2003-075OFFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION NO. 03-075 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING A CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING PERMANNENT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR USE BY THE CITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES PERMITTED BY LAW. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake will be reconstructing Kimball Ave., (the "Project") which will serve all residents within the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, in order to properly maintain the infrastructure installed with the Project, it is necessary for the city to acquire right-of-way from property owners who own land across which the Project is located; and WHEREAS, the city and the owners of said properties, Howard E. Carr, Jr.; Todd and Kim Fox; and Carey and Kelly Pearson of Southlake, have been unable to reach an agreement on the acquisition of the required right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the city council now deems it necessary to authorize the city attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings in order to acquire the necessary right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to bring condemnation lawsuits for the purpose of acquiring right-of-way, being more particularly described on the exhibits attached hereto. SECTION 2. The City Council finds that such acquisition in this condemnation action is necessary in order to serve the public health, safety and welfare. APASSED, APPROVED, and EFFECTIVE this 2 day of Dec -2 -^ Ler- , 2003. W. 0 City of Southlake r4aAJO-- %fro 7 M 11111111Its + ATTEST: City Secretary alY PARCEL 6 2003-ROW--GTC EXHIBIT "A" 2.097 sq. ft. (0.048 cores) EAST tiQ 3.94'-------_—__- 5 Q I PS I i Y A. 1 J o r26 59"w - - Pi 7.48' I, Eddy L. Cheatham of CFEATHMA AND ASSOCIATES, a Regiatered professional 0 F I TEsTl#t4 graphic depiction and Ngal descriptions of this survey were property prepared Older my! supervision frog6 an actual survey mode on the ground. personal S_ Se^^ / w 9 j b L. CHEATHAM 2348* Q0e* opo 1 , y0 U VIIrHAM AND CG1UmES 1960 X COPMAND MO #000 ARUNOM. == 76011 V' orc J°\ Ib" J O'0 p Oa P e ecl 1?s I 1 I I C0 :3 H W z Q) F I I 1 n NM 1.0 I Z7y u ft F. Z I1 P' 40' 7 SCALE • 0 20 140 60 yy I am VIM LIM OF 111E TII/CT Y WRVEYY VCL amp. %w MAYT.) i Y A. 1 J o r2659"w - - Pi 7.48' I, Eddy L. Cheatham of CFEATHMA AND ASSOCIATES, a Regiatered professional 0 F rand Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby lockers that the calculotbns. TEsTl#t4 graphic depiction and Ngal descriptions of this survey were property prepared Older my! supervision frog6 an actual survey mode on the ground. personal S_ Se^^ / w 9 j b L. CHEATHAM 2348* Regletered Professionailand SurvveyorNo..234E y0 U VIIrHAM AND CG1UmES 1960 X COPMAND MO #000 ARUNOM. == 76011 UMM (817) 866-4= (617) "a-om IARCEL 6 2003—ROW-119—TC EXHIBI T''I3' RIGI IT -OF -WAY DEDICATION Field Notes BEING a 0.048 acre (2,097 square feet) tract of land situated in the G.W. MAIN SURVFY, ABSTRACT No. 1098, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a strip oCland over, through, and across that certain Tract 2A of the G.W. MAIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1098 as recorded in Volume 8091, Page 1490 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described in metes and bounds as folloxk s: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found, being the northwest corner of said Tract 2A, and being in the cast right-of-way of South Kimball Avenue; THENCE" EAST, a distance of 3.94 feet departing from said South Kimball Avenue. along the north property line of said Tract 2A to a 5/8" iron rod set fora corner; THENCE S. 00°19'09" E., a distance of 367.17 feet to a point in the south line of'said Tract 2A to a 5/8" iron rod set for a corner; THENCE N. 49°26'59" W., a distance of 7.48 feet along the south property line ofsaid Tract 2A to a point for a corner; THENCE N. 00°13'53" E., a distance of 367.09 feet along the west property line o Csaid Tract 2A and the east right-of-way of South Kimball Avenue to the; POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.048 acre of land, more or less. a IN i-257+u7•t.oL2.doc 0 2002-t iOW-095-TC tAN CEt 3 AR 3 ?z,i a ft. