1987-01-06 CC Packet CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES / 0_�� January 20, 1987 Mayor Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr. and Members of City Council 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Bicentennial Park Improvements - 1987, Phase I We opened bids for the proposed improvements to the City's Bicentennial Park on January 14, at 10: A.M. The scope of work for this phase consists of paving and drainage improvements. There was an alternate bid for concrete pavement in the parking lot and drive, the base bid being for HMAC pavement. The low bidder for the base bid of HMAC was James B. Arnold Construction, Inc. Their bid was $75,077.03. The low bid for the alternate of concrete was Atlas-Tuck Concrete, Inc. Their bid was $86,164.46. We recommend that the city award the contract to Atlas-Tuck Concrete, Inc. It is our opinion that for the $11,087.43 difference in prices, the city will benefit from savings in long term maintenance of the facility. The budget amount was $116,057.00 for these improvements. We feel that the plan prepared satisfies the objectives as set forth to our office, and is well within the budget. There will be additional expenses to come, such as shaping the drainage swells, seeding and sodding, an irrigation system, and fencing. Plans for these items are being finalized now and we anticipate bids in the very near future. There is money budgeted for this work as well. We also recommend that the city seriously consider requiring concrete materials in the streets for all new subdivisions. Many cities are now requiring this by ordinance. Hopefully, these recommendations will meet with your approval. If you have any questions or conunents, please contact us. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. Lamar East, Suite 212 • 1601 East Lamar • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/460-2111 • Metro 265-7948 f ( 4 % Zn p `- ..‘ivi, 7 n 3cif _ 0 /la I ...;.--- 1---1 lk 44:27444z1, , :2---iimi, /- Z' -g7 • • AFFIDAVIT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, i`p� and for 4d� / State of Texas, on this day personally appeared �;4kA.W ��-�--�� 441Z/,u, who after being by me duly sworn, did on oath state that he h s an interest, as described below, in Agenda Item No. _. . - of the - /— _ _ .. _ , 198..7, City Council Agenda, as described below, and that he i executing this Affidavit of .Interest and shall refrain from any vote or decision thereon, all as required by Article 988b, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated: / 7. // IP r/ f / �o Interest Disclosed: _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ .. .. . - . . _ • Signature of Elected or Appointed City Official of the City of South- lake, Texas . • GIV N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL F OFFICE this the _ .. _- _ .�o . . . . . . . day of . _ . G�. . -... .. - - - -- - 19,r. - . . ,t,- /. .-Z4.. .-/1--77- • - • - - - .. • NOTARY PUBLIC STATE. OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 2-4-89 Filed with me, this the .. .. _ .. . -. _day of - .. . . . . . , 19 4/at . . . .. . ..7- - - - - .. . o 'clock p.m. . .4„,„/„ AziA,,,,,). . City Secretary, City of Southlake • 1 { TRAFFIC I M P ACT ANALYSIS PROPOSED CONVENIENCE MARKET GELLICO CORNER S O U T H L A K E , TEXAS Prepared For : THE LUCKY LADY OIL COMPANY By: ORCUTT ASSOCIATES Fort Worth, Texas Q December 11, 1986 //;.17:;: 0 0 0 ?////i ORCUTT ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Purpose of the Study 1 Summary of Findings 1 Procedure 4 Discussion of Existing. and Proposed Conditions . . . . 5 The Site 5 Traffic Volumes 5 Intersection Capacity 6 Traffic Signal Need Analysis 11 Parking Space Adequacy 11 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Page Figure 1 Study Area 2 1 Figure 2 Directional Distribution of Existing Exiting Trips 7 Figure 3 Traffic Volumes, Morning Peak Hour ; 8 Figure 4 Traffic Volumes, Evening Peak Hour 9 Table 1 Levels of Service By Intersection and Time of Day . . 10 ==-ORCUTT ASSOCIATES 1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY A three thousand square foot convenience market is proposed in the existing commercial development of Gellico Corner (Drake Estates, Lot 8) . The site is located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (FM1709 ) and Ran- i dol Mill Road and on the north side of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard and Davis Road (FM1938 ) as shown in Figure 1. The study was conducted to assess the expected impact ,of the proposed market on the roadway system and to identify the mea- sures necessary to mitigate any adverse impact thus identified. The study area included both of the intersections noted above and the roadways in the immediate vicinity of the site . SUMMARY OF FINDINGS It is expected that the new market will generate an ; addi- tional 103 vehicles entering the study area in the morning peak hour. This is only six percent .