2000-10-23City of Southlake, Texas ri L h U_ I h k Ll MEMORANDUM October 19, 2000 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Board Meeting -- Monday, October 23, 2000 1. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. We have no items at this time to discuss with you. 2. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM. This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider. 3. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on September 25, 2000. If you have corrections to the meeting minutes, please let Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush know in advance or make it part of the motion for consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at kbush@cityqfsouthlake.com or by calling her at 481-5581, extension 702. 4. Agenda Item No. 5B . Authorize Amendment No. 4 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to additional improvements at Bob Jones Park. As noted in the packet item cover memo, this amendment would be to provide design and engineering services for the projects moved up in the SPDC CIP relating to Bob Jones Park. Those items are the restroom/concession building #2, water well and pump house #2, and water features for ponds#1 and #2. The estimated costs for these projects include the design fees, and these fees were included in our estimates for the total Bob Jones project. The current amendment with Cheatham and Associates only included the items that we planned in FY 1999 and FY 2001, but did not include the items planned for 2002 and 2003. As noted, the bulk of the fees are for the design of restroom/concession building #2, and it will be designed to allow only the restroom portion to be built now, and the concession portion to be added on at a later date if desired. Staff recommends approval of this amendment to allow design to continue and these improvements constructed with the package that is currently out for bid. SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting -Monday, October 23, 2000 Page 2 of 2 5 . Agenda Item No . 7A . �,,, g SPDC meetings for November and December 2000. We are planning to have the bid for Bob Jones Park ready to award by mid -November. Due to the holidays, moving to Town Hall, etc., the City Council has cancelled their second November meeting and the second December meeting. SPDC is scheduled to meet in November on the Monday following the Thanksgiving weekend, and in December on Christmas Day. As such, we probably want to cancel the December meeting entirely, and meet once in November (after mid -month) to allow SPDC to consider approval of the Bob Jones Park bid award. This item is intended for discussion with the Board on a preferred date if it is desired to meet in November other than the regular scheduled date. 6. Agenda Item No. 7B. Sales tax report. The monthly sales tax report is included in your packet. 7. Agenda Item No. 7C. Project Status Report. The monthly status report is included in your packet. Other Items included in your packet: Draft Park Board minutes from October 9, 2000 Parks and Recreation Board meeting. SPDC CIP for FY 2001-2003, approved by City Council at their October 17 meeting. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at 481-5581, extension 757. 1A14:1 STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 Chris Carpenter, Senior Parks Planner, ext. 866 E` PROPOSED SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) 2001-2003 Budgeted a1� � 9 Existinas g "9 Existing� .. V FY 1999/00 FY 2000/01 FY 2001/02 Forward Balance $945,000 $2,290,000 Interest earnings $125,000 $175,000 $125,000 Oper Fund Transfer $500,000 $400,000 $400,000 Grant Proceeds $250,000 $250,000 Senior Lien Debt $4,400,000 Proceeds $5,225,000 $525,000 Available Funds $3,842,000 $6,170,000 $2,815,000 dimatching Funds $100,000 oint Use $20,000 Special Projects $50,000 mith Park $50,000 ontinenta/ Trails * $320,000 railhead Improvements * $16,000 apping Wells $20,000 leachers * $11,000 ame Field Lighting * $200,000 Naty- Center Imprvments 7r4q...,nage irls Softball Complex Bob Jones Development RR Building ($300,000) Well & Aeration ($150,000) Natatorium een Center Survey * $10,000 een Center Construction $300,000 Land Acquisition $1,800,000 ec Center Planning ec Center Construction EW ITEMS ob Jones Bleachers Bic. Park Volleyball Improv. aseball Warm-up Area oncession Stand A/C units roject Expenditures $2,897,000 Reserve (6%) otal Proceeds Less $946,000 T ommitments *Bold/italic -- projects underway SPDC-CIP 2001-03.xls $20,000 $50,000 $100,000 $10,000 $900,000 $1,800,000 $500,000 $500,000 $3,880,000 $2,290,000 $500,000 $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,500,000 $315,000 Existing FY 