1995-02-21 CC Packet City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting February 21, 1995 1. Agenda Item No. 4A. The Department reports are in your packet. Please let me or the Directors know if you have any questions. 2. Agenda Item No. 5A. Resolution No. 95-06, abandonment of a portion of F.M. 1938. The memo from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, and the attached resolution and exhibit succinctly describes the property. This piece of right-of-way has no utility to the City of Southlake. Once it is released to the adjoining property owners (John Drew and associates) by Tarrant County, the property will be developed commercially and add value to our tax roll. 3. Agenda Item No. 5B. Ozone Alert Procedure. Even though the Procedure seems like a small thing, this area risks federal sanctions if standards for ozone are not met by 1996. Many cities have adopted similar policies. When implemented, the procedure will accomplish two things: (1) show that the City is concerned about the environment and the potential adverse impact of economic sanctions, and (2) illustrate that the City of Southlake is a "team player" and a leader in area issues. Although the procedures at this time would have very little direct impact on day-to-day municipal operations, perception is reality. 4. Agenda Item No. 5C. Resolution No. 95-07. Relocation assistance in connection with acquisition of real property. We discussed in executive session at last City Council meeting the need to establish a relocation assistance program. The Texas Property Code Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 2 authorizes payment for the value of the property plus relocation assistance. This assistance includes: the cost of acquiring real property, moving expenses, relocation expenses, financial assistance to acquire replacement housing, and compensation for expenses incidental to the transfer of the property. Such payments may not exceed payments authorized under the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. Currently this amount is capped at $22,500. The resolution before you will provide consistency in the application of relocation assistance. Although the amount authorized for relocation assistance is set at $22,500 by the resolution, the resolution (and statute) is permissive and not mandatory in nature. Staff will still require City Council authorization before paying any relocation assistance. 5. Agenda Item No. 8A. 1st Reading, Ordinance No. 480-143 (ZA 94-85), rezoning and development plan of Versailles. The developer has submitted a new development plan and modified the PUD request. The alignment for "New Carroll," as shown on the thoroughfare plan, has not been addressed. The minimum lot size proposed is 18,000 sq. ft., with a minimum house size of 2,200 sq. ft. There are 117 lots proposed with a gross density of 1.50 units per acre. Note in Karen Gandy's memo that there is still opposition greater than 20% of the surrounding area, therefore a super-majority vote by Council is required for approval. The P&Z recommended approval 4-0-1, but the plan that their recommendation was based on had very few similarities to the plan now submitted for City Council consideration. We have heard rumors that the developers are considering a possible amendment to their request. As of this writing, we really do not know what the Versailles developers plan to do. We have been told of several different scenarios, which we will discuss in executive session under the advice from attorney exemption. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 3 FYI, the narrative which follows has been excerpted from my February 7, 1995 agenda comment memo. The Versailles developers currently have a rezoning request before the Council, from SF-20B to R-PUD. According to the owners and developers of the property, the impact of the dedication and construction of "new" Carroll Avenue is too great a burden for one property owner to bear without financial concessions from the City. It is our understanding that they are currently considering either: (1) presenting the Council with a concept plan for their current zoning SF-20B, or (2)amending their request to SF-20A and presenting the required concept plan. They feel that either of these options are appropriate because the amended request would be for a more restrictive use than the original request. This revised plan kmrso' would not adhere to the Thoroughfare Plan and would show South Carroll Avenue in its current location. Staff has consulted with the City Attorney's office regarding these two options. We have concerns about the first option (forget the R-PUD request, fall back to the SF-20B zoning and treat the development plan as a concept plan, with revisions). There is some question whether the City could require a concept plan after the zoning is in place (i.e., already SF-20B), and whether it would be appropriate for the Council to act on the request without P&Z's recommendation. There is also the issue of legal notice: (1) the concept plan had not been included in the original notice and (2) adjacent property owners would not receive notice of the revised plan and could have objections to the new plan when they had been in favor of the original request. The City Attorney believes the second option(amended request to SF-20A) is the (kir better of the two options discussed, but recommends that the amended request be remanded to P&Z for their consideration and recommendation. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Cm, Page 4 The City Attorney suggests that the preferred solution to this issue is to have the applicant withdraw their request, or that the Council deny the request without prejudice and have the applicant submit a new zoning application to the City. The Council has the discretion to waive the new application fees. 6. Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 95-03, Concept Plan for South Hollow. Note that the applicant has requested the concept plan be tabled until the Council meeting on March 21, 1995. The P&Z recommended approval of the concept plan 6-0-1; however, there were several comments on the accompanying preliminary plat that they wanted to see revised before they forwarded the plat. The applicant prefers that Council look at the concept plan and plat on the same agenda; therefore, he is requesting this item be tabled to accommodate this schedule. (lbw' 7. Agenda Item No. 8C. ZA 95-05, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Yates Corner Addition. There is one unusual difficulty with this plat request. One of the staff comments on the first review was for applicant to provide an exhibit which illustrated the location of the buildings to determine any building line encroachments. Upon review of the exhibit, we learned that the septic tank for Yates Corner Store is located on lot 7, but there is some likelihood that the actual septic field is on lot 2. It has been City policy that each lot contain its own septic system. Greg Last, Director of Community Development, has asked Rick McPherson to determine the location of the septic field. He is in the process of doing that at this time. We should have this information available by meeting time. If there is a problem, we will prepare alternative solutions for you to consider. Note also that Torian Lane along the west property line is a private road right-of-way which does not have a road constructed in it. We have required the 30' building setback due to the chance that it may be constructed at some point in the future. P&Z recommended approval 7-0. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Lipe Page 5 8. Agenda Item No. 8D. ZA 95-06, Revised Preliminary Plat for Lot 3, of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase C-1. Current zoning is C-3, General Commercial District. There are no significant issues with this request. Apparently a church has purchased the proposed Lot 3, and the applicant is proposing a commercial development on the remainder of the site. We have included a "preliminary site plan" of his layout for reference. It is important to note that the item before you is the preliminary plat and not the site plan. Recall that the current structure of the zoning ordinance does not require approval of a Concept Plan by Council prior to issuance of a building permit. An issue you may or may not want to pursue is noted in the first informational comment on the review letter. There has been discussion over time about the ability to provide a common drive along the rear of the development to access directly to Southridge Lakes (kir Parkway. There has been considerable opposition in the past to this idea by residents of Southridge Lakes. P&Z recommended approval 7-0. 9. Agenda Item No. 8E. 1st Reading, ordinance No. 506-A, Amendments to the Sign Ordinance. The memo from Greg Last, Director of Community Development, points out that no changes have been made to the ordinance presented to City Council Tuesday evening, February 14, due to the time constraints. The ordinance in your packet represents the recommendation of P&Z. The references in Greg's memo to the summary of significant changes refer to the strikeout/redline copy disseminated to City Council last Tuesday, which was not reprinted with this agenda. We will, however, have extra copies available at the meeting. Let me or Greg know if you have any questions. 10. Agenda Item No. 10A. Interlocal Agreement with the North Texas GIS Consortium. This is related to the discussion item on your agenda last Tuesday, February 14. Rather than bring it back for additional discussion only, we believe it appropriate to present it to you at this time for consideration. Feel free to call any of the staff who will be Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Lee Page 6 involved with this process, including Ron Harper, City Engineer, Greg Last, Bob Whitehead, Billy Campbell, and others on the management staff. 11. Agenda Item No. IOB. Authorizing the Mayor to execute release of escrow funds for construction of railroad crossing. This refers to the railroad crossing which will ultimately provide for the extension of E. Continental Blvd. to S.H. 26. Recall that funds for the crossing will come from the escrow amount and Darr Equipment. The City of Southlake has no contractual interest and is not obligated for future funds. 12. Agenda Item No. 11A. Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance. In discussions with City Council following the situation involving the Willan office development in Woodland Heights, staff received a clear indication from City Council that something needed to be done to protect residential neighborhoods from obtrusive office development. Subsequently, I requested the City Attorney to prepare a draft ordinance which could be used to protect residential properties to the greatest extent possible. Recall that generally, cities may not use zoning to enforce architectural controls over buildings in the community. Such controls are not specifically provided for under the municipal zoning regulatory authority except in a very narrow circumstance: "...in the case of designated places and areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance...." (See attached excerpt from the Local Government Code.) This provision has been used in numerous cities through the creation of historical and cultural districts, and has been upheld by the courts. The key is in identifying and placing on the zoning map the specific district. The ordinance in your packet is a first look pertaining only to the F.M. 1709 corridor. There may be other areas you are interested in looking at, however, keep in mind that we must identify the specific districts. Prior to placing the item on the agenda for your consideration, we need your input, e.g., is this taking us in the general direction you want us to go? Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 7 We have had this ordinance prepared in general concept for approximately six months. We have held this up primarily due to Council agenda item constraints; also, with the corridor study underway, we believed we had some time. Now that the corridor study is nearing completion, we believe it is time to consider the "neighborhood preservation" ordinance. View this as being an addition to any zoning map overlay zone we adopt as a result of the corridor study. 13. Agenda Item No. 11B. Pending Changes in City Ordinances. As noted many times previously, we still have a list of outdated City regulatory ordinances which must be revised/rewritten as quickly as we can get to them. We also have several new ones we need to develop. Listed below are some that quickly come to mind. Ordinances in need of updating: Ordinance No. 75 Health and Sanitation 1957 Ordinance No. 214 Housing Code 1974 Ordinance No. 236 Itinerant Merchants 1977 Ordinance No. 198-1 Mass Gatherings 1982 Ordinance No. 360 Open Records 1987 New Ordinances: Regulating Garage Sales Regulating Painting Addresses on Curbs This does not include the revisions we need to make to our current major land use-related ordinances (subdivision, zoning, etc.) or our master plans. We are preparing a flow chart to list when we expect to get these before you; hopefully the chart will be ready for dissemination to City Council next month. L We need no more than 5-10 minutes Tuesday night for this item, but we would like your feedback on ordinances you would like to see addressed. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 (kir Page 8 14. Agenda Item No. 11C. Appointments to Strategic Planning Committee. We discussed developing the strategic plan during the June 1994 City Council Retreat and during the budget work sessions. The ultimate comprehensive strategic plan would be used to ensure that the community, City Council and other Community leaders, and staff are heading into the future with a shared vision. We are approximately four months behind the proposed timetable originally presented to City Council in April 1994. The delay is primarily attributable to the Charter Amendment election and efforts such as the expanded Corridor Study, trail plan, etc. We hope to get back on track. We believe the original concept is still timely. Attached is a copy of a handout from the June 1994 retreat which discusses the concept. While we were somewhat over-ambitious with our timetable given the things before us, we can still get on course. We would like to continue to work with the University of North Texas consultants on this project. (Dr. DeSantis and Dr. Glass are currently working on the citizen telephone survey.) Attached is a proposal from them which would get us to a strategic plan. We would like your comments on the proposal. The proposal would have City Council appoint a strategic planning task force or committee to work with City Council and staff in the process. I believe the committee should consist of 15-20 citizens representing a broad cross-section of the community-- something akin to the Charter Review Committee (i.e., members from SPIN, the major boards and commissions, etc.) with the addition of others active in the community (i.e., school board members, former City Council Members, representatives of civic groups, etc.). The Strategic Planning Committee should probably have at least two City Council Members as liaisons. (b. There is no question that this will take time. We still have a full plate. However, I believe we need to move forward if we are going to stay on top of the issues. The Strategic Plan is provided for in the budget. Please give us your thoughts on this matter. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 9 15. Agenda Item No. 11D. Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Streets. Staff has discussed with City Council on numerous occasions the situation concerning failures of concrete street sections in various neighborhoods. The City of Colleyville is also experiencing a similar problem. We need 15-20 minutes of your time to discuss the next steps in resolving the situation. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 16. Printed 1994-95 Annual Budget has been received. A copy is included in your packet. 17. Southlake Fuels Update - The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in executive session yesterday with Ron Clark, our TML appointed lawyer, to discuss the pending litigation with Southlake Fuels. He assured the board that they were fully represented by TML, with Fielding, Barrett and Taylor as secondary representation. I will have more details concerning our discussions with Mr. Clark at executive session on Tuesday. 18. "Future Through Street" Signs - As you may recall during discussions on street stub-outs in Oak Hill Estates, and again with Stone Lakes/Chimney Hills, Council directed staff to place "Future Through Street" signs at stubbed streets to indicate to prospective residents the eventual through street. This past week, we began placing the signs in various subdivisions. We have received a few calls already, and I bring this to your attention in case you may also receive some calls. Some signs were placed in error and these have been removed. They were: (1) Ravenaux off of Shady Oaks, (2) Chimney Hill Trail in Chimney Hills, (3) Creekview in Southlake Hills - Phase 2, and (4) Chapel Downs in Oak Hill Estates. 19. As I mentioned Tuesday to each of you, we have had a problem with First National Bank-Grapevine, the paying agent for our 1982 G.O. bonds. The attached memo from Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 10 Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director, explains the problem in detail. As she notes, the bank is working to resolve the problem, but she will continue to follow it and ensure it is adequately resolved. 20. Sales Tax Revenues are lagging behind FY 95 budget estimates. As noted in the attached memo from Lou Ann Heath, sales tax collections for the four month period of October 1994 through January 1995 are less than expected. The reasons for this shortfall are not entirely clear. Should we assume a straight-line projection for the year, it seems we would be considerably short for the year; however, this may not be an entirely valid assumption. As Lou Ann notes, sales tax receipts from last January and February included one-time (we payments totaling $23,900 which will not be repeated this year. We were not aware of this at the time the projections were made for this year. There may or may not be any more such payments this year, making straight-line prediction questionable. Lou Ann will continue to monitor the trend and attempt to obtain more information from the state that will help her in her analysis. On a related note, residential sales data and permits/fees are on target compared to the FY 95 budgeted amounts, even though the number of permits issued is down. Attached you will also find a summary of residential sales data ending December 1994. As you will notice, sales in 1994 had increased 14.1% over 1993. 21. Tree Marking on Johnson Road - On Tuesday, February 14, Dick Johnston, SPIN #16 representative, and Greg Last, Director of Community Development, marked trees in the right-of-way on Johnson Road. At Mr. Johnston's request, they marked trees that would potentially be removed in the event Johnson Road is widened. Lye At the SPIN #16 neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, February 15, Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, answered resident's questions regarding Johnson Road. He Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Lor Page 11 told the residents that there are no plans to widen Johnson Road, nor was it included in the road bond issue, but that rebuilding one local road is usually included in the annual budget every year. Should Johnson Road be chosen for FY 96, it would still be approximately another year before it was begun. The reaction from residents was generally favorable. Although not happy about the loss of the trees should the road be widened, they understand the necessity of it and conveyed their desire to do something with Johnson Road, even if it meant the loss of some trees. Since we have no near-term plans to widen Johnson Road, Public Works will remove the streamers next week. Dick Johnston has indicated he may circulate a letter in his neighborhood to gain support from residents and present their desires to Council at budget time. very The State Prohibition on Outdoor Burninghas us in a put difficult situation concerning brush and limb disposal. Because of the numerous large-acre tracts in Southlake, many of our citizens have been piling up brush and limb cuttings from their trees, creating a need to find some way to dispose of it. I have some deep concerns that we are not adequately addressing the needs of our citizens in this regard. On the one hand, we require residents to maintain their property and dispose of large brush piles, but we also prohibit them from burning the piles. We have no other means of disposal in place, such as a mulching/chipping program, or any type of brush collection program. (Laidlaw will only pick up limbs if they are cut into 4' bundles and weigh less than 50 pounds, which in many cases, is impractical.) We have had 14 fire calls since January 1, 1995 which were classified as "grass, brush, and controlled burn." This indicates to me the extent of the problem. Lipe In reviewing the Texas Air Control Board regulations on outdoor burning, we believe it is possible to obtain permission to burn in certain controlled situations. I have requested Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 12 the attorneys to review the regulations to see if they concur. Staff is also discussing a possible brush collection program with Laidlaw. 23. The Citizen Satisfaction Survey, originally scheduled to begin the week of January 9, has been delayed due to difficulty in obtaining telephone numbers of residents. Telephone numbers from GTE were received yesterday by the consultant, and the survey should begin Tuesday, February 21. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager. 24. The Corridor Advisory Committee will hold a community public meeting on Monday, February 20, 7:00 - 9:30 p.m., at Carroll High School Cafeteria. The meeting will focus on the concepts, development regulations and urban design elements proposed for (iimpe each corridor. Public comments will be solicited for future reference. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or Greg Last. 25. Joint City Council / SPIN Meeting will be held at the Solana Education Center on Thursday, February 23, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. We plan to allow each SPIN representative a few minutes to report on their neighborhood. After each report, council members will have a few minutes to respond or ask questions of that representative. Brad Bradley will again moderate and will ensure the meeting ends at 8:30! 26. Public Works Construction Update: South Peytonville Avenue - The County needs to complete three driveways. Paving of the road has been completed. Peytonville/Southridge Lakes - We are trying to get the contractor back to complete some repair work. Carroll Road - Base course has been completed, driveways and intersections still remain to be done. Estimate three weeks to completion. Kimball extension - Grading has been completed. The contractor is expected to begin steel work on Monday, February 20, and complete the project by mid-March. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 Page 13 Dove Road - Final plans are due the week of February 20. White Chapel - Bids were opened on February 15 and are being tabulated. N-4 (Wal-Mart) Sewer Line - Work is proceeding on all lines with an expected completion by March 10. Kimball Traffic Signals - work is proceeding. Water Line to Shady Oaks School Site - Preconstruction has been held and contractor plans on moving in the week of February 20. Summerplace Lane - The contractor is waiting on the weather to replace the broken section of curb and replace the driveway section that has settled. 27. Food Lion Update - David McMahan met yesterday with Lou Ann Heath and Ito discuss the financial terms he is proposing for the old Food Lion store. A copy of the proposed terms has been sent to our financial advisor for review. We will brief you on the details in executive session Tuesday night. 28. TMRS Update concerning Channel 4 Report - Attached is a copy of a letter from the executive director of TMRS concerning the recent Channel 4 report on Sherman, Texas and their participation in TMRS. As Lou Ann Heath discussed at the last Council meeting, there were several misrepresentations made by Channel 4 in their report. The letter from TMRS points out the errors as well as clarifies some of the misconceptions portrayed in the news report. If you have any further questions concerning our participation in TMRS or about the TMRS letter, please call me or Lou Ann Heath. 29. A SYAC Field Trip to Austin is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22. This will be a one-day trip to further the education of youth on the legislative process, specifically juvenile related bills. The SYAC members were extremely enthusiastic about the trip and I feel this will provide a positive boost to their sense of purpose. SYAC is currently reviewing some of the proposed legislation that pertains specifically to youth (e.g., county-wide teen curfew), and will be making a presentation to City Council some time in the future. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest February 17, 1995 (kir, Page 14 30. FYI, a Directors' Get Away is planned for Friday, February 24 at Bicentennial Park from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a brainstorming session on various planning issues, away from the ringing telephones and other distractions. We will of course be available for emergencies. 31. Trip to Austin Sunday, February 19. Mayor Fickes, Councilmembers Franks and Richarme, and I will be in Austin Sunday evening through Monday afternoon to visit with our elected representatives and others we discussed last week. We will be back in town in time for the Corridor Study meeting. 32. FYI. We thought you would be interested in today's Dave Lieber column in the Star- Telegram. (hir 33. Mayor Fickes asked me to disseminate to you the City Manager Evaluation Form. If you have any questions concerning this, please contact Mayor Fickes. CEH C:\WP51\CEH&CC\95-02-21.MTG/kb L r, ! LAND USE & RELATED ACTIVITIES § 211.0035 ;,, TITLE 7. REGULATION OF LAND USE, eludes the amendment, repea l, or other change of a II ,, regulation or boundary. STRUM LATED ACTIVITIES ES, BUSINESSES, AND Acts 1987,70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. SUBTITLE A. MUNICIPAL REGULATORY § 211.003. Zoning Regulations Generally AUTHORITY I , The governing body of a municipality may regu- i, (a) late: I CHAPTER 211. MUNICIPAL (1) the height, number of stories, and size of ZONING AUTHORITY buildings and other structures; (2) the percentage of a lot that may be occupied; , SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL (3) the size of yards, courts, and other open 11 ZONING REGULATIONS Includes spaces; � SectionI, 211.001. Purpose. (4) population density; and j 211.002. Adoption of Regulation or Boundary (5) the location and use of buildings, other strut Amendment or Other Change. tares, and land for business, industrial, residential, 1 211.003. Zoning Regulations Generally. or other purposes. 211.0035. Zoning Regulations and District Boundaries AP (b) In the case of designated places and areas of plicable to Pawnshops. or architectural importance and 211.004. Compliance With Comprehensive Plan. i historical, cultural,211.006. Prs� significance,the governing body of a municipality may 211.006. Procedures Governing Boundaries. of Zoning Regu- regulate the construction, reconstruction, alteration, lotions and iss on. Boundaries• or razing of buildings and other structures. 211.007. Zoning Commission. 211.0075. Compliance With Open Meetings Law. (c) The governing body of a home rule municipality 211.008. AuthorityBoard Adjustment.Boar . may also regulate the bulk of buildings. 211.009.1 peal of Board. 211.010. Appeal to Board. Acts 1987,70th Leg.,ch. 149, § 1,eff. Sept. 1, 1987. L221111..01011.2. Judicial ReviEnforcement;ewPen alt of Boy;ard Decision.Remedies. § 211.0035. Zoning Regulations and District 211.013. Conflict With Other Laws; Exceptions. 211.014. Panel of Board of Adjustment. Boundaries Applicable to Pawn- shops 211.015. Zoning Referendum in Home-Rule Municipality. has the meaning E [Sections 211.016 to 211.020 reserved for expansion] (a) In this section, "pawnshop" SUBCHAPTER B. ADDITIONAL ZONING REG- assigned by Section 2, Texas Pawnshop Act (Article ULATIONS IN MUNICIPALITY WITH POP- 5069-51.02, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). ULATION OF MORE THAN 290,000 (b) For the purposes of zoning regulation and de- _nation of zoning the govern de- 211.021. Additional Zoning Regulations. te ng body of a municipality shall designate pawnshops it SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL that have Consumer Credit licensedn to ssioner transact business the by the Texas ZONING REGULATIONS Vernon's " PawnshopAct (Article 5069-51.01 et seq., i Texas Civil Statutes) as a permitted use in one or II • § 211.001. Purpose � more zoning classifications. The powers granted under this subchapter are for (c) The governing body of a municipality may not the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare of and historical, protecting cultural,pre-r quirement similarse a specific use n effect permit toea specific use permit re- serving places and areas 'E importance and significance. requirement on a pawnshop that has been licensed to • architectural transact business by the Consumer Credit Commis- Acts 1987,70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. sinner under the Texas Pawnshop Act (Article • § 211.002. Adoption of Regulation or Boundary 5069-51.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). f , Includes Amendment or Other Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 687, § 18, eff. Sept. 1, Change 1991.Section 22 of the 1991 Act provides: A reference in this subchapter to the adoption of a "A pawnshop legally operating ina municipality as a permitted usezoning regulation or a zoning district boundary in- or as a nonconforming use on March 1,1989,is entitled to relocate to 303 111/4 ill "' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE City Council Retreat June 23 & 24, 1994 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Issue Southlake 2010 -- Community Visioning `, Background The organization of SPIN and staff development activities, i.e., the Director's Retreat resulted in much discussion about planning for the future of Southlake. Staff is concerned about the internal organization and efforts are being made to meet the objectives of our Mission Statement. In addition to setting organizational goals, the rapid growth of the community mandates that a strategic plan be put into place to address the issues and concerns of citi7Pns. This issue was discussed by the Council during the City Manager's annual performance review. Discussion -. Staff has proposed a comprehensive approach to developing a strategic plan. This approach will involve the City Council, all boards and commissions, Neighborhood Councils, and staff, with much of the work will be accomplished through the SPIN structure. It is hoped that the process can begin immediately with a TEAM FOCUS (electronic brainstorming) exercise for the SPIN rStanding Committee. Development of a quality of life survey will be the next step in the process. It is hoped that the survey can be conducted during September of this year. 6 Once the results of the survey are compiled, the process of developing the strategic plan will begin. This will be a somewhat cumbersome undertaking, and will require several months to complete. Once the document is finalized, the results will be used to develop next year's budget. To ensure that the survey and resulting plan are "unbiased", staff proposes the use of the University of North Texas as a consultant on the survey project. UNT offers this service through the International City/County Management Association. It would also be appropriate to secure technical assistance with the planning portion of the project, given the data which will be accumulated during the process. 111 See the attachment for a schedule of project activities. i , Budget Impact 041110 The budgetary impact of this project will be the costs of procuring the services of the consultants, the cost of conducting TEAM FOCUS, and the costs of postage, printing and staff time to coordinate the process. Ilk 27 r PLANNING FOR SOUTHLAX E'S FUTURE BEGINS Mission Statement/Citizen Satisfaction Survey to Guide Process • ,- A rapidly growing and dynamic city requires constant updates to the planning process to ensure that tomorrow's challenges are anticipated and addressed as they are presented. Recognizing that Southlake is changing significantly, the City Council has encouraged staff to intensify its organizational and strategic planning efforts. • Two Tier Approach -,The Council has expressed interest in looking at two interrelated, yet • separate areas of planning: maximizing the effectiveness of the internal organization, and creating a mechanism for "community visioning." The first will include an evaluation of internal processes as they relate to achieving the objectives articulated in Southlake City ' employee's Mission Statement. The second will involve developing a quality of life vision for Southlake in the Year 2010. Internal Challenges - The City's top managers participated in a one and one-half day work session on March 25 &26 to tackle issues facing the organization. Using the Mission Statement . as a basis for developing specific, measurable objectives, they prioritized activities designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of City staff. The importance of the March session is that it marked the beginning of the comprehensive planning process for the municipal organization. 11: Community Vision - In addition to setting organizational goals, the Council has expressed an 111 interest in implementing a strategic planning process for the community, working primarily ( through SPIN. 0 The Council has conceptually approved an approach which will take approximately one year to complete. It is hoped the results of the planning effort will be presented at the 1995 mid-year review. The proposed timetable includes: - 111 5/17/94 Council Appoints SPIN Standing Committee 7/94 TEAM Focus (Electronic Brainstorming) w/SPIN • 8/94 Design Citizen Quality of Life Survey (Staff/SPIN/Appointed Boards & Conunissions/Council) 9/94 Conduct Survey 10/94-2/95 Develop Strategic Plan (Staff/SPIN/Appointed Boards & Commissions/Council) 2/95 Present Southlake 2010 to Neighborhoods 1995 Annual SPIN Meeting 4/95 Present Southlake 2010 to City Council ilia. Budget Process Begins More information about the planning process will be forthcoming as the process evolves. In the meantime, questions should be directed to Shana Rice at 481-5581 ext. 705. . 