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1996-12-17 CC Packet
City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting December 17, 1996 1. Monthly Financial Reports are included in your packet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Finance Director Lou Ann Heath. 2. Agenda Item No. 5A. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Southlake and City of Forest Hill for the purchase of a pursuit vehicle. If you recall when considering the award of bid for the pursuit vehicles at your November 19, 1996 meeting, Director Campbell had noted that this agreement would be forthcoming. His memo explains how the purchase will be completed. 3. Agenda Item No. 5B. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake to provide Internet services. As noted in the memo from Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager, the cost of contracting with NCTCOG is approximately the same as with a commercial Internet Service Provider. The advantage of contracting with NCTCOG though, is that they offer more technical support in the form of training and advice, and they have experience in developing homepages for other municipalities, therefore they should be sensitive to any unique needs we may have. The contract is a standard contract that NCTCOG has entered into with other municipalities. C Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 2 4. Agenda Item No. 5C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement between the City of Southlake and Metroport Meals on Wheels for weekly senior luncheons and home meal delivery. This is a new agreement between the City and Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMOW). In past agreements, MMOW provided the meals for the senior luncheon and an unpaid volunteer to coordinate the activities. The Parks and Recreation Department provided the utensils, paper plates, etc. If approved, the contract will provide for MMOW to take on the responsibility of providing the paper goods, utensils and craft items, expand the program from twice a month to weekly, and provide some compensation to a coordinator. As noted in the attached memo from Coy Gray, Parks Administrative Assistant, funds of$800 for the paper goods have been allocated in the Parks Department FY 1996-97 budget, therefore the unbudgeted contract amount would be $1,072 for the period January 1, 1997 through September 30, 1997. Also attached to Coy's memo is a letter from Ms. Fran Weiser, Vice-Chair of the Senior Advisory Commission. As she notes, participation in the senior luncheon has steadily increased and the Senior Advisory Commission feels that an expanded program would be beneficial. Although Ms. Weiser also recommends that Ms. Rose Hampshire be approved as the paid coordinator, this decision will be made by MMOW. There is no reason to believe she will not continue on in this capacity; it is only pointed out to you in order to avoid any misconception that the senior luncheon coordinator will be an employee of the city. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Kim Lenoir, Parks Director, or any of the members of the Senior Advisory Commission. Kelly Bradley, MMOW Executive Director, has indicated she will try to be at your work session in case you have any questions for her. L 5. Agenda Item No. 5D. Authorization to advertise for bids for a backhoe tractor for Water Utilities. As noted in Bob Whitehead's memo, this item was included in the approved FY Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 3 1996-97 budget. Bid specifications have been attached for your review. Note that the addition of this equipment will provide us with a tractor which can handle heavier work, dig deeper trenches, and generally provide us with a more versatile tractor. It will also eliminate some of the maintenance worries that arise when we have to rely on old and worn equipment. Please contact Bob if you have any questions about the tractor. 6. Agenda Item No. 5E. Authorize the Mayor to enter into Change Order No. 1 with Sutton and Associates to reconstruct portions of roads in Grace Estates and South Lake Park Additions. You will recall authorizing award of bid to Sutton and Associates for water and pavement improvements for Hilltop Acres and Kidwell Addition during your last Council meeting. At that time, we pointed out to you that the budget estimate for the street improvement was high, probably because we received favorable bids and factored in the cost of making water improvements in this area. As you may know, South Lake Park Water Supply Corporation provides water service to the streets of Hillside and Crescent so funds are not needed to make such water improvements. In any case, a balance of approximately $155,751 was realized after we received the bids. Realizing that these funds would be available, we suggested that we could probably use the balance to reconstruct more streets in these neighborhoods if the contractor was willing to extend the unit cost to the additional roads. You will recall that Chapter 252.048 of the Local Government Code allows up to a 25% increase in the bid amount for a change order before additional bids are required. The item before you is a change order to allow Sutton and Associates to reconstruct portions of Woodland Drive, Crescent Drive, and Southlake Park Road West as part of this project. As noted by Bob Whitehead, the contractor has agreed to extend the bid unit cost for the additional work. Change Order No. 1 is for $35,731.52 or 18% of the original contract of$197,448.59. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 4 7. Agenda Item No. 5F. Resolution 96-42. appointment of members to the Youth Park and Recreation Board. Your packet contains applications from seven youth who live in Southlake and wish to serve on the Youth Park Board, which was created by ordinance in August 1995. We have had a difficult time getting applicants to fill these positions, probably because we already have a number of Southlake youth involved in SYAC and SPIN. Even though we have exactly the same number of applicants as seats on the Board, we feel it is important to make the appointments and get the Board up and running. With the approval of master plans for Bob Jones Park, Bicentennial Park, and the city as a whole, we would like to get a group of youth in place to provide us with input as we start working toward construction plans. Likewise, we believe their input will be vital as we continue to expand our recreation programs. thirir• FYI, Mayor Stacy has invited the applicants to come and visit with you during your work session on Tuesday so you will have an opportunity to meet them. 8. Agenda Item No. 5G. Resolution No. 96-74. for Criminal Justice Funding, As noted in Director Campbell's memo, this resolution is in support of the Criminal Justice Community Plan and supports the Department of Public Safety's efforts to secure grant funding through the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office. Although the resolution is not specific in what type of grant will be applied for, DPS plans to submit an application for an additional DARE officer. DPS is also in discussions with Carroll ISD regarding another possible grant application position, and should have those details worked out by early next week. The deadline for the grant applications is December 29, 1996. Any grant that we may receive would not have budget implications before FY 1997-98, so if there are any match requirements, we will be able to account for it in the budget L, process. If you have any questions regarding this item, please feel free to call Director Campbell or Malcolm Jackson, DPS Administrative Coordinator. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 5 9. Agenda Item No. 6. Public Forum. We anticipate two appearances at public forum. Mr. Hudnall from Cedar Creek Plantation has indicated that he would like to address the City Council regarding sewer for his neighborhood. As a reminder, the N-1 sewer (put in by the Coventry developer) is in the creek bottom that splits this subdivision. Thus, it is just a matter of running a line up the street. You will recall that Year Three of the sewer assessment program calls for sewer to be brought to adjacent subdivisions in the summer of 1998, and this seems to be a logical time to handle this project. However, the neighborhood is anxious and would like for you to authorize funds for this project immediately. Bob Whitehead will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We also expect Marylyn Miles to appear before you to request that you remove her property from the Bob Jones Park Master Plan. There are several issues to consider, (me which we will discuss in Executive Session. 10. Agenda Item No. 7A. Ordinance No. 506-B. 2nd Reading. an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 506-A. the Sign Ordinance. Your packet contains a redline/strikeout copy of the sign ordinance prepared by the City Attorney with changes made per your directions at the last Council meeting. The amendments were made to broaden your authority for granting variances for readerboard signs. The changes allow you to approve variances for unnecessary hardships that result from the application of the sign ordinance. As you are well aware, sign ordinances present complicated challenges and this amendment is no exception. We plan to discuss these challenges in executive session with you on Tuesday evening. Note that the moratorium extends to January 15, 1997. Given the complexities of the legal and practical issues related to this item, you may wish to take the time to fully consider all of the ramifications of your decision and table this item until the January 7, 1997 Council meeting. Doing so would not be problematic given the length of the moratorium. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 6 11. Agenda Item No. 8A. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-219. ZA 96-124. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Crestwood Office Park. There have been no changes in the submittal since Council tabling of this item at your last meeting. There is generally no opposition to this request. Mr. Strunck is noted as being opposed in the staff report, however, he stated at the P&Z meeting that Mr. McMahan had resolved his concerns. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 4-2 with the dissenting commissioners being opposed due to the fact that the Corridor Study Land Use Recommendation shows Residential for this area. Councilmember Moffat requested that we provide a summary of the zoning approvals since adoption of the Corridor Study and whether or not the zonings complied with the Land Use Recommendations. This research is attached to this memo for your information. (lipe The Commission included several modifications as noted in the staff report. The applicant submitted a revised plan which includes some but not all of the commissions' recommendations. The staff review is based on the ordinance requirements so you will need to make sure your motion includes the other P&Z recommendations, if this is your intention. We would like to clarify comment number 2 in the staff review summary regarding the required fence on the west line. The applicant is proposing a fence as required, but only along a portion of the property line. The ordinance requires the fence along the entirety of the line. Our comment reflects that it is provided, but it should go further to state that it is not provided to the full extent required. Feel free to contact Greg Last or Dennis Killough if you have any questions regarding this application. 12. Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 96-149. Plat Revision for the proposed Lot 1R1. Block 1. W.E. Mayfield Addition for Liberty Bank. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this submittal 7-0. The site plan portion of this project is still at P&Z so the applicant has requested that this item be tabled again until your meeting on January 7, 1997, which will allow the site plan and plat revision to be considered simultaneously. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 L Page 7 13. Agenda Item No. 8C. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-223. ZA 96-136. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Foxborough. Although the applicant has made several changes since the first submittal, there is still significant opposition to this proposed project. It is important to note that the only portion of the concept plan being rezoned is the eastern half of the project, therefore the 20% opposition issue is measured only from the portion being rezoned. Currently there is not 20% or greater opposition from the adjacent property owners within 200'. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 5-0 with an extensive list of modifications. A few of the recommendations pertain to our ability to enforce deed restrictions--these may need to be discussed with the City Attorney during executive session. Also note that there is a street stubbed to the east to property between this tract and Carroll Ave. The Commission felt that this was appropriate because they felt the appropriate use for the tract to the east was residential. If the Council disagrees with this assessment, you should probably delete this street stub. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough or Greg Last if you have any questions regarding this request. 14. Agenda Item No. 8D. ZA 96-137. Preliminary Plat for Foxborough. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 5-0 granting some modifications to building setbacks as noted in the staff report. 15. Agenda Item No. 8E. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-224. ZA 96-145. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Town Center. As you are probably aware by now, this is a fairly complex request. It is unusual in many ways, due to the uniqueness of the land use proposed. Staff has worked with the applicant and their consultants at great length to try L, to provide you with comprehensive material outlining the extent of their proposal. You should by now also be aware that we have scheduled a work session dedicated to this request for next Monday, December 16 (see enclosed agenda). If you have any questions Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 L Page 8 you would like researched before the work session, please let me know or feel free to contact Greg Last or Karen Gandy directly. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 3-2. 16. Agenda Item No. 8F. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-211. ZA 96-90. Rezoning and Concept Plan for Shady Oaks Centre (submitted as Southlake Professional Plaza). There have been a great number of issues related to this request. The developer and the adjacent homeowners have worked together to resolve their differences and the plan before you, accompanied by the homeowner's requests, is the result of their cooperative efforts. Staff and the City Attorney recommended some changes to the wording of the homeowner's requests to make them more objective and less subjective. These recommendations were incorporated in the approval motion (5-0) by P&Z. One item still needs to be clarified L, pertaining to the required parking reference. The P&Z motion recommended that the parking meet the "current" Zoning Ordinance. Staff would recommend that wording be changed to "the zoning ordinance in place at the time of site plan submittal." Although it is our understanding that the adjacent homeowner issues have been worked out, the opposition letters have not been withdrawn so there is greater than 20% opposition to this request. A supermajority vote is therefore required for approval. Feel free to contact Greg Last concerning this item if you have any questions. 17. Agenda Item No. 10A. Developers Agreement with The Woods. Lots 1-8. Block 1. located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Florence Road and Pearson Lane. This developers agreement is fairly standard. The only infrastructure to be built is the sanitary sewer line to serve the eastern lots, which will not be operational until the city completes the construction of the Sutton Place Addition mains. As Bob Whitehead has indicated, we expect these lines to be built in 1997. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 9 18. Agenda Item No. 10B. Developers Agreement with Southlake Woods. Phase IA. As of this writing, Toll Brothers has not provided our staff with a proposal on Continental Boulevard. Bob Whitehead has been in touch with their engineer almost daily, but thus far they have not been able to provide a specific plan. We have concerns about our ability to adequately review anything they might submit between now and Tuesday evening and, as such, would request that you table this developers agreement for consideration at the January 7, 1997 City Council meeting. 19. Agenda Item No. 10C. Consider the appointment. evaluation. reassignment. duties. discipline. or dismissal of public officers. board members. or employees. Your packet contains a letter from Rod Johnson describing his current residency status. This item has been placed on your agenda to provide you some flexibility in handling this issue. The thipe city attorney will be prepared to discuss this item with you in executive session on Tuesday evening. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 20. Rental House on City Property. You may know that the property we acquired for a municipal complex has two houses located on it. One is the home in which the Richards family resides (the red house near F.M. 1709). Our agreement with the Richards for the purchase of their property allows them to continue residing in this home until we give them 60 days notice that we are taking possession of the property. The other home is a white brick house located at the far west end of our property. On Tuesday, December 10, a group toured the second home to determine its potential use as a "temporary" senior center. Kim Lenoir, Coy Gray, Paul Ward, Dick Johnston, and Mayor Stacy went on the tour of the 3,287 square foot home (total), which has four bedrooms, two baths, two living areas, and a kitchen/dining area. There is also a two-car carport and a shop located on the premises. The group's consensus was that the home has Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 L Page 10 good potential for this use. The next step in the process is to draw up a sketch, address emergency vehicle access issues, coordinate with Public Works to determine what kind of temporary parking facility could be constructed, and get estimates for the renovations that would be needed to make it functional for the seniors and to meet ADA requirements. Kim also plans to discuss the possibilities with the Senior Advisory Commission to determine their interest. We envision the house being used as a place for seniors to make arts and crafts, participate in recreational activities such as ping pong, pool, etc., or do woodworking in the shop. Currently, the home is occupied by a law student, who pays the city $750/month in rent. He would like to stay in the home until he completes the bar exam in March. We will keep you updated on our progress. Please contact Kim Lenoir if you have questions about the home or its potential future as a senior center. 21. Park Board Meeting Highlights. Time has not permitted preparation of the minutes from Monday's Park and Recreation Board meeting, so we wanted to provide you with a brief update of their activities at the meeting. The Board spent most of the evening discussing ordinances related to park activities. As you know, they are looking forward to the joint meeting between the Board and City Council, scheduled for January 28, and are preparing for it. They discussed the park dedication ordinance and sidewalks and trails. One of the other issues discussed was Southlake Saturday Night. Kim Lenoir has attended the last few events and prepared a report for the Board to review with recommendations Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 11 for improvement of the program. The Board was satisfied with the report and the recommendations which, among other things, eliminated the participation of third graders in the program. 22. SPIN Self Evaluation. Laura Miklosko, on behalf of the SPIN Standing Committee, has prepared the annual SPIN Self Evaluation which is included in this packet. The self evaluation documents the progress made by the Standing Committee during the previous year, particularly the success they have had with meeting the year's goals and objectives they set for themselves in August 1995. The document also includes an attachment showing the SPIN meetings held during the year, the topics covered and the number of Southlake residents in attendance. SPIN continues to grow and mature, as evidenced by (1110„, the self evaluation. Please let me know if you have any questions about this document or the program in general. 23. Texas School of Baseball. Your packet contains a letter from Beverly Thorne, President of the Texas School of Baseball, requesting that the school be allowed to install bleachers at their facility. FYI, the Texas School of Baseball is operating under a specific use permit granted by the City Council on September 20, 1994 with the stipulation that "no bleachers or stadium seating will be allowed. " The minutes from the meeting are also included so that you can review the public comments and the motion made by Council. Note that Ms. Thorne could pursue an amendment to the SUP. This would require that she submit a revised concept plan showing the seating, and would need to revise the parking since parking calculations were based on the fact that no seating would be provided. This application would then make its way through the process, requiring approvals from Planning & Zoning and the City Council. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 12 24. Bank Depository Contract Bids. The bid opening for the bank depository contract was held on Friday, December 13, 1996. Nine banks submitted bids for the contract, including: First National Grapevine Central Bank and Trust Texas Commerce Bank Bank of America NationsBank Overton Bank & Trust Liberty.Bank Landmark Bank Mid Cities Texas National Bank - Southlake The consultant, Ben Arvizu, has the bids and will perform the evaluations. Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance, will meet with him on December 30 to discuss recommendations. The award of the contract is set for the January 7 City Council meeting, with the new depository contract to begin February 1. The initial term will be for three years, with a two year renewal option. Mr. Arvizu said that nine bids are the most he has seen submitted. Note that he currently works with thirteen cities. For more information about this subject, please feel free to contact Lou Ann at extension 716. 25. Sales Tax Update. We received notification from the state today on the December sales tax collections. The total amount for December is $203,051 for the 1.5% sales tax ($135,367 for the General Fund and $67,684 for SPDC). For the calendar year, this puts us at just 0.72% over where we thought we would be (+$13,344 for the General Fund and +6,672 for SPDC). Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 13 26. P&Z Work Session on Timarron Commercial. P&Z held a work session on Thursday, December 12, regarding the Timarron commercial submittals along the north side of SH 114. There were approximately 50 people in attendance and the meeting was very productive. Timarron will be revising their submittals prior to their planned appearance at the regular P&Z meeting on January 9, 1997. Feel free to contact Greg or Karen if you have any questions regarding this application. 27. Thoroughfare Plan Update. The MTP update was a consider item on the November 21, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Due to the number of citizen responses about the proposed number of lanes for Continental Boulevard and its extension to SH 26, the Commission scheduled a work session for January 6, 1997, to take another look at their recommendation for this roadway. (The 5-lane section and extension to SH 26 being (me proposed for Continental are the same as in our current MTP and the 1988 MTP.) The formal consideration of the MTP and the public hearing were tabled to the January 23 meeting. Please feel free to contact Tom Elgin if you have questions on the MTP update. 28. Commemorative holiday ornaments are being sold in celebration of the City's 40th anniversary. These first edition ornaments feature the McPherson-Fechtel Farm on F.M. 1709. They are $10.00 each and are available for purchase at City Hall, Bicentennial Park Community Center, City Administration Building, Chamber of Commerce, Duncan Cleaners, and Stacy Furniture. All proceeds from the ornaments will benefit the community fair scheduled for May 3, 1997. 29. The City of Southlake is hosting its first annual Christmas for Kids Toy Drive on Thursday, December 19, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m., at Bicentennial Park. Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington is organizing the drive and City employees will collect toys and hand out candy canes (Deputy Director of Police Services Gary Gregg will play Santa Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 13, 1996 Page 14 Claus). The toys will be distributed to local families, identified through GRACE, on Friday, December 20. 30. The following schedule has been set up with Harron Cable to continuously air two videos on the City's cable channel 25: City Council meetings will air on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth weeks of every month. The Carroll Dragon Review, • a 10-minute video produced by Carroll High School's broadcast journalism class, will air weekly on Wednesday and Friday at 7:00 p.m. (except for student holidays). The video gives a brief overview of what is happening at Carroll High School. Other informational videos will be scheduled as time permits. 31. Mobil Land Development Corporation sale to Westbrook Partners. As you are aware, (re Mobil has been in sale negotiations for some time now. As explained in the attached letter from Richard L. Croteau, Timarron feels this is a great opportunity to be part of an organization interested solely in land development and management. 32. Public Works Open House for the new facility at 1950 E. Continental Boulevard will be Tuesday, December 17 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Staff hopes you can attend before the Council work session. 33. For upcoming meetings and staff holiday schedules, please see the attached calendar. 34. Greetings from Africa. I had the opportunity to have a brief telephone conversation with Curtis on Thursday. He arrived in South Africa safely and has been enjoying the opportunity to examine the culture and government of the area through the tours arranged for the group. He will be leaving for Ghana on Monday. (41a-1 A, S it cc: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 12, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Zoning Approvals Since Adoption of Corridor Study Attached you will find a summary matrix showing the zoning approvals since adoption of the Corridor Study on August 1, 1995. This information was requested by Councilmember Moffat. You will note that all the rezonings were in substantial conformance with the Corridor Study Land Use Recommendations. I have given this information to Councilmember Moffat. You may want to forward this information to the other Councilmembers as well. Please contact me if you have any questions. C� GL/gl enc. Summary matrix dated December 12, 1996 showing zoning approvals since adoption of the Corridor Study (�� L:\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\REZONES.WPD a, T 'g? pq o OJA cd to En U3 Cd i cd }' an �ii::;:S:: ':`•i: •,�,r C� ' CCI • @ ' ' :`? :$`S to +R+ CC5 as CLi C� W N `. G1; GL <th' O ^ C3 O O N � N cn 4.4 ;;:'4•:s:;:s::>:'+':: O •+-,+ --, .fir' .;:;.>• rya A a�i � o A, c� a� •° � . � -p O •-�L-i' cd N � cn Pd U .. 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OE, _0 -0 0) T -0 ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... . X ...... mlmllll�=� 111111111111 K CD CD v. CD N) Cr L CO CD CT 00 A "o 00 C-n C') 6 CD 0 CD CD 0 co co 8 CO 0 0 0 0 0 M CD cn 0 z m z 0 z 0 m -n 0 SEPTEMBER 1996 SPIN SELF EVALUATION The September 1995 SPIN Self -Evaluation covered many issues that faced SPIN during its first year of operation. Our first set of goals, formulated by both SPIN Standing Committee members and expectations by City staff, were identified and achieved. This report covers 1995 - 1996 goals. SPIN members worked hard to identify new goals that would function to guide, strengthen and support the SPIN organization. At a special goal planning session with guidance from a professional facilitator, SPIN representatives were able to identify five priority goals that they wanted to achieve over a one year period. These goals were evaluated to determine a suitable period of time (1 to 12 months) for their completion. Representatives were then assigned to committees to work on these goals. The following is a list of the identified goals, action plans to achieve these goals, and the progress that has been made on them. GOAL ONE: Improve Communication between the City and Community The first objective of this goal was to encourage Council and other organizations to work Cclosely with SPIN. There were two action plans for this objective. 1. Part of this objective was met by extending an invitation to City Council to send representatives to SPIN Standing Committee meetings. 2. The second plan of action was to identify groups that could benefit from SPIN, and contact them to establish lines of communication. It was decided that it was more appropriate for the various interest groups to contact SPIN when and if it they needed assistance in communicating their agenda. The second objective of this goal was to identify mechanisms to improve communication. There were six action plans to help meet this objective. 1. Study the feasibility of a SPIN newsletter. The committee for this action plan determined that submitting information to newspapers and other media, as needed, would suffice for getting SPIN information to the public. 2. Tape SPIN Standing Committee and neighborhood meetings for broadcast on public access channel. The full Standing Committee agreed that this was a worthwhile pursuit, but determined that we would remove this action plan from our 1995-96 goals. We will revisit this issue again during our next goal setting session. September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 3. Utilize public access television bulletin board for SPIN announcements. This has proven to be a very good source of information for our residents. Through cooperation of city staff, neighborhood and city wide meetings and announcements have been, and will continue, to be posted on this channel 4. Assign staff the task of providing recommendations regarding the use of the Internet for getting information out to the community. See action plan #2. 5. Continue to use the CITY MANAGER'S REPORT and press releases to communicate. SPIN continues to contribute information to these sources. 6. Regularly provide minutes of SPIN meetings to City Council. GOAL TWO: Communicate SPIN Successes, "Get the SPIN Message Out!" The first objective of this goal was to conduct an annual self -evaluation. There were four action plans to complete this objective. 1. Establish goals/objective/action plans. This step was completed by the entire Standing Committee in September 1995. 2. Monitor progress through quarterly reports. Progress reviews were an agenda item on most monthly meetings. 3. Prepare an annual self -evaluation report documenting performance. Vice Chair Laura Miklosko compiled this self evaluation. 4. Provide a report to City Council and other interested organizations. This will be done after the completion of this self -evaluation. The second objective was to strengthen public awareness of SPIN and encourage increased community involvement. There were six action plans for this objective. i September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 1. Become more aggressive in the use of press releases to communicate SPIN's success. Recently, the Dallas Morning News did an in-depth story about SPIN and what we are trying to accomplish. SPIN Chair David Baltimore was interviewed by Channel 53 in Roanoke. 2. Contact the local papers regarding the establishment of a regular SPIN column. It was determined that SPIN would be best served by having an open relationship with all local papers that would allow inclusion of current, relevant and important information to be listed in a timely manner. A regular SPIN column would not be necessary with such access to the local papers. 3. Utilize press to advertise activities, opportunities, openings, etc. This is an ongoing process that is performed as needs arise. 4. Develop a SPIN "welcome packet" for new residents. It was determined that a "welcome packet" would be a helpful way to introduce new residents to the SPIN program. It was determined initially, that information would be mailed to residents approximately one month after they signed up for water service. This procedure was recently changed by the Standing Committee. Currently, welcome packets are handed to new residents at the time they sign for water service with our city. The Standing Committee is then given a list of new residents and �- encouraged to personally welcome each resident in his/her neighborhood to the community. 5. Develop an "ad" for the Chamber of Commerce Business and Community Directory. This goal was not accomplished but will be pursued for the 1997-98 directory. 6. Develop a SPIN booth for festivals. This goal was delayed but is currently being investigated by Standing Committee Representatives. GOAL THREE: Continue to Improve the Quality of SPIN Representation The first objective of this goal was to provide continuing education opportunities to SPIN representatives. There were three action plans to this objective. 1. Conduct an annual SPIN retreat. The retreat was held on September 14, 1996 for the entire Standing Committee. A presentation on leadership was featured. 2. Schedule staff presentations for regular Standing Committee meetings. This is an ongoing process and has been expanded to include presentations on current topics by outside experts. G, September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 3. Provide formal skill development training sessions for SPIN representatives. This goal is currently in progress with a Spring retreat under consideration by the Executive Committee. The second objective of goal three was to develop an orientation program for new SPIN representatives. There were three action plans for this objective. 1. Establish a training committee for recommending training procedures to the full Standing Committee. This committee's recommendations were incorporated into the action plan for item two. 2. Develop a training manual for new representatives. A committee was formed to gather and compile helpful information for new representatives. A pamphlet was created for distribution to all new members. 3. Establish a peer mentor program for new representatives. All SPIN representatives were assigned a "Buddy" that they could call upon with questions. GOAL FOUR: SPIN Should Become More Proactive in its Efforts to Identify and Communicate Issues of Importance to the Community The first objective of this goal was to ensure SPIN awareness of City planning efforts regarding upcoming issues. There were three action plans to this objective. 1. Direct staff to provide monthly reports on upcoming ordinance changes, development plan updates, etc. This was satisfied by the City Manager's Report and a calender of upcoming development issues. 2. Request City Council to consider SPIN Representatives for service on ad -hoc committees. This was completed by former SPIN Chairman Rex Potter. 3. Hold four city-wide forums to discuss issues of importance with neighborhoods. This is an ongoing effort. SPIN has hosted several city wide meetings that were very successful for everyone involved. These meetings covered such topics as: parks, master thoroughfare plan, and developer issues. The second objective was to address specific neighborhood issues through ongoing neighborhood meetings or other forms of communication. There were two action plans for this objective. September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 1. Hold quarterly meetings as required by the Articles of Organization. This is an ongoing effort by all SPIN Representatives. [list is attached] 2. Utilize "SPIN Report" agenda items to communicate neighborhood issues, concerns, activities, etc. This is an ongoing effort that has been very successful in relaying the concerns of the community to City Council. GOAL FIVE: Enhance the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the SPIN Organization The first objective of this goal was to establish internal processes and procedures. This objective has 4 action plans. 1. Develop a standardized format for reporting upcoming city issues and events to the Standing Committee. This item has been completed. 2. Develop meeting procedures to ensure maximum use of allocated time for Standing Committee meetings. This item has been completed. 3. Develop officer election procedures to ensure smooth leadership transition for the SPIN Standing Committee. Officer election procedures were developed and adopted that allow Standing Committee Representatives to declare or decline their availability for each office. Election is based on a willingness to serve. These procedures are now incorporated in the SPIN ordinance and articles. 4. Develop a process by which Standing Committee Representatives are replaced when necessary. The replacement process procedures are attached. These procedures were subsequently reviewed by a committee that included recently appointed SPIN representatives. Objective two was to strengthen the working relationship of staff with the SPIN Executive Committee to ensure that the overall direction and implementation of the SPIN program is carried out by staff in a support role, and that the guidance and development of the program is carried out under the leadership of the Executive Committee. There were three action plans for this objective. 1. Continue monthly Executive Committee meetings. This is an ongoing process. The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary and an ex-officio representative from the City Manager's office, [per ordinance] and meets once a month, approximately two weeks before the Standing Committee meeting, to set the agenda and discuss any pertinent issues. (--" September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 2. Provide Executive Committee support to appointed SPIN committees as needed for special projects. This is an ongoing and as -needed process. Executive Committee members strive to attend as many SPIN related meetings as necessary. 3. Where possible the Executive Committee, in conjunction with appointed committees, will inform staff of SPIN issues and findings. This is an ongoing process and is performed as issues arise. SUMMARY OF THE 1995-96 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES All of these goals were necessary to set up a framework from which SPIN could function. With the completion of these goals, the SPIN organization is now set to move forward and become a fully functioning and effective part of the Southlake community. Many members felt the strain of serving on these goal committees as it was very time consuming and took the Representative away from their initial function of serving their neighborhood. It is possible also, that SPIN lost some of its momentum in the community due to the extensive amount of time spent completing these goals over the past year. These steps were of vital importance to the future effectiveness of SPIN. We succeeded in providing the groundwork for a more effective organization, but may have slowed our progress and visibility within our respective neighborhoods during this time. SPIN INVOLVEMENT WITHIN OUR SPIN Representatives are expected to host a minimum of four meetings within their neighborhoods per year. These meetings give the community a chance to hear the issues that affect them and also a chance for the Representative to learn of concerns, comments and suggestions from the people they serve. A common concern among SPIN Representatives is the poor attendance at these meetings. There are many reasons why residents can not or will not attend meetings; work, family, disinterest, etc. Although the numbers may be low, we cannot judge the effectiveness of SPIN by this factor alone. Representatives use many means to get information out to their areas. The following is a sample of methods used for. communicating other than the required meetings. 1) Neighborhood Council members are an effective way to get information out to a large amount of people. Council members are residents who live in different neighborhoods within a SPIN area. These members receive City Manager's Reports as well as updates from SPIN Representatives directly. With their knowledge of City issues, they can convey this to citizens ( within their area. They also, in turn, take input from residents and bring this back to the SPIN \` September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation Representative. By having an effective neighborhood council, a larger portion of the SPIN area is better and more effectively served. This concept is becoming more widely used as it is found to alleviate some of the work that one SPIN member must shoulder. This might also eliminate some residents' need to attend neighborhood meetings, as their concerns are conveyed on a more timely manner and results are returned faster. Currently there are five SPIN neighborhoods with strong, functioning councils and several other SPIN areas that have expressed an interest in starting one in their area. Other neighborhoods that have a low population can still be easily and effectively served by the SPIN Representative. 2.) Many neighborhoods have Homeowners Associations that regularly produce newsletters. SPIN Representatives have submitted information about SPIN issues for inclusion in these publications. This allows for a SPIN presence and is an effective way of disseminating information on a timely basis. 3.) Representatives have the ability to produce their own newsletter to update residents on SPIN issues. This is an effective way to reach all citizens in a timely manner. 4.) Word of mouth is a very under -rated source of disseminating information. Each time a SPIN representative is approached about an issue, that information is almost always passed on in conversation. SPIN Representatives also consciously discuss pertinent issues with residents Cas they circulate in the community. 5.) Other effective means of printed communication are: Placing upcoming events in newspapers, the city publication "Southlake In Review," placing the City Managers Report in accessible locations in the City, posting P & Z and City Council Agendas at area pools and community gathering areas. These are some ways SPIN Representatives reach the citizens in their area. When residents are well informed they tend to forgo meetings that they feel might be a duplication of information to them. Due to the varied ways SPIN representatives reach the residents in their area, it is very hard to evaluate how effective each of these approaches are. There is always room for improvement in communication, but by using a combination of the above methods, those citizens with an interest in learning the activities of our City should find an avenue to receive it. DEVELOPER MEETINGS These meetings have generally been very well attended. Citizens appear to be very interested in learning about and seeing concept plans for new development. Generally, the larger the C"', September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation project and the more centralized location in our city, the larger the turnout of citizens. These meetings are not only beneficial to our citizens but also to the developer. Feedback from residents has resulted in developers altering their plans or seriously rethinking their ideas. On at least one occasion, a developer meeting was so well received that citizens banded together through the entire process from P & Z to City Council to ensure the development was granted. Developers have been very interested and willing to present their ideas to our citizens. Overall, this process appears to be successful in informing the public in a timely manner of new development while asking for feedback. Those citizens who have participated in these meetings understand and have viewed first hand how their input does make a difference and how their voice can be heard. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE SPIN ORGANIZATION Strengths of the SPIN organization include the following: 1. Commitment of the SPIN Representatives. SPIN Representatives are very active in Southlake. Most members are involved in other city committees or focus groups outside of their regular SPIN activities. All Representatives have a genuine interest in making this program work and succeed. Members of SPIN generally remain involved after serving as Representatives, several of whom have moved on the City Council, Zoning Board of Adjustments and Planning and Zoning Commission. 2. Support and commitment of the City staff. The City staff has maintained a close relationship with SPIN members. Representatives have complete access to their expertise and staff contributes to many SPIN area meetings. 3. Growing support from the community. As SPIN sponsors more city-wide developer meetings, recognition grows and the community has begun to look to SPIN to keep them informed. 4. Accumulating SPIN successes. 5. Strong Executive Committee. 6. Completion of goals that provide a "backbone" to this organization. 7. Communicating ideas successfully and a feeling that SPIN is a reliable source of information from the citizens of our community. September 1995-96 SPIN Self -Evaluation 8. SPIN is now a fully functioning organization that is looked upon to inform and relate pertinent and timely information. Representatives are known within their communities and are called upon to provide "City Updates" in conversation. Weakness of the SPIN organization include the following: 1. Too much dependence on City staff. SPIN would not be able to function at this point without full staff support. SPIN needs to obtain further independence and self reliance. 2. A large portion of time is spent on organizational goals. Although this was necessary, it took too much time away from neighborhood concerns and issues. 3. Misconception that SPIN is a clique or is political in nature. 4. Need for improvement in communication within our organization. 5. An over -abundance of meetings and low turnout at those meetings. 6. Executive Committee tends to determine and chair a majority of committees. Although this is not unbearable at this time, concerns are that the entire SPIN organization is not being called upon to contribute to its success, nor are we benefiting from varied ideas and input. Summary: For the SPIN organization to grow and succeed it must publish its successes, be easily accessible, be knowledgeable on city issues, effectively and in a timely manner disseminate information, educate citizens on the mission of SPIN, immediately challenge any untruths about SPIN's mission and always remain neutral when disseminating and collecting information. By following these steps, SPIN can overcome the perceived weaknesses and the organization will move forward and continue to, enjoy success. Southlake is growing rapidly and the City is very conscious of including citizens in all areas of its development. Residents can be seen participating in meetings almost nightly. These citizens are very well informed and motivated to work towards a better Southlake. SPIN was created to help keep all of our citizens well informed and provide them with another way for them to communicate with the city and for the city to communicate with them. In accomplishing this main goal, SPIN has and will continue to create some of the most informed, educated, and involved citizens in the metroplex. UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING December 5, 1996 Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Laura Miklosko (0), Vice Chair; Martin Schelling (#2), Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Jan Francis (0), Doug Fierce (0), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Al Morin (#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Wayne Haney (#15), John Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe (Youth) Representatives Absent: Cara White (#l), Janet Murphy (#4), Jim Goggin (#13), Doug McKelvey (# 14) Guests Present: Karen Cienki (#14) Staff Present: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Coordinator, Department of Public Safety Chairman David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of 10/24/96 SPIN Standing Committee Minutes - A motion was made by John Wilder to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Pattie Minder and minutes were approved. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - Chair David Baltimore reviewed the calendar for the remaining meetings in December. He also reported that the Municipal Complex Committees had met and will be meeting with the Council and CISD Board of Trustees in mid - January. Joe Mast reported that the Library Committee is also almost ready to make a recommendation, and will be asking questions on the citizen survey to determine attitudes regarding a tri-city library or a stand-alone library. Discussion ensued about the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. David Baltimore reported that the Library Committee would like to make a presentation to the SPIN Standing Committee in the near future. SPIN Reports have been missed recently, and David Baltimore requested that representatives make every effort to make these presentations. SPIN #7 - Darrell Faglie asked if anyone had heard that the school is looking at property near Kimball. SPIN #2 - Martin Schelling had no report. SPIN #16 - John Wilder reported that the only issue currently of concern in his neighborhood is ,.the traffic study being prepared for Florence Elementary. ni UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE ( SPIN #11 - Roger Hutton reported on his last meeting which was held on November 26, with only two families represented. They were opposed to the Assisted Living Facility use on property near their homes. SPIN #15 - Wayne Haney reported that the Southlake Church of Christ has resubmitted their concept plan, which is at P&Z tonight. This is an issue affecting Brock Drive (water, lights, noise), and residents are beginning to vocalize their concerns. There is no new information about the Goode Airport development. He is getting no complaints about this issue. The other issue is the possible development of schools by Keller ISD on Union Church. SPIN #3 - Joe Mast had no report. SPIN #9 - Laura Miklosko reported that the topic of discussion in her neighborhood is the Master Thoroughfare Plan and Continental. Doug McKelvey (#14) asked Laura to report that 20 people had attended a meeting to discuss Harvard Square and most were opposed to the plan. SPIN #10 - Al Morin reported that there is some activity regarding the development of a school on the Kasper property. School officials have met with the neighborhood. Most people are concerned that this could begin a full-fledged high school at some point, and are also concerned about the problems of -the lighting, sports facilities. The other issue relates to the development of the Foxborough subdivision. There have been two meetings on this issue. The group is also hosting a toy drive for the neighborhood. SPIN #8 - Pattie Minder reported that her neighborhood is watching the development of the Home Depot and PetsMart. The biggest concern in Woodland Heights is the "Kroger" traffic light and its location, and the resulting traffic problems. SPIN #5 - Jan Francis reported that her neighborhood has been very concerned about the Timarron commercial proposal on S.H. 114. Forty people attended the second SPIN meeting held to discuss this issue. SPIN Youth - Katie Holzgraefe reported that SYAC participated in "Habitat for Humanity," building a home for a single parent with 5 or 6 children. They are now looking at putting together a basket for the family for the holidays. They will also serve as volunteers in the tree lighting ceremony at the park. Joe Mast reported on the retreat and handed out a summary of the evaluations that were received. David Baltimore thanked Joe Mast for his hard work on the retreat. Agenda Item No. 6, Goal Settinn - David Baltimore introduced Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Coordinator with the Department of Public Safety, who was recruited to facilitate the goal setting session. Coordinator Jackson began the goal setting process by laying out the ground rules for the exercise. The group then participated in a few exercises designed to (_-'encourage them to think creatively, to break out of their paradigms. Mr. Jackson then explained the concept of goal setting, and how there are five critical components of goals: they must be UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE specific, measurable, action -oriented, realistic in expectations and time lines, and time/resource constraints must also be considered. He noted that tonight's goal is to establish a minimum of five goals for the coming calendar year, focusing on the mission statement. The group then broke into groups to "brainstorm" ideas for goals, or desires. Ideas included: -Increased neighborhood involvement, citizen participation -SPIN Newsletter -Develop a homepage/Internet access -Increase awareness and improve image in neighborhood -Improve and simplify SPIN activities (quit creating complicated projects) -Improve representative replacement process (look at this at the 6 month interval) -Better share information between SPIN neighborhoods -Prepare self -evaluation -Hold retreat -More access to city elected officials and staff (all levels) -Staff appreciation event -Conduct one or two high profile projects as a group -More SPIN involvement in community activities The group then discussed the merits of each idea, and debated whether each should be considered further. Wayne Haney emphasized that he would like to resist becoming a bureaucracy -- the Standing Committee agreed that this could be an underlying philosophy of the group. Five general desires were agreed upon by the group: 1. Improve intercommittee information sharing 2. Self Evaluation 3. Quality Retreat 4. Improve city staff/elected official accessibility 5. Conduct 1-2 high profile activities per year Time did not permit further work during the meeting, so it was decided to continue to work on the goal setting process at the January Standing Committee meeting.. SPIN representatives were encouraged to continue to think about the appropriate goals for further discussion at that time. The meeting was adjourned 10:00 p.m. 1997 SPIN REPORTS The following SPIN representatives are scheduled to make presentations to the City Council, under the "SPIN Report" section of the agenda, on the date indicated. SPIN Reports may include updates on neighborhood activities, SPIN projects, citizen input on Council action, etc. Janu y 7, 1997 John and Linda Wilder, SPIN #16 Roger Hutton, SPIN #11 January2, 1997 July 1, 199-7 Cara White, SPIN #1 4MSPINW David Baltimore, SPIN #12 February 4, 1997 #lot July 15, 1997 Martin Schelling, SPIN #2 Jim Goggin, SPIN #13 February 18, 1997 August 5, 1997 Joe Mast, SPIN #3 Doug McKelvey, SPIN #14 March 4, 1997 August 19, 1997 Janet Murphy, SPIN #4 Wayne & June Haney, SPIN #15 March 18, 1997 September 2, 1997 Jan Francis, SPIN #5 John & Linda Wilder, SPIN #16 April 1, 1997 September 16, 1997 Doug Fierce, SPIN #6 Katie Holtzgraefe, Youth April 15, 1996 October 7, 1997 Darrell Faglie, SPIN #7 Cara White, SPIN #1 May 6, 1997 October 21, 1997 Pattie Minder, SPIN #8 Martin Schelling, SPIN #2 May 20, 1997 November 4, 1997 Laura Miklosko, SPIN #9 Joe Mast, SPIN #3 June 3, 1997 November 18, 1997 Al Morin, SPIN #10 Janet Murphy, SPIN #4 December 2, 1997 Jan Francis, SPIN #5 cup-Ist 61 � 1997 SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE Proposed MEETING SCHEDULE Thursday, January 30, 7:00 p.m. - Goal Setting Thursday, February 27, 7:00 p.m. - Joint City Council/Citizen Survey Thursday, March 27, 7:00 p.m. - Election of Officers Thursday, April 24, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 15, 7:00 p.m. - Joint City Council Thursday, June 26, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, July 24, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 28, 7:00 p.m. - Joint City Council Thursday, September 25, 7:00 p.m Thursday, October 30, 7:00 p.m. - Goal Setting Thursday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. - Joint City Council Note: All meetings will be held in the White Chapel room at Bicentennial Park. c: I wpfiles I spin I meeting. lst Texas School of Baseball December 1, 1996 RE: Bleachers for Texas School of Baseball Mr. Rick Stacy Mayor 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mayor Stacy: ID N99 0W[ 124.