1998-01-19City of Southlake, Texas i January 15, 1998 TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Board Meeting -- January 19, 1998 The Board of Directors of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation will meet on Monday, January 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. The following items will be addressed at the meeting: Executive Session - As has become our practice, we will begin the meeting with a brief Executive Session to discuss the status of land acquisition. At the upcoming meeting, Wayne Olson from the city attorney's office will be present to discuss issues related to Bob Jones Park and the Brunson property. Note that this agenda contains a few "consent agenda" items. The items placed on the consent agenda are those considered to be routine by the staff, including those for which a specific staff recommendation is being forwarded to you. You may pull any item from the consent agenda if you feel deliberation is needed. The consent agenda includes the following: Approval of the December 15, 1997 Meeting Minutes - If you have suggested corrections you may wish to notify Kim Bush (ext. 702). She will be happy to make the changes prior to the meeting and bring corrected copies to the Board for approval on consent agenda. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with MESA Design for the Cottonbelt ISTEk Grant Trail - As you know, this project is a joint effort between Southlake, Colleyville and North Richland Hills. As we discussed when you approved the interlocal agreement with the other cities, the tri-city project staff team interviewed consultants and is recommending that we contract with MESA Design. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Municipal Corridor Use License with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a hike and bike trail within the DART -owned Cottonbelt railroad right-of-way. Your packet contains a copy of the Municipal Corridor Use License required by DART for the use of a portion of their property for the construction of the trail. The license agreement outlines the terms and conditions for our use of the property. FYI, our approval of the agreement is only one step in the process. The license will go before DART's Board of Directors on January 27, however, we anticipate no problems. Southlake Parks Development Corporation January 19, 1998 Board Meeting Consideration items are as follows: Plans for Bicentennial Park expansion - Phase II - A representative with MESA Design will be at the meeting to present the plans for Bicentennial Park. Note that MESA has spent time working with the Southlake Tennis Association to revise the pro shop plans, and is bringing forward a new plan. Authorization to bid Bicentennial Park expansion - Phase II - Given your approval of the plans, staff is requesting authorization to bid the project. Should you do so, we anticipate that the bids will go out in early February, and we will plan to award the bid in March. This will put us into construction by late March or early April. Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II, Professional Services Contract Amendment with MESA Design Group - You will recall discussing this item at your November meeting, during which you decided to table it. We did not bring it back to you in December because MESA was interested in taking more time to work with the Southlake Tennis Association on the design of the pro shop. They have since requested that the item be placed back on your agenda for consideration. A MESA representative will be at the meeting to discuss the proposed amendment with you. Funding Approval for Carroll Middle School Parking Lot - We have placed this item on your agenda because it appears that we have a workable solution to the issue of higher -than -expected construction costs. You will recall that TPM, the project manager for CISD expansion projects, submitted a letter to my office requesting $117,509.50 for the construction of the parking lot. This exceeded the $70,000 budgeted by SPDC by $47,509.50. Obviously, this caused us concern because the difference was so substantial. We have since been seeking ways to work with CISD to lower the costs of constructing the parking lot. After studying the issue, we have determined that there are several issues at play. First, TPM apparently added $5,000 to the bid as "betterment" or contingency funds. This was done so that the need to approach SPDC with change orders would be minimized. We have removed this from the proposed cost. The bid also included items, in addition to the parking lot, which the CISD was interested in pursuing (drainage enhancements, improvements to the circle drive). They have agreed to pay for these items, estimated to cost approximately $10,000. This has been removed from the proposed cost to SPDC. The CISD has also agreed to split the remaining difference above the budgeted amount of $70,000. There are a few ancillary costs (such as testing, etc.) which I recommend be funded through SPDC. The bottom line with this proposal is that agreeing to these terms would result in a total cost to Southlake Parks Development Corporation January 19, 1998 Board Meeting the city of $86,254.75. Given that our budget estimate was just that, an estimate, which was not based on an analysis of the specific site and since this is a relatively small project which would likely not attract better bids, I am comfortable with moving forward with the aforementioned agreement. We have asked Brent Kline to submit the compromise proposal in writing, and should have it by Monday. Please let me or Shana Yelverton know if you have any questions on this item. We also plan to discuss the following items with you: Landscape Plans for Bob Jones Park - Phase I (Northern Berml - We have told you this was coming, and we are now prepared to discuss the plans submitted by Lauren Griffith. Your packet contains the concept plan. Please let Ben Henry know (ext. 848) if you have any questions. Financial Report/Budget - Your packet contains the financial report and budget information through December 1997. There is nothing unusual to report, however, I would like to point out that the renovation project for the Senior Activity Center is well underway and yet only $6,100 has been spent on the project to date ($4,900 this fiscal year). Shelli Siemer, community services coordinator, has done an outstanding job of getting donated materials and labor for the project. Note that there are some items not yet included in the report, such as the additional funds for KSB's waterscape project and the tree farm matching funds. We will have this updated for you Monday night. As a side note, Public Works Director Bob Whitehead has met with Dick Johnston to discuss a location for the tree farm. Staff is currently drafting a plan to utilize the northwest corner of the public works facility property. If we are able to acquire the adjacent property, we would look at placing the next years' trees on that property to act as a buffer between our facility and the neighborhoods. The idea would be to leave some trees in place (perhaps every tenth one) as the bufferyard plantings. We are working to meet a timeline that would allow us to plant the trees before spring. Status Report of SPDC Projects - Your packet also contains the status report. Please take a moment to review it prior to the meeting. Staff will be prepared to answer any questions you may have. We sincerely appreciate your work on the board, and we look forward to seeing you on the 19th. C CEH City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 16, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with MESA Design for the Cottonbelt ISTEA Grant Trail As you know we have formed a Tri-City Trail Committee (TCTC) between North Richland Hills, Colleyville and Southlake to work with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to build the Cottonbelt Trail ISTEA Grant Project. The three cities have entered into an interlocal agreement to manage this project. The TCTC interviewed professional service consultants to design the trail, and is recommending MESA Design for this project. Attached is the professional services agreement with MESA Design for the Cottonbelt ISTEA Grant Trail. Each city needs to approve this contract. The contract will remain a draft until accepted by TxDOT. The city attorney has reviewed the contract and made comments. The only change, to date, from the copy enclosed is on page 5, section l.c. "that the data will be provided by each respective city" - not only North Richland Hills. The total cost of the MESA contract with TCTC is $381,342. Southlake's portion of the contract is $30,354 or 8%. The SPDC budget is $48,000 for this project which is 20% of the cost of the project. TxDOT will reimburse the City 80 % of the cost for design and construction. Please add to the SPDC agenda and City Council agenda to authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with MESA Design for the Cottonbelt ISTEA Grant Trail. Please let me know if you have any questions. m:kl/m-istmes.doc MESA DESIGN GROUP PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: January 12, 1998 Mr. Bill Thornton Ms. Patty Moos City of North Richland Hills Park and Recreation Department 6720 NE Loop 820 North Richland Hills, TX 76180 Project: Cottonbelt Multi -Use Trail North Richland Hills, TX, Hurst, TX, Colleyville, TX, Southlake, TX SCOPE OF SERVICES The consultant shall provide planning and professional services for the Cottonbelt Multi -use trail as described below: COTTONBELT TRAIL -- The Cottonbelt Trail is a multi -use hike and bike trail which follows within the Cottonbelt Railroad right- of-way beginning in North Richland Hills at Northeast Loop 820 and proceeds northeast through Hurst, Colleyville and Southlake ending at the Southlake/Grapevine city limits. A breakdown for each city's project is outlined below: North Richland Hills A 4.77 mile trail located along the Cottonbelt Railroad right-of-way, which passes through commercial and retail areas as well as neighborhoods. The trail begins at Northeast Loop 820 and proceeds northeast to Precinct Line Road at the city limits. There are 10 at grade street crossings and two bridges required for this project. Total project funding, including design fees, is $1,725,000. Colleyville A 3.37 mile trail located along the Cottonbelt Railroad right-of-way, which passes through commercial and neighborhood areas. The trail begins at Precinct Line Road in Hurst and proceeds northeast to Big Bear Creek at the city limits. There are 5 at grade street crossings and 3 bridges required for this project. Total project funding, including design fees, is $1,060,080. Southlake A .09 mile trail located along the Cottonbelt Railroad right-of-way which passes through commercial areas and neighborhood. The trail begins at Big Bear Creek at the city limits and proceeds northeast to Brumlow Road at the Southlake/Grapevine city limits. There is one at grade street crossing and one bridge required for this project. Total project funding, including design fees, is $240,000. HAMesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposa1011298.doc Landscape Arrhnorhire 3100 McKinnon Street / I Dallas, Texas 75201 214/871-( -1507 COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 2 The scope of work involved in the design work on the Cottonbelt Trail will include: Cottonbelt Trail 1. Site surveys in English 2. Concrete trail design 3. Bridge engineering and related hydrological studies at creeks 4. Traffic studies at major intersection, if necessary 5. Environmental Assessment, if necessary 6. Site grading 7. Construction bid documents in English MESA Design Associates, Inc. shall perform and furnish the following professional services: DESIGN SERVICES A. Data Collection / Site Analysis 1. Acquire aerial and digital survey and perform on -ground check for accuracy, tie metes and bounds, locate significant trees and natural features. 2. Visit site, perform physical inventory, coordinate pre -design meeting with cities to review scope and program. 3. Review and collate CAD data, load CAD drawings and check integrity. 4. Provide environmental assessment report consistent with federal and state requirements that allow catagorical exclusion. Abbreviated Environmental Assessment will be provided. 5. Begin hydrology study / watershed review, collect flood plain information. 6. Acquire existing storm sewer, utility plans, and other utility data. 7. Coordinate and determine locations of electric, traffic signal cables, loop detections, telephone, water, gas or other utilities and their effect on improvements. 8. Coordinate and determine location of all rail and franchise facilities located within the DART right-of-way. Coordinate relocations of existing railroad signalization, signs, crossings, or other facilities as necessary. 9. Conduct geotechnical investigations for pavement, bridge crossings and other structures as required. B. Schematic Design 1. Traffic Analysis a. Conduct traffic survey at sixteen (16) locations to determine safety issues, sight distance problems, approach geometrics, speed limits, signing and stripping needs, and potential crossing locations. b. Perform speed survey at ten (10) locations based on TxDOT "Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones." c. Collect 24-hour directional machine traffic courts at ten (10) locations. d. Prepare report with recommendations. 2. Flush out program, define specific facilities desired, and provide alternatives and options for staff input. 3. Coordinate public/user meetings during schematic phase. Provide two (2) meetings per city for a total of eight (8). 4. Prepare conceptual alignment alternatives for review with City Staff. Evaluate the Design Concept Report and Concept Drawing utilizing acceptable transportation engineering principles and practices for urban conditions. Identify potential constructability problems. HAMesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposa1011298.doe 5_3 COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 3 Schematic Design Submittal a. Prepare schematic engineering report documenting concurrence with the Design Concept Report or alternative solutions for each trail segment and recommendations. b. Submit a completed Schematic Engineering Report to cities. c. Respond to and/or incorporate one set of review comments prepared by the cities and TxDOT. d. Refine concept design and prepare preliminary cost estimate. C. Design Development 1. Refine design of all facilities such as alignment, crossings, and materials. 2. Provide landscape plan and materials palette for review. 3. Present conceptual graphics program. 4. Preliminary design submittals. a. Prepare preliminary construction plans 1. Develop paving plans and profiles of each trail improvement. These plans shall be completed using English units. Sheets will contain existing topographic information, roadway baselines, pavement edges, pavement contours where necessary, limits of structures and retaining walls, drainage structures, bridges, sidewalks, barriers, and other information as required. 2. Develop details as necessary for paving and other surfaces. Consultant will use TxDOT standard sheets when available. Details shall comply with ADA and other applicable laws with regard to accessibility. 