1994-10-25 CC Packet rill sew ws MO w wEI OR w wIMI r• ME w w w w MI MO (AI IPw DRAFT DRAFT City of Southiake Sewer Conversion and Assessment Program Staff and Consultant Presentation City Council Worksession October 24, 1994 DRAFT DRAFT pi rim rPos rag re m WM MN MS arm roe rim on me re an me eft rop • Key Points o The city presently has a population of about 10,500 and is projected to grow to 17,000 by the year 2000 and ultimately to more than 50,000 people. o There are two major wastewater drainage basins in the city. The Denton Creek basin covers basically the northern portion and is projected to house 60% of the population while the remainder of the city is in the Big Bear Creek Basin. o The Denton Creek Basin flows will ultimately be transported to and treated at the Denton Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant while the Big Bear Creek Basin flows are treated at Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Plant. o Flows from the Denton Creek Basin are presently being diverted to the Big Bear Creek Basin until the Denton Creek Pressure Interceptor is completed. o Bonds for Phase III of the Denton Creek Interceptor are presently being marketed and are scheduled to be sold on October 26th. The construction period will be approximately 18 months. et Pm, 114111 OM PIM OM OM OM roil MI WO Mil WM OM OM WM rig r,iv o The Denton Creek Interceptor is being designed to handle all of the population and 10 flows from the Denton Creek Basin, including those accounts presently on individual septic systems. o There are 2,321 utility accounts that are not on the sewer system; 1,911 of these are in the Denton Creek Basin and 410 are in the Big Bear Creek Basin. o There is a need to consider the approach and schedule to connect many of the non- sewered accounts to the Denton Creek Interceptor since the capacity is being built to carry these flows and will be paid by other customers until these non-severed accounts are connected. o There is an equally critical need to reduce the number of septic systems due to their failure and for the increased public health monitoring requirements imposed by federal and state agencies. The 2,321 current septic systems discharge 638,275 gallons of wastewater into the ground each day and 233 million gallons annually. This is compounded by the fact that about 975,000 gallons of rain falls on each one- acre lot every year, rendering many septic systems ineffective. o There are 708 accounts located in 13 subdivision that have been identified as the first major thrust for sewer conversions, spread over a three year period. illon Poi WM MU Ire PM PM OM roll VW NA OM OM MI WM OM i o The total estimated cost for the three-year program is $4.9 million or about $6,977 per connection. o In addition, each customer will need to have sewer laterals installed on their property so that their houses can be connected to the off-site sewer main trunk lines in the three-year program. This amount is unknown but may average $2,000 per connection or $1.4 million for a total program of$6.3 million. o There are several council policy decisions that need to be made before the details of the sewer conversion program can be implemented. These include equity issues and methods of funding both the main trunk program as well as the private lateral program. o There is legislation in place that will allow the city to pay for the sewer assessment program, both the main trunk lines as well as the private laterals and assess each homeowner. o There is a rationale that would support the city assessing each property owner for about 60% of the off-site main trunk lines, the approximate recovery rate presently established in the impact fee program for new development. The remaining 40% is paid or will be paid by all sewer customers, including these converted accounts. rime .rmi MI MI PM PM WM re irml WO Ira OM WM NW MI WM rev PM o There is additional supporting rationale to assess the newlyconverted accounts pp � by an amount greater than 60% if the amounts are to be financed by the city and repaid in monthly assessments, since impact fees are paid up-front. A illustration has been prepared that allows four options: Option I - A payment up-front equal to 6 l° of the main trunk capital cost per connection. Option II - An assessment of 65% of the main trunk capital cost per connection plus interest at 7% for a five-year payout schedule. Option III - An assessment of.2(eA of the main trunk capital cost per connection plus interest at 7% for a ten-year payout schedule. Option IV - An assessment of 80% of the main trunk capital cost per connection plus interest at 7% for a twenty-year payout schedule. o In addition, the council needs to decide if the perception of equity is best addressed by charging a single fee for all 708 accounts or if there should be a fee differentia- tion by subdivision, by year or by individual account, each with more administrative complexities and costs. PM OM IBM MI IMMI MI OM rml, OM PRI WIll MN Mil WV rigli PMI - The average for all 708 accounts is $6,977. - The lowest subdivision cost is $5,396. - The highest subdivision cost is $8,468. - The cost for each year of the three-year program is: - $6,387 for 1995-95. - $7,357 for 1995-96. - $7,073 for 1996-97. o Another policy decision to consideration relates to the funding of the private lateral requirements for each homeowner. It is estimated that these costs can vary greatly since there are several factors that will influence each homeowner's cost: the distance from the house to the collector main in the street or alley; whether the collector is on the same or opposite side of the house as the septic system is ori- ented; and other routing complexities such as trees, gardens, pools and miscella- neous structures. re OM NM MI WPM OM rig IPMS NMI INN Wig 1108 Poi o It is estimated that thetypicalprivate lateral cost could be 1 0 0 to $2,500 $ , � $ ,500 including the sewer tap, the tap inspection and related plumbing permits. There would not be an impact fee assessed. o There is a compelling argument that this cost should be recovered 100%, and interest costs should be added if the cost is financed by the city. o The $2,000 private lateral expenditure financed over 20 years at 7% would be a monthly charge of$15.51. o The newly converted customers would pay a monthly sewer bill ($9.50 minimum and $24.86 maximum) with these assessments attached. Therefore, a 20-year payout on the main trunk lines plus a 20-year payout on a $2,000 private lateral expense plus a sewer bill for 10,000 of wastewater per month would cost $83.65: - $43.28 for the main trunk line at 80% of the cost. - $15.51 for the private lateral at 100% of the cost. - $24.86 for the monthly sewer bill. ��r�nrr��rrr�rw�i�rrr� ��r�rw�rr�rr�ir�r�rwrwr�rrrw�rr� PPM •IP1, MN en BPI IIPM PM NM roil rime rov am am gm ewe ran ram rm. o To address the ineffective septic systems for public health purposes, move toward CZ') the payment of sewer line capacity that is being built via the Denton Creek Interceptor, and to put in place an inequitable payment plan that will be acceptable by the customers of the utility system, several policy decisions need to be made and directives given to staff to begin the implementation step of the Southlake Sewer Conversion and Assessment Program. o Staff and consulting advisors are prepared to address specific questions or concerns. ,PM WM me wm PM PM rm pm mm rrq mu mom PM WM PM PM me rm PM Sewer Assessment Program Off-Site Trunk Lines By subdivision roe .roe roe MI MI MI WI 11441 MI Irmo 10111 MIMI MI 111.1 MI MN MN FRI MI r 4 r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PAG SEWER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM OFF-SITE MAIN TRUNK LINES PAYMENT ALTERNATIVES CAPITAL _ COST PER OPTION I-PAYMENT UP FRONT OPTION II-5YEAR PLAN ADJUSTED FROM BASE EST. 15.00% ram,.k.""' 7.00% ***YEAR 1 (1994-95)*** 5 VISTA TRAILS $448,500 71 $6,316.90 60.00% $3,790.14 N/A $3,790.14 65.00% $4,105.99 $81.30 $4,878.21 CIMARRON ESTATES $103,500 18 $5,750.00 60.00% $3,450.00 N/A $3,450.00 65.00% $3,737.50 $74.01 $4,440.42 EMERALD ESTATES $391,000 50 $7,820.00 60.00% $4,692.00 N/A $4,692.00 65.00% $5,083.00 $100.65 $6,038.97 WHISPERING DELL $210,450 39 $5,396.15 60.00% $3,237.69 N/A $3,237.69 65.00% $3,507.50 $69.45 $4,167.16 HIGHLAND $92,000 17 $5,411.76 60.00% $3,247.06 N/A $3,247.06 65.00% $3,517.65 $69.65 $4,179.22 TOTAL/AVERAGE $1,245,450 195 $6,386.92 60.00% $3,832.15 N/A $3,832.15 65.00% $4,151.50 $82.20 $4,932.28 ***YEAR 2(1995-96)*** HUNTWICK $124,775 15 $8,318.33 60.00% $4,991.00 N/A $4,991.00 65.00% $5,406.92 $107.06 $6,423.81 DIAMOND CIRCLE $558,900 66 $8,468.18 60.00% $5,080.91 N/A $5,080.91 65.00% $5,504.32 $108.99 $6,539.53 MISSION HILLS $423,200 62 $6,825.81 60.00% $4,095.48 N/A . $4,095.48 65.00% $4,436.77 $87.85 $5,271.21 SHADY LANE $607,200 90, $6,746.67 60.00% $4,048.00 N/A $4,048.00 65.00% $4,385.33 $86.83 $5,210.09 TOTAL/AVERAGE _$1,714,075 233 $7,356.55 60.00%_ $4,413.93 N/A $4,413.93 65.00% $4,781.75 $94.68 $5,681.07 ***YEAR 3(1996-97)*** JELLICO CIRCLE $298,425 37 $8,065.54 60.00% $4,839.32 NIA $4,839.32 65.00% $5,242.60 $103.81 $6,228.59 DOVE ACRES $184,000 31 $5,935.48 60.00% $3,561.29 NIA $3,561.29 65.00% $3,858.06 $76.39 $4,583.66 HILLWOOD ESTATES $106,375 15 $7,091.67 60.00% $4,255.00 NIA $4,255.00 65.00% $4,609.58 $91.28 $5,476.52 CROSS TIMBERS , $1,391,500 197 $7,063.45 60.00% $4,238.07 N/A $4,238.07 65.00% $4,591.24 $90.91 $5,454.73 TOTAL/AVERAGE $1,980,300 280 $7,072.50 60.00% $4,243.50 N/A $4,243.50 65.00% $4,597.13 $91.03 $5,461.72 TOTAL-ALL THREE YEARS $4,939,825 708 $6,977.15 60.00% $4,186.29 N/A $4,186.29 65.00% $4,535.15 $89.80 $5,388.08 . 