1986-12-02 CC Minutes CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS 9 rn rn o 0 d o y trl trl MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL > d d MEETING . y z rn DATE: December 2 ,1986 rn t7 d 9 TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 7� 7" PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry, Davis Bradley, David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. ABSENT: Mayor Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administra- tor ; Larry Munsie , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R. P. Steele , Police Chief; Jerry Crowder , City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: Davis Bradley The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry who indicated that Mayor Latta was out of the state on business . Curry x The Minutes of the November 18 , Bradley x City Council meeting were approved McMahan x as corrected. Stacy x x Westerholm x x Curry x The Minutes of the Emergency City Bradley x Council meeting held on November 20 , McMahan x were approved as presented. Stacy x x Westerholm x x Curry x The Minutes of the Emergency City Bradley x x Council meeting held on November 25 , McMahan x x were also approved as presented. , Stacy x Westerholm x MAYORS REPORT During the Mayors Report , Colby Springer , chairperson of the Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness Committee gave an update on the airport situation. He indicated 1 a c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS o H o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL > = d MEETING . d z a DATE: December 2 ,1986 rn t7 rn �' o TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. t7 . '-' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o H TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX that the suit against DFW and FAA pertaining to the operation of Runway 13R/31L was dismissed and that the case was moved to 5th Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans . The City of Southlake has 30 days to appeal the decision. The presentation scheduled by IBM/ McGurie Thomas was deleted from this agenda and will be rescheduled at a later date . Resolution 86-60 concerning commercialRESOLUTIO garbage rates was discussed. Motion 86-60 Curry x was made and approved to approve the "radley x Resolution and adopt the old garbage :Mahan x x rate structure for this time . Stacy x x Westerholm x Resolution 86-66 was approved RESOLUTION requesting traffic lights at 86-66 the intersections of North White Chapel Road and at Dove Road and Curry x Highway 114 . The resolution also Bradley x included extended lowering the McMahan x x speed limit on Highway 114 to 45 Stacy x x m.p .h. to beyond Dove Road. Westerholm ZA 86-60 . The zoning request for a 5 . 13 acre tract of land out of the R.D . Price Survey, Abstract 1207 was requested for PUD I-1 Zoning. Current zoning is Agricultural . Joel Barks owner of the property was present for the meeting . Bill Stoner , chairperson for the P & Z Commission reviewed the action taken by the P $ Z Commission for the council . He indicated the vote was in favor 5-1 for PUD I-1 zoning. PUBLIC HEARING Jim Wooll- ask if recommendation was for PUD I-1 or I-2 . Ed Walts- representing IBM. He cn a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS D rn ed 0 0 cn 1-3 0 y trl tnn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . d a DATE : December 2 ,1986 d y x, TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 3 INDEX indicated IBM is concerned with any "industrial use" in the area around their property. When asked, he stated he had no problem with PUD 0-1 . Bill Stoner indicated it was suggested that the property remain Agricultural with a Special Use Permit for the Kennel . Walts had no problem with that . Motion was made to approve , leaving the property Agricultural with a Curry Special Use Permit for a Dog Kennel , Bradley as designated in the Conceptual Zahan x Site Plan and approved by City . acy x Engineers letter of this date . Westerholm Motion and second was withdrawn. Motion was made to deny the request with the understanding that owners McMahan x are encouraged to seek a special use Hermit . Motion withdrawn. Curry x Motion was made to approve ZA 86-60 Bradley x as PUD R-2 with a Special Exception Use Permit for a Doe Kennel as shown Stacy x x x on the conceptual site plan. Westerholm x The Conceptual Site Plan for Foxhall Kennels was reviewed. Lynn Eggars , proposed owner of the property was present and answeres questions for the Council . Eggars indicated that they are propos- ing a Dog Kennel be located on the property with the existing residence being used for housing of full time manager of the kennel . After discussion, motion was made to approve the conceptual site plan with the latest review letter from U, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS ran o H rn 0 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING . P-3~�, d z a DATE : December 2 ,1986 d H TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1-3 y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry x Bradley x Cheatham and Associates dated 12-2-86 McMahan x x being complied with. Stacy x x Westerholm x Resolution 86-67 authorizing the RESOLUTIO'T expenditure for engineering fees for 86-67 a new water storage tank to be locatec on a site to be determined was discussed. City Administrator , Larry Munsie , presented the resolution to council . Jim Wooll questioned if this is a budgeted item and was told it is a bond expenditure . Eddie Cheatham explained to Council the need for engineering a water tower site . He indicated they will look at location and size of tank and that the study will take about six weeks to complete . Motion was made and approved to Curry x approve Resolution 86-67 with Bradley x corrections which include ; not McMahan x naming size of tank or location of Stacy x x site and limiting the study. to $5 ,000 Westerholm x x fee . Resolution 86-68 authorizing the RESOLUTIO expenditure for engineering fees for 86-68 Bicentennial Park Improvements . Councilperson McMahan explained the scope as outlined in the resolution, to include drainage and grading. Motion was made and approved to Curry x approve Resolution 86-68 as stated, Ldley x with drainage included. ,.e 4ahan x x Stacy x Westerholm x x cn y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > m rz o 0 o y rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL zz H d t=i MEETING . DATE : December, 2 ,1986 e > TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE H NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 5 INDEX Resolution 86-69 acceptance of a building from the Southlake Lion' s Club , to be dedicated to the City of Southlake and located at Bicentennial Park . Richard Eakins made a presentation to Council . He started by reading letters from Herb Schantz , Lions Club and Marvin Cook , Chamber of Commerce , in which both groups pledged to work on the building in order to bring it up to city codes . Both groups support a community meeting place in which all organiza- tions can meet . Eakins stated he is offering the building to the city in behalf of the Lions Club . PUBLIC COMMENTS INCLUDE : Phillip Bressinck- representing the Southlake Park Commission stated they feel its a good idea to have a central meeting place but they want to make sure its the right thing to do . He reminded the council of a 38 acre tract of land on N. Carroll Avenue that Fred Joyce is offering for sale . The land has a house on it which could be used for a center . He stated the park board is in favor of the purchase . Betty Springer- requested the item be either tabled or denied. She stated the park board voted in May in regards to the building in question. The vote was 3-3 . On 11-19-86 the board reviewed the building and at that time asked for information concerning costs to move the building and etc . To this date they have had no answer . She named all the items that need attention. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS Cn a r� rz 0 0 d 0 y m trl MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING . d z a DATE : December 2 ,1986 tri d H TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 6 INDEX Aloha Payne- stated the city has a master plan for Bicentennial Park, which shows a pavillion in the location proposed for the building . She indicated she is opposed to the building being moved. Jim Wooll- objects to the building, as it is against the building standards of the City of Southlake . A wooden structure in the park, is a long range }maintenance problem for the city. On the park survey, a meeting place was not a high priority item. Ann Barns- a member of the park board. Concerned about possible council vote when Park Board has not made a recommendation. She also mentioned the information that was requested by the park board. Barnes asked item to be denied or tabled at this time . Charles Curry read a memo from Larry Munsie and also one from the city building inspector concerning the condition of the building and what items will need attention if building is moved to park site in order to bring it up to city building codes . Curry also stated that the building is a gift to the Lions Club and onto the city. It was not intentOd to by-pass the Park Board. Johnny Westerholm stated he had problems with the issue as there are too many questions to be answered at this time , including: hidden costs involved, size of building, needs of the city, building has no restrooms ; handicap requirements to name a few. 1 m . < . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > m 0 0 d o y m m MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z 1-1 d d MEETING . ri z > DATE : December 2 ,1986 trid d > TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 7 -7� PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 7 INDEX Rick Stacy ask how long before the building must be moved and was told 30 days by Richard Eakins . He stated costs is not a problem because Lions and Chamber of Commerce will work on this . Motion was made to accept the build- ing with the attitude it will not be Curry x moved to the park site for approximate- Bradley x ly 30 days so that questions can be McMahan x x answered for the Park Board. Also , Stacy x x the Board can then make a recommenda- Westerholm x tion to Council . Resolution 86-70 upgrading City RESOLUTION Computer System was presented by the 86-70 City Administrator . Mr . Munsie explained the reason for the need to upgrade the system. He recommended we purchase through IBM on a lease purchase agreement of monthly paymentE . Total cost $26 ,900 . Curry x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x approve Resolution 86-70 with the McMahan x x recommendation that Munsie research Stacy x all alternatives . Westerholm x x ZA 86-59 . Final plat and the final ZA 86-59 site plan of Entex Corporation was Curry x discussed. At the request of Entex Bradley x x Corp . motion was made and approved McMahan x x to continue the items at the. next Stacy x city council meeting . Westerholm x David McMahan stepped down for items #15 $ #16 . ZA 86-61 The zoning request for. Lot ZA 86-61 17 Block E of Oak Knoll Addition was considered for 0-1 Zoning District . Current zoning is Agricultural . 1 U, a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS m o H o o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > ty d MEETING . d v DATE : December 2 ,1986 tri d H TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o H TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 8 INDEX Owner of the property, Don Botik was present for the meeting. David McMahan represented Botik by answer- ing questions for the Council . He indicated a two story garden office building with no more than 8 ,000 ' and 30 ' height is being proposed for the property which fronts on Highway 114 service road. It was noted that P & Z recommended the zoning be changed as requested. Curry x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x x approve to 0-1 Zoning District . McMahan stepped down icy x x westerholm x CONCEPTU" The Conceptual Site Plan of Oak Hill Office Park was discussed. SITE PLP Motion was made and approved to approve the site plan with the under- Curry x standing that the owner maintain Bradley x x the access easement/private drive McMahan stepped dcwn - - - - to Highway 114 . Stacy x x Westerholm x The final site plan for Lot 2 , FINAL Sr] Block 1 , Greenlee Business Park was PLAN Curry discussed. Don Botik, owner , was Bradley present and answered questions . McMahan The revised Cheatham Letter indicated Stacy all items have been met except for Westerholm the percolation test . Botik indicated he wishes to move the oldest house in Southlake on the site as indicated . It was established that the building will be brought up to city code for commercial buildings and that the second floor will be limited access due to the staircase . Curry Bradley x Motion was made and approved for McMahan X x the final site plan of Lot 2 , Block 1 Stacy Greenlee Business Park. Westerholm . x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS rn tpd 0 0 d o Cl) t1 1-3 t MINUTES OF THERegular CITY COUNCIL z A d t7 MEETING . F17 d z DATE : December 2 ,,1986 an d a z TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . . COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 9 INDEX ZA 86-62 . The final replat of ZA 86-62 Lots 8R and 9R Block 2 , Continental Park Estates was reviewed . Bill Stoner, explained the situation combining two lots and abandoning of easement through center of the property and relocating on the north- west side of the property and • tied into the existing rear drainage easement . Curry x Motion was made to abandon the 15 ' Bradley x drainage easement between Lots 9R and McMahan x x 8R and also approval of the final Stacy x x replat of Lots 8R & 9R. iterholm x Curry x The bills presented were approved Bradley x x for payment . McMahan x Stacy x Westerholm x x There were no comments during the public forum. The meeting was adjourned by Charles Curry, Mayor Pro Tem. Ma o ATTE SLeiLt,/ lty Secretary •