1986-12-13 CC Minutes CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS Cn d 0 Special ni o rn rn MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING . z DATE : December 13 ,1986 d e 9 TIME : 9 : 00 a.m. = ~' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 1-3 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o H TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr . , Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. CITY STAFF PRESENT : Larry Munsie , City Administrator ; Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works . INVOCATION: David McMahan. Mayor Latta called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the Special City Council meeting is to receive an updated report from the Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness Committee . Mayor Latta introduced Colby Springer , chairperson of the committee . Mr . Springer read a report to Council and the audience which is hereby attached to the minutes and made apart hereof. After Mr. Springers report , the .Mayor called on citizens who wish to speak on the airport runway issue . Ann Barnes , 1350 Highland. A member of the Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness Committee , indicated she talked with Joe Dealey, .informa- tion officer at D .F .W. Airport . When asked if the present level of usage is indicative to what we will see in the future , he recommended South- lake citizens give 30 to 60 days and we could have as many as 255 land- ings or 163 take-offs per day depend- ing on the weather . Ms . Barnes gave a phone number where citizens can call and log complaints , in the public information office . 574-2538 . Gina Bernasek- 511 Alamo Court m > C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rn td 0 0 d 0 rn ran MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . y~ d z > DATE: December 13 ,1986 r'' d d y TIME: 9 : 00 a.m. `-1 PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 Cr 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX She stated because the noise effects 25% to 30% of the citizens , it should be pursued . She also feels that the bad publicity will change if Southlake fights the case . If we do not fight , it will look like the City Council is not behind its citizens . We must stand up and fight for what is right. C . S . Johnson- 495 So . Kimball Ave . Stated he agrees with Ms . Bernasek, the airport stated its "policy" by using runway 13R/31L . He is pushing for an equal use plan. He stated he will financially contribute . Harold Knight- 1749 E . Highland. He is 100% in favor of continuing with the action. John Underwood- passed. It was noted that no one was present from the School Board or Administra- tion of the School District . Zina Rucker- 650 South Carroll Avenue . She stated we were told about the runway in 1960 . She doesn' t like the noise but Jack Johnson and the School Board were informed before they purchased the land where the school is located.. If we go on, the city is only going to lose alot o.f money. Virginia Clow- 820 N. Shady Oaks Dr . She was in Southlake when the Airport announced the new runway. She stated we are not trying to stop the use of the runway, only limit it . Betty Springer- 1024 Mission Drive . She stated she spoke with hands -on experience . If the airport continues to use the runway as they say, it will be unbearable for Southlake . 111 U, > CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > o 0 d o H tri m MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL a d = MEETING . ., d z > DATE : December 13 ,1986 r`' d d > TIME: 9 : 00 a .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . ' COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 3 INDEX The airport changed the game rules . She stated they will financially con-. tribute to the fund. She urges council to stand up and fight . Sonny James- 305 South Kimball Avenue. He agrees Southlake citizens were told but , that the use would be 4% . of the time . , The airport has changed their plans . It will take persever- ance and money but we must stand up and fight for what we believe in. Jerry Francis- 1211 Ashmore Court. He lives in the center of the B Noise Zone and stated zones don' t really mean that much. We must protect our quality of life and set up a policy with the airport now. If we don' t fight the airport , we win fight ourselves . Jerry Forbus- 595 South Kimball Ave . Commended the committee for their efforts . Also for City Council and the actions they have taken so far . He supports all other actions of the City Council . John Holzgraphi- 120 Blythe Lane . Endorses the Noise Awareness Committee actions . This is like changing the rules in the middle of the game . If we forgo our legal rights , it will be hard to assert down ,the road. Sandi Holzgraphi- 120 Blythe Lane . Supports what we can do to fight . Nina Downing- Supports actions and will contribute to the fund. Gary Fickes- left early y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > m td 0 0 d o H m tri MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z > d = MEETING . z > DATE: December 13 , 1986 E dam' mo =` > TIME : 9 : 00 a .m. o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Sid Lorio 1212 Ashmore Court . He stated he is a pilot and when flying over Irving, requesting runway 30R (Irving runway) the F .A.A. reply is "unable" He would like for the F.A.A. to say "unable" when Southlake runway is requested. He stated city leadership is important . He doesn' t expect the city to carry the financial burden, if we don' t continue we may lose our legal rights . Darrell Faglie- 505 Southlake Kimball Ave . Supports the Southlake Awareness Committee and will make a contribution. Wayne Lee- 2809 Rainforest . If we pursue it , he will put in private dollars . He does not want to see the city put in one to two hundred thousand dollars of tax dollars when the city needs to go on and