1986-10-21 r v ¢ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , 1LAAJ to 0 0 0-3 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d METING . zTat '=i DATE : October 21 ,1986 V d TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 7� H PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o 0 TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor ; Lloyd 0. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tem; Charles Curry. Davis Bradley, David McMahan, Rick Stacy and Johnny Westerholm. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; R.P. Steele , Assistant Chief; David Barnes , Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand, City Administrator; Larry Munsie , Police Department ; Bryan Austin, City Engineer ; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith . INVOCATION: Davis Bradley. Curry x The Minutes of the October 7 , City 1radley x Council meeting were approved as IILMahan x x presented. Stacy x Westerholm x x MAYORS REPORT Mandatory Garbage Service was discussed. Mr . Oscar O'Bryant, owner of Lakeside Sanitation agreed to work with Southlake citizens in areas wher there are problems . It was established that the Commercial Rates have never been approved by the City Council . City Administrator, Larry Munsie is to talk with O'Bryant and be prepared to discuss the issue at the November 4 , City Council meet- ing. Councilperson Westerholm reminded everyone that on October 23 , at 7 : 30 p .m. at the Carroll Elementary School , the Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness Committee will be holding a "Town Meeting" in an effort to inform the • community on information they have obtained from DFW Airport concerning Runway 13R/31L which is to open in November, 1986 . z o CITY OF SOUTH�,Axb , 1tAA3 C:Jd o MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d d MEETING . z a m DATE : October 21 ,1986 r7 d m n 0 TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. • Pzi o a C z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON z PAGE: 2 INDEX After discussion, motion was made and CITY LOGO Curry x x approved to adopt a City Logo . The APPROVED Bradley x logo chosen, is the same design as McMahan x x that of the Southlake Chamber of Stacy x Commerce , only it will be forest Westerholm x green in color with white . Westerholm stated he would prefer a logo with two colors instead of one . City Administrator is to gather costs involved in putting the logo on city vehicles as well as costs involved to change letterhead and etc . He is to report at the next city council meeting. Ordinance No . 349 was approved, ORDINANCE Curry x lowering the speed limits in SouthlakeNO. 349 Bradley x to 30 m.p .h. on all city streets SPEED McMahan x x except FM 1709 and SH 114 . LIMIT Stacy x x Westerholm x The proposed Revenue Sharing PROPOSED expenditures were discussed. During REVENUE the public hearing Aloha Payne re- SHARING commended the funds be used for Park FUNDS Land. Jim Wooll suggested the funds be used for expansion of City Hall site . When asked, City Administrator, Larry Munsie indicated he is lending support toward public works equipment for the $33 ,138 . 88 . However , another use would be a command vehicle to be used by the fire and police departments as a disaster vehicle . Cost of the vehicle would be $27 ,500 complete . Suggestions made by councilpersons include : computer system allowing police department to tie onto N.C . I .C . , 41 park land or land for city services . Curry x Munsie is to get analysis for 10-15 Bradley x x years down road for land and other McMahan x x items suggested. Stacy x Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to table until the next city council meeting. c CITY OF SOUTH-ANL , ILAAJ n =; H MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > d MEETING . > DATE : October 21 ,1986 77] c > TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 411 .. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 3 INDEX ZA 86-52 . A zoning request for TR ZA 86-52 3B out of the L. G .Hall Survey, DENIED Abstract 686 was considered for Light Commercial Zoning District . The 2 . 9805 acre tract of land is currently zoned Agricultural . Al Vidaurri was present and represented the owner Terry L . Weakley. It was noted the use under the new zoning ordinance is Retail 1 as we no longer have a Commercial Zoning District . Based on P & Z recommendation , Curry made the motion to approve the zoning and the motion was seconded . During discussion , Stacy and McMahan 1111. stated they could not vote favorably for this site under Rl or Light Curry x x Commercial . Bradley x The vote resulted with a vote McMahan x denying the request . Stacy x Westerholm x x ZA 86-53 . The request was also ZA 86-53 made to rezone TR 3B4A out of the DENIED L. G. Hall Survey , Abstract 686 . The 1 . 