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION s 1 Nc9"5°'S7"E 1 L339 t I I I LLj ix at I. I „ V5 •. y Ane`'we ! y 0 ' ! C I - j ,I, fie., Ivr 1 m • rte' ! t n = 05•z1•09" I 1L4.raC" I CD = '00'Q4' 19r.f i I Q7a i ( LC 122.40' U-ir tJ) j5" fv5 i i rr,y ! 506 3 "E ! t I J fr-98.84' 1 1 5 r - S50' 26' SS "E I 25.79` ! N85^51':3."F,I S8&` a 3 ` 37.'44 i-403108' 2? " 1 IFFr CROOKED l./tNE 0.31 0 D 0 Ot 1711010 45 S it CjQe, i } v t ti• tA00 TAN C A$ SC I - 2s W wa A:K aEARMS nA,sra ON uMOW OAKS SUEOVISION f IN FEET ; PLA - VOL .338-t29. PAGE 38 KV R. i C TJ 1 inch • ''O ft, 1, Eddic L. Cheatham of CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES, a Registered Profess,r,nat Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby declare that the colculatim,,q, fit- gaophic depiction and legal descriptions of this survey were property prepo,edST RfA"•fq under my rsonolsupervision from an actualsurvey mala on the ground Regiatered ProfeasionalLan— d Surveyor.2346345r; sulivE CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD /200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 78011 METRO (817) 285-81336 (017) 548-0690 2002- ROW -095 -TC PARCEL 3 EXIIIi31T'l3' RIGHT -Of -WAY L1EF)ICATION field Notes BEING 10.283 acre (12.331) square feet) tract of land situated in the G. yk'. MAIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1098. City of Southlakc, Tarrant Counly. Texas. and being a strip of land over, through, and across that certain Lot 8 of the MEADOW OAKS SUBDIVISION,an addition to the City ofSuuithlake. Tarrant County, Texas as recorded in Volume 388-129, Page N of the Plat Records orrarrant County.Texas. and being more particularly described in metes and bounds as follows. BEGINNING at a 518" iron pin found, being the northwest corner of sMud 1,0t 8, beirr 1 the Southwest corrter of that certain Lot 7 ofsard MEADOW OAKS SUBDIVISION, being in the cast right -of, way of South Kimball Avenue (plat calls S. Kimball Road); fl ILNCE N. 89"'59'57" F., a distance of 13.3) feet departing tiom the east right of. w, iy. of said Kimball Avenue, along the north boundary line of said Lol 8, and alone; the south boundary line of said Lot 7 to a >;ti" iron rod :eO for corner; THLNC'L S, W1134'14- P,., a distance of 265.00 feet departing From said Lot 7, and departing from the north boundary line of said l,ot 8 to a 5,S" Iron rod .et at tile, be girming of a curve to the left having a radius of 1104,50 tbet. a Delta An.',Ie of 06°21'09", and al Long Chord which bears S. 00'41'49' F,, for a distance, of 122.4{) feet; THENCE Southeast. alone; said carve, a distance of 122.46 feet to a 51'8" iron rod set for corner; THE;NC E,, S. 06055'23- i?., a distance of 98 84 1cet to a 518" iron rod set for corner; T1 IHNCF, S. 50°26'55" E. a distance of 25.79 feet to a 518" Iron rod set for corner; TI ILNCL N. 36051'37" E., a distance of- 1.00 feet to a 518" iron rod set for comer, T1IENC E, S. 03"08'23" F.., a distance of 3,00 feet to a 513-' iron rod set, being in the south boundary line ofsatd I_ot 6, being iu the north right-of-way of Crooked Lauer, for corner; I I iENCTI S, 8t,05 V37" W., a distance of 90.31 feet to a point, being the point of intetsectiou of the north nicht-of-way of said Crooked Lane :rod of the east right -of way of said Kimball Avenue, being the soulhm,,est comer of said Lot 8, lar conte; l'HI",NC'F, N. 0012'0()" W_ a distance of )07.91 feet departing from the north II hl- ot w-.ty of said Crooked Lane, along the west boundary line orsaid Lot R. all(] along the cast right-ol=wary ol'said Kimball Avenue to the POINTOF BEGI]tiNlNG. containing 0.283 acre of land, more or less. t ` u) t 2 tt1 kunh 2iU-I.i;LI cis C-) CID N O Li Q 3 CRT -Y_ C%E-5 F,1 : AREA = 3.036 sq. 0.070 acre EXHIBIT "A') RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION EDDIE L. CHEATHAM 2346 S69-28'42'l, L-p 7.44 S^,4' 35' O3 .