Item 4B - Site Suitability Analyses for Septic SystemsJ�mes MU Sir�n�, P.C.
6935 CRAIG S, 7.
6 Sep 19
Shelter Solutions
P.O. Bo 150
SOUtIllake, Texas 76092
ATTN: Kevin Northcutt
G c.... ote c n i c al
Re: Proposed Effluent Disposal Design,On-Site Surface t
N r t one -ha f of 1425 Randol Mill Avenue Cite of S o th l a e, Ta
rrant Countv.., eai
This letter* and attachments will serve as the design dOCLIment for the installation of a proposed effluent disposal li1d
design at the above referenced site. Prior to systern irebe�
installation. this report sell submitted to the Tarrant Cou tV
Health Department TC14D , Environmental Health Promotion. odor. 1
10 1 South Main street. Suite # 23 00. of rt.
Texas 76104 I - 21- 9 o for review and permitting.
Recommendations contained herein are representative of those presented in the Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality (TCEQ) document Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 285, On -Site Sewage Facilities, effective 2.9
Dec'16. A copy of Title 30 TAC Chapter 285 is available from the TCEQ. Austin, Texas.
This design is representative f the current "state of the ...
Art" In CfflUent disposal system design. It should function
within normal limits expectations withoUt .U111significant
threat or harm to existing Nv ter supplv systems. the
public health or the threat of pollution r� nuisance conditions. . � � � �.-
p However. . du t . va ar ies of both nature and nzav7_
Warr a n
o this desi,�zn
erlormance is expressed or i
Approximate location of the proposed 9.900 square foot residence (nine -bedroom design equivalent) is shown on the
System Layout (Plate 41). "Water saving devices" are to be installed in this residence, reducing the estimated daily
flow fT0m 7."50 galflions/day to 600 gallons/day.
The area proposed for effluent dispersal is moderatelyrvooded. Site slope in the proposed disposal area is generally
less than 15%. No water wells are Iocated on or neat the site.
A Site Evaluation was conducted as recommended in §285.30 (Site Evaluation of the aforementioned TITLE 30 TAC
CHAPTER 285) and is included as Plate #IA.
In order that the site be used efficiently, it will be necessary that the limits of the application area be located ten feet
(10") from the property [roes (Cf Plate #1), Chars a "commercial irrigation timer" shall control pump operation icf TITL1
30 TIC CHAPTER 285 §285.33(d)(2)(G)(1)i,
Based upon these data the site
may be deemed suitable for the installation of a treated surface discharge � h ar disposal
The fo I I o,,.N i ng paragraphs will address the requirements of TITLE 30 TA C CHAPTER 283 as PreVi0usl }` cited.
(a) Technical Report:
I -Basis of Design - 1'Ite following design parameters have been utilized:
1) Daily FIow = 600 gallons' /day (average)
2) Sewage AppIicatian Rate(See Figure 41, TITLE 30 TA CHAPTER 28-5)
= 0.064 ballons/square footJda�•
3) Minimum Required Application Area = 9,375 square feet
4) Wastewater Treatment Type =proprietary, listed on the TCEQ list o 'cr roved systerns
(available from the executive director,, TCEQ)
5} Uniform Application of Effluent = to be provided bv sprinklers (impact or geardriven rotary
design) having a maximum inlet pressure less than or equal to 40 psi. Low angle (<l S degrees),
non -aerosol nozzles stall be used.
- ConstrUCtion Drawings - Not required for Proprietary systems.
III - Calculations -
Deily Fla��� = b00 gallons;'da��
Sewage Application Rate = 0.064 �alist%day
Required Area = 600/0-064 = 9.3 75 sf
# of Application Areas = 3 gc32.W radius = 9.651 sf
Gross Application Area = 9,651 sf
NOTE:- In accordance with the provisions of §285.33. (c)(2.)(E)(ii) of TITLE 30 T.4C CHAPTER 285, the circular spray
patterns on this site overlap. The net area effectively covered will be in excess of 9.375 square feel.