3. Develop typical sections for pavement constructions. 4. Complete necessary sheets and design for storm water pollution prevention for each of the trails. 5. Develop storm sewer plans and profiles as necessary. 6. Develop retaining wall design and details as necessary. 7. Develop traffic signal layouts and details, traffic control plans, pavement marketing and signing layout as required. b. Draft an outline for specifications and a list of TxDOT Standard Specifications to be used. c. Prepare preliminary cost estimate based on design development. d. Prepare Preliminary Quantity and Summary Tables. e. Submit Preliminary Design Documents to the County. Review by TxDOT and Cities, and DART. f. Response to and/or incorporate review comments. D. Construction Documents Prepare 100% construction documents in AutoCAD release 13 in English measurements. Produce separate files of each sheet to include but not be limited to the following: a. Paving plans and profiles. b. Walkway details. c. Typical section for pavement construction. d. Storm water pollution prevention plans and details. e. Storm sewer plans and profiles. f. Retaining wall plans and profiles. g. Bridge plans, sections, and elevations. h. Structural details as required. i. Traffic striping layouts and details as required. HAMesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposa1011298.doc COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 4 j. Pavement markings and signing layouts and details. k. Grading plans. 1. Site and electrical plans, if required. in. Planting plans and details. n. Signage and graphics plans and details. o. Shade structure rest stop plans and details. p. Intersection plans and details. q. Specifications. 2. Develop plans as noted above to nearly final stage of completion, incorporation prior review comments and making appropriate revisions. All quantities shall be completed and summary sheets shall be finalized. 3. Complete special specifications and general notes that will be included with the plans. 4. Prepare an Engineer's estimate of probable constriction cost for all improvements. 5. Submit final Plan, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) to the County. 6. Respond to or incorporate review comments. Make final revisions to the plans, quantities, summary sheets and cost estimate as necessary. 7. Prepare final PS&E submittal of plans, specifications and estimate. 8. Construction plan sheets shall break at City Limit lines unless authorized on a case by case basis by the Cities jointly in writing. E. Bidding 1. Consultant will coordinate all printing and bidding. 2. Coordinate pre -bid conference. 3. Answer questions and issue addenda or clarifications during bid period. 4. Attend bid opening. 5. Provide review and analysis of bids for the City. F. Contract Administration / Construction Observation 1. Consultant will coordinate all pre -construction meetings. 2. Approve shop drawings. 3. Perform materials testing and review. 4. Perform tree tagging / plant material for review. 5. Perform monthly site reviews. 6. Conduct punchouts and document meetings. 7. Review and approval of contractors. 8. Finalize job completion. 9. Perform warranty punchouts. 10. Visit site on an as -needed basis. 11. Prepare draft report and reimbursement requests for City review and execution as periodically required by TxDOT during design and construction phases. G. Meetings 1. Consultant will attend two (2) meetings per city for user / public input. In addition, consultant will attend one (1) Park Board and one (1) City Council meeting at a venue to be determined. 2. Consultant will attend bi-weekly city or park staff meetings as appropriate. H:\Mesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposa1011298.doc 5-5 COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 5 SPECIAL SERVICES A. Drainage Analysis and Hydraulic Report for Creek Crossings 1. Evaluate previous reports. If written reports for the existing stream crossings are available, they will be studied for relevant information. 2. Perform hydraulic study. a. Determine drainage areas from existing maps. Using procedures outlined in the State Hydraulic Manual, determine the storm runoff and verify the hydraulic opening for each structure. b. Run a backwater curve to determine the adequacy of the hydraulic opening and the hydrologic effects upstream. c. Present the results to the State in report form. 3. Consider FEMA requirements. a. The proposed hydraulic opening will be evaluated to assure that the higher elevation of the new bridges will not have a negative effort on the 100-year flood plain. B. Surveying 1. Field Survey a. Verify existing right-of-way lines, property ownership, property corners and boundary lines. b. Utilizing city topographic maps as base maps, obtain additional information as required for design, i.e., trail elevations every fifty (50) feet, topographic information at street crossings approximately two hundred (200) feet at either side of intersection, creek cross - sections as required for design and hydraulic analysis, visible utilities, manholes, poles, fire hydrants etc. Base maps for design will be developed using English system of scale and measurements. c. Vertical and horizontal control to be based upon data as provided by the City of North Richland Hills. C. Geotechnical Reports 1. Conduct geotechnical investigations for bridge crossings and major drainage structures. 2. Provide construction testing services for density and concrete. D. Traffic Analysis 1. Provide traffic analysis at each of the sixteen (16) intersections, including 24-hour volume studies at ten (10) intersections. Generate report based on safety issues, sight distance problems, approach geometrics, vehicle speed limits, signing and striping needs, and potential alternate crossings. 2. Prepare signing, striping and warning signal plans. H:\Mesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposal011298.doe 54::� COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 6 ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. 404 Permitting 1. 404 Jurisdictional Determination - The proposed grading and construction alterations shall be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for determination of compliance with the Nationwide Permit (NWP). 2. General Permit Conformance — We will coordinate with the USACE to establish a project scope in compliance with NWP requirements. We will provide necessary information to the USACE for public notification if any are required. 3. Individual Project Permit — If is doubtful that the project cannot be designed to comply with NWP requirements. If in the future it is determined an individual permit is required, it shall be beyond the scope of this proposal and a separate proposal shall be negotiated at that time. B. NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges 1. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) — We will prepare a PPP conforming to the General Permit provisions of the EPA for control of silt and erosion from storm runoff during the construction phase. 