2001-12-18 City of Southlake, Texas
December 18, 2001
LOCATION: Town Hall Council Chamber
1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
REGULAR SESSION 4:00 P.M. (prior to City Council meeting):
1. Call to order.
2. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney, Section 551.072,
deliberation regarding real property, and/or Section 551.073, deliberation regarding
prospective gift.
3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Southlake Parks Development Corporation
Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a
• Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order
of business and considered in its normal sequence.
4. Consent:
A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held November 26, 2001.
5. Consider:
A. Award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of sports lighting at Bob
Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School playing field.
7. Adjournment
SPDC Meeting
December 18, 2001
Page 2
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at Town Hall, 1400
Main Street, on Friday, December 14, 2001, at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551.
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Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary ,�',,,,,,••'c,�,•.S
If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the
City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-1519, and reasonable accommodations will be made to
assist you.
Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the Board
seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a
settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Southlake Parks Development Board under the
Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551.
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the
purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a
negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City.
December 18, 2001
Board Members Present: President Ralph Evans; Members: Tim O'Conner, Rex Potter, Bobby
Rawls, and Rick Stacy.
Board Members Absent: Tom Stephen and Tad Stephens
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community
Services Steve Polasek, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry, City Manager's
Office Intern Ann Tillery, Assistant Finance Director Lynn Warren, and Executive Secretary Kim
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ralph Evans at
4:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 and No. 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was necessary
1 Agenda Item No. 4A. Approval of the meeting minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held
November 26, 2001.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of November 26, 2001 as presented.
Motion: Stacy
Second: O'Conner
Ayes: Evans, Potter, O'Conner, Rawls, Stacy
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 5A. Award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of sports
lighting at Bob Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School playing field.
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman presented the contract to the Board. Mr. Hugman
explained that in order to expedite the construction of lighting staff used its membership with the Buy
Board. The Buy Board is a customized electronic purchasing system developed by the Texas Local
Government Purchasing cooperative to increase the purchasing power of government entities.
Construction includes 16 total poles at 70' high, and 30 foot candles - 4 poles for CIS and 12 for Bob
Jones Park soccer fields. Bob Jones Park will be equipped with "Control Link", a phone or Internet
based management software which allows remote access and tracking of the light system. Also
included with this contract will be the installation of a playground security light at Bob Jones Park.
Total cost for the project is $375,000, which includes a contingency of $3,448.35. Included in the
total cost is a warranty. Mr. Hugman explained that staff would recommend approval of the contract
SPDC Meeting Minutes, December 18, 2001, Page 1 of 2
subject to staff working out details of the warranty and payment issues with the City Attorney. Total
funds available for the project through the SPDC budget is $350,000.00. Staff has been in contact
• with the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association regarding their ability to make up the difference of
$25,000. Tony DeBruno, President of GSSA, has indicating their willingness to participate.
Mr. Hugman further explained that there have been plans for many years to light the three southern
soccer fields at Bob Jones Park, which was part of the Bob Jones Park Master Plan developed in 1997.
Up until now, only two practice fields have been used in that area.
Motion was made to approve awarding contract to Musco Sports Lighting in the amount of $375,000
subject to staff's review with the City Attorney concerning warranty and payment issues.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Evans, Potter, O'Conner, Rawls, Stacy
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Public Forum.
Kelli Riley, President of Southlake Lacrosse Association, 208 Bob O'link Dr., Southlake, thanked the
Board for sending to the city council the monies and priority needed to begin the construction of
lighting on the Carroll Intermediate School field. She commented that they look forward to continuing
to work with staff on getting the needs for the Lacrosse Association program where it needs to be.
(See her letter dated 12/18/2001 attached to the minutes.)
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Preside alph Evans
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Kim hush ***
Executive Secretary
SPDC Meeting Minutes, December 18, 2001, Page 2 of 2
• P.O. Box-93237
Southlake, Texas
December 18, 2001
Dear SPDC Members:
Good Evening. I am Kelli Riley, 2.48.Bob O-L.ink_Drive-.Southlake. I am-president-of the
Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association.
The primary purpose for my addressing-you.this-evening.is.tagive you a hearty-.thankrou
on the behalf of the association for sending to city council the monies and priority needed
to begin the construction of state-of-the-art lighting nn the Carroll IntermediateSc1 ool
field-the one designated lacrosse field.