Sy t in ii) Dlagranz - see Plate
(b) Site Drawing - See Plate 41
W Landscape Phan - The area to he irrigated by the system is shown can Plate mil. Brush shall be cleared
and low hanging branches (sav less than 10 feet above the ground) shall be trimmed, un-vegetated
areas shall be sodded or seeded tviih an appropriate grass tti°pe prior to system start-up. Before system
start-up, the vegetation shall be capable of growth. There shall be nothing in the surface application
area within ten feet of the sprinkler which Nvill interfere �Nith the uniform application of effluent.
.Maintenance .e nirernen s/Maintenance Contract/On-goin( -
� an Prior to s stem
operation an acceptable maintenance nee contract must be in effect between the system owner na gal • �
maintenance company. All maintenance contract requirements nt shall meet the minimum requirements
Set forth in §285,7(parara s d. e, # of the previously cited TITLE 30 TAC CH,4PTER 285.
W It should be noted that paragraph (9) of `285.7 requires that an "Affidavit to Thy Pub[ie'' be on
file with the County Clerk's office and added to the Real Property Deed for the propeily on which the
system is located. An example of such an Affidavit is included in TITLE 30 T,4C CHAPTER Z8�
(cf §285.90, Figure 2).
(h) Testing and Reporting -The maintenance company employed shall inspect the system as directed b).'
the Testing and Reporting Schedule as included in TITLE 30 T,4C CHAPTER 285 (cf §285.9 1,
Table IV). A recommended Saniple Testing and Reporting Record form is included in
TITLE 30 TAC CHAPTER 2$5 (c1'§28_'5-90, Figure 3).
The maintenance company shall report anv responses to homeowner compIaints and the resLilts of its
maintenance findings to the Tarrant County Health Department (TCHD), Environmental Health Promotion
Within ten days of the specified reporting frequency.
Effluent i in#' e Y n - Treated Effluent shall be disinfected prior to surface application. A Nrronr
Saiiitatl*oit Foun(latioil (NSF) Stait(lard 46 Disinfectioiz Devl*ce is r yie(. The ecieey of the
disinfection procedure Nvill be established bv Monitoring erthe� thechlorine
r esidal or fecal 1 i#orm
court furor representative grab samples as directed in TITLE 30 TAC 4r 85 (ef §285.9
Table IV).
Prevention of Unauthorized Access to On -Site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) -
The methods and materials emplo��ed to prevent unauthorized access to this proposed OSSF shall comply with TITLE
30 TIC CHAPTER 2$5 §285-38.
Pre-Treactment Tank - Inst111 a 750 gallon (minimum volume) Pi Ae - Tpeatment Tank prior to the treatment unit to
collect non -biodegradable solids.
Treatment Unit - As previi� eci�ie; the
.. l Treatment U[iit shall be included on the aforementioned list.of
approved sistems. The Linit shall have a Inityl17111171 dal1v;capIt f 1.080 gallons.
Pump Tank - A 1,000 gallon orgreater ros �(volume� �-t r . .:tiur e from the - nl bottom to the tarok .rile
lied �pumptangy � �l�all �� � � -flo�v�(600`,#effluent stora.e �. e�t�,. gallons) tip
prp�o��� � and alar-on" levelsand . ore-tl�lyd o�� d�-�s eftflow ,��.,_ effluent excess storage capacity cFallons)above
the "alarm -on" level � inlet f1mv dine. The
pump tank shall be paced downstream from the treatment unit and
all store the treated effluent until a surface applicationyis��
cycle cis. event that the --ors levelthe
tank does not ally{ tl � +� � F
e specified volumes* a larger tnks all be installed.
Tank Waterproofing, Risers, Backfill Around Tanks — Tanks shill be waterproof. Risers shall be provided on the
tank tops to permit access for tank pumping or pump maintenance/replacement. A minimum of'four (4) inches of sand,
sandy loam, clay loam or pea gravel, free of rock larger than 0.5" diameter shall be placed under and around all tanks.
Class IV soils and graveI larger than 0.5" diameter shall not be used as backfill material.