02-08-1995 01:40PM FROM TO 918174886796 P.02 d-py? ,..5K V DeSantis and Glass 1906 Azalea Street Denton, TX 76205 • • ; February 8, 1995 Mr. Curtis Hawk ' City Manager City of Southiake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Curtis: We have developed a proposal for a visioning and strategic planning process that, • involves city council members, city staff; and citizen representatives based on our previous: discussion with you. Since we did not have an opportunity to discuss your current thinking with you, the proposal might need some modification. What we have proposed is a broad-' based visioning/planning model that it brings internal and external stakeholders actively into the process. The proposed approach is open to negotiation. If you have any questions, please give us a call. L Sin 1 ; . • / f r ictor S. eS ass ofr L . • 02-08-1995 01:40PM FROM TO 918174886796 P.03 PROPOSAL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • VISIONING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS ,SECTION I,.INTRODUCTION A. SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED APPROACH The City of Southlake is interested in developing a comprehensive strategic plan to ensure that the community, elected officials, and city staff are heading into the future with a shared vision. The consultants propose to provide the city with a strategic • planning process and facilitate the implementation of the process. The consultant also proposes to perform all tasks related to the input and analysis of the strategic planning process and develop a final report for city staff. B. PURPOSE This project will serve a variety of purposes for Southiake. First, the project will obtain information from a broad cross-section of participants related to the city's future directions. Documenting and understanding individual visions will result in the creation of a shared vision for the city. The process for creating this shared vision is important in fostering ownership among all participants in the planning process. Second, the strategic planning process will allow city leaders and city staff to make more informed decisions when setting budgetary priorities and deciding among program alternatives. Third, by learning how to think strategically, the entire community learns to act more proactively in the complex and fluid environment. Finally, the process will result in more effective management of city departments. Participants from each department will be empowered to develop their own missions and objective criteria for evaluation of their programs. C. OBJECTIVES To satisfy the purposes of this project, the following major objectives will be accomplished: 1. Design a strategic planning process that includes the community, elected leaders, top level management staff, and all department staff. 2. Implement the planning process through a series of planning sessions facilitated by the project team. 3. Analyze the information gathered during the planning sessions. • 4. Prepare and submit a final report based in input from city. L . 02-08-1995 01:41PM FROM TO 918174886796 P.04 SECTION IVE WK PLAN • Task.1: Work session with city management team. This task will involve a one-day work session with key city staff. The work session will include the identification of organization values and belief systems, review of city mission statement, performing an organizational SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), analysis of the organize- tions stakeholders and their expectations, and the development of broad organizational goals. • Task 2: Work session with City Council. This task will involve a work session with the City Council. The work session will include the • identification of organization values and belief systems, review of'city mission statement, performing an organizational SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), analysis of the organizations stakeholders and their expectations, and the development of broad organizational goals. Task 3: Planning with individual city departments. This task will involve a series of individual planning sessions with each city department. These groups constitute the internal customers that must develop a sense of ownership in the shared vision. Each planning session will include the identification of department values and belief systems, development of an agency mission, identification of key result areas, and creation of success measures and success timeframcs, as well as perceived impedi- ments to department success. Task 4: Meeting with the Strategic Planning Task Force. This task will involve meeting with the Strategic Planning Task Force_ This groups represents the external customers of the city organization. Identifica- tion of future issues and directions for the city will be discussed, as well as perceived barriers to city goals and objectives. Task 5: Reconciliation with city management team. This task will involve a work session with key city staff. The purpose of this follow-up work session is to evaluate and adjust broad organizational goals and objec- tives created during Task 1 based on the input of both the internal and external customers (Tasks 2-4). The integrated top-down and bottom- up planning approach will serve to foster the shared vision of the future and encourage all levels of the organization and community to appreci- ate their ownership in the process. Task 6: Data Analysis and Reporting. This task will involve analysis of audio tapes and meeting notes and drafting a final report for the city staff. The report will summarize the planning information gathered during the first five phases of the process. The draft report will be revised based L • W4- i-1yy5 b1:4.11-TI I-KUM IU 7101f,4000(70 r.u.) i Lon input from city staff. SECTION III. CREDENTIALS Dr. Victor S. DeSantis: Dr. DeSantis has been Involved in public and nonprofit sector consulting for almost 10 years. He has conducted numerous applied research projects for federal and local agencies, including internal and external customer . surveys, needs assessments, and development feasibility studies. During the last two . years, he has also been involved in designing strategic planning programs for non ' profit sector agencies and conducting training workshops for agency professionals. Prior to coming to the University of North Texas, he served as the Manager of Statistical Analysis and Director of Survey Design at the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) in Washington, DC. Dr. James J. Glass: Dr. Glass has been involved in municipal management consult- . ing in Texas for more than 20 years. He has conducted numerous internal and external customer surveys designed to provide a framework for planning and decision making. He recently completed a monograph for the International City/County Management Association on community visioning and strategic planning. SECTION N. PROJECT COSTS Tasks 1-5 $7,000 Task 6 3,000 Total $10,000 • • • • • • • TOTAL P.05 • Curtis E. Hawk L, First National Bank-Grapevine and 1982 G.O. Bonds February 15, 1995 Page 2 Jim Sabonis with First Southwest Company and Ed Esquivel, bond counsel with Fulbright and Jaworski, were contacted once the error was determined. Mr. Sabonis spoke with Judy Massey, Vice-President with First National Bank, and me via conference call. She indicated that the City was responsible for reconciling these payments, and the Bank's responsibility was to pay items presented (similar to a normal bank account). Mr. Sabonis pointed out that First National Bank-Grapevine serves as paying agent on these bonds and there is a greater responsibility associated with this. Ms. Massey requested copies of the bonds/coupons and the statements. I made copies of the statements which were picked up by the Bank. Mr. Sabonis researched the 1990 bond refunding documents and found a Notice of Redemption dated March 7, 1990 and signed by the City and the Bank. This notice states that on February 1, 1994, bonds 39 through 80 totaling $210,000 plus accrued interest through that date will mature, and interest will cease to bear after this redemption date. Mr. Sabonis faxed this notice to the Bank and the City. You contacted the Bank president, Mr. Cochran, on Monday, February 13, and related the situation to him. He indicated that he was unaware of the problem, but that it sounded as though the Bank had made an error. Also on February 13, Judy Massey with the Bank left a voice mail message with me stating that the Bank had made an error and the problem would be taken care of. Still in question is resolution of the exact amount that the Bank has overpaid. Ms. Massey indicated that the Bank has contacted all persons that they had overpaid. It appears that the Bank will be able to recover most, if not all, of the amounts paid in error from the persons overpaid. The Bank will be doing a reconciliation of the account to make sure there are no bonds that are still outstanding that have not been presented. My records indicate that bonds 39-80 are the final series, and no bonds mature beyond these. I will continue to work with the Bank to make sure all funds are restored. If you have further questions, please let me know. L City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Aim Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Sales Tax Sales tax for the fiscal year 1994-95 is down from budgeted estimates. For the year a total of $304,979 has been collected, which is 6.7% down from the prior year based on the 1% collections. The FY1994-95 budget calls for an increase of 20% on the base collections, and $195,000 was added on top of that for Walmart and the Albertsons shopping center. Excluding • any revenues generated from the two new shopping centers, total sales tax collected to date should be at least $90,000 more. Generally there is a two month lag in collections. For example, collections from December would be reported to the City in February. I contacted the Comptroller's office last month to determine why our receipts are down. They Cr* indicated that last January and February included one time payments, $7,900 and $16,000, respectively, which are not repeated this year. The State, because of confidentiality laws, will not divulge vendor names or the circumstances surrounding one time adjustments, making it difficult to do any kind of analysis. We can verify that vendors are reporting sales information for Southlake, which is done by this office on a periodic basis. I am also requesting quarterly sales tax information by major industry which will assist in determining trends. This quarterly information usually runs at least 6 months behind current collections, prohibiting any timely analysis. LAH Average Sale $$/City (weity # Closed $ Volume Average Bedford 528 58,799,867 111, 363 Colleyville 359 91,924,619 256, 057 Euless 387 30,345,584 78,412 Grapevine 586 78,828,868 134, 520 Hurst 332 30,778,237 92,706 Keller 366 50,091,299 136, 861 N. Richland Hills 550 51,033, 611 92, 788 Southlake 299 80,177,806 268, 153 1994 Through December Sales Comparison By City 1993 1994 Pct 1993 1994 Pct City Sales Sales Chng Average Average Chng Bedford 633 528 -16. 6% 109,347 111,363 1 .8% Colleyville 398 359 -9 .8% 240, 667 256,057 6. 4% Euless 347 387 11 .5% 78,579 78, 412 -0. 2% Urapevine 642 586 -8. 7% 132, 680 134,520 1 . 40 urst 350 332 -5 . 1% 97,726 92,706 -5 . 1% Keller 400 366 -8. 5% 134, 150 136,861 2 .0% N. Richland Hills 627 550 -12 .3% 93,049 92, 788 -0.3% SOuthiake 262 299 14.1% 243,065 268, 153 10.3% .floI umws ar 4 re s% Jesn-k-% -a- 1 �s t5 a S s ' S d�a e AA z..\- or 11at4 �or4 w c14•es Shon . 4.-- BOARD OF TRUSTEES: fig►'."e''oi..y STAFF: Stephen McCullough, +y /� Gary W.Anderson, .0'1 City Manager,Irving + Executive Director 01"�*"'� Pamela Carter, 'a Sarr, City Manager,Hurst Comptroller Valencia, Gary Craig, Sr.Officer,Police Dept.,Corpus ChristiTm Rs Investment Officer Andres Vega,Jr., Eric W.Davis, City Manager,Brownsville Membership Development Officer Charles Wilson, Shirley Watts, Training Officer,Fire Dept.,Waco Member Benefits Manager Texas Municipal Retirement System • P.O.Box 149153 Austin,Texas 78714-9153 (512)476-7577 MEMORANDUM TO: PARTICIPANTS IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM FROM: GARY W. ANDERSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 1995 KDFW-TV, Channel 4 in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area, has recently run a two-part "Eye Team Investigation" report on benefits payable to this System and the cost of those benefits to the taxpayers of its participating cities. The report, entitled "Pension Paradise," was run as part of that station's evening LInews. The System has been contacted by a number of people, concerned about the impression that the "investigative report" creates about the System. The first segment of the report focused primarily on the City of Sherman, Texas, which the reporter said has the "Rolls-Royce" of pension plans. The reporter stated that a firefighter retiring at age 65 in that city could have a pension as high as $14,000 per month; a police officer a pension as high as $17,000 per month; and a dog catcher a pension as high as $10,000 per month. City Contributions Although many participating municipalities have seen an increase in their contribution rates recently, the report exaggerates the effect of those increases. For that matter (although the report did not mention it), some participating cities have had a decrease in their contribution rates instead of an increase. However, the rates in some cities have increased. Obviously, those of us at TMRS regret those increases; they primarily have been a result of two factors: less employee turnover and a decrease in the assumed rate of investment income. When interest rates dropped a few years ago (a fact appreciated by the many people who refinanced the mortgages on their homes at lower interest rates), the rate of earnings that the System receives dropped slightly. However, TMRS is still earning a very good rate of return on its investments, and the adjustment in the assumed earning rates only lowered the rate one-half of one percent. C Providing retirement security for municipal employees since 1948. r s ci Page 2. The other factor was turnover. More people today remain in their jobs with participating cities than in the past. That means that more people are likely to stay in covered employment until they retire, rather than quitting and taking a refund of their accumulated deposits; in turn, that means that many participating cities will have to pay a retirement benefit to more people than has been the case in the earlier decades of the System's existence. Necessarily, that increases cost to the city, since the city contributes part of the money that is used to fund each retiree's annuity. The Channel 4 report stated that the City of Sherman got an unexpected $3 million bill for increased contributions this year. We at TMRS do not know how the reporter arrived at that figure. Although Sherman's contribution rate did increase, that increase should cost the city slightly over $125,000 in 1995. That is about one-thirtieth of what the reporter indicated. The reporter said that municipal participation in the System could drive a city "into the red"with increases such as that. However, the increase in the contribution rate paid by the City of Sherman was 1.23 percent of payroll - • slightly over one penny of every dollar paid to the city's employees. We hate to see any increase, but doubt that a one percent of salary increase is going to bankrupt any participating city. Benefits The Channel 4 report grossly exaggerated pension benefits. In 1994, the retiree drawing the highest co, benefit paid by TMRS as a result of service with the City of Sherman received an annuity of slightly over $3,300 per month; the average benefit paid to retired employees of that city was slightly over $700 per month. Where, then, did Channel 4 get the figures that it used? As you are aware, TMRS estimates the retirement annuity that might be paid to participating employees if they work until various ages — ages 50 to 65. Those estimates assume that employees will receive pay raises over the remaining years of their employment; those estimates assume that the money deposited with the System both by the employees and by the participating cities will earn interest over the years prior to a person's retirement; and, for a relatively young person, those estimates assume that the person is going to remain employed by the city for many years. In other words, if you take as an example a 25 year old employee earning $2,000 per month, and assume that this person's salary is going to increase at a rate of five percent (cumulative) per year for the next 40 years, then at age 65 that person would be earning slightly over $14,000 per month. Maybe that is an unlikely scenario, but that is what the person's salary would be if they worked that long and had that annual salary increase rate. That actually would not represent a significant increase in the person's earning capacity, taking into account that inflation historically has averaged around three percent per year. When TMRS calculates a projected retirement benefit based upon long years of future service, though, it must take some such salary increase into account. There is going to be inflation and most people will receive annual salary increases, whether in the form of merit increases or cost of living adjustments. If the purpose of a retirement system is to provide income replacement, and the TMRS benefit were to equal 80% of final compensation, the monthly benefit paid to this person at retirement 40 years from now would or have to be more than $12,000 per month. • Page 3. co, That sounds like a lot of money in today's dollars, but inflation would decrease that benefit's earning power substantially. The other thing that the report did not take into account is the fact that a substantial part of the benefit that the person receives is based on the person's required individual contributions that are deducted each month from the person's compensation and deposited with TMRS, where it earns interest each year. Where the Channel 4 report indicated that TMRS benefits are a "Pension Paradise" at taxpayer expense, the public was not told that a major portion of any retirement benefit paid by this System is based upon the employee's own deposits to the System. Let's look at one actual example. Channel 4 reported that a dog catcher in Sherman might receive a retirement annuity of almost $10,000 per month at age 65. One person in the study TMRS did for Sherman in fact was a dog catcher. At the time of the study, he was 28 years old; to estimate what his retirement benefit might be at age 65 requires several assumptions. First, that he would work for the City as.a dog catcher for the next 37 years; second, that his wages would increase uniformly during that 37 year period; third, that the System would earn and pay 8% interest on individual and municipal accounts during that 37 years. At the end of that period, his individual account would total$422,308 (contributions and interest). He would have a remaining life expectancy of 16.71 years over which this benefit would be paid. Taking into account the city's matching contribution, TMRS would expect to pay him $9,810.20 per month during the remaining 201 months of his projected lifetime. One-tenth of that would be his own contributions, one-fifth of it the city's contributions, and the rest is money that the System would be Cri assumed to earn for those accounts at 8% interest. Again, however, this is based on a lot of assumptions that the city asked TMRS to use — one of those assumptions being that this person would remain the city's dog catcher for the next 37 years! Conclusion Finally, the report gave the impression that TMRS might be headed for a bleak future — that maybe, despite taxpayer expense, the money might not be there to pay retirement benefits in the future without some sort of "bailout" such as was used to ease the savings and loan crisis. That simply is not true. TMRS is well funded. The data published each year in the System's comprehensive annual financial report (which report is furnished to participating cities and their employees) proves the truth of that statement. Most of the money that TMRS receives each year today does not come from money paid in that year by municipalities and employee-members, but rather from investment income. Earnings on money that has been deposited at TAMS in the past and today is being used — and will be used in the future—to pay benefits to the members. We hope that this letter helps to clear up the confusion that the "Eye Team Investigation" report has caused. We have a good system and think that the municipal employees around the state deserve to have a good retirement system. C • _ 21 g O • .Dave Lieber0 NORTHEAST BEAT 1. 1111.11t„, # r m No one askea cp rim* ut did you i notice . . • ? - a g (ipt) NI 0 Nobody asked me,but the rain o splattering on my neighbor's down y i spout sounds like wedding bells to 4 m me. �°o Nobody asked me,but building x -a3 100 million auto speedway' y several miles from the vital. xi a ozone-measuring station near 1 40000,, *I ;ellerwon'thelpourbattleto , el m .. 'meet federal air-pollution vno, rquirements. _� . .I p '•Nobody asked me,but •3 •Sputhlake's decision to join the [ :Northeast Street Crimes Unit I :Sr ws great foresight about ;� aicipated teen problems.Other c ies,take note. ' •• m . .North Richland Hills 3,0 icials consider the city-owned •I" n Horse Golf Course a success. m in four years,the public course a1411 hfs run up a$1.1 million deficit. "8 tilimiL. Spunds like a double bogey to me. € d, ..Anyone trying to teach a 4 c ild how to confess to (More on LIEBER on Page 22) i IMilt g E. i L City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM (60 February 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: First National Bank-Grapevine and 1982 G.O. Bonds The 1982 bonds are bearer bonds, meaning that actual bonds and coupons are presented to the paying agent for payment. Interest coupons are affixed to the front of the bonds, with each coupon containing an interest date and amount. These coupons are "clipped" from the rest of the coupons and presented for payment. On February 6, 1995, Carol Robinson of First National Bank-Grapevine called me and stated that there were five $5,000 ($25,000) 1982 bonds that had been presented for payment, but there was no money in the account to pay them. These bonds were presented by BankOne- Dallas safekeeping, with Yolanda Reed as the contact person. The 1982 bonds had been partially refunded in 1990, and Frost National Bank (Austin) serves as the escrow agent on the portion of these bonds that had been refunded. The City of Southlake still had a portion of the bonds outstanding that were not called (refunded). The City was still required to deposit funds for the annual portion of debt service. For February 1994, the amount deposited by the City of Southlake was $56,788. I called Gale Gagnon at Frost National Bank and she stated that bonds 39-80 had been called (in the 1990 refunding) for maturity on 2/1/94. Frost National Bank had sent a wire on 2/1/94 to First National Bank-Grapevine for $224,065 for bonds 39- 80 plus accrued interest to 2/1/94. First National Bank-Grapevine therefore had all funds required to pay for bonds and interest due 2/1/94. I pulled the bank statement from First National Bank-Grapevine for December 1993 through September 1994. Paid bonds and coupons are sent to Southlake after they are paid by First National Bank-Grapevine. I scheduled the amounts paid during this period and determined that interest payments had been made in error. Several bonds that had been called (refunded) still had attached all of the interest coupons, with some of these dated to 2/1/97. First National Bank-Grapevine paid some of these future interest coupons. According to my schedule, $38,693.75 was overpaid, which would cover the $25,000 that has been presented for payment. Coincidentally, NationsBank on 3/10/94 discovered that too much had been paid to them; they returned $3,350 to First National Bank-Grapevine which was deposited back into our account. City of Southlake,Texas JOINT SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, February 23, 1995 Location: Solana Education Center Room 200 Marriott Solana Complex Westlake, Texas Time: 6:30 p.m. - Informal Reception 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting Agenda: 6:45 p.m. 1. Call to Order Brad Bradley 6:50 p.m. 2. Neighborhood Council Progress SPIN Reps (16 @ 3 mins.) 7:40 p.m. 3. Council Response Council Members (approx. 6 @ 3 mins.) (b., 7:55 p.m. 4. Discussion Topics •Charter Election Impact J. Farrier (10 mins.) •Update on Road Projects Staff (10 mins.) •Neighborhood Public Works Projects R. Maness (5 mins.) 8:20 p.m. Public Input (10 mins.) Adjournment I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas on Friday, February 17, 1995 at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Grw t Code. City Secretary /,� x y r If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disabi that fires spec needs443Iease advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704,and reasonable accommodations will be made [yp f c:l wpfi les I SPINUgenda02.23 MONTHLY ADMINISTRATIVE CALENDARS Lowe AND DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS January 1995 Administration 4-A Building 4-B Community Development 4-C Complaints 4-D Municipal Court 4-E Park 4-F Public Safety 4-G Cr' Public Works 4-H Street/Drainage 4-I Utility 4-J Finance 4-K L t a b CA aU a) I, d c �, (hoeb p5 a) A ° 0 .d o a :� O o0 i a �,.o 0 0 w3 ° b ' a) 23 4. a >!kfl .0 g o • o w o c cu b ° ;, 3 o cam) 0 0 c. I. ro b o — a bo ., a) P. bA •+ . 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O, O U 0 en � A '_' ., a in 4O ~o 44 0 °° ts- CAti Cl) 63 CA 0 0 0 at w 0 w inw w WZ .4 oCij o o <4 eno C9 Loil 0.7 o w � A P wg, 1r ti d 0a 4El3 C 4 35y?,. Qx C� b4 Ii o (1.10e , N ,,l4 U .� kn crN0 O d,0 c o O O N 4i.' 'C qf CU liri o p • N o aU N .5 a4 ' o .n ,., o, A v� v 3 c a �, z E OA :441tt,,,6'1: :: :. ; 1:44 :1) !Ig,1) :C-C d oo O I a = C l'ilt8 5 z > N d ..g"Cle'S z b r~ •o i bI a o �`,. .0 d 1! Ua w A £ C) C) In in o o c) c) o o An rn Uz OU 61 ‘07,:t; r, O o *� :S 0 3 �z b • a) b au I U � t Q «S pi v� ., f O � O .1 Q U a� O Q '', :y 'b 'b p bbi0 U :b 0 Oa N ¢+ U 0 a W. O p U O °O O cc4 i0 c9 N b a 6 t co , N .oU p 41� cn h p pa". a '+ ..1 iod i A °',, o 2 U ao ~ � Q 94O O w e G 'b N 45) 0a ' a) 'b p 'c� • o cri a, co ii a.)iL 0,, 1%, .g, . 4., 33 � o� b v, A a ap Ix . as a w o U a U AU aa 4 N M 0.0 Ori N i .--, 4 'n 00 o O .-. N C L cgs 03 b \ 1-4 a) cu ..b c„i cd Q 03 A a - 'b '� 5a) (I) - C .. �, N c o o 0 0 >, o > E� cd a ,v � b >, .s . U 0 a ate) �, U 2 — a) a) 0 - Ey i b o `" .� o, w v E( dg d w E-+ PIA 1:4 A Wa A o O O O o O O U Q L W E. Z A x rn On CT ON On rn CT CT E� E--� O dZ O U N 0 a al vs o a� .. ' as r 0 1.1 > a al a) as .� ci nzi fa, : ao aA <A 0 o No a) 0 oU o O O O O vi o (4 ai 0 vi vD vD �. 8 A — a) cts to a 0 L 0 es CZ a) O a a a: d a N a I-I a w a a N M �O N •--, (Ni 4 •--, 1--4 •--- •--I •-i •--1 N N CU 4-1- C-n City of Southlake,Texas COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE REVENUE REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 31 JANUARY 1995 ZONING $ 2,884.94 NO. OF CASES (6) PLATTING 12,641.82 NO. OF CASES (10) SPECIFIC USE PERMITS 0.00 NO. OF CASES (0) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 400.00 NO. OF CASES (2) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 363.00 NO. OF CASES (36) TOTAL REVENUE $ 16,289.76 TOTAL NO. OF RECEIPTS (55) C:\WPF\REPORTS\REVNU-95.01 4C-3 MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1995 (kime TRAFFIC NON TRAFFIC Non State City Parking Parking Law Ordinance Total 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 903 3 77 6 989 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 0 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 176 1 25 1 203 C. Cases Dismissed 176 1 15 3 195 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 4 0 0 0 4 B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 0 0 0 C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 0 0 0 (kw, CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 68 0 0 0 68 B. After Deferred Adjudication 56 0 0 0 56 C. After Proof of Insurance 116 0 0 0 116 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 0 0 0 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 32 0 0 0 32 TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $22,445.50 STATE 12,952.00 TOTAL 35,397.50 (kw LI- E - ! (kw MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER/JANUARY 1994-95 COMPARISON DECEMBER JANUARY 1. NUMBER OF CASES FILED: 592 989 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR TO TRIAL: A. Deposit Forfeitures 0 0 B. Payments of Fine 191 203 C. Cases Dismissed 66 195 3. DISPOSITIONS AT TRIAL: A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty 2 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 4 4 B. Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty 0 0 (2) Finding of Not Guilty 0 0 Le C. Dismissed at Trial 0 0 4. CASES DISMISSED: A. After Defensive Driving 85 68 B. After Deferred Adjudication 141 56 C. After Proof of Insurance 34 116 5. CASES APPEALED 0 0 6. WARRANTS ISSUED 70 32 TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED: CITY $14,721.00 $22.445.50 STATE 8,721.00 12,952.00 TOTAL 23,442.00 35,397.50 L • fir :}.;r'yt:•• ;:1• /1 ,k Q .+� Q Q 41 6iiiw' ilit...:.-•:i•Ae ., (.4 .z, ...:,„p,..,-.....*:., v., .s 04 •-4- 0 A • ny w ig - % .- 14. ii. M • fl 8 oo a I' iflif " I ! JI i'.0...,:i,• :::s:,:-.: 4:4 n:, mii::,•$:<zi.:•• .5 ic, a, c ..g g . „, 0,4 t 4 .1:1 .4 - . ] pl. § v 'g « 'Fi i ° a a • ii Ii h• I II Ii!. Iiilhih; 2 v 8 t .• 8 v= 111k • az . o ' mmoN ‘11;14 -.4 ' i".;,.......;ii..i..:.;:.:..3........ E]:.::::::::::Kil g'l 6 If MP : ul 41 (4 Mill? tn ,i $ -> ON ON •Malt :I V ;xr.:ifr:• Iffr...,.....4- 1 :::::,:z:Eiwz ni:K:git A.4 = 1 (12., ''''...". ..... 15 . EMt O .� `� a I: :F I 0 • (j F F 2 --. 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A o s. 4i sa s-1 0 s-1 -H s-i -H 'd sa a >4 s-1 -H sa m rr) P al 0000 00M 00 00 00roa) 00 � 00P0 000 00 00 � OOP ! 00 -Ha UmX o o U Ur4 OE' OE-i 0 UU U C) E-1 UaH Uri rti A W El W a Ili CC clY3 o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o Q0 o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o O O 0 O O c) O 0) Ol O O O O O O O O O a al dl Ol N H H H H H Z a, W rn J } '--1 Uw , rzl Lcli haH M c a co CC J X 3 00 - a_ H Z Z Ln in rn �r inin in in rn in in in 0 e 0 rn rn rn Qw X 0 0 0 h cadrtS Ei � f� A r� h h h fa co E 1 •4+ _44 W a4 rn in .41 Ln a+ in al al in 4 rn rn rn rn rn rn 4J rn rn m EL a 0 > 0 0 U 0 a U 0 0 U) a) al 0 a) al a) al a) a) 01 01 U) h Z n h A h c') A h h to Cl) -H al Z 0 0 0 -H (Cl 0 d C o 0 a w fa El U O ro 0 H � 0 H EA E x a) o roa) 00 co -H a) w H i--C -H 4..) 0 4 0 0 U co a al rn i rt n1 al a) -H c) w -H -H -H o A 'Cl PE rn u) a al > m co co P w W Una 0 El0 . aa)) ) H Haa)) H 0 EA W a) 0 E -R U) a w E ) � P al u � -H a) 01 3 rd cn a) a) a) a) U L W Sa u) LaU] S i W S i Lb O b1 r-t H x a) � a) h a) a r+ cn comob) �+ o w a aU U rHCO o � E yro x � o � U a :~ E EO (Cl •rao x 0 o a) a a) s a) a) H U ra 0 0 sa a a r-1 a HU r240 KC xw rxp4 X El X U U3 cn r.40 m d' In l0 N 00 0) O H N frl in Ln Ll) U) U1 LO U1 (..0 ' ) l0 l0 l0 t .o bl U1 N 0 3 al (re I .r.{ N �l • if) • H rl U) 0 • 0 'd J-) 1--1 'd N W cdU) u) as tY) a) U al 0 1 (21 1 CO En H H - -I 4-) U) -r-I ..E 0rn 0 4 O 4•1 'd 41 0 g Ui a) 0 C1) .0 ro O O L2S E 1U.) .. -H r-I ... O LS -H al )I O r4 0 -H 0 4-) 0 -H al alma) cl )-Ia) 0cd0 • r-I4-) h ni > h rci -r1 .J -H >, r-1 U) -1-) -1-1 U) -r1 4-) 0 1J r-1 -H 'd u) O 'd cS r-I E IH 0 • a) U) • a, a, N • U1 O 4 4-1 0 S-1 )4 E U E U) --1 )-1 O 0 4a 0 -H cd 0 0 0 (1) -Ha) U > N U (1 0 O 'd U cd Mai A W Ea W aaa a o\c, o\0 o\0 0 0 0 ZCC o 0 0 Q ,,, U H H H CI rn Z w J O wc co M ‘iie)5-4; Q U_ CC J m •• 2 ZaZ 2 O R Lon, rn rn O 2 Di Q Ei H h h h Cl) a W El rn rn rn U) U > a-) a) 0 U Q z O ) a) a) ri Cl) -H -Hai • 0 O E1 H 0Z -H 0 E� > -H U 00 1 a a) a U? x 0 ail a aiO 0 Q > as O � a }-1 -HE. 'd ,� H a 0 w 0 E a >ai 0 m° w w Ix • • . a a, in lO N CO al 0 H N cn d' V) l0 r- w In ko to V) N N N N N N N N iL 9-k- h City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 09, 1995 TO: Robert Whitehead, Director of Public Works FROM: Brad Payton, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Street Department January, 1995. Description Dec Jan 1 . Tons of asphalt used a. Hot Mix Asphalt 16 55 c. Cold Mix Asphalt 100 125 d. Base Material 50 50 2 . Lane Miles of Road Repaired 100 100 3 . Number of Street Signs Repaired or Replaced (all types) 39 44 4 . Feet of Ditch Line Cleaned and shaped 900 1000 5 . Number of Vehicles Repaired 0 2 a. Gradall-hydraulic pump repaired b. Dump truck - brake problems 6 . Row mowed in miles of streets 0 0 7 . Man hours used flagging for County on S . Peytonville 38 38 BP/cbk L 4 - I UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH January, 1995 Dec Jan GALLONS PUMPED FROM WELLS 0 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 42,289,000 48,420,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 42,289, 000 48,420,000 WATER METERS SET 39 34 NEW WATER TAPS MADE 4 5 VALVES REPAIRED 13 6 VALVES TESTED 24 16 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED -0- -0- FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 9 3 FIRE HYDRANTS FLUSHED 59 62 DEAD END WATER MAINS FLUSHED 35 39 WATER MAINS REPAIRED 2 3 WATER METERS AND SERVICE LINE REPAIRED 2 4 LOCKED METER FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENT 2 2 PULLED METERS 3 30 METERS REPLACED 27 27 MISCELANEOUS WORK ORDERS 313 204 SEWER LIFT STATIONS CHECKED (4 L.S. ) 80 84 REQUIRED MONTHLY SEWAGE TESTS 10 16 SEWER PLANT MAINTENANCE (BANK & DOVE) 40 42 SEWER MANHOLES INSPECTED 9 10 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS 0 0 We spent 40 man hours reading water meters and 40 man hours adjusting valve boxes on South Peytonville for the County. WATER SUPERINTENDENT Le , / DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS .................................. .................................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. ........... ....:0::::....... ................. ................. ................. ................. .................. ................. ................ > MEW 6. � b U 't7 «+ 0 GA O 0 N a0.. }J_ N 0 " O 0 st ''° ray g .5 u .2. c ': a MEM o. g 0 w b 0 ¢ 3 0 a uU 0 m 0 ao . ob 17.1 - 0 t �? yy- as O ap w el `co - G O " w a amm 0 u y 3 P '" u 0 3 w ub u 3 0 0 y ' 0 C y as [4 Q Q y .5 U U a+0 C.) r4 U ee e e e g oo N .-4 — o o d ZZ fn, a o 0 0 o o0 0 oQ O .5 .5 U U U .0 Q W U U E- Ux z ' z p :>€:K ::;p0 rn N ClON ON on ch 0 .--i ,--. C — — M M Cl O O 5 i v U V F4a. o U U a 4 ^ • 0 Cd y Ut) a U El V ao Ali 00 y 0 o v 0 0 0 0 O, U .� b o b j. 3 rn b g c� a"' �, -a m : ::: U 3-1 61. v) •5 •-, Q 1--i U O a LI. C ,ti • c+• ` : ...i N r'i 4 2 wi 10 a t� oo U c .--i = .--� ...1 .