2002/03 $315,000 $175,000 $400,000 $5,500,000 $6,075,000 $6,390,000 $500,000 $250,000 $4,000,000 $4,760,000 $1,640,000 10/19/00 I C L� 11 C L C F-1 n H h P h City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 18, 2000 TO: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services FROM: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Authorize Amendment No. 4 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to additional improvements at Bob Jones Park Action Requested: Authorize Amendment No. 4 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to additional improvements at Bob Jones Park. Background Information: At their September 25, 2000 meeting SPDC approved the fiscal year 2000-01 Capital Improvements Plan which included an additional $450,000 for improvements at Bob Jones Park. The added funding is intended to provide for design and construction of a second restroom facility to be located near the practice ball fields, a second well and well pump house for the proposed south ponds, water aeration features, and corresponding electrical. Cheatham and Associates have submitted a proposal to do the additional design and engineering at a cost of $30,000, approximately 7% based on a construction budget of $420,000. The bulk of the design fees, approximately $25,000, is for architectural fees relating to the restroom building and the pump house building. While the complete restroom/concession structure will be designed, it will be done in such a manner as to allow only the restroom portion to be constructed presently, with the second phase to be completed at a later date. The proposed improvements were not included as design elements under work performed by Cheatham and Associates in Amendment No. 3. Amendment No. 3 was structured based on a flat fee of 9.8% for engineering, design and surveying services as they related to the previously approved construction budget of $1, 800,000 for fiscal year 2001. That amendment amount was $178,752. Financial Considerations: Additional funding in the amount of $450,000 for improvements at Bob Jones Park was approved as part of the 2000/01 CIP by SPDC at their September 25, 2000 meeting and by the City Council at their October 17, 2000 meeting. This amount includes the necessary design and engineering fees. Citizen Input/ Board Review: A presentation outlining the current and proposed development of Bob Jones Park was given to the Parks and Recreation Board at their February 14, 2000 J 6— 1 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services October 18, 2000 EPage Two meeting and to the SPDC at their February 28, 2000 meeting. Staff has also %W met with the area homeowners and equestrian users to seek their feedback. Legal Review: Amendment No. 4 for design and engineering services will be in accordance with the existing agreement (Amendment No. 3) as reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Alternatives: Input on the proposed agreement. u rtin S ppo g Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: ■ Copy of Amendment No. 4 to Proposal for Engineering Services Regarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park. Staff Recommendation: SPDC approval of Amendment No. 4 to proposal for engineering services regarding proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. L F CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES October 17, 2000 Mr. Steve Polasek Deputy Director of Community Services City of Southlake 400 North White Chapel Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Amendment No. 4 to Proposal for Engineering Services Regarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park Cheatham and Associates is pleased to submit to the City of Southlake this amendment to our original proposal for professional services, dated March 17, 1997. As you are aware, we have been requested to include a second restroom facility into this phase of the park improvements. In addition, the second well, well pump house, water features and electrical were added. `' W Therefore, we propose that the additional items listed above be designed in accordance with our existing agreement, for an additional fee of $30,000.00 If this amendment to our proposal meets with your approval, please indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAK\BJP-Amcnd4.wpd Authorization to Proceed: Accepted this day of By: Title: 01111111 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 288 — Fax 817/265-8532 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 19, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: SPDC November and December meetings Action Requested: Discussion by SPDC regarding the November and December SPDC meetings due to