2004-006OFFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION NO. 04-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ADOPTING PHASE 1 - VISION, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES OF THE SOUTHLAKE 2025 PLAN, THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. WHEREAS, a Home Rule Charter of the City of Southlake, Texas, was approved by the voters in a duly called Charter election on April 4, 1987; and, WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter, Chapter XI requires an update to the City's comprehensive plan elements every four years, WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that a vision statement is a blueprint for the community's future and the goals and objectives clarify that vision, WHEREAS, the City Council desires the Vision, Goals, & Objectives to provide the guiding principles for all the elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Land Use and Master Thoroughfare Plans WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide direction to the Planning & Zoning Commission in formulating Phase 2 of the Southlake 2025 Plan update, WHEREAS, the City Council has deemed that the Vision, Goals, and Objectives have been formulated with adequate public input, WHEREAS, the City Council has deemed that the Vision, Goals, and Objectives herein reflect the community's desires for the future, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council hereby incorporates said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety Section 2. The statements in `Exhibit 1' are hereby adopted as Phase 1 — Vision, Goals, & Objectives of the Southlake 2025 Plan. Section 3. The different elements of the Comprehensive Master Plan, as adopted and amended by the City Council from time to time, shall be kept on file in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Southlake, along with a copy of the resolution and minute order of the Council so adopting or approving the same. Any existing element of the Comprehensive Master Plan which has been heretofore adopted by the City Council shall remain in full force until amended by the City Council as provided herein. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 2nd DAY OF MARCH 2004. CITY OFQUTHLAKE By: Andy Wambsganss, Mayor OVTHL,gk..... ATTEST: Dec: •• •% o Lori Farwell, City Secretary 2 EXHIBIT I S 0 U T H L A K E PHASE 1 - VISION, GOALS, & OBJECTIVES Adopted by City Council March 2, 2004 jLu,Lh1adR1j"," 3 2025 tlE, tl Planning Today for a Better Tomorrow PHASE 1 - VISION, GOALS, & OBJECTIVES Adopted by City Council March 2, 2004 jLu,Lh1adR1j"," 3 I. SOUTHLAKE 2025 PLAN VISION STATEMENT Southlake will continue to enhance its status as a desirable, attractive, safe, healthy, fiscally sound community with quality neighborhoods, while maintaining a high standard of living, learning, shopping, working, recreation, and open spaces. Southlake will continue to be a vibrant community that epitomizes both economic and environmental sustainability. " 4 II. SOUTHLAKE 2025 PLAN GOALS & OBJECTIVES Goal 1: Promote quality neighborhoods that contribute to an overall sense ofplace and community. Quality neighborhoods are the cornerstone of our community. Quality neighborhoods are well designed and maintained, attractive, pedestrian friendly and safe. Objective 1.1 Encourage the maintenance of existing neighborhoods in order to preserve property values and a sense of place. Objective 1.2 Promote the creation/preservation of attractive, pedestrian friendly streets with pleasing vistas that limit the visual impact of the automobile. Objective 1.3 Encourage neighborhood design that compliments existing development patterns while creating unique places. To this end, promote the creation of well-designed, appropriately -scaled residential neighborhoods. Objective 1.4 Encourage creativity in neighborhood design with special emphasis on environmental stewardship that conserves the city's natural assets. Goal 2: Foster attractive and well designed residential developments to meet the needs of a diverse and vibrant community. Objective 2.1 Facilitate housing products that are consistent with Southlake's vision for quality neighborhoods which emphasize design details for homes, streets, open spaces, recreational amenities, etc. Objective 2.2 Ensure that new growth is in accordance and in harmony with the Land Use Plan and population build -out numbers. Objective 2.3 Provide for the incorporation of high quality single-family residential uses as a part of a planned development at appropriate transitional locations. Transitional areas are undeveloped or under -developed properties that are adjacent to established and/or future residential neighborhoods when such areas are adjacent to commercial development, and/or major roadways. Goal 3: Maintain a balanced approach to growth and development in order to preserve the city's assets (schools, public safety, and competitive edge in the region) and its fiscal health. Objective 3.1 Promote the development of commercial and mixed-use development with an emphasis on design detail and performance standards such as building and street design, pedestrian/automobile orientation and transition to adjacent uses. Objective 3.2 Encourage a range of uses, including retail, office, hospitality, entertainment, industrial and residential, that is both responsive to changing market conditions and sustains growth in property values for the future. 