Item 7A - Comprehensive Plan ReviewComprehensive Plan Analysis Case No.: ZA21-0029 Review by: Richard Schell Date of Review: 10/15/21 Project Name: Carillon Parc Current Project Address: Generally located east of N. White Chapel Blvd., south of E. Kirkwood Blvd., west of Riviera Ln., and north of E. State HWY 114. Existing Zoning: ECZ Proposed Zoning: ECZ Existing Future Land Use: Mixed Use Proposed Future Land Use: Mixed Use Overview The subject property is included in the SH 114 Corridor planning area. Mixed Use Land Use Cateaory The recommended land use for this property within the Southlake 2035 SH 114 Corridor Land Use Plan (SH 114 Corridor Plan) is Mixed Use, which is consistent with the existing future land use. The purpose of the Mixed Use land use category as defined by the SH 114 Corridor Plan is as follows: To provide an option for large-scale, master -planned, mixed use developments that combine land uses such as office facilities, shopping, dining, parks, and residential uses. The definition for the Mixed Use land use category "necessitates comprehensively planned and coordinated development." Further, "new development must be compatible with and not intrusive to exiting development," and that typically, "the Mixed Use designation is intended for medium- to higher -intensity office buildings, hotels, commercial activities, retail centers, and residential uses." Scale and Context Criteria for the Mixed Use Future Land Use Category: General • Buildings and their pedestrian entrances are to be oriented towards internal streets. • Larger -format retail uses (with footprints larger than 40,000 square feet) shall be located adjacent to the arterial or highway with pedestrian entrances from internal streets. Retail and Office Uses • Pedestrian -oriented or automobile -oriented. Hotel Uses • Hotel uses should be full -service hotels at market -driven locations, primarily in the S.H. 114 Corridor. Full -service, for the purposes of this plan, shall be hotels that include a table -service restaurant within or directly attached to the hotel. Other services or amenities typically included would be bell service and room service, as well as available meeting space. • The desire is to approve hotels adequate to support market -driven commerce in the City, paying attention to the product mix such that the hospitality services in the area are complementary to one another. Single-family Residential Uses • Residential uses are to be located between the proposed office or retail uses and existing residential neighborhoods. These uses are intended to provide a lower intensity transition between existing neighborhoods and commercial uses. • Residential uses should be well integrated with proposed open space and other civic uses to create a sense of place. S.H. 114 Corridor Plan June 20, 2017 Page 17 • They should also be integrated with proposed commercial uses in a manner that provides internal automobile and pedestrian access to convenience commercial uses. • Single-family residential uses are recommended to be to the density and scale that is appropriate based on the context and character of the proposed overall development. Open Space • Consider environmental elements as "features," rather than constraints. • Emphasis shall be placed on preservation of existing wooded areas and stream corridors. • Avoid channeling or piping of streams. • Streams or creeks should become a focal point rather than the rear of the development. • Provide natural walking paths along stream and creek corridors. • Well designed and integrated open spaces are critical to the creation of successful mixed -use neighborhoods. • Open spaces should be designed to add value to proposed development and not as an "after -thought". To that end, open spaces should maximize frontage along residential and office uses. Open spaces shall occupy a prominent place in the development of a neighborhood and form the center pieces of a community. • Open spaces are intended to be the "front -yards" and invite passive recreational activities. Open spaces may be in the form of pocket parks, children's play areas, squares, linear greens, and conservation areas. Use the topography as an advantage, do not flatten the site. • Preserve views. Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 2 Civic Uses • Civic uses such as day -cares, post office, police substation, local government offices, churches, etc. are encouraged. Ideally, civic uses should be located centrally in the development and provide convenient access to all other uses and activities in the development. • Civic uses are to be designed to the scale and context of the neighborhood. Uses are encouraged to be appropriately scaled to the proposed development and generally limited to a maximum of 10,000 square feet of built area. Overall Character and Design for the Mixed Use Future Land Use Category: • Buildings are to be designed to be pedestrian friendly. • Buildings shall have shallow setbacks and sidewalks that are a minimum of 10'. • Buildings are to be oriented towards other buildings (across the street) or towards open spaces. • Minimize the impact of surface parking. • Mix up land uses to maximize shared parking. Street Design Standards for the Mixed Use Future Land Use Category: • Internal streets to be designed to accommodate both automobiles and pedestrians. • Streets to be designed with curb and gutter. • Interconnected street network. • Regular blocks and streets. • Block widths between 400' and 600'. • Design speed Restaurant and Specialty Retail Overlay Within the SH 114 Corridor SH 114 Plan the subject property is corridor shown as being within the Qptlooal Land Use Recommendations optional land use map as part MSite Rect—endatim of the Restaurant and Specialty Retail Overlay. According to the SH 114 Plan: w, The Restaurant and Specialty Retail Overlay is a ILI commercial overlay category designed and intended for the concentration of unique dining and :- Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 0 - MMf1R VIlIIAEt6 9pBG&b RBpll oa�ore�Y -u�mr..aK Offiw Orelgy _ HghRlm (If[a (Yrm1sY OvMeY Page 3 specialty retail options not otherwise found in Southlake's established retail and restaurant centers. The purpose of this category is to foster the development of a dynamic, destination restaurant district. This district should feature mostly independent, unique or local restaurants offering diverse and healthy cuisine in a sit-down format, which may also include aspects of culinary tourism or educational components up to and including schools offering training in culinary arts. The overlay may provide for incubation of new businesses and concepts which might otherwise struggle to operate in more traditional retail commercial spaces. Physical aspects of this district may include proximity to Community Services uses, proximity to niche retail, frontage onto shared space for dining or gathering rather than streets, and shared parking. In areas of the district which are located east of N. Carroll Ave., up to 50% of the land area may be suitable for retail operations that are boutique or specialized in character. Boutique or unique hotels designed to be integrated into the environment, health and medical services and support office may also be appropriate. Optional Land Use Designations The City of Southlake is currently in the proceeding with an update to the Consolidated Future Land Use Plan. This update will include the Consolidated Optional Land Use Designations map and definitions. That said, the proposed Southlake 2035 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan does not recommend changes to this map that would deviate from the Southlake 2030 map which is currently in place. Portions of the proposed Carillon Parc development are within three of the identified optional land use designations: Employment Center 1 (EC-1), Employment Center 2 (EC-2), and a small part of the proposal falls within the Employment Center Residential (EC-R) designation. Each of these designations is defined below, per the current Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan (Ordinance No. 1022). Scale and Context Criteria, Overall Character and Design, and Street Design Standards for these three (3) designations can be found in the Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan. Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page Employment Center 1 (EC-1) Purpose and Definition: The EC-1 category is intended for the highest intensity of commercial and employment uses immediately adjacent to S.H. 114. This land use category should be applied to properties that have significant frontage along the highway, have limited development constraints, and are largely undeveloped or underdeveloped. For optimal development opportunities, properties in the EC-1 land use category should have a minimum contiguous frontage of 1,200 feet. The EC-1 land use category shall be a maximum of 700 feet in depth (as measured from the R-O-W of S.H. 114). The EC-1 land use category has to be applied in conjunction with the EC-2 and EC-R land use categories to provide for compatible transitions to adjoining neighborhoods. As a percentage of the entire EC land use category applied, the EC-1 land use category shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of any EC district. Employment Center 2 (EC-2) Purpose and Definition: The Employment Center 2 (EC-2) is intended for a medium intensity mix of uses that transition from EC-1 or S.H. 114 to EC-R or lower intensity residential neighborhoods. This land use category would be applied to properties that may have significant frontage along the highway, have limited development constraints, and are largely undeveloped or underdeveloped. Employment Center Residential (EC-R) Purpose and Definition: The Employment Center Residential (EC-R) designation is intended for low -intensity, predominantly residential neighborhoods. This land use category should be applied to properties that have significant development constraints such as wetlands, creeks, floodplains, water bodies, steep grades, and woodlands and are largely undeveloped or underdeveloped. This category is intended for properties adjacent to existing neighborhoods, open space, or as buffers from environmentally sensitive areas. Very limited nonresidential uses (office, retail, and civic) may be permitted at key street intersections and shall be designed to an appropriate neighborhood scale. 