2002-05-21 , , - - --- - — '���- -_- '— - ' i....... - --- �� - . LOG OF PROCEEDINGSPROCEEDINGS ������������ ���������D � Descri��on S�cK���ng Description 5/21/2002 Location South|aka Council Chambers `- Time Speaker Note 4 :38:03PK4 call boorder Pres. R. Evans �4 :38:17PPN Ex Session not necessary �4 :38:23PPN Public Forum none 4 �38�36PK8 Administrative none � � � 4 :38:48PyN oonoentagendo minutes 3/1Q/02-motion bo approve RG/ BR. a||4'O :4 :39:43PW1 KavinHugmon reqto submit grant add| trail at Bob Jones park; approved ' concept plan -they will pay 80Y6cf construction costs' ' 22.000-23.000 cost to city with the reimb. Pk board nec proceeding with application. '4 :4D:41 PM Rex Potter we pay and then they give us the money book? correct 4 :41:04PyW motion RP approve Resolution/BR; 4-O 4 :41:42PK8 uonoeptp|an -Dioouoaion South|ake Softball complex. KH -recall conceptual design \ item asked that staff come back with onupdate. They have looked i atit and we have some preliminary cost estimates. We also met with softball '4 :42:53P[W Chris Carpenter presentation. What wm have and where wo are trying bo get to. . Copies of plan bo Board aawegoalong. (get copy ofpower � point presentation from Chris) 1. review of problem areas. 2. Alt. #1 'lighting same aoot Bob Jones Park. 3. Alt. #24. Alt. #3 i ` 4 :55:25P[N preliminary construction Alt 1 $1.3Q5.000; Alt 2$1.458.80U; Staff preference'Alt#?; ` costs Preliminary Cost Est. finish out-Alt 1 $8U3.GO0 ;Alt 2 $614.400. 70 foot lights. 4 :58:58PM MattTugQy Praa. GSSA. Met with 8P and CC-pretty sure can get ` nonnenuo for alternate 2. 5 :01:11 PM Rex To the West? Cambridge north and west. parking inthe ' oouthwantonrner-GPitioopondingarea. Stacy-nnneuftha ' |iQhtingaa|vogob|e7 CC-cost more to remove and relocate � than brand new K0uaco pipe. VVe have them prepare their best route ofottaotoo that they can get started-CC we have in the � ! budget curnatn|y$7OO.0OO. KH -weanegoingto |ookatdoing � in phases. VVe are going to look atot least what softball has ! ' now. VVo are not aware of any grant money avail. there are i � . currently 3 lighted fields at Bic Park. KH what vvo wanted ho ! update you let you know the process, working oncapital � budget; we want to meet with SPIN ; and then move forward aa soon ou possible with a concept plan ' possibly next � meeting. This iobaUy for softball. 'not with Laornoa . they � have bbenusinq the outfields buth there season ia the same a S �11�58P[N completes agenda � � � |5 :12:00PK4 meeting adjourned. , 07/030209:40:10 � i City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 15, 2002 TO: SPDC Board of Directors FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for Board Meeting - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 1. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. We have no items to discuss. 2. Agenda Item No. 4. PUBLIC FORUM: This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non-agenda items. During this proceeding it is important that the Board not deliberate (discuss among yourselves) or take action on any item brought up at this time. The Boards' options during this topic are 1) to listen, 2) ask questions and respond to the presenter only, 3) request staff to look into the issue and report back to the Board or 4) request that the Chair put the item on a future agenda for the Board to discuss or consider. 3. Agenda Item No. 5A. Administrative Comments. None at this time. 4. Agenda Item No. 6A. Approval of the minutes for the regular SPDC meeting held on March 19, 2002. If you have corrections to the meeting minutes, please let Acting City Secretary Kim Bush know in advance or make it part of the motion for consideration. Kim can be reached via e-mail at kbushaci.southlake.tx.us or by calling her at 481-1420. 5. Agenda Item No. 7A. Authorizing application for a Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) Recreational Fund grant for Bob Jones Park trails. This item is to request authorization for staff to submit an application for recreational trail reimbursement funding to Texas Parks and Wildlife. If we receive the funding, TPWD will reimburse the City for 80% of the construction cost, meaning the net cost to the City in this project will be approximately $22,000. Staff proposes the project scope be additional trails in Bob Jones Park. The proposed trails are shown on the approved Bob Jones Park Master Plan, and fit the grant criteria. 