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City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 23, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Development of Five Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan As you know, staff has been working on a draft of a five-year Parks Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The plan includes land acquisition and park facility construction. To better identify land acquisition needs, a Land Acquisition Plan was also developed by staff. The Land Acquisition Plan and the 5-year CIP are discussed below. Land Acquisition Plan • The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, originally approved by City Council in January 1992, and updated and adopted on November 19,199.6, was used for park acreage standards and definition of park types. The Master Plan also lists those park facilities - private, public and joint use -- identified at the time of adoption of the Master Plan. The land acquisition plan was developed by first identifying existing park land, whether private, public, or joint use. The City's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff developed a map identifying the existing and proposed Park and Joint Use facilities. This map is included with the packet materials attached to this memo. • Existing park land was identified by "neighborhood zone" and by type of park (neighborhood, community, city, special, or linear). The zones and park types are defined in the Parks Master Plan. In addition, the Parks Master Plan identifies a need for "southwest" and "southeast" community parks. Therefore, the park land needed to meet the community park type standard have been shown as needed in the southwest and southeast zones. The attached matrix graphically illustrates the needed land and shows areas in which the City has already purchased property. • In some cases, certain parks have been noted in more than one category since they can fulfill the needs of different park types. In these instances (i.e., Bicentennial Park, Bob Jones Park), the total acreage allocated to the various categories adds up to the total acreage of that park. 0 Curtis E. Hawk Development of Five Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan September 23, 1998 Page 2 To determine the "Park Land to be Acquired," existing park acreage for each type of park was compared to the build -out park standards adopted by the Parks Master Plan. The build -out population was reduced to the present accepted standard of 40,000. (The Master Plan assumed a build -out population of 45,515.) • Where potential sites have been identified that could fulfill a needed park land requirement, the acreage is shown in parentheses. Five Year CIP • The CIP indicates expected revenues over the five year period from bond proceeds financed through the '/2 cent sales tax, grant proceeds, interest earnings, and other revenues. • Projects planned in the adopted FY 1997-98 SPDC budget that have not yet been contracted for, were programmed into the FY 1998-99 or FY 1999-00 budget years. L 41801 • Other identified park projects were prioritized by the Park Board in April 1998 and again in September 1998. (Their recommended priority list is included in this packet.) The projects have been programmed into the 5-year plan based on the relative priority given to each by the Park Board. • The CIP includes allocations for land acquisition based on the Land Acquisition Plan. • Also included in each year of the CIP are reserve funds for the "matching grant" program ($100,000), and funds for special projects that may be identified throughout the year by SPDC or staff ($50,000). • Cost figures are estimates only, and have not been determined through any detailed design work or analysis. It is expected that each year, prior to adoption of that years' SPDC budget, a more refined cost estimate will be performed for the projects programmed for development in that year. 