1987-05-19 CC Packet TRACT 2—A SIX FT CYCLONE FENCE ENCIRCLING PROPOSED TANKS. PROPERTY LINE N89 08' E 541.2' x x x x x x x x : EXISTING X GRAVEL . LANDSCA EXISTING SIDEWALK STING SEPTIC T K _ _ - - _ - - _ _ _ - _ • I VI X +602 EARTHEN BERM +602'" +600 I X i w ` I o •• x I y OFFICE V� +600 w • a 1 ft 1800 SO�, ESTING BUILDING 9000 ' _CD _C)F.F6O `• J/PROPOSED X FUEL L FlOADING RACK / O I X WITH RE EXTINGUISHER o L 3 EL ,/ I I I I 0b W I w �- I X / Z X I : 7.1 w " \ a / Hg , s \ . : O !1+fi00 +600 ' 1 � W N GRAVEL` DRIVE x I X i f J 1 7 \ ! +602 0 +602 1 r \ +600 I i ce I . a,Lt M a D. T\ 1 LL d • X ORAVEj} `SETBACK UtO--_—_—___---_—_—_ - t. _—__________I X X X )< X x X PROPERTY LINE N89 17'W 511.5' TRACT 1 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP NOTE: ALL PROPERTY SHOWN HAS INDUSTRIAL ZONING. BRUMLOW INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SITE PLAN CITY WIDE FUEL DIST INC. Tract 2— B 1675 S. Brumlow BRUV1LOW INDUSTRIAL DIST Fuel Loading Plant ADDITION OF FUEL DIST TANKS Scale: 1 "= 40' 5/14/87 Ri(g, /9 / Y7 May 19, 1987 &&/- /JR /4TO THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF (� b The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential impact of reducing the minimum lot size requirement for single family lots. Please keep in mind that the numbers and assumptions presented here are based only on my own knowledge and fact gathering and would of course need to be verified. Recently I have become increasingly concerned about the direction of growth Southlake is seemingly taking. With the excitement of I BM and now the possibility of J . C. Penney there seems to be a push toward more commercial growth and less emphasis on resident- ial . Whereas I recognize the need and the desire for more com- mercial I wish to stress the importance of balancing that growth ,with rooftops . I BM and J . C. Penney both are planning campus type developments that will utilize thousands of employees . However, at the cur- rent level Southlake would get very few as residents. This is due to the fact that there simply is very little "affordable" housing for the vast majority of the employees in Southlake. We must correct this. Not for the purpose of housing I BM or J. C. Penney employees but for the assurance of continued growth of our City. 111 We enjoy an excellent school system and the basis of a fine City administration. Yet , few of the teachers and City staff can afford to live in Southlake . Moreover, the young generation would find it most difficult to move back to Southlake , should they so desire , to start their families . In fact the average price of a new home on a one acre lot is something between $200, 000 and $225, 000. This requires a gross income in the $75,000 to $85, 000 range in order to qualify for a loan. This obviously severely limits the numbers of people who can afford Southlake housing . I would propose that we attempt to find a minimum lot size that would allow the construction and marketing of "affordable" hous- ing . In this regard I would propose a minimum of 15, 000 square feet be considered. By maintaining the current 100 foot frontage requirement this would produce a 100' x 150' lot. This is still a very low density use and an example of how it might look can be found in Randall Mill Estates which all have similar frontage but are very deep in order to reach the one acre minimum. There are many other reasons why lesser lot sizes