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C7 L.. , > --I I dal IL i I ite ca M► I ,c -N -- , n 0 . r ,/ C . ✓ i c c c c g > cn cn r Z 'n 0 W D) 11 y n CD 6, c'' ^+ 3 -: p O0 - N CD cD w C to p 4 to • C) C NI CD (0 n C 3 � < k I -n o, - ' CD 0 < c y 0 M 0 ' $ a c`D' a a 'v 0 < e O y n y ? 0 CD I 5 p ...I...Ip ^ Iv N 13 -0 cD v , 44, O = EN! A 44 C6) 0 N (� = - C COco P) H W �. 0 DI 3 O 0 a I Oo n vi 3 (p w m c C \iV v ` O o 4A o • a oCO = a 0 _ C N o Q — to .-,._ = N G C 0 3 �` r y p EA 'D O Z � o 0 0 0 , � �► 0 3 •< `i w c N N cr+v y 0 t I o w 0` C h.) 1 T 0 04 . v 73 P ,Q#4ehmto,. /6 t L specialprojects 50,000 Total Expenditures 4,070,000 FY 2001-02 Balance forward 1,430,750 total revenues 625,000 II Koalaty Park ph I 250,000 Smith Park construction 800,000 Recreation center planning 500,000 I matching funds 100,000 special projects 50,000 joint use projects 20,000 Total Expenditures 1,720,000 FY 2002-03 Balance forward 335,750 ITotal Revenues 6,675,000 Recreation Center construction 5,500,000 L....... Koalaty Park ph II 250,000 matching funds 100,000 special projects 50,000 Total Expenditures 5,900,000 FY 2003-04 Balance forward 1,110,750 IITotal Revenues 625,000 Noble Oaks Park 280,000 I Lonesome Dove Imprvmts 125,000 portals 50,000 Senior activity center parking 30,000 I Sheltonwood Ph I 300,000 Aquatics Center planning 290,000 matching funds 100,000 special projects 50,000 joint use projects 20,000 Total Expenditures 1,245,000 Balance forward 490,750 Pt I City of Southlake,Texas Lair MEMORANDUM October 21, 1999 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Board Meeting -- Monday, October 25, 1999 Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Staff will update you on the properties previously discussed, and the status of our findings on those actions you directed us to take. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM: This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non-agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the regular SPDC meeting minutes and the Joint Meeti minutes of SPDC and Park and Recreation Board for September 27, 1999. If you have Icorrections to the meeting minutes, please let Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush know in advance or make it part of the motion for consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at • kbush@cityofsouthlake.com or by calling her at 481-5581, extension 702. I Agenda Item No. 5B. Revisions to the and CommunityMatchingFunds g Project Policy. As per the direction of the SPDC and Park Board, staff has revised the matching funds policy to incorporate your suggested changes. The agenda item cover memo describes the changes made. The Park Board unanimously approved the proposed revisions at their October 11, 1999 meeting on the Consent agenda. Agenda Item No. 6A. Five-year Parks Capital Improvements Plan, including FY 1999-2000 Capital Improvements budget. As noted in the agenda item cover memo, at their October 11 meeting, the Park Board continued the prioritization exercise begun during your joint meeting. A total of 26 projects or items were considered and ranked in priority order. The Park Board unanimously approved the priority list of projects included in your packet. Staff has incorporated the Park Board's list into the 5-year CIP budget in the order they recommended. A draft 5-year CIP budget is also included in your packet. I would also like to call your attention to a new project on your list - (2) game fields and lighting of ballfields #4, #5, #10 at Bicentennial Park. This project was added after Mr. Jerry Kegley, Southlake Baseball Association president-elect, spoke before the Park Board at their October 11 meeting. Mr. Kegley requested the Park Board reconsider the construction of I' SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting - Monday, October 25, 1999 ci44...„ Page 2 of 3 (4) baseball game fields at Koalaty Park for 8-year olds and under. Mr. Kegley suggested the L funding be redirected to construction at Bicentennial Park of (2) game fields with lighting, restrooms, concession, and additional parking areas. Staff noted to the Board that the costs would be greater than the $390,000 originally targeted for Koalaty Park. A compromise I solution was agreed upon by the Board and Mr. Kegley to light the 3 existing fields (Fields #4, #5, and #10 for $100,000) and construct two (2) additional game fields ($100,000). Construction on the fields would not be until after review and revision of the Bicentennial Park master plan, scheduled for this year. Mr. Kegley may be at your meeting Monday night to answer any questions you have. At your meeting, we will have a simplified spreadsheet on a laptop computer available, so that if the Board desires to shift some projects, we can make the changes quickly and immediately determine the impact on the budget. As noted before, in order to be the most conservative, staff has assumed no changes in the revenue side of the 5-year Parks CIP. I Agenda Item No. 6B. Amendment #3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. As noted in the agenda item cover memo, we currently have some Bob Jones project items contracted with I Cheatham and Associates for engineering and design. A number of the project components, including some components included in the Texas Parks and Wildlife grant scope, are not ,, contracted yet for design. Since Cheatham and Associates has done an extensive amount of the design work to date, including site analysis and topography, staff feels it is in the City's best interests to continue this portion of Bob Jones development design with Cheatham and Associates. IYou will note that the contract is structured on a percentage fee, with a maximum amount based on the project scope to be determined by the Park Board and SPDC. As such, the actual Idollar amount of the amendment has not been set yet, but it will not exceed S261,072, if SPDC elects to approve the entire project scope (Scenario "A"). For purposes of the 5-year Parks I CIP at this time, staff listed the cost of this project as a expected range. Therefore, at this time, we are asking the Board to consider (1) approval of Cheatham and Associates as the engineer for this phase of Bob Jones Park development, and (2) approval of the stated I percentage basis for fees of engineering and design services. If SPDC desires, you can also determine the project scope at this time by choosing scenario "A" or "B" of the Construction and Engineering Cost Estimates, or some other alternative scope of project components. Agenda Item No. 7A. Financial/Budget Report. Staff is continuing to work on a different format for the financial and budget reports, and will likely implement it with the new 5-year CIP. Agenda Item No. 7B. Status Report of SPDC Projects. The monthly status report is included ri1/4......„ in your packet. C C SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting - Monday, October 25, 1999 Page 3 of 3 OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Traffic Management Bond Steering Committee. Board president Ronnie Kendall and Board member Cara White are serving on a steering committee relating to the traffic management bond project. As you recall, $4.73 million was included in the bond package approved by voters for hike and bike trails. Although this project will not be administered under the auspices of SPDC, it is a significant step in bringing the Trail System Master Plan into reality, while at the same time, not impacting the SPDC budget. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me. Directors' meeting begins on Monday mornings at 10:15 a.m., so I am available before that time, or in the afternoon. You may also feel free to page me at any time at 407-4342. 141 KH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 Steve Moore, Recreation Supervisor, ext. 809 John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant, ext. 821 :4064411. I I I City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 25, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of revisions to the Project and Community Matching Funds Policy Action Requested: SPDC approval of the proposed revisions to the Project and Community Matching Funds Policy. Background Information: In Fiscal Year 1998-99 the Parks and Recreation Board and SPDC allocated $90,000 in matching grant funding to projects proposed by community-based organizations. Funding has been allocated to the following projects: • $30,000 to the Adventure Alley Pavilions (Southlake Community Playgrounds, Inc.). I . $30,000 for various improvements to the Bicentennial Park baseball facilities (Southlake Baseball Association). • $5,000 for construction of a softball batting cage at Bicentennial Park '41 (Southlake Girls Softball Association). ■ $15,000 for improvements at the Southlake Tennis Center (Northeast Tarrant Tennis). • $10,000 for equestrian facility improvements at Bob Jones Park (Southlake Equestrian Association). Consideration of the diverse range of projects and petitioning organizations has raised several issues in the Project and Community Matching Funds Policy. At the September 27, 1999 joint Parks and Recreation Board/SPDC meeting, Board members requested staff to revise the policy in the following areas: • Placing a six (6) month time limit for a petitioner to raise the matching funds required by the proposal and begin work on the project. f 111. Parks and Recreation Board approval of the size and verbiage on any ' ' signage recommended in a project proposal. Staff is proposing to require that a petitioner must indicate on any proposed signage that the project was completed in part through the SPDC Matching Funds Program. The proposed revisions also include minor grammatical changes not intended to change the context of the policy. C C IIBilly Campbell, City Manager October 25, 1999 Dgge 2 Financial Considerations: In the proposed Parks Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), there is $150,000 allocated to the SPDC Matching Grant Program for FY 1999-00. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board and SPDC have discussed proposed revisions to the policy during consideration of project proposals. At the joint Parks and Recreation Board/SPDC meeting on September 27, 1999, staff was directed to revise the policy in these areas and bring the proposed revisions before them as a consideration item at their October meetings. The Parks and Recreation Board approved the proposed revisions at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Consent agenda (7-0). Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Input towards the proposed revisions as desired. Supporting .rtie Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of the proposed revisions to the Project and Community Matching Funds Policy. • Copy of the project application form. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the October 25, 1999 SPDC agenda to approve the proposed revisions to the Project and Community Matching Funds Policy. I CTM1 4,6 I Department of Community Services Policies and Procedures Manual Policy: Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy Source: City Council/ SPDC /Parks and Recreation Board Category: Parks and Recreation Board Effective Date: June 3,1997 Revised Date: Statement of Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a process for considering park related projects proposed by petitioning individuals or organizations. Matching funds, dollar for dollar, may be requested for the projects. The following policy will become effective immediately upon approval of City Council. Procedure I. Anyone considering a project for the City of Southlake Parks and Recreation facilities should submit a proposal in writing to the Parks and Recreation Director Director of Community Services. Proposed projects need to fit in be consistent with the overall intended use of the parks as determined by the Parks and Recreation Board. Matching up to $5,000 will be placed on the consent agenda for SPDC consideration. II. The proposal should include a complete description of the project and, to the extent applicable, pictures and/or detailed drawings, estimated budgets, preferred location of the project, mechanism of funding the project and any stipulations that might go along with the project. III. The Parks and Recreation Director Director of Community Services will review the proposal and make any comments/recommendations deemed necessary. The Parks and Recreation Director Director of Community Services may accept projects in conjunction with routine work (i.e., budgeted items, routine maintenance and operation projects) preformed by the Parks and Recreation Department Department of Community Services without approval of the Parks and Recreation Board and may proceed with the project where deemed appropriate. The Director of Community N:IParks& RecreationlBOARDSIPKBOARDIPacketItemslrevisedmatchingpolicy.doc C I E ,_ Services will inform the Parks and Recreation Board of routine projects performed in the administrative monthly reports. IV. The Parks and Recreation Director Director of Community Services will forward all projects requesting matching funds and non-routine projects (includes, but is not limited to, anything on the master plan) along with comments/recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board for their consideration at the next regular meeting. V. The Parks and Recreation Board will consider the proposed project and make comments/recommendations. The consideration of the proposed project will be based on the extent to which the project as-in is consistent with the overall intended use of the parks as determined by the Parks and Recreation Board. At the Board's discretion, h projects may be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. If City funding is Lei requested for the project, it may be forwarded to the Southlake Park Development r, f� Corporation (SPDC) for final ap roval as a plicable. 2 VI. The City of Southlake reserves the right to accept or reject any project submitted for approval. VII The petitioner (individual or organization) reserves the right to withdraw the proposed project at any time during the approval process. VIII. All projects will be considered for acceptance on a project by project basis. The length of time required to complete the project will be considered. The petitioner must complete the fundraising requirements necessary to match the requested City funding and have 2 commenced work on the project within six (6) months of the final approval date. Not 5 meeting the start and completion dates indicated may jeopardize funding. The project I status will be reviewed by the Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Community Services and the Parks and Recreation Board. IX. A permanent plaque of recognition may be designated in the park or facility where the project will be recognized, the name of the project and its contributor(s), and the date of the project. Permanent recognition should be discussed and approved during the initial 5, project proposal. The size and verbiage of any proposed signage is subject to review (v itsv and approval by the Parks and Recreation Board. Proposed signage must reference that the project was completed in part with funding through the SPDC Project and P Community Matching Funds Program. Press releases may be issued immediately to local newspapers following the acceptance of the project. N:IParks&Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIPacket Itemslrevisedmatchingpolicy.doc C • X. All accepted projects in the City of Southlake will become the property of the City of Southlake and will be used at the discretion of the City. Note: Policy approved by Parks and Recreation Board 05/12/97 Policy approved by SPDC 05/19/97 Policy approved by City Council 06/03/97 I I I I I I I I N:IParks&RecreationlBOARDSIPKBOARDIPacket Itemslrevisedmatchingpolicy.doc `.