1999-09-23 1 City of Southlake,Texas - 10 MEMtlitANDUM Itr. September 24, 1999 I TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services ISUBJECT: Board Meeting -- Monday, September 27, 1999 NOTE: The meetingtime has been changed to 5:30 p.m. in order to allow the joint I SPDC/Park Board meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m., and hopefully not make the evening too long for everyone. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. There is one item we need to discuss in executive I session. It is an item we have discussed before but need to take formal action on. I Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM: This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non-agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic I are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board �to discuss or consider. 1 Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the regular SPDC meeting minutes for August 23, 1999. If you have corrections to the meeting minutes, please let Secretary to the City Manager Kim I Bush know in advance or make it part of the motion for consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at kbush@acityofsouthlake.com or by calling her at 481-5581, extension 702. 1Agenda Item No. 6A. Request from Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) for matching grant funding. As you recall, you considered this request last month and approved matching grant funding with the stipulation that proposed sponsorship signage be limited to inside the pro shop Iarea only. NETT President Lynn Jumper will be at your meeting to request reconsideration of this stipulation. Staff will have some samples of signage that we plan to use for tree donation Imemorials in the parks, and other signage being used at the tennis courts now. Agenda Item No. 6B. Request from Southlake Equestrian Association (SEA) for matching_ I grant funding. As you know, SEA recently applied for a grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife for trailhead development at Bob Jones Park. They learned that they were approved for $6,317, an amount less than they had originally applied for. As noted in the agenda item cover I memo, SEA is requesting SPDC matching grant funds in the amount of $10,000 for improvements of the trails at Bob Jones Park. Part of the match is the grant funding from TPW, the remainder they expect to raise through donations. \ I (.._, • Parks and Recreation Board I Board Meeting - Monday, September 13, 1999 Page 2 of 3 I Li, The projects they propose to fund are shown in their letter. As you recall, staff had also proposed $16,000 for trailhead parking lot development in the general fund new requests, but this item was ultimately cut from the final department budget. It is being proposed to SPDC for funding in the FY 1999-00 capital projects budget, and will be discussed during your joint meeting. IAgenda Item No. 6C.Award of contract to Sprinkle and Sprout for irrigation at Bicentennial Park, Phase II. The cover memo describes this item and the responsive bids. Since the budget Iis limited to $70,000, staff had not advertised for landscaping until we saw how the bids for ' irrigation came in. Award of this contract, and pending City Council approval, will allow irrigation work to begin in early October. Agenda Item No. 7A. Financial/Budget Report. The financial report in your packet is still the same format you have been receiving, but staff is working to revise it to an easier to I understand format. Finance Director Sharen Elam has reviewed it with Community Services staff input, and is looking at possible format changes. In addition, staff is working on a tabular project cost accounting matrix that will easily identify budgeted amount, contract amount awarded, and any subsequent change orders. This should I assist SPDC as you consider future contract awards and change orders by project. Agenda Item No. 7B. Status Report of SPDC Projects. The monthly status report is included A your packet. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST ITree Farm Grant. We are pleased to report that the Texas Forest Service awarded the City a grant for $4,300 for Senior Citizens Tree Farm #3. On a related note, we had nominated Mr. I I Dick Johnston for the Outstanding Citizen category in the 1999 Community Forestry Awards program. We were notified two weeks ago that he won a third place "Award of Honor." II 1 We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me. Directors' meeting begins on Monday mornings at 10:15 a.m., so I am available before that time, or in the afternoon. You may also i I feel free to page me at any time at 407-4342. b. KH 0 1 STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 IKevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 I Parks and Recreation Board Board Meeting - Monday, September 13, 1999 • Page 3 of 3 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 • Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 Steve Moore, Recreation Supervisor, ext. 809 John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant, ext. 821 • • IIlit • • I C L 1 1 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 23, 1999 II TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Request from Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) for matching grant funds . 1 Action Requested: SPDC consideration of the request from Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) for matching grant funds in the amount of$15,000. Background I Information: SPDC considered this request at the August 23, 1999 meeting and approved matching grant funding with the stipulation that donor signage be limited to a plaque inside the tennis pro shop. NETT has requested that this item be I I again considered by SPDC and will be prepared to discuss the particulars of their sponsorship proposal. The specifics again of their proposal are as follows: I On August 4, 1999, City Staff received a proposal from NETT regarding a g g donation and fundraising campaign for the Southlake Tennis Center. The calls for the solicitation proposal o of funds from the NETT general I membership base and Southlake merchants. NETT projects a revenue yield of $25,000 through their efforts. NETT requested matching funds for an initial donation of $2,500, which was approved by the Parks and Recreation Board on regular agenda at their August 9, 1999 meeting (7-1). NETT also I II expects to raise another $12,500 in the near future for a total requested match of$15,000. The Management Agreement for the tennis center operations requires the contractor to furnish all "operational" equipment, which would be such I I ,. things as consumables, racquet stringing equipment, ball machines, office furniture, etc. Staff has proposed a list of items that can be purchased with SPDC funds through this proposal (included with the NETT proposal). All I of the items being considered constitute facility improvements and therefore are not the responsibility of the tennis center manager. All of the court equipment/accessories would be the property of the City of Southlake, and Iare necessary in order to create an enjoyable experience for all patrons. Without the SPDC matching funds and donations by NETT, many of these I items would be unfunded for the forseeable future. 1 1 to -1 I Billy Campbell, City Manager September 27, 1999 Page 2 Financial Considerations: SPDC has budgeted $100,000 in FY 1998-99 for matching funds. Funding ' has been allocated to the following projects (Community Groups who applied are in parentheses): • $30,000 to the Adventure Alley pavilions (Southlake Community Playgrounds, Inc.). ■ $30,000 for various improvements to the Bicentennial Park baseball facilities (Southlake Baseball Association). • $5,000 for the construction of softball batting cages at Bicentennial Park (Southlake Girls Softball Association). an An unencumbered fund balance of $35,000 is available for consideration of Iother projects in FY 1998-99. This request is for $15,000 and another item on the current SPDC agenda from the Southlake Equestrian Association (SEA) is requesting $10,000. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board awarded matching grant funds in the amount of $2,500 and recommended approval of additional matching grant funds in the amount of $12,500 to SPDC at their August 9, 1999 meeting (7-1). I tlas." Parks and Recreation Board member Ms. Lisa Stokdyk dissented, citing concerns that NETT does not have the total required match at this time. The Board recommended that the matching grant funds be allocated from the remaining balance in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget. SPDC considered the proposal at their August 23, 1999 meeting. The Board approved the request for matching funds in the amount of $12,500, but stipulated in the motion that donor recognition signage was to remain inside the tennis pro shop facility (4-0). .. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Approval of NETT's request for matching grant funds at varying levels. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Project Matching Funds Request Form. I • Copy of NETT donation and fundraising proposal for the Southlake Tennis Center. ' • Staff will have examples of proposed signage at the meeting for SPDC review. 1,4-2 Billy Campbell, City Manager September 27, 1999 p Page 3 Staff Recommendation: Place consideration of the request by Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) for r,. matching grant funding in the amount of$15,000 on the September 27, 1999 SPDC agenda. 1 xx 1 1 1 1 IC 0 1 1 1 i (� 3 City of Southlake, Texas ' PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM Project Name: Improvements and amenities for the Southlake Tennis Center Contact Person: Lynn Jumper,President of Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) ' Mailing Address: City: Southlake State: Texas ZIP: 76092 Day Phone: (817)421-3993 Night Phone: Fax Number: Additional Contact Person: Day Phone: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: See Staff Report and NETT Matching Grant Proposal. 1 t II I I : C 1 Proposed Start Date: 10/1/99 Projected Completion Date: 3/1/99 ' Projected Cost: $30,000.00 Amount of Funds Requested: $15,000.00 I 4 I I 1 I I I I I U - - MI N - - M Southiake Tennis Center Donations & Fundraising Proposal Presented by: I IETT' • July 1999 1 a■ �■ r ' a r r i I w^ rim �r — NE am um • roll Southlake Tennis Center iPhe-r-rIntroduction North East Tarrant Tennis'would like to help the City of Southlake purchase items for the Southlake Tennis Center to help make it the premier facility we all expect it will be. We understand that the facility could use some additional landscaping, spectator seating, trash receptacles, patio furniture, and court items such as water coolers and court caddies. It is our hope that NETT can be instrumental in soliciting funds to benefit the cen- ter and make a significant contribution to help beautify the facility and equip it with the amenities needed to ensure it is received in the best light by all those that visit the center. 4 Page 2 Southlake Tennis Center 3_e ; Y a Fundraising Proposal t�!1ETT In an attempt to raise funds for the benefit of the tennis center, NETT hopes to implement a fundraising initiative. The solicitation of funds would be extended to our membership base as well as the merchants and businesses of Southlake. We expect to set donation levels at $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $750 and $1,000. The campaign would resemble a public radio campaign, where, in exchange for their donation the contributor will receive something of value. NETT plans to ask SPDC for matching funds to supplement funds raised through this initiative. We would hope the Park Board would not only support this fundraising initiative but also provide SPDC with a recommendation to grant NETT matching funds for this effort. • Page 3 IMO r i M■ M■ -. IMO MINI MINM r _- r� r __ or . Southlake Tennis Center kle-rFundraising Proposal T For the contribution levels' below $250, NETT would establish an appropriate gift (i.e., a t-shirt for a donation of $25 and a tennis tote bag for a $100 donation). For donations over $250, we feel it would-be appropriate to identify those con- tributors as a sponsor of something at the center. We feel strongly that the form of displaying the sponsorship must be very taste- fully done and in a minimalist fashion. It would be our recommendation the fol- lowing method of recognizing our significant contributors would be appropriate: $250 Level An engraved brass plaque on a bench "Sponsored by John & Jane Doe" $500 Level An engraved brass plaque on the shade cover "Sponsored by John & Jane Doe" $750 Level A marble and brass plaque on a tree "Sponsored by John & Jane Doe" $1,000 Level An engraved sign displayed on court entrance gate "Court 1 Sponsored by John & Jane Doe" Page 4 Southlake Tennis Center -..::.... , Sample Budget l�ETT a With a successful fundraising effort, it might be possible for NETT to raise an es- timated $25,000. If successful obtaining matching funds from SPDC, NETT's do- nation would be $50,000. Below, I have provided a sample of possible funds to be raised and the corresponding purchases for the tennis center. Estimated Funds Raised Sample of Expenditures Court Sponsors $12,000 Landscaping/Trees $20,000 Tree Sponsors 3,750 Spectator Seating 12,000 Shade Sponsors 2,500 Patio Furniture 3,000 Bench Sponsor 3,750 Ball Machines 4,000 $25-$100 Donations 3,000 Court Accessories 4,000 Matching Funds $25,000 Plaques 2,000 Other 5,000 Total Funds Raised $50,000 Total $50,000 Page 5 i 1 Southlake Tennis Center 11:411E-r-wrInitial DonationI ti To start the donations off, our board of directors have discussed it at length and feet NETT alone can afford to make a contribution of $2,500 without additional fundraising efforts. For this donation, we would hope the City would allow us the opportunity to sponsor the Stadium Court and place caste stone placard, or something similar, displaying the NETT logo in the stadium court area. As we understand it, the Park Board has a program to match funds for charitable e contributions. It is our hope that the Park Board will consider matching our ini- tial contribution of$2,500 to afford $5,000 worth of additional items to benefit the Southlake Tennis Center. As NETT is able to make further contributions. We would hope the Park Board would continue to match our donations up to the allowable limit of $5,000. • Page 6 1 f 1 f 1 1 I t 1 t 1 1 I I I I / ( I Southlake Tennis Center Administrative Issues h NETT Segregation of Funds: We would recommend that a separate account be established to ensure that all funds donated and raised by NETT are properly spent for items needed by the tennis center. Tracking of Sponsors: NETT will maintain a database of all contributors, amount contributed and item sponsored to ensure contributors are properly recognized. Plaques for Sponsor Identification: NETT will work with identitec, supplier of other plaques used by the City, and other vendors as needed to select some recommended plaques to