6. Agenda Item No. 8A. Preliminary Concept Plan for the Southlake Softball Complex. There are no materials in your packet related to this item. We will have a brief presentation for you at your meeting to discuss the preliminary plans and cost estimates as you previously requested staff to do. We will review the plans with Matt Tuggey, Southlake Girls Softball Association president, prior to your meeting. Based on his comments, we may also need to review with other members of SGSA, and we anticipate holding a SPIN meeting in June, with Park Board and,SPDC consideration to follow those meetings. But at this time, we want to keep you informed of the progress to date I SPDC Board of Directors Board Meeting—Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Page 2 7. Other Items included in your packet for your information: • Sales Tax Report • Project Status Report We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at 481-1527. • KH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, 481-1713 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, 481-1527 Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, 481-1543 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, 481-1584 Chris Carpenter, Senior Parks Planner, 481-1585 11 J . City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM May 17, 2002 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (x1527) SUBJECT: Resolution No. 02-039, Authorizing application for a Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) Recreational Fund grant for Bob Jones Park trails Action Requested: SPDC authorization of submittal of TPWD Recreational Trails Fund application. Background Information: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department offers an annual application process for Recreational Trails Fund money. The following summary points characterize this particular funding opportunity: 1. The funding mechanism is cost reimbursement; it is not a grant. Therefore, the trail project should have a great likelihood of being f funded through the SPDC Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) process. In other words, submitting application for funding a project that SPDC would not normally fund would require finding another funding source for construction of the project prior to reimbursement. 2. The total funding reimbursed by the state is no more than $100,000. This funding limits the amount and type of trail construction. (See #3 below). 3. The trails must serve a recreational purpose. In other words, their use must be recreational (i.e. not just for travel from point "A" to point "B"). Examples would include trails that support a particular activity such as mountain biking, horseback riding, jogging, etc. 4. The trails must be on public property or on federal property (i.e. Corps property). There are also stringent standards for use of private property, but there are no trails identified in city plans which have the private property interests (i.e. easements, purchase) secured to the point of their inclusion in a funding application. There may be future opportunities for this aspect, however. The funding may also be used for trail maintenance. 5. If the application is approved by TPWD, the city would have five years to begin and complete construction of the project. This allows for projects in out-year plans. Based on these criteria, staff recommends the Bob Jones trail extensions as the project scope for submission to TPWD. The trails are shown as ij future development in the current approved Bob Jones Park Master Plan. Financial Considerations: In order to implement a trail project for this funding, the city must program it in the SPDC budget. The funding source is an 80% cost reimbursement from TPWD, with the city responsible for the remaining 20% of the construction costs (estimated at $23,254). All expenses must be documented and meet state approval. There is currently $150,000 for trail