holidays, move to Town Hall, etc. Background Information: SPDC meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month. The regular scheduled meeting for November would be Monday, November 27, which is the Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday. The regular scheduled meeting for December is Monday, December 25, Christmas Day holiday. Staff will be prepared to bring forward to SPDC the bid award for Bob Jones Park after November 8. It is critical to our timeline to begin construction on this project as soon as possible. Due to cancellation of the second City Council meeting in November and December, staff desires to bring the bid award to City Council at their December 5 meeting, if there is not another City Council meeting scheduled prior to that one. As such, if SPDC desires to move the November 27 meeting, we recommend that you meet on one of the following dates to consider the award of bid for Bob Jones Park (and probably also a couple of other smaller contracts/bids to consider at this meeting): Thursday, November 16 Monday, November 20 Monday, December 4 Staff also recommends that the December meeting be cancelled instead of rescheduled. We believe we can wait until the regular scheduled meeting on Monday, January 22, 2001 for other projects. Due to the planned move to Town Hall in December, this will also alleviate any problems caused by the move. Financial Considerations: None. 70009— Billy Campbell, City Manager October 18, 2000 Page 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: Legal Review: Alternatives: Supporting Documents: Staff Recommendation: on N/A N/A As may be discussed by SPDC. None Discussion by SPDC on November and December meeting schedule. / /-7 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) % 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 1999-00 Difference Change October $155,384 $ 153,710 $155,259 $155,259 $ 1,549 1.01% November 103,444 139,860 150,165 150,165 10,305 7.37% December 94,247 154,226 125,632 125,632 (28,594) -18.54% January 156,915 127,185 176,808 176,808 49,623 39.02% February 99,787 116,386 135,803 135,803 19,417 16.68% March 97,318 109,438 120,289 120,289 10,851 9.92% April 155,959 177,185 182,799 182,799 5,614 3.17% May 128,839 149,391 148,210 148,210 (1,181) -0.79% June 124,662 142,443 150,396 150,396 7,953 5.58% July 173,349 191,081 190,883 190,883 (198) -0.10% August 122,865 138,968 153,898 153,898 14,930 10.74% September 121,005 137,231 151,760 151,760 14,529 10.59% $1,533,774 $ 1,737,104 $ 1,841,902 $ 1,841,902 $ 104,798 13.26% 716 20.09% SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report October 18, 2000 k, �z Status: Numerous contractors have declined to submit a quote to repair rho entrance road. Road repairs will be considered with the next phase of improvements to Bicentennial Parr pending completion of the revised Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan. Status: Remaining trails will be reviewed and addressed following the completion of the Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan currently being developed by Shrickel, Rollins and Associates. vesign - rtiase 11 Contract Began: January 3, 2000 Consultant: Cheatham Associates Design Contract: $178,752.00 Status: The site plan has been presented and reviewed by SPIN #1, the Parks and Recreation Board, and SPDC and City Council. Completed plans have been submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for comments. Project bid opening has been acknowledged by TPWD and is scheduled for November 8, 2000. Aii Status: City Staff j`'met onsite with the architectural design firm of Schutts Magee Associates, Inc. A proposal to develop specifications for improvements is anticipated this month. Utilities will be installed as part of Bob ,tones construction. Page 1 7C-/ l� n L u 11 Noble:0aks Park ,F.Y 2000-01x,. Status: A concept plan developed by Southlake resident and architect Scot Martin, was presented and reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board at the September, 2000 meeting. {as e m a f a¢ < - Status: All reauested improvements are complete. a a as t, +. +r•sy,a s0 "a --z m Status: SPDC approved $50, 000 for planning and construction, of initial par, improvements in FY 1999-2000. The conceptual park plan will be addressed within the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan update. � xss 4 ; �^ : a� � � d ? .�" y'a .%5;�•+a� Q9� {� - x � y:_ �s %_,� a z - c, -'--- Status: All reauirements of the developer's agreement are addressed. Pavilion lighting, irrigation and playground improvements are complete. The loop walk improvements has been presented and accepted by SPIN and the Park and Recreation Board Construction plans will be finalized by staff for bid of project near December, 2000. �0", ,..