2001-08-20 City of Southlake, Texas
August 20, 2001
LOCATION: Town Hall Council Chamber
1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
1. Call to order.
2. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney, Section 551.072,
deliberation regarding real property, and/or Section 551.073, deliberation regarding
prospective gift.
3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session.
• All items listed below are considered to be routine bythe Southlake Parks Development Corporation
p Co poratcon
Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a
Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order
of business and considered in its normal sequence.
5. Consent:
A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held July 17, and the Special
SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001.
6. Consider:
A. SPDC FY 2001-02 annual operating budget. Public Hearing.
7. Discussion:
A. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and FY 2001-02 Capital Projects budget.
B. Sales Tax Report
C. Project Status Report
SPDC Meeting
August 20, 2001
Page 2
8. Adjournment
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at Town Hall, 1400
Main Street, on Friday, August 17, 2001, 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551.
; : i
andra L. LeGrand
City Secretary ***
If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the
City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-1519, and reasonable accommodations will be made to
assist you.
SPDC Meeting
August 20, 2001
Page Z 3
Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the Board
seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a
settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Southlake Parks Development Board under the
Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551.
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the
purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a
negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City.
August 20, 2001
Board Members Present: Vice President Rex Potter; Members: Bobby Rawls, Rick Stacy, Tom
Stephen, and Tad Stephens.
Board Members Absent: President Ralph Evans, Member Tim O'Conner
Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director of Community
Services Steve Polasek, Parks Senior Planner Chris Carpenter, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and
Executive Secretary Kim Bush.
Audio Note: There is not a complete recording of this meeting due to equipment malfunction (the only
participants heard on the CD are Vice President Potter and Board member Stacy).
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Rex Potter at
6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session.
No executive session was necessary.
leAgenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
There were no comments from the audience during the Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held July 17 and
the Special SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the regular SPDC meeting held July 17 and the Special
SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Rawls
Ayes: Potter, Stacy, Stephen, Rawls
Nays: none
Abstained: Stephens
Approved: 4-0-1
Agenda Item No. 6A. SPDC FY 2001-02 Annual Operating Budget.
Finance Director Sharen Elam explained that there were no new requests in the budget. She said that
the proposed operating budget provides for the continuation funding of the park maintenance workers
and the park planning and construction superintendent and annual debt service payment. Ms. Elam
further clarified that the proposed budget includes a 5% salary increase (within the pay plan for step
There were no comments during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the SPDC FY 2001-02 annual operating budget as presented.
Motion: Stacy
Second: Stephen
Ayes: Potter, Stacy, Stephen, Stephens, Rawls
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and FY 2001-02 Capital Projects
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman explained that the informal ranking that was discussed at
the last meeting has been applied to the spreadsheet for the proposed CIP 2002 - 2006. He further
commented that the FY 2001-02 Capital Projects budget includes: (1) increase for matching funds to
$200,000 - this was in the expenditure line item, but offset with $100,000 in revenue tobetter show
financially what occurs; (2) girls softball complex includes $700,000 for improvements and $400,000
was moved to land acquisition; (3) changes to recreation center planning and construction costs to
reflect previous SPDC direction; (4) staff will look into renovating Tucker house for nature center; (5)
$150,000 allocated for neighborhood park development - either for one park or several depending on
SPDC direction.
N Public He
Kelli Riley, President, Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Assoc., was present to ask the Board to keep in
mind the needs of the Lacrosse Association. She commented that she would like to see $150,000
allocated out of the SPDC budget to fund lights at the Carroll Intermediate School football field. She
stated that several CISD students were in the audience to show their support for lacrosse. The
following students spoke in support of the sport and how much it has meant to them:
• Andrew Perez - developed a lacrosse Web site
• Chase Smith - looking at receiving a scholarship for playing lacrosse
• Scott Smetko - looking at the opportunity to play at Harvard
• Patrick Humes - plays at Durham and hopes to have an opportunity to continue in college. His
brothers are looking at playing for Notre Dame.
Karen Davis stated that she recently moved to Southlake and as a single mother had concerns about
her high school son being able to adjust to a new school. However, she commented that he became
involved with lacrosse and she stated that it was an "answer to her prayers" for herself and her son.
Judy Spaeth, 1218 Sarah Park Trail, asked the Board to consider purchasing land from Aventerra
contiguous to the property the City purchased from Metro Pool Company on Continental Boulevard
and East Haven. She stated that she understood the City also had planned to purchase the individual
mobile home lots and the Aventerra property and then develop all the property as a park. Ms. Spaeth
commented that Aventerra is no longer developing in this phase of Timarron and there are no park
facilities in this area - she believes one is badly needed.
There were no other comments from the audience during Public Hearing.
Community Services Director Kevin Hugman commented that staff is looking into the possibility of
providing playing fields at Texas School of Baseball. He also commented that staff might be able to
work around the girls' softball schedule once the fields are ready for play. Board member Stacy
stated that before making a $150,000 investment to light the CISD old high school field, he would
want to see at least a 5-year agreement with CISD for use of the field. Director Hugman commented
that it would be possible to install lights that could be removed and used somewhere else.
Board members Stacy and Rawls suggested that the funds set aside for the nature center be reduced
from $100,000 to $5,000 - $10,000 and use the remainder for providing lights for a lacrosse field.