(6%). over the existing traffic_ volume entering the area ( 1, 740 vehicles ) . In the evening peak hour, only 88 vehicles are expected to be generated by the mar- ket. This is only four percent ( 4%) of the existing 2, 337 vehicles now entering the study area. In addition, in the eve- ning peak hour, it is expected that as much as 45 percent of this 88 vehicles will be derived from the existing traffic stream. The capacity analysis indicated that no significant adverse affect on the level of service to the traffic at either of the intersections would result from the traffic expected to be imposed by the new market . This is not to say, however, that the study area will operate "problem free" . During both peak peri- ods, the existing levels of service provided for the minor move- ments are unsatisfactory due to the exceptional traffic peaking r- characteristics of the area. Long delays are currently being experienced during the morning peak period by the northbound right turn traffic on Davis Boulevard and the westbound left turn traffic at the Davis Boulevard intersection. During the evening peak period, the Davis Boulevard northbound left turn, the Ran- dol Mill southbound left turn and the eastbound left turn at. Ran- dol Mill Road all experience unacceptable delays . It should be noted that these problems currently exist and any solution which is adequate to solve them will also provide acceptable levels of service with the added traffic expected from the new market. = c=ORCUTT ASSOCIATES 3 • There is one improvement which should be made as a result of the traffic expected to be generated by the market. The west leg of West Southlake Boulevard should be restriped to provide a left turn storage lane for traffic turning into the driveway which is opposite Davis Boulevard. This lane should be approximately 75 feet long with a transition of at least 100 feet. It should be noted that West Southlake Boulevard currently is wide enough to accommodate this lane without additional pavement.. It will, only be necessary to revise the existing pavement. markings . The State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SDHPT) plans to widen West Southlake Boulevard to .a ,five; lane cross-section in 1989 . Furthermore, the SDHPT plans to realign Davis Boulevard so that it will intersect West Southlake Boule- vard at Randol Mill Road, thereby eliminating the offset inter- section. As part of that work, Davis Boulevard will also be widened to a five lane cross-section. The realignment is expected to take place in 1990 . There are a number of suggested improvements which could be made to the roadway system in the study area to alleviate the existing congestion on an interim basis until the SDHPT completes its planned improvements . It should be noted that these interim improvements are necessary to alleviate the existing congestion and that they should be adequate even with the traffic expected 110 to be generated by the market. . 1 . , Davis Road should be widened to provide two ( 2 ); approach lanes for a length of at least. 500 feet. Coupled with this, a free flowing right-turn , complete with an adequate acceleration lane should be provided for the northbound right turn. 2. Randol Mill Road should be widened to provide two approach lanes for a distance of approximatley 100 feet in order to allow the left turns to store without impeding the right turn traffic. 3 . The current left turn lane which is between the two intersections on West Southlake Boulevard should be restriped to clearly define the left turn lane for each intersection.. Approximately 50% of the lane should be allocated for storage at each of the inter- sections . The need for traffic signals at each of the intersections was investigated and it was found that the traffic volumes at both intersections are within the guidelines of Warrant 9, as ' 1 —1c=i—ORCUTT ASSOCIATES Figure 1 2 . STUDY AREA ID ro 0 North Proposed 8-1 Driveway C • ro . a • PROPOSED MARKET ■ 9 4a sZg X 90 e ti ■ Of soo a la• got ■ cam'+ Not to scale . 