1999-02-22 ' City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM ' February 18, 1999 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager ' FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approval of request from Southlake Girls Softball Association for $5,000 in matching grant funds Action Requested: SPDC approval of request from Southlake Girls Softball R Association for $5,000 in matching grant funding. i• Background I II Information: On January 13, 1999 the SGSA Board approved $5,000 of current resources to propose the construction of two (2) batting cages as park improvements. They request consideration of matching funds under the Southlake Parks Development Corporation matching ■- grant program. IIF Financial Considerations: SPDC has budgeted $100,000 in FY 1998-99 for matching funds. Currently, $25,000 has been allocated to the Adventure Alley pavilions, and another $30,000 has been allocated to the Southlake Baseball Association for various park improvements at rBicentennial Park. Citizen Input/ Board Review: This proposal was approved by the SGSA board on January 13, ii 1999, prior to being sent to the City. Approved by the Park and Recreation Board to recommend that SPDC match funding of$5,000 for the improvements requested. Approved on Consent Agenda at the February 8, 1999 meeting (8-0). Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Recommendation of funding at levels up to, and including $5,000. cgs." r Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager February 18, 1999 Page Two Supporting Documents: Letter from Jim Hardland, President of Southlake Girls Softball Association, requesting matching grant funding, received January 26, 1999. Staff ' Recommendation: Place Southlake Girls Softball Association request for matching grant funding in the amount of$5,000, on February 22, 1999 ' meeting agenda for consideration by SPDC. KH/je Approved for Submittal to SPDC: /Ci anager's Office I 1 1 i I P.O. Box 92639 Cry Southlake, TX 76092 City of Southlake Q I ATTN: Kevin Hugman JHN L 6 Director of Community Services 111.1 Southlake, TX 76092 DEPT.OF PARKS&RECREATION Dear Mr. Hugman: The Southlake Girls Softball Association Board met January 13, 1999 and discussed your letter concerning matching grant funding available through Southlake Parks Development Corporation. The Board unanimously approved applying funding to the construction ins of two batting cages at Bicentennial Park adjacent to the girls softball fields. We would like to apply $2000 earmarked in last years budget, and $3000 from this years for a total of$5000. This years funds will become available after our Spring season registration. It is my understanding that the Southlake Baseball Association is making a similar proposal for batting cages. 1 would like the construction to coincide with the boys Its facilities if it would be easier for the city or result in a cost savings. F Attached is a general specification sheet for the proposed cages. I would be happy to discuss this proposal if you require additional information. Sincerely, .74,(04/ L f Jim Hardland SGSA President 817-333-7938 Work 817-488-5185 Home 5- I �r Lu Specifications for two batting cages for the Southlake Girls Softball Association. r.. `` Cages should: be constructed on a concrete, asphalt, or similar permanent hard surface be lighted so they may be used for warm-ups for night games have a single power outlet capable of powering a pitching machine be constructed of materials that can withstand the impact of a batted or pitched ball without sustaining damage. L L L I - 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 S - - 1 .. L City of Southlake, Texas - Lir MEMORANDUM February 18, 1999 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent SUBJECT: Change Order# 1 to American Tennis Court Contractors for change in surface materials for tennis courts at Bicentennial Park I Action Requested: SPDC consideration of Change Order # 1 for an additional I $13,000 for two coats of acrylic resurfacer in addition to current surfacing specifications for tennis courts under construction. I Background Information: SPDC approved Bid Package #2 to American Tennis Court Contractors for all Phase II court construction in the amount of I $851,019. III Current specifications, considered to be a mid-grade surface, call for Concrete Preparer (acid etch) to be followed by Plexibond Coating (bonding agent) and Fortified Plexipave (surface paint). IThe proposed sequence, a four layer preferred grade of court surfacing, would add two coats of Acrylic Resurfacer (filler coat) Iprior to the two coats of Fortified Plexipave (surface paint). The benefits of the Acrylic Resurfacer would be to: I • extend the surface paint life due to wear by providing a consistent surface texture and provide some measure of cushion I to tennis play. • enrich the color appearance for a longer time because of the black pigmentation. IThe life of the court surfacing with the addtional layers, is expected to be five (5) years. As currently specified, the life Iexpectancy of the paint would be two to three years. I. I 641 I f Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager ['thy February 18, 1999 Page Two Financial Considerations: Staff is reviewing potential deduct change orders brought forward by the contractor. Items include painting the basketball court perimeter in lieu of sandblasting and accepting a material change for all handrails. These deductions could amount to approximately $7,000. The additional cost of this Change Order can be funded tip from the $60,000 currently allocated to Lonesome Dove Park. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Surface conditions are a consideration in hosting tournament play. CLegal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Manufacturers recommend a minimum four layer surface application. Staff considered all combinations of surfacing products and compared against the better Tennis Complexes in the Larea. The application suggested meets the preferred standard for the least material cost. Supporting i" Documents Change Order # 1. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the two coats of acrylic resurfacer for each of the L thirteen (13) Tennis Courts at $500 per court per layer for a total of$13,000. BH L Approved for Submittal to SPDC: City M ager's Office 6AVZ- hal CHANGE ORDER No. 1 r r.. Dated: February 17, 1999 Project Bicentennial Park Phase II-Bid Package 2 OWNER City of Southlake Contract For Court Construction Contract Date September 15, 1998 To: American Tennis Court Contractors Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: City of Southlake Owner By Dated , 1999 40. Nature of Changes: • Include with the current specifications, two coats of Acrylic Resurfacer per manufacturer recommendation for each of the thirteen (13) tennis courts. Remove Following Items From Contract: Quantity Unit Price Total 1) n.a. Total Deleted = $ 0.00 Additional Work to be Constructed: Quantity Unit Price Total 1)Apply two coats of Acrylic Resurfacer per manufacturer 13 S1,000 S 13,000 Total Added = $ 13,000.00 Subtotal = $ 13,000.00 Total Amount Change Order=$ 13,000.00 L Page 1 off 2 l lay These Changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order $ 851,019.00 Net Resulting from This Change Order $ 13,000.00 Current Contract Price Including This Change Order $ 864,019.00 NSPE-ASCE 1910-8-B(1978 Edition) Contract Time Prior to This Change g 150 calendar days Net Resulting from This Change Order 0 Current Contract Time Including This Change Order 150 calendar days CThe Above Changes Are Approved: Shana K. Yelverton Assistant City Manager L " By Date , 1999 ===== The Above Changes Are Accepted: American Tennis Court Contractors Inc. Contractor By Date , 1999 I 1 1 11110 Page 2 of 2 it PARK PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BY BOND PROCEEDS (FY 1999, FY 2000) Now FY1998-99 FY1999-00 LAND ACQUISITION: $ 1,900,000 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES $ 450,000 COMMUNITY PARKS: Southwest Southeast CITY PARKS: Bicentennial Park-adjacent tracts Bob Jones Park- adjacent tracts CSPECIAL PARKS: Lonesome Dove/COE entryway Teen Center site r 6 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: Park land acquisition r Trail system development(additional ROW) OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION TOTAL LAND ACQUISITION $2,350,000 PARK DEVELOPMENT: NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: Imp Lonesome Dove Park Phase I Construction $ 60,000 C t 6 COMMUNITY PARKS: Royal and Annie Smith Park Phase I Construction $ 110,000 Teen Center Planning $ 150,000 Phase I Construction $ 850,000 CITY PARKS: Bicentennial Park Phase II Bid Package#3, Structures(Mesa 9/22/97 est.):(FY1998-99) $ 443,259 Tennis Facility ($290,750) Restroom/Storage ($120,000) Landscape/Irrigation (FY1998-99 $70,000) $ 70,000 Fence Extension-Adventure Alley $ 5,000 Entry Road Patching $ 5,000 Phase III Loop trail within park $ 100,000 �' roofing for in-line hockey court $ 60,000 99BNDS1.XLS Page 1 of 2 r • i„ PARK PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BY BOND PROCEEDS (FY 1999, FY 2000) ilikr• CITY PARKS: FY1998-99 FY1999-00 Bob Jones Park Phase ! L * 15 Picnic Tables w/grills (15 in Phase II) $19,250 $ 19,250 * Fishing Dock$38,500 $ 38,500 * Playground $96,000 $ 96,000 IL * Practice Fields $38,500 $ 38,500 * Pavilion $85,000 $ 85,000 Phase II L * Playground $96,000 $ 96,000 * 15 Picnic Tables w/grills $19,250 $ 19,250 * Fishing Pond $102,500 $ 102,500 L * Day Camping Facilities $64,000 $ 64,000 * Amphitheater$64,000 $ 64,000 * Signage$1,000 $ 1,000 L * Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 $ 35,000 Loop Road -$500,000 (in addition to grant money) $ 100,000 * Hike& Bike Trail $128,000 $ 128,000 E Planning