Board member Potter commented that he would rather see the money for lacrosse come out of land
acquisition. Mr. Stacy suggested that volunteers could help build something for the nature center as
volunteers did for the renovation of the senior center. The Board suggested staff research funding for
the lighting and alternatives for the nature center and bring back for Board consideration.
Board member Stacy commented that he remembers discussing the use of the Metro Pool site as a
neighborhood park, but property owners of the individually owned lots were asking too much to sale.
He suggested that he and other Board members meet with Aventerra concerning the lots they owned.
Director Hugman commented that staff would address the suggestions made tonight and bring the
NoCapital Projects budget back for consideration at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 7B, Sales Tax Report and Item No. 7C, Project Status Report. There were no
comments or questions of concern regarding the reports.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
Vice President Rex Potter
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Ki Bush '
Executive Secretary '",,,,,,,,""
City of Southlake, Texas
August 17, 2001
TO: SPDC Board of Directors
FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services
SUBJECT: Board Meeting -Monday, August 20, 2001
1. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. At this time, we do not have anything to discuss
with you in executive session.
2. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM: This is the public's opportunity to address the
Board about non-agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not
deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time.
The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the
presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4)
request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider.
3. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes of the regular SPDC meeting held July 17,
and the Special SPDC meeting held July 23, 2001. If you have corrections to the meeting
minutes, please let Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush know in advance or make it
part of the motion for consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at
kbush@ci.southlake.tx.us or by calling her at 481-1420
4. Agenda Item No. 6A. SPDC FY 2001-02 annual operating budget. This item is for your
approval and recommendation prior to City Council consideration. Council will consider
the SPDC annual operating budget and SPDC debt service budget as part of the overall
City FY 2001-02 Annual Budget. Finance Director Sharen Elam can answer any questions
you may have on this item.
5. Agenda Item No. 7A. 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and FY 2001-02 Capital
Projects Budget. This item is the draft 5-year CIP with expected revenues and
expenditures. The Proposed SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) 2002-2006 shows:
• projects currently underway and estimated costs to complete
• projects approved for funding, but not yet started. Staff is requesting that funding
continue (noted by yellow highlighting).
• New projects for FY 2001-02 (proposed) and following years.
Staff attempted to follow the direction of SPDC from the previous meeting, and you will
note that we have included funding for neighborhood parks as a continuing line item each
year (in addition to the $50,000 previously approved for Royal and Annie Smith Park, and
requested to continue), as well as funding for lighting the Bicentennial Park basketball
courts. Funding for an ice rink was not included at this time since we do not know the
SPDC Board of Directors
Board Meeting—Monday, August 20, 2001
Page 2
City's share of the cost. Purchase of lots near the Metro Pool company could be included
in the land acquisition line item. An indoor tennis facility was rated low by those who
responded and estimated costs are unknown so it has not been included in the CIP at this
We will have the spreadsheet at your meeting on the computer so that we can make
changes on the fly as we get your input.
6. Agenda Item No. 7B. Sales tax report. The monthly sales tax report is included in your
7. Agenda Item No. 7C. Project Status Report. The monthly status report will be provided at
your meeting on Monday.
We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding
the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at 481-1527.
Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, 481-1713
Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, 481-1527
Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, 481-1543
Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, 481-1584
Chris Carpenter, Senior Parks Planner, 481-1585
IT City of Southlake, Texas
TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board
FROM: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, 481-1713
SUBJECT: Approval of SPDC FY 2001-02 Operating Budget
Action Requested: Approval of the proposed FY 2001-02 Operating Budget
Information: Your packet contains the proposed Operating Budget for fiscal year 2001-02.
The proposed operating budget simply provides for the continuation funding of
the park maintenance workers and the park planning and construction
superintendent and annual debt service payment.
Considerations: The operating budget includes projected sales tax and interest income of
$2,347,320. $359,256 for park maintenance workers and park planning and
construction superintendent and $1,506,640 for debt service payments.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: Public Hearing scheduled for August 20, 2001
Legal Review: None required
Alternatives: Approve or amend the budget submitted.
Documents: FY 2001-02 Operating Budget
Recommendation: Approval of proposed FY 2001-02 Operating Budget.
2001.02 Proposed Budget and 2000-01 Revised Budget
03.03 PM
S Increase! S Increase!