Kevin Hugman and his staff have been_diiigent in this prnject_meeting with_caaehes,
parents and me to ensure the property to the best and highest use. Ben Henry was very
open minded and I think had•fun_witl-this--project.-Steve-Polescek indicated.to-.last
Thursday-13th that on Dec. 14, field upgrades were starting and they have a scheduled
plan to have the field ready far.play this..spring an[we are very grateful.fo.ntheir foresight
• to have this done in a timely manner and I look forward to receiving the plan Steve spoke
We appreciate you, the SPEC i plex-as.. responding
very positively to our request made on July 23, 2001. This fall, due to various and s dry
reasons the procurement of this facility-was. 60 fall, 5 week clinic-p rs
practiced at CIS and at night, utilizing the 4 lights at the one end of the field. Even undkr
these conditions, all our teamstoohig.-win October lacro se
tournament, including our girls squad placing 4th out of 12 teams.
In the spirit of cooperation and-your_past-endorsement,_we_look forward.to filly
maximizing the TSB lighted fields for practice this winter/spring 2002 league keason as we
anticipate approximately 250 lacrosse players some 8-9 teams. Throughout the fall, I had
the opportunity to meet with Kevin Hugman on a number of occasions and he assured!me
several times, that the 3 fields at the TSB-complex was available for our use this spring.
Kevin has a comprehensive lacrosse practice plan for the TSB fields. We fully recognize
that the current plan is for these fields to become-4-5 more beautifully lighted soft all
fields. We are glad for the softball association to have lighted playing and practicelLfields
to accommodate their some 300+ players.
CISD has made available for our VarsityliV.gir-ls-and hoys-use,.the"old'°_Dragon.Star um
to play their home games in for this spring. This usage was obtained by mirroring the
PeeWee Football Association-through a moneta y donation and-services.in kin&_Even so,
our Varsity teams now can play a normal schedule as opposed to having to play so many
away games as we had to do-last._year WWe could not_ the
timeliness of the construction of the CIS lights. Currently, our youth squads are sched led
to play at the CMS field untiLc►irh time Kevin and crew advice us the CIS.field is ready.
What will we do for lighted practice/playing facilities next spring? We will be running 250
players up to 5 practices weekly.ou-the-.CI.S.field—We will be-engaging in-conversations
with CISD, the Claridien School and of course you in how best to maximize available field
usage space.
We will continue to work toward our 1 i ncL3 year goals.--I-want-to remind-you-ofyour
outstanding suggestion at a past SPDC meeting in fully utilizing land in the Bicentennial
Park area and the possible development intn-a lacrosse complex. Needless_to_say,_th t is
on our 3 year plan and we will continue to work with you, Kevin and crew to help make
this goal a reality.
In order to help the players in many. n, scholarship nd
possible field enhancements, the first annual fund-raiser, Stick'N With Lacrosse1is
scheduled for March 23, 2002 at the Parr Place-Lexus-dealership in Grapevine. Far.$50,
you can attend and enjoy an evening with area professional athletes, each of whom -
endorse lacrosse, and spend your.n ney-on wonderful-silent-and live auction items.. Our
goal also is to obtain a car to allow the players to sell chances on it with the top -.1
sales-getter in each age group attending-the function-and-mingling with the athletes-nd
other celebrities there.
On behalf of the lacrosse association, we-appreciate-your-consideration and Happy
Kelli C. Riley
Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association
City of Southlake, Texas
December 14, 2001
TO: SPDC Board of Directors
FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services
SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for Board Meeting -
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
1. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. We have no items to discuss with you in executive
session at this time.
2. Agenda Item No. 4A. Approval of the minutes of the regular SPDC meeting held
November 26, 2001. If you have corrections to the meeting minutes, please let Secretary to
the City Manager Kim Bush know in advance or make it part of the motion for
consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at kbush@ci.southlake.tx.us or by calling her
at 481-1420.
3. Agenda Item No. 5A. Award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of
sports lighting at Bob Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School playing
fields. The packet item cover memo describes this item. The lighting systems for both Bob
1111 Jones Park and Carroll Intermediate School will employ the highest level of design for
spillover light and glare control. This system is the Total Light Control system developed
by Musco Sports Lighting and is the same system utilized by the CISD at the new
middle/intermediate school football field on Kimball. In addition, recognizing that lighting
issues would be especially sensitive to the Bob Jones Park area, a "control link" system
will also be purchased, allowing the City to access the automatic timer system through a
telephone link or internet. This will allow much better control of lighting operation over
the currently used mechanical timers at Bicentennial Park.
City Council will also consider this item, as well as two related items on their December 18
meeting agenda. The related items are:
(1) Staff is requesting variances to the lighting ordinance due to type of lamp (metal halide
instead of high pressure sodium), and lighting intensity (National standards recommend
minimum of 30 foot-candles for soccer and lacrosse, whereas ordinance maximum is 20
(2) Residents of Bob Jones Park area are concerned about hours of operation of lighting.
