1999-06-28 City of Southlake, Texas
June 25. 1999
TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation
FROM: Kevin Hugman. Director of Community Services
SUBJECT: Additional funding capacity for land acquisition program
Action Requested: SPDC discussion of potential land acquisition funding through additional
debt issuance. Direction from SPDC as to specific land acquisition
projects that should be funded through additional debt, and total amount
to be funded.
Information: SPDC approved a five-year capital projects budget on October 26, 1998,
showing anticipated revenues (bond proceeds, grant proceeds, interest
earnings, donations, etc.) and expenditures (land acquisition, park
development projects, community matching funds, joint use projects).
The plan allocated approximately $6.3 million for land acquisition during
the five year period, of which $1.9 million would be available for
"unspecified" acquisitions.
In early 1999, SPDC began to consider the purchase of several large
tracts land which had unexpectedly become available. The potential
impact on the 5-year Parks CIP was such that SPDC faced a dilemma in
deciding how to simultaneously pay for the desired properties while also
continuing. to move forward with project development. The expected
revenues from senior lien bond proceeds were assumed to occur every
other year, but the funds were also allocated to the various projects
planned in the CIP.
At its March 22, 1999 meeting, the City's financial advisor Jim Sabonis
discussed various options the Board has in issuing additional debt,
resulting in the near-term availability of additional revenues. As you
recall, the ability to issue additional debt stems from the use of the
"excess funds" in the SPDC operating fund. These "excess funds" are
the difference between sales tax collections and debt service payments
out. This $500,000 had traditionally been appropriated from the
operating fund and transferred to the SPDC project fund at the end of
each fiscal year. (The 5-year Parks CIP shows this $500,000 as a
constant revenue sum each fiscal year.) Mr. Sabonis had suggested that
these funds could be used as debt service if additional bonds were issued
%r above and beyond the senior lien program. His analysis indicated that
the sales tax projections supported the necessary debt coverage for this
type of issuance.
7 4-1
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
June 25, 1999
Page 2
At its May 24, 1999 meeting, SPDC again considered the potential land
acquisition projects, compared to the risk of issuing additional debt.
SPDC stated they were uncomfortable with an issuance of the maximum
available $10 million, which would be required to obtain the tracts
previously discussed. It was also stated that the current land acquisition
amount allocated in the CIP should be reserved for future opportunities
and not exhausted at this time.
Mr. Sabonis has done additional analysis, and has indicated that the debt
service for an issuance of $2.26 million at this time, with existing senior
lien debt service, would still be below the projected sales tax revenues
for FY 1998-99. This means that even if sales tax revenues immediately
flattened out, SPDC would still have revenues sufficient to meet current
senior debt service and additional debt service required for the new
Financial -
Considerations: Additional debt issuance at this time of approximately $2.26 million
would still allow the capability of additional senior lien debt issuance
planned in FY 2000-01, assuming current sales tax growth projections.
ar Citizen Input/
Board Review: At the joint SPDC/Park Board meeting held on April 26, 1999, SPDC
and Park Board agreed that land acquisition is the highest priority.
Legal Review: Bond counsel will be required to review final plans for debt issuance.
Alternatives: Alternates are:
(1) Senior lien debt issuance - continue with plan in place.
Approximately $12.3 million over next five fiscal years.
(2) Senior / Junior lien debt combination - Assuming current sales tax
projections, funding capacity of$18,120,000 through FY 2002-03.
