1998-12-15 CC Packet t City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting December 15, 1998 Note the agenda for the Special City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 15, at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to appoint Councilmembers Edmondson and Kendall to the TIF Board. Please note the following pertaining to the Joint City Council/CISD Board meeting - that we discussed last Council meeting: THE JOINT MEETING WILL NOT BE HELD until sometime in January. After meeting with the CISD staff and Board President Buddy Luce this past Monday, December 7, the CISD suggested that we would all be better served to wait until several other issues can be included on the meeting agenda. Also, we were able to ascertain that we do not need City Council or CISD action on the TIF prior to December 31, 1998, so long as the TIF Board acts on the school's projects prior to the end of the year. This is discussed in more detail in the memo from Shelli Siemer attached hereto relating to the TIF Board meeting at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 15. Reports. Both the October and November financial reports prepared by Finance Director Lou Ann Heath are included in your packet. (pp 4B-1-4). Also included under reports is the Town Square Status Report prepared by Deputy 411/ Director of Public Works Ron Harper (pp 4B-5-6). If you have any questions, call Lou Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 2 of 18 Ann Heath, Ron Harper, or me. During the City Manager's report, I will report on the December 7 meeting with CISD. 1. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of December 1, 1998. If you have any changes to the minutes of the regular City Council meeting please discuss these at the work session or notify Sandy LeGrand prior to the meeting. She will bring the amended minutes to the meeting for your consideration. 2. Agenda Item No. 5B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a lease agreement for the use of desk top computers between Sanwa Leasing Corporation and the City of Southlake. This lease agreement is part of the City's Y2K implementation plan to ensure the desk top computers are Y2K compliant. Bids were received from Dell • and Gatewaywith Sanwa Leasing g Corporation providing the lower bid for the lease of Gateway computers. This agreement will provide the City quality products and services by replacing the desk top computers that are not Y2K compliant' and providing 24 hour maintenance of the hardware items. The funding for this project was approved in the FY 1998-1999 annual budget. The annual cost for this three year lease is $32,091.44, which is less than this year's budgeted amount. Please contact Deputy Director of Support Services John Knight if you have any questions. You will recall that in last week's packet we discussed bringing forward an ordinance at the December 15 to address Y2K issues. Since that report we have had an opportunity to review the proposed ordinance in detail with out attorneys. In short, the ordinance is not necessary. We will continue to work to assure our services are not adversely affected by the problem, but will not ask you to adopt an • ordinance. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 3 of 18 3. Agenda Item No. 5C. Variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01(1)2 (Plat Expiration) Extending the Validity of Case No. ZA 97-059, Plat Revision - Lot 1, Block 1, Rucker's Hacienda de Gusto Addition. This item is advertised as a variance because the plat has expired, whereas with the next item the plat has not expired. The owners of this property realized after applying for a building permit that the plat had not been finalized for filing. They have submitted the final mylars to the City and are requesting this variance in order to proceed with their building plans. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. Feel free to contact Senior Planner Dennis Killough regarding this item. 4. Agenda Item No. 5D. Request to extend the validity of Case No. 97-162, Final Plat - Southlake Town Square, Phase I. The developer for this project has requested • an extension of the expiration date for this plat in order to allow time for completion of the public infrastructure and assure that adequate easements and right-of-way alignments are provided. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. Feel free to contact Senior Planner Dennis Killough regarding this item. 5. Agenda Item No. 5E. Award of bid to Pavecon, Inc. for slurry grouting of the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and pavement repairs in the Timarron Bent Creek Subdivision. The memo from Bob Whitehead provides details of the bids received for this project. Note that we will be able to fund the repairs using the $596,986 budgeted for this purpose and by reallocating the cost savings achieved on the FM 1709 light synchronization project. These two sources make $726,986 available for this project. As noted, the low bid came in at $699,314.55. The balance of $27,671 will be applied toward the needed testing during construction. • Note that bidding this as one project (rather than addressing the issue one street at a time) appears to have achieved the cost savings we had hoped for. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 4 of 18 6. Agenda Item No. 5F. Authorization to advertise for bids for improvements to the Public Works facility. The City Council authorized $341,050 in the FY 1997-1998 CIP budget for renovations to the Public Works facility. Phase One of the proposed renovations include the following: paving the parking lot and drive area to the;fuel facility; installing a new roof for the shop and office area; installing a brick or masonry façade along the south side of the building; installing an awning on the west side of the building; installing an office entrance enclosure; installing an ADA standard restroom; and, installing masonry/rod iron fence and landscaping along Continental. The City Council entered into a professional services agreement with Teague, Nall and Perkins to design the renovations and prepare the Concept 'Plan for the SUP request for outside storage (which was approved by the City Council on • October 6, 1998). The cost estimates for these proposed improvements total $406,080, which is $65,030 over the budgeted amount. Although the bids may come in this high', the increased costs estimates for the improvements can be attributed primarily to the rising cost of masonry materials and labor (for the façade and fence), and the additional landscaping planned for the north side of the property, as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. If the bids do come in higher than the original FY 97-98 CIP budgeted amount, some of the improvements could be scaled back, or some of the $200,000 for the next phase of the renovations (budgeted in the FY 98-99 CIP) may be used. The estimated costs for the next phase of improvements are estimated at $170,000. Please contact Public Works Director Bob Whitehead if you have questions • regarding this item. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 5 of 18 7. Agenda Item No. 5G. Award of bid to Control Specialists, Inc. for construction of the pump station located 2,700 ft. north of Kirkwood Boulevard on the east side of T.W. King Road. Although we received only one bid for this project, staff is recommending that you move forward and award the bid to Control Specialists, Inc. The memo from Eddie Cheatham attached to Bob Whitehead's memo theorizes why we only received one bid and intimates that re-bidding the project would probably not result in more interest in the project. This, plus the fact that the bid only exceeded our budgeted amount by just over 1% and the dire need to get this facility up and running before next summer, provides sufficient justification to move forward at this time in spite of the lack of competitive bids. 8. Agenda Item No. 5H. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a partial developer • agreement for Loch Meadow Estates. This partial developer agreement will allow the developer to begin grading for streets and includes provisions for erosion control for the Loch Meadow Estates development located north of Dove Street,and east of Ridgecrest. The developer will complete the design of off-site sanitary sewer plans prior to the completion of a final developer agreement. The off-site sewer plans will be completed and the easements obtained to prepare the final developer agreement for City Council's consideration in January. Please contact Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas if you have questions regarding this item. 9. Agenda Item No. 5I. Resolution No. 98-77, Appointing representatives to the SPIN Standing Committee. This resolution provides for the appointments to the SPIN Standing Committee for those terms which expire in 1998 and for those SPIN areas which had vacancies created by resignations. The vacancies were advertised and a meeting was held for the various SPIN neighborhoods to select their Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 6 of 18 representatives.--The new appointees of even-numbered neighborhoods will serve a regular two-year term, but the representative for SPIN #9W will serve a one-year term to fill the unexpired term and maintain the consistent rotation with the other odd-numbered SPIN neighborhoods. The memo from Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead identifies those individuals selected to serve as SPIN representatives. If you have questions, please contact Nona. 10.Agenda Item No. 5J. Resolution No. 98-79, Suspending Lone Star Gas Rate Increase. Lone Star Gas has filed their intent to increase their rates with the city, as discussed in the memo from Finance Director Lou Ann Heath. As she points out, they are planning a rate increase of 7.7%. IllWith natural gas rate increase proposals, Council's options are as follows: *Approve or deny by ordinance -- denying will give Lone Star Gas the right to appeal the issue to the State regulatory commission. *Suspension by resolution -- Council can suspend taking action on the item for 90 days to further study the issue. *Defer to the State regulatory commission by resolution. The City Attorney for the City of Arlington typically organizes a multi-city response to utility rate increase proposals, and has done so for this case. Lou Ann Heath attended a meeting of the group on Thursday. The group agreed to let Arlington coordinate efforts to hire an attorney and a consultant to review the rate Sproposal on behalf of all affected cities. One of the tasks the consultant will be charged with will be to determine a reasonable rate of return. As proposed, Lone Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting • Page 7 of 18 Star is looking at a 9% rate of return. There was some discussion of other'area cases and how they were resolved, with the most recent being Lewisville. That rate of return was established at around 10.5%. The Arlington city attorney, Jay Doegey, speculated that Lone Star is probably motivated to reach a settlement with the mid-cities group because they will not wish to appeal to the Railroad Commission. In previous recent cases, the cities have obtained anywhere from 35-50% of Lone Star's initial rate proposal. A total study budget of approximately $55,000 was discussed (attorney and consultant fees are recoverable from Lone Star as long as they are "reasonable"). The per capita basis allocation to cities was also discussed, which would place Southlake's participation at around $2,000. We have agreed to participate at that level since it is a reasonable cost to perform a due diligence review of the rate request. The resolution on your agenda simply suspends the rate increase for 90 days. This will give us the time we need to evaluate the situation. Action on the suspension is the most critical issue at this time, since it must be done prior to January 6, 1999. Please let Lou Ann know if you have any questions about this item. 11.Agenda Item No. 7A. Ordinance No. 480-293, 1st Reading (ZA 98-133), Rezoning from "CS" to "S-P-2" with "C-3" uses, Agenda Item No. 7B. ZA 98-134, Site Plan for Tom Thumb Center and Eckerd's, and Agenda Item No. 7C. ZA 98-135, Plat Revision for proposed Lots 2R1, 2R2, and 4R, L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition. • There has been an issue arise since the Tom Thumb / Eckerd's projects last appeared on the Council agenda. Staff had been in discussions with the City Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 8 of 18 Attorneys as to various issues surrounding "SP" zoning and the submittal of site plans / concept plans that may or may not have "substantially conformed" to any previously approved plans. Long story short, the attached memo from Karen Gandy summarizes her position that the extent of the change in the site plan on Tom Thumb requires a rezoning of the entirety of that lot. Staff has met with the applicants of the Tom Thumb / Eckerds projects and has concluded that the following timing will take place on these projects: • 98-133-Zoning: Withdraw this case. It will be resubmitted 12-14 as a',new zoning/site plan case to include the entirety of the lot. • 98-134-Site Plan: Table to the Council meeting on 1-5-99. At that time:they also intend to amend the site plan request to include only the Eckerd's portion. • This will be noted on the agenda for the 1-5-99 meeting. • 98-135-Plat Revision: Table to the Council meeting on 2-2-99. This should allow the plat to be heard at the same meeting as the second reading of the new zoning request. Feel free to contact Karen Gandy, Greg Last or Dennis Killough should you have any questions regarding the changes in processing this request. 12.Agenda Item No. 8A. ZA 98-112, Plat Revision for proposed Lot 4R, Green Meadow Subdivision. This property is located at the corner of Crooked Lane, South Kimball Avenue and Continental Boulevard. This item was originally submitted proposing four lots and was amended by the applicant to propose a single lot. With the amended request, the sole purpose for this Plat Revision is to accommodate the new right-of-way alignments for South Kimball Avenue and Continental Boulevard. • The applicant has requested a reduction of the building line adjacent to Continental Boulevard from 30' to 15' which the Council has the ability to grant due to this Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 9 of 18 being a "side yard adjacent to a street." The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this item (7-0) on December 3, 1998 subject to the:Staff Review and did not address the applicant's request for the building line reduction. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. 13.Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 98-144, Plat Showing for proposed Lots 7 and 8, Hiram Granberry No. 581 Addition. This property is located on the south side of Southlake Boulevard, directly east of Lake Crest Estates. The property is currently zoned "C-2" and you may recall was one of the properties proposed for rezoning at one time. The applicant has a Site Plan request before the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 17, 1998 for a proposed dance studio on the east lot. The only issue is the location of a common access easement for a joint-use drive between the two proposed lots. The proposed access easement does not meet the required spacing from the intersection of Lake Crest Drive. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0) on December 3, 1998 subject to the Staff Review and allowing the common access easement as shown. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough regarding this item. 14.Agenda Item No. 8D. Ordinance 730, 15L Reading, Amending Chapter 18, Article III, Sections 18-79 and 18-80, of the Southlake City Code, to include a portion of North White Chapel Boulevard adjacent to Carroll Junior High School, as a designated school zone. As you are aware, the Carroll Independent School Board is requesting the City to designate a school zone along North White Chapel for Carroll Junior High School expected to open in January. Ordinance No. 730 amends section 18-80 of the City Code, allowing the school zone to be established with a speed limit you would designate along that portion of White Chapel Boulevard. 411 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest 110 December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 10 of 18 The additional requests from the CISD and some area residents included consideration to reduce the speed limit along North White Chapel Boulevard from 40 mph to 30 mph. This agenda item is worded in such a way to allow the City Council the option to reduce the speed limit on North White Chapel by amending Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 of the City Code if this is Council's wish. This section of the City Code is included as an attachment to the memo from Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead. 15.Agenda Item No. 9A. Resolution No. 98-81 Appointing a Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. The memo from Shana Yelverton describes the statutory requirements for the appointment of this committee. As she mentions, your options are to 1) appoint an "independent" committee as City Councils have opted to do • previously, or 2) appoint the P&Z to serve in this capacity. You may wish to consider the following to determine which option is most suitable. First, no new impact fees will be considered with this study. We already have adopted water, sewer and roadway impact fees, thus, this committee's purpose will be to update the study and fees, if necessary. This will simplify the study process (and time required to complete it) considerably. Although it will still be a big effort, it won't require a year's worth of study as it did last time. The process of studying land use assumptions, capital improvement plans, and cost recovery strategies is technical and is best suited for a committee with the appropriate background. The P&Z deals with these kinds of issues on a regular basis so they are well qualified to assume this responsibility. If your inclination is to appoint an independent committee, it would be helpful to have members who have a background in this area. (The requirement to appoint 40% of the membership of an independent committee from the development community is Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 11 of 18 there, but it is also possible to find residents with this expertise outside the development community. For example, Bob O'Neal, who served on thei last committee, has extensive experience in land use and transportation planning.) Note that the resolution does not contain terms for membership appointment. You can add this if you feel it is necessary, but our thinking was that your appointees could serve until you wished to replace them. Obviously, the appointment of the P&Z as a body ensures that your concerns will be attended to through the P&Z appointment process. Should you choose to appoint an independent committee, you would probably want to consider terms. We would suggest three year terms, which would track the study period. By law, these studies are required to be updated every three years. • Please feel free to contact Shana if you have any questions about this item. 16.Agenda Item No. 10A. Funding consideration for Michael Drive. As directed at your last meeting, Bob Whitehead, Greg Last, Karen Gandy and Lisa Sudbury met. with individuals owning property along Michael Drive to discuss the process for zoning and platting, as well as the proposed roadway, water and sewer projects. You will note from Bob Whitehead's memo that the property owners have indicated that they are willing to pay $10,000 per acre (totaling $100,000) toward the infrastructure improvements. The next step in the process is for Council to determine the City's willingness to allocate funds toward the construction of the road, water and sewer. The property owners are reluctant to move forward with the zoning and platting process until they • understand the Council's position. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 12 of 18 Please call Bob Whitehead (infrastructure construction) or Greg Last (zoning/platting) with questions about this item. 17.Agenda.Item No. 10B. Conditional Sign Permit for Town Square. As discussed at the December 1, 1998 City Council meeting, the developer is requesting a conditional sign permit for the Town Square Development. The developer has provided the matrix outlining the variations of the proposed regulations with the existing sign ordinance. Please contact Deputy Director of Public Works Ron Harper if you have any questions regarding this item. 18.Agenda Item No. 10C. Any action necessary to authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with an architect for Town Hall. The City Attorney has prepared a contract for architectural services, which is based on the standard language provided by the American Institute for Architects (ATA). The contract reflects the direction provided by the City Council at the December 1, 1998 City Council meeting. As stated in the memo from Ron Harper, the contract highlights the following: • Establishes an occupancy date for Town Hall for October, 2000; • Confirms the City will be responsible for civil engineering, computer, audio- visual, and telecommunications design services. The Architect will be responsible for the coordination of their design staff and outside consultants; • Establishes a construction budget of $12,000,000 for Town Hall, and requires the Architect to design the facility within this budget; • Establishes a fixed fee for the Architect at 1,200,000 for all direct and indirect expenses. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 13 of 18 1 I spoke with David Schwarz this afternoon, and he has agreed to the terms of this contract pertaining to the fee, reimbursable and schedule terms as offered by ,City Council. Note that nowhere in this agreement is there a provision on reimbursable travel expenses, etc. Any such expenses must come from the architect's fixed fee. Staff's recommendation is to approve the contract, authorizing the City Attorney to finalize any contract language details (not pertaining to the budgetary issues/items recommended by City Council.) 19.Agenda Item No. 10D. Entry Portal Concept Development, site location • determination, and any city-initiated rezonings required to accommodate portal development. Included in your packet is a summary of recommendations and related sketches regarding concepts for entry portals. Time has become of the essence related to this topic for a couple reasons: 1) the Gateway Plaza project is proceeding with an anticipated site plan submittal in the next week and 2) another project has been submitted at the northeast corner of Davis Blvd. and Continental. In particular the Davis project needs a timely decision as it relates to the location of the portal. If Council concurs that this is the best location for a portal, we need direction to initiate a rezoning of the tract and begin acquisition negotiations. Timing is important on this issue because of the impact it might have on platting this property (i.e. the "portal tract" will be left AG zoning and will not meet the 10 acre lot size requirement). The memo from Director Last summarizes the issues before you as it relates to 111/ locations of portals and the concept for the portal development. Feel free to contact Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 14 of 18 Director Last or Senior Planner Chris Carpenter should you have any comments regarding these recommendations. Other Items of Interest 20.Runyan Meeting. I had a chance to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Runyan early, this week to discuss options for helping them with their drainage problem. We discussed a variety of issues which I will cover with you in Executive Session on Tuesday, one of which was the possibility of purchasing their property. Although Mr. Runyan did not give any indication of his willingness to go this route, Mrs. Runyan was clearly opposed to the idea. We left the meeting with the Runyans agreeing to consider this option. I have not yet heard back from them. 21.Evaluation Related to Number of Review Comments. Councilmember Martin has asked staff to have an agenda item in January for discussion of alternatives' that might assure more compliance and less comments on the Staff Review Summaries at the time the reviews appear before City Council. We are currently surveying other cities for potential ideas. Feel free to contact Director Last or Stefanie Sarakaitis should you have questions or comments regarding this issue. 22.Priority Progress. If you have referenced the City Council priority of projects list, you may have noticed that there were a few items scheduled to come forward to the City Council for discussion. In an effort to minimize the items on this City Council agenda, we have delayed bringing these forward until the beginning of the new year. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the priority schedule. 23.Cable Update. We continue to get telephone calls from citizens regarding the Marcus Cable upgrade and the increased charges due to additional converter boxes. Pg g Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 15 of 18 Staff has drafted a letter that will go out to the residents (copy attached) explaining what we are doing about the problem and correcting some of the misinformation that is apparently being disseminated by Marcus customer service representatives and field technicians. In addition, Community Services Director Kevin Hugman also sent a letter to Mr. David Barford, Senior Vice-President of Charter Communications and the person assigned to manage Marcus Cable operations (copy of letter also attached). Kevin has also had a telephone conversation with Mr. Barford this week, and reiterated the major issues we have with Marcus and the impact these issues may have when considering the request for transfer of the franchise. We have also insisted that Mr. Barford attend your Council meeting on Tuesday (he has indicated that he will be at • the work session) to answer questions directly. He is scheduled to give a presentation to the Trophy Club Town Council that same night. We have offered several suggestions to him, including possibly meeting with some of you prior to the work session, in addition to attending the work session, the public forum, or the regular meeting after he is finished in Trophy Club. We do not at this time know how he will accommodate us in his schedule, but will let you know as soon as possible. 24.After School Program. As we told you last week in the Other Items of Interest that we were informed on Thursday, December 3, that Medallion School Partnerships was having continued difficulty in obtaining their site licensing to take over the After School Program. This was after we already knew they could not take over prior to December 18 (the last day of school prior to the Christmas break). Kevin has discussed the situation with Durham principal Mark Terry and explained our • reluctance to continue this program indefinitely, and questioned whether it was time to look at alternative providers. Mr. Terry agreed that this is causing' him Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 16 of 18 frustration as well, but indicated he is of the opinion that the problem is more with the regulatory agent assigned to the case, rather than the ability of Medallion to run the program satisfactorily. (He also noted that Medallion has filed a formal complaint against the agent with the Department of Regulatory Services.) He suggested that we see how the situation develops over the Christmas break. Kevin told him we would operate the program when school resumes on January :5 if necessary, but we will get into a staffing problem by late January because of other programs starting. As you can imagine, the I confusion with this process has upset many parents involved in the program. Rumors abound that Medallion will not operate the program, that Mark Terry will discontinue the program, etc. We have heard that a • petition is being generated again, and that some parents may come to the :City Council meeting on Tuesday. Kevin has prepared another letter to hand out to parents today (copyattached simply statingthat Medallion stillplans to operate the ), PY P program, and that the City will continue the program if necessary. We also have some other parents that are angry with us because we will not enroll any more students so as not to have to hire additional staff. We explain this to them, but also wanted to let you know in case you get any complaints. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Kevin. 25.Southlake Scene Recognition. Attached is a copy of the cover from LERN Marketing Recreation Classes magazine, a marketing trade publication. They routinely feature marketing brochures, etc. on the cover of their magazine as examples of exemplary marketing tools. Community Services submitted the cover of the Fall/Winter 1998 Southlake Scene, and it was featured on the cover of the November issue of the magazine. There was also a short article on the inside cover Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 15, 1998 City Council meeting • Page 17 of 18 describing our brochure. It is simply another form of recognition for the City and we are pleased to have been featured. FYI, Community Services Administrative Secretary Teddi Zonker produces this brochure. The Winter 1998/Spring 1999 issue of the Southlake Scene should be in the homes by the end of the year. 26.Also attached hereto are: • Letter from Farrell D. Moseley with Marcus Cable dated December 11, 1998 regarding concerns raised by City Council at the last meeting. • Chamber of Commerce Report prepared by Southlake Economic Development Staff • Thank you letters • Calendar of upcoming events Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, Director DPS, ext. 730 Carpenter, Chris, Planner, ext. 866 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Harper, Ron, City Engineer, ext. 779 Hawk, Curtis E., ext. 701 Heath, Lou Ann, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • December 15, 1998 City Council meeting Page 18 of 18 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Community Development Director, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Sarakaitis, Stefanie, Comprehensive Planner, ext. 753 • Siemer, Shelli, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 806 Thomas, Charlie, Deputy Director of Public Works, ext. 814 Whitehead, Bob, Director of Public Works, ext. 740 Whitehead, Nona, Community Services Coordinator, ext. 834 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 M:\WD-FILES\CEH\MEETINGS\98-12-15.doc O • t i • °RAO December 11, 1998 Dear Citizen of Southlake: This letter is intended for those citizens who subscribe to cable service from Marcus Cable. As many of you know, Marcus has recently implemented an upgrade of their system in the Southlake area to fiber optic cable. This upgrade has resulted in many customers now being required to rent converter boxes to obtain the;same level of services they received previously. This has primarily affected those customers who subscribe to the extended basic service (Showcase channels). Those of you who have only the basic service still do not need converters, and those who previously had the premium channels (HBO, Showtime, etc.),',already had converter box(es) installed. But, for the many customers with the extended basic service, this has resulted in additional charges due to converter boxy,rental fees. • changes, as has the City have received many telephone calls regarding the � Council. This issue is foremost in our concerns, and we have raised these concerns with senior management of Charter Communications, the cable operator that is taking over management of Marcus Cable. In the upcoming months, the City Council will consider whether to grant or deny a request to transfer the franchise from Marcus Cable to Charter Communications. We are working with a consortium of more than 20 cities served by Marcus Cable (including Fort Worth, Denton and North Richland Hills) to negotiate a , satisfactory transfer with Charter Communications. • Please be assured that the issues important to Southlake customers have been raised with Charter management and they are aware that the City Council will consider their responsiveness in determining the request for transfer. Also, you should understand that the City's authority to regulate cable operators is limited under the 1996 Telecommunications Act passed by Congress. Denial of the transfer could result in no cable service to Southlake citizens, due to the costs involved in installing a new system, or even purchasing the existing system. The City Council will consider all of these factors; but is attempting-to use transfer request as a means to address the concerns of Southlake citizens. • We would also like to take this opportunity to address some of the _ misinformation that is apparently being disseminated: 1. The upgrade by Marcus Cable to fiber optic cable does not require City approval, although it has been represented that the City approved this upgrade. We were aware that an upgrade would be done at some time, but we did not know the exact timeframe, nor did we approve the upgrade. The City, under the 1996 Telecommunications Act approved by Congress,; has no authority to regulate the technology used by a cable operator to provide its service, including the use of converter boxes or fiber optic cable. The only exception to this is in the provision of the basic level of cable service,)for which Marcus does not require a converter box. 2. Although the City receives some revenue from cable services, the effect of the upgrade and the need for additional converter boxes has little monetary benefit to the City. There have been some representations that the City wanted to increase its revenue, therefore is in favor of the additional converters. The City receives some sales tax on cable services, but it;is relatively insignificant. In addition, the City receives franchise fees as compensation for the use of the City's right-of-ways, public land used to route utility lines and piping. The increased revenue by the cable operator 111 for the converter boxes has no bearing on the sales tax revenues and franchise fees received by the City of Southlake. 3. The City has no regulatory authority over rates, technology or equipment related to the Showcase level of service, therefore has no regulatory control over the rates charged for this level of service, or the equipment necessary to provide the Showcase and premium levels of cable service. Only the FCC can regulate these levels. Marcus/Charter senior managers made a presentation to the City Council',at the December 1 City Council meeting regarding their operation and answered Councilmembers' questions. City Council meetings are taped for broadcast on the City channel and this meeting will air on (TS PROVIDE DATES/TIMES) I encourage you to view this program if you have the opportunity. Hopefully, this information has helped in some way, but please be assured we are sensitive to your complaints and concerns. We are doing everything we can to resolve this situation quickly and satisfactorily for the citizens of Southlake. We will provide you with more information in upcoming issues of the Southlake - In Review. Sincerely, ♦J 1 _ A • . . .• • . . . S. - Curtis E. Hawk • City Manager • • I , TOW V.M10 iik.. City of Southlake : DutFilak' December 9, 1998 - Mayor: VIA FACSIMILE AND REGULAR MAIL Rick Stacy Mayor Pro Tern: W.Ralph Evans Mr. David G. Barford Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: Senior Vice PIesident, Operations David A. Harris Charter Communications - Councilmembers: 1241'1'I Powerscourt Drive, Suite 100 Wayne Moffat St. Louis, Missouri 63131-3660 Pamela A. Muller Gary Fawks Scott F. Martin Dear Mr. Barford: City Manager: As discussed with you last Friday, December 4, during the negotiations meeting Curtis E. Hawk in Fort Worth, there are a number of concerns that staff and City Council have Assistant City Manager: with the current fiber upgrade being completed in Southlake. We have received Shana K.Yelverton numerous phone calls from angry customers regarding these changes, some of City Secretary: which seems to have been exacerbated by remarks and misinformation EliaL. LeGrand promulgated by Marcus customer service representatives and field technicians. The issues and concerns we have are: 1. The fiber upgrade has resulted in subscribers who have the Showcase level of service now being required to rent converter boxes to unscramble the same channels they had prior to the fiber upgrade. The old Harron system only required converter boxes for the premium channels. This has resulted in 50-100% increases in customers' bills to receive the same channels they previously had. 2. The upgrade is being done such that a customer may come home in the evening to find the channel lineup changed and scrambled, before they have even had the opportunity to get the converter box necessary to unscramble the channels. This has resulted in some customers being unable to view the Showcase channels for several days. • 3. It does not appear that technicians are consistent in training customers in the use of the new converters and remotes, the ability to receive basic service without the need for the converter, or communicating with them the status of the upgrade in their area. Many customers have complained that they knew nothing of the change, which leads us to question the effectiveness of your • mailers and door hangers. Parks and Recreation Department • Bicentennial Park Community Center -- - - 400 North White Chapel • Southlake, Texas 76092-6242 817/481.5581 Ext. 756 • FAX 817/421.2175 "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 1 2—1 1—1 998 2:d1PM FROM SOUTHLAKE PARKS REC 817 4.21 21 /5 P. 1 :Mr • Cityof Southiake Duthie --- _- - December 11, 1998 Rick Stacy Mayor Pro Term Dear After School Program Parents/ Guardians: _ W.Ralph Ewns Deputy Mayer Pro Tem On Thursday, December 3, Medallion School Partnerships informed us that they Scott F.Martin were experiencing continued delays in their licensing process. As we previously informed you, we had anticipated Medallion beginning operation on January 5, Wake MOlfat 1999, the opening day of school. They have now asked us to continue the Ronnie KendeH program until further notice. Debra Edmondson Gary Fade At this time, we will plan to operate the program when school resumes on City Manager Luna e. Tuesday, January 5, 1999. Medallion expects to give us at least two weeks Assrn cry notice prior to them beginning operation, and we will keep you informed of the Strom K Ye ten status as well. City trend Please feel free to call me at(817)481-5581, extension 757 if you have any Sfurther questions. Sincerely, r Kevin Hugman Director of Community Services cc: Curtis H. Hawk, City Manager Mr. Mark Terry, Principal, Durham Elementary Intermediate School Community Services Department 9 Parka and Recreation DMSiCdi Bicentennial Park Community Center • 400 North White Chapel •Seuthlake,Texas 76092-6242 (817)481-5581, Ext.756• FAX(817)421-2175 paricrec irrr mullet - 'AN Fell rA!OPPORTUNRYEAPLOYER4 r Pk '11A.R. ethil • Tracking the Trends in Recreation Programming November, 1998 http://www.iern.org • Dernogrphics: = 1 Pricing T 1 Classes for 44. �: , . . Senior ► . �.�� Citizens 4 ; 4 := x- t0 Marketing• '-.'. ' � � ` The Growing g pr. 3 ' " I Power of ry '�/6 � 1, Narrative in ii = Marketing ir 1 1 • £:. y Hot Topics: . °`' Wisconsin's .. t `'° Uniqueness, ,:. Fun and :' ,t • INSIDE THIS ISSUEV = aiting Lists :. ' -� •Art Camp •Volleyball Camp f 'f) ,J1.4,T,,N • Kardio Karate •Northeast Family Fourth 7 phi` r �•` •Drill Team Camp •MasterWorks Music Series •Summer Camp Mania •Community Education Courses f r-+ Marketing Marketing creation Classes Recreation Classes The Marketing Recreation Classes newsletter provides programming and November 1998 I '. marketing tips for providers of recreation _.. __-_ and leisure learning programs for adults, children and teens. Demographics Use this newsletter to explore A demographic groups, discover course Pricing Classes for Senior Citizens 4 trends, acquire successful new class ideas and gain new marketing and promotion techniques. Marketing Marketing Recreation Classes is a spin-off newsletter from Course The Growing Power of Narrative in Marketing 6 Trends, the most widely-read newsletter on programming and marketing classes for adults with more than 8,000 readers Hot Topics in six countries. Julie Coates, Editor Wisconsin's Uniqueness, Fun and Waiting Lists 7 April Blackmon,Asst. Editor Kathy Shaneyfelt, Production Asst. And . . . . eting Recr,eation Classes is p d monthly and is copyright Q © by the Learning Resources What Works O Network (LERN), the leading organ- ization in class programming, What's New at LERN 13 providing information and consulting . services to organizations offering Class Ideas 14 classes- for adults. Available by paid subscription only for$95 per year.All 17 rights reserved. Requests to reprint Fundamentals articles must be sent in advance by writing to Editor, Marketing Member Networking Service 18 Recreation Classes. , Publication and circulation offices Plus . . s are located at 1550 Hayes Dr., • Manhattan,KS 66502; (785)519-5376. For change of address,billing questions Marketing Programs Online or other subscription matters contact the Customer Service Department. �"F r R On the Cover: - -- gii Southlake Scene's Summer '98 issue — Southlake - Parks and Recreation captured the ,Grand Prize ,r,„ Award for their outstanding municipal public Informa- h g �' :'�„:: tion in the form of their parks and rec publication. NAP>_ :�. - _� See related story on Page 5. 