This is governed by the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association (GSSA) Facilities
Utilization Agreement, which has been reviewed by Park Board and will be considered
by City Council on its agenda.
Staff recommends the award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting in the amount of
• $371,551.65 with a project contingency of $3,448.35 for a total project cost of $375,000.
SPDC Board of Directors
Board Meeting—Tuesday, December 18, 2001
Page 2
i The SPDC CIP budget includes $350,000 for sports lighting ($150,000 for CIS and
$200,000 for Bob Jones Park), resulting in a shortage of $25,000. Tony deBruno, GSSA
President, has indicated GSSA may be able to commit to providing some of the funds to
make up the difference as noted in his e-mail included in the packet item. Additional funds
are available in the Reserve line item of the SPDC Capital Projects budget ($135,585).
4. Agenda Item No. 6. PUBLIC FORUM: This is the public's opportunity to address the
Board about non-agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not
deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time.
The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the
presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4)
request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider.
Staff anticipates some members of the Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association will be at
your meeting to request they be allowed full usage of the fields at the recently acquired
Southlake Softball Complex (former Texas School of Baseball). Staff has committed to
working with them and providing them some practice space, but we have also received
requests from the Southlake Girls Softball Association to use the lighted fields for spring
practices. We have indicated to all that we will work with each to accommodate as best we
can given the resources we have.
• 5. Other Items included in your packet for your information:
• Sales Tax Report
• Project Status Report
We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding
the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at 481-1527.
Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, 481-1713
Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, 481-1527
Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, 481-1543
Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, 481-1584
Chris Carpenter, Senior Parks Planner, 481-1585
e,o). EKE G% Southlake Girls Softball Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 92643 • Southlake, Texas 76092
/ - 817-442-1555 • Web: www.sgsa.org
ra •
President Sunday, December 16, 2001 f E@ L Q W
Matt Tuggey I V r'--
1st Vice President gman
Darryl Deutsch Director of Community Services Mr. Kevin Hugman
City of Southlake PARKS & RECREATION
2nd Vice President 400 North White Chapel
Jim Farley Southlake, Texas 76092 ,
Secretary Dear Kevin:
Cindy O'Brien
The Southlake Girls' Softball Association (SGSA) Board of Directors
Treasurer has been informed' that a delay in the purchase of the Southlake
Chris Archer Softball Complex will result in a later than anticipated start of the re-
design of this facility. We are also aware that the Southlake Baseball
Sponsors Association and the Southlake Lacrosse Association have made
Francine Myers separate requests to use this facility for the upcoming 2002 season.
'iforms If the existing fields at the Southlake Softball Complex will be used
Maury Buford this season, please consider the following:
Public Relations • As SGSA membership approaches 500+ young ladies this spring we
Bert Lacativo
again find ourselves in dire need of additional space, especially
Equipment space with restroom facilities. Currently, we have our youngest
Al Hemmelgarn girls (4 to 8 years old) at facilities that do not have restrooms. Over
the years, we have made numerous requests for portable restrooms
Fields at these practice fields and understandably those requests have
Cayne Wallis been denied because of concerns from surrounding neighborhoods.
The restroom facilities at the SSC would serve the needs of these
Scheduling younger girls.
Peter Rue • The fields at the Southlake Softball Complex are ball fields,
complete with backstops, base paths, pitching mounds, etc. Their
City/School Liaison best use is for softball/baseball practices or games.
Tad Stephens • For the past several years, SGSA has regularly used the lighted
softball field at Carroll Intermediate as provided for under our
Advisor utilization agreement with the city. In an attempt to assist the
Jim Hardland efforts of lacrosse and in anticipation of our move to SSC, the SGSA
Board voted last fall to vacate this facility. For 2002, lacrosse has
(visor complete, uninterrupted access to this field along with their facility
ny Scott at the middle school.
• If permitted to use the fields at SSC, SGSA would vacate the two
practice fields at Koality Park, allowing for their use by SBA. In
addition, SGSA would work with SBA to share the use of the third
larger field at SSC. We understand that once re-design work begins
at SSC, we will return to the practice fields as outlined in the
utilization agreement with the city.
Finally, SGSA would appreciate clarification of the off season use of
game fields at Bicentennial Park, specifically field #2. SGSA has
worked diligently with the park staff to stay off these game fields in
between seasons, especially during the cool, damp winter months, to
ensure a good quality playing surface. At the request of park
maintenance, SGSA has shortened its seasons, restricted field use by
tournament teams, and rescheduled clinics and special events around
these "down times". Currently, field #2 is being used by SGSA during
the spring and fall; adult men's league and adult co-ed slow-pitch
during the spring, summer, and fall; and now, lacrosse in the winter
months. The condition of this field is reflective of its overuse.