2035 Vision, Goals and Objectives • 1.8 Ensure high -quality design and a heightened sensitivity towards the integration of new development with the existing development and urban design pattern. • 2.2 Support appropriate public -private financial partnerships that will help retain and enhance the City's economic base. • 4.1 Ensure that new development incorporates usable open space. • 4.4 Utilize partnerships to create open space and recreation facilities. • 6.2 Provide necessary, desirable and diverse goods and services for residents of the City. • 6.4 Attract desired businesses to ensure economic growth as well as continued employment and services for residents of the City. • 6.5 Enhance the quality of life for residents and the sustainability of City business through the promotion of the tourism, convention and hotel industry in the City. Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 5 • 6.7 Foster communication between the public and private sectors. • 8.1 Provide a level of community facilities that meet the needs of both the existing and projected population • 10.3 Identify and implement programs where costs may be shared by multiple agencies and/or developers. • 11.1 Promote a destination image for the City and continuously evolve it to adapt to changing economic conditions. • 11.6 Support partnerships with other businesses and organizations that are mutually beneficial. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Recommendations 2035 SH 114 Corridor Land Use Plan LU2 — Carillon Recommendation: • Retain the existing underlying Mixed Use designation and add the Restaurant and Retail Specialty Overlay to the west portion of the site and the Mixed Medical and Office Overlay to southeastern portion of the area. • Develop a unique "customer experience" and "sense of place" that is pedestrian rather than automobile focused. • Desired uses are chef -driven restaurant cluster, incubator, and possibly a culinary school component, along with specialty retail and health and wellness uses consistent with target industries as identified in the Economic Development Master Plan. • Boutique or unique hotels, health and medical services and support office may also be appropriate uses if properly integrated into the environment. • Design process for the non-residential portion of Carillon should focus on preserving natural tree stands and utilizing existing trees to create inviting open spaces. • Restaurant cluster is envisioned with common use outdoor eating and gathering space utilizing natural and manmade features. In all overlays, a central park or greenspace may include public facilities not already discussed which offer a variety of cultural experiences. • As development is proposed traffic impacts on White Chapel Blvd. north of SH 114 should be assessed and the widening of White Chapel Blvd. to 4 lanes between Kirkwood and SH 114 should occur when warranted. • Provide a combination of structured and surface parking. Surface parking should be dispersed into lots of minimal size which are adequately screened from adjacent rights of way and residential areas. • Future development on these properties should be approved in a manner that is sensitive to potential impacts on adjacent residential areas, particularly as related to noise, traffic, building heights, lighting and views. Metric: Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc — ZA21-0029 Page 6 • Tier 1 - Amend the Consolidated Land Use Map to add the Restaurant and Retail Specialty Overlay to the west portion of the site and the Mixed Medical and Office Overlay to southeastern portion of the area with the locations indicated on the optional Land Use Overlay Map 6A on page 28. LU13 Recommendation: • New retail is encouraged to be limited to areas identified in the 114 Corridor Overlay districts and consistent with the recommendations of the Economic Development Master Plan. MPtri • Tier 1 - Amend the Consolidated Land Use Map to add the Restaurant and Retail Specialty Overlay as indicated on the Overlay Map 6A on page 28. LU15 Recommendation: • Surface parking along S.H. 114 is discouraged unless adequately screened and buffered. Underground parking or structured parking is preferred when development scale