(3) Senior / CO combination - require City of Southlake to issue
certificates of obligation with repayment by SPDC through sales tax
Documents: Five year Parks Capital Improvements Plan
Recommendation: SPDC consideration of land acquisition projects and funding capacity for
these additional purchases.
lbw Approved for Submittal to SPDC:
ity anager's Office
1998-99 collected budget balance
budget to date balance percent
$1,510,525 $991,892 $518,633 34.33%
YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc
MONTH 96-97 -Dec 97-98 -Dec 98-99 -Dec
1 October $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% $155,384 31.0%
November 67,684 21.0% 96,832 43.1% 103,444 6.8%
CDecember 57,542 10.7% 81,935 42.4% 94,247 15.0%
lcJanuary 99,437 41.7% 133,219 34.0% 156,915 17.8%
February 62,836 31.9% 84,457 34.4% 99,787 18.2%
March 52,366 1.5% 80,074 52.9% 97,318 21.5%
April 91,192 33.1% 107,650 18.0%- 155,959 44.9% -
May 76,289 39.5% 108,880 42.7% 128,839 18.3%
June 85,906 53.0% 100,117 16.5% - n/a
July 111,927 24.5% 137,036 22.4% - n/a
IIAugust 92,426 39.7% 112,063 21.2% - n/a
September 86,958 42.0% 100,085 15.1% - n/a
TOTAL $965,508 30.8% $1,260,929 30.6% $991,892 22.2%
Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) %
1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 Difference Change
October $ 118,582 $ 142,061 $ 155,384 $ 155,384 $ 13,322 9.38%
November 96,832 116,005 103,444 103,444 (12,561) -10.83%
December 81,936 98,159 94,247 94,247 (3,912) -3.99%
IJanuary 133,219 159,596 156,915 156,915 (2,680) -1.68%
February 84,457 101,179 99,787 99,787 (1,393) -1.38%
March 80,074 95,928 97,318 97,318 1,390 1.45%
April 107,650 128,964 155,959 155,959 26,995 20.93%
May 108,880 130,438 128,839 128,839 (1,599) -1.23%
June 100,117 119,940 - 119,940 - 0.00%
July 137,036 164,169 - 164,169 - 0.00%
August 112,063 134,251 134,251 0.00%
(tiseSeptember 100,085 119,835 - 119,835 - 0.00%
$ 1,260,928 $ 1,510,525 $ 991,892 $ 1,530,087 $ 19,562 1.30%
19.79% 21.35% Slstx99.xls
-7B - I
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget
Presented June 28,1999
E1 , AI B I D I E I F I G I I-I
2 Total Actual Actual
3 ' FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions
4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date
5 Budget Budget Budget May-99 as of 5-99
8 Fund Balance $ - $ (447,000)', $ 5,405,038 $ - $ 5,405,038
9 (unaudited) (unaudited)
10 Interest Earnings I $ - ' $ 175,000 , $ 175,000 ' $ 49,319 $ 49,319
11 Donations-Matching Funds $ $ $ $ 12,463 $
12 TPW Grant Proceeds $ $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $
13 Texas Forest Service Grant-Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks) $ $ $ 8,400 $ $
14 Operating Fund Transfer $ - $ 500,000 ' $ 500,000 $ 333,333 $ -
15 Bond Proceeds $ - $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 $ - $ _
IC16 Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forward) $
17 - $ 5,425,000 $ 5,433,400 $ 395,115 $ 49,319
18 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ - $ 565,241 $ 722,899 $ (3,226,719) $ (438,893)
19 (Less than)EXPENDITURES '
20 ,
C24 LAND ACQUISITION: I $ $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 $ $
25 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES $ - $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ - $
26 _
27 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $ - $ - $ - $ - S _
30 Southwest $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _
31 Southeast $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _
34 Bicentennial Park-adjacent tracts i $ 300,000 $ - I $ 300,000 $ 389,852 , $ 389,852
35 Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) ' $ 1,621,600 . $ - $ 1,621,600 $ 932,717 ' $ 2,144,518
36 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - $ - ' $ _ $ -
39 Teen Center site $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
41 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
42 Park land acquisition
43 Trail system development(additional ROW)
45 OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION , $ 470,000 $ - $ 470,000 $ 472,753 $ 472,753