-r GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended January 31, 1995 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended January 31, 1994 (unaudited) Percent Actual Percent 1994-95 Month Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 1/31/95 9/30/95 Expended 1/31/94 9/30/94 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $2,325,950 $1,321,136 $1,699,776 73.1% $1,513,415 $2,185,256 69.3% Sales Tax 1,233,000 67,243 209,553 17.0% 220,186 877,615 25.1% Franchise Fees 418,040 154,190 363,508 87.0% 283,472 400,036 70.9% Fines 242,400 22,343 64,471 26.6% 74,906 231,952 32.3% Charges for Services 80,000 15,400 31,986 40.0% 16,119 53,786 30.0% Permits/Fees 1,941,350 146,660 501,671 25.8% 490,204 1,680,918 29.2% Miscellaneous 41,750 5,697 14,595 35.0% 9,444 32,927 28.7% Transfer In-Other Funds 496,360 0 0 0.0% 0 159,446 0.0% Interest Income 90 000 10 727 32 953 36.6% 26,097 100,848 25.9% Total Revenues $6,868,850 $1,743,396 $2,918,513 42.5% $2,633,843 $5,722,784 46.0% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $194,598 $22,269 $66,707 34.3% $50,152 $212,832 23.6% City Manager 314,533 29,386 101,513 32.3% 53,030 200,839 26.4% Economic Development 117,245 4,544 17,703 15.1% 0 0 0.0% Support Services 642,785 65,874 303,297 47.2% 191,160 616,620 31.0% Finance 265,640 35,051 90,214 34.0% 92,906 263,764 35.2% Municipal Court 203,990 14,579 59,511 29.2% 40,056 158,793 25.2% Fire 784,663 60,946 210,970 26.9% 176,655 725,817 24.3% Police 1,249,070 84,247 291,833 23.4% 277,475 1,049,060 26.4% Public Safety Support 690,080 45,133 182,299 26.4% 118,435 447,029 26.5% Building 375,155 31,167 93,532 24.9% 63,430 261,906 24.2% Streets/Drainage 997,072 (38,747) 222,027 22.3% 160,545 1,222,309 13.1% Parks 264,160 23,269 62,507 23.7% 50,064 199,627 25.1% Public Works Administration 360,495 21,831 82,873 23.0% 47,577 137,192 34.7% Community Development 371,712 33 119 96 552 26.0% 69 565 281 202 24.7% Total Expenditures $6,831,198 $432,668 $1,881,538 27.5% $1,391,050 $5,776,990 24.1% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures $37,652 $1,310,728 $1,036,975 $1,242,793 ($54,206) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale(net) $414,180 $445,500 $445,500 $720,827 $565,827 Transfer to Infrastructure ($820.026) $ ($150.000) $1 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenditures ($368.1941 $1.332.475 $1.963.620 $511.621 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $1,838,169 $1,838,169 $1,405,310 $1,405,310 Net-Reserved for encumbrances 0 0 (78,762) (78,762) ENDING FUND BALANCE $1.469.975 $3.170.644 $3.290.168 $1.838.169 N 0, 0 ., N ~ I W W 0 Hs a 0 H z H CC N Q I NW MM MONO W 10 M01 000 .1 W 1f) ON10 N0000.10101n0000000 0 Ha w,,,777V m V 1nm 1n001 V ON In 01 V 0 W 01 0N*o 100 v00 MN In N0000000 0 O 1� Of W N N N O N(a NO v v O* MN N O q m N H N O*.i*0.4 m Of*O O O N Wn N O In NMW� ..u1*0 V'*0 in0w %OOm 010104 N. m 0 00n.i *0.N NM W O VAN f NOON N1nH M N a .m10V vmWN 410 vV 01 m In01 000 In MN 111V V O01.4.-1ON Olin H g 10.-1 W m ON W M 10.iN O In 1n W W 10InNmm mn1010 .4 .i.-/ .� m 10 N N n m V O N N .i N V N 01 O V In W 0 N .4 .-1 O1 .i .i .-1 0 NW 0000 000 00 000 0 0 000 0 0000 00 00 0 H0 0000 00%0 001 000 0 0 000 0 0000 00 00 0 w01000 mor` W o, o V V o 0 000 0 oo1nO ON IA 1n .i H.7 000 M 01n10 Ow O N N 0 01 0.-10 0 10010.-) ./ %O M H W 40.m In m N V co .i N V V .i V moo m N V•D.i 10 fo a H.1 N N 01 N N N .i H W N .4 m m CO * 0 i$ 0 InM(aN NN 01 N 10 ON .i W No .1 10 V 01 W N10 0) X In do t r0 N 1n V.4 N.-1 MO N V N m V N V N N N N V N In M ON en • oa H N .4 ..M f H • 1. 1-1 m m CO H'm H xo.1 A H a V II a CO 0 0 H tx zx 1 OWHH sad ...0W .m., Nw r.a 0In1n o1 N. 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U)0 dSNO<Iau 10O nU�hO<a.0 02- CD O < 3 en_ O W 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O en Z O O O O O O O O O O p O F- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F-J O O O O O p O F- O F- st u).O t\CO Of d CY N .u)bt\O O) dm N V'u).O a0 O1 d 2 4 U 0 d W 0 La 0 O d O U 11 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended January 31, 1995 and January 31, 1994 (unaudited) Percent Actual Percent 1994-95 Month Year to Date Collected/ Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES Budget 1/31/95 9/30/95 Expended 1/31/94 9/30/94 Expended Water Sales-residential $2,970,000 $162,292 $720,808 24.3% $598,447 $2,627,966 22.8% Water Sales-commercial 612,000 20,535 147,337 24.1% 128,074 452,386 28.3% Sewer Sales 432,000 29,800 144,154 33.4% 99,637 371,706 26.8% Sanitation Sales 432,000 34,229 126,046 29.2% 108,488 344,140 31.5% Other utility charges 391,000 24,552 88,603 22.7% 109,105 373,733 29.2% Miscellaneous 51,600 8,056 43,905 85.1% 25,786 108,558 23.8% Interest Income 75 000 7 075 31 858 42.5% 19.715 74 859 26.3% Total Revenues $4,963,600 $286,539 $1,302,711 26.2% $1,089,252 $4,353,348 25.0% EXPENSES Water $2,748,041 $86,684 $480,062 17.5% $347,476 $2,276,184 15.3% Sewer 901,797 285,640 397,914 44.1% 297,220 700,170 42.4% Sanitation 388,800 28,261 82,938 21.3% 72,604 304,485 23.8% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 78,525 13,088 35,129 44.7% 20,475 81,901 25.0% Other-Line Oversizing 0 0 0 0.0% 8,265 22,488 36.8% Transfers-other funds 1,300.084 0 8988 0.7% 110.167 269.613 40.9% Total Expenses $5,417,247 $413,673 $1,005,031 18.6% $856,207 $3,654,841 23.4% Net Income/(Loss) ($453.6471 ($127.1341 $297.680 $233.045 $698 507 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE UTILITY BILLING MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1995 THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST MONTH LAST YEAR 1/31/95 12/31/94 1/31/94 ACCOUNTS BILLED: WATER $193,166.28 $183,011.41 $162,222.58 SEWER 35,125.42 36,409.90 24,520.90 GARBAGE 31,711.15 31,127.46 27,656.05 SALES TAX 2,443.61 2,389.86 1,996.54 OTHER 1,241.61 1,707.20 1,887.28 TOTAL $263,688.07 $254,645.83 $218,283.35 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: WATER 3,989 3,953 3,342 SEWER 1,715 1,632 1,171 GARBAGE 3,783 3,743 3,314 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED: 4,283 4,262 3,576 NEW CUSTOMERS: (increases for the month) WATER 36 35 48 SEWER 83 40 39 GARBAGE 40 40 44 TOTAL ACCOUNTS BILLED 21 12 41 CONSUMPTION BILLED (IN 000'S): WATER 24,743 31,632 28,508 SEWER 11,765 15,471 10,255 In 01 0 HI N I Al IA t.7 A a H z H a a A i 1 1 El NU N N WNNN M VMWH OONW01W0 OH ON W W 0 0 OH ON b b o1 01 N N .-1.-1 MN .-I M IA dl if O m 0 H Cl. ma ma W b 01bNnv Il In OM ON HH W W W N N 00v 01 .-I b0101 W 001 M W NO r1- W W a W _ . _ . ` . M V. b W W Z m ID V m 01v011onm In b V .-I0 M V' V' V WO'NW V�O HH HMM 0 0 N V'.-I N m b a Q 10 b b b N •• m el M M 0 ."z 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 CD CD 0 0 `E1 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 00 0 O O O O 0 O O CD O O 1 D 1 0 00000 U 1 0 I n O 00 0 0 O _ b 0 H El .-1 O H O N N O N N N W In 0 NHO TM Ul m N N NC, NN M m W a 01 NO N V' V' NN WM NO NOCr, 0 N V V V' W # A J4 Ul aW R MN01 In a V�.-IMM W 0% N a' MO NN NO NO OI m SO. HHHH NNNMMH N NM HN V'a N N 4 -...m H • $ ,1 en el W O el dCdH H Fa° a OI taaca0 at at 1 PI O Ul 7.at O W b b v.-I V'01 Q W OMNO N w'Z f N N W n N N .-I O 1 O N H O m O M O M M M H H N 0 0 OM Or W00 t Wbino V'ob • WM0 * ',, n n HWbn O10 On Om .-1 H El 10 b m W HM 0MnNlll 111 V�0 HMOI 4.0 * U N N MO.H' W MOOR V'O ..1 In f•W1001 In In H W W - N 14I-1 # 4 .0 M HIn n 0nNI•1v0110 'N 10 ›. NQInH V• N HI HI N N r H H H N Cl Cl O 0 H Cl Cl H I .1 H H� U Z4 10 .0 In."I 10 n N 001Ho n WE M M 0 n H H Q O M 0 0 0 on ow 01 01 N N b b O 0 U N N m 10 U1 b 0 0 W O O% 00 W W W W N V'N M M H O V. N N N N U H H MV W 011n W N N N M In 0 N In 00 n N N N IA W in 01 V N b N In H Cl H In H b b r n NO NO0 Cl IN irt IA rn M Cl W Z a El M Ai 0 G4 RI 0Z V1U H U CO W 0 NI ZH 0PH a W U WOW N O a W ZM W (jai �,I Wz O0 M aIH.� WZT. fA NW 0 WII, fµ9;VWW1 V W C7N V V Iyf+.MaW 0 OUW .S(xV WU =W UWw HMO W W 4y H HW W Wz HOD II Wf.7 .� UfUW �Hd 1 z H H OW tz.aWZG4 14r WV WW W �VIIW�W aa14 4 HV1U�W0 E4IZ-I-IH F 7CM10 '.IO0.0 Ey.C441444 ZOWWV ZV" aaga w a A m pZH4 ZZ10 W 0tU) in E�II EH W �yj .y H W H UZ.LWLt� ANU1N3 WH0a Er7UtjdWH OI N04 �,�j WWW VWl O (+. a IIH WHHMW Haaa as NWW0EwHoa OWOO Haa z a W W W W H I I I U H W W W�j Np� z W W 0 W 0 0 W W IZ Z W 1 of W W H H EM U W H 4 W E W U H z Z H E H z H wr4W HHHH aa�.7 t� W 0 O GI GaaSS 333o0wu1 a ° �a rnaaa0x HN 4 o E Z N U 0 0 0 0 o O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CO 0 0 0 v.o 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 O 0 o In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O o 0 0 0 Zj W O V'010 V' If ONMVI 'HNM V�HNOONHNM V 0%0W W N W 0I001 0 0 NN HHH HHHHInNrr W 010/0/010 0% 0 y�1 'V'V' M In M 10 10 b b t0 b 10 b b.... H C� W 01 U, O N O N W CD Q a co F- Q CD d O c{ cl CD [[pp 2 z CO O• a) In CD.41.~-.N.O CO CO C1 N. N.a O CDvO.--,0 v N M,0 O N • 0.--,p•.--• • • CO ul CO O cf s CO a01 a Q cr Obi a a a 1N0�IN V7 100 ��CD N N CO N M (mil O m ..�j M N t0 NN,000 a= .O N a N NU) [p A. O M N. "' ,O LL) 1D `,N.O,1 l0 N. M a M C. 0 u7 u7 A. A. O N. CC Z ~ N M ul O in ct O cf J 1,"' O O O O O ul 2 ct b t 0 O N. D. 0 b C. N N O 'V CO,in C. D. C. 0 0 0 C. a O O mm QO a a N.V 1,00 N)CO C. O MMO.OM V'Nl0 a a V 2 M M M 0 N.O M Cl.- NN. ct N.cr a ..y ,I N. O p N N. Q .--, N 01 M M a in « a M O M N.N. 0 * a N NN C.�i�(`N')CO .^-,-, N'""ONN O,N N. Mt N Ol CC R N. f O CD Y 0 d ` O O•O• O O•O•O•O O•O O•O O• O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Op O O CC[r\M m • O O O O O O W.-- 2 aa-...I CI Q O Z I...-a Cr0 W W((CL Z�9 Ca F- DC CC O Lu O F- cc W CD N>-W �J �O .may N.000• • • • • • f -) •-, 'a 0 a7 co M a A. N. N. N.00 ON)O O an r0 al N N W UQ,,_, ♦ F- N. cr 00)N a NO f.0 co N M N) O O O O Co W N Q O Obi O R O T 0 N. O (V,�. ,o N.i r 0 M COM [O O >a a W R cT i0.r.--�N 0j N. .O O M ^ a O) 01 O F-W k N N 0 CO CO.1 O ....p U a 0 O O O O N.O\ ~ J pm��:CD .1 f O O O N R O 0N1 N p O O t n o 0 f p 0 0 I a'a 6 r. N. a �ul 1 V N. Mmm� Mm• Y'I OO RNO 0 00 M /� M O:,O �l0 a O t\t0 a) �Cu N a0, t00 t00 N Q C .M M`" N'�CO N CO 10 ^ ti . 10 N. N. N. aO b 00 CO N r7 N. N a N W N Z Of W O a 0 O H _ a w ~ CQ O Z N a w ==Z H pW, N U W 0 W U U co W cc W.--. N y (")a'L X a y t QN N R ¢NF- W LLD UY f .1 W.-.CD W R cc f R LO O W F- R N. N J 0 Z.�i W J f W Ce N Q~¢ N J Y f Lo La/ N R R Q a J Q,-, W F-U y h'a Z,-.Lu f i * 3 W J J W F=-c o N X y Q 0 y J j J W F-U 0 y J y f N Q zZz Q UQ O W W F-Z fn J J W F-a0 N X QC QZ 0 f W U) co Z O c WN J a C N W CO Q 4 pZ U O W I--Z V I J Q ~ J J O H.. F-f 2UD N'UP O Q a=�..Z LWi A. O V)ZF-U)a W,Z.F-OD F.Ls- I-, 0 g ~' F N O Q OO Q a U J N O¢ U N. d W N O C U ~ ' O O p O a a ZZ p a O O W A. U Of O CD j Q 00 Z O aaaa as 00 F..a aaaaaa aaa ~Q N l� U 2 ~ ma a in)0 r,a00i O3 A,N co CI in N 0)Co a F-3 N a Z a o.n W 2 O l¢ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison 1994-95 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $1.233.000 $304.979 $928.021 75.27°/Q FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL i10. ! FTSCAL FISCAL YEAR YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc giiTgARU %Inc YEAR %Inc MONTH 89190 90/91 i (Dec) NW9.1/92 (Dec) 92/93 (Dec) a9319.4M (Dec) 94195 >` (Dec) October $37,776 $44,081 16.7% $46,731: 6.0% $50,956 9.0% Mtp9401.8 95.1% $89,951 -9.5% November 24573 . 37,117; 51.0% 27,929 -24.8% 42,126 50.8% 50,623 20.2% 52,099 2.9% December 21052 28,464: 35.2% 33,273` 16.9% 33,SSUi 1.7% 70,155 107.3% 67,243- -4.2% January 34,463 47,106< 36.7% 40,012' -15.1% 67,713 69.2% 106,541 57.3% 95,687.' -10.2% February 25,594 22,487 -12.1% 40,104 78.4% 39,351" -1.9% 57,8391 47.0% 0 March 30,657 32,955 7.5% 37,488 13.8% 44,176 17.8% 59,378 34.4% 0 April 37,201 . 41,445 i 11.4% 57,543 38.8% 68,664`. 19.3% 87,438' 27.3% 0 May 31,501 36,627 16.3% 41,020 12.0% 54,623 33.2% 58,291 6.7% 0. June 37,447 37,894 1.2% 43,105 13.8% 52,027 20.7% 59,577 14.5% July 51,374 47,017 -8.5% 51,357 9.2% 80,567 56.9% .: 94;157-:ii 16.9% 0 August 31,969 35,951 12.5% 48,731 35.5% 48,290 -0.9% 58,9$0; 22.1% . 0" September g.432A99 37.004 13.9% 42,741 15.5% 'S4.395 27.3% 75428. 38.3% Qi TOTAL $396,1i06 $44$,14$ 13.1% $510,036 13.8% $636,738 24.8% $877,615 37.8% $304,979i -6.7% _ E SLS[AX95.WK4 REPORT DATE 02/17/95 ' First month of 1/2 cent additional sales tax. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES 1993-94 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $616.500 $104.646 $511.854 83.03% FISCAL FISCAL YEAR YEAR %Inc MONTH 93/94 94/95 Melc October $0 $44,975 n/a November 0 26,049 n/a December 0 33,622 n/a January 0 0 February 0 0 March 0 0 April 0 0 May 29,145 0 June 29,788 0 July 47,079 0 August 29,490 0 September 37.614 0 TOTAL $173,116 $104,646 SLSfAX95.WK4 02/10/95 e a eaeseaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaee e2ee eee ee e2e2e2e2e2eee e2e2e2ee A pue1M1(D0oeNVO1 0 CON meomnii”-NOVv0NOo0N000mVV,- 00 00.-r -0DUm C WVOWWWWVNn.-arVWN.-WWWWWOWONVVWMWmnn M VwnNv000 0 MO a - - -0— �WOnVV00m NW N .0 Mr0,-000NWNmVVMVNOOVeDM10o0NOmmrm0 0mr m V"N 10 IN 1 M U .- 1 ..- .- N .-10 V .-.-00 1 .-n 1 MV n 1 1 1 V{ • 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ae th in 40 +'' VUNWWIDVMNNOr0MmWMWOm0MnnVOreoO.-1,10VW 4101 0.-WOW VM a. CO) NWWWWWOOMmnVOWN .-VVVNVWW0WWMN.-WNMW O10MN.-MmV 000 01y ' Ea nOOWr,'rWrN.-WaoWNWrWVMMDMWnr000WVMnV rm muVMrmNV >.O .-00NWOaOrW,-MVMnMM,-NNnV,-,-O�e0Mne0WOraom nNMM.-VVNO MN C r0orm0m--r000v000100MNNMm00m WOOD moor m _ no - - - - • - - • - - - - 1- mOman,-N--NNN)--000V00000000NV0V000NMo CN �p Nn o V inn wVV--NN.-0.-.-w W0Ww VVO NCI .-V Cl W MM.- .- N .-VVWV co.- .- MNN N m' com N .- .- M NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN N NNNNNNNN N NN N in m M +' NmWWDNNPWE .-01.- —nWrMNWC-NM.—VNVWNMU COO)D—NmMm C NWnV0OIW0rNNOr0000,-rmaonVOWMVVN000Or OWOCV.'•N,- �r i n eo --1-Mcov0o0oDov 00,-0eh000 e-m m +' m1--00c>mnVe9mm10Nm0DmCImmMmr -0 m >.a -rM000n'QOD.-VMmm00rOMeDVmODe0�00MmnNMWmVOM mvODWooM -m �O 40 0,-000IIV0m10VWM,-mrn00omreMVVV00c0MNMOo MO I0lNI nn a. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 CONWM10mV--00000.-00000v0rOU) m �100oVN.-V mN --- evr M >. 10f 000,-,-OVV--INNVMNr' WrOON W0MNON 8MV--NNM,-m W N ' L inmm— N CO —COn0n 00 - - - - - 3 .- co m N .- N M L .0 0 1 01 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNire N NN 4 L C a eaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeseaeaeaeaeaeee'eaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae �e aeaeaeaeaeaea b aeae ee C 4 a nW -nmNWWrrnCOOOC -eovrODrV 'MV.-�,-0orN0 N 0,-00000N Dom . v --r0ommommV—OOWVOOMNV--Mme'9mVmVmmU-1VVN00 0) mmommmnn w CON I- MaOrnN. 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N<_N00000WOvN0M1-r10V100O')V10lOVN0MoemNne'rr0 ONm00oINMm nee)') 10 C M + d w IO0UNn--000r-NVV10N0 n00VM -'nCOMMU)Om00 m.- m —r r 0 +' Nr00 VMN m.0o--moo— OoOVN MVM NNOo--V(N M o — 0) O OIL nM n 0000 M-- Nco,- .- v Z F- - ID,- — N ex CO x a NNNNNNNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNM M MN N I- ' c o eeaaaeaee� aae 0aaa aee aeaaeaaee ?w ake m L 0000p0000 0 0 00000 1 a 000 000000QQQ000Q00 0 7 LW 000000000 on 000MM 00000000000000 00000 y U N -- M ** * a u 0 J IAC I 1 0 IA 0M' M o a w ^E a a +. 0 = i' y p.- 0) 0 44, +�.- > 0- 1- 1- L 0 >• C +'*O•- 01+' V a m . 10 0I L+' > CO 01 > '4- _ V a Ma 014 O r a C +V00»w-- C Om.- a0�0)LOCCO3 10I. LV) C 0)O 7 M0)LOX>.0)L—wa+'s >E+' LVs+•�UO)aa NE-0)ao Lc 4- — C 0 CCOL 0.-OOwEI 'Oa)Cv0)+'o101 wu.•r0 0—LCO.C3.-301 U a• .410.-330WL0rcmr*-w.-LC0WwWr—t0—w+ arrr U 0.- a3LCUUL U L,-17 3rO- 0►-0LLaa-oL—CYYC Cru>0C3+'ww— . 0 Oa a4mUWUOGWWW4.u.mmx2xYYJJZZLLe0cemenilNssss (6 COI-/JZHH~ �UZ le City of Southlake,Texas ✓ ,. MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 95-06, Concurring in the state's determination that the abandoned portion of F.M. 1938 right-of-way is no longer needed as a road and that the right-of way be removed from the state highway system in accordance with state regulations. The Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is in the process of abandoning and removing a portion of F.M. 1938 from the highway system (see Exhibit"A"). TxDOT considers and staff concurs that this portion of land is not suitable for conservation, park, and/or public transportation. The state's policy is to obtain a resolution of concurrence from the local governing authority for execution by the City Council. After the City submits the resolution to the state and the state removes the land from the highway system, Tarrant County will convey the right-of-way to the adjoining owners of the property. Please place this on the February 21st consent agenda for Council consideration. i "7 BW/kb Attachments: TxDOT letter dated 2/1/95 Resolution No. 95-06 w/Exhibit "A" L `5A—/ ItL I'U . reU V . JJ 1V 1J IYU VVJ r .VL ., Texas Department of Transportation Ram(6868•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76115-0868•(817)370-6500 4ay ,64) February 1, 1995 // '' Tarrant County Farm to Market Highway 1938 At Farm to Market Highway 1709 Mr. E. Allen Taylor, Jr. City Attorney City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Taylor: This office is in the process of removing the abandoned portion of old Farm to Market Highway 1938 from the state highway system. It is our understanding that Tarrant County will convey the right-of-way to the owners of the tracts adjoining the surplus right-of-way as soon as the section is removed from the state highway system. It is the State's policy to obtain a resolution of concurrence from the local governing authority before disposing of right-of-way. Please process the attached resolution for execution by the city council at your earliest convenience. It additional information is needed, please contact Mr. Carl Logan of this office at 370-6554. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, hiterf)444 Wimberley, P.E,in District R.U.W. Engeer CCL attachment kiimeAn Equal Opportunity Employer • f City of Southlake,Texas � RESOLUTION NO. 95-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, CONCURRING IN THE STATE'S DETERMINATION THAT THE ABANDONED PORTION OF F.M. 1938 RIGHT-OF-WAY IS NO LONGER NEEDED AS A ROAD AND THAT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BE REMOVED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEtTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Texas hereinafter called STATE, relocated a portion of F.M. 1938 and as a result determined that the right-of-way identified as Tract 1-95 as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is no longer needed for the construction, maintenance and operation of F.M. 1938, and WHEREAS, the STATE obliterated the roadway that was located within Tract 1-95 and plans to remove the portion of said right-of-way, identified as Tract 1-95 from the highway system of the State of Texas, and WHEREAS, City staff have studied the public need for said Tract 1-95 and have determined that said right-of-way is no longer needed by the citizens as a road for public transportation purposes, and is not suitable for conservation, park, recreation and/or similar purposes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the right-of-way shown as Tract 1-95 on the attached Exhibit A is no longer needed by the citizens as a road and is not suitable for conservation, park, public transportation, recreation or similar purposes; Section 2. That the City of Southlake concurs in the State's plan to remove the portion of F.M. 1938 identified as Tract 1-95 from the Highway System of the State of Texas in accordance with the established laws and regulations of the State of Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1995. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: Gary Fickes, Mayor L Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary c:\ORD&RES\95-06.RES/kb ,A_V EXHIBIT ''A" r-=----JESSIE G. ALLEN / " SURVEY A-18 9 , 66.00 Ft Right y 'Ste 207+74.7s 4 S3 � 1 N 51 926'34"E ���� 132.77' ,1 1 ,‘,::„ . , . .. .... ,;:::::,,.... :,..,:., % • - .. ... ,/ ..„. . • '.,'•.:.. e EXISTING STATE OF TEXAS :.%: DRAINAGE EASEMENT•PAR 1E PT.2 •�• a ' C'l • 64 6 , r (2.744 AC) i p�`� w x' �' AREA TO BE REMOVED FROM STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM Z:::.:: :::..*:, ::.-:::i,:.:.......:-:':::-.:.:.::;::.:::'..... — • •':::::: :: 2.744 AC Nfir' J.G. ALLEN ' :; SURVEY A-18 ". W.R. EAVES • '* ; o • SURVEY A-500 ;y'�tis Isl ;i O • d • r • oR 2231$22'26" 2590' z;:.HDV.CrA .4242"/4 s A �o71N� 32619 RCNG CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COUNTY OF TARRANT • STATE OF TEXAS SCALE IN FEET 0 10o too too =--....--- .--7,.._ _____. ,f/`/ I City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kathleen G. Farrell, Administrative Intern SUBJECT: Ozone Alert Procedure In 1990 the Federal Clean Air Act set guidelines for air quality throughout the United States. The metroplex -- Dallas, Tarrant, Collin and Denton Counties -- have been designated "moderate" non-attainment areas by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Clean Air Act specifies that once attainment is reached, a maintenance plan must be put into place to ensure attainment for the next twenty years. Attached is a copy of the Ozone Alert Procedure detailing the responsibilities of the City upon receiving notification of possible high ozone levels. Upon notification the Assistant to the City Manager will notify each department of the ozone alert status. Please place the Ozone Alert Procedure on the next council agenda for consideration. Thank you. (b,e K&P) KGF L 56—/ City of Southlake,Texas OZONE ALERT PROCEDURE I. INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE: The Federal Clean Air Act of 1990 set guidelines for air quality throughout the United States. Dallas, Tarrant, Collin and Denton counties have been designated "moderate" non-attainment areas by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The metroplex received this classification since the level of ozone in our atmosphere has, at times, exceeded the designated 0.120 parts per million standard, which is considered the threshold when air quality becomes a threat to human health. Ozone, which occurs when certain types of noxious emissions interact with high levels of sunlight and high temperatures, poses a health threat to the community in high concentrations. It is estimated that, based on past summers, there may be 10 to 20 occurrences each summer. The ozone season begins in April and runs through September. If by 1996, the region fails to demonstrate that emissions from passenger vehicles, trucks, planes, small gasoline powered engines, paints and solvents are not held below standards, the federal government will impose sanctions on the area. Sanctions may include restrictions on the growth of businesses in the metroplex, travel restriction, or withholding of federal highway funds. Approximately 91% of the emissions in the DFW area originate from passenger vehicles, planes, small gasoline-powered engines, paints and solvents. It is possible for businesses and citizens to control some of the conditions that contribute to the high ozone levels. The Clean Air Act dictates that once attainment has been reached, a maintenance plan must be put into place that ensures attainment for the next twenty years. Clean air will be a long- term business and personal issue for years to come, so it is important to demonstrate attainment of the ozone standard and be redesignated prior to the federal mandates in order to ensure our environmental and economic future. II. OZONE ALERT NOTIFICATION: .Upon receiving notification by the North Central Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Assistant to the City Manager will notify each department of the ozone alert status. Additionally, Southlake citizens will be informed of the ozone alert day through SPIN leaders. III. PROCEDURES FOR OZONE ALERT WARNING DAYS: Upon receiving notification of an ozone alert day, each department will: A. Implement appropriate procedures for ozone alert days. B. Adjust work schedules and work plans, when possible, to comply with Ozone Alert Procedures. C. Fuel vehicles and equipment. IV. OPERATING PROCEDURES ON OZONE ALERT DAYS: On ozone alert days, each department will: A. Advise employees regarding ozone alert day practices. B. Encourage car pooling to and from work, lunch and meetings. C. Encourage fueling the day prior to an ozone alert day or before 6 a.m. & after 10 a.m. on alert day. (iimpe D. Delay operating gasoline powered engines (mowers, weedeaters) until after 10 a.m. may use alternately fueled equipment (diesel, propane) may be used between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. E. Curtail use of paint, paint thinners, and solvents until after 10 a.m. Additionally, City Staff will explore additional ways to reduce emissions such as installing a fueling station vapor recovery system, pursuing acquisition of alternatively fueled vehicles, and working with local businesses to encourage development of alternatively fueled fleets. L 56-3 (lbe RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING RULES RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF A RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR PERSONS DISPLACED FROM RESIDENCES OR BUSINESSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAICE; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, from time to time there is a need for the City of Southlake to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, real property for use by the city for authorized public purposes; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake deems it appropriate and equitable in certain cases to provide relocation assistance to individuals or families displaced from residences, businesses, or farming or ranching operations, or displaced nonprofit organizations, in connection with the acquisition of real property by the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS,the city council desires to adopt this resolution setting forth rules relating to the administration of a relocation assistance program. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. SECTION 1. In appropriate cases where deemed equitable by the city council,the city may provide relocation assistance in the form of moving expenses, rental supplements, relocation f:\files\muni\slake\res\relocate(02-15-95) se/ i • payments, financial assistance to acquire replacement housing, and compensation for (kr, expenses xp nses incidental to the transfer of property in conjunction with the purchase or condemnation of real property to be utilized for public purposes. Any relocation payments provided pursuant to this resolution shall be in accordance with Chapter 21 of the Texas Property Code, 42 U.S.C.Section 4601 et seq.,and any other state or federal statutes or city ordinances which may be applicable. SECTION 2. Whenever the city manager shall determine that an individual, family, business or non-profit organization will be displaced in connection with the acquisition of real property or will otherwise be required to relocate the residence, business, or farming or ranching operation the city manager shall make a recommendation to the city council on whether (lkir, reasonable relocation assistance should be paid to the displaced propertyowner or occupant. P In authorizing the payment of fair market value for the property being acquired, the city council shall make a determination as to the amount of relocation assistance, if any, to be paid to the property owner or occupant in addition to the fair market value to be paid for the acquisition of the property. In determining whether relocation assistance should be paid, the city council may consider payments for expenses authorized by state law and/or the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. Section 4601,et seq.), including but not limited to, the following types of payments: Lie1\files\muni\slake\res\relocate(02-15-95) 2 a. actual reasonable expenses in moving the individual, his family, business, farm or ranch operation or other personal property; b. actual direct losses of tangible personal property as a result of moving or discontinuing a business or farm operation; c. actual reasonable expenses in searching for a replacement business or farm; d. actual reasonable expenses necessary to reestablish a displaced farm, non- profit organization or small business at its new site; e. utility relocation expenses; f. financial assistance to acquire replacement housing; and g• expense and dislocation allowance. SECTION 3. The payment of relocation expenses as a result of programs or projects undertaken with federal financial assistance shall be mandatory as provided in the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Polices Act. In cases of voluntary relocation payments as authorized in this resolution, no payments shall exceed the maximum payments authorized under the Act. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be effective upon its adoption. f\61es\muni\stake\ces\cdocate(02-15-95) 3 PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1995. CITY OF SOUTHLAICE, TEXAS By: Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: /C- Le City Attorney Loy 1\files\muni\slake\res\relocate(02-15-95) 4 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-143,First Reading ZA 94-85 Rezoning and Development Plan/Versailles REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Development Plan of Versailles, being a 78.046 acre tract of land situated in the J.W. Hale Survey,Abstract No. 803,Tracts lA and 1A3 This development proposes 117±residential lots with a density of 1.5 du/acre. LOCATION: East Side of South Carroll Ave.,North Side of East Continental Blvd. OWNER: Kercho Kochweop Partnership APPLICANT: Versailles, Ltd., John Dickerson, Agent CURRENT ZONING: "SF-20B" Single-Family Residential District REQUESTED ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Eighteen(18) RESPONSES: Five written responses were received within the 200' notification area: * Paul L. Schell, 620 S. Carroll Ave., opposed; concerns are the devaluation of property, increased taxes, increased crime potential, and this will lower the quality of life. * Harvey Miller,2847 Canyon Dr., Grapevine, TX, opposed; does not understand the proposed zoning. * Theron Sr. & Dorothy Ragan, 1512 Rainbow St., opposed; they are opposed to the proposed route of Carroll & Carlisle Ln. coming through their property and they are opposed to the downzoning from "SF-20" to "R-P.U.D." * Sylvia Smith, 501 S. Carroll Ave., opposed. * Steve and Brenda Ryan, 1000 S. Carroll Road, in favor if certain guidelines are followed; move the entrance into the development so that it is not directly across from their property, widen the roads to allow for the increased traffic, and place landscape around the development such as a brick wall with shrubs. �A- 1 City of Southlake,Texas P & Z ACTION: August 4, 1994; Approved (6-0-1) to table ZA 94-85 at Applicant's request to the September 8, 1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. September 8, 1994; Approved (6-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 94-85 via letter received from John F. Dickerson on August 23, 1994 to the September 22, 1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. September 22, 1994; Approved (4-0-1) Applicant's request to table ZA 94-85 to the October 20, 1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. October 20, 1994; Approved (7-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 94-85 to the December 8, 1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. December 8, 1994; Approved (7-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 94-85 to the January 5, 1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting and continue the Public Hearing. January 5, 1995; Approved (4-0-1) ZA 94-85, Rezoning and Development Plan for Versailles, subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 30, 1994, and including the following additional stipulations to the Development Regulations: a) side yards adjacent to street shall not be less than 20' (changed from 15'); b) average lot size is 15,000 sq. ft. and it should be noted that 85 lots shall be 13,000- 14,000 sq. ft., 15 lots shall be 14,000-15,000 sq. ft., 28 lots shall be 15,000-20,000 sq. ft., and 16 lots shall be over 20,000 sq. ft. If this total number of lots for the development cannot be obtained,then the numbers should follow this proportion as closely as possible; c) minimum floor area shall be 2,200 sq. ft. (increased from 1,800); d) PUD zoning to be approved subject to a density not to exceed 1.7 dwelling units per acre; e) number of lots shall not exceed 135 total lots; f) developer will provide a street stub roughly halfway on the midpoint of the north property line; g) #6 on development plan be clarified such that it is clear that new Carroll will be built concurrently with Phase 2 of the development; h) agreement to work with Staff to resolve the street alignment situation pertaining to the Ryan property on the west. COUNCIL ACTION: January 17, 1995; Approved (7-0) to table ZA 94-85 to the February 7, 1995 City Council Meeting. February(kir 7, 1995; Approved 6-0 to table ZA 94-85 to the PP ( ) February 21, 1995 City Council Meeting. gP-Z ' City of Southlake,Texas STAFF COMMENTS: Applicant has met all the review comments of the fifth Plan Review Summary dated February 3, 1995, with the exception of those items addressed in the attached sixth Plan Review Summary dated February 17, 1995. Note that two of the property owners within the 200' notification area (William E. Minor and Juanita Peters) who were formerly opposed to this request have withdrawn their opposition and are now in favor of the proposal. However, opposition received from other homeowners within the 200' notification area comprise more than 20% of the land area, and approval of this request will require a super-majority vote of the Council. This sixth submittal maintains the current roadway alignment of S. Carroll/Carlisle/E. Continental Blvd. It does not reflect the alignments indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan. KPG/bls (b., G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES\94-85-ZD.WPD 'r101" J hi lj I r.-- I - T-_ _ `° 7e! ,r'4. 11 / S` - IA 11X ' NOR 111144 S 1 hK y T�- i � f ST — 4 :li MI 111 x )AI r 1 MI 1 I xnA " Ai,r 1 rM) IAl, Of UT RUM we Kb. I � . if to tAl lR 7 -- — K ,0 IA __.... X. 1 02A Itl y 11 �� olt gV9 I 1 41 V� �_ 9MP. T=-i 11 flA « >r — 1 K , Y ,1/ I� i 4 c '_ 11011 �' y �J , 1 ,t y, '— — r rI-111.1 2 �r� W. aai��� I JOH A. FEE; GfiAr` t ARKY A-AVI IL la qr " i--____ u 41 le-- to ' 1 IIK an _kw,_, r I i, MAIM, A-00.1 I ut I ' AA R 1'1 OM ' 25 4 10 XI I I 1 ►ii.t, yl t ,1 act >R u ( ® I SO ini 1 t01 ul I 0 x 1 j i , � I IC.■ t K W I "`1 K IDtE r -Tip I1 1 , II I IF ' I I 1 I �■ 1 IA .'IV• y Itl IA 14 .�� MIA i w j'1,,2 1 " r-- mat Iwo I /' - 1 1 t0 i T ' -MI N1 I � 1 7 I ' r.e , 1 II�� I MO[EARN t 1 I 1E KS 1H/ I r A-717 I I i Al,, Ki alb a 1 HARRISONDECKER 4. .." ' ( l 1a / >Y F. I Junin' A-4.11 is , V 1 = I I I IKI , ' I 1 1 I MI IA 51 Ittlil I° le TRACT MAP S $A .44 �tAl 1 3e920 -� E . A . c� — — — — — — — SPIN#8 REPRESENTATIVE: — MULLER c 2 "SF-20B" I TR 1 E.A.Smith 8.91 AC C.Prade "SF-20A" ,' V ? I O L�� 'LE \\\\ T.Ragan TR SA A-S ' . P.Schell- 35.0 AC I I AU1dC6f,L PA �t_TR SA I Timal� ! 2A Rucker,LP.7 J.Peters • • A' - - \-___, - TR W.Minor I 1A3 .031AC „ 1 35. AC I ti T.&R.Bamett a w - V1 A2 "P.U.D" 1 139 r Lon H.Miller N.Pond '- — (\l Carroll Road Baptis i, 14+-E �U `"' .Ua�E3 . TR 1A N.Brown i ,_00 01 Z A J "AG„ c w cr I S.Ryan I • in Ex ►i w. cc ..- 44. � TR SA U 4 01 AC "SF-20A" a v I T2 . 2 J 0 I 5 I' r°SF106` 1.\ m 11 J.Wright I i I w w u, I ,,.. 1 o x "P.U.D." rmarron Land Corp. i. ' 01 TN 1 I TR I 181 I - j 182 . ADJACENT OWNERS TR 1A ft � I IA AC )0k;&NO. 1.0'S' SO AND ZONING A A` M _,05 AC TR 18 , -5 • tv ..A.,-.1`k gIaa11/ tb .� / rib q }; re L 1 I. 7 V I fi PS• t:11 " I p! ,,,, A y a F - 1L to i I; litii asaasnfi11 _E a 1 i M s i AFa..