2000-07-10City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 6, 2000 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Board Meeting — Monday, July 10, 2000 As a reminder, SPDC will be meeting jointly with the Parks and Recreation Board at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Dinner will be available at 5:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Staff will update you on properties previously discussed. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM. This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider. Agenda Item No. 5A. Discussion of Capital Projects Budget. Included in your packets is a copy of the SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) that addresses fiscal years 1999/2000 through 2002/2003. Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, will make a presentation to the SPDC Board of Directors and the Parks Board regarding the present financial state of the City as it relates to park development issues. Agenda Item No. 6A. Approval of materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. Staff is presently working with Cheatham and Associates on the construction drawings and. specifications for the improvements at Bob Jones Park. Staff presented the Bob Jones conceptual plan to the Parks and Recreation Board at their February 14, 2000 meeting and to the SPDC at their February 28, 2000 meeting. Staff has also met with the area homeowners and equestrian users to seek their feedback. Support for the layout of the proposed park addition has been very positive and work on the design has progressed accordingly. At this time staff would like to present the proposed architectural design for the concession/restroom building and pavilion/dock, as well as examples of the various components to be included as part of the park (examples: playground, picnic tables, front entry sign, park signage, benches, picnic pavilions, and trash receptacles). The goal in developing these components is to enhance the natural aesthetics of the existing landscape while providing items that increase the enjoyment levels for the park user. Staff will provide the Parks and Recreation Board and the SPDC with a full presentation and have samples available for review. The Parks and Recreation Board will consider approval of a recommendation to SPDC; and the SPDC will consider the item for approval separately. 11 'SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting - Monday, July 10, 2000 Page 2 of 2 � We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have an questions regarding, Y q the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me. Directors' meeting begins on Monday mornings at 10:15 a.m., so I am available before that time, or in the afternoon. You may also feel free to page me at any time at 407-4342. KH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant, ext. 821 H SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan Exhibit 1 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 Beginning Fund Balance (733,000) Junior Lien Debt 3,700,000 Interest Earnings 125,000 175,000 125,000 175,000 Operating Funds Transfer 500,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Matching Grant Proceeds (1) 250,000 250,000 Senior Lien Debt 4,400,000 5,500,000 Total Proceeds 3,842,000 5,226,000 525,000 6,075,000 9 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan Exhibit 2 L Aw t440, 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001 /2002 2002/2003 Carryforward balance 945,000 2,290,000 315,000 Total Proceeds 3,842,000 5,225,000 525,000 6,075,000 Total available funds 3,842,000 6,170,000 2,815,000 6,390,000 Capital Expenditures Smith Park Planning 50,000 Matching funds 100,000 Continental Trails 320,000 Trai!head Improvements 16,000 Capping Wells 20,000 Bleachers 11,000 Game field, Lighting 200,000 Joint Use 20,000 20,000 Special Projects 50,000 50,000 Nature Center Improvements 100,000 On -Road Signage 10,000 Girls Softball Complex 900,000 Bob Jones Development 1,800,000 500,000 500,000 Natatorium 500,000 500,000 250,000 Survey 10,000 Purchase land 1,800,000 Planning 500,000 Construction 1,500,000 4,000,000 Teen Center Construction (2) 300,000 Total of Expenditures 2,897,000 3,880,000 2,500,000 4,750,000 TOTAL PROCEEDS LESS TOTAL COMMITMENTS 946,000 2,290,000 315,000 1,640,000 (2) Contingent upon the results of the survey. t� City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 6, 2000 TO: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services FROM: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components Action Requested: SPDC approval of the proposed materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. Background Information: During the past seven months, staff has been working with Cheatham and Associates on the design and construction drawings for the planned improvements at Bob Jones Park. The design process incorporates all of the components approved by the Parks Board at the December 13, 1999 meeting and is within the $2,371,000 construction budget for the previous and current fiscal year funding. Staff presented the Bob Jones conceptual plan to the Parks and Recreation Board at their February 14, 2000 meeting and to the SPDC at their February 28, 2000 meeting. Staff has also met with the area homeowners and equestrian users to seek their feedback. Support for the layout of the proposed park addition has been positive and work on the design has progressed accordingly. Staff and the consultants will present the proposed architectural designs for the concession/restroom building and pavilion/dock, as well as examples of the various components to be included as part of the park (examples: playground, picnic tables, front entry sign, park signage, benches, picnic pavilions, and trash receptacles). Staff will provide the Parks and Recreation Board and the SPDC with a full presentation including color renderings and material boards. Financial Considerations: SPDC approved a Parks Capital Improvement Plan that allocates $1,800,000 for Bob Jones Park Development in FY 2001, in addition to the $832,500 previously allocated in FY 1999. The project is being designed within the project construction budget of $2,371,000 (this amount excludes engineering fees and Corps of Engineers tree mitigation costs). Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board will consider approval of a recommendation to SPDC; and the SPDC will consider the item for approval separately. �-4- Kevirr Hugman, Director of Community Services July 6, 2000 Page 2 Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Input towards the proposed materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. Supporting Documents: Presentation to the SPDC and Parks Board outlining the proposed materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the July 10, 2000 SPDC Agenda to consider the proposed materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. t- City of Southlake, Texas LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas REGULAR SESSION 6:00 P.M.: 1. Call to order. 2. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. 3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. 4. PUBLIC FORUM. REGULAR AGENDA: 5. Discussion: A. Capital Projects Budget 6. Consider: A. Approval of materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. (The Park and Recreation Board will consider approval of a recommendation to SPDC; SPDC will consider the item for approval separately.) 7. Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, ►uui July 6, at 5:00 p.m. pursuant to ment Code, Chapter 551. CO Air p- • , i 7A Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary ���4ru,un►►������� If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING i4w MINUTES 11 July 24, 2000 Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman, Gary Fawks, Rex Potter, Rick Stacy, Tad Stephens, and Cara White. Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Administrative Secretary, Meredith Parrish. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at 6:10 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session. President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:35 p.m. -.r Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. Mr. Potter made a motion to purchase the property discussed in executive session for $8.00/sq. ft. Motion: Potter Second: Fawks Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum. There were no comments during public forum. CONSENT AGENDA. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on May 22, 2000 and the Joint SPDC/Parks and Recreation Board meeting on July 10, 2000. Ms. White asked that the May 22, 2000 meeting minutes be corrected, on page 3, to reflect that the motion should read Girls Softball Association as opposed to the Southlake Baseball Association. MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING JULY 24, 2000 Page 1 of 5 H, Ms. White made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on May 22, 2000 and the Joint SPDC/Parks and Recreation Board meeting on July 10, 2000 as amended. Mr. Fawks asked that a change be made to the July 10, 2000 meeting minutes on page 3 to reflect that he was present for voting. Motion: White Second: Potter Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item 6A. Election of Officers. Ms. Kendall said that she would accept nominations for President. Mr. Potter nominated Ronnie Kendall for President of SPDC. Motion: Second: Potter White Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 LMow Ms. White made a motion to appoint Rex Potter as Vice -Chair. Motion: White Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Ms. Berman made a motion to appoint Cara White as Secretary. Motion: Berman Second: Potter Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item 6B. Award of Bid for lighting for Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 to NEMA 3 Electric. Mr. Hugman said this item is to award the bid for lighting of fields #4, #5, and #10. Mr. Hugman stated that the purpose of the lighting is to extend playing time on those fields. Mr. Hugman said this item had been budgeted in FY2000, Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). He said bids had gone out on MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING JULY 24, 2000 Page 2 of 5 I this project, and staff is recommending an award of this bid to Nema 3 Electric in the amount of $99,920. Mr. Hugman said that this included alternate number 1, which would be to put in an electric 1, pedestal near the fields for a concession trailer. Due to timing, Mr. Hugman said that City Council already approved this, as staff was trying to get this project under way with the fall baseball season starting soon. Ms. Berman asked if the cost savings on this project could be applied towards having the fields resodded and lighting for the batting cages. Mr. Hugman said staff would recommend that the difference in the budget and what is awarded for the bid would go into the unencumbered balance. It would then be an SPDC decision as to what other projects be funded. Mr. Potter asked Mr. Hugman when CIP approval would happen. Mr. Hugman said that it would be coming to SPDC in the next couple of months, but there was an item on the agenda to begin discussion of the CIP and future projects. Ms. Berman made a motion to accept the bid for lighting of fields #4, #5, and #10 to Nema 3 Electric, including the alternate for the additional $2,000.00. Motion: Berman Second: Stacy Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Stephens, White Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item 7A. FY 2000-2001 Operating and Capital Projects Budget. Mr. Hugman said this item is to discuss the operating and capital projects budget. Mr. Hugman said that in an effort to relieve some stress from the General Fund, an option was being considered to moving six maintenance staff from the General Fund to SPDC operation funds. Mr. Hugman said that since Council will be working on the budget in the next couple of months, staff wanted to discuss this with SPDC to get direction. Mr. Hugman said this an opportunity to discuss Capital Projects budget as well. Director Elam asked if there were any questions in regards to the maintenance workers. Mr. Potter Ei asked if it could be justified that all six workers would need to be funded with SPDC money. Ms. Elam said yes. President Kendall said that she had two observations regarding the maintenance workers. First, that this would be permanent, as once they were moved into SPDC, it would be very Ell difficult to move them back into the General Fund. Second, President Kendall said it would impact the available funds for capital projects. b Mr. Fawks stated he had concerns with funding maintenance from the operating budget. Mr. Fawks said that he would rather not fund the maintenance workers with SPDC money. He said this is a long-term commitment and he is concerned with funding personnel out of this budget. MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING JULY 24, 2000 Page 3 of 5 Ms. White asked if the Library Board would be asking for funds from SPDC as well. Mr. Hugman said that under the law, the funds could be used for parks and library funding. However, when the - 6, half -cent sales tax was passed in Southlake, the corporation by-laws stipulate that funding is for parks and park related projects, not for libraries. Mr. Hugman commented that the articles of incorporation could be amended to include the library, but it would require approval of the City Council. Mr. Stephens stated this is his first meeting and he would like to know why staff is looking at moving six personnel to be funded under SPDC funding. Director Elam stated that the General fund is stretched very thin, and staff is trying to find creative ways to alleviate the general fund. Mr. Stephens asked how long the half -cent sales tax could be counted on for SPDC. Mr. Hugman said there is a monetary limit, but that potentially the money can be counted on indefinitely. Mr. Hugman said that there is not a sunset clause like with the Crime Control and Prevention District. Ms. Kendall said that her concern is if the problem could