and Construction $45,500 $ 45,500 Restroom/storage/concession facility $ 100,000 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: i` Signage for On-Road Trails $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Continental-Phase 1 $ 150,000 hir Continental-Phase 2 $ 150,000 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ 12,000 "' TOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT $1,892,759 $1,315,000 Iv P MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: $ 100,000 $ 100,000 isAdventure Alley Pavilion ($25,000) Tree Farm (approved 12/97-donations FY98=$1742) LSouthlake Baseball Association improvements ($30,000) SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ 50,000 $ 50,000 L JOINT USE PROJECTS: Ball field development $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL --OTHER PROJECTS $ 170,000 $ 170,000 LGRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,412,759 $1,485,000 * TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE LGrand Total Expenditures Fiscal Years 1998-99 & 1999-00 $5,897,759 BOND PROCEEDS $4,500,000 $ - L OPERATING FUND TRANSFER INTEREST EARNINGS $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 TPW GRANT PROCEEDS $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Lc FOREST SERVICE GRANT PROCEEDS $ 8.400 $ - Grand Total Revenues $5,433,400 $ 875,000 Grand Total Revenues Fiscal Years 1998-99 & 1999-00 $6,308,400 I 99BNDS1.XLS Page 2 of 2 L CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BOND RATING PRESENTATION Wednesday, February 12, 1997 AGENDA Marriott Solana - Westlake 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Presentation/City Tour AMBAC Insurance Company 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch - AMBAC Insurance Company; Moody's Investors C Service; Standard and Poor's 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Presentation- Standard and Poor's City Tour- Moody's Investors Service 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presentation - Moody's Investors Service City Tour- Standard and Poor's PARTICIPANTS AMBAC - Dick Long; Donald Farrell Moody's Investors Service - Dennis Porcaro Standard and Poor's - Malachy Fallon; Kin Wong o'" First Southwest Company - Jim Sabonis; Jeff Robert E City of Southlake Elected and Appointed Officials Ralph Evans - Mayor Pro-tem; Southlake Parks Development Board Vice-President Pamela Muller - Deputy Mayor Pro-tern; Southlake Parks Development Board Secretary Scott Martin - Councilmember; Southlake Parks Development Board member David Yelton - Southlake Parks Development Board President City of Southlake Staff Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager Lou Arm Heath, Director of Finance Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works Ron Harper, Deputy Director of Public Works Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation Greg Last, Director of Community Development Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety City Staff Tour Participants Billy Campbell; Greg Last; Ron Harper l 1 ii CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 1 Bond Rating Presentation s February 1997 "of I TABLE OF CONTENTS "i page3 Development Activity/Other Information Residential Development as of November 1996 1 Land Use Plan Map 7 1 Zoning District Map 8 Thoroughfare Plan Map 9 Master Plan Review Schedule 10 1 Major Residential and Commercial Development Map 11 Capital Projects, FY 96-97 through FY 97-98 Map 12 Capital Projects, FY 96-97 Map 13 3 Capital Projects, FY 97-98 Map 14 Capital Projects Summary 15 Parks Recreation & Open Space Master Plan Map 17 3 Bob Jones Park Master Plan Map 18 Bicentennial Park Master Plan Map 19 Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) Map 20 3 Residential Development in Southlake-Photographs 21 1 Commercial Development in Southlake-Photographs 28 ..► ii City Projects and Joint Use Projects - Photographs 36 3 Financial and Statistical Information Annual Population Totals 40 Appraised Property Value by Fiscal Year 413 Property Tax Rate History by Fiscal Year 42 Sales Tax History by Fiscal Year 43 Sales Tax Revenue Schedule 44 3 Existing Zoning Acreage by Percentage 46 Future Land Use Acreage by Percentage 47 Number of New Residential Units by Fiscal Year 48 1 New Residential Construction Value by Fiscal Year 49 New Commercial Units by Fiscal Year - 50 New Commercial Construction Value by Fiscal Year 51 3 Current Residential Lot Inventory Analysis 52 Number of Development Cases by Type 53 Commercial vs Non-Commercial Development Cases 54 3 Southlake Newsletters Economic Report, Fall 1996 55 Southlake In Review, January 1997 56 Southlake In Review, Special Edition,November/December 1996 57 I 3 1 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPO RATION ON -'0r d-5''''‘,„,v, 112% SALES TAX REPORT Icy 1998-99 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent I $1,510.525 $509,989 $1,000.536 