` /J d i City of Southlake, Texas PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM Project Name: Contact Person: Mailing Address: City: State: ZIP: Day Phone: Night Phone: Fax Number: Additional Contact Person: Day Phone: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I L I Deesed Required Start Projected Completion Date: Date: Projected Cost: Amount of Funds Requested: IISLKSV20011LocallParks&Recreation1BOARDSIPKBOARDIPacket Itemslrevisedmatchingpolicy.doc C City of Southlake, Texas IL MEMORANDUM October 25, 1999 ;fr." TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services I SUBJECT: Five (5) Year Parks Capital Improvement Program, including FY 1999-00 Capital Improvements Budget. 11 I Action Requested: SPDC consideration of the five (5) year Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. I Background Information: At the time of approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by SPDC at their I October 26, 1998 meeting, staff committed to annually reviewing and IE L refining project costs for factors such as inflation, clearer definition of project scope, etc. Staff has been working on the revision process, and now seeks approval of the refinements and the Parks Capital Improvement Budget for FY 199�2000. SP C and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) capital I .✓' ojects at the September , joint meeting, and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized the remaining projects at their October 11, 1999 I meeting. The projects, listed in order of priority y t ar s and Recreation Board members, is as follows (project cost in parentheses): I 1. Continental Trail Phases I and II ($320,000) 2. Bob Jones Trailhead Improvements ($16,000) 3. Teen Center Study ($10,000)* I 3. Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park($20,000)* 3. Bleachers ($11,000)* I 3. Two Game Fields and Lighting (fields 4, 5, and 10) at Bicentennial 4Park ($200,000)* 4. Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,420,000 - $2,200,000)^ ipip)' 1 1k) 4. Nature Center Improvements ($100,000)^ I eyfor 4. Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000 ^ ) 4. On-Road Signage ($10,000)^ 5. Loop Trail Durham/CJHS/Bicentennial Park ($230,000)** I5. In-Line Hockey Court Covering ($500,000)** 6. Girls Softball Complex ($500,000) cl 7. Koalaty Park Phase I ($390,000) 8. Smith Park Construction ($800,000)^^ 8. Recreation Center Planning ($500,000)^^ I 9. Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000) 10. Koalaty Park Phase II ($350,000) iq —/ Billy Campbell, City Manager October 25, 1999 Page 2 11. Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) 12. Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) 13. Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park ($3,500,000) 14. Portals ($50,000) 15. Senior Activity Center Parking ($20,000) 16. Sheltonwood Phase I ($300,000) 17. Aquatics Center Planning ($290,000) 18. Aquatics Center Construction ($2,900,000) * ** "" Projects determined bythe J Parks and Recreation Board to be equal in priority. Staff has taken this direction and incorporated the prioritization into the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. Financial Considerations: The Parks Five (5) Year CIP allocates approximately $14 million in project expenditures over a five (5) year period from FY 2000 through FY 2004. Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) projects at the joint meeting held on September 27, 1999. A follow-up prioritization of twenty-six (26) total projects was approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Regular agenda (7-0). The refined Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Project Budget, are based on this prioritization. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: ■ Provide input as desired towards project prioritization of the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvement Budget. I . Provide input as desired towards the allocation of resources towards specific projects in the proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and FY 1999- 00 Parks Capital Improvement Budget. ■ Consider adjusting the implementation timeline of specific projects outside the scope of the time period covered by the Proposed Parks Five EL. (5) Year CIP. C Billy Campbell, City Manager October 25, 1999 Page 3 Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of the September 14, 1998 Parks and Recreation Board minutes, highlighting the current capital project prioritization. • Copy of the October 11, 1999 Parks and Recreation Board minutes (Not approved by the Parks and Recreation Board), highlighting the revised capital project prioritization. • Copy of the Proposed Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. iStaff Recommendation: Place as an item on the October 25, 1999 SPDC agenda to consider the Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. I KH i —i CIL I I I I C 1 �4 -3 I * *OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS kip._ 1 REGULAR AGENDA 2 3 Public Forum — No public present, no comments from the Board. Public Forum was closed at ill 4 7:16pm. 5 6 CONSIDER I 7 8 A. Revising the Donation Policy, providing for donation of trees as memorial- item moved 9 to consent agenda. I 10 11 B. Prioritization of projects for Capital Improvements Plan — Hugman reviewed the Long- 12 range Capital Improvement Program, Additional Future CIP Projects, FY 1998-98 Capital 13 Projects Budget and SPDC Capital Projects Budget FY 1998/98-02/03 which were enclosed in 14 the Board packet. 15 16 Berman asked about the$4.5 million available in FY 1998/99 and asked if these are the funds that I 17 must be used to complete the CIP projects. Hugman stated that this is an estimate of the bond 18 proceeds planned for later this calendar year and that in two years the city would probably sell 19 bonds again. The Board could opt to recommend completion of all projects within 2 years, but I 20 this would deplete the planned revenues. The Board should look at a five-year plan and see how 21 revenues would match against planned expenditures. 22 I 23 Hugman stated that the Board should consider allocating funds for reserve for land acquisition 24 and for matching funds. Jones stated that since a majority of the matching funds still remain in f 25 reserve, staff should promote this option to area associations. Hugman stated that staff would 26 forward an informational letter to the associations with regard to matching funds process if SPDC Ie 27 establishes this reserve again. 28 29 Jones stated that she felt land acquisition should be placed at the top of the priority list, I 30 recognizing the need to acquire land when the opportunity arises. Berman inquired about funds 31 for trails. Hugman stated staff would begin reviewing which trails can be completed soon and 32 recommend funds for these trails. He stated that within the next year, the City would begin I 33 improvements on Continental Road (Two phases: Davis to Peytonville and Peytonville to White 34 Chapel). Hugman stated that it would be appropriate to target funds for trail construction the first 35 phase of this project. Hugman stated that the idea of budgeting for trails each year as road I 36 projects are budgeted for each year, is a good idea if interim trails are desired. Berman stated that 37 the Trail System Master Plan should begin as soon as possible. 38 I 39 The Board asked about the Jr. High school off of North White Chapel and Hugman stated that 40 there is an asphalt trail to the side of the school. Hugman stated that North White Chapel is not at 41 ultimate width at this time. Miltenberger stated that he had discussions with the school with 42 regard to a sidewalk at the front of the school and stated that he thought it was a requirement that I43 any new construction requires the development of a sidewalk. Jones asked if the schools are 44 exempt from the Sidewalk Ordinance. Hugman stated they are not exempt, but he will review 45 how the schools are affected and report to the Board. Henry stated that the Jr. High School might 46 have been approved before approval of the Sidewalk Ordinance. 47 48 Hugman referred the Board to the items listed on the Long-Range Capital Improvement Program 49 which have already been approved within the SPDC budget as follows: Bicentennial Park, Phase [1/48., Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting,September 14, 1998 Page 3 of 7 l:lparkreclboardslminutes119981091498.doc I £4 - 4,z 11 * *OFFICIAL MINUTES ** APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS rilite., 1 II with the exception of the concrete loop trail; Bob Jones Park, Phase I and II with the exception 2 of the loop road;and Land Acquisition- Southwest Park. 3 4 Glover left the meeting at 7:52pm 5 6 The Board reorganized the Priority list to include the additional items recommended by Park 7 Board from the FY 1998-99 Parks Budget which the Board recommended in May be removed 8 from the General Fund and placed in the SPDC fund. The Board's recommendations for Group 9 A, B and C were: 10 IC11 Group A: 12 13 Land Acquisition- SE and SW Park and other land acquisition as available 14 Complete Bicentennial Park,Phase II-concrete loop trail 15 Continental Trail -White Chapel to Davis 16 Lonesome Dove Park Additions 17 Install roof for in-line hockey court at Bicentennial Park 18 Wood rail fence at Fox Hollow Equestrian Trail; Trail Head for parking iot 19 Signage for on-road bike trail ($5,000)-50 signs IE 20 Teen/Youth Center 21 Practice Fields 22 C 23 Group B: 24 25 Koalaty Park,Phase I 26 Smith Park,Phase I L lall•lie 27 Noble Oaks Park,Phase I 28 Loop Trail from Bicentennial Park to Durham and Jr. High School 29 Loop Road at Bob Jones Park 30 Nature Center 31 Practice Fields 32 33 Group C: 34 35 Practice Fields 36 Community Center/Recreation Center-Timarrron site 37 Joint-use Durham Gym#2 38 Indoor Swimming Pool 39 40 The Board noted that the groupings were based generally on A-High Priority; B-Medium Priority 41 and C-Low Priority. 42 43 The following will be budgeted out of Maintenance and Operations: 44 45 Install concrete pads for Bicentennial Park ballfield bleachers 46 Install sun screens on Bicentennial Park ballfields (except#2, #6)-This may be a project eligible 47 for SPDC matching grant. 48 cow,. 49 Motion was made to approve the Long-Range Capital Improvement Program Priority List as 50 above. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting,September 14, 1998 Page 4 of 7 IC1:lparkreclboardsIminutes119981091498.doc * *OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Lopp.." 2 Motion: Miltenberger 3 Second: Jones 4 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger,White, Johnson, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk 5 Nays: None 6 Approved: 8-0 7 8 C. Ethics Statements for Youth Recreation Programs — Hugman stated that staff would like 9 to develop ethics statements for all of the City-sponsored athletic leagues. Schaeffer stated that 10 there have been a lot of questions with regard to what is expected from the coaches, referees, 11 players, parents and the Parks and Recreation Department as a sponsor of the program. The 12 ethics statements were developed for the in-line hockey program, but staff would like to use the 13 same ones for other City-sponsored athletic programs. Several members of the Hockey 14 Association Board were given draft copies of the statements and their comments were 15 incorporated. She stated that staff is asking the officials, administrators and coaches to sign this 16 statement. Schaeffer stated that parents would receive the Parent's Code of Ethics and Player's 17 Code of Ethics at the time of registration and that staff would make it mandatory that coaches 18 have a meeting with all parents with regard to league rules and parent/player ethics. Schaeffer 19 stated that many Parks and Recreation Departments are moving to this type of informative 20 process she learned when attending a seminar on youth sports. She stated this method may assist 21 with any questions or concerns regarding the youth sports and Southlake's recreation program 22 philosophy. 23 24 Rawls inquired about the smoking policy at the baseball fields at Bicentennial Park. Schaeffer 25 stated that there is an ordinance and there is signage at each entrance to the park which states that 26 there is no smoking in the park. Schaeffer stated that the Baseball Association did put up signs ,�,.► 27 near the fields, but they were torn down. 28 29 Stokdyk asked that vandalism of facilities be included within the Code of Ethics. 30 31 Motion was made to adopt the Code of Ethics which may be revised by the Recreation Supervisor 32 from time to time for all city sponsored leagues, and to add a statement about players respecting 33 and not damaging the properties and facilities provided. 34 35 Motion: Miltenberger 36 Second: White 37 Ayes: Rawls,Jones, Miltenberger,White, Johnson, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk 38 Nays: None 39 Approved: 8-0 40 41 D. Naming of Bicentennial Park Loop Road—item moved to consent agenda. 42 43 DISCUSSION 44 45 A. Operation and staffing of Tennis Center - Hugman referred to the survey of area cities 46 included in the packet and noted the wide range of options there are in how the City approaches 47 staffing and operation of the Tennis Pro Shop. Jones stated that the Tennis Association has 48 received recommendations from USTA and TTA with regard to studies of how to run a city 49 tennis center. She stated that the association has received numerous resumes and that USTA Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting,September 14, 1998 Page 5 of 7 l:1parkreclboardslminutes119981091498.doc * * UNOFFICIAL MLNUTES * * UNAPPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 The discussion on the Teen Center ended and Mr. Hugman asked to go back and allow him 2 to address Mr. Kemp's remarks regarding his park dedication proposals: 3 4 Mr. Hugman said that he and Steve Polasek, John Eaglen and Chris Carpenter met two (2) 5 weeks ago regarding Mr. Kemp's proposal on the ordinances. Mr. Hugman said they 6 looked at grouping the requested changes into three different categories; (1) clarification 7 changes that can be done quickly, (2) more complicated changes requiring changes to other 8 ordinances and/or legal questions (Mr. Hugman said that he will try to get the City Attorney 9 to meet with the Board next month), and (3) items driven by the Master Plan revision that 10 must be changed as part of the Master Plan process which would then require ordinance 11 changes. Mr. Hugman said that these issues will be addressed at next month's meeting. 