo/s P>ca/ I FINAL PLAT j- Alyigi\ilLux • VILL A am • an addition to tho city of — APPROVED 94. /1di SOUTHLAKE in the Thomas Hood Survey. Abstract No. 706 _ CITY COUNCIL TARRANT COUNTY.TEXAS rtt'T}EI AID • SEPTEMBER 1967 30.005 AC. OWNER AND DEVELOPER XX.,I K.WAYNE LEE 2030 P.M H18HY/As 1709 --( i R TARP KELLER,TEXAS 76248 11 c . I I I ,y,, k "J,,\ % % II % ••.1 j 4_. II:Illi.,1\.is in.. ‘ t \ \ st i ‘ 11 \\\\ \*"""")4 ...er-N. --\ ---T\ -----*-\\---=-"T"-- -- ♦ ♦ 0` . :- \ \ \ \ s •} \ \ 11 I \ 1 \ 1. \ _ Vf ii \ • • \. f� \ 1• \ \ \ k \ 9 \4 — ... .A - 4 40 \ft ,, y.w-, ti --4--Hp 1 , , , LN. . , � ,The \ _� \ , 1 I I\_, , \ P- \ i II . � iu \ \ 41 (I i ss stri — i 4141- '1' 1,\`‘:\\&'-.\ A ,x .,. \_,\\ \-;_\.,_;ri \ co ,9 , \\ .,It,i.ilk' - ...,sat — —F\ 1 iri. \ \ ._ 1, ik .;1 \:. tvegalk -k \ .-kv f,• I N - \ -'1 .-1 \ \ zi , Iola. , . . N -.t: s*- 01v-‘ck ,, \ \ 4Pfril \ iciu °° . _ s .....41;_ .,...., ..., • c„..4 -. -41 1\,\ \ \ \Ili II; i‘ ,?.. ...., 1 .... ,,,, \ . \ \. \ $1,\ \ "mri \ \ ii-\K z , \ g 1 \ I . ii. r — i..4 \ ..... .......,0e- \\„, if -„ .um ) --a ilm \ N --N I h! 1 il :iiiiiial- r - ---1 -. .--------- l' illr \\ 1 , \r-, , i , _ a , ,... a! ' 1 K 1. .: —i'' -- \ : , \ \ r r\ , `\ L - t —' ..i _ _ • \ r l $ 1.2.: L U1 LLI_1 I I- ! I / \Z : h i !Q • / ' .O'er .f• - ` NMI',il 7.0 A.I M / ) ' \\ �-�' ' \�' City of Southiake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-55 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Concept Plan-Lot 2,Block A,Ravenaux Village. 8.924 Ac., Thomas Hood Survey Abst. #706,Multi Purpose Building,Countryside Bible Church.250 Ravenaux Drive OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Countryside Bible Church Tom F. Dance & Associates. Inc. 250 Ravenaux Drive 5485 Belt Line Road Southlake. Texas 76092 Dallas.Texas 75240 Phone: (214) 380-4805 Phone: (214) 960-6375 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Show the extent of the proposed paving of Ravenaux Drive, and the connecting entrance drives as shown on the approved site plan for Lot 2R1,Block B, Ravenaux Village. 2 The applicant may wish to provide more detail for structures shown as "Future" structures, in order to negate the need to resubmit a new concept plan at a later date for City Council approval. If the applicant does not wish to provide more detail of these areas, delete them from this plan. (ll'.'' 3. Label the type of bufferyard(i.e. 5'-A, 10'-C) on the graphic and in the planting calculation chart. If a wider bufferyard or an allowable substitution "type" bufferyard is to be provided show this in the column for the "provided" bufferyard in the chart, reflect this type on the graphic, and delete the "required" bufferyard from the graphics ^, ,1 ei itillNitliii6:1241111""AVILift' a VAITIKWAIINAT45 DS' ill ORremp0111_40W7111-10110. IlaillWilialll L '.--- _./--\ . * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Countryside Bible Church(ii., _ Tom F. Dance&Associates,Inc. G:\WPF\REV\95\95-055CP.WPD 8K-7 r r . . .__ _ . . ... . . . _ . . ._ . •,•14,1 ah11a 7M•f...1. 'N.' y I ��� ....w w.•.v*.PN: —_ r L.u.A�MlxiO NE .I-- rraD'A� I ` il a aa•sr.tl jr. ' I ••• 71 f M I I s r1 _ N sKrMlxfM/Mo uaa J A I I \ I LiF11! = LYn:Low oaN./a/: I I 1 ..---- —•+I . I II - . w I I aw,.r�••Iwlar.a ir:• ".— 4 • I P-4- • ill 1► . -1.�--_..-- _ Ommommoll i.11 d -,4_ ill .1.4,4,14 1 - LI ..,. 2 mi..... „0 .,, 7raw'srltl' M'1 II 1 I i I..w. l I I I1 • PI .'• •I; rr �� c..w4 .•.' searniswliwiioj aaf �� �■ N w ..1�--Y•--,I--f[—y—_Pi. wi iI...:Y.i me M. NI IL x - a coa.ilow ocN>tn. • L.— I I I u. 1! a,INN MI II • W �--^ x Ili 1 *—,` I 1....."-......-«..ai . . _ = Ill Ma Z a CO • a•sH.M•L.sNi ,\ ;\ . \ tI LY.0.!W11aD USN O CC` 64 b I..M M•N'V. .•►. .a _ 271gyNerD•b' \ •�K 0 'VW- i I.• cM1M/YMT�MAW^ me Ommommomill LUn:LOW OgN.Es.tralig r \\ \ k • 3. ♦ \ \ \10161. \ \1lE11..LLMTlU M ee t vr, aA.r.s O o• \ .:w.t.l,(ol-• UZI rlxao ua■ .-„.'._\ I m • M..../...m.le- V. 9 I. M L.U•0.:YR0 UM \\,,\\ \ \ Es s .41 M• I= f• 1 s ♦ • rC1N1'I)•M-M ��w' I: f- a I a .t •aolleo s►a(NI.•sA' \wT IIAit' V- f• i ♦ !. Ler aaa/au.lb.yyM,au.,wT •qwM f- f- 9 • ..A on++...w...svaslaanit. \ e.....•. 1 ..,MM 4 (_A ........ s♦lr�M •� yam. MUT w.tf IA i- M a M . u. \ 0.I. a1 a•.w.r i.. Vu reams um PPPLla.♦arlottaLIi ...,1%•'_.I0•'01•• wvM 11.4.• SHUT NO. ,\\.., �', 0•rIJ1R MI ... .l I I CON PT PLAN fON'C/•ZONING�O !!T—.N.auw��%vr...• jrA��t.,Qy r"�M.". •'. o► ` ♦ ♦r.11e.0s.-60 .M.I., ...t•. rose.(;ANNOoovyr,".•I...II.r.._—_I `� City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-56 Preliminary Plat/Versailles REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Versailles,being 78.046 acres situated in the J. W. Hale Survey,Abstract No. 803,Tracts 1 A and 1A3. This development proposes 102 single-family residential lots,two(2)common areas,one (1)public park, and one (1) school site. LOCATION: Northeast corner of South Carroll Avenue and East Continental Blvd., being approximately 1/2 mile South of East Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). OWNER: Kercho Kochwelp Partnership APPLICANTS: Versailles, Ltd. CURRENT ZONING: "R-PUD " Residential Planned Unit Development(Ord.No. 480-143) LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Twenty-one(21) RESPONSES: One(1)written response received within the 200' notification area: • Zena Rucker, d/b/a Rucker Family LTD Partnership, 650 S. Carroll Ave., is opposed and would like the plan to specify: one (1) house per acre; correct the water problem (concerned that they will be dumping water on their property);and a closed storm sewer system. (letter received 06-05-95) P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved (5-0-1) ZA 95-56, Preliminary Plat for Versailles subject to staff review letter dated June 2, 1995; deleting item #7, requiring a 600' centerline radius for the new/old South Carroll Avenue connection with East Continental Blvd. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the review comments of the second Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached third Plat Review Summary dated June 16,1995. Also attached are copies of the approved Development Regulations 8L- 1 City of Southlake,Texas and Development Plan for Versailles. Lime Note that the Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the previously approved Development Plan with the exception of the following: 1) The park location was moved from the southeast corner of the development to the southwest corner. 2) The Street'C' cul-de-sac was eliminated in the northeast corner of the development, but the new street alignment appears to provide better access to this area from both existing South Carroll Avenue and "new" South Carroll Avenue. 3) Some minor lotting changes were also noted. KPG/ls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-56PP.WPD L • L 8L-Z --100*1— t3 I Pii_ilk 1- -1.--- il , '-- NOR Ii4w s ,IK L \ -_Tt tl f S1 . L 4 111 FA X 1 M AI ■ >NIA m fn Of tAll SWIM Mt MAO. 4• Zvi. \a 3/1 4C 40--- IA 1_ . tirtlitot:- 10A IN 0 lip God UB ;c,j !,___. lc si The 41 ---- ' I - IC 0/I ,r ` I� — i 21 ", aw W. It NIGHT \ .� • ba A. FREE 6YI A r ' ,..�, ._... I.c� �R,(7 A-Ott VI s \ its] p 1 la 4A Y W . I gA 1 1 i III...-j /0'arratSL K Awe,.1 • J.W. HAL, I .,,ea a Ii''', IM s SAS i IC-- I;�, 64.........N.szo......„1„....\..iC M O 1 I �21 IC O `� cil I ern El i 1 I h 3w I w „ IA ?.• , .Y--siI -- IA � WA I. • 1• .� 1 �,,��1= di I �- _ W$A autl •ice,) 1 .f t L �._ 1_ I i:� la !1 , ( .� ;ram •� , T _ `• I I I .i—i -'' I, ,� i iset sew •AM -- .• 1�, I 1 HOLL 1G5WO�•TH w •• �e--von , Mb ' Isar— 'mar(, Fes- fp( II . 1 10 ISM ♦-711 I K 1 AS 1 , an ig 1 1 I 1 " TRACT MAP 8L_3\ , 5 4 ,, 1 it _,A, 11- a , - TN 2� -� E ' A ' -39 I — — — — — — — SPIN#8 REPRESENTATIVE: — MULLER 2 "SF-20B" I E.A.Smith TR 1 8.91 AC C.Prade "SF-20A" \\\ I O L T.Ragan e /trY coR se TR IA A' .1 P.Schell_ 35.0 AC Rucker.LF.i _ fIf.71 RD11 a T?JIA 1 _ Rucker,LP'1 , J.Peters t • I TR.03 1AAC 2 •W•Minor ; .2 35. 1A3 AC I o T.&R.Barrett :' w "PAW" VI A2 1.139 Q "*1arT°n H.Miller >» .. L 1.1\ N.Pond >! , ( S 11CS" O514tiALF64 Canon Road Bapti' �J . 1/UAv3 TR 3A N.Brown $0 os Z A "AG" w w S.Ryan : - ai ,. M I 40 TR 1A U - 4 01 AC "SF-20A" c a 6 I 0 I TC . 231 a i 1:sE-zos`(i J.Wright I • ` 1.1 Timarron Land Corp. X "P.U.D." we Th I O TR 181 .R 382 1.e AC1/1 ADJACENT OWNERS TR 1A M )1.0.1. ANo 1A�`s�' TR 19 /�. L AND ZONING _ 1' AC _�A5 I 8 L �. .. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ( All City of Southlake development regulations, rules, and standards that are applicable to SF-2013 single family residential districts shall also apply to the Versailles Planned Unit Development, except where said regulations, rules, and standards are in conflict with the following: Front Yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet unless the side yard is adjacent to a street. Side yards adjacent to a street shall not be less than twenty (20) feet. Reverse frontage corner lots (key lots) shall have a designated side yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. Maximum Lot Coverage: All buildings or structures shall have a maximum lot coverage not exceeding twenty-five (25) percent of the lot area, except the sum total of accessory buildings which shall not exceed six hundred (600) square feet. (As amended by ordinance No. 480-C). Lot Area: The minimum area of a lot shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. Lot Dimensions: Each lot shall have a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet and a minimum depth of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet. Floor Area: The main residence shall contain a minimum of two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet of floor area. Maximum Residential Density: The maximum number of dwelling units per gross acre (78.046 acres) shall be 1.75. No more than 104 lots shall be located north of the realigned South Carroll Avenue. Drive Access: Driveway access to South Carroll Avenue, East Continental Boulevard, and Carlisle Lane shall not be allowed. L 8L-5 h r r (00...,. .__. • I •e.i••..I.••1Mr.• .•. , L(S.0(SCA..t Am '^'ylY w N•w w•t RO.IECT a•rrrr r...•w•••........;.•.•.....r•. r r•"L.:.n.•a.i�•i�«••a+o.ouiw:r:r I:,,t. - _ ...,� D :.w+...•r••••••rin....am w...w....l.....Y. ; �. . 4 w....• e.�sn..o•.•. ""��.....N.wi..Lliaa-w-OW.+wAs..mc.. •r. • .rt....:.:„ IMI.OI.<arR.wa•On P.K ... 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AM/.uU Oar aI.rolLO _TAT/'• ttntuts ••`W. rw• ` NONNI 1aI•.. • � N. , •.�i�r w fN mfg.M( 1.4 HALE SURVEY.ABS IRA{;i NO. 303 I I 1 .. •.....r.....'«..........s• l I— •--J—/I[wLAND 1 II e•AtOlLrtl E — �- IN DLE 1 Atm* tl0 M0-NO ((••l/Fi•4c t) 01 r[ ` t WMMY NI tea.Ie Cur u0.I[e..oD.irr.ru..wL I w.wwa+..h.•..nit- Ift•»(•.0•At1It1 ..f•..t �- 1 OIY.7< SOU MIAKE. ..ARRANT COUNTY. fExAS 'I"ts.« c•..w.W.r...ammo LIu•.f•*am sw r\I . SF-208 TOE P.U.D. » r w:tl;, OWNER; KEROq KOG(WEOP PARiNERSN.P • ,..,.. rr. l '-�. 3625 LAKE Ausnm BlvO.,SUITE 504 wad 1� '�_^_'11 Jf/�' 1 /7'��^- AUSIIN. IX. 76703 !loco/a•(.rote �.i•T ��'� i„ A'...• f "3-. -'- - • ' / / DEVELOPER: vERSAILLES.LTD. ;win P.a.•Gram...0.- f•.mil _ .-_ • 3333 DOUQAS AVENUE• 22 SUITE 1300 �:wr�i)•IIrr s I! 1•g r ur aaetnor. 1+�r-- DALLAS. TEXAS 75225 ••ww^I � L,1 L.Iv.u.t no. I; I (214)691-6300 /IY �'� n•u.n10Qn0.•» I �I ENONEER/AIRKYOR: +.AM L.1 Ce•.• 'Y..= �� Ili �3 L..w.••V0..0.00 Ls Colter•Bwg.se 0 ..... a. ] •••• ,.••.1 I . . OECEI.6ER. 1994 , WE na to•.•AA C.AA Al-I.'•AV • City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No:ZA 95-56 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat-Versailles, 78.046 Acres.J.W. Hale Survey.Abst.#803 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Kercho Kochweop Partnership Carter&Burgess_Inc. 3825 Lake Austin.Blvd.. Suite 504 7950 Elmbrook. Suite 250 Austin.Texas 75225 Dallas.Texas 75247 Phone: Phone: (214) 638-0145 Fax: Fax: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. The new South Carroll Avenue!old South Carroll Avenue connectio tinental Boulevard has a centerline radius less than the required 600' Radius. [ 2. lowing.c • • 3. Staff is concerned with the location of the Park Site,unless adequate underground drainage facilities are provided. It was our understanding, during the development plan review,that the park would be at the east end of the open space. Staff intends to place this issue on an upcoming Park Board agenda for their consideration. 4. Change the Proposed Land Use Summary to show the park site in the data for Phase 1. 5. Delete the 10' U.E. and 10'Landscape Easement along the south portion of park and school site. * Although not required by ordinance,staff would appreciate placing"Case No.ZA 95-56"in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial,they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Kercho Kochweop Partnership Carter and Burgess Versailles,Ltd., 8333 Douglas Ave., Suite 1300, Dallas, Tx. 75225 C;G:\WPF\REV\95\95-056PP.WPD 8L-7 /c /4141- --,,,, /- 0 \)'(r 1 ra- w \ �� �1l�wl + vN iiimi AO . IL, / ? A* t'�n ' ��yaolia 46�' iffito, PE , o o '} itoim 1. -1/1111M A 1 �1�►��'��..�. -mow.•:-�. :�r6lZc... .. r+3�.' !Q ., - --�- -411 �1a —'„'_T^ � --es j..r:� �� �T1�Ir1T'.. - ^tq.'* TITT•7 r ,,, r%•ra r n A k• \• } • ♦ lkix�'': 'I.ire- ��'t�y . c w. ,_! `' `mil ' �{(/ t• .� I I�f R }MEET•r y - R. ��=11iII tMw a / may, WI'1 1 �. t /. 1 lra 'w'i- 'I laCUI11 W•TAEE1 a'q>. ' (II r, _ /(/I' `,'I` '� IS I 1l j mow. f. • sl .[a1EsiW1 N� 11, il r_ Irli I VVVNN. /� I wog III% INFP___C •' e ,� i 1� 1 , 'liter , (1j1� ... �..,l `l/// j# + i r} .. it {0 ,: •T� ma} [ \1�I • ) Fir r�. I I} E� / 1 0•4�� it 1 ' ('14 � 1. 1Q 1 4 ;pp/ / E.fr nJ S' v 1Is l i : • , I, �o� ,� 4ek j j ; ., [ice % � ' , .141 ��� 1 } k1 err _ 1 `rla... ► croAct ,, aglipizada �� ,Odille111111111110 .- , • LULA% +mar . _.. ' Irse e i .0)1W- II; VI- EMMMIMMINIMEO"."-IrTrUMMOMMINI al mom ININANNAN MM NM Wli _1 ala CAM NI _� — Il r.l C .•�} `inalffa.111li.1111 1 an.1.al-4.4:lla_'1:a sy w_ a 1 I11 IA1 tell \ i ' f 'i•• 40304 � 0? „._ ; I.� M.:iil`t.i i�1NO :_ir,.-a1 �.i.11s ',» �: ; N 1 IL y Ali�� �" " w [ili:W Llu�it'i�in.ai �i ill•A1=�1 a+ 1�, 1rlL 1-"�- •1( .NM.1[ M A:awi; A.,ANI rl Flu:a. • EI ■ON=isl:ia::,"a=l?1 a01il-liiil♦11:a 1 I 1 11.+EAIIIa.[1[aa11.1 al rJ 41a�1'a 1 (f .` t' ;11,i 1 I �/ t[y� !f- `di ir -110 - e Apra���►P ` 1 _ET'T7-'1 ' f Pi:" I • 0 1c1 r-%11i1 a.1A1a 1 U �, '��[ 0 I WNIOYED.r M WWII 14 A.I1a.",-1a EI I 1 i I, 1 1+ �i -1 aiu 1Ya}tales anrlssl•u LAN NI'MWINS i..l NN i 1 / Al , 1 S(]l ru rI ASLZ4 a PP ��_ •I� ' j 1 - � INWAILlj 1 O1AIAwN K A}lYAtl S31•N •• 11 i 1 Na.1-al t 1{I : r dV/ A 1 a r s ' l rll"i T' r v �. 1'V � a �� �����lg��•: 1 {EOI[fMI I t.L 11 a OtoT / . �11 NI 1 l l a!,1 • WU {: 'd / , 1 ' �11 1 ' WINS '.l lla:1 a r.m„..1 4 �m l' / j�i M }I is,, tgrq..., , q -.�—eru r;.r[l:l�l.atn`a r I•Is�- i 4„,,.�' _ 1 _ `• I tt PRELIMINARY PLAT ird ofil°1114 e, "ii %/ olg a ���trill! .� AI� �s,.. a VERSA I LLES �� „ ``/ 1 r ei ,� ..4„, 41 }a•1NON A.sA•n IIwN:r.i l IONSI a. eft or NA 440 ' �I z 1a t. (I a • J.W. HALE SURVEY. ABSTRACT N0. 803 - .- tL , � � R 111 TIC CITY or SOIiTNLARE TAMANT COMM TEXAS !.PI,* ,♦�i 1 1 } i S l , ,i (t) l�.i�•OA,,,,...lsi}!111E I}N' ` } / EASQENT ('� 1.1E1 PRELIMINARY - FOR 'EVIE -, a WILDING LINE }f� +1-ii�. `_ 1 3 out 111w pgwlwl/+sr/s M+I A+r i C. SMUT NArt CNANOE LOCATION tK1KM E- _ �. J J w Pert InNIkW/A CONme1•1M EI o ii INA MN POO MPG 1110M NOO C&P W•CARTE.t OINICESS•SET /1���� N...u.Yr., r +r t to Permit►VNoe w fan••M N c r1if• r.