2 .. Marketing Recreation Classes • October 1998 ffL%-Marcus Cable • -_ • 111 MOM December 11, 1998 City of Southlake City Council 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for the opportunity to address the City Council on December 1st. I was very impressed with the level of professionalism displayed by the Mayor, Council and City staff while addressing a difficult and contentious issue. I can personally assure you we are taking your comments and concerns very seriously and we are working hard to find a mutually agreeable solution that will meet both your constituents needs and our operational concerns. The following is in response to the concerns raised at the City Council meeting: • Mayor Rick Stacy stated that cable has been unavailable at his residence. We completed a survey of his address and determined that his home was serviceable. • The Mayor was out of town however, we spoke with the Mayor's daughter who offered to forward the information to Mr. Stacy upon his return. Cable service may be installed at the Mayor's convenience. • Constituent Mr. Minder reported a billing error that had not been properly addressed. We contacted Mr. Minder and the billing error was corrected. Mr. Minder stated that he is satisfied with the resolution. • Mr. Minder also reported that a technician drove over his neighbor's yard and left ruts. The ruts were filled, sod was placed and the area was compacted. • Councilwoman Debra Edmondson reported ghosting on the premium channels. Ms. Edmondson's service drop was replaced and our technician provided information on the operation of the set top terminal. Ms. Edmondson reports that her pictures look good and that our technician properly explained the electronic program guide. • Councilwoman Edmondson also reported the city cable channel did not have audio. The problem was caused by a piece of equipment that was not properly connected. The problem has been resolved. S . Councilwoman Ms. Ronnie Kendall reported fuzzy pictures and was also experiencing a problem with the electronic cable guide. On December 3rd our P.O. Box 2666 • Fort Worth, Texas 76113 • (817) 509-6272 • Fax (817) 626-1259 a 0 City of Southlake III UM Chamber of Commerce Report Dutillak'` Date: December 10, 1998 1 Presented To: Chamber of Commerce Board Prepared By: Southlake Economic Development Staff Following are selected items of interest related to economic development in the City of Southlake. RECENT DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS • November 17, 1998: Council approved the site plan for The Remington (senior adult living complex) on west FM 1709, south of Jellico Addition. • December 1, 1998: Council approved the site plan for the Southridge Executive Suites building at the northeast corner of FM 1709 at Peytonville. REGULATORY ISSUES • Sign Ordinance No. 704-A: Council approved the 2reading °d of the latest revisions to the 0 sign ordinance on December 1, 1998. • Sexually Oriented Business (SOB) Ordinance: Staff will enter into discussions with work group members and the city attorney's office in the near future to finalize the ordinance revision. The moratorium was extended through February 13, 1999. Staff contact: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743. • Landscape Ordinance Revisions: Staff is beginning the draft of potential revisions to the landscape ordinance. Anticipated schedule for review is Council in mid/late January for . discussion and forwarding to P&Z in January/February. Staff contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator, ext. 848. • Land Conservation District (new district in zoning ordinance): A work group is currently meeting to evaluate potential revisions to the zoning ordinance to accommodate a new district similar to the existing PUD district but intending to allow increased flexibility in development standards in order to conserve significant areas of open space. Staff contact: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743. • Fee Schedule Update: On November 17, 1998, Council approved updated revisions to the • general fee schedule for all fees in Southlake. Chamber of Commerce Report December 10, 1998 i Page 1 STAFF PROJECT UPDATES • 1998 Site Inventory Guide: Staff completed preparation of the 1998 Site Inventory Guide in November and has distributed copies to all property owners in the guide as well as several members of the Commercial Developer's Roundtable who may not have had property in the guide. • Entry Portals: Staff is planning to discuss City entry portal concepts with' Council on December 15 at their regular meeting. Contact Greg Last if you are interested in this project. INTERESTING DATA & OTHER INFORMATION • Residential Permits: 24 issued in November, average value for 1998 is $269,800. • Commercial Permits: 1 new permit in Greenlee Business Park for Greater Metroplex Inc. (6,000 sf) and 13 finish-out permits: Southlake Town Square (2) Victoria Secrets (4,615 sf) and Talbots (4,100 sf); Commerce Business Park (3); Hart Industrial Park (3) (total 1,120 sf); North Davis Business Park (1) Northeast Tarrant Glass (4,785 sf); Miron Addition (2) Blue Haven Pools (2,548 sf) and Spec. (4,100 sf); Dairy Queen at Mesco (1,350 sf); Westlake / Southlake Solana (1) Daycare (1,319 sf). • Commercial Development Summary: Attached is a "work-in-progress" draft of a summary of commercial developments that we are starting to develop and maintain. Enclosures: Commercial Development Summary - Draft dated 12-10-98 For further information contact: Community Development Department Phone: (817) 481-5581 / Fax: (817) 488-9370 / E-mail: glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Greg Last, Community Development Director, ext. 744 Copies To: City Council Planning and Zoning Commission Carroll ISD Board of Trustees Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager tl • Chamber of Commerce Report December 10, 1998 Page 2 • City of Southlake SUMMARY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS Draft Date: December 8, 1998 PROJECT CONCEPT PLAN SITE PLAN CONSTRUCTION PERCENT • COMMENTS Acres Approved Sq.Ft. Acres Approved Sq. Ft. C.O.Date Value($) OCCUPIED • Albertsons 5.552 09-17-93 59,892 5.55 02-21-94 58,632 11-15-95 2,000,000 • Phase I Retail 3.189 09-17-93 18,850 2.56 02-21-94 23,130 750,000 Taco Bell .786 02-01-94 3,500 .69 02-01-94 1,989 02-06-95 350,000 Boston Market 02-01-94 3,600 .72 02-01-94 2,684 02-20-97 159,800 McDonalds 1.056 09-17-93 4,993 1.06 01-06-94 4,240 05-30-95 276,000 Phase II Retail 2.439 . 09-17-93 24,500 2.44 08-18-95 20,000 599,000 Burger King 1.02 09-17-93 6,500 1.02 08-18-95 3,938 11-20-97 220,100 Phase III Retail (not 9.202 85,899 9.20 08-18-95 built) ' Phase I 14.719 01-02-96 14.89 03-05-96 135,719 3,766,600 85% Zoned C-3 Kroger 13.14 01-02-96 60,932 13.14 03-05-96 63,207 01-13-98 2,836,700 Other retail 0 , 01-02-96 72,825. 03-05-96 66,490 586,100 Lot 1 (Chevron)' .821 01-02-96 :934 09-02-97 2,953 02-19-98 172,200 Lot 2 (Wendy's)1 .758 01-02-96 .821 06-03-97 3,069 10-22-97 171,600 LACOMpEMP-FILEMPROJECTS\SUMMARYTOMMEROMATRIX02.DOC Page 1 • • • PROJECT CONCEPT PLAN SITE PLAN CONSTRUCTION PERCENT COMMENT Acres Approved Sq. Ft. Acres Approved Sq.Ft. C.O.Date Value($) OCCUPIED Village Center Cont ............ Phase II 21.047 • 20.84 170,787 7,190,100 100% Zoned C-3 Home Depot 11.73 04-02-96 101,860 05-13-97 4,802,000 PetsMart 4.68 12-03-96 37,300 06-25-98 1,072,900 Chase Bank 2.158 05-02-97 4,100 05-11-98 323,300 Roomstore 2.270 03-03-98 2.270 06-2-98 27,527 991,900 ZoiiediNWPIJDONS Phase 13 41.05 08-19-97 270,297 41.05 270,297 5,577,500 Zoned NR-PUD 100 State St. (1C) 32,146 32,146 709,700 150 State St. (1D) 34,000 34,000 756,200 200 State St. (2C) 59,389 59,389 1,309,200 101 Grand Ave. (5A) 51,364 51,364 749,000 151 Grand Ave. (5E) 34,000 . 34,000 743,700 201 Grand Ave. (4A) 59,398 59,398 1,309,700 Site Area A Bids. 1-18 38.10 LACOMDENWP-FILEMPROJECTS\SUMMARY\COMMERC\MATRIX02.DOC Page 2 • PROJECT CONCEPT PLAN SITE PLAN CONSTRUCTION PERCENT COMMENT Acres Approved Sq. Ft. Acres Approved Sq. Ft. C.O.Date Value($) OCCUPIED Site Area B Bid. 20 2.03 Site Area C Bld:19 1.08 Misc Office Developments Georgetown Georgetown Park 5.435 8-20-96 16,891 Phase I & II 1.711 8-20-96 24,139 Phase III 1.157 1-6-98 13,178 Phase IV 3.455 4-7-98 37,300 Fox Hollow 1.146 04-01-97 5,906 Foxborough Office Park 1.46 8-19-97 9,986 Courtyard at Timarron 4.855 12-16-97 44,700 . • - • •. LACOMDEV\WP-FILESTROJECTS\SUMMARYNCOMMEROMATRIX02.DOC Page 3 • 1111 v PROJECTS CONCEPT PLAN SITE PLAN CONSTRUCTION PERCENT COMMENTS Acres Approved Sq. Ft. Acres Approved Sq. Ft. C.O.Date Value($) OCCUPIED Creekside Office 1.94 5-5-98 11,898 Southridge Office Park Southridge Executive .819 12-1-98 6,810 Suites French Square Office 6.144 2-3-98 21,768 6.144 10-6-98 23,900 Complex migag.& First building 43.69L 70,400 *2-1-98 Zoned I-1 Misc Properties Lowes 14.82 9-1-98 135,568 Harris Medical Office' 6.74 +/-30,000 Taco Bueno' . .80 2,866 Square Ft.undetermined on concept plan. Anticipated Date 2 No concept plan,acreage is from the plat. xCurrently under review,not yet approved 3 Development plan. LACOMDEVNWP-FILES\PROJECTS\SUMMARYTOMMERMATRIX02.DOC Page 4 Ly 0 4/,' • . .._ . . . , _ . ., . - November 24, 1998 - Chief Billy Campbell _ Southlake Dept. of Public Safety - _ 667 N. Carroll Ave. _ Southlake, TX 76092 . _. Dear Chief Campbell: • I would like to take this time to 'Thank Your" department for inviting me to attend the Police Motorcycle Training School which was held from November 9, 1998 through November 20, 1998 at the Texas Motor Speedway. The training I received is going to be very beneficial to me as a Traffic Officer. This would not have been possible without the professional instruction from your two officers. Officer 0 Hodges and Officer Wells went the "Extra Mile" in making sure that we were proficient in the manner in which we handled ourselves. Their patient's and expertise showed the type of character these officer's possess. - - I was also pleased about having a small class. This meant more one-on-one instruction -. which helped me develop my riding skills. We all worked hard in those two weeks and were rewarded with a fun trip to "Grandbury" on graduation day. No Breeze-Outs, just a nice relaxing run, wish you would have been able to. join us. The ultimate happened on our return. Officer Hodges handed out our certificates and `presented me with a set of "Gold Wings": This was a very proud moment for me, one which I will never forget. • I enjoyed meeting and visiting with you. Be proud of that "Traffic Division", they are a super -- bunch of guys. Maybe, someday - _ Sincerely, • O icer Larry.Fischer -il - Trophy Club D.P.S. j 1 U Pj44� rr- • ,�� fir(` ` �o • ) /y. �. e hl u nrD 045.ro T�`-h O n j 'ThE c r �� ,�, 5 GAS t .-Ic - Mkt h� -- p' /Cos- ,pal /• i/A7Y • A 1J n1 &13 G-rt! w/,5 7 M 014S • Oa cl = k ‘ ocths °- A'i t iikia- oFFic&-n bsi rram14E re-VW/ 7 ► ra - '1 IN c)h �' c v C e P S► �/�p/t Ce UN0 ea )4194 Nr vat r ,�. 1. }oL�W r f Ar 'DWI . �c � -IliL� Ai-PTV p AFC e,,z,rrotis--A i` .7 earn C��1tZ �nW �, iu . iL.E j�AA, 'rf - K,/lJl1 1€7� /? /t'lAtX� oril elz i r\ t�Rt DA U `,, ytA.� A L,( TIZ.!z� . ;��Z.Ul) LP tiU�r '1 US rC�JR 4 r� onf�" �- �. 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Meeting Adjourned CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 11, 1998 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. • 71/444446.......... 417,01 :71- =LLD • Sandra L. LeGrand =0: =/" City Secretary %''z . %in/111111111 If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704,, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 98-82, Appointing two members to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors. Resolution No. 98-82 appoints the City's representatives to the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors to fill two vacant, unexpired terms. As defined in Ordinance 682,which established the TIRZ and created the Board of Directors,the City is responsible for appointing eight members to the board, and the governing bodies of each of the other, taxing jurisdictions (CISD, Tarrant County, TCJC, Tarrant County Hospital District)` appoints one member to the board. The City Council approved Resolution 97-70 on November 5, 1997, appointing eight members to the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors,to include the seven members of the City Council, and CISD Board President Buddy Luce. The two vacancies were created with the election of City Councilmembers Ronnie Kendall and Debra Edmondson to the City Council places previously held by David Harris and Pamela Muller. Please place this item on the agenda for consideration at the December 15, 1998 Special City Council Meeting. SS Attachments: Resolution No. 98-82 is S —. City of Southlake,Texas 411. _ RESOLUTION NO. 98-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, after public hearing, created Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, at the September 23, 1997 City Council Meeting; and WHEREAS, A Board of Directors was established by the City of Southlake Ordinance No. 682, adopted September 23, 1997, to administer the Zone; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake appointed eight members to the Board of Directors of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, to serve for three year terms, at the November 4, 1997 City Council meeting; and - • WHEREAS, two positions of the Board of Directors have become vacant, and the City of Southlake is to appoint two (2) members to fill the unexpired terms; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all matters stated in the preamble of this resolution are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The City Council desires to appoint the following members to serve on the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors: 1. Councilmember Debra Edmondson 2. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall • Section 3. That the City of Southlake authorizes and directs that this action be made part of the City's permanent records. Section 4. That this resolution shall become effective from and after the date of its • passage. City of Southlake,Texas • PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS on this the day of , 1998. APPROVED: Rick Stacy Mayor ATTEST: S Sandy LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake,Texas TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1998 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: City Council Chambers of City Hall 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas AGENDA 1. Call to order. • 2. Considerations: Reinvestment Zone Project and Finance Plan 4. Adjournment. CERTIFICATE • I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue and the Administration Building, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday December 11, 1998, at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. omII q#��♦ zdhafit, A 66tmit., T,9 i Sandra L. LeGrand O's • City Secretary .•..••� If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the‘City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581 extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to,assist you. S City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM 18, - _ . December 11, 1998 TO: Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board Members FROM: Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: TIRZ Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 1998. The last Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board meeting was held on December 12, 1997, when the TIRZ Board approved the final project and finance plan for the Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. Over the seven month period of time in which the TIRZ was created and the jurisdictions were determining their level of participation,there were numerous discussions with the Carroll Independent School District regarding its level of participation. The CISD issues are complicated due to the State's school finance laws. The purpose of.the 0 December 15, 1998 meetingis to allow CISD to keepits options open as to its participation and p p P P its ability to include schools as educational facilities. As displayed in the timeline and flow chart attached to my memo, the TIF boundaries were increased and decreased depending on the CISD's position as to its ability to participate in the TIRZ. The project and financing plan also varied based on the ability of the CISD to participate in the TIF. On December 2, 1997, the City Council increased the boundaries of the TIF from the original 256 acres to 408 acres to address the request of the Carroll Independent School District to include the additional school projects including the middle school, intermediate school, and transportation facility. Over the next ten days, CISD was to determine its position (as to whether or not it was out or in the TIF) prior to the next TIF Board meeting. At their December 12, 1997 meeting, the TIF (Reinvestment Zone) Board approved the project - and financing plan without including the school projects since CISD was still uncertain as to its 0 participation, and reduced the TIF boundaries back to the original 256 acres; TIF Board also . approved the project and financing plan to include increasing the cost for the Town Hall at . 10,000,000, the joint use stadium, and reducing the life of the TIF back to the 20 year span (instead of the 40 years). This approved project and financing plan did not include the additional projects for the school. However, as noted in the timeline, the ordinance creating the TIF, still includes the larger 408 acre boundary. The CISD has recently identified a potential ability to participate in the TIF at 100% and has requested the TIRZ Board and City Council to amend the project and finance plans to include the school projects and keep the TIRZ boundaries at 408 acres. The amendment to the Ordinance to reduce the boundaries to 256 acres had not been brought forward to the City Council for consideration because of the City's efforts this year to reach an agreement with the CISD regarding their involvement in the TIF. The updated cost projections for the TIRZ are included in your packet of information with the following changes: • • Including the school projects $54,000,000 • General infrastructure for school projects $13,340,000 • Operating Costs for School facilities $27,760,000 • Increasing the cost for the Town Hall: $12,000,000 • Professional Services Fees $1,940,000 The TIRZ Board will be asked to consider amending the project and finance plan to reflect the CISD's request to include these projects. • ti Exhibit C-1 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program Type of Allowable Project Costs Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four2 ' Public Buildings and Facilities Joint City/County/CISD Facility $12,000,000.00 Multi-Purpose Stadium $ 54,500 000 00 I Parking Facilities $5,000,000.00 Public Parks $ 1,134,154.00 :"°$ 1,572;465:00 Land Acquisition Special Structures Landscaping Trails General Infrastructure Water Utilities $ 548,380.00 $ 881,682.00 $ ~: '500000.00' Sewer Utilities $ 216,148.00 $ 350,234.00 $. 1,370,000.00 Storm Water $ 399,669.00 $ 1,010,522.00 $ 300,000.00.! Streets and Curbs $ 1,329,972.00 $ 1,925,905.00 '$2,500,000.00 $ 11,170,000.00 I Traffic Control $ 1,000,000.00 Sidewalks/Streetscape $ 3,484,739.00 $ 4,907,623.00 Demolition & Excavation Ea k/Grading $ 302,540.00 $ 488,585.00 Encing/Contingency • Total Development Infrastructure $ 7,281,448.00 $ 9,564,551.00 40% of Developer Infrastructure $ 2,912,579.20 $ 3,825,820.40 Operational and Maintenance Capital Maintenance $_ 1,000,000.00. Operation Costs $ 27,760,000.00. Other Incremental Costs Professional Services3 $ 1,940,000.00 TOTAL COSTS $17,986,733.20 $ 6,398,285.40 $7,500,000.00 $ 95,600,000.00 $ 127,485,018.60 These street costs include road improvements to Carroll Ave. and Kimball Ave. They are either on the periphery of or exterior to the Rialto Development and thus the costs are ' covered 100% by TIRZ revenues. 2 All projects in this phase are to be funded with CISD and City of Southlake contributions only. • 3 Professional services includes ($200,000 for services fees; $1,200,000 for Architectural fees; $390,000 for Construction Management fees; and, $150,000 for Technology for Town Hall including NV, sound, computer networking, etc.) Exhibit C-1 Reinvestment Zone#1 Southlake ;_ Proposed Capital Improvement Program Phase Four To be funded with CISD and City of Southlake Contributions Only Water Utilities $ 500,000.00 Sewer Utilities $ 1,370,000.00 Drainage Improvements $ 300,000.00 Streets and Curbs South Carroll (1709 to Continental) $ 4,740,000.00 Brumlow(Continental to State Highway 26) $ 2,4710,000.00 South Kimball (FM 1709 to Heritage Business Park) $ 3,960,000.00 Subtotal Infrastructure $ 13,340,000.00 Buildings and Facilities • Middle School $ 20,000,000.00 • Intermediate School $ 13,000,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 1,500,000.00 Stadium $ 20,000,000.00 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities $ 54,500,000.00 Operating Costs Middle School $ 400,000.00 Intermediate School $ 225,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 163,000.00 Stadium $ 600,000.00 Annual Operating Costs $ 1,388,000.00 ------ ---- --- ---- Cost for 20 years • TOTAL $ 95,600,000.00 -' I • Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Creation Process Actual Schedule of Events Sep-97 Oct-97 Nov-97 Dec-97 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 11 2 3 4 15 6 1 2 3 4 I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22.23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26' 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 30 Date Day Event 24-Jun-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting Adoption of Resolution 97-43 setting a Public Hearing on the creation of Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake (approved 6-0) TIRZ Boundaries: 646 acres • Project Cost: $80 million -20 year life 25-Jun-97 Wednesday Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and Notice of Public Hearing sent to Overlapping Taxing Units 5-Aug-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 1st Reading of Ordinance 682 creating Reinvestment Zone#1', Southlake and creating Board of Directors (approved Consent Agenda 6-0) 2-Sep-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading (Public Hearing) and Adoption of Ordinance 682 creating Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake (Table 7-0) 16-Sep-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading (Public Hearing) and Adoption of Ordinance 682 creating Reinvestment Zone#1, Southlake (Table 7-0) 22-Sep-97 Monday CISD School Board Meeting Presentation of Preliminary Project and Finance Plan • Page 1 12/11/98 Date Day Event . 23.Sep-97 Tuesday Tarrant County Commissioner's Court Presentation of Preliminary Project and Finance Plan 23-Sep-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading (Public Hearing) and Adoption of Ordinance 682 creating Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake (approve 5-0) TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres Project Cost: $26 million -20 year life Town Hall$ 7.8 million Establish number of members to Board of Directors- not less than 7 and no more than 12; with terms for CC to reflect City Council terms and 1 additional CISD member 25-Sep-97 Thursday Tarrant County Hospital District Board Meeting Presentation of Preliminary Project and Finance Plan 22-Oct-97 Wednesday Meeting with overlapping taxing jurisdictions - Staff Briefing Discussion of Preliminary Project and Financing Plan • 23-Oct-97 Thursday Tarrant County Junior College Board Meeting Presentation of Preliminary Project and Finance Plan Approval of Letter of Intent to Participate Appointment of Dr. Larry Darlage to serve as TCJC Representative on Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors I 28-Oct-97 Tuesday Tarrant County Commissioner's Court j Approval of Letter of Intent to Participate • 4-Nov-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting Adoption of Resolution 97-70 appointing eight members to the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors (approve 6-0) 5-Nov-97 Wednesday Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting Discussion of Preliminary Project and Financing Plan • Page 2 12/11/98 Date Day Event 12-Nov-97 Wednesday Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting Discussion of Preliminary Project and Financing Plan Discussed proposed boundary change to 408 acres for expanded school projects with full participation of CISD 17-Nov-97 Monday CISD Board Meeting Resolution of Intent to participate passed and Dr. Ted Gillum appointed to serve as CISD's representative on the Reinvestment Zone Board. 18-Nov-97 Tuesday Tarrant County Commissioner's Court Appointment of Ms. Jane Sanford to serve as Tarrant County's Representative on Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors 18-Nov-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 1st Reading of Ordinance 682-A Amending Boundary (approve 6-0) i TIRZ Boundaries: 408 acres Project Cost: $116.9 million -20 year life Town Hall$ 7.8 million • School projects: $54.5 million 19-Nov-97 Wednesday Joint COS/CISD Worksession Discussion of CISD Participation 20-Nov-97 Thursday Tarrant County Junior College Board Meeting Approval of Participation Agreement 2-Dec-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading of Ordinance 682-A Amending Boundary and Extending Life of Zone (approve 6-0) TIRZ Boundaries: 408 acres Project Cost: $116.9 million - 40 year life Town Hall$ 7.8 million School projects: $54.5 million 1st Reading of Ordinance 690 Approving Final Project and_Finance Plan(approve 6-0) _ _ TIRZ Boundaries: 408 acres Project Cost: $116.9 million - 40 year life • Town Hall$ 7.8 million School projects: $54.5 million Page 3 12/11/98 Date Day Event 12-Dec-97 Friday Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting Approval of Final Project and Financing Plan (1) Project Plan (approved 8-0) as presented on Septa 23 TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres (2) Financing Plan(approved 8-0) as presented at meeting Project Cost: $48.5 million -20 year life ' Town Hall$10 million School projects: $20 million for stadium 16-Dec-97 Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading of Ordinance 690 Approving Final Project and Finance Plan TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres Project Cost: $48.5 million -20 year life Town Hall$10 million School projects: $20 million for stadium 16-Dec-97 Tuesday Adoption of Resolution 97-80 Appointing the Mayor to serve as chair of the Reinvestment Zone Board 6-Jan-98 Tuesday Tarrant County Commissioner's Court Approval of Participation Agreement with the City City Council Meeting Approval of Participation Agreements with the County, TCHD, and TCJC 8-Jan-98 Thursday Tarrant County Hospital District Board Meeting Approval of Participation Agreement with the City Appointment of Ms. Drenda Witt to serve as TCHD Representative on Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors • Page 4 12/11/98 Y 0 Reinvestment Zoal Southlake Creation Process Flow Chart of Events June 24,1997 August 5,1997 September 23,1997 November 4,1997 Resolution 97-43 Ordinance 682-1st reading Ordinance 682-2nd reading Resolution 97-70 City Council I 0 City Council City Council City Council 1 IS Setting Public Hearing Creating TIRZ#1-boundaries Creating TIRZ#1-boundaries Appoint Board members Creating Board Creating Board TIRZ Boundaries: 646 acres TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres Project Cost: $80 million-20 year life Project Cost: $26 million-20 year life Town Hall$7.8 million • i November 18,1997 December 2,1997 December 12,1997 December 16,1997 Ordinance 682-A-1st reading Ordinance 682-A-2nd reading TIRZ BOARD114 Ordinance 690-2nd reading City Council City Council City Council Amending TIRZ Boundaries Amending TIRZ Boundaries Approving Final Project and Approving Final Project and Finance Plan Finance Plan Ordinance 690-1st reading Resolution 97-80 City Council City Council Approving Final Project and Appoint Mayor as Board Chairperson Finance Plan ' TIRZ Boundaries: 408 acres TIRZ Boundaries: 408 acres TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres TIRZ Boundaries: 256 acres Project Cost: $116.9 million-20 year life Project Cost: $116.9 million-40 year life Project Cost: $48.5 million-20 year life Project Cost:$48.5 million-20 year life Town Hall$7.8 million Town Hall$7.8 million Town Hall$10 million Town Hall$10 million • School projects:$54.5 million School projects:$54.5 million School projects:$20 million for stadium School projects:$20 million for stadium • 1 1 12/11/98 City of Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING FROM STAFF: MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 19981110 LOCATION: Administration Building, Conference Room 1 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas i TIME: 11:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. 1 , AGENDA 1. Discussion of Council agenda items. 2. Discussion of development issues. 3. Discussion of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1. 1 CERTIFICATE 1 • I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the off cial bulletin boards at the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 11, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. pursuant toOMpvernment Code, Chapter 551. X itilboha_g./3 -Hi --......,- 1,T,-.1.:.6444.• I\ ixx = Sandra L. LeGrand moo= ro CitySecretary '�� •• .�• ` If you plan to attend this public briefing and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581 extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 1 J 1 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 10, 1998 1 To: Curtis E. Hawk From: Sandy LeGrand, City Secretary Subject: Open Records Requests Report for December Reporting Period: 11/13/98— 12/9/98 Total new requests received 29 Processed, responded to and closed 29 (Includes closing the 2 "pending" from previous report) Current Pending 2 (Edmondson/Kaeini) In summary, of the 29 new requests, two were from council members, three from our city attorney's office, two from media, one from another city and 21 from citizens/general public. If you have any questions regarding the status of any of these or other questions,please cont ct me. /lc Attachment: 31 Open Records Requests 0 GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended October 31, 1998 • _ with comparative actual amounts for the period ended October 31, 1997 (fiscal month 1-8.33%) Adopted Percen Actual Percent Month Year to Date 1998/99 Collected Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES t .: 1998/99 Budget .• i s_, 10/31/97 9/30/98 Egged Ad Valorem Taxes $11,091 $11,091 $6,463,540 0.2% $75,474 $3,970,964 1.9% Sales Tax 0 0 3,026,050 0.0% 0 2,521,965 0.0% Franchise Fees 0 0 984,112 0.0% 326,061 881,066 37.0% Fines 63,260 63,260 875,798 7.2% 65,714 665,815 9.9% Charges for Services 22,339 22,339 685,006 3.3% 46,253 549,702 8.4% Permits/Fees 189,534 189,534 2,742,788 6.9% 186,690 2,733,849 6.8% Miscellaneous 31,729 31,729 145,659 21.8% 9,504 259,757 3.7% Interest Income Q Q 190.000 0.0% 14.145 178.867 7.9% Total Revenues $317,953 $317,953 $15,112,953 2.1% $723,841 $11,761,985 6.2% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $15,676 $15,676 $301,173 5.2% $17,714 $226,794 7.8% City Manager 23,188 23,188 351,003 6.6% 21,500 331,624 6.5% Support Services 167,604 167,604 2.526.534 6.6% 165,397 1,498,708 11.0% General Government Total 206.468 206.468 3.178.710 6.5% 204.611 2,057.126 9.9% Human Resources 10.594 10.594 209.600 5.1% 9.116 233.923 3.9% Human Resources Total 10.594 10.594 209.600 5.1% 9.116 233.923 3.9% Finance 36,228 36,228 454,166 8.0% 37,616 399,334 9.4% Municipal Court 19,872 19,872 304,770 6.5% 16,209 265,976 6.1% Municipal Court-Teen Court 3.771 3.771 92.633 4.1% 3.926 59.586 6.6% Finance Total 59.871 59.871 851.569 7.0% 57.751, 724.896 8.0% Fire 103,342 103,342 1,857,825 5.6% 85,359 1,784,478 4.8% Police 192,271 192,271 3,418,246 5.6% 145,068 2,822,719 5.1% Public Safety Support 63,696 63,696 1,056,436 6.0% 31,351 1,004,557 3.1% ilding 41.779 41.779 692.896 6.0% 28.793 567.051 5.1% blic Safety Total 359.309 359,309 7,025,403 5.1% 290,571, 6.178.805 4.7% treets/Drainage 35,372 35,372 939,167 3.8% 43,917 820,722 5.4% Public Works Administration 33.516 33.516 803.729 4.2% 39.885 783.368 5.1% Public Works Total 68.888 68,888 1.742.896 4.0% 83,802 1.604.090 5.2% Community Development 36,663 36,663 531,480 6.9% 30,083 489,319 6.1% Economic Development 5.911 5.911 144.832 4.1% 6.810 116.773 5.8% Community Development Total 42,574 42.574 676.312 6.3% 36,893 606.092 6.1% Community Services 40,369 40,369 416,831 9.7% 43,550 338,731 12.9% Parks and Recreation 46,999 46,999 1,454,991 3.2% 57,685 1,154,334 5.0% Library Services Q Q 162.480 0.0% 0 0 #DIV/0! Community Services Total 87.368 87.368 2,034.302 4.3% 101.235 1.493.065 6.8% Total Expenditures $835.072 $835.072 $15.718.792 5.3% $783.979 $12.897.997 6.1% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures ($517,119) ($517,119) ($605,839) ($60,138) ($1,136,012) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from lease/CO(net) $0 - $0 $694,300 $0 $715,547 Transfer In-Other Funds 65,461 65,461 1,235,527 58,333 700,000 Transfer To-Other Funds 0 Q (1.155.9421 Q (38.000) Total Other Sources/(Uses) $65,461 $65,461 $773,885 $58,333 $1,377,547 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues/other sources over Exp . : /$451.658) $168.046 ($1.805) $241.535 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $2,839,137 $2,839,137 $2,597,602 Change in reserved fund balance $0 $0 $0 ENDING FUND BALANCE_ $2.387.479 $3.007.183 $2.839.137 fund balance percentage 19.1% 22.0% S 418- I r I WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND • - _ Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended October 31, 1998 and October 31, 1997 (fiscal month 1 -8.33%) Adopted Percent Actual Percent Month Year to Date 1998/99 Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 1998/99 Budget .. 1 a-a 10/31/97 9/30/98 Expended Water Sales-residential $549,914 $549,914 $5,220,000 10.5% $550,985 $6,053,989 9.1% Water Sales-commercial 78,026 78,026 805,500 9.7% 96,452 846,277 11.4% Sewer Sales 98,413 98,413 975,000 10.1% 89,306 1,037,0991 8.6% Sanitation Sales 55,412 55,412 636,000 8.7% 49,481 635,055 7.8% Other utility charges 30,324 30,324 443,315 6.8% 40,676 409,582 9.9% Miscellaneous 94 94 83,400 0.1% 1,073 167,494, 0.6% Interest Income 4 4 100.000 0.0% 8.124 89.325 9.1% Total Revenues $812,183 $812,183 $8,263,215 9.8% $836,097 $9,238,821 I 9.0% EXPENSES Water* $93,104 $93,104 $4,504,340 2.1% ($44,189) $4,965,046' -0.9% Utility Billing 16,439 16,439 303,421 5.4% - - //DIV/0! Sewer 50,785 50,785 747,246 6.8% 55,941 932,115 6.0% Sanitation 0 0 560,000 0.0% 0 496,147' 0.0% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 175.155 175.155 2.121.141 8.3% 154.389 1.943.566 7.9% Total Expenses $335,483 $335,483 $8,236,148 4.1% $166,141 $8,336,874: 2.0% Excess(deficiency)of 1 venue over Expenses40 $476.700 $476.700 $27.067 $669.956 $901.947 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Transfer In-Other Funds $0 $0 $0 $69,512 $834,145 Transfer Out-Other Funds (65.461) (65.461) (785.527) (58.3331 (700.000) Total Other Sources/(Uses) ($65,461) ($65,461) ($785,527) $11,179 $134,145. Excess(deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenses $411.239 $411.239 ($758.460) $681.135 $1.036.092: *Fort Worth water bill for October and November received and paid in December 1998 0 s GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended November 30, 1998 with comparative actual amounts for the period ended November 30, 1997 110 - (fiscal month 2- 16.66%) Adopted Percent Actual Percent Month Year to Date 1998/99 Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 11/30/98 1998/99 Budget Expended 11/30/97 9/30/98 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $140,083 $151,175 $6,463,540 2.3% $113,247 $3,970,964 2.9% Sales Tax 310,767 310,767 3,026,050 10.3% 237,164 2,521,965 9.4% Franchise Fees 451,728 451,728 984,112 45.9% 380,120 881,066 43.1% Fines 44,319 107,579 875,798 12.3% 113,243 665,815 17.0% Charges for Services 61,105 83,444 685,006 12.2% 78,949 549,702 14.4% Permits/Fees 110,426 299,961 2,742,788 10.9% 322,294 2,733,849 11.8% Miscellaneous 11,797 43,526 145,659 29.9% 13,865 259,757 5.3% Interest Income 11,260 11,260 190,000 5.9% 20,669 178.867 11.6% Total Revenues $1,141,485 $1,459,440 $15,112,953 9.7% $1,279,551 $11,761,985 10.9% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $17,226 $32,901 $301,173 10.9% $31,096 $226,794 13.7% City Manager 23,613 46,802 351,003 13.3% 45,900 331,624 13.8% Support Services 61,850 229,455 2,526,534 9.1% 241,026 1,498,708 16.1% General Government Total 102,689 309,158 3,178,710 9.7% 318,022 2,057,126 15.5% Human Resources 19,395 29,990 209,600 14.3% 26,390 233,923 11.3% Human Resources Total 19,395 29,990 209,600 14.3% 26,390 233,923 11.3% Finance 25,084 61,312 454,166 13.5% 61,555 399,334 15.4% Municipal Court 25,116 44,988 304,770 14.8% 36,339 265,976 13.7% Municipal Court-Teen Court 26,338 30,109 92,633 32.5% 7,567 59,586 12.7% Finance Total 76,538 136,409 851,569 16.0% 105,461 724.896 14.5% Fire 100,276 203,619 1,857,825 11.0% 183,927 1,784,478 10.3% Poioulice 229,679 421,950 3,418,246 12.3% 345,724 2,822,719 12.2% Public Safety Support 102,289 165,985 1,056,436 15.7% 98,179 1,004,557 9.8% uilding 47,418 89,197 692,896 12.9% 62,696 567,051 11.1% blic Safety Total 432,244 791,554 7,025,403 11.3% 690,526 6,178,805 11.2% treets/Drainage 45,576 80,948 939,167 8.6% 99,265 820,722 12.1% Public Works Administration 45,891 79,407 803,729 9.9% 130,658 783,368 16.7% Public Works Total 91,467 160,355 1,742,896 9.2% 229,923 1,604,090 14.3% Community Development 42,076 78,739 531,480 14.8% 61,928 489,319 12.7% Economic Development 8,514 14,426 144,832 10.0% 13,760 116,773 11.8% Community Development Total 50,590 93,165 676,312 13.8% 75,688 606,092 12.5% Community Services 34,359 74,728 416,831 17.9% 75,067 338,731 22.2% Parks and Recreation 68,854 115,556 1,454,991 7.9% 112,052 1,154,334 9.7% Library Services 15,275 15,275 162,480 9.4% 0 0 #DIV/0! Community Services Total 118,488 205,559 2,034,302 10.1% 187,119 1,493,065 12.5% Total Expenditures $891,411 $1,726,190 $15,718,792 11.0% $1,633,129 $12,897,997 12.7% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures $250,074 ($266,750) ($605,839) - ($353,578) ($1,136,012) OTHER FINANCING , - SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from lease/CO(net) $0 $0 $694,300 $0 $715,547 Transfer In-Other Funds 65,461 130,921 1,235,527 116,666 700,000 Transfer To-Other Funds 0 0 (1.155,942) 0 (38,000) Total Other Sources/(Uses) $65,461 $130,921 $773,885 $116,666 $1,377,547 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues/other sources over Exp $315,535 ($135,829) $168,046 ($236,912) $241,535 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $2,839,137 $2,839,137 $2,597,602 Change in reserved fund balance $0 $0 $0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $2,703.308 $3,007,183 $2,839,137 fund balance percentage 19.1% 22.0% • .i WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended November 30, 1998 and November 30, 1997 (fiscal month 2- 16.66%) Adopted Percent Actual Percent Month Year to Date 1998/99 Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 11/30/98 1998/99 Budget Expended 11/30/97 9/30/98 Expended Water Sales-residential $458,099 $1,008,013 $5,220,000 19.3% $909,515 $6,053,989 15.0% Water Sales-commercial 66,047 144,073 805,500 17.9% 150,291 846,277 17.8% Sewer Sales 98,717 197,129 975,000 20.2% 168,189 1,037,099 16.2% Sanitation Sales 48,848 104,261 636,000 16.4% 101,251 635,055 15.9% Other utility charges 24,159 54,483 443,315 12.3% 69,682 409,582 17.0% Miscellaneous 1,699 1,793 83,400 2.1% 1,169 167,494 0.7% Interest Income 13,701 13,701 100,000 13.7% 12,898 89,325 14.4% Total Revenues $711,270 $1,523,453 $8,263,215 18.4% $1,412,995 $9,238,821 15.3% EXPENSES Water* ($14,352) $78,752 $4,504,340 1.7% $65,560 $4,965,046 1.3% Utility Billing 17,000 33,438 303,421 11.0% - - #DIV/0! Sewer 28,911 79,696 747,246 10.7% 90,339 932,115 9.7% Sanitation 43,847 43,847 560,000 7.8% 39,472 496,147 8.0% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 0 175,155 2,121,141 8.3% 154,389 1,943,566 7.9% Total Expenses $75,406 $410,888 $8,236,148 5.0% $349,760 $8,336,874 4.2% Excess(deficiency)of evenue over Expenses $635,864 $1,112,565 $27,067 $1,063,235 $901,947 • OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Transfer In-Other Funds $0 $0 $0 $139,024 $834,145 Transfer Out-Other Funds (65,461) (130,921) (785,527) (116,666) (700,000) Total Other Sources/(Uses) ($65,461) ($130,921) ($785,527) $22,358 $134,145 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenses $570,403 $981,644 ($758,460) $1,085,593 $1,036,092 *Fort Worth water bill for October and November received and paid in December 1998 • ID ., City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, Deputy Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Town Square Status Report Town Square Progress continues on the infrastructure and commercial elements of this project. Six buildings are currently under construction. Buildings 1A and 1B have been inspected by Building Inspections and have been released for tenant finish work. Buildings 5A and 5B have been released for tenant finish work. Building 4C has had all 'the exterior sheathing installed, rear stucco has been applied and brick work has begun. • Building 2C has had framing installed and exterior sheathing is being installed. Both buildings have had rough-in mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems installed. Interior framing and sheathing is being constructed. Paving of State Street, Fountain Place and Main Street has taken place. Grand Avenue has had lime applied and work on curbs and gutter is scheduled for the week of December 14. Work on the sidewalks adjacent to the paving began the week of November 23, 1998. Landscaping is being installed in the parking areas. Tenant work and permits have been issued on Banana Republic, Bombay Company, Corner Bakery, Gap, Gap Kids, Harolds, Talbot's and Victoria Secret. Plans reviews have been completed on Chicos, Gymboree, St. Johns, and Williams-Sonoma. North Carroll Realignment Work on this adjacent project is well underway. Storm drain is approximately 50% complete, the relocation of the sanitary is complete, and the new water line will begin the week of December 14. Construction of the foundations for the relocated signal lights will begin the week of December 14. At this point;-it still appears that this project will be open to traffic by early/mid March. 