Item 6B - Narrative and Variance RequestNARRATIVE AND VARIANCE REQUEST
Pemberton Narrative:
The Pemberton project is intended to be a high -quality, half -acre lot development_ consistent with the
-'Nledium Density Residential" designation of the City of Southlake Future Land Use Plan. We are
requesting SF-20A zoning_ and all lots will be at least 20,000 s_f in size.
Deyelupinent Layout:
In reviewing the location of the property and the adjacent neiugiborhoods, this property is along the
Kimball Ave_ thoroughfare, between SF-20 lots to the north_ and 12,000 s.f.— lots to the south in the
Estaum RPUD_ Rather than requesting to extend the Estancia size lots into this property, we have
chosen to go the other route_ and ask for the larger -lot SF-20A zoning_ consistent with the property to
the north. There is SF- IA property to the east, but those homes are separated from this property by a
creek and considerable distance. The layrnrt complies with the adjacency requirements related to that
zoning. Across Kimball to the west, is primarily Commercial DeMopmmt. mainly Professional
Office_ with some smaller lot TZD zoning to the north_
The proposed street will connect the existing stubbed road in the Estancia neighborhood, with Still
Water Court, which runs immediately adjacent to the northern boimdary of the subject tract. We have
cim,ed the road in such a manner to accomplish several goals:
1_ To orient the homes in Lots 1, 2 and 3 toward Still Water Court, to prmide a quality
streetscape to the homes already existing on the north side of the street.
2- To hwm only 3 homes along Still Water, less than the 4 on the north side of the street_
3_ There are t%vo significant lines of trees we wanted to try to save; and this alignment positions
those trees in the back yards of Lots 1 &. 2, and 3 & 4_
4. The largest lots are the two which back to the east, allowing us to retain the existing tree buffer
benveen those new homes aad the existing homes to the east.
Home Design:
Each of the 6 homes in this development are intended to be built by the ownerldeveloper,'builder
DeCavitte Properties. a local Southiake based custom home builder. Dean DeCavitte has been building
high quality, luxury homes in Soadilake and the adjacent area for over 25 years with an excellent
reputation_ and is considered a %pry high -quality builder. The plans for each honmesite_ xvll be subject
to a comprehensive design and review process to ensure the high level of quality for design_ layrnrt,
materials and constriction methods.
Variance Request:
We request a variance from Ordinance No. 483,_ as amended, regarding ROW width to allow for the
proposed street ROW to narrow down at the southern end to 40', to match the existing ROW for the
street Aith which it connects.