2. Notifications and Administrations — We will prepare instructions, forms and procedures within the plans and project specifications to direct the Contractor and City regarding submittal of the Notice of Intent (NOI) forms to comply with the General Permit and Notice of Termination (NOT) form for termination of the permit. We will provide requirements and directions for the contractor to provide monitoring during the construction phase and record retention. C. Major Traffic Signals 1. If, as a result of preliminary traffic studies, it becomes necessary to implement stop signalization at any street crossing plans, details and application process for such signals shall be additional services to be determined at that time. D. Aerial Surveys 1. In the event that aerial surveys as provided by Cities are out of date, improperly formatted for immediate use, or require technical time and expense to manipulate data into a useable form, such time and expense shall be additional service. If site must be re -flown, such expense shall be additional services. E. Scope Changes 1. Changes in scope, including increases in budget or requested services not included herein, shall be additional services to be determined at that time. Services requested, but not specifically included in the scope of services, will be considered additional services. Modifications to drawings, after approval by client, as a result of changes requested by client or other consultants will be considered additional services and billed at an hourly rate as follows: H:\Mesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposal011298.doc S-7 COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL Hourly Basis: Senior Principal $120.00 Principal $90.00 Associate $75.00 Sr. Project Manager $65.00 Project Manager $55.00 Landscape Architect $45.00 Clerical $35.00 CONDITIONS: A. The client will provide the following: PAGE 7 1. Aerial Survey on hard copy and electronic files properly formatted, and ready for use in AutoCAD 13. 2. Boundary, right-of-way and topographic records previously existing. 3. Previous hydrology studies in relevant areas. 4. Other pertinent information regarding previous studies or design. C. MESA Design Group, Inc. may subcontract consultants in the performance of any services described in this agreement. D. MESA Design Group, Inc. does not act as General Contractor in any way, or accept responsibility for poor craftsmanship. E. The above described compensation for MESA Design Group, Inc. includes the following non -labor costs: 1. Photostats or photocopying. 2. Binding. 3. Printing. 4. Photography. 5. Mylars. 6. Delivery Fees. 7. Mailing. 8. Drawings not described in the Scope of Services. 9. Blue printing, printing or binding for bidding purposes. 10. Long distance telephone calls 11. Mileage @ .31 12. Travel expenses 13. Other products and services requested by the Client and not specifically described herein. 14. CAD plotting There will be a 10% Administrative Fee for all reimbursable expenses to compensate for bookkeeping. HAMesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposal011298.doc 5-S COTTONBELT TRAIL MULTI -USE TRAIL PROPOSAL PAGE 8 F. Either Owner or Consultant may terminate this contract with seven (7) days written notice. Upon termination, Owner will be responsible for payment of all Consultant fees and reimbursables expended through the date of termination. G. Should the project go "on hold" for more than sixty (60) days, the Consultant reserves the right to negotiate a change in fee structure. H. Compensation for all services shall be paid in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. I. Payment Schedule: Billing will be on a design progress basis at the end of each month. A 10% retainage shall be applied to each City's billing of each month until satisfactory completion of all services MESA is to perform under the agreement. Each billing will include a separate itemized summary for each City, based on percent completed for each city. J. Terms: Net thirty (30) days from date of invoice. K. Indemnity. The Landscape Architect agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees of and from any and all damages, injuries, including death, claims, property damages, including loss of use, losses, demands, suits, judgements and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses in any way arising out of or occasioned by Landscape Architect's breech of any of the terms of provisions of this Agreement, or by any negligent act, error or omission of Landscape Architect, its agents, servants, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees. Respectfully submitted: MESA DESIGN GROUP James A. Cooper Associate /tkc ACCEPTED BY: City of North Richland Hills HAMesa Server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\Cottonbelt Multi -Use proposa1011298.doc 5-9 ATTACHMENT B Proposed Project Schedule January 12,1998 1. March 1, 1998 - City complete the service contract between the City and MESA. 2. March 15, 1998 - TxDOT approve the service contract between the City and MESA. 3. April 1, 1998 - City Council approve the service contract between the City and MESA 4. April 8, 1998 - City and MESA execute service contract 5. May 8, 1998 - City and MESA complete the program definition 6. June 8, 1998 - MESA completes aerial survey. 7. August 15, 1998 - MESA complete data collection. 8. September 15, 1998 - Survey of Trail Centerline. 9. January 15, 1999 - MESA completes preliminary plan and construction budget/cost. 10. February 15, 1999 - City and TxDOT approve preliminary plans and construction budget/cost. 11. July 1, 1999 - MESA submits construction plans and specifications to the City. 12. August 1, 1999 - City/MESA submit construction plans and specifications to TxDOT for approval/comment 13. September 30, 1999 - MESA completes revisions to construction plans and specifications and delivers to City. 14. November 1, 1999 - City delivers construction plans and specifications to TxDOT. 15. January 1, 2000 - Contract bidding (letting date) and award contract 16. February 1, 2000 - Begin construction. 17. February 1, 2001 - Complete construction twelve (12) months. Note: Schedule subject to state and municipal review. \\Mesa nt0 !\mesa server\Active Projects\97070 - Cottonbelt Trail\Proposal\7070AttachmentB.doc -icn0Z0 O v O c O O `c Fr m CD � � CD 0 (D N 0 N coo W W A/ At -►OW-4 W N W �Ab m N •4.:N A" m N coot a. 0000 ,c 0 CD CA) CA rt O 00 CJ1 -t 0 0 0 C a rr T ot~ A A >s' ° C, o w w cn r9 csyo #«' w G Co p G A rn = y 0 �� A p ;2?k%i �. y A N #•`•Xx` 5..:.,�; of M �. CD A ep C]. (D of w CD 69 iA O Z.A to CS �Q604 c D UJ 00 s..:•.:. :r:` f rq s96e0 W VO %Ai% N 00 � 3s; O In VA ci O NJ CA O O O O O O P4 ON W !3', O N zz iA W E,s Eicii W >` •:::::. o w w 0 0 s o :>:•, Qo o O O W 69 ;Y�ec,+. 69 64 69 69 69 ` � E9 C 00 W N w N .•- 69 N �1 •A w •A J �O xC i' : .• ''' vi O O O C O to O 0 O O O '4:i!t<%? O to O � O O :>•':: C C O City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 15, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Municipal Corridor Use License with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a hike and bike trail within the DART -owned Cottonbelt railroad right-of-way. As you know we have formed a Tri-City Trail Committee (TCTC) between North Richland Hills, Colleyville and Southlake to work with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to build the Cottonbelt Trail ISTEA Grant Project. The three cities have entered into an interlocal agreement to manage this project. Our TxDOT grant contract is in the process for coming forward from TxDOT. As part of this contract Southlake needs to submit the executed attached Municipal Corridor Use License with DART for the trial within the DART -owned Cottonbelt railroad right-of- way. Grapevine developed this agreement and relationship with DART about two years ago on the Grapevine section of this trail. Colleyville and North Richland Hills will also be entering into this agreement on their respective sections of the trail. The DART agreement requires Southlake to mow and maintain the