1986-11-04 CC Minutes c CITY OF SOUTHEAKE , TEXAS CP 5 o o 8 a MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL t71e e MEETING . d z DATE: November 4 ,1986 d CCI 0 TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS `' o o 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE TEXAS . , NAME OF o o COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX � a COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor ; Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr . Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan, Rick Stach and Johnny Westerholm. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : Gary Fickes and Carroll McDaniel . • CITY STAFF PRESENT : Fire Chief ; R.P . Steele , Police Chief; Jerry Crowder , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand City Administrator ; Larry Munsie , City Engineers ; Eddie Cheatham and Michael Monroe ; City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION : Rick Stacy. rry x The Minutes of the October 21 , regular adley x x City Council meeting were approved McMahan x x as presented. Stacy x Westerholm x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta reminded the audience of a public hearing to be held on November 5 , at 10 : 00 a.m. at the Christ Our King Church in Southlake . The public hearing is to be conducted by the State Highway Department in regards to the alignment of FM 1709 . The Mayor encouraged everyone to attend. The November 12 , meeting to be held at Carroll Middle School was announced in regards to the concrete batching plant which is to be constructed on West Continental Blvd. at David Blvd. The meeting is to begin at 7 : 00 p .m. Mayor Latta read a Proclamation recognizing the Trinity Arts Councils National Arts Week and Local Arts Week. A copy of the proclamation is apart of the record. c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS =i o a rn o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . ,Hq or z DATE : November 4 ,1986 r oTIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 2 INDEX A public hearing was scheduled to ZONING MA be held concerning the new zoning map , however , Mayor Latta announced to the audience that Council has found numerous emissions and omissions on the map . Motion was made and approved to table any action or public Curry x hearing until council can bring the Bradley x map into compliance by further study McMahan x on each parcel of land being reviewed Stacy x x on an individual basis . Westerholm x x Mayor Latta stressed that this is not a rezoning of properties but a reclassification in order to be in compliance with our new zoning ordinance . It was noted that the zoning ordinance 411 is in effect and the map serves as an exhibit to the zoning ordinance . Numerous persons have put their con- cerns into writing and Mayor Latta has urged everyone with questions , concerns or recommendations to put their comments in writing as soon as possible and the letters will be reviewed on an individual basis . A worksession will be held on November 10 , to discuss the map . A discussion was held in regards to A ENDING amending Ordinance No . 172 , ORDINANC- redefining the truck routes . 10. 172 Stacy x Motion was made to table the action until a worksession can be held. Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, motion was made to approve the amendment to 110 Ordinance No . 172 with corrections , which include : Amending Section F4 permit fees , to include : $25 . 00 on a single trip and $50 . 00 for period up to 30 days , - c CITY OF SOUTI-ILAKb , itAAJ a Regular CITY COUNCIL o rn MINUTES OF THE > t7 d MEETING . -� d z DATE : November 4 ,1986 d d TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. '-� PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE Cn TEXAS . NAME OF z z COUNCILPERSON PAGE: INDEX 3 Curry x x and Section 5D5 in truck routes Bradley x (Carroll Avenue , Kimball Avenue and McMahan x x Continental Blvd) to 12 ,000 lbs . per Stacy x axle . Westerholm x Lakeside Sanitation and the LAKESIDE Commercial rates for Garbage Service SANITATION were discussed. Mr . Oscar O 'Bryant COMMERCIAL owner of Lakeside Sanitation was RATES present and answered questions . He explained the commercial rates and how they were arrived at . Councilperson McMahan feels the rates presented should be compared with data from other cities and also needs consistancies . Motion was made and approved to table ry x the item until more information can • nradley x be provided. McMahan x x Stacy x Westerholm x x A discussion was led by City Adminis- OFF-SITE trator , Larry Munsie concerning off- CITY site city facilities . He feels the FACILITIES city should move as close as possible to city hall . Munsie recommended leasing a space in Carroll Oaks Addition with a 3 year lease for approximately $45 ,000 . or 12 . 