2009-040OFFICIAL RECORB RESOLUTION NO. 09-040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR SALES AND SERVICE OF USED AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, OR MOTORHOMES ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, LOCATED AT 2105 GREENBRIAR DRIVE, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 4R, BLOCK C, NORTH DAVIS BUSINESS PARK, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE EXHIBIT ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for sales and service of used automobiles, trucks, or motorhomes has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as 1-1" Light Industrial District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1 (22) of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for sales and service of used automobiles, trucks, or motorhomes on the property located at 2105 Greenbriar Drive, being legally described as Lot 4R, Block C, North Davis Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A', Slide 253, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A", and as depicted on the approved Site Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. The Specific Use Permit is approved for a period of three (3) years. 2. All sales, storage, and displays shall be kept inside the building. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 16TH DAY OF JUNE, 2009. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ByC4kWoJohnTer, ATTEST: 10,11111111 QVTHL,q ••,, o o Lori Payne, TRM City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" Being property located at 2105 Greenbriar Drive, legally described as Lot 4R, Block C, North Davis Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet 'A', Slide 253, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. MMARY CHART - BI`T1FFERYARDS Facl crwcFsx s c:.F,raus rerrcEnru:eXx.r'Ina`otnivtfacF InCI'EC Jrs+>ai am'-' i, Ir±.LT f.GM:4E, I( I rnn2En oFsnne: NJ SF F+iY IllE rr 1H•I + A ' `,'GJC•Y s t MCI IE.FA JJ In./1 p,•nrll I Ta+I+ FRDI 1r41J rl I T I l Alll H :. R I' M'A o fAHSCMif Zi; -T1 raiifJ F':allRVl, I f AIUSaYIfL. t/ R' .NA..piR 1111.'^!' In Vq.TI•rl FSrryairnDlt.>,Evi ;yJ + I/ . T r `T fIIsI f, I! V I`A IN S pTI n E IF F 19T c Ittl'II ' rY(Y..fl /IJ,a!(:VVII _ - _ LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONSPROPOSED R M j" n11RJYE -- In(yrrsr,'aaI-ar,n :ia:ltr`;L!J i xaTtrl;e RTr_r'•o :•1 wiw.v aREa Rc-OU.>En (fV SI'"" R rl.m SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPING ; FCGFRfp CT +a T/flWlf I F_LAVI•• ILTCLT+TYiY SIKnAf l v4CJFp[fT,ea i •'EN.L.]W(Cq UT anfA IRON..fC Nf} tls l+X rNMAS I rIEEG I fPf S Kr£N N+n i vJSr _ IT xfm.n:r i I a•L w Rrrx•RFn ,nu n1 f r,a•f 1 J u. - - `"-' I MATXn -z. TJ ran 5i l'esn I J• r --"- I V •Cn A ' r'.'-' F Gi'l iff NR nnr.Cfr.0 _ Gr.3fNLJWTTe - v+J . L.Anr r vul+en^vS,LLxnenrr.LN<nA{nT.VfLiL'anPVMpert: raEplr •'a+uer _ ._ ': 4 I Y EfOIrAiIFFf nI.f FEEYSLWlFpWM;EA'Ip,ViEW.lI rN£CITYpF rrntrlNLvn -`,. fJLThR/P_-LNtl5L1l0.t d!bR4ti[Rn W..:S,IFF:+TC TJ \ LEr,LW:A:w JJIF IN++rER CKrSIVE •.Ilin[W nETFfiL:J-ppV£aA T7Iji+' I' pR[ETLDaNt—!1TTT u, rvr e fnl..INTannrl rrm+r+•. ..rrn,nar m x VICINITYMAP h•Jr lv x+Lc A Facl crwcFsx s c:.F,raus rerrcEnru:eXx.r'Ina`otnivtfacF InCI'EC Jrs+>ai am'-' i, rJrvNLn lwnnw,Ilcn ftN M[LNCRNn taT f.GM:4E, I( I rnn2En oFsnne: NJ SF Sr ti. 4 J i. 1'- OWNER INFORMATION FOR LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONSPROPOSED rxp.rEs:rr.rrax-I.'u.!rtl..l a. -•=;'r:li i.