0 Town Square Status December 11, 1998 Page 2 • - _ Post Office Square There is no change from the last report on this phase of the project. Town Hall At the December 1, 1998 meeting Council authorized staff to make a final offer to David Schwarz for architectural services. A contract prepared by our attorneys has been submitted to Schwarz. • I would like to remind Council Members that individual tours of the project site can be arranged by contacting me 1 - 2 days in advance. Work has progressed to the point where a good feel for the layout and aesthetics of the project can be visualized. RJH/rjh d:\wd-files\sts\s tat 13.doc 1111 2 L City of Southlake, Texas gill MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a lease agreement for the use of desk top computers between Sanwa Leasing Corporation and the City of Southlake. Deputy Director John Knight is addressing the hardware and software components for a city- wide computerization project. Three major computer companies were contacted and the attached contract is the low bid compiled from responses from Dell and Gateway,with Compaq not responding with a price quote. Sanwa Leasing Corporation is a company that furnishes funding for Gateway. This is the first step in our computerization project that we discussed on several occasions with Council, and this step falls in line with those discussions. This leasing opportunity will allow us to accommodate several issues, one being the ability for continuous 24 hour maintenance of these hardware items by the Lessor, and another being the replacement of all of our desktop • computers that are not Y2K compliant. This is a three year lease with a cost of$32,091.44 per year and it falls below this year's actual budgeted amount. The lease has been reviewed and approved by our attorneys and we request that this be placed on the consent agenda at the December 15, 1998 City Council Meeting. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call. s BC/bls Attachment 40 5B-1 L City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM December 8, 1998 To: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager From: John Knight,Deputy Director of Support Services Subject: Sanwa Contracts . On September 17, 1998 I faxed a cover letter along with the computer specifications to Gateway, Dell, and Compaq companies. I received responses from Dell and Gateway. Compaq did not respond to the request with a price quote. I have checked and all three of these companies are listed with the State of Texas as a Qualified Information Systems Vendor(QISV) on the internet listing. Because of pricing and equipment service I requested a contract for formal signature from Gateway. Attached are the original contracts for the lease of desktop computers. Sanwa is a company that furnishes funding for Gateway The funding for this project is located in department# 105 account#310. We budgeted a total of $36,000 for this project and the cost will actually be $32,091.44. This project will allow us to replace all of the desktop computers that have been determined not to be in compliance with the year 2000 issue. Please advise if I can be of further assistance. JK/jk cc: Billy Campbell,Director of Public Safety • 5B-2 4 ** IMPORTANT **• 1111 PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN COMPLETING THE LEASE FOR YOUR EQUIPMENT. In the event you identify ANY errors in this package, PLEASE DO NOT CORRECT THEM. Call our office for assistance, 1-888-684-1657 ITEMS ENCLOSED FOR SIGNATURE: DOCUMENT AUTH. SIGNATOR(S) INSTRUCTIONS - 1) LEASE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED SIGNER Sign, Title and Date NO STAMPED SIGNATURES PLEASE PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: 1) TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE- Include a copy of the official STATE CERTIFICATE for our records . 2) CHECK FROM: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PAYABLE TO: SANWA LEASING CORPORATION * Checks from non-commercial accounts, or accounts styled * differently than Lessee name on lease agreement WILL * * require approval upon receipt of paperwork. FOR: $32056 .44 (Represents Advance Payment . ) + $ 35 . 00 (Represents lease processing fee . ) 4110 $32091 .44 Total Amount NO MONEY ORDERS,CASHIER CHECKS, PERSONAL CHECKS OR TEMPORARY CHECKS Please place ALL of the above mentioned items in the FEDERAL EXPRESS OVERNIGHT LETTER provided and return as soon as possible . The return FEDERAL EXPRESS Airbill has been included. PRODUCTION OF YOUR EQUIPMENT ORDER CANNOT BEGIN UNTIL ALL OF THE ITEMS ABOVE ARE COMPLETED AS SPECIFIED AND RETURNED TO LEASING GROUP, INC. • • ** THANK YOU ** PLEASE REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE YOUR CHECK! ! • 5B-3 Page 1 of 1 SCHEDULE A LGI Reference#10273496 Lessee: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Customer PO#: 0 Mailing Address: 667 N.CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 Equipment Address: 667 N.CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 Supplier:GATEWAY-STATE&EDUCATION,610 GATEWAY DR,NORTH SIOUX CITY,SD 57049-2000 Months: Annual Payment: 32,056.44 32,056.44 36 Plus applicable taxes Equipment Advance Payment 60 GATEWAY E-3200 300 60 MONITORS Purchase Option Lessor hereby grants to the above named Lessee, the option to purchase the Equipment ("Option") covered by the aforesaid Lease for: OPTION PRICE: FAIR MARKET VALUE plus applicable sales tax, if any. Lessee may exercise such Option upon the expiration of said Lease (either the original term or any modification or extension thereof mutually agreed upon in writing), provided that, at the time, all rental and other sums payable by the Lessee over the entire term of the Lease have been paid in full and the Lessee is not otherwise in default thereof. Upon receipt of the Option Price,the Lessor will execute and deliver to the Lessee an "as is"bill • of sale of said Equipment, at its then location and in its then condition,without any warranty or representation by, or recourse against,the Lessor. II . LESSEE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Subtotal $98,520.00 Freight $0.00 SIGNED BY: Print Name: Total $98,520.00 Title: - Date: • • • ID . . . . 5B-4 11111ANWA LEASING CORPORATION 401 W. Big Beaver#400 Troy, MI 48084 SCHEDULE NO.:*091907 DATED: 11/17/98 INCORPORATION MASTER AGREEMENT NO. between SLC ("We") and the Lessee named below("You"). ' This Schedule ("Schedule") is made pursuant to the above referenced Master Agreement, between us. Each term of the Master Agreement is incorporated as if set out in full in this Schedule. This Schedule constitutes a separate, assignable lease agreement which incorporates the terms of the Master Agreement. You acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Master Agreement, and also acknowledge that the Master Agreement is in full force and effect. LESSEE: SUPPLIER OF EQUIPMENT: • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GATEWAY- STATE & EDUCATION 667 N. CARROLL AVE. 610 GATEWAY DR SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 NORTH SIOUX CITY, SD 57049-2000 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: See attached Schedule A made a part hereof. EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 667 N. CARROLL AVE. , SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 INITIAL TERM ANNUAL LEASE PAYMENT ADVANCE PAYMENT 'MONTHS) 36 $32056.44 32056.44 plus applicable taxes • NOTE: SECURITY DEPOSIT IS DUE UPON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS SCHEDULE BY SLC, AND WILL BE BILLED BY SLC. We agree to lease to you and you agree to lease from us the equipment("Equipment")listed on Schedule A You promise to pay to us the Lease payments shown above over the term shown above. The lease term for this Equipment Schedule commences on the date this Equipment Schedule is accepted by us. This Lease may not be modified or rescinded except by a writing signed by us and you. THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORIZES US TO PURCHASE THE EQUIPMENT. You may sign this Schedule and transmit it to Leasing Group, Inc., ("LGI")by facsimile("fax')for forwarding to us for acceptance. LGI's fax number is(800)274-1480. If you transmit this Schedule by fax, the fax version of the Schedule, as received by us,will constitute an original lease document and will be binding on you as if it were manually signed. However, THIS SCHEDULE WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE AND BINDING AGAINST US ONLY UPON OUR ACCEPTANCE IN TROY, MICHIGAN. You waive notice of our acceptance of the Schedule and waive receipt of a copy of the accepted Schedule. THIS LEASE IS NON-CANCELABLE. Accepted by: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SANWA LEASING CORPORATION (LESSEE) (LESSOR) By: By: Title: Title: sate: _ Date: 5B-5 - Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement and Schedule between Sanwa Leasing Corporation ("Lesso ") and City of South Lake ("Lessee"), dated November III , 1998. The Lease Agreement is amended as follows: Paragraph 2: GENERAL TERMS;EFFECTIVENESS DELETE You agree that we are authorized without notice to you, to supply missing information or correct obvious errors in this Master Lease and any Schedule. Paragraph 4:RENEWAL REVISE Renewal terms from 60 days to 30 days. Paragraph 11:TAXES;PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX FEES ADD Verbiage to beginning of paragraph"To the extent permitted by law." ADD Verbiage to end of paragraph"Parties acknowledge that lessee,as a Texas Government Entity,is exempt from Texas Sales/Use tax per statute and is not required to provide a Texas Sales/Uses Tax Exemption Certificate." Paragraph 18: NON-APPROPRIATION REVISE:Paragraph Title to read RENEWAL AND NON-APPROPRIATION REVISE: (a)You represent and warrant that you have appropriated and budgeted the necessary funds to make all Lease Payments required pursuant to the Lease for the remainder of the fiscal year in which the Lease Term commences,and that you currently intend to make Lease Payments for the full Lease Term as scheduled in the applicable Payment Schedule if funds are appropriated for the Lease Payments in each succeeding fiscal year by your governing body. • Without contractually committing itself to do so,you reasonably believe that moneys in an amount sufficient to make all Lease Payments will lawfully be appropriated and made available therefor. All Lease Payments shall be payable out of the • general funds of Southlake or out of other funds legally available therefor. We agree that the Lease will not be a general obligation of Southlake and the Lease shall not consitute a pledge of either the full faith and credit of Southlake or the taxing power of Southlake. (b)If you governing body fails to appropriate sufficient funds in any fiscal year for Lease Payments and if other funds are not legally available for such payments,then(1)"Non Appropriation Event"shall be deemed to have occurred. If a Non-Approiation Event occurs,then: you shall give use immediate notice of such Non-Appropriation Event;(2)on the Return Date,you shall return all of the Equipment covered by the Lease;and(3)the Lease shall terminate on the Return Date without penalty to you,provided,that you shall pay all Lease Payments and other amounts payable under the Lease for which funds shall have been appropriated or are otherwise legally available. "Return Date"means the last day of the fiscal year for which appropriations were made for the Lease Payments due under the Lease. LESSEE: LESSOR: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SANWA LEASING CORPORATION BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: S • SB-6 LGI Reference Number:10273496 4110 SANWA LEASING CORPORATION Municipal Master Agreement 305 W.Big Beaver#400 Troy,MI 48084 MASTER AGREEMENT. The terms of this Agreement are master terms which may be incorporated into,and constitute a part of,one or more Schedules between us and you. Each Schedule will constitute a separate, assignable Lease Agreement which incorporates the terms of this Agreement. When the term"Lease" is used in this Master Agreement,it will mean each Schedule individually,together with the terms of this Master Agreement. This Master Lease and each Schedule is a complete and exclusive statement of our Agreement concerning the Schedule. IMPORTANT: NEITHER THE SUPPLIER NOR ANY SALESPERSON ARE THE LESSOR'S AGENT. THEIR STATEMENTS WILL NOT AFFECT THE RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED IN THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE. TERMS 1. LEASE AGREEMENT;PAYMENTS:We agree to lease to you and you agree to lease from us the equipment ("Equipment")listed on any Schedule entered into by both of us. You promise to pay us the Lease payments shown on any Schedule according to the terms of the Schedule. 2. GENERAL TERMS;EFFECTIVENESS:You agree to all the terms and conditions of this Master Lease and each Schedule. The Equipment will not be used for personal,family or household purposes. If the Equipment • cost varies from the estimate,you agree that we may adjust the Lease payment and/or(Purchase)Option Price accordingly upward or downward up to twenty percent(20%). You acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Master Lease and each Schedule and acknowledge that you have selected the Equipment covered by each Schedule. THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE WILL NOT COMMENCE AND WILL NOT BE BINDING ON US UNTIL ACCEPTED IN OUR OAKLAND COUNTY,MICHIGAN OFFICES. You appoint us as your attorney-in-fact to execute,deliver and record financing statements on your behalf to show our interest in the Equipment. You agree that we are authorized without notice to you,to supply missing information or correct obvious errors in this Master Lease and any Schedule. Any security deposit you have given us may be used by us to cover any costs or losses we may suffer due to your default of any Lease. 3. LATE CHARGES;OTHER CHARGES:If any payment is not made when due,you agree to pay a late charge at the rate of fifteen percent(15%)of such late payment or twenty-five dollars($25.00),whichever is greater, and each month thereafter,a finance charge of one and three-quarter percent(1.75%)on any unpaid delinquent balance. You also agree to pay twenty-five dollars($25.00)for each collection call made by us and pay - twenty-five dollars($25.00)for each returned check. You also agree to pay a documentation fee of thirty-five dollars($35.00). 4. RENEWAL:After the original term of a Schedule expires,the Schedule will automatically renew for successive one(1)month terms unless you send us written notice that you do not want it to renew at least sixty (60)days before the end of any term. • 5. EQUIPMENT OWNERSHIP:We are and shall remain the sole owner of the equipment,You agree to keep the Equipment free from liens and encumbrances. 6. NO WARRANTIES:WE ARE LEASING THE EQUIPMENT TO YOU"AS IS",WITH NO WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We assign to you for the term of this Master Lease and each Schedule any transferable manufacturer or supplier warranties. We are not liable to you for any breach of those LESSEE SIGN HERE _. ._ s._._ _. DATE 5B-7 LGI Reference Number:10273496 • warranties. You agree that upon your acceptance of the Equipment,you will have no set-offs or counter-claims against us. 7. MAINTENANCE;USE;INSTALLATION:You are responsible for installation and maintenance of,and for any damage to,the Equipment. You must maintain and use the Equipment in compliance with all laws and regulations. If the Equipment malfunctions,is damaged,lost or stolen,you agree to continue to make all payments due under this Master Lease and each Schedule. 8. EQUIPMENT LOCATION:You will keep the Equipment only at the address shown on the Schedule and you will not move it from that address unless you get our prior written consent. 9. INSURANCE:Until a Schedule is paid in full and the Equipment has been returned to us,you will:(a)keep the Equipment insured for its full replacement value against all types of loss,including theft,and name us or our assignees as loss payee;and,(b)provide and maintain an acceptable general public liability insurance policy. If you do not provide us with acceptable evidence of insurance,we may,but will have no obligation to,obtain insurance for you and add a charge to your monthly payment which will include the premium cost and related costs. 10. LIABILITY:WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSSES OR INJURIES TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTIES CAUSED BY THE EQUIPMENT OR ITS USE. You agree to reimburse us for,and to defend us against,any claims for losses or injuries caused by the Equipment and any costs or attorney fees relative to those claims. 11. TAXES;PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX FEES:You agree to show the Equipment as"Leased Property" on all personal property tax returns. You agree to pay us all personal property tax assessed against the Equipment or 1110 at our sole election we may opt to charge you a liquidated monthly personal property tax fee. We will advise you in writing of your personal property tax fee. You agree to reimburse us for applicable sales and/or use tax and all other taxes,fees,fines and penalties which may be imposed,levied or assessed by any federal,state or local government or agency which relate to this Master Lease and each Schedule,the Equipment or its use. 12. ASSIGNMENT:YOU MAY NOT SELL,PLEDGE,TRANSFER,ASSIGN OR SUBLEASE THE EQUIPMENT OR THIS MASTER LEASE OR ANY SCHEDULE. We may sell,assign or transfer all or any part of this Master Lease,any Schedule and/or the Equipment. The new owner will have the same rights that we have,but you agree you will not assert against the new owner any claims,defenses or set-offs that you may have against us or any supplier. 13. DEFAULT;DAMAGES:If you fail to make any Lease payment when due or otherwise default on this Master Lease or any Schedule,we may accelerate the remaining balance due on this Master Lease and any Schedule and demand the immediate return of the Equipment to us. If you do not return the Equipment to us within ten - • (10)days of our notice of your default,you will also pay a liquidated Equipment charge equal to the anticipated Lease-end residual value of the Equipment.,We may also use any remedies available to us under the Uniform Commercial Code or any other applicable law. You agree to pay our attomey's fees at twenty-five percent (25%)of the amount you owe,plus all actual costs,including all costs of any Equipment repossession. You agree that we have no duty to mitigate any damages to us caused by your default. You waive any notice of our repossession or disposition of the Equipment. By repossessing any Equipment,we do not waive our right to collect the balance due on any Lease. We will not be responsible to you for any consequential or incidental damages. Our delay or failure to enforce our rights under this Master Lease and each Schedule will not prevent us from doing so at a later time. 14. CHOICE OF LAW;JURISDICTION;VENUE; NON-JURY TRIAL: You agree that this Master Lease and each Schedule will be deemed fully executed and performed in the State of Michigan and will be governed by • Michigan law. YOU AND ANY GUARANTOR EXPRESSLY AGREE TO:(a)BE SUBJECT TO THE PERSONAL JURISDICTION OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN;(b)ACCEPT VENUE IN ANY FEDERAL OR STATE COURT IN MICHIGAN,AND(c)WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY. Any Master LESSEE SIGN HERE - DATE : 5B-8 LGI Reference Number:10273496 • Lease charge and each Schedule charge which exceeds the amount allowed by law shall be reduced to the maximum allowed.4 15. FINANCE LEASE;AMENDMENTS:THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE IS A"FINANCE LEASE" UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE AS ADOPTED IN MICHIGAN("UCC"). THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE MAY NOT BE AMENDED EXCEPT BY A WRITING WHICH WE HAVE SIGNED. YOU WAIVE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES YOU MAY HAVE • UNDER UCC 2A-508 THROUGH 2A-522,INCLUDING ANY RIGHT TO:(a)CANCEL THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE;(b)REJECT TENDER OF THE EQUIPMENT;(c)REVOKE ACCEPTANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT;(d)RECOVER DAMAGES FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY; AND(e)MAKE DEDUCTIONS OR SET-OFFS,FOR ANY REASON,FROM AMOUNTS DUE US UNDER • THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE. IF ANY PART OF THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE IS INCONSISTENT WITH UCC 2A,THE TERMS OF THIS MASTER LEASE AND EACH SCHEDULE WILL GOVERN. 16. EQUIPMENT RETURN:At the end of any Schedule term,you will immediately crate,insure and ship the Equipment,in good working condition,to us by means we designate,with all expenses to be prepaid by you. If you fail to return the Equipment to us as agreed,you shall pay to us one and one-half(1.5)times the regular Lease payment until the Equipment is returned. You will be responsible for any damage to the Equipment during shipping. 17. REPRESENTATIONS&WARRANTIES. You represent and warrant to us that:(a)you are a duly organized public body corporate and politic with full power and authority to enter into and perform your obligations under this Master Lease and each Schedule;and that this obligation issued on your behalf is within the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986(the"Code" (b)all necessary actions of your governing • body have been taken and all necessary procedures have been complied with to give full effect to the execution, delivery and performance of this Master Lease and each Schedule;(c)this Master Lease and each Schedule is valid,binding and enforceable according to its terms;(d)you have,in accordance with all applicable laws, budgeted and appropriated sufficient funds to make all lease payments and meet all of your other obligations for the current fiscal year and such funds have not been expended for other purpose;(e)you will do all things lawfully within your power to obtain and maintain funds for payment of the lease payments(including providing for such payments in each budget or appropriation request submitted and adopted),to have such portions of budgets or appropriation requests approved,and to exhaust all available reviews and appeals in the event such portion of any budget or appropriation request is not approved;(f)you have complied with all public bidding requirements applicable to this Master Lease and each Schedule and the acquisition of the Equipment;(g)you have provided financial information and other statements to us which are accurate and correct,(h)upon our request,you will annually provide current fmancial statements,budgets,proofs of appropriation and other fmancial information relating to your ability to continue this Master Lease and each Schedule,(i)the Equipment will be used only by you and only to perform essential governmental or proprietary functions consistent with the permissible scope of your authority. The person executing this Master Lease and each Schedule warrants that he or she possess the requisite and necessary authority and authorization to execute same on your behalf,(j)you agree that you will timely file a Form 8038-GC(or,as necessary,Form 8038-G), or any revised or renumbered form with the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with Section 149(e)of the Code and the Regulations thereunder,and you agree to appoint us as your Agent for the purpose of maintaining a book entry system as required by Section 149(a)of the Code. 18. NON-APPROPRIATION. If you(a)are not allotted funds for the next fiscal year to continue leasing the Equipment;(b)have no funds for the purchase,lease or rental of equipment performing similar functions to those performed by the Equipment;and(c)have no funds from any other sources(collectively,a"Non- appropriation"),then you may terminate this Master Lease and each Schedule at the end of the then-current S fiscal year,and you will not,in the sole event of Non-appropriation,be obligated to make payments beyond the end of the then-current fiscal year,except that you will be obligated,to return the Equipment to us at your sole expense. In the event of Non-appropriation,you will furnish to us upon request an opinion of your counsel which explains the basis of the Non-appropriation,together with appropriate documentation evidencing the LESSEE SIGN HERE DATE SR-q • LGI Reference Number:10273496 411 Non-appropriation. If,within one(1 )year after termination for Non-appropriation,you appropriate funds to purchase,lease or rent equipment performing functions similar to those performed by the Equipment,then it will be conclusively deemed that monies have been appropriated for the continuance of the Lease and,at our sole option,this Master Lease and each Schedule may be automatically reinstated. 19. NON-SUBSTITUTION. To the extent permitted by law,you agree that if this Master Lease and each Schedule is terminated for Non-appropriation,you will not purchase,lease or rent equipment performing functions similar to those performed by the Equipment for a period of one(1)year after termination date. This Section shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination of this Master Lease and each Schedule. 20. SAV NGS. If any provision of this Master Lease and each Schedule is unenforceable,invalid or illegal,the remaining provisions will continue to be effective. You will not be required to pay and we will not be permitted to collect any amount in excess of the maximum amount of interest permitted by law("Excess • Interest"). If any Excess Interest is provided for or determined to have been provided for under this Master Lease and each Schedule,then:(A)this subsection shall govern and control;(B)you will not be obligated to pay any Excess Interest;(C)any Excess Interest that we may have received hereunder shall be,at our option(1) applied as a credit against the outstanding lease payment obligations(not to exceed the maximum amount permitted by law),(2)refunded to you,or(3)any combination of the foregoing-(D)any interest rate(s) provided for herein shall be automatically reduced to the maximum lawful rate allowed under applicable law, and this Master Lease and each Schedule shall be deemed to have been,and shall be,reformed and modified to reflect such reduction;and(E)you will not have any action against us for any damages arising out of the payment or collection of any Excess Interest. 21. FAX EXECUTION PROVISIONS:You may transmit Master Lease Agreements,Schedule(s),and related documents to us by telecopy or facsimile("fax"). Any fax document,which purports to have been transmitted • to us from you,shall constitute an original of the document and shall be binding on you as if it were manually signed(if a signature appears on the fax)and personally delivered. We have no duty to verify or inquire as to the validity,execution,signer's authority or any other matter concerning the propriety of any fax. However,no fax version of the Master Lease Agreement or Schedule(s)shall become effective and binding against us until manually signed by us in our Michigan office. You waive notice of our acceptance of any Master Lease Agreement, Schedule or related document which has been transmitted by fax and waive receipt of a copy of any such document. CITY OF SOUTBLAKE SANWA LEASING CORPORATION (LESSEE) (LESSOR) Signed By: Signed By: Print name: Print name: Title: Title: Date: Date: • LESSEE SIGN HERE • DATE Su-in City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Dennis Killough, Sr. Planner CASE NO: ZA 97-059 SUBJECT: Variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01(1)2 (Plat Expiration)Extending the Validity of Case No. ZA 97-059,Plat Revision-Lot 1,Block 1,Rucker's Hacienda de Gusto Addition On June 3, 1997 City Council approved the above referenced plat. When applying for a building permit,the owners of the property, Mike and Carol Rucker, discovered the final mylars were never completed and processed through the city for filing and had expired on June 4, 1998. The owners of the property have submitted the required mylar copies of the plat to the City for filing and have requested that the validity of this plat be extended 30 days from the date of City Council's action upon this request. Because this plat has expired, a variance to Section 4.01(1)2 of Subdivision Ordinance No:483-E (shown below) will be required if the extension is to be granted.• "2. All other plats: A Final Plat, Plat Revision, Amended Plat or a Plat Showing which has not been recorded in the County Plat Records within one year of the date of approval shall expire. " The City Staff Report for this case, a location map (tract map) and a reduced copy of the plat is attached for your convenience. Please place this item on the next Council agenda for their consideration. DICK. . . att: City Staff Report Location Map Reduction of the plat L:ICOMDEVI WP-FILESIMEM0197CASES197-059PE.WPD III 15&- 1 .4 City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT • June 4, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-059 PROJECT: Plat Revision -Lot 1, Block 1,Rucker's Hacienda de Gusto • STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner I 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision for Lot 1, Block 1, Rucker's Hacienda de Gusto, 0.773 acres being a portion of Tract 3 in Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899 and a revision of Common Green No. 36, Block 12, Timarron Addition- Brenwyck, Phase 2. LOCATION: East of the Timarron Addition,Brenwyck, Phase 2, and at the east end of the Durham Court cul-de-sac. OWNERS: William and Zena Rucker APPLICANTS: Mike and Carol Rucker • CURRENT ZONING: "SF-30" LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Fourteen(14) RESPONSES: Two (2) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Grace Elaine Allison, 726 Nettleton Dr., Southlake, opposed. "We were told nothing could be built behind us which is one of the reasons we chose our lot and paid a premium for." • Richard Agin, 718 Nettleton Dr., Southlake, undecided. • "Concerned about access to the property. Will it be through Timarron property or through Carroll Rd.?" P&Z ACTION: May 22, 1997;Approved(7-0)subject to Plat Revision Summary No. 1 dated May 16, 1997. COUNCIL ACTION: June 3, 1997; Approved (5-0) on consent. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all requirements in Plat Revision Summary No. 1 dated May 16, 1997,with the exception of those requirements in the attached Plat Revision Summary No. 2 dated May 30, 1997. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEM0\97CASES\97-059PR.WPD „ ,t1,&, . ■�� r.,'0` iw % ' -Hr111110•01.11111211111010411111.11111141,111114 , r:■.illif'.411111.114101°111°1°1°114% IOW Ole SIOS"I' 101110:109 .*A6- 4111111111141011011 Of if:11110 0 VI OW kNsArinia gall 01003 10- 11011"0/1111,10"Ille mos is 0,"_•;..3 st_,_11411. rstr R s • hue :►dial ra lallMilir 11104 ' vic sWO R „t. so illatiOtrammalle soltql,S.,, ar 1,111111priimi alas; 0380450• , MiliVi, ..- -. .. It , /Fa c i AC Tf1te tiliteignet_. :1 - 14, , is illigi '' -r '' ' � a it :341 0910 SO il \ ID SI /9 AD . IC ' Vig% uoti 2,1g ;.. ' ..- \ It* 4 2n irc n Ile Ill Itifi 41''1l.:''"16/1'z'A t‘,i*i'i 1lilIt:.O'.ii.:iolirLAe- . 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Ii Aw.1. I in ,1•....wuu.r i.• ..•t 1•iou..1. I i./•.III•II•t bona I.-II, I u C•w1 III..1•.II,{111•t1U, 1r...In Ib I q 0 ua ".I,.riiluil[%�11.i UI•balwn.. • .br.s pr II q. • • • I..r.tuua.i•ri Ina.uN. r •uI-�I rA'A[ __.I IdW.rOl••.a/wl0a •1/1',r.I b•.1.I 1•.Ib••1• b o I.11 boo M tt 11 I LOT I, MDCK I. t•1•t.\.1••t\o•\ 1r.••.1 t\1t,110+IL•I n•r.••, APPROVED PRNMINIJ.Y PLAT FOP ..1.}a" Anlll . rbn1.•dt-�\ ROCKER'S WICIO/OAOE GUSTO ..I.-i.' 01•Y.Io. rro•lu%u•r..t 11..•/011.. I' .., \\ boII...b•I,I Ir••1•r• N u•InHo•t••IMr•I/ v:. + I.tlObab.11.Masao•1\,.:. aoi\ .ue.0 V 15 L.P. 1•(.cI ..IP.O• .. 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BLOCK I. • - this 11'ts ...rr abt I. RUCKER'S HACIENDA DE GUSTO r..np»..i+...fou).•of the sin..} Ohs AN ADDITION TOTHE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE IN • u•0.:...p.uses.1..•t...................,Y.1 - TARRANTCOUNTY,TESAS,BEING A TRACT 0. • ••t n...+.r...•.nn.......t. •a• nr �'�'=� �,� `\ O.W KNIGHT SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.B99,AND sate q a•• .....q.Ipnlo ..•. A REVISION OF COMMON GREEN N030,W BLOCK 0s•MM.Icon. CO• MILL Q.abr 1.b•I g,'' T)c c I2.TIMARRON ADDITION BRENWYCK.PRASE aMt pn•.w•Mho AS RECORDED IN CABINET'A,SLIDE 2132, ba•.A.••t..1M11 .111/ (II}I II•II.1 PLAT RECORDS,TARRANT, COUNTY,TEXAS CAM pt•M-IIr I LOT I WA•�� 0. ACrtr ' Apr1I 24,I997 THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET ' SLRD[ DATE City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner CASE NO: ZA 97-162 SUBJECT: Request to Extend the Validity of Case ZA97-162,Final Plat- Southlake Town Square,Phase 1,42.013 Acres in the Richard Eads Survey Abst.No. 481 On December 18, 1997 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the above referenced plat. This plat has not yet been filed in the County Plat Records and will expire on December 19, 1998. The developer Cooper& Stebbins,LP is requesting an extension of the expiration date to March 19, 1999. The purpose of this extension is to allow time for completion and final documentation of public street and utility construction to insure that adequate easements and right-of-ways are provided. The Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01(I)3 (shown below)permits the City Council to extend the expiration date of a plat which has not yet expired up to one year. 4.01(1)3 Subdivision Ordinance 483-G, Section "Extensions: The City Council may extend the expiration date of an approved plat upon written petition for such extension by the owner prior to the expiration of the plat but not to exceed one (1)year. " A letter requesting the extension of this plat is attached. The City Staff Report for this case, location map (tract map) and a reduced copy of the plat are also attached for your convenience. Please place this item on the next Council agenda for their consideration. DKK att: Letter from Developer City Staff Report Location Map Reduction of the Final Plat L:ICOMDEVI WP-FILESIMEMO197CASESI97-162PE.WPD 6D- SOUTHLAKETOWNSGUARE2 PAGE : 01 12/03/1998 16:57 8174219557 • Southlake Town Square 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake,TX 76092 Date: December 3, 1998 To: Dennis Kt lough • City of Southlake From: Dan Quinto Subject: Southlake Town Square Extension of Deadline to file Final Plat Mr.K71ough, We understand that our time deadline to file the Final Plat expires on December 19, 1998. We hack' =glint an extension of the deadline to not later than March 19.1999. This extension is required to accurately establish the Public Utility Easements on the final pint,which will requite the Contractor's submittal of the Record Documents to be reviewed and approved for conformance to the Contract Documents. Any deviations will have to be accounted for and resolved at that time. The Public Improvements in the Rights of'Way and the Parks are scheduled to be completed by not later than February 2S, 1999. If you have any questions regarding thais matter,please don't hesitate to call the undersigned. Sincerely, Dan Quinto Vice President of Construction Cooper a Stebbins,L.P. • cc: Ron Harper Frank Bliss File • REC'D C E C 0 3.1998 S(1-Z City of Southlake,Texas 4111 STAFF REPORT December 19, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-162 PROJECT: Final Plat- Southlake Town Square,Phase I STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Final Plat for Southlake Town Square, Phase I, legally described as being approximately 42.013 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey,Abstract No. 481, and being Tract 3B and a portion of Tracts 2Aand3. LOCATION: On the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard(F.M. 1709). OWNER: THE FECHTEL GROUP with general partners:Alicia Marie Fechtel, Charles Joseph Fechtel, Mary Louise Logan,John Randolph Fechtel, Marguerite Elizabeth Fechtel,James Milton Fechtel,Lorrie W. Beck, Leslie W. Klingman, and Carol G. Peterka. APPLICANT: Cooper& Stebbins, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District to include "C-3" General Commercial District uses. LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Village Center NO.NOTICES SENT: None required P&Z ACTION: December 18, 1997;Approved(6-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated December 12, 1997. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated December 12, 1997. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-162FP.WPD • i i I ` i i I I i I I 'I I I 'l IIL I i „,..,..., it I • ; _ii i.-.A .. I - i it it i „ it IJ � 1. ' r. , , .. ii., . . i__,_i±._:.::, iji . � 44, H4 wall. 4S-A- 7 I II ► ice ! L I-- !I4lajalmL . �� i pg514. 1.ii la 'A : 1 : b 2- 4441117 . 0111111111 I V � It1 -)A :LjT R , . tatila V, rye . . . . . , 1 1F I I 1 I , �� P. F• ..' -- - s4f►F+. . VI.G PHASE I cc — ulim , 1 v J.,,„_ . 1 , ii 1 1 • .... . IN . R72__ ___ inv. 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Imp. j�Y f 4 • • 1 Y a•. �V•• F mu 1 CHIC Mtn. �'fy'^ a ` ... g I I w k • J L / ......! ♦• wn • • 4• 15d]CPI� i1• rl G�•Garr • .O 9CW. 7 �%, •w n0ir mn•NM M•�MAW r • 'S.. 1■ _.. • r ar■.a.too+•..�o•I r•w.•.rr I Of •••l Y••I N MI NM,I I.w.•WIN,RYA • . •1 rrr I MAIM sTREET YlOnv�T�r• t t w ..r• ..1. .• t l•4T'ina•-T ('Li' -1I �>< 7 111111. rtafO.UO . A 1:FAYII� PARC• dF SI \•t'r.• rma IF' Lea• /r -1 ..•�.t I�i•n -- - - - - - •—r• II • I II 1 •' BLOCK 1 i r •r.1•I.t� 1•LtvR • lI ..001 1 r.••■ II • = •11 7)I.•■1 1././!.W aG11 I MU M LC/ • II IIm.W 1./.I/.0a1 AGM ; I.w•olo 1 .: 9-P"' 46.) t:i LEI . . P. IL t-•.--vt•^---� _P �• IOVMAA _�' o TKf' w• z � / . .LATUF1Lp L1ti C• f\ I..11���� L0'0' " in �._: L. e tlr.t•JI•.1o0' .Itl A. . .! c '� •0.r•r t.r.. p, : 1•=�..Ir Q•{{• : el .. FINAL PLAT ^PHASE 1 r 1.Y1 Mat■ 3 /t ' ,b��{�\\+�II t.Y11W . 0 Ir -..,.„—. OUTDID w•..w lee am I • SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE_ CM fr•ci �•' .•• .... u,•+' - - �C�1.• ---- 'i n• �-•T1.-�' - A A2.01!ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE ' '�' -i• ". u.. ./."'�r� R , • m Lu . 1 �E GTf7Tti • 1. - \ ••— 9"7-Ic NICHARD CADS SUNYCY. ASST. N]101 w.'`t.Y. r;-,-L"rN , • �,jti';,(y BEING AN ADDITION TO TK ------- J�Z —t 'L=`- ��'p NOV 241997 clT�r of souTHLAxE S17'l.i:9:YJ'Sa LIST DDVTmAa aTo: MY - ----- "n7 • •• • •• TAARANT COUNTY, TEXAS u•0•A.1..,•„ • • . I : ;;;��•----.�\\�� •• DATCI OCT. IT. 199F-9 LOTS •• ..•. I I I ww•w«�� ••�••— sNE[T I Or : ►IIOJ. I . 2052-1010 . I. • I rm..•.• COOPER AND ..-STEBBINS. LP. 1103 FLAT ran I •rl•I.•ww.r DM.w•R•r •.I••...•war•M N I•w•..