49 Koalaty Park
50 Planning ' $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 $ $ 5,095
51 Phase I $ $ $ $ $ -
52 Phase II ' $ - $ - $ - $ _ ' g
54 Noble Oaks Park
55 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $
56 Phase I $ - $ _ F $ - $ _ ' $
57 Phase II I $ - $ - $ - $ - ' $ -
_59 Lonesome Dove Park
60 Planning , $ - $ -I$ - $ - $ -
61 Phase I !$ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 F $ -1 $ -
62 Phase II $ _ , $ _ . $ - $ _ . $ -
35 Royal and Annie Smith Park
d6 Planning I $ - ' $ - $ - $ - j$ -
Prepared 6/24/99,5:22 PM Page 1 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\Spdc599.xls
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget
Presented June 28,1999
Et 11 AI B I D I E I F I G I_ H
IWO 2 Total Actual Actual
3 - FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions
4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date
5 Budget Budget Budget May-99 as of 5-99
67 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ -
68 Phase II $ $ $ $ $ _
70 Southeast Park
71 : Planning $ - • $ - $ - $ - , $ _
72 Phase I $ - $ - $ $ - $
C 73 Phase II $ - $ - ' $ - $ - $ -
75 Southwest Park
76 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _
77 Phase I $ $ $ $ $
78 Phase II $ $ $ $ $
80 Teen Center
81 Planning $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ -
82 : Phase I $ _ . $ _ , $ _ $ _ $
83 I Phase II $ - $ _ , $ _ ' $ _ ; $ _
84 i
85 Community Center/Recreation Center
C 86 Planning $ $ $ $ $
87 Phase I $ $ $ $ $
88 Phase II $ _ - S - $ - $ _ - $ -
89 •
91 Bicentennial Park
92 ,Phase II
L93 Bid Package#1 ,Earthwork,Utilities,Vehicular paving $ 597,263 ' $ - $ 597,263 $ 579,083 $ 579,339
94 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - ' $ - $ - $ - $
95 co#1-7/98 drainage=($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 $ $ - $ $ $
IllOr 96 Bid Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 $ - $ 851,019 ' $ 525,593 ; $ 525,593
97 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors $ - ' $ - $ - $ _ ! $ -
98 Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 • $ - $ 377,281 $ 294,127 $ 300,125
99 8/98 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
100 Bid Package#3,Structures,McWilliams Enterprises $ $ 443.259 $ 443,259 $ 70,890 $ -
101 Tennis Facility $ $ $ $ $ -
102 Restroom/Storage $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
103 Design Contract(Mesa) $ 161,910 $ - $ 161,910 $ 3,478 $ 151,608
104 Landscape/Irrigation $ $ 70.000 $ 70,000 $ 572 $
105 Fence Extension-Adventure Alley $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ -
106 ,Entry Road Patching $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ -
107 Fences-Fields#4 ' $ 16,805 $ - $ 16,805 $ - $ 15,482
109 Phase III
110 Loop trait within park $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ ' $ -
111 roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 . $ - $ -
112 Aquatics facility $ $ $ $ $
113 North Berm construction $ - ' $ - $ - $ - $ -
114 Additional ballfield construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _
117 Bob Jones Park
118 Phase)
119 Grading/Berm($369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) $ 369,718 $ - ' $ 369,718 ' $ 56,592 1 $ 371,518
120 ' Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,900 $ - ' $ 8,753
121 Engineering Services($166,733 Cheatham-part A and B)II
$ 166,733 $ $ 166,733 $ 27,155 $ 182,286
122 6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) $ 164,345 $ $ 164,345 $ 18,578 ! $ 162,771
123 'Water well(JJ Biffle-$8943310/98) ; $ - $ - $ 89,433 ! $ 61,806 i$ 61,806
124 Fence-12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100;co#2-8/98 fence=$6512) : $ 45,437 I $ - $ 45,437 $ 12,042 1 $ 45,237
125 Parking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 : $ $ 248,970 $ 18,374 $ 272,359
126 par6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers)co#1-10/98$5604 $ 53,762 $ - $ 59,366 $ 59,919 : $ 59,919
127 • 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ $ $ $ $ -
28 * 15 Picnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ $ 19,250 $ 19,250 $ $
29 * Fishing Dock$38,500 $ $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ $
Prepared 6/24/99,5:22 PM Page 2 of 3 L:1financelspdclSpdc599.xls
---7� 3
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget
Presented June 28,1999
EL _ AI B I D ( E I F l G l H
11111. 2 Total Actual Actual
3 FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions
4 ' Carry-over ' Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date
5 Budget Budget Budget May-99 as of 5-99
130 * Playground$96,000 $ - ' $ 96,000 j $ 96,000 $ - $
C 131 *'Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 I $ 38,500 $ - $
132 *',Pavilion$85,000 $ - ' $ 85,000 $ 85,000 I $ - $
133 1
134 (Phase II
135 * Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 1 $ 96,000 I$ - $ -
136 *i 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 1 $ 19,250 ; $ -: $ _
137 *'Fishing Pond$102,500 $ - $ 102,500 1 $ 102,500 $ - $
138 ' Day Camping Facilities$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ 64,000 j $ - $ -
139 ' Amphitheater$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 I $ 64,000 I $ - $ -
140 * Signage$1,000 $ - $ 1,000 1 $ 1,000 , $ - $
II 141 * Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 ' $ - $ 35,000 ' $ 35,000 ' $ 7,500 $ 7,500
142 Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
143 * Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 $ - $ 128,000 1 $ 128,000 ! $ - $ -
144 Planning and Construction$45,500 ' $ - $ 45,500 ; $ 45,500 i $ -
145 ; i I I
147 ;Bob Jones Park i 1 ;
148 ,Phase III I
149 Nature Center $ 20,000 • $ $ 20,000 $ 13,000 $
151 'Phase IV $ _ S - , $ - ' 5 - $ -
154 Signage for On-Road Trails $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $
156 Continental-Phase 1 $ 9,000 $ 150,000 , $ 159,000 , $ - $ 3,568
L157 Continental-Phase 2 $ $ __ $ - $ - $ -
�� 158
159 ;Loop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - , $ - 1 $ - $ _ $
161 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 I $ 12,000 i$ - $ -
163 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 ' $ $ 48,000 $ 16,050 $ 18,450
166 Adventure Alley Pavilion addl$10,000 10/98 $ 15,000 $ $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000
167 Tree Farm(app.12/97-donations FY98=$2,069+$1,500=$3,569) $ 1,500 $ $ 1,500 $ 24 $ 3,288
168 Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks-Grant) $ $ $ 4,200 $ 2,601 $ 2,601
169 Southlake Baseball Association(app.1/99) $ - ' $ - $ 30,000 ' $ 22,113 $ 22,113
170 Remaining Balance $ - . $ 100,000 $ 39,300 ; $ -
172 SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ $ -
173 I Senior Activity Center ' $ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 : $ 9,910 $ 59,611
II 174 ,
176 Equipment $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $ - $ -
177 :Signage-All Parks $ 7,000 r $ - $ 7,000 ; $ - ' $ -
178 Gymnasiums $ _ $ _ 1 $ - $ - $ -
179 Ball field development $ - $ 20,000 i $ 20,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,106
181 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES , $ 5,624,243 ' $ 4,412,759 1 $ 10,115,539 : $ 3,621,834 $ 5,893,250
Prepared 6/24/99,5:22 PM Page 3 of 3 L:\finance\spdc1Spdc599.xls
I -0)6_i.../
Capital Projects Status Report
June 15, 1999
Land Acquisition -
1 Status: None.
Phase II construction
Design -Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997
' Estimated Completion of Construction: August, 1999
Consultant: MESA Design Group
Status: Bid package #1 with Pittman Construction was closed June 2, 1999 for a
total contract amount of 5593,779.
SPDC awarded bid package #2 to American Tennis Court Contractors for$851,019.00
to include 13 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts, and 1 in-line hockey court. Change
Order #1 (resurfacer) was approved in February to add 513,000. Change Order #2
resulted in a credit of$1,531. Change Order #3 resulted in a credit of S6,373. Tennis
Iv" court surfacing is 95%complete. Center court seat walls and steps are substantially
complete. Sidewalks will progress with establishment of grade.