DART right-of-way to the standard it is now maintained, which is minimal (mow once per year). Our section of the trail is approximately 480 linear feet or .09 miles. The City Attorney is reviewing the agreement this week. Please add an item to the SPDC agenda and City Council agenda to authorize the City Manger to execute a Municipal Corridor Use License with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a hike and bike trail within the DART -owned Cottonbelt railroad right-of-way. Please let me know if you have any questions. l:kl/m-istdandoe 0 Dallas Area Rapid Transit P.O. Box 660163 "tr Dallas, Texas 75266-0163 214/747-3278 January 6, 1998 Mr. Doug Henderson, A1CP Community Development Manager City of Colleyville P. O. Box 185 Colleyville, Texas 76034 Re: Municipal Corridor Use License with the Cities ofColleyville, North Richland Hills and Southlake for a hike and bike trail within the DART -owned Cotton Belt railroad right of way Dear Mr. Henderson. - Five (5) copies of the referenced agreement are enclosed for Cities review and approval. if satisfactory, please see that an authorized city official for each municipality signs all five agreements. Please see that all five originally executed agreements are returned to us. Execution by DART is subject to approval by the DART Board of Directors. This item is scheduled to be Presented to Committee on January 13 and will go before the Board January 27. Should any of the parties involved have any questions or concerns regarding the agreement, please contact me at (214) 749-2917. Sincerely, Jan Seidner Manager, Railroad Facilities Commuter Rail & Railroad Management JMS: Enclosures MUNICIPAL CORRIDOR USE LICENSE This Agreement, by and between DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT, ("DART"), a regional transportation authority, created, organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 452 of the Texas Transportation Code, as amended, (the "Act"), owner of a parcel of land consisting of the former St. Louis & Southwestern Railway Company railroad corridor between Mile Post 616.60 (Brurnlow Avenue) in Soutblake and Mile Post 625.60 (at I.H.-820) in North Richland Hills, being all of such corridor owned by DART within the city limits of the Cities of Southlake, Colleyville, Hurst and North Richland Hills (the "DART Property"), and THE CITY OF SOUT HLAKE, ("Southlake"). THE CITY OF COLLEYVILLE ("ColIeyville") and THE CITY OF NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, ("North Richland Hills"), each a Texas municipal corporation whose address is respectively: 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092, 5400 Branford Road, Colleyville, Texas 76034 and 7301 NE Loop 820, North Richland Hills, Texas 76182-0609 (hereinafter jointly "Licensee'), WITNESSETH: In consideration of (1) Ten Dollars (S10.00) cash in hand paid by Licensee to DART, and (2) the faithful performance by Licensee of all of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement to be perforated by Licensee, DART HEREBY GRANTS A LICENSE to Licensee for the use of a portion of the DART Property. I. DART Property Condition. Licensee understands that the DART Property is an active railroad right- of-way upon which rail operations are currently being conducted and that no obstruction within 25 feet from the centerline of any track shall be permitted by filling or by construction of any type of bridge, fence, walkway or any other structure or any landscaping. 2. The Licensed Property. The specific land to which, this License shall apply (the "Licensed Property^) is a portion of the DART Property, not exceeding twenty feet (201) in width, extending approximately nine (9) miles between Brumlow Avenue in Southl4v and I.H: 820 in North Richland Hills as, shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all pertinent purposes. 3. Use of the Licensed Property. The Licensed Property shall be used by Licensee for construction, operation and maintenance of a trail for hike and bike transportation and other similar recreational purposes only. No improvements of any kind may be constructed on the DART Property nearer to the centerline of any trait than twenty five (25) feet and no use may be made of the Licensed Property which would in any manner interfere with on -going rail operations being conducted on the DART Property. In addition to the construction of such trail on the Licensed Property, and subject to the twenty five (25) foot setback requirement; licensee may plaza additional flowers and grass on the DART Property in addition to that vegetation existing at the time this License is executed. Under no circumstances shall the DART property or any part thereof be used by Licensee for the parking of automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles. FURTHER, IT IS STIPULATED, AGREED AND UNDER- STOOD BY ALL PARTIES THAT THE GRANT OF THIS LICENSE IS NOT IN ANY WAY TO BE CONSTRUED AS A DEDICATION OF ANY RIGHTS TO THE PUBLIC FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER 4. Consideration for Use of the Licensed Property. As the consideration for the F= ing of this License for the use of the Licensed Property, Licensee covenants and agms to mow and otherwise keep and - maintain the entirety of the DART Property situated within Licensee's respective city limits (and the one mile within the city limits of the City of Hurst), five of debris and any material which would result in unsafe and/or unsanitary conditions. 5. Term. This license is granted for an initial term of five (5) years beginning on the first day of November, 1998 and terminating at 12:00 mid -night on the last day of October, 2003. H&B-MUNI: Rev_ 1.5.98 Pagc I of 6 63 6. Option to Renew. Subject always to DARTs future need to use the DART Property, Licensee shall have two (2) successive options to renew this License for five (5) years each under the same terms and conditions as provided honest. Each of said options may be exercised by Licensee giving written notice as provided herein to DART not more than twelve (12), nor less than three (3) months before the expiration of the then existing term, of Licensee's election to exercise said option Licensee's right to exercise either of the foregoing options is conditioned on Licensee's timely performance of all of the duties and obligations on its part to be performed under this License so that, at the time of the exercise of the option, Licensee shall not be in default hereunder_ 7. NoneXCIU3ive License. This License is nonexclusive and is subject to (a) any existing utility, drainage, or communication facility located in, on, under or upon the DART Property, owned by DART, any utility or communication company, public or private; (b) all vested rights presently owned by any utility or communication company, public or private, for the use of the DART Property for facilities presently located within the boundaries of the DART property, (c) any existing lease, license, trackage -rights, or other interest in the DART Property granted by DART to any individual, corporation or other entity, public or private; and future use as provided in $14. g. Construction by Licensee. Prior to commencing construction of any improvements upon the Licensed Property, Licensee shall submit to DART for review and approval Licensee's proposed construction plans showing the exact location, type and depth of the construction and any proposed temporary working area. DARTS review and approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld, but no such construction work shall commence until said plans have been approved by DART and the operating railroad(,). All such construction shall be carried out in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the approved plans. If the failure to use reasonable care by the Licensee or its contractor causes damage m ifre Licensed property yr the DART Property, the Licensee and/or its contractor shall immediately replace or repair the damage at no cost or expense to DART. If Licensee or its contractor fails or refuses to make such replacement, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make or effect any such repair or replacement at the sole cost and expense of Licensee, which cost and expense Licensee agrees to pay to DART upon demand 9. Governmental Approvals and Utilities. Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for and shall obtain, any and all Iicenses, permits, or other approvals from any and all governmental agencies, federal, state or local, required to carry on ally activity permitted herein Licensee shalt pay for all utilities used in connection with the Permitted Improvements. 10. Mechanics' Liens Not Permitted. Licensee shall fully pay for all labor and materials used in, on or about the Licensed Property and will not permit or suffer any mechanic's or materialmca's Iiens of any nature to be affixed to the Licensed Property by reason of any work done or materials furnished to the Licensed Property at Licensee's instance or request. IL Maintenance of Completed Improvements. After the Permitted Improvements have been constructed, they shall be maintained by Licensee in such a manner as to keep the Licensed Property in a good and safe condition with respect to Licensee's use thereof. In the event Licensee fails to maintain the Licensed Property as required, upon discovery, DART shall notify Licensee of such occurrence in writing. In the event Licensee shall not have remedied the failure within ten (10) days from the date of such notice, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation to remedy such failure at the sole cost and expense of the Licensee. In the event DART exercises its right to remedy Licensee's failure, Licensee agrees to immediately pay to DART all costs incurred by DART upon demand. 12. Applicable Laws. Licensee shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, g regulations and orders with respect to the use of the Licensed Property regardless of when they become or became effective, including without limitation, those relating to health, safety, noise, environmental protection, waste disposal and water and air quality. H&S-MUNT: Rev. 1.5-98 Page 2 of 6 13. Environmental Protection. 13.01. Licensee shall not use or permit the use of the Licensed Property or adjoining DART Property for any purpose that may be in violation of any laws pertaining to health or the environment, including without limitation the Comprehensive Enviroamentad Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA'7, the Texas Water Code and the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act. 13.02. Licensee warrants that the Permitted Use of the Licensed Property will not result in the disposal or other release of any hazardous substance or solid waste on or to the Licensed Property, and that it will take all steps necessary to insure that no such hazardous substance or solid waste will ever be discharged onto the Licensed Property or the adjoining DART Property or any other adjoining property, by Licensee or its contractors. 13.03. The terms "hazardous substance" and "release" shall have the meanings specified in CERCLA and the terms "solid waste" and "disposal" (or "disposed") shalI have the ;meanings specified in the RCRA; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event either CERCLA or RCRA as amended so as to broaden the meaning of any term defused thereby, such broader meaning shall apply subsequent to the effective date of such amendment; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that to the extent that the laws of the State of Texas establish a meaning for "hazardous substance.", "release", "solid waste", or "disposal", which is broader than that specified in either CERCLA or RCRA, such broader meaning shall apply. 13.04. In the event Licensee causes any discharge, leak, spill, emission or pollution of any kind upon or from the Licensed Property, Licensee, at Licensee's expense, shall be obligated to clean all property affected thereby, whether owned or controlled by DART or any third party, to the satisfaction of DART (on DART property) and any governmental authority having jurisdiction thercover. 13.05. Licensee shall indemnify and hold DART harmless against all cost of environmental clean-up to the Licensed Property, the DART Property and all other adjacent property, resulting from Licensee's use of the Licensed Property under this License. 14. Future Use by DART or Operating Railroads. This license is made expressly subject and subordinate: to the right of DART to use the DART Property, including the Licensed Property if necessary, for any purpose determined by DART, (including without limitation fiber optic and pipeline locations) and by the operating railroad for any railroad purpose as approved by DART, including without limitation, excursion train operations. 15. Indemnity, I5.01. To the extant permitted by applicable law, Licensee shall defend, protect. indemnify and hold DART, its directors, oicros, employees, agents and assigns forever harmless and indemnified against and from any penalty, damage, charge or expense, including attorneys fees, imposed or incurred for any violation of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation arising out of the use of the DART Property by Licensee, whether occasioned by the neglect of Licensee, its officers, employees, invitees, successors or those holding under Licensee; . 15.02. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Licensee shall at all times defend, protect, indemnify and hold DART and any operating railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage, charge or expense imposed or incurred, including attorneys fees, arising out of, or from any accident or other occurrence on or about the DART Property causing personal injury, death or property damage, resulting ti um use of the DART Property by Licensee, its officers, employees, invitees, successors or those holding under Licensee. H$B-MUNI: Rcv, i-5-9s Page 3 of 6 6-1,5 15.03. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Licensee shall at all times defend Protect, indemnify and hold DART harmless .against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees arising out of or from any and aH claims or causes of action resulting fmm any failure of Licensee, its officers, employees, agents, contractors or assigns, in Any raPeCt, to comply with and perform all the requirements and provisions hereof. DART. 16. Assignment. This License may not be assigned by Licensee without the prior written consent of 17. Termination. This License may be terminated in any of the following ways. 17.01. By the written agreement of both parties; 17.02. By either party upon failure of the other party to perform its obligations set forth herein; 17.03. By DART if necessary for future use of the Licensed Property as set out in § 14; or, 17.04. By expiration of the Term. 18. Action Upon Termination of License. At such time as this License may be terminated or canceled for any reason whatever, Licensee, if requested by DART, shall remove all improvements and appurtenances owned by Licensee and situated in, under, on, or attached to the Licensed Property and shall restore the Licensed Property to substantially the same condition existing at the date of execution of this License, at Licensee's sole expense. In the event Licensee fails or refuses to remove its improvements and restore the Licensed Property as required within thirty (30) days after termination or cancellation of the License, DART shall have the right (but not the obligation) to take possession of the Licensed Property and improvements for DARTS use at no cost to DART, or to use such force as may be necessary to remove such improvements at Licensee's sole cost and expense, which cost and expense Licensee agrees to pay to DART upon demand 19. Miscellaneous 19.01 _ Notice. When notice is permitted or required by this Agreement, it shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or when placed, postage prepaid, in the U.S. Mail, Certified, Return Receipt Requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses: DART. Dallas Area Rapid Transit P.O. Box 660163 Dallas, Texas 75266-7210 Attention: Railroad Management LICENSEE.