Item 4D - DemonstrationUTHL KE I� I LAt4NiNG a QEr fEL RMENT SERVICES SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION Demonstration Please demonstrate that the fallowing conditions .°ire applicable to the requested sign variance: 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will create an unnecessary hardship or practical cifficulty on the applicant_ Vle beileve these pieces are art/landscape and not signs_ 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed_ We beileve these pieces are art/landscape and not signs - 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. Wo beileve these pieces are artAandecape and not signs_ 4. That the variance will be in harm ony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. We beileve these pieces are art/landscape and not siigns. 1400 3imin Street, Sinte 310, ` mrfflake, TX 76092 per: CC 17) 74f,-82 15 Fam (S 17) 74540-n kemsed: MEm—ch 2019