•• . eA.Dler I •'�,. ID.m91 ®GrdTem Aeeodebeuk . ' . - I. City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner CASE NO: ZA 97-162 SUBJECT: Request to Extend the Validity of Case ZA97-162,Final Plat-Southlake Town Square,Phase 1, 42.013 Acres in the Richard Eads Survey Abst. No. 481 On December 18, 1997 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the above referenced plat. This plat has not yet been filed in the County Plat Records and will expire on December 19, 1998. The developer Cooper& Stebbins,LP is requesting an extension of the expiration date to March 19, 1999. The purpose of this extension is to allow time for completion and final documentation of public street and utility construction to insure that adequate easements and right-of-ways are provided. The Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01(1)3 (shown below)permits the City • Council to extend the expiration date of a plat which has not yet expired up to one year. Subdivision Ordinance 483-G, Section 4.01 1()3 "Extensions: The City Council may extend the expiration date of an approved plat upon written petition for such extension by the owner prior to the expiration of the plat but not to exceed one (1)year. " A letter requesting the extension of this plat is attached. The City Staff Report for this case,location map (tract map) and a reduced copy of the plat are also attached for your convenience. Please place this item on the next Council agenda for their consideration. DICK • att: Letter from Developer City Staff Report Location Map Reduction of the Final Plat L:ICOMDEVI WP-FILESIMEMO197CASES197-162PE.WPD S 6D- I . - J 12/03/1998 16:57 8174219557 SOUTHLAKETOWNSOUARE2 PAGE : 81 • 7- /41. - • • Southlake Town Square 1721 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Date: December 3,1998 To: Dennis Killough City of Southlake From: Dan Quinto Subject: Southlake Town Square Extension of Deadline to Me Final Plat Mr.Killough, . We understand that our time deadline to file the Final Plat expires on December 19, 1998. We hereby napiest an extension of the deadline to not later than March 19, 1999. 'leis extension is required to accurately establish the Public Utility Easements on the final plat,which will require the Contractor's submittal of the Record Documents to be reviewed and approved fur conformance to the Contract Documents. Any deviations wiU have to be accounted for and resolved at that time. The Public Improvements in the Rights of Way and the Parks are scheduled to be completed by not later than February 28, 1999. If you have any questions regarding thais matter,please don't hesitate to call the undersigned. C-- 712S Dan Quinto vice President of Construction Cooper&Stebbins,L.P. cc: Ron Harper Frank Bliss File - • • • REC'DDEC .03,1998 fin-Z City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT December 19, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-162 PROJECT: Final Plat- Southlake Town Square,Phase I • STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough,Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Final Plat for Southlake Town Square, Phase I, legally described as being approximately 42.013 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey,Abstract No.481,and being Tract 3B and a portion of Tracts 2A and 3. LOCATION: On the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). OWNER: THE FECHTEL GROUP with general partners:Alicia Marie Fechtel, Charles Joseph Fechtel,Mary Louise Logan,John Randolph Fechtel, Marguerite Elizabeth Fechtel,James Milton Fechtel,Lorrie W.Beck, Leslie W. Klingman, and Carol G. Peterka. APPLICANT: Cooper& Stebbins, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District to include "C-3" General Commercial District uses. LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Village Center NO.NOTICES SENT: None required P&Z ACTION: December 18, 1997;Approved(6-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated December 12, 1997. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated December 12, 1997. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-162FP.WPD S I i I i ! i t lilt! 1 ri i li f ..., It I' i U i 4 1 ftI i i. 1 PAIIErt • 1 I I i I r! � f �' „ I f C 1 '� ice- ' , 1 ,� 1 i �Y T I/ IOW I I / llfl% u 4L I ii 114S;1 - ti, , II a ti u = V. . —Fri ,,.. ., : .. I rria..„5,:: 1111111- is . .. _. .,.. _.. : .. II 1 06 II !I\ PHASE I 1■ '�� I I . .. � I i . ] I RocrseAv iii 11 TMIII 7 2 . 14‘f - vregiiiiillit,livie ..di i W • Imo #., _- -.; 1/11.10,.,4,,ilcgyi ilbrit. Ailli-44 , si numarek....J _ ‘14444isii so 1,,,...r............. ,,- e '�v►ed minus :.•r P.011.01041... 41 ATI ri ...,.. .. N NM 91 i kliatimeatinal °It1111EM \NM% IMI K74-`71 I ""Ir .; 'mil" !SIM" 111 AI ''''.. ' -"ielNiiii;:-41.0-kii-UP01 L' 1!t TRACT MAP I/ r,�� ig II1� t m.� 4110 0 - • . • . 1 ._... [...mg.CAW Cara T4. I Y• I-1 41 r1-4. Cal Y - .- Im.ONY IPr.HYl1•.•Y = f•- ' L01 1 M 4n r...at r...f M. r..r r.r,.. i„ .• .- - • Y111N.fl•.0.1Y.Y.r..r Yrup •� i�rf:'�t .;�� : 14,=Ca• OVA w•M.Y•. IIo• 1 •. .. • M w.w.f»4w1.� ' ��i••.r.prTiaj a.a10t Ma -•r, ••••,' 11 ►..' tali• ►11• • _ 11IMO III M Alnin •_ r...r.c.r. r.r• 1w - ^��'' ..w• �'�'- • �,�• .�� •.a..�r11n.a.1.11.mo.r•.r rra T 1 I • •• . • .•N y r••ILu• Lw• l 11••4414.41. I•�1.•,• �.• - »AI IEJ»M �ae lM7 n.r• Ian ••.11- '' �•I�.f1�-~ -� Y.r - - • - J- NAt.a Moan.rra 5-.e, �'A , �-T3 IGIn 1I I(Ill' yyyyyy .. ..I 10 Y •..: {S\� �2�•.L::.1- .•1 .. 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Iral t.•mH..Q an..W n an I a. u.lt.....rY. . •1114.a.MU nova fnrw..• • •.... ram 1u.111•Nq j • ••••• naa•..i ri40.w so In I.u1v• _ r•r.le••1W..I'` mat• Y••r 4»•rl.ri Drum I11 morn 1 \4 • WV• .. •.f•I Iv rr•am APTROTm 1T TOE?LIMO*•ZONING OO.OR1 ION r at 1i^..r..r. - G.11 R.w.r r IMAM r .-1 POINT Or •I ROOT■ WY.r..an M•�• L OCOINNIIS ma.'Ls.r•.fr rtlo Dili 1 • U4r Tr.31• O� NATO I • 111411.4 •Ayr • , _ tea., CTTT s®ETAITT, IN 1.alu• • _ i PROSPECT 9TREtT �\ {r1f� , r a.art ....u. •r \A • . �.1n�w �• R ^- Nu / -• • i i-n�»1•11:i air.n P.1 mr r�••.o1.1 • 1 ULM tar.r 1.•.I•OR7 rrar...r.r1i•a••.mo r rrf na L Ji P.M Fla I I.q1 r4.11 I,.1.•Q.1••..OK r+ ICM/ •+ /(�C.a arc Ma• mama NAM (ri • �-y '• 1 ;111 M.far.•f.• . '•e�w� /� �� F '+:1JV` main in. v r.r. g it I{�'�11� tmc Pula. l 2!./IL- _ �ff TRY ri - 10440 far./ -• .; i s •4 • 11�c-• 1. .acf i-.�q�`w w en MO.1..1.�o.o.F.M -1 15YIQy3tl. 1•»l1 ' 4m•f»..fY..'�4.•rOwY�•.Y I�.YM . -me-w-Nic•-•••--Ta-N.---• • L� fli I He,r• I al _.. r..•.f•w r1•w r 1•.,•wan.IO•. .• Y.. YA1N STREET - _ r�1 wont 11 • • • war• '1 Y4 TT L `WI ^ »r. t • •li•Y.r Ca. 4.4• = r 1 11 • �I I• q.I F �1 Wil PARK N \•I•r. an' P kC it r- lf ..::L. IIYn II • • . V. Karl 1 •' •LOON 1 •ItIOI T SUCK• r...1 far.. 1 nr.an far.r,.•Y•01t• ' ..M3=• • Ir I 70.•so far./ II ,II.1.f./.r 7.000 aOl[• 7 Lrl - 7 R ,-+.- -a+'_ : I ( I�Ii 1 `�� �j I I U N PA' I 'TJ,i►' 11.1 / • . .. .. .. • • I L_. _ ...: y ryro �L....+���.` . t °c s fc.Lt..••.m• _........Y •LOOC• . I I•••' a�1.cr • I. IMAM• t t ram•-�- d 0.4111 ACM d 5 "t- YSSTI � t o:ii{:aii a. •�• '0 '"' I C .� •- FINAL PLAT - PHASE I �;�'�;._ • o a. __„»t- ----i11--1� e .\ -II- _ "��Il _� SOUTALAKE TOWN SQUARE •• _CJi�=rt A A2.01!ACRE TRACT OT LAND IN TIC �.. '�•-�.. _ 1`YJ' 1. 1 `Jhr1__'1_'E • Car . » .'YrJ I>o,Y-�-._ rl.Y (i 1 I. • •• •• ° �-I�•L RICNARD[ADS SURVEY. ASST. NO lBl -eeni s-..tr-:.:Y ,- • »'H• 4••Y-�TMa `.:[�;(w BEING AN ADDITION f0 DIE um BOOT>QAa LTA JL • - =�- RECT NOV 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAXE • -•-1 II •s. P MOO • •• TARRANT COUNTY. TEAS �''�� DAip OCT. IT. I99T-9 LOTS .....• I I I • I ., r..o lr. o•..6 �•• SHEET 1 OP 2 PROJ. M. 2032-1010 • •..»..a.•.••• I I I ,.... ..r... otaHf. t�PUT rU. 1 COOPER AND STEBBDYS• I.P. • CAROM I r •11.1, • • 111111111.1.•R.mar own wawa SiJD11 ®GrbinD Aeeocietael'1c. . • DATED I LOeL1ra ETCHERS A RANell rs11 rum rain.161 . • Pr---- City of Southlake,Texas III MEMORANDUM • December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Award of bid to Pavecon, Inc. for slurry grouting of the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and pavement repairs in the Timarron Bent Creek Subdivision Background City Council authorized staff on October 20, 1998 to advertise for bids for the slurry grouting of the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and pavement repairs in the Timarron Bent Creek subdivision. As you may recall, the grouting has previously been completed along Creekway Bend. Therefore, the scope of work for this contract will include repairing the roadway along Creekway Bend. Furthermore, the scope will also include 0 slurry grouting the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and repairing the paving along Bent Creek Drive and Bent Trail Circle. The City Council decided to advertise for bids for the previously described project as one bid in lieu of bidding each portion separately to enhance the economy of scale, possibly in the range of $50,000 to $100,000. Staff estimated that by bidding each project separately, the probable cost would be $966,000. The low bid for completing the slurry grouting of the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and pavement repairs along Bent Creek Drive and Bent Trail Circle and also repairing the paving along Creekway Bend is $699,314.55 by Pavecon, Inc. of Grand Prairie, TX. Consequently, the recommendation from City Council to bid the remainder of the projects as one theoretically reduced the project cost by $266,685.45. Funding/Fiscal Impact The grouting of the pipe embedment along Creekway Bend, which was previously completed in February 1998, cost $153,014. Therefore, the project budget has $496,986 remaining from the $650,000 previously appropriated in the FY96-97 CIP budget. City Council authorized $100,000 to be allocated in the FY98-99 CIP budget. Therefore, the total project budget has $596,986 remaining. • City Council authorized $250,000 for the computer loop system to synchronize the traffic lights along FM 1709. The $250,000 estimated took into account changing the control units at the traffic signals that would not be compatible to the closed loop 5E- 1 Pr • system. However, due to the responsive action from TxDOT, the control units were replaced at no charge by TxDOT. Consequently, the revised estimated cost for the closed loop system is $120,000. Therefore, the remaining $130,000 can be re- prioritized for the slurry grouting and pavement repairs in the Timarron Bent Creek subdivision project. With the re-prioritization, the total project budget for construction and testing is $726,986. A proposal for professional services for the testing during the construction of this project will be on the January 5, 1998 Council Agenda for consideration. Recommendation Staff recommends Council award the contract to Pavecon, Inc. for slurry grouting of the sanitary sewer pipe embedment and pavement repairs in the Timarron Bent Creek Subdivision. Please place this item on the December 15, 1998 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. BW/sep Attachment: Bid Tabulation • 5E-2 • PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 97-3004 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 1 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PAVECON,INC. RANDALL&BLAKE,INC. JOB TITLE: PAVEMENT REPAIRS AT THE TIMARRON 3022 ROY ORR 821 E.SOUTHLAKE BENT CREEK SUBDIVISION GRAND PRAIRIE SOUTHLAKE, IX 76092 PHONE: PHONE: FAX: FAX: PROJ.MGR: SHAWN POE BID DATE: DECEMBER 10,1998 JOB NO. 97-3004 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION - UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST LUMP SUM PORTION OF BASE BID • 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS LS 1 39000.00 $39,000.00 66223.00 $66,223.00 2 PERFORMANCE BOND FOR THE BASE BID LS 1 6600.00 $6,600.00 8052.00 $8,052.00 3 LABOR&MATERIALS BOND FOR THE BASE BID LS 1 6600.00 $6,600.00 0.00 $0.00 m LUMP SUM SUBTOTAL - $52,200.00 $74,275.00 CI (ITEMS 1-3) UNIT PRICE OF BASE BID 1 CONTINUOS SLURRY GROUT INJECTION L.F. 1,925 83.07 $159,909.75 88.00 $169,400.00 2 PLUG SLURRY GROUT INJECTION L.F. 3,400 31.48 $107,032.00 33.25 $113,050.00 3 REMOVE&REPLACE STREET PAVEMENT S.Y. 4,870 59.76 $291,031.20 72.00 $350,640.00 4 PERFORM SLAB-JACKING L.F. 1,880 31.85 $59,878.00 33.70 $63,356.00 5 ROUT&SEAL JOINTS AND CRACKS IN EXISTING L.F. 19,640 1.49 $29,263.60 1.451 $28,478.00 PAVEMENT UNIT PRICE SUBTOTAL $647,114.55 $724,924.00 (ITEMS 1-5) GRAND TOTAL BASE BID $699,314.55 $799,199.00 (SUM OF LUMP SUM PLUS UNIT PRICE SUBTOTALS) City of South lake,Texas • MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Capital Projects Coordinator SUBJECT: Authorization to advertise for bids for improvements to the Public • Works facility Background The City Council authorized $341,050 to be allocated in the FY1997-98 CIP budget for renovations to the Public Works Facility. The proposed renovations are as follows: Pave parking for employees/visitors Pave driving area from entrance to the fuel facility and thence to exit New roof for the shop and office area Install a brick or masonry façade along the south side of existing building Install an awning along the west side of existing building Install an office entrance enclosure (dead air space) Install an ADA standard restroom Install masonry/rod iron fence and landscaping along Continental property line These renovations are phase one of many future phases, which will eventually occur to the site in order to bring the site into conformance with City Ordinances. Each year, money will be appropriated in the CIP budget for City Council approval to fund the future phases. The City Council entered into a professional services agreement with Teague, Nall, & Perkins in order to design the aforementioned phase one improvements and also prepare a Concept Plan for the required Specific Use Permit (SUP) for outside storage. The SUP for outside storage was approved by the City Council on October 6, 1998. The city plans to submit building plans for a building permit in order to construct the masonry façade, ADA bathroom, awning, office entrance enclosure, and the new roof. The submittal of the building plans will occur while advertising for bids. Attached is Exhibit 1 that shows the architect's recommended façade to be constructed on the south side of the existing building. Exhibit 2 is the cost estimate for the proposed improvements previously mentioned. As you can see, the estimated cost for the improvements is $65,030 over the budgeted amount of $341,050. The estimated cost • overrun is attributed primarily to two factors: the rising cost of masonry materials & labor (for the façade & fence) and the extra landscaping that will be provided along the north 5F- 1 side of the property adjacent to Cambridge Place. The extra landscaping was a result of the recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission, which was not previously budgeted. The amount of the cost overrun amount, if any (following the receipt of bids), can be funded by the interest gained on the appropriated funds and the funds allocated for the FY98-99 budget. City Council authorized $200,000 to be allotted in the FY98-99 CIP budget. The estimated cost for the improvements planned in the FY98-99, which include the remainder of the fencing and the material stock pile bins, is $170,000. Recommendation Staff recommends Council authorization to advertise for bids for improvements to the Public Works facility. Please place this item on the December 15, 1998 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. BW/sep Attachments: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 • • 5F-2 EXHIBIT 1 PROPERTY OF QUORUM ARCHITECTS FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION I SOUTH ELEVATION , HIGH BAY SHOP, EXIST. 'MIS-.F,OOF LINE CEr'O:D]• ! Tt - L' 7 4 -4 kc c i C 1 , —_ _= —FAGS:CB, RIGK Iii II il I ]I I , t,_.w., ------1_ ,,5-x-__--.—.,__1 _ "v -- -� _ z t - 1 fife _ Lr .4_ --- ''l..—'------*---'-'-'-. 1d 111 CLOL ,c) " 0.. __......_........._.... VEST ELEVATION - HIGH BAY SHOP, PROPOSED WORK I SOUTH ELEVATION - HIGH BAY SHOP, PROPOSED WORK A :rnAE I . S / ci R06 Sv5 n J Y. I I I t\� 4 'i- I `l i L •i I' ' �/1EW CyJTTER AVD DPL1aPOl f / , rYPE l FETAL F1 5Y5TE I -� i��1miiu11n1n1M1w Eium1111111fi�rii.IuI u • y ensa numumil�/l�Aganuuua m. I / �,EDY+„` '�15TRIGJ`i �'y / �1111 — _ _J N 1 sl,76 ' `\ 6421 Cam Bowie Blvd. `• T!•'WALL P A.: Sufle 41$ TO"MATCu rs sir a;. fort Worth.Texas 76116 .EVATION, WEST FRONT OFFICE ENTRANCE OFFICE ENTRANCE, SIDE ELEVATION ((61)))ae-fives Phaae (61))1- 524 fox OCT,I,19SE. PIMIMMMIMMIMIMM. 0 EXHIBIT 2 PROBABLE COST PROJECTION City of Southlake Public Works Facility Improvements Description of Improvement Probable Cost Pave employee parking & driving area to fuel $135,450 facility(materials only) Re-roofing the existing facility $102,250 Façade improvements to south end of $59,400 building West awning & entrance enclosure $18,230 ADA restroom $20,750 Masonry/rod iron fence and landscaping $70,000 along Continental S Total $406,080 FY 97-98 Budgeted Amount $341,050 Surplus/(Shortfall) ($65,030) I 5F-4 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Award of bid to Control Specialists, Inc. for construction of the pump station located 2,700 ft. north of Kirkwood Boulevard on the east side of T.W. King Road Background As part of the City's water improvement projects, a booster pump station has been planned for construction on T.W. King Road. This will be fed by a proposed 24-inch transmission line from Fort Worth via Trophy Club. The 5 million-gallon storage tank is 95% complete. This contract will complete the pump station by constructing the building, pumps, fence, and landscaping, etc. Currently, easements are being obtained for the 24-inch water line which will provide a second "feed" from Fort Worth. This will fulfill the need for a second supply line in case the 30-inch transmission line along F.M. 1709 has a break. Fiscal Impact The approved CIP plan includes $3.11 million for the T.W. King pump station, which includes engineering and surveying. The engineering and surveying contract is for $131,800. $1.021 million is committed for the 5 million-gallon storage tank that is 95% complete. Therefore, $1,957,200 is available for the construction of the pump station in the current budget. As you can see from the attached bid tabulation sheet, there was only one bid received for this project, mainly due to the current work loads experienced by construction companies in the area. The contractor that bid this project is Control Specialists, Inc. of Roanoke, TX for a price of $1,994,000. Control Specialists, Inc. was the contractor who installed the pump station equipment at the Pearson Ground Storage site. The $36,800 (1.2%) cost overrun will be funded by the interest earned on the current appropriated funds. i 5G- 1 • Recommendation In order to meet the water demands of the City this summer, the construction of this pump station along with the construction of the 24" transmission water line from Trophy Club must proceed. Staff recommends Council award of bid to Control Specialists, Inc. for construction of the pump station located 2,700 ft. north of Kirkwood Boulevard on the east side of T.W. King Road. Please place this item on the December 15, 1998 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. (95,et, Attachments: Bid Tabulation Letter dated from Cheatham & Associates BW/sep • 5G-2 PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 97-1001 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 1 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CONTROL SPECIALISTS, INC. JOB TITLE: PUMP STATION FOR T.W.KING GROUND STORAGE ROANOKE, TX PHONE: FAX: PROJ.MGR: SHAWN POE , BID DATE: DECEMBER 8,1998 JOB NO. 97-1001 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 PUMP,EQUIPMENT,MOTORS,ELECTRICAL LS 1 1994000.00 $1,994,000.00 FENCE,BUILDING,PIPING c') I TOTAL BID $1,994,000.00 L (ITEM 1) • i ._ • • -10-98 03:01P P.02 CHEA HANI AND 411 ASSOCIATES December 10, 1998 City of Southiake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Shawn Poe,Engineering Dept. RE: Recommendations for Award Booster Pump Station No.2 T.W.King Site Bid Opening Date: Dec.8, 1998 Engineer's Project No.001-521 Dear Mr. Poe: We recommend that the City award the construction contract to Control Specialists,Inc. liar their bid of$1,994,000.00 on the above referenced project. • Every effort was made to generate bidding interest on this project,including making seventeen(17) personal calls to individual contractors,specializing in this type of work. Likewise,notices,plans, and specifications were sent to various construction publication magazines for their use in publicizing and informing prospective bidders about this project. We also extended the allowable bid opening date from December 3 to December 8, 1998, to give contractors'additional time to prepare their bids. Even with these extensive efforts to inform and to generate interest among prospective bidders,the project only received one bid. We do not attribute the lack of additional bids to your specific project. The apparent reason that additional bids were not received is primarily due to the high demand now existing in the construction industry for this particular work discipline. We do not feel it would be productive or cost effective to re-advertise this project. You may still only get one bid. The bid you did receive is from a reputable contractor that has both experience and the expertise to construct your project. Control Specialist,Inc.was the contractor that successfully constructed your new pump station along Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). ENGINEERS •PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design,Inc. • 1601 E.Lamar Blvd. •Suite 200•Arlington,Texas 76011 817/548-0696•Metro 265-8836•Fax 817/265-8532 5G-4 -10-98 03:02P P.03 Al,-.Shawn PoeDecember I U, 1998 City of Southlvlre Page 2 If you have any questions or if we may be of assistance,please contact our office. Sincerely, Bill Lohrke Project Manager F:\WORD\SOtJTRLAK\32I-P nq\Awsrd Itr.wpd _ . • 5G-5 ir------ City of Southlake, Texas ,T 40 MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 To: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of Public Works Subject: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a partial developer agreement for Loch Meadow Estates Background A partial developer agreement for Loch Meadow Estates, located north of Dove Street and east of Ridgecrest, is attached. This partial developer agreement is for street grading only and includes the erosion control. The developer is requesting to begin grading operations before all of the off-site sanitary sewer plans have been designed and agreed upon by City staff and the developer. 0 In lieu of building a sewer lift station large enough to just handle the Loch Meadow Estates development and pumping the sewer to the Huntwick lift station where it would have to be pumped again, the public works staff has recommended that a larger lift station be constructed that would take a gravity flow from the Huntwick subdivision and also serve the watershed around Loch Meadow Estates. The new lift station would pump the sewer to the west into the Kirkwood Hollow gravity system and eliminate the need for a lift station in the Huntwick area. This plan will reduce the future operation and maintenance cost for this sewer system. It is anticipated that the off-site sewer plans will be completed and easements obtained in order that the final developer agreement could be brought to Council in January. This partial developer agreement would allow grading be done over the next month in preparation for on-site utilities and paving to begin as soon as the final developer agreement is approved by Council. The grading plans and erosion control plans have been reviewed and approved by the City staff. 6 5H-1 Curtis E.Hawk Partial Developer Agreement Loch Meadow Estates Page Two Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a partial developer agreement for Loch Meadow Estates for grading only. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for December 15, 1998 for City Council review and consideration. CT/ts Attachment: Partial Developer Agreement Plat Exhibit 111 5H-2 • PARTIAL DEVELOPER AGREEMENT LOCH MEADOW ESTATES STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the"City" and Corps Property Holdings, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the"Developer",the owner of the below described property. WHEREAS,the Developer has prepared a final plat and received approval for same by the City for a subdivision known as Loch Meadow Estates north of Dove Street and east of Ridgecrest; and WHEREAS, the Developer has prepared construction plans for grading and erosion control and also for paving and drainage and water and sanitary sewer improvements and submitted to the City for review and comments; and WHEREAS, the Developer would like to proceed with grading of the streets and lots as soon as possible prior to the winter months,while the City completes review of the infrastructure construction plans. NOW, THEREFORE,the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees to install the approved erosion control prior to any grading operations. 2. The Developer agrees to have the construction plans completed per City review • and comments as soon as possible and have a contract with a contractor in place such that construction of the water and sewer and paving and drainage can commence immediately upon completion of the grading operation. 3. Both parties agree that a final Developer Agreement will be negotiated to replace this Partial Developer Agreement prior to beginning the construction of the water and sewer and paving and drainage improvements. 110 5H-3 Partial Developer Agreement Loch dow Estates Pageage Two 4. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Signed and effective on this day of , 1998. DEVELOPER: Corps Property Holdings,Inc. City of Southlake, Texas By: By: Title: Title: Mayor M:\WD-Files\projects\loch meadow estates\partial developer agreementdoc • • 5H-4 O 0111 I R L_n 1 p I I • CT/1. 1 V.T. Q°T71 L r rem--'�' .NE P _"r•_4 (191 2,1 ro la,a'ae'1+6,00'�.x 6t'I,maa' 1 II I ....._ OVNCR'S 1CKNOV EDGEIMT le DEDICATION frpaaao''01a. o a III I x I x I Ann, coia„o ar ri®u„8 1_ a r or vga.xr evar ,m xe' I 1j1. 4. e Ir x'm0173 WI m• 00 emi m. c.lr I— ® --- `��_ .o' _ 1 µ�see,a' ry�m I ,6nm' i — li m mnoaw"» 1..'` �'m m.am..........w.,a.,a_ 1 If ox•I..a m'I se' 7e w• I 9 .n w..r.m Mama_r a In ID 6.,r�w.a r ar_tia 'x le.•m'.e•I.x6 m•I 11.OS:V O. I I— i I L4.IJ�-6ta.m*1 «r. m'1 so.T ,oc 77 T u v. 1 71 • ____ra_..w u+rw...rw_ _ cenewt r+DTEs r, „, Alt MEC Svu.s ff BE 300• I I — -I I. • ar... ,v N": w.=r'.'71115 r Z.''.2:i _'•••••• ao.waumxoao.:ooaeuaa Nu..o.1.�,AM... . kl . '! 1411u a...—__..re..._w.._.�,,.�..wa.a • I ! ig hI,- 11 _^..rear_. ___..,......m..r. ...m..6.. ! 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T.,� I 1 t __ .... \ KIN Tl.a'i.n'4�_ �e Ma wow n _no _—.r —lift 1 I 1 U. 1 .. a .rear, ` j 18 i I = ..:_. • y 11I I m_: �;..mIi ....., .w... _ FINAL PLAT • war a��� , _ v • _.. .rear. __� w �� N •c -, I I • 9..m 1 ..rear, 6 1• .7 rem _,w ma I v '! , �I J,.,DR A:re, ..;.a . I II *..; MEADOW >�..a.,. ;g a 'ill :.._. (1.J(i°.1 T9 S.F. .. 1 ` a$! ;roc i'i:;:R4a, I_ �: _ ,4—_. ,_: a ' , �� �_,,.00 ,i All ore, ® W. . ESTATES A7:1 n AY 1 IYI'. - a� _•3...__w._.-�1 .y;l` I •'11 oa_aax-,... t.. '_. ( 4 �•y4�—_—_�^�. I I AN ADDITION TO 9• 1 I. _ �V-v.,... I THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I• ....T I 1� ,r-' ■alb i�-�r-�- a i i j 1 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 0 • \............. 1 a dl I •Im..�+.ei eiam ,I 30.05E ACRE TRACT OUT OF THE �Ys.L"=:. •\• � •�'' y II A.D. PRICE SURVEY \, \ \_„_-_ fi uu 11 ! Ii II 11 ABST. NO. 1207 \ �-� --�..I •v v-a ��.a•., • 1 I 1 AND PLAT REVISION OF - � `"""�"� _ I: -I '11 6„��,� LOT 12-R-3-A BLOCK FOUR C.... ___ .\ •\ ` \ R1...000 2,1 a0V ii=it.oo '1 y �{ ,14 CORPS PROPERTY 1-.OI-OIN09.INO. SOUTH LAKE PARK -en \\ \ 1 I , ,r ... �• s a f n-...-.n. SOUTIdAL'E.TOARRANTN TO TCOUNTY.E.CITY OF uam.sr.ao e.�s..n� - a...rn '��•• IF ✓v. - ot1004°vm MMI W�1'�' -11 1 I ■ 'aT'O."a TAT REC.'.i61 W..COWRY.,atw6 I'v . '19 �V®IAiWOILI vim• J p N 1 AREA SURVEYING.INC. 27 LOTS IIIII p' 6tiir < II ! L ! s I N I r i ! " _ ` " 12.12.783 7�� 31.409 ACRES �C'p NOV 0 9199E a 4 - ,.,r>ww. 09 NOVEMBER 199E �,- use.ore xcs-me liCity of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 9, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator SUBJECT: Resolution No. 98-77, appointing representatives to the SPIN Standing Committee As you may be aware, it is time again to appoint SPIN representatives for the expired terms. A number of these neighborhood representatives have completed their terms in the SPIN program and are seeking reappointment. In addition there are new appointments due to vacancies created by resignations and relocations. As a result, those positions were advertised and a meeting was held for the various neighborhoods to select their representatives. The resolution provides for the needed appointments. The new appointees of even-numbered neighborhoods will serve a regular two-year term. The representative for SPIN#9W will serve a one-year term to have a consistent rotation with the other odd-numbered SPIN neighborhoods. 0 The attached resolution provides for the appointment of Martin Schelling, SPIN#2; Steve Csonka, SPIN#6;Pattie Minder, SPIN#8;Dana Sternfeld, SPIN#9W;Al Morin, SPIN#10; Cameron McCartha, SPIN#12;Michael Conrads, SPIN#14,Bob Walker, SPIN#16 and Senior Representative, David Baltimore. SPIN#13 remains vacant at this time. Please place this item on the Council's December 15, 1998 agenda. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about these recommended appointments. NW • 5-Z—/ RESOLUTION 98-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN); PROVIDING FOR TERMS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City Council is of the opinion that a citizen advisory committee would be of assistance to the City Council and City staff by providing a more available form of citizen participation in the affairs of the City and to create a forum for neighbor to neighbor communication; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has created such a committee by ordinance; and, WHEREAS,the City Council is to appoint one representative for each of the designated neighborhoods from recommendations provided by their neighborhoods;and, WHEREAS,vacancies occur when SPIN terms expire, and when representatives decide to seek elective office and/or other board appointments and new appointments are required;now • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The following is hereby appointed as neighborhood representative for the term specified: Neighborhood#2 Martin Schelling 2000 Neighborhood#6 Steve Csonka 2000 Neighborhood#8 Pattie Minder 2000 Neighborhood#9W Dana Stemfeld 1999 Neighborhood#10 Al Morin 2000 Neighborhood#12 Cameron McCartha 2000 Neighborhood#14 Michael Conrads 2000 Neighborhood#16 Bob Walker 2000 Senior Representative _ David Baltimore 2000 a . Resolution No. 98-77 • SPIN Appointment Page Two Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 1998. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Mayor Rick Stacy • • 'ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand -City Secretary i imp. City of Southlake,Texas 0 MEMORANDUM December 10, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Resolution No. 98-79, Suspending Lone Star Gas Rate Increase Lone Star Gas Company has filed a Statement of Intent to increase rates for natural gas service in the Midcities and Grapevine distribution systems by 7.77%. The proposed rate increase affects the cities of Arlington, Bedford, Colleyville, Dalworthington Gardens, Euless, Grapevine, Hurst, Keller, Mansfield, Pantego, Southlake, Trophy Club, and Westlake. The effective date of the increase is January 7, 1999, unless the City takes action to suspend the rates for 90 days. Resolution No. 98-79, if approved by the City Council, will suspend the rate increase until April 7, 1999. S The proposal from Lone Star Gas would establish a uniform rate for customers within this distribution system. According to the Gas Rate Request Summary for the Mid-Cities Distribution System, a residential customer using an average of 6 Mcf per month would realize a cost increase of$4.08 monthly. Commercial customers using an average 40 Mcf per month would see a decrease of$0.63 monthly. The last rate increase for Lone Star Gas was approved in October 1994, at which time residential rates were increased an average of $0.67 monthly. Previous to that, rates were increased in February 1989. The City's current Long Star Gas franchise agreement was approved in 1992, expires in 20 years, and provides for a franchise fee to the City of 4% of gross revenues. The franchise fee compensates the City for the use of rights-of-way. In 1998, the franchise fee received from Lone Star Gas was $130,470.99, based on gross revenues of $3,261,774.77. If the 7.77% rate increase is approved, the City would realize approximately_ $10,000 in additional franchise fee revenues, excluding any growth in the customer base. The City of Arlington is coordinating an effort to review the rate change proposal with cities in the Midcities system. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 10, at Arlington's City Attorney Office to discuss the proposed increase and a response. The City of Southlake will likely be asked to financially participate in engaging consultants and attorneys to review the proposal. I will be attending this meeting and provide an update for you and-Council. • LAH 5 - l RESOLUTION NO. illA RESOLUTION SUSPENDING THE PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES OF LONE STAR GAS COMPANY, PROVIDING THAT THE RATE SCHEDULES OF SAID COMPANY SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED DURING THE PERIOD OF SUSPENSION, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE HEREOF TO SAID COMPANY, AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS RESOLUTION IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. WHEREAS, Lone Star Gas Company heretofore, on December 2, 1998, filed with the Governing Body of this municipality its Statement of Intent, together with its rate filing package, proposing to change its rate schedules within the corporate limits of this municipality, effective on January 7, 1999 (the "proposed effective date"); and WHEREAS, in order to allow sufficient time for the consideration of the data filed by said Company, it is the desire of the Governing Body of this municipality to suspend, pursuant to Section 104.107(a)(1) of the Gas Utility Regulatory Act, the proposed effective date of said proposed changed rate schedules; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the effective date of the proposed changed rate schedules of Lone Star S Gas Company is hereby suspended for a period of 90 days from the proposed effective date; SECTION 2. That the rate schedules of Lone Star Gas Company in effect within this • municipality on the date on which Lone Star Gas Company filed its said Statement of Intent shall continue in force during the period of suspension provided in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 3. That the Secretary of this municipality is hereby directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to Lone Star Gas Company promptly after the passage hereof. SECTION 4. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Resolution is passed is open to the public and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas on this the 15th day of December, 1998. Mayor ATTEST: • Secretary -98 THU 18:24 RL[NGTCN CAO FAX NO. 8174596897 P.01/06 II" \r°; • erpi; tf17 CityofArhngtonTexas 7(t) O*or!ne City Attorney FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ME 0RANDIIM TO: LONE STAR GAS XIDCITIES AND GRAPEVINNE DISTRIBUTION CITIES Susan K. Thorpe, City of Bedford C. Robert Stripling, City of Colleyville Gregory Shugart, City of Dalworthington Gardens Tom Hart, City of Euless Roger Nelson, City of Grapevine Allen Weegan, City of Hurst Lyle H. Dresher, City of Keller Clayton W. Chandler, City of Mansfield Larry W. Smith, City of Pantago Curtis E. Hawk, City of Southlake Darrell Legrand, city of Trophy Club Ginger Crosswy, City of westlake FROM: Jay B. Doegey, City Attorney, ArlingtQ S SUBJECT: Notice of Lone Star Gas Company Filing t increase-= Rates DATE: December 3, 1098 On December 2, 1998, Lone Star Gas Company (LSGC) , a Division of Ensorch Corporation which is a subsidiary of Texas Utility Company, filed a Statement of Intent to increase rates for natural gas service in your city. Please note that the effective date of increased rates proposed by LSGC is January 7, 1999. In order to evaluate this LSGC proposed increase and discuss a response, :please .::atteridia • LSGC Midoities. meeting on Thursday, Deaeetber- 1Oth`w-;0:cZ Oj =': _p.m. at the Arlington City Attorney's Offices SeCond Floor, 200 West Abram Street, Arlington, Texas. However, action should be taken immediately to provide time to evaluate the LSGC filing by a suspension action. Please call Bettye xemper,, Arlington City Attorney's Office Coordinator, by noon on Wednesday, December 9, 1998, and let her know if you are planning to attsnd the meeting. Attached is a proposed form Staff Report and Resolution , _ _ _-.-which should -be approved by. your City Council no—later than - -` " -- January 6, 1999, in order to take advantage of suspending . rates for ninety (90) days to investigate the LSGC filing. O wear Abram Street•Box 231 •Ar;mgwn,Texas i81]04.0231 •(817)459-6878•(Metro 817)265-3311•FAX (817)459.6897 • 5�5�3 pppp-98 THU 18:25 ARLINGTON GAO FAX NO. 8174596897 P.02/06 Lone Star Gas Hidcities and Grapevine Distribution Cities December 3, 1998 Page 2 This resolution will suspend any change in rates until April 7, 1999, or later as allowed by law. The resolution also authorizes participation in any relevant rate proceedings. If you have any questions, contact Jay Doegey, Arlington City Attorney, or R. Ivan Bland, Assistant City Attorney, at (817) 459-6878. JBD:RIB/blj Attachments O • • Pr + sm I n fr 01.0 E_Al _10•_oulo A Texas Utilities Company Gas Rate Request Summary for the Mid-Cities Distribution System (Serving Arlington, Bedford, Colleyville, Dalworthington Gardens, Euless, Grapevine, Hurst, Keller, Mansfield, Pantego, Southlake, Trophy Club and Westlake) 5s-5 Gas Rate Request Summary 111 - _ Overview Over the years Lone Star Gas has earned a reputation as a provider of safe, reliable and dependable gas service to a large portion of Texas. Along with providing dependable service, we also deliver our product at a fair price. In fact, according to a recent study by the Texas Railroad Commission, Lone Star has one of the lowest operating costs on average of major gas utilities in the state. While Lone Star has maintained stable rates over extended periods of time, it does become necessary to increase rates periodically in order to cover normal cost increases in providing service to our customers. We have worked hard to keep our increase here in the Mid-Cities System as low as reasonably possible. As mentioned above,the operating costs for delivering our product have been among the lowest in the gas industry, and we are committed to keeping it that way. Lone Star's last general service rate increase in the Mid-Cities System occurred in October 1994 and in Mansfield in February 1994. Since that time, revenues have become inadequate to cover the cost of serving our customers. While our requested increase for the entire Mid-Cities System is only 7.77%, the cost of consumer goods as measured by the Consumer Price Index has increased some 12.7%during the same period. With this increase, Lone Star Gas will be able to continue to provide its customers with dependable natural gas service at the lowest reasonable _ cost. S When it becomes necessary for Lone Star to request a rate increase there are a nu mber of factors that usually contribute to the need. In the Mid-Cities System, the following have created this required increase: • Increase in Plant Investment(construction of new distribution facilities) • Declining consumption per customer We are also proposing three special adjustment features that will prove to be beneficial to the customers,Lone Star and municipal regulators. These three features are discussed on pages 9-10. One of the greatest concerns in a request of this nature is how the proposed rates will impact the consumer. With this change, a residential customer using an average of 6 Mcf per month will realize an increase of$4.08. A commercial customer using an average of 40.0 Mcf per month will realize a decrease of$0.63. The calculated change for Grapevine will differ slightly due to a lower local franchise fee. Mansfield residential customers will realize a minor decrease and commercial customers a minor increase due to different existing rates. Lone Star Gas appreciates the opportunity to serve the Mid-Cities Distribution System (which consists of the communities of Arlington, Bedford, Collevville, Dalworthington Gardens, Euless, _ Grapevine, Hurst,Keller,_Mansfield, Pantego,_Southlake,Trophy-Club-and Westlake) with the __ _ _ _ benefits of natural gas and is striving to be the best in our industry as your natural gas provider. Because of the need to maintain the same uniform rate throughout the Mid-Cities Distribution III System,the cities are encouraged to coordinate their efforts during the evaluation of this request. Please be assured that we stand ready to assist in every possible way as you evaluate this proposal and will be happy to furnish additional information upon your request. 