- City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Atten: City Manager H&B-MUM: Rev. I-5-99 Pago 4 of 6 City of Colleyville 5400 Branford Road ColIeyville, Texas 76034 Attew Community Development Director City of North Richland Hills 7301 NE Loop 820 North ,Richland Hills, Texas 76182-0609 Atten: Parks dt Recreation Department Either party may from time to time designate another or different address for receipt of notice by giving notice of such change of address. 19.02. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 19.03. Entirety and Amendments. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parries and supersedes all prior agreement and un&ptandiugs, if any, relating to the Licensed Property and the matters addressed herein, and may be amended or supplemented only by a written instrument executed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. 19.04. Parties Bound- This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the executing parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 19.05. Number and Gender. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender, and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa. IN W IWESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this —day of , 1998_ LICENSOR: DALLAS AREA RAPID 'TRANSIT BY: ROGER SNOBLE President/Executive Director LICENSEE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Printed Name: Title: H&B-b1M: Rcv. 1-5-98 CITY OF COLLEYVILLE By: Printed Name: . Title: CITY OF NORTH RICHLAND HILLS By: _ Printed Name: Title: Page 5 or 6 6-7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of DART General Counsel Office of the City Attorney, City of Southlake Office of the City Attorney, City of Colleyville Office of the City Attorney, City of North Richland Hills H&H-MUNI: Rev, 1-S-98 Page 6 of 6 m > m o ar E � N ao ro o ro 41 .0 x � m U) ra r H r- 4J a 01 4 At H a o z c �s 0 m � x .G > y � 4 N m p U x � � H al ed 4-1 a o�0) 44 ° a o n, .0 .J W .H .,A cC U U `r r•i N R City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 16, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Plans for Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II Attached are the Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase II plans for the site, grading, hockey court elevations and the tennis center/pro-shop. The staff, hockey committee and Southlake Tennis Association (STA) representatives have reviewed and commented on these plans. STA is pleased with the latest plan found in your packet. MESA staff will be at the SPDC meeting to address questions. After SPDC's comments and approval from SPDC to move forward with these plans MESA will finalize the specifications for bidding in February and contract award in March. MESA Design will bid this project in three packages. Bid package one will include all grading, utilities, parking, and site lighting. Bid package two will include the tennis courts, basketball courts and hockey courts with the lighting. Bid package three will include all the buildings - the tennis center/pro-shop and the small restroom. Staff would like SPDC to consider bidding packages one and two, holding on bidding package three until site work and court work is near completion (by the end of the summer). If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757 or Ben Henry at extension 848. l:m-bidplan.doc oop•ep►q-w:j 8t8 u01su31xo lu XJuag uag ao LSL uotsualxa 118SS-18t, ju aui jouluoo asrald suopsonb Xuu anal noX jI •(zaununs atll jo puo oqj �q) uopoldtuoo mou si 3I.iom linoo pun Tom ails Iijun aaztll 3Smjoud Suippiq uo 8uiplotl `oml pun auo soSmlond Sutppiq zaplsuoo of aQdS o 111 pinom 33njS •tumilsaz llnuis atll pun dolls-oad/aajuoo smual at11- s5uiplmq atlj Iln opnloui Ipm aaatll oSmjond pig •5utjtlSil all tljtm spnoo ,iwjootl pun slznoo iiugjojsnq `s�moo siuual atlj opnloui Illm omi o5tgoud pig •2?utjtI81I ails pun 5ul3lxed `satltliln `8uipLU2 Iln opnloui Illm auo oSmIoud pig •saBujoud ooxgl ui loofoid sell p?q Ipm uSisaQ VSgW • £ fautugo j `Aupson j Oupoom . oqj in OQdS Aq uxlni uoptl ano iddu poNsu oq oslu Illm IlounoD Alin •uoi�omisuoo II asL'ud uoisuudxg }IHd It" QIuaoig aoj splq ioj OSTIJanpU of jjuls ozuotljnu of palsn 8uioq si (a(IdS) uoptljodioD luauadolanaQ 31xed a3InitljnoS aq L II asugd'uoisuudxg xiu l lquua;uaatg piq o; uoi;nztaoglnV :IDE[fgflS uOTIVIo oag pur s:ljtd Jo JojoaaiQ `iloua-j uzix :y OUJ Ja&'uL'W ,KIiD `WH •g silinD :01 866T `SI hunurf wf1QNVU01kaw sexal'aNgt4jnoS Io Al!g oop • u sow/opds/ spmoq: i •8t'8 uoisualxo lu A.ruag uag zo L9L uoisualxa 1899-18t lu our louluoo osuold suoilsonb Sm, anug noX 3l •la8png aril jo sialowured atll upIlim 8uiliuls olitlm suoiluoU!oods s,auo.KJana latu sutl luul uuld u dolanap of sautil luJanas (zomns uanu-I put, souor uigo21) uoilMoossV stuua,I, 33IultllnoS atll Jo saniluluosaidoi put, 3.luls ulim latu put, aisop jaluoo siuuol aril paxzomaa surf VS2[W luul aloM jamsuu of oouupuolpu ui oq Ilim.t3uls VSgw •31rom jo adoos popuudxo aul lootu of popaau soopuos Iuuoilippu aul of anp Olt,`6£$ luuoilippu gill 2uilsonbaz dnoaO ugisaQ VSgW Xq poxeda.rd Isom jo adoos put, saaj jo lruurrunS paliulop u si potloulIV •DQdS aul Xq possnosip uoisuudxo aoj suuld aul of anp paimbaz aq Ipm anailoq Karll saoinaas Iuuoilrppu .Ioj uorlusuodwoo Suilaas sum VSgW `Xiiuiluossg •Il osutld uoisuudxg lzud iumuoluaoig jo usrsop aoj lourluoo haul Xjipoui of DQdS aul pogouoiddu pull dnojo u5isa(j VSgw luul drool Ilim noA II asuga 131aud luluua;uaatg uo saaieaas ieuolssajoad ao3 luouipuam'V IaeaJuoO OlsaQ VSHN :13FIrgns uorlLMoa21 puu s)IJud Io JoloaaiQ `aiouag UIDI :Y odd 102uu W XJD `)Imug -g silznD :01 8661 `91 XJunuur NflGNvx0IVHN sexes IoNelulnoS to Al!o ZUW W-Witv16 IOM Mal 'SEIlEO S / laai1S uouulxoW ODIC a �Vyl pun aop'ado�puyraa�osraururnSffOLI?a++apuodsa�o�ul ryd - xfad�apruatua�t9 - £�OL61u�afold anu�y�a�vas asaur�l�N asayy�� 00'0Ib`6£S Imol aa3 TeIIOpIPPv 00'005`zzis aa3 � nJ 009`£S anogE oxpjo Hy 000`9TS odmspur T solgwwnq=:E 'J d/N Y/ICI oo5`SS saopms 2mzqd v d/.K iV/N OWLS I?ti?J Xa=S 'rd SaMAITaS TMRcTS ocioos UT dogsard `odoos patma?I =Tq=V 000`9S anogE oAIa is teuott?ppV OSL`9S 2dmspuE7 0o/vJ 'R 000`£S dogsmcl OSL`9S loal?gor�' odmsp=,l I 8uippig •Q .to�E�sg OSLS dogsOza OOS`ZS uoJ 000`6S dogsoia 000`9S Tjn=mpzv 000`ZS doslsaia o0s`zs I -=nl►S OOZ`bS dmv dogsosd `sopTMrj cq?S OOs`ZIS d�1? 