SPDC awarded bid package #2a to NE:VIA3 Electric for$377,281.00 to include lighting
ballfrelds 1 and 3 with all Phase II court lighting with exception of the basketball courts
which are unlighted Ballfield lighting is complete. Phase II tennis lighting will be
completed with pro-shop construction. Phase II hockey lighting will resume as planned
with delivery of materials. Manufacturer material cost increase and delivery increased
' cost$3,000.
SPDC awarded bid package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc.for 5443,259.00 to
' include the Tennis Center and restroom/storage facility. Contract and construction
issues delayed progress. Concrete piers and mechanical services are complete with
foundation progressing.
' Written estimates for Tennis windscreens were received and awarded to American Tennis
Court Contractors Inc.for$14,433.00. Installation is expected in mid July. Written
estimates for tennis court shade structures were received and awarded to SunPorts
International Inc.for$7,960. Installation is essentially complete. Written estimates for
Ilbro the pond surface aeration system were received and awarded to Greenscape Pump
Services Inc.for$12,775. Installation is expected in early July.
Page 1
kiii Bicentennial Park Phase II
I I I i 1999
ID Task Name I Duration I Dec I Jan I Feb j Mar I Apr I May I Jun � Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct Nov[ 'Dee Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr
1 Bid Package/1 21d iimip
I 2 Bid Package 82 156d
72d iiponommip
4 Concrete 31d
5 Fencing 15d
6 Surfacing25d
7 Basketball Courts 304 t5X
6 Concrete Complete 15d
_— Iompkte - —_
9 10 Surtatkg
In-Li — 15d
In-Line Hockey Facility w/o cover 114d 90X
11 Concrete Complete 1003
I12 Dasher Boards 14d
13 Bid Package/2A 155d
14 Softbal Lighting 37dMEI Complete
15 Tennis Lighting 134cl
16 Installation — 15d ElComplete '. -
1T 'Monq +4d _ M -
16 Bid Package/3 154d 1.
Its Tennis Pro Shop and Restroom Faaleies 154d
20 Deduct Change Order 10d
21 SPDC Approval 6d
22 CM Counal Approval lid ----- ----- -- ----
II VW 23 Foundation 20d
I 1999
ID Task Name Duration Dec ) Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug J Sep j Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr
24 Phase II Remaining Items 136d
25 Tennis Shade Structure 20d
26 women approval of estimates 10d
27 Installation 10d CompleH
26 Tennis Wind Screens 126d Complete
29 Written approval of estimates 10d_----- .O..mpM..
30 Installation ��
31 Pond Aeration 670 1111111,
32 Written approval of estimates 22d a-- ______ l.b.
33 Instalation 21d
34 Bid Package 4 toad
35 Irrigation 108d
36 — Design t7tl ___fie
37 Park Board and SPDC Approval 25d
36 Receive Authorization to Bid from SPDC td
39 Advertise 21d
---------------L-- ---.
Ida Tabulation and Award of Contract 7d
41 ObtainContract Documents 7d
42 Constroction 30d
IL .
I Page 2
ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I-Apr F May I Jun 1 Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct 1 Nov J Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr
43 Bid Package 6 106d
I +4 1 Landscaping 106d
45 Design 17d 111%.1rri_
46 Park Board and SPDC Approval 250
I 47 43 Receive Authorization to Bid from SPDC Id
49 Tabulation and Award of Contract 7d
Iso 51 Obtain Contract Documents 7d
Construction 304
IAdventure Alley Fence Extension—F.Y. 1998-99
Status: The 45'pavilion constructed by Southlake Playgrounds, Inc. will
I incorporate a portion of the fence extension. Estimates are being sought to complete the
I 1999
tO Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct 1 Nov I Dec Jan I Feb [Mar I Apr
71 Adventure Alley Fence Extension 56d.I Entrance Road Repair—F.Y. 1998-99
,, Status: Contractor recommendations and estimates are being received.
to Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb l Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul qug I Sep 1 Oct I Nov I Dec Jan ]Feb I Mar I Apr
72 Entrance Road Repair 107d
r 73 Design 15d
74 Park Board and SPDC Approval lad WettIQ
75 Receive Approval to Bid born SPDC 1d
76 Advertise 16tl
77 Tabulation and Award of Contras ad
76 Obtain Contract Documents 7d
79 Construction 25d
Phase III
Park Trail—F.Y. 1998-99
I Status: Alignment of the park trail is being designed by staff and will be submitted
when completed for Park Board approval. Staff is coordinating with Tom Thumb to
ensure an acceptable transition across property lines. Site base information is being
I assembled to illustrate existing conditions and improvements. The portion of trail south
of Oak Hill Subdivision is anticipated to be improved within the month of July, 1999.
I Page 3
I 7C-3
!lie .
ID Task Name Duration Dec , Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr j May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr
I 64 I Park Toil — 191d
65 I Design 15d ,
tt`l •
66 Park Board and SPDC Approval 8d
67 Advertise 254
68 I Tabulation and Award of Contract 8d
89 Obtain Contract Documents 7d
70 1 Construction 660
Cover for In-line Hockey-F.Y. 1998-99
I Status: Proposals from qualified design consultants were received and reviewed
for the cover of the in-line hockey facility. A contract for S6,000 has been accepted from
Ron Hobbs Architects for two conceptual designs with cost estimates to construct.
ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul J Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr
52 Hockey Cover 326d ' I
I 53 Consultant Selection and Approval 97d
54 Conceptual Desgn wen Estimates 44d,
SS Park Board and SPDC Approval 14d
56 Preliminary Design Approval 300 --- --- _—�
57 Park Board and SPDC Approval 15d •
58 Construction Documents 30d
w 59 Receive Authonzatron to 04 from SPDC 16d I-e 60 Advertise 30d •
61 Tabulation and Award of Contract 7d
62 Obtain Contract Documents 7d
I63 Construction 60d -- ---
I Land Acquisition-
Status: Progressing through the City Manager's Office.
IPhase I with TPWD Grant-
Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Began: March 18, 1997
I Status: Contracts are closed with:
James Arnold Construction for Phase I earthwork.
J.L. Bertram for vehicular paving.
IThomas Bros. Grass for sodding soccer fields.
Ratliff Iron Works for perimeter fencing.
Daniel Electric for power services.
ILProBuild Construction for phase I pump enclosure.
I Page 4
C 7e .5/
SPDC awarded irrigation improvements to 'A New Deal'Inc. Construction. Installation
is complete with parking lot islands remaining. Closeout discussions are progressing.
SPDC approved schematic plans for TPWD grant improvements as presented in April to
include the pavilion/boardwalk,playground, trails, and ballfields. Construction
' documents are being finalized. Authorization to bid will be requested from SPDC
pending approval of the TPWD contract. Issues remain concerning deed and boundary
information submitted. Staff is awaiting a response from TPWD.
ID Task Name Duration ;Dec Jan I Feb J Mar f Apr I May Jun I Jul f Aug j Sep I Oct f Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar j Apr f May
1 PhaseI 61d
Grass Sodding Pipe Fen 210ME 1 Complete
Sto C
Penang ompklte
4 Tree Transplamng 21a I Complete
5 Water WM 40a
Phase II with TPWD Grant-
Status: To begin after substantial completion of Phase I.
Nature Center Planning-
Status: A location has been recommended and approved by the Park Board. The
donated facility is being stored until site conditions will allow for final placement.
Noble Oaks Park- F.Y.2000-01
' Status: Design has been held pending coordination of adjacent improvements
with CISD. Staff is progressing with the development of a designated parking area to
deter vehicular traffic through the park
Koalaty Park-F.Y.2000-01
Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. The layout
of the Master Plan was approved with the inclusion of relocating the restroom facility,
' creating a berm south of the school,providing a natural barrier to Country Walk Estates,
and providing 25 additional parking spaces.
Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both
sized for elementary-age use; one larger practice soccer field and adult practice
ballfield. A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental
IBlvd. trail.
Page 5
khire Problems continue with parking along the Country Walk entrance. "No Parking"signs
were installed but have been of little benefit to resolve the conditions.
I Royal and Annie Smith Park-F.Y.
y . 1999 00
I Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. Approval
was tabled. KISD is constructing a library and parking lot that will necessitate
redesign of the park A temporary trail was constructed along the right-of-way from '
IRidgewood Subdivision to Florence Elementary.
I Lonesome Dove Park-F.Y. 1998-99
Status: All requirements of the developer's agreement are being addressed.
As-built information is being gathered to progress with considered improvements.
IISTEA -Grant Cottonbeft Trail-F.Y.F.Y. 1997-98
Status: Southlake, Colleyville, and NRH entered into an interlocal agreement with
each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective
_ and efficient approach. MESA Design Group has been contracted as consultants by the
three cities and TxDOT. Preliminary plans with alternatives are being reviewed. The
City of Grapevine has agreed to assist through the City of Southlake portion of the trail.
Ii,,. MI 2000 2001 2002
lD !Cotton Batt r..hn. Durolion Otr 2 I Otr 3 1 Otr♦ OS 1 !Otr 2 1 OP 2 I OW 4 Otr 1 I Otr 2 I Do-7 )Otr 4 Otr 1 1 Otr 2 )Dtr] I Otr/ Otr 1 I Otr 2 1 OD 3
672d 1 Cotton Galt Trails ,
2 I Data Codes-ton and Site Analysis 145d P
I 2 Srhema0c Design 17Od
a Design Development 174d _ _ �_
5 Construcaon Douwments 143d .
Continental Boulevard Trail(White Chapel to Davis)-F.Y. 1998-99
Design -Phase I Contract Completed: November 25, 1997
IConsultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc.
Status: Trail improvements are pending Phase I improvements to Continental
I Page 6
' Royal and Annie Smith Park House-
Status: Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Extensive work will be
necessary for public use.
Nature Center-
1111 Status: The facility has been located to Bob Jones Park and is currently staged
until site conditions allow for final placement.
\1.1TC11IN(; FINDS - CO\I\1l NUN. GROE I'S
' Total Budget-S100,000
Adventure Alley Pavilion by Southlake Playgrounds,Inc.-
- Approved by SPDC: August 17, 1998
11,41, Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997
Status: SPDC approved S1 5,000 at the August meeting to begin construction on
the planned 20'and 45'pavilion. Funds received have allowed for the purchase and
completion of six covered picnic tables and a 30'pavilion. A fourth pavilion (20)
location was approved by Parks and Recreation Board near the Basketball courts of
Bicentennial Park.
Senior Tree Farm #1 -
IApproved by SPDC: January 16, 1998
Approved by Park Board: December 8, 1997
Status: All trees have been planted. The drip irrigation is 100%complete.
Senior Tree Farm#2-
IApproved by SPDC:
Approved by Park Board:
' Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of S8,400 (S4,200 Grant Award with a
S4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. All grow bags and drip irrigation
have been installed. Planting is complete with 403 seedlings.
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7e 7
Soccer Practice Fields-F.Y. 1998-99
1 Status: Plans are being prepared for the layout of the irrigation system at St.
Martin's in-the-Field. Minor earthwork is progressing to facilitate drainage.
1 I •
ID Task Name Duration Sep ; Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
1 St Martin's in the Field Soccer Practice Fields Sad
2 Minor Gradmg 41d
Joint-Use Equipment-
1 Status: Available as needed.
1 Signage for all Parks -
Status: Available as needed.
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Southlake Parks Development Corporation •
L.,CMO Follow up
/a q Meeting Date
I ?/2.09 Executive Session - Certified Agenda to City Secretary's office
08/7q Original, approved, minutes to City Secretary's office w/copy of packet information
Executed Documents needed:
Follow up items:
L •