'L I Curtis E. Hawk Development of Five Year Parks Capital Improvements Plan September 23, 1998 Page 3 The draft CIP and Land Acquisition Plan are meant to be planning tools for the Parks and Recreation Board, SPDC and staff. This draft is presented as the basis for discussion at the joint meeting of the Parks Board and SPDC on Monday, September 28, 1998. If you have any further questions prior to the meeting, please contact me, Finance Director Lou Ann Heath, or Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry. KH Attachments: GIS Map -- Park and Joint Use Facilities (Existing and Proposed) Park Land Acquisition Plan Southlake Park System Long -Range Capital Improvement Program, approved by Park Board on September 14, 1998 Draft 5-Year Parks CIP Budget p A AW 4 0. III Ivllll I ys v A SOUTHLAKE PARK SYSTEM LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Approved by Park Board September 14,1998 - Group A — High Priority: Estimated Cost • Land Acquisition — SE and SW Park and other land acquisition as available 2,000,000 • Complete Bicentennial Park, Phase II — concrete loop trail 100,000 • Continental Trail - White Chapel to Davis (9,000 l.f. @ $30/l.f.) 300,000 • Lonesome Dove Park Additions (trails, fence, detention pond improvements) 60,000 • Install roof for in -line hockey court at Bicentennial Park 60,000+ • Wood rail fence at Fox Hollow Equestrian Trail; Trail Head for parking lot 12,000 • Signage for on -road bike trail ($100/sign) — 50 signs 5,000 • Teen/Youth Center 1,000,000 • Practice Fields. 18,500 Group B — Medium Priority: • Koalaty Park, Phase I (practice fields, trails) 175,000 • Smith Park, Phase I (practice fields, trails, parking, house renovations) 225,000 • Noble Oaks Park, Phase I (trails, parking, practice fields) 100,000 low • Loop Trail from Bicentennial Park to Durham and Jr. High School ($20/l.f.) 230,000 • Loop Road at Bob Jones Park 500,000 • Nature Center ($100/s.f. — size unknown at this time) --? • Practice Fields 18,500 Group C — Low Priority: • Practice Fields 18,500 • Community Center/Recreation Center — Timarrron site --? • Joint -use Durham Gym #2 1,000,000 • Indoor Swimming Pool 1,900,000 Potential items for SPDC matching grant funds: • Install sun screens on Bicentennial Park ballfields (except #2, #6) 13,400 Potential items to be funded through Parks and Recreation Maintenance and Operations: • Install concrete pads for Bicentennial Park ballfield bleachers 3,000 iw 1:\parkrec\constmc\cip.doc `/ su CD h I V lwwww W N A W N+ O CND CND V ONE 0 A WW INV -N+ O W CO V M to A W N� O CD CO V O> N A W N -� z 'a < < y 0 DI z z z 'co - -z n v c c - Mtn- co co -�m0�o� CD 0 v cock cncncnn �C m 0 0 -0 v 0 m m .1{ 3 p m c c c m c N 0 y n L C- 7 7 ` ?? 3 3 a a M M CD c m �0 O � 3 D V) U) � m v o=oco N ox m° �' m v v -;rz oo (D 0 �3 v m D v y 0 su v ? 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V— e- � �- � � %- � T- � Cl) J X N Go to tb U 0 (L U) v a i U C ttl C J 2 a O C Q Cl) N O to C 2 a CITY OF SOUTHKE HISTORICAL SALES TAX REVENUES IA Revised LN'%97-98 collected budget balance iget to date balance percent 0627,000 $2,321,687 $305,313 11.62% MONTH t Revised 1997-98 budget $1,313,500 SOLITHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION collected budget balance to date balance percent $1,160,845 $152,655 11.62% MONTH FISCAL YEAR 93/94 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 94/95 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 95/96 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 96-97 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 97-98 % Inc -Dec October $0 n/a $44,975 n/a $64,344 43.1% $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% November 0 n/a 26,049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 67,684 21.0% 96,832 43.1% December 0 n/a 33,622 n/a 51,987 54.6% 57,542 10.7% 81,935 42.4% January 0 n/a 47,843 n/a 70,181 46.7% 99.437 41.7% 133,219 34.0% February 0 n/a 34,007 n/a 47,635 40.1% 62,836 31.9% 84,457 34.4% March 0 n/a 28,300 n/a 51,581 82.3% 52,366 1.5% 80,074 52.9% April 0 n/a 44,106 n/a 68,515 55.3% 91,192 33.1% 107,650 18.0% May 29,145 n/a 40,554 39.1% 54,686 34.8% 76,289 39.5% 108,880 42.7% June 29,788 n/a 41,627 39.7% 56,159 34.9% 85,906 53.0% 100,117 16.5% July 47,079 n/a 67,593 43.6% 89,901 33.0% 111,927 24.5% 137,036 22.4% "lust 29,490 n/a 54,792 85.8% 66,184 20.8% 92,426 39.7% 112,063 21.2% ier 37,614 n/a 53,282 41.7% 61,223 14.9% 86,958 42.0% 0 -100.0% TOTAL $173 116 n/a $516 751 198.5% $738 354 42.9% $965 508 30.8% $1 160 845 32.1% 9/23198 SLSTX98R.XLS FISCAL YEAR 93/94 