be fixed by using SPDC money for one year, she would be inclined to use SPDC money to fund maintenance crew, however, the problem appears to be on -going. Therefore, she is hesitant to use SPDC funds for a permanent solution to the problem. Mayor Stacy asked about recommending the use of SPDC funds for personnel for one year. Mr. Potter stated that he did not realize this request was permanent, he assumed it was temporary. He said that he was a concerned philosophically, in that originally SPDC said that personnel would not be paid with SPDC funds and now it is happening. Mr. Potter stated that he is not on one side or the other at this point. Ms. White asked how other departments handle personnel issues. Director Elam said that no new personnel would be hired. President Kendall said that she is not opposed to LAW helping this year. Ms. Berman agreed with President Kendall. Mr. Fawks said that until the overall budget is looked at, no final decision could be made. Director Elam stated that the budget will be filed on July 31, 2000, and that is why staff is looking for direction from the Corporation. Mr. Fawks asked Director Elam if funding would be available elsewhere if the Corporation granted one year of aid. Director Elam said that she would not be comfortable saying that it would be for one year. Mr. Stephens asked what caused the shortage. Director Elam responded that it is a variety of things. Primarily, in 1999 revenue fell short approximately $900,000.00. Director Elam stated that bringing on a full -service library and a full year of the new pay plan added to the shortages as well. Mr. Fawks stated that expanding the parks was causing a need for more personnel and that adding more personnel was putting a strain on the general fund. Mayor Stacy stated that the decision would eventually need to be made to use SPDC money to help maintain SPDC projects, or to raise taxes. Mr. Hugman stated that one of the other items in the CIP, is the teen center survey. Mr. Hugman said that $10,000 was set aside for that survey. The original plan included a random phone survey of adults and then a self-administered survey of teens. In review by the ad -hoc committee and City Council, Mr. Hugman said that it was suggested to do a random survey of the teens as well. The estimated cost would be $5,000.00 to do a random sampling of teens in Southlake. Mr. Hugman said that the plan is to bring forth an addendum to cover the cost of the random survey. MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING JULY 24, 2000 Page 4 of 5 Mr. Hugman introduced Ray Turco from Turco and Associates. Mr. Turco presented the process of how they will randomly select the teenagers. "4%W Mr. Stacy thanked Mr. Turco for his presentation and commented that it was well done. Mr. Potter and Ms. Berman stated they would like to spend the additional money to ensure that the survey is done scientifically. Mr. Fawks asked if the teen survey would be different from the adult. Mr. Turco said no, that it would basically be the same survey. The Corporation agreed to continue discussion on this item at the next SPDC meeting. Mr. Potter asked when budget work sessions would be held. Director Elam said that she would like some direction from the Board concerning funding on maintenance before she files the budget. She stated that SPDC will review their budget in August. President Kendall asked staff to provide a corrected operational budget at the next SPDC meeting. Mr. Hugman stated that all capital expenses would be discussed further at the next SPDC meeting. Agenda Item No. 7B. Sales Tax Report There were no questions or comments. rr Agenda Item No. 7C. Project Status Report There were no questions or comments. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment. Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. ATTEST: redith Parrish Administrative Secretary Community Services 1,017/ President Ronnie Kendall MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING JULY 24, 2000 Page 5 of 5 R City of Southlake, Texas 1 MEMORANDUM July 20, 2000 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Board Meeting -- Monday, July 24, 2000 1. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter will be at your meeting to discuss land acquisition of portal property that had been previously discussed with you. 2. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM. This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider. 3. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on May 22, 2000 and the Joint SPDC/Parks and Recreation Board meeting on July 10, 2000. Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush is on vacation this week, so please contact Meredith Parrish with any changes you may have to the minutes, or make them a part of the motion for consideration. Meredith can be reached at 481-5581, extension 756, or by e-mail at Mparrish@cityofsouthlake.com. 4. Agenda Item No. 6A. Election of Officers. This is the first regular meeting of SPDC after expiration of terms for Corporation officers, therefore, the Board. needs to elect officers for 2000. 5. Agenda Item No. 6B. Award of bid for lighting for Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 to NEMA 3 Electric. SPDC had approved funding for lighting of ballfields #4, #5 and #10 at Bicentennial Park in the FY 2000 SPDC Capital Improvements Plan budget. These fields are the coach pitch and t-ball fields. Since this age group is the largest, Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) requested lighting to be able to extend their playing time and accommodate the large number of teams. In order to construct the lights in time for the fall season, and due to the July 4 City Council meeting falling on a holiday we brought this item forward to City Council at their June 20 meeting. (Baseball practice begins August 19, with the season beginning September 9.) We intended for SPDC to consider this item at its June 26 meeting, however that meeting was cancelled due to the City Council retreat. We would not ordinarily bring an item to SPDC SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting - Monday, July 24, 2000 Page 2 of 3 after City Council action, however, due to the timing constraints, the fact that SPDC had approved the item in the FY 2000 CIP, and that the bids were well within the budget, we took this approach. The bid amount was well within the budgeted amount, probably due to the fact that electrical panels installed for Fields #1 and #3 were oversized at the time, reducing the cost associated with additional panels for these fields. Staff also recommends that Alternate #1 be included, which will allow installation of ari electrical pedestal between fields #4 and #10 to serve the concession trailer. Acceptance of the base bid and alternate #1 will result in a total cost of $99,291. NEMA 3 was the electrical contractor for Bicentennial Park expansion phase II and staff has had good experience with them. 6. Agenda Item No. 6C. Approval of addendum to contract with Raymond Turco and Associates for teen center survey. The base contract with Turco and Associates is for $10,000, however, a change in direction as to the methodology of conducting the teen portion of the survey has necessitated an increase in fees to the consultant. The addendum is in the amount of $5,000 for the increased scope of work. Mr. Turco is expected to be at your meeting on Monday to answer any questions you may have. 7. Agenda Item No. 7A. FY 2000-2001 Operating and Capital Projects budget. The City Manager will file the FY 2000-2001 budget on July 31. In August, City Council will begin work sessions to review the budget. As part of the budget approval process, Council will L"W approve the SPDC Operations budget, which includes some operational costs, debt service (which funds the Capital Projects budget), and a transfer of excess revenue to the Capital Projects budget. Staff would like this opportunity to discuss with SPDC some of the proposed budget considerations, allow the Board the opportunity to discuss the operating and capital projects budget prior to the City Council work sessions, and provide any direction or input to staff. 8. Agenda Item No. 7B. Sales tax report and Financial Statement. The monthly sales tax report, detailed financial statement, and debt amortization schedules are included in your packet. 9. Agenda Item No. 7C. Project Status Report. The monthly status report is included in your packet. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at 481-5581, extension 757. You may also feel free to page me at any time at 407-4342. KH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting - Monday, July 24, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING MINUTES ' May 22, 2000 Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman, Norm Lyons, Rex ' Potter, Rick Stacy, and Cara White. (one vacant position) Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Sharen Elam, t Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. ' Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at 6:00 p.m. ' Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session. President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. ' SPDC adjourned for Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 7:35 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. Motion was made to authorize staff to proceed with purchase of additional park land for Bicentennial Park in the amount of $983,025 as discussed in executive session. t Motion: Potter Second: Lyons Ayes: Berman, Kendall; Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White ' Nays: none Approved: 6-0 ' Agenda Item No. 4.. Public Forum. There were no comments during public forum. CONSENT AGENDA. ' Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the meeting minutes for the regular SPDC meeting on March 27, 2000 and the special SPDC meeting on March 7, 2000. There were no questions or comments. MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item No. 5B. Supporting -relinquishment of grant funds from TxDOT for Cottonbelt Trail project, and requesting TxDOT transfer grant funds to the City of Collevvillei. There were no questions or comments. Motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items No. 5A and 5B as presented. Motion: Stacy ' Second: Lyons Ayes: Berman, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White Nays: none Approved: 6-0 ' Agenda Item No. 6A. Approval of Financial Advisory Agreement with First Southwest Company. There were no questions or comments. Motion was made to approve the Financial Advisory Agreement with First Southwest Company. ' Motion: Stacy Second: Lyons Ayes: Berman, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White ' Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 6B. Request from Southlake Girls Softball Association for $600 in matching grant funding. ' Mayor Stacy asked whether $600 would be enough. Director Hugman commented that their only request at this time is for matching funds necessary to participate in the cost of the design and ' engineering plan for the future lighting improvements for the two batting cages at field #1. There were no comments from the audience during Public Hearing. ' Motion was made to approve the request from pp q the Southlake Gals Softball Association for $600 in matching grant funding. ' Motion: Stacy Second: White Ayes: Berman, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White Nays: none Approved: 6-0 'Agenda Item No. 6C. Request from Southlake Baseball Association for $12 200 in matching grant funding. Director Hugman commented that this was a similar request to the Girls Softball Association. However, the Baseball Association is willing to come forward with the match to also construct the ' MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 2 of 3 lighting where as the Girls Softball Association wanted to participate in the design cost, which can be done all at once, but they don't have the funding at this time to actually construct the lighting. There were no comments from the audience during Public Hearing. ' Motion was made to approve the re quest equest from the Southlake Baseball Association for $12,200 in matching grant funding. ' Motion: White Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Kendall, Lyons, Potter, Stacy, White Nays: none Approved: 6-0 'Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion — Sales Tax ReM rt. Director Elam commented that sales tax collection is 21 % higher than the same time period last year. There were no questions or comments. Agenda Item No. 711. Discussion — Project Status Report. ' There were no questions or comments. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment. Motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 P.M. Xk F vAs JA 2 President Ronnie Kendall ' ATTEST: Kim Bush Secretary to the City Manager MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 3 of 3 SOA 4=3 JOINT SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING ' MINUTES July 10, 2000 Board Members Present: President Ronnie Kendall; Members: Sherry Berman Gary Fawks, Rex ' Potter, Rick Stacy, Tad Stephens, and Cara White. Park Board Members Present: Chair Sherry Berman, Mary Georgia; Jim Glover, Chris ' Miltenberger, Michael Nelson, and Cara White. Staff Present: Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Administrative Assistant John Eaglen, and Administrative Secretary, Meredith Parrish. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Ronnie Kendall at 6:10 p.m. I Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session. President Kendall announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. SPDC and Park Board adjourned for Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. SPDC and Park Board returned to open session at 6:50 p.m. ' Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. ' There was no action necessary as a result of executive session. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum. There were no comments during public forum. ' CONSENT AGENDA. ' Agenda Item No. 5A. Capital Projects Budget. Mayor Stacy requested to discuss trail widths along FM 1709. He questioned if it was necessary t have eight foot trails on Southlake Boulevard. Mayor Stacy commented that by providing an eight - foot trail on FM 1709, it will make a large retaining wall necessary, and asked if a six-foot trail might be more appropriate. MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 1 of 3 Asp Mr. Potter said that the Trail System Master Plan calls for six feet and he was not aware until recently that it had been changed or there was intention to do eight feet. Mr. Hugman said the Traffic Management Bond cost assumptions were based on eight foot trails even though the Trail System Master Plan called for six feet because of the thought that the City might be able to get some grant funding. Anything less than.eight feet would not qualify for grant money. He ' said that the COG standards (North Central Texas Council of Governments) recommended trail widths be 10-12 feet, with a minimum of eight feet. Ms. Georgia commented that eight -foot trails were decided on FM 1709 because of traffic and safety issues. tMayor Stacy expressed concern that eight feet was too much concrete and it would look too wide along FM 1709. Mr. Potter agreed and said he thought six-foot trails were more appropriate. Ms. White asked if it was too late to change the trail width since HNTB was working on the design. Mr. Hugman said that the designs have not gone out for bid yet and if this were something that needs to be changed, it would be appropriate for City Council to review this and give direction. Mr. Henry stated that AASHTO guidance and NCTCOG standards are 10 foot for suburban areas and that trails less than 8 foot could not be signed as a trail. Sharen Elam, Finance Director reported on the Capital Projects Budget for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. Ms. Elam stated a major change would be to fund for (3) maintenance workers for Parks. This would allow some relief in the Parks general fund budget; but could affect the Operating Fund transfer amount into the Capital Projects budget. She noted that the general fund will be very tight and that the SPDC budget, which is dependant on g g P sales tax revenues, does not have excess funding capacity available. The debt already issued is also at the maximum capacity that the sales tax revenue can support. General discussion followed on some of the anticipated project costs and if there would be savings. The Board also discussed funding for land acquisition and funding for the matching grants program. IAgenda Item No. 5B. Approval of materials palette and design for Bob Jones Park components. Cheatham and Associates made a presentation of the materials palette and design elements for Bob Jones Park. ' The Corporation recommended expanding the pavilion breezeway area. The Corporation also recommended adding the additional restroom facilities by the baseball fields within the first year. Mayor Stacy asked when construction would begin. Mr. Polasek said bids would be going out within the next two months, with construction commencing by November of 2000. Sherry Berman called for a motion by the Park Board as a recommendation to SPDC. ' MINUTES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 2 of 3 5AA Park Board: Motion was made to approve the stonework, metal roofing and design components as presented by Cheatam and Associates. Motion: White ' Second: Georgia Ayes: Berman, Nelson, Miltenberger, Georgia, Stokdyk, White Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Mr. Glover was not present for the vote. SPDC: ' President Kendall asked for a motion to approve the Park Board's recommendation. Motion was made to approve the Park Board's recommendation of the design palette and components for Bob Jones Park as presented by staff. Motion: Potter ' Second: Berman Ayes: Kendall, Potter, Stacy, Berman, Stephens, White Nayes: none Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment. ' Motion was made and carried to adjourn the joint meeting at 8:45 .m. J J g P t President Ronnie Kendall ATTEST: ' Kim Bush Secretary to the City Manager MINUT ES FOR SPDC MEETING MAY 22, 2000 Page 3 of 3 57AW(p City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 20, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Election of Officers Action Requested: Election of officers by the newly seated Southlake Parks Development Corporation. Background Information: Section 3.1(a) of the SPDC by-laws states: "... terms of office shall be one (1) year with the term of office expiring on May 31 of each year. Upon expiration of the terms each officer shall have the right to be reappointed or reelected." Board appointments were made in June and SPDC did not meet that month, therefore, this is the first regular meeting of the corporation since appointments were made. As such, SPDC will need to elect a President, Vice -President, and Secretary at this meeting. Officers elected in 1999: Ronnie Kendall, President; Debra Edmondson, Vice -President; and Norm Lyons, Secretary. Financial Considerations: N/A Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: N/A Supporting Documents: None Staff Recommendation: SPDC elect new officers for one year terms in accordance with the Corporation by-laws. ;Zl City of Southlake, Texas r MEMORANDUM July 19, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (ext. 757) SUBJECT: Award of bid for lighting for Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 to NEMA3 Electric Action Requested: SPDC consider approval of contract for construction of Bicentennial Park game fields A, #5, and #10 lighting, including Alternate #1, with NEMA3 Electric of Midlothian, Texas, in the amount of $99,291. Background Information: SPDC approved funding in the amount of $200,000 for construction of Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 lighting in the FY 1999-2000 Capital Improvements Budget at their December 6, 1999 meeting (6-0). The City Council approved the SPDC FY 1999-2000 Capital Improvements Budget without additional changes at their December 7, 1999 meeting on Regular agenda (6-0). The bid specifications for the construction of the game field lighting require the following project scope: ■ Constructing lighting sufficient to distribute thirty (30) footcandles throughout game fields #4, #5, and #10. Establish electrical capacity to complete two (2) existing scoreboards and provide electrical capacity for an additional two (2) future scoreboards. This includes . establishing service for. three (3) existing backstop scorekeeping tables and one (1) future backstop scorekeeping table. ■ Develop and coordinate the location and direction of security light for the game fields with staff, and install conduit to provide future light and single duplex receptacle service to two (2) existing softball batting cages. ■ Alternate #1 - requires the installation of a permanent fully closed pedestal between game fields #4 and #10 with two (2) duplex receptacles for portable vending services trailers. The estimated project timeline is fifty (50) working days upon entering into a contract with NEMA3 Electric. Staff conducted the bidding process in compliance with applicable laws and procedures. Bids were opened on June 9, 2000, with the low bid being submitted by NEMA3 Electric of Midlothian, Texas. The bid submittal included a base bid of $97,291, and Alternate #1 totaling $2,000, yielding a grand total of $99,291. Billy Campbell, City Manager July 19, 2000 Page 2 NEMA3 Electric was the contractor for the Bicentennial Park Phase II Bid Package #2a, lighting for the tennis courts and in -line hockey court, and game field lighting for fields #1 and #3 in 1999. Their work on this project was to the satisfaction of staff. Reference checks with the Cities of DeSoto, Arlington, and Garland indicated that they were all very satisfied with the work performed by NEMA3 Electric on their projects. Financial Considerations: SPDC and the City Council approved funding in the amount of $200,000 in the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Improvement Budget for game field lighting construction at Bicentennial Park fields #4, #5, and #10. To date $1,470 has been expended for the development of the lighting plan design, leaving an unencumbered balance of $198,530. The bids received were well within the approved $200,000 budget due to work performed in Bicentennial Park Bid Package #2a. While completing the lighting improvements for game fields #1 and #3, the size of the electrical panels in the vicinity were increased to be able to accommodate possible future lighting needs. These panels are now able to accommodate game fields #4, #5, and #10. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The City Council approved (7-0) the award of bid, including Alternate #1, at their June 20, 2000 regular meeting. Legal Review: Standard bid- specifications have been reviewed by the City Attorney. Alternatives: 1.Alternatives include the following: ■ Accept the lighting construction bid at $97,291 and reject Alternate #1. ■ Reject both the lighting construction bid and Alternate #1, and proceed to reopen the bidding process. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: ■ Bid tabulation for the construction of Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 lighting. Staff Recommendation: Authorize a contract with NEMA3 Electric of Midlothian, Texas, for construction of Bicentennial Park game fields #4, #5, and #10 'lighting in the amount of $97,291, with Alternate #1 at $2,000, for a total contract amount of $99,291. L IoPrZ City of Southlake Department of Community Services BID TABULATIONS PROJECT NAME: Bicentennial Park Game Field Lighting — Fields #4, #5, and #10 PROJECT NUMBER: 00-302016A DATE: June 9, 2000 WORKING DAYS: 50 days ENGR. EST.: N/A BIDDER BID BOND BASE BID ALTERNATE #1 BASE BID NEMA 3 Electric Midlothian, Texas X $97,291 $2,000 $99,291 JC Electric, Inc. Keller, Texas X $108,980 $1,600 $110,580 06-63-0003 N.IParks & Recreation 1BOARDSICC120001Qtr314,5,1OLightingBidTab.doc City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM r July 20, 2000 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Billy Campbell, City Manager Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services Approval of Contract Addendum with Raymond Turco and Associates for Teen Center survey Action Requested: SPDC consider approval of contract addendum to original scope of work with Raymond Turco and Associates, for teen center survey. - Background Information: At its December 6, 1999 meeting, SPDC approved a Capital Improvements Plan that included $10,000 funding for a professionally administered survey of Southlake adults and teens regarding the need for a teen center in Southlake. The City Council approved the SPDC Capital Improvements Plan at its December 7, 1999 meeting. A contract with Raymond Turco and Associates was entered into in February, 2000. The initial proposal included a random, telephone survey of Southlake adults (400 interviews), and a self-administered survey of Southlake teenagers. The contract amount was $10,000 ($8,000 for the adult survey and comprehensive report, and $2,000 for the self-administered teen survey). An ad-hqc committee of interested citizens and City Council assisted staff and the consultant in the development of the survey instrument. City Council was also given an opportunity to review the instrument several times, to meet with the consultant if desired, and to provide input on the survey. During this period, it was strongly suggested that the teen survey be conducted as a random telephone survey as well. The consultant estimated the additional cost would be approximately $4,000. An addendum was received from the consultant in the amount of $5,000 to conduct the teen survey as a random telephone survey similar to the adult survey. This would involve calling Southlake residents known to have school -age children, requesting if a teen is in the household, and if so, would they be willing to participate in the survey. The goal would be to achieve a statistically valid sample of 400 completed surveys. Financial Considerations: The approved FY 1999-2000 SPDC CIP has allocated $10,000 for the conduct of the survey, which is the same as the contract amount. Billy Campbell, City Manager July 20, 2000 Page 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: The ad -hoc committee and City Council has given staff and the consultant direction on the development of the survey. Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: Not approve Addendum to contract and select alternative, less costly method of administering teen survey. Supporting Documents: • Addendum to contract with Raymond Turco and Associates, dated July 18, 2000 • Original contract and proposal, dated February 11, 2000 Staff Recommendation: SPDC consideration of Addendum to contract with Raymond Turco and Associates in the amount of $5,000 for additional services in conduct of teen center survey. �I rRAYMOND .TURCO and ASSOCIATES CONTRACT ADDENDUM July 18, 2000 Mr. Billy Campbell City of Southlake 400 N. White Chapel Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mr. Campbell, This letter, when signed by you, will serve as an addendum to our letter of agreement, dated February 11, 2000. It details additional services, requested by city councilmembers, to be performed by Raymond Turco & Associates and the appropriate fees. SERVICES: Rather than conduct -a self-administered mail -survey of youth in the Carroll ISD, as proposed in our original proposal, the firm will attempt to complete 400 - randomly generated telephone interviews of youth in the community. Additional services will include: • Purchase telephone list of adults in the community with children. • Conduct fieldwork, using city -approved questionnaires. Attempt will be made to complete 400 telephone interviewes. FEES: For performance of the additional services the City of Southlake agrees to pay Raymond Turco & Associates a fee of $5,000. Fees are due as follows: ' • 50%, or $2,500, due upon signature of this letter of agreement and prior to commencement of fieldwork • Remaining fees ($2,500) due upon presentation of final report. PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH POLITICAL CONSULTANTS ' 2507 Elm Forest Circle Arlington, Texas 76006 Metro (817) 695-1158 • Metro Fax (817) 695-1168 • E-Mail rturco@ix.netcom.com Southlake Addendum Page 2 We look forward to working on. this important project and pledge our best efforts on your behalf. ' Sincerely, ' RAYMOND TURCO BILLY CAMPBELL, CITY MANAGER RAYMOND TURCO & ASSOCIATES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE s. FROM Ram Turco 8 Assoc. PHONE NO. 817 277 3784 RAYMOND TURCO and ASSOCIATES ' February 11, 2000 Feb. 11 20M 04 : 45PM P2 Mr. Billy Campbell ' City of Southlake 400 N. White Chapel Blvd. Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Mr. Campbell, This letter, when signed by you, will constitute an agreement whereby Raymond Turco ' & Associates will perform the following services for the City of Southlake for the stated fees, as detailed In our proposal (attached as part of agreement): SERVICES: Prepare and implement a research project for the City of Southlake 'proposed Teen Center. Services will include: ' • Meet with designated staffinembers and board members to develop areas of interest to be addressed in adult telephone survey and self administered teen survey_ • Develop 2 surveys (adult and teen), subject to city approval • Typeset and print student surveys (preliminary estimate of 1,000 surveys). • Administer student surveys with city assistance in coordination and collection, if ' necessary • Purchase telephone list of residents for adult telephone survey contact at no additional cost ' • Divide city into subsectors • Conduct and complete 400 telephone interviews • Data entry services for both surveys ' • Produce Data Tabulation Report and provide 3 copies of both reports to city • Prepare combined survey summary and analysis and provide 15 copies of final report to city ' • Make 3 oral presentations PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH a POLITICAL CONSULTANTS ' 1700 Baird Farm Circle • Suite 1213 • Arlington, Texas 7WO6 Matro (8171 543-0434 • Fax (817) 277-3784 * E-Mail rturco@ixnetcom.com .r FROM RaVrcrid Turco & Assoc. PHONE NO. :`817 277 3784 tw Southlake Agreement Page two Feb. 11 2000 04:45PM P3 ' FEES: For performance of the above services, the City of Southlake agrees to pay Raymond Turco & Associates a fee of $10.000 for implementation of the research project. Fees are due as follows: • 50%, or $5,000, due upon signature of this letter of agreement and.prior to ' commencement of fieldwork • Remaining fees ($5,000) due upon presentation of final report. Raymond Turco & Associates agrees to deliver the final report in as expeditious a ' manner as possible. Barring any unforeseen circumstances imposed by the city, a final report will be delivered to the city, no later than April 28, 2000. ' The city will approve the final questionnaires (adult and teen) prior to the commencement of any fieldwork. tWe look forward to working with you on this important project and pledge our best efforts on your behalf. rMw Sincerely, --1 RAYMONb TURCO, l RAYMOND TURCO & ASSOCIATES i t t rt RAYMOND TURCO and ASSOCIATES PROPOSAL TO: Mr. Kevin Hugman Director of Community Services City of Southlake FROM: Mr. Ray Turco Raymond Turco & Associates 1700 Baird Farm Circle #1213 Arlington, TX 76006 (817-543-0434) DATE: January 24, 2000 RE: Survey Proposal Thank you very much for the opportunity to present the following proposal for design and implementation of a comprehensive public opinion research project to assist elected •officials and city staff to better understand the needs or both residents and teenagers as it relates to the proposed Teen Center facility. We are excited to have the opportunity to work with you on this important project. Raymond Turco & Associates is exceptionally well qualified to implement this project. We have worked for numerous parks and recreation clients throughout the metroplex, including Coppell, Arlington and Cedar Hill. We have also worked with cities on issues that have political ramifications, based on the overall results of the survey. Further review of our client listing will illustrate that numerous cities have drawn on our expertise to assist them in the analysis of the attitudes of their citizens on a myriad of issues. You will additionally note that many cities have used our services for multiple projects and oftentimes, for several years. We offer a comprehensive project, at a competitive cost and in a timely manner. Ray Turco will work with you to develop a questionnaire that addresses your needs. Interviewers are friendly and courteous, and represent the company in a positive manner. Also, should there be -any question or concern, you work directly with the president and owner of the company -- there will be no middle man or associate with which to deal. Rest assured, the needs of your city will be addressed and met by Raymond Turco & Associates. This survey proposal will address two types of research -- a random telephone survey of 400 adult residents, as well as a self-administered survey of Southlake teenagers. PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH • POLITICAL CONSULTANTS 1700 Baird Farm Circle * Suite 1213 * Arlington; Texas 76006 Metro (817) 543-0434 0 Fax (817) 277-3784 0 E-Mail rturco@ix.netcom.com SERVICES TO PROVIDE 1. Questionnaire Design - Raymond Turco & Associates will meet with selected city staff and citizens' committee to review survey objectives and how best to meet the needs as outlined in the request for proposals. From that meeting, and any subsequent discussions, areas of interest will be determined, by which both surveys will be written. Based on the proposal request, as well as our experience with this type of project, a list of questions will be developed to address relavent issues, from the perspective of both adults and teenagers. Some of the issues to address may include, but not be limited to: • Voting activity (adults only) • Satisfaction with current aspects of recreation (both groups) • Current teenage recreational activities (teens) • Explanation of what is a Teen Center (both groups) • Importance of city providing Teen Center (adults only) • Construction preference -- stand alone or part of recreation center (both groups) • Types of activities to provide at Teen Center (both teen and adult perspective) • Likelihood of parents sending their children to participate at Teen Center (adults only) • Amount willing to pay to finance Teen Center (adults only) • Information statements relative to Teen Center (both groups) • Current activities in which teenagers participate (teens only) • Type of facility for city to offer (both groups) • Positive and negative aspects of proposed Teen Center (both groups) • Demographic information (both groups) The telephone survey to adults will consist of between 20 - 30 questions, including open-ended ones, and will be developed and presented to staff for approval or changes if necessary. The final questionnaire will contain a sufficient number of questions to address .the desired issues and not to exceed four pages of 11 x 14 length. Surveys of this length average 14-18 minutes. The teen survey will contain many questions identical to those in the adult survey, in order to compare results. In addition, teen -oriented questions will also be incorporated into the document. The approved teen survey will be typeset, printed and distributed to teens, either through the appropriate school districts or teen gatherings. 2. Data Base - Data base selection is critical to the overall success of the telephone research. Because the survey impacts all citizens, it is important to have the most current listing of residents available. Raymond Turco & Associates recommends selecting a random listing of the most current. residents in the city with telephone numbers. This list would be purchased from Experion, formerly TRW Marketing Services, a .list management firm located in Allen, Texas. The firm specializes in targeted lists and updates its Texas files on a monthly basis.. City of Southlake Survey Proposal January 2000 Page 2 The firm will then develop a statistical model to divide the city into regional subsectors, in order to compare geographical attitudinal shifts. The number of residents ' participating in each sector will be based on. the population of households with telephones numbers and each of the subsectors will be statistically accurate. The list will be in an order for this to occur. It is this firm's recommendation that 400 surveys be completed, which would achieve Y P a sampling whereby the results would equate to a margin error of +/- 5% at the 95% ' confidence level. Telephone calls will be made in each sector until each quota is attained. 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 The self-administered survey -would be collected through the mail or by other means where the confidentiality of the respondent will be protected. Self-administered surveys generally require additional time for people to respond as well as for collection. This is especially true when compared to the fieldwork of a telephone survey. However, through school district cooperation, it may be possible to conduct the teen surveys during one scheduled time period, thus eliminating the longer collection process. This firm would work with the city to contact the school districts to determine the feasibility of the collection process, as well as to coordinate the distribution of the surveys. 3. Qualifying Respondents Raymond Turco & Associates will use the approved survey to contact residents to participate in the project. From our Grand Prairie' and Bedford, Texas, call centers, we will randomly contact the appropriate number of respondents. Each list will include the number of respondents to qualify out of that sector. Interviewers will contact the appropriate number of individuals and when a caller reaches the statistical quota for that area, further calling will cease. Our interviewers are trained in the high standards of telephone research. In fact, most interviewers who would work on this project have been employed by the firm for more than one year. They have been instructed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of both the client and the respondent. For example, callers are instructed not to create a "bias" by revealing to residents for whom the project is being done, from where the calls are being.. made, or any other item that could "skew" the results. Additionally, interviewers are taught that if they cannot answer a particular question by repeating the question or a portion of the question, to not answer. In this way, one respondent does not have any more information by which to make a decision than another. Training sessions are conducted for all employees at the beginning of the project. Included in the instructions are application instructions, such as proper marking of the individual questionnaires and contact lists, skip patterns and other pieces of information that will benefit the caller. The surveys are also read out loud so that interviewers can feel. comfortable with word verbiage, pronunciation and other nuances unique to a particular client. Additionally, a supervisor is available to assist or address any situations which may occur. City of Southlake. Survey Proposal January 2000 Page 3 Validation techniques utilized include 'a review of each individual questionnaire to ensure accuracy . as well as the random recontact of respondents to validate the authenticity of each respondent. 4. Timetable - The projected timeline for design, implementation and analysis of this ' research project is 10 - 12 weeks. Upon selection, design of the questionnaires will take a week, with completion of the telephone fieldwork taking approximately ten days. Collection of the teen surveys could take up to 4 weeks, if teens were allowed to take ' them home from school. If a schedule could be worked out with the different school districts, whereby the students could take 15 minutes on one given day to implement the project, the schedule could be shorted significantly. Compilation, tabulation of the data and preparing the draft survey summary and final report will take up the remaining time. Upon selection, a project timeline will be submitted for approval. We are prepared to being this project the day after selection. 5. Data Tabulation - Raymond Turco &,Associates utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and computer software for tabulating the data and producing tables that contain the ' maximum amount of information and yet are easy to read. 7M 1 1 The firm uses "Survey System 4.1," a data tabulation and research software package developed by Creative Research Systems. It is a powerful yet flexible system, capable of tabulating up to 32,000 questionnaires, with each questionnaire having up to 3,000 columns of data. Questionnaires can be weighted, and individuals can give more than one answer to a question. The survey system can also combine responses from multiple questions. The Survey System can produce a variety of different kinds of tables,.using a "banner" format. A "cross -tab" table can be produced showing frequencies and column percentages. A "score" table is a weighted average of the responses to one question. It can be produced showing raw and standardized scores. It can have up to 20 variables (20 items rated or questions answered) in a single score table. An "answer comparison" table is produced to show the column percentages of different answers. A variety of statistics are available on tables, with the kind of statistics dependent on the table being created. Statistical formats include Chi square, mean, standard deviation, standard error, median, T-Tests between both 2 variables and banner columns (only real number tables), row mean (answer comparison tables) and difference between proportions. Upon receipt of the completed questionnaires, Raymond Turco & Associates will recommend "banners," or the questions to tabulate against other questions in the table. The firm will enter all data in a confrolled environment to insure accuracy. For report purposes, the firm utilizes several desktop publishing programs (PageMaker 6.0, Ami-Pro 3.1, Microsoft Word 97) and graphics programs (Lotus 123, Microsoft City of Southlake Survey Proposal January 2000 Page 4 Excel 97, Microsoft Power Point and Quatro Pro) to create a document that is both attractive and informative. 