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Item 7A - Presentation
CITY VF SOUTHL,4 Item 7A ZA21-0033 Zoning Change and Site Plan Southlake Commons III APPLICANT: Conifer Real Estate OWNER: RE UEST: LOCATION: Southlake Commons, LP Approval of a Zoning Change and Site Plan from "S -P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to "S -P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to allow the "Beauty Shop with Salon and Spa Services" use in Building 7 in addition to Building 2 and to allow optional brick and tile roof materials on the elevations Generally White Chapel Blvd \ \ A X. Y V x^ * of W. Southlake . and west of S. e� Future Land Use Southlake Commons LUD = Office Commercial Future an Use 1GO-Yea r Flood Plain - Corps of Engineers Property Pudic Pem'rouen s.Pg'f Dens dy. es nt181 RD) - Public ParklOpen Space Public/Semi-Public 4 d Low Density Residential off c. meaai Medium Density Residential Office Commercial f e1 E SOUTHLAK� -Retail Commercial ,v SOS Mixed Use - Town Center c Regional Retail tie ne - Industrial 9 149 289 Feet Putlia5crni�uhlic s di imoms ity R E s identiai - �4 FC � u� � Low Gens ity Resential GJ Lnw [3e.ns ity R ential Zoning 5outhlake Commons Current Zoning: S -P-1 Detailed Site Plan District 4 Zoning Districts: 0 AG - G1 "�rw rarx ug u ® RE - C2 0 SF1A - C3 C S SF1B - C4 ai ® SF2 - NR -PUD Freedom SF30 HC o �,$ SP2 0 SFCOA 0 B1 SF20B 0 B2 - R -PUD 0 11 0 MF1 - 12 O MF2 0 SP1 01 ® MH 0 SP2 CS - DT S � MEI0 Qi TZD C S 02 0 ECZ A 3 270 Sao 1,0&0 Feet w F 2 0 DR I SFIA R SF30 �• AG SP AG Z251 W Southlake Blvd, Soutl X Q AW; Show search results for 251 W S... 1.71 � 1 _ 9 301 'j = it 4a �• h 7 is i� Building 7 ; i Ci of Fort Worth, Cit of Southlake, Tarrant Count ry College Te a a -�s & Wildlife, Esri, HERE... f a— - . ate — -, 14 1 _ .=�'�- - � - �'t'•--� — . 1..., � ,.. _ -.b�No airos6,�4P.l�..r. _ v �:.. - - �y •d 'I LoE 231 8". 5 Y' �f _.. __ }1 Wk22151dg.3 1 �i`. one St«y t• _ 0. st to a3s f Lat 21 ! Bld 1 w 1 ' 1' i l a E, V 'r 6dai st antler rcafi i r ` 99 9 4 s-1- ���mn A I 1_ LOT Ft m of � R si".'' I LOT 21 � - / LOT 2+7 �� -� 1 a' • A Loi 21 Bldg. 2 1 da l,' � Loll zo ! all Lot zoV Bill. fi .. 0erp sm:y Vr 5,995 s.f. {�:da:onf3 L'li} ` h . . SdY zL irxda rebi 5.167 A!.1 oder roof) jL.I _JAL ' -I( .. fe 10w _ -—LKiscirty Snnfeiv (17, oj T — ,� �� I 4-� �.� �^: _ 4 ♦/ a -.Ane zm;w SF r _ a a'-, raP.Ml �; 11.. - P _ W Lot 20 W 9 1 Lot 201 Mg. 8 PJ.. •`` Lc �vM l?m r$ '� � Lot 20 / BI— , 10 ! d9 x d9 9ne , One One SVxT c i � Story StaN --_-- � _ �' _.�ieast�Maefreaf}0 —'rtes r.-H�ry-�� I — —s,zai3 s4 +,*-oetY � No changes 1 RPHT This Detailed Site Plan (S -P-1) district shall abide by the all conditions of the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, and the City of Southlake Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended. All previous conditions of approval in Ordinance No. 480-744 remain in effect. Permitted Uses: This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the "0-1" Office District, and all other applicable regulations, with the following additional use permitted: "Beauty Shop with Salon and Spa Services, subject to a limitation of such use will be loca Building 2 and Building 7, with Building 2 being a suite -based concept. SOUTHLA,KE This Detailed Site Plan (SP -1) district shall abide by the all conditions of the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, and the City of Southlake Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended. All previous conditions of approval in Ordinance No. 480-744 remain in effect. Development Regulations: 1. Minimum Side Building Setbacks shall be fifteen (15') feet, except that setbacks along internal property lines shall not be required. 2. Buffer Yards along internal lot lines shall not be required. 3. The maximum impervious coverage for the overall "SP -1" boundary shall be 67%; however, the maximum impervious coverage requirement shall not apply to individual lots within the boundary. 4. A shared parking, cross -access easement and shared maintenance agreement shall be required. Required parking for all built uses shall be provided within the "SP -1" boundary; parking requirements for individual lots shall not apply. „ „V�y 5. Parking Space Requirements: All Uses: One (1) space for each one -hundred eighty five (185) square feet of Net Leasable area: 6. Dumpster Enclosure Location: Dumpster enclosures shall be permitted as shown on the Site Plan€ j 7. Fence Height: The required replacement of the existing wood fence on the southern boundary shall be allowed to exceed 8' in height, to match t' the height of the existing fence. —� CITY OF S©UTHLAKE - i■ m 0 0 0 w Approved Elevations Option 1 Elevations Option 2 Elevations - P&Z COMMISSION ACTION 911 017 909 101 9M 9a3 905 967 For: 20011nityway Opposed: ` 400 U1Iyway Undecided: 3aa un ay w.ey 90a 902 RW1012 1x14 1016 1018k 10 -1 QK�OI ERAL❑ BL a �� 1913 1015 UNITY WAY UNlTyw901 A YrpARk R�1 �qy� �s °'a 303 �n 974 5 9!0 295 0 8b 971 .� fr RD �^ 21 d doom LA 877 l 877 600 D- 4� b p� ara 920 6 629 'k 8IS 877 919 110 200 E SOUTHLAKE OPO 5aa 40P 4 410 400 KE vp 121 E SOOTHf.AKE C LV0 w gplJTliLA BL a7{ 151 7r1 FM_ 1709 C(20 211 217 291 521 4P1 0 475 q65 4'15 425 355 n 01 231 221 251 1 10a 351 1 1111 241 195 104 F 3 21,191 181 221 251 C 103 102 435 5� 241 E TO 105 291 271 261 231 0 190 19P 107 ©9 . • 215 ° 149136 132 129 1 i2a 116 112 196 194 1P0 217 q 291 im ia5 aaa 10-1 219 2a3 n - _ �1 2Q2 42113 A 230 208 ]00 204 203_ n `0 A. n '"� r, 5 • CITY OF SOUTHLAK