- a4.1+ E L 94.98` p4" 72' 10" yG5 sa ,G' o = 1159.5'0' '' pts 94.86' SOppjl 39 i U ApJ•- 30" 5;-r.T'1 / , Sz" `P5 ----SCI,° 46 -----1--- 6 I Q VijR O a i so +oo zw A$" VEYQR'S CFRT;FICATIGN ( IN FEET ) 1, Edd:e L, Cheatham of CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES, a ?eg'stered Professional 1 inch - 100 ft. Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby decnare that the ccicu ations, grcphic depiction and legoldescr(ptions of th;s survey were properly prepared under my per sora' supervision from on cctualsurvey made an the ground. ou Registered Pro`ess;onclLand Surveyor No. 2346 I CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD SU(TE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 1817) 548-0696 Mrt,o (817)265-8836 1 1:461 'D, ABsr. 529 1 D I tit alpROBB! rA,'E•S RAr KpCr.C'c G20 S. K'MBALL AVE. Snti1HLAKE. 1Ex AS 7GO92 1936 _RTCT 1 . J3-32 ACPES J 0 F 1AAGS v f ` TIRACI 4A) ABT-• 529 JAva EtITERPR'SES P0B11710S. 41tCALL AVE. 50UT:iL A>r. TEI AS 75092 I V -L. 11032. PG. 76 DRTCT Ijj 1.17 ACRES ALL BEARINGS BASED ON MM— PLAT - VOL. 3214-12% PAGE 39 (P.R TXJ,. EDDIE L. CHEATHAM 2346 S69-28'42'l, L-p 7.44 S^,4' 35' O3 .- a4.1+ E L 94.98` p4" 72' 10" yG5 sa ,G' o = 1159.5'0' '' pts 94.86' SOppjl 39 i U ApJ•- 30" 5;-r.T'1 / , Sz" `P5 ----SCI,° 46 -----1--- 6 I Q VijR O a i so +oo zw A$" VEYQR'S CFRT;FICATIGN ( IN FEET ) 1, Edd:e L, Cheatham of CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES, a ?eg'stered Professional 1 inch - 100 ft. Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby decnare that the ccicu ations, grcphic depiction and legoldescr(ptions of th;s survey were properly prepared under my per sora' supervision from on cctualsurvey made an the ground. ou Registered Pro`ess;onclLand Surveyor No. 2346 I CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD SU(TE 200 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 1817) 548-0696 Mrt,o (817)265-8836 1 M -ROW -094--'l U PARCEL EXHIBIT'B' RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION Field Notes BEING a 0-070 acre (3,036 square fet) tract of land situated in the G. W. MAIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1098, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and beitig a strip of land over, through, and across that certain Lot 7 of the MEADOW OAKS SUBDIVISION, an addition to the City of Southlakc, Tarrant County, Texas as recorded in Volume 388-129, Page 39 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described in metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron pin found, being the southwest comer of said Lot 7, being the northwest comer of that certain Lot 8 orsaid MEADOW OAKS SUBDIVISION, being in the east right -of way of South Kimball Avenue (plat calls S. Kimball Road), THENCE N. 00012'00" W., a distance of 208.86 feet departing from said Lot 8, along the west boundary line of said Lot 7, and along the cast right-of-way of said Kimball Avenue to a 5/8" iron pin found, being the northwest corner of said Lot 7, being the southwest corner of that certain Lot 6 of said MEADOW OAKS SUBDIVISION, for comer; THENCE S. 89'28'42" E., a distance of 7.44 feet departing front the east right-of- way of said Kimball Avenue, along the north boundary line of said Lot 7, and along the south boundary line of said Lot 6 to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; THENCE S, 04'35'03" E., a distance of 98.04 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 1198.50 feet, a Dclta Angle of 04'32' 10", and a Long Chord which bears S. 02"18'58" E., for .1 distance of 94.86 feet; THENCE Southeast, along said curve, a distance of 94.88 feet to a 5/8" iron rod setC7 for comer; THENCE S. 00"02'53" E., a distance of 16.46 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set, being it) the south boundary line of said Lot 7, being in the north boundary line of said Lot 8, for comer; THENCE N. 89°28'42" W., a distance of 18.39 feet along the south boundary line of said Lot 7, and along the north boundary line of said Lot 8 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.070 acre of land, more or less. P-001 -230,1egAls\230-1,61, I SAw