Item 9A - ChecklistCITY OF SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Date: 10-26-21 Item No. 9A The completed checklist and packet materials must be posted on the shared drive in the appropriate meeting folder no later than noon on Tuesday the week before the City Council meeting. This checklist is required for your materials to be considered adequate for inclusion in the City Council packet. If materials are determined to be inadequate, they will not be accepted and will be returned to the submitting department. Items not deemed final by noon on the Wednesday before the City Council meeting will be removed from the agenda and their consideration rescheduled. Yes No ❑ N/A Item Item wording included on the agenda accurately and fully describes the action City Council is being re uested to take. �✓ ❑ ❑ Posted executive -session items have been discussed with the City Manager's Office/City Attorney's Office, as appropriate, and meet the requirements of State -authorized exemptions. ❑ ❑ Packet memo subject wording matches agenda wording. a Packet memo fully describes desired action, alternatives, financial implications, legal issues, and contains notypographical errors. 7 ❑ ❑ The memo clearly describes the point of view of stakeholders/interested parties, as we understand it, anticipating the information that will be wanted or needed by the City Council. aMemo El 1:1 content matches information found in backup documents (e.g., contract amounts, budget information, etc. ❑ ❑ Back up documents are referenced in the packet memo and are provided as described. a❑ ❑ Packet materials contain no inaccurate information. �✓ ❑ ❑ Packet materials demonstrate alignment with the City's strategic goals and the recommendations included in Southlake 2030, and/or how the item addresses City Council direction otherwise provided. ❑ ElThe packet materials demonstrate how proposed expenditures are within budget, or the packet materials clearly justify the variance and the Finance department has been consulted. ❑� ❑ ❑ Recommendation(s) included with packet materials demonstrate how the Council's approval of the item results in good public policy and supports the highest quality of life for Southlake residents, businesses and visitors. a❑ ❑ The audio power point prepared for the item (Consent Agenda only) provides complete information, designed to answer all Council questions about the item. (Note: Above criteria should be applied to audio power points, as appropriate. ❑ ❑ The quality of the audio recording is good, easily heard and understood. ❑ ❑ Audio power point slides are visually appealing and not overly reliant on text. Fe ❑ ❑ Agenda item blurb should provide council members with a high-level overview. It should answer who, what, where, when, why and how. This would include cost, within budget, staff recommendation, 2030 alignment, council directive, P&Z vote etc. Ken Baker Department Director