development in the 5-Year SPDC Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2005 and FY 2006. _ Citizen Input/ Board Review: ■ Park Board recommended approval of this item (7-0) at their May 13, 2002, meeting • City Council will consider this item at their May 21 meeting. • Staff will submit the application by June 1, 2002. TPWD will review it and, upon any award of the funding, staff would then come back to the Board, SPDC, and Council to authorize the project expenditures lwithin the 5-year time frame for initialization of the project.' Legal Review: Not applicable at this time. Alternatives: SPDC consideration of appropriateness of grant or other potential trail projects instead of Bob Jones trails. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Resolution No. 02-039 • Application for the TPWD Recreational Trails Fund • Area map Staff Recommendation: SPDC authorization to submit an application for grant funding for additional multi-use trail construction in Bob Jones Park. RESOLUTION NO. 02-039 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "APPLICANT," DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR, ACTING FOR, AND ON BEHALF OF THE "APPLICANT" IN DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "DEPARTMENT," FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATIONAL TRAILS GRANT PROGRAM, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "PROGRAM;" CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE; CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" MATCHING SHARE IS READILY AVAILABLE; AND DEDICATING THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL. USES. WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has approved the Program (Section 24 of the Parks & Wildlife Code) for the purpose of allowing the political subdivisions of the State of Texas to participate in the Program; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is fully eligible to receive assistance under the Program; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is desirous of authorizing an official to represent and act for the Applicant in dealing with the Department concerning the Program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Applicant: SECTION 1: That the Applicant hereby certifies that they are eligible to receive assistance under the Program. SECTION 2: That the Applicant hereby certifies that the matching share for this application is readily available at this time. SECTION 3: That the Applicant hereby authorizes and directs its Director of Community Services to act for the Applicant in dealing with the Department for the purpose of the Program, and the Director of Community Services is hereby officially designated as the representative in this regard. SECTION 4: The Applicant hereby specifically authorizes the official to make application to the Department concerning the site to be known as Bob Jones Park Trail Extensions in the City of Southlake for recreational trail use. That the Bob Jones Park Trail Extensions are hereby dedicated (or will be dedicated upon completion of the proposed acquisition) for public park and recreation purposes in perpetuity. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the day of , 2002,by the City of Southlake. APPROVED: Rick Stacy,Mayor ATTEST: Kim Bush, Acting City Secretary I. TEXAS RECREATIONAL TRAILS FUND PROJECT APPLICATION • DUE JUNE 1,2002 PROJECT NAME Bob Jones Park—Loop Trail Extension CITY/COUNTY Southlake,Texas/Denton County 1. SPONSORING ENTITY City of Southlake CONTACT PERSON Chris L. Carpenter,AICP (person TPWD may contact for further information) TITLE Senior Park Planner MAILING ADDRESS 400 N.White Chapel Blvd. CITY Southlake STATE Texas ZIP CODE 76092 DAYTIME TELEPHONE 817-481-1585 FAX NO. 817-481-1594 Authorized Signature Date 2. INTENDED USES(Check One) Motorized Use Non-motorized Use X Combination Motor-Non-motorized Uses 3. TYPES OF USE(Check All That Apply) •Bicycling_X_ •Mountain Bicycling_X_ •Hiking/Walking_X_ •Equestrian •Wheelchairs X_ •Provisions for Disabilities X •Jogging/Running_X_ •Skating/Skateboarding_X_ •Motorcycles •All Terrain Vehicles •Four-wheel Drive Vehicles •Other 4. PROJECT LENGTH New construction 3300 linear feet (miles or feet) Renovation of existing (miles or feet) 5. GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED $ 93,016 6. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project in the space below. Include a description of the trail length, width, surfacing, and configuration (loop, linear, network); trailhead and trailside amenities. Detail all work to be performed; any right-of- way or easements to be acquired; the relationship between project and any other work planned or existing; partnerships and/or community involvement; and educational/interpretive aspects of the project. The project trail will provide a much-needed extension from the existing active recreational areas(soccer, baseball) nearest the city street (N. White Chapel Blvd.) and parking areas back to the natural, native areas and Corps of Engineers property adjacent to the south side of Lake Grapevine. The project will consist of approximately 3300 linear feet of 10'-wide, 5"-thick reinforced concrete trail construction, including excavation and backfill, with the installation of certain additional minor trail amenities. The proposed trail will be an outer loop configuration to tie into the existing trail within the recreational areas. No easements or right-of-way is required nor will be obtained; the project trail will be constructed on city park property and property leased from the Corps of Engineers. Prior approval for the trail alignments has been obtained from the Corps pending their review of the final construction plans. Existing amenities in Bob Jones Park include two ponds — one (6 acres) with a fishing pavilion, soccer fields, baseball fields, a restroom/concession building, a playground, a day camp, and an amphitheater. Only extensions to the trail system and loop road,parking improvements, irrigation, and additional picnic areas and pavilions remain - in future construction in this portion of the park. The natural/interpretive aspect of this project trail is very important. The city is currently partnering with a Nature Center Committee to determine the appropriate site for a Nature Center for educational and interpretive purposes, taking advantage of the native Cross Timbers habitat. This project trail will open up non-motorized access to these natural areas and serve as the primary route(s)to and from the Nature Center. 7. ITEMIZED BUDGET. Provide in the space below an itemized list of all activities to be undertaken and the cost of each activity. Provide as much detail as possible (consider materials - surfacing, lumber, stones, etc.; labor - volunteer or paid;. service contracts; equipment/tool rental and/or value of in-house; land acquisition. Design, engineering, or architectural services may not exceed 10% of the total project costs; resource surveys/site assessments may not exceed 15%. Sponsor's administrative costs cannot be included.Please call with questions or for clarification. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS UNIT COST TOTAL 10' wide, 5"reinforced concrete trail; (includes excavation,backfill) 3300 1.f. $30.00 $99,000.00 Other excavation,hauling bulk bulk $4,000.00 Benches 3 $300.00 $900.00 Bike racks 2 $200.00 $400.00 Interpretive signage 7 $200.00 $1400.00 Design/plans(10%) - - $10,570.00 - - GRAND TOTAL $116,270.00 8. PROJECT COSTS AND REQUESTED FUNDS. Total Itemized Project Costs(from item 6 on previous page) $116,270.00 0 Federal Funds Requested(80%or less of above line) $93,016.00 Local Match Required(at least 20%of top line) $23,254.00 9. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING SPONSOR'S SHARE.Please describe in the space below the source of funds, donations, or in-kind contributions that will make up the sponsor's match (at least 20%). You may include government appropriations; private donations of land, easement, cash, labor, materials, and equipment; or in-house labor, equipment, and materials. The project will be financed from proceeds from the City of Southlake's dedicated%-cent sales tax for park development, administered by the Southlake Park Development Corporation(SPDC). `-lea- � 10. MAINTENANCE. In the space below, briefly describe the identified commitment to continued . operation and maintenance of the project. Include who will be responsible for which tasks and who will finance them. Routine clearing of debris, backfilling, and sod enhancements will be performed by the City of Southlake park maintenance crews. Concrete repair, expected to be minimal, would be performed by contracts with private companies. 11. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Provide in the space below a brief description of the benefits of the proposed project in terms of the project's quality, geographic scope, recreational needs met, and expected amount of trail use or population to be served. The project's quality, in relation to impact on the trail system, is extremely high. The trail will provide access to a native wilderness area unmatched in flora and fauna in Southlake. The project's geographic scope is the completion of a loop trail system within the city's largest and most diverse park, where pedestrian access is critical for full enjoyment of park amenities. The trail, when completed, will compliment the existing park trails and provide over a mile of continuous trail length for a wide variety of recreational needs, including walking, hiking, rollerblading, skateboarding, running,jogging, etc. Families who visit Bob Jones Park for the sports leagues will now have other recreational opportunities and their park experience will be more complete. The city's population-roughly 22,500 - has the highest per capita number of children aged 0 - 18 in the state, according to the 2000 Census. When coupled with the overall high recreational participation rates in Southlake, the proposed project trail is likely to provide recreational benefit unmatched in a city this size. 12. TRAIL CORRIDOR INFORMATION. Describe below the ownership of the trail corridor. If the land is currently in public hands, identify the name of the public land. If the land is not in the sponsor's ownership, include a statement of permission to construct trail project from the landowner. If land, easement, or other property interest will be acquired, describe how this will be accomplished. If acquisition in fee,include a statement of why easement was not possible. - The trail segment lies entirely within the City of Southlake's Bob Jones Park and within Corps of Engineers property leased by the city.Similar trail construction has been previously approved by both entities. Trail Begin (northerly) J,C Single Outer Loop z` d�,•,tnonnnn.nmullh� 1: :.. . „ 3}:,:: a-- �uunutntrn9ns.trnmm�n g ,� c s s ' t• ;II f 1 RVifl � ♦ 11t} \5 D ors Trail End (southerly) N:\Parks&Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\MEMOS\2002\Trail Grant 5-21-02.doc SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Ali Mr 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT 2001-02 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $ 2,297,320 $1,442,644 $854,676 37.20% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc ,MONTH 99-00 -Dec 00-01 -Dec 01-02 -Dec October $155,259 -0.1% $196,516 26.6% $227,332 15.7% November 150,165 45.2% 161,845 7.8% 210,933 30.3% December 125,632 33.3% 162,616 29.4% 168,699 3.7% January 176,808 12.7% 259,882 47.0% 293,241 12.8% February 135,803 36.1% 151,056 11.2% 159,555 5.6% March 120,289 23.6% 144,692 20.3% 157,418 8.8% April 182,799 17.2% 233,457 27.7% 225,466 -3.4% May 148,210 15.0% 186,723 26.0% -100.0% raJune 150,396 20.6% 211,055 40.3% -100.0% July 190,883 10.1% 236,176 23.7% -100.0% August 153,898 25.3% 188,019 22.2% -100.0% September 151,760 25.4% 177,573 • TOTAL $1,841,902 $2,309,609 $1,442,644 Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.) 