Pipes and Fittings -Schedule 40 PVC pipe shad be used in the installation. fill disti-rbtitiorn4Zt, Tltius, valve
cavcr boxes and sprinkler. to s shall be ermanentl>>' colored vial2le in order to identi ') the syste»z as cc reclaimed
WQt2i" S SIG172.
A union connection should be installed in the supple line to provide for pump maintenance!rep[acetnent. Three-qUarter
inch or one inch PVC. as required to provide adequate pressure/flo«�. shalI be used to supply the individual sprinkler
Pump, Float Controls and Aharin System - The � � submersible
pump ma e of either ubmer 1 i r non -submersible tvpe., capable
of producing minir-m flow o`2oglloma-
t bets een and 40 psi. Pump controls should 'Include
over -ride to turn the Pump on/off and ahigh ��at l�-rr��' i �.��r4Y*,prr� activation stc(utilizinu separate erc�F float
�ritcl�, n a separate circuitfrom the urn system and connected t a placarded ���arnin 11 lit/audible .lan-n located
in/on/nearby � the rep' which - �
residence in a location s is will dray - attention to �failure.-
1 This alarm �f�te l-�o�d act at
t�� "�o gallon level in the ��mTank in orderprovide�.
to a small ca aci � > 1/3 the dai*IN, effluent
until system repair ieffected. All electrical connections tion ball be made tie the purnping crl�rr�ber.
Electrical Wiring — All Nviring shah conform to TITLE 30 TAG CHAPTER 28.5 (cf §29 5.34 (c)).
Commercial Irrigation Timer - As previousIN, mentioned,"Commercial� - #,�
it r i irrigation timer" to spray- between
Midnight A
shall control pump operatir.
Sprinkler Type - SBasisrinklcrs shall be as designated above under of Des ign {Item #5}. R a i n bird '`Maxi-Pa��''
sprinkler heads (or equivalent), ac�jtEstable for effluent delivery rate, spray radius and central spray angle are acceptable.
Sprinkler heads placed at an elevation greater than the pump tank shall Eye provided �vith check valves to prevent return
of eft7uent to the pump tank.
Water Softener — If so equipped the residence water softener musiith TITLE 30 TAC
§285.37. In accordance with this ara ra water � softenerdrain'p p . the ��� .ter softener line must bypass the treatment systern and
connect directiv to the PLIMP tank.
1 Prior to OSSF installation. lot lines shall be located s
as to insure aerate }ant of the proposed OSS.
2) Prior to OSSF installation,, all underground utilities shall be located and Staked.
3}The Treatment Unit, Pie -Treatment and Pump Tai?L. and distribUtion system shalt he installed approximately as
shown on Plate 0. All supply lines shall be placed a minimum of 12 inches below grade.
In addition to the aforementioned effluent cjUalit}� I11&lntei1aI1Ce 1'eqL11C'eIlleiktS, the following procedUres are
1) System operation and maintenance should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
2} Sludge accumulation in the tanks should be monitored and pumped as required.
3}Pump and control operation {including alarms) should be checked anntiall}-.
In the event that construction activities reveal amp conditions which might call the validity of thcse recommendations
into question, this off"ice shall be notified so that the conditions may be �r design.e mate t ter ee,tp�s
I trust that this design will meet the requirements f Four site. If �f have any questions. r i I x
. may efurther
service., please call.
_`E� •
r # r
# f y
■ • + + +
James M.
.• A
Al . Firm Registration
: r .
Randol M�
Randol Mill Avenue,
(South Dound)
Site Evaluatiorl Ffrort
Date 3 SeF 19
Street or F . o. to .0. box �3 150 �.�
City 5out l 4 e ., —�-
�'rcperty Location:
Lot -- Bloom
suet AddrNorth one--hlr 1425 Krdol Mill Avenue,
ria norport Area X (or) cites` Additional Inform tic)n
chernati of Sit
(reflecting the f Ho iri
Ccrripas5 north. adjacent fre t , 51 o ,
pro ert firs p
Location of Site evaluation bor,r]cjs.
Loc tkorl of exl5tincj or proFosca
%per we,115.
(4) Location of cirawacjeway5. 5troan,5. pon(j5.
Cut/fill areas, eitirn propo
bUIfJir q.