SGSA looks forward to a good working relationship with our partners
involved in youth sports and we will continue to support their success.
As always, we appreciate your support of girls' softball and welcome
11, any questions or comments.
Matt Tuggey
President, SGSA
City of Southiake, Texas
December 12, 2001
TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager
FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (ext. 1527)
SUBJECT: Award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of sports lighting
at Bob Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School playing field.
Action Requested: SPDC award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of sports
lighting at Bob Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School
playing field.
Information: The City Council approved the Master Plan for Bob Jones Park in March of
1997 at which time sports field lighting was identified for the southern soccer
fields. Field lighting was also included as a component of the TPWD grant
approved in August of 1997. It has also been included as a component of
Bob Jones Development in the SPDC CIP since 1998. The Carroll
Intermediate School playing field was included in the approved FY 2001/02
Capital Improvements Plan.
Staff has been working with Musco Sports Lighting and the consulting firm
of Sportslighting Design Group on the design and specifications of the
lighting system. To expedite the completion of the project prior to Spring
2002 play, staff recommended utilizing Southlake's membership with the Buy
The Buy Board is a customized electronic purchasing system developed by
the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative to increase the
purchasing power of government entities. As an eligible project, the City
would benefit from the discount price, time savings, and convenience of the
Buy Board process of completing this project with the product and services of
Musco Sports Lighting, LLC, (a Buy Board Vendor). Musco Sports
Lighting has completed a number of recent projects for CISD and has
provided the City with all sports lighting within Bicentennial Park. They
have established a reputation for quality work in a timely manner.
Musco Sports Lighting products selected for each field include "Total Light
Control" (TLC) equipped lamps with hoods atop 70' galvanized poles. TLC
is highly recommended for sites which require extreme light control. With
TLC, each field automatically includes the "10 Club Service" to provide
complete maintenance and total lamping of the system for 10 years. Bob
Jones Park will be further equipped with "Control Link", a phone or internet
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
December 12, 2001
Page 2
based management software which allows remote access and tracking of the
light system.
Also, at Bob Jones Park, a security light will be installed for the playground
area. This security light is a high pressure sodium lamp identical to those
installed along the park loop road.
Considerations: Funding in the amount of $200,000 is allocated in the FY 2001/02 SPDC
budget for Bob Jones Park Soccer Field Lighting. Funding in the amount of
$150,000 was also allocated in the FY 2001/02 SPDC budget to light the
Carroll Intermediate School playing field.
Total funds available for sport lighting through the allocated SPDC budget is
$350,000. The construction cost is $371,551.65 of which the "Control
Link" and playground security light is $4,500. A contingency of $3,448.35
is also requested for a total project cost of$375,000.
Staff has been in contact with the Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association
regarding their ability to make up the difference ($25,000) through grants,
reserves, or matching funds. GSSA has verbally agreed to pursue these
opportunities and indicated that they would submit a statement in writing to
the City. Refer to the attached e-mail from GSSA President Tony deBruno.
The reserve fund line item in the approved FY2001/02 SPDC CIP budget is
$135,585. This line item is available as a source for funds to make up the
additional project cost.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: Staff met with SPIN #1 (Bob Jones Park) and #6 (Carroll Intermediate) on
December 5, 2001 to discuss the sports lighting.
Planning and Zoning approved (6-0) the associated variances to the lighting
ordinance at their December 6, 2001 meeting. The requests for variance are
to be considered by the City Council at their December 18, 2001 meeting.
Legal Review: The Buy Board is competitively bid and awarded by the Cooperative's Board
of Trustees based on Texas Statutes.
The City Attorney is reviewing the contractual agreement with Musco Sports
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
December 12, 2001
Page 3
Alternatives: SPDC input on the project as submitted.
Documents: - Contractual Agreement
- E-mail from GSSA President Tony deBruno
- Lighting Plan for Carroll Intermediate School
- Lighting Plan for Bob Jones Park Soccer Fields
Recommendation: SPDC award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting for construction of sports
lighting at Bob Jones Park soccer fields and Carroll Intermediate School
playing field in the amount of $371,551.65, plus $3,448.35 in contingency,
for a total project budget of$375,000.
