Zoning DocumentZoning Document
Magnolia Properties
Proposed Permitted Uses and Development Regulations for “SP‐1” Zoning
March 15, 2021
Permitted Uses:
This property is proposed to be divided into 3 lots all of which would include permitted uses as found in
the O‐1 Office District as described in Section 18 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the O‐1 Office District for all Lots,
and all other applicable regulations with the following exceptions:
To facilitate a contiguous development, buffer yards and building setbacks will not be required
along internal boundary lines.
Allow for the impervious coverage to be calculated for the entire development as opposed to
individual lots.
Tree Preservation Ordinance & Tree Technical Manual Ordinance 585‐E 7.2.a Specifies that 50%
of the existing tree canopy shall be preserved. 6% of existing tree canopy will be preserved.
Existing coverage is approximately 50%.
Parking agreements will be in place prior to permitting to satisfy the combined parking
requirements for the development.
Attachment A