Additional pertinent informa�ion:
5: wner I-Ecluc5ted Ac,,raE i . 5urfaCe Ap�h f ion 055F.
General SMtp, Notes
Site Evaluation Results
(D Total site area = 4-/- 1 .
ProposeddOpth Of 055f CXGaVa
ts on
3. feet
Restrictive- horizon re ent NO
Depth to ro5trictfvc horizon (If r --
�' nt (feet)
(E) Presence or evidence of roar
dtr . NO
(0 LX150rig Or r o d W j l Vj�t h j
NO -
(If yeschematic- nor location)
0 store, in 055ff area %) 8 c7o
Freriee of nearspond5,� 5trCaM5, clrainaceways NO
-.,01cjnificant tre /under rovvth in 055f= areaModerate,
. e
o is the OSSF in a FEMA cle5inatccl oo year ficociway No.,
oil from ors --mite e tron .
Overall 51te 5ultability
10 Soil Griterla U (S)uitable / (U)n5uitable
�(D Site Criteria S (5)uiLab{e / (U)n5uitable
Attested by:
James M. Sims, P.E Go technical engineer
Texas Reg15tration # 778 €
6935 Crag Street, rt Worth, Text; 7F, I
61 (office) 1 b i z-45 I -20 1 9
Jminorsim5@hotmaiI.Gom (email)
firm KPg,Gtrgtlon # ff-4282
It Shall be noted th2t the t it doto onci other information contained
' port- c�oe not cjuarantcc or imply approval or Ferformanoc of the propo d 055F,
(2) The de r n, construction ond install Lion of each 05,5ff r
bad upon 5pjfjc
on ltson pf cullarLLo the 51te, rri que tjo�.
In the event that construction e-jvrtj c-- reveal any canciitjor5which rnjht
call the vahciit � of t M )te e a1u t.,or? �r� cue t�or�, t f of � e I f� b
no IfIe0' 50 that ho �ondltlon \, 1u t as to their effect upon the
r n in ChIS 5steev 1u ion.
(g) ThjG retort mu5t b b- �c? she, 013r-k r Count H aJth Dcf2arTicfit.
for r � x:w and p rmittsn .
Ja-mes Ma so
s P.E1
6935 CRAIG ST.
6 Sep 19
Shelter Solutions
P.O. Box 9.'3'150
Southlake, Texas 76092
ATTN: Kevin Northcutt
Re: Proposed Effluent Disposal Design, -Site SLirface Application.
� ors.
South one-h �fof 1425 Randal Mill Avenue.. Cit F of Southlake,
T'rrant County, Texas
This fetter and attachments will serve as the design document for the installation of a proposed effluent disposal field
design at the above referenced site. Prior to system installation, this report shall be submitted to the Tarrant County
Health Department (TCHD)., Environmental Health Promotion, I 101 South Main Street. Suite # 2300. Fort Worth.
"Texas 76104 (817-321-4960) for review and permitting.
Recommendations contained herein are representative of those presented in the Texas Commission an Environmental
Quality JCE Q) document Title 30, Texas 4dn7inistrative Code, Chapter 28-5, On -Site Sewage Facilities, edective 29
Dec 16. A copy of Title 30 TAC Chapter 285 is available from the TCEQ, Austin, exas.
This design is representative of the current "State of theArt" in effluent disposal s yte�rr dean. It hold function
N-��it.l�lir� normal limitsexpectations without causing •
l threat or harm t existing water suppler systems, the
pub 1 icy health or the threatpOlILItion or .��.conditions. Hoi-tTi,,er,due �e vagoi ie of both nature cl nian,
no warranty of al is des 7'.9n
erloi-,Pianee i's exi)i"essed or in.
Approximate location of the proposed re foot residence nine-F
ero�n ei�n lent � o�n on the
System Layout (Plate ff, "Water saving devices" are to e installed in this residence. reducing the estimated daily
flog from 750allons a to 600 a.11on da .
The area proposed for effluent dispersal is moderately Nvooded. Site sly i
p the proposed disposal area is generally
less than 15%. No eater wells are located oner '
o near the site.
