2009-071OFFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION NO. 09-071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A SIDEWALK PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has established "Partnerships and Volunteerism" as a strategic focus area and the City of Southlake Strategy Map includes initiative L5 to "Actively promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement (individual and group)"; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake has also established "Mobility" as a strategic focus area and the City of Southlake Strategy Map includes initiative C2 to "Provide travel convenience within city and region"; and WHEREAS, the program will assist in the implementation of the mobility goals and objectives of the Southlake 2025 Plan by promoting an inter -connected system of corridors for pedestrians; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas is of the opinion that establishing a partnership program to promote the donation of easements and right-of- way for the purposes of building priority sidewalk and trail segments would advance the implementation of the City's Pathways Plan thereby improving mobility throughout the city; and WHEREAS, the City of Southlake Council wishes to create a program to provide private property owners with incentive to donate the land needed to construct sidewalks and trails; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1 The City does hereby establish a sidewalk partnership program to encourage residential and non-residential property owners to donate the property required to implement the City of Southlake's Pathways Plan. SECTION 2 To encourage property owners to participate in the program, the City shall establish and implement and education and marketing program designed to: 0 emphasize the environmental benefits of "walkability" within a community, highlight the importance of connectivity between areas within the city: o neighborhoods and schools o neighborhoods and parks o neighborhoods and other areas of interest in the city, and underscore the opportunity for being involved in the development of high quality and desirable facilities in the city. The ongoing education/marketing program may include (but is not limited to) the following elements: a. Print — informational brochures, flyers, newsletter articles and ads, etc. b. Presentations — Council/board meetings, social clubs c. Media — coordination with local media outlets, including print and broadcast d. Technoloqv options — website, radio, etc. e. Partnerships — coordinate with HOAs, and other partner groups f. Sidewalk Partnership Proqram SECTION 3 Sidewalk Partnership Proqram. The city has designed a program to provide for lasting and memorable recognition for donors. Using a variety of methods, the City of Southlake will memorialize the participation of property owners in the program. Proqram Eligibility. Property owners who voluntarily convey easement(s) for the purpose of building pathway segments identified in the City of Southlake's annual pathway construction priority plan and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) shall be eligible for the recognition offered through the Sidewalk Partnership Program. The City of Southlake shall not pursue easements for pathway segments for which there are no immediate plans for construction or allocated funding. Property owners who are required to convey needed right-of-way or easements due to development regulations are not eligible to participate in the program or receive the benefits thereof. Propertv Owner Notification. Once the pathway construction priority plan is adopted by the City Council and funds are allocated for construction, staff shall identify needed easements for the selected segments. A standard packet of information shall be mailed to each property owner which shall, at a minimum, include a description of the Sidewalk Partnership Program and its benefits, a description of the needed easement, the paperwork to be completed for conveyance, and a contact name at the City. Attachment A includes a representative sample of the items to be included in the notification packet. The packet shall also include a copy of the "Property Owners Bill of Rights" (Attachment B). Convevance. The City of Southlake will cover the cost of conveyance as appropriate. Proqram Benefits. Property owners who donate easements under this program shall be publicly recognized for their contribution. The City Manager shall develop a standard operating procedure outlining the method for properly recognizing property owners. Recognition levels and benefits are defined by the size of the donated property, but may include "advertisement" recognition as well as personalized recognition, such as pavers embedded in the walkway built on the donated easement, signage, or other recognition as may be deemed appropriate by the City Manager. SECTION 4 Donations to the City of Southlake under the Sidewalk Partnership Program are currently tax deductible. Upon closing the transaction, the City shall provide the donor with a receipt for the gift and a letter opinion from the Internal Revenue Service Attachment C) as long as the deduction remains in effect. SECTION 5 If the City of Southlake does not receive a response from the property owner within 30 days of the issuance of the notice, a copy of this notification shall be provided to citizen volunteers who wish to promote the construction of pathways in the City of Southlake. These volunteers may then contact the property owner to promote the program in conformance with guidelines established for the volunteer's activities within the program standard operating procedure. SECTION 6 The City Manager shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of this program and the activities supporting it; however, the City Council shall have final authority on program benefits. SECTION 7 This Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 1St day of December, 2009. ATTEST: City Secretary rdurrrrryrrr SOu Th A. vr.< John errell, Mayor