1,11 MI OM OM gm rim PM room rim PRO roe gm me me OM rim rim CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PAGE SEWER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM OFF-SITE MAIN TRUNK LINES PAYMENT ALTERNATIVES CAPITAL COST PER OPTION III-10 YEAR PLAN OPTION IV-20 YEAR PLAN ADJUSTED FROM BASE EST. 15.00% 7.00% - 7.00% ***YEAR 1 (1994-95)*** 10 20 VISTA TRAILS $448,500 71 $6,316.90 70.00% $4,421.83 $47.67 $5,720.88 80.00% $5,053.52 $39.18 $9,403.17 CIMARRON ESTATES $103,500 18 $5,750.00 70.00% $4,025.00 $43.40 $5,207.47 80.00% $4,600.00 $35.66 $8,559.30 EMERALD ESTATES $391,000 50 $7,820.00 70.00% $5,474.00 $59.02 $7,082.15 80.00% $6,256.00 $48.50 $11,640.65 WHISPERING DELL $210,450 39 $5,396.15 70.00% $3,777.31 $40.73 $4,887.01 80.00% $4,316.92 $33.47 $8,032.57 HIGHLAND $92,000 17 $5,411.76 70.00% $3,788.24 $40.84_ $4,901.14 80.00% $4,329.41 $33.57 $8,055.81 TOTAUAVERAGE $1,245,450 195 $6,386.92 70.00% $4,470.85 $48.20 $5,784.29 80.00% $5,109.54 $39.61 $9,507.41 ***YEAR 2(1995-96)*** HUNTWICK $124,775 15 $8,318.33 70.00% $5,822.83 $62.78 $7,533.47 80.00% $6,654.67 $51.59 $12,382.45. DIAMOND CIRCLE $558,900 66 $8,468.18 70.00% $5,927.73 $63.91 $7,669.18 80.00% $6,774.55 $52.52 $12,605.51' MISSION HILLS $423,200 62 $6,825.81 70.00% $4,778.06 $51.51 $6,181.77 80.00% $5,460.65 $42.34 $10,160.72 SHADY LANE $607,200 90 $6,746.67 70.00% $4,722.67 $50.92_ $6,110.09 80.00% $5,397.33 $41.85 $10,042.91 TOTAUAVERAGE $1,714,075 233 $7,356.55 70.00%• $5,149.58 $55.52 $6,662.43 80.00% $5,885.24 $45.63 $10,950.76 ***YEAR 3(1996-97)*** JELUCO CIRCLE $298,425 37 $8,065.54 70.00% $5,645.88 $60.87 $7,304.53 80.00% $6,452.43 $50.03 $12,006.15 DOVE ACRES $184,000 31 $5,935.48 70.00% $4,154.84 $44.80 $5,375.45 80.00% $4,748.39 $36.81 $8,835.41 HILLWOOD ESTATES $106,375 15 $7,091.67 70.00% $4,964.17 $53.52 $6,422.54 80.00% $5,673.33 $43.99 $10,556.47 CROSS TIMBERS $1,391,500 197 $7,063.45 70.00% $4,944.42 $53.31 $6,396.99 80.00% $5,650.76 $43.81 $10,514.47 TOTAUAVERAGE $1,980,300 280 $7,072.50 70.00% $4,950.75 $53.38 $6,405.18 80.00% $5,658.00 $43.87 $10,527.94 TOTAL-ALL THREE YEARS $4,939,825 708 $6,977.15 70.00% $4,884.01 $52.66 $6,318.83 80.00% $5,581.72 $43.28 $10,386.01 rim PM frig Pi MI VINI WM OM MI 117 NM OM NMI INN MN MIN MO ewe rffill Sewer Assessment Program Sewer Lateral Payment Schedule WM • PM PM WE EMI EMI OM NEI Pr" WM OM MI IN OM roll 011111 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE /� SEWER LATERAL PROGRAM FINANCING FOR 100% OF THE COSTS YEARS OF FINANCING COST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 7% INTEREST RATE $500 $43.26 $22.39 $15.44 $11.97 $9.90 $8.52 $7.55 $6.82 $6.25 $5.81 $5.44 $5.14 $4.89 $4.68 $4.49 $4.34 $4.20 $4.08 $3.97 $3.88 $600 $51.92 $26.86 $18.53 $14.37 $11.88 $10.23 $9.06 $8.18 $7.50 $6.97 $6.53 $6.17 $5.87 $5.61 $5.39 $5.20 $5.04 $4.89 $4.77 $4.65 $700 $60.57 $31.34 $21.61 $16.76 $13.86 $11.93 $10.56 $9.54 $8.75 $8.13 $7.62 $7.20 $6.85 $6.55 $6.29 $6.07 $5.88 $5.71 $5.56 $5.43 $800 $69.22 $35.82 $24.70 $19.16 $15.84 $13.64 $12.07 $10.91 $10.01 $9.29 $8.71 $8.23 $7.82 $7.48 $7.19 $6.94 $6.72 $6.52 $6.35 ;6.20 $900 $77.87 $40.30 $27.79 $21.55 $17.82 $15.34 $13.58 $12.27 $11.26 $10.45 $9.80 $9.26 $8.80 $8.42 $8.09 $7.80 $7.56 $7.34 $7.15 $6.98 $1,000 $86.53 $44.77 $30.88 $23.95 $19.80 $17.05 $15.09 $13.63 $12.51 $11.61 $10.88 $10.28 $9.78 $9.35 $8.99 $8.67 $8.40 $8.16 $7.94 $7.75 $1,100 $95.18 $49.25 $33.96 $26.34 $21.78 $18.75 $16.60 $15.00 $13.76 $12.77 $11.97 $11.31 $10.76 $10.29 $9.89 $9.54 $9.24 $8.97 $8.74 $8.53 $1,200 $103.83 $53.73 $37.05 $28.74 $23.76 $20.46 $18.11 $16.36 $15.01 $13.93 $13.06 $12.34 $11.74 $11.22 $10.79 $10.41 $10.08 $9.79 $9.53 $9.30 $1,300 $112.48 $58.20 $40.14 $31.13 $25.74 $22.16 $19.62 $17.72 $16.26 $15.09 $14.15 $13.37 $12.71 $12.16 $11.68 ;11.27 S10.92 ;10.60 $10.32 $10.08 $1,400 $121.14 $62.68 $43.23 $33.52 $27.72 $23.87 $21.13 $19.09 $17.51 $16.26 $15.24 $14.40 $13.69_ $13.10 ;12.58 ;12.14 $11.76 $11.42 $11.12 $10.85 $1,500 8129.79 $67.16 $46.32 $35.92 $29.70 $25.57 $22.64 $20.45 $18.76 ;17.42 $16.33 $15.43 $14.67 $14.03 ;13.48 $13.01 $12.59 $12.23 $11.91 $11.63 $1,600 $138.44 $71.64 $49.40 $38.31 $31.68 $27.28 $24.15 $21.81 $20.01 $18.58 $17.41 $16.45 $15.65 $14.97 $14.38 $13.88 $13.43 $13.05 $12.71 $12.40 $1,700 $147.10 $76.11 $52.49 $40.71 $33.66 $28.98 $25.66 $23.18 $21.26 $19.74 $18.50 $17.48 $16.63 $15.90 $15.28 $14.74 $14.27 $13.86 $13.50 $13.18 $1,800 $155.75 $80.59 $55.58 $43.10 $35.64 $30.69 $27.17 $24.54 $22.51 $20.90 $19.59 $18.51 $17.61 $16.84 $16.18 S15.61 $15.11 $14.68 $14.30 $13.96 $1,900 $164.40 $85.07 $58.67 $45.50 $37.62 $32.39 $28.68 S25.90 $23.76 $22.06 $20.68 $19.54 S18.58 $17.77 $17.08 $16.48 $15.95 $15.49 $15.09 $14.73 $2,000 $173.05 $89.55 $61.75 $47.89� $39.60 $34.10 $30.19 $27.27 $25.01 $23.22 $21.77 S20.57 $19.56 $18.71 $17.98 $17.34 $16.79 S16.31 $15.88 $15.51 $2,100 $181.71 $94.02 $64.84 $50.29 $41.58 $35.80 $31.69 $28.63 $26.26 $24.38 $22.86 $21.60 $20.54 $19.64 $18.88 $18.21 $17.63 $17.13 $16.68 $16.28 $2,200 $190.36 $98.50 $67.93 $52.68 $43.56 $37.51 $33.20 $29.99 $27.51 $25.54 $23.95 $22.62 $21.52 $20.58 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WI. ME rin NO IA MIMI MI rie rim diP Population Estimates BYDrainage Basin ... . ... . '; '' 4.".•',.;.,,A. -A.,. •••,. -,..,.t.,,,,?.V.,y,-..1,7, ;`,,..1 •,::ei,t,•.7--',4.%:.',,,..:.:::','• : •..,:,,..• •'-z''„•,,,. ' ....', .,.-- ' ' - .- ' . ., , '.':.':.'• ' '' ',," , ::,'. :, .,,. . ,..., ...... .•..,,.;;-4,,,,,,.,.. .i),,,,,,, .;;,„;.,,,::,....„,...;....... ..,,.:.„:,*,,,4„.-.,,1-,-., r,,,, ,,..; .. ',„,,ft.:...;,,,,Zi*.v., '21:15i2.4z,%-:,_,,*?:;;;,,,,;.-2,•,--,._,.,. ,,y. .,,:.'-‘,..;',-,,: •-..'-': ':- - t. .,.•:- ,,,''.',,,.':-.-', . -, :., ,' ' ;.-,: .'.'-",.. , .. , .,. -.-'..-,'"i.-,,,.,.....:if,--.-.,?..',.%::4.,..,t;...;,:--,,-;.--j,- ;,,,..,-,Ifi-ds:;171) . 7:4 .4-4 ;. e• '-',':'''.'";?.. .2"-t•,_-_.''''' ,„,.‘t....,, ,...."`.';',':'1.11',.',':•i'-'":•-•:- :.•'-'''.-..., ...,.'-'-'-'2',..'.1.:,',,;.',;-..4'.,, -..!.......,..,. •,. ..,..-1.:-‘2-2 ..!.., .• . . - . . .,:-...- . ., , '''''' --'s- • 4 '-A's----'-'"---"-'. 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I 4; „... . .:5;•,. f•^7`.441...1 i 0 i I :.- ': 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Ultimate 1-•:„.0::-;V::1i Denton Creek III 6,300 10,200 13,575 16,950 19,560 22,275 24,900 27,600 33,600 . . . Big Bear • 4,200 6,800 9,050 11,300 13,040 14,850 16,620 18,400 22,400 i' ."'. k-. . . •••1 I. '',..,•Aill' I Total 10,500 17,000 22,625 28,250 32,600 37,125 41,520 46,000 56,000 lir---- ;Ot 7i„' ••,! I. e ''`;'''.`:!vs,f .- ,.,-,-,-e• i'''''''''..:7- ,'"--r 1•••:,„: 1- . ,--i'll::::i ,,,,,7:::•!, . ..1 i .,.4.4,, •-1, .:-..--n.Li- „ ..,-,.._ . ,...-,,,.,;„...,-,7-,;,,I,,,,,,,..-, .,... . - 7.--,. ..,,. ... -, ,',. ,,,-.,.: -,,...- ,,,..,: ',4,,f., ,...• :,.,,%:',..,,:' ..:,',..',.",;',....-„-,-.‘,.,,,.;•,,,,•.;,,,,',,,';`'..`,.:`,";:z:'+ -'C'Z4r_,F.7.4.';4,114.; '4'." '''''Vre_Wt4;:1,'t?'''...;4 .,T.::" .--"'7'- - -x CI;:ltc.:'.4f/-4t>.t.11414•144‘*:4W'N'C,V-1 :;'':1•.:iT;•,2.1 :',• ':.:..,,'•:,", fY!':i 0.,:::-. :.: '.,!,f';'\1;"--, '-::'*'-...',:;:',..':''';,-.4--,•''''';-'.1-',..,..,'; ',.'-:t:.-'?'.'2,,-1. 4.',V,:c 'et 443144;t4;41,,,,V4'V ,:,..r A.,„-e4...,4,i',:ls-',. -,:•i•-•...,,- -.4k,..!'we.-; -: . ii.. .!;•..y,,,L,‘,4)7,..:,,,..-:.:.,s0.-',;:',-,-:,*.',:•::, '---,. i• -. . '",* ' •-•••,'•-• • •• -...:'7:.,-,.'.':': :•:,..:'-..•-• -;....:'• -"•,-.,'--•.,-- ••::.••-•,,-;,:•,,:r,',.'r. ,•:/•,V.I.t-r„:1-:2-.-::•,-, ,..,,,,e: .,.`1;-,:- kia4§,--,tA,,P.k.. . -;,,,,: '''',.;,5?-:e',,'.,-,fl'' 10.4.-,',..,;' ,':41''';•4;.,:K. ...,--,';,'-...,.*:::;;,,,':',:,',".i:,;1:'',",y'r,•'... *:-.' ', ...',... ',' ' .... - ,.... '...•.:: ';,,l' '- •-`,"i''!,,.; .:.:',..- .,. --" ',•-.._ '':':.-2.' -:.'s--.•'. ....= .:-.. ,:-%, ,.7.14• ,%-• i:ii ::- , .., ,: „ ....; -c.-.-.... 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'`,1 f . i 4,.t.' 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Ultimate i i *''',• , .. . .i: Denton Creek. 380 2,257 3,685 5,112 6,261 7,448 8,503 9,585 11,866 -Tr ; Big Bear IN 1,117 2,373 3,241 4,109 4,742 5,400 6,044 6,691 8,145 , ,..-;• - - - Total 1,497 4,630 6,926 9,221 11,003 12,848 14,547 16,276 20,011 '':, '''1 ,.....”31...i..i• 4.;, ., ,.1'''`-' ..'s•''' 1 4,.:_z_.....1 ..',.: I - ..(4,, N _••••,' .1!'i'l"A'.,4./.. .'''..L'-* *' -:' ' *-- .-'"' ' '' ''' •• ' ' ' ‘, . ' '• ' . ' ', • -,'*:* •''' '-'‘,.:.,*,,,•"1.''''.''- '"'"Y1'':..;-1-.*.i. ,:.,0,17,,;..14.,,,, ,- y.:*z.,.