identify the spon- sors in a tasteful manner. NETT will provide the City with selections for their ap- proval. • Page 7 t 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Southlake Tennis CenterMill.We MI" al Summary1�IETT f In summary, NETT would 'like the Southlake Park Board to: * Approve the Fundraising and Sponsorship proposal to allow major contribu- tors to be recognized in a tasteful manner on limited items such as tennis court gates, trees, shade structures and benches to help beautify and equip the Southlake Tennis Center with needed items such as landscaping, spectator seating and court accessories. aw * Provide a recommendation to SPDC to support NETT's anticipated request for matching funds. * Consider matching funds to supplement NETT's initial donation and future donations up to the $5,000 limit of the Park Board. * For the contribution, allow NETT to be recognized as a sponsor of the South- lake Tennis Center by displaying a caste stone plaque, or something similar, in the Stadium Court area. • Page 8 • I Southlake Tennis Center Matching Funds Program ' • $499 and Below - Water coolers and holders (5) - Center Court water cooler and stand (1) ' - Center Court player benches (2) - Facility trash receptacles (6) -Patio furniture (4 tables with chairs) ' -Umpire chairs (1) -Ball caddies (13) ' • $500 - $749 (visual recognition) -Facility Benches (4) - Spectator Benches (4) ' - Interior Trees (8) -Exterior Trees (4) ' • $750 - $999** (visual recognition) - Shade Structures (5) I ( • $1,000** (visual recognition) - Court sponsorship (12) ' • $2,500** (visual recognition) - Center Court sponsorship (1) ** Fundingused to supplement thepurchase of Tennis Center pp e components, facility improvements, and landscaping. TERM OF DONATION RECOGNITION—Three )(3 years I I ii M:\REPO RTS\STCDONATION IL bA-13 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM I C. September 27, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Request from Southlake Equestrian Association (SEA) for matching grant funding Action Requested: SPDC consideration of request from the Southlake Equestrian Association (SEA) for $10,000 in matching grant funding. Background Information: On September 9, 1999, City staff received a written request from SEA President Julie Landesberg for matching grant funding in the amount of $10,000 for proposed equestrian facility improvements at Bob Jones Park. SEA was recently awarded a grant for $6,317.00 through the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) National Recreational Trails Fund Program. SEA intends to raise the remaining $3,683.00 through individual donations and (6.- fund-raising events. The following projects are included in the proposed equestrian facility improvements at Bob Jones Park: • General trail repair • Benches • Hitching posts and corrals I . Horse watering facilities • Trail signage During the budget review process the Parks and Recreation Board j recommended funding of$16,000 for development of a trailhead parking area at the northern end of Bob Jones Park. This item will be requested in the FY 1999-2000 Parks Capital Projects Budget. Financial Considerations: SPDC budgeted $100,000 in FY 1999-2000 for matching funds. Funding has been allocated to the following projects (Community Groups who applied are in parentheses): L • $30,000 to the Adventure Alley Pavilions (Southlake Community Playgrounds, Inc.). ■ $30,000 for various improvements to the Bicentennial Park baseball facilities (Southlake Baseball Association). P Billy Campbell, City Manager ISeptember 27, 1999 L2 t I . $5,000 for the construction softball batting cages at Bicentennial Park (Southlake Girls Softball Association). ■ $15,000 for various improvements at the Southlake Tennis Center I (Northeast Tarrant Tennis). the unencumbered balance for Fiscal Year 1998-99 is $20,000. I ICurrently, Citizen Input/ Board Review: Resolution No. 99-32, supporting the SEA grant application and the I I establishment of equestrian trails at Lake Grapevine, was approved by the City Council at their May 18, 1999 meeting (7-0). 4 I On June 7, 1999, SEA presented their project proposals to the Parks and Recreation Board. There was no Board opposition to the proposal during the II discussion. The Parks and Recreation Board recommended to SPDC the approval of 4 matching grant funding in the amount of $6,317, and approval of additional matching grant funding in the amount of$3,683 once SEA raises this amount, at their September 13, 1999 (8-0). Legal Review: Not Applicable. II Alternatives: Approval of the request for matching grant funding at varying levels. Supporting IDocuments: Supporting documents include the following items: ■ Project Matching Funds Request Form. Ii ■ Letter from SEA President Julie Landesberg, received September 9, I I1999, requesting $10,000 in matching grant funds for equestrian improvements at Bob Jones Park. I I ■ Letter of Notification of Award for $6,317.00 in grant funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) through the National Recreational Trails Fund Program, dated August 26, 1999. ■ Budget for proposed equestrian projects at Bob Jones Park submitted to Texas Parks and Wildlife on June 1, 1999. 4 Billy Campbell, City Manager September 27, 1999 3 Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the September 27, 1999 SPDC agenda, the request for $10,000 in matching grant funding from the Southlake Equestrian Association •� (SEA). KH tio • it �rr rr Cog �3 City of Southlake, Texas PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM ' Project Name: Equestrian Facility Improvements at Bob Jones Park Contact Person: Julie Landesberg, President of the Southlake Equestrian Association Mailing Address: 305 E. Bob Jones Road ' City: Southlake State: Texas ZIP: 76092 Day Phone: (817)430-4077 Night Phone: Fax Number: I Additional Contact Person: Cara White Day Phone: (972)255-0551 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: See StaffReport for project description.kon. I II Ii I I r Proposed Start Date: 10/1/99 Projected Completion Date: 10/1/00 Projected Cost: S20,000.00 Amount of Funds Requested: $10,000.00 I I iFL No . 972 255 8803 Sep 06 ,99 15 : 12 P .02 Southlake Equestrian Association September 9, 1999 City of Southlake Kevin Hugman—Director of Community Services Parks and Recreation Board Members and Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board Members The Southlake Equestrian Association(S.E.A.)would like to request consideration for Matching Grant Funds in the.amount of: $10,000.00 Of the above$10,000.00, the Association has $6,317.00 of National Recreational Trail Funds money, which was awarded to our group this week by the Texas Parks and Wildlife kCommission. Our objective was to aid the Parks Department in obtaining money necessary to move Illie: forward on projects which had not been funded as part of current budgets or grants. The money was applied for individually by the Association and we will be responsible for making the improvements(along with the Parks Staff). We would like to request that you flag the remaining$3,683.00 for our group in the same manner that you considered the matching grant request by the Tennis Association. It is our intention to acquire the remaining $3,683.00 of the funds as soon as possible, with donations and fund raising events. We have included a copy of the proposal submitted to the Parks Board in May 1999 and a hi layout of what we propose to use the matching grant funds for. I I As President of S.E.A., I would formally like to thank the Parks Board and the City Council for their support of the grant application and our equestrian trailhead improvements. I appreciate your consideration of this request. if you have any questions, you may reach me .r today at my work phone number: 214-648-2024. i , Si •erely, .` ' .T e s cr csi President Southlake Equestrian Asn ai' n (S.E.A.) ILL NO . y(2 255 8803 Sep 06 ,99 15 : 13 P .04 1 - _ .._....._. __ -. I _... ITEXAS - PARKS & August 26, 1999 WILDLIFE IMs.Cara White Southiake Equestrian Association I t,,,,,,,,,,,�„ 4475 Homestead Dr. iii.g/fr." ,.�. Southlake,TX 76262 C�•.r....N.FT.Np"Tll O,C4.010,o.c,u MEAT. Yrcg.0 Wald.OWM.0.1.1..As I VIN[.T.NG11.0.JI1. DearMs.White: wol,wo JO••N♦wka.J", 'T."'O'1T} I am pleased to inform you that today the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission co a.0....Ns „..,.... awarded ationa Recreational Trail funds and your Bob Jones Park Trailhead project ,KYrN♦..TUMMY was selected to receive partial grant funding of 86,317. Our advisory board """"°" recommended that the round pens should not be funded with trail funds and were ".&, """ ""'TN°"°`aID"D.u.s deleted form the project. NVN...MAN .4VIN ,,,R= NA,ION We have begun environmental and historical resource reviews of the awarded projects. 'wN`~ro.c, The Historical Commission reviews the project for potential impacts to known 4 ' C,., �," �;°; archeology sites and our Resource Protection staff looks for potential natural resource FT.""°"T" impacts. These reviews should be completed within two months. After these reviews are completed and assuming there are no resource issues to be resolved, I will make 0r w. arrangements to meet with you and view the trail site and proposed work to be ' accomplished with the grant funds. At this time, you will receive copies of our billing procedures and a project agreement to execute. I Because your project is located on federal property I stilt need a letter from the Corps of Engineers that approves you putting this project on their property. Please furnish n rrinuq;r andthis as soon as possible. Ic,'s.sru the nulls/ mid crdlurol re,ccif T rt No construction may begin before these clearances are completed. However, if you of Tc.Ta$fir.a,e roe mud are building a new trail segment and need to flag the route and/or have anything more ,„ vmeni of pneseul than a quick resource assessment(archeological testing,plant survey etc.), we can sign r and future 0,ieralu„u a project agreement that will allow costs incurred for this work to count toward the grant project. L Please feel free to contact me at (512) 389-4737 if you have any questions. ` Congratulations for submitting such a worthy proposal. I ` Sincerely, I Cty ,d4) ,—.----,__ Andrew Goldbloom __ Program Manager I ,ay..00 www.eo+a.uu r.,.. I - g... 6 IEL No . 972 255 8803 Sep 06 ,99 15 : 14 P .06 1 Labor(Material Acquisition—Assembly & Installation1 'AloeHitching Posts(15) ' 6 hours X 2 people X 15 posts® $6.20/hour . S 1,116.00 Round Pens(3) 1 c@ 30' X 7 hours X 3 people( 56.20/hour $ 137.20 1 I@ 50' X 8 hours X 3 people® $6.20/hour $ 148.80 1 a(30' X 7 hours X 3 people® $6.20/hour $ 137.20 ' Water Spigots/Ranch Faucets(2) 4 hours X 2 people a®$6.20/hour S 49.60 ' 4 hours X 2 people a(56.20/hour S 49.60 Trail Sign Board (1) 2 hours X 2 people ® $6.20/hour S 24.80 tSignage 30 bollards X 1 hour X 2 people© $6.20/hour S 372.00 • In-Kind Labor Sub-Total $2,058.40 I Fauinment Rental/Usage Auger Rental $40.00/day X 2 days 3 8Q.00 ' Tractor Rental $125.00/day X 2 days $ 250.00 Equipment Sub-Total $ 330.00 • PROJECT TOTAL $15,269.90 1 1 1 TEL No 972 255 8803 Sep 06 ,99 15 : 14 P .05 I 8. ITEMIZED BUDGET. Provided in the space below an itemized list of all activities to . Ibe undertaken and the cost of each activity. Provide as much detail as possible(consider 11410, materials—surfacing,lumber,stones,etc.;labor—volunteer or paid;service contracts; equipment/tool rental and or value of in-house;land acquisition. Design,engineering.or architectural services may not exceed 10%of the total project costs; resource survey/site I assessments many not exceed 15'/.. Sponsor's administrative costs cannot be included. Please call with questions or clarification U Materials TOTAL I Hitching Posts with dig rings 15 $165.00 S 2,475.00 10' with dig rings-"Western Saloon Type" Quick-Crete Concrete 30 bags 52.35 S 70.50 I I J and Pens 2 - 30' Circle @ $2150.00 S 4,300.00 1 - 50' Circle Q $2650.00 S 2,650.00 5' tall with 2 bars, gates (8' sections) I I Quick-Crete Concrete 60 bags ® 52.35 S 141.00 Welding S 200.00 IRanch Faucet Water Spigots 2 @ $85.00 $ 170.00 (Including installation) '. ( Faucet Apron(Pavers) 50 square feet @)51.50/foot S 75.00 Trail Sign 3oarci 1 @ $150.00 S 150.00 (Wooden framed with cover) IPicnic Tab jg.s 4 ® $625.00 $ 2,500.04) PVC Coated Expanded Metal Heavy Duty • I . Signage 30 (cry 55.00 S 150.00 II 6' Icing bollard with painted horseshoe—4' above ground level (includes bollards, paint& horseshoes) I I Materials Sub-Total S12,881.00 i 0 i I 66- 8 . I cL- riu . 7 r L LJ UJ ep Uto , 17 : 1 L e .UJ I _ ! . L . .Plee refer to the Itemized BudgetsheetofRecreational the Trail Fund Request: 1 Total required to complete the project as described: $15,269.90 I Texas Parks and Wildlife Funds Awarded: $ 6,317.00 IRemaining Balance to be Funded $3,952.90 I Funding cannot be allocated for the Labor - 2,058.40 ITotal Remaining - Not Funded $ 6,894.50 I Our request would be taking into account the following items that were not included in the Ie National Recreation Trail Funds. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission's Advisory Boards recommended that the Round I Pens (which were included in the original request) should not be funded with Trail Funds, and they were deleted from the project award. The cost of the Round Pens totals: $7,291.00 I2 —30' Circle (P $2 150.00 V 1 —50' Circle @ $2,650.00 Quick-Crete Concrete Welding Additional funds of$2,709.00, would provide landscaping (refer to buffer area between Soccer Fields on Original Plans) and possibly Trash Receptacles. We would also like to bring to your attention the need for surfacing materials in both the o' North and South Trailhead Parking Lots. The parking lots arc an integral part of this whole plan. We did not include the expenses for these parking lots in our proposal, as we were told that these items fall under a SPDC funding item. We would like to request that SPDC iallocate funding in their budget for this year, so we can move forward on this project. 