1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 (Decrease) %Increase! 2001-02 (Decrease) %Increase)
REVENUES Actual Adopted Amended Adopted Decrease Proposed Adopted Decrease
Sales Tax S1,841,899 S1,997,670 S1,997,670 S0 0.0% S2,297,320 S299,650 15.0%
Interest 103.815 37.500 37.500 0 0.0% 50.000 12.500 33.3%
Total Revenues $1,945,714 $2,035,170 $2,035,170 $0 0.0% $2,347,320 $299,650 14.7%
Personnel S71,243 $300,614 8300,614 SD 0.0% $355,656 S55,042 18.3%
Operations $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 0 0.0% $3,600 0 0.0%
Capital $Q .D .tD Q 0.0% $Q 0 0.0%
Total Expenditures $74,843 $304,214 $304,214 $0 0.0% $359,256 $55,042 18.1%
Net Revenues $1,870,871 $1,730,956 $1,730,956 $0 $1,988,064 S257,108
Transfers Out (1,490,9281 (1,318,522) (1,384,182) ($65,660( (1,506,640)
Proceeds from C 0 Sale 0 0 0 0
Total Other Sources I Uses) (1,490,928) (1,318,522) (1,384,182) (1,506,640)
Beginning Fund Balance $749,626 $1,129,568 S1,129,568 $1,476,342
Ending Fund Balance $1,129,568 S1.542002 ,$1.476.34Z $1.957,760
Operating Account Budget Request Worksheet
Fiscal Year 2001-02
Print Date:
FUND: 300-SPDC Operating Fund Expenditures 08117101
FY99-00 FY00.01 FY00-01 FY01-02
101.00 Regular Earnings 59,313 246,580 246,580 287,033 Salary for Park Planning and Construction Supt.,2 Crew
Leaders,6 Parks Maintenance Workers and 4 Temporary
Maintenance Workers
102.00 Overtime 222 0 0 0
104.00 Longevity 120 664 664 528
111.00 Health/DentallLife 3,606 20,392 20,392 26,580 Insurance Premiums
112.00 Workers Compensation 1,063 4,450 4,450 6,298
114.00 FICA II-Medicare 849 6,094 6,094 6,678
120.01 Retirement I (80) 2,217 2,217 3,259
120.02 Retirement II 6,152 20,216 20,216 25,280
Subtotal-Personnel 71,243 300,614 300,614 355,656
810.00 Auto Allowance 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Subtotal 74,843 304,214 304,214 3,600
545.50 Transfer-Other funds 1,490,928 1,318,522 1,384,182 1,506,640 Transfer to SPDC debt service fund
GRAND TOTAL;,. 1,565,7Z1 1,622,736, -, 1,688,396 ,- 1,865,896 ''''- . �. ,,
City of Southlake, Texas
August 17, 2001
TO: SPDC Board of Directors
FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (x1527)
SUBJECT: 5-year CIP and FY 2001-02 Capital Projects Budget
Action Requested: SPDC approval of the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and FY 2001-
02 Capital Projects Budget
Information: This item was brought before the SPDC Board of Directors at the previous
meeting in July to acquaint the Board with the scope of CIP projects that had
• suggested by staff and/or the Park Board
• listed from proposed implementation of the Parks, Recreation and Open
Space and/or Trail System Master Plans
• had been suggested by various organizations
• or had otherwise been listed due to particular parks-related needs.
The SPDC Board was given the preliminary list and an informal ranking
system was applied at the last meeting. Given the opportunity to discuss the
merits of the individual projects in July, the Board is presented with these
projects again at the August 20, 2001, meeting for discussion of both (1) FY
01-02 through FY 05-06 projects based on priorities and budget estimates, as
well as (2) the current-year FY 01-02 capital projects budget. The CIP and FY
01-02 capital projects budget will be brought back to you at your September
meeting for formal approval and recommendation to Council.
Upon SPDC determination of the projects and proposed budgets, these items
will appear in the overall City of Southlake CIP budget adopted prior to
October 1, 2001, and designated with the SPDC as the funding source. The
items are currently listed in the overall CIP budget as preliminarily ranked by
the staff CIP Technical Committee. The final draft before Council will show
the projects and budgets as approved by SPDC.
Considerations: The CIP projects will ultimately be ranked by priority and included in the
current-year (FY 01-02) CIP. Those not funded in the current year will be
ranked and placed in the next available fiscal year by priority for the
remaining four years, with consideration of available funding by project
Citizen Input/
Board Review:
• Park Board, SPDC and City Council approved the current three-year
CIP in 2000 (all three years' projects approved are also included in this
preliminary ranking).
• The Park Board suggested priority ranking of new projects (all of which
are included in the CIP Technical Committee listing attached) at the
February 2001 Park Board Retreat.
• The CIP Technical Committee preliminarily ranked the projects.
• The Park Board also ranked the same projects (7/9/01).
• SPDC was presented with the projects and descriptions at the July meeting
Legal Review: Not Applicable.
Alternatives: Input toward the prioritization as desired.
Documents: Supporting documents include the following:
0 ■ Spreadsheet - "Proposed SPDC CIP, 2002 - 2006"
• Project Request Forms/Background Information Sheets
Recommendation: SPDC discussion and recommendation of the proposed 5-year Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) and FY 2001-02 Capital Projects Budget.