December 11, 2001
City of Southlake
400 N. White Chapel
Southlake, TX 76092
Attention: Ben Henry
Reference: Bob Jones Soccer and Carroll Intermediate School Lacrosse
Contractual Agreement
Dear Ben Henry:
Thank you for selecting Musco for your lighting needs. I am forwarding the following document package per
the request of Mike Monroe for your review and signature. This is the information upon which we will
proceed in order to meet your expectations.
1. Contractual Agreement-This document outlines the details of the proposed agreement.
2. Layout -This document illustrates field dimensions and pole locations for design of your lighting project.
3. Pole Drawing -This document illustrates the design specifications to which your poles will be
4. Submittal This document illustrates field dimensions and pole locations for design of your lighting
project. It is important that these locations are verified. Changes identified after Musco receives this
signed document can delay shipment.
The signing of the Contractual Agreement will be considered as your approval of the information contained
in the above documents. In addition, please complete any areas indicated with an arrow (D.) for
information yet to be identified. Upon the signing of this agreement, please fax this agreement and a copy
of the purchase order to the Texas Buy Board @ 800/211-5454 for their process procedures.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 888/966-8726, or 405/321-2886. Thank you for your
assistance in advance.
Tom Hay
Sales Coordinator
MU Contractual Agreement
South Region/2107 Stewart Road/PO Box 280/ Muscatine,IA 52781/ 405-321-2886/Toll Free:888-986-8726/FAX: 405-321-2423
Date: December 11,2001 Project Name: Bob Jones Soccer&Carroll Intermediate Lacrosse Project#:2358622
City of Southlake City of Southlake
400 N.White Chapel 400 N. White Chapel
Southlake, TX 76092 Southlake, TX 76092
Attn: Ben Henry Attn: Ben Henry
Telephone: (817)481-1584 Telephone: (817)481-1584
Fax: (817)481-1594 Fax: (817)481-1594
City of Southlake(Bob Jones Park) Bob Jones Soccer Fields
3901 N. White Chapel 3901 N. White Chapel
Southlake, TX 76092 Southlake,TX 76092
County: Tarrant Coutny County: Tarrant County
Attn: Don Cooper (See last page for information on Carroll
Telephone: (972) 723-1180 Intermediate Field)
Fax: (972)723-1181
5. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION - Musco shall transfer and deliver to Customer, and Customer will accept
and pay for the following goods and services in accordance with paragraph 10 of this Agreement
0 Light-Structure 2T"' Voltage: 480 Contactor Cabinets."'"0 Total Light Control (TLC) Phase: 3 (Bob Jones) 0 Control-LinkT"' (Bob Jones)
1 (Carroll Intermediate)
• Total Fixtures: 106 Total#Poles: 16 #REC: 1
Musco's Light StructureTM system consisting of sixteen (16)-70' galvanized steel poles with one hundred
and six (106)-1500W luminaries equipped with Total Light Control spill and glare visors. Along with four
(4)-24" X 48" contactor cabinets, twenty-two (22)-30 amp contactors and four (4) OOA switches. Price
includes delivery to the site, turnkey installation per plans and specifications, 5% extra lamps, and five
(5)extra fuses. Price does not include sales tax.
6. 10 CLUB SERVICETm - Must;o shall provide all services outlined in the 10 Club Service Extended
Warranty Agreement to maintain operation of Light-Structure 2 for 10 years. This service is being
provided based on the following information:
Hours of Usage: 0 Less than 300 per year
❑ 301 -600 per year
❑ 601 +per year
Number of Group Lamp 0 1 ❑2 ❑ 3 ❑ Other
Service Begin Date: Service begins on date of shipment
Service Expiration Date : 10 years from date of shipment
Customer Warranty Contact Name: Steve Polasek
Warranty Contact Phone Number: (817)481-1543
7. SCOPE OF WORK -The work to be performed by Musco or its subcontractor is described in plans and
specifications presented to the City of Southlake by Sportslighting Design Group.
o 1999 Musco Sports Lighting,LLC 2 PO ver. 11 12/01
MU �,,,, ! • Contractual Agreement
South Region/2107 Stewart Road/PO Box 280/ Muscatine,IA 52761 1405-321-2886/Toll Free:888-966-8726/FAX: 405-321-2423
Date: December 11,2001 Project Name: Bob Jones Soccer&Carroll Intermediate Lacrosse Project#:2358622
8. WARRANTY-Warranty claims and back charges shall not be deducted from contract payments without
prior approval of Musco's10 Club Service Department(877-836-2582). Musco's Equipment and its
performance are sold subject to Musco's written warranty, a copy of which will be provided with Musco's
acceptance of this Agreement. The warranty provided by Musco shall be in lieu of all other warranties,
and Musco disclaims any other warranty whatsoever, express or implied, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranty of merchantability.
