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1994-12-20 CC Packet
City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM Cir December 16, 1994 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting December 20, 1994 1. Agenda Item No. 4A. The Department reports are in your packet. Please let me or the Directors know if you have any questions. 2. Agenda Item No. 5A. Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement between the City and Tarrant County for the inspection and permitting of on-site sewage disposal systems. Recall that the new engineer we employed to look at localized drainage issues, including lot grading, will also be charged with the inspection and permitting of on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems. There are a significant number of steps to go through before we will be able to get our program up and running. (These are outlined in the attached memo from Ron Harper, City Engineer.) We anticipate having the program ready for implementation sometime late in the summer. In the meantime, we need to continue our interlocal agreement with Tarrant County. Please let me or Bob Whitehead know if you have any questions. 3. Agenda Items No. 5B, 5C, and 5D are the Facilities Utilization Agreements with the Southlake Baseball Association, Southlake Girls Softball Association, and the Southlake- Grapevine Soccer Association, respectively. As mentioned in the memo from Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, many months of review and negotiation have been invested in these agreements. There are no unresolved issues at this time between the Park and Recreation Board, City staff, and the ball associations. If problems arise during one of the agreement years that cannot be satisfactorily addressed at the time, then they can be addressed prior to renewing the agreements. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 2 We have placed these agreements on the Consent Agenda in the belief that City Council does not desire to get into micro-managing the use of the fields; nevertheless, the agreements require City Council approval. Please let Shana Yelverton, Janet Murphy, me or the ball association representatives --David Yelton, SBA; Mickey O'Brien, GSSA; Bill Dillard, SGSA -- know if you have any questions. We know the agreements are probably more favorable to the ball associations than might be appropriate at some future date; however, at this time in our municipal park life, we believe the recommended terms of the agreements are appropriate and we are prepared to meet those obligations. F.Y.I. In her memo, Shana credits others in the development of these agreements. Be aware that we would not be where we are today without the direction and time involvement of Shana to this whole issue. This was really her baby. These agreements have been reviewed by our attorneys and the ball association's attorney. There is one slight wording change that needs to be made on each agreement prior to your approval. The wording is found on page 5B-3, 5C-2, and 5D-2 in your packets, each covering "Section III. Renewal or Termination" in the respective agreements. The first sentence of this section in each agreement reads: This agreement will renew [emphasis added] on an annual basis on January 1 of each year, with [...association initials...] having the right of first refusal to enter into a new agreement. In order to protect the right of a future City Council to enter agreements with other potential users of City facilities, please substitute the wording "must be renewed" for the two words "will renew" prior to voting on these agreements. The wording change will not affect the right of first refusal (to renew the agreements) held by the existing ball associations. The wording will renew implies an automatic perpetual rollover of the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest . December 16, 1994 Page 3 agreement, which arguably would not give City Council a right to terminate. A rule of thumb: a sitting City Council cannot legally bind future City Councils, with few exceptions. Another: perpetual contracts are not valid. In order to avoid future entanglements, the substitute wording is strongly recommended. This wording change should satisfy all parties because the terms/rights-of-each in the recommended agreements are otherwise unchanged. It should not be necessary to take this change back to the associations for their review, however, should you wish to do so, just move to table the Agreements 5B, 5C, and 5D until the 2nd meeting in January (1- 17-95) in order for staff to have time (given the holidays) to discuss with each association board. We bring this item to you now for two reasons: (1) it is timely, given we would like to implement the working arrangements under the agreement prior to January 1st; (2) in recognition of the enormous amount of time already invested by everyone in getting to this point. 4. Agenda Item No. 5E. Exterior Signage for Park. This item has been recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board. Note the West Beach sign refers to Future Park Site. At some point, we need to come up with a name for the new park. Someone suggested Sesquicentennial (Joke!). 5. Agenda Item No. 5F. Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Investment Services Contract with First Southwest. We are bringing this item to you for consideration as a result of City Council's comments during the special meeting last Tuesday, December 13. City Council indicated it would like to see our money investments diversified. We are recommending First Southwest as our Investment Manager at this time because: (1) as our Financial Advisor, they are aware of our financial parameters; (2) as our Financial Advisor they have helped guide us through the difficult growth years. With their Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other.Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 4 assistance, we have an improved financial condition and increased bond ratings. In short, we feel very comfortable with First Southwest. Since asset management is a professional service, we are not required to seek bids or RFPs, although we could. There are reasons to expedite, however. We will be receiving a large amount of bond proceeds next week. We will also be receiving the bulk of our ad valorem tax receipts over the next several months. We would like to diversify our investments with our new revenues, not join the stampede in the run on TexPool. (Note: See the attached December 16 memo from Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance, for further discussion about the "run" on TexPool. Lou Ann attended a meeting last night where State Treasurer Martha Whitehead discussed the situation. Attached to Lou Ann's memo is a Q and A from TexPool, two letters to TexPool participants from Treasurer Whitehead, an editorial on TexPool by the Dallas Morning News, and a TexPool newsletter.) As pointed out in the memo in your packet from Lou Ann Heath, the Investment Services Contract can be terminated by either party with thirty (30) days written notice, so if we are not satisfied with either the performance or fee of First Southwest Asset Management Division, First Southwest Company, we can seek other proposals. Lou Ann also points out the fee arrangement in her memo. Using round numbers, the fee would be $10K per $10 million. Staff considers this to be a very attractive fee arrangement. We could not hire a staff person to handle investments for this amount. F.Y.I. Concerning the need to diversify and how we got to where we are, we signed up as a member of TexPool in October 1992 when authorized by City Council with Resolution No. 92-52 (Attached hereto). In November 1992, we had $6.3 million invested, of which $3.5 was in TexPool. (See City of Southlake Investment Report for November 1992, attached to Resolution 92-52) We requested the City Council authorize our participation in TexPool for the obvious reason; that is, it is very time consuming Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 5 to manage the City's financial assets (investment management demands every day attention). TexPool charges only a minuscule administrative fee (0.030% -- i.e., $300 per $10 million). The above referenced report makes it clear that TexPool was very advantageous to us at that time. It was advantageous to us then; it would be advantageous to us now to continue at some level. Given everything that has happened, however, we request authorization to enter into the contract with First Southwest to assist us in determining how much to invest where. 6. Agenda Item No. 7A. 2nd Reading, Ordinance No. 480-156(ZA 94-125), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Church of Christ, 2500 block of West Southlake Blvd. There are no significant changes since City Council approval (7-0) of the 1st reading December 6th. Council recommended deletion of item #1 on the third Plan Review Coy Summary dated December 2, which recommended the elimination of the eastern most driveway. A motion to approve on second reading should include elimination of this comment if that is the City Council's intent. City Council should bear in mind the impact of approving more than two access points to F.M. 1709. You may be creating a precedent insofar as future curb cuts on other properties accessing F.M. 1709. Recall also that City Council, on 1st reading, approved the concept plan subject to the applicant submitting an adequate lighting plan for staff approval. 7. Agenda Item No. 7B. Resolution No. 94-56 (ZA 94-139), Specific Use Permit to allow Southlake Church of Christ a child day care center on its property at 2501 West Southlake Blvd. Southlake Church of Christ intends a child day care center in the existing residential structure west of the Church. Note that the Concept Plan is the same plan as submitted for 94-125 and the review letter has the same comments regarding the eastern most drive. P/Z recommended approval(5-2)with the dissenting votes preferring the elimination of the east drive. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 6 8. Agenda Item No. 7C. 2nd Reading, Ordinance No. 480-159 (ZA 94-141). Rezoning request for 6.192 acres at Northeast corner of East Dove Road and Ridgecrest Drive, from AG to SF-1A. There are no major issues with regard to this zoning request. The L.U.P. suggests low density which conforms to this zoning. Note in the memo from Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, that the property falls within the 65 Ldn Airport Overlay Zone, thus noise reduction standards must be used in construction. P/Z recommended approval 7-0. There have been no changes since City Council approval of 1st reading 7-0. 9. Agenda Items No. 7D, 7E, 7F are Ordinances which add to our employee retirement program. Each of these items were approved 7-0 on 1st reading. • Item 7D, Ordinance No. 628, will authorize on 2nd reading, an increase in the employee deposit rate, from 5% to 6%. (The System allows for 5%, 6%, or 7% rates.) As pointed out in the memo from Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director, the City's cost of approximately $40,000 is included in the FY 94-95 annual budget. Lou Ann added the information requested by several Councilmembers concerning our recent history of upgrading our retirement benefits. Lou Ann also added information concerning the contribution rates of other cities in the area. Add to her list Hurst, Euless, and North Richland Hills, all at 7% contribution rate with a 2-1 matching ratio. Bedford is not a participant. Lou Ann will have a copy of the TMRS Annual Report at the meeting Tuesday night. The report lists the benefits of each participating municipality alphabetically, thus she could quickly look up any City's benefit. As of December 31, 1993, there were 631 participating cities in the system. L Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 , Page 7 • Item 7E, Ordinance No. 629, will authorize on 2nd reading, the adoption of the TMRS Military Service Credit. It is estimated that this provision will have a negligible effect on the City's contribution rate. • Item 7F, Ordinance No. 630, will authorize on 2nd reading, the adoption of the restricted prior service credit. This provision will not affect the City's contribution rate; it is used to satisfy TMRS length of service requirements for individuals who were employed previously with local governments outside of the system. 10. Agenda Item No. 8A. ZA 94-143, Revised Preliminary Plat for Timber Lake Phase 5. There are no significant issues with this plat. This is the final phase of Timber Lake since Monticello Estates acquired the property west of the creek. P&Z recommended approval 7-0. Note the staff comments in the memo from Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. 11. Agenda Item No. 9A. Resolution No. 94-58, appointing a Standing Committee member to SPIN Neighborhood #13 to fill the unexpired term of Camille Rasdal. Mr. Rex Potter, currently President of Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association, has volunteered. Staff supports his appointment. 12. Agenda Item IOB. Taco Bell request for sign variance. Note: With this sign variance request, we are making a change administratively in the staff presentation of these requests to City Council. Tom Elgin, Planner, Community Development Department, will be responsible for presenting these variances rather than Public Works. We feel this is a more appropriate delineation and delegation of this responsibility. L Taco Bell is asking for three variances. For their first variance, they want to have four (4) attached general business signs, one on each side of the building. The sign ordinance • Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other. hems of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 8 (sec. 17.2-b) allows for only one such sign per free standing building. The second variance is related to the first, and is fairly incidental. The maximum logo height is 24" and they are requesting a 26" logo height. The third variance is for a second freestanding sign on the site, which happens to be a second menu board. Although the ordinance does not specifically address menu boards, staff and the City attorney feel it would be appropriate to consider a menu board sign as freestanding general business sign. The ordinance only allows one such sign per freestanding building site and they are requesting two signs. 13. Agenda Item No. 10C. Variance Request for driveway limitation requirements, L-1, B- 1, Latrobe Addition. This issue is similar to but different from the Arvida drive issue. It is similar in that the homeowner requests a variance to the plat restriction limiting drive access to an arterial street. It is different for two reasons. First the limitation was caught prior to the issuance of the building permit and the builder (Frank Ritz) understood the limitation. Second, there are only two owners of lots within this plat and it would be practical for them to vacate the plat and submit new plats without the drive limitation. There are four drives existing along White Chapel, and it is easy to see where this drive is intended if you go by to look at it. 14. Agenda Item No. 11A. Perimeter Road Fee. This item has been placed on the agenda as a discussion item. As noted in the memo from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, staff is in the process of making changes to the ordinance per our discussion at the December 13 work session. We would like to go through these changes Tuesday night to see if we are on track. First reading of the new ordinance could be as early as the January 3, 1995 City Council meeting. 15. Agenda Item No. 11B. Charter Election. There are still several issues which need to be discussed regarding the January 21 charter election. For example, do we need to hold a public forum in which staff could present information regarding the propositions and field questions? What kind of publicity to we need to arrange? What kind of mail outs? Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 9 Staff will be bringing ideas to the table Tuesday evening. If you have ideas in the meantime, please contact Shana. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 16. Letter to David McMahan referencing sewer availability to the proposed Coventry Development. McMahan requested a letter for his lenders to indicate to them the availability of sewer. Apparently his lenders were particularly concerned about the availability of temporary sewer service should Coventry have houses available for occupancy prior to the completion of the City's TRA line to the Denton Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The options are set out in my letter, a copy of which is attached hereto. Note that the last two sentences on page one of the letter specifically address the need to obtain City Council approval for any agreement. (The item below also addresses the temporary sewer service options set out in my letter to McMahan.) 17. Agreement with Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 for temporary sewer service. We have been negotiating with Trophy Club MUD for many months over a temporary sewer service connection to the MUD's treatment plant. The MUD staff has been very cooperative in pursuing an agreement, but the District Board has been extremely unfair in its approach. McMahan is aware of, and has agreed to pay the cost of, the temporary connection. However, there are equity issues involved. We had been pursuing this agreement prior to the Coventry issue because of other requests in the area; also, previously we had considered this approach as a fall-back position for the S.H. 114 corridor in case we had difficultly with the Denton Creek Pressure System pipeline construction. As you can see from the attached memo from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, we believe the Trophy Club MUD offer to be very disadvantageous to the City of Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 10 Southlake. It is not an agreement we would recommend if we were bearing the cost of the connection, which raises the equity issue. Related perhaps inextricably to the temporary Sewer Service agreement is another issue. Recall that the Town of Trophy Club is seeking a road connection to T.W. King from the City of Southlake. T.W. King and its west r.o.w. is within our City limits. Trophy Club Mayor Carter is often quoted as to their need (desire(?)) for the connection. Since the road extension and the sewer service involve two different political jurisdictions (MUD/Town), Mayor Carter reminds us that it is unfair to tie the two issues together, to make one contingent upon the other. Legally, they are two separate issues. It is questionable as to whether or not they are two separate issues politically, and whether or not the issues should be bifurcated. The Town regularly telephones concerning when we are going to schedule their roadway connection on our agenda. I have managed to put them off without (officially) specifically linking the two issues. I am reluctant to place the roadway item on our agenda for your consideration prior to a resolution of the sewer service issue -- the lesson learned from Grapevine's Austin Oaks/S.H. 114 roadway connection is enough to convince me that suggesting an equitable sewer service agreement as precedent to the roadway connection agreement is indeed apropos. As a result of Trophy Club MUD's unwarranted high demands for the cost of the temporary connection, the possibility of the authorization by City Council to temporarily pump the wastewater from a holding tank has surfaced as an alternative. 18. West Beach Update - Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Farina have completed clean up on all but 2 lots (out of 432). We are concerned about illegal dumping on the cleared property. We would like to move quickly to acquire key lots which will enable us to close some of the interior roads to minimize this problem. There is also one relatively small pile thir of tires to remove. Completion has been slowed down by the wet grounds -- their dozer became stuck. Shana and I became stuck in one of our City pickups while inspecting the property last week. Several days later, our Code Enforcement Officer also became Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 11 stuck. We plan to organize a tour of the property with City Council when the property dries out. 19. FYI, An Illegal Dumper was caught by our Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes, on Wednesday, December 14 at our sewer lift station at Carroll and Whispering Lane. A citizen saw the person dumping scrap tile material and followed the truck to a neighborhood residence, then came by City Hall to report the incident. Glenda and a police officer immediately went to the address and'confronted the contractor doing work at that location(the owners were not at home). The contractor was issued a warning and directed to clean up the dump site. Since we did not actually observe the dumping, we would have required the citizen to make a complaint before we could issue a citation, and the citizen would probably be called to testify in court. The offender denied the accusation, but did agree to remove the debris. We plan to include an article in the special newsletter on various code and ordinance requirements which citizens may be unaware of -- including litter, dumping, open burning, etc. The telephone number of the Code Enforcement Officer will also be included. Hopefully, this will encourage citizens to report code violations as this citizen did, and with their help, we will be able to catch more violators. 20. Public Works Update - The following is the latest status of work on street projects. Peytonville - We have experienced ground water problems with the soil sub- grade. Paving date has not yet been determined. Carroll-Pre-construction conference has been held with the contractor. Clearing to begin the week of December 19 and road work to begin week of January 3. Kimball extension- Drainage work has been completed. Grading and road work is continuing. Dove Road - Final plans are due in approximately 3-4 weeks. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 , Page 12 White Chapel - Authorized to bid but will wait until after the holidays to advertise. N-4 (Wal-Mart) Sewer Line - Work is proceeding on all lines. Kimball Traffic Signals - Work is continuing. 21. FYI, in regards to SH 114/Dove Road intersection, I have spoken with Wes Heald, TxDOT District Engineer, concerning the accident on Thursday, December 1. I also spoke with him concerning the issues we discussed with City Council: speed limits on S.H. 114, lane restrictions to truck traffic, spot weighing, and pavement condition. He said that TxDOT would be out to look at the site. He has requested his attorneys to see what we could do unilaterally concerning lane restrictions on trucks; our attorneys will look at this also. (TxDOT crews were seen on Thursday patching potholes, and DPS Troopers were observed stopping trucks for weight checks.) 22. Keep Southlake Beautiful is planning to do a city-wide litter pick up on Saturday, January 14. The annual Great Texas Trash-Off is held in the spring, but KSB intends to initiate a coordinated quarterly pick up by the Adopt-A-Street groups. Currently, 17 groups have adopted streets, including: White Chapel, from the Colleyville/Southlake city limits to East Dove, N. Carroll Avenue, from FM 1709 to Johnson Elementary, N. Peytonville, from FM 1709 to West Dove, East Dove, from White Chapel to N. Kimball, West Highland, from Shady Oaks to N. Carroll, and Johnson Road and Shady Lane. If there are any other streets that you feel should also be targeted in this effort, please call Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager. 23. The Citizen Satisfaction Survey is scheduled to begin the week of January 9, 1995. Six hundred respondents will be randomly contacted by telephone by the University of North Texas consultants. The survey should take only about 15 minutes to complete per Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 13 person. Each response is completely confidential and results will be available to us only in aggregate form, so no one will know who responded in what way. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager. 24. The Business survey, conducted by the same UNT consultants, was mailed to approximately 430 businesses on December 2. As of this past Monday, over 90 responses have been received. A reminder card was sent out this week and a second mailing of the survey will be sent on January 6. A response rate of 40% is hoped for, so we are over halfway there. The report from the consultants is expected by early March. If you have any questions concerning the survey, please call Kate Barlow, Economic Development Coordinator. 25. The Corridor Advisory Committee will meet on December 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. This meeting will be a workshop for the Advisory Committee with more public hearings scheduled in early 1995. 26. Dispute Mediation Training - The 40 classroom hours of the Basic Mediation Training course have been completed by the following persons: Stephen Apple, Mike Bedrich, Bill Branum, Susan Craney, Judy Gilmore, Curtis Hawk, Pamela Muller, Annette Skupin, David Yelton, Shana Yelverton, Trey Yelverton, Andy Wambsganss, Bill White, and Ann Withington. Judge Bradley, Councilmember Franks, and Bill Low are currently trained mediators and will also be available to work with the program. The next step prior to certification by the "class" is to participate in 6 mediations (any combination of observations, co-mediations, mediations). This will be accomplished through Dallas Dispute Mediation Services through the JP Courts. The Southlake Community Dispute Resolution Service has been set up as a non-profit corporation operating through the Municipal Court. As we mentioned in our budget justification in the FY 94-95 Annual Budget, this program will offer a speedy, accessible • Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 14 and inexpensive method of dispute settlement to our citizens. In many instances, it will prevent the City from becoming a named party in someone's lawsuit. Referrals to the program will come through the Municipal Court. The exact guidelines are now being established. The program will use third party intermediaries who will be trained, neutral volunteers who bring the contending parties together to examine differences between them and to seek a common ground through which to find a mutually acceptable solution. A wide range of dispute categories to be processed include family and neighborhood conflicts, property infringement or damage, drainage disputes, and any other situation deemed appropriate for the service by the Municipal Judge. 27. Christmas Holiday Schedule for Ciry Hall - City Hall will be closed on Friday, December 23, and Monday, December 26, 1994 for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day respectively. We will also be closed on Monday, January 2, 1995 for New Year's Day. 28. "Snack with Santa" celebration is scheduled for Saturday, December 17, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Bicentennial Park. Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services, will do his best to impersonate Santa, and Liz Lea, from the Community Development Department, will be assisting as his number one elf. They will arrive at the Park in a fire truck! Ya'll Come!!! Non-perishable food items and unwrapped new toys will be collected and distributed to G.R.A.C.E. and needy Southlake families. Donations may be taken to the park. 29. Walters Family Trust Fund - Volunteer citizens of Southlake, including some SPIN representatives, will set up a booth at Albertson's on Saturday, December 17 and Sunday December 18, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to collect donations. The money will be used to establish a fund, created by the Mayor and other citizens, for immediate and on- going relief to the Walters family. Although the event may be completed prior to you reading this item, note the attached news article from yesterday's Grapevine Sun. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest December 16, 1994 Page 15 30. Continued complaints on S. Peytonville Road. We still receive numerous complaints about the conditions of S. Peytonville Road. Although much of the problems have been brought about by the rain fall and the resulting surface/sub-surface water, there are other types of complaints. One of the most frequent complaints centers on the volume of traffic and the speed of the vehicles. (It amazes me that people who live off the street even drive the street, much less speed given road conditions.) Another complaint which has resurfaced from time to time involves the horizontal alignment as we shifted the paving alignment within the r.o.w. to accommodate the trees to the greatest extent possible. We cannot realign the road at this stage of the project. There have also been complaints by Naomi Johnson about the vertical alignment in that she believes the roadway has been lowered greater than what we originally indicated. We never discussed the exact amount of cut necessary to correct the site distances for the driveways across from her property. We only indicated we needed to lower the road. Because of the shifting of the horizontal alignment at her property to accommodate her trees, and the need to adjust the vertical alignment as indicated above, there is approximately 2-3 feet of cut along her property line. It would be unwise to design the roadway in a different vertical alignment because of the safety factor. Staff will have available at the work session an exhibit showing the problems with the vertical alignment and Mrs. Johnson's request to raise the road prior to construction. See also the attached memo from Ron Harper, City Engineer, concerning Mrs. Johnson's complaints. If you are interested in reviewing the different iterations of the horizontal alignments, I have an exhibit in my office. 31. Church of Christ r.o.w. condemnation court case. I may be out of the office most of Tuesday morning and perhaps part of the afternoon due to the lawsuit involving the church and the County's taking of r.o.w. for the F.M. 1709 reconstruction project. This is the last case involving Southlake property owners. Mai lk • City of Southlake,Texas l s MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Agreement between City of Southlake and Tarrant County for the Inspection and Permitting of On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems. For the past several years the City of Southlake has had an agreement between the City of Southlake and Tarrant County Health Department for the inspection and permitting of certain on-site sewage disposal systems within the City of Southlake. The attached agreement was presented to me this week for approval by the City Council and then for approval by Tarrant County Commissioners Court. As stated in the agreement, according to Article 3, Section 64(b) of the Texas Constitution and the Texas Government Code Annotated, Chapter 791, authorizes counties and cities in the State to Texas to contract with one another for the performance of various governmental functions and services, including those in the area of public health and welfare. Whereas the format of the agreement has changed, the agreement contents are only slightly changed. I have attached for your review the previous agreement. If you have questions, one of the Registered Sanitarians from Tarrant County will be glad to answer them. /sl L 54-1 CATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS FOR THE INSPECTION AND PERMITTING OF CERTAIN ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 64(b), of the Texas Constitution and the Texas Gov. Code Annotated, Chapter 791 authorize counties and cities in the State of Texas to contract with one another for the performance of various governmental functions and services, including those in the area of public health and welfare; and WHEREAS, certain natural conditions in the City make the unregulated disposal of sewage facilities undesirable and a potential threat to the health of inhabitants; and WHEREAS, a commonly use on-site sewage disposal system in SoTTTHT.AR R is the septic tank, the improper functioning of which is causing, or may cause, pollution, or is injuring, or may injure, the public health; and WHEREAS, the City of SOUTHLAKE realizes the present or potential threat to public health and also realizes the present priorities of its municipal staff; and co, WHEREAS, the Tarant County Health Department has been authorized by the Texas Water mmission to regulate on-site sewage disposal systems; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The City of SOUTHLAKE , situated in Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called "City" acting herein by and through GARY FICKES , its duly authorized MAYOR , and Tarrant County, hereinafter called "County", acting herein by and through Tom Vandergriff, its duly authorized County Judge, as. directed by the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1 As used herein, "On-site sewage disposal system" means one or more systems of treatment devices and disposal facilities that are not regulated by the Texas Water Commission and that: (a) produce not more than 5,000 gallons of waste each day; and (b) are used only for disposal of sewage produced on the site where the system is located. SECTION 2 7unty hereby agrees to perform all required inspections and issue all necessary permits sociated with the operation of on-site sewage disposal systems within the corporate limits of the City. Said inspections and permitting shall be in accordance with all local and state laws. G (\w/ SECTION 3 In consideration for the inspection and permitting services provided, as well as the administrative costs incurred, City agrees to allow and County to charge its standard application and permit fees, and to retain one hundred percent ( 100%) of all fees collected. SECTION 4 This agreement shall begin upon the approval of both the City council and the Tarrant County commissioners' Court, and shall continue until canceled by a minimum 90 day written notice from either party. SECTION 5 This agreement is expressly contingent on the continued funding of the Environmental Quality Division of the Tarrant County Health Department in future County budgets for future fiscal years of this agreement. After the initial year, this agreement shall continue from year to year, however either governmental entity may cancel this agreement on 90 days advance written notice to the other party. (rocuted this day of , 199 , in , Tarrant nty, Texas. City of STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT COMMISSIONERS COURT By: By: Tom Vandergriff County Judge Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVE AS TO FORM: By: By: City Attorney County Legal Advisor Date: Date: _ ATTEST: ATTEST: (1011 By: City Secretary Date: Date: 5a -3 . . . . '7 /? 