66.24% IIi FISCAL 1 FISCAL I FISCAL YEAR 9/0Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH 96-97 Dec 97-98 -Dec 98-99 -Dec IOctober $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% $155,384 31.0% November 67,684 21.0% 96.832 43.1% 103,444 6.8% 1 December 57,542 10.7% 81,935 42.4% 94,247 15.0% January 99,437 41.7% 133,219 34.0% 156,915 17.8% I February 62,836 31.9% 84,457 34.4% - n/a IMarch 52,366 1.5% 80,074 52.9% - n/a April 91,192 33.1% 107,650 18.0% - n/a IMay 76,289 39.5% 108,880 42.7% - n/a .June 85,906 53.0% 100,117 16.5% - n/a 1111.july 111,927 24.5% 137,036 22.4% - n/a IAugust 92.426 39.7% 112,063 21.2% - n/a September 86.958 42.0% 100,085 15.1% - n/a I ,TOTAL $965,508 30.8% $1.260,929 30.6% $509,989 18.4% IActual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) 0/0 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 Difference Change IOctober $ 118.582 $ 142,061 $ 155,384 $ 155.384 $ 13,322 9.38% November 96,832 116,005 103,444 103,444 (12,561) -10.83% December 81,936 98,159 94,247 94,247 (3.912) -3.99% IJanuary 133,219 159,596 156,915 156,915 (2,680) -1.68% February 84,457 101,179 101,179 0.00% March 80,074 95,928 - 95,928 - 0.00% IApril 107,650 128,964 - 128,964 - 0.00% May 108,880 130,438 130,438 0.00% June 100,117 119,940 - 119,940 - 0.00% July 137,036 164,169 - 164,169 - 0.00% 1 August 112,063 134,251 - 134,251 - 0.00% September 100.085 119.835119.835 - 0.00% E $ 1,260,928 $ 1,510,525 $ 509,989 $ 1,504.694 $ (5,831) -0.39% 19.79% 19.33% SLSTX99.XLS • Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented February 22,1999 IL. A, B D _ E F G H Total Actual Actual I 3 I 4 l FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget Budget Budget Jan-99 as of 1-99 6 - I7 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES 8 Fund Balance $ - $ (447,000) $ 5,405,038 $ - $ 5,405,038 9 i (unaudited) (unaudited) 10 Interest Earnings $ - $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 30,761 $ 30,761 p 11 I Donations-Matching Funds $ - $ - $ - S 20 $ 20 12 ITPW Grant Proceeds $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ - 13 Texas Forest Service Grant-Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks) $ - $ - $ 8,400 $ - $ - 14 (Operating Fund Transfer $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - S - 15 Bond Proceeds $ - $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 $ - S - 16 !Total Revenue/Other Sources(excluding fund balance carried forward) $ - $ 5,425,000 $ 5,433,400 $ 30,781 $ 30,781 to 17 18 REVENUES and FUND BALANCE in excess of/ $ - $ 565,241 $ 722,899 $ (1,161,642) $ 1,868,940 19 (Less than)EXPENDITURES 20 g, 21 EXPENDITURES 22 RESERVE FOR UNANTICIPATED PROJECTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 23 f 24 LAND ACQUISITION: $ - $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 $ - $ - r 25 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE TO LIQUIDATE NOTES $ - $ 450,000 l $ 450,000 $ - $ - 26 1 27 [NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - L 28 29 COMMUNITY PARKS: 30 Southwest $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 31 Southeast $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CITY PARKS: 3434 Bicentennial Park-adjacent tracts $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ - $ 35 Bob Jones Park-lots(West Beach) $ 1,621,600 $ - $ 1,621,600 $ 65,034 $ 1,276,835 36 Bob Jones Park-adjacent tracts $ - $ - $ - $ - $I - 37 38 SPECIAL PARKS: 39 Teen Center site $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 40 ' 41 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 42 Park land acquisition lin 43 Trail system development(additional ROW) 44 45 OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION $ 470,000 $ - $ 470,000' $ 469,861 $ 469,861 46 r. 47 PARK DEVELOPMENT: 48 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: 49 Koalaty Park 50 Planning $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ 5,095 `, 51 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 52 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 53 ' 54 Noble Oaks Park 55 Planning $ - $ - I $ - $ - $ - r 56 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 57 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 58 59 Lonesome Dove Park him60 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 61 Phase I $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ - 62 Phase II $ - $ - `$ - $ - $ - I63 64 COMMUNITY PARKS: Royal and Annie Smith Park Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - C .:, Prepared 2/10/99,9:18 AM Page 1 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC199.XLS 1 i • CSouthlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented February 22,1999 r A B D E F G H Nur Total Actual Actual 3 FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99 Transactions Transactions _ 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date it 5 Budget Budget Budget