`n 3 U c f I I r aa.I b e F It N is t '' A = 1 el . !I ! ' RI. i '1 pi•-,!1 j•._.._4!. 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R a F� IY E C E t Et. rv-s �� I ?"ltigil IC -£K: s1 R p A A- LE,! a l !1 .1 1 1 ! ! ` .e _ 4 f1 R 7C a R 7 p • 1!1 it i; II •III I $ Ill I 1 Its all, t. t/ :1 s-! rI as!. II Rk sJ an„ IZZIII a ; t ,' El EZ agg ` . EE E E E YA, V� . lf 1 2At ' 36 - I . 377 1 4C 40 7A IVP 1___-2C 2 GOO 1Je ,,,.,aate5 Sot Jam'" I 1 azioopY f ,at , '-11.b. , ,r 1-10 Ifffel41;) . Mir 4E ro. , JOHN A. FR( I= U it I s es____10: se_s__- H • (kip. . . ••g t A . . I \ • A-003 SA1 I 4A '�•• .` RAINOOM CT. 8,61 WA i aAz . 4 6A ��;; . IL sa sA • 168 1 cAt . ,A x 682 1 I ' 181 I 6 c 1 ip........_ tAt -- ' -- -- - EAST o O(TIND PL PM) t I ■.r t to 'et 1A "y.. 4 �, ,A _ taw. I ijii'lei '.I. 1°41: I -0*-- sfaA isic to[ik LI r. I we w• ALTERNATIVE THOROUGHFARE ALIGNMENTS y�.., lt'iil �'e == 11�11t! + _ + r�! !1 11 !'JJ !:1 r' Q1f = r lr i'1• •1ri1' i ji t111lf l + 1d{/ � 1 r tlrt '1. 1 r. II ii '1 !Ilt !!� S �if11 �I IIIk ' 11'i 1 {�' 1tif.� 1 lii1r1.11 1 11 11 • i x o 1+ d 11 l = 1 1: at 1i' lita 'Qi r! 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G I2 a Ix 113 ...,. -- w 163 t 1eS � 6 •- �__f R., ,:i gi -f- f� -� �um�dO©r ^ ;;- y ; ".WYI.J p _ __f_ 1 -I I 1 1 I -,u La,c,a 1 ,,` ��� �'m wit 1 �9 L 1110 lig 1! ii�i '6 o ra�,,L° 81i ,-1111111111111i '-- .f. a /6 �1 1 !itq 1.11 ; II i.ci ;111-11 5W i."I lean 11 8 !. fi:1 i l v_rir e-':-. 'N-4 Y I.a 11'• Pi oa. 341E . —rfpliii3W , 9611 "111117 ' -:-_22.!.n --f. II . _ _ 4A011/4ka .43„ ....,„ �er,mrcr e5 .m ,yyo L ""pr, _.J_sY'`_:J� •1 — --} SYz Yt 0.- Ph illi ; e1 €1$1 n. r1¢ � 3i 1't` I i'1i ,� '1! :2 i 1 . 1 l i; !d'1 .- 1 1 a - 1i.11 ..is.j 3 reg3; g "1 �f' f p s• 4 �r —41 1 1E8 ...,.._J__1._-___L-., ,1 !! I I I 1 i t--1 k 1 1 1 r--- f --1 ! ,,...,,,..__,___I.. F--� i , 1 3 iF 1ro. ) .� 1111 IiJIi fi ii IIIiit1 i 1111 sr y 4JI 1 >III, 1 +i i !140 111i1 . -- z Li 1 i' g 1 I !JJI 41I11 , l If 111 ili' .1 ;. , •siejI 1 1 i 1 I ii titil -- --z� 111i 1 ! !lit !a'liii !i !1 Mai :I i 4%M 1 r City of Southlake,Texas PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 94-85 Review No: Six Date of Review: 2/17/95 Project Name: Development Plan for"R-P.U.D." Rezoning Request for Versailles. being 78.046 Acres OWNER/APPLICANT:Kercho Kochweop Partnership ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Carter& Burgess. Inc. 3825 Lake Austin Blvd.. Suite 504 7950 Elmbrook. Suite 250 Austin,Texas 75225 Pallas.Texas 75247 Phone: Phone: (214) 638-0145 Fax: Fax: (214) 638-0447 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 2/13/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT KAREN GANDY AT(817)481-5581,EXT.744,OR DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581 EXT.787. 1. Development Plan does not conform to the Thoroughfare Plan with regard to the South Carroll/Carisle street connection. 2. The changes are needed with regard to the "Proposed Land Use Summary": A. Provide the net acreage (less perimeter streets) of the project tract . B. Provide a breakdown of the Land Use Summary by Phase. The Land Use Summary should show data by phase and in total. 3. Staff recommends that the Bufferyard also be designated as a Common Area, and not part of any lot. 4. Staff recommends that the "Side Yard" requirements in the development regulations be simplified. 5. Correct the north leader arrow for the "84' FUTURE R.O.W." label on East Continental Boulevard. It is pointing toward the north line of the bufferyard instead of the north line of East Continental 6. Add to the information shown for the Norman J. Brown tract, located to the east of the project tract, "Proposed South Hollow". Contact the City Staff for more information regarding this development. 7. Align Street 'E' with South Hollow Drive located in the "South Hollow" addition across Carlisle Lane. The centerline of the proposed street should be approximately 410' north of the centerline of East Continental Boulevard. C -CI City of Southiake,Texas * The applicant should be aware that landscape and irrigation plans must be submitted with construction plans for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water and Sewer Impact Fee, and related permit fees. * Denotes an informational comment. cc: Kercho Kochweop Partnership Carter and Burgess Versailles,Ltd., 8333 Douglas Ave., Suite 1300,Dallas,Tx. 75225 G:\WPF\REV\94-85 DP.WPD %A-I13 tsli! ritss „ 11 ,tl1t , �! Y'{Uiiiriii[iti=t ,ll, ! irItiti Itit {it x it•111111 y ,(tliirt r1i1s Ii: ! Il 'i '1 1( � jIl ,� �;. j ;ft ! ii • # lsii It ithlist1t i( k 1,, i1 ; , I �I' !`� I= i, 1ii�1 j�il l: et !i ,l ! ':� ;tl1 t• tii gilt 1 ilxr •if t : t € `i It (,/ i (!(lily 41 l'ii. Cl) g 1p Q' Pit; _ I. .ij Idl�l:llt rl'I ilr it it •; �1 i I:Il r!!•(I "'II � .11 W o �t�, �^ 1 t • .p. , s 1 ij It1. u j s iiri.! Mt'u IIIjIillI' 111ff M M jI siii01illh' t1/il . 2 J 51 E awe „A� >t iii !l lfir �-i` I�,i1 W� <�� � � $� ���� J 1a t , lit i , =i! W !�Q e QY<K".l .I) rl,t ri: jl,it :Q rn a o Il N��((''i ri �[� rid. G ^ aSn ri10 ' aCC g _ili� il i? c ilia el ,. .� . it i : rri �jl �E11 ;kiIithi idiit i,i 4,.1 i;a 1, is:,i i, ilittii 4r.III.. 0 i!1 in '' 's' '= i at .(Ili '; 1 I , {, I; I1r�IItiII; lift ry' i ,it' r ;(t1It ,li:i it i II It 1I (it' • l; • ;111 11htt1IIiI1M11tii' iI 1 i1 lip E it {1 l 1 rl�1 1 Fq ::h1 f till . i iai fit l •S rEl y <,: Ii Iy ..:..H ..:-,-.F.:-."--- -----: -;; .. •-•Min.1111.1ihrail , r___.. • , /Th_r_ri iii 1. N.E.,10.01,,E, Tavig, 41 .4. i •, ., . , .1 .1 ,-0 $ _p...• v.... .... _.t.....,. . 10, .1 ; it 4 -,. , . • •abut _ .t. �� �\ IF* t. ;4—--1 wilia-,, ---,,,,i ..h• 111E1 ., . ''' I t.i k . (6.- a ¢ a i Y Ill gC 0.6i1/11�N! ,= VA i . : - ,11 i IF VASE Alt.,..**41,,,----,„„am-- ''---n ., is —rrer 1 'i !. lid iiiV tA . ipig 11 *11 ll1-1 i in' i ... i Y Zi! ; . i (._ tii ,ii� aii".iI any i1� `s 18I 1 .k 1 .1,• 's use i. (n; ia; . ( _2 I, o --- i4. .-- I' Q 1.i a i 1 --i i ,,1a._____i F-- } I 1 1 rig 5e11 11 l g 1 i2 a I '��_ 0 i i it s 4 • 444 4 44 4 4 4 I. Lir CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-143 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF,LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS BEN • a D MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM �,� tt� Fh� �� � Db , SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS,the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as `,SP w Rxa ,. ,, tunder the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these G:\ORD\ZOMNG\480.143 Page I changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their Lipe original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed,are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No.480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989,as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: G:\ORD\ZONLNG\480.143 Page 2 grt r'� Being a, l: Yacre tract of land situated in the HaleS ry y,Abstract Na 0 (IIIry Tract �,and more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from ' ti t � ��w,w ,�" -��` ; � � o-o-�� ji a' -�' �, .co- to R :' E esid P� e1opment.D t x ; _ 8 f � /i,F� �e�,�s hr iZ i 9 approved� £ v .pme nt llama h d in npora l a in as'! Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby,but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to G:ORD\ZONING\480.143 Page 3 Lie such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10)days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L G:ORD\ZONING\480.143 Page 4 $A 1 (re APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L L G:\ORD\ZONING\480.143 Page 5 2 -' EXHIBIT "A" L.+ BEING A 78.05 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J. W. HALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 803,TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO MARVIN KERCHO, AND DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 3241, PAGE 415, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEARING BASIS IS PLAT FILED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 1707, TIMARRON ADDITION,WINDSOR CREEK, PHASE 1, PLAT RECORDS,TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a 3/4"iron rod found at the northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Sarah Reynolds as described in deed recorded in Volume 2414, Page 583, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89°39'21' W, along the north line of said Reynolds tract, at 189.05 feet, passing a 3/4' iron rod found, a total distance of 210.00 feet to a 5/8'iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess" set in Carroll Road for corner, said point also being in the east line of that certain 4.81 acre tract of land conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533, Page 235, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 00°04'05" W. along the approximate centerline of Carroll Road and along the east line of said 4.81 acre Timarron Land Corporation tract, and also along the east line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, as follows: S. Ryan. Volume 7158, Page 644; Trustees of the Carroll Road Baptist Church,Volume 4929, Page 356; N. Pond, Volume 7134, Page 944; T. Barnett, Volume 9657, Page 2320; Rucker Family limited Partnership, Volume 10432, Page 1162; P. Schell, Volume 2851. Page 198: and C. Prade, Volume 2835, Page 358, a distance of 2056.61 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess' set for the northwest corner of herein described tract, said point also being loise in the south line of LOT 2, BLOCK I, of the E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION, that certain 27.625 acre tract of land conveyed to E. A. Smith, described in plat record Volume 388-154, Page 91, Plat Records. Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89°55'55' E, leaving the east line of said tracts and the said approximate centerline of Carroll Road, along the south line of said E. A. SMITH.SUBDIVISION, 1397.48 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess" set in the west line of that certain tract of land conveyed to THE BRANAN ENTERPRISES, described in deed recorded in Volume 6377, Page 99, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 01°16'56" W, leaving the south line of said E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION, along the west line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract, 621.41 feet to a 1/2' iron rod found at the southwest corner of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract; THENCE S 89°46'40" E. along the south line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract. 19.52 feet to a 5/8' iron rod found at the northwest corner of that certain 2.52 acre tract of land conveyed to Charles Hart, described in deed recorded in Volume 3193. Page 361. Deed Records, Tarrant County. Texas; THENCE S 01°23'55" E. leaving the south line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES, along the west line of said Charles Hart tract, and also along the west line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, as follows: William Minor, Volume 6506. Page 266, and Harvey Miller, Volume 9165, Page 2165, a distance of 484.26 feet to a t r2' iron rod with plastic cap stamped ' Vogt Engineering" found at the southwest corner of said Harvey Miller tract; GAORD\ZONING\480.143 Page 6 EXHIBIT "A" L THENCE S 86°38'45' E, along the south line of said Harvey Miller tract, at 187.94 feet, passing a 1/2'iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Vogt Engineering'found,a total distance of 208.19 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess' set in Carlisle Lane, said point also being in the west line of that tract of land conveyed to N. Brown, described in deed recorded in Volume 6444, Page 569, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 00°04'56" W. along the approximate centerline of said Carlisle Lane and the west line of said N. Brown tract, 1171.77 feet to a 5/8- iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter & Burgess' set in the north line of that certain 17.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533. Page 235. Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89°14'05-W. leaving the west line of said N.Brown tract,along the north line of said Timarron Land Corporation tract, and also along the north line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas as follows: Bear Creek Communities, Volume 10351, Page 2377, and that certain 2.86 acre tract conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533, Page 235, a distance of 1413.05 feet to a 5/8' iron rod with plastic cap stamped 'Carter& Burgess' set at the southeast corner of the aforementioned Sarah Reynolds tract; THENCE N 01°09'53" E, leaving the north line of said 2.86 acre Timarron Land Corporation tract, along the east line of said Sarah Reynolds tract, at 24.70 feet, passing a 3/4' iron rod found, a (kw total distance of 211.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 78.046 acres (3,399,664 square feet) of land with 0.55 acres contained in Carlisle Lane, 0.71 acres contained in Continental Boulevard. and 1.00 acre contained in Carroll Road,leaving a total of 75.786 acres of land more or less. L G:\OR D\ZON ING\480.143 Page 7 EXHIBIT "B" 11 +! lttte }•i 11 1 i•1 ,1I1 II1IIIIIII , ! t• !1ijD li IT j , tl1il! r!!11� 1! 1 ;iI1 !,J ,t rl, +11� j+! � ;l,E11riit li:' 1 i, 11 ;j 1 si: 1i 1.11+{5,j�� i= iii t l =1rtj1 1 1 +i is 3r ! 'l �Itlf lfi it +;{ 1S10 K is komp, a 41111 I! �3lll ' 1111 1 1 1• ,, 1i1 1.1 ;l I}. .1r0 }111.t 11rr1, i w e 0 • i'+ 141101i� .ii 1 i�i! ii ,11 T 11 1:11 iii'11 ill 1 c c k„ x 1i 11 Hitt 0'1 iiihllUi 1i •r7 1, • . 41 j! 1i� I'll .1110 !P6� J W • . a a nII 1i. 1f �HI1 1t . ,1 • �, I . 11 t � ..., 2 1 f! §1 i1d i 1 ;+! ilt�jtr ,� i1J(�; 11 1� W g� °` ��11 , rtt 1t•f7 Wb Q ? ; w1 1s-11( f 1 S1t111tl: 1 S1�111 llIII bi ¢ N .. ; _ m .- . 4'1 •f1/1 ! •il !r"lfit ri1 1 e h, -41 1 ' 1 OC � A 1 11 l r mil Ali 1S iII •}� . 1 j 11;1 . x d w U ! g .'"i1a ! {li 11111 /11111111i/ 1111; 111 $ M 11111 $11I1 1111/ 1 14 11i�11 6 8 14 ii i 111 till 11 1 1 1 • . 7 . 1 i f 11. i] l f 1jj 1 1! 1 !_[ 1 141 I,r 1 1 it • • • A • t 7 7 7:7,! I 1= +, , 1,11; , 1, , 111 1 t Hi ; �j; S 1I1tItHi!ii!I1iJJb11jj 1 . _1t: aS�: F .11141i:j°�! 1 = III , ,uPill;I 1 d 11!1 lr ;: , j1F1 ,tiI kg • f tY ` ;1i 1 k I, , ! ' v t 1,,1 i iE. a. 1 i- :- k�"" '7 .ill it 17 i g ¢i 11-:-1--= 1 ,Cie , IlimO I : 11 . . NIMEMBIBrat il ' "166arla 1 R ISii1114014 i4li . ' ' IP. k ..' am V.AN'ArtiE liNgf.* - —..-41k fli 3 • EfAialli imp• itt � i� w lio I 01-h-; } illll I:* �lAWt LYYIi 1 7'.. Gel .�1.. 4 p .- ,\a Illar,,r a r. Ai5 !hi Y (/ Y E L C 'C a y/� Y� �� ` �� 6 � .� g�• 59 3 � 6 r �C4.y M V � p s ., Eby 1 GYM$ b 1 r1b Y •111 t l ii1 111 13� ! i$j.ailiii e E f iz1 a. eg 1 1 s f E= 6 ___1 i--� 1 1 1 i r- I:.. ! • - i R r11 R ,l= ----- I 1 1 Ei :1it11l b @ 4PAlk4 ° 1 ekin 1 ill r!1 I - ill 1 0 tl 1(..., i 8 i 1' i== Issmam I. Ordinance No. 480-143 Page 88 �a—9 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-03 Concept Plan/South Hollow The Applicant has requested that ZA 95-03 Concept Plan for South Hollow be tabled to the March 21, 1995 City Council Meeting per the attached letter from Arthur H. Clayton, Representative for Southhollow Ltd. KPG/bls (kw-- �PJ- � ul (hoe February 16, 1995 Tn ,-� i' j _ • J + ;t, • Gregory D. Last ; ; i ;;�1 ! � Community Development Director City of sotxthlake ' ' `- � -, 1 L:J t 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Via Fax Dear Greg, Southhollow Ltd. is requesting that its Concept Plan be tabled before the City Council of Southtake, Texas until March 21, 1995. This request will allow both of our plans to be reviewed at the same meeting. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, ( ' Q ur H. Clayton Southhollaw Ltd. L Post-It"'brand fax transmittal memo 7871 Notpey„ b 'hone!, — — 3 • L F5� - City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-03 Concept Plan/South Hollow REQUESTED ACTION: Concept Plan for South Hollow, being 33.12 acres situated in the J.A. Freeman Survey and the J.W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, Tracts 2A, 2B and 2C LOCATION: North side of E. Continental Blvd., East of Carlisle Lane, and South of Rainbow Street OWNERS: Norman and Norma Brown, Dorthy M. Rockenbaugh, and Joe Wright APPLICANT: South Hollow, Ltd. CURRENT ZONING: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifteen(15) RESPONSES: Six written responses received from within the 200' notification area: * Theron Ragan, 1512 Rainbow St., in favor. * Marvin Kercho, by Bill Kochweop, 115 Rivera Dr., San Antonio, opposed; subject to further review of roadway plans and alignments of this development and review of the City's arterial plan for Carlisle Lane. * Juanita Peters, 840 Carlisle Lane, opposed; with Versailles to the West and Napa Valley to the North, another subdivision will cause too much congestion and be too much for Carlisle Lane to bear. * Southiake J.V.,Nat Gibbs, RR1 Box 20, Saltillo, Tx; in favor. * Timarron Land Corp., P.O. Box 290, Dallas, not opposed; see attached letter. * William & Janice Minor, 860 Carlisle Ln., opposed; 1) Versailles, Napa Valley and South Hollow will empty into Carlisle Ln.,2)their property will be boxed in and they will be more vulnerable to theft if Versailles is approved, 3) three developments at one time will Lupe create a hardship on them, and 4) the three developments will destroy the country atmosphere. 88 - 3 City of Southlake,Texas P &Z ACTION: February 9, 1995; Approved(6-0-1)ZA 95-03 Concept Plan for South Hollow subject to the Plan Review Summary dated February 3, 1995, amending item 5D to provide a 12' x 150' transition right-of-way dedication for a right turn lane on the North line of Continental Blvd., and amending item#7 to connect Avondale to Rainbow Street to the North. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plan Review Summary dated February 3, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plan Review Summary dated February 17, 1995. KPG/bls L G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-03CP.WPD S8- y ,b 10=59 FROM. MOBIL LAND DEVELOPMENT 1 D= 2 l4 b4 t vJtiO0 eut�t 2 , '.r_!_• T IV% A. R R () N February 7, 1995 IIA FACSIMILE Curtis Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: City of Southlake Master Thoroughfare Plan Dear Curtis: We are in receipt of notification documents for zoning Case No. ZA 95-03 (South Hollow subdivision) . Upon review of the enclosed information, we noticed that realignment of South Carroll Avenue, Carlisle Lane, and Brumlow Avenue, as shown on the City Master Thoroughfare Plan, has not been honored. Furthermore, we (kw understand that the City is considering abandoning the realignment of South Carroll Avenue within the Versailles developments. Timarron Land Corporation has no objection to the proposed South Hollow and Versailles developments, nor would we object to the abandonment of the realignment of South Carroll Avenue if the City so desired. However, if the realignment is to be abandoned, we believe that the City should fully consider all options regarding this issue and the associated ramifications. We will be glad to assist in your evaluation and are available at your earliest convenience. S ely, f,; Ste E. Y-tts, P.E. Project Engineer SEY/ers cc: R.L. Croteau A.C. Freeman !`t\legal\private\tm\hawk-amd.ltr Low 26- 5 ;ht.', rR') ELEMENTARY HI ; I t ' • , ,waKo snatr y'f � r•' [s r "'s 1 4'4 _ 1.. 7J �ER RttOLL K CA ROIL•f 1.43 xw , K 1. p » x _rxJ. '�rYI � Mll.I ila LPL 0 � � — _, �F Ia '� CIIOOL • a, fs",�' s<, ,>RTL dI °' iIG,roDi� 1CI \ \ 3AG�V1-IANPIA an]DM CIAs[%©A - O01 1-,c_;_ I nHALL INERW.W. HL LIB Ap ] I � < v RICK G3® EA®S� I ©� 1 I .,. ... f. "-.. I Isom N 21.3 3021 "Cfy.[ I G•ES Py� 1I w �o,"� goo do YF9®�iIAS c'a?9A11�1 i Q y. Ix r s/ ..2 = •` 1)) __ ____ I • ,• s vJ :. x 5�- 11111"UX lessM l:ffiiiii1 �� ODD %\ CITY xItl �W° f' •p to x s HALL . E5 - --- Ae E-If --~ H�;� , © ESA y / I 6 i 1-' l ' 0 ]• i stls �. AG---- { w Iliar 1 � ��'--,' �--� Q "-' Vf0(— / NORTHWEST PKWY `ST =ICI ''-rt-1"-Y-• ___1 1 I �E ;--e_� Kx I. ,I CO " E . - - ------ r END -- OA '_ _ --' MI ]k • AR .4 -' MAY )tl 7/1. , L IT N. p a ivy l W Pi? Of AV fau•a.•¢ '�� © ` . DIAIII [ p XV )BI. Y IA N, X M K .B Al L. p, I M »IA ro » -,_r_._{ � "' k ]sf t GD Isk -- 5DJf PPS RRI , r y,k ..vk DIG ` n.[K ,��II�O� --- 8�5 = vRE� Iw, w " l�� p, M 1B1 I• w " \\ II.,,k �j ]N' O M 9, P� L I , o ML 1 w I , - _ f IIM K ,'I IO p lir 0 , Ig C OW I� I,K KI (5 C - ' ,-- T R �[�1nn y 1�(�1� A�p �•C'-- �tE�- ". M]C� ®H I1 A. I�YV� Wu� 1]tlK i. •'xrpAKS_' s 1 ®f�i(EDIAH�'A_ I�I�I�'aQ9Y pK,:\ o al A' WI \ V f r x I ---1---( 3 cz. Ci , w "4EIcI I 4 ,» p k r f41 I,DIAI ,». » .O.f'. HALE I , r MI - 4 Su+.( - •MO.fr. 41I r, ` Il it )K [.1)K • k •••-r T T r[ ens l O A,.• In I EE i Vi AC ~Y; d fA•i W w a [eR611 1 i ..� 59 `T�` a r ; L~7� 1A I O K x B• NE> ' i}�, M�°°vf f,k [ A .. , i — -- — — — v J: IA , »,n u .Y s• —•`. - w:j` ;\ A Nt • -1 \[.' Gil• Wry - 1,Y I »y �[i4 JwK -en I).[K ^lu ON m • w »mac MI /- 1 •�'-QA7 ,1 * i., ,ITS w a1, u, _ _{ I ** VAS M II I A? - n / 0 6i PAR .8 ' n 4= FI�RIo" im f10,(. -QJ, I � _, N 1]N k' )]I.[ N i,'•. -`"�1 ?,T--NM '�I l M'] KM ' 1OLLIG`.IGSWO TH =BI Id �B�tl I' wr i EA ETT o.K. - s, I MtADUM SUCH — — — TRACT MAP FLP� o K5 f, B Li .k., gE,40, U-fK 1 1� 11 1 _ Spin Representative Pamela Muller o Wo I I- ' A L.,' SUP VP Y A -80 T. Ragan SF-20A 6 ` l SF-20A RAINBOW S T. C. Hood J. Peters SF-20B __1; SF-20A i 2 C 1 SF-20A M.Kercho W.Minor Southlake Joint G.Foster Venture SF-206 i 'SF-20B 6. 3 Ac ' H.Miller 1 A 2 SF-20A 6 B 3 Z \s\IC.Nelson 1A SF-201 632 z 0 1 ' 3.4 c L' _I W U (r 1NL am w\ 1--f J.Wrigh F 19 1 A AG 1 \/ I-1 2 F 1 C.Emery I R.Hitt Rri\ S.Haynes A 1E Timarron g) AGLand Corp. MU � if 6.3 A c R-PUD 'J 1 f 2 1-1 1E 1 1 l l . I.\I � ' 11 • ---L, ADJACENT OWNERS 1 AND 11 1D ZONING HART ST I- 1E \ 1 C /\ F SB-9 rry 5 1E P. City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-05 Preliminary Plat/Yates Corner REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Yates Corner Addition, being 3.701 acres situated in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, Tracts IAA, lE and 1E1 LOCATION: Northwest co> of N. Kimball Ave. and E. Dove Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Rickey McPherson CURRENT ZONING: "SP-2" Generalized Site Plan District on Lot 1 "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District on Lot 2 LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: Eight (8) RESPONSES: No written responses received P &Z ACTION: STAFF COMMENTS: February 9, 1995; Approved(7-0) ZA 95-05 Preliminary Plat subject to the first Plat Review Summary dated February 3, 1995. The Applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated February 3, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated February 17, 1995. KPG/bls L G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-05PP.WPD QC-I . _____ -_____---,------- --, ,—,,,, ',:l'i Ve-,,r,, K5 i y,.i 01 .D�. DWIGHT • li i. ys_ DA $:7es 4_ 4!y,- 5 = 1^" :! :r ''•�.<•< � � nn f I9VRztjE G i, u1 i. •I .��C, - - 1 • wry �- 1A -_ HM Y /__ Q ®per aM4 le / `�� 9 OP: , K 7-- iigi:Ilif.- , (1/ ,61P1 a mt L :(1 ;-- ' T I i- '3-L. (CHIv/ R3 11I b.E.: UPlt�l�tll �®nM o = MI I` i./S np ry M��1,ARD 11 n (�3�0 ul i t. R. �b�al�� l ,.p., �i / jud NO a .[I-s-�ALp 5�P�6 "'.1� MAIM a L,.,A. I l _� , -� 5 I E- %P 4 13.12 4 1.1.1' la / 7 _. . �! I 1A CkRROILa--iunmy I ,- , • i I a // / . `` C t SCHOOL ?- j 1• ` 1 \3 _ -I J Y1111('L-- -- n _ __ _- --w- UNINCORPORA 1E0 I zAl P; a ' ` Fog Y� 111 ; C 2.7I al �� i .i �ulA __LH c 1 410 y i 11 4 , 3p 4 1 I 111 ., 101M ,9,i r\ IC K rot lv 4 7.M 4. --� Seca : `� YAK \�/ , I. _ ., I ir-- liFiii l 'a. ' 1 - _ I-�z9� ..4 K, w� t _ - ,r I ,e I eh YiIICI ', I as 4 x ,. a y •E WL - ' , .�_ 114 •EfZ b ..- • A'E5: -OAKS �al�', I _�u�__ _ ,M •. ���i' INS EK•. ti.„�,i+-+,'"' ,_ L -film =al: az R om`f., sa a �R i ®II:: ' �i tr- ., a -�® ® `� \/ i 5if, 0 446_0, C�HIVER* it L_'u4 o9e4 ik,, wER CI mle ��\�j//// ,..:,. „,, 000 AA I , s.1a NERSF�ES® Li ...___ ,, I, /.TX I�;{;; ,'-'- ' ' 3A10 In AIC .aa7 ci.p :431 t- ' a„ 741 R��5 — ,14 •�NSKINEA a�1 .___().../ I �31„ `�1P n,cz 5 ns4 �(IF L 0. ,N I,Lit., ) pE AG MA 4 n3A f /,4,' JACK D 9 014 t --1=--J . a1--L X. ' '� suwv . -- /� K,_� :'y� JOHNSON - ND 1A,o, 3A1n3 ---- — x 7 PS -- ELEMENTARY 1`� M'" ""' az 4 MA' .14 dE N �� J l ♦4 r{B`I��riLJJ LPi- r ---,-P E_ i F, .—._ -- s.,:! ---„a.._ 1.,� .f0H0r r NE;Nl,ti--Mil 'i .;1..'4 - I ��N not i .C] l �AP�'— Fil liv, NO j5 ,a9.4 F -1AIN—;lb:, ppl�l T �� �,' �:\ Y�' • \ �PR/�''y r,� CA ROLL x v, ]L.— - 1 -r 10 If u m q._ .___—__ r. • I ♦o _i'—� it Fj I. D ` x, i • _� \\ \�[1 I Ij CH L ___ ,7 YI hi (._-.Y) `x. / - .:A J WHR No j'93 v` 'j1,:, I 0, ,A If. e A a %,G x,y 9 2.11 AA \\ T,102 ( iY r�M: ; v : < , I 0.13 4Y1 . � %tGt © ` N DAI!ft}e 1_ eo,4 l . ,( Uw, ___' r / s, e D �.p��,�1 ICI.W. HALL\\ \` p{l�l .' 1 __ J 1wKr ...a -- - — p{I � I�,H G3® C l � •, : x x I riz J.� a, 5, I,_ H•, �. r;F y 4 ", Flo, 5 rdM DDr A �� it-, t�� •.,I � � ,�1: I �3SvIt .�� _ A : I_. ti. 5'I'. Ilia �/ RANiiil, - E 1ea1 >e1 .: nz aan.z M xNA xI - c.:. 0-ri9fil, : 1N: V t \ ) zbz lI RE az a a1 1ee a3_ ao1x. R 1I a/ -_ - Es., _n115F m w x n M}Ib zz FO E/,' TRACT MAP '� `J x a a „ ' 1. Vii4P • ! ma<. 4 �'I Vic, I 1A ( ' lAl I > I I I;I bn A F'' I t I .4.. 1,.A II' D 1 I I^�'�ly.7 I''. 1 t' -r,,, I4 5 a I _ I ii[ ",I 'e1 'I .b I. I } . . x „ W r l< _�. ,��r O 1 V 1 � 1 2 5 1 \ 1 X 1 \N.., 1 Q 2 1 y , ---- ----- 1X 1 � 1 1� 1-1-- Y 4/ \ 1 Y Spin Representative Karen Reynolds 1 � 3 \ 3 1Z 1 � m i 2 \ SF-1A . AG AG 'I 1 2 1 H. George I M. Prinz-, N f , 1EE2 Q , , . w 115. I ' - iv 7:4 2BC,J1 , !/ o 2c r j 1 _ Illp 3B3 u- 0 --,,\-/\ \ i -- ( j— _ 1- J U \\ '5 , i j SF-1A I A� 3 B 1 `� --� M. Cate I 4' J 2L .. 2Jc-1 $ — 2 D P. Long — 2 SF-1A D. Ward 41 ___ ____ N. Dinh i ii 1 2J1 -- li SF-1A 4 2v 2 — 2G Al lur ---Aliik..- ADJACENT OWNERS \ AND ZONING L2 .th 1 y ci 1 r)TA A ? FL V. • City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-05 Review No: Two Date of Review: 2/17/95 Project Name: Preliminary Plat - Lots 1 & 2. Block 1, Yates Corner Addition OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Rickey Mc Pherson Ward Surveying Company P.O. Box 1792 P.O. Box 820253 Grapevine. Texas 76051 Fort Worth. Texas 76182-0253 Phone: (817) 481- 3281 Phone: (817) 281-5411 Fax: (817) 488- 0790 Fax: (817) 838-7093 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE.CITY ON 2/13/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581, EXT. 787. 1. It appears that the leach field for Lot 2 encroaches into Lot 1. Section 8.01(B) of Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 requires that the private septic system be contained in one lot. Provide reconfiguration of Lot 2 to incorporate the leach field or obtain approval from the Public Works Director for a revised septic field that will be wholly contained in Lot 2 as submitted. * Denotes Informational Comment lor cc: Rickey Mc Pherson Ward Surveying Company G:\WPF\REV\95-005PP.WPD V` 'It - - --- — ... G) iggi g oiii• : ! ig. : . it.' 1 . • E f; : • CX.23: . ii .t.t:ht : . t •.: E 7.2.1::2 ::i• ; E .---4 g. 2 :E:2:3 3213 .r. E t: - .. 2:i i ::... :E . .. 2 I. :::: % 11:1:! :!2.. V.: ! „ 1., E ! 2 LI :2 ! ! :f E i21 'li I in g, rii g; ::: g!: .-.g gg ,•• : ,.. ;1 1 = ..g.• .. . -• 1.- - i :R.I..: Eg. if ..: pg .E .:2 2'3;.!: ,EE i2 ! : r • .:E - : i 3 1 9 .1 1 LE 2 i i:Eii2 Li tE 4 2 4: 1 1.: 1 E 1:! a a ! .11 i 1 ! Is' . E .... 3 : 3 t..3 I.:2:3 ll t: - • ••-3:-7 -E:-:.:•:: •:- t - : :4 - - • -- r 22...lE : 1 2 " 2.. " : i: : E g . . . il i t t. 4 4 1 1 i 22 I : EE • ;EE • 1 13 . ';.. :I 33:3 : iv: g 11 :2 t, .. gg 2 7 • g i !. # A g g • I a [ i , 2- . •. . i i... 1 _ : , iq -----— ----- [ 1.___ I : , 30N3AV 11V8IIIN FiliON IT:,T,'„,,n.! ,,,,,, ,...,,, -- .„., .., .... .„_____ ____ / - '7---7 / Z g ' ,..„..,..... , / / s 2 iV3'7 •,; i ,:.:.! L. ;s .F.' C/ / :r .' / '' / i 1. ., • 4 e i f. :-3.'(r.rz ,..„-,4 .. •i- _- ; i / , A 2i' — ..1$ -‘•- -- '' 1‘'' • •—• 'iti2 I'F-xi; . , 0 ; ;:i i // / 0 1;•2 ...1 'I. r—:‘'. ..- ' :1: ,- 174 .'. 1 /I 2, !t•:1 ..q.,e,;,,. tkl.:.sl. .f.,,,i: i:$)7.4,i . , - ,,e 'A<,i. 41 34.1‘711111.:,'•":. • ....71.P.::, 12?1 C- liPt i':..liq:, • ..; ,r: . . • /-' 't,,.!.. •fit ay(;NAY 1•610••141 a AA. , ;:111.-Iiii;‘i i'''''\.:"-ii.111Pr1141411741:111.:11j- '14 Eli i.i - ........•.-....OF 14S.Ow•OCYci.• 2:.I '2,. 2• . . . . . / -1, • ..v-. --., .ty.., ' . .• . • (.> in '2 z-a __ix Ox -t.g rsi Li z 1-- 'lip,,'lip,, - . . Z:+1 u • . 4 '4 • -1 - 0-1 • 1- —I- 0-D Z D 0 Z 0 VI 4(f) ,,,/17-2/C7)1-1,-nn ii1 f 9JJ if/ FEBRUARY 21 , 1995 TO: CITY STAFF OF SOUTHLAKE FROM RICKEY E. McPHERSON In response to your letter about the encroachment of lateral lines from Lot 2 to Lot 1 . On February 18 , 1995 , myself and Owner of McPherson Septic Installation, probed the area on east side of Store (Lot 2) . We were unable to confirm any encroachment of Lateral lines from Lot 2 to Lot 1 . The only thing we can confirm is that the Septic Tanks for Lot 2 are located on Lot 2 . Thank You, i � r Ric�y E. cPherson City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 95-06 Revised Preliminary Plat REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat for Lot 3 of Southridge Lakes, Phase C-1, being 15.89 acres situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, Tract 1D LOCATION: Northeast corner of W. Southlake Blvd. and N. Peytonville Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Southridge Center, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use NO. NOTICES SENT: Twenty-three (23) RESPONSES: Two written responses received from within the 200' notification area: * Gary and Nicolett McAninch, 100 San Jacinto Ct.,opposed;there is not a demonstrated need for the services proposed. * Joseph & Deanna Kienast, 108 San Jacinto Ct., undecided; concerned about the quality of businesses and the style of the proposed plan. Does not want to see businesses such as "Remax" and does not want 1709 to develop like Grapevine Hwy. 26 or Rufe Snow P & Z ACTION: February 9, 1995;Approved(7-0)ZA 95-06 Revised Preliminary Plat subject to the Plat Review Summary dated February 3, 1995 adding to comment 7C that the Applicant work with staff to engineer the transition from 84'to 64'right-of-way; delete item 9B regarding the 24' common access easement on the North property line of Lots 3 &4;and add a new comment 9D to provide a 30' common access easement along the entire 175' Eastern line of Lot 5. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated February 3, 1995 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated February 17, 1995. RD- City of Southlake,Texas The applicant's preliminary site plan for the proposed Lot 4 is attached for the sole purpose of assisting the Council in their evaluation of common access easements for this lot. V.Av KPG/bls L G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES95\95-06RPP.W PD gD-� L� �q ` V w' E I ; 'LAKE, CITY LIMIT C ,(I Ip I ICY m s �j h { �- 5* LER CITY LIMIT a' g. , rr p-1 bon I[2A , -d 1 ®I151 CHILDR __ A �f — . I 1c2 IC2 1w i • ,+-,33. r 6070 w , . a - IC4 I.' 14P9r, NE'S I : p 9 x JA_ g REE. 1pt� - I3 L. w7r �RQ ,1 G �R w71r ' -_ �, . xi x • IA IA: TT,-r --T-", , - s 1 ..,, �✓ - 1: . ' ; M��� fit- �Gr. A ---, I 1 I I !- •- -- ' --{. , • .:b,ti..J�, . 11C2 11C2A 11C2 4- • MI ' IA,A1 `' , - ' _A --`T--4. ' . . ' ' • / se • is 1 6812 r-- a,,, 1 - A N . I-- 6e7A 681A 181 ' IAIA ---- GG , ', ' 784A 28 ♦ 2g4 ` © u:.. , ,� 1, �`- ss • 7 IAIA IAIA IAIA IAIA IAIA IA14A _ ���, -I- , . , .__ 68i . 20 x 2 20 2F 8 ,4,....;` 2810 mg -- , ., . ` ,._. 1A1A3 --- �'�' I� -- -1-'• C., ...eu Ib:' 74, s • 1 (, z i'��"pY Y• 1', -' uw I O t', , •-• KELLER CITY 6LlMIT I �A•,..•...-•'' ,` r -AO?". M &. �r �E[ V. ' n •. ``''''GRD d suoncr m ri �. � • 0 • 2AI' .7 ti... X 'E' R. ,c, AIA �}4, . t0 k= :( ( ?-T 1E• t �\' r 'c... IDS ID .ti - A -- `V,-4 S rl_ '_ ' l!" mil ASH I J v ~ . { SJ y e GER-, YI. .3,:. _i DDR1b ( 1 = . O6 r =. ` I 9 1 k5 At 1\- ' l' AA' , : . ,, % G.i - 1 �, Pll'A ..' -4 •• 0 _ __-, _____ . __: 11111 ---''' -—.14 3., T ,• _ __ -- _mismaiii --—___ ,„ .._ 0.2 Fri till . il r .2. , ./ s..., 11; J. - .E e ,-{ 51 = T �` `‘ 8 iv -T-- SIP'''. '�- u,A CARROLL ' ' - T,rn TE�� I I -"'� p x� ra� �+ x f TA e.l A. G. A� III, 2R'� K .l', EAVES f�.J1. `� 7.4 - -.S -..1- d"., ''�•.� A�P' I - 0� 1NG '� A-500 I swrFr • "X • I i ,�,%ti1 . ' -_� GIG 1 • Sm art-w 7. i �. •' ti� I • A IIII P 5 72A I t A< x t Y �`• '1I f f �.iiiii.,..„, ss 2A 7µ13i'KEI Io ,� y jf��� • �G ER�s. i ETA k s II � - _' : , :a NER TRACT MAP >v� _ D' fGR I ;��I�tG�lU�6l. • e,i I ..ro I i.lcI°` 1 ICti 4 I' I f 1 I I 1 - v 7- .% , \ `� ��— N n i fit- I L,- , co / 1 (kr _ _____, ' o a a�, r i • „,.., , c, I � 0 lv c M I Q `y I_ to U \ / w m O — uopuaIO 'O I I- Q . a i iseue _.r v N U /\'--- iii.ati ;;._, '\ le , oi C___ ,,,, 24 c <1,N cp -,'(4.„.._C-.1'-:::6)-—.,(\,\: 06ti1 1 \ N 4}�onns6u91o�'1 • A 1i,--P-<.2---4I C1 CcC1I IL / W . 0,) J / aoellaM N o O z v • � z uos�ead 'g o d 0 0 1_ 11100.o C ~ N co W p �, I i I�- \ J /fr e oH .I 1 Q Q I OA , Q • ndI ThiIAINo� ti Hldc = _ --- I I Q I I 21 I 1 l`r-) r'f-) ,04, I —I— I\ ) 1 1� Y __ _ I 1 I I i?.. 1 ILL' E A:,.....-.:\....,1 ,.---- )(-- . t t --r- t 1112 r-r) a) CL i ' Z....\ X itt N i MVIS N U 3 c I I j ' 4 ED.41:;\ . \___./ j -7- 7- - a°'�'k ••••.•••••••+•�'•'a 26094 SYX31 '3)IY'1H1(10S r-I • ��� • L�311H0av 20N3AY 3T1IANOI.A3d ' 6041 AYMHDIH MT'Id 3d IS = Q, o 1,+*.a. • WdHONINNf1D '2I AIIII3,L H31N33 331,1I2I H.LfIOS AZIdNIN111321d 011� LI ., (Bo' . TULL=BIS ... fn as I. 1 iD . a;i ,s;>;>i d r ' $ Q II 11 I Il 1 ! i a o 112' I IIIIII11I lll1IN aii§4§ iHJI DiU IJI • i i i r YAT'14:7- . • 1-- ..,, , • .1 'e! 0::; :•: -:-:• :: 11 • :4. 1. 1 t i•-; 0 :: 4..!. . f•e .ii irk l N '.\ mEz k: :► OI, • =3�-,is• Fay 1 ...,....a te: • fir• o. • • 4 C� • g S� :;.' �. �i=�. ,,. �'� t w "li • h E S2 G:a .—LD' 4 o 9 — ' Ili* G ',ice ::i C.,; 4'.• — lip Zr) :• J.., 1- j Z ., Q :•i l iJ z Es:rE ,. �I $9 . 14- ;1 11 t 11 n1t — H-A-i•H�I-Ft1 rIrt s e ----------3f1N3�V 3llNNOl.l3d--- p3 ----------------� City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 95-06 Review No: Two Date of Review: 2/17/95 Project Name Revised Preliminary Plat- Lots 3-6. Block 6, SouthRidge Lakes Phase C-1 (submitted as Southridge Center) OWNER/APPLaICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Southridge Center. L.P. Graham Associates. Inc. 1721 W. Plano Parkway. Suite 131 616 Six Flags Drive. Suite 400 Plano. Texas 75075 Arlington. Texas 76011 Phone: (214) 422-7006 Phone: (817) 640-8535 Fax: (214) 578-9547 Fax: (817) 633-5240 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 2/13/95 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817)481-5581, EXT. 787. 1. Provide the current record owners and corresponding deed records in the metes and bounds description. 2. Either correct the distance of the second call of the metes and bounds description and provide the corresponding external dimension on the graphic or provide the bearing for the 75' dimension on the graphic and add a corresponding call to the metes and bounds description. 3. The following changes should be made with regard to easements: A. Provide a 15' D.E. to connect the lateral line extensions to the existing 70' D.E. B. Extend the 15' U.E. for the portion of the 8" sanitary sewer line and manhole servicing Lot 6. C. Provide an extension of the 15' U.E. to contain the fire hydrant at the northwest corner of Lot 5. �a� City of Southiake,Texas L * City Council may consider requiring a continuation of the existing 24' Common Access Easement along the north line of Lot 6 across the north line of the proposed Lots 3 & 4 to Peytonville Avenue. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing "Case No. ZA 95-06" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Southridge Center, L.P. Graham Associates, Inc. Grace Presbytery USA, 8000 John Carpenter Frwy., Dallas, Texas 75247 G:\WPFIREV\95-006PP.WPD • A F uYr! it'll L . 1 1 s al 1l �i 1 1 iiii .t 1 1 1` II ,iiii �;fill oY� R : 1 V1 l I 11 I I 11 I p' , 1 s n;;I ut 11 kii i :a1 ill 11 d : (lilfifi sg A C1 �-\ ift l I! ft il 'I 1111 d 1h il. 1 11l11! 1i111 11IliIliII Yv; 3sWi I 3f= _ aVd — 3XV1 3B + SOl S � '� I I I hog_ r s_ . . I I y. I I Yg:i iu IA 's y II \) § o, y I 1 14 zos — ;— E ,,Y: � I 1 as 9- I _Jun. � , Ce . r. „ C s I 0111 • l „ .0.,. .. ., „ , Iiii ode ,/ .... 0 88g� „.„. 11.„, 1_12 , 9 N:.\- --\; • 4#t; I fri IA 9 14 I I f4i_ri ; §w \ e 1 III ` .,I :is * ai€ y; i III F ,,,� 1 1 •� ;, gH.� `°:::1 d�oa s a o,xi l ' A4c1,X - - dil ' .L ,-- , ,1 . tr— 1 il svri M. MJ L M T~ —3M3AV 3111ANOlA3d__ § § § `s 5 k.gI� n-ff 1anoa 833011N J MVO 1204 g. L ; ♦t • , % ` ,„..„, - .�. 3• t C= City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 506-A, Amendments to Sign Ordinance No. 506 Draft No. 5 dated 2/10/95 Attached is another clean copy of Draft No. 5 of the proposed Sign Ordinance which has not been revised since our review at the special Council meeting. I have also enclosed the boilerplate ordinance from the attorneys which will include the ultimate draft ordinance approved by Council. I have received some comments from the City Attorney, however I have not been able to revise draft number 5 to incorporate these changes and the changes mentioned at the special Council meeting. (Note that a couple exhibits were corrected though). I intend to have these revisions made prior to the Council meeting. Following is a summary of the significant changes(page and section numbers refer to the redline and strikeout version of Draft No. 5 which was previously given to Council): Page Section Item 1 1(A) Added definitions for dilapidated or deteriorated condition, distance measurements, illumination, lease space, pad site, business sign, directional sign, garage/yard sale sign, menuboard sign, model home sign, obsolete sign, real estate sign, numerals, symbols or readerboard sign, subdivision marketing sign, tradesman sign& vehicular sign. Revised definitions for gross surface area or area of a sign, height, sight triangle, ground sign, political sign, real estate sign, subdivision sign & window sign. Deleted definitions for billboards, directory sign, general business sign, identification sign, illuminated sign & multipurpose sign. 6 5 Fees are now set by Council resolution. L 8'E'I City of Southlake,Texas Page Section Item 6 6 Removed minimum acreage requirement for conditional sign permit. 6 7 Clarified and "strengthened" the section on revocable permits. 7 11 . Clarified the administrative procedures to remove signs. 8 12 Added section to allow filing liens against property for owner's failure to remove signs. 9 14 Fees for variances are now set by Council resolution. 9 14 Deleted the "Maintenance of Signs" section because it was redundant with the section on removal of signs. 10 16 Changed the title of "General Sign Categories and Regulations" to "Permitted Sign Structures and General Provisions" to distinguish this from section from numerous references to sign type. 10 16(A) Added new formulas for maximum letter height based on distance from the R.O.W. and maximum area based on width of building, and added new regulations on illumination, projection of signs and residential adjacency. 10 16(A) Modified allowable area and added sections on required materials for sign bases and illumination. WE ENDED OUR DISCUSSION APPROXIMATELY HERE ON THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON 2/14/95 11 16(C) Added restrictions on location of freestanding signs, required covering of supports by masonry, illumination restrictions, and placed limits on signs adjacent to residential property. 12 16(D) Added a new subsection for ground signs. 12 17 Incorporated "Non-defined Signs" into "Prohibited Signs," and relocated the "Prohibited Signs" section. 14 18(A) Combined "General Business Signs", "Directory Signs", "Identification Signs", and "Multipurpose Signs" into a single "Business Sign" category. L City of Southlake,Texas Page Section Item 15 18(B) In addition to electronic readerboard signs, manual readerboard signs must also be approved by conditional sign permit from Council. The percentage allowable readerboard area of a sign has been increased. 15 18(F) ,Added a menuboard sign category. 17 19(E) Added regulations for search lights. 17 19(F,G) Divided regulations for construction signs and development signs into two categories. Limitations have been placed on the duration of these temporary signs also and they now require a permit. 18 20(A & B) Limited the number of "subdivision marketing" and "political" signs and further restricted the location placement of subdivision marketing signs. 19 20(C) Added a tradesman sign category. 19 20(F) Added a garage/yard sale sign category. 19 21 Eliminated the section on billboards. This would prohibit billboards in the City. 20 21(A) Reduced the allowable area and quantity of off-site development signs. Also, limitations have been placed on the duration of these signs. 22 32 Added an appendices section to assist applicants with interpretation of the ordinance and to assist staff with its administration. GL/te enc: "Clean" copy of proposed ordinance with redlines and strikeouts removed C:\ORD\S[GNS\MEMOS\CEH-CC2 (kw- gE-3 N ORDINANCE NO. SIGN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE REGULATION OF SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS AND PURPOSES FOR THE ADOPTION•OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF SIGN PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS AND VARIANCES; PROVIDING FOR LIMITATIONS ON THE LOCATION, SETBACK, HEIGHT, SIZE, LIGHTING AND OTHER REGULATION OF SIGNS; PROHIBITING CERTAIN SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPT SIGNS; ALLOWING NONCOMMERCIAL(IDEOLOGICAL) COPY ON SIGNS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (ire WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake finds that the uncontrolled proliferation of signs is hazardous to users of streets and highways within the City of Southlake and will adversely affect the safety and efficiency of the city's transportation network; and WHEREAS, the city council further finds that scenic resources are distributed throughout the city and have contributed greatly to its economic development by attracting tourists, permanent residents, and new businesses and cultural facilities; and WHEREAS, the city council further finds that unless the location, number, setback lighting and size of signs are regulated, the scattering of such signs throughout the city would be L f:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) Lie detrimental to the preservation of those scenic resources and so to the economic base of the city; and WHEREAS, the city council has further determined that the proliferation of signs in the city has an adverse affect on adjacent properties; and WHEREAS, the city council has heretofore developed and adopted a comprehensive plan guiding the orderly and proper growth of the city in order to promote the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics; and WHEREAS, the city council finds that the orderly and uniform regulation of signs is a substantial factor in guiding the attractive and aesthetic development of properties in accordance with the comprehensive plan and thereby avoiding detrimental impacts of signs on the appearance of the city; and (or WHEREAS, the city council further fmds that the regulations adopted herein allow for a reasonable use of signs by businesses, residences and other properties for advertisement, dissemination of protected speech and other purposes; and WHEREAS, the city council fmds that, in addition to the above findings, the adoption of this ordinance will serve the following purposes: To preserve, protect, and enhance areas of historical, architectural, cultural, aesthetic, and economic value regardless of whether they are natural or manmade; To protect adjacent and nearby properties, in particular, residentially zoned properties from the impact of lighting, size, height, movement, and location of signs; (kw f:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) 2 To protect the safety and efficiency of the City's transportation network by reducing the confusion or distraction to motorists and enhancing the motorist's ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, other vehicles, and traffic signs; To enhance the impression of the City which is conveyed to tourists and visitors by controlling the location, number, and size of signs; To integrate sign regulations more effectively with other regulations by establishing requirements for setbacks, height, and spacing to allow for lighting, ventilation, and preservation of views in a manner consistent with land uses in the various zoning districts; and To preserve and enhance the appearance of the City and the public interest in aesthetics, and to control and reduce visual clutter and blight; and (kw WHEREAS, the city council deems it necessary to adopt this ordinance in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The following regulations are hereby adopted as the Sign Ordinance of the City of Southlake: [insert ordinance] SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of f:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) 3 such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. Ordinance No. 506 is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 506 or any other ordinances affecting the regulation of signs which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. (kire f:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) 4 SSE- 7 (re SECTION 6. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 7. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its Lcaption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L f:1 files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) 5 kiale PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney L f:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\sign(02-15-95) 6 �E-q ARTICLE I - IN GENERAL SEC. 1 DEFINITIONS A. GENERAL ALTER: To change the size, shape or outline, intent, or type of sign. DUILDING: A structure which has a roof supported by walls for the shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals., or chattel. BUILDING OFFICIAL: The Building Official of the City of Southlake, Texas, or his designee. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: For construction of a sign shall be the point in time when the sign has been delivered to the site and attachment to a building has begun or holes are excavated for ground installation. DILAPIDATED OR DETERIORATED CONDITION: Any sign which in the opinion of the building official has the following characteristics: (a) Where elements of the surface or background can be seen, as viewed from the normal viewing distance, to have portions of the finished material or paint flaked, broken off, or missing, or otherwise not in harmony with the rest of the surface; or (b) Where the structural support or frame members are visibly bent, broken, dented, or torn; or (c) Where the panel is visibly cracked, or in the case of wood and similar products, splintered in such a way as to constitute an un- sightly or harmful condition; or (d) Where the sign or its elements are twisted or leaning or at angles other than those at which it was originally erected (such as may result from being blown or the failure of a structural support) ; or (e) Where the message or wording can no longer be clearly read by a person with normal eyesight under normal viewing conditions; or (f) Where the sign or its elements are not in compliance with the requirements of the National Electric Code and/or the Uniform Building Code currently adopted by the City. DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS: Distance of signs from R.O.W. shall mean the shortest horizontal distance from the R.O.W. to a vertical line to the ground from the nearest element of the sign or the distance in a straight line between signs. ERECT: To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix, and shall also include the painting of signs on the exterior surface of a building or structure. FACADE: Any separate face of a building, including parapet walls and omitted wall lines, or any part of a building which encloses or covers usable space. Where separate faces are oriented in the same direction, or in the directions within 45 degrees of one another, they are to be considered as part of a single facade. GROSS SURFACE AREA OR AREA OF A SIGN: The area of the smallest rectangle which includes the extreme limits of the sign, excluding the supporting structure for the sign.QMethods of area measurement shall be in accordance with Appendix 'A' . G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 1 16'10 HEIGHT: As applied to a sign, height shall be measured as the vertical (kre distance between the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher, and natural grade at the center of the base of the sign (see Appendix 'A' for clarification) . ILLUMINATION: The enhancement of a sign utilizing electric lights, luminous tubes or other similar means. LEASE SPACE: An area of a building separated internally and intended for use by an individual tenant. J,OGO: Any design or insignia of an organization, individual, company, or product which is commonly used in advertising to identify that organization, individual, company, or product. OBSOLETE: Any sign which no longer serves a bona fide use or purpose. PAD SITE: A tract, lot, or land lease intended for the single use of a freestanding building typically adjacent to street R.O.W. and may also be a portion of a tract or lot. SETBACK: The distance from the closest portion, whether the support or edge of the sign, to the right-of-way. SIGHT TRIANGLE: There shall be two different sight triangles as depicted in the Subdivision Ordinance. One shall be for public and/or private street intersections and the other for the intersection of private non- single family driveways with public or private streets. SITE: A lot, tract or pad site. (hre SIGN: Every sign, name, number, identification, description, and announcement, declaration, demonstration, device, display, flag, banner, pennant, illustration, logo, balloon, streamer, beacon, light or insignia, and structure supporting any of the same, affixed directly or indirectly to or upon any building or outdoor structure, or erected or maintained upon a piece of land, which directs attention to any object, project, service, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or business. SIGN. ATTACHED: Any sign attached to, applied on, or supported by any part of a building (including canopy facia, walls and awnings) which encloses or covers usable space. SIGN, BANNER: A temporary flag, cloth, flexible plastic or canvas material with all corners attached to a building to advertise temporarily. SIGN. BUSINESS: A permanent on-site sign that is used to identify a business, profession, organization, institution, service, product, activity or other nonresidential use conducted, sold or offered on the site where such sign is located. This sign may also identify the name of the site or development or may identify the occupants within the site or development. SIGN. CONSTRUCTION: A temporary on-site sign identifying the property owner, architect, contractor, engineer, landscape architect, decorator, or mortgagee engaged in the construction or improvement of the site on which the sign is located. SIGN, DIRECTIONAL: A permanent on-site sign intended to aid in vehicular movement on the site. It may contain a logo but no other advertising. SIGN, FREESTANDING: Any sign connected to the ground by legs, poles, or other supports and which is not an attached, portable, monument, or (we vehicular sign. G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 2 SIGN, GARAGE/YARD SALE: A temporary sign intended to advertise garage (hme sales or yard sales. SIGN, GROUND: Any temporary sign erected on vertical framework and used primarily for real estate sales, political, and Subdivision Marketing signs. SIGN, MENUBOARD: A sign which displays a menu and pricing for food services and may include an audible speaker and microphone integral to the sign. SIGN, MODEL HOME: A temporary real estate sign identifying a homebuilders model home open for inspection. SIGN, MONUMENT: Any sign which is connected to the ground and which has no clear space for the full width of the sign between the bottom of the sign and the surface of the ground. SIGN. OBSOLETE: Any sign advertising a business that has been closed for a period of sixty (60) days or more. SIGN, OFF-SITE: A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, good, product, or entertainment not related to the site upon which such sign is located or to which it is affixed. SIGN, ON-SITE: Any sign, the content of which relates to the site on which it is located, referring exclusively to businesses, commodities, services, products, goods, or entertainment on the site , or the sale, lease, or construction of those sites . SIGN, POLITICAL: A type of off-site sign which refers only to the (hme candidates or issues involved in a political election. Only those signs which address candidates and issues within the City of Southlake are permitted. SIGN. PORTABLE: Any sign which is not attached or affixed to the ground, a building, vehicle, or other fixed structure or object. Portable signs include those signs installed on wheels, trailers, skids, and similar mobile structures. SIGN, READERBOARD (electronic) : A sign that utilizes alternating electronic data control components showing time, temperature, and miscellaneous advertising and/or information. SIGN, READERBOARD (manual) : A sign comprised of non-permanent letters, numerals or symbols, which allows a change of sign copy by adding, removing or rearranging said letters, symbols or numerals. SIGN, REAL ESTATE: A sign intended to advertise real estate. SIGN, SPECIAL PURPOSE: A temporary sign that is either on-site or off- site that provides identification or information pertaining to a special event or occurrence excluding garage or yard sales, but under no circumstance shall be associated with real estate advertising. SIGN. SUBDIVISION a. Development Sign: A temporary sign providing identification or information pertaining to a residential or commercial development. The sign shall be limited to the identification of the subdivision only and not the builders. b. Directory Sign: A temporary on-site sign providing direction to or Lie identifying the buildings in the subdivision. G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 3 'Q CAE'.1z (Nbe c. Entry Sign: Any permanent sign identifying a residential subdivision and located on-site . SIGN, SUBDIVISION MARKETING: A temporary sign used to market or advertise residential subdivisions and builders and direct interested persons to the subdivision location. SIGN, TEMPORARY: Any sign, banner, pennant, valance of advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, or other like materials, with or without frames, and any type sign not permanently attached to the ground, wall, or building, intended to be displayed for a short period of time only. SIGN. TRADESMAN: A temporary on-site sign identifying the contractor performing a construction trade on the site. SIGN, VEHICULAR: Any sign which is affixed to a vehicle. SIGN, WINDOW: Any sign, banner, poster, or display located on the internal and/or external surface of the window, or is located within two feet (2') of the window, of any establishment which advertises services, products, or sales available within said establishment or which announces the opening of said establishment. ARTICLE II - ADMINISTRATION SEC. 2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT It is the responsibility of the Building Official to interpret, administer Land enforce the requirements of this ordinance. SEC. 3 SIGN PERMIT REOUIRED No person shall erect any sign nor shall any person allow the erection or display of any sign upon property owned or controlled by him without first obtaining a permit to do so from the. City of Southlake, except as hereinafter provided. Erection of a sign shall include any change in the shape, size, or electrical lighting except for the replacement of lamps not brighter than the original or replacement of a surface panel. SEC. 4 APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT Application for a permit shall be made as required by this ordinance and the following information shall be submitted as separate documents: a. Application form shall be completed. b. General plan that illustrates: - Location of the building, structure, or tract to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected. - Position of the sign in relation to right-of-ways, easements, buildings, structures, existing signs, etc. c. Sign drawing that illustrates height, length, width, and all other dimensions associated with the sign. d. Letter from owner of the property stating that the applicant has permission to erect such signs. L G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 4 gE-(3 SEC. 5 FEES All fees for signs shall be in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by the City Council. SEC. 6 CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT A. GENERAL: Notwithstanding anything in this ordinance to the contrary, the erection of a sign or signs may be approved pursuant to this section under a conditional sign permit approved by the City Council. . The purpose of . this section is to allow for a specialized review of signs which may not be appropriate generally without certain restrictions, but which, if controlled as to the number, size, height, color, location, lighting, or relation to adjacent properties, would promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Conditional use permitting of signs shall not be based upon the content of the sign, but is intended to allow for the evaluation of the physical impact of the proposed sign on adjacent properties and to ensure adequate mitigation of potentially unfavorable factors, such as the number, size, height, color, location, lighting, and other potentially unfavorable impacts. B. APPLICATION: An application for a conditional sign permit shall be submitted to the Building Official and shall include all documents as required by Section 3 of this ordinance. Additionally, the applicant shall submit construction plans drawn by a registered professional engineer or architect in the State of Texas and also provide renderings of the particular sign types, facades, materials, compositions, dimensions, lighting, and colors. C. FEES: Fees for conditional sign permits shall be determined in accordance with the adopted Uniform Administrative Code utilizing Table No. 3-A. SEC. 7 REVOCATION OF PERMITS The Building Official may suspend or revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance whenever it is determined that the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect or false information supplied, or whenever such permit be issued in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or any other ordinance of this City or laws of this state or the federal government. Such suspension or revocation shall be effective when communicated in writing to the person to whom the permit is issued, the owner of the sign, or the owner of the site upon which the sign is located. Upon such revocation, all construction related to the revoked permit shall cease. A person may appeal the revocation of the sign permit to the City Council by filing an appeal in accordance with this ordinance. The decision of the City Council shall be thereafter deemed as approved, reversed, or modified, and such decision shall be final. Upon final determination that the permit is properly revoked, any portion of the sign in place as a result of the permit shall be removed within 10 days by the owner of the sign or the owner of the site on which the sign is located. Failure to remove the sign shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance. SEC. 8 INSPECTION The Building Official shall periodically inspect each sign regulated by this ordinance for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same is obsolete and whether it is in need of removal or repair. (we G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 5 (kw SEC. 9 PERMIT VALID FOR ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) DAYS If the work authorized by a permit issued under this ordinance has not been commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of issuance, the permit shall become null and void. SEC. 10 INVESTIGATION FEES: WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT A. INVESTIGATION. Whenever any work for which a permit is required by this ordinance has been commenced or completed without first obtaining a permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit may be issued for such work. B. FEE. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the permit fee required by this ordinance. SEC. 11 REMOVAL OF SIGNS A. OBSOLETE SIGNS. Any sign which the Building Official determines to be obsolete , shall be removed by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the land, buildings, or structure upon which such sign is located, within ten (10) days after written notification to do so from the Building Official. Upon failure to comply with such notice or to file an appeal of the decision in accordance with this ordinance, the Building Official is hereby authorized to cause the removal of such sign, and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the land, building, or structure to which such sign is attached or upon which it is erected. B. UNSAFE DILAPIDATED OR DETERIORATED SIGNS. If the Building Official (kme determines that any sign is unsafe or insecure, or is dilapidated or deteriorated, he shall give written notice to remove or replace (in accordance with this ordinance) said sign to the person or persons responsible for such sign. If the permittee, owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the site fails to remove or repair the sign within ten (10) days after such notice or to file an appeal of the decision in accordance with this ordinance, the Building Official is hereby authorized to cause the removal of such sign. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the immediate removal, without notice, of any sign which is determined by the Building Official to be an immediate threat or danger to the public health, safety, or welfare. Any expense incident to the removal of a sign pursuant to this paragraph shall be paid by the owner of the land, building, or structure to which such sign is attached or upon which it is erected. C. SIGNS ON UTILITY POLES. It shall be prohibited to attach any sign to a utility pole located upon any public right-of-way or utility easement and any sign so placed may be removed by City personnel. The owner of such sign shall be charged a sign recovery fee in accordance with the city fee schedule to recover such sign from the City unless the owner satisfactorily establishes that such sign was not placed in the right-of- way by the owner of such sign or by any authorized agent, representative, or employee of said owner. Any such sign removed by City personnel may be held for a period of seventy-two (72) hours and upon expiration of such time may be disposed of. The City is not required to notify the owner of the sign that it has been picked up or that disposal of the sign is imminent. D. SIGNS IN RIGHT-OF-WAYS. Any sign that is erected, constructed or otherwise located within or upon public right-of-way may be removed by City Personnel and the owner of such sign shall be charged a sign recovery fee in accordance with the city fee schedule to recover such sign from the City. No such fee shall be charged if the owner satisfactorily establishes that such sign was not placed in the right-of-way by the owner G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 6 (60C-17 of such sign or by any authorized agent, representative or employee of (hwe said owner. Any such sign removed by City personnel may be held for a period of seventy-two (72) hours and upon expiration of such time may be disposed of. The City is not required to notify the owner of the sign that it has been picked up or that disposal of the sign is imminent. E. EXTENT OF SIGN REMOVAL: The Building Official shall determine to what extent the elements of the sign must be removed to comply with this section. This may include any of the following, but is not limited to the following: . a. SIGN COPY: Removal of the text or copy portion of the sign. b. SIGN BOX: Removal of the portion of the sign excluding the structural support of the sign. c. ENTIRE SIGN: Removal of all structural elements of the sign. SEC. 12 FILING OF LIENS AGAINST PROPERTY Failure to pay any expenses incurred by the City for removal of a sign under Section 11 may result in the City filing a lien against the property to facilitate future recovery of these expenses. ARTICLE III - APPEALS AND VARIANCES SEC. 13 APPEALS Any decision rendered by the Building Official may be appealed to the City Council by any person, agent, or representative affected by such decision. Such appeal must be received within ten (10) days after the receipt of a certified letter in the mail which states the written decision which has been rendered by the Building Official. Such appeal shall be filed in writing with the Building Official specifying the grounds on which the appeal is based. The Building Official shall forthwith transmit to the City Council all documents pertaining to the appealed action. The City Council shall hear the appeal at a City Council meeting as soon as practicable thereafter to determine whether the decision of the Building Official was in accordance with all ordinances and regulations. The decision of the City Council shall be final. SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any requirements regarding number of signs, area, height, setback, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing said request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non- refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. L G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 7 gE -16 (hme ARTICLE IV - GENERAL SIGN PROVISIONS SEC. 15 WIND PRESSURE AND DEAD LOAD REQUIREMENTS All signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot of area and shall be constructed to receive dead loads as required by the Uniform Building Code. The sign permit application must include a statement signed by the applicant which states compliance with this requirement. SEC. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS A. ATTACHED SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all attached signs which are allowed under this ordinance. Only one attached sign per street frontage shall be allowed on any site , unless otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. 2. MAXIMUM LETTER/LOGO HEIGHT: The maximum height allowed for letters or logos shall be based on the following criteria: Distance From R.O.W. Maximum Letter/Logo Height Less than 50 ft. 24 inches 51 - 100 ft. 30 inches 101 - 150 ft. 36 inches 151 - 200 ft. 42 inches 201 - 250 ft. 48 inches 251 - 300 ft. 54 inches Le ' 301 and greater 60 inches MAX IMUM XIMUM AREA: 1.5 square feet for every one foot of width of building or lease space not to exceed 400 square feet - see Appendix 'A' for further clarification. 4. SIGN WIDTH: Attached signs shall be limited in width to the middle seventy five percent (75t) of the width of any building or lease space (see Appendix 'B' for further clarification) . 5. ROOF LINE LIMITATIONS: In no case shall an attached sign project above the roof line of any building, except those attached to parapet walls and the sign may not extend above the parapet wall. 6. ILLUMINATION: Attached signs may be illuminated only utilizing internal lighting. 7. PROTRUSIONS: Attached signs may not protrude farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building excluding signs attached to canopies. 8. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: Attached signs shall not be allowed on any facade other than the main front of the building which faces property zoned for residential single-family uses and the sign is within one hundred fifty feet (150' ) of the property line of said residential use. B. MONUMENT SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all monument signs which are allowed under this ordinance. Only one monument sign per street frontage, excluding menuboard signs, shall be Lime allowed on any site , unless otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 8 (kre 2. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Six (6) feet, including monument base, measured from ground level at the center of the base. 3. MAXIMUM AREA: One hundred fifty (150) square feet per sign with a maximum area per sign face of seventy five (75) square feet. The sign may have no more than two faces and they must be constructed parallel to each other and no more than eighteen inches (30") of separation between the faces of the sign. 4. MINIMUJM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from any property line. 5. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: All monument sign bases must be made of the same masonry material as the front building facade on the same site or stone or brick. 6. ILLUMINATION: Monument signs may be illuminated only utilizing internal lighting, or a lighting source where the light itself and supporting structure is not visible from public R.O.W. C. FREESTANDING SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all freestanding signs which are allowed under this ordinance. 2. LOCATIONS WHERE ALLOWED: Freestanding signs shall be located in accordance with the following limitations: a. State Highway 114 Frontage: Freestanding signs shall be allowed on sites having frontage on S.H. 114 or fronting on a grade separated intersecting street and within two hundred (111W feet (200' ) of the ultimate R.O.W. for S.H. 114, however, said signs shall be located a minimum of two hundred feet (200' ) apart. No freestanding sign shall be allowed closer than one hundred feet (100' ) to an intersecting R.O.W. and the allocation of said signs shall be on a first come, first serve basis. Sites meeting the criteria of section (b.) below may have a freestanding sign even if the spacing limitation would otherwise disallow the sign. b. All Other Sites: A freestanding sign shall be allowed on any site which is greater than seven (7) acres in size, includes ten (10) or more contiguous but separate lessees and is developed as a comprehensive development. 3. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Maximum height for the sign shall be twenty (20) feet. 4. MAXIMUM AREA: Maximum area for the sign shall be two hundred (200) square feet with a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet per face of sign. The sign may have only two faces and they must be constructed parallel to each other and no more than thirty-six inches (30") of separation between the faces of the sign. 5. SETBACK: The sign shall be setback a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from any property line. 6. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: The support structure for the sign shall be constructed or covered with materials which match the masonry portion of the principal building on the site or shall be stone or brick. L G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 9 (kw 7. ILLUMINATION: Freestanding signs may be illuminated only utilizing internal lighting. No lighting source external to the sign may be exposed. 8. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: No freestanding sign shall be allowed within one hundred fifty feet (150' ) of any property zoned for single- family residential uses. D. GROUND SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all ground signs. 2. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Four feet (4' ) 3. MAXIMUM AREA: Twelve (12) square feet with a maximum of six (6) square feet per sign face. 4. LOCATION LIMITATIONS: No signs shall be placed within public Right-of-Way. SEC. 17 PROHIBITED SIGNS A. GENERAL Any sign, or structure which could be interpreted as a sign, which is not specifically allowed is hereby prohibited. B. OBSCENE SIGNS (kw No person shall erect or allow to be displayed upon site owned or controlled by him a sign in which the dominant theme of material taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex, or is patently offensive because it affronts community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters, and is utterly without redeeming social value. C. OBSTRUCTING DOORS. WINDOWS. OR FIRE ESCAPES No person shall erect or allow to be displayed on site owned or controlled by said person a sign which prevents free ingress to or egress from any door, window, or fire escape. D. OBSTRUCTING VISION/SIGHT TRIANGLE It shall be unlawful to erect, relocate, or maintain any sign in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision at any location, street, intersection, or driveway. All signs placed at any intersection shall prevent such problem by observing a sight triangle as provided for in Sec. 1, "Definitions. " E. INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC No person shall erect or allow to be displayed any sign which interferes with vehicular or pedestrian traffic as a result of the position, size, shape, movement, color, fashion, manner, or intensity of illumination or any other characteristics causing such interference. Nor shall any person erect or allow to be displayed any sign in such a manner as to interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device, including, without limitation, signs making use of the words "stop, " "go, " "look, " "slow, " "danger, " or any other similar (hme word, phrase, symbol or character, or employ any red, yellow, green, or other colored lamp or light in such a manner as to cause confusion or otherwise interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic. G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 10 (kw F. SIGNS ATTACHED TO OR SUSPENDED FROM POLES No person shall erect or display upon site owned or controlled by such person any items such as goods, wares, merchandise, or other advertising objects or material which are suspended from any light fixture, pole or structure, for the purpose of advertising such items, except as allowed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. G. PAINTING, MARKING, ETC. OF STREETS, SIDEWALKS. UTILITY POLES, ETC. No person shall attach any sign, paper, or other material, or paint, stencil, or write any name, number (except address numbers) or otherwise mark on any sidewalk, curb, gutter, street, utility pole, public building, fence, or structure except as otherwise allowed by this ordinance. H. ATTACHING ADVERTISING MATTER TO FENCES, UTILITY POLES. STREET SIGNS. ETC. No person shall place, stick, tack, nail, or otherwise place any advertisement, sign, handbill, placard, or printed or written matter or thing for political advertisement or other advertising purposes upon any fence, railing, sidewalk, public telephone pole, electric, or other utility pole or any other public property, including trees thereon or to knowingly cause or to commit same to be done for his benefit. I. PORTABLE SIGNS No person shall erect or allow to be displayed any portable sign; except, however, that upon a majority vote by the City Council, a conditional use permit may be issued to any non-profit organization for an on-site portable sign. Permits shall be issued for one thirty (30) day period with at least ninety (90) days separation between permits. J. CERTAIN ILLUMINATED SIGNS 1. No sign shall be illuminated to such an intensity or in such a manner as to cause a glare of brightness to a degree that it constitutes a hazard or nuisance to traffic. Moving, flashing, intermittent lighted, changing color, revolving, or similarly constructed signs shall not be allowed. It is further provided that a sign which uses illumination to provide time of day and/or temperature only shall not constitute a flashing sign. 2. No lighted sign shall be erected or displayed within one-hundred fifty (150) feet of a residentially zoned neighborhood unless the lighting is shielded from view of the residentially zoned district and indirect light does not exceed 1/2 lumen measured from any property line of the residentially zoned district. K. SIGNS PROJECTING ON/OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY It shall be prohibited to erect or allow to be displayed any type of sign on or over public property, unless the same be erected by the City, County, State or other authorized governmental agency, or with the permission of the City, for public purposes. L. ROOF SIGNS PROHIBITED Any sign erected on a vertical framework supported by and located immediately and entirely over the roof of a building is prohibited. The painting or otherwise affixing of signs on a roof is prohibited. The painting or otherwise affixing of signs on a roof is prohibited. (or G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 11 Q O ARTICLE V - SPECIFIC SIGN REGULATIONS SEC. 18 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ON-SITE SIGNS REQUIRING PERMIT Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this article shall be applicable to all of the following signs. A. PUSINESS SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached, freestanding or monument. 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: None B. j2EADERBOARD SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding or monument sign. 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. GENERAL: Readerboard signs (manual or electronic) may only be approved as a conditional sign permit by the City Council. b. MAXIMUM AREA: Cannot exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the gross surface area per face of the sign. c. Manual readerboard signs using alphabetical lettering must have a lockable covering over the area of easy access by vandals. d. Scrolling Disallowed: Electronic readerboard signs shall not be allowed to utilize a scrolling message. F. MENUBOARD SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding, monument or attached 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Six feet (6' ) from ground to top of (imme sign. b. MAXIMUM AREA: Twenty four (24) square feet. Only one face will be allowed per sign. c. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: No more than two (2) signs per site. d. LOCATION LIMITATIONS: All menuboard signs must be located at the side or rear of the principal building. G. SUBDIVISION SIGNS 1. ENTRY SIGN a. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument, attached b. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: 1. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Six (6) feet for monument, attached sign may not project above top of wall 2. MAXIMUM AREA: Fifty (50) square feet for monument, thirty-two (32) square feet for attached 3. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from right-of-way 4. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1) monument sign or two attached wall plaque signs (i.e. not a combination thereof) per street entrance 2. DIRECTORY SIGN a. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding or monument Qv' b. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: 1. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Twelve (12) feet for freestanding; six (6) feet for monument G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 12 2. MAXIMUM AREA: Fifty (50) square feet (NOW 3. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from right-of-way 4. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1) sign per street entrance SEC. 19 TEMPORARY SIGNS REOUIRING PERMIT A. BANNERS. PENNANTS. AND STREAMERS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM AREA: One hundred (100) square feet (no maximum for streamers) b. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from right-of-way c. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: Two (2) total d. DURATION: Thirty (30) days/three times a calendar year with a sixty (60) day separation between permits B. BALLOONS AND OTHER FLOATING DEVICES 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Fifty (50) feet to end of tether line b. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from right-of-way c. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One balloon or floating device having a capacity greater than three (3) cubic feet of air. No limit to number of smaller balloons. d. DURATION: Maximum thirty (30) days/three times a calendar year with a minimum sixty (60) day separation between permits C. MODEL HOME SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument, freestanding, ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Six (6) feet b. MAXIMUM AREA: Fifty (50) square feet c. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15) feet from any property line d. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1) sign per builder per subdivision D. SPECIAL PURPOSE SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached or freestanding 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM AREA: Fifty (50) square feet b. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: Four (4) total c. PLACEMENT TIME: May be placed thirty (30) days before the event or occasion commences but must be removed within three (3) days after termination thereof. No more than twice a year. E. SEARCH LIGHTS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: Two (2) per site G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 13 b. DURATION: Seven (7) days, twice a calendar year with (koe a sixty (60) day separation between permits. F. CONSTRUCTION SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding, monument, ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM NUMBER ,OF SIGNS: One (1) per site b. DURATION: Sign may be installed at any time after the issuance of the building permit for a commercial development or approval of the developers agreement for a residential subdivision. The sign must be removed upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a commercial development and upon the issuance of a C.O. on ninety percent (900) of the lots within the subdivision for a residential subdivision. G. DEVELOPMENT SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding, monument, ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1) per site b. DUR.ATION: Sign may be installed at any time after the issuance of the building permit for a commercial development or approval of the developers agreement for a residential (kW subdivision. The sign must be removed upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a commercial development and upon the issuance of a C.O. on ninety percent (900) of the lots within the subdivision for a residential subdivision. SEC. 20 TEMPORARY SIGNS EXEMPT FROM PERMIT A permit shall not be required for the following signs: A. SUBDIVISION MARKETING SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: A maximum of three signs advertising the same item per grouping of signs (see Appendix 'B' ) b. LOCATION OF SIGNS: No sign may be placed closer than fifty feet (50' ) from an intersecting R.O.W. Signs advertising the same item may be no closer than ten feet (10' ) apart c. PLACEMENT TIME: 12:00 noon Friday to 12:00 noon Monday B. POLITICAL SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM NUMBER Low OF SIGNS: unlimited G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 14 gE-A b. PLACEMENT TIME: may be placed forty-five (45) days before Lome an election, but shall be removed within three (3) days after such election. C. TRADESMAN SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. DURATION: Signs may only be placed after issuance of a building permit and must be removed upon completion of the construction trade advertised. D. REAL ESTATE SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: ground, freestanding, monument or attached 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: six (6) feet for ground; below roof line for attached b. MAXIMUM AREA: fifty (50) square feet c. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: one (1) sign for every five (5) acres E. WINDOW SIGN Window signs are permitted, provided such signage does not obscure more than fifty percent (500) of the total window area and may not include exposed gas tubes within two feet (2' ) of window glass. F. GARAGE/YARD SALE SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: ground 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS a. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: Four (4) per sale b. PLACEMENT TIME: 12:00 Noon Friday to 12:00 Noon Monday G. GOVERNMENTAL SIGNS Governmental signs within public R.O.W. when placed by the appropriate transportation department of the State, County or City. SEC. 21 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO OFF-SITE SIGNS REOUIRING PERMIT A. OFF-SITE DEVELOPMENT SIGNS 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: freestanding or monument 2. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS a. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Fifteen (15) feet for freestanding b. MAXIMUM AREA: One hundred (100) square feet with a maximum of fifty (50) square feet per sign face c. MINIMUM SPACING: one-hundred (100) feet, measured radially from all other off-site development signs d. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1) per subdivision plus an additional sign for any subdivision with more than two hundred (200) platted lots. e. REQUIRED REMOVAL: All off-site subdivision signs must be (Nre removed upon permits being issued to build upon seventy-five (75%) of the lots being advertised. G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 15 SEC. 22 EXEMPT SIGNS (kw The following signs are exempted from the requirements of this ordinance: 1. Signs on vehicles unless the sign is used or intended to be used as an on-site sign. It shall be prima facie evidence that a sign is used as an on-site sign if a vehicle is parked at the same location for a continuous period exceeding seventy-two (72) hours. No person shall attach any sign to a trailer, skid, or similar mobile structure, where the primary use of such structure is to provide a base for such sign or to constitute the sign itself. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit identification signs on vehicles used for business purposes. 2. Warning, security, and directional signs for parking, etc. 3. Government signs, flags, insignia, legal notices, or informational, directional, or traffic signs. 4. "No Dumping" and "No Trespassing" signs. 5. All signs not visible from off the site . 6. Signs placed in public parks by the City which are intended for advertising to raise funds for recreation programs. SEC. 23 NONCONFORMING EXISTING SIGNS All signs that are lawfully in existence on the date of adoption of this ordinance may exist in their present form, but no such signs shall be altered, or moved unless a permit be issued pursuant to the provisions of (how this ordinance. Permits granted prior to the passage of this ordinance shall be renewed only if the applicant complies with all provisions of this ordinance. Any legal, non-conforming sign which has been substantially destroyed or dismantled for any purpose other than maintenance shall be deemed as completely destroyed if the cost of repairing the sign is more than 601; of the cost of erecting a new sign of the same type at the same location. Under this provision, the sign shall be removed and a permit is required to erect a new sign. SEC. 24 SIGN COPY Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any sign authorized in this ordinance is allowed to contain non-commercial (ideological) copy in lieu of any other copy. SEC. 25 CUMULATIVE CLAUSE This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. Ordinance Nos. 350, 398, and 485 are hereby repealed in their entirety. SEC. 26 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality L shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 16 ,7S enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SEC. 27 VIOLATIONS Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 28 SAVINGS CLAUSE All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any ordinances affecting the regulation of signs which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SEC. 29 PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SEC. 30 PUBLICATION IN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER (kw The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3 .13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SEC. 31 EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. SEC. 32 APPENDICES It is anticipated that the following appendices will be changed periodically by the Building Official in response to changes in the administration of this ordinance. L G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 17 ' A/ 1995. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney L G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 18 Q-C4 7 LW APPENDIX W METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT 12' I EXHIBIT A-1 SIGN . SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding HEIGHT: 20' r cb" /M OM AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (8' x 12' ) 0E1 iv -I NOTES: Supporting structure must UM be made of the same masonry material UM as the principal building on the site. v 1011 ■A __ e I EXHIBIT A-2 i � � I SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding I z HEIGHT: 20' I j (hoe AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (12" x 8' ) el I I I o N I N NOTES: Supporting structure must be MEMI made of the same masonry material as :I the principal building on the site. G ?, Area by current ordinance = 57 s.f. it ao . n EXHIBIT A-3 SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding 11 s I1 HEIGHT: 20' (at centerline) •' •al AREA OF SIGN: 96 s.f. (12 ' x 8' ) 0 :, i, IIr NOTES: Supporting structure must be made mi G i of the same masonry material as the principal 1� i■ u N, Si building on the site. b I N i Area by current ordinance = 72 s.f. N 'm ■1 is Height by current ordinance = 22' (not allowed) "' it ic II im in to Di 4 1. Ili ■I I. Le M M Ili pt ■I i G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.NPD 19 APPENDI4XA (111We METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT 9' I t l 5 I t, I '• EXHIBIT A-4 I"�����0 io SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding OMMOMMEMO lipmEmmom_mommi N ng BIB MI HEIGHT: 20' IIIIII G ' Ili 6 orN AREA OF SIGN: 99 s.f. (11' x 9') , ionJ Mal MMI INI N 1r6 N NOTES: Supporting structure must be made �! of the same masonry material as the principal 1111 5160 BE N building on the site. ID Current ordinance allows 30' for a multi- 1 MI s16N MEIi N purpose sign. Current practice would calculate t-AM UR -4 area as 32.5 s.f. NE 1.1 MO • .I N' ICI NMI mon (be EXHIBIT A-5 I 3' SIGN STRUCTURE: Ground HEIGHT: 4' lV is, AREA OF SIGN: 6 s.f. 'v is, L • G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 20 gE-al Lime APRENDI/WAM METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT EXHIBIT A-6 'a SIGN STRUCTURE: ,Monument I HEIGHT: 4' AREA OF SIGN: 40 s.f. (4' x 10' ) 5 1 & N NOTES: No lighting sources may �� be visible. EXHIBIT A-7 16' SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument 2' 1 12' I2' HEIGHT: 6' AREA OF SIGN: 63 s_f- (5-25• x 12•) (11110/ NOTES: The base of the sign must be °f io En 5 1 6 N constructed of the same masonry material tO as the principal building. Maximum _ ���i��r��._ height of the base shall be 18" . r'='m'� Height by current ordinance = 6. 75' EXHIBIT A-8 12 SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument 10 12' HEIGHT: 6' j AREA OF SIGN: ` -f- ( -5• c 10•) j • =4-5 s 4 .;wt. NOTES: The base of the sign must be 1 •'"a� 6 63 constructed of the same masonry material siiumwsimimaNM=ma �o as the principal building. Maximum �_� n ���M height of the base shall be 18" . �� '���� Height by current ordinance = 6.0' L.' G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 21 E_5o Lige AP.PENDISX W METHODS OF AREA MEASUREMENT 12' 3' 6~ 3' EXHIBIT A-9 SIGN STRUCTURE: -Attached • N ill trWin"----MIEti HEIGHT: Letter Height = 24" N I � AREA OF SIGN: 12 s.f. (2' x 6') NOTES: Sign area can be no wider - than 75% of the building width • (.75 x 12' = 9' ) and must be within the middle 75% of the useable area. 12' EXHIBIT A-10 SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached HEIGHT: 4' 1111 �i - , (Ire AREA OF SIGN: 3 5 s_f_ (4' x 9') :r w K ' ll NOTES: Note that 1.5' is the minimum side distance based on the requirement that ,. " : the sign be contained within the middle __ 75% of the width of the building 10 (.75 x 12 = 9' useable, (12' -9' ) /2 = 1.5' • minimum on each side. ) EXHIBIT A-il 12' SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached 1'-s�l 6' 1 4•-6- HEIGHT: 4' IIst & NSIGN: 36' s.f. (4' x 9' ) < I I NOTES: Sign area can be no wider than 75% of the building width ( .75 x 12' = 9' ) and must be within -`- '_ ' the middle 75% of the useable area. 1 Height by current ordinance = 2' zo Area by current ordinance = 8 s.f. (2'x4 ') • 2 2 G:\ORD\SIGNS\F05_2-10.WP0 V`'3 L APPENDIX 'B' GRAPHIC CLARIFICATIONS Section , Area Limitations for Attached Signs L.at< J. 1 G. N. Z. L<s.. m. 3 us. LO'; •7zf .s' fps�_—j" qs% ". 1 LO B /. '� O s1 C. N . SIGN :. ot-r tlE __ _ = S 1 G Iy L Section 20-A,B, Subdivision Marketing and Political Signs 0 ®I I D I - -- 1 0®Op®O o®0 O®o Otmn p®o _' -- td _ pI (1%., O G:\ORD\SIGNS\FD5_2-10.WPD 23 qE 3 These appendices are not considered a part of this ordinance and may be revised or updated as necessary by the City Staff. (Ilroi, APPENDIX 9 Sight Triangles _____ _ ____ ._ • ._ STRTAT 40' 10' I I....... f • 1 I --... — — —— —7\1-PROPERTY I-R7O.N.UNE -"---- - . 1 la iiiii ::i..7.--,.:. .... ':•::.:: :::: ...... ..' --........Hi:iii ii 1 4- :::::::3: ————— SUILDO4G LINE--S : I .,- SACK OF CURB ,-1, I • I al et • til I 1 I LSIGHT TRIANGLE INTERSECTION OF TWO STREET R.O.W.'S . _ STREET \ 50. 40* .4,10' lid i C). ----‘(:-PROPERTY/-14:0.W.LINE . ........ i :::::::....."•' .:.::::•!:7:3: ___ ......_. ....--''''•— •:I ------___7_ , $ •,,,.• __________________—— lUILDINC LINE .... )-, :• gPE.* oF DC iv G 1,4A-f .1 Li • > ec a SIGHT TRIANGLE INTERSECTION OF A DRIVEWAY & A STREET R.O.W. 2 4 City of Southlake,Texas /1./i MEMORANDUM February 15, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with the North Texas GIS Consortium The North Texas GIS Consortium has been developed to provide continuity to regional communities in the planning and implementation of GIS programs.Participants in the Consortium include Tarrant County 911,Tarrant Appraisal District,DFW Airport,Lone Star Gas, and a number of surrounding communities. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is also an active participant in the Consortium and serves on the Executive Committee. The Consortium has recently completed base mapping of the Southlake area and is able to deliver a finished product. The product available includes a digital orthophotograph(computerized aerial photo), centerline digitization of all roads, edge of pavement digitization of all roads, hydrology mapping(ponds, streams, creeks,etc.)and a digital elevation model (from which contour maps can be developed). The cost of obtaining this data is $13,960. This Interlocal Agreement will accomplish a large portion of the work demonstrated to Council at the last meeting. Updates will be done on a Regional basis on a regular schedule that has not yet been determined. Update costs will not exceed 30%of the original participation cost. This Agreement also includes participation in the 1995 Consortium program which encompasses that portion of Southlake located in Denton County. The delivery of the 1995 program(Denton County) is expected in approximately 9 months and will cost$4,824. We recommend that this Agreement be placed on the Council Agenda for the February 21, 1995 meeting as a consent item. i RJH/rjh FES— 15- 95 WED 1 8 : 38 Soc i a I Sc i ertice. s UTDcit. I I ass P _ 02 4 i C P24-t/95 Page t InterIocal Cooperation Agreement of the North Texas GIS Consortium for Geographic Data Acquisition • MADE AND ENTERED INTO this day of , 1995, BY AND BETWEEN The University of Texas at Dallas,a component institution of the University of Texas System which is an agency of the State of Texas,hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor,having as its principal contact and address for purposes of this Agreement,the Bruton Center for Development Studies,Box 830688 GR 3.1,Richardson,Texas,75083-0688 AND The City of Southlake,hereinafter referred to as the Participant,a municipality duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas,having as its principal address for purposes of this Agreement,667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,Texas 76092. WITNESSETH THAT: CWHEREAS,the Sponsor in behalf of the North Texas Geographic Information System(GIS)Consortium,hereinafter referred to as the Consortium,is procuring a region-wide digital database to support geographic land base development and other GIS implementation activities;and WHEREAS,the Participant desires to retain and freely use within its organization a copy of the database,as herein defined,and the Consortium is willing to grant said agreement, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, each of the parties hereto,intending to be legally bound hereby,covenant and agree as follows: Article I.Purpose of this Agreement Section 1. To establish basic operational conditions for the joint procurement of a digital database by which participants entering into this Agreement with the Sponsor are bound. Section 2. To specify conditions and arrangements as appropriate for a Participant's procurement of the digital " database,explicit terms are described in Attachment A.This Agreement includes Attachment A,and as the same,may be supplemented or amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof. Section 3. Elements of the geographic database include; 1) Digital Orthophotography, and 2) Street Centerlines, Railroads and Water Bodies. Optional elements of the database include; 1)Digital Elevation Model, and 2)Street Edges. Article II.Database Specifications Section 1. Digital orhophotography with 0.5 meter pixel resolution shall be produced from 1"2,800' scale photography acquired from a controlled aerial survey at a flight altitude of 17,300 feet above ground elevation.The (0, digital orthophotography shall have a horizontal root-mean-square-error equal to or less than 1.0 meter.The horizontal accuracy requires that two-thirds of all photo-identifiable points fall within 1.0 meter and 90 percent of all photo- identifiable points fall within 2.0 meters. FE8— 15- 95 WED 1 S : 39 Sac. i at. I Sc i ence =. UTDCR. 1 I as P _ e33 C. P24-1/95 Page 2 Section 2.Street centerlines,railroads,and water bodies shall constitute a raw vector planimetric database.The vectors are developed as part of the digital orthophotographic rectification process and as such represent raw vector data with no attributes attached.The vectors shall be positionally accurate to the underlying digital orthophotographic base with horizontal accuracy as described in Section 1.An associated coverage depicting NAD 83 Texas State Plane Coordinate grid tics shall be produced.' Section 3.Where requested,the optional Digital Elevation Model(DEM)shall be generated from the 1"=2800'scale photography. The DEM shall have 90% of the points vertically accurate to within 1.0 meter. This will allow the creation of topographic maps that accurately depict 2.0 meter contour intervals.The terrain model shall consist of 3- D break lines and spot elevations. Section 4.Where requested the optional street edges data shall be captured as raw vectors with no attributes attached. The vectors shall be positionally accurate to the underlying digital orthophotographic base with horizontal accuracy as described in Section 1. Section 5.The raster and vector database will be transmitted in a format compatible with Arc/Info software unless otherwise specified in Attachment A.The method of digital database transmittal shall be on Exabyte 5-gigabyte,8- mm tape,tiled by quarter-sections of U. S. Geological Survey(USGS)7.5-minute Quadrangle sheets,in a format compatible to a UNIX workstation.Other arrangements for database transmittal shall be described in Attachment A when appropriate. Article III.Geographic Coverage Section 1.The 1994 database acquisition project(1994 Project)covers approximately 2,122 square miles and includes Dallas and Tarrant Counties,Texas.The project area is subset into map tiles of 12,000 by 8,000 feet.. The 1995 database project(1995 Project)covers approximately 187 square miles and includes parts of Collin and Denton Counties,Texas.The project area is subset into map tiles of 12,000 by 8,000 feet.. Section 2.The list of 1994 Project map tiles applicable to this Agreement is provided in Attachment A, 1994 Project, Geographic Coverage.The list of 1995 Project map tiles applicable to this Agreement is provided in Attachment A, 1995 Project,Geographic Coverage. Article IV.Participation Section 1. For purposes of this Agreement, a Participant is considered to be a party who has entered into this Agreement with the Sponsor effective after February 15,1994. Section 2.A participant charge structure for the 1994 Project was established on February 15,1994.The February 15, 1994 participant charge structure will remain in effect for the 1994 Project until such time as the Consortium Executive Committee,as that Committee is defined in Article IV of the Charter of the North Texas GIS Consortium,revises the participant charge structure.Any Participant entering into the Agreement with the Sponsor after February 15, 1994 is subject to the then current participant charge structure for the 1994 Project. A participant charge structure for the 1995 Project is established as of February 15, 1995.The February 15, 1995 participant charge structure will remain in effect for the 1995 Project until such time as the Consortium Executive Committee,as that Committee is defined in Article IV of the Charter of the North Texas GIS Consortium,revises the participant charge structure.Any Participant entering into the Agreement with the Sponsor after February 15, 1995 is subject to the then current participant charge structure for the 1995 Project Section 3.The Consortium Executive Committee will review the participant.charge structure on an annual basis(or , more frequently as necessary)to determine if an adjustment is warranted and may change such structure as reasonably necessary. Section 4.A Participant's charge, described in Attachment A,Participant Charge,is calculated for each Participant based on the type and amount of data requested and the current participant charge structure. /D.9-3 FEB— 1 5 - 95 WED 1 s = 4 1 Soc i a. I Sc i e ices UTD (1. 