2019-07-30 CCPD MinutesCITY OF © SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JULY 30, 2019 LOCATION: Southlake DPS West 2100 W Southlake Blvd — Community Room Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 6:00 p.m. CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Ken McMillan, Vice President Robert Williams, David Barnes, Eric Lannen, Frank Powers and Richard Sandow CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None, one vacant position. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Alison Orlowski, Fire Chief Michael Starr, Police Chief James Brandon, Chief Financial Officer/Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson and PD Admin./CCPD Secretary Diana Green 1. TOUR OF DPS WEST FACILITY 2. REGULAR SESSION WAS CALLED TO ORDER: 6:26 PM 3. PUBLIC FORUM: (This is the Public's opportunity to address the board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding, the Board will not discuss, consider or take action on any items presented. We respectfully ask that anyone stepping forward to speak during public forum limit remarks to three minutes or less.) Forum opened. No one was present to address the Board. Forum closed. 4. CONSIDER 4A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 14, 2019 CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING APPROVED 6-0 A spelling error was pointed out. The word Treasure (3B) needs to be changed to Treasurer. The spelling error was noted for correction. Motion: Robert Williams proposed a motion to approve the minutes from the May 14, 2019 CCPD Board meeting with correction. Second: Eric Lannen Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 413. APPROVAL OF AMENDED FISCAL YEAR 2019 CCPD OPERATING BUDGET AND ADOPTION OF FY 2020 CCPD OPERATING BUDGET AND MULTIYEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED 6-0 The budget memorandum was reviewed by Chief Brandon. He informed the Board that the items included in the memorandum are items that were discussed at the May 14, 2019 Board meeting. Fiscal Year 2020 budget request outlined in the memorandum include CAD/RMS replacement (computer aided, dispatch and records system) $210,000 Laptop replacement (increased from $21,000) $ 26,000 Taser replacement & associated equipment $ 20,296 Additional body cameras for CID Detectives $ 14,795 Vigilant Solutions System $ 7,750 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the July 30, 2019 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 Laserradars $ 5,190 AudioNideo upgrade $300,419 ($176, 000 for DPS North and the remainder to upgrade the DPS East Community Room, the CCPD Conference and Board Rooms) The fund request for the CAD/RMS was reduced because the actual cost will be split over two years (FY 2020 and FY 2021). Sharen Jackson addressed the increase in the audio/visual upgrade. She informed the Board that the increase includes the cost estimates to upgrade DPS North facility (auditorium and all classrooms) as well as DPS Headquarters facility (community room, CCPD board and conference rooms). Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Chief Brandon and Sharen Jackson. Sharen Jackson reviewed the CCPD fund summary which showed the overall health of the fund. She pointed out that the original sales tax for 2019 was estimated at $1.9 million. She recommended reducing that figure due to a reduction in sales tax collections. It was estimated that year to date collections are trending about 2.8 percent less than what was collected in the prior year. The trend analysis indicates that retail sales have decreased compared to last year. Sharon continued to review the expenditure section of the fund summary explaining the differences in personnel, operations and capital expenditures for the adopted FY 2019, the amended FY 2019 and the proposed FY 2020 operating budgets. The total funding requested for FY 2020 CCPD operating fund for operations is $1,904,171 and an operating transfer out of $479,040 for indirect charges for $79,040 and CIP for $400,000. Sharen recommended that the budget proposal is a financially sound proposal. Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Sharen Jackson, Chief Starr and Chief Brandon. This was a public hearing for this agenda item. Forum was opened but there was no one present to speak. Public hearing was closed. Motion: Richard Sandow proposed a motion to approve the amended fiscal year 2019 CCPD operating budget and adopt the fiscal year 2020 CCPD operating budget and multiyear capital improvement plan. Second: David Barnes Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 5. DISCUSSION 5A. UPDATE ON CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT SALES TAX Sharen Jackson reviewed the sales tax report. She informed the Board that sales tax collections are trending down. Year to date collections are approximately 2.8 percent less than what was collected for the same period last year. May 2019 sales show an 11.9 percent reduction compared last year. Sharen advised that there were two audit adjustments that represent about half of this decline so the reduction in collections is actually closer to 6 to 6.5 percent. Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Sharen Jackson. No action taken. 5B. UPDATE ON SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the July 30, 2019 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting Page 3 of 3 Chief Brandon briefed the Board on the SRO program. He reported that there is still a vacant SRO position but staff is working to hire and fill the position before the beginning of the school year. A question was asked about the number of School Resource Officers at each school. The Board was informed that there are a total of thirteen SRO positions; one SRO per school with two SROs at each of the high schools Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Chief Brandon. No action taken. 5C. DISCUSS FY 2018 CRIME CONTROL ANNUAL REPORT. Chief Brandon reminded the Board that a request was made to place the Annual Report on the agenda for this meeting for further review. Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Chief Brandon and Ms. Orlowski. No action taken. Next meeting: October 10, 2019 6. MEETING ADJOURNED: 6:52 PM Ken McMillan, Presid nt Crime Control and Prevention District Board �l CLna- Diana Green, Green, Secretary Crime Control and Prevention District Board City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork