1986-08-11 7 ,, > c c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS > -; x o 0 o c M MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL > = MEETING . August 11 1986 DATE : g C ' TIME : 6 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTELAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS o „ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr . Charles Curry, Davis Bradley and Johnny Westerholm. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT : David McMahan and Rick Stacy. Mayor Latta called the meeting to order and explained that the reason for the Special City Council Meeting is to canvass the ballots from the August 9 ,1986 City Election. Mayor Latta read Resolution 86-45 which indicated that the vote was in favor of going Home Rule Charter and also a 15 member committee was elected as a Charter Commission. Curry x After discussion , motion was made Bradley x x and approved to approve Resolution Westerholm x x 86-45 . The meeting was journed by Mayor Latta. ' .' L oy a to Jr , yor ATTE 4aLiet, /Z.Aki--/---/ City Secretary Sandra L . LeGrand