1986-07-01 N y r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS y 'rri tti 0 0 d o .P-3.. ram.-, rrn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL r y d d MEETING . z d Z y -11 DATE : July 1 ,1986 7 d d H xi TIME : 7 : 30 0 .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS o o 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE ] ME OF o o TEXAS . 1 UNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 6 INDEX Public Hearing : Jim Wooll- opposed Ralph Evans - opposed, as it is not the best use of the land. He spoke in behalf of the Citizens Select Committee . Harold Knight- opposed Betty Springer- opposed Aloha Payne - in favor Susan Heinemeir- in favor Skip Roberts - opposed i rry x x After further discussion, motion was Bradley x made to approve the zoning request M-.Mahanan x based on the recommendation of the acy x P $ Z Commission. .,;sterholm x x Iry x The bills presented were approved for dley x payment . McMahan x x -.acy x x sterholm x The West Beach Addition in the City of WEST BEACH Southlake ' s extraterritorial jurisdic- ADDITION tion was discussed. _ rry x Motion was made and approved to have Bradley x the City Attorney proceed as discussed :Mahan x x in closed session on this date . :acy x x Westerholm x irry x Motion was made and approved to adjourn 'adley x the meeting . / McMahan x x ;acy x x sterholm x meall � ..,�Wa,. ayo "o . 0. .' t : Jr . A.TT ST : itAk /Z,41---if-el/ City Secretary 4 cny CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS v rn t� o 0 d H m m MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d d d MEETING . z m z v DATE : July 1 ,1986 o TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 5 INDEX Curry x x Motion was made and approved to table Bradley ZA 86-14 , the final plat of Peytonville McMahan x x Addition until a worksession Stacy x can be held. Westerholm x ZA 86-33 . Zoning request for a 99 . 680 ZA 86-3 acre tract of land out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract 299 was discussed. Present zoning is Agricul- tural , request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District . Owner , Richard Gump made a presentation . Gump noted they have an option to purchase a strip of land from the land in question to Highway 114 that will serve as a four lane highway. Curry made a motion to deny the request as recommended by the P E Z Commission. Public Hearing : Karen Hodges , Aloha Payne , Skip Roberts Curry x x all spoke opposing the request . Bradley x McMahan x Motion was approved to deny the Stacy x request . Westerholm x x ZA 86-34 . The zoning request for a ZA 86-3, 55 . 951 acre tract of land from AG to Light Industrial was discussed . Richard Gump , owner of the property made a presentation, and Chuck Alexander of Cardinal Industries also made a presentation. Alexander stated Cardinal Industries is the 4th largest manufacturer of manufactured housing in the United States . A video was shown of a plant similiar to one they will build in Southlake if approved. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS rn x o 0 d o y rrn ran MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . x rn z DATE : July 1 ,1986 I/1 y o 0-4 TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. o o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS '3 -3 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE r-ME OF o o y TEXAS . ( UNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX ZA 86-32 . The request for Special ZA 86-32 Use Permit for the Sale of Off DENIED Premises Packaged Beer was discussed for Jellico Corner Center . Owners , Mr . and Mrs . Jim Martin were present and answered questions for Council . (Council recessed for an executive session) During the public hearing , Pamela Muller spoke in favor of the request . Curry x x After discussion, motion was made to Bradley x approve the request as recommended by McMahan x the P & Z Commission. Stacy x x Westerholm x ZA 86-19 . The final plat of Massey ZA 86-19 Addition was considered. Mr. W. C. Massey was not present for the meeting Motion was made to approve with the condition they escrow funds to upgrade Curry x the water line to 6" in front of the McMahan x property, also for water line before a building permit is issued on the new lot . The amount is to be determined by the city engineer. The water line is to cover the distance from the Southwest corner of Lot 1 to the Northeast corner of Lot 2 . The second was withdrawn. Curry x x Motion was then made to table the McMahan x x item until the owner could be present Bradley x for the meeting. Stacy x Westerholm x Curry x Motion was then made and approved to ZA 86-14 McMahan x x reconsider ZA 86-14 . Peytonville Bradley x Estates Addition. Stacy x Westerholm x x Cu Try recommended a worksession be held as soon as possible . cn a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS rn w o 0 d 0 a m ran MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL a z d d MEETING . x M z Y DATE : July 1 ,1986 rn d d y TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. . , PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 3 INDEX to the developer paying for the exten- sion of the 8" water line from the north boundry line of the T. Beedy Survey, to the north boundry of Lot 1 . Curry x x The City is to releave the developer Bradley x x the additional costs of going from a McMahan x 6" to a 8" water line and the fees Stacy x are to be paid before the issuance of Westerholm x a building permit for the new lot. Curry x x Resolution 86-41 regarding Ordinance RESOLUTION Bradley x x No . 217 was tabled . 86-41 McMahan x TABLED Stacy x Westerholm x Mayor Latta read a letter from Tim Long , who is requesting annexation into the City of Southlake for Lot 5 , Loma Vista Estates . The land is located in the cities extraterritorial jurisdic- tion. REQUEST FO Curry x x ANNEXATInN Bradley x Motion was made and approved to McMahan x x proceed with the annexation process . Stacy x Westerholm x Motion was also made and approved to REQUEST ) Curry x x proceed with the request for annexationANNEXATION Bradley x of Lot 7 , Loma Vista Estates . The McMahan x request was made by owner , Scott Stacy x x Gramlick. Westerholm x ZA 86-31 . The preliminary plat of ZA 86-31 Forest Ridge was discussed. PRELIMIN t PLAT John Levitt , engineer for the project , indicated he will address drainage on the final plat . Curry x x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x approve the preliminary plat as recom- McMahan x mended by the Planning and Zoning *.acy x x Commission. ssterholm x Council went into executive session to discuss the West Beach Addition.