PROPOSED SPDC Capital Improvements Plan(CIP)2002-2006
Actual as Estimate to Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed
7/31/01 Complete Total Budgeted
FY 2000/01 FY 2000/01 FY 2000/01 FY 2000/01 FY 2001/02 FY 2001/02 FY 2002/03 FY 2002/03 FY 2003/04 FY 2004/05 FY 2005/06
arty Forward Balance $ 3,111,963 $ 3,111,963 $ 3,111,963 $ 2,552,323. $ 2,552,323 $ 1,113,123 $ 92,186 $ 149,986 $ 7,786 $ 1,615,586
Interest earnings $ 102,290 $ 72,710 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000
Oper Fund Transfer $ 241,000 $ 241,000 $ 241,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ -
Grant Proceeds $ 219,937 $ - $ 219,937 $ 500,000 $ - < $ 280,063 $ - $ - $ -
Donations/Matching $ 46,521 $ 98,335 $ 144,856 $ 147,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000
Bond Proceeds $ 4,455,000 $ - $ 4,455,000 $ 4,400,000 $ $ - "$ 5,500.000` $ 5,500,000 $ - $ 4.000,000 $ -
Total Proceeds $ 4,823,748 $ 412,045 $ 5,235,793 $ 5,463,000 $ 225,000 $ 505,063 $ 5,775,000 $ 5,750,000 $ 250,000 $ 4,225,000 $ 225,000
otal Available Funds $ 7,935,711 $ 412,045 $ 8,347,756 $ 8,574,963 $ -2,777,323 $ 3,057,386 $ 6,888,123: $ 5,842,186 $ 399,986 $ 4,232,786 $ 1,840,586
Capital Expenditures
atching Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000
Fiscal Year 98-99 $ 86 $ 10,000 $ 10,086 $ 11,000
Fiscal Year 99-00 $ 10,000 $ 56,670 $ 66,670 $ 83,000
Fiscal Year 00-01 $ 10,600 $ 130,000 $ 140,600 $ 200,000
Joint Use $ - $ 5,090 $ 5,090 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000
;pedal Projects $ 19,184 $ 4,000 $ 23,184 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000
;m8h Park $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ -
onesome Dove Park(Trail)* $ 48,259 $ 11,772 $ 60,031 $ 60,000 $
IContinental Trails' $ - $ 320,000 $ 320,000 $ 320,000
1otton Belt Trail' $ 21,032 $ 21,032 $ 48,000
tapping Wells $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ -
'ennis Pro-Shop Construction $ 22,622 $ 22,622 $ 17,491
!Nature Center Imprvments $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ -
Trail Signage $ $ $ 10,000 $
;iris Softball Complex $ - $ - $ 1,100,000 $ - $ 700,000
lob Jones Development* $ 1,515,367 $ 1,507,482 $ 3,022,849 $ 3,187,500 $ '200,000. $ 200,000 $ 350,000 $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ -
IRR Building($300,000)
Well 8 Aeration(3150,000)
funds FY99$832,500
gency funds of$115,000
Jatatorium $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ - $ -
!Bicentennial Park(Trail) $ - $ 99,748 $ 99,748 $ 99,748
.and Acquisition $ 24,463 $ 750,537 $ 775,000 $ 775,000 $ $ 400,000 $ 900,000
2ec Center Planning $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 550,000 $ -
2ec Center Construction $ - $ - $ 700,000 $ 600,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 4,400,000 $ - $ - $ -
IBob Jones Bleachers $ 24,191 $ 24,191 $ 35,000 $
Bic.Park Volleyball Improv. $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $
Baseball Warm-up Area $ 6,330 $ 6,330 $ 13,000 $
-oncession Stand NC units $ 6,418 $ 11,582 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $
$ - $ - $ - $ - $
'NEW ITEMS Neighborhood park development $ - $ -
$ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000
_fight basketball courts $ - $ $ 50,000
_fights-CIS football field $ - $ $ 150,000
Iongoing trail implementation $ - $ $ 150,000 $ 150,000
Rec Center site development $ - $ r $ 400,000
Bicentennial Landscape Imprvmts $ - $ $ 100,000
Junior in-line hockey rink $ - $ $ 720,E
$ $
IProject Expenditures $ 1,684,361 $ 4,111,072 $ 5,795,433 $ 7,307,739 S 1,570,000 $ 2,820,000 $ 5,770,000 $ 5,370,000 $ 370,000 $ 2,520,000 $ 1,640,000
Reserve(6%) $ 175,760 $ 04,200 $ 145,200 $ 346,200 $ 322,200 $ 22,200 $ 97,200 $ 98,400
'Total Proceeds Less $ 6,251,350 $ 2,552,323 $ 1,091,464 $ 1,113,123 $ 92,186 $ 771,923 $ 149,986 $ 7,786 $ 1,615,586 $ 102,186
Total Commitments
*Bold/italic-projects with carryover funds from previous fiscal years
Highlighted projects not started/recommended for carry forward.
SPDC-CIP 2002-06a.xls 3 8/17/01
PROJECT REQUEST FORM —Girls' Softball Complex
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2001—12/2002 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
_Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Purchase of existing facilities and reconstruction of new -Park Master Plan not implemented as adopted.
girls'softball complex, to include four game fields,
restroom/concession,fencing, lighting, bleachers,
parking, etc.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
-S. Kimball Ave. - (Need help here)
Will this project generate revenue?
Project Justification: - Yes. The facility is will generate concession
- The city currently has two softball fields dedicated for money which will provide support to the softball
girls'softball use.A third field is shared with the adult league;not significant revenue to the city
softball program. A fourplex of game fields has been
planned(Park Master Plan).
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
• PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrpraverrent and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000
5. Fumitue and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 1,100,000
1. General Fund $ -
2 I rrpact Fees $ -
3. 11F $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 1,100,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Noble Oaks Park Development
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005— 7/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Construction of minor improvements (trails,picnic -Park Master Plan not implemented as
shelters,parking, irrigation, etc.) to Noble Oaks Park approved
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
- The northwest corner of Continental Blvd. and South -Incidental to city's current park maintenance
Carroll Ave.