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 94/95 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 95196 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 96-97 % Inc -Dec FISCAL YEAR 97-98 % Inc -Dec October $99,408 95.1% $89,951 -9.5% $128,689 43.1% $161,892 25.8% $237.164 46.5% November 50,623 20.2% 52,099 2.9% 111,917 114.8% 135,367 21.0% 193,664 43.1% December 70,155 107.3% 67,243 -4.2% 103,975 54.6% 115,084 10.7% 163,871 42.4% January 106,541 57.3% 95,687 -10.2% 140,362 46.7% 198,873 41.7% 266,437 34.0% February 57,839 47.0% 68,015 17.6% 95,269 40.1% 125,671 31.9% 168,914 34.4% March 59,378 34.4% 56,600 -4.7% 103,163 82.3% 104,733 1.5% 160,147 52.9% April 87,438 27.3% 88,212 0.9% 137,030 55.3% 182,384 33.1% 215,299 18.0% May 58,291 6.7% 81,109 39.1% 109,371 34.8% 152,577 39.5% 217,760 42.7% *first month of 1/2 cent sales tax June 59,577 14.5% 83,253 39.7% 112,317 34.9% 171,813 53.0% 200,233 16.5% July 94,157 16.9% 135,187 43.6% 179,803 33.0% 223,854 24.5% 274,072 22.4% August 58,980 22.1% 109.584 85.8% 132,367 20.8% 184,851 39.7% 224,126 21.2% September 75,228 38.3% 106,563 41.7% 122,445 14.9% 173,917 42.0% 0 -100.0% TOTAL C • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Sales Tax Analysis FY1997-98 Revised Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) % 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 Difference Change r 161,892 211,176 237,164 237,164 25,988 12.31% November 135,367 180,672 193,664 193,664 12.992 7.19% December 115,084 157,347 163,871 163.871 6,524 4.15% January 198,873 253,704 266,437 266,437 12,733 5.02% February 125,671 169,522 168,914 168,914 (608) -0.36% March 104,733 145,443 160,147 160,147 14,704 10.11% April 182,384 234,742 215,299 215,299 (19.443) -8.28% May 152,577 200,464 217,760 217,760 17,296 8.63% June 171,813 222,585 200,233 200,233 (22,352)-10.04% July 223,854 253,099 274,072 274,072 20.973 8.29% August 184,851 303,853 224,126 224,126 (79,727)-26.24% September 173,917 294,395 0 294,395 0 0.00% 1,931,016 2,627,000 2,321,687 2,616,082 (10,918) -0.42% 36.04% 35.48% Southlake Parks Development Corporation 1/2 cent sales tax Revised Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) % 1996-97 .1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 Difference Cha�nc October 80,946 105,588 118,582 118;582 12,994 12.31% November 67,684 90,336 96,832 96,832 6,496 7.19% December 57,542 78,673 81,935 81,935 3,262 4.15% January 99,437 126,852 133,219 133,219 6,367 5.02% February 62,836 84,761 84,457 84,457 (304) -0.36% March 52,367 72,721 80,074 80,074 7,352 10.11% April 91,192 117,371 107,650 107,650 (9,721) -8.28% May 76,289 100,232 108,880 108,880 8,648 8.63% 85,907 111,292 100,117 100,117 (11,176)-10.04% 111,927 126,550 137,036 137,036 10,486 8.29% 92,426 151,927 112,063 112,063 (39,864)-26.24% September 86,959 147,197 0 147,197 0 0.00% 965,508 1,313,500 1,160,844 1,308,041 (5,459) -0.42% 36.04% 35.48% 9/23198 SLSTX98RXLS 719- SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report September 23, 1998 Land Acquisition - $1,461,580 (Budget) . as � Status: A budget amendment was passed at the May SPDC meeting for an additional $312,142 for the cost of the Brunson property. A signed lease agreement for the Wilkinson property allows construction to begin during purchase negotiations. Phase II construction - $2,039,268 (Budget)�� Design - Phase 11 Contract Began: June 17,1997 Estimated Completion of Design: September 1997 Consultant: MESA Design Group Status: SPDC awarded bid package #1 to Pittman Construction for $590, 646. Change Order #1 (drainage reduction) was approved in July to deduct $5,127. Change Order #2 (concrete cost) was approved in July to add $12, 000. SPDC awarded bid package 42 to American Tennis Court Contractors for $851, 019.00 to include 13 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts, and 1 in -line hockey court. SPDC awarded bid package #2a to NEM43 Electric for $377,281.00 to include lighting ' ballfields I and 3 with all Phase 11 court lighting less the basketball courts. Bid Package #3 opened September 14, 1998. Bid tabulations will be provided in the SPDC September packet. The apparent low bidder is McWilliams Enterprises, Inc. at $443, 259.00 ' Construction has begun with site clearing and preparation. Adventure