1 6-S- tR Basic Business Formula While there are many issues to be considered in establishing rates, they can all be related to a Basic Business Formula. The cost of service for operating a distribution system is equal to the revenue requirement and includes the elements shown below: STATE, OTHER REVS COST OF OPERATING LOCAL AND RETURN ON REQUIREMENT = GAS EXPENSES + FEDERAL + INVESTMENT TAXES GAS PURCHASES, AD VALOREM,REVENUE UNACCOUNTED FOR GAS RELATED,PAYROLL, AND INCOME TAXES RESIDE TIAL AND COMMERCIAL RATE BASE REVENUE PLUS SERVICE X CHARGES RATE OF RETURN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE LABOR AND S&E, UNCOLLECTIBLES DEPRECIATION INTEREST ON CUSTOMER DEPOSITS AND CUSTOMERS ADVANCES 2 Mid-Cities Distribution System - - Basic Business Formula Elements Percent of Test Year Total Revenue 12-31-97 Requirement Revenue Requirement $48,115,479 100% Cost of Gas $28,552,584 59% Operating Expenses $10,377,417 22% State, Local and Federal Taxes $4,808,536 10% + ill Return $4 376 942 9% - - - - 3 Changes That Have Occurred Since the • Last Rate Change g • Customers 100,000 imp.. An increase in customers has a 80,000 PFM= corresponding impact on revenues and expenses generated in a distribution 60,000 0 Last Filing system. In Mid-Cities System,the ' . number of customers increased from 40,000 •This Filing 72,027 to 86,691 since the last rate I filing. This factor has helped offset the 20,000 11 . need for a larger increase in rates. 0 PM CUSTOMERS 1110 Amounts in Thousands . Operating expenses $8,000 As would be expected, over the period of time since the last rate filing there $7,800 IMIMI have been increases in operating expenses, which are still below the annual rate of inflation for that period. $7,600ir 0 Last FilingAlso, Lone Star Gas continues to maintain one of the lowest operating $7,400 111 ■This filing expenses per customer of the major gas utility companies in Texas. $7,200 11 $7,000 Pa EXPENSES • 4 Changes That Have Occurred (cont'd) Amounts in Thousands 12,000 T. Volumes of Gas Sold 10,000 . The volume of gas sold in the Mid-Cities 8,000 II II O Last Filing System has continued to increase since the ■This Filing last rate filing, but on a per customer basis, 6,000 111 U has actually declined. This declining consumption per customer is one of the 4,000 111 reasons causing Lone Star to seek a rate increase. 2,000 1111 0iliM Res. & Com. Sales Volume in MCF IS Amounts in Thousands $50,000 / • Invested Capital $45,000 /� $40,000 / . As would be expected with increasing customers and sales volumes, new facilities $35,000 /� . ❑Last Fihng are necessary. Also, in order that Lone $30,000 /i III Filing Star maintain a sound gas distribution $25,000 /. . system, it is necessary to expand, replace $20,000 /. . and upgrade components as they age. This $15 000 is reflected in an increased capital /. investment here in the Mid-Cities System. $10,000 01 $5,000 $0011 Invested Capital • 5 5.-S - 1D What Does A Rate Change Mean to Our III Residential Customers? The average residential customer in the Mid-Cities System* will see their monthly bill increase by $4.08. A residential customer with a current monthly bill of$28.60 will likely see an increase to $32.68. average monthly bill $32.68 at proposed _ • rate average $28.60 monthly bill at current rate = $0.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 *Grapevine's average increase is $3.76 due to a different franchise fee. Mansfield's average decrease is $0.78 due to a different current rate. 6 What Does A Rate Change Mean to Our Commercial Customers? Commercial customers* will see their monthly bill decrease by $0.63. A commercial customer with a current monthly bill of $169.97 will likely see a decrease to $169.34. average monthly bill $169.34 at proposed rate average $169.97 monthly bill at current rate $0.00 $50.00 $100.00 . $150.00 $200.00 *Grapevine's average decrease is $2.31 due to a different franchise fee. Mansfield's average increase is $2.46 due to a different current rate. • • 7 Proposed Customer and Service Charge Changes PRESENT PROPOSED Mansfield Mid-Cities System CUSTOMER CHARGE: Residential $8.00 $5.00 $8.00 Commercial $14.00 $12.00 $14.00 SERVICE CHARGES: • Connection (Business Hours) $27.50 $27.50 $35.00 Connection (After Hours) $41.25 $41.25 $52.50 Read for Change $27.50 $27.50 $12.00 Returned Check $13.75 $13.75 $16.25 Delinquent Notification Charge $9.50 $ 0.00 $4.75 These charges have been updated to more accurately reflect the cost of providing these services. • -- -- 8 5� -�3 What Other Changes Are Being - Proposed? Lone Star is proposing to implement three adjustment features that will benefit all stakeholders -- customers, the Company, and the City officials who regulate our rates. The features are: COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT(COSA) The COSA allows the Company to make small annual adjustments (either up or down) to the customer charge portion of the residential and commercial bills to reflect changes in non-gas operating expense per customer. Benefits: ■ The COSA, which is limited to the annual rate of inflation, is a way to better match revenues with expenses without having to file a full rate case. ■ The significant advantages of the COSA are that: (1) any merger-related synergies can be reflected in customer bills in the most timely manner; and (2) it will help delay the need for further rate cases, the expense of which will be borne by customers, and thus allow the Company to focus its efforts on providing excellent service and allow its municipal regulators to focus more on other important matters. • There are currently over 245 cities throughout Lone Star's system that enjoy the benefits of this adjustment. PLANT INVESTMENT COST ADJL TNIENT(PICA) The PICA is an annual adjustment made to the customer charge portion of the residential and commercial bills to reflect the impact of changes in plant investment. This adjustment is based on the authorized rate of return from the last rate case and is applied to changes in the distribution system's plant investment from the previous year. Benefits: • The PICA enables Lone Star Gas to provide continued system improvements as- needed to its plant-in-service in the Cities of Arlington,_ Bedford, Colleyville, Dalworthington Gardens, Euless, Grapevine, Hurst, Keller, Mansfield, Pantego, Southlake, Trophy Club and Westlake without having to file an expensive and time- consuming rate case. • In areas that enjoy continuing development and growth, the PICA will help delay the need for further rate cases, the expense of which will be borne by customers, and thus allow the Company to focus its efforts in providing excellent service and allow its municipal regulators to focus more on other important matters. • - 9 pp . Other Proposed Changes (cot'd) - WEATHER NORMALIZATION ADJUSTMENT(WNA) WNA is an adjustment mechanism that attempts to moderate the impact of abnormally cold or warm weather on the customers' bills and the Company's revenues during the winter months. With the WNA, a customer's bill would decrease if the weather is colder than normal and would increase if the weather is warmer than normal. Benefits: • This results in a more predictable bill that helps protect the customer from wide billing swings as a result of weather extremes. - - ■ Additionally, because Company revenues will be more stable, the Cities will benefit from a more predictable franchise fee payment. • The Company will recover only the margin dollars approved by the Cities, not more if it is colder than normal or less if it is warmer than normal. Currently, there are over 285 cities on Lone Star's system that have authorized the WNA with other cities to be added as cases are filed. The WNA is already in effect in Mansfield. _ ._ __ __ __ _ ._, 10 _ _-_ ______ City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Resolution No. 98-78, formally requesting the City of Grapevine allow for the extension of Nolan Drive to the Southlake city limits Background The portion of Nolan Drive in the City of Grapevine,just south of Cornerstone Business Park, extends to approximately 40 feet short of connecting with the portion located within the Southlake city limits. The developer of Cornerstone Business Park has agreed to fully construct the connection. Currently, the portion of Nolan Drive in the City of Southlake ends at the city limits. The advantage of doing so would allow traffic from Cornerstone a more direct outlet to S.H. 26. It would also alleviate traffic congestion passing through Commerce heading toward S.H. 26. The City of Grapevine has asked for a formal request to connect the separate portions of Nolan Drive. Attached is the resolution providing this request. Recommendation Staff recommends Council approve Resolution No. 98-78, formally requesting the City of Grapevine allow for the extension of Nolan Drive to the Southlake city limits. Please place this item on the December 15, 1998 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. (916 B W/tj h Attachments: Resolution No. 98-78 Map Exhibit 5K-1 • RESOLUTION NO. 98-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS FORMALLY REQUESTING THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE ALLOW FOR THE EXTENSION OF NOLAN DRIVE, LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TO THE SOUTHLAKE CITY LIMITS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, a portion of Nolan Drive, within the City of Grapevine, extends to 40 feet from the existing pavement of the portion of Nolan Drive located within the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, The City of Southlake is determined to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic within Southlake; and WHEREAS; the developer of Cornerstone Business Park has agreed to construct the new pavement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City of Southlake formally requests the Cityof Grapevine to allow for the extension of the portion of Nolan Drive located within the City of Grapevine to be extended to the existing portion within the City of Southlake. Section 2. That this resolution shall become effective from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1998. APPROVED: Rick Stacy Mayor ATTEST: 5K-2 • Sandy LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney D:\Word Files\Resolutions\Nolan Dr\Res98-78.doc • 5K-3 City of Southlake , , ,, ___) r. A 1 %9I0 brillet.1411111111111 .111.111111111 \ Al ,,,,E. of\NE „mml_k_ ,,,„„ar -747 101•11E1 ■ iI■II, * rar,,A mmi Ii Q „_ ilipti Is ii_iii ,. i sou, v_wE .440,..iiim 4 �' Pi-NCE . . , lair Si Iry . -.1111111 ProposedS. -n,, szrin Connection • iipiaai Limi iii_dip - - A........ -i/■■. rg if Proposed Nolan Drive _;o\ow Extension to Southlake '� City Limits �iG� ti6 M S • W 7' [ • - No Scale 5K 4 Public Works-GIS City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 11, 1998 CASE NO: ZA 98-112 PROJECT: Plat Revision -Lot 4R, Green Meadow Subdivision STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Current Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Revision for proposed Lots 4R1 through 4R4, Green Meadow Subdivision,being a revision of Tract 4, Green Meadow Subdivision, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and a portion of South Kimball Avenue right-of-way according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-96, Page 45, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 12.88 acres. AMENDED REQUEST: Plat Revision for proposed Lot 4R, Green Meadow Subdivision PURPOSE: Revised plat to accommodate for new alignment of Kimball Avenue LOCATION: On the northeast corner of the intersection of Crooked Lane and East • Continental Boulevard. OWNER/APPLICANT: Hunter 42 L.L.C. CURRENT ZONING: "I-1" Light Industrial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Four (4) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received within the 200' notification area: • James F. Lunsford, Trustee, P.O. Box 1685, Dallas, Texas, in favor. (Received 10/07/98). P&Z ACTION: October 22, 1998; Approved (7-0) at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the November 5, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. November 5, 1998; Approved(7-0) at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the November 19, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 410 2A-I City of Southlake, Texas • November 19, 1998; Approved (7-0) at the applicant's request to table and to continue the Public Hearing to the December 3, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. December 3, 1998;Approved(7-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 25, 1998. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met the requirements in Plat Review Summary No. 1,dated November 13, 1998,and Plat Review Summary No. 2,dated November 25, 1998, with the exception of those items listed in the attached Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated December 11, 1998. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\98CASES\98-112PR.WPD v A.2) v 7 ---;":;:-t....-- 1 "-Zllf: t' W Ac ( - 55 Ac • `l\%\'' . ..,- 'MI* ' . •.hEWl . inici-co - RI . _ gr. . • Slain!' •,-ikti.:* - .- . oAk lAili' Writ/ °R,' , 1B3c T83B ' '' '� 711 pit n2A2 • 14586 T$ IR I4� :q '��' 12Ac 1026dC42'. ilit • ala IZt do tit ll c(\ — • TR ID $ llB :.�.._..,•., p,, TRi -, 1 ASS 111 flbk Ina 1 Tull, - r ,,,� �L ' ��° TRRE '7Ae ; i� - �,_ � :� TR 3A Si do SUR\ MI 134 do 1 •� \^ Q ��. 6 � 33 as �, B5 .1. 6sdo i jiHi I .---i .`:i is a . °' ��,`��� •` 16.4 Ac , ows I— TR Si • :� TR 6Bl II,. TR i • •• n lass AC r: .'..ten._.. r„1,11■■1F.M 1 i'i "��[.1i11s ��ghi. 615 AC TR 2C1 11, ■ , r 65 AC m�'• ,.s , , Ettli TR 6,--,.•,.:-.ri•i-1n1/MINAR4••.,,-,_ : til. =, :. 'V °t �� fiII TR6 TB6B J - TR %\� ` C11 W. AL• V 1 = 1 ' . Ae ° 4' - - - r— 95 ec TR 6F c . 101.3 1 .. • - Rism 10Ac , 133Ac j . t-I nut ' ,,.:,:,. I ink 63 dc.•:W.`-' aa..a 11 --... '.---r--7 ,-7 \:,:*‘.1, 1611:111 • : . tza. „. OTR 3131 • i i 6 1 , .r. .:dn 1$.'"II TR IBI - • 2F2 i TR IA 166& 14.9 le ' 7?B4 1 aii:441!"Y� :L 1ia�'"aim I:• TR u Ts236 I t TR4B , TR ZE?A TR SIB On—-— TR a.7 1 - 'B ZE 15 do 1 TR 1B3 I I 900 AC 1 1 316Ac ,k 1 i 1 . 1 f TRACT MAP 1 , 8A•3 pprrr (..sw---- r- ,. TRACT 1 .. 6.1 7R1 ;L 3.566 0 6 1 _ o 410 5 TRACT 5 1\r,, \ J. 14 LUNSFORD I NI° vEY 5 11 p „I_1 „ I J. LUNSFORD Sp\ I K. P I BUS• co x s E 0 pW jr g 4R IFAD 12.678 ® O , EEN I ► R nrio .04 TRACT 4 - 1 Is TRACT 2 I a "I_1 " 13.308 © ' I 3 R. SEGARS . BLyv ...._____9 Go�1I_____ ___ _ _ ______ _ _ _7 1011 � E 1 1 ITRACT 3 "I — " I• PARADIGM PR TR 1B1A ' O I S MGMT. INC. 15.6AC _ ... . _ PERT E _ ADJACENT OWNERS 1 AND ZONING TR 3B1 $A -! A • • . • • • 4S PLAT MOW%roma iaIl 96 / su. •-r- r.. • • TRACT 'A ....ones OMR M. - . . Y ' ram_r r....,. I .rr.•Met2•.~r'�•r� • r. . . •` r r =i.•.�.•ra J u�r`r r•..r..r. IMO_ ••..r.r.•r••r•orrr.r r a.m. .. wC. Q Q/.• ter_. •4.'.�• ��• ...r .r ......u•� •ter on�.r.r.w - 4An .f l7(rL 6/ ` 'ow _ •.}n 3 TRACT-Fr ..... � _�..... .....rr.w-..r I _ .wnn�q.�n=a:ara r ILG r wawa Ar..u.• 11•✓/ r.- ...•a • ... _ •� ' r. CIO ..r. .w. _ •od 1.. s•r •�•'. .T . ..f.`r'7r C.C•`i'}'�.....- a . - ... r..•r am �r.�....r s or rn. 'LA,. I TRACT 2 .o r.on nor, .r�a 11,...C'/ q '.�:{: ci.. c..cr'+4 i :7 _r" Y'raisTRAL I 'WI uoa.v. uar .Tno.. 1tC-1L.T..S • TRACT 1 �� � FINAL' PLAT —� ad n Y!O{hTRW. •� t .1 .. r __ .. tS%n� ems. Pj TRACT 3 ar•ON mu..m•o .y► 17 '' .61 " F'vOATs m. W`'s cr ' 1� •r:S ; are OF SOUTI-LAIE TEXAS . 1VI �r r M. NEIGHBORHOOD FLAMING far � -,, .•'-�'_`� `•/t�`� ,1 j„ DISTRICT 19 1 a■ _ �_�__________'-= 9 BALD °= t� GREEN h.EADO.V SUBCMSI N • .-_ =:::_.=:.:. yp�,,,, K__. Eft I • • 3-- s s--ss;�..Y-n-i�-•.e»'S° '" 8 • ot'� I DATE NOV 12 1974 . . t •s-_'- -la.s_ � TRACT A F -'-- ��11..w 0: I N COMKSOAL v s...o ....' �_m e la TRACT 5 • ' I, WOOM.ERCIAL xf�yx. s COLD. ...Io.x.rr It. -1 moon ..a•r TL . OM!WM, I... IL...afillirialr=1 .allil • PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAT - City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 98-112 Review No: Three Date of Review: 12/11/98 Project Name: Plat Revision - Lot 4R, Green Meadow Subdivision, being a revision of Tract 4, Green Meadow Subdivision, being 12.88 acres out of the C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, and J.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Hunter 42, L.L.C. Timberland Creek Co,Inc./PCC Consulting Eng 1120 Empire Central Place, # 200 1120 Empire Central Place, #200 Dallas, Texas 75247 Dallas, Texas 75247 Phone: (214) 688-0893 Phone: (972) 630-2044 Fax: (214) 688-0886 Attn: Maurice Moore Fax: (214) 905-9393 Attn: Jim Chambers CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/07/98 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 862. 1. Provide a 30'building line along Continental Boulevard. A 30'building setback line is required on all street frontages. The applicant has requested a 15' reduction (15' building line) along Continental Boulevard (sideyard adjacent to a street) as permitted for side yards in the "I-1" Light Industrial • District. If this request is granted,the applicant should be aware that no building will be permitted to front on Continental. 2. The 30' building line along Kimball should terminate at the southeast lot line. 3. A"Certificate of Taxes Paid"from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. P&ZAction: December 3, 1998;Approved(7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 25, 1998. - * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. * Original signatures and seals will be required on three(24" X 36") blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. S L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\98\98112PR3.WPD Page 1 City of Southlake,Texas * A Developer's Agreement is required prior to any construction of public improvements. Denotes Informational Comment • cc: Hunter 42, L.L.C. VIA FAX ABOVE Timberland Creek Co, Inc./PCC Consulting Eng VIA FAX ABOVE • • L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\98\98112PR3.WPD ! Page 2 PRO GT 41) . . 1111 1 .: 4.0 :,,,,,,,. . 22C6112Calf•14Thal [C— �.0 90 0 100 200 i®u.•po ma Cr M8.11�rz�co a0 I..Or /^—•'ll r.loo „4 9004....w.r 04.9«•,444 M..o wlia.wauaa.o 4,. • _ weir• OM...AM444.DI wMmKa ory tl a 4..444 �� I aw..... . 1 m •�' r�f� 41 04040.44 Or Ia.nw wxwic,Wi . mur 00 r.m.•.1.0040 I 1 1 .r,.. co uasr NM wo w r.,rua..l,o Mvrwo,+w...e.c a.o s i I , v. rti ,a �rr�M1rwa.rau r.,rr..p+a.v..w,.awuaa VI G IN!TY MAP _i I a •aa0..n.r..•O m�.....a..a..a or 11 I ____ _ ' _ __ "'" "; 4...CI44A0.0449,.0 . .was i M•111D�! 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I.r_ i i aiw4 / „ ,, ICOK a 44�e.Mi ... ;a wl.N COO Iv 11 I F cI • ..,..' stel 1 III.7 f I(PINT OP eff.INN/NSJI.I �� ! yr lA`.;��•.rTvsrn ..s.,o. .w.�i,.r...tOpi.�"'.le care.. .r ��w • .Ira._- 1..•9.nD•n .iSO' _ .:.:�w.. 1444 c :0.,4rner RECD GEC 0 71998 PLAr RevleroN a".•:no• ce morns .149 ,'"o ., .9 �41..O...., 404 LOT •A :.'0'e,: • •Mc.r.O..M.D..r.,m,.,o ARAM or MEADOW ■Q1DITIOIOIt _ :are1"' .,wl.en or..w.v.w..0.c.0.mM r.• P. I2DB AGRGS••I LOT • BEING A REVISION OP TRACT 4,GREEN NEADOel SUGDIVISION I • wv�ac AS RECORDED IN VOL.303-96,P.S.43 AND A PORTION ii w ,49" ".....,cve OP t!KIF®ELL AVEWE R16NT.OF-?iAY AS RECORDED APPROVED Or M PLAN+aNS I ZONCdi GOPM510N 1 • IN VOL.903-46,P6.45 S1TU.6TED IN 7NE O. McDOMALD W. • . • SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1013 AND ME JA.PREEMAN SURVEY owrO I 4 .r a M 0.203. • AB5TRAGr NO.529,CITY OF SOUTNLAKE.TARRANT COIAITr,TEXAS 4 r,..P it T. rx..w.r. I - . TIVSreJ,e-5YDT0•C RC.!OM MAT 11MOt 42 I_LG.,, R 7 I I•O. Iwo in Y]0 M/L 1514.L RALl,400 GIT 00000 rMY. L I `.] DMJ.1,11149192.. epN .III Aicl Z. n.IIMKC!I.A'.R III(2,4I NMN9 • M I .,..OR.44i.41(fTy•110.11.0 / APPROVED Or THE CITY O01a41L j 'nree LAW e-mc G* ANIE3 OG/ = D.R. P R'], ]WI 1C.212fl C0 /MA=Salt aw l4TOR. ,.ea.."o r.o 0.11.,MOi 752.1 D won rr. 1 .uw a.m.!HMO ON ITCPOWWOWRehrQ GTY aLr.erMY, —- nne M con man..Pmw.o.. In.lw.r a •,1a rC.W ADDMLCN Vw 9s.. D.c.ner.�nw.••,0 0• M.I.2 . .Pep N PLAT PILED IN CABINET ,SLIDE ,DATED a...,INT..... CM.use w.LMA-42 11 City of Southlake, Texas • STAFF REPORT December 11, 1998 CASE NO: ZA 98-144 PROJECT: Plat Showing/Lots 7 & 8, Hiram Granberry, No. 581 Addition • STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Senior Current Planner, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Plat Showing for proposed Lots 7 and 8, Hiram Granberry No. 581 Addition on property legally described as Tract 2 situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and being approximately 1.440 acres. PURPOSE: Platting in order to get building permits. LOCATION: On the southeast corner of the intersection of West Southlake • Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Lake Crest Drive OWNER: Conner Lam APPLICANT: Dana Bailey 411 CURRENT ZONING: C-2 Local Retail Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Office Commercial NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven(11) RESPONSES: One (1) response was received within the 200' notification area: • Larry and Robbie Sue Mudd, 104 Clearlake Court, Southlake, TX, in favor. "With the following 2 concerns..." See attached letter. (November 30, 1998). _ P&Z ACTION: December 3, 1998;Approved(7-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated November 25, 1998, deleting Item #9b (provide 500' driveway spacing). STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all requirements in Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated November 25, 1998, with the exception of those in the attached Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated December 11, 1998. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\MEMO\98CASES\98-144PS.W PD 111 a$- 1 IIPP7 • 4111 - November 23, 1998 - TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Larry & Robbie-Sue Mudd RE: Reference No. ZA 98-144 and Reference No. ZA 98-145 • We are generally in favor of the above-referenced requests. However, we have 2 concerns as follows: - (1) The property in question currently slopes to the center of the 2 proposed lots and away from 1709. When Southlake cut the "great" trench along the east side of the property, adequate drainage ditches were cut in the middle of the property (where the proposed building will be) to allow for drainage away from Lake Crest Block 1, lots 2 & 3. With the proposal, I don't see adequate drainage being provided away from the residential lots. (2)ill Lighting of the rear parkingis a concern. We do not wish to have the � g lights shining into our back yard. High density lighting should be minimized if allowed at all. ///Zs 9:ri • RED N O V 3 01998 86-> ill pl ITLI it I �t ' :if: ,?CV\a". Qi ‘'"" is 1C='■• 2lk n u1 37 k *`� �N . f' I16S k r!D k n., na. 1 1 ,Av IA Y sr r 7Y OL ! .. a CQ Y t8 ar oar ►■1111 .;.���� y . a4 k so yo, A 52 Y 1111111 t�17- • TS IID Y RID ,.,trtre '' ' . , 04 j mill'�,a nal cu. to H ( H n u 1 IMF #4.001111111101.... ..,,......,_ rri C.10° ,I . •• l61 ft 4A1P! VOA ig rate." 71 11 I FM -.-142 k WWI= 1 '64 WelffiliV.440 011111111Mill immetumaritcrar ..,,,... 4 ,„„.., 714 V4104 As'Ost' 1113: r53"1""..11111:1111 111/S "IiiLl- -v. 4 --..,000.00: gri5k ismoopirm .... row - Ai:— * 4-1,A A amp obita s u la 2c sa c Ail sli d • 44"ThiPiii tit lisp ReriN „ s a Tal 11111WARall. tdli s MI .� k0 sr R c``��,yS S4 k T4 .r 14 TR a ®,. - . �N wi imi *warm. 1111 II IOC °a lc 0R24 luk R� ', ,' . I"ISB , ifl� 19ac RICJ 75k 1,,-V.�/ 4 8„ __ lia : 1:11,77:-.....4 ..), ...,t".., . ii 2 . . Nora a__ 1111AL-.!,rtzinixii-.---4. -...:.4..., mompufwe Vigil mi.iipTillird _ 2 fk 1111.-- - c5101, ti - lirt 02"a- 2- Pedi 2 1110PIKA14.'411411,. :!f41.1-.,0 -i1741erilligatAVAlii," r la,L 27.14. .0. . n, vi Ta u T..nt 1 'a. ,0,04 14 .. .44 Vill • . • 4 lei ditli Mut.ozia a ei,„ . ,, ,)CST .litv. .�,14 ISM :j r„,„ 40„,,,„ ,„,_,,,t.: ,... 4,0 Awirs , = 0 ram in;o�;. r ec is „a x..:-...,„4iii . ..asoskaair.-,- . . - ' '. -. -iticz , et.. :it. t 1 to 2A1 �=:1v-. NNW sividAvitaityAt �N �' v• a "il ea PRIlar4rcliR''1:1;;,Zirlai�.� ��'.��---,a- �wark .'^ ima ,1� Milk�rry y .-;-...iiit ig NB Eris %1 f 4.k...41WINal mom ih, 1 Si , I. I'm .*.#4*.k '.4" tattle4t 8: Aili ' - - • , . 41I he 451. may witty...41.11.A nalt_.6.-A.FI''.4N, •1 -,-..-Zia. WAINIts Lc. PM i 2. ri IK,4110...filill E AAge Vilimppitin vs; 44 vi* A ,z0,1 UK 10 - -' -..111111 T.1 iff i 1 gia- d hAfiritilw ikvf • 041. IN Er < k -III ra� ���, ��� �� � f1i tow *j� � � � uk is� �AC rIlIII Ifkiincil. A Ac imilil narip MIMI= allitrii .:r.�. 1r amMEN '• I(la �� , � � �1��- to5D 0 AC R5C1 %NI u whotri-- ...... imku oral���'�41: �VI4 `S■ .ow: w k Q� ��j7101 �t••��t 'wpm��ifs ifireitifiw 411111011il.a10414 19 COY '1: • • ii rapid ,,,.. is ILI le 1. . 140.o # #4, iiii IN-Filitioria ts c ' 11. itl.tvAri Villa a U M worK.immi,_. . TRACT MAP •�;,.�..■>� ►// IX: MI --.440401'. VI aftr4rul ilariliNg t at . 1 i \ 1:1 • -- . TF, • .. 9. slo 33 SIG 40 . • ) -- • • • / TR 306. i-.:..... .'\ TR 3C 4.3165 0 38 1 4.2758 CD N AC -,...._.i 314 1709 SOUTHLAKE - SANDLEI3 l ARCH PARDUE inows 1- _ - OAKS LTD. SOUTHLAKE LTD. 0 en I -- . 04110 9.90 TR 38 \ m C-2" U. "C-2" i'65911?su 2.98 AC , 0 ,0 ... "C=-2"- >. i' 41; 350 0 __-- INE91011.1111:agraill ----- ---— ------.— - --.—-1- .....-—--—-------. - --- - - — - -— ------- ' . / oc, TR 2C1 ll i 3"12 STATE OF TEXA: jr4 -----...------s— rA - OF TLE A% 22g, 0 2A1 . _-------------- TR.3C2 Z.------ 110 2 0.P. E ES TR 3A1 c LARDy_ .548 Ac 0 0 111/L91013°‘1 681 I. • " 4387 R4UFFNER 1 li 'f H• EO R " .25 4) / ,ASSOC. X 1 21 3 BR .889 CD ' 134 ---1.12 - i05 157 22 . 1.5 . R.CHESBRO i 1 . L. MUDD - "C—-2" J e 2 tm . TR 2C • 11,, 2 - I . 23 --f 1 . •I 2.96 AC A SWEEN ' ,— us R. REUTLINGER In e.)------ : 4'..Act S. KALB R I I il 24 • - 4 \1 • II u t., 113 /Is i -2 c a 164 1 5 • •..... 25 20 . . . . - . 1 4, 61 19 110 ws X . 6 z ' 26 1 ' •• _ • it I- I 158 1 1 8 -'' in _ 27 • /82 ANN 5 7 / (1' MO 7. ' 1 1" 1a 217 97 :.- t 1 1 179 ?4- 3 • 8 471, irr---' 213 _ ....e1 - 179 : ; 3 . TR 3N2 A . •IIA : 1 a ' " 29 1 6 1 7 ADJACENT OWNERS 61 AC 1.5 © AND ZONING 112 1 ' -C i - ---/ . • 177 214 Ig a 154 I 30 .1! 15 A foN-- i§ i 1 1 6 ,..., City of Southlake,Texas , PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY 0 Case No: ZA 98-144 - Review No: Two - Date of Review: 12/11/98 Project Name: Plat Showing. - Lots 7 & 8, Hiram Granberry No. 581 Addition, being 1.440 Acres in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract Number 581 APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Dana Bailey Area Surveying,Inc. 100 W. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 300 102 W. Trammell Street Southlake,Texas 76092 Fort Worth, Texas 76140 Phone: (817) 589-0006 Phone: (817) 293-5684 Fax (817) 589-0724 Attn: Van Jones Fax: (817)293-5685 Attn.Roger Hart CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/07/98 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 862. 1. Show and label the lot lines, lot&block numbers,existing easements, and subdivision name and plat record (cabinet & slide) for 1709 Southlake Oaks Addition, Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Cabinet A, Slide 3231. • 2. Provide minimum finish floor elevations as needed,contact Angela Turner at Public Works,extension 775. 3. A"Certificate of Taxes Paid"from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing ` this plat in the County records. 4. The following changes are needed regarding rights-of-way: . a. Provide dimensions for Lake Crest Drive. . b. Verify the "State of Texas" ownerships along F.M. 1709. The tax maps and other plats indicate property was acquired for right-of-way and drainage easements in excess of the 130' of right-of-way dedicated with the Lake Crest plat, the proposed Site Plan indicates different ownerships. 5. The following changes are needed regarding easements: a. Provide the minimum 500' distance to the Lake Crest Drive intersection from the centerline of the common access easement (proposed driveway). The provided spacing is 207.76', (292.24' deficient). (P&Z Action 12/3/98:Allow driveway as shown.) S .. L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\RSV\98\98144PS2.WPD Page 1 86.5 City of Southlake, Texas b. Provide common access easements in compliance with driveways as approved on subsequent site plan(s) for this site. The C.A.E. must be 2' wider than the proposed width of pavement. (No. 483-3.07-E) NOTE: The C.A.E. should terminate at the end of the drive lane or pavement. P&ZAction: December 3, 1998:Approved(7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated November 25, 1998, as amended above. * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. * Original signatures and seals will be required three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. * A.Developer's Agreement is required prior to any construction, if public infrastructure is proposed. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Area Surveying M.J. Wright& Associates,Inc. 817-329-0093 Conner Lam @ P.O. Box 488, Grapevine, Texas 76051 • Dana Bailey @ 100 W. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 300, Southlake, Texas, 76092 • • • 111 L:\COMDEV\WP-PILES\REV\98\98144PS2.WPD Page 2 'A . _ . • No.3043IP 0/357 o.o.r•.o.dwlion � -_• .` ttalr a Trwia=Vdr 46E7.Pop 276 DAT.CT. -..- MERS OF TE]W 1 CT STATE (F 3(AS 1 to Ste.d Tea. rN Vd 9745 Pg as Y}SLAVE-Y. I.Ct2t1Hi L.ML R 6 dh oar d a tree d Ld: o FNAt1 mared� '��W'Y ..— the he deed recordABSTRACT tVoir.Stl.:6 d Sadide Taro.Cary.Tam ray.rear awl .. .'"�.. Aed••dp begird•f6�rPag•064 d it D..d bmrdt of Tenor Cray.T' Vfdity •� ••—••.—.•— BEGH4,10 or.sir kr • fad ih cop.aF.d"CAR 131 l BiAGESr Y 6 ear b d odd La.toe for 6.a*.a.t of Lot S 66ck I.LAPE CREST.a Addt a to Re d p • •�••t t ...... $o U thla k® Blvd. sadkka reran too 6 plea raora.d:ed,Y.t A.slde rsa ale a.eadt Tories csr.y. Trot a I••a •..•.•.•r ••.•., (1.•IL MOONY 1708) —• • ( TFEfIO_Nardi V 55 i.dr 3 wand,Wort a deter.d Atli r.. to e sir is P: . •.--. •---fit •Y r•" ,•,t`Svwy Lit rod dh op r CORTEO&BlACESS for ti..ordwa ever of Lot 2.Block l LAKE S.r d Ta Led 97.9. �' p,m `7 CREST: OFF S a7.544445.2.5 CJ ci �, �t �t-p32 _.. Ti@YF ttr&02 deg...S itr CO rear E .da..a.d 200P for to a sir b pit 1.7 // 3 p �'L .D7'S ( ;� I•— ford Fd(•Yj op ailed'CARTER 6 BIMFSS I the dt h d Sal ..Boi.wd Far to a I�1 : hENZE Se li C Lyre56 ea...trod.Far.doter d I2326 feet aleg I.ark Sig l' b d Sordid.Bafna a.Tao Depart d r mirror tenet road a j :9[ 8 uE 4 Y an..moor r..e x Al sgb..•�4S obi.•'9m�ra�'d''�r«, .lag dwri 720.E SF. x �. DEICE adt b d Sadidl.Bo/.ad ad dd ana 7 ��r.� • / \ 1 70.695 SF. 1,4t • • a !road. o der f4 leer 02 .d. d VS.A T..t re.w Foe o' ti o •� ig p:..S teh ooP raked'NFA SIAVEYfiri Y it oat b d odd Um troy / o �`'f't el A MINCE Sort C boo..V gala 57 wads Vat o drop.d 20290 root to 6 PONT CF ti ._ 1>i t BEC3NNf'odd d.ab.d true=tri g lM0 are d Lad I SUE 4 The a.r Moo ceder tit property. p I ,S / I —. Net 531_ �J IP8' .-- NSW T9BdFOBE Y. d r by 6..prowtc -- 9 t ui Fac ■, 4-624 $.F 9 TENT.C[NSt LAx 6w�� oft Oi.�y bi�:�6 Mixon b.a8.d L '\ a UK Est Lan 7 end l FHMI ORAtby d.d tit>1 kk.off to 6 d Solids T Ot1.r ash 40- ca.ey.T ad dot hereby d.dae.to C.pride'w 6 r goy or.o.•se des CP Goy TX 7009 K C • t7� 2 /'L 4 , II �g Md P.C0.B_ena1Me. 5 ^ • �t .VE Lot 3 Cane La. Develoyme `� • 1 J Da SllSwaim ad Sdt.700 • /I L • .6\ �/ C < • gCCUITY OF TARRANT 1 1 So ildie.TX 76092 •'G _ Lot I SUE BEr9BE ME 6 a.kr:grd ad'ar07•s di day o.e,odv,�p.ad COWER LNt 4.o to Clew Lake R •t r to boo 6 pare door boo k obeab:4 to the r • ntv.r ad eLatiripd to • StrwArea•r \\Hort.MILS. 1 p ..Lot 4 r dtm err.'6 0.for 6 pogo..e.4 eW ir.Y ap+.d:6 Anvils, *trek:red Raga-ID2 V.Trai St 1 GAN MEW Nf HMO ND SEAL OF C FKE on 6_dry of te__ Fort Work TX 7E40 37/293-56a1 Fac 1601 2978665 Nan Prbta:red fr 6 Ste.of Tor . Not..: I. S•III•5 •p:rtl.. .f.y L.t .Ithl. thl. .•Addlti by..too. .d 6...d. I. • I.Ia I.• • ,of Stet.Le. ..d City ordl......6 I. • .dJ et too floe. Ind.ith•1.161 .of .tlrtti.. . .d L.Ildl , p.r.lt.. • Approved by the 2. The City•r S..Ih I.F. h• I,ht too re4.lr..l.lu. 16611 floor le6tiewo PI.ming A Zoning Cotttldaalotl Lot e• t•I..d .Ithl• rhi. eddlti... ❑[+(� Th.•:l.l .. •l...tlo.. .r.beer, t• the..., REc U L-v v • 1998 DecI.r • too. .ry lee •t the tie. _ the Plat I. rill .L ry boor•bleat too StOoh .' Addlt .•.I Lots ether . the.e Chola lml1riboo ubJ.• 6 w6 .. rl.i.h Lob 8.6.foe,•rt• o. I.28KnO.yr 3. 5/4' lroo pine with ettp le erbod. *URTEBbl • ,�R�,,. Hiram Granberry No. 581 Addition, Approved by the nnSVaa O.rt.rwto. Bang 1440 A..n do FM. Sn y. CNy Cotner • M...�,y�ty,� i •l Ab,tract Nolo-T SBl Toc Gxo. I IJe Tatar .T.uv, I.y1•ral boo d.._.... .s....d Tiro Lot. Orr r.,s r..I.di eta. •pored �y �.y h 9,896 oo11yj. it.id..a Os Mora a ire T�-+b•• •moo•, as rwu ZA 96i44 Cly S.a.trrr aan asu..0 .wttr MC Teaser or a.s....Is AREA SURVEYING. INC. durr l II•.IVIi ee. e i tree•.• Ar.,.• 1n.v n.r• 1n.Y• 1..Y•ir. Tii pia ILd h Cairo._�SM.- -� ...6�t �- Detr ��mtT V.7.1A•: iw 7re..stia... City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 To: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager From: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works Subject: Ordinance 730, 1st Reading, Amending Chapter 18, Article III, Sections 18-79 and 18-80, of the Southlake City Code, to include a portion of North White Chapel Boulevard adjacent to Carroll Junior High School, as a designated school zone Background Carroll Independent School District will open the new Carroll Junior High School on January. 4, 1999. As the only access to the school is off North White Chapel Boulevard, a school zone has been requested. 111 Southlake City Code, Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-81 Revision of limits; procedure states: "The speed limits, as established in this article, may be revised from time to time by ordinance adopted by the city council." Therefore, the attached ordinance provides for a school zone on North White Chapel Boulevard for the Carroll Junior High School. Because of the anticipated new traffic patterns on the first week or two of the new school opening, Department of Public Safety and Department of Public Works personnel will monitor the vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic in order to prepare any additional traffic control necessary for the area. During the reconstruction to add a third lane to North White Chapel Boulevard, the street surface was painted with two pedestrian crosswalks, at Ascot Drive and at Chapel Downs Drive. Public Works will sign these two crosswalks with the appropriate school crossing signage. I 8C-1 Curtis E.Hawk • Ordinance 730 December 11, 1998 Page Two Recommendation If Council desires, a school zone can be established on North White Chapel Boulevard for the Carroll Junior High School. Council will recall that two additional "flashing lights" were purchased for replacements. Staff would utilize those lights and order two more for the spares. Because the current speed limit on North White Chapel Boulevard is 40 miles per hour, Council may consider setting the school zone speed limit at 25 miles per hour, which is an alternative to the other school zones that are 20 miles per hour. BW/ts Attachments: Ordinance 730 Exhibit Map City Code, Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 • 8C-2 ORDINANCE NO. 730 SAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SOUTHLAKE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 18, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, SECTIONS 18-79 AND 18-80, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMITS ON STREETS AND ROADWAYS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO POST APPROPRIATE SIGNS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 169 of Article 6701d,Vernon's Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat., the City of Southlake, Texas has the authority to establish prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speeds within its corporate boundaries for vehicles on streets and highways; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake recognizes that it is S necessary to regulate traffic near schools so as to promote the safety of children going to or from school; and WHEREAS,the city council of the City of Southlake deems it necessary to provide for a period of time during the day when the reduced speed limit applies that is of sufficient length to protect children going to and from school; and WHEREAS,the Director of Public Safety and Director of Public Works has conducted an engineering and traffic investigation to determine a prima facie maximum speed limit which is reasonable and safe on all school crossing zones; and WHEREAS,the prima facie maximum reasonable speed limits adopted herein are not in conflict with any order of the Texas Transportation Commission declaring speed limits along any roadways within the city limits of Southlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this ordinance as if copied in their entirety. S 8C-3 SECTION 2. • It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate a vehicle on a street or highway within the City of Southlake at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing. SECTION 3. Any speed in excess of the prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speed limit established by ordinance for the location shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable and prudent and that it is unlawful. SECTION 4. The prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speed on the portion of the streets or highways designated below shall be the speed in miles per hour designated below, between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., both inclusive, and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., both inclusive, Monday through Friday, when school is in session,provided that an appropriate sign giving notice thereof is erected. The reduced speed limits established • herein shall only be enforced between the signs which are erected designating the beginning and end of each school crossing zone. It shall be an affirmative defense to a charge of exceeding said prima facie maximum speed established below that the day in question was a day when there were no classes in session at the nearest school. SCHOOL CROSSING ZONE STREET SPEED LIMIT Carroll Junior High School 600 Block N. White Chapel Boulevard Through 1100 Block N. White Chapel Boulevard SECTION 5. The speed limits, as established herein,may be revised from time to time by ordinance adopted by the city council. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to conduct engineering and traffic investigations and studies to determine prima facie maximum speed limits which are reasonable and safe on roadways within the city limits of Southlake and to make recommendations to the city council concerning speed regulations and traffic control devices. S 8C-4 SECTION 6. • The Director of Public Works is hereby directed to ensure that appropriate signs are erected and maintained giving notice of adopted speed limits, and the times and location in which a reduced speed limit within a school crossing zone is in effect. The Director of Public Works shall file a written inventory with the City Secretary of all locations in the City at which signs have been erected indicating a speed limit other than thirty (30) miles per hour. Hereafter, whenever speed limits are revised by the city council and the Director of Public Works erects and installs any sign indicating a new speed limit at any location in this City, he shall file an updated inventory with the City Secretary. The City Secretary shall file and maintain such inventory among the official papers of the office of the City Secretary. SECTION 7. The abbreviations used herein include the following: • "E" means "East" "W"means "West" "N"means "North" "S" means "South" "F.M." means "Texas Farm to Market Road" "S.H."means "Texas State Highway" Block numbers are inclusive as to the portion of the street covered by both block numbers and all areas between said block numbers, including intersections. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses. Sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph or section. • 8C-5 SECTION 10. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the above provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 11. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 118, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting prima facie speed limits on roadways within the city limits which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 12. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or • forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 13. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1998. MAYOR • 8C-6 • ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: • CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney • 8C-7 PliriP- Section 18-79 0 The prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speed for travel on the portions of the streets or highways designated in this section shall be the speed in miles per hour (mph) designated as follows, provided that an appropriate sign giving notice thereof is erected: Street Speed Limit (mph) North White Chapel Boulevard from F.M. 1709 to the north end of White Chapel 40 Boulevard F.M. 1938 (Davis Boulevard) from mile point . 0.000 south 0.892 mile to mile point 0.892 45 All portions of the following streets located 25 within the Timber Lake Addition, including Lake Forest Dr.,Edgemeer Ln., Edgemeer Ct., Shorecrest Dr.,Parkcrest Dr.,Elmbrook Ct., Shorecrest Ct.,Parkdale Dr., Windmere Ct., Timber Lake Cir., Winding Creek Ct., Shadybrook Ct., Glenbrook Ct., Brookdale Ct., Woodcrest Ct., Shadow Glen Dr.,Timber Lake Dr.,Timber Lake Way., Ridgedale Ct., Timbercrest Ct.,Brook Meadows Ct.,Lakehurst Ct., Spring Brook Ct., Woodglen Ct.,Parkdale Ct. OAll portions of the following streets located within the Southridge Lakes subdivision, 25 including San Jacinto Ct., Sabine Ct.,Donley Ct., Irion Ct., Valverde Ct., Gregg Ct.,Pecos Dr., Houston Ct., Liberty Ct., Concho Ct., Coreyell Ct., Stonewall Ct., Crockett Ct., Bosque Ct., Brazos Ct., Sterling Ct.,Presidio Ct., Blanco Ct., Bowie Ct.,Travis Ct.,Brazos Dr.,Loving Ct., Bandera Ct., Llano Ct.,Kleberg Ct., Southridge Lakes Pkwy., St Augustine Ct. All portions of the following streets located within the Coventry Manor subdivision, 25 including Turnberry Ln., Coventry Ln., Exeter Ct., Ramsgate Ct., Devon Ct.,King's Ct., Suffolk Ct., New Castle Rd., Norwhich Ct., Tnetford Ct. Lake Drive 25 O 8C-8 " 1 • -1' -;; l'- i '! • „ l f •, , i i'''' - — .-.1 East Highland St. , West Highland St. ,...„.•----,..i': , , ; ; 1 J • 1 . . , 1 : . { City ... ._ __......, School Zone Flashing Light—H.4.1 .01! , ,• of ;•. . ; Southlake • • , . . ,.. „ ,......... , ; ; TJ 1:- '"'-' ---;-- Ascot Dr. U ', . ........i_...j:. ...,..,. co I '‘• ! ',' .4-' ;;:;; •!, i ;; Z !!!! . . . ... i : 1.... ; West Chapel Downs Dr. .... ....., : IEast Chapel Downs Dr. • i''''‘,': - ---H 16--- ---- School Zone Flashing Light „ , • , • . , ;,. . Mission Dr. , . , , • N i ; Proposed . , .... ..,-... . •" .. . .... . San Saba , . No Scale i School Zone ,• ; 1 i,•; ;, , . . , . . , • ., , i; ,; . Carroll Jr. High -1,:.-;;;-....-...:..:-..i.--..1 Emerald Blvd. , ,1! . = _ . .... .,. . ... , , .., .. . . , •y Du th la ' . ..... West Southlake Blvd.!t;;';;-----r.. .11 ,. 1 East Southlake Blvd. , . /dlsk2llandbase/mctlm 8C-9 ; ;. i :1 Public Works-GIS P::., ,_ . . City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 9, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution 98-81, Appointing a Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code sets out the provisions for adopting impact fees, one of which is the appointment of an advisory committee to study the issue and make recommendations to the City Council. There are two methods by which the City Council can appoint this committee. The first option would be to appoint a committee which under the law must consist of at least 40% representation from the development community(developers, builders, architects, engineers, etc.). Previous CIAC members have been appointed in this fashion. Members of the CIAC who served during our last impact fee update in April 1996 included Joe Wright, Chair, Ernest Johnson, Bob O'Neal, David McMahan, Bruce 0 McCombs, P.W. McCallum, and Lanny Tate. Recall that this study included the establishment of roadway impact fees, as well as updating our water and sewer impact fees. The second option would be to appoint the P&Z Commission. The law provides for this option as long as at least one member of the commission is from the development community. The current P&Z Commission does meet the requirements of Chapter 395. Commissioners F.C. LeVrier(architect), Mike Sandlin(builder), and Rob Jones (realtor) all qualify under the statute for the development community representative. It is my understanding that the P&Z Commissioners have indicated they would be willing to take on the responsibility of updating the study, recognizing that it would take special meetings to do so. Note that we are required to complete the study update by April 1999. The attached resolution has been drafted to accommodate the appointment of individuals. If Council wishes to appoint the P&Z as a body, Section 3 will be modified as such. This will prevent us from having to bring the resolution back should any changes occur on P&Z. As written, the appointees would serve until new committee members are appointed, rather than for specific terms. Please place Resolution 98-81 on the Council's December 15 agenda for consideration. __ ___ 9/ City of Southlake,Texas 4110 : - - RESOLUTION 98-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS, APPOINTING PERSONS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, Tex. Local Government Code, Chapter 395 ("Act") authorizes a municipality to charge or assess impact fees against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the cost of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is required to appoint a capital improvements advisory committee, composed of not less than five members, to carry out the duties as described in Section 395.058 (c)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS: SSECTION 1. There is hereby appointed a capital improvements advisory committee for the City of Southlake. The committee shall be comprised of seven persons that reside in Southlake. SECTION 2. The committee is established pursuant to the authority granted in Section 395.058 of the Act for the purpose of advising the City Council by advising and assisting in adopting land use assumptions, reviewing the capital improvements plan and filing written comments, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the capital improvements plan, and filing semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and reporting to the City Council any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing impact fees, and advising the City Council of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, capital improvement plan and impact fee. SECTION 3. The following persons are hereby appointed to serve as the members of the Southlake Capital Improvements Advisory Committee: 1. 2. 3. City of Southiake,Texas P7ip 4. 5. 6. 7. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 1998. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS MAYOR RICK STACY ATTEST: SANDRA L. LEGRAND CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY 4110 •l 9A-5 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 To: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager From: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works Subject: Funding for roadway improvements and water/sewer extensions for Michael Drive Background Council requested at their December 15`meeting that staff and the property owners of Michael Drive meet to discuss procedures to accomplish the necessary steps for zoning, platting and making infrastructure improvements. On December 4th Directors Last and Whitehead, Zoning Administrator Gandy, and Planner Sudbury met with all but one of the property owners. The meeting memorandum is attached. The property owners were advised on how to proceed on zoning and platting. Both of these will require a surveyor to prepare the documents. The property owners were reluctant to proceed without some assurance that the city would participate in the construction of the infrastructure, i.e., sewer, water and street. Therefore, the property owners suggested that the maximum they could afford to contribute to the infrastructure is $10,000 per acre. There are ten acres of buildable property resulting in the property owners' offer of a total of$100,000 for the infrastructure. The estimated total cost of the infrastructure is: 31 feet wide Asphalt Roadway $ 312,044.00 8 inch water main $ 83,265.00 8 inch sewer main $ 55,250.00 TOTAL $ 450,559.00 Therefore, the property owners offered to pay $100,000, or 22.2% of the total cost. 10A-1 Pr" Curtis E.Hawk Funding for Michael Drive December 11, 1998 Page Two Consideration The property owners are requesting Council to consider their offer of$100,000, the majority of which they offered to pay before start of construction, for the infrastructure, as they will need to hire a surveyor for the zoning and platting documents. Their desire is to know the city's commitment to fund the difference of $350,559 for the infrastructure before the owners proceed with zoning and platting. Council would need to reprioritize CIP projects for this funding. Council will recall that if a roadway special assessment process was used that the maximum amount the city could collect would be only the value that the roadway increased the value of the lots. Staff has not had an appraisal done to determine the values, however, 22% may well be close to that increase. Recommendation • Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for December 15, 1998, for the consideration of the owners' proposal for funding the water, sewer and roadway for Michael Drive. BW/ts Attachment: Meeting Memorandum Plat Exhibit Cost Estimates 10A-2 MEETING MEMORANDUM 410 Meeting Date: 7``/ft Meeting Place: d C..1,:t.rr_tt, Subject: `/''�v� 01-4x) Attendees: Firm: Phone No.: r 1. �„r~-�v�- p .�J _��y �, fhb) ��C^ 0'4-t.�r — (� T� f,Z� - .�{ ►/a�.s.r�/ ' t4. 0�2. � ti C JQJ u�. r k, A At 'f-ZA U 3. - %N o1-11 GYM )1A c1D&04 o J 11,ovd_c 34.1418 (74 - Va,Gkitt) 4. -,r u/ : !1 t�_y fit 14,(s,4/ r29, U / 5. . 711rJ 6 v 1r) VJAiAi-- / 7. CO*.) G Z u a g t zb /+ / 1 I e trn J �,. W I-55 1. ( 740 743 71/Lf fa /��.� �h.c.TLI�_e.6-tL i �l.tirJ��,t � u�C" �`�`^'� / / 1 .�-._, s E;GL� I Notes: -u.,-1/ j d r, r-t v •RUD . .4 ch r! rr vv*4 ads)-Spat c cn A-, .0 .(J(5) Aile0 p clti T J� >ac , & ) O�GC4 l/F frrut�-�q cZi / 44 :7.� J -4/,I ,,�uu�/lt.r hj- 411 64-(.r ,cc/'-(. e l d UGC II s It-W J 67Ac ^J U ¢=� ��I��ul-�.,U Q-tl�n,¢,G .�l , , ji-r-kav-G(4/ u 1 ui U / V J t4 1 L� �AGg j ��o 4 c t, / . q •ZJ Atuttiv e,j ,p i4 i ;Lb Fo to �ev 4. feet Iy'G1� it s 4j . �' E�tJ 1� : " ►. eft ,carat„ i,h.zG of 441 fl a • /L'rP_ Ce�ry c.Gt r F r c._., 1 11-f it 1r�l,Q. tea 2 kl rw' c,..J d�1rU. - / m,r rk: I0,a-c jJ �U �y� eLlike L4-ck C� Q�.Z��,;� / Z ,-l- Z. (y' C 1 �a l a ' ) ,r' 6*) J2 D_ CLt f wr.t2 .d,,- Ai a ri urtticzt 64 ttArr,1J) -Tr.-r,z4-t Cf,o .k-1.4m) ed7/.4-5-v--.2t_aTJ CA.2t i) l?U Ae rL I,VDU/4 .r .r, �'r.% 60 r Roll) � 37 'Y p'tP.E>< . � c j. ij So p-co y • H_Zc�- I r.wr��-t� w-Lai 5' u q. _R lJ / 4--1. �e,J 011Y �.1,rd.l-L!� G� i,� N U p Al /zvu / G�/Ow G(f1 .U1 -� /GZ//yJrn lt�,Cl 1rI 5tic� - L:COhDEVIWP•FLESFOR L M�Cr . '. r1� �`'�`' 10A-3 Notes:• //j_w_j4.1.,- ,t-b C—W:4 tf,,++ ,e �-� rn 'i✓f 'i. &rv"V I L CfrrLy'tw, 1 �Z�+h' �xc r,J �4lL-71,`!f . i� � Gl'�r f -�� J) tiU S'LrI CiQJ �tAi 614.Ee 2LA' U � GrJ kJ U dP��f/Lf7/ri) ,(�T 7 y?_C y l .1/7 /;...Cfi.,t //a Z C L-t f �`�. i 4-1-- t CLU-1\2.14, i r le.' r (..k-LIP—EL...J (1 xv 110 G-1•d-v�J �cam. �J 427,rII,� /r� c�aJ ('�r7r`� vim- �.�s+� "..e,v t - -�r J J r . A. r.e.w�,,y 4/ -�../ Cc' t �a-ze-�yr-fit ± rem taJ 360 bdO v i1 j1/6 l f 7 c4-.rUrf-r-ram) � - l z,U 7 , - ioOCO/I a.zi l f/ - h fead 16YJ . � I ' u 10, o00 /a-!i Ati a OR 11. .1, til1/4) GG o7.) I Zlt5/yl. • ULGr. FAkrte.,0 f.€n.) e-r,•J h/«/'H 4 Li/& f (Utce i.41 /"G•ti`' �,¢�C Cll�fil^ L(lZ . .L.L2cCN ("WI p-v-r. I, im Z /1./Lifri Lc�,�,e r�..Ad- 66-14-AJ 0,aexu644. kr,ty .L( k e ^l Jrle-E-1n-C & ,Le-00 'ri✓ j /i_I oyt /J a_.1J�� i2 7 L L�.f�l./'y�Ii 4 E`- al /7 ale) . S L_`.COMDE1AWP-FILESTOR ETINOOBLNK-FRNLWPD Pap'- 10A-4 MEETING SIGN IN • Subject: Date: _ �`�t (C.4� bt � ���� � tSSC�CS ! � � 4g3 NAME /TITLE COMPANY/ADDRESS PHONE /FAX/ E-MAIL PH: /-71g1- 9SSr \ta-s. 006 FX: Gf g I !.61 3 ` ` ^'‘ C‘"\-%QS 02_N .) PH: 3-79 - 7 EM: PH:00) z/95 c/{5-9-- FX: ��, ii��, ,7?- e'5e/44/. M� 7 . EM: VIPIT/L , QL;-af PH: l7 —Li, � -o Isg 20 2 _ FX: l 7‘0 EM: /--.E -gr 1 6 76/ PH:6-3✓ /15 �r �b-tJ cf FX: � EM: ,T�` PH: cfcf'S7 5". /' FX: /4 G CG.Q-,�-��y , s., ,� EM: PH: '- FX: /Fr4/L,e.o£4 C/_ 4 7 (. f EM: (9 2b Cre51.,46& PH: f g5--07,y7 // / FX: Te5r-vvi �6G` U�`(� 7&o3f EM: �5 }�c re �or� er / c)y^? J ccdf,e kvid gi) PH: 4317 Y 31-) qq FX: fecaoe'.1 t 7"7( 76 X 6 2 EM: PH: FX: EM: PH: FX: • - EM: PH: FX: EM: 10A-5 • ' •- -. • PciNr Or 8EGl,Vry[NG __..: •} ,, td�.,,Ctr.11.1.412y :�� ! ` rJ 1` GS j , t 1 t ' '1r • o• 50 / 11 t l j'j 1 IrI, 1 r } C. 41• 4 if• 41 ; 1 f�• (am/, 1I • ,ram `r. HCO r V p . r> f i - CZ) +r • i lY I ? 4 %` / 611 'le`\ / b / O i .r �„ o ,v., lute , "� t>; % .C. • ti fi. I •' GE Ear, :31. Y:Cj:: :tfi::?:;; s"O;;ti' x{.F .c;.+:?'`?: a::%i`ti::S.ter.?. ':?� S a::::::?::,> t A- s., „ :hid :::0::;f:;,!f iiL...a:? 7- -70 ti .'E'✓t., ' Ko: - '°°""` 6_B-.':•°•"` , • Op roea k'r. .•,'r. :j.`~<`>•`'•`w ..•air.<:6ZD'.,. :ka.:Y /� Sr` ✓. "'L �; T r .•yak'" -" 1 .RIg C. Lty .• •1% PHE.ZS':.4F�.y'.• .. vim. till:... • ""�� £D.MO A'r+r7 ....._••`•'`10' V•eN ft' r 'S 6F O l.Y �' CO610 B Y Y•r rr. : 4 £ , 4" 1 i. `'b:T R , E•YT rX£v ., Sr. o r c_ • .. •;:'3f 0:T..?:•.', I 1 I'I Id/ eN 6 j P ; CGtY "Y'0:;• 1 J' . / h RO C rxI.YCa. (bz'1 195.91. ::tom.. ,,If C ty _O RCA Ji•0, '0 . Bg•13,35. 8.! 1��`e 91•ti ` .' % • C£SQ• l a I \• 1 ti • t� jYC lt•0 Pe£r " 5L• J ri cc :�) I /z; • �� TIFf u � ,,� r . ��rt r r' fiber ^ 14 N 0 V4>. t ORIV£ o44.4 o�y�„s^'C ©• '� • J 9 J O 'S£Y '• 2�0 xTF`o • aa; .,j 300 o T4�RQ C CO,T00R j � YZr� L 4 • A 1pq . Lb' ED! MICHAEL DRIVE SXISTLNG GRAVEL BASE IS INADEQUATE ( I ,1150 LF of 31'B-B ASPHALT ROADWAY) ( I_ I I • Pay Item. Description Approx.Qty.1 Unit. Unit Price Total Price 1 Grading&prepare subgrade 1 I LS ; S5,000.00 $5,000.00 2 Pulverize,mix,&compact 6"existing surface ! 4250 I SY $3.00 $12,750.00 3 Cement or Lime for stabilization - I 65 I TN j $110.00 I $7,150.00 4 3"Type B Level-up HMAC 548 I TN ' $66.00 $36,168.00 5 3"Type D Surface HMAC 548 TN , $67.00 $36,716.00 6 6"reinforced concrete curb i 2300 j LF I $18.00 i $41,400.00 7 Three 10'x6'precast concrete box culvert ! 40 j LF I $1,500.00 i $60,000.00 8 Two 4'x7'concrete headwall 2 j EA ; $14,000.00 $28,000.00 9 1 Hydromulch/seeding I 2500 SY i $1.00 $2,500.00 10 j Silt fence/Hay bale dikes for erosion control ( 1 LS I $2,350.00 ( $2,350.00 11 j Rebuild Existing Driveways ( 8 EA j $1,000.00 ( $8,000.00 ( ( ( Subtotal( $240,034.00 I I I I Eng.,Surveying; $36,005.10 Contingnecy(15%)I $36,005.10 TOTAL' S312,044.20 111 . S .... 10A-7 11/13/98 P - MICHAEL DRIVE VATER IMPROVEMENTS j I ITEM NO! DESCRIPTION 1 UNIT 'QUANTITY UNIT COST j TOTAL COST 1 8" C-900 DR-18 PVC WATER PIPE ! LF 1290 S17.501 522,575.00 2 8" GATE VALVE&VALVE BOX EA j 1 $600.00j $600.00 3 1" WATER SERVICE EA 12 $400.001 $4,800.00 4 I FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EA j 4 $1,350.001 $5,400.00 5 D.I. FITTINGS TON i 1.5 $2,800.00j $4,200.00 6 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY i EA ! 1 $2,300.00 $2,300.00 7 !12"x 8"TAPPING SLEEVE&VALVE EA I 1 $2,600.001 $2,600.00 8 18"x 6"TAPPING SLEEVE&VALVE; EA I 4 $2,200.001 $8,800.00 9 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING SYSTEM ; EA 1 $1,500.001 $1,500.00 10 i BORE FM 1938 j LF 1 90 ; $100.00: $9,000.00 11 I TRENCH SAFETY I LF 1150 $1.501 $1,725.00 12 CONCRETE CY 5 $110.00 $550.00 SUB-TOTAL' $64,050.00 1 ' ENG.&SURVEYING $9,607.50 15%CONTINGENCY; $9,607.50 j i TOTAL; $83,265.00 II _ __ .. _ ..... _ __. .. .. S 10A-8 11/13/98 • pirr . , MICHAEL DRIVE 40 'EWER EMPROVEMENTS j 1 1 j 1 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION j UNIT ;QUANTITY UNIT COST !TOTAL COST 1 ! 8" SDR-35 PVC SEWER PIPE ! LF i 1000 ': $26.001 $26,000.00 2 ! STD.4'DIA.MANHOLE j EA 1 1 $2,500.00i $2,500.00 3 ! SHORT 4"SERVICE j EA j 6 $300.00! $1,800.00 4 LONG 4" SERVICE j EA j 6 i $800.001 $4,800.00 5 j CONNECT TO EXISTING SYSTEM I EA j 2 $1,000.00! $2,000.00 6 I STD.CLEANOUT i EA i 2 $500.00; $1,000.00 7 I TRENCH SAFETY i LF ; 100 ! $1.50 1 $150.00 8 1 EROSION CONTROL j LS j 1 $2,500.001 $2,500.00 9 I EXTRA DEPTH FOR 4'DIA.MH j VF I 7 $250.00 I $1,750.00 SUB-TOTAL $42,500.00 ENG.&SURVEYING $6,375.00 15%CONTINGENCY S6,375.00 1 j 1 1 TOTAL' S55,250.00 S 411111 10A-9 11/13/98 PPr------------- City of Southlake,Texas • MENIORANDUNI December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, Deputy Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Conditional Sign Permit for Town Square - At the December 1, 1998 City Council meeting, a discussion was held regarding the signage proposed for Town Square. Included in the packet of information for the last City Council meeting, the developer provided a notebook with a detailed matrix outlining the variations between the current sign regulations. Attached to my memo is an update to some portions of the information previously provided in the notebook. Please replace the updated sections. IIIThe developer will be at the December 15, 1998 meeting to discuss the proposed sign guidelines. Staff recommends that this item be placed on the December 15, 1998 City Council meeting. 0 • INTRODUCTION The "downtown" sign regulations proposed for Southlake Town Square have been modeled after regulations found in traditional American towns such as Alexandria, VA: Aspen, CO; Charleston, SC; Portsmouth, NH; and Savannah. GA. Within each city signage is permitted along each frontage facing streets, sidewalks and parking areas. At the street/sidewalk level (First Floor), a combination of fascia signs, blade signs, awning signs, and window signage is permitted, subject to calculation of area limitations. Sign area is regulated by the lineal footage and building frontage occupied by a tenant. Where buildings are multi-story, window and/or awning signs are the general rule, and upper floor building fascia signs may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, generally applicable to those and with facades in excess of fifty feet (50') in length. First floor signage illumination is allowed by a variety of means, including externally mounted spotlighting, silhouette lighting and internally lit sign box panels with push-through letters. Neon signs may be permitted and will be reviewed on an individual basis. Illumination of upper floor signage is not, as a general rule, permitted. ® In recognition of the uniqueness of the downtown environment, individuality of signage is encouraged. Certain signage, while not technically meeting the Southlake Town Square Sign regulations, will still be approved if such signage: • Harmonizes with the structure or structures on the building on which it is to be applied: • Is compatible with the other signs or graphic designs on the premises: • Is suitable and appropriate to the Town Square; • Contributes to any special characteristics of the particular area in which it is to be located; • Is well designed and pleasing in appearance; • Is desirable as an urban "downtown" design characteristic; • Does not constitute a nuisance to the occupants of adjacent or contiguous property; • Is not detrimental to property values; and • Does not constitute a traffic and safety hazard because it is distracting, or is not considered obscene, lewd, indecent or otherwise offensive to public morals. • S II. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS Consistent with the intent of the P.U.D.. Phase I of Southlake Town Square creates a mixed use retail and office commercial center laid out in a traditional downtown manner. Buildings are organized around a modified grid framework of streets. One of the most important elements in fulfilling the vision intended by the Southlake Town Square P.U.D. is the .establishment of a meaningful relationship of urban building facades and their component elements to the pedestrians and vehicles within•such environment. The establishment of a legitimate "streetscape" is imperative to the successful establishment of Southlake's new downtown. A traditional downtown network of streets and adjoining sidewalks has been established to accommodate the automobile while at the same time creating an enhanced pedestrian experience by way of sidewalks, street trees and parks. The design paradigm for the building facades for Town Square is "main street" architecture as can be found in many small towns and cities throughout the country. Key elements of "main street" architecture includes include the following: • Building facades that front onto streets are uniformly located directly adjacent to sidewalks with no setbacks. Buildings address the street to create tree-lined pedestrian sidewalks between the street and building face. Ground floor retail spaces have primary storefront pedestrian entrances along the "front" sidewalk, with some retailers also having secondary entrances to the rear and sides where applicable. • Along any given block, several different building facades make up the overall "block elevation." This variety was typically the 'result of the lot widths used (usually repetitive) when the town was originally platted. Twenty (20') and Twenty- five (25') feet are two very common lot width dimensions. • Architectural styles vary from building to building. • Larger glass areas form the shop fronts at the first floor and punched window openings define the upper office floors. • III. SIGN PROGRAM Signage is permitted along each retail frontage facing. streets, sidewalks and parking. areas. At street/sidewalk level (First Floor), a combination of fascia signs, blade signs. awning signs, and window signage is permitted, subject to area limitations. Sign area is regulated by the lineal footage and building frontage occupied by a tenant, at a ratio of one (1) square foot of area allowed for every one foot (1') of width of building or lease space: provided, however, that on any frontage where public access and a storefront are not provided, allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the area of the principal signage permitted for frontage where public access and a storefront are provided. Where buildings are multi-story, upper floor window and/or awning signs are the general rule, and upper floor building fascia signs may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, generally applicable to those afid with facades in excess of fifty feet (50') in length, and subject to a maximum area of one(1) half (0.50) square foot of fascia sign area for every foot (1') of width of building or lease space. First floor signage illumination is • allowed by a variety of means, including externally mounted spotlighting, silhouette lighting and internally lit sign box panels with push-through letters. Neon signs may be permitted and will be reviewed on an individual basis. Illumination of upper floor signage is not, as a general rule, permitted. A comprehensive summary of the modifications requested to current Sign Ordinance No. 704 is set forth herein. If a sign does not specifically conform, the City Council may attach to its approval of any individual sign application, any conditions which in its judgment are necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of the review standards. r / - SOtl'I'111.AKE'I'O\VN SQUARE SIGN ORDINANCE N 1 MODIFICATIONS Ill. �1:�xiinllTt' --- e- \r ea 0.75 square feet for every one oot ul'width of Ile, total area of all signs displayed on a building wall §16,A.3 building or lease space not to exceed 40(1 square feet. which faces a street, drive or parking area shall not exceed one(I)square foot for each foot of building width facing the street,drive or parking area. Size of the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum area indicated: • Fascia Sign - thirty(30)sq.ft. • Building Blade Sign - twelve (12) sq.ft. • Pedestrian Blade Sign - four(4)sq.ft. Notwithstanding the foregoing,on anyfrontage where public access and a storefront are not provided,allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-live(75%)Of the area of the principal signage permitled where public access and a storefront are provided. The area of all faces of a Blade Sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign,except where two (2) such faces are placed hack to back and are at no point more than two feet(2') from one another, in \ which case the area of the Blade Sign shall be taken as the area of a single face if the two(2) faces are of equal area, or as the area of the larger face if the two(2) faces are of unequal area. ( For multi-story buildings, the Maximum Area shall be f;A permitted only for signs displayed between the "tr sidewalk and a height of twenty feet(20')on any building wall. The total area of all signs displayed above the twenty foot(20')height limit shall be: (a) for permitted Fascia Signs,0.5 square feet for every one foot(1')of width of building or lease space; and(b) for Window Signs and Awning Signs, limited to signage which does not obscure more than twenty-live percent (25%) of the total window area. Page 3of5 2.0 Maximum Letter/Logo Height Lettering. Except as otherwise provided. lettering size shall be determined by the maximum sign area allowed. Lettering on the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum size indicated: Building Blade Sign - twelve inches (12") Pedestrian Blade Sign - eight inches (8") First Floor Window/ Awning Sign - twelve inches (12") Upper Story Fascia Sign - ten inches (10") Upper Story Window/ Awning Sign - four inches (4") 3.0 Maximum Area • The total area of all signs displayed on a building wall which faces a street, drive or parking area shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of building width facing the street, drive or parking area. Size of the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum area indicated: Fascia Sign - thirty (30) sq.ft. Building Blade Sign - twelve (12) sq.ft. Pedestrian Blade Sign - four(4) sq.ft. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on any frontage where public access and a storefront are not provided, allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-five ercent 75% of the area of the rinci al si nacre ermitted where public access and a storefront are provided. The area of all faces of a Blade Sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except where two (2) such faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than two (2) feet from one another, in which case the area of the Blade Sign shall be taken as the area of a single face if the two (2) faces are of equal area, or as the area of the larger face if the two (2) faces are of unequal area. • For multi-story buildings, the Maximum Area shall be permitted only for signs displayed between the sidewalk and a height of twenty feet (20') on any building wall. The total area of all signs displayed above the twenty foot (20') height limit shall be: (a) for permitted Fascia Signs, 04 one-half(0.5) square feet foot for every one foot (1') of width of building or lease space; and (b) for Window Signs and Awning Signs, limited to signage which does not obscure more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area. 110 • INTRODUCTION The "downtown" sign regulations proposed for Southlake Town Square have been modeled after regulations found in traditional American towns such as Alexandria, VA; Aspen, CO; Charleston, SC; Portsmouth, NH; and Savannah, GA. Within each city signage is permitted along each frontage facing streets, sidewalks and parking areas. At the street/sidewalk level (First Floor), a combination of fascia signs, blade signs, awning signs, and window signage is permitted, subject to calculation of area limitations. Sign area is regulated by the lineal footage and building frontage occupied by a tenant. Where buildings are multi-story, window and/or awning signs are the general rule, and upper floor building fascia signs may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, generally applicable to those with facades in excess of fifty feet (50') in length. First floor signage illumination is allowed by a variety of means, including externally mounted spotlighting, silhouette lighting and internally lit sign box panels with push-through letters. Neon signs may be permitted and will be reviewed on an individual basis. Illumination of upper floor signage is not, as a general rule, permitted. In recognition of the uniqueness of the downtown environment, individuality of signage is • encouraged. Certain signage,while not technically meeting the Southlake Town Square Sign regulations, will still be approved if such signage: • Harmonizes with the structure or structures on the building on which it is to be applied: • Is compatible with the other signs or graphic designs on the premises: • Is suitable and appropriate to the Town Square; • Contributes to any special characteristics of the particular area in which it is to be located; • Is well designed and pleasing in appearance; • Is desirable as an urban"downtown" design characteristic; • Does not constitute a nuisance to the occupants of adjacent or contiguous property; • Is not detrimental to property values; and • Does not constitute a traffic-and safety hazard because it is distracting, or is not considered obscene, lewd, indecent or otherwise offensive to public morals. r /Did- 7 • II. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS Consistent with the intent of the P.U.D., Phase I of Southlake Town Square creates a mixed use retail and office commercial center laid out in a traditional downtown manner. Buildings are organized around a modified grid framework of streets. One of the most important elements in fulfilling the vision intended by the Southlake Town Square P.U.D. is the establishment of a meaningful relationship of urban building facades and their component elements to the pedestrians and vehicles within such environment. The establishment of a legitimate "streetscape" is imperative to the successful establishment of Southlake's new downtown. A traditional downtown network of streets and adjoining sidewalks has been established to accommodate the automobile while at the same time creating an enhanced pedestrian experience by way of sidewalks, street trees and parks. The design paradigm for the building facades for Town Square is "main street" architecture as can be found in many small towns and cities throughout the country. Key elements of "main street" architecture include the following: • • Building facades that front onto streets are uniformly located directly adjacent to sidewalks with no setbacks. Buildings address the street to create tree-lined pedestrian sidewalks between the street and building face. Ground floor retail spaces have primary storefront pedestrian entrances along the "front" sidewalk, with some retailers also having secondary entrances to the rear and sides where applicable. • Along any given block, several different building facades make up the overall "block elevation." This variety was typically the result of the lot widths used (usually repetitive) when the town was originally platted. Twenty (20') and Twenty-five (25') feet are two very common lot width dimensions. • Architectural styles vary from building to building. • Larger glass areas form the shop fronts at the first floor and punched window openings define the upper office floors. • AIL /vr3 III. SIGN PROGRAM Signage is permitted along each retail frontage facing streets, sidewalks and parking areas. At street/sidewalk level (First Floor), a combination of fascia signs, blade signs, awning signs, and window signage is permitted, subject to area limitations. Sign area is regulated by the lineal footage and building frontage occupied by a tenant, at a ratio of one (1) square foot of area allowed for every one foot (1') of width of building or lease space: provided, however, that on any frontage where public access and a storefront are not provided, allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the area of the principal signage permitted for frontage where public access and a storefront are provided. Where buildings are multi-story, upper floor window and/or awning signs are the general rule, and upper floor building fascia signs may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, generally applicable to those with facades in excess of fifty feet (50') in length, and subject to a maximum area of one-half (0.50) square foot of fascia sign area for every foot (1') of width of building or lease space. First floor signage illumination is allowed by a variety of means, including externally mounted spotlighting, S silhouette lighting and internally lit sign box panels with push-through letters. Neon signs may be permitted and will be reviewed on an individual basis. Illumination of upper floor signage is not, as a general rule, permitted. A comprehensive summary of the modifications requested to current Sign Ordinance No. 704 is set forth herein. If a sign does not specifically conform, the City Council may attach to its approval of any individual sign application, any conditions which in its judgment are necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of the review standards. S •v /D� Y SOUTIILAKE"'"`\VN SQUARE • SIGN ORI)INANC;I. N• MODIFICATIONS 10. Maximum Area 0.75 square feet for every one foot of width of The total area of all signs displayed on a building wall §16, A.3 building or lease space not to exceed 4100 square feet. which faces a street, drive or parking area shall not exceed one(I)square loot for each loot of building width lacing the street, drive or packing area. Size of the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum area indicated: • Fascia Sign - thirty(30)sq.fi. • Building Blade Sign - twelve(12) sq.ft. • Pedestrian Blade Sign - four(4)sq.ft. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on any frontage where public access and a storefront are not provided, allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-five percent(75%)of the area of the principal signage permitted where public access and a storefront are provided. The area of all faces of a Wade Sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except where two (2)such faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than two feet(2') from one another, in which case the area of the Blade Sign shall be taken as O the area of a single face if the two(2) faces are of equal area,or as the area of the larger face if the two(2) faces are of unequal area. For multi-story buildings, the Maximum Atea shall be permitted only for signs displayed between the sidewalk and a height of twenty feet(20')on any building wall. The total area of all signs displayed above the twenty foot(20')height limit shall be: (a) for permitted Fascia Signs,0.5 square feet far every one loot (I') of width of building or lease space; and (b) for Window Signs and Awning Signs, limited to signage which does not obscure inure than twenty-five percent (25%)of-the total window area. 11. Number of Signs Only one attached sign per lease space shall be There shall not be more than a combination of two(2) (First Floor) allowed along each street frontage on any site, unless of the following three(3) types of signs per use §16,A.4 otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. A displayed on a building wall which faces a street, drive, secondary sign may be permitted at a public entrance, or parking area: (a) one (I) Fascia Sign of one Building provided the entrances on another side of the building, Wade Sign; and(b) one(1) I'edesu ran I tlade Sign, with but shall be limited to twenty-five percent(25%)of all such signs subject to the area requirements. A the primary permitted sign size,which ever is more Building Blade Sign shall he permitted at a building restrictive. No more than two(2)attached signs shall corner in addition to permitted Fascia Signs, provided be allowed per lease space. Attached signs shall be such sign is erected at a 135° angle to the building located within the first story of the main exterior corner. entrance for a building or lease space. Page 3 of 5 s, _ • 2.0 Maximum Letter/Logo Height Lettering. Except as otherwise provided, lettering size shall be determined by the maximum sign area allowed. Lettering, on the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum size indicated: Building Blade Sign - twelve inches (12") Pedestrian Blade Sign - eight inches (8") First Floor Window/ Awning Sign - twelve inches (12") Upper Story Fascia Sign - ten inches (10") Upper Story Window/ Awning, Sign - four inches (4") 3.0 Maximum Area The total area of all signs displayed on a building wall which faces a street, drive or parking area shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of building width facing the street, drive or parking area. Size of the following types of Signs shall not exceed the maximum area indicated: Fascia Sign - thirty (30) sq.ft. Building Blade Sign - twelve (12) sq.ft. Pedestrian Blade Sign - four(4) sq.ft. IIINotwithstanding the foregoing, on any frontage where public access and a storefront are not provided, allowable signage on such frontage shall be limited to not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the area of the principal signage permitted where public access and a storefront are provided. The area of all faces of a Blade Sign.shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except where two (2) such faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than two (2) feet from one another, in which case the area of the Blade Sign shall be taken as the area of a single face if the two (2) faces are of equal area, or as the area of the larger face if the two (2) faces are of unequal area. For multi-story buildings, the Maximum Area shall be permitted only for signs displayed between the sidewalk and a height of twenty feet (20') on any building wall. The total area of all signs displayed above the twenty foot (20') height limit shall be: (a) for permitted Fascia Signs, one-half(0.5) square foot for every one foot (1') of width of building. or lease space; and (b) for Window Signs and Awning Signs, limited to signage which does not obscure more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area. III ll At1 / 2, // City of Southlake,Texas pillirrr . . MEMORANDUM 0 December 10, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, Deputy Public Works Director SUBJECT: Any Action necessary to authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with an architect for Town Hall. The City attorneys have developed a contract for architectural services which tracks the standard American Institute for Architects (ALA) form but is in a language and format more palatable to our attorneys. A copy of this contract has been sent to David Schwarz for his review. Staff would like to point out the sections of the proposed contract that reflect the directions furnished by City Council: Article 1.1.5 - Establishes the target occupancy of Town Hall. Article 2.1.1 - Establishes that the Architect will secure any other professional services (structural; mechanical, electrical, etc.) necessary to the project. Confirms that the • City will be responsible for retaining civil engineering, computer, audio-visual, and telecommunications design services, as necessary. Article 5.1.4 - Establishes a construction budget of $12,000,000 for this project and requires the architect to design the Town Hall within this budget. Article 10.1.2 - States that the fee for this project shall be $1,200,000 and shall include all direct personnel and non-personnel expenses. (Staff based this fee on the 10% of $12,000,000 figure discussed by Council. Consideration was given to specifying 10% of construction or $1,200,000, whichever was less. We will have a design for a facility costing $12 million. If there are ways that the architect can design the building so that there is the potential for bids lower than $12 million, and still maintain the character of the building, would we still be better served even though he has a fixed fee? For example, if his design is such that due to his efforts we receive construction bids of $11 million rather than $12 million, we would still be ahead with the lower construction cost even given the higher fixed fee. Thus, it can be argued that the fixed fee is an incentive that would not be there with the floating 10% fee.) As of Friday, December 11, 1998, staff had not received information from the architect: - - relative to those detailed, specific contractual terms contained in the contract developed by our attorneys, however, the architect has verbally committed to the fee, reimbursables (in this case, lack of reimbursables), and schedule terms as offered by Council. • / • II/ - RH/kb /De- PWI AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 0 - This A reement made as of the da of , 199 between the Ci of g Y _ ty Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and , hereinafter referred to as "Architect" for the following Project: The Owner and Architect agree as set forth below. ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 1.1.1 The Architect's services consist of those services performed by the Architect, Architect's employees and Architect's consultants as enumerated in Articles 2 and 3 of this Agreement and any other services included in Article 11. 