0 ro c • -ORCUTT ASSOCIATES- 1 !I 4 stated in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, for the consideration of traffic signals . However, observations during the peak periods revealed that, while the use of traffic signals would reduce some of the; frus- trations experienced by traffic on Davis Boulevard and on Randol Mill Road, they would likely not reduce the delay significantly because of the amount of time which would_ have . to be assigned to West Southlake Boulevard traffic. It was also observed" that, because of the peaking characteristics of the traffic at ' these intersections, the delay and frustration experienced by these movements lasts only for a short time. The imposition of traffic signals at this time should be avoided because the delay which would be caused to West Southlake Boulevard traffic would greatly exceed any benefits realized by the side street traffic. It is expected, however, that within a year or two traffic signals will be needed at these intersections, but they should not be installed until an additional lane in each direction on West 11 Southlake Boulevard can be provided to compensate for the loss capacity which West Southlake Boulevard will. experience. In addition, when signilization is installed, it should be installed. at both intersections simultaneously and the controllers at both intersections should be coordinated to provide progressive move- ment through the study area. PROCEDURE The following procedure was used in this study: 1. Field surveys of the site and its vicinity were made to identify the geometric and operation charac- teristics of the the site and the existing road. net- work . . 2.. Traffic movement counts were conducted at both intersections on December 1, 1986 from 7 : 00 to 9 : 00 A.M. and 4 : 00 to 6 :0.0 P.M. 3 . The worst-case directional distribution of site- generated vehicle-trips (both exiting and entering) was estimated in accordance with the procedures and data contained in Trip Generation, third edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers ( ITE) and in the July-August 1985 edition of Info, published by the San Diego Association of Governments . In performing this work, trip generation was estimated using ITE Land Use Code 851 for a convenience, market ===ORCUTT ASSOCIATES 5 • which is open 24 hours a day. The assignment of the directional distribution was based on counts of exist- ing traffic leaving the site . These counts were made concurrently with the movement counts discussed above. 4 . A traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted , for each of the intersections using both existing , traffic and existing plus expected generated traffic. 5. Capactiy analyses were performed for both exist- ing traffic and existing plus generated traffic to determine the operational characteristics of both intersections in the vicinity of the site . The ' procedures used were those described for unsignalized, intersections in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual; published by the Transportation Research Board. 6 . The SDHPT was contacted to determine if any improvements were planned for the study area which would affect the study. 7 . The planned parking provisions were reviewed to, ensure that sufficient parking would be available to accommodate the expected demand. 8 . This report was prepared to document the findings of the. study. _ DISCUSSION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS The Site The site of the proposed convenience market is located in the Gellico Corner development in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard and Randol Mill Road. At present, the development is occupied by a fast food restau- rant, a produce outlet, a barber shop, a television repair shop, a contractor and a. cleaners . The convenience market will be located on the east end of the development. Traffic Volumes I J It is expected that the proposed convenience market will generate a total of 2, 345 (one way) trips per day. Of this, 207 are expected to occur during the morning peak hour, with 175 11/ ===ORCUTT ASSOCIATES 6 occurring in the evening peak hour . It is expected that 50 per- cent of the generated trips during each of these hours will enter the site and 50 percent will leave it. In order to determine the directional distribution of the generated trips, counts of the destinations of vehicles leaving the site were. used . Figure 2 shows the percentage of existing exiting trips found to move in each of the four possible directions . Figure 3 shows both the existing traffic volumes and the existing traffic volumes plus traffic volumes expected to be gen- erated by the proposed market for the morning peak hour . Figure 4 shows similar information for the