7 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT LWHEREAS the governing bodies of the parties herein finds the following agreement in the best interest of the citizens they serve and WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 64 of the Texas Constitution, and Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code authorize Counties and Cities in the State of Texas to contract with one another for the performance of various governmental functions and services,including those in the areas of public health and welfare;and WHEREAS, Tarrant County and the City of SOUTHLAKE pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas desire to make and enter into a contract whereby Tarrant County will make available to the City of SOUTHLAKE Food Establishment and public swimming pool Inspection Program Services for the public health protection of its residents; NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tarrant County hereinafter called"County,"acting herein by and through Tom VandergrifT,duly authorized County Judge as directed by the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, and the City of SOUTHLAKE , a municipal corporation situated in Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called"City" acting herein by and through GARY FICKES- , its duly authorized MAYOR ,do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. County hereby makes available to City for the protection of its residents Food Establishment and public swimming pool Inspection Program Services through the Tarrant County Health Department 2. The Tarrant County Health Department will provide its services to all food establishments and public swimming pools located within the corporate limits of said City during the term of this agreement: The said services shall consist of a food establishment and public swimming pool inspection program,certification of establishments for issuance of health permits, collection of fees, notification to City of violations of health ordinances, documentation of program activities within City in a quarterly report, and, where legally required by ordinance, approval of food establishment and pool managers and employer training and certification. 3. The City agrees to maintain during the period of this agreement, ordinances which: adopt the current Texas Board of Health "Rules on Food Service Sanitation" and "Rules on Retail Food Store Sanitation"; designate the Director of the Tarrant County Health Department as Health Authority for the purposes of this agreement; to require all food establishments with corporate limits to maintain a valid health permit; adopt health permit fees of$150.00 annually for each food service and retail food establishment that engages in food preparation, $100.00 annually for each retail food establishment that does not engage in food preparation, and $35.00 for each temporary food establishment; assign to the Tarrant County Health Department the authority to collect health permit fees directly from permit applicants; and, where not precluded by law,require food establishments to have certified managers and employees. (we 4. The City agrees to maintain during the period of this agreement, ordinances which: JQ—T adopt the current Texas Minimum Standards of Sanitation and Health Protection Measures, Title 5, Chapter 341, * Subchapter D, Section 341.064 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, and Design Standards for Public Swimming Pool Construction, TAC, Chapter 337, Sections.337.71 through 337.96; to designate the Director of the Tarrant County Department as Health Authc,rity for the purpose of this agreement ; to require all public swimming pools and shininee the corporate limits to maintain a valid public swimming pool permit;to adopt public swimming pool permit fees of S100 annually for each public swimming pool and spa; to assign to the Tan-ant County Health Department the authority to collect public swimming pool permit fees directly from permit applicants; and where not precluded by law, to require facilities to have certified pool managers. 5. The term of this agreement is for a period of one (1) year commencing on October 1, 1994, and ending on September 30, 1995, unless either the County or the City provides thirty (30) days written notice to the other that an amendment or termination is necessary.This contract is renewable by Tarrant County Commissioner's Court Order and approval by SOUTHLAKE city council. This approval will be documented by a letter signed by both the County Commissioners and the City Council. 6. County is an independent contractor under the terms of this agreement awns not an officer, agent, servant, or employee of the City.The City shall be responsible for enforcement of the City's health ordinances. 7. This contract is renewable by Tarrant County Commissioner's Court order and approval by SOUTHLAKE city council. This approval will be documented by a letter signed by �� the County low:ssione rs and the City Council. EXECUTED This 2 day of August , 1994 in Tan-ant County,Texas. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STATE OF TEXAS C,C,7 OF ARRANT BY: Br Tom Vandergra Date: 017 1 yq ii Date: ci- )O_Q'-( APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: APPRO ' AS TO ' • 3+ • ND LEGALITY: po,a_i ,Cp4, 3 /, , City Attorney / County • dvisor Date: ,..�.d.i. . i f/7 _Ci Date: - PCB- g(1 ATTES :i of Sw l , ;°wma BL � y l A 6a -"°e( City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Facilities Utilization Agreements: Southlake Baseball Association Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association Southlake Girl's Softball Association At its April 11, 1994 meeting, the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board directed staff to begin work on a facilities utilization agreement with three youth sports organizations: the Southlake Baseball Association, the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association, and the Southlake Girl's Softball Association. The Park Board believed that an agreement would be mutually beneficial to the associations and the City because it would clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities for each. The attached agreements are the result of months of review and negotiation. City staff had two concerns during negotiation of the agreements. First, we are sensitive to equity issues. It is imperative, we believe, to allocate resources in a fair and equitable manner, particularly since we have limited facilities and high demand for their use. Secondly, we have a strong desire to provide good customer service to our most prevalent users while ensuring that the interests of the City are protected. We believe the agreements are an important first step toward meeting these broad goals. These agreements were developed by Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, in conjunction with David Yelton, SBA, Mickey O'Brien, GSSA, and Bill Dillard, SGSA. Each dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to produce the agreements. Please place this item on the agenda for Council's review. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this item. KY FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT The parties to this agreement are the City of Southlake, Texas, herein called "City", and the Southlake Baseball Association, Inc., herein called "SBA". FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: I. PREMISES City agrees to provide game fields and practice fields as defined by Exhibit "D", SBA Field requirements. Field requirements and dates for Spring and Fall seasons shall be provided by SBA to City at least 90 days prior to opening day of a season. Facilities in Exhibit D are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this agreement. II. SEASONS AND HOURS The seasons of this agreement shall be annually for Spring Season, Fall Season and All Stars on the days of Monday through Saturday, with each facility usage to not begin Le, before 4:00 PM on weekdays or 8:00 AM on Saturdays. The following are approximate dates for significant activities: Spring Fall Coach Look all Saturdays, February third Saturday, August Practice Begins first week of March last week of August Opening Day Bronco, Pony last Saturday, March first Saturday, September Shetland, Pinto, Mustang first Saturday, April first Saturday, September Colt, Palomino close of school year first Saturday, September End of Regular Season first Std , June Novemberrst Saturday, • End of Tournaments third Saturday, second Saturday, Nov.o All Stars June, July, first week of August The facilities provided by this agreement are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. 5a-z III. RENEWAL OR TERMINATION This agreement will renew on an annual basis on January 1 of each year, with SBA having the right of first refusal to enter into a new agreement. Changes in the agreement must be requested 90 days prior to the renewal date by either party. Written notification by the City must be provided to the President of SBA at their residence. Written notification by SBA must be provided otheCity SBA gewill remove , City of Southlake at City Hall. In the event SBA terminatesagreement, its own movable equipment which is not of a permanent nature upon non-renewal of this agreement within thirty (30) days. IV. FEES AND ASSIGNMENT SBA shall not charge any fees for admission without prior approval of the Parks and Recreation Board for any event. (Example: approved tournaments) SBA reserves the right to request a voluntary donation for admission to events other than regularly • scheduled league games. SBA agrees to provide signs clearly indicating donations are requested only for the SBA activity occurring on Premises. Access to other Premises activities shall be clearly available. SBA shall not assign this agreement City. nt nor shall it rent out any property of the City without prior written consent of (6, V. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES SBA shall not engage in any activities on the premises which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law or use the premises in such a manner as to constitute any hindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. VI. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION SBA, in accordance with the City's Donation Policy shall submit to the Parks and Recreation Board for approval any proposal to install or construct temporary or • permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items. Permanent structures shall become the property of the City. SBA is allowed a maximum of two (2) signs listing SBA sponsors for the current and previous year. Signs are not to exceed the size of current sponsor signs (4 feet by 8 feet). VII. INDEMNITY SBA shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Southlake, its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official, from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the activities of SBA and its members in connection with activities conducted under this agreement. (0./ Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. Insofaras permitted ermitted by law, the City of Southlake shall indemnify and hold harmless the Southlake Baseball Association, Inc., its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the negligence of its officers, agents, servants or employees. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit or waive any governmental or sovereign immunity of the City of Southlake or any immunities applicable to its officers, agents, servants or employees, nor shall it be construed to limit or waive any insurance coverage or the City's status as an additional named insured as provided in paragraph XII of this agreement. VIII. FOOD SERVICE All food or drink prepared, served, sold, or stored shall be done so in strict conformity with all city, state, county and federal law. • IX. DOCUMENTS AND OFFICERS .SBA shall submit to the Southlake Parks and Recreation Division a copy of rules and regulations, charters, constitution, and by-laws of SBA. Names, addresses and phone numbers of all officers and board members of SBA shall also be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Division within two weeks after election or appointment. Southlake Parks and Recreation Division shall submit to SBA the Names, addresses and phone numbers of all Parks and Recreation Division supervisors and managers and Parks Board members within two weeks after election or appointment. X. ROSTERS AND SCHEDULES SBA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the number of players by age and division and zip code within one week following Opening Day of each season. A full schedule for the season will be submitted, if available one full week prior to Opening Day of each season. If full schedule is not available, SBA will submit one month's schedule, one full week prior to those scheduled games. Xl. FIELD MANAGER SBA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the names and telephone numbers of persons designated as field managers. It shall be the responsibility of the field manager to meet with and discuss field conditions with a Parks and Recreation Division representative. It shall also be the responsibility of the field manager to submit a work order form to the Parks and Recreation Division to request any maintenance not specifically mentioned within this agreement and/or needed repairs or to be The SBA Fields Manager shall meet before each season with the Parks Supe briefed on maintenance procedures and techniques. Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. 56 -4- XII. INSURANCE SBA shall maintain in effect a general liability on , naming the City as e million with such additional insured, in an amount of at least million dollars policy designed to cover the cost of defense and of liability for injuries suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. SBA agrees to make insurance documents available to the City Manager on request. SBA agrees to procure insurance to cover accident medical expenses for all players. payable by This insurance benefit will be designed to pay the excess of any expensescaused by a . other valid and collectible insurance to an insured person for an injury covered accident. XIII. LIMIT ON HOURS Of PLAY SBA agrees to stop play by 11:00 PM. Special circumstance for tournament play may be negotiated with city staff. No full inning or session should begin past 10:30 PM. XIV. COMMISSIONER coi SBA agrees to provide a league representative on-site at each SBA organized league or tournament game held on the premises. XV. EXHIBITS The City and SBA agree that the exhibits attached to this agreement are incorporated into this agreement as if set out in their entirety. Exhibits included are: 1. . MAINTENANCE EXHIBITS "A" Maintenance Agreement for Public Fields 2. CLOSURE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS EXHIBITS "B" Field Inspection and Closure Agreement 3. STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT "C" City Storage Location Assignments 4. SBA FIELD REQUIREMENTS "D" 1995 Field Requirements C Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. • 5e -5 XVI. SCH EDULING The City reserves the right to utilize the pre fo es{s scheduhen BA activities ed activities,athis agreement re not scheduled. If SBA fails to use the premises is terminated. XVII. DEFAULT If either party, City or SBA, violates any term of this agreement,termination well r party made with a the other in default a terminate e r ght to cure within t. Any t n (10) days. thirty (30) day notice This agreement is made and entered into on the day of , 1994. • CITY of SOUTHLAKE by: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Gary Fickes, MayorCity of Southlake (101 Approved as to form Randy Clowdus, President City Attorney Southlake Baseball Association, Inc. This agreement approved by the Board of Directors, Southlake Baseball Association, Inc., and entered into the minutes of the Board meeting held Steve Hull, Secretary Southlake Baseball Association, Inc. (Iv Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. (20, EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC FIELDS 1. The Parks and Recreation Division (City) shall maintain at competition quality the infield and all turf areas in the outfield to include mowing, weed control, fertilizing and herbicide spraying. 2. The City shall perform all pre-season clay and turf maintenance to include adding soil conditioners, clay renovation, and cutting infield arcs and base paths. The City shall build the pitcher's mound if needed.IThe 'ty Il also provide when deemed neay, sand, cessary. 3. soil, etc. to be used in leveling or back filling low areas 3. The City shall drag the infields Monday through Friday and on Saturday morning when necessary for scheduled league play, weather permitting. The City shall drag fields between alternate games on Saturdays. SBA shall apply water and re-stripe as required during alternate Saturday games. 4. The City shall mark all foul lines. 5. The City shall maintain all backstops, fences and gates in a safe and secure condition. SBA will ensure that the fencing will not be used for warm-up hitting Co, causing damage. 6. The City shall maintain all bleachers and dugouts in a safe and secure condition. 7. The City shall provide and maintain all area and ball field lighting systems. 8. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any infield irrigation system and watering of the infield. If field conditions warrant additional watering, SBA may water as needed. City will provide the quick coupler connections to Association at the beginning of the season. 9. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any outfield and adjacent park irrigation systems and the watering of the outfield and of non-athletic turf areas. 10.The City shall maintain the rest rooms in a safe and sanitary condition. Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. 5a-1 a 11.The City shall be responsible for all public scoreboards and'the lines leading to the scoreboards. SBA shall maintain and provide any repairs to the scoreboard control boxes. Scoreboard control boxes will be distributed through the Parks and Recreation office before the activity or season begins. All users will be required to submit a $250 deposit for each box. The security deposit is refundable if the control box is returned in good working condition. Payment of the security deposit does not release the user from responsibility for damages. Any damages incurred resulting in a repair fee equal to an amount greater than the deposit will be charged to SBA. Boxes are to be returned to the Parks and Recreation office within one week of the activity or season's completion. 12.The City shall provide and install the home plate and base stakes. 13.The City shall be responsible for chalking of baselines and any other field markings necessary for scheduled league play, Monday through Friday and Saturday mornings. The City shall provide line chalk for the purposes of completing these markings only on fields maintained and scheduled through the City. SBA may drag and line fields between games as necessary. SBA shall provide line chalk for its own additional uses and may line fields as needed in addition to the above. SBA shall provide necessary maintenance equipment for its use. Maintenance procedures and equipment should conform to City approval and field maintenance guidelines. 14.SBA shall place bases and pitchers rubbers for each game. (City will provide bases and pitchers rubber.) The City will install and maintain base pegs in ground, and provide necessary tools. For Shetland division, the first base is to be a league approved double base. SBA will request and instruct coaches to remove and store bases and pitching rubber following completion of each day's play. 15.SBA shall be responsible for daily game day collection of all litter on their fields to include playing areas, dugouts, fences and backstops. SBA will encourage collection of litter in the bleachers, concession stands and adjacent grounds. All litter shall be placed in the receptacles provided by the City. The City shall provide pick up for these receptacles. Any overflow trash resulting from concession use should be placed in the "dumpster" receptacle. 16.SBA shall be prohibited from performing any maintenance to any turf or infield areas (except as stated in #13 above), without permission from the City. 17.SBA shall ensure that all secured areas remain locked and/or are locked at the completion of each activity. The City will provide the Fields Manager keys necessary for emergency access to main gate(s) and to all field gates. Li 18.SBA will provide all necessary maintenance equipment, used for its purposes, not specifically named in this agreement. Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 7 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. EXHIBIT "B" FIELD INSPECTION AND CLOSURE AGREEMENT Reasons for Athletic Field Closure or Postponement 1. Raining at game time. 2. Playing field too wet. 3. Athletic Fields need to be closed in the interest of participant safety and/or preservation of good playing surfaces. CITY Procedures for Athletic Field Closures (Weekdays) 1. The City will inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM and will, if conditions warrant, consult with the appropriate SBA Field Manager, Commissioner, or their designate, about the status of the field(s). 2. The Parks and Recreation Division representative will take responsibility for making a decision based upon field condition or weather. No games will be postponed or canceled prior to 4:00 PM without the agreement of SBA representative. 3. After games have begun and inclement weather becomes a factor, the umpires and/or SBA officials shall follow the same guidelines for deciding cancellation or postponement. (Weekends) 1. Inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM on Friday. 2. Parks Division employee shall consult with the SBA Field Manager about the status of the fields. Saturday games will not be canceled on Friday without agreement of the SBA Field Manager. 3. If a decision at 4:00 PM Friday is not.possible, a Parks Division employee will monitor the weather and field conditions, arrive at the fields by 7:30 am Saturday morning with SBA Field Manager, or their designate, to make decisions on field conditions. Saturday PM games will not be called prior to Noon Saturday without agreement of the SBA Field Manager. Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 8 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. 54-9 (111e CITY Staff Guidelines for Implementation 1. The primary responsibility, within the Park Maintenance staff, for making field closure decisions rests with the Parks Supervisor responsible for athletic field maintenance, while working closely with the SBA representative. 2. In the Parks Supervisor's absence, the Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall make the decision concerning Athletic Field Closures. 3. The Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall consult with the Parks Supervisor on any decision concerning athletic field closures. 4. In the absence of both the Parks Supervisor and the Park Maintenance Crew Leader, a person designated by the Park Project Manager shall make decisions concerning athletic field closures. NOTIFICATIONS 1. The appropriate SBA Field Manager has the responsibility to notify the SBA and the participants about the field closure decision. (hple 2. The city staff will place notification of field conditions on the "field condition" phone line (481-5581 ext. 758 ) by 4:00 PM on weekdays and 9:00 am on weekends when activities are scheduled. 3. The maintenance crews will require a minimum of 12 hours prior notice of rescheduled games by SBA. C Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 9 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION.INC. 5 - to ce, EXHIBIT "C" STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT 1. SBA shall have use of the storage area located on the right side of the north end (formerly a boys rest room) of the maintenance building near field #1 at Bicentennial Park. 2. The term of this agreement for storage usage shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year of the Facilities Agreement. 3. SBA shall provide own security lock and provide City with a key allowing access in order to restock supplies needed by SBA. 4. City storage areas are reserved for City purposes only and access is limited to City personnel. • C C Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 10 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. DRAFT DRAFT ' EXHIBIT "D" 1995 FIELD REQUIREMENTS SPRING Division Opening Estimated League Weeks of Weeks of Practices Day Teams Games Season Tournament per Week Shetland 4-1-95 10 8 8 2 1 Pinto 4-1-95 15 12 9 2 1.5 Mustang 4-1-95 13 14 9 2 1.5 Bronco 3-25-95 13 16 10 2 2 Pony 3-25-95 12 18 10 2 2 Colt 6-1-95 3 16 8 2 1 Palomino 6-1-95 1 16 8 2 1 FIELD REQUIREMENTS: Fields Practice Dates Game Dates Li Bicentennial # 1 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 2/27 thru 3/25 thru 6/17 3/24, 6/19 thru 7/15 Bicentennial #2 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 2/27 thru 3/25 thru 6/17 3/24, 6/19 thru 7/15 Bicentennial # 3 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 2/27 thru 3/25, 4/1 3/31 (if not used by softball), 6/19 thru 7/15 Intermediate School 2/27 thru 3/31, 4/1, 4/3 thru 6/17 on Tue & Thur & Sat half days Middle School 2/27 thru 3/24 3/25 thru 7/31 High School to be determined Bicentennial #4 2/27 thru 6/17 4/1 thru 6/17 Saturdays Bicentennial # 5 2/27 thru 6/17 4/1 thru 6/17 Saturdays Country Walk#1, #2, #3 2/27 thru 6/17 N/A Note: Tournament games are in addition to league games. Each team in respective divisions is expected to have a scheduled game on Opening Day. Cs Rev.Date 11/15/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 11 OF 11 Print Date 11/15/94 SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION,INC. 5e - t2, City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Facilities Utilization Agreements: Southlake Baseball Association Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association Southlake Girl's Softball Association At its April 11, 1994 meeting, the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board directed staff to begin work on a facilities utilization agreement with three youth sports organizations: the Southlake Baseball Association, the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association, and the Southlake Girl's Softball Association. The Park Board believed that an agreement would be mutually beneficial to the associations and the City because it would clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities for each. The attached agreements are the result of months of review and negotiation. City staff had two concerns during negotiation of the agreements. First, we are sensitive to equity issues. It is imperative, we believe, to allocate resources in a fair and equitable manner, particularly since we have limited facilities and high demand for their use. Secondly, we have a strong desire to provide good customer service to our most prevalent users while ensuring that the interests of the City are protected. We believe the agreements are an important first step toward meeting these broad goals. These agreements were developed by Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, in conjunction with David Yelton, SBA, Mickey O'Brien, GSSA, and Bill Dillard, SGSA. Each dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to produce the agreements. Please place this item on the agenda for Council's review. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this item. KY L s CY FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT The parties to this agreement are the City of Southlake, Texas, herein called "City", and the Southlake Girls Softball Association, herein called "SGSA". FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: I. PREMISES City agrees to provide game fields and practice fields as defined by Exhibit "D", SGSA Field requirements. Field requirements and dates for Spring and Fall seasons shall be provided by SGSA to City at least 90 days prior to opening day of a season. Facilities in Exhibit "D" are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this agreement. II. SEASONS AND HOURS The seasons of this agreement shall be annually for Spring Season, Fall Season and tournaments on the days of Monday through Saturday, with each facility usage to Cnot begin.before 4:00 PM on weekdays or 8:00 AM on Saturdays. The following are approximate dates for significant activities: Spring Coach Look all Saturdays, February Practice Begins first week of March Opening Day last weekend of March End of Regular Season first Saturday, June Tournaments second Saturday, June III. RENEWAL OR TERMINATION This agreement will renew on an annual basis on January. 1 of each year, with SGSA having the right of first refusal to enter into a new agreement. Changes in the agreement must be requested 90 days prior to the renewal date by either party. Written notification by the City must be provided to the President of SGSA at their residence. Written notification by SGSA must be provided to the City Manager, City of Southlake at City Hall. In the event SGSA terminates this agreement, SGSA will remove its own movable equipment which is not of a permanent nature upon non-renewal of this agreement within thirty (30) days. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION IV. FEES AND ASSIGNMENT SGSA shall not charge any fees for admission without prior approval of the Parks and Recreation Board for any event. (Example: approved tournaments) SGSA reserves the right to request a voluntary donation for admission to events other than regularly scheduled league games. SGSA agrees to provide signs clearly indicating donations are requested only for the SGSA activity occurring on Premises. Access to other Premises activities shall be clearly available. SGSA shall not assign this agreement nor shall it rent out any property of the City without prior written consent of the City. V. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES SGSA shall not engage in any activities on the premises which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law or use the premises in such a manner as to constitute any hindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. VI. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION SGSA, in accordance with the City's Donation Policy shall submit to the Parks and Recreation Board for approval any proposal to install or construct temporary or Cei permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items. Permanent structures shall become the property of the City. SGSA is allowed a maximum of two (2) signs listing GSA sponsors for the current and previous year. Signs are not to exceed the size of (4 feet by 8 feet). VII. INDEMNITY SGSA shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Southlake, its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official, from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the activities of SGSA and its members in connection with activities conducted under this agreement. Insofar as permitted by law, the City of Southlake shall indemnify and hold harmless the Southlake Girls Softball Association, its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the negligence of its officers, agents, servants or employees. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit or waive any governmental or sovereign immunity of the City of Southlake or any immunities applicable to its officers, agents, servants or employees, nor shall it be construed to limit or waive any insurance coverage or the City's status as an additional named insured as provided in paragraph XII of this agreement. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION • C' VIII. FOOD SERVICE All food or drink prepared, served, sold, or stored shall be done so in strict conformity with all city, state, county and federal law. IX. DOCUMENTS AND OFFICERS SGSA shall submit to the Southlake Parks and Recreation Division a copy of rules and regulations, charters, constitution, and by-laws of GSA. Names, addresses and phone numbers of all officers and board members of SGSA shall also be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Division within two weeks after election or appointment. Southlake Parks and Recreation Division shall submit to SGSA the Names, addresses and phone numbers of all Parks and Recreation Division supervisors and managers and Parks Board members within two weeks after election or appointment. X. ROSTERS AND SCHEDULES • SGSA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the number of players by age C and division and zip code within one week following Opening Day of each season. A full schedule for the season will be submitted, if available one full week prior to Opening Day of each season. If full schedule is not available, SGSA will submit one month's schedule, one full week prior to those scheduled games. Xl. FIELD MANAGER SGSA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the names and telephone numbers of persons designated as field managers. It shall be the responsibility of the field manager to meet with and discuss field conditions with a Parks and Recreation Division representative. It shall also be the responsibility of the field manager to submit a work order form to the Parks and Recreation Division to request any maintenance not specifically mentioned within this agreement and/or needed repairs or supplies. The SGSA Field Manager shall meet before each season with the Parks Supervisor to be briefed on maintenance procedures and techniques. XII. INSURANCE SGSA shall maintain in effect a general liability insurance policy, naming the City as additional insured, in an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) with such policy designed to cover the cost of defense and of liability for injuries (100i Rev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION • suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. SGSA agrees to make insurance documents available to the City Manager on request. SGSA agrees to procure insurance to cover accident medical expenses for all. players. This insurance benefit will be designed to pay the excess of any expenses payable by other valid and collectible insurance to an insured person for an injury caused by a covered accident. XIII. LIMIT ON HOURS OF PLAY • SGSA agrees to stop play by 11 :00 PM. Special circumstance for tournament play may be negotiated with city staff. No full inning or session should begin past 10:30 PM. XIV. COMMISSIONER SGSA agrees to provide a league representative on-site at each SGSA organized . league or tournament game held on the premises. . C . • • XV. EXHIBITS The City and SGSA agree that the exhibits attached to this agreement are incorporated into this agreement as if set out in their entirety. Exhibits included are: 1 . MAINTENANCE EXHIBITS "A" Maintenance Agreement for Public Fields 2. CLOSURE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS EXHIBITS "B" Field Inspection and Closure Agreement 3. STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT "C" City Storage Location Assignments 4. SGSA FIELD REQUIREMENTS "D" 1995 Field Requirements XVI. SCHEDULING The City reserves the right to utilize the premises when SGSA activities are not scheduled. If SGSA fails to use the premises for its scheduled activities, this agreement is terminated. ce, Rev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 5c-- 5 • XVII. DEFAULT If either party, City or SGSA, violates any term of this agreement, either party may find the other in default and terminate the agreement. Any termination will be made with a thirty (30) day notice and the right to cure within ten (10). days. This agreement is made and entered into on the day of 1994. CITY of SOUTHLAKE by: . Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Gary Fickes, Mayor City of Southlake • Approved as to form Bill Dillard, President City Attorney Southlake Girls Softball Association co, This agreement approved by the Board of Directors, Southlake Girls Softball Association, and entered into the minutes of the Board meeting held , 1994. Secretary Southlake Girls Softball Association (poi Rev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION C EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC FIELDS 1. The Parks and Recreation Division (City) shall maintain at competition quality the infield and all turf areas in the outfield to include mowing, weed control, fertilizing and herbicide spraying. 2. The City shall perform all pre-season clay and turf maintenance to include adding soil conditioners, clay renovation, and cutting infield arcs and base paths. The City shall build the pitcher's mound if needed. The City shall also provide clay, sand, soil, etc. to be used in leveling or back filling low areas when deemed necessary. 3. The City shall drag the infields Monday through-Friday and on Saturday morning when necessary for scheduled league play, weather permitting. The City shall drag fields between alternate games on Saturdays. SGSA shall apply water-and re-stripe as required during alternate Saturday games. 4. The City shall mark all foul lines. 5. The City shall maintain all backstops, fences and gates in a safe and secure C condition. SGSA will ensure that the fencing will not be used for warm-up hitting causing damage. 6. The City shall maintain all bleachers and dugouts in a safe and secure condition. 7. The City shall provide and maintain all area and ball field lighting "systems. 8. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any infield irrigation system and watering of the infield. If field conditions warrant additional watering, SBA may water as needed. City will provide the quick coupler connections to Association at the beginning of the season. 9. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any outfield and adjacent park irrigation systems and the watering of the outfield and of non-athletic turf areas. 10.The City shall maintain the rest rooms in a safe and sanitary condition. Cr' Rev.Date 12/14/94 FAC ILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 11 .The City shall be responsible for all public scoreboards and the lines leading to the scoreboards. SGSA shall maintain and provide any repairs to the scoreboard control boxes. Scoreboard control boxes will be distributed through the Parks and Recreation office before the activity or season begins. All users will be required to submit a $250 deposit for each box. The security deposit is refundable if the control box is returned in good working condition. Payment of the security deposit does not release the user from responsibility for damages. Any damages incurred resulting in a repair fee equal to an amount greater than the deposit will be charged to SGSA. Boxes are to be returned to the Parks and Recreation office within one week of the activity or season's completion. 12.The City shall provide and install the home plate and base stakes. • 13.The City shall be responsible for chalking of baselines and any other field markings necessary for scheduled league play, Monday through Friday and Saturday mornings. The City shall provide line chalk for the purposes of completing these markings only on fields maintained and scheduled through the City. SGSA may drag and line fields between games as necessary. SGSA shall provide line chalk for its own additional uses and may line fields as needed in •addition to the above. SGSA shall provide necessary maintenance equipment for its use. Maintenance procedures and equipment should conform•to City approval and field maintenance guidelines. rubbers for eachgame. (City will provide 14.SGSA shall place bases and pitchers u Y bases and pitchers rubber.) The City will install and maintain base pegs in ground, and provide necessary tools. The first base is to be a league approved double base. SGSA will request and instruct coaches to remove and store bases and pitching rubber following completion of each day's play. 15.SGSA shall be responsible for daily game day collection of all litter on their fields to include playing areas, dugouts, fences and backstops. SGSA will encourage collection of litter in the bleachers, concession stands and adjacent grounds. All litter shall be placed in the receptacles provided by the City. The City shall provide pick up for these receptacles. Any overflow trash resulting from concession use should be placed in the "dumpster" receptacle. 16.SGSA shall be prohibited from performing any maintenance to any turf or infield areas (except as stated in #13 above), without permission from the City. 17.SGSA shall ensure that all secured areas remain locked and/or are locked at the completion of each activity. The City will provide the Fields Manager keys necessary for emergency access to main gate(s) and to all field gates. (1.0, Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 7 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 18.SGSA will provide all necessary maintenance equipment, used for its purposes, not specifically named in this agreement. • • C., Rev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 8 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION EXHIBIT "B" FIELD INSPECTION AND CLOSURE AGREEMENT Reasons for Athletic Field Closure or Postponement 1. Raining at game time. 2. Playing field too wet. 3. Athletic Fields need to be closed in the interest of participant safety and/or preservation of good playing surfaces. CITY Procedures for Athletic Field Closures (Weekdays) 1. The City will inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM and will, if conditions warrant, consult with the appropriate SGSA Field Manager, Commissioner, or their designate, about the status of the field(s). 2. The Parks and Recreation Division representative will take responsibility for making a decision based upon field condition or weather. No games will be postponed or canceled prior to 4:00 PM without the agreement of SGSA representative. 3. After games have begun and inc lement weather becomes a factor, the umpires and/or SGSA officials shall follow the same guidelines for deciding cancellation or postponement. (Weekends) 1 . Inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM on Friday. 2. Parks Division employee shall consult with the SGSA Field Manager about the status of the fields. Saturday games will not be canceled on Friday without agreement of the SGSA Field Manager. 3. If a decision at 4:00 PM Friday is not possible, a Parks Division employee will monitor the weather and field conditions, arrive at the fields by 7:30 am Saturday morning with SGSA Field Manager, or their designate, to make decisions on field conditions. Saturday PM games will not be called prior to Noon Saturday without agreement of the SGSA Field Manager. Rev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 9 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 5c- \O C CITY Staff Guidelines for Implementation 1 . The primary responsibility, within the Park Maintenance staff, for making field closure decisions rests with the Parks Supervisor responsible for athletic field maintenance, while working closely with the SGSA representative. 2. In the Parks Supervisor's absence, the Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall make the decision concerning Athletic Field Closures. 3. The Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall consult with the Parks Supervisor on any decision concerning athletic field closures. 4. In the absence of both the Parks Supervisor and the Park Maintenance Crew Leader, a person designated by the Park Project Manager shall make decisions concerning athletic field closures. NOTIFICATIONS 1 . The appropriate SGSA Field Manager has the responsibility to notify the SGSA and the participants about the field closure decision. 2, The city staff will place notification of field conditions on the "field condition" phone line (481-5581 ext. 758 ) by 4:00 PM on weekdays and 9:00 am on weekends when activities are scheduled. 3. The maintenance crews will require a minimum of 12 hours prior notice of rescheduled games by GSA. Rev.Date 12/14194 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 10 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION EXHIBIT "C" STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT 1 . SGSA shall have use of the storage area located on the left side of the north end (formerly a girls rest room) of the maintenance building near field #1 at Bicentennial Park. 2. The term of this agreement for storage usage shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year of the Facilities Agreement. 3. SGSA shall provide own security lock and provide City with a key allowing access in order to restock supplies needed by SGSA. 4. City storage areas are reserved for City purposes only and access is limited to City personnel. co, Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 11 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 5c-- \'�.. Co, DRAFT DRAFT EXHIBIT D 1995 FIELD REQUIREMENTS SPRING Division Opening Estimated League Weeks of Weeks of Practices Day Teams Games Season Tournament per Week FIELD REQUIREMENTS: Fields Practice Dates Game Dates { CRev.Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 12 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 SOUTHLAKE GIRL'S SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION . City of Southlake, Texas - 'MEMORANDUM (11.'" December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Facilities Utilization Agreements: Southlake Baseball Association Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association Southlake Girl's Softball Association At its April 11, 1994 meeting, the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board directed staff to begin work on a facilities utilization agreement with three youth sports organizations: the Southlake Baseball Association, the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association, and the Southlake Girl's Softball Association. The Park Board believed that an agreement would be mutually beneficial to the associations and the City because it would clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities for each. The attached agreements are the result of months of review and negotiation. City staff had two concerns during negotiation of the agreements. First, we are sensitive to equity issues. It is imperative, we believe, to allocate resources in a fair and equitable manner, particularly since we have limited facilities and high demand for their use. Secondly, we have a strong desire to provide good customer service to our most prevalent users while ensuring that the interests of the City are protected. We believe the agreements are an important first step toward meeting these broad goals. These agreements were developed by Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, in conjunction with David Yelton, SBA, Mickey O'Brien, GSSA, and Bill Dillard, SGSA. Each dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to produce the agreements. Please place this item on the agenda for Council's review. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this item. • KY (ow • . . . . FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT The parties to this agreement are the City of Southlake, Texas, herein called "City", and the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association, herein called "GSSA". FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: I. PREMISES • City agrees.to provide game fields and practice fields as defined by Exhibit "D", GSSA Field requirements. Field requirements and dates for Spring and Fall seasons shall be provided by GSSA to City at least 90 days prior to opening day of a season. Facilities in Exhibit "D" are herein called "Premises" in accordance with the terms of this agreement. II. SEASONS AND HOURS The seasons of this agreement shall be annually for Spring and Fall seasons on the days of Monday through Saturday, with each facility usage to not begin before co, 4:00 PM on weekdays or 8:00 AM on Saturdays. The following are approximate dates for significant activities: Spring Fall Practice Begins first week of February last week of August Games Begin last Saturday, March first Saturday, September End of Regular Season first Saturday, June second Saturday, November III. RENEWAL OR TERMINATION This agreement will renew on an annual basis on January 1 of each year, with GSSA having the right of first refusal to enter into a new agreement. Changes in the agreement must be requested 90 days prior to the renewal date by either party. Written notification by the City must be provided to the President of GSSA at their residence. Written notification by GSSA must be provided to the City Manager, City of Southlake at City Hall. In the event GSSA terminates this agreement, GSSA will remove its own movable equipment which is not of a permanent nature upon non-renewal of this agreement within thirty (30) days. (iveRev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION cJD - � • IV. FEES AND ASSIGNMENT GSSA shall not charge any fees for admission without prior approval of the Parks and Recreation Board for any event. (Example: approved tournaments) GSSA reserves the right to request a voluntary donation for admission to events other than regularly scheduled league games. GSSA agrees to provide signs clearly indicating donations are requested only for the GSSA activity occurring on Premises. Access to other Premises activities shall be clearly available. GSSA shall not assign this agreement nor shall it rent out any property of the City • without prior written consent of the City. V. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES • • GSSA shall not engage in any activities on the premises which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law or use the premises in such a manner as to constitute any hindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. VI. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION GSSA, in accordance with the City's Donation Policy shall submit to the Parks and Recreation Board for approval any proposal to install or construct temporary or permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items. Permanent structures shall become the property of the City. GSSA is allowed a maximum of two (2) signs listing GSSA sponsors for the current and previous year. Signs are not to exceed the size of 4 feet by 8 feet. VII. INDEMNITY GSSA shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Southlake, its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official, from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the activities of GSSA and its members in connection with activities conducted under this agreement. Insofar as permitted by law, the City of Southlake shall indemnify and hold harmless the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association, its agents, officials and employees and any umpire or official from any and all claims for bodily injury, illness, death, personal injury or property damage arising out of the negligence of its officers, agents, servants or employees. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit or waive any governmental or sovereign immunity of the City of Southlake or any immunities applicable to its officers, agents, servants or employees, nor shall it be construed to limit or waive any insurance coverage or the City's status as an additional named insured as provided in paragraph XII of this agreement. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION • • (10,1 VIII. FOOD SERVICE All food or drink prepared, served, sold, or stored shall be done so in strict conformity with all city, state, county and federal law. IX. DOCUMENTS AND OFFICERS GSSA shall submit to the Southlake Parks and Recreation Division a copy of rules and regulations, charters, constitution, and by-laws of GSSA. Names, addresses and phone numbers of all officers and board members of GSSA shall also be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Division within two weeks after election or • • appointment. Southlake Parks and Recreation Division shall submit to GSSA the Names, addresses and phone numbers of all Parks and Recreation Division supervisors and managers and Parks Board members within two weeks after election or appointment. X. ROSTERS AND SCHEDULES GSSA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the number of players by age and division and zip code within one week following Opening Day of each season. c,, A full schedule for the season will be submitted, if available one full week prior to Opening Day of each season. If full schedule is not available, GSSA will submit one month's schedule, one full week prior to those scheduled games. XI. FIELD MANAGER GSSA shall furnish the Parks and Recreation Division the names and telephone numbers of persons designated as field managers. It shall be the responsibility of the field manager to meet with and discuss field conditions with a Parks and Recreation Division representative. It shall also be the responsibility of the field manager to submit a work order form to the Parks and Recreation Division to request any maintenance not specifically mentioned within this agreement and/or needed repairs or supplies. The GSSA Fields Manager shall meet before each season with the Parks Supervisor to be briefed on maintenance procedures and techniques. XII. INSURANCE GSSA shall maintain in effect a general liability insurance policy, naming the City as additional insured, in an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) with such policy designed to cover the cost of defense and of liability for injuries Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 1 i Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION • • • • suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. GSSA agrees to make insurance documents available to the City Manager on request. GSSA agrees to procure insurance to cover accident medical expenses for all players. This insurance benefit will be designed to pay the excess of any expenses payable by other valid and collectible insurance to an insured person for an injury caused by a covered accident. XIII. LIMIT ON HOURS OF PLAY GSSA agrees.to stop play by 11 :00 PM. Special circumstance for tournament play • may be negotiated with city staff. No full half or session should begin past 10:30 PM. XIV. COMMISSIONER GSSA agrees to provide a league representative on-site at each GSSA organized league or tournament game held on the premises. XV. EXHIBITS The City and GSSA agree that the exhibits attached to this agreement are incorporated into this agreement as if set out in their entirety. Exhibits included are: 1 . MAINTENANCE EXHIBITS "A" Maintenance Agreement for Public Fields 2. CLOSURE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS EXHIBITS "B" Field Inspection and Closure Agreement 3. STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT "C" City Storage Location Assignments 4. GSSA FIELD REQUIREMENTS "D" Field Requirements XVI. SCHEDULING The City reserves the right to utilize the premises when GSSA activities are not scheduled. If GSSA fails to use the premises for its scheduled activities, this agreement is terminated. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION D -S • • XVII. DEFAULT If either party, City or GSSA, violates any term of this agreement, either party may find the other in default and terminate the agreement. Any termination will be made with a thirty (30) day notice and the right to cure within ten (10) days. This agreement is made and entered into on the day of 1994. CITY of SOUTHLAKE • • by: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Gary Fickes, Mayor City of Southlake Approved as to form President City Attorney Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association This agreement approved by the Board of Directors, Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association, Inc., and entered into the minutes of the Board meeting held , 1994. Secretary Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association • Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION • • . . EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC FIELDS 1 . The Parks and Recreation Division (City) shall maintain at competition quality all turf areas to include mowing, weed control, fertilizing and herbicide spraying. 2. The City shall perform all pre-season turf maintenance to include top dressing and cutting field marking lines. 3. The City shall mark field lines when necessary for scheduled league play. . 4. The City shall provide line chalk/paint for completing markings only on fields • maintained and scheduled through the City. GSSA shall provide line chalk/paint for its own additional uses and may line fields as needed in addition to the above. 5. The City shall maintain all goals, fences and gates in a safe and secure condition. 6. The City shall maintain all bleachers and benches in a safe and secure condition. 7. The City shall provide and maintain all area and athletic field lighting systems. 8. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any turf irrigation system and watering of the field. 9. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance of any adjacent park irrigation systems and the watering of non-athletic turf areas. 10.The City shall maintain the rest rooms in a safe and sanitary condition. 11 .The City will install and maintain goals. The Association is responsible for goal nets. 12.GSSA shall be responsible for daily game day collection of all litter on their fields to include playing areas and fences. GSSA will encourage collection of litter in the bleachers, concession stands and adjacent grounds. All litter shall be placed in the receptacles provided by the City. The City shall provide pick up for these receptacles. Any overflow trash resulting from concession use should be placed in the "dumpster" receptacle. 13.GSSA shall be prohibited from performing any maintenance to any turf areas without permission from the City. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION 5 D -'l . . . • . • . . .. • . • • • . ci14.GSSA shall ensure that all secured areas remain locked and/or are locked at the completion of each activity. The City will provide the Field Manager keys necessary for emergency access to main gate(s) and to all field gates. 15.GSSA will provide all necessary maintenance equipment, used for its purposes, not specifically named in this agreement. • • C- CRev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 7 OF 1i Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE•SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION EXHIBIT "B" FIELD INSPECTION AND CLOSURE AGREEMENT Reasons for Athletic Field Closure or Postponement 1 . Raining at game time. 2. Playing field too wet. 3. Athletic Fields need to be closed in the interest of participant safety and/or preservation of good playing surfaces. CITY Procedures for Athletic Field Closures (Weekdays) 1 . The City will inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM and will, if conditions warrant, consult with the appropriate GSSA Field Manager, Commissioner, or their designate, about the status of the field(s). 2. The Parks and Recreation Division representative will take responsibility for making a decision based upon field condition or weather. No games will be postponed or canceled prior to 4:00 PM without the agreement of GSSA representative. 3. After games have begun and inclement weather becomes a factor, the referees and/or GSSA officials shall follow the same guidelines for deciding cancellation or postponement. (Weekends) 1 . Inspect Athletic Fields by 4:00 PM on Friday. 2. Parks Division employee shall consult with the GSSA Field Manager about the status of the fields. Saturday games will not be canceled on Friday without agreement of the GSSA Field Manager. 3. If a decision at 4:00 PM Friday is not possible, a Parks Division employee will monitor the weather and field conditions, arrive at the fields by 7:30 am Saturday morning with GSSA Field Manager, or their designate, to make decisions on field conditions. Saturday PM games will not be called prior to Noon Saturday without agreement of the GSSA Field Manager. Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 8 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION CITY Staff Guidelines for Implementation 1 . The primary responsibility, within the Park Maintenance staff, for making field closure decisions rests with the Parks Supervisor responsible for athletic field maintenance, while working closely with the GSSA representative. 2. In the Parks Supervisor's absence, the Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall make the decision concerning Athletic Field Closures. 3. The Park Maintenance Crew Leader shall consult with the Parks Supervisor on any decision concerning athletic field closures. 4. In the absence of both the Parks Supervisor and the Park Maintenance Crew Leader, a person designated by the Park Project Manager shall make decisions concerning athletic field closures. NOTIFICATIONS 1 . The appropriate GSSA Field Manager has the responsibility to notify the GSSA and the participants about the field closure decision. 2. The city staff will place notification of field conditions on the "field condition" phone line (481-5581 ext. 758 ) by 4:00 PM on weekdays and 9:00 am on weekends when activities are scheduled. 3. The maintenance crews will require a minimum of 12 hours prior notice of rescheduled games by GSSA. / Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 9 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION EXHIBIT "C" STORAGE FACILITIES AGREEMENT 1 . No facilities currently assigned. 2. The term of this agreement for storage usage shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year of the Facilities Agreement. 3. GSSA shall provide own security lock and provide City with a key allowing access in order to restock supplies needed by GSSA. 4. City storage areas are reserved for City purposes only and access is limited to City personnel. Le, Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 10 OF 1 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION (0 DRAFT DRAFT / EXHIBIT "D" 1995 FIELD REQUIREMENTS SPRING Division Opening Estimated League Weeks of Weeks of Practices Day Teams Games Season Tournament per Week FIELD REQUIREMENTS: Fields Practice Dates Game Dates C Rev. Date 12/14/94 FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT PAGE 11 OF 11 Print Date 12/14/94 GRAPEVINE-SOUTHLAKE SOCCER ASSOCIATION . •. :City.of'Soutt)lake,Texas: • • • MEMORANDUM December 13, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager • SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Exterior Signage for Parks The Parks & Recreation Board has reviewed, revised, and are recommending to the City Council the attached exterior signage for Bicentennial Park and the new park property at West Beach. We are recommending a dark green as our theme color for Bicentennial Park signage and furnishings. The exact color theme will to be decided at the January Park Board meeting, when we review the architect's suggested palette of colors for the masonry and metal roofs. It is important to have the new section of the park blend with the existing park site in regards to signage and park furnishings. For the Community Building, it seemed strange to put up the letters BUILDING on a Building. So the Board has recommended calling it the Southlake Community Center. The Parks and Recreation Board and staff recommend approval of the exterior park signage for the buildings, park rules and future park site sign as attached. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. /� KM 5E—/ __Le g fMINIM 1111111101 iiimmo. The Lodge ry . err . , iiiiiiim • di kr . Off-white cast aluminum letters 8" on the building -,----- --- / , ii O 0 O I — 1 \ Southiake Community Center -,q, il \\ A •_, , \A, , 1, _e . , , . , • , ,, ,...:„ ►11 iI 1 • r Dark Green, cast aluminum letters 8" on the building - L Cast Aluminum Plaque, 12" X 17", raised letters and border Southloke Community Center Donated by Texas National Bank Moved to Site 1992 Improvements funded by City of Southlake L 3 Signs for existing outside restoom building to match signs on the new restroom building in the expansion project • 5" A 2" woMEN . • •• •• • • • .. . .. .• 5" A Le' 1/4101 Lie imp Wisimil IMPrnr ks:, Duthla - Bicentennial Park ENJOY YOUR STAY AND PLEASE FOLLOW THESE RULES & REGULATIONS: Park Hours: 6 am to 12 midnight Park in designated areas only. Motorized vehicles and bicycles allowed on paved parking areas only. Alcoholic beverages prohibited. All pets must be secured on a leash. Owners responsible for pet's waste. ‘61.9 No glass containers allowed. Horseback riding prohibited. Hitting golf balls is prohibited. Littering is prohibited. Enforced by City Ordinances For reservation information call City of Southlake Parks & Recreation 481-5581 ext. 756 Free standing Metal Monument Sign, dark green with white letters, rounded corners, Theft proof bolts, 4 feet tall L 5E-5 _. . • • . • . , . City of r"-- — SouthIäke , FUTURE PARK SITE Funded by Your Li Southlake 1 /2 cent Sales Tax Southlake Park Development Corporation 2 - 4'X8' 3/4"plywood, painted sign - white background with dark green letters and border L City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: First Southwest Asset Management - Investment Services Contract First Southwest Company currently serves as the City's Financial Advisors, assisting with bond sales, ratings and capital projects financing. First Southwest Asset Management is a division of the Company that provides investment management for local governments. A proposal has been submitted by Richard G. Long, Jr. of First Southwest that will provide a comprehensive investment strategy for the City. The Company will seek to enhance investment earnings while ensuring the safety of investment principal. The fee proposed for this service is. .10 of one percent (.0010%) of the investment portfolio's past quarter's average month end balance. For example, if the City had $10 million invested on average for three months, the fee would be $2,500 for a quarter. ($10 million times .0010% divided by 4). First Southwest will comply with the City's investment policy which guides the types of investments allowed. An overall analysis of the City's cash needs as they relate to ongoing capital projects and fund reserves will be performed. An investment strategy will be developed based on this analysis, which will be continually reviewed as the City's needs change. The agreement is terminable by either party upon thirty days written notice. I would recommend the Investment Advisory Services Agreement presented by First Southwest Asset Management. LAH fsam.wpd Cow' AGREEMENT FOR INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND FIRST SOUTHWEST ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. It is understood and agreed that the itYInvestable Monies") by the Investor and First f Southlake (the "Investor") will have from Southwest Asset Management, Inc. ("FSAM")time to time money available for investment (,,) has been requested to provide professional services to the Investor in the development and implementation of an investment strategy. This agreement (the "Agreement") shall be effective as of the date of its acceptance by the Investor. (kir 1. This Agreement shall apply to any and all Investable Monies of the Investor from time to time during the period in which this Agreement shall be effective. 2. FSAM agrees to provide its professional services and its facilities and to direct and coordinate all programs of investing as may be considered and authorized by the Investor and to assume and pay those expenses incurred by FSAM in connection with the execution of investment decisions set out in Appendix A attached hereto and incorporated by reference, provided, however, that the obligation of FSAM to pay expenses shall not include any costs incident to litigation, mandamus action, test case or other similar legal actions. 