A Site Evaluation was conducted as recommended in �295.30 Site Evaluation of the aforementioned TITLE 30 7:4C
CHAPTER 285) and is included as Plate #IA.
In order that the site be used efiiciently. it will b(a, necessary that the limits of the
application area be located tern feet
U 0' from the property lines f Plate TTI)thus a "commercial iriricytioii timer" � w
r* shall control ��p operation �� cf
30 71AC CH,4PTER 285 §285.33(d)(2)(G)(i)).
Based upon these data the site
,. be deemed suitable for the installation of a treated surface discharcie disit-,
The following paragraphs will address the requirements of TITLE 30 T,4C C114PTER 28.5 as previously cited.
(a) Technical Report:
1-Basis of Design - The following design parameters have been utilized:
1) Daily FIoNv = 600 gallons/day (average)
2) Sewage Application Rate. {See Figure # I., TITLE 30 T,4C CH.4 PTE R 285}
= 0.064 gallons/squarc foot/day
3} Minimum Required Application Area = 9,375 square feet
4} Wastewater Treatn-ient Type = Proprietary, listed on the TCEQ list of a y-oved systems
(available from the executive director, TCEQ)
5) Uniform Application of Effluent = to be provided by sprinklers (impact or gear driven rotary
design) having a maximum inlet pressure less than or equal to 40 psi. Lmi, angle (<1 5 degrees),,
non -aerosol nozzles shall be used.
Construction Drawings - Not required tor Proprietary s s
III - Caleulations
Daily Floe = 600 gallons/day
Sewage Application Rate = 0.064 ga]/st%da��
Required Area = 600/0.064 = 9,3 75 sf
# of Application Arias = 3 ((Di 32.0' radius = 9,651 sf
Gross Application Area = 9,651 sf
NOTE: In accordance with the provisions of §285.33. (c)(2)(E)(ii) ot'TITLE 30 TAC CHAPTER 285., the circular spray
patterns on this site overlap. The net area effectively covered will be in excess of 9,375 square feet.
1 � -System Flow Diagr�a��z - see Plate ^1
(b) Site Drawing -See Plate 41
(c) Landscape Plan - The area to he i ri r ted by the system is shown n Plate Brush shllbe ear
and low hanging branches (say less than 10 feet above the round shall be trimmed, -
� t nee, u v egtted
areas shall he sodded or seeded with an appropriate grass t� ,pe prior to system start-up. Before ytem
start-up. the vegetation shall be capable of growth. There shall be nothing in the
area within tern feet of the sprinkler which will interfere with the uniform application -
� � effluent,
Maintenance Requirements/Maintenance Contract/On-going r� �lntenne Prior to system
operation an acceptable maintenance contract must be in effect Fbetween the system owner and a valid
maintenance e omp ,n . All maintenance ntract reauirements shall meet the MillilllLlrn requirements
set forth in §2_85.7(paragraphs d_ e. f) of the preVIOUSIv cited TITLE 30 TAC
W It should be noted that paragraph (g) of �285,7 requires that an "affidavit to The Public" be on
file with the County Clerk's office and added to the Real Property Deed for the property on rvhiCh the
system is located. An example of such an Al:"fidavit is included in TITLE 30 TAC CYAPTER 29.5'
(cf §285.90, Figure 2).
(h) Testing and Reporting -The maintenance company employed shall inspect the system as directed by
the Testing and Reporting Schedule as included in TITLE 30 TAC CHAPTER 28.5 (cf §285.9 1.
Table 1V). A recommended Sample Testing and Reporting Record farm is included in
TITLE 30 TAC CHAPTER 285 (cf §285,90, Figure 3).
The maintenance company steal( report any responses to homeowncr complaints and the results of its
maintenance findings to the Tarrant County Health Department (TCHD), Enviranmental Health Promotion
within ten days of the specified reporting frequency.
(i) Disinfection - Treated Effluent shall be disinfected prior to surface application. A Nr l ii r
Sallitatioiz Foitii&r �'S S it ill i i icF is r- rrc, The efficiency of the
disinfection procedure will be established by i onitori either the chlorine residual or fecal colifor
court from representative grab samples as directed in TITLE 30 TA C CH,4PT1-_-R(cif §285.91
Table IV).