9. TAXES-Customer shall pay all applicable state and local sales taxes invoiced appropriately by Musco.
❑Taxable IZI Non-Taxable (Copy of resale or exemption certificate must be attached. Note: Just holding a
sales tax permit does not,in and of itself,qualify for a non-taxable sale.)
10. DELIVERY- Normal delivery to the shipping address indicated above is 4 to 6 weeks after both parties
have signed this order. If the Equipment is shipped in multiple lots, Musco shall prepare a separate
invoice for the price of the Equipment shipped at the time of each shipment. Customer shall pay the
amount of each such invoice upon the same terms as set out in paragraph 15 of this Agreement.
11. TOTAL PRICE -Customer will pay for the above described Equipment and installation the Total Price of
U.S. $371,551.65. FOB the shipping address above, payable as materials are shipped and work is
completed as outlined below:
12. SECURITY AGREEMENT - To secure the payment of all amounts owed by Customer hereunder,
IPCustomer hereby grants and conveys to Seller a security interest in the Equipment, including all repairs,
replacements and accessions thereto (Collectively referred to as the "Secured Property"). Customer
further agrees to execute any financing statements or other documents reasonably required by Seller to
perfect the security interest granted herein and to assure the priority of such security interest. The
parties agree that the secured property shall at all times remain personal property, subject to removal
from the real estate by Seller in the event of Default by Customer.
13. DEFAULT - Each of the following shall constitute a default ("Default") under this Agreement: a)failure
to pay, in full, any payment when due hereunder; b) Customer becomes the subject of a bankruptcy,
receivership or insolvency proceeding; c) any warranty, representation or statement made or furnished
to the seller by or on behalf of the Customer proved to have been false in any material respect when
made or furnished; d) loss, theft, damage, destruction or encumbrance to, or of, the Secured Property
or the making of any levee, seizure or attachment thereof or thereon; or e) the occurrence or non-
occurrence of any event or events which causes the seller, in good faith, to deem itself insecure for any
reason whatsoever.
c 1999 Musco Sports Lighting,LLC 3 PO Ver.11 12/01
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recover judgment for the e p
possession of the Secured
Agreement, any bonds provided for this Project, the Uniform CornrnerGla
including but not limited to entering the Customer's premises and taking p
Property. WI the remedies ay all costs(includiin ngcumulative and may r reasonable attome's be exercised in anyfees and court costsorder
bySeller. Custdisp agrees pay end collecting any amounts owing hereunder. and such
by Seller in disposing of the Secured Property
costs shall be part of the obligations secured hereunder.
hoad6 invoice by Each Foda r
Submit InV91CC to Ben Hen
Payment Approval Date
Check Run Date Within 14 da s
Wi:l idlusco provide an Insurance Certificate to Customer for this Project? 1 Yes ❑ No
• a. APPLfCABLE LAW - This Agreement shall be governed by the lags. including the Un:form
Commercial Code. adopted in the State of Iowa as effective and in force on the date of d'ris
b. EXPENSESREMEDIES -Customer shall pay to Musco the reasonable expenses, including court
costs, legal and administrative expenses and reasonable attomey's foes, paid or incurred by Musco
in endeavoring to collect,amounts due from Customer to Musco. It is further understood that if
Customer does not make a payment as due, Musco has the right to forward appropriate notices or
claims on jobs with owners es deemed appropriate by Musco.
c. ENTIRE AGREEMENT - This is the complete statement of the terms plus the plans and
specifications of this Agreement. No representaive or employee of Musco hes any authority to bind
Musco to any term, representation or warranty other than those specifically included in this written
Agreement or the written Warranty to to delivered to Customer.
?1S%btu:.\,SprxG Li CI 4 PO vnr LI t"$I1
Contractual Agreement
0 Hoe..50 metme.IA 52751 1 405.521-2506 r Toll Free:E36888-8725 r rAX: 4D5 521.747:
ne: Bob Jones Soccer&Carroll Iratarrnodiato Lacrosse Project#: 235B822
Jreement is subject to the approval of Musco's Credit Department and the
,s Order by Musco Sports Lighting, LLC.
r .(s): Week of January 21,2002
np in Date_
- nce Information Needed on Invoicing/Packages:
4 Acceptance
,y of , 2001 this day of , 2001
• Stacy, Mayor
• r e Ord Tile
Name and rive
n 4 continued: Carroll Intermediate Lacrosse:
Field #2 Name: Carroll Intermediate Lacross
Street Addrese 1101 N. Carroll
City,State,Zip: Southlake.TX 76092
Its Li hun MC'
0 1499�lutw woo R R�
The season(s)of this agreement shall be A sprinWsummer(February 2-July 15)*fall (August 15_
• December 15). Usage of the premises should generally not begin before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays,
8:40 a.m. on Saturdays and 11:06 a.m. (excluding approved tournaments)on Sundays.