�,�".', ."..x —..... .,�, x Consultant: Carter Burgess Inc. MatchinLy Funds Annroved: 535.794 Approved by Parks Board: February 14, 2000 v Approved by SPDC: February 28, 2000 Status: Minor earthwork remains. Trail implementation began in early July with irrigation improvements to follow. Staff is providing peripheral assistance during construction. Upon completion of the parr the developer will submit invoices for the approved items for reimbursement. Staff will coordinate the procurement and planting of the shade and ornamental trees in the park during the optimal planting season in November, 2000. Status: None. Page 2 ISTEA Grant Cottonbelt Txaa ;F.Y 1997 98 Status: The Citv of Collevville and Grapevine have an nnnnrtunity to huild rho trail more efficiently with approved funding in the year 2005. An agreement to transfer DART right-of-way obligations to the City of Grapevine is complete. A request has been submitted to TxDOT to withdraw City of Southlake participation. Approval has been delayed to allow further TxDOT discussion of the transfer of funding to the City of Colleyville. Design - Phase 1 Contract Completed: Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. Status: All designed improvements are complete. `� ��'F rr s 'dgaz �"i'�'� ,1 'v,'`3�' gY •B�%' 4 ` 3 a Status: Staff has begun the process of selecting an architect to design the planned recreation center and expects to take a recommendation to the Park and Recreation Board in December, 2000. A site for OW recreation center is still to be determined. Approved by SPDC: September 27,1999 Approved by Park Board: September 13,1999 Page 3 7C-3 III 11 M I- I Status: SPDC approved $10, 000 at the September meeting to install various items requested by the Southlake Equestrian Association. Implementation of the northern parking lot is nearing completion. Noki east_Tarrant Tennis Approved by SYDC: September 27, 1999 Approved by Park Board: August 9,1999 Status: SPDC approved $15, 000 at the August meeting to provide items requested by Northeast Tarrant Tennis. NETT has issued a check to the City in the amount of $2, 500 towards their matching requirement. Funds have been used to purchase various components including trash receptacles, tables, chairs, watercooler stands, etc. Approved by SPDC: January 16,1998 Approved by Park Board: December 8,1997 Status: Many of the trees will be planted in Chesapeake Park this fall. Approved by aYDC: Approved by Park Board: Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of $8, 400 ($4, 200 Grant Award with a $4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. The City received a check for the grant from the Texas Forest Service on December 17, 1999, and all project requirements are completed. The grant money assisted in the planting offive hundred and twenty-eight (528) trees at Senior Tree Farms #1 and #2, utilizing five hundred and eighty-three (583) volunteer hours. ' Approved by City Council: June 15,1999 Approved by Park Board: June 7,1999 Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of $8, 600 ($4, 300 Grant Award with a ' $4,300 Required Match or in -kind services) began on October 1, 1999. The third phase has been established as an extension to Tree Farm #2 located at 275 Shady Oaks. Four hundred (400) saplings (Lacebark Elm, Cedar Elm, Shumard Oak) were planted on February 12, 2000. Building Inspector John Lesinski has donated an additional three hundred (300) saplings that are being stored in containers at the Shady Oaks site; these 1 saplings are planned to be planted in conjunction with the fourth phase of the project next fall. Pruning at Tree Farm #1 and routine maintenance at all three (3) phases has begun. ,r Page 4 1 ��-41 G I E IM L q No- i Status: Available as needed. Funding has been used to replace carnet at the CIS gymnasium building and to refinish and repaint the Carroll Middle School joint -use gym floor. Both facilities are heavily utilized for City programs. .Status: Staf j`'has installed Bicentennial Park siArcage. Complete $ 2,817.85 Bicentennial Park Erosion Control. Complete $ 3,000.00 Tree Transplanting at Bob Jones Park. Complete $14,604.00 Bicentennial Park Phase II Wrought Iron Fencing. Complete $ 499.00 Tennis Center Pro -Shop Window Tinting. Complete $ 459.00 Tennis Center Signage. Complete $ 1,300.00 Bob Jones Park Water Well Discharge Piping. Complete $ 1,657.50 Bicentennial Park Pond Aeration Electric Complete $ 3,619.70 Bicentennial Park Ballfield Concrete Improvements Complete $ 1,000.00 Senior Tree Farm Capital Items. Complete $ 6,000.00 Bicentennial Park Bermuda Hydro -mulch. Page 5 70 -s