3. FSAM agrees to perform the following duties: a. Assist the Investor, its' staff and ndies y consultant and analyzingpoyed by the alternative Investor in developing cash management investment plans; b. Suggest appropriate strategies to maximize earnings; c. Prepare an investment schedule, which schedule will conform to the estimated cash needs provided to FSAM by the Investor; d. Advise the Investor on current market conditions and other general ,. information and economic data; e.alternatives; Analyze risk/return relationships between various investment f. Attend any and all meetings of the governing body of the Investor, its staff, representatives, or committees as requested by the Investor; g. Provide suggestions as to the investment of all Investable Monies of the Investor; h. Assist in the selection of investment securities, in which the Investable Monies are to be invested. Those investment securities which are eligible investment securities are listed in Appendix B attached hereto and incorporated by reference; i. Advise on the investment of bond monies as to provide the best possible rate of return to the Investor in a manner which is not inconsistent with the proceedings of the Investor authorizing the investment of the bond monies or applicable federal rules and regulations; j. Monitor compliance with the yield restriction rules as they apply to bond proceeds; (1.2,,,, 4. Investor agrees to: a. Compensate FSAM for any and all services rendered as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto; b. Provide FSAM with the schedule of estimated cash flow requirements related to the Investable Monies, and will promptly notify FSAM as to any changes in such estimated cash flow schedule; c. Allow FSAM to rely upon all information regarding schedules or other information regarding the Investable Monies as provided to it by the Investor and that FSAM shall have no responsibility to verify, through audit or investigation, the accuracy or completeness of such information. 5. In providing the investment services in this Agreement, it is agreed that FSAM shall have no liability or responsibility for any loss or penalty resulting from any investment made or not made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, except that FSAM shall be liable for its own gross negligence or willful misconduct. Furthermore, FSAM shall not be liable for any investment made which causes the interest on the Investor's obligations to become included in the gross income of the owners thereof, other than as a result of an investment made contrary to the provisions on Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"). -2- 5F-3 • 6. The fee due to FSAM in providing services pursuant to this Agreement shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix A attached hereto, and shall become due and payable as specified. Any and all expenses for which FSAM is entitled to reimbursement in accordance with Appendix A attached hereto shall become due and payable at the end of each calendar quarter in which such expenses are incurred. 8. FSAM reserves the right to buy and sell securities on behalf of the Investor through First Southwest Company. Such transactions, if any, will be performed in an arms length manor and at competitive market levels. 7. This Agreement shall become effective at the date of acceptance by the Investor as set out herein below and remain in effect from the date of acceptance until terminated by the Investor or FSAM upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, it is understood and agreed that only the amounts due to FSAM for services provided and expenses incurred to and including the date of termination will be due and payable. No penalty will be assessed for termination of this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all investments and/or monies held by FSAM shall be returned to the Investor as soon as practicable. In addition, the parties hereto agree that upon termination of this Agreement FSAM shall have no continuing obligation to the Investor regarding the investment of funds or performing any other services contemplated herein. This Agreement is submitted in duplicate originals. When accepted by the Investor, it, L together with Appendices A and B attached hereto, will constitute the entire Agreement between the Investor and FSAM for the purposes and the consideration herein specified. Acceptance will be indicated on both copies and the return of one executed copy to FSAM. Respectfully submitted, First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. • By J. Kenneth Lanyon President This agreement is hereby agreed to and executed on behalf of the City of Southlake. By Authorized Representative Title ,... Date: -3- Sic-4/ L, APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE AND EXPENSE ITEMS In consideration for the services rendered by FSAM in connection with the investment of the Investable Monies for the Investor, it is understood and agreed that its fee will be as follows: An annual fee equal to .10 of one percent (.0010%) of the investment portfolio's past quarter's average month end balance, or the equivalent thereof. Said fee shall be due and payable at the end of each investment quarter. For example: First quarter 1994 (October, November and December) service period would have been billed January 1, based on the following calculation: (October month end balance + November month end balance + December month end balance) / 3 * .0010 / 4 Said fee includes all costs of services related to Investment Services, and all reasonable travel and business expenses related to the performance of these services. Expense Items The Investor shall not be liable for normal and reasonable expenses incurred by FSAM in the performance of this Agreement. Additionally, the Investor shall not be liable for costs incurred or services rendered by FSAM before or after the Agreement period. L -4- APPENDIX B ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT SECURITIES The eligible securities and investment procedures as defined in this contract shall be limited the approved securities and procedures in the City of Southlake, Texas Investment Policy. L L -5- City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM (4110' December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 94-125 Rezoning and Concept Plan/Southlake Church of Christ Ordinance No.480-156 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Church of Christ, being 4.007 acres of land situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, Tract 5C2 and Tract 5C3.and Concept Plan approval of Lot 3, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition. LOCATION: 2501 W. Southlake Blvd., approximately 450 feet West of Brock Dr. OWNER/APPLICANT: Southlake Church of Christ CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural and "CS" Community Service District REQUESTED ZONING: "CS" Community Service District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public NO. NOTICES SENT: Nine (9) RESPONSES: One written response received within the 200' notification area: * E.I. Wiesman, 2607 W. Southlake Blvd., undecided; see attached letter. One written response received outside the 200' notification area: * June Haney,400 Brock,undecided;wants directional lighting on the security lights and the lights in the parking area, wants all lights to be on a timer, preserve as many trees as possible and require trees and shrubs in the parking area. Also, see attached letter. P&Z ACTION: October 20, 1994; Approved (7-0) ZA 94-125 Rezoning and Concept Plan subject to the first Plan Review Summary dated October 14, 1994, and with the following stipulations: 1) moving the south part of the parking lot west and north; 2) that every effort be made to address the drainage; 3) direct the lighting away from the neighboring homes; 4) that the current debris be cleaned up; 5) the temporary building on the west side of the new property be removed; and 6) the temporary building behind the existing church be removed at the first construction of the new site. riA- I City of Southlake,Texas COUNCIL ACTION: November 1, 1994; Approved (7-0) to table ZA 94-125 Rezoning and STAFF COMMENTS: Concept Plan to the November 11, 1994 City Council meeting. rietV November 15, 1994; Approved(7-0)to table ZA 94-125 Rezoning and Concept Plan to the December 6, 1994 City Council meeting per letter dated November 14, 1994 from John A. Logan, Representative for Southlake Church of Christ. December 6, 1994; Approved(7-0) First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-156, subject to the third Plan Review Summary dated December 2, 1994, deleting item #1 regarding intended points of access at the northeast corner of the site, and provided an acceptable lighting plan is submitted to Staff and approved. The Applicant has met the review comments of the third Plan Review Summary dated December 2, 1994 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached fourth Plan Review Summary dated December 16, 1994. KPGIbls (low G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES\94-125ZC.WPD 7A- a '. (-1� ZA 94-125 E. I. WIESMAN [ ` • � �.1 • 2607 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. 1 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 U OCT 1 O 1994 II (fte CH vitt LT: • OUR PROPERTY JOINS THE REQU ESTED ESTED ZONING CHANGE FOR THE FULL LENGTH ON THE SOUTH WEST BOUNDRY INITIALLY, WE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE RE-ZONING CHANGE OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE JESSE G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 18, TRACTS 5C2 & 5C3. OUR ONLY CONCERN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH CERTAIN ORDINANCES WHICH WOULD AFFECT US, LISTED IN THE SOUTHLAKE ZONING ORDINANCE, AS FOLLOWS: TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE NO. 585 THE REQUESTED ZONING CHANGE PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN [ATTACHMENT "A"] INDICATES A PARKING AREA IN A CLUSTER OF LARGE "QUALITY" VARIETY OF POST OAK TREES. SEE [PHOTO 1] THESE TREES ALSO EXIST SPORADICALLY ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDRY & IN HEAVIER NUMBERS NORTH OF THE EXISTING METAL BARN TO HIGHWAY 1709. IT IS HOPE- FUL THAT MANY OF THESE ESTABLISHED NATIVE TREES CAN BE SAVED. GLARE (howTHERE HAS'NT BEEN ANY MENTION OF LIGHTING IN THE PARKING AREA. SINCE THE PROPOSED PARKING AREA DEPICTED ON THE CONCEPT PLAN IS LOCATED JUST TO THE NORTH- EAST OF MY HOUSE, THERE IS SOME CONCERN ABOUT LIGHTING. IF OVERHEAD LIGHTING IS TO BE INSTALLED, THERE IS NO OBJECTION TO THIS, IF THE ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SOURCE IS SHIELDED SO AS TO PREVENT DIRECT RAYS OF LIGHT FROM CROSSING TOWARD OUR HOME. WEEDS & RUBBISH (536 & 601) AS DEPICTED IN PHOTOS [3-4-5-6], IS STACKED RUBBISH ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE, INSIDE THE "BUFFERYARD". SINCE THIS IS THE PACK PART OF THE CHURCH PROPERTY, WE OBJECT TO HAVING IT USED AS OPEN STORAGE, OR A DUMPING GROUND. THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TRACT 5C3 FRONTS MY HOME, AND THE STORAGE OF THIS IS QUITE UNSIGHTLY. [See ATTACHMENT "A"] R V PARKING (480) AS DEPICTED IN PHOTOS [4-5-6] ARE TRAILERS & VEHICLES PARKED IN AN OPEN AREA. SINCE THIS IS THE BACK PART OF THE CHURCH PROPERTY, WE OBJECT TO HAVING THIS AREA USED FOR AN OPEN PARKING AREA OF SELDOM USED TRAILERS & VEHICLES. THIS AREA FRONTS MY HOME. [See ATTACHMENT "A"] . (kw" * AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY: THE "OLD JELLICO ROAD" FOLLOWS THE CONTOUR LINE 662 FOR THE MOST PART TO THE HISTORICAL MARKER LOCATED ALONG HIGHWAY 1709 [SOUTHLAKE BLVD. ] '7A- 3 October 14 , 1994 (breLadies and Gentlemen of the P & Z Commission , My name is June Haney . I live at 400 Brock , Southlake . I would like to express my concerns about two items on the Oct . 20 agenda ZA94-118 and ZA94-125 . Both properties are on W. Southlake Blvd . a main entrance to Southlake . This street should set the tone for what a visitor can expect to see in our city . Since both of the properties have beautiful trees on them, I urge you to take the time to personally inspect the property with the expanded parking and buildings in mind before the P & Z meeting on October the 20th . Sincerely, J � une Haney _�L�I 17 OCT (hoe L „it tr., 4 ;394 -1 �;{ L 7R- 4 „, 04 1M ;IEK' -tot!'”-- I . : ..... 1 , 4'ilia K M -H---- ---i'-- I ]-- 1-:' --- -- f MfSlLAKE CITY LIMIT II, [� Ka 1cs ■ 1r - it -r- '-- -J__ KELLER CITY LIMIT 101 + r __ r__ _ mita IR -,OHN C�HILDRgS� a ,_. GRP,5" ;` Cj __ GRE A URIC , J. ifigALICIER ;E. . !TO' l •; ' - • Y' Milit'illiiinin iiip -..--r.. .-,, ,,,A-, 7- MLA Illiiiiir MI Iffnal...„....„__; -;,-- JP' ; -"`'s,i iiii. ' ' ' _.....-_ .4 ..........-Jiia __ ,..__„.__.__,_4._ 1 .„,_E- OL ©Q loriii. . Kd< fir . . • !:.'. J ij' , ;{`'�, Mill Mal 1 V. .be Was h ii,_;,. ' : - m � a -mumm � o v-� ,-r{, e�� _gym© , . I- _ r { M IX 7 la ����� _i_ JOHN J. FI��= •®_ A E Y = +. � : mium: iri UL i9 1.--1a �. �I1I1I o f . is .P'r sbN �g a 11111111 '�• K I ���� g . SCHOOL T"" ..-� Q_ 11M0 1E5r ��,�' � HICN SCHOOLal im I., ff1 0 - -- -- 8, '1 mii,Mxill ---p - 1!V .11, •, .iii =pia C3C 97 k i O ApD I „t �}{IAKG5RI.'� fEA-• R.J.!P ,,.. . ° IN ' T 6 kg x .cs, r1 lit, i�, .1 /i n `A A ��„ ,t wiiiiiii • ,:� GIN -.pa—,- I ,K� 1,.1K 1uK --A11"--- I IUK n4 II:i 11417 NK ®N K • ri,i. ,c 111 `' la rd� * 1 f/'RK N� R . . P jay1 l 111117711117.71717111111 " I© I t ;. . ;6! THOMAS, ,IIMI ON- GNd .rp a ©��Nag la u sNK H.1K� liblIMEIMIXI : , INK S • 1 L•c • Ey:1,- �s.1r.k i lU l_ i V?i •,. - A IN iir Y 'lial IA at -\ ' 11 �� 3 illi.j.__.--- ii .__ ___ ._.._ill iii 11„__m"k .,..,"k l_i .„„,,,,,14 CARROLL = ES = 5 TRACT MAP L 4 SCHOOL I ,. to. 'a(111111.1- II ' 77 ...-1'.� RO «KpKll1E� H., HOI�AP3O�`� GAK�I,Lc...1: sum M�A-lE5 t?. - •.>o. .J G. qtr '1A- �£Rri 1 ,/ • �l I — •Le --- Spin #15 Representatives Wayne & June Haney i .>t 2I- i "AG" 2 D 1 2C15 2 C 14 "AG" H. White -1 N. Miller 1 2 F 3 VSF "SF-1". 2 "SF-12 1 A St1V-c1-\ as� State of Tex �• / ,/ 2i 10°i% . 3 "SF-1" _ . ____ . 111111011111. 5 (--, K 5A2A C ) go 3 5A1A "AG" � is _ . :-. _ _ 5A o mi "SF-1" cm 1 11 i N .c .. , . _, , Hcsi, Y "AG" 16, U— . — . • �► "SF-1" 0 5C1 m E. Wiesman Q — . t = ► "AG"I "SF-1" [-) . � ( a I= E. Wiesman c. )_ . _ . _ 53 — r 5A2 15. 4 Ac ADJA CENT OWNERS I AND ZONING City of Southlake,Texas INCEPT PLAN REV EW MMARY ASE NO: ZA 94-125 REVIEW NO: R DATE OF REVIEW: 12/16/94 PROJECT NAME: Concept Plan for "CS" Zoning Request for Southlake Church of Christ. being 6.8 acres situated in the J. G. Allen Survey. Abstract No, 18 (Lot 3. J.G, Allen No. 18 Addition + 4.007 acres. being Tracts 5C2 and 5C3 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Southlake Church of Christ Carl E. William Peiser Surveying Company.Inc. 2501 W.Southlake Blvd. 4525 Belknap J.333 Corporate Dr.. Suite 103 Southlake. Texas 76092 Fort Worth. TX 76117 Irving. Texas 75038 PHONE:(817) 379-5298 (817) 834-2806 PHONE: (214) 714-0420 FAX: FAX: (214) 714-0282 CITY STAFF HAS RECEIVED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/12/94 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT KAREN GANDY AT(817)481-5581, EXT. 743. 1. It appears that there are three existing points of access to W. Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709). Two of the points of access located in the northeast portion of the site are directly adjacent to each other with the westernmost drive running parallel.to W. Southlake Blvd. before entering the parking lot. Staff would recommend the elimination of one of these drives, thus limiting the site to two points of access. • Adequacy of parking will be determined upon submittal of the site plan and will be based on the total seating capacity for all areas of assembly (ratio 1:3). Maximum seating capacity shall be 507 based on the 169 parking spaces shown. Note that all parking areas shall be constructed of a dustfree, all weather surface material. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a site plan, landscape plan, and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval. * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. * Denotes Informational Comment cc Southlake Church of Christ Carl E. Williams Peiser Surveying Company, Inc. G:\WPF\REV\94-125CP.W PD 7A- 1 x r 8W - E '. , ` E E R�aR L 9 .• 2 I L L C il( a �� �cEL,Ii , k 1 5 1 7•If • 7 I I ) = W 1. 5 E E n E pp L e ..� IEE. L�I ` ��"=__ , ; a�- E u 3 •cji E I' 4 ''/ ii ki ►sy3 4 Y :Iy ' a' •I =d i i i I o i sn , II : E ` _, . .. ikll .k Al i s •111:' es • / . • ."' it • • .•....i•.`�.� - °• }'!\ �'�'i: 1... r.� :swi .r.•-.:.tl ``-' —4` 1.-'• . . '.• : .. ‘• ..,.r i.1;tom i.r. .fir"'• ? i- - t •`► ., • • 1 -.,-,/,,,, --..r.N.. . i .."-e....e.-;S ifIr '.-,, X.4.1;i1.•. . •••:.: S . . .. .. •• •.• • . („„,„.. . • ...,••_. ..... .-- ♦5 i •E •J� I' ~I+.1-..ice{{• V�' . !�'Z '4 VI i ^ .1 • T • . . •i. 1' •'a •T.•(.0.� i; •:r• °ri .i F*1.t•-, ;c i Mt, ;;„,. ►., •1 ' I', in • _�• Rvirre ' . •:�^y��7�1 •••, �\ ` \\ `,• 1 A ...• ♦ I \ .' {::; % • l t Y:v idi 4. _ i .\\1\ .t\ \ \� .�P'....•'. .i4`L 1 i - ••1' . •�.1 f• `-•��r". - \\`C' \ \ \ , • ;...•. - • i 1 y -_ -.,` ?�... a�\\\4\ \r\ •_-.. . • ' A A \ t \�:• . �\ \\\� - I.- ",....A- � \_S dolt • ;I• r t - \<\-\ �.i_\ramsz,�\\`\•A t.-`\ -♦s\ �` I a 1i`/�—��r��LL,��� e�taa� I� 1 `, , = , `\y\\ `` \ \\♦ \` -♦� . • r; ,v;.-.Th--1/4r101.....-, .....t. . , , C . 1. , , . ___,,e / / . I 1 Vi...‘41ti •, •s. 1 , • . ii a E I` a 1f 2 >I 1. \ t: i x ` }- . _ . •• • .:..3�= 4 •3 • . ,- •. , _. ..-.. -r. ]•.!•,��sa._w►� .-u,uiril,ai•ta���utt'i 'a_0.......201...22.2.0012 aarz�. ...semaj. • l i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-156 1, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING 4.007 ACRES SITUATED IN THE J.G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 18, TRACT 5C2 AND TRACT 5C3, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT"A"FROM"AG" AGRICULTURAL TO "CS" COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE;DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE;PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREA ou l , exas is - - • ' : under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these (ow, changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise GSORD\ZONING\480.156 Page 1 ']A —9 producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location,lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, • WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets,helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, • WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L G:\ORD\ZONING\480.156 Page 2 9A -10 Being 4.007 acres of land situated in the J.G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18,Tract 5C2 and Tract 5C3,and more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from"AG" Agricultural to "CS" Community Service District, as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake,Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs,sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified,verified, and affirmed. • Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, (libe water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to G:\ORD\ZGNING\480.156 Page 3 '1A-l� such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. • PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1994. MAYOR (sr ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1994. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L GAORDZO 1N M8O.156 Page 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: (re G:ORDVONING,480.I56 Page 5 1A-I3 EXHIBIT "A" . (impe Being 4.007 acres of land out of the J. G. Allen Survey, Abst. 18, Tarrant County, Texas and out of a 17.871 acre tract of land conveyed to Louise Cooke as rec. in Vol. 4068, page 529, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the South line of State Highway F.M. 1709, a distance of 2485.4 ft. South and 3109.6 ft. East of the Northwest corner of the said Allen Survey; THENCE WITH SOUTH line, North 75 deg. East, 76.39 ft.; North 79 deg. 45 min. East, 243.05 ft.; North 79 deg. 09 min. East, l05_ft. to a pipe, THE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 79 deg. 09 min. East, 338.7 ft. along said South line of F.M. 1709 to an iron pin set for a corner; THENCE SOUTH 581.2 ft. to an iron pin set for a corner and said point being in the most Southerly North line of the Wiseman Tract; THENCE WEST along the Wiseman Tract, 301 ft. to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE NORTH 3 deg. 30 min. West, 518.4 ft, to the point of beginning. (we G:ORDIZONWG4480.156 Page 6 1a-I4 • EXHIBIT "B" t i Lli 1 ▪ ; E '•� • � Ei i ' i r s .. . i t }} (1.10°' . .., ...▪ °x :1 Z111111. I ii. ; 0 • I .. " E : : {lt I E i z :s u7 5 €l i li ki l e 7YVV ; 7VVV ' • u 'y G ~ 3 ;� '}41/ s• i ,- i 7 s t 4 a • c 1 . / 1 R. (ire . % \'-1' - -f'oor'1 _'S0•f•ti^• K.}' . • .'d. • I-'- .l • 1• ,r • • L. rt4 �: • ' lai ..:� IoorrY• , • _ _sunot p . . ;t°40 'f • . . .'o'er' :-s t;� '',Iv, `.`\\\ t _ ,\; -- ,.w • . 111\ . • . ..._.....,:17:.--.:::'17-2.14::::..-.::: -..\..\\.\\•7•„ 1;\‘‘.:\\... . lig I i•41.W4ta• ' ' 7 1:-, -,.-,,, ,,tNx \ ,,,a- \\\. \-•\ ------,_.--- • �, ' �▪ d '!i-. . -. . .. fi,,, _ - -....\ ,• /. plivoziasurcLa\i,s,.1_ i. -1. ram : , , • % ,, \-•, . \\ �`t• s jot 111 _ 'a�nyy II:, 4, .\\\\\ - \ - \\r.\\ \` s` \`` .\`-s. p-. • ,' _M __ z , ' ' ' \ A 1. _ 1`sJ 1'1i'• 1 —- � - ''�- ' ''ir• A.t2 AC AON L. . 10 • 1 . •S. a 6 Ordinance No. 48.0-156 f ' 1 �! • 1 1 N Page 7 ee MI — • r ,_•3• `' City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 94-139 Specific Use Permit/Southlake Church of Christ/Resolution No. 94-55 REQUESTED ACTION: Specific Use Permit to allow a church child day care center per Ordinance No.480,Section 45.1 No.2.c.on property legally described as Lot 3R, J.G. Allen No 18 Addition • LOCATION: 2501 W. Southlake Blvd.,being approximately 210 feet West of Brock Drive OWNER/APPLICANT: Southlake Church of Christ CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural REQUESTED ZONING: "CS" Community Service District (2nd Reading, December 20, 1994 City Council Meeting) LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Five (5) RESPONSES: No written responses received P &Z ACTION: November 17, 1994; Approved (7-0) Applicant's request to table ZA 94-139 Specific Use Permit to the December 8, 1994 Planning and Zoning meeting and continue the Public Hearing. December 8, 1994; Approved (5-2) ZA 94-139 Specific Use Permit subject to the Plan Review Summary dated December 2, 1994,deleting item#1 regarding points of access into the site. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of the third Plan Review Summary dated December 2, 1994 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached fourth Plan Review Summary dated December 16, 1994. KPG/bls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES\94-139SU.WPD 116-1 4 • • SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST Ministers Toby Slough, Pulpit 2501 Southlake Blvd Brian Hackney,Youth Elders Southlake, Texas 76092 Metro (817) 379-5298 Ed Hance Family Together Kenny Robinson Aubrey Wood October 27,1994 /s City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Dept. To Whom It May Concern: Playhouse Preschool is our mother's day out program at the Southlake Church of Christ. The hours are 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.on Tuesday's and Thursday's. The afternoon meal is a sack lunch sent by each individual parent. There are no meals prepared by the daycare. Our Playhouse School has no external instructional or outside play areas provided in the (kw' program. Sincerely, 13/4/kr,-- Brian Hackney Minister of Youth L •• IA k,r I.. 'Ihn" , OL"T , l,I,A I a ul w r K __V1..5-0.-- -- 1. i; 1 q q _-_ --- 1_- KSTLAKE OTY LIMIT r, ,C, o IN r --- - -r- --~'�I_ __ KCLLER an, (Mr BM DXI IONI A 1i 1 - OAR HILDRE33 Y ©1M --MO--MO . a, u •y " . �f r- g.,.r tI wA •-.'1H .' _Y-*'_ '_.,f •t .-a[!,,, , : :-TiW-f" ,:--r.:-'., ,moif ,:. ,, , ,, J. WALKER I E•� �_ �" .� IAA- I OM ., i . . . . . . , ' INN :-- _I r. • . P�J� IAIA 7 Irt WQ,a _�_ -4.- IL- f 5-- NOA1 1ma AIA MA MA IA _ «I "y,.,..e1111y�� - � t; -} w R , » 3C 7 D i -- ,•�-/1. �-1' CM • W '-f '1-;" ,C -sj,, _I._ I'r i'- _• A76 v I 'My/ ■ 1— _l'016; __ -7- -.-y !_I-Frr-,_. w q,11C �.'' _ � 'r.� ' • -�' O • Ai $ ' I -- -�' , - I.- y JOY MallE K w KELLER QT '"M4T ° i _ ' •......... _ -- AQ a_ - . 04 75 MI . . ,.. yg Ell 1� ,. .. . -__© B aE . • 0 �, - �i .lam �V 3 - --;-- - 7•lE7s 3a . HA �I • : -rIS -/,:r"1 �R Mug '_ -'r _..ZI Z,, IC ZI `+ I ' ' • MAr `.II; .. ~`„1• •,', I/""�- k x ,e �i� -1-.1 - -' 3 • '� -r « ar .0._ - 1 - s 7 » 7A « » w -HER • - M. ,A, JOHI1 J. FRES.-OJIR s• 71Ae E 2 Y 2 .-, A M1� M - - - _ _ 114 3S II At u4 - 1 I •,.- L ' r- .P12114/614 lu•1 le . - 10( �A-•U >n a..•w .•w_ I i� �.__- 0.4-.. - -: -2 , 4- Pam,. ' 3 CC 11.5 + - 1 Ajt ' FLORENCE , 8 % » SCHOOL i . (q 11'(/j f E5? I.,1 Q 4' »r RO) HIGH SCHOOL t u3 W CD a • _r 2 cot / 1s4 G.ate;0 4pJA!ES x �G ASNV/ _ t J %%Ilk - ! PAL; ' 1 W ! •4 1 z I1.I }fp3`��(`"'�1iiY�,�, _--, »4 si' aU .0 I4��� ul7a• I( I ..s1 r _IASA� • 04 ER.- ' I. Al51 --- •4 a s «•A, 54," ?ray..,.•„ .,1 ' it G. A LE' - __(-_17v�____ ,1 I o q a• �p I•—__} � 3,4' w «I f .1' N '� -_ s. fi" t1E - I 13:4 I134 ---Afl,---.I qy 3D4 • '« co Mq«13 K J,A1 41 O y '� - • 34 J. THOR(�H 1-_L A I I q4 /nM� 44 ` IS At ••.4 Is ' yw4 , ` A •.----I:1 1 IM I 14 K I ...(,- c. Y 51,N�f �R iI U ' --- 34 I T 1A»A)I 3 IA 1 4 3 _-— - _ I C3IN60.- _ - . _ PN r K Ap� o u MI ■N3 A I[ , SIN. .-.SO] - -- - I o ±, I14° tN, 1� ES I ,1is 1.7.• I M4 •17 4 ,174 P Y,A 1[. I 10 K.I •N 4 y- Y I '6I-1 ' {•/. + .3q4 I 7A'. i .( i —a 4 ' 1U N3 , /Al CJ EI HY'L _ P I • 5 Q I � w II.-a'Irk I[,•` 1-ru Y3 N, q.• =M4 NIA is 4 Il 4 1,'� IJ' 10■5;, ' .y i 7 314 ♦14 K 74 ' , ' 5 ' ems+./ .---4. •1inc--s sY-aacs s%7Cr=iY I r I V p _ -1 - — A( .. m' Y 3 DN KELLER CITY (IM/T 7 3A Ii SA «I 3 t♦ ('L -- 1_-_-_/--_ - �f_ b E5 L. CARRROIL i p, ��, E5 ELEMENTARY I 1 y >< L. TRACT MAP 2!Me SCHOOL I ME1A1E5 Lam,_ �o - maw. 70RAPS.O r GPPK E -- — — — — — t`,1 C_� IG ""G Lx' A a ,i4 u. 'RAILS S// , 2 7/ . t 1 \ Spin #15 Representatives Wayne & June Haney I 2F — kr' . . - , . -t 2F1 r 2 C 15 R. Miller' 2 D 1 2 C 14 N. Miller "SF_1"j 2F3 H. White 2 1A� 2/ ft\L ' \/cE State 01-Teias — 2/ J. Hettinger — . — . ' " MO.. 5 1 4 SF-1_ . (j/ 5A2A A1A A 2 r.,), 5 0 1 A. Peters n _1 i i N Y > \ c , as 0 5C1W m Q "AG"E. Wiesman -- - ( J. Horton "AG" E. Wiesman / } i\ 1} 53 r _C }- 5A2 1 L_. . _ . _ k-b 1 15. 4 Ac _.A., ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING I I ' 6-4 , • City of Southlake,Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY - ASE NO: ZA 94-139 REVIEW NO: FOUR DATE OF REVIEW: 12/16/94 PROJECT NAME: Specific Use Permit. Church Children's Day Care for Southlake Church of Christ. being 6.8 acres situated in the J. G. Allen Survey. Abstract No. 18 (Lot 3. J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition + 4.007 acres. being Tracts 5C2 and 5C3 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Southlake Church of Christ Carl E. William Peiser Surveying Company.Inc. 2.501 W.Southlake Blvd. 4525 Belknap 1333 Corporate Dr.. Suite 103 Southlake. Texas 76092 Fort Worth. TX 76117 Irving. Texas 75038 PHONE:(817) 379-5298 (817) 834-2806 PHONE: (214) 714-0420 FAX: FAX: (214) 714-0282 CITY STAFF HAS RECEIVED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLANS RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/12/94 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT KAREN GANDY AT(817)481-5581, EXT. 743. 1. It appears that there are three existing points of access to W. Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709). Two of the points of access located in the northeast portion of the site are directly adjacent to each other in the northeast portion of the site with the westernmost drive running parallel to W. Southlake Blvd. before entering the parking lot. Staff would recommend the elimination of one of these drives, thus limiting the site to two points of access. * Adequacy of parking will be determined upon submittal of the site plan and will be based on the total seating capacity for all areas of assembly (ratio 1:3). Maximum seating capacity shall be 507 based on the 169 parking spaces shown. Note that all parking areas shall be constructed of a dustfree, all weather surface material. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a site plan, landscape plan, and irrigation plan along with the building plans must be submitted for approval. * All signs and culverts must be permitted separately. * Denotes Informational Comment cc Southlake Church of Christ Carl E. Williams Peiser Surveying Company, Inc. G:\WPRREV\94-139SU.WPD r7 6- 5 i I i -: x i . ?LI . , .1 il . 4/ i • ��f AAA - .. . ii.1 O• • . . II i •• { I ! ..u= 1, II 81 IP i E i ri 0 it-22dh. 1 .. 1.. ....I _ I g. ... - : : ��:�� 1 ! : < i •.. I. � ,; s;, is i s f 1 i I at ,, tf o I �� $ .. • }ss 1' u u =� o y.�•I' •, F ' G rA ! I� i •� u .411.1 `: M. _,I I II E f ! a . • • iii is }i ^• - I. t • t_ .r �. , 1. ..\ •.1 : . ...•A4 V. -•i• 1\• 4♦`- - r•a. .:•.i.•, -r... '•-. ,. _i !I• . , � ' - � r • �;s / ... �' s. T`' iC �A1- 1 T '•t �' Y_•t v ••:1• i . Coy' . • \ «.a ' .,tt � r- i • ;'amp►I;I - ' ! :c } ft •- • • �}� ''� „ :y\ \• \ w ' - . 74•Al • /*IIVI-41-671gglarniagt\-a-''' '`' '.. ,1` x % ' ''''s N° • a I ! i Al 1 -� 1\ t Y \• •t\ \\ `�•_� . \ \\• -.� i `'1 \ \ \ \110 1 \ )%-\ . % \ \% -.•♦ S j . It ,!,•-,j,, .,‘A TP..‘.,AV,cA,,\V,. ,-g:.,\-.t 21g ,., - V�lR.a�._.,.A\t \ 1\ \`\ '•S , ,Y \\ \ `` \`` `````ice, r • 1 tlAl• •I I� t.1 1 1 \�OW1 \ • \ `\ \` . r i..•.'1.-:• 1V',4',,...:...-.I,*,,.,. 1n .0 i,..,. -c.r,,...,.-__.._,,4 .1,4 i,,,,. 1,r ,s,,.. .1 - I,. _ ) t. -t'� � , , , r 1 , , `_`- l�-C— ` `, s , ti \�_ a \ � ".1 \ _\per \\ ``7. ♦♦ `, .d \ • • • ... r I / • 1 \,' _.. \\ ♦ \ \\ ♦\ \-J (6-, • • ... ,,,,...,. , 1 • `a f t I f � `� >i : • i 1 >� !`(� . - c.: ..g�c ,t .., . i:•••...- - - '•r - . • •. .. •. 1 - -. . . I _. .--. .. . .._.'..:•.......a,.r..-u. t.a:-sar ..-u•w.kd:.a,..a��. RESOLUTION NO. 94-55 L A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A CHURCH CHILD DAY CARE CENTER ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 3R, J.G. ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION, ALSO KNOWN AS 2501 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD.; AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for a church child day care center has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "CS" Community Service District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1 (2.c.) of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested cr, and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1 A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for a church child day care center on the property legally described as Lot 3R, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition, also known as 2501 W. Southlake Blvd.; as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. thoive 4. 5. Resolution No. 94-55 Page 2 SECTION 2 This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF , 1994. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Gary Fickes,Mayor ATTEST: L Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake,Texas L G\WPRRFS-ORD\9455PD '16-8 EXHIBIT "A" r . 1 1 !L . . § .. • .j ; . ,. • it ii ixcax. [ �a /cc e iE• .. 1 i i :e1E i y�t [ ,� h j A I 1i I 11 ' ig!" 1E iS`' 1I a i . i . 0 /A' 1E 5 !t i E t1 4 • CIz ,1 L 1 , z tcli ! I , IY444 ! t I ` . .` ....- 1 . 1 u 4}!4 5' -I U.. `I !ii 1 F I I '•J I.l; gig Y44V `• 1 U a ■S G �. ! !` ! i o S ! • • 1101 I j J X i' 1 • • lI - -• `� - E awl .. •i _ ,~..•� . L . ... • ....... ...._ _ .... • . •. ........„ ,........•........ .... ,.•_ _ ..-......., -•___ •••• • ., .6 ....... ,. ; . .. -4.7-:-..:4 i • ♦r�\.l•1.1r. l• •..f -� i;++ �,r �I ..F 1•.2' ": ;1► ►,L�•. 141/1IM , • owls • __ . �/ zj ®sty •.,••,;ta+�` '..L,74�rr• \\ -\\`\1 \'.1 _ \ • l'•�'r.,-4_ ,., _—ter ��3 • i ,�•.. • Is....v.„....: ....„...,:x \ :i \ \ \\As ----..._ h, i11' PE E` 1-. ,'1..J��.-N - ;. `�'\ \ •\`, —`} ` t ` ..•. \�.\%. \-,-`ter eb g s s'',7--sl, ! i /• 11 low„ ,i\ , • \I\` !\\\�\\\.\�\ \• \'`,\ —, C •: \ 'i •/k , _ter.,.\l \.L• - '\<_•• _ rl 11 E . 1 . .4% ' 1,, 11 . Vti ‘\\\I ' ' ' \ .\\V\ \ 4., ss. ,... ssi , ,,‘ . „ _ J `ti % ' \ \ ` _ titTligilre.ttillin, I % 11 1\ \ \ : \ \ \ \ r\ `x.1 ,% \ 1�\11 .E • c _ r \ \� li [[[[,,,. {'�F- i VVV 1 1 :' :'���pppE ` a . \ \ \ \' `♦` 4\ L • ___ ___—, __, _ , ,..,...=__ ....,.a,_ ` ..., ._,...„,____:„ _ _____ .. • _ . ......i.a.. .- 1 - 1 Il • a „, 2 11111 Ilii - /� Resolution No. 94-55 > - J :€ 9V— _ Page 3 w City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 94-141 Rezoning Request/Ordinance No.480-159 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 6.192 acres situated in the J.W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350,Tract 1C1D LOCATION: Northeast corner of E. Dove St. and Ridgecrest Dr. OWNER: Guaranty Federal Bank,F.S.B. APPLICANT: Tom Miller CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural (iiw, REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: Two written responses received within the 200' notification area: * Gaylon Bailey, 465 E. Dove Road, undecided: (no written comments) * Robert Lee McPherson, 160 E. Dove Road, in favor. P &Z ACTION: November 17, 1994; Approved (7-0) ZA 94-141 Rezoning Request COUNCIL ACTION: December 6, 1994; Approved(7-0) First Reading, Ordinance No. 480-159 STAFF COMMENTS: The property does fall within the 65 Ldn Airport Overlay Zone and the owner will be required to sign the Avigation Easement agreed upon by • the City of Southlake and D/FW Airport. This document will be filed by separate instrument in Tarrant County Deed Records. c, gs KPG/bls G:\WPF\MEMO\CASES\94-141-ZWPD 1 C- • f I I Key( 019, ter -GR EK / r p,t,rr • 1- is Y.r• • I D ,,,' ' ' nGl 1 1 „ • 1 . I RI N f 1 S L.J -- -- -- r •, L1 I I „ „ II i I. Ills v[11 �`• I• ' v� „ — — \\\ — I • t tlt,� I `� �_��,_ i J. WIZWELL I I . I 3 _ : :7:117P , ‘�— -- -- -- --J.D. JO%ES WW1.4-44I0 • W. MILLS H+H+i++ nr,•••,;•flil ---------I J J. WIZWELL I.I t, II 1 t-- i L€ l..rw.f.1, DENTON ,_ •_J_ II ©lt� ff' r.-, • W. MILLS • .,.. i TARRANT (�f — I fa • d—— i '°. '_ IEN ivy /• . ,G F_ :. . �I' "C ak SI W P�IIEDL18d , DAbID •"/w IjT _ ., i NS` i i ri • -..car• I .e .‘ 'eS 1'. .... diti . sitttE -44' ..!. ‘. \j.:\\_3.1:1_____ ,,,.:. 1 -.• _E ,...ii, • , s‘ ,• Ir-il 1 07- i--- .. °.... Imo' f• . pVW- •poai--' - r----1 E '•......- ... -. _i f'" REIS ,D. ,, : -- ask uk 1 1 i • RVole �J'IPYtY, �_ -- xN „.nk ' Sf()0 g ' -- I I ;u4 1•k, K ' ' S�L� . iii to `• - I. JR• - 1 1------- 1,. • EJ'• : '' . . :r4 II.- 1 1.2\X ` n ,a __fr_ ErtA1E51 X 1 laCi fl,1k • II K2 PRu+c , - - --- ,k ,wf "�LL1C�►`:..'N(tc.� B. 43.1 �Yl-- II r-11. ,- -- „OOP. �.° :-T' .�� �,• '� -r�'�v.r:• c�F7IVI f I� r`v,F. '-'i� “Ot'< .K ___ I , R. '" 1 'al Ka -_fg.i it l" WS k :k fa k P'• ' t n.k i E , --- 21° I an k 1m k r ..f••° IIl k G5 EM 1 L I 14 SU -�`�- -`- RROU. --- --- - w 1,0 i ...,._.. j I. 1 lay k' ql DI I I I � i �_ DI SCHOOL IC if. -----I-- - ' Y� ,oil I afk • I.0 _I_[I. r K 1 Ir�v�-_ $ _s. s , I -AO. '� n' ' ,R°� 1 . o a L. _I,k NI f . •;4� ',rap t K I N L... : ao k 1 k i 3%� an k f 1,5 k : 1 f E5 r ,•_.,- Qa11111* f �tA k °I y y 1. 'oU" . -I O ; II.SS k 1(0 ,:., 1.k 43 • I I.1 _� I•.