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
- The Park Master Plan. notes minor improvements to -No
Noble Oaks Park.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 20,000 $ 20,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 80,000 $ 80,000
4. Construction $ 200,000 $ 200,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 30,000 $ 30,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 330,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. In-pact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 330,000 $ 330,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 330,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Koalaty Park Development
Project Contact: Kevin Hagman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2004—5/2005 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Development enhancements to current baseball practice -Park Master Plan not implemented as
fields, etc., located in Koalaty Park, to include trails,field approved.
enhancement,park signs, tables benches, irrigation, etc.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation): •
- West Continental Blvd., in Koalaty Park. -Incidental to park maintenance
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
-Neighborhood Park development is priority of the Park -No
Master Plan. The minor improvements noted would
complete this park construction.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $100,000 $ 100,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 15,000 $ 15,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 115,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $115,000 $ 115,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 115,000
FY 2001/02-FY 200S/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Royal and Annie Smith Park Improvements
• Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002— 7/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of park-related amenities such as trails, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
tennis courts,practice fields, gardens, etc.,for currently approved.
undeveloped 13.2-acre Royal and Annie Smith Park.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Johnson Road. - 1 FTE maintenance = $27,000, utilities =
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
- The Park Master Plan identifies several park -No.
improvements such as trails, tennis courts,practice fields,
gardens, etc., in this park.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ 300,000 $ 300,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 50,000 $ 50,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 500,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 50,000 $ 450,000 $ 500,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 500,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM —Bob Jones Development
• Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 10/2001— 7/2002 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Continuing improvements in Phase II of Bob Jones Park -Important elements of Bob Jones Park
development, includes restroom building, water well and development would not be completed as
aeration for the ponds, road improvements, etc. originally presented to the public.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Bob Jones Park. (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incidental to current park operations.
Project Justification:
-Several items intended to be included in Bob Jones Will this project generate revenue?
Phase II development were omitted due to budget No.
overruns. These items were moved out to future year
construction and include irrigation system expansion,
additional trails, and loop road expansion.
Companion Project? Y/N—No.
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 2,979,041 $ 200,000 $ 350,000 $ 3,529,041
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 3,529,041
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fccs $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 2,979,041 $ 200,000 $ 350,000 $ 3,529,041
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 3,529,041
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM - Recreation Center
• Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—12/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of new Recreation Center, including - Critical recreational needs not adequately met
indoor gymnasium,fitness center, activity rooms, indoor through city programming
track, dance/exercise room, etc.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
- On city property at Byron Nelson and FM 1709. (Provide$impact and explanation):
- To be determined through Enterprise Plan
Project Justification: prepared by consultant as part of design fee.
- The city currently has no recreation center to meet the
needs for fitness, dance activities, multi-use sport courts,
etc. The need for a recreation center is identified in the Will this project generate revenue?
Park Master Plan. - Yes. The facility is expected to recapture
anywhere from 50 to 100 percent of operating
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes costs, depending on the fee policy adopted.
If yes,please explain:
- Water, sewer, drainage, and roadway improvements in
the area will need to be addressed. Roadwork needed to
eliminate Sr. Center access from Parkwood
10 PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $410,000 $ 410,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrprovement and Utility $ -
4. Construction* $ 700,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 3,900,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 200,000 $ 200,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 4,510,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $410,000 $ 700,000 $ 3,400,000 $ 4,510,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 4,510,000
*TPWD grant in the amount of$750,000, if awarded, may offset this cost
Council revised total construction amount to$4.1 million;design costs based on this revised budget
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
7A 'T
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Recreation Center Site Development(Unfunded Portion)
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—2/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Utilities, drainage,parking improvements (Senior -Recreation Center construction would not
Center) drive improvements (north property line) and comply with conceptual plan approved.
road improvements (closing of Parkwood to Senior
Center), etc., related to Recreation Center construction.
Trails, a pavilion, landscaping, etc. added as amenities.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
-On city property at Byron Nelson and FM 1709. -Incidental to site maintenance
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
-Prior to or concurrent with the Recreation Center -No
construction, the above-mentioned improvements must be
made to promote access as presented during the site
selection public meetings. These items were not included
in the Recreation Center funding because they were
unknowns at the time.
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes
If yes,please explain:
-Recreation Center construction
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 400,000 $ 400,000
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Pleat explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 400,000
1. General Fund $ 400,000 $ 400,000
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund • $ -
SPDC Funds $ -
Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 400,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
7 A�/0
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Bicentennial Park Landscape Improvements
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? N
Project Dates: 7/2003—12/2003 Replacement/ Y Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Landscaping, turf improvements, irrigation, etc.,for -Status quo maintained;park softscape remains
areas between baseball fields, entrance features, unimproved
improved open space near Shady Oaks
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Bicentennial Park -0.5 FTE maintenance =$15,000
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
-Bicentennial Park, as the city's most visible recreational -No.
area, is in need of beautification of the natural elements
in the park. The landscaping, turf and irrigation in the
park need substantial improvement.
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes
If yes,please explain:
-Can be combined with Baseball Field
Construction/Realignment and/or Community Buildings
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ _
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 100,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Irrpact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $100,000 $ 100,000
Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 100,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
• Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2003—5/2004 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of second in-line hockey rink to -In-line hockey needs of Southlake residents
accommodate growth in local hockey league dependent on Keller facility.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Bicentennial Park, adjacent to existing rink. (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incremental additions to maintenance, utilities,
Project Justification:
- The growth of the in-line hockey participation by city
residents has been substantial. The Park Master Plan Will this project generate revenue?
currently shows a planned second rink. Southlake -No
currently relies on a second facility in Keller to
accommodate needs of the combined leagues. A second
in-line rink would alleviate that dependence on the Keller
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 20,000 $ 20,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ 600,000 $ 600,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 720,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 720,000 $ 720,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 720,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Trail Plan Implementation
fibProject Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: Ongoing Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Trail system implementation in key, high-use areas to - Trail Master Plan not implemented as
compliment existing trails, make critical connections, or approved.
construction as part of other capital projects. On-going
funding allocated every year.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
Location: -Incidental to existing maintenance
- Varies by selected project(s)
Will this project generate revenue?