�1a to. u1•+r N1+•,prvltl+n Oh sow MK 1I0MAIrr M ywr� 1y�(yrrN1.1w �r11tr Tr.r.t►Nt-++•I I' ' . 1� i O� ran■KOODO 111. +-I-11 t i ELEYATI LINE CwTOun Y •L-•,15 1YKr}•Y}+If i�ifl.l fWM11' wwlrr S. , f1.1VET LINE 1111 1111 I Or E CAFE NO. }A+t-w al r1LI NMIiECT 11► 1135765IO City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ronald J. Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 641, 1st. reading, Repealing Ordinance No. 418, Flood Hazard Prevention In order for the residents of Southlake to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program, the City must have a Floodplain Management Ordinance which conforms to the minimum standards of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. On 1988 the City adopted Ordinance 418, which was based on the minimum standards in place at that time. Due to changes in the minimum standards, addition of language dealing with manufactured housing, and the reissuance of the Flood Assurance Rate Maps for the City, we are presenting this ordinance. Changes from the current Ordinance 418 have been shown on the new version. Please place this on the June 20, 1995 agenda for first reading. i Srr^ trA A/a/tiza,t) RH\sm • Attachment: Revised Ordinance 6A 44`-()-) 6;/CirfitA-Q �j(l-1 • • (kisoe ORDINANCE NO. 6411 / CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ADOPTING REGULATIONS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE FLOOD LOSSES; ESTABLISHING PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.2 4 8 RELATING TO FLOOD HAZARD PREVENTION AND PROVIDING cFOR THE REPEAL OF OTHER INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00)FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT OkDAINED BY THE CITY UNCIL CITY OF • ARTICLE I STATUTORY, AUTHORIZATION, FINDINGS OF FACT, PURPOSE AND METHODS SECTION A. Statutory Authorization The Legislature of the State of Texas has, in accordance with V.T.C.A, Water Code, Section 16.311, et seq., delegated the responsibility to local governmental units to adopt regulations designed to minimize flood losses. Therefore, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City") does ordain as follows: • SECTION B. Findings of Fact (1) The flood hazard areas of the City are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, and extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City. 1 (2) These flood losses are created by the cumulative effect of obstructions in flood plains which cause an increase in flood heights and velocities, and by the occupancy of flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to floods and hazardous to other lands because they are inadequately elevated, flood proofed or otherwise protected from flood damage. SECTION C. Statement of Purpose It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to: (1) Protect human life and health; (2) Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; (3) Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; (4) • Minimize prolonged business interruptions; (bre (5) Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in flooiplain4i €leodplains; (6) Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood-prone areas in such a manner as to minimize future flood blight areas; and (7) Insure that potential buyers are notified that property is in a flood area. SECTION D. Methods of Reducing Flood Losses In order to accomplish its purposes, this ordinance uses the following methods: (1) Restrict or prohibit uses that are dangerous to health, safety or property in times of flood, or cause excessive increases in flood heights or velocities; (2) Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; (hir 2 • Lie (3) Control the alteration of natural flood plains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which are involved in the accommodation of flood waters; (4) Control filling, grading, dredging and other development which may increase flood damage; (5) Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands. ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this ordinance shall be interpreted to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this ordinance its most reasonable application. "Appeal" - means a request for a review of the Flood Plain Administrator's interpretation of any provision of this ordinance or a request for a variance. "Area of Shallow Flooding" -means a designated AO, AH, or VO zone on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)with a one percent chance or greater annual chance of flooding to an average depth of one to three feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable and where velocity flow may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow. "Area of Special Flood Hazard" - is the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. The area may be designated as Zone A on the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM). After detailed rate making has been completed in preparation for publication of the FIRM, Zone A usually is refined into Zones A, AE, AH, AO, Al-99, VO, V1-30, VE or V. "Base Flood" - means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. "Critical Feature" - means an integral and readily identifiable part of a flood protection system without which the flood protection provided by the entire system would be compromised. "Development" - means any man-made change in improved and unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavations or drilling operations, Ots,ftirarek0 'opm ' T=°mairiai (we 3 /v�T (kiss, "Elevated Building" - means a non-basement building (i) built, in the case of a building in Zones Al-30, AE, A99, AO, AH, B, C, X, and D, to have the top of the elevated floor, or in the case of a building in Zones Vi-30, VE, or V, to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structure member of the elevated floor elevated above the ground level by means of pilings, columns (posts and piers), or shear walls parallel to the floor of the water and (ii) adequately anchored so as not to impair the structural integrity of the building during a flood of up to the magnitude of the base flood. In the case of Zones A130, AE, A, A99, AO, AH, B, C, X, D, "elevated building" also includes a building elevated by means of fill or solid foundation perimeter walls with openings sufficient to facilitate the unimpeded movement of flood waters. In the case of Zones V1-30, VE, or V, "elevated building" also includes a building otherwise meeting the defmition of.. elevated building," even though the lower area is enclosed by means of breakaway walls if the breakaway walls meet the standards of Section 60.3(e)(5) of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations. "Existing Construction" -means for the purposes of determining rates, structures for which the "start" itof construction" commenced before the effective date of the FIRM or before January 1, 1975, for firms effective before that date. "Existing construction" may also be referred to as "existing structures." Le --i,)V-IrAtilifrAn, •til-4,) :P.r!..,;:i:• ,..L.. ..., 47z . .;, ',,,,,jri,:...:,:=0; e'titly,,,-,i-iat. .liu,„„p ,-- .. ...,,,i!,4., ‘6,:,,,,,Eag tpx-Amikion o f LR �. l anufac • u,,, ,, n f�� e p ' ' ai,i 'ddttt ., it' *ns• ctio., , -.7 .f •'° .. '�'- o s � Z.s s iI, 1 ITV �1 1 *m ' �. * : 0� ino a RE.c t ., �iya ,. "Flood or Flooding" - means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete • inundation of normally dry land areas from: (1) the overflow of inland or tidal waters; or (2) the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. "Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)" - means an official map of a community, on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. L 4 S))41-5- "Flood Insurance Study" - is the official report provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The report contains flood profiles, water surface elevation of the base flood, as well as the Flood Boundary-Floodway Map. "Floodplain or Flood-Prone Area" - means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition of flooding). "Flood Protection System" - means those physical structural works for which funds have been authorized, appropriated, and expended and which have been constructed specifically to modify flooding in order to reduce the extent of the areas within a community subject to a "special flood hazard" and the extent of the depths of associated flooding. Such a system typically includes hurricane tidal barriers, dams, reservoirs, levees or dikes. These specialized flood modifying works are those constructed in conformance with sound engineering standards. Piopfii ttan tural.ors non�;strucitins; nF r. € ✓� ritT o i[E ci c i`i a. `;,t. ! � rr i i e i ; 1� 1lrl•' °�` e".:�` � F de r.°a""}%' ( 4 air ai,`Y' �f1 D1f a� "11 'IE` :+ ;� "i i` M .Y..,iiCi ii�Ir tir F "Floodway (Regulatory Floodway)" - means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height, (111w "Functionally Dependent Use" - means a use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water. The term includes only docking facilities, port facilities that are necessary"for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship building and ship repair facilities, but does not include long-term storage or related manufacturing facilities. "Highest Adjacent Grade" -means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed walls of a structure. "..4 wd „r�4 '•h'.; •,••,° �. ,. • (a);'`Isled th , trorialR f"" isttir is : i t r : sir 1 riir r Ili e EIIT A • ate:, ' � t [L Jai. „ol,4y, Na mpa t ° (b) e 4 ys '" r.r i it re ` , eon u 44' l egr ,, `'"o W digifg tP •gyT' rr e ofiein' eho registered historic Istria;'d (we 5 Lime (c)r lY:4,*(4on�sta ento ' *r la Wl .` : 5: r (d)°IndNiially ljs on alocalyTy nvent,#tif histo ie la ...'.R';�r.3 M. '3 Ni'RS .+4 K Y, k� hist0# erva i t progra ns rt haV 4 _ ,n:cer edV6i ' (1) Bran approved'state;pfrigram iis' determined''1i 8 r f. ` " I ite for or: (2)• I kectly x the, Seer s of <tf a nteriot ..in,`st t s pigrams: "Levee" - means a man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment, designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control, or divert the flow of water so as to provide protection from temporary flooding. "Levee System" - means a flood protection system which consists of a levee, or levees, and associated structures, such as closure and drainage devices, which are constructed and operated in accordance with sound engineering practices. "Lowest Floor" -means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). (4600, An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor; provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirement of Section 60.3 of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations. "Manufactured Home" - means a structure transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. For flood plain management purposes the term "manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed • on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. For insurance purposes the term "manufactured home" does not include park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles. "Mean Sea Level" - means for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NKVD) of 1929 or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced. (kir 6 g/y- � "New Construction" - means, for flood plain management purposes, structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of a flood plain management regulation adopted by a community. "Iiew Manufactured,Home Park or Subdivision":-;mans..aananufaciured harn a k or subdivis•ions wliiehi`.Othe onstruction of:-facilities�-fo l fs k E :j to manufactuir t i owes aretfto'affixed" (including, at •a miri im latitin +of utilities,the i=, i streetsl�xxand either the final site: ;grad p t Erw. f co�a p ) is n8s asue`£ -tit., , • ,/SM ��. coiii�" a"a n.•eafter°t 'effective date:of the floodpla e m`-m egulahons • t --the City. "Recreational;Vehicle" _means a vehicleiw.hic i) chassis; }400 s 4 ^ €t easurec at a larger o prA we ab 'b „ 'gh "s:f. t. 4 t ``,.i* as. • v" a ltnng but... y mph,rarya;livui " • , : tt gasp'tyre "Start of Construction" - (for other than new construction or substantial improvements under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act(Pub. L. 97-348)), includes substantial improvement and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement, or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. "Structure" - means a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, • that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. Cos y '! # ` . ' :051)� '. .ry ' tt � c!�a •a a ,4 0 o�° 0 o � f r:F t: ; as "Substantial Improvement" - means any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure either, (1) before the improvement or repair is started, or (2) if the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purpose of this definition "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external (we 7 g/tA�J dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either (1) any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions, or (2) any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places. "Variance" - is a grant of relief to a person from the requirements of this ordinance when specific enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship. A variance, therefore, permits construction or development in a manner otherwise prohibited by this ordinance. (For full requirements, see Section 60.6 of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations.) "Violation" - means the failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with the community's flood plain management regulations. A structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compliance required in Section 60.3(b)(5), (c)(4), (c)(10), (d)(3), (e)(2), (e)(4), or (e)(5) is presumed to be in violation until such time as that documentation is provided. "Water Surface Elevation" -means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 (or other datum, where specified), of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the flood plains of coastal or riverain areas. Lime ARTICLE 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION A. Lands to which this Ordinance Applies This ordinance shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard within the jurisdiction of the City. SECTION B. Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard • The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a scientific and engineering report entitled, "The Flood Insurance Study for the City � 6PWIV ' 'Y 'Y ��: ;:4<'-�_. .g. s -..,,xis�:'s 11 efSe�e Talc _ ncgrpor fctIPO timiies, dated July 5, 1982 with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Boundary-Floodway Maps (FIRM and FBFM) and any revisions thereto are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this ordinance. ?i e 4 , 1 tC iirl . ..,` i�E'ryoal� f) i ' *i " el p 'en tl e SECTION C. Establishment of Development Permit (we 8 LA Development Permit shall be required to ensure conformance with the provisions of •this ordinance. SECTION D. Compliance No structure or land shall hereafter be located, altered, or have its use changed without full compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other applicable regulations. SECTION E. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions This ordinance is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this ordinance and another conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. SECTION F. Interpretation In the interpretation and application of this ordinance, all provisions shall be (1) considered as minimum requirements; (2) liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and (3) deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under State statutes. SECTION G. Warning and Disclaimer or Liability. Lpe The degree Of flood protection required by this ordinance is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. On rare occasions greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This ordinance does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazards or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create liability on the part of the community or any official or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION SECTION A. Designation of the Floodplain Administrator. The City Manager is hereby appointed the Floodplain Administrator to administer and implement the provisions of this ordinance and other appropriate sections of 44 CFR(National Flood Insurance Program Regulations) pertaining to flood plain management. SECTION B. Duties and Responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator. 9 Q,v/o • Duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) Maintain and hold open for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this ordinance. (2) Review permit applications to determine whether a proposed building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. (3) Review, approve or deny all applications for development permits required by adoption of this ordinance. (4) Review permits for proposed development to assure that all necessary permits have been obtained from those Federal, State or local governmental agencies (including Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1334) from which prior approval is required. (5) Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions) the Floodplain Administrator shall make the necessary interpretation. (be (6) Notify, in rivcrain ri situations, adjacent communities and the State Coordinating Agency, which is the Texas Natural Resources and Conservation Commission, prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (7) Assure that the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained. (8) When base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with Article 3, Section B of this ordinance, the Floodplain Administrator shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data and floodway data available from a Federal, State, or other source, in order to administer the provisions of Article 5 hereof. (9) When a regulatory floodway has not been designated, the Floodplain Administrator must require that no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development (including fill) shall be permitted within Zones Al-30 and AE on the community's FIRM, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point within the community. 10 (10)°; Under theipi© isii n oM4 p e , , o the N�"" ! ,CFRha tei��1�Section 65y 12 f �, �, Frd" Wad* immunity may,approve"certain Zones A.1 3 eOiOtheTOmiiitiiiity2,S FIRM'"which increa. k; surface'eleva i i the=:base flood:by more,than one foot,.provx community lxes�"for;a ci iidi`tional*PERM revision through°FEIVIM SECTION C. Permit Procedures (1) Application for a Development Permit shall be presented to the Floodplain Administrator on forms furnished by him/her and may include, but not be limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions, and elevation of proposed landscape alterations, existing and proposed structures, and the location of the foregoing in relation to areas of special flood hazard. Additionally, the following information is required: (a) Elevation (in relation to mean sea level), of the lowest floor (including the basement) of all new and substantially improved structures; (b) Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure shall be flood proofed; (ow (c) A certificate from a registered professional engineer or architect that the • nonresidential flood proofed structure shall meet the flood proofmg criteria of Article 5, Section B(2) of this ordinance; and (d) Description of the extent to which any watercourse or natural drainage will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. The Floodplain Administrator shall maintain a record of all such information in accordance with Article 4, Section (B)(1) of this ordinance. (2) Approval or denial of a Development Permit by the Floodplain Administrator shall be based on all of the provisions of this ordinance and the following relevant factors: (a) The danger of life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; (b) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; (c) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; 11 FAJ._/0 Le (d) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; (e) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; (f) The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems; (g) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the flood waters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; (h) The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; (i) The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed use; and (j) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan for that area. SECTION D. Variance Procedures (1) The City Council shall hear and render on judgment requests for variances from J g the requirements of this ordinance. (2) The City Council shall hear and render judgment on an appeal only when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Floodplain Administrator in the enforcement or administration of this ordinance. (3) Any person or persons aggrieved by the decision of the City Council may appeal • such decision in the courts of competent jurisdiction. (4) The Floodplain Administrator shall maintain a record of all actions involving an appeal and shall report variances to the Federal Emergency Management Agency upon request. (5) Variances may be issued for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places, without regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this ordinance. 12 FA/43 (kr (6) Variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot of one-half acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood level, provided that the relevant factors in Section C(2) of this Article have been fully considered. As the lot size increases beyond the one-half acre, the technical justification required for issuing the variance increases. (7) Upon consideration of the factors noted above and the intent of this ordinance, the City Council may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further the purpose and objectives of this ordinance (Article 1, Section C). (8) Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result. ( T ray ® r i .,.,.. a e t i ' ® � f. �t 4,1a ii 0 0 A. r� .a-;-s•aW ,.m� os,.a.,... .,.tea,•H ,.a.as,' a. - ..: s-»T.- :fir.:. ( : Pr : i f a n `.'ai ;is ft ll iws: toIfOr ,: i tvaranceis" t (b) Variances shall only be issued upon, (i) showing a good and sufficient cause; • (ii) a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant, and (iii) a determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. (c) Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with the lowest floor elevation below the base flood elevation, and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor elevation. L. 13 (10) Variances may be issued by a community for new construction and substantial improvements and for other development necessary for the conduct of a functionally dependent use, provided that: (i) the criteria outlined in Article 4, Section D(1)-(9) hereof are met, and (ii) the structure or other development is protected by methods that minimize flood damages during the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety. ARTICLE 5 PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION SECTION A. General Standards In all areas of special flood hazards, the following provisions are required for all new construction and substantial improvements: (1) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the " structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy; (ey (2) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed by methods and practices'that minimize flood damage; (3) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage; (4) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that. are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from • entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. (5) All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system; (6) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharge from the systems into flood waters; and (7) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. 14 7/(A/5— (kir SECTION B. Specific Standards In all areas of special flood hazards where base flood elevation data has been provided as set forth in (i) Article 3, Section B, (ii) Article 4, Section B(8), or (iii) Article 5, Section C(4), the following provisions are required: (1) Residential Construction - new construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor (including the basement) elevated to-or at least two feet above the base flood elevation. A registered professional engineer, architect, or land surveyor shall submit a certification to the Floodplain Administrator that the standard of this subsection as proposed in Article 4, Section C(1)(a), is satisfied. (2) Nonresidential Construction - new construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall either have the lowest floor (including the basement)elevated 11 o°feet to-er above the level of the base flood level; or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be designed so that below the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. A registered professional engineer or architect shall develop and/or review structural design, specifications, and plans for the construction, and shall certify that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice as outlined in this subsection. A record of such certification which includes the specific elevation (in relation to mean sea level) to which such structures are flood proofed shall be maintained by the Floodplain Administrator. (3) Enclosures - new construction and substantial improvements, with fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: (a) A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided; (b) The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade; and (c) Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. 15 c„„' (4) Manufactured Homes (a) Require that all manufactured homes to be placed within Zone A shall be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood damage. For the purpose of this requirement, manufactured homes must be elevated and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement is in addition to applicable State and local anchoring requirements • for resisting wind forces. • (b) e Require that of re '-o---es be manufactured" dines°that are w placed or substantially improved within Zones Al-30, All and AE on the community's FIRM • 4x, .01 m. e ': o i E. „!„ ," � , r "� "i � � s's gat. e�+ d. o i iilii r c e s a�. $ "'„ a • a 3 a •. S c '',V I•.fi �n or.,lril ti'" �* ,.. c,....� � mac- ��4 �. � +���. K ,.���,t�L �„ i e �� �i ;��� °fir` �� � i t �i e ' �t ��� ��' � . "" k1 ,cE��i��i�� d• "�,,�' i , rW a€a• + _,,_ ' :qI Ufa ' - i+ 9��„"�` ° t i. . t• . ✓ el'e�t n m t be securely anchoredto an :fin adequately anchored foundation system ' ton resist 4 rc a� , l e�cahnovement e tf a. ' aiiutfa tz ±d l iies l t tiii t'.ally ' :.,..,,',,:°;:e'd t�i •kl ffi;s WdE� .9RY... t S F w,...4 ... ssry%'., i �11,,,, s s.°S% £,mow . U���.i ;°�}3; 3�Et as 6 e evate` i Maier: a«' '.' ? �P � `�(,,g ,{ .. ,.:..,g' iY{. fi dsd s•r"�$(>�x5 ^ 4a f.4A.Q.A V 1 iia 1 ` at:least u o fe -'a,��s.a;:A . r. ,resr,,.:, ,... > . my;..- Wads•: tlfae Onle i'has i ein r,^ E .r' a r _ -�r o i 4+ � ��>,C ou ` 1� tion, iliV ap r�� i .� t . .. .. . tea.. ,. . „ r '. ,. . x..a _, moV e1 lent. ( ) Reci a [r n l 'Vehicre K=Rnquire that recreati© ehicles ilaced�on sites',witli n Zan �30 AH �d A on idle¢r.�inmu i ?I' *eeithher I)b n thxe s to fa fewer %180 eonsecutF re days;:(ii}be fully,licensed>and ready,for,liighway si ; 16 ors.(iii),meet the&permit requirements:�f,Article.�4y=Section;C{1}; and th t tip l ai d:`ii chorin u'` . r ` ,eq ueinents ;.o na ufa ed m s�'9iz 4pai - ' It(4) 03 i section. A recreational vehicle is ready for highway use if it is on its wheels or jacking system, is attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, and has no permanently attached additions. SECTION C. Standards for Subdivision Proposals (1) All subdivision proposals, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, shall be consistent with Article 1, Sections B, C and D of this ordinance. (2) All proposals for the development of subdivisions, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, shall meet Development Permit requirements of Article 3, Section C; Article 4, Section C; and the provisions of Article 5 of this ordinance. (3) Base flood elevation data shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other proposed development, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, which is greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is lesser, if not otherwise provided pursuant to Article 3, Section B, or Article 4, Section B(8), of this ordinance. (we (4) All subdivision proposals, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards. (5) All subdivision proposals, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage. SECTION D. Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO/AH Zones) Located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Article 3, Section B, of this • ordinance, are areas designated as shallow flooding. These areas have special flood hazards associated with base flood depths of 1 to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist and where the path of flooding is unpredictable and where velocity flow may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow; therefore, the following provisions apply: (1) All new construction and substantial improvements of residential structures shall have the lowest floor (including the basement) elevated above the highest adjacent grade at least a ct; depth number specified in feet fa+rJ— on the community's FIRM. (2) All new construction and substantial improvements of nonresidential structures shall: ,,. 