2020-01-14Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the January 14, 2020 QICITY OF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2020 LOCATION: The Marq Southlake Legends Hall Executive Boardroom 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas Members Present: Chair MaryLee Alford, and Vice Chair Greta Schumacher, Secretary Patty Howell, and SAC members, Kathryn Orler, Esther Spickler, Bernadette MacDermott, Wendy Polk (Alt#1), and Jayne Winfrey (Alt #2) Commission Members Absent: All Commission Members present. Staff Members Present: Hospitality and Sales Manager of Legends Hall at The Marq Southlake, Ashley Newhart and Senior Services Coordinator, Soheila Mashat-Phelps Guests: Metroport Meals On Wheels Executive Director, Mary King 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair MaryLee Alford called the meeting of the Senior Advisory Commission to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM There being no one present to address the Commission, Public Forum was closed. 3. DISCUSSION 3A. COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT Hospitality and Sales Manager, Ashley Newhart, reported on the new formatting of Senior Advisory Commission meetings and presented the October and November dashboard report and responded to questions and comments on the report. 3B. METROPORT MEALS ON WHEELS REPORT Metroport Meals On Wheels (MMOW) Executive Director Mary King presented a brief history of MMOW to new Commission members and reviewed the October and November detail report, as well as a 2019 cumulative report, which was included in the meeting packet. Mary responded to questions and comments on the reports. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the January 14, 2020 3C. SENIOR SERVICES REPORT Senior Services Coordinator, Soheila Phelps, presented and informal dedication of the bus plaque honoring the late Mr. Dick McCauley. She also mentioned upcoming events and answered questions from the commission. 3D. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Commission member Kathryn Orler mentioned updating the curb stops throughout the City. Commission member Esther Spickler mentioned Champions Club parking and offered an equipment recommendation for Champions Club. Commission members discussed Silver Sneakers program and options with Medicare for Champions Club. The Commission directed staff to look into options. 4. CONSENT CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered routine by the Commission and are enacted with one motion. 4A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 12, 2019 REGULAR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. Chair Maryl-ee Alford presented the Consent Agenda, including approval of the minutes of the November 12, 2019 meeting. Chair Alford asked if there were any revisions to the minutes. No revisions were discussed but staff directed commission to bring additional topics to staff's attention if they wanted to add items to the agenda. APPROVED A motion was made to accept the minutes of November 12, 2019 meeting as read. Motion: Schumacher Second: Orler Ayes: Alford, Howell, MacDermott, Orler, Schmacher, Spickler Abstention None Vote: 6-0 Motion passed 5. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:57 p.m. Motion: Schumacher Second: Howell Ayes: Alford, Howell, MacDermott, Orler, Schumacher, Spickler Nays: None Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of the January 14, 2020 Abstention None Vote: 6-0 Motion passed. Chair Ashley Newh rt Community Services Department A digital recording of this meeting is available by request in the Office of the City Secretary.