4L, it • • . C 6,,g.. . City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM Ite, September 27, 1999 ITO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services ISUBJECT: Award of contract to Sprinkle and Sprout for irrigation at Bicentennial Park Phase II I Action Requested: SPDC recommendation to City Council to authorize the Mayor to enter into a q 1 contract with Sprinkle and Sprout for irrigation improvements at Bicentennial Park Phase II, in the amount of$44,376.00. IBackground IInformation: The followingprojects related to Bicentennial Park Phase II are completed or I p Iare progressing towards completion: • Bid Package #1 - Earthwork, Utilities, Vehicular paving 4 I • Bid Package #2 - Court Construction • Bid Package #2a - Court Lighting • Bid Package #3 - Tennis Facility, Restroom and Storage Building I (progressing towards completion in Fall of 1999). I (1„, Landscaping and irrigation are the final construction components for I I Bicentennial Park Phase II. With the conceptual design for landscaping and irrigation completed, and the progress on Bid Package #3 nearing completion, staff sought authorization to bid this project from SPDC at the 4 I August 23, 1999 meeting. I conducted the bid process in compliance with applicable laws and IStaff procedures. Four (4) vendors submitted bids on irrigation work at the bid opening on September 15, 1999. The low bid was provided by Sprinkle and I in the amount of$44,376. Reference checks by staff with the cities of ISprout Plano, Arlington, and Colleyville indicated that they were all very satisfied with the work performed by Sprinkle and Sprout. Financial Considerations: The SPDC FY 1998-99 Capital Projects Budget allocates $70,000 for landscaping and irrigation for Bicentennial Park, Phase II in FY 1998-1999. Minor expenditures of erosion control blankets, irrigation conduit, and irrigation equipment rental total $799.60. Authorization to enter into a I contract with Sprinkle and Sprout for the irrigation improvements will leave a I LI balance of$24,824.40 for landscaping improvements. I (0C7 tBilly Campbell, City Manager September 27, 1999 Page 2 ' Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC reviewed the irrigation and landscaping plans for the project and 1 authorized staff to bid the irrigation improvements at their August 23, 1999 meeting on Regular agenda (4-0). Legal Review: The City Attorneys are reviewing the contract for compliance with applicable laws and procedures. ' Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: • Reject the irrigation bid and proceed to reopen the bidding process. Supporting 1 Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Bid tabulation for irrigation improvements at Bicentennial Park Phase II. IStaff Recommendation: Place as an item for consideration on the September 27, 1999 SPDC agenda 1 the recommendation to City Council authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Sprinkle and Sprout for irrigation improvements at Bicentennial Park, Phase II in the amount of$44,376. k KID Approved for Submittal to City Council: I I City Manager's Office 41 4610° I p 1 , City of Southlake QCOMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT I BID TABULATIONS I PROJECT NAME: Bicentennial Park Phase II Irrigation 1 PROJECT NO: N/A DATE: September 15, 1999 WORKING DAYS: ENGR. EST.: S N/A I BIDDER �, `: re':'IBID - Acknowledge. ° •-.{ , BASE BID, ° I BOND Addendum SPRINKLE AND SPROUT $44,376.00 1 ROANOKE, TEXAS YES YES A NEW DEAL IRRIGATION CASHIERS YES $52,483.00 1 WYLIE, TEXAS CHECK I •''HWEST IRRIGATION YES YES $65,000.00 3, TEXAS C SLATER CONSTRUCTION, LLC NO YES $58,670.00 111 ROWLETT, TEXAS I I II 06-63-0003 1 (OC---S Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented September 27,1999 I C B — I D I E 1 F I G I H Total Actual Actual 3 FY1997-98_1 FY1998-99' FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget i Budget Budget Aug-99 as of 8-99 6 I 7 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES • 8 Fund Balance , $ - $ (447,000), $ 5,405,038 S S 5,405,038 9 (unaudited) (unaudited) 10 Interest Earnings $ -I$ 175,000 ; $ 175,000 $ 119,247 $ 119,247 11 Donations-Matching Funds $ $ $ $ 12,463 $ - 12 TPW Grant Proceeds $ -;$ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $ - 13 Texas Forest Service Grant-Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks) ' $ - $ $ 8,400 : $ $ - 14 Operating Fund Transfer !$ - $ 500,000 ' $ 500,000 $ 458,333 S - 15 Bond Proceeds $ - •$ 4,500,000 ' $ 4,500,000 :$ 4,388,860 $ - U 16 Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forward) $ S 5,425,000 $ 5,433,400 $ 4,978,904 $ _119,247 17 18 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ -.$ 565,241 $ 722,899 • $ 981,680 S (828,837) 19 (Less than)EXPENDITURES 20 21 EXPENDITURES 22 RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 23 i 24 LAND ACQUISITION: ; $ $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 i$ s - 25 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES I $ $ 450,000' $ 450,000 .$ $ 26 -- - 27 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: ! $ -. $ -: $ - $ - $ - II ' 28 - 29 COMMUNITY PARKS: • 30 Southwest $ -•$ - $ - $ - $ '1 Southeast $ -'$ - • $ - $ - $ - t totITY PARKS: -- icentennial Park-adjacent tracts S 300,000 ' $ - $ 300,000 • $ 389,852 S 389,852 35 Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) $ 1,621,600 $ - $ 1,621,600 : $ 1,054,874 $ 2,286,875 36 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - S - $ - s - 37 —— 38 SPECIAL PARKS: 39 Teen Center site $ - $ _- $ - $ - $ - 40 -- -- - - 41 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ $ $ $ s — _ - I 42 Park land acquisition 43 Trail system development(additional ROW) 44 45 OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION $ 470,000 $ - $ 470,000 $ 472,753 S 472,753 I 46 47 PARK DEVELOPMENT: 48 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: 49 Koalaty Park I 50 Planning $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ $ 5,095 51 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - S 52 Phase II • $ $ $ $ S - — 53 54 Noble Oaks Park — - 55 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 56 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 57 Phase II $ - S - $ - $ - $ - 58 I 59 Lonesome Dove Park 60 Planning $ $ - $ $ $ - 61 Phase I • $ - $ 80,000 $ 60,000 ' $ - $ - 62 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ' 63 — i ^OMMUNITY PARKS: yal and Annie Smith Park lannin $ - S - $ - S - $ - Prepared 9/23/99,1:24 PM Page 1 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\SpdC899.xIs ----711_ 1 Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented September 27,1999 I 0:4. B I D__ I E I F I G I H ' Total Actual Actual I 3 • FY1997-98 • FY1998-99' FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget Budget Budget Aug-99 • as of 8-99 67 _Phase I $ - $ - $ -. $ - $C 68 Phase II $ - $ - $ - •$ - • $ - 69 70 Southeast Park 71 Planning . $ - $ - ' $ - $ - $ - 72 Phase I _ ' $ - $ - $ _ $ - $ - 73 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ -. S - 74 75 Southwest Park , 76 Planning $ -: $ -. $ - $ -. $ 1 I 77 Phasel . $ - $ -; $ -, $ -, $ 78 Phase II $ - $ -; $ - $ -' $ 79 80 Teen Center 1 81 Planning $ - $ 150,000!$ 150,000 $ - $ 1 82 Phase I - - $ $ $ $ - $ 83 Phase II $ _ $ -i $ -! $ - $ _ 84 85 Community Center/Recreation Center I86 Planning $ $ -!$ - $ - $ 87 Phase l $ $ $ _ $ - ,$ 88 Phase II $ ___ $ - ' $ -' S." 89 90 CITY PARKS: i 91 Bicentennial Park 92 Phase II -' Bid Package#1,Earthwork,Utilities,Vehicular paving , $ 597,263 . $ - $ 597,263•$ 602,025 $ 802,281 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - $ - $ -, $ - ; $ =($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 I $ - $ • - $ -_ _ id Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 $ -!$ 851,019 '$ 653 •,271 ;$ 653,271 _ 97 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors ' $ - • $ -' $ -: $ - $ - 98 Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 $ - $ 377,281 , $ 294,127 $ 300,125 I 99 _ 8/96 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 100 Bid Package#3,Structures,McWilliams Enterprises $ - $ 443,259 $ 443,259 $ 144,221 $ 144,221 101 Tennis Facility 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ . 102 Restroom/Storage -^ $ - 5 - $ - $ -$ 103 Design Contract(Mesa) $ 161,910 $ $ 161,910 $ 9,882 $ 158,012 104 Lantlscape/frigation $ $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 763 $ 763 105 Fence Extension-Adventure Alley _ $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ - 106 Entry Road Patching $ - $ 5,000, $ 5,000 $ - $ - 107 Fences-Fields#4&#5 $ 16,805 $ - , $ 16,805 : $ - $ 15,482 I 108 109 Phase Ill 110 Loop trail within park '$ - $ 100,000 . $ 100,000 $ -- $ - 111 roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000, $ -' $ - I 112 Aquatics facility $ $ - $ -•$ - $ 113 North Berm construction $ $ $ $ - $ 114 Additional ballfield construction $ - $ - $ - S - $ - 115 - 116 CITY PARKS: I 117 Bob Jones Park 118 Phasel 119 Grading/Berm(S369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) ' $ 369,718 $ - ' $ 369,718 $ 56,593 $ 371,519 120 • Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,753 121 Engineering Services($168,733 Cheatham-part A and B) $ 166,733 $ -! $ 166,733 $ 27,155 '$ 182,286 122 6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) $ 164,345 $ - $ 164,345 $ 18,578 $ 162,771 123 Water well(JJ Biffle-$89433 10/98) $ - $ - $ 89,433 : $ 62,056 $ 62,056 124 Fence-12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100;co#2-8/98 fence=56512) r$ 45,437 $ - $ 45,437:$ 12,042 $ 45,237 1251 Parking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 $ $ 248,970 $ 18,374 $ 272,359 "Q par6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers)co#1-10/98$5604 $ 53,762 $ -' $ 59,366 . $ 59,919 $ 59,919 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ -$ - $ - $ - $ - 'icnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ 19,250 ' $ - $ _ I l129 • .shing Dock S38,500 $ - ' $ 38,500 ! $ 38,500 ; $ - $ - Prepared 9/23/99,1:24 PM Page 2 of 3 L:tfinancetspdc\Spdc899.xfs ISouthiake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented September 27,1999 I 0 B I D I E I F I G I H _ Total Actual • Actual _ I 3 _ FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions • Transactions 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget Budget _ Budget Aug-99 as of 8-99 130 ' Playground$96,000 _ _ $ - $ 96,000 $ 96,000 $ - $ 131 ' Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ - $ 132 ` Pavilion 585,000 $ $ 85,000 $ 85,000 $ - $ 133 134 Phase II I 135 ' Playground$96,000 $ - S 96,000 $ 96,000: $ - $ -� 136 ' 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ $ 19,250 $ 19,250• $ - • S 137 • Fishing Pond$102,500 $ $ 102,500 $ 102,500 $ -; $ - 138 • Day Camping Facilities$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 : $ 64,000' $ -,$ - 139 ' Amphitheater$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 . $ 64,000• $ -; $ _ I 140 • Signage$1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ _ $ 141 ` Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 $ $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 7,500 : $ 7,500 142 Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ $ $ - $ $ 143 * Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 $ - S 128,000 $ 128,000: $ - $ ' 144 Planning and Construction$45,500 $ $ 45,500 $ 45,500• •$ 145 146 CITY PARKS: 147 Bob Jones Park 148 Phase III I 149 Nature Center • 150 • $ 20,000 S -• $ 20,000 $ 16,879 $ 16,879 - 151 Phase IV $ - $ $ $ - $ _ 152 I 153 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: 154 Signage for On-Road Trails • $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ 15$ ' - Continental-Phase 1 $ 9,000 S 150,000• $ 159,000 $ -: $ 3,568 `continental-Phase 2 $ - S $ _ $ - $ 1 oop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - S $ $ $ 160 161 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ - $ I 162 163 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 S - $ 48,000 $ 16,315 5 18,715 164 165 MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: - - - t 166 Adventure Alley Pavilion addl$10,000 10/98 $ 15,000 $ $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 167 Tree Farm(app.12/97-donations FY98=$2,069+$1,500=$3,569) $ 1,500 S $ 1,500 $ 24 S 3,288 168 Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks-Grant) b - S $ 4,200 $ 3,091 $ 3,091 169 Southiake Baseball Association(app.1/99) $ - $ $ 30,000 $ 22,229 $ $ 22,229 170 Remaining Balance b - S 100,000 $ 39,300 171 - 172 SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ S 50,000 $ 50,000 $ $ 173 Senior Activity Center $ 55,000 S $ 55,000 $ 25,916 $ - 75,617 p 174 175 JOINT USE PROJECTS: 176 Equipment $ 5,000 S - $ 5,000 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 177_Signage-All Parks $ 7,000 5 - $ 7,000 $ -:$ - 178 Gymnasiums $ - S _ $ _ $ - $ - 179 Ball field development $ - S 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,106 180 181 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,624,243 S 4,412,759 $ 10,115,539 $ 3,997,244 $ 6,353,122 182• TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE 1 1 1 . , c:iii Prepared 9/23/99,1:24 PM Page 3 of 3 L:trinance\spdc\Spdc899.xls 1 ISOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT 1998-99 collected budget balance �, budget to date balance percent I51,510,525 $1,412,768 $97,757 6.47% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH 96 97 Dec 97-98 Dec 98-99 -Dec hi October $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% $155,384 31.0% November 67,684 21.0% 96,832 43.1% 103,444 6.8% IDecember 57,542 10.7% 81,935 42.4% 94,247 15.0% January 99,437 41.7% 133,219 34.0% 156,915 17.8% I February 62,836 31.9% 84,457 34.4% 99,787 18.2% I March 52,366 1.5% 80,074 52.9% 97,318 21.5% April 91,192 33.1% 107,650 18.0% 155,959 44.9% I May 76,289 39.5% 108,880 42.7% 128,839 18.3% 85,906 53.0% 100,117 16.5% 124,662 24.5% I ,,,,y 111,927 24.5% 137,036 22.4% 173,349 26.5% IAugust 92,426 39.7% 112,063 21.2% 122,865 9.6% September 86 958 42.0% 100,085 15.1% - n/a ITOTAL $965,508 _ 30.8% $1,260,929 30.6% $1,412,768 21.7% IIActual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) oh 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 Difference Change I October $ 118,582 $ 142,061 $ 155,384 $ 155,384 $ 13,322 9.38% November 96,832 116,005 103,444 103,444 (12,561) -10.83% December 81,936 98,159 94,247 94,247 (3,912) -3.99% I January February 133,219 159,596 156,915 156,915 (2,680) -1.68% 84,457 101,179 99,787 99,787 (1,393) -1.38% March 80,074 95,928 97,318 97,318 1,390 1.45% I April 107,650 128,964 155,959 155,959 26,995 20.93% May 108,880 130,438 128,839 128,839 (1,599) -1.23% June 100,117 119,940 124,662 124,662 4,722 3.94% July 137,036 164,169 173,349 173,349 9,180 5.59% I August 112,063 134,251 122,865 122,865 (11,386) -8.48% tuber 100,085 119,835 119,835 0.00% II $ 1,260,928 $ 1,510,525 $ 1,412,768 $ 1,532,602 $ 22,077 1.46% 19.79% 21.55% Slst 99.xis SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I Capital Projects Status Report September 21, 1999 ' PARK BICENTENNIAL Land Acquisition - IStatus: None. Phase II construction Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997 Estimated Completion of Construction: August, 1999 ' _ Consultant: MESA Design Group _ Status: Bid package #1 with Pittman Construction was closed June 2, 1999 for a total contract amount of$593,779. ' SPDC awarded bid package #2 to American Tennis Court Contractors for $851,019.00 to include 13 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts, and 1 in-line hockey court. Change Order #1 (resurfacer) was approved in February to add$13,000. Change Order #2 resulted in a credit of$1,531. Change Order #3 resulted in a credit of$6,373. Tennis court construction is complete with exception to the center court surfacing. Basketball court construction is complete with exception to striping. Hockey court construction is complete with exception to guardrailing. ' SPDC awarded bid package #2a to NEMA3 Electric for $377,281.00 to include lighting ballfields 1 and 3 with all Phase II court lighting with exception of the basketball courts which are unlighted. Ballfield lighting is complete. Manufacturer material cost increase and delivery for the hockey court resulted in Change Order #1 of$6,562.50. All court lighting is complete. ' SPDC awarded bid package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc.for $443,259.00 to include the Tennis Center and restroom/storage facility. Both buildings are roofed and ' are progressing with interior improvements. Sealed bids were received for Phase II irrigation improvements. Staff recommendation and bid tabulations will be presented to SPDC at the September, 1999 meeting. Written estimates for the pond surface aeration system were received and awarded to I....