17 - Pam- /8 • (kr' (i) have the lowest floor (including the basement) elevated above the highest adjacent grade at least two°feet3:higher:.than::the a depth number specified in feet on the community's FIRM. is spccificd); or (ii) together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities be designed so that below the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads of effects of buoyancy. (3) A registered professional engineer or architect shall submit a certification to the Floodplain Administrator that the standards of this Section, as proposed in Article 4, Section C(1)(a), are satisfied. (4) Require, within Zones AH or AO, adequate drainage paths around structures on slopes, to guide flood waters around and away from proposed structures. SECTION E. Floodways Floodways - located within areas of special flood hazard established in Article 3, Section B, are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to (Itie the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles and erosion potential, the following provisions shall apply: (1) Encroachments are prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements and other development unless certification by a professional registered engineer or architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. (2) If Article 5, Section E(1) above is satisfied, all new construction and substantial • improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Article 5. ARTICLE 6 REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES SECTION A. Repeal of ordinance No. 271 and Other Inconsistent Ordinances Ordinance No. 271 of the City, passed on June 1, 1982, relating to flood hazard prevention, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict. (lispe 18 ARTICLE 7 SEVERABILITY, PENALTY, DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION A. Severability If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holdings shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION B. Penalty Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION C. Declaration of Emergency: Effective Date The fact that the present ordinances and regulations of the City are inadequate to properly safeguard the life, health, property and public peace of the citizens of the City, creates an emergency for the immediate preservation of the life, health, property, and public peace of the citizens of the City, requires that this ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its passage and it is accordingly so ordained. CERTIFICATION It is hereby found and declared by the City of Southlake, Texas; that severe flooding has occurred in the past within its jurisdiction and will certainly occur within the future; that flooding is likely to result in infliction of serious personal injury or death, and is likely to result in substantial injury or destruction of property within its jurisdiction; in order to effectively comply with minimum standards for coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program; and in order to effectively remedy this situation described herein, it is necessary that this ordinance become effective immediately. 19 7/L1 ' Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance, being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Southlake, Texas, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a regular meeting duly convened on January 5, 1988. Lir (kiw 20 City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Regulating Public Access on Private Property The discussion of the regulations for public access on private property was productive and I have incorporated several suggestions into this ordinance. I am attaching the original memo dated May 11, 1995 and a copy of the ordinance with the following additions: The suggestion by the Mayor to add a minimum sign size in Section 2. Councilmember Muller's suggestion of permission to park by owner in Section 4. A disclaimer for employees will be included so they will not be in violation of the ordinance. The only manner a car will be towed off private property is through the request of the owner or operator of the business premise with the exception of any general towing circumstances that would be required regardless of whether it is public or private property. Councilmember Richarme's suggestion of one year follow-up will be incorporated as a program to be undertaken by the Deputy Director of Police Services. BC/bls Lye 10-, City of Southiake,Texas MEMORANDUM May 11, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Regulating Public Access on Private Property As the city becomes more populous it is important that Public Safety be proactive in the protection of its citizens while allowing the general public to participate in local commerce in the regular traversement of the city in a safe and convenient manner. This ordinance will allow any citizen to move about the city,business to business,unobstructed by vehicular or pedestrian traffic that does not pertain to the business in which they are trying to access. The parking lots and areas of a business are for the customers and not an area for gathering of numbers of people in cars with no apparent intent of patronizing the establishments. Highlights of this ordinance are that it is nonmanditorily to participate. It regulates non-customers on private property, participation is indicated to the public by the installation of signs in a conspicuous place as per the ordinance and it sets guidelines for enforcement. Section I gives the definition of parking and access area and private business premises. Section II states that the owner or operator of a business may post signs in a conspicuous place with clear wording per the city ordinance. Section III illustrates the violation allows prima facia evidence is when a person enters a signed business area in a motor vehicle and then exits that same parking and access area without parking or entering the business in a repeated fashion. One remaining on the parking and access area of a private business without patronizing the business or for a lengthy stay after patronizing the business • is also a violation. Section IV gives the officer some guidelines to follow when considering or determining a violation such as the amount of time a person spends on a parking lot or access area when not engaged in business and/or whether he is congregating with other people and whether the businesses are open or closed. We recommend that City Council consider this ordinance in leu of any other regulatory ordinances such as cruising, curfews, etc. We believe this will allow for some necessary enforcement of vehicular and pedestrian enforcement for general safety. Attached is the ordinance as provided by the City Attorney. Lie b BC/bls e07(i7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PRIVATE BUSINESSES TO POST / SIGNS LIMITING ACCESS TO THE BUSINESS PREMISES; CREATING AN OFFENSE FOR VIOIATING THE LIMITATIONS;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS;PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER;AND • PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of SoutbI ike,Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council has determine that in order to protect the health safety and welfare of its citizens and to assure that business parking areas are not unnecessarily ,,. obstructed with the congregation of person's and vehicles and that parking areas are available for use by business customers during business hours; and WHEREAS, after business hours, the congregation of person's and vehicles on business parking areas,in violation of posted signs, has resulted in cases of chemical abuse, littering, loud and raucous noise, gang activity, and vandalism; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. Definitions. In this ordinance: CITY means the city of Southlake, Texas. PARKING AND ACCESS AREA means the private property surrounding a private business, which is used for parking vehicles of the customers of the business or as roadways (we -t- /F 3 • (IMF giving access to the business and its parkingareas, including grass,concrete,or g g other dividing and perimeter areas_ PRIVATE BUSINESS PREMISES means the business structure and the parking and access areas of a business or a number of businesses. SECTION 2. Posting signs. (a) The owner or operator of a private business premises may post a sign or signs at or near entrances to the parking and access areas of the business,stating words conveying the following meaning: "Parking and access through this area are reserved for customers of the business(es)only. Others on the premises are in violation of city ordinance" (b) When signs are posted as described in Subsection (a), the parking and access areas of the private business premises are reserved for the customers of the business or businesses located on the private business premises. (c) Signs posted pursuant to Subsection (a) must: (lipe (1) be a minimum 12"x 18" in size; (2) must be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrances to the parking and access area of the private business premises: and (3) must be easily read by persons entering the area. SECTION 3. Violations. (a) A person commits an offense if the person enters upon the parking and access area of a private business premises where a sign or signs as described in Section 2(a) are posted at or near the entrances,and the person is not patronizing or attempting to patronize a business located on the private business premises. (b) It is prima facia evidence that a person has committed an offense under Subsection (a) if the person: (1) enters the parking and access arca of a private business premises in a motor vehicle and exits the parking and access area more than once within a close proximity .2 g6- T r (lor• of time without parking and entering a business located on the private business premises; or (2) remains on the parking and access area of a private business premises either without patronizing a business or upon completion of patronizing a business on the premises. (c) It is a defense to prosecution under Subsection (a) that the person: (1) has permission from the owner or operator of the parking area,to park a motor vehicle in the parking area, and the owner or operator has notified the Southlake Department of Public Safety that permission has been given; or (2) is an employee of a business located on the premises who has parked •a motor vehicle in a parking area of the premises while engaged in the employment. SECTION 4. Determination of violation. In determining whether a violation of Section 3(a) has occurred,an officer shall take the following factors into consideration: (a) the amount of time the person spends in the parking and access area when not engaged in patronizing a business; (b) whether the person has joined others who have congregated in a parking and access area; (c) whether the business or businesses are open. SECTION 5. Towing of vehicles. This ordinance does not alter the city's policy concerning the towing of vehicles. The city does not tow vehicles from private property unless the tow is in connection with other police activity. SECTION 6. Cumulative clause. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with (1111r" the provisions of other ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of the other ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. Severability clause. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases,clauses, sentences,paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable,and if any phrase,clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction,such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. • SECTION 8. Penalty clause. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than$500 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. L SECTION 9. Pamphlet form publication clause. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than their production. • SECTION 10. Newspaper publication clause. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance,and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. L • SECTION 11. Effective date clause. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199S. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney state\onfinaa\shopCntr ord -5- L EEO- � City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 15, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: SPIN Standing Committee Appointments You will recall that the intitial Standing Committee for the Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) was appointed last May. These neighborhood representatives were appointed for staggered terms, which means that a portion of the group was appointed for a one year term. The attached resolution provides a means for reappointing or replacing the representatives for the places with the initial one year terms. The new appointees will serve a regular two year term. The representatives listed have been recommended by their respective neighborhoods. Additionally, there have been some changes in the neighborhoods which will require replacing a few of the representatives whose terms have not expired. The replacements will serve for the remainder of the term. At this writing, there were still a few neighborhoods which have not made recommendations. We hope to bring the names to you by Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any questions about these appointments. SKY Ler Q/4/ RESOLUTION 95-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN); PROVIDING FOR TERMS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that a citizen advisory committee would be of assistance to the City Council and City staff by providing a more available form of citizen participation in the affairs of the City and to create a forum for neighbor to neighbor communication; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has created such a committee by ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to appoint one youth representative, as well as one representative for each of the designated neighborhoods from recommendations provided by the neighborhoods; and, WHEREAS, the first year of SPIN has been completed with initial terms expiring and some resignations occurring; now (kire THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The following are hereby appointed as neighborhood representatives for the terms specified: Neighborhood #1 Cara White 1997 Neighborhood #3 Joe Mast 1997 Neighborhood #5 1997 Neighborhood #6 Doug Fierce 1996 Neighborhood #7 Peter Sporrer 1997 Neighborhood #8 1996 Neighborhood #9 Laura Miklosko 1997 Neighborhood #11 Gary Fawks 1997 Neighborhood #13 Rex Potter 1997 Neighborhood #14 Karen Cienki 1996 Neighborhood #15 , Wayne & June Haney 1997 Youth Delegate Katie Holzgraefe 1997 Lye Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage by the City Council. Resolution No. 95-13 SPIN Appointments page two CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Gary Fickes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary QA5 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager • FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 95-21, Appointments to the Park and Recretion Board Resolution No. 95-21, allows for the appointment of three members to the Park and Recretation Board for three year terms. As we have discussed, Carl Lee Hamilton and Becci Rollins would like to be considered for another term. Ann Barnes will be moving away therefore wishes to be replaced. The interviews were held on June 13, 1995, where several new applicants were interviewed for this board. If you have questions, or wish to have another copy of the applications, please give me a call. 1s1 (or 19g1 City of Southlake,Texas RESOLUTION NO. 95-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Parks and Recreation Board was created for the purpose of Planning and Developing Parks and Park sites within the City of Southlake, for the use and benefit of its citizens; and, WHEREAS, the Park and Recreation Board shall consist of nine (9) members, to serve three (3) year terms; and, WHEREAS, currently there are three (3) terms that have expired; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The terms of Ann Barnes, Carol Lee Hamilton, and Becci Rollins have expired. Section 3. The City Council hereby appoints the following persons to the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve a term to expire in June, 1998. 