2009-078OFFICIAL RECORD CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Resolution No. 09-078 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING RESOLUTION No. 07-044; CREATING A COMMUNITY COMMITTEE, STUDENTS AND PARENTS AGAINST RISKS TO OUR KIDS (SPARK), SETTING FORTH THE PURPOSE, MEMBERSHIP, TERMS OF OFFICE, VOTING DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITES OF MEMBERS, ADOPTION BYLAWS, AND; ABOLISHING THE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE STUDENTS AND PARENTS AGAINST RISKS TO OUR KIDS IN SOUTHLAKE. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Southlake, deemed it advisable and necessary to establish a community committee, Students and Parents Against Risks to Our Kids SPARK) (hereafter referred to as "Committee") to act as an advisory committee to the City Council and the Carroll Independent School District Board of Trustees; with its mission of sparking ideas, sharing information, identifying needs, educating the community, mobilizing resources, promoting collaboration, advocating for sound public policy; and, WHEREAS, two years after Southlake created the community task force Students and Parents Against Risks to Our Kids in Southlake an ever changing social landscape has proven that the dangers to children extend beyond the borders of Southlake and the City Council and Board of Trustees recognize the need to empower a committee to educate the community about the dangers facing young people in society today; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: O Section 1. Students and Parents Against Risks to Our Kids (SPARK) is hereby created, and will be organized and governed in the following manner: Section 2. Powers. In fulfillment of its purpose, the committee shall act as an advisory committee to the City Council and School Board; with its mission of sparking ideas, sharing information, identifying needs, educating the community, mobilizing resources, promoting collaboration and advocating for sound public policy; and, by the appropriate Council Resolution and shall have all the powers set forth in the resolution, and other applicable law. Section 3. Powers. Number and Terms of Officer a.) The affairs of SPARK shall be managed by the Executive Board of the committee. b.) The Executive Board shall be composed of the following members who will participate as voting members of the Committee: 1 1. Two members of the City Council appointed by the City Council; and two members of the Board of Trustees appointed by the Board of Trustees; One member of the City Council and one member of the Board of Trustees will serve as Chair and Vice -Chair for one year terms as selected by the appointed members of the City Council and Board of Trustees; these members will alternate to allow one member of the City Council and one member of the Board of trustees to serve as Chair during the two year term. 2. One administrator with the Carroll ISD; appointed by the Board of Trustees; 3. One member of the Southlake DPS Command Staff; appointed by the City Council; 4. One School Resource Officer; appointed by the City Council; 5. One Counselor from Carroll Senior High School or Carroll High School; appointed by the Board of Trustees; 6. One licensed mental health professional or licensed chemical dependency counselor; appointed by the City Council; 7. One member of the CISD Advisory Committee; appointed by the Board of Trustees; 8. One citizen at large; appointed by the City Council; 9. One citizen at large; appointed by the Board of Trustees; 10. One youth representative; appointed by the Board of Trustees; 11. One member of the Student Health Advisory Committee; Appointed by the Board of Trustees. c) Each member of the Executive Board shall serve a term of two years. Section 4. Meetings of the Committee. The Committee shall meet at a time and place determined by the Chair, and at such other times as determined by the Executive Board by a majority vote. Executive Board members not planning to attend any meeting shall notify the Chair by 12:00 noon on the meeting day. All meetings and deliberations of the Committee shall be called, convened, held, and conducted, and notice shall be given to the public, in accordance with the procedures and notice required for governmental bodies by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Section 5. Special Meetings. The Chair, or other persons authorized by the Executive Board to call special meetings, may call special meetings of the Committee and may fix any place for holding such special meetings of the Committee. Section 6. Ouorum. For the purpose of the Committee, a quorum will be comprised of a majority of the currently sitting Executive Board of the Committee. Vacant positions shall not be counted for the purposes of determining a quorum. The Chair should not call a meeting to order until a quorum is present, except where there is no hope of there being a quorum, and in such event no business shall be transacted, except to adjourn. If it is determined during the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting will be adjourned. 2 Section 7. Removal of an Executive Board Member. Any member may be removed from the Executive Board at the discretion of the authority of the governing body who appointed the member for any of the following reasons: (1) the member misses two or more consecutive regular Committee meetings; (2) in the opinion and judgment of either the Executive Board Chair or a majority of the Committee, the member has not exhibited sufficient interest in the work of the Committee; or (3) any other reason allowed by law or rule of the authority or governing body that appointed the member. If, in the judgment of either the Executive Board Chair or a majority of the Committee, any member of the Committee meets any of these criteria for removal, the Chair of the Executive Board shall inform the authority or governing body that appointed the member of such. Section 8. Conduct of Business. a.) The Committee shall enact such rules and regulations, and by-laws as may be deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Committee not inconsistent with the terms of this Resolution. b.) The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the final source of authority in all questions of parliamentary procedure, when such rules are not inconsistent with this Resolution or the rules and regulation adopted by the Committee. c.) At all meetings of the, Committee, the Chair shall preside. In the Chair's absence, the Vice -Chair shall preside. d.) The Chair and Vice -Chair shall be voting members of the Committee. e.) Minutes of each Executive Board meeting shall be filed with the City Secretary. Section 9. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Board shall be filled by the appointing authority. Section 10. Ex -Officio Members. The Executive Board may, as it deems appropriate, appoint ex -officio members to the committee if such appointment is determined to be in the best interest of the Committee. Consideration shall be given to appointing ex -officio members who represent organizations whose purpose is to reduce drug and alcohol abuse or other dangers present to youth. Ex -Officio members are non-voting members. Section 11. Compensation of Committee Members. Committee members shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services as Committee members. Section 12. Officers and Terms of Office. a.) The Executive Board Officers will consist of a Chair and Vice -Chair, appointed by the four members of the City Council and Board of Trustees appointed to the Committee by the appointing authorities. b.)A vacancy in one of the Executive Board Officer positions will be filled by the appointed City Council and Board of Trustees members or if these members of the Executive Board have not acted to fill a vacancy, such vacancy shall be filled temporarily by a majority vote of the Committee at the next regular meeting. N Section 13. Powers of the Chair, The Chair shall, in general, preside at all meetings of the Committee and perform all duties incident to the office of Chari and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Committee and the City Council and the CISD Board of Trustees. Section 14. Limitation of Authority. All sub -committees shall be advisory only. The Committee shall not delegate any final or official authority to a sub -committee. Rather, all final, official actions of the Committee may be exercised only by the Committee. Each sub -committee shall keep regular minutes of the transactions of its meetings and shall cause such minutes to be submitted to the Executive Board. Section 15. Abolishing Resolutions No. 07-044 and 07-045,: Resolutions No. 07-044 and 07- 045 are hereby repealed, and the Students and Parents Against Risks to Our Kids in Southlake S.P.A.R.K.S) is hereby abolished. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 6th DAY OF " 2010. ATTEST: 9au Pa Lori Payne City Secretary 4 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ohn erreli"" Mayo I