1 1 ass P - 04 7 . PTA-1195 Page 3 Article V.Database Maintenance and Enhancement Section 1.A Consortium committee shall establish criteria and methodology for database update and enhancement The committee shall determine frequency of aerial photography acquisition and address any issue related to database maintenance.Recommendations shall be presented to the Consortium Executive Committee and acted upon prior to undertaking the first database maintenance project. Section 2.Through user needs assessment the Consortium committee will determine beneficial upgrades that provide enhancement to the existing geographic database. Recommended actions shall be presented to the Consortium Executive Committee for consideration and action. Section 3.The Consortium Executive Committee will establish a fair and equitable maintenance charge structure, entitling the Participant to receive database updates and enhancements for a maintenance charge,not-to-exceed 30% of the original participant charge per update. Article VL Revenue Section 1.Revenue will be generated after February 15,1994,upon sale of the database at the then current participant charge structure. Section 2.The Sponsor shall retain 20%of the revenue to cover system and staff expenses for services provided to the Consortium. Section 3.The Consortium shall retain 80%to be held in an account at the University of Texas at Dallas and overseen by.the Consortium Treasurer for purposes as defined by the Consortium Executive Committee and agreed to by Consortium members,such as reduction of database maintenance expenses and support of projects which enhance the • shared geographic data. Article VII.Schedule Section 1.The 1994 database acquisition project(1994 Project)is divided into two primary work phases: 1)ground control survey,aerial photography acquisition and aerial triangulation;and 2)database production.The 1994 Project is currently being quality checked and distributed. The 1995 database acquisition project(1995 Project) is divided into two primary work phases: 1) ground control survey, aerial photography acquisition and aerial triangulation; and 2) database production. Phase one work is scheduled to begin February 15,1995. Section 2.Under supervision of the Consortium Executive Committee and with appropriate Participant representation, the Sponsor shall establish and carry out a Quality Assurance/Quality Control(QA/QC)program for each work phase to insure an acceptable database is delivered to the Participant Results of the QAJQC program will be distributed to all Participants.The Consortium Executive Committee shall issue authorization to proceed with the second work phase upon acceptance and approval of phase one completion. Section 3.The Participant agrees to be bound by Consortium Executive Committee decisions regarding the approval and acceptance of database products. Section 4.The payment schedule is described in Attachment A,Payment Schedule. Article VUL Data Copyright and Distribution Section 1.The Sponsor,acting as business representative for the Consortium,shall retain ownership of Copyright of the digital geographic database defined herein. Section 2.Sponsor grants to Participant the non-exclusive right to retain and freely use within its organization copies of the digital database. /4C/C- 7� FEB- 1 - 9 S WED 1 8 - 4 2 S o i a l S c i e rk c e s U T D a 1 1 a s(110, • P2h-1/95 Pace 4 Section 3.The Participant agrees to use its best effort to protect the digital database from unauthorized reproduction and distribution.Distribution to a Participant's sub-contractor is authorized;however,the third party must enter into a Copyright Agreement with the Sponsor prior to receipt of the digital database. Article IX.Liability Section 1. Neither the Sponsor, the Participant,nor any member of the Consortium shall be held liable for direct, indirect,special,incidental or consequential damages which arise or may arise from the use of this database by any person or entity. Section 2.The Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless the.University and its officers,agents,and employees from all claims,demands,liability,and judgements for the injury or death of any person or damage to property that directly or indirectly results from the intentional or negligent act or omission of the Participant,its officers,agents, employees,or contractors in the performance of this Agreement Section 3.When applicable a discussion of liability issues andlor clauses specific to the Participant's Agreement are included in Attachment A,Liability. Article X.Entire Agreement Section 1.This Agreement and Attachment A which is incorporated herein by reference constitute the sole and entire agreement of the parties as to the matter set forth herein. Section 2.The terms of this Agreement,including Attachment A,shall not be waived,altered,modified,supplemented, or amended in any manner except by written instrument signed by an authorized representative of each party;nor shall any such amendment affect the rights of the Consortium without consent from the Consortium Executive Committee. Section 3.The Participant shall be considered a member of the North Texas GIS Consortium upon execution of this Agreement Should the Participant at any time withdraw their membership in the Consortium,the Participant retains the right to use the database in perpetuity,subject to the copyright,liability,and distribution terms set forth in this Agreement provided that the withdrawing Participant has paid all sums due to the Consortium. Section 4. The signature below of an authorized representative acknowledges that the Participant has read this Agreement and agrees to be bound by terms and conditions set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of ,1995. • City of Southlake BY Gary Fickes Mayor University of Texas at Dallas North Texas GIS Consortium BY BY Robert L.Lovitt Paul Waddell Vice President for Business Affairs Executive Director University of Texas at Dallas The Bruton Center for Development Studies University of Texas at Dallas /4a12-5. FEB- 1 a- yam wt u i rs - 'Fa 5oe a 5e i ee� ees u tra as r _ ob P24-U95 Page S . Attachment A As part of the Agreement between the University of Texas at Dallas("Sponsor),the City of Southlake("Participant") and the North Texas GIS Consortium for the joint acquisition of a geographic digital database,Attachment A specifies terms and conditions as appropriate for the Participant's procurement of their requested portion of the regional database. L 1994 Project Section 1.1994 Project Geographic Coverage The Participant agrees to purchase digital orthophotography with accompanying vector database which includes street centerlines,railroads, water bodies,street edges and Digital Elevation Model for 20 map tiles. The following list represents1994 Project map tiles included in this Agreement 23647018, 23647026, 23647034, 23647042, 23767002, 23767010, 23767018, 23767026, 23767034, 23767042, 23887002,23887010,23887018,23887026,23887034,23887042,24007002,24007010,24007018,24007026 Section 2.1994 Project Participant Charge The participant charge for digital orthophotography and accompanying vector database for 20 map tiles is$4100.The participant charge for the Digital Elevation Model is nag The participant charge for the Street Edges is E7.460.The if total participant charge for 1994 Project is$13,960. Section 3.1994 Project Payment Schedule The Sponsor will invoice the Participant and deliver the data upon acceptance of the requested map tiles by the Consortium Executive Committee.Payment will be due within 30 days upon receipt of data and invoice. L 1995 Project Section 1.1995 Project Geographic Coverage The Participant agrees to purchase digital orthophotography with accompanying vector database which includes street centerlines, railroads, water bodies, street edges and Digital Elevation Model for 3 map pies. The following list represents1995 Project map tiles Included in this Agreement 23647050,23647058,23767050 Section 2.1995 Project Participant Charge The participant charge for digital orthophotography and accompanying vector database for 3 map tiles is$1.800.The participant charge for the Digital Elevation Model is The participant charge for the Street Edges is$1.332.The total participant charge for 1995 Project is$4,824. Section 3.1995 Project Payment Schedule The Sponsor will invoice the.Participant and deliver the data upon acceptance of the requested map tiles by the Consortium Executive Committee.Payment will be due within 30 days upon receipt of data and invoice. /&,9 6 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM February 17, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Authorize Mayor to Execute Release of Escrowed Funds for Railroad Crossing In 1988 Grapevine/Highway 26 Joint Venture escrowed $170,126 with Metro Escrow Company for the construction of a railroad crossing by Highway 26 between Brumlow and SH114. Ownership of the land where the crossing is to be built passed to Darr Equipment in 1994 from Amwest Savings, and Safeco Land Title succeeded to the interest of Metro Escrow Company. In July 1994, the City of Southlake executed an amended escrow agreement with Darr and Amwest Savings. Darr has contracted with St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. for construction of the crossing. An original invoice totaling $102,786.41 has been submitted by St. Louis Railway Co. to the City of Southlake. As of April 1994, there is $219,774.90 held in escrow by Safeco Land Title for this project. The requested action is to authorize the Mayor to execute a release of$102,786.41 of the escrowed funds to St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company. This will initiate the construction of the railroad crossing. LAH L February 14, 1995 Safeco Land Title 8080 N. Central Expressway Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75206 Attention: Penny D. Jones General Counsel Re: Safeco Title GF#90775PW; Escrow Agreement dated January 17, 1988, as amended by Agreement Amending Escrow Agreement dated July 7, 1994, by and among Darr Equipment Co.and The City of Southlake Ladies and Gentlemen: Reference is hereby made to that certain Escrow Agreement dated January 17, 1988 by and among Grapevine/Highway 76 Joint Venture, The City of Southlake and Metro Escrow Company, Inc. , as amended by that certain Agreement Amending Escrow Agreement dated July 7, 1994 by and among Darr Equipment Co. , Amwest Savings Association and The City of Southlake, and that cer- tain letter from National Land Title Co. , Inc. , d/b/a Safeco Land Title of Dallas, to Darr Equipment Co. and The City of Southlake dated July 7, 1994 (collectively referred to herein as the "Escrow Agreement") . Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Escrow Agreement. Pursuant to the Escrow Agreement, please be advised that Darr Equipment Co. , as successor-in-interest to Grapevine/Highway 76 Joint Venture, and The City of Southlake do hereby instruct you, as holder of the Escrow Funds and as successor-in-interest to Metro Escrow Company, Inc. , as follows: 1. The City of Southlake has selected the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. as contractor for the Railroad Crossing; 2 . Darr Equipment Co. has approved the St. Louis South- western Railway Co. as contractor for the Railroad Crossing; 3 . The City of Southlake has received an original in- voice from St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. , as contractor Lope of the Railroad Crossing, said original invoice being in the amount of $102 ,786.41 (the "Original Invoice") ; /o.6 i LW' Safeco Land Title February 14, 1995 Page 2 4. The City of Southlake has furnished a copy of the Original Invoice to Darr Equipment Co. ; 5. The City of Southlake and Darr Equipment Co. do hereby request and instruct you to disburse from the Escrow Funds the amount of $102,786.41, by draft made payable to The City of Southlake, for payment to St. Louis Southwestern Rail- way Co. on account of its Original Invoice. We enclose herewith a Certified Copy of the Original Invoice. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Title: DARR EQUIPMENT CO. By: P.9 , Title: rresi de.at Lie / i8—$ CERTIFICATE The undersigned does hereby certify that attached hereto is a true and correct copy of an original invoice received from the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company. THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Title: L L J NN—t 6-1995 14:4U F RUM C I IY OF SUU I HLNKE 10 1214343.7455 P.02 � • ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY 0�•`y40 BILL COLLEGm6LE -4C%j ' .� BM Number: 016589-1194-00 rtu0 !. cr 4%•`o, iitltl��ii_���� Please quote above number when remitting Vendor#: 00146901 Months Acet: 11/94 Date Made: 12/OZ/94 CITY OF SIJUTH L.AEE tl GHHE'EUIt1J. A copy of this bill must be 667 CARROLL AVIr returned with payment to: SOUTH UWE, TX 76092 ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY FILE 41936 .d. BOX 60000 SAM FRANCISCO, CA. 94160-1936 • Description . . : GIO 01562 PROG #1 SOUTH LAKE, TX. INSTALL WAR NItIG SYSTEM AT:CONTINENTAL BLVD TCC-615.23 l ocat i nn • TEXAS Lio.biIity From. : 03/Z3/87 Liability To. . : 1Z/05/94 Work Order. . . : 81562 TOTAL AMT DUE: $10Z,786.11 Ca 'iry ' PROGRESSIUE DC Payment Due Upon Receipt A ant . . . : SSWS91 To Amount. . . . : 10Z,786.41 Uscr % • - 100.00 I certify that the above bill is correct and just; that payment therefore has not been received; that all statutory requirements as to American production and labor standards d all conditions of purchase applicable to the transaction htuc been complied with. • For further information address: Receivable SOUTHWESTERN ceco inting-RooRm 1SOB Y Onn Market Plaza San Francisco, CA 94105 PHONE: (415) 541-Z370 Approved By: J im Hornsby Case ID: 000016589 Fed. Emp. ID No: 75-6001073 (Ikatir • JAN-06-1995 14:48 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P.03 (1000;HE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC 05, 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO. ,OR. L28 FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH INSTALL WARNING SYSTEM AT CONTINENTAL BLVD XING TCC-615.23 SOUTH LAKE, TX PER AGREEMENT SSW DEED AUDIT NO. 591 DATED MARCH 3, 1988 GMO 81562 PROGRESSIVE BILL #1 X SUMMARY 1-PRE-ENGINEERING 2921.32 Z-TRACK WORK 54693.93 3-SIGNAL WORK 43299.21 4-ACCOUNTING C BILLING 1871.95 T OTAL BILL 102786.41 L L JAN-06-1995 14:49 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P.04 PAGE - THE ( 11IESUt- SUUT1 LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS SILL NO-0 T6U9t DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TU THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,DR. L28 1-PRE-ENGINEERING LABOR 3 87 H. PATTERSON EST 6.00 HRS AT16.9319 101.59 6 87 P. CRAWFORD EST 8.00 HRS AT16. 1900 129.52 231. 11 PLUS- 8.410% VACATION ALL ON 231. 11 19. 44 4.540% PD HOLIDAY ON 231. 11 10.49 28.160% RREUI TAXES ON 231 .11 65.08 11.490% HEALTH E WELFARE ON 231.11 26.55 3.000% COMP INS ON 231. 11 6.93 1 .000Z PL>;PD INS ON 231. 11 2 .31 36.360% SUPERVISION ON 231.11 84.03 445.94 3 88 J. SOPER DESIGNER 16.00 HRS AT16.5490 264.78 4 88. J. SOPER DESIGNER. 54.00 HRS AT18.1250 978.75 1243.53 L /ad_7 JAN-06-1995 14:49 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 1214343?455 P.05 P A G E - 2 LTHE GRAPEVINECITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 T6092 DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,DR. L28 PLUS-- 8.650% VACATION ALL ON 1243.53 107.57 4.510% PD HOLIDAY ON 1243.53 56.08 31.390% RREUI TAXES ON 1243.53 390.34 14.900% HEALTH 6 WELFARE ON 1243.53 185.29 3.000% COMP INS ON 1243.53 37.31 1.000% PLEPD INS ON 1243.53 12 .44 35.610% SUPERVISION ON 1243.53 442.82 2475.38 TOTAL PRE-ENGINEERING 2921 .32 2-TRACK WORK LABOR 9 89 TRACK PER DAR 256.00 HRS AT12 .4679 3191.78 10 89 TRACK PER OAR 560.00 HRS AT1Z.3056 6891.13 11 89 TRACK PER OAR 554.50 HRS ATI.2.3152 6828.78 16911.69 PLUS- 8.230% VACATION ALL ON 16911.69 1391.83 4.330% PD HOLIDAY ON 16911.69 732.28 32.260% RRCUI TAXES ON 16911.69 5455.71 16.480% HEALTH S WELFARE ON 16911.69 2787.04 3.000% COMP INS ON 16911.69 507.35 1 .000% PLCPO INS ON 16911.69 169. 12 41 .920% SUPERVISION ON 16911.69 7089.38 35044.40 PERSONAL EXPENSE 10 89 B. THOMAS FOREMAN 45.36 L /a6 13 JAN-06-1995 14:49 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P.06 PAGE - 3 1HE CITIES OF SUUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CAR ROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN-- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN KY. CO.• UR. L28 11 89 B. THOMAS FOREMAN 22.32 12 89 8. THOMAS FOREMAN 98.48 166. 16 MATERIAL. 1.00 ROLL ENGR FABRIC 2 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 677.4900 RL TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 679.49 120.00 CROSS TIE 7X9X9 1 FROM C UNIT PRICE IS 21. 1600 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 30960.00 LBS 2539.20 156.00 RAIL L360 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 473.5999 NT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 7072.00 LBS 1674. 65 TIE PLATES 14 INCH 2 FROM B UNIT PRICE IS 4.2700 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 5880.00 LBS 1024.80 720.00 TRACK SPIKES 2 FROM B UNIT PRICE IS 0.2000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 612.00 LBS 144.00 240.00 ANTI CREEPERS 2 FROM B UNIT PRICE IS 0. 5700 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 636.00 LBS 136.80 90.00 BALLAST 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 4.9600 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 446.40 6645.34 13.000% STORE EXPENSE ON 1985.09 258.06 0.0 % USE TAX ON 6645 .34 0.00 0.500% PURCHASING EXPENSE ON 4660.25 23.30 6.000% FOREIGN LINE FREIGHT ON 1985.09 119. 10 7045.80 FREIGHT WEIGHT MI TON MILES FROM A-PUEBLO 7072 1705 6029 FROM B-HOUSTON 7127 309 1101 FROM C-TEXARKANA 30960 238 3684 L /D,d 9 JAN-06-1995 14:50 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P.07 PAGE - (11111W THE CITIES OF AND GRAPEVINE SOUTH H LAKE E 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT---NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 7609Z DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,DR. LZ8 TON MI AT 0.0350/TM 10814 378.49 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9 89 344SSW215 SPEEDSWING 4.000 OA AT Z24.00D0 OA 896.00 10 89 344SSW215 SPEEDSWING 9.000 DA AT 224.0000 DA 2016.00 11 89 344SSW215 SPEEDSWING 8.000 DA AT 224.0000 OA 1792.00 4704.00 LEASED EQUIPMENT 9 89 20176RD 800M TRUCK 4 .UUU DA AT 65.430U DA Z61.7Z (hwe89 HM 7692 TRAILER 4.000 DA AT 27.2700 DA 109.08 9 89 HERTZ AIR COMPRESSOR 4.000 DA AT 30. 1300 DA 120.52 9 89 J. W. BARRON FORD BACKHOE 4.000 OA AT 91.9100 DA 367.64 9 89 J. W. BARRON DUMP TRUCK 4 .000 DA AT 91 .9100 OA 367.64 10 89 20176RD BOOM TRUCK 9.000 DA AT 65.4300 DA 588.87 10 89 HM 7692 TRAILER 9 .000 DA AT 27.2700 DA 245.43 10 89 HERTZ AIR COMPRESSOR 9.000 DA AT 30. 1300 DA 271.17 10 89 J. W. BARRON FORD .BACKHOE 9.000 DA AT 91.9100 DA 827.19 10 89 J . W. BARRON DUMP TRUCK 9.000 DA AT 91.9100 DA 827. 19 11 89 20176R0 BOOM TRUCK • 9.000 DA AT 65.4300 DA 588.87 L Zed-ye) JAN-06-1995 14:50 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P.08 PAGE - 5 (INI.T HE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 7bU92 DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 to THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.0DR. L28 11 89 HM 7692 TRAILER 8.000 DA AT 27.2700 DA 218. 16 11 89 HERTZ AIRE CUMPRESSOR 8.000 DA AT 30.1300 DA 241.04 11 69 J . W. BARRON FORD BACKHOE 8.000 OA AT 91.9100 OA 735.28 11 89 J. W. BARRON DUMP TRUCK 8 .000 04 AT 91.9100 DA 735. 28 6505.08 MISCELLANEOUS 9 89GAS FOR 20176RD BOOM TRUCK 40.00 9 89GAS FOR HERTZ AIR COMPRESSOR 40.00 9 89GAS FOR J.W. BARRON BACKHOE 40.00 (tle89GAS FOR J.W. BARRON DUMP TRK 40.00 89GAS FOR 20176RD BOOM TRUCK 90.00 89GAS FOR HERTZ AIR COMPRESSOR 90.00 1.0 89GAS FOR J . W. BARRON BACKHOE 90.00 10 89GAS FOR J. W. BARRON DUMP IRK 90.00 11 89GAS FOR 20176R0 BOOM TRUCK 90.00 11 89GAS FOR HERTZ AIR COMPRESSOR 80.00 11 89GAS FOR J.W. BARRON BACKHOE 80.00 11 89GAS FOR J.W. BARRON DUMP TRK 80. 00 850.00 TOTAL TRACK WORK 54693.93 3-SIGNAL WORK LABOR 8 88 SIGNAL SHOP 40.00 HRS AT14. 1300 565.20 9 88 SIGNAL SHOP 80.00 HRS AT14. 1300 1130.40 1695. 60 L ' JAN-06-1995 14:50 FROM CITY OF SOUTFLiKE TO 12143437455 P.09 P A G E - 6 LTHE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE• TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC 05, 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,OR. 1.28 PLUS- 8.650% VACATION ALL ON 1695.60 146.67 4. 510% PD HOLIDAY ON 1695.60 76.47 31.390% RRGUI TAXES ON 1695.60 532.25 14.900% HEALTH E WELFARE ON 1695.60 252.64 3.000% COMP INS ON 1695.60 50.87 1.000% PLEPD INS ON 1695.60 16.96 35.610% SUPERVISION ON 1695.60 603.80 3375.26 MATERIAL 190.00 ARRESTOR HIGH VOLTG 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 6.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1140.00 220.00 PIPE 6" GALV I FROM A UNIT PRICE IS Z.0300 FT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 446.60 c00 ELBOW 6" 45 DEGRESS I FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 52.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 208.00 8.00 COLLAR GALV 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 4.550U EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 36.40 3.00 TRANSFORMER 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 418.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1254.00 1.00 LOT MATL•S USED TO WIRE CASE 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 820.6099 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 820.61 1.00 ARRESTOR, LIGHTNING LPC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 221.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 221 .00 1 .00 CASE, ALUMINUM 83" I FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 1441.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1441.00 1 .00 RELAY, FLASHER COMPLETE 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 243.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 243.00 L JAN-06-1995 14:51 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P. 10 AGE - 7 (1111W HE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT--NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST4, LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,OR. L28 1.00 RELAY LINE 500 OHM 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 218.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 218.00 3.00 RELAY 500 OHM HD CONTACT 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 265.0 000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 795.00 1.00 RELAY POWER OFF 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS Z84.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHt IS 0.0 LBS 284.00 6.00 RELAY BASE, GRS 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 21.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LESS 126.00 1.00 EXIDE DYNACEL BATTERY 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 810.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 810.00 20J0 WIRE BONDSTRAND 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.3430 FT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 686.00 4.00 FOUNDATION 4', W/32"X32" BASE 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS Z13.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 852.00 2.00 CASE PIER 23X36-18 1 /2 BS 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 43.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 86.00 1.00 ASSY CTU-Z 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 828.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 828.00 2.00 SYSTEM HXP-1 gE 285HZ 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 5564.6164 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 11129.63 4 .00 SIGNAL MECH XING GATE COMP 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 2173.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 8692.00 4.00 ARM XING GATE 20-26 FT BASE 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 454.5298 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1818. 12 2.00 FLASHING LIGHT ASSEMBLY COMP 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 972.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1944 .00 L /L51 JAN-06-1995 14:51 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P. 11 PAGE - 8 HE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO. ,OR. L28 2.00 FLASHING LIGHT ASSEMBLY COMP 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 785.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LDS 1570.00 4.00 BELL , 5" MTG• 8-46V 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 191.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 764.00 ;000.00 #6 SLQ 1/C UNDGRD PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0. 1910 FT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 955.00 .000 .00 #10 SOLID 1/C UNDGRD PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.0920 FT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 276.00 200.00 4" CONDUIT PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 2.0500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 410.00 (hwd0 4" COUPL PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 2.0100 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 40. 20 1 .00 CB LOAD CNTR OUTDOOR 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 17.2400 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 17.24 1 .00 GROUND ROD 5/8 X 8 FT 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 10.2400 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 10.24 4 .00 1 1/4 ELBOW 90 DEG 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.8700 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 3.48 8.00 1 1/4 COUPL PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.7800 EA IUtAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 6.24 40.00 1 1/4 CONDUIT PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.3500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 14.00 2.00 1 1/4 FE ADAPTER 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.4500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 0.90 2.00 1 1/4 MA ADAPTER I FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.4500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 0.90 L JAN-06-1995 14:51 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P. 12 P A G E - 9 L414-1E CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE -� 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE -DEC OS. 1994 CN-- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,DR. L28 4.00 1 1/4 SEALTITE STR CONN 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 5.6500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 22.60 2.00 1 1/4 FE ADAPTER PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 2.8200 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 5.64 500.00 #6 THHN STR BLK 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.2000 FT TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 100.00 1 .00 PLUG IN BRKR 30A SP 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 4. 8400 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 4.84 2.00 1 1/4" PLASTIC BUSHING 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0. 1200 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 0.24 LO 4" FE ADAPTER PVC 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 2 . 8200 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 16.92 2.00 1 PT W/BRUSH PVC CEMENT 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 3.6200 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 7.24 6 .00 SEALTITE STR CONN 1-1/2 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 5.6500 EA TUTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 33.90 1 .00 CLAMP ALUM ENTR CAP 1-1/4" 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE TS 2.3000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 2.30 40.00 1 1/4" EMT L FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0. 5200 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 20.80 8.00 1 1/4" 2 HOLE EMT STRAP 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0. 1300 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1.04 1.00 1 1/4" EMT COMPRESSN CONN 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.9000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 0.90 2.00 1 1/4" EMT COMPRESSN COUPL 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0.8700 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 1 .74 L JAN-06-1995 14:52 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 1214343?455 P. 13 P A G E - 10 HE CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE --DEC 05, 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO., OR. L28 1 .00 1 I/4XCL STEEL NIPPLE 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 0. 5800 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 0.58 1.00 RT INTERCHG HUB 1-1/4 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 5.2000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS O.O LBS 5.20 1.00 BATTERY CHARGER 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 541.0000 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 541 .00 5.00 4" ELBOW 90 DEG I FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 24.2500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 121 . 25 8.00 4" ELBOW 45 DEG 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 22.9000 EA kreTOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 183.20 00 4" RIGID STEEL CONDUIT 1 FROM A UNIT PRICE IS 4.7500 EA TOTAL WEIGHT IS 0.0 LBS 475.00 39691 .95 13.000% STORE EXPENSE UN 0.00 0.00 0.0 X USE TAX ON 39691.95 0.00 0.500% PURCHASING EXPENSE ON 39691.95 198 .45 6.000% FUR± IGN LINE FREIGHT ON 0.00 0.00 39890.40 FREIGHT WEIGHT MI TON MILES TON MI AT 0.0350/TM 0 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS 6 88HARMON ELECT INC. UPS CHARGE 4.75 6 88HARMON ELECT ENC. UPS CHARGE 19.29 6 88HARMON ELECT INC. UPS CHARGE 9.60 33.55 TOTAL SIGNAL WORK 43299.21 L JAN-06-1995 14:52 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P. 14 PAGC• - 11 - LTI$C CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT-NOV t994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 GATE MADE -DEC 05. 1994 CN- GF815624 TO THE ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RY. CO.,DR. L28 4-ACCOUNTING E BILLING LABOR 11 89 R. BERGER CLERK 2.00 URS ATI3.6000 27.36 27.36 PLUS- 8.230% VACATION ALL ON 27.36 2.25 4. 330% PD HOLIDAY ON 27.36 1. 18 32.260% RRCUI TAXES ON 27.36 8.83 16.480% HEALTH G WELFARE ON 27.36 4.51 3.000% COMP INS ON 27.36 0.82 1.000% PLCPD INS ON 27.36 0.27 41 . 920% SUPERVISION ON 27.36 11.47 56.69 T-T 8 91 S. PHILPOS CLERK 7.00 HRS AT13.9372 97.56 10 91 R. JUE CLERK 16.00 HRS AT14. 3300 229.28 326.84 PLUS- 8.340% VAATIDN ALL ON 326.84 27.26 4.490% PD HOLIDAY ON 326.84 14.68 34.910X RREUI TAXIS UN 3L6.84 114.10 20.660% HEALTH C WELFARE ON 326.84 67.53 4.000% COMP INS ON 326.84 13.07 4.000Z PLCPO INS ON 326.84 13.07 44.130% SUPERVISION ON 326. 84 144.23 720.78 11 94 ASST . ENGINEER GR-6 32.00 HRS AT14.4603 462.73 12 94 ASST . ENGINEER GR-6 2.00 HRS AT14.4603 28.92 491.65 L /D,e-/7 JAN-06-1995 14:53 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 12143437455 P. 15 P A G E — 12 n"HF CITIES OF SOUTH LAKE AND GRAPEVINE 667 CARROLL AVENUE MONTHS ACCOUNT—NOV 1994 SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS BILL NO-0 76092 DATE MADE —DEC 05. 1994 CN— GF815624 TO THE ST. ( OUTS SOUTHWESTERN RY_ C0., 0R. L28 PLUS— 8.290% VACATION ALL ON 491.65 40.76 4.440% PO HOLIDAY ON 491.65 21.83 32.150X RREUI TAXES ON 491.65 159_05 19.810% HEALTH E WELFARE ON 491.65 97.40 4.000% COMP INS ON 491.65 19.67 4.000% PLCPD INS ON 491.65 19. 67 49.720% SUPERVISION ON 491.65 244.45 1094.48 . TOTAL ACCOUNTING E. BILLING 1871.95 T OTAL BILL 102786.41 L L F., SAFECO LAND TITLE "°RMA LEA Ooe rev BOaed Uwe(E.«ur..e once. 1510 PACIFIC AVENUE • DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 MELVIN H JOHN (214) 720-1100 FAX 720-1114 Cnwr oo:.:ng once July 7, 1994 Darr Equipment Co. VIA HAND DELIVERY TO J.M. JERGE P.O. Box 540788 MAIN OFFICE: Dallas, Texas 75354-0788 Ce1:12)VF 1510 Pacific Avenue Dallas, Texas 7520f 720-1100 The City of Southlake - • VIA HAND DELIVERY TO J.M. JERGE DALLAS OFFICES: Department of Public Works CARUTH HAVEN 667 North Carroll Avenue 8080 N.Central. 206 120 Southlake, Texas 76092 HILLCREST es i5205 RE: Escrow Agreement dated January 17, 1988 by and among LBJ&PRESTON Grapevine/Highway 26 Joint Venture, the City of Southlake and Metro 12900 io Escrow Company, Inc. ("Escrow Agreement") Preston,387-4535•75230 Safeco GF# 90775 PW LBJ&PRESTON Residential Division 12900 Preston, 1208 Gentlemen and Ladies: 387-4535• 75230 NATIONAL CLOSING DIVISION This is to confirm that National Land Title Co., Inc., d/b/a Safeco Land Title of 1510 Peak Avenue 720 75201 Dallas is being substituted as escrow agent in the Escrow Agreement referenced LabovES1ON CENTER e. Douglas, 1101 9904• 75225 Safeco has been advised that Parr Equipment Co., a Texas corporation PRESTOL 17000 sue Road,0140 ("Darr"), is purchasing certain real property located in Grapevine and Southlake (the 931-7300.75248 "Property") which will benefit from the development of the railroad crossing which is ARRE. L]DN OFFICE: FIE:Rd., the subject of the Escrow Agreement. Darr and Amwest Savings Association 1933394-1110.75007 ("Amwest"), the seller of the Property, have agreed that Darr will succeed-to any LAS COUNAS interest which Amwest may have in the Escrow Agreement and have entered into an 5215 North O'Connor Blvd., 01740 (214)869-1100•75039 Agreement Amending Escrow Agreement (the "Amendment Agreement"). DUNCANVILLE 519 N.Cedar Ridge 12 (214)298-8211•75116 It is the understanding of Safeco that Dallas Area Rapid Transit ("Dart") has succeeded to the interest of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company (the OESOTO OFFICE: "Railway Company") in the property which is the subject of the Escrow Agreement. 1801 N.Hampton Rd., 1110 (214)780-8996•75115 Safeco agrees that, due to the change in circumstances surrounding the GRAND PRAIRIE OFFICE: P.a Box 530591 development of the railroad crossing, upon receipt of an original invoice from the (214)262-2608•75053 contractor,selected by the City of Southlake and approved by Darr, and accompanied ABRAMS CENTRE by a written request for payment from the City, funds will be disbursed to the City for (21144)282518 8. 75243 payment to the contractor for the development of the railroad crossing. MIDWAY OFFICE: 14679 Midway. M218 Si�cei ely, Dallas, Texas 75244 (214Fax 788- 1. � £D Fax(214)788-0667 PennyD. ones IRVING OFFICE: ill Ferguson Court,1100 General Counsel (214)258-7991 • 75062 /S cc. J.M. Jerge (via facsimile no. 343-7455) /D,Q/7 (kir- AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made and entered into the dayof July, Y, 1994 by and among DARR EQUIPMENT CO. , a Texas corporation ("DARR") , AMWEST SAVINGS ASSOCIATION ("AMWEST") , a Texas Savings and Loan Association and THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, a Texas municipal corporation ("THE CITY") . WITNESSET H: WHEREAS, DARR__having entered into an Agreement of Sale with AMWEST dated effective April 21, 1994 (the "April 21, 1994 Agreement of Sale") to purchase certain land located in the City of Southlake and the City of Grapevine in Tarrant County, Texas and legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the* "Property") ; and WHEREAS, AMWEST having acquired title to the Property by foreclosure of a Deed of Trust having been granted by AMWEST's predecessor-in-interest, namely the GRAPEVINE/HIGHWAY 26 JOINT VENTURE (the "VENTURE") , and such foreclosure having resulted in the conveyance of the Property and all personal property collateral (both tangible and intangible) to AMWEST by that certain Substitute Trustee' s Deed and Bill of Sale dated September 4, 1990 - and recorded in Volume 10031, commencing at Page 2226, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (the "Trustee's Deed and Bill of Sale") ; and WHEREAS, the VENTURE and THE CITY having entered into an Escrow Agreement dated January 13 , 1988 with METRO ESCROW COMPANY, INC. (the "Escrow Agreement") ; and WHEREAS, the VENTURE having deposited into escrow the sum of Lio, $170, 126.00 (together with interest thereon, the "Escrow Funds") under the Escrow Agreement for the purpose of financing the (1h)1*(2414 8P AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT, Page 1 l construction of a railroad crossing (the "Crossing") over the Railroad right-of-way which runs along and contiguous to the southerly boundary line of the Property; and WHEREAS, the said Crossing having been planned and designed to give the Property access, ingress and egress to and from Texas State Highway 26, consistent with the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE's master thoroughfare plan, and having been located as shown on that certain Plat of the HERITAGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat and Dedication recorded in Volume 388-212, Page 20, Plat Records, ' Tarrant County, Texas; and WHEREAS, AMWEST having succeeded to the VENTURE's interest in the Escrow Agreement and the Escrow Funds by reason of the foreclo- sure, transfer and conveyance of all intangible personal property (hare collateral pursuant to the Trustee's peed and Bill of Sale; and WHEREAS, DARR and AMWEST having agreed that DARR will succeed to the interest of AMWEST in the Escrow Funds and the Escrow Agreement upon the closing of the sale of the Property by AMWEST to DARR pursuant to the April 21, 1994 Agreement of Sale; and WHEREAS, DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART") having succeeded • to the interest of ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY in and to the right-of-way over which the Crossing is to be constructed; and WHEREAS, NATIONAL LAND TITLE CO. , INC. d/b/a SAFECO LAND TITLE OF DALLAS, a Texas corporation ("SAFECO") having succeeded to the interest of METRO ESCROW COMPANY, INC. as the escrow agent and holder of the Escrow Funds; and (hair WHEREAS, effective only upon the closing of the sale of the subject Property by AMWEST to DARR pursuant to the April 21, 1994 AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT, Page 2 /�� 7 (- (.