2. 3. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1995. - ' (ow, Resolution No. 95-21 Park and Recreation Board page two CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Gary Fickes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary (or r • 1 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 95-22, Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 95-22, allows for the appointment of three members to the Planning and Zoning Commission for two year terms. As we have discussed, Nick McGarity, Lanny Tate and James Murphy would like to be considered for another term. The interviews were held on June 13, 1995, where several new applicants were interviewed for this commission. If you have questions, or wish to have another copy of the applications, please give me a call. Isl (be' 9e—/ City of Southlake,Texas RESOLUTION NO. 95-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Southlake, Texas was approved by the voters in a duly called Charter Election held on April 4, 1987; and, WHEREAS, in the Home Rule Charter, Chapter XI concerns Planning and Zoning ; and Section 11.03 allows for appointments for two (2) year terms on the commission; and, WHEREAS, currently the terms of three (3) commissioners have expires; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council hereby incorporates said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The terms of Nick McGarity, Lanny Tate and James Murphy, have expired. Section 3. The City Council her-.• . • ••in s - • 's . •-rsons to the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve a t- to expire in June, 1997. 3. Pte- ' Section 4. This res• tion shall become effective after its passage. • • adoption by the City Council. PASSED AND APPRO ' P THE 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1995. e , Resolution No. 95-22 Planning and Zoning Commission page two CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Gary Fickes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 95-23, Appointments to Zoning Board of Adjustments Resolution No. 95-23, allows for the appointment of three members and one alternate member to the Zoning Board of Adjustments, for two year terms. As we have discussed, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Bill Towler and Art Sorenson wish to be considered for another term. Dick Waltke expressed that he does not want to be reappointed. The interviews were held on June 13, 1995, where several new applicants were interviewed for this board. If you have questions, or wish to have another copy of the applications, please give me a call. ,w ALA /sl City of Southlake,Texas RESOLUTION NO. 95-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has a Zoning Board of Adjustments as stated in the City Home Rule Charter, Chapter XI, Section 11.02; and, WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 44, calls for a five (5) member board with two (2) alternate members; and, WHEREAS, currently the two year terms of three (3) members and one (1) alternate member have expired; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety. Section 2. The terms of members, Lloyd O. Latta Jr., Dick Waltke, Bill Towler and Alternate #2, Art Sorenson, have expired. Section 3. Under this resolution, the following persons are hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustments for terms to expire in June, 1997. 1. 2. ii\,.\NA 3. lL • 4. cOTK 'C(L4KJ Section 4. This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1995. -4" . - Resolution No. 95-23 L; Board of Adjustments page two CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Gary Fickes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Lime fl :' City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 14, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Regal Oaks Addition Developer Agreement The draft Developer Agreement for Regal Oaks Addition is attached. The usual conditions for the cash escrow, letters of credit, performance bond or payment bond are required in this agreement. There are a few changes in this agreement that needs Council's attention and these changes are as follows: • Page 4 contains highlighted language that was authorized by Council at the June 6, 1995 meeting. When the early stages of writing this agreement began, this language was not a part of the "standard" agreement, therefore, it is highlighted to notify the Developer. • Page 9 contains two paragraphs that have strikeouts. Off-site sewer, sewer pro-rata or off-site water are not applicable in this addition. • Page 9, OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: There are two critical drainage structures that this addition will impact. The first structure to be impacted is No. 4 (West Dove Street) and the second structure is No. 2 (North White Chapel). A copy of the calculations that determine the off-site drainage expense is attached. \ ,... Page 9, PARK FEES: states that the Developer agrees to pay park fees in the amount o $11,000. • Page 10, RI RDINANU: The Devel 11 pay the "new" perimeter street fee of $25,490.00. oper submitted the final plat to Planning and Zoning, this new perimeter street fee was already an adopted ordinance. The construction plans have not been released by the City Engineer at this time. However, the Developer is anxious to get started on the construction of this Addition, and because the next meeting is scheduled for July 18, 1995, Staff believes that we can go forth with the Developer Agreement. Of course this Agreement will be contingent upon the plans being released. Please place this on the June 20, 1995 agenda for Council consideration. BW\sm Attachments: Developer Agreement Drainage calculations Two Maps / O A°—/ • v REGAL OAKS ADDITION DEVELOPER AGREEMENT An Agreement between the City of Southlake,Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the undersigned Developer, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," of the • i cli • ddition, to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the"Addition," for the installation of certain community facilities located therein, and to provide city services thereto. It is understood by and between the parties that this Agreement is applicable to the';- lots contained within th= •`ts; Addition and to the off-site improvements necessary to support the Addition. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this Agreement. B. Since the Developer is prepared to develop the Addition as rapidly as possible and is desirous of selling lots to builders and having residential building activity begin as quickly as possible and the City is desirous of having the subdivision completed as rapidly as possible,the City agrees to release 10°/ of the lots after installation of the water and sewer mains. Framing shall not commence until water quality is approved by the City and all appropriate Fire Code requirements are satisfied,and street signs(temporary or permanent)with street names are in place. The remaining building permits shall be released as soon as the streets are complete.The Developer recognizes that Certificates of Occupancy for residential dwellings will not be issued until the supporting public works infrastructure within the Addition has been accepted by the City,and this will serve as an incentive to the Developer to see that all remaining items are completed so that final acceptance can be obtained. C. The Developer will present to the City either a cash escrow, letters of credit, performance bond or payment bond acceptable to the City guaranteeing and agreeing to pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the construction cost of all of the facilities to be constructed by the Developer,and providing for payment to the City of such amounts,up to the total remaining amounts required for the completion of the Addition if the Developer fails to complete the work within two (2)years of the signing of this Agreement between the City and Developer. All bonds shall be issued by a Best-rated bonding company. All letters of credit must meet the Requirements for Irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto and incorporated herein. The value of the performance bond, letters of credit or cash escrow will reduce at a rate consistent with the amount of work that has been completed by the Developer and accepted by the City. Performance and payment bond, letters of credit or cash escrow from the prime contractor(s) or other entity reasonably acceptable to City, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will be acceptable in lieu of Developer's obligations specified above. D. The Developer agrees to furnish to the City maintenance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow amounting to 20%of the cost of construction of underground utilities and 50% of the construction cost for paving. These maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow will be for a period of two(2)years and will be issued prior to the final City acceptance of the subdivision. The maintenance bonds,letters of credit or cash escrow will be supplied to the City by the contractors performing the work, and the City will be named as the beneficiary if the contractors fail to perform any required maintenance. E. Until the performance and payment bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow required in Paragraph C has been furnished as required, no approval of work on or in the Addition shall be given by City and no work shall be initiated on or in said Addition by Developer, save and except as provided above. F. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned hereinabove shall be vested in the City and Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title, or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. It is further understood and agreed that until the City accepts such improvements, City shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with any such facilities. Acceptance of the facilities shall occur at such time that City, through its City Manager or his duly authorized representative, provides Developer with a written acknowledgement that all facilities are complete, have been inspected and approved and are being accepted by the City. G. On all public facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his own construction contract,Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. Developer agrees to pay the following: a. Inspection fees equal to three percent(3%) of the cost of the water, street,drainage and sanitary sewer facilities,on all facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract,to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; b. Administrative Processing Fee equal to two percent(2%)of the cost of water,street,drainage and sanitary sewer facilities,on all facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; r/ -2- // 2 3 c. Trench testing(95% Standard); d. The additional charge for inspections during Saturday, Sunday, holidays,and after normal working hours; e. Any charges for retesting as a result of failed tests; f. All gradation tests required to insure proper cement and/or lime stabilization. 2. The City agrees to bear the expense of: a. All nuclear density tests on the roadway subgrade(95% Standard); b. Technicians time for preparing concrete cylinders; and c. Concrete cylinder tests and concrete coring samples. The City can delay connection of buildings to service lines or water mains constructed under this Agreement until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of and accepted by the City. H. The e er Dev lop and any third party, independent entity engaged in the construction of houses,hereinafter referred to as Builder will be responsible for mowing all grass and weeds and otherwise reasonably maintaining the aesthetics of all land and lots in said subdivision which have not been sold to third parties. After fifteen(15)days written notice, should the Developer or Builder fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer or Builder for reasonable costs. • Should such cost remain unpaid for 120 days after notice,the City can file a lien on such property so maintained. Any guarantee of payment instrument (Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, etc.) submitted by the Developer or Contractor on a form other than the one which has been previously approved by the City as "acceptable" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for the City and this Agreement shall not be considered in effect until such City Attorney has approved the instrument. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. J. Any surety company through which a bond is written shall be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas,provided that the City,through the City Manager,shall retain the right to reject any surety company as a surety for any work under this or any other Developer's Agreement within the City of Southlake -3- /D4-K regardless of such company's authorization to do business in Texas. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. II. FACILITIES: A. ON SITE WATER: The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Water facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and reviewed by the City. Further,the Developer agrees to complete this installation in accordance with Ordinance No. 170 and shall be responsible for all construction costs,materials and engineering. In the event that certain water lines are to be oversized because of City requirements,the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. Additionally, the City agrees to provide temporary water service at Developer's request and expense, for construction,testing and irrigation purposes only, to individual lots during the construction of homes, even though sanitary sewer service may not be available to the homes. B. DRAINAGE: Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the Addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by Developer's engineers,reviewd by the City Engineer,and made part of the final plat as approved by the City Council. The Developer hereby agrees to fully comply with all EPA requirements relating to the planning, permitting and management of storm water which may be in force at the time that development proposals are being presented for approval by the City. C. STREETS: 1. The street construction in the Addition shall conform to the requirements in Ordinance No. 217. Streets will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and reviewed by the City Engineer. -4- 2. The Developer will be responsible for:a)Installation and two year operation cost of street lights,which is payable to the City prior to final acceptance of the Addition; b) Installation of all street signs designating the names of the streets inside the subdivision,said signs to be of a type,size,color and design standard generally employed by the Developer and approved by the City in accordance with City ordinances: c) Installation of all regulatory signs recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and as directed by the Director of Public Works.It is understood that Developer may put in signage having unique architectural features,however,should the signs be moved or destroyed by any means the City is only responsible for replacement of standard signage. 3. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to complying with the requirements contained elsewhere in this Agreement. All water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage utilities which are anticipated to be installed within the street or within the street right-of-way will be completed prior to the commencement of street construction on the specific section of street in which the utility improvements have been placed or for which they are programmed. It is understood by and between the Developer and the City that this requirement is aimed at substantial compliance with the majority of the pre-planned facilities. It is understood that in every construction project a decision later may be made to realign a line or service which may occur after construction has commenced. The Developer hereby agrees to advise the City Director of Public Works as quickly as possible when such a need has been identified and to work cooperatively with the City to make such utility change in a manner that will be least disruptive to street construction or stability. D. ON-SITE SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES: The Developer hereby agrees to install sanitary sewerage collection facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Sanitary sewer facilities will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and reviewed by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in compliance with all applicable city ordinances, regulations and codes and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. E. EROSION CONTROL: -5- /D,9� During construction of the Addition and after the streets have been installed, the Developer agrees to keep the streets free from soil build-up. The Developer agrees to use soil control measures such as hay bales, silt screening, hydromulch, etc., to prevent soil erosion. It will be the Developer's responsibility to present to the Director of Public Works a soil control development plan that will be implemented for this subdivision. When, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works,there is sufficient soil build-up on the streets or other drainage areas and notification has been given to the Developer,the Developer will have seventy-two(72)hours to clear the soil from the streets or affected areas. If the Developer does not remove the soil from the street within 72 hours, the City may cause the soil to be removed either by contract or City forces and place the soil within the Addition at the Developer's expense. All expenses must be paid to the City prior to acceptance of the Addition. F. AMENITIES: It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Addition may incorporate a number of unique amenities and aesthetic improvements such as ponds, aesthetic lakes,unique landscaping,walls,and may incorporate specialty signage and accessory facilities. The Developer agrees to accept responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty item such as walls, vegetation,signage,landscaping,street furniture,pond and lake improvements until (are such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. G. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Developer may provide unique amenities within public right-of-way,such as landscaping,irrigation, lighting, etc., for the enhancement of the Addition. The Developer agrees to maintain these amenities until such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. The Developer and his successors and assigns understand that the City shall not be responsible for the replacement of these amenities under any • circumstances and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the public right-of-way with regard to these improvements and the Developer shall,at his own cost and expense,defend and protect City against all such claims and demands. H. START OF CONSTRUCTION: Before the construction of the streets,and the water, sewer,or drainage facilities can begin,the following must take place: -6- • . l. Approved payment and performance bonds must be submitted to the City in the name of the City prior to the commencement of any work. 2. At least six (6) sets of construction plans stamped "Released for Construction" by the City Engineer must be submitted. 3. All fees required to be paid to the City. 4. Developer's Agreement executed. 5. The Developer, or Contractor shall furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance,naming the City as co-insured,prior to commencement of any work. 6. A pre-construction meeting between Developer and City is required. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. Developer covenants and agrees to and does hereby fully indemnify,hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, from all claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoever,whether real or asserted,brought for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property, including death, resulting from or in any way connected with the agreement or the construction of the improvements or facilities described herein;which indemnity, shall terminate upon acceptance by the City of such improvements or facilities; and in addition, the Developer covenants to indemnify,hold harmless and defend the City,its officers, agents,servants and employees,from and against any and all claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoever,brought for or on account of injuries or damages to persons or property, including death, resulting from any failure to properly safeguard the work, or on account of any act, intentional or otherwise, neglect or misconduct of the Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, agents, servants or • employees, which indemnity, shall terminate upon acceptance by the City of such improvements or facilities. B. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. C. Approval by the City Engineer or other City employee of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by the Developer pursuant to this agreement shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of the Developer, his engineer, employees, officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Such approval shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the City for any defect in the -7- / 2i—e design and specifications prepared by the consulting engineer, his officers, agents, servants or employees, it being the intent of the parties that approval by the City Engineer signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the improvements to be constructed. In this connection,the Developer shall for a period of two (2) years after the acceptance by the City of Southlake of the completed construction project, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, from any loss, damage, liability or expense on account of damage to property and injuries, including death,to any and all persons which may arise out of any defect, deficiency or negligence of the engineer's designs and specifications incorporated into any improvements constructed in accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own expense any suits or other proceedings brought against the City,its officers, agents, servants or employees,or any of them,on account thereof,to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgement which may be incurred by or rendered against them or any of them in connection herewith. D. This agreement or any part thereof or any interest herein,shall not be assigned by the Developer without the express written consent of the City Manager,which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. E. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract,the Developer agrees to employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City,and whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, said contractor to meet City and statutory requirements for being insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public projects of a similar nature. F. Work performed under the agreement shall be completed within two (2)years from • the date thereof. In the event the work is not completed within the two (2) year period,the City may,at its election,draw on the performance bond, letter of credit or other security provided by Developer and complete such work at Developer's expense;provided,however,that if the construction under this agreement shall have started within the two (2)year period, the City may agree to renew the agreement with such renewed agreement to be in compliance with the City policies in effect at that time. G. The City is an exempt organization under Section 151,309, Tax Code, and the facilities constructed under this Agreement will be dedicated to public use and accepted by the City upon acknowledgement by the City of completion under Paragraph I.F. 1. The purchase of tangible personal property, other than machinery or equipment and its accessories, repair, and replacement parts, for use in the -8- /D4 performance of this Agreement is, therefore, exempt from taxation under Chapter 151, Tax code, if the tangible property is: a. necessary and essential for the performance of the Agreement; and b. completely consumed at the job site. 2. The purchase of a taxable service for use in the performance of this Agreement is exempt if the service is performed at the job site and if: a. this Agreement expressly requires the specific service to be provided or purchased by the person performing the Agreement;or b. the service is integral to the performance of the Agreement. IV. OTHER ISSUES: A. OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: The Developer understands that the Drainage Ordinance, Section 6.06-B, requires that each development contribute on a pro-rata basis towards the cost of replacing critical drainage structures downstream from the development. This development is within the basin served by the box culvert in a , . The Developer agrees to pay of the culvert expense prior to the beginning of construction. B. OFF SITE WATER: • B. PARK FEES: The Developer agrees to pay park fees in conformance with Ordinance No. 483 (Subdivision Ord.),Article VII,Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements. The Addition consists of lots for a total required park fee ofCl/ -9- (hrol C. PERIMETER STREET ORDINANCE: L"X, E r a asa" � �_C. s s�" fir saeq r ,.r c •hi ":F € r cs s € 1 ).,E. i ( D. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: All construction activities shall meet the requirements of the Tree preservation Ordinance 585. SIGNED AND EFFECTIVE on the date last set forth below. DEVELOPER: By: Title: co, Address Date: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS By: Gary Fickes,Mayor ATTEST: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Date: c:I wpfrlul devagrceljornwt -10- /off// (hori REQUIREMENTS FOR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 1. The Letter of Credit(L of C) must have a duration of at least one year. 2. The L of C may be substituted for utility security deposits exceeding$10,000.00. The City reserves the right to specify the face amount of the letter of credit. 3. The L of C must be issued by an FDIC insured bank in a form acceptable to the City of Southiake. The City reserves the right to approve/disapprove the bank issuing the Letter of Credit. 4. The L of C must be issued by a bank that has a minimum capital ratio of six(6%)percent, and has been profitable for each of the last two consecutive years. 5. The customer must provide the City with supporting financial information on the bank to allow the City to ascertain requirements are met. Suitable fmancial information would be the previous two (2) years December 31 Call Reports submitted to the FDIC and audited fmancial statements. 6. Partial drawings against L of C must be permitted. 7. The City must be able to draft on sight with proof of amount owed. 8. The customer pays any and all fees associated with obtaining L of C. 9. Expiring letter of credit must be replaced by substitute letters of credit at least 30 days prior to the expiration date on the L of C held by the City. • c:twpfles%devagrcelforma! / /? . • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE "PROJECT COST FSTIMATJ n t CRITI .AL STR ICTf1RR NO - jT 9,7/ C��l/CK/ 3,209 ACRE WATERSHED Z' ESTIMATE 3 O 7- DESCRIPTION COST MOBILIZATION/MOVE-IN-LUMP SUM $ 12,500.00 2. MAIN SPAN STRUCTURE-LUMP SUM (82'x 42') 258,300.00 5 5/ 3. METAL GUARD RAILS-1,000 L.F.@$25/FT. 25,000.00 4. EMBANKMENTS(CONTROL DENSITY)250 C.Y.®$6/C.Y 61,500.00 x a5.01 Co/ Q'e/la0 5. LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE(INCLUDING LIME) 10,000.00 6. ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT. 1,650 S.Y.®$12/S.Y. 19,800.00 3 7. HYDRO-MULCHING-60,000 S.F./9 X.75/S.Y. 5.000.00 // '�`/Q , l 8. RIGHT-OF-WAY PURCHASE.40,000 S.F.®.50/S.F. 20,000.00 9. BARRICADES-LUMP SUM 600.00 10. REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE 1.12142 $416,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 416.000.00 ENGINEERING COSTS 41.600.00 SURVEYING COSTS 8,500.00 PROJECT INSPECTION COSTS 1249100 GRAND TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 478,500.00 COST PER ACRE(BASED ON 3.209 ACRES) COST/AC. = $478,500/3,209 ACRES = $149.11/ACRE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE co, raatearsatcysolan CRITICAL,STRUCTURE NO.4 1,025.7 ACRE WATERSHED ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION COST 1. MAIN'PRE-CAST BOX CULVERT=84 L.F.@$2,650.00 $ 22.6000.000 2. 2-TEX-D.O.T TYPE WING WALLS(PARALLEL TYPE) 9,000.00 3. 324 L.F:METAL GUARD RAIL 0$28.75/L.F. 4. 6'THICK CONCRETE RIP-RAP®CULV.ENDS 3.400 S.F.@$4.85/S.F. 16,490.00,595.00 5. HYDRO MULCHING AND EROSION CONTROL 6. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE _1.922,22 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S 274,000.00 • ENGINEERING COSTS 27,400.00 SURVEYING COSTS 6.500.00 PROJECT INSPECTION COSTS 'g2 GRAND TOTAL PROJECT COST S 315.300.00 COST PER ACRE(BASED ON 1.025.7 ACRES) COST/AC. = $315.300.00/1,025.7 ACRES = S 307.40/ACRE C /// / O� N i I , - ___d 7A3 110 czar- . 1 M ,•, T ir A.-. 1 ft 1 7qA je•Elk' : i um ww. I s. (.ONIbac 004 0.M.. ..a N .A / ' 3 wi , - iniassiiim wpm= 2A, ,. .,,: . r.,re.1i op C : • • • =lir ? i I illiADART _pI �l.fn�. 6�iARY �. �� �,•:.�.� u •• . II • PI . r - LI::a�'Cd��i�wiimiLl11111111%.:, •'t • ef raft. �:� .