35 acres of land is Agricultural with a request for Light Commercial . Curry Motion was made and approved to Bradley deny the request . McMahan x Stacy x x Westerholm x x The conceptual site plan for Shady Oaks Center was not considered . ZA 86-54 . The zoning request for ZA 86-54 TR 2B4 out of the O.W. Knight Survey, APPROVE Abstract 899 was considered for A-2 Single Family District . Owner , Ralph Turley was represented during the • meeting. No comments during the public hearing. Curry x x Motion was made and approved to Bradley x x approve the zoning based on SF 2 McMahan x under the new zoning ordinance . Stacy x Westerholm x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , 1iAH� > ran 0 0 o a MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tri Z > d d MEETING . d z a DATE : October 21 ,1986 i7 t7 d > ° TIME : 7 : 30 p.m. i 757� PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS z 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z o a TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 4 INDEX ZA 86-57 . A replat was approved for ZA 86-57 Lots 15 $ 16 Block 4 of Diamond REPLAT Curry x x Circle Estates , making Lot 15R. APPROVED Bradley x The owner , John Stevenson was present McMahan x x and answered questions for the Stacy x council . Westerholm x ZA 86-59 . The preliminary plat of ZA ROVED APPROVED Entex Addition was considered. The property consisting of TR 4A, 4A2 , 4A3 , out of the John Freeman Survey Abstract 529 will be Lot 1 Block A if approved. Motion was made to approve based on P $ Z recommendation with a 30 ' build- ing line to east and south on Kimball Avenue . McMahan seconded for purpose of discussion. Larry McCallan made a presentation. He explained that they need to plat the land into one lot because of encroachment over the building line . The following citizens within 200 ' spoke . Sonny James- confused over steps being taken on by platting. Jerry Forbes- suggested they go PUD, He presented letter stating he hopes they will work with property owners in the area. Stacy stated he feels commercial and industrial should develop from the outside in. Westerholm feels we are not asking for enough R-O-W on Kimball . We need 42 ' instead Curry x x of 32 ' . Bradley x Motion passed. McMahan x x Stacy x Westerholm x A discussion was held concerning TRUCK truck routes . Mayor Latta stated we ROUTES do have commercial property without access as per Ordinance No . 172 . a CITY OF SOUTH1,AKh , it- -- > c-i 0 0 f v: MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z a d d MEETING . d z > '-n DATE: October 21 ,1986 = d n o TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. .=. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10 0 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o 0 TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 5 INDEX Section 4 of Ordinance No . 172 spells out designated truck routes . The ordinance was approved April 21 ,1970. It was the consensus of Council , based on discussion of truck route ordinance with weight limits , to go Highway 26 north on Brumlow, west on Continental Blvd. and north on Carroll Avenue across FM1709 and SH114. From the industrial area, south to Brumlow or north on Carroll Avenue . Resolution 86-57 was approved, Curry x updating membership roster for Bradley , x Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness McMahan x Committee . Stacy x Westerholm Rick x x Rick Stacy stepped down for agenda items #15 ,#16 ,#17 . The Developers Agreement for Phase II COMMERCE of Commerce Business Park was approvec,BUSINESS Curry x x with a standard agreement except for PARK Bradley x facilities including an upgrade of McMahan x x water lines , streets and a drainage system. Westerholm ` x Resolution 86-58 was approved, RESOLUTIP authorizing payment for over-sized 86-58 water lines from 8" to 12" in Curry x x Commerce Business Park, for an amount Bradley x of $16 ,034. 88 . (Phase I $4 ,143 . 83 McMahan x x and Phase II $11 ,891 . 05) . Westerholm x Resolution 86-59 was approved, RESOLUTI authorizing payment for widening 86-59 Commerce Street in Commerce Curry x Business Park from 37' to 42 ' for Bradley x x a total amount of $22 ,035 . 56. McMahan x x (Phase I $9 ,652 . 04 and Phase II Westerholm x $12 ,383 . 52) . cn > C C CITY OF SOUTHi,AK1 , 11AIW c cc MINUTES MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z > C d MEETING . z > -� DATE: October 21 ,1986 > TIME : 7 : 30 m. > p PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 76_ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE ti TEXAS . NAME OF o o COUNCILPERSON PAGE : 6 INDEX During the Department Reports , Sgt. Bryan Austin of the Police Department stated that we have an increase in minor accidents since the traffic lights have been installed . The major accidents stayed the same . He indicated there seems to be confusion with timing on the lights , causing problems . Bill LeGrand stated they are having problems with the controls on the water system. The Court report was discussed , Councilpersons indicated they would like more information on the report . Curry x The bills presented were approved Bradley x x for payment , attached hereto and made McMahan x a part hereof. Westerholm x x Stacy x There were no comments during the public forum. Curry x Bradley x x Motion was made and pproved to McMahan x adjourn the meetin Westerholm x Stacy Ma o oy 0. a Jr . ATT ST: ity Secretary, San ra L . LeGrand I.