- I f•I f I. a IN K M 1 x,Y `JI INS AA ' 7.1 p WEST 5� 1 1 1 x 5 K E ` J. WES IC I} 1 I p1k7V I •�� I]k �Y. t"pe�Q� a NI fu Kr •- .o IA : olg Q i fN 1 NU 111 I �� I I N a.k I KS%x1 xt� It k --- N 1.Ik I SS • 6."I 3 a as „ L v • »k /� 1, °-r-'I t-11 i A(•vl`3ALO3711 H. CI1IVERS I •k -- 1.3 v L 11 ,„f I () tlk I` TRACT MAP v ` BAKER v, • ` x GRUM PER' we O�Y u r J� r- , • gp/ . ' j -----.);so. #1111--k-4,,, I.C...- d'''‘ . - L` 1 1 al n 1 M 1 m 1 r,PL ' ' ` , r1 ,, , �S. FertittaJI� 1 J. Stauffer 10 Ac �- J �J 1 2 1C1E1B Jr G "AG" "AG" T. Keen H. McPherson! WV "AG" 1 f - ` , ( 1 ND irk n FL ligS; ri 0 1 Cl A ? EY A - 350 . I I,1• iF D I— J. Shelton( R. McPherson I cn - 13. 4 Ac W "AG" I; 01 W I 0 0 „SF-1"; 8Ac . — L. 1H 1A 1 A. Kelly' "AG" I F "SF-1„1 I 1 1 Al O. Strait 2.0Ac Q T. Callicott P. Stone 1 B 1 1A3 ro 1B3C G. Balley 1B2 m "AG" lB 6. 2 Ac • — • LI "SF-1" ADJACENT OWNERS 1B3B AND ZONING r \ I\IJ-' I - I . 07 1 1 '1C-3 Spin #3 Representative Joseph Mast ',�� J rt1I `l , I Il -H I 1 1A - :I Wei_ `Y' I:E :1 t" II '2: p ' 't.i t !ii-pgi lEFa 2:� � Y 0 Q 'a s ° "Pe9 .. Ia ai st .-'E Z. , z• . ,j.aj:: ? �.F: ,. FEE .'i 0— W . l` ;_te;- .;ILA: •€ jiwt It:.- ; c . 1 . 1.0. e 2= :E€:S .Stj :::„..,:- C�.11 �pp:LFF•,8 `EIItiiCy4 E =I y't: 81:': Lt:` i.6ti: ti .l li 1t i 1.11 s E LW' \ 1 . _ I . i O Q WOW tt[coos 0 . w1 . ti. O c avow 1S3a3 DOZE e o I.os.1.Nw 111 1.3.0Y s (IIMPF. ! Eg i t rlGq (we CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-159 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING 6.192 ACRES SITUATED IN THE J.W. CHIVERS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 350, TRACT 1C1D, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL TO"SF-1A" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; (Ibie PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HERE• '; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING OR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAP ' ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERE• , • - . • _ . . ,. as is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, at a public hearing called by Le the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the G:\ORD\ZONING\480.159 Page 1 facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population,and effect on transportation,water, sewerage, schools,parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments,and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their (me original investment was made; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire,panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake,Texas,passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered,changed and amended as shown and described below: G:\ORD\ZONING\480.159 Page 2 n�+ 1� -C.0 Being a 6.192 acre tract of land situated in the J.W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350,Tract IC 1D, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural to "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential District. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake,Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake,Texas. All existing sections, subsections,paragraphs, sentences,words,phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets;to provide adequate light and air;to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development (0„ of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances L, affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation,both civil and criminal, whether pending in court G:\ORD\ZONING\480.159 Page 3 r (� C L., or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten(10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty,fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten(10)days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the . day of , 1994. MAYOR ATTEST: L CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1994. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L G:\ORDIZONING1480.159 Page 4 flC-' APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L L G:\ORD\ZONING\480.159 Page 5 p EXHIBIT "A" BEING a tract of land out of the J.W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350, Tarrant County, Texas, and being situated in the Town of Southlake, and being that certain tract of land described in a Deed recorded in Volume 5033 , Page 906, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a P-K nail set at the intersection of the centerline of Dove Road (60' implied R.O.W. ) and the centerline of Ridgecrest Road (40' implied R.O.W. ) , said point also being in the south line of said Chivers Survey; THENCE N. 01' 10' 31" E. , along the centerline of Ridgecrest Road a distance of 1274 . 00 feet to a 50d nail found for corner; THENCE N. 86 ' 57' 00" E. , at 20 . 00 feet passing a 3 inch metal fence corner post in the implied east R.O.W. of Ridgecrest Road and continuing in all a distance of 316 . 54 feet to a 5/8" iron rod for corner, said point being in the south line of the Thomas . A. Koen tract and being the northwest corner of the J.M. Shelton tract; THENCE S. 88 '26' 22" E. along the west line of said Shelton tract a distance of 386 . 16 feet to a 3 inch metal fence cornerpost for corner; THENCE S . 88 ' 26 ' 22" W. , continuing along the interior north line of said Shelton Tract a distance of 163 . 92 feet to a 3 inch Le metal fence cornerpost for corner; THENCE S . 01 '00 ' 54 " W. , continuing along the west line of said Shelton Tract a distance of 900 . 00 feet to a P-K nail set in the centerline of Dove Road, said point also being in the south line of said Chivers Survey; THENCE S . 89 '57' 55" W. , along the centerline of Dove Road and the South line of said Chivers Survey a distance of 164 . 99 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 6 . 192 acres of land. L G:\ORDIZONING'480.159 Page 6 `'1C.-t0 —,� City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 628, 2nd Reading, Adopting TMRS Increase in Employee Deposit Rate Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) administers the City's pension program. TMRS rates are based on a calendar year. Currently, the City matches employee deposits 2 to 1, with employees contributing 5% of their pay. During the FY94-95 budget work sessions, staff recommended that the employee deposit rate be increased from 5% to 6%. This increase is incorporated in the FY94-95 proposed budget at an estimated cost of $40,000. The 1994 TMRS rate is 6.14% for the 5% employee contribution at the 2 to 1 matching ratio. The proposed 6% employee contribution rate will increase the City's rate .77% to 6.91%. The City must also re- adopt annually repeating calculation of updated service credits. This provision annually updates annuity amounts to retirees based on a maximum of 70% of the change in the Consumer Price Index, less any previously granted increases. There are currently two retirees. Over the past several years, the City has strived to improve the retirement program for employees. In 1990, the employee deposit rate was 5%, with a 1 to 1 matching ratio (1.99% City rate). In 1991, the City adopted a 1 to 1.5 matching ratio (3.01% City rate). In 1992, the City adopted a 2 to 1 matching ratio (4.26% City rate). In 1993, the City adopted the Buy-Back provision, which allows employees with previously forfeited TMRS service to regain credit for that service by depositing the amount withdrawn plus a 5% per year withdrawal fee. This increased the City's contribution rate for 1993 to 5.58%. The 1994 rate is 6.14%. Neighboring cities that participate in TMRS have varied contribution rates. As of December 1993, Colleyville's contribution rate is 7%, Grapevine 6%, Keller 5%, Flower Mound 5%. All these cities have the 2 to 1 matching ratio with the exception of Keller, which has a 1.5 to 1 matching ratio. This change will be effective January 1, 1995 for all employees under the TMRS program. Staff recommends that the Council approve the ordinance increasing the employee deposit rate to 6%. LAH tmrs5t62.wpd . . ' ``Q y REr f(kW" l Ausii" T RS-C/R-T-D ORDINANCE NO. 628 TEXAS MUNICI ETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS" IN SAID SYSTEM ON AN ANNUAL BASIS FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM WHO AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ALLOWANCE ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED PRIOR AND CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY; TO INCREASE THE RATE OF DEPOSITS TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY; AND E • :LISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Authorization of Updated Service Credits. (a) On the terms and conditions set out in Sections 853.401 through 853.404 of Subtitle G of Title 8, Government Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "TMRS ACT"), each member of the Texas cili Municipal Retirement System (hereinafter referred to as the "System") who has current service credit or prior ;Nice credit in the System in force and effect on the 1st day of January of the calendar year preceding such lowance, by reason of service in the employment of the City, and on such date had at least 36 months of credited service with the System, shall be and is hereby allowed "Updated Service Credit" (as that term is defined in subsection (d) of Section 853.402 of the TMRS Act). (b) On the terms and conditions set out in Section 853.601 of the TMRS Act, any member of the System who is eligible for Updated Service Credits on the basis of service with this City, who has unforfeited credit for prior service and/or current service with another participating municipality or municipalities by reason of previous service, and was a contributing member on the 1st day of January of the calendar year preceding such allowance, shall be credited with Updated Service Credits pursuant to, calculated in accordance with, and subject to adjustment as set forth in said Section 853.601, both as to the initial grant hereunder and all future grants under this ordinance. (c) The Updated Service Credit hereby allowed and provided for shall be 100% of the "base Updated Service Credit" of the member (calculated as provided in subsection (c) of Section 853.402 of the TMRS Act). (d) Each Updated Service Credit allowed hereunder shall replace any Updated Service Credit, prior service credit, special prior service credit, or antecedent service credit previously authorized for part of the same service. (e) In accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) of Section 853.401 of the TMRS Act, the deposits required to be made to the System by employees of the several participating departments on account of current service shall be calculated from and after the effective date of this ordinance on the full amount of such arson's compensation as an employee of the City. 7z—z : Page 2. . . • • L,ction 2. Increase in Retirement Annuities. (a) On terms and conditions set out in Section 854.203 of the TMRS Act, the City hereby elects to allow and to provide for payment of the increases below stated in monthly benefits payable by the System to retired employees and to beneficiaries of deceased employees of the City under current service annuities and prior service annuities arising from service by such employees to the City. An annuity increased under this Section replaces any annuity or increased annuity previously granted to the same person. (b) The amount of the annuity increase under this Section is computed as the sum of the prior service and current service annuities on the effective date of retirement of the person on whose service the annuities are based, multiplied by 70% of the percentage change in Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, from December of the year immediately preceding the effective date of the person's retirement to the December that is 13 months before the effective date of this Section. (c) An increase in an annuity that was reduced because of an option selection is reducible in the same proportion and in the same manner that the original annuity was reduced. (d) If a computation hereunder does not result in an increase in the amount of an annuity, the amount of the annuity will not be changed hereunder. (e) The amount by which an increase under this Section exceeds all previously granted increases to an annuitant is an obligation of the City and of its account in the municipality accumulation fund of the System. cztion 3. Dates of Allowances and Increases. The initial allowance of Updated Service Credit and rease in retirement annuities hereunder shall be effective on January 1, 1995, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the System. An allowance of Updated Service Credits and an increase in retirement annuities shall be made hereunder on January 1 of each subsequent year until this ordinance ceases to be in effect under subsection (e) of Section 853.404 of the TMRS Act, provided that, as to such subsequent year, the actuary for the System has made the determination set forth in subsection (d) of Section 853.404 of the TMRS Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Section 1. That all employees of the City, who are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, shall make deposits to the System at the rate of 6% of their individual earnings. Section 2. Effective Date. Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the System, this ordinance shall be and become effective on the 1st day of January 1995. Passed and approved this the day of , 19 ATTEST: APPROVED: L. City Secretary or Clerk Mayor 7P- 3 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 629, 2nd Reading, Adopting TMRS Military Service Credit This ordinance allows the City to adopt the Military Service Credit provision in which members may purchase service credit for time served on active duty status. An employee must have at least ten years of creditable TMRS service. The military credit may be purchased for service in the Armed Forces or Reserves based on active duty status. The employee must make application for this credit and submit a deposit equal to $15 for each month of military service being purchased up to 60 months of service. The City is not required to make a lump sum contribution. The City's matching funding will be included in the calculation of the City's regular TMRS contribution rate and will be funded over the remainder of the City's amortization period. It is estimated that adoption of this ordinance will have a negligible effect on the total City contribution rate. The number of months of military service credit purchased by the employee is used to satisfy vesting and/or retirement eligibility provision of the TMRS Act. It is estimated that less than a dozen employees would qualify under this provision. Council approved this ordinance on 1st reading at their meeting December 6. Please place this item on the agenda for Council consideration. LAH tmrsmil2.wpd • • 4 '. . .. .. • • • • ;Ii F y s me 6}.r 'ti f u51N ORDINANCE NO. 629 TMRS-J TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTE AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING CERTAIN EMPLOYEE' OF THE CITY, WHO PERFORMED OR HEREAFTER PERFORM ACTIVE -ERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES (OR THEIR RESERVES OR AUXILIARIE OF THE UNITED STATES UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS, • APPLY AN' MAKE DEPOSITS FOR, AND TO RECEIVE SPECIAL CREDIT IT THE T S MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR LIMITED PORTIO OF SU k H MI ARY SERVICE, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT BY THE CITY •F SOUTH A. ITS SHARE OF THE COSTS OF ALLOWING SUCH CREDITS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 853.502, Subchapter F of Chapter 853, Title 8, Government Code as amended, the City of Southlake hereby elects to allow eligible members in its employment to establish credit in the Texas Municipal Retirement System for active military service performed as a member of Lthe armed forces or armed forces reserves of the United States or an auxiliary of the armed forces or armed forces reserves. Eligible members as used herein shall be those employees meeting the criteria set forth in Sections 853.502(b) and 853.503 of said Subchapter F, and the amount and use of creditable military service shall be as further set forth in Section 853.505. Section 2. In order to establish credit for military service hereunder, a member must deposit with the Texas Municipal Retirement System (in that member's individual account in the Employees Saving Fund), an amount equal to the number of months for which credit is sought, multiplied by $15.00. The City of Southlake agrees that its account in the Municipality Accumulation Fund is to be charged at the time of the member's retirement with an amount equal to the accumulated amount paid by the member for military service credit, multiplied by the City's current service matching ratio in effect at the date the member applies for such military service credit. / Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of ,199J. Passed and approved this the day of , 19_ ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary or Clerk Mayor City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 630, 2nd Reading, Adopting Restricted Prior Service Credits This ordinance allows the City to adopt the restricted prior service credit for service previously performed as an employee of any incorporated city or town in the United States, or Council of Governments in Texas for which the person has not otherwise received credited service in TMRS. The credit may only be used to satisfy length of service requirements for vesting and service retirement eligibility, has no monetary value, and is not used in any other computations including Updated Service Credits. The City's contribution rate will not be changed due to adoption of this provision, however, if an employee who has received this credit retires, there may be a slight actuarial cost increase. At the present time, it is estimated that less than twenty employees would have prior service that would qualify under this provision. The Council approved this ordinance on 1st reading at their meeting December 6. Please place this ordinance on the City Council agenda for consideration. LAH tmrspc2.wpd 7�� TMRS-PSC/Restricted RErfq V2 lk,i 1 Au511N ORDINANCE NO 630 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, RESTRICTED PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT TO EMPLOYEES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PREVIOUSLY PERFORMED FOR ANY INCORPORATED CITY IN THE UNITED STATES OR ANY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS IN TEXAS FOR WHICH SUCH EMPLOYEES HAVE NOT RECEIVED CREDITED SERVICE IN THIS SYSTEM; AND E TABLISHING N EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Authorization of Restricted Prior Service Credit. (a) On the terms and conditions set out in Sections 853.305 of Subtitle G of Title 8, V.T.C.A., Government Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "TMRS Act"), each L member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System (hereinafter referred to as the "System") who is now or who hereafter becomes an employee of this City shall receive restricted prior service credit for service previously performed as an employee of any incorporated city or town in the United States or of any Council of Governments in this State for which the person has not otherwise received credit service in this System, including combined service credit under Chapter 803. The service credit hereby granted bay be used only to satisfy length of service requirements for retirement eligibility, has no monetary value in computing the annuity payments allowable to the member, and may not be used in other computations, including computation of Updated Service Credits. (b) A member seeking to establish restricted prior service credit under this ordinance must take the action required under said Section 853.305 while still an employee of this City. Effective Date. Subject to approval by the Board a Trustees of the Syste this ordinance shall be and become effective on the 1st day of L,... / , 19 °l 0. Passed and approved this the day of 19 ATTEST: APPROVED: L City Secretary or Clerk Mayor 0 '' City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM L3 December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk,City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 94-143 Revised Preliminary Plat/Timber Lake Phase 5 REQUESTED ACTION: Revised Preliminary Plat for Timber Lake Phase 5,being 50.1467 acres situated in the P.J. Hyde Survey, Abstract No. 667, and being a portion of Tract 1 and a portion of Tract 2. LOCATION: Adjacent and North of W.Continental Blvd., South of Timber Lake Phases 3 &4,West of Princeton Park Addition and East of Monticello Estates. OWNER: Southlake Joint Venture APPLICANT: The Nelson Corporation (1/40,,, CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential/100-Year Flood Plain NO. NOTICES SENT: Fifteen (15) RESPONSES: No written responses received P &Z ACTION: December 8, 1994; Approved (7-0) ZA 94-143 subject to the Plat Review Summary dated December 2, 1994. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated December 2, 1994 with the exception of those items addressed in the attached second Plat Review Summary dated December 16, 1994. The previously approved Preliminary Plat is being revised to exclude the street right-of-way proposed to connect this phase with a future phase of Timber Lake to the West of the creek. However, with the transfer of ownership of this land and the approval of Monticello Estates as a gated community, the need for the street connection was eliminated. Note that one lot has been added in Block 2 where the Le right-of-way had been shown. OV KPG/bls G:\WPFFMEMO\CASES\94-143RP.WPD WA- I Rp V J ; , i I y, g'.—° - ._I L q ew, .:,".a m I o'�"MBL( , N..>.• �.Y! I NILL I rJ a, �15 Ag5`- ' 0Q �E lkrE -- I I I u e., ens UM `f , 111 as !'il ,7. __ IA1A3 A -- -' -''' ' . jp'(GE0 ® I Y .,','r, -? O T.4,--/, 1 'I1 O ,- •...•....•' ,, - --ADD ;r F E E M�,��. ..... .,.,,�•y n'i ' -n..m.n.s. I I7 a SUNK, A-•r. ie -i-(': 1 :1- 0.►" ' — .....•♦ o -- j • a �. .: - ro _ _r- _-:- -,••r',1{'1' PC, r' . ' • ' ' .L1 r E I F F Y '-ALL WGENTE""IAA ARK V. IreER Ill , .....nM ? ' • G"\ 14. FE .-, 6 a , - 6 : �� 22 ADP Y 11, ' • ., du _� _fir � 3. _ � x �. w' >< 40.4 ,�0 P CAR _"11-{4 `"I �. ,.�r�-i }_ i O z �� P L lok r HIGH SCHOOL ,Y ''%'`- ";. - n 'Np 5 w w� .1 ©„�,: �• - ^• xf Y,,� r r'-r'4.:„'f"T '"' © R.N ,. ,,,,, ,,, \ 41 .1-''.4.' ::. - - -7-E, ! MIIMIEret-15 . �}{IA G Fi (Ed fE3 R.J. P_ •. f: i ,_-I-Y Is• r. hi,, Ii-tj; T , '' a Mr ' wk �D d N � A r l "•., his - . _ — •0 irf�A NAS t 3P A,.�,,,, ±l.r .. L.......:1. �� 5TA1E.I°, 1�" aii—i crSEM Ba p1 n l_ ;<�.- ����•`itigo j, :1, i51 s k m� wNREIr:f eA / r% 1 yl(�l�aG�A GIRQ(rEFILEIRY INS'" lc �, N R7k KS At Al f1�---•I 10k YIfY®WINIl _Lk AwKv .r-3n -� ADp. .k k 1A1 I Sane, A-retie � =-♦ V ' ! • �C • t M1 6k a IA BAR - � ,. sc f`< ..r.�nr- - -- pN'�pdRtMIMI11"." ,I 0.. ,it wk A 111'.,.n, _3 -- �.,4 N .._ ; A-,em r PRI •�� __... W �AtEs r,.,.., _ F .R THE s" T,p4' l r NAY ti Li ; till ® IRAT..,... sae '�' I i D0t ❑Ae`JY I .� Jr.:,;,..1116 n 'O 'AI ' 1 -` KIN \„,,,0_, ,: . i i amn 1 litillif '','v Mk•-_._.----',-: __ Mini nn k CAR sA s- _ x EIEYENTARY I- >r _y ,/� , I ,DEL %, +` 1� I � • © SCHOOL _ ' _i._ % lj� 1. r-, ' { w. 19 At 2SM ..\\.MAE I i,,• , �1-( .� p " - N� 1 TE 3, J �° i_ p '5E. , • 1, � . " I dWIIIP:L H. �'F1®IA`�,P3•I_ - •• ;Gpp K �5 � `�'• I l I nwKr A.ua P - ,-. -\ --4 .r0j:: ' • IA.Dk ssuk ,f -R I�� a ` /J (/ �LJ v1 e�t a R• I s, Iilifir d Lp AD ER•N 1f p 7L IID .i �� 1� f1i — 1 i 1. 1 0 r i_ i W W TRACT MAP ,-e >,� GR 8 i [ i- '-, LJ y __ _\:,,_,e7, _I: -411,1- '•co —;--- j \. - / lI — - V' t. , --ram 1 •i / '. /' /'• I \ \ / 9 /� i / t I ——. 4 .. Spin # 14 Representative 2 ct° Carolyn Hobbs ---- L - [1, .3c, \ei. r .� ft = _ 4 \ , N I. , c_y,4___._ ' U Il WI 0 RE CT : • -1--Lc -- Or . Southlake J.V. c ��% - C SH��� Southlake J.V.—• • -- CT ----- -------------\ ,/ • EJ3L II • ri "P.U.D." � • . �� � � ELM�RgOK �CT 1 •—-- Y I i - O m r c O B, Iii p / in A . ,40, I g .. ," 1 L P "'K 'RE T I yr, . .. 40prr iii/pr 47/ AL ' Southlake J.V. o U . CONTIN Ni /,--,,, / —_— --- C_ Monticello y - Southlake J.V. z• I .c v �/ ( Southlake J.V. 1 I • \ m I m° l ... Ill �\� Hills of Monticello E GE •T Homes" QOoitoi E w� ¢ l 8 1 (..... N P I .� CT Q VI�� Bi .)4 /\ — 1 I "P.U.D. I ✓i - ADJACENT OWNERS AND ZONING ?A• -3 City of Southlake,Texas PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 94-143 Review No: Two Date of Review: 12/16/94 Project Name: Revised Preliminary Plat-Timber Lake Phase V OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Southlake Joint Venture The Nelson Corporation 15851 Dallas Parkway 5999 Summerside Dive Suite 100 Suite 202 Dallas,Texas 75248 Dallas,Texas 75252 Phone: (214)490-3255 Phone: (214) 380-2605 Fax: Fax: (214) 380-2609 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/12/94 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT TOM ELGIN AT(817)481-5581,EXT.753. 1. Dimension the full width of the apparent existing Continental Boulevard R.O.W.east and west of this property. 2. Dimension the R.O.W. of Parkdale Court. 3. Staff recommends that the south bufferyard along Continental be in common areas outside of lot areas. 4. The common line of Lots 3 &6,Block 11, is missing a scaled dimension. * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing "Case No. ZA 94-143" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. t('1 * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Southlake Joint Venture The Nelson Corporation -4 1 ' - 14 ti:.• • :, 4 1 ;- ; 'II / 4 lit/ 11' 1 ! ,-f, f! „ il rs - i -. i !,,:,!• 4 ilik.i.. t! Coli.....i- 1 ill iii111111111,3 . IIIII,--,- - 4 -III,,-10 illtly .. .-st.„ .„1: %III - ;it RP.; ;II • 1iizi 1 i 111 11' 11,"1----1 1.--1/-. -- /-II• 1 :1 I',,,,,; fl; PI ibl/It%il11li WON 11. b 211 Ella E:i 22 11,111illi! i•2 1111111.11 .11111.1111i HMI- If i I...4s 1 f 1- --- .1.7.t-2--s 3-_-- 1---__ • ----; s . ,ji fl.il I. :I flip 411111111j s-1 111111i as _!I:45 :1E11;;II%ji/PEIS 45! .... ..1... . .-'.1 ,. ------=---- ---' 6-N L-4 t-' _ --, 1 tr.4r,)11 ' g.0,Pi al- t221 ti ! 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'' cc En1- ; -L I")F. .;=1-,,.. c•a'.''''. .„../s.....___....., ..,.. . . .....r: -.._: • ;el.'i - • R ._...., ... . , , • ..:, ,.• :: , . °, - es and \i".zg!! - I \ ' •- /1 • • ••••,,- ,-.,,'• , ' .‘ -.--,'•-.- 7••--..„....i ONINOZ ONSSIX3 ii ;i. ihr:.-ic- ., r • - .?.s-. __.•........, .76:r*"..:•41 . -i• I ;,r' pm-az ...-\ ,--„-• , •i,4,:',11•r .il I IC- TP7 • • , "7" r,•,:i i IN i. - \ 3 :SVX31. •sviiva • NOI .LVII0dZIOD NOS13N 3H .I. • City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods Standing Committee Appointment During its May 17, 1994 meeting, the City Council appointed the initial members of the SPIN Standing Committee. At that time, Rick Patterson and Camille Rasdal were appointed to serve as co-chairs for Neighborhood#13. Staff has been informed that both of these individuals would like to step down, due to personal time constraints. Rex Potter, who currently serves as the President of Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association, has stepped forward and is willing to assume the responsibilities for the neighborhood. When appointing the initial Standing Committee, the City Council appointed eight (8) members for one year terms and eight (8) members for two year terms. The term for the representative from Neighborhood #13 was set at one year. Please place the appointment of Mr. Potter on the Council's agenda for review. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about SPIN and/or this appointment. SK ' A City of Southlake,Texas RESOLUTION NO. 94-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING A NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVE TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council is of an opinion that a citizen advisory committee would be of assistance to the City Council and City staff by providing a more available form of citizen participation in the affairs of the City and to create a forum for neighbor to neighbor communication; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has created such a committee by ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City Council appointed a representative for Neighborhood #13, who is unable to continue service as a Neighborhood Representative; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. the following is hereby appointed as Neighborhood Representative for Neighborhood #13, for the term specified to the Standing Committee for the Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) program: NEIGHBORHOOD #13, REX POTTER Section 3. This Resolution is hereby effective upon passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1994. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: Mayor Gary Fickes Sandra L. LeGrand (h.., City Secretary 9X-A r City of South lake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER December 15, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Variance to Driveway Limitation,Lot 1,Block 1,Latrobe Addition Address: 1450 S. White Chapel Blvd. Attached you will find a reduced copy of the existing final plat of Latrobe Addition (Exhibit 'A') which shows a "Common Access Easement" on Lot 2 and a•note which states the following: "Driveway access for Lot 1 must be provided by the common drive for Lot 2. Lot 1 will not be allowed drive access onto White Chapel Road." The owners of Lot 1 (Dr. and Mrs. Kent)have submitted a letter(Exhibit'B') requesting a variance to this limitation. A home exists on Lot 2 with the drive access to White Chapel being through the access easement. The building permit for Lot 1 was issued with a note that the drive approach was not approved. The Kents would like to have their own drive to White Chapel in the configuration shown on Exhibit 'C'. There are existing trees on Lot 1 which will make it difficult, but not impractical,to get a drive to the existing drive on Lot 2. We should also note that there are four(4) residential drives (one of which is a double drive) accessing White Chapel along this section of roadway. Staff has made Terry Wilkinson and their consultant,Washington and Associates, aware of the legal limitations in granting such a variance and that the proper procedure would be to vacate the existing plat and process another preliminary and final plat without the drive limitation. They are willing to do this,but given that P/Z and Council previously required the common access easement, they were unsure that such a plat request would get approved without the easement,and did not want to expend the funds without more assurance. They feel that Council's discussion or action on this variance request will give them the information they need to decide whether or not to proceed. Requested Action: Grant a variance to the driveway limitation requirement for Lot 1, Block 1, Latrobe Addition. Options 1. Grant the variance. This would allow the drive from Lot 1 and would tell the applicants that it is likely the plats would be approved, at least by Council. 2. Deny the variance. The drive for Lot 1 would have to access through the existing Lot 2 drive. 3. Suggest to them that you are not comfortable granting the variance but would be receptive /De-f 1 City of Southlake,Texas There are other options I am sure. Please place this item on the next Council agenda for their consideration. GL/bls Attachments: Exhibit 'A' - Plat of Latrobe Addition Exhibit'B' -Letter dated 12/12/94 from Dr. and Mrs. Kent Exhibit'C' - House and Drive Layouts L G:\W PF\M EMO\STAFF\CEH-V AR.W PD /De- ,. �,\;.r uA. • BLOCK 2 I 111 -_ 1Lu 5633.21'E • \ I I 1 BLOCK y -i2 • N 69'4J'06'E 1/Y iP. RI I ' ! 14 ewoiwvr•r ma.� 1/7'if. _ 291.36 S 7C3A•�E�_ _ �r ua. P.O.0 1 MONTICELLO ADDITION // E J , N 00'S1'OSE N se3s•:rE 7e_763r 55.36 3.Oq.y , 0 3__ _ + Y I P.: I CAB.r(T SLOE 662 44.75 r NIUM1 ES„, 6 3 _ _ f06. li -- 10PR NED R'10 • 1/Y I.P. 1 1 N 6V.J'06'E , .2.Op -j,NAA ,' APPROVED MAl i N 0001'1SE 27.s3 PIA SECRON 16.12 �� �N o991tlSE o � t ' 1 A AY AARON w�,ov7.Pc 7. I 21.`° $ 1.376 IBl D.R.T.tI. N 7J16•s7'E „ 60.006 s.F. • v=E.n.� 20.94 1/Y i.- 11 s MIN. FF ELEV. 599.50 ./. 1 g ppp _J2 SP53'ffiE-!/Y I.P. N \N oco,•ItE !� IE545 100 m.Fb00 $ � • � /::. f • t5 {4.43 •. 66.97 RAIN a / , / ---r 1/Y LP. ti.=>a,e•.fE S 7S,h•J3,E Y' I I/.I !N 41"J1'SPE ,67.65C '�zs.37 xss•xcEUNITSROOOWAY4�-2J• zsa.77• 11 c N 5,v2o�w -+ - --- 1 \ , t LP. '�es.n , I - T r --- \ 1 N 7sO3•zSw • �d Ir rIl Efn. __ 1/Y LP. \ N 23',TUYW \ BLOCK 1 ;� 1111 .6. I•I \\ N Sl'D2oew f a6.0 �I,"� I •rI � Itl\ .. 42.16 2 J • r! I I BLOCK 9 I L-.r.c �\ \\ .,lY I.P. \\ t52262 s:F. %/�/ I ! 1ppl oh 1 I?I \ ;•""' N 2J1r0rw\. \ \LIIN. FT ELEV.: 599.50 ��//' I f I f I 1:1 \ Ij I I liI 1 \M �11 III \ \ \ I I CREEKWAY BEND o \ \ \ W I X j i Iwwri Rawl \ \ \,J • s' JI Im r1'7 \ c}b \&. ;o r h� e PI \ SOUTHUKE/COLLE'IMLLE 4.1I9 \t•, \��w y 1 ,' I4J l�l I;II-'°uc CITY UMITS .� r \, ., ~ I q I I t I L.' 'o 'Gis �� I Q I :I Its \ \eI I 11 I 1 f w ``T .T I U I; 1 1,1 ~ JOHN W. ond OBURN OUENICHET it \ 1 ; :I 11;1 73 7612 PUi15ANT RUN ROAD •� 1 (. I : I ill i;I COT0EWILLE,.DNS 76034 c� WI_4364,PO.671 \ I �% FW I 1 I TIARRI. 1 I O.Rr.C.T. 1PNASE 1.SECTION 2 ZONED AC BIG BEAR ' I.. I' 1 Z I 1 i 11 uo661ET A.SUM WAITERS 1014&lds',IMAGE OF DENT CREEK III I I CREEK I I$61 a, 1 71 1 al l P.R.r.C.T. 1 I (N...e..W m4...o I i Imo' I�I i I 11 1 I' / " I Ij1 L_- J' - 50 23 0 50 100 150 I /IY ,,Y I '~ 1-,r 1.. NOTE: I E / / • I I R000WAY]WITS!100 YEAR V I I d : 1 R000 PLAIN INdGIED TAKEN N : SCALE Al FEET lROM RM000 INSURANCE RATE $ I a I¢I ^ ; 1 ' I. .50• MAP COI.UNITY-PANEL I' ,'PERMANENT UTILITY ESNT. -/ y�/r 6L�/1 /[J�{��6 NUMBER 460612 0015 B. 1000033,PG 1104 D.R.T.C.t. BLOCK 5 BASRRK FOR COST.20' U VOLOL 1 'SEMEN EASEMENT 71 1. .OL 7727.PO 366 VP I Ae... !- 8 oR T.C.T. 1 I . ,\\\� ' I. .�� , Nry4� Il �'/,e°I T- I L.a • 7 P� l I i .;$7 11 8 i •mil\`` • ' N 1210'2SE _ ^1� 47.20 I/ 1 I 1 70 N 5r3.'3YW N�26_SW 71.6 :' 1 \\ \..rcc 0410,1040. 17. PROJECT +o.es -/t LOCATIO / a / ' I �. / / / ' I N 555.305W / 1 S I!=I • rn•.o•eaw. J \\\ - 5e.3o ___ ..:. Timillilli N ecz6.3Sw ��-� I , -�� I/Y I.P. rou. ANFA NAAL U31S -. I ' 0FNS1i5 • E ' NOW, DRIVEWAY AO:EU POR TM/olb.bp PA,. P09 l.a .. to ldr 1 M al 2 INN* LO R1E 7l d6VF fI6W.l u f7tl61 RM ME 1O CTAIF ,/j LOT 1 PALL 10)NDr 6E All 1 n.4 City 01 9aa(M44,..east NOT M 9.0,1.lot arty doh",dr..q.. 11,.CA1 d SauUd%.r..w...III.Aphl b rwM Wilt 01APEE ROAD. et I4 4.1.41.b Sean an socain.t d B..0aodb•9 L.a do al p r..Se ,lbar N..di...404...t 440 d env such,d. r .a4...6.cod the owner and w,ba.W.