SYAC 3-8-21CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE YOUTH ACTION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: Monday, March 08, 2021 LOCATION: VIA VIRTUAL MEETING TIME: 4:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sophia Ahmed, Sana Khan, Rishik Bethi, Samhith Dharani, Emily Jia, Ria Singh, Mitibella LeNguyen, Samad Rizvi, Nicole Beres, Katy Lin, Aaron Ahmed, Anish Velala, and Ella Feruson AGENDA: Call to Order — Meeting was called to order at 4:09PM Consent A. Approve the minutes from the February 8, 2021- Motion to approve the minutes with no corrections was made by Mitibella LeNguyen and seconded by Katy Lin. Motion carried (13-0) 4. Discussion A. Election Volunteers- Community Relations Manager, Vicky Schiber asked the Commission members to register as a volunteer on VolunteerNet and let her know if they would like to volunteer for the election. B. Intern Day- The Commission members discussed the Intern Day within the City departments. C. Master Planning Exercise- The Commission discussed the Master Planning Exercise and Community Relations Manager, Vicky Schiber was available to answer questions. 5. Adjournment — Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:10p.m. was made by Katy Lin and seconded by Mitibella LeNguyen. Motion carried (13-0) City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork 2A-1