6. Deliverables - The firm will provide 3 copies of the Data Tabulation p p Report, along with 15 copies of the final version of the Survey Summary Report. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Raymond Turco & Associates agrees to perform the services, as described in this proposal, for the following fees: A. Teen Center Recreation Survey (400 adult respondents) • Questionnaire design • Data Tabulation (20 - 30 questions) Report • All field work (Interviewers • Survey Summary and supervisor) Report • Data entry and compilation • Presentation SURVEY COST (Comprehensive Report) $8,000.00 SURVEY COST (Executive Summary/Abbreviated Report) $6,000.00 B. Teen Center Recreation Survey (self-administered teen survey) • Questionnaire design • Data Tabulation Report • Printing of survey and • Inclusion in Survey return envelope (if Summary Report necessary) • Collection of surveys SURVEY COST $2,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $10,000.00 (Comprehensive) TOTAL PROJECT COST $8,000.00 (Abbreviated) 11 ' One half of the total project cost will be due upon commencement of the project, with the remainder of the fees due upon final presentation. Please note that this price will be effective for 90 days. January 2000 City of Southlake, Texas r MEMORANDUM July 20, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: FY 2000-2001 Operating and Capital Projects Budget Action Requested: SPDC discussion of the FY 2000-2001 SPDC operating and capital projects budget. Background Information: At the joint SPDC / Parks and Recreation Board meeting on July 10, there was general discussion regarding the current financial situation of the City in terms of the City's General Fund for operations and maintenance, and the fiscal status of the SPDC fund. Finance Director Sharen Elam discussed generally the sales tax revenue projections and the debt capacity of SPDC. On December 6, 1999, the Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) approved a four year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for fiscal years 1999/2000 through 2002/2003. As part of the annual budget process, the upcoming SPDC fiscal year budget is reviewed by staff and recommendations for amendments are presented to the Parks and Recreation Board for review. The proposed General Fund budget is also reviewed by the Parks and recreation Board and recommendations made to the City Manager for his consideration in developing the annual budget. During the fiscal year 2000/01 budget process, staff identified a number of items that might be considered SPDC eligible projects and could be removed from the Parks division general fund budget. In general, most are capital outlay items that would assist in improving the overall appearance and function of the parks system while adding to the recreational enjoyment of park patrons. An SPDC operations fund item was also identified in the form of additional maintenance personnel. Due to general fund budget constraints, staff has proposed no new personnel additions, but that six (6) maintenance personnel currently funded through the Parks division general fund, be considered for funding from the SPDC Operations Fund. (Currently, there is one employee funded from SPDC operating fund — the Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent position.) or The Parks Board at its July 10 meeting considered the following potential projects/items that could be funded in the SPDC Capital Improvements Plan, and made its prioritized recommendations to SPDC as follows: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services July 6, 2000 Page 2 (1) Three (3) Parks Maintenance Workers* (2) SPDC Matching grants funding $100,000 (3) Bob Jones Bleachers (14) $35,000 (4) Volleyball Court Improvements - Bicentennial Park $30,000 i (5) Chesapeake Pond Aeration System $14,000 (6) Chesapeake Park Pavilion $45,000 * At this time, the transfer of only three maintenance workers was discussed. Maintenance Personnel: The transfer of funding of six maintenance personnel would relieve some funding constraints on the general fund, but could affect the SPDC operating fund transfer into the capital projects fund. Currently, only the Park Planning and Construction Superintendent is supported through the SPDC budget. Matching Grant Funding: The SPDC matching grants fund has been very successful in attracting other organizations to come forward with funding to assist the City with park improvements of special interest to that E, organization. In FY 1999, SPDC appropriated $90,000 and to date for FY 2000, $51,960.50 has been appropriated. L-001 Bleachers: Bob Jones Park currently serves as the only recreational youth soccer facility in Southlake. The Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association (GSSA) presently conducts a spring season and a fall season which draw thousands of participants and spectators. The addition of bleachers at the Bob Jones Park soccer facility would improve the comfort level for pations by providing adequate seating. The cost is based upon fourteen (14) sets of bleachers which can be moved to accommodate the various -field layouts. Volleyball Court Improvements: The proposed volleyball court improvements would include two (2) lighted sand volleyball courts to be located at Bicentennial Park. The sand volleyball courts are very popular with young adults and could also be used during family picnics. Other uses might include small tournaments and leagues programmed through the Recreation Division. Pond Aeration System: The Chesapeake Park pond aeration system would be similar to what is currently installed in the Bicentennial Park pond. The aeration system is essential to improving the quality of the water in order to reduce pond scum and support fish -habitat. Pavilion: The installation of a pavilion at Chesapeake Park would provide for a shaded area for residents to enjoy. Park pavilions are very popular for group picnics and birthday parties. The installation of the pavilion and the pond aeration system would essentially complete the planned improvements for this neighborhood park. LOW Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services July 6, 2000 Page 3 At the July 10 meeting, there was also discussion by the Boards regarding Bob Jones park components, specifically expanding the proposed restroom concession building breezeway area, and accelerating construction of the second restroom building proposed for the ballfield locations. Staff is working on these estimates but does not have that cost information available at this time, but should have preliminary information by the meeting on Monday. Financial Considerations: To be discussed by Board and staff. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Parks and Recreation Board has provided a prioritized list of recommended additions for consideration by SPDC. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Input towards the proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2000/2001 SPDC Capital Improvements Plan. Supporting Documents: • SPDC proposed Operating Fund budget, FY 2000-2001. • SPDC Capital Improvements Plan as approved December 6, 1999. • CIP Project Description Summary Staff Recommendation: SPDC discussion regarding the FY 2000-2001 SPDC Operating and Capital Projects budgets. REVENUES Sales Tax Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers out Proceeds from C.O. Sale Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 2000-01 Proposed Budget and 1999-00 Revised Budget 01:46 PM 1998-99 Actual $1,533,773 1999-00- Adopted $1,737.104 �$ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted $0 % Increase/ -Decrease 0.0% � $Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted $260,568 % Increase/ -Decrease 15.0% 52,594 37,500 0 r � 0.0% 0 0.0% $1,586,367 $1,774 604 Q $0 0.0% , y $260,566 14.7% $54,661 $67 098 239 ($1,859) -2.8%,=� �y $233,515 348.0% $3.300 $3 600 0 0.0% (3,600) 100.0% $0 -49 0 0.0% -- 0 0.0% $57,961 $70 698 ($1,859) -2.6°h $229,915 325.2% $1,528,406 $1,703,906" '� $1,659 $30,650 (1,237,866) (1,380 583) ($110,345) (1,237,896) (1,380 583) $420,597 $711,108 .. 711106 $1,034,430 749•N SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan Exhibit 1 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001 /2002 2002/2003 Beginning Fund Balance (733,000) Junior Lien Debt* 3,700,000 Interest Earnings 125,000 175,000 125,000 175,000 Operating Funds Transfer 500,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Matching Grant Proceeds (1) 250,000 250,000 Senior Lien Debt 4,400,000 5,500,000 Total Proceeds 3,842,000 5,225,000 525,000 6,075,000 " Uan only be used to purchase land (1) Matching funds noted above for FY'00 will be used to offset FY'99 expenditures ?or is SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Improvements Plan Exhibit 2 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001 /2002 2002/2003 Carryforward balance 945,000 2,290,000 315,000 Total Proceeds 3,842,000 5,225,000 525,000 6,075,000 Total available funds 3,842,000 6,170,000 2,815,000 6,390,000 Capital Expenditures Smith Park Planning 50,000 Matching funds 100,000 Continental Trails 320,000 Trailhead Improvements 16,000 Capping Wells 20,000 Bleachers 11,000 Game field, Lighting 200,000 Joint Use 20,000 20,000 Special Projects 50,000 50,000 Nature Center Improvements .100,000 On -Road Signage 10,000 Girls Softball Complex 900,000 Bob Jones Development 1,800,000 500,000 500,000 Natatorium 500,000 5001-000 250,000 Survey 10,000 Purchase land 1,800,000 Planning 500,000 Construction 1,500,000 4,000,000 Teen Center Construction (2) 300,000 Total of Expenditures 2,897,000 3,880,000 2,500,000 4,750,000 TOTAL PROCEEDS LESS TOTAL COMMITMENTS 945,000 2,290,000 315,000 1,640,000 (2) Contingent upon the results of the survey. SPDC 1999/2000 Capital Improvement Projects ■ Smith Park Planning ($50,000) — Conceptual design and development of construction plans for phase I improvements to Smith Park. ■ Matching Funds — Community Projects ($100,000 per year) Established to provide matching funds for community based programs which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. ■ Continental Trail Phases I and II ($320,000) — 6' wide trail along south side of Continental Drive from Davis to White Chapel. ■ Bob Jones Trailhead Parking ($16,000) — Parking area for the proposed north trailhead at Bob Jones Park. ■ Capping of Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000) — Capping of undetermined number of existing wells at Bob Jones Park per State requirements. ■ Bleachers ($11,000) — Bleachers for baseball ■ Game Field Lighting ($200,000) — Lighting for Bicentennial Park ball fields #4, #5, and #10. ■ Joint Use Improvements ($20,000) — Available funding for use in the development and maintenance of joint use facilities. ■ Special Projects ($50,000 per year) — Available funding for unforeseen projects and improvements which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. ■ Survey ($10,000) — Review of community desire for Community Center/Teen Center facilities. • Land Acquisition ($1,800,000) — Acquisition of park land. ■ Teen Center Construction ($300,000) — Pending results of survey. TOTAL = $2,897,000 70 -7 U SPDC 2000/2001 Capital Improvement Projects • Joint Use Improvements ($20,000) — Available funding for use in the development and maintenance of joint use facilities. ■ Special Projects ($50,000 per year) — Available funding for unforeseen projects and improvements which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. ■ Nature Center Improvements ($100,000) — Restoration and improvements to the existing Nature Center building. ■ Signage for On -Road Trails ($10,000) — On -road signage for trails. To be implemented following the completion of the Trail System Master Plan update. • Girls Softball Complex ($900,000) — Girls softball four-plex. Location and scope of project to be determined. ■ Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,800,000) — Improvements to Bob Jones Park including pond #2 with well and water feature, park signage, day camp facilities, amphitheater with electric, turf, loop road with parking, ,r phase I concession/restroom building, pump house building enhancements, storm drain headwall enhancements, pond #1 water discharge feature, continuation of pipe rail fencing, roadway lighting, phase II front entrance with landscape, phase I drainage improvements, phase I parking lot surface coat, utilities (Nature Center, phase I restroom), additional practice fields (6). • Natatorium ($500,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Planning ($500,000) — Recreation Center planning and design. TOTAL = $3,880,000 SPDC 2001/2002 Capital Improvement Projects • Bob Jones Development ($500,000) — Additional parking, irrigation, landscaping, phase II restroom building with utilities. • Natatorium ($500,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Construction Phase 1 ($1,500,000) — Recreation Center construction. TOTAL = $2,500,000 1 1 1 SPDC 2002/2003 Capital Improvement Projects ■ Bob Jones Development ($500,000) — Additional parking, irrigation, landscaping, phase II restroom building with utilities. • Natatorium ($250,000) — City participation in CISD Natatorium construction. • Recreation Center Construction Phase 2 ($4,000,000) — Recreation Center construction. TOTAL = $4,750,000 Win-1n SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/2°k SALES TAX REPORT t4r Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) /° 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 1999-00 Difference Change October $155,384 $ 153,170 $155,259 $155,259 $ 2,089 1.36% 7.37% November 103,444 139,860 150,165 125,632 150,165 125,632 10,305 (28,594) -18.54% December 94,247 156,915 154,226 127,185 176,808 176,808 49,623 39.02% January February 99,787 116,386 135,803 135,803 19,417 10,851 16.68% 9.92% March 97,318 109,438 120,289 120,289 3.17% -- � - - April May _ _ _ _ ... 