WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for promotional sales from kiosks for Southlake Town Square
Ride and Drive" automobile promotional events has been requested by a person or corporation having a
proprietary interest in the property zoned as "DT" Downtown District; and,
WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 37.8 of the City's Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite
notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the
affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific
Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City.
A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for a mass gathering for the White's Chapel Children's
Christmas Festival, located at 185 South White Chapel Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, being legally
described as Lot 1R, Block 1, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, an addition to the City of
Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet `A', Slide 11809, Plat
Records, Tarrant County, Texas, more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A", and as depicted on
the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective
date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set
forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the
granting of this Specific Use Permit: Approved granting a three (3) year approval for the Specific Use
Permit as long as the gathering does not change in scope.
This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council.
Lori Payne
City Secretary
By: (: E
John Terrell, Mayor,
Property located at 185 South White Chapel Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, being legally described as Lot
1R, Block 1, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant
County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet `A', Slide 11809, Plat Records, Tarrant County,
In front of the
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Parking Lot
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a. The City Council may grant an application for a specific use permit for a mass
gathering event if it finds the standards in this Ordinance are met. When
considering an application for a permit, the City Council may establish specific
conditions depending upon the nature of the proposed event and the traffic,
health, and safety issues
b. An application for a permit to hold a mass gathering event shall identify (i) the
promoter, White's Chapel United Methodist Church (ii) the mass gathering area;
White's Chapel United Methodist Church (iii) the maximum number of patrons
anticipated or tickets to be sold for the gathering; 2000 participants (iv) the dates
and time of day being considered for the mass gathering; December 11, 2009
5:304-30 pm (v) information pertaining to previous mass gatherings in the same
mass gathering area or sponsored by the promoter or a related entity at other
locations, within the previous two years;, and We, havechurch every Sunday with
same facilities wifh over 2500 attendees, We have also had the same type
festival the last years and have not had any issues. (vi) shall provide other
information which is reasonably related to the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens, including:
1) a plan describing all measures and procedures designed to address safety
concerns, including provisions for protecting the safety of those attendees at
a general admission event; We provide additional lighting in the parking and
festival areas ih addition to the existing lights.
2) a sketch or rendering showing the general layout or configuration of the mass
gathering area and depicting the general location of the activities and facilities
to be provided; attached
3) the name and address of each performer who has agreed to or been invited
to appear at the mass gathering; n/a
4) the address of the property at which the mass gathering is to be held; 185 S.
White's Chapel Blvd., Southlake, Texas 76092 and
5) evidence of the agreement between the promoter and the property owner for
use of said property for the mass gathering event. n/a
c. In considering whether to grant a mass gathering event special use permit, the
City Council shall consider the following:
1) whether there is convenient and safe access for the ingress and egress of
pedestrians and vehicular traffic; We use the entrances and exits for
vehicular traff ice every Sunday, there are also clearly marked crosswalks and
sidewalks for pedestrian use.
2) whether sufficient traffic control personnel is proposed to insure safety to all
members of the traveling public, including pedestrians, along all public
roadways in the proximity of the mass gathering and/or along which the public
is likely to travel to reach the mass gathering areas shall be provided; We
have not required traffic control for past similar events.
3) whether the mass gathering area is well drained and so arranged to provide
sufficient space for persons assembled, vehicles, sanitary facilities, and
appurtenant equipment; The parking lot for vehicles has 668 spaces,
including 20 disabled persons spaces. The parking lot used for the festival
games, rides, etc..) can accommodate 114 vehicles. The main sanctuary
located adjacent to this parking lot will be open for restrooms.
4) whether sufficient illumination will be provided at night to protect the safety of
the persons assembled. The parking lots are already lighted but we bring in
additional lighting (diesel light towers) for the parking and festival areas the
night of the event.
5) whether adequate parking areas, including disabled persons' parking spaces,
shall be provided for persons arriving by vehicular means. If the promoter
proposes to utilize temporary off-site parking, then the promoter the mass
gathering event the off-site temporary parking area will not be utilized for
purposes other than the mass gathering event; and The parking lot has ??
disabled persons' parking spaces.