Prevention of Unauthorized Access to On -Site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) -
The methods and materials employed to prevent unauthorized access to this proposed OSSF shall comply with
30 T�1C CHAPTER 285 §285.38.
Pre -Treatment Tank - Install a 750 gallon (minimum ��olume) No-Dsoatniont Tank prior to the treatment unit to
collect non -biodegradable solids.
Treatment Unit -
As previously
specified, the Treatment
Unit shall
be included on the aforementioned list o
approved systerns,
The unit shall
have a minimum
daily capacity of 1.080
Pump Tank - A 1,000 gallon or greater gross volume (volume from the tank bottom to the tank inlet) tank may be
utilized for the dump tank The tank shall have one day�"s effluent flo%y� storage capacity (600 gal[ot�s) between the
"Pump -on" and "alarm -an" levels and aone-third of a dav's effluent flow excess storage capacity (200 gallons) above
the "alarm -on" level and the inlet flo«� ling. The pump tank shall be placed downstream from the treatment unit and
shall store the created effluent until a surface application cycle is chosen. In the event that the "dump -on" level in the
tank does not allow the specified volumes. a larger task shall be installed.
Tank Waterprooflng, Risers, Backfill Around Tanks — Tanks shall be eater roof. Risers shall be pro Bided on the
tank tops to permit access for tank pumping or pump maintenance/replacement. ininimum of four inches off. sand
sandy loam. elan{ loam or pea gravel., free of rock larger than 0.5" diameter shall be placed under and around all tanks.
Class IV soils and gravel larger than o. „ diameter shall not be used as bae fill material.
Pipes and Fittings - Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be used in the installation. All distribution
cover boxes and sprinkler s shall be verinanentiv 1- D211"Die in of -der to l d n tiff lhs
stem as a reclain7ed
watei s stenz.
A union connection should be installed in the supply Iine to provide for pump maintenance/replacement. Three-quarter
i»ch or one inch PVC, as required to provide adequate pressure/flow. shall be used to supply the individual sprinkler
Pump, Float Controls and Alarm System -The pump may be of either submersible or non -submersible type, capable
of producing a minimum flow of 20 gallons/minute at between 35 and 40 psi, Pump controls should include a manual
over -ride to turn the pump an/off and a high water alarm/pump activation s}'stem (utilizing a separate . "mercury" float
switch, on a separate circuit from the pump system and connected to a placarded warning light/audible alarm located
in/on/nearby the residence in a location which Nvili draw attention to pump failure. This alarm switch should be set at
the 750 gallon levol in the I'zunp Task in order to provide a small emergency capacity (> 1/3 the daily effluent flow)
until system repair is effected. All electrical connections shall be made outside the pumping chamber.
Electrical Wiring —All wiring shill conform to TITLE 30 TAC CHAPTER 285 (cf §285.34 (c)).
Timer -
As previousk,,, mentioned. tinned. a "commercial irriclation tiflie l set to sprav between
midnight and
5A_N4 shall
pump r'ati'On.
Sprinkler Type - Sprinklers shall be as designated above under Basis of Design (Item 45). Rainbird'Maxi-Paw"
sprinkler heads (or equivalent), adjustable for effluent delivery rate, spra}� radius and cenirai spray angle are acceptable.
Sprinkler heads placed at an elevation grater than the puma tank shall be provided with check valves to prevent retu111
ofeffluent to the pump tank.
Water Softener — If so equipped the residence eater softener must comply with 'I ' 30 T4C CHAPTER 285
§285.37. In accordance with this paragraph.., the Nvat r softener drain line must bN1,ass the treatment sN.stem and
connect directly to the pump tank.
1 } Prior to OSSF installation, lot fines steall he located so as to insure accurate placement of the proposed OSSF.
2 prior to OSSF installation, all nder round Utilities shall he located and staled.
3) The Trealmew Uni't, rxe- 14 eatment and Pump r� and distribution {s m shall installed r s � approximately as
shown on Plate 91. All supply{ lines shall be placed a minimum of 12 inches below grade.