- Agreement of Sale, the parties desire to modify the terms and Lire conditions of the Escrow Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. . AMENDMENTS TO ESCROW AGREEMENT Effective upon-closing the sale of the Property by AMWEST to DARR pursuant to the April 21, 1994 Agreement of Sale, as evidenced by the recording of a Deed conveying title to the Property to DARR, ' and without the necessity of further act or deed, the parties covenant and agree that the Escrow Agreement shall thereupon be amended and modified in the following respects: 1.1 DARR shall thereupon be deemed substituted for the (lbw VENTURE as a party to the Escrow Agreement in all respects and for all purposes, and subject to the condition aforesaid, AMWEST shall . be deemed to have assigned, transferred and set over unto DARR all of its right, title and interest in and to the Escrow Funds and the Escrow Agreement. 1.2 The release of the Escrow Funds shall no longer be conditioned upon receipt of an original invoice from the ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, but rather upon receipt of an original invoice from a Contractor (which may, but need not be, the ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY) selected by'THE CITY (after consultation with DART) and approved by DARR. Wherever in the Escrow Agreement the term "Railway Company" appears, there shall be Le. substituted therefor the phrase "a reputable contractor selected by THE CITY and approved by DARR. " AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT, Page 3 1. 3. SAFECO shall be deemed substituted as the Escrow Agent Le for. Metro Escrow Company, Inc. in all respects and for all purposes. 1.4 The "Escrow Funds" shall mean the total balance of all funds held in the name of the SAFECO pursuant to the Escrow Agree- ment, including all interest now or hereafter earned thereon. 1.5 In all other respects the Escrow Agreement shall be deemed ratified, confirmed and approved. ARTICLE 2 . CONDITION PRECEDENT TO EFFECTIVENESS OF AMENDMENTS The effectiveness of the amendments to the Escrow Agreement herein contained shall be subject only to the fulfillment of the condition precedent that DARR purchase the Property from AMWEST pursuant to the April 21, 1994 Agreement of Sale and. thereby succeed to the Lie interest of AMWEST in and to the Escrow Funds and the Escrow Agreement. Upon the closing of the purchase of the Property by DARR, DARR shall furnish THE CITY with a true and correct copy of the recorded Special Warranty Deed by which DARR shall have acquired title to the Property from AMWEST. ARTICLE 3. FURTHER ASSURANCES The parties hereto hereby covenant and agree to take and perform such other acts, to execute such other instruments, papers and other documents, and to render such further assurances as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out and fulfill the intent and purposes of this Agreement. L AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT, Page 4 • ARTICLE 4 . COUNTERPARTS This Agreement Amending Escrow Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of this day of ���� , 1994 . DARR: DARR EQUIPMENT CO. By: `� • T. 1 •�. THE CITY: THE CI OF SOU --- By: T' le E,W 1114AIAGER AMWEST:•.-., AMWEST SAVINGS ASSOCIATION By: Az., ..€./6` c_i i- 7- 9 y Title P,t.c4.4,t L AGREEMENT AMENDING ESCROW AGREEMENT, Page 5 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.480,AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BY PROVIDING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF;PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR • PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as the zoning ordinance of the city; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has historically developed as a residential community which is particularly suited for the development of a quality residential lifestyle which is separated from intense office, commercial and industrial types of development which might adversely impact said residential neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, several existing and planned residential neighborhoods are located adjacent to high traffic corridors which are developing or will be developed for business and commercial use; and f:\rles\muni\slake\ordinanc\zoning(01-05-95) csir' //A. WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake recognizes the vital importance of residential neighborhoods and the need to preserve and protect residential neighborhoods from the adverse effects of adjoining business and commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the city council desires to protect and enhance the attractiveness of the city to visitors; to promote and stimulate the economy; to insure the harmonious,orderly and efficient growth and development of the city; to encourage stabilization, restoration and improvement of property and property values; and to maintain a generally harmonious outward appearance of both residential and commercial structures which are compatible and complementary in scale, form, color, style, proportion, texture and material; and WHEREAS, the city council desires to adopt this ordinance for the purpose of (ow preserving and protecting the quality of residential life of existing and future residential neighborhoods by adopting reasonable regulations that will promote quality business and commercial development that is compatible and consistent with adjoining residential neighborhoods. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 18.1 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follow: "18.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT - This district is a commercial category designed and intended for the exclusive use of office and office related activities. It is established for and will be allocated to those areas capable of supporting commercial activity of an office character. This (owI':\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\zoning(0I-05-95) 2 //.4-a r (lee district is envisioned as possessing a lower overall intensity of use and development when compared to other commercial categories. It is particularly well-suited for environmentally sensitive areas and those sites in which natural limitations make full area utilization infeasible. It has been established to encourage and permit general professional and business offices of high site quality and appearance, in attractive landscaped surroundings with the types of uses and designed exterior appearance so controlled as to be generally compatible with existing and future adjacent residential development. To this end, specific development regulations have been established in this district to protect certain residential properties which are located adjacent to this district. This district should generally be located in areas abutting arterial and/or collector streets and which are, because of location and development trends, suitable for the establishment of office uses that are compatible with residential uses, thereby maintaining the character and integrity of existing and developing residential neighborhoods. This district is also ideally located in transitional areas between commercial and residential development which are adaptable to occupancy by certain office uses. The ultimate development within this zoning category must provide a low intensity of land usage and site coverage to enable the site to retain its park-like image." SECT ION N 2. Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by adding a new section 18.6 to read as follows, and by renumbering the remaining sections accordingly: "18.6 ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR FM 1709 CORRIDOR a. FM 1709 Corridor Defined - It is recognized that FM 1709 within the City of Southlake is a high traffic arterial street which is designed to provide access to both residential and commercial properties. It is further recognized that most office and commercial properties that are developed along FM 1709 will either directly abut residential property or will be located on side streets leading into residential neighborhoods. In order to alleviate the impact that office/commercial developments will have on adjoining or nearby residential neighborhoods, the f:\talcs\muni\slakc\ordinanc\zoning(01-05-95) 3 ///9-3 (46., following additional development regulations shall be applicable to office/commercial developments within the FM 1709 corridor. The FM 1709 Corridor shall encompass all properties fronting on FM 1709 or fronting on a side street intersecting FM 1709 and located within 200 feet of FM 1709. b. If any portion of a building to be constructed in an "0-1" Office District within the FM 1709 corridor is located within 200 feet of surrounding residential property, the following additional development regulations shall apply: 1. The building design shall be of a residential character and appearance and shall be subject to the same height, setback and lot coverage requirements as the adjacent residential properties. 2. If more than 50% of the adjacent residential subdivision is developed, the design of the building shall contain a similar number of stories as the majority of the homes and shall contain a roof style, exterior and other architectural features which blend into the surrounding Le residential neighborhood and are generally harmonious and complementary with the residential properties in scale, construction materials and proportion. 3. In addition to compliance with all bufferyard and landscaping requirements, landscaping of the property shall be of similar appearance and style to the adjacent residential neighborhood." SECTION 3. Section 19.3 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "19.3 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS - The accessory uses, special exception uses, specific use permits, development regulations and additional development regulations for FM 1709 for the "0-2" Office District shall be identical to the "0-1" Office District as set forth in Section 18 of this (:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\zoning(01-05-95) 4 //A-1 ordinance except in the "0-2" Office District, the maximum height of buildings or structures shall be 6 stories or 90 ft." SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall he declared unconstitutional by the Le valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction,such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. I:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\coning(01-05-95) 5 //a: -- SECTION 7. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 8. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts wi thout further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten LI:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\-zoning(01-05 95)oge6 //Q-6 Le days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1995. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: (10.' 1:\liles\muni\slake\ordinanc\zoning(01-05-95) 7 //•9-7 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: (...„ City Attorney L (low, [:\files\muni\slake\ordinanc\zoning(01-05-95) 8 //,Q— DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 HIGHLANE STREET Y PROJECT a j� 0 } o LOCATION Q o 0 7y Q _ 0 774 SOUTHLAKE BLVD FM 1709 SPUR 382 Q Q Y U 3 a% \ BfA CONTINENTAL BLVD LJ R C R£fk Q 3 Q ¢ DALLAS/FT. WORTH JOHN McCAIN ROAD REGIONAL AIRPORT GRAPEVINE \ � N C ry� vi V1 W h a COLL YVILLE NOTES: 4 5. 6. 7. E� E" 4 n LOCATION MAP N.T S. EXISTING ZONING: SF-20B EXISTING L.U.D.: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0 50 100 200 300 SCALE: 1'=2W STREET LIGHTING WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REGULATIONS. INTERIOR STREETS WILL TYPICALLY BE 31' B-B CONCRETE IN 50' R.O.W. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLAN. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: SPRING 1995. THE AREA SHOWN AS PUBLIC PARK SHALL BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLATTING. A PRIVATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (H.O.A.) SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS, BUFFER YARDS, LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER AND OTHER PRIVATELY OWNED ASSOCIATION AMENITIES. THE H.O.A. SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AT THE TIME OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS. NO KNOWN EASEMENTS ARE CURRENTLY ON OR ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY. SCREENING FENCES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN SIGHT TRIANGLES OR VISIBILITY EASEMENTS AT PUBLIC INTERSECTIONS. C. A. PRADE JR. EX. ZONING: AG L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 35 R.O.W.OIJ DEDICATI 70'_ FUTURE R.O.W. I PAUL L. SCHELL EX. ZONING: AG L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL COMMON AREA (0.07 AC.± ) RUCKER FF\MILY LTD PARTNERSHIP. EX. ZONING: AG -L U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TOMMY G. BARNETT EX. ZONING: AG L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL I COMMON AREA (0.1 AC±) E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION BLOCK 1, LOT 2 V 388-`154, P 91 P.RT C.T. HILLMAN 0. McKENZIE EST. EXISTING ZONING: SE 20B L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL N 8 9° 55' 55"E - 1397.48' mI-Z __J . ~ Im 30 B.L. 21 I � 30' B.L. — 1 STREE �K'' z UJ 25' B� 30 B.L.B z _J z m J W 0 °D W rn 0 N, _,J Do Cnn H I-C) d 30 B.L. - O UJ Br" 20 .L . \ 0 STREET ' M' 2 J ---- m1 2 (D BL .. 30 B.L. z w I / — W Q W UJ _J ~ -J 00� Cr w m 0D 0 W CD p Al 30-8.L. - 25 ems/ ON WN J W 0° W 0 Cr B.L J 10 ' U.E. I I I 1 F� I +II I All City of Southlake development regulations, rules, and standards that are applicable to SF-20B single family residential districts shall also apply to the Versailles Planned Unit Development, except where said regulations, rules, and standards are in conflict with the following: Front Yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. Side Y There shall be a side yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet unless the side yard is adjacent to a street. Side yards adjacent to a street shall not be less than twenty (20) feet. Reverse frontage corner lots (key lots) shall have a designated side yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. Side yards adjacent to a Common Area shall not be less than five (5) feet. Where a Common Area separates a lot from a street, the combined side yard and Common Area shall not be less than twenty (20) feet, or twenty- five (25) feet if the lot is a key lot. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. Maximum Lot Coverage: All buildings or structures shall have a maximum lot coverage not exceeding twenty-five (25) percent of the lot area, except the sum total of accessory buildings which shall not exceed six hundred (600) square feet. (As amended by ordinance No. 480-C). Lot Area: The minimum area of a lot shall be eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet. Lot Dimensions: Each lot shall have a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet and a minimum depth of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet. Floor Area: The main residence shall contain a minimum of two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet of floor area. Maximum Residential Density: The maximum number of dwelling units per gross acre shall be 1.50. Drive Access: Driveway access to South Carroll Avenue, East Continental Boulevard, and Carlisle Lane shall not be allowed. REQUIRED BUFFERYARDS s REQUIRED PROVIDED CANOPY TREES ACCENT TREES I SHRUBS North None None East None None - - - SOUTH - 975' 10'-B IO'-B 20 30 98 West None None - - - 1-5'U.E. 1 I g THFRON A. RAGAN EXISTING ZONING: SF 20A I`r L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL I`" 4 I I APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT 1cD I I I "NAPA VALLEY ESTATES11 I11 � 3 10 b 2 _J iv'----- i lS 89046'40"E - 19.52' m 15' D.E.& U.E. - EXIST. RAINBOW ST. I CHARLES & EDNA HART EX. ZONING. SF 20B L.U.D. MED. DENSITY 1 RESIDENTIAL IWILLIAM & JANICE MINOR EX. ZONING SF 20B L.0 D. MED DENSITY RESIDENTIAI 1 HARVEY MILLER ° I II I IIVIAKKUIN LAINU UUKF'. cD W STR - i EX ZONING: SF zoe 8 5 E 208.19 EXISTING ZONING ui 71 TREE L.0 D. MED. DENSITY / z I ' '�O / RESIDENTIAL PUD 480 - 01B 0 �I 30 DENSITY RESIDENTIAL aI I 1 - — i -- i NOAH B. POND JR. J -� EX. ZONING: AG 3 m N — — o f I L.U.D. MEDIUM ac 0 z I EXISTING ZONING: SF 20A 0 � N °: Z L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DENSITY RESIDENTIAL- Q W TI MARRON ADDITION 1--� L -- �� U I z 30 B L. _ 20 ii' 00 30 UZ WYNDSOR CREEK — i i CARROL ROAD O tLL / B.L I= cnJJ CABINET A, SLIDE 1707 BAPTIST CHURCH IZ:D z I` S REET r EX. ZONING: CS — T C 25 R.O.W. I L.U.D. PUBLIC & I w I 25 BL f DEDICATION SEMI-PUBLIC I c�i 3081- - _I i STEVE RYAN N m �I m FUTURE 50' ao � I — — EX. ZONING: m O ( R.O.W. DEDICATION r - w APPROXIMATE L.U.D. IMEbIUM I 00 LJ PRIVATE W 1 - --- J LOCATION OF DEtSITY,Ir NEIGHBORHOOD�EXISTING RESINY.IAL CENTER m 30' B.L. _ 25' B.L U' 20 B.L � � HOUSE COMMON AREA I (2.8 AC.±) � PS 60' R.O.W. / STREET 'E' t° COMMON AREA (0.1 AC.±) 20 B.L . (37' B-B) o (0.07 AC. ± ) �TIMARRON LAND CORP. STREET 'F' 20 Bl-. ° EXISTING ZONING: 30'BL. r-.I 0 P.U.D. 480-01 B EXISTING TREE al O � � I N .U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL I COMMON AREA COVER (TYP.) om w (O.IAC.±) �� 0 ULI J WI _J 35' R.O.W. DEDICATION PUBLIC PARK Z � B.L. I� I J 30 70' FUTURE R.O.W. (4.2 AC.±) w < Cr PO.B. STREET U N 7 JOE L. CD L,J WRIGHT N 01°0953E - COMMON AREA N 89039 21 W - 210.00' z Q EX. ZONING: 21 1.0' m 30' B.L. (0.2 AC. ± ) Y i L.0 o. MEDIUM COMMON AREA DENSLTY RESIDEN. (0.1 AC I ) J. W. HALE _EAST CONTINENTAL BLVD. JOHN N. GIBSU' N SURVEY - ABS1. 59) N 89014 05 W - 1413.05 _ TYPICAL BUFFERYARD BILLY JENNINGS v; i 81SCREENING(SEE I o .T— EX. ZONING: SF IA Ld L-42' R.O.W. DEDICATION DETAIL 81 -J L.U.D. MED. DENSITY ��`U Y z Q z 84' FUTURE R.O.W. TABLE) I � 1 0 RESIDENTIAL Q w cn o I 00 I m w UFz I w I cr �P a Q z zo o 11MARRON LAND CORP. I j CIO Z - m N > EXISTING ZONING: x GQ< 0 z J o W o P. U.9.- 480- 01 B w J� a Q I J L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Z DKNVI VKV rL^K IKCC VN :" '-NIKV. TYMCAL 502EENING I=ENCE ELEVATION o W �ZWo JOE L. WRIGHT LLJ z > on EX. ZONING: SF R-P.U.D. cn o L.U.D. MED, DENSITY X RESIDENTIAL w _J I I -- TI ARRON LAND CORP. EXISTING ZONING: P.U.D. 480-01 B L.U.D. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED LAND USE SUMMARY TOTAL ACREAGE 78.046 ACRES t EXISTING PERIMETER/THOROUGHFARE R.O.W. 2.3 ACRES t ' PROPOSED ADDITIONAL 1.0 ACRES t PERIMETER/THOROUGHFARE R.O.W. DEDICATION OPEN SPACE 7.6 ACRES t PUBLIC 4.1 ACRES t PRIVATE 3.5 ACRES t NUMBER OF LOTS 117t DENSITY (GROSS) 1.50 D.U./ACRES t PERCENT OF OPEN SPACE (NET OF EXISTING PERIMETER R.O.W.) 10.0 %+ TYPICAL LOT DIMENSIONS 120, X 150' (18,000 S.F.) BEING A 78.05 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J. W. HALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 803, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO MARVIN KERCHO, AND DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 3241, PAGE 415, DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEARING BASIS IS PLAT FILED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 1707, TIMARRON ADDITION, WINDSOR CREEK, PHASE 1, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a 3/4" iron rod found at the northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Sarah Reynolds as described in deed recorded in Volume 2414, Page 583, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89039'21" W, along the north line of said Reynolds tract, at 189.05 feet, passing a 3/4" iron rod found, a total distance of 210.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in Carroll Road for corner, said point also being in the east line of that certain 4.81 acre tract of land conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533, Page 235, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 00004'05" W, along the approximate centerline of Carroll Road and along the east line of said 4.81 acre Timarron Land Corporation tract, and also along the east line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, as follows: S. Ryan, Volume 7158, Page 644; Trustees of the Carroll Road Baptist Church, Volume 4929, Page 356; N. Pond, Volume 7134, Page 944; T. Barnett, Volume 9657, Page 2320; Rucker Family Limited Partnership, Volume 10432, Page 1162; P. Schell, Volume 2851, Page 198; and C. Prade, Volume 2835, Page 358, a distance of 2056.61 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set for the northwest corner of herein described tract, said point also being in the south line of LOT 2, BLOCK I, of the E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION, that certain 27.625 acre tract of land conveyed to E. A. Smith, described in plat record Volume 388-154, Page 91, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89055'55" E, leaving the east line of said tracts and the said approximate centerline of Carroll Road, along the south line of said E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION, 1397.48 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in the west line of that certain tract of land conveyed to THE BRANAN ENTERPRISES, described in deed recorded in Volume 6377, Page 99, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 01016'56" W, leaving the south line of said E. A. SMITH SUBDIVISION, along the west line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract, 621.41 feet to a 1 /2" iron rod found at the southwest corner of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract; THENCE S 89046'40" E, along the south line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES tract, 19.52 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found at the northwest corner of that certain 2.52 acre tract of land conveyed to Charles Hart, described in deed recorded in Volume 3193, Page 361, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 01023'55" E, leaving the south line of said BRANAN ENTERPRISES, along the west line of said Charles Hart tract, and also along the west line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, as follows: William Minor, Volume 6506, Page 266, and a Harvey Miller, Volume 9165, Page 2165, a distance of 484.26 feet to a 1 /2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped " Vogt Engineering" found at the southwest corner of said Harvey Miller tract; THENCE S 86038'45" E, along the south line of said Harvey Miller tract, at 187.94 feet, passing a 1 /2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Vogt Engineering" found, a total distance of 208.19 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in Carlisle Lane, said point also being in the west line of that tract of land conveyed to N. Brown, described in deed recorded in Volume 6444, Page 569, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 00004 56" W, along the approximate centerline of said Carlisle Lane and the west line of said N. Brown tract, 1171.77 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in the north line of that certain 17.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533, Page 235, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89014'05" W, leaving the west line of said N. Brown tract, along the north line of said Timarron Land Corporation tract, and also along the north line of those tracts of land recorded in Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas as follows: Bear Creek Communities, Volume 10351, Page 2377, and that certain 2.86 acre tract conveyed to Timarron Land Corporation, described in deed recorded in Volume 10533, Page 235, a distance of 1413.05 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set at the southeast corner of the aforementioned Sarah Reynolds tract; THENCE N 01009'53" E, leaving the north line of said 2.86 acre Timarron Land Corporation tract, along the east line of said Sarah Reynolds tract, at 24.70 feet, passing a 3/4" iron rod found, a total distance of 211.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 78.046 acres (3,399,664 square feet) of land with 0.55 acres contained in Carlisle Lane, 0.71 acres contained in Continental Boulevard, and 1.00 acre contained in Carroll Road, leaving a total of 75.786 acres of land more or less. DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR R-P.U.D. REZONING REQUEST OF VERSAILLES 78.046 ACRES OUT OF THE J.W. HALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 803 IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SF-20B TO R-P.U.D. OWNER: KERCHO KOCHWEOP PARTNERSHIP 3825 LAKE AUSTIN BLVD., SUITE 504 AUSTIN, TX. 78703 DEVELOPER: VERSAILLES, LTD. 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 1300 DAIL-LAS, TEXAS 75225 (214) 691— 5300 ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: AC—UNE-D cartegr BuPdmes's n ,onsultants in Engineering, Architecture, Planning ]nd the Environmt fit FEB 131995 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. 7950 ELMSROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 DALLAS, TX 75247-4961 DECEMBER, 1994 - - CASE NO. ZA 94-85 Cl _ METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION w J > z 0 r w w F.M. 1709 CONTINENTAL 0 z V c a w o > 0 VICINITY MAP LOT 19 LOT 18 1 I --r J) Y LOT 17 m w 0 J LOT 16 m -I LOT 15 1 LOT 14 LOT 13 I 20 U. E� n BLOCK 3 S4N JUj ACINTO COURT LOT 16 1 I J LOT 8 1 DRTC T. .1 �,/\�`r��i�,�,f -� S?O0 84' R.O.W 1 32 J Q — �1_ I TREE COVER 01-1 I uwi 20' U. E. O I / I O Z LOT 9 p I o LOT 20 LOT 19 LOT 18 LOT 17 LI U Io Nm64'R.OW 0— - — Z �z 20'D.U.E � Cn •U.E. M I J VOL. 10252 PG 2241 F 10' U.E w w I LOT 4 \ ti I P.R.TC.T Fes. Y W I LOT 10 a \1 ,'`1l I I — -- Q J J a 5, ^ ' LOT 31 I 0� _ c ��� N�FY S DRI _COURT , \ VE LOT 6 Lli LOT 30 00 Q i / 15' U E. LOT 28 LOT 27 _j / i J / LOT 29 LOT 7 > �— 0 N 890 32'00" E MM 720.5' 15' U. E. 20 D.U.E. w I VOL. 98E 15' U. E. CUMMUN NKIVAI t OPEN I SPACE #2 10'U.E �L�E U.E. 20' D.U.E. #,OT 26 I LOT 25 I LOT 24 I LOT 23 � I I I 5'U.E. / 778-00' -- /LOT 22 \� i LOT 21 F _�w 8.83 AC. \ `�0 15' UTILITY `� ��N 89032 00 E 308 ° _I } Ld �v S00 2800 E L0CID L EASEMENT I -1 20' D.U.E !� Q r- N Z v � \� \ "� S 89032 00" W 57. 01 ' I Li.l 0 O I o \��� ,, I w N�l ,` 126' COMMON ACCESS Q Y �I'n tr7 �. I - / \ EASEMENT (Y co) m 24' COMMON �\ ,`\' oo !�'� TEMPORARY ACCESS ESM T. `� -\� Z o ao \ TURNAROUND M o 1\� EASEME NT \ 15' UTILITY 0 l_ CAB A,SLIDE NO. 657 EASEMENT I, 15' UTILITY I '� `l ' z o ' PR.T.C.T LOT I EASEMENT__LOT 3 _ N LOT 2 \'�2` J I—S 89°3200"M�--- N 44°32'00 EIII X� a 84 RD. 200' 60.81 ' \ N 89° 3200" E 5. 36 AC\1� m 94 R.O.W. i N ! 157.00 O) �) I 3 I 30' COMMON 1� 24'COMMON ACCESS I \��\' G� z ACCESS UTIL. EASEMENT w \\2 �� o i Q� ,c 3 EASEMENT CAB A, SLIDE NO.647 - ,\ - r I LOT 6 0l o o LOT 5 I- I P.R.T.C.T. ��l` -\^ m 30x50' COMMON o VOL. 10191,PG. 646 ,� \� o wL0 plo -Colo til D.R.TC.T. -ram w >- 0.92 Ac. N 0 ACCESS ESM T. 0 0 - CV > ���0 I 30x6000MMON oIN 0.78 AC. I 24' COMMON O : �0 O Z ACCESS ESM`T� r_o �' ACCESS ESM'T. �o N — z _ 50' BUILDING SETBACK LINES O _J cn z 00 U7 Uj a Ld 200_ _ 314.05' 200' � � S 8903200 W 20'u.E. � 1174.05 POINT OF BEGINNING q 0 A.A. FREEMAN SURVEY A - 522 —0 < - ---- — -- ---- — — C 1 F.M. 1709 (SOUTHLAKE BLVD. ) 2' � 15 U.E. CONNER LAM7 x� VOL. 8012 , PG. 700 74' 1 \�� \�\ 5' EASEMENT TO TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOP. 30' BUILDING \� 1 SETBACK LINE L SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING - C 3 TOTAL AREA - 15.89 Ac. TOTAL LOTS - 4 DENSITY - N/A AVG. LOT AREA - VARIES -0 M \,50' BUILDING SETBACK LINE II 1 10' U.E. CLARENCE PINSON VOL. 4089 , PG. 459 VOL. 4610 , PG. 875 D.R.T. C.T. OWNER GRACE PRESBYTERY USA 8000 JOHN CARPENTER FRWY. DALLAS , TEXAS 75247 (214) 630- 4502 R.J. PADEN SURVEY, A-1255 LLOYD H. MARTINSON VOL. 5179, PG, 980 D.R.T.C.T. A.C. STONE VOL. 4153, PG. 557 D.R.T.CT. OWNER / DEVELOPER SOUTHRIDGE CENTER, L.P. 400 CHISHOLM PLACE , SUITE 100 PLANO,TEXAS 75075 (214) 422 - 7006 42' BEING a 15.89 acre tract of land conveved to Southridge Center. L.P., as recorded in Volume 11711, Page 0033, Deed Records, Tarrant County. Texas, situated in the A.A. Freeman Survev, Abstract No. 522, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows. BEGINNING at a point in the north line of F.M. 1709 (Southlake Boulevard), said point being the southwest corner of Lot 2, Southridge Lakes Phase C-1 as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 657, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas-, THENCE South 89°32'00" West, a distance of 1174 05 feet to the intersection of the north line of F.M 1709 and the east line of Peytonville Avenue (a variable width R.O.W.), THENCE North 00008'55" West, a distance of 200.00 feet along said east line Peytonville Avenue to a point: THENCE North 03057'51" West, a distance of 150.28 feet along said east line Peytonville Avenue to a point, THENCE North 00108'55" West, a distance of 215.01 feet to the northwest corner of said Southridge Center. L.P , said point also being in the east line of said Peytonville Avenue-, THENCE leaving said east line Peytonville Avenue, North 89°32'00" East, a distance of 778.00 feet along north line of said Southridge Center, L.P. THENCE South 40°47'31" East, a distance of 334.48' feet along the north line of said Southridge Center, L.P to a point; 1 THENCE North 89032'00" East, a distance of 308.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Southridge Center, L.P., said point also being the northwest corner of said Southridge Lakes Phase C-1, THENCE South 00°28'00" East, a distance of 57.01 feet along the east line of said Southridge Center, L.P., said point also being the west line of said Southridge Lakes Phase C-1. THENCE South 89°32'00" West, a distance of 126.00 feet to a point; THENCE South 00°28'00" East, a distance of 325.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 692,168 square feet. 15.89 acres more or less. ENGINEER / SURVEYOR GRAHAM ASSOCIATES , INC. 616 SIX FLAGS DRIVE, SUITE 400 ARLINGTON , TEXAS 76011 (817) 640 - 8535 0 50 100 200 SCALE- I"= 100' CASE NO. Z A 95 - 06 REVISED PRELIMI LAT -11 LOTS 3 - 67 BLO , SOUTHRIDGE LAKES k C- I OF SOUTHRIDGE CENTER , A 4,- 0`OI5; ACRE TRACT, A. A. FREEMAN SURVEY AB'STRA ._ 0. 522 CITY OF SOUT H LAK E TARPANT COUNTY , TEXAS Date - Graham AssociatesInc, JAN., 1995 CONIL.TNG ENG EERS & PLANNERS 616 SIX FLAGS DRIVE, SUITE 400 File ARL I NGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817) 640-8535 9889 - Drawn By: G.A. 1. Sheet I Of 1 1001 � DEDICATION 4 so too GRA1111 C SCALE IN FEET SCALI 1"• so' CITY COUNCIL SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS APPROVAL DATE - MNYOR -SECRUA PLANNING AND ZONING SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS -CPWRMAN SECRETARY a 0 W 0 J c m a U Z O It 0 o_ vl v r Q c O Z N J a 0 0 o: L Mobel Cate Vol.9501, Pg.1001 Zoned AG I Zoned AG Zoned AG 1 w H.F.George Vol. 5027, Pg.662 Martin W. Prinz etux Vol.10628, Pg.2178 I Q Z i Ji j �a = W o 5 r' IIZ � Q S 89 01 40"E 365.U0 �, Q S 89 00740 E__ 360. 00 30 U-) U �ob;c5 Utilit-y osement -- - — _-- 40 i O Q 1 I Joe Wright, Tr. r r Vol.7515, Pg. 1177 U U ti M , v I I M o o I I m � n Annie Honi Vol.053 P 1993 � I9� re) LOT I I 1 9 M Uj Z 1W � 130623 SF= 2.999Acres 1 W N \\ Zoned S P2 z Z 0 o i a C\3\ o J s Z Q \. 6 ` Q^ to (V I W -� o Z BLOCK I m m� Q -o M �-- cT � 0 Q \ 0 0 cli Ir s, {�3P J p 0 Co�� Scatterej Timber On Both Lots (' LL w Q I Laurie Hovey M �. \CO •\ o I Vol. 10168, Pg.1874 \ O z //\ u� �fgn �, o I I ! 0 w W. 0 , S 6� 0 �Id 2 � 6 0 7- �i F ,30, \taF I z u a�k°%yc + A cv, ' i O 10 � Ilhc?o . G � ear, 3 vi r-i 4_) 3 Z LOT I , BLOCK I, \ Fo\ O �a �3S 12.5 I PECAN GAP ADDITION Vol 388-175, Pg. 99 \ '?001;\ Zoned C I s \ ( hl 1I- \\ \\ O z I 42 j F I r I 5'U.E. L 0 Tl_— - - - -- --- — \ T\ \ N6 i 'r 1 / 6( 3;(OD 7.5'U.E. \ O 4o fjl8 18559 SF- \4 6 Acres � OV °6 O QIQ �9 O 40.5 9 .00 N j W o � • \ 3 20 \� � � rY Nguyen Dinh \R S.�,3 �Qtp M,� Vol.9501, Pg.950 \� \ ` ���� I (j)•cr \` �a_1 I Zoned AG � � /CG C)C.) Leon Norwell Pamela Long =3 Vol. 2102, Pg.468 Vol.8713, Pg 620 �\ \ 34 (A -1 - Zoned AG \ Zh�A U Y \ 2 < (L' Donnie Word etux Vol.8735, Pg.1350 \ )., Zoned C I i } ...n.,. �� 3 ��►� dCi 't r , -- a R o 1 a AI£il 7l0 EAD3of AD J-{hl*•itYi�•• ► r-•�A1�' VICINITY MAP SCALE 1 =2000 P RE L lM/NARY PLAT LOTS 1 & 2 , BLOCK I, YATES CORNER ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE IN TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS, BEING A TRACT IN THE FRANCIS THROOP SURVEY A- 15 11. 2 LOTS 3.701 Acres January 15, 199 5 PARRA LINDA ESTATES SEC. IV Vol. 388-152, Pg. 2 OWNERS • RICK a MARGIE McPHERSON 1900 E. DOVE ST. SOUTHLAKE,TEX. PO Box 1792 GRAPEVINE, TEX.76099 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT THAT WHEREAS, Rickey E. McPherson and wife Margie McPherson are the owners of a tract in the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, situated in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being the tracts described in a deed of record in Volume 8340, Page 439, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwesterly corner of said McPherson tract in the Northerly right-of-way line of East Dove Street, said point being S. 570 - 01, - 37" E. 78.12 feet from an iron pin found at the Southeast corner of the F. Throop No. 1511 Addition to the City of Southlake as shown on a plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 1064, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said point being in the Easterly line of an unimproved road -known as Torian Lane; THENCE N. 00 - 02, - 31" W. 356.16 feet along the West line of said McPherson tract to a k" iron set in same for corner, said point being the Southwest corner of a tract described in a deed to 11. F. George of record in Volume 5027, Page 662, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S. 890 - 01, - 40" E. at 182.5 feet passing a pipe at the South- east corner of said George tract and continuing along the South line of a tract described in a deed to Martin W. Prinz etux of record in Volume 10628, Page 2178, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, in all 365.0 feet to a �" iron found at the Southeast corner of same in the West line of North Kimball Avenue; THENCE S. 00 - 02, - 311, E. 527.24 feet along said West line to a �" iron at its intersection with the Northerly line of East Dove Streetr THENCE N. 640 - 06' - 00" W. 405.83 feet along said North line to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 161,196 more or less square feet = 3.701 acres. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, Rickey E. McPherson and wife Margie McPherson, the undersigned, do hereby adopt this plat designating the above described property to be known as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Yates Corner Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrapt County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public all streets and easements as shown hereon. WITNESS MY HAND this day of 1995. Rickey E. McPherson Margie McPherson STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Rickey E. M::Pherson and wife Margie McPherson, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this of 1995. I, Walter W. Ward, the undersigned, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor -in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is a true and correct representation of a survey made on the ground. Registered Professional Land Surveyor go. 2014 Date THIS PLAT FILED IN CABINET SLIDE DATE day Notary Public in and for the State of Texas. My Commission expires _ 0 n f 7.( FEB 131995 WARDICOMPANYNGSURVEYI P.O. BOX 820253 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76182-0253 (817) 281-5411 CASE NO. ZA-95-05