-;,c,,....,-,:-..1.,.i.,-. ,-., ..,., - - • . .. , . ., . . - . . ,- -- -, ,...1.,,:•.. -::-,.. -7.,..i.7:-7-,.,,,:7,..:!.t1..„:".:...,,,e-....,-,14. ,...1,-; - ,, . ,,,.i....., . ... .,..4,1 g,04,-• , 4,;:k.4 ._.f..,..s.,;,i :. ..,ir-l ,--.'1• ,„• ,,• * • ,, •• • • . .', , ''. , •' ; . ' ' 5 *,*-.'""',I',`,....,..... -'1•,.i',"1*',.. .-2.,';,>'':, .F` , 44:1,.T., ,,.. .*. .... 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(*ik.4";q••.+S.4::,•4•I'''''.', ,,..,-• ..., .,••••,.,:`,,::•:',1:%:41f0e.1-'.'•''?"•hu',1'7,•,'17,..,:...'";",..-.. i',.-.',•.',...,.),,,,;A';':.7,,,,... .;;..,...",,,,,!;'::,.:AS.11,:43i;ilt,.•lit,;',..4;;',,W11;,,......100:44,,u,..lyk*..T. •.•;$ AP 4.;.:,. , . „... ,.. . : .....3",c,•::'4:-..---A • ) City of Southlake . ....• /y 1,' :::.. . ..-.. - ..1t, : v. . 1, -, •, 1 Number of Non...sewered Accounts .:•;:'.-4.-i:...5.77.,;i t k.' 4,6.,•"",Z.,':',.•'4 ,- ; ..,,-,-,,,,..,;...:..?_I ::- re,;:.•.• • • • '-'1:',>i'':.!:'-.. i ; 1; :.•••• .1,..:-.:t'•-t'• i :i.',..:- -.4 ,;.,-:, . • 500 2 . . „ r.„,.....-.;.„. :,.. 1. / ,• *.....:_ ,:,:,....E.,-,k..,,.;-4 i , .4• ii.--. .,.- f,..:,.4,..,-..r.,,,,.:,..-,1 1 , • .. , ,:,*,.....4i 4 r 1' 4.:'''' • r:.iVilti,z,.:•:,:,1 ,,,,,:,..,,;...,,,,,:y...,,-, • .,.. ._..„.... i"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,. • .•... ,..,.....,:,..-••••,. , • --....,..„.,.._41 I ,,,.'N.-0.z.,r l• .1 ...; ,., . . .,..„. ,. ... . •...‘'.; ,..ei.,.1. 11000 I 1 *s. . :-:... .........,-.;;-,1 . .''..;p2-.....r .:'.1t;• 1. '''. .•v....,.4,-).1 1' • :1- L'''',4'• .'if'.'.'. t'''• $. •;:-:•141: i; 500 i 1 . I . - • .. . • • ...,,- s:.• , -:, ..,..:,,i/• •3' ',•. 4•••%.2' •••:.:I I "•:'.;•'•—,2;1 I ‘`,.kt."7..4:.••;••4 r' 0 t. t.:f.''. '•::;,..t•..e.!il•i'':. !' • :i V'.i•Ikt::...11 1 • :''''' ''t;*'4:Y.-1.;•.•/ 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Ultimate .11, .4.':-..t.'2:1 1'• Denton Creek.' 1,911 1,452 12 , 52 1,052 852 652 552 452 352 • &,-, -.. .., , 1 34.,•• •. . •:.:7'''' .il• ^ Big Bear IIII 410 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,...." . .-,jt •.1.:..•1-:• ; Total 2,321 1,552 1,302 1,052 852 652 552 452 352 - •••';'!„';:!.-4-•••--. 1 i: P-......'". ';,,",.7.1.4''ff.::..4 i 4• g.,:t',.,,,..' . ..,,...,...*,....—i....., •.-. . .'-'•.:.". :,....'.. .....'..s:,..i.' -.„.-, • •10 ; •A.....:';:.,1.1 ' r. ..,, -,,------...,-------,— ---_,-,-------.,--,.---,,.,.-.--..4 '-*."'.‘'.'... `"7' ''.'7.!''7",::'-‘7.:,.'1,'''7''"''''.''..:'.''''.:.:::::...1.,t,L,t''':.'''' ..47''..'1:''..::‘,:::.'t"'f.'.*L'".*:''''''.7';'',.t''—'''''''-'''''',...1.".:. '!,.',.7':-...4''':'''....04'.'.... ..'".'77..,......-r7...'.V....''''''''' ''."..*‘'''''''.77';'-'77-'"-.',..77-"...7.'”.77.'"''-7. .1..., ..t. 7 .. • .. ' .. ' , A - '.1.. ...",.. ,..")..,•ls t.,t,,4„,..•inteIV• WW,,,,,11:'"-:•, .`..'j ' ' • '..i4,4,::,-,12..,•- ' '''':.".:.W.Tr:a.SAJ7 ''''."'... ''..:' ..' gi',es$2....;:•0•;;:i:tr:,',f,".•'.4.` ..•,!,2.7'4',3:.',1;: :, ..,;',.:;F:;:i•;';:ifF:, ,1,./....;.''•..'•F:.';'.';!'•-,,',,...',.! 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I ,., . , . .,4 - • .. .„„ !. .. ..,...,; ....:„.tr,„..... 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Ultimate -1. Denton Creek"' 0.115 0.683 1.165 1.687 2.066 2.458 2.806 3.163 3.916 • 1,-,.- '4'44•,4 1 Big Bear I 0.338 0.718 1.025 1.356 1.565 1.782 1.994 2.208 2.688 .., ,,.....9.,:ii. ,•,,-4;42e1 .. Total 0.453 1.401 2.190 3.043 3.631 4.240 4.800 5.371 6.604 ,.,..... ,11 . .........77.7. ••.,,.,'; , ,1,441 f_ tv.4,,,4. 4,,4:,v..:t.,it;;.,,;,,ti.4..•1,;x,1,.:;;.,;;;,,:....,,:,.,.;,.,,i:,..;,..4,„;-.A.i.-,,vq;.....„(;,!1,,,..1..;,..,.:.i_:;.:c,2.•,.„1..,,ky,A..:,•-,,:::.,;,•,-,,,•::.,...,,-!, •:.,%*,.,,'tA A,, -:y-,,' ,, -7, $ I ,'."‘:,7,.',•7..,.;.'7,..„7;,'‘,':„„7•7''••,".,‘7..,i:,,":7,.:,..7.7"•,..,7,,4"•,,7•1•,-:,7'•..:.•.V7.',:,..7'A,,•,7'.•1.',,"•,,,.:,'',..',':,`A.,'",•;',,*,:•!'..••',,.,„.4,:,):,1;:,,.•.',.,,,V•,*.,.‘',,r•-,;1(.-:.,..^-:4•4.1,•;.':,,;,•',.'';...t'‘,,A'.1.''t,4.....::',..:,,.-f,,4r7,,.,4i,,t)„*•,.?:'';,,,;;1'-7.:.,,.!,i;.\V.-f,,,;1 i.',!'S:i,',,''h,w 4.°1..,,,4,%,,:,irV,L:tr',A;4-'.,i7's,1t.i.i1i•.•=a1.4,:,:A',-,,„''•$•,•-.•.'".r 4.'"-A ,',..:•.,z•;;.,.,• '• .,. .• ! ' c`,',.i .,0.,;"„"?si",A54,41.4 ;',..i t':i'`'''.,"•.r..!.Tc1.1s.',!;,"....-,Lys.<.-•c'.-4/ 'I, ;:I)-....0...•,?'al,.iy. 7,';.r.,,,./1.1%).•;,1,... ..,,,t.,..t.,,--.:r2.... ,'..., 4',...." 