1988-01-25 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE /1/ SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 25, 1988 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall. TIME: 7 : 30 p.m. AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. Invocation. CLOSED SESSION: As per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17 A. Litigation - City of Southlake vs FAA, et al. 5th Circuit Court #87-1023 and #87-4056. OPEN SESSION: 2 . Consider: Litigation - City of Southlake vs FAA, et al. 4114 5th Circuit Court #87-1023 and #87-4056 . I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board of city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Text , on Friday, January 22, 1983 at 3 : 30 p.m. if A A / / / 4it ioy.;1 0. -1 -ta, y Ma . • _r N C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS trl o cn 1-3 y otri tri MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . t z DATE : January 25 , 1988 trl d trl d 9 TIME : 7 : 30 P .M. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS H cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS . COUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor , Johnny H. Westerholm; Mayor Pro Tem, Charles Curry. Betty Springer , David McMahan, Jim Wooll and Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT : City Manager , Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr . ; Attorney, Myra McDaniel . INVOCATION: Rick Stacy. The Special City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Wester- holm. He announced that City Council would be going into closed session as per V.T .A. S . Article 6252-17 , to discuss litigation. City of Southlake vs . FAA, et al . 5th Circuit Court #87-1023 and #87-4056 . Council convened in closed session. The open session reconvened at 9 : 35 p .m. Mayor Westerholm announced that there will be no action taken as a result of the closed session. Curry x x Motion was made and approval given Springer x to adjourn the meeti g. McMahan Approved 5- 1 t . Wooll x x Stacy x / - - 7 J. nn I. ester olm Mayor of SoqtaliblQws ATTEST: 4.e&itiu X/ of _ !S ndra L . LeGf 'ic PrSk City Secretary',, ... ,.. ' ee�a* n►e1°0°°°°`aee\