Jan-99 as of 1-99 67 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - t 68 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 69 be 70 Southeast Park 71 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 72 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 73 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ L 74 75 Southwest Park 76 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - f77 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 78 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 79 80 Teen Center 81 Planning $ - $ 150,000 S 150,000 S - $ - 82 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 83 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 84 85 Community Center/Recreation Center L86 Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 87 Phase I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 88 Phase II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 89 L90 CITY PARKS: 91 Bicentennial Park 92 Phase II 93 Bid Package#1 ,Earthwork,Utilities,Vehicular paving $ 597,263 $ - $ 597,263 $ 517,376 $ 517,632 -' 4/98 Pittman Construction$590,646 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - co#1-7/98 drainage=($5,217);co#2-7/98 concrete=$12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - `'' Bid Package#2 Court Construction $ 851,019 $ - $ 851,019 $ - $ - 97 8/98 American Tennis Court Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 98 Bid Package#2a,Court Lighting $ 377,281 $ - $ 377,281 $ - $ 5,998 T 99 8/98 NEMA 3 Electric,w/Ballfields#1,#3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - L100 Bid Package#3,Structures,McWilliams Enterprises $ - $ 443,259 $ 443,259 $ - $ - 101 Tennis Facility $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 102 1 Restroom/Storage $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - E 103 IDesign Contract(Mesa) $ 161,910 $ - $ 161,910 $ 3,478 $ 151,608 f 104 'Landscape/Irrigation $ - $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ - $ jlas 105 Fence Extension-Adventure Alley $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - 106 Entry Road Patching $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - 107 Fences-Fields#4&#5 $ 16,805 $ - $ 16,805 $ - $ 15,482 r108 1 109 Phase III 110 Loop trail within park $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ - 111 roofing for in-line hockey court $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ - 112 Aquatics facility $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 113 North Berm construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - kw 114 Additional ballfield construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 115 116 CITY PARKS: 117 ,Bob Jones Park in 118 !PhaseI 119 'Grading/Berm($369,718 awarded 8/97 J Arnold,CO#1-4/98) $ 369,718 $ - $ 369,718 $ 56,592 $ 371,518 120 `[Cultural Resource Survey $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,900 $ - $ 8,753 121 [Engineering Services($166,733 Cheatham-part A and B) $ 166,733 $ - $ 166,733 $ 4,840 $ 159,971 122 I6/98 irrigation(A New Deal Irrigation) $ 164,345 $ - $ 164,345 $ - $ 162,771 ill 123 IWaterwell(JJ Biffle-$89433 10/98) $ - $ - $ 89,433 $ 4,900 $ 4,900 124 ,Fence-12/97 Ratliff-c/o#1-3/98 gates=$2100;co#2-8/98 fence=$6512) S 45,437 $ - $ 45,437 $ 9,000 $ 42,195 125 jParking($248,970 awarded 12/97 Bertram) $ 248,970 $ - $ 248,970 $ 18,374 $ 272,359 126 pai6/98 sod 14 soccer fields(Thomas Brothers)co#1-10/98$5604 $ 53,762 $ - $ 59,366 $ 553 $ 553 r.., ' 7 *1 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights(GRANT)($93,000 part of 14 fields) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - `115 Picnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II)$19,250 $ - $ 19,250 $ 19,250 $ - $ - 14001 .'Fishing Dock$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ - $ - Ike Prepared 2/10/99,9:18 AM Page 2 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC199.XLS L ISouthlake Parks Development Corporation FY1998/99 Capital Projects Budget Presented February 22,1999 I A B I D E F I G H Total Actual Actual 1 3 FY1997-98 FY1998-99 FY1998-99y Transactions Transactions 4 Carry-over Approved Approved Fiscal YTD Project To Date 5 Budget Budget Budget Jan-99 as of 1-99 130 '!Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ 96,000 $ - $ - I131 • Practice Fields$38,500 $ - $ 38,500 $ 38,500 $ - $ - 132 • Pavilion$85,000 $ - $ 85,000 $ 85,000 $ - $ 133 134 Phase II 135 • Playground$96,000 $ - $ 96,000 $ 96,000 $ - $ 136 •• 15 Picnic Tables w/grills$19,250 $ $ 19,250 $ 19,250 $ $ 137 • Fishing Pond$102,500 $ - $ 102,500 $ 102,500 $ - $ 138 •,Day Camping Facilities$64,000 $ - $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ - $ - 139 • Amphitheater$64,000 ,$ - $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ - $ - 140 • Signage$1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - lab 141 • Lighting Soccer Fields$35,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 142 Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 143 •'Hike&Bike Trail$128,000 _$ - $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ - $ - 144 Planning and Construction$45,500 $ $ 45,500 $ 45,500 $ $ 145 1 146 CITY PARKS: 147 {Bob Jones Park 148 'Phase III I149 Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ - 150 151 'Phase IV $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 152 R 153 LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS: 1 154 !Signage for On-Road Trails $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - 155 156 Continental-Phase 1 $ 9,000 i$ 150,000 $ 159,000 $ - $ 3,568 f .77 Continental-Phase 2 $ -,$ - $ - $ - $ - l L .69 Loop trail from Bicentennial to Durham/CJHS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 160 161 Fox Hollow equestrian trail $ - $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ - $ - I 162 163 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 $ - $ 48,000 $ 3,061 $ 5,461 164 165 MATCHING FUNDS-COMMUNITY PROJECTS: f166 Adventure Alley Pavilion adds$10,000 10/98 $ 15,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ 23,027 $ 23,027 ` 167 Tree Farm(app.12/97-donations FY98=$2,069+$1,500=$3,569) $ 1,500 $ - $ 1,500 $ - $ 3,264 Ir. 168 Tree Farm#2(Shady Oaks-Grant) $ - $ - $ 4,200 $ 1,196 $ 1,196 169 iSouthlake Baseball Association(app.1/99) $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ - 170 Remaining Balance ,$ - $ 100,000 $ 39,300 $ - $ 171 ;F. 172'SPECIAL PROJECTS: $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - 173 Senior Activity Center $ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 5,525 $ 55,226 174 175 JOINT USE PROJECTS: 176 Equipment $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - L177 ISignage-AllParks $ 7,000 $ - $ 7,000 $ - $ - 178 'Gymnasiums $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 179 (Ball field development $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,106 180 181 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,624,243_$ 4,412,759 $ 10,115,539 $ 1,192,423 $ 3,566,879 182' TPW GRANT ELIGIBLE li ..., 1 Prepared 2/10/99,9:18 AM Page 3 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC199.XLS L L e„ SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report February 17, 1999 BICENTENNIAL PARK Land Acquisition - Status: A signed lease agreement for the Wilkinson property allows construction to begin during purchase negotiations, which is ongoing. rims :cons a `. Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997 Estimated Completion of Construction: February 1999 Consultant: MESA Design Group Status: SPDC awarded bid package #1 to Pittman Construction for $590,646 and is essentially complete. Change Order #1 (drainage reduction) was approved in July to ' deduct $5,127. Change Order #2 (concrete cost) was approved in July to add$12,000. SPDC awarded bid package #2 to American Tennis Court Contractors for$851,019.00 to include 13 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts, and 1 in-line hockey court. Tennis court construction has begun, to be followed by the courts for basketball and in-line hockey. SPDC awarded bid package #2a to NEMA3 Electric for$377,281.00 to include lighting ballfields 1 and 3 with all Phase II court lighting with exception of the basketball courts which are unlighted. Ballfield lighting is complete. Phase II lighting has begun with exception of the in-line hockey court which is being held pending cover design options. SPDC awarded bid package #3 to McWilliams Enterprises, Inc.for$443,259.00 to include the Tennis Center and restroom/storage facility. Construction will begin soon with issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Bicentennial Park Phase II timelines are on the next page. 4111110 Page 1 It I cre Bicentennial Park Phase II Projects 1999I ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar I Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug Sep 1 Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec Jan I Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 Bid Package 61 210 wow i 2 Bid Package e2 1220 3 Tennis Courts 72d 4 Concrete 310 1.11.Lompiete 5 Fencings 150 e Surfacing 250 7 Basketball Courts 30d • s Concrete Complete 150 I e Surfacing 150 10 In-Line Hockey Facility wlo cover SOd 7in 11 Concrete Complete I 35d Dasher C 12 Dasher Beads 35d . 13 Bid Package t2A eW 14 Softball Lighting370 -Complete 15 Tennis Lighting 77d 16 Installation 150 ■Complete 17 Winng 111d . 