12 13 Mr. Glover said that he thought that landscape plans go to another committee and asked 14 whether the landscape plans need to come before the Park Board and what area does the 15 Board have to discuss with the developers. Mr. Miltenberger said that anything could be 16 discussed with the developer to ensure positive commitment from the developer. Mr. 17 Hugman said that landscaping ordinances are part of the development regulations and fall 18 under Planning & Zoning and City Council review. Ms. White suggested that the Park 19 Board have the opportunity to look at the landscaping plans. Ms. Berman said that she 20 thought that Lowe's was the only case where she thought it may have been beneficial to 21 view the plans, but normally on commercial development she has not seen a need. Ms. 22 White said that Gateway was unclear to the Park Board, particularly the drainage areas. 23 Ms. Georgia asked if there would be any concern with adding this information as 111"'j 24 background information to the Park Board. Mr. Hugman said that he could provide it, but 25 that basically landscaping is part of the Planning & Zoning process and not part of the park 26 dedication process. He said an exception would be in cases such as Crown Ridge where 27 park dedications are being considered. In those instances, landscaping of the proposed 28 dedication is a consideration of the merit of the developer's proposal. 29 30 Ms. Berman called for a break at 8:40 PM 31 32 The meeting reconvened at 8:55 PM 33 34 Agenda Item No. 5. B. Parks Capital Projects Prioritization 35 36 Mr. Hugman presented the Parks Capital Project Prioritization Comparison. Mr. Hugman 37 explained the prioritization exercise to be conducted; each project would be compared, one 38 to another and the Board would vote on each prioritization. Mr. Hugman said that projects 39 that were unfamiliar to any Board member would be discussed and that if the vote was close 40 there would be follow-on discussion. Mr. Hugman said that as the list is prioritized, the 41 funding would have to be looked at by year. Mr. Hugman said that if a large cost item is 42 put in the first year, it would obviously move out several smaller cost items, or vice versa. 43 Mr. Hugman said that the purpose of the exercise is to determine the projects for this fiscal L Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, October 11, 1999 Page 15 of 20 N.PParks &Recreation\BOARDSIPKBOARDIMINUTES119991101199.doc * * UNOFFICIAL MINUTES * * UNAPPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 year and a plan needs to be developed for future projects. Mr. Hugman said that 2 approximately $5,000,000 is available every two (2) years on park projects. 3 4 Items discussed: 5 6 Community Center - Mr. Polasek said that more parks and recreation programs could be 7 offered through a Community Center than through a specific park. Ms. White said that the 8 focus has changed from just going out and purchasing property to finishing projects. Mr. 9 Miltenberger said that property should continue to be purchased. Mr. Hugman said that 10 Parks and Recreation is at the limit for programming due to facility availability and there 11 will continue to be difficulty with joint use facilities in that they can only be accessed after 12 school hours. He also noted that there are many programs the City cannot offer now, or 13 expand other programs, because there are no daytime facilities available. The Board asked 14 for examples and Mr. Hugman gave examples such as more daytime recreation classes, 15 aerobics, senior exercise programs, parent/preschool programs, fitness center, etc. Mr. 16 Miltenberger said these programs are being done by the private sector and there is no need 17 at this time to have to offer them through the City. Mr. Hugman said that the intention has 18 also been that Community Services offices would be housed at the Community Center, as 19 there are no plans to move to Town Hall. 20 21 Teen Center I had been changed to $10,000 Teen Center Study at the last meeting and put 22 in the order the Board recommended. 23 .✓ 24 Noble Oaks Park - no conceptual plans at this time - currently planning for some 25 temporary parking. Staff has been in contact with Total Project Management overseeing the 26 bond for the school construction and will be working with the school on a conceptual layout 27 of the site. 28 29 Smith Park Planning - amount shown not full amount of conceptual plan. 30 31 Aquatic Facility - conceptual plan is for an outdoor facility with a water park. 32 33 In Line Hockey Court Cover - An architect has been hired and the design is being 34 developed. Several options have been considered, barrel vault metal roof structure, barrel 35 vault structure with canvas roof, cable assisted structure with metal roof, cable assisted 36 structure with canvas roof, rigid frame metal building type structure. Cover will add usage 37 time and add to programming. 38 39 Lonesome Dove Park - proposed figure is for improvements to existing park. Lonesome 40 Dove Park currently has a playground, pavilion and parking lot and open space for soccer. 41 The playground needs improvement and is not ADA accessible. 42 43 Girls' Softball Complex - possible conversion of practice fields into softball game fields at 44 Bob Jones Park. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, October 11, 1999 Page 16 of 20 N:1Parks &Recreation\BOARDSIPKBOARDMINUTESI19991101199.doc * * UNOFFICIAL MINUTES * * UNAPPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Koalaty Park, Phase II - need for restrooms are an issue. Ms. White and Mr. Glover 3 expressed concern regarding the restroom need. Mr. Polasek said that staff should be 4 contacted if temporary restrooms are needed, however these would need to be anchored and 5 he is concerned that the neighborhoods may object to "Porta-Potties" in a neighborhood 6 park. II 7 8 Sheltonwood Park, Phase I Improvements - There are no conceptual plans at this time. L 9 Ms. Berman said that she feels there are too many unfinished projects and projects should 10 be completed before new projects are started. Ms. Hugman said that all the projects on the 11 prioritization list are projects for the next five (5) - six (6) years. Mr. Hugman said that C 12 this project is projected for year six (6). Mr. Hugman said that over the next two (2) years, 13 a good portion of the funds will be spent on Bob Jones Park improvements. Ms. Berman 14 said that she thinks Sheltonwood Park, Phase I Improvements should be pushed out to at 15 least eight (8) years. 16 17 Mr. Miltenberger asked if an access road could be made and the area could be a natural 18 area. Mr. Hugman said that a road would need to be built and security and liability issues 19 are involved any time a public facility is made available to the citizens. These issues would 20 need to be adequately addressed. 21 22 Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park - This facility would include a multi-use arena, 23 barns, pens, corrals, concessions, restrooms. 10111wille 24 25 Game Fields at Bicentennial Park - adding three (3) fields. Mr. Polasek said that it would C 26 cost approximately $500,000 to $600,000 for two (2) game fields, lights, concession, 27 restroom and parking. Mr. Miltenberger asked what the future projection is for the girls' 28 softball fields. Mr. Polasek said that, long-term, the projection would be to put the girls' E 29 softball fields at Bob Jones Park. Mr. Hugman said that if they are not put in at Bob Jones 30 Park they could be put in Bicentennial Park, but this would require future acquisition of 31 land. Ms. Berman said that looking at the survey from the athletic fields' inventory, girls' [ 32 softball should be the number one priority. Mr. Polasek asked the Board's opinion of 33 putting girls' softball fields at Bob Jones Park along White Chapel. Ms. White said one 34 issue would be the lighting. Mr. Hugman said that there is a need for game 35 fields/improvements and the idea was to upgrade the practice fields to a complex at Bob 36 Jones Park in the future. Mr. Hugman said that if the Board decides that this needed to be 37 done this year, further research would be needed. Mr. Glover asked if there could be a 38 quicker fix for the game fields that would help the SBA over the next year and would not 39 cost $500,000. Mr. Kegley said that $500,000 is something that should be considered down 40 the road, but that there is an intermediate step that is less costly which would be to add two 41 (2) fields and add lights to the existing fields. Ms. Georgia asked if the matching funds had 42 been expended for this year. Ms. Berman said that there are matching funds for the new E, 43 fiscal year. Ms. Georgia said that the recommendation should be revised and re- 44 prioritized. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, October 11, 1999 Page 17 of 20 N.•IParks &RecreationlBOARDSIPKBOARDIMINUTES119991101199.doc * * UNOFFICIAL MINUTES * * UNAPPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS flit...., 1 2 After Completing the Exercise: 3 C4 1. Continental Trail Phase I and II ($320,000) 5 2. Bob Jones Trailhead Parking ($16,000) 6 3. Loop Trail Durham/CJHS/Bicentennial Park($230,000) C7 4. Nature Center Improvements ($100,000)* 8 4. Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,420,000) 9 4. Koalaty Park, Phase I Development ($390,000) 10 5. Teen Center Study ($10,000) 11 6. Smith Park Phase I ($175,000) II 12 7. In Line Hockey Court Cover ($500,000) 13 8. Smith Park Construction ($800,000) 14 9. Girls' Softball Complex ($500,000) 15 10. Recreation Center Planning and Design ($500,000) 16 11. Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000) 17 12. Koalaty Park, Phase II ($350,000) 18 13. Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) i 19 14. Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) 20 15. Bob Jones Park Equestrian Facilities ($3,500,000) 21 16. Portals ($50,000) 22 17. Senior Activity Center Parking Expansion ($30,000) 23 18. Sheltonwood, Phase I ($300,000) W..., 24 19. Aquatics Center Planning ($290,000) 25 20. Aquatics Facility Construction ($2,900,000) 26 27 * Judged by the Parks and Recreation Board to be equal in priority 28 I 29 Ms. Berman called for a break at 10:15 PM 30 31 The meeting reconvened at 10:20 PM 32 33 The results of the prioritization is as follows: 34 II35 After Park Board review of completed list and the inclusion of other miscellaneous 36 projects and some changes to the previous priority list, 37 38 1. Continental Phase I and II ($320,000) 39 2. Bob Jones Trailhead Improvements ($16,000) 40 3. Teen Center Study ($10,000)* IC41 3. Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000)* 42 3. Bleachers ($11,000)* 43 3. Game Fields and Lighting at Bicentennial Park ($200,000) * rlitio.4e 44 4. Bob Jones Park Development (Additional$1,420,000-$2,200,000)** Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, October 11, 1999 Page 18 of 20 N:IParks &Recreation IBOARDSIPKBOARDIMINUTES119991101199.doc ft - // It * * UNOFFICIAL MINUTES * * UNAPPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS co...., 1 4. Nature Center Improvements ($100,000)** 2 4. Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000)** 3 4. On road Signage ($10,000)** 4 S. Loop Trail Durham/CJHS/Bicentennial Park ($230,000)*** 5 5. In Line Hockey Court Covering ($500,000)*** 6 6. Girls' Softball Complex ($500,000) C7 7. Koalaty Park, Phase I ($390,000) 8 8. Smith Park Construction ($800,000)" 9 8. Recreation Center Planning ($500,000)" 10 9. Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000) 11 10. Koalaty Park, Phase II ($350,000) C 12 11. Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) 13 12. Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) 14 13. Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park ($3,500,000) 15 14. Portals ($50,000) 16 15. Senior Activity Center Parking ($20,000) 17 16. Sheltonwood Phase I ($300,000) II 18 17. Aquatics Center Planning ($290,000) 19 18. Aquatics Center Construction ($2,900,000) 20 21 *,**,***," All judged by the Parks and Recreation Board to be equal in priority. 22 ` 23 Mr. Glover made a motion to accept the prioritization for the five (5) year plan. L24 25 Motion: James Glover 26 Second: Richard Anderson 27 For: Ms. Berman, Mr. Anderson, Ms. White, Ms. Georgia, Mr. Glover, Mr. 28 Miltenberger, Mr. Kemp 29 Against: None 30 Approved: 7-0 31 IE 32 Ms. Georgia made a motion that the Liaison Reports be moved to the November meeting. 33 34 Motion: Mary Georgia C 35 Second: James Glover 36 For: Ms. Berman, Mr. Anderson, Ms. White, Ms. Georgia, Mr. Glover, Mr. 37 Miltenberger, Mr. Kemp 38 Against: None 39 Approved: 7-0 C 40 41 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment. 42 43 Mr. Glover made a motion to adjourn the meeting. ch...., 44 CParks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, October 11, 1999 Page 19 of 20 N.IParks &Recreation\BOARDSIPKBOARD MINUTESI19991101199.doc co cn co W N O co OND V CD C.11 ? W N -N+ O CO CO �l O C.Tt .A w N 0 0 0 v 0 A w I N E _ � r � m 7iI Dm X m CI . Z Z m < I > I . 