1986-08-05 y > < CITY OF SOUTHI,AKL , 1 L.cAJ > w s if MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL a z H d MEETING . z > DATE : August 5 , 1986 c > oo TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS ` z 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF a o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr . Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT : Davis Bradley. CITY STAFF PRESENT : Police Sergeant ; Bryan Austin , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand , Fire Chief; R.P . Steele and City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham. City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION : Rick Stacy. Curry x The Minutes of the Special City McMahan x Council meeting held on July 15 , Stacy x x were approved as presented. -iesterholm x x The Minutes of the Regular City Curry x x Council meeting held on July 15 , McMahan x were also approved as presented. Stacy x x Westerholm x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta stated that the Stop Lights to be installed along State Highway 114 in Southlake are now under construction. It was noted that agenda items #4 ,FY87 Budget Public Hearing will not be discussed during the meeting tonight . Also , Agenda Item #2 , Garbage Service will be moved to August 19 , agenda for consideration , and Agenda Item #3 is being deleted from tonights agenda as Council and City Attorney are not ready to discuss the Zoning Ordinance . Curry x x Motion was made and approved to table McMahan x x the above items . Stacy x Westerholm x 1 cn CITY OF SOUTH-AL , > r7 x o 0 o M raj MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d d `!EETING . rn z > DATE:~ August 5 ,1986 c r7 o TI ME : g 7 : 30 p.m. a z PLACE : CITY OF SOUThLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS ti n 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 2 INDEX Curry x x McMahan x ZA 85-30 . The final plat of Spring ZA 85-30 Stacy x x Creek Acres was approved as presented. Westerholm x The second public hearing in the request for annexation was held for Lot 5 of Loma Vista Estates Addition. Owner of the property is Tim Long . During the discussion , Councilperson McMahan stated he wants to allow for an additional 5 ' right-of-way to make a 60 ' future street for Randol Mill Road. Councilperson Stacy feels the new pro- posed Thoroughfare Plan should show a 60 ' right-of-way on the map . There were no comments during x the public hearing . Curry McMahan x x Motion was made to continue with the Stacy x next step in annexation. Westerholm x x Motion was made and approved to ORDINANCI approve Ordinance No . 335 , annexation NO. 335 of Lot 5 of Loma Vista Addition, subject to a 5 ' dedication of right- Curry x of-way be given and contingent upon McMahan x x the plat being approved by September Stacy x x 5 , and if it is not filed by that Westerholm x date , Ordinance No . 335 is rescended. The second public hearing for Lot 7 Loma Vista was held concerning the request for annexation. Owner of the property is Scott Gramlich. McMahan also mentioned he feels an additional 5 ' right-of-way to make a 60 ' future street should be allowed for. There were no further comments during the public hearing. Curry x McMahan x x Motion was made and approved to Stacy x continue the annexation process . Westerholm x x > c c CITY OF SOUTH-AKE , TEXAS cr: o = cr; H MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . C z > DATE : August 5 ,1986 E C r m = TIME : 7 : 30 .m. 111 PLACE : CITY OF SOUTELAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : INDEX 3 Motion was made and approved to approve Ordinance No . 336 , annexation ORDINANCE of Lot 7 of Loma Vista Estates NO. 336 Addition subject to a 5 ' dedication of right-of-way be given and contingent upon plat being approved Curry x by September 5 , and if it is not McMahan x x filed by that date , Ordinance No . 336 Stacy x x is rescended. Westerholm x Resolution 86-43 consideration of RESOLUTIOr bids for a riding lawn mower for 86-43 Parks was discussed . Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand requested Curry x all bids be rejected as he wishes McMahan x x to purchase a different machine which Oitcy is more adequate and the cost is less terholm x money. A discussion was held concerning the drainage problems in Hunters Ridge Addition. David McMahan explained that the city will correct the drainage problem that exists for Lots 1 $ 2 of Hunters Ridge Addition , now that a 30 ' wide strip of land behind the lots has been deeded to the city. Resolution 86-44 was approved which RESOLUT: authorized an additional TRA Study 86-44 of Denton Creek Water Shed. The City TRA of Southlake will contribute $3 ,000 . STUDY toward the $18 ,000 . Study. Mayor Latta indicated that there are two drainage basins involved ; Big Bear Basin and Denton Creek Basin. Curry x x The motion which was approved McMahan x was to include the northern part of Stacy x x the city. osterholm ZA 86-41 . The preliminary plat of ZA 86-41 Thrasher Addition was discussed by Council . The 2 . 89 acre tract of land is out of the Larkin H. Chivers Surveyb Abstract 300 , and owned by Wesley Thrasher . c c CITY OF SOUTH �AKE , TEXA S > -- w o 0 „; H MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COliNCIL z > = C MEETING . z > DATE : August 5 ,1986 > o TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. V PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS q o czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE H NAME OF o z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 4 INDEX It was established that the items in the Cheatham review letter of August 1 have been corrected . Curry x x Motion was made and approved to McMahan x approve the preliminary plat . Stacy x x Westerholm x ZA 86-39. The Gift of Love plat ZA 86-39 was discussed for Claude L. Shivers . Motion was made to approve the plat subject to a mutual agreement on right-of-way between the applicant Curry x and the city. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made to approve subject to dedication on right-of-way as recom- mendedx by the P$ Z . �esterholm 7 Motion was withdrawn due to lack of a second . Mr. Shivers called attention to a letter he had presented to the zoning department in May 1986 . McMahan made a motion to table the action until the plat is presented Curry x in its proper form. The entire tract McMahan x x of land must be on the final plat . Stacy x x Westerholm x ZA 86-45 . The replat of Graham-White ZA 86-45 Addition was considered by Council . Frank Graham was present and answered questions for council . Motion was made and approved to Curry x x approve subject to the P $ Z recommen- McMahan x x dation and the conditions in the Stacy x Cheatham letter being met . Westerholm x ZA 86-47 . Replat of Brittany Place ZA 86-47 . Addition was discussed. John Levitt engineer , explained the replat to the Council . Motion was made to approve the replat based on the recommendation of cf, y CITY OF SOUTHIAKE , ltAAJ > r.-, 0 0 n rn tin CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE Regular g d d MEETING . tri d > o DATE: August 5 ,1986 > TIME: 7 : 30 p.m. , 7 II PLACE : CITY OF SOUTLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: INDEX 5 Curry McMahan x x the Planning and Zoning Commission. x Stacy x x Westerholm x The bills presented were approved for payment. Curry x x McMahan x Stacy x x Westerholm x The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Latta. oy at a Jr. a r ATTEST: Sandra L4eGrand City Secretary