16 Bid Package el 110d I 19 Tennis Pro Shop and Restmom Facilities 1 ilkl 20 Deduct Change Order 111d 21 SPDC Approval 8d 22 City Council Approval 11d i I23 Foundation • 20d 1999 ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan Feb Mar 1 Apr May Jun 1 JulAug Sep Oct1 Nov 1 Dec Jan 1 Feb Mar 1 Apr 21 Phase II Remaining Items T7d 11111, 25 Tennis Shade Structure 200 28 Written approval of estimates 10d ill I 27 Installation 100 i 2e Tennis Wind Screens 23d 29 Written approval of estimates 10d 1 • I 30 Installation 13d 31 Pond Aerator Md V 32 Written approval of estimates I 220 I 33 Irton 210 I no. 34 Bid Paekage 4ltallati • Bad 35 Irrigation 880 36 Bid Package 5 880 37 Landscaping 880 I I tow Page 2 ?CZ r kir. ,„ Adventure Alley Fence Extension- F.Y. 1998-99 - - „-., ", IStatus: The 45'pavilion constructed by Southlake Playgrounds, Inc. will incorporate a portion of the fence extension. The remainder can be extended in late I spring. 1 1999 ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr i May 1 Jun I Jul j Aug I Sep I Oct i Nov I Dec Jan {Feb I M pr ar ]A 55 i Adventure Alloy Fence Extension 59d [ I Ipaillp Entrance Road Repair- F.Y. 1998-99 1. Status: Staff will review options for repair of the entrance road. L 1999 ID Task Name Duration Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oa Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 40 Entrance Road Repair 120d LSoftball Field 3 Lights - F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Light improvements are essentially complete, with the exception of removing the old lighting poles. 1999 10 Task Name Duration Dec Jan 1 Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct E Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr 13 lid Package 02A - 97d L 4., 14 Softball Lighting 37d Complete I Phase III I Park Trail - F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Alignment of the park trail is being designed by staff and will be submitted L when completed for Park Board approval. Staff is coordinating with Tom Thumb to ensure an acceptable transition across property lines. 1999 ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan Feb Mx Apr May I Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr w Park Trail 143d 50 Design 33d C 51 52 Park Board and SPDC Approval 13d Bidding 25d I 53 Tabulation and Award of Contract Ed $4 Construction 66tl rii., E, ...., L Page 3 L 7C--3 I kW 4 '. . Cover for- 1 t , ;;. In-line Hockey-K Y.1998-99 ,,. �� s IStatus: Proposals from qualified design consultants have been received and reviewed for the cover of the in-line hockey facility. A committee consisting of Staff, Park L Board members, and Association members will begin interviewing consultants in March, 1999. C am ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I MY I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan 1 Feb I Mar I Apr 30 Hockey Cover 2/4d ' , 39 Consultant Selection and Approval 54d 40 Conceptual Design with Estimates 44d I41 Park Board and SPDC Approval I 144 42 Preliminary Design Approval 300 I i 43 Park Board and SPDC Approval 15d C 44 Construction Documents i 30d 45 Receive Agdiation to Be from SPDC 80 44 Bidding 300 • 1 47 Bid Tabulation and Selection of Vendor 70 4! ConsVtxtion 600 IBOB JONES PARK L Q ' Land Acquisition - � �'� ��" ��n� � _,. . Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. An updated map of LBob Jones Park lot acquisition has been included in the packet. Phase I with TPWD Grant- LConsultant: Cheatham and Associates Began: March 18, 1997 Status: Contracts are closed with: L James Arnold Construction for Phase I earthwork. J.L. Bertram for vehicular paving. • Thomas Bros. Grass for sodding soccer fields. ERatliff Iron Works is essentially complete with installation of two gates. LSPDC awarded irrigation improvements to 'A New Deal'Inc. Construction. Installation is substantially complete with parking lot islands remaining. 1 gr., Page 4 I,:, irr Limy SPDC approved schematic plans for TPWD grant improvements as presented in April to include the pavilion/boardwalk,playground, trails, and ballfields. Construction documents are being finalized. Authorization to bid will be requested from SPDC pending approval of the TPWD contract, which is anticipated in two (2) weeks. ID l Task Name 1699 Duration Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 Jun I Jul I Aug Sep i Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb;Mar I Apr May 1 Phase I 61d Grass Sodding 21d _ComPI•t• 3 Pipe Fencing -- 51d 4 Tree Transplanting 21d 1.111 Conlpiet• 5 Water Well �� 40d Nature Center Planning- Status: A location has been recommended and approved by the Park Board. Vendors have been selected to perform the various functions. The concrete and pier work begins next week, with relocation of the building to follow quickly. Sir Phase II with TPWD Grant- Status: To begin after substantial completion of Phase I. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Noble Oaks Park-F.Y. 2000-01 Status: Design has been held pending coordination of adjacent improvements with CISD. Koalaty Park-F.Y. 2000-01 Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. The layout of the Master Plan was approved with the inclusion of relocating the restroom facility, creating a berm south of the school,providing a natural barrier to Country Walk Estates, and providing 25 additional parking spaces. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both sized for elementary-age use; one larger practice soccer field and adult practice ballfield. A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental Blvd. trail. "No Parking"signs were installed due to neighborhood complaints of parking within the Country Walk entrance. L, Page 5 /7 _se- I L1/4, Royal and Annie Smith Park-F.Y. 1999-00 Safi°yz,- Status: A public hearing was held February 5, 1998 with Park Board. Approval was tabled. KISD is constructing a library and parking lot that will necessitate I redesign of the park A temporary trail is to be constructed along the right-of-way from Ridgewood Subdivision to Florence Elementary. r Lonesome Dove Park F.Y. 1998-99 Status: All requirements of the developer's agreement will be addressed. LAdditional park improvements are being considered by Staff. ELINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS I ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail-F.Y. 1997-98 Status: Southlake, Colleyville, and NRH entered into an interlocal agreement with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective Land efficient approach. MESA Design Group has been contracted as consultants by the three cities and TxDOT. Survey information is complete. Preliminary plans are being reviewed. Lisp- 1996 I 1999 2000 2001 2002 ID Cotton Ben Timeline Duration Car 2 (Car 3 [Car 4 1 Car 1 I CO 2 I Car 3 I Car 4 Car 1 (Dtr 2(Car 3 I Ctr 4 ar 1 I ar 2 I Car 3 I Car 4 Qu 1 I ar 2 1 Car 3 1 Cotton Belt Trails 632d - , E 2 Data Collection and Site Analysis 145d 3 Schematic Design 170d 4 Design Development 174d I E5 Construction Documents 143d immi Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - F.Y. 1998-99 - , , ,_ LDesign - Phase I Contract Completed: November 25, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. L Status: Staff will prepare an estimate of probable cost for the trail consistent with Phase I improvements to Continental Boulevard. ICOMMUNITY FACILITIES IRoyal and Annie Smith Park House- Status: Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Extensive work will be Inecessary for public use. I ,., Page 6 1 7C-6 I kir MATCHING FUNDS - COMMUNITY GROUPS I Total Budget- $100,000 IL Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake- LApproved by SPDC: August 17, 1998 Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997 Status: Friends of Adventure Alley have taken over fund-raising efforts. SPDC Lapproved$15,000 at the August meeting to begin construction on the planned 20'and 45'pavilion. Funds received have allowed for the purchase of an additional 30'pavilion 1 and six covered picnic tables. Construction of the six covered picnic tables and the 20' and 45'pavilion is complete. Installation of the 30'pavilion foundation will begin with receipt of estimates. C1999 2000 ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul 1 Aug l Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan 1 Feb (Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul 1 Park Pavilions 61d E2 45'Pavilion 21d complete3 Covered Tables 31d complete 4 30'Pavilion 3pd J Senior Tree Farm #1 - L Approved by SPDC: January 16, 1998 Approved by Park Board: December 8, 1997 Status: All trees have been planted. The drip irrigation is 100% complete. LSenior Tree Farm#2 - ' L Approved by SPDC: Approved by Park Board: Status: The Texas Forest Service Grant of$8,400 ($4,200 Grant Award with a C $4,200 Required Match) began on October 1, 1998. All grow bags have been installed. Planting of seedlings is anticipated in early March, 1999. 1999 2000 ID .Task Name Duration Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May I Jun J Jul Aug I Sep I Oct Nov Dec Jan (Feb Mar (Apr May Jun Jul 5 Sanior Tree Farm N2 39d 7 Plant Seedlings 25d E L E Page 7 C 7(-4 f JOINT-USE PROJECTS I Soccer Practice Fields- F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Plans are being prepared for the layout of the irrigation system at St. ` Martin 's in-the-Field. Minor earthwork will be needed to facilitate drainage. 1999 ID Task Name Duration Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep Oct Nov I Dec Jan I Feb 1 St Martin's In the Field Soccer Practice Fields 39d Miror Grading d 3 15 Irtpatpn 15d Softball Field 1 Lights-F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Light improvements are essentially complete, with the exception of removing the old lighting poles. 1999 ID Task Name Duration Dec Jan I Feb )Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep IOC I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr 13 Bid Package 93A 97d 14 Softball Lighting 37d Complete Joint-Use Equipment- 48. Status: Available as needed. Signage for all Parks- Status: Available as needed. SPECIAL PROJECTS Landscape and concrete near Adventure Alley. I I I Page 8 7c-5