- OFFICE OF SECRET I am petitioning (signed petitions attached) the City to consider an alteration/addendum to my Special Use Permit issued by the City of Southlake in 1995. The Texas School of Baseball has been in operation since January 1995 and has drawn customers and clients from Southlake and it's surrounding municipalities (e.g. Colleyville, Keller, Roanoke, Coppell, Irving, Lewisville, Arlington, Grapevine, H.E.B. etc.) Our facility is one of very few complexes nationally which offers both indoor and outdoor facilities. Young baseball enthusiasts, as well as girls softball enthusiasts, make use of our facility to sharpen their skills. It is a great place for kids to spend time with, and learn from, their parents, and/or our professional staff of instructors. We offer camps, clinics, and individualized instruction for all ages. Recently, we tailored a club membership program for the Southlake Carroll baseball team. Our outdoor facilities are being utilized by select teams from 11 to 14 years of age. Some of the best select teams, not only in the state, but nationally, play at the Texas School of Baseball. This year, we were honored to host the AABC - 11 year old State Tournament. We have enjoyed having teams from Austin, Houston, Lubbock and Oklahoma visit Southlake. Mayor Stacy, as we move forward with our plans to make the Texas School of Baseball a showcase facility for the city of Southlake, I must inform you of the one deficiency our patrons bring to our attention on a weekly basis.... SEATING. You may, or may not, be aware that the City would not permit us to construct bleachers under the parameters of our current permit As one would expect, the lack of seating becomes a major inconvenience for those who attend games at the complex We have a number of parents (and grandparents) who attend the games. Understandably, these fans of baseball do not feel it is their obligation to provide their own seating. For this reason, I am requesting the City authorize an alteration or addendum to my current permit which would allow the Texas School of Baseball to construct bleachers for the courtesy and comfort of those who attend the many games we hold during the course of a year. Any help you can 900 S. Kimball Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 • Phone (817) 488-0580 • Metro (817) 329-4246 • Fax (817) 498-7176 provide in championing this cause will be sincerely appreciated. Approval for bleachers will eliminate the embarrassment the Texas School of Baseball and the City of Southlake incurred during this past year. I thank you for taking the time to read this request. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 817-329-4246. Respectfully, Beverly Thorne President Texas School of Baseball 'PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1. �✓1z, 2n 1*; ,,1`,w 4.let 5. c l- C� 7 t-Was Sd/% 8. v aX V 4q 1• R Jo l i O I IN - C K, 6vlx v,ti 2 (-3z,1$ 9. C�Gt - / 7 1� G,, %x lq1 3 CA,- i s J on t —r.. Y 50 — 10._ F r i�s� -l� 0 1 it 12._ 13. tvull "Z- y 14. kin oah Jay Vdakt-d'-'?0 !15. 2 g5r�/_�)P 'Y P�Y�i1r�3 16._ 2 Q Pk,,v 4J 0 e S - CQCo s 17. W 40 18. E Gl /i-2f.7-17d/ 21 _ -,�-._ !'ZYS 'vim- r�er l) - L jai - 0<(,S 22. - -7 -�a - 23. v ''� �► 5y-z/i�� 24. r n - y7� 25 3�� /G > 26. l v —a 27. . p.sl-6 28. ,� ' iLY w ao� 7 -os 7 29. r- w l; —0•71� 30 31. 22" I'/eodS r, olc v;I t 511-�633 32. 33. yG,Q a a-s�3 35. Z.- io� •.�rC C�Z.Z �l S sue'' ( PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1,eq 2._ 3._ 4.4 5._ 6._ 7. 8.� 9.� 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18' 19. 20. 21; 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 28.11 29 30.\ 31.f 32. 34. 35. 4,�-%�/-t5(.0 -<- 7-�� *;2 j S� 92Zji 7?lfas �0 • 1 • 4u■ IS IEm a � WIN It 'SDI• Ow s jop 1 • /�- •/r, Milo RR 11 'Will PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL NAME 1 3._ 4.� 5.---4 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10.. 11. 12.: 13' �14. 15... .. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20' 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34: 35. DDRESS PHONE (ziv ls9� s3 7- sYro �22�0 37,1s 72-31")-6d6 C s '7-335-�7 59' i 76,03 � PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL NAME ADDRESS PHONE Im.nn r A' r Tirm_n - �_. . C e W, WIN NOW Ai 19 u WOW -. t�fi.►� III �� ,�7ilq� alPF 2 3 Q" 31. 32; 33. 34. 35. �►s'—zlo� PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL NAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M 6. 7. 8 9. 10._ 11._ 12. _ 13. 14._ - 15. 17._ 18._ 19. 20. 21, 22, 23.- 24.- 25 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 3 33. 34c 35. ADDRESS PHONE 3 fAe-s-? L°l 7)4?j-)3So a v*q3k5- PETITION FOR BLEACHERS FOR PATRONS OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF BASEBALL NAME ADDRESS PHONE -7)L �� ) 577- 33�45 Council Meeting cember 20, 1994 page four Minutes Aizenda Item #8 C Resolution No 94-39 (ZA 94-89) Specific Use Permit Resolution No. 94-39, (ZA 94-89), Specific Use Permit for the development of an indoor baseball facility and outdoor fields for instruction and entertainment per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1, #11 on Lots 4 and 5 of Greenlee Business Park, Phase I, and Lot 6, Greenlee Business Park, Phase H, and approximately 1.72 acres out of the J.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, being a portion of Tract 6. A variance to the Masonry Ordinance and Bufferyard requirements will be discussed with this Specific Use Permit request. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Owners: E.L.F.M. Inc, Chris Lamon and. the Keller Bank. Applicants: Texas Baseball Center, David L. Thorne and Robert Walton, Agents. The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted the variances being requested with this applicant. The applicant requests that the landscape material required on the south border be placed along the South Kimball Avenue frontage and in the northwest corner. They also request the placement of a 6' wood fence along the northwest area designated as the F-2 bufferyard. Contrary to Note #3 on the concept plan, the applicant indicates verbally their intention to meet the F-2 plating requirements with credits being given for the existing trees within the 25' bufferyard shown. cording to Ms. Gandy, nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and six written responses have been received: James F. Lunsford, in favor; E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust, in favor; Arlon Washburn, in favor; Johnny and Edna Beech, in favor; Malacha Lemons, opposed; Southlake Joint Venture, Billie Farrar, opposed. Twenty-two responses were received from property owners outside the 200' notification area as follows; Linda Parker, opposed; Dennis Minder, opposed; Philip Moore, opposed; John Taylor, opposed; Phillip and Jeri Norman, opposed; Johnny and Susan Campbell, opposed; Jerry Adcock, opposed; George and Corrine Tuttle, opposed; Nolan and Lynette Clemens, opposed, Michael and Laura Heath, opposed, Dave and Pat Morgan, opposed. One written response was received from outside the 200' notification area with the following three signatures: Larry and Mary Forbus, opposed, C.S. and Marilyn Johnson, opposed, Darrell and Donna Fagile, opposed. A letter was received from property owners outside the 200' notification area with the following eight signatures: Donna Slechta, opposed; V.C. Locke, opposed, Thomas Tierney, opposed; Larry and Diane Faughn, opposed; Donna Halley, opposed; Robert Williams, opposed; Stacie Hamilton, opposed and Susan Logan, opposed. Three signed petitions were received at the August 18, 1994 P & Z meeting. Petition #1, eight signatures, opposed; Petition #2, eighteen signatures, opposed; and Petition #3, eight signatures, opposed. l \u- City Council Meeting Minutes St,_;mber 20, 1994 page five Agenda Item #8-C. Continued Kirk Williams, Attorney for the applicant, 5400 Renaissance Tower, Dallas. Mr. Williams stated the property in question is zoned "I-1" Light Industrial District and shows to be industrial on the comprehensive land use plan. They withdrew their request for variance to the masonry ordinance. There is no 3/4 vote requirement now and it has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Williams noted the original plan as compared to the revised plan being represented tonight. He explained they dropped the plan down several hundred feet with MEMO owning the property on the western edge. His clients are currently the owners on the northern 2/3 of the property. He presented a listing of conditions to be approved with the SUP, which are attached to the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Williams counted 219 trees but will enhance the landscaping on the northwest corner of the property with more trees. They will add pine trees for more dense landscaping. There are people from the baseball association present who have stayed with them on this baseball facility. PUBLIC HEARING: Farrar, 600 Park Row, Arlington. Ms. Farrar stated this is the wrong location. She does appose the concept, only the location, since the City rezoned 160 acres a short time ago to Single -Family Residential. She asked, does the Council chose to live near this, with the lights, traffic, noise still being a problem. According to Ms. Farrar, now they need the City Council to vote to uphold the community. This is not a commercial park. Gene Schrickel, Civil Engineer, Landscape Architect and Planner, with Schrickel and Rollins, was present to speak in behalf of Billie Farrar. Mr. Schrickel described the homes and type homes in Southlake, adding, if a twelve -acre ballfield center is approved with lights, this will not relieve stress on anyone. He doesn't feel the landscape plan will solve the distraction in the area. Only earth, hills, thick walls will service the problem. A baseball area is not the place to put residential. The lights at Bicentennial park are 50' tall and the ones being proposed are twice that high. Lee Foster, 1713 Rainbow, Southlake. Mr. Foster stated we have been through this before. He commended Kirk Williams, but would like to see the plan approved, adding, he feels the applicant has complied with what the City Council asked them to do. Peter Sporrer, 1214 Woodsey Court, Southlake. Mr. Sporrer (SPIN #7) stated; at first he thought this project would be wild with noise He stated he feels it is an excellent plan for industrial property, and that he is taken back by the beauty of the plan. :egular City Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 1994 page six Agenda Item #8-C. Continued Kenneth Young, 2931 Willow Creek, Grapevine. Mr. Young stated he is on the board of directors of the baseball association. They are planning 20% growth this year in the association and they do not have the space. He stated he cannot imagine anyone opposing this use at this location. Johnny Campbell, 218 Westwood, Southlake. Mr. Campbell stated thirty (30) people in Woodland Heights area are opposing this use because of noise and lights: Once approved, the City Council cannot go back on their action. He requested this request be denied. Kirk Williams stated he has respect for Schrickel Rollins. He was surprised that Mr. Schrickel didn't discuss residential next to residential. The lights will be taller, as the City Council asked for taller lights. Mr. Schrickel stated he made a plan in Southlake several years ago, and at that time, there were no parks. That is why his plan was for a park in that area. ( lill London, stated he was present at the request of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lemons on East Continental Blvd. He has been involved for sometime as a coach and other involvement. He stated "select baseball" is a wonderful thing, but is loud, density, and lots of traffic. This park will be fenced off; it is not a public park. Mr. London stated Mrs. Lemons is very upset that. the city rezoned her property to residential and then is considering approving this use next to her. Rob Walton, Dallas, who stated he is a part of the project. He wants to give everyone an idea of what the project is. He gave an outline of himself as a pro -baseball player. He feels kids will benefit from his experience. He feels young people do not get taught the proper way to play ball and protect themselves. Walton noted the lights are 100 yards from any residential property. Fran Childs, Fort Worth, Texas. Ms. Childs stated she appreciates the patience of the City Council, adding, she cannot understand people opposing having a baseball family vs industrial in their area. She stated she is a friend of Billie Farrier, but feels this will be an asset to Southlake. Councilmember Stephen Apple stated, at the last meeting, a discussion was held regarding lighting, and that there would not be lighting in December or January. He proposed no lights during the first half of February as well. Rular City Council Meeting Minutes 1mber 20, 1994 p46e seven Agenda Item #8-C ontinued Greg Last, Director of Community Development, commented the landscape plan does not meet the bufferyard requirements. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 94-39, ZA 94-89, Specific Use Permit, subject to the third Plan Review Summary dated September 16, 1994 with the following: no public address system will be installed; no bleachers or stadium seating will be allowed; no sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages; age limit of nineteen (19) years or younger for the players; no camping. Field lighting will be as follows: following the lighting plan dated July 7, 1994; lights with directional hoods, focusing the lights on the field. No endings will begin after 10:00 p.m.; light to be terminated immediately following that; no lighting during December and January, and no lights Monday through Thursday during the months of September, October, November, and February. During the month of February, the lights will be terminated at 9:00 p.m. Phasing will be, Phase I, southwestern field indoor facility with 60 parking places, Phase II, southeastern field with an additional 40 parking spaces, and Phase III, remaining fields with an additional 20 parking spaces. In addition, there will be masonry on the north and east side an ire will be in addition to the bufferyard requirement. There will be a minimum of 4" cl,_ --., ropy trees, equal to or less than 30' spacing along the north side and per landsca plan, down the west side. Pe Motion: Apple Second: Richarme Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Farrier, Wambsganss Nays: Evans, Franks, Fickes Approved: 4-3 vote Council adjourned for recess at 8:44 p.m. Council returned to opens session at 9:10 p.m. Agenda Item #8-B. Ordinance No 480-144 let reading1ZA 94-88) Ordinance No. 480-144, 1st reading (ZA 94-88), Rezoning and Development Plan for Coventry, being a 103.76 acre tract of land in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, being tracts 1, 1C, 1A, 1B, 3A, 3C, 11B, and Lots 1 & 2, Bradley Addition. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development. Owners: Helen Taylor and Harry J. Bradley. Applicant: PIMA Properties, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #11. According to Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, thirty-five notices were sent to property owr tithin the 200' notification area and the following responses have been received. �i 1 EXHIBIT "A" 91 ° rn A i lilt 31111113Yiiiiirs11 n �r��rrxr��rrt.r+�rrti>,Scrat 01 N e >� z � d �x u N � Id Y I I Z W 0 a U ..:........ It.0 Q�$$ :`6 M .OZb£.64 S � U111I IiI U1IIIIIU %Rtl IF Z T y T ' z 1 � �t e iw Al awaevv u M� LMGM"k1JLf1 aAUNCi �b y i 1 I T T T � F O O w j M y � A IC Fly �M` E r 1U11 vs- 0 �s 8 • y N — At .00.00.06 N b� r r f n-M$1v 7 1 X%Q2 ��nntlo N g'In�F ul� Resolution No. 94-39 Page 3 DEC - 919% L' \ Uff�li TEXAS REGION OFFICE 7605 W. Virginia Parkway McKinney, Texas 75070 Phone: (972) 529-5988 Fax: (972) 529-5540 December 5, 1996 Mr. Curtis Hawk �� } City Manager City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Curtis: I am pleased to report that we have completed the sale of Mobil Land Development Corporation to Westbrook Partners. Timarron now is part of an organization focused solely on land development and management, making our community a key part of Westbrook's core business. With the completion of the acquisition, we will be taking the name of our new operating entity, Westerra Holdings, L.L.C. A national rollout of the new Westerra identity and name will occur shortly. We believe this is an exciting opportunity for Timarron since Westbrook is committed to developing quality communities. You can be confident we will continue our responsibilities for maintaining and overseeing the Timarron master plan and to maintaining its "partnership" with you. Westbrook Partners, with nearly $2 billion in assets, has great financial strength and a national presence, with businesses in community development, home building, hotel management and the oversight of commercial office, retail and industrial properties. It is the superior quality of communities such as Timarron that makes this new alliance so strong and full of opportunities for continued growth. We look forward to a long and continuing relationship in making Timarron prosper and grow. Sincerely, Richard L. Croteau President RLC:cgw Where Dreams Live R' Iff 3 if Highland STONEBRIDGE T I M A R R O N RANCH Shores aGi b�eo bRvl UtRebRb8� WRbRVzee*LRLReebl9lL-P,LRLRbRb�ebRbRbR `O n 00 (i IO M M l, 00 r ll r M N O\ h '•+ n N y N cq Ni O O .N.� O .~ M (ON O O y.O, O� °� M M O� N pp O [� M ON p p �O d' N M p 'O V1 00 �fC��gy]]J N O V) \O U W r- M O Mono U Ol O� OO °V �O O �O O� W O� .-r O 00 N to Q H Q\ �O ON "t N � "t N O\ pOcdVJ l� �/1 `crd1] kn �O 00 00 00 00 ON M O N N l� In N O 00 O O r- I l� .-� 00 O\ O 00 Vf O� et v1 N et N It M N O M M 00 � 5R tn Cl) \O � N6A --� N r+ ti .-r N M Cl)V1 eO� 00%O V1MM�OhON64 MO .•� 00 O M M DO O\ l� tA NM O� A N Oa C1 V1 M NW) M N et V1 �'t'j� V�1 N O (3 00 N j C' M r- a �O in C [, k 00 N Oq 00 O CI N O� .N� N ~ N 0000 6qtr) M N WWW O oq [[^W^WII 00 KMMYII "��� lei CCCttt 00 64 69 �+ 69 b�b�6�9°asa°b�LReeLRbRbltebRs°bl b bRbRa° ti U 00 N ti N 0 Ci \IO 0� M O� O� -i N n tt N l- n N d. (R M O O p G. N w a\ N �O .fir 0 .--i W) r-i �r '.'� N w n .-i .-�M. 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V1 M 00 N [- N In It N .--i N V1 M N •'+ to C\ M (n 00 W) N 7 69 60i 6R � O O a.+ U N y 4r 4 N o z �wN cN as d 03 • i o a��� oo u x �' � W � � O o u O o 3 a �. c> a AO ,� �, En En ci * ° aZi > x 7 ( K .� a`i a4"i 33CXIL)EnC) o wrx c 3�A Hwa E= E"E: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES six year comparison 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $1.846,000 $ 92 7.259 $1.548.741 83.90% FISCAL .FISCAL : FISCAL : FISCAL < FISCAL : FISCAL YEAR YEAR % Inc .YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR :.> % Inc MONTH .91/92 : 92/93 . ' -Dec 93/94 -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96=97 -Dec October $46,731. $50,956. 9.0% 199,408 95.1% $89,951' -9.5% $12909' 43.1% $1611,892 25.8% November 27,929 42426 50.8% 5.0,621: 20.2% 52,099< 2.9% 1;11,917 114.8% 135,367 21.0% December 33,273 33,850i' 1.7% 70,155 107.3% 67,243 -4.2% 1.03,975` 54.6% 0; January 40,012 67;713> 69.2% 1;06,541: 57.3% 95,687 -10.2% 140,362 46.7% 0> February < 40,10:6 39:351` -1.9% 57,839 47.0% fi8,015: 17.6% :95,2W 40.1% 0> March 37,48$ 4;4,176 17.8% 59,378 34.4% 56,600 -4.7% 143,163 82.3% 0 April 5M43 6$,66 i, 19.3% 87,43$ 27.3% 8$,21Z; 0.9% L37,030: 55.3% 0: May 41, , 33.2% 6.7% 39.1% 1 >0` ..,,; June 43,105 52,027 20.7% :.' . ..... 7: 14.5% ,,.::: 83,253; 39.7% 1;12,3 7- 34.9% 0: July "' 51,357 80,567:' S6.9% 94,157: 16.9% 13'5,1.87: 43.6% 179;$03 33.0% August 48,731. 4;$,290; -0.9% 58,980: 22.1% I:09 S$4.; �. 85.8% 132 367! 20.8% 0:. September 42•i41 4a3 1 27.3% 75, 28 38.3% 1U6 563 41.7% 1 1445; 14.9% Q; TOTAL $510,036.... $636,738: 24.8% 6 $877 15: 37.8% S 0'3 502> 17.8% $i1 476 . $297,2 9 23.5% REPORT DATE 12/13/96 • First month of 1/2 cent additional sales tax. SALSTX97.WK4 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $923,000 $148,630 $774-370 83.90% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL:::.. YEAR:YEAR % Inc :-.YEAR-:: % Inc YEAR :>I %Inc MONTH 93l94 94l95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96=97 .. -Dec October $0 $44,9751 n/a $64344 43.1% $8U,946 25.8% November 0 26049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 61,684; 21.0% December Q :: 33a622 n/a 51,9871 54.6% January 0. 47843 n/a 7a,1811; 46.7% February 0 3400T n/a 47,635 40.1% March Q 28 300 n/a 51 *581 82.3% April 0 44106 n/a 68,515 55.3% May 29,145 4U 554! 39.1% .... 54,686` 34.8% June . 29,788 ..:...:..:.:.. 41;627 39.7% ..: .: 56,159 34.9% ....... July 47>.47:.:.;:::;::>::;: ;67.,59; o 43.6 /o ::;;;:<::::::$;,9U;1 o 33.0 /o .:;;:>::::><::;: August 29,490 ..; ................... ........... S t,792 85.8% ... ..6,1$4: 20.8% September 37,614 53' 41.7% 61,223;, 14.9% TOTAL 17311 $6: $516751 198.5% $73$,354 42.9% $148,63E?: 23.5% 12/13/96 SALSTX97.WK4 City of Southlake Sales Tax Analysis FY 1996-97 1 % Sales Tax Actual Budget Month 1995-96 1996-97 October 128,689 151,853 November 111,917 132,062 December 103,975 122,691 January 140,362 165,627 February 95,269 112,417 March 103,163 121,732 April 137,030 161,695 May 109,371 129,058 June 112,317 132,534 July 179,803 212,168 August 132,367 206,193 September 122,445 197,970 Total 1,476,708 1,846,000 % increase 25.01 % Actual Estimated (est-budg) % 1996-97 1996-97 Difference Chanae 161,892 161,892 10,039 6.61 % 135,367 135,367 3,305 2.50% 0 122,691 0 0.00% 0 165,627 0 0.00% 0 112,417 0 0.00% 0 121,732 0 0.00% 0 161,695 0 0.00% 0 129,058 0 0.00% 0 132,534 0 0.00% 0 212,168 0 0.00% 0 206,193 0 0.00% 0 197,970 0 0.00% 297,259 1,859,344 13,344 0.72% 25.91 % 1 /2% Sales Tax Actual Budget Actual Month 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 October November December January February March April May June July August September Total 64,345 55,959 51,988 70,181 47,635 51,582 68,515 54,686 56,159 89,902 66,184 61,223 738,354 75,927 66,031 61,345 82,814 56,209 60,866 80,848 64,529 66,267 106,084 103,097 98.985 923,000 80,946 67,684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148,630 Estimated (est-budg) % 1995-96 Difference Change 80,946 5,019 6.61 % 67,684 1,652 2.50% 61,345 0 0.00% 82,814 0 0.00% 56,209 0 0.00% 60,866 0 0.00% 80,848 0 0.00% 64,529 0 0.00% 66,267 0 0.00% 106,084 0 0.00% 103,097 0 0.00% 98.985 0 0.00% 929,672 6,672 0.72% 12/13/96 slsesl97.wk4 Budget for 1996-97 assumes an 18% increase on actual estimated 1995-96 collections plus $150,000 for August and September for Home Depot (1 and 1/2 cent total). %-Oty VI VVUUIIaRCI IVACib MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Southlake and the City of Forest Hill for the purchase of a pursuit vehicle. Attached is the Interlocal Purchasing Agreement between the City of Southlake and the City of Forest Hill for the purchase of one police pursuit vehicle. This is the agreement that we alluded to when we opened the bid for Camaros. Basically, the agreement states that the City of Forest Hill will pay the City of Southlake for the vehicle and any related costs owed to the vendor. When the vehicle is received, Southlake will invoice Forest Hill for payment to be made to us for the vehicle and we, in turn, will pay the vendor. Forest Hill will pick up the vehicle at that time. This agreement is a legal and common use between governmental entities, similar to our Denton County Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. The Interlocal Purchasing Agreement has been signed by the Mayor and City Manager of Forest Hill and requires signatures from the Mayor and City Secretary of the City of Southlake. We are requesting Council's approval of this Interlocal Agreement and that it be placed on the Consent Agenda. Z5Lr BC/bls INTERLOCAL PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND THE CITY OF FOREST HILL STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Southlake ("Southlake"), a home rule municipal corporation, and the City of Forest Hill ("Forest Hill"), a home rule municipal corporation, pursuant to the authority granted by the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, Southlake and Forest Hill agree as follows: I. Purchase of Vehicles Forest Hill appoints Southlake as its purchasing agent for the purchase of a two -door intermediate police pursuit vehicle. Southlake agrees to request and receive bids and award a contract for the vehicle in accordance with state law, at the same time that it is requesting land receiving bids and awarding a contract for vehicles to be purchased by Southlake. . II. Specifications Forest Hill agrees that Southlake shall determine the specifications for the vehicle. III. Payment and Ownership (a) Forest Hill agrees to pay Southlake for the vehicle from current revenues. Once the successful bidder is selected, Southlake shall bill Forest Hill for the purchase price of the vehicle and any related costs owed to the vendor. Forest Hill shall pay the invoice upon receipt. (b) Upon payment of the invoice, Forest Hill shall have ownership and be issued title to the vehicle and shall be responsible for the vendor's compliance with all conditions of delivery and quality of the purchased vehicle. IV. 1 Forest Hill Representative slake\contract\forsthil.itl 1 5-4 0�_ L. David Vestal City Manager is designated as the official representative to act for Forest Hill in all matters relating to this Agreement. 1 V. Effective This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by Southlake and Forest Hill. VI. Complete Agreement This Agreement contains all the commitments and agreements of the parties, and oral or written commitments not contained in this Agreement shall have no force or effect to alter any term or condition of this Agreement. EXECUTED THIS '� `r day of. v- 1996. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Mayor CI T Y OF FOREST HILL ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: City �esr ' -M e.r slake\contract\forslhiIAtl 2 s-A-3 City of Southlake, Texas December 12, 1996 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake to provide Internet services. Staff has been working on a project to develop a Homepage for the City of Southlake on the Internet. This homepage will provide information to residents and non-residents about City services, meeting agendas and minutes, departmental information, SPIN information, etc. It will also provide links to the Chamber of Commerce and Carroll ISD's homepages. Eventually, we envision a wide range of on-line services being provided as well. Examples could include: on-line complaint forms, sign-ups for recreational activities, e-mail boxes for City Council and SPIN representatives, chat sessions with the Mayor, etc. In addition, connection to the Internet will allow key staff the opportunity to access professional information that is becoming increasingly available through the Internet. The Finance Department has already used the Internet to research the State of Texas' General Services Commission homepage for approved bid list items. C In order to develop our Internet presence, we must obtain storage space on a Web server, and a communications link to this server. There are basically three options available to us: • The City can purchase a high -end PC with associated software and create our own Web server. The cost of the required hardware and software is approximately $10,000 to $25,000. In addition, we would need to lease a T1 link to the Internet at a cost of several thousand dollars per year. • We could contract with an individual or small Internet Service Provider (ISP). Because few small ISP's can justify the cost of the necessary equipment and T1 link, service and reliability would be questionable. • The City could contract with a professional Web service company or large ISP. These companies have both Homepage development machines and production Web servers, and at least a T1 link to the Internet. Responsiveness and service are more reliable. Staff has researched the costs and service provisions offered by a number of commercial ISP's and by NCTCOG. Although NCTCOG can provide Web server space and the link to the Internet, they cannot provide the link between our PC's and their Web servers. This service would need to be provided by a commercial ISP (such as On -Ramp, Internet America, Whytel, etc.). Staff ( kept this consideration in mind when comparing costs for linkage to the host site and Web storage space. Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager December 12, 1996 Page two Staff has determined that the best approach would be to contract with NCTCOG for Web storage space and to select a commercial ISP for the link to NCTCOG's Web site. The cost is approximately the same as contracting with a commercial ISP for Web storage space and dial -up modem access, but staff feels that the technical support and service provided by NCTCOG would be superior to that of a commercial ISP. NCTCOG provides this service to a number of area cities, including Farmer's Branch and Arlington. The attached agreement provides that the City will pay NCTCOG $2,400 for one year for services. These services include: provide Web storage space for a City homepage, provide technical support and assistance in creating and updating a City homepage, register the City's domain name with InterNIC, and register City of Southlake specific "key words" with Internet search engines so that the Web page can be found by browsers. Development and updating of the Homepage will be the responsibility of the City staff. Funds have been allocated in the FY 1996- 97 budget for this project. Please place this item on the next City Council agenda for their consideration. I will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. g,_ KH AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments ("NCTCOG") has available expertise and equipment to assist local governments in providing a file server to be accessed by INTERNET users; WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, ("City") wishes to have its own HOME PAGE on INTERNET and has determined that the creation of a HOME PAGE which provides information to a multitude of INTERNET users about the City serves a valid public purpose; WHEREAS, the City needs assistance and equipment to accomplish this purpose and has determined that the NCTCOG can fulfill this need and NCTCOG is willing to do the same; NOW THEREFORE, the parties City and NCTCOG agree to the following terms and conditions regarding the creation of a file server and maintenance of the same for City; I. SCOPE OF WORK NCTCOG shall provide all services and equipment necessary to create and operate a "HOME PAGE" sometimes referred to as a "web" site for City. The equipment includes but is not limited to computer(s), digital line and computer storage necessary to meet the requirements of the HOME PAGE, as described hereafter. II. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY The parties agree that all property developed for the services under this Agreement, including intellectual rights, shall belong wholly to the City for its use, reuse and transfer notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. NCTCOG agrees not to provide or otherwise make available such property to any other person, business, entity whatsoever without the prior express written permission of the City Manager. All equipment on which the HOME PAGE resides furnished under this Agreement shall remain the property of NCTCOG and the City shall assert no ownership rights therein. III. OBLIGATIONS NCTCOG obligations: NCTCOG shall be responsible for hosting the HOME PAGE and providing the required linkage to the INTERNET. For twelve (12) months following the establishment of the HOME PAGE for the City, NCTCOG shall provide equipment, system support and maintenance of the City of Southlake HOME PAGE which shall include twelve (12) months of on-line services with INTERNET. 3 Agreement Between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake Page 2 City obligations: Upon establishment the HOME PAGE with the contents as addressed above, NCTCOG shall invoice the City for TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($2,400.00). This fee is for all services and equipment provided under this Agreement. City shall pay such invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt.. Additional staff time will be billed at SIXTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($60.00) per hour. To establish the HOME PAGE, City shall be responsible for timely furnishing NCTCOG HOME PAGE contents in the appropriate electronic format. City shall provide a contact person to work with NCTCOG during establishment of the HOME PAGE, as well as during the twelve (12) month support period. IV. TERMINATION The parties agree City may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days written notice to NCTCOG. Such notice shall be given to NCTCOG at the address set forth under its signature below. V. AFFIDAVIT OF PROHIBITED INTEREST NCTCOG acknowledges and represents it is aware of the laws, City Charter, and City Code of Conduct regarding prohibited interests and that the existence of a prohibited interest at any time will render the Contract voidable. Agreement Between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS BY: Date: 19_ Name: Mike Eastland Title: Executive Director Address: 616 Six Flags Drive Arlington, TX 76005 APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Name: Title: Address: �� " Agreement Between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake Page 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS a corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of 19_ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Agreement Between the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Southlake Page 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT f STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared City Manager of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, a home -rule municipal corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. 19 GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of Notary Public in and for the State of Texas City of Southlake, Texas December 11, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Coy Gray, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into for agreement between the City of Southlake and Metroport Meals on Wheels weekly senior citizen luncheons and home meal delivery In April 1995, the Parks and Recreation Department had a personal services agreement with Metroport Meals on Wheels to begin monthly luncheons. Two Southlake senior citizens attended the first luncheon. The attendance began to increase every month. In August 1995, we began bi- monthly lunches with approximately 22-27 Southlake senior citizens attending. In June 1996, the newly appointed Southlake Advisory Commission began meeting and they are now ready to expand the bi-monthly luncheons to weekly luncheons, beginning in January 1997. The Senior Advisory Commission has reviewed the attached Metroport Meals on Wheels Agreement and unanimously voted to recommend the agreement to the City Council. The City has budgeted $800 for bi-monthly senior luncheon supplies for FY 1996-97. The MMOW agreement is for weekly luncheons, home meal deliveries, and a Senior Luncheon Coordinator, beginning January 1, 1997 to September 31, 1997 (39 weeks). The weekly cost of the MMOW agreement is $48.00 ($2500/52). Therefore, the total cost of this agreement is $1872 ($48 x 39) less the budget funds of $800, equals an additional cost of $1072 for FY 1996-97. The last sentence in the last paragraph was added to the agreement by direction of the City Attorney. Attached is the agreement along with a redline/strikeout copy recommended by the Senior Advisory Commission and a letter in support of the agreement from Fran Weiser, Vice -Chair of the Senior Advisory Commission. Please put this item on the December 17,1996 agenda for City Council authorization to enter into the contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels. You may contact me at 481-5581, extension 806, if you have any questions. �Cm� CG ID % AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF TARRANT )( THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County and Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Metroport Meals on Wheels (hereinafter referred to as "MMOW"), a nonprofit organization operating in the Metroport area as an organization described in section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, acting by and through its daily authorized Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as "Coordinator"). WHEREAS, the purpose of MMOW is to deliver hot meals to homes of the elderly in Southlake, Grapevine, Colleyville, Keller, Trophy Club, Westlake, Justin, Haslet and Roanoke and to establish and manage Senior Activity Centers to citizens of these Metroport communities; and WHEREAS, City and MMOW desire to enter into an Agreement whereby MMOW will provide meals and social services to the seniors of the Southlake community and others as referred by City; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That City and MMOW do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of Service shall include: MMOW 1. To continue to organize volunteers to plan and support Southlake senior congregate luncheon and beginning January 1, 1997 to expand to a weekly program meeting every Tuesday. 2. Order necessary meals, cover costs and organize delivery of meals to homes of the elderly Monday through Friday and also to the Southlake Senior Luncheon and associated activities (with luncheon) on Tuesdays. 3. Track attendance, cost and prepare and provide reports to the City on a monthly basis due the 15th day of each month. 4. Perform general clean-up following each event. 5. Maintain database of Southlake Seniors for mailing labels and any other purpose associated with senior activities. CITY 1. Provide the facility each week from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. (each Tuesday of the year). SECTION 2 MMOW'S OPERATIONS 1. Hours of Operation shall be from 10 am to 2 pm and shall be defined by the City of Southlake Senior Advisory Commission, City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Department, and MMOW. 2. The City shall have the right to review the books and records kept incident to the services provided by MMOW to the City. SECTION 3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City agrees to pay to MMOW the sum of $2,500 per year to cover the cost of the following that MMOW will provide: 1. One (1) Senior Congregate Luncheon Coordinator provided through MMOW to perform services described in Section I hereinabove at $8.00 per hour beginning January 1, 1997. 2. Supplies such as paper plates, cups, table cloths and craft items for Southlake Senior Luncheon. 3. Subsidize the cost of food from the Marriott Solana Hotel for those persons unable to pay for their meals. This includes meals served at the weekly Southlake Senior Luncheon and for home delivered meals for the elderly of Southlake. The term of this agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning October 1, 1996. Either party may cancel this agreement providing a 60 day notice is given. The parties may modify this agreement by written amendment executed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City and MMOW have executed this agreement as of this day of , 1996. Approved as to legal form and adequacy: Attorney at Law Mayor, City of Southlake Executive Director, MMOW 5col 1 AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF TARRANT )( THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County and Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Metroport Meals on Wheels (hereinafter referred to as "MMOW"), a nonprofit organization operating in the Metroport area as an organization described in section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, acting by and through its daily authorized Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as "Coordinator"). WHEREAS, the purpose of MMOW is to deliver hot meals to homes of the elderly in Southlake, Grapevine, Colleyville, Keller, Trophy Club, Westlake, Justin, Haslet and Roanoke and to establish and manage Senior Activity Centers to citizens of these Metroport communities; and WHEREAS, City and MMOW desire to enter into an Agreement whereby MMOW will provide meals and social services to the seniors of the Southlake community and others as referred by City; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That City and MMOW do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of Service shall include: MMOW 1. To continue to organize volunteers to plan and support Southlake senior congregate luncheon and beginning January 1, 1997 to expand to a weekly program meeting every Tuesday. 2. Order necessary meals, cover costs and organize delivery of meals to homes of the elderly Monday through Friday and also to the Southlake Senior Luncheon Aetivity Ge on Tuesdays and-associated,activities (with luncheon) on Tuesdays. 3. Track attendance, cost and prepare and provide reports to the City on a monthly basis due the 15th day of each month. 4. Perform general clean-up following each event. 5. Maintain database of Southlake Seniors for mailing labels and any other purpose ( associated with senior activities. CITY 1. Provide the facility each week from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. (each Tuesday of the year). SECTION 2 MMOW'S OPERATIONS 1. Hours of Operation shall be from 10 am to 2 pm and shall be defined by the Cit) Southlake Senior Advisory Commission, City of Southlake Parks andRecreahorr Department, and MMOW. 2. The City shall have the right to review the books and records kept incident to the services provided by MMOW to the City. SECTION 3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICES City agrees to pay to MMOW the sum of $2,500 per year to cover the cost of the following that MMOW will provide: 1. One (1) Senior Congregate Luncheon Coordinator provided through MMOW to perform services described in Section I hereinabove at $8.00 per hour beginning January 1, 1997. 2. Supplies such as paper plates, cups, table cloths and craft items for Southlake Senior L ri Aetivity Genter. 3. Subsidize the cost of food from the Marriott Solana Hotel for those persons unable to pay for their meals. This includes meals served at the weekly Southlake Senior . Aetivity Ger er and for home delivered meals for the elderly of Southlake. The term of this agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning October 1, 1996. Either party may eettld cancel this agreement providing a 60 day notice is given Thepaes may modify this agreement ley -written amendment executed by bothypartids, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City and MMOW have executed this agreement as of this day of , 1996. Approved as to legal form and adequacy: Attorney at Law Mayor, City of Southlake Executive Director, MMOW stow's 1� / 308 Waterford Court I Southlake, Texas 76092 December 9, 1996 Dear Southlake City Councilmembers, Mayor Stacy, and City Manager Hawk, At the November 12 meeting of the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission, it was unanimously voted to recommend the renewal of the City's contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels, Inc. for 1996-1997. This renewal would increase the number of "congregate meals" from twice monthly to weekly. Attendance has more than doubled since going to twice monthly from once monthly, and Commission members feel there would be increasing participation and more senior needs would be met by the expanded program The additional cost to the City ($1,700) is needed to subsidize meals of Seniors unable to pay, and to give a small, $8 an hour compensation to the Senior Congregate Luncheon Coordinator. She would be paid for four hours a week The City at the present time provides use of the facility and paper plates, cups, utensils, and paper table coverings. Present Coordinator is Mrs. Rose Hampshire, a Southlake resident who has served the past eighteen months in a volunteer capacity. As a regular attendee of the Senior luncheons and a member of the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission, I recommend that she be hired as the paid coordinator. She has done a commendable job and has developed an excellent program and rapport with the Seniors. Her warmth, enthusiasm, creativity, and understanding of Senior needs has made her invaluable to the success of this rapidly expanding program Please vote for acceptance of the Meals on Wheels Contract for the coming year, and for rose Hampshire as the paid coordinator. The City and Metroport Meals on Wheels have provided a service to this special group of Southlake residents, an added dimension to an already fine City Recreational program for all ages. Sincerely, Fran Weiser 15LOW to «,j r- City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorization to Advertise for Bids for a Backhoe Tractor for Water Utilities Background The City Council in the FY96-97 Budget allocated $70,000 out of the expenditure line item (200-147-5- 920.00) for a new backhoe tractor for use in Water Utilities. Bid specifications for a backhoe loader with four wheel drive and a hydraulically extendable dipper stick have been prepared and are attached. The requested new backhoe tractor will be an addition to the existing backhoe tractor that has been in operation for ten years. The existing backhoe tractor has had repairs completed in the rear -end area and camshaft, and will be used in a reserve manner and for light duty work. The requested new backhoe tractor is needed to assist the Water Department in their current workload. Secondly, it will be larger in size to allow Water Utilities to efficiently and safely dig a twelve -foot trench. Additionally, it will be more versatile to the City's needs with the vast growing development of our sewer collection system and water mains. _.ecommendation Staffs recommendation is for City Council to authorize the advertisement for bids on the backhoe tractor for the Water Utilities at the Regular City Council Meeting on December 17, 1996. BW/ls attachment: Specifications C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\BUDGET\96-97\BACKHOE.MEM 5D-1 CITY OF SO UTHLAKE- WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFIOE LOADER WITH FO UR WHEEL DRIVE AND HYDRA ULICALL Y EXTENDABLE DIPPER STICK The Following Specifications are minimum requirements and are intended to establish a performance basis for a construction grade loader/backhoe. Any exceptions/variations from the specifications may be acceptable provided they are noted, otherwise bid shall be rejected. Standard items appearing in the manufacturers published specifications furnished by the bidder shall be included unless otherwise noted.. A copy of the manufacturers published specifications shall be included with the bid. Equipment bid shall be new, of current design and 1997 production. GENERAL 1. The branch store shall be equipped to perform all necessary warranty work and have available field service technicians. 2. The branch store shall have the ability to obtain parts from the manufacturer within 24 hours. 3. The unit shall be of the latest design and current production. 4. The unit offered shall be a new standard production model. 5. The price quoted shall be for the unit to be delivered and set up at city location. BACKHOE 1. Backhoe shall be center pivot desi n. 2. Backhoe shall be two stick controls. 3. Minimum dig depth shall be 14 feet, 6 inches not extended. 4. Maximum dig depth to be no less than 18 feet, 2 inches extended. 5. Boom cylinder shall be exterior mounted. 6. Hydraulically extendable dipper stick. 7. Backhoe hoses must be. replaceable without removing other hoses. 8. Bucket cylinder minimum dig force to be 12,000 lbs. 9. Stick cylinder minimun dig force to be 7,800 lbs. 10. Backhoe swing arc to 180 degrees and have cushioned stop. 11. Backhoe reach from pivot to be 18 feet 6 inches minimum in an extended position. 12. Backhoe bucket shall be a minimum of 24" in width, also a 18" will be provided. 13. SAE control pattern. 14. Loading height of 20 feet, 0 inches minimum extended. 15. Swing transport lock. 16. Boom lock, controlled from inside cab. 17. Boom lift capacity at 8 feet above ground level to 2700 lbs. 18. Stick lift capacity at 8 feet above ground to be 4200 lbs. 19. Stabilizers in carry to be inside tires with street/dirt pads. WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER 5 D-2 CITY OF SO UTHLAKE- WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER WITH FOUR WHEEL DRIVE AND HYDRA ULICALL Y EXTENDABLE DIPPER STICK LOADER `� RIPITON ................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. 1. Loader arms shall not interfere with normal servicing. 2. Loader arms shall widen toward bucket. 3. Loader shall have enough down force to lift machine front. 4. Breakout force with bucket equipped to be 9,000 lbs. minimum. 5. Bucket shal'. have a rated capacity,6f 1.25 cubic yards. 6. Bucket to be general purpose in design and be predrilled to accept a bolt on the cutting edge. 7. A two piece cutting edge to be installed. 8. Bucket shall be self leveling. 9. Safety support bar. HYDRAULICS TRANSMISSION :.:.,. ... ...::::,..:::: Y5 NO: `I7�SCRIPTION ... ......... .... 1. Four forward four reverse. 2. Fully synchronized power shuttle design. 3. Sin on type filter. 4. Transmission forward reverse lever to have lock. 5. Torque converter stall ratio 2.21 to 1 minimum. 6. Travel to be 20 MPH maximum. 7. Transmission shall have separate reservoir. 8. Disconnect buttons on shifter and loader control. WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER 5 D-3 CITY OF SO UTHLAKE- WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER WITH FOUR WHEEL DRIVE AND HYDRA ULICALLYEXTENDABLE DIPPER STICK ENGINE CAB '...., NO......:.... DESII'ION ..: ' 1. Factory installed isolation mounted. 2. OSHA a roved ROMFOPS integral to cab. 3. Factory installed air conditioner/heater pressurizer with multis eed blower No roof top mounting). 4. Front and rear windshield vA ers. 5. Four front and rear work lights actuated by separate switches. 6. Turn signals and flashers visible from front and rear. 7. Side instrument panel to be lighted with tachometer, hour meter, fuel gauge, oil pressure gauge, transmission converter temperature gauge, coolant temperature gauge, charging system gauge. 8. Horn, back up alarm, and electronic fuel gauge. 9. Fuses or circuit breakers accessible from inside cab. 10. Suspension vinyl seat with adjustable arm rests. 11. All lass to be safety type. 12. Electricals stem to have color coded numbered wires. UWATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER 5 D-4 CITY OF SO UTULAKE- WA TER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER WITH FOUR WHEEL DRIVE AND HYDRA ULICALL Y EXTENDABLE DIPPER STICK AXLES -FRONT AND REAR WARRANTY Three year or 5000 hour engine and powertrain coverage . WATER UTILITIES BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKHOE LOADER 5 D-5 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to enter into Change Order No. 1 with Sutton and Associates to Reconstruct Portions of Woodland Drive, Crescent Drive and South Lake Park Road West in the Grace Estates and South Lake Park Additions Background At the December 3, 1996 Regular City Council Meeting, City Council awarded a bid to Sutton and Associates to install of an eight -inch water line and to repave the streets in the Kidwell Acres and Hilltop Additions. Staff reported to Council that with the bids that were submitted and the additional funds that were budgeted for this project that the streets in the surrounding area could be added to the contract, if the contractor would extend the bid items for the additional work and the Change Order No. 1 would not exceed the original contract by twenty-five (25 %). The contractor, Sutton and Associates, has agreed to extend the bid prices for the additional work. Based upon the additional costs, the Change Order No. 1 is for $35,731.52 or 18 % of the original contract of $197,448.59. The streets which are proposed to be reconstructed are: • Woodland Drive from Briar Lane north to South Lake Park West (approx. 700 ft.) • Crescent Drive from Woodland Drive north to the end (approx. 725 ft.) • South Lake Park West from Woodland Drive to South Lake Park Road (approx. 400 ft.) City Council will note that the water mains in South Lake Park and Grace Estates Additions are on a private water supply corporation, therefore, this Change Order No. 1 is for the reconstruction of the streets only. Recommendation Staff recommends that City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into Change Order No. 1 with 5E-1 MEMORANDUM SHANA YELVERTON HILLTOP ACRES/KIDWELL CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DECEMBER 13, 1996 PAGE 2 Sutton and Associates to reconstruct portions of Woodland Drive, Crescent Drive and South Lake % Park Road West in the Grace Estates and South Lake Park Additions for a cost of $35,731.52. Please place this on the December 17, 1996, Regular City Council Agenda for City Council's review and consideration. BW/ls cc: Change Order No. 1 Street Exhibit C:\W P W IN60\W PDOCS\SUBDMHILLTOP\CH-0RD I.MFM 5E-2 CHANGE ORDER No. i Dated: OWNER's Project No. 001-523 ENGINEER's Project No. 001-523 r Project Water and Paving Improvements - Hilltop Acres and Kidwell Additions OWNER City of Southlake. Texas Contract For _ Water and Paving Improvements Contract Date: To: Sutton And Associates Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: City of Southlake. Texas Owner By Dated , 1996 Nature of the Changes: See Exhibit "A" These changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order $ 197,448.59 Net (Increase) Resulting from This Change Order Current Contract Price Including This Change Order NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B (1978 Edition) $ 35,731.52 $ 233,180.11 Page 1 of 3 5 E-3 U, Contract Time Prior to This Change 60 (Days) Net (Increase) Resulting from This Change Order 30 (Days) Current Contract Time Including This Change Order 90 (Days) i The Above Changes Are Approved: Cheatham And Associates Engineer By Date , 1996 The Above Changes Are Accepted: Sutton And Associates Contractor By Date Page 2 of 3 511-4 1996 EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER #1 Item Plan Unit No. Item Descriptions Unit QW Price Cost I. Roadway and ROW Preparation Costs LF 1,912 $1.20 $2,294.40 2. Const. 6" Cmnt base/Asph. Surf. SY 4,249 $i.68 $7,138.32 5. Cement for Stabilization TON 76 $89.00 $6,764.00 8. Furnish & Install 2" HMAC `D' Surf. SY 3,824 $4.35 $16,634.40 11. Const. Gravel Drive Connection LF 125 $7:60 $950.00 12. Const. Conc. Drive Connection Includ. Saw -Cut LF 82 $12.20 $1,000.40 14. Hydromulch All Disturbed Areas LS .5 $1,900.00 $950.00 t TOTAL Change Order #1 = $35,731.52 Page 3 of 3 5 E-5 4. J: . M(:NU n to / 4 I ar—® Q � / • \ - J. wtzv [ O N � \K � I 2• a // K♦ `.— — J.D. JONES y- 11 y� `�• 1 � • L!1 _IJl n�ll�l ill=�1 dull it nl � i•' •�' .�, ' J. WIZWELUSA DAVID DO HIT 2p 111111I 7u7u7iu lllii rii ril ri'j ,i i / . _DEN -- i T AN� -c Ic ; , Yam; _,•L� A 1 \ ' - ter Ncr A- 9 _'• _ _ - ` , 2I k / A , i _.� - ,.ra 1 8 4c 2,ri1S. yfREJI - 1 1 OAS L-- _ 2A/ REI - - 1 ?; x.A nn k NGA , 1 : : i !� y 1 rf•-i-L•-i 1 Al STOMA " 9;, V 2A 1 — -- •rA / 1 2Ja k •r' •`-�.,�.� >E 59 ' �7I i 7A2 2C ; � 1 U k 2lIJ k S.N k tti k Ka E�—M. fib YIB� pRp Kyle loot L; P�clulla c Hlv RSA 2 V A-JW i .{ to (E IF O m 3x "m/A- k tk 1»k p ' u{k OAS k 3U k IAA Ac IE M _ acl--''-- les 1A k i13 Let : k -- — — — .lERAIl) ,• 1 7 i i i I LOCATION. MAP r: Ic o __ o i= 5 1 SA LKk w A 11// 181 4 K ,A2 N31 k 1�5 106 k took K' G 111 TA ate A. Kl J. UU tS�Y K ul 3tiRKr •-Ism ,A ' 2 � NIk� a%k 2< ISIi X3 >! � L iN SE-6 Aat k UQV/r mu u�11NU.1.tyOJ ...�..� a�....11VIJ l.l`/ 11-�LL►J 1 LLJ e: � CV I- QW NIN JW Jp1�'�I m C • ,A- w •� cn L . Ld _cl •..