1986-12-16 CC Minutes cn > C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > rn 0 0 o y r Cri MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z H d a MEETING . r7 d > o DATE : December 16 , 1986 a H z TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor ; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan and Rick Stacy. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT : Johnny Westerholm. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administra- tor ; Larry Munsie , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R.P . Steele , Police Chief; Jerry Crowder and City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: Rick Stacy. The Minutes of the December 2 , 1986 City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT : Mayor Latta informed the audience of a Special City Council meeting which was held on December 13 , for the purpose of an update on the Airport Litigation. Latta stated Council approved by unanimous vote that they will accept funds in the form of a donation made payable to the City of Southlake Noise Awareness Fund. Donations will be used to pursue the litigation. A Lotter will be going out to all citizens on the matter later this week. Colby Springer , chairperson for the Noise Awareness Committee stated the committee will make an effort to approach the school . CITY OF SOUTH-LAKE , TEXAS > a 0 0 d o H trl m MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL a d d MEETING . o DATE : December 16 ,1986 d x, TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H H 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . tOUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX A presentation was made by Ed Wafts , IBM/ representing IBM/McGuire Thomas in MCGUIRE regards to Fire Protection and TTOMAS Emergency Services for their develop- P'1ESENTA- ment . TION. IBM is asking the City of Southlake to enter into a contract with them for emergency items . They will pro- vide the funds to purchase a 90 ' platform lift ; a pumper ; and an ambulance . The preliminary proposal states they would provide funds for the city to purchase ,own, and operate the equipment . They would retain a security note for 15 years . Detail. of the agreement are a-Tpart of the minutes . If Westlake ever has its own Fire Department the City of Southlake would enter into a mutual aid program with Westlake . Wafts stated the proposal is only preliminary at this time . Mayor Latta stated we would take it under advisement and get back with them. Resolution 86-71 . A discussion was RESOLUTIOT held concerning the need for more 86-71 security lights at the city' s Bicentennial Park . City Administra- tor , Larry Munsie , is to look into the matter further , and report back to Council . A request was made by Don Botik for a building code deviation for a commercial structure to be moved onto Lot 2 , Block 1 , Greenlee Business Park. John Levitt , engineer , represented Mr. Botik and explained that the structure in question is in fact a historical building . Mr. Munsie stated he needs to meet code for historical buildings if he has proof that the building is a register- ed historical building . ■ y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > C-) cn y Regular o y rn r7 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z MEETING . y d z > n DATE : December 16 ,1986 tr' d d a TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. x PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 o 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o H TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX Motion was made and approved to allow a variance to the building code provided the building is listed on the register of the Tarrant County Curry x x Historical Buildings and provided Bradley x it meets the codes for historical McMahan x buildings . Stacy x x Resolution 86-72 was approved, RESOLUTIC recommending the appointment of 86-72 Troy C. Alexander to the Tarrant County Appraisal District . Curry x x Bradley x x Mayor Latta stated in the past , McMahan x Southlake has always voted to go along +icy x with the recommendation of the Tarran- County Appraisal District . Council went into closed session as per the agenda under Article 6252-17f Contracts . *The discussion did not occur , as planned. Upon return, Mayor Latta announced that Bill Smith resigned as City Attorney for Southlake on November 30 ,1986 . Resolution 86-73 will allow RESOLUTIC the Mayor to pay Smith for the servic -86-73 es incurred during December , while he was completing work started before his resignation. - Curry x x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x approve Resolution 86-73 . McMahan x Stacy x x ZA 86-59 . The final plat of Entex ZA 86-59 Corporation was discussed. P & Z Vice-chairperson, Gary Fickes reviewed the actions taken by the P & Z in their meeting of November * Indicate correction to 11 ,1986 . Bill LeGrand referred to the minutes a per Ccunc_lperson the Cheatham review letter . Curry Bryan Ragle , Director of Entex Corporation was present and made a presentation. ■ n . . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS h o m m MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . -3 z c DATE: December 16 ,1986 d TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. '-' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Mr . Munise stated he could not find, when researching the Entex Property, vli•ere the original one acre to the north was zoned. Stacy moved to approve the final plat Stacy x based on the recommendation of the P &. Z . Motion withdrawn. curry x Curry made the motion to approve ;Iradley x contingent upon Entex applying for Light Industrial Zoning on the original northern one acre within 30 days . Curry and Bradley withdrew. Motion was made and approved to Airry x x approve the final plat based on the Bradley x recommendation of the Planning and ;tact' n x Zoning Commission. itacy x x The final site plan of Entex Corpora- tion was discussed. The Cheatham letter dated December 4 , was also discussed . Mr . Ragle answered questions for the Council on the site plan. Motion was made to refuse the site plan because it does not reflect Curry appropriate buffer yards and. side 3radley yards . McMahan x Motion died for lack of a second. Stacy ,urry x Motion was made and approved to ,3radley x deny the final site plan. McMahan x x 3f-- -y x x DEPARTMENT REPORTS : The Department Reports were discussed. Chief Steele was asked to identify the Southlake ambulance calls where Grapevine responds . c < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rn rd a 0 d 0 cn y n 0-3MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . 0-1 d Z > DATE: December. 16 ,1986 E d d > TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0-3 0-3 ccnn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX DPW- Bill LeGrand was asked for a break-down of impact fees . Curry x x The bills presented , were approved Bradley x for payment . McMahan x Stacy x x McMahan commended the city staff for the revenue report , which was presented to council . PUBLIC FORUM: Eleanor Kasper- 750 N. White Chapel Road. Stated she has lived in South- lake for 30 years . She said the Air- port Board and various Government Aviation Entities said they would put the airport where they did. They said - at that time they would not use run- way before the year 2000 . She stated through the years , when P & Z turned down cases because they effected land in the noise zones , Council would go ahead and approve them. She does not think the government is going to let us win the case . When asked, Mayor Latta stated $13 ,00C has been expended to date . The fees spend so far, have come out of the legal fees as named in the budget. He stated that any further litigation will come out of funds contributed by citizens . Zena Rucker- 650 S . Carroll Avenue . She said she bought her property in 1960 , they knew about the airport then. They enjoyed the prosperity the airport brought to the area. The airport has informed the citizens of all updates . She stated the airport informed Council not to allow persons to build in areas under the noise cones , and Council approved the zonings anyway. Now folks are upset . The city can' t afford to pay for litigation so let citizens pay for it if they want it . More and more tax money is being used for law suits , therefore , cutting city m 0 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS rn o 1-3 tri trl MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z Y t7 a MEETING . tri z ti DATE: December 16 ,1986 o t7 ~ ;� TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1-3 y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 6 INDEX services . Many of the citizens are not going to pay their taxes , even if they have to pay penalties . Jerry Francis- Federal Environmental Impact Statement needs to be looked at . Pamula Muller- When asked what we will gain- she stated we will get our money back in land values . Dennis Minder- He feels the airport board is testing our spirit . We are asking for equal distribution of traffic , also , noise abatement procedures . He states the aircraft is going whereever they want to , he wants council to continue with actions . Gary Fickes Thanked Council for the bold action taken last Saturday. He asked that city fight for what is right and he hopes that the airport will be made to follow the impact study. Sonny James Airport changed the ground rules- as they changed from the 4% usage they stated in 1979 . Colby Springer- He wants all erroneous statements stopped. Its sad to see all the City of Southlake do not have courage to stand up and address laws- he will stand up for all the laws . Councilmembers stated that after they see what citizens contribute , they will get together and decide what use the city can do . Curry stated it will take efforts on alot of persons to get attention of the school board. 1 y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS 0cn 0 H MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL a zz H d d MEETING . ci z A DATE: December 16 ,1986 d y TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Hi H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 7 INDEX Joe L. Wright- He stated Council is asking citizens to contribute and participate in bringing in money by. Council meeting to night , also he was told council is making a commit- ment . He asked if council would please make a statement as to their position. It was stated by Council that they ar= making a commitment . That the money will be expended at a vote of council end all money that is not expended, will be returned. Curry x x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x x adjourn the meetin . McMahan x acy x Z4144 aydr,,Lloyd/ 0. L'ttaJ r . ATTEST: ndra L. Le rand - City Secretary