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O C 69 I EA EA EA 69 EA 0 C v N 3 0 c.n O m CO o co � c.n C°on D co ID o 0 0 coo r" o 55 c.n o . o 0 0 cD Ea O o City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 25, 1999 I TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment No. 3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park Action Requested: SPDC approval of Amendment No. 3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park Background Information: On March 17, 1997 the City entered into an agreement with Cheatham and Associates for engineering services relating to field work and site planning (surveying, grading plan, drainage analysis) at Bob Jones Park. Amendment No. 1 to the contract was entered into on June 2, 1997 with the scope of services including construction plans and contract documents for the parking lots and drives, soccer fields, water lines, drainage swales, landscaping, Limy irrigation, and fencing. Construction on these items has been completed at a cost of$1,057,000. On March 5, 1998 Amendment No. 2 was entered into with the scope of services including the preparation of construction plans and contract documents for the fishing dock/pavilion, trail system, additional practice fields, picnic tables and grills, playground and related irrigation and landscaping. These plans are currently being developed. The proposed Amendment No. 3 (attached) includes a listing of the planned design items. These design items were also presented to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 9, 1999 meeting and to SPDC at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The design items are preliminary in nature and can be modified pending the discussion of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by the Parks Board and SPDC, as well as, the relationship of the design components to the grant awarded by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The proposed Amendment utilizes a flat fee of 6.8% for engineering and design and 3% for surveying services for a total fee of 9.8% based on the construction budget as yet to be determined by SPDC. The engineering fees are consistent with previous contracts. ce_ Financial Considerations: To be determined based on Park Board recommendation and SPDC approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP. The Amendment is structured to allow the L Billy Campbell, City Manager October 25, 1999 ?e Two City to determine the construction budget and place it as an attachment to the Amendment, thereby setting the maximum dollar amount of Amendment#3. The alternative construction scenarios yield the following totals for proposed architectural and engineering services not currently under contract (based on a flat rate of 9.8% of the design budget): • Scenario A: 9.8% of$2,664,000 = $261,072 C . Scenario B: 9.8% of$2,055,000 = $201,390 The current Parks Five (5) Year approved proved October 26, 1998 has budgeted $1,432,500 for Bob Jones Park improvements over fiscal year 1998-99 through fiscal year 2000-01. The proposed construction budget alternatives can potentially increase the range of the project by an additional $1,421,000 to $2,210,000. Citizen Input/ Board Review: A presentation outlining the current and proposed development of Bob Jones Park was given to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 9, 1999 meeting. The same presentation was also provided to the SPDC at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The Parks and Recreation Board approved Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Consent agenda (7-0). Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Alternatives: Provide modifications to the proposed Amendment No. 3 based on discussions relating to the Parks Five (5) Year CIP. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of Amendment No. 3, a Proposal for architectural and engineering services regarding the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. ■ Bob Jones Park Development — Scenarios A & B for cost estimates related to construction and engineering fees. Lbre Staff Recommendation: Place approval of Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park on the October 25, 1999 SPDC agenda. e�-� CHEATHAM AND rlikuv ASSOCIATES September 22, 1999 IMr. Steve Polasek Deputy Director of Community Services City of Southlake 400 North White Chapel Southlake, Texas 76092 I Re: Amendment No. 3 to Proposal for Engineering Services IIRegarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park Cheatham and Associates is pleased to submit to the City of Southlake this amendment to our original proposal for professional services, dated March 17, 1997. There are several additional items I which need to be designed which are in addition to the scope of work of the original proposal, and the first two amendments. These additional items include but are not limited to: 4.V Proposed Design Items: • Pond #2 with well and water feature • Park signage • Day camp facilities • Amphitheater with electric, irrigation and turf I • Loop road with parking • Phase I - Restroom/Concession Building • Pump house building enhancements I • Storm drain headwall enhancements • Pond #1 water discharge feature • Continuation of pipe rail fencing • Phase II - Restroom Building • Parking lot and roadway lighting • Phase II - Front Entrance with landscape and irrigation • Phase I - Drainage Improvements • Phase I - Parking Lot Surface Coat • Utilities (Nature Center, Phase I and II Restrooms) • Additional practice fields (6) irrigation/turf Loy ** Turf would consist of common bermuda hydramulch. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS IA Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 E817/548-0696 •• Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532 /-t Mr. Steve Polasek September 22, 1999 rtibe.., City of Southlake Page 2 The items listed above are required to provide the type park facility which will accommodate the public to visit the park and enjoy the amenities, but also provide a safe and comfortable environment for park visitors. Therefore, we hereby propose to perform the necessary field work, and prepare construction plans 111 and specifications for the additional items. The scope of services is as follows: Preliminary Design: 1. Visit with members ofyour staff, to discuss our designcone and overall approach P� PP to the project. Make any changes deemed necessary prior to proceeding into final design. 2. Prepare preliminary building, water, sewer, grading, street, drainage, and site plans for review by your office and discussion with City Staff 3. Prepare a preliminary calculation of excavation and fill to determine how the earthwork balances. 4. We will provide your office with a preliminary summary of our design assumptions, •..►'' city requirements, and any additional information which may be necessary to finalize Construction Plans. 5. Provide a preliminary cost estimate of all proposed improvements. Final Design: 1. Prepare final Construction Plans and Specifications for all improvements, including but not limited to, water, sewer, street, grading,parking, drainage, and park facilities. 2. Provide your office with a reproducible copy of all civil improvements. 3. Assist your staff in processing these plans through the City of Southlake, to obtain approval of all plans for which we are responsible. 4. Make necessary revisions to satisfy the City requirements. 5. Provide a quantity take-off, off, in proposal form, for civil improvements to be incorporated in the contract documents. Construction Phase: cloy 1. We will be available during the bidding process to answer any questions regarding plan interpretation, and will assist if addendums are required. I Mr. Steve Polasek September 22, 1999 City of Southlake Page 3 2 Periodic on-site visits will be made during construction by the design engineer, or as deemed necessary by your office, to assist you in contractor discussions. 3. We will provide assistance in conducting the final inspection and will be available, if your office has any questions regarding the materials or workmanship of the contractor. SCHEDULE The engineering and surveying work described within this proposal will be completed and ready for bidding by January 31, 2000. FEES We will provide all the services and products described in the scope of services including all design surveys, engineering, preparation of construction plans and specifications, preparation of construction cost estimates, contract administration, and periodic visits during construction, and as- built plans for a flat fee of 9.8%of the construction budget to be established by the City and included as an attachment to this amendment prior to beginning any design work. The fee of 9.8% relates to 6.8% for engineering and design, and 3.0% for surveying services. Please note that all direct expenses, such as travel and printing, are included in the above fees. The fees cover only that work specified in the proposal. It does not include; Soil testing Other testing involving outside laboratory services Revisions to material prepared beyond that specified in proposal — No final grade staking - this to be provided by Contractor The above listing of services, or others not included in the basic fees, may be added to our agreement at your request and approval of estimated costs or rates. TERMS Invoicing will be based on percentage of completion. Billing will.no1mally occur around the first of each month and payment expected within ten working days. If this amendment to our proposal meets with your approval,please indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, I Eddie Cheatham, P.E. [Navy, I Mr. Steve Polasek September 22, 1999 kw." City of Southlake Page 4 Authorization to Proceed: I Accepted this day of , 1999 By: Title: F:`,WORD\PROPOSAL\SOUTHLAK'BJP-Amend3.wpd ciary I I I I I C I I • IL Lit: Bob Jones Park Development -Construction & Engineering Cost Estimate - Scenario "A" City of Southlake II Engineer's Job No. 001-603 September 21, 1999 f tt y �r Existing Design Items I Pavilion/Fishing Dock $123,500 $123,500 Yes Picnic Tables and Grills $38,500 $38,500 Yes Hike and Bike Trail(10', no curb) $128,000 $128,000 Yes I 6 Additional Practice Fields $38,500 $65,000 Yes Playground $192,000 $192,000 Yes Soccer Field Lighting $35,000 $120,000 Yes Subtotal: $555,500 $667,000 Proposed Design Items „.111. Pond#2 with Well &Water Feature $102,500 $400,000 Yes L, Park Signage $1,000 $11,000 Yes Day Camp Facilities $64,000 $64,000 Yes Amphitheatre $64,000 $64,000 Yes I Loop Road $500,000$ $500,000 No Parking (180 spaces) $0 $250,000 No Phase I Restroom/Concession Building $100,000 $300,000 No I Pump House#1 building enhancements $0 $10,000 No Storm Drain Headwalls and enhancements $0 $17,000 No Pond#1 Discharge Feature $0 $35,000 No Continuation of Pipe Rail Fencing (2200 L.F.) $0 $44,000 No Phase II Restroom Building $0 $130,000 No Parking Lot and Roadway Lighting $0 $45,000 No I Phase II Front Entrance w/Landscaping and Irrigation $0 $10,000 No Phase I Drainage and Sidewalk Improvements $0 $80,000 No Phase I Parking Lot Surface Coat $0 $84,000 No Utilities(Nature Center, Ph. I and II Restrooms) $0 $400,000 No Irrigation &Turf for 6 Practice Fields $0 $220,000 Yes/No Subtotal: $831,500 $2,664,000 Engineering/Surveying/Architectural (9.8%) $45,500 $261,072 ..� COE Tree Mitigation S0 $50,000 Difference Grand Total Project: $1,432,500 $3,642,072 -$2,209,572 I I Lo....", Bob Jones Park Development-Construction & Engineering Cost Estimate -Scenario "B" City of Southlake Engineer's Job No. 001-603 September 21, 1999 I .,.....n.wv „....: ,, w'_ ..... . .: ' ..... ::. t ` °.�c�,,..s ° u e .,.�It4:r.:�.%,,.°A ,,II Existing Design Items I Pavilion/Fishin. Dock $123,500 $123,500 Yes Picnic Tables and Grills $38,500 $38,500 Yes Hike and Bike Trail 10', no curb $128,000 $128,000 Yes I 6 Additional Practice Fields Pla .round $38,500 $65,000 Yes $192,000 $192,000 Yes Soccer Field Li•htin• $35,000 , ;.; , ,: ; ' Yes ISubtotal: $555,500 $547,000 Proposed Design Items AN'" Pond#2 with Well &Water Feature $102,500 $400,000 Yes i , Park Si•na•e $1,000 $11,000 Yes �� Da Cam. Facilities $64,000 $64,000 Yes Am•hitheatre $64,000 $64,000 Yes I Loos Road $500,000 $500,000 No Parkin• 90 s•aces $0 >$12 0 No Phase I Restroom/Concession Buildin• $100,000 $300,000 No III Pum• House#1 buildin• enhancements $0 $10,000 No Storm Drain Headwalls and enhancements $0 $17,000 No Pond#1 Dischar•e Feature $0 $35,000 No I Continuation of Pi•e Rail Fencin• 2200 L.F. $0 $44,000 No. Phase II Restroom Buildin• $0 `tt No Parkin. Lot and Roadwa Li•htin• $0 $45,000 No I Phase II Front Entrance w/Landsca•in• and Irri•ation $0 $10,000 No Phase I Draina•e and Sidewalk Im•rovements $0 $80,000 No Phase I Parkin• Lot Surface Coat $0 < ',!,(AI:71nrarg No Utilities Nature Center, Ph. I and II Restrooms $0 �.,a.v� �iiitt{1oq $0 ' No Turf for 6 Practice Fields .�` :�z lied..::.::..:..::..:..S Q Yes /No Subtotal: $831,500 $2,055,000 kw, Engineering/Surveying/Architectural (9.8%) $45,500 S201,390 -dr COE Tree Mitigation S0 $50,000 Difference Grand Total Project: $1,432,500 $2,853,390 -$1,420,890 C I SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT ' 1998-99 collected budget balance _budget to date balance percent $1,510,525 $1,533,773 ($23,248) -1.54% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH 96-97 -Dec 97-98 -Dec 98-99 -Dec October $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% $155,384 31.0% INovember 67,684 21.0% 96,832 43.1% 103,444 6.8% IDecember 57,542 10.7% 81,935 42.4% 94,247 15.0% January 99,437 41.7% 133,219 34.0% 156,915 17.8% IFebruary 62,836 31.9% 84,457 34.4% 99,787 18.2% March 52,366 1.5% 80,074 52.9% 97,318 21.5% I April 91,192 33.1% 107,650 18.0% 155,959 44.9% IMay 76,289 39.5% 108,880 42.7% 128,839 18.3% iLlgne 85,906 53.0% 100,117 16.5% 124,662 24.5% I , W' 111,927 24.5% 137,036 22.4% 173,349 26.5% August 92,426 39.7% 112,063 21.2% 122,865 9.6% ISeptember 86,958 42.0% 100,085 15.1% 121,005 20.9% 1 TOTAL $965,508 30.8% $1,260,929 30.6% $1,533,773 32.1% I Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) ok 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 Difference Change IOctober $ 118,582 $ 142,061 $ 155,384 $ 155,384 $ 13,322 9.38% November 96,832 116,005 103,444 103,444 (12,561) -10.83% December 81,936 98,159 94,247 94,247 (3,912) -3.99% January 133,219 159,596 156,915 156,915 (2,680) -1.68% IFebruary 84,457 101,179 99,787 99,787 (1,393) -1.38% March 80,074 95,928 97,318 97,318 1,390 1.45% April 107,650 128,964 155,959 155,959 26,995 20.93% IMay 108,880 130,438 128,839 128,839 (1,599) -1.23% June 100,117 119,940 124,662 124,662 4,722 3.94% July 137,036 164,169 173,349 173,349 9,180 5.59% August 112,063 134,251 122,865 122,865 (11,386) -8.48% cgtember 100,085 119,835 121,005 121,005 1,170 0.98% $ 1,260,928 $ 1,510,525 $ 1,533,773 $ 1,533,772 $ 23,248 1.54% 19.79% 21.64% SIstx99.xls `7A --I [ Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 25,1999 1 1 I Al B I D I E I F I G I H Total Actual Actual FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions . , . I in Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date n Budget Budget Budget Sep-99 as of 9-99 6 Ell REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES . - I 8 Fund Balance $ - $ (447,000) $ 5,405,038 $ - $ 5,405,038 9 _ (unaudited) (unaudited) 10 Interest Earnings $ - $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 133,772 $ 133,772 in Donations-Matching Funds $ - $ - $ - $ 26,284 $ - El I TPW Grant Proceeds $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ ig Texas Forest Service Grant-Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks) El _Operating Fund Transfer $ - $ - $ 8,400 $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 $ - se ,Bond Proceeds $ - $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 4,388,860 $ - 16 Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forward) $ - $ 5,425,000 $ 5,433,400 $ 5,048,916 $ 133,772 IE REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ - $ 565,241 $ 722,899 $ (32,943) $ (1,897,503) 11:1 (Less than)EXPENDITURES 20 I aa EXPENDITURES Fill RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Ea 1E3 LAND ACQUISITION: $ - $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 $ - $ - IDTRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES 26 $ - $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ - $ - ER NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 28 I 29 COMMUNITY PARKS: 30 Southwest $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Ei Southeast $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --2 CITY PARKS: IBicentennial Park-adjacent tracts $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ 389,852 $ 389,852 iLal Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) $ 1,621,600 $ - $ 1,621,600 $ 1,066,230 $ 2,278,031 36 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - $ - $ $ - El ID SPECIAL PARKS: 39 Teen Center site $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 40 El LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I pg Park land acquisition Eg Trail system development(additional ROW) E3 Ea OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION $ 470,000 $ - $ 470,000 $ 1,157,732 $ 1,157,732 46 Iis PARK DEVELOPMENT: Ei NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: 49 Koalaty Park 50 Planning $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ 5,095 IEl Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Li Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - El El Noble Oaks Park I El Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - E-A Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - El I 59 Lonesome Dove Park 60 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ - - $ 61 Phase I $ 62 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 63 I ,,64 COMMUNITY PARKS: 1- Royal and Annie Smith Park 0 , Planning -$ - $ - $ - $ --$ -......., Prepared 10/21/99,2:52 PM Page 1 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\Spdc899.xls • li Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 25,1999 [ I I AI B I D I E I F I G I H %he Total Actual Actual FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions i 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget Bud et Budget 9 $ Sep-99 as of 9-99 67 Phase I - $ - $ - $ - $ 68 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1 69 70 Southeast Park 71 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 72 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 73 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 74 I 75 Southwest Park 76 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 77 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 78 Phase II 79 80 Teen Center $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 81 Planning $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ - 82 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ 83 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 85 Community Center/Recreation Center 86 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 87 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 88 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 89 90 CITY PARKS: 91 Bicentennial Park 92 Phase II 93 Bid Package#1 ,Earthwork,Utilities,Vehicular paving $ 597,263 $ - $ 597,263 $ 602,763 $ 603,019 , 94 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - co#1-7/98 drainage=($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ . Bid Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 $ - $ 851,019 $ 822,701 $ 822,701 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors lill.c $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 98 Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 $ - $ 377,281 $ 383,843 $ 389,841 99 8/98 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 100 Bid Package#3,Structures,McWilliams Enterprises 101 Tennis Facility $ - $ Restroom/Storage $ - $ 443,259 $ 443,259 $ $ - $ - $ - - $ - - $ $ - $ 271,191 $ 271,191 - $ 102 - 103 Design Contract(Mesa) $ 161,910 $ - $ 161,910 $ 9,882 $ 158,012 104 Landscape/Irrigation toe Fence Extension-Adventure Alley - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - 106 Entry Road Patching $ $ $ - $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 763 $ 763 - $107 Fences-Fields#4&#5 $ 16,805 $ - $ 16,805 $ - $ 15,482 108 109 Phase III 110 Loop trail within park $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ - 111 roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ 112 Aquatics facility $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 113 North Berm construction $ 114 Additional ballfield construction $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ - - $ - - $ 115 - - 116 CITY PARKS: 117 Bob Jones Park 118 Phase I 119 Grading/Berm($369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) $ 369,718 $ - $ 369,718 $ 56,593 $ 371,519 120 • Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,753 121 Engineering Services($166,733 Cheatham-part A and B) $ 166,733 $ - $ 166,733 $ 27,155 $ 182,286 122 6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) 123 Water well(JJ Biffle-$89433 10/98) $ $ - $ - $ 89,433 $ 62,056 $ 62,056 124 Fence-12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100;co#2-8/98 fence=$6512) $ 164,345 $ - $ 164,345 $ 45,437 $ - $ 45,437 $ 18,578 $ 162,771 12,042 $ 45,237 125 Parking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 $ - $ 248,970 $ 18,374 $ 272,359 i126 par6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers)co#1-10/98$5604 $ 53,762 $ - $ 59,366 $ 59,919_$ 59,919 ._....1 :127 * 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -A. 15 Picnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ 19,250 $ - $ _ - Dock$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ - $ - ICPrepared 10/21/99,2:52 PM Page 2 of 3 LAfinance\spdc\Spdc899.xls E 7A - 3 • II Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 25,1999 I I Aj B I D I E I F L G I H Total Actual Actual FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions IIll Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date Ell $ Budget Budget Budget Sep-99 as of 9-99 130 • Playground$96,000 - $ 96,000 $ 96,000 $ - $ - En • Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ - $ - IMS -.Pavilion$85,000 $ - $ 85,000 $ 85,000 $ - $ - I1E0 En Phase II En - Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ 96,000 $ " - $ - 136 • 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ 19,250 $ - $ - IIMS * Fishing Pond$102,500 $ - $ 102,500 $ 102,500 $ - $ - ED * Day Camping Facilities$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ - $ 139 * Amphitheater$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ - $ - 140 - Signage$1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - I gg - Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 cn Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - EEn • Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ $ - $ 128,000 $ 128.000 $ 7500 $ 7,500 - $ - En Planning and Construction$45,500 $ - $ 45,500 $ 45,500 $ - MU I146 CITY PARKS: cE Bob Jones Park 148 Phase III 149 Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ 16,879 $ 16,879 I 150 En Phase IV $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - liES En LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: En Signage for On-Road Trails I Elil Continental-Phase 1 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ $ 0 $ 150,000 $ 159,000 $ - $ - 156 9,00 3,568 157 Continental-Phase 2 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - of ILoop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Abe 161 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ - $ - 162 I163 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 164 165 MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: $ 48,000 $ - $ 48,000 $ 16,315 $ 18,715 166 Adventure Alley Pavilion addl$10,000 10/98 $ 15,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 I 167 Tree Farm(app.12/97-donations FY98=$2,069+$1,500=$3,569) 168 Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks-Grant) $ - $ - $ 4,200 $ 3,091 $ 3,091 169 Southlake Baseball Association(app.1/99) $ 1,500 $ $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ 24 $ - $ 30,000 $ 22,229 $ 3,288 22,229 170 Remaining Balance $ - $ 100,000 $ 39,300 $ 1,424 ,$ - 171 I172 SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - 173 Senior Activity Center $ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 25,916 $ 75,617 174 I 175 JOINT USE PROJECTS: 176 Equipment $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 177 Signage-All Parks $ 7,000 $ - $ 7,000 $ - $ - 178 Gymnasiums $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 179 Ball field development $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,106 I 180 181 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,624,243 $ 4,412,759 $ 10,115,539 $ 5,081,859 $ 7,436,313 182• TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE I r It liPrepared 10/21/99,2:52 PM Page 3 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\Spdc899.xls 1 A ...-- q I SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report ' October 19, 1999 I3l('F:\ I E\\L.kl. I':1.IZh Land Acquisition - ' Status: None. ' Phase II construction Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997 ' Estimated Completion of Construction: August, 1999 Consultant: MESA Design Group Status: Bid package #1 with Pittman Construction was closed June 2, 1999 for a ' total contract amount of$593,779. Bid package #2a with NEMA3 Electric was closed September 23, 1999 for a total contract amount of$383,843.50 ' SPDC awarded bid package #2 to American Tennis Court Contractors for $851,019.00 to include 13 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts, and 1 in-line hockey court. Change Order #1 (resurfacer) was approved in February to add$13,000. Change Order #2 resulted in a credit of$1,531. Change Order #3 resulted in a credit of$6,373. Change Order #4 (center court drainage) added$2,300. Court construction is complete with exception to necessary guardrails which are to begin this week. ' awarded package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc.for$443,259.00 to SPDC awa e bidp g p include the Tennis Center and restroom/storage facility. Both buildings are roofed and ' are progressing with interior improvements. Estimated occupancy is mid-November. ' SPDC awarded bid package #4 to Sprinkle n Sprout, Inc.for$44,376.00 to include irrigation improvements. Installation has begun. Written estimates for landscape installation were received and awarded to Sierra Contractors for$8,144.00. Installation will progress with installation of irrigation. Tree installation will follow through the winter months. Written estimates for the pond surface aeration system were received and awarded to Greenscape Pump Services Inc.for$12,775. Installation will be completed with ' irrigation improvements. Wrought iron fence estimates will be requested with further completion of the Tennis Proshop. ' Page 1 I • ktorve, Bicentennial Park Phase II ' ID Task Name May I Jun 11999 Jul I Aug I Say I Oct I Nov,Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I SaSet,I Oct- 19 Bid Package IJ . 20 Tennis Pro Shop and Restroom Facilities • 21 Foundation 111 22 Framing GomPMM 23 Electrical ;yo% ; 24 Plumbing 60% I 25 Mason 80% 26 Roofing MI Ooinplass 27 Interior Mil 75% I1999 2000 ID Task Name May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May Jun 1 Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct 32 Bid Package 4 I 33 Irrigation . , 3/ Design 35 Receive Authorization to Bid from SPDC to , I 36 Advertise ,b 37 Tabulation and Award of Contract orhpler 38 Obtain Contract Documents �% I 39 Construction 2000 9 ID Task Name May I Jun I9 Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct e:16....410) 4 0 Bid Package 5 41 Landscaping 42 Design IIIIComPt;a 43 Obtain Contract Documents I u Construction I Adventure Alley Fence Extension -F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Wrought iron fence improvements have been awarded to American INational Fence, Inc.for$3,400. Installation is scheduled for early November, 1999. Entrance Road Repair-F.Y. 1998-99 ' Status: Estimates were requested of several contractors. No interest was expressed for this project. Other estimates are being pursued as well as the potential of utilizing the City of Southlake Public Works Department. I 11.4::te,1Page 2 I 1Bar (.50" Phase III Park Trail-F.Y. 1998-99 ' Status: Alignment of the park trail is being designed by staff and will be submitted when completed for Park Board approval. Staff is coordinating with Tom Thumb to ' ensure an acceptable transition across property lines. Site base information is being assembled through the platting of Bicentennial Park to illustrate existing conditions and improvements. The portion of trail south of Oak Hill Subdivision is near completion. ' ID Task Mary Feb I Mar I Apr J May I Jun I6 Jul I Aug I Sap j Oct I Nov I Dec Jan 'Feb Mar Apr I May Jun i Jul 57 Park Trail , , 5. Design 56 Park Board and SPDC Approval 60 Advertise 61 Tabulation and Awns of Contract ' 62 Obtain Contract Documents 63 Construction ' Cover for In-line Hockey-F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Proposals from qualified design consultants were received and reviewed for the cover of the in-line hockey facility. A contract for$6,000 has been accepted from Ron Hobbs Architects for two conceptual designs with cost estimates to construct. Designs will be presented in October, 1999. BOB ,ZONES PARK Land Acquisition - ' Status: t Phase I with TPWD Grant- Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Began: March 18, 1997 Status: Contracts are closed with: James Arnold Construction for Phase I earthwork J.L. Bertram for vehicular paving. Thomas Bros. Grass for sodding soccer fields. ' Ratliff Iron Works for perimeter fencing. Daniel Electric for power services. ProBuild Construction for phase I pump enclosure. .e A.N.D., Inc.for irrigation. Port-A-Tree for Tree Transplanting !4044iri- Page 3 763 I . IL.. _ Phase II with TPWD Grant- IStatus: Information is being gathered toward design completion of all TPWD and related elements. Cost estimates will be presented with the F.Y. 1999-2000 SPDC Ibudget. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Noble Oaks Park- F.Y. 2000-01 Status: Design has been held pending coordination of adjacent improvements with CISD currently scheduled for December, 1999. Staff is progressing with the development of a designated parking area to deter vehicular traffic through the park Koalaty Park-F.Y. 2000-01 IStatus: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. The layout of the Master Plan was approved with the inclusion of relocating the restroom facility, I creating a berm south of the school,providing a natural barrier to Country Walk Estates, and providing 25 additional parking spaces. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both --i sized for elementary-age use; one larger practice soccer field and adult practice ballfield. A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental IIBlvd. trail. I Royal and Annie Smith Park- F.Y. 1999-00 Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. Approval was tabled. KISD has constructed a library and parking lot that will necessitate I redesign of the park A temporary trail was constructed along the right-of-way from Ridgewood Subdivision to Florence Elementary. ILonesome Dove Park-F.Y. 1998-99 Status: All requirements of the developer's agreement are being addressed. IAs-built information has been received. Existing irrigation repairs are progressing. November 6, 1999 is scheduled for a neighborhood workday. Activities include general Icleanup. Pruning of trees. Planting of additional trees and shrubs. tic, - :04") Page 4 ig,,,ti I tio,:.... ii, LINT,:AR PARKS AND "[RAILS ISTEA Grant- Cottonbelt Trail- F.Y. 1997-98 IStatus: Southlake, Colleyville, and NRH entered into an interlocal agreement with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective I and efficient approach. MESA Design Group has been contracted as consultants by the three cities and TxDOT. Preliminary plans with alternatives are being reviewed. The City of Grapevine has agreed to assist through the City of Southlake portion of the trail. I ID Cotton Belt Tinseling Duration 0S 2191106 2 10tr 4 00 1 10S 27906 06 3 1001 Qtr 1 0tr 2 100 3 10a 4 0a 1 Dtr z"atr 3 I QS a Co-1 OP z 1 QO 3 1 Cotton Bed Trails 632d , 2 Data Collection and Sole Analysts 145d 1�1__ : I 3 Schematic Design 170d % . 4 Design Development 174d 6 Construction Documents 143d I Continental Boulevard Trail(White Chapel to Davis) -F.Y. 1998-99 I Design -Phase I Contract Completed: November 25, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. to 0--.. Status: Trail improvements are pending Phase I improvements to Continental Boulevard. COMMUNITY FACILITIES I Royal and Annie Smith Park House- Status: Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Extensive work will be necessary for public use. I Nature Center- I Status: The facility is in place. Staff will tarp the building against weather until repairs and restoration of the building can occur. ITeen Center- Status: ??? Brinkley Sargent Architects. tot.:,,I Page 5 r \1AT('III\(: Ft NUS — ('O\I\11.\IT1 CROUPS 1 Total Budget-$100,000 1 Adventure Alley Pavilion by Southlake Playgrounds, Inc.- 1 Approved by SPDC: August 17, 1998 Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997 Status: SPDC approved$1 5,000 at the August meeting to begin construction on 1 the planned 20'and 45'pavilion. Funds received have allowed for the purchase and completion of six covered picnic tables and a 30'pavilion. A fourth pavilion (20) ' location was approved by Parks and Recreation Board near the Basketball courts of Bicentennial Park. Installation by volunteers is expected this fall. ' ID Task Name Park Pavilions Duration Dec Jan J Feb Mar I Apr I WWI Jun1889 Jul I Aug I Sep Oct Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May Jun JW 1 tald , 2 45'Pavilion Adventure Alley 21d complete 3 Covered Tables 310 omplete ! 30'Pavilion Ballfiald 30d complete 20'Pavilion Adventure Alley 30d ^ ®complete 1 20'Pavilion Phase II 30d _20% Senior Tree Farm #1 - 1 Approved by SPDC: January 16, 1998 Approved by Park Board: December 8, 1997 Status: All trees have been planted. The drip irrigation is 100% complete. 1 Several trees are expected to be relocated within Lonesome Dove Park and Bicentennial Park Phase II ' Senior Tree Farm#2— Approved by SPDC: 1 Approved by Park Board: Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of$8,400 ($4,200 Grant Award with a $4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. All grow bags and drip irrigation 1 have been installed. Planting is complete with 403 seedlings. 1 e;e Page 6 1 �-6 r .101V"1'-1 SI: I'R0.1V( I'ti Soccer Practice Fields -F.Y. 1998-99 ' Status: All improvements are completed. Play ball. Joint-Use Equipment- Status: Available as needed. 111 Signage for all Parks - Status: Available as needed. SPEC(kl, PIZOJF:('TS Delivered $12,775.00 Bicentennial Park Phase II pond surface aeration system. Complete $ 5,277.00 Senior Activity Center irrigation system. Complete $ 4,234.50 Senior Activity Center concrete sidewalks and patio. Hold $ 1,760.00 Senior Activity Center shuffleboard court. ""' Complete $ 8,061.25 Bicentennial Park pavilion tables and benches. Ili•••• Delivered $ 7,765.00 Bicentennial Park drinking water fountains. 1 � Page 7 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment No. 3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park Action Requested: SPDC approval of Amendment No. 3 with Cheatham and Associates for architectural and engineering services relating to the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park Background Information: On March 17, 1997 the City entered into an agreement with Cheatham and Associates for engineering services relating to field work and site planning (surveying, grading plan, drainage analysis) at Bob Jones Park. Amendment No. 1 to the contract was entered into on June 2, 1997 with the scope of services including construction plans and contract documents for the parking lots and drives, soccer fields, water lines, drainage swales, landscaping, irrigation, and fencing. Construction on these items has been completed at a cost of$1,057,000. On March 5, 1998 Amendment No. 2 was entered into with the scope of services including the preparation of construction plans and contract documents for the fishing dock/pavilion, trail system, additional practice fields, picnic tables and grills, playground and related irrigation and landscaping. These plans are currently being developed. The proposed Amendment No. 3 (attached) includes a listing of the planned design items. These design items were also presented to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 9, 1999 meeting and to SPDC at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The design items are preliminary in nature and can be modified pending the discussion of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by the Parks Board and SPDC, as well as, the relationship of the design components to the grant awarded by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The proposed Amendment utilizes a flat fee of 6.8% for 'engineering and design and 3% for surveying services for a total fee of 9.8% based on the construction budget. The engineering fees are consistent with previous contracts. Financial Considerations: To be determined based on Park Board recommendation and SPDC approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP. The Amendment is structured to allow the Billy Campbell, City Manager October 28, 1999 Page Two City to determine the construction budget and place it as an attachment to the Amendment, thereby setting the maximum dollar amount of Amendment #3. If the entire scope of the recommended project is approved, proposed architectural and engineering services not currently under contract (based on a flat rate of 9.8% of the design budget) would be: 11 9.8% of$2,664,000 = $261,072 The current Parks Five (5) Year CIP approved October 26, 1998 has budgeted $1,432,500 for Bob Jones Park improvements over fiscal year 1998-99 through fiscal year 2000-01. The proposed construction budget alternatives can potentially increase the range of the project by an additional $2,210,000. Citizen Input/ Board Review: A presentation outlining the current and proposed development of Bob Jones Park was given to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 9, 1999 meeting. The same presentation was also provided to the SPDC at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The Parks and Recreation Board approved Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Consent agenda (7-0). Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Alternatives: Provide modifications to the proposed Amendment No. 3 based on discussions relating to the Parks Five (5) Year CIP. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: Copy of Amendment No. 3, a Proposal for architectural and engineering services regarding the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Staff Recommendation: Place approval of Amendment No. 3 for architectural and engineering services regarding the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park on the November 1, 1999 SPDC agenda. 68L CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES October 28. 1999 Mr. Steve Polasek Deputy Director of Community' Services City of Southlake 400 North White Chapel Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Amendment No. 3 to Proposal for Engineering Services Regarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park Cheatham and Associates is pleased to submit to the City of Southlake this amendment to our original proposal for professional services,dated March 17, 1997. There are several additional items which need to be designed which are in addition to the scope of work of the original proposal, and the first two amendments. These additional items include but are not limited to: Proposed Design Items: • Pond #2 with well and water feature • Park signage • Day camp facilities • Amphitheater with electric, irrigation and turf • Loop road with parking • Phase I - Restroom/Concession Building • Pump house building enhancements • Storm drain headwall enhancements • Pond#1 water discharge feature • Continuation of pipe rail fencing • Phase II - Restroom Building • Parking lot and roadway lighting • Phase II - Front Entrance with landscape and irrigation • Phase I - Drainage Improvements • Phase I - Parking Lot Surface Coat • Utilities (Nature Center, Phase I and II Restrooms) • Additional practice fields (6) irrigation/turf ** Turf would consist of common bermuda hydramulch. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 2665-8836 .2Fax 817/265-8532 /w 6rJ Mr. Steve Polasek October 28, 1999 City of Southlake Page 2 The items listed above are required to provide the type park facility which will accommodate the public to visit the park and enjoy the amenities,but also provide a safe and comfortable environment for park visitors. Therefore, we hereby propose to perform the necessary field work, and prepare construction plans and specifications for the additional items. The scope of services is as follows: Preliminary Design: 1. Visit with members of your staff,to discuss our design concept,and overall approach to the project. Make any changes deemed necessary prior to proceeding into final design. 2. Prepare preliminary building, water, sewer, grading, street, drainage, and site plans for review by your office and discussion with City Staff. 3. Prepare a preliminary calculation of excavation and fill to determine how the earthwork balances. 4. We will provide your office with a preliminary summary of our design assumptions, city requirements,and any additional information which may be necessary to finalize Construction Plans. 5. Provide a preliminary cost estimate of all proposed improvements. Final Design: 1. Prepare final Construction Plans and Specifications for all improvements,including but not limited to,water,sewer,street,grading,parking,drainage,and park facilities. 2. Provide your office with a reproducible copy of all civil improvements. 3. Assist your staff in processing these plans through the City of Southlake, to obtain approval of all plans for which we are responsible. 4. Make necessary revisions to satisfy the City requirements. 5. Provide a quantity take-off, in proposal form, for civil improvements to be incorporated in the contract documents. Construction Phase: 1. We will be available during the bidding process to answer any questions regarding. plan interpretation, and will assist if addendums are required. Mr. Steve Polasek October 28, 1999 City of Southlake Page 3 ?. Periodic on-site visits will be made during construction by the design engineer,or as deemed necessary by your office, to assist you in contractor discussions. 3. We will provide assistance in conducting the final inspection and will be available, if your office has any questions regarding the materials or workmanship of the contractor. SCHEDULE The engineering and surveying work described within this proposal will be completed and ready for bidding by March 15, 2000. FEES We will provide all the services and products described in the scope of services including all design surveys, engineering, preparation of construction plans and specifications, preparation of construction cost estimates,contract administration,and periodic visits during construction,and as- built plans for a flat fee of 9.8%of the construction budget to be established by the City and included as an attachment to this amendment prior to beginning any design work. The fee of 9.8%relates to 6.8% for engineering and design, and 3.0% for surveying services. Please note that all direct expenses, such as travel and printing, are included in the above fees. The fees cover only that work specified in the proposal. It does not include; — Soil testing - Other testing involving outside laboratory services - Revisions to material prepared beyond that specified in proposal - No final grade staking - this to be provided by Contractor The above listing of services,or others not included in the basic fees,may be added to our agreement at your request and approval of estimated costs or rates. TERMS Invoicing will be based on percentage of completion. Billing will normally occur around the first of each month and payment expected within ten working days. If this amendment to our proposal meets with your approval,please indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, 414.4.10044.0, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:'WORD\PROPOSAL'SOUTHLAK'.BJP-Amend3.wpd Mr. Steve Polasek October 28, 1999 City of Southlake Page 4 Authorization to Proceed: Accepted this day of , 1999 By: Title: F:WORD'PROPOSAL'SOUTHLAICBJP-Amend3.wpd 6 _ City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM October 28, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Five (5) Year Parks Capital Improvement Program, including FY 1999-00 Capital Improvements Budget. Action Requested: SPDC consideration of the five (5) year Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. Background Information: At the time of approval of the Parks Five (5) Year CIP by SPDC at their October 26, 1998 meeting, staff committed to annually reviewing and refining project costs for factors such as inflation, clearer definition of project scope, etc. Staff has been working on the revision process, and now seeks approval of the refinements and the Parks Capital Improvement Budget for FY 1999-2000. SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) capital projects at the September 27, 1999 joint meeting, and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized the remaining projects at their October 11, 1999 meeting. The projects, listed in order of priority by the Parks and Recreation Board members, is as follows (project cost in parentheses): 1. Continental Trail Phases I and II ($320,000) 2. Bob Jones Trailhead Improvements ($16,000) 3. Teen Center Study ($10,000)* 3. Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000)* 3. Bleachers ($11,000)* 3. Two Game Fields and Lighting (fields 4, 5, and 10) at Bicentennial Park ($200,000)* 4. Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,420,000- $2,200,000)" 4. Nature Center Improvements ($100,000)" 4. Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000)" 4. On-Road Signage ($10,000)" 5. Loop Trail Durham!CJHS/Bicentennial Park ($230,000)** 5. In-Line Hockey Court Covering ($500,000)** 6. Girls Softball Complex ($500,000) 7. Koalaty Park Phase I ($390,000) 8. Smith Park Construction ($800,000)" 8. Recreation Center Planning ($500,000)" 9. Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,00G) 10. Koalaty Park Phase II ($350,000) 11. Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) • Billy Campbell, City Manager October 28, 1999 Page 2 12. Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) 13. Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park ($3,500,000) 14. Portals ($50,000) 15. Senior Activity Center Parking ($20,000) 16. Sheltonwood Phase I ($300,000) 17. Aquatics Center Planning ($290,000) 18. Aquatics Center Construction ($2,900,000) *, ", **, Projects determined by the Parks and Recreation Board to be equal in priority. Staff has taken this direction and incorporated the prioritization into the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. Other considerations in the development of the CIP include a conservative projection for sales tax growth (15%), maintaining the existing bond issuance schedule, construction and payment schedules, fund balance expectations, and the award of a $500,000 indoor grant from TPWD for the construction of the Community Center. Further assumptions include Joint Use at $20,000 every other year, Matching Funds Program at $150,000 for FY 1999-00, and $100,000 for each of the following years. Financial Considerations: The Parks Five (5) Year CIP allocates approximately $14 million in project expenditures over a five (5) year period from FY 2000 through FY 2004. Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board prioritized ten (10) projects at the joint meeting held on September 27, 1999. A follow-up prioritization of twenty-six (26) total projects was approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at their October 11, 1999 meeting on Regular agenda (7-0). The refined Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Project Budget, are based on this prioritization. SPDC discussed the proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP at their October 25, 1999 meeting. Desiring to have more members in attendance prior to approval, the Board provided staff with feedback and tabled consideration of the proposal (4-0). At this time the Board requested a Special Meeting for November 1, 1999 to consider the Parks CIP. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: ■ Provide input as desired towards project prioritization of the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvement Budget. Billy Campbell, City Manager October 28, 1999 Page 3 ■ Provide input as desired towards the allocation of resources towards specific projects in the proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP and FY 1999- 2000 Parks Capital Improvement Budget. ■ Consider adjusting the implementation timeline of specific projects outside the scope of the time period covered by the Proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: ■ Staff will have a presentation on the Parks Five (5) Year CIP available at the meeting. A copy of the presentation outlining the proposed Parks Five (5) Year CIP is enclosed. ■ Copy of the Proposed Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. ■ Copy of Bob Jones Park project construction component information. Staff ii) Recommendation: Place as an item on the November 1, 1999 SPDC Special Meeting agenda to consider the Five (5) Year Parks CIP, including the FY 1999-00 Parks Capital Improvements Budget. KH &A3 Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan - Existing Projects October 11, 1999 FY 1998-99: • KOALATY PARK PLANNING ($10,000) (no change) • LONESOME DOVE PARK PHASE 1($60,000) (no change) • TEEN CENTER PLANNING ($150,000) (no change) • BICENTENNIAL PHASE II ($490,750) (no change) • BICENTENNIAL PHASE III (LOOP TRAIL $100,000) (IN-LINE HOCKEY COVER $60,000) (no change) • BOB JONES PHASE I ($832,500) (� (no change) \��J • SIGNAGE FOR ON-ROAD TRAILS ($5,000) (shift to FY 2000-01) • CONTINENTAL PHASE I ($150,000) (shift to FY 1999-00) • FOX HOLLOW EQUESTRIAN TRAIL($12,000) (no change) • MATCHING FUNDS ($100,0000) (no change) • SPECIAL PROJECTS ($50,000) (no change) • JOINT USE PROJECTS ($20,000) (no change) TOTAL = $2,040,250 • • Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan for FY 1999-00 October 25, 1999 • (1) Continental Phase I and II ($320,000) 6' wide trail along south side of Continental Drive from Country Walk to White Chapel. • (2) Bob Jones Trailhead Improvements ($16,000) Parking area for the proposed north trailhead at Bob Jones Park, • (3) Teen Center Study ($10,000) Study regarding teen usage of a teen center facility versus a community center. • (3) Capping Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000) Capping of undetermined number of existing wells at Bob Jones Park per State requirements. • (3) Bleachers ($11,000) Bleachers for ballfields 4, 5, and 10 and in-line hockey at Bicentennial Park. • (3) Two Game Fields and Lighting (4, 5, 10) at Bicentennial Park ($200,000) Includes two game fields (grading, irrigation, fencing, hydromulch) and lights for fields 4, 5, and 10. • (4) Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000) Conceptual design and development of construction plans for phase I improvements to Smith Park. Construction of phase improvements (to be determined). • (5) Loop Trail Durham/CJHS/Bicentennial ($230,000) Loop trail system connecting Bicentennial Park with Carroll Junior High School (White Chapel), and Durham Elementary/Intermediate School (Highland and Shady Oaks). • Matching Funds Program ($150,000) • Joint Use Projects ($20,000) • Special Projects ($50,000) Total = $1,202,000 • • Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2000-01 October 25, 1999 • (4) Bob Jones Park Development ($2,020,000 - $2,810,00) Improvements to Bob Jones Park including pond #2-with well and water feature, park signage, day camp facilities, amphitheater with electric, irrigation, and turf, loop road with parking, phase I concession/restroom building, pump house building enhancements, storm drain headwall enhancements, pond#1 water discharge feature, continuation of pipe rail fencing, phase II restroom building, parking lot and roadway lighting, phase II front entrance with landscape and irrigation, phase I drainage improvements, phase I parking lot surface coat, utilities (Nature Center, phase I and II restrooms), additional practice fields (6) with irrigation and turf. • (4) Nature Center Improvements ($100,000) Restoration and improvements to the existing Nature Center building. • (4) On Road Signage ($10,000) On-road signage for trails. To be implemented following the completion of the Trail System Master Plan update. • (5) In Line Hockey Court Covering ($500,000) Bicentennial Park in-line hockey court cover(approximately 150' x 250'). (6) Girls Softball Complex ($900,000) Girls softball four-plex including restroom/concession building and parking. Location and scope of project to be determined. • Matching Funds Program ($100,000) • Special Projects ($50,000) Total = $3,680,000 - $4,470,000 I Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2001-02 October 25, 1999 Proposed: • (7) Koalaty Park Phase I ($250,000) Improvements to include planning, parking lot, irrigation, landscaping, and park signage. • (8) Smith Park Construction ($800,000) Construction of Smith Park. • (8) Recreation Center Planning ($500,000) Planning and design for a proposed $5.5 million Recreation Center. • Matching Funds Program ($100,000) • Joint Use Projects ($20,000) • Special Projects ($50,000) Total = $1,720,000 • Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2002-03 October 25, 1999 Proposed: • (9) Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000) Construction for a proposed Recreation Center consisting of approximately 40,000 to 50,000 square feet. Design components might include two gymnasiums, indoor jogging/walking track, fitness center, multi-purpose classrooms, meeting space, dance/exercise rooms, locker rooms, game/video room, youth activity room, kitchen/concessions, and office space. \� • (10) Koalaty Park Phase II ($250,000) Improvements may include trail system, playground, and additional landscape improvements. • Matching Funds Program ($100,000) • Special Projects ($50,000) Total = $5,900,000 • Southlake Parks Development Corporation Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2003-04 October 25, 1999 • (11) Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) Planning and construction of Noble Oaks Park. Proposed design elements to include parking lot, walking trail, playground, picnic tables, benches, water fountain, open space. • (12) Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) Replacement of existing playground structure with larger, ADA and CPSC compliant playground unit to include concrete border, ADA accessible entrance and surfacing. • (14) Portals ($50,000) Q� City portal entrance improvements at SH1709 and SH121 (Gateway). • (15) Senior Activity Center Parking ($30,000) Additional parking for Senior Activity Center. Would require in-house study and engineering prior to implementation. \� • (16) Sheltonwood Phase I ($300,000) �7 Improvements to be determined. • (17) Aquatics Center Planning ($290,000) Planning and design for a proposed $2.9 million aquatics center. Proposed improvements might include active and leisure facilities such as zero depth entry pools, water play structures, water slides, lap lanes, diving boards, shade structures, and children's pool with water playground. • Matching Funds Program ($100,000) • Joint Use Projects ($20,000) • Special Projects ($50,000) Total = $ 1,245,000 Proposed Future Projects : - (13) Aquatics Center Construction ($2,900,000) - (18) Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones Park ($3,500,000) 1111Alt Southlake Parks Development Corporation DI Capital Projects Budget FY97/98 - FY02/03 A B I C D E F G H 1 - 2 — 3 FY1997-98 14 Approved 1 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-031 FY201 16 j 7 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES 8 Fund Balance $ 464,656 $ (447,000) $ 75 72 50 1 $ 425,750 $ 1,030,750 $ (64,250)' $ 7 10 Interest Earnings - $ 200,000 I $ 175,000 $ 125,000 1 $ 175,000 I $ 125,000 I $ 175,000 1 $ 1 11 Donations-Matching Funds $ 6,050 $ - , $ - 1 $ - 1 $ - $ - $ 12 TPW Grant Proceeds $ - I $ 250,000 I $ 250,000 $ - $ - i $ 500,000 ' $ 13 _ Operating Fund Transfer $ 1,140,000 [ $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 1 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 5 14 Bond Proceeds $ 5,136,109 j $ 4,500,000 $ - $ 4,400,000 : $ - $ 5,500,000 $ 1 15 'Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forwar$ 6,482,159 I $ 5,425,000 ' $ 875,000 $ 5,075,000 ! $ 625,000 ' $ 6,675,000 $ 6 16 ` 17 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ (447,000) $ 752,750 $ 425,750 ' $ 1,030,750 i $ (64,250) $ 710,750 j $ 18 (Less than) EXPENDITURES ; 19 _ l20 EXPENDITURES 21 RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $ - $ - 22 LAND ACQUISITION: $ - $ 1,900,000 $ - $ - i $ - $ - $ 23 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES $ - $ 450,000 $ - $ - I $ - i $ - $ 24 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $ - $ - i $ - $ - $ - $ 25 , 26 COMMUNITY PARKS: i 1 27 Smith Park-Joint-use/KISD $ 369,121 $ - $ - r $ - $ - j $ - $ 28 Southwest $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ - I $ - $ 29 Southeast $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ 30 31 32 33 i 34 1 CITY PARKS: 35 Bicentennial Park-Brunson/Bank $ 1,161,580 $ - $ - ' $ - $ - $ - ' $ 36 Bicentennial Park-adjacent tracts $ 300,000 $ - 1 $ - $ - $ - I $ _ 1 $ Prepare+ i n/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 1 of 7 • Southlake Parks Development Corporation DI Capital Projects Budget FY97/98- FY02/03 A B C D E F G H I 1 2 _ . 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY201 37 I Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) $ 1,621,600 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 38 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ 39 _ 40 SPECIAL PARKS: 41 Lonesome Dove/COE entryway $ 63,135 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 42 Teen Center site $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 43 - - - _ - 44 'LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ - 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 45 ,Park land acquisition 1 46 Trail system development(additional ROW) T- i 47 48 I OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION $ 470,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - - $ 49 50 PARK DEVELOPMENT: 51 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: I 52 Koalaty Park i 54 Phase I - $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ 53 Planning $ 10,000 $ $ $ $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ _55 Phase II $ - i $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56 57 Noble Oaks Park 58 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 59 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ - $ 60 Phase II $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ 1 61 62 Lonesome Dove Park 63 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 64 Phase I (Trail) $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 65 Phase II (Playground) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ 66 67 Sheltonwood Park 68 i Planning/Phase I Development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Prepared 10/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 2 of 7 IP Southlake Parks Development Corporation D Capital Projects Budget FY97/98 - FY02/03 A B C D E F G H _ I 1 I f 3 FY1997-98 ` — 4 j Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 ' FY2000-01 FY2001-02 I FY2002-03 FY20 69 70 COMMUNITY PARKS: i 71 I Royal and Annie Smith Park 72 I Planning $ - ' $ - $ 25,000 I $ - $ 100,000 , $ - $ 73 I Phase I $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 74 Phase II $ . $ - $ - $ - $ 700,000 1�$ - $ 75 76 Southeast Park - I I 77 Planning $ - $ - , $ - $ - ' $ --r$ - , $ 78 Phase I $ - $ - 1 $ - $ - j $ -_' $ - i $ - _ 79 Phase II _ $ - $ $ $ $ - $ - ! $ , - I 80 I i 81 Southwest Park 82 1 Planning $ - $ _ - $ - $ - $ - ! $ - $ 883 j PhaseI $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - I $ 84 Phase II $ - i $ - $ - i $ - $ - $ - 11$ 86 i — i III 87 i Teen Center 88 Planning/Study $ - $ 150,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ - I $ - I $ 89 PhaseI $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ' $ - $ 90 I Phase II - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ 91 92 Senior Center - I _ _ 93 Parking Lot Expansion $ - ' $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 94 95 PARK DEVELOPMENT: 96 I - - 97 CCOMMUNITY PARKS: 98 �Community Center/Recreation Center ! 