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 Difference Change October $ 196,516 195,470 227,332 227,332 $ 31,861 18.34% November 161,845 160,984 210,933 210,933 49,949 41.67% December 162,616 - 161,751 168,699 168,699 6,949 6.67% January 259,882 258,499 293,241 293,241 34,742 19.61% February 151,056 150,252 159,555 159,555 9,303 7.99% March 144,692 143,922 157,418 157,418 ' 13,496 12.33% April 233,457 232,215 225,466 225,466 (6,749) -3.81% May 186,723 185,729 - 185,729 - 0.00% June 211,055 209,932 - 209,932 - 0.00% July 236,176 234,919 - 234,919 - 0.00% August 188,019 187,019 - 187,019 - 0.00% September 177,573 176,628 - 176,628 - 0.00% $ 2,309,609 $ 2,297,320 $ 1,442,644 $ 2,436,870 $ 139,550 102.81% 5.51% SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report , May 7, 2002 BICENTENNIAL PARK Park Trail -F.Y. 1998-99 Status: City Council awarded the bid for trail installation to Green Scaping at the November 26, 2001 meeting. Construction is complete in Bicentennial Park with only few issues remaining. The trail connection along North White Chapel Blvd. is anticipated with the Traffic Management Bond Trail Package 2a within the next week. Volleyball Court-F.Y. 2001-02 Status: The SPDC Capital Improvements Plan has allocated$30,000. BOB JONES PARK Phase II with TPWD Grant- Status: Construction had been progressing well until vandalism on July 15, 2001 took the playground and soccer concession building. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is aware of the circumstances at Bob Jones Park and has provided extension up to June, 2002. The City of Southlake terminated the contract with the contractor and will proceed with the completion of the park through the bonding company. TPWD grant closeout documentation has been submitted for approval by TPWD. Nature Center Planning- Status: The Park Board named an ad-hoc sub-committee in December to begin conceptual planning and programming for a proposed nature center. An onsite review of Bob Jones Park has been conducted by the committee. Work groups have been established and tours of other local nature centers have been conducted. The target date for a written recommendation is August, 2002. Soccer field lighting- Status: A contract was awarded by City Council on December 18, 2001 to Musco Sports Lighting. All contracted improvements at both Bob Jones Park Soccer Fields and CISD Intermediate School Lacrosse Field are complete. Page 1 Water Well#2 - F.Y. 2001-02 Status: SPDC Capital Improvements Plan has allocated $150,000 for a second water well to serve Pond #2 and provide aeration improvements. Staff is working with the consulting engineers on the project specifications. Drilling of the well is not anticipated until this fall. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Neighborhood Park Development-F.Y. 2001-02 Status: SPDC Capital Improvement Plan has allocated$150,000. The Parks and Recreation Board approved at the February, 2002 meeting to recommend that SPDC approve funding for Neighborhood Park entry signage and irrigation improvements. Neighborhood Park Entry Signage-F.Y. 2001-02 Status: At the March meeting, the Parks and Recreation Board, approved an entrance sign to be used at all neighborhood parks as presented by staff SPDC also approved the same conceptual sign at their March meeting. Staff has been working with an architect to provide plans for the signs and expects draft plans by May 17. The plans will then be bid and construction should commence in June. — Noble Oaks Park-F.Y. 2000-01 Status: The perimeter 8-foot pathway along South Carroll Avenue is complete. An irrigation design is complete and will be submitted for qualified contractors to quote. Installation is expected to begin in June. Koalaty Park-F.Y. 2000-01 Status: All requested improvements previously planned are complete. As approved by the Park and Recreation Board and SPDC, irrigation improvements are being designed. Royal and Annie Smith Park—F.Y. 1999-00 Status: SPDC approved.$50,000 for planning and construction of initial park improvements in FY 1999-2000. The conceptual park plan is included within the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan update. The house and all associated structures have been removed. Construction of the trail is complete with only cleanup items remaining. Page 2 Lonesome Dove Park-F.Y. 1998-99 Status: Construction is complete on the boardwalk and concrete sidewalk Planned improvements include the planting of additional trees with extension of the irrigation system. Chesapeake Park-F.Y. 1999-2000 Status: Matching funds with the developer were approved for construction. All contracted improvements are complete. Planting of trees by