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TOTAL DENTON CREEK BIG BEAR CREEK PER CAPITA SIN MGD1 ' SUBDIVISION _ POP CREEK _ BEAR ACCT ACCTS _ TOTAL I ON SYS I OMITS TOTAL I ON SYS I OF/SYS ;ONTRI I ISI I TOTAL DN CK l tIO i AR I TOTAL (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (0) (H) 0) (J) (K) (L) () (N) (01 (P) (DJ (6) (S) UTILITY CUSTOMERS IN 1994 1 VISTA TRAILS 195 195 2.75 71 71 71 2 CIMARRON TRAILS 50 50 2.75 18 18 18 3 EMERALD ESTATES N3 138 138 138 2.75 50 50 50 4 WHISPERING DELL N-3 107 107 107 2.75 39 39 39 5 HIGHLAND N3 47 47 47 2.75 17 17 17 6 HUNTWICK N3 41 41 41 2.75 15 15 15 7 DIAMOND CIRCLE N3 182 182 182 2.75 66 33 33 33 33 8 MISSION HILLS N-3 171 85 85 2.75 62 62 62 9 SHADY LANE N.4 248 248 248 2.75 90 90 90 10 JELLICO CIRCLE 102 102 2.75 37 37 37 11 DOVE ACRES N-1 85 85 85 2.75 31 31 31 12 HILLW000 ESTATES N-1 41 41 41 2.75 15 15 15 13 CROSS TIMBERS N-1 542 542 542 2.75 197 197 197 14 SUB-TOTAL 1,947 1,515 1,862 2.75 708 459 459 249 249 15 OTHER SOUTHLAKE 8,553 4,785 2,338, 2.75 3,110. 1,832 380 1,452 1,278 1,117 161 16 TOTAL SOUTHLAKE 10,500 6,300 4,200 2.75 3,818_ 2,291 380 1,911 1,527 1,117 410 UTILITY CUSTOMERS -1994 THROUGH BUILD OUT 17 1994 10,500 6,300 4,200 2.76 3,818 2,291 380 1,911 1,527 1,117 410 100 10 110 0.115 0.338 0.453 18 2000 17,00)0 10,200 6,800 2.76 6,182 3,709 2,257 1,452 2,473 2,373 100 100 10 110 0.683 0.718 1.401 19 2005 22,626 13,676 9,050 2.76 8,227 4,936 3,685 1,252 3,291 3,241 60 100 15 115 1.165 1.025 2.190 20 2010 28,250 16,960 11,300 2.75 10,273 6,164 6,112 1,052 4,109 4,109 0 100 20 120 1.687 1.356 3.043 21 2015 32,600 19,660 13,040 2.76 11,855 7,113 6,261 852 4,742 4,742 0 100 20 120 2.066 1.565 3.631 22 2020 37,125 22,275 14,850 2.75 13,500 8,100 7,448 652 5,400 5,400 0 100 20 120 2.458 1.782 4.240 23 2025 41,520 24,900 16,620 2.76 15,098 9,055 8,503 552 6,044 6,044 0 100 20 120 2.806 1.994 4.800 24 2030 46,000 27,600 18,400 2.75 16,727 10,036 9,585 452 6,691 6,691 0 100 20 120 3.163 2.208 5.371 25 Ultimate 56,000 33,600 22,400 2.75 20,364 12,218 11,866 352 8,145 8,145 0 100 20 120__3.916 2.688 6.604 Ira rim„rue WE OM BM OM MO "0 WPM MI MI OM ow rim rite 7 Key Assumptions tions Col B These are the lines identified by Bob Whitehead to be the sub-basin lines carrying the flows from the subdivisions listed. Col C Lines 1 through 13 are the number of accounts in each of the subdivisions(Column G)multiplied by the persons per account (Column F). Population estimates on lines 17 through 25 are from the Espy Huston Report(EHR) on DCRWS Phase III, dated September 19, 1994,page 2-1. Col D Same as Col C note. Col E Column C minus Column D. Col F The number of utility accounts as of Shirley Robbins'Utility Billing Monthly Report(tJBR)dated September, 1994 is 3,822. The population for 1994 shown on page 2-1 of the EHR is 10,500. The result is 2.75 (10,500 divided by 3,822). Col G The accounts shown on lines 1 through 13 are the actual number of lots counted from the plat maps by Cheatham, Whitehead and McLain. Line 14 is the sum of lines 1-13. Line 15 is line 16 minus line 14. Lines 16-25 are the populations in Column C divided by 2.75. Col H The numbers on lines 1-13 are the total accounts in Column G allocated if they are in the Denton Creek Drainage Basin. Diamond Circle is estimated to have 50%of their accounts in the Denton Creek Basin. The other lines are calculated by taking the population estimates and divided by 2.75. Col I Column J minus Column H. These are the number of accounts on the sewer system. Col J The number of accounts on septic systems. Line 16 is a calculated number. There are 3,822 water accounts and 1,501 sewer accounts according to the UBR dated September, 1994. That means there are 2,321 accounts that are not sewered,therefore assumed to be on septic systems. The accounts in the subdivisions of the initial sewer assessment program totals 708. That means there are 1,613 other non-sewered accounts in the City. Bob Whitehead estimates that 90%of these are in the Denton Creek Basin and 10%in the Big Bear Creek Basin. Therefore,the number of non-sewered accounts in the Denton Creek Basin but not in the initial sewer assessment program equals 1,452 (3,822-1501-708 times 90%). The 459 accounts in the initial sewer assessment program are shown to be connected to the sewer system by the year 2000. After that time block,the ,sms rie mos ma ass an eon r" MN re mu mu wie re re ran rffli assumption is made that the number of non-sewered accounts decreases as Southlake develops out and more accounts have A.3 sewer transmission lines located in the proximity of some of the non-sewered accounts. Ultimately,only about 352 accounts----- or less than 1,000 people are assumed to be