In addition to the aforementioned effluent quality maintenance requirements, the fallowing procedures are
l) System operation and maintenance should be in accordance xvith the manufacturer's recommendations.
2) Sludge accumuIation in the tanks shoUid be monitored and pumped as required.
3) Pump and control operation(inClUdincralarms shouldbe checked annually :°,
In the event that construction activities reveal any{ eo 1bons which r fight call the �-alidi _�,F
F � �. �, of these recommendations
into question, this office shall be notified so that the conditions may be evaluated as to their effect upon this design.
I trust that this design will meet the requirements of your site,
service, please call.
Janes M. Sins, P.E.
if£ou have any questions. or if I may be of further
"Firm Registration
r �
�C2 I\
... �_ (y)
05 C
_ C\J ti 4 U
l ■ -
r • �'
+y #
i ■
M• •
Kandol Mi�ll vice
(North Bound)
Kar6ol Mill A
Site Evaluation R,.f Fort
Date 3 5 10
Name Shelter S lutioATTN. Kevin Northcutt
5treet or F.0, Box 7(1
F.O. Box 3 150
-- -
. 1 OFF
Property Locations:
Street Are
10Ck 5ubIi110r , --
5out one-half of 425 Rondo! Mill A enu
nin or orate Area X or Crt
Additional tnfor matron
hetie of srte
(re,flechricj the. foflo incj.
0 COMFass north, adjacent stre& . 510.
property line,5,
(2) Location of Sitc, e alL)Lion I orjn .
'ocat'of1 of ;'C�trn or
water vll.
Location of c�rainac3cway5. 5tream5.ors 1,
cut/fill arc , exr tlfl � ro o
Additional pertinent information:
Owner r �u ted A rbjc. 5urface Application �jF.
General Site Notes:
Total 5to area = +- 1,5 (acres)
Frooe th of 055f Excavation 3.o
Ke!5tric,tive, horizon present NO
Depth to rostrictive horizon
Site., Evaluation results
0f Presort) -- ft
Irene or eviL�ence of ronwaer ----.�__
l l5tin r FrOpo5ed well within 100 fff ot of 055f NO
(If Yes see 5cheniotic for to !ion
,----.0t1 t slope in 055E area 07c) 8 c;,o
F re,56nCC of ne,,3rby ponds, 5tramsrat rya e {a
� r�rfl r tr ur r r h in 0,13SF ar a Mccicra
Is the o l; in a FEM 00 y ar f ioo wa
ubsod fron`1 on -site- excavations.
Overall Site 5ui3brliy
�O -5,od Criteria U (5)uitible / (U)nsuitible
0 Site Criteria S (S)Ultable / Mri5uitable
Aed y: -
Signa re:
James M, 51ms.
Cro E 5�r et, Fort Worth. -T 7Gl
1 -2-23C::, (office) t 7-- 1-20 19
Firm Recilstration # FT 2 2
OSE -2
Depth Soil Type- Soil Class Suitable (S)
(fees) (USDA) (TCEQ) Un5uitable{U)
0.0'to 2.0' Red -brown
5anc-Ay loam I I 5
Note :
IL 5hall be noted that trie test Soto .3r other inform t[on oontaini in this
report does nog u rant e or imply O ro l or er�for�m rr of th r Fos c� o .
The d , n, c0n tru i n and a
nllion of each 5.�ff Is bur+ e���
ors �tian re uliar to the it Jul u !ion.
In the event that construction activities reveol 9rq conditions which miht
coil the , lydrty of this site ev aluo ion into que,5tron. thii5 office Shall be LU
riotjfRe o th,-)t tho5o conc)iti-
or-� rr�a. � aluat,�d as to ther effect upon the
011l11-1rCprC,5Cr1ted in thIS 5iteevaluation.
ter r rrx+ u rrxJtt ?e rar r CC)U " 1 pj ��j C
, a 1� a 1~�er�or c�. T a 7 GONG -- ) - 1 y
for rev) v.+ a n� ermJ JJ .