99 Planning $ - I $ - $ - I $ _ - $ 500,000 $ - I $ 100 Construction (includes anticipated TPWD Grant-$500,000) $ - j $ - $ - . $ - $ - $ 5,500,000 j $ Prepare/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 3 of 7 In Southlake Parks Development Corporation DP Capital Projects Budget FY97/98- FY02/03 A B C D E F G L H, I I 1 2 — 3 I FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 i Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 i FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY20C 101 102 CITY PARKS: L '103 Bicentennial Park 104 _ Phase II 105 Bid Package#1 , Earthwork, Utilities,Vehicular paving $ 597,519 $ - $ - ' $ - i $ - j $ - 1 $ 106 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ - $ - $ 107 co#1-7/98 drainage=($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - ! $ - I $ - $ 1108 Bid Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 I $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - $ - ___ 1109 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors $ - ; $ - $ - , $ - $ - $ - I $ i 110 Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 1 $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1111 8/98 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - f $ - I $ - 1 $ - I $ - $ - $ 112 Bid Package#3,Structures(Mesa 9/22/97 est.): (FY1998-99) $ - 1 $ 410,750 $ - 1 $ - 1 $ - $ - $ 113 ' Tennis Facility($290,750) $ - $ - $ - I $ -1 $ - ' $ - $ 1114 i Restroom/Storage($120,000) $ - . $ - $ - 1 $ - 1 $ - $ - $ 115_ —I Design Contract(Mesa) _ $ 161,910 i $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ,116 'Landscape/Irrigation (FY1998-99$70,000) $ - $ 70,000 $ - j $ - $ - $ - I $ 117 1Fence Extension-Adventure Alley $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - ! $ - 1 $ - $ !118 Entry Road Patching $ - $ 5,000 $ - a $ - $ - $ - $ 119 Resod Field#2(General Fund) $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - $ - $ - $ 120 Fences-Fields#4&#5 $ 16,805 $ - $ - j $ - { $ - $ - $ 121 I 122 'Phase III 023 Loop trail within park $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - I $ - $ - $ i 124 — roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ - I $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ 125 Aquatics facility planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 21 126 ' Aquatics facility construction-($3,000,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 127 North Berm construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - $ 128 Additional ballfield construction/Lighting $ - $ - $ 200,000 1 $ - $ - 1 $ - $ 129 Girls Softball Complex $ - $ - $ - $ 900,000 $ - 1 $ - $ 1130 i -— 1 131 Bleachers $ -_ $ - $ 1 001 0 $ - $ - $ - $ 132 i 1133 — I Prepared 10/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 4 of 7 • IIII 410 111111 Southlake Parks Development Corporation D Capital Projects Budget FY97/98 - FY02/03 A I B C D E F G H t1 2 1 3 FY1997-98 14 ; Approved - 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY20 14 CITY PARKS: I i ; 135 Bob Jones Park i -- '136 Phasel _ 137 Grading/Berm($369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) $ 369,718 $ - $ - ; $ - � $ - $ - $ 138 * Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ - I $ - $ - $ -1 $ 139 Engineering Services($166,733 Cheatham-part A and B) $ 166,733 $ - $ - 1 $ - ; $ - $ - I $ 140 6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) $ 164,345 $ - $ - $ - j $ - $ - ' $ 141 Fence- 12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100;co#2-8/98 fence=$65j $ 45,437 ; $ - , $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1142 Parking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 ; $ - I $ _ - $ - $ - $ - $ i 143 *part 6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers) $ 53,762 ' $ - $ - $ - $ $ - ' $ 144 * 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ - j $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ; $ ,145 * 115 Picnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ - , $ 19,250 � $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - $ '146 • Fishing Dock$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ 147 * IPlayground$96,000 1 $ - $ 96,000 $ - $ - $ - 1 $ - $ _ 148 * Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ - $ - 1 $ - 1 $ - ; $ 149 * Pavilion$85,000 $ - 1 $ 85,000 I $ - $ - , $ - $ - $ i150 I 151 Bob Jones Park I i '152 Phasel _ 1 153 Phase II 1154 Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ - ; $ - 1 $ - $ - $ 155 * 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ 4156 * Fishing Pond$102,500 $ - $ 102,500 $ - ' $ - 1 $ - $ - $ •157 * Day Camping Facilities$64,000 _ $ - $ 64,000 $ - 1 $ - $ - $ - $ 158 * Amphitheater$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 159 * Signage$1,000 $ - - $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - I $ 160 * Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 _ $ - $ 35,000 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ j 161 Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ ,162 * Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 $ - $ 128,000 $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ 163 Planning and Construction$45,500 $ - $ 45,500 $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ 164 Restroom/storage/concession facility $ - I $ - $ - 1 $ 100,000 1 $ -_I $ - $ 1165 ( I 1166 -Bob Jones Park 7 Prepared 10/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 5 of 7 • i 111 Southlake Parks Development Corporation DI Capital Projects Budget FY97/98- FY02/03 A l B I C D 1 E I F I G I H 1 1 1 1 1 2 - _ 3 f FY1997-98 i 4 i Approved , i 5 1 Budget FY1998-99 . FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY20 167 i Phase III 168 Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - I $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 169 Bob Jones Park Development 170 Phase II-continued $ - I $ - $ - ; $ 2,210,000 $ - $ - $ ,171 Capping of Wells $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 172 Bob Jones Park Trailhead Parking $ - $ - $ 16,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 173 Bbo Jones Equestrian Facilities($3,500,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 174 _ 175 LINEAR PARKS,TRAILS,SPECIAL USE PARKS: 176 Signage for On-Road Trails 1 $ - ; $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ - I $ - $ 177 — 178 Continental-Phase 1 $ 9,000 $ - $ 100,000 , $ - $ - $ - $ 179 Continental-Phase 2 1 $ - $ - $ 220,000 ! $ - $ - $ - $ 1180 181 !Loop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - i $ - $ 230,000 , $ - $ - $ - $ 1182 1 i 183 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1184 1 ! i 185 I ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 $ - i $ - ` $ - $ - $ - $ 186 1187 City Entrance Improvements $ - $ - $ - $ 1188 189 MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: ' 190 T-Ball Field#10-SBA($6141 spent no be paid by SBA$3980=$2160.50) $ 6,141 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 191 KSB-Waterscape(added$7,000 12/97) $ 12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 192 Adventure Alley Pavilion ($25,000) $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 193 Tree Farm(approved 12/97-donations FY98=$1742) $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1194 Remaining Balance $ 65,359 $ 100,000 i $ 150,000 ! $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 195 ~ 196 SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ 55,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 ; $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 1197 - i 198 JOINT USE PROJECTS: Prepared 10/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 6 of 7 0 Southlake Parks Development Corporation DI Capital Projects Budget FY97/98- FY02/03 A B C D E F G H I 1 2 13 FY1997-98 F 4 Approved _ 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 FY201 199 CISD-Parking Lot CMS I $ 85,980 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200 Equipment , $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 201 j Signage-All Parks 1 $ 7,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 202 1 Gymnasiums ' $ - J $ -__$ - $ - $ - $ - I $ 203 !Ball field development $ 6,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ 204 1 205 I 206 1207 208 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,393,815 , $ 4,225,250 $ 1,202,000 I $ 4,470,000 $ 1,720,000 $ 5,900,000 . $ 1,2 209* TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE Prepared 10/29/99, 2:06 PM Page 7 of 7 I I II Bob Jones Park Development Construction and Engineering Costs City of Southlake Engineer's Job No. 001-603 September 21, 1999 Existing Design Items Item Description Existing Proposed TPWD Budget Budget Participation Pavilion/Fishing Dock Combined pavilion and fishing dock planned for $123,500 $123,500 Yes the west side of the existing pond. Picnic Tables and Grills TPWD item and necessary facilities. $38,500 $38,500 Yes Hike and Bike Trails Ten-Foot (10') multipurpcse concrete trails. $128,000 $128,500 Yes Capable of supporting walkers, runners, in-line skaters, and bicycles. Six (6) Additional Practice Fields Will help to address practice field deficiencies in 38,500 $65,000 Yes girls softball and boys baseball. Grading and basic backstops only. Playground TPWD item and necessary facility. Would meet $192,000 $192,000 Yes ADA and CPSC guidelines. Would provide important recreational activity for younger children in the community. Soccer Field Lighting TPWD item; lighted fields are planned for the far $35,000 $120,000 Yes south area alongside White Chapel. Fields would be used for future adult and young adult soccer programs. Subtotal: $555,500 $667,000 N:\Parks & Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\bobjonescostest.doc Bob Jones Park Development Construction and Engineering Costs Proposed Design Items Item Description Existing Proposed TPWD Budget Budget Participation Pond #2 with Well and Water Feature Pond is TPWD grant item. Necessary for any $102,500 $400,000 Yes planned irrigation of the southern portion of the park (practice ballfields, main entrance). Park Signage Provides information and aesthetic appeal for $1,000 $11,000 Yes large City investment. Day Camp Facilities TPWD item. Can be utilized in conjunction $64,000 $64,000 Yes with Nature Center programming, community groups, and general public. Would consist C primarily of small covered shelters, picnic ..� units, and a water source. Amphitheater TPWD item. Planning would center around $64,000 $64,000 Yes utilization as an outdoor classroom. Loop Road Road would allow access to planned and $500,000 $500,000 No future components of the park including practice fields, picnic areas, nature center, trail, and open space. _ Parking Parking (approximately one hundred and $0 $250,000 No eighty (180) spaces) for use by park patrons. _ Phase I Restroom/Concession Building Restroom/concession facility to be located $100,000 $300,000 No near the existing pond would service soccer patrons and general park users. Pump House #1 Building Enhancements Current structure is unfinished, does not $0 $10,000 No provide adequate protection from the elements for the electrical and irrigation equipment, and is not aesthetically pleasing. N:\Parks & Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\bobjonescostest.doc • Bob Jones Park Development Construction and Engineering Costs Proposed Design Items Item Description Existing Proposed TPWD Budget Budget Participation Storm Drain Headwalls and Enhancements Currently nonexistent. Potential issues $0 $17,000 No include on-going erosion problems and poor aesthetic appeal. Pond #1 Discharge Feature Funding to provide an aesthetically appealing $0 I $35,000 No method of distributing water in to the pond and providing for proper aeration. Continuation of Pipe Rail Fencing Twenty-two hundred linear feet (2,200) along $0 $44,000 No the western boundary of the park (North White Chapel Boulevard). Provides for continuity of the existing structure, park security, and helps to define the boundaries of Bob Jones. Phase II Restroom Building This facility would service the athletic field $0 $130,000 No areas, walking trail, and other planned/future facilities in the southern area of the park. Parking Lot and Roadway Lighting Low level lighting provides for individual and $0 $45,000 No park security at dusk and after hours. Phase II Front Entrance w/ Landscaping Identify and improve the aesthetics of one the $0 $10,000 No and Irrigation City's premier parks. Phase I Drainage and Sidewalk Improve accessibility and mitigate erosion and $0 $80,000 No Improvements maintenance issues in the northern portion of _ the park (soccer field areas). Phase I Parking Lot Surface Coat Increases the life of the parking lot , reduces $0 $84,000 No maintenance issues, and improves aesthetics. Final surface coat was never applied. N:\Parks & Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\bobjonescostest.doc S • 110 • Bob Jones Park Development Construction and Engineering Costs Proposed Design Items Item Description Existing Proposed TPWD Budget Budget Participation Utilities Necessary utilities (water, sewer, electric, $0 $400,000 No telephone) to service the Phase I Restroom and Concession Building, Nature Center, Phase II Restroom, and water fountains. Irrigation and Turf for Six (6) Practice Improves the quality and available usage of $0 $220,000 Yes/No Fields the proposed fields. Unable to establish and maintain adequate ground cover without C irrigation. Subtotal: $831,500 $2,664,000 Engineering/Surveying/Architectural (9.8%) $45,500 $261,072 Tree Mitigation $50,000 (Difference) PROJECT GRAND TOTAL: $1,432,500 $3,642,072 -$2,209,572 N:\Parks & Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\bobjonescostest.doc • • • Bob Jones Park Development Potential Cost Reductions Potential Cost Description Amount of Cost Disadvantages Reduction Reduction Soccer Field Lighting Not lighting the fields $120,000 • Limits utilization of fields. • Limits recreation future programming. • Potential conflict with Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant. Parking Reduction in spaces $125,000 • Inconsistent with need for from 180 to 90 overflow parking. • Encourages problem of parking on loop road or park land. Pond#1 Discharge Changing the pond $15,000 • Loss of aesthetic impact. Feature aeration system • Promotes use of features features inconsistent with rustic nature of Bob Jones Park. Continuation of Pipe Eliminating pipe rail $44,000 • Reduction of park security. Rail Fencing fence in this section • Loss of aesthetic impact. • Higher maintenance costs. N Phase II Restroom Not constructing a $200,000 • Replace with portable restroom facility for facilities. Phase II • Diminishes service capabilities. • Increased construction costs in the future. Phase I Parking Lot Change coat depth $84,000 • Reduction in life of parking Surface Coat from 4" or 5" to 3" lot. • Increased maintenance requirements. • Loss of aesthetic impact. Turf for Six Practice Eliminating irrigation $200,000 • Field quality reduced. Fields • Limits utilization of fields. • Unable to establish ground cover Total Cost $788,000 -project components Reductions $ 77,224 -design and engineering fees $865,224 N:IParks&RecreationtBOARDSISPDC1bob jones cost reductions.doc