155,959 128,839 177,185 149,391 182,799 14E,21.0 182,799 148,2'10� 5,614 ( - ) 1,181 -0.79% June 124,662 142,443 15.,393 150,396 7,953 5.58% July 173,349 191,081 191,081 August 122,865 138,968 138,968 j September 121,005 137,231 137,231 $1,533,774 $ 1,736,564 $ 1,345,358 $ 1,812,641 $ 13.22% 18.18% la, 76,077 1 O co N N O W 0 NP M O N O v O O m co r h O � tN N h W O O l'7 Y9 1� O N O O O O GOD M C70 < S W w 1- M OON NN O 0 mfpv .p.. NvvGD N N N M N 04 .... X O O 18 N O O O l+7 G4 1A IGI N O D 1 O O t0 Le; W W t0 G9 O Oi M O r O 0) O O 0 coO ow ONi v N O I- R OOi f"7 GOD fOD 100. O N O O a toO N O c G7 O r O W) N m W O N tV O h W N O n N O U7 O M M a� a G r W N N P O v O h N Y N u07 N N (Lf W M co O a)0 W O t0 O m W W M O G07 G7 1n O N n V N W 1D a O OOD GOD D O n O N O O 0 0< O O v n o C c o 0 O p O o W a `° �tp 10 aD o oo r� o o c 10 CV t0 N h "� co O N O O N W' O i . 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R 1 � /o T M 0) N wto O O N N N P go A A A n N N N Y tD to M W f� N r 0 O A t0 0) M) N O a0 iD O N O A o 0 tD M 'C 'af � Q M M Cl) M M M M N N N N N r r N W )Z COl Z o) N J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0900000008000 0 00000000 cyo < O—o000o Oo0000e0L�toot�pOppo000t0t � � MoANNoZ tV N N NN M M M O R Y V o H h N tD W U d Y > W >- = W J W F� H Q O N M to N A O O) O r N M 'Q o tg A O Of O r N M a o W A O M O � m U LL O O O O O O O O O O r r r r r r r r r N N N N N N N N N N M 0) U) C LL 0 M M O.) 0 N tAo cn 0 N to 17 In O O O N O) tD 0) oY V 0 CD to V N O to 91) 0 0 N fD v" to N tn' O Uo)) a to SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report July 18, 2000 Phase II construction Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17,1997 Consultant: MESA Design Group Grand Opening: March 4, 2000 Status: Bid packages are closed with the following contractors: Bid #1 with Pittman Construction closed June 2, 1999 for a total amount of $594, 429. Bid #2a with NEMA3 Electric closed September 23, 1999 for an amount of $383,843.50. Bid package #2 with American Tennis Court Contractors closed December 21, 1999 for a total amount of $860, 929.74. Bid #4 with Sprinkle n Sprout, Inc. closed in April 2000 for a total amount of $44, 376. SPDC awarded bid package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc. for $443,259.00 to include the Tennis Center and restroom / storage facility. Closeout discussions are proceeding. Texas Hydro -mulch is progressing with Bermuda seed throughtout Phase II and around the baseball and softball batting cages. Sierra Contractors completed landscape installation for $8,144.00. Tree installation was completed by Earth Works Environmental. Tree transplanting was completed by Port -a -Tree. Pond surface aeration was completed by Greenscape Pump Services Inc. for $12, 775. Wrought iron improvements were completed by American National Fence for $14, 604. Entrance Road Repair- F.Y. =1"8-99 Status: Numerous contractors have declined to submit a quote to repair the entrance road. Road repairs will be considered with the next phase of improvements to Bicentennial Parr pending completion of the revised Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan. Phase ITT Page 1 Park Trail = F.Y1998-99 Status: Remaining trails will be reviewed and addressed following the completion of the Bicentennial Park Master Development Plan currently being developed by Shrickel, Rollins and Associates. Phase II with TPWD' Grant Design - Phase II Contract Began: January 3, 2000 Consultant: Cheatham Associates Design Contract: $178,752.00 Status: The site plan has been presented and reviewed by SPIN #1, the Parks and Recreation Board, and SPDC. The consultant is completing construction documents. Plans will be submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for review and approval. A preliminary plat is being submitted for Planning and Zoning approval. ID Task Name Duration 2000 Dec Jan Feb Mar jApr IMay IJun 1 Jul jAu Se Od 1 Bob Jones Park Development 360 days Amendment No. 3 360 days Conceptual Plan Development 41 days Prepare Preliminary Base Plan and Schedule 22 days Parks and Recreation Board Review and Approval 8.55 days SPDC Review and Approval 10 days Construction Plan Development 132 days, Prepare Construction Plans (50%) 43 days _ City Staff Review 40 days ..... ......_. _. _. ....._..... .................. __...... ......... .. ..........__. _.......... ............ Plan Revisions (50%) 9 days TPWD Review of Plans 20 days Corps of Engineers Review of Plans 20 days Complete Plans and Specifications and Submit to City 20 days City Review/Plan Revisions/Submit to TPWD and COE 40 days 2 T Complete ' Complete ; Complete i ; Complete ____r--__r____r-___ L... 95% ____ ____1 ___ �_____L ___ ____ ___J____i____�____1____ = - • • • • • •: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nature Center Planning - Status: The facility is in place. Utilities will be installed as part of -Bob Jones construction. Page 2 Noble Oaks Park - F.Y. 2000-01 Status: Koalaty Park - F.Y. 2000-01 Status: The existing irrigation system along the frontage of Village Green and Continental Blvd as installed by the developer of Countrywalk Estates is essentially complete for operation. Royal. and Annie Smith Parr - F.Y.1999-00 Status: SPDC approved $50, 000 for planning and construction of - initial park improvements in FY 1999-2000. The conceptual park plan will be addressed within the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan update: Lonesome Dove Park. - F.Y. 1998-99 Status: All requirements of the developer's agreement are addressed. Lighting and playground improvements are complete. Existing irrigation repairs are progressing. Staff is coordinating trail design criteria with a committee of six homeowners to address concerns raised at a trail presentation meeting in June. Suggestions being evaluated include stained or stenciled concrete, crushed granite, and a boardwalk through the marsh area of the storm water detention area. ".Chesapeake" Park - F.Y. 1999-2000 Consultant: Carter Burgess Inc. Matching Funds Approved: 535,7y4 Approved by Parks Board: February 14; 2000 Approved by SPDC: February 28, 2000 Status: Construction plans are complete. Vehicular paving is complete. Minor earthwork remains. Trail implementation began in early July with irrigation improvements to follow.. Staff is providing peripheral assistance during construction. Upon completion of the park, the developer will submit invoices for the approved items for reimbursement. Staff will coordinate the procurement and planting of the shade and ornamental trees in the park during the optimal planting season in November, 2000. "Sheltonwood" Park F.Y. Status: None: Page 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 0 ISTEA Grant - Cottonbelt Trail - F.Y. 1997-98 Status: The City of Colleyville and Grapevine have an opportunity to build the trail more efficiently with approved funding in the year 2005. An agreement to transfer DART right-of-way obligations to the City of Grapevine is being signed. A request has, been submitted to TxDOT to withdraw City of Southlake participation. Approval has been delayed to allow further TxDOT discussion of the transfer of funding to the City of Colleyville. Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - F.Y. 1998-99 Design - Phase I Contract Completed: November 25, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. Status: The trail improvements in association with the Phase I road improvements are nearing completion. The off -road 6' trail is being constructed south of Continental Blvd. from the Country Walk subdivision to N. Peytonville. All Phase I construction is anticipated to be completed by July 2000. Teen Center - Teen Center Survey — Contract Cost: $10,000 Consultant: Raymond Turco and Associates Status: The adult portion of the survey is complete. The teen portion will commence in a week A draft report is expected in August. Southlake Baseball Association — Approved by SPDC: January 25,1999 Approved by Park Board: January 11,1999 Status: SPDC approved $30, 000 at the January meeting to address requested items by the Southlake Baseball Association. All items, including the batting cages, have been completed. The Southlake Baseball Association issued a check to the City specifically for their matching requirement for the batting cages in the amount of $24,197.07 on February 7, 2000. Page 4 4 SouthlakeGirls Softball, Association — Approved by SPDC: February 22,1999 and January 24, 2000 Approved by Park Board: February 8,1999 and January 10, 2000 Status: SPDC approved $5, 000 at the February 1999 meeting and an additional $3, 366.50 at their January 24, 2000 meeting to construct batting cages. The Southlake Girls Softball Association issued a check to the City specifically for their matching requirement for the batting cage project'in the amount of $8,366.50 on February 7, 2000. Southlake Equestrian Association Approved by SPDC: September 27,1999 Approved by Park Board: September 13,1999 Status: SPDC approved $10, 000 at the September meeting to install various items requested by the Southlake Equestrian Association. Implementation of the northern parking lot is nearing completion. Northeast Tarrant'Tennis Approved by SPDC: September 27,1999 Approved by Park Board: August 9,1999 Status: SPDC approved $15, 000 at the August meeting to provide items requested by Northeast Tarrant Tennis. NETT has issued a check to the City in the amount of $2, 500 towards their matching requirement. Senior Tree Farm #1 Approved by SPDC: January 16,1998 .Approved by Park Board: December 8,1997 Status: At the Lonesome Dove Park neighborhood workday on November 6, 1999, four (4) Redbuds and two (2) Sawtooth Oaks from Senior Tree Farm #1 were planted in the park. Maintenance on the remaining trees is ongoing with resources allocated from the Texas Forest Service Grant of $4, 300 for Senior Tree Farm 43 in FY 2001. Senior Tree Farm #2 - Approved by SPDC: Approved by Park Board: Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of $8, 400 ($4, 200 Grant Award with a $4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. The City received a check for the grantfrom the Texas Forest Service on December 17, 1999, and all project requirements are completed. The grant money assisted in the planting offive hundred and twenty-eight (528) trees at Senior Tree Farms #1 and 92, utilizing five hundred and eighty-three (583) volunteer hours. Maintenance of the trees is ongoing with resources allocated from the Texas Forest Service Grant of $4, 300 for Senior Tree Farm #3 in FY 2001. Page 5 Leo., r 1 U Senior Tree Farm #3— Approved by City Council: June 15,1999 Approved by Park Board: June 7,1999 Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of $8, 600 ($4, 300 Grant Award with a $4,300 Required Match or in -kind services) began on October 1, 1999. The third phase has been established as an extension to Tree Farm #2 located at 275 Shady Oaks. Four hundred (400) saplings (Lacebark Elm, Cedar Elm, Shumard Oak) were planted on February 12, 2000. Building Inspector John Lesinski has donated an additional three hundred (300) saplings that are being stored in containers at the Shady Oaks site; these saplings are planned to be planted in conjunction with the fourth phase of the project next fall. Pruning at Tree Farm #1 and routine maintenance at all three (3) phases has begun. Soccer Practice Fields-- F.Y.1998-99 Status: All improvements are completed at St. Martin's in -the -Field; four (4) practice areas are available. Joint -Use Equipment Status: 1 U Available as needed. Page 6 • Signage for all Parks Status: Staff is in the process of drafting a signage plan for various locations. 1999 - Complete $12,775.00 Bicentennial Park Phase II pond surface aeration system. Complete $ 5,277.00 Senior Activity Center irrigation system. Complete $ 4,234.50 Senior Activity Center concrete sidewalks and patio. ' Complete $ 8,061.25 Bicentennial Park pavilion tables and benches. Complete $ 7,765.00 Bicentennial Park drinking water fountains. ' 2000 - Complete $ 2,817.85 Bicentennial Park Erosion Control. ' Complete $ 3,000.00 Tree Transplanting at Bob Jones Park. Complete $14,604.00 Bicentennial Park Phase II Wrought Iron Fencing. Complete $ 499.00 Tennis Center Pro -Shop Window Tinting. Complete $ 459.00 Tennis Center Signage. Delivered $ 1,300.00 Bob Jones Park Water Well Discharge Piping. ' Complete $ Bicentennial Park Pond Aeration Electric Complete $ 3,619.70 Bicentennial Park Ballfield Concrete Improvements Complete $ 1,000.00 Senior Tree Farm Capital Items.' Progressing $ 6,000.00 Bicentennial Park Bermuda Hydro -mulch. J i Page 7 lCap #7 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 May 8, 2000 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present Sherry Berman, Chair; Richard Anderson, Vice -Chair; Cara 9 White, Secretary; Mary Georgia; Chris Miltenberger; Lisa Stokdyk, James Glover 10 11 Board Members Absent: Bill Kemp 12 13 14 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek, 15 Deputy Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Planning and Construction 16 Superintendent; John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant; Meredith Parrish, Administrative 17 Secretary, 18 19 20 Regular Session: 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sherry 23 Berman at 7:OOPM 24 25 Reports: 26 27 Agenda Item No. 2.A. Administrative Comments. 28 29 Mr. Hugman shared that staff was currently in the process of developing the budget for 30 fiscal year 2000-2001. Mr. Hugman said that once it is completed staff would like to call a 31 special meeting to review the budget with the Board. Mr. Hugman said the end of May 32 would be an ideal time to do this. 33 34 Ms. Berman asked if more maintenance staff was being considered in the upcoming general 35 fund budget. Mr. Hugman said this would be difficult because of the library staffing needs. 36 Mr. Hugman said that staff is looking into the possibility of adding personnel to the SPDC 37 budget. 