•Y'` ,y% Lr SITE - aREa Rc-OU.>En (fV SI'"" R rl.m s §`"r'- q ,, 1 2 105 GREENBRIAR DR. nSN rRM•LOFD ::,-a+r s'''' s` DLTryays rvESlsrtrra - r'.'-' lAi ENYI IrlJO Itl pt T(,,e5 J%.FFLN.n I/SE rrpt STR}LI mn awrrNxrvl rex_r LOraT Rl: u I :CKET vY aF R}F: (fYSrhFJlrAI hiMLNIY.%',r\C 1-.•FN CN,F4F1 i Rv OC'`J O+ KL:iM.HNf wp•e:FLy, GIJS>FSSnY.R Mlus'.FJa Ir:F IrtRW. Lrw nrYrco.rwEir„L eLml w N -'"u nran.maxc mJnlnl>Aws4aNFzslur t.un,rw k. rM IlFZrWr rl SnlMY.f /f6til: rYNr O. PLAN PREPARATION ., .- - fTAMJ•RD Y II NT:SYE In asJ.J.r_=\'` OJr,.rR IWO+WMI! r,KLanDenN.vutcr a ____ I"IiTMTrM n, kf'KY5 T TE2xCl CI!ElNG1U,R Oa N£S/C h'Lr!ry%i[i: I:CF U%RU AFO.TMttIH f!l CnllS lltaD ' FRhiSfn TC'rv.Ca —_ --— IL+TD Ise CESrG„t.Oh v 1 PM1FN r•F nf.,1t0»' rR%IfInN£ 1- i.•DwEEYtp.: `rr,RJt RVf. L r 1""""`'"• ti l 1' 1•Ln a£fICIM:AEVIRa NI': roE1tE+TlfyY: f.'lMf;4lD _ SS MVLS n(N T,UiEAF IfRLFr?MFCFp,EWfrRFi 44N SF II n V.Tfr nnn.E4IM NVD r a ou:rl:.Nc. r_f.s YJc: LTJrIFR rrrJrpr,Jern. n:.s J'n!1 srs.rr+,TF TEJns JdL^: nnJT,fJSfFU.IMfLANp E TJ nn.WAs(N,AaITY plWST+NL - vIfYKVHn NVWIi I•T: - I,K.OF6En EMcf 1•La[il.IArs[IY JIfN.Y:2Y r FIIIIMf£ L(. .F SII"nlnfWSY IlrJ 'n 1ptll+ iYSM [ul Fl.1L4M CE LTirCGLYY1Kn[Yi e fnl..INTannrl rrm+r+•. ..rrn,nar m x VICINITYMAP h•Jr lv x+Lc A Facl crwcFsx s c:.F,raus rerrcEnru:eXx.r'Ina`otnivtfacF InCI'EC Jrs+>ai am'-' i, rJrvNLn lwnnw,Ilcn ftN M[LNCRNn taT f.GM:4E, I( I rnn2En oFsnne: NJ SF 1• DxYT'NKAI»,iKll• 1 -fmcn tl.hF•Nrm .-.. _ cosr.triruL,sr..'nnrr•L.,.tamc-m uuwna. ruw^::E Jreern r uw.rm*rcn wLrL flIRIP+LaVry L+X MICTRW. Ir.•M6AVSE,YTDMCY SF J%.FFLN.n I/SE rrpt STR}LI 4 LOraT Rl: u I :CKET vY aF R}F: (fYSrhFJlrAI i Rv OC'`J O+ KL:iM.HNf wp•e:FLy, GIJS>FSSnY.R nFnlF,tFD MTh JX: u 4aT SF IJ in1LS!Rf Mnk^.DfC IATKiW, ('FrIIME.V.YYl1 rM IlFZrWr rl SnlMY.f /f6til: rYNr O. fTAMJ•RD Y II NT:SYE UYrNFA I^r1XNInrYr OJr,.rR IWO+WMI! a ____ I"IiTMTrMI2,rVAfhwM+LLNIctNr—n—on Ur6VINF,IC1[w:f:I 4N•pfl:M _ let' - ----" fnrk,r ea mNcr.rrr lase __ cv_am• Lurm l mvacraeEa I nw.srl w(I Icnllf nvp Tn+G ualLasr JOMvu,PEFMaHRL4NF rt_LYMEJ LCMrYGfIRCEf 1' 1•Ln a£fICIM:AEVIRa NI': roE1tE+TlfyY: f.'lMf;4lD _ fOt'nW ::AS:NI 1 .TOVIDEDL:fNI.3f•1rrd IinFl+fD,4r I a SpVTM,,KF ,ErwF:+)5? fGnH:FE'FRkF %S'ra FI11-1v IWJIiM ! KACEnrnf.E lY. p8,r . _ rt?UrLil.%'DWE OFFK£R VfIE11C'AL Fl.1L4M CE LTirCGLYY1Kn[Yi 1wTsnr,ru c YATr/frNl.]IM GU51M1ETiT:rl» i n,,rrco.,s:rt,crr,•T_I rJ f-waLrrlw nwlrre ,Dp,r'bM1 N.rS LtlT:^ TLrcvus_ nrcvvswrl(Tlo--r • I S],fD •O'I. SrAtL IEHO GTNInCA'Mv IAn.:I,f-0u: L1 1;'' II" v ZION4IlL-lU 1 r r f mE CASE NO: ZA04-'091 nc Applicant's Letter John C_ Avary 1075 W. Dove Read Southlake, Texas 76092 May 19, 2009 City of Southlake City Council 1400 S_ Main Southlake, Texas 76092 Description of our business is 97% Intemet sales unless it is friends or family. Vehicles are bought and sold over Internet. There will be no vehicles outside for viewing all are inside. There will be no big signs for advertisement. There is adequate parking for customers to come view vehicles. The only vehicles in question will be rare collectibles and newer vehicles under warranty not more than one or two years old. No major mechanic work will be done on premises_ Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 3oh cer n C. Avary