1986-09-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS Cn a rn rz 0 0 o • rn 0-3 tri MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING . e z a DATE: September 16 ,1986 tr' t7 G"' TIME : 7 : 3 0 p .m. O 0 z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr . Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; R. P. Steele , Police Chief; Jerry Crowder , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand, City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION : David McMahan Curry x x The Minutes of the September 2 ,1986 Bradley x City Council meeting were approved McMahan x x as presented . Stacy x sterholm x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta announced that the stop lights on Highway 114 are nearing completion. Cobly Springer , chairperson for the Southlake Airport Noise Awareness Committee gave a report in behalf of the committee . He indicated the group had been meeting since May , 1986 , in an effortto minimize the noise impact around Southlake schools and the community in general . The committee has met several times with persons from the DFW Airport . They do not expect to see immediate results , as it will take patience and time . Springer went on to say 75% landings and 25% take-offs will take place on the new runway when it is finished. The committee will present a full status report at the next city council meeting . Mayor Latta and Council commended the committee on their approach to the airport . I a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS 0 o .v'� o 1-3 trl MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a t7 t7 MEETING . z a DATE: September 16 ,1986 tr' t7 d TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS .-3 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o 0 TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 2 INDEX A Fiscal Year 87 Budget public hearing BUDGET was held. Mayor Latta stated that PUBLIC the budget will go for a vote at the HEARING September 22 , Special City Council Meeting . Public Hearing : Darrell Parker- Questions about ambulance service . Service vs collections , ratio . Betty Springer- In favor of parks , needs support of the council and community. Ann Barnes- Asking everyone to support parks . Aloha Payne- In favor of parks budget. James Arnold- Chairperson for Parks . Number of volunteer hours spend on the parks . Please lets finish the park. Billy Jon Curb- Does the FY85 Budget tract with the audit? Many line item questions . Insurance , Professional Services , General Telephone , Personnel . Neil McKinnon- Parks budget to high- spend money on streets . Dave Britton- Parks and streets questions . Harold Knight- Totally in favor of the budget . Don Weeks- City wasted money on North Peytonville Ave , it did not hold up . Parks waste of money, use school ballfields . Budget out of line . John Tate- Increase taxes to much . urry x x After discussion, motion was made and TAX >radley x approved to allow tax exemptions EXEMPTION McMahan x for over 65 years of age , in the INCREASED Stacy x x amount of $50 ,000 . from the amount terholm x of $3 ,000 . •• .. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > rn ed 0 0 r.7 0 ryn ryn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . rn z a DATE: September 16 ,1986 H TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE 1-4 NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 3 INDEX Ordinance No . 338 , setting water rates was discussed. David McMahan again explained the need for a rate increase is primarily due to the increase in costs to operate the system plus the pass thru from the City of Fort Worth. Motion was made and approved to increase the water rates to $20 . 00 base rate , including 2 ,000 gallons , with $2 . 40 per thousand for up to 100 ,000 gallons and $3 . 00 per thousand thereafter . Commercial rate being a flat $2 . 40 Curry x x per thousand gallons over 2 ,000 Bradley x with the base rate being determined lahan x x by the meter size . acy x Westerholm x Consideration was given to a request made by Richard Wilhelm of Cross Timber Hills Addition, in behalf of the Homeowners Association. Mr . Ed Downing was present representing the Homeowners Association. They ask for the speed limit to be lowered to 25 m.p .h. within the subdivision. Council discussed the possibility of lowering speed limits in all residential subdivisions . The item was not acted upon but will be considered at the next city council meeting as a public hearing . CONSCENT AGENDA Curry x x Agenda items 6 , 7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 , 12 ,13 , & 15 Bradley x wereapproved under a consent agenda McMahan x x item. Stacy x Westerholm x The items include : (6) Ord. 339 Uniform Building Code . (7) Ord. 340 . Uniform Mechanical Code . (8) Ord. 341 Uniform Plumbing Code . (9) Ord . 342 Uniform Fire Code . (10) Ord 343 National Electric Code. (11) Ord. 344 Uniform Swimming Pool , Spa and Hot Tub Code . (12) Ord 345 Uniform Code for Abate - ment of Dangerous Buildings , . . < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS �r7 0 ."'3 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . d Z a DATE: September 16 . 1986 �' d o TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0-; 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 4 INDEX (13) Ord. 346 Uniform Administrative Code . (15) Bills for Approval . Agenda Items #17 , and #18 are withdrawn from the agenda. ZA 86-44 . The Special Use Permit ZA 86-44 for the Sale of Off Premises Packaged SPECIAL Beer for Al Conger was considered. USE PERMI The location of the establishment is Bills Grocery Store , corner of North Carroll Avenue and Hwy 114 . The public hearing resulted with no comments from the public . urry x x Motion was made and approved to approve radley x x the request for special use permit . han x _icy ZA 86-50 . A request for Special Use ZA 86-50 esterholm x Permit for the Sale of Off Premises SPECIAL Packaged Beer was considered for USE PERMI Hossain Mostoufi , new owner of Gun Barrell Convenience Store . Location of the establishment is 2368 East Northwest Parkway. When asked, Mr. Hossain stated he is a permanent resident of the United States . Curry x x When the public hearing resulted ",radley x with no comments , motion was made [cMahan x and approved to approve the permit , Macy x based on the recommendation made by Westerholm x x the Planning and Zoning Commission. ZA 86-51 . The final plat of White ZA 86-51 Chapel United Methodist Church was FINAL PLA considered. It was determined that all items in the Cheatham letter dated 9-3-86 have been met . y x x Harold Knight was present in behalf J . ey x of the church. McMahan x x Itacy x Motion was made and approved to Vesterholm x approve the final plat . 1 Cr) < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS m o - o o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d t7 MEETING . X d Z > tl DATE: September 16 ,1986 rri d d y TIME : 7 : 30 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS -3 -3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX During the public forum- Aloha Payne had questions on the Swimming Pool Code . The Department Reports were discussed. Curry x x Bradley x x With no further business , motion was McMahan x made and approved to adjourn the Stacy x meeting. / Westerholm x / l•,.�.4/ , , � , 40 41101r yoole oy. a . Latt.7Jr . ATT ST: if Lity Secretary