6) whether adequate provisions have been made for food supply, medical
assistance, garbage disposal, water supply, parking, sanitation and toilet
facilities, vermin control, and safety. Food preparation will be in our kitchen
and warmers will be used in canopies in the festival area. We will have a
Temporary Food Establishment Permit from the Tarrant County Health
Department posted on the premises as; required and safety and sanitary
guidelines will be followed. We; have a janitorial staff to empty trash
containers and to clean up festival and parking areas. We also have a Staff
Nurse who will be on site the night of the event.
d. The promoter of a mass gathering event shall comply with the following
requirements during the mass gathering event and these requirements shall be
deemed as part of a specific use permit granted for such an event:
1) Food Supply
Food preparation, service and storage will be provided for pursuant to the
requirements of the Texas State Department of Health, the county in which the
mass gathering event takes place, or the City, whichever is more stringent. We
will have a Temporary Food Establishment Permit- from the Tarrant County
Health Department posted on the premises as required and safety,and sanitay
guidelines will be followed.
2) Water Supply
a) An adequate, safe supply of potable water, meeting the requirements of
the Texas State Department of Health, the county in which the mass
gathering event takes place, or the City, whichever is more stringent, shall
be provided. Potable water will be available from our kitchen.
b) Transported water, if used, shall be obtained from an approved source,
stored and dispensed in an approved manner. Approval as used in this
paragraph means in compliance with standards adopted by the Texas
State Department of Health, the county in which the mass gathering takes
place, or the City, whichever is more stringent. n/a
3) Sanitation
Toilet facilities will be provided for pursuant to the requirements of the Texas
State Department of Health, the county in which the mass gathering event takes
place, or the City, whichever is more stringent. Toilet facilities are approved for
our main sanctuary for 2500 attendees.
4) Refuse Disposal
a) Refuse shall be collected, stored, and transported in a manner that allows
for recycling and protects against odor, infestation of insects and/or
rodents and any other condition, which poses a threat to the health,
safety, and welfare of the patrons of the mass gathering event or the
public. Janitorial staff will collect and dispose of refuse in our dumpsters.
b) Refuse and recycling containers shall be clearly marked and readily
accessible. Containers will be clearly marked.
c) The area where motor vehicles are parked shall have one (1) fifty (50)
gallon refuse container or its equivalent for every twenty-five (25) such
Motor vehicles or one (1) sixteen (16) cubic yard trash container for every
two thousand (2,000) motor vehicles and an appropriate number of
recycling containers. fila
d) All refuse will be collected from the assembly area at least twice each
twelve (12) hour period of the assembly, with a minimum of two (2) such
collections for a gathering exceeding six (6) hours, or more often if
necessary, and disposed of at a licensed waste disposal facility. All refuse
will be collected as necessary, our event is 3 hours long, and disposed of
in our dumpsters.
e) The grounds and immediate surrounding property shall be cleared of
refuse within twenty-four (24) hours following a mass gathering event. All'
clean up will be complete the night of the event.
f) In lieu of the above-mentioned requirements in this subsection, the
promoter may submit an alternative plan for refuse disposal for the
consideration by the City Council.
5) Vermin Control
Insect, rodents, and other vermin shall be controlled by proper, sanitary
practices, extermination, or other safe and effective control methods, where
necessary, and animal parasites shall be controlled. n/a
6) Safety
a) Electrical systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
the provisions of the applicable State standards and local standards and
regulations, and shall be approved by a City of Southlake electrical
inspector. Any additional electrical needs will be connected by a licensed
electrician and inspected by the city.
b) Grounds, buildings, and related facilities shall be constructed, maintained
and used in a manner as to prevent fire and in accordance with the
applicable State and City fire prevention regulations. n/a
c) Internal and external traffic and security control shall meet requirements of
the applicable State and local law enforcement agencies. We have
parking attendants who control traffic and parking on a weekly basis.
d) At least one law enforcement officer for each 500 persons expected to
attend the mass gathering (but not fewer than a total of three officers)
shall be on site to assist in crowd and traffic control. The City Council may
require additional or fewer officers, depending upon the information
contained in the application. If the promoter intends to use private security
officers, then the identity and number of such officers shall be described in
the application. We will have paid staff and parking attendants available
to help with security and parking.
e) The promoter shall ensure that adequate communication between local
law enforcement, fire prevention, and emergency personnel and any
private security personnel, including emergency response protocols, is
provided for each mass gathering event. An on-site communications
center may be required. We will provide information and coordinate with -
local departments. Staff members will have 2 way radios and cell phones
to communicate and coordinate.