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THE REPRODUCTION, COPYING, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED AND ANY INFRINGEMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO LEGAL ACTION. @ Copyright 1997 MESA Design Group IRES DESIGN GROUP Landscape Architecture Urban Design Land Planning 3100 McKinnon Street Suite 905 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 871-0568. Fax: 871-1507 J Q W Z V) Q UJ f-" G_ z w U cm Revisions No. Date Item Registration Q X W F— W Q D 0 V) Drawn JAC Checked A7f1 A 7 4r nn Project No. Date Sheet Title TENNIS PROSHOP PLAN Sheet No. EXISTING PARKING PHASE I d�. SITE DEVELOPMENT SCALE: 1" = 50"0" rlrxrT of 02 0 12 uN =J ........ . ..... ­­4 I........ ��_�UTIJRE­PARKING �wX . ... ...... J= . . ........... 711/ ...,,, wwm ~� µ .�� " IMIT Oz� ",R TBALL CO TS 01 Q, -- ---- 640 POINT OF BEGINNING -- — ------- — 121 Emergency Access'Esmt 151CFENTF-INNIAL I PARK eLVD. ~LAND rry 9 L I LOCATION MAP N.T.S. le ` . ......... <---- FM HLAKE 13L.VD.) 1709 (SOU-f THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGN SHOWN PLAN IS THE PROPERTY OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE REPRODUCTION, COPYING, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING WITHOUT WRITTEN S PROHIBITED NORTH ANY INFRINCONSENT IGEMENT WILL BE SUBJECTAND TO LEGAL ACTION. @ Copyright 1998 MESA Design Group INES DESIGN GROUP Landscape Architecture Urban Design Land Planning 3100 McKinnon Street Suite 905 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 871-0568 Fax: 871-1507 Revisions No. Date Item Registration Drawn JAC Checked Project No. Date Sheet Title SITE LAYOUT PLAN Sheet SL-01 ACT1VEPR0NQ7n43\- EXISTING PARKING PHASE r r r i i f 7t;,T, WORK — P PARKIN (64 Spa es) ! 1 T w Z Z W Ce CL Z W i i 't t / r r i t r / s f ! .....::......... 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I v ��w.nrro 8 _ BIGENTENNI � LOCATION MAP N.T.S. ) 1 DESIGN GROUP ESA Landscape Architecture Urban Design Land Planning 3100 McKinnon Street Suite 905 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 871-0568 Fax: 871-1507 Q X W W Q J Z) O Revisions No. Date Item Registration SRP/CEV Drawn JAC Checked 97043 1-15-98 Project No. Date Sheet Title SITE GRADING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGN SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE REPRODUCTION, COPYING, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING WITHOUT WRITTEN CNSENTNORTH ANY NFR NC EMENT IWILR BEIBITED SUBJ CTD TO LEGAL ACTION. c@ Copyright 1998 MESA Design Group Sheet No. SG-01 AM/EPRO J\97043\CAD\7043SG01 GENERAL RINK ENTRY TO SPECTATOR AREA -AYERS' ACCE55 INTO RINK SERVICE 4 MAINTENANCE ACCE55_<�,A:Tff!5­ &5AL_KEEf'ER'S 0,I\/ILE:6EV AREA ; GOAL POST (TO BE 5,EL,.E6Tizb BY LAN 50Af5E AR.CHI . TEC'T) ........... DASHER BOARD 4 SUPPORT 5 EJ-1 (TO BE SELECTED BY LAN05r_.AFE� ARC,H'T�CT) 5'-6" HIGH RE' SELECTED BY LAr 61 WIDE 5PECTATOF PLAYER5' ' 5' X b- (TYP.) 50ORER/TIMESffrER WX (TO BE SELECTED By I_AN1:?5GAPE AR� CHf-,TE6,T)`,, 5' X a' (TYPJ., PENAL -r�; BOAC (TO BE SELECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARrH . MEr,-T7 ,H `5F_Rt,4\,' SFECTATOR5' BLEACHER 60iQ INK IOO'X 200'ROLLER HOCKEY RINK*--,ti - (REFER SHEET #LC-0.2 FOR STRIPING DETAILS)'-% ROLLER HOCKEY RINK & SURROUNDS -LAYOUT PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" V LU tu U1 LLI to to ILI < zV < zd < 0 Z IL 6 ILI CL UJ 0- QD_ -1 IL D_ IL OL LL 9 Oz< 1W z z UJ 0 LU 0 I" Z UA Oz< JU LU IL X YO IL X D tu 0 -A X < OL I q) if) 10 D_ 13 0 W < [� tu 0 1 ro I �) < < z< -CD i6 fa In z < M C1 (!11 0) in M 11- O -1.1 Ea. Ea.. 1, 501-101, 501-101, Ea -111 CHAIN LINK FENCE •ALONG RINK EDGE (VARIABLE HEIGHT) %5 2,WaMEW• I 11A N 1<111 V1 BOARD 5Y5TEI!- g �J� g .0, --- TO BE APPROVED BY w., LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DG RINK BOARD & FEN('-'.'*E PROFILE POST TENSIONNED SLAB PS/ 3'DEEP PERIMETER E SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY NORTH Z < lu < CJ X VIEWING QL 0 BERM ROLLER HOCKEY COURT C ) K V IYQ �b z (3 V �_ ILI z < < < V lu Id &! -1 a- 0M, < �---) ROLLER HOCKEY RINK OVERALL SECTION RP% SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" z W 0 z %b < 1-2 LU -A Lu K VIEWING BERM 0 FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY V z U S) ri V ri 11A < 1U -A tu < o X 0 Q-0 HOCKEY RINK SCCXER/TIMEKEEPER BOX -SECTION SCALI 1 5f—oft FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY r/ CJ (Y 0 0 4) ly LU < Z V < LU th -1 tLJ Ju )< _OFE TO GRADE CL (y < D_ q) iL- ;3 o0- Mt HOCKEY RINK 5'-:2 00 SCALE 1" 5 f-0/1 SLOPE TO GRA7_ ..... ........ ........ ..... .. .... ..... ........ .. ........ ......... _J Y Q� 2 z w1J) 11A Ld D_ < HOCKEY RINK all ....... .. ............ .......... ........ CHAIN LINK FENCE VARIABLE HEIGHT DA5HER BOARD SYSTEM TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT POST TENSIONNED SLAB N 5' PERIMETER, BEAM FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY &A CHAIN LINK FENCE VARIABLE HEIGHT I M P O R T AN T 1 11 DASHER BOARD SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TO BE APPROVED BY REFER SHEETS # LC-02, s LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LC -05. ............................................. POST TENSIONNED SLAB ..................... W 5' PERIMETER BE P--A I M P 0 R T A N T 1 1 1 .... ....... J TF :11 . .......... . . .11".. ... T. -51":-:. PLAYER & SPECTATOR ACCESS SECTION —Off SCALE: 5' HIGH FENCE BEHIND GOAL 5' HIGH FENCE ALONG PLAY AREA POST 0 a Ea. BOARD C�5PA-'*�,- DEPENDS ON DASHER SYSTEM SELECTED I k k tq, ------ - - - - --------- FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY 1. ME5A Design Group assumes no responsibility for anyexcovalon or grading not shown on surveys or ciw engineer's plans supplied to ME-5A Design Group. 2. All proposed and finished cyode5 provided by MESA Design Group we based on Information provided 4 owner's surveyor andlor civil engineer. Any discrepancies in actual field measurements are to be reported to landscape architect immediately. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for making himself familiar with all underground utilities, pipes, structures, and line rum, 4. Prior to commencement of hard5cope construction, all piers, footings, and walls are to be surveyed, lad out, and staked in Pleld for approval by landscape architect. Contractor shall assume responsibility for any demolition, adjustments, or racortstructlofn resulting from unauthorized construction actIvitles. 5. Contractor Is responsble For all final Ruontiticsiver drawings and specifications. Any atuontltle5 provided by MESA PC51qn Group cre provided as a convenience only and shall not be considered absolute. Landscape architect should be notified If cry dl5ereponelas occur. CONTR.ACTOR5 ARE TO 5112 THEIR OAN VERIFIED QUANTITIES. ........... ...... . ....... .. ..... .......... ....................... ..... ..... ... . ...................... ............... .......... ... ....... .......... ..................... . ... .... ....... .............. .............. .. ... ......... 5' HIGH FENCE BEHIND GOAL POST Ir RINK BOARD & FENCE PROFILE SCALE: LE: 1" = 20'-0l/ FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY CHAIN LINK FENCE - ALONG RINK EDGE T/' Ar COVED BY L 3C ARCHITECT P05T TENSIONNED SLAB THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGN SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE REPRODUCTION, COPYING, OR USE OF THIS DRAWING WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED AND ANY INFRINGEMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO LEGAL ACTION. I hiES DESIGN GROUP Landscape Architecture Urban Design Land Planning 3100 McKinnon Street Suite 905 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 871 -0568 Fax: 871 -1507 Revisions Date Item No. Registration Drawn C Checked 97043 01-15-98 Project No. Date Sheet Title HOCKEY LAYOUT & ILLUSTRATIVE SECTIONS Shee-, No. —01 LC AC71VER01\97043\CAD\7043LC01 (D Copyright 1998 MESA Design Group