operate including fixing streets etc . He ask what is the goal? Marvin Cook- 1835 N. Peytonville Ave . Concerned over public relations of our city. Everything projected is negative so far . He asked if committ- ee has seen documentation from the Airport . Answer : yes . If we can justify expense and do not overload the city, he is in favor . We need to get the School Board involved. Johnny Westerholm- Councilperson. He stated he worked with the committee and he appreciates the thoroughness in which they accomplished the task. He wants to stay with the ground rules of 10% utilization. In the past when the airport spoke of the runway, they spoke of 10% utilization which is low. They would be 1/2 take-off and 1/2 landings . We didn' t start out to fight , only to negotiate The airport changed the ground rules . Our intent was not to wait until the last minute a c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS a rntci 0 0 d o tri tri MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z a d a MEETING . z a DATE: December 13 ,1986 tr' d d 0 TIME : 9 : 00 a .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H 1-3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX to file suit , only to negotiate until the last minute . If we don' t go forward , what is it going to be like in Southlake in 10 to 20 years . He added, Irving and Las Colinas lost the law suit and won the battle . They are the victors today. Rick Stacy- Councilperson Stated, are we being intelligent by saying we will put the money into fight but what do we hope to win? He wants to be sure we are united. He wants to take the issue to the citizens for a vote . What do we hope to gain. We need the support of the School Board. Our legal rights do not go away. He can' t see spending money to have a battle in the newspaper . Can we get help from our Congressmen and Senators? He will be happy to stay open minded. David McMahan- Councilperson. He does not view this as a special interest problem, but it is everyones problem. Our elected persons in Washington were the driving force behind the location of the airport, and if we can achieve anything toward bending their will , he is in favor . Charles Curry- Councilperson. He commends the Committee far a good job . He stated, "God did not appoint the School Board, they were elected. " He feels the school needs to support us . Davis Bradley- Councilperson We need the School Boards support , we were right when we raised taxes , even though citizens were not really in favor . Our budget is a problem, however , we will do what we can and the citizens need to try and under- stand, we will appreciate their help . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > tri td O O d H m m MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z d t7 MEETING . d > ~n DATE: December 13,,1986 o TIME : 9 : 00 a.m. 7 7 PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o y TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 6 INDEX Doug Caroom- City Attorney for Airport Litigation. It is essential that we proceed now if we plan to do it . We have 60 days to appeal from the date of the FAA order (December 4 ,1986) and after that we cannot appeal . It would have been better if we would have acted in 1983 when the airport decid- ed to build the runway. We are trying to get back to an Environ- mental Impact Study. If the 60 days goes by the only thing we can do is wait until they take further action and appeal them. We should have ask for 10% usage instead of total non-use until 1983 Impact Study is reevaluated. At this time we have two options ; we can appeal the decision of the judge or file a new law suit . We need to make them look at using all runways . They need to take environ- mental impacts as low as possible . He noted that DFW is in the process of changing their Masterplan. Mayor Latta stated it sounds good for citizens to contribute funds . The Council is constrained to the Budget and we cannot put more levies on the citizens . The citizens can put up non-profit funds at a local bank for a specific purpose . They will need a trustee of the foundation. He added that there are as many negative persons as positive ones . The ones against are even threaten- ing to sue the City of Southlake , which will also cause the city to expend funds on going further with another suit . Westerholm stated the citizens can make contributions to the city for a specific fund. The council must 1 > a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS tri o H tyn tri MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z H d d MEETING . m z > m DATE: December 13,1986 tZJ t:= o TIME : 9 : 00 a.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H H C 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . : COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 7 INDEX look at all aspects of the issue and will make a decision. At that time , Council went into a closed session as per V.T.A. S. Article 6252-17e Litigation. Upon return to open session: Mayor Latta indicated that the Council looked at the opinions of the citizens and the impact of noise on the environment . Council will continue , with public support , in the near term. Citizens are urged to contribute funds in the form of a donation by December 16 ,1986 at the City Council meeting. Funds should be made out to the City of Southlake Noise Awareness Fund. The funds will give Council a yardstick to determine attorney participation. Mayor Latta also stated we need a large donation from the School Board. It will take alot of citizens going to the School Board to ask for - Curry x x donations . Bradley x Motion was made and approved to McMahana x x adopt the Resolution as noted by Stacy x the Mayor . Westerholm x y Curry x Motion w made and approved to Bradley x x adjourn he meeting. McMahan x x Stacy x Westerholm x M /Irloyd O7/1 to Jr . c//, TTBST: 44141- gi/2t/it- Secretary ■