might be attrac- tive. For instance it would help create a broader property tax base to pay for City services now being demanded. It would also create more demand and need for the commercial growth now being sought which in turn further broadens the property tax base as well as increases sales tax in certian uses . i Futhermore it creates a situation where per capita water consump- tion would decrease: ( Less yard-less watering ) . At the same time it gives the City increased revenues for sewer installation, road improvements, road building, park expansion, civic center construction and other areas of needed service expansion. Another area of probability is that by creating areas of lesser lot size it should enhance the value of the existing one acre subdivisions and of any future one acre developments. Keep in mind that we do not have to open the lots to 100% at 15,000 square ' feet. Perhaps 50% is adequate. For comparison I am setting forth below a pro forma for the cost of a 15,000 square foot lot improved with a 1 , 500 square foot home: Lot - 15,000 square feet $25,000 Home - 1, 500 square feet @ $55.00 82, 500 TOTAL $107, 500 x .38 Income to Qualify for Loan $ 40,850 This obviously makes a large difference in making housing afford- _ able and at the same time allows the developer adequate profit for developing the subdivision. In that regard I offer my last argument in this paper for the smaller lot. That is I would only allow it where sewer is available. Hopefully some of the developers will be willing to front the cost of some of the sewer lines needed to put our City on line with TRA. , Thank you for your consideration. David C. McMahan 1 ' T-' RE - )°1 • MEMORANDUM )6\J Date: May 1 , 1987 I To: Mayor and City Council From: Lloyd O. .Latta, Jr. , City Manager 1(N Subject: FY 1987 Street Resurfacing Plan The opening of the new Carroll Elementary School next fall places a high priority on resurfacing streets servicing the school. To meet the time schedule dictated by the school opening and to get the most from the limited funds available, the following plan is submitted for Council review and approval. (A) Dove Road, Shadow Creek bridge east to White Chapel. Base will be reworked and retreated. Authorized by Council April 29, 1987. (B) South Peytonville, FM1709 to Continental Blvd. Base will be reworked and retreated. Authorized by Council April 29 , 1987. Note: Estimated cost is approximately $20 , 000 to complete both of Dove Road and South Peytonville efforts which will be accomplished on a cost sharing basis by the County. (C) Peytonville , North from FM1709 to Dove Road. Repair and resurface with 1 1/2" HMAC. Total distance approximately 2 1/2 miles , estimated cost $90 , 000 . (D) Continental Blvd. , Davis Blvd. east to White Chapel. Clean ditches, repair roadway and resurface with 1 1/2" HMAC. Total distance approximately 2 . 0 miles, estimated cost $90 , 000 . (E) White Chapel, FM1709 south to Bear Creek bridge. Repair roadway and resurface with 1 1/2" HMAC. Total distance approximately 1 1/4 miles , estimated cost $45 , 000 . Funds to accomplish above efforts will be taken from dedicated streets and roads fund which has approximately $257 , 164 . Cost of the recommended road rework is estimated to be $245, 000 . Using these funds in this manner will permit the streets providing access to the school to be in best possible condition, for the opening of school, considering the