- Greenscape Pump Services Inc.for$12,775. All materials have been delivered. Installation is expected in late August with available electrical service. I E (•11 Page 1 I (1., Wrought iron fence estimates will be requested with further completion of the Tennis Proshop. IBicentennial Park Phase II 1999 ID Task Name Oct I Novi Dec Jan ]Feb I Mar I Apr 1 May 1 Jun [ Jul I Aug I Seel Oct J Nov 1 Dec Jan Feb i Mar 1 Bid Package 91 2 Bid Package 82 T 3 Tennis Court , Concrete Campleta 5 Fencing corr.pteo. 6 Surfacing ilia 95% 7 Basketball Court 9 Concrete Complete NICotltpl•v 9 Surfacing 95% . 10 In-Un.Hockey Facility wfo cover , 11 Concrete Completempleb 12 Dasher Boards Complete 13 Bid Package 82A R IE 14 Softball Lighting 15 Tennis Lighting Complete 16 Installation ®Complep , I 17 Wiring Hockey Complete I 19 Hockey Lighting �. Aompleb IC Bicentennial Park Phase II Timelines are continued on the next page. I I I I 0 Page 2 1 -7.6_,20_ r I I I 1!!f to Task Name Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May 1 Jun L Jul I_Aug I Sep I Oct Nov]Dec Jan I Feb I Mar i! Bid Package!3 II- 20 21 Tennis Pro Shop and Wstroom Facilities Foundation Complete 22 Framng { Complete Nov 23 EleclnW 1 I _.—..__�_ . • 7p% ' 24 ' Plumbing I I _ - .,__. 70X; I 25 Mason I la 20 26 Roofing 9!% 27 Phase U Remaining Items : i 29 29 Pond Aeration Written approval of estimates ates 70 installation • 31 Bid Package 4 32 Irrigation 33 Design 1111:L,ornpres 34 Receive Authorization to Bid from SPDC I Complete35 Advertise Complete 36 Tabulation and Award of Contract ' Complete 37 Obtain Contract Documents 10% • I 36 Construction 39 Bid Package 5 40 Landscaping IE 41 Design ; �omPRw :� 42 Installation IAdventure Alley Fence Extension -F.Y. 1998-99 Status: The 45'pavilion constructed by Southlake Playgrounds, Inc. will I I incorporate a portion of the fence extension. Estimates are being sought to complete the enclosure. I I 1999 ID ,Task Name Duration Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aueg I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb 71 Adventure Alley Fence Extension 56d 4 I Entrance Road Repair-F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Estimates were requested of several contractors. No interest was I I expressed for this project. Other estimates are being pursued as well as the potential of utilizing the City of Southlake Public Works Department. 4 I 1999 ID Task Name Oct I Nov I Dee Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug 1 See I Oct 1 Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar 69 Entrance Road Repair 70 Design • . ._. - 'ill. mptete 71 Construction I I/ Page 3 1 c:L1.)...l.S I t I I 0 Phase III IPark Trail- F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Alignment of the park trail is being designed by staff and will be submitted I when completed for Park Board approval. Staff is coordinating with Tom Thumb to ensure an acceptable transition across property lines. Site base information is being assembled to illustrate existing conditions and improvements. The portion of trail south Iof Oak Hill Subdivision is anticipated to be improved in September, 1999. 1999 I ID Task Nams Duration Nov 1 Dec Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar I Apr I May 1 Jun 1 Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan 1 Feb 64 Park Trail 254d ' , 65 Design 15d • ;66 Park Board and SPDC Approval 14d I 67 Advertise 25d 66 Tabulation and Award of Contract 6d 69 Obtain Contract Documents 7d : I 70 Construction 66d : ; I Cover for In-line Hockey- F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Proposals from qualified design consultants were received and reviewed for the cover of the in-line hockey facility. A contract for$6,000 has been accepted from ' Ron Hobbs Architects for two conceptual designs with cost estimates to construct. Designs will be presented in October, 1999. IID Task Name I I Aug 1 Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec I Jan 1 Feb I Mar J Apr I May I Jun 43 Hockey Cover , 2 . 44 Consultant Selection and Approval I- _ _. Complete ; , I45 Conceptual Design v lh Estimates , Complete46 Park Board and SPDC Approval 47 Preliminary Design Approval I , 46 Park Board and SPDC Approval , 49 Construction Documents 50 Receive Authorization to Bid from SPDC I I 51 Advertise Tabulation and Award of Contract53 Obtain Contract Documents I 34 ConsWction E . I : (....) Page 4 -7 5..04 4I • BOB JONES PARK Land Acquisition - ' Status: Progressing through the City Manager's Office. Phase I with TPWD Grant- Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Began: March 18, 1997 Status: Contracts are closed with: ' James Arnold Construction for Phase I earthwork. J.L. Bertram for vehicular paving. Thomas Bros. Grass for sodding soccer fields. Ratliff Iron Works for perimeter fencing. Daniel Electric for power services. ProBuild Construction for phase I pump enclosure. ' SPDC awarded irrigation improvements to 'A New Deal'Inc. Construction. Installation is complete. Closeout discussions are progressing. ' SPDC approved schematic plans for TPWD grant improvements as presented in April to (6, PP include the pavilion/boardwalk, playground, trails, and ballfields. Construction Idocuments are being finalized. Authorization to bid will be requested from SPDC pending approval of the TPWD contract. Staff met with TPWD and is expecting receipt of the contract. Phase II with TPWD Grant- IStatus: Information is being gathered toward design completion of all TPWD and related elements. Cost estimates will be presented with the F.Y. 1999-2000 SPDC ' budget. Nature Center Planning- I I Status: The facility is in place. Staff will tarp the building against weather until repairs and restoration of the building can occur. I I Page 5 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Noble Oaks Park- F.Y. 2000-01 ' Status: Design has been held pending coordination of adjacent improvements with CISD currently scheduled for December, 1999. Staff is progressing with the development of a designated parking area to deter vehicular traffic through the park Koalaty Park-F.Y. 2000-01 ' Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. The layout of the Master Plan was approved with the inclusion of relocating the restroom facility, creating a berm south of the school,providing a natural barrier to Country Walk Estates, and providing 25 additional parking spaces. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both sized for elementary-age use; one larger practice soccer field and adult practice ballfield. A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental Blvd. trail. ifs Problems are anticipated to continue this fall with parking along the Country Walk II entrance. "No Parking"signs were installed but have been of little benefit to resolve the conditions. II Royal and Annie Smith Park- F.Y. 1999-00 Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. Approval 4 I was tabled. KISD is constructing a library and parking lot that will necessitate redesign of the park A temporary trail was constructed along the right-of-way from 4 p Ridgewood Subdivision to Florence Elementary. Lonesome Dove Park- F.Y. 1998-99 4 E Status: All requirements of the developer's agreement are being addressed. As-built information is being gathered to progress with considered improvements. 4111 Page 6 I I LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS ISTEA Grant- Cottonbelt Trail - F.Y. 1997-98 IStatus: Southlake, Colleyville, and NRH entered into an interlocal agreement with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective I and efficient approach. MESA Design Group has been contracted as consultants by the three cities and TxDOT. Preliminary plans with alternatives are being reviewed. The City of Grapevine has agreed to assist through the City of Southlake portion of the trail. I IOU 1999 2000 2001 2 ID Cotton Belt Timeline Duration 0tr I 100 2 100 3 I Otr 4 00 1 1 CM 2 10tr 3 J Or 4 0tr 1100 2 I Oa 3 I Otr 4 Otr I I Oa 2 I 0tr 3 1 0tr 4 0tr 1 I Otr 2 1 Cotton Belt Trade I I32d , , ; ; ; I 2 Data Collection and Site Analyse 149d ompMq 3 Schuman Design 170d S% ; , 4 I Design Development . 174d 9 I Construction Document 143d T ,,, 7 Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - F.Y. 1998-99 IDesign - Phase I Contract Completed: November 25, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. (60 Status: Trail improvements are pending Phase I improvements to Continental II Boulevard. COMMUNITY FACILITIES I Royal and Annie Smith Park House - Status: Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Extensive work will be necessary for public use. Nature Center- I I Status: The facility is in place. Staff will tarp the building against weather until repairs and restoration of the building can occur. iiITeen Center- Status: The planning committee and City Staff reviewed the Request for IQualifications from five (5) architectural firms and agreed upon the selection of Brinkley - Sargent Architects. The Parks and Recreation Board reviewed and recommended the proposal from Brinkley Sargent Architects at their August 9, 1999 meeting. This ' recommendation is being brought forth to SPDC in August. C., Page 7 I MATCHING FUNDS— COMMUNITY GROUPS Total Budget - S100,000 Adventure Alley Pavilion by Southlake Playgrounds,Inc.— ' - Approved by SPDC: August 17, 1998 Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997 I Status: SPDC approved$15,000 at the August meeting to begin construction on the planned 20'and 45'pavilion. Funds received have allowed for the purchase and completion of six covered picnic tables and a 30'pavilion. A fourth pavilion (20) I location was approved by Parks and Recreation Board near the Basketball courts of Bicentennial Park Installation by volunteers is expected this fall. C IQ Task Name Duration Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun 1 Jul I Aug I Sep I Da I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar 1 Apr I May I Jun 1 Part Pavilions 11I1d 12 2 45'Pavilion Adventure Alley I 21d ®;complete I 3 Covered Tables 31d • ample% 4 30'Pavilion Stanfield30d • complHa • S 20'Pavilion Adventure Alley 30d Mil complete II ei S 20'Pavilion Phase II ]Od ®�% Senior Tree Farm #1 - 1.17 li ! Approved by SPDC: January 16, 1998 Approved by Park Board: December 8, 1997 Status: All trees have been planted The drip irrigation is 100% complete. 01 Senior Tree Farm #2- 0 L Approved by SPDC: Approved by Park Board: 4 Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of$8,400 ($4,200 Grant Award with a I $4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. All grow bags and drip irrigation have been installed Planting is complete with 403 seedlings. I- I I Ci Page 8 -lig Ii I C.' JOINT—USE PROJECTS Soccer Practice Fields —F.Y. 1998-99 IStatus: Irrigation will begin this week Right-of-way fencing is complete. Minor earthwork is complete to facilitate drainage. IL 1999 ID Task Name Duration SeP I OG I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct Nov I Dec Jan 1 St Martin's in the Field Soccer Practice Fields 71d I 2 Minor Grading e1d ompleu� 3 Irrigation700 ;SS 4 Fencing 7d II CompiY IJoint—Use Equipment— ' Status: Available as needed. Signage for all Parks — I I Status: Available as needed. II (6,,, SPECIAL PROJECTS I $12,775.00 Bicentennial Park Phase II pond surface aeration system. IDelivered Complete $ 5,277.00 Senior Activity Center irrigation system. Complete $ 4,234.50 Senior Activity Center concrete sidewalks and patio. I Hold $ 1,760.00 Senior Activity Center shuffleboard court. Complete $ 8,061.25 Bicentennial Park pavilion tables and benches. Delivered $ 7,765.00 Bicentennial Park drinking water fountains. r. II 1 I (....- Page 9 7 fy.xi 4 1 SPDC Capital Improvement Projects r 1 1. Bob Jones Trailhead Parking ($16,000) - Parking area for the propo ;r,,- north trailhead at Bob Jones Park. 2. Senior Activity Center Parking Lot Expansion ($30,000) - Additional I parking for Senior Activity Center. Would require in-house study and engineering prior to implementation. I 3. Nature Center Improvements ($100,000) - Restoration and improvements to the existing Nature Center building. I 4. Continental Trail Phases I and II ($320,000) - 6' wide trail along south side of Continental Drive from Davis to White Chapel. I5. City Entrance Improvements ($50,000) - City portal entrance improvements at SH1709 and SH121 (Gateway). I6. Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,420,000 - $2,200,000) - Improvements to Bob Jones Park including pond #2 with well and water feature, park signage, day camp facilities, amphitheater with electric, Iirrigation, and turf, loop road with parking, phase I concession/restroom building, pump house building enhancements, storm drain headwall enhancements, pond #1 water discharge feature, continuation of pipe rail I fencing, phase II restroom building, parking lot and roadway lighting, phase ll front entrance with landscape and irrigation, phase I drainage improvements, phase I parking lot surface coat, utilities (Nature Center, phase I and II restrooms), additional practice fields (6) with irrigation and turf. 7. Teen Center Construction ($850,000) Teen Center Construction ($850,000) - Teen Center (approx. 5,000 - 6,000 sq. feet), two lighted IIr sand volleyball courts, landscape, irrigation. 8. Koalaty Park Phase I Development ($390,000) - Four baseball game fields, parking lot, irrigation, turf, landscaping. 4 Ihr 9. Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000) - Conceptual design and development of construction plans for phase I 4 improvements to Smith Park. Construction of phase I improvements (to be determined). 10. Loop Trail - Bicentennial/Durham/CJHS ($230,000) - Loop trail system connecting Bicentennial Park with Carroll Junior High School (Whit(:: Itimid Chapel), and Durham Elementary/Intermediate School (Highland ant' Shady Oaks). I - Z -c-D -CD N:IParks&RecreationlBOARDSISPDCI CIPListing3.doc 2- � 11. Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) — Planning and construction of Noble Oaks Park. Proposed design elements to include parking lot, walking trail, playground, picnic tables, benches, water fountain, open space. L 12. Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000)**- Construction for a proposed Recreation Center consisting of approximately 40,000 to 50,000 square feet. Design components might include two gymnasiums, indoor I jogging/walking track, fitness center, multi-purpose classrooms, meeting space, dance/exercise rooms, locker rooms, and office space. I 13. Aquatics Facility Construction ($2,900,000) - Construction of Southlake Aquatics Center. Proposed improvements might include active and leisure facilities such as zero depth entry pools, water play structures, I water slides, lap lanes, diving boards, shade structures, and children's pool with water playground. I 14. Inline Hockey Court Cover ($500,000) — Bicentennial Park in-line hockey court cover (approximately 150' x 250'). 15. Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) — Replacement of existing playground structure with larger, ADA and CPSC compliant playground unit to include concrete border, ADA accessible entrance and I surfacing. Ir 16. Smith Park Construction ($800,000) — Construction of Smith Park. 17. Girls Softball Complex ($500,000) — Girls softball four-plex. Location and scope of project to be determined. 18. Koalaty Park Phase II Improvements ($350,000) — Improvements to include trail system, restroom building, practice ballfield, and practice 4 soccer fields. 19. Shelton Wood Park Phase I Improvements ($300,000) — Improvements to be determined. 20. Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones ($3,500,000) — Proposed improvements might include lighted arena with grandstands, stables, restroom/concession facilities, storage buildings, holding pens, etc. • Capping of Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000) — Capping of undetermined number of existing wells at Bob Jones Park per State requirements. • Bleachers ($11,000) — Bleachers for baseball fields #4, #5, and #10, and the Bicentennial in-line hockey court. • Signage for On-Road Trails ($10,000) — On-road signage for trails. To be implemented following the completion of the Trail System Master Plan update. N:IParks& RecreationlBOARDSISPDCICIPListing3.doc I • Recreation Center Planning and Design ($500,000) — Planning and design for a proposed $5.5 million Recreation Center. • Aquatics Facility Planning and Design ($290,000) — Planning and design for a proposed $2.9 million aquatics center. Proposed improvements might include active and leisure facilities such as zero II depth entry pools, water play structures, water slides, lap lanes, diving boards, shade structures, and children's pool with water playground. I Annual Appropriations ro riations I • Matching Funds — Community Projects ($100,000/$150,000 per year) Established to provide matching funds for community based programs which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. I • Special Projects ($50,000 per year) — Available funding for unforeseen I projects and improvements which enhance the quality of the City's parks and recreational programs. IBiannual Appropriations 0 • Joint Use Improvements ($20,000) — Available funding for use in the development and maintenance of joint use facilities. I * *Includes anticipated TPWD Grant of $500,000 I I I I I 11111 N:IParks&Recreation\BOARDSISPDCCIPListing3.doc City of Southlake, Texas JOINT MEETING - SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: September 27, 1999 1 LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas REGULAR SESSION 6:30 P.M.: „g 1. Call to order. 2. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. ' 3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session REGULAR AGENDA: 4. Discussion: A. Gateway Portal project. B. Sidewalk Ordinance and Trail System Master Plan. C. Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy. ' D. Land Acquisition Plan. E. Park Capital Projects. 5. Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. V'f H 1/1444t. /f• =o % a Sandra L. LeGrand �' '"' �' .r City Secretary •.......•' If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable ' accommodations will be made to assist you. M:\WD-FILES\SPDC\AGENDAS\99-09-27 Joint Mtg.DOC\kb City of douthlake,Texas I MEMdRANDUM A� ') September 24, 1999 • TO: SPDC Board of Directors / Park and Recreation Board members FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Joint Board Meeting -- Monday, September 27, 1999 ' Agenda Item No. 4A. Gateway Portal Project. The agenda item cover memo from Senior Planner Chris Carpenter explains some of the background information regarding this item. SPDC Board President Ronnie Kendall will also brief the boardmembers on this project during your meeting. Agenda Item No. 4B. Sidewalk Ordinance and Trails System Master Plan. There are no materials in your packet for this item. Board President Kendall will lead a discussion of the ordinance and its relation to the Trail System Master Plan. Agenda Item No. 4C. Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy. The agenda item cover memo discusses this item, and there is a copy of the policy in your packet. Given the recent discussion regarding funding requests, this item was placed on the agenda for the boards to discuss the policy. Agenda Item No. 4D. Land Acquisition Plan. The cover memo for this item explains in detail the data conveyed in these matrixes. The intent of this item is to brief the Board members on land acquisition status, in order for you to have a better idea of park land needs when discussing particular land acquisition opportunities in executive session, and while discussing park capital projects. Agenda Item No. 4E. Park Capital Projects. The cover memo explains this item and included in your packet is a list of potential and planned capital projects and their estimated costs. Staff has been working with the current prioritized list of projects, and the current revenue assumptions for SPDC, to develop a new 5-Year Parks CIP. In order to be conservative, we are working within the revenue parameters of the current 5-year plan. Your discussion of these projects will assist staff in developing the proposed FY 1999-00 capital projects budget and refining the new 5-Year CIP. ' OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Community Center/Recreation Center Uses. Park Board Chair Sherry Berman requested staff yesterday to put together a list of potential uses in a recreation center, and what uses are being Parks and Recreation Board Board Meeting - Monday, September 13, 1999 Page2of2 i,,, proposed in the Teen Center. Included in your packet is a memo from Deputy Director of r Community Services Steve Polasek with this information. he Traffic Management Bond Program. Staff met last week with representatives of HNTB P Architects, Engineers, Planners, for a kick-off meeting on the traffic management bond program. HNTB is the prime consultant hired to implement the intersection improvements, trail construction, and SH 114 enhancements approved by voters. Included in your packet for ' information, is the project description for the hike and bike trails scope of the program. 11. Stanley Cup at Town Square. The Stanley Cup will be on display at Town Square from 4:30 Lp.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 25. Information is included in your packet. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding 1 the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me. Directors' meeting begins on Monday mornings at 10:15 a.m., so I am available before that time, or in the afternoon. You may also Lfeel free to page me at any time at 407-4342. [ i/i KH Low STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, ext. 716 I Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, ext. 772 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, ext. 824 ISteve Moore, Recreation Supervisor, ext. 809 John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant, ext. 821 Sep-23-99 08: 20A 329 1747+ P - 02 I' qp999 1:32PM coV t.k ►roil 5 tors i 5 ` r SpUTNtAXF TOWN S QVARE 1 FOR r MEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT 1 P NancyHonnann September 21, 1999 g I7.29-5566 1 STANLEY CUP ON DISPLAY AT SOUTHLAIE TOWN SQUARE ' On Saturday, September 25, 1999 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. the Stanley Cup will be on display in the pavilion at Southlake Town Square. Mike Kramer, Chief Operating Officer of the Southwest Sports Group, owners of the Stars, made this possible. Mike is a resident of Southt*P and was happy to arrange for the City of Southlake to share it with its residents. Ii The City has arranged to display the Cup in the pavilion in Southlake's Town Square, 1 where hockey fans will have the opportunity to see it 'gyp close and personal" as well as have the chance to photograph the trophy_ 1 A Development P By COOPER&STEBA1r'S 1256 MAN STREPT. SUITE 240. SOLTHLAKE. TEXAS 76092 [Pr T:u?HOS1 (817) 329-5566 FAX (817) 251-8717 1 /AiPO/2m';bo/v/9-/ z/ern Sep-23- 99 08: 20A 329 1747+ P.03 SEP.22.1999 1'7=F-Ti :,lA:IF'"N- 4 i) 51 ttQ31r 114).0..1..1 G LIPF . T �IfTOAS °ATNtj SQJR I Attelittori BoczTkey Fall' I Don't Miss The 1 Stanley Cup on Display in the Pavilion I Here is your opportunity to view the cup "up close and personal" I Saturday, September 25, 1999 4:30 - 6:00PM I Upcomizq Calendar of gents r'� rlday,September 24--7:00 PM— Jim lriwers'pixielaw4Jaaz— an authentic Dixieland Jazz Band in their costumes that will put everyone in ` the mood of strutting down Bourbon Street. I Saturday,September 25—7:00 PM— Afore De Ilaeawa—enjoy the sounds of Cuban salsa music from our very own local Southiake band. Friday,October 1 -7:00 PM— Soo!Corp—sounds that move you an I upbeat Christian Rock Band. Tuesday, October 5, - 6:00 PM - Carroll Nigh School 1Nmecomiw, Parade and Pep Rally—Join the fun as the community I gathers together to celebrate Homecoming. Each CISD school will be participating with a float in the parade and everyone is invited to get in tine spirit with Town Square's first pep-rally. I Saturday,October 16 — 2 0OPM-Sa00PM — MU FASHION SNOW-Join the fine clothiers and of Town Square as they present the seasons hottest fashions.Something I Iretai]ers for everyone 7i00 PM- Carroll MA School/W land-will perform in our own Downtown Pavilion 1 I Saturday, October 22 7s00 PM - Watllsi —Dallas' Caribbean band performing music that will take you to the islands of Hawaii and the world famous Jamaican Reggae music. hr dolor 11MMS id 11111111.6518 1KIMw 011< IIsRY/M.Cw PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The limits of the proposed hike and bike trails projects will be as follows: 1) Southlake hike and bike trail improvements to include; 001: Southlake Boulevard. 1. Concrete trail improvements (8' width) from North Pearson Ln. to SH 114. Provide connections to existing trails/walks. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet minimum hike and bike trail standards. 2. Concrete culverts or pedestrian bridge crossings of creeks as ' 3. required. Trail signage design. 4. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. 5. Landscape planting improvements including trees and shrubs, and hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. I 6.7. Irrigation improvements to support planting improvements. Retaining wall design to support trail improvements. 8. Grading design to support trail improvements. ' 9. Design of trails to meet ADA standards including handicap ramps. 10. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with Cool Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. 002: North White Chapel Boulevard. 11. Concrete trail improvements (8' width) from Bob Jones Park to ' Southlake Boulevard. Provide connections to existing trails/walks. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet minimum hike and bike trail standards. ' 12. Permits / coordination associated with improvements within Walnut Grove Park. 13. Concrete culverts or pedestrian bridge crossings of creeks as 111 required. "" 14. Trail signage design. 15. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. 16. Landscape planting improvements including trees and shrubs, and hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. ' 17. Irrigation improvements to support planting improvements. 18. Retaining wall design to support trail improvements. 19. Grading design to support trail improvements. ' 20. Design of trails to meet ADA standards including handicap ramps. 21. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. 003: Byron Nelson Parkway 22. Provide connections to existing trails/walks from Southlake - 1 - I /,Jpo141 4/ )AJ% / eni b Boulevard to East Continental Boulevard. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet minimum hike and bike trail standards. 23. Trail signage design. j„ 24. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. 25. Hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. `. 26. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. 004: East Continental Boulevard 27. Concrete trail improvements (8' width) from Byron Nelson Parkway ' to Brumlow. Provide connections to existing trails/walks. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet minimum hike and bike trail standards. 28. Concrete culverts or pedestrian bridge crossings of creeks as required. 29. Trail signage design. ' 30. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. 31. Landscape planting improvements including trees and shrubs, and ' hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. 32. Irrigation improvements to support planting improvements. 33. Retaining wall design to support trail improvements. 34. Grading design to support trail improvements. 35. Design of trails to meet ADA standards including handicap ramps. 36. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with ' Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. 005: Brumlow ' 37. Concrete trail improvements (8' width) from East Continental Boulevard to SH 26. Provide connections to existing trails/walks. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet minimum hike and bike trail standards. 38. Concrete culverts or pedestrian bridge crossings of creeks as required. 39. Trail signage design. 40. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. 41. Landscape planting improvements including trees and shrubs, and hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. 42. Irrigation improvements to support planting improvements. 43. Retaining wall design to support trail improvements. 44. Grading design to support trail improvements. 45. Design of trails to meet ADA standards including handicap ramps. 46. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. -2- L 006: Southridge Lakes Connector. 47. Concrete trail improvements (8' width) from Bicentennial Park to Southridge Lakes Parkway. Provide connections to existing trails/walks. Upgrade existing trails/walks that do not meet ' minimum hike and bike trail standards. 48. Concrete culverts or pedestrian bridge crossings of creeks as required. ' 49. Trail signage design. 50. Trail amenity design for benches, drinking fountains and special signage. ' 51. Landscape planting improvements including trees and shrubs, and hydromulch or sodding of all disturbed areas. 52. Irrigation improvements to support planting improvements. .I 53. Retaining wall design to support trail improvements. 54. Grading design to support trail improvements. 