Alley Fence Extension-'$5,000 (Budget) Status: Southlake Playgrounds, Inc. is constructing the planned 20' pavilion within the fence limits. Extension of the fence will resume when appropriate. Grass Sod Field 2 - $14,000 (Budget) Status: Staff has evaluated the existing condition of Field No. 2 and determined that the problems associated with this field can be addressed with additional aerating and top -dressing. The field will not be re -sodded and the amount budgeted will return to reserve funds. Page 1 Entrance Road Repair - $5,000 (Budget) Status: Ballfield Fence (Fields 4, 5) - $16,805 (Budget) Completed Status: Completed by American National Fence for SI5, 481.50. ' Softball Field 3 Lights - $40,000 (Budget) Status: SPDC awarded improvements to NEM43 Electric as part of Phase II Bid Package #2a. Construction will be completed Spring, 1999. Land Acquisition - $1,621,600 (Budget) Status: Progressing well through the City Managers Office. An updated map of Bob Jones Park lot acquisition has been included in the packet. Phase I with TPWD Grant - $1,568,735 (Budget) Design - Phase I Contract Began: March 18,1997 Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Completed: June 1997 Contractor: James Arnold Construction Began: August 29,1997 Completion of Construction (Phase I): Status: James Arnold Construction has substantially completed the Phase 1 contract. A change order was approved by SPDC to address the perimeter slope of the pond and practice ballfield improvements. Revisions to the perimeter slope of the pond have been addressed. Practice ballfield improvements are pending approval of the TPWD contract. J.L. Bertram Construction is finalizing installation of the parking lots. Ratliff Iron Works has installed 95% of the east/west fence section. Installation will resume with completion of the parking lot and final grade. Change Order #1 (gates) was approved with the Award of Bid. SPDC approved Change Order #2 for additional fencing along the northeasterly corner of the soccer fields. SPDC awarded irrigation improvements to `A New Deal ' Inc. Construction. Installation is substantially complete. Grass sod of soccer fields was awarded by SPDC to Thomas Bros. Grass. Installation will begin upon securing a source of water. Page 2 7B7:9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 0 Joint -Use Equipment - $5,000 (Budget) =k Ntatus: Available as needed. Signage for all Parks - $7,000 (Budget) Status: Available as needed. Master plan signage was installed on three (3) neighborhood parks (Royal and Annie Smith, Koalaty and Noble Oaks). Master Planning Noble Oaks s , Status: Design has been held pending coordination of adjacent improvement with CISD. Master Planning Koalaty Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. The layout of the Master Plan was approved with the inclusion of relocating the restroom facility, creating a berm south of the school, providing a natural barrier to Country Walk Estates, and providing 25 additional parking spaces. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both sized for elementary -age use; one larger practice soccer field and adult practice ballfield. A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental Blvd. trail. Master Planning Royal and Annie Smith Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. Approval was tabled. KISD received approved plans through City Council to construct a library and parking lot this summer. KISD's approved plan has necessitated some redesign of park plan. Park staff will continue to make seasonal site improvements throughout the planning process. Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Extensive work will be necessary for public use. Page 4 ;713 y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �I 1 Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - $9,000 resign - rhase t Contract Completed: November 25,1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. Status: Upon acquiring all necessary right-of-way, construction to improve Continental Blvd. can begin. Currently, funding is not available for the estimated $318, 800 needed for trail construction. Total Budget Allocated - $100,000 ($80,359 Remains Unallocated) Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake - $25,000 ($10,000 not approved) Consider Approval by SPDC:: TBA Approved by Park Board: February 3,1997 Status: Friends of Adventure Alley has taken over fund-raising efforts. SPDC approved $15, 000 at the August meeting to begin construction on the planned 20' and 45' pavilion. The concrete foundation for the 20' pavilion has been installed. KSB - Waterscape Project, Bicentennial Park - $12,000 Completed 4198 Approved by SPDC: May 19,1997 (added $7,000 December 15,1997) Approved by Park Board: May 12,1997 (added $7,000 December 8,1997) Status: The $25, 000 project is complete. KSB and staff are continuing to make adjustments and minor improvements. T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association - $3,850 Completed 4/5/97 Contractor: American "Tennis Court Contractors Status: Reimbursement check received by SBA for $3, 980.50 on Dec. 9, 1997. Senior Tree Farm - $`1,500 Approved by SPDC: January 16,1998 Approved by Park Board: December 8,1997 Status: All trees have been planted. The drip irrigation is 100% complete. Page 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1�- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f s House $55,000 fidget) ,w e y< >_ Status: Project completed in April 1998 for a total cost of approximately $50, 000. Over $200, 000 in donated goods, services, and professional labor was received. Site work continues to implement horseshoe pits, shuffleboard, and croquet. Installation of the irrigation and addition sidewalks also remain. btatus: P unds remains in reserve. Page 6 7,Ci-� City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 23, 1998 TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: September 28, 1998 Board Meeting The next meetingof the Southlake Parks Development Corporation has been scheduled for onda September 28, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Below is a M y� summary of the items which will be addressed at the meeting: A enda Item No. 2, Executive Session. As has become our practice, we will convene into purchase, lease or sale of real property, Executive Session to discuss the value, exchange, P an updated West Beach map pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. FYI, . I has been included in your packet. em No. 4. Public Forum. You will note that this has been added to the agenda, address A enda It to allow the public t the meeting the request of the Board. This is time set aside during the on the Board are familiar with the public the Board on non -agenda items. City Council mein important to note that the Board's For the other members' forum process. F information, it is presenter or staff, or 3) _ 2) ask questions of the p options during Public Forum are 1) to listen, lace the item on to the frill Board a future Board agenda for deliberation by direct staff p you should resist the temptation to In order to comply with the Open Meetings Act, y Your on any topic raised during Public Forum, since these items deliberate among y ■ been cifically posted and identified for Board discussion/consideration. have not s Pe T.-, Nn 5 A of the IH Gllua iw,., . • - - - v Bush (ext. 702) if you have changes to the minutes ■ I meeting for approval on consent agenda. 17, 1998 She will bring updated minutes to the minutes. Please notify Kim � � / o C � � � § � ® 44 2 \ k d $ B C a 2 2 . @ J E 2 2 0 2 0 CD k d d 2 Ct E K 8 ° ■ ■ $ j 401� ® k Q .E k 8 2 2 2 co e k k R Cli � / & � � / w E J k � CL 5 co m / { w _ 8 7 s a c§ _ c a C § � = Ra � 02 . Q � 2 k k k \ < m F w < e _ � E a c a © oV 2 _ J2 �Mao2 'CL ` CL 2 0 / (� E c $k R ES2 �on�o \ / ��� ■ u ■ ■ . C a CO _ � m k as City of Southlake, Texas r MEMORANDUM September 23, 1998 TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: September 28, 1998 Board Meeting The next meeting of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation has been scheduled for Monday, September 28, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Below is a summary of the items which will be addressed at the meeting: Agenda Item No. 2, Executive Session. As has become our practice, we will convene into Executive Session to discuss the value, exchange, purchase, lease or sale of real property, pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. FYI, an updated West Beach map has been included in your packet. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum. You will note that this has been added to the agenda, per the request of the Board. This is time set aside during the meeting to allow the public to address the Board on non -agenda items. City Council members on the Board are familiar with the public forum process. For the other members' information, it is important to note that the Board's options during Public Forum are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions of the presenter or staff, or 3) direct staff to place the item on a future Board agenda for deliberation by the full Board. In order to comply with the Open Meetings Act, you should resist the temptation to deliberate among yourselves on any topic raised during Public Forum, since these items have not been specifically posted and identified for Board discussion/consideration. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the August 17, 1998 meeting minutes. Please notify Kim Bush (ext. 702) if you have changes to the minutes. She will bring updated minutes to the meeting for approval on consent agenda. Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting September 28, 1998 Page 2 Agenda Item No. 6A. Award of bid for Bid Package #3 (facilities) for Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase II to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc. The memo in your packet from Kevin Hugman discusses the bids received for Package #3. As he notes, the increased size of the pro shop facility resulted in bids higher than the budgeted amount, although the cost per square foot for the building is approximately $40 per square foot lower than expected. Savings over the budgeted amount for the restroom will help offset the pro shop costs, resulting in a cost for both facilities that is $32,509 above the total budgeted amount. Please feel free to call Kevin (ext. 757) or Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry (ext. 824) with questions about this item. Agenda Item No. 7A. Financial Report/Budget. An updated financial report and sales tax report have been included in your packet. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, call Lou Ann Heath (ext. 716). Agenda Item No. 7B. Status Report of SPDC Projects. The updated report has been included in your packet. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please call Ben Henry. You will recall that we have also scheduled a joint meeting with the Park Board at 7:00 p.m. for the same evening. The agenda and supporting documents for that meeting are included in your packet. We plan to discuss the items as follows: Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. This time will be used to discuss the land acquisition plan for parks, covering specific parcels which have been identified to meet the objectives of the Southlake Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Your packet includes two items which will be helpful to you for this discussion. A map showing current public, private and joint use park areas overlaid on the master plan neighborhood zones has been generated to graphically show you the areas of need. We will work off of this map and the accompanying matrix to �I E L *of A Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting September 28, 1998 Page 3 determine target parcels or areas for future land acquisition. The matrix shows where we are in terms of meeting our acreage goals as stated in the master plan. The first sheet shows existing acreage, with subsequent pages identifying area where parks are needed by type of park. Kevin will walk you through both of these items during Executive Session. Azenda Item No. 4. Consider: Development of a five-year Parks Capital Improvement Plan. Your packet contains the spreadsheet which shows the expected revenues and projects for the next five year period. Staff incorporated projects by the priority listing developed by the Park Board, after rolling over unexpended funds for unfinished projects from this budget year to next. The memo from Kevin Hugman explains staffs rationale in developing this spreadsheet. Note that it is marked draft -- it is our intention to bring the spreadsheet to you at the meeting on computer so that you can manipulate it as necessary. As Kevin points out, we have rough estimates for the costs for these projects. As we move forward from year-to-year, you will be asked to adopt budgets that reflect your priorities, but that include cost estimates based on design and other factors. Thus, this plan will outline your priorities, but will be somewhat dynamic as we move forward. If you have questions about the spreadsheet, please feel free to call Kevin or Lou Ann Heath (ext. 716). Otherwise, we look forward to discussing it with you at the meeting. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 21, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Award of bid for Bid Package #3 (facilities) for Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase II to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc. On Monday, September 14, 1998, bids were opened for construction of the tennis pro shop and restroom/storage facility for Bicentennial Park Expansion Phase H. McWilliams Enterprises, Inc submitted the low bid of $443,259. The bid tabulation sheet is attached and shows the cost associated with the tennis pro shop, the restroom facility, and the profit/overhead. Although the bid amount for the two facilities is higher than originally budgeted by SPDC, this can be attributed to the increased size of the tennis pro shop. The pro shop was originally budgeted at $290,750. Based on 1500 square feet, this results in a cost per square foot of $194/sf. Through various meetings with the tennis association and others, the size of the pro shop was increased to the current design of 2,488 sf. The bid amount (base bid + pro -rated share of overhead/profit) results in a cost of $384,507, or $154/sf for the tennis pro shop. Since there was some uncertainty as to how the bids would turn out, and in an attempt to provide options to stay within budget, MESA Design Group included Alternate #1 (deletion of the restroom building) in the bid specifications. Since the restroom facility was below budget, award of the bid for the two facilities will result in the total cost being $32,509 above the total budgeted amount. Staff does not recommend accepting Alternate #1, and recommends award of the bid for Bid Package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $443,259 for construction of the tennis pro shop and restroom/storage facility. Please contact Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry or me if you have any further questions. a� KH Attachment: Bid tabulation sheet [1 Status of Remaining West Beach Lots As of 9/28/1998 C` C LAW E Caw Block/Lot Status - Date Note Estimated Cost 1/4 Condemnation hearing set for 11/10/98 3,300 Salinas - appraisals, $33,300 - Will also involve relocation 8/14 5/1998 assistantance 53,300 1/18 Final otter letter -Attorneys are working on getting papers in order 3,300 1/20 Contract pending since At title company 9/22/98 6/98 3,300 1/21 Getting appraisal n contact with owner 3,300 1/23 Condemnation complete - 9/ 16/98 2,250 1/24,25 - Contract working 8/98 4,400 - will submit a City offered appraised value o Counter offer - 9/98 $2,250 3,300 1/27,28 Condemnation hearing set for 11 / 10/98 5,000 Condemnation complete - 9/16/98 3,000 2/25 Condemnation hearing set for 11 / 10/98 2,500 2/33 - Contract receive 9/23/98 3,300 2/40 Contract receive 9/22/199K- 3,300 2/41 Taylor Owns 9 lots - asking $45,000 (estimated cost $31,400) 3,300 2/42 Taylor 3,300 2/50 Taylor 3,300 2/52 Taylor 3,300 s. Garcia Appraisal complete; will involve Relocation assistance; actively 60,000 looking for home 3/10 Taylor 3,300 3/15 Taylor 3,300 t title company -Having trouble setting convenient closing date 5,000 3/33 Taylor Comer lot 5,000 Taylor 3,300 Status of Remaining West Beach Lots As of 9/28/1998 Block/Lot Status - Date Note Estimated Cost 3/41 Condemnation complete -9/16/98 3,000 3/47 Taylor 3,300 Final offer letter - 8/98 With attorney ottice 3,300 4/4 Condemnation complete -9/16/98 3,000 4/11 Letter of agreement - 9/11/98 3,800 Condemnation complete -9/16/98 6,250 5/3 Condemnation complete -9/16/98 3,000 5/27 Final offer letter since With attorneys office 6/98 3,300 See Salinas - Block 1, Lot 14 TOTAL not included any v, 1713,6142 SPDC W date N 38,lots - $215,600 clo ional $1,168, na t4