connected to the Southlake sewer system. Col K Same as Column H,except for the Big Bear Creek Basin. Col L Same as Column I,except for the Big Bear Creek Basin. Col M Same as Column J,except for the Big Bear Creek Basin. All of the non-sewer accounts are assumed to be on the Southlake sewer system within the next 10-15 years. Col N The estimate of 100 gallons per capita per day(gpcd)is used to project the wastewater flows. This is from the Espy Huston Report,page 3-1 and appears to be consistent with current flow levels. Col 0 The estimate for Inflow&Infiltration(I&I)ranges from 10 gpcd to 20 gpcd. The Espy Huston Report,page 3-2 references the design flows for the pressure system included an estimate of 60 gpcd for I&I. The 10-20 gpcd range is used in the planning assumptions due to the relatively newness of the system at this stage,the consistency with the current experiences,and the assumption that I&I corrections will be a major focus in the future from both federal and state agencies. Therefore,the worse case being shown is 20 gpcd. ColP The sum ofColumnsN and O. Col Q The calculated flowages, stated in million gallons per day(MOD),based the Denton Creek Basin flows(Column I)multiplied by Column P. For 1994,the calculated amount is actually being diverted to the TRA CRWS Plant via inter-basin transfer facilities. Col R Same as Column Q,except these are the Big Bear Basin flows. Col S The sum of Columns Q and R. The 1994 flows are 0.453 MOD. The actual flows for the 12 months ending November 30, 1993 totalled 111,782,000 gallons,or 0.306 MGD, according to the TRA settle-up report dated June 6, 1994. The number of sewer accounts have increased from 1,013 to 1,501 according to the URB. This is a 48.17%increase and when multiplied by 0.306 MOD equals 0.453 MOD. City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM " CITY MANAGER mow October 26, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager • FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Requested Variance to Sign Ordinance for Wal-Mart 200 North Kimball Avenue C Adams Engineering has requested these variances to the Sign Ordinance for the Wal-Mart store located at 200 North Kimball Avenue. The total signage request is for two pole signs, one monument sign and wall signage on the east elevation of the building. The following variances have been requested: 1. Section 15-A - This section limits wall signage to 100 square feet of area and 24-inch letter height. The request is for 368 sq. ft. with 30-inch and 36-inch letters. The request states that "the front of the building sets off the right-of-way (R.O.W.) approximately 525'(ft). The face of the building is 28'(ft) tall by 437'(ft) long. The massive building front and the distance off the road dictates this size (signs) to maintain a proportional sr appearance." 2. Section 15-B - This section limits monument signs to 50 square feet in area and 6 feet in height. The request sign is 80 square feet in area and 7 feet, 5 inches in overall height. The request states "a monument sign adhering to the sign ordinance would be disproportionately small." They further state they are asking for this sign in lieu of the 100 s.f., 20-foot high pole sign that the sign ordinance presently allows on Southlake Blvd. 3. Section 15-C - This section limits pole signs to 100 square feet in area and 20 feet in height. The request is for a pole sign at the northeast cornet of the site to be 30 feet in height and 110 sq. ft. in area. The applicants reason for the variance is "The location of the site is over a mile away form the established retail area of the market. Therefore, significant signage is critical to the success of the project." Council will note the location of this sign is in the future R.O.W for S.H. 114. A condition for any sign in this location could be that upon the acquisition of the R.O.W that the sign be removed and cannot be replaced, or replaced with an appropriate sign meeting the requirements of the Sign Ordinance in effect at that date. cp, The second pole sign, located just north of the building at the north entrance, does meet the current sign ordinance. C C Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager ii'' Variance to Sign Ordiance for Wal-Mart October 26, 1994 Page 2. • Public Works staff would suggest that: 1. An increase in the store front signage, from 100 sq. ft. to some figure (368 sq. ft. is requested) may be appropriate because of the distance the building is from the streets and i� the size of the building; 2. The monument sign on Southlake