Project Justification: -No
- Trail Plan implementation is consistently ranked by the
Park Board and Southlake citizens as one of the highest
priorities. The recently adopted Trail Master Plan
suggests key near-term trails and implementation plans.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
10 PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 450,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 450,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 450,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 450,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Baseball Field Construction/Realignment
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2003—12/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Construction of one new youth baseball field, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
realignment of existing softball field and reconfiguration approved.
of two existing softball field for youth baseball play.
Includes additional parking in eastern lot of the park..
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Bicentennial Park. -Incidental to current park maintenance
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
- The Park Master Plan .identifies a new baseball field -No
and realigned softball fields adjacent to the existing
community buildings.
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes
If yes,please explain:
- Coincides with removal of existing community buildings
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02103 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 350,000 $ 350,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 350,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Foes $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 350,000 $ 350,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 350,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM-Parks Maintenance Facility
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002— 6/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of new parks maintenance building on city- -Anticipated parks maintenance staff will not
owned property, to include additional work areas, have the proper work environment to function
storage, equipment yard space, office space, screening, efficiently.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-yet to be determined;possibly on city property on south (Provide$impact and explanation):
side of east Continental. -Incidental to park maintenance
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
- The maintenance facility in Bicentennial Park is -No
seriously undersized for an ever-increasing maintenance
staff and equipment. Plans for such a facility, be it
expansion or a new location, have been in the works for
1 Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03iO4 FY04/05 FY05t06 GRAM)
1. Planning and Design $ 60,000 $ 60,000
2 Land Aoqusitian $ -
3. Site Inprwement and Utility $ -
4. Canstructian $ 600,000 $ 600,000
5. Furniture and Equprrent $ 150,000 $ 150,000
6. Other(Please explain an attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 810,000
1. General Fund $ -
2 I rrpact Fees $ -
3. 11 F $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPEC Funds $ 810,000 $ 810,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 810,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Lacrosse Facility: Lighting of CIS Field
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—9/2002 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Lighting the existing Joint Use field at Carroll -Park Master Plan not implemented as
Intermediate School to provide a practice and game approved.
facility for the growing lacrosse participation in
Southlake(over 100 participants).
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
Location: -Incidental to existing maintenance
- Carroll Intermediate School, North Carroll Avenue
Will this project generate revenue?
Project Justification: -No
- The growing Lacrosse Association has asked the Park
Board for assistance in lighting this field. Lacrosse fields
are identified as a need in the Park Master Plan.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
• PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $150,000 $ 150,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 150,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $150,000 $ 150,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 150,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Lonesome Dove Park Playground Replacement
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2003-12/2003 Replacement/ Y Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Replacement of existing, aging playground equipment in -Status quo maintained with aging playground
city-owned Lonesome Dove Park equipment.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Lonesome Dove Park, Lonesome Dove Subdivision (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incidental to park maintenance
Project Justification:
-Lonesome Dove Park has aging and undersized Will this project generate revenue?
playground equipment supplied by the developer. -No
Playground equipment in this park should be upgraded
and expanded to complete the park construction.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 80,000 $ 80,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 80,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Irrpact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ _
5. SPDC Funds $ 80,000 $ 80,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 80,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Sand Volleyball Courts
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 12/2001 —5/2002 Replacement/ Y Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of two new lighted sand volleyball courts -Park Master Plan not implemented as
-Bicentennial Park.
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
Project Justification: -Incidental to current park maintenance
- The Park Master Plan identifies two new sand volleyball
courts in the central area of the park to provide a more
diverse user experience in the park.They replace old sand Will this project generate revenue?
volleyball court previously located behind the expanded -No.
Tom Thumb.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02103 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05J06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 30,000 $ 30,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 30,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 30,000 $ 30,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 30,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
1Pr ' (S
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Timarron-Richards Pond Enhancement
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—12/2002 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Dredging, clearing, berming, landscaping,fountain with -Fill in the pond;Recreation Center
aeration, electrical, etc.,for the historic pond on the site construction would not comply with
of the future Recreation Center to make it a viable conceptual plan approved.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-On city property at Byron Nelson and FM 1709.
(Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incidental to site maintenance
Project Justification:
- To enhance the natural aspect of the Recreation Center Will this project generate revenue?
site and to use it in a drainage capacity, the existing pond -No
must be modified.
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes
If yes,please explain:
-Recreation Center construction
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrprovement and Utility $ 300,000 $ 300,000
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 300,000
1. General Fund $ 300,000 $ 300,000
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ -
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 300,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
7A, -� �
PROJECT REQUEST FORM —Nature Center Improvements
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002— 7/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Reconstruction of Nature Center at Bob Jones Park, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
including septic, landscaping, and renovation. approved.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Bob Jones Park (Provide$impact and explanation):
- Staffing of Nature Center (FT) = $35,000,
maintenance =$4000, utilities =$2500
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies a Nature Center on
Corps property in Bob Jones Park.. Will this project generate revenue?
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02103 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 105,000 $ 105,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 105,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fccs $
3. TIF $ -.
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 105,000 $ 105,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 105,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—12/2003 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of new Community Park to house major - Critical recreational needs not adequately met
lighted game and practice fields for baseball, softball, through city programming
soccer, etc..