Because of the importance for giving turf areas adequate rejuvenation time and to enable CITY to.
perform periodic special maintenance,the"Premises"shall be available to GSSA on a high,
modified and nollow activity level basis as follows:
I Date Season Location
12(16-02J01 Winter Oak Grove and Meadowmere No
02/02 -02/20 Early Spring Oak Grove and Meadowmere
Modified "
02121 -06/01 Spring Oak Grove and Meadowmere
06/02 -07(15 Late Spring Oak Grove and Meadowmere
Modified "
07116-D8114 Summer Oak Grove and Meadowmere No
0811 5-09105 Early Fall Oak Grove and Meadowmere
Modified "
09106- 11/20 Fall Oak Grove and Meadowmere
11(21 , 12/15 Labe Fall Oak Grove and Meadowmere
Modified r
Define Level- High-All fields used for activity
Modified - Lip to half the fields dedicated for maintenance upgrades
No/Low-All fields dosed for maintenance-some fields for approved
0 . practices
'see attached Park Maintenance Schedule for field closures &scope of
No organized play, nor reserved use of athletic fields, shall occur from December 16 to Feb. 1
with the exception of carried over games resulting from weather delays during the fall season.
The provision of special services after December 16 for carried over games shall be at the
Association's expense_
CITY and GSSA agree that tt)6 fields located at Oak Grove and Meadowmere Parks shall be
closed Far the performance of general field maintenance during the periods of: December 16th to
February 1't and July 16±to August 14th. CITY shall post signage at each field identifying that the
field has been closed for general maintenance,
OSSA agrees not to expand schedules, length of league play, number of tournaments nor add
seasons without prior approval of CITY, All scheduling of fields for practices, games or
tournaments by GSSA must be approved through the CITY's Athletic Division of the Parks and
Recreation Department. Non-scheduled league play within established league play schedules is
riot permitted without prior CITY approval.
----Original Message----
. • 1 STY. Kg -f-toter}/ I ?i i:k fit ,43t s :,J;' ::f-�'�f:: -.-:.
Sent: Tuesday, December 1 1, 2Q01 5:39 PM '� f:i;.
To: Tony De ru no
Sub}ect: FIJA
« File: GSSA_2002 revised,doe»
• •
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Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) %
2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 Difference Change
October $196,516 $ 195,470 $ 227,332 $ 227,332 $31,861 16%
November 161,845 160,984 210,933 210,933 49,949 31%
December 162,616 161,751 - 161,751 - 0%
January 259,882 258,499 - 258,499 - 0%
February 151,056 150,252 - 150,252 - 0%
March 144,692 143,922 - 143,922 - 0%
April 233,457 232,215 - 232,215 - 0%
May 186,723 185,729 - 185,729 - 0%
June 211,055 209,932 - 209,932 - 0%
July 236,176 234,919 - 234,919 - 0%
August 188,019 187,019 - 187,019 - 0%
September 177,573 176,628 - 176,628 - 0%
$2,309,609 $2,297,320 $438,265 $2,379,130 $81,810
Estimated sales tax collections as a%compared to FY 2000-01 3.01
Capital Projects Status Report
December 11, 2001
Park Trail- F.Y. 1998-99
Status: City Council awarded the bid for trail installation to Green Scaping at
the November 26, 2001 meeting. Construction will begin this month for completion
prior to spring baseball.
Phase II with TPWD Grant -
Status: The site plan was presented and reviewed by SPIN #1, the Parks and
Recreation Board, and SPDC and City Council. The Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers have approved completed plans.
Construction had been progressing well until vandalism on July 15, 2001 took the
playground and soccer concession building. The Texas Parks and Wildlife
• Department is aware of the circumstances at Bob Jones Park and agreed to provide
extensions of time as necessary. Construction has resumed with vehicular paving
Nature Center Planning-
Status: Recommended improvements to the donated facilities were developed
by the architectural design firm of Schutts Magee Associates, Inc. Necessary
improvements and expected costs were presented to Park Board in May for input.
Primary utilities to the facility are installed and complete. The Park Board named an
ad-hoc sub-committee in December to begin conceptual planning and programming
for a proposed nature center.