8J per square foot . It would take approximate- ly 4 weeks for lease-hold improvements to be completed. Another choice would be to purchase or lease a 1 , 500 square foot building to be placed on city hall site , behind the gas pumps . With the second choice , the city would have something to show for the money. Munsie stated that we are very crowded with no extra space available at the '--ry x x current location. tdley x ivicMahan x x Motion was made and approved to table Stacy x the off-site city facilities . Westerholm x A c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , '1fAAb Cf)> tri 0 0 n MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL rn o d MEETING . d > DATE : November 4 ,1986 d TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 1-1 PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS . zz COUNCILPERSON 4 PAGE : INDEX Resolution 86-61 , authorizing the RESOLUTI,, purchase of miscellaneous public 86-61 works equipment was considered. The bid opening was held on November 3 at 2 : 00 p .m. Director of Public Works , Bill LeGrand stated most bids came in low. Low bids include : 2-5 yard dump trucks , Graff Chevrolet for $35 ,006 . 00 . 1-Steel wheel roller from Cooper Machinery for $7 , 726 . 00 . 1- Pothole patcher from R.G . S. Industries for $26 , 275 . 00 . 1- Cab and Chassis to carry pothole patcher from Graff Chevrolet $14 ,634 . Recommendation was made for a gradall from Harp Equipment for $59 , 229 . Motion was made to authorize the Curry x purchase of the equipment based on McMahan x the recommendation of LeGrand and Munsie , subject to the availability of funds . Mr . Mike Saleman with Plains Machinery in Fort Worth was present and addressed council in regards to a gradall his company had bid on for a price of $29 , 500 . 00 . (Council went into closed session under Article 6252-17f) . Upon return, motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made to approve the purchase of all equipment except Curry x x the gradall , in order to have a Bradley x complete study on the two gradalls * in question. The purchase is subject *R_ 4ahan x x to the availability of funds . tcy x westerholm x Revenue Sharing expenditures were REVENUE Curry x discussed. Motion was made and approv: d SHARI \ Bradley x x to spend funds for City Land in the FUNDS McMahan x x amount of $33 ,138 . 88 tad Wes Yrho;lm x cn > C C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , '1'bXAS > r td o 0 d �' cn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL o z > = d MEETING . d z > DATE : November 4 ,1986 r7 C =., > TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS zn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 5 INDEX Resolution 86-62 was discussed, RESOLUTIOT which would be to approve an exemptior.86-62 to the sign moratorium which is Resolution 86-50 . Motion was made to not grant Resolution 86-62 as we are very close Curry x x to having a sign ordinance . Also , Bradley x denying the request for permits for McMahan x 7-11 in Carroll Oaks Center and Stacy x Colonial Savings in the Skaggs Westerholm x x Albertson Center. Jim Wooll ask council when they plan to have a sign ordinance in effect . Curry stated there would be a public hearing at P & Z on November 11 , and one at City Council on November 18 . Ms . Nancy Kindall , Branch Manager of Colonial Savings addressed Council asking when can they have a sign ordinance in place . Curry x x The bills presented, were approved Bradley x for payment . McMahan x Stacy x Westerholm x x Mr . Munsie stated that we should have an accountant on board in a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of four weeks . Public Forum: Skip Roberts : ask if there is an ordinance differentiating between the old and new zoning ordinance . Johnny Westerholm: informed council and the audience that the airport will be placing noise monitoring system in Southlake in the week of November 17 for one week. The runway rry x x is to open the week of November 29 . Bradley x Motion was made and approved to McMahan x Stacy adjourn the meeting. x x Westerholm x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , '1WAA5 0 c o H m o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING . nz T DATE : November 4 ,1986 o z PLACE : CITY O : v SOFTAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS •-3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o H TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 6 INDEX t ayo , e • . 0 Lat a Jr.) ATTEST: ki 4 / motel Sandra L . LeGrand City Secretary