Blvd. is in keeping with the proposed sign ordinance. The size Council decides upon will set a precedent for like commercial along o g Southlake Blvd.; and 3. The pole sign on S.H. 114 at N. Kimball maybe could have a time limit before it's removal, like five years, in order for Wal-Mart to "establish their presence" in relation to the other retail areas. ii•, 0/14. .tki BW/sm Attachments C I C C C 1410, 26 October 1994 City Of Southlake REcEIVED 667 North Carroll Avenue Q a `d A Southlake, Texas 76092 CITY SECRETAR Attn: Mayor & City Council Members Dear Sirs: It is our understanding the Mayor and City Council Members will be reviewing the following rezoning and preliminary plat requests at its regular meeting scheduled for November 1, 1994: ZA 94-128, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Stone Lakes Phase IV, being 24.64 acres situated in the James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, and being a portion of Tract 2A. Location: East of S. Peytonville Ave., South of Stone Lakes, East of Monticello Estates and North of Southlake Hills. Owner: Naomi R. Morrison. Applicant: The Nelson Corporation. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural. Requested Zoning: "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. ZA 94-129, Preliminary Plat of Stone Lakes Phase IV, being 41.56 acres +•► situated in the James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, Tract 2 and Tract 2A. Location: East side of S. Peytonville Ave., approximately 1/2 mile South of W. Southlake Blvd., and North of W. Continental Blvd. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural. Requested Zoning: "SF-1A" and "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner: Naomi R. Morrison. Applicant: The Nelson Corporation. As you are aware, these two actions have generated concerns from the residents of Chimney Hill, Southlake Hills, and Stone Lakes Subdivisions. As such, the Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association would like to express certain concerns regarding the applicant's requests. Based upon comments and an overwhelming majority of signed petitions (124 of 140) by the current membership, the Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association requests that you not approve the Applicants request, as submitted, which includes the connection of Creekview and Chimney Hill Trail to Stone Lakes Phase IV via Dartmouth Drive. it is believed the connection of these streets will: 1) significantly increase traffic to all three subdivisions since this action provides a connection of Southlake Boulevard West (FM 1709) and I Continental Boulevard West while adding forty-two new home sites. The additional traffic increases the risk of accident to our families which include many small children, I I I Page 2 26 October 1994 rr 2) make it easier for the mischievous minded or criminal type person to cruise through the subdivisions engaging in illegal activities, 3) not be essential for ready access by the Police and Fire Department staffs for the three subdivisions. Members of Chimney Hills and Stone Lakes have confirmed this with the City of Southlake Fire Marshall. To our knowledge, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended with the Applicant's concurrence an amended version of the Applicant's initial request with no extension of the Chimney Hill Trail and Creekview streets to Dartmouth Drive. The Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association is supportive of this revised plan. It is our understanding that this plan is also supported by a majority of the residents of Chimney Hill and Southlake Hills. Mr. Jobe, the Managing Developer, has agreed to bring a copy of this revised rezoning plan and subsequent plat to the subject meeting. It is asked that you consider and approve the amended requests. The Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association also expresses concern regarding potential drainage issues related to the removal of the existing lake. We ask the Mayor and City Council Members to pay special attention to this subject and to discuss this issue with the applicant during the subject meeting. LAlw In summary, the Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association requests the Mayor and City Council Members to take the appropriate actions necessary to alleviate our concerns. Stone Lakes Homeowner's Association Board of Directors & Officers -1"Artrei Rex Potter Joe Fitzpatrick Chairman of Board Director Diane Fisher Sherri Orsucci Vice President Secretary I