38 39 Ms. Parrish shared with the Board that the Colleyville Community Center would be open 40 for a tour either May 18" at 4pm or May 23' at. 4pm if the board was still interested in 41 taking a tour. Ms. Berman said that May 23rd worked best for her and asked if the board had 42 any objections to taking the tour on May 23'. The Board agreed to May 23' for a tour of 43 the Colleyville Community Center. 44 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 1 of 8 N.-IParks & Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES120001050800.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Berman made a comment that a citizen had shared with her that she did not receive a 2 Southlake Scene in time to register her child for classes. Ms. Berman stated that apparently 3 the Cooking and Art classes were filled way ahead of when "The Scene" was received. 4 Citing that a possible solution would be to provide more classes. Ms. Berman asked if there 5 was some way to register earlier. Mr. Hugman said that there is no way to determine when 6 mailings arrive at homes because they are sent bulk mail. 7 8 Consent: 10 Agenda Item 3A Approval of the minutes for April 10, 2000 meeting. 11 12 Motion was made to move SB up to the Consent Agenda: 13 14 Motion: Stokdyk 15 Second: White 16 17 Agenda Item 3B Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the Hiram Granberry 18 Addition, Lot 4 9 (Shady Oaks Center). 19 Agenda Item 3C Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the O. W. Knight 20 Survey, Abstract Number 899, Lot 2, Block 61 (Southlake Imaging, LLC). 21 Agenda Item 3D Recommendation to the City Council of Resolution 00-37, authorizing the 22 City to terminate participation with the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program 23 (STEP) for the Cottonbelt Trail Project by transfer of the outstanding grant balance to the 24 City of Colleyville. 25 Agenda Item 5B Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the J. Whitman 26 Survey, Abstract Number 1593 (Simmons Addition). 27 28 Motion was made to approve all consent items. - 29 30 Motion: Glover 31 Second: Miltenberger 32 Ayes: Berman, Anderson, Glover, Stokdyk, Georgia, Miltenberger, White 33 Nayes:0 34 Approved: 7-0 35 36 37 Agenda Item 5A Approval of the proposed signage by the Southlake Baseball Association 38 for the batting cages located between Bicentennial Park fields #8 and #9. 39 40 Ms. Berman recognized Mr. Kegley from the Southlake Baseball Association. Mr. Kegley 41 expressed that the previous board for SBA had made the handshake agreement with Park 42 Place Motors regarding the signage. Mr. Kegley said that he felt that if Park Place Motors 43 were asked to take down their signage or modify it, it may jeopardize the funding that Park 44 Place motors provided to SBA for the batting cages. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 2 of 8 N.•IParks & RecreationIBOARDSIPKBOARDIMINUTES120001050800.doc , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Anderson asked if there was anything discussed in the meetings with Park Place designating the size of the signs. Mr. Kegley said that nothing was put on paper, only verbally agreed upon. Mr. Kegley added that the signs are the same size as the signs underneath the scoreboards for fields 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Mr. Kegley stated that if they had been told by the board that there were requirements .regarding the signage in the beginning, they would have made sure they complied. Ms. White commented that although they had not been told about the size, perhaps they should have inquired prior to coming to an agreement. Mr. Glover requested that this item be tabled in order to allow staff the opportunity to work with SBA & Park Place. The board did not move on the request. Mr. Glover left at 7.•12. Mr. Anderson asked if there was any specific number of signs committed to in the agreement. Mr. Kegley stated there was not, only that the signs that they provided would stay up for 5 years. It was noted that normally the commitments were made for 4 years. Ms. White noted that it has been the intention of the board to avoid cluttering the parks with a lot of signs. At several of the board meetings we have discussed this topic. One in particular was when SGSA was asking to put up banners on the back fences. The board agreed that we would have to make this one an example of what to avoid in the future, since there is nothing to substantiate prior conversations regarding this signage. It was- pointed out by Ms. Berman and Ms. White that SPDC had also contributed Y2 of the funds necessary to build the batting 'cages, they should also be recognized on the signs. As it stands currently, it appears that Park Place paid for them solely. Mr. Miltenberger made a motion to allow one sign on the side of the batting cages recognizing SPDC participation, with the stipulation that SBA works with City staff to select a smaller, aesthetically pleasing sign. Mr. Hugman asked if the board wanted staff to bring back the proposed sign. Mr. Miltenberger said that it was fine to just have staff work with SBA in selecting a sign and place to mount it. Motion: Miltenberger Second: Anderson Ayes: Berman, Anderson, Nayes: 0 Approved: 6-0 White, Georgia, Stokdyk, Miltenberger Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 3 of 8 N.- Parks, & Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES120001050800.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Ms. Berman said that a copy of the SPDC report needed to go to SGSA because they may be looking for funding for their cages as well. Agenda Item 4 Public Forum. Chair Sherry Berman asked if there were any requests to speak during the Public Forum. No public was present and there were no requests. Public Forum was closed. Discussion: Agenda Item 6A Trail System Mater Plan update. Mr. Hugman said that staff brought this to the Board to give them an update and to get the Board's recommendations before meeting with the SPIN groups. Mr. Hugman said that the standing committee met last month and was given a presentation by Bud Melton. Mr. Hugman said that this was not a technical discussion. Mr. Hugman said the intent was to have three meetings, covering various sections of the city. One area being north of highway 114, another area being south of 114 and east of White Chapel, and third sector being south of 114 and west of White Chapel. The idea was to talk in general with each sector, but to also get into more specific areas of concern that they may have about their specific area. Mr. Hugman said that tonight's objective was for staff to share with the Park Board about decision points that the Park Board will have to recommend to City Council and then City Council will have to consider. Mr. Hugman said that these were listed in the memo. Mr. Hugman indicated that trail locations may be a key item of consideration. Mr. Hugman said that another decision point that staff sees are trail widths. Mr. Hugman said that staff would make recommendations, but that a decision will have to be made in that area. Mr. Hugman indicated that right of way is another .area to consider. Mr. Hugman said that when the board recommended that the trail system master plan to go to eight feet it will impact the right of way, and will give less flexibility in. the construction of the trails. Mr. Hugman said that going larger than eight feet that will create a fight of way issue. This will also effect cost. Mr. Hugman said that another decision that staff sees are trail system amenities. These things will include trail markings, signage, and rest areas. Mr. Henry presented the Trail System Master plan update. Mr. Miltenberger asked how much time was going to be spent asking the public what they are desiring in community trails. Mr. Henry said that the three meeting scheduled for the month of May will be the time when the public can voice their opinion. Mr. Hugman said that since trails are an emotional issue, and with trails having a large impact, the three planned meetings would be the primary time for response from the citizens. Mr. Hugman said that staff is hoping these are the only public meetings that are needed. Mr. Hugman said that the Parks board might want to have a public meeting on this as well. Ms. Berman asked how the SPIN meeting went. Mr. Hugman said that it went well and that they asked some general questions, but that mostly it was just an overview. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 4 of 8 N.1Parks & Recreation lBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTESI20001050800.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Georgia asked why had a meeting been scheduled exclusively for the equestrians. Mr. 2 Hugman said that it was not an exclusive meeting, it was a public meeting to discuss 3 equestrian issues and to ask specific questions. Mr. Hugman said that it was not with a 4 particular group in mind. Mr. Hugman said that he asked other SPIN members if there were 5 other user groups that might access the trails and if so to please let staff know so that they may 6 be included in the process. Ms. Georgia requested that information regarding the 7 Equestrian Meeting be presented at all of the SPIN Meetings, and that it should be open to 8 anyone that wants to attend 9 10 Ms. Georgia commented that she thought that the slides should have more recent data than 11 1993 and 1990. Adding that we hired these consultants to supply us with facts, details, 12 references and other information. Ms. Georgia noted that she is expecting more than what 13 we have been provided up to this point. Noting that she feels certain that the crime figures 14 have changed since 1993. Mr. Hugman said that staff would talk to Mr. Melton about getting 15 more recent statistics added to the slide presentation. 16 17 Mr. Miltenberger said that his biggest concern was that the community would accept the trails 18 in the future as well as present. He also noted that we need to sell the community on the 19 concept that we are planning for the long term. Mr. Miltenberger said that he felt that the 20 Board should take a pro -active stance on the trails. Ms. White added that in previous updates 21 of the Master Trail Plan, there were quite a few residents that didn't want trails in their 22 backyards. They were quite adamant about it at that time, and more than likely feel the 23 same way now. 24 25 Ms. Berman asked if Mr. Melton was facilitating the public meetings. Mr. Hugman said that 26 Mr. Melton will make the presentation but that City staff is facilitating the meeting. Ms. 27 Berman asked if the diagrams designed by HNTB, which were brought to the meeting, will be 28 within budget. Mr. Hugman said that it is believed to be at this point but that they are not sure. 29 30 Ms. Georgia commented that she was concerned about some of the presentation boards. 31 Were these drawings realistic for Southlake? Ms. White agreed, adding that perhaps they 32 needed to keep more of the focus on meandering paths & stops without the elaborate 33 additions. The elaborate additions might complicate an already sensitive issue. 34 35 Ms. Georgia inquired as to whether the on -road trails along the service roads had been 36 approved as a part of the TXDOT improvements. Mr. Hugman stated that he did not know 37 at this time, but he would check into it. 38 39 Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Hugman to explain what he meant by trail width. Mr. Hugman said 40 that specifically, the Park Board has recommended a revision to the trail system master plan, 41 amending the trail widths to eight feet on all sections. Mr. Hugman asked if this is what the 42 board still wants to do. Ms. Berman asked if the trail on Hwy 26 was ten feet. Mr. Hugman 43 said that yes it was. Ms. Stokdyk asked if at 1.709 and 114 were currently at eight feet. Mr. 44 Hugman confirmed this. Mr. Hugman said that White Chapel and 1709 are the only trails 45 currently at eight feet. Mr. Hugman said that six feet was chosen because of right of way 46 issues. Ms. Berman asked what Mr. Melton's opinion on this matter was. Mr. Hugman said Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 5 of 8 N:PParks & RecreationIBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES120001050800.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 that Mr. Melton's opinion would be ten feet because this is standard. Mr. Hugman said that 2 staff does not want to advocate ten feet if the Park Board does not want this. Mr. Anderson 3 said that it is reasonable to have different widths throughout the City based on the character of 4 the neighborhood and where the trail is leading. Mr. Anderson said that it is also reasonable to 5 have wider trails along major thoroughfares. Ms. White said that the ten -foot wide trail is 6 promoted heavily because of safety issues, but this really couldn't be done in some areas 7 that involve residents and their back yards. Mr. Anderson said that his opinion is to keep 8 things flexible and decide trail widths according to where the trail leads and what the 9 character of the neighborhood is. Ms. Berman said that she agreed with Mr. Anderson. Mr. 10 Miltenberger said that he felt that the emotional issues are going to be over the width of the 11 trails. Ms. Stokdyk asked if a trail system is going to be in place on Continental. Mr. Hugman 12 said that as part of the road widening process on Continental, there would be trails added. Mr. 13 Hugman said that these trails would be six feet. Ms. Stokdyk expressed concern about trees 14 being removed for this process. Mr. Polasek said that very rarely do trees have to be removed 15 for trails. 16 17 Ms. Georgia asked if staff felt they would get the needed feedback on these items through the 18 public SPIN meetings. Ms. Georgia said that she did not see width mentioned in the 19 presentation or any goals. Ms. Georgia suggested that staff might want to put down specific 20 goals they are looking for from the citizens. Ms. White inquired as to how you can require 21 specific goals from citizens regarding trails, especially if they are in their back yard Ms. 22 Georgia said that she is still unclear as to what the goals are, other than the presentation made 23 by Mr. Melton. Mr. Miltenberger said that in his opinion, anyone that comes to the meeting 24 would give feedback. Ms. White said that she agreed with Mr. Miltenberger. Mr. Hugman 25 said that he felt that the specific issues would come up in the meetings. -Mr. Hugman said that 26 there would probably be some more SPIN meetings in the future. 27 28 Ms Georgia inquired as to whether maps would be shown of, the current trails. Ms. White 29 added that the SPIN Representatives had been given a 8 % X 11 col2red map, which was 30 very helpful. Mr. Henry acknowledged that it was his intention to do the same at the 31 remaining meetings. Ms Berman requested that Mr. Henry's E Mail address be added to 32 all of the information. 33 34 Ms. Stokdyk said that there will be some more clarification needed as to where trails are going 35 to go and where road widening is going to be happening. Mr. Hugman said that there would 36 be some slides with road widths on them. 37 38 Ms. Stokdyk expressed concern with SPDC matching grant programs not fulfilling their 39 obligations; specifically, NETT. Ms. Stokdyk said that there is a six-month window that a 40 group is supposed to get their project funded and started. Mr. Hugman replied that NETT has 41 recently sent out letters soliciting sponsors. They are expected to come forward soon with 42 their matching funds. Ms. White said that the concern is tying up money for indefinite periods 43. of time, whereas a time limitation was stipulated. Mr. Hugman said that with NETT they 44 have not come forward with any money so no money has been spent. Mr. Hugman said that if 45 the group does not do anything this next budget year, than the money could be reallocated. 46 Mr. Polasek said that if a group had funding and wanted matching funds, it would be Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 6 of 8 N. I Parks & Recreation I BOARDSI PKBOARDI MINUTES120001050800. doc . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS appropriate to look at a group who have not met their obligations and reconsider the allocation of their matching funds. Ms. Stokdyk said that she did not want to give the impression to groups that it is appropriate to drag their feet on projects. Mr. Hugman said that the intent originally was to limit groups coming forward; this has not happened yet. Agenda Item 6B Liaison Reports Youth Parks and Recreation Board -Berman- No report. Teen Center -Berman, White- A report is being formed to take to the ad hoch committee. Youth Sports Association - Miltenberger -No Report Community Groups/Recreation - Stokdyk/White - A race to benefit local dog rescue groups will be held this Saturday, May 13, 2000 at Oak Grove Parka. Movies in the park will begin taking place June I" and run every Thursday through the end of July. Concert on the hill also starts in June. Summer camp starts June P. SPIN-Georgia/White - Ms. White said that- a SPIN meeting would be happening on May 11`h. Additional SPIN meetings will be taking place this month to discuss the master trail plan. They have been divided into East Zone, West Zone & North Zone, with a separate Equestrian/Hiking Trail Meeting to follow (possibly). SPDC - Berman/White - Due to lack of quorum the last meeting was cancelled and all items were pushed back until the May meeting. JUC - Glover - Mr. Polasek said that due to lack of a quorum the JUC meeting for this month is cancelled. City Council Monthly Report - Mr. Glover is scheduled to present a report to City Council. Equestrians - Anderson/White - Ms. White said that Charlie Berger is resigning and that no meeting will be held until a new person is in place. The Historical Society is meeting to see about a grant. They are also looking into the possibility of moving a historical bridge to Denton Creek. The deadline for the grant is June. Ms. White inquired as whether City Council had moved forward on a Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 7 of 8 N.-IParks & RecreationtBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES120001050800.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Resolution which was supposedly legally necessary in order to provide policing authority 2 within the CORPS area of Grapevine Lake. Mr. Hugman noted that he did not have any 3 information regarding this requirement. He will get back with this information. 4 5 Traffic Management Bond - Georgia/White - 6 7 The Steering Committee and staff continue to meet with HNTB, the consultants on the 8 project. 9 Bid list is supposed to be opening this month. Mr. Henry said that the bid opening process 10 was extended another two weeks to attract more contractors. Ms. White said that they are 11 anticipating that it is not going to delay the progress of the project.. 12 13 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment. 14 15 The meeting was adjourned by Chair Sherry Berman at 8:40. 16 Motion: Anderson 17 Second: Georgia 18 For: Anderson, White, Georgia, Stokdyk, Miltenberger, Berman, 19 Against: None 20 Approved 6-0 21 22 23 Sherry Berman 24 Chair 25 26 27 Cara White 28 Secretary 29 30 31 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 2000 Page 8 of 8 N.-IParks & Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES120001050800.doc * * UN -OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JULY 10, 2000 MINUTES Board Members Present: Sherry Berman, Chair; Cara White, Secretary; Mary Georgia, Chris Miltenberger, Lisa Stokdyk, and Michael.Nelson. Board Members Absent: Jim Glover Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent; John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager, Meredith Parrish, Administrative Secretary. Regular Session: Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sherry Berman at 8:50 p.m. following the joint SPDC/Park and Recreation Board meeting. Reports: Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments. Mr. Hugman informed the Board that John Eaglen who had been Administrative Assistant in the Community Services department, had been promoted to the Assistant to the City Manager position. He congratulated John. on being selected from a highly qualified field of six internal applicants, and expressed his appreciation for the work John had done in Community Services. Consent: Agenda Item No. 3A Approval of the minutes from the May 8, 2000 meeting. Agenda Item No. 3B Approval of the minutes from the June 12, 2000 meeting. Agenda Item No. 3C Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the J.W. Hale survey. Abstract No. 803, Lots 1 through 10 (Worthing Addition). As per previous Parks Board direction, this item was placed on Consent agenda since it is regarding a residential development of less than twenty (20) dwelling units, and the request is to pay park dedication fees. Agenda item No. 3D Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the Kimball/1709 Addition, Lot 4, Block 1 (KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Express). This item was placed on Consent agenda since it is regarding a non-residential development of less than five acres and the request is to pay park dedication fees. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2000 Page I of 5 NAParks & RecreadonlBOARDSIP%BOARDIMI7VUTESI2000107102000.doc * * UN -OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Agenda Item No. 3E Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association (GSSA) donation of slicer/aerator. Per the Parks and Recreation Policies and Procedures Manual, staff is bringing this item forward for approval. Chair Sherry Berman asked the Board if there were any objections to moving Agenda Item No. SC to Consent. There were no objections. Agenda Item .5C Recommendation of park dedication requirements for Southlake Presbyterian Church, Lot 3, Block 6, Southridge Lakes (Southlake Presbyterian Church). The petitioner, Southlake Presbyterian Church, submitted a request to consider park dedication credit for the construction of four hundred and twenty-five (425) linear feet of public sidewalk, including the public value multiplier, totaling $7,191.00. Motion was made to approve Agenda Items 3A E and Agenda Item 5C, Motion: White Second: Miltenberger Ayes: Berman, Nelson, Miltenberger, Georgia, Stokdyk, White Nayes: 0 Approved: 6-0 Consider: Agenda Item 5A SPDC Capital Projects Budget. The Board discussed the proposed additions to FY 2000-2002 SPDC Capital Projects budget. The Board expressed their desire to continue the matching grant funding in the CIP and suggested adding it to the list. Motion was made to recommend a prioritized list to SPDC for potential addition to the FY 2000-2001 CIP as follows: 1. Move three (3) Parks Maintenance workers to SPDC. 2. Matching grant funding (100, 000. 00). 3. Bob Jones Park bleachers ($35,000.00) 4. Volleyball Court Improvements at Bicentennial Park ($30,000.00) 5. Chesapeake Park pond aeration system ($14, 000.00) 6. Chesapeake Park pavilions ($45, 000. 00). Motion: Georgia Second: Ayes: Georgia, Miltenberger, White, Berman, Stokdyk, Nelson Nayes: 0 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2000 Page 2 of 5 NAParks & RecreationIBOARDSIP%BOARDIMI7VUTES12000107102000.doc * * UN -OFFICIAL MINUTES * * NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item 5B Approval of materials palette and design of Bob Jones Park components. This item was addressed in the joint SPDC and Parks Board meeting immediately preceding the Parks Board meeting. Agenda Item 5D Recommendation of park dedication requirements for Gateway Plaza Phase H, Tracts B and C (Gateway Plaza Phase II). Terry Wilkinson from Wilkinson and Associates made a presentation to the Board regarding park dedication fees. Mr. Wilkinson said that based on his calculations a total credit amount of $33150.00 should be granted. Mr. Wilkinson discussed his proposal of receiving credit for 565 linear feet of eight foot wide trail along Phase II of his project, and credit for 83,237 square feet of private open space that exceeded his required landscape islands and buffergaurds. The Board discussed their reluctance to credit the private open space. Mr. Wilkinson discussed his proposed Phase II, Gateway Plaza and suggested he put in a trail along its frontage and receive credit for it also. Calculation of his required fees for Phase II and III would total $30,048 ($800/acre for a total of 37.56 acres.) Receiving credit for a total of 1,275 linear feet of eight foot wide trail at $2.50 per square foot would result in a cost to the developer of $33,150.00. Mr. Nelson said he would like a commitment from Mr. Wilkinson to maintain the 83 acres on the property. Mr. Wilkinson agreed to this. - Motion was made to accept credit for construction of 1275 linear feet of trail at 8'width for Gateway Plaza Phases H and III as meeting the required park dedication.. Motion: Miltenberger Second: White Ayes: Berman, Miltenberger, White, Georgia, Nelson, Stokdyk Nayes: 0 Approved 6-0 Agenda Item 5E Adoption of Registration Policy-Waivering of Fees. Mr. Moore stated that in an effort to compensate volunteer coaches, staff was proposing waiving registration fees for children whose parents are coaching them on a recreation team. Ms. Berman asked if this was just for recreation or if this included select programs as well. Mr. Moore said it did not include select programs and only applies to the recreation programs sponsored- by the City, i.e., basketball, swimming, hockey.. Ms. Stokdyk asked if this would be for head coaches only or for assistant coaches as well. Ms. Stokdyk stated that she saw a potential problem if it was not specified who is granted the waiver of fees. Mr. Moore said it should be for head coaches only and that it would be worded as such. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2000 Page 3 of 5 NAParks & RecreadonlBOARDSIPKBOARDIMI7VUTES12Q00107102000..doe * * UN -OFFICIAL MINUTES * * NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Motion was made to accept the Registration Policy and Waiving of Fees, with wording to reflect the waiver is for Head Coaches only. Motion: Miltenberger Second: White Ayes: Miltenberger, White, Berman, Stokdyk, Nelson, Georgia Nayes: 0 Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item 5F Election of Vacant Officers. Motion was made to elect Chris Miltenberger for the vacant vice -chair position. Motion: White Second: Georgia Ayes: Miltenberger, Berman, White, Georgia, Stokdyk, Nelson Nayes: 0 Approved: 6-0 Discussion: Agenda Item No. 6B, Liaison Reports. Youth Parks and Recreation Board — No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. Recreation and Special Events — No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. Teen Center— Ms. Berman stated the adult survey has been completed and that teens should be surveyed within the next two weeks. Youth Sports Associations — No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. Community Groups — Ms. White said that there will be a Trail Clean -Up on the 23rd. SPIN — Ms. Georgia stated that SPIN had a good response to -the table set up at the Stars and Stripes event on July P. SPDC - No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. JUC — No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. Equestrians '— No report from the Parks and Recreation Board members. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2000 Page 4 of 5 XAParks & RecreadonlBOA"SIPKBOA"WINUTES12000107102000 doc UN -OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Traffic Management Bond Steering Committee/Portal Committee— Ms. Georgia said that the bid 2 package would be going out soon. Ms. Georgia stated that with discussion from the joint SPDC ' 3 and Parks Board meeting that changes may be pending. 4 5 Motion to adjourn. 6 7 Motion: White 8 Second: Georgia 9 Ayes: Berman, White, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Nelson, Georgia 10 Nayes: None 11 Approved: 6-0 12 13 Chair Sherry Berman adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. '14 15 16 '17 Sherry Berman, Chair 18 19 '20 21 Cara White, Secretary 22 23 24 25 '26 27 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2000 Page S of 5 N.Warks & Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIMINUTES12000107102000..doc