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
- Yet to be determined. (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Depends greatly on size and content. Minimum
2 FTE maintenance staff= $60,000, equipment
Project Justification: = $20,000, utilities = $20,000
- The Park Master Plan identifies a tremendous need for
lighted sports facilities in Southlake. A new Community Will this project generate revenue?
Park would be ideal to house a large number of the fields - Yes. The facility could generate revenue
and minimize the need to decentralize lighted through rental to the public,fees from the sports
facilities.The Park Master Plan also identifies the acreage associations, and other means.
needed and potential areas for such a facility.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 500,000 $ 500,000
2. Land Acquisition $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000
4. Construction $ 3,500,000 $ 3,500,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 50,000 $ 50,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet)-Landscaping,irrigation $ 250,000 $ 250,000
TOTAL= $ 9,300,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
▪ 5. SPDC Funds $ 8,800,000 $ 8,800,000
▪ i. Crime Tax Funds $
TOTAL= $ 8,800,000
FY2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Farhat Property Improvements
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005—5/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of road entrance,parking spaces,pavilion, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
fishing pier, and other minor improvements to the city- approved.
owned Farhat Property.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Far end of East Bob Jones Road. (Provide$impact and explanation):
-0.5 FTE maintenance = $15,000
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies minor road,parking Will this project generate revenue?
and other improvements to the city-owned property -No
known as the Farhat Property.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 10,000 $ 10,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrprovement and Utility $ 70,000 $ 70,000
4. Construction $ 150,000 $ 150,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 230,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 230,000 $ 230,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 230,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
110 Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005—12/2005 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of BMX(motocross) bicycle racing and -Diverse form of recreation identified in Park
stunt track closed circuit course. Master Plan not implemented
- Yet to be determined. Could be placed within existing Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
park or installed on new, separate location (Provide$impact and explanation):
- 0.5 FTE maintenance=$15,000
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies certain diverse forms of Will this project generate revenue?
recreation as opportunities for funding. These types of -No
facilities are on that list.
Companion Project? Y/N—Possible with other park
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $90,000 $ 90,000
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 90,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fccs $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $90,000 $ 90,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 90,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
d)i' �3
PROJECT REQUEST FORM— Community Building Removal
Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2002—9/2002 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Removal of existing community buildings in -Park Master Plan not implemented as
Bicentennial Park upon completion of the new Recreation approved.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Bicentennial Park. (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incidental to current park operations.
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan shows the removal of the existing Will this project generate revenue?
community buildings in Bicentennial Park when a new -Possibly from the sale of the buildings, if so
Recreation Center is complete.In their places will be desired.
construction and realignment of baseball fields. The new
Community Center will leave these buildings obsolete, as
they are currently in deteriorating condition and in need
of complete renovation
Companion Project? Y/N- Yes
If yes,please explain:
-Possibly Baseball Field Construction and/or
Bicentennial Landscape Improvements
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrprovement and Utility $50,000 $ 50,000
4. Construction $ -
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 50,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. lrrpact Fees $ -
3. TIF $-4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $50,000 $ 50,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 50,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM— City Portal Implementation
111 Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: Ongoing Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of city portals, or entry features, on city- - Urban design elements from 1995 Corridor
owned property at entrances to the city. Study not implemented
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
Location: (Provide$impact and explanation):
- Varies. City entrance points identified in 1995 Corridor - 0.5 FTE maintenance = $15,000, utilities =
Study. $30,000
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
-Since the adoption of the Corridor Study in 1995, the -No.
city has identified entry areas on city property to be
improved to promote a sense of place upon arriving in
Southlake. There have been numerous public meetings to
discuss varying concepts.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 70,000 $ 70,000
4. Construction $ 600,000 $ 600,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 720,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fccs $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 720,000 $ 720,000
Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 720,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Family Leisure Aquatics Center
11/ Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005-4/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of aquatics facilities, such a zero-depth- -Non-traditional recreational opportunity not
entry pools, ornamental spray fixtures,pools, slides, bath funded.
house, concession/rental building, trained lifeguards, etc.,
designed for toddlers and young children under adult
supervision. Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
-Large annual maintenance costs (usually offset
Location: by user fees), including utilities = $80,000, staff
- Yet to be determined. Could be constructed in existing = $120,000, equipment = $80,000, chemicals =
park or on new park grounds. $70,000
Project Justification: Will this project generate revenue?
- These facilities are gaining widespread popularity. - Yes. User fees for these facilities are common.
Citizen input has suggested the need for such a facility. 100%recapture is also not uncommon. Also,
The Park Master Plan currently identifies this item as a public/private ventures possible.
funding opportunity.
f' Companion Project? Y/N—Possible to combine with
other park construction.
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 10,000 $ 10,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Irrprovement and Utility $ 200,000 $ 200,000
4. Construction $ 3,500,000 $ 3,500,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 100,000 $ 100,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 3,810,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund• $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 3,810,000 $ 3,810,000
11 6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 3,810,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
))1/4 wor .60
PROJECT REQUEST FORM— Sheltonwood Park Improvements
1110 Project Contact: Kevin Hagman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005—12/2005 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of parking, signage, trails,picnic areas, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
etc., in Sheltonwood Park. approved
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
- On city property on east Dove Road near Ridgecrest. (Provide$impact and explanation):
- 0.5 FTE maintenance = $27,000, utilities
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies minor improvements
related to low-impact public access in Sheltonwood Park, Will this project generate revenue?
such as parking, trail improvements,picnic areas, etc. -No.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 10,000 $ 10,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ 250,000 $ 250,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 30,000 $ 30,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 390,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 390,000 $ 390,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 390,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM—Equestrian Facility Development (Tucker Property)
IIProject Contact: Kevin Hagman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005— 7/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of park amenities such as trails,parking, -Park Master Plan not implemented as
pens, corrals and an arena related to equestrian use of approved
the Tucker property.ADDITIONAL PLANNING
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
-South side of East Bob Jones Road
Will this project generate revenue?