1.1.2 The Architect's services shall be performed as expeditiously as is consistent with the highest degree of professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the Work. Upon request of the Owner, the Architect shall submit for the Owner's approval a schedule for the performance of 0` e Architect's services which may be adjusted as the Project proceeds, and shall include allowances r periods of time required for the Owner's review and for approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Time limits established by this schedule and approved by the Owner shall not, except for reasonable cause, be exceeded by the Architect or Owner, and any adjustments to this schedule shall be mutually acceptable to both parties. 1.1.3 The Architect understands that this project is intended to be constructed using a staged construction process. Portions of this project will be under construction while other portions are still being designed. It is also understood that it is the intent to bid this project in packages based upon the work contained in each area of construction. The Owner intends on retaining the'services of a Construction Manager to assist in the development of bid packages and project completion. The Architect will work in cooperation with the Owner and Construction Manager to complete the project in this manner. 1.1.4 The services covered by this Agreement are subject to the time limitations contained in Paragraph 10.3.1. 1.1.5 The Architect understands that the Owner wishes to occupy this facility by October, 2000 and hereby agrees to proceed with this project so as to effect completion by this date. __ _ 0 Pagel LKSV0003\SSIEMIERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALLIARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) / o(— a Pill . 411 . ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The Architect's Basic Services consist of those described in Paragraphs 2.2 through 2.6 the attached Matrix of Responsibilities and any other services identified in Article 11 as part of Basic Services, and include without limitation normal structural, mechanical, electrical and acoustical engineering services and any other engineering services necessary to produce a complete and accurate set of Construction Documents, as described by and required in Paragraph 2.4. The Owner will retain a civil engineer as necessary and will also retain the services of computer, audio- visual and telecommunications consultants. The Architect shall be responsible for coordination of its services with the services of these and any other consultants retained by the Owner. 2.2 SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE 2.2.1 The Architect will review the Owner's program document and provide an analysis to the Owner. illo2.2.2 The Architect shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the Owner's program, nstruction schedule and construction budget requirements, each in terms of the other, subject to the limitations set forth in Paragraph 5.2.1. 2.2.3 The Architect shall review with the Owner alternative approaches to design and construction of the Project. 2.2.4 The Architect shall submit to the Owner a preliminary detailed estimate of Construction Cost based on current area, volume or other unit costs and which indicates the cost of each category of work involved in constructing the Project and establishes an elapsed time factor for the period of time from the commencement to the completion of construction. 2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2.3.1 Based on the approved Schematic Design Documents and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in the program, schedule or construction budget, the Architect shall prepare for approval by the Owner, Design Development Documents consisting of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the Project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate, which shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes and regulations. Notwithstanding 0 Page 2 LKSV0004\SSIEN1ERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALLARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /De-.1 PIP Owner's approval of the documents, Architect warrants that the Documents and specifications will Obe sufficient and adequate to fulfill the purposes of the Project. 2.3.2 The Architect shall advise the Owner of any adjustments to the preliminary estimate of Construction Cost in a further Detailed Statement as described in Paragraph 2.2.4. 2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE 2.4.1 Based on the approved Design Development Documents and any further adjustments in the scope or quality of the Project or in the construction budget authorized by the Owner, the Architect shall prepare, for approval by the Owner, Construction Documents consisting of Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail requirements for the construction of the Project, which shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes and regulations. 2.4.2 The Architect shall assist the Owner in the precaution of the necessary bidding information, bidding forms, the Conditions of the contract and the form of Agreement between the Owner and Contractor. 2.4.3 The Architect shall advise the Owner of any adjustments to previous preliminary estimates of Construction Cost indicated by changes in requirements or general market conditions. 2.4.4 The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection with the Owner's responsibility for 110 ling documents required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the roject. 2.5 BIDDING 2.5.1 The Architect, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Documents and of the latest preliminary detailed estimate of Construction Cost, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids and assist in awarding and preparing contracts for construction. 2.5.2 If the lowest bid for the construction of the Project exceeds the total construction cost of the Project as set forth in the approved Detailed Statement of Probable Construction Costs of the Project submitted by the Architect, then the Architect, at its sole cost and expense, will revise the Construction Documents as may be required by the City to reduce or modify the quantity or quality of the work so that the total construction cost of the Project will not exceed the total construction cost set forth in the approved Detailed Statement of Probable Construction Costs. 2.6 CONSTRUCTION PHASE-ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 2.6.1 The Architect's responsibility to provide Basic Services for the Construction Phase under this Agreement commences with the award of the Contract for Construction and terminates 0 Page 3 \SLKSV0004\SSIEMIERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) / 2 est the issuance to the Owner of the final Certificate for Payment, unless extended under the terms f Paragraph 9.3.2. 2.6.2 The Architect shall provide detailed administration of the Contract for Construction as set forth below and in the edition of AIA document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, current as of the date of this Agreement, as amended, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. 2.6.3 Construction Phase duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Architect shall not be restricted, modified or extended without written agreement of the Owner and Architect. 2.6.4 The Architect shall be a representative of and shall advise and consult with the Owner (1) during construction; and (2) at the Owner's direction from time to time during the correction, or warranty period described in the Contract for Construction. The Architect shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in this Agreement unless otherwise modified by written instrument. 2.6.5 The Architect shall inspect the construction site at least two times a week, regardless of whether construction is in progress, to become familiar with the progress and quality of the Work completed and to determine if the Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work when completed will be in accordance with the Contract Documents. Architect shall provide Owner a written report subsequent to each on-site visit. On the basis of on-site observations as an architect, the Architect shall keep the Owner informed of the progress and quality of the Work, and shall �xercise due diligence in discovering and promptly reporting to the Owner any defects or eficiencies in the work of Contractor or any subcontractors. The Architect represents that he will follow the highest professional standards in performing all services under this Agreement. The Architect shall promptly correct any defective designs or specifications furnished by the Architect at no cost to the Owner. The Owner's approval, acceptance, use of or payment for all or any part of the Architect's services hereunder or of the Project itself shall in no way alter the Architect's obligations or the Owner's rights hereunder. 2.6.6 The Architect shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. The Architect shall not be responsible for the Contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents except insofar as such failure may result from Architect's negligent acts or omissions. The Architect shall not have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any other persons performing portions of the Work. 2.6.7 The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. 2.6.8 Except as may otherwise be provided in the Contract Documents or when direct _ _ _ communications have been specifically authorized, the Owner and Contractor shall communicate Page 4 'LKSV00041SSIE�IER$\SHELL[\TOWN 1-LALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /� pr. hrough the Architect. Communications by and with the Architect's consultants shall be through the architect. 2.6.9 Based on the Architect's observations at the site of the work and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect shall review and certify the amounts due the Contractor. 2.6.10 The Architect's certification for payment shall constitute a representation to the Owner, based on the Architect's observations at the site as provided in Sub-Paragraph 2.6.5 and on the data comprising the Contractor's Application for Payment, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated and that the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents. The foregoing representations are subject to minor deviations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion and to specific qualifications expressed by the Architect. The issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall further constitute a presentation that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall not be a representation that the Architect has (1) reviewed construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or(2) ascertained how or for what purpose the Contractor has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Sum. 2.6.11 The Architect shall have the responsibility and authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable for implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Architect will have authority to quire additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract documents, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees or other persons performing portions of the Work. 2.6.12 The Architect shall review and approve or take other appropriate action upon Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples for the purpose of(1) determining compliance with applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and codes; and (2) determining whether or not the Work, when completed, will be in compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Architect shall act with such reasonable promptness to cause no delay in the Work or in the construction of the Owner or of separate contractors, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor to the extent required by the Contract Documents. The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, _ of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architect's approval of • Page 5 SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) •J , paspecific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. When rofessional certification of performance characteristics of materials, systems or equipment is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon such certification to establish that the materials, systems or equipment will meet the performance criteria required by the Contract Documents. 2.6.13 The Architect shall prepare change Orders and Construction Change Directives, with supporting documentation and data if deemed necessary by the Architect as provided in Paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.3.3, for the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents, and may authorize minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time which are not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. 2.6.14 On behalf of the Owner, the Architect shall conduct inspections to determine the dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion, and shall issue Certificates of Substantial and Final Completion. The Architect will receive and review written guarantees and related documents required by the Contract for Construction to be assembled by the Contractor and shall issue a final certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2.6.16 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and shall be in writing or in the form of drawings. When making such interpretations and initial decisions, the Architect shall endeavor to secure ofaithful performance by both Owner and Contractor, and shall not be liable for results or nterpretations or decisions so rendered in good faith in accordance with all the provisions of this Agreement and in the absence of negligence. 2.6.17 The Architect shall render written decisions within a reasonable time on all claims, disputes or other matters in question between the Owner and Contractor relating, to the execution or progress of the Work as provided in the Contract Documents. 2.6.18 The Architect (1) shall render services under the Agreement in accordance with the highest professional standards prevailing in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area; (2) will reimburse the Owner for all damages caused by the defective designs the Architect prepares; and (3) by acknowledging payment by the Owner of any fees due, shall not be released from any rights the Owner may have under the Agreement or diminish any of the Architect's obligations thereunder. 2.6.19 The Architect shall provide the Owner with 2 sets of reproducible prints showing the final "as-built" condition of the project. In addition, the Architect shall provide this plan in digital format. ARTICLE 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Page 6 SLKSV0004\SSIENIERS\SHELL[\TOWN H aLL1ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /D e- 7 0 _ _ 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 The services described in this Article 3 are not included in Basic Services unless so identified in Article 11, and they shall be paid for by the Owner as provided in this Agreement in addition to the compensation for Basic Services. The services described under Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.4 shall only be provided if authorized or confirmed in writing by the Owner. If services described under Contingent Additional Services in Paragraph 3.3 are required due to circumstances beyond the Architect's control, the Architect shall notify the Owner prior to commencing such services. If the Owner deems that such services described under Paragraph 3.3 are not required,the Owner shall give prompt written notice to the Architect. If the Owner indicates in writing that all or part of such Contingent Additional Services are not required, the Architect shall have no obligation to provide those services. Owner will be responsible for compensating the Architect for Contingent Additional Services only if they are not required due to the negligence or fault of Architect. 3.2 PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES 3.2.1 If more extensive representation at the site than is described in Paragraph 2.6.5 is required, the Architect shall provide one or more Project Representatives to assist in carrying out such additional on-site responsibilities. 0de 3.2.2 Project Representatives shall be selected, employed and directed by the Architect, and Architect shall be compensated therefor as agreed by the Owner and Architect. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of Project Representatives shall be as described in a separate agreement. 3.3 CONTINGENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.3.1 Making material revisions in Drawings, Specifications or other documents when such revisions are: 1. inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by the Owner, including revisions made necessary by adjustments in the Owner's program or Project budget; 2. required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents; or • 3. due to changes required as a result of the Owner's failure to render decision in a timely manner. 3.3.2 Providing services required because of significant changes in the Project including, but 0 Page 7 LKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /De- fi P''' of limited to, size, quality, complexity, the Owner's schedule, or the method of bidding and ill, ntracting for construction, except for services required under Paragraph 2.5.2. 3.3.3 Preparing Drawings, Specifications and other documentation and supporting data, and providing other services in connection with Change Orders and Construction Change Directives. 3.3.4 Providing consultation concerning replacement of Work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, and furnishing services required in connection with the replacement of such Work. 3.3.5 Providing services made necessary by the default of the Contractor, by major defects or deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor, or by failure of performance of either the Owner or Contractor under the Contract for Construction. 3.3.6 Providing services in connection with a public hearing, arbitration proceeding of legal proceeding except where the Architect is party thereto. 3.3.8 Preparing documents for alternate, separate or sequential bids or providing services in connection with bidding or construction prior to the completion of the Construction Documents Phase. 3.4 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES S3.4.1 Providing financial feasibility or other special studies. 3.4.2 Providing planning surveys, site evaluations or comparative studies of prospective sites. 3.4.3 Providing special surveys, environmental studies and submissions required for approvals of governmental authorities or others having jurisdiction over the Project. 3.4.4 Providing services relative to future facilities, systems and equipment. 3.4.5 Providing services to verify the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished by the Owner. 3.4.7 Providing coordination of construction performed by separate contractors or by the Owner's own forces and coordination of services required in connection with construction performed and equipment supplied by the Owner. 3.4.8 Providing detailed quantity surveys or inventories of material, equipment and labor. 3.4.9 Providing analyses of owning and operating costs. 41 Page 3 SLKSV0004\SSIEM(ERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /D e- 9 Pl' S. : : 3.4.10 Making investigations, inventories of materials or equipment, or valuations and detailed appraisals of existing facilities. 3.4.11 Providing assistance in the utilization of equipment or systems such as testing, adjusting and balancing, preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, training personnel for operation and maintenance and consultation during operation. 3.4.12 Providing services other than as provided in Paragraph 2.6.4, after issuance to the Owner of the final Certificate for Payment and expiration of the Warranty period of the Contract for Construction. 3.4.13 Providing services of consultants for other than architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and acoustical engineering portions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services. 3.4.14 Preparing a set of reproducible record drawings showing significant changes in the Work made during construction based on marked-up prints drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to the Architect. (This is for drawings prepared in addition to those specified in Paragraph 2.6.19.) ARTICLE 4 IIIOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Owner shall consult with the Architect regarding requirements for the Project, including(1)the Owner's objectives, (2) schedule and design constraints and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility, expendability, special equipment, systems and site requirements, as more specifically described in Paragraph 2.2.1. 4.2 The Owner shall establish and update an overall budget for the Project, including the Construction Cost, the Owner's other costs and reasonable contingencies related to all of these costs. 4.3 If requested by the Architect, the Owner shall furnish evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under this Agreement. 4.4 The Owner shall designate a representative authorized to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The Owner or such authorized representative shall render decisions in a timely manner to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect's services. 4.5 The Owner shall furnish surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations and _ utility locations for the site of the Project, and a written legal description of the site. The surveys Page 9 \\SLKSV00041SSIEM(ERSISHELLI\TOWN FLALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) / C!/D PP" d legal information shall include, as applicable, grades and lines of streets, alleys,pavements and lord property and structures; adjacent drainage; rights-of-way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions and necessary data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and information concerning available utility services and lines, both public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths. All the information on the survey shall be referenced to a Project benchmark. 4.6 The Owner shall furnish the services of geotechnical engineers when such services are requested by the Architect. Such services may include but are not limited to test borings, test pits, determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, test pits, determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, evaluations of hazardous materials, ground corrosion and resistivity tests, including necessary operations for anticipating sub-soil conditions, with reports and appropriate professional recommendations. 4.7 The Owner shall furnish structural, mechanical, chemical, air and water pollution tests, tests of hazardous materials, and other laboratory and environmental tests, inspections and reports required by law or the Contract Documents. 4.8 The Owner shall furnish all legal, accounting and insurance counseling services as may be necessary at any time for the Project, including auditing services the Owner may require to verify the contractor's Applications for Payment or to ascertain how or for what purposes the Contractor lias used the money paid by or on behalf of the Owner. • 4.9 The services, information, surveys and reports required by Paragraphs 4.5 through 4.8 shall be furnished at the Owner's expense, and the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof in the absence of any negligence on the part of the Architect. 4.10 The Owner shall give prompt written notice to the Architect if the Owner becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or nonconformance with the Contract Documents. 4.11 Architect shall propose language for certificates or certifications to be requested of the Architect or Architect's consultants and shall submit such to the Owner for review and approval at least fourteen (14) days prior to execution. The Owner agrees not to request certifications that would require knowledge or services beyond the scope of this Agreement. ARTICLE 5 CONSTRUCTION COST 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 The Construction Cost shall be the total cost or estimated cost to the Owner of all 411 Page 10 SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) .i /De// PFIP elements of the Project designed or specified by the Architect. 5.1.2 The Construction Cost shall include the cost at current market rates of labor and materials furnished by the Owner and equipment designed, specified, selected or specially provided for by the Architect, plus a reasonable allowance for the Contractor's overhead and profit. In addition, a reasonable allowance for contingencies shall be included for market conditions at the time of bidding and for changes in the Work during construction. 5.1.3 Construction Cost does not include the compensation of the Architect and Architect's consultants, construction management fees, the costs of the land, rights-of-way, financing or other costs which are the responsibility of the Owner as provided in Article 4. 5.1.4 It is understood that the Owner has established a construction budget for this project of$12,000,000. The Architect is responsible for designing a facility within the limits of this budget. 5.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 5.2.1 Evaluations of the Owner's Project budget, preliminary estimates of Construction Cost and detailed estimates of Construction Cost prepared by the Architect represent the Architect's best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry. It is recognized, however, that neither the Architect nor the Owner has control over the cost of labor, materials or equipment, over the Contractor's methods of determining bid prices, or over competitive bidding or market onditions. Accordingly, the Architect cannot and does not warrant or represent that bids will not vary from the Owner's Project budget or from any estimate of Construction Cost or evaluation prepared or agreed to by the Architect. 5.2.2 A fixed limit of Construction Cost of $12,000,000.00 shall be established as a condition of this Agreement. In order to not exceed this fixed limit, the Architect shall be permitted to include contingencies for design, bidding and price escalation, to determine what materials, equipment, component systems and types of construction are to be included in the Contract Documents, to make reasonable adjustments in the scope of the Project and to include in the Contract Documents alternate bids to adjust the Construction Cost to be the fixed limit. Fixed limits, may be increased in the amount of an increase in the Contract Sum occurring after execution of the Contract for Construction. 5.2.3 If the Bidding Phase has not commenced within 90 days after the Architect submits the Construction Documents to the Owner, any Project budget or fixed limit of Construction Cost shall be adjusted to reflect changes in the general level of prices in the construction industry between the date of submission of the Construction Documents to the Owner and the date on which proposals are sought. ARTICLE 6 Ilk Page 11 SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9. 1998) /De—/2. PPIP. USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, • SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 6.1 The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect for this Project are instruments of the Architect's service for use solely with respect to this Project and unless otherwise provided, the Architect shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright. The Owner shall be permitted to retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the Architect's Drawings, Specifications and other documents for information and reference in connection with the Owner's use and occupancy of the Project. The Architect's Drawings, Specifications or other documents shall not be used by the Owner or others on other projects for additions to this Project or for completion of this Project by others, unless this Agreement is terminated because Architect is in default of this Agreement, at which time the documents become the property of the City of Southlake. 6.2 Submission or distribution of documents to meet official regulatory requirements or for similar purposes in connection with the Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect's reserved rights. ARTICLE 7 TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT 07.1 Architect may terminate this Agreement upon not less than 30 days written notice should the Owner fail substantially to perform in accordance with the terms cif this Agreement through no fault of the Architect. Owner may terminate this Agreement or any phase thereof upon 30 days prior written notice to the Architect with the understanding that immediately upon receipt of such notice, all work being performed under the Agreement shall cease immediately. Before the end of the 30 day period, Architect shall invoice the Owner for all work it performed prior to the receipt of such notice. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. All plans, field surveys, and other data related to the Project shall become property of the Owner upon termination of the Agreement and shall be promptly delivered to the Owner in a reasonably organized form. Should Owner subsequently contract with a new architect for continuation of services on the Project,Architect shall cooperate in providing information. 7.2 If the Project is suspended by the Owner for more than 30 consecutive days, the Architect shall be compensated for services performed prior to notice of such suspension. When the Project is resumed, the Architect's compensation shall be equitably adjusted to provide for expenses incurred in the interruption and resumption of the Architect's services. 7.3 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon not less than seven days written notice to the Architect in the event that the Project is permanently abandoned.- If the Project_is _ -- __ - abandoned by the Owner for more than 90 consecutive days, the Architect or the Owner may • Page 12 \\SL(KSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9. 1998) /De-45 PIP" Serminate this Agreement by giving written notice. 7.4 Failure of the Owner to make payments to the Architect in accordance with this Agreement shall be considered substantial non-performance and cause for termination. 7.5 If the Owner fails to make payment to Architect within 30 days of receipt of a statement for services properly performed, the Architect may, upon seven days written notice to the Owner, suspend performance of services under this Agreement. Unless Architect receives payment in full within seven days of the date of the notice, the suspension shall take effect without further notice. In the event of a suspension of services under this section, the Architect shall have no liability to the Owner for delay or damage caused the Owner because of such suspension of services. 7.6 In the event of termination not the fault of the Architect, the Architect shall be compensated for services properly performed prior to termination. ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ID8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 8.2 Terms in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as those in AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, current as of the date of this Agreement. 8.3 The O'cvner and Architect, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Owner nor Architect shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 8.4 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and Architect and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Owner and Architect. 8.5 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in a favor of a third party against either the Owner or Architect. 8.6 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Architect and Architect's consultants shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling,removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the Project site, including but not limited to Page 13 \\SLKSV00041SSIENtERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) PPIP . . - hbestos, asbestos products, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances,provided, owever, Architect shall have the responsibility to and shall report to the Owner the location of atty hazardous material that an architect of similar skill and expertise should have noticed. 8.7 Upon receipt of prior written approval of Owner, the Architect shall have the right to include representations of the design of the Project, including photographs of the exterior and interior, among the Architect's promotional and professional materials. The Architect's materials shall not include the Owner's confidential or proprietary information if the Owner has previously . advised the Architect in writing of the specific information considered by the Owner to be confidential or proprietary. The Owner shall provide professional credit for the Architect on the construction sign and in the promotional materials for the Project. 8.8 NOTICES Notices required to be delivered pursuant to this Contract shall be sufficient if personally delivered or sent by certified mail in the United States Mail,postage pre-paid to the appropriate party at the following address: A. If to City: City of Southlake 1725 E. 1709 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attention: City Manager • B. If to Contractor: ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 9.1 DIRECT EXPENSE 9.1.1 Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the direct salaries of the Architect's personnel engaged on the Project and the portion of the cost of their mandatory and customary contributions _ and benefits related thereto, such as employment taxes and other statutory employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, pensions and similar contributions and benefits. 9.1.2 Non-personnel Expense is defined as those expenses such as travel; transportation; long-distance communications; reproductions for internal and external reviews;postage and handling of drawings, specifications and other documents; computer aided design and drafting equipment. 9.2 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES • \\SLKSV0004\SSIEM W ERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALLRCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9. 1998) Page 14 •J /De-45 PP - . SS. _ - 9.2.1 Payments for Basic Services shall be made monthly and, where applicable, shall be in proportion to services performed within each phase of service,on the basis set forth in Paragraph 10.2.2. 9.2.2 If and to the extent that the time initially established in Paragraph 10.4.1 of this Agreement is exceeded or extended through no fault of the Architect, compensation for any services rendered during the additional period of time shall be computed in the manner set forth in Paragraph 10.2.1. 9.2.3 When compensation is based on a percentage of Construction Cost and any portions of the Project are deleted or otherwise not constructed, compensation for those portions of the Project shall be payable to the extent services are performed on those portions, in accordance with the schedule set forth in Paragraph 10.2.2 based on(1)the lowest bona fide bid or(2) if no such bid or proposal is received, the most recent preliminary estimate of Construction Cost or detailed estimate of Construction Cost for such portions of the Project. 9.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES 9.3.1 Payments on account of the Architect's Additional Services shall be made monthly upon presentation of the Architect's statement of services rendered or expenses incurred. • 9.4 PAYMENTS WITHHELD • 9.4.1 No deductions shall be made from the Architect's compensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages or other sums withheld from payments to contractors, or on account of the cost of changes in the Work other than those for which the Architect is responsible. 9.5 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS 9.5.1 Architect shall make available to Owner or Owner's authorized representative records of Reimbursable Expenses and expenses pertaining to Additional Services and services performed on the basis of a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense for inspection and copying during regular business hours for three years after the date of the final Certificate of Payment, or until any litigation related to the Project is final, whichever date is later. _ - ARTICLE 10 BASIS OF COMPENSATION The Owner shall compensate the Architect as follows: III Page 15 \\SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELL!\TOW-N HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) /DC-/ca • . 0- - 10.1 BASIC COMPENSATION 10.1.1 For Basic Services, as described in Article 2, Article 9.1 and any other services included in Article 11 as part of Basic Services, Basic Compensation shall be S1,200,000.00. 10.1.2 Progress payments for Basic Services in each phase shall total the following percentages of the total Basic Compensation payable: O Schematic Design Phase 15% O Design and Development Phase 20% O Construction Documents Phase 30% O Bidding Phase 10% O Construction Phase 25% O Total Basic Compensation 100% 10.2 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES • 10.2.1 For Project Representation Basic Services, as described in Paragraph 3.2, compensation shall be computed as follows: 0 10.2.2 For additional services of the Architect, as described in Articles 3 and 11,other than (1) Additional Project Representation, as described in Paragraph 3.2; and(2) services included in Article 11 as part of Basic Services, but excluding services of consultants, compensation shall be computed as follows: Principals per hour Associates per hour Technical Staff per hour Clerical Staff per hour 10.2.3 For Additional Services of Consultants structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services and those provided under Paragraph 3.4.15 or identified in Article 11 as part of Additional Services, a multiple of times the amounts billed to the Architect for such -- services. 10.3 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 10.3.1 IF THE BASIC SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been completed within of the date of execution hereof,through no fault of the Architect extension of the Architect's services beyond that time shall be compensated as provided in 111 Page I6 \\SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALLWRCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) illikParagraphs 9.3.2 and 10.2.2. • - 10.3.2 Payments are due and payable 45 days from the date of the Architect's invoice. Amounts for services properly performed which remain unpaid 60 days after the invoice date shall bear interest at the rate of percent per month. ARTICLE 11 • OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES 11.1 Architect shall maintain, at no expense to Owner,a professional liability(errors and omissions) insurance policy placed with a company rated at least B+/X by Best's Key Rating Guide, authorized to do business in Texas, in an amount not less than . Such policy shall name the Owner as additional insured and shall require the giving of written notice to Owner at least 30 days prior to cancellation, non-renewal or material modification of any policies, evidenced by return receipt of United States Certified Mail. Architect shall furnish Owner with copies of said policies or certificates evidencing such coverage. 