�La 11 i iitll Ih5'da A2 7A maimili •' _.....4 it„ . ,, ,„ im � a� 51Liiiiiiiri at . ,. - 167 i1KE CITY WIT Il �•r■V ■? ~ An x7 7a us ill r al EZLER pTY LIApT �, � ,,... .. .. � Mil IC ,..�, ... are ixtfiloxpprii„ti Is a: i .3. x 414_,....--14,. ii , . ,„*.. , IIQ. - m 41p..., gre alIPPAImp C.••••tjtv,xdil&ip Ji" uttu -1'44144W-AM10111A101-Win •••• 1 V041. T: 1 ...Ail, ./Ilig40. Amnia .40.1.41 Av.-4 .--,ii...-.2 ---ic:r- orYr° WALKER ■. tr •,,,,, ill nfY A-1.0. Wwo i -am - - - ,A,M � �, • I ..1. M , LMIER an 1m%-1 1IiL11 w M ;xMML uINI u ; TRACT MAP .�iii 641/117A 11 MIA WI m41 wArt j , . : 11 , fir i. . wa �, �o -1 1��111 m r r • i r '"i! GENERAL NO1E5 QUANTITATIVE LAND USE \,, cRAr14c=NI MP • +• •1 +m 1, O0NSE TREE COVERAGE OISTS ON ENTIRE 2100 AC. . 1aE _M,p NI IMOM .096 P Lets... MAGI 4 2. SEWAGE VACUUM 9iAtJ.BE PRIVATE SEPTIC STOW mat eAN.T to 0 kWAC ma AC ON EAMN LOT. _ .,.. I 3. E)tD7R10 ZONING IS'AO' PNEABANT LANE J PROPO97D 20WNG IS'Y-1A' -- ---••• CABINET A SLUE ESTATES HILLROOD IKNINIG,,.TINY w. m t /J, i P4.T.C.T. I ;;i! I l . Ill v06 3a25,PG.II 65.et;tig, MA NCON ENTERPRISES39,PG. IO NC 1 EXISTING ZONNNCA SPA t t I i } OR.1:GT. WL 9J39. .T 1a71 i I 1 ; I7! EXISTING ZONING 9P-1A o.R T.cr I 17Loa: I t(tii I 1 1 eLouc 3444.42 ONEtt REGAL `=I I '' 1 I 2 .i} 3 I 4 II s I a t i III PRElA1MARr KE: _OAKS SUBDPA N PNEASANT WIGS _ J I '•.ML YSt2^_ I L 4 M..1,1 It w 11 Il•tAt tfn PROJECT LOCATION RISTLAKE CITI'ti1MITti�.� ....Lit M0IUMOIT •j Nap JypO•!- I f• , H96.3W--,--j 4p• 14n -7 E+ SOU TNLAKE CIT;TON TS I�..i._L•1-N-__-_J1Nf_ I Jar/ 'Dm--_____Jag. 'DJI� ... -._aKTC__ ad L r,E�\ R rt.. 0404 t7 S1 A1'ul Irt F - Z9.t I I� ;'�"3 .R.a 4 t SLOPS s B 7 B C2/�cs MOIAAENT METES&BOUNDS DESCRIPTION I I i* . I 2 "-r J :i Y ; .631R7►f „ l 1 1 AKOB M9 r1CA 9�rwr(N°NIOft 4.48TI•CT re TIC C.`w,*T mu4n 1CVAT. C(MS MT, TR.2 I 11 • ii .)IY73 A A7%1 >/ i .)aa1.Ml V {74/1.sa! 170N.51! / +Sa)1.y!Y MOT=Tb Our A.RWIM701 IT R,1.1ATIM)t' 1SeOM{OO_Qe 0011A{R MG Ilt re tJ119 MOUPSCN,2 C G. MARY J. IAI)aLn S[@ .3117.PI f ICC9 Macs 1LVA1.MO apt. IN YaLt•[119 ►ROC 71. tw4cD9x,iMRAMT Ili i z�,t __)! ,.} / EAMr.IiMI.MO 1C711 1i.MCi 1TTli1�' .BYO TIn,V0..9 A.T1.uT.7057 ti I .� + -.-..- .-. ..-'S.B•AAC4 - �. ..- �''?� �. _ _ _- �y c 111.1 I WORM.1 MARC74)I1ica MC a 7C0 MOM.rwuMlr Coon,mAf.MU rtINC D.R.T.C.T. It •` '-5 ! raAr G WC►ARiIOAAiI/7CiCR17ta A4 maw, EXISTS,/ZONING. AC L »v , -0.-- , •I• nay 4AI 1�� •--- 1.xr wW.r ♦. _ _ (' --.-.-.�- i L U"ESTATES SOSOMM AT A COCKIC 10.Pp1T WI MOO WOO U M M•i1'WTI We.*JS[T L. - - •"'Vr SLj MEDAL OAK/DINYE 'P M R VOL 36a-1 2 PG.42 NO NORTH SILO$1T MOM IC tall[AIT CORD Cf SAl11EIMS a O.ttltlP74R .. 1% TIME NARN jI dirl.___., s rr1`��'tA' A1."u• t -.d6Ai.. -- I ` g E7tlSTNC 20NNU.Sri TR=SOSO p7p IV Yt77 41.N run, a.Taaar� 1Iy (NO EASEMENTS f It 2 TiDCL ToRTN 10(44•91'TOT 150,4 r12T, 13 13 11 10 9 B 2-RNom iR.2C: I I -~ �i h A y7 7y1 1 1 1ao MRKTMIIO M 4OJM�((SC Cr 114 I.M.1114111 17Rr8MC1i,f.37 MT To T19«4im.a� SEAS.JAMES EMz NELD ! _ _ 14 1 7 .A,N.N Y i 1.b•1.M S77 1 AlS11.M Ile 2 w11AN o j omim sr i ''a s ill I I h COOLIE 10RMQ TN 1K GILT LITC Of awry RDV 3133, C I 77048 TOM,/t•O'WIT 47E.44 MT VIM TIC CAR LOC Or SAM COM71 AMr TO we_9GIT,TONPG.ING itAa .>'°" M 1.1 I Y minz WU p•M'VdT 101.7 rECT TO A O/K9CTE,pAlprt TOE COMA, D.R.r.C.T !� 1LOCJE s k ! PDINT OF BEGINNING C0 14100*441 ID mka. E%151YNO.T.C.T AG I =I ar• Mot _ V VR.ow. oft., i M 3.01 tr + LAO MC Co tt47Ma SCUM M MT TO M STAGE?Q4(10198.AM 61}IrA1M[Ma E3.Y•,Ot[f D TR C2 �f<I DaIOETE MdIMYEKT' ( 9°�/ I! I' 1 -Jr(} }:riT x) 11O 1 C O t mNptETE MauME1Rt---- JDRDAN,NENFY F C 3AIA SA:Y. I 3A1N 3AIP 1) 3AIR 3AO: 3AIr O 1a1CG `MIA4 WO IOTA 181V it IBM 5B12 i IL T.AO I VOL 5.44 C T.74a IyI t I I I ( ' 1 ' i Vtl / +g61.a7 F •8 9 1 10 EKING z0N1Nf.: AC Ii71 I IMI I I OAX(UMHILLSS MOBILE AOE ESTATES {1 `C ;,4 ` 4 id �4., I - - - -�t 30.00' I EXISTING GENIN ZONING: 7E Ie•tut j\ TL,TIE L.tno1 V I Il `4;s CO ,�;I I I ��1TTT T�' •YCEDAR CREIX PLANTATION 1M I# a VOL.3aa-IB6.P0.79 IMP P.R.T.C.T, EPSkIF NOTES _ + NAM t ,y ETt1S1940 ZONING: Sri REGAL PLAT OF(/%(�/�7 CIA TR,TRIM TR.ith*13 MR i t �� 1 ;1 AjJ�� i �V7�:Y�L7 OAKS U D.C. HE'NMAN,GUFF CDIM75FA.E6. p it's,Pc 441, vet. 7541.PG 7206 60L 8493.PG.973 �Ati ` / }S, ��pACC tr e IR.3A11: 1R.1810 TR.(SIR ` a 'R ..NLu 1P''4 I Q , i1 i/ I 6 KINGSTON.GAIN E1Ut JACOUELN NANCC.90e95 ow, BALOIwL J11MY 0 k E.CONATSER '` it aTai.m IsI VOL.aus,PC :43 vx.seta,RC.1301 VOL.en3 P0.•a> I { !I ' DEIND A 25.06 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE TR.SA1H k 34IP TIC 1BIA TR.IOU ! - Ipt- rw•Jt91t.aPs.Alu L _ 4_ ___ CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHER DART AND W.N. MARTIN SURVEYS. BROWN.OONAD 9R.ETV*LA0Op1A BLENNS,901M T. MOMER,ROSERt 9119*EO _ ~/s2 --'II.. __ - 1 -' '- ABSTRACT NOS. 2003 AND 1068 VOL IDe1D,PG.764 va. 712q.PG.MT VOL.417•,PO.1540 I-17WISC -_ 1 RCK M.MOORS,Cl VK. Tr.3AlR TR. letr k TR. 1 Nt iR,te2 • p1"/'1iI( NIL'48.1. Pc.73CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS PMSMAN,JONN M ENS LEE ANNA RESINS,JONN 1. CRONE..IOAN D.R.7.GT. NIL.6.61,PO 1112 vOL 11240,PG.22,19. NIL.11374,PO.956 I \ �11.� i i (MONO 20NNG sr-1A AS DESCRIBED IN VOL 6765, PAGE 2475 (80ARDMAN TRACT; IT�/t M3 TR 3AIr. T4. /BIM k 19(5 iI, L. "• a ie AND VOL 11374, PAGE 958 (CRONE TRACT) I u PaNTE,ALraco rTltrACN.JAMEs L.[TUX 9owaE R r. �1 n� iIII \ jA� 10 3e DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS VIA.421s,Pc TWO vCt 10231 PG.1.6+ Elf 1 T� \ /t iR.3AIr,TR. ism k TR.ABi=C TR. 19RI i4 CEDAR OARS MATES .i -I OWNERS PREPARED Sf9'TEMBER,L99s /CROAM,ROT C.E7Vr SINE TRENCH..MI[2 L. iI ut5 CAB.A.78,06 SAS ....- VOL 767e.PG 12e vat..9764.PC,1976 12 1994 i P,R.T.C.T. ANTI TA119N B0M0MAN `� ■ I1 Ex15TN0 MAW.Sr-i* 402 I PA EOK if DEVELOPER ENGINEER L V L I ■ L aLFF Wit TTDIAS 7943E N01L•ABOVE OATIERSNM3 ARE LOCATED N OAP IMaS MOBILE ESTATES ON WAAL OAKS JOINT VENTURE 7E80UE NAY.k PERKINS.INC. IIN'NH' [O AOOR011 TO THE OTT Or SOUMLAKEI MO EXISTING ZONING 4.JCNTi CROSS St 1.BOX 108 ►10 VLORE=92 1 Is'MM' . 1e0=r 34.104I 740 �(*13)E"1 WW1 3) -� 74t01 BOUIIRAIQ MPS 7FOf2 .� Mrta iMwllnal t - 9914 arr a°SOUTNLAXE, TEXAS I_suz *0441 ttela' -611E'._-�- sal?19,4 TEAG UE ,/ALL AND PERKINS �y}:' REGAL DAKS { 1 1.e C O N S,P I t O n l E t t l l t l , .,,,, ../,/'f'Y•,.•r.4 1..- MO;CTN •1 S rI 1 7t 0 N.r1 ler/p• Blvd, 6yp1 �l A /�-1� i �•f __ , 9• r•,i R'•.I A. r R 0 i 1 r•I R•, r.... 7 5 0 e 0 .,,, ♦•"' ..J. PREUMINA' -L/T T (`,7,JJ '� µ Br sal VAµ 1.ON ..E (B17) 33•- (21•) 234-1743 '.It My T/V M1. i•f3/ City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 27, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Resolution to Limit Agenda Items (Draft Date June 27, 1995) Attached is a draft resolution as revised per the comments of Wayne Olson, City Attorney. I have included a redline/strikeout version as compared to the version in the packet dated June 22, 1995 and a "clean" version for your consideration. Also attached are two tables, one that generically looks at the types of submittals we might receive and the impact of the resolution, and the second that looks at the impact on the past few agendas of actual submittals. It is important for City Council to understand the anticipated agenda loads 411 based on the resolution, given that Council typically has two readings for zoning related items. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. GL/gl enc: Draft Resolution Dated June 27, 1995 Matrix evaluating generic submittals Matrix evaluating actual previous submittals cc: Analeslie Muncy, FBT Wayne Olson, FBT E. Allen Taylor, FBT C:\W PF\MEMO\STAFF\#CASES5.W PD tir RESOLUTION NO. (June 27,1995)11:45 a.m. A RESOLUTION LIMITING THE NUMBER OF ZONING RELATED APPLICATIONS THAT MAY BE SCHEDULED ON ONE AGENDA AT A MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OR THE CITY COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,review of zoning applications is a lengthy process and requires much analysis by the City Staff, City Planning and Zoning Commission,and City Council; and WHEREAS,the City Council believes it is important to allow all citizens an opportunity to provide input to the Commission and City Council and unduly late meetings create a hardship on the citizens; and WHEREAS,scheduling of an excessive number of zoning related applications on a single agenda results in meetings which extend well past midnight and produces an environment in which careful and thoughtful consideration of the issues of a case is difficult; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city to limit the number of zoning related applications that may be heard at one meeting; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: • SECTION 1. The maximum number of zoning related applications that may be considered in public hearing at one Planning and Zoning Commission meeting or City Council meeting is limited to five(5)Zoning related applications shall including Zoning Changes, Concept plans, Site Plans, Development Plans, and Specific Use Permits; except,that if five(5) or more plat reviews are scheduled for a meeting,the total number of zoning related applications that may be heard is limited to three(3). SECTION 2. To insure a comprehensive review of development applications; zoning, concept plan, development plan, site plan, and preliminary plat applications which encompass the same land area and are submitted and processed concurrently shall be collectively considered as one(1) zoning related item. SECTION 3. Among the zoning related applications that may be heard,the following limits apply: (a) No more than two (2)zoning items of fifteen(15) acres or larger; and (b) No more than two (2) applications requiring the review of Concept Plans, Site Plans,Development Plans or Specific Use Permits. SECTION 4. In order to accommodate public participation in components of the Comprehensive Master Plan,no more than one (1) Comprehensive Master Plan element as identified in the City Charter shall be placed on an agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council. Further,discussion or consideration of these elements shall not begin after 1�AA p.m. in the evening. tl:06 SECTION 5. Notwithstanding any of the above limitations,the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council may consider more zoning related items which are on the agenda and have been duly notified andpublic hearings posted to the extent that no discussion for zoning related items begins after 10:00 p.m. in the evening. SECTION 6. If a zoning applicant will suffer an undue hardship resulting from delay caused by the limitations contained in this resolution,the applicant may appeal to the City kor Council for relief. SECTION 7. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1995. Mayor C:\WPF\RES-0RD\CASES3.WPD L thiw RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION LIMITING THE NUMBER OF ZONING RELATED APPLICATIONS THAT MAY BE SCHEDULED ON ONE AGENDA AT A MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OR THE CITY COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,review of zoning applications is a lengthy process and requires much analysis by the City Staff, City Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council; and WHEREAS,the City Council believes it is important to allow all citizens an opportunity to provide input to the Commission and City Council and unduly late meetings create a hardship on the citizens; and WHEREAS, schedulingof an excessive number of zoning '=`• applications on a g � .ems PP single agenda results in meetings which extend well past midnight and produces an environment in which careful and thoughtful consideration of the issues of a case is difficult; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city to limit the number o applications that may be heard at one meeting; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: • SECTION 1. The maximum number of zoning related applications that may be considered in public hearing at one Planning and Zoning Commission meeting or City Council meeting is limited to five(5)Zoning related applications shall including Zoning Changes, Concept plans, Site Plans, Development Plans,and Specific Use Permits; except,that if five(5) or more plat reviews are scheduled for a meeting,the total number of zoning related applications that may be heard is limited to three (3). (a) Zoning Changes which arc accompanied by a required Concept Nan, Site Plan,or 'kw --(b)--Goneept-Plaits-or-Develepment-Platts-when-proeested-eonettrrently-with-a SECTION 2. ° ' � q617 x i!):t !IN x cY ar x�Yc i �? °f ")tie i:74, the r i i t� i t'•E P 41x :b x — . ,t,�e S 3).1 II SECTION 3. Among the zoning related applications that may be heard,the following limits apply: (a) No more than two (2)zoning items of fifteen(15) acres or larger; and (b) No more than two (2) applications requiring the review of Concept Plans, Site Plans, Development Plans or Specific Use Permits. SECTION 4. In order to accommodate public participation in components of the c';')iiariAVIitifk Master Plan,no more than one(1) Comprehensive Master Plan element as identified in the City Charter shall be placed on an agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council. Further, discussion or consideration of these elements shall not begin after 10:00 p.m. in the evening. SECTION 5. Notwithstanding any of the above limitations,the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council may consider more zoning related items which are on the agenda and have been duly notified and public hearings posted to the extent that no discussion for zoning related items begins after 10:00 p.m. in the evening. SECTION 6. If a zoning applicant will suffer an undue hardship resulting from delay caused by the limitations contained in this resolution,the applicant may appeal to the City Council for relief. SECTION 7. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1995. Mayor C:\WPF\RES-ORD\CASES3R.WPD June 2 5 EXAMPLE FLOW CHART-LIMI CASES c:\wPFutEs-o e-nrrx.WPD Week 1 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Submittal P/Z(A) Council Council (A) (A) 1st A(A)2nd t I-Zoning 'I-Zoning 1-Zoning 1-Zoning 2-Zoning 2-Zoning 2-Zoning 2-Zoning 3-Zoning 3-Zoning 3-Zoning 3-Zoning 4-Zoning 4-Zoning 4-Zoning 4-Zoning 5-Plat 5-Plat 5-Plat 6-Plat 6-Plat 6-Plat 7-Final Plat 7-Final Plat I 8-Final Plat 8-Final Plat Submittal P/Z(B) Council • Council (B) B)1st • (B)2nd 9-Zoning 9-Zoning 9-Zoning I 9-Zoning 10-Zoning 10-Zoning 10-Zoning 10-Zoning ll-Zoning II-Zoning 11-Zoning i 11-Zoning 12-Zoning 13-Zoning 14,Plat 14-Plat 14-Plat 15-Plat 15-Plat 15-Plat 16-Plat 16-Plat 16-Plat 17-Final Plat 17-Final Plat 18-Final Plat 18-Final Plat — Submittal P/Z(C) Council ;Council (C) (C)1st (C)2nd 12-Zoning 12-Zoning 112-Zoning 13-Zoning 13-Zoning I I3-Zoning 19-Zoning 19-Zoning 19-Zoning 19-Zoning 20-Zoning 20-Zoning 20-Zoning 20-Zoning 21-Zoning 21-Zoning 21-Zoning 21-Zoning 22-Zoning 24-Plat 24-Plat 23-Zoning 25-Plat 25-Plat , 24-Plat 26-Plat 26-Plat 25-Plat 27-Final Plat 26-Plat — 27-Final Plat Submittal P/Z(D) Council Council (D) (D)1st (D)2nd - 22-Zoning 22-Zoning 22-Zoning 23-Zoning 23-Zoning '123 Zoning 28-Zoning 28-Zoning 28-Zoning 28-Zoning 29-Zoning 29-Zoning 29-Zoning 29-Zoning 30-Zon>15Ac. 30-Zon>15Ac. 30-Zon>15Ac. 30-Zon>15Ac. 31-Zon>ISAc. • 32-Zon>15Ac. 33-Plat 33-Plat 33-Plat 33-Plat 34-Plat 34-Plat I '34-Plat 34-Plat 35-Plat 35-Plat i 135-Plat 35-Plat 36-Final Plat I t 36-Final Plat • 1. S . P/Z(E) ;Council Council r ubniittat (E) i(E)1st (E)2nd 31-Zon>15Ac. 1 3l-Zoo 15Ac. 31-Zon>ISAc. 32-Zon>15Ac. `32-Zon>ISAc. 32-Zon>I SAC. 37-Zoning 37-Zoning 37-Zoning 37-Zoning 38-Zoning 38-Zoning 138-Zoning 38-Zoning 39-Zon>ISAc. 40-Zon>ISAc. 41-Zon w/CP 42-Plat 42-Plat 42-Plat 42-Plat 43-Plat 43-Plat 43-Plat 43-Plat 44-Plat 44-Plat 44-Plat 44-Plat it 45-Final Plat 45-Final Plat _ _ _ r . r r .. June 27, 1995 EXAMPLE FLOW CHART-ACTUAL CASES G:\WPFIRES-ORD\CAS-MTX2.WPD Week 1 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9' Week 10 Submittal P&Z Mtg. Council Mtg. Council Mtg. 5-15-95 64-95 6-20-95 7-18-95 2nd Readings:A, B,C,D& PP,PS Timarron from previous , agenda (IA)Z/CP-Stonebury (IA) (IA)1st Reading (IA)2nd Reading (IB)PPStonebury (1B) (IB) (2A)Z/CP/PP-Ridgewood II (2A) (2A)1st Reading (2A)2nd Reading (2B)PP-Ridgewood II (2B) (2B) (3A)7.1CP-Huntington Est. - - (3B)PP-Huntington Est. - - (4)PP-Versailles (4) - (4) (5)PR-Lakewood Ridge (5) (5) j (6)FP-South Hollow,Phl (6) (7)FP-Park Place Est. (7) ; (8)FP Regal Oaks (8) Submittal P&Z Mtg. 1 Council Mtg. Council Mtg. 6-12-95 7-6-95 1 7-18-95 8-1-95 (3A)Z/CP-Huntington Est (3A) (3A)1st Reading (3A)2nd Readir e (3B)PP-Huntington Est (3B) (38) (9)SUP-Beer(Hady Aghili),no CP (9) (9) (10)SUP-Car Wash,SP (10) (10) (II)Rev CP-C.Bible Church - (12)FP-Park Place Est. (12) (13)FP-SL Crossing (13) (14)FP-Ridgewood I (14) (15)FP-Coventry,Ph 1 (I5) (16)FP-Timarron,Golf Villas (16) Submittal P&Z Mtg. Council Mtg. 6-26-95 7-20-95 8-1-95 r (I I)R.CP-C.Bible Church (I I) (11) (17)Zoning(no plan) (17) (17)1st Reading (18)PS,W.R.Eaves,LI,2,3 (18) (18) (19)FP La Poloma (19) I City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 23, 1995 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: City Council Work Session Continuation of June 20, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting 1. City Council Work Session. The agenda and agenda items for the work session are attached. Note the work session will be from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the DPS Training Room. Note there are two items of discussion on the work session agenda: (1) the Corridor Study, and (2) the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for the corridor overlay zones. We are limited in time due to the continuation of the June 20 Regular Meeting, which has been posted to begin at 8:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Note: The Council Chamber will be in use 7:00 - 8:30 for a presentation of the Trail Master Plan to several SPIN neighborhoods. This meeting has been scheduled and advertised for several weeks, so it cannot be changed on such short notice. The presentation to the SPIN groups on the Committee's recommendation to P&Z and the Park and Recreation Board will be made by Rex Potter, Chair of the ad hoc Joint Review Committee for Trail System Master Plan, Park Project Manager Kim McAdams, and me. 2. Continuation of June 20 City Council Meeting. Be sure and bring your June 20 packets. Attached is a copy of the June 20 agenda with yellow highlighting of the action taken. FYI, if City Council needs to go back into executive session, it would be permitted. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City Council Work Session Continuation of June 20, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting Page 2 Note the item added to the agenda with the supplement notice, the consideration of Resolution No. 95-23, limiting the number of zoning related applications that may be scheduled on one agenda for P&Z or the City Council. This is the item we discussed at the City Council retreat June 16-17. 3. There will not be a special meeting on July 11. but if another meeting is needed prior to July 18 to finish discussion of the Corridor Study, it can be set Tuesday night. ./k; - .sue s ' City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 22, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Resolution to Limit Agenda Items (Draft Date June 22, 1995) )11 Attached is a draft resolution providing for limits to the number of zoning related applications which may be scheduled for Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings. We are evaluating the practical aspects of submittal processing related to this proposed resolution. We may have revisions to offer at the Council meeting next week pending a more extensive evaluation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. GL/gl enc: Draft Resolution Dated June 22, 1995 cc: Analeslie Muncy, FBT Wayne Olson, FBT C:\W PF\MEMO\STAFF\NCASES4.W PD �,. RESOLUTION NO. (June 22,1995) A RESOLUTION LIMITING THE NUMBER OF ZONING RELATED APPLICATIONS THAT MAY BE SCHEDULED ON ONE AGENDA AT A MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OR THE CITY COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,review of zoning applications is a lengthy process and requires much analysis by the City Staff, City Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council; and WHEREAS,the City Council believes it is important to allow all citizens an opportunity to provide input to the Commission and City Council and unduly late meetings create a hardship on the citizens; and WHEREAS,scheduling of an excessive number of zoning applications on a single agenda results in meetings which extend well past midnight and produces an environment in which careful and thoughtful consideration of the issues of a case is difficult; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city to limit the number of applications that may be heard at one meeting; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. The maximum number of zoning related applications that may be considered in public hearing at one Planning and Zoning Commission meeting or City Council meeting is limited to five(5)Zoning related applications shall including Zoning Changes, Concept plans, Site Plans, Development Plans, and Specific Use Permits; except,that if five(5) or more plat reviews are scheduled for a meeting,the total number of zoning related applications that may be heard is limited to three (3). SECTION 2. To insure a comprehensive review,the calculation of applications for consideration shall be favorable to concurrent submittals as follows: (a) Zoning Changes which are accompanied by a required Concept Plan, Site Plan, or Development Plan shall be collectively considered as one (1) item. (b) Concept Plans or Development Plans when processed concurrently with a Preliminary Plat encompassing the same land area shall be collectively considered as one (1) item. SECTION 3. Among the zoning related applications that may be heard, the following limits apply: (a) No more than two (2) zoning items of fifteen(15) acres or larger; and (b) No more than two (2)applications requiring the review of Concept Plans, Site Plans, Development Plans or Specific Use Permits. SECTION 4. If a zoning applicant will suffer an undue hardship resulting from delay caused by the limitations contained in this resolution,the applicant may appeal to the City Council for relief. SECTION 5. In order to accommodate public participation in components of the Master Plan, no more than one (1) Comprehensive Master Plan element as identified in the City Charter shall be placed on an agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council. Further, discussion or consideration of these elements shall not begin after 10:00 p.m. in the evening. SECTION 6. Notwithstanding any of the above limitations, the Planningand Zoning g Commission or City Council may consider more zoning related items which are on the agenda and have been duly notified and public hearings posted to the extent that no discussion for zoning related items begins after 10:00 p.m. in the evening. SECTION 7. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1995. Mayor G:\WPF\RES-0RD\CASES.WPD _ City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-57 Plat Revision/Lakewood Ridge Addition, Lots 1R and 3R,Block D REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision showing Lots 1R and 3R, Block D, Lakewood Ridge Addition, being 4.7419 acres situated in the J. D. McNutt Survey, Abstract No. 1660, and being a revision of Lots 1, 2, and 3,Block D, Lakewood Ridge Addition as shown on the Plat recorded in Volume 14, Page 5, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas LOCATION: Northeast corner of Saddle Ridge Road and Bob Jones Road, approximately 1200' east of North White Chapel Blvd. OWNER/APPLICANT: David F. Thomas CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential. LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO.NOTICES SENT: Eleven(11) RESPONSES: None P &Z ACTION: June 8, 1995; Approved(6-0)ZA 95-57, Plat Revision showing Lots 1R and 3R,Block D,Lakewood Ridge Addition subject to staff review letter dated June 2, 1995. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the first Plat Review Summary dated June 2, 1995 with exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review dated June 16, 1995. The purpose of the plat revision is provide a pad site for one (1) single family residence on the northern portion of the three tracts. Mr. Thomas \Mas unable to situate the proposed structure on the existing Lot 3 (ne§tled in the stand of trees) without encroaching into the twenty-foot(20') side yard required in the "SF-1A" district. Co' KPG/ls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-57PR.WPD S w _ \ • \ \ . \ , , \ , . , C , cpy0-8,T Vi• .-Is' • leci• ,„,,,,, ^-"" \ ...., , \ . , , \ ' ' ``,':'!.‘'':-:•,'- ''';‘;,- % . \ . G. ‘,7,,,,,......"03 . ,,,•„,,,,, , . "4:/4.•,":1.1.0,'„ ,,/,',',...•:,'_____.--p;,;,,,, • r-"i •e"'le ' ,......... ..."." ....1,45LOOV -- :1 '1' '''''''.. I 4 'a, ' '' .--6'' ',.. ."'.•:, it..1'I I 0.--1 I I Iii‘ t' .'--\4.,.'\ ,,, r • (--04--1 -- z-A, --- ,At' '• % /A '-. ......-----,, ',.•, ':',•,•,,,,,‘ . • bi .. 4r k ...,,, .14:.4.:,, ..14,C114,-L). i - \. j ' t1404;\ .... t 1 ) 17 d •.. ' ', ' ,. or• . c.....„,4 .. : \ A ; . •. . ----.., 30ske -,-.',. •,',-, )°?3\-".‘; os o• lisi 11§1- \fliti\, . ....... ._ . • VC' 1 ''' 111111111i4 Sti, .jit Iiiiiii ..‘: !''',':'%. 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Bailey I n rr "SF-1 A" I T. Thye W M. Van Hal 1 n' McNIU I Bank of the West W ❑ ❑ 1 • • • SURVEY A - 1660 n I Q ONES I ROAD cn 10 9 8 7 73 6A . 3 S. Brackett T. Gable M. Hye "AG" I L ADJACENT OWNERS . AND ZONING R. Reagan, 6 1 8M-4 City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-57 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/16/95 Project Name: Plat Revision - Lots 1R and 3R, Block D. Lakewood Ridge Addition. 4.7419 Ac..A. Robinson Survey A-1131.Denton County.being a revision of Lots 1.2.&3.Block D.Lakewood Ridge Addition Vol. 14, Pg. 5,D.R.D.C.T. OWNER/APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: David F. Thomas Dewey & Associates P.O. Box 464 2505 Texas Drive. Suite 110. Addison. Texas 75001 Irving. Texas 75062 Phone: (214) 353-2100 Phone: (214) 255-1501 Fax: (214) 352-9429 Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/12/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT.787. 1. Please change the plat title as follows: Plat Revision Lots 1R and 3R,Block D Lakewood Ridge Addition an addition to the City of Southlake,Denton County,Texas 4.7419 Acres out of the A.Robinson Survey Abstract No.1131 being a revision of Lots 1,2 and 3,Block D, Lakewood Ridge Addition,an addition to Denton County,Texas, as recorded in Volume 14,Page 5,Deed Records,Denton County,Texas. 2. The following changes are needed with regard to the metes and bounds description: A. Change the preamble to the following: " Whereas,I,David F.Thomas,am the sole owner of tracts of land situated in the A. Robinson Survey Abstract No. 1131, Denton County, Texas, according to deed(s)recorded in Volume ,Page ,Deed Records,Denton County, Texas, said tracts being all of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block D, Lakewood Ridge Addition, an addition to Denton County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 14,Page 5,Deed Records,Denton County,Texas,and more particularly described qs follows:" B. Tie the P.O.B. to a Survey Corner, a referenced U.S.G.S. Monument, or a previously filed subdivision corner other than Lakewood Ridge Addition. • . City of Southiake,Texas 3. Correct the typographic error in the spelling of"not" in the sentence"... does not increase the number of lots or..." of the plat dedication statement. 4. Label the owner's name and corresponding deed record volume and page(Denton Co. may use clerk file number) for all adjacent unplatted tracts within 200 feet, including tracts across any adjacent R.O.W. 5. Show and label the "common" survey lines of the M. Mahaffey Survey Abst. No. 916,the J.D. Mc Nutt Survey Abst.No. 961, and the A. Robinson Survey Abst.No. 1131. 6. Delete the labels "Existing Lot Lines" from the easements and the "old" lot lines. 7. Label in dotted lines (similar to the "old" lot lines)the previously platted lot numbers. 8. Show the existing easements, label the type,width,and plat recording for which they were dedicated by. The easements which are to be abandoned add to the above information "To be abandoned by this plat". 9. The 20'Tri-County Elec. Coop.Easement,along the east,is also designated as a 20'U.E. . Please add this designation to the label. ** Although the thoroughfare plan requires a 70' right of way for Bob Jones Road, no additional dedication of right of way is required from this development due to the established precedent of acquiring right of way along the south line of Bob Jones Road. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider perimeter street and drainage, park dedication requirements, off-site sewer extensions,and off-site grade-to-drain permission. * All taxes due must be paid prior to filing this plat in the County records. * Denotes Informational Comment (sii cc: David F. Thomas Dewey & Associates C:\WPF\REV\95\95-057PR.WPD i Li 8 BLOCK D c1 a W(EW000 RIDGE ADDITION N „ VCIUNE %GE 5 P.R 0 C.7 , IS_ i LOT 4 1: ' < LOT 7 1/S.MiON 3/8.IRON o „ ROD Al N89'43'24'E 330.00' Roo SE7 330.OD' I R 1 All III /11 II' LOT 3R $ 1 BLOCK D to - ■G 103.663 SWARE FEET 1 2.3602 ACRES l r w it it Z i tt EEEEEEA'. '������------ STING LOT UNE L 330 Oo, " ExISMG_Ji LM.E NOCEE A001110N till . Cg 1 z PACE S P.RD.C.T. � r �11 2 69r4324-E 330.00' LOT 9 n -41 Ilb' UNPLATTED ALP ORLY I I;e3 W xISTING LOT L71 17 /in; 1 T ro ec.e.Ix:xlm n� _.__I--SO r N d --Eni�NG LOT lR1E . JI s I 8 1 31 I LOT 1R g BLOCK D I 102.676 SQUARE FEET 2.3617 ACRES LOT 10 PAD WSCEr 30 1 . L_ So'BUILDING LINE . 3/6-IRON 3/6'IRON 330.OG ROD SET P.CO SET --Al y _ NB9'08.44"W 330. fYi^5.Rff"ASPIW T.PAKICYT — ROBAD a SURVEY DESCRIPTION (YAItlABIE UM RIGHT-OF-WAY) POINT OF BEGINNING THIS PLAT IS FLED IN CABINET - PLAT REVISION LOTS 1R AND 3R. BLOCK D LAKEWOOD RIDGE ADDITION (1,.... BEING A REVISION OF LOTS 1. 2 AND 3 OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAICE 4.7419 ACRES OUT OF THE A. ROBINSON SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. A-1131 DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS MAY. 1995 SCALE 1'.6O! - Go • 66' 120' ISO 8--\r 7 0 . GRAPHIC SCALE