evening peak hour . Intersection Capacity Unsignalized intersection capacity is characterized by the following categories or levels of service . Level of Service. Description A Little or no delay. B Short traffic delays . ■„ Average traffic delays . _ D Long traffic delays . E Very long. traffic delays. F Extreme traffic delays with queuing which can adversely affect other traffic movements . The capacity analysis revealed severe existing capacity defi- ciencies during the morning peak period for the northbound right and left turn movements at the Davis Road intersection and the southbound left turn at the Randol Mill Road intersection. Dur- ing the evening peak period, severe existing deficiences were identified for the northbound left turn and the northbound through movements at the Davis Road intersection and for the southbound left and right turn and eastbound left turn movements at' the Randol Mill Road intersection. A similar analysis using existing plus generated traffic volumes showed that these same movements would have essentially the same problems when the mar- ket is built . Table 1 shows the results of the capacity analy- sis . On-site observations revealed that the delays indicated by the capacity analysis were indeed occurring. ==—ORCUTT ASSOCIATES 7 Figure 2. DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTUTION • Iv OF EXISTING EXITING TRIPS ro 4:0a. North Proposed o .111 Driveway ro • 0 PROPOSED MARKET 9 �11® 1 atia os ■, awe 9 sow ‘4"G 4. m , a+ Not to scale. 7C ro 0 c ORCUTT ASSOCIATES Figure 3 8 • TRAFFIC VOLUMES MORNING PEAK HOURS b 0 a ( 7: 15 to 8: 15 A.M. ) ..., North -+ x Proposed o Driveway e I m a oso `'�- 25) PROPOSED Ea*. 25 (`1$0) MARKET f 2 Nr.../ `66' Ov4 e 1 e. ,1 9 .a 83yAr ata _ C. CI6 oZe. . 3 �� o ?b e $ , 1 ti�� 15 NN 9� 4 9 J \. I Nt 1 146 EXISTING, TRAFFIC 1- ( 171) EXISTING + 001 M GENERATED TRAFFIC 1 0(ce0..� -111.. r-cu 0 N O ae ' en o+ Not to scale. 4-1 w a.. No 4 0 w a , > c r 00o ORCUTT ASSOCIATES— . Figure 4 9 TRAFFIC VOLUMES . EVENING PEAK HOUR c (5: 00 to 6: 00 P.M. ) North - H Proposed o Driveway � ' 1-1 •A. . . a. 1 4 •PROPOSED �,`, $ 6 3 MARKET �.N �/' \3q �� i L 09 1 , Z. • 1 a I i ,5� e J ti ._ \01'- 9O .. e Y. i) Z ...sr,9... et n \Z1� C` �• ' rNNO 4- 'L; ),11 . ' ,. ... T • ) t r 1( 4 6 EXISTING TRAFFIC 171) EXISTING + .m-o GENERATED TRAFFIC 11k 3 t-el ®„ a+ Not to scale . w b- ,---1 O a . H , I a J�_ a I -ORCUTT , ASSOCIATES o00 I 10 lel TABLE 1 , j LEVELS. OF SERVICE BY INTERSECTION AND TIME OF DAY ■ _ • • Intersection --Morning Peak. Hour-- --Evening Peak Hour-- 111 of W. Southwest Existing + Existing + Boulevard and: Movement Existing. Generated Existing Generated ■ Randol Mill Road EB left A ' A E E SB left F F F _ ; F SB right A A E E ■- Davis Road EB left . A A. C• C WB- left B B' A • ' A NB left E. E F F NB right __D D. B. 1 B Level of • Service Description ■ A Little or no delay. B Short traffic delays. C Average traffic delays. • D Long traffic delays. • E . Very long traffic delays. F Extreme traffic delays with queuing. which can adversely affect other traffic movements. ■ ■_ ' ■ '= ORCUTT ASSOCIATES o00 ■ ■ ■ . 11 Traffic Signal Need Analysis r'r f Both the existing traffic volumes and the existing; plus. generated traffic volumes at both intersections were compared to the guidelines contained in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways to determine if signal- ization of either intersection should be considered. The volumes at both intersections for both conditions were within the guide- lines for consideration of signalization; however,, on-site obser- vation revealed that the periods of congestion are relatively short. Furthermore, at times other than the peak hours, there is virtually no delay at either intersection. The installation of traffic signals at this time would not materially lessen peak hour delay to the severely congested movements and would intro- duce significant delay and long back-ups to the major movements on West Southlake Boulevard . Parking Space Adequacy The 103 vehicle trips expected to ' enter the site in the morning peak hour as a result of the proposed market are expected to produce in a practical. peak 5-minute parking demand of twelve ("12') spaces, including gas pump use . Eleven ( 11) parkingspaces MI plus four (4) gas pump spaces are proposed for the market. : This amount is more than enough to satisfy the" expected demand. Fur- thermore, on-site observation revealed that the existing parking spaces are not fully utilized and could absorb any overflow which might occur. ; i it = ORCUTT ASSOCIATES ■