permits. Metrics : • Tier 1 — Amend the zoning ordinance to create specific requirements for surface parking along the SH 114 corridor. • Ongoing — inform potential applicants of this recommendation during the initial design process. LU17 Recommendation: • Encourage creative design and development to address potential impact on adjacent residential subdivisions. Future development should be approved in a manner that is sensitive to potential impacts on adjacent residential areas, particularly as related to noise, traffic, building heights, lighting and views. Metric: • Ongoing (Tier 1) — inform potential applicants of this recommendation during the initial design process. M8 Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 7 Recommendation(s): • Coordinate through a Developer's Agreement and the CIP the widening of N. White Chapel to a 4 lanes divided facility between Kirkwood and SH 114 as development occurs in this area. • Evaluate the capacity of the White Chapel/Dove intersection to adequately handle anticipated development in the area. Metrics : • Tier 1 - Complete the widening of the N. White Chapel improvements from S.H. 114 to Kirkwood in conjunction with development • Tier 1 — Incorporate timing of the widening of White Chapel Boulevard through a Developer's Agreement with adjacent property owners. • Tier 1 — Evaluate the ultimate intersection design for the Dove St/White Chapel intersection as part of the Southlake 2035 Mobility Plan. • Tier 1 — Fund project improvements through the CIP. M9: Recommendation(s): • Evaluate the need for the widening of N. Carroll Ave. from SH 114 to Highland St as traffic counts and level of service warrant. • Evaluate the ultimate intersection design of the future Kirkwood Boulevard/Carroll intersection. Metrics : • Tier 1 — Evaluate and determine the ultimate roadway design width for Carroll Avenue from SH 114 to Highland (Future Kirkwood) as part of the Southlake 2035 Mobility Plan. • Tier 1 — Evaluate and determine the ultimate intersection design of the future Kirkwood Boulevard/Carroll intersection. • Tier 1 — Fund project improvements through the CIP. 2035 Economic Development Master Plan ED3 Recommendation: • Introduce more unique, independent restaurants to the Southlake market Metric: • Complete a culinary hub action plan that provides a vision and direction and includes an action plan to attract and grow desired restaurants. Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 8 Applicability to proposal: According to the proposed Carillon Parc Zoning Booklet (page 23), "Specialty restaurant opportunities will abound but the main attraction will feature a cluster of unique chef driven restaurant concepts perched on a terrace with outdoor dining overlooking the Village Fountain and Central Parc." The City has not yet conducted a culinary hub action plan as recommended by the recently adopted Economic Development Master Plan. ED7 Recommendation: • Evaluate the existing multi -tenant garden office market supply/demand and establish land use policies based on the results. Metrir- • Based on the supply/demand analysis, modify the Southlake 2035 Land Use Plan and identify specific areas where multi -tenant garden office should be located. These developments should be discouraged along State Hwy 114. ED8 Recommendation: Assist the Carillon Master Planned development with buildout through the adoption of a small area plan. Metric: As part of the Southlake 2035 Land Use Plan update, adopt a small area plan that addresses the commercial district component of Carillon reducing the amount of retail that was initially intended while still providing flexibility in its potential future development. ED13 Recommendation: • Facilitate strategic investment of public funds to attract and retain high quality businesses Metrics : • Create clear economic development incentive guidelines that are aligned to meet the objectives of the City in attraction and/or expansion of identified target industries. The policy should be structured to allow quantifiable measures to determine City investment as well as impact on preferred quality of life benefits. ED22 Recommendation: • Provide an alternative mode of transportation with stops at key locations in the City. Metric - Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 9 • Provide and implement an alternative mode of transportation that benefits both visitors to the City and businesses to promote local business sustainability. Applicability to proposal: If a hotel use is approved at this site, and the City moves forward with a trolley or other alternative mode of transportation, this site may be a candidate for a stop. Target Industry Alignment from the Economic Development Master Plan Niche Retail: • Full -service and limited -service restaurants (unique, independent restaurants, farm -to - table, etc.) • Specialty grocery (organic/local, specialty