11.2 ARCHITECT AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS,AND DEFEND THE CITY, AT ARCHITECT'S COST, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR INJURIES,DAMAGES, LOSS, OR LIABILITY OF WHATEVER KIND OR CHARACTER,ARISING OUT OF OR •IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE BY THE ARCHITECT OF THOSE SERVICES CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT,BASED UPON ALLEGATIONS OF NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ARCHITECT, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CONSULTANTS AND SUBCONTRACTORS, AND THE OWNER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES. This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, OWNER ARCHITECT BY: BY: MAYOR Page 17 \\SLKSV0004\SSIEMERS\SHELLI\TOWN HALL\ARCHITECT_SCHWARZ.DOC(December 9, 1998) • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director Chris Carpenter, Senior Comprehensive Planner SUBJECT: Entry portal concept development, site location determinations, and any city- initiated rezonings required to accommodate portal development As you may recall, the Southlake Corridor Study adopted in August of 1995 recommended entry portals at several entry points into the city. Schematically the locations for these portals were shown on Figure 1-Portal Plan, from page 6 of the study(entire study previously forwarded). Although we have been working on various aspects of the Corridor Study recommendations (e.g. recommended plant palette, demonstration site conceptual development,urban design enhancements for SH 114, etc.) we have also been working on conceptual ideas for the entry portals, as well as communicating the need for land to developers and land owners in critical portal locations. The purpose of this memo is to begin discussions regarding our desires on the entry portals in order to be timely in our implementation of these important features for the city. The timing for some decisions has become more critical than was previously the case. These decisions will be pointed out in the following summary. BACKGROUND • Corridor Study Recommendations: An overview of the portal recommendations of the study would be that there are portals of varying emphasis recommended depending on the anticipated exposure they might have. At the time of adoption of the study it was recognized that the design for these portals would be determined at a later date and that the sketches included were intended to provide a vision as to the benefits obtained from a comprehensive • entry portal plan. The"Portal Concepts" summary to follow will outline recommendations consistent with the generic approach recommended by the Corridor Study. • Recommended Deferral Items: There are portions of the Corridor Study recommendations that probably should not be pursued at this time due to unresolved construction issues, particularly related to SH 114. These might be summarized as follows: 1) Bridge overpass landscaping and signage: Items such as the landscaping for off- ramps and at intersections as noted on pages 8, 9, and 15 of the Corridor Study and signage on the bridge overpass as noted on page 10 may be deferred until final determination of SH 114 construction parameters. Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 1 of 8 1, n1)-rl • • 2) Median treatments:Median treatments and plantings such as those shown on pages 20 and 22 of the Corridor Study could not be installed at this point without reconstruction of FM 1709. They may be incorporated at a future point, or incorporated into the design of any divided arterial roadways we have in the future. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Our motivation for moving forward with this issue at this time has three components: 1)we have an opportunity to develop a portal at Davis and FM 1709 on our own property and establish the standard 2) Gateway Plaza pending site plan submittal and opportunity for developer participation and 3) a recent submittal at the northeast corner of FM 1938 (Davis Blvd) and Continental requires our action regarding the need for a portal site at this location. This last item is growing more critical from a timing standpoint. This project is in process, tabled to the P&Z agenda for 1-7-99. The critical decision is not what the portal might look like,but rather do we want a portal at that location and if so, what size of tract do we need. There is a summary of alternative Davis Portal sites attached to this memo for consideration. PORTAL CONCEPTS In an effort to offer a starting point for discussion,I have generated the attached conceptual drawings for entry portals of various scales. It is my recommendation that we establish a materials palette that • is similar for all entry portals/ features in the city to provide continuity and greater identification consistency throughout the city. Tentative locations for each portal concept are shown on the attached matrix entitle "Proposed Entry Portal Locations & Uses" with associated exhibit. The concept for varying portal emphasis is as follows. - Major Portals: These portals would be the most significant entry portals in the city. The' draft concept behind the major portals is shown in exhibits MP-1 and MP-2 attached. Basically this entry feature would be a significant monument sign with features as follows: a) Approximately an 8'height(graphic person shown is 6'tall)with columns,9'-10'high and 24'width(main wall). b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes' community building (see attached "Stone Pattern Exhibits" example "S-1") . Entire structure would be contained or bordered by stone edging to allow for flood irrigation and easier maintenance. The planting area behind the dominant wall would be a raised bed approximately 3'off the ground. It could also be bermed up to the back wall. c) Cut-stone"Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Similar cut-stone capping on the columns and the top edge of the dominant wall,wing walls, and rear walls. • d) Flood lighting on the"Southlake"name,with lights hidden by evergreen shrubbery. e) American flag behind wall, continuously uplit from ground lights. Entry Portal Concept Development—December 11, 1998 Page 2 of 8 f) Evergreen shrubs as foundation plantings and screens (dwarf chinese holly, dwarf burford holly, and dwarf yaupon holly)with color accent shrubs(dwarf crepe myrtle in front groundcover bed of asian jasmine,and tree crepe myrtle to rear on both sides of flag) and beds of seasonal color in front, backed by borders of liriope ground cover. The approximate area needed for the portal as shown in Exhibit MP-2, allowing for a 10' perimeter from all edges, is 2,825 — 3,000 square feet. This area may change, even dramatically, depending on the location of any existing trees, topography, or other unique site conditions. The approximate cost for the major portals,based on preliminary numbers generated by the Corridor consultants is $38,800 with some breakdown of costs shown in the attached "General Cost Estimates for Major Portal (MP-1) Concept". ■ Secondary Portals: This scale of entry portal would be used in locations that are not as dominant as the major portals. They might be used in any future medians for significant roadways, or adjacent to roadways near municipal facilities or secondary entry points to the city such as South White Chapel north of Bear Creek. The draft concept behind the secondary portals is shown in Exhibit SP-1 attached. Basically this entry feature would be • a monument sign structure with features as follows: a) Approximately a 4'height(graphic person shown is 6'tall)with columns.5'-6'high and 14' long (between tall columns). b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes(example S-1). c) Cut-stone "Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Similar cut-stone capping on the columns and the top edge of walls. d) Flood lighting on the"Southlake"name,with lights hidden by evergreen shrubbery. e) Plantings dependent upon the sign location, similar in concept to the major portal. • Accent Features: The concept here is represented conceptually by the Exhibits AF-1 and AF-2 attached. Similar to the recommendations on page 25 of the Corridor Study, the purpose of this feature would be to have the ability to utilize a smaller scale but consistent urban design feature throughout the city wherever the need might arise. There could be the possibility of donations of art/sculpture for the park or other locations. Over time we may want to attempt to coordinate a comprehensive graphic approach for signage internal to the Sparkat park entries,or other municipal facilities and these materials could be incorporated. s, They could also be located at secondary street locations where unique features may be required. Details of this concept are as follows: Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 3 of 8 ow. _ • Accent Feature Concept AF-1 -- - a) Approximately a 3'-4'height. b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes. c) Cut-stone"Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Potentially recessed accent areas on other faces of the feature. d) Plantings dependent upon the sign location, similar in concept to the major portal. Accent Feature Concept AF-2 a) Approximate center height of 3 feet. b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes. c) Cut-stone "Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Potentially recessed accent areas on other faces of the feature. d) Plantings similar to the major portal concept although of a smaller scale with • emphasis on seasonal color. ALTERNATIVES We were asked to provide some alternatives for evaluation and have attempted to do this by showing several existing portals in other cities. These are summarized in the attached matrix entitled"Entry Portal/Gateway Survey" and includes photos of the referenced portals. PROCESSING We have not really discussed the Council's desires as it pertains to formal processing(if needed)for these types of improvements. We will need to discuss Council's directions regarding the process for approval of the portal concepts, in particular the extent of involvement of the Planning and Zoning Commission or any other bodies. The Charter states in the Purpose and Objective section for the P&Z that they can make recommendations to Council on"all nature of... public improvements ... (and) civic improvements." Although this does not state "...shall make...", it would appear open to the discretion of Council as to the P&Z's extent of involvement. DECISION POINTS Following are the decision points I would like City Council to consider. 1. What process is required for approval/development of entry portals? (City Council only, P&Z recommendation for Council, other) 2. What Portal Concept do we prefer?As proposed or alternative concept? How will they be developed comprehensively throughout the city? Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 4 of 8 _ . _ III3. Davis Portal: What site do we prefer? Do we want it at the northeast corner of Davis at Continental? How big does it need to be? I welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues with you or Councilmembers at your convenience. GL enc. Exhibits MP-1 and MPF2: Major Portal Concepts Exhibit SP-1: Secondary Portal Concept Exhibits AF-1 and AF-2: Accent Feature Concept Stone Pattern Exhibits Matrix of Proposed Entry Portal Locations&Uses (with Exhibit) General Cost Estimates for Major Portal(MP-1)'Concept Alternative Davis Portal Locations Exhibit Entry Portal/Gateway Survey(with picture references) L:\ComDev\WP-FILESIPROJECTS\CORRIDOR\Portals\CONCEPT3.doc • • Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 5 of 8 In - w... S . • :;l :4.,_. J 1` { ...... 1 I ' ` 1 4• 1 11 .,•• 41 I 0 . • -...t, ..„,,ii \a1117:(r 111 lift,I-0-- 1 , �4`• 1: .! r�l,(�� � a 7 C 0• 0,,../p ee� `{may 11��� , u • _.f ` a , %'Y0 ll°. :vlt �d Livii,k . ,r fi, .. % I: .ji::l S O U T H L A K E I:�...,.., =.__.:-.........„ !` I , A -•••••••-• I.i.. -4'1.4:ii 7 ' ' - — ---.11.7-`-,„......it ........ 4)a Ct • 1e-15-1E MP-1 MAJOR PORTAL CONCEPT Elevation View 10-15-98 III 4. 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'4,5 • _ _ _ 1111 PROPOSED ENTRY PORTAL LOCATIONS&USES Map Ref Major Portal Concept Co mments L-1 Location: Gateway Portal(SH 114 @ FM 1709) We need to make sure that no construction Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 at northwest corner of roadway involving this portal will be destroyed with intersection,landscape enhancements at off-ramp,treatments to any upcoming SH 114 improvements. bridge overpass,possibly additional signage on west bank of Some portal improvements will need to be roadway prior to bridge westbound. constructed after the highway. L-2 Location:Davis Portal(South Davis Blvd.-FM 1938) Need decision on preferred location for this Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 near city limits area(north of portal due to development request in Bear Creek)oriented for northbound traffic on selected area on process. east or west side of FM 1938(see optional location graphic attached in this report). L-3 Location:Pearson Portal(FM 1709 @ Pearson Lane) Existing Keller entry concept on northwest Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 on city-owned property on corner of intersection. northeast corner of intersection. L-4 Location: Solana Portal(SH 114 @ Solana Campus) Corridor Study suggests some portal Features: Similar in scope to above portals,but may require concept in this area.However,dominant modified design concept or creative location in order to blend Solana architecture needs to be considered with Solana complex,oriented for eastbound traffic. in fmal design and location. Secondary Portal Concept Comments L-5 Location:White Chapel Portal• Precise location would require careful study(White Chapel Blvd.�@ Bear Creek) of ownership issues,etc. Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. L-6 Location:Brumlow Portal(Brumlow Ave.@ SH 26) Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. L-7 Location: South Kimball Portal Connection of S.Kimball to SH 26 to be (New S.Kimball Ave.@ SH 26) made per 1997 Thoroughfare Plan Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median realignment. or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. N/A Location:Park Entries • Features:Utilizing concept SP-1,possibly bending the wing- walls forward and providing landscaping in front of the sign. • Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 1 • /AN-4.A • Accent Feature Concept Comments N/A Location:Sculpture in Park Wide variety of design possibilities,but Features:Utilizing concept AF-1;the size might change to may consider having unifying characteristic complement the sculpture,possibly dedication plaques for such as material type or pedestal base,etc. recognition. N/A Location:Median Street Name Purpose here is to try to maintain the Features:Utilizing concept AF-2;located in the median of consistent presence of a strong urban arterial street/collector streets away from the intersection design element that will provide a common sufficient for safe visibility. identity throughout the city. N/A Location:Municipal Facilities Features:Utilizing concept AF-1 or AF-2;may contain "Southlake"verbiage and be located prominently at city facilities. Note:See attached map for location of referenced portal concepts. L COMDEVIWPITIESPROJECTSCORRIDORVORTAISUOCATEI.WPD • Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 2 illippr - - _ . . _ . . ._:. • - . Portal Location Map - -_ L-4 I11 1 Figure 1 -Portal Plan 1`' I • Southlake Corridor Study � ' J J.Donis Wawa aAaafw i ' Manning t Urban Design �� ri Wangs Mil..=£UM.Drip I L P.D�.f• rN •Owe R TrmapnionOasokui 1 LI. • WESTLAKE "• GRAPEVINE -(-1 1 ........Pa-...-41_.._.7.____.7 s. 41 r -- 1 3 r----- ‘r+" j c '� 3 1 IIS]EII,II.IER I 1 $ I f Viawise - ' PARS '• V V$10'L` r� . br1;I-. t �-e1_ s:.:m°17.. _5.M _. 4( IruRrfa 'a" } f (:)" 1 1 1I K Ml{Y..tW. 'Iteraarfaoroli WA PORTAL 'a' 1 /MP'plirl �i. I"i•VINE CO IA II1L \ 1 / -3 L-7 L2 I - L 5 L-6 1 .0b. - 1a- 1111 GENERAL COST ESTIMATES FOR MAJOR PORTAL(MP-1)CONCEPT Ref.# Description of Major Portal Elements Estimated Cost* 1 Stone wall(8'ht.x 60'length) $22,000 2 Metal lettering 3,500 3 Lighting(includes tree uplighting) 9,500 4 Lawn and irrigation(3000 sq.ft.) 1,500 5 Two evergreen canopy trees 700 6 Ten red crapemyrtle 1,500 7 Seasonal color 100 TOTAL $38,800 *Cost estimates are based on Corridor Study consultant's estimations.Landscape and plantings are only representative of S Study recommendations and may vary,but costs should be relatively comparable. III . , Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 1 Ilill Davis • Exhibit Portal t •.1ti t�.:r:�i 1-tY#a`t'A,a. { F.. 5 L 'i I"5 9 I ,sc`"7 '—r:..."'I».z:I: ; � ,' _ 6 .c.,, ttl, i y Y . *�' '"� O" '* 4.. iTili' ;! 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City/location Type of Portal Funding/Comments P-1 Addison Concrete panel with gold metallic lettering set Funding for construction and maintenance Marsh& in brick wall. Shrubbery&seasonal plants, through Parks Dept. Brookhaven Club ground illumination. Winding brick sidewalk 972-450-2869 along common areas adjacent to portal site. P-2 Bedford Concrete panel with carved lettering set in brick Funding for construction&maintenance • 121 &Harwood monument. Seasonal plants,trees,ground through Parks Dept.—Beautification 817-952-2175 illumination,set in wide median. Commission fund. Lease payments received from cellular antennae,on city towers $3000/month P-3 Coppell Concrete panel with carved lettering set in I-635&Beltline block and wrought iron structure. Seasonal 972-304-3678 plants,shrubs,ground illumination,set in median. P-4 Farmers Branch Concrete panel with carved lettering and city Funding through Parks Dept. I-635&Marsh logo set in brick monument in median. Ground 972-919-2617 illumination,ground cover and large rock accents. P-5 Grapevine Granite panels with carved lettering and logo Funding for construction through general William D.Tate set in median. Seasonal plants. fund(budgeted for new portals,also), 817-424-0542 maintenance through Parks Dept. P-6 Hurst Brick structure with gold metallic lettering and Funding for maintenance through Parks Dept. 183&Precinct logo set in logo. Structure incorporated into • Line plant beds with seasonal plants,with brick 817-788-7095 paving along median. P-7 Keller Concrete•panel with etched lettering set in brick Donated by Chamber of Commerce;funding 1709&Pearson monument with plant bed,stone edgework. for maintenance through Parks Dept. 817-431-151.9 Seasonal plants. P-8 Las Colinas Plant material lettering on berm,seasonal (development) plants,trees,clock with plant material and SH 114& stonework. O'Connor P-9 Trophy Club Lettering attached to brick structure with stone SH 114 face. 817-430-1911 - • L\COMDEV\WP-FQ.ES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\PORTALS\CITYSUMI.DOC A f) 1 1 r.. IL +C ' • r v. s+ g of s R � • llllllllllll �lllkUtl11C 1 4i I i :'. E..,..— .. gi,.57 �4�xr,,r�w zr,, :yr+.K-a"* !F ,yid. " y 0-7;r1 ..•-v....-...0.....4„..,„ 4 ..44<kg‘.4-:°50.,k,AL..,-,,,,, , "`.1 , 'I, 1„,,.,,,/ 'cK+ 5' y «, �#�� `pry ,v, -Wt�r 11'ra ,!t-..L.w'�v�yy�, '_ ' ♦ ,(,/-q t 3 'r'�r+}z. i"t .,. ♦,µµ,a,t-;-"�yYP +; e L �x E MY y i '( t Li i " Ef a Iis 1_ 'l tiei ' l'....„-- w tr OI '"BE r ' a,..:. i.0 "_ t �,P-2 r ---- -, ,- li ti (tt° i�q • 41"1 t „ y ." aE 'er '_ lam' E 4r'•';`'1•�`w'p d ' Af^ i, ,' T i x „L:amit,,,,,,,,?4oroi,v1 .., ,,. ipet.fgaVitr,ktItiNt,;. .-'141 .:1,4,6-4, Itokl lith.o..0.4... v„,,iiio,..,0.. ‘444.44-*tAfitt 1aye F•e, I IiiiII1i _-vv-E L-tora 'II I '1 �°Y ' CO ELL 1 , r i•:: a,m �t§ ; ylra; ,ty s • - f '� _ ., {.r{te- ;• ,1'- J ' 9} ^mac Yrt `' ,F�,$<' s.. 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Spy 3 : '� 'K �lit Y•^a`q,{1 k^5i ,4 '•'; :. >d°r r •! % .3 "dl,,,`iJ J.;o y. a.> • sa° "- `t y •Alen • ,•�«. Y'"xr +?g 3 "l,yv'"• ` 'Jt . '{ ,a .i :6��,.=*"r' i raa °' zi ', -`. ;a,.. .E �”.,..: ,tt J ;.: ,.,: . '� 's• ri' 7' ar .�,°.. t t ,41,'"g L,• '"f >1 fG t `'•',, ..., y� 'r gL °1a•., s' i n e • .�._. 3• =dfa eSr . .>��'�)£ t�`�': g', _ ^1'" • r • I I a°a as as..,-) 0 0 • •P''' ,,, -N, - ,,, ......11 12, • ' gg �:p F,, �,... , s Yi i xi°n.dw b s S;*-ft:ttn-i,,'ikt,"•-44. ' ,'I !aim ,. .,,, . ,-,„,-,..,,,, P-7 w;, �- �` �. 'LL N e MP y"3.,F,^, �+ ERA✓`;..M�^Yv K �., 4` ,° „ s 4,,. 4° d3"^ l,sue. ':r.d.f '4*4., $. :. ems, s..' ° ,, .s 4 aw`w . .,...4„ , , k,i, 14 .�,;b,,w N ':� i°..`v , .-' t '''yam K -t t "'hq4'�3 N�^.Ei j r r4,•r •�Y' 2.14T,4tI is 0 P-8 ti.....*,01.-t. ,,,,, -., ,.,c,74„.„,„,,,,,,,,,:•-•..1,---ww,,Aport>41-,...„ ;c„;...zt,t ,.. M-v+,...F irr. v..." w.t;Y .y'`*ti,Ne," y, >d a " x.; Itt P-9 µ .. • • �,, •:, ., a' ,. g u-pte : �. " , `A� � . '+.m .r:,' !, a` a , ' ';.,%:`.'c bf' '�'? ; '»trY =,.i,,„,, , t,- emN .„,,,t,;r ,4 ,t <� .1. „Y`',d ". 0,fr "°; , iAfr*`»7v s%.% °ti'lrrtYN *k.Y1 ,. �t5p A,4 Ir.. °4x . ,°h 's&, w .. "� ; :'Vri,t'ae!" .4kf:- ' '-''..?,:t;''''). i4g'.—,'V- '- rM •W,4,' •-4 �,rt'4sx. x•w a4t zei°Y' o ) a = i r,,s.,ai ,?.' .� t y 1`..gr as [ ewe, ,�g 4�. j4c % "R,8 ,- .1 e ,, i.r,'° i Lla ^,..04 n;'.C d ` �a d;un Eck tebs "'4'•!(.4,v'a':£G&h, /® 1'PIq NNW City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 11, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director Chris Carpenter, Senior Comprehensive Planner SUBJECT: Entry portal concept development, site location determinations, and any city- initiated rezonings required to accommodate portal development As you may recall, the Southlake Corridor Study adopted in August of 1995 recommended entry portals at several entry points into the city. Schematically the locations for these portals were shown on Figure 1-Portal Plan, from page 6 of the study(entire study previously forwarded). Although we have been working on various aspects of the Corridor Study recommendations (e.g. recommended plant palette, demonstration site conceptual development,urban design enhancements for SH 114, etc.) we have also been working on conceptual ideas for the entry portals, as well as communicating the need for land to developers and land owners in critical portal locations. The _ - purpose of this memo is to begin discussions regarding our desires on the entry portals in order to S be timely in our implementation of these important features for the city. The timing for some decisions has become more critical than was previously the case. These decisions will be pointed out in the following summary. BACKGROUND • Corridor Study Recommendations: An overview of the portal recommendations of the study would be that there are portals of varying emphasis recommended depending on the anticipated exposure they might have. At the time of adoption of the study it was recognized that the design for these portals would be determined at a later date and that the sketches included were intended to provide a vision as to the benefits obtained from a comprehensive • entry portal plan. The "Portal Concepts" summary to follow will outline recommendations consistent with the generic approach recommended by the Corridor Study. • Recommended Deferral Items: There are portions of the Corridor Study recommendations that probably should not be pursued at this time due to unresolved construction issues, particularly related to SH 114. These might be summarized as follows: 1) Bridge overpass landscaping and signage: Items such as the landscaping for off- ramps and at intersections as noted on pages 8, 9, and 15 of the Corridor,Study and • signage on the bridge overpass as noted on page 10 may be deferred until final determination of SH 114 construction parameters. Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 1 of 8 , aOD- 1 NNW • _ . .. 2) Median treatments: Median treatments and plantings such as those shown on pages 20 and 22 of the Corridor Study could not be installed at this point without reconstruction of FM 1709. They may be incorporated at a future point, or incorporated into the design of any divided arterial roadways we have in the future. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Our motivation for moving forward with this issue at this time has three components: 11)we have an opportunity to develop a portal at Davis and FM 1709 on our own property and establish the standard 2) Gateway Plaza pending site plan submittal and opportunity for developer participation and 3) a recent submittal at the northeast corner of FM 1938 (Davis Blvd) and Continental requires our action regarding the need for a portal site at this location. This last item is growing more critical from a timing standpoint. This project is in process, tabled to the P&Z agenda for 1-7-99. The critical decision is not what the portal might look like,but rather do we want a portal at that location and if so, what size of tract do we need. There is a summary of alternative Davis Portal sites attached to this memo for consideration. PORTAL CONCEPTS In an effort to offer a starting point for discussion,I have generated the attached conceptual drawings __ • for entry portals of various scales. It is my recommendation that we establish a materials palette that is similar for all entry portals / features in the city to provide continuity and greater identification consistency throughout the city. Tentative locations for each portal concept are shown on the attached matrix entitle "Proposed Entry Portal Locations & Uses" with associated exhibit. The concept for varying portal emphasis is as follows. Major Portals: These portals would be the most significant entry portals in the city. The draft concept behind the major portals is shown in exhibits MP-1 and MP-2 attached. Basically this entry feature would be a significant monument sign with features as follows: a) Approximately an 8'height(graphic person shown is 6'tall)with columns 9'-10'high and 24'width(main wall). b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes' community building (see attached "Stone Pattern Exhibits" example "S-1") . Entire structure would be contained or bordered by stone edging to allow for flood irrigation and easier maintenance. The planting area behind the dominant wall would be a raised bed approximately 3' off the ground. It could also be bermed up to the back wall. c) Cut-stone "Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Similar cut-stone capping on the columns and the top edge of the dominant wall,wing walls, and rear walls. IPd) Flood lighting on the "Southlake"name,with lights hidden by evergreen shrubbery. e) American flag behind wall, continuously uplit from ground lights. Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 2 of 8 S f)low . _ Evergreen shrubs as foundation plantings and screens (dwarf chinese holly, dwarf burford holly, and dwarf yaupon holly)with color accent shrubs(dwarf crepe myrtle in front groundcover bed of asian jasmine, and tree crepe myrtle to rear on both sides of flag) and beds of seasonal color in front, backed by borders of liriope ground cover. The approximate area needed for the portal as shown in Exhibit MP-2, allowing'for a 10' perimeter from all edges, is 2,825 — 3,000 square feet. This area may change, even dramatically, depending on the location of any existing trees, topography, or other unique site conditions. The approximate cost for the major portals,based on preliminary numbers generated by the Corridor consultants is $38,800 with some breakdown of costs shown in the, attached "General Cost Estimates for Major Portal(MP-1) Concept". • Secondary Portals: This scale of entry portal would be used in locations that are not as dominant as the major portals. They might be used in any future medians for significant roadways, or adjacent to roadways near municipal facilities or secondary entry points to the city such as South White Chapel north of Bear Creek. The draft concept behind the • secondary portals is shown in Exhibit SP-1 attached. Basically this entry feature would be a monument sign structure with features as follows: a) Approximately a 4'height(graphic person shown is 6'tall)with columns5'-6'high and 14' long(between tall columns). b) ,Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes (example S-1). c) Cut-stone "Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Similar cut-stone capping on the columns and the top edge of walls. d) Flood lighting on the"Southlake"name,with lights hidden by evergreen shrubbery. e) Plantings dependent upon the sign location, similar in concept to the major portal. • Accent Features: The concept here is represented conceptually by the Exhibits AF-1 and AF-2 attached. Similar to the recommendations on page 25 of the Corridor Study, the purpose of this feature would be to have the ability to utilize a smaller scale but consistent urban design feature throughout the city wherever the need might arise. There could be the possibility of donations of art/sculpture for the park or other locations. Over time we may want to attempt to coordinate a comprehensive graphic approach for signage internal to the parks, at park entries,or other municipal facilities and these materials could be incorporated. e They could also be located at secondary street locations where unique features may be required. Details of this concept are as follows: Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 3 of 8 Inh.- Z mow _ . • . _ IIIAccent Feature Concept AF-1 a) Approximately a 3'-4'height. b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes. c) Cut-stone"Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Potentially recessed accent areas on other faces of the feature. d) Plantings dependent upon the sign location, similar in concept to the major portal. Accent Feature Concept AF-2 a) Approximate center height of 3 feet. b) Stone construction of a color and texture similar to Southridge Lakes. c) Cut-stone "Southlake" sign with beveled recessed edges. Potentially recessed accent areas on other faces of the feature. Sd) Plantings similar to The major portal concept although of a smaller scale with emphasis on seasonal color. ALTERNATIVES We were asked to provide some alternatives for evaluation and have attempted to do this by showing several existing portals in other cities. These are,summarized in the attached matrix entitled"Entry Portal/Gateway Survey" and includes photos of the referenced portals. PROCESSING We have not really discussed the Council's desires as it pertains to formal processing(if needed)for these types of improvements. We will need to discuss Council's directions regarding the process for approval of the portal concepts, in particular the extent of involvement of the Planning and Zoning Commission or any other bodies. The Charter states in the Purpose and Objective section for the P&Z that they can make recommendations to Council on"all nature of... public improvements ... (and) civic improvements." Although this does not state"...shall make...", it would appear open to the discretion of Council as to the P&Z's extent of involvement. DECISION POINTS Following are the decision points I would like City Council to consider. 1. What process is required for approval/development of entry portals? (City Council only, SP&Z recommendation for Council, other) 2. What Portal Concept do we prefer?As proposed or alternative concept? How will they be developed comprehensively throughout the city? , Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 4 of 8 In1 _. L mow . . S3. Davis Portal: What site do we prefer? Do we want it at the northeast corner of Davis at Continental? How big does it need to be? I welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues with you or Councilmembers at your convenience. GL enc. Exhibits MP-1 and MP-2: Major Portal Concepts Exhibit SP-1: Secondary Portal Concept Exhibits AF-1 and AF-2: Accent Feature Concept Stone Pattern Exhibits Matrix of Proposed Entry Portal Locations &Uses (with Exhibit) General Cost Estimates for Major Portal(MP-1)'Concept Alternative Davis Portal Locations Exhibit Entry Portal/Gateway Survey(with picture references) L:\ComDev\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\Portals\CONCEPT3.doc • • Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 5 of 8 Mir . - . - .. . . . .- / .t: ,- } I '� L� �i, 11 1j��U l ,,Vt i.' e" ,1' . ;: o' ° o s o , 1 l�' �l h li: lip4 I oil'' ��r. Y 'Ii 'F (f .1 0 ' 0 , 0 09 0 _ Jr„ I .0 Ids 41 . Lilw ....- --. -. --__-._ _au- A - 1: 14 dill*�.1 S O U T H L A K E lJ■== I iq r ■i �- .__.! •, ' 4 r~i ' ~ice VI r( CL 1e-i5-V1 MP-1 MAJOR PORTAL CONCEPT Elevation View 10-15-98 ID t riftlINPARNIrr . $ •i'4‘1614 Olin :0: DAIPAI OA \ ' , ,,/ 1 4 X .41,14Y 1)5r %* A, ", 4:, • *, , 4 -4074 T r Y r • *01AL_ ® D8H I GAP___ ��_ 4N& 1 rl re 0 Wein We 14* ' 0.,. 4 isw )j,k4,11 ,,,, ,k,,,, 484.ki, 4 4. 0 . \\.:,40f / � ",,,,wisik...,....Astatik-A). k volso-ow, 9,,,1R ��� ♦W� , ,, N. k .e-Or) '''' N. '`N). 4 ----Paikt • ,I.w.) -,7,40- Wo,- J`•\ SEASONAL—c'Loft ---L OOT-�A'WOO®il SEASe4m. coLoR rI /, iaW �s-oncMRZDi7MIiT or - • MP-2 MAJOR PORTAL CONCEPT Plan View 10-15-98 Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 6 of 8 11 1 N - l Mir . . . ,_ . _ • • t j (( / : t ', n > � .Th. -.1AI,1r ") 5 7."0-- • -____,A, :,-- PI, — 0 �`rriry,i„, (' : J� SOUTHLAKE .JL_ J! �� SP-1 SECONDARY PORTAL CONCEPT Elevation View 10-15-98 ,r.„.,,.., , ,. ,... J" _..... . sIIlL pt.. - • ....- -, %S%% 1 e ifre , ..,40i,P' i... ..7?„,,,--„,,-- r iv V( s?Kyr IIIAF-1 ACCENT FEATURE CONCEPT Perspective View ;10-15-98 Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 7 of 8 • 1n '2 =Fr . ... . - - - • . - -. .. - • .- •.• ___ , . .. _. S 3. �I �_ cot-s.,.-c2—�,� fl ►. P.vices/FL.4{f0«E i�f I1►I f r =,�.I K I MB A L L2...V E I �,, !J►. �` �`` �J� n iJ ��L � � { lllf/ �1�- �% 1010�,1I4 Ot n ic•_7r'ikA hg/ /j�m j%iv.....tY 7,,I-7, \� .. l 4--- i ibt.kw., I (AF ACCENT FEATURE CONCEPT Perspective View 10-15-98 - 40 _._ ._ . , • III . , , . Entry Portal Concept Development-December 11, 1998 Page 8 of 8 1bN - S STONE PATTERN EXHIBITS .r.-r:..,:=,;;y 't/." -, .: :s:•`,;`':a'N^",a'+c.--,...1-" ,,. .�. . a ,licw P N T°N ::"i ''s' . k..,• 71, Y ms 1 y. S-1 •. r+� r • r ry M z* r n:-. '•. a a w"" a" IJ ;wf r tb`'i v t a� ',.t t.,, w a i , r lei �.+s�y -.+tee- ..0 ",,t, i %.G " 'S 1' "a 1 { .- "tlk♦' 4.y CU" N, i ,4 n `r" �., ems. 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'•,�s.;:;F<'" L''J'.L '.-'_ 'Tmr::..fiy '"""1k`:r`- ,,rA+i ;i.» `c:n.;� ;.- +h. m�,I.'== *-;any� ."o:'LL�'.i :,,::.:;: tom. ;£ --e;:..7 .. :. :;•,;'.; 'sue ,W,Xy,.._. - ,ems` _'. :• -::;.w_ yl{-3.-._.- =«: , v tie't :r` .,-, • PROPOSED ENTRY PORTAL LOCATIONS&USES Map Ref Major Portal Concept Comments L-1 Location: Gateway Portal(SH 114 @ FM 1709) We need to make sure that no construction Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 at northwest corner of roadway involving this portal will be destroyed with intersection,landscape enhancements at off-ramp,treatments to any upcoming SH 114 improvements. bridge overpass,possibly additional signage on west bank.of Some portal improvements will need to be roadway prior to bridge westbound. constructed after the highway. L-2 Location:Davis Portal(South Davis Blvd.-FM 1938) Need decision on preferred location for this Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 near city limits area(north of portal due to development request in Bear Creek)oriented for northbound traffic on selected area on process. east or west side of FM 1938(see optional location graphic attached in this report). L-3 Location:Pearson Portal(FM 1709 @ Pearson Lane) Existing Keller entry concept on northwest Features:Utilizing concept MP-1 on city-owned property on corner of intersection. northeast corner of intersection. L-4 Location: Solana Portal(SH 114 @ Solana Campus) Corridor Study suggests some portal Features: Similar in scope to above portals,but may require concept in this area.However,dominant modified design concept or creative location in order to blend Solana architecture needs to be considered with Solana complex,oriented for eastbound traffic. in fmal design and location. Secondary Portal Concept Comments L-5 Location:White Chapel Portal Precise location would require careful study • (White Chapel Blvd.@ Bear Creek) of ownership issues,etc. Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. L-6 Location:Brumlow Portal(Brumlow Ave.@ SH 26) Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. L-7 Location: South Kimball Portal Connection of S.Kimball to SH 26 to be (New S.Kimball Ave.@ SH 26) made per 1997 Thoroughfare Plan Features:Utilizing concept SP-1 either within any future median realignment. or along R.O.W.,including landscaping,flowers,etc. N/A Location:Park Entries Features:Utilizing concept SP-1,possibly bending the wing- walls forward and providing landscaping in front of the sign. • Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 1 /A N . • Accent Feature Concept Comments N/A Location:Sculpture in Park • Wide variety of design possibilities,but Features:Utilizing concept AF-1;the size might change to may consider having unifying characteristic complement the sculpture,possibly dedication plaques for such as material type or pedestal base,etc. recognition. N/A Location:Median Street Name Purpose here is to try to maintain the Features:Utilizing concept AF-2;located in the median of consistent presence of a strong urban arterial street/collector streets away from the intersection design element that will provide a common sufficient for safe visibility. identity throughout the city. N/A Location:Municipal Facilities Features:Utilizing concept AF-1 or AF-2;may contain "Southlake"verbiage and be located prominently at city facilities. Note:See attached map for location of referenced portal concepts. L.OLICVNWHF➢ESISCUECTSCOPJ DOR`ADRTAISLOCATELWM __ Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 2 1n'h .- II . _ . . . . IIPortal Location Map L-4 . . L-1 I Figure 1 -Portal Plan I . -T...to'A' • Southlake Corridor Study j L Donis Vrdlos a Asucclates r_k:_iliri, i Maas A thigg Design 11 [ 11...a.Adam Withownia.lg. ri 0114../00,0 , Ladop Agiskoam•Dar Dpige I I P.Me sT =Id.. r _ "..,V 4‘ npri..1 ) 1 "N[ I I • a*rst imt us' r.-----S • i I "..• I - I ip Ai. W .. 1 a 1 1 '. WESTLAKE I 7.7jv tux. ' 1:0!'• '‘i'EVINE c 11. I-'-1 I___I . • t 1 r— e e,„ gl. 4/0 1 0 g , !---• It r e F.....7.-...,---- lw% KELLER 1 1 , , 1 1 PAPP • PO A' •,.: .. Vi&t.$444 - -' •• •It:;1.; •;:,7:ai.r-v-tx-.7va.,7717,7f41:13rcin:i.io7.2:LI:t717;-,ff '-.WiNIFP/S-4/51'w';'' '''''''"--" 1I(-77.-1"m" l'2'. --- ...d.*:7,-.A...7tr-t1:',-:.:7;'.:1,...., ..1!*i:=;..,'. ... :.'...r.J., QAtt...!ce.. ,*•.,4.11:.1-i:',!'' .i'l'ig‘it=M;2.a7:-Mi;"-•4-,L:':-"Ce.ti :,.-...:. . • ,-- ,,Ant •,rte"'- -..:.;i t i ', 1-- • 1 i I I — , . cAfr.„taw aialgoanu Of D.s i figregragg041 1101? loitTAG e I / GI''' ''\ '''' II\I. IA . .. 4, CON J.1RAYVEL ‘ L—3 IF61 L-7 . . L-2 L-5 I 0 b - I 2- Mr , IIIGENERAL COST ESTIMATES FOR MAJOR PORTAL(MP-1)CONCEPT Ref.# Description of Major Portal Elements Estimated Cost* 1 Stone wall(8'ht.x 60'length) $22,000 2 Metal lettering 3,500 3 Lighting(includes tree uplighting) 9,500 4 Lawn and irrigation(3000 sq.ft.) 1,500 5 Two evergreen canopy trees 700 6 Ten red crapemyrtle 1,500 7 Seasonal color 100 TOTAL $38,800 • *Cost estimates are based on Corridor Study consultant's estimations.Landscape and plantings are only representative of Study recommendations and may vary,but costs should be relatively comparable. 0 Portal Locations Summary December 9, 1998 Page 1 ln1>-- 13 low FM 1Davis Blv .orta oca tion x i it • __ ,,r ,,,,,, ,:,;•,!::IP * 'N��X al{jk t x 'y . Y� �'��F^. �Y f t,+ f 1 Yy �.Y• �$f Y 4Y.w.8.".,,.,<.Ea"d Le :�,: •,-'r a^. +fxS `` J. ,�E y „. h� ' 1 y y s!:V ; 1 +�'is ,, f + mil �sR. r ti.S * S W * X• -.+ .[P y y"� 9 ,:.`.; • ,Y,'.f , , �. `".;ir yt r "'� »'4 � �''; s= .�m • �, i r r�. 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C it) :1 4 ...... .. ,-- . ,„ ,.. _ . _ .______—;.—t___: xx \ \- \\.., • r 1 B _ ,;,0,....,,'O.'. V.., l+It,.I .��:,t',• 1 U V6 ..i:c,. __...t v, . , it . P - L • • , , h � �� i� � ;13;4 ���� �'0 xr ..1 }r N r ;,.: 1 y� N I"m 11 5 Utz fZf 6 •ice i.C* . mor • Entry Portal / Gateway Survey-December 11, 1998 Ref. City/location Type of Portal Funding/Comments P-1 Addison Concrete panel with gold metallic lettering set Funding for construction and maintenance Marsh& in brick wall. Shrubbery&seasonal plants, through Parks Dept. Brookhaven Club ground illumination. Winding brick sidewalk 972-450-2869 along common areas adjacent to portal site. P-2 Bedford Concrete panel with carved lettering set in brick Funding for construction&maintenance 121 &Harwood monument. Seasonal plants,trees,ground through Parks Dept.—Beautification 817-952-2175 illumination,set in wide median. Commission fund. Lease payments received from cellular antennae on city towers $3000/month P-3 Coppell Concrete panel with carved lettering set in I-635 &Beltline block and wrought iron structure. Seasonal 972-304-3678 plants,shrubs,ground illumination,set in median. P-4 Farmers Branch Concrete panel with carved lettering and city Funding through Parks Dept. I-635&Marsh logo set in brick monument in median. Ground 972-919-2617 illumination,ground cover and large rock accents. P-5 Grapevine Granite panels with carved lettering and logo Funding for construction through general William D.Tate set in median. Seasonal plants. fund(budgeted for new portals,also), 817-424-0542 maintenance through Parks Dept. P-6 Hurst Brick structure with gold metallic lettering and Funding for maintenance through Parks Dept. • 183 &Precinct logo set in logo. Structure incorporated into Line 817-788-7095 plant beds with seasonal plants,with brick paving along median. P-7 Keller Concrete panel with etched lettering set in brick Donated by Chamber of Commerce;funding 1709&Pearson monument with plant bed,stone edgework. for maintenance through Parks Dept. 817-431-1519 Seasonal plants. P-8 Las Colinas Plant material lettering on berm,seasonal (development) plants,trees,clock with plant material and SH 114& stonework. O'Connor P-9 Trophy Club Lettering attached to brick structure with stone SH 114 face. 817-430-1911 • L•\COMDEY\W P-FII.ES\PROJECIS\CORRIDORIPORTAIS\CITYSUM I.DOC 1 /7N /_ Mir4 0;,..,t4,.-an'.0,,....h 1.-', ,p''''.4,:''‘...,'T,1".:.•,''':i',. „;....-•.74-.'• A,, ...:,.S.,,,,--,:tc!e-'',;„.,--vit. •, 1,k.... ..... 45,-.,-...",v,1, ,...,,,' 07;4 4104:,Sgroir. - _,,,- ''' t.14.121,* 1;1'•7•11—,541, .*-4," .,-',,,‘-'‘".•-,% '''......'. ;"". ' • ' ' P'".., 4„,20^1,- -.;6,.',rzh2.... , )te. •-,...-•) .-7.7-,,'0.!'.4., ...„-t- ,.''-- '- ,4.7d,....44 • ,.. —•--;.4 0 ,1,. ..‘,-.. 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