staff has begun and will continue through the winter and spring months. A neighborhood workday was held March 23, 2002 with additional trees, sod, and plant material being installed. Liberty Park at Sheltonwood-F.Y. Status: A basic concept plan for the park is included in the approved Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. LINEAR PARKS AND TRAILS Status: COMMUNITY FACILITIES Recreation Center- Status: Based on City Council direction, staff submitted a grant application on July 31, 2001, for the Recreation Center. Park Board has reviewed the recreational components to incorporate in the preliminary plan. The City failed to receive grant funding for the project in 2002 but will resubmit the project to TPWD for consideration in 2003. Staff has been in contact with TPWD regarding the scoring of the application and will utilize their comments in an attempt to increase the score. Staff is currently working with Brinkley Sargent Architects to revise the plans needed for the grant application, which is due July 31, 2002. Page 3 a MATCHING FUNDS—COMMUNITY GROUPS Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association- Approved by SPDC: Status: ISouthlake Baseball Association— Approved by SPDC: Status: Southlake Girls Softball Association— Approved by SPDC: Status: Purchase of the former Texas School of Baseball was completed on Thursday, December 6, 2001. Staff has begun working with the Shrickel, Rollins and Associates and SGSA on a conceptual design of a complex to accommodate four lighted softball fields. Southlake Equestrian Association— Approved by SPDC: September 27, 1999 / Approved by Park Board: September 13, 1999/March 19, 2001 Status: SPDC approved $10,000 at the September 1999 meeting to install various items requested by the Southlake Equestrian Association. A volunteer workday was held April 27, 2002 to install a ranch faucet, 12 hitching posts and 2 circle pens. JOINT-USE PROJECTS Joint-Use Projects - Status: City Council approved an interlocal agreement May 15, 2001 with St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church for use of additional land for a practice ballfield. All improvements are complete. Improvements to CISD Lacrosse playing field - Status: A contract was awarded by City Council on December 18, 2001 to Musco Sports Lighting. All contracted improvements are complete. CISD will coordinate the installation of the field irrigation and mowing maintenance. Page 4 . SPECIAL PROJECTS F.Y. 2001 - In Progress $ 1,500.00 Bicentennial Park Trinity Well Repairs Complete $ 5,000.00 Tree Transplanting Complete $ 3,486.00 Bicentennial Park Ballfield Irrigation#4, #5, and#10 Complete $ 3,500.00 Lonesome Dove Park Grubbing and Clearing Complete $ 4,000.00 Bob Jones Roll-off Dumpsters Complete $ 1,600.00 Lonesome Dove Park Furniture Complete $ 5,000.00 Chesapeake Water Well Upgrade Complete $ 1,599.96 Speakers for Sound System Complete $ 2,730.00 Bicentennial Water Storage Level Indicator Total $28,415.96 F.Y. 2002 - Complete $ 3,500.00 Bicentennial Park Maintenance Yard Concrete In Progress $ 5,000.00 Tree Transplanting Complete $ 4,000.00 Bicentennial Waterscape Improvements Complete $ 10,000.00 Bob Jones Park Landscape Improvements _ Complete $ 2,0'00.00 Bicentennial Park Sport Lighting Timers Complete $ 1,100.00 Town Square Trees N:\Parks&Recreation\BOARDS\SPDC\PROJ-STA\proj-s03.doc Page 5 I aiCe S 0 lattill r6N X V; (14 W:4 Oftb ConnPle Design and Progress • Report Existing o Fields Three (3) baseball fields o Lighting 3 Pole and fixtures configured for baseball fields • . Inadequate illumination currently exists o Fencing Combination of cyclone and wood pickets o Aligned for baseball; uneven fence lines o Drives/parking Single entry drive c.f 100 parking spaces o Topography Drains to southeast, southwest Sharp north-to-south slope along north property line area o Other structures y 20,000 sq. ft. gymnastics building (to remain) Small wooden ticket booth Small metal pavilion Restrooms inside gymnastics building Small portable bleachers - li • --, -- „ . .--. Existing Plan view , 1 , • 1 N 89'0022 E 691.90' ri I—, I I tt, 1 ----; I ;11 8 E , • s' I DI 2 -, z I 'I 1 I I . 