� .N 1 m • • I N z z - m ON •� ,L CLI ... �, Z rz W QE- m W o c Z a o W a O O . � W y O W � 0 w J O z ? W Q 0 2 O � Qom. U Z M 7E-7 E— City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 96-42, Appointments to the Youth Parks and Recreation Board. Resolution No. 96-42 allows for the appointment of members to the newly formed Youth Parks and Recreation Board. The City Council deemed it advisable and necessary to establish a Youth Parks and Recreation Board for the City of Southlake, to act as an advisory board to the Parks and Recreation Board relating to youth programs and city issues. Ordinance No. 646 establishes the board and states the board shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City of Southlake who must be students enrolled in school in grades seven through twelve. The Council shall appoint members ensuring an even distribution among the age of the applicants. Places on the board shall be numbered one (1) through seven (7). Vacancies shall be filled in the C same manner provided for regular appointments. In making the initial appointments, the City Council shall appoint four (4) members for two-year terms and three (3) members for one-year terms. During the interviews held in June, only one applicant was present to meet with Council. The applications submitted are attached for your information. If you have questions, please give me a call. *4//r /sl / ! _t e. 1.T—_.-- Vllr VI VV V". %anw, IQ/.QZ7 RESOLUTION NO. 96-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE YOUTH PARK AND RECREATION BOARD; ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF BOARD MEMBERS; TERMS OF OFFICE; DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Council deems it advisable and necessary to establish a Youth Park and Recreation Board for the City of Southlake, to act as an advisory board to the Park and Recreation Board relating to youth programs and city issues; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 646 establishes the Youth Park Board and states the board shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City of Southlake who must be students enrolled in school in grades seven through twelve. The Council shall appoint members ensuring an even distribution among the age of the applicants; and, WHEREAS, Places on the Board shall be numbered one (1) through seven (7). Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner provided for regular appointments. In making the initial appointments, the City Council shall appoint four (4) members of the Youth Board for two- year terms and three members for one-year terms; and, �\ WHEREAS, The duties and responsibilities of the Youth Park and Recreation Board shall be to act in an advisory capacity to the Park and Recreation Board in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation, including developing of long range capital improvement programs; recommend policies for recreation services and park improvements; recommend youth -related programs for development of recreational facilities, areas and improved recreation services; and prepare and submit to the Park and Recreation Board an annual review of youth -related parks and recreation programs and services; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The City Council desires to appoint the following members to serve on the Youth Park and Recreation Board. 1. two year term 2. two year term 3. two year term 4. two year term 5. one year term V1ly VI vvuullanw, IwAaJ Resolution No. 96-42 page two 6. one year term 7. one year term Section 3. This resolution shall become effective after its passage and adoption by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 17TH DAY OF DECENMER, 1996. Mayor Rick Stacy ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary e:\wpfiIe3\ms9642.you\sI i P. 2 Uji UU 16 OW v City of Southlak APPLICATION FOR AP APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: and �(G' r� (1� ( n I�UFW4'41 (name of board, commission or committee) * U e a separate application, for each a poiniment desired I aUfln / V le mber Name: 1 Address: d2 Q 1 Wy Home Phone:e32 ,— 6 years in City: Q Employer/School:t�eCon Phone: and/or previous board, conunissioyn, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: C) Lj+'g u- e w ion Tz"C6. Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: �_CXUe up i rl a, L u E,n�,r--4-� ► r, �t a �l : ,r, �, Q ,.1�,1. G.,� c V- LV rvu uraucrsLanu ana agree tnat your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: LT 1i d -�o w o r n+6e c'-F Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's OfCce, 1725 .E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. Atler that time it.will be necessary to reapply and update the information herein if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. mature: P.t IYl Date: QC T`—T 1qq 6 -% CAWPFILESICITYSECNAPOINTMN.FRM City of Southlake Pug '-''V Im APPLICATION FOR APP APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: (f, G /J10041 (name of board, commission or committee) * UsV a separate application for each appointment desired Name: Address: Home Phone: l,` 1 Oct k 6� Years in City: in Employer/School: Cg.I`rolt N-tc% h Soy ncc.A Phone: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the C-iLy-of Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your Opinion as to the goals, and duties of same: b c i�a �!t � CA L:L4� J Qualifications ancTe�xp/erience that would assist you in serving in this position: is Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that tinge it will be necessary to reapply and update the information hf you wi i to continue toe Signature: considered for appointment. Date: i % � t'.) � Ct c_ C:\W PFILEs\CI'rysEC\APOINTMN.FRM S-2 1- 1996 7: daft 1 FRUt t SOUTHLAk;E PARk::3 PEC 81 1 7 121 21 7S P. 2 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO-:-" /�V,Q.0 �. -_ _— *U a separate application for each a Name: Address: ` Home Phone: c [ name or board, commission or committee) anent desired Years in City: g�, A- �` aao. Employer/School: �cc�`\�. C �,�� ''c ^�� Phone: Current and/or previous board, conunission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: masons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of same: L l,x t\ I `; �0 �o c,Pf`U ,o C'�C\ \ Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: 7 4rW, \e -T �Ct� r! 1 � n\�� �r�c� •�o� o. CJoS\k�0'C� oC1 ��1 � ��\��0.�'t✓ �O.\�� ;\C.G Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? 1 Additional information or coniments: Ple��,v-eeturn this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information herein if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: r��— r `7 <'tl �� C t 2�__i I DAt, - a r _ � � 2 ��7J1: • City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APA APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: (name of board, commission or committee) *Use a separate application for each appointment desired Name: r = r✓ Q Address: i' f 14 v E h 2 h Home Phone: ") 2 ' q 17 1 Years in City: Ll I I Employer/School: C CI. f f G �, i c,� �\ �G!� c c Phone: (sc� u o I" 7 6 2 �D Current and/or previous board, commilsion, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Gn?P Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the pose, goals, and duties of same: 1 -1/" ; JCI es--�Cl i h ��e I10J4 ni'I '�Iav a voice. 14 i�s ma.;?2wS, I C' desire �re Qti12✓}��1C r�L. CCz��'c_rS O�.nC, -�1ne, G�t�! 4"ai C - i Qualifications and experience that would assist you.in serving in this position: J Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? -' Additional information or comments: Please return this completed form to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application j' ''e kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information i�A if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: / � I / � i to C:\WPFILES\CITYSEC\APOINTMN.FRNi City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR APPOINT ENT TO: 5,.�1'1rlak� %rr } k��r,t+�;,� yam' ��r �5, (�oa d4 (name of board, coinmission or committee) *Use a se1wrate all Vicalion fi»' each alipointinenl (le.Pire(l Name: Address: —� G 2 Dn /' e \ / - , Home Phone: Z / — 3 0 (f Years in City: y Employer/School: _L'a_rrd %f 11ah %tpo) C9 � Phone: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: jo_ Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and p�irnose, goals, and duties of same: opinion as to the Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: k✓r :ZeAr'3 y C15oNj 0jX / �S �'q a kjjc �r(67 , L"ve seer 'jUkQr s � i ��� ,r{cs oa j r H-"/ 0PA In' -Ve ci 1 t �0S. T w I r M u (2�^ (! k +6 h C Q Pa f 4 OfV r Q rf,c rya ra �� �a�� hz� Do you understand and agree that your regular attendance and active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments: Please return this completed for111 to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information he `you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: Date: /VM 01ju r 17 I q q �. C:\WPrILMCrl'YSE(mA oiN'rMN.rRM City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APP APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO: * Use a Name: 5Cc-, (name of board, commission or committee) icniion fi)r each appoininient desired Address: CJ 17 1 1 M hf Home Phone: q— D Q Years in City: Employer/School: _Oaaoil Hi 10 Phone: Current and/or previous board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Soutlilake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to the Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: ::V= Ww � d 11— Do you uunnderstatiQalIU agiee tfia`t y ur regular �tl ci� cKutand active support are required as an appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or continents: Please return this completed forni to the City Secretary's Office, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard. Each application will be kept on file for one (1) year. After that time it will be necessary to reapply and update the information if you wish to continue to be considered for appointment. Signature: � � ' .tom � �' G�/�(i"',� Date:.f�,�i C:\W PFILES\CI'rYSEC\APOIN'I'h1N.FRM 5;�� -ck, I t- I-• I �`�, 5; -94AI4 I r RUM HLAlGE ARKS RFC a t 7 421 2 1 75 0 4 3 P. 02 P. 2 1 City of Southlake APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT APPLTCAUON FOR APPOINTMENT TO: 5otK4kee- gayfL^ s?" 7 94L-11 (game of board, commission or committee) 41use aseparate a plication for each appointment desired Name: Address; Ik P Home Phone: 67� - 1f t t - Oft Lot Yews in City: Employer/School: �+bi t aw„G�u.edr+ >a• Ndar bus ` Caot Phone . _7,% -Tr►4 - --- Current and/or previous board, commission. or committee experience in the City of Southlake: Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission, or committee, and your opinion as to (lie segoals, and duties of same: Se-0- Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving in this position: Do you understand mW agree that your regular attendance and active Support are required as im appointee and that noncompliance could result in removal from the board? Additional information or comments; - Please return this complewA rorm tcti the city, ccrx;ttiry's be ecc `uy to reapply mid update 111c infonnatiion will be kept on file for 01le (1) year. After that tone it will be Y herein if you wish to continue to be considered for appoiutmeut, Date: Signature: 2 C-%WPr LF.% hrYss�ro�rnx�v.t �2)� ^�o III TRI+BAR III 817 481 8043 P.01 \' Current and/or previous. board, commission, or committee experience in the City of Southlake: I have been involved with several board type committees and other various leadership roles. Some of these include: • Patrol Leader's Council (Boy Scouts of America) - The PLC is a board which decides on, plans, coordinates and sees through all troop activities. I played a role on this board several times through my experience with Boy Scouts as an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader and as a vital link between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts known as a Den Chief. *Student Council - I was part of this group throughout middle school and my freshman year of high school. *Science Club - I have been actively involved in Science Club since seventh grade. Every year I have helped coordinate events and brainstorm new ideas, some of which include can recycling at the middle school, miscellaneous camp -outs and most recently participation in a COPE course to improve team -work and leadership qualities as a group and an individual. Reasons for desiring to serve on this board, commission or committee, and your opinion as to the purpose, goals, and duties of the same: I have always played an active role in my city. There have been several occasions on which I have been participating in an activity, such as striping baseball fields, helping at Adventure Alley or even sitting in on a Parks Board meeting, that I have wanted to be able to stand up and voice my opinion and offer an optional solution to a problem at hand. I see the Southlake Youth Park Board as a chance to be able to do just that; to represent the youth of the City of Southlake and their opinions, ideas and observations. Someone who holds such an office should be aware of what is going on in the world around them, should be an active and responsible participant in what is happening at present, and be part of planning for future activities. III TR I +BAR 1 1 1 817 481 8043 P. 02 Qualifications and experience that would assist you in serving In this position: In most committee experiences I have been an important and persuasive leader, regardless of what office I hold. I have been acting since 5 years of age and have absolutely NO problem of addressing a large audience. I am very outgoing and enjoy giving presentations or having a lively debate over a topic. In fact, I received several comments from members of the City Council, Parks Committee and Keep Southlake Beautiful (Another organization I am active with) saying that my presentation of my proposed Eagle Project was very professionally done and I did an excellent job addressing adults, a quality not found in many youth. Additional information or continents: *Eagle Scout (04/96) - Eagle project (Benched Arbor) located in Bi-Centennial Park. •Science Club Treasurer *Helped .participate in Keep Southlake Beautiful activities including the Texas Trash -off, Scott Martin's Waterscape Project (Located just east of my CEagle Project), and many other parks related activities. *Coordinated the Boy Scout park clean-up that still takes place after every camp -out (Once a month) at Bi-Centennial Park. *Will be participating in a Youth Leadership Forum taking place in Washington, D.C. this Spring. I am the only student from Carroll that has ever been invited. %,t;"q,--S City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Resolution No. 96-74, for Criminal Justice Funding. Until recently we have not had the opportunity for Criminal Justice grants or ancillary funding due to a variety of disqualifications. Because of increased size and activity, today we have more opportunities to participate in the Criminal Justice funding grants. The awarding of the Community Services Officer grant is an example of this opportunity. There are several steps that must be implemented as part of the request for any grant that we may seek. The main body of this request must be reflected in the City of Southlake's 1997 Criminal Justice Community Plan. Under the direction of Administrative Coordinator Malcolm Jackson, a group of citizens was formed comprised of representatives from law enforcement, school districts, citizen neighborhood community groups, professional sources, municipal government, parks and recreation representatives and business leaders, and the 1997 Criminal Justice Community Plan for the City of Southlake, Texas was drafted. Attached is the Community Plan that this group initiated and we will utilize this plan to ask for Criminal Justice monies in response to our community base needs. Also attached is a Resolution for Council approval of support of the Criminal Justice Community Plan. We recommend that Council approve this Resolution and that it be placed on the Consent Agenda. . c. BC/bls RESOLUTION NO. 96-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1997 CRMNAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY PLAN FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AND THE APPLICATION FOR RELATED FUNDS THROUGH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION OF THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake concurs with efforts to make America's neighborhoods safe places in which to grow, live, and work, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has developed a comprehensive community -based criminal justice plan for the City, and WHEREAS, the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office provides funding for programs designed to assist communities in the development of innovative, locally -designed, long-term community policing programs, and WHEREAS, the objectives of such programs have been designed to promote community -based problem -solving, prevent crime, and enhance public safety with a focus on the youth, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a small, but rapidly growing community with a need to provide pro -active community policing efforts, with emphasis during the incipient phases of community development, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to provide the necessary support as outlined in. such grant proposal, and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake agrees to conform to all of the requirements of such grant program upon being awarded such funding, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Southlake, that the City Council of Southlake, Texas supports the 1997 Criminal Justice Community Plan for the City of Southlake, Texas and the application for related funds through the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office, and authorizes the Southlake Department of Public Safety to apply for grant funding to support programs consistent with those goals. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _ DAY OF , 1996. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Rick Stacy, Mayor S-G-.1, 1997 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY PLAN FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS INTRODUCTION The City of Southlake's 1997 Community Planning Group provides a collaborative planning and monitoring effort for criminal justice programs within the City of Southlake. The group comprises a multifaceted team with representatives from law enforcement, school district, citizen neighborhood community groups, physician, judiciary, municipal government, park/recreation representatives, and business leaders. The group recognizes the need for a "city wide" partnership of ideas and efforts working together to address the needs of the community, including reaching beyond the geographical boundaries of the city for resources and program implementation in order to accomplish its objectives. Utilizing a community -based strategy, the group strives to identify specificproblems or issues and work toward development of programs to address those criminal justice needs. Additional sources provided valuable reference information for the plan development. Those sources include, but are not limited to the 1997 Tarrant County Criminal Justice Planning Group. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND COMMUNITY STRATEGY Youth Crisis. A significant challenge faces the community in addressing the youth involvement in criminal and pre criminal activity. Such youth involvement manifests itself through the utilization of drugs and alcohol, involvement in gang activity, and participation in both nonviolent and violent criminal activity. In addressing such issues. of youth involvement, consideration must reflect a balance among prevention, intervention, and enforcement. It remains incumbent upon the community to place as many resources as possible into the education, detection, enforcement, prosecution, treatment and institutionalization of those already involved in such unacceptable activity. Moreover, particularly with the explosive growth rate of the juvenile population within the community, resources must be established and utilized to divert youth from entering into the criminal justice system through education, prevention, and alternative support programs, particularly for youth identified as "at -risk," " Latch - Key kids," and pre -gang participation. Involvement must include every facet of the community, including parents, community members, criminal justice personnel, school officials and business leaders. 5-G-3 2. Domestic Violence. History demonstrates that domestic violence is neither just a social welfare issue nor just a criminal justice issue. The dynamics of domestic violence involve a complicated interfacing of criminal justice and social issues. Neither can domestic violence be considered only an issue between spouses. It often involves or relates to child abuse and abuse of the elderly. i Efforts at treatment are more effective when they reach beyond just those directly involved and incorporate those on the exposed periphery as well. Research reflects that exposure of children to family violence dramatically increases the likelihood that as the child matures, the child more readily accepts violence as a victim or utilizes violence within their own behavior. 3. Crime Prevention The City of Southlake continues to experience significant growth. Recent demographic projections forecast the population of Southlake to more than double by the year 2000. Encompassing approximately 23 square miles of area, the community rests as one of the largest land area cities in Tarrant County. This coverage area and growth rate bring about the blessing of prosperity and growth combined with a corresponding increase in targets for criminal activity such as robbery, burglary and shoplifting. The City of Southlake remains dedicated in minimizing crime through both a pro -active and a co -active approach, and the use of innovative programs. The pro -active strategy involves the development of programs designed to address anticipated problems. The co - active operations involve the inclusion of the community in the design, development, and implementation of such programs. . It remains the philosophy that it is more effective to operate in efforts to prevent criminal activity and to address crime problems at their incipiency, when possible; instead of retrospectively attempting to control crime. Crime prevention involves planning a, community with the thought of minimizing crime whenever possible through simple techniques such as building design, lighting and locks, education of home -owners and business operators, and enlisting the services of non -police personnel to serve as the "eyes and ears" of law enforcement. 4. Traffic Safety State Highway 114, currently a divided highway scheduled for "super highway" status in the immediate future, bisects the city and serves as a major traffic corridor between the j cities of Fort Worth and Dallas. It also provides a primary artery to DFW airport, s��y Alliance Airport, and the new International Race Track. Additionally, State Farm Road 1709, a recently expanded five lane roadway, serves as an alternate east -west corridor. Southlake encompasses four (4) separate school districts. Although Carroll Independent School District is fully within the corporate limits of Southlake, a significant percentage of the population rests within one of the three remaining school districts: Keller ISD, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, and Northwest ISD. There exists a tremendous challenge in providing traffic safety, particularly for the youth of the community. Traffic safety involves both vehicular and pedestrian elements. Issues including school buses and sidewalk or other safe walking areas for children represent the correlation between traffic safety and the youth of the community. RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND INTERRELATIONSHIP The programs listed provide only a sample of the resources and efforts of the community to combat the problems targeted in this community plan. It is intended to exemplify the interactive relationships among various entities in focusing on these issues. Drugs / Alcohol CDARE, School Resource Officer, Vista, Teen Court, Carroll Independent School District Peer Mediation Program, Southlake Park and Recreation Alternative Activity programs, Southlake Department of Public Safety Community Services Officer, Crime Stopper Program, Tarrant County Youth Collaboration, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Inc., all serve to address the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. 2. Gang Activity and Youth Involvement in Crime Southlake Park and Recreation Alternative Activity programs, Elementary Day Care program for Latch -Key Kids, Volunteers Programs all serve to address diversionary programs for youth. Domestic Violence Women's Shelter, Southlake Department of Public Safety Community Services Officer, Court Order / Protective. Orders, Tarrant County. Sexual Abuse Advisory Council, Alliance for Children, and Child Advocates of Tarrant County Inc. all serve to address protection for and to provide services to victims of domestic violence and abuse. s G S i 4. Crime Prevention Southlake Department of Public Safety Police Services, City of Southlake Builders Plan Review Committee, and Insurance Companies are all sources of positive impact for crime prevention. 5. Traffic Safety Southlake Department of Public Safety Police Traffic Unit, Mobile Traffic Trailer all serve to address traffic enforcement and to promote safe traffic flow. All of these entities advocate the general goals and objectives of this community plan. In general, they provide a collaborative effort in achieving success from a variety of approaches. Many represent a consortium of community youth service providers, while others provide a single service with referrals made from several sources. PLAN CONCEPT AND NEEDS IN SERVICES The group developed the following list of areas in which services were not available or remained inadequate to address the total demand. They -were compiled through group discussion and independent research or information surveys of local organizations. There are some factors which interface with more than one issue or repeatedly surfaced during discussions. Drugs / Alcohol Parental Consent and Misinformation - There is a need for programs to educate parents on detection and prevention, as well as interactive support among parents to combat the problem among our youth. Insufficient Knowledge of existing programs for diversion or treatment - There remains a lack of awareness on the part of the public, victims, and families of individuals on existing services available in the community. Insufficient prevention, intervention, and support programs. There remains a lack of sufficient services to address the continual need for guidance, education, intervention, and support. 2. Kids / Gangs Insufficient Knowledge of existing programs - There remains a lack of awareness on the part of the public on how to identify "at -risk" youth, how to identify involvement, and how to divert youth from gang activity. Lack of sufficient persons to work with youth and programs - There exists a need for persons staff and volunteer to assist in existing programs. s-G4 6 \ 3. Domestic Violence Training of personnel in recognition and de-escalation techniques - There exists a need for additional training of personnel in recognition of domestic violence and its peripheral impact as well as methods to de-escalate situations and provide guidance to those affected. Insufficient Knowledge of existing programs - There remains a lack of % knowledge on the part of the public as to available assistance and programs. 4. Crime Prevention Insufficient public knowledge of existing programs - There remains a lack of knowledge on the part of the public as to the programs available. Minimal implementation - There remains a lack.of implementation of fundamental crime prevention measures by businesses and homeowners. Traffic Safety - Need to increase sidewalks for pedestrian access - There exists a need for sidewalks and other designated traffic -ways for non -vehicular traffic flow. Need locations designated for roller-blading / skating / bicycling - There exists a need for designated locations for use by those desiring to roller - blade, skate, and bicycle. Increased traffic enforcement based on traffic analysis - There exists a need to utilize technology and research to identify specific traffic safety issues and then focus enforcement on those activities and locations based upon that analysis. POTENTIAL PROJECTS The following, presented in no specific order, serves as a short list of projects envisioned by the group in addressing the issues. These should by no means be considered as all inclusive, for the group recognizes that through innovation and support of other's ideas additional projects surface. However, these provide a pattern from which we can build. 1. Expand DARE / SRO program. 2. Develop Education / Awareness programs for parents, educators, law enforcement and the courts, as well as the youth. 5-G-7 3. Utilization of technology to maximize training, education, and operational efficiency. 4. Parent Peer -Pressure and Participation programs such as the Safe House Project 5. Expansion of Crime Stoppers to focus on school age youth 6. Expansion of Drug Testing Programs 7. Youth Activity Programs / Projects (After -school, Evenings, Weekends) 8. Development of Alternative Programs for first offenders CONCLUSION The City of Southlake encompasses a variety of committed citizens, agencies, and organizations dedicated to enhancing the quality of life within the community. While each may hold individual focuses, their perspectives afford an opportunity for an integrated criminal justice plan to maximize the positive impact for each entity as well as the community at -large. This group is committed to encouraging collaborative efforts among the entities in a holistic Capproach to problem solving. It is through this partnership that we insure a better tomorrow. S- G-13 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 506-13, 2nd Reading, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 506-A, The Sign Ordinance, by Deleting the Readerboard Signs from Section 19 and Authorizing the Granting of Variances in Certain Situations for Signs Background City Council approved on December 3, 1996, the first reading of Ordinance No. 506-B with the request that staff and city attorney draft a change to Section 14, Variances, of Ordinance No. 506-A, The Sign Ordinance, to provide a way to allow Council in certain situations to grant variances for readerboard and other types of signs. The attached redlined Ordinance No. 506-B; Sign. Ordinance Amendment has been developed to address the issue of the readerboard signs. Specifically, Ordinance No. 506-B amends Ordinance No. 506-A to: • revise Section 14, Variances, by adding: "The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process." delete Article V, Section 19, Subsection B, which references readerboard signs for a Conditional Use Permit. With these amendments, the City Council may approve variances for unnecessary hardships that result from the application of The Sign Ordinance. Council did approve on October 15, 1996 a ninety (90) day moratorium on considering permits of readerboard signs. The moratorium will expire on January 15, 1997. Comments Staff and the City Attorney will be available to discuss these amendments with Council. Please place this item on the Regular City Council Agenda for December 17, 1996 for Council's review and consideration. BW/ls attachments: Red -lined Version of Ordinance No. 506-B Sections 14 and 19 of Ordinance No. 506-A Ordinance No. 506-B 'P W IN60\W PDOCS\ORD\506-B\506B.2RD 7A-1 '- ORDINANCE NO. 506-B SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 506-A, THE SIGN ORDINANCE BY DELETING THE READERBOARD SIGN FROM SECTION 19 SO THAT IT WELL NO LONGER BE A PERMITTED SIGN; - ------------------------------- ---------.-�..--.�_ PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABELI TY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council. of the City of Southlake finds the present sign ordinance does not sufficiently regulate readerboard -signs within the city; and WHEREAS, the city council deems it necessary to adopt this ordinance to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. NOW, .THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED' BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 506-A is hereby amended by revising Section 14 to read as follows: n 1 t n granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a. practical difficulty on the applicant; that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony f.\files\slake\ordinance\506-B 7A-2 Page 1 with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the sign ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. •Any.request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council." SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 506-A is hereby amended by deleting Article V, section 19, subsection B, and renumbering the remaining subsections consistently. SECTION 3. The ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, ' Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are , in direct conflict with the provisions of such .ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of -the city council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and section of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or.decree of any court of competent jurisdiction; such. unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of thisordinance,. since the same would have been enacted by the city council'without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense.. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute.a separate offense. SECTION 6. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations. of the provisions of Ordinance No. 506-A or any other ordinances affecting the regulation of signs which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether --' 7A-3 f:\files\slake\ordinance\506-B Page 2 pending in court or not, under such ordinances same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 7. The city secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish this ordinance in book or" pamphlet form for general distribution among the public and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 8. The city secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of. this ordinance, and the city secretary shall additionally publish its caption and penalty in the official city newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF 1199 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY f:\files\slake\ordinance\506-B Page 3 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF 199 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney 7A-5 _ f.\files\slake\ordinance\506-B Page 4 . � two (72)ours and upon hP expiration of such time may be disposed of. City is not The .required.to notify the permit holder or. owner of the sign it has been picked that up or that disposal of the sign is imminent. E. EXTENT OF SIGH REMOVAL: The Building Official shall determine to extent the elements what of the sign must be removed to comply with section. This may include any the this of following, but is not limited to following: the a. SIGN COPY: Removal of the text or copy.portion of the sign. b. SIGN BOX: Removal of the portion of the sign excluding structural the support of the sign. C. ENTIRE SIGN: Removal of all structural elements of the sign. SEC. 12 FILING OF LIENS AGAINST PRnpERTY The city is authorized to file a lien against any property which is otherwise not exempt to recover expenses incurred by by the city for removal of the a sign or portion of a sign from the property, pursuant Section 11E. to ARTICLE III - APPEALS AND VARIANCES SEC. 13 APPEALS Any decision rendered by the Building Official under this ordinance ntay be appealed to the City Council by any person, agent, or representative affected.by such decision. Such appeal must be received within ten (10) C days after the placement of a letter in the U.S. mail addressed to the address on the permit or the address of the current owner of record in Lthe County tax records which states the written decision which has been rendered by the Building Official: Such appeal shall be filed in writing with the Building Official specifying the grounds on which the appeal. is based. The Building Official shall forthwith transmit to the City Council all documents pertaining to the appealed action. The City Council shall hear the appeal at a City Council meeting r_as soon as practicable thereafter to determine whether.the decision of the..Building Official was in accordance with all ordinances and regulations. The decision of the -Citv Council hall be final. . SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to' any requirements regarding number of signs, area, height, setback,. or any other aspect involved in 'the sign permitting process. In granting any. variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and. that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this .sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non- refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. 7A-6 G:\0RD\S1GNS\FD7_3-21.wPo constructed parallel to each other and no more than thirty inches (3011) of separation between the faces of the sign. 5. NUMBER OF SIGNS: Only one sign shall be allowed per qualified site. 6. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen (15)•feet from any property line. 7. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: The support structure for the sign shall be double pole and shall be constructed.dr covered with materials which match the masonry portion of the principal building on the site or shall be stone or brick. No single pole freestanding signs shall be allowed. 8. ILLUMINATION: Freestanding signs may only be illuminated internal lighting. No lighting source external to the sign may be exposed. This does not prohibit exposed neon lighting. 9. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: No freestanding sign shall be allowed within one hundred fifty feet (1501) of any property zoned for single- family residential uses. D. GROUND SI N 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all ground signs. 2. LOCATION LIMITATIONS: No signs shall be placed within public right- of-way. 3. . MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Four feet (41) 4. MAXIMUM AREA: Twelve (12) square feet with a maximum of six (6) square feet per sign face. 5. NUMBER OF SIGNS: Maximum of two (2) signs per site. 'SEC.. 17 PROHIBITED SIGNS A. GENERAL Any sign which is not specifically permitted in Articles V and VI of this ordinance shall be prohibited. B. OBSCENE SIGN No person shall erect or allow to be displayed upon site owned or controlled by him a sign in which the dominant theme of material taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex, or is patently offensive because it affronts community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters, and. is utterly without redeeming. social value. C. OBSTRUCTING DOORS WINDOWS R FIRE ES APES No person shall erect or display on any site any sign which prevents free ingress to or egress from any door, window, or fire escape. D. OBSTRUCTING VISICN/S14HT TRIAN LE No. person shall erect or display on any site any sign in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision at any location, *street, intersection, or driveway. All signs placed at any intersection shall prevent such problem by observing a sight triangle as provided. for in Section 1, "Definitions." 7A-7 G:\0RD\S1GNS\F07_3-21.Wpo i SPECIFICLiPECIFIC REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ON ST `��-- TE SIGNS REOL7TRINc` PERMIT Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this le to all of .the following signs, article shall be applicab (- Eus INEaSSIGN 1• PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Attached,•freest:anding and/or. monument MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: None B. ItEADE RnnnD gTt•N _1•• PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding or monument 2, MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a• GENERAL: Readerboard signs (manual or electronic) may only be approved as a conditional sign -permit by the City Council. b• MAXIMUM AREA: Cannot exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the surface area per face of the sign. gross C. Manual readerboard signs using alphabetical lettering must have a lockable covering to prevent of easy access by vandals. C. MENUBOARD SIGN 1. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Freestanding, monument and/or 2• attached MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: a• MAXIMUM HEIGHT:• Six feet 6' ( ), freestanding sign may b MAXIMUM AREA. extend to ground level. Twenty four (24) square feet. Only C. MAXIMUM NUMBER one face will be allowed per sign. OF SIGNS: No more than two (2).si ns d. LOCATION LIMITATIONS: All menuboard sign g Per site. st be located' at the side or rear of he principal building. SUBDIVI 11 SIGNS 1. ENT_ Ry S TON a• PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE: Monument and/or attached b• MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS'- 1. MAXIMUM HEIGHT:. Attache3l S114n may not project above 2, top of/wal MAXIMUM A _. AREA: Monume a hundred (100) square feet with a maximum of Fifty (50) square feet per sign face,, 'Attached: Thirty-two- (32) Srmagn feet 3• MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS: One (1). monument sign or two attached wall. plaque signs (i.e. .not a combination thereof), per street entrance 2• DIRECTORY SIGN a. PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURE; b• MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL REGULATIONS: anding and/or.monument 1• MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Twelve (12) feet for freestanding 2. MAXIMUM AREA: One hundred (3,00) square feet with a maximum of Fifty (SO) square feet per sign 3• MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen(is)feet from right-of-way 7A-8 G:\0RD\S1GNS\FD7_3-2J.WPD ORDINANCE NO. 506-B SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 506-A, THE SIGN ORDINANCE BY DELETING THE READERBOARD SIGN FROM SECTION 19 SO THAT IT WILL NO LONGER BE A PERMITTED SIGN; AUTHORIZING THE GRANT OF VARIANCES IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS FOR READERBOARD AND OTHER TYPES OF SIGNS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City of Southlake; Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to. Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake finds the present sign ordinance does not sufficiently regulate readerboard signs within the city; and WHEREAS, the city council deems it necessary to, adopt this. ordinance to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 506-A is hereby amended by revising Section 14 to read as follows: " SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including. but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the .unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to .the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with. the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the sign ordinance by. filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed \�_ C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\ORD\506-B\506-B.WPD 7A-9 Page 1 application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council." SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 506-A is hereby amended by deleting Article V, section 19, subsection B, and renumbering the remaining subsections consistently. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such. ordinances, in which.event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the city council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the city council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence; paragraph, or section. - SECTION 5. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this. ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation . is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. All. rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and .all violations . of the provisions of Ordinance No. 506-A or any other ordinances affecting the regulation of signs which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both- civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, .under: such ordinances, same shall not be affected .by this ordinance. but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. . SECTION 7. The city secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish this ordinance in �- C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\ORD\506-B\506-B.WPD 7A-10 Page 2 book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 8. The city secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinanc:; or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and the City Secretary shall additionally publish its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED . AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 199 MAYOR ��, C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\ORD\506-B\506-B.WPD 7A-11 Page 3 j ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY tom_ , C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\ORD\506-B\506-B.WPD 7A-12 Page 4 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 96-124 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480-219, First Reading Rezoning and Concept Plan/Crestwood Office Park STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for property described as being approximately 3.5083 acres situated in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, being a portion of Tract 3D as recorded in Volume 8564,.Page 285, D.R.T.C.T. This plan proposes two (2) individual office buildings. LOCATION: Northwest corner of the intersection of North Carroll Ave. and Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 7109) OWNER: CFNVESTS Southlake JV .APPLICANT: M & M Group, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" .Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential. (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential Areas (Any Single Family district) NO. NOTICES SENT: Five (5) RESPONSES: One response was received within the 200' notification area: Juergen Strunck, P.O. Box 92685, Southlake, opposed. I am opposed... "until some of my questions concerning this request have been satisfactorily clarified." See attached letter. P&Z ACTION: October 3, 1996; Approved (6-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. November 73 1996: Approved (4-2) subject to Plan Review Summary dated November 1, 1996 deleting Item #1 (provide a 50' rig setback line) to allow a 40' setback line; deleting Item #3A way spacing distances); amending Item #313 ("right-in/right-out 8A-1 only" driveway) to allow a "right-in/right-out/left-out" driveway on Carroll Ave.; deleting Item #3C (minimum driveway throat depth on Carroll Ave.); adding to delete 10 parking spaces and use pavers for 20 of the remaining parking spaces; accepting the applicant's commitment to provide an 8' . stockade fence with shadow box along the north property line. COUNCIL ACTION: November 19, 1996; Approved (6-0) Applicant's request to table until the December 3, 1996 City Council meeting. December 3, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the December 17, 1996 City Council meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated September 27, 1996 and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996, with the exception of the items in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 15, 1996. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\96CASES\96-124ZC.WPD 8A-2 Juergen Strunck P.O. Box 92685 Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 481-3681 October 1, 1996 Chairman and Members of the City of Southlake Planning, and Zoning Commission 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Reference No. ZA 94-124 Dear Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission: CTom Matthews and David McMahan visited with me about two weeks ago and presented me with their concept plan for the proposed Crestwood Office Park. They told me at that time that they would request a zoning change to SP-2 with exclusive 0-1 usage. The notice I received from the city of Southlake lists only SP-2 generalized site plan district. I have to oppose this without the 0-1 office use specification. This. may just be this may simply be a matter of weak communication —but I take the notice as the legally binding document for me. We looked at the plan and I had no serious concerns other than the placement of a two story building at a very high location looking directly into my living room. Both gentlemen understood my concerns and gave parking problems as the main reason for the distribution of the building heights. I trust and hope that this can be modified. We also . talked about the exact location of the buildings in relation to the large oak. trees on the property. I was assured that a tree survey would be conducted and a more accurate location of the building and parking spaces would be shown to me. I assumed this would happen and would be incorporated in the concept plan prior to submission to you. From conversation concerning the rezoning request with Ms. Gandy I understand that the West corner of Carroll Ave. and Southlake Blvd. may not yet be legally included in the zoning change request and concept plan. To my mind the concept plan and with it the zoning change request hinges on the resolution of this issue. Again, this may just be a matter of failed communication. But I certainly would want to know that M&M Group can plan the construction at the corner and that the design of the straightening of N. Carroll Ave. is approved and meets all the requirements of the City of Southlake and affected property owners. U REC'a OCT C 2 1996 8A-3 As the homeowner most directly concerned with this request for the zoning change I am obviously most careful to state my views concerning this request. I told Mr. Matthews and McMahan that I did not object to having the parking lots all near our property line since this would take less soil removal for the construction of their buildings and would save more trees on their property. I appreciated their visit with me and their expressed intent to work with me to reach mutually agreeable solutions to their desire to build fine quality office spaces in the Crestwood Office Park. Given a little more time and more detailed information concerning the points raised above (as well as "normal' questions such as building design, landscaping, lights, trash bin location) I think that my opposition 6 the request can be changed to no opposition. Mr. Matthews and McMahan probably expected to see me at your meeting to clarify my concerns. I am sorry to note that professional commitments do not permit me to attend your meeting. This may explain my rather lengthy letter. I will try to get a copy of the minutes for your Oct. 3 meeting and hope to be able to attend the 2nd reading or any pertinent follow -up -meetings. Thank you for your consideration on my behalf on this matter! Sincerely,*\-0J 8A-4 25,406 Ac `ST 5 Ac 3.9 Ac 6.43 Ac 4 Ac .� H'Y 1♦ p ._.. RAG4CI A m Q 4C29 �3 / 401 4 40 s� IA IC 1D1 If IF1 \ ! C,RR� c BOLL �i. I R J b ❑ L X64I MIS? 1DIA 1�� 102 1D2A 3A 3 3A2 Ila IT 24.91 Ac 1 3AIA 3 3AIJ2 All z 3AI44 8.13 Ac 16.94 Ac � � 3A1J 3AIJ3 3A1 A1J1 4NO STREET _. IE ,9 _ MC H RD a KY A-481 ,A 1 _ AJ l' 29 zw � 3 *FHAM 1TY 3A 3A I 2A 5A n 1S 37.665AE 1 i - L", 22 •303A 3D2 , xl 3D2A 3A, , W 3D3u1 Ao 3.4 38/� �l(P.M 1709) aAz 4 0 DEAsr swn+l —5DI 5E 50 502 5c 3A1 x J8 zA 40 40 7A I i 2C 2 29 6 Ac so 3 Ac .57 Ac 581 Ac 1.56 M v� �% -ti GoR13 J _ ,RQ M 'ti - 15 A< V P 301 15 _ 22.11 Ac 4 Y . c 30 702 2A5 2A3 2 `• ; ; i i i i i i i i i . i i j j i i — 1 � 20-AE 21 Ac •••..` 4EI ,_LE,t = L \. .X i •4../!... . SfAPLEI' A-G99� 20 Ac r 2CIk �`• " ..L 50.71 Ac !"I1 ---'---- 1, •----•- - ; N � .. ii-ly4 17 L liiili 1A3 - Y 20 Ac I 4C '7• �� -- A-" 6AI � \ .•r RAINBOW ST. 2e 2c1 ' i'�r-} TtI' ti ;�BA� Au zA � �Qy I i 1 i W •♦ H -' IA2 6.S~•; Ac _ '- 8A-5 IA2 ` 6B3 68 I; TRACT MAP 02 — 6c 6D ^^ •' , 10 AN 13.4 Ac 1 f,0 caEN T 114 2 22 23 26 too OWNBY LN 4 s s i A a Ito two tie Ito on 5 0 ti t� u: BIWLE CT us L UI .. 12 11 10 x 9 ti 8 x 7 g 6 'o 5 3 g 2 ,l IN do do '°e In In 249 1 ( � r 210 LL �J �• $ TR 3C r _ 3.0 AC $ �y .w I tlo / TR 303A TR : RRR Ar 3.41! a o TR 38 Mandaz Lmtd_ J_ n-truncfc I i.0 AC .'AG" "SF1 A" „AG„ 2,o TR 3D2 2.0 AC too ♦„ R 0 f\ 3.6 A TR 303A 7.665 AC' J j ` 3D3 ' TR.3F TR.3D2 r, AL 1:93 Ac . E1 TR 0 3.4419 3.6 AC i 1.79 Ac O R,4 AC .066 O T 085 01/ Tn 5 0. Statd ofi Taxas S O Stata �fi Taxas — 3C1 9 O TR 3B2 .063 O TR TR 381 3D1A TR 4 2 1.1.51 0- TR 3B .017 .009 .707 AC i • "AG" "AG" I 'R 3C 82 AC Timarron Land Carp_ A F'rada I TR 3B1 I 2.773 AC I ( 8A-6 i i I ADJACENT OWNERS � SPIN REPRESENTATIVE #10 AND ZONING AL MORIN TR 3D. City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY .use No: ZA 96-124 Review No: Three Date of Review: 11/15/96 Project Name: Concept Plan for S-P-2 Zoning ('O-i uses) - Crestwood Office Park, 3.508 Acres in the W.W. Hall Survey Abst. # 695 OWNER/APPLICANT: M + M Group, Inc. 100 W. Southlake Blvd. #320 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 329-6996 Fax :(817) ENGINEER: J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. 726 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone : (817) 488-3313 Fax : (817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/11/96 AND WE OFFER THE. FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581; EXT. 787. • Provide a 50' building setback line .along. the south line adjacent to F.M. 1709.#1 (P & Z Action 11/07196: delete and allow a 40' setback line); 2. A minimum. 8' high screening• device meeting the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Sections 33.2, 33.3, and 39 is required along the entire west property line. The applicant has provided the required screening 3. The following changes are needed with regard to proposed driveways according to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634: A. Correct the driveway spacing distances to 227' along North Carroll Avenue and 510' along F.M. 1709. The spacing from an intersection is measured from the nearest point of intersection of the right-of-way lines to the centerline of the proposed driveway.(P & ZAction 11107196: delete) B. The driveway intersecting Carroll Ave. must. be a minimum of 250' from the intersection of F.M.1709 for full access driveway: The spacing provided is 227'. 'A "right-in/right=out only" driveway is permitted with the spacing as shown. (P & ZAction 11/07196: amend to allow a "right-in/right-out/left-out" driveway on Carroll Ave.) C. The proposed driveway intersecting Carroll Ave does not meet the minimum driveway throat depth of 75'. The depth provided is approximately 30'.(P & ZAction 11107196: delete) D. Provide a Traffic Impact Analysis for this site, if the trip generation of the proposed uses for this site exceeds any of the criteria established in the Driveway Ordinance No. 634, Section 3.4. Provide a minimum 10' x 50' loading space for the 1'6,727 s.£ building. The applicant has provided a 20' x 3 0' loading space. 8A-7 City of Southlake, Texas P&ZACTION: October 3, 1996; Approved (6-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. November 7, 1996; Approved (47-2) subject to Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996-deleting Item #1(provide a 50' building setback line) to allow a 40' setback line; deleting Item #3A (driveway spacing distances); amending Item #3B ("right-in/right-out only" driveway) to allow a "right-in/right-out/left-out" driveway on Carroll Ave.; deleting Item #3C (minimum driveway throat depth on Carroll Ave); adding to delete 10 parking spaces and use pavers for 20 of the remaining parking spaces; accepting the applicant's commitment to provide an 8' stockade fence with shadow box along the north property line. Please note that the applicant has deleted only 6 parking spaces and no spaces have been designated with "pavers" as opposed to standard concrete. * This review is based on the "O-1" Zoning District Regulations. * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 12/23/96. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All,17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11 " x 17" revised reduction must be provided. * Any building on the site that exceeds 20' in height (UBC standard measurement) or one story must setback from the west and north property lines such that no part of the proposed buildings encroaches above a 4:1 slope linefrom each property line. Otherwise, the minimum building setback line from the west property line and north property line is 40'. * N. Carroll Ave. is indicated as an 84' R.O-.W. on the approved Thoroughfare Plan which requires a minimum R.O.W. dedication of 42' from the centerline of the apparent existing R.O.W.. If the opposite side has already dedicated R.O.W. per the Thoroughfare Plan, this project should show a R.O.W, dedication which provides for the ultimate required 84' R.O.W.. Future alignment of the off -set between North and South Carroll has been determined. The applicant should contact the Public Works Dept. for more specific information. Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. - Note that these issues are only the major areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance. with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on the north, east, south, and west building facades) per §43.9C1c, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9C 1 a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43-B and 43-C on Pages 43-12 and 43-13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43-D on Page 43-14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Residential adjacency standards per §43.11 and Exhibit 43-E on Page 43-15, Ordinance 480, as amended. 0 Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.12, Ordinance 480, as amended. am • City of Southlake, Texas • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire. Department. * Permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a plat must be submitted for approval and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan, landscape,plan, and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: M + M Group, Inc. J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. L: \ W P-FILES\RE V\96\96-124CP.3 8A-9 it Ip F_P g33 - }' a 3$ fi y o .sue' E xd syy ��-8 ¢ $¢ [i ;ill a3 1$ g g F y s il' Eb ibgppp s7 ya Q a }E SE mag €aE €n IF ¢$ §j 7 m o yz A k'O W E-co Nz �omm�a U fC .1F NCVjN 6 m . W z �F„ xUoy O rU My M N O a I i do -- rn -MV 'noHm 's r-i CD 'I Z I �I I I '7AY 770NNY3 'N �did- f R 1jwo R fig tz ;a I iµ yie ,�SI� �0 ' Q • I - III I u I PA. Q (d x d � � • w I I `, i i k Il he 5m 8A-10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS W, ON EMM"IMPR p ` , SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ..ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING . . ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING 'ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND. GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS. ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE. OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A . SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, . WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code; the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business; industrial, residential and other purposes,. and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, -safety.; morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and. . WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as Dstri under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by �—' the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 1 8A-11 facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and lare of the vehicular and station lights and effect o such 1' p g g stationary g f fights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to. be generated by the proposed use around. the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings; and encourage the most. appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas; does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the;public demands: them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes. do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved. property with reference to the classification which existed at.the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, ,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety -from fire, panic, and. other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents. the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the .adequate provision .. of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS; the City Council of the City. of Southlake, Texas, hasdetermined- that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been . • a change in the. conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts .. of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or -tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the .public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 34®8ae tract of land situated in theWW , a1 Surv�e>yttract No 695 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 2 8A-12 dct , and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, fro "�fur� to " - �1 p. e >�z , as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. i Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, .phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified; verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That ..the zoning regulations. and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive planfor the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and. air; to prevent over -crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water; sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular .uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the `:most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance -shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake; Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those..instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. ' That the. terms. -and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of .the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, .the same shall: not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said. tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall - be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances ( affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; .and, as to \ such accrued violations and all pending litigation, .both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, -under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 3 r-"' until final disposition by the courts. �i Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together. with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this. ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading.theday of , 1996. MAYOR L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 4 8A-14 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY i� L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 5 8A-15 EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING at a monument found for corner at the present intersection of the west R.O.W. line of N. Carroll Avenue (a variable width R.O.W.) with the north R.O.W. line of Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709-a 130' R.0.W.); THENCE N 89° 05' 27" W, 101.18' along the north line of Southlake Boulevard to a monument found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 01" 36' 05" and a -radius of 1 1,524.1 6% THENCE around said curve and along the north line of Southlake Boulevard,1, a distance of 322.09' 'to a monument found for. corner; THENCE S 89° 18' 28" W, 121.51 along the north line of Southlake Boulevard to a 3/4" iron rod set at the southernmost southeast corner of that some tract of land described in deed to D.J. & L.A. Mitchell, recorded in Volume 681.8, Page 1094 of the . Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; HENCE N 00° 10' 06". E 283.16' along. the east line. of said Mitchell property to a 1 /2" iron rod found' for corner; THENCE S 88°. 46' 55" E, 104.45' along the Mitchell property line to . a -1 /2" iron rod found at the southwest corner of that some tract of land described in . deed to J.P. & G.H. Strunck, recorded in Volume 6365, Page 206 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 89° 54' 44" E,. 444.04' along the south line of said Strunck property to a 1 /2" iron rod found for corner in west line of N. Carroll Avenue; THENCE S 00` 55' 36" W, 281.05' along the west line of N. Carroll Avenue to the place of beginning and containing 152,823.68 square feet or 3.5083 acres of land. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page G 8A-16 EXHIBIT tB" sill R 1 o 12 at sp" 2cR 8Y nyy(( y s�$Ka YI; `ziG s ui as $I�a e$p ail 'aAv T10NNVJ -N •.. Tel Yee x a o V1z W E—' W 4Oo rnz zolNU G.90Q a z ��� U Z Uo {%'.. 'ooco I zz a 0 G Z..� W xa FJw O FF y a I I I cD L__ C' m -aer ' ONM •s r-1 r--1 CD I Z I I � � � I �I I �I I I I� I I� I �3+ IC°o ahl I I II I II zxe i II U I rs I N Atl Ol x v I I n I ° ^ yy i > Oo. S e4 ilEl lrr(�ej t.�'r 3 v Q in- + �a E 3 Z g Q L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-219.SP2 Page 7 8A-17 'I" City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 96-149 PROJECT: Plat Revision/Proposed Lot 1R1, Block 1, W. E. Mayfield Addition STAFF CONTACT: Tom Elgin, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 753 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 Attached is a letter from the Applicant requesting that the item be tabled until the City Council Meeting on January 7, 1997. Only the letter requesting the tabling is included at this time. The entire packet will be forwarded when the case is given full consideration. 8B-1 DEC-12-96 THU•03:48 PM LIBERTY BANK FAX N0, 817 498 6424 P, 01 /01 r December 10, 1996 i City of Southlake LIBERTY * SANK trwo nc DIS WW. Fou�da lA4s We Liberty Bank request that the plat. revision for Lot IRI W.E. Mayfield Addition Case #ZA96-149 be tabled until January 7, 1997 City Council Meeting. Sincerely, Stephen K Ingham President/CEO MW 5801 Davis Boulovard • North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 • (817) 656.0038 Member FDIC `,F City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 96-136 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance No. 480-223 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Foxborough (Submitted as Fox Glen, STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 ORIGINAL REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning change on property described as approximately 23.7 acres being Tract 3F and approximately 0.19 acres being a portion of Tract 3E in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695 and an approximate 48.89 acre Concept Plan including the 23.89 acres of the zoning change and approximately 25.01 additional acres, that acreage being a revision of the Concept Plan for Country Meadows. as approved by Council in August of 1990. This request proposes 63 residential lots (this number was modified from 63 to 64, then back to 63), one commercial lot with C 1 zoning to remain, one lot zoned 01 and designated as common area and 3 additional common areas. AMENDED REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning change on property described 'as approximately 23.7 acres being Tract 3F in the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695. A Concept Plan will be considered on Tract. 3F and approximately 21.72 acres described as the northern portion of Tract 3E in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, previously zoned "SF-20A" zoning and approved as Country Meadow Estates; approximately 1.72 acres zoned "O-l" Office District; and approximately 1.57 acres zoned "C=1" Neighborhood Commercial District. LOCATION: North side of East Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709), approximately 1140' west of the intersection of East Southlake Blvd. and North Carroll Ave. OWNER: Beulah Cross c/o Ben Muir (Tract 317) and Homei Liao and Jai Her Hwang, Trustees (Tract 3E) APPLICANT: Crumbaker Development, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single -Family Residential 8C-1 LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) Mixed Use (may include office buildings, hotels, and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential Areas (Any Single Family District) NO. NOTICES SENT: Forty-one (41) notices were sent. Because over notification did occur, those responses noted with an asterisk (*) are those included in the calculation for the supermajority vote requirement. Those not include in the supermajority vote requirement are listed under responses received outside the 200' notification area. RESPONSES: Seventeen (17) written responses were received within the 200' notification area: • *Candace Harris, 920 Ownby Lane, Southlake, opposed. See attached letter dated October 6, 1996, addressing the impact of the proposed development on other SPIN #10 neighborhoods, the "C-1" lot, and the builder of the subdivision. • *Carolyn Hayes, 807 East Southlake Blvd., Southlake, did not register opposition, but offered concern about the initial appearance and future maintenance of Common Area No. 1, C across from her home on Southlake Blvd. Mrs. Hayes submitted two letters, both are attached. • *R. T. Blair, 850 Ownby Lane, Southlake, opposed. "Improper drainage. Traffic safety. " See attached letter. • *Kenneth Clifford, 2576 Oak Road, Southlake, opposed. Resident details an assessment for drainage and current traffic flow. See attached letter. • *Jim and Becky Settles, 410 Southview Trail, Southlake, opposed. Concerns posed by residents include drainage issues, extension of Ownby, the quality of homes, and road conditions. See attached letter. For additional comment, see attached petition. • *Ted and Debra Harbour. See attached petition. • *Richard and Marilyn Lawrence. See attached petition. • *Leroy Sisco. See attached petition. • *Larry Mahon. See attached petition. • *Dennis Murphey. See attached petition. • *Paul Soulrer. See attached petition. • *Randy and Tracy Blair. See attached petition. • *Loran and Nan Naughen. See attached petition. • *Tom and Diane Akers. See attached petition. • *Candace Harris. See attached petition. • *Ken and Sarah Clifford. See attached petition. • *Joe and Jeanne D'Amico. See attached petition. 8C-2 Six (6) responses were received outside the 200' notification area: Kenneth & Amelia Gardner, SSO Bentwood Lane, Southlake, opposed. "l. Density of homes adjoining the Lake Wood Acres addition (my subdivision) should be lower - i.e., larger lot sizes. Otherwise, my property value would be adversely affected. 2. Developer should provide street stub access via revised plat to the Lake Wood Acres addition ... for future development of the lots adjoining the lake." See attached letter. • Tom Miller, Diamond Ltd.4217 Breenbrier Dr., Dallas, Texas, in favor. • Carol A. Livezey, 650 Bentwood Lane, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too high a density of home building, questions about water drainage and water flow that will affect us, no buffer between our lot and theirs." • David & Catherine Moberg, 503 San Juan Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "I do not feel that this change is necessary for the common good of the city of the Southlake nor its residents or property owners." See attached letter. • James & Elaine Wood, 1040 Diamond Blvd, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Lots too small, unknown house sizes and price ranges. Would like it tabled until DCE Homeowners can meet with the developer. " • Verne H. Rainey, 1020 Diamond Blvd, Southlake, Texas, C opposed. "This will decrease the property value in Diamond Circle, Mission Hills and other nearby developments " A letter of opposition, received November 7, 1996, addressing the extension of Ownby Lane to service Foxborough, the Foxborough Development being based on an asphalt roadway, and drainage issues was signed by 39 (thirty-nine) residents. Of these responses, thirteen (13) were within the 200 notification area (marked with an asterisk * ). Note that one of these signatures had previously responded (C. Harris). Please see attached letter. A petition of opposition, received November 14, 1996, was signed by residents of 68 properties in the Mission Hill Estates and Diamond Circle Estates subdivisions. Of these responses, all 68 were outside of the 200' notification area. Please see attached petition. 8C-3 P & Z ACTION: October 17, 1996; Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7,1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the December 5, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 27, 1996, amending Item #6 (deflection in the common line between Lots 27 & 28, Block 1) to allow as shown; removing drive into Lots 1 & 2, Block 1; place drive/common access on the west portion of Lot 1, Block 1; change "Cross Court" to "Cross Lane"; accepting applicants committment to minimum home sizes in deed restrictions; accepting applicants committment restricting Lot 1, Block 1 (zoned "C-1 ") to "O-1" uses in deed restrictions; change bufferyard on Lot 2, Block 2 to Type "K" bufferyard along F.M. 1709; planting and landscape in all common areas as shown in exhibits presented; landscape as shown on Lots 1 & 2, Block 1; provide 4" caliper trees, 6' walk and berried plants in Lot 7, Block 3; STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the items in Concept. Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11, 1996 and Concept Plan Review No. 2 dated November 1, 1996 and Concept Plan Review No. 3 dated November 27, 1996 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Concept Plan Review No. 4 dated December 13, 1996. L:\WP-FILF-S\MEMO\96CASES\96-136ZC.WPD U 8 C-4 Additional signatures received on letters identified to preceding letter: (�>ennis and Angela Brady Patty and George Howell. 625 Southview Trail Tim and Erin Ratliff 925 South Bend Trail *Jim and Becky Settles 410 Southview Trail *Ted and Debra Harbour 450 Southview Trail *Richard and Marilyn Lawrence 520 Southview Trail *Leroy Sisco 420 Southview Trail *Larry Mahon 470 Southview Trail Dennis Murphey 415 Southview Trail *Paul Soulrer 525 South Bend Dr. Karen and Gary Crapson 575 Southview Trail Bob Green 920 South Bend Trail Stephen R. Watts 915 Oasis Court Amy Harvey 1000 South Bend Trail Julie and Tim Sanford -)hn Vanfor U5 Southview Trail Joel & Debbie Bell 625 South Bend Trail Greg D. Duesing 670 Southview Brooks West 975 South Bend Trail R. Curtis (? signature illegible - no address given) *Denotes those within 200' notification area. 8C-5 J. E. LEVITT ENGINEERS, INC. REC'D NOV 2 01996 C,--ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 26 COMMERCE • SUITE 104 • SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 • (817) 488-3313 November 20, 1996 Mrs. Karen Gandy Zoning Administrator City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: ZA 96-136 Foxborough Zoning Request Dear Mrs. Gandy At the request of our client and the property owner, we respectfully withdraw our application for rezoning of the 0.186 acres tract in the referenced zoning case. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. i E. Levitt, P.E. 8C-6 z Candace Harris 920 Ownby Lane Southlake Texas 76092 I Phone (817)329-3216 October 06, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission C/O Ka,, -en Gand��" y D OCT 0 8 1996 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Karen, Please consider this letter at the P&Z meeting scheduled for October 17,1996. Unfortunately I will be out of town, and not able to attend the meeting. Please allow this letter to serve as evidence of my opposition to ZA 96-137 and ZA 96-136. I have several concerns regarding the information that I was provided regarding the above -referenced cases. I feel it is premature for the Commission to consider these cases at this time. I think that, prior to submitting the above request to the Planning and Zoning Commission a presentation should be made to SPIN 10 for resident input. As you know SPIN 10 encompasses Lakewood, Southview, Diamond Circle and Mission Hills. The proposed development will have an impact on all- of these neighborhoods.. This meeting has not taken place and apparently no meeting is planned by the applicant. The second concern touches on the C-11ot located at the southwest corner of the planned development. As drawn, this lot will be adjacent to three residential lots. The commercial lot should be down zoned to a residential use. The third concern I have touches who will ultimately be building the subdivision. I feel this subdivision should be built by custom builders that are both familiar with, and have a history in this area. Additionally I may have concerns with the location of the large common area, the size of the lots and the anticipated drainage plans. I have discussed these cases with my neighbors and at this juncture we have a lot of questions with no one to answer them. We, as a community, would like an opportunity to learn more about the applicant's plans. Even if I was going to be in town, I do not think a Commission meeting is the proper forum for this type of informational meeting. I need to have the above, and other questions, answered before I can support these cases. For the above reasons, and others, I would ask that the Commission table this item until such time as these, and other issues, can be explored by the residents that will be affected by the proposed changes. Thank you for your consideration of the above. 1 erely, andace Harris 8C-7 a60eq,1 Candace Harris 920 Ownby Lane Southlake� // Texas 76092 ,arkµn�f4t1�11 1\ Phone(817)329-3216 November 04, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission C/O Karen Gandy '667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Karen, Please consider this letter at the P&Z meeting scheduled for November 7,1996. Unfortunately I will be out of town, and not able to attend the meeting. I am interested in two case on the Commission agenda. They are ZA 96-137 and ZA 96-136. I would like to respectfully request that the commission change the lot sizes from 1/2 acre minimum to 3/4 acre minimum. Lakewood, Diamond Circle and Mission Hills all have 1 acre minimum lots. Requiring Foxborough to meet a 3/4 acre minimum would make a nice transition to Southview, and not be overly onerous on the developer. The second recommendation I would make would be to require the house size to be a minimum of 3,000 square feet. I feel this would also help insure quality, custom builders in this subdivision. C\ Thank you in advance for your consideration on the above. Sincerely, 0 Candace Harris REC'D NOV 0 61996 SC-8 Ken Gardner 550 Bent Wood Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 October 11, - 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: ZA 96-136 & ZA96-137 Gentlemen: will be unable to attend the public hearing on October 17,1996, concerning the Preliminary Plat for Fox Glen - reference numbers ZA96-136 & ZA96-137. My neighbors will help to represent my views..* C In the current plan (Attached) I am OPPOSED to the proposed plat*for the following reasons: 1. Density of homes adjourning the Lake VVood Acres addition (my subdivision) should be lower - i.e., larger lot sizes. Otherwise, my property value would be adversely affected. 2. Developer should provide street stub access via. revised plat to the Lake Wood Acres addition (my subdivision) for future development of the lots adjourning the lake. ,,. During the October 17 public hearing, my neighbors - Broadaway and Dille - will represent my position. Thanks for your considerations. Sincerely, Sincerely, Kenneth N. Gardner Amelia L. Gardner Attachment U REC'D 0 C T 151996 8C-9 c ao- - 11 Nov., 1996 807 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 REFERENCE NO. ZA 96-136 • OUR CONCERNS: 1) Common Areas #1 & #3 as indicated on Preliminary Plat "Foxborough" dated 31 Oct. 1996 (copy of this Preliminary Plat attached and Common Areas # 1 & 3, hi -lighted in yellow) REVISED ACCORDING TO PRELIMINARY PLAT DATED 07 NOV. 1996 WHICH HAS COMBINED COMMON AREAS #1 & 3 INTO COMMON AREA #1 ONLY (copy of this Preliminary Plat attached and Common Area #1 only, hi -lighted in pink) Since this area (formally these areas) are directly in front of our residence we are concerned about their initial appearance and their future maintenance. We have been ( "I in attendance at the last two P/Z meetings; however; time has not allowed this reference number to be reviewd. We must be out of town this week, but we are very interested in the outcome of the review; therefore, we are attempting to voice our concerns 'via this letter in lieu of our personal attendance. Mr. McMahan has promised, upon two occasions, to provide us with a drawing of these areas; however, we have not received this drawing as of this date. The first instance was during the SPIN meeting of 04 Nov, 1996 and again during a telephone conversation between myself and Mr. McMahan of 08 Nov, 1996. During the SPIN meeting, referenced above, Mr. McMahan stated that COMMON AREA #1 would have an additional 5 to 7 feet of soil added to that area "as it is now" and that COMMON AREA #3 would have an additional 8 feet of soil added to that area "as it is now". Also, at this meeting, Mr. John Levitt:, Engineer of the development, stated that both of these common areas would have berms which would look like the berms surround- ing the Southridge Addition located behind the Bank (north side). I do not remember the name of this bank; however, it is the one located directly across from the High School on FM 1709 and Peytonville. Also, at this meeting, Mr. Mike Wright, Architect for the development, stated that the landscaping of these common areas would be governed by the city master plan, P/Z req- uirements, etc.; however, upon speaking with Mr. Tom Elgin, city Conlnlunity Development department, I have discovered this is not the case. I learned, during this conversation, that. Mr. 1\1:cMahan, or any other developer for that matter, is not held to any standard on SF-20A, Single Family Residential Districts. 'Those standards apply to 8C-10 OPEN AREAS (10% of total land area) for PUD's only. The only type of standards which would apply to COMMON AREAS # 1 & 3 is the 10 foot buffer zone on FM 1709 and the fact that the variance between the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat may not deviate more than 5%. After the completion of the addition the homeowners association would take over control of these COMMON AREAS and again are not governed by any city standards, per se. 1 / • OUR REQUEST IS: Mr. McMahan state, for the record, 1. that the eastern 3/4 portion of the berm of COMMON AREA #1, of Prelim Plat dated 07 Nov. 1996 (that portion indicated on the Prelim Plat dated 31 Oct. 1996 as Common Area #1) will be that of 5 to 7 feet additional soil and the landscaping, including the type, density, placement, size, etc. of the vegetation will be the same as the berm located behind the Bank, located across from the High School on FM 1709 and between that Bank and the Southridge addition. 2. that the western 1/4 portion of the berm of COMMON AREA #1, of Prelim Plat dated 07 Nov. 1996 (that portion indicated on the Prelim Plat dated 31 Oct. 1996 as Common Area #3) will be that of 8 feet additional soil and the landscaping, including the type, C density, placement, size, etc. of the vegetation will be the same as the berm located behind the Bank, located across from the High School on FM 1709 and between that Bank and the Southridge addition. 3. a date which Mr. Mahan will in fact, provide us with a copy of the drawing indicating the final appearance of COMMON AREAS # 1 & 3, as indicated on Prelim Plat dated 31 Oct. 1996 but REVISED as COMMON AREA #1 ONLY, as indicated on Prelim Plat dated 07 Nov. 1996. Attach. cc: Crumbaker Development, Inc. Attention: Mr. David McMahan 100 All. Southlake Blvd., #320 Suite 234 Southlake, 'F1 76092 Sincerely, I� Q4aroly`n�Hayes 8C-11 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake j 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 FROM: Bill and Carolyn Hayes W�'`^e' • �� 807 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 DATE: 12 Nov. 1996 SUBJECT: REFERENCE NO. ZA 96-136 Please attach this to my letter dated 11 Nov. 1996, regarding the above subject, as an update. • OUR CONCERNS: 1) REMAIN THE SAME AS EXPLAINED IN i I NOV. 1996 LETTER • OUR REQUEST IS: Mr. McMahan state, for the record, 1. REMAIN THE SAME AS EXPLAINED IN 11 NOV. 1996 LETTER. 2. REMAIN THE SAME AS EXPLAINED IN 11 NOV. 1996 LETTER. 3. Mr. McMahan did provide us with a drawing of the proposed berms on 11 Nov. 1996; however, the drawing is of insignificant aid in determining the final appearance of the stated berms. The drawing has no legend indicating any dimensions, etc. This is the reason, we feel, that number 1 aiid 2 requests, of our letter dated 11 Nov. 1996, are so important; to establish standards for those areas. REc'o rI nv 11. 1996 8C-12 November 5, 1996. Planning and Zoning Commission c/o Karen Gandy City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake., TX 76092 Dear Ms. Gandy: As citizens of Southlake and as Homeowners in SouthView, my wife and I are greatly concerned about the proposed residential development now referred to as Foxborough; ie. (ZA 96-136, ZA 96-137). We feel, as well as the majority of SouthView Residents that this development by Tom Matthews & David McMahan (Crumbaker Development) has been planned without consideration of Traffic Safety and Congestion, Proper Drainage, Property Values and overall Pride in what the Citizens of Southlake expect. ♦ Traffic Safety & Congestion With the proposed construction of 114 and traffic congestion along 1709. (commute period) already reaching maximum capacity, Ownby Lane will now become the bypass/thoroughfare not only for C residents of Foxborough but everyone trying to "Beat the Red-light". Add the Rialto Development and the problem only worsens, not only from a traffic and safety standpoint, but an increase in street maintenance costs due to abnormal wear ant tear. This is "Big Bucks" • for a City already experiencing growing. pains. ♦ Drainage Drainage is one of the biggest problems Southlake has and there seems to be no immediate solution. Diamond Circle Estates and SouthView flow water into this proposed development: Mr. McMahan failed to give a proper remedy for this at the SPIN meeting held November 4, 1996. His solution for a dumping area in Common area # 16 and Common area #2 is unacceptable. This will only become a Health & Safety Hazard, an eyesore, and a haven for mosquitoes and snakes; not to mention a severe decline in neighboring property values. As proposed, this development has all the makings of another Love Canal (New York). This Band-Aid fix for drainage needs to be addressed. Maybe an independent study by an engineering group could provide answers to this situation. The cost of the study and other related expenses should be incurred by Mr. McMahan and Mr. Matthews (Crumbaker Development) - This may prove whether or not they are serious about being responsible Developers concerned about the City of Southlake and its citizens. RG'D N 0 V 0 71996 Continued........../2 8C-14 2/ Further to this, Mr. McMahan is presently occupied with redeveloping the Food Lion Shopping center for Tom Thumb. Should he receive the rezoning he desires for Foxborough and Crestwood Office Park, we are very apprehensive about his fiscal ability, personal desires and developmental skills to manage multiple projects. / We urge the city to please address these and other concerns that may arise. The future of Southlake is at risk should we allow Carte Blanche rezoning to occur. We eagerly await the Development of this property but in a responsible manner that will satisfy the concerns of all Southlake Citizens that are affected. Let us take this opportunity to show the citizens of Southlake and surrounding communities that we have the ability to work together for a common cause that is beneficial to not only a few but all. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. R.T. 850 Ownby Lane Southlake, Texas 817-481-7189 8C-15 RE: ZA 96-136 and ZA 96-137 C"", November 6, 1996 Southlake Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Commissioners, I own the home at 400 Southview Trail in the Southview Estates Development. The rear of my property line meets the Eastern dividing line between the proposed Foxborough development and the Southview Estates development. My home is on the Northwest corner of Ownby and Southview Trail. I recognize that the development of the property behind my home will happen and do not disagree with the specific type of zoning that is being sought. I am an advocate of the continued development of both residential and commercial properties in my community that fully comply with municipal code while also maintaining the spirit of Southlake's corporate charter. However, in light of what little information I have received on the proposed Foxborough development, as well as what information I do not yet have, I have to oppose your recommendation of this rezoning and development concept to the City Council at this time. Instead, I recommend that specific engineering assessments be completed and the results shared publicly before any action be taken by your committee. Indeed, I believe that until the intelligence of the assessments outlined below is available. the Planning & Zoning Commission will not even be capable of making a decision that protects the interests of me my family, and my neighbors Not in order of priority, I believe that the following actions are prerequisite to your decision: Asssni o'oxbvruh's D na Et r eeTii� _. . What: An engineering study of Foxborough's drainage plan be commissioned to do a couple of things: 1) - Review and document the efficiency and standards of the existing plan and highlight the risks of the proposed design. 2) Produce a list of alternatives to the existing design, i.e. below ground transport vs. concrete channels, routing, conservative "pitch- levels"/degrees. By Whom: A third -party engineering firm selected by the Planning & Zoning Commission and managed by the City Engineer. - Why: For the Southlake residents with a stake in the success of the engineering of this development to understand what alternatives are available, where the risks are, and what standards, or more fundamentally, what design should be recommended to the city council. It is obvious that the proposed plat poses unique drainage challenges that include the fact it receives water from two neighboring developments. The existing proposal, which includes concrete channels running between my property and the Foxborough resident which backs up to me and the proposed plan of running all water to an overflow/drainage pond is nothing less than a complete surprise; I would expect this level of infrastructure from an unincorporated development, but not in Southlake. Funded By: The applicant. REC'D N O V 0 7 1996 Page 1 of 2 8C-16 RE: ZA 96-136 and ZA 96-137 Assessment of Impact of Foxboroagh's Current Design onTraffic Flow ,h ..... _ . What: A traffic -assessment of the impact of Foxborough's development on all interconnected development/s be commissioned. Obviously, the current concept limits the affected communities to Southview Estates. The specific objectives of the assessment would be to: 1) Quantify the impact of Foxborough's development on the number of cars / that will be regularly using both Foxborough Lane -,Ad Ownby Lane; the study should address at least a short-term view (3-:i years). These numbers should be shared publicly and also be measured against the thresholds that exist within Southlake's traffic policies. 2) Qualify the traffic -flow risks that exist as a result of the existing plan and propose solutions for each of these, i.e. speeding, visibility at corners, congestion and stubbing out streets toward Carroll Ave. in what are currently proposed to be Foxborough's Cross Court and Derby Court.. By Whom: A third -party engineering firm selected by the Planning & Zoning Commission and managed by the City Engineer. Why: To provide both the Planning & Zoning Commission and the local residents with the information necessary to form an accurate understanding of the impact of the Foxborough development on traffic flows and render intelligent decisions based on this. Given the unique situation of both Foxborough and Southview Estates being bordered by major arterial streets and the degree of commercial activity recently completed and planned, it is fundamentally necessary that to protect the health and safety of families in both Foxborough and in Southview Estates that you require this assessment. C Funded By: The applicant. While my recommendations may be construed by some as extreme, I am convinced that these actions represent the minimal effort necessary for us to make the claim in 1997 and every year after that we developed this land responsibly and intelligently. It is the unique qualities of this land (traffic & drainage), rather than my personal opinion, that mandates your endorsement of these recommendations. Our cumulative responsibility (yours as a commissioner and mine as a citizen) extends beyond the protection of commuter logistics and property values and includes the health and safety of our children; an issue that is inherent in both the traffic and drainage issues. It is plain to me that your quick recommendation to the city council without the prerequisite assessments of the developer's concept would be absolutely short-sighted and amount to a long-term disservice to all Southlake taxpayers. With all due respect, I trust that you recognize this, yet urge you to not dismiss the issues that I have raised here. As a taxpayer and advocate of responsible development, I look to you to protect the interests of my family and community. Sincerely, YY � Kenneth A. lifford 817/258.1118 Day Phone Page 2 of 2 8C-17 October 17,1996 City of Southlake Plaru-ing & Zoning Commission 667 North Carroll Avenue, ' Southlake, TX 76092 RE: ZA 96-136 I am a resident of the City of Southlake, having owned the property at 503 San Juan for the past eight years. My property is adjacent to the property for which a zoning change is being considered under the reference number noted above. I am opposed to the zoning change as requested for the following reasons. 1. I do not feel that this change is necessary for the common good of the City of Southlake nor its residents or property owners. 7. The request for medium density zoning is not in keeping with surrounding C developments and would likely have a negative impact on adjacent low P Y g r density property owners. 3. The commercial/retail use planned for two non-residential lots in the proposed concept plan is absolutely unnecessary and is not in keeping with the surrounding residential areas. 4. The development as proposed would create additional traffic safety hazzards on a portion of highway 1709 that is already experiencing morning and evening conjestion. 5. I am concerned about the environmental impact of the. proposed development. There are numerous mature trees on this property which would be significantly affected by the proposed development as well as drainage issues that need to be more fully addressed. 6. And finally, and I realize this is purely opinion, I think the development as proposed is rather unimaginative and quite mediocre in its proposed use of the land. It seems primarily designed to maximize the number of residential properties that can be created and sold rather than to create a more distinctive and aesthetically pleasing use of the land for residential purposes which RECD 0 C T 17 1996 8C-18 City of Southlake Planning & Zoning Commission -� October 17,1996 Page 2 would be in keeping with the character of both the surrounding developments as well as the larger community of Southlake. I urge you to reject this proposed change in zoning. I would be happy to consider other alternatives for the development of this property. Sin rely, David & Ca erine Moberg 503 San Juan Southlake, TX 76092 CC! Mayor Rick Stacy Southlake City Council Members 8C-19 November 6,1996 Planning and Zoning Commission 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 To Whom it May Concern: I am writing about my concerns to Reference No.: ZA 96-136. There are four areas where I see major problems. * Drainage Issue There is a drainage ditch in the northwest corner of my lot that needs to be extended out to the property of the above reference. By raising the elevation to adequately handle my drainage problem, you will create several problems. First you would create a drainage problem for our neighbors, and second, the loss of foliage and trees located on the back edge of my property line and my neighbors. ( * Extension of Ownby \ Extending Ownby into this new development will create an unsafe environment for the people that live on Ownby. We consider our streets to be very safe. With more people using Ownby as an access road to get to Carroll, it only creates more traffic. Due to the number of small children it will only create an unsafe environment for the children to play. I would hope that everyone that uses Ownby would have the same respect as those that live on this street, but unfortunately that is never the case. * Quality After meeting with Crumbaker Development Inc., we feel that we have no assurance that the quality of homes will be as good as our development or better. All the houses that surround this property have been custom homes. They said that the cost of the lots will be so high that it will keep the tract home builders out.. We just need some reassurance that the development company sells the property by the lot, not by the whole development. Our association has hired an outside management company to make sure that all homes are abiding by our deed restrictions. This should help make are small development continue to give Southlake the standard and quality that everyone in our community should be proud of. What we would like to see is that Crumbaker Development be forced to use the same outside management company, or another similar company, in order to maintain the same enforcement of the deed restrictions in the future. * Road Condition I have a major concern about the extension of Ownby to be Asphalt. As Ownby is right now the plans will see Ownby go from concrete to asphalt. Also we all know that in the summer asphalt gets sticky and soft, this will resolve in that residue will deposit on to the concrete. There is only one solution and that would be that it must be changed to concrete. Orry IUD NOV 0 71996 8 C-20 r.i;:fdi3:ltit.�'- m.uou..w.o...�......�.,.r<.......... cntaru�wu�rcxwy��m•s � �• ���+.aQuw.��a.wwww�..µw+aa.,. ,.,.....� •-----.....-._... \.If we cannot get the quality and the reassurance that all of the above items are being addressed, then we oppose any plat for Fox Glen by Crumbaker Development, Inc. Very truly yours, im and Becky Settles 410 Southview Trail Southlake, Texas 76092 U 8C-21 November 5; 1996. N�ylwK;wip`hh• ':J:P�I:\.:t{: +1�'/I �.j{.x:1,Y_'-., •r ,iBtCMM PIanning and Zoning Commission c/o Karen Gandy City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake., TX 76092 Dear Ms. Gandy: .n.�Mya�•n. .. ...y,. :.,. �. .. :r. aa.,yt,�r.. .���i'�.K ti4n* This letter is being generated in reference to the P&Z meeting scheduled for November 7, 1996: in particular two cases on the commission's agenda - ZA 96-137 and ZA 96-136. The following comments and observations reflect a large consensus of those residents currently residing in the SouthView development. As residents, parents and tax payers we are greatly concerned by the implementation of the proposed residential development put forth by David McMahan and Tom Mathews (Crumbaker Development). It is clear that the following issues will negatively. impact the safety of our neighborhood and our residential property values. ♦ The extension of Ownby Lane to service Foxborough: The Developer estimates to plot 67 home sites with an average lot size of > %z acre. One access to this development will be off 1709 and one through SouthView via Ownby. Given that Diamond Circle Estates and the Timarron extension to 1709 will cause more (access) congestion on 1709, common sense and the path of least resistance dictates that the new residents of Foxborough will use SouthView to gain access to either the 114 or 1709 via the Development's connection to Carroll. This will not only be a concern during the Monday to Friday - Commuting period but weekends, as well, when the development takes shape on the East side of Carroll. This is further compounded by any proposed linkage of the East side Carroll development to Home Depot, Kroger, etc. The impact of this will cause major safety concerns for our children and for (SouthView) residents accessing the street(s) from their driveways. Most of us chose Southlake as the place to raise our children given the city's predisposition as a safe place -for learning and growing. Ignoring the issue of increased traffic flow flies in the face of this city's quality of life attraction. A number of solutions to this situation are possible: 1. By increasing the lot size (Foxborough) to 1 acre there will be a tremendous decrease in the flow of traffic that (potentially) could be put through Southview. 2. Foxborough proposes another entry/exit point that will not negatively impact the SouthView development. At the SPIN meeting held Monday evening at the Solana Education Center, David McMahan made it clear that he was flexible to another potential entry/exit point. ♦ The Foxborough Development being based on an Asphalt roadway We are not aware of any recent upscale developments that have Asphalt as the basis for their road construction. As it stands right now the .proposed Ownby extension will see Ownby go from Concrete in SouthView to Ashpalt in Foxborough. Clearly this will detract from our property values. REC'D NOV 0 7 1996 Continued........./2 i p 8C-22 2/ . +sa,n�sarvi+,:a:;:ia.�*+Yva+td"ai�+fira.�x+a' .. arit�3'�r�:9;.,r..•n�gr+r,•r%,'�11t�'g1r •. _ .. • .. addition to the pR ysi M ge from concrete to Asphalt will be the residue which will be deposited (tracked) on the concrete in the summer months when Asphalt becomes overly soft and tacky. There is only one solution to this problem and it requires the Developer to change from Asphalt to concrete if a linkage with SouthView exists. ♦ Drainage Issues We are all aware through either personal experience, experience of friends or throu& various ' articles that one of the greatest issues facing Southlake is drainage. It was evident at the meeting that a serious drainage problem exists on the proposed development. Given that both SouthView and Diamond circle flow water onto this property any proposed development faces a difficult task in dealing with this situation. As potential neighboring residents we are asking the City for a thorough "Do Diligence" on the issue of drainage for this proposed development. For those of us who attended the Developers meeting we did not come away with a comfortable assurance that they know how to handle the situation. Both SouthView and Diamond Circle residents who surround this parcel of land do not wish to become the gate keepers to the Southlake version of Atlantis. Nor do we imagine that the city wish to take responsibility for authorizing the rezoning without the recommendations of an independent organization who specializes in such drainage related problems. In summary, there are enough issues pertaining to safety and potential impact on neighboring property values to delay the passing of the proposed rezoning by P&Z for ZA 96-137 and ZA 96- 136. We ask, as a unanimous body of neighboring residents, that this issue be re evaluated by the Developer and the City before it continues any further. Sincerely, 7 Ken & arah ord 400 gouhview T • Loran & Nan Nau gh Joe & Jeanne D'Amico 870 Ownby 405 Southview V 920 Ownby AM � no 611-Iffill-I .. • nCourt Paul & Linda Lamb 415 Fondren Court continued ......... /3 8C-23 ........../3 Jeff & Karbn Morris 950 Ownby ent & Lisa Ramesbottom 970 Ownby Mark & ' Mattlage� 1000 Ownby Ray & Rd* Kingsbury 405 Fondren Court Don & Jackie mpson 1025 Own y l!/t Jim & Rene C ord 1075 Ownby r � B & Molly Axline Michael & Patti rry 1050 Ownby 1125 Ownby C�,4&' 4a4 Richard & Becky t �� a.�Iran & Edie Sparks 350 Binkley Court` 1175 Ownby 8C-24 Additional signatures received on letters identified to preceding letter: .Dennis and Angela Brady Patty and George Howell 625 Southview Trail Tim and Erin Ratliff 925 South Bend Trail *Jim and Becky Settles 410 Southview Trail *Ted and Debra Harbour 450 Southview Trail *Richard and Marilyn Lawrence 520 Southview Trail *Leroy Sisco 420 Southview Trail *Larry Mahon C,470 Southview Trail Dennis Murphey 415 Southview Trail *Paul Soulrer 525 South Bend Dr. Karen and Gary Crapson 575 Southview Trail Bob Green 920 South Bend Trail Stephen R. Watts 915 Oasis Court Amy Harvey 1000 South Bend Trail Julie and Tim Sanford ')hn Vanfor '-_ J75 Southview Trail Joel & Debbie Bell 625 South Bend Trail Greg D. Duesing 670 Southview Brooks West 975 South Bend Trail R. Curtis (? signature illegible - no address given) *Denotes those within 200' notification area. 8C-25 REC'D N O V 13199 We, the Homeowners of Mission Hills, are opposed to the Zoning Change as requested for the following reasons: C ) The plan does not offer any distinctive or aesthetically pleasing uses for the property. It's primary design appears to be maximizing the number of residential properties that can be squeezed onto the property. 2) The request for medium density zoning is not congruent with surrounding developments; there are one+ and multi -acre residential sites on the immediate west and north sides of this property. This property, as proposed, would diminish the value of those properties; and by extension, the value of those developments. 3) The proposed extension of Ownby Lane would create a significant traffic hazard on FM1709, since it would create a shortcut from 1709 to Carroll Blvd. With the level of -current and impending development in this area, it is not hard to visualize the number of veMcles which would be traversing that neighborhood.. That also raises significant concerns about potential residential criminal activity in both Southview Estates and the proposed Foxborough, due to the increased traffic and access. 4) The proposed Common Area in the center of the development is, in fact, a drainage area for the development to the west. With development on the north, south, and east of the Common Area; it raises questions about the ability of that space to handle the increased run-offthat will occur. And it is obvious that that area cannot be used for any purpose other than drainage. 5) There are numerous large mature trees. on this property along the north border. This development, as planned, would remove most of those. That has a negative environmental impact; especially, when as a city, we are requiring . developers to install landscaping and trees. 6) The proposed commercial/retail use for two non-residential lots in the concept plan is absolutely unnecessary and is not in keeping with the surrounding residential areas. 7) This developer currently has two other projects within 1.5 miles both east and west of this development. Maintaining development activity on all three at one time may cause one or more to receive less than adequate attention to detail and quality. 8C-26 6A ! 4 5 �WO SiM1ti 1' A—JOOHI V ERS A 56.33 Ac f p• •[i•. BG2 6G ! 3A3 ! •t, i i?'4. :� 0., •`. ! \ — j3 i ' � I `•�. i ! `•�. 11 A, 4A _...4AU '�� 1 i 3D j 4) 3B2 39 381 X58 Ac i N`v��5 R%yam 315 M 4A ! I 1 ! { 3AID2 ✓�1j G ! �j A ST 5.97 Ac,wt ' • ~i-i,_�.«✓Z:`Aj! JMi Ac � ��`. l 9.47 ':! • ' ! • A�� `4pA 4C2 '' 4C 4C VA JOMWN 25,406 M Y �''�'.. `p ra14 BC 8C1 I t( yy 3�IB 3EIA 30C '� 5 M j 9 Ac 6.43 M 14 Ac R► e B ADD1f� i Q 4C2B 4C3 j pAR m — I t..' , 4 4 4G sttaETi 14— 401 ! 1E1 1 1F 1B2 IA — f -' _ CAST 1a 8 9 b� f 1 Q 1C 101 1F A 2: I i A RR AL att 135b1�N1 L 0 GE% II fA y, r: BBIc AAc ,Du •�,i BB1B I •• ( j i i IG $T 10 i i i i i ! •-• .w;�• `� ! 24.91 Act 80.1 Ac p HALL n j� ��// �(�// p q1 n n t•�. H4�i115 L I IO " lir/ � U17 • HIALSLS 1 h 1AI �.. _L •-l.� 1 i ! t i i i A -MI qTF ��-- ! y•�. i ,! - 1r- -i--t-- to i ti/v 5 ' 0 i k Limits of zoning request :.. AJ 2B L 3 HALL 3A� AL i I y ..IT-7L. PAW i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i I; - •-• i ;B j j i i i , �'•' i i i i i i� r _ •—•Ti_._•e i i j..�—. 25 Ac j ... i — _ —4 1 ✓; / "� —.— c . -3 IA 3D3 3C 3 Ac xi _ 7.665 Ac 3.4 38 j -- 3 5'i j 301 i U 3 Ac I>•i . I r S,`• .y.•• m 1 I '7r'Exsr•1•seuhl `e� t j ! 3D2A 3At 3D4 .3p i`-'?(v.0 1709) � -- 3C 5G 1 5F 5E 5D —5D1 502 ... 5C 3A 3AI 3Cn3B 4G 4D 7A'130E 5D3 �1 Z95 -aAc �,-� to V �, P 1' cJ 10 Ac 6 A, ;•S •p.43 Ac .57 Ac Y� k J k `'-•' 30.6 Ac D M a CIO 22.,1 Ac I •�.3N G 3p 3D2 f 3N1 5H ` 3K t 2AIC 2AI 2A1D 2A2 2A.5 2A3 2 0 }/Lr 2A1B 3f— D� 4.23Ac 207C" 1D �{ �cc t L� —, -- -- k' •t i0 I I i El ri �,7 ME COUR7 EA 7`` rG 21 Ac'•..., 4E1 `� �1 f I TRACT MAP -i t 4 Ae1Ui, Ac 2C [Cl a 2C2A _ 2C1k ' j_ p / I �• I • —._.— �_.—_.—_._. _ 4.5 M`� ._. —i 'J�-I`t�1� OC-2 / i i 4F — —. ADJACENT OWNERS 11 SPIN REPRESENTATIVE #10 1 AND ZONING AL MORIN ��.:. ice- ,• ��gv 1 2 °B 19 !� O. 5 .,. 20 2 B �,. i a 6 cn zi s 9 c 22' 7 R 7 m A 9 NAIL w• RvEY 4 S� 6 10 11 i 12 13. L_ OWNS..." 14 15 16 R 3F Its C' 22.0 AC s0 � �j. co J z •18 0 Q . 5 4 O i" ~ u. 3 /� 19' 3R TR 3 2A 3A 7.6,6`5r - — — SOUTHLAKE D ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — 212 24 TO 6 Z 21 TR 3D3A1 31---------- ---- 2 AB5 0 TR 5O TR 1 _ _ ^ 2 .0541 AC 2 Z5 0038a . 3B1 3a 3 iK 5C 29 TR 38 .017 Z 5 D2 2;o�zo .z2o 3 . . .698 Rc �Rzo . . 33� 126 G TR 3B1 ;nQ 2.773 AC LU Jfl3 � '�.. � l _ i R� e 8C-28 Adjacent Land Owners ZA96-136 and ZA96-137 # Owner Zoning # Owner Zoning 1 * K. Gardner SF -IA 29* State of Texas AG 2* D. Dille SF-lA 30* W. Rucker AG 3* B. Mckee SF-lA 31* State of Texas AG 4* D. Anderson SF-lA 32* State of Texas AG 5* R. Lawrence SF-20A 33* Timarron AG 6* L. Mahon SF-20A 34 J. Baker AG 7* T. Harbour SF-20A 35 J. Baker SF-lA 8* L. Sisco SF-20A 36 State of Texas SF -IA 9* M. Massad SF-20A 37 J. Baker SF -IA 10* J. Settles SF-20A 38 State of Texas PUD l l * D. Murphey SF-20A 39 State of Texas PUD 12* K. Clifford SF-20A 40 Timarron PUD 13* J. D'amico SF-20A 41 Timarron PUD 14* R. Blair SF-20A 42 State of Texas PUD 15* L. Naugher SF-20A 43 State of Texas C3 16* D. Akers SF-20A 44 Diamond Ltd. C3 17* D. Harris SF-20A 45 S. Murphey SF-lA 18 * Mendez Ltd. AG .46 J. Wood SF -IA 19* Mendez Ltd. AG 47 F. Decinti SF-lA 20 * 48 W. Quinn SF-lA 21 * State of Texas AG 49 D. Clark SF -IA 22* State of Texas C3 50 R. Poucher SF-lA 23* Southlake Partnership C3 51 J. Ridenour SF-lA 24* B. Cross AG 52 V. Phillips SF-lA 25* State of Texas AG 53 E. Silva SF-lA 26* W. Rucker AG 54 D. Moberg SF-lA 27* State of Texas AG 55 AG 8C-29 D. Wiviott SF-lA 28* B. Hayes * Denotes owners nottied for ZA96-136 only City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY se No: ZA 96-136 Review No: Four Date of Review: 12/13/96 Project Name: Concept -Plan for SF-20A Zoning- Foxborough (formerly submitted as Fox Glenl 48.877 in the.WW Hall Survey Abst. No. 687 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Crumbaker Development J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. 100 W. Southlake Blvd. #320 726 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Southlake. Texas 76092 Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 329-6996 Phone :(817) 488-3313 Fax (817) 329-6996 Fax : (817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/09/96 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. Correct the Timarron property along the.south line of F.M. 1709 to reflect "Approved Final Plat - Timarron Addition Phase V." 2. Provide an additional interior lot line in Lot 2, Block 1 and in Lot 1, Block 2 (common areas) along the existing 0-1 zoning line for tracking purposes. As currently configured, this will result in a split lot zoning. 3. Provide the required bufferyards along all non -residentially. zoned boundaries according to the . requirements of Ordinance 480, Sections 42 and 43. 4. Thedeflection in the common line between Lots 27 & 28, Block 1 and between Lot 6 and 7, Block 3 does not appear to meet the intent of the perpendicular/radial side lot line requirements. (P & Z Action 12105196: Amend to allow as shown) Please note that Lots 6 & 7, Block 3 were not addressed in the previous plan review or the P & Z motion, Note that in the Land Use'Data summary, Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot .1, Block 2 zoned 0-1 "Office" are shown as common areas; however, the residential density calculation does not include these lots. Please be aware that.review of building setbacks along street frontages is not part of this plan review. This issue will be addressed on the subsequent Preliminary Plat review. * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 12/23/96. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11 "x 17" revised reduction must be provided. 8C-30 City of Southlake, Texas P & Z ACTION. • October 17, 1996; Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the December 5, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public h%%aring. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 27, 1996, amending Item #6 (deflection in the common line between Lots 27 & 28, Block 1) to allow as shown; removing drive into Lots 1 & 2, Block 1; place drive%ommon access on the west portion of Lot 1, Block 1; change "Cross Court" to "Cross Lane ", accepting applicants commitment to minimum home sizes in deed restrictions;. accepting applicants commitment restricting Lot 1, Block 1 (zoned "GI ") to "0-1 " uses in deed restrictions; change bufferyard on Lot 2, Block 2 to Type W" bufferyard along F.M. 1709; planting and landscape in all common areas as shown in exhibits presented, landscape as shown on Lots I & 2, Block 1; provide 4" caliper trees, 6' walk and berried plants in Lot 7, Block 3; Denotes Informational Comment cc: Crumbaker Development J.E, Levitt Engineers, Inc. L: I WP=FILEMREM96196-136CP.4 8C-31 ]Sep 12, ¢ y Y Ti N. 'if � sgs� grass S�g SE $�X AS 5F sgs ��sg8& yFF;Yi$ ` 2 y s aAg F s 3g��.g� g14 SY � gd as8 �_$�:a � � ss� Sis ¢ .•Ir. Sa . A $3 b pp NI s1191a:�6 i3 l8(v W FE sa ig �fi iRAi I 8>i$ R8~ s>:• n8p §€€s ggg ---. Ili 4'Pgg� � SB �s6s 14, M I.E.] Iets k'R•§ -11 Is 11 �ebg �— I �I�P I 41•----F-T.. 13i�_ a._�Y IM telalo fl I I M JI i _Yn_ ___sla _ tlloil , ' NJ gig aDQA NJ I �l CS $n { p p" P R, /MO/D F� Z eb W gg$� aEg� � 0 W f IL � ffi a -g9 a Nkk si���j� U r �jlj �� BWrQ�vI4A I¢ e j SAE W W m W I a a U Eg4 I. I .•e I. ij r r , -gillI y - j It = P� ' dal ( �No�W -y,°°° - �� .�v` .' .'°•q°°'` _ �i �''P §.I §. 6� a°v¢ I I S - I -tl PG s X F 'r R "�' �i _ • �$< •yl � Y �s � . A9�a � I I c � P>i �Pk i..nvr..j....... .. f I ' I � . ' . � 1��3rm= 4-.�B.,—xna�ix-1--"'° —+ -° �a a � � • � � 4: a �q � ` q , a j s tlA ............. ..... ........... .... .... ...... � •�! i ' �' Spy , a- - mxl I y gg 8C-32 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS BEING APPROXIMATELY 20 'T a. - a �652 BE PT ACT3F, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM k' n, a D' ." M TO 1S`PRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC. REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER. PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING. CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; - PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING. FOR. PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. REQUESTED ZONING: WHEREAS, the: City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule. City acting;under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter. 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and; • WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter.211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land -for business, .industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as i "ACigutural Vyftict under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and i WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 1 8C-33 by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare -of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, . WHEREAS, the City Council of.the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and.their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the.City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes,.that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property. with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, .panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over -crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council .of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and. in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change,since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the, tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City ( of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 2 8C-34 Being approximately A situated in the W wIl£: 6995; beu ' I, more, fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from SNAM g to " Snngle£yRitntt�t as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and .are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. • That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been. made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general• welfare of the community. They have'been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over -crowding of • land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made; after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning .and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances: where provisions of -those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. . Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be. invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. . Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to \ any and all violations of -the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any. other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 3 8C-35 and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but .may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance povides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED. AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the . day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST:. l CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 4 8C-36 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 5 8C-37 EXHIBIT "A BEGINNING at the southeast corner ofj that certain tract conveyed to Homei Her Hwang, Trustees by deed recorded �n Volume 7937, Page west corner of said Cross tract, the common corner being in the north right—of—wayd Liao and h- F.M: Highway 1709. 9 294 D.R.T.C.T. and the souith— I of Thence with. a common line to said iao & Hwang degree 10 minutes 56 seconds tract and said Cross tract North 01. Wood Acres Addition East �:775.03 feet to a point on the sou Phase II accordingsouth line of Lake Records of Tarrant County, Texas p_R 1! C to the plat recorded in Volume 388-137, Plat & Hwang � � ) and the common northeast corner of said Liao tract and northwest corner lof said Cross tract; Thence with a line common to said Lake Wood Acres Addition and said Cr I 89 degrees 10 minutes 04 seconds East 523.65 feet to an iron pin for the so of said Lake Wood Acres Addition and the northeast corner ass Tract South west line.of SouthView osssoutheast corner P.R.T.C.T.; Phase I according to the Plot recorded aidn Cabinet Tract, A Slide I##784 I Thence with a line common to said SouthView P47 minute 47 seconds West 343.29 feet; to an iron ase I and said Cross Tract, k I and the Northwest corner of SouthView Pin for Southwest corner 0� at 'A', Slide #1350. P.R.T.C.T.; — Phase II according to the South 01 degree Of said SouthView Plot recorded in Thence with a line common to said SouthView Phase II and said Cross Tract South ()I30 minutes 19 seconds West .509.76 feet to an iron pin for the southwest corner SouthView Phase It and an ell corner ,of said Cross tract; Thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 1-7 seconds E t northeast corn- f degree Of said r conveyed o said Cross tract . and .the northwest) cornerfeet of that to he most easterl tract to JimY by E. Perry y 'dee4i recorded in Volume 4343, Page 260, D.R. T.C.T.; Thence with a line common to said C' Us and said' Perry tract South 02 seconds West 874.40 feet to the southeast corner of said Cross tract on h line of F.M. g No 170g 00 degrees 59 minutes Highway the north right—of—way Thence with. the north right—of-way N rth 89 'c):e tees . feet to the Point of Beginning and c ntainin 9.,,. 59. minutes 13 seconds West 656.20:; g so'me 23.7 acres of land. I L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-223.20A Page 6 8C-38 I \�J L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASE Page 7 EXHIBIT "B" j a %! a y ;q g�� .o 1j sga f or s E I 3€s AaE�• $8E 9gvg1 �E $fife MA °1a i0 -I of it S $.1 E g Jill k9RR ,jINail$ a$gyFm cR?ar@9 $ qy5xy� $ifatr$p iq g$gV��I� ilia €sgyp; WIN &�Tyw 10.1 deal" ds€ ka 11§ r181i d$ I.A�� f J L co a) G3 = Q x < mn a �a a O OF >m >o U z z w s 00 =s_< I- xw MOM W Z F C c czmi ✓Y U6 R Sa � o O w FF 0 0 Z yy LU dsg VIAAe Q $ 0 iu iu 0_€� a § ^ k 0 gnu, p2 g JW ea y S=d w m a m � 0 4o, i eet'g m g I ' Ilil I .. Ijig- -e '------- -- -— — - r-- i -Drat- --------- - --- : 5 I. 1�•10.10 f • .Off _ i _- r i ^ r w, i «t g$$ 3 x •� !4 AR �� " 6 Yp i '} � R� . �__ •.��` ' 3 I;'� � � .� �h "� � /� } ''s — .,..I gam° — —y '��^ � � a' � 'tY ydd', by '� � I �F3 � 0' tl�l_ `� d _ 'r •� E R�� � sF��, - Q0. z .gyp ��i I P� �� _i•F : ^� I Y i .moa I F .� � ' r:= Fp sZ !'�•OK a ``�'�'Y� 1�� ��.... k'.. P... I �. p110A. iI �yl `9y b� � � 4 I P� *'� ' -� PF iq d 11�7• «F ffk}. �k «�� ;I �' ��--^� - Y �O" �I rSa—IMMu��u--. ' § 4 ice. • l ...................a...t.m .w,r may .'., �.�, '"Pk� ....._..\..... n§a '`'.,...• J _ $ I _ 5 Almve Y' "�. I , : ICU I i .wcui 1 r ,l: Q i � `• A Ir � - I ,J �'.. C`��z'i � li-� Ili I • € ' I". 1 :I, 17� _ � '•i..l....... .�2� U ° _ pp Ir ���°y I N \1\\I 3 480 223 20A S\ - 8C-39 am ^ �� h g99 - il u, - yry 6 c City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 96-137 PROJECT: Preliminary Plat/Foxborough (Submitted as Fox lend STAFF CONTACT: Tom Elgin, Planner II, 481-5581, ext. 753 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Fox Glen on property described as being approximately 48.9 acres, being Tracts 3E and 3F in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695. This plat proposes 63 residential lots (orginally submitted as 63, amended to 64, then changed back to 63), one commercial lot with "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial district zoning to remain, one lot zoned "0-1" Office District and designated as common area, and 3 additional common areas. LOCATION: North side of East Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709), approximately 1140' west of the intersection of East Southlake Blvd. and North Carroll Ave. OWNER: Beulah Cross c/o Ben Muir (Tract 3F).and Homei Liao and Jai Her Hwang, Trustees (portion of Tract 3E) APPLICANT: Crumbaker Development, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District, "SF-20A" Single Family Residential, "C- 1" Neighborhood Commercial District, and "O-1" Office District LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) Mixed Use (may include office buildings, hotels, and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential Areas (Any Single Family District) NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifty-five (55) RESPONSES: Five (5) written responses were received from within the 200' notification area: Candace Harris, 920 Ownby Lane, Southlake, Texas, opposed. See attached letter dated October 6, 1996, addressing the impact 8D-1 City of Southlake, Texas of the proposed development on other SPIN #10 neighborhoods, the "C-1" lot, and the builder of the subdivision. • Kenneth & Amelia Gardner, 550 Bentwood Lane, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "1. Density of homes adjoining the Lake Wood Acres addition (my subdivision) should be lower - i.e., larger lot sizes. Otherwise, my property value would be adversely affected. 2. Developer should provide street stub access via revised plat to the Lake Wood Acres addition ... for future development of the lots adjoining the lake." See attached letter. • Daniel & Barbara Clark, 1034 Diamond Blvd., Southlake, Texas, opposed. • David & Catherine Moberg, 503 San Juan Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "I do not feel that this change is necessary. for the common good of the city of the Southlake nor its residents or property owners." See attached letter. • Larry Mahon, 470 Southview, Southlake, opposed. Resident states concerns regarding the developer, drainage, and street construction. See attached letter. Four (4) responses were received outside the 200' notification area: • Tom Miller, Diamond Ltd.4217 Breenbrier Dr., Dallas, Texas, in favor. • Dennis & Amy Archambrau, 810 Pearl Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Prefer much less drastic change in density." • Carolyn Johnston, 817 Pearl, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "I am opposed because I'd like the lots to be bigger in keeping with the same quality homes and lots in Diamond Circle." • Verne H. Rainey, 1020 Diamond Blvd, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Need to keep 1 acre lot so the property value in Diamond Circle and Mission Hills does not go down." A letter of opposition, received November 7, 1996, addressing the extension of Ownby Lane to service Foxborough, the Foxborough Development being based on an asphalt roadway, and drainage issues was signed by 27 residents of the South View Addition. Of these responses, twelve (12) were within the 200 notification area (marked with an asterisk * ). Note that one of these signatures had previously responded (C. Harris). Please see attached letter. P & Z ACTION: October 17, 1996; Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. 8D-2 City of Southlake, Texas November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the December 5, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Preliminary Plat Review Summary No. 3 dated November 27, 1996, deleting Item #5 (deflection in the common line between Lots 27 & 28, Block 1); amending Item #7 (regarding 35' setbacks on corner lots) as follows: Lot 8, Block 1 - provide 35' building line on Gateshead and 30' building line on Foxborough; Lot 13, Block 1 - 25' building line along Foxborough; Lot 13, Block 2 - 35' building line along Foxborough and 30' building line along Derby Court; Lot 14, Block 2 - 30' building line along Foxborough; Lot 10, Block 3 - 30' building line along the east property line; Lots 15 & 16, Block 3 - 25' building line along Wickham Lane. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the items in Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11, 1996, Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996 and Plat Review Summary No. 3 dated November 27, 1996 with the exception of those items in the attached Plat Review Summary No. 4 dated December 13, 1996. (WP-FILES\MEMO\96CASES\96-137PP. WPD 8D-3 i+ Candace Harris 920 Ownby Lane Southlake Texas 76092 Phone (817)329-321 6 October 06, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission DCP"DOCT Q 8 1996 C/O Karen Gander 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Karen, Please consider this letter at the P&Z meeting scheduled for October 17,1996. Unfortunately I will be out of town, and not able to attend the meeting. Please allow this letter to serve as evidence of my opposition to ZA 96-137 and ZA 96-136. I have several concerns regarding the information that I was provided regarding the above -referenced cases. I feel it is premature for the Commission to consider these cases at this time. I think that, prior to submitting the above request to the Planning and Zoning Commission a presentation should be made to SPIN 10 for resident input. As you know SPIN 10 encompasses Lakewood, Southview, Diamond Circle and Mission Hills. The proposed development will have an impact on all of these neighborhoods. This meeting has not taken place and apparently no meeting is planned by the applicant. The second concern touches on the C-1 lot located at the southwest corner of the C planned development. As drawn, this lot will be adjacent to three residential lots. The commercial lot should be down zoned to a residential use. The third concern I have touches who will ultimately be building the subdivision. I feel this subdivision should be built by custom builders that are both familiar with, and have a history in this area. Additionally I may have concerns with the location of the large common area, the size of the lots and the anticipated drainage plans. I have discussed these cases with my neighbors and at this juncture we have a lot of questions with no one to answer them. We, as a community, would like an opportunity to learn more about the applicant's plans. Even if I was going to be in town, I do not think a Commission meeting is the proper forum for this type of informational meeting. I need to have the above, and other questions, answered before I can support these cases. For the above reasons, and others, I would ask that the Commission table this item until such time as these, and other issues, can be explored by the residents that will be affected by the proposed changes. Thank you for your consideration of the above. l cerely, 'I �ndace Harris am, Ken Gardner Y, 550 Bent Wood Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 October 11, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: ZA 96-136 & ZA96-137 Gentlemen: will be unable to attend the public hearing on October 17,1996, concerning the Preliminary Plat for Fox Glen - reference numbers ZA96-136 & ZA96-137. My neighbors will help to represent my views:, In the current plan (Attached) I am OPPOSED to the proposed plat1or the following reasons: 1. Density of homes adjourning the Lake VVood Acres addition (my subdivision) should be lower. - i.e., larger lot sizes. Otherwise, my property value would be adversely affected. 2. Developer should provide. street stub access via. revised plat to the Lake Wood Acres addition (my subdivision) for future,development' of the lots adjourning the lake.: During the October 17 public hearing, my neighbors - Broadaway and � .R Dille - will represent my position. Thanks for your considerations. Sincerely, Sincerely, Kenneth N. Gardner Amelia L. Gardner Attachment November 5', 1996. Planning and Zoning Commission c/o Karen Gandy City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake., TX 76092 Dear Ms. Gandy: This letter is being generated in reference to the P&Z meeting scheduled for November 7, 1996: in particular two cases on the commission's agenda - ZA 96-137 and ZA 96-136. The following comments and observations reflect a large consensus of those residents currently residing in the SouthView development. As residents, parents and tax payers we are greatly concerned by the implementation of the proposed residential development put forth by David McMahan and Tom Mathews (Crumbaker Development): It is clear that the following issues will negatively impact the safety of our neighborhood and our residential property values. ♦ The extension of Ownby Lane to service Foxborough: The Developer estimates to plot 67 home sites with an average lot size of > '/z acre. One access to this development will be off 1709 and one through SouthView via Ownby. Given that Diamond Circle Estates and the Timarron extension to 1709 will cause more (access) congestion on 1709, common sense and the path of least resistance dictates that the new residents of Foxborough will use SouthView to gain access to either the 114 or 1709 via the Development's connection to Carroll.. This will not only be a concern during the Monday to Friday Commuting period but weekends, as well, when the development takes shape on the East side of Carroll. This is further compounded by any proposed linkage of the East side Carroll development to Home . Depot, Kroger, etc. The impact of .this will cause major safety concerns for our children and for (SouthView) residents accessing the street(s) from their driveways. Most of us chose Southlake as the place to raise our children given the city's predisposition as a safe place for learning and growing. Ignoring the issue of increased traffic flow flies in the face of this city's quality of life attraction. A number of solutions to this situation are possible: 1. By increasing the lot size (Foxborough) to 1 acre there will be a tremendous decrease in the flow of traffic that (potentially) could be put through Southview. 2. Foxborough proposes another entry/exit point that will not negatively impact the SouthView development. At the SPIN meeting held Monday evening at the Solana Education Center, David McMahan made it clear that he was flexible to another potential entry/exit point. ♦ The Foxborough Development being based on an Asphalt roadway We are not aware of any recent upscale developments that have Asphalt as the basis for their road construction. As it stands right now the proposed Ownby extension will see Ownby go from Concrete in SouthView to Ashpalt in Foxborough. Clearly this will detract from our property values. \� RE RECD N O V 0 7 1996 Continued......... /2 :m .....2/ In addition to the physical change from concrete to Asphalt will be the residue which"fewllbe deposited (tracked) on the concrete in the summer months when Asphalt becomes overly soft and tacky. There is only one solution to this problem and it requires the Developer to change from Asphalt to concrete if a linkage with SouthView exists. ♦ Drainage Issues We are all aware through either personal experience, experience of friends or through various articles that one of the greatest issues facing Southlake is drainage. It was evident at the meeting that a serious drainage problem exists on the proposed development. Given that both SouthView and Diamond circle flow water onto this property any proposed development faces a difficult task in dealing with this situation. As potential neighboring residents we are asking the City for a thorough "Do Diligence" on the issue of drainage for this proposed development. For those of us who attended the Developers meeting we did not come away with a comfortable assurance that they know how to handle the situation. Both SouthView and Diamond Circle residents who surround this parcel of land do not wish to become the gate keepers to the Southlake version of Atlantis. Nor do we imagine that the city wish to take responsibility for authorizing the rezoning without the recommendations of an independent organization who specializes in such drainage related problems. In summary, there are enough issues pertaining to safety and potential impact on neighboring property values to delay the passing of the proposed rezoning by P&Z for ZA 96-137 and ZA 96- 136. We ask, as a unanimous body of neighboring residents, that this issue be re evaluated by the Developer and the City before it continues any further. Sincerely, Ken &araOCHffbrd 400 louhview T ail 0,4410rzz . Loran & Nan Naugh Joe & Jeanne D'Amico r, 870 Ownby 405 Southview V 920 Ownby �)eggy Champ] �11 •ndren Court Paul & Linda Lamb 415 Fondren Court continued......... /3 8D-7 /3 r. Jeff & Kar n Morris 950 Ownby ent & Lisa Ramesbottom 970 Ownby Mark & Mattlage 1000 Ownby Br & Molly Axline 1050 Ownby Ray & Ro ' Kingsbury 405 Fondren Court Don & Jackie mpson 1025 Own y &a't A-'Oj Jim & Rene C&Yord 107.5 Ownby Michael & Patti erry. . 1125 Ownby 4— Richard &Becky �{ ' t�6 ico� H & Edie Sparks 350 Binkley Court 1175 Ownby 8D-8 Additional signatures received on letters identified to preceding letter: �ennis and Angela Brady Patty and George Howell 625 Southview Trail Tim and Erin Ratliff Joel & Debbie Bell 925 South Bend Trail 625 South Bend Trail *Jim and Becky Settles Greg D. Duesing 410 Southview Trail 670 Southview *Ted and Debra Harbour Brooks West 450 Southview Trail 975 South Bend Trail *Richard and Marilyn R. Curtis (? signature illegible Lawrence - no address given) 520 Southview Trail *Leroy Sisco 420 Southview Trail *Larry Mahon 470 Southview Trail 'tennis Murphey 415 Southview Trail *Paul Soulrer 525 South Bend Dr. Karen and Gary Crapson 575 Southview Trail Bob Green 920 South Bend Trail Stephen R. Watts 915 Oasis Court Amy Harvey 1000 South Bend Trail Julie and Tim Sanford T-hn Vanfor Southview Trail *Denotes those within 200' notification area. 8D-9 41 ItSA-, W— I I . . I , , . c q A ", A# &97 Ac am& 5H , I . 9.47 Ac CCA 4C2jk 4C2 4C 3,01 —5elllp 21406 AC JQmN w �my 3EI8 30A SEIC 19 Ac 6.43 AC 4 AC J JAU, AIA 40 3 4C28 40 M94 AC A 4 SOU, IA 1AV 11CHLAND S 00 lc IF 5 Ac GOPjE - 11 �v R L JA 3A k U2 24. '1 Ac ao.1 Ac HALL Avb�ioN W.W. MLL cr A-W SUW" A-,M (RICH RD LADS A-4W IA 0 wo maim 28 2 3 Mil 20 *S 9F 2C 3A K�J 3 V T' X3 ; Ac 7.w Akc 14SC A. 5F SE 5c w 5m SC 3A V x JB AC F . 40 3M 10 Ac 6 Ac rG :!#S A. pi Ac L% A, Sop H m ISAO Un Ac V2 M 2A3 2 A 7AIB* 4DI 28 21 Ac C5 '1, 211 2 OIBEDI a H W.". %Hf4HT 20 A, MA 2c1k 50.71 Ac 4F TRACT MAP c -I- 8D-10 X6 Ac 2A. ALJJAW--N I UVVNLRb SPIN REPRESENTATIVE #10 AL MORIN AND ZONING 2 3A �213 r�U SOU' TR 5Q2A lAi .054 AC A( 101 JA3 .91 Q OWNB:: 44 I TR 3 7.665 20 Bj TR .20--3,3fr AKE 3122 71-124' TS&2 TR 3.,DIAI .212 2 'i '08 0 'A TR l 29 -- 27 T.0R033B02 301 .25 TR 39 .017 .0 42 39 ' 32K 2;03zo .70Z-&C- 23 33-j 41 1 .37 35 4 i26 DI Cf 30 28 TR 381 2.773 AC f 8D-11 Adjacent Land Owners ZA96-136 and ZA96-137 # Owner Zoning # Owner Zoning 1 K. Gardner SF -IA 29 State of Texas AG 2 D. Dille SF-lA 30 W. Rucker AG 3 B. Mckee SF -IA 31 State of Texas AG 4 D. Anderson SF -IA 32 State of Texas AG 5 R. Lawrence SF-20A 33 Timarron AG 6 L. Mahon SF-20A 34 J. Baker AG 7 T. Harbour SF-20A 35 J. Baker SF-lA 8 L. Sisco SF-20A 36 State of Texas SF-lA 9 M. Massad SF-20A 37 J. Baker SF-lA 10 J. Settles SF-20A 38 State of Texas PUD 11 D. Murphey SF-20A 39 State of Texas PUD 12 K. Clifford SF-20A 40 Timarron PUD 13 J. D'amico SF-20A 41 Timarron PUD 14 R. Blair SF-20A 42 State of Texas PUD 15 L. Naugher SF-20A 43 State of Texas C3 16 D. Akers SF-20A 44 Diamond Ltd. C3 17 D. Harris SF-20A 45 S. Murphey SF -IA 18 Mendez Ltd. AG 46 J. Wood SF-lA 19 Mendez Ltd. AG 47 F. Decinti SF-lA 20 * 48 W. Quinn SF-lA 21 State of Texas AG 49 D. Clark SF-lA 22 State of Texas C3 50 R. Poucher SF-lA 23 Southlake Partnership C3 51 J. Ridenour SF-lA 24 B. Cross AG 52 V. Phillips SF-lA - 25 State of Texas AG 53 E. Silva SF-lA 26 W. Rucker AG 54 D. Moberg SF-lA 27 State of Texas AG 55 D. Wiviott SF-lA 28 B. Hayes AG 8D-12 City of Southlake, Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY . ase No: ZA 96-137 Review No: Four Date of Review: 12/13/96 Project Name: Preliminary Plat - Foxborough (formerly submitted as Fox Glen), 48.877 in the WW Hall Survey Abst. No. 687 APPLICANT: Crumbaker Development 100 W. Southlake Blvd. #320 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 329-6996 Fax (817) 329-6996 ENGINEER: J.E. Levitt 'Engineers, Inc. 726 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone :(817) 488-3313 Fax :(817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/09/96 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. .... ..... ............ ...... ........� w:::n.:...:};•}}i:•:{}:•}:::::.....�.........:x.:.x•:::n•.:�:.�:.�::::::::.v.�::}:.4w::::non•..:fi:{:•h...................:.�}}:::::::.�}}}:•.ti:•:•}:•}:•::i{{•:•ti•::{•.....n..........}............:.............{....... 1. Correct the location of the P.O.B labeled on the graphic to match the written description. 2. Correct the Timarron property along the south line of F.M. 1709 to reflect "Approved Final Plat - Timarron Addition Phase V." Provide an.additional interior lot line in Lot 2, Block 1 and in Lot 1, Block 2 (common areas) along, the existing 0-1.zoning line for tracking purposes. As currently configured, this will result in a split lot zoning. 4. • The deflection in the common line between Lots 27.& 28, Block 1 and between Lot 6 and 7, Block 3 does not appear to meet the intent of the perpendicular/radial side lot line requirements. (P & Z Action 12105/96: Amend to allow as shown) Please note that Lots d & 7, Block 3 were not addressed in the previous plan review or the P & Z motion.. , 5. The following changes are. needed with regard to building setback lines: A. Delete the 20' building line label on the west line of Lot 13, Block 2. B. Provide a 30' building setback line along the east line of Lot 1, Block 1 adjacent to the west line of Foxborough Lane. C. Provide a 35: building setback line radial to curve #8 in Lot 10, Block 3, and curve # 7 in Lot 15, Block 3. D. Label the 35' building setback line along the west line of Lot 13, Block 1. 8D-13 City of Southlake, Texas E. The zoning ordinance requires 35' building setback line adjacent to all streets on the lots listed below. The applicant has requested reductions along the `.`side. street" corner lots as follows: 1. Lot 8, Block 1 - 25'BL along east line (P & ZAction 12105196: Allow) 2. Lot 13, Block 1 - 25' BL along the north line (P & ZAction 12105196: Allow) 3. Lot 13, Block 2 - 30' BL along the south line (P & ZAction 12105196: Allow) 4. Lot 14, Block.2 - 30' BL along the west line (P & ZAction 12105196.• Allow) 5. Lot 1, Block 3 - 25' BL along the west line 6. Lot 15, Block 3 - 25' BL along the west line (P & ZAction 12105196. Allow) 7. Lot 16, Block 3 - 25' BL along the west line (P & ZAction 12105196: Allow) 6. Provide a name for the cul-de-sac south of the intersection of Foxborouah and Wickham Lane. 7. Show the location of the street name change between Ownby Lane and Mallon Lane., 8. Provide easements for water, sewer and/or drainage in conformance with plans as approved by the City Public Works Dept. Unless approved, do not center interior easements for water, sanitary sewer, or drainage on common lot lines. (Offset. so that improvements are in one lot or the other.) 9. If any, show the 100 year ftoodplain and floodway. Designate any. floodway as drainage easement. Note that in the Land Use Data summary, Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block. 2 zoned 0-1 "Office" are shown as common areas; however, the residential density calculation does not include these lots.. . Two intervisible boundary corners -of the site must be geo-referenced by state plane coordinates in. accordance with section 8.03(B) of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 upon submittal of .the final plat, and, prior to acceptance of the subdivision by. the City,.a digital computer file of the subdivision must be provided in accordance with Section 8.,04 of Ordinance No. 483. * The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the, next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 12/23/96. If not received by that time, no review will be.prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and.an 11 "x 17" revised reduction must be provided. 8D-14 City of Southlake, Texas P & Z ACTION: October 17, 1996,-Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until -the November 7, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the December 5, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Preliminary Plat Review Summary No. 3 dated November 27, 1996, deleting Item #5 (deflection in the common line between Lots 27 & 28, Block 1); amending Item #7 (regarding 35' setbacks on corner lots) as follows: Lot 8, Block 1- provide 35' building line on Gateshead and 30' building line on Foxborough Lot 13, Block I - 25' building line along Foxborough; Lot 13, Block 2 - 35' building line along Foxborough and 30' building line. along Derby Court; Lot 14, Block 2 - 30' building line along Foxborough; Lot 10, Block 3 - 30' building line along the east property line; Lots 15 & 16, Block 3 - 25' building line along Wickham Lane. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. Crumbaker Development, Inc. Homei Liao & Jia Her Hwang Beulah Cross UWP-FILES\REV\96\96-137PP.4 _ 8D-15 a8 g ygIli 5 Ing �4 S� a $a�'q � ?a a � seb3 3n i ia.t 8a Bp ` o $tOl ' 5 g' v. fi4�i E n (j aiEg� �355 � jg7 'F �� B S!• I5 f b .�FB� $ ,{BBy �H�f 855 ��✓� eA �c e�a "�€ 88K � �� III �i I I y }I I —:-i I I Wl°r° I JAI.--t-T.. ii it' 4 '. �W iK__ _•IIL¢l�J !f?___J4 M/In[J Yll�il i aooa ilmt i i i I a �� 1• I �a pi "� � �9 aj _. r R � I „ 0 � �BNVI-4 fc'Sr1IYlDI�IY—+- � ,i Ii ...........................I.. g.. ���uo w, n, emu. p r .Iv(r I - a R' oil s .q .................................. I-r _____ ___t; ----a-ro---------�1�----�a -----0 I •aosow x I.i .. Jl, W a I � d / a 8 Ill I 3 F VIn D �m W w � � a y /o�y z n No � w :7 C) O U z F F+i F c A WW 1� z CN a.C2 94�'1' mo O FF S RP4 gg RyP�`4o�' 5g egi,t3YQ' Cam~ I• SOJKBo 4 aF py I 31g S !tl$ yMw I 6�� I����f I{ d IEJp�RdC�C c i' l n � a i 7R. ink-, �1 p o. --------------------- IN Q 44Y 44 Y�' Yy as!„"fp„ Sip I � v: d ki SI m ■ d gal, €y gg 8D-16 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 96-145 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance 480 224 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Southlake Town Center STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan on property described as being approximately 109.330 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, being Tracts 2A and 3A and a portion of Tract 3. LOCATION: The property is -bordered by the following thoroughfares: State Highway 114 on the north; Southlake Boulevard (F.M. ,1709) on the south; and North Carroll Avenue on the west. OWNERS: FECHTEL GROUP (partnership) with, general partners: Alicia Marie Fechtel, Charles Fechtel, Mary Louise Logan, John Randolph Fechtel, Marguerite Elizabeth Fechtel, and James Milton Fechtel (Tract 3); and Lorrie W. Beck, Leslie W. Klingman, and Carol Jean Peterka (Tracts 2A & 3A). APPLICANT: Rialto Development, L.P. CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District REQUESTED ZONING: "NR-PUD" Non -Residential Planned Unit Development to include "C-3" General Commercial District uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use (may include office buildings, hotels, and commercial and retail . centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Village Center NO. NOTICES SENT: Twenty-four (24) RESPONSES:.. Four (4) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • N.M. Smock, Smock Husseini J. V. , 1529 Leimert Blvd., Oakland, CA 94602, in favor. "... Will provide for needed City Hall, Retail areas and green belt to support a growing residential area. " • Smock & Husseini JV, 4222 Hallmark Drive, Dallas, TX 75229, in favor. "It should improve the values of properties in all adjacent areas." 8E-1 j • Juergen Strunck, 200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, opposed. w 1. The alignment of Carroll Avenue at FM 1709 is not addressed anywhere ... 2. From the Concept Plan map of the Town Center I have to assume that the interior street parallel and immediately North of FM 1709 dead -ends straight into our driveway. Ours seems to be the only residential property targeted this way... 3. The Commission and the City Council worked many months to establish provisions in the Corridor Overlay Zone Ordinance and gave many considerations to the Village Center ... I think that it would be wrong to discard all those considerations straight out. 4. Movable vendor sales structures and kiosks sales as requested ...are objectionable for many reasons." • Steve Yetts, Timarron Land Corporation, P. O. Box 290, Dallas, TX 75221-0290, in favor. P&Z ACTION: November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 14, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 21, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 21, 1996; Approved (7-0) to close the Public Hearing and to table until the December 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. December 5, 1996; Approved (3-2) subject to Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated November 1, 1996. Please see Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated December 13, 1996 for P & Z recommendations. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the items in Staff Review Summary No. 1 dated November 1, 1996 with the exception of those items in the attached Staff Review Summary No. 2 dated December 13, 1996. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\96CASES\96-145ZC.WPD 8E-2 r Rialto December 9, 1996 Mr. Greg Last Director of Community Development Department of Community & Development 667 N. Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Concept Plan for NRPUD - Southlake Town Center, 109.330 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481 Dear Greg: Further to our submission to the City of Southlake on October 14, 1996, and subsequent Planning and Zoning approval achieved on December 5, 1996, Rialto Development, L.P. is pleased to submit to Southlake City Council its application for a Non -Residential Planned Unit Development for Southlake Town Center. This application has been revised from the November 21, 1996 draft approved, as amended, by Planning and Zoning ("P & Z") on December 5, 1996. The attached `revisions were incorporated in order to take into account many of the comments and suggestions made in connection with that approval. To assist your review, a red -lined copy will be forwarded December 10, 1996, for your reference. Outlined below is a summary of changes made as well as a summary of changes recommended in P & Z's motion for approval which have not been made: Summary of Changes Made 1. Bandshell Park. As originally submitted, the "bandshell park" block was designated for future C3 uses. While the block was initially planned to be built out as common open space, it may well be that over time circumstances (including the widening of F.M. 1709 to 7 lanes) will dictate that the bandshell will be better served by being moved elsewhere on the site. In addition, it is our opinion that sound planning principles support a building or buildings on this block at some future point in time (the nature and extent of such building(s), if any, in part determined by whether the City Hall facility is located on the block north of the Town Square, as currently proposed), to enclose the town square on all four sides. Planning & Zoning requested as a condition to approval that the block be restricted as common open space, and that we bring up the issue of the relocation of the bandshell as and when appropriate in the future. We have incorporated this recommendation in the revised Concept Plan submitted herewith, thereby increasing the total amount of common open space from 9.25 acres to approximately 10.22 acres. (Concept Plan) 2. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses have been revised to exclude filling stations and frozen food lockers. Further, uses allowed by Specific Use Permit ("S.U.P.") only include electrical and gas repair and installation services; lodges, sororities and fraternities; medical care facilities 8E-3 Mr. Greg Last Page 2 December 9, 1996 requiring or allowing an overnight stay; mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers; and plumbing and heating repair and installation services. (Appendix X, Section 1.0) 3. Maximum Height of Parking Structures. The maximum height of parking structures is changed from fifty-two (52) feet as originally proposed to forty-two (42) feet above ground level; provided that such structures shall be permitted to a height not to exceed fifty (50) feet by S.U.P. An additional provision allowing total building height to forty-five (45) feet (subject to three (3) feet being below grade) was agreed Thursday night. However, on further examination, we have deleted this provision as we feel it would limit below -grade structured parking to no more than three (3) feet, which we do not believe was the intent of the provision. (Appendix X, Sections 3.0a(2), 9.Oa and 10.0a(3)) 4. F.M. 1709/Carroll Ave. Setbacks. Minimum setbacks along F.M. 1709 and the east right- of-way of North Carroll Avenue are increased from twenty (20) feet to fifty (50) feet as required under the Corridor Overlay Study; provided, a lesser setback to not less than twenty (20) feet may be approved in connection with site plan approval. We wish to emphasize, however, that the fifty (50) foot minimum setbacks from F.M. 1709 and the east right-of-way of North Carroll avenue required by §43.9.c.2.(a) are not supportive in any way of the Town Center character and design as submitted, which, simply put, was to bring the buildings to the street(s) internally, as well as to F.M. 1709 and North Carroll Avenue. The fifty (50) foot minimum setback will, locate the street facades of buildings at a distance from F.M. 1709 and North Carroll Avenue that will weaken the perception of a well defined streetscape, and will establish the project as an isolated "strip" development, rather than a Town Center. It is our opinion that reinforcing a genuine sense of arrival to the new downtown on these two streets is a key to its success. The fifty (50) foot setback also greatly inhibits our ability to configure the required amount of parking, which in turn is necessary to convert the commercial uses that are needed. We would add that our plan has always been to establish the Town Center in an arrangement that for the most part screens such parking from the surrounding right-of-ways. (Appendix X, Section 3.0b(1)) 5. Maximum Lot Coverage. Lot coverage in the aggregate for the PUD as a whole has been reduced from not more than sixty percent (60%) to not more than fifty-five percent (55%), as recommended by P & Z. 6. Common Open Space. A new subsection is added clarifying that no building shall be allowed on any land designated as "Common Open Space" on the Concept Plan without the prior approval of City Council, with the exception of the bandshell pavilion on the block bounded by F.M. 1709 to the south, Street "5" to the north, Street "C" to the east and Street "D" to the west. (Appendix X, Section 3.0e) councilmpa December 9, 1996 8E-4 Mr. Greg Last Page 3 December 9, 1996 7. Location of Above Grade Structured Parking. The exemption for parking structures from the restriction disallowing the placement of accessory structures between the front lot line and the principal building on a lot is deleted. (Appendix X, Section 9.0) 8. Landscaping. The provisions regarding landscaping have been revised to clarify that while the requirements for a "downtown" as contemplated by the P.U.D. are different and in many cases inconsistent with the regulations contained in existing ordinances, specific rules and regulations shall be determined in connection with site plan approval. (Appendix X, Section 12.0) 9. Special Events Permits. A provision has been added that the process and procedures for the issuance of "Special Events Permits" shall be determined in connection with site plan approval. (Appendix X, Section 13.0a) Summary of Chances Not Made A. East PUD Boundary Buffer. Per the Zoning Ordinance, a five (5) foot buffer is required between C3 zoned properties. The PUD ordinance as drafted contains a requirement as to all PUD boundaries other than SH 114, F.M. 1709 and Carroll Ave. that a minimum fifteen (15) foot building setback be maintained. P & Z recommended that a twenty-five (25) foot buffer be requried. It is important to note that the property immediately adjacent to the east is a twenty-five (25) foot wide strip of land owned by Diamond Shamrock, under which a gas line has been run. No buildings are on this property, and it is unlikely that the size of the land will allow any buildings to be placed there. The next property to the east is the Home Depot tract. Home Depot has allowed for a fifteen (15) foot setback to the Diamond Shamrock property. Accordingly, per P & Z's recommendation, a fifty-five (55) foot separation will now exist. We do not agree with the need for the additional ten (10) foot setback at this boundary and would respectfully request that Council review our application as originally submitted. B. Off -Street Parkins. The PUD ordinance as drafted provides an allowance that up to thirty- five percent (35%) of required parking may be compact spaces (minimum 8 feet by 16 feet); provided that compact spaces be limited to off-street parking locations. A reduction in this allowance to twenty-five percent (25%) was made in P & Z's recommendation to approve. We believe the 35% standard originally submitted is reasonable based upon our traffic engineer's recommendation, national standards currently in place, Texan standards currently in place and local (Solana) standards currently in place. We would respectfully request that the Council review our application as originally submitted. Council.wpd December 9, 1996 8E-5 Mr. Greg Last Page 4 December 9, 1996 C. Street 4/Mr. Juergen Strunck's DrivewaX. In the event North Carroll Avenue is realigned as currently proposed by the City, Mr. Strunck's property will be left without access to the new North Carroll Avenue. At the December 5 meeting, P & Z assured Mr. Strunk that the City will restore that access. However, restoration in a "straight" manner (i.e., due east) will leave Mr. Strunck's driveway in a location directly opposite our proposed Street "4". Mr. Strunk expressed concern that this may make exiting his driveway going north on Carroll Avenue somewhat problematic. We understand this concern, and agreed that we will provide an easement across that portion of our property left over on the west side of North Carroll Avenue, to the extent reasonably necessary to connect Mr. Strunck's drive from its current terminus to a location just south of Street "4", so that left turns can be made from his driveway without interference from the traffic exiting Street "4" and turning right (left turns from Street "4" are proposed to be prohibited). P & Z further recommended that the alignment of Street "4" be left open until the time of site plan approval. The City's proposed location for the realignment of North Carroll Avenue north of F.M. 1709 (instead of south of F.M. 1709, as indicated in the Thoroughfare Plan) presents issues and challenges for both Mr. Strunck and for the Southlake Town Center block pattern design. We believe the compromise offered is a reasonable solution for both parties and would respectfully request that the Council review our application as originally submitted. In addition to the above, miscellaneous "wordsmithing" changes have been made to insure consistency throughout the document. We look forward to meeting with City Council on Tuesday night, December 17, 1996. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding any of the above, please don't hesitate to give us a call. BRS/plt council.wpd December 9, 1996 Very truly yours, RIALTO DEVELOPMENT, L.P. Brian R. Stebbins President 8E-6 a� Z to rn rn 0 C3 Lli C:3� Q W 8E-7 a 9.'~.-' 0 p xis � p o i0 �v��ae '4N d a p 9 N D cn H o •` y� ai r n u .yoy a cqi N M A V y .-' p, 0 W X N •� y geld lQ � d ''ri0' N N x •� by 2 3•^� X �7 U O D U U> chi^ pvEj C d 0" o N O hoa °plc bo aao .a � u cic 4g•Vi d o I o 0 q° aa qQ �aA N q o A o Aa'� aX0,>,w >> 0 4a 8E-8 U v 7 c o U •O �_�y N p b G o •ate .�� JCj o 1�y7 C O •b � _ q a Cd 113 o U U O U . .Ny 0 0 o C N GGy � y 4 W A w z q w 0 u ,0 M > A q °a 3 'ry O •w- � � v ,egpy � � C N •2cn M �D(`.7 0 U Im 93. Ottl N y O Q, 4. O N O to •�Qq v C '� N 0 'CI'•' W w 0 0 U U 3 •o N O ;p^ CL S. At0 w � CO,p o � 'tl N �.+ O O ;F N G1 N aqi q a7 aCi .�, .El �+ y M " O u > F. •. • .', h EO O 'C N c chi ;0 P. be >J. C V: :bn, N td q aqi P. Y3 .>r o id o w, is axi c`o, ca • � N•? 3 a•o 8E-9 0 � o b _ 0 q OA u y o a. U � «. q o a a, a C CO G � O U �a C d N u •� O O u N d � QO N O N 5 y O M 'O u M U 44 v •3 'o •3 N W T � 3 � � ,� 3 •a3` c ° o •� ✓' 'G' '� 'V QO 'O p .�, •tf° tCo pip •� •� � �d a° o U 0— itl a q o u a u o .. x ° > Z¢ d•G0 CT Nb v > ° cA alloe..ry�o TQ�o a A .cl ° o N 0 / e H °AA 0o_av� a A.� ��;'o c °oA o c] .°. d a P. O � p• w '.0 o •lY° �.' u � u � �" O..n -..o C/) o ? o c >'�'o• c w� >n+a 8 gdg'a bpq Q a�a..��'�aa a0°a��LD �3�� O fs•a � o 'O rT a�01 - 2 .d -- ') q O O O `N `'" � 3'0 �,on �N aa•��n 7 .0 o a w c o 3 o w N g W •i7 N �"' O T N . _._. cl aqi h H o s N N cl 'e b � yd, a Q• $ C u o q C , N � N r' a O vi O N w a 8E-10 ~° tlSN O •N a ° td c o b in O o is q q u .p 'b U w .O O �tl ° 0 ar •' w �y 42 t43 C N •8 aai �' aNi U N q U G w 4Ui a 3 3 w 3 o c $vpw5 1 v� d C�q,00 w o o u •� O 4W wi•. W coa > d w u bo N .G U A q gW oC' A.� :: `°' b � A N � v �',2 ^c t d _g o"n r c w u 3 a_gb �;�� eA �„w,� „y h ° c ° a c o c a 8 e: d o o cl o as ooq " A q d 3 v ro o A ow" .a w, oa b U 0 a o] u n A c 0 a .0 w a o P u Q' a� i y a0i t� a°i > •=; c' o N aNi 0 �' 0 p CA u °' a ^. o u u .° N A N SA oap y A 0 g �' a L• a° N Y o a a w 40. o o °L' o e" °a �n u �3 8 .� am aroi N .yTy' U ..U•. O\ •O .d N d d w a w U •r4 G w ow 00 tAy p Qj q v a .-•. ,y N QO .•r w � g �y A N' id °^° 00 •� 5 N d v a c >. b T 3 on T O N (d 'r7° " °ra o a a, N o'o c °a' oen v 4 ° on Zy Olu C •5 �+ ��j U O 0 V1 4r iC W 40 S p y N wej N q W N • • 3 i N CIS q a a�i q o CIS u U L � y a c a co 0 bl N 4 O C 0 O O L cn 4 u V to Pa 0 S a < d eC C 0 W C/] 0 a 0 H �O oo cn I ;e c A A � a 0 w H A V cl °ate �A y N O 81 A 0- Gi e4,a orn �pp, a c .GA mN� wQj-. Qi � ds•.O i.�0 . C. 0 �vOj aM aorn y a tioo;N o:. rn � .6 o c 0 4' 0 00., O a .�� 'd O V O •� ,p o � v � � o o � 0 4� M o y o c y oo A° no jo v eo 0 0 $ C13 0 fib„ G.�o 0 ••q � ti 4. H d o� O q o o Ov�ao4H �w,a: o � N Sa o rn rn a° Y �' y ao °,,o as O Oi p C .}..., 'J-70" A ' O ,}Ni '� eoo �O �° pNN N rn ci CO, 0 0 'O 5 U coi � y O yy OD V1 q 0,au CMO•g fyw vaiNO uTui �y t2 N � � ah C, .•-S a. o o, v o a y as ° rnv q u a y qy t. °pa °` a o -0 o C 0.drna4 J °vrn ° e°o vQiFTrO ° y H yvoi • 0 8E-12 N W IN q A O V d^ p ttdd N U ^] W O O cpa W N � a '° � I ,g h ,It, O � �En " m O A U «A coo a. ° o ° $ o o O co 'C H o a b u w, .a tH .� «O pUp tJ O y td �d U w L R NAl N ty � � N U i u •� v 0 U o T N •� 'd O u ty.1 a� 9 04 q d q O N on � a N t1 0 A to •p '.°jo ] •O it N «O a0+ O °w w C 0 o 'Cyyf U N 0 •� �N�•!!OL„ tV •A u �:,,, ld 44i 'O g p L7 d M 15 U .'�-Lo N y n ayi 3 cow U o r- 0 3 0 w o w y W o •3 A u V 0 �y .�- M 00 0 n,G .� .f7 N O k' N ',� 1•i a U ,2 00 •C •'3 F b N N p ,UD ° q y �yy t� 'd U� N A 'PILI O 'aCOR O o eW� y 'p� ,�4„' w id a' •sptly t�O°� O °' �GSf W O y 44 Eldw aq W q O lot ° u . as A 5..1 v v d a oo ° a 4 id b o u o a 3 a? A te° °' .� cn o q v " •� w p ai '5 2 v- a�i .raj p 3 a-0w tV 'O �. q c ro to O 14 N31,4� O N 'Ci ° l U> 4 •A V 4' ca o49 N 3 U M N � a 0 o�� � o :Q' 6 U 8E-13 o O Xod wa pA � � a ooa, z O ao eu .5 0 coo w a 0el U H A ,O a � u ow � w �o w o� „ � W Ol G •� w ^^ u ¢d N w 0 O 3 0 .0 U a , C O OL tC obo �.b r~p �pq} w•q VJ N J0 ti ^ O G .c b 00 a .n d Yo � � o v -o u x 3 .n o a El N N � tAyy e4 N El t_y w.G y b0 .r fO �jO- i7 c o a bM.{s� a=01 a 0 VM a s <m a0 ad•� a a $ idv �•�� is w r�� •� o a a lu o � o, � '� „ ow .d VO4 ,JdpUoy ,i�OHOo9. ;Ucp7 ' q°� N ,�8 xaOi U 'Uu ...wi.. y0 �d a •an"'p.,, M.0 oav•aao�v0P nNoo H Io> .vo ara+ppj , ,daU�N> ow to, 4' dNC�O8uOwOiujp•'q N 's 4 po m ba Oy O Ooq > ra 9 0 -- O N d d 1d •.�. O o •O O •Y W � d � •� O � � O o� q s 6H a.� u�v 0 w N 0 N N .O. t'Oii � El p� .9 v O O y 0 u y aN'o T v enN •° q u o o :. W `, 1 u 3�0wN U N q n Nww`v q ca vOi d w d y 0 7 roas 8E-14 C I 4. ,d OA ,Up O q� ry w 7 •N O ti N W N ,q \ '�•'.��+ i'u u... •� '7 q •q 5 pU .� kj '4i �d 'u W afro+ bA tpi 13, q •C :d C, •a � y�. JJ .� ,�3 r c c u o? d pg, A: 0 A .4 °00 o oa°1io A '!7 d 3 O N v� c7 q C w u a .n o � `a •p � � u aai ;; O � �y U Qi J U .O u c d❑u�y . •(j OM M td O N in 'C7 N O .� w Aao o w T ° �.� g men •.b� � '° id � v v °a' �° a '� � ,� '� � � � � u �p p� $ a« A 3 Q d cr 4a wo.N. c 00 cu .,��.. �.�y.7, .�c � .� m u d co] .UO '-U' O�.� N U ayi N N W "� Ari ' �I�pQj a �+ j� •D C tOi U y 7 M Q � U O .�. � U .O yUy •�"• 'p U W 'p gyp{ " e0a •--: ,'� Uf-,"' 4. �:y7 � a •� t•�il L' .Ua TJ U •4 N� U W �_ W O cli rU+ .� �Qq O fj' ".ROOq. O N� -0p a tn. o is NW �..'•' d w42, 0o ,p b � Omo iL � • • • 'd v vA•i Y: e"i � w � p, � � N t0•J ..+- N qO O o O M y d 0 �„� N b❑❑ h O ° w°M Ic. oo� ty w O �•_' Lr T N tn CIS'O N �' _ C VA o 4 lV .0 u cl eu o0 oa o � d� a o � 4.., O w d •c7 � � u E co � O •a j. Cq a p tC 0 .p 8E-15 ti 9 8E-16 01 F C, RE 2C 4-41) 4A L --r L 11 Ac y r r ...... A-15ft EV 2K 3131 IA ! J3� , 3AIC 21) 2 21 pl;ALJ- 15.56 Ac M58 Ac MIN 2JI . ..... C, A- 3AII-12 24 2C 4A 10.4 At 2F 4C2A 4C2 Ac,) 4C J= A JAID2 IAII-12A —:::3 �k % I 5 Ac 5.9 Ac Ac 4FJA JOHMN ELEMENTARY 9.47 Ac NOT AR3 2F3 2F4A 4 N 2F 0— 4 Ac OIV5g 14 — MIT I 6.7 4CI ----------- E� ...... C-1q, JAIA lz 3AIJ2 3AM OE A 2E W 2E2 4C213 40ARS JAIJ4 •A 8.13 Ac I 2A3 401 H D j 4 4G 18.94 Ac Fm r 3A1J 3AIJ3 3AIJI 2 IC 101 IF EASTAIJI IN 2A A s 7 'tItll+� q & "4fZgOI, C LL E3 1E 18 1 Ic I 2D 2F 2C JA HO L 2EI IOTA 102 0 ID2A 2J 2G 5r 3A & JA2 Ac 201 TO 1 8.75 Ac 60.1 Ac 4 V5 Ac ,JON W.W. HALL stincy A-65 I & TAT Aa 2 RICH RD EADS 3A Se. % Wy A-481 ! r 5A.3 IA r- F. 3E w 7 i i i i 5A T J 25 Ac 22 Ac .e—MA 33D3 1 3 Ac 7.%5 Ac U 3m 3D2 3 Ac 3D2A i I 3Q4 30 5C 3A W W 38 4G 40 Ac 381 2.95 3 Ac 15-N Ac 3.56 Ac Ac 15 At -) 30 3D2 22.11 Ac 2 40t 4 21 Ac' 40 A Wy A 20 Ac I Ac 4F 4• ii 4 C 1p f 5DlAli 5A4 HAN SURVEY A-104 28 2A 2 s i / 2131A 20 5c1 159.-541 2CI 3A2 3AI *m5. 12 AW2B 5A NORTHWEST PI<Wy ST 364 38 90 ec- , EAST SOUTHLAKE BLVD. 3 2C 2 28 B2A 1132 18 GcRB�i IB20 15 Ac 50 28 ON 13 2E p9r®r 1-T-T—r-- 2A % 12.09 Ac I 0 J------------- I ID ------------ IT --------------- A lA --------------- 13.6 Ac TRACT MAP l 65 ! -- 1 3 3B 6G 4AI 6H 4A4 8E-17 6K cKI I A13 Ilk E le 2 Adjacent Land Owners and Zoning SPIN REPRESENTATIVE # 4 JANET MURPHY Case No. ZA44 5 ite wl -10 -11 -12 -13 ,. ._ 8 17 15 ,4 ' 1 C 2. -:vnway Carroll Road Prt Timarron Land Corp. ` 1. C3 15. .'McBride 15. r C2 3. Timarron Land Corp 2. IAG AG 16. J. Bacon 16. SP-2 4. Timarron Land Corp 4. AG 17. E. Taylor 17. 01 '5. Timarron Land Corp 5 AG 18. Smock & Hussein! JV 18. 01 6. 7. L. Berk L. Berk . 6• AG 19. 20. M.L. Dalton A. Prade 19. C2 8. L. Berk 7' 8. '4G AG 21. CFN Vests Southlake JV 20. 21. C2 AG 9. 10. L. Berk C. Perterka 9• AG 22• 23. J. Strunck Mendez LTD. 22. 23. AG 11. Home Depot USA 10. 11. C3 C3 24. B. Paulsen SF 12. 13. J. Farrar J. Farrar 12. C3 25. 26. Southview Phase II JV City of Southlake 25, SF-20A 14. G. Miron 13. C3 26. CS 8E-18 14. i i C2 City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY re No: ZA 96-145 Review No: Two Date of Review: 12/13/96 Project Name: Concept Plan fora Non -Residential PUD - Southlake Town Center. 109.330 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No 481 APPLICANT/DEVELOPER: Rialto Development L.P. 1723 E. Southlake Blvd. Suite 110 Southlake. Texas 76092 Phone : (8.171 329-8400 Fax 817) 251-8717 Attn: Brian Stebbins ENGINEER: Graham Associates Inc. 616 Six Flags Drive Suite 400 Arlington. Texas 76011 Phone : 817) 640-8535 Fax : (817) 633-5240 Attn: Jeff Williams CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/09/96 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. *Due to the uniqueness of a PUD zoning request, we have divided our comments into two groupings. First will be those comments which are based on ordinance requirements and second will be comments that we are offering as observations for consideration by the Council. It is our hope that .this format will aid the Council in evaluating issues relating to the proposed development. swing are comments based on ordinance requirements: 1. Correct the easements shown Village Center Phase 2 - Cabinet A, Slides 3095 & 3096. Provide the lot and block numbers for all surrounding platted properties. Verify/correct the lotting and owner(s) shown for Lot 1, Block 1, Gorbutt Addition. Our records indicate it is a single lot with one owner. 2. Provide an exhibit of the proposed site triangles with a reference to the exhibit in Appendix "X", item 7.0.a. 3. Correct the building envelope shown in the northwest block adjacent to SH 114 so as not to encroach the 50' building setback line along "future" SH 114. Following are observations that we offer for the Council to evaluate during their review A. Appendix "X', item 3.a.3: It would appear that the architectural elements could be 26' above a building with a 52' height. B. Appendix "X", item 3.a.4: May want to consider replacing "permitted" building height in the third line to "actual" height. C, Appendix "X", item 3.a.5: May want to consider deleting "not" from the last sentence "... provided, however, penthouses net exceeding the permitted building height shall be subject to approval at the applicable site plan unless such setback(s) are provided." 8E-19 City of Southlake, Texas D. Appendix "X", item 5.c: May want to define that on -street parking is permitted and specifically where it is permitted or prohibited. >✓. May want to consider removing from the request the portion of the PUD request west of Carroll. The provisions of the ordinance as currently drafted could allow buildings without setbacks or could allow the provisions of displaced open space to be located west of Carroll. F.1 Some of the regulations have been noted in the document to be determined at the time of the development plan and some to be determined at the time of the site plan. Staff recommends that each singular reference to either a site plan or development be substituted by "...to be determined at the time of development plan or site plan, as determined by the City Council...". A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709 and SH 114 The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a development plan, a site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, building plans, must be submitted for approval and Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. It appears that a portion of this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. This review is based on the "C-3" Zoning District Regulations. The applicant should be aware that new submittals for the next scheduled meeting must be received at the City by 5:00 PM on 12/23/96. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and an 11 "x 17" revised reduction must be provided. Following are items related to the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission P & Z Action: December 5, 1996; Approved (3-2) subject to Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated November 1, 1996 and making the following changes to Appendix "X" dated November 21, 1996 and the supplemental Appendix "X" received November 25, 1996: • § 1 Permitted Uses Delete the following uses - filling stations or service stations and frozen food lockers (a small meat market not exceeding 3,000 s.f. would be OK). Permit the following uses by Specific Use Permit only - electrical and gas repair and installation services, etc.; lodges, sororities and/or fraternities; medical care facilities requiring or allowing an overnight stay, etc.; mortuaries, funeral homes and undertakers; plumbing and heating appliance repair and installation services, etc. 8E-20 City of Southlake, Texas • § 3 - Development Regulations a. Building Height 1. Add the beginning phrase: "In the event that . . .is constructed, it may ... " 2. Change the height of parking structures to: "shall not exceed forty-two (42) feet from ground elevation nor forty- five (45) feet in total height unless approved by Specific Use Permit for a height not exceeding fifty (50) feet. b. Front, Side and Rear Yards 1. Change to the following: "Building along Highway 1709 and the east right-of-way of Carroll Avenue shall maintain a minimum fifty (50) foot setback, unless a lessor setback is approved at the time of site plan approval; provided, however, in no event shall the setback be less than twenty (20) feet and in the event the Carroll Avenue right-of-way . c. Maximum Lot Coverage: change sixty percent (60 %) to fifty-five percent (55 %) • § 5 - Off -Street Parking a. Change the number of compact spaces from thirty-five percent (35 %) of the total spaces to twenty-five percent (25 %) of the total spaces. • § 9 - Above Grade Structures Parking a. Delete reference to "Section 10.Ob of this Appendix V from the first sentence of this section and change the height limitation to the following: forty-two (42) feet from ground elevation, forty-five (45) feet in total height, unless approved by Specific Use Permit for a height not exceeding fifty (50) feet. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, add the following: "as approved by the City." • § 10 - Accessory Structures a. 1., 2., 3. - flagpoles, park pavilions or bandshells, above grade structures parking facilities: shall not exceed forty-two (42) feet from ground elevation nor forty-five (45) feet in total height unless approved by Specific Use Permit for a height not exceeding fifty (50) feet. • § 12.0 - Landscape and Bufferyards In the last sentence, change the following: and shaff may vary, and supersede ... " • § 12.1 - Landscape Zones Adjacent to Street Right -of -Way: In the third sentence, change the following: "...slat may apply in lieu of the Bufferyard ... " • § 12.2 - Interior Landscape Areas Delete the existing language in its entirety and substitute the following: "All interior landscaping shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the time of site plan approval. " 8E-21 City of Southlake, Texas • § 14 - Outdoor displays and Sales a. Special Events Permits: Change the approval from the Director of Community Development to the City. Add a subsection "d." to read as follows: . "The process and procedure for Special Events Permits shall be defined at the time of the initial site plan approval." _ § 15 - Bandshell Park Open Space This section was deleted in its entirety. Additional P & Z recommendations: • Label the Bandshell area as "common open space." • Provide a twenty-five (25) foot bufferyard on the east property line. • Allow the flexibility to adjust the location of the east -west interior road to align with Mr. Strunck's driveway and thus ensuring ingress -egress to Mr. Strunck's property. • Mitigate any tree issues at the time of site plan approval. • Insert in the appropriate section of Appendix X that no buildings will be placed on any common open space with the exception of the bandshell designated on the Concept Plan. All of the above recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Commission have been incorporated into the plan with the following exceptions: § 3 - Development Regulations a. Building Height 2. Change the height of parking structures to: "... nor forty-five (45) feet in total height ... " § 5 - Off -Street Parking a. Change the number of compact spaces from thirty-five percent (35 %) of the total spaces to twenty-five percent (25 %) of the total spaces. § 10 - Accessory Structures a.1., 2., 3. -flagpoles, park pavilions or bandshells, above grade structures parking facilities: shall not exceed forty-two (42) feet from ground elevation nor forty-five (45) feet in total height unless approved by Specific Use Permit for a height not exceeding fifty (50) feet. § 12.0 - Landscape and Bufferyards In the last sentence, change the following: "... and shall may vary and; supersede ... " § 12.1 - Landscape Zones Adjacent to Street Right -of -Way.' In the third sentence, change the following: "...shall may apply in lieu of the Bufferyard ... " § 12.2 - Interior Landscape Areas Delete the existing language in its entirety and substitute the following: "All interior landscaping shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the time of site plan approval. " . 8E-22 City of Southlake, Texas § 14 - Outdoor displays and Sales a. Special Events Permits: Change the approval from the Director of Community Development to the City. Add a subsection V. " to read as follows: "The process and procedure for Special Events Permits shall be defined at the time of the initial site plan approval. "(Please note that the applicant has added this statement to subsection "a. "instead of under a separate subsection) Provide a twenty-five (25) foot bufferyard on the east property line. Allow the flexibility to adjust the location of the east -west interior road to align with Mr. Strunck's driveway and thus ensuring ingress -egress to Mr. Strunck's property. (Unknown as to the incorporation of this item). Mitigate any tree issues at the time of site plan approval. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Rialto Development, L.P. Graham Associates, Inc. LA W P-F1LES\REV\96\96-145 CP.2 8E-23 FF PROPOSgb'PLANNE.D UNIT DEVELOPMENT for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas October 14, 1996 R . ......... :'T kl 0 P Z P 10HIES • VICINITY MAP SOUTHLAKE TOWN, CENTER, RIALTO DEVELOPMENT clue" . .m me PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELQPkENT' 8E-24 RECD DEC 0 91996 ZONING & LAND USE PLAN i` for / — Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District Southlake, Tarrant County, -Texas October 14, '1996 ill, 'VICINTTY lfAPp ° C` mokim"` SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER """°"�" wnw.w, ucs�ew, uwee.n uamrn Ion wmw, nw: RIALTO DEVELOPMENT - ZONING & LAND USE • -PLAN we un �miwm iemwc � endwr 8E-25 REC'D DEC 0 91996 +•�++ aTJJ1�911LViV11\L1 1 lwA 4a v1 1 V II1-11jI for Proposed • Non —Residential P.U.D: District Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas' October 14, 1996 1W P, D' S 2A 119 � IIA 1G • ' ' 2Ar [0.1 A[ P 1 L fA1 ` RICH' RD. EADS- pP 0 y SUR ET A-101 �S �sTq • do r,9J THOMAS HAN OSURVEY •-10A9 r 5• CITY• I" O H_AALL —•--- -� ._ -- - ]A e B — . ® S SA p PEW — INp P.U.D.. •0 BOUNDARY :. SA if . p w] ]c VILLAGE CENTER r PHASE 2 ��••^� ] A[ O �. 2A1. LID. A, XIOF ]09] 70f 7 A[ e • e L1 ]0[ a 711 IF,M 17091 2A2 ® . EAST 50UTM,AKE OL i0 O 40 O 7A O, O• O O e o O 0 z ze fez .( fezA 391 APPROVEO CONCEPT PLAN .\•� 1 SOUTHLAKE COMMONS �J faze GOP M 2Pp 0. IS AC 20.5 A[ Y�I POO >01 / v/11/ .! 9r [! AC / �p2] �lM 22.II AC ! .ow [ Ir9rr lu! N91[: MIJKIFI MGNRif O9MA IN0w111a1 111 aI111M91 WF IM a10 P[C0Rt1 a IIIIRWI tl[NI9, IL[11 r!p IN NA A2LLw1 a IN 11FFw1 ClWlf 1mK1111L 0I11lItl. • r: aroi us1 f h aN [x[[F [Cwlll l[ IK l91]! 91[ WF1Fc7 al ro ...VICINITY LANDkA KKIT�. "K'AAw �;,� "�1'"`5tiKIn ` 'SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER RIALTO DEVELOPMENT lal[99LAn Innt RRT "OYAM, T= In 211L[I6Ttl1A IMG TALL. DAMAN .IAM - . Cl= A570C1Am 1KC MAP OF NEIGHBbRING PROPERTY OWNERS CC LAKE u!1 Atxafth rIKN - A KIAf1ALT 8E-26 RECD DEC 0 91996 MAJOR THOROUGHFARE & INTERIOR. STREET PLAN for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District j Southlake; Tarrant Cognty, Texas October 14, 1996 CITY t NOTE: ALL LAND USES WITHIN THE PROPOSED P.U.D. ARE IN HALL ACCORDANCE WITH ALLOWABLE USES IN C-3 ZONING•' -AS MODIFIED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF c•, uscs P.U.D. 'A p THIS P.U.O. BOUNDARY i ortN Stag ° c•a uvf C•1 =3 P.U.D. aOUNOARV o' cc e' t i w • Z CU is I w U w c•> aaf U) _-AG ... CL J C-I YSAf fPER a.R I �. c-f m$ - ''A•'e — C-S offs i a!' COwpR aCaESS ESR'T L WM ,PfR fIaR - w P.U.O. BOUNDARY I S ^ 1 _..1'. �..[ _. .... _ 9W /WTSIASE KPL IPA f;OOI--�' .... PROPOSED TRAFFIC .1.1— APE. a SPACE REWIPCO 0.0 SEAMS CORWON ER SPAC PROVINO 10.15 ACRES RAEIRIM E i 03 - N7 r Al L0 COKRAat Eat • AOCKOAII Pd1 1PE u.O [R1P.SCERTAGC PEOf EmAo.nE Eov lL OTT 0 TO C-0 Ioor c•f utt:, PROPOSED SIGNAL DRIVE "I IxATTox APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN 1 SOUTHLAKE COMMONS t' . VICINITY MAP i . AKYTTTfT DAVIS Y. RIIrAIIE. APCSNK1118 EELTTas o1C SOUTHLAKE TOWN' CENTER APPLH7AWn C111L I APCRffRT PSPYYA EACSSOR. pISEPfTOM. TNC aro. cminme owAr AffOOATq IRe RIALTO DEVELOPMENT T�Ama a,,,:m SASTOn - APGRAR ASfO lm IRO. MAJOR THOROUGHFARE & INTERIOR STREET PLAN ILIO us ATTawrn mlcTxr • elualRer 8E-27 RE6'p DEC 0 91996 zr. TOW) QTT1?17VV Q,- 'PVTCYTTIXT0 CTTT,i ('ONTT)TrPTOXTQ I�. VICINITY YAP "AM . ""°a°°'t""""mK.." w_ SOUTHLAKE • 'TOWN CENTER RIALTO DEVELOPMENT LAM I AIICM 9 NtAMM "AlS°pIL tl[tLNStYY. YM: LTIL LN°IM"IN C"NAY N!°gAi NIC LAND AM ""°" - "�= AflOq•T4 "" TOPO : SURVEY & EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS LAND lVt ATTONILri 1ptlq Y CILOIILLtf 8E-28 RECD DEC 0 91996 i EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA MAP f for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. Distr ict :wrp A-T i ilt Southiake, Tarrant . County, Texas October 14, 1996 132.1. "CiTy T❑ v HALL,- A.1 U" A, OQNDAI! f��//`�111 ��y l J ( �y 7 Vill"% e2.53 �J " J " ve. H11 UNDA A 7 .LEGEND =-.1 GE ARE. —E. AREA IN ACRES DRAINAGE AREA DIVIDE FLOW DIRECTION ARROWS EXIST. STDAH SEWER VICINITY AI'al"'an"AL Xa� M Quo K JI(MXIK W.—K. M SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER am MW— .."M AXX`CtTX% = RIALTO DEVELOPMENT M XWG._ "ARM - ASCIA1. -T.' 'W" EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA MAP —11 Va AM.- SZKKINS A tl—.= 8E-29 RECD DEC 0 91996 PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA MAP for Proposed- -Non—Residential P.U.D. District, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas October 14, 1996 LEGEND •—DRAINAGE AREA "BEA A —AREA IN ACRES %, p. U" DRAINAGE BASIN DIVIDE DQNDARY ----------- S.UOASI. 0111DE FLOW DIRECTION I.DWS I EKIST. STORM SEWER A EKIST. STORM SEWER % V_ vr� A� IIAM X '°In / A=ArIXTUNAL —X= PPLXA" MI MINI= CUBAN As- INC EE UN A—� P.MIK J—K. IHDI�K INC SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER RIALTO DEVELOPMENT 6�1_y - ".— # - AXH.Am I —AM INQ • UN. — I—M I..," . .1wiffin PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA MAP 9 8E-30 REC'D DEC 0 91996 8E-31 RECD DEC 0 91996 SCREENING AND LANDSCAPE PLAN for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas October 14,1996 AR`"�`�°""'°""""�'"�"°°"R"`""�'"`SOUTHLAKE "nSCAPB ANCNTTCCT: HUMAN. IACNSON. BIBRV=M. INC CIVIL ENGINEEPo GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, INC. TOWN CENTER H xtnLTo DEVELOPMENT LAND HSC ATTORRNNEY:R IENNINS I. C LCHRI MAN �ATFs. INC SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING PLAN =B 9 8E-32 REC'D DEC 0 91996 CONCEPT PLAN " for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas October 14, 1996 --- sIAG SURVEY A-59S IXED USE ' o RICH ERDaREADSSUR, 'a OP5 (s�9 AG TF a MIXED USE pCP 'S/yr 00 MIXED � ///'�, /. WO —.-•------_ _� . USE J' / AG, SURVEY °U W CITY CS O ' ALL ®�° +A :.• �x w O'yKl 1-4 AG 9 — MIXED O ' N �Z O• .��� \USE O AG LOUIXYIF " W. 5 r.Tar .fEDis •. 4 .•\" x, MIXED ��sunN IEX AOOITIW , • © USE ' sA ,r ® PEWS MIXED Q USE sout�m•IEXao9trlox N j/. ..... - =E Z^ �'�'-•" PwsE u _ _ _-- O /: • / '""�\q/ �` VILLAGE CENTER 1 ty •' / 4, PHASE 2 Ka< a]O]aN'N 'OO] Lx .p.. �•\1 y ^y•4.:- l�. / �.11 A.. AG o ��i�� SS.1J� xED� Q ryy .; L..J L_.US = AG�J L/ ;�' '__ X . W - -. 1- _FAXED USE O — AG GAG © 1 O O O_ 'p C 1 E 3.54 aL HEDIUN HEGIUN SP2 C2 , IL DENSITY DENSITY (j� . A00-67A L 01 \ RED DIOENTIAL Los ae C. O 'XI,a .rouloN SIDENTIA 7. you APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN SP2 SOUTHLANE COMMONS - Lof MIXED USE 'LM m Ac ) 991eurr A9mnaX -- _� —Ir MT aNiNO L[LEXO .,• �. • MIXED USE 10. ImE Will— XININIM AREA W OPEN LPACE RE.Ima 0.0 ACIES COM10H OPEN S ,XLIrIm. •�_ 10. L2 ROLES NILIMM LO IDOL IM r1004 LOl COYERAGE LOf AGma TE rm m INE P.V.O. KE N Am OF OV,LOAOLE LOt$ LLLOti[O rO C-7 IDOL 1 I VICINITY YAP 1 CAtM ���„�IRWR NL„�; AA0K "`�'KIMVIM SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER RIALTO DEVELOPMENT' 4N%CAPL aAdI MU NLAI= IaRLOIL LI[LOLt7[IM. IMC w. PIINMmm LAIw - . MUZR 190C1ATL[ INC. CONCEPT PLAN ' Lul9 tNL ATmLNm IINnNL A mLatntsY 1 8E-33 RECD DEC 0 91996 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELYSITUATEDSITUATED IN THE 1) P""® QI�OY AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM � j��T 'may �H. `«� 3 5 `3f x .t •`'` wa .;; INK, &M SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION .IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as C"'°tee e�D under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a -public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these YDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD Page I$E-34 changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with. reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,- panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD $E-35 Page 2 Being a 1Os3cre tract of land situated in the` : ::3 cat a ,,JracsaiA� apo�t rye, and more fully and completely described m Exlubrt "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from't✓ �e1 i z1 C�omrnerc�i�1 Distric� to ?'N�ZPUD��Ton�Reside�hal�Pl�nned��U�ut �D eleri District ith " _3"S�Gse eral `�ofrime i lDist� t � r , 5 -X W y , as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over -crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, ( water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of ,conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any -, and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, -or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD Page 3 8E-36 such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD 8E-3 7 Page 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: 8E-3 8 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD Page 5 EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING at a found 5/8 inch iron rod in the south right-of-way line of State Highway 114 (Northwest Parkway) (a 200 foot R.O.W.), said point being the southeast corner of a tract of land, conveyed to Greenway-Carroll Road Partners, recorded in Volume 11445, Page 1627, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said point also being the most northerly, northeast comer of Fechtel tract; THENCE South 47056'15" East, along said south right-of-way line, a distance of 171.70 feet to a Texas Highway Department monument found for corner, said point being the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a delta of 1702651", a radius of 5,839.58 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 56039'41" East, 1,771.38 feet; THENCE southeasterly, continuing along said south right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve to the left, a distance of 1,778.25 feet to a 112 inch iron rod with cap found for corner said point being the northeast corner of said Peterka tract and the northwest corner of a twenty foot strip of land, conveyed to Diamond Shamrock Corp., recorded in Volume 6812, Page 2108, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 00001'16" East, leaving said south right-of-way line and along the east line of said Peterka tract and the west line of said Diamond Shamrock tract, a distance of 1,517.13 feet to a 112 inch iron rod with cap found for comer in the north right-of-way lime of Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) (a 130 foot R.O.W.), said point also being the southeast comer of said Peterka tract and the southwest comer of said Diamond Shamrock tract; THENCE North 8903955" West, along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 820.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 88055'18" West, contmuing along said north right-of-wayline, a distance of 505.52 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for comer, said point being the southwest corner of said Peterka tract and the southeast comer of said Fechtel tract; THENCE North 88054116" West, continuing along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 1,261.13 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found. -,for comer, said point being the southwest comer of said Fechtel tract, said point also being the intersection of the north right-of-way line of said Southlake Boulevard and the east right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue (a variable width R.O.W.); TH_ ENCE North 00011106" West, along said east right-of-way line, a distance of 987.22 feet to a point for corner; L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-224.PUD 8E-39 Page 6 THENCE North 89158'44" East, leaving said east line, a distance of 529.87 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00' 11'07" West, a distance of 170.36 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 29048153" East, a distance of 120.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 14148'53" East, a distance of 968.51 feet to a point for corner; THENE North 60011'07" West, a distance of 71.90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89011'23" West, a distance of 420.30 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod at the southeast comer of the Richards Eads No. 481 Addition, recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 585, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; C" G,NCE North 00°03'41" East, a distance of 326.45 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for comer in ''outh line of said Greenway tract, said point being the northeast comer of said 481 Addition and the most northerly, northwest corner of said Fechtel tract; THENCE South 89°53'32" East, a distance of 630.23 feet to a point located in the said south right-of- way line of State Highway 114 and the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 4,762,401 square feet or 109.330 acres of land more or less. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\450-224.PUD 8E-40 Page 7 �VT-TTT2TT "11" CONCEPT 'PLAN - -- - for Proposed Non —Residential P.U.D. District Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas October 14. 1996 \JA1311 SmYE, A-495 `IXED USE - RICH RD EADS PO y sm A -let : pp\�S �STgr AG f'1 F MIXED USE 1 �.. FLA t• b C3 Io 5 MIXED USE 9� � AG t '' Smrtr CALL CS O E) t• H ® AG 3 MIXED O N VZ O . �� SE O AG M� MIXED SO91NYmN Aoot*ta •-� �. ..... :•w O USE wux , -� � MIXED - ¢ USE sanNruN .00tnaN N • o � � ` - .•� •.••,• ••••• Aw3TM„ LL N O �• ��"� "�'` v� z�..F VILLAGE CENTER PHASE 2 uA. Aim , 3 ,9,s AG p Y XEO 1 'y1 Vic/ ,.. K ., C3 !"'• USE +% ? �' _ MIXED USE ua�.>urs ••• AGO � Nw.. •�: b 0 A9 M I ^ ,A a t ® nwr Q e a ' >et AG. AG >.. O MEDIUM MEDIUM SP2C2 ,. �C1 b RESIDENT[DEN51 TV DE yµ ]o.f K G ' • 480"67" • 01 SIDEKTIA O �N9. AaotmNw is K APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN C, I--- ]ol SOUTtaAKE COMMONS MIXED USE .60-6T v 1. - MIXED USE •m KW `lfll 0.0 OK. fPAm I3.]T t0[f KA, Ul 1`41.10^ Lo. WitrAm INK - =0=1E r. TPo Lon ,M, ro 11 . • Ww"tTy tur II IC �` WN"K ;8"" " W- SOUTHLAKE TOWN CENTER RIALTO DEVELOPMENT' ' L•Mg4,t A,DYI9Rt N[3"aN. NfiNIN. K[tW1CR N¢ wt CONCEPT PLAN tANA lu[ A,IKIKTt ItNwn . uuwAm 1 LACTYDOCS\ORD _.,SES\480-224.PUD; Page 8 i 8E-41 j REC'D DEC 0 91996 City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT December 13, 1996 CASE NO: ZA 6-90 PROJECT: First Reading / Ordinance No 480-211 Rezoning and Concept Plan - Shady Oak Centre (Submitted as Southlake Professional Plaza) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Shady Oak Centre, being approximately 2.95 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C, as recorded in Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. LOCATION: 521 W. Southlake Blvd., south of the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) OWNER: Marvin C. Kennedy APPLICANT: Larry D. Flynn `URRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "0-1" Office District AMENDED ZONING REQUEST: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with certain "O-1" uses LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential (may include residential and limited low intensity office and/or retail uses) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential (any Single Family district) NO. NOTICES SENT: Twenty-one (21) RESPONSES: Fourteen (14) written responses were received within the 200' notification area. • Steven and Kathy Sims, 101 Springbrook Ct., Southlake, Texas, opposed. "The granting of "O-V Office District zoning next to Timber Lake and Lake Crest will be detrimental to residential property values in those neighborhoods. The developer is proposing driveways and parking withing 10 feet of residential property owners." See attached letter. 8F-1 • Michael and Cindy Conrad, 108 Springbrook Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Land use plan stipulates medium density residential not 0-1. Traffic, noise, and night security. Alternatives within 200' yards that will not impact my property value." • Marlene Massa, 104 Springbrook Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too close to residential resulting in property value loss." • Tom Jacobowski, 107 Springbrook Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Should be residential per SL land use plan. Detrimental to my residential property value. Too close to residential property, poor site. There are much better ways to use this property." • Candace and Daniel Altena, Springbrook Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "The proposed building is too large - 3200 + square feet and will be a nuisance. The city stated when we bought our home that the property was to be residential. The cities land use plan specifies that this area is medium density residential. The complex violates the cities own land use plan." • Judy and Stephan Largent, 215 Timber Lake Way, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too large a building too close to residences creating excessive noise, traffic and security problems to established residential neighborhoods." • Julie Hale, 102 Springbrook Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "(I)The'32,000 sq ft' space is 100 yds from my front yard, (2) do not want to live on an office buildings parking lot. (3) Our C property value would suffer. (4) We are offended that Southlake is even considering this so close to our housing development. (5) The area shaded on back is our home. Would you appreciate this?" • Kevin Barlow, 206 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too close to residential, too big, detrimental to our land value." • May Pogozelski and Lawrence Cheung, 202 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too much noise, the proposed building is too large; additional traffic; devaluation on my house; conflict with land use plan; loss of privacy." • Southlake Joint Venture, David Howell, 15851 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100, Dallas, Texas, opposed. "Homeowners called and they would . like us to join their opposition. They want additional restrictions, etc. that straight "O-l" doesn't offer." See attached letter. • Dennis Checkley, 217 Timber Lake Way, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "The building is too large and the traffic pattern would cause too much noise for surrounding neighbors. A small configuration of buildings would be a better option." • Christopher & Diana Hennessy, 204 Canyon Lake Dr, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "We are opposed to the zoning change because it would allow for development which would be too large for a residential area. It would also cause too much noise and traffic and be detrimental to our land value." 8F-2 • Terri McGuire Watson, 106 Springbrook, Southlake, Texas, opposed. • Tom Hasker, 219 Timber Lake Way, Southlake, Texas, opposed. Six (6) written responses were received outside the 200' notification area: • R.M. and Janet Kendall, 203 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "Too close to residential subdivision property devaluation, traffic, and noise." • Richard L. Ebel, 111 Woodglen Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "The proposed development will require a wider, offset intersection at Shady Oaks Drive and FM 1709 (soon to have a stoplight?) causing increased traffic congestion and dangerous traffic conditions." Attached letter identical to Mr. Conrad's. • Michael R. Baldwin, Lakecrest Homeowners Association, Board Member, opposed "Increased traffic and a two story building so close to residence." • Warren Anderson, Lakecrest Homeowners Association, Director, opposed. "The proposal for rezoning is in conflict with the Land Use Plan. A building of this size will increase the traffic on FM 1709." Attached letter identical to Mr. Conrad's. • Paul Guisinger, 808 Ridgedale Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed. "The application contains a proposed development of a High Density Office Building with a driveway (noise and traffic), parking and C security lighting only ten feet from Timber Lake yards." See attached letter. • Michael Conrads, Southlake Impacted Homeowners, 108 Springbrook Court, Southlake, opposed. Organization has drafted "requirements" for consideration. See attached letters after Staff Report. A petition was received with 127 signatures total, all in opposition. Nine (9) of the petitioners are within the 200' notification area. The remaining 113 petitioners are outside the 200' notification area. The following are reasons for opposition cited by the petition: • "The property is classified as Medium Density Residential in the Land Use Plan and the residents of Timber Lake Crest were assured: that the property in question would be developed for residences in keeping with the existing neighborhoods." • "The application contains a proposed development of a high density office building with a driveway (noise and traffic), parking and security lighting ten feet from our back yards. See attached petition. A petition was received with 671 signatures total, all in opposition. Sixteen (16) of the petitioners are within the 200' notification area. The remaining 656 petitioners are outside the 200' notification area. The following are reasons for opposition cited- by the petition: i 8F-3 • "The construction of an office building of this size, in addition to the substantial commercial development approved for the intersection of Shady Oaks and FM 1709, would result in increased traffic congestion and dangerous traffic conditions." • "The granting of "O-1" Office District zoning next to Timber Lake and Lake Crest will be detrimental to residential property values in those neighborhoods." P & Z ACTION: August 8, 1996; Approved (7-0) to table to the August 22, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. August 22, 1996; Approved (7-0) to table to the September 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. September 5, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the September 19, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission. September 19, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission. November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. C November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the November 21, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. November 21, 1996; Public Hearing continued to December 5, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996, and incorporating Impacted Homeowners document Revised November 21, 1996 and received November 27, 1996 amending as follows: Item #1 (Permitted Uses) adding "currently adopted" to precede "City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance" in the first sentence, add "(See attachment of permitted uses) following the last sentence and attach to the Impacted Homeowners document the listing of "0-1" permitted uses of the current Zoning, Ordinance No. 480, striking out uses to be eliminated; Item #4(Roof Design) delete the second and third sentence and add "Roof to match or be greater than the pitch of Dr. Huckabee's office building and must be of composition shingles"; Item #5 (Masonry Wall) delete "in masonry appearance" and add in its place "the solid portion of"; Item #7 (Parking) adding "currently adopted" to precede "City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance" in the first sentence, delete "in effect during 1996" and add "in no event be more than" preceding "90 parking spaces"; Item #9(3) (trash containers/receptacles)delete in its entirety (" ... hidden from view from all adjacent homeowners' properties and travelers on F.M. 1709"); Item # 10, (satellite dishes) delete "... second story view" and add 8F-4 .Satellite dishes shall be ground mounted and shall be screened to height equal to or greater than the dish"; Item #11(site plan requirements) delete (� "...and placed as appropriate to the tree type so as to ensure "full screening" coverage as seen by residential property owners from their second story windows. An additional buffer of one (1) canopy tree and six (6) large (6' - 10") shrubs to be planted and maintained between the northwest parking spaces and residential property line;" and add "The minimum caliper of trees shall be 3" with placement to be determined at the time of site plan approval"; Item # 13 (signs) delete "... so as to be non -offensive to neighboring homeowners"; Item #14 (future development or additions) delete in its entirety. Applicant allowed to reserve the right to modify drive location and building on the site plan. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all the items in the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated August 16, 1996 and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996 with the exception of those items in the attached Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated December 13, 1996. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\96CASES\96-090ZC. WPD 8F-5 I T e x a s L a n d & B u i l d i n g C o m p a n y, L L C Daniel L. Deichert President October 22, 1996 Mr. Dennis Killough City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mr. Killough: Enclosed is our revised submittal for zoning case # ZA 96-90, now named Shady Oak Centre. This plan is a result of several meetings with homeowners from the Timber Lake and Lake Crest subdivisions, collectively known as the Southlake Impacted Homeowners. Together, we have planned this parcel to minimize the impact of the two proposed buildings on adjacent and surrounding homes. As a supplement to the plan transmitted today, we have agreed upon a set of property restrictions which deal with issues ranging from hours of operation to building design. We request the attached list of property restrictions be included as stipulations for approval of the zoning case and that these restrictions be included as part of any approved zoning. We understand that as part of the S-P-2 zoning classification, further plan approvals will be required. Any future submittals will be approved by the Southlake Impacted Homeowners prior to delivery to the city and such submittals will be in accordance with the progerty restrictions unless waiver has been granted by Southlake Impacted Homeowners. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, Daniel L. Deichert President cc: Mr. Michael Conrads - Southlake Impacted Homeowners Campbell Centre 8150 N t Cenral Expwy Ii�Ef(/gJ)0CATD ." �-� f._ 'ne x a s 75208 p: 214.892.TLBC (8522) f: 214.692.8545 e: tlbc@onramp.net 8F-6 ,}- L11 1JJU IU. L7 FA L14by28545 TLBC PAGE 02 ro O IE fis 4- V o v c� ra � u as 4-s £ � 40 C ce J t O t?. u Q N •y d V d0 O C C R �-� X3w co o. Ow �0 .0 ovcm o O m i • ,;� g • gip',. s iz 'Q H w � •� y v' v � � V N a� , tyW � Z 0 •d vv '� o O G a� a� u No d�� H G. rn v W :284. GU 4v O CO 3C4Q .. R cer o0 0CIO .n c td 8F-7 RECD NOV 2 71996 j I 11/ L!/ 177b lb: L7 2146928545 00 TLBC c ro S L ib u t al L 0 M PAGE 03 ^N u m 43 kb 1 v � x fop 3 cu V �+ a� v a Lo y -� v N N 0t E u o 7 N r c � � o u 4- S44 p a w .G O 4)b W C 8F-8 11/27/1996 10:29 2146928545 TLBC PAGE 04 M o � a � � H U d O w a in b w o a� o G m U �d 080 O RA A 'd � y . N ri my y C U CU q � O p V u i 8F-9 0-1 OFFICE DISTRICT PERMITTED USES a. Office Uses 1. Accounting and tax preparation; 2. Adjustment and collection services; 3. Advertising agencies; 4. S. Architecture; BatA 7. Business corporate headquarters (when used for office purposes only); 8. Business holding and investment services; 9. Chamber of Commerce; 10. Chiropractors; 11. Computer services; 12. Consumer and mercantile credit reporting; 13. Contractors offices (provided no outside storage or display is permitted); 14. Dentists; , 17. Engineering; 18. Finance; 19. Interior design; 8F-10 20. Land surveying; 21. Law; 22. Management consultants; 23. Optometrists; _ 24. Other offices of a business and/or professional nature providing services not including the retail sale, fabrication, manufacture or production of goods=or merchandise. 25. Physicians; 26. Podiatrists; 27. Psychiatrists; 28. Psychologists; 3 0. �' ` * and insurance; 32. Securities and commodities brokers, dealers, underwriters and exchange offices; 33. Stenographic services; 34. 35. Title companies; 36. ++•+ova vulvCLl,WWA.j��' f Utility offices; b. Community Facilijy Uses 1. Public, semi-public and private parks; 2. Recreation and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, equestrian bridal trails, nature enters, and bird and wildlife sanctuaries; 8F-11 , and 5. Other uses of a similar nature and character. ACCESSORY USES - In addition to those accessory uses specifically authorized in Section 34 of this ordinance, any use may be established as an accessory use to a permitted use when it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. SPECIFIC USE PERMITS - Specific use permits may be approved by the City Council following a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission as specifically authorized in Section 45 of this ordinance, subject to full and complete compliance with any and all conditions required in Section 45, together with any other conditions as the City Council may impose. Any use accessory to an approved specific use permit shall be permitted without specific approval if it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance. (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-C.) 8F-12 1 C� Impacted Homeowners' Requirements for Rezoning 2nd Revision-10/20/96 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas Change the 0-1 to S-P-1 Zoning request with the following requirements and uses clearly defined. Concept Plans to be redrawn as Site Plans to include: the actual landscape plan, elevation views from front, side and back and clearly identified renderings to scale of the following site plan requirements; • 0-1, "Office District" permitted uses as stated in the Zoning Ordinance with the removal of the following high traffic uses: Banking, Savings and Loan, Duplication and Mailing Services, Employment Services, Radio Recording and Television Broadcasting, Travel Bureaus or services, Real Estate, Bill Paying Services, and Community Facility Uses: Libraries, City Halls, Fire and Police Stations and other municipal uses; • Only two (2) single story buildings will be erected on this site. The building to the west (closest to FM 1709) will face to the east, not to exceed 7,400 sf and will be placed a minimum of 45 feet from the west property line. The building to the south will face to the north, will not exceed 11,800 sf., and will be placed at least 100 feet from the south C property line; - • A solid 8' masonry wall* matching in masonry appearance Timber Lake's existing wall to be constructed within 60 days of ground breaking along the south and west property lines. The process to handle existing property owner fencing for the building of the wall as well as the method of joining all existing fences to the wall must be stated in writing. All changes to existing fencing will be at developer expense and completed to existing fence owner satisfaction. In the placement of this wall, all efforts will be made to avoid damaging or removing larger, established trees on residential property but may "share" the property line. The developer will replace, at their expense, any trees destroyed or removed in this process with residential property owner approved replacement(s); *Note: You have proposed a structural option to the 8' wall which is under consideration but has not been agreed to at this time and therefore, the 8' wall remains in our requirements. • The developer will work with the adjacent residential homeowners and the adjacent non- residential property owner prior to final site plan submission to replace existing wooden fences with appropriate, agreed upon 8' solid masonry wall along the east property line; REC'D OCT 2 21996 8F-13 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning 2nd Revision 10/20/96 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas • Although not in complete control and, therefore, the outcome unsure, the developer will work with the adjacent non-residential properly owner in order to remove their existing wooden fences along the adjoining south property line and replace with significant landscaping so as to portray the two developments as one; • Parking will not exceed the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance or 90 parking spaces, whichever is fewer and all parking spaces will -be placed a minimum of 60 feet from residential property lines; • Building elevation to include roof design. Construction of roof must be conducive to the adjacent residential community and similar in construction to the adjacent business office. Note: you agreed that the 11,800 sf. building will have multiple roof elevations to avoid a single, straight site line along the peak of the roof. We have also requested this same design for the smaller building if possible. As stated previously, flat roofs are unacceptable; • The maximum height of any structure to be 22 feet; • No satellite dish to be placed on the property over 6' in diameter and must be screened from residential property view; • Restrict business hours of operation to: Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sundays from 12 noon to 6:00 p.m. and must be stated as such on the site plan (there is precedent on this point); • The areas to the west and south of the two buildings will be heavily landscaped with a minimum of 5 large trees per 100 feet along the west and south property line and placed as appropriate to the tree type so as to ensure full "screening" coverage as seen by residential property owners from their second story windows (emphasis on larger trees). No rear of building vehicle access. No impervious material to be constructed in these areas; • All building utilities and equipment appropriately concealed behind solid masonry walls (landscaping is unacceptable); 2 RECD OCT 2 2 1qq� 8F-14 11 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning Revised 10/20/96 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas • Tree and shrub plantings should be used throughout the property. The site plan must include a detailed landscape plan as an addendum and must specify and quantify the landscape plantings while clearly depicting their placement on the site plan. In addition to the Bufferyard F-1 requirements the developer will add Bufferyard C planting as well as change Bufferyard M planting to Bufferyard P planting. Incremental trees and shrubs to be placed as an additional buffer between the northwest parking spaces and the residential property line; • Exterior lighting will be for security lighting purposes only and will be placed in such a manner to be directed to the non-residential buildings and must not "spill over" onto the adjoining Homeowners' property. All rear building security lights to include motion sensors to minimize their utilization and cut down on light pollution for the residential property owners; • Trash containers/receptacles for the development. to be (1) placed away from residential property as shown on the site plan dated 9/17/96; (2) contained within a masonry wall with closing wooden gate, and; (3) be hidden from view from all adjacent homeowners' properties and travelers on F.M. 1709. It is recommended to move the placement of the C"corral" further to the south and add additional parking that may be eliminated from the front of the development due to the 60 foot parking space proximity to residential property requirement; • For safety purposes, the driveway will be located directly across from the intersection of Shady Oaks and F.M. 1709**. Prior to final site plan submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the developer will contact both the appropriate City personnel and the adjacent non-residential property owner to pursue the connection of the parking lots to the east and closing off the existing driveway for safer access. The building to the west should be placed in such a manner as to allow for adequate throat depth and to provide for ease of traffic flow. Parking spaces will be minimized near the driveway entrance. "Note: A traffic light is anticipated at this intersection but a temporary entrance may be required until the light is installed. • All outdoor business signs will be in compliance with City Zoning Ordinances. Only monument signs will be constructed with minimized lighting so as to be non -offensive to neighboring homeowners; • No future development or additions to the property without full review and approval by the Impacted Homeowners. REC'D OCT 2 21996 8F-15 11 Southlake Impacted Homeowners Michael C. Conrads - representative -- 108 Springbrook Court - Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone (214)716-8863 - Fax (214)716-8826 - Home Phone (817) 329-3063 October 14, 1996 Daniel L. Deichert Texas Land and Building Company LLC Campbell Center 8150 North Central Expressway # 440 Dallas, Texas 75206 HOMEOWNERS REZONING REQUIREMENTS - REVISED Dear Mr. Deichert: Thank you for your response dated October 11, 1996 to our letter dated September 27, 1996 which outlined our concerns and requirements for the rezoning of the property at 521 W. Southlake Blvd., south of the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and F.M. 1709 adjacent to Timber Lake and Lake Crest subdivisions. The impacted homeowners have had an opportunity to review your proposal and offer the following adjustments to our original requirements (see attached). Please note that the language is specific and therefore, we agree to adjust our requirements rather than accept your letter as the agreed upon resolution to move forward with the development of this property. To restate the process we mutually agreed to follow prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission presentation meeting: • The rezoning request originally submitted for 0-1 will be changed to S-P-1 for the approximately 2.95 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C, as recorded in Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; • The S-P-1 rezoning request would stipulate the agreed upon Homeowners' requirements (see attachment); • The site plans would be redrawn with the agreed upon Homeowners' requirements clearly marked; • The site plans would include an elevation drawing with reference heights clearly indicated (existing adjacent property Professional building height marked, etc.); RECp OCT 2 21996 8F-16 - HOMEOWNERS REZONING REQUIREMENTS - REVISED page 2 You will coordinate a mutually agreed upon meeting between the developers and the impacted homeowners to review and approve the site plan changes and the S-P-1 rezoning request prior to submission to the City Of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission (Scheduled for Thursday - 10/17/96, 7pm at 108 Springbrook Court - Timber Lake subdivision); • All communication to the City Of Southlake regarding this rezoning proposal will be copied or communicated to me as a representative of the impacted homeowners. Thank you for your effort towards resolving our concerns and incorporating citizen input into your final site plan submission. To restate our position: We are not opposed to non-residential development on the property adjacent to our residential community, however, we firmly believe that any development should not adversely impact surrounding property values, but, rather, enhance them while contributing to our overall quality of life here in Southlake. Given agreement with our revised requirements and inclusion of them in the final site plan submission, we look forward to voicing our support for this development at the November Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Sincerely, Michael C. Conrads Attachment cc: Impacted Homeowners City Of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission City Of Southlake City Council Members 8F-17 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning - Revised 10/14/96 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas Change the 0-1 to S-P-1 Zoning request with the following requirements and uses clearly defined. Concept Plans to be redrawn as Site Plans to include elevation views from front, side and back and clearly identified renderings to scale of the following site plan requirements; • 0-1, "Office District" permitted uses as stated in the Zoning Ordinance with the removal of the following high traffic uses: Banking, Savings and Loan, Duplication and Mailing Services, Employment Services, Radio Recording and Television Broadcasting, Travel Bureaus or services, Real Estate, Bill Paying Services, and Community Facility Uses: Libraries, City Halls, Fire and Police Stations, and other municipal uses; • Only two (2) single story buildings will be erected on this site. The building to the west (closest to FM 1709) will face to the east, not to exceed 7,400 s.f., and will be placed a minimum of 45 feet from the west property line. The building to the south will face to the north, will not exceed 11,800 s.f., and will be placed at least 100 feet from the south property line; • A solid 8' masonry wall matching in masonry appearance Timber Lake's existing wall to be constructed within 60 days of ground breaking along the south and west property lines. In the placement of this wall, all efforts will be made to avoid damaging or removing larger, established trees on residential property but may "share" the property line. The developer will replace, at their expense, any trees destroyed or removed in this process with residential property owner approved replacement(s). • The developer will work with the adjacent residential homeowners and the adjacent non-residential property owner prior to final site plan submission to replace existing wooden fences with appropriate, agreed upon 8' solid masonry wall along the east property line; • Although not in complete control and, therefore, the outcome unsure, the developer will work with the adjacent non-residential property owner in order to remove their existing wooden fences along the adjoining south property line and replace with significant landscaping so as to portray the two developments as one; • Parking will not exceed the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance or 90 parking spaces, whichever is fewer; 8F-18 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning - Revised 10/14/96 page 2 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas • Building elevation to include roof design. Construction of roof must be conducive to the adjacent residential community and similar in construction to the adjacent business office. Note: The 11,800 s.f. building is requested to have multiple roof elevations to avoid a single, straight sight line. Flat roofs are unacceptable; • Restrict hours of operation to weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and stated as such on the site plan (there is precedent on this point); - • The areas to the west and south of the two buildings will be heavily landscaped (emphasis on larger trees) with no rear of building vehicle access. No impervious material to be constructed in these areas; • All building utilities and equipment appropriately concealed behind solid masonry walls (landscaping is unacceptable); • Tree and shrub plantings should be used throughout the property. The site plan must quantify the landscape plantings while clearly depicting their placement on the site plan. In addition to the Bufferyard F-1 requirements the developer will add Bufferyard C planting as well as change Bufferyard M planting to Bufferyard P planting; • Exterior lighting will be for security lighting purposes only and will be placed in such a manner to be directed to the non-residential buildings and must not "spill over" onto the adjoining Homeowners' property; • Trash containers/receptacles for the development to be (1) placed away from residential property as shown on the site plan dated 9/17/96; (2) contained within a masonry wall with closing wooden gate, and; (3) be hidden from view from all adjacent homeowners' properties and travelers on F.M. 1709; • For safety purposes, the driveway will be located directly across from the intersection of Shady Oaks and F.M. 1709*. Prior to final site plan submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the developer will contact both the appropriate City personnel and the adjacent non-residential property owner to pursue the connection of the parking lots to the east and closing off the existing driveway for safer access. The building to the west should be placed in such a manner as to allow for adequate throat depth and to provide for ease of traffic flow. Parking spaces will be minimized near the driveway entrance. (*Note: A traffic light is anticipated at this intersection but a temporary entrance may be required until the light is installed.) • All outdoor business signs will be in compliance with City Zoning Ordinances. Only monument signs will be constructed with minimized lighting so as to be non -offensive to neighboring homeowners; • No future development or additions to the property without full review and ( approval by the Impacted Homeowners. 8F-19 Southlake Planning & Zoning Commission 2 AUG 96 667 N. Carrol Southlake, TX 76092 0 This letter is being sent to strongly OPPOSE the application by developer Larry Flynn to re -zone the property located south of FM 1709 between Timberlake and Lake Crest residential subdivisions to construct the Southlake Professional Plaza. We live in the Timberlake Subdivision at 101 Sprinngbrook Court (Lot 20, Block 1) which is adjacent to the subject property. We have not received any official notification of the proposed rezoning even though our home is within 200 feet of the property. This may be due to the fact that we purchased the home from Pierce Homes in October of 1995. Attached is a summary of reasons for the opposition. If there are any problems or questions, please feel free to contact me at 214-603-1402 (day) or 817-424-1986 (evenings). Steven I Sims C101 Springbrook Ct Southlake, TX 76092 RM AUG 0 5 19 96 8F-20 SOUTHLAKE JOINT VENTURE 15851 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 960-9941 August 7, 1996 City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 RE: Zoning Case - ZA 96.90 Dear Commissioners: As the Developer of Timberlake, we are in opposition to the proposed zoning of the 2.95 acre tract to "0-1" Office. Any proposed zoning of the Property should be to a use compatible with the adjacent residential development. The current request does not appear to ensure that development of this Property will be compatible. To ensure compatibility, the site plan for the development should C be tied to the zoning and adequately address issues such as Potentially objectionable.li htiri and building materials . The objective should be to integratearking adjacent to themesthe uses and preserve the existing residential environment. Until issues such as these are addressed, this project is not compatible with the adjoining neighborhoods and should not be approved. Sincerely, SOU LAKE JOINT VENTURE l � Davi Howell DH/tln CC: Timberlake Homeowner's Association 8F-21 RECD AUG 0 91996 15851 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 LOCK BOX 104 DALLAS TEXAS, 75248 (21 4) 490-3255 FAX (214) 991-4949 Paul Guisinger 808 Ridgedale Court + Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone (817) 424-9180 Fax Transmittal (817) 424-9180 August 6, 1996 City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission Southlake, TX Subject: Opposition to the application for rezoning. Dear Planning and Zoning Commission member, It is my understanding on ThursdayAugust gu 8, the Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission will consider an application to change the zoning of the property at 521 W. Southlake Blvd. South of the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and F.M. 1709 adjacent to Timber Lake and Lake Crest subdivisions. As a resident of Timber Lake subdivision, I am opposed to this application. The property is classified as Medium Density Residential in the Land Use Plan and as a resident of Timber Lake were assured that the property in question would be developed for residences in keeping with the existing neighborhood. The application contains a proposed development of a High Density Office Building with a driveway (noise and traffic), parking and security lighting only ten feet from Timber Lake yards. The proposed development is a 32,000 square foot structure which is not in keeping with my expectations for Southlake. As a resident of Irving, Texas for 37 years I experienced "a city attitude anything goes and all developments are good and grow at any cost" In 1992 I moved to Southlake because I believed the city government would control the development of Southlake. Once rezoned the developer is not bound by the one story building illustrated in the application but could build a 2.5 story structure under an "O 1 zoning". I realize the value of commercial developments and support the growth of our city but in a manner which is consistent with the City of Southlake Land Use Plan. This rezoning is unnecessary as there is property available less than 200 yards east along the 817-22 1 REC-D AUG 0 61996 south side of FM 1709 between Lake Crest and White Chapel Road which is already for office use. I ask for support of the City of Southlake Land Use Plan and please deny this application for rezoning. Sincerely, Paul and Bernice Guisinger cc: Southlake city council members 8F-23 To: City Of Southlake Planning And Zoning Commission And City Council Members z� i Subject: Onnosition To The Application For Rezoning On Thursday, August 8, 1996, the Southlake Planning and Zoning will consider an application to change the zoning of the property at 521 W. Southlake Blvd., south of the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and F.M.1709 adjacent to Timber Lake and Lake Crest subdivisions. The request is to change the zoning to an "Q-A" Office District for approximately 2.95 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C, as recorded in Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. As a resident of the subdivisions involved . dPPLI[_6'TIf-sa: The LAbA OPPOSF,�j�QT . primary reasons Tor my opposition areas follows: • The property is classified as Medium Density Residential in the Land Use the residents of Timber Lake and Lake Crest were assured that the property in and question would be developed for residences in keeping with the existing neighborhoods; • The application contains a proposed development of a High Density office building with a driveway (Noise and Traffic), parking and security lighting ten feet from our back yards; • The proposed development is a 32,000 square foot structure which is hard!y in keeping with our expectations for Southlake. Two of these structures would a ual another new Kroger --- in our back yards; q Once rezoned, the developer is not bound by the one story building illustrated i application but could build a 2.5 story structure under an "0-1" zoning; n the • The proposed development will require a wider, offset intersection at Shady Oaks Drive and FM 1709 (soon to have a stoplight?) causing increased traffic congestion and dangerous. traffic conditions. Further, it is questioned whether the proposed driveway cuts will be able to meet citycode requirements; • Last but not least, the granting of "O 1" Office District zoning sandwiched Timber Lake and Lake Crest will be detrimental to residential property values t2ro_oerty_yal�a,, � I realize the value of commercial development and support the growth of our city but in a manner which is consistent with The City Of Southlake Land Use Plan. This ezon n is unnecessary as there is property available less than 200 yards east alongthe south g side of FM 1709 between Lake Crest and White Chapel Road - already zoned for of is use. I ask for your support of the City Of Southlake Land Use Plan and deny this file application for rezoning. X !S AA-/ m e .t _ , / " — vale 8F-24 To: City Of Southlake Planning And Zoning Commission And City Council Members Subject: Opposition To The Application For Rezoning On -Thursday, August 8, 1996, the Southlake Planning and Zoning will consider an application to change the zoning of the property at 521 W. Southlake Blvd., south of the intersection of Shady Oaks Drive and F.M.1709 adjacent to Timber Lake and Lake Crest subdivisions. The request is to change the zoning to an "Q1." Office District for approximately 2.95 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C, as recorded in Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. As a resident of the subdivisions Involved, I AM OPPOSED TO THIS APPLICATION. The primary reasons for my opposition are as follows: • The property is classified as Medium Density Residential in the Land Use Plan and the residents of Timber Lake and Lake Crest were assured that the property in question would be developed for residences in keeping with the existing neighborhoods; • The application contains a proposed development of a High Density office* building with a driveway (Noise and Traffic), parking and security lighting ten feet from our back yards; • The proposed development is a 32,000 square foot structure which is hardly in keeping with our expectations for Southlake. Two of these structures would equal another new Kroger'--- in our back yards; • Once rezoned, the developer is not bound by the one story building illustrated in the application but could build a 2:5 story structure under an "0-1" zoning; • The proposed development will require a wider, offset intersection at Shady Oaks Drive and FM 1709 (soon to have a stoplight?) causing increased traffic congestion and dangerous traffic conditions. Further, it is questioned whether the proposed driveway cuts will be able to meet city code requirements; • Last but not least, the granting of "0-1" Office District zoning sandwiched between Timber Lake and Lake Crest will be detrimental to residential property values - my property value. I realize the value of commercial development and support the growth of our city but in a manner which is consistent with The City Of Southlake Land Use Plan. This rezoning is unnecessary as there is property available less than 200 yards east along the south side of FM 1709 between Lake Crest and White Chapel Road - already zoned for office use. I ask for your support of the City Of Southlake Land Use Plan and deny this application for rezoning. REC'D J U L 3 01996 EL&-� C,�- Cam_ Yi , Ac rJ L ��� 74 signature Printed Name Date Address 8F-25 TO: City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission We are opposed to the application f PP pp or a Zoning Change for approximately 2.95 acres situated in the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C, from Agricultural District to "0-1" Office District (Ref. No. ZA 96-90). The .reasons for our opposition are as follow: 1. Southlake's Land Use Plan classifies the property and surrounding area as Medium Density Residential. The proposed building is approximately 32,800 square feet which would qualify as a high -intensity office space. 