^t M .1..allwv Mown ere 60..6 on or any suagreehole... M fr ch mt.a ••1a..I.a th.CM ewe and ell .. the....1 ,•a..d i.1a,...d a.lm, allable a the.t:heelI1 110N MAP ..alr...,dan0W,and W..... W ewe he Nrb(.N la c1.an9.. /ae- 3 Southwest Arlington Medical Clinic, P.A. CHRISTIAN J. RENNA,D.O. DAVID L. HANKINS, D.O. ROBERT C.KENT,D.O. FAMILY MEDICINE FAMILY MEDICINE %��� FAMILY MEDICINE AND SURGERY AND SURGERY :^, AND SURGERY December 12 , 1994 /> Honorable Mayor and Council Members City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue ., Southlake , TX 76092 Reference: Variance Request , Allowance of a single drive access onto White Chapel Boulevard for Lot 1 , Block 1 Latrobe. Dear Mayor and Council Members : By submitting this letter , we formally .request a variance to the requirement noted on the plat entitled Plat Revision, Lots 1 & 2 , Block 1 Latrobe filed for record in Cabinet A, Slide 1254 of the Now Plat Records , Tarrant County, Texas that states "Driveway access for Lot 1 must be provided by the common drive for Lot 2 . Lot 1 will not be allowed drive access onto White Chapel Road. " We are requesting that you grant a variance on this requirement that would allow Lot 1 to have a single drive access onto White Chapel Blvd. We are requesting this variance to provide safer access to and from the property. This will also help us avoid removing 5 or 6 mature oak trees on the front of the property. By granting this variance, we understand that this does not alter or remove the existing common access easement on the aforementioned filed plat . However, it will allow us more accessibility to our property . We would appreciate your favorable decision on this matter . Sincerely, Robert C . Kent , D.O . Danna A. Kent 2313 W. ARKANSAS LANE • ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76013 • METRO 261-3302 N.U`3.ID.UD.t. N.09.01.18.E. 44.75' 48.12' - N.69.43.06.E. L ► 41.16 . . 30' DRAINAGE & UTILITY ESMT. z v — — — — — — — \ N.56.35.21 a Nz \ 43.01' A z J O '1 O A O m O CO- N Z • o uO U (.'A \ in in u \ `O 0 \ m U,Z \ `."if, \ (., o \ Co u f E M A FLOODWAY u, LIMITS ^' rn 7 N Io NoETi-I Z v — "GO DX �O'T Am' 0o v m 1 ( rn vN c c.. Nz -' U 2 r S On I -4 m m c I m O o D D� I m nAi =n m I O m z O N -, (.1 10.-o" 122'-9" 17'-3' L o _T E_ _ lI --V —1a --t-- la I 1 t I 30'-0" 0'-0") JAIN ,=F S99. '> sr I FLMh LI4v, L V�, : " 1 I I I �(Zz�(j.q. 1 " 1 III 1?=6-1 i -6" 17'-3 -e--- BUILDING I �141 SETBACK f/ x ,° �, LINE D Do I 'IS �!/ y Z • o o'LI A PP��'�, m c� 1 .›D Trg�S� Do _ in -A n — D 1 r r 40' BUILDING LINE T n oz n I c COW w+ON I GRTE C I • A GCESS I / m EASE r^E WT �iI 17'-0" t0 T.__15' UTIL.. L.S., & FENCE EASEMENT i x r s.11.23.25.w. 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LILZ E89S16 xoi / eei 6D9Z£89S16 / 6V9ZSZL 008 1 no; J r O ,u u r O u L6L xl 'polP!W 'pd osewoi 'S l0l t n O /4 -moo/ i • . . . ..:1:... :• 4 J • • • ri . • . s • • ,,..- ..... --... \ ,,_v ._ .,. ....: . y . •• .1, ‘4,4...„.s.. , .• • • • • ... • ...•.„,,,,,:f..... • ,. 4;0 . 'y otri'Ne.i. . . • r- • • liofi,„ ,.,,, v , I \ • • • • I . 0 •• • . • t Po • 1,0\'' Nillik, • • .... •• , . • NOWA". •/.• J ,‘... \ „.....,,, • . .. . . • . .. , r. .\,,_ . -. •i• • • • • 4S> • 111.11 oil .. • 0. • 4/4 • . of • BUILDING LETTERS/RECESSED RACEWAY �alb�l >(�FF51ZENGE5 A l 1 C 4 n - T. • 17 sq. ft. Neon letters & Bell Jt . ,rttit. with Recessed Raceway >A ,izttrp Electrical Specifications: 1.-3„ ACO ,1E Neon: 13mm, #3500 white 4 LL(IC Transformers: (2) France 9030 P4 - — 8,_9,, --- Tonal Corm. load: 4.8 AMPS Circuits: (1) 20 AMP , • All electrical signage is U.L. approved. 1� 1 • Service signed by: Remove Bus Bar or Faces II Lifting Weight: TACO-80 Ibs 6 (�,, . . • BELL-80 lbs. aX+"^4 u ` i REF. I:! • • ♦ ,, ,.. ,.. l'-3" s I/ i 1 a 2 :,„, r. . s. .t. 0 R, ..74. p•• • • • • • • ,at,. i' tlf '(t��e�trttfl�',Iy f t !mo.,i Ylf(mt.tiVitr14i. . N. ® ." tiirltf/I+t t}i iii,1tl Aglo fJ; 1 '-— F> *r,nttrt}� !t gip, lit,r!lrlr iuilp 04011y pity, �y;; sy '] !11titit ; }} t,lilrritl s.t t'ti3+' tp 1 "4't' h t }1!f}I}i t(ta y • i9iY i°".�c.I`.'sit'N?" 'r .IVAL tI tI4t,b'.i4 fr*ti ii Iartii41�t(`pit till)+�}!� f,frr" „ :. +f► ttsl,rtl}}4}alfl ,lY�,itt (EJ�1".1 k>i>itYilurt 1�'1'.7"`:... ,,R't+ <m..,IT z n T i • ou illlittS f}idE1 'tE 1. s. < {i,l} �S ' rt}i x ti'AM041Y}l�jf .r .mt. }ft�^ 11 • r�»+� "^_, AV Y ,� i iikfrr E>r>�Ju.tt6t ,' ^Ct1r,� - f. r. ; 1 1 .}tt+, aT•... 1•! t♦ets+itl„f+' ^0�tlga'pii�? i "� y P� j c „ v, mi..n},yx ' 441 I rtr+Nnt .user k tq.},♦ytY i� t♦ rid !�f v, ti,p ,y:r• "'"A+by ` o +. �Ji 'R'i•, t,'rtt . t,♦ ::: ° .,..!:L. I a1�, s ,;3 Y,Ly ft ,ltr♦It N,Awe*v-� .f . «.Jt♦i`;S s ' ;}. ' �_ rT6:w4 It art W Tt 'it 1ir11Yt• '� 1 '�, t ti t y] CI.0 ri t• rtt*i.1 •1 +a .r.rn-n r♦e,f4 +OO o is,. ;t}t t ,,$ }, , . rr oo(li, ..rM10,4A .otw rEr lif,hu}3ootioAllil' 1:rr;r on' '' + i' `t 3,} Ufa nr n.,�:tae.t,Ir�}}�iliti 1, 31 rists somuF)t,04.0l. ,--to i,,,,S,, ,u ii«,„(04 4ikt ,;•.•t1;) • -! _ f !.,,,,�•� �t►r flrh() *441* lisaii 5A,,A,n r .i 't.1'.,^. .: 34r9..'Ai.tdi[ - ;",+..v,:vro""Imt.stl'''1rttlD>14.?•../t '/'" s"r,na>x»"9rafrf.9et•'#:tSI se.e ts4.oC Xf.?•J,4fl /� %M.''Yf �� .tJi,t:r•.3� s.st, .� Vrt?f'3ro•iiifT!.t3}e'is3>3,} 7*-7"1"...ys r. 32.78 SQUARE FEET MENUBOARD 16 t•1 Rf-F5 RE Ill GE-s 32.78 sq. ft. Drive Thry Menuboard b.00' I,conduit ii?y gent o will actor: Electrical Specifications: for speaker system I I Lamps: (4) F60T12/CW/HO 1.�tx)'t ^ r3.U0' Ballast: (1)Jefferson 2,0 ! 1. ,�"j"•T •?5+Y Anchor B•>'t i4i 256-472-100 �{ ; } rr -• of F[� • Voltage: 120V, 60Hz 3 r I l i I i Conn. load: 3.0 AMPS I i / Elec.ror-duit;SnEn Lrgt 1 (By key.contractor. Circuits: (1) 20 AMP 2.r1c1` :�'4` ro'- All electrical signage is U.L. approved. . _ —outline of base co.er 750"Conduit for snr:ake*S:ctrlrn '1 y pen.Contr;itori Service Sign by: Hinged face &removing TOP VIEW OF FOUNDATION ccossmember of menu - _panel frame Lifting Weigtht: Crated-282 lbs. approx. . Uncroted-230 lbs. approx. o ' ° 1 4'-1 1 " `" 1 ,V, V:,1111 A•LL:•, 1'k VA:''. •." r .• 7). VAiia MU'1 J ', +nta • .4V I`. 31 41 E • 6 - " �4t , tj .. • o.0kr'r j'� t,---•+nor, ,,�{• •• (r•• . . • • . 4. s; . • - V • - !ftKM ;is41• .a.. ....«.,.am..v.. 4' t l bix av ... , 20 SQUAREFEE�1 M Y NUMLN 1 SIGN StbN R�� ZENG� G Ti 20 sq. ft. Monument Sign Electrical Specifications: Lamps: F60712/CW/HO Ballast: (1)-Jefferson 256-464 Conn. load 3.0 AMPS @ 120V, 60Hz Circuits: (1) 20 AMP All electrical signage is U.L approved. Service sign by: Hinged Face Lifting Weight: 1 S0 lbs. *'-----. . . _ _V .. �\ I • •�triilr6 vol)I I xuu?t !ilea flrl"ry ttJ 1 s lr`���rt '► L , . . , 3,...9,, i 4„.,,,Aco eB EL . • . VARIES .:.. : . • • I • I DRIVE THR ' 1 .. v !4 H v.. , r y 6 AA.,4.z3 1 y� k v s #"{a d£, .s :• #� ,_ t6 4X• •r t4:1 ,° s t h . ia fi )s e s£ 43• w . .i k { •£r k it ::!.i sttyyyy qk tax;;'" s k isxt3£ s s Si:i , :r 1F', j'i f g -Po/ 1 1VIc31VVV ( d S10 = 11OVc G3I3:33dSNf1 cc'; = XX• 031VJI1d(10 39 01 lON :S3DNVH31O1 DNI ` 3NI1-IISb1d dO AI d0Jd 133S Z C'SQ� n� s z�) -�- ,.Z/ � f }JC?��/vr N:.J 1�' ± N39 I,`3 NOI1bQNnOd . .1"AV7NO D or)v,da NO'D '1`Vt�ri39 its 11 r1QNOD .1'171Z' 1 I •., .-. Z IS 'N 11N _Z I .0:fir 11 ',• II =�Sdw.. 3N1 g 0:,'?3ND rvwn1oD ,•vZ -NsIS 15N1 . CI-13M a2iV Sin N • N9IS NO . DV H NI a9ddlHS -M'1 1108 9NIHOVV1 )Y fir-9/.. V • PI 4 •,9/ �'JIA S ZlOA S19VA0W92j N91S O tVa SI 2iB111d_/ ~ \\;7/ E }.] a2NSV A.-3"61 c 4 91 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 20, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Proposed Perimeter Street Ordinance Draft 12/20/94 The significant changes made to the latest Draft (12/20/94) changes. Section III (1) The addition of the last clause "or a combination of construction and a perimeter street fee." Section VI (2) New, Sub section which gives the Council the option, if in the best interest of the City, to approve as an alternative to construction and/or perimeter street fee to overlay existing streets with a two-inch asphalt mat. This will provide an option for the Council in case a development abuts a portion of an existing street, and where the streets off-site of the development are not adequate to handle the new developments traffic. 61J- BW/sm Draft 12-20-94 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ADOPTING A NEW PERIMETER STREET ORDINANCE;THE ORDINANCE;NANCE;OVIDING FOR THE PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TH DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THIS OHO ANCE;THE DEDICATION OF RIGHT-O VIDING RULES F REGULATIONS APPLICABLE WAY FOR PERIMETER STREETS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PERIMETER FEES; PROVIDING RSEMENT OF PROVIDING DEVELOPER COSTS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; RULES AND REGULATIONT FOR ON TPERIMETERHE LMENT STREETS;OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; ' PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; PROVIDING- , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. tOlkw WHE REAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, is a homerule city acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake deems it necessary and in the regulating public interest to establish a systet the requirements for the installation of perimeter streets abutting areas or developments being formally subdivided pursuant to the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake finds that this proposed ordinance will meet a legitimate public need, clarify responsibilities of landowners and developers, assist in carrying out the community's Thoroughfare Plan, serve to protect the 1 Draft 12-20-94 public health, safety and welfare, and fulfill the purposes of Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: SECTION I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE (1) Purpose. It is the purpose of this Ordinance to guide the development of a roadway network sufficient for both existing and future traffic. This Ordinance establishes that all developers, as defined herein, shall dedicate the required right-of-way for the type of perimeter street proposed in the City of Southlake's Thoroughfare Plan and any amendments thereto, whereby the City may proactively acquire adequate right-of-way for ultimate thoroughfare need, as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan and will not have to buy right-of-way later, disrupting established residences and businesses. This Ordinance also establishes that all developers shall pay a perimeter street fee in accordance with Section V herein or, at the option of the City Council, improve the perimeter said street to meet the City's current Thoroughfare Plan and pavement standards on any existing road or street that abuts the proposed subdivision where the said road or street is inadequate or substandard according to the said Thoroughfare Plan. (2) Scope. The provisions of the Ordinance shall apply to all land hereinafter defined as new developments vihiell ab abbetted-by one or more streets now in existence or whether--they-ace proposed for installation by the City's current Thoroughfare Plan. 2 Draft 12-20-94 Lir SECTION II. DEFINITIONS (1) General Rules. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following rules shall be applied in constructing, interpreting, or otherwise defining the terms and provisions hereof: (a) Words used in the present tense shall include the future, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and words used in the plural shall include the singular. (b) The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. (c) The phrase "used for" shall include the phrases "arranged for", "designed for", "intended for", and "occupied for", and shall apply exclusively to physical uses. (2) Definitions. For the purposes of this ordinance, certain words or terms applicable hereto are defined as hereinafter provided. Words and terms used in this ordinance, but not defined in this ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Subdivision Ordinance of the City. Words and terms defined in both ordinances shall be read in harmony unless there exists an irreconcilable conflict, in which case the definition contained in this ordinance shall control. 3 Draft 12-20-94 (a) The City means the City of Southlake, Texas. (b) The Developer's Agreement is a written agreement, approved by the City Council, which addresses the physical public improvements which are to be installed in the development. (c) Perimeter street means any street which abuts or whose width lies partially within a new development. (d) Right-of-Way (abbreviated R.O.W.) means a strip of land, other than a drainage or utility easement, occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, sidewalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for another special use. (e) The Thoroughfare Plan is the written policy of the City recommending the roadway network necessary to support ultimate development in the City and the surrounding region. The ... .................. Thor ugl far..e Plan a of eet at the ti e of development sha ::be .............................................. applicable to`t e de el ;meet_: (I) Ultimate roadway section means the R.O.W. and pavement standards specified in the current Thoroughfare Plan. 4 Draft 12-20-94 SECTION III. ADMINISTRATION; ENFORCEMENT 1 Administration. The Director f:.P t prks hereb uthori ed enli ree the provisions of;this Ordinance Tt e.City..Council shall determ ne which of::;the : : ; : >:.:: . <::>::. >t _ it : <:' >.elo<.er's:>:>.:'.. reement:<:::n foilow�o s1�atI:be::�. xed :.r��;t�e.;;���el� ez:;;and::axl�).�c���:.I.n:tl � v . p.:.:: . . order that.the City's best,:interests be server a perimeter street fee, construction of street .. ..::. .' ..::.:iii:i Lii}ii ::iiiiiii:lii:r:i.:j:.:::Fi::i::?i:l:is i:ii:��.'���.::: _. .: .. .:.. im ovem as.r:.,,;u d ere or a.combir ation:af construction and a perimeter strut fee (2) Deposit of fees. Fees paid pursuant to this Ordinance;section}shall be placed by the City into the perimeter street fund and shall be specifically reserved and used for the construction of perimeter street improvements in accordance with the current Thoroughfare Plan. The Council shall determine the timing and priority of expenditure of these funds through its capital improvement program budgeting process. (3) Failure to comply. Any developer who fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with the provisions of this ordinance wit and may be prosecuted i„a' court in addition to any ether remedies available to the City provided herein. I ,,, 5 Draft 12-20-94 SECTION IV. DEDICATION A II CONS;I UC`T'IO r IN RIGHT-OF-WAY .................................................................. .............................................................. .................................................................. (1) A developer shall be required to dedicate the required right-of-way for the type of perimeter street specified in the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Where a development borders only one side of a perimeter street, the developer shall be required to dedicate the appropriate amount of right-of-way as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance to the center line of the perimeter street. In the event that the development in some manner borders a perimeter street on both sides, the developer shall dedicate the entire width of the right-of-way of said perimeter street. (2) Under no circumstances shall a developer be required to dedicate right-of-way along any one perimeter street greater than one-half of a ninety foot (90') right-of-way. It shall Lir be presumed that any right-of-way requirements greater than ninety feet in width are designed to accommodate Arterials designed to provide transportation services not directly attributable solely to the surrounding development. (3) Wherever a developer is required to dedicate right-of-way for a perimeter street and/or to construct perimeter street improvements, the City may require the developer to dedicate right-of-way for ancillary drainage improvements and to install any and all necessary supporting drainage improvements or facilities. (4) If the perimeter street is already developed and improved to current City standards, the developer shall be required to dedicate any additional right-of-way needed for other public improvements directly adjacent to the perimeter street. The developer shall further 6 Draft 12-20-94 be required to install, reinstall, or upgrade any curbs, gutters, drainage improvements, sidewalks, driveway aprons, lighting or other facilities as necessary to meet City standards. SECTION V. PERIMETER STREET FEE (1) In the event the City Council determines that the perimeter street fee should be paid, the Developer shall pay to the City a portion of the full cost of roadway improvements required to upgrade the perimeter street to the current City standard street (including, but not limited to, excavation, subgrade preparation, paving, curb and gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, lighting, utility adjustments, engineering, and other necessary facilities and appurtenances) and dedicate the necessary right-of-way for the perimeter street. The required payment will be based upon the classification of the perimeter street in the Thoroughfare Plan. If the perimeter street is a Local Street, the fee will be equal to one-half of the full cost of constructing a Local Street. If the perimeter street is a Collector or Arterial street, the fee will be equal to one-third of the full cost of constructing the street. (2) The amounts of the perimeter street fees for Local, Collector and Arterial Streets shall be adopted by the City Council in the City's Schedule of Fees. The Director of Public Works shall submit annual updates of perimeter street fees for consideration by the City Council. 7 Draft 12-20-94 tilipr (3) Perimeter street fees shall be paid to the City's Director of Finance prior to the execution of the Developer's Agreement. (4) If the City Council should determine that the perimeter street was constructed as the current City street section by a prior developer on the other side of the right-of-way under the terms and conditions of this ordinance, the current Developer shall be charged one-half the cost per linear foot of installing the perimeter road and related improvements multiplied by the number of linear feet of the perimeter street abutting the new development. The Director of Finance shall pay these funds, less 10% of the funds for each year the improved street section has been in service, to the original developer of the perimeter street as soon as possible after verification of all calculations, costs, and amounts by the City Council. No payments will be refunded to the original developer after the improved street section has been in service ten years. SECTION VI. INSTALLMENT OF A ROADWAY SECTION (1) In the event that the City Council determines that a Developer should install or improve a perimeter street in lieu of a paying a perimeter fee, the Developer will be required to install a minimum of two full lanes, in full conformance with the standards established by the Thoroughfare Plan. The Developer will be required to pay for all construction, engineering, testing, and inspection costs. 8 Draft 12-20-94 'tliW pity Ct?unerl t4aya through the IDevelt per's Agreernent, approve as ari all r tix e e ov iug o <;' xisti reet Urfa (siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' eet ' eentt 'and.... ee :::: m<roved€::to current: it ;::standards ::::: `he:»overly ::<: f::existi <::::road s€rf ace(s) optio :<:may be aut prize <by the City<;Couuncil only when the overlay _.: ...:a: :.:::;:..f:;::: road:::>:b #:::::serves::the:::>Ci s:::>best>interest:::and>meeets:::::the::::needs:<::o ':> nei borhood and e�rrnmunit ...jn. dev i >:_»`.>,' t.:area. This a: roach will; nor all 1 approved only where there rs an.;tmmediate -need to:secure improvement o `a residential street and such .a'''r€p osed:in pro ernent:,'roject>is not:currentl scheduled i n:the'':ca rtal is (3) Any Developer constructing the entire street surface of a perimeter street may be eligible to receive a rebate of one-half of the complete cost of the street structure, curb and gutter, and related drainage facilities when development activity occurs on the opposite side of the street right-of-way in accordance with Section V(4) of this ordinance. (4) The City will reimburse the Developer in an amount equivalent to one-sixth (1/6th) of the total cost of constructing the minimum two lanes or one-third (1/3rd) the total cost of constructing the entire road together with ancillary improvements by crediting the Developer against development fees owed on the remainder of the subdivision project. In no event will the credit allowed by the City exceed one-half of the total development fees attributable to the complete subdivision project. oir.• 9 Draft 12-20-94 SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION VIII. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION IX. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. Cr.. 10 Draft 12-20-94 SECTION X. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION XI. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. ,,, 11 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 20, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Schedule of Fees to Include the Proposed Perimeter Street Fee At the second reading of the proposed Perimeter Street Ordinance, City Council will need to amend the Resolution: Schedule of Fees by adding the following: Perimeter Street Fee: Arterial/Collector - interim 24' section $45.50 per linear foot of frontage No curb and gutter 4" HMAC Residential - interim 24' section $43.50 per linear foot of frontage No curb and gutter 2" HMAC Note: The only difference in the "Interim Street" section between Arterial/Collector and Residential is two inches of asphalt. BW/sm Attachment: Proposed Interim Street Sections wthead\perimeter.sec C Exhibit "B" CITY IMPACT FEE PERIMETER FEE OTHER Southlake $9.47/LF Colleyville $1,265/lot $12 - $12.50/LF Coppell $110/LF (2 Ln) $160/LF (4 Ln) Euless Grapevine $62 - $102/LF Haltom City 1/2 construction cost Keller $1,500/lot N. Richland Hills 1/2 construction cost Trophy Club Watauga 3% subdivsion cost ///9- 5 I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • PROPOSED INTERIM STREET SECTIONS 4" ASPHALT PAVING (2" TYPE 'B. & 2" TYPE '0') 5"CROWN v I' RC-2 TACKCOAT .IO GAL.S.Y. _iVali rrigio.rani, • :v: z •; `+f„� �`�`\\ \ -TYR �_ - -.gley:t.,!, ..„,,...,5•-*�R^,.u... tr,..�k"." *fit' �Ai:i.*N,:.E%�.` 7 �`�`' '� "'-.,:Y.i r_ • _ `4 ; *c .7ss-f :+pry `� • `t•-',.4,47..takr2-41%?.•:,„..---...._• :_i_ 6" STABILIZED SUBGRADE 22'-0" SECTION A C 2"ASPHALT PAVING ( HMAC) MC-I PRIME COAT 5"CROWN T YP. ..��1\\16 16. \��k` n\_````10-_ :±' .°y+y%i: .yy10 `�z f L "+.►.fix i4 ::y,' -;�:zk. s i 104001111 G" STABILIZED SUBGRADE 22'-0" SECTION B t 0 ')6 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER p December 15, 1994 /a7 �5 1`�- ,,t TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Proposed Perimeter Street Fee Public Works staff is reworking the proposed Perimeter Street Ordinance based upon the comments received from the Council at the Special City Council Meeting, December 13, 1994. We will have the revised ordinance prepared to present to Council at their December 20th meeting. The First Reading of the ordinance would then be on January 3, 1995. Items to be revised are: • Developer will be responsible for the "interim" street either construction or payment. Construction will two full lanes plus appurtances. Payment will be for one-half(1/2) of a residential street and one-third (1/3) of a collector or arterial street. • Perimeter street fee will be added to the City's Schedule of Fees to be updated annually. • Developer Agreement will be the document for Council's decision. • Ordinance will address provision for allowing overlaying or alternative construction of the streets in unusual cases. Please place this on the December 20, 1994 City Council Agenda. BW/sm //X City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Charter Election The City Council has called a Special Election for January 21, 1995, at which time voters will consider the ten (10) proposed amendments to the Charter. Preparations have been made for the election, with early voting beginning on January 2, 1995, and ending January 17, 1995. As noted in Resolution 94-60, the hours for voting will be: January 02-January 06 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. January 09- January 13 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. January 14 Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. January 15 Sunday No voting January 16-January 17 Monday-Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Early voting will be held inside the front doors of City Hall as my office has become too crowded to handle the traffic, with no place for a voting booth. As Early Voting Clerk for the election, I have designated Aloha Payne, Kim Bush, and Linda Carpenter to act as Deputy Early Voting Clerks. They will assist me during this time. We will vote with paper ballots during early voting, with the Optic Scan voting on Election Day. On election day, the polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Official Canvass for the Election will take place on Monday, January 23, 1995, at 6:00 p.m. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. %sl 4 OIL 1 I6 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager • FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Investments • Over the past several days there have been a number of newspaper articles and television reports about TexPool. Currently the City of Southlake has approximately $11 million in TexPool. Southlake did not withdraw any funds during the past week because of the Wall Street Journal articles or local media coverage of TexPool. Many cities across Texas did withdraw money from TexPool because of the news articles, because there was local political pressure to do so, and because all the other cities were withdrawing money. The Fund has had $2 billion withdrawn as a result of the media attention. The Fund currently has a balance of $1.7 billion. Several neighboring cities left their funds in the Pool, such as Colleyville. Grapevine, North Richland Hills and Hurst. TexPool has 1,300 participants, and 90% kept their money in the Fund. On December 15, State Treasurer Martha Whitehead held a meeting at the DFW Hilton for TexPool participants. She reassured participants that TexPool will be able to meet all withdrawal demands. It is her belief that the Wall Street Journal article targeted TexPool and linked it with the fiscal troubles in Orange County, California. TexPool in no way can be compared to the Orange County fund. TexPool invests only in short term U.S. government securities as directed by the State Legislature. They cannot invest in any security with a maturity longer than three years. The average maturity is approximately 162 days. Standard & Poor's, the rating agency, issued a statement expressing their confidence in TexPool's AA rating. A similar letter is expected from Moody's Investor Services. LAH invexpl.wpd To: CITY OF SOUTHLA{E From: TexPool 9-36-94 l:13am p. 2 of 3 1-3o-6)(f What is TexPool? TexPool is a safe and diversified investment fund for local governments and other public entities. TexPool was created by the Texas Legislature in 1989 to provide an administratively sound and low cost alternative for public entities to invest their reserve funds and other temporary cash balances. It is managed by the State Treasury and provides a favorable yield advantage to its participants. Only Texas public entities may participate in TexPool. Is TexPool like a savings account for local governments? Yes, to some extent. However, there are important differences. TexPool has historically yielded significantly more current income for its participants than they could have earned in a bank savings account. Additionally, there is no minimum balance or deposit, and, along with the earned interest income, participants have instant access to their money. The annual fee for participating in TexPool is three basis points. This translates into less than a dollar for every million dollars invested. For purposes of comparison, most private, for-profit investment pools charge up to sixty basis points! When the fund balance goes above $5 billion, the operating fee drops to two and a half basis points. TexPool is an efficiently managed bargain for its participants. That is why the Legislature responded to a public need when it created the TexPool investment fund opportunity. (IIlir What has happened to the TexPool balance since the program began? The number of participants in TexPool has gone up steadily. We now have more than 1,300 participants in TexPool. However, as you would expect, the fund balances in TexPool fluctuate from time to time. The reason is simple--tax revenues do not come in evenly over the year and those local governments, school boards, fire departments, etc. need to take money out periodically to cover payrolls, debt service payments, capital equipment costs, and the like. Typically, the balance in TexPool is lowest in October (around $4 billion) and highest in February (last year, $10 billion). The balance in TexPool is definitely a moving target--dependent on the decisions made by local governments. However, the number of entities who take advantage of TexPool has grown steadily since the beginning of the program five years ago. How does TexPool work? Do you put the money into a bank account? TexPool's assets are kept safely in their own segregated account at the Federal Reserve Bank. The TexPool portfolio is made up entirely of U.S. government treasuries, agencies, instrumentalities, and fully collateralized repurchase agreements. TexPool fund investments are strictly regulated and high credit risk or other questionable securities may not be placed into TexPool. Additionally,TexPool is audited annually by a prestigious international accounting firm and its policies are subject to review oversight by an independent Advisory Committee of twelve highly regarded investment and municipal finance professionals. to LIIY OF SDUTHLAKE From: TexPool 9-30-94 0:14am p. 3 of 3 Lire 9-3o-91 Haven't some people alleged that TexPool has lost $58 million since you took office? That charge is simply not true. To be more blunt--it is an absolutely false statement! No participant has ever lost even one nickel in TexPool. But isn't there a $58 million loss in TexPool? No! The bond market shifts daily, and accordingly, the market value of the TexPool securities portfolio frequently changes. This is not a realized loss, and it's a falsehood to characterize these bond market changes as such. The fund would only sustain a loss if the Treasury were forced to sell these securities while the market value is below the book value for a particular security. We have no intention of realizing any such loss. Sadly, because it's a political year, some people are trying to cause panic and fear among TexPool participants. But we're not going to let those falsehoods interfere with our operation of the TexPool program. If the TexPool balance goes below $4 billion, some people say the fund will collapse. Any truth to that? (kw Of course not! The charge is ridiculous. In responding specifically to the $4 billion figure, we only have$2.7 billion in marketable securities altogether, (the rest is cash)so this charge doesn't make sense. Any qualified investments professional understands that these false charges are politically motivated nonsense. Some people say that most of the previous TexPool staff departed after the State Treasurer, Martha Whitehead, announced she favored eliminating the Treasury...and that damaged the program. Again, that simply isn't true. We had one TexPool employee--an accountant--leave following Whitehead's announcement. That employee was replaced with a Series 7 qualified securities professional. Plus, we hired a new Investment Director who is the Treasury's first Chartered Financial Analyst--a very prestigious and difficult to attain professional designation. We have the most professionally qualified investment team there has ever been at the Treasury. TexPool's senior investment officer has more than fifteen years experience of successfully managing high quality fixed income securities at two of the most prestigious investment institutions in the United States. TexPool's assets are not only safely managed by a highly experienced team of investment professionals, they are effectively managed for the maximum yield benefit of its more than 1300 participants. L Texas Treasury-TexPool Fri Dec 09 1994 01:28am Page 1 of 1 • rT_ +f (me _ _ An Investment Senv¢for Pnbk Funds Martha Whitehead TEXAS STATE TREASURER TO TEXPOOL PARTICIPANTS: The purpose of this communication is in response to the financial situation that has occurred in Orange County, California. We want to clarify any rumors or misinformation. 1. There is no comparison of the financial condition, investment policy, and management between TexPool and Orange County. *The TexPool portfolio has no high risk mortgage securities like the exotic derivatives of unknown value in Orange County. Lre *There are no long term securities in TexPool. The longest security we hold is 26 months. Orange County had long term securities with maturities exceeding 20 years. *Our portfolio is not leveraged like Orange County. If we were to close out all of our reverse repurchase agreements tomorrow, we would have no debt. We would have a cash position of $600 million. If Orange County had tried to pay off their obligations, a$1.5 billion loss would have occurred. Reverse repurchase agreements are profitable to us because they increase the yield to our participants. 