1986-08-19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS v r.. rn 0 0 d o a rn rri MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . rri z > DATE : August 19 ,1986 d d > 7ci TIME : 7 : 30 m. - PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor ; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley , David McMahan and Johnny Westerholm. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT : Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF : Director of Public Works Bill LeGrand, Fire Chief; R. P. Steele , Police Chief ; Jerry Crowder ; City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. Curry x x The Minutes of the August 11 , Bradley x Special City Council Meeting were '':Mahan x approved as presented. . sterholm x x Curry x x The Minutes of the Auguat 5 , City Bradley x Council meeting were also approved McMahan x as presented. Westerholm x x MAYORS REPORT During the Mayors report , Mayor Latta noted the number of fatal accidents on State Highways during 1986 . He again ask for support from everyone in working toward safe highways in Southlake . He announced that the new addresses for Southlake will begin being used on August 30 . The purpose of readdressing is to expedite the 9-1-1 System. Thanks to Kim Bush of the administration staff for her efforts in the project . A discussion and public hearing was held on the Fiscal Year 1987 Budget . Mayor Latta read the budget letter to the audience , ex- plaining key points , including new staff members , capital outlay items and increase in tax rate . CITY OF SOUTH:,AKE , TEXAS cn v cn x o 0 d a ran MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL v d d MEETING . x z v DATE : August 19 ,1986 11, t-" d o y 0TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 7> ~' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS o� czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE dA?MME OF o o TEXAS . :OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 2 INDEX The proposed budget and budget letter are attached to the minutes . Public Hearing : Jim Wooll- ask if funds were included in the budget for the Southlake Charter Commission, Also , a priority concern is exemption for elderly. He expressed disappoint- ment because the budget was not available for the public tonight . Mayor latta scheduled a worksession for August 25 , at 6 : 30 p .m. Mayor Latta gave the Oath of Office to the newly elected Southlake Charter Commission. He set the first meeting for August 25 , at 7 : 30 p .m. Ordinance No . 334 , Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE was discussed . no . 334 Public Hearing : Jim Wooll- buffer yards . Pam Muller- encouraged it be approved Joe Bentley- in favor , after question Motion was made to approve the proposed ordinance to be effective :urry x x within 30 days or upon approval 3radley x of the Zoning Map , whichever comes McMahan x x first . Motion was approved. Westerholm x McMahan commended all persons who worked so hard for so long on the zoning ordinance . An ordinance establishing standards GARBAGE and setting rates and making garbage ORDINANCE service mandatory was discussed. 411 After discussion, motion was made to adopt Ordinance No . 337 as drawn with exception to Section 10 , commercial rates , also that the rates be approved after being CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS v M tz 0 0 h oCf) MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL d r7 MEETING . H d z DATE: August 19 ,1986 d 0 7 : 30 p .m. TIriE : PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 3 INDEX Curry x x submitted by the contractor and approvJ Bradley x ed by Council . McMahan x x Westerholm x Oscar O' Bryant stated he requested the service be mandatory because it is very difficult keeping equipment in good repair unless service is mandatory. Resolution 86-46 was approved , in RESOLUTIO regards to the placement of traffic 86-46 lights on FM 1709 at Peytonville Ave , White Chapel Road , and Carroll Ave . Curry x It was requested we have them in place Bradley x as the school on W. Continental Blvd. McMahan x Ix is operational . Westerholm x x Cheatham noted that the State Highway Department has not started their realignment project as of this date . A request was made for a sign permit for the Skaggs Alpha Beta Shopping Center . Tom Edwards , for Waldrum Sign Company made a presentation. Curry x Motion was made and approved to table Bradley x until a worksession can be held . McMahan x x Westerholm x x Motion was also made and approved to Curry x x table the request for permit in Wash- Bradley x ington Square Center for a sign. McMahan x x Request was made by Charles Curry for Westerholm x Bob Almond, owner of the center . The Department reports were reviewed. It was noted in the Police Report that traffic tickets were 639 for June and 661 for July, a large increase from same time last year . Water Department report was discussed. LeGrand stated that the Telemetry System is 90o complete at this time . y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS rdn 0 Cf) ran o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z A d d MEETING . s ran z DATE: August 19 ,1986 ■ rn t=1 rri H 0 TIDfE: 7 : 30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS .-3 y cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE FAME OF z zo y • TEXAS . :OUNCILPERSON PAGE: 4 INDEX Curry x x The bills presented, were approved Bradley x McMahan for payment . x x Westerholm x During the public forum, the following spoke : Jim Wooll , Aloha Payne and Gary McGrath . Charles Curry informed council of the State Highway Department Minute Order dated July 25 ,1986 , concerning the SH114 Steering Committee . A copy of the letter is attached to the minutes . Curry x x Bradley The meeting was adjo Latta. ,•ned by Mayor x McMahan x iv Westerholm x x /‘ia144.4d i t , a or/ Off t . Latta r , ATT ST : ///eZe n ra L. LeGrand City Secretary