time and funds available. Use of the dedicated funds permits FY1987 budget street monies to be used to repair and maintain other streets as required. Your early consideration and approval of above plan is necessary as it is estimated 30 days will be required to clean ditches and repair roadway of Continental Blvd. before resurfacing can be started. North Peytonville will be resurfaced during period Continental is prepared for resurfacing. White Chapel will be last to complete with an estimat d completion date of September 1 , 1987 . Llo d a a, Jr. Ci Manag, LOL/kb cc: Bill LeGrand 1 Kimberly M. Thacker 125 Sweet Street Southlake, Texas 76092 May 14, 1987 121NEEIFZID MAY 181987 Li City of Southlake OFFICE OF Mayor & City Council Members an: SECRETARY 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Southlake-D/FW Airport Dispute Gentlemen: It has come to my attention that the City of Southlake has done much more harm than good as far as the dispute with D/FW Airport over the air traffic over Southlake. Southlake is now widely known to people in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropl.ex-.as the city that has airplanes flying over the residents' homes. This stigma has been created by Southlake by the wide publicity of it's displeasure with the Airport. The City of Southlake has damaged its image to the prospective businesses and residents who might, at one point, been willing to move to Southlake. With IBM moving to this area, one would think that Southlake would want these new residents to move into our city, which would have been an excellent opportunity for - Southlake to have broadened its tax base. These once potential residents will now be seeking property anywhere but Southlake:because they know that the air. traffic is so "horrible" here. Who would want to move to a city where all of the residents were plagued with this "terrible" problem? As far as I am concerned, (and many.people I have talked to agree) the air traffic is not a real problem, only a very minor inconvenience. I think that the few citizens of Southlake have made amountain out of a mole hill , which, has given Southlake undeserved bad press. .: , I certainly hope that the long term''affect of' the people who are complaining does not permanently y damage; -if h4t devastate the Southlake economy. If these complainers set out to drive people out of our area and discourage anyone else from moving here, I think they have succeeded. That is the only thing that has been acomplished by the dispute, as I notice the airplanes still flying over as I write this letter. Sincerely, Kimberly M. Thacker .MONTHLY POLICE REPORT • April 1987 PRESENT PAST YEAR TO w MONTH MONTH DATE J _ TOTAL RADIO CALLS 2577 3084 10760 TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED 491 470 2313 ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 22 20 79 Maior Accidents (Involving Injury) 5 4 19 _ i Minor Accidents (Property Damage Only) 17 16 61 TOTAL WARRANTS 79 54 371 Total Warrants Served 49 74 229 _ Total Amount Collected RL55 11 ,445 33 ,919 r• TOTAL ARREST 41 72 269 Felony Arrests 5 3 25 Misdemeanor Arrests 34 60 217 Juvenile Arrests , 2 9 27 TOTAL CASES FILED 6 6 31 Felony 2 1 13 1 Misdemeanor 4 2 9 Juvenile Referrals 0 3 9 TOTAL OFFENSES REPORTED 19 ' -- 21 10.2 TOTAL.. OFFENSES CLEARED 5 -- - 5 - -23-• CLEARANCE .RATE 20% - .20% --- -20 0 BURGLARIES REPORTED 8 ' - -- -- 6 ... -. -••33-- Value —Stolen Property 139 , 015 5 , 570 209-,670 Value- --Recovered Property 120,638 7,475.... •. 