foods, dine -in or take -away house made prepared foods, artisanal cafe, wine and cheese from around the globe) • House & home retail (furnishings and appliances, home design showrooms, smart home technology) • Health, beauty and wellness (salons, spas, fitness training/gyms, yoga studios) • Culinary Hub (farm -to -table, farmers market, specialty food retailers, commercial grade kitchens, culinary business incubator) Office: • Multi -tenant garden -style (professional services: accountants, engineers/planners/architects, information technology, lawyers, advertising and media, management consulting, actuary) 2035 Tourism Master Plan T1 Recommendation: • Establish a thorough understanding of Southlake's tourism market and resulting targeted visitor segments. Metrics : • Conduct a deep analysis of both supply and demand for Southlake's tourism products to include individual sections on market demand, Southlake's visitor profile, asset / attractions inventory, and tourism capacity building. • Conduct a hotel saturation study. Applicability to Proposal: The hotel saturation study as recommended by the recently adopted Tourism Master Plan has not yet been conducted. T17 Recommendation: Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 10 • Maximize tourism opportunities through the promotion of experiential and niche tourism opportunities Metric: • Implement tourism and marketing elements of target industry recommendations in the Economic Development Master Plan, i.e. culinary hub, medical destination, health and wellness, etc. T20 Recommendation: • Enhance the visitor experience through the provision of visitor amenities. Metrics : • Assess and develop a strategy for a visitor services center that could offer serviceable amenities for guests. Center could have single or satellite locations and could also include amenities such as public restrooms and serve as a type of "visitor concierge." • Provide ongoing funding for maintenance and expansion of free public Wi-Fi in Town Square and other visitor -centric locations. • Provide continued investment in enhancing public spaces through the installation of public art. • Provide funding for and promotion of an alternative mode of transportation with stops at key locations in the City. To the extent possible, HOT funding should be offset by partnership revenue and sponsorship opportunities. Applicability to Proposal: The Carillon Parc development, if approved, may be a potential landing spot for a City welcoming / visitor center in the future. T21 Recommendation: • Maximize collaboration with partners to develop an optimal visitor experience. Metrics : • Create a strategic partner inventory and identify partnership opportunities to ensure we are cross -promoting the many visitor experiences in our destination. • Create and implement a program that creates brand -consistent customer experiences — supporting outstanding service to visitors through training, evaluation and rewards. T26 Recommendation: Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 11 • Facilitate strategic investment of Hotel Occupancy Tax funds to attract and retain visitors. Metrics : Create clear Hotel Occupancy Tax fund guidelines that are aligned with State expenditure requirements and meet the objectives of the City in attraction and retention of visitors. • The guidelines should be structured to allow quantifiable measures to determine City investment as well as impact on preferred quality of life benefits. 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space / Community Facilities Master Plan Carillon Parks Recommendation: • Work with Hines and the Home Owners Association in development of the parks. Community Facilities Recommendations Matrix (City Library) Recommendation: • Conduct a site analysis study to determine the long-term location of the City's library. Applicability to proposal: The Carillon Parc proposal includes a relocation of the City of Southlake Public Library into the Carillon Parc (Plaza District) development. 2030 Mobility Master Plan MT9 Recommendation: • Widen this segment of N White Chapel to 4 lanes divided by a median, with other agreed improvements dependent upon and accompanying the Carillon development. Metrics : Complete construction of the N White Chapel improvements from SH 114 to Dove. Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc—ZA21-0029 Page 12 Pathways Master Plan The Southlake 2030 Mobility Master Plan includes the Pathways Master Plan. This document shows a future multi -use trail (>/=8') along SH 114 directly abutting the southwest portions of the site. Additionally, this plan indicates a future sidewalk (<8') along W. Kirkwood Blvd. to the north of the site and a future sidewalk (<8') along N. White Chapel Blvd. to the west of the site. Pathways Master Plan SOUTHL.AKE 19 �1{�01•w� y� drglwwMrLww� Comprehensive Plan Review Carillon Parc — ZA21-0029 Page 13