5 Objective 3.3 Support appropriate public-private financial partnerships that will help retain and enhance Southlake's economic base. Objective 3.4 Continue active partnership that exists between the City and its school districts through joint use committees and the building of roads and infrastructure to accommodate school facilities; making sure that such partnership is mutually beneficial. Objective 3.5 Ensure that the character and quality of Southlake's built environment, relative to commercial development, contribute to desired community character objectives and foster a positive relationship between the taxable value of real property and the corresponding cost of municipal services. Goal 4: Develop a transportation system that minimizes traffic congestion, provides alternatives to the automobile, promotes energy efficiency, and allows expanded opportunities for its citizens to meet some routine needs by walking or bicycling. The design of the transportation system should act as framework that gives the city "character and functionality': Objective 4.1 The Thoroughfare Plan --a component of the comprehensive plan Ce should address safety, design, and aesthetics elements such as landscaping, street design, lighting, sidewalk design, traffic calming, signage etc. in order to provide a distinct image for the City. Objective 4.2 Provide a street network that allows residents/workers to travel effectively to shopping areas, schools and places of employment without having to travel on the city's major arterials (FM 1709, FM 1938, or SH 114), while minimizing cut -through traffic in residential neighborhoods. Objective 4.3 Promote contiguous bicycle/pedestrian/trail facilities which are user friendly, efficient, safe, economical, and connect parks, shopping, schools, work and residential areas. Objective 4.4 Promote opportunities to link existing neighborhoods, shopping areas and employment centers to the existing/future trail system, as detailed in the Master Pathways Plan. Objective 4.5 Ensure that an adequate transportation system on-site and to the site is provided or planned prior to the approval of any land uses that create significant traffic demand. Objective 4.6 Mixed-use developments should encourage a pedestrian -friendly environment and minimize the need of the automobile for convenience shopping, work, or leisure trips. Objective 4.7 Encourage pedestrian and bicycle mobility on existing roadways or when redesigning existing roadways or designing new roadways. Objective 4.8 Partner with adjoining communities and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to study the impact of the future light/commuter rail corridor proposed along the Cottonbelt rail line, adjacent to SH -26. Evaluate and determine appropriate land use designations along the rail corridor. Ce Goal S: Support a comprehensive integrated open space and recreation system that creates value and preserves natural assets of the city. Open spaces may include a combination of natural areas, parks, trails, and greens A recreation system includes squares, educational and civic uses Objective 5.1 Encourage developers to provide useable and functional open space that is integrated with new development. Access to such areas should be pedestrian friendly. Objective 5.2 Ensure that parkland and open spaces include a mix of developed and natural areas in order to preserve wildlife habitats, plant communities Goal 6. Preserve effective and efficientprofessional police, fire and communication services Objective 6.1 Support the provision of facilities, equipment and roadways to achieve desired emergency response times throughout the city. Objective 6.2 Support the location of substations in areas of greatest need. 7 and scenic areas while maintaining accessibility. Objective 5.3 Ensure that parkland accommodates both active activities such as organized sports and passive activities such as bird watching. Objective 5.4 Water conservation and reuse should be a priority in the design of parks and open spaces. Objective 5.5 Develop and utilize the city's Storm Water Management Plan to protect against inundation from storm water runoff. Open space easements and corridors for preservation should be identified and integrated to this plan. Objective 5.6 The city should continue to investigate public-private partnerships to create open space and recreation facilities with other types of developments including residential, retail, and employment. Objective 5.7 Ensure that development is respective of and appropriately integrated with the natural physical geography of the land in Southlake by requiring environmentally sensitive development to eliminate "scrape and build" development. Objective 5.8 Continue to explore those developmental opportunities associated with recreational and entertainment facilities that would appeal to the teen- age population of the City. Goal 6. Preserve effective and efficientprofessional police, fire and communication services Objective 6.1 Support the provision of facilities, equipment and roadways to achieve desired emergency response times throughout the city. Objective 6.2 Support the location of substations in areas of greatest need. 7