167-;580 THEFTS REPORTED : .: .....:.. :.,; :.---:`, ',,:. 5 : ._5 _.20. .: . Value - . Stolen •Property 1966 .21, 696 47; 586 Value - Recovered Property 6125 19 , 220 90 ;8-81 CRIME PREVENTION .PRESENTATIONS 2 .. 3 . 9 . . . - _ I I : HONORABLE .MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILDERSONS i SUBJECT: Southlake Fire Department Monthly Report for the Month Of April 1 9R7 For Year -7 A. Responces: For Mbuth to Date • 1. Structure Fires • a. House---- --- -- ---------- 0 --- 4 b. Mobil Hcrre-- -- -- — -- 0c. Of Tice-Buildings-------------------_—______---___--- 0 d. Retail-Restaurant------ -----_--_—__-- —_-_--- : 0 _-- e. Factory-Industry, etc.----------- ----.----___ — 0 2. Crass Fires---------------- 1 ---- 6 --- 3. Auto Fires ------ --_—_— 1 _— 3 ___ 4. Truck Fires-------- 2 5. Auto Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) -------- 9 ---- 23 --- 6. Truck Accident (Fire & Rescue Unit) --__—_ 0 7. Mutual-Aid for City of Grapevine- , 3 8. Mutual-Aid for City of Colleyville- 0 1 9. Mutual-Aid for City of Keller------------------------------------- 0 ---- 2 --- 10. Mutual-Aid for Trophy Club---------------------------------------- 0 _-- 0 --- 11. Mutual-Aid for other Cities--- - -------- ! 1 --- 1 --- 12. Fire Calls in Westlake and ETJ Area- ------- 0 0 --- b. EIS Calls in Westlake and ETJ Area-- -- ---------____ • 0 1 13. Fire Calls in Tarrant County (outside city limits)---------------- .2 ---- 10 --- b. EMS Calls in Tarrnat County city: limits) (outside cit limits 14. Fire Calls in Denton County (outside city limits) - _.•0 ---- 0 ' b. EL!S Calls in Denton County (outside city limits)------------------ ; 0 - ---- 1 __. . . 15. Fire Calls in IBM District .. 0 0 • b. BZ Calls in IBM District---- --- —:._�_ - 0. _ -- Page 2 For For Month Year to Da` • 16 . False Alarms in City _ " 4 15 17 . False Alarms in Tarrant County . • 0 2 18 . False Alarms in Denton County 0 ' 0 • 19 . False Alarms in Westlake and ETA Area " 0 0 20 . False Alarms in IBM District . 0 0 21 . Rescue Unit Calls - 11 30 A. Sick Call 1215 East Continental B. Overdose Victom 2180 /East .Dove #11 C. Subject fell down stairs 137 Jellico Circle D. Sick Call 2400 Crooked Lane E. Seizure Patient 1219 Ridgewood Circle F. Sick Call 1347 Forest Lane G. Sick Call 1204 Ridgewood Circle H. Possible stroke 340 South Peytonville I . Possible Heart Attack 2228 W. Southlake Blvd. J. Child Scratched by dog 1205 Twin Creek K. Subject cut his leg Southlake City Park '2 . Miscellaneot:: 10 38 A. Gas Leak 1502 Plantation Drive B. Remove debree from highway 114 and Short Ave. C. Controll Burn 300 Block of Pearl D. Gas Leak Burney and Harbor Retreat E. Bomb Threat 1100 East Dove F. Gas Leak 702 West Southlake Blvd. G . Rekindle of Controll Burn 519 North Kimball H. Gas Leak 2200 Block of Randall Mill Road I . Gas Leak 975 W. Dove J. Dumpster Fire 2220 West Southlake Blvd. • • rage B. Total Emergency Calls for the Month of Apri1 - 46 C. Total Fire Loss Value (structure, vehicle, etc.) for the month------ 0 1111 D. Man Hours Expended: Number of Hours 1. On Emergency Calls ----- -- --- 248 2. Meetings (4 for Month) Average Men Per Meeting------ --- 250 3. Special Training Sessions or Drills- ------ 0 4. Any Extra Man Hrs. on Maintenance (other than normal Maint. time)--- 0 E. Total Man Hours Expended for Month----- ---- - 498 F. Firefighters Responding