7) Medical
a)• Any and all medical buildings or tents with adequate medical supplies
shall be available in a convenient location and shall be clearly identified as
such. First Aid tent will be clearly marked and will be indicated on site
map that each visitor receives upon entering.
b) An adequate number of emergency vehicles duly licensed by the State of
Texas as ambulance shall be available on the site beginning one half hour
before the mass gathering event begins and until all patrons have left the
scene as determined by the Director of Public Safety. Na
c) The promoter of the mass gathering event may be required to contact
hospitals in the local area prior to the date of the event and advise them
that a mass gathering event shall be held and the approximate number of
people expected to attend. n/a
8) Noise
The promoter shall control the level of sound emanating from the mass
gathering area pursuant to the City's Noise Ordinance (Article III of Chapter
11, Southlake Code). n/a,
9) Area
a) Trees, underbrush, large rocks and other natural features shall be left
intact and undisturbed whenever possible, and natural vegetative cover
will be retained, protected and maintained so far as possible to facilitate
drainage, prevent erosion, and preserve scenic attributes. Grounds will be
left uridisturbed, festival is held on the parking lot.
b) Grounds shall be maintained free from accumulations of refuse and any
health and safety hazards.
10) Lighting
The mass gathering area shall be adequately lighted, but the lighting shall not
unreasonably reflect beyond the assembly area boundaries unless adjacent
properties are uninhabited and must comply with the City's Lighting
Ordinance; n/a
11) Alcoholic Beveraaes
a) A Specific Use Permit is required to sell and consume alcoholic beverages
at a mass gathering event. The promoter shall restrict the time and
location of such sale so that alcoholic beverages are sold only during the
particular event and so that public safety and order will not be impaired.
b) The promoter shall comply fully with the laws of the State of Texas
regulating the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. n/a
12) Sell-out
The promoter shall notify the Director of Public Safety at least three (3) days
in advance if the mass gathering event is sold out. When the promoter learns
that a particular event is likely to be sold out, the promoter shall exercise due
diligence to promptly inform the general public that tickets will not be available
for sale at the time of the event. At a minimum, the promoter shall broadcast
announcements in the communications media serving the entire marketing
area for the facility regarding the substance of the preceding sentence. n/a
e. Public Costs Escrow -A promoter may be required to deposit with the Director of
Finance at least two weeks prior to the mass gathering event an amount of money
equal to 120% of the estimated public costs of each contemplated mass gathering
as set by the City Council. The Director of Public Safety will prepare a public cost
estimate and submit it to City Council and the promoter. Public costs are those
costs incurred by the City in connection with the mass, gathering event which
relate to the mass gathering and which would not be incurred by the City if such
mass gathering was not held. Promptly after each mass gathering event, the
actual public costs shall be calculated, and the deposit shall be refunded to the
promoter to the extent it exceeds the actual public costs incurred. If the actual
public costs exceed the amount deposited, the promoter shall pay the excess to
the City within 10 days after being so notified.
The promoter may be required to present evidence of public liability insurance in
at least the following amounts: (i) $1,000,000 Bodily Injury (per person); (ii)
2,000,000 Bodily Injury (per occurrence); and (iii) $1,000,000 property damage,
which insurance policy shall name the City, its officers and employees as
additional insureds and shall contain a clause providing that the policy may not
be canceled by either parry except upon not less than 30 days written notice to
the City. A copy of the insurance policy shall be provided to the City at the time
of the filing of the application. Additionally, the City, its officers and employees
shall be named as additional insureds.
g. The City Council or Administrative Official may revoke a mass gathering event
permit issued pursuant to this Ordinance upon finding of one or more of the
1) that the promoter has violated one -or mote of the provisions of the specific
use permit;
2) if the City Council finds that the permit was obtained by fraud or
misrepresentation; or if the preparations for the mass gathering event will not
be completed prior to the planned commencement of the mass gathering
White's Chapel
Children's Christmas Festival
Friday, December 11 th
5:30-8:30 pm
Children's Choir Performances
LIVE NATIVITY at 5:45, 6:30, 7:15 & 8,00
Inflatable obstacle emcees, hounre houses, fish games and prizes.
Pony rides, petting zoo and train rides: All games and rules rine FREE!
Delicious carnival foods — Corn Dogs, funnel Cakes, Nachos, Hot Dogs,
Smoked Brisket, C611on Car* and more at reasonable prices!
Bring a new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots!
We will have:
Use the front parking lot for all the games, rides and food booths.
2 — 10'x 10' stationary canopies
7-10'x 10' pop up canopies
6 8 inflatables
3-7 carnival rides — tub rides, swing rides, merry go round
Carousel pony rides
Petting Zoo
Live nativity will be in our amphitheater.
Children's Choirs will perform in the Bridge
The main Sanctuary will be open for restrooms.
The kitchen will be used for food preparation.