2. We want to put to rest the rumor that some participants might not be able to withdraw their funds in their entirety. *We have more than one world class bank ready to provide up to $1 billion of liquidity within 48-72 hours. This liquidity facility is available because the securities in TexPool are of such high quality and short duration. *While we have continued to disclose the unrealized losses in the portfolio, these securities will be held until they mature at par value. Please distribute this important communication to board members, elected officials, and staff. (kr' Please do not hesitate to contact Randall Corwin at 512/463-2863 if you have any questions or need further information. Texas treasury- (exPool Mon Dec 12 199402:17pm Page 1 of 1 (111111re ARP _ An Investment&TIM z for Public IMds Martha Whitehead TEXAS STATE TREASURER December 12, 1994 Dear TexPool Participant: I am writing this letter to all participants of TexPool to explain my position on the financial condition of TexPool and to ask for your continued support of TexPool. Two articles in the Wall Street Journal have inappropriately tried to link the problems of Orange County, California and TexPooL These articles have caused a great deal of unnecessary nervousness among some TexPool participants. Let me emphatically tell you that TexPool is no Orange County. By no stretch of the imagination is TexPool a leveraged fund like the Orange County fund. We don't issue debt in order to invest in securities. TexPool has been in existence since 1989 and has returned over $900,000,000 in interest earnings to the taxpayers of Texas. I am proud of that record and continue to believe that TexPool is a great investment option for local governments of Texas. I am not about to remain silent while outsiders try to destroy what I consider a fantastic program. Please join me in telling the financial world that Texans are united against those who are trying to create financial chaos where none exists. I took the first step at a press conference on Friday, December 10 by announcing that if TexPool participants choose to withdraw their funds from TexPool they will receive every dollar they have on deposit. If necessary, the State Treasury will purchase TexPool investments in order to provide cash to meet TexPool withdrawals. Today, I am asking your assistance in communicating the message that TexPool is strong and is prepared to honor its obligations. Please pass this letter along to your elected officials and/or board members. Thank you for your help and call if you have any questions. S incerely, (411.v V (.2.— Ma Whitehead Texa State Treasurer BURL OSBORNE,Publisher and Editor (11100' • JEREMY L.HALBREICH,President and General Manager RALPH LANCER Senior Vice President/Executtve Editor ROBERT W.MONG JR,Managing Editor RENA PEDERSON,Vice President/Edltortal Page Editor Senior Vice President J.Wa11AM Cox.Operations and Administration akt giallag Pionti114 hTf Vice Presidents Thursday, December 15, 1994 RICHARDSrARKS,Advertising BARRY PECKHAM.Circulation BARBARA VAN PELT,Marketing REGINALD IC BROWN,Finance JAMEs U.CORREU,Production GROVER D.LIVINGSTON,Information Management ELL EN SILVA Wi sON,Human Resources NANCY BARRY,Community Services EDITORIALS TEXPOOL Panicky withdrawals are unwarranted In economic terms, the rush by local gov- investing in the extreme short-term. ernments to withdraw money from TexPool Is the run on TexPool motivated by fear? bears signs of a classic panic.Their massive Yea. withdrawals have reduced the state- The inaccurate and exaggerated Journal managed fund's assets about 45 percent article scared local governments. Their fear since Friday. was exacerbated by news that TexPool had Of course, the problem with panics is two- suffered 570 million in paper losses—losses fold: Often, they are grounded more in fear it would never realize because it invested than in fact. And they may be self-fulfilling. only in safe U.S. government securities, If a bank or investment fund lacks sufficient which it planned to hold to maturity. reserves to pay its frantic depositors, it may Is TexPool going to founder? No, because be forced to sell assets at fire sale prices, it is safer than most financial institutions. Ultimately, it may go bankrupt — an awful True, TexPool is being forced to sell securi- reward for lion-hearted depositors who try ties to pay depositors, but it has a friendly to ride out the panic. buyer:the State of Texas.The Texas treasury Is the run on TexPool warranted? No. is buying TexPool securities at book value The panic seems to have been sparked by rather than at depressed market prices. an article in Friday's Wall Street Journal. Nobody loses. TexPool preserves its assets The article compared TexPool to the fund and Texas gets its money back when the managed by Orange County, Calif., which securities mature. lost hundreds of millions of dollars through The panic has been exacerbated by risky investments in highly leveraged today's higher interest rates, which give financial instruments called derivatives. localities more attractive investment But TexPool had less than 2 percent of its options, and by the localities' tendency to assets in derivatives; only two of its three withdraw at year's end to pay expenses. derivative holdings were of the `inverse Accurate information is the best way to floater' type that hurt Orange County when reassure jittery investors. Texas Treasurer interest rates soared. By contrast, Orange Martha Whitehead should step up her public County had 42 percent of its its assets in campaign to assure depositors of TexPool's derivatives. Unlike Orange County, TexPool safety. As an extra safeguard, the Legisla•. did not borrow to buy securities.It protected ture might consider restricting derivatives itself against interest rate fluctuations by investments by state agencies. i .„apt l� 2J.4- Jae&S Off- 1 T- tom. TEX PO OL .i I , -E=X P O O L :,-; Post Office Box 12608, Austin Texas 78711 * (512) 463-2950 * (800) 234-5447 + 0 * FAX (512) 463 087'> DECEMBER 1994 ( TexPool Rates On-Lan Distribution tion will be hard coded in the system In the past 11 months, TexPool's The Diskettes for the On-Lan and will allow you to make your debt average rate in January has increased program have been distributed to all the service payment without the risk of from 3.50% to 4.79% on November current users of the system.If you have human error.BecauseTexPool does not I 30th. Our participants have enjoyed a not received the diskettes or would like require a minimum balance on accounts competitive rate while maintaining daily to use the On-Lan system absolutely or limit the number of accounts you may liquidity. As investment derivatives free, please contact our offices'so that have, we strongly encourage you to have poisoned other communities, we may assist you. The system is select this option. TexPool participants have not lost a receiving wide acceptance among dime. TexPool continues to serve the TexPool participants. Review the taxpayers of Texas with the lowest fee Two Signatures ; in the industry and high competitive CPE Credit Sent Out Lately,we have had some questions j yields. During November, Continuing about the need for two signatures on the Professional Education Credits were bank information sheet. As was stated i L..erformance sent out to the participants of the Inside in the September 1993 Newsletter, in The monthly average yield for TexPool conferences. If you have not order to enhance the security and 11 November was 4.57%on a simple daily received your certification, please efficiency of your TexPool accounts, j I basis.The total interest distributed to all contact our office. Also, if you would TexPool now requires two signatures on I I TexPool participants was$14,589,831. like for us to be a sponsor for your the Bank Information Sheet. This will 1 j TexPool's average invested balance was organization's continuing education assure that the changes to the account's 11 approximately $3.9 billion and the program, please call Randall Corwin, wiring instructions have been j management fee was $95,830. The TexPool Manager. authorized and verified by more than 1 management fee is currently 0.030%of one individual. When correct data is i i TexPool's total invested balance. The Debt Service Wires submitted initially,considerable time is II total number of participants was 1,371 Occasionally, the participant may saved in processing your transaction. as of November 30. need to send a debt service payment to i somewhere other than the wiring Direct Deposit Survey Summary instructions specified on the Bank The majority of the entities Over 400 participants completed the Information Sheet.TexPool has a form participating in TexPool receive some 11 questionnaire on the feasibility of two known as the"TexPool Instructions for type of payment from the State 1 i new programs for TexPool. We Debt Service Payments" for this Comptroller.Whether the payment is a i appreciate you taking the time to let us purpose. Although wiring debt service distribution for Sales Tax or Beverage know your opinions on the two payments in this format is secure, Tax, the payments can be deposited I programs. We will prepare an analysis liability exists on TexPool's part due to directly into your TexPool Account. In j i report for the Advisory Board and look these wires being encoded on a manual order to set this up, just contact your 1 i Lcirward to a thorough discussion of all basis.In order to decrease this liability, State Comptroller representative and I e issues concerning the two programs. we offer the following option:set up an request a direct deposit form. For any i We will update you in the next newslet- account, using a Bank Information questions about this, contact Randall i ter as to any decisions made at that Sheet, specifically for debt service Corwin, TexPool Manager, 800-234- I I meeting. payments.This way,the bank informa- 5447 +0. 11 TEXPOOL PERFORMANCE SUMMARY MM Equiv. TexPool Interest Average L. Month (Simple) Fee ($) Posted ($) Balance ($) Nov 93 3.6458% 118,808.86 17,323,038.66 5,781,452,963.79 Dec 93 3.6126% 128,843.35 18,616,670.89 6,067,499,355.20 Jan 94 3.5007% 168,113.42 23,514,531.93 7,916,808,004.30 Feb 94 3.6389% 195,071.00 28,389,270.07 10,170,542,367.54 Mar 94 3.7436% 201,612.86 30,187,155.89 9,494,366,007.76 Apr 94 3.8486% 187,554.90 28,864,675.21 9,126,759,358.73 May 94 4.0984% 172,814.50 28,296,664.48 8,138,191,849.21 Jun 94 4.2118% 153,348.04 25,833,037.88 7,462,191,941.16 Jul 94 4.2286% 144,614.48 24,458,263.62 6,810,194,621.11 Aug 94 4.3258% 124,642.99 21,546,323.49 5,869,695,922.77 Sep 94 4.4082% 114,751.77 17,361,873.51 4,792,947,009.33 Oct 94 4.4270% 106,200.59 15,673,139.01 4,167,670,722.17 Nov 94 4.5718% 95,830.89 14,589,831.70 3,886,086,553.53 • PORTFOLIO BY TYPE OF INVESTMENT As of November 30, 1994 % % > lyr % % > lyr T-Bills 8.12% 0.00% Agency Discs 8.44% 0.00% (...,T-Notes 48.33% 79.08% Agency Notes 15.13% 56.97% T-Strips 1.68% 0.00% Resales 18.30% 0.00% PORTFOLIO ASSET SUMMARY As of November 30, 1994 Book Value Market Value Accrual of Interest Income $ 26,216,871.23 $ 26,216,871.23 Purchased Interest 98,396.74 98,396.74 Repurchase Agreements 2,073,600,000.00 2,073,600,000.00 Reverse Repurchase Agreements - 1,384,220,000.00 - 1,384,220,000.00 Government Securities 3,087,859,664.91 3,015,430,629.80 TOTAL $ 3,803,554,932.88 $ 3,731,125,897.77 The Weighted Average Maturity of the Portfolio for November 1994 was 200 days. Market value of collateral supporting the Repurchase Agreements is $2,096,926,258.74 which is 101.12% of the Book Value. The portfolio is managed by the Texas State Treasury and the assets are being safekept at the federal (itisie reserve account of the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company. Portfolio available upon request. Additional information regarding TexPool is available upon request. TexPool, P.O. Box 12608, Austin, Texas 78711 512-463-2950 • 800-234-5447+0 City of Southlake,Texas i • • (111\sre RESOLUTION NO. 92-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE TRUST COMPANY'S LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL, "TEXPOOL" ; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake (the "Participant") is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and is empowered to delegate to a public funds investment pool the authority to invest funds, to act as a custodian of investments purchased with local investment funds; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Participant and its inhabitants to invest local funds in investments that yield the highest possible rate of return, while providing necessary safekeeping and protection of the principal; and WHEREAS, the Treasurer of the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Treasurer Safekeeping Trust Company (the "Trust Company") , has created "TexPool, " a public funds investment pool, to effectuate the goals of providing investments at the highest possible yield and maintaining complete safety of the funds of the Participant, (lbw NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: A. That the City of Southlake shall enter into a Participation Agreement to establish an account in its name with the Trust Company's Local Government Investment Pool, "TexPool, " for the purpose of transmitting local funds for investment by the Trust Company in TexPool. B. That the following individuals, whose signatures appear in this Resolution, are officers, employees, or authorized representatives of the Participant and are each hereby authorized to transmit funds to the Trust Company for investment in TexPool and are each further authorized to withdraw funds from time to time, to issue letters of instruction, and to take all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of local funds: List the Officers, Employees, or Agents authorized to transmit funds. These individuals will be issued P.I.N. numbers. Your confirmations and monthly statements will be mailed to the attention of the first person listed (No. 1) . Le e k 1. Name: LouAnn Heath Title: n; rPr .or of Finance Signature ,�y AA,C1K/Kge0C.fg 2 . Name: Curtis E. Hawk Title: Cit Manager Signature el:3 . Name: Sandra L. LeGrand Title: C ' tv Secretary jj,�%n Signature l/ X /,- ^c " /./ 4 . Name: Title: Signature C. That this resolution and its authorization shall continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by the Participant, and until the Trust Company receives a copy of any such amendment or revocation. The Trust Company is entitled to rely on this resolution until such time. 4 / 1 PASSED AND APPROVED this the 7 day of d%et�-1,.L), , 1992. Npu�npy, .?4 0 H l 4 "0,, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS �� g>. : —AV ''"s ' ry i es n ayor,.. iii ,unIu I k ii,.,,J ity Secretary ....e.., ., . ti .-- O O Os .O O O C) O O P O O O O O O O (1.1 CO P O O .- P O CD O O C) fV O C) CD O O O O N CO In O O .O 'O O O O O O P O O O O O O C) 1-- 2 In .O In O 00 O O C) C) O O N O O O O O O O 3 D N Os O N O O C) O to to .O CD O O O C) CD O M O to 'O - .- - M N N - .- .- M N .-- M .0 M 'O IA d T CO M M O N N N N U 0) 0) z P Os Os P P P P Cl N Is- In N in ti N 3 .O Is- s- O P N I, •-• M CO N P N N In N � - P N N N 1.O P — (•.1 .— P P — — — P P P P P O• P CO N L N N (0 L L CO C0 ( L. L L L s- W 01 01 7 01 01 0) 7 7 01 01 CO 7 7 7 7 CL C C CC C C C N 10 C C C (A N (0 0 ✓ f0 (0 f0 N f0 (0 0 1- > > G) > > > 0) (1) > > > 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 CO L (0 (0 (0 L L (0 f0 (0 L O Co O L L L N Cr) 1- U) CA 0 I- H U1 U) (I) I-- U U U 1- 1- N N Os P Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y C C C C C C C C CL CO (0 (0 (0 CO CO 00 CO 0 W CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 0 m L1.1 CO CO el CO CO 07 07 CO > C C C C C C C C . C [] 0 . O Y 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C z z CO CO CO ‹CY Y F. 4/ ♦-) Y 4J L. M V) 1- CO (O (0 CO C0 CO CO CO 00 U K -. 2 2 2 2 z 2 2 2 � O O O CL 0 (0 N V) (0 0 N ( 0 C (0 W d (0 (0 (0 co (0 (O O N co Y CC X X X X X X X X X U C 0) C) 0) 0) 0) 0) N 0) C) 4I (9 H 1- 1- 1- 1- I- /- I- I- t- Q X CO s- z 0) W cn f co t— CII > 3 M 3 00 NO CO P P CO In 1n M In b O CO N n i Z • ND .O b C` P 3 M 0' us Cn 3 P 3 'O O M - .+ .-• .- N M CO O .O In 3 3 .O -0 N. P 3 P 3 3 .O N M M O• 3 0 CD In CD P P N Os 3 - N 3 - M W U M s- O to, N N s- 3 M N CO O CO M In CO )L J < Q 3 .- N - - .-- N - 3 In N J U S I- 0 0 O N CD CD O CD O CD O P P O O O O O O O O O CD N IL W O O O O 3 3 ND KtC,In N- In O us O N N In M O I- Os 3 3 CM CO N In to CO CO M us I, O I, P CO O P Q M N N N M N N N N N N N N M 3 M N CM M N >- CY CD O CD O O O O O O O O O O O CD O O O O O r U N O O ti N O O N O O O M M N N O I- P CO > M M M CO In M M Os P M M O P CO CO CO CO In M .- .- .- M M g- 0 0 0 z 0) 0) _ N a-I L CO C 0) 4+ 7 W N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N > 0 0 CO P P P P P OP P Os P P Os Os P P P P P P P Q t- U S 3 3 N M to sO CO CO P O .O P P .O ' P U O O O N O .- N s- O CL' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ P N- P P P O CO CO CO O O CD CL e- s- O O .- .- O O . s- O O Co O N N CM N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M () P P Os P P P Os P P Os P P P P Os P P P P W \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M O .- to In Is-- I CO P - f` t` C` f• M M M O O O O 0 0 r- .- a- .- N N I- \ \ \ \ \ ss. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .0 N N N N N CV N N N CV N .-- a- N N N 3 Os O• f O O O O O O O O e City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM CII1 ' *. �1 R December 9, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement With Trophy Club MUD#1 for Sanitary Sewer Services Attached is the latest draft of the Interlocal Agreement. I can see no reason to enter into this Agreement unless Coventry Addition is willing to pay all fees or TRA fails to construct the pressure line. The following are the significant requirements: 1. Page 2, Section 1-a. - Maximum of 54,400 gallons per day or maximum of 200 houses. 2. Page 5, Section 4-a. - The change is "double the regular rate set by the "MUD." 3.4. Page 6, Section 5-a. - At the signing of the Agreement, Southlake shall pay $5,000 (see cover letter for estimate). Pages 6 and 7, Section 5-b. - From signing agreement until first waste flow, City will pay "between $500 and $1,000." (See cover letter) 5. Page 7, Section 5-c. & following - Each 12 months thereafter one-fourth of the total will be added or a minimum flow, multiplied times the double rate to arrive at a minimum bill. 6. Page 8, Section 9-a. - Life of contract shall be through Sept. 20, 1998, with one year renewals thereafter until 2001. With the Denton Creek Pressure System available in 18 months, I do not see any advantage for the City to expend $5,000 plus monthly charges for nothing. If Coventry needs the sewer they should pay the costs or use the proposed alternative. c BW/sm cor wpfiles\wthead.mem\trophy.clu • RECEIVED ,auB4104, t TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY L DISTRICT NO. 1 N 0�' 3 0 1994 le;l` DEPT.OF PUBLIC WORKS 100 Municipal�rsrR Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 (817) 430 1911 November 29 , 1994 Robert R. Whitehead, P. E . Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Tx. 76092 Dear Mr. Whitehead: I believe this draft incorporates all the provisions requested by the Board of Directors of Trophy Club MUD #1 . The amount to be inserted in the blank in Section 5 paragraph "a" will be around $5 , 000, and I believe the amount in paragraph "b" will be between $500 and $1000 . This contract as written will be (..„0, placed on MUD l ' s agenda for final action at the January meeting scheduled for January 10, 1995 . If you have any requested revisions, please have them to me no later than January 3, 1995 so I can incorporate the potential changes . If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 430-1911 , Ext . 100 . Sincerely, r • NQA1. Roger . Unger District Manger L L Soutklake mayor calls • „? for comm s aid Saturday and .Sunday at Al- about to be taken. Fickes said Support s o ugh t bertson's on Davis and Farm Road the city will petition the state to 1709 in Southlake —the same have the speed limit on Texas for accident store where Sharon Walters had 114 changed to45 miles per hour, taken a job only a week before within the city limits.The limit victim s family the accident. She;'Ywas working is currently at 45 coming from to earn money to buy bicycles for the Grapevine city limits, then her children,'.according to Al- shortly past Carroll Ave it By John Hicks bertson's Assistant Manager changes to 55 on through Wes- (he., Staf Writer Chris Alford ` tlake and Trophy Club. From 8 a.m.until 6 p.m.both "It takes an incident like this ' Southlake Mayor Gary Fickes days, cash donations will be to make things happen," said has asked SPIN members and accepted. Checks,'can be made the mayor,adding that between volunteers to'take the lead in out to the Walteis Family Fund. 600-800 tickets are given out raising donations for the family "It's beyond doing something within the city limits each year of Sharon Walters.` to help a family,"said Southlake with the majority being written Walters died on Dec. 5,.four resident Gary Hargett."It's fora on Texas 114 and FM 1709. days after she was:involved in good cause and it's for the right an automobile accident on Texas reason." Anyone who would like to make 114. She is survived by four Fickes said there are two is- a contribution, but is unable to children,including 20-month-old sues involved:"What can we do come out this weekend, may do Aaron Walters who was also as a community,and what to do so by bringing a cash or check injured in the accident and as a city to ensure this does not donation to the City Secretary's remains in fair condition at Cook happen again." office at the city offices, located Children's Medical Center in Fort at 667 N Carroll Ave.Make checks Worth. In addition to this weekend's payable to the Walters Family Volunteers will set up a booth philanthropy, one measure is Fund. L City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Peytonville Alignment There are two issues involved with the alignment of Peytonville; vertical and horizontal. The horizontal alignment has been discussed since this project was conceived. There have been a total of 5 iterations of the horizontal alignment. Council reviewed and commented on Versions #3 and #4 on April 6 &20, 1993. The final alignment (#5) was arrived at during final negotiations with landowners and only showed minor changes from#4. These revisions were the result of Council's desire to protect as many trees as possible. The final alignment in the area of Ms Johnson's was as a result of discussions with her and respected her wishes to miss certain trees on her property, off of the right of way. The vertical alignment has always been a safety issue. The original vertical curve adjacent to Ms Johnson's had a sight distance which supported a safe (design) speed of less than 25 mph. The new vertical alignment was designed based upon a design speed of 40 mph. The areas that are critical in this area are the driveways that are on the west side of Peytonville. In order to provide these residents with safe sight distances as they attempt to leave their driveways the vertical curve (hill) needed to be reduced. The current alignment provides proper sight distances for 40 mph traffic. Ms Johnson's driveway has been cut back, however based upon survey work done in support of the project, the slope is not substantially different than original. The slope is longer because of the cut required to meet the new grades. Where the original driveway was steep and short and then levelled out, the new driveway is more gradual. H/rjh C 0 I- City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 14, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Septic System Status • During the June 1994 Budget Retreat we discussed our intentions in assuming the responsibilities of permitting, inspecting and administering the Septic System program within the City. At that time it was intended to use our new civil engineer to perform these duties in addition to those relating to drainage. It was also decided at that time to delay the implementation of the revised septic ordinance until the new person was on board so that this person could assist in the implementation of the new ordinance, including the development of regulations, technical requirements, and procedures. During the interviewing process for the civil engineer position we realized that septic system design is no longer being taught at the college level and that none of the candidates had the desired experience in this area. In addition, since we have hired our civil engineer he has been very involved in drainage issues and these issues have occupied a majority of his time. The following steps still need to be accomplished prior to us assuming the responsibilities of Septic System Management. 1. Revise standards within the State Sanitary Code to impose additional technical requirements. We are allowed to develop and adopt technical and administrative standards in excess of those in the State Code, subject to TNRCC approval. 2. Obtain approval from the state to use standards in excess of the State Sanitary Code. 3. Obtain approval from the state to manage the septic system program within the City. 4. Rewrite the existing ordinances dealing with septic system and publish new technical and administrative guidelines. 5. Conduct orientations for septic system designers and installers. L 4, L Page 2 December 14, 1994 We have obtained the services of a graduate student who needs to develop this type of ordinance and program as a Master's project. I am attaching a proposed schedule of activities for your use and information. I would recommend that we continue with our agreement with Tarrant County. As an interim process I would suggest that I meet with the Tarrant County agent to develop ways in which we could strengthen our requirements within the constraints of the existing regulations. • RJH/rjh L L Task List as of Thursday, December 15, 1994 Ron Harper Septic System Management 1 Fri, Dec 30, 1994 Review Current State Standards 2 Tue, Jan 31, 1995 Develop additional technical standards, administrative guidleines 2 Tue, Feb 14, 1995 Obtain State Approval of standards 3 Tue, Feb 28, 1995 Develop new ordinances and conduct public hearings 3 Mon, Mar 27, 1995 Conduct orientations for new procedures 3 Mon, May 01, 1995 Begin implementation of City administered Septic Program • (hoe • Lisoe II i i I 9:13AM 1 hursday, December 15, 1994 r. f l' Cityof Southlake uthFa - Mayor: December 13, 1994 Gary Fickes Mayor ProTem: Jerry Farrier Southlake-Coventry, Ltd. CouncMichaem icharm: Messrs. David C. McMahan Michael Richarme W.Ralph Evans Dale Clark Stephen W.Apple Sr. 16250 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 210 Jon Michael Franks Andrew L.Wambsganss Dallas, Texas 75248 • City Manager: Curtis E.Hawk RE: Utility Availability Assistant City Manager: Coventry Development Shana K.Rice Southlake, Texas City Secretary: Sandra L.LeGrand Gentlemen: (sr In reference to the availability of sewer for the subject property, please be advised that the TRA line being constructed by the City is currently being designed, the bonds have been sold, and we anticipate completion by July 1996. It is my understanding that it is your intention to start construction around the first of February, 1995, and that you anticipate homes to be ready for occupancy prior to July 1996. Should the construction of your off-site sewer line (designated N-1) be completed prior to the completion of the City's TRA line, there are two alternatives available which will assure the availability of municipal sewer to your development: (1) provision of sewer service through an interlocal agreement with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1; (2) authorization by the City for the development to pump the development's wastewater from a site within the Coventry development. The final details of the arrangements for temporary sewer service will be addressed through the Developer's Agreement. The Developer's Agreement is subject to City Council approval, in accordance with the City's development regulations. L 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 329-7497 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" , A• Southlake-Coventry, Ltd. Page 2 December 13, 1994 (kr Should the City's TRA line not be completed prior to your completion of homes, regardless of which one of the above alternatives is selected, the Coventry development must connect to the City's TRA line as soon as it becomes available. I am aware that you are diligently pursuing the acquisition of all necessary drainage and utility easements. I understand that you have been successful in obtaining several easements and have requested these easements from all of the people whose property is affected. As we discussed in our meeting of October 24, 1994, if after exhausting your best efforts to obtain these easements you should fail to acquire the remainder of the necessary easements, then the City will proceed to obtain said easements. In this event, you would be required to pay all costs through the establishment of an escrow,for (a) the value of the easement (b) city attorney costs (c) damages, etc. (d) appraisal. I believe this answers your questions concerning the availability of municipal sewer to your development. Sincerely, Curtis . Hawk City Manager CEH/kb c:\wp51\CEH&CC\Coventry.swr\kb L Fj \ \ � 1 BLOCK 2 \ \ \ 36 s '0 • T MB LAKE I V` " I ' ' 10j F o 39 3/ 9G ESMT \ o SECco CABINET A 484 � EXISTING ZONING 0 22 ,11 o� (:3/ 40 SF-20 LEGAL DESCRIPTION S86010' 00"E 23 I , 37 ��� J� �/i '� 1 38 I 50.1467 ACRES 96.51 ' �/ �g 18 2 1 1 1 i i 12 4 �1 I BEING a tract of land out of the P.J. HYDE SURVEY, Abstract No. 667, in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, -- - _-,���" 93?4 w I BLOCK j j 1 I j 2 2 Texas and being a part of the 210.99 acre tract described in deed to Southlake Joint Venture, recorded in Volume 3111 '28� p �12• COLUMBIA DRIVE EXISTING ZONING 42' I 97i9, Page 599 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: �c z° • i I BLOCK 2 uT A G I � �' BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "NELSON CORP." (hereinafter called 5/8" iron COMMON AREA N - 9e1p• pg 56ME" �T.� L-1.1 I rod found) in the south right-of-way line of Parkcrest Drive (50' ROW) and the west line of PRINCETON PARK, an EASEMENT __ DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ° 5 I I 15' U., LANDSCAPE s addition to the City of Southlake, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1657 of the Plat ---COMMONAREA --- 2- Zi BLOCK 3 g I 7 I ALVIN R. JACKSON FENCE ESMT.x Records of Tarrant County, Texas for the easterly most southeast corner of TIMBER LAKE PHASES 3 6 4, an addi ion W I I to the City of Southlake, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet ASlide 1787 of the Plat Records H 11 I VOL. 2608, PG. 305N00'15'00"E 300.34' 1"� j FINAL I PLAT I of Tarrant County, Texas; �.y D.R. T. C. T.21 PRINCETO PARK S o\� j j I 1 THENCE with the west line of said PRINCETON PARK, South 00'22'06" West, a distance of 639.18 feet to a 1/2" COMMON AREA N0. 1 1s, I Cab A, Sti a 1657 6 1 iron rod found for the southwest corner of said addition and the northwest corner of a tract of land described in deed m \ 1 I C� to Alvin R. Jackson, recorded in Volume 2608, Page 305 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 2 1O P INT OF I I I �I ____--�,BE INNINGIF 10' U.E�•I $LOCK 2 \ I ' THENCE with the west line of the Jackson tract,South 00'41'42" West, a distance of 418.28 feet to a PK nail set I i I for corner in the centerline of Continental Boulevard sed 84 ROW):5 uE --- - S00'41'42"W 418.28' (proposed 5' U.E. _ __ --- S00 22 06"W 639. 18' --- c I I _ ---------�- 30��� '��� 125 4bT t�� LEXINGTON SQ ARE THENCE ith the centerline of said Continental Boulevard, the followingcourses and distances o wit: _� 1 25.42' II U South BB'56'55" West, a distance of 486.24 feet to a PK nail fond for corner; R=325.00 ' S' uF 5' E. I w 27 I �, 26 A=05'58' 18" W BLOCK 5 w I- I South 88'15'53" West, a distance of 856.01 feet to a PK nail found for corner; 2J 28 I 25 J CO w IQ o ---- North BB'21'48" West, a distance of 96.81 feet to a PK nail found for the southeast corner of a 71.748 acre L=33.87 ' m 0 m LD o m 1 w zJ 1 24 CB=S87'03' 45 "E 66 N m NI _1 tract of land described in deed to Monticello Estates Joint Venture, recorded in Volume 11711, Page 1925 0 BLOCKI 1 3 `° N � m CD 9 I - I- Est the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; C=33.86 ' M 1 n m m m 4 ti 5 r m rnl 0 8 h ti 11 1 15 LANDSCAPE & rn 2 � 30' B.L. �1 m _ U S84 04' 36' m 3 m I I FENCE ESMT. 35. � �. � �I � o ° 2 I I w 6 THENCE with the east line of the said 71.748 acre tract, the following courses and distances to wit: 30.00' cn 8 0 8.93 m D. ` II I North 01'56'46" East, a distance of 163.03 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; 7.5' UE 65 36.35' �. I 7 e �1 2 C� 35 ,1' 48.93' 91.07' 10 m 5 5°' II I 1 North 40'10'52" East, a distance of 285.i3 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; -------- ------- - 55.45' 65.03' S2. 6. S• 5' ,° L in \ /-------- 11J ------- ----- 10� - 26' I B 26 °o I I _ I 15' U., LANDSCAPE 6 � -- North 12'45'40" West, a distance of 281.29 feet to a 1/2" iron rod oun or corner; 6. QQ 2 I 12 s I I FENCE ESMT. 11Yl 2 61' s s � I- � I 15' u.E. North 39'27'58" West, a distance of 383.i7 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; TIMBER LAKE CIRCLE _ �� I e / g o CU I North 07'29'54" West, a distance of 629.28 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; w \�� - Co A 125 R, �s o +` �' 00- o I�------- �/1 --- North 21 '44' 02" East, a distance of 269.29 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; O(*) 55.45' 10 �qL P °2' 106.77' 3.23' IDS 9. O E 10 I z tp �� _-- North 06'28' 16" East, a distance of 221.54 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner: R=275. 00' �� 9 55, �� w �6s 00.\ o I Iq I � North 29'57' 10" East, a distance of 151.29 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; E,� 15 j �' 1 A 05 •30' 02" Inm 30 30' B.L. m o '� o° I I I �, 5 North 00'15'00" East, a distance of 300.34 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the southwest corner of TIMBER �Y, 3 8 o• 0 8-L. 9, o s R=5 ti� s3 II a I LAKE SECTION i, an addition to the City of Southlake, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet R- 0. 00' I I w L=26. 40 Nrn o o Jq Q 6 > ° 3, I I H 3 I cn O A, Slide 484 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; I 50 / 43 I I CB=S 6'49'37"E 36 co as Cl M o' e8' `'2 ,�' I I - I W a0 2 I I J / A=87 5' 02" I- to 3 1 �o 0 00, o�-r m ti° �° w s e" o to O .ti 0, Co , w I I ,� I E I I / L= 14' I I C=26.39' h '� 9� Co 5 a - �' q- ° THENCE with the south line of said TIMBER LAKE SECTION i, South 86'10'00" East, a distance of 96.51 feet to a h/ . I I r c0 sS J �° N o I I O - I 5 in 4- / CB=S03 26 49"W 37 o �a - 0 5/8" iron rod found for corner in the west line of the beforementioned TIMBER LAKE PHASES 3 6 4; C=6 99 ' I-�j I� S00 ' 5 ' 22 " W 22 .00 ' So `ti.22 w 05 °oo' oo"E a i o Q u� I a ,L3 30 �s�. 22 °° 1 12 1 1 I I 3 N �, [�4 15.95 p I.24 142.33 oS6 �0 2 s Q = I� WHENCE with the west and south lines of said TIMBER LAKE PHASES 3 6 4, the following courses and distances to ( I I 17 0. 0 0 w O. 