Soccer field lighting-
Status: Planned improvements were presented to SPIN on December 5, 2001.
Planning and Zoning approved the necessary variances on December 6, 2001. A contract
with Musco Lighting will be presented to City Council for award on December 18, 2001.
Completion of installation is anticipated by February, 2002.
Page 1
Noble Oaks Park- F.Y. 2000-01
Status: The perimeter 8-foot pathway along South Carroll Avenue is complete.
A basic concept plan for the park is included in the approved Park, Recreation and
Open Space Master Plan. Construction of parking for Old Union Elementary School
has provided needed parking access for the park
Koalaty Park-F.Y. 2000-01
Status: All requested improvements previously planned are complete. Staff is
reviewing the possibility of irrigation throughout the park for increased practice use.
Royal and Annie Smith Park—F.Y. 1999-00
Status: SPDC approved $50,000 for planning and construction of initial park
improvements in FY 1999-2000. The conceptual park plan is included within the
Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan update. Park maintenance staff has
begun clearing and grubbing of the site. The house and all associated structures
have been removed. City Council awarded the bid for trail installation to Green
• Scaping at the November 26, 2001 meeting. Construction will begin upon substantial
completion of the Bicentennial Park trail.
Lonesome Dove Park=F.Y. 1998-99
Status: Construction is complete on the boardwalk and concrete sidewalk
Planned improvements include the planting of additional trees with extension of the
irrigation system.
Chesapeake Park- F.Y. 1999-2000
Status: Matching funds with the developer were approved for construction. All
contracted improvements are complete. Planting of trees by staff has begun and will
continue through the winter months.
"Sheltonwood" Park- F.Y.
Status: A basic concept plan for the park is included in the approved Park,
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan.
Page 2
Continental Boulevard Trail(White Chapel to Davis) -F.Y. 1998-99
Design - Phase II Contract Completed:
Consultant: Dunaway Associates,Inc.
Status: Construction of the designed 6-foot pathway is complete.
Recreation Center-
Status: Based on City Council direction, staff submitted a grant application on
July 31, 2001 for the Recreation Center. Park Board has reviewed the recreational
components to incorporate in the preliminary plan. TPWD determination of the grant
application is expected in early 2002.
• Southlake Baseball Association—
Approved by SPDC:
Status: Proposed shade structures around the baseball backstops of fields #4,
#5, #6, #7, #8, #9, and#10 are complete.
Southlake Girls Softball Association—
Approved by SPDC:
Status: Purchase of the former Texas School of Baseball was completed on
Thursday, December 6, 2001. Staff is negotiating a contract with Schrickle Rollins
Associates for a conceptual design of a complex to accommodate four lighted softball
Southlake Equestrian Association—
Approved by SPDC: September 27, 1999/
Approved by Park Board: September 13, 1999/March 19, 2001
Status: SPDC approved $10,000 at the September 1999 meeting to install
various items requested by the Southlake Equestrian Association. A volunteer
workday is being planned in January, 2002 to install various items purchased
through the grant.
Page 3
Joint-Use Projects -
Status: City Council approved an interlocal agreement May 15, 2001 with St.
Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church for use of additional land for a practice
ballfield. All improvements are complete.
Signage for all Parks -
Status: Available as needed.
Improvements to CISD Lacrosse playing field -
Status: Planned improvements were presented to SPIN on December 5, 2001.
Planning and Zoning approved the necessary variances on December 6, 2001. A contract
_ with Musco Lighting will be presented to City Council for award on December 18, 2001.
Completion of installation is anticipated by February, 2002. Staff will coordinate the
removal of the existing backstop and associated items. CISD will coordinate the
installation of the field irrigation and mowing maintenance.
F.Y. 2001 -
In Progress $ 1,500.00 Bicentennial Park Trinity Well Repairs
Complete $ 5,000.00 Tree Transplanting
Complete $ 3,486.00 Bicentennial Park Ballfield Irrigation#4, #5, and#10
Complete $ 3,500.00 Lonesome Dove Park Grubbing and Clearing
Complete $ 4,000.00 Bob Jones Roll-off Dumpsters
Complete $ 1,600.00 Lonesome Dove Park Furniture
Complete $ 5,000.00 Chesapeake Water Well Upgrade
Complete $ 1,599.96 Speakers for Sound System
Complete $ 2,730.00 Bicentennial Water Storage Level Indicator
In Progress $ 4,000.00 Bicentennial Waterscape components
Total $32,415.96
F.Y. 2002 -
Complete $ 3,500.00 Bicentennial Park Maintenance Yard Concrete
In Progress $ 5,000.00 Tree Transplanting
Page 4