2. The construction of an office building of this size, in addition to the substantial commercial ' development approved for the intersection of Shady Oaks and FM 1709, would result in increased traffic congestion and dangerous traffic conditions. 3. The granting of "0-1" Office District zoning next to Timber Lake and Lake Crest will be detrimental to residential property values in those neighborhoods. 4. The developer is proposing driveways and parking within 10 feet of residential property lines resulting in substantial noise and nuisance for nearby residential property owners. 5. There is currently land zoned "0-1" Office District within 200 yards of the subject property (between Lake Crest entrance and White's Chapel). Additional "0-1" zoning is not necessary. . 8F-26 IB IACI 3.5 At 4 A 882A 881A I lAl L BA3 A✓ GG _ ;1u:6GG4 Ac BAIS sett 8A2 8A1 8A9 88A ._ t ! j 1 I i i - ,�'� ' � . • 11 11F 8B1B 11C2 11C2A 11C2 90 10 i IE ok HAL i 13 35 Ac 1 1 I I r' •� I l i l i •1ti •i'-' ti!-'T-'tf IA i i; i i i i i i i ^YY. 3A LbFNRY_C 3AI 1 !` T 4 C•3A1 a A � MA 3H 381A WYA-6W � P� 301 IB fJ w 3B4 I :` •T•. 3 J� 311 J �10 ADD 383 _ . 3B '= y� m ' I •Y� •E` 1 7 NEST WIHLAKE W 4A 3C 30 Wj ' 2f i, 2A1 ~ I ' % F i 2 3C2 Ir•. 3C SC 1 SF 5E 50 LSD ••`• ' 2A i .!'*_: -- };? LijYEN e`L 5BI 3 w< '•, f _ r N Dj5 10 k 6 Ac is ri.�-rB -�-• PA RCN ' . 1.` 7'Z. ♦ k'j""f' 15 Ac 3N1 GCE 5H Gl _ J.. = ! _ y _ ._ '-'•r• _ _ l._. - i ` 3F % !„ 2AIC 2Al2A1e 2A2 2A5 C� f ���i�•� o 1 JXE DR 4.23 Ac �'l f . r ;/.% _ _ M1••y r i i J• x � TA1� pl PoNE COURT EA 7LOX jr _ `T'�� 1F 2B1 20 203A S i , 1 ( i.i•--f Ac 5 wNrr L 4 AC ��A �0IGI m . 1,, ! `.• 4.5 Ac L 2C 2C MA_ Mir f i CKS 4-7 VAN ' Y. %• ...=` �. tl Y�Ii•B W!�AI Ir'�� � i!�� I .,•~ m J �! t sAncr A 'Sit 58 6 Ac_.li 1 i � •�,�• i i i 1 1 1 1 ,; x 1 i i i _ .. 10 Ac �•, 1 i ~' _ R,� �1�._ INCET61 PARK 4 Ac % -Cl btl 1 i I 1 1% !! Y TRACT MAP ,• •C NTNENT L� �7 ! I ! -2 , 181' •i•,_,_, i 3C Y'TTT ' - �:�,:` �:. �• i i I 1 _i ,i .�r•`� ---•(rr _ i i� i L. CT! ij I TR 384 TR 383 aw .o 610 TR 3' 72 AC -------- -- ----- -- — - 6 -- .� � 5.72. TR X TR TR 3B4A 4.2758 (9 5.2: 1.35 AC "AG" C /2 -- - 3.2842 @ - .....—. TR 3B4 "C2" RR EnD TR 382 G. HALL TR 3B TR 304 5.72 AC rR 3e4A Shady Oaks Lmtd. R>3 `0 — 1.35 AC .jSouthlake Four Inv st. TR to 728 AC. State of Texas _ / „s outh�a ee JV 3_ -- t_ . ...% -- _. iR 2C1 ,�tAl s rci�«._ _ R 261 .182 v £ 7 2 0 ss 18 , i '�I < � I' TR t .59 Kt1 C. Hale _ � .� Pierce'. C- p �W . s 12 ,.. PUD 2 Homes 1 w>7 ci G) -_� Cr N COMMON 107 R. Massa - CD 0I GREEN s o v. D. Altena ' No 1 Lippincott', z 22 2 4 Southlake JV S ,(� ,, 3 TO 14 3 74 M. Conrad/r2:96 AC �. �' G� O'Q•.` G� 32T. Jacobowski • yo �. , G S. Larsent—I S F20A" 6 5 CI�.2o 5 "BOG; i e6 ,M D. Checkley,l .1" r yet Y/ /; •r ,i zs 41 `'es Pulto 6 12 to - T. Hasker ! ?pq_ S; Home nto. 197 51 $ �Oj(MgApOw 27 . I Barloty _ s 2 _ .7 �n log,c ,.o - 0 13 =.s. • g 1 17 19 0 ,.. . , 14 x 15 - 28 a 3 50 ie - ,8.::.• „ _ ; � y cos a 29 1 16 - 17 ,. + I 76 0 4 9 � 18 17 Y 1 214 10 ADJACENT OWNERS �VggT CT 3 5 1- - t,ptKE AICID ZONING � a =__ 2: SPIN REPRESENTATIVE #14 „ ,6 x = 20 DOUG MCKELVEY $ 21 J 8F-28 > CADDO LAKE Dt City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY ,ase No: ZA 96-90 Review No: Three Date of Review: 12/13/96 Project Name: Concept Plan for S-P-2 Zoning - Shady Oaks Centre (submitted as Southlake Professional Plaza), 2.954 Ac. in the Hiram Granberry Survey Abstract No 581 APPLICANT: Texas Land and Building Co. 3 Lincoln Centre, Suite 970 Dallas, Texas 75240 Phone: 214) 692-8522 Fax : (214) 692-8545 ARCHITECT: DBH Designs 1117 Crestview Kauffman, Texas Phone: (214) 962-4088 Fax 214) 962-5333 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/13/96 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 481-5581, EXT. 787. .. ...:::•:.v:::::::......:..Y....n.xrv:•}::•:::i:J::::3:1•.r:4`:ti4:v ..tr. }. }.•.v.{:.>.•..%•:.:•:. x..\•.......hiF.\::{:f`�}'r.'�n\:ti...:..::.•.:...ri:F.•:.v.•.•:v:•.tiW:.•:ff//ff/.•:$$:.h':.}.w.�ri�......... xr. r:i.C..::b: x. f3f'i:•.:•:::'{:+•.:•:•:•i::;},:::i::::<:•:•:•::•:::: 1. The Driveway Ordinance No. 634 requires a throat depth of 75' for traffic stacking into the site. However, no new access to F.M. 1709 is proposed on the site. The proposed access is through the Common Access Easement and existing driveway located on the adjoining tract ,to the east. Please note that the location of the existing building on the adjoining site to the east would prohibit any further extension of the driveway throat depth. 2. Loading spaces and service areas must be located at the side or rear •and must be screened by a 10' masonry wall similar to the front facade of the building where the loading area is adjacent to residential property. 3. Trash dumpster must be gated and screened by a minimum 8' masonry wall similar to the primary structure. The review of this plan is based on the "0-1" zoning district. The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to the next scheduled meeting must be. received at the City. by 5:00 PM on 12/23/96. If not received by that time, no review will be prepared until the following submittal schedule. All 17 revised submittals must be folded 6" x 9" and include an 11 " x 17" revised reduction. Building articulation requirements will not be reviewed at the Concept Plan level. This issue will be addressed upon review of the Site Plans. Please note that all buildings must meet the architectural standards of the Corridor Overlay Zone Regulations as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 43.9.c.1. 8F-29 City of Southlake, Texas * The minimum setback required along the property lines adjacent to Lake Crest and Timber Lakes is 40'. However, should any proposed building on the site exceed one story or 20' in height (measured UBC standard) the required setback will be determined by a 4:1 slope line from the property line. No part of the building can encroach above the slope line. All mechanical units including satellite dishes must be fully screened of view from F.M. 1709, S.H. 114, and/or from properties within 400' having residential zoning or a low or medium density residential Land Use Designation. Although no review of required parking or interior landscape is provided at the Concept Plan level, staff strongly recommends that the lot be evaluated for compliance with the off-street parking requirements per Ord. 480, Section 35, and the interior landscape area requirements per the Landscape Ordinance No. 544 prior to preparation of any site plans. The applicant should be aware that all areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and all fire lanes must be per the City Fire Department. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a plat must be submitted for approval and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan, landscape plan, and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited .to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. Fire lanes must meet City.Fire Department requirements. The following items on the plan do not appear to comply with the "Impacted Homeowners Requirements for Zoning" dated 11/21/96 and as amended by the Planning and Zoning Commission: Parking spaces located at the northwest and east portion of the site do not meet the minimum 70' spacing from residential properties as required in Item # 7 regarding parking. Interior Design uses have been noted for elimination on the plan, but is not eliminated on the attachment of permitted uses. * Minimum parking requirements cannot be determined until floor area by use has been determined. P & ZACTION. August 8, 1996;.Approved (7-0) to table to the August 22, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. August 22, 1996; Approved (7-0) to table to the September 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. September 5, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the September 19, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission. September 19, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission. 8F-30 City of Southlake, Texas November 7, 1996; Public Hearing continued to November 14, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. November 14, 1996; Approved (7-0) applicant's request to table until the November 21, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. November 21, 1996; Public Hearing continued to December 5, 1996 due to Resolution 95-24. December 5, 1996; Approved (5-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated November 1, 1996, and incorporating Impacted Homeowners document Revised November 21, 1996 and received November 27, 1996: amending as follows: Item #1 (Permitted Uses) adding "currently adopted" to precede "City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance " in the first sentence, add "(See attachment of permitted uses) following the last sentence and attach to the Impacted Homeowners document the listing of "0- 1 "permitted uses of the current Zoning Ordinance No. 480, striking out uses to be eliminated; Item #4(RoofDesign) delete the second and third sentence and add "Roof to match or be greater than the pitch of Dr. Huckabee's office building and must be of composition shingles "; Item 95 (Masonry Wall) delete "in masonry appearance " and add in its place "the solid portion of'; Item #7 (Parking) adding "currently adopted" to precede "City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance" in the first sentence, delete "in effect during 1996" and add "in no event be more than" preceding "90 parking spaces"; Item #9(3) (trash containers/receptacles)delete in its entirety (" . . C . hidden from view from all adjacent homeowners' properties and travelers on F.M. 1709'9; Item #10, (satellite dishes) delete .. second story view" and add . " . . Satellite dishes shall be ground mounted and shall be screened to height equal to or greater than the dish"; Item #11 (site plan requirements) delete ".. ,and placed as appropriate to the tree type so as to ensure `full screening" coverage as seen by residential property owners from their second story windows. An additional buffer of one (1) canopy tree and six (6) large (6' -10'9 shrubs to be planted and maintained between the northwest parking spaces and residential property line; "and add "The minimum caliper of trees shall be 3"with placement to be determined at the time of site plan approval"; Item #13 (signs) delete "... so as to be non -offensive to neighboring homeowners';• Item #14 (future development or additions) delete in its entirety. Applicant allowed to reserve the right to modify drive location and building on the site plan. Denotes Informational Comment cc: DBH Designs; Texas Land and Building Co. \LAWP-FILES\REV\96\96-090CP.3 8F-31 SVX31 '3NV'iH1f10S g3 9661 9 8 1�0i • �� s Nzo SXVO )�GVHS o �, 410d-1VSOdOUd W1S3O 1d3ON00 V 3 !4 it Ilj IN CIO { ji it i►! N! 11 1i jHB @ lJill, � Z p w R ¢ Ala Ulf Hill s, 11 aj;, ti I >! !I lie i R M1 ! F.M. 1709 South Lake Blvd. ;;�_: � S87'S509'E IB6.14' � . n rnern+nm„+wauao•. _ •A FT. N,LNG ET L'" uE ::air:::}: !• - P 6a s IL la -- o�d :1;'::r::r::::; ::'iLr;•i:: n S8ff00'05E165a �! o :;:1:•::::::::::;::::::::::.:: � , alit fill Ts 009,11 ZO 1 •. �I 8 3 t ° a gig t -t o< .a f J w'µ : 0.1 d ewdp ' U 4 .•�•.wagxu[i • S1 o: lie ,OJ< 8F-32 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS „ � JN AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY _ SITUATED IN THE -:' , ` AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM ' � .y,=.. �� TO , SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as m, 1 , ? 11 under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and . WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these -" changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the LACTYDOMORMCASEM480-21 LSP2 I Page 1 817-33 facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over -crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire; panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being a 2. tract of land situated in the I�rarrlanberr�Sie3bst�cN�ii L:\CTYDOMORMCASM480-21 LSP2 Page 2 8F-34 {' S $1' tOW and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from " W A`" riIf to 1. Gnerahed teP�anDi�tnct, th ceQ as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over -crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout, the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-21 LSP2 Page 3 817-35 i until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1 st reading the day of , 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of . , 1996. MAYOR LACTYDOMORDTASEM480-211.SP2 8F-36 Page 4 ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: UCTYDOMORMCASEM480-211.SP2 8F-37 Page 5 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning ReAsed 11J2U96 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract lVe. 581, Tract 2C Volume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas The following requirements and uses are clearly defined and are enforceable now and in the future as part of the S-P-2 rezoning submission for this property. Site Plans include: the actual landscape plan, elevation views from front, side and back and clearly identified renderings to scale of the following site plan requirements; 1. 0-1, "Office District" permitted uses as stated in the City of Souddake Zoning Ordinance in use during 1996 with the removal of the following high traffic uses: Banking, Savings and Loan, Duplication and Mailing Services, Employment Services, Radio Recording and Television Broadcasting, Travel Bureaus or services, Real Estate, Bill Paying Services, and Community Facility Uses: Libraries, -City Halls, Fire and Police Stations, and other municipal uses; 2. Only two (2) single story buildings will be erected ort this site. The building to the west (closest to FM 1709) will face to the east, not to exceed 7,400 s.£, and will be placed a minimum of 45 feet from the west property line. The building to the south will face to the north, will not exceed 11,800 s.f., and mill be placed at least 100 feet from the south property line. The pcak:s of the buildutgs shall not exceed 23 feet in height; The nia.6ntun height of any structure to be 23 feat including the peal: of the roof; d. Building elevation includes roof design. Construction of roof must be similar in constnlction to the adjacent business office. The larger, longer building to the south will have mrdtiple roof elevations to avoid &single, straight sight line along the peak of the roof as viewed from the front or rear of tho'building. Flat roofs on either building are unacceptable; S. A solid 8' tall masonry wall matching in masonry appearance Timber Lake's existing wall to be constructed within 60 days of ground breaking along the south and west property lines. 6. No rear of building vehicle access. No impervious material to be constructed in these areas; L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-21 LSP2 Page 6 8F-3 8 Impacted Homeowners' Requirements For Rezoning - Revised 11/21/96 page 2 Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract 2C Votume 8374, Page 2186, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas 7. Parking will not exceed the minimum requirements of the City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance in effect during 1996 or 90 parking spaces, whichever is fewer and all parking spaces will be placed a minimum of 70 feet from residential property lines; 8. All building utilities and equipment appropriately concealed behind solid masonry aralls; 9. Trash containers/receptacles for the development to be (1) placed along the east-northeast property line and away from residential property; (2) contained within a masonry wall with a closing wooden gate, and; (3) be hidden from %icw from all adjacent homeowners' properties and travelers on I'AI 1709; vo satellite dish to be placed on the propel1�over 6' 4t tiiauieter and must be screened froln residential properh", Second .,,Ory view., 11. The site plan must include a detailed landscape plan as an addendum and must specify and quantify the landscape plantings while clearly depicting their placement on the site. plan. in addition to the Bufferyard)!-1 requirements the developer will add Bufferyard C planting with a minimum of 5 canopy trees per 100' run as well as chance Bufferyard M planting to Bu8'eryard P planting. We emphasize: The areas to the west and south of the two buildings will be heavily landscaped with a minimum of five (5) Large canopy trees per 100 feet and placed as appropriate to the tree type so as to ensure "full screening" coverage as sees by residential property owners from their second story windows. -An additional buffer of one (1) canopy tree and six (6) large (6'-10) shrubs to be planted and maintained between the northwest parking spaces and the residential property line; 17. Exterior lighting will be for security lighting purposes only and will be placed in such a manner to be directed toward the non-residential buildings and must not "spill over" on to the adjo'uting Homeowners' property. All rear building security L: \CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-211. SP2 Page 7 8F-39 lights must include motion sensors to minimize their utilization to reduce fight pollution for the residential property owners; 13. All outdoor business signs will be in compliance with the City of Southlake's sign Ordinances.. Only monument signs vA be constructed with minimized lighting so as to be non -offensive to neighboring homeowners; 14. No future development or additions to the property without full notification and review by the Impacted Homeowners as is required for any change to an S-P zoning. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-21 L.SP2 Page 8 8F-40 EXHIBIT "A" BeSng . a 2"%5 acre tract of lOnd situated in the MOM COMM SUk} TY. An*1RilCi 00.5 at. in ,Tangftl Countt,. Texas. and being tro remoinpet of that toitoi�+ .Marvin..G. Koarhdy Ggct; tt: rttcofdHt; 4n 'Y.olun�' �506. Pay A6.1. Dead Records. Tarrant Cowntr,'Tysae. UO 2.93.aCrs tmel� ¢•itrjit'pQMku�p(Ir desceib•d as (allows: B£CtNumc at o S/b MCA :eon 'rod. fov,%d n the g0.4h lint. Of,. wolf •Souti4oke No. 1109), said' point being tht Nortroast corner of lot 20. Block'• 1, Taikk 04, SEC'TVN.1. of . r"oro#d M CoblW A. Sitae 4S.5, Mat Records, Tarronl:CotiAfr. Tiros; THENCE South 47 degrees SS fnlnrY•s 09 seconds L'All at the 010th tine of Woft Sovthldke .Soyjttiadd; (r.N., Hig#vwoy No. 1709}, a dlstonce O( td6.ta foot fo. a •S� Inch .sot%.Od, found. soi4 potfd -bfif ► f� North.ssl corner of o tract.of land to W. Morris as roeorpea in Volga• 684. P644 2tS6. peed. Ae�dartss, Tarrant County. TeRos; .. . . . THENCE South 02 degrses 16 minutes 29 seconds West. at*". flee` west lire of sold Yard: tract, a dtltsirte of 241.46 feet to a 1/2 inch .tron roe found (bi ►ne Sowf osof corner of sold Morris froel. THENCE Soutrt E19 degrees 00 minutes OS soeoe+at fast, ofbn9 the S00W.Vto of "Sold.Korris, tract , ti distance of 165.00 feet, to a 5.8 inch iron rod set for +hi Southeast corner of soic Worrit troet, sold... ' Point Doing in the wests,lr, line of LAKE CREST, as recorded in Cabinet A,'•Sliat 15k1.. Ptot- 14c6rdt, Tarrant County. Terns; THENCE South 02 degrees 15 minutes 03 s•condt V.01ft, afo ' the W411srtr Ihte••af LAKE .CREST. o' distance of 255.33 foot to o point for an 'l` corner• •o! Lr1K CREST, and bs(ng dhe tiamrr►o+i`Ntlrthuty corner of Lot 20 and lot 21. Block 2 of sold. LAKE CREST. THENCE North 87 degrsei 56 minutes 10 -$etoftdl Mfo111, ottbng tAl Nora+ line of �of 1! and. Block. 2, LAX[ CREST. 330.64 feet to a S/a ioglh iron rod fbvnd for tho ftorthwist. Corner_ off and being In the call line of lot 24. wock 1,.-of sold TIMBER- LAKE, SECTION 1. THENCE North 00 degrees OS minutes 31ti seconds West, along .0. pofitoh of 11hot East tine of Lot •24. Block 1, TIMBER LAKE. SECTION 1, the East ono of. Tat 23. lot 22, tot 21 and lot X. Mock 1. Tti 5C4 LAKE, SECTION 1, o.distance of 494.12 feet to the POWT Of BEGINW100, L: \CTYDOCS\ORD\CAS ES\480-2l 1. SP2 Page 9 8F-41 9 VX31 '3NV1141f10S �w 9661 1�0 NCO SXVO AGVHS ww IVso"j NEms30 id owo V a EXHIBIT it if r �. (N O ; 1, p� 1if i4 i;li Als co li; i;t rj � i!• i'1 t;{ r' � � � !l2�1 $ � �ZI a W qJ ail I,i Il I;i b; IN�f}�{Ir 1R` I "g jij 1i,1'•? i{ t$ 3�3 i$ ''fl; .I zch yl �e�i �� 1'�t ,�71 {;;�1}IF rpF {� � O if!i 1,1 I:il I: IW {U lil {it a t !77 t G i p sus �J cn l$ v f•E — — — —' — — — — — — — 'i$ lilt ta� t#; aid;; 31 VIE; All F. M. 1709 South Lake Blvd. S6T5509'E b6M' _ :•:.0`F.Ytl9�7Ml9�f MJ�lM4•: .. •:'sd•d•Mt+virM�b}ir:titbtirb,�b,::� •: �( � ;P C 'i 3i f Q E n �. t f o< ! b � o � s :::.r::::;::;:::;:;:;•::::;:: S89'0010SE 1650' 1 �+ o Ws 002,11 i� a f 3 =s al. s N- x Y i. f a t 9 O< _ O< J 9 f W f ! U '.'italUNutNwbtrt ......... ... ssa'w 3MA4' ::t :. ... U U N- f `11[1•\ O< N� � SA ad_t Oxx m S < L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-21 LSP2 8F_42 Page 10 City of Southlake, Texas. MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 1 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Developers Agreement with The Woods, Lots 1-8, Block 1, located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Florence Road and Pearson Lane Background The Woods Addition is proposing eight (8) residential lots. The addition is located at the southeastern corner of Florence Road and Pearson Lane. All the lots will have access to public water and frontage on either Florence Road or Pearson Lane. The only public infrastructure to be built is the sanitary sewer. An estimated one-half of these lots will be located in the S-1 Drainage Basin. Through the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Keller, these lots may be connected to Keller Sanitary Sewer System. The eastern lots are in the S-2 Drainage Basin; therefore, the developer will need to install a sanitary sewer to serve these lots. Currently, there is no outlet for the sanitary sewer so it will need to be plugged until the City brings the sanitary sewer mains to the Sutton Place Addition. The sewer extension from the S-2 Sewer Trunkline to Sutton Place is scheduled for 1997, utilizing Community Development Block Grant C"DBG) Funds, through a federal grant program. the developer of The Woods will pay -the required park fees of $4,000 (8 x $500/lot). The Citywill collect the appropriate water, sewer and street impact fees when building permits are issued. The residential developers agreement for The Woods is attached. The usual requirements for performance bonds, letters of credit or, cash escrow, and indemnification are incorporated in the agreement. The agreement with the. Woods is routine with no unique requests or variances. Comments Staff's recommendation is to place The Woods Addition Developers Agreement on the December 17, 1996, Regular City Council Agenda for City Council's review and consideration. cc: Dean Bryant Letter Developer Agreement Plat Exhibit -VIN60\W PDGCS%SUEDIV\THE-WOOMDEV-AGR.MEM 10A-1 Bryant Real Estate, Inc. Pat Bryant P.O. Box 486 Keller, Texas 76244 Metro (817) 379-0219 Fax (817) 379-3891 Pager (817) 630-2505 RECEIVED DEC 0 5 1996 December 4, 1996 DEPI OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: City of Southlake FROM: Bryant Real Estate, Inc. RE: Developer Agreement the Woods project We hereby request to be added to the City Council Meeting Agenda -for December 17, 1996. Respectfu , Dean Bryant 10A-2 „s WDSI�D,DPi DEVELOPER AGREEMENT 12117/96 An Agreement between the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City, and the undersigned Developer, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer,” of The Woods AAdc�tri, to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Addition," for the installation of certain community facilities located therein, and to provide city services thereto. It is understood by and between the parties that this Agreement is applicable to the egh�(8��restderitia Ioth contained withinbS� z d ticiand to the off -site improvements necessary to support the Addition. I. GENERAL, REQUIREMENTS: A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this Agreement. B. Since the. Developer is prepared.to develop the Addition as rapidly as. possible and is desirous of selling lots to builders and having residential building activity begin as quickly as possible and the City is desirous of having the subdivision completed as rapidly as possible, the City agrees to release 10% of the lots, eight (8), after installation of the water and sewer mains. Framing shall not continence until water quality is, approved by the City and all appropriate Fire Code requirements are satisfied, and street signs with street names are in place. Temporary all-weather metal signs securely fastened in the ground are acceptable until permanent street signs are installed. The Developer .recognizes that the remaining building permits or Certificates of Occupancy for residential dwellings will. not be issued until the supporting public works infrastructure including permanent street signs with. block, numbers and regulatory signs within the Addition have been accepted by the City. This will. serve as an incentive to the Developer to see that all remaining items are completed. C. The Developer will present to the City either a cash escrow, letters of credit, performance bond or payment bond acceptable to the City guaranteeing and agreeing to pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the construction cost of all of the facilities to be constructed by the Developer, and -providing for payment to. the City of such amounts, up to the total remaining amounts required for the completion of the Addition if the. Developer fails to complete the work within two (2) years of the signing of this Agreement between the City and Developer. All bonds shall be issued by a Best -rated bonding company. All letters of credit must meet the Requirements for Irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto and incorporated herein. l �� 10A-3 (^ The value of the performance bond, letters of credit or cash escrow will reduce at a rate consistent with the amount of work that has been completed by the Developer and accepted by the City. Each request for reduction or payment of escrow funds must be accompanied by lien release(s) executed by all subcontractors and/or suppliers prior to the release of escrow funds br reduction in value of the account. Performance and payment bond, letters of credit or cash escrow from the prime contractor(s) or other entity reasonably acceptable to City, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will be acceptable in lieu of Dej7eIoper's obligations specified above. D. The Developer agrees to furnish to the City maintenance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow amounting to 20% of the cost of construction of underground utilities and 50% of the construction, cost for paving. These maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow will be for a period of two (2) years and will be issued prior to the final City acceptance of the subdivision. The maintenance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow will be supplied to the City, by the contractors performing the work, and the City will be. named as the beneficiary if the contractors fail to. perform any required maintenance. If the Developer chooses to construct bar ditches in lieu of curb and gutter, and the City approves the design and grade of bar ditches, Developer understands and agrees to provide maintenance -on the bar ditches for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of the Addition. Maintenance includes. trash and debris cleanup, mowing, and erosion control. E. Until the performance and payment. bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow required in Paragraph C has been furnished as required, no approval of work on or in the Addition shall be given by City and no work shall be initiated on or in said Addition by Developer, save and except as provided above. F. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon -acceptance by City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned hereinabove shall. be vested in the City and Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title, or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. It is further understood and agreed that until the City accepts such improvements, City shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with any such facilities. Acceptance of the facilities shall occur at such time that City, through its City Manager or his duly authorized representative, provides Developer with a written acknowledgment that all facilities are complete, have been inspected and approved and are being accepted by the City. G. On all public facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his own construction contract, Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. Developer agrees to pay the following: 10A-4 a. Inspection fees equal to.three percent (3%) of the cost of the water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities, on all facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; b. Administrative Processing Fee equal to two percent (2%) of the cost of water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities, on all facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; C. Trench testing (95% Standard); d. The additional charge for inspections during Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and after normal working hours; e. Any charges for retesting as a result of failed tests; f. All gradation tests required to insure proper cement and/or lime stabilization. 2. The City agrees to bear the expense of: a. All nuclear density tests on the roadway subgrade (95% Standard); b. Technicians time for preparing concrete cylinders; and c. Concrete cylinder tests and concrete coring samples.. . The City can delay connection of buildings.• to service. lines or . water mains constructed. under this Agreement until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of and accepted by the City. H. The Developer and any third party, independent entity engaged in the construction of houses, hereinafter referred to as Builder will be responsible for mowing all grass and weeds and otherwise reasonably maintaining the aesthetics of all land and lots in said subdivision which have not been sold to third parties. After.fifteen (15) days written notice, should the Developer or Builder fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer or Builder for reasonable costs. Should such cost remain unpaid for 120 days after notice, the City can file a lien on such property so maintained. ��_/ 1 oA-5 I. Any guarantee of payment instrument (Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, etc.) submitted by the Developer or Contractor on a form other than the one which has been previously approved by the City as "acceptable" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for the City and this Agreement shall not be considered in effect until such City Attorney has approved the instrument. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. J. Any surety company thr. ugh which a bond is written shall be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, provided that the City, through the City Manager, shall retain the right to reject any surety company as a surety for any work under this or any other Developer's Agreement within the City of Southlake regardless of such company's authorization to do business in Texas. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. II. FACILITIES: A. ON SITE WATER: The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the -final plat of the Addition. Water facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete -this installation in accordance with Ordinance No. 170 and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. In the.event.that certain waterlines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. Additionally, the City agrees to provide• temporary water service at Developer's request and expense, for construction, testing and irrigation purposes.only, to individual lots during the construction of homes, even though sanitary sewer service may not be available to the homes. B. DRAINAGE: Developer hereby agrees. to construct -the necessary drainage facilities within the Addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by Developer's engineers, released by the City Engineer, and made part of the' final plat as approved by the City Council. TheDeveloper hereby agrees to fully comply with all EPA requirements relating to the planning, permitting and. management of storm water which may be in force at the time that development proposals are being presented for approval by the City. The. Developer hereby agrees to comply with. all provisions of the Texas Water Code. 1OA-6 C. .LAW COMPLIANCE: Developer hereby agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws that are applicable to development of this Addition. D. STREETS: The street construction in the Addition shall conform to the requirements in Ordinance No. 217. Streets will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City Engineer. 2. The Developer will be responsible for: a) Installation and two year operation cost of street lights, which is payable to the City prior to final acceptance .of the Addition; b) Installation of all street signs designating the names of the streets inside the subdivision, said signs to be of a type, size, color and design standard generally employed by the Developer and approved by the City in accordance with City ordinances: c) Installation of all regulatory signs recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control. Devices and as directed by the Director of Public Works. It is understood that Developer may put in signage having unique architectural features, however, should the signs be moved or destroyed by any means the City is only responsible for { replacement of standard signage. 3. All street improvements will be subject to inspectiowand approval by the City. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to complying with the requirements contained elsewhere in this Agreement. All water, sanitary sewer, . and storm drainage utilities which are anticipated to be installed within the street or within the street right-of-way will be completed prior to the commencement of street construction on the specific section of street in which the utility improvements have been placed or for which they.: . are programmed. It is understood by and between the Developer and the City . that this requirement is aimed at substantial compliance with the majority of the pre -planned facilities. It is understood that in every construction project a- decision later may be made to realign a line or service which may occur after construction has commenced. The Developer hereby agrees to advise the City Director of Public Works as quickly as possible when such a need has been identified and to work cooperatively, with the City to make such utility change in a manner that will be least disruptive to street construction or stability. �� / 1 oA-7 E.. ON -SITE SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES: 1 The Developer hereby agrees to install sanitary sewerage collection facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Sanitary sewer facilities will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the' Developer agrees to complete this installation in compliance with all applicable city ordinances, regulations and codes and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. F. EROSION CONTROL: During construction of the Addition and after the streets have been installed, the Developer agrees to keep the streets free from soil build-up. The Developer agrees to use soil control measures such as hay bales, silt screening, hydromulch, etc., to prevent soil erosion. It will be the Developer's responsibility to present to the Director of Public Works a soil control development plan that will be implemented for this subdivision. When, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, there is sufficient soil build-up on the streets or other drainage areas and -notification has been. given to the Developer, the Developer will have seventy-two (72) hours to clear the soil from the streets or affected areas.. If the Developer does not remove the soil from the street within 72 hours, the City may cause the soil to be removed either by \ contract or City forces and .place the soil within the Addition at the Developer's expense. All expenses must.be paid to the City prior to acceptance of the Addition. G. AMENITIES: It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Addition may incorporate a number of unique. amenities and aesthetic improvements such as ponds, aesthetic.lakes, unique landscaping, walls, and may incorporate specialty. signage and . accessory facilities. The Developer, agrees to accept responsibility for the construction and. maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty item such as walls, vegetation, signage, landscaping, street furniture, pond and lake. improvements until . such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. H. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is understood by and between the City and. Developer that the Developer may provide unique amenities within public right-of-way, such as landscaping, irrigation,. lighting, etc.,. for the enhancement of the Addition. The Developer agrees to maintain these amenities until such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. The Developer and his successors and assigns understand that the City shall not be responsible for the replacement of these amenities under any �- 10A-8 circumstances and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by .reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the public right-of-way with regard to these improvements and the -Developer shall, at his own cost and expense, defend and protect City against all such claims and demands. I. START OF CONSTRUCTION: Before the construction of the streets, and the water, sewer, or drainage facilities can begin, the following must take place: 1. Approved payment and performance bonds must be submitted to the City in the name of the City prior to the commencement of any work. 2. At least six (6) sets of construction plans stamped "Released for Construction" by the City Engineer must be submitted. 3. All fees required to be paid to the City. 4. Developer's Agreement executed. 5.. The Developer, or Contractor shall furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance, naming the City as co-insured, prior to commencement of any wgrk. 6. A pre -construction meeting between Developer and City! is. required. Developer or contractor shall furnish to the City a list of all subcontractors and suppliers, which will be providing greater than a $1,000 value to the Addition. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. INDEMNIFICATION DEVELOPER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS), ARISING OUT OF \� I OA-9 ( OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF SAID IMPROVEMENT OR IMPROVEMENTS, AND SHALL FURTHER BE LIABLE FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF DEVELOPER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, INVITEES, OR TRESPASSERS. DEVELOPER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OR OF THE CONCURRENT NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OF THE CITY; ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. B. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, . Texas. C. Approval by the City Engineer or other City employee of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by the Developer pursuant. to this agreement shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of the Developer, his engineer; employees, officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Such approval shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the, City for any defect in the design and specifications prepared by the consulting engineer, his officers, agents, . servants or employees, it being the intent of the parties that approval by the City. Engineer signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the.. improvements to be constructed. In this connection, the Developer shall for a period of two (2) years after the acceptance by the City of Southlake of the completed construction project, indemnify and hold harmless. the City, Jts officers, agents, servants and employees, .from any loss, damage, liability or expense on account of damage to property and injuries, including death,to any and all persons which may arise out of any defect, deficiency or negligence of the engineer's designs and specifications incorporated into any improvements constructed in accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own expense any. suits or other proceedings brought against the City; its officers, agents, servants or employees, or any of them, on account thereof, to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgement which may be incurred by or rendered against them or any of them in connection herewith. D. This agreement or any part thereof or any interest herein, shall not be assigned by the Developer without the express written consent of the City Manager, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. �� l oA-10 E. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City, and whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, said contractor to meet City and statutory requirements for being insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public projects of a similar nature. F. Work performed under the agreement shall be completed within two (2) years from the date thereof. In the event the work is not completed within the two (2) year period, the City may, at its election, draw on the performance bond, letter of credit or other security provided by Developer and complete such work at Developer's expense; provided, however, that if the construction under this agreement shall have started within the two (2) year period, the City may agree to renew the agreement with such renewed agreement to be in compliance with the City policies in effect at that time. G. The City is an exempt organization under Section 151,309, Tax Code, and the facilities constructed under this Agreement will be dedicated to public use and accepted by the City upon acknowledgment by the City of completion under Paragraph I.F. C1. The purchase of tangible personal property., other than machinery or equipment and its accessories, repair, and replacement parts, for use in the performance of this Agreement is, therefore, exempt from taxation under. Chapter 151, Tax code, if the tangible property is: a. necessary and essential for the performance of the Agreement; and b. completely consumed at the job site. 2. The purchase of a taxable service for use in the performance of this Agreement is exempt if the service is performed at the job site and if: a. this Agreement expressly requires the specific service to be provided or purchased by the person performing the Agreement; or b. the service is integral to the performance of the Agreement. 10A-11 IV. OTHER ISSUES: A. PARK FEES: The Developer agrees to pay Park Fees in conformance with Ordinance No. 483 (Subdivision Ord.), Article VII, Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements. The Addition consists of 8 ff identla"for a total required Park Fees of $'4 (8 x $500/lot). B. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: All construction activities shall meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585. SIGNED AND EFFECTIVE on the date last set forth below. DEVELOPER: By: Title: Address Date: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Rick Stacy, Mayor 10A-12 -'� ATTEST: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Date: ��� 1 OA-13 / REQUIREMENTS FOR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 1. The Letter of Credit (L of C) must have a duration of at least one year. 2. The L of C may be substituted for utility security deposits exceeding $10,000.00. The City reserves the right to specify the face amount of the letter of credit. 3. The L of C must be issued by an FDIC insured bank in a form acceptable to the City of Southlake. The City reserves the right to approve/disapprove the bank issuing the Letter of Credit. 4. The L of C must be issued by a bank that has a minimum capital ratio of six (6%) percent, and has been profitable for each of the last two consecutive years. 5. The customer must provide the City with supporting financial information on the bank to allow the City to ascertain requirements are met. Suitable financial information would be the previous two (2) years December 31 Call Reports submitted to the FDIC and audited financial statements. 6. Partial drawings against L of C must be permitted. 7. The City must be able to draft on sight with proof of amount owed. 8. The customer pays any and all fees associated with obtaining L of C. 9. Expiring letter of credit must be replaced by substitute letters of credit at least 30 days prior . to the expiration date on the L of C held by the, City. C:\WP WAI60\WPDOCS\SURDM776-W OOD\DEV.AOR. W PD ��/ 1 OA-14 J-Pi zu S I 81 J.S380:1 uosaNIM .. .. . .......... co M M C-:) CD U) LU �s City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 13, 1996 TO: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Developers Agreement with Southlake Woods, Phase 1A, located North of W. Continental Blvd., West of S. Peytonville Ave., East of Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938), and South of W. Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) Background City Council, at their December 3, 1996, Regular City Council Meeting, tabled this item at the developer's request, to enable the developer and staff to refine the city's participation in the reconstruction of W. Continental Blvd. Toll Brothers have not presented to staff, at this time, any changes to the plans or new cost estimates. Comments Staff would recommend that City Council table this time to a future meeting. Please place the Developers Agreement with Southlake Woods, Phase.1A, located North of W. Continental Blvd., West of S. Peytonville Ave., East of Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938), and South of W. Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) .on the Regular City Council Agenda for December 17, 1996, for City Council's review and consideration. BW/ls attachments: Bob Whitehead Memorandum dated 11-27-96 Toll Brothers, Inc. Letter dated 11-25-96 Construction Cost Table Developers Agreement Plat Exhibit C:\ W P W IN(,O%W PDOCSISU BD W VSL.WOODS\DEV.AGR.3ME 10B-1 VIIY VI IJ u 111 Ci 1\lr, .---V MEMORANDUM November 27, 1996 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Developers Agreement with Southlake Woods, Phase 1A, located North of W. Continental Blvd., West of S. Peytonville Ave., East of Davis Blvd. (F.M. 1938), and South of W. Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) Background The residential developers agreement for Southlake Woods, Phase .lA (Goode Airport Property) is attached. The usual requirements for performance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow, and indemnification are incorporated in the agreement. I. W. Continental Blvd. Reconstruction Issues: The intent of the Developer and City is to reconstruct W. Continental Blvd. from Davis Blvd. to S. Peytonville Ave. to provide for better traffic flow for the addition's entrance, CISD's Carroll Elementary. School, and residents of the area. Therefore, this agreement provides that the Developer .will reconstruct, complying with all applicable state and local laws and procedures, W. Continental Blvd. in two phases to provide the following street improvements: A. Phase I: Davis Blvd. to Deer Hollow Drive (entrance to Southlake Woods) 1. provide three lanes at Davis Blvd. extending to the east to provide a left - turn lane onto Davis Blvd., 2. provide three lanes including a left -turn lane at Deer Hollow Drive, and 3. provide repairs to the base and overlay with asphalt the remaining street between (1) and (2) above. B. Phase II: Deer Hollow Drive to S. Peytonville Ave. 1. Provide a three lane street (two travel lanes and one left -turn lane), meeting all the City requirements in compliance with the existing Thoroughfare Plan. MEMORANDUM CURTIS E. HAWK DA FOR SOUTHLAKE WOODS, PHASE 1A NOVEMBER 27, 1996 PAGE 2 II. W. Continental Blvd. Cost Contributions: The City will: A. waive the collection of applicable Street Impact Fees (Ord. 657). The current value of this waiver is $147,200 (128 lots x $1,150/lot). B. FY96-97 Capital Project Budget included $158,945 for reconstructing W. Continental Blvd. to the "interim" standard (28.6% of the $555,570 total budget for W. Continental Blvd. from Davis Blvd. to S. White Chapel Blvd.) Following the street special assessment procedure, the City will reimburse the Developer up to this amount upon the completion of Phases I and.II construction. C. Waive the 3 % construction inspection fee and the 2 % administration fee on the cost of constructing W. Continental Blvd. The estimated value of this waiver is 5 % x 465,000 which is equal to $23,250. Comments C The attached letter from Toll Brothers, Inc. request that they only participate in the improvements to W. Continental Blvd. in the amount of the Impact Fees or $147,200.' The total estimated City cash outlay, as proposed by Toll Brothers, would be $484,563 minus $147,200 or $337,363. A comparison of the request from Toll Brothers and the staff is as follows: :::::..:...:......;;;:...eS `:' `:;:` °°°.:::::::.:::p:a.a....::.::Xx ::::::::::......:::.:::::.::::::..:.::::::::::.....................;.:::::::.::::.:..:::::::::: ..:: T©11 Br©thers:........... Cf..:.taif.: :::::: 3'.::::::::::::::. afferenee:::::::. total cost of project to City 484,563 329,395 (-) 155,168 waive impact fees 147,200 147,200 0 waive 5% of street cost 0 23,250 (+) 23,250 City cash outlay 337,363 158,945 (-) 178,418 �\ MEMORANDUM CURTIS E. HAWK DA FOR SOUTHLAKE WOODS, PHASE IA NOVEMBER 27, 1996 PAGE 3 Please place the developers agreement with Southlake Woods, Phase 1A, on the December 3, 1996, Regular City Council Agenda for City Council's review and consideration. BW/ls attachments: Toll Brothers, Inc. Letter Construction Cost Table Developers Agreement Plat Exhibit C:\WP W @760\W PDOCS\SUBDNlS4 WOODS\DEV.ACR.M EM v' 10B-4 TOLL BROTHERS, INC 4010 Eider Drive McKinney, Texas 75070 Mr. Bob Whitehead CITY OF SOUrHLAKE 25 November 1996 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 REF: Southlake Woods, Phase 1A - Developer's Agreement Dear Mr. Whitehead, This letter is two fold in its intent. The first is to request admission onto the Town Council Meeting agenda for December 3, 1996, to seek approval for our Phase 1A of the Southlake Woods development. The second is to request the amendment of pages 10 and 11 of the Developer's Agreement, as drafted by your office, to coincide with the provisions from the Southlake Town Council meeting of 01 October 1996. We respectfully request the Developer's Agreement to be amended to reflect the following agreed to provisions: I. Toll Brothers agreed to `participate,. in the improvements to Continental Boulevard in the amount of the impact fees for the project. 2. Toll Brothers will construct, at own expense, the xpe turn lane at Davis Street and .the turn lane at the project's intersection. 3. - Toll Brothers will act as General Contractor for the improvements; passing along any savings to the City of Southlake. The improvements. are yet to be engineered, however preliminary drafts have been presented to the City of Southlake's Department of Public Works for review. Some version of a three lane road (includes center turn lane) improvement is expected as the final approved design. Toll Brothers and their engineer, Post, . Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. are.currently working with City staff to finalize the engineering. Woods .RECEIVED NOV 2 5 W6 DEPI OF PUBLIC WORKS (� 10B-5 i.: - .. •Ct• cv M M N as _ j •: s L sz v� cis `.. J : ` 0 ��. : i� a�- c� sz X. 113 � n 69 69 69 CN tn 41 601) r: 00 00 CN �o o Cn cn 00 M Ocn OS.M O J. q609 Cos -ts tu tj cn to rA C~1 Tu x y " ° o °. CL) o -Q> ;3 �1 � ���-ow ww cz ca - lOB-6 DEVELOPER AGREEMENT An Agreement between the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the undersigned Developer, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," of the Sat�tllahoods�Phse lAddi6 to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Addition," for the installation of certain community facilities located therein, and to provide city services thereto. It is understood by and between the parties that this Agreement is applicable to the 14 resi al to contained within the t thlak "oo`ds Ph e fr1 A Addit and to the off -site improvements necessary to support the Addition. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. -It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the- construction of all facilities covered by this Agreement. B. Since the Developer is prepared to develop the Addition as rapidly as possible and is desirous of selling lots to builders and having residential building activity begin as quickly as possible and the City is desirous of having the subdivision completed asrapidly as possible, the City agrees to release 10% of the lots after installation of the water and sewer .mains: Framing shall not. commence. until water quality is approved by the City and all appropriate Fire Code requirements are satisfied, and street signs with street names are in place. Temporary all-weather metal signs securely fastened in. the ground are acceptable until. permanent street signs are installed. The Developer recognizes that the • remaining building permits or Certificates- of Occupancy for residential dwellings will not be -issued until the supporting public works infrastructure including permanent street signs with block numbers and regulatory signs within 'the Addition have been accepted by the City. This will serve as an incentive to the Developer to see that all remaining items are: completed. C. The Developer will present to the City either a cash escrow; letters of credit, performance bond or payment bond acceptable to the City guaranteeing and agreeing, to pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the construction cost of all of the public mfa`stutwce to be constructed by the Developer, and providing for payment to the City of such amounts, up to the total remaining amounts required for the completion of the Addition if the Developer fails to complete the work within two (2) years of the signing of this Agreement between the City and Developer. All bonds shall be issued by a Best -rated bonding company. All letters of credit must im meet the Requirements for Irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto and incorporated herein. The value of the performance bond, letters of credit or cash escrow will reduce at a gate consistent with .the amount of work that has been completed by the Developer and accepted by the City. Each request for reduction or payment of escrow funds must be accompanied by lien release(s) executed by all subcontractors and/or suppliers prior to the release of escrow funds or reduction in value of the account./ Performance and payment bond, letters of credit or cash escrow from the prime contractor(s) or other entity reasonably acceptable to City, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will be acceptable in lieu of Developer's obligations specified above. D: The Developer agrees to furnish to the City maintenance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow amounting to 20% of the cost of construction of underground utilities and 50% of the construction cost for paving. These maintenance bonds, letter of credit or cash escrow will be for a period of two (2) years and will be issued prior to the final City acceptance of the subdivision. The maintenance bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow will be supplied to the City by the contractors performing the work, and the City will be named as the beneficiary if the contractors fail to perform any required maintenance. If the Developer chooses to construct bar ditches. in lieu of curb and gutter, and the City approves the design -and grade of bar ditches, Developer understands and agrees to provide maintenance on the bar ditches for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of the Addition. Maintenance. includes trash and debris cleanup, mowing, and erosion control. E. Until the performance and payment bonds, letters of credit or cash escrow required in Paragraph C has been furnished asrequired, no approval of work on or in the Addition shall be given by City. and no work shall be initiated on or in said Addition by Developer, save and except as provided above. F. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto.that.upon acceptance by City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned hereinabove shall be vested in the City and Developer herebyrelinquishes any right, title, or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. It is further understood andagreed that until the City accepts such improvements, City shall have .no liability or responsibility in connection with.any such facilities. Acceptance of the facilities shall occur at such time that City, through its City Manager or his duly authorized representative, provides Developer with a written acknowledgment that all facilities are complete, have been inspected and approved and are being accepted by the City. Acceptance shall not- be unr1.easonably withheld. �� 1 OB-8 G. On all public facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his 1 own construction contract, Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. Developer agrees to pay the following: a. Inspection fees equal to three percent (3%) of the cost of the water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities, on all facilities included in this agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; b. Administrative Processing Fee equal to two percent (2%) of the cost of water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities; on all facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his or her own .construction contract, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; C. Trench testing (95% Standard); d. The additional charge for inspections during Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and after normal working hours; e. Any charges for retesting as a result of failed tests; f. All gradation tests required to insure proper cement and/or lime stabilization. 2. The City agrees to bear the expense of: a. All nuclear density tests on the roadway subgrade (95% Standard); b. Technicians time for preparing concrete cylinders; and c. Concrete cylinder tests and concrete coring samples. The City can delay connection of buildings to sewer lines or water mains constructed under this Agreement until said water mains and sewer lines have been completed to the satisfaction of and accepted by the City. H. The Developer and any third party, independent entity engaged in the construction of houses, hereinafter referred to as Builder will be responsible for mowing all grass and weeds and otherwise reasonably maintaining the aesthetics of all land and lots in said subdivision which have not been sold to third parties. After fifteen (15) days. ��� l oB-9 written notice, should the Developer or Builder fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer or Builder for reasonable costs. Should such cost remain unpaid for 120 days after notice, the City can file a lien on such property so maintained. I. Any guarantee of payment instrument (Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, etc.) submitted by the Developer or Contractor on a form other than the one which has been previously approved by the City as "acceptable" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for the City and this Agreement shall not be considered in effect until such City Attorney has approved the instrument. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. J. Any surety company through which a bond is written shall be a surety companyy duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, provided that the City, through the City Manager, shall retain the right to reject any surety company as a surety for any work under this or any other Developer's Agreement within the.City of Southlake regardless of such company's authorization to do business in Texas. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. II. FACILITIES: A. ON SITE WATER: The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the -Addition. Water facilities will be installed in accordance with .plans and specifications to. be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in accordance with Ordinance No. 170 and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. In the event that certain water lines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer •for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. Additionally, the City agrees to provide .temporary water service at Developer's request and expense, for construction, testing and irrigation purposes only, to individual lots during the construction of homes, even though sanitary sewer service may not be available to the homes. B. DRAINAGE: Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the Addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by Developer's engineers, released by the City Engineer, and made part - of the final plat as approved by the City Council. The Developer hereby agrees to fully comply with all EPA requirements relating to the planning, permitting and management of storm water which may be in force at the time that development �� . 10B-10 / proposals are being presented for approval by the City. The Developer hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of the Texas Water Code. C. LAW COMPLIANCE: Developer hereby agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws that are applicable to development of this Addition. D. STREETS: 1. The street construction in the Addition shall conform to the requirements in Ordinance No. 217. Streets will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be. prepared by the Developer's. engineer and released by the City Engineer. 2. The Developer will be responsible for: a) Installation and two year operation cost of street lights, which is payable to the City prior to final acceptance of the Addition; b) Installation of all street signs designating the names of the streets inside the. subdivision, said signs to be of a type, size, color and design standard generally employed by the Developer and approved by the City in accordance. with City ordinances: c) Installation of all regulatory signs recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and as directed by the Director of Public Works. It is understood that Developer may put in signage having unique architectural features, however, should the signs be moved or destroyed by any means the City -is only responsible for replacement of standard signage. 3. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City. No work will begin. on any street included herein prior to complying with the requirements contained elsewhere in this Agreement.. All. water, sanitary sewer; and storm drainage utilities which are anticipated to be installed within the street or within the street right-of-way will be completed prior to the commencement of street construction on the specific section of street in which the utility improvements have been placed or for which they are programmed. It is understood by and between the Developer and the City that this requirement is aimed at substantial compliance with the majority of the pre -planned facilities. It is understood that in every construction project a decision later may be made to realign a line or service which may occur after construction has commenced. The Developer hereby agrees to advise the City Director of Public Works as quickly as possible when such a need has been identified �% IOB-11 and to work cooperatively with the City to make such utility change in a manner that will be least disruptive to street construction or stability. E. ON -SITE SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES: The Developer hereby agrees to install sanitary sewerage collection facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Sanitary sewer facilities will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in compliance with all applicable city ordinances, regulations and codes and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. F. EROSION CONTROL: During construction of the Addition and after the streets have been installed, the Developer agrees to keep the streets free from soil build-up. The Developer agrees to use soil control measures such as hay bales, silt screening, hydromulch, etc., to prevent soil erosion. It will be the Developer's responsibility to present to the Director of Public Works a soil control development plan that will be implemented. for this subdivision. When, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, there is sufficient soil build-up on the. streets or other drainage areas and notification has been given to the Developer, the Developer will have seventy-two (72) hours to clear the soil from the streets or. affected areas. If the. Developer does not remove the. soil, from the street within 72 hours, the City may cause the soil to be removed either by contract or City forces and .place the soil within the Addition at the Developer's expense. All expenses .must:be paid to the City prior to acceptance of the Addition. G. AMENITIES: It is. understood by and between the City and .Developer that the Addition may. incorporate a number of unique amenities and aesthetic improvements such as ponds, aesthetic lakes, unique landscaping, walls, and may. incorporate specialty signage and accessory facilities. The Developer agrees to accept responsibility for -the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty .item such as walls, vegetation, signage, landscaping, street furniture, pond and. lake improvements until. such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. " H. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Developer may provide unique amenities within public. right-of-way, such as landscaping, irrigation, lighting, etc., for the enhancement of the Addition. The Developer agrees to j 1 OB-12 maintain these amenities until such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. The Developer and his successors and assigns understand that the City shall not be responsible for the replacement of these amenities under any circumstances and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the public right-of-way with regard to these improvements and the Developer shall, at his own cost and expense, defend and protect City against all such claims and demands. I. START OF CONSTRUCTION: Before the construction of the streets, and the water, sewer, or drainage facilities can begin, the following must take place: 1. Approved payment and performance bonds must be submitted to the City in the name of the City prior to the commencement of any work. 2. At least six (6) sets of construction plans stamped "Released for Construction". by the City Engineer must be submitted. 3. All fees required to be paid to the City. 4. Developer's Agreement executed. 5. The Developer, or Contractor shall furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance, narning.the City as co-insured; prior to commencement of any work. 6. A pre -construction meeting between Developer and. City is. required. . Developer or contractor shall furnish to the City a list of all subcontractors and suppliers, which will be providinggreater than a $1,000 value to the Addition. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS:. A. Developer covenants and agrees to and does hereby fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, agents, servants and. employees, from all claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether real or asserted, brought. for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property, including death, resulting from or in any way connected with the agreement or the construction of the improvements or facilities described herein; which indemnity, shall terminate upon acceptance by the City of such improvements or facilities; and in addition, the Developer covenants to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, �/ IOB-13 agents, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, brought for or on account of injuries or damages. to persons or property, including death, resulting from any failure to properly safeguard the work, or on account of any act, intentional or otherwise, neglect or misconduct of the Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, agents, servants or employees, which indemnity, shall terminate upon acceptance by the City of such improvements or facilities. B. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. C. Approval by the City Engineer or other City employee of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by the Developer pursuant to this agreement shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of ,the responsibility and liability of the Developer, his engineer; employees; officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Such approval shall not -be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the City for any.defect in the design and specifications prepared by the consulting engineer, his officers, agents, servants or employees, it being Ahe intent of the parties that approval by the City Engineer signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the . improvements to be constructed: In this connection, the Developer shall for a period of two -(2) years after* Ahe acceptance by the City of Southlake of the completed construction project, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, from any loss, damage, liability or expense on account of damage to property and injuries, including death, to any and all persons which may arise out of any defect, deficiency or negligence of the engineer's designs and. specifications incorporated into any improvements • constructed in .accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own expense any suits or other proceedings brought against the City, its officers, agents, servants or employees, or, any of them, on account thereof, to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgement which may be incurred by or rendered against them or -any of them in connection herewith.- D. This agreement or any part thereof or any interest herein, shall not be assigned by -the -Developer without the express written consent of the City Manager, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. E. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City, and whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, said contractor to meet City and statutory requirements for being insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public streets and to be qualified in all respects to 'bid on public projects of a similar nature. IOB-14 F. Work performed under the agreement shall be completed within two (2) years from the date thereof In the event the work is not completed within the two (2) year period, the City may, at its election, draw on the performance bond, letter of credit or other security provided by Developer and complete such work at Developer's expense; provided, however, that if the construction under this agreement shall have started within the two (2) year period, the City may agree to renew the agreement with such renewed agreement to be in compliance with the City policies in effect at that time. G. The City is an exempt organization under Section 151,309, Tax Code, and the facilities constructed under this Agreement will be dedicated to public use and accepted by the City upon acknowledgment by the City of completion under Paragraph I.F. 1. The purchase of tangible personal property, other than machinery or equipment and its accessories, repair, and replacement parts, -for use in the performance of this Agreement is, therefore, exempt from taxation under Chapter 151, Tax code, if the tangible property is: a. necessary and essential for the performance of the Agreement; and j, b. completely consumed at the job site. \ 2. The purchase of a taxable, service for use in the performance of this Agreement is exempt if the service is performed at the job site and if. a. this Agreement expressly requires the specific service to. be provided or purchased by the person performing the Agreement; or b. the service is integral to the performance of the Agreement. . IV. OTHER ISSUES: A. PARK FEES: The Developer agrees to pay park fees in conformance with Ordinance No. 483 (Subdivision Ord.), Article VII, Park and. Recreation Dedication Requirements. The Addition consists of �1�4,,, P idential=lots for a total required park fee of, 000 ($500 per lot/acre). IOB-15 B. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE: l All construction activities shall meet the requirements of the Tree preservation Ordinance 585. t ,V{ I.I.{\/ {4\}K ' {{ 17 V LV4r,__; S.+J.4JY� 0 \.I JZN{:`VLLFLLVLlLV{LKIl, ►74{LV VA�j Q{A\1 AN`INMv 4 ., ,. �e area Tho` "g¢eipehtpi oxides .that the" e�r�vill CCOM "t t c on p ya � th aX31 a (ilicable state: and loc aWs giant pures;�WCorttn1�$lc�an two ..phas4s totprpvtcltfollowing 00e1mpxgYements a PhaseI, Davis'BlctoDeer Hollow. Dive (enWee tMSt�ittake POvtdtkeelaesat Dav�sBlvd ;exterdgtp theYaSttO gb�dea left turnlae ontoDavxs ;Blvd ?r tit a th a laths lulling aWturn 1AiWAVRb-& llow �r�derepaxrst thebase andx overlay theraspha��sthe ti f , mum �r �oy,.. N p a�(2)above P1�aS°���� er�3Hollow�Dr'ive to S =P_e�tt�nville A�� r E. ��6utdetlr anestreet (two ,travel lanes °andon 18ft turn tin) eet g th Cky-,, equ�rements �n comp an e v fh tle�,e��(stingTho�'nughfaze Plain . WC6rititalBlvdCdstContrjbiitions: a They Cxty� will: 1:) Waxve tlfe collection .of: applicable Street.Iinpact .Fees Or 657) The currentvalue of,this waiver is $1=47,200 (128Alots ��� IOB-16 �Y,96�97 Eta1�P�'et�d��t��� ded € 58;4S��fo' - re�coi���ir;tr Co,tul�tal 1vd���i�o�,3Aa�s $l�vd t�d �Whxt p� Blvd )�,��erefore, the ,G�ty `v�tll�r� `b�s�se�eD��l�r�up to ��ths �mo�ntugon��he connpl�t�on� of ;�'��e,�.'I ands II co�stuction Waieztie%£oi�stxonspetton. fe; and�tt h2%fi a dmaustxatton�feebn tkf cost j..ol cb�tuet�g�W dntu�eta1 Bled Thyiznatedvalue o thas waives i t5 ., .. "65;000 eq a'ls $23;25`0 SIGNED AND EFFECTIVE on the date last set forth below. DEVELOPER: By: Title: Date: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS By: Rick Stacy, Mayor (\----,/ . 1 OB-17 ATTEST: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Date: \—i 1OB-18 REQUIREMENTS FOR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 1 1. The Letter of Credit (L of C) must have a duration of at least one year. 2. The L of C may be substituted for utility security deposits exceeding $10,000.00. The City reserves the right to specify the face amount of the letter of credit. 3. The L of C must be issued by an FDIC insured bank in a form acceptable to the City of Southlake. The City reserves the right to approve/disapprove the bank issuing the Letter of Credit. 4. The L of C must be issued by a bank that has a minimum capital ratio of six (6%) percent, and has been profitable for each of the last two consecutive years. 5. The customer must provide the City with supporting financial information on the bank to allow the City to ascertain requirements are met. Suitable financial information would be the previous two (2) years December 31 Call Reports submitted to the FDIC and audited financial statements. 6. Partial drawings against L of C must be permitted. 7. The City must be able to draft on sight with proof of amount owed. 8. The customer pays any and all fees associated with obtaining L of C. 9. Expiring letter of credit must be replaced by substitute letters of credit at least 30 days prior to the expiration date on the L of C held by the City. C:\WPW WG0\WPDOCS\SUBDMSL-WOODS\DGV.AOR. WPD �, 1OB-19 }i 2 t d E •••,•-=W �v-1'Iva . '�nII 'I�Id�IAt2IHf W H1I143S 'ja-IX.OnH •ssod C �— I 6 x z w H �\ J IM 8 O M V ` v zo N U m *4 5 fn :xra W y 1 OB-21 P Z w ^Q N ! o 5 N -gig Nof c r SOS' all Wx p„ wH0 O �R M y Q y }CO <C I+V ii zuzG 1� i 1M Ab t� z � os �m �s boo IJ R z� I W 0 R I'' SVX3.L 'swriVQ 'mvor uar v I- rmos Ca rxz)f1H ',LSOd ---------------- 1 OB-22 0 e S •nly yv-i-[va oHi 'ntvoInrt[�r xnx�s •xaTxone '.i.soa 2 11 11 o if IN infill DID i sfill� III on I- — N� u � i ..70 ��=� � ONCZXO �pa.X�Ep ►. ■�=�1q �• F !!6 a0 .Ciu �� f■SA N sa ��� VN a 1 ■ aao o�� �■3 . y�o'■+� 1 rn ayN i to co cn W z Q N �u cacn Fp `g s� J4 ■ WN N �O 0 O L' OLI W4 19 °iI =.I . J 1 L-1_ 2 mW S ZIL (4o 1 2 p 5 �, ■ � •4~. e.� wa �V►t .r-f Z �8 t ~ •+ s z O i y E / IOB-23 l SVX�L 'sVIlvq JtII 'tltlJIt32i$r �P IinH�S 'xaaxone •.r,sod 12-10-1996 10:37AM FROM OPTIMARKET INC 214 261 1111 P. 1 RODJOHNSON 1664 Royal Oaks Court Southlake, Texas 76092 214-679-8600 December 9, 1996 Curtis E. Hawk City Manager City of Southlake 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Curtis, In response to your letter regarding the status of my residency in Southlake. As you and the Council know I have been traveling a great deal and am temporarily residing with friends until I obtain a new home of my own in Southlake. My temporary resident address is 1654 Royal Oaks Court in Southlake, Texas 76092. As soon as I purchase or lease another residence in Southlake I will notify you of the address. Please continue to send any correspondence to my office at 415 E. Airport Freeway, CSte. 400, Irving, Texas 75062. i Sincerely, Rod Johnson 1 i LOT 9 I I I I -------- 4AC ----- I O I LAKE WOOD ACRES ADDITION w•D ��------ a I #— — — — — — — — — u.E_ 1- 1PHSE . -1 � VOL. 388-A137 II PG. 34 I m I IN I P.R.,T.CO. TX. �1 I Q I o l Io I LAKE WOOD ACRES ADDITION - PHASE II I z I ^1 I I N IAC P.R.,T.CO. 0 2I 4 1.21 I I VOL. 388-137, PG. 34 W I I I 0 TX. /------- III I I I I � I 1w..15' LIE I I ZONED SF-1 \ I I I LOT 8 LUD I 4 AC LOW DEN. T ��' 1 20' DRG. ESMT. • . \ 7 I — i � - - S 89' 10 04' E � � � I I - A `_� I 644. ...y .'� S 89' 10'04" E I _ - - - - - - -- �.5: � 37' I 1 I o' -= L-_ 523.-- ----- 7.5_u.E._ 1 I _�184.92 10' u.E'167.68' 2.32AC 13640- - -136.40'- - j 36 :40- - - 269.- 1-' - -- - -- - - - - -- 10• LI E i I \ 1 L 0 C� a O a I 3 r— I (MISSION HILL ESTATES I I \ i NOL. 388-158, PG. 83 i 21 W 22 0 23 0 0 \ P.R.,T.CO. TX. � 0 0 0 0 27 �� I I ZONED SF-1 41,717 S.F. o! 30,002 S.F. No 30,008 S.F. 22 \ I TREE `1' 0 24 30,008 S.F. 0 26 0 35,077 S.F.tom- 30,008 S.F. N 30,003 S.F. N �I LUD Ln I I 3ag LINE" ........ 1.22 AC \ i LOW DEN. 2,4 50 TREE 35' B.L. LINL..-_ - 4. - °S e� 71 a d I L _ - 5$' I I 1 - 61. - - -- --- - - --- -. 28 1�11 6`�0 4g 56.40' 136.40' 136.40' 1 - -- - goo 29,435 S.F. `6I (0 2 -- -- 36.40' 132.78' 76.70' h - = -- J - MALTON - - --- _ - --- ----------- �o� bi � — — — — I ----- --- LANE o 20 j -- ---- - --- -- ----, --- - - - 167.32' I 1 30,000 S.F. W /' 77.17' 1 10.12' 1 10.12' 1 10.12' 1 10.12' 79.77'luj \ 1 O ^� 200.00' . "� I � I r� ( = I I 2s I I M M 12 11 10 I L - ,D_ o U.E_ 15j "� 14 13 20,186 S.F. "' 20 186 S.F. ''� 21,500 S.F. co _ 20,186 S.F. 20,186 S.F. "� 20,000 S.F. L� — — — — _ o IR, 21,500 S.F. 16 00 I 181.27' O O JI 1 I LR. 10' D. Ac U.E. 19 m, D d 0 a a p m i 30.000 S.F. o ; I [ N NIzn " I e. 1 1 1 7.79' 110. 12' 1 10.12' 1 1 10.1 2' 1 10. 1 2' 1 1 7. 12' 1 0 61 30 I I 1 I I 6I. I I J 180.80' 20,009 S.F. I .- z 29.15' 237.55' 200.00' I ro .. / 180.54' Z) t. 6 J 1� N � j w N I 16 17 N 18 �V24,570 S.F. \ 01 3 O 18 o 1 orn 23,574 S.F. 20,016 S.F. - 26,335 S.F. 15' u E 30,000 S.F. 0 o 1 1 \\22,81.381 S.F. M. u1 19 1 lI W 0 -- -� 26,961 S.F. 8 \\ I O n - 21,431 S.F. \ �30 10.00, - B.L. O 200.00' 1 19.38' 110.12' - - I --- -85'34' a 9 • + (n -- OWNBY LANE — 7 N 17 -_ 1s8.21- o.00' \ 20 a ,�� /'�4,e �, M 30,006 S.F. N b co �� 20,654 S.F. _9.2113 CN / I 177 > 27,553 S.F. \ _ �76 / 7 io 6 Lj 18 t, `�s 12 . �> .E. COI�iMON 'AREA N 22,634 S.F. o 12 28,475 S.F. - - - _ _ -- — —' — — 1 0, � •�5, / 58,679 S.F. � I o 1 1 31. M DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES _ I \ �� o� 65 29' o D. u.E. _ _ N o -� SIDEWALK _ _ _ _ - - - , VOL. 388-177, PG. 7 O 50. `� / - - o . - - - �o' o_ u 351.75' S 89 24 1 T� E 120.00' 15' D. & u,E o�n� 8'\ \. �I 19000. N �------------- - --------- - 131 32 _ _ _ o / � P.R.,T.CO. TX. a) rri' 6 s\ 11 •DRG. ESMT ( (D ZONED SF-1 �' 31,225 S.F. a\ 0 LUD O "� sa A L �\ 30,940 S.F. 6 63 1 o JR/ N LOW DEN. 8 z ��, 15 14 w� l s W 26,833 S.F. \ p 27,995 S.F. ^� Z 20' DR(;. ESMT. 1 ZONED SF-20A ' \ `n 10 \`� �� 1 rn LUD \ O� co, 21,209 S.F. No W� MED DEN 2ss 45 ' LAND USE DATA GROSS AREA = 48.877 ACRES EXISTING C 1 (TO REMAIN) 1 .6 AC. EXISTING 01 (TO REMAIN - DESIGNATED COMMON AREA) 1.9 AC. SF20A EXISTING LIAO TRACT) 21.7 AC. SF20A PROPOSED CROSS TRACT) 23.7 AC. TOTAL LAND 48.9 AC. NON-RESIDENTIAL AREA TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL AREA (Cl) 1.6 AC. PROPORTION OF TOTAL AREA 3.3% NUMBER OF C1 LOTS 1 RESIDENTIAL AREA TOTAL RESIDENTIAL AREA 45.6 AC. PROPORTION OF TOTAL AREA 93.3% NO. RESIDENTIAL UNITS 63 GROSS RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 1.38 UNITS/AC. COMMON AREAS 218,849 S.F. NO. OF COMMON AREAS 5 AVERAGE LOT SIZE 25,002 S.F. MINIMUM LOT SIZE 20,000 S.F. ZONING/LUD PRESENT ZONING C1, 01, SF20A, AG LUD MEDIUM DENSITY, MIXED USE EXISTING USE AG PROPOSED ZONING SF20A DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE START: JANUARY, 1997 COMPLETION: JULY, 1997 GENERAL NOTES I. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. 2. COMMON AREAS WILL BE OWNED & MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. i.s U, E- - ---, .332.00' t� t 363.28' """'DRG. ESMT. \J I 189.67' G I 133.51' -o' D Im -LI.E.- 117.23' - - 117.23'- 103.78' 117.86' -1 1 13.46' Iv, 4 I I� 1 c�v 2 3 21,075 S.F. o 5 23,910 S.F. 00 20,934 S.F. 00 tD 21,003 S.F. a o ro 21,140 S.F. 0 � roof ^I -- - - - 35' B L. 135.33' ----- ----- --- - - -- --- - -- HAL� 117.24' 117.24' 117.24' 11 &641L 42.04' - - ---276.05' 5' D k U. 87.23' I I - _-- - es ,o oa E — -- --- -- -- ----- --- -- z J 393.76'— — D n n ��> �l InCROSS LANE— — — -L — — N 57 SOUTHVIEW - PHASE I CAB. 'A', SLIDE #784 P.R.,T.CO. TX. ZONED SF-20A LUD MED. DEN. SOUTHVIEW - PHASE II CAB. 'A', SLIDE #1350 P.R.,T.CO. TX. ZONED SF-20A LUD MED. DEN. ° LLO a NIo a I N I� — —--------- --- ----- - --I i 6 \ NI r.l on o 0135.84' 117.24' 117.24' 117.24' 116.30' 1 9 I �9 25.415 S.F. o 7 \� 23.532 S.F. �r � . <v w � - - -- - -- - ---- - - ---- - ---- jl ,� 3s B.L. - -- - - -- MENDEZ, LTD. o y9 0 I - - �t VOL. 12051, PG. 465 9 5 e - 50' 27,815 S.F. `',9 Iw 188.82' of 14 o D.R.,T.CO. TX. cv 30,395 S.F. ;� 37, wl 0 155 0 16 00 % o of 26,019 0 0 0 18 0l ZONED AG I 61.20 3s — B.L. 28.74' �I �1� �I N 8 S.F. ,�, ,� I co 21,102 S.F. ro 21.102 S.F. 21,102 S.F. O of 00 20,824 S.F.o /m LUD — 1 mi -I� _ n 24,708 S.F. m vo col MED. DEN. 89.96, , I o, O 0 0 @ ir M 0 200.00 i i\ A TES I d�9. 1 /�O / - - -� 69.48' 1 17.24 = _ - = 1 17_24' =1 1 7.24' -10' D I ec_u.E.1 15.0 �\ 66' 4� �^ v 9.65' - 1 1 1 .20' .20' - 5 D. u.E - - - - - - 10 s\ 28.74' lq8\ ��\ �" �,• 147.06 167.16 - - - m \ 89 32' 03 \ �� / 1 — — 15 U E 1 4 � j�l�— � /h0� � I � 2 0 10 6 9 01 - Y - - - - _ -' 32,568 S.F. `o`e;- t< 01 0 12 0 11 0 20,001 S.F. _— -- — i COMMON �� : �....,y�,• 13 0 28,s62 s.F. N - - - - - I 0 �y 9. co 20,016 S.F. 20,016 S.F. oar ° O 3 �I AREA 25,513 S.F. 1 33,633 S.F. _ 0o O 9.: \ -30' B.L. -- - - -35' B.L. -/ 46 204 �� I O 8• 1 10' UTILITY & 129 6' 55.00' 17 1.20' 1 1 1.20' 35.38' 6 A? Q, i LANDSCAPE ESMT. / �� j S �jy - _� 1 1 29.49' 27.116 S.F \�' _ _ ....... ........ ...9 .......ss,.... - ATESHEAD ---T- - ---. Im a 260.51 ' G --- - - — �, -- � I6 8 I ti I 4 290.00' ^>°�J/ 7 / 65.29' 45.90' 1 12.00' 1 12.00' 42.8724,1 1 7 S.F. <v I -W - - -- - 2C' BUFFER YARD-F1 , `ti / / _--- - - 65 �N -- - ° 0 1 I MENDEZ, LTD. — — — — I m _�. ... 1 Ury v O o DRG ESMT. 4 - — - - -- \ ?� 35' B.L. 11' 204 I VOL. 12051, PG. 465 I LUD 1 w < a o > �c � z I/ :� ...w i]' . (POND) •... "? 20,160 S.F. / I D.R.,T.CO. TX. MIX. USE imp �` N / o o COMMON 3 0 0 5 0 6 , ZONED AG 1�} ZONED C 1 LUD J,� 1 I I I I N N AREA LUD 20,046 S.F.r° N 0 20,160 S.F. roo 20.001 S.F. a' 7 ro v,s79 S.F. I LUD MED DEN 1� i MIX. USE o N I MIX. USE 12 I I o N I 1 u-1 ZONED C-2 I 68,406 S.F. ro. I I 50' B.L. 63,709 S.F. 60 I — — - -- — — '. � I I ( 20' BUFFER YARD _0'_290.00'; 233.47' ----- - - - - -- r- i6r�TE. I t co -- —� 9'57 603.47' 0:- --- --o --- I b: I N 8OYJ_W___ F.M. 1709 _ 1 _ _TSOUTHLAKE BLVD� 00: - R.O.W. VARIES - - --- — T-- ---- — — y — 1 00 001 1 10.15' 1 12.00' 1 12.00' 1 140.7 1' 181.02' M COMMON AREA 655.89' 38,405 S.F. - - - - 2_ 4 - _ - - 20' BUFFER YARD 656.20' _ N 89*59' 13 W -- P.O.B. 'ck:- 51TO7RBERM. - }- VM u►Noscj4j2M- - - M: TIMARRON ADD'N. PHASE 6 3 DILG PLACE BILLY. FRENCH RUCKER FAMILY LTD. PARTNERSHIP BILLY. ES Y69 RUCKER FAMILY LTD. PARTNERSHIP THE SOUTHLAKE 4 PRELIMINARY PLAT I VOL. 388-174, PG. 30 ' 5682, P 612 IV. 12069, P. 16711 5472, P I V. 12069, P. 1671 PARTNERSHIP I V. 7759, P. 1690 ZONED PUD I P.R.,T.CO.,TX. D.R.,T.CO.,TX. ZONED AG D.R. T.CO.,TX. I I D.R.,T.CO.,TX. ZONED AG I D I D.R.,T.COC3 �d�6a e0 LUD: MED. DEN ZON4D SFA1 1 2 -A LUD: ED. DEN. 2-8 LUD: MED. DEN. ZONED AG I LUD. MED DEN I LUD: MED. DEN. ONEDO G LUD: MED DEN ZONED C3 I LUD: MIXED USE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION All those certain tracts or parcels of land located in the W.W. HALL SURVEY, Abstrct 687, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being all of that certain tract in the name of Homei Liao and Jia Her Hwang, Trustees by deed recorded in Volume 7937, Page 294, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) (25.196 ac.) and that certain tract conveyed to Beulah B. Cross by deed recorded in Volume 3989, Page 640, D.R.T.C.T. (22.0 oc.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in one tract as follows. - BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 2 of Diamond Circle Estates, an addi- tion to the city of Southlake as recorded in Volume 388-1 77, Page 7, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, (P.R.T.C.T.) and the Southwest corner of said Liao & Hwang tract; Thence with a common line to Diamond Circle Estates and said Liao & Hwang tract, North 00 degrees, 09 minutes 00 seconds West passing a common corner of said Diamond Circle Estates and Mission Hill Estates, according to the plat recorded in Volume 3$8-158, Page 83, P.R.T.C.T. at some 1,494.6 feet and continuing in all 1,763.51 feet to an iron pipe found in the east line of said Mission Hill Estates for the northwest corner of said Liao & Hwang tract and the Southwest corner of Lake Wood Acres Addition - Phase Two, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-137, Page 34, P.R.T.C.T.; Thence with a line common to said Lake Wood Acres Addition and said Liao and Hwang tract South 89 degrees 10 minutes 04 seconds East 644.37 feet to an iron pipe found for the common northeast corner of aforesaid Liao & Hwang Tract and the northwest corner of said Cross Tract; Thence with a line common to said Lake Wood Acres Addition and said Cross Tract South 89 degrees 10 minutes 04 seconds East 523.65 feet to an iron pin for the southeast corner of said Lake Wood Acres Addition and the northeast corner of said Cross Tract, and in the west line of SouthView - Phase I according to the plat recorded in Cabinet 'A', Slide #784, P.R.T.C.T.; Thence with a line common to said SouthView - Phase I and said Cross Tract, South 01 degree 01 minute 47 seconds West 362.05 feet to an iron pin for Southwest corner of said SouthView Phase I and the Northwest corner of SouthView - Phase II according to the plat recorded in Cabinet 'A', Slide #1350, P.R.T.C.T.; Thence with a line common to said SouthView Phase 11 and said Cross Tract South 01 degree 30 minutes 19 seconds West 509.76 feet to an iron pin for the southwest corner of said SouthView Phase II and an ell corner of said Cross tract; Thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 17 seconds East 131.32 feet to the most easterly northeast corner of said Cross tract and the northwest corner of that 7.75 acre tract conveyed to Jimmy E. Perry by deed recorded in Volume 4343, Page 260, D.R.T.C.T.; Thence with a line common to said Cross and said Perry tract South 00 degrees 59 minutes 02 seconds West, 874.40 feet to the southeast corner of said Cross tract on the north right-of-way line of F.M. Highway No. 1709. Thence with the north right-of-way North 89 degrees 59 minutes 13 seconds West 656.20 feet to the Southwest corner of said Cross Tract and the Southeast corner of said Liao & Huang Tract; Thence with the north right-of-way North 89 degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds West 603.47 feet to the place of beginning and containing some 48.9 acres of land. CTIRVF. DATA CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH 1 48' 45' 42" 277.55' 125.79' 236.21' 2 48' 45' 42" 243.85' 110.52' 207.53' 3 48' 45' 42" 319.28' 144.70' 271.72' 4 48' 45' 42" 285.58' 129.43' 243.04' 5 47' 25' 46" 280.00' 123.00' 231.78' 6 90' 35' 13" 173.48' 175.27' 274.28' 7 90' 58' 57" 41.50' 42.22' 65.90' 8 90' 24' 12" 41.50' 41.79' 65.48' 9 90' 38' 25" 193.1 1 ' 195.28' 305.50' 10 48' 27' 55" 200.00' 90 02' 169.18' 11 47' 46' 46" 180.00' 79.73' 150.10' Owners: HOMEI LIAO ,JIA HEFT HWANG, TRUSTEES 2301 McCOY ROAD CARROLLTON, TEXAS, 75006 AND E3EULAH CROSS C/O BEN MUIR 709 MULBERRY ST. FORNEY, TEXAS 75126 Developer: CFRUME3AKER DEVELOPMENT', INC SUITE 234 100 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD., #320 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 817- 329-6996 Engineers/Planners: .J. E. LEN/1 TT EIVOINEERS, INC. ENGINEERS 1 - PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 488-3313 LOCATION MAP Original Scale : 1 " = 100' 0 50 100 200 Graphic Scale in Feet PRELIMINARY PLAT FOXBOROUGH AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE W.W. HALL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 6817 48.877 ACRES 06 DECEMBER 1996 FXB- PPL.DWG CASE NO. ZA96-1 37 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION B. CR09S TRACE r"i---------- �� 1Q WOWJ C i WOWACRES ADDITION I Al that certain lot, tract or parcel of land located in the W.W. HALL SURVEY, Abstract $95, PHASE_____________________.________ VOLea-t37, Pa. 74 I I 1 I w I I ' Tarrant County, Texas. being all of that certain tract conveyed to Beualh Cross by deed I r ( 1 L---------------4 ug 1_ a I I P.ft.,T.CO. nc 'I' recorded in Volume 3989, Page 84D, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) and FOXBOROUG LAKE W000 ACRES ADDITION PHASE 11 I 1 being mom particularly desc bed by melee and bounds on follows: 1gI i 1 I VDL 385-137, PG 34 81 1 ($ ' + + � - J 4----------------� 4 BEGINNING at the . by dead comer d that certain tract conveyed t. Hamel Liao and h- ( S'A I i �,+.,ZONED S -1 7 � , I , Her Hrang, Trustees C deed recorded in Volume omen Page in D north and the say of 1.21 AC z +�-.� ZONED �-1 I \ ' I '' l ^ � set comer of acid Croce tract, the common corner being in the north right-of-way of 9.a9x t cir \ LOT a LAD I I , 11 PLA F.M. Highway 1709. LOW DEN. j o.a orr.�. \ i 7 /----LgiyT� - Thence with a common line to said Uao & Hwangtract and sold Cross tract North 07 E `.,� l I'sr"r decree 10 minutes 56 seconds East 1,775.03 feet to a point on the south line of Lake 644.3T w-w ! !9'10'OC E r I f Wood Acres Addition -Phax II according to the plot recorded in Volume 388-137, Plot a r>or R / ! Recorde of Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.) and the oomrson northeast comer of sold U00 r 2 j er i # CAB. ' '. LI PHA i Ar Hwang tract and northwest comer of sold Cross tract. 132 AC II f 3 r --I CAB. 'A', SLIDE (j784 \ ' l D L - T p. ZONED SF. TX. Thence with a lure common to said Lake Wood Acres An Iran and said Cross Tract South I 1 � 59 ee rasa 10 minutes 04 octanes East 523.55 fest to an Iran On for the aoutnaae4 comer LOCATION YAP __-� ♦ ' ZONED SF-20A 9 \ r LMISSION HILL ESTATES 1 ! of acid Luke Woad Acres Addition and the northeast comer of said Croes Tract, and in the 388-158, PG. 83 21 1 22 9 1 I LUDwestline of SouthVlew - Phase 1 according to the plot recorded In Cabinet 'A', Slide 784, \ P.R.,T.CO. TX. I 41,7 7 SF.( 30Aa2 S,F. _; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j I A®' DER P.R.T.C.T.: \\ ZONED SF-1 F TREE _ I I Then" with a line common to acid Soutmi" - Phase I and said Croce Tract, South 01 degree \ 22 LAD I L _ _ 01 minute 47 Seconds Want 362.05 feet to an iron pin for Southwest comer of caid SauthViar +'�'+a \\ LOW DB'L t i3O (JNE ~ I Phase I and the Northwest comer of SouthView, - Phase 11 according to the plot recorded in 2 I -- Cabinet 'A', Slide #1350, P.R.T.C.T.; \ yu 1 1 r Thence with a line common to acid SouthYrew Phase II and said Cross Tract South 01 degrc `-•t- --"'� '-""""�" "'"" -"`�"" + N.. +`-"N""' *�'�-,'C1,"�'*W"w"^------- I / ScuthVi w�Phox 11 an a an allWest 5comer9.76 foft said Crass an pinforthe southwest comer of said --�_ ---T--- /j �.✓ S P ,� i t IIQ.IT / 1 Thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 17 Seconds East 131.32 feet to the most easterly northeast co'ner of co ryed to Jimmy E. Perrybydeed ract recorded d the anhVotuma 4343weet carrier E Page 260, D.R.TCthat 7.75 core cot / c , r r n ------- ---- aoutheast came, of acid Crone tract on the north right -of -my i $4 13 Se s.F. Thence with a line common to said Cross and sold Pert' tract South OD degrees 59 minutes 2A.1se S.F 20.tea SF. x0,1M SF. 2i,000 SF. .. 1 $ _I Qi' line o1 F.M. o. i7 02 seconds Weal, way test to the I7sT 2--f8 a1[� ; Highway N 09 t t I Thence wit the north right-of-way North 89 degree. 59 minutes 13 seconds West 656.20 k a�aaa � I � gar' feet to the Point of MILE$ � Beginning and containing some 23.i acres of land. 1101' tlatr 1 a.1r 12' IIrIr I 1 4 za1 L a I SOUTHVIEW -PHASE 11 24.e70 S.F. �. , j I 3 I I I CAB. 'A', SLIDE J1350 OA674 Sr. 2a,b1e SF. 2a.3.% S.F. � � ' ) � �'' ' � I I P.R.,T.CO. TX. JDN00t74n1' ;2291a SF. j ,h i ZONEDL� F. 20A s 21.434 S.F. `` � 1 i'30' &L + fa0, i N®. OH'L 'zCW4 \ r.,�. i h _____ W, W. HALL SURVEY, A-687 1+ - "--- Q' LNG owNHY LANE - -- 20 -- _'_�------T -- 7 1 '1 i dryer -- \ =654 S.F. \_ t I I Sea" S.F.�-----T-- 1 27,5s3 s.F. �� : Q ;� I I 1 ..t ( 22.534 S.F.- ,2 t2 I Z%47 i h CURVE DATA ; 1 t 4s S W24't� E DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES PG. 7 ^I _ `, ` -- .... ._:... --7gag____ _ __ ____-1__- � VOL 303-177, P.R.,T.CA. TX.� 31,275 S.f.1. ` \/,r ._. ...._' ~`,•,mow ,�7__ii ZONED SF-1 t3.is, LUD LOW OW 8 7C /`�......._ 1. $ \. T`R 27,9a5 SF. \ 26A133 S.F. , ,,. ~ ^ 1 S.f. /, % i ,,� r2a,934 21A76 i w °7x kwrc ' • ZONED SP-20A'" `',*P, 1D r r z3.9f0 SF. 21,aa3 SF. 21,140 S.F. LW . C3 21.2f79 S.F. r.. �__- 1 -_.....__ �. tr• g_ �r - _ _ _Art.__ __�__P , -_ _ -� SURVEY, A t LAND USE DATA CURVE NO.1 DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH 1 149 45' Cr 277.55' 125.79' 236.21 2 48' 45' 47 243.a5' 110.52' 207.53' 3 48' 45' 47 319.28' 144.70' 271.72' 4 41r 45' 47' 285.58' 129AY 243.04' 5 4T 25' 49' 280.00' 123.00' 231,78' 6 90 35' 1S 173.48. 175.27' 274.28' 7 20' 56' 5i 41.50' 42.22' 65.90, 8 90' 24' 1 Lr 41.50' 41.79' 65.48. 9 90 38' 2T 193.11' 195,28' 305.50 0 45' 27' 5T 200.00' 90.02' 169.18' 11 47' 46' ME 180.00' 79.73' 150.10' 41,04 L 87.2 pr.,�. pe re 1 a 11 ,® 11 E 1 t t 7. 4' , + _........� B \ a ., _ .24' ENDEZ, LTD. g ' 25415 S.F. 23,632 S.F, 77 4 VOL, PG. 5 OL 1205 46 D.R..T.CD. TX. 5 ' ��, ' F 30.305 F. T7AHa S.F. i )t,yy tSe,82,u:. p 2e,019/S.F. $17 21.102 S.F. 21,102 S.f, 21.102 SF. 18 S.F. ZONED AG I1 * 8 LJ 20,824 LUD M=D. DER __-- Qr j' a I2�7Vfta'` .W 24,7ae 9,F. -/ -- / ® QaR TIra r 'a iZ23' 1v.2Y __u7_zti 11 le s-- - • •-arGA TYP,Sfj"9 �' • %R �tl. °r - ' '--TTT dlf. r ui 147.06' -` T - Owner; 10 t' r +� } ID - - - - - - - - HO LIAO 4 2 / 112 tsl 4 1 $ 20'0011 S.F. �t 2a.e6�2 SF. �; & _ 32.50 -r�--=-�� 3F. C01Lri0 'a / 20,014 sF.$ 2a.01a ir26,513iSF. � 1F.$ ' E JIA HEHWANQ, TRUSTEE$ R Orfgfnoi scale 3 ' 1 _ 2301 McOOY ROAD CARRouTON. tExAs. 7500a V 7D .1 33,631 S.F, _ _ �.. _ _ xa x w. Graphic S00% in Fast ;{;,< .Otr tt1 i±t x. AND 11 " 21t9'"a• saMF`.,� �� �vA,...--a--`.------^A'PE3HEAD----- BEULAH CROSS �'�' it i " / z4,it7 sF.' � C/O 709 M SEN MUIft 46.90\ ��+ MENDQ, LTD. FQMEY u�Le 7512e YiLL _� � ? VOL. 12051, PG 485 -- -11 ��ty --�'' I I \2%160 S'r 3 i; 8 D.R.,T.CO. TX. ZONED AG LUD DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE t % ! si ---ZONED Cl,--' ' _rt`��COIQ1[ON AREA 30" sF y 9 �1eo sF. g zoabt SF : 27A79 S.F. LUD MM. Doi Developer: CRUMBAKER DEVELOPMENT, INC START: JANLWi1', 1997 COMPLETION: JULY, 1997 !` LtA MK USE Ik ' LL \ t ny SUM 234 I r t a'f 1 10o w, SOUTHtAKE BLVD., P2o 18 11 1 �..� e37a9 SF' 11 1 i T4' 1 I,S' SOUTHIMff, 1FXIS 76092 GENERAL NOTES ZONED C-2 f� �SF' �_9CJL r 817-329-8996 r URIRES SHALL BE UNWERDUND. . ". , ALL 2.. COMMON AREAS WILL BE OWNED a 11INMNNED BY Mt®IMFRS AS97ptTp11. "�•••__�•r•••_ .. `. Engineers/Planners: T�"""-•••__••• _ �r ••:� •_ 1/ airvirwt W Is WOW 14 W CONCEPT J. G. LriiVITT COST- ___ - I --------- - - P.O.B. anTo7ae�l,-'' --�-corn, - - - - PLAN INOIN�IS, INC, _1709 SOUTHI AKE HLVI-r mi waecAp9a _ -- , ENGINEERS - PLANlTERS PLAN R.O.W. VARIES �RSs LI `l LAM TIMARRON ADD'N. ' BILLY E. FRENCH BUCKER FAA9LY BILLY yY AYE I ILTO. PARTNERSHIPI RUCKER FAMILY LTD. PARTNERSHIP E SOUTHLAKE I PARTNERSHIP 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 SOILTHLAKE, TEXAS 78092 PHASE a I DIL PLACE \ V. 5682, P. 8,2 3 I VOL 388 174, PG. 30 V. 5472, P. 69 V. 12069, P. 167,1 D.R.,T.CD.,TX. I V. 12089, P. 1871 I V. 7759, P. 1890 (817) 483-3313 4 I PREUMNNARY PLAT \ O.R.,T.CO.,TX. P R CO TX \ I D.R.,T.CO..TX. I 20NED AG I D.R.,T.CO.,TX. I D.R.,T.CO.,TX. ZONED PUD ZONED AG ZONED AG I ZONED C3 LLID Mom. DEN I -A ZOIJ SF S 2-B \ LUD' MM DM I ZONED AG I L(Ar Mom. DM I (�• D®t LW M ED USE _ i i i i i LOT 19 r _ ` ♦ l 1 SAMW LOT 12 LOT 20 R" [I OAK TFM ♦ LOT 8 "g \ e�rttra+�+a+cg t ♦ Too Yd►C�1d ryf Tf@S LOT 2 LOT 3 IlµlK36iT Me~ 9•RD CRKTPM LOT 6 LOT 4 LATE 12/05/96 N w E A3.O1 GOMMON AREA PLAN A 3 8 V=20' 0 20 40 w 120 FT ti BLOCK 1 TIMBERLAKE SECTION 1 Cn Oar 0 M O� + , + ._.......... ...... ... ... ... ... ... .'.....'.'.'.'..'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'•'•.... .............. '.'.. / + + {F .. .. ... .............. ......-.'.'............ i I + + + .:.7 ,..f1. .. ........ ......................... ... . 7 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..+ ♦ + + - ....................... ;.....;..................... I + .... .. - f `++ ,-. .. .•. •.. .•... ......,. •....... ��'',%i•�� �1- i'1• :ii:i '•�. �y..�r:�i�ft} `♦ ♦ + .. .. .......I.. ...... •, . t > "' �'� +�f . 'J„�� - :t ti i► • -� ♦ t + + �; 11 . . +.................................. + +r.' ... 'j + a A Wined— r; +♦♦+� b BhM ♦ f + + Segovao, Tejo 75159 8E 00 r IISE-M ro tE 001(aFTi ♦ + + g 6 ♦ ♦ + +� .........'..... ;� LUD iced Censlty n _ ♦ ♦ + CD 0 + h Reddentid —_ _ r u<_ �r,a �. I ♦ ♦ + . + :1:.................... '.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'..... a= D ♦ ♦ + + ^ ♦ I{ '.'.',.'.'.'.'.....'.....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.......'.'.'.'.'.'.'........ f ........ + ♦ + + F + + + .& .......... ;.:.:.:.:.:.;. 4; + :;:;::.....:...:':' ( S02"18"29"W 241.4 5' IL I ;z �v • • - '� � > � ♦ NO NEW ACESS IS PROPOSED FOR THS EXISTTrG C0110vfCH ACAS ♦ m .... A• •} ' .. ... ... p -� I + SITE. BECAUSE OF EASTNG LOCATION CF BILDK EASEMENT CW& Connect new + ... Q•.•.„••,•,•.•.•.'••.•.'.'.•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'• • . • • • • . :' + ON ADJACENT TRACK TI-E STAC11dC' DISTANCE OF P,�nry tence to d .'.'.'.'.'.'.;.:..................................... 9 75 FIST EEOIiiED BY DRIVEWAY 09XW CE 634. Q*tt1 y,Vp I t e- + .. ........•. .•................•...•.. -i I I g + .. t . ........ t ; ` CMl NOT BE ivET. ++ ..;....;.' �: '.;.;.:.;;;;.'.......;.................;;;;;.,...., ; .--I I Co + Q .. `; I I `0 �. ;: 0 LOT 2 0 + `:':':':':':':':':':':':;:;:;:;:::.....;...;.;.;._... I 15 A / 1541 + ` + D I Ui Owner: a Tin H rckdoee + + .. • • • • ;•;•.';';'.• .'.'........ ( ( lid 2000 E KW. Pvkway Souehialce, Tenas mec Lawerence Cheung d May P + Zannhg : SINGLE FAMLY SF-20A:.......................'.'.'............ ►.: j, C� Zomhg + + I LUD MaraY Ln LUD Ned Density + + Reddened ReMderltia +• L.'.'.'.'.'.'.'......:.....:.;.:....... ....... 0 + + + ... I _—I + `+ m + ... L�e zoo ............+ ::;;, ::::: :MIN. F-2 6' HGH ::.•.•.•.•.•.'.'.•.••:: _::::: : MASONRY SCREEW4G ..:.;...;.:.;.;.;.......................:::::'::':':':'::':':':'::':::::::: :....:...:. DEVICE ♦ + ♦:......'.:':':':':':':':':':':':'::'::':':':':':'::':'::':' :.... ................... J3 + + . ........................ ............................................... ... ..... . . .. . • + + • ♦ + + + ♦ + + + + + + ♦ + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + S 02'15"03" W 2 55.33' / MIN. F-2 8' HGH MIK F-1 8' HGH MASX ERY SCREENING \ SC�CE BLOCK 2 LOT 21 DEVICE Landscape Required: f 1709 s tMak Blvd i ae M LAKE CREST A / 1541 A / 1541 Owner, Pulte Homes Inc Zoning : SINGLE FAIv.C* T-2OA LUD Med Dane', Residential Conce t Plan LUD ivterd Use Owner: Lake Crest Homeowners Awoc. ZonnN : SIPKLE F4&Y SI=2OA Lake Crest Drive S C ALE 1" = 30 - 0" 20 bu Ter yard along r- M. ou e 10 buffer yard along west, south and east property ones adjacent to residential zoning, Type F-1. 5 buffer yard along north and east property line adjacent to 0-1 zoning, Type A. 50% of building area, or +- 9,600 sq. ft. Required Irriggated Grass Area: +/- 8,800 sf Buffer Yards To Be Provided: Buffer yard along residential to be Type F-2 Buffer yard along FM 1709 to be Type P Buffer yard along 0-1 zonning to remain as Type A. Landscape Provided: All buffer yards are to be provided per ordinance, re`er to table Develo�er intends to irrigate and maintain R.O.W. at F.M. 1� 09 Southlake Blvd. for +/- 4,300 sq. ft. of andscape area. Interior to buffer yards +/- 57,000 sq. ft. or +/- 44.3% of site to be landscaped. Grass Areas Provided: +/- 50,000 if (inclusive of FM 1709 R.O.W.) Fence between 0-1 zonning and new SP-2 to be removed. WWM Owner SOUTH LAKE FOUR NVESTiv NTS I P.O. BOX 1015 LUBBOCK, TEXAS Zonnthg AG LUD Low Density Residential Shlady Oak I Owner FMD09 SHiADY OAKS LTD. 6100 LOMO ALTO DALLAS, TEAS I Zomhg : COMv EROAL, C-2 LUD Mod Denstty Redden"d Subject Property C TI saber A"ba SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS 9ufforyard Canopy Accent Shrubs Fence/Screening Locatior^ Length W1dth-Type Trees Trees Height k Material North - Required 186' 20'-M 6 4 22** None Providedo 186' 20'-P 7 11 34** None East Required 242' 5'-A 2 5 19 None Provided* 242' 5'-A 2 5 19 None North - Required 165' 5•-A 2 3 13 Nona Provided* 185' 5'-A 2 3 13 None East - Required 255' 10'-F1 8 15 20 F1-Ty4e fence and/or *crowing device Provide& 255' 10'-F2 10 21 31 F-2 8 moSonry screen South Required 331' 10'-F1 10 20 27 Fl-Type fence and/or screening device Provided* 331' 10'-F2 13 27 40 F-2 8' Wosonry screen West Roquirod 494' 10'-Fl 15 30 40 Fl-Type fence and/or screening 0ovcco Provided• 494' to'- F2 20 40 60 F-2 0' Masonry screen Other Comments: 1. Where parking is provided bemuses the building setback line and public R.O.W., shrubs obtaining o mature height of three feet (3� or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thlerty inches (30') on center continuous along oil paved edges of the parking or drive areas. This will require additional shrubs within the bufferyord. Lc PROPEIiTY DESCHIPT'ION s Zee awe Inset of IsrW sNwloal In we NSMM GRA1�8 9MY ZRJIIYET, ABSTRACT No, eel, in Tarrant Cswnty, Tons, o rid berht to revs baler of that serta in Marvin G Kenned Mot as nesrdoal In vorrms 4& Pale 401, Dood Itooerds, Tarrant Counnty, Toms. Ss w 2 SS a ere bast hint mono pe rtleullo rfy Msarteed a a foaems WOW*" at a s/ a Inch Iren red faunal to the south Ira of Want Soutalako boudovard (F.►A Na r70e) �h"s Y aw to Nsrtaest serener of Lot 20 SMalt TIMBER LAKESaatfan 1 , as -a alIn Cabinet A. Sat 4as. Plat 11...rdo. Tarrant Gorily, Tessa THENCE sehrth s7 de�ses b5 iwta are see.rnal. Ea sl a�rh� tho Seurth 4ns o} W cat 8suuteM k a boudavarr 11kik 16 y lie. iroel . a dounive of 1saT4 toot to a she kWh Inn foam saw rein to corner of a Mot of land to W. Morris as recorded in Velum OW4, Pap 21M Dosd R..wde Tarrant County, Tosss THENCE south 02 alospoos iS mutes 29 soeonala West aiwL to Wee Ill of sawAlarls Met roe throe of 2414e Mst to a V2 Iron red tosM for to Sout+areol earner of aw Morris treat ►sat THENCE South 02 dgroes la mutes 29 esewWa Thera* Soub N dsgroes 00 einutes Os sesends East awry to south IYa of n w Morris t West a "me of 145.00 teat to a 5.8 bah Ian red set fw to s.uthesst owner of saw Morris Met saw w robnt boY� In to W «tors line of LAKE CHEST, as newd.d ti Cabo �, side Is41 Pat Masao Torrent County, Toes THENCE Nss•N 87 deproos se slOwtos 10 weorWs Wort slog the North ins of Lot le anal Lai Lot 20, Sisk 2, LAKE CHEST, 330.64 iset to a s/a Yoh Ian red iwW for to NerteWas Sorrier of Lai M and bsbq In to East sine of Lot 24. block 1, of nW TIMBER LAKE SECTION l; THENCE North 00 ds�ess ors miseries 3e seaends West &I" a cr of the Es d (ins of Lot 24 llisok 1, TIMBIM LAKE. SECTION 1. the East Saw of Lot 23, Lot 22. Lot 21 and Lot 20, block 1, Ta,lER LAKE sECTION 1, a "nor of 494.12 feet to to POINT OF DEQMdW& bEGtMlK. CONCEPT PLAN FOR: Shady Oaks Centre Southlake, Texas Tarrant County As Prepared by DBH Designs (11/11/96) D. Bruce Henley 1117 Crestview Kaufman, Texas 75142 (972) 962-4088 Current Owner of Property: Marvin C. and Sadie A. Kennedy Developer: Mr. Dan Deichert, President Texas Land and Building Comppany 8150 N. Central Expressway, Sulte: 440 Dallas, Texas 75206 (214) 692-8522 Current Zoning: AG Zoning Requested: SP-2 THE FOLLOWING "O-r' USES SHALL BE ELIMNATED Ba4ang, Savingi b Loan, anon d k4ollihg Services Errpioyfnent Services• Rode Recording d TeMson Broodcasmg, Travel Burlea or services, Red Estate, Bill Paying Setvte& Intwtor Design and Comma nity Focity Uses le. Lbrories. City Hal Fie d Poke Stations and other Ivixtopial services. Sits Area: +/- 2.954 acres Building One: 7,380 sf Building Two: 11,800 sf Total Area: 19,180 sf Building Percentage of Site: 14.9% Building Type: 1 story; masonry Building Use: Commercial Professional Office Parking Required: 74 min. Parking Provided: 88 Ratio of Parking: 1/218 Building Design: All buildings will most the minimum requirement for articulation and design per the Corridor Overlay Zone Regulation. tit�m C+iEi„ _ 0_0. NORTH N0.7 A 96-90 DEVELOPED BY TEXAS LAND and BUILDING COMPANY (214) 692-8522 CAMPBELL CENTRE SITE: 440 8150 N. CENTRAL DALLAS, TEXAS 0 LL 0 CL a- Z 0 w 0 CL LLJ Z 0 U 0 DATE: 11/11/96 w LJ Q 0 M01ITI=CU L PLMNJG sv Cla?srVIEW KA04v444 TEAS (972) 962-40M FAX 962-MM OF i Wn NOV 13 1996 III IN III in 111IIIIIIIN IIIIIIIII III III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11I111111/I11 ■■■■■■■■ ■M■■■■■■■I■1 ■■■■■■■■1■a South Elevati*on TOP OF ROOF 22'-9" AT HIIG EST RIDGE AVERAGE BULDING HEIGHT 15-4 1/2' TYPICAL CLG HT, 8'-O" FINISH FLOOR III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III111111 IIIIIiI IIIIIIi IIiIIII iIIiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii NovellEL iiiiIIiII Nov West Elevation 12 5'- 0" 14._U„ PIP ttiltiiltiiKiilciil°ii/ciicciitciictiilciilciilciictiiaiilt� K tltlliilla„i:f d It It It It It It It K It It It It It It tt t tIKIt� � Itttltttltltltttlittlttclttciclticlticlticltcclticltccltic 1 K K It lcltcclticltccl ttccIt IIIIIIILIIIIu1 IGK IiIIK�lIINIIIIICIIII IiIIIiIIIIIIUIIIIIIiIIIIIIti 1@IIIIIIItt t 1 itKlt KKKKItoile,i1C jK it `���iItlt _ KKK (l�c t cI KKKIct`�KKKICP'_ aKdK •. t tKKItKIiltKlcltltltllKlcItltllttlticltltltltlt/tHItII1t1I1CcI,,I K K/tKIt, t/tltKlcll�rKltl.ttltKltltltttltttllltltttltttltttltttltttltttltttltttlCttltttltttR ��,ttM< lliillK;Iniii alri';�i;IIillie iiI �iilll� ie I1eiIIi`Iiiuicc lii iiII1C10"�� - _ M ; .tiLltKlcltltlttttMuNt tKttKttKtt 'cttccltccltltltl11ii 1i lc cicltltccltItc�lt - - - - - _ - - -- _ htttKKKteltltltKK/tltttltttltltltKitii•.'ctt�I1eiiltillcu cReclilc" �It"KItKItMltKlt�dlnK�rKwltaltal0��ltKltir•:. �Ittlltt __—____ - _ _�____--� --- _— ----- ----- Ngcchccc------------ ����� —==_== =_=== === lic�litl- �,Ir1,1,i1.4yy1f,1,1,14r.- :�- Noll I■ 111 =__ _==m11I111 :� = � /I _ ■11 It =NI _ _ __ = III111/1/ = =_- -_ --=III: = II I■ 111 -: _ _ =�- I/111I111 '■N -� It jj= �j_- ___ iiiiiiell "== lob n■ N iii__= _■Nn%oI East Elevation Building One Ptaly-)1 & V,,,tevation III III III III III III III III III III III III ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ I North Elevati*on DEVELOPED BY TEXAS LAND and BUILDING COMPANY (214) 692-8522 CAMPBELL CENTRE SUITE: 440 8150 N. CENTRAL DALLAS, TEXAS D"I DATE: 11/13/96 DESIGNS ARCHITECTURAL PLAM14j- 1117 CRESTVIEW T" 1970 962-4066 FAX 962-3►'l�33 SCALE: .I/32 =i-O CASE NO,2A 96-90 OF 2 WO NOV 1$1996 tsuildin pe TOP OF ROOF 22 -9" AT HGHEST RICr AVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT 15-4 1/2" TYPICAL. CLG HT. 8'-O' FINISH FLOOR lull South Etevati.c---')n Nlr,--,-%:rth Elevation Ea(.:-��t Elevati'on Two & Elevation mwu West Elevati*on CASE NO, Z A SCALE: 3/32"=1'-O" 96-90 DEVELOPED BY TEXAS LAND and BUILDING COMPANY (214) 692-8522 CAMPBELL CENTRE SUITE: 440 8150 N. CENTRAL DALLAS, TEXAS D"'I DATE: 11/13/96 DESIGNS I ARCHTECTLRAL PLANING 1117 CRESTVIEW KMF1164W TERM 09720 9412-4066 FAX 962-SM REC'D NOV 131996