and Number of Times Responding Chief Steele 19 Assistant Chief Barnes 17 Deputy Chief Brown 12 Captain Fuller 12 Captain Tanner .5 Captain Stacy 11 Firefighters Jerry Walsh 18 Ricky Black 19 Kevin Hornick 24 Sheldon Leonard 15 Bill Hudson 20 Ron Stacy 2 Harry Bradley 3 James Stapleton 5 Mark Thomas 7 Chris Nottingham 7 Mike Nottingham 3 Bret Schuler 5 Richard Allen 6 • James Sullivan 3 Robbie Burgess 4 Tony Lemieux 16 Bobby Finn 23 Adam Niemirowski 15 Trippy Gray 6 Dan Pritchard 5 Respectf lly Submitted; Est . Total Fire Loss value R.P. Ste , for Year to Date: $171,775. 00 Fire Chief • -mr is ,;t�• • • TO: LLOYD LATTA, CITY MANAGER ' FROM: MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK, JANIE BURNS • SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR APRIL, 1987 • DATE: MAY 13 , 1987 _ --- is :t .:. -i i; f J r:Y.. r. -.',i ''," ;1:,1 :Yii.t': v f"i:•j ir.? l-' -I '• ^+`•q7;, i.'i ,a1;,;"y''•7,.t i;C.-.i.;,:•: ;k;i;,,tt`✓'.i.'1 41,„;ia:` • • • :. a s,."(r. 4t a.,t• c,s 1js, (•' .. MONTH Qk April 1987 MONTH OF April 1986' CASES SET FOR TRIAL 139 42 ``' `••' i CASES HEARD 82 24 :. ,'. '. .• ,. CASES DISMISSED 18 05 • ..,, -,.r.1 :!,:.. !:'• '•1".�!;7 t,`rt•7•- ' .: : 'alw,n 1�.:y'� i.�,4•L+t� rr ,.1.'• - WARRANTS ISSUED 79. c ;;.5:5..;.:1 WARRANTS SERVED 49 :19 ,s . CASES APPEALED , CASES RESET 10 ;05.. _r •;:. : . ..,;1;.` :. '. 48 34 ' t. ' .:: PAST DUE LETTERS ` : (:ASLS ni1ri REI) 'IX) I)U(. 22 12 CITATIONS ISSUED 494 -- , : t CITATIONS PAID 330 340 • REVENUE 27,022.50 18,044:00 ti • . • • i MONTH April , 1gR7 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT PERMITS ISSUED: TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Single Family 6 5,026.00' 8 6,288.50 Commercial Add-on -0- -0- 1 464.00 Commercial 3 715.00 1 30. 00 Additions/Accessory Bldg . 6 1,404. 50 6 726.00 Swimming Pools 5 836.00 8 1,560.00 Misc . Sales 54 259.50 44 221.60 Sub--Contractors : Electric 16 1,300. 57 29 1,860.44 Plumbing 16 1,148. 50 22 1 ,731.75 , Heat/Air 9 651. 50 8 439.00 Septic 5 315. 00 6 360.00 Culvert 2 130. 00 5 325.00 Signs ' 2 150.00 1 50.00 Other Fees 28 445. 00 31 480.00 TOTAL 151 12 ,381. 57 170 14,536. 29 BUILDING DEPOSITS TO DATE THIS YEAR: 36,507. 92 IMPACT FEES : TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT THIS MO. OF FEE LAST MO. OF FEE Road Impact 5 ' 5,000. 00 ' 8 8 ,000. 00 Year to Date Road Fees C.Y. (87) 20,300.00 Sewer Impact 5 2,500.00 8 4,000.00 Year to Date Sewer FeesC.Y. (87) 10,500.00 BUILDING VALUATION - THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE Single Family 1 ,033 ,615.00 3 ,057 ,474.00 Commercial Add/on -0- 112 ,800.00 Commercial 76,000. 00 147 ,500.00 Additions/Accessory Bldg. 144,000. 00 259 ,800. 00 Swimming Pools 80,730.00 339,570.00 TOTAL 1,334,345.00 3,917,144.00 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS: This Month 192 Last Month 162 Submitted by: ( 041)-64.&,' & -l/ Building Clerk 1943 MARCH TOTAL +. 7 NEW TAPS 4J f, fry�, 1930 - 2 PULLED 1948 APRIL TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT 111 MONTH APRTL , 1987 GALLONS PUMPED THIS MONTH FROM WELLS 0 . 0 PURCHASED FROM FORT WORTH 37 ,996 ,000 TOTAL PUMPED AND PURCHASED 37 , 996 ,000 NEW WATER TAPS INSTALLED 7 FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 0 METER CHANGE OUTS 3/4"= 2 1"= 1 3/4" to 1"= 0 2"= 0 4"= 0 LEAKS 3 PULLED METERS 2 LOCKED METERS 21 Customer request or Delinquent Payment PROCESSED WORK ORDERS 86 FLUSHED LINES N. RANDOL MILL , N. WHITE CHAPEL , SEWER IMPACT FEES TOTAL TO DATE WATER IMPACT FEES $3 . 