's occ) I �{ O OJ I� Qt I ° �2 'l�l m I En I I South 11'28'39" West, a distance of 144.78 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner: 4g p I S49 49' 18 W o J o o ��� �5� p6 o o n S02°14'57"W 184.81' CL 4 • / w o 0 o m ti s N m m o „ m� Q �g. '� w 3 I I South 12'57'26" East, a distance of 194.71 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; S63 30' 00"E , J� �( 42 p 19. 15' W o m [� o , m r 3 6 6 r 9 , 4 95.00' 89.81' 1 1 1 7 I I South 13'43'26 West, a distance of 118.24 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; 1.4 59.66' riY, 0 35 0 o m 2 s�' ��° m BLOCK �,� s oA 5e I I I �'� I I South 23'20'00 West, a distance of 441. 12 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; t o I I 3g n �ItS. Sq 0 0 / I 1 _ - m W �. o0 9 00 "E E '�' BLOCK '- 1 O I I I `�' �" BLOCK I I 4 South 07'58'00" East, a distance of 134.80 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; S I I _ S00°25'22"w S00°25'22"W o S05°00' pA s a oL ". F i, �, om '� 1°j3FlyFR i 45 _ ------ - fY, os 58„ .m 52 �o' o o, s O 13 �,� p0, I�l Q I O I I curve to the left, having a central angle of 02'04'34", a radius of 1000.00 feet and a chord bearing and pc.FSMT / __-__ ------ •v � 170.00' �j �, � o-� 150.00' � '� g A$ � o� �a ,� z� lug I � V I I North B9'35'00" East, a distance of i42.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of anon- angen 159. 24 " so7 °01 r u� 15' U. E ��\21Uj p3 CUP7 16.70' 16.7 MIN.F.F.= N6. 145.00 �.00 distance of South 01'27' 17" East, 36.23 feet; _ �; S 20 S42'55'40"E w MIN.F.F.= 3 m <" '`' I --- 10' uE---I-I --- %-I 0 611.0 n m 610.5 MIN.F.F.= m Jw o ��. 3 j _ ____-_I I------ Southeasterly with said curve, an arc distance of 36.24 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; R 350.0 26 . B. 6.48 ' m n m v 610.5 2 o % `� 14 I I ----- --- - A=20'56'03" 3 �6� 40 01 N 34 O 33 m o North 87'30'26" East, a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a non -tangent Q 0 4 1 ,� 15' '�,� d5 ss ° 10' N i C� I I curve to the right, having a central angle of 01'17' 11", a radius of 950.00 feet and a chord bearing and L=127.88' 0 Ln 28 m 175,00' S�6° cj0 S o m r I I distance er North 0s'50'58" West, arc d feet; 0 co W 7 `°so 'oo'oo"E oo Q> 26 0° m o o Id Z I Z I I Northwesterly with said curve, an arc distance of 21.33 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; CB=S53 '01 ' 59 " E h' 150 . 0 ' N L0 m o a o I'� I 22 I-+ 115.00' 9,So.o o. 5 ° o. w C=127. 17' S00 '25' 22"W _ S00 '25' 22' W -'� Noo °25' 22"E - _ So0 °25 22"W-_- z o ,g5.00' 61 9 S W 1 Os s 500 °37' 43"W w I I North 86'00' 00" East, a distance of 218. 09 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the chobegrd bearing of a tangent curve __69 72� -_S11 °39• m J ' Q I a I to the left, having a central angle of 12'50'00", a radius of 455.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of _1�0 __ _ -- �---_ H-_ m w s9�• 146.51' a I North 79'35'00" East, 101.70 feet; ---------15 Q • --------------- _ ---- -�5-2� Q Q 8 o I I � NV17- � I I 21 Northeasterly with said curve, an arc distance of 101.91 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found or corner; t-15' SAN. SEWER ESMT. -� _ \\ ro ^ t� T/S °° S �N ° I- I ' VOL. 11073, PG. 2113 0 North 73'10'00" East, a distance of 50.05 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a tangent curve \ \ 1 o oo,sy o q X I ►�+ CD to the left, having a central angle of 14'51'28", a radius of 175.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of o \ \ ^ 11 �o soy °03'0 01 15 w I ~'O North 65'44' 16" East, 45.25 feet; • 1 ? m W o N I � 1 W O F--IIZ �+ Northeasterly with said curve, an arc distance of 45.38 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; S 35• /\ � 120.0p' 0 sob° I um F- South 32'59'06" East, a distance of il0.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; 1 26.53' B.L.co 26' I U1 � N2e • I co ti „ 43 w I �23 CI] South 77'18'49" East, a distance of 90.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found. for corner; DO • DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND M " 79.66' 10 - o_ 173.53' ham' 19` 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN LINE COMMON AREA No. 1 I I 90.0p, pm o co o J I I �x I-+ North 14'28'39" East, a distance of 345.15 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; O E 1 N �� o it ¢ I �.� W North 28'00'19" East, a distance of 241.10 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the be of anon -tangent �00.0 o w 1 a I ��_--___ 20 curve to the left, having a central angle of 20'56'03", a radius of 350.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 53'01'59" East, 127.17 feet; l0 , N i 179 66 0 9 s rn 16 - - - - - - O Southeasterly with said curve, an arc distance of 127.88 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; 84.00• R, / ° 4 S I '`�� �15' U.E. w _ South 63'30'00" East, a distance of 59.66 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; EXISTING ZONING N 5 J, o 0 2 �-1 0 I W � South 26'30'00" West, a distance of 208.76 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; I S. °0 S ° ° Il0 3�.,1y V i� �,�� c � � N14 I I IQo � ° ti� '� �eo• soo°41'09" I � I �,�� South 00'25'22" West, a distance of 115.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; TIM ER L KE 12 28'3s" Puo #2 s ° m I South 42'55'40" East, a distance of 26.48 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a non-tangen E 3` ,p0 5EZ6d,8�•goS 5100, jol J � ° �S� o0 96.43' I I w� 1 �'�V � �/ curve to the left, having a central angle of 87'15'02", a radius of 50.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance 'y 1 I I 24 of South 03'26'49" West, 68.99 feet; ' PHA ES 3 4 13 5• 02 j48.98 ' m�,55 1 w� O c �-+ J 51 BLOCK w I � 0 Southerly with said curve, an arc distance of 76.14 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; CABINET A, SLIDE 1787, P.R. T. C. T. S77 •18 ' 49 " co - 00 . `6 I I o m P 111' 1 17 ° II w I 90.0 ' / MIN. F. F. = N of w oa `96 Q 1 MIN. F. F -1 0 6S I� _j I 1 g South 00'49' 18" West, a distance of 19.15 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; South 00'25'22" West, a distance of i50.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; �� s 609.5 , s Iq a� �, South 89'34'38" East, a distance of 212.50 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; O 10 _ UE // Q. 611.0 0 0 Q. S. / f -�__ / r - 17 "' PI - N f 56 2 - o jJ. `O� ^ 18 I� 3~+ o I South 00'25'22" West, a distance of 220.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; 14 oa ��'� I 319 P F �I (BLOCK 4 MIN.F.F.= .o � o• a `� �' ' � 18 � 3 h 9 9 3 `� co I South 89 34'38" East, a distance of 205.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a tangentcurve ^ n 1 1 MIN. ^ �6 5 B.L I In to the right, having a central angle of 05'30'02", a radius of 275.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance w (, 1 0� �p 611.0 3 MIN.F.F.- \ 606.5 h ' / S O / 1 25 of South 86'49'37" East, 26.39 feet; z ° titi5°� 16 -4 °°e5 �6 610.5 0 os I 1\\\ 57 /o� °< // �3 30.��' I Q� j Y ��°° ss 2 3 Qa o `\ s ° _ 6 - Southeasterly with said curve, an arc distance 26.40 feet to a 5/B" iron rod found for corner; F--I 9 E o \\ 9 MIN.F.F.= /O h s 67 / I 3 15' U., LANDSCAPE South 84'04'36" East, a distance of 36.35 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a tangent curve z R=175.00' / / �j?. �° S1 0• \ \ O 605.0 MIN.F.F. / ° 45 - to the left, having a central angle of 05'58' 18", a radius of 325.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of A=14'51' 28" / / 16��. 140'65, N I FENCE ESMT. O e 1°„� N \\`\ 9 /�,P 1 605.0. / �� R' z South 87'03'45" East, 33.86 feet; N C�1 L=45.38' �. \ 2 5. oo In � ^ _ � 0 0 23 ° \\ � /� 2 '`� ��6• LACE Southeasterly with said curve, an arc distance of 33.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing CB=N65 44' 16°'E/ / o G \ ��// `58 //'^ �' POTOMAC p 50. 1467 acres of land. • o c `�� �1 ` N go°'° SS v� 9S \\ \\ 96-° / r /(0 ^ 6 20' _ Cat' C=45.25m15 p.� / p ,N� .o T �T a. o. \\ \ ��'�. S. / s- o /.�, �, s. o �- __-- ------ M73 10 00"E ° ` 1--- 5' U. z / • \ o 0' /p° °� S� 19 �-Z o MIN s'9 JI - ^ °Oo \\\\\ .1�'S /�h 1� 80.00' ` I I- 1 4 // s (, aj0' 8b 9• MIN.F.F.= s0 610.5 6 B., ti F \ /B'" 5 50.05' \ 0 P 26.95' 19 06, 610.5 S� `\`\ / /F� 03 ' S9 p 18.06 FENCE ESMT. APE 6 H ,/ , PAg 20 SSA �h' �30.p 46 To \\\\ , 604.5 P w 10�1 I rQ I BLOCK 3 x / \ 9 20 °�10° Ste° 9 ` �� Co . I- zw O J� / CD 10 00 S� m; �..�. h� 1� ON �ti o 54 JS \\�\ ` MIN. F. . F. . _' N o (, 1 w I� ao I ------ o •51 p0 0. p o / 0 S \ \\ 604. 0 \ ru v i�j w�- 0 21 I ; tit h h 1 0 \ rn l// R=455.00 ' I N �. g2��� A g s� ry 2 �y A=12 50'00" Z A 2/ P 9c�. MIN.F.F.= `\ 603.F.F.= nl / `\ a I / / L=101.91' i m o 20 Ego° 0�,� ���N P' c�So9�9609.0 \\\1 r1��ase 5 I 3� / 22 .g6 2 59 90. 0 0 , i I a 12 =N79 •35' 00"E o m 51�9", 3 60 26' Zorn N t> ° - v DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND 149.73' C=101.70 7 i oo 51348 p6„E oe 58 Qo 2 TD o 26 �. till° °�° �9� 53 0 o COMMON AREA N0. 2 �NO2'56'40"W 168.11 iQj LAND USE SCUEDULE Subdivision Residential Lots Non- Residential Lots Total Lots Gross Acreage Gross Density Common Area Acres Percent Open Space Timberlake Section 1 Phases 1 & 2 164 3 167 84.97 1.93 1 9.21 10.8 Timberlake Phases 3 & 4 72 1 73 34.90 2.07 2.44 .7 Timberlake Phase 5 67 2 69 50.15 1.34 16.15 32.2 Monticello Estates 121 2 123 71.77 1.68 9.5 13.2 R=950.00 ' m I O 1,0 0o O o N 35 2 5° g' °'0S MIN . F. . F. . = z I ` / / TOTALS 424 8 432 241.E rn m 25 e �2. o �6-. 609.5 TREE COVER LINE I I I I / .� , , 9 1.7s 37.30 1s.a w 2 0° o. J I ' N 24 gE 52 ,�� 0 26 _ / NOTE: I. EXISTING ZONING C I _ I_ _ / / CB=N01 50'58"W ,23 ,� T 2p 9gLITY EAS �I i i // // PUD #2, 480-07 8 g vo C=21.33' II � N Co� � ,11 °5 O 00` �6 9 � 'v� MIN. r1�2� 2�1'2g' � - -__ L. 10, EME / Q. I 15 �\ ��\ \\ g 1 0 35' B.L. . (� �° 2 00. '� 609.0 QQ° / ' / �- 9 PG 1° p. F 7 5 UE I 120.26 l+ 6� 2 6C� / 12 • q5' 0j 560 NT I /r / // o J Olv��/� w / / S 114.89 15.00 9c�. o D i 0. _-- --_ I / 2 - ° 0 51 ti N MIN.F.F.= '�QP�� 2. EXISTING STABLE t�G' ASSOCIATED / 41 �F �, / % �� 607. 0 607. o - F _ B UILDINGS TO BE REMOVED. / N87 30 ' 26 " E 42 50.00' 46' Z, MIN.F.F.= N50 ,6. 0 C9 _Al 99.97' ,3. Zo o.E. \\� P 607.5 O N ti �o ],Q8 �R(�L00DPLAIN LINE s � �(>D - _ �/ O;tip R=1000, O„ z o ,5 \N 49 0 0� ��, I • �� P Z N rn 1 / / / II 1 °1 Ld 'U CD II II OO�OQ �° 4 3 // A=02 04 4 00 m II 1 Pao ��� OD LP . 0 48 \o o� °°15 �03' / / ' 1 �_ I 0D I Q Z3 • / / L=36. 4' �tD A 47 p Co- No1.5s' 4s-E x PRELIMINARY PLAT �--� �o • / _ 2p, U �•L, / //CB=SO1 •27 1 "E IUW n� ul MIN. m 608.5 F \ YO l!��yy� / / -�` � vo Tr C-36. 3' 45 Ln 0 46 609.5 09 .`,V I 5 U.E. ' �� 163. 03' ' 0 1 I 1 REVISED � L 9e1pTPGASFME"T \Z l l 44 0O 0 610.O.F.= rn g1 31. 44.22' 111.79' \\ 69 99' A6 •��'' ��'/ 1 `� c o II 11 Sg S D E NU2 °59' 10"E ,� / TIMBER LAKE PHA SE 5 - 0 S OF 30 _ s 43 226. 01 w 1 r \ c I I JE _ m 112' 12. QB w g93 � II 6 m m I I o ° AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS - - OD N12 ' // n �� 42' C i °5a / 7 1 5 N II II , /\ L 1S SEMENT AND 1 BEING A TRACT TOTALLING 50.1467 ACRES (67 LOT IV06 ' �� V° Sq ` pINAGE EA N0 . 2 / �� 4 III 1 I DEC 2 28 16 "E 221- 54 '' �Jtot 9y s DRpMMON AREA I I I OUT OF THE FINAL PLAT �21 •Q \\� \OG� 123SMT 1 /' 8 --' III P.J. HYDE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 667 t 4 02 •, ,. W 629 ?8 �� P N SEMEN C� ,2 �\ \ \ �'; 'o MONTI CELLO PHASE F 2\\ N07 •29 54 OMMDN PGE EA �� I `\ 1, o Cab A, Slide 1764 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS E9 G PPZN / �O PLANNER -ENGINEER -SURVEYOR � / � 5 \` � •29, � `--_,- ���/ ''�/ aND � J �/ Q tt 2310 C.E.--� �- - m OWNER -APPLICANT 2 3 \ � � --__ - - ' � � g p� } SOUTHLAKE JOINT VENTURE THE NELSON CORPORATION Ia -,, � DALLAS,TEXAS 75248 15851 PARKWAY, SUITE 100 5999 SUMMERSIDE DR. SUITE 202 ' 21 APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT C 11 a 1 1 10 DALLAS, TEXAS 75252 APPROV \ \ LEGEND (214) 490-3255 NC# 89018.01 (214) 380-2605 MONTICELLO ESTATES/ 12 \ \ 400 B.L. = BUILDING LINE DECEMBER 12, 1994 BLoc 20 13 \ \ 0 50 100 200 300 SCALE: > _ >00' U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT 8 -'14 MIN. F. F. = MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION CASE NO. ZA 19 SCALE IN FEET >" =100' INLET E. I. WIESMAN EXISTING ZONING AG L. U. D. = LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL S0001512911E E. 1. WIESMAN ET. UX GLENDA F EXISTING ZONING AG L. U. D = LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL /-• / ^'` --BEG�NN�NG' N� Of SCALE: I" = 40 0 20 40 80 GRAPHIC SCALE RESIDENCE PORTABLE BLDG. SEU PERMIT UNTIL MAY, 1996 0� O� Q — — P k �O O RESIDENCE I ft L. U. D. = LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LOT NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO COMPLY WITH MASONRY ORDINANCE NO. 557. N OWNER/DEVELOPER CARL E. WILLIAMS 4525 BELKNAP FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76117 (817) 834- 2806 REQUIRED BUFFERYARDS Canopy Accent Required Provided Trees Trees Shrubs North-493' ■ 10'-Et 10'-Et 5 10 39 East-590' 10'-C 10'-C 18 24 71 South-548' 10'-C 10'-C 16 22 66 West-490' 10'-C 10'-C 15 20 59 1 t H 1 - Hedge of plantings shall be a minimum of two feet in height and planted no further apart than, 30" on center. ■ This distance reflects the exclusion of two 24' driveways and one 36' driveway as recommended by Staff REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Canopy Accent Ground Trees Trees Shrubs Cover Area req'd = 5,070 s.f. t 8 17 85 507 s.f. t Of this area, 10 s.f. per parking space is required as planter islands in the parking areas. CONCEPT PLAN FOR 11CS" ZONING REQUEST SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST BEING A REVISION OF LOT 3, J.G. ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION, 4.007 ACRE TRACT OUT OF J.G. ALLEN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 18 REVISION OF Js G. ALLEN NO, 18 ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 6.80 ACRES OUT OF THE J.G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 18 ' f BEING A REVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 5, 4.007 ACRE TRACT OUT OF J.G. ALLEN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 18, V. 2060, P. 166, OF J.G. ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION, AS RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 13Z994 nn�JULY 1994 / 1 LOT AQVEMBER 1994 OWNER/DEVELOPER SURVEYOR SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST PEISER SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. 2501 WEST SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1333 CORPORATE DRIVE, STE 103 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 IRVING, TEXAS. 75038 (817-379-5298) (214-714-0420) CASE NO. 94 -125 10#40/9 110 Ort)--i-/j •• ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ADOPTING A NEW PERIMETER STREET ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF- WAY FOR PERIMETER STREETS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PERIMETER FEES; PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF DEVELOPER COSTS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLMENT OF ROADWAY .. IMPROVEMENTS ON PERIMETER STREETS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR '" PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. r. _ _WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, is a homerule city acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake has recommended that a system be established regulating the requirements for the installation of perimeter streets abutting areas or developments being formally subdivided pursuant to the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake finds that this proposed ordinance will meet a legitimate public need, clarify responsibilities of landowners and developers, assist r in carrying out the community's Thoroughfare Plan, serve to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and fulfill the purposes of Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code. r,. `► NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF r . t)rj)i-- 6 SOUTHLAKE: SECTION I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE (1) Purpose. It is the purpose of this Ordinance to guide the development of a i,. roadway network sufficient for both existing and future traffic. This Ordinance establishes that all developers, as defined herein, shall dedicate the required right-of-way for the type of perimeter street proposed in the City of Southlake's Thoroughfare Plan and any amendments thereto, whereby the City may proactively acquire adequate right-of-way for ultimate throroughfare need, as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan and will not have to buy right-of-way later, disrupting established residents and businesses. This Ordinance also establishes that all developers shall pay a perimeter street fee in accordance with section 5 herein or, at the option of the City Council, improve said street to meet the City's current Thoroughfare Plan and pavement standards on any existing road or street that abuts the proposed subdivision where said road or street is inadequate or substandard according to said Thoroughfare Plan. (2) Scope. The provisions of the Ordinance shall apply to all land hereinafter defined as new developments abutted by one or more streets now in existence or whether they are proposed for installation by the City's current Thoroughfare Plan. SECTION H. DEFINITIONS (1) General Rules. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following rules shall be applied in constructing, interpreting, or otherwise defining the terms and provisions hereof: (a) Words used in the present tense shall include the future, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and words used in the plural shall include the singular. (b) The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. (c) The phrase "used for" shall include the phrases "arranged for", "designed for", "intended for", and "occupied for", and shall apply exclusively to physical uses. (2) Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words or terms applicable hereto are defined as herinafter provided. Words and terms used in this �• ordinance, but not defined in this ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Southlake. Words and terms defined in both ordinances shall be read in harmony unless there exists an irreconcilable conflict, in which case the 2 Iwo ha p , Oi- A P1/2 he 1 � ` definition contained in this ordinance shall control. (a) The City means the City of Southlake,Texas. (b) The Developer's Agreement is a written aggreement, approved by the City Council, which addresses the physical public improvements which are to be installed in the development. ► (c) Perimeter street means any street which abuts or whose width lies partially within a new development. is (d) Right-of-Way (abbreviated R.O.W.)means a strip of land, other than a drainage or utility easement, occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, sidewalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for another special use. i'" (e) The Throroughfare Plan is the written policy of the City of Southlake recommending the roadway network necessary to support ultimate development in Southlake and the surrounding region. h. -- (f) Ultimate roadway section means the R.0.W. and pavement standards specified in the current Thoroughfare Plan. i SECTION III. ENFORCEMENT (1) Administration. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. The City Council shall determine and include in the Developer's Agreement whether the developer shall pay a perimeter street fee or install the ultimate roadway section. C (2) Deposit of fees. Fees paid pursuant to this section shall be placed by the City into the perimeter street fund and shall be specifically reserved and used for the construction of street improvements in accordance with the current Thoroughfare Plan. The Council shall determine the timing and priority of expenditure of these funds through its capital improvement program budgeting process. (3) Failure to comply. Any developer who fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within its municipal boundary shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted in municipal court in addition to any other remedies available to the City provided herein. ftw SECTION IV. `► DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY r h„ (1) A developer shall be required to dedicate the required right-of-way for the type of perimeter street specified in the City's current Thoroughfare Plan. Where a new development borders only one side of a perimeter street, the developer shall be required to dedicate the appropriate right-of-way as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance lying between the center line of the perimeter street and the nearest property line of the new development. In the event that the new development in some manner borders a perimeter street on both sides, the developer shall dedicate the entire width of the right-of-way of said perimeter street. (2) Under no circumstances shall a developer be required to dedicate right-of-way 10 along any one perimeter street greater than one-half of a one hundred twenty foot(120') right-of- way. It shall be presumed that any right-of-way requirements greater than 120' in width are designed to accommodate Arterial designed to provide transportation services not directly attributable solely to the surrounding development. (3) Wherever a developer is required to dedicate right-of-way for a perimeter street and/or to construct perimeter street improvements, the City may require the developer to dedicate right-of-way for ancillary drainage improvements and to install any and all necessary supporting drainage improvements or facilities. (4) If the perimeter street is already developed and improved as an ultimate roadway section, the developer shall be required to dedicate any additional right-of-way needed for other public improvements directly adjacent to the one-half of the existing street surface and right-of- t way contiguous with the subdivision. The developer shall further be required to install, reinstall, or upgrade any curbs, gutter, drainage improvements, sidewalks, driveway aprons, lighting or other facilities as determined appropriate by the City Council. SECTION V. PERIMETER STREET FEE (1) In the event the City Council determines that the perimeter street fee should be paid, the Developer shall pay to the City a portion of the full cost of roadway improvements required to upgrade said road to the ultimate roadway section (including, but not limited to, excavation, subgrade preparation, paving, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utility adjustments, engineering, and necessary appurtenances) and dedicate the necessary right-of- way for said road or street as a condition precedent to the acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City for maintenance purposes and the issuance of any building permits. The required portion will be contingent upon the type of throughfare the perimeter street is as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan. If the perimeter street is a Local Street, the fee will be equal to one-half of the full cost. If it is a Collector or Arterial, the fee will be equal to one-third of the full cost. An annual estimate of the cost of said improvements shall be determined by the Director of Public Works and the determined fee included in the City 4 I i/ ° id- 13/4 A74,_.- of Southlake's Schedule of Fees. (2) If the City Council should determine that the perimeter street was constructed bi„ as the ultimate roadway section by a prior developer on the other side of the right-of-way under the terms and conditions of this ordinance, then the current Developer shall be charged one-half the cost per linear foot of installing the perimeter road and related improvements multiplied by the number of linear feet of the perimeter street abutting the new development. This fee shall be paid to the City's Director of Finance prior to the execution of the Developer's Agreement required by the Subdivision Ordinance. The Director of Finance shall pay these funds, less 10% of the funds for each year the ultimate section has been in service, to the original developer of the perimeter street as soon as possible after verification of all calculations, costs, and amounts by the City Council. No payments will be refunded to hp the original developer after the ultimate section has been in service ten years. SECTION VI. INSTALLMENT OF A ROADWAY SECTION In the event that the City Council determines that a Developer should install or improve a perimeter street in lieu of a paying a perimeter fee, the Developer will be required to install a minimum of two full lanes, in full conformance with the standards established by the City's current Thoroughfare Plan. The Developer will be required to pay for all construction, engineering, testing, and inspection costs. Any Developer constructing the entire street surface under this provision may be eligible to receive a rebate of one-half of the complete cost of the street structure, curb and gutter, and related drainage facilities when development activity occurs on the opposite side of the street right-of-way in accordance with Section V(2) of this ordinance. The City will reimburse the Developer in an amount equivalent to one-sixth (1/6th) of the total cost of constructing the minimum two lanes or one-third (1/3rd) the total cost of constructing the entire road together with ancillary improvements by crediting the Developer against development fees owed on the remainder of the project. In no event will the credit allowed by the City exceed one-half of the total development fees attributable to the complete subdivision project. SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby r repealed. SECTION VIII. 5 L • .2 44- 2 - r It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, `r. C sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by P the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the Imo incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Is SECTION IX. Any person, firm, corporation, agent, or employee thereof who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($2,000.00). Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION X. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of any ordinances affecting perimeter street dedication or development which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance, but may be prosecuted until r +r. final disposition by the courts. SECTION XI. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this L6 r ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the lap operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all ` courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION XII. imp The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed `n ordinance or its caption and penalty together thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days r. after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. a. SECTION XIII. 4111. IMP City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption, penalty clause and effective date clause in the minutes of r. f the City Council and by filing the ordinance in the ordinance records of the City. SECTION xiv. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and f publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. a. M. w. \.. 7 • f a. City of Southlake,Texas E , MEMORANDUM December 13, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Lonesome Dove Estates\Emerald Estates Off-Site Sewer I Lonesome Dove Estates is committed to build an off-site lift station to serve both their subdivision and Emerald Estates. Staff has been working with John Levitt on the location of the lift station. The original location has not been obtainable. We asked John Levitt to design the off-site system to locate the lift station at Lonesome Dove Ave. and Dove St. This would allow Ithe lift station to serve Hunters Creek and possibly Heatherwood Estates, Royal Oaks and Twin Creeks (see map). John has submitted the attached cost estimate to move the lift station from the original site. (Estimated cost of $100, $189) (See cost estimate and proposed re-alignment.) LA- The costs, all based on actual bids for Lonesome Dove Estates, could be shared in the following manner: 1. Lonesome Dove Developer: (costs regardless of routing) 8" pvc 500 lf. $ 18.60 $ 9,300.00 I MH 2 each 2 ea. 1080.00 2,160.00 Trench safety 500 lf. 1.50 750.00 Sub-Total $12,210.00 Eng/surveying 500/1810 = 27% = 2,555.00 Total $14,765.00 2. Emerald Estates Assessment Program (costs which would have been part of the Assessment Programs) 8" PVC 855 lf. $ 15.80 $13,509.00 I MH 1 ea. 1080.00 1,080.00 Driveway Repair 200 lf. 30.00 6,000.00 Culverts 7 ea. 300.00 2,100.00 Trench safety 855 If. 1.50 1,282.50 Subtotal $23,971.50 Eng/survey 855/1810 = 47% = 4,369.50 EL, Total $28,341.00 C C L E L Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Lonesome Dove Estates/Emerald Estates Off-Site Sewer December 12, 1994 Page 2. C 3. City of Southlake 8" pvc 455 lf. $ 18.60 $ 8,463.00 MH 1 ea. 1080.00 1,080.00 Extra MH depth 24 lf. 90.00 2,160.00 12" bore & cassing 60 ft. 75.00 4,500.00 (culvert) Trench safety 455 lf. 1.50 682.50 6" force main 1400 if. 9.00 12,600.00 Additional cost from original for upsizing 4,890.00 Subtotal 34,375.50 Eng/survey 455/1810 = 25% 2,325.50 Total Sewer $36,701.00 Pavement repairs (street budget) 20,010.00 Total City 56,711.00 Lin- Recap Lonesome Dove Developer $14,765.00 Assessment Program 28,341.00 Total City 56,711.00 Project Total $99,817.00 E You may call me if you have any questions regarding these costs. C f BW wpfiles\ldsewer.prg kw • EL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE IOC"' OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER EMERALD ESTATES/LONESOME DOVE ESTATES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C SANITARY SEWER 8" PVC DR 35 10' - 12' 855 if @ $ 15.80 $13,509.00 8" PVC DR 35 12' - 14' 955 if @ 18.60 17,763.00 4' STD. Conc. S.S. MH 4 ea @ 1080.00 4,320.00 Extra MH. Depth 24 if @ 90.00 2,160.00 12" Bore & Casing 60 if @ 75.00 4,500.00 6" Force Main 1400 if @ 9.00 12,600.00 Pavement Repair* 1150 if @ 17.40 20,010.00 Driveway Repair 200 if @ 30.00 6,000.00 R & R Culverts 7 ea @ 300.00 2,100.00 Trench Safety 1810 if @ 1.50 2,715.00 Subtotal $85,677.00 L4.r Additional cost to original design: Add $2.00/1f for up sizing force main 1,635 if $ 3,270.00 Add $10.00/1f for up sizing bore/case 106 if 1,060.00 Add $80.00/ea for up sizing gate valves 2 ea 160.00 Add $100.00/ea for up sizing cleanouts 4 ea 400.00 Subtotal $ 4,890.00 Engineering/Surveying 9,250.00 Total $99,817.00 C *Pavement repair - 2" HMAC (22' wide) w/6" cement modified subgrade. C C i , 14 I I 1s 1Cn 17 I 1 t , _4 I i ,i, 575 5 C-I3i �+r/ 4 c la 5 E \ ST61 StOl•3� G-13°4\574.•/5i-04IRA4 STiA 14f3TQ 5TA �st90 Rev. /' • 5�5,Oo F�.Slo3, Top•sue.00 It- 51.0(o.&4 5 6 7 8 9 la { II pa E )13-it-504 E . l' ii,,-100, Nt c vrs) -re\ 4t25 120. Top• 57/S CAI 12 L4.41 Ft-5c,0,43 \pp tTI0 r,1A't- 1i o'-6"fm ST:• D+4o Tnn• 570.0 v E ---.4. 513..azi ._______` - i1- ......„ - C-/6 E .1r, cyi-oo I. VT- 571,00 Eft- 559.a 4It. 50.00 L5 It-553.SO EL LOOE Son)e TDove ESTotTES Off5ITE.SPILIITiA2:1 5silE1Z ' z17poSE.o RE- N.u6N-A.E4.Q- 11-Is-94 CITY OF SOU LAKE Trail System Master Plan City Council Work Session December 13, 1994 - 6:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Introductions II. Review of Background Information Purpose of Study (see attached) urp B. Study Process • Analysis / Opportunities and Constraints • Preliminary Plans • Final Plans s • Develop Standards • Develop Costs, Phasing, and Implementation Strategies C. General Approaches to Bike System Planning D. Goals and Objectives of System (see attached) E. Review Opportunities and Constraints Presented at Joint Park Board/SPIN Committee Meetings III. Preliminary Routing Recommendations • Off-Road Hike and Bike Trails • Equestrian Trails • On-Road Bike Routes IV. Input from Council; Questions from Floor C C C s City of Southlake Trail System Master Plan Purpose of Study The purpose of this plan is to give long range development direction to a Trail System that will serve the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. In accomplishing this, it is anticipated that the system will be composed of the following components: • "off-road" hike/bike system located in greenbelts, linear parks, A dedicated o y and/or greenways adjacent to selected thoroughfares. • A system of bicycle routes through Southlake utilizing existing and proposed thoroughfares. • An equestrian trail system located in the greenbelts, linear parkways, and open space adjacent to Lake Grapevine. Goals of Plan The current Southlake Park and Recreation Master Plan set forth a related goal that addresses Trail System Planning: Goal 1: Conserve and enhance Southlake's remaining natural resources to maintain the City's environmental health and quality of life. Objective related to this goal: Negotiate with the development community to provide for public access to natural features within flood plains and wooded uplands. As a result of initial interviews with staff and an evaluation of trail system opportunities and constraints, we have identified the following goals for this Trail System: • To provide a system that will encourage the creation of a linear park system along the creek corridors and tributaries in undeveloped and unplatted parts of the city so that these resources can be preserved and utilized for all citizens of Southlake. • To provide a system that utilizes existing rail and utility corridors for walking, jogging, and bicycling. • To provide a system that connects to recognized "trail corridors" and greenways forming an interconnected network of the Trinity River Greenway system. • To provide a system that encourages and promotes pedestrian and bicycle access to Lake Grapevine open space along the south shore. - I _ City of Southlake3 Trail System Master Plan Goals of Study (Continued) • To provide a system that allows for an appropriate mix of equestrian trails within the context of the trail program and that provides access to the facilities available at Lake Grapevine. • To provide a system that links existing parks, schools, businesses, and public facilities in Southlake and promotes bicycling, walking, and jogging as a recreational activity. • To promote bicycle use as a viable personal transportation mode within a balanced transportation system. • To increase safety for both pedestrians and bicyclists through the implementation of a carefully designed system of routes and trails and through programs carefully designed to educate and inform pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists. • To provide a system that is barrier free and offers accessibility to everyone. 1 1