'I S 89.38.90-W 691,03' i ( L, EXISTING ENTRY DRIVE - X . EXISTING PARKIN& I 1 1 , I _j • [i I . n 1 1 qi • EXISTING FIELD . #11 I( 1 i! I 1..,.;:eti., tz,,,,n1,.. r4:1.1m€:'44.4W,1-W. Ilek:1171145; 11 11 .._ alt244.44114.,II —Li tiog-tv ..1.1.— ISTING BUILDING _. ---gaziggakpz 4 1 : ... ..,.„ .1 3 1 giiii:eiltg** "41.41tiaglit.7.-14 *IIE'ViA,1* B EXISTING TICKET BOOTH I , I Eii't#0141•Attle I i I 1 tt-24-.401jiit •Iftr,.414•041.e.,!. . rgA,irg.' ,, ...._ . , in I ilL A'Ll'A*'14*Ar'.111 - 'i•lat:;illt,t,Vhit'Ar.t 1 ; . 3 I :.46,AWEV:44 E. _I I § , i r--T-T------ J x . I . , EXISTING PAVILION • 8 I EXISTING LIGHT POLE(TYPICAL) tell11111M11111101 - RE t . x, II I_ \\N 1 1 1 „ I X - I i 1 I 1 1 I = gl l_ I EXISTING FIELD EXISTING FIELD . g I , I ‹ 4 1 1 I -_ - ---- _ .• -- -- --------L _____132.ri 0 uz. WEST 684.26' --- -----' I I 1 , l_ . Problem Areas o Fields Need 4th field o Lighting Poles need to be removed (not salvageable due to cost) G Fixture numbers, intensity inadequate cu Currently arranged at 4 poles/field; need 6/field o Fencing Non-standard outfields ,t 'No batting cages, warm-up, or perimeter security o Drives/parking Parking inadequate (need approx. 300) (f Existing drive hinders optimal home plate alignment for new field • No second point of access o Topography f Far north area slope prohibitive for field use; also close to residential o Other structures No outdoor concession/restroom facilities • Inadequate seating Complex lacks secured control points le --- Exam . . p __ ,..____ _ . CompetitiveStandard Fi&ds Nort h Richiand . . �.p4 t. r A `f"�+S}cxY „.. ,,�>j 1r� n '°arn7 I { ,� r +.,r ,t", ,,,,,,��� P•k•.s "A!',�wo�t kt 1•• •a ? fi- try -At r .t r�'p;.1 ., _v,t' _Jj 4 m.• , p;'4 ai. .,s''fr , 't,,,1 Y_'.¢�t 9" go y�:t •,<? A t 3' 'l t 4 4 4 T r + Y 'jy, d.�dz �t ,'A.t xd""` ,u op, 4i. E`..,. .- cv, -.. . p. F•-i. ?�y iv kes-ii .' .,K '• I + ,„ i e [ e .fir,.,:"1,Tiy,,ivsii :.F': .`S�t' ,:,:i.v.,!,-F ,h r..:w,r ,„ -,, ,r a,�r`�..g , -„AS '). 'r r''4a...w f., ., + x �,�, �k�y�:y�r i3�s•, Yi`,, F �5as,.;.��.`�'�;...- i3'�" ti'"'� �a:,�tya*� �rx,:,#- xr� .;� "tl�:'. ,,�;,�Pt '.k rY.:�'3.-`e; «� f 7�<,.'7 = .q. `•1-s hn ' �'� f.�1 �P' t;,'$ `�;�r� �'.o--"�;'." t iw:,..':•'Sc+. '' �t.k' @ !i-rC"' �,: t i` F r..&,k'eS;-i:'fs. "3'i Mgr;} a• { z3�v,"S Y,', Ar F x S �' ar A[r.F�' +: -.� ,,, _,, r�; y+ k^,, '`: `�..,,,�.� a'^� s,`A,,< -4 p 6•;09:,,5'4' •mrza ,. 'd5 �'r.'S✓ '' y':"s.9i s°��ti Ott <r. tkl' 1: A'.:re jn'h9`r• . i' :s;,:.:rfi'"., " ,. r a-#..le,Pq 2Y- F :i,-. ;C 4 ",' t' rf tti. `"y %'rsa' ' r y� `*:a ,,g 'st -t ea ^• „r.a w rv,.-; fiizi' AA 4• 1 i•rp r, r-. is .yam �;a S'+,r'" Nx.,.Si., '^s {y� Sy^a.�' i' ��`"�„n i .`��'>.,: f a t,�tY^tir.,,.;• �',.:t,:. y5 "w, i. ifW 'S''sw '.+1 r•.r s'1,,7',�a`..Y. y„ ,g '.N, -, S^ • +- • f .a �.,t,a .,•1:�; ;S+-.a�'� .tf�t,,,,����� i, , t r.,x7: ..r�^, �t�+,�p•5�RYA,. ;✓;�"`"`a v'.,•d',d.y`+�.`.; af#•- , C•'� �j-.fa ,�« ,, �j�',�'� rx I "_ t+ ", t,rt,ga -Li': ;g,•.4i' • ;,�`' yl'. a e �""'h••.-i t. v' E•CM mot, y i Y,y{{_„'`s^' `figs ;�!! " J: 'tl't {- r "t^� '. % 4 . F s�. t' `.'o`Y,S.4411,�j,yct,�`. {Y' f,,, F.4i •w•'jnigr 4,-..., 'S! '.,- c'xr^'' x- "' ` ^. ,�.. nF"'a ^t8�,r� #"��, �}j tx rY r•GrAi�,b iv-•r:� !+ + .1' r• .!..„ f� �+t.l� !y '.;+ -1, X:, tte.1„ S,*"h;n p ° ,r?t rA r,z 1S"a r.°^ If-' f .�. t7 x Y. �. J §' d �r"+"y4 d`>. 7'-:t.,.,r,i''�' � ale T'�,.Frvi .; t� �. z.�' -...;�Rz,. , ?M,._ T j ., �;gt..� 't a �•, •x'•;:F «; u f.a4�<ek"-.'�;'i'. ,' s f •. C` �' i! ^ „p t, t k�'LY y C.;=i cY+''''' ` Y. Ztq x r t' ;.4:, ty.:v i l+ r ti;'?• ., 'L'Cr ' "y'.i,, CI l `:1"r.`i'r:":w...- n R{ ' ",r r.t r _ ,, ...i;� 10 !�'t..- .i' l Y1 --' .,t�:k.lt;.r� ';k�F','.,i'N. " ;i`7k''4 c ' ,I t`;.d?` '''t511c.+ ,re'- t:�` 1 L,4.y�4'A 1.- �y -t• ^"t tea.. � , � ��I a M1 ,� r�t � 'y � .7 A. ,,-14 1w Wp `€ ?r. n 45 r 1- t `r.:1£=1: rw i '''74. M r ••�.r,;„Y j P`+•, ,ltt T A y , �, `� 'w'� y�• � r• 'w,+t�a:! .r.0�g•.�v, •..x,�^.�X .a � �a r�,i'. c t -� p• ,r'.�` „'' ilia. t s "t ''' L Ct / ."46 , rrt.,Ym i«='e;y:.Jy.g`,•_,x r. , p,' +. ,, �' y, , ; • 95° )I x_,s s Y #y,rt+} "< ri t+ ' kM ',l..•N.`� ,p n, '''4!".` .. ''.p . rt r.' 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