55. Design of trails to meet ADA standards including handicap ramps. ' 56. Identification of trees within construction area in accordance with Southlake Tree Preservation Ordinance. Coo' City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 24, 1999 TO: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services FROM: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Recreation Center Uses L As requested, the following is a listing of possible components and related uses for a proposed recreation center. I have also included a listing of design items as developed by the Teen Center committee. Recreation Center (40,000 — 50,000 square feet): • Gymnasium(s) — Open gym, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, indoor soccer, LSouthlake Saturday Night, City functions (banquets), and youth dances. • Dance/Exercise Room — Dance classes (various age groups and types of dance), yoga, aerobics, and karate (self defense classes). coo: • Classrooms — Arts and crafts, computer classes, community groups, painting, pottery, gardening, cooking, fishing, etc. • Family Fitness Center — Open workout, circuit training, power lifting, rock climbing ' wall, etc. • Gameroom — Table tennis, pool tables, big screen television, foosball tables, air hockey, seating area, concessions. • Youth Activity Room— Study area, computers, youth classes and programs. • Indoor jogging/walking track • Racquetball Courts 3 • Men's and Women's Locker Rooms • Office area (administrative staff) Teen Center (5,000 — 6.000 square feet): • Men's and Women's Restrooms �, • Office Kevin Hugman September 23, 1999 page 2 Teen Center (continued....): • Study/Council/Practice Rooms • Kitchen/Snack Preparation • Coffeehouse/Cafe style eating area • Lounge Area with Big Screen TV • Gameroom - Table tennis, foosball, air hockey, and pool table. • Multiuse Room - Stage, half-court basketball. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience. I I 1 I I M:\MEMOS\RECCCR.DOC City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM ' September 22, 1999 TO: SPDC and Park Board Members tFROM: Chris Carpenter, Senior Comprehensive Planner ' SUBJECT: Entry Portal Work Group Briefing ' The following is a memorandum and supporting documents meant to serve as background information on the recently developed Entry Portal Work Group. This group was formed at the request of the City Council several months ago to work through the preliminary stages of ' identifying all of the issues expected to encompass the design, funding and implementation of urban design features at prominent locations at the entry points at or near Southlake's city limits at major thoroughfares. This project had its beginnings in the work of the Corridor Study, which was adopted in 1995 along with Overlay District zoning requirements, that are used to place greater design standards ' on all types of construction on Southlake's state highways. Part of that study identified areas at points on these highways where the city should do all that is required to promote entry features which denoted "you've arrived in Southlake," so to speak. Areas in the Corridor Study the Portal Group have identified for key, or "major" features are: (1) the northwest corner at the intersection of F.M. 1709 and S.H. 114 frontage roads in front of Gateway Plaza, (2) the northeast corner of ' Pearson and F.M. 1709 adjacent to Keller's city limits, and (3) the area around the intersection of F.M. 1938 and Continental down to Bear Creek (see attached aerial map exhibits). I IThere have been three Entry Portal Work group meetings held so far (see meeting notes from each meeting). In broadly summarizing the discussions thus far, several elements or themes have been established for the development of these portals: • The group prefers natural, landscaped areas (or "living monuments) indicative of Southlake's natural features over more contrived, physically constructed architectural elements that may Inot stand the test of time. • Native materials (landscaping, stone, etc.) are preferred over exotic or imported materials. I excavated from the Gateway Plaza construction site was deemed to be quite suitable for IStone use as landscaping material for the Gateway portal, and perhaps others, and is being stockpiled to the best of our ability. 4 I • The portal at Gateway Plaza is seen as the first priority, due to the rapidly progressing development of that project and the developer's commitment to partial funding of the project and the group's use of the services of Gateway's landscape architect for preliminary design services. N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\wP-FILES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\PORTALS\SPDC_PARKBOARD_1.DOC 14 I � -- 1 ' City of Southlake, Texas • No funding for portal construction currently exists. Preliminary discussions for funding strategies have included developing a "prototype" design and brochure through the Gateway ' Plaza portal site and approaching SPDC and local interest groups for funding requests. ' Also attached to this memo is a list of people who have expressed interest in meeting with the Entry Portal Work Group. The meetings are all open to the public, of course, and anyone interested on being on this list will be contacted a week or so before each meeting with a mail-out ' describing topics to be discussed. The next meeting will probably be in several weeks, as I am awaiting notice from David Baldwin, the landscape architect from Gateway, when he has developed rough sketches for discussion at that meeting. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to call me at Ext. 866 with any questions concerning this matter. L ' CLC ' att: Aerial graphics of Gateway, Pearson and Davis portal sites Meeting notes from Entry Portal Work Group meetings List of interested parties in portal meetings II III 4 I 4 I 4 I N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\PORTALS\SPDC_PARKBOARD_1.DOC 41 1 b G,,s ateway Area 1 ., .... 1, N I . \ li •. \\\ I II __ If:41) 4, � M. M w I 200 0 200 Feet iiiiiimimilmm I I N I A/- W yr E S I LA-• 3 1 b Pearson Area I lit t t, . ,,,,, ,,,,: _ ,,,,,,,, : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,.; E ' „ . , ,,,., . ,. .„ 474" X ,,,,, , ,,,,,--- ,,,,, Southlake,"City Of iii E 1,„ . ' ,I r ! a Iel"Me .�' ' 4 r 0 x i { I 4 4 e', I 200 0 200 400 Feet I I N 1 \ /— E IL., ,r i W S I ' Li Davis Area b I s . , , . 41u,,,,,...t. ,..1 ..........., , 1 1 . _ ,.' " ,_ .i fi i ,ll ,e.„,l . [®l •• • Woods fa.c .♦ `v`Fe' r t5 *'\!: \i_:::.._. . ,.......,,.,,,7.,....,,„. , , . ..,, . , , ,:.:.,•,-,-.... ,::::,.:...-,--:-,,. , • I place 1 I • Jj • Enterprises Inc, . j �.,, I . r • + ' t',,,,'4+'. *I , ,. 1,. .•• '''• ''', ,, 4 ' - *Wt. '' , .'7,,,,:'i‘,,,,"'''4"44.40'..."'Ilke",::::::',114^.::„er. '4::::,.. 44 - . nd olti, *� By Faiths . `` , , * F. gniiiil .„, — 4 mil - - • ' 44444..'„...;.' . 1 Tennyson, Garry i. �. _ I400 0 400 800 Feet iiii I I N \ i W % � E I S El I 4k-c City of Southlake,Texas ---____ MEETING MEMORANDUM - Meeting Date: 4 - Z i -`r,1 Meeting Place: C _ . Je--.4 Subject: P0(+. Q .t-O vp \iv\ Name/Title: M / Firm: Phone: _ - 1. R 6Y1 n i e 1 p 3i,�+ /l l ve it e i' t ��-4L� Dv11/1-er r 2. V.2 c,,d M c/YI Z ..- ; rer r (.1-4 (c r rti4 a--, , 3. '/}') i 'L e Le 2 5 t R O se," t- 2 r� 1v VG� & \ 4. 5. 6. Zlrt5 r , 6 r7 L.7-51 7. 8. T UJ- 6 ?A e c,v an c'cJ-l2--" o k t-1. OM — 4\ a t J a r -e.QJC.. til ccaDA 5lop. 2 ca - r-e e 4e,tA ().2... I --- F-ed6 071D G" b a,.,s /C_,,,J,,,j 2-Q t s v,-,-17- k -a r dic e.,•,..,c,.4\.., - (�)o \D t'‘_G C___ Wan w /;`C.` v\ 2-",^,-e, o,./._ k A- L — Qav1/4:s - C-,eA- acre c , Sav ---t or I;;J -.c- r .r ..E J - Oavig ?co-, nU.� �0 f-ee-L � , P ° C A ts`n.o�\dl �.k GYt ] --�'`� Q-6,6 ( -\-,a.,2 kPI)- 1- 1.k es a r-4 t v\ Vor`-a.X rn L- O of2G v.o-\-- \.\\e-.e \o r(c, w 2.214 -CLV - - (�J -e��vr-e5 ccr-��` hnatwASe-AA-zv\cP. Seer V "z(es- .- Lees Vv\edokaM -k-Y-e2i \l,,, Om- L.--, s b, r- PQ-- 111a L POW-er areze s LE �1�• Pr o v T c c cAA-\ vr. e c-D r / t d W 1 ( I is - o ver - __ is _��sr. _ 4�.r-r-n. ' • Y t v.mar `�k � r •'�• - z. 7. �._-« - MEETING MEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 7- 1 Z-c{9. Meeting Place: S r, G I 1 Subject: Par+a\ ' IName/Title: Firm: Phone: i_ nr) , ke. Leers-t I2 F3' .4-s rt.prt 3- Te.r c L J► I (e_+►.,ita". I4. z v Ca M eh'!34s.-. 5. all r Cs GQv rr• , AG ,....7L� is f - I6. -T 1 vv. L7 C.J r k ?rJ 7. r 3_ OM- L,Le s s tr-it<<e:'13 tv. .4o.a. c r U se a? +e e.¢ds — EEC a.,../ \c 1 r 0.a 1, 1I '.. V c-e.G - t 1 p \ , vac-Vac 1-e-4.ers I - 1-a r V---e tr 3'\--GN.ese Gc. =In. o-� t,c e�4 \J 2r �o �15 Sv g + v1/4s , w.JO-I I Van - V),\\ \n v a 2 � s �v- =r Q s .e-A-c-L C.avlC 4— L ,,,ilr' T+'e .4 0 D m - (U e e ct \-, ve ( f PQ- �1, en1es re\6G vev.p`2r3rocr-vj I ‘�4 s+r+ Da 5 tom' rJ' 6. GO r v\.4.ti II �1 c Pne��-. + 30 ck 0 ( hri e-0 ' b. � ) t II ithk_ --.? , I b Portal Work Group Meeting August 26, 1999 I 5:30 p.m. DPS Training Room INotes: I • Attendees: Rex Potter, Ronnie Kendall, Jim Burckhard, Brad Bradley, Roger Hutton, David Baltimore, Darryl Lake, Kim Pannell, Pamela Muller, Rosemary Hutchins, Terry Wilkinson, David Baldwin(Landscape Architect for Gateway Plaza) I • Focus of the meeting was to be on Gateway Plaza portal site due to expediency issues. Group agreed that the design for this portal could be used as a model for the other sites and adapted to work in other contexts. Subsequent meetings will also Igenerally focus on Gateway project. • Chris Carpenter gave a brief slide show presentation of various architectural stones I and boulders (including Mammoth Lakes entry feature photos obtained by David McMahan). CC noted that after contacting various boulder dealers, the range in price for boulders goes from about$120 per ton to $160 per ton. A representative boulder I of 4' x 4' x 6' would weigh anywhere from 8 to 12 tons, depending on the stone. The group leaned toward obtaining boulders, if used, that were native to the area(i.e. maybe not granite, etc.) t • Several in the group noted that we were far enough along to obtain the services of a `..► professional designer fairly soon. • Brad Bradley said he was asked by Patsy Dupre to come listen and determine if the Arts Council could or should be involved in any of the portal issues. BB said that he would recommend to the Arts Council that all elements of a portal site were art, so that the group could count on their support in whatever way they could help. I I • Funding of the portals was also discussed. Several noted that only the $10,000 donation from Terry Wilkinson had been applied to the Gateway portal. There is no money in the budget for portal construction. The group agreed that the best way to 4 I proceed was to develop conceptual designs,produce a brochure, then solicit funding from various groups, etc. 4 in • David Baldwin gave a presentation on various entry features that he had designed and a few that others had designed. His work to date had really not focused on the IN "nature-scape" idea that the group was going with so far, but he said he would like to try that. Terry Wilkinson said if the group was happy with Mr. Baldwin, he would I I pay his fee to develop the concepts for the Gateway portal. The group was very pleased with the offer and accepted it. • Terry Wilkinson mentioned that there were a number of large native boulders being 4 I dug up at Gateway now, and if the group wanted to see if they were worth saving, he would save them. Several members of the group went to the site after the meeting and agreed they were worth saving. • David Baldwin said that he would contact Chris Carpenter when he had developed some rough ideas and CC would contact the group a week or so in advance to set up Ithe next meeting. 4 , N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\PROJECTS\CORRIDOR\PORTALS\NOTES_8_26.DOC It Atr 1 I Entry Portal Work Group I Interested Parties I First Name Last Name Address City State Zip Barbara King 205 Manor Place Southlake Texas 76092 Brad Bradley 1657 Creekside Drive Southlake Texas 76092 IDarryl Lake 1308 Houston Court Southlake Texas 76092 - David McMahan 726 Commerce St., Suite 109 Southlake Texas 76092 David Baltimore 1368 Holland Hill Southlake Texas 76092 I Jim Burckhard 1008 Quail Run Southlake Texas 76092 Kim Pannell 1418 Whispering Dell Southlake Texas 76092 Mike Lease 370 S. Peytonville Southlake Texas 76092 IPamela Muller 214 Westwood Southlake Texas 76092 Patsy DuPre 808 Timber Lake Circle Southlake Texas 76092 I Rex Roger Potter 303 Waterford Court 1900 Shady Oaks Southlake Texas 76092 Hutton Southlake Texas 76092 Ronnie Kendall P.O. Box 92998 Southlake Texas 76092 I Rosemary Hutchins 1412 Whispering Dell Court Southlake Texas 76092 Terry Wilkinson 751 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 130 Southlake Texas 76092 David Baldwin 5744 Richmond Avenue Dallas Texas 75206 tp, Carolyn Morris 403 St. Charles Court Southlake Texas 76092 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM l September 27, 1999 • TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy Action Requested: SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board discussion of the policy concerning Project and Community Matching Fund Requests. Background Information: On October 26, 1998 SPDC approved a Parks Five (5) Year Capital tImprovement Program (CIP). In the Parks CIP, $100,000 on an annual basis is allocated for the SPDC Matching Grant Program. The Parks and Recreation Policies and Procedures Manual establishes a policy for this ' program, and defines the application and consideration process. ' In Fiscal Year 1998-99, there have been several requests for matching grant funding through the SPDC program. Recently, concerns have been expressed by the Parks and Recreation Board over whether or not an applicant must have cash on hand to receive consideration for matching grant funding. The current policy does not address this point. The current operating procedure is that projects may receive consideration and approval of funding.. but no work may commence prior to the applicant(s) providing the matching funding for the project. ,. Financial ' Considerations: Not Applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable. I Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Input towards the discussion as desired. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following: ■ Copy of the Parks and Recreation Policy on Project and Community wr Matching Funds. Billy Campbell, City Manager September 27, 1999 Page Two Staff ' Recommendation: Place as an item on the September 27 SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board meeting to discuss the Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy. III I 1 I 1/ c -a Parks and Recreation Department 1 Policies and Procedures Manual ' Policy:Source: Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy City Council/ SPDC /Parks and Recreation Board Category: Parks and Recreation Board ' Effective Date: June 3,1997 Revised Date: Statement of Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a process for considering park related projects proposed by individuals or organizations. Matching fund, dollar for dollar, may be requested for the projects. The following policy will become effective immediately upon approval of City Council. Procedure I I. Anyone considering a project for the City of Southlake Parks and Recreation facilities should submit a proposal in writing to the Parks and Recreation Director. Proposed projects need to "fit in" with the overall intended use of the parks as determined by the Parks and Recreation Board. Matching up to $5,000 will be placed on the consent agenda for SPDC consideration. II. The complete proposal should include a description of the project and, to the extent p 4 L applicable, pictures and/or detailed drawings, estimated budgets, preferred location of the project, mechanism of funding the project and any stipulations that might go along with the project. III. The Parks and Recreation Director will review the proposal and make any comments/recommendations deemed necessary. The Parks and Recreation Director may Fr accept projects in conjunction with routine work (i.e., budgeted items, routine is maintenance and operation projects) preformed by the Parks and Recreation Department without approval of the Parks and Recreation Board and may proceed with the project 4 ! where deemed appropriate. The Parks and Recreation Director will inform the Parks and Recreation Board of routine projects performed in the administrative monthly reports. L I.c., Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy, Page 1 of 3 4L&3 IV. The Parks and Recreation Director will forward all projects requesting matching funds and non-routine projects (includes, but is not limited to, anything on the master plan) along with comments/recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board for their ' consideration at the next regular meeting. V. The Parks and Recreation Board will consider the proposed project and make ' comments/recommendations. The consideration of the proposed project will be based on the extent to which the project "fits in with the overall intended use of the parks as determined by the Parks and Recreation Board. At the Board's discretion, projects may be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. If City funding is requested for the project, it may be forwarded the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) for ' final approval as applicable. VI. The City of Southlake reserves the right to accept or reject any project submitted for ' approval. VII The potential project applicant (individual or organization) reserves the right to withdraw the proposed project at any time during the approval process. VIM. All projects will be considered for acceptance on a project by project basis. The length of ' time required to complete the project will be considered. Not meeting the start and completion dates indicated may jeopardize funding. The project status will be reviewed by the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Parks and Recreation Board. IX. A permanent plaque of recognition may be designated in the park or facility where the project will be recognized, the name of the project and its contributor(s), and the date of the project. Permanent recognition should be discussed and approved during the initial project proposal. Press releases may be issued immediately to local newspapers 0 I following the acceptance of the project. X. All accepted projects in the City of Southlake will become the property of the City of ISouthlake and will be used at the discretion of the City. 111 Note: Policy approved by Parks and Recreation Board 05/12/97 Policy approved by SPDC 05/19/97 Policy approved by City Council 06/03/97 I.c., Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy, Page 2 of 3 t coo, PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM Project Name: Contact Person: 1 Mailing Ajdress: City: State: ZIP: Day Phone: Night Phone: Fax No. 1 Additional Contact Person: Day Phone: -_ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: C 1 L IIi 4 r Proposed Start Date: Projected Completion Date: Projected Cost: $ Amount of Funds Requested: $ 1: 1 Comments from the Parks and Recreation Director: 41 I.c., Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy, Page 3 of 3 1 `J I . e -5 City of Southlake, Texas IMEMORANDUM cii.„ September 27, 1999 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services ISUBJECT: Land Acquisition Plan 1 Action Requested: SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board discussion of the Land Acquisition Plan. IBackground Information: At past joint meetings, SPDC and the Parks and Recreation Board have I agreed that land acquisition is the top priority among projects funded through the half-cent sales tax revenues. In discussing the creation of a 5-Year Parks CIP last year, staff also developed a land acquisition plan matrix that Itabulates current parkland holdings and compares the acreage totals with the requirements established in the Parks. Recreation, and Open Space MasterPlan. This matrix can then be used by the Park Board and SPDC in Idetermining park land deficiencies by type of park, area of city, and number 0 of acres needed. During the course of the year several land acquisition opportunities have arisen. Some of these opportunities have been acted on, and others are still I in the discussion phase. Also during this time citizen concerns regarding the type of park facilities available for current use have been registered. The types of facilities being planned or discussed, also have implications I regarding land acquisition — i.e., is there a need to purchase land and if so, what type, to meet the needs of the particular facility or use being planned. IExisting Park Land and Comparison to Standards: Attached to this memo is a matrix comparing current park land inventory to the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) standards, and the Istandards adopted in the current Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan (Table 1). Table 2 also shows the City-owned parks, number of acres I of each developed and undeveloped, and the type park planned or anticipated. Table 3 is a further description of neighborhood parks, whether public, private or joint use. The private parks are those that are described in the I Parks Master Plan, and/or were given partial credit towards park dedication requirements. It should be noted that while total neighborhood park acreage exceeds the Parks Master plan requirements, there are deficiencies in several I* neighborhood zones. Those zones with the highest need (4, 10, and 3), are also those zones with the least current development. The Parks Master Plan states that Bob Jones Park will meet the neighborhood park requirements for I Zones 1 and 2. I 4/ � oard of Directors - ier 24, 1999 V- � Athletic Field Inventory: Another component to the land acquisition question, is whether current land holdings will accommodate athletic field needs, or if more land for ballfields is necessary. City staff has worked with the youth sports associations to evaluate the scope of parkland deficiencies, as well as using information from the City of Flower Mound when they evaluated ballfield needs. The Athletic Field Inventory matrix is the result of this research. Table 1 shows game field standards and comparison at current population and buildout population. The same comparison is made with practice fields, but using two different standards - those of NRPA, and those determined by the City of Flower Mound in a survey of metroplex cities. After compiling an athletic field inventory, deficiencies in certain areas have been identified. Some alternatives are already underway to alleviate these deficiencies. These include the following (description included in parentheses): • Construction of temporary practice facilities (Two (2) baseball practice fields at Bicentennial Park). • Development of practice ballfields at Bob Jones Park with anticipated construction next year. ■ Discussions in the Joint Utilization Committee (discussions to implement joint planning of school and park facilities to include practice backstops and open areas at new school sites.) Tables 2 and 3 show current and planned inventory of game fields and practice fields. This analysis can be used as a comparison to anticipated needs in determining the need for additional park land for athletic field uses. IFinancial Considerations: Discussion of this item does not obligate financial resources at this time. The purpose of the discussion is to identify the types of land acquisition that effectively meet the needs of the City's park system. 4 I Citizen Input/ Board Review: City staff has met with the youth sports associations concerning their current and future facility needs. This information has been compiled and an athletic field inventory was presented to the Parks and Recreation Board at their August 13, 1999 meeting. This information has been refined and is included I IC as a supporting document with this discussion item. Legal Review: Not Applicable. 1 Alternatives: Provide input towards the discussion as desired. I 4 ��-� SPDC Board of Directors September 24, 1999 Page 3 Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: 1 I . Copy of Land Acquisition Plan Matrix. ■ Copy of Athletic Field Inventory. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the August 27, 1999 SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board meeting to discuss the land acquisition plan. 1 1 KH • 1 1 1 1 1 1 16. 1 ill) -3 LAND ACQUISITION PLAN TABLE 1 Existing Park Land and Comparison to Standards Acres Per 1,000 Population Acres Based on Existing Acreage Notes NRPA Standards SL Stand2 40,000 Population Neighborhood Parks 1.5-2:1,000 4:1,000 160 178 (1) (2) Community Parks 1.5-2:1,000 4:1,000 160 57 City Parks 3:1,000 6:1,000 240 224 (3) Special Parks 1.5:1,000 3.5:1,000 140 58 Linear Parks / Trails 1.5:1,000 3.5:1,000 140 10 (4) Total Park Land 9-10:1,000 21:1,000 840 527 I NOTES: 1. Includes private and joint use facilities. 3. Does not include Corp lease of additional 218 acres. 2. Does not address deficiencies by park neighborhood zones. 4. Estimated, does not include COE trails, or TMB trails TABLE 2 Existing Public Park Land by Type Bob Jones Bicent Lon Dove Chesapk Noble Oaks Koalaty Rust/Fam RA Smith Sheltonwd Coker TOTAL Classification City/N/S N/C/S N N N N S C S L Acreage -- Developed 47 46 8 1 102 -- Undeveloped 217 13 7 5 5 13 17 5 282 Total 264 59 8 7 5 5 1 13 17 5 384 N = Neighborhood Bob Jones 5 ac N Bicentennial 10 ac N C = Community 35 ac S 44 ac C S = Special Purpose 224 ac City 5.0 ac S L = Linear Park landacq.xls 1 of 1 TABLE 3 Neighborhood Park Land Summary NEIGHBORHOOD 1/N 2/N 3/N 4/C 5/S 6/C 7/C 8/S 9/SW 10/SE TOTAL Public Bob Jones 5 Lonesome Dove 8 Bicentennial 5 5 Noble Oaks 5 Metro Pool 1 Koalaty 5 Chesapeake 7 41 Private Timarron 22 Oak Tree 3 Versailles Coventry 10 Meyers Meadows 20 ,� SR Lakes 7 �/ Stone Lakes 10 I Monticello 10 (j Timber Lake 33 115 Joint Use CMS 2 CIS 4 JES 2 RES 1 1 DEIS 4 CES 4 FES 4 _ 22 Total Neighborhood 5 10 6 6 32 14 42 52 11 0 178 Acreage Required 14 16 14 18 20 22 16 15 13 12 160 cf e /;<(Under)b} zone (9) (6) (8) (12)2, .> ,12 fa(8) z k landacq.xls 1 of 1 MEI _4.411MI 111111 ME Mill BM IIIIII OM r rMil e r IIIII#1111111111 I Table 1 : Athletic Field Inventory Game Fields Current Number of NRPA Standards Current Population Buildout Sport/Field Category Game Areas for Game Fields* Difference** Difference Baseball 7 8 3 -1 Softball 3 8 -1 -5 Soccer 16 10 11 6 Football 1 2 0 -1 Practice Fields-NRPA Standards Current Number of NRPA Standards Current Population Buildout Sport/Field Category Practice Areas for Practice Fields* Difference** Difference Baseball 5 7 1 -2 Softball 3 7 -1 -4 Soccer 10 10 5 0 v Football 3 1 2 1 I Practice Fields-Flower Mound Study Current Number of Metroplex Standards Current Population Buildout Sport/Field Category Practice Fields of Practice Fields*** _ Difference** Difference Baseball 5 16 -3 -11 Softball 3 16 -5 -13 Soccer 10 10 5 0 Football 3 1 2 1 * Assumptions based on a population of 40,000 people. **Assumption based on a population of 20,000 people ***Recommendations established by Flower Mound survey of Metroplex Cities. Table 2: Game Field Inventory Game Fields Current Planned Total Standard Baseball Planned Fields Bicentennial Park Field #10 (Shetland) Bicentennial Park - Four(4) fields Bicentennial Park Field #4 Koalaty Park - Four(4) fields Bicentennial Park Field#5 (Pinto) Bicentennial Park Field #6 (Mustang) Bicentennial Park Field #7(Mustang) Bicentennial Park Field#8 (Bronco) Bicentennial Park Field#9 (Pony) Subtotal 15 Standard: 8 Softball Planned Fields Bicentennial Park Field#1 Bicentennial Park - One (1) field U Bicentennial Park Field#2 I Bicentennial Park Field #3 _ Subtotal 4 Standard: 8 Soccer Planned Fields Bob Jones Park-Sixteen Fields _ Subtotal 16 Standard: 10 Football Planned Fields Carroll Intermediate School _ Subtotal 1 Standard: 2 Grand Total 36 Standard: 28 Table 3: Practice Field Inventory Practice Fields Current Planned Total Standard Baseball Planned Fields Bicentennial Park-Two (2) Bicentennial Park - Two (2) Koalaty Park Field #1 Bob Jones Park - Six (6) Koalaty Park Field #3 Royal and Annie Smith Park - Four (4) Durham Elementary Field#1 Koalaty Park - One (1) Softball Durham Elementary Field#1 Lose two (2) fields at Koalaty that become Koalaty Park Field #2 game fields. Koalaty Park Field #4 Grand Total 16 Standard: 16 Soccer Planned Fields St. Martin's in the Field-Four (4) practice areas Chesapeake Place Park - One (1) Bob Jones Park-Six (6) practice areas Royal and Annie Smith Park - Three (3) Durham Elementary Field #1 Koalaty Park/CES -Three (3) Grand Total 18 Standard: 10 (k Football Planned Fields Koalaty Park-Field #2 Lose two (2) fields at Koalaty that become Koalaty Park-Field #4 game fields. Durham Elementary Field #1 _ Grand Total 1 Standard: 1 Grand Total 35* Standard: 27 *Discussion with CISD regarding joint use, allows possibility of 1 to 2 backstops, and an open area for soccer and football, at each new school site. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM to) September 27, 1999 ' TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services ' SUBJECT: Parks Capital Projects R Action Requested: SPDC discussion of future parks capital projects and relative priorities. Background Information: The Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) approved the Parks Five (5) Year Capital I_mprovements Program (CIP) at their October 26, 1998 meeting. This budget allocates $21,489,065 of half-cent sales tax funding to various capital projects over a five (5) year period ending with Fiscal Year 2002-03. The projects were allocated over the five (5) year timeline based on the priorities recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board in September 1998. I II At the time the 5-Year Parks CIP was adopted, staff committed to annually reviewing and refining project costs for factors such as inflation, clearer definition of project scope, etc. Projects that are necessary but not currently funded also potentially impact the Parks ICIP. Staff has been working on project cost refinements and some of these project costs have increased significantly over what is currently in the 5-Year Parks CIP — most notably the construction of Bob Jones Park with the improvements previously discussed with Park Board and SPDC. In addition, staff identified or received requests for four smaller projects that were discussed with the Park Board in June, but removed from the Parks and Recreation Division Fiscal Year 1999- 2000 Annual Budget. These projects are also eligible for funding through the SPDC half-cent sales tax. A list of planned and potential park capital projects is attached with revised estimated costs. ime Financial IConsiderations: Changes in the proposed Parks CIP are based on current revenue assumptions for the existing five (5) year Parks CIP. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board reviewed the prioritization of the 111 CIP proposal at their September 13, 1999 meeting, but took no E-/ SPDC Board of Directors `. September 27, 1999 Page Two action, preferring to wait until the joint SPDC/Park Board meeting to discuss park capital projects. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Provide input towards the five (5) year CIP as desired. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following: • Listing of planned park capital projects and revised estimated costs. • Current 5-Year Parks CIP approved by SPDC on October 26, 1998. Staff Recommendation: Place an item on the September 27, 1999 SPDC agenda to discuss proposed park capital projects. L IH 1 4 I I) I 4 II SPDC Capital Improvement Projects • Teen Center Construction ($850,000) • Continental Trail Phases I and II ($320,000) • Capping of Wells at Bob Jones Park ($20,000) • Bleachers ($11,000) • Bob Jones Trailhead Parking ($16,000) ■ Senior Activity Center Parking Lot Expansion ($30,000) • City Entrance Improvements ($75,000) ■ Bob Jones Park Development (Additional $1,420,000 - $2,200,000) • Nature Center Improvements ($100,000) ■ Koalaty Park Phase I Development ($390,000) • Smith Park Planning and Phase I Improvements ($175,000) • Signage for On-Road Trails ($10,000) • Loop Trail — Bicentennial/Durham/CJHS ($230,000) • Noble Oaks Park ($280,000) • Recreation Center Planning and Design ($500,000) • Recreation Center Construction ($5,500,000)** ib • Aquatics Facility Planning and Design ($290,000) • Inline Hockey Court Cover ($500,000) • Lonesome Dove Playground Improvements ($125,000) • Smith Park Construction ($800,000) 4 • Aquatics Facility Construction ($2,900,000) • Girls Softball Complex ($500,000) • Koalaty Park Phase II Improvements ($350,000) ■ Shelton Wood Park Phase I Improvements ($300,000) ■ Equestrian Facilities at Bob Jones ($3,500,000) Annual Appropriations ■ Matching Funds — Community Projects ($100,000/$150,000 per year) • Special Projects ($50,000 per year) Biannual Appropriations • Joint Use Improvements ($20,000) Rla **Includes anticipated TPWD Grant of $500,000 N:IParks&Recreation\BOARDSISPDCICIPListing.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I Southlake Parks I► ment Corporation Approved by Si J/26/98 Capital Prti,_-ts Budget FY97/98-FY02/03 _ A f B 1 C I D [ E I F 1 G I H I I 1 2 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 TOTAL 6 7 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES 8 Fund Balance $ 464,656 $ (447,000) $ 597,750 $ (12,250) $ 3,072,750 $ 527,750 9 10 Interest Earnings $ 200,000 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 975,000 11 Donations-Matching Funds $ 6,050 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,050 12 TPW Grant Proceeds $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 13 Operating Fund Transfer $ 1,140,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 3,640,000 14 Bond Proceeds $ 5,136,109 $ 4,500,000 $ - $ 4,400,000 $ - $ 5,500,000 $ 19,536,109 15 Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forwari $ 6,482,159 $ 5,425,000 $ 875,000 $ 5,075,000 $ 625,000 $ 6,175,000 $ 24,657,159 16 17 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ (447,000) $ 597,750 $ (12,250) $ 3,072,750 $ 527,750 $ 3,632,750 18 (Less than) EXPENDITURES 19 20 EXPENDITURES 21 RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $ - $ - 22 LAND ACQUISITION: $ - $ 1,900,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,900,000 23 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES $ - $ 450,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 450,000 24 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 25 26 COMMUNITY PARKS: 27 Smith Park-Joint-use/KISD $ 369,121 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 369,121 28 Southwest $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 29 Southeast $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 30 31 32 33 34 CITY PARKS: 35 Bicentennial Park-Brunson/Bank $ 1,161,580 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,161,580 36 Bicentennial Park-adjacent tracts $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 300,000 37 Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) $ 1,621,600 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,621,600 38 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 39 40 SPECIAL PARKS: 41 Lonesome Dove/COE entryway $ 63,135 ! $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 63,135 42 Teen Center site $ - ! $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 43 44 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ - I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 45 Park land acquisition I 46 Trail system development(additional ROW) tst Prepared 9/24/99, 10:35 AM Page 1 of 5 L\finance\spdc\Spbuddoc xls I I I I I I I I 1 I Southlake Parks f1 ment Corporation Approved by SI J/26/98 Capital Pruj,cts Budget FY97/98-FY02/03 _ A 1 B I C I D ) E I F I G I H I I 1 2_ 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 TOTAL 47 48 OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION $ 470,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 470,000 49 50 PARK DEVELOPMENT: ▪51 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: 52 Koalaty Park 53 Planning $ 10,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 54 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ 175,000 55 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 56 57 Noble Oaks Park 58 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 59 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 100,000 ▪60 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 61 62 Lonesome Dove Park 63 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 64 Phase I $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 65 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 66 67 COMMUNITY PARKS: 68 Royal and Annie Smith Park 69 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 70 Phase I $ - $ - $ 110,000 $ 115,000 $ - $ - $ 225,000 71 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 72 73 Southeast Park 74 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 75 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 76 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 77 78 Southwest Park 79 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 80 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 81 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 82 83 84 Teen Center 85 Planning $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 86 Phase I $ - $ - $ 850,000 $ - $ - $ 850,000 87 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 88 t ' Prepared 9/24/99, 10:35 AM Page 2 of 5 L\finance\spdc\Spbuddoc xis �\ t / 1 I I r-4 r-' r' r' r r,°", I"", r . r -- r _ r---' r._„ r _, Southlake Parks iment Corporation Approved by �/26198 1 Capital ,acts Budget . FY97/98-FY02/03 A l B I C 1 D I E I F I G I H I I 1 2 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 TOTAL 89 90 91 92 PARK DEVELOPMENT: 93 94 COMMUNITY PARKS: 95 Community Center/Recreation Center 96 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ 200,000 97 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000,000 $ - $ 3,000,000 98 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 99 100 CITY PARKS: 101 Bicentennial Park 102 Phase II 103 Bid Package#1 ,Earthwork,Utilities,Vehicular paving $ 597,519 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 597,519 104 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 105 co#1-7/98 drainage=($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 106 Bid Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 851,019 107 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 108 'Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 377,281 109 8/98 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - $ - $ - l' $ - $ - $ - $ - 110 '.Bid Package#3,Structures(Mesa 9/22/97 est.):(FY1998-99) $ - $ 410,750 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 410,750 111 Tennis Facility($290,750) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 112 Restroom/Storage($120,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 113 Design Contract(Mesa) $ 161,910 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 161,910 114 'Landscape/Irrigation(FY1998-99$70,000) $ - $ 70,000 $ - ' $ - $ - $ - $ 70,000 115 Fence Extension-Adventure Alley $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 116 Entry Road Patching $ $ 5,000 $ $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 117 Resod Field#2(General Fund) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 118 Fences-Fields#4 8#5 $ 16,805 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,805 119 120 Phase III ' 121 Loop trail within park $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 122 roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - , $ - $ - $ 60,000 123 Aquatics facility $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 124 North Berm construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 125 Additional ballfield construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 126 127 128 129 130 CITY PARKS: Prepared 9/24/99, 10:35 AM Page 3 of 5 L:\finance\spdc\Spbuddoc.xls Southlake Parks iment Corporation Approved by;. J/26/98 Capital .rs Budget FY97/98-FY02/03 A 1 B 1 C j D [ E I F ] G 1 H J I 1 2 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 TOTAL 131 Bob Jones Park 132 Phase 133 Grading/Berm($369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) $ 369,718 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 369,718 134 • Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,900 135 Engineering Services($166,733 Cheatham-part A and B) $ 166,733 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 166,733 136 6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) $ 164,345 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 164,345 137 Fence- 12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100,co#2-8/98 fence=$651: $ 45,437 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 45,437 138 Parking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 248,970 139 "part 6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers) $ 53,762 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 53,762 140 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 141 • 15 Picnic Tables wl grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,250 142 • Fishing Dock$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 38,500 143 • Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 96,000 144 • Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 38,500 145 • Pavilion$85,000 $ - $ 85,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 85,000 146 147 Bob Jones Park 148 Phase I 149 Phase II 150 Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ - t $ - $ - $ - $ 96,000 151 • 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,250 152 Fishing Pond$102,500 $ - $ 102,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 102,500 153 Day Camping Facilities$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 64,000 154 (Amphitheater$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 64,000 155 Signage$1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 156 !Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 35,000 157 'Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ 100,000 $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ 500,000 158 • (Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 $ - $ 128,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 128,000 159 Planning and Construction$45,500 $ - $ 45,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 45,500 160 Restroom/storage/concession facility $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ $ 100,000 161 162 lBob Jones Park 163 Phase III 164 !Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - $ 600,000 $ - $ - $ 620,000 165 Bob Jones Park 166 Phase IV $ - $ - $ - $ . $ - $ - $ - 167 168 169 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: 170 Signage for On-Road Trails $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 171 172 Continental-Phase 1 $ 9,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 159,000 173 Continental-Phase 2 $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 l Prepared 9/24/99, 10:35 AM Page 4 of 5 L\finance\spdc\Spbuddoc xls I iiimis IMII MC - M MN g M i up \ - S me on - � MINI ea 1111111* Southlake Parks )ment Corporation Approved by SI . i0/26/98 Capital 11„jcts Budget FY97/98-FY02/03 A l B I C I D 1 E j F 1 G I H I 1 2 3 FY1997-98 4 Approved 5 Budget FY1998-99 FY1999-00 FY2000-01 FY2001-02 FY2002-03 TOTAL 174 175 Loop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - $ - $ 230,000 $ - $ - $ 230,000 176 177 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,000 178 179 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 48,000 180 181 MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: 182 T-Ball Field#10-SBA($6141 spent/to be paid by SBA$3980=$2160 50) $ 6,141 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,141 183 KSB-Waterscape(added$7,000 12/97) $ 12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,000 184 Adventure Alley Pavilion($25,000) $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 185, Tree Farm(approved 12/97-donations FY98=$1742) $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 186 Remaining Balance $ 65,359 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 565,359 187 188 SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ 55,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 305,000 189 190 JOINT USE PROJECTS: 191 CISD-Parking Lot CMS $ 85,980 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 85,980 192 Equipment $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 193 Signage-All Parks $ 7,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,000 194 Gymnasiums $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 195 Ball field development $ 6,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 106,000 196 197 198 199 200 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,393,815 $ 4,380,250 $ 1,485,000 $ 1,990,000 $ 3,170,000 $ 3,070,000 $ 21,489,065 201 ' TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE 1 1 Prepared 9/24/99, 10:35 AM Page 5 of 5 L\finance\spdc\Spbuddoc.xls