040 . 00 TOTAL TO DATE S 11 , 500 . 00 ciLLi WATER SUPERINTENDENT MONTHLY REPORT SEND REPORT TO: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ,. DIVISION OF WATER HYGIENE WATER WORKS OPERATION FOR AUS WEST STREET US TIN,TEXAS 78756-3192 GROUND WATER SUPPLIES (1) Name of System CITY OF SOUTHALKE County TARRANT (la) Water System I.D. No. 2200075 Month of APR TT, 19 87 Day Pumpage to Distribution System in Thousand Gals. (6) (7) (8) Taste (9) of (2)Direct I (3)From Gnd. (4)Purchased (5)Total Disinfection Corrosion and Odor Fluoride Month from Wells 1 Storage from Others Pumpage Control Control Residuals 1 0 760.0 760.0 2 I 0 731.0 731.0 3 0 850.0 850.0 4 0 1,012.0 1,012.0 s 0 528.0 528.0 6 0 754.0 754.0 7 0 961.0 961..0 8 0 546.0 546.0 9 0 1,431.0 1,431.0 10 0 1,148.0 1,148.0 ii 0 1,380.0 1,380.0 12 0 1,008.0 1,008.0 13 0 870.0 870.0 14 0 978.0 978.0 is 0 1,377.0 1,377.0 16 0 1,322.0 1,322.0 17 0 1,802.0 1,802.0 , 18 0 1,694.0 1,694.0 19 0 1,413.0 1,413.0 20 0 1,241.0 1,241.0 SAMPLES NEGATIVE 21 0 798.0 798.0 22 0 1,263.0 1,263.0 23 0 1,599.0 1,599.0 24 0 1,778.0 1,778.0 25 0 1,800.0 1,800.0 26 0 1,641.0 1,641.0 27 0 1,801.0 1,801.0 28 0 1 837.0 1 837.0 29 0 1,823.0 1,823.0 30 0 1,850.0 1,850.0 31 Total 0 37,996.0 37,996.0 Avg. 1,266.5 1 ,266.5 Max. 1,850.0 1,850.0 mi.. 528.0 528.0 No. of Active Water Services (10) 1948 Chemical Analysis (11) 11-83 Dates and Results of Bacteriological Analyses (12) 7 SAMPLES -NEGATIVE N. WHITE CHAPEL Reservoirs or Tanks Cleaned (13) 6-83 Dead Ends Flushed (14) N. RANDY, MTT,T, General Remarks (15) Submitted By (16) /� �fJ , Certificate No. (17) 454-79-3113 FORM NO. H-3 All reports due by the 15th of the following month. 3/84 WATER TAPS INSTALLATION APRIL -1987 1. RICHARD CRONE - 1502 PLANTATION 4-01-87 2. SONNY JAMES, INC. - N. RANDOL MILL 4-10-87 3. P H DESIGN - 1206 TVIN CREEK 4-09-87 4. ALB CONSTRUCTION - 920 EMERALD BLVD 4-15-87 5. TIM LONG PLUMBING- BOX 168 RANDOL MILL 4-24-87 6. BOB ALMON - 400 CHERRY LANE 4-16-87 7. ROLAND BELL - 1420 WHISPERING DELL 4-24-87 1 1987 ARIL - WATER TAPS WATER DEPOSITS WATER IMPACT FEE 4-06-87 SONNY JAMES, INC. RECEIPT # AMOUNT AMOUNT RECEIPT # N. RANDOL MILL 1117635 360.00 500.00 #17636 4-07-87 P II DESIGN 1206 TWIN CREEK #17669 360.00 500.00 #17670 4-13-87 A 6 B. CONSTRUCTION 920 EMERALD BLVD. #17773 360.00 500.00 #17774 4-13-87 TIM LONG PLUMBING N. RANDOL MILL #17782 360.00 500.00 #17780 4-16-87 BOB ALMON EXISTING TAP 400 CHERRY LANE #17861 360.00 NO IMPACT FEE 4-20-87 ROLAND BELL 1420 WHISPERING DELL #17890 360.00 500.00 #17891 4-28-87 JACK RUDDUCK 217 LILAC LANE #18091 360.00 500.00 #18092 $ 2,520.00 $ 3,000.00 1 - - IMPACT FEES Started 7-22-86 JULY WATER $2 ,000. 00 SEWER $ 2 ,000 . 00 AUGUST WATER $2 ,500. 00 SEWER $2 ,500. 00 SEPTEMBER WATER $3 ,000. 00 SEWER $2 ,000 . 00 OCTOBER WATER $1 ,000. 00 SEWER $1 ,000. 00 NOVEMBER WATER $1 ,000 . 00 SEWER $1 ,000 . 00 DECEMBER WATER $1,500.00 SEWER $1,500. 00 GRAND TOTAL WATER $11 ,000 . 00 SEWER $ 10 ,000. 00 1987 JANUAP.Y WATER $ 2 , 500. 00 SEWER $1,5 0 0 .00 • FEBRU ARY WATER $_ 2 ,000.00 SEWER $1,500 .00 MARCH WATER a 000,00 SEWER$ 4 ,00 n.00 APRIL WATER $ '3,nnn_nn SEWERS 7,500 nn MAY WATER SEWER JUNE WATER SEWER JULY WATER SEWER AUGUST WATER SEWER SEPTEMBER. . .WATER SEWER OCTOBER WATER SEWER NOVEMBER. . . .WATER SEWER DECEMBER. . . .WATER SEWER GRAND TOTAL.WATER SEWER 11.