Project Justification: -No.
- The Park Master Plan identifies equestrian-related
improvements to the Tucker property.
Companion Project? Y/N-No
If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY 04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 40,000 $ 40,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ 800,000 $ 800,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 40,000 $ 40,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 980,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 980,000 $ 980,000
6. Crime Tax Funds110 $ _
TOTAL= $ 980,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
OProject Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005—12/2005 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-Installation of equipment designed exclusively for the -Diverse recreational opportunity not funded.
use of skateboards and rollerblades. Includes a concrete
foundation with ramps,jumps, rails, etc.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
- Yet to be determined;possible to combine with existing (Provide$impact and explanation):
park improvement or as new stand alone facility in New - 0.5 FTE maintenance = $15,000, utilities =
Community Park. $30,000
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies diverse forms of Will this project generate revenue?
recreation as funding opportunities. A skatebording - Yes;possibly. It is not uncommon for these
facility would provide this user population a designated facilities to charge a nominal user fee.
place to go and cut down on unauthorized use in existing
Companion Project? Y/N— Yes;possible.
If yes,please explain:
-Possible inclusion in New Community Park(Lighted
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ 3,000 $ 3,000
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 30,000 $ 30,000
4. Construction $ 30,000 $ 30,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 63,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 63,000 $ 63,000
6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 63,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
PROJECT REQUEST FORM —In-Line Hockey Rink Cover
10 Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? N Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? Y Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005—2/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
- Construction of an all-weather cover for the existing in- -Funding opportunity identified in the Park
line hockey rink. Master Plan not implemented.
Location: Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
-Bicentennial Park (Provide$impact and explanation):
-Incidental to park maintenance
Project Justification:
- With the ability to play games and practice in inclement Will this project generate revenue?
weather, the participants in the in-line hockey leagues -No.
would gain much more use out of the existing facility.
Additionally, other city events could be held during
inclement weather that would normally be postponed or
canceled. This item appears as a funding opportunity in
the Park Master Plan .
Companion Project? Y/N-No
I' If yes,please explain:
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ -
4. Construction $ 600,000 $ 600,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ -
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 600,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 600,000 $ 600,000
io 6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 600,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
11, Project Contact: Kevin Hugman x1527 New Request? Y Mandated Project? N
Department: Community Services Continuation? N Documented Project/Need? Y
Project Dates: 7/2005-7/2006 Replacement/ N Other Cmty. Need/Service? Y
Major Rehab?
Project Description: Alternatives/Impact if not completed:
-A working farm is a hands-on, working demonstration of -An element of opportunity identified in the Park
historical, local, or trade-related Master Plan not implemented.
agricultural/horticultural/craft related activities. SCOPE
Annual Impact of the Operating Budget
(Provide$impact and explanation):
Location: -Anticipated staff, equipment, and utility costs
-Dependent on site selection process. Potential for
undeveloped Tucker and/or Farhat properties near Bob
Jones Park.
Will this project generate revenue?
Project Justification:
- The Park Master Plan identifies diverse, atypical
recreational opportunities in addition to the traditional
sports-related ones. This item is identified as one of those
Companion Project? Y/N—Possible, as part of other
park-related site development.
PRIOR FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 GRAND
1. Planning and Design $ -
2. Land Acquisition $ -
3. Site Improvement and Utility $ 100,000 $ 100,000
4. Construction $ 200,000 $ 200,000
5. Furniture and Equipment $ 50,000 $ 50,000
6. Other(Please explain on attached sheet) $ -
TOTAL= $ 350,000
1. General Fund $ -
2. Impact Fees $ -
3. TIF $ -
4. Utility Fund $ -
5. SPDC Funds $ 350,000 $ 350,000
li 6. Crime Tax Funds $ -
TOTAL= $ 350,000
FY 2001/02-FY 2005/06 Capital Improvements Program
7; —30
Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) %
1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 Difference Change
October $155,259 $168,404 $196,516 $196,516 $28,112 16.69%
November 150,165 162,810 161,845 161,845 (965) -0.69%
December 125,632 136,241 162,616 162,616 26,375 17.10%
January 176,808 191,776 259,882 259,882 68,106 53.55%
February 135,803 147,228 151,056 151,056 3,828 3.29%
March 120,289 130,448 144,692 144,692 14,244 13.02%
April 182,799 198,169 233,457 233,457 35,288 19.92%
May 148,210 160,812 186,723 186,723 25,910 17.34%
June 150,396 163,210 211,055 211,055 47,845 33.59%
July 190,883 206,959 236,176 236,176 29,217 15.29%
August 153,898 167,005 167,005 - 0.00%
September 151,760 164,608 164,608 - 0.00%
$ 1,841,902 $ 1,997,670 $ 1,944,018 $ 2,275,631 $ 277,961 13.91%
Estimated sales tax collections as a% compared to FY 1999-2000 23.55%