SB Item 7 Case No. SV21-0004 S T A F F R E P O R T April 1, 2021 CASE NO: SV21-0004 PROJECT: Sign Variance for Enclave Dental EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Enclave Dental is requesting approval of a variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended, to allow an existing attached building sign to be relocated to their new building lease space. The proposed sign location is 240 W. Southlake Blvd., Southlake, Texas. REQUEST DETAILS: The building is generally located approximately 420-feet west of the intersection of W. Southlake Blvd. and S. White Chapel Blvd. in the Southlake Commons development. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow an existing attached building sign to be relocated over the office entrance on to the east façade of the new building. The existing sign includes existing bright green channel lit letters that do not meet the current Sign Ordinance that requires lit channel letters to be white, ivory, black, grey, beige or similar neutral colors. The existing sign meets all the sign requirements for letter size, sign area, and location for the proposed location. Sign Regulation Permitted Sign Ord. 704-J Proposed Sign Sign Width 39.2 ft. 9.6 ft. Max. Letter Ht. for Attached Sign 24 inches 24 inches Area of Building Sign 39 sf 26.9 sf Logo Height 52.5 inches 27.22 inches Attached Sign Channel Letter Color If the sign has lettering and a logo, the logo may only cover 20 percent of the permitted sign area and may be of any color. The letters must be white, ivory, black, grey, beige or similar neutral colors. Existing sign is proposed with green faced letters ACTION NEEDED: Consider Approval of Requested Sign Variance ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information Case No. SV21-0004 (B) Vicinity Map PowerPoint Presentation Demonstration Plans STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817)748-8072 Patty Moos (817)748-8269 Case No. Attachment A SV21-0004 Page 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICANT: Enclave Dental PROPERTY SITUATION: 241 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 22R-1, H. Granberry No. 581 Addition CURRENT ZONING: “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District STRATEGIC LINK: C4 – Attract & keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic & sustainable economic environment HISTORY: The property was annexed into the City in 1956 and given the “AG” Agricultural District zoning designation. (Ord. No. 041). - The "O-1" Office District zoning was placed on the property with approval of Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Official Zoning Map on September 19, 1989. - A Zoning Change and Site Plan (ZA16-057) from “O-1” Office District to “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District to allow construction of three single- story retail commercial buildings and five single-story office buildings totaling 51,638 square feet approximately on approximately 7.5 acres was withdrawn at first reading of City Council on November 1, 2016. - A Site Plan (ZA16-107) for four to five single-story office buildings totaling approximately 27,562 to 27,725 square feet on approximately 3.3 acres was approved by City Council January 17, 2017. - A Plat Showing (ZA16-106) for Lots 20-23, H. Granberry No. 581 Addition was approved by City Council January 17, 2017. - A Zoning Change and Site Plan (ZA17-015) to rezone Lots 20-23, H. Granberry No. 581 Addition, an approximately 4.1 acre property, from “O- 1” Office District to “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District to allow construction of three single-story retail commercial buildings totaling approximately 21,997 square feet was withdrawn on April 4, 2017. - A Zoning Change and Site Plan (ZA18-0004) from “O-1” Office District to “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District to allow construction of ten (10) single-story general and medical office buildings totaling approximately 64,676 square feet on approximately 7.5 acres. The five (5) southernmost buildings shown on Lot 20 are consistent with the Site Plan Option A that was approved for Lot 20 on January 17, 2017 (Case No. ZA16-107). - A Plat Showing for the property for Lots 20-23 (ZA16-106) on February 20, 2017. Case No. Attachment A SV21-0004 Page 2 - An Amended Plat for Lots 20R thru 23 R (ZA19-0046) was filed on August 23, 2019. - An Amended Plat was filed for Lot 22R-1 (ZA20-0033) on May 29, 2020. STAFF COMMENTS: The application exhibits are hyper-linked to this report. City Council approval of the request does not eliminate the requirement for an appropriate sign application submittal prior to sign installation. Please contact Seantay Carpenter for sign application processing and pre-install inspection. Seantay can be reached at 817-748-8215 or scarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us. Variance Criteria: 9.6.2 VARIANCES a. Variance Authorized. The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. b. Approval Standards. In granting any variance, City Council shall consider the following criteria: (i) Special conditions exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zone. The City may attach such conditions to granting all or a portion of any variance necessary to achieve the purpose of this ordinance, and; (ii) The strict interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zone under the terms of the ordinance, and; (iii) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant and such conditions and circumstances do not merely constitute pecuniary hardship or inconveniences, and; (iv) Granting the variance will meet the objectives of the ordinance and not be injurious to the adjoining property owners or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, and; (v) The request will be the minimum variance necessary to alleviate the special hardship or practical difficulties faced by the applicant in meeting the requirements of this ordinance; and; (vi) Granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. (vii) Granting of a variance shall be specific to the subject sign(s). Any modification of the signage approved by the variance or the installation of new or replacement signage that does not meet the specific requirements of the City Council variance approval is prohibited and will be deemed non-compliant. Case No. Attachment A SV21-0004 Page 3 Application Process. Any request for a variance shall be made